ABANDON_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_DIALOG = table:0000014409E86028 (meta 0000014409E73F48} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000014409E842A0 (meta 0000014409E86228} firstMeta firstIndex timeLockedDialog = table:0000014409E86028 (meta 0000014409E73F48} cooldownFunction() = function:000001439D2A0E98 dialogName = ABANDON_GUEST_CAMPAIGN locked = userdata:0000014409E84B90 (meta 000001430831E750} lockedMessage = userdata:0000014409E84C10 (meta 00000143083425C0} title = userdata:0000014409E848C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} unlocked = userdata:0000014409E85158 (meta 000001430831E750} unlockedQuery = userdata:0000014409E851D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ABANDON_HOME_CAMPAIGN_DIALOG = table:0000014309798518 (meta 0000014409E74148} ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_ABILITY_NOT_KNOWN = 1 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_INVALID_LINE = 3 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 10 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 10 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_MORPH_CHOSEN = 6 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_MORPH_NOT_CHOSEN = 8 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 5 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NOT_HIGH_ENOUGH_LEVEL = 7 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NO_MORE_UPGRADES = 2 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NO_SKILL_POINTS = 10 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NO_VALID_UPGRADE = 9 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_TOO_LOW_LEVEL = 4 ABILITY_SLOT_TYPE_ACTIONBAR = 1 ABILITY_SLOT_TYPE_QUICKSLOT = 2 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_ABILITY_INFO = 10 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_BODY = 2 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_BRONZE_ABILITY = 6 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT = 0 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_FAILED_REQUIREMENT = 4 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_GOLD_ABILITY = 8 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 15 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 15 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_NAME = 1 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_NEW_EFFECT = 14 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_SILVER_ABILITY = 7 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_SPECIAL_HEADER = 5 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_UPGRADES = 15 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_UPGRADE_TO_ABILITY = 9 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_USE_INFO_TYPE1 = 11 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_USE_INFO_TYPE2 = 12 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_USE_INFO_TYPE3 = 13 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_VALID_REQUIREMENT = 3 ABILITY_TYPE_ACTIONLIST = 50 ABILITY_TYPE_AREAEFFECT = 22 ABILITY_TYPE_AREATELEPORT = 26 ABILITY_TYPE_ATTACKERINTERCEPT = 66 ABILITY_TYPE_ATTACKERREFLECT = 65 ABILITY_TYPE_AVOIDDEATH = 86 ABILITY_TYPE_BASIC = 91 ABILITY_TYPE_BLADETURN = 40 ABILITY_TYPE_BLINK = 4 ABILITY_TYPE_BLOCK = 52 ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS = 5 ABILITY_TYPE_CHANGEAPPEARANCE = 64 ABILITY_TYPE_CHARGE = 18 ABILITY_TYPE_CHARM = 39 ABILITY_TYPE_CLAIRVOYANCE = 84 ABILITY_TYPE_CLIENTFX = 85 ABILITY_TYPE_COMBATRESOURCE = 14 ABILITY_TYPE_CREATEINTERACTABLE = 46 ABILITY_TYPE_CREATEINVENTORYITEM = 24 ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGE = 1 ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGELIMIT = 25 ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGESHIELD = 15 ABILITY_TYPE_DEFEND = 62 ABILITY_TYPE_DEPRECATED = 89 ABILITY_TYPE_DESPAWNOVERRIDE = 82 ABILITY_TYPE_DISARM = 67 ABILITY_TYPE_DISORIENT = 32 ABILITY_TYPE_DISPEL = 44 ABILITY_TYPE_DODGE = 56 ABILITY_TYPE_DOUBLEFIRE = 70 ABILITY_TYPE_EXHAUSTED = 54 ABILITY_TYPE_FEAR = 27 ABILITY_TYPE_FILLSOULGEM = 80 ABILITY_TYPE_FIREPROC = 71 ABILITY_TYPE_FLIGHT = 31 ABILITY_TYPE_FREECAST = 59 ABILITY_TYPE_FREEINTERACT = 63 ABILITY_TYPE_GRANTABILITY = 76 ABILITY_TYPE_HEAL = 2 ABILITY_TYPE_HIDE = 77 ABILITY_TYPE_IMMUNITY = 19 ABILITY_TYPE_INTERCEPT = 20 ABILITY_TYPE_INTERRUPT = 51 ABILITY_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ABILITY_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 91 ABILITY_TYPE_JUMP = 35 ABILITY_TYPE_KNOCKBACK = 17 ABILITY_TYPE_LEAP = 72 ABILITY_TYPE_LEVITATE = 48 ABILITY_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 91 ABILITY_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ABILITY_TYPE_MISDIRECT = 58 ABILITY_TYPE_MODIFYCOOLDOWN = 47 ABILITY_TYPE_MODIFYDURATION = 55 ABILITY_TYPE_MOUNT = 38 ABILITY_TYPE_MOVEPOSITION = 16 ABILITY_TYPE_NOAGGRO = 43 ABILITY_TYPE_NOKILL = 42 ABILITY_TYPE_NOLOCKPICK = 79 ABILITY_TYPE_NONCOMBATBONUS = 87 ABILITY_TYPE_NONE = 0 ABILITY_TYPE_NONEXISTENT = 41 ABILITY_TYPE_NOSEETARGET = 88 ABILITY_TYPE_OFFBALANCE = 53 ABILITY_TYPE_PACIFY = 49 ABILITY_TYPE_PARRY = 68 ABILITY_TYPE_PATHLINE = 69 ABILITY_TYPE_RECALL = 75 ABILITY_TYPE_REFLECTION = 21 ABILITY_TYPE_REGISTERTRIGGER = 6 ABILITY_TYPE_REMOVETYPE = 12 ABILITY_TYPE_RESURRECT = 3 ABILITY_TYPE_REVEAL = 73 ABILITY_TYPE_SEESTEALTH = 30 ABILITY_TYPE_SETCOOLDOWN = 13 ABILITY_TYPE_SETHOTBAR = 78 ABILITY_TYPE_SETPERSONALITY = 90 ABILITY_TYPE_SETTARGET = 7 ABILITY_TYPE_SHOWNON = 57 ABILITY_TYPE_SIEGEAREAEFFECT = 61 ABILITY_TYPE_SIEGECREATE = 60 ABILITY_TYPE_SIEGEPACKUP = 74 ABILITY_TYPE_SILENCE = 11 ABILITY_TYPE_SLOWFALL = 34 ABILITY_TYPE_SNARE = 10 ABILITY_TYPE_SOULGEMRESURRECT = 81 ABILITY_TYPE_SPELLSTEAL = 23 ABILITY_TYPE_STAGGER = 33 ABILITY_TYPE_STEALTH = 29 ABILITY_TYPE_STUN = 9 ABILITY_TYPE_SUMMON = 37 ABILITY_TYPE_THREAT = 8 ABILITY_TYPE_TRAUMA = 28 ABILITY_TYPE_UPDATEDEATHDIALOG = 83 ABILITY_TYPE_VAMPIRE = 45 ABILITY_TYPE_WIND = 36 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ACCOUNT_BANNED = 12104 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ACCOUNT_DELETED = 12101 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND = 12038 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ACCOUNT_NOT_VERIFIED = 12102 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEDOUT = 3 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS = 12002 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_EMAIL_FORMAT_INVALID = 2 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_ALREADY_USED = 12034 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS = 12100 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM = 12004 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_INVALID_TRANSFER_SKU = 12037 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_INVALID_URL = 6000 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ITERATION_END = 12108 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_MAX_VALUE = 12108 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_NO_ERROR = 0 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_USERID_EXISTS = 12039 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_USER_ALREADY_LINKED = 12108 ACCOUNT_LABEL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACCOUNT_LABEL_ITERATION_END = 2 ACCOUNT_LABEL_MAX_VALUE = 2 ACCOUNT_LABEL_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACCOUNT_LABEL_PC = 2 ACCOUNT_LABEL_PS4 = 1 ACCOUNT_LABEL_XBOX = 0 ACCOUNT_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 20 ACCOUNT_NAME_MIN_LENGTH = 3 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_INCORRECT_LENGTH = 1 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_INVALID_CHARACTERS = 7 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_ITERATION_END = 7 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_MAX_VALUE = 7 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_MUST_END_WITH_NUMBER_OR_LETTER = 5 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_MUST_START_WITH_LETTER = 4 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_NO_ERROR = 0 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_NO_SPACES = 6 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_TOO_MANY_IDENTICAL_ADJACENT_CHARACTERS = 2 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_TOO_MANY_PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS = 3 ACHIEVEMENTS = table:00000143F28D6928 (meta 00000143F28DB150} ACHIEVEMENTS_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313465820 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} ACHIEVEMENTS_GAMEPAD = table:00000143E41C9BD0 (meta 00000143E41BB5D8} ACHIEVEMENTS_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:00000143E41C9C18 (meta 0000014368607700} ACHIEVEMENT_LINK_TYPE = achievement ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_HIGH = 15 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_ITERATION_END = 50 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_LEGENDARY_DEED = 0 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_LOW = 5 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_MAX_VALUE = 50 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_MEDIUM = 10 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_VERY_HIGH = 50 ACTION_BAR_CLASS_BAR_SIZE = 4 ACTION_BAR_EMOTE_QUICK_SLOT_SIZE = 8 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_CLASS_BAR_SLOT = 120 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_EMOTE_QUICK_SLOT_INDEX = 16 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_LOCKED_SLOT = 120 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_NORMAL_SLOT_INDEX = 2 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_SIEGE_BAR_SLOT = 124 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_UTILITY_BAR_SLOT = 8 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_WEAPON_SLOT_INDEX = 0 ACTION_BAR_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F9A11BA8 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} ACTION_BAR_LAST_MAIN_BAR_SLOT = 41 ACTION_BAR_LAST_WEAPON_SLOT_INDEX = 1 ACTION_BAR_NUM_PAGES = 20 ACTION_BAR_NUM_SLOTS = 140 ACTION_BAR_QUICK_SLOT_INDEX = 8 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_CHOICE_AUTOMATIC = 2 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_CHOICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_CHOICE_ITERATION_END = 2 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_CHOICE_MAX_VALUE = 2 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_CHOICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_CHOICE_OFF = 0 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_CHOICE_ON = 1 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 0 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_LOCK_ACTION_BARS = 0 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 0 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACTION_BAR_SIEGE_BAR_SIZE = 5 ACTION_BAR_SLOTS_PER_PAGE = 6 ACTION_BAR_ULTIMATE_SLOT_INDEX = 7 ACTION_BAR_UTILITY_BAR_SIZE = 8 ACTION_BUTTON_TYPE_HIDDEN = 2 ACTION_BUTTON_TYPE_LOCKED = 3 ACTION_BUTTON_TYPE_VISIBLE = 1 ACTION_RESULT_ABILITY_ON_COOLDOWN = 2080 ACTION_RESULT_ABSORBED = 2120 ACTION_RESULT_BAD_TARGET = 2040 ACTION_RESULT_BATTLE_STANDARDS_DISABLED = 3210 ACTION_RESULT_BATTLE_STANDARD_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_GUILD = 3180 ACTION_RESULT_BATTLE_STANDARD_LIMIT = 3160 ACTION_RESULT_BATTLE_STANDARD_NO_PERMISSION = 3200 ACTION_RESULT_BATTLE_STANDARD_TABARD_MISMATCH = 3170 ACTION_RESULT_BATTLE_STANDARD_TOO_CLOSE_TO_CAPTURABLE = 3190 ACTION_RESULT_BEGIN = 2200 ACTION_RESULT_BEGIN_CHANNEL = 2210 ACTION_RESULT_BLADETURN = 2360 ACTION_RESULT_BLOCKED = 2150 ACTION_RESULT_BLOCKED_DAMAGE = 2151 ACTION_RESULT_BUSY = 2030 ACTION_RESULT_CANNOT_USE = 2290 ACTION_RESULT_CANT_SEE_TARGET = 2330 ACTION_RESULT_CANT_SWAP_WHILE_CHANGING_GEAR = 3410 ACTION_RESULT_CASTER_DEAD = 2060 ACTION_RESULT_CRITICAL_DAMAGE = 2 ACTION_RESULT_CRITICAL_HEAL = 32 ACTION_RESULT_DAMAGE = 1 ACTION_RESULT_DAMAGE_SHIELDED = 2460 ACTION_RESULT_DEFENDED = 2190 ACTION_RESULT_DIED = 2260 ACTION_RESULT_DIED_XP = 2262 ACTION_RESULT_DISARMED = 2430 ACTION_RESULT_DISORIENTED = 2340 ACTION_RESULT_DODGED = 2140 ACTION_RESULT_DOT_TICK = 1073741825 ACTION_RESULT_DOT_TICK_CRITICAL = 1073741826 ACTION_RESULT_EFFECT_FADED = 2250 ACTION_RESULT_EFFECT_GAINED = 2240 ACTION_RESULT_EFFECT_GAINED_DURATION = 2245 ACTION_RESULT_FAILED = 2110 ACTION_RESULT_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS = 2310 ACTION_RESULT_FAILED_SIEGE_CREATION_REQUIREMENTS = 3100 ACTION_RESULT_FALLING = 2500 ACTION_RESULT_FALL_DAMAGE = 2420 ACTION_RESULT_FEARED = 2320 ACTION_RESULT_FORWARD_CAMP_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_GUILD = 3230 ACTION_RESULT_FORWARD_CAMP_NO_PERMISSION = 3240 ACTION_RESULT_FORWARD_CAMP_TABARD_MISMATCH = 3220 ACTION_RESULT_GRAVEYARD_DISALLOWED_IN_INSTANCE = 3080 ACTION_RESULT_GRAVEYARD_TOO_CLOSE = 3030 ACTION_RESULT_HEAL = 16 ACTION_RESULT_HOT_TICK = 1073741840 ACTION_RESULT_HOT_TICK_CRITICAL = 1073741856 ACTION_RESULT_IMMUNE = 2000 ACTION_RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCE = 2090 ACTION_RESULT_INTERCEPTED = 2410 ACTION_RESULT_INTERRUPT = 2230 ACTION_RESULT_INVALID = -1 ACTION_RESULT_INVALID_FIXTURE = 2810 ACTION_RESULT_INVALID_JUSTICE_TARGET = 3420 ACTION_RESULT_INVALID_TERRAIN = 2800 ACTION_RESULT_IN_AIR = 2510 ACTION_RESULT_IN_COMBAT = 2300 ACTION_RESULT_IN_ENEMY_KEEP = 2610 ACTION_RESULT_IN_ENEMY_OUTPOST = 2613 ACTION_RESULT_IN_ENEMY_RESOURCE = 2612 ACTION_RESULT_IN_ENEMY_TOWN = 2611 ACTION_RESULT_IN_HIDEYHOLE = 3440 ACTION_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = -1 ACTION_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 1073741856 ACTION_RESULT_KILLED_BY_SUBZONE = 3130 ACTION_RESULT_KILLING_BLOW = 2265 ACTION_RESULT_KNOCKBACK = 2475 ACTION_RESULT_LEVITATED = 2400 ACTION_RESULT_LINKED_CAST = 2392 ACTION_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 1073741856 ACTION_RESULT_MERCENARY_LIMIT = 3140 ACTION_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = -1 ACTION_RESULT_MISS = 2180 ACTION_RESULT_MISSING_EMPTY_SOUL_GEM = 3040 ACTION_RESULT_MISSING_FILLED_SOUL_GEM = 3060 ACTION_RESULT_MOBILE_GRAVEYARD_LIMIT = 3150 ACTION_RESULT_MOUNTED = 3070 ACTION_RESULT_MUST_BE_IN_OWN_KEEP = 2630 ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_INVENTORY_SPACE = 3430 ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_INVENTORY_SPACE_SOUL_GEM = 3050 ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_FOR_SIEGE = 3090 ACTION_RESULT_NO_LOCATION_FOUND = 2700 ACTION_RESULT_NO_RAM_ATTACKABLE_TARGET_WITHIN_RANGE = 2910 ACTION_RESULT_NO_WEAPONS_TO_SWAP_TO = 3400 ACTION_RESULT_NPC_TOO_CLOSE = 2640 ACTION_RESULT_OFFBALANCE = 2440 ACTION_RESULT_PACIFIED = 2390 ACTION_RESULT_PARRIED = 2130 ACTION_RESULT_PARTIAL_RESIST = 2170 ACTION_RESULT_POWER_DRAIN = 64 ACTION_RESULT_POWER_ENERGIZE = 128 ACTION_RESULT_PRECISE_DAMAGE = 4 ACTION_RESULT_QUEUED = 2350 ACTION_RESULT_RAM_ATTACKABLE_TARGETS_ALL_DESTROYED = 3120 ACTION_RESULT_RAM_ATTACKABLE_TARGETS_ALL_OCCUPIED = 3110 ACTION_RESULT_RECALLING = 2520 ACTION_RESULT_REFLECTED = 2111 ACTION_RESULT_REINCARNATING = 3020 ACTION_RESULT_RESIST = 2160 ACTION_RESULT_RESURRECT = 2490 ACTION_RESULT_ROOTED = 2480 ACTION_RESULT_SIEGE_LIMIT = 2620 ACTION_RESULT_SIEGE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_ZONE = 2605 ACTION_RESULT_SIEGE_TOO_CLOSE = 2600 ACTION_RESULT_SILENCED = 2010 ACTION_RESULT_SNARED = 2025 ACTION_RESULT_SPRINTING = 3000 ACTION_RESULT_STAGGERED = 2470 ACTION_RESULT_STUNNED = 2020 ACTION_RESULT_SWIMMING = 3010 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_DEAD = 2050 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_NOT_IN_VIEW = 2070 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_NOT_PVP_FLAGGED = 2391 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_OUT_OF_RANGE = 2100 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_TOO_CLOSE = 2370 ACTION_RESULT_UNEVEN_TERRAIN = 2900 ACTION_RESULT_WEAPONSWAP = 2450 ACTION_RESULT_WRECKING_DAMAGE = 8 ACTION_RESULT_WRONG_WEAPON = 2380 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_BLOCK = 4 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_HEAVY_ATTACK = 6 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 6 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_LIGHT_ATTACK = 5 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 6 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_NORMAL_ABILITY = 0 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_OTHER = 3 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_ULTIMATE = 2 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_WEAPON_ATTACK = 1 ACTION_TYPE_ABILITY = 1 ACTION_TYPE_COLLECTIBLE = 7 ACTION_TYPE_COUNT = 10 ACTION_TYPE_DEPRECATED1 = 3 ACTION_TYPE_DEPRECATED2 = 4 ACTION_TYPE_DEPRECATED3 = 6 ACTION_TYPE_EMOTE = 8 ACTION_TYPE_ITEM = 2 ACTION_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACTION_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 10 ACTION_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 10 ACTION_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACTION_TYPE_NOTHING = 0 ACTION_TYPE_QUICK_CHAT = 9 ACTION_TYPE_SIEGE_ACTION = 5 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_COLOR_FAILURE = 1 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 2 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 2 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_COLOR_NORMAL = 2 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_COLOR_SUCCESS = 0 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_RESULT_FAILURE = 1 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 2 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 2 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_RESULT_NO_ACTION = 2 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_SYSTEM = table:00000143B333AB58 (meta 00000143B333A160} firstTable firstMeta animation = userdata:00000144C3045E90 (meta 0000014308367FC0} control = userdata:00000143B333A280 (meta 0000014308326048} icon = userdata:00000143B333AAD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} supressionTime = 0 tip = userdata:00000143B333AA68 (meta 000001430831E750} tipText = userdata:00000143B333AB48 (meta 00000143083425C0} ACTIVE_QUEST_TOOL_MONITOR_SYSTEM = 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ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_GROUP_TOO_LARGE = 3 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_INCOMPATIBLE_GROUP = 9 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_INCOMPATIBLE_REGION = 10 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_INVALID_LEVEL = 4 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 22 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_LOCATION_RESTRICTION = 5 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 22 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_MEMBERS_OFFLINE = 14 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_MEMBER_LOCATION_NOT_VALID = 17 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_MEMEBER_CANCELED_READY_CHECK = 19 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_NEW_SEARCH_INITIATED = 21 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_NOT_GROUP_LEADER = 2 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 7 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_NO_ACTIVITIES_SELECTED = 8 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_NO_GROUP = 11 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_NO_ROLES_SELECTED = 1 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_ON_QUEUE_COOLDOWN = 12 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_QUEUE_TTL_EXPIRED = 15 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED_INTERNAL_ERROR = 13 ACTIVITY_TRACKER = table:000001431322D4E0 (meta 00000144C2591B48} firstTable firstMeta container = userdata:000001431322D6E8 (meta 000001430831E750} control = userdata:00000143609CF8D0 (meta 00000143A42FA098} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001431322D4E0 (meta 00000144C2591B48} currentStyle = table:0000014314118208 firstTable CONTAINER_PRIMARY_ANCHOR = table:00000143609C8158 (meta 000001431D56DC68} firstTable data = table:00000143609C81A0 firstTable 1 = 3 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 CONTAINER_SECONDARY_ANCHOR = table:00000143609C81E8 (meta 000001431D56DC68} firstTable data = table:00000143F061AEA8 firstTable 1 = 9 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 FONT_HEADER = ZoFontGameShadow FONT_STATUS = ZoFontGameShadow HEADER_PRIMARY_ANCHOR = table:00000143A42FA2D8 (meta 000001431D56DC68} firstTable data = table:00000143A42FA168 firstTable 1 = 9 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 HEADER_SECONDARY_ANCHOR = table:00000143B821FC58 (meta 000001431D56DC68} firstTable data = table:000001431321BE30 firstTable 1 = 3 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 STATUS_PRIMARY_ANCHOR = 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table:00000143EA545B80 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = userdata:000001430838BF28 (meta 000001430831FE68} 3 = 8 4 = 0 5 = 10 6 = 1 headerLabel = userdata:000001431322D718 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusLabel = userdata:000001431322D4D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ACTIVITY_TRACKER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E4C53840 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} ACT_SETTING_ALWAYS = 2 ACT_SETTING_AUTO = 1 ACT_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACT_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 2 ACT_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 2 ACT_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACT_SETTING_OFF = 0 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_EMPTY = 2 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_FISHING_NODE = 3 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_INSTANCE_TYPE = 4 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_IN_HIDEYHOLE = 8 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_ITERATION_END = 8 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_LOCKED = 1 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_MAX_VALUE = 8 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_MIN_VALUE = 0 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_NONE = 0 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_PICKPOCKET_CHANCE = 6 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_REQUIRES_KEY = 5 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_WEREWOLF_ACTIVE_WHILE_ATTEMPTING_TO_CRAFT = 7 ADDONS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143A04EA240 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A04EA300 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A04EA388 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143A04EA6E0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143A04EA728 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A04EA770 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A04EA6A0 3 = false control = userdata:00000143A04E63E0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A04EA2B8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden ADDON_STATE_DEPENDENCIES_DISABLED = 5 ADDON_STATE_DISABLED = 3 ADDON_STATE_ENABLED = 2 ADDON_STATE_ERROR_STATE_UNABLE_TO_LOAD = 6 ADDON_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ADDON_STATE_ITERATION_END = 6 ADDON_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 6 ADDON_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ADDON_STATE_NO_STATE = 0 ADDON_STATE_TOC_LOADED = 1 ADDON_STATE_VERSION_MISMATCH = 4 ADD_ON_MANAGER = table:00000143A04E97B8 (meta 000001431B3EBFA0} firstTable firstMeta allowReload = true automaticallyColorRows = true characterDropdown = table:00000143A04E9E78 (meta 000001431D56DB28} control = userdata:00000143A04E63E0 (meta 0000014308326048} list = userdata:00000143A04E6F08 (meta 00000143A04E7438} sizerLabel = userdata:00000143A04E99E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ALCHEMY = table:000001439D846540 (meta 000001439D83EDF8} firstTable firstMeta alchemyStationInteraction = table:000001439D84A418 cancelledTraits = table:000001439D8499E8 firstTable control = userdata:000001439D83F340 (meta 0000014308326048} inventory = table:000001439D8466B8 (meta 000001439D83F250} keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001439D84AF90 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D84B030 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D84B0A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Clear Selections visible() = function:000001439D84B120 2 = table:000001439D84B168 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D84B1F8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:000001439D84B1B0 visible() = function:000001439D84B240 alignment = 2 matchingTraits = table:000001439D8499A0 firstTable mode = 1 modeBar = userdata:000001439D840520 (meta 000001439D840680} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:000001439D8405A8 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable m_animationDuration = 200 m_barPool = table:000001439D8408A0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001439D84BEF8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001439D840930 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenuBarPaddingBar parent = userdata:000001439D840520 (meta 000001439D840680} templateName = ZO_MenuBarPaddingBarTemplate m_buttonPadding = 20 m_buttons = table:000001439D8405F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D84B8D0 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001439D84B5B8 (meta 000001439D84B7E0} 2 = 1 3 = 1 2 = table:000001439D84BE50 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001439D84BB30 (meta 000001439D84BD58} 2 = 2 3 = 2 m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_clickedButton = table:000001439D84B750 (meta 000001436860C290} m_control = userdata:000001439D840520 (meta 000001439D840680} m_downSize = 64 m_normalSize = 51 m_point = 2 m_pool = table:000001439D840710 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:000001439D840860 m_Active = table:000001439D840758 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001439D84B5B8 (meta 000001439D84B7E0} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:000001439D84B750 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_anim = userdata:000001439D84C158 (meta 0000014308353ED8} firstMeta firstIndex m_button = userdata:000001439D84B5B8 (meta 000001439D84B7E0} m_buttonData = table:000001439D84B440 firstTable m_highlight = userdata:000001439D84B6C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = false m_image = userdata:000001439D84B638 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_locked = true m_menuBar = table:000001439D8405A8 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 1 m_statusIcon = userdata:000001439D84B740 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 2 = userdata:000001439D84BB30 (meta 000001439D84BD58} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:000001439D84BCC8 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:000001439D84BB30 (meta 000001439D84BD58} m_buttonData = table:000001439D84B9B8 firstTable m_highlight = userdata:000001439D84BC38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:000001439D84BBB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:000001439D8405A8 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:000001439D84BCB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001439D8407D0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenuBarButton parent = userdata:000001439D840520 (meta 000001439D840680} templateName = ZO_MenuBarTooltipButton m_relativePoint = 8 modeBarLabel = userdata:000001439D840598 (meta 00000143083425C0} reagentSlots = table:000001439D849330 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D849378 (meta 000001447D447BA8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001439D840D38 (meta 000001439D841E68} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:000001439D841F28 (meta 0000014308367FC0} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 traits = table:000001439D841D58 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001439D841948 (meta 000001439D849B08} firstMeta firstIndex 2 = userdata:000001439D841C38 (meta 000001439D849BF0} firstMeta firstIndex 3 = userdata:000001439D841CC0 (meta 000001439D849D08} firstMeta firstIndex 4 = userdata:000001439D841D48 (meta 000001439D849E20} firstMeta firstIndex craftingInventory = table:000001439D8466B8 (meta 000001439D83F250} firstTable firstMeta activeTab = userdata:000001439D843388 (meta 00000143083425C0} control = userdata:000001439D843298 (meta 000001439D846778} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001439D8466B8 (meta 000001439D83F250} customDataGetFunction() = function:000001439D847D98 dirty = true itemCounts = table:000001439D8468A0 firstTable list = userdata:000001439D844620 (meta 000001439D844BC0} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:000001439D844DA8 firstTable animation = userdata:000001439D844EA0 (meta 000001439D844EF8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001439D844620 (meta 000001439D844BC0} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:000001439D844E38 firstTable contents = userdata:000001439D8446A0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:000001439D844C60 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001439D844B30 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D846D28 firstTable height = 72 pool = table:000001439D846C50 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001439D8468E8 2 = table:000001439D846F30 firstTable height = 108 pool = table:000001439D846E58 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001439D846848 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000001439D844950 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 2 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001439D844720 (meta 000001439D844A08} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001439D8449B0 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:000001439D844980 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:000001439D844AC8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} upButton = userdata:000001439D8448C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:000001439D846F78 firstTable noItemsLabel = userdata:000001439D845080 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:000001439D846540 (meta 000001439D83EDF8} sortHeaders = table:000001439D8476A8 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:000001439D847710 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:000001439D847A70 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:000001439D847AB8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D847B30 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001439D847720 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:000001439D8439F8 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:000001439D8479A8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:000001439D843D08 (meta 000001439D843E08} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = name selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:000001439D8476A8 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:000001439D847910 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001439D843A78 (meta 000001439D843BD8} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = statusSortOrder sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:000001439D8476A8 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortUpIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortUp.dds tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = 32 tooltipPoint = 12 tooltipText = Status 2 = userdata:000001439D843D08 (meta 000001439D843E08} 3 = userdata:000001439D844048 (meta 000001439D8441B0} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = traitInformationSortOrder sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:000001439D8476A8 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortUpIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortUp.dds tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = 32 tooltipPoint = 12 tooltipText = Trait Information 4 = userdata:000001439D8442E8 (meta 000001439D8443E8} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = false key = stackSellPrice sortHeaderGroup = table:000001439D8476A8 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true sortKey = custom sortOrder = true tabs = userdata:000001439D843310 (meta 000001439D843470} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:000001439D843398 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable m_animationDuration = 180 m_barPool = table:000001439D843718 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001439D849180 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001439D8437A8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsPaddingBar parent = userdata:000001439D843310 (meta 000001439D843470} templateName = ZO_MenuBarPaddingBarTemplate m_buttonPadding = -5 m_buttons = table:000001439D8433E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D848710 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D848BC0 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D8490B8 firstTable m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_control = userdata:000001439D843310 (meta 000001439D843470} m_downSize = 51 m_normalSize = 40 m_point = 8 m_pool = table:000001439D843588 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:000001439D8436D8 m_Active = table:000001439D8435D0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001439D843648 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton parent = userdata:000001439D843310 (meta 000001439D843470} templateName = ZO_InventoryFilterTab m_relativePoint = 2 dropCallout = userdata:000001439D841630 (meta 0000014308349FC8} emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/alchemy_emptySlot_reagent.dds owner = table:000001439D846540 (meta 000001439D83EDF8} placeSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Placed removeSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Removed slotType = 25 2 = table:000001439D849478 (meta 000001447D447BA8} firstTable control = userdata:000001439D841DC0 (meta 000001439D842568} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:000001439D842628 (meta 0000014308367FC0} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 traits = table:000001439D842458 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001439D8422B0 (meta 000001439D849F38} firstMeta firstIndex 2 = userdata:000001439D842338 (meta 000001439D84A050} firstMeta firstIndex 3 = userdata:000001439D8423C0 (meta 000001439D84A168} firstMeta firstIndex 4 = userdata:000001439D842448 (meta 000001439D84A280} firstMeta firstIndex craftingInventory = table:000001439D8466B8 (meta 000001439D83F250} dropCallout = userdata:000001439D842228 (meta 0000014308349FC8} emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/alchemy_emptySlot_reagent.dds owner = table:000001439D846540 (meta 000001439D83EDF8} placeSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Placed removeSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Removed slotType = 25 3 = table:000001439D849520 (meta 000001447D447BA8} firstTable control = userdata:000001439D8424C0 (meta 000001439D842C68} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:000001439D842D28 (meta 0000014308367FC0} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 traits = table:000001439D842B58 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001439D8429B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 2 = userdata:000001439D842A38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 3 = userdata:000001439D842AC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 4 = userdata:000001439D842B48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} craftingInventory = table:000001439D8466B8 (meta 000001439D83F250} dropCallout = userdata:000001439D842928 (meta 0000014308349FC8} emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/alchemy_emptySlot_reagent.dds owner = table:000001439D846540 (meta 000001439D83EDF8} placeSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Placed removeSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Removed slotType = 25 usabilityPredicate() = function:000001447D446FC8 sceneName = alchemy skillInfo = userdata:000001439D83F858 (meta 000001439D840160} firstMeta firstIndex craftingAnimationsStoppedCallback() = function:000001439D84A938 glowContainer = userdata:000001439D83FEB0 (meta 000001430831E750} increaseAnimation = userdata:000001439D84A508 (meta 0000014308367FC0} name = userdata:000001439D83F948 (meta 00000143083425C0} rank = userdata:000001439D83F8D0 (meta 000001439D84AA40} firstMeta firstIndex lineRank = 50 xpBar = table:000001439D840288 (meta 0000014409E096D0} firstTable level = 50 onAnimationFinishedCallback() = function:000001439D840328 onLevelChangedCallback() = function:000001431C5AB218 statusBar = userdata:000001439D83F9C0 (meta 000001439D840048} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:000001439D83FA38 (meta 0000014308340698} max = 211320 skillIndex = 1 skillType = 8 slotAnimation = table:000001439D849600 (meta 0000014320F59C00} firstTable firstMeta bursts = table:000001439D849880 firstTable slots = table:000001439D849648 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D849290 (meta 000001447D447BA8} firstTable control = userdata:000001439D842BC0 (meta 000001439D843168} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:000001439D8430E0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 craftingInventory = table:000001439D8466B8 (meta 000001439D83F250} createsLevelLabel = userdata:000001439D8430B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} dropCallout = userdata:000001439D843020 (meta 0000014308349FC8} emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/alchemy_emptySlot_solvent.dds owner = table:000001439D846540 (meta 000001439D83EDF8} placeSound = Alchemy_Solvent_Placed removeSound = Alchemy_Solvent_Removed slotType = 25 2 = table:000001439D849378 (meta 000001447D447BA8} 3 = table:000001439D849478 (meta 000001447D447BA8} solventSlot = table:000001439D849290 (meta 000001447D447BA8} tooltip = userdata:000001439D8453F0 (meta 000001430834FDB0} firstMeta firstIndex AddControl() = function:000001430834A610 AddFilterForEvent() = function:000001430834F8A0 AddHeaderControl() = function:000001430834AB30 AddHeaderLine() = function:000001430834ABA0 AddLine() = function:000001430834A3B0 AddVerticalPadding() = function:000001430834A3E8 AppendAvAObjective() = function:000001430834F398 AppendMapPing() = function:000001430834F250 AppendQuestCondition() = function:000001430834F328 AppendQuestEnding() = function:000001430834F2B8 AppendUnitName() = function:000001430834F1E0 ClearAnchors() = function:00000143083508F0 ClearLines() = function:000001430834A678 Convert3DLocalOrientationToWorldOrientation() = function:000001430834FD38 Convert3DLocalPositionToWorldPosition() = function:000001430834FCC8 Convert3DWorldOrientationToLocalOrientation() = function:000001430834FD00 Convert3DWorldPositionToLocalPosition() = function:000001430834FC90 Create3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430834F8D8 CreateControl() = function:0000014308350C00 Destroy3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430834F910 Does3DRenderSpaceUseDepthBuffer() = function:000001430834FC20 Get3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:000001430834FB40 Get3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:000001430834FAD0 Get3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:000001430834F980 Get3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:000001430834F9F0 Get3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:000001430834FBB0 Get3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:000001430834FA60 GetAlpha() = function:0000014308350880 GetAnchor() = function:0000014308350960 GetBottom() = function:000001430834E4E8 GetCenter() = function:000001430834E520 GetChild() = function:000001430834E670 GetClampedToScreen() = function:0000014308350AE8 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000001430834F718 GetControlAlpha() = function:00000143083508B8 GetControlScale() = function:0000014308350810 GetDesiredHeight() = function:000001430834E408 GetDesiredWidth() = function:000001430834E3D0 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:000001430834F7F8 GetDimensions() = function:000001430834E328 GetDrawLayer() = function:000001430834E910 GetDrawLevel() = function:000001430834E980 GetDrawTier() = function:000001430834E868 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:000001430834F590 GetHandler() = function:000001430834E9F0 GetHeight() = function:000001430834E398 GetHitInsets() = function:000001430834F6A8 GetId() = function:000001430834F4B0 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:0000014308350CE0 GetInheritsScale() = function:000001430834F440 GetLeft() = function:000001430834E440 GetName() = function:000001430834E718 GetNamedChild() = function:000001430834E6A8 GetNumChildren() = function:000001430834E638 GetOwner() = function:000001430834A210 GetOwningWindow() = function:000001430834E2B8 GetParent() = function:000001430834E5C8 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:000001430834F520 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:000001430834F788 GetRight() = function:000001430834E4B0 GetScale() = function:000001430834EA98 GetScreenRect() = function:0000014308350998 GetTop() = function:000001430834E478 GetType() = function:000001430834E750 GetWidth() = function:000001430834E360 Has3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430834F948 HideComparativeTooltips() = function:000001430834E240 IsChildOf() = function:000001430834E6E0 IsControlHidden() = function:000001430834E7F8 IsHandlerSet() = function:000001430834EA28 IsHidden() = function:000001430834E7C0 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308350BC8 IsMouseEnabled() = function:0000014308350B58 IsPointInside() = function:00000143083509D0 RegisterForEvent() = function:000001430834F830 Set3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:000001430834FB78 Set3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:000001430834FB08 Set3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:000001430834F9B8 Set3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:000001430834FA28 Set3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:000001430834FBE8 Set3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:000001430834FA98 Set3DRenderSpaceUsesDepthBuffer() = function:000001430834FC58 SetAbility() = function:000001430834A8D0 SetAbilityId() = function:000001430834A938 SetAchievement() = function:000001430834B120 SetAchievementRewardItem() = function:000001430834B190 SetAction() = function:000001430834AEA0 SetAlpha() = function:0000014308350848 SetAnchor() = function:0000014308350928 SetAnchorFill() = function:0000014308350A08 SetAsComparativeTooltip1() = function:000001430834E0D8 SetAsComparativeTooltip2() = function:000001430834E150 SetAttachedMailItem() = function:000001430834B048 SetBagItem() = function:000001430834ACD8 SetBook() = function:000001430834B208 SetBuff() = function:000001430834AF08 SetBuybackItem() = function:000001430834A788 SetChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001430834AE28 SetClampedToScreen() = function:0000014308350AB0 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000001430834F6E0 SetCollectible() = function:000001430834F090 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:000001430834F7C0 SetDimensions() = function:000001430834E2F0 SetDrawLayer() = function:000001430834E8D8 SetDrawLevel() = function:000001430834E948 SetDrawTier() = function:000001430834E8A0 SetEmperorBonusAbility() = function:000001430834ADB0 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:000001430834F558 SetFont() = function:000001430834A2D0 SetGuildSpecificItem() = function:000001430834A540 SetHandler() = function:000001430834E9B8 SetHeaderRowSpacing() = function:000001430834AAC0 SetHeaderVerticalOffset() = function:000001430834AA48 SetHeight() = function:000001430834E590 SetHidden() = function:000001430834E788 SetHitInsets() = function:000001430834F670 SetId() = function:000001430834F478 SetInheritAlpha() = function:0000014308350CA8 SetInheritScale() = function:000001430834F408 SetItemUsingEnchantment() = function:000001430834B248 SetKeepBonusAbility() = function:000001430834E068 SetKeepUpgrade() = function:000001430834F020 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308350B90 SetLastCraftingResultItem() = function:000001430834EFA8 SetLink() = function:000001430834B0B8 SetLootItem() = function:000001430834A7F8 SetMarketProduct() = function:000001430834A860 SetMinHeaderRowHeight() = function:000001430834A9D8 SetMinHeaderRows() = function:000001430834A6E0 SetMouseEnabled() = function:0000014308350B20 SetMovable() = function:0000014308350C38 SetOwner() = function:000001430834A178 SetParent() = function:000001430834E600 SetPendingAlchemyItem() = function:000001430834EB10 SetPendingEnchantingItem() = function:000001430834EC70 SetPendingRetraitItem() = function:000001430834F170 SetPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001430834ECE8 SetPlacedFurniture() = function:000001430834F100 SetProgressionAbility() = function:000001430834A9A0 SetProvisionerIngredientItem() = function:000001430834EBF8 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:000001430834EB80 SetQuestItem() = function:000001430834AC70 SetQuestReward() = function:000001430834AFD8 SetQuestTool() = function:000001430834AC08 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:0000014308350C70 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:000001430834F4E8 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:000001430834F750 SetScale() = function:000001430834EA60 SetScrollBonusAbility() = function:000001430834AD40 SetShapeType() = function:000001430834F5C8 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:0000014308350A40 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:0000014308350A78 SetSkillAbility() = function:000001430834DF18 SetSkillLine() = function:000001430834E000 SetSkillUpgradeAbility() = function:000001430834DF88 SetSmithingImprovementItem() = function:000001430834EEB8 SetSmithingImprovementResult() = function:000001430834EF30 SetSmithingMaterialItem() = function:000001430834ED60 SetSmithingStyleItem() = function:000001430834EDD8 SetSmithingTraitItem() = function:000001430834EE48 SetStoreItem() = function:000001430834A340 SetTradeItem() = function:000001430834AF70 SetTradingHouseItem() = function:000001430834A458 SetTradingHouseListing() = function:000001430834A4C8 SetVerticalPadding() = function:000001430834A5A0 SetWidth() = function:000001430834E558 SetWornItem() = function:000001430834A308 ShowComparativeTooltips() = function:000001430834E1C8 StartMoving() = function:000001430834F600 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:000001430834F638 ToggleHidden() = function:000001430834E830 UnregisterForEvent() = function:000001430834F868 ALCHEMY_FRAGMENT = table:0000014320860860 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} ALCHEMY_SCENE = table:000001439D84AB10 (meta 00000144C79BED68} ALCHEMY_TRAIT_STRIDE = 5 ALERT_EVENT_MANAGER = table:00000143CFFDBD58 (meta 00000143CFFDB9F8} firstTable firstMeta recentMessages = table:00000143CFFDD1A8 (meta 00000143CDE621E0} firstTable expiryDelayMilliseconds = 3000 recentMessages = table:00000143CFFDD1F0 firstTable ALERT_MESSAGES = table:00000143CFFE1BB8 (meta 00000143CFFDEE18} firstTable firstMeta alerts = table:00000143CFFE1D28 (meta 00000143CDE6A638} firstTable activeEntries = table:00000143CFFE2008 firstTable additionalVerticalSpacing = 0 anchor = table:00000143CFFE1C00 (meta 000001431D56DC68} firstTable data = table:00000143CFFE1C48 firstTable 1 = 9 2 = userdata:000001430838BF28 (meta 000001430831FE68} 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 control = userdata:00000143CFFDEF38 (meta 0000014308326048} currentNumDisplayedEntries = 0 currentlyFadingEntries = 0 currentlyMovingEntries = 0 entryPools = table:00000143CFFE1DA0 firstTable fadeAnimationName = AlertFade fadesInImmediately = false headerPools = table:00000143CFFE1E40 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currentlyMovingEntries = 0 entryPools = table:000001431348C800 firstTable fadeAnimationName = AlertFadeGamepad fadesInImmediately = true headerPools = table:000001431348C8A0 firstTable holdDisplayingEntries = false holdTimes = table:000001431348CAB0 firstTable 1 = 6000 linePools = table:000001431348C8E8 firstTable maxDisplayedEntries = 2 pushDirection = 1 queue = table:000001431348C930 firstTable templates = table:000001431348C978 firstTable ZO_AlertLineGamepad = table:000001431348CA08 firstTable setup() = function:000001431348BD80 ZO_GamepadCraftingResultsTemplate = table:0000014309DFBC48 firstTable equalityCheck() = function:0000014309DF8DD0 equalitySetup() = function:0000014309DF8E50 headerEqualityCheck() = function:0000014309DF8E10 headerSetup() = function:0000014309DF8D50 headerTemplateName = ZO_GamepadCraftingResultsHeaderTemplate setup() = function:0000014309DF8D90 translateAnimationName = AlertTranslateGamepad translateDuration = 1500 ALLIANCE_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 1 ALLIANCE_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 3 ALLIANCE_EBONHEART_PACT = 2 ALLIANCE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 ALLIANCE_ITERATION_END = 3 ALLIANCE_MAX_VALUE = 3 ALLIANCE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ALLIANCE_NONE = 0 ALLIANCE_WAR_FINDER_GAMEPAD = table:00000143D9614E90 (meta 00000143E6317438} ALLIANCE_WAR_FINDER_KEYBOARD = table:0000014361397DD8 (meta 000001431D934490} ALLIANCE_WAR_FINDER_MANAGER = table:000001442900F0C8 (meta 00000143BC4F3E20} firstTable firstMeta filterModeData = table:000001442900F1B8 (meta 000001439FADB210} firstTable activityTypes = table:000001442900F200 firstTable 1 = 1 areSpecificsInSubmenu = false randomInfo = table:000001442900F278 firstTable visibleEntryTypes = table:0000014361397D90 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 2 gamepadObject = table:00000143D9614E90 (meta 00000143E6317438} keyboardObject = table:0000014361397DD8 (meta 000001431D934490} firstTable backgroundTexture = userdata:0000014361398498 (meta 0000014308349FC8} categoryData = table:000001431D72BBA8 control = userdata:000001442900F2E0 (meta 0000014308326048} dataManager = table:000001442900F0C8 (meta 00000143BC4F3E20} descriptionLabel = userdata:00000143613999C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} filterComboBox = table:00000143E0DB7228 (meta 000001431D56DB28} filterControl = userdata:00000143E0DB7008 (meta 000001431DA0ACA0} fragment = table:0000014464830970 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144DD763378 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144DD7633C8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000144DD763458 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144DD7634A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD7634E8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014464830928 3 = false control = userdata:000001442900F2E0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD763330 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden groupSizeRangeLabel = userdata:0000014361398528 (meta 00000143083425C0} itemRewardControls = table:00000143209443F8 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001430987E780 (meta 00000144D5459750} 2 = userdata:00000144D5459810 (meta 00000144D54558A8} 3 = userdata:00000144D5455910 (meta 00000144648307B8} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000143F9F28A08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} text = userdata:00000143F9F28AB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} joinQueueButton = userdata:0000014361397E90 (meta 0000014308331CA0} lfmPromptBodyLabel = userdata:00000143D0547FC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} lfmPromptSection = userdata:00000143D05432C8 (meta 000001430831E750} listSection = userdata:00000143F42068D8 (meta 000001444EEEA778} lockReasonLabel = userdata:0000014361397F40 (meta 00000143083425C0} navigationTree = table:00000144DD767338 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:00000143B4BF8338 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143FBA09AB8 m_Active = table:00000143FBA096A0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144DD7673F8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardListSectionScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:000001444EEEA670 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:000001444EEEA670 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = false exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:00000143B4BF8538 openAnimationPool = table:00000143B4BFED80 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B4BFEDC8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143613969C8 m_Free = table:0000014361395B10 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143B4BFED40 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:00000143A44B0260 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:00000144DD767338 (meta 000001431679AD50} scrollControl = userdata:00000143F42068D8 (meta 000001444EEEA778} suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:00000143B4BF84F0 firstTable ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationEntry_Keyboard = table:00000143B4BFFC00 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143B4BFF978 objectPool = table:00000143B4BFEB50 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B4BFEB98 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B4BFEBE0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardListSectionScrollChildZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationEntry_Keyboard parent = userdata:000001444EEEA670 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationEntry_Keyboard setupFunction() = function:00000143D586F020 template = ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationEntry_Keyboard ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationHeader_Keyboard = table:00000143D586F060 firstTable childSpacing = 0 equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:00000143D586F1F0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B4BFFAE8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B4BFFB30 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardListSectionScrollChildZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationHeader_Keyboard parent = userdata:000001444EEEA670 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationHeader_Keyboard setupFunction() = function:00000143B4BF83C8 template = ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationHeader_Keyboard width = 600 rewardsHeader = userdata:0000014361399AE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} rewardsSection = userdata:0000014361399A50 (meta 000001430831E750} singularSection = userdata:0000014361398408 (meta 000001430831E750} titleLabel = userdata:00000143613985B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} xpRewardControl = userdata:000001431D728D38 (meta 000001431D728ED0} firstMeta 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ANIMATION_MAX_VALUE = 11 ANIMATION_MIN_VALUE = -1 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_INVALID = -1 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_ITERATION_BEGIN = -1 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_ITERATION_END = 2 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_LOOP = 1 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_MAX_VALUE = 2 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_MIN_VALUE = -1 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_ONE_SHOT = 0 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_PING_PONG = 2 ANIMATION_ROTATE3D = 11 ANIMATION_SCALE = 1 ANIMATION_SCROLL = 4 ANIMATION_SIZE = 5 ANIMATION_TEXTURE = 3 ANIMATION_TEXTUREROTATE = 6 ANIMATION_TEXTURESLIDE = 7 ANIMATION_TRANSLATE = 0 ANIMATION_TRANSLATE3D = 10 APPEARANCE_NAME_ACCESSORY = 3 APPEARANCE_NAME_AGE = 7 APPEARANCE_NAME_BODY_MARKING = 5 APPEARANCE_NAME_EYEBROW = 8 APPEARANCE_NAME_EYE_TINT = 6 APPEARANCE_NAME_HAIR_STYLE = 0 APPEARANCE_NAME_HAIR_TINT = 1 APPEARANCE_NAME_HEAD_MARKING = 4 APPEARANCE_NAME_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 APPEARANCE_NAME_ITERATION_END = 9 APPEARANCE_NAME_MAX_VALUE = 9 APPEARANCE_NAME_MIN_VALUE = 0 APPEARANCE_NAME_SKIN_TINT = 2 APPEARANCE_NAME_VOICE = 9 APPLY_ENCHANT = table:00000144DD5D60B8 (meta 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ATTRIBUTE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ATTRIBUTE_ITERATION_END = 3 ATTRIBUTE_MAGICKA = 2 ATTRIBUTE_MAX_VALUE = 3 ATTRIBUTE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ATTRIBUTE_NONE = 0 ATTRIBUTE_STAMINA = 3 ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_COLOR_CURRENT_VALUE = 1 ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_COLOR_EFFECT = 2 ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 2 ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 2 ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_COLOR_NAME = 0 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_AUTOMATIC = 0 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_DECREASED_MAX_POWER = 2 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_DECREASED_REGEN_POWER = 4 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_DECREASED_STAT = 8 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_INCREASED_MAX_POWER = 1 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_INCREASED_REGEN_POWER = 3 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_INCREASED_STAT = 7 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_ITERATION_BEGIN = -1 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_ITERATION_END = 9 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_MAX_VALUE = 9 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_MIN_VALUE = -1 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_NONE = -1 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_POSSESSION = 9 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_POWER_SHIELDING = 5 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_UNWAVERING_POWER = 6 AUDIO_SETTING_AMBIENT_ENABLED = 6 AUDIO_SETTING_AMBIENT_VOLUME = 7 AUDIO_SETTING_AUDIO_ENABLED = 0 AUDIO_SETTING_AUDIO_VOLUME = 1 AUDIO_SETTING_BACKGROUND_AUDIO = 12 AUDIO_SETTING_FOOTSTEPS_ENABLED = 14 AUDIO_SETTING_FOOTSTEPS_VOLUME = 15 AUDIO_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 AUDIO_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 17 AUDIO_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 17 AUDIO_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 AUDIO_SETTING_MUSIC_ENABLED = 2 AUDIO_SETTING_MUSIC_VOLUME = 3 AUDIO_SETTING_SFX_ENABLED = 4 AUDIO_SETTING_SFX_VOLUME = 5 AUDIO_SETTING_SOUND_ENABLED = 16 AUDIO_SETTING_SPEAKER_SETUP = 13 AUDIO_SETTING_UI_ENABLED = 8 AUDIO_SETTING_UI_VOLUME = 9 AUDIO_SETTING_VOICE_CHAT_VOLUME = 17 AUDIO_SETTING_VO_ENABLED = 10 AUDIO_SETTING_VO_VOLUME = 11 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_FIVE_POINT_ONE = 7 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_FIVE_POINT_ZERO = 6 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_FOUR_POINT_ONE = 5 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_FOUR_POINT_ZERO = 4 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_ITERATION_END = 8 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_MAX_VALUE = 8 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_MIN_VALUE = 0 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_MONO = 1 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_SEVEN_POINT_ONE = 8 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_STEREO = 2 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_TWO_POINT_ONE = 3 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_USE_WINDOWS_SETTING = 0 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_RESTRICTED = 6 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_ACCOUNT_BANNED = 4 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_ACCOUNT_NOT_VERIFIED = 5 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED = 3 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_BAD_CLIENT_VERSION = 9 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_BAD_CREDENTIALS = 1 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_GAME_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND = 7 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_GAME_ACCOUNT_NO_PERMISSION = 8 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_ITERATION_END = 9 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MAX_VALUE = 9 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MIN_VALUE = 0 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_NO_ERROR = 0 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_PAYMENT_EXPIRED = 2 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_ALL = 7 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_FRIEND = 1 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_GUILD = 2 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_GUILD_NAMES = 6 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_NONE = 0 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_RECENT = 3 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_RECENT_CHAT = 5 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_RECENT_TARGET = 4 AUTO_COMPLETION_ANCHOR_BOTTOM = 1 AUTO_COMPLETION_ANCHOR_TOP = 0 AUTO_COMPLETION_AUTOMATIC_MODE = true AUTO_COMPLETION_CALL_HOOKED_HANDLERS = false AUTO_COMPLETION_DONT_CALL_HOOKED_HANDLERS = true AUTO_COMPLETION_DONT_USE_ARROWS = false AUTO_COMPLETION_MANUAL_MODE = false AUTO_COMPLETION_ONLINE_ONLY = true AUTO_COMPLETION_ONLINE_OR_OFFLINE = false AUTO_COMPLETION_SELECTED_BY_CLICK = 2 AUTO_COMPLETION_SELECTED_BY_ENTER = 1 AUTO_COMPLETION_SELECTED_BY_SPACE = 0 AUTO_COMPLETION_SELECTED_BY_TAB = 3 AUTO_COMPLETION_USE_ARROWS = true AVA_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTING_CHOICE_ALWAYS_SHOW = 1 AVA_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTING_CHOICE_AUTOMATIC = 2 AVA_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTING_CHOICE_DONT_SHOW = 0 AVA_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTING_CHOICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 AVA_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTING_CHOICE_ITERATION_END = 2 AVA_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTING_CHOICE_MAX_VALUE = 2 AVA_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTING_CHOICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 AXIS_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 AXIS_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 AXIS_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 AXIS_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 AXIS_TYPE_X = 0 AXIS_TYPE_Y = 1 AXIS_TYPE_Z = 2 AbandonQuest() = function:000001439D28B140 AbbreviateNumber() = function:00000143CACAE198 AbilityTooltip = userdata:00000143E03A4B18 (meta 000001430834FDB0} AbilityTooltipBG = userdata:00000143E03A4B80 (meta 0000014308324730} AbilityTooltipBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143E03A4BF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} AbilityTooltipProgression = userdata:00000143E03A51F0 (meta 00000143E03A7128} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E03A6D10 (meta 0000014308340698} AbilityTooltipProgressionBG = userdata:00000143E03A6D80 (meta 000001430831E750} AbilityTooltipProgressionBGLeft = userdata:00000143E03A6DF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} AbilityTooltipProgressionBGMiddle = userdata:00000143E03A6EE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} AbilityTooltipProgressionBGRight = userdata:00000143E03A6E70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} AbilityTooltipProgressionGloss = userdata:00000143E03A6D10 (meta 0000014308340698} 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function:000001439D2A7318 AcceptSharedQuest() = function:000001439D296BF0 AcceptWorldEventInvite() = function:000001439D2AB840 AchievementTooltip = userdata:00000143E03A4930 (meta 000001430834FDB0} AchievementTooltipBG = userdata:00000143E03A4998 (meta 0000014308324730} AchievementTooltipBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143EA76A740 (meta 0000014308349FC8} AchievementTooltipTopLevel = userdata:00000143E03A4900 (meta 0000014308326048} ActionButton = table:000001431C6E2098 (meta 000001431C6E20E0} firstTable firstMeta AnchorKeysIn() = function:000001431C6DF438 AnchorKeysOut() = function:000001431C6DF480 ApplyAnchor() = function:000001431C6CF5C8 ApplyFlipAnimationStyle() = function:000001431C6D1D68 ApplyStyle() = function:000001431C6CF540 Clear() = function:000001431C6CDF60 ClearCount() = function:000001431C6E2810 GetButtonType() = function:000001431C6E2370 GetSlot() = function:000001431C6E2330 HandlePress() = function:000001431C6E2430 HandlePressAndRelease() = function:000001431C6E23F0 HandleRelease() = function:00000143DB2E2FB0 HandleSlotChanged() = function:000001431C6E2850 HasAction() = function:000001431C6E23B0 HideKeys() = function:000001431C6DF4C8 IsClassBarButton() = function:000001431C6E21C8 IsSiegeBarButton() = function:000001431C6E2208 New() = function:000001431C6E2158 PlayAbilityUsedBounce() = function:00000143B323C878 PlayGlow() = function:00000143B323C8B8 RefreshCooldown() = function:000001431C6D3C30 RefreshUltimateNumberVisibility() = function:000001439D7A0C60 ResetVisualState() = function:000001431C6E24B0 SetBounceAnimationParameters() = function:000001436192EF50 SetCooldownHeight() = function:000001431C6D3BF0 SetCooldownIconAnchors() = function:000001431C6D3BB0 SetNeedsAnimationParameterUpdate() = function:00000143B323C900 SetShowBindingText() = function:000001431C6E22F0 SetupBounceAnimation() = function:00000143B323C838 SetupCount() = function:000001431C6E27D0 SetupFlipAnimation() = function:000001436192F210 SetupKeySlideAnimation() = function:000001431C6DFFD0 SlideKeysIn() = function:000001431C6E0010 SlideKeysOut() = function:000001431C6E0050 UpdateActivationHighlight() = function:000001439D7A22B0 UpdateCooldown() = function:000001431C6D1CD8 UpdateState() = function:000001439D7A22F0 UpdateUltimateNumber() = function:000001439D79E068 UpdateUsable() = function:000001431C6D3B70 UpdateUseFailure() = function:000001439D7A2370 __index = table:000001431C6E2098 (meta 000001431C6E20E0} ActionButton3 = userdata:00000143F9A0F0C8 (meta 00000143779286C0} firstMeta firstIndex slotNum = 3 ActionButton3ActivationHighlight = userdata:00000143779281C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton3BG = userdata:00000143F9A0F2D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton3Backdrop = userdata:0000014377928538 (meta 0000014308324730} ActionButton3Button = userdata:00000143F9A0F130 (meta 00000143779287D8} firstMeta firstIndex actionId = 40211 slotNum = 3 slotType = 1 tooltip = userdata:00000143E03A4B18 (meta 000001430834FDB0} ActionButton3ButtonText = 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userdata:000001437792CA68 (meta 00000143083425C0} ActionButton4DropCallout = userdata:000001437792CAD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton4FlipCard = userdata:000001437792C5A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ActionButton4Glow = userdata:000001437792C830 (meta 000001437792ED20} firstMeta firstIndex m_fadeAnimation = table:000001437792EB08 (meta 00000143E9837830} firstTable m_animatedControl = userdata:000001437792C830 (meta 000001437792ED20} maxAlpha = 1 minAlpha = 0 ActionButton4Icon = userdata:000001437792C610 (meta 00000143ECFF88D8} firstMeta firstIndex percentComplete = 1 ActionButton4Status = userdata:000001437792C750 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton5 = userdata:000001437792EE88 (meta 000001437792F678} firstMeta firstIndex slotNum = 5 ActionButton5ActivationHighlight = userdata:000001437792F178 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton5BG = userdata:000001437792F098 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton5Backdrop = userdata:000001437792F4F0 (meta 0000014308324730} ActionButton5Button = userdata:000001437792EEF0 (meta 000001437792F790} firstMeta firstIndex actionId = 0 slotNum = 5 slotType = 1 tooltip = userdata:00000143E03A4B18 (meta 000001430834FDB0} ActionButton5ButtonText = userdata:000001437792F3A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ActionButton5Cooldown = userdata:000001437792F248 (meta 0000014308316C08} ActionButton5CooldownCompleteAnimation = userdata:000001437792F2C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton5CooldownEdge = userdata:000001437792F338 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton5CooldownIcon = userdata:000001437792F030 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton5CountText = userdata:000001437792F418 (meta 00000143083425C0} ActionButton5DropCallout = userdata:000001437792F488 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton5FlipCard = userdata:000001437792EF58 (meta 000001430831E750} ActionButton5Glow = userdata:000001437792F1E0 (meta 0000014377930270} firstMeta firstIndex m_fadeAnimation = table:0000014377930058 (meta 00000143E9837830} firstTable m_animatedControl = 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0000014308349FC8} ActionButton6CooldownEdge = userdata:0000014377930888 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton6CooldownIcon = userdata:0000014377930580 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton6CountText = userdata:0000014377930968 (meta 00000143083425C0} ActionButton6DropCallout = userdata:00000143779309D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton6FlipCard = userdata:00000143779304A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ActionButton6Glow = userdata:0000014377930730 (meta 0000014377931638} firstMeta firstIndex m_fadeAnimation = table:00000143779315A8 (meta 00000143E9837830} firstTable m_animatedControl = userdata:0000014377930730 (meta 0000014377931638} maxAlpha = 1 minAlpha = 0 ActionButton6Icon = userdata:0000014377930510 (meta 00000143ECFF8B88} firstMeta firstIndex percentComplete = 1 ActionButton6Status = userdata:0000014377930650 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton7 = userdata:00000143779317A0 (meta 000001437792CBB8} firstMeta firstIndex slotNum = 7 ActionButton7ActivationHighlight = userdata:0000014377930108 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton7BG = userdata:000001437792F888 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton7Backdrop = userdata:000001437792CBA8 (meta 0000014308324730} ActionButton7Button = userdata:0000014377931808 (meta 0000014377930A98} firstMeta firstIndex actionId = 0 slotNum = 7 slotType = 1 tooltip = userdata:00000143E03A4B18 (meta 000001430834FDB0} ActionButton7ButtonText = userdata:000001437792C058 (meta 00000143083425C0} ActionButton7Cooldown = userdata:000001437792EBA8 (meta 0000014308316C08} ActionButton7CooldownCompleteAnimation = userdata:000001437792C1C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton7CooldownEdge = userdata:000001437792C230 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton7CooldownIcon = userdata:0000014377930DE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton7CountText = userdata:000001437792C0C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ActionButton7DropCallout = userdata:000001437792C138 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton7FlipCard = userdata:0000014377931870 (meta 000001430831E750} ActionButton7Glow = userdata:0000014377930170 (meta 0000014377932460} firstMeta firstIndex m_fadeAnimation = table:0000014377932248 (meta 00000143E9837830} firstTable m_animatedControl = userdata:0000014377930170 (meta 0000014377932460} maxAlpha = 1 minAlpha = 0 ActionButton7Icon = userdata:00000143779318D8 (meta 00000143ECFF8CE0} firstMeta firstIndex percentComplete = 1 ActionButton7Status = userdata:000001437792CED8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton8 = userdata:00000143779326B8 (meta 000001437792D6A8} firstMeta firstIndex slotNum = 8 ActionButton8ActivationHighlight = userdata:00000143779329A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton8BG = userdata:00000143779328C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton8Backdrop = userdata:00000143779322E8 (meta 0000014308324730} ActionButton8Button = userdata:0000014377932720 (meta 000001437792D7C0} firstMeta firstIndex actionId = 0 slotNum = 8 slotType = 1 tooltip = userdata:00000143E03A4B18 (meta 000001430834FDB0} 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000001437792A410} firstMeta firstIndex m_fadeAnimation = table:000001437792A1F8 (meta 00000143E9837830} firstTable m_animatedControl = userdata:0000014377932A10 (meta 000001437792A410} maxAlpha = 1 minAlpha = 0 ActionButton8Icon = userdata:00000143779327F0 (meta 00000143ECFF8478} firstMeta firstIndex percentComplete = 1 ActionButton8LBkey = userdata:000001437792D5A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton8LeadingEdge = userdata:000001437792D3E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton8RBkey = userdata:000001437792E028 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton8ReadyBurst = userdata:000001437792E5E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton8ReadyLoop = userdata:000001437792E658 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton8Status = userdata:0000014377932930 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton8UltimateBar = userdata:0000014377932358 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton9 = userdata:00000143F9A11CE8 (meta 000001439D79A168} firstMeta firstIndex slotNum = 9 ActionButton9ActivationHighlight = userdata:000001439D799C68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton9BG = userdata:000001439D799B88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton9Backdrop = userdata:000001439D799FE0 (meta 0000014308324730} ActionButton9Button = userdata:000001431C6C4CC8 (meta 000001439D79A280} firstMeta firstIndex actionId = 17328 slotNum = 9 slotType = 1 tooltip = userdata:00000143E03A7280 (meta 000001430834FDB0} ActionButton9ButtonText = userdata:000001439D799E98 (meta 00000143083425C0} ActionButton9Cooldown = userdata:000001439D799D38 (meta 0000014308316C08} ActionButton9CooldownCompleteAnimation = userdata:000001439D799DB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton9CooldownEdge = userdata:000001439D799E28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton9CooldownIcon = userdata:000001439D799B20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton9CountText = userdata:000001439D799F08 (meta 00000143083425C0} ActionButton9DropCallout = userdata:000001439D799F78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ActionButton9FlipCard = userdata:000001439D799A48 (meta 000001430831E750} 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GetGroupStatus() = function:00000143E631D490 GetIsCurrentlyInQueue() = function:00000143E6319370 GetLFGCooldownExpireTimeS() = function:00000143E630EC78 GetLFGCooldownLockText() = function:00000143E630ECB8 GetLocationsData() = function:00000143E63192B0 GetLockReasonForActivityType() = function:00000143E6310B10 GetNumLocationsByActivity() = function:00000143E6313218 GetSpecificLocation() = function:00000143E63192F0 HandleLFMPromptResponse() = function:00000143E630ED38 Initialize() = function:000001435514B008 InitializeLocationData() = function:000001435514B048 IsActivityTypeSelected() = function:00000143E6313198 IsAnyLocationSelected() = function:00000143E63131D8 IsLFGCooldownTypeOnCooldown() = function:00000143E6310BD0 IsLockedByNotLeader() = function:00000143E6310B90 MarkDataDirty() = function:00000143E631D410 New() = function:000001435514AFC8 OnActivityFinderStatusUpdate() = function:00000143E6318CB8 OnUpdate() = function:00000143E631D3D0 RebuildSelections() = function:00000143E6318C38 RegisterForEvents() = function:0000014355147138 SetActivityTypeSelected() = function:00000143E63162B0 SetLocationSelected() = function:00000143E6316230 StartSearch() = function:00000143E630ECF8 ToggleActivityTypeSelected() = function:00000143E6316270 ToggleLocationSelected() = function:00000143E63161F0 UpdateGroupStatus() = function:00000143E631D450 UpdateLocationData() = function:0000014355147178 __index = table:00000143E631D738 (meta 00000143E6317D78} AddActivityFinderRandomSearchEntry() = function:00000143F58DC320 AddActivityFinderSetSearchEntry() = function:00000143F58DC3A0 AddActivityFinderSpecificSearchEntry() = function:00000143F58DC420 AddBackgroundListFilterEntry() = function:00000143CACAFF38 AddBackgroundListFilterEntry64() = function:00000143CACAFFB0 AddBackgroundListFilterType() = function:00000143CACAFEC0 AddChatContainer() = function:000001439D298650 AddChatContainerTab() = function:000001439D298730 AddGroupFinderSearchEntry() = function:000001431045DBF8 AddHousingPermission() = function:00000143F58E2940 AddIgnore() = function:00000143CACAAA50 AddMapPin() = function:000001439D28E6B0 AddMapQuestPins() = function:000001439D28E950 AddMenuItem() = function:00000143D0949D40 AddPendingGuildRank() = function:00000143CACABFF0 AddSCTCloudOffset() = function:00000143F58E1D08 AddSCTSlotAllowedSourceType() = function:00000143F58E0F08 AddSCTSlotAllowedTargetType() = function:00000143F58E0C28 AddSCTSlotExcludedSourceType() = function:00000143F58E1078 AddSCTSlotExcludedTargetType() = function:00000143F58E0D98 AgreeToEULA() = function:00000143CACAA0C8 AnchorDyeSwatch() = function:00000143F440B2B0 AnchorDyeSwatch_Gamepad() = function:00000143F440B430 AnchorMenu() = function:00000143A131CCC8 ApplyPendingDyes() = function:00000143CACA5518 ApplyPendingHeraldryChanges() = function:00000143F58DE478 ApplySettings() = function:00000143CACA9E38 ApplyTemplateToControl() = function:000001432E017448 AreActionBarsLocked() = function:00000143F9A0D3F0 AreAnyItemsStolen() = function:00000143F58EA9A8 AreChampionPointsActive() = function:00000143F58DFE70 AreId64sEqual() = function:000001430830E860 AreItemDyeChannelsDyeable() = function:00000143F58E8620 AreRestyleSlotDyeChannelsDyeable() = function:00000143CACA5B60 AreUnitsCurrentlyAllied() = function:000001439D288738 AreUnitsEqual() = function:000001439D288130 AscendStop = function: Private AssignCampaignToPlayer() = function:000001439D2A1328 AssistedQuestPinForTracked() = function:000001439D2A88C8 AttemptForceLock = function: Private AutoSendChatInput() = function:00000143E1D3F630 BACKGROUND_LIST_FILTER_TARGET_BAG_SLOT = 1 BACKGROUND_LIST_FILTER_TARGET_COLLECTIBLE_ID = 2 BACKGROUND_LIST_FILTER_TARGET_FURNITURE_ID = 4 BACKGROUND_LIST_FILTER_TARGET_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 BACKGROUND_LIST_FILTER_TARGET_ITERATION_END = 4 BACKGROUND_LIST_FILTER_TARGET_MARKET_PRODUCT_ID = 3 BACKGROUND_LIST_FILTER_TARGET_MAX_VALUE = 4 BACKGROUND_LIST_FILTER_TARGET_MIN_VALUE = 1 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0000014313F63F00} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014313F62210 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:0000014313F61EF0 firstTable additionalFilter() = function:0000014313F62188 backpackOffsetY = 96 emptyLabelOffsetY = 100 hiddenFilters = table:0000014313F62140 firstTable 7 = true hideBankInfo = false inventoryBottomOffsetY = -30 inventoryFilterDividerTopOffsetY = 105 inventoryTopOffsetY = 45 sortByHeaderWidth = 576 sortByNameWidth = 241 sortByOffsetY = 63 width = 565 BACKPACK_LAUNDER_LAYOUT_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313F5D088 (meta 0000014313F63F00} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014313F5D100 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:0000014313F5CD00 firstTable additionalFilter() = function:0000014313F5D048 alwaysReapplyLayout = true backpackOffsetY = 96 emptyLabelOffsetY = 100 hiddenFilters = table:0000014313F5D000 firstTable 7 = true hideBankInfo = true inventoryBottomOffsetY = -30 inventoryFilterDividerTopOffsetY = 105 inventoryTopOffsetY = 45 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function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143143B6740 (meta 00000143143B6908} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143143B66C0 (meta 00000143143B69F0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 BANKCurrencyTransferDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:00000143143B66C0 (meta 00000143143B69F0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainer = userdata:00000144D8630C88 (meta 000001430831E750} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmounts = userdata:00000143143B31B8 (meta 000001430831E750} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsBanked = userdata:00000143143B45F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsCarried = userdata:00000143143B4678 (meta 00000143083425C0} 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function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143143B68B0 (meta 0000014314B74EA8} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143143B7F08 (meta 0000014314B74F48} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 BANKCurrencyTransferDialogDepositWithdrawNameLabel = userdata:00000143143B7F08 (meta 0000014314B74F48} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false BANKCurrencyTransferDialogDivider = userdata:00000144D8630C58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:0000014313F4F540 (meta 0000014308349FC8} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogTitle = userdata:00000144D8630BE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} BANKING_GAMEPAD_MODE_DEPOSIT = 2 BANKING_GAMEPAD_MODE_WITHDRAW = 1 BANKING_INTERACTION = table:000001439F029568 BANK_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313F4F310 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014313F4F618 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014313F4F6A0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000014313F52EE0 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014313F52F28 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313F4F3D0 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FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000014464828CD8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001446482A628 firstTable 1 = table:000001446482A670 firstTable 1() = function:000001446482A438 3 = false control = userdata:000001439FAD96C0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001446482A4C8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden mouseoverIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/LFG_indexIcon_battlegrounds_over.dds name = Battlegrounds normalIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/LFG_indexIcon_battlegrounds_up.dds pressedIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/LFG_indexIcon_battlegrounds_down.dds control = userdata:000001439FAD96C0 (meta 0000014308326048} dataManager = table:000001439FADE658 (meta 000001439FADC980} descriptionLabel = userdata:000001439FAD8F48 (meta 00000143083425C0} filterComboBox = table:000001446482C290 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:000001446482C790 (meta 000001446482C320} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:000001446482C290 (meta 000001431D56DB28} m_font = 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m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144648260F0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_BattlegroundFinder_KeyboardListSectionScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:000001446482D4F8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:000001446482D4F8 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = false exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:0000014464825D00 openAnimationPool = table:00000143ED3BEDE0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014355149D78 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143E6317878 m_Free = table:0000014355149DC0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014355149D38 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:0000014464825428 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:00000144648260A8 (meta 000001431679AD50} scrollControl = userdata:000001446482DEF8 (meta 000001446482D550} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:000001446482D210 (meta 000001446482DC80} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001446482DEF8 (meta 000001446482D550} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:000001446482DF80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:000001446482DB28 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:000001446482DA98 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:000001446482E008 (meta 000001446482DBE0} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001446482DB88 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:000001446482DB58 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:000001446482D1E0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:0000014464825CB8 firstTable 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firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143ED3BED20 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_BattlegroundFinder_KeyboardListSectionScrollChildZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationHeader_Keyboard parent = userdata:000001446482D4F8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationHeader_Keyboard setupFunction() = function:0000014464825B70 template = ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationHeader_Keyboard width = 600 rewardsHeader = userdata:000001446482E9A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} rewardsSection = userdata:000001446482E910 (meta 000001430831E750} singularSection = userdata:000001439FAD8D10 (meta 000001430831E750} titleLabel = userdata:000001439FAD8EB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} xpRewardControl = userdata:000001446482EAE0 (meta 000001446482E4B0} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:000001446482E3B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} text = userdata:000001446482E458 (meta 00000143083425C0} xpRewardLabel 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SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001430A461270 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001430A460E98 (meta 000001430A460FD0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:000001430A45CDD0 firstTable leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001430A461E68 (meta 000001430A461498} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PREVIOUS keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001430A4613F8 (meta 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47 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_EVASION = 26 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_EXPEDITION = 36 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_FORCE = 45 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_FORTITUDE = 14 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_FRACTURE = 39 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_HEROISM = 20 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_INTELLECT = 18 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_MAIM = 30 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_MANGLE = 34 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_MENDING = 22 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_PROPHECY = 8 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_PROTECTION = 28 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_RESOLVE = 10 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_SAVAGERY = 4 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_SORCERY = 6 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_SPELL_SHATTER = 41 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_VITALITY = 24 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_WARD = 12 BUFF_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 47 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_BERSERK = 42 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_BRUTALITY = 1 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_DEFILE = 31 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_ENDURANCE = 15 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_EROSION = 46 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_EVASION = 25 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_EXPEDITION = 35 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_FORCE = 44 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_FORTITUDE = 13 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_FRACTURE = 38 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_HEROISM = 19 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_INTELLECT = 17 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_MAIM = 29 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_MANGLE = 33 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_MENDING = 21 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your Inventory size by 10 more slots? infoTextCanNotAfford = You can't afford to increase the size of your Inventory. isInitialized = false control = userdata:000001430A07A538 (meta 0000014308326048} header = userdata:000001430A088110 (meta 000001430A087468} headerData = table:000001430A087560 firstTable titleText = Buy Bag Space BUY_BAG_SPACE_INTERACTION = table:00000143E3466AE0 BUY_BANK_SPACE_GAMEPAD = table:00000143CB742FD8 (meta 00000143CB75CAA8} firstTable firstMeta Battleground_Scoreboard_Alliance_Panel = table:0000014316656A60 (meta 0000014316656AA8} firstTable firstMeta AddPlayer() = function:000001440819E528 ApplyPlatformStyle() = function:000001431DE789C0 GetBattlegroundAlliance() = function:000001440819E5E8 GetBottomPlayerRow() = function:000001440819E668 GetScore() = function:000001440819E5A8 GetTopPlayerRow() = function:000001440819E628 Initialize() = function:0000014316656B20 New() = function:000001431037B1B8 OnUpdate() = function:00000143F0F9E0E8 PostUpdatePanel() = 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function:000001439D292E10 BeginInteractCameraSpin() = function:000001439D28F740 BeginItemPreviewSpin() = function:00000143CACA6108 BeginPreviewMode() = function:00000143CACA5FB8 BindKeyToAction = function: Private BuyBagSpace() = function:00000143F58E6290 BuyBankSpace() = function:00000143F58E6228 BuyGuildSpecificItem() = function:00000143CACACCC0 BuyStoreItem() = function:000001439D29AF30 BuybackItem() = function:000001439D29AF98 CADWELLS_ALMANAC = table:00000143D6A475B8 (meta 00000143D6A5CDE8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143D6A5D1F8 (meta 0000014308326048} currentCadwellProgressionLevel = 0 descriptionText = userdata:00000143D6A610A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} dirty = true navigationTree = table:00000143D6A59388 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:00000143D6A47600 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143D6A61CA0 m_Active = table:00000143D6A61D28 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = 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table:00000143A04EA158 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A04EA1A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A04EA0D0 3 = false 2 = table:000001439D2A2208 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D2A2188 3 = false AllBuffsDebuffsEnabled_Changed = table:00000143F062A598 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F062A730 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467208 2 = userdata:00000143FC341778 (meta 00000143F062A1C8} 3 = false 2 = table:00000143EA54EFA0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E34672D0 2 = userdata:00000143FC33E600 (meta 00000143EA54EAA0} 3 = false 3 = table:000001431D7259D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E34672D0 2 = userdata:0000014361394260 (meta 00000143F9F1EFE8} 3 = false 4 = table:00000143609DDFE0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467398 2 = userdata:00000143ED3BD560 (meta 00000143D054B588} 3 = false 5 = table:00000143F76E9DB0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467140 2 = userdata:000001431D932E08 (meta 000001430987A438} 3 = false 6 = table:0000014316AD5368 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467140 2 = userdata:00000143609E1610 (meta 000001439DB2AD38} 3 = false AllHealthBars_Off = table:00000143D901EF20 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D901EF68 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143D9016BA8 (meta 00000143D901EA50} 3 = false 10 = table:00000143FC343E78 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143FC33DD80 (meta 00000143FC343688} 3 = false 11 = table:00000143FC33FC28 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0611AA8 2 = userdata:00000143FC343748 (meta 00000143FC33EF68} 3 = false 12 = table:00000143F454B068 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143FC33F7F0 (meta 00000143F454A810} 3 = false 13 = table:00000143F454C880 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0612618 2 = userdata:00000143F454A8D0 (meta 00000143F454C0A8} 3 = false 14 = table:00000143F454DAC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143F454C168 (meta 00000143F454D220} 3 = false 15 = table:00000143F454EC70 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0613188 2 = userdata:00000143F454D2E0 (meta 00000143F454E498} 3 = false 16 = table:00000143F454FE78 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143F454E558 (meta 00000143F454F5D8} 3 = false 17 = table:00000143F4551048 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0613CF8 2 = userdata:00000143F454F698 (meta 00000143F4550870} 3 = false 2 = table:00000143D901FA90 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143D901F070 (meta 00000143D901F820} 3 = false 3 = table:00000143E346AB20 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143D901FBA8 (meta 00000143E346AEE0} 3 = false 4 = table:00000143D9018620 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143CBF80F30 (meta 00000143D901A6B8} 3 = false 5 = table:00000143CBF80EC8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F060F878 2 = userdata:00000143D901AB70 (meta 00000143A38FF8A8} 3 = false 6 = table:00000143FC33C228 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143D9018E90 (meta 00000143D901CEE0} 3 = false 7 = table:00000143FC33B280 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F06103C8 2 = userdata:00000143D901CF48 (meta 00000143FC33AB00} 3 = false 8 = table:00000143FC33F328 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143FC33CA90 (meta 00000143FC33B720} 3 = false 9 = table:00000143FC342CB0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0610F38 2 = userdata:00000143FC33B890 (meta 00000143FC342530} 3 = false AllHealthBars_On = table:00000143D901EE58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D901EEA0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143D9016BA8 (meta 00000143D901EA50} 3 = false 10 = table:00000143FC343B98 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143FC33DD80 (meta 00000143FC343688} 3 = false 11 = table:00000143FC33FBA8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0611AA8 2 = userdata:00000143FC343748 (meta 00000143FC33EF68} 3 = false 12 = table:00000143F454AD00 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143FC33F7F0 (meta 00000143F454A810} 3 = false 13 = table:00000143F454C800 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0612618 2 = userdata:00000143F454A8D0 (meta 00000143F454C0A8} 3 = false 14 = table:00000143F454D758 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143F454C168 (meta 00000143F454D220} 3 = false 15 = table:00000143F454EBF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0613188 2 = userdata:00000143F454D2E0 (meta 00000143F454E498} 3 = false 16 = table:00000143F454FB10 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143F454E558 (meta 00000143F454F5D8} 3 = false 17 = table:00000143F4550F00 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0613CF8 2 = userdata:00000143F454F698 (meta 00000143F4550870} 3 = false 2 = table:00000143D901F9E8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143D901F070 (meta 00000143D901F820} 3 = false 3 = table:00000143CBF80E80 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143D901FBA8 (meta 00000143E346AEE0} 3 = false 4 = table:00000143D90185A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143CBF80F30 (meta 00000143D901A6B8} 3 = false 5 = table:00000143D901CDA0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F060F878 2 = userdata:00000143D901AB70 (meta 00000143A38FF8A8} 3 = false 6 = table:00000143FC33BEC0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143D9018E90 (meta 00000143D901CEE0} 3 = false 7 = table:00000143FC33B200 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F06103C8 2 = userdata:00000143D901CF48 (meta 00000143FC33AB00} 3 = false 8 = table:00000143FC33D928 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143FC33CA90 (meta 00000143FC33B720} 3 = false 9 = table:00000143FC342C30 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0610F38 2 = userdata:00000143FC33B890 (meta 00000143FC342530} 3 = false AllNameplates_Off = table:00000143F061F338 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F061EAB8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143F061E890 (meta 00000143F061F0C0} 3 = false 10 = table:00000143E34718E8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4564458 2 = userdata:00000143E346EC78 (meta 00000143E3471168} 3 = false 11 = table:00000143E3472AA0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143E346B3D0 (meta 00000143E3472288} 3 = false 12 = table:00000143E3473C50 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F060CCE0 2 = userdata:00000143E3472348 (meta 00000143E3473478} 3 = false 13 = table:00000143E34708F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143E3473538 (meta 00000143E346B8F0} 3 = false 14 = table:00000143E346A6C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F060D820 2 = userdata:00000143E346F820 (meta 00000143E3469F10} 3 = false 15 = table:00000143D9019960 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143E3469FD0 (meta 00000143D90190C0} 3 = false 16 = table:00000143D901BF20 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F060E390 2 = userdata:00000143D9019180 (meta 00000143D901B748} 3 = false 2 = table:00000143A3901590 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143F4564318 (meta 00000143A3901320} 3 = false 3 = table:00000143A3903960 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143A3901658 (meta 00000143A3903338} 3 = false 4 = table:00000143A39048A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4568E18 2 = userdata:00000143A39033F8 (meta 00000143A39043A0} 3 = false 5 = table:00000143A3903918 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143A3904460 (meta 00000143A3905260} 3 = false 6 = table:00000143F0617128 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4562DE0 2 = userdata:00000143A3905320 (meta 00000143A3900BD0} 3 = false 7 = table:00000143E346D090 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143A39012C8 (meta 00000143E346C868} 3 = false 8 = table:00000143E346E1F0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4563950 2 = userdata:00000143A3901EA0 (meta 00000143E346DA70} 3 = false 9 = table:00000143E346F3A8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143A39024F8 (meta 00000143E346EBB8} 3 = false AllNameplates_On = table:00000143F061F288 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F061F2D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143F061E890 (meta 00000143F061F0C0} 3 = false 10 = table:00000143E34717A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4564458 2 = userdata:00000143E346EC78 (meta 00000143E3471168} 3 = false 11 = table:00000143E34727C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143E346B3D0 (meta 00000143E3472288} 3 = false 12 = table:00000143E3473B08 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F060CCE0 2 = userdata:00000143E3472348 (meta 00000143E3473478} 3 = false 13 = table:00000143E3470588 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143E3473538 (meta 00000143E346B8F0} 3 = false 14 = table:00000143E346A578 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F060D820 2 = userdata:00000143E346F820 (meta 00000143E3469F10} 3 = false 15 = table:00000143D90195F8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143E3469FD0 (meta 00000143D90190C0} 3 = false 16 = table:00000143D901BDD8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F060E390 2 = userdata:00000143D9019180 (meta 00000143D901B748} 3 = false 2 = table:00000143A39014E8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143F4564318 (meta 00000143A3901320} 3 = false 3 = table:00000143A3903898 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143A3901658 (meta 00000143A3903338} 3 = false 4 = table:00000143A3904760 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4568E18 2 = userdata:00000143A39033F8 (meta 00000143A39043A0} 3 = false 5 = table:00000143A3905770 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143A3904460 (meta 00000143A3905260} 3 = false 6 = table:00000143A3901260 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4562DE0 2 = userdata:00000143A3905320 (meta 00000143A3900BD0} 3 = false 7 = table:00000143E346CD28 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143A39012C8 (meta 00000143E346C868} 3 = false 8 = table:00000143E346E0A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4563950 2 = userdata:00000143A3901EA0 (meta 00000143E346DA70} 3 = false 9 = table:00000143E346F0C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143A39024F8 (meta 00000143E346EBB8} 3 = false AutoLoot_Off = table:00000143CBF83468 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CBF834B0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143D70BA868 (meta 00000143D70BF118} 3 = false AutoLoot_On = table:00000143D70BEAD0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CBF83420 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143D70BA868 (meta 00000143D70BF118} 3 = false Bestowers_Off = table:00000143CBF7B3C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CBF7B410 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143CBF75460 (meta 00000143CBF7B108} 3 = false Bestowers_On = table:00000143CBF7B300 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CBF7B348 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143CBF75460 (meta 00000143CBF7B108} 3 = false BuffsEnabled_Changed = table:00000143EA53A250 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EA53A498 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467208 2 = userdata:00000143FC341778 (meta 00000143F062A1C8} 3 = false ChatBubbles_Off = table:00000143CBF802C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CBF80310 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143CBF7FDD0 (meta 00000143CBF801A0} 3 = false 2 = table:00000143CBF77DE0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143CBF80260 (meta 00000143CBF77C18} 3 = false 3 = table:00000143CBF7A660 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143CBF78930 (meta 00000143CBF7A4C0} 3 = false 4 = table:00000143F0619A70 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143CBF803B0 (meta 00000143F0619830} 3 = false 5 = table:00000143F061B780 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143F0619BE0 (meta 00000143F061B518} 3 = false 6 = table:00000143F061C090 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143F061B930 (meta 00000143F061BE28} 3 = false 7 = table:00000143F061C9A0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143F061C200 (meta 00000143F061C738} 3 = false 8 = table:00000143F061D2B0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143F061CB10 (meta 00000143F061D048} 3 = false ChatBubbles_On = table:00000143CBF7B490 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CBF7CC50 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143CBF7FDD0 (meta 00000143CBF801A0} 3 = false 2 = table:00000143CBF78838 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143CBF80260 (meta 00000143CBF77C18} 3 = false 3 = table:00000143CBF77770 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143CBF78930 (meta 00000143CBF7A4C0} 3 = false 4 = table:00000143F0619AF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143CBF803B0 (meta 00000143F0619830} 3 = false 5 = table:00000143CBF77728 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143F0619BE0 (meta 00000143F061B518} 3 = false 6 = table:00000143F061C110 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143F061B930 (meta 00000143F061BE28} 3 = false 7 = table:00000143F061CA20 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143F061C200 (meta 00000143F061C738} 3 = false 8 = table:00000143F061D330 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143F061CB10 (meta 00000143F061D048} 3 = false CompassActiveQuests_Focused = table:00000143CBF7C758 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CBF7C7A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A390F478 2 = userdata:00000143CBF7B1C8 (meta 00000143CBF7C1D8} 3 = false CompassActiveQuests_Off = table:00000143CBF7C908 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CBF7C950 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A390F438 2 = userdata:00000143CBF7B1C8 (meta 00000143CBF7C1D8} 3 = false CompassActiveQuests_On = table:00000143CBF7C820 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CBF7C868 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E0CE68 2 = userdata:00000143CBF7B1C8 (meta 00000143CBF7C1D8} 3 = false CraftingAnimationsStarted = table:00000143D6006090 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D60060D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6006010 3 = false 10 = table:00000143F9901730 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F9901630 3 = false 11 = table:00000143F9902D68 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F4FEF0 3 = false 12 = table:000001431664E710 firstTable 1() = function:000001431664E648 3 = false 13 = table:000001431664E8D8 firstTable 1() = function:000001431664E810 3 = false 14 = table:000001431664ED10 firstTable 1() = function:000001431664EC90 3 = false 15 = table:000001431664F608 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F98FD598 3 = false 16 = table:00000143D8F462B8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F45F80 3 = false 17 = table:00000143DDBD9638 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F63AE0 3 = false 18 = table:00000143D6B0DA40 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6B0D888 3 = false 19 = table:0000014309E00938 firstTable 1() = function:0000014309E00790 3 = false 2 = table:000001439D847558 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D847510 3 = false 20 = table:000001439D8412C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA75B950 3 = false 21 = table:000001439D84B3C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA75BB80 3 = false 22 = table:000001439D8588F0 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D8587E8 3 = false 23 = table:000001439D85BF30 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D85BAA8 3 = false 24 = table:00000143DA76EA10 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA76E9C8 3 = false 25 = table:00000143DA770A28 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA76FFD8 3 = false 26 = table:00000143DA771070 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA770FA8 3 = false 27 = table:00000143DA7720D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA772090 3 = false 28 = table:0000014309E24E58 firstTable 1() = function:00000143207D6888 3 = false 29 = table:00000143DDBBB6C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DDBBB680 3 = false 3 = table:000001439D8481F0 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D848128 3 = false 30 = table:00000143DDBBC628 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DDBBC560 3 = false 31 = table:00000143D60036A8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F3FF00 3 = false 32 = table:0000014320F3F6B0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F3F5E8 3 = false 33 = table:0000014320F3F878 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F3F7B0 3 = false 34 = table:0000014320F3FA40 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F3F978 3 = false 35 = table:00000143D6B0E168 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6B0E120 3 = false 36 = table:00000143D8F348E8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F34820 3 = false 37 = table:00000143D6AF4728 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6AF4660 3 = false 38 = table:00000143D6B03A48 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6B039B8 3 = false 39 = table:00000143D6B03C08 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6004170 3 = false 4 = table:000001439D849738 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D842D68 3 = false 40 = table:0000014320F3DFA0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F3DF10 3 = false 41 = table:00000143D8F320E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F32050 3 = false 42 = table:00000143D8F30B00 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F32530 3 = false 43 = table:00000143D8F32380 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F31A50 3 = false 44 = table:000001431345B168 firstTable 1() = function:000001431345B120 3 = false 45 = table:00000143D6B07130 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E41D88A0 3 = false 46 = table:00000143B33569A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B3356958 3 = false 47 = table:00000143D6AF70C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6AF6868 3 = false 48 = table:00000143B3355AD8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B33559D8 3 = false 49 = table:00000143DA742B88 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA742AF8 3 = false 5 = table:000001439D84B308 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D84B288 3 = false 50 = table:00000143DA744750 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA744688 3 = false 51 = table:0000014316663918 firstTable 1() = function:0000014316663898 3 = false 52 = table:0000014316664198 firstTable 1() = function:00000143166640D0 3 = false 53 = table:00000143ED517030 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED516FE8 3 = false 54 = table:00000143ED535F88 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED535E88 3 = false 55 = table:00000143ED536D30 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED536CE8 3 = false 56 = table:00000143ED53A1B8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53A130 3 = false 57 = table:00000143ED53A728 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53A628 3 = false 58 = table:00000143ED53ABC0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53AAF8 3 = false 59 = table:00000143ED53DF10 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53DEC8 3 = false 6 = table:000001439D84C008 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D84BF40 3 = false 60 = table:00000143ED53ECB0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53EC30 3 = false 61 = table:00000143ED53F5D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53F590 3 = false 62 = table:00000143ED537ED8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED537E90 3 = false 63 = table:000001431DE6F8F8 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DE6F7F8 3 = false 64 = table:000001431DE706A0 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DE70658 3 = false 65 = table:00000144081C2030 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081C2F60 3 = false 66 = table:00000144081B6188 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081B60C0 3 = false 67 = table:00000144081BB5C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081BB548 3 = false 68 = table:00000144081BBCC0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081C1DD8 3 = false 69 = table:00000144081B7D38 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081B7CB8 3 = false 7 = table:000001439D84CA68 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D84CA20 3 = false 70 = table:00000144081B8498 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081B83D0 3 = false 71 = table:000001430A05C2D8 firstTable 1() = function:000001430A05C290 3 = false 72 = table:000001430A05D558 firstTable 1() = function:000001430A05CBD0 3 = false 73 = table:0000014316650290 firstTable 1() = function:000001431666A040 3 = false 8 = table:000001439D84C460 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D83C9D8 3 = false 9 = table:000001447D4510C0 firstTable 1() = function:000001447D451040 3 = false CraftingAnimationsStopped = table:00000143D60061C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6006208 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6006178 3 = false 10 = table:000001447D4486C0 firstTable 1() = function:000001447D448678 3 = false 11 = table:000001447D44F828 firstTable 1() = function:000001447D44F7A0 3 = false 12 = table:000001447D450388 firstTable 1() = function:000001447D450308 3 = false 13 = table:000001447D451140 firstTable 1() = function:000001447D451040 3 = false 14 = table:00000143F99014D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F99016B0 3 = false 15 = table:00000143F9903170 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D27050 3 = false 16 = table:000001431664E790 firstTable 1() = function:000001431664E6C8 3 = false 17 = table:000001431664E958 firstTable 1() = function:000001431664E890 3 = false 18 = table:000001431664ED90 firstTable 1() = function:000001431664EC90 3 = false 19 = table:000001431664F650 firstTable 1() = function:000001431664F5C0 3 = false 2 = table:000001439D847600 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D847510 3 = false 20 = table:000001431664C500 firstTable 1() = function:000001431664C478 3 = false 21 = table:00000143D8F47048 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F46150 3 = false 22 = table:00000143D6AEBF50 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F63AE0 3 = false 23 = table:00000143D6B0E690 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6B0DED0 3 = false 24 = table:000001447D423DF0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014309E00790 3 = false 25 = table:000001439D841958 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D841640 3 = false 26 = table:000001439D8572D0 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D8570C0 3 = false 27 = table:000001439D858B10 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D8587E8 3 = false 28 = table:000001439D85BFB0 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D85BC88 3 = false 29 = table:000001439D85C360 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA75CBB8 3 = false 3 = table:000001439D8482B8 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D8481A8 3 = false 30 = table:00000143DA76EA90 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA76E9C8 3 = false 31 = table:00000143DA770AF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA770AA8 3 = false 32 = table:00000143DA771138 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA7710F0 3 = false 33 = table:00000143DA772158 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA772090 3 = false 34 = table:00000143DA773320 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA773018 3 = false 35 = table:00000143DA74A670 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA74A628 3 = false 36 = table:00000143DDBBB748 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DDBBB680 3 = false 37 = table:00000143DDBBC6A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DDBBC5E0 3 = false 38 = table:00000143D6003738 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D60036F0 3 = false 39 = table:0000014320F3F730 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F3F668 3 = false 4 = table:000001439D849800 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D8497B8 3 = false 40 = table:0000014320F3F8F8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F3F830 3 = false 41 = table:0000014320F3FAC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F3F9F8 3 = false 42 = table:00000143D8F34968 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F348A0 3 = false 43 = table:00000143D6AF47A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6AF46E0 3 = false 44 = table:00000143D6B03AC8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6B03A00 3 = false 45 = table:00000143D6B03C88 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D60041F0 3 = false 46 = table:0000014320F43E68 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F3DF58 3 = false 47 = table:00000143D8F32160 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F32098 3 = false 48 = table:00000143D8F30BC8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F30B80 3 = false 49 = table:00000143D8F32400 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F31AD0 3 = false 5 = table:000001439D84A9C0 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D84A938 3 = false 50 = table:000001431345B1E8 firstTable 1() = function:000001431345B120 3 = false 51 = table:00000143D6B06638 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6B070E8 3 = false 52 = table:00000143B3356A20 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B3356958 3 = false 53 = table:00000143D6AF7148 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6AF68E8 3 = false 54 = table:00000143B3355BA0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B3355B58 3 = false 55 = table:00000143DA742C08 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA742B40 3 = false 56 = table:00000143DA7447D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA744708 3 = false 57 = table:0000014316663998 firstTable 1() = function:0000014316663898 3 = false 58 = table:0000014316664218 firstTable 1() = function:0000014316664150 3 = false 59 = table:00000143ED5170B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED516FE8 3 = false 6 = table:000001439D84AF10 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D84AE90 3 = false 60 = table:00000143ED536050 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED536008 3 = false 61 = table:00000143ED536DB0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED536CE8 3 = false 62 = table:00000143ED537110 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED5370C8 3 = false 63 = table:00000143ED53A288 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53A238 3 = false 64 = table:00000143ED53A7F0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53A7A8 3 = false 65 = table:00000143ED53AC40 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53AB78 3 = false 66 = table:00000143ED53DF90 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53DEC8 3 = false 67 = table:00000143ED53ED30 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53EC30 3 = false 68 = table:00000143ED53F6A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53F658 3 = false 69 = table:00000143ED53B0C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED537E90 3 = false 7 = table:000001439D848270 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D84B288 3 = false 70 = table:000001431DE6F9C0 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DE6F978 3 = false 71 = table:000001431DE70720 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DE70658 3 = false 72 = table:000001431DE70AA0 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DE70A58 3 = false 73 = table:00000143D8F34AC8 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081C2F60 3 = false 74 = table:00000144081B6208 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081B6140 3 = false 75 = table:00000144081BB690 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081BB648 3 = false 76 = table:00000144081BBD88 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081BBD40 3 = false 77 = table:00000144081B7DB8 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081B7CB8 3 = false 78 = table:00000144081B7BA8 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081B8450 3 = false 79 = table:000001430A05C358 firstTable 1() = function:000001430A05C290 3 = false 8 = table:000001439D84C088 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D84BFC0 3 = false 80 = table:000001430A05D620 firstTable 1() = function:000001430A05D5D8 3 = false 81 = table:0000014316650358 firstTable 1() = function:0000014316650310 3 = false 9 = table:000001439D84CAE8 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D84CA20 3 = false DebuffsEnabledForTarget_Changed = table:00000143609DE318 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D66C788 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467398 2 = userdata:00000143ED3BD560 (meta 00000143D054B588} 3 = false DebuffsEnabled_Changed = table:00000143F9F1F170 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F4204998 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E34672D0 2 = userdata:00000143FC33E600 (meta 00000143EA54EAA0} 3 = false 2 = table:0000014320944B80 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E34672D0 2 = userdata:0000014361394260 (meta 00000143F9F1EFE8} 3 = false 3 = table:00000143609DE4D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467398 2 = userdata:00000143ED3BD560 (meta 00000143D054B588} 3 = false DisplayModeExclusive = table:00000143D587B0F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D587B140 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:000001431DC99BB8 (meta 00000143B4EF5F10} 3 = false DisplayModeNonExclusive = table:00000143D587B030 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D587B078 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:000001431DC99BB8 (meta 00000143B4EF5F10} 3 = false DoubleTapRollDodgeEnabled_Off = table:00000143D70C3440 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D70C3488 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143D70C2C48 (meta 00000143D70C3228} 3 = false DoubleTapRollDodgeEnabled_On = table:00000143D70C3378 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D70C33C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143D70C2C48 (meta 00000143D70C3228} 3 = false GamepadChatSystemActiveOnScreen = table:00000143CBF69930 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CBF69978 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CBF698B0 3 = false HealthbarType11_Changed = table:00000143D901CCD8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D901CD20 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F060F878 2 = userdata:00000143D901AB70 (meta 00000143A38FF8A8} 3 = false HealthbarType19_Changed = table:00000143FC33B138 firstTable 1 = table:00000143FC33B180 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F06103C8 2 = userdata:00000143D901CF48 (meta 00000143FC33AB00} 3 = false HealthbarType1_Changed = table:00000143FC342B68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143FC342BB0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0610F38 2 = userdata:00000143FC33B890 (meta 00000143FC342530} 3 = false HealthbarType37_Changed = table:00000143F454C738 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F454C780 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0612618 2 = userdata:00000143F454A8D0 (meta 00000143F454C0A8} 3 = false HealthbarType3_Changed = table:00000143FC33FAE0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143FC33FB28 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0611AA8 2 = userdata:00000143FC343748 (meta 00000143FC33EF68} 3 = false HealthbarType5_Changed = table:00000143F454EB28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F454EB70 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0613188 2 = userdata:00000143F454D2E0 (meta 00000143F454E498} 3 = false HealthbarType7_Changed = table:00000143F4550F80 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F4550FC8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0613CF8 2 = userdata:00000143F454F698 (meta 00000143F4550870} 3 = false InteractableGlowEnabled_Off = table:00000143F4556A40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F4556A88 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143F4556368 (meta 00000143F45568F0} 3 = false InteractableGlowEnabled_On = table:00000143F4556B28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F4556B70 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143F4556368 (meta 00000143F45568F0} 3 = false InventorySlotUpdate = table:00000143D5CF0110 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5CF0158 firstTable 1() = function:00000143141135B8 3 = false LAM = RefreshPanel = table:00000143F5F6DAA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5F6DAF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A3890A08 3 = false LeaderboardNotifications_Off = table:00000143609C3018 firstTable 1 = table:00000143609C3060 firstTable 1() = function:00000143609C2EB0 3 = false 2 = table:00000143DFA66458 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DFA66358 3 = false LeaderboardNotifications_On = table:00000143609C2F30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143609C2F78 firstTable 1() = function:00000143609C2EB0 3 = false 2 = table:00000143DFA663D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DFA66358 3 = false MonsterTellsColorSwapEnabled_Changed = table:00000143D70BFEF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D70BFF40 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 2 = userdata:00000143D70BF660 (meta 00000143D70BFD68} 3 = false 2 = table:00000143D70C08A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 2 = userdata:00000143D70C0038 (meta 00000143D70C0688} 3 = false 3 = table:00000143D70C0EF8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 2 = userdata:00000143D70C0748 (meta 00000143D70C0CA8} 3 = false 4 = table:00000143D70C0858 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 2 = userdata:00000143D70C0D68 (meta 00000143D70C1490} 3 = false 5 = table:00000143D70C1E48 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 2 = userdata:00000143D70C1550 (meta 00000143D70C1CA0} 3 = false 6 = table:00000143D70C2448 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 2 = userdata:00000143D70C1D60 (meta 00000143D70C21F8} 3 = false MonsterTellsEnabled_Changed = table:00000143D70BF528 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D70BF570 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DE10 2 = userdata:00000143D70BDA18 (meta 00000143D70BF360} 3 = false 2 = table:00000143D70BFE88 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 2 = userdata:00000143D70BF660 (meta 00000143D70BFD68} 3 = false 3 = table:00000143D70C07D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 2 = userdata:00000143D70C0038 (meta 00000143D70C0688} 3 = false 4 = table:00000143D70C0E78 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 2 = userdata:00000143D70C0748 (meta 00000143D70C0CA8} 3 = false 5 = table:00000143D70C15B8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 2 = userdata:00000143D70C0D68 (meta 00000143D70C1490} 3 = false 6 = table:00000143D70C1DC8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 2 = userdata:00000143D70C1550 (meta 00000143D70C1CA0} 3 = false 7 = table:00000143D70C23C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 2 = userdata:00000143D70C1D60 (meta 00000143D70C21F8} 3 = false MusicEnabled_Off = table:000001431C475260 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C4752A8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:000001431C474B50 (meta 000001431C475110} 3 = false MusicEnabled_On = table:000001431C475328 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C475370 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:000001431C474B50 (meta 000001431C475110} 3 = false NameplateType0_Changed = table:00000143E346E128 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E346E170 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4563950 2 = userdata:00000143A3901EA0 (meta 00000143E346DA70} 3 = false NameplateType10_Changed = table:00000143A39047E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A3904828 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4568E18 2 = userdata:00000143A39033F8 (meta 00000143A39043A0} 3 = false NameplateType18_Changed = table:00000143A38FFF08 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F06170A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4562DE0 2 = userdata:00000143A3905320 (meta 00000143A3900BD0} 3 = false NameplateType2_Changed = table:00000143E3471820 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E3471868 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4564458 2 = userdata:00000143E346EC78 (meta 00000143E3471168} 3 = false NameplateType36_Changed = table:00000143E3473B88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E3473BD0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F060CCE0 2 = userdata:00000143E3472348 (meta 00000143E3473478} 3 = false NameplateType4_Changed = table:00000143E346A5F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E346A640 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F060D820 2 = userdata:00000143E346F820 (meta 00000143E3469F10} 3 = false NameplateType6_Changed = table:00000143D901BE58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D901BEA0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F060E390 2 = userdata:00000143D9019180 (meta 00000143D901B748} 3 = false NotificationsGuildMotDRead = table:00000143DD5789B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DD5789F8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143609C1DD8 3 = false 2 = table:00000144CC0483D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C2583A60 3 = false OnChatSetChannel = table:000001439DB32E98 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DB32EE0 firstTable 1() = function:000001439DB32E50 3 = false OnFormattedChatEvent = table:000001439DB32D88 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DB32DD0 firstTable 1() = function:000001439DB32D40 3 = false OnGamepadDialogHidden = table:00000143D8F58300 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F598A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F58280 3 = false OnGuildSelected = table:00000143F442E480 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F442E4C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F442E438 3 = false 2 = table:0000014320F42978 firstTable 1() = function:000001439F8D25B0 3 = false OnHideWorldMapTooltip = table:00000143CFE4B068 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE4B0B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CFE4AFE0 3 = false OnShowWorldMapTooltip = table:00000143CFE4AEF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE4AF40 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CFE4AE38 3 = false OnWorldMapCampaignChanged = table:00000143C0173180 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C01731C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C0173100 3 = false 2 = table:00000143B2E66A98 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4558410 3 = false OnWorldMapChanged = table:0000014368A157D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014368A15820 firstTable 1() = function:0000014368A15790 3 = false 10 = table:00000143C01725C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C0173248 3 = false 11 = table:00000143EA53B280 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCAFBAC0 3 = false 12 = table:00000143214BC868 firstTable 1() = function:00000143214BC7E0 3 = false 13 = table:00000144C886BDF8 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C886BD80 3 = false 2 = table:00000143D1A56BF8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D1A56B78 3 = false 3 = table:00000143CFE4BC78 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CFE4BBF8 3 = false 4 = table:00000143F8BA4788 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F8BA4740 3 = false 5 = table:00000143F5B89FE8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5B89FA0 3 = false 6 = table:00000143098A1988 firstTable 1() = function:00000143098A1908 3 = false 7 = table:00000143098A7B10 firstTable 1() = function:00000143098A7AC8 3 = false 8 = table:00000143D104B420 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D104B3A0 3 = false 9 = table:00000143C0158AF8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C0158A78 3 = false OnWorldMapKeepChanged = table:00000143C7B94568 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C7B945B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C7B944E0 3 = false 2 = table:00000143F8B90A20 firstTable 1() = function:00000143BC8801C8 3 = false 3 = table:0000014473532768 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A4C39490 3 = false 4 = table:00000143FC33DB38 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A38F3988 3 = false OnWorldMapModeChanged = table:000001447352A598 firstTable 1 = table:000001447352A5E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D1A5C090 3 = false 2 = table:00000143F5B92600 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5B925B8 3 = false 3 = table:000001439DBFDA20 firstTable 1() = function:000001439DBFD990 3 = false 4 = table:0000014309893868 firstTable 1() = function:00000143098937D8 3 = false 5 = table:00000143D104B4A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D104B3A0 3 = false 6 = table:00000143C0158B78 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C0158A78 3 = false 7 = table:00000143B906AC68 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C886BE40 3 = false OnWorldMapQuestsDataRefresh = table:00000143F8BA4658 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F8BA46A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F8BA4610 3 = false 2 = table:00000143F5B89F20 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5B89ED8 3 = false OnWorldMapSavedVarsReady = table:00000143D104BEC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D104BF08 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D104BE58 3 = false 2 = table:00000143C0159450 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C01593E8 3 = false ProfanityFilter_Off = table:00000143CB73B460 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB73B4A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB73BAF0 3 = false ProfanityFilter_On = table:00000143CB73B570 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB73B5B8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB73B528 3 = false SCTEnabled_Changed = table:0000014313231B00 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313231B48 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466F28 2 = userdata:00000143F0611880 (meta 0000014313231960} 3 = false 10 = table:00000143D618BCA8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:00000143D618B598 (meta 00000143D618BA88} 3 = false 11 = table:00000143CBF778A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466F28 2 = userdata:00000143D618BD90 (meta 00000143CBF80158} 3 = false 12 = table:00000143F06207B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618C328 (meta 00000143F0620040} 3 = false 13 = table:00000143A39041D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618C8E0 (meta 00000143F061E280} 3 = false 14 = table:00000143D9016018 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618CE88 (meta 00000143E34720C0} 3 = false 15 = table:00000143FC33B638 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618D440 (meta 00000143D9018F60} 3 = false 16 = table:000001439DB28FD0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618D9F0 (meta 00000143F454E2C8} 3 = false 17 = table:00000143CBF846A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618D650 (meta 00000143CBF87EE0} 3 = false 18 = table:00000143E6C81A68 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618C540 (meta 00000143E6C86338} 3 = false 2 = table:000001431322EE38 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:0000014313231FC8 (meta 000001431322EC08} 3 = false 3 = table:000001431322F1F8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:00000143FB9FA5F8 (meta 000001431322E3C0} 3 = false 4 = table:00000143D61887A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:000001431322F2F8 (meta 00000143D6188570} 3 = false 5 = table:00000143D618A358 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:000001431322F0F8 (meta 00000143D618A138} 3 = false 6 = table:00000143D6188758 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:00000143D618A450 (meta 00000144C2594D30} 3 = false 7 = table:00000143609CC5B8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:00000143CCBF5AB0 (meta 00000143609CB9D0} 3 = false 8 = table:00000143E345B810 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:00000143F060E168 (meta 00000143609C7F70} 3 = false 9 = table:000001431322F240 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:00000143D618AF80 (meta 00000143E345D768} 3 = false SCTIncomingEnabled_Changed = table:00000143F0620300 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F0620730 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618C328 (meta 00000143F0620040} 3 = false 2 = table:00000143A3903170 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618C8E0 (meta 00000143F061E280} 3 = false 3 = table:00000143E34732A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618CE88 (meta 00000143E34720C0} 3 = false 4 = table:00000143D901DD68 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618D440 (meta 00000143D9018F60} 3 = false 5 = table:00000143F454F468 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618D9F0 (meta 00000143F454E2C8} 3 = false 6 = table:00000143CBF87308 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618D650 (meta 00000143CBF87EE0} 3 = false 7 = table:00000143E6C819E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3467048 2 = userdata:00000143D618C540 (meta 00000143E6C86338} 3 = false SCTOutgoingEnabled_Changed = table:000001431322EDA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431322EDF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:0000014313231FC8 (meta 000001431322EC08} 3 = false 2 = table:000001431322F1B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:00000143FB9FA5F8 (meta 000001431322E3C0} 3 = false 3 = table:00000143D6188710 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:000001431322F2F8 (meta 00000143D6188570} 3 = false 4 = table:00000143D618A2D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:000001431322F0F8 (meta 00000143D618A138} 3 = false 5 = table:00000144C2595488 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:00000143D618A450 (meta 00000144C2594D30} 3 = false 6 = table:00000143609CBFC0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:00000143CCBF5AB0 (meta 00000143609CB9D0} 3 = false 7 = table:00000143E345B208 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:00000143F060E168 (meta 00000143609C7F70} 3 = false 8 = table:00000143F455F498 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:00000143D618AF80 (meta 00000143E345D768} 3 = false 9 = table:00000143D618BC28 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3466FB8 2 = userdata:00000143D618B598 (meta 00000143D618BA88} 3 = false ShowAddOnEULAIfNecessary = table:0000014307CAF368 firstTable 1 = table:0000014307CAF3B0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014307CAF320 3 = false SoundEnabled_Off = table:000001431C476290 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C4762D8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143A04E5900 (meta 000001431C476078} 3 = false 2 = table:000001431C477F08 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:000001431C476138 (meta 000001431C477D38} 3 = false 3 = table:000001431C478B40 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:000001431C478010 (meta 000001431C478928} 3 = false 4 = table:000001431C473F08 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:000001431C477DF8 (meta 000001431C473D60} 3 = false 5 = table:000001431C478AF8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:000001431C473E20 (meta 000001431C470F88} 3 = false SoundEnabled_On = table:000001431C4761C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C476210 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143A04E5900 (meta 000001431C476078} 3 = false 2 = table:000001431C477E88 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:000001431C476138 (meta 000001431C477D38} 3 = false 3 = table:000001431C478A78 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:000001431C478010 (meta 000001431C478928} 3 = false 4 = table:000001431C473E88 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:000001431C477DF8 (meta 000001431C473D60} 3 = false 5 = table:000001431C4710D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:000001431C473E20 (meta 000001431C470F88} 3 = false TargetFrameCreated = table:000001439FC5A820 firstTable 1 = table:000001439FC5A868 firstTable 1() = function:000001439FC4F228 3 = false TargetGlowEnabled_Off = table:00000143F4555AD8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F4555B20 firstTable 1() = function:0000014409E107A0 2 = userdata:00000143F4555310 (meta 00000143F45558C0} 3 = false TargetGlowEnabled_On = table:00000143F4555A10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F4555A58 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDC21460 2 = userdata:00000143F4555310 (meta 00000143F45558C0} 3 = false TargetOfTargetEnabledChanged = table:0000014313B07048 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313B07090 firstTable 1() = function:0000014313AF9958 3 = false UnitFramesCreated = table:0000014314CF3308 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314CF3350 firstTable 1() = function:0000014314CF32B0 3 = false 2 = table:00000143F99026B0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F67558 3 = false UseCustomScaleToggled = table:000001431B3F9480 firstTable 1 = table:000001431B3F9570 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D3096A8 2 = userdata:000001431B3F7028 (meta 000001431B3F9288} 3 = false 2 = table:000001431B3F7F80 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F3185AC8 2 = userdata:000001431B3F9348 (meta 000001431B3F7E30} 3 = false WornSlotUpdate = table:00000143D5CF0048 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5CF0090 firstTable 1() = function:00000143141135B8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143ED5CAEB0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_FORCE_FIRST_PERSON = 2 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_FORCE_THIRD_PERSON = 1 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_ITERATION_END = 2 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_MAX_VALUE = 2 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_NONE = 0 CAMERA_SETTING_ASSASSINATION_CAMERA = 15 CAMERA_SETTING_DISTANCE = 4 CAMERA_SETTING_DISTANCE_SYNCED = 6 CAMERA_SETTING_DISTANCE_UNSHEATHED = 5 CAMERA_SETTING_FIRST_PERSON_FIELD_OF_VIEW = 7 CAMERA_SETTING_FIRST_PERSON_HEAD_BOB = 8 CAMERA_SETTING_FOV_CHANGES_ALLOWED = 13 CAMERA_SETTING_INVERT_Y = 0 CAMERA_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMERA_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 16 CAMERA_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 16 CAMERA_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMERA_SETTING_SCREEN_SHAKE = 16 CAMERA_SETTING_SENSITIVITY_FIRST_PERSON = 3 CAMERA_SETTING_SENSITIVITY_THIRD_PERSON = 2 CAMERA_SETTING_SMOOTHING = 1 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_FIELD_OF_VIEW = 12 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET = 10 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_HORIZONTAL_POSITION_MULTIPLIER = 9 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_SIEGE_WEAPONRY = 14 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_VERTICAL_OFFSET = 11 CAMPAIGNBUFF_DEFENSIVE_ARTIFACT = 1 CAMPAIGNBUFF_EMPEROR = 3 CAMPAIGNBUFF_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGNBUFF_ITERATION_END = 3 CAMPAIGNBUFF_KEEP = 2 CAMPAIGNBUFF_MAX_VALUE = 3 CAMPAIGNBUFF_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMPAIGNBUFF_OFFENSIVE_ARTIFACT = 0 CAMPAIGN_AVA_RANK_FRAGMENT = table:00000144DD5BAC90 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} CAMPAIGN_AVA_RANK_GAMEPAD = table:00000143CDD406C0 (meta 0000014409E8E3F0} firstTable firstMeta icon = userdata:0000014313E50A50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} name = userdata:0000014313E508D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} rank = userdata:0000014313E50850 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusBar = userdata:0000014313E50008 (meta 00000143CDD40060} CAMPAIGN_BONUSES = table:0000014313E17840 (meta 0000014313E15470} CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E18408 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB51A580 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A35F6288 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001430A082650 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014313E18450 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313E18498 firstTable 1() = function:00000144D076EB28 3 = false control = userdata:0000014313E15868 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014310353EF8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_GAMEPAD = table:0000014428089468 (meta 00000144DD5BEEE8} firstTable firstMeta abilityList = table:0000014428089790 (meta 00000143F1192C30} control = userdata:00000144DD5B0EE0 (meta 0000014308326048} CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E1D1B248 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000014309E09EE8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143097888E0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001447D456C48 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014309E0A878 firstTable 1 = table:0000014309E0A918 firstTable 1() = function:000001447D43C028 3 = false control = userdata:00000144DD5B0EE0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014309E0FA30 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_BROWSER = table:00000143D4A60BB8 (meta 00000143D4A50C30} firstTable firstMeta alternateRowBackgrounds = true automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:00000143D4A50F90 (meta 0000014308326048} currentSortKey = name currentSortOrder = true filteredList = table:00000143A34CDC28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5F5D690 headersContainer = userdata:00000143D4A5DE38 (meta 000001430831E750} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143D4A38298 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4A2BEC0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D4A2D588 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name() = function:00000143D4A2D540 visible() = function:00000143D4A2D5D0 2 = table:0000014409E78DB8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014409E79118 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Guest visible() = function:0000014409E79160 3 = table:0000014409E791A8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D4A3A2E0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Home visible() = function:00000143D4A3A328 4 = table:00000143D4A3A370 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D4A5E198 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:0000014409E79AA8 visible() = function:00000143D4A5E1E0 alignment = 3 list = userdata:00000143D4A60208 (meta 00000143D4A60768} masterList = table:00000143A51BE648 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F8DE0648 firstTable alliancePopulation1 = 0 alliancePopulation2 = 0 alliancePopulation3 = 0 id = 80 name = Sotha Sil numFriends = 1 numGroupMembers = 0 numGuildMembers = 39 queuedGroupState = 3 queuedGroupType = 2 queuedIndividualState = 3 queuedIndividualType = 2 queues = table:00000143F5F6F308 firstTable rulesetId = 22 rulesetType = 1 type = 1 2 = table:00000143F5F761C8 3 = table:00000143C368CBF8 firstTable alliancePopulation1 = 0 alliancePopulation2 = 0 alliancePopulation3 = 0 id = 82 name = Kyne numFriends = 0 numGroupMembers = 0 numGuildMembers = 21 queuedGroupState = 3 queuedGroupType = 2 queuedIndividualState = 3 queuedIndividualType = 2 queues = table:00000144C7FFEBF0 firstTable rulesetId = 15 rulesetType = 1 type = 1 4 = table:000001447C5ED638 firstTable alliancePopulation1 = 0 alliancePopulation2 = 0 alliancePopulation3 = 0 id = 83 name = Shor numFriends = 1 numGroupMembers = 0 numGuildMembers = 27 queuedGroupState = 3 queuedGroupType = 2 queuedIndividualState = 3 queuedIndividualType = 2 queues = table:00000144CAE56308 firstTable rulesetId = 17 rulesetType = 1 type = 1 numConfirmingQueues = 0 rules = userdata:00000143D4A5DDC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} rulesetIdFilter = 14 rulesetTypes = table:00000143FBCA62E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EB8FA840 firstTable 1 = 14 2 = 22 3 = 15 4 = 17 sortFunction() = function:00000143D4A61888 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143D4A60DB0 (meta 0000014368605B08} tree = table:00000143D4A618D0 (meta 000001431679AD50} CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_FRAGMENT = table:00000144DD5BAAE8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_SCENE = table:00000143D4A3BA30 (meta 0000014368607700} CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR = table:0000014313E204F0 (meta 00000143B334B0F8} CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E2CBE0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014313E2CDB8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014313E2CE40 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000014313E2D2E8 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014313E2D330 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313E2D378 firstTable 1() = function:0000014313E2D2A0 3 = false control = userdata:000001448F8A7430 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E2CC28 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_GAMEPAD = table:00000144C753ABF0 (meta 00000143C8060C60} firstTable firstMeta UpdateReignDuration() = function:00000144C753C630 automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:00000143097A6248 (meta 0000014308326048} emptyRow = userdata:00000143E02E89A0 (meta 000001430831E750} imperialKeepPool = table:00000144C754FD10 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144C754FFC8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C7550138 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_CampaignEmperor_GamepadKeepsImperialKeep parent = userdata:000001431BD31D70 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_CampaignImperialKeep_Gamepad imperialKeeps = userdata:000001431BD31D70 (meta 000001430831E750} imperialKeepsRequired = userdata:00000143097B1258 (meta 00000143083425C0} imperialKeepsRequiredData = userdata:00000143097B12D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} leaderboardAlliances = table:00000143E02C39C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E02C3BB0 firstTable alliance = 1 allianceName = Aldmeri Dominion isCurrent = true 2 = table:00000143E02C3C30 firstTable alliance = 3 allianceName = Daggerfall Covenant isCurrent = false 3 = table:00000143E02C6740 firstTable alliance = 2 allianceName = Ebonheart Pact isCurrent = false list = userdata:000001431BD32AC8 (meta 00000144C7538EC8} firstMeta firstIndex ScrollBarHiddenCallback() = function:00000144C7550370 activeControls = table:00000144C75392B0 firstTable animation = userdata:00000144C754EFD0 (meta 00000144C753A700} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001431BD32AC8 (meta 00000144C7538EC8} autoSelect = true buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000144C753A1F0 firstTable contents = userdata:00000144C753BBB0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000144C75390D8 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000144C7538C00 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C755B8D0 firstTable height = 64 pool = table:00000144C7554E48 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144C7555088 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143C8023FA8 m_Free = table:00000144C7555288 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000144C7550C38 2 = table:00000143C80347D0 firstTable height = 64 pool = table:00000143C8031908 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143C8032B60 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143E02E6BC8 m_Free = table:00000143C8035E08 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143C802C758 3 = table:00000143C8046490 firstTable height = 64 pool = table:00000143C803F860 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143C8043A70 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143E02E69D8 m_Free = table:00000143C8048538 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143C8037520 4 = table:00000143C8049FB8 firstTable height = 64 pool = table:00000143C8049B78 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143C8049C88 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143E02ED560 m_Free = table:00000143C8049E10 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143C8049740 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000144C7538070 (meta 0000014308349FC8} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143CDD45660 (meta 00000144C75389D8} selectionCallback() = function:000001431BD2BCC8 timeline = userdata:00000144C753A588 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 64 upButton = userdata:00000143C8047318 (meta 0000014308349FC8} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000144C754CF90 firstTable listAlliance = 1 masterList = table:00000144C754AFA8 firstTable maxAllowedRank = 10 menuEntries = table:00000144C753C898 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C753CDB0 firstTable alliance = 1 callback() = function:00000143C8023DF0 textString = Aldmeri Dominion 2 = table:00000144C754E6B0 firstTable alliance = 3 callback() = function:00000143C8023F20 textString = Daggerfall Covenant 3 = table:00000144C754EB00 firstTable alliance = 2 callback() = function:00000143C802C2F8 textString = Ebonheart Pact movementController = table:00000144C753B498 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 6 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:00000144C754AD68 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 2 totalAccumulation = 0 playerRow = userdata:000001431BD32050 (meta 00000144C753C2F0} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000143C80499B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollListAsBlock = true shownAllianceIndex = 1 shownAllianceString = Aldmeri Dominion CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E02C7E98 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000144D07887A0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001430978D408 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E02D4B28 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E02D5E18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E02D73B8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E02D43A8 3 = false control = userdata:00000143097A6248 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E02CFFB0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARDS = table:00000143C802D7A0 (meta 00000143C803B090} CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARD_SYSTEM_NAME = campaignLeaderboards CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_CHAMPION_RANK = 2 CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_NONE = 0 CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_PLAYER_LEVEL = 1 CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW = table:0000014313E0B210 (meta 00000143D4A54E78} CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_FRAGMENT = table:000001431336AEE8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_SCENE = table:0000014313E0B288 (meta 0000014368607700} CAMPAIGN_POP_FULL = 3 CAMPAIGN_POP_HIGH = 2 CAMPAIGN_POP_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_POP_ITERATION_END = 3 CAMPAIGN_POP_LOW = 0 CAMPAIGN_POP_MAX_VALUE = 3 CAMPAIGN_POP_MEDIUM = 1 CAMPAIGN_POP_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_GROUP = true CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_INDIVIDUAL = false CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_CONFIRMING = 2 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_FINISHED = 3 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_ITERATION_END = 5 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 5 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_PENDING_ACCEPT = 5 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_PENDING_JOIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_PENDING_LEAVE = 4 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_WAITING = 1 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_CAMPAIGNS_DISABLED = 14 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_DISABLED = 4 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_IN_CONFLICT = 5 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_GUESTING_NOT_CURRENTLY_ALLOWED = 11 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_GUEST_AND_ASSIGNED_EQUAL = 12 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_ERROR = 9 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS = 8 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_INVALID_DB_STATE = 6 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_INVALID_DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN = 1 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_ITERATION_END = 16 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_NOT_MET = 15 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_MAX_VALUE = 16 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_NONE = 0 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_REASSIGNMENT_IN_PROGRESS = 7 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_REASSIGNMENT_ON_COOLDOWN = 3 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_REASSIGN_ON_END_INVALID = 16 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_REQUIREMENTS_NOT_MET = 13 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_UNCHANGED_DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN = 2 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_UNCHANGED_DESTINATION_PENDING_CAMPAIGN = 10 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_GUEST = 2 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_IMMEDIATE = 0 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_ON_END = 1 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_HARDCORE = 2 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_NORMAL = 1 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_SPECIAL = 3 CAMPAIGN_SCORING = table:0000014313E142A0 (meta 0000014313E10580} CAMPAIGN_SCORING_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E14B20 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014313E14DF8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014313E14E80 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000014313E15360 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014313E153A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313E153F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014313E152E0 3 = false control = userdata:0000014313E10810 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E14B68 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_SCORING_GAMEPAD = table:000001430978A3F0 (meta 00000143E02D91E0} firstTable firstMeta campaignId = 0 control = userdata:00000143E02D8238 (meta 0000014308326048} scoreSections = table:00000144D0774458 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144C751E1E8 (meta 000001442807BCD8} 2 = userdata:00000144D0771EB0 (meta 00000144D076C248} firstMeta firstIndex allianceIcon = userdata:00000144D0774B98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} allianceName = userdata:000001430978B5C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 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table:0000014313E45EA8 description = Increase Max Health by +35 per character level while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_dragonknight_024.dds index = 1 isHeader = false name = Emperorship Alliance Bonus sortIndex = 20 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_emporershipIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_emperor.dds top = 1370 typeId = 2 3 = table:0000014313E42238 firstTable bottom = 180 data = table:0000014313E35690 firstTable bonusType = 2 dataEntry = table:0000014313E42238 headerString = Enemy Keeps Owned Bonuses infoString = Enemy Keeps Held: |cffffff0|r isHeader = true sortIndex = 3 top = 130 typeId = 1 4 = table:0000014313E35720 firstTable bottom = 260 data = table:0000014313E433B0 firstTable active = false bonusType = 2 countText = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014313E35720 description = Increases experience, alliance points, and gold by 7% while in player vs. player locations. icon = 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Increase Weapon Critical and Spell Critical by 2% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_dragonknight_034.dds index = 3 isHeader = false name = Enemy Keep Bonus II sortIndex = 5 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_keepIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_keeps.dds top = 260 typeId = 2 6 = table:0000014313E356D8 firstTable bottom = 420 data = table:0000014313E43260 firstTable active = false bonusType = 2 countText = 3 dataEntry = table:0000014313E356D8 description = Increases experience, alliance points, and gold by 9%. Increase Weapon Critical and Spell Critical by 2% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_dragonknight_028.dds index = 4 isHeader = false name = Enemy Keep Bonus III sortIndex = 6 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_keepIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_keeps.dds top = 340 typeId = 2 7 = table:0000014313E46A70 firstTable bottom = 500 data = table:0000014406003DA0 firstTable active = false bonusType = 2 countText = 4 dataEntry = table:0000014313E46A70 description = Increases experience, alliance points, and gold by 9%. Increase Weapon Critical and Spell Critical by 4% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_dragonknight_031.dds index = 5 isHeader = false name = Enemy Keep Bonus IV sortIndex = 7 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_keepIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_keeps.dds top = 420 typeId = 2 8 = table:0000014313E46B60 firstTable bottom = 580 data = table:000001448F882320 firstTable active = false bonusType = 2 countText = 5 dataEntry = table:0000014313E46B60 description = Increases experience, alliance points, and gold by 11%. Increase Weapon Critical and Spell Critical by 4% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_dragonknight_032.dds index = 6 isHeader = false name = Enemy Keep Bonus V sortIndex = 8 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_keepIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_keeps.dds top = 500 typeId = 2 9 = table:0000014313E46C50 firstTable bottom = 660 data = table:00000143C8041550 firstTable active = false bonusType = 2 countText = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014313E46C50 description = Increases experience, alliance points, and gold by 11%. Increase Weapon Critical and Spell Critical by 6% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_weapon_004.dds index = 7 isHeader = false name = Enemy Keep Bonus VI sortIndex = 9 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_keepIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_keeps.dds top = 580 typeId = 2 dataTypes = table:0000014313E155A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313E18650 firstTable height = 50 pool = table:0000014313E17958 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014313E179A0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014313E17B70 m_Free = table:0000014313E183C0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000014313E17AF0 2 = table:0000014313E18A00 firstTable height = 80 pool = table:0000014313E18928 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014313E18970 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014313E18828 m_Free = table:0000014313E189B8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 6 m_NextFree = 7 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000014313E187E0 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:0000014313E1E280 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 2 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001448F8A6F30 (meta 000001431BD456F8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001431BD4AF28 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:000001431BD4AEF8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:0000014313E1A218 (meta 0000014308367FC0} upButton = userdata:0000014313E1E250 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:0000014313E45EF0 firstTable 1 = 1 10 = 10 11 = 11 12 = 12 13 = 13 14 = 14 15 = 15 16 = 16 17 = 17 18 = 18 19 = 19 2 = 2 20 = 20 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 6 = 6 7 = 7 8 = 8 9 = 9 shown = false comboBox = table:0000014313E34F90 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:0000014313E3C128 (meta 0000014313E35288} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:0000014313E34F90 (meta 000001431D56DB28} m_font = ZoFontHeader2 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_CampaignSelectorComboBox m_openDropdown = userdata:0000014313E34F00 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:0000014313E35108 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:0000014313E34F80 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:0000014313E35358 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD455C0 firstTable callback() = function:0000014313E353E8 name = Home Campaign selectedQueryType = 2 m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 8 control = userdata:000001448F8A6E30 (meta 0000014308326048} dataRegistration = table:000001431BD45578 (meta 0000014409E60C68} firstTable firstMeta needsData = false needsDataFunction() = function:000001431BD4AAD8 scenesCreated = false selectedQueryType = 2 CAMPAIGN_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E35550 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} CAMPAIGN_UNASSIGN_TYPE_GUEST = 2 CAMPAIGN_UNASSIGN_TYPE_HOME_USE_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 0 CAMPAIGN_UNASSIGN_TYPE_HOME_USE_GOLD = 1 CAMPAIGN_UNASSIGN_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_UNASSIGN_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 CAMPAIGN_UNASSIGN_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CAMPAIGN_UNASSIGN_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMP_PREF_ASSIGNED = 0 CAMP_PREF_GUEST = 1 CAMP_PREF_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMP_PREF_ITERATION_END = 1 CAMP_PREF_MAX_VALUE = 1 CAMP_PREF_MIN_VALUE = 0 CARDINAL_DIRECTION_EAST = 2 CARDINAL_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CARDINAL_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 3 CARDINAL_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CARDINAL_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CARDINAL_DIRECTION_NORTH = 0 CARDINAL_DIRECTION_SOUTH = 3 CARDINAL_DIRECTION_WEST = 1 CD_TIME_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CD_TIME_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 CD_TIME_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CD_TIME_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CD_TIME_TYPE_TIME_REMAINING = 2 CD_TIME_TYPE_TIME_UNTIL = 1 CD_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CD_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 CD_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 CD_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CD_TYPE_RADIAL = 2 CD_TYPE_VERTICAL = 1 CD_TYPE_VERTICAL_REVEAL = 3 CENTER = 128 CENTER_INFO_POINT_COUNTER_PADDING = 40 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE = table:00000143140B45D0 (meta 00000143CCBFA128} firstTable firstMeta MAJOR_LINE_HEIGHT_GAMEPAD = 51 MAJOR_LINE_HEIGHT_KEYBOARD = 38 activeLines = table:00000143D053BF28 firstTable 1 = table:000001444EEEB390 firstTable 2 = table:000001444EEEB728 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D053EA00 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D053BBB0 firstTable allLinePools = table:0000014320944820 firstTable 1 = table:00000143613A0E80 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143063C1698 m_Active = table:00000143613A0EC8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000001431B3EE178 m_Free = table:00000143613A0F10 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000144C79B9600 2 = table:000001431E0D0DD0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001431B3ED7B0 m_Active = table:000001439F6C0F50 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000001439F6C0E08 m_Free = table:000001431B3EE248 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C09F570 (meta 0000014320943200} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:000001431C09FBC0 firstTable OnLineComplete = table:000001431C09FC08 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D668A30 firstTable control = userdata:000001431C09C2C0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} dirtyEvents = table:000001431C09FB20 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 largeText = userdata:000001431C09D520 (meta 00000143083425C0} raidCompleteContainer = userdata:000001431C09F0A0 (meta 000001430831E750} raidScoreAmountLabel = userdata:000001431C09F268 (meta 00000143083425C0} raidTimeAmountLabel = userdata:000001431C09F138 (meta 00000143083425C0} raidVitalityAmountLabel = userdata:000001431C09F430 (meta 00000143083425C0} raidVitalityIcon = userdata:000001431C09F4C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} raidVitalityPercentLabel = userdata:000001431C09F560 (meta 00000143083425C0} shouldCleanupMessageParams = true smallCombinedIcon = userdata:000001431C09D830 (meta 0000014308349FC8} smallCombinedIconBG = userdata:000001431C09EF88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} smallCombinedIconFrame = userdata:000001431C09F018 (meta 0000014308349FC8} smallCombinedText = userdata:000001431C09D7A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} wipeAnimationTimeline = userdata:000001431C09FB10 (meta 000001431C09FD58} firstMeta firstIndex announcementLine = table:000001431C09F570 (meta 0000014320943200} m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:00000144C79B9600 3 = table:00000143A0C29B90 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F76EAA18 m_Active = table:00000143A0C29BD8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143613A0F58 m_Free = table:00000143F76EA9D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F76EAAB0 (meta 00000143F9F28E18} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:0000014320943650 firstTable OnLineComplete = table:00000143209437E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320943828 firstTable control = userdata:000001431B3EDCF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F76EAB28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 popInAnimationTimeline = userdata:00000143F76EAB18 (meta 00000143BC4ED0D8} firstMeta firstIndex announcementLine = table:00000143F76EAAB0 (meta 00000143F9F28E18} shouldCleanupMessageParams = true m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:00000144C79B9600 4 = table:000001431DA00748 (meta 000001436860E718} allowedCategories = table:000001444EEE99F8 firstTable barParamsPool = table:00000143D9090628 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D9090670 firstTable 1 = table:00000143206187A0 (meta 00000144DD76F118} firstTable firstMeta key = 1 showNoGain = true start = 697914 startLevel = 835 stop = 697914 type = 2 m_Factory() = function:00000143D90905A0 m_Free = table:00000143FA12F530 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:00000143D90905E8 control = userdata:000001439FAE1138 (meta 00000143E30B3AA8} firstMeta firstIndex object = table:00000143140B45D0 (meta 00000143CCBFA128} countdownLineContainer = userdata:00000143E03AD408 (meta 000001430831E750} countdownLinePool = table:000001431DA00748 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014320944A68 m_Active = table:000001431DA00790 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000001431DA005C8 m_Free = table:000001431DA007D8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000144C79B9600 displayQueue = table:000001432093E188 firstTable hasActiveLevelBar = false isBeforeMessageExpiring = false isQueueDirty = false largeLinePool = table:000001431E0D0DD0 (meta 000001436860E718} majorLineContainer = userdata:00000143140B4028 (meta 000001430831E750} majorLineContainerTimeline = userdata:00000143E03AD498 (meta 0000014308367FC0} majorLinePool = table:00000143A0C29B90 (meta 000001436860E718} messageParamsPool = table:00000143FA12F600 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143FA12F648 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320618758 (meta 000001431B3EAAA0} firstTable firstMeta barParams = table:00000143206187A0 (meta 00000144DD76F118} category = 2 csaType = 48 key = 1 lifespanMS = 3500 mainText = You are enlightened priority = 1 secondaryText = Champion Points gained at an accelerated rate. sound = EnlightenedState_Gained m_Factory() = function:00000143FA12F578 m_Free = table:000001431E0D0D88 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:00000143FA12F5B8 nextQueueIndex = 2 nextUpdateTimeSeconds = 19431.818828125 pendingMajorMessages = table:000001444EEEB148 firstTable platformStyle = table:000001431DA08488 (meta 00000143FA1359A8} firstTable applyFunction() = function:000001431DC91960 recentMessages = table:00000143D0544108 (meta 00000143CDE621E0} firstTable firstMeta expiryDelayMilliseconds = 250 recentMessages = table:00000143D05441A0 firstTable Champion = Points = gained = at = an = accelerated = rate = 19337620 smallLineContainer = userdata:00000143E03AD438 (meta 000001430831E750} smallLinePool = table:00000143613A0E80 (meta 000001436860E718} waitingQueue = table:000001444EEE7778 firstTable CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RANK_MORPH = 11 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RANK_UPDATE = 10 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT_AWARDED = 1 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ACTIVITY_COMPLETE = 53 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ARTIFACT_CONTROL_STATE = 2 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_AVENGE_KILL = 9 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_BAG_CAPACITY_CHANGED = 50 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_BANK_CAPACITY_CHANGED = 51 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND_MINUTE_WARNING = 45 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND_NEARING_VICTORY = 46 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND_OBJECTIVE = 47 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_CHAMPION_LEVEL_ACHIEVED = 24 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_CHAMPION_POINT_GAINED = 23 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_COLLECTIBLES_UPDATED = 39 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_CORONATE_EMPEROR = 3 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CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_KEEP_GATE_CHANGED = 7 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_LEVEL_GAIN = 26 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_LORE_BOOK_LEARNED = 17 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_LORE_BOOK_LEARNED_SKILL_EXPERIENCE = 18 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_LORE_COLLECTION_COMPLETED = 15 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_LORE_COLLECTION_COMPLETED_SKILL_EXPERIENCE = 16 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 54 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETED = 27 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_RESULT = 0 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_POI_DISCOVERED = 33 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_QUEST_ADDED = 32 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_QUEST_COMPLETE = 29 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_QUEST_CONDITION_COUNTER_CHANGED = 31 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_QUEST_OPTIONAL_STEP_ADVANCED = 30 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_RAID_TRIAL = 21 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_REVENGE_KILL = 8 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_RIDING_SKILL_IMPROVEMENT = 40 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SINGLE_COLLECTIBLE_UPDATED = 38 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SKILL_LINE_ADDED = 12 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SKILL_POINTS_GAINED = 20 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SKILL_POINTS_PARTIAL_GAINED = 19 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SKILL_RANK_UPDATE = 13 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SKILL_XP_UPDATE = 14 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SYSTEM_BROADCAST = 37 CHAMPION_KEYBIND_STRIP_FADE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143DE374930 (meta 000001431C5A46A8} CHAMPION_PERKS = table:0000014428052BC8 (meta 000001431BD5C180} firstTable firstMeta canvasControl = userdata:00000143C8055560 (meta 000001430831E750} chosenAttributeTypeEarnedPointCounter = userdata:00000143A35CC5D8 (meta 00000143F0F8ACE0} chosenAttributeTypePointCounter = userdata:00000143F0F8AED0 (meta 00000143F0F8B0C8} control = userdata:00000143F0F96EA8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirty = false gamepadChosenConstellationControl = userdata:00000143F0F96550 (meta 000001430831E750} gamepadChosenConstellationFragment = 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nameLabel = userdata:00000143CDD12010 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsSpinner = table:000001442806DA98 (meta 00000143C3445A30} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 constrainRangeFunc() = function:00000143ED5CD718 control = userdata:00000143CDD12098 (meta 000001430831E750} decreaseButton = userdata:00000143CDD12128 (meta 0000014308331CA0} dirtyEvents = table:000001442806DB10 firstTable display = userdata:000001442806D970 (meta 00000143083425C0} enabled = true errorColor = table:0000014345F117D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:00000143CDD121B8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} max = inf min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} spinnerDownSound = Champion_SpinnerDown spinnerUpSound = Champion_SpinnerUp step = 1 value = inf 10 = userdata:0000014313E075D8 (meta 00000143CB533E00} firstMeta firstIndex nameLabel = userdata:00000143CB533A50 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsSpinner = table:00000143CB533ED0 (meta 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CHATTER_LOOT_REMOVE_RADIUS_TARGET = 705 CHATTER_LOOT_UPDATE = 707 CHATTER_MAX_VALUE = 10000 CHATTER_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHATTER_OFFER_QUEST_BESTOWAL = 201 CHATTER_OPEN_GUILDBANK = 3301 CHATTER_OPEN_HOOKPOINT_STORE = 1001 CHATTER_OPEN_MAIL = 901 CHATTER_OPEN_TRADINGHOUSE = 3401 CHATTER_OPTION_ERROR = table:00000143207F2580 firstTable 102 = 6125 103 = 6126 104 = 6127 105 = 6125 107 = 6128 108 = 6129 3902 = 6130 CHATTER_PACKUP_SIEGE = 1104 CHATTER_PICK_LOCK = 2803 CHATTER_PLACE_GUILDKIOSK_BID = 3801 CHATTER_PROMPT_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 1601 CHATTER_PROMPT_CRAFT = 2901 CHATTER_PROMPT_DYE_STATION = 801 CHATTER_PROMPT_LOCK = 2801 CHATTER_PROMPT_RETRAIT = 4701 CHATTER_PURCHASE_GUILDKIOSK = 3901 CHATTER_REPAIR_SIEGE = 1102 CHATTER_RESEARCH_ITEM = 2904 CHATTER_RESET = 2 CHATTER_RESET_DURATION = 3 CHATTER_SHOW_BOOK = 2501 CHATTER_SHOW_GRAVEYARD_TRAVEL = 2401 CHATTER_SHOW_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM = 2601 CHATTER_SHOW_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE = 3501 CHATTER_SHOW_KEEP_TRAVEL = 2101 CHATTER_SHOW_STONE_MASON = 3701 CHATTER_START_ADVANCE_COMPLETABLE_QUEST_CONDITIONS = 4000 CHATTER_START_BANK = 1200 CHATTER_START_BOOK = 2500 CHATTER_START_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 1600 CHATTER_START_COMPLETE_QUEST = 300 CHATTER_START_CRAFT = 2900 CHATTER_START_DOOR = 2700 CHATTER_START_DYE_STATION = 800 CHATTER_START_FISH = 3200 CHATTER_START_GIVE_ITEM = 400 CHATTER_START_GRAVEYARD_TRAVEL = 2400 CHATTER_START_GUILDBANK = 3300 CHATTER_START_GUILDKIOSK_BID = 3800 CHATTER_START_GUILDKIOSK_PURCHASE = 3900 CHATTER_START_HARVEST = 3000 CHATTER_START_HIDEYHOLE = 4300 CHATTER_START_KEEP = 2000 CHATTER_START_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM = 2600 CHATTER_START_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE = 3500 CHATTER_START_KEEP_PIECE = 1000 CHATTER_START_KEEP_TRAVEL = 2100 CHATTER_START_LEARN_TABLET = 3600 CHATTER_START_LOCK = 2800 CHATTER_START_LOOT = 700 CHATTER_START_MAIL = 900 CHATTER_START_NEW_QUEST_BESTOWAL = 200 CHATTER_START_PAY_BOUNTY = 500 CHATTER_START_PICKPOCKET = 4100 CHATTER_START_REPAIR_ALL = 4200 CHATTER_START_RETRAIT = 4700 CHATTER_START_SHOP = 600 CHATTER_START_SIEGE = 1100 CHATTER_START_STABLE = 3100 CHATTER_START_STONE_MASON = 3700 CHATTER_START_TALK = 100 CHATTER_START_TRADINGHOUSE = 3400 CHATTER_START_USE_CLEMENCY = 4400 CHATTER_START_USE_FURNITURE = 4600 CHATTER_START_USE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS = 4500 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE = 101 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_CLEMENCY_COOLDOWN = 108 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_CLEMENCY_DISABLED = 107 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_INTIMIDATE_DISABLED = 103 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_MONEY = 102 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_PAY_BOUNTY = 105 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_PERSUADE_DISABLED = 104 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS_UNAVAILABLE = 110 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_USE_CLEMENCY = 106 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_USE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS = 109 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ENABLED = 0 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ENABLED_FOR_LOCAL_PLAYER = 1 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ENABLED_ONLY_FROM_CONTACTS = 2 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 3 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_SPEED_MODIFIER = 3 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 48 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_BLOCK_ABSORBED_DEFEND = 58 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DEATH = 61 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DIRECT_DAMAGE = 51 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DIRECT_HEAL = 53 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DODGE_PARRY_MISS = 57 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DOT = 52 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DRAIN = 56 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_ENERGIZE = 55 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_EXPERIENCE = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_GAINED_EFFECT = 49 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_HOT = 54 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_LOST_EFFECT = 50 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_OTHER = 60 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_RANK_POINTS = 47 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_RESIST = 59 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_TELVAR_STONES = 46 CHAT_CATEGORY_EMOTE = 8 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_1 = 10 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_2 = 11 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_3 = 12 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_4 = 13 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_5 = 14 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_CHANNELS = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_COMBAT = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_GUILDS = 10 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_ITERATION_END = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_MAX_VALUE = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 61 CHAT_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 61 CHAT_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_EMOTE = 44 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_SAY = 41 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_WHISPER = 43 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_YELL = 42 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_1 = 15 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_2 = 16 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_3 = 17 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_4 = 18 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_5 = 19 CHAT_CATEGORY_PARTY = 7 CHAT_CATEGORY_SAY = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_SYSTEM = 9 CHAT_CATEGORY_WHISPER_INCOMING = 3 CHAT_CATEGORY_WHISPER_OUTGOING = 4 CHAT_CATEGORY_YELL = 2 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE = 6 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_ENGLISH = 20 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_FRENCH = 21 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_GERMAN = 22 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_JAPANESE = 23 CHAT_CHANNEL_EMOTE = 6 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_1 = 12 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_2 = 13 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_3 = 14 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_4 = 15 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_5 = 16 CHAT_CHANNEL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHAT_CHANNEL_ITERATION_END = 35 CHAT_CHANNEL_MAX_VALUE = 35 CHAT_CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_EMOTE = 10 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_SAY = 7 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_WHISPER = 9 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_YELL = 8 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_1 = 17 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_2 = 18 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_3 = 19 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_4 = 20 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_5 = 21 CHAT_CHANNEL_PARTY = 3 CHAT_CHANNEL_SAY = 0 CHAT_CHANNEL_SYSTEM = 11 CHAT_CHANNEL_UNUSED_1 = 5 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_1 = 22 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_2 = 23 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_3 = 24 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_4 = 25 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_5 = 26 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_6 = 27 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_7 = 28 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_8 = 29 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_9 = 30 CHAT_CHANNEL_WHISPER = 2 CHAT_CHANNEL_WHISPER_SENT = 4 CHAT_CHANNEL_YELL = 1 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE = 31 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_1 = 32 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_2 = 33 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_3 = 34 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_4 = 35 CHAT_MENU_GAMEPAD = table:00000143D317B7A8 (meta 0000014309880110} CHAT_MENU_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:00000143D317B7F0 (meta 0000014368607700} CHAT_OPTIONS = table:00000143C0267840 (meta 0000014314118BC0} firstTable firstMeta CHAT_SYSTEM = table:00000143D70D2868 (meta 00000143C0273928} CHECK_MOVEMENT_BEFORE_INTERACT_OR_ACTION = false CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_ADDITIVE = 1 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_COLOR_DODGE = 2 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_ITERATION_END = 2 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_NORMAL = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_ANIMATED = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_FULL = 1 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_ITERATION_END = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_STATIC_CELLS = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_RING = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE_COLOR = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE_COLOR_FADING = 1 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_HEADSET = 3 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_INVALID = 7 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 7 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_KEYBOARD = 1 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_KEYPAD = 5 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 7 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_MOUSE = 2 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_MOUSEPAD = 4 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_SYSTEM = 6 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 2 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 4 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 5 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 5 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 5 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 3 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_RANDOM_COLORS = 2 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_TWO_COLORS = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 2 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM_KEY = 8 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 9 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 9 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 9 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_REACTIVE = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_RESERVED = 7 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 5 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_WAVE = 6 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_A = 770 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_B = 1031 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_BACKSPACE = 270 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_C = 1029 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_CAPSLOCK = 769 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_D = 772 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_DELETE = 527 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_DOWN = 1296 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_E = 516 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_END = 528 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_ENTER = 782 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_ESC = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_EUR_1_KOR_2 = 781 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_EUR_2_KOR_3 = 1026 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F = 773 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F1 = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F10 = 12 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F11 = 13 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F12 = 14 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F2 = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F3 = 5 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F4 = 6 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F5 = 7 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F6 = 8 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F7 = 9 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F8 = 10 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F9 = 11 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_FN = 1292 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_G = 774 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_H = 775 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_HOME = 272 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_I = 521 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_INSERT = 271 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_INVALID = 65535 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_ITERATION_END = 65535 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_J = 776 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_1_KOR_1 = 21 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_2_KOR_4 = 1037 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_3_KOR_5 = 1284 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_4_KOR_6 = 1289 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_5_KOR_7 = 1290 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_K = 777 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_L = 778 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LALT = 1283 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LCTRL = 1281 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT = 1295 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LSHIFT = 1025 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LWIN = 1282 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_M = 1033 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO1 = 256 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO2 = 512 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO3 = 768 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO4 = 1024 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO5 = 1280 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MAX_VALUE = 65535 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_N = 1032 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM0 = 267 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM1 = 258 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM2 = 259 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM3 = 260 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM4 = 261 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM5 = 262 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM6 = 263 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM7 = 264 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM8 = 265 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM9 = 266 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMLOCK = 274 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD0 = 1299 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD1 = 1042 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD2 = 1043 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD3 = 1044 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD4 = 786 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD5 = 787 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD6 = 788 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD7 = 530 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD8 = 531 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD9 = 532 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_ADD = 533 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_DECIMAL = 1300 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_DIVIDE = 275 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_ENTER = 1045 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_MULTIPLY = 276 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT = 277 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_O = 522 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_1 = 257 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_10 = 1035 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_11 = 1036 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_2 = 268 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_3 = 269 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_4 = 524 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_5 = 525 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_6 = 526 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_7 = 779 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_8 = 780 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_9 = 1034 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_P = 523 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_PAGEDOWN = 529 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_PAGEUP = 273 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_PAUSE = 17 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_PRINTSCREEN = 15 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_Q = 514 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_R = 517 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RALT = 1291 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RCTRL = 1294 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT = 1297 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RMENU = 1293 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RSHIFT = 1038 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_S = 771 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_SCROLL = 16 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_SPACE = 1287 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_T = 518 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_TAB = 513 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_U = 520 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_UP = 1040 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_V = 1030 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_W = 515 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_X = 1028 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_Y = 519 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_Z = 1027 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_INVALID = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_END = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_LONG = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MAX_VALUE = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MEDIUM = 2 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_SHORT = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 2 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_RANDOM_COLORS = 2 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_TWO_COLORS = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 2 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 7 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 7 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 7 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_REACTIVE = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 4 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 5 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_WAVE = 6 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_INVALID = 4 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_END = 4 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_LONG = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MAX_VALUE = 4 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MEDIUM = 2 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_SHORT = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 2 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_RANDOM_COLORS = 2 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_TWO_COLORS = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 2 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 6 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 6 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 6 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 4 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_WAVE = 5 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM1 = 1537 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM2 = 1538 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM3 = 1539 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM4 = 1540 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM5 = 1541 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_INVALID = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_ITERATION_END = 1541 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE1 = 256 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE2 = 512 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE3 = 768 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE4 = 1024 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE5 = 1280 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_MAX_VALUE = 1541 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE1 = 262 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE2 = 518 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE3 = 774 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE4 = 1030 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE5 = 1286 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 2 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 4 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 4 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 4 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ONE_COLOR = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_RANDOM_COLORS = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_TWO_COLORS = 2 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_BLINKING = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 2 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM2 = 8 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 9 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 9 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 9 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_REACTIVE = 4 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 5 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 6 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_WAVE = 7 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BACKLIGHT = 1027 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM1 = 2049 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM2 = 2050 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM3 = 2051 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM4 = 2052 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM5 = 2053 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_INVALID = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_ITERATION_END = 2053 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE1 = 256 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE2 = 512 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE3 = 768 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE4 = 1024 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE5 = 1280 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE6 = 1536 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE7 = 1792 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LOGO = 1795 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_MAX_VALUE = 2053 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE1 = 262 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE2 = 518 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE3 = 774 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE4 = 1030 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE5 = 1286 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE6 = 1542 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE7 = 1798 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_SCROLLWHEEL = 515 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_LONG = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MEDIUM = 2 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_SHORT = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_BACK_TO_FRONT = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_FRONT_TO_BACK = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_CAMPAIGN_NOT_READY = 4 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_DUPLICATE_CLAIM_IN_PROGRESS = 8 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_GUILD_ALREADY_HAS_KEEP = 16 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION = 11 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_INTERNAL_ERROR = 12 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_WORLD = 3 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 16 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_ALREADY_CLAIMED = 7 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 5 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_NOT_CLAIMABLE = 6 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_NOT_OWNED_BY_ALLIANCE = 14 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_NOT_OWNED_BY_GUILD_ALLIANCE = 15 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 16 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_NOT_IN_CAMPAIGN = 2 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_NOT_IN_GUILD = 10 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_SOCIAL_DISABLED = 9 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_STILL_ON_COOLDOWN = 13 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS = 1 CLEAR_CURSOR_FRAGMENT = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} CLIENT_INPUT = table:00000143E0DB1460 (meta 00000143E0DAE370} CODEX_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:0000014313E391F0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_DLC = 1 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_HOUSING = 2 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_ITERATION_END = 3 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_MAX_VALUE = 3 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_NONE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ABILITY_SKIN = 23 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ACCOUNT_SERVICE = 7 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ACCOUNT_UPGRADE = 6 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ASSISTANT = 8 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_BODY_MARKING = 18 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_CHAPTER = 22 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_COSTUME = 4 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_DLC = 1 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_EMOTE = 21 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_FACIAL_ACCESSORY = 15 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_FACIAL_HAIR_HORNS = 14 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_FURNITURE = 20 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HAIR = 13 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HAT = 10 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HEAD_MARKING = 17 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HOUSE = 19 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_INVALID = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 24 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 24 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MEMENTO = 5 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MOUNT = 2 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_PERSONALITY = 9 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_PIERCING_JEWELRY = 16 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_POLYMORPH = 12 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_SKIN = 11 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_TROPHY = 5 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_VANITY_PET = 3 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_FISH = 1 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_NONE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_TROPHY = 2 COLLECTIBLE_LINK_TYPE = collectible COLLECTIBLE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 20 COLLECTIBLE_NAME_MIN_LENGTH = 3 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_ALLIANCE = 2 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_CLASS = 3 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_GENDER = 0 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_RACE = 1 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_ITERATION_END = 2 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_LOCKED = 0 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 2 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_UNLOCKED_OWNED = 2 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_UNLOCKED_SUBSCRIPTION = 1 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_BLOCKED_BY_ZONE = 1 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_DEAD = 3 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_INVALID_ALLIANCE = 7 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_INVALID_CLASS = 10 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_INVALID_COLLECTIBLE = 4 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_INVALID_GENDER = 5 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_INVALID_RACE = 6 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_IN_WATER = 2 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_ITERATION_END = 12 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 12 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_NOT_BLOCKED = 0 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_ON_COOLDOWN = 9 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_ON_MOUNT = 12 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_PLACED_IN_HOUSE = 8 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_TARGET_REQUIRED = 11 COLLECTIONS_BOOK = table:0000014369125260 (meta 00000143A98CA1E0} COLLECTIONS_BOOK_FRAGMENT = table:000001445842AC10 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} COLLECTIONS_BOOK_SCENE = table:0000014369128DD8 (meta 0000014368607700} COLLECTIONS_BOOK_SINGLETON = table:00000143CCAEB3D0 (meta 00000143CCAEA968} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:0000014369125680 firstTable OnCollectibleNewStatusRemoved = table:0000014369125CC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014369125D10 firstTable 1() = function:0000014369125C80 3 = false 2 = table:00000144C25834D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C2583488 3 = false 3 = table:00000143CCAF8568 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCAF8520 3 = false 4 = table:00000143C025F750 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C0262AB0 3 = false OnCollectibleUpdated = table:0000014369125808 firstTable 1 = table:00000143691258A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143691257C0 3 = false 2 = table:00000144C2583008 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C2582FC0 3 = false 3 = table:00000143CCAF8A60 firstTable 1() = function:0000014314A4F3A8 3 = false 4 = table:00000143EA535E30 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EA5371A0 3 = false 5 = table:00000143B147DC18 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B147DBD0 3 = false OnCollectiblesUpdated = table:0000014369125AA0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014369125AE8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014369125A58 3 = false 2 = table:00000143CCAF4A20 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCAF49D8 3 = false 3 = table:00000143CCAF8C80 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCAF8C38 3 = false 4 = table:00000143EA532CB0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EA5336D0 3 = false 5 = table:00000143CCAF8BF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B147DBD0 3 = false OnCollectionNotificationRemoved = table:0000014369125BD0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014369125C18 firstTable 1() = function:0000014369125B88 3 = false 2 = table:00000144C2582790 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C2582748 3 = false 3 = table:00000143CCAF8458 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCAF8410 3 = false 4 = table:00000143C02632C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C0263D80 3 = false OnCollectionUpdated = table:0000014369125970 firstTable 1 = table:00000143691259B8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014369125928 3 = false 2 = table:00000143CCAF4958 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C2583088 3 = false 3 = table:00000143CCAF8B70 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCAF8B28 3 = false 4 = table:00000143EA534620 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EA535F48 3 = false 5 = table:00000143CCAF8AE0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B147DBD0 3 = false OnUpdateCooldowns = table:000001431DC96060 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DC960A8 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DC95FE0 3 = false 2 = table:000001431DC96620 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DC96EB0 3 = false 3 = table:00000143F8BAC4D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F8BAC458 3 = false 4 = table:00000143A42F67E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C2583550 3 = false UpdateSearchResults = table:00000143691256C8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014369125740 firstTable 1() = function:00000143691255B0 3 = false categoriesWithNewCollectibles = table:00000143CCAEB4A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C7542E78 firstTable categoryOrSubcategoriesHaveAnyNew = false hasAnyNew = false subcategories = table:00000144C7542EC0 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 10 = table:00000143DFA51548 firstTable categoryOrSubcategoriesHaveAnyNew = false hasAnyNew = false 11 = table:00000143DFA51640 firstTable categoryOrSubcategoriesHaveAnyNew = false hasAnyNew = false 2 = table:00000143DFA50ED8 firstTable categoryOrSubcategoriesHaveAnyNew = false hasAnyNew = false 3 = table:00000143DFA50FD8 firstTable categoryOrSubcategoriesHaveAnyNew = false hasAnyNew = false subcategories = table:00000143DFA51078 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false 9 = false 4 = table:00000143D4A64C40 firstTable categoryOrSubcategoriesHaveAnyNew = false hasAnyNew = false subcategories = table:00000143D4A64C88 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false 5 = table:00000143DFA510C0 firstTable categoryOrSubcategoriesHaveAnyNew = false hasAnyNew = false subcategories = table:00000143DFA511E0 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false 6 = table:00000143DFA51318 firstTable categoryOrSubcategoriesHaveAnyNew = false hasAnyNew = false 7 = table:00000143DFA51360 firstTable categoryOrSubcategoriesHaveAnyNew = false hasAnyNew = false 8 = table:00000143DFA513A8 firstTable categoryOrSubcategoriesHaveAnyNew = false hasAnyNew = false 9 = table:00000143DFA51478 firstTable categoryOrSubcategoriesHaveAnyNew = false hasAnyNew = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CCAEB418 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 ownedHouses = table:00000143CCAEB460 firstTable 1061 = table:00000143CCAEB8E8 firstTable houseId = 2 1077 = table:00000143CCAEB7F8 firstTable houseId = 18 1242 = table:00000143CCAEB870 firstTable houseId = 42 searchResults = table:00000143CCAEB4F0 firstTable searchSpecializationFilters = table:00000143CCAEB538 firstTable searchString = COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY_SINGLETON = table:00000143D616F580 (meta 00000143D616F1A8} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1377760 firstTable FullCollectionsInventoryUpdate = table:00000143E13777A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1377820 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1371080 3 = false 2 = table:00000143A34C6280 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A34C6238 3 = false SingleCollectionsInventoryUpdate = table:00000143E13778C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1377960 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1371080 3 = false 2 = table:00000143A34C6348 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A34C6300 3 = false collectionsData = table:00000143D616F610 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6170AF0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 2 collectibleId = 1 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_horse_i.dds name = Palomino Horse nickname = Fishystick stackSellPrice = -1 101 = table:00000143D6173B88 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 101 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_imperial_02.dds name = Battlemage Tribune Armor nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1044 = table:00000143A42E7F50 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 15 collectibleId = 1044 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/adornment_unisex_human+khajiit_fangnosechain.dds name = Eight-Fang Nose Chain nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1056 = table:00000143A42E9BB8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 17 collectibleId = 1056 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/marking_face_unisex_all_antlers.dds name = Uricanbeg Antlers Face Tattoo nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1057 = table:00000143A42EA120 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 17 collectibleId = 1057 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/marking_face_unisex_all_spriggan.dds name = Wyrd Root Face Tattoo nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1058 = table:00000143A42E9E88 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 17 collectibleId = 1058 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/marking_face_unisex_all_wildvines.dds name = Wild Vines Face Tattoo nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1061 = table:00000143A42EF8B0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 19 collectibleId = 1061 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_dc_inn.dds name = The Rosy Lion nickname = Daggerfall Inn stackSellPrice = -1 1077 = table:00000143A42ECAD8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 19 collectibleId = 1077 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_breton_large.dds name = Gardner House nickname = Wayrest House stackSellPrice = -1 108 = table:00000143D6178AD0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 108 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_soulshriven_01.dds name = Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 109 = table:00000143D6177420 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 109 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_soulshriven_02.dds name = Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 11 = table:00000143D61721D8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 11 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_013.dds name = Imgakin Monkey nickname = Raisins stackSellPrice = -1 110 = table:00000143D6177170 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 110 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_soulshriven_03.dds name = Soul-Shriven Armor Outfit nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1107 = table:00000143CCAF59F8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 10 collectibleId = 1107 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/hat_jestersfestcap_01.dds name = Crown of Misrule nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1108 = table:00000143CCAED548 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 1108 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/event_jestersfestival_2016_cherry_blossom_branch.dds name = Cherry Blossom Branch nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1109 = table:00000143CCAEBFF8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 1109 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/collectable_memento_2ndanniversarycake.dds name = 2nd Annual Jubilee Cake nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 111 = table:00000143D6171E48 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 111 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_027.dds name = Fennec Fox nickname = Li'l Vixen stackSellPrice = -1 1110 = table:00000143A42EFEA0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 20 collectibleId = 1110 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_veterantrialargonianbehemoth001.dds name = Bust: Argonian Behemoth nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1121 = table:00000143A42F1618 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 20 collectibleId = 1121 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_veterangrievoustwilightdusk001.dds name = Bust: Lord Warden Dusk nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1126 = table:00000143A42F1068 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 20 collectibleId = 1126 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_veteraniceatronach001.dds name = Bust: Iceheart nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1137 = table:00000143A42F1FD0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 20 collectibleId = 1137 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_veterantrialairatronach001.dds name = Bust: Ra Kotu nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1144 = table:00000143D6172688 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 1144 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_131.dds name = Molag Amur Cliff Strider^n nickname = Leatherwing stackSellPrice = -1 1145 = table:00000143D61704B8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 2 collectibleId = 1145 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_horse_p.dds name = Dwarven War Horse nickname = Mzangth stackSellPrice = -1 1155 = table:00000143D6171728 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 1155 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_126.dds name = Dwarven Spider Pet nickname = Arachnimunculus stackSellPrice = -1 1158 = table:00000143CCAF2590 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 1158 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/collectable_memento_dawnshard.dds name = Twilight Shard nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1161 = table:00000143D6170340 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 2 collectibleId = 1161 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_dwarvenbear_a.dds name = Dwarven Bear nickname = Btham Ahrk stackSellPrice = -1 1165 = table:00000143D616F8F0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 1 collectibleId = 1165 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_hornsofthereach_collecatable.dds name = Dungeon: Bloodroot Forge nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1166 = table:00000143D6176A28 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 1166 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_scarletjudge_01.dds name = Regalia of the Scarlet Judge nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1167 = table:00000143CCAF1FB0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 1167 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_pie001.dds name = The Pie of Misrule nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 117 = table:00000143CCAEBA20 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 117 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_winterscout_03.dds name = West Skyrim Scout Outfit nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1171 = table:00000143A42F7B08 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 20 collectibleId = 1171 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_maptablehousing001.dds name = Vvardenfell Scale Model nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1181 = table:00000143CCAEE4F0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 1181 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/memento_puzzleball.dds name = Dwarven Puzzle Orb nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1182 = table:00000143CCAEE810 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 1182 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/memento_tuningfork.dds name = Dwarven Tonal Forks nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1184 = table:00000143D61705B8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 2 collectibleId = 1184 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_wolf_e.dds name = Gorne Striped Wolf Mount nickname = Loper stackSellPrice = -1 1199 = table:00000143A42E77A0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 13 collectibleId = 1199 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/hair_unisex_humanoid_whiteriverbraids.dds name = White River Braids nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1203 = table:00000143A42E7B58 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 15 collectibleId = 1203 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/adornment_dwarfstylesungoggles.dds name = Dwarf-Style Sun Goggles nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1204 = table:00000143A42E7C40 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 15 collectibleId = 1204 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/adornment_dwemerimonocularcontrivance.dds name = Dwemeri Monocular Contrivance nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1205 = table:00000143A42E7A78 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 15 collectibleId = 1205 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/adornment_dwarfstylebrowshields.dds name = Dwarf-Style Brow Shields nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1207 = table:00000143A42E7E08 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 15 collectibleId = 1207 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/adornment_nchulefttonalvisor.dds name = Nchuleft Tonal Visor nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 121 = table:00000143D61735F8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 121 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_ashlander_01.dds name = Ashlander Mabrigash Travel Wear nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1215 = table:00000143A42E32C8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 10 collectibleId = 1215 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/hat_quiltedsnood.dds name = Sadrith Mora Quilted Snood nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1220 = table:00000143CCAF5D20 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 10 collectibleId = 1220 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/hat_deepelfexecutionershood.dds name = Dwarven Master Miter nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1228 = table:00000143CCAF0E70 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 1228 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/memento_dwarvenlightningstaff.dds name = Neramo's Lightning Stick nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1229 = table:00000143CCAEE1E8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 1229 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/memento_bell.dds name = Dreamer's Chime nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1231 = table:00000143D61736C8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 1231 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_warden_01.dds name = Austere Warden Outfit nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1233 = table:00000143A42E92C8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 17 collectibleId = 1233 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/markings_face_moragtong_01.dds name = Morag Tong Face Tattoo nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1234 = table:00000143CCAF4B30 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 9 collectibleId = 1234 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/personality_telvannimage.dds name = Telvanni Magister nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1235 = table:00000143A42EA3E8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 18 collectibleId = 1235 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/markings_body_buoyantarmiger.dds name = Buoyant Armiger Body Tattoos nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1236 = table:00000143CCAF1730 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 1236 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/memento_dwemertonalinverter.dds name = Replica Tonal Inverter nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1240 = table:00000143D616F770 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 1 collectibleId = 1240 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_cwc_collectable.dds name = Clockwork City nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1242 = table:00000143A42EE530 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 19 collectibleId = 1242 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_viveccityinn_01.dds name = Saint Delyn Penthouse nickname = Vivec City Inn stackSellPrice = -1 1248 = table:00000143CCAF6408 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 10 collectibleId = 1248 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/hat_midyearvictorslaurelwreath.dds name = Midyear Victor's Laurel Wreath nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 125 = table:00000143D61757D0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 125 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_nedic_02.dds name = Nedic Duraki Armor nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1255 = table:00000143A42F8680 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 21 collectibleId = 1255 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/emote_politeteabag.dds name = Teatime nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1256 = table:00000143CCAF3770 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 6 collectibleId = 1256 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/entitlement_moragtongconversion.dds name = Morag Tong Conversion nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1262 = table:00000143A42F8408 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 21 collectibleId = 1262 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/emote_kma.dds name = Kiss This nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1263 = table:00000143A42F7EE0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 21 collectibleId = 1263 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/emote_bellylaugh.dds name = Belly Laugh nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1264 = table:00000143A42F8180 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 21 collectibleId = 1264 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/emote_diequiet.dds name = Go Quietly nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1265 = table:00000143A42F3A50 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 20 collectibleId = 1265 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_mountedtrophyargonianbehemoth001.dds name = Trophy: Argonian Behemoth nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1266 = table:00000143A42F4348 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 20 collectibleId = 1266 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_mountedtrophycaptainblackheart001.dds name = Trophy: Captain Blackheart nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1276 = table:00000143A42F5348 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 20 collectibleId = 1276 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_mountedtrophygrevioustwilight001.dds name = Trophy: Lord Warden Dusk nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1292 = table:00000143A42F5D80 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 20 collectibleId = 1292 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_mountedtrophyairatronach001.dds name = Trophy: Ra Kotu nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1293 = table:00000143A42F60A0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 20 collectibleId = 1293 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_mountedtrophytrialgrievoustwilight001.dds name = Trophy: Rakkhat, Fang of Lorkhaj nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1299 = table:00000143A42F3D60 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 20 collectibleId = 1299 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_mountedtrophydwarvencolossus001.dds name = Trophy: Assembly General nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 13 = table:00000143D6172DD8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 13 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_001.dds name = Rufous Mudcrab nickname = Crabcakes stackSellPrice = -1 1302 = table:00000143A42EAAF0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 18 collectibleId = 1302 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/markings_body_moragtong_01.dds name = Morag Tong Body Tattoo nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1308 = table:00000143A42E83A8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 17 collectibleId = 1308 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/markings_face_buoyantarmiger.dds name = Buoyant Armiger Face Tattoo nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1321 = table:00000143A42E9910 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 17 collectibleId = 1321 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/marking_face_unisex_all_sanguinesroseredliptint.dds name = Sanguine's Rose Red Lip Tint nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1322 = table:00000143A42E8CA0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 17 collectibleId = 1322 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/marking_face_unisex_all_dremoraskisspurpleliptint.dds name = Dremora's Kiss Purple Lip Tint nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1329 = table:00000143A42E95F8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 17 collectibleId = 1329 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/marking_face_unisex_all_nocturnalindigoliptint.dds name = Nocturnal Indigo Lip Tint nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1339 = table:00000143A42E5FB8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 10 collectibleId = 1339 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/hat_scarecrowupgrade.dds name = Thicketman Spectre Mask nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1341 = table:00000143A42EAE08 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 18 collectibleId = 1341 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/marking_body_unisex_all_serpentineinterlace.dds name = Serpentine Interlace Body Tattoo nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1343 = table:00000143A42EA828 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 18 collectibleId = 1343 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/marking_body_unisex_all_karthwolf.dds name = Karthwolf Body Tattoo nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1344 = table:00000143A42E8F98 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 17 collectibleId = 1344 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/marking_face_unisex_all_karthwolf.dds name = Karthwolf Face Tattoo nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1355 = table:00000143D616F9D0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 1 collectibleId = 1355 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_hornsofthereach_collecatable.dds name = Dungeon: Falkreath Hold nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1383 = table:00000143CCAEDC28 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 1383 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/memento_death_01.dds name = Crow's Calling nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1385 = table:00000143CCAF0860 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 1385 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/memento_death_03.dds name = Murderous Strike nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1397 = table:00000143A42E8978 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 17 collectibleId = 1397 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/marking_face_u_dreadhorn.dds name = Dreadhorn Face Tattoo nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1398 = table:00000143A42EA600 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 18 collectibleId = 1398 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/marking_body_u_dreadhorn.dds name = Dreadhorn Body Tattoo nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 1399 = table:00000143A42E8698 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 17 collectibleId = 1399 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/marking_face_u_dragoncult.dds name = Dragon Cult Face Tattoo nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 145 = table:00000143D6171100 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 145 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_033.dds name = Bal Foyen Nix-Hound nickname = Skeeter stackSellPrice = -1 149 = table:00000143D61732C8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 149 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_036.dds name = Stonefire Scamp nickname = Brimstone stackSellPrice = -1 154 = table:00000143D616FE68 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 1 collectibleId = 154 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_icdlc_collectable.dds name = Imperial City nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 158 = table:00000143D6172F98 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 158 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_041.dds name = Sanguine's Black Goat nickname = Whisper stackSellPrice = -1 16 = table:00000143D6172010 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 16 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_018.dds name = High Hrothgar Wraith nickname = Tinsel stackSellPrice = -1 160 = table:00000143D6171CC0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 160 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_050.dds name = Echalette nickname = Skitters stackSellPrice = -1 17 = table:00000143D61725C0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 17 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_020.dds name = Loyal Dwarven Sphere nickname = Gyro stackSellPrice = -1 174 = table:00000143CCAF5160 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 10 collectibleId = 174 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_cadwellshelm_01.dds name = Cadwell's Helm of Heroism nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 18 = table:00000143D6170720 firstTable active = true age = -1 categoryType = 2 collectibleId = 18 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_guar_a.dds name = Green Narsis Guar nickname = Narsty stackSellPrice = -1 204 = table:00000143D6178DD0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 204 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_orcmale_mid_01.dds name = Summit Lord's Silken Robes nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 206 = table:00000143D61766B0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 206 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_wrothgarking_01.dds name = Regalia of the Orsimer King nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 213 = table:00000143A42E70E0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 12 collectibleId = 213 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_arenabaron_01.dds name = Maelstrom Baron nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 215 = table:00000143D616FDD0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 1 collectibleId = 215 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_orsiniumdlc_collectable.dds name = Orsinium nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 220 = table:00000143A42E61B8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 10 collectibleId = 220 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_auricmask_01.dds name = Vosh Rakh Ceremonial Mask nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 222 = table:00000143D6172778 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 222 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_080.dds name = Mossy Netch Calf nickname = Emerald stackSellPrice = -1 228 = table:00000143D6173F48 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 228 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_orcbear_01.dds name = Cavalier of the Sworn Oath nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 229 = table:000001439F03FFB0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 229 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_orcbear_03.dds name = Trinimac's Penitent Knight nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 230 = table:00000143D6175D80 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 230 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_orcbear_02.dds name = Old Orsinium Sentry nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 245 = table:00000143D6176340 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 245 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_pirate_low.dds name = Pirate Swab Outfit nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 252 = table:00000143D6173D60 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 252 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_blackhandrobe_01.dds name = Black Hand Robe nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 254 = table:00000143D616FD00 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 1 collectibleId = 254 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_thievesguilddlc_collectable.dds name = Thieves Guild nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 26 = table:00000143D61712B0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 26 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_006.dds name = Banekin nickname = Li'l Ugly stackSellPrice = -1 261 = table:00000143D6170248 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 2 collectibleId = 261 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_senche_g.dds name = Dro-m'Athra Senche nickname = Soul-Eater stackSellPrice = -1 267 = table:00000143CCAF4170 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 8 collectibleId = 267 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/assistant_banker_01.dds name = Tythis Andromo, the Banker nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 28 = table:00000143D6173498 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 28 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_005.dds name = Vermilion Scuttler nickname = Warty stackSellPrice = -1 289 = table:00000143D6176D30 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 289 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_shroudedarmor_01.dds name = Shrouded Armor nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 29 = table:00000143D6171428 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 29 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_008.dds name = Bravil Retriever nickname = Dogdroth stackSellPrice = -1 300 = table:00000143CCAF3E28 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 8 collectibleId = 300 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/assistant_fence_01.dds name = Pirharri the Smuggler nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 301 = table:00000143CCAF3AB0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 8 collectibleId = 301 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/assistant_vendor_01.dds name = Nuzhimeh the Merchant nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 306 = table:00000143D616FC58 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 1 collectibleId = 306 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_dbdlc_collectable.dds name = Dark Brotherhood nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 325 = table:00000143D6171568 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 325 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_062.dds name = Colovian Badger nickname = Grumps stackSellPrice = -1 326 = table:00000143D6170BE0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 2 collectibleId = 326 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_wolf_c.dds name = Red Pit Wolf nickname = Ravager stackSellPrice = -1 335 = table:00000143CCAEC840 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 335 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_whistle_002.dds name = Blackfeather Court Whistle nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 336 = table:00000143CCAEED88 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 336 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_gemstone_tear_0002.dds name = Finvir's Trinket nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 337 = table:00000143CCAEFD50 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 337 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_trash_002.dds name = Lodorr's Crown nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 338 = table:00000143CCAF19D8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 338 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_wine_002.dds name = Sanguine's Goblet nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 339 = table:00000143CCAEF7F8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 339 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_container_002.dds name = Justal's Falcon nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 34 = table:00000143A42E7248 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 12 collectibleId = 34 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_gemstoneofskeletalvisage.dds name = Skeleton nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 340 = table:00000143CCAEFAA8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 340 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_wand_001.dds name = Lena's Wand of Finding nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 341 = table:00000143CCAEC2C8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 341 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_talisman.dds name = Almalexia's Enchanted Lantern nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 342 = table:00000143CCAF13B8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 342 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_container_002.dds name = Questionable Meat Sack nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 343 = table:00000143CCAEC570 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 343 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/ava_siege_improvement_002.dds name = Battered Bear Trap nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 344 = table:00000143CCAF1150 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 344 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_wine_003.dds name = Nirnroot Wine nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 345 = table:00000143CCAEDEC8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 345 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_book_001.dds name = Discourse Amaranthine nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 346 = table:00000143CCAEF018 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 346 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_container_004.dds name = Glanir's Smoke Bomb nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 347 = table:00000143CCAEEAC0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 347 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_symbol_001.dds name = Fetish of Anger nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 348 = table:00000143CCAECE30 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 348 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_welkynd_001.dds name = Bonesnap Binding Stone nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 349 = table:00000143CCAF2260 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 349 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_glenumbra_corrupted_seed.dds name = Token of Root Sunder nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 35 = table:00000143D6170F40 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 2 collectibleId = 35 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/mount_senche_e.dds name = Striped Senche-Tiger nickname = Ratter-do stackSellPrice = -1 350 = table:00000143CCAF2FC0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 350 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_symbol_001.dds name = Yokudan Totem nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 351 = table:00000143CCAF0308 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 351 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_jewelry_009.dds name = Mezha-dro's Sealing Amulet nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 352 = table:00000143CCAF0B28 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 352 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_sword_002.dds name = Nanwen's Sword nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 353 = table:00000143CCAF0030 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 353 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/trophy_malacaths_wrathful_flame.dds name = Malacath's Wrathful Flame nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 354 = table:00000143CCAEF2F8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 354 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/trophy_rkindaleft_hidden_pressure_vent.dds name = Hidden Pressure Vent nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 356 = table:00000143CCAEF558 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 356 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_cake_01.dds name = Jubilee Cake nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 358 = table:000001439F03FA50 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 358 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_tginitiate_01.dds name = Thieves Guild Leathers nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 359 = table:00000143D6175540 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 359 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_coshmerchantlord_01.dds name = Merchant Lord's Formal Regalia nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 360 = table:00000143D6172410 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 360 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_060.dds name = Jackal nickname = Mischief stackSellPrice = -1 361 = table:00000143CCAED998 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 361 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/item_coin_of_illusory_riches.dds name = Coin of Illusory Riches nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 373 = table:00000143CCAF4790 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 9 collectibleId = 373 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/personality_heroic_01.dds name = Heroic nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 374 = table:00000143CCAF4468 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 9 collectibleId = 374 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/personality_assassin_01.dds name = Assassin nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 375 = table:00000143D616FB88 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 1 collectibleId = 375 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_upd11dlc_collectable.dds name = Dungeon: Ruins of Mazzatun nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 387 = table:00000143A42E6EB0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 12 collectibleId = 387 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_cadaverousassassin_01.dds name = Cadaverous Assassin nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 389 = table:00000143CCAED198 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 389 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/collectible_memento_boxofforbiddenrelics.dds name = Box of Forbidden Relics nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 390 = table:00000143CCAECB68 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 390 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/collectible_memento_bladeofoath.dds name = Blade of the Blood Oath nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 409 = table:00000143CCAF4E40 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 10 collectibleId = 409 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/hat_wizard_003.dds name = \"Clever Man\" Wizard Hat nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 439 = table:00000143CCAF6718 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 10 collectibleId = 439 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/mask_pumpkinspectre_01.dds name = Pumpkin Spectre Mask nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 44 = table:00000143D6174940 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 44 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_highchancellor.dds name = Imperial Chancellor nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 440 = table:00000143A42E5DE8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 10 collectibleId = 440 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/mask_scarecrowspectre_01.dds name = Scarecrow Spectre Mask nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 46 = table:00000143D6176048 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 46 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_ordinator_black.dds name = Ordinator Night-Raid Armor nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 479 = table:00000143CCAF2D58 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 479 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/witches_festival_icon_ravenwhistle.dds name = Witchmother's Whistle nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 48 = table:00000143D6174260 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 48 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_darkseducercostume.dds name = Dark Seducer nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 484 = table:00000143D6171950 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 484 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_127.dds name = Dwarven War Dog nickname = Bthunch stackSellPrice = -1 49 = table:00000143D61747E0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 49 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_goldensaintcostume.dds name = Golden Saint nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 491 = table:00000143D616FB00 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 1 collectibleId = 491 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_upd11dlc_collectable.dds name = Dungeon: Cradle of Shadows nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 50 = table:00000143D6174ED0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 50 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_mannimarcocostume.dds name = Mannimarco nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 593 = table:00000143A42F89A0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 22 collectibleId = 593 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_morrowind_collectable.dds name = Morrowind nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 594 = table:00000143CCAF1C78 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 594 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/collectible_memento_atronach_aura.dds name = Storm Atronach Aura nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 6 = table:00000143D61708A0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 2 collectibleId = 6 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_horse_c.dds name = Imperial Horse nickname = Diamond stackSellPrice = -1 60 = table:00000143CCAF34F0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 6 collectibleId = 60 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_playasimperial_001.dds name = Imperial Race nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 601 = table:00000143CCAF05A0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 601 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/collectible_memento_mudball_bag.dds name = Mud Ball Pouch nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 7 = table:00000143D6172A08 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 7 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_015.dds name = Nibenay Mudcrab nickname = Scissors stackSellPrice = -1 70 = table:00000143D6174BE8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 70 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_ranger_01.dds name = Jaqspur nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 71 = table:00000143D61743C0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 71 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_ranger_02.dds name = Dominion Scout nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 72 = table:00000143CCAEBCB8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 72 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_ranger_03.dds name = Wood Elf Vanguard nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 75 = table:000001439F03FCF8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 75 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_shaman_03.dds name = Tree-Minder nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 753 = table:00000143D6175AD0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 753 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_nordicbatherstowel_01.dds name = Nordic Bather's Towel nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 754 = table:00000143CCAF5410 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 10 collectibleId = 754 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/hat_colovianhood_02.dds name = Colovian Filigreed Hood nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 755 = table:00000143CCAF5680 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 10 collectibleId = 755 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/hat_colovianhood_01.dds name = Colovian Fur Hood nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 76 = table:00000143D6174648 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 76 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_blackmaroondress.dds name = Evening Dress nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 760 = table:00000143CCAF2A30 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 5 collectibleId = 760 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/collectible_memento_sprigganaura001.dds name = Wild Hunt Leaf-Dance Aura nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 8 = table:00000143D6172BF0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 8 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_dungeons_razaks_opus.dds name = Razak's Opus nickname = Cogbucket stackSellPrice = -1 81 = table:00000143CCAF3230 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 6 collectibleId = 81 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_playanyrace_001.dds name = Any Race, Any Alliance nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 82 = table:00000143D61740D8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 82 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_ordinator_gold.dds name = Classic Ordinator Armor nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 84 = table:00000143D6173848 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 84 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_imperial_01.dds name = Battlemage Palatine Armor nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 86 = table:00000143D61730D0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 86 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_022.dds name = Shornhelm Shepherd nickname = Hackles stackSellPrice = -1 87 = table:00000143D61751D0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 87 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_unclesheojester.dds name = Mask of Cheerful Slaughter nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 94 = table:00000143D61739E0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 94 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_imperial_03.dds name = Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform nickname = stackSellPrice = -1 dirtyEvents = table:00000143D616F5C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 COLLECTIONS_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143EA939FF0 (meta 000001431336FD98} COLLECTIONS_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:0000014313373180 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} COLOR_PICKER = table:000001431E0D2CF8 (meta 00000143B2B5A990} COLOR_PICKER_GAMEPAD = table:00000143B2B5CE20 (meta 000001431DA0BCC0} COMBAT_SETTING_CLAMP_GROUND_TARGET_ENABLED = 24 COMBAT_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COMBAT_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 31 COMBAT_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 31 COMBAT_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_COLOR_SWAP_ENABLED = 27 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_ENABLED = 20 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_ENEMY_BRIGHTNESS = 31 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_ENEMY_COLOR = 30 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_FRIENDLY_BRIGHTNESS = 29 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_FRIENDLY_COLOR = 28 COMBAT_SETTING_PREVENT_ATTACKING_INNOCENTS = 25 COMBAT_SETTING_QUICK_CAST_GROUND_ABILITIES = 26 COMBAT_SETTING_ROLL_DODGE_DOUBLE_TAP = 22 COMBAT_SETTING_ROLL_DODGE_WINDOW = 21 COMBAT_SETTING_SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_ENABLED = 0 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_DAMAGE_ENABLED = 12 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_DOT_ENABLED = 13 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_ENABLED = 11 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_HEALING_ENABLED = 14 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_HOT_ENABLED = 15 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_PET_DAMAGE_ENABLED = 18 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_PET_DOT_ENABLED = 19 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_POINT_GAINS_ENABLED = 17 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_STATUS_EFFECTS_ENABLED = 16 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_DAMAGE_ENABLED = 2 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_DOT_ENABLED = 3 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_ENABLED = 1 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_HEALING_ENABLED = 4 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_HOT_ENABLED = 5 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_DAMAGE_ENABLED = 7 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_DOT_ENABLED = 8 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_HEALING_ENABLED = 9 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_HOT_ENABLED = 10 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_STATUS_EFFECTS_ENABLED = 6 COMBAT_SETTING_USE_BATTLE_LEVEL = 23 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_GROUP = 3 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 5 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 5 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_NONE = 0 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_OTHER = 5 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_PLAYER = 1 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_PLAYER_PET = 2 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_TARGET_DUMMY = 4 COMPASS = table:00000143BC87DF18 (meta 00000143BC870C00} firstTable firstMeta areaAnimationPool = table:00000143BC86D0F8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143BC86D140 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143BC870EE0 m_Free = table:00000143BC869048 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143BC86D0B8 areaOverride = userdata:00000143BC87DE30 (meta 0000014308354BA8} areaOverrideAnimation = userdata:00000143BC87DF80 (meta 0000014308367FC0} areaOverrideLabel = userdata:00000143BC87DEA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} centerOverPinLabel = userdata:00000143BC87C9B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} centerOverPinLabelAnimation = userdata:00000143BC87F7A0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} container = userdata:00000143BC87DF08 (meta 0000014308362E68} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:0000014308361320 ClearAnchors() = function:0000014308361660 Convert3DLocalOrientationToWorldOrientation() = function:0000014308362DE8 Convert3DLocalPositionToWorldPosition() = function:0000014308362D78 Convert3DWorldOrientationToLocalOrientation() = function:0000014308362DB0 Convert3DWorldPositionToLocalPosition() = function:0000014308362D40 Create3DRenderSpace() = function:0000014308361358 CreateControl() = function:0000014308360D70 Destroy3DRenderSpace() = function:0000014308361390 Does3DRenderSpaceUseDepthBuffer() = function:0000014308362CD0 Get3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:00000143083615C0 Get3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:0000014308361550 Get3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:0000014308361400 Get3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:0000014308361470 Get3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:0000014308362C60 Get3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:00000143083614E0 GetAlpha() = function:0000014308360AD0 GetAlphaCoefficients() = function:000001430835FE48 GetAnchor() = function:00000143083616D0 GetBottom() = function:0000014308360310 GetCenter() = function:0000014308360348 GetCenterOveredPinDescription() = function:0000014308360460 GetCenterOveredPinDistance() = function:00000143083603E8 GetCenterOveredPinInfo() = function:0000014308360550 GetCenterOveredPinLayerAndLevel() = function:000001430835FFA8 GetCenterOveredPinType() = function:00000143083604D8 GetChild() = function:0000014308360600 GetClampedToScreen() = function:0000014308360C58 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:0000014308361198 GetControlAlpha() = function:0000014308361628 GetControlScale() = function:0000014308360A60 GetDesiredHeight() = function:0000014308360230 GetDesiredWidth() = function:00000143083601F8 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:0000014308361278 GetDimensions() = function:0000014308360150 GetDrawLayer() = function:00000143083608A0 GetDrawLevel() = function:0000014308360910 GetDrawTier() = function:00000143083607F8 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:0000014308361010 GetHandler() = function:0000014308360980 GetHeight() = function:00000143083601C0 GetHitInsets() = function:0000014308361128 GetId() = function:0000014308360F30 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:0000014308360E50 GetInheritsScale() = function:0000014308360EC0 GetLeft() = function:0000014308360268 GetMinVisibleAlpha() = function:0000014308360038 GetMinVisibleScale() = function:00000143083600A8 GetName() = function:00000143083606A8 GetNamedChild() = function:0000014308360638 GetNumCenterOveredPins() = function:000001430835FEB8 GetNumChildren() = function:0000014308360BE8 GetOwningWindow() = function:00000143083605C8 GetParent() = function:0000014308360B78 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:0000014308360FA0 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:0000014308361208 GetRight() = function:00000143083602D8 GetScale() = function:0000014308360A28 GetScaleCoefficients() = function:000001430835FCF8 GetScreenRect() = function:0000014308361708 GetTop() = function:00000143083602A0 GetType() = function:00000143083606E0 GetWidth() = function:0000014308360188 Has3DRenderSpace() = function:00000143083613C8 IsCenterOveredPinSuppressed() = function:000001430835FF30 IsChildOf() = function:0000014308360670 IsControlHidden() = function:0000014308360788 IsHandlerSet() = function:00000143083609B8 IsHidden() = function:0000014308360750 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308360D38 IsMouseEnabled() = function:0000014308360CC8 IsPointInside() = function:0000014308361740 RegisterForEvent() = function:00000143083612B0 Set3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:0000014308362C28 Set3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:0000014308361588 Set3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:0000014308361438 Set3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:00000143083614A8 Set3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:0000014308362C98 Set3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:0000014308361518 Set3DRenderSpaceUsesDepthBuffer() = function:0000014308362D08 SetAlpha() = function:0000014308360A98 SetAlphaCoefficients() = function:000001430835FCA0 SetAnchor() = function:0000014308361698 SetAnchorFill() = function:0000014308361778 SetCardinalDirection() = function:000001430835FBC0 SetClampedToScreen() = function:0000014308360C20 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:0000014308361160 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:0000014308361240 SetDimensions() = function:0000014308360118 SetDrawLayer() = function:0000014308360868 SetDrawLevel() = function:00000143083608D8 SetDrawTier() = function:0000014308360830 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:0000014308360FD8 SetHandler() = function:0000014308360948 SetHeight() = function:0000014308360B40 SetHidden() = function:0000014308360718 SetHitInsets() = function:00000143083610F0 SetId() = function:0000014308360EF8 SetInheritAlpha() = function:0000014308360E18 SetInheritScale() = function:0000014308360E88 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308360D00 SetMinVisibleAlpha() = function:000001430835FD68 SetMinVisibleScale() = function:000001430835FDD8 SetMouseEnabled() = function:0000014308360C90 SetMovable() = function:0000014308360DA8 SetParent() = function:0000014308360BB0 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:0000014308360DE0 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:0000014308360F68 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:00000143083611D0 SetScale() = function:00000143083609F0 SetScaleCoefficients() = function:000001430835FC30 SetShapeType() = function:0000014308361048 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:00000143083617B0 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:00000143083617E8 SetWidth() = function:0000014308360B08 StartMoving() = function:0000014308361080 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:00000143083610B8 ToggleHidden() = function:00000143083607C0 UnregisterForEvent() = function:00000143083612E8 control = userdata:00000143BC870D20 (meta 000001430831E750} nextLabelUpdateTime = 19431878 poiAnimationPool = table:00000143BC87F920 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143BC87F968 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143BC87F860 m_Free = table:00000143BC87F9E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143BC87F8E0 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_FOCUSED = 2 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_ITERATION_END = 2 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_MAX_VALUE = 2 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_OFF = 0 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_ON = 1 COMPASS_FRAME = table:00000143A022EB00 (meta 00000143A022B620} firstTable firstMeta bossBarActive = false bossBarHiddenReasons = table:00000143A022EBD0 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable bossBarReady = true compassHidden = false compassReady = true control = userdata:00000143A022B740 (meta 0000014308326048} crossFadeTimeline = userdata:00000143F3ABD7C0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} COMPASS_FRAME_FRAGMENT = table:00000143A022EC18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_ENHANCED_1080 = 1 CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_FOUR_K = 0 CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_ITERATION_END = 1 CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_MAX_VALUE = 1 CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_ACCOUNT_LINKING = 2 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_ITERATION_END = 3 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_LEGAL_DOCS = 3 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_LINKED_LOGIN = 1 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_MAX_VALUE = 3 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_MIN_VALUE = 1 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_ACCEPT_DOCS = 6 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_FETCH_DOCS = 5 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_ITERATION_END = 6 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_LINK = 3 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_LINK_PROGRESS = 4 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_LOGIN = 2 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_LOGIN_AUTH = 1 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 6 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0 CONSOLE_SERVER_EUROPE = 1 CONSOLE_SERVER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CONSOLE_SERVER_ITERATION_END = 1 CONSOLE_SERVER_MAX_VALUE = 1 CONSOLE_SERVER_MIN_VALUE = 0 CONSOLE_SERVER_NORTH_AMERICA = 0 CONTACTS_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143DDBCC2C0 (meta 000001431336FD98} CONTACTS_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:0000014313E39310 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} CONTEXTUAL_ACTION_BAR_AREA_FRAGMENT = table:0000014314CF2D98 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} CONTROLLER_DISCONNECT_FRAGMENT = table:00000143063BDC80 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143063BDD40 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143B309AED8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E74C4850 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143063BDCF8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CONTROL_ACCESS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CONTROL_ACCESS_ITERATION_END = 1 CONTROL_ACCESS_MAX_VALUE = 1 CONTROL_ACCESS_MIN_VALUE = 0 CONTROL_ACCESS_PRIVATE = 1 CONTROL_ACCESS_PUBLIC = 0 CONVERSATION_INTERACTION = table:00000143207E20C0 CON_APPROPRIATE = 2 CON_DIFFICULT = 3 CON_EASY = 1 CON_IMPOSSIBLE = 4 CON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CON_ITERATION_END = 4 CON_MAX_VALUE = 4 CON_MIN_VALUE = 0 CON_TRIVIAL = 0 CRAFTING_PREVIEW_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143DDBDEA70 (meta 000001431DC95C30} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143C8029288 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 options = table:00000143C8053C70 firstTable dynamicFramingConsumedHeight = 300 dynamicFramingConsumedWidth = 1050 paddingLeft = 245 paddingRight = 605 previewInEmptyWorld = true CRAFTING_RESULTS = table:000001447D435760 (meta 000001447D426380} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001447D435550 (meta 0000014308326048} enchantSoundPlayer = table:000001447D435E30 (meta 000001439E141810} firstTable firstMeta OnUpdateFunction() = function:000001447D435FF8 finishedAllSoundsCallback() = function:000001447D436120 id = ZO_QueuedSoundPlayer2 queue = table:000001447D435E78 firstTable soundPaddingMs = 0 forceStopHandler() = function:00000144081C0470 notifier = table:000001447D435900 (meta 00000143CDE6A638} firstTable firstMeta activeEntries = table:000001447D435BE0 firstTable additionalVerticalSpacing = 5 anchor = table:000001447D4357D8 (meta 000001431D56DC68} firstTable data = table:000001447D435820 firstTable 1 = 1 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 control = userdata:000001447D435550 (meta 0000014308326048} currentNumDisplayedEntries = 0 currentlyFadingEntries = 0 currentlyMovingEntries = 0 entryPools = table:000001447D435978 firstTable fadeAnimationName = CraftingResultFade fadesInImmediately = true headerPools = table:000001447D435A18 firstTable holdDisplayingEntries = false holdTimes = table:000001447D435C28 firstTable 1 = 5000 linePools = table:000001447D435B08 firstTable maxDisplayedEntries = 5 pushDirection = 1 queue = table:000001447D435B50 firstTable templates = table:000001447D435B98 firstTable ZO_CraftingResultItem = table:000001447D435C90 firstTable equalityCheck() = function:000001447D4268C0 equalitySetup() = function:000001447D426880 setup() = function:000001447D426840 translateAnimationName = CraftingResultTranslate translateDuration = 500 resultTooltipAnimation = userdata:000001439D84C1F8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} secondaryTooltipAnimationPool = table:000001447D4361E8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144081B8748 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000001447D436168 m_Free = table:000001447D436278 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000001447D4361A8 tooltipAnimationFailureSound = Blacksmith_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Fail tooltipAnimationSuccessSound = Retraiting_Retrait_Tooltip_Glow_Success tooltipBurst1 = userdata:00000144081C0040 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipBurst2 = userdata:00000144081C00D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipControl = userdata:00000144081914D0 (meta 000001430834FDB0} tooltipGlow = userdata:00000144081C0170 (meta 0000014308324730} CRAFTING_RESULTS_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D436920 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} CRAFTING_RESULT_ALREADY_RESEARCHING = 126 CRAFTING_RESULT_BUSY = 103 CRAFTING_RESULT_CANNOT_RESEARCH_RETRAITED_ITEM = 128 CRAFTING_RESULT_CANT_DECONSTRUCT_WORN = 127 CRAFTING_RESULT_CRAFT_SUCCESS = 1 CRAFTING_RESULT_DECONSTRUCT_BAD_QUANTITY = 116 CRAFTING_RESULT_DECONSTRUCT_SUCCESS = 2 CRAFTING_RESULT_FAIL_PATTERN_REQUIREMENTS = 124 CRAFTING_RESULT_IMPROVE_FAILED = 119 CRAFTING_RESULT_INTERRUPTED = 18 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_BASE = 104 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_MATERIAL = 112 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_PATTERN = 113 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_REAGENT = 106 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_RESEARCH = 122 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_RESEARCH_TRADESKILL = 121 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_RUNE = 109 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_STYLE_MATERIAL = 114 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_STYLE_REFORGE = 55 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_TRAIT_MATERIAL = 115 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_CRAFT_UNIQUE = 12 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_DECONSTRUCTABLE = 30 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_IMPROVABLE = 118 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_REFINEABLE = 70 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 900 CRAFTING_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 900 CRAFTING_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 1 CRAFTING_RESULT_MUST_LEARN_TRAIT = 120 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_BASE_RANK = 105 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_COMPONENTS_FOR_CRAFT = 14 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_COMPONENTS_FOR_REFORGE = 56 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_DECONSTRUCT_RANK = 35 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_ENCHANTING_QUALITY_RANK = 111 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_ENCHANTING_RANK = 110 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_ITEM_TO_RESEARCH = 125 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_RANK_FOR_CRAFT = 17 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_RANK_FOR_REFORGE = 53 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_RECIPE_QUALITY_RANK = 102 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_RECIPE_RANK = 101 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_REFINE_RANK = 74 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_REQUIREMENTS_FOR_CRAFT = 16 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_SPACE_TO_CRAFT = 11 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_SPACE_TO_DECONSTRUCT = 36 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_SPACE_TO_REFINE = 76 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_UNLOCK_TO_DECONSTRUCT = 33 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_UNLOCK_TO_REFORGE = 58 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_VALID_DECONSTRUCTION = 900 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_ITEM_TO_DECONSTRUCT = 32 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_ITEM_TO_REFINE = 72 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_MATCH = 9 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_MONEY = 19 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_MONEY_REFORGE = 57 CRAFTING_RESULT_REFINE_SUCCESS = 3 CRAFTING_RESULT_REFORGE_SUCCESS = 4 CRAFTING_RESULT_SAME_STYLE_REFORGE = 52 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_FEW_REAGENTS = 107 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_MANY_REAGENTS = 108 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_MANY_RESEARCH = 123 CRAFTING_RESULT_UNKNOWN_RECIPE = 100 CRAFTING_RESULT_UNKNOWN_SKILL_DECONSTRUCT = 34 CRAFTING_RESULT_UNKNOWN_SKILL_REFINE = 73 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_ADDITIVE_CATEGORY = 10 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_BOOSTER = 117 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_STYLE_CRAFT = 21 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_STYLE_REFORGE = 54 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_CRAFT = 20 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_DECONSTRUCT = 31 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_REFINE = 71 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_REFORGE = 50 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TRADESKILL_FOR_CRAFT = 13 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TRADESKILL_FOR_REFORGE = 51 CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY = 4 CRAFTING_TYPE_BLACKSMITHING = 1 CRAFTING_TYPE_CLOTHIER = 2 CRAFTING_TYPE_ENCHANTING = 3 CRAFTING_TYPE_INVALID = 0 CRAFTING_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CRAFTING_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 6 CRAFTING_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 6 CRAFTING_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING = 5 CRAFTING_TYPE_WOODWORKING = 6 CRAFTING_WINDOW_KEYBIND_INTERCEPT_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:000001431DE86CB0 (meta 000001431DE8AC50} CRAFT_BAG_FRAGMENT = table:00000143EC975038 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143EC9750F8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143EC975180 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143EC9752D0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143EC975318 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC975360 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EC975210 3 = false control = userdata:0000014368A152D8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC9750B0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CROWN_CRATES_FRAGMENT = table:0000014320860740 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143CB52C128 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014320860788 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFICATION_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:0000014313373358 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143133733A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Window_Close showSoundId = Window_Open state = hidden CROWN_CRATE_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:00000143E7DDF010 (meta 000001431D566020} CROWN_CRATE_GEMS_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY_FRAGMENT = table:00000143B8D06120 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:0000014320FF93C8 (meta 00000143A35CBBF8} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B8D08168 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden CROWN_CRATE_KEYBOARD_SCENE = table:00000143E7DDA928 (meta 000001431D566020} CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_ALL_CARDS_REVEALED_HAS_CRATES = 24 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_ALL_CARDS_REVEALED_NO_CRATES = 23 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_DEAL_BONUS_CARDS = 11 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_DEAL_PRIMARY_CARDS = 10 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_FAREWELL = 13 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_FLOURISH = 8 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_GEMS_AWARDED = 27 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_GREET_PLAYER = 7 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_IDLE_CHATTER = 19 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_INVALID = -1 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = -1 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 28 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_MANIFEST_ENTER_MULTI_CRATES = 22 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_MANIFEST_ENTER_NO_CRATES = 20 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_MANIFEST_ENTER_ONE_CRATES = 21 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 28 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = -1 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_NO_CRATES_WARNING = 28 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_POSTURE_ENTER = 16 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_POSTURE_EXIT = 18 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_POSTURE_FIDGET = 14 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_POSTURE_GROUP_FIDGET = 15 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_POSTURE_LOOP = 17 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_CARDS_DEALT = 25 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_REVEAL_ALL_CARDS = 12 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_SHUFFLE_CARDS = 9 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_SWIPE_CARDS_AWAY = 6 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_TIER_FIVE_CARD = 4 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_TIER_FOUR_CARD = 3 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_TIER_ONE_CARD = 0 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_TIER_SIX_CARD = 5 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_TIER_THREE_CARD = 2 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_TIER_TWO_CARD = 1 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_UNDER_ATTACK = 26 CROWN_CRATE_PARTICLES_BONUS = 0 CROWN_CRATE_PARTICLES_GEMIFY = 1 CROWN_CRATE_PARTICLES_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CROWN_CRATE_PARTICLES_ITERATION_END = 1 CROWN_CRATE_PARTICLES_MAX_VALUE = 1 CROWN_CRATE_PARTICLES_MIN_VALUE = 0 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_ITERATION_END = 3 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_MAX_VALUE = 3 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_MIN_VALUE = 0 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_MYSTERY = 0 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_REVEAL = 1 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_REVEALED = 2 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_REVEALED_SELECTED = 3 CROWN_GEMIFICATION_MANAGER = table:00000143F65A9A60 (meta 00000143E7DDD400} firstTable firstMeta IsItemGemmable() = function:00000143F65A9F28 callbackRegistry = table:0000014428081A40 firstTable GemifiableChanged = table:00000143CDD2E0F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C7546B50 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDD33DC8 3 = false 2 = table:00000143D4A64F58 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C7533B68 3 = false 3 = table:00000143A35CBD50 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A35CBAB0 3 = false GemifiableListChanged = table:000001444E57F9B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143134A75E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA73D1D8 3 = false 2 = table:000001448F8828B0 firstTable 1() = function:000001448F883400 3 = false 3 = table:00000143CDD173E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144D076DCE8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F65A9AA8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 gemifiableItems = table:00000143F65A9EE0 firstTable 4250521335 = table:00000143FBCCCBA0 (meta 00000143F0DF5468} firstTable firstMeta bagId = 2 count = 1 countChangeInFlight = 0 crownCrateTierId = 2 faceImage = 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CT_LABEL = 1 CT_LINE = 17 CT_MAPDISPLAY = 15 CT_MAX_VALUE = 19 CT_MIN_VALUE = -1 CT_ROOT_WINDOW = 5 CT_SCROLL = 12 CT_SLIDER = 13 CT_STATUSBAR = 8 CT_TEXTBUFFER = 6 CT_TEXTURE = 3 CT_TEXTURECOMPOSITE = 19 CT_TOOLTIP = 11 CT_TOPLEVELCONTROL = 4 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ABILITY_UPGRADE_PURCHASE = 22 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ACHIEVEMENT = 26 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ACTION = 6 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BAGSPACE = 8 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANKSPACE = 9 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANK_DEPOSIT = 42 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANK_FEE = 66 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANK_WITHDRAWAL = 43 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BATTLEGROUND = 12 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BOUNTY_CONFISCATED = 57 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BOUNTY_PAID_FENCE = 56 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BOUNTY_PAID_GUARD = 47 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BUYBACK = 64 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CASH_ON_DELIVERY = 20 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_COMMAND = 7 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CONSUME_FOOD_DRINK = 37 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CONSUME_POTION = 38 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CONVERSATION = 5 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CRAFT = 24 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CROWNS_PURCHASED = 73 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CROWN_CRATE_DUPLICATE = 69 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_DEATH = 67 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_DECONSTRUCT = 16 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_EDIT_GUILD_HERALDRY = 49 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_FEED_MOUNT = 28 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_BANK_DEPOSIT = 51 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_BANK_WITHDRAWAL = 52 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_FORWARD_CAMP = 58 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_STANDARD = 53 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_TABARD = 50 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_HARVEST_REAGENT = 39 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_HOOKPOINT_STORE = 23 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ITEM_CONVERTED_TO_GEMS = 70 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ITERATION_END = 73 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_JUMP_FAILURE_REFUND = 54 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_KEEP_REPAIR = 40 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_KEEP_REWARD = 14 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_KEEP_UPGRADE = 15 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_KILL = 13 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_LOOT = 0 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_LOOT_STOLEN = 62 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_MAIL = 2 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 73 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_MEDAL = 21 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PICKPOCKET = 59 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PLAYER_INIT = 35 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PURCHASED_WITH_CROWNS = 72 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PURCHASED_WITH_GEMS = 71 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PVP_KILL_TRANSFER = 65 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PVP_RESURRECT = 41 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_QUESTREWARD = 4 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RECIPE = 36 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_REFORGE = 34 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESEARCH_TRAIT = 46 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESPEC_ATTRIBUTES = 45 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESPEC_CHAMPION = 61 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESPEC_MORPHS = 55 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESPEC_SKILLS = 44 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_REWARD = 27 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_SELL_STOLEN = 63 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_SOULWEARY = 10 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_SOUL_HEAL = 18 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_STABLESPACE = 25 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_STUCK = 48 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRADE = 3 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRADINGHOUSE_LISTING = 33 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRADINGHOUSE_PURCHASE = 31 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRADINGHOUSE_REFUND = 32 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRAIT_REVEAL = 30 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRAVEL_GRAVEYARD = 19 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_UNKNOWN = 68 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_VENDOR = 1 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_VENDOR_LAUNDER = 60 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_VENDOR_REPAIR = 29 CURRENCY_COLOR_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 1 CURRENCY_COLOR_GOLD = 0 CURRENCY_COLOR_INSPIRATION = 3 CURRENCY_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CURRENCY_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 5 CURRENCY_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 5 CURRENCY_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 CURRENCY_COLOR_RANK_POINTS = 4 CURRENCY_COLOR_TELVAR_STONES = 2 CURRENCY_COLOR_WRIT_VOUCHERS = 5 CURRENCY_DONT_SHOW_ALL = false CURRENCY_HAS_ENOUGH = false CURRENCY_IGNORE_HAS_ENOUGH = false CURRENCY_INPUT = table:00000143D70CB800 (meta 00000143B4C024E8} CURRENCY_LOCATION_ACCOUNT = 3 CURRENCY_LOCATION_BANK = 1 CURRENCY_LOCATION_CHARACTER = 0 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CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_HARASSMENT = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_INAPPROPRIATE_NAME = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_OTHER = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_CANT_ACQUIRE = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_DEPRECATED = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_FROM_CROWN_STORE = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_LOST = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MISSING_CROWNS = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITEM_MISSING = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_NPC_MOBS = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_AUDIO = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_CHARACTERS = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_COMBAT = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_GAME_SYSTEM = 6 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_GRAPHICS = 7 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_ITEMS = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 9 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 9 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_QUESTS = 8 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_TEXT = 9 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_AWESOME = 7 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_COSMETIC = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_CRASH = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_DELAYS_PROGRESS = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_EXPLOIT = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_IMPAIR = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_ITERATION_END = 7 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_MAX_VALUE = 7 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_SURPRISE = 6 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_GRAVEYARD = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_OBJECTIVE = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_RANKING = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_SIEGE = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_MUSIC = 101 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_OTHER = 104 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_SFX = 102 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_VOICEOVER = 103 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CHARACTERS_ABILITIES = 201 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CHARACTERS_ACHIEVEMENTS = 202 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CHARACTERS_ART_ANIMATION = 203 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CHARACTERS_CAMERA = 204 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CHARACTERS_CREATION_LOGIN_SELECTION = 205 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CHARACTERS_DEATH_RESURRECTION = 206 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CHARACTERS_EMOTES = 207 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CHARACTERS_FRIENDS = 208 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CHARACTERS_MAIL = 209 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CHARACTERS_MOVEMENT = 210 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CHARACTERS_SKILLS = 211 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CHARACTERS_TARGETING = 212 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_ABILITY = 301 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_AI = 302 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_ART = 303 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_LOOT = 304 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_NPC = 305 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GAME_SYSTEM_CHAT = 501 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GAME_SYSTEM_CRAFTING = 502 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GAME_SYSTEM_FRAMERATE = 503 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GAME_SYSTEM_GROUPING = 504 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GAME_SYSTEM_GUILDS = 505 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GAME_SYSTEM_INTERACTABLES_LOCKPICKING = 506 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GAME_SYSTEM_LATENCY = 507 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GAME_SYSTEM_MOUNTS = 508 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GAME_SYSTEM_TRADE = 509 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GAME_SYSTEM_VENDOR = 510 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_ART_ANIMATION = 601 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_CHARACTER = 602 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_CHAT = 603 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_COLLISION_FIXTURES = 606 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_COLLISION_LANDSCAPE = 605 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_CURRENCY = 604 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_INVENTORY = 608 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_KEYBINDS = 607 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_MAPS = 609 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_SETTINGS = 610 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_TOOLTIPS = 611 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_WEATHER = 612 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_ARMOR = 401 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_ART = 404 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_CONSUMABLES = 402 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_GATHERING = 403 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_LOOT = 405 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_SOUL_GEMS = 406 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_WEAPONS = 407 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 803 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 803 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_DIALOG_GRAMMAR = 702 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_DIALOG_VOICEOVER = 701 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_NPC_MONSTERS = 704 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_OBJECTIVES = 703 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_REWARDS = 705 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_TEXT_BOOKS = 803 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_TEXT_DIALOG_VOICEOVER = 801 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_TEXT_LOCALIZATION = 802 CUTSCENE = table:000001447D01C3A0 (meta 000001447D021178} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001447D01C8C8 (meta 0000014308326048} C_MAP_HANDLERS = table:00000144C102CAA0 (meta 00000144C102C770} firstTable firstMeta refresh = table:00000144C102CAE8 (meta 0000014457A392F0} firstTable currentlyRefreshing = false refreshGroups = table:00000144C102CB30 firstTable keep = table:00000144C102CB78 firstTable RefreshAll() = function:00000144C102CC18 RefreshSingle() = function:00000144C102CC98 allDirty = false dirtySingles = table:00000144C102CCE0 firstTable wasShown = false CalculateCubicBezierEase() = function:00000143CACA95C0 CallSecureProtected() = function:000001430830E788 CameraZoomIn() = function:000001439D28C1F8 CameraZoomOut() = function:000001439D28C260 CampaignAvARank = table:0000014409E8E3F0 (meta 0000014409E8E438} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:0000014409E8E4B0 Refresh() = function:0000014409E8E560 __index = table:0000014409E8E3F0 (meta 0000014409E8E438} CampaignEmperor_Shared = table:0000014313E27CB0 (meta 0000014313E27CF8} firstTable firstMeta AddAllianceToMasterList() = function:0000014313E22120 BuildImperialKeeps() = function:0000014313E3EC60 BuildMasterList() = 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function:0000014313E3D4E0 SetupPlayerRow() = function:0000014313E25F30 SortScrollList() = function:0000014313E25F70 CanAnyItemsBeStoredInCraftBag() = function:00000143F58E8158 CanBuyFromTradingHouse() = function:000001439D295E60 CanChangeBattleLevelPreference() = function:000001439D290618 CanConvertItemStyle() = function:00000143F58E69F8 CanConvertItemStyleToImperial() = function:000001447D01AD70 CanCurrencyBeStoredInLocation() = function:00000143F58E5870 CanEditGuildRankPermission() = function:00000143CACABA08 CanInteractWithCrownCratesSystem() = function:00000143CACA4D38 CanInteractWithItem() = function:00000143F58E5FF8 CanItemBeMarkedAsJunk() = function:00000143F58E8478 CanItemBePlayerLocked() = function:00000143F58E8328 CanItemBeRetraited() = function:00000143F58E50B8 CanItemBeSmithingExtractedOrRefined() = function:000001439D2AF4B0 CanItemBeSmithingImproved() = function:00000143F58DAF40 CanItemBeSmithingTraitResearched() = function:000001439D2AF2D0 CanItemBeVirtual() = function:00000143F58E7A68 CanItemLinkBeTraitResearched() = function:000001439D2AF350 CanItemLinkBeVirtual() = function:00000143F58EA598 CanItemTakeEnchantment() = function:00000143F58E6918 CanJumpToGroupMember() = function:000001439D292438 CanJumpToPlayerInZone() = function:000001439D29E228 CanLeaveCurrentLocationViaTeleport() = function:000001439D29D830 CanPlayerChangeGroupDifficulty() = function:000001439D292D20 CanPlayerUseCostumeDyeStamp() = function:00000143CACA57C0 CanPlayerUseItemDyeStamp() = function:00000143CACA5838 CanPreviewMarketProduct() = function:00000143CACA6D18 CanQueueItemAttachment() = function:000001439D2A9AE8 CanRespawnAtKeep() = function:000001439D28E420 CanSellOnTradingHouse() = function:000001439D295ED8 CanSendLFMRequest() = function:00000143F58DC590 CanSiegeWeaponAim() = function:000001439D28EDC8 CanSiegeWeaponFire() = function:000001439D28ED58 CanSiegeWeaponPackUp() = function:000001439D28ECE8 CanSmithingApparelPatternsBeCraftedHere() = function:000001439D2AE5C8 CanSmithingSetPatternsBeCraftedHere() = function:000001439D2AE650 CanSmithingStyleBeUsedOnPattern() = function:000001439D2AED00 CanSmithingWeaponPatternsBeCraftedHere() = function:000001439D2AE540 CanSpinPreviewCharacter() = function:00000143CACA61E8 CanStoreRepair() = function:000001439D29B2E0 CanTutorialBeSeen() = function:00000143CACA0998 CanUnitGainChampionPoints() = function:000001439D287840 CanUnitTrade() = function:000001439D2880C8 CanUseCollectibleDyeing() = function:00000143CACA56D8 CanUseQuestItem() = function:000001439D297410 CanUseQuestTool() = function:000001439D297480 CanUseStuck() = function:00000143F58DE2B8 CanWriteGuildChannel() = function:000001439D2980A8 CancelBuff() = function:000001439D289DD0 CancelCast() = function:000001439D289738 CancelCurrentVideoPlayback() = function:00000143167B53A8 CancelFriendRequest() = function:00000143CACAAEB0 CancelGroupSearches() = function:00000143F58DC758 CancelKeepGuildClaimInteraction() = 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0000014308340698} ComparativeTooltip1ConditionBarRight = userdata:00000143E03AAB80 (meta 00000143E03AAC58} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E03AAC00 (meta 0000014308340698} ComparativeTooltip1ConditionBarRightGloss = userdata:00000143E03AAC00 (meta 0000014308340698} ComparativeTooltip1EquippedInfo = userdata:00000143E03AB0E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ComparativeTooltip1EquippedInfoBG = userdata:00000143E03AB160 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ComparativeTooltip1EquippedInfoText = userdata:00000143E03AB1D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ComparativeTooltip1SellPrice = userdata:00000143E03AAD88 (meta 000001430831E750} ComparativeTooltip1SellPriceCurrency = userdata:00000143E03AAE78 (meta 00000143083425C0} ComparativeTooltip1SellPriceReason = userdata:00000143E03AAE00 (meta 00000143083425C0} ComparativeTooltip1TopLevel = userdata:00000143E03AA200 (meta 0000014308326048} ComparativeTooltip2 = userdata:00000143E03AB390 (meta 00000143E03A4810} firstMeta firstIndex topClampedToScreenInset = -24 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ComparativeTooltip2ConditionBarLeft = userdata:00000143E03ABAD0 (meta 00000143E03ABBA8} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E03ABB50 (meta 0000014308340698} ComparativeTooltip2ConditionBarLeftGloss = userdata:00000143E03ABB50 (meta 0000014308340698} ComparativeTooltip2ConditionBarRight = userdata:00000143E03ABCE0 (meta 00000143E03ABDB8} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E03ABD60 (meta 0000014308340698} ComparativeTooltip2ConditionBarRightGloss = userdata:00000143E03ABD60 (meta 0000014308340698} ComparativeTooltip2EquippedInfo = userdata:00000143E03AC0A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ComparativeTooltip2EquippedInfoBG = userdata:00000143EA76D058 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ComparativeTooltip2EquippedInfoText = userdata:00000143EA76D0D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ComparativeTooltip2SellPrice = userdata:00000143E03ABEE8 (meta 000001430831E750} ComparativeTooltip2SellPriceCurrency = userdata:00000143E03ABFD8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ComparativeTooltip2SellPriceReason = userdata:00000143E03ABF60 (meta 00000143083425C0} ComparativeTooltip2TopLevel = userdata:00000143E03AB360 (meta 0000014308326048} CompareBagItemToCurrentlyEquipped() = function:00000143F58EAC78 CompareId64s() = function:000001430830E8C8 CompareItemLinkToCurrentlyEquipped() = function:00000143F58EACF8 Compass = table:00000143BC870C00 (meta 00000143BC870C48} firstTable firstMeta ApplyGamepadStyle() = function:00000143BC871140 ApplyKeyboardStyle() = function:00000143BC8710F8 ApplyTemplateToAreaTexture() = function:00000143BC870FC8 ApplyTemplateToAreaTextures() = function:00000143BC871610 GetAreaPinAnimationFromStorage() = function:00000143BC871550 Initialize() = function:00000143BC870E20 InitializeCenterOveredPins() = function:00000143BC870EA0 InitializePoiPins() = function:00000143BC870F88 InitializeQuestPins() = function:00000143BC86AEA8 IsInsidePoi() = function:00000143BC871250 New() = function:00000143BC870CC0 OnGamepadPreferredModeChanged() = function:00000143BC871188 OnUpdate() = function:00000143BC871768 OnZoneChanged() = function:00000143BC871290 PerformFullAreaQuestUpdate() = function:00000143BC8711C8 PlayAreaOverrideAnimation() = function:00000143BC8713D0 PlayAreaPinOutAnimation() = function:00000143BC871410 PlayPoiPinOutAnimation() = function:00000143BC871310 RemoveAreaPinAnimationFromStorage() = function:00000143BC871590 RemoveAreaPinsByQuest() = function:00000143BC8715D0 SetAreaTexturePlatformTextures() = function:00000143BC871008 SetCardinalDirections() = function:00000143BC8710B8 StopAreaPinOutAnimation() = function:00000143BC871450 StoreAreaPinAnimation() = function:00000143BC8714D0 TryPlayingAnimationOnAreaPin() = function:00000143BC871350 TryPlayingAnimationOnSinglePoi() = function:00000143BC8712D0 UpdateInsidePoiState() = function:00000143BC871210 __index = table:00000143BC870C00 (meta 00000143BC870C48} CompleteQuest() = function:000001439D28B0D8 ComposeGuildRankPermissions() = function:00000143CACAC0D0 ComputeDepthAtWhichWorldHeightRendersAsUIHeight() = function:00000143CACA9A08 ComputeDepthAtWhichWorldWidthRendersAsUIWidth() = function:00000143CACA9980 ComputeGuildHistoryEventSubcategory() = function:000001440819AEA8 ComputeScore() = function:00000143D909AF68 ComputeStringDistance() = function:000001439D286C58 ConfirmCampaignEntry() = function:000001439D29A7E8 ConfirmLogout() = function:000001439D2901B8 ConfirmPendingItemPurchase() = function:000001439D296470 ConvertHoldKeyPressToNonHold() = function:00000143CACADBD0 ConvertItemStyle() = function:00000143F58E6A68 ConvertItemStyleToImperial() = function:000001447D01ADB0 ConvertKeyPressToHold() = function:00000143CACADB60 ConvertMouseButtonToKeyCode() = function:000001439D287200 CopyHousePermissions() = function:00000143F58E2570 CraftAlchemyItem() = function:000001439D2AD760 CraftEnchantingItem() = function:000001439D2AE098 CraftProvisionerItem() = function:000001439D2ADF30 CraftSmithingItem() = function:000001439D2AE458 CreateBackgroundListFilter() = function:00000143CACAFE48 CreateControl() = function:000001432E015E98 CreateControlFromVirtual() = function:000001432E017408 CreateControlRangeFromVirtual() = function:000001432E018370 CreateCrownCrateSpecificParticleEffect = function: Private CreateCrownCrateTierSpecificParticleEffect = function: Private CreateDefaultActionBind() = function:000001439D2913E0 CreateFont() = function:000001430831A620 CreateGammaSceneFragment() = function:0000014405F8EA00 CreateNewSCTCloud() = function:00000143F58E1BB8 CreateNewSCTEventVisualInfo() = function:00000143F58E1640 CreateNewSCTSlot() = function:00000143F58E05B0 CreateSimpleAnimation() = function:000001432E0183F0 CreateTopLevelWindow() = function:000001432E016D00 CurrentCampaigns = table:00000143D4A56850 (meta 00000143D4A56898} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:00000143D4A56910 RefreshCampaign() = function:00000143D4A56A18 RefreshCampaigns() = function:00000143D4A56980 __index = table:00000143D4A56850 (meta 00000143D4A56898} CycleGameCameraPreferredEnemyTarget = function: Private DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD = 6 DAMAGE_TYPE_DISEASE = 10 DAMAGE_TYPE_DROWN = 9 DAMAGE_TYPE_EARTH = 7 DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE = 3 DAMAGE_TYPE_GENERIC = 1 DAMAGE_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DAMAGE_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 11 DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC = 8 DAMAGE_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 11 DAMAGE_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 DAMAGE_TYPE_NONE = 0 DAMAGE_TYPE_OBLIVION = 5 DAMAGE_TYPE_PHYSICAL = 2 DAMAGE_TYPE_POISON = 11 DAMAGE_TYPE_SHOCK = 4 DEATH = table:000001431C6D0008 (meta 0000014313488880} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143D7662468 (meta 0000014308326048} cyclicRespawnTimer = userdata:00000143D766D680 (meta 000001437792E100} firstMeta firstIndex isRunning = false loadBar = userdata:00000143D766D6E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} dirtyEvents = table:000001431C6DF090 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 isPlayerDead = false types = table:00000143A0A6FF80 firstTable AvA = table:00000143DFA53BA8 (meta 00000143CFFD1CC8} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:00000143E1384088 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D766DAD8 (meta 00000143EC96ECC8} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:00000143BC86DF80 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D766DB90 (meta 00000143EC96FAA0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143F3AC1B90 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7671588 (meta 000001440FCC2798} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766DAD8 (meta 00000143EC96ECC8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766DB08 (meta 00000143EC969D88} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Choose Revive Location control = userdata:00000143D766D7A0 (meta 000001430831E750} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:00000143D766DCF8 (meta 000001439D69AEE0} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001440FCB7040 chromaEnabled = true enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:00000143D766DDB0 (meta 000001439D69B1C0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:000001431C6CE090 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7671C30 (meta 00000143A0220C28} firstMeta firstIndex key = 12 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766DCF8 (meta 000001439D69AEE0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766DD28 (meta 00000143EC973810} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Toggle Recap messageHidden = true messageLabel = userdata:00000143D766D808 (meta 00000143083425C0} timerCooldown = userdata:00000143D766D870 (meta 00000143EC9696F8} firstMeta firstIndex SetNumWarningSounds() = function:000001436880A098 Start() = function:000001436880A018 Stop() = function:000001436880A058 numWarningSounds = 5 BG = table:00000143EC966648 (meta 00000143CFFD54B8} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:00000143EC966880 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D766E018 (meta 000001439D69C158} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439D2A7618 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D766E0D0 (meta 000001439D69C548} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143EC966AA8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7673690 (meta 00000143EC966F60} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766E018 (meta 000001439D69C158} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766E048 (meta 000001439D69B808} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Release control = userdata:00000143D766DF48 (meta 000001430831E750} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:00000143D766E268 (meta 000001439D69EE38} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:00000143EC967440 chromaEnabled = true enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:00000143D766E3C0 (meta 000001439D69F068} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143EC9670B8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D76739B8 (meta 00000143EC967308} firstMeta firstIndex key = 20 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766E268 (meta 000001439D69EE38} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766E2E8 (meta 000001439D69EB00} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Toggle Recap CyclicRespawn = table:00000143D7675DD8 (meta 00000143CFFD4348} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:00000143D7675EF8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D7670068 (meta 000001430831E750} cyclicRespawnLabel = userdata:00000143D76700C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:00000143D76700F8 (meta 00000143EC3FEDD8} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:00000143D7676408 chromaEnabled = true enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:00000143D7670260 (meta 00000144C305D620} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143D76762A8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7675EE8 (meta 00000143D7676370} firstMeta firstIndex key = 30 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D76700F8 (meta 00000143EC3FEDD8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D7670180 (meta 000001431C6C8E70} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Toggle Recap Death = table:000001439D6A37C8 (meta 00000143CFFD64D8} firstTable firstMeta UPDATE_RATE = 1000 buttons = table:000001439D6A3910 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D766ECF8 (meta 00000143143AEB20} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439D2A7548 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D766EDB0 (meta 0000014314394360} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:000001439D6A3BC0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7674600 (meta 000001439D6A4300} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766ECF8 (meta 00000143143AEB20} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766ED28 (meta 000001431439AF70} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false 2 = userdata:00000143D766EB00 (meta 00000143E135EAF8} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439D2A75B0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D766EB60 (meta 0000014314396E28} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:000001439D6A8330 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7674980 (meta 000001439D6AC518} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766EB00 (meta 00000143E135EAF8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_SECONDARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766EB30 (meta 00000143E1367DD8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false control = userdata:00000143EC964920 (meta 000001430831E750} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:00000143D766EF48 (meta 00000143143A6A18} lastUpdate = 0 ImperialPvE = table:00000143B3249D00 (meta 00000143CFFD4AE0} firstTable firstMeta UPDATE_RATE = 1000 buttons = table:00000143EC960390 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7670E18 (meta 00000143A98B72C0} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439D2A7548 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D7670ED0 (meta 00000144C102F5C8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143EC962940 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7671E18 (meta 00000143EC9649C0} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D7670E18 (meta 00000143A98B72C0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D7670E48 (meta 00000143F3AC8D08} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false 2 = userdata:00000143D7671068 (meta 00000144CCF61348} control = userdata:00000143D7670DB8 (meta 000001430831E750} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:00000143D7671260 (meta 00000143CE3F1E30} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:00000143EC9661E0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:00000143D76713C8 (meta 00000143CE3F2020} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143EC965DA8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D76730D8 (meta 00000143EC965FD8} firstMeta firstIndex key = 18 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D7671260 (meta 00000143CE3F1E30} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D76712E8 (meta 0000014314DD6558} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Toggle Recap lastUpdate = 0 ImperialPvP = table:000001440FCBE450 (meta 00000143CFFD3920} firstTable firstMeta UPDATE_RATE = 1000 buttons = table:00000144D8633878 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7670678 (meta 000001439D7A1620} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001431C6DBD70 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D7670730 (meta 00000143143B4D28} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143EC4051F8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D76720C0 (meta 000001431C6CFAE8} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D7670678 (meta 000001439D7A1620} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D76706A8 (meta 00000143A0218E58} originalText = Choose Revive Location 2 = userdata:00000143D7670B68 (meta 00000144C3049B88} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439D2A75B0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D7670C20 (meta 00000144C304AEE8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000144C8059E70 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7672358 (meta 0000014309DCF5E8} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D7670B68 (meta 00000144C3049B88} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_SECONDARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D7670B98 (meta 00000144C303D8F8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Release control = userdata:00000143D7670400 (meta 000001430831E750} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:00000143D7670898 (meta 0000014313F56710} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:00000144C8061BF0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:00000143D7670A00 (meta 0000014313F5AC68} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143E97D1FA0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7672648 (meta 00000144C8061930} firstMeta firstIndex key = 15 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D7670898 (meta 0000014313F56710} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D7670920 (meta 00000143143B53C8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Toggle Recap lastUpdate = 0 messageHidden = true messageLabel = userdata:00000143D7670430 (meta 00000143083425C0} timerCooldown = userdata:00000143D7670460 (meta 000001440FCBD8F0} firstMeta firstIndex SetNumWarningSounds() = function:000001436880A098 Start() = function:000001436880A018 Stop() = function:000001436880A058 numWarningSounds = 5 InEncounter = table:00000143DB1D9FB0 (meta 00000143CFFC6D98} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:00000143DB1DA1E0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D766F868 (meta 000001430831E750} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:00000143D766FD60 (meta 00000143E12BD9A0} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:00000143D7675CF0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:00000143D766FEC8 (meta 00000144C102D640} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143DB1E2A68 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7675C90 (meta 00000143DB1E30B8} firstMeta firstIndex key = 29 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766FD60 (meta 00000143E12BD9A0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766FDE8 (meta 000001439F480698} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Toggle Recap message = userdata:00000143D766F898 (meta 0000014309DCF778} ReleaseOnly = table:00000143EC967578 (meta 00000143CFFD5DB0} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:00000143EC9676B0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D766E5C0 (meta 000001439D6A0BA0} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439D2A75B0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D766E678 (meta 000001439D6A2798} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143EC968BC8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7673E70 (meta 00000143EC969180} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766E5C0 (meta 000001439D6A0BA0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766E5F0 (meta 000001439D69FC10} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false control = userdata:00000143D766E560 (meta 000001430831E750} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:00000143D766E860 (meta 00000143E1362790} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439D6A3658 chromaEnabled = true enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:00000143EC962E30 (meta 00000143E1367310} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:000001439D6A2FC0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7674198 (meta 000001439D6A3430} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766E860 (meta 00000143E1362790} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766E8E8 (meta 000001439D6A2BE0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Toggle Recap Resurrect = table:000001439D6931D0 (meta 00000143CFFE2FB8} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:000001439D6934E8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D766F5B8 (meta 00000143F3ACAEA0} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439D2A7318 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D766F670 (meta 0000014314CEF0D8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:000001439D693870 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D76750F8 (meta 000001439D695C08} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766F5B8 (meta 00000143F3ACAEA0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766F5E8 (meta 00000143EC95FC98} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Accept 2 = userdata:00000143D766F398 (meta 00000143EC95F230} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439D2A7388 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D766F450 (meta 00000143EC95F550} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:000001439D696CD8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7675420 (meta 000001439D69A898} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766F398 (meta 00000143EC95F230} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_SECONDARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766F3C8 (meta 00000143EC95EC48} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Decline control = userdata:00000143D766F250 (meta 000001430831E750} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:00000143D766F6A0 (meta 0000014314CF0098} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:00000143DB1D04C0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:00000143D766F700 (meta 0000014314CF4120} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143E97C6238 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D76757A0 (meta 00000143DB1CE090} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766F6A0 (meta 0000014314CF0098} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766F6D0 (meta 0000014314CEFC48} originalText = Toggle Recap messageLabel = userdata:00000143D766F280 (meta 00000143083425C0} timerCooldown = userdata:00000143D766F2B0 (meta 00000143EC94B238} firstMeta firstIndex SetNumWarningSounds() = function:000001436880A098 Start() = function:000001436880A018 Stop() = function:000001436880A058 numWarningSounds = 5 waitingToShowPrompt = false DEATH_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D7676710 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_ITERATION_END = 2 DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_MAX_VALUE = 2 DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_MIN_VALUE = 0 DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_BAR = 0 DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_FILL_GAMEPAD = 1 DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_FILL_KEYBOARD = 2 DEATH_RECAP = table:0000014316679068 (meta 000001448F898560} firstTable firstMeta attackPool = table:0000014310358F30 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D6B09750 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143134B6218 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143D6B0AFB0 m_Active = table:00000143ED51EBF8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E41B6B48 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_DeathRecapScrollContainerScrollChildAttacks parent = userdata:00000143D767AF08 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_DeathRecapAttack attackTemplate = ZO_DeathRecapAttack_Keyboard_Template callbackRegistry = table:000001430A075388 firstTable OnDeathRecapAvailableChanged = table:000001430A0753D0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A075448 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0F88668 3 = false control = userdata:000001430A062D80 (meta 0000014308326048} deathRecapAvailable = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143ED522540 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hintPool = table:00000143DDBC6D40 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143DDBD8720 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143DDBDC080 m_Active = table:00000143DDBC7318 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DDBC7848 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_DeathRecapScrollContainerScrollChildHintsContainerHints parent = userdata:000001439D848C60 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_DeathRecapHint hintTemplate = ZO_DeathRecapHint_Keyboard_Template hintTimeline = userdata:00000144081AAD30 (meta 0000014308367FC0} isPlayerDead = false killingBlowIcon = userdata:00000143F991A388 (meta 0000014308349FC8} killingBlowTimeline = userdata:00000143134B6178 (meta 0000014308367FC0} savedVars = table:00000143FBC9E480 (meta 00000143FBC92798} firstTable firstMeta GetInterfaceForCharacter() = function:00000143FBC9E510 default = table:00000143FBC92750 firstTable recapOn = true scrollContainer = userdata:00000144C30557A0 (meta 00000143166540C8} scrollControl = userdata:00000143F28C5548 (meta 000001430831E750} telvarLossTimeline = userdata:00000143D6B0B2B0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} telvarStoneLossControl = userdata:00000143F9915C60 (meta 000001430831E750} telvarStoneLossIconControl = userdata:00000143F28D37B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} telvarStoneLossTemplate = ZO_DeathRecapTelvarStoneLoss_Keyboard_Template telvarStoneLossValueControl = userdata:000001439F4852C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} waitingToShowPrompt = false windowOpen = true DEATH_RECAP_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F9902340 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_ALWAYS_INCLUDE = 1 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_EXCLUSIVE = 2 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_ITERATION_END = 2 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_MAX_VALUE = 2 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_MIN_VALUE = 0 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL = 0 DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE = table:00000143F0F88620 (meta 00000144280712C0} firstTable firstMeta enabled = false DEFAULT_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 28 DEFAULT_GUILD_LEADER_RANK = 255 DEFAULT_HUD_DURATION = 250 DEFAULT_INVENTORY_FILTER_DIVIDER_TOP_OFFSET_Y = 105 DEFAULT_INVITED_RANK = 0 DEFAULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DEFAULT_ITERATION_END = 255 DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE = 255 DEFAULT_MEMBER_RANK = 2 DEFAULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 DEFAULT_OFFICER_RANK = 254 DEFAULT_RECRUIT_RANK = 1 DEFAULT_SCENE_TRANSITION_TIME = 200 DEFAULT_SOUL_GEM_CHOICE_CROWN = 1 DEFAULT_SOUL_GEM_CHOICE_GOLD = 0 DEFAULT_SOUL_GEM_CHOICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DEFAULT_SOUL_GEM_CHOICE_ITERATION_END = 1 DEFAULT_SOUL_GEM_CHOICE_MAX_VALUE = 1 DEFAULT_SOUL_GEM_CHOICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 DIRECTIONAL_INPUT = table:00000143E0DAF440 (meta 00000143E0DAE5C8} firstTable firstMeta allInputDevices = table:00000143E0DAF608 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 3 inputControls = table:00000143E0DAF4D0 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001430838BF28 (meta 000001430831FE68} 2 = userdata:000001430838BF28 (meta 000001430831FE68} inputDeviceConsumed = table:00000143E0DAF518 firstTable 1 = true 2 = true 3 = false inputObjects = table:00000143E0DAF488 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E0DB1460 (meta 00000143E0DAE370} firstTable firstMeta 2 = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} lastUpdateS = 19431.798828125 queuedActivationOperations = table:00000143E0DB1418 firstTable updating = false DISGUISE_STATE_DANGER = 2 DISGUISE_STATE_DISCOVERED = 4 DISGUISE_STATE_DISGUISED = 1 DISGUISE_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DISGUISE_STATE_ITERATION_END = 4 DISGUISE_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 4 DISGUISE_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 DISGUISE_STATE_NONE = 0 DISGUISE_STATE_SUSPICIOUS = 3 DISPLAY_NAME_FRAGMENT = table:00000144DD5CE4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} DISPLAY_NAME_LINK_TYPE = display DISPLAY_NAME_PREFIX_BYTE = 64 DLC_BOOK_FRAGMENT = table:00000143C80603B0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} DLC_BOOK_KEYBOARD = table:00000143C026C250 (meta 0000014369133350} DLC_BOOK_SCENE = table:00000143CCAF7AE8 (meta 0000014368607700} DL_BACKGROUND = 0 DL_CONTROLS = 1 DL_COUNT = 4 DL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DL_ITERATION_END = 4 DL_MAX_VALUE = 4 DL_MIN_VALUE = 0 DL_OVERLAY = 3 DL_TEXT = 2 DONT_SAVE_CURRENT_VALUES = 2 DRESSING_OPTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DRESSING_OPTION_ITERATION_END = 4 DRESSING_OPTION_MAX_VALUE = 4 DRESSING_OPTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 DRESSING_OPTION_NUDE = 0 DRESSING_OPTION_STARTING_GEAR = 1 DRESSING_OPTION_WARDROBE_1 = 2 DRESSING_OPTION_YOUR_GEAR = 3 DRESSING_OPTION_YOUR_GEAR_AND_COLLECTIBLES = 4 DT_HIGH = 2 DT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DT_ITERATION_END = 999 DT_LOW = 0 DT_MAX_VALUE = 999 DT_MEDIUM = 1 DT_MIN_VALUE = 0 DT_PARENT = 999 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_INELIGIBLE_AREA = 19 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_ITERATION_END = 22 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 22 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_NONE = 0 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_NOT_FULL_HEALTH = 22 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_RECENTLY_DECLINED = 20 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_ACTIVE_DUEL = 7 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_CONSIDERING_INVITE = 6 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_CRAFTING = 17 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_DEAD = 11 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_IN_COMBAT = 15 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_PENDING_REQUEST = 5 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_SWIMMING = 13 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_ACTIVE_DUEL = 10 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_CONSIDERING_INVITE = 9 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_CRAFTING = 18 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_DEAD = 12 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_INVALID = 2 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_IN_COMBAT = 16 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_PENDING_REQUEST = 8 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_SELF = 3 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_SWIMMING = 14 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_UNAVAILABLE = 1 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TOO_FAR = 4 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TOO_MANY_NEARBY = 21 DUEL_RESULT_FORFEIT = 0 DUEL_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DUEL_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 1 DUEL_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 1 DUEL_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 DUEL_RESULT_WON = 1 DUEL_STATE_DUELING = 3 DUEL_STATE_DUEL_PENDING = 4 DUEL_STATE_DUEL_TERMINATING = 5 DUEL_STATE_IDLE = 0 DUEL_STATE_INVITE_CONSIDERING = 2 DUEL_STATE_INVITE_REQUESTING = 1 DUEL_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DUEL_STATE_ITERATION_END = 5 DUEL_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 5 DUEL_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_ITERATION_END = 2 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_MAX_VALUE = 2 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_MIN_VALUE = 0 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_NONE = 0 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL = 1 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_VETERAN = 2 DUNGEON_FINDER_GAMEPAD = table:00000143D960F060 (meta 00000143E6317438} DUNGEON_FINDER_KEYBOARD = table:00000143C3FFAFF8 (meta 000001431D934490} DUNGEON_FINDER_MANAGER = table:00000143C3FFB958 (meta 00000143D64371C8} firstTable firstMeta filterModeData = table:00000143C3FFBA48 (meta 000001439FADB210} firstTable activityTypes = table:00000143C3FFBA90 areEntriesInSubmenu = true areSpecificsInSubmenu = false randomFilterName = Random Dungeons randomInfo = table:00000143C3FFB900 firstTable 2 = table:00000143C3FFB228 firstTable description = Completing a Random Normal Dungeon or Random Veteran Dungeon will give you bonus rewards once per day. gamepadBackground = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/LFG_activityArt_dungeon_gamepad.dds keyboardBackground = EsoUI/Art/LFG/LFG_BGs_Dungeon_full.dds 3 = table:00000143C3FFB138 firstTable description = Completing a Random Normal Dungeon or Random Veteran Dungeon will give you bonus rewards once per day. gamepadBackground = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/LFG_activityArt_vetDungeon_gamepad.dds keyboardBackground = EsoUI/Art/LFG/LFG_BGs_VetDungeon_full.dds specificFilterName = Specific Dungeons visibleEntryTypes = table:00000143C3FFB0A0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 2 gamepadObject = table:00000143D960F060 (meta 00000143E6317438} keyboardObject = table:00000143C3FFAFF8 (meta 000001431D934490} lockingCooldownTypes = table:000001439DB33BF8 firstTable 1 = 5 name = ZO_DungeonFinder DYESTAMP_CONFIRMATION_GAMEPAD = table:000001431C5AD940 (meta 000001431C5AD428} DYESTAMP_CONFIRMATION_KEYBOARD = table:000001431C5AB740 (meta 000001431C59F4D8} DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_BLUE = 3 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_BROWN = 5 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_GREEN = 2 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_GREY = 6 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 6 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 6 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_PURPLE = 4 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_RED = 0 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_YELLOW = 1 DYE_RARITY_COMMON = 0 DYE_RARITY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DYE_RARITY_ITERATION_END = 2 DYE_RARITY_MAX_VALUE = 2 DYE_RARITY_MIN_VALUE = 0 DYE_RARITY_RARE = 2 DYE_RARITY_UNCOMMON = 1 DYE_STAMP_CONFIRMATION_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:000001431C5AD988 (meta 0000014368607700} DYE_STAMP_CONFIRMATION_KEYBOARD_SCENE = table:000001431C5AB830 (meta 0000014368607700} DYE_STAMP_USE_RESULT_COLLECTIBLES_NOT_ACTIVE = 6 DYE_STAMP_USE_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DYE_STAMP_USE_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 6 DYE_STAMP_USE_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 6 DYE_STAMP_USE_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 DYE_STAMP_USE_RESULT_NONE = 0 DYE_STAMP_USE_RESULT_NO_ACTIVE_COLLECTIBLES = 4 DYE_STAMP_USE_RESULT_NO_ACTIVE_ITEMS = 2 DYE_STAMP_USE_RESULT_NO_SUCH_DYE_STAMP = 5 DYE_STAMP_USE_RESULT_NO_VALID_COLLECTIBLES = 3 DYE_STAMP_USE_RESULT_NO_VALID_ITEMS = 1 DeclineActivityFindReplacementNotification() = function:00000143F58DCB40 DeclineAgentChat() = function:00000143F58DD670 DeclineDuel() = function:000001439D2A7D30 DeclineGroupInvite() = function:000001439D291F80 DeclineLFGFindReplacementNotification() = function:00000143F58DCB40 DeclineLFGReadyCheckNotification() = function:00000143F58DCFA0 DeclineResurrect() = function:000001439D2A7388 DeclineSharedQuest() = function:000001439D296C60 DeclineWorldEventInvite() = function:000001439D2AB8B8 DecorateDisplayName() = function:00000143CACAA538 DeleteMail() = function:000001439D2A9868 DeleteWorldParticleEffect = function: Private DepositCurrencyIntoBank() = function:00000143F9CF6068 DepositCurrencyIntoGuildBank() = function:000001447D014EE0 DepositMoneyIntoBank() = function:000001447D014FA0 DepositMoneyIntoGuildBank() = function:00000143F9CF60E8 DepositTelvarStonesIntoBank() = function:000001447D01A878 DescendStart = function: Private DescendStop = function: Private DestroyAllJunk() = function:00000143F58E80E8 DestroyBackgroundListFilter() = function:00000143167B50E0 DestroyItem() = function:00000143F58E60D0 Disconnect = function: Private DisplayBankUpgrade() = function:00000143F58E62F8 DoAllGroupMembersHavePreferredRole() = function:000001439D292B30 DoBattlegroundContextsIntersect() = function:000001439D29A1E0 DoCommand() = function:00000143DB2E3530 DoesAbilityExist() = function:000001439D295688 DoesAllianceHaveImperialCityAccess() = function:000001439D299FF8 DoesBagHaveSpaceFor() = function:00000143F58E8240 DoesBagHaveSpaceForItemLink() = function:00000143F58E82B0 DoesCampaignHaveEmperor() = function:000001439D2A0BC0 DoesCollectibleCategoryContainSlottableCollectibles() = function:00000143CACA2998 DoesCollectibleHaveVisibleAppearance() = function:000001439D295A38 DoesCollectibleRequireEntitlement() = function:00000143CACA19C0 DoesCurrentCampaignRulesetAllowChampionPoints() = function:000001439D299D08 DoesCurrentLanguageRequireIME() = function:00000143CACA97A8 DoesCurrentMapMatchMapForPlayerLocation() = function:000001439D29BD70 DoesCurrentZoneAllowBattleLevelScaling() = function:000001439D29D9B8 DoesCurrentZoneAllowScalingByLevel() = function:000001439D29D8B0 DoesCurrentZoneHaveTelvarStoneBehavior() = function:000001439D29D930 DoesESOPlusUnlockCollectible() = function:00000143CACA1948 DoesFurnitureThemeShowInBrowser() = function:00000143F58E3218 DoesGameHaveFocus() = function:000001439D286F68 DoesGroupMeetActivityLevelRequirements() = function:00000143F58DBEC8 DoesGroupMeetLFGLevelRequirements() = function:00000143D76A7988 DoesGroupModificationRequireVote() = function:000001439D292CA0 DoesGuildHaveClaimedKeep() = function:00000143CACAC820 DoesGuildHavePrivilege() = function:00000143CACABA80 DoesGuildHistoryCategoryHaveMoreEvents() = function:00000143CACAC1C0 DoesGuildRankHavePermission() = function:00000143CACAB918 DoesHistoryRequireMapRebuild() = function:000001439D299F80 DoesHousingUserGroupHaveAccess() = function:00000143F58E2658 DoesInventoryContainEmptySoulGem() = function:000001439D28AB48 DoesItemHaveDurability() = function:00000143F58E6D10 DoesItemLinkFinishQuest() = function:00000143F58E9CE8 DoesItemLinkHaveArmorDecay() = function:00000143F58E8CD8 DoesItemLinkHaveEnchantCharges() = function:00000143F58E8E40 DoesItemLinkStartQuest() = function:00000143F58E9C70 DoesJournalQuestConditionHavePosition() = function:000001439D2975E8 DoesKeepPassCompassVisibilitySubzoneCheck() = function:000001439D2A70E8 DoesKillingAttackHaveAttacker() = function:00000143F58DD7C0 DoesLFGActivityHasAllOption() = function:00000143F58DC030 DoesMarketProductContainDLC = function: Private DoesObjectiveExist() = function:000001439D29E8A0 DoesObjectivePassCompassVisibilitySubzoneCheck() = function:000001439D29F720 DoesPlayerHaveGuildPermission() = function:00000143CACAB990 DoesPlayerMeetActivityLevelRequirements() = function:00000143F58DBE40 DoesPlayerMeetCampaignRequirements() = function:000001439D2A1F60 DoesPlayerMeetLFGLevelRequirements() = function:00000143D76A7940 DoesRunePassRequirements() = function:00000143DB1CEF48 DoesSCTSlotAllowSourceType() = function:00000143F58E0E90 DoesSCTSlotAllowTargetType() = function:00000143F58E0BB0 DoesSCTSlotExcludeSourceType() = function:00000143F58E1000 DoesSCTSlotExcludeTargetType() = function:00000143F58E0D20 DoesSystemSupportConsoleEnhancedRenderQuality() = function:00000143CACA9BF8 DoesSystemSupportHDR() = function:00000143CACA9C80 DoesUnitExist() = function:000001439D2873E0 DoesUnitHaveResurrectPending() = function:000001439D288FA8 EFFECT_RESULT_FADED = 2 EFFECT_RESULT_FULL_REFRESH = 4 EFFECT_RESULT_GAINED = 1 EFFECT_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 EFFECT_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 5 EFFECT_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 5 EFFECT_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 1 EFFECT_RESULT_TRANSFER = 5 EFFECT_RESULT_UPDATED = 3 EMOTE_CATEGORY_CEREMONIAL = 1 EMOTE_CATEGORY_CHEERS_AND_JEERS = 2 EMOTE_CATEGORY_COLLECTED = 14 EMOTE_CATEGORY_DEPRECATED = 3 EMOTE_CATEGORY_EMOTION = 4 EMOTE_CATEGORY_ENTERTAINMENT = 5 EMOTE_CATEGORY_FOOD_AND_DRINK = 6 EMOTE_CATEGORY_GIVE_DIRECTIONS = 7 EMOTE_CATEGORY_INVALID = 0 EMOTE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EMOTE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 14 EMOTE_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 14 EMOTE_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 EMOTE_CATEGORY_PERPETUAL = 8 EMOTE_CATEGORY_PERSONALITY_OVERRIDE = 13 EMOTE_CATEGORY_PHYSICAL = 9 EMOTE_CATEGORY_POSES_AND_FIDGETS = 10 EMOTE_CATEGORY_PROP = 11 EMOTE_CATEGORY_SOCIAL = 12 ENCHANTING = table:0000014320F61DA0 (meta 00000143F98EEE00} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143DA756B90 (meta 0000014308326048} creationSlotAnimation = table:000001439D840E58 (meta 00000143F19344F0} firstTable firstMeta bursts = table:000001439D843540 firstTable slots = table:000001439D841068 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D437E38 (meta 00000143F1942780} 2 = table:000001447D4382A0 (meta 00000143F1942780} 3 = table:000001447D438470 (meta 00000143F1942780} extractionSlot = table:000001439D846378 (meta 00000143EC96F868} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143DA758738 (meta 00000143207CF0D8} craftingInventory = table:0000014320F61F98 (meta 00000143F98F35B8} dropCallout = userdata:00000143DA7588C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} emptyTexture = owner = table:0000014320F61DA0 (meta 00000143F98EEE00} slotType = 25 extractionSlotAnimation = table:000001439D8491C8 (meta 0000014320F628F8} firstTable firstMeta slots = table:000001439D84A548 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D846378 (meta 00000143EC96F868} extractionSlotContainer = userdata:00000143DA758500 (meta 000001430831E750} inventory = table:0000014320F61F98 (meta 00000143F98F35B8} inventoryControl = userdata:00000143DA7589B0 (meta 0000014309DF02F8} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:0000014320F61F98 (meta 00000143F98F35B8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143DA7589B0 (meta 0000014309DF02F8} dirty = true filterType = -1 itemCounts = table:0000014320F5D938 firstTable list = userdata:00000143DA7596B0 (meta 00000143EA91CB78} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000143EA91D888 firstTable animation = userdata:00000143DA759BB8 (meta 0000014320F64270} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143DA7596B0 (meta 00000143EA91CB78} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000143EA91EAE8 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143DA759738 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143EA91CD70 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143EA91C778 firstTable 1 = table:0000014309DFC7B8 firstTable height = 52 pool = table:0000014309DFA6A8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014309DFC490 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143DA75AE30 m_Free = table:0000014309DFC5D8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143C025DEA8 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000014309DF6AA0 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000143DA7599F0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143DA7597C0 (meta 00000143EA91C560} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143DA759A50 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143DA759A20 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:00000143DA759AD8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 52 upButton = userdata:00000143DA759968 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:0000014320F64488 firstTable noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143DA759CC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:0000014320F61DA0 (meta 00000143F98EEE00} sortHeaders = table:000001447D423FA0 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortKey = name sortOrder = true keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001439D857518 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D857768 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D8579A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Clear Selections visible() = function:000001439D857E50 2 = table:000001439D858088 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D858460 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:000001439D858248 visible() = function:000001439D858670 alignment = 2 modeBar = userdata:00000143DA757448 (meta 00000143D76813E0} modeBarLabel = userdata:00000143DA757478 (meta 00000143083425C0} resultTooltip = userdata:00000143DA759FB8 (meta 000001430834FDB0} runeSlotContainer = userdata:00000143DA757700 (meta 000001430831E750} runeSlots = table:000001447D4379F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D438470 (meta 00000143F1942780} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143DA7580E0 (meta 00000143134704C8} craftingInventory = table:0000014320F61F98 (meta 00000143F98F35B8} dropCallout = userdata:00000143DA758310 (meta 0000014308349FC8} dropCalloutTextureNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone01_negative.dds dropCalloutTexturePositive = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone01_drag.dds emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone01_slot.dds nameLabel = userdata:00000143DA758398 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:0000014320F61DA0 (meta 00000143F98EEE00} pendingRemoveSound = Enchanting_AspectRune_Removed placeSound = Enchanting_AspectRune_Placed runeType = 1 slotType = 25 2 = table:000001447D4382A0 (meta 00000143F1942780} firstTable control = userdata:00000143DA757890 (meta 00000143F1938870} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143DA757B78 (meta 0000014308367FC0} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 craftingInventory = table:0000014320F61F98 (meta 00000143F98F35B8} dropCallout = userdata:00000143DA757AC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} dropCalloutTextureNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone02_negative.dds dropCalloutTexturePositive = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone02_drag.dds emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone02_slot.dds nameLabel = userdata:00000143DA757B48 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:0000014320F61DA0 (meta 00000143F98EEE00} pendingRemoveSound = Enchanting_EssenceRune_Removed placeSound = Enchanting_EssenceRune_Placed runeType = 2 slotType = 25 3 = table:000001447D437E38 (meta 00000143F1942780} firstTable control = userdata:00000143DA757CB8 (meta 0000014313470120} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143DA757FA0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 craftingInventory = table:0000014320F61F98 (meta 00000143F98F35B8} dropCallout = 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firstTable level = 50 onAnimationFinishedCallback() = function:00000143D767FBD8 onLevelChangedCallback() = function:000001431C5AB218 statusBar = userdata:00000143DA756C88 (meta 000001430FD89298} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143DA756CB8 (meta 0000014308340698} max = 211320 skillIndex = 4 skillType = 8 slotCreationAnimationName = enchanting ENCHANTING_FRAGMENT = table:00000143208608F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} ENCHANTING_MODE_CREATION = 1 ENCHANTING_MODE_EXTRACTION = 2 ENCHANTING_MODE_NONE = 0 ENCHANTING_MODE_RECIPES = 3 ENCHANTING_RUNE_ASPECT = 1 ENCHANTING_RUNE_ESSENCE = 2 ENCHANTING_RUNE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ENCHANTING_RUNE_ITERATION_END = 3 ENCHANTING_RUNE_MAX_VALUE = 3 ENCHANTING_RUNE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ENCHANTING_RUNE_NONE = 0 ENCHANTING_RUNE_POTENCY = 3 ENCHANTING_SCENE = table:00000143DA75CDA8 (meta 00000144C79BED68} ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ABSORB_HEALTH = 20 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ABSORB_MAGICKA = 23 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ABSORB_STAMINA = 22 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_BEFOULED_WEAPON = 1 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_BERSERKER = 2 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_CHARGED_WEAPON = 3 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DAMAGE_HEALTH = 24 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DAMAGE_SHIELD = 10 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DECREASE_PHYSICAL_DAMAGE = 33 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DECREASE_SPELL_DAMAGE = 34 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DISEASE_RESISTANT = 5 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_FIERY_WEAPON = 6 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_FIRE_RESISTANT = 7 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_FROST_RESISTANT = 8 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_FROZEN_WEAPON = 9 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_HEALTH = 11 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_HEALTH_REGEN = 12 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_INCREASE_BASH_DAMAGE = 27 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_INCREASE_PHYSICAL_DAMAGE = 31 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_INCREASE_POTION_EFFECTIVENESS = 29 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_INCREASE_SPELL_DAMAGE = 32 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 35 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_MAGICKA = 13 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_MAGICKA_REGEN = 14 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 35 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_OTHER = 35 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_POISONED_WEAPON = 16 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_POISON_RESISTANT = 15 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_ARMOR = 4 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_BLOCK_AND_BASH = 28 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_FEAT_COST = 26 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_POTION_COOLDOWN = 30 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_POWER = 19 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_SPELL_COST = 25 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_SHOCK_RESISTANT = 21 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_STAMINA = 17 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_STAMINA_REGEN = 18 END_CAST_REASON_COMPLETED = 0 END_CAST_REASON_FAILED = 1 END_CAST_REASON_INTERRUPTED = 3 END_CAST_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 END_CAST_REASON_ITERATION_END = 3 END_CAST_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 3 END_CAST_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 END_CAST_REASON_PLAYER_CANCELLED = 2 END_IN_WORLD_INTERACTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} EQUIPMENT_BONUS_AVERAGE = 1 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_EXTRAORDINARY = 5 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_FAIR = 2 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_HIGH = 3 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_ITERATION_END = 5 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_LOW = 0 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_MAX_VALUE = 5 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_MIN_VALUE = 0 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_SUPERIOR = 4 EQUIP_SLOT_BACKUP_MAIN = 20 EQUIP_SLOT_BACKUP_OFF = 21 EQUIP_SLOT_BACKUP_POISON = 14 EQUIP_SLOT_CHEST = 2 EQUIP_SLOT_CLASS1 = 17 EQUIP_SLOT_CLASS2 = 18 EQUIP_SLOT_CLASS3 = 19 EQUIP_SLOT_COSTUME = 10 EQUIP_SLOT_FEET = 9 EQUIP_SLOT_HAND = 16 EQUIP_SLOT_HEAD = 0 EQUIP_SLOT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EQUIP_SLOT_ITERATION_END = 21 EQUIP_SLOT_LEGS = 8 EQUIP_SLOT_MAIN_HAND = 4 EQUIP_SLOT_MAX_VALUE = 21 EQUIP_SLOT_MIN_VALUE = -1 EQUIP_SLOT_NECK = 1 EQUIP_SLOT_NONE = -1 EQUIP_SLOT_OFF_HAND = 5 EQUIP_SLOT_POISON = 13 EQUIP_SLOT_RANGED = 15 EQUIP_SLOT_RING1 = 11 EQUIP_SLOT_RING2 = 12 EQUIP_SLOT_SHOULDERS = 3 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_ACCESSORIES = 3 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_APPAREL = 2 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 3 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 3 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_WEAPONS = 1 EQUIP_SLOT_WAIST = 6 EQUIP_SLOT_WRIST = 7 EQUIP_TYPE_CHEST = 3 EQUIP_TYPE_COSTUME = 11 EQUIP_TYPE_FEET = 10 EQUIP_TYPE_HAND = 13 EQUIP_TYPE_HEAD = 1 EQUIP_TYPE_INVALID = 0 EQUIP_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EQUIP_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 15 EQUIP_TYPE_LEGS = 9 EQUIP_TYPE_MAIN_HAND = 14 EQUIP_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 15 EQUIP_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 EQUIP_TYPE_NECK = 2 EQUIP_TYPE_OFF_HAND = 7 EQUIP_TYPE_ONE_HAND = 5 EQUIP_TYPE_POISON = 15 EQUIP_TYPE_RING = 12 EQUIP_TYPE_SHOULDERS = 4 EQUIP_TYPE_TWO_HAND = 6 EQUIP_TYPE_WAIST = 8 ESO_Dialogs = table:000001432E016520 firstTable ABANDON_GUEST_CAMPAIGN = table:0000014409E85B88 firstTable buttons = table:0000014409E85C28 firstTable 1 = table:0000014409E85D18 firstTable callback() = function:0000014409E85E08 control = userdata:0000014409E85728 (meta 0000014409E85890} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000014409E85838 (meta 0000014409E85A00} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000014409E85728 (meta 0000014409E85890} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000014409E857B0 (meta 0000014409E85AE8} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 243 2 = table:0000014409E85E48 firstTable control = userdata:0000014409E85258 (meta 0000014409E853C0} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000014409E85368 (meta 0000014409E85530} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000014409E85258 (meta 0000014409E853C0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000014409E852E0 (meta 0000014409E85618} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 3 = table:0000014409E85F38 firstTable control = userdata:0000014409E84C90 (meta 0000014409E84DF8} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000014409E84DA0 (meta 0000014409E84F68} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000014409E84C90 (meta 0000014409E84DF8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000014409E84D18 (meta 0000014409E85050} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 customControl = userdata:0000014409E842A0 (meta 0000014409E86228} setup() = function:0000014409E86070 updateFn() = function:0000014409E860F0 ABANDON_HOME_CAMPAIGN = table:0000014309793028 firstTable buttons = table:0000014309794258 firstTable 1 = table:0000014309794348 firstTable callback() = function:0000014309794438 control = userdata:00000143097993A0 (meta 00000143A35F55A0} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 243 2 = table:0000014309798338 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CDD0F6F8 (meta 0000014309793C98} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 3 = table:0000014309798428 firstTable control = userdata:0000014409E91B40 (meta 0000014409E91CA8} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 customControl = userdata:0000014409E86300 (meta 0000014309797520} setup() = function:0000014309798560 updateFn() = function:00000143097973E8 ABANDON_QUEST = table:0000014346275778 firstTable buttons = table:00000143C4003050 firstTable 1 = table:000001430987D1A8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C40030F0 text = 3686 2 = table:000001430987D248 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000143C4007AC8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143C4005228 firstTable text = 3685 title = table:00000143C40051B0 firstTable text = 4479 ADD_IGNORE = table:000001439FD0A560 firstTable buttons = table:000001439FD0A9A8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439FD0AA48 firstTable callback() = function:000001439FD0AB38 requiresTextInput = true text = 4651 2 = table:000001439FD0AB78 firstTable text = 247 editBox = table:000001439FD0A740 firstTable autoComplete = table:000001439FD0A7E0 firstTable excludeFlags = table:000001439FD0A960 firstTable 1 = 1 includeFlags = table:000001439FD0A8D0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 3 3 = 4 4 = 5 onlineOnly = false defaultText = 167 mainText = table:000001439FD0A6C8 firstTable text = 259 title = table:000001439FD0A650 firstTable text = 5893 ALCHEMY_TRAITS_LEARNED = table:000001447D436608 firstTable buttons = table:000001447D436770 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D4367D8 firstTable control = userdata:000001447D435048 (meta 000001447D435238} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 188 customControl = userdata:000001447D427348 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:000001447D435EC0 title = table:000001447D4366F8 firstTable text = 4241 ALLOW_OVERWRITE = table:000001439F6B3268 firstTable buttons = table:000001439F6B3560 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314B93D90 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314B93E30 text = 245 2 = table:0000014314B93E70 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314B93F10 text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:000001439F6B33F8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001439F6B34E8 firstTable text = 3058 mustChoose = true title = table:000001439F6B3470 firstTable text = 3049 BANK_DEPOSIT_GOLD = table:0000014314B757B8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143143B4248 firstTable 1 = table:00000143143B4290 firstTable callback() = function:00000143143B4380 control = userdata:0000014314B75298 (meta 00000143143B4BB0} text = 6313 2 = table:00000143143B43C8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143143B6640 (meta 00000143143B6798} text = 247 customControl = userdata:0000014313F4F4C0 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:00000143143B4200 title = table:00000143143B4188 firstTable text = 6315 BANK_WITHDRAW_GOLD = table:0000014314B758B8 firstTable buttons = table:0000014314B75D58 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314B75DA0 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314B75728 control = userdata:0000014314B75298 (meta 00000143143B4BB0} text = 6314 2 = table:0000014314B75770 firstTable control = userdata:00000143143B6640 (meta 00000143143B6798} text = 247 customControl = userdata:0000014313F4F4C0 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:0000014314B75D10 title = table:0000014314B759A8 firstTable text = 6316 BID_ON_KIOSK = table:00000144C754D7F0 BINDINGS = table:000001439D306F40 firstTable buttons = table:000001431B70E290 firstTable 1 = table:000001431B70E380 firstTable callback() = function:000001431B70E470 control = userdata:000001431B3EA908 (meta 000001431B3EAA00} keybind = false text = 3790 2 = table:000001431B70E4B8 firstTable callback() = function:000001431B70DE48 control = userdata:00000143D5CFC7A0 (meta 000001431B710DE0} keybind = false text = 3791 3 = table:000001431B70DE90 firstTable control = userdata:000001431DC97018 (meta 00000143D5CFC688} keybind = false text = 247 customControl() = function:000001431D7AE0F8 setup() = function:00000143D587C1C0 title = table:00000143D587C240 firstTable text = 3789 BUY_BAG_SPACE = table:000001430987AE50 firstTable buttons = table:000001430987DBD0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430987DC70 firstTable callback() = function:000001430987DD10 text = 243 2 = table:000001430987DD50 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4004360 text = 244 mainText = table:000001430987C758 firstTable text = Increase your Inventory size by 10 more slots? noChoiceCallback() = function:000001430987DB90 title = table:000001430987AE98 firstTable text = 5946 updateFn() = function:00000143C40043A0 BUY_BANK_SPACE = table:00000143CFE77D68 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE79A28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE79AC8 firstTable callback() = function:000001430987AD58 text = 243 2 = table:000001430987AD98 firstTable text = 244 mainText = table:00000143CFE79920 firstTable text = Increase your Bank size to 10 more slots?\n\nNote: An ESO Plus membership doubles your bank space while active. title = table:00000143CFE77E58 firstTable text = 5949 updateFn() = function:000001430987AE10 BUY_BANK_SPACE_GAMEPAD = table:00000143CB743020 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CB7431F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB743268 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB743358 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 244 2 = table:00000143CB7433D8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB743510 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text() = function:00000143CB7434C8 gamepadInfo = table:00000143CB743068 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CB743158 firstTable text = Increase your Bank size to 10 more slots?\n\nNote: An ESO Plus membership doubles your bank space while active. title = table:00000143CB7430E0 firstTable text = 5949 BUY_MULTIPLE = table:00000143DB1E6880 firstTable buttons = table:00000143DB1E69B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB1E6A58 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DB1E6B48 control = userdata:00000143F9913CA0 (meta 00000143DB1E24C0} text = 3221 2 = table:00000143DB1E6B88 firstTable control = userdata:00000143DB1E1F08 (meta 00000143DB1E2050} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143DB1E1FF8 (meta 00000143DB1E21C0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143DB1E1F08 (meta 00000143DB1E2050} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143DB1E1F80 (meta 00000143DB1E22A8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false text = 247 customControl = userdata:00000143DB1E1768 (meta 0000014308326048} title = table:00000143DB1E6970 firstTable text = 4498 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE = table:000001430987E390 firstTable buttons = table:00000143C40057A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C4005840 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C40058E0 text = 243 2 = table:00000143C4005920 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true mainText = table:000001430987E598 firstTable text = 6430 radioButtons = table:00000143C4005570 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C4005610 firstTable data = true text = Group 2 = table:00000143C40056D8 firstTable data = false text = Solo title = table:000001430987E520 firstTable text = 6427 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_KICKING_FROM_LFG_GROUP_WARNING = table:00000143A44B3C70 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B3EC8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B3F38 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B4028 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 243 2 = table:00000143A44B4068 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B3D60 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B3E50 firstTable text = 6037 title = table:00000143A44B3DD8 firstTable text = 6036 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_READY = table:000001430987DEA0 firstTable buttons = table:000001430987E198 firstTable 1 = table:000001430987E238 firstTable callback() = function:000001430987E2D8 text = 243 2 = table:000001430987E318 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:000001430987E030 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001430987E120 firstTable text = 6417 title = table:000001430987E0A8 firstTable text = 6416 updateFn() = function:000001430987DE60 CANT_BUYBACK_FROM_FENCE = table:000001431D66D108 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE78E60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE78F00 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE772C0 text = 6858 2 = table:00000143CFE77300 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001431D66D150 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CFE78DE8 firstTable text = 5657 title = table:000001431D66D1C8 firstTable text = 5656 updateFn() = function:00000143CFE77348 CHAMPION_CONFIRM_CANCEL_RESPEC = table:000001434626C2C8 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626C548 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626C5E8 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626C688 text = 3705 2 = table:000001434626C6C8 firstTable text = 3706 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626C3B8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626C4A8 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to cancel? All your changes will be reverted. title = table:000001434626C430 firstTable text = 6076 CHAMPION_CONFIRM_CHANGES = table:000001434626C740 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626C9C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626CA60 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626CB00 text = 3705 2 = table:000001434626CB40 firstTable text = 3706 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626C830 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626C920 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to commit your points? title = table:000001434626C8A8 firstTable text = 6078 CHAMPION_CONFIRM_COST = table:0000014408192728 firstTable buttons = table:00000144280527C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014428052808 firstTable callback() = function:00000144280528F8 control = userdata:00000143F0F87508 (meta 00000143F0F87670} text = 251 2 = table:000001448F87E808 firstTable control = userdata:00000143F0F86E48 (meta 00000143F0F86FB0} text = 247 customControl = userdata:00000143F0F8ADF8 (meta 0000014308326048} gamepadInfo = table:0000014428052C68 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014428052688 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to commit your points? setup() = function:0000014428052700 title = table:0000014428052CB0 firstTable text = 6078 CHAMPION_CONFIRM_ENTER_RESPEC = table:000001434626BE78 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626C0D0 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626C170 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626C210 text = 251 2 = table:000001434626C250 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626BF68 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626C058 firstTable text = 6075 title = table:000001434626BFE0 firstTable text = 6074 CHANGE_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS = table:000001431D6D8AB8 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D6D8B78 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D6D8BC0 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D6D8CB0 control = userdata:000001431D6D8378 (meta 000001431D6D98E8} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 6979 2 = table:000001431D6D8CF0 firstTable control = userdata:000001431D6D7EA8 (meta 000001431D6D8010} text = 247 canQueue = true customControl = userdata:000001431D6D7BA0 (meta 000001431D6D8DD8} setup() = function:000001444E585A10 title = table:000001431D6D8B00 firstTable text = 6977 CHAPTER_UPGRADE_STORE = table:00000143B4EF40D8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143B4EF3BD0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B4EF3C70 firstTable callback() = function:00000143B4EF3D10 text = 254 2 = table:00000143B4EF3D50 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143B4EF4268 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143B4EF4358 firstTable text() = function:00000143B4EF3B90 title = table:00000143B4EF42E0 firstTable text = 539 CHAPTER_UPGRADE_STORE_CONSOLE = table:00000143B4EF3DC8 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D7B5300 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D7B53A0 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D7B5440 text = 254 2 = table:000001431D7B5480 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143B4EF4C20 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001431D7B5288 firstTable text() = function:00000143B4EF39E0 title = table:000001431D7B5240 firstTable text = 539 CHARGE_ITEM = table:00000144DD5E7920 firstTable buttons = table:00000144DD5E7A68 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5E7AD8 firstTable callback() = function:00000144DD5E78A0 clickSound = InventoryItem_ApplyCharge control = userdata:00000143D8F2DD20 (meta 00000143D8F2DA48} text = 6569 2 = table:00000144DD5E7BC8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D8F2D290 (meta 00000143D8F2D3D0} text = 247 customControl() = function:00000144DD5E7968 setup() = function:00000144DD5E79A8 title = table:00000144DD5E79F0 firstTable text = 6568 CHAT_OPTIONS_DIALOG = table:00000143B1413360 firstTable buttons = table:00000143B1412CF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B1412D40 firstTable callback() = function:00000143B1412E30 control = userdata:000001431C47CDB0 (meta 000001431C47C2D0} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 2 = table:00000143B1412E70 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C0267800 control = userdata:00000143B1413778 (meta 00000143B14138C0} keybind = DIALOG_RESET text = 269 customControl = userdata:0000014314118CA0 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:00000143B14128F8 title = table:00000143B1413C60 firstTable text = 3144 CHAT_TAB_REMOVE = table:0000014429010230 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D6430CD0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430987C528 firstTable callback() = function:0000014429010410 text = 243 2 = table:00000143CFE75118 firstTable text = 244 mainText = table:0000014429010398 firstTable text = 3193 title = table:0000014429010320 firstTable text = 4499 CHAT_TAB_RESET = table:00000143CFE6F6A8 firstTable buttons = table:0000014309885CF8 firstTable 1 = table:000001430987F500 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346271C00 text = 243 2 = table:00000143C4003410 firstTable text = 244 canQueue = true mainText = table:00000143CFE6CAC8 firstTable text = 3194 title = table:00000143D6432F48 firstTable text = 4500 COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY_RENAME_COLLECTIBLE = table:000001434626CBB8 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626CFA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626D048 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626D138 noReleaseOnClick = true requiresTextInput = true text = 257 2 = table:000001434626D178 firstTable text = 247 editBox = table:000001434626CD98 firstTable defaultText = maxInputCharacters = 20 specialCharacters = table:000001434626CF28 firstTable 1 = ' 2 = - 3 = textType = 0 validatesText = true validator() = function:00000143CACA1D88 mainText = table:000001434626CD20 firstTable text = 6539 title = table:000001434626CCA8 firstTable text = 6538 COLOR_PICKER = table:00000143B2B5E2B8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143B2B5E420 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B2B5E490 firstTable callback() = function:00000143B2B5E580 control = userdata:00000143E30B1208 (meta 00000143E30B1370} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 243 2 = table:00000143B2B5E5C8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143B2B5E6B8 control = userdata:00000143E30AF508 (meta 00000143E30AF810} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 customControl = userdata:00000143B2B5AAB0 (meta 0000014308326048} title = table:00000143B2B5E3A8 firstTable text = 3540 CONFIRM_APPLY_DYE = table:00000143D643E908 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D643EB60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D643EBD0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D643ECC0 clickSound = Dyeing_Apply_Changes text = 243 2 = table:00000143D643ED00 firstTable text = 244 gamepadInfo = table:00000143D643E9F8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143D643EAE8 firstTable text = 4386 title = table:00000143D643EA70 firstTable text = 4385 CONFIRM_BUY_HOUSE_FOR_GOLD = table:00000143A44B6C68 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B6F88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B7028 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B70C8 text = 251 2 = table:00000143A44B7108 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:00000143A44B6C28 gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B6DF8 firstTable dialogType = 1 dontEndInWorldInteractions = true mainText = table:00000143A44B6F10 firstTable text = 7021 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143A44B6C28 title = table:00000143A44B6E98 firstTable text = 7020 CONFIRM_CANCEL_RESEARCH = table:00000143A44B7670 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B7A58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B7AF8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B7BE8 requiresTextInput = true text = 3705 2 = table:00000143A44B7C28 firstTable text = 3706 canQueue = true editBox = table:00000143A44B7968 firstTable matchingString = CONFIRM gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B7800 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B78F0 firstTable text = 4226 title = table:00000143A44B7878 firstTable text = 6775 warning = table:00000143A44B79E0 firstTable text = 4227 CONFIRM_CLEAR_MAIL_COMPOSE = table:00000143D642F408 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D642F660 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D642F700 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D642F7A0 text = 243 2 = table:00000143D642F7E0 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000143D642F4F8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143D642F5E8 firstTable text = 6618 title = table:00000143D642F570 firstTable text = 6617 CONFIRM_CONVERT_STYLE = table:000001431D6700F8 firstTable buttons = table:000001439FD0C470 firstTable 1 = table:000001439FD0C4B8 firstTable callback() = function:000001439FD0C558 text = 7113 2 = table:000001439FD0C598 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001431D670288 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001439FD0C428 firstTable text = 7112 title = table:000001431D670300 firstTable text = 7111 CONFIRM_DESTROY_ITEM_PROMPT = table:00000143462727A0 firstTable buttons = table:000001439FD09B40 firstTable 1 = table:000001439FD09B88 firstTable callback() = function:00000143613A1068 requiresTextInput = true text = 6301 2 = table:0000014346272CD8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346272D78 text = 247 editBox = table:00000143462750D8 firstTable matchingString = DESTROY mainText = table:0000014346275090 firstTable text = 6304 noChoiceCallback() = function:000001439FD09B00 title = table:0000014346275048 firstTable text = 6302 CONFIRM_ENCHANT_LOCKED_ITEM = table:00000143A44B83A8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B86A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B8740 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B8830 requiresTextInput = true text = 243 2 = table:00000143A44B8870 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true editBox = table:00000143A44B8628 firstTable matchingString = CONFIRM mainText = table:00000143A44B85B0 firstTable text = 4276 title = table:00000143A44B8538 firstTable text = 4275 CONFIRM_EQUIP_ITEM = table:00000143A44B4DA0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B5098 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B5108 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B51F8 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 243 2 = table:00000143A44B5238 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B4F30 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B5020 firstTable text = 6308 title = table:00000143A44B4FA8 firstTable text = 6307 CONFIRM_IGNORE_FRIEND = table:0000014309881370 firstTable buttons = table:0000014309881668 firstTable 1 = table:00000143098816D8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D643DFF8 text = 5899 2 = table:00000143D643E038 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000014309881500 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143098815F0 firstTable text = 5898 title = table:0000014309881578 firstTable text = 5897 CONFIRM_IMPROVE_ITEM = table:00000143D642F898 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D6434288 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6434328 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D64343C8 text = 243 2 = table:00000143D6434408 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143D642FA28 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143D6434118 firstTable text = 4340 title = table:00000143D642FAA0 firstTable text = 4339 warning = table:00000143D6434190 firstTable text() = function:00000143D6434208 CONFIRM_IMPROVE_LOCKED_ITEM = table:00000143D6434480 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D6434860 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D66F950 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D66FA40 requiresTextInput = true text = 243 2 = table:000001431D66FA80 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true editBox = table:00000143D6434700 firstTable matchingString = CONFIRM mainText = table:00000143D6434688 firstTable text = 4341 title = table:00000143D6434610 firstTable text = 4339 warning = table:00000143D64347A0 firstTable text() = function:00000143D6434818 CONFIRM_INTERACTION = table:00000143D643E0B0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D643E3E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D643E458 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D643E4F8 text = 4682 2 = table:00000143D643E538 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D643E5D8 text = 4683 gamepadInfo = table:00000143D643E240 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143D643E330 firstTable text = <<1>> noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143D643E3A8 title = table:00000143D643E2B8 firstTable text = <<1>> CONFIRM_LEAVE_BATTLEGROUND = table:00000143A44B7180 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B7478 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B7518 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B75B8 text = 3705 2 = table:00000143A44B75F8 firstTable text = 3706 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B7310 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B7400 firstTable text = 7108 title = table:00000143A44B7388 firstTable text = 7107 CONFIRM_MODIFY_TRADE_BOP = table:00000143A44B4890 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B4B88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B4BF8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B4CE8 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 243 2 = table:00000143A44B4D28 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B4A20 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B4B10 firstTable text = 6309 title = table:00000143A44B4A98 firstTable text = 6307 CONFIRM_OPEN_URL_BY_TYPE = table:00000143B4EF4CC8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143B4EF4688 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B4EF4728 firstTable callback() = function:00000143B4EF47C8 text = 182 2 = table:00000143B4EF4808 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:00000143B4EF4880 gamepadInfo = table:00000143B4EF4E58 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143B4EF5410 firstTable text() = function:00000143B4EF4648 title = table:0000014310BC0F38 firstTable text = 180 CONFIRM_PRIMARY_RESIDENCE = table:00000143A44B6738 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B6A30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B6AD0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B6B70 text = 3705 2 = table:00000143A44B6BB0 firstTable text = 3706 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B68C8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B69B8 firstTable text = 7014 title = table:00000143A44B6940 firstTable text = 7013 CONFIRM_PURCHASE = table:00000143CFE6F850 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE752C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE75368 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE753B0 text = 251 2 = table:00000143CFE77CF0 firstTable text = 247 mainText = table:00000143CFE75250 firstTable text = 4428 title = table:00000143CFE751D8 firstTable text = 4485 CONFIRM_RELEASE_KEEP_OWNERSHIP = table:00000143C4005998 firstTable buttons = table:00000143C4005C58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C4005CF8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D642F2A8 text = 5814 2 = table:00000143D642F2E8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D642F388 text = 247 mainText = table:00000143C4005BA0 firstTable text = 5817 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143C4005C18 title = table:00000143C4005B28 firstTable text = 5816 updateFn() = function:00000143D642F3C8 CONFIRM_REMOVE_FRIEND = table:0000014309880EB0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143098811A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014309881218 firstTable callback() = function:00000143098812B8 text = 5896 2 = table:00000143098812F8 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000014309881040 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014309881130 firstTable text = 5895 title = table:00000143098810B8 firstTable text = 5894 CONFIRM_REMOVE_PERMISSIONS = table:000001431D6D5A48 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D6D5B38 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D6D5BA8 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D6D5C98 control = userdata:000001431D6D96F0 (meta 000001445860ED98} text = 251 2 = table:000001431D6D5CD8 firstTable control = userdata:000001431D6D9478 (meta 000001431D6D95E0} text = 247 customControl = userdata:000001431D6D91C8 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:000001444E580BC0 CONFIRM_RESET_TUTORIALS = table:00000143A44B2E98 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B30F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B3190 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CACA08B8 text = 268 2 = table:00000143A44B3230 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B2F88 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B3078 firstTable text = 6709 title = table:00000143A44B3000 firstTable text = 6708 CONFIRM_RETRAIT_ITEM = table:0000014346266C10 firstTable buttons = table:0000014346266F48 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346266FE8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143462670D8 clickSound = Retraiting_Start_Retrait text = 243 2 = table:0000014346267118 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000014346266DA0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014346266E90 firstTable text() = function:0000014346266F08 title = table:0000014346266E18 firstTable text = 6797 CONFIRM_RETRAIT_LOCKED_ITEM = table:0000014346267190 firstTable buttons = table:00000143462674C8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346267568 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346267658 clickSound = Retraiting_Start_Retrait requiresTextInput = true text = 243 2 = table:0000014346267698 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true editBox = table:0000014346267450 firstTable matchingString = CONFIRM mainText = table:0000014346267398 firstTable text() = function:0000014346267410 title = table:0000014346267320 firstTable text = 6797 CONFIRM_STOW_ALL_GEMIFIABLE = table:00000143A44B6248 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B6540 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B65E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B6680 text = 3705 2 = table:00000143A44B66C0 firstTable text = 3706 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B63D8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B64C8 firstTable text = 6925 title = table:00000143A44B6450 firstTable text = 6924 CONFIRM_STOW_GEMIFIABLE = table:00000143A44B5D58 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B6050 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B60F0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B6190 text = 3705 2 = table:00000143A44B61D0 firstTable text = 3706 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B5EE8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B5FD8 firstTable text = 6923 title = table:00000143A44B5F60 firstTable text = 6922 CONSOLE_BUY_ESO_PLUS = table:00000143462710E8 firstTable buttons = table:0000014346271340 firstTable 1 = table:00000143462713E0 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346271480 text = 222 2 = table:00000143462714C0 firstTable text = 249 gamepadInfo = table:00000143462711D8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143462712C8 firstTable text = 221 title = table:0000014346271250 firstTable text = 220 CONSOLE_COMMUNICATION_PERMISSION_ERROR = table:000001434626FA58 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626FD78 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626FDF0 firstTable clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 257 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001434626FBE8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626FCD8 firstTable align = 1 text = 258 title = table:000001434626FC60 firstTable text = 174 COPY_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS = table:000001431D588BC0 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D588C80 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D588CF0 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D588D38 control = userdata:000001431D584260 (meta 000001431D5857D0} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 251 2 = table:000001431D588D78 firstTable control = userdata:000001431D582990 (meta 000001431D582AF0} text = 247 canQueue = true customControl = userdata:000001431D5823E0 (meta 000001431D588AF0} setup() = function:000001444E585A50 title = table:000001431D588C08 firstTable text = 6980 CORRUPT_SAVE = table:0000014310BBE038 firstTable buttons = table:000001439E144960 firstTable 1 = table:000001439E144A00 firstTable callback() = function:00000143B4EFEC08 text = 245 2 = table:00000143B4EFEC48 firstTable callback() = function:00000143B4EFECE8 text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000014305C9B548 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001439E1448E8 firstTable text = 3052 mustChoose = true title = table:000001439E1448A0 firstTable text = 3049 CRAFT_CONFIRM_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_ITEM = table:00000143A44B32A8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B3528 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B35C8 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 2 = table:00000143A44B3668 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B3758 keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = 4218 gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B3398 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B3488 firstTable align = 1 text = 4224 title = table:00000143A44B3410 firstTable text = 4223 CREATE_GUILD = table:00000144DD770D00 firstTable buttons = table:00000144DD770E38 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD770ED8 firstTable callback() = function:00000144DD770FC8 control = userdata:000001431B712F88 (meta 000001431D989A58} text = 248 2 = table:00000144DD771008 firstTable control = userdata:000001439FAD9DA0 (meta 000001431B712E88} text = 247 customControl = userdata:000001431D987EF0 (meta 00000144DD7710F0} setup() = function:000001436139DB20 title = table:00000144DD770DF0 firstTable text = 5804 DELETE_MAIL = table:00000143CFE6BE00 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE6C058 firstTable 1 = table:0000014309887E58 firstTable callback() = function:0000014309887EF8 text = 6611 2 = table:0000014309887F38 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000143CFE6BEF0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CFE6BFE0 firstTable text = 6610 title = table:00000143CFE6BF68 firstTable text = 6609 DELETE_MAIL_ATTACHMENTS = table:0000014309887FB0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143098848D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014309884978 firstTable callback() = function:0000014309884A18 text = 245 2 = table:0000014309884A58 firstTable text = 246 mainText = table:0000014309884860 firstTable text = 3413 title = table:00000143098880A0 firstTable text = 4492 DELETE_MAIL_ATTACHMENTS_AND_MONEY = table:0000014309879F30 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE7A178 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE7A218 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE7A2B8 text = 245 2 = table:00000143CFE7A2F8 firstTable text = 246 mainText = table:00000143CFE7A100 firstTable text = 3415 title = table:0000014309879F78 firstTable text = 4492 DELETE_MAIL_MONEY = table:0000014309884AD0 firstTable buttons = table:0000014309879D38 firstTable 1 = table:0000014309879DD8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014309879E78 text = 245 2 = table:0000014309879EB8 firstTable text = 246 mainText = table:0000014309879CC0 firstTable text = 3414 title = table:0000014309879C48 firstTable text = 4493 DESTROY_ALL_JUNK = table:000001431D6691D0 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D6693B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D66CFA0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F58E80E8 clickSound = Inventory_DestroyJunk text = 4070 2 = table:000001431D66D090 firstTable text = 244 mainText = table:000001431D669338 firstTable text = 4069 title = table:000001431D6692C0 firstTable text = 4488 DESTROY_ITEM_PROMPT = table:000001431D6711E0 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D66DB80 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D66DC20 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D669648 text = 3705 2 = table:000001431D669688 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346272760 text = 3706 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001431D671228 firstTable allowRightStickPassThrough = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014346273C50 firstTable text = 6303 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000014346273C98 title = table:0000014346273C08 firstTable text = 6302 DYE_STAMP_CONFIRM_USE = table:00000143A44B4420 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B4678 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B46E8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B47D8 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 243 2 = table:00000143A44B4818 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B4510 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B4600 firstTable text = 6392 title = table:00000143A44B4588 firstTable text = 6391 EDIT_NOTE = table:000001431D9892F0 firstTable buttons = table:00000144D54574E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439FADAB48 firstTable callback() = function:00000144D5457EB8 control = userdata:00000144D5457FA8 (meta 000001431D9896D8} text = 256 2 = table:000001439FADAC38 firstTable control = userdata:00000144D5457C88 (meta 00000144D5457DD0} text = 247 customControl = userdata:00000143D9616440 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:000001436139DA20 title = table:000001431D987E58 firstTable text = 5887 ENCHANTING = table:00000144DD5D62A0 firstTable buttons = table:00000144DD5D63E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5D6458 firstTable callback() = function:00000144DD5D6220 clickSound = InventoryItem_ApplyEnchant control = userdata:00000143D8F2DD20 (meta 00000143D8F2DA48} text = 6574 2 = table:00000144DD5D64A0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D8F2D290 (meta 00000143D8F2D3D0} text = 247 canQueue = true customControl() = function:00000144DD5D62E8 setup() = function:00000144DD5D6328 title = table:00000144DD5D6370 firstTable text = 6573 ENCHANT_TRANSLATION_LEARNED = table:000001447D4362C0 firstTable buttons = table:000001447D436350 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D4363B8 firstTable control = userdata:000001447D4283E0 (meta 000001447D428538} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 188 customControl = userdata:000001447D4264A0 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:000001447D4359C0 title = table:000001447D436308 firstTable text = 4273 EXIT_DYE_UI = table:00000143462687D0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143462689B0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346268A20 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346268AC0 text = 243 2 = table:0000014346268B00 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346268BA0 text = 244 mainText = table:0000014346268938 firstTable text = 6390 title = table:00000143462688C0 firstTable text = 6389 EXIT_DYE_UI_BIND = table:00000143D643ED78 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D643EF58 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346267AD8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346267B78 text = 243 2 = table:0000014346267BB8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346267C58 text = 244 mainText = table:00000143D643EEE0 firstTable text = 4388 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000014346267C98 title = table:00000143D643EE68 firstTable text = 4387 EXIT_DYE_UI_DISCARD_GAMEPAD = table:0000014346267CD8 firstTable buttons = table:0000014346267FF8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346268068 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346268108 text = 3705 2 = table:0000014346268148 firstTable callback() = function:00000143462681E8 text = 3706 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000014346267E68 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014346267F58 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to exit?\n\nAll of your changes will be discarded. noChoiceCallback() = function:0000014346268228 title = table:0000014346267EE0 firstTable text = 5438 EXIT_DYE_UI_TO_ACHIEVEMENT = table:0000014346268BE0 firstTable buttons = table:0000014346268ED8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346268F48 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346268FE8 text = 243 2 = table:0000014346269028 firstTable callback() = function:00000143462690C8 text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000014346268D70 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014346268E60 firstTable text = 6390 title = table:0000014346268DE8 firstTable text = 6389 EXIT_DYE_UI_TO_ACHIEVEMENT_BIND = table:0000014346268268 firstTable buttons = table:0000014346268560 firstTable 1 = table:00000143462685D0 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346268670 text = 243 2 = table:00000143462686B0 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346268750 text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143462683F8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143462684E8 firstTable text = 4388 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000014346268790 title = table:0000014346268470 firstTable text = 4387 EXTRACT_ALL_PROMPT = table:00000143A44B5908 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B5B60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B5C00 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B5CA0 text = 3705 2 = table:00000143A44B5CE0 firstTable text = 3706 gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B59F8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B5AE8 firstTable text = 6920 title = table:00000143A44B5A70 firstTable text = 6919 FAILED_LOAD = table:00000143B4EFED28 firstTable buttons = table:00000143139258A0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313925940 firstTable callback() = function:00000143139259E0 text = 245 2 = table:0000014313925A20 firstTable callback() = function:0000014313925AC0 text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:00000143B4EFED70 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434613FFE0 firstTable text = 3053 mustChoose = true title = table:000001434613FF68 firstTable text = 3050 FAILED_SAVE = table:0000014313925B00 firstTable buttons = table:0000014305C9CF68 firstTable 1 = table:0000014305C9D008 firstTable callback() = function:0000014305C9D0A8 text = 245 2 = table:0000014305C9D0E8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014305C9D188 text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000014313928F18 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014313929008 firstTable text = 3054 mustChoose = true title = table:0000014313928F90 firstTable text = 3049 FAST_TRAVEL_CONFIRM = table:0000014346273D58 firstTable buttons = table:0000014346273FB0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346273FF8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346274098 text = 251 2 = table:00000143462740D8 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:0000014346273E48 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014346273F38 firstTable text = 3223 title = table:0000014346273EC0 firstTable text = 4494 FIXING_STUCK = table:00000143D643E618 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D643E8C0 firstTable mainText = table:00000143D643E820 firstTable align = 1 text = 3743 mustChoose = true showLoadingIcon = true title = table:00000143D643E7A8 firstTable text = 3742 GAMEPAD_CHANGE_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS = table:00000143AF1C6220 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143DF61E7E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C7D449C0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DE376750 enabled() = function:00000143DE376790 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 198 2 = table:00000143DE3767D0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DE3768C0 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143AF1C63B0 firstTable dialogType = 2 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143DF61E960 parametricList = table:00000143AF1C64B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C7D44978 firstTable header = Select Preset template = ZO_GamepadDropdownItem templateData = table:00000143DF6206D0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DF6207B0 setup() = function:00000143DF620770 2 = table:00000143DF627D40 firstTable template = ZO_CheckBoxTemplate_WithoutIndent_Gamepad templateData = table:0000014320DBBBA8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C7D44938 setup() = function:0000014320DBBBF0 text = Apply to all houses. 3 = table:00000143AF1C6530 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:00000143AF1C65D0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143AF1C66C0 setup() = function:0000014355594660 text = Confirm setup() = function:00000143AF1C6428 GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_ACTIONS_DIALOG = table:0000014313225518 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D104DC18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D104DC60 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D104F8D0 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 257 2 = table:00000143D104DCA8 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143132256E0 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:00000143D617D9A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D61868F0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:000001431321C0C0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CCAE70A8 setup() = function:00000143063C8968 text = Link in Chat visible() = function:000001439D298DA0 2 = table:00000143CCAE73A0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:00000143132245A0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A42EB2C0 setup() = function:00000143063C8968 text = Rename visible() = function:00000143DFA4FB70 3 = table:00000143DFA4FBF0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:00000143DFA4FC38 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DFA60320 setup() = function:00000143063C8968 text = Open Crown Store visible() = function:00000143DFA603A0 4 = table:00000143DFA603E8 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:000001439F022490 firstTable callback() = function:00000143098AF6E0 setup() = function:00000143063C8968 text = Upgrade visible() = function:000001439F0224D8 setup() = function:00000143D617CB50 title = table:00000143D617D718 firstTable text = 4815 GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY_RENAME_COLLECTIBLE = table:00000143A42EC788 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:000001439F03D9C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F03DA10 firstTable callback() = function:00000144C25832D0 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 198 2 = table:000001439F03DA90 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D1A63F70 clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = 219 visible() = function:00000143D1A63FF8 3 = table:00000143A42EDEA0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A42E3168 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143A42EC7D0 firstTable dialogType = 2 mainText = table:00000143A42EEC20 firstTable text = 6539 parametricList = table:00000143A42EEC98 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A42EECE0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldItem templateData = table:000001439F03CDD0 firstTable nameField = true setup() = function:000001439F03CE18 textChangedCallback() = function:00000144C25838E0 setup() = function:00000143A42EC818 title = table:00000143D6177C18 firstTable text = 6538 GAMEPAD_COLOR_PICKER = table:000001431DA0E828 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true blockDirectionalInput = true buttons = table:000001431DA0EC00 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DA0ECA0 firstTable alignment = 2 callback() = function:000001431DA0EE30 clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 243 2 = table:000001431DA0EE78 firstTable alignment = 2 callback() = function:000001431DA0F008 clickSound = Dialog_Decline keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 canQueue = true customControl = userdata:000001431DA0BDE0 (meta 000001431DA0FDF8} finishedCallback() = function:000001431DA0E7A8 gamepadInfo = table:000001431DA0EB70 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 7 dontEndInWorldInteractions = true noChoiceCallback() = function:000001431DA0E7A8 setup() = function:000001431DA0EBB8 title = table:000001431DA0EAF8 firstTable text = 3540 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_BUY_MOUNT = table:00000143CFE734C8 firstTable buttons = table:0000014309880CB8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014309880D58 firstTable callback() = function:0000014309880DF8 text = 5845 2 = table:0000014309880E38 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000143CFE735B8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014309880C40 firstTable text = 5146 title = table:0000014309880BC8 firstTable text = 5145 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_ENCHANT_LOCKED_ITEM = table:00000143462666D0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143462669C8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346266A68 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346266B58 onShowCooldown = 2000 text = 243 2 = table:0000014346266B98 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000014346266860 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014346266950 firstTable text = 5156 title = table:00000143462668D8 firstTable text = 4275 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_IMPROVE_LOCKED_ITEM = table:000001431D66FAF8 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D66FEB0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D66FF50 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D670040 onShowCooldown = 2000 text = 243 2 = table:000001431D670080 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001431D66FC88 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001431D66FD78 firstTable text = 4775 title = table:000001431D66FD00 firstTable text = 4339 warning = table:000001431D66FDF0 firstTable text() = function:000001431D66FE68 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_REMOVE_PERMISSIONS = table:000001436BDA31F8 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143DF61E7E0 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001436BDA3388 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:000001436BDA3488 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DF627D40 2 = table:00000143AF1C6048 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:00000143AF1C60E8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143AF1C61D8 setup() = function:0000014355594660 text = Confirm setup() = function:000001436BDA3400 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_RESEARCH_ITEM = table:000001434626EE78 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626F0D0 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626F170 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626F210 text = 243 2 = table:000001434626F250 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626EF68 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626F058 firstTable text = 5171 title = table:000001434626EFE0 firstTable text = 5170 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_RETRAIT_LOCKED_ITEM = table:0000014346267710 firstTable buttons = table:0000014346267A48 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346267A90 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44BB1F0 clickSound = Retraiting_Start_Retrait onShowCooldown = 2000 text = 243 2 = table:00000143A44BB230 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143462678A0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014346267990 firstTable text() = function:0000014346267A08 title = table:0000014346267918 firstTable text = 6797 GAMEPAD_COPY_HOUSE_PERMISSIONS = table:00000143AF1C6708 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143DF61E7E0 gamepadInfo = table:00000143AF1C6898 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 2 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143DF61E960 parametricList = table:00000143AF1C69C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C7D45CD0 firstTable header = Select House template = ZO_GamepadDropdownItem templateData = table:00000143DF61E6B8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DF61E7A0 setup() = function:00000143DF61E758 2 = table:00000143AF1C6A30 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:00000143AF1C6AD0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143AF1C6BC0 setup() = function:0000014355594660 text = Confirm validInput() = function:00000143AF1C6C08 setup() = function:00000143AF1C6938 GAMEPAD_GENERIC_WAIT = table:000001434626F608 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626F8F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626F968 firstTable clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001434626F7D8 firstTable dialogType = 3 loading = table:000001434626F850 firstTable text = Waiting... mustChoose = true setup() = function:000001434626F798 GAMEPAD_GROUP_INVITE_DIALOG = table:00000143D6434DC8 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143D6435620 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6435690 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D6435780 enabled() = function:00000143D64357C8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 198 2 = table:00000143D6435818 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D6435908 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000143D6434F58 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:00000143D64350C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6435138 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:00000143D64351D8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D6435360 setup() = function:00000143D6435310 textChangedCallback() = function:00000143D64352C8 2 = table:00000143D64353A8 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:00000143D6435448 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D6435538 setup() = function:00000143C3FFF348 text = Request validInput() = function:00000143D64355D0 setup() = function:00000143D6434FD0 title = table:00000143D6435050 firstTable text = 5962 GAMEPAD_GUILD_INVITE_DIALOG = table:00000143C3FF96C0 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143D6434AB8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6434B00 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D6434BF0 enabled() = function:00000143D6434C38 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 198 2 = table:00000143D6434C88 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D6434D78 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000143C3FF9708 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:00000144290096D0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014429009740 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:00000143B4BFDE30 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D9614410 setup() = function:00000143B4BFDE78 textChangedCallback() = function:0000014361395EC0 2 = table:00000143D9614458 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:00000143D96144F8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D64349D0 setup() = function:00000143C3FFF348 text = Request validInput() = function:00000143D6434A68 setup() = function:00000143C3FF9750 title = table:0000014429009688 firstTable text = 5821 GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_ACTIONS_DIALOG = table:00000143A44B52F0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B5678 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B56E8 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 2 = table:00000143A44B57B0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B58C8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Select finishedCallback() = function:00000143A44B5638 gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B5500 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:00000143A44B55F0 firstTable setup() = function:00000143A44B5480 title = table:00000143A44B5578 firstTable text = 4815 GAMEPAD_KEEP_CLAIM_DIALOG = table:00000143EC958D98 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143EC9595F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC959678 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D691440 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 2 = table:000001439D6914C0 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D6915F0 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Select visible() = function:000001439D6915B0 3 = table:000001439D691678 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D6917B0 keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = Accept visible() = function:000001439D691768 gamepadInfo = table:00000143EC959068 firstTable dialogType = 2 mainText = table:00000143EC959220 firstTable text() = function:00000143EC959298 noChoiceCallback() = function:000001439D6B29B8 parametricList = table:00000143EC959338 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC959380 firstTable header = 5327 template = ZO_GamepadDropdownItem templateData = table:00000143EC959470 firstTable rankSelector = true setup() = function:00000143EC9595A0 visible() = function:00000143EC959560 setup() = function:00000143EC9590E0 title = table:00000143EC9591A8 firstTable text = Claim Ownership updateFn() = function:00000143EC9592E0 GAMEPAD_KEEP_RELEASE_DIALOG = table:000001439D6AD1D0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143F4431F98 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D6B38F0 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D6B39E0 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 5814 visible() = function:000001439D6B3A20 2 = table:000001439D6B3AA0 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D6B27A8 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:000001439D6AD218 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143F4431F10 firstTable text = 5817 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143F4431F58 title = table:000001439D68D390 firstTable text = 5816 updateFn() = function:000001439D6B27E8 GAMEPAD_MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHMENT_COD = table:000001431D66F370 firstTable buttons = table:00000143B2B5E910 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B2B5E958 firstTable callback() = function:00000143B2B5E9F8 text = 243 2 = table:00000143B2B5EA38 firstTable text = 244 gamepadInfo = table:00000143B2B5E7A8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143B2B5E898 firstTable text = 6613 title = table:00000143B2B5E820 firstTable text = 6612 GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_RESET_TO_DEFAULTS = table:00000143B4EF88D8 firstTable buttons = table:000001434613F2C8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014310BC0E10 firstTable callback() = function:0000014310BC0EB0 text = 268 2 = table:0000014310BC0EF0 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000143B4EF8A68 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434613F210 firstTable text() = function:000001434613F288 mustChoose = true title = table:000001434613F198 firstTable text = 265 GAMEPAD_REQUEST_ADD_GUILD_PERMISSION = table:000001436BDA2220 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143DF61E7E0 gamepadInfo = table:000001436BDA23B0 firstTable dialogType = 2 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143DF61E960 parametricList = table:000001436BDA24B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DF6207F0 firstTable header = Select Guild template = ZO_GamepadDropdownItem templateData = table:00000143C7D45BB0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C7D45C90 setup() = function:00000143C7D45C50 2 = table:00000143DF61C4F8 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:00000143DF61C598 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DF627CC0 setup() = function:00000143DF619660 visible() = function:00000143DF627C80 3 = table:00000143C7D44978 4 = table:00000143DF627D40 5 = table:000001436BDA2550 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:000001436BDA25F0 firstTable callback() = function:000001436BDA26E0 setup() = function:0000014355594660 text = Confirm validInput() = function:000001436BDA2730 setup() = function:000001436BDA2428 GAMEPAD_REQUEST_ADD_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = table:000001436BDA0678 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143DF6264E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C7D449C0 2 = table:00000143DE3767D0 3 = table:00000143DE376900 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DF626460 keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = 5366 visible() = function:00000143DF6264A0 gamepadInfo = table:000001436BDA0808 firstTable dialogType = 2 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143DF61E960 parametricList = table:000001436BDA08B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DF61C4F8 2 = table:00000143C7D44978 3 = table:00000143DF627D40 4 = table:000001436BDA84E0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:000001436BDA0348 firstTable callback() = function:000001436BDA2188 setup() = function:0000014355594660 text = Confirm validInput() = function:000001436BDA21D8 setup() = function:000001436BDA7680 GAMEPAD_REQUEST_BAN_GUILD_PERMISSION = table:000001436BDA2CB0 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143DF61E7E0 gamepadInfo = table:000001436BDA2E40 firstTable dialogType = 2 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143DF61E960 parametricList = table:000001436BDA2F40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DF6207F0 2 = table:00000143DF61C4F8 3 = table:00000143DF627D40 4 = table:000001436BDA2FD0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:000001436BDA3070 firstTable callback() = function:000001436BDA3160 setup() = function:0000014355594660 text = Confirm validInput() = function:000001436BDA31B0 setup() = function:000001436BDA2EB8 GAMEPAD_REQUEST_BAN_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = table:000001436BDA2778 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143DF6264E0 gamepadInfo = table:000001436BDA2908 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:000001436BDA2A08 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DF61C4F8 2 = table:00000143DF627D40 3 = table:000001436BDA2A88 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:000001436BDA2B28 firstTable callback() = function:000001436BDA2C18 setup() = function:0000014355594660 text = Confirm validInput() = function:000001436BDA2C68 setup() = function:000001436BDA2980 GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_ADD_FRIEND_DIALOG = table:00000143C40011C8 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143C4001348 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C4001390 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4001480 enabled() = function:00000143C40014C8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 198 2 = table:00000143C4001518 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4001608 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143C4001210 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:00000143C40008D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C4000940 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:00000143C40009E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4000BA0 setup() = function:00000143C4000B50 textChangedCallback() = function:00000143C4000AD0 2 = table:00000143C4000EC0 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:00000143C4000FB0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4001138 setup() = function:00000143C40010E8 textChangedCallback() = function:00000143C40010A0 visible() = function:00000143CACAD7E8 3 = table:00000143C4000BE8 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:00000143C4000C88 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4000DA0 setup() = function:00000143C3FFF348 text = Request validInput() = function:00000143C4000E70 setup() = function:00000143C4001288 title = table:00000143C40012D0 firstTable text = 5889 GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_ADD_IGNORE_DIALOG = table:00000143C4001650 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143C4001DC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C4001E30 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4001F20 enabled() = function:00000143C4001F68 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 198 2 = table:00000143C4001FB8 firstTable callback() = function:00000144290083F8 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143C4001698 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:00000143C40017C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C4001838 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:00000143C40018D8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4001AD8 nameField = true setup() = function:00000143C4001A48 textChangedCallback() = function:00000143C40019C8 2 = table:00000143C4001B20 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:00000143C4001BC0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4001CD8 setup() = function:00000143C3FFF348 text = Ignore validInput() = function:00000143C4001D70 setup() = function:00000143C4001710 title = table:00000143C4001750 firstTable text = 5893 GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_EDIT_NOTE_DIALOG = table:00000143C3FFFE18 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143C40004E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C4000550 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4000640 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 198 2 = table:00000143C4000688 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4000778 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143C3FFFE60 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:00000143C3FFFF90 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C4000000 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:00000143C40000A0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4000258 nameField = true setup() = function:00000143C4000210 textChangedCallback() = function:00000143C4000190 2 = table:00000143C40002A0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:00000143C4000340 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C4000458 setup() = function:00000143C3FFF348 text = Save setup() = function:00000143C3FFFED8 title = table:00000143C3FFFF18 firstTable text = 5887 GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_DIALOG = table:00000143C3FFFA18 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000143C3FFFBE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C3FFFC58 firstTable callback() = function:0000014361396DB8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 198 2 = table:00000143C3FFFCD8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C3FFFDC8 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 finishedCallback() = function:00000143C3FFFB28 gamepadInfo = table:00000143C3FFFA60 firstTable dialogType = 2 setup() = function:00000143C3FFFAA8 title = table:00000143C3FFFB70 firstTable text = 4874 GAMEPAD_SPLIT_STACK = table:00000143B324A3C8 firstTable OnSliderValueChanged() = function:00000143B324A588 blockDirectionalInput = true buttons = table:00000143B324A5C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B324A610 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 2 = table:00000143B324A6B0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143B324A7A0 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Select canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143B324A410 firstTable dialogType = 6 mainText = table:00000143B324A510 firstTable text = 4833 setup() = function:00000143B324A458 title = table:00000143B324A498 firstTable text = 4832 GAMERCARD_UNAVAILABLE = table:000001434626D1F0 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626D4E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626D560 firstTable text = 257 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001434626D380 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626D470 firstTable text = 5497 title = table:000001434626D3F8 firstTable GROUP_DISBAND_DIALOG = table:0000014346269FE8 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626A280 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626A320 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626A3C0 text = 243 2 = table:000001434626A400 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626A0D8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626A1C8 firstTable text() = function:000001434626A240 title = table:000001434626A150 firstTable text = 5965 GROUP_INVITE = table:0000014309886338 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE6A710 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE6A7B0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE6A8A0 requiresTextInput = true text = 257 2 = table:00000143CFE6A8E0 firstTable text = 247 editBox = table:0000014309886518 firstTable autoComplete = table:00000143CFE6A590 firstTable excludeFlags = table:00000143CFE6A6C8 firstTable 1 = 6 includeFlags = table:00000143CFE6A680 firstTable 1 = 7 defaultText = 167 mainText = table:00000143098864A0 firstTable text = 259 title = table:0000014309886428 firstTable text = 5962 GROUP_LEAVE_DIALOG = table:000001434626A478 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626A710 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626A7B0 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626A850 text = 243 2 = table:000001434626A890 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626A568 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626A658 firstTable text() = function:000001434626A6D0 title = table:000001434626A5E0 firstTable text = 5969 GUILD_ADD_RANK = table:00000143B3342FA0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D6B07D90 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6B07E30 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F28D7C68 control = userdata:00000143D7682AF0 (meta 00000143D76843F8} text = 248 2 = table:00000143F28D7CB0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F28D7DA0 control = userdata:00000143E1CF6AC8 (meta 00000143EA921C90} text = 247 customControl = userdata:00000143D767D400 (meta 00000143F98E1B60} setup() = function:00000143134551B8 title = table:00000143B3342FE8 firstTable text = 3638 GUILD_BANK_DEPOSIT_GOLD = table:00000143BC860FA8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143EC976368 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC9763B0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EC9764A0 control = userdata:000001439D6B7A80 (meta 000001440FCB82F8} text = 6313 2 = table:00000143EC9764E8 firstTable control = userdata:000001439D6B75A8 (meta 000001439D6B7710} text = 247 customControl = userdata:000001439D6B87C0 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:000001439D6B77B0 title = table:000001439D6B6D10 firstTable text = 6315 GUILD_BANK_ERROR = table:00000143CFE6A958 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE6AB38 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE6ABB0 firstTable text = 257 mainText = table:00000143CFE6AAC0 firstTable text = <<1>> title = table:00000143CFE6AA48 firstTable text = <<1>> GUILD_BANK_GAMEPAD_CHANGE_ACTIVE_GUILD = table:0000014480165AA8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143C802CCE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C802CD30 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C802CDD0 text = 198 2 = table:00000143C802CE10 firstTable text = 249 gamepadInfo = table:000001431BD52868 firstTable dialogType = 2 setup() = function:0000014409E5C3E8 title = table:0000014480165AF0 firstTable text = 4916 GUILD_BANK_WITHDRAW_GOLD = table:000001439D6B7C10 firstTable buttons = table:000001439D6B7CE8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D6B7D30 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D6B7D78 control = userdata:000001439D6B7A80 (meta 000001440FCB82F8} text = 6314 2 = table:000001440FCB1578 firstTable control = userdata:000001439D6B75A8 (meta 000001439D6B7710} text = 247 customControl = userdata:000001439D6B87C0 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:000001439D6B7CA0 title = table:000001439D6B7C58 firstTable text = 6316 GUILD_DISBAND = table:00000143CFE78A38 firstTable buttons = table:000001430987B9B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430987BA50 firstTable callback() = function:000001430987BAF0 text = 243 2 = table:000001430987BB30 firstTable text = 244 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:000001430987BBA8 gamepadInfo = table:000001430987B878 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001430987B938 firstTable text = 5801 title = table:000001430987B8C0 firstTable text = 5803 GUILD_INVITE = table:000001439FD0ABF0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143098860F0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014309886190 firstTable callback() = function:0000014309886280 requiresTextInput = true text = 257 2 = table:00000143098862C0 firstTable text = 247 editBox = table:0000014309885F28 firstTable autoComplete = table:0000014309885F70 firstTable includeFlags = table:0000014309886060 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 3 3 = 4 4 = 5 onlineOnly = false defaultText = 167 mainText = table:0000014309885EB0 firstTable text = 259 title = table:0000014309885E38 firstTable text = 5821 GUILD_LEAVE = table:00000143CFE76540 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE76838 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE768D8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE78410 text = 243 2 = table:00000143CFE78450 firstTable text = 244 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:00000143CFE784C8 gamepadInfo = table:00000143CFE766D0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CFE767C0 firstTable text = 5798 title = table:00000143CFE76748 firstTable text = 5802 GUILD_LEAVE_LEADER = table:00000143CFE78508 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE78800 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE788A0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE78940 text = 243 2 = table:00000143CFE78980 firstTable text = 244 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:00000143CFE789F8 gamepadInfo = table:00000143CFE78698 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CFE78788 firstTable text = 5800 title = table:00000143CFE78710 firstTable text = 5802 GUILD_RANK_SAVE_CHANGES = table:00000143CFE6AC28 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE6E630 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE6E6A0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE6AD90 text = 3639 2 = table:00000143CFE6E740 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE6E7E0 text = 3640 mainText = table:00000143CFE6E5B8 firstTable text = 3651 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143CFE6E820 title = table:00000143CFE6AD18 firstTable text = 3650 GUILD_REMOVE_MEMBER = table:00000143CFE6ED50 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE76348 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE763E8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE76488 text = 250 2 = table:00000143CFE764C8 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143CFE6ED98 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CFE762D0 firstTable text = 5853 title = table:00000143CFE76258 firstTable text = 5797 GUILD_REMOVE_RANK_WARNING = table:0000014346269CA8 firstTable buttons = table:0000014346269F00 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346269F48 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 257 gamepadInfo = table:0000014346269D98 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014346269E88 firstTable text = 5828 title = table:0000014346269E10 firstTable text = 5827 GamepadNotificationsConfirmDecline = table:00000144C2582180 firstTable buttons = table:00000144C2581238 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C2581280 firstTable callback() = function:00000144C25809D8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 257 2 = table:00000144C2580A18 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000144C2582310 firstTable dialogType = 2 mainText = table:00000144C2582440 firstTable text() = function:00000144C25811F8 parametricList = table:00000144C25820C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C2581BD8 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:00000144C2581C78 firstTable callback() = function:00000144C2581CC0 setup() = function:00000143063C8968 text = Decline 2 = table:00000144C2581D00 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:00000144C2581DA0 firstTable callback() = function:00000144C2581E90 setup() = function:00000143063C8968 text = Ignore Player 3 = table:00000144C2581ED0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:00000144C2581F70 firstTable callback() = function:00000144C2582088 setup() = function:00000143063C8968 text = Report Spamming setup() = function:00000144C2582388 title = table:00000144C25823C8 firstTable text = 4837 HELP_ASK_FOR_HELP_SUBMIT_TICKET_SUCCESSFUL_DIALOG = table:00000143DDBE3410 firstTable buttons = table:00000143DDBE3570 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DDBE35B8 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 canQueue = true mainText = table:00000143DDBE34D0 firstTable text = <<1>> mustChoose = true title = table:00000143DDBE3458 firstTable text = Confirmation HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_GAMEPAD_SUBMITTING_TICKET = table:000001434626E248 firstTable canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001434626E418 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 3 loading = table:000001434626E558 firstTable text = Submitting... setup() = function:000001434626E3D8 showLoadingIcon = true title = table:000001434626E4B8 firstTable text = Submitting Ticket HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_GAMEPAD_TICKET_SUBMITTED = table:000001434626E5F8 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626E8F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626E968 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626EA08 text = 5202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001434626E788 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626E878 firstTable text = 5245 title = table:000001434626E800 firstTable text = 5242 HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMITTING_TICKET_DIALOG = table:0000014313464A78 firstTable mainText = table:000001431346C118 firstTable align = 1 text = Submitting... modal = false showLoadingIcon = true title = table:000001431346C078 firstTable text = Submitting Ticket HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_TICKET_ERROR_DIALOG = table:000001431346A8E8 firstTable buttons = table:000001431346AC80 firstTable 1 = table:000001431346ACF0 firstTable callback() = function:000001431346ADE0 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 6834 2 = table:000001431346AEA0 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 canQueue = true mainText = table:000001431346AB18 firstTable text = There has been an error in your ticket submission. Please try again in a few minutes.\n\nYou can also visit |c2e86b8https://help.elderscrollsonline.com|r for support. mustChoose = true title = table:000001431346AA78 firstTable text = Failed To Submit HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_TICKET_FAILED_REASON = table:000001434626DE60 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626E0E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626E158 firstTable clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 257 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626DF50 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626E040 firstTable align = 1 text = 258 title = table:000001434626DFC8 firstTable text = 174 HELP_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBMIT_TICKET_SUCCESSFUL_DIALOG = table:000001434626EA48 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626ED90 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626EDD8 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001434626EBD8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626ECF0 firstTable text = <<1>> mustChoose = true title = table:000001434626EC50 firstTable text = Confirmation HOUSE_PREVIEW_PURCHASE = table:00000143B8D04638 HOUSE_PREVIEW_PURCHASE_GAMEPAD = table:00000143E7DD9000 ITEM_TRANSFER_ADD_TO_CRAFT_BAG_GAMEPAD = table:00000143A38FD7B0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A38FD8B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A38FD900 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A38FD730 text = 6883 2 = table:00000143A38FD948 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143A38FD7F8 firstTable dialogType = 6 setup() = function:00000143A38FD6F0 title = table:00000143A38FD840 firstTable text = 6904 ITEM_TRANSFER_ADD_TO_CRAFT_BAG_KEYBOARD = table:00000143A38FC218 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A38FC2A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A38FC2F0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A38FC1D0 control = userdata:00000143A38FA5D0 (meta 00000143A38FA720} text = 6883 2 = table:00000143A38FC338 firstTable control = userdata:00000143A38F8D28 (meta 00000143A38F8E70} text = 247 canQueue = true customControl = userdata:00000143A38F5988 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:00000143A38FC188 title = table:00000143A38FC260 firstTable text = 6904 ITEM_TRANSFER_REMOVE_FROM_CRAFT_BAG_GAMEPAD = table:00000143A38FD9C0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A38FDAF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A38FDB68 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A38FD730 text = 6884 2 = table:00000143A38FDC08 firstTable text = 247 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143A38FDA08 firstTable dialogType = 6 setup() = function:00000143A38FD6F0 title = table:00000143A38FDA80 firstTable text = 6905 ITEM_TRANSFER_REMOVE_FROM_CRAFT_BAG_KEYBOARD = table:00000143A38FC3D8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A38FC540 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A38FC5B0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A38FC1D0 control = userdata:00000143A38FA5D0 (meta 00000143A38FA720} text = 6884 2 = table:00000143A38FC6A0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143A38F8D28 (meta 00000143A38F8E70} text = 247 customControl = userdata:00000143A38F5988 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:00000143A38FC188 title = table:00000143A38FC4C8 firstTable text = 6905 JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_OCCURANCE_PROMPT = table:000001434626A908 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626AB60 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626ABD0 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626AC70 text = 243 2 = table:000001434626ACB0 firstTable text = 244 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626A9F8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626AAE8 firstTable text = 5974 title = table:000001434626AA70 firstTable text = 5972 JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_WORLD_CHAPTER_COLLECTIBLE_LOCKED_PROMPT = table:000001434626B5B8 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626B810 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626B880 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626B970 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 6532 2 = table:000001434626B9B0 firstTable text = 249 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626B6A8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626B798 firstTable text = 5977 title = table:000001434626B720 firstTable text = 5973 JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_WORLD_DLC_COLLECTIBLE_LOCKED_PROMPT = table:000001434626B148 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626B3A0 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626B410 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626B500 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 6564 2 = table:000001434626B540 firstTable text = 249 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626B238 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626B328 firstTable text = 5976 title = table:000001434626B2B0 firstTable text = 5973 JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_WORLD_PROMPT = table:000001434626AD28 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626AF80 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626AFF0 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626B090 text = 243 2 = table:000001434626B0D0 firstTable text = 244 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626AE18 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626AF08 firstTable text = 5975 title = table:000001434626AE90 firstTable text = 5972 KEEP_CLAIM_NOT_IN_GUILD = table:000001431D672040 firstTable buttons = table:000001439FD0C180 firstTable 1 = table:000001439FD0C1F8 firstTable text = 257 mainText = table:000001431D6720E0 firstTable text = 3339 KEEP_CLAIM_WRONG_ALLIANCE = table:0000014346272DB8 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D671F50 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D671FC8 firstTable text = 257 mainText = table:0000014346272E58 firstTable text = 3338 KEYBINDINGS_RESET_GAMEPAD_TO_DEFAULTS = table:00000143462702E0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143462704C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346270560 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346270600 text = 268 2 = table:0000014346270640 firstTable text = 247 mainText = table:0000014346270448 firstTable text = 17 title = table:00000143462703D0 firstTable text = 16 KEYBINDINGS_RESET_KEYBOARD_TO_DEFAULTS = table:000001434626FEE0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143462700E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346270188 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346270228 text = 268 2 = table:0000014346270268 firstTable text = 247 mainText = table:0000014346270048 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to reset your keyboard keybinds to default settings? title = table:000001434626FFD0 firstTable text = 14 KEYBIND_STRIP_DISABLED_DIALOG = table:00000143A44B40E0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B4338 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B4380 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 257 gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B41D0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B42C0 firstTable text = 460 title = table:00000143A44B4248 firstTable text = 459 LAM_DEFAULTS = table:00000143B2A987F8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A3888608 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A38893E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A38903F0 text = 268 2 = table:00000143A3890470 firstTable text = 247 mainText = table:00000143A3888568 firstTable align = 1 text = 266 title = table:00000143A3889948 firstTable text = 3849 LARGE_GROUP_INVITE_WARNING = table:00000143CFE6E860 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE6EB58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE6EBF8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE6EC98 text = 3705 2 = table:00000143CFE6ECD8 firstTable text = 3706 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143CFE6E9F0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CFE6EAE0 firstTable text = 3701 title = table:00000143CFE6EA68 firstTable text = 4497 LFG_LEAVE_QUEUE_CONFIRMATION = table:000001434626BA28 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626BC80 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626BD20 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626BDC0 text = 3705 2 = table:000001434626BE00 firstTable text = 3706 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626BB18 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626BC08 firstTable text = 6008 title = table:000001434626BB90 firstTable text = 6007 LOGOUT_DEFERRED = table:00000143CFE72FB8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE73350 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE73398 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE73488 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 4678 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143CFE73148 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CFE73260 firstTable text = 4677 timer = 1 verboseTimer = true noChoiceCallback() = function:000001439FD0CBD0 onlyQueueOnce = true title = table:00000143CFE731E8 firstTable text = 4676 updateFn() = function:000001439FD0CB90 LOG_OUT = table:000001431D66AA30 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D66AC88 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D66ACF8 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D66AD40 text = 245 2 = table:000001431D66AD80 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:000001431D66AB20 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001431D66AC10 firstTable text = 4501 title = table:000001431D66AB98 firstTable text = 4495 MAIL_ATTACHMENTS_CHANGED = table:0000014346269968 firstTable buttons = table:0000014346269BC0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346269C08 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 gamepadInfo = table:0000014346269A58 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014346269B48 firstTable text = 3430 title = table:0000014346269AD0 firstTable text = 3429 MAIL_RETURN_ATTACHMENTS = table:00000143B2B5EAB0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE7A3B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D66F3B8 firstTable callback() = function:000001442900FDF8 text = 6616 2 = table:000001442900FE38 firstTable text = 247 finishedCallback() = function:000001442900FEB0 gamepadInfo = table:00000143B2B5EAF8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014309884B18 firstTable text = 6615 title = table:00000143B2B5EB70 firstTable text = 6614 MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHMENT_COD = table:00000143CFE7A370 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D66F190 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D66F1D8 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D66F278 text = 243 2 = table:000001431D66F2B8 firstTable text = 244 mainText = table:000001431D66F118 firstTable text = 6613 title = table:000001431D66F0A0 firstTable text = 6612 updateFn() = function:000001431D66F330 MORPH_ABILITY_CONFIRM = table:00000143F440E320 firstTable buttons = table:000001431C59EE28 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C59EE70 firstTable callback() = function:00000143207F0B70 control = userdata:00000143F9908CA0 (meta 00000143F1939A48} text = 3759 2 = table:000001431C5B4038 firstTable control = userdata:00000143F9908A80 (meta 0000014314388C90} text = 255 customControl = userdata:00000143B324B588 (meta 00000143EC959CE0} firstMeta firstIndex baseAbility = userdata:00000143F99085C8 (meta 000001440600D2C0} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000143F99085F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} confirmButton = userdata:00000143F9908CA0 (meta 00000143F1939A48} desc = userdata:00000143F9908568 (meta 00000143083425C0} morphAbility1 = userdata:00000143F9908628 (meta 000001440600C9A0} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000143F9908658 (meta 0000014308349FC8} morph = 1 rank = 1 selectedCallout = userdata:00000143F9908938 (meta 0000014308349FC8} morphAbility2 = userdata:00000143F9908968 (meta 00000143F440E2D8} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000143F9908998 (meta 0000014308349FC8} morph = 2 rank = 1 selectedCallout = userdata:00000143F9908A20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} setup() = function:00000143F9908B90 title = table:00000143F4428CA0 firstTable text = 3752 NO_SAVE_CONTINUE = table:0000014377CEF9E8 firstTable buttons = table:0000014405F99108 firstTable 1 = table:0000014405F991A8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014405F99248 text = 245 2 = table:0000014405F99288 firstTable callback() = function:0000014405F99328 text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000014377CEFB78 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014377CEFC68 firstTable text = 3056 mustChoose = true title = table:0000014377CEFBF0 firstTable text = 3049 NO_SAVE_DEVICE = table:0000014405F99368 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A0C31648 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A0C316E8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A0C31788 text = 245 2 = table:00000143A0C317C8 firstTable callback() = function:000001439F6B3228 text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000014405F993B0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A0C31600 firstTable text = 3057 mustChoose = true title = table:0000014405F99428 firstTable text = 3049 OPTIONS_RESET_TO_DEFAULTS = table:0000014405F94958 firstTable buttons = table:00000143461353A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314B976A8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346135448 text = 268 2 = table:0000014314B97748 firstTable text = 247 mainText = table:00000143D72CB440 firstTable text = 266 mustChoose = true title = table:00000143B4EF8F78 firstTable text = 265 OUT_OF_SPACE = table:0000014310BBEF48 firstTable buttons = table:00000143B4F01B80 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B4F026D0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143B4F02770 text = 245 2 = table:0000014305C9B468 firstTable callback() = function:0000014305C9B508 text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000014310BBF0D8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014346140098 firstTable text = 3051 mustChoose = true title = table:0000014310BBF120 firstTable text = 3049 PAY_FOR_CONVERSATION = table:000001439FD0C270 firstTable buttons = table:0000014309889558 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE6F738 firstTable callback() = function:000001439FD0C360 text = 3705 2 = table:00000143CFE6F7D8 firstTable text = 3706 gamepadInfo = table:00000143098893F0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143098894E0 firstTable text = 6293 title = table:0000014309889468 firstTable text = 6292 PROMOTE_TO_GUILDMASTER = table:000001430987BBE8 firstTable buttons = table:000001430987BEE0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430987BF80 firstTable callback() = function:000001430987C070 clickSound = GuildRoster_Promote text = 243 2 = table:000001430987DDE8 firstTable text = 244 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001430987BD78 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001430987BE68 firstTable text = 5854 title = table:000001430987BDF0 firstTable text = 5794 PROMPT_FOR_LFM_REQUEST = table:00000143A44B3798 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B39F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B3A60 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B3B50 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 6012 2 = table:00000143A44B3B90 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B3C30 text = 3653 gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B3888 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B3978 firstTable text = 6014 title = table:00000143A44B3900 firstTable text = 6013 PTP_TIMED_RESPONSE_PROMPT = table:00000143A44B7CA0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A44B8018 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A44B8088 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B81B8 gamepadPreferredKeybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY keybind = DIALOG_TERTIARY text() = function:00000143A44B8178 2 = table:00000143A44B81F8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A44B8328 gamepadPreferredKeybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE keybind = DIALOG_RESET text() = function:00000143A44B82E8 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000143A44B7E30 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143A44B7F60 firstTable text() = function:00000143A44B7FD8 title = table:00000143A44B7EA8 firstTable text() = function:00000143A44B7F20 updateFn() = function:00000143A44B8368 PURCHASE_ABILITY_CONFIRM = table:00000143E189CDF8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143207F04C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1898DC0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E1898E08 control = userdata:00000143F9908238 (meta 00000143E1378268} text = 3760 2 = table:00000143F990C010 firstTable control = userdata:00000143F9908018 (meta 0000014313F598F0} text = 255 customControl = userdata:00000143F9907900 (meta 000001431C5BC830} setup() = function:00000143E189AC90 title = table:00000143E189CE40 firstTable text = 3754 PURCHASE_KIOSK = table:00000144C754B578 firstTable buttons = table:00000144C754B640 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C754B6E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000144C754B7D0 control = userdata:00000143E02EF860 (meta 00000144C753FE58} text = Hire 2 = table:00000144C754B858 firstTable callback() = function:00000144C754B4F0 control = userdata:00000144C753F878 (meta 00000144C753F9D0} text = 247 customControl = userdata:00000144C753EC08 (meta 0000014308326048} noChoiceCallback() = function:00000144C754B4F0 setup() = function:00000144C754B5C0 title = table:00000144C754BAD8 firstTable text = Hire Guild Trader updateFn() = function:00000144C754BC60 QUIT = table:000001431D66ADF8 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D66AFD8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D66B048 firstTable callback() = function:000001439FD0A4A8 text = 245 2 = table:000001439FD0A4E8 firstTable text = 246 mainText = table:000001431D66AF60 firstTable text = 4502 title = table:000001431D66AEE8 firstTable text = 4496 QUIT_DEFERRED = table:000001439FD0CC10 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE72D58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE72DF8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE72E98 text = 4674 2 = table:00000143CFE72ED8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE72F78 text = 4675 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001439FD0CDA0 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CFE72C68 firstTable text = 4673 timer = 1 verboseTimer = true noChoiceCallback() = function:000001439FD0CBD0 onlyQueueOnce = true title = table:000001439FD0CDE8 firstTable text = 4671 updateFn() = function:000001439FD0CB90 QUIT_PREVENTED = table:000001439FD0C610 firstTable buttons = table:000001439FD0C930 firstTable 1 = table:000001439FD0C9D0 firstTable callback() = function:000001439FD0CA70 text = 4674 2 = table:000001439FD0CAB0 firstTable callback() = function:000001439FD0CB50 text = 4675 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001439FD0C7A0 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001439FD0C8B8 firstTable text = 4672 onlyQueueOnce = true title = table:000001439FD0C840 firstTable text = 4671 RECALL_CONFIRM = table:0000014346274150 firstTable buttons = table:0000014346274488 firstTable 1 = table:00000143462744F8 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D66A8F8 text = 251 visible() = function:000001431D66A938 2 = table:000001431D66A978 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000143462742E0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143462743D0 firstTable text() = function:0000014346274448 title = table:0000014346274358 firstTable text = 4494 updateFn() = function:000001431D66A9F0 REPAIR_ALL = table:00000143C40043E0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143C4006D40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6431770 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D6431860 enabled() = function:00000143D64318A0 text = 243 2 = table:00000143D64318E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E03A8E18 text = 244 gamepadInfo = table:00000143C4004428 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143C4006CC8 firstTable text = 4071 title = table:00000143C40044A0 firstTable text = 4486 updateFn() = function:00000143E03A8E58 REPAIR_ITEM = table:00000144DD5CA998 firstTable buttons = table:00000144DD5CD5A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5C8860 firstTable callback() = function:00000144DD5CA918 clickSound = InventoryItem_Repair control = userdata:00000143D8F2DD20 (meta 00000143D8F2DA48} text = 6583 2 = table:00000144DD5C8950 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D8F2D290 (meta 00000143D8F2D3D0} text = 247 customControl() = function:00000144DD5CAA88 setup() = function:00000144DD5CD4E8 title = table:00000144DD5CD530 firstTable text = 6582 REQUEST_ADD_GUILD_PERMISSION = table:000001431DD9BE08 firstTable buttons = table:000001431DD9BE50 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DD9BEC0 firstTable callback() = function:000001431DD9BFB0 control = userdata:000001431DD98CA0 (meta 000001431DD98E08} text = 251 2 = table:000001431DD9BFF8 firstTable control = userdata:000001431DD987D0 (meta 000001431DD98938} text = 247 customControl = userdata:000001431DD98238 (meta 000001431DD9C0E0} setup() = function:000001431D6D3908 REQUEST_ADD_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = table:000001431DD97AE0 firstTable buttons = table:000001431DD97B28 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DD97B98 firstTable callback() = function:000001431DD97C88 control = userdata:000001431DD94830 (meta 000001431DD95DB0} text = 251 2 = table:000001431DD97CD0 firstTable control = userdata:000001431DD92F48 (meta 000001431DD930B8} text = 247 customControl = userdata:000001431D6D5DE8 (meta 000001431DD97DB8} setup() = function:000001431D6D3908 REQUEST_BAN_GUILD_PERMISSION = table:000001431D581FF8 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D5820E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D582158 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D582248 control = userdata:000001431D57B540 (meta 000001431D57A900} text = 251 2 = table:000001431D582290 firstTable control = userdata:000001431D57A500 (meta 000001431D57A668} text = 247 customControl = userdata:000001431D57A1F8 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:000001431D6D3908 REQUEST_BAN_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = table:000001431DD9E158 firstTable buttons = table:000001431DD9E1A0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D57CA50 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D57CB40 control = userdata:000001431DD95C38 (meta 000001431DD9CFB0} text = 251 2 = table:000001431D57CB88 firstTable control = userdata:000001431DD972D8 (meta 000001431DD920A8} text = 247 customControl = userdata:000001431DD9C560 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:000001431D6D3908 REQUEST_FRIEND = table:000001431B70A358 firstTable buttons = table:00000143B3091AC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B3091B60 firstTable callback() = function:00000144D5460E10 control = userdata:00000144D5B26F20 (meta 00000144D5B27070} text = 5891 2 = table:00000143D96167F8 firstTable control = userdata:00000144D5460BE0 (meta 00000144D5460D28} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000144D5460CD0 (meta 00000144D5460E98} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000144D5460BE0 (meta 00000144D5460D28} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000144D5460C58 (meta 00000144D5B26E60} text = 247 customControl = userdata:000001436139DD00 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:000001436139D960 title = table:00000143D9616BB8 firstTable text = 5889 RITUAL_OF_MARA_PROMPT = table:000001430987A7E0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE74E30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE72148 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE721E8 text = 3705 2 = table:000001439FD0B6A0 firstTable callback() = function:000001439FD0B740 text = 3706 gamepadInfo = table:000001430987A828 firstTable dialogType = 1 hideSound = Dialog_Decline mainText = table:00000143E03A91F0 firstTable text = 5938 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143CFE74DF0 title = table:00000143E03A9178 firstTable text = 5937 SAVE_DEST_REMOVED_STORAGE = table:0000014305C9D1C8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143E74C2DA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E74C2E20 firstTable callback() = function:0000014377CEF9A8 text = 257 gamepadInfo = table:00000143E74C2C40 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143E74C2D30 firstTable text = 3055 mustChoose = true title = table:00000143E74C2CB8 firstTable text = 3049 SCRIPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION = table:00000143CFE77388 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CFE77568 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE6BD88 firstTable text = 257 mainText = table:00000143CFE774F0 firstTable text = 4432 title = table:00000143CFE77478 firstTable text = 4489 SELECT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN = table:0000014409E75EC8 firstTable buttons = table:0000014409E75F68 firstTable 1 = table:0000014409E75FB0 firstTable callback() = function:0000014409E760A0 control = userdata:0000014409E75A68 (meta 0000014409E75BD0} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 243 2 = table:0000014409E760E0 firstTable control = userdata:0000014409E75598 (meta 0000014409E75700} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 3 = table:0000014409E761D0 firstTable control = userdata:0000014409E74EC0 (meta 0000014409E75028} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 customControl = userdata:0000014409E74238 (meta 0000014409E764C0} setup() = function:0000014409E76308 updateFn() = function:0000014409E76388 SELECT_GUILD_BANK = table:0000014368A11EE0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143098AA2D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143098AA370 firstTable callback() = function:00000143098AA460 control = userdata:00000143D2B85A70 (meta 00000143D2B85BC8} text = 243 2 = table:00000143098AA4B0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143B4BD22B8 (meta 00000143E34663C8} text = 247 customControl = userdata:00000143A42FE8B8 (meta 0000014308326048} setup() = function:00000143098AA288 title = table:0000014368A151C8 firstTable text = Select Guild Bank SELECT_GUILD_KEEP_CLAIM = table:0000014314393C98 SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN = table:0000014409E83AD8 firstTable buttons = table:0000014409E83B78 firstTable 1 = table:0000014409E83C68 firstTable callback() = function:0000014409E83D58 control = userdata:00000143097928D0 (meta 0000014409E837E0} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 243 2 = table:0000014409E83D98 firstTable control = userdata:0000014409E831D8 (meta 0000014409E83340} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 3 = table:0000014409E83E88 firstTable control = userdata:0000014409E820E8 (meta 0000014409E82248} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 customControl = userdata:0000014409E76CE0 (meta 0000014409E84178} setup() = function:0000014409E83FC0 updateFn() = function:0000014409E84040 SELL_ALL_JUNK = table:00000143E03A8E98 firstTable buttons = table:000001439FD08DF8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439FD08E98 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D29B070 text = 4067 2 = table:000001439FD08F38 firstTable text = 244 mainText = table:000001439FD08D80 firstTable text = 4066 title = table:00000143E03A8F88 firstTable text = 4487 SHOW_REDEEM_CODE = table:000001431D7B4DA8 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D7B5000 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D7B4728 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D7B47C8 text = 253 2 = table:000001431D7B4808 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:000001431D7B4E98 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001431D7B4F88 firstTable text = 186 title = table:000001431D7B4F10 firstTable text = 238 SHOW_REDEEM_CODE_CONSOLE = table:000001431D7B4850 firstTable buttons = table:000001431D7B4320 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D7B43C0 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D7B4460 text = 253 2 = table:000001431D7B3DC8 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:000001431D7B4940 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001431D7B42A8 firstTable text = 239 title = table:000001431D7B4230 firstTable text = 238 SMITHING_RESEARCH_SELECT = table:00000143E97A6CF0 firstTable buttons = table:000001430FD90370 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD903B8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EA92A940 clickSound = Smithing_Start_Research control = userdata:00000143D8F2DD20 (meta 00000143D8F2DA48} text = 4324 2 = table:00000143DDBC07C8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D8F2D290 (meta 00000143D8F2D3D0} text = 247 customControl() = function:000001430FD90238 setup() = function:000001430FD90278 title = table:000001430FD902F8 firstTable text = 4323 SPAM_WARNING = table:000001434626DA50 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626DD48 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626DDC0 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 257 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001434626DBE0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626DCD0 firstTable text = 6702 title = table:000001434626DC58 firstTable text = 6701 SPLIT_STACK = table:00000143A42FC738 firstTable buttons = table:00000143A42FC870 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A42FC910 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D6188338 control = userdata:00000143A4302F88 (meta 00000143E6C8D510} text = 3245 2 = table:00000143A42FF578 firstTable control = userdata:00000143A4302498 (meta 00000143A43025D0} text = 247 customControl = userdata:00000143A42FE308 (meta 00000143A42FD4D8} setup() = function:00000143A42FE1B0 title = table:00000143A42FC828 firstTable text = 3244 SWTICH_DYE_MODE = table:0000014346269108 firstTable buttons = table:00000143462692E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346269358 firstTable callback() = function:00000143462693F8 text = 243 2 = table:0000014346269438 firstTable callback() = function:00000143462694D8 text = 244 mainText = table:0000014346269270 firstTable text = 4390 title = table:00000143462691F8 firstTable text = 6389 SWTICH_DYE_MODE_BIND = table:0000014346269518 firstTable buttons = table:00000143462696F8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346269768 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346269808 text = 243 2 = table:0000014346269848 firstTable callback() = function:00000143462698E8 text = 244 mainText = table:0000014346269680 firstTable text = 4389 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000014346269928 title = table:0000014346269608 firstTable text = 4387 TOO_FREQUENT_BUG_SCREENSHOT = table:000001442900FEF0 firstTable buttons = table:00000144290100D0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014429010148 firstTable text = 257 gamepadInfo = table:000001442900FFE0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014429010058 firstTable text = 4433 TRADE_CANCEL_TRADE = table:000001434626D5D8 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626D858 firstTable 1 = table:000001434626D8F8 firstTable callback() = function:000001434626D998 text = 3705 2 = table:000001434626D9D8 firstTable text = 3706 gamepadInfo = table:000001434626D6C8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626D7B8 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to cancel the trade? title = table:000001434626D740 firstTable text = 5029 TRADING_HOUSE_CHANGE_ACTIVE_GUILD = table:00000143CDD1D500 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CDD1D6E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CDD1D780 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CDD1D820 text = 198 2 = table:00000143CDD1D860 firstTable text = 249 gamepadInfo = table:00000143CDD1D5F0 firstTable dialogType = 2 setup() = function:00000143CDD1D438 title = table:00000143CDD1D668 firstTable text = 5122 TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_BUY_GUILD_SPECIFIC_ITEM = table:00000143CDD1CEE8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CDD1D140 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CDD1D1E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CDD1D280 text = 5845 2 = table:00000143CDD1D2C0 firstTable text = 5846 gamepadInfo = table:00000143CDD1CFD8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CDD1D0C8 firstTable text = 5120 title = table:00000143CDD1D050 firstTable text = 5119 TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_BUY_ITEM = table:00000143CDD1CA30 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CDD1CC88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CDD1CD28 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CDD1CDC8 text = 5845 2 = table:00000143CDD1CE08 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CDD1CEA8 text = 5846 gamepadInfo = table:00000143CDD1CB20 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CDD1CC10 firstTable text = 5120 title = table:00000143CDD1CB98 firstTable text = 5119 TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_REMOVE_LISTING = table:00000143CDD1C1C0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CDD1C418 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CDD1C460 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CDD1C500 text = 250 2 = table:00000143CDD1C540 firstTable text = 247 gamepadInfo = table:00000143CDD1C2B0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CDD1C3A0 firstTable text = 5116 title = table:00000143CDD1C328 firstTable text = 5115 TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_SELL_ITEM = table:00000143CDD1C5B8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CDD1C830 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CDD1C8D0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CDD1C970 text = 245 2 = table:00000143CDD1C9B8 firstTable text = 246 finishedCallback() = function:00000143CDD1C7E8 gamepadInfo = table:00000143CDD1C600 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CDD1C6F0 firstTable text = 5118 setup() = function:00000143CDD1C768 title = table:00000143CDD1C678 firstTable text = 5117 TRADING_HOUSE_DISPLAY_ERROR = table:00000143CDD1D8D8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143CDD1DB30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CDD1DBA8 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 200 gamepadInfo = table:00000143CDD1D9C8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000143CDD1DAB8 firstTable text = 5121 title = table:00000143CDD1DA40 firstTable text = 174 TRIAL_ACCOUNT_SPLASH_GAMEPAD = table:00000143D4A79D18 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D4A79870 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4A79910 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D4A79958 clickSound = Dialog_Accept ethereal = true keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY 2 = table:00000143D4A71480 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D4A79958 clickSound = Dialog_Accept ethereal = true keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:00000143D4A79958 gamepadInfo = table:00000143D4A78DF8 firstTable dialogType = 4 mainText = table:00000143F98EC218 firstTable text() = function:00000143D4A79828 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143D4A79958 removedFromQueueCallback() = function:00000143D4A79958 setup() = function:00000143D4A79D60 title = table:00000143F98EC158 firstTable text() = function:00000143F98EC1D0 TRIAL_ACCOUNT_SPLASH_KEYBOARD = table:00000143D4A799D8 UI_TUTORIAL = table:00000143F98EB5C8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143F98EB748 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98EB790 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F98EB920 clickSound = Dialog_Accept control = userdata:00000144C303F6E0 (meta 00000143EA938288} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D600F470 (meta 00000143D4A6E458} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000144C303F6E0 (meta 00000143EA938288} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D600F3F8 (meta 00000143F28D8810} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 188 customControl = userdata:00000143D4A6DC28 (meta 0000014308326048} noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143F98EB700 title = table:00000143F98EB6B8 firstTable UI_TUTORIAL_GAMEPAD = table:00000143F98EB968 firstTable buttons = table:00000143F98EBEA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98EBF20 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F98EC010 clickSound = Dialog_Accept ethereal = true keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:00000143F98EC0A0 gamepadInfo = table:00000143F98EBC78 firstTable dialogType = 4 mainText = table:00000143F98EBDE8 firstTable text() = function:00000143F98EBE60 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143F98EC058 removedFromQueueCallback() = function:00000143F98EC0E0 setup() = function:00000143F98EBC38 title = table:00000143F98EBCF0 firstTable text() = function:00000143F98EBD68 UPGRADE_ABILITY_CONFIRM = table:00000143D765ACE0 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D765AD28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98DD230 firstTable callback() = function:000001430FD79778 control = userdata:00000143F99096A0 (meta 000001431C5B56A8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143F9909750 (meta 000001431C5B5A68} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143F99096A0 (meta 000001431C5B56A8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143F9909720 (meta 000001431C5B72D8} text = 3761 2 = table:00000143F98DD278 firstTable control = userdata:00000143F9909480 (meta 000001431C5B41C8} text = 255 customControl = userdata:00000143F9908EC0 (meta 00000143F990CA58} setup() = function:00000143D765AC98 title = table:000001430FD7B0F8 firstTable text = 3756 WAIT_FOR_CONSOLE_CHARACTER_INFO = table:000001434626F2C8 firstTable buttons = table:000001434626F5C0 firstTable gamepadInfo = table:000001434626F458 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001434626F548 firstTable text = 5505 mustChoose = true showLoadingIcon = true title = table:000001434626F4D0 firstTable text = 5504 WAIT_FOR_CONSOLE_NAME_VALIDATION = table:0000014310BC0F90 firstTable buttons = table:00000143B4EF5398 firstTable canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000014310BC1018 firstTable dialogType = 3 loading = table:00000143B4EF52F8 firstTable text = Please wait... mustChoose = true setup() = function:0000014310BC0FD8 title = table:0000014310BC1060 firstTable text = 233 ZONE_CHAPTER_COLLECTIBLE_REQUIREMENT_FAILED = table:0000014346270BD0 firstTable buttons = table:0000014346270EF0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346270F90 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346271030 text = 6532 2 = table:0000014346271070 firstTable text = 249 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000014346270D60 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014346270E78 firstTable text = 6560 title = table:0000014346270E00 firstTable text = 6558 ZONE_DLC_COLLECTIBLE_REQUIREMENT_FAILED = table:00000143462706B8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143462709D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346270A78 firstTable callback() = function:0000014346270B18 text = 6564 2 = table:0000014346270B58 firstTable text = 249 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000014346270848 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000014346270960 firstTable text = 6559 title = table:00000143462708E8 firstTable text = 6558 ESO_NumberFormats = table:000001431D564198 firstTable 3608 = table:00000143E03AD878 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E03AD8C0 firstTable digits = 1 4416 = table:00000143E03AD9C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E03ADA08 firstTable unsigned = true 5673 = table:00000143E03AD878 EULA_TYPE_ADDON_EULA = 1 EULA_TYPE_CODE_OF_CONDUCT = 4 EULA_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EULA_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 5 EULA_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 5 EULA_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 EULA_TYPE_NON_DISCLOSURE_AGREEMENT = 5 EULA_TYPE_PREGAME_EULA = 0 EULA_TYPE_PRIVACY_POLICY = 3 EULA_TYPE_TERMS_OF_SERVICE = 2 EVENT_ABILITY_COOLDOWN_UPDATED = 131177 EVENT_ABILITY_LIST_CHANGED = 131169 EVENT_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RANK_UPDATE = 131171 EVENT_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT = 131291 EVENT_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_XP_UPDATE = 131172 EVENT_ABILITY_REQUIREMENTS_FAIL = 131105 EVENT_ACHIEVEMENTS_UPDATED = 131435 EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_AWARDED = 131436 EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_UPDATED = 131437 EVENT_ACTION_LAYER_POPPED = 65553 EVENT_ACTION_LAYER_PUSHED = 65552 EVENT_ACTION_SLOTS_FULL_UPDATE = 131176 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_ABILITY_SLOTTED = 131179 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_ABILITY_USED = 131181 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_ABILITY_USED_WRONG_WEAPON = 131182 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_STATE_UPDATED = 131174 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_UPDATED = 131173 EVENT_ACTION_UPDATE_COOLDOWNS = 131178 EVENT_ACTIVE_MOUNT_CHANGED = 131207 EVENT_ACTIVE_QUEST_TOOL_CHANGED = 131096 EVENT_ACTIVE_QUEST_TOOL_CLEARED = 131097 EVENT_ACTIVE_QUICKSLOT_CHANGED = 131180 EVENT_ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_CHANGED = 131240 EVENT_ACTIVITY_FINDER_ACTIVITY_COMPLETE = 131168 EVENT_ACTIVITY_FINDER_COOLDOWNS_UPDATE = 131166 EVENT_ACTIVITY_FINDER_STATUS_UPDATE = 131167 EVENT_ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT = 131161 EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED = 65536 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_ACCEPTED = 131500 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_DECLINED = 131501 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_FORCED = 131502 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_REQUESTED = 131499 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_TERMINATED = 131503 EVENT_ALLIANCE_POINT_UPDATE = 131223 EVENT_ALL_GUI_SCREENS_RESIZED = 65539 EVENT_ALL_GUI_SCREENS_RESIZE_STARTED = 65538 EVENT_ANIMATION_NOTE = 131607 EVENT_ARTIFACT_CONTROL_STATE = 131275 EVENT_ARTIFACT_SCROLL_STATE_CHANGED = 131273 EVENT_ARTIFICIAL_EFFECT_ADDED = 131613 EVENT_ARTIFICIAL_EFFECT_REMOVED = 131614 EVENT_ASSIGNED_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED = 131292 EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_RESPEC = 131450 EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_UPGRADE_UPDATED = 131449 EVENT_AVENGE_KILL = 131471 EVENT_BACKGROUND_LIST_FILTER_COMPLETE = 327741 EVENT_BANKED_CURRENCY_UPDATE = 131220 EVENT_BANKED_MONEY_UPDATE = 131221 EVENT_BANK_IS_FULL = 131239 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_INACTIVITY_WARNING = 131279 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_KILL = 131262 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARD_DATA_CHANGED = 131276 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_RULESET_CHANGED = 131277 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_UPDATED = 131260 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_SHUTDOWN_TIMER = 131280 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_STATE_CHANGED = 131278 EVENT_BATTLE_STANDARDS_UPDATED = 131265 EVENT_BEGIN_CUTSCENE = 131615 EVENT_BEGIN_LOCKPICK = 131491 EVENT_BEGIN_SIEGE_CONTROL = 131329 EVENT_BEGIN_SIEGE_UPGRADE = 131337 EVENT_BOSSES_CHANGED = 131129 EVENT_BROADCAST = 131400 EVENT_BUYBACK_RECEIPT = 131286 EVENT_BUY_RECEIPT = 131284 EVENT_CADWELL_PROGRESSION_LEVEL_CHANGED = 131211 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_ASSIGNMENT_RESULT = 131307 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_CHANGED = 131299 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_HISTORY_WINDOW_CHANGED = 131315 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARD_DATA_CHANGED = 131296 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_JOINED = 131311 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_LEFT = 131312 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_POSITION_CHANGED = 131314 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_STATE_CHANGED = 131313 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_SCORE_DATA_CHANGED = 131297 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_SELECTION_DATA_CHANGED = 131295 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_STATE_INITIALIZED = 131300 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_UNASSIGNMENT_RESULT = 131308 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_UNDERPOP_BONUS_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION = 131306 EVENT_CANCEL_MOUSE_REQUEST_DESTROY_ITEM = 131408 EVENT_CANNOT_CROUCH_WHILE_CARRYING_ARTIFACT = 131594 EVENT_CANNOT_DO_THAT_WHILE_DEAD = 131593 EVENT_CANNOT_FISH_WHILE_SWIMMING = 131520 EVENT_CAPS_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED = 65547 EVENT_CAPTURE_AREA_SPAWNED = 131269 EVENT_CAPTURE_AREA_STATE_CHANGED = 131268 EVENT_CAPTURE_AREA_STATUS = 131270 EVENT_CAPTURE_FLAG_STATE_CHANGED = 131271 EVENT_CARRIED_CURRENCY_UPDATE = 131219 EVENT_CHAMPION_LEVEL_ACHIEVED = 131590 EVENT_CHAMPION_POINT_GAINED = 131587 EVENT_CHAMPION_POINT_UPDATE = 131124 EVENT_CHAMPION_PURCHASE_RESULT = 131588 EVENT_CHAMPION_SYSTEM_UNLOCKED = 131589 EVENT_CHATTER_BEGIN = 131072 EVENT_CHATTER_END = 131073 EVENT_CHAT_CHANNEL_INVITE = 131108 EVENT_CHAT_CHANNEL_JOIN = 131109 EVENT_CHAT_CHANNEL_LEAVE = 131110 EVENT_CHAT_LOG_TOGGLED = 131106 EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL = 131099 EVENT_CLOSE_BANK = 131397 EVENT_CLOSE_GUILD_BANK = 131526 EVENT_CLOSE_STORE = 131282 EVENT_CLOSE_TRADING_HOUSE = 131537 EVENT_COLLECTIBLES_SEARCH_RESULTS_READY = 131439 EVENT_COLLECTIBLES_UPDATED = 327739 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_NEW_STATUS_CLEARED = 131448 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_NOTIFICATION_NEW = 131442 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = 131443 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_ON_COOLDOWN = 131446 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_RENAME_ERROR = 131440 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_REQUEST_BROWSE_TO = 131444 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_SET_IN_WATER_ALERT = 131441 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_UPDATED = 327738 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_BLOCKED = 131446 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_RESULT = 131446 EVENT_COLLECTION_UPDATED = 131438 EVENT_COMBAT_EVENT = 131100 EVENT_CONFIRM_INTERACT = 131076 EVENT_CONSOLE_TEXT_VALIDATION_RESULT = 393243 EVENT_CONTROLLER_CONNECTED = 393237 EVENT_CONTROLLER_DISCONNECTED = 393236 EVENT_CONVERSATION_FAILED_INVENTORY_FULL = 131213 EVENT_CONVERSATION_FAILED_UNIQUE_ITEM = 131214 EVENT_CONVERSATION_UPDATED = 131113 EVENT_CORONATE_EMPEROR_NOTIFICATION = 131301 EVENT_CRAFTING_STATION_INTERACT = 131504 EVENT_CRAFT_BAG_AUTO_TRANSFER_NOTIFICATION_CLEARED = 131248 EVENT_CRAFT_COMPLETED = 131511 EVENT_CRAFT_FAILED = 131512 EVENT_CRAFT_STARTED = 131510 EVENT_CROWN_CRATES_SYSTEM_STATE_CHANGED = 131611 EVENT_CROWN_CRATE_INVENTORY_UPDATED = 131609 EVENT_CROWN_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE = 131608 EVENT_CROWN_CRATE_QUANTITY_UPDATE = 131610 EVENT_CROWN_GEM_UPDATE = 589829 EVENT_CROWN_UPDATE = 589828 EVENT_CURRENCY_CAPS_CHANGED = 131217 EVENT_CURRENCY_UPDATE = 131216 EVENT_CURRENT_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED = 131294 EVENT_CURRENT_SUBZONE_LIST_CHANGED = 131251 EVENT_CURSOR_DROPPED = 131411 EVENT_CURSOR_PICKUP = 131410 EVENT_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_FEEDBACK_SUBMITTED = 131489 EVENT_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_TICKET_SUBMITTED = 131490 EVENT_DEPOSE_EMPEROR_NOTIFICATION = 131302 EVENT_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_CHANGED = 131211 EVENT_DISABLE_SIEGE_AIM_ABILITY = 131334 EVENT_DISABLE_SIEGE_FIRE_ABILITY = 131332 EVENT_DISABLE_SIEGE_PACKUP_ABILITY = 131336 EVENT_DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE = 131107 EVENT_DISGUISE_STATE_CHANGED = 131152 EVENT_DISPLAY_ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP = 131481 EVENT_DISPLAY_ALERT = 131454 EVENT_DISPLAY_ANNOUNCEMENT = 131453 EVENT_DISPLAY_TUTORIAL = 131483 EVENT_DISPOSITION_UPDATE = 131128 EVENT_DUEL_COUNTDOWN = 131393 EVENT_DUEL_FINISHED = 131391 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_ACCEPTED = 131388 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_CANCELED = 131390 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_DECLINED = 131389 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_FAILED = 131392 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_RECEIVED = 131386 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_REMOVED = 131387 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_SENT = 131385 EVENT_DUEL_NEAR_BOUNDARY = 131394 EVENT_DUEL_STARTED = 131395 EVENT_DURANGO_ACCOUNT_PICKER_RETURNED = 393242 EVENT_DYEING_STATION_INTERACT_END = 131556 EVENT_DYEING_STATION_INTERACT_START = 131555 EVENT_DYES_SEARCH_RESULTS_READY = 131559 EVENT_DYE_STAMP_USE_FAIL = 131558 EVENT_EFFECTS_FULL_UPDATE = 131149 EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED = 131148 EVENT_ENABLE_SIEGE_AIM_ABILITY = 131333 EVENT_ENABLE_SIEGE_FIRE_ABILITY = 131331 EVENT_ENABLE_SIEGE_PACKUP_ABILITY = 131335 EVENT_END_CRAFTING_STATION_INTERACT = 131505 EVENT_END_CUTSCENE = 131616 EVENT_END_FAST_TRAVEL_INTERACTION = 131469 EVENT_END_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_INTERACTION = 131466 EVENT_END_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM_INTERACTION = 131326 EVENT_END_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE_INTERACTION = 131328 EVENT_END_SIEGE_CONTROL = 131330 EVENT_END_SOUL_GEM_RESURRECTION = 131361 EVENT_ENLIGHTENED_STATE_GAINED = 131125 EVENT_ENLIGHTENED_STATE_LOST = 131126 EVENT_ENTER_GROUND_TARGET_MODE = 131478 EVENT_ESO_PLUS_FREE_TRIAL_NOTIFICATION_CLEARED = 131617 EVENT_ESO_PLUS_FREE_TRIAL_STATUS_CHANGED = 589832 EVENT_EXPERIENCE_GAIN = 131146 EVENT_EXPERIENCE_UPDATE = 131147 EVENT_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_NETWORK_LINK_CHANGED = 131464 EVENT_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_NETWORK_UPDATED = 131463 EVENT_FAST_TRAVEL_NETWORK_UPDATED = 131467 EVENT_FEEDBACK_REQUESTED = 131497 EVENT_FEEDBACK_TOO_FREQUENT_SCREENSHOT = 131498 EVENT_FINESSE_RANK_CHANGED = 131150 EVENT_FISHING_LURE_CLEARED = 131518 EVENT_FISHING_LURE_SET = 131517 EVENT_FORWARD_CAMPS_UPDATED = 131264 EVENT_FORWARD_CAMP_RESPAWN_TIMER_BEGINS = 131258 EVENT_FRIEND_ADDED = 327681 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_CHAMPION_POINTS_CHANGED = 327686 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_LEVEL_CHANGED = 327685 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_UPDATED = 327687 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_VETERAN_RANK_CHANGED = 327686 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_ZONE_CHANGED = 327684 EVENT_FRIEND_DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGED = 327688 EVENT_FRIEND_NOTE_UPDATED = 327689 EVENT_FRIEND_PLAYER_STATUS_CHANGED = 327683 EVENT_FRIEND_REMOVED = 327682 EVENT_FULLSCREEN_MODE_CHANGED = 327734 EVENT_GAMEPAD_PREFERRED_MODE_CHANGED = 65554 EVENT_GAME_CAMERA_ACTIVATED = 131473 EVENT_GAME_CAMERA_CHARACTER_FRAMING_STARTED = 131479 EVENT_GAME_CAMERA_DEACTIVATED = 131474 EVENT_GAME_CAMERA_UI_MODE_CHANGED = 131472 EVENT_GAME_CREDITS_READY = 327733 EVENT_GAME_FOCUS_CHANGED = 131477 EVENT_GLOBAL_MOUSE_DOWN = 65545 EVENT_GLOBAL_MOUSE_UP = 65546 EVENT_GRAVEYARD_USAGE_FAILURE = 131356 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_FIND_REPLACEMENT_NOTIFICATION_NEW = 131164 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_FIND_REPLACEMENT_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = 131165 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_LFG_JOINED = 131159 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_NO_LONGER_LFG = 131160 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_READY_CHECK_CANCELLED = 131163 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_READY_CHECK_UPDATED = 131162 EVENT_GROUP_CAMPAIGN_ASSIGNMENTS_CHANGED = 131298 EVENT_GROUP_ELECTION_FAILED = 131201 EVENT_GROUP_ELECTION_NOTIFICATION_ADDED = 131199 EVENT_GROUP_ELECTION_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = 131200 EVENT_GROUP_ELECTION_REQUESTED = 131203 EVENT_GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT = 131202 EVENT_GROUP_INVITE_ACCEPT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 131192 EVENT_GROUP_INVITE_RECEIVED = 131185 EVENT_GROUP_INVITE_REMOVED = 131186 EVENT_GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE = 131187 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_CONNECTED_STATUS = 131189 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_IN_REMOTE_REGION = 131191 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_JOINED = 131195 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_LEFT = 131194 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_ROLES_CHANGED = 131190 EVENT_GROUP_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE = 131188 EVENT_GROUP_SUPPORT_RANGE_UPDATE = 131193 EVENT_GROUP_TYPE_CHANGED = 131196 EVENT_GROUP_UPDATE = 131198 EVENT_GROUP_VETERAN_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED = 131197 EVENT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED = 131293 EVENT_GUILD_BANKED_MONEY_UPDATE = 131222 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_DESELECTED = 131528 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_ITEMS_READY = 131529 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_ITEM_ADDED = 131530 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_ITEM_REMOVED = 131531 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_OPEN_ERROR = 131532 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_SELECTED = 131527 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_TRANSFER_ERROR = 131533 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_UPDATED_QUANTITY = 131534 EVENT_GUILD_CLAIM_KEEP_CAMPAIGN_NOTIFICATION = 327730 EVENT_GUILD_CLAIM_KEEP_RESPONSE = 327729 EVENT_GUILD_DATA_LOADED = 327701 EVENT_GUILD_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED = 327716 EVENT_GUILD_HISTORY_CATEGORY_UPDATED = 327723 EVENT_GUILD_HISTORY_REFRESHED = 327714 EVENT_GUILD_HISTORY_RESPONSE_RECEIVED = 327724 EVENT_GUILD_INVITES_INITIALIZED = 327720 EVENT_GUILD_INVITE_ADDED = 327721 EVENT_GUILD_INVITE_REMOVED = 327722 EVENT_GUILD_KEEP_CLAIM_UPDATED = 327725 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_CONSIDER_BID_START = 131576 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_CONSIDER_BID_STOP = 131577 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_CONSIDER_PURCHASE_START = 131578 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_CONSIDER_PURCHASE_STOP = 131579 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_ERROR = 131535 EVENT_GUILD_LEVEL_CHANGED = 327705 EVENT_GUILD_LOST_KEEP_CAMPAIGN_NOTIFICATION = 327732 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_ADDED = 327706 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_CHAMPION_POINTS_CHANGED = 327712 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_LEVEL_CHANGED = 327711 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_UPDATED = 327709 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_VETERAN_RANK_CHANGED = 327712 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_ZONE_CHANGED = 327710 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_NOTE_CHANGED = 327708 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_PLAYER_STATUS_CHANGED = 327704 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_RANK_CHANGED = 327713 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVED = 327707 EVENT_GUILD_MOTD_CHANGED = 327715 EVENT_GUILD_NAME_AVAILABLE = 327727 EVENT_GUILD_RANKS_CHANGED = 327717 EVENT_GUILD_RANK_CHANGED = 327718 EVENT_GUILD_RELEASE_KEEP_CAMPAIGN_NOTIFICATION = 327731 EVENT_GUILD_RELEASE_KEEP_RESPONSE = 327728 EVENT_GUILD_SELF_JOINED_GUILD = 327702 EVENT_GUILD_SELF_LEFT_GUILD = 327703 EVENT_GUILD_TRADER_HIRED_UPDATED = 327726 EVENT_GUI_HIDDEN = 65543 EVENT_GUI_WORLD_PARTICLE_EFFECT_READY = 131612 EVENT_HELP_INITIALIZED = 131487 EVENT_HELP_SEARCH_RESULTS_READY = 131488 EVENT_HERALDRY_CUSTOMIZATION_END = 131561 EVENT_HERALDRY_CUSTOMIZATION_START = 131560 EVENT_HERALDRY_FUNDS_UPDATED = 131563 EVENT_HERALDRY_SAVED = 131562 EVENT_HIDE_BOOK = 131462 EVENT_HIDE_OBJECTIVE_STATUS = 131274 EVENT_HIGH_FALL_DAMAGE = 131101 EVENT_HOME_SHOW_LEADERBOARD_DATA_CHANGED = 131603 EVENT_HOT_BAR_RESULT = 131290 EVENT_HOUSING_ADD_PERMISSIONS_CANT_ADD_SELF = 131606 EVENT_HOUSING_ADD_PERMISSIONS_FAILED = 131605 EVENT_HOUSING_EDITOR_MODE_CHANGED = 131595 EVENT_HOUSING_EDITOR_REQUEST_RESULT = 131601 EVENT_HOUSING_FURNITURE_PLACED = 131596 EVENT_HOUSING_FURNITURE_REMOVED = 131597 EVENT_HOUSING_LOAD_PERMISSIONS_RESULT = 131599 EVENT_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_CHANGED = 131604 EVENT_HOUSING_PLAYER_INFO_CHANGED = 131600 EVENT_HOUSING_POPULATION_CHANGED = 131602 EVENT_HOUSING_PRIMARY_RESIDENCE_SET = 131598 EVENT_IGNORE_ADDED = 327690 EVENT_IGNORE_NOTE_UPDATED = 327693 EVENT_IGNORE_ONLINE_CHARACTER_CHANGED = 327692 EVENT_IGNORE_REMOVED = 327691 EVENT_IMPACTFUL_HIT = 131103 EVENT_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_GAINED_NOTIFICATION = 131304 EVENT_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_LOST_NOTIFICATION = 131305 EVENT_INCOMING_FRIEND_INVITE_ADDED = 327694 EVENT_INCOMING_FRIEND_INVITE_NOTE_UPDATED = 327696 EVENT_INCOMING_FRIEND_INVITE_REMOVED = 327695 EVENT_INPUT_LANGUAGE_CHANGED = 65548 EVENT_INSTANCE_KICK_TIME_UPDATE = 131131 EVENT_INTERACTABLE_IMPOSSIBLE_TO_PICK = 131496 EVENT_INTERACTABLE_LOCKED = 131495 EVENT_INTERACT_BUSY = 131074 EVENT_INTERFACE_SETTING_CHANGED = 131480 EVENT_INVENTORY_BAG_CAPACITY_CHANGED = 131245 EVENT_INVENTORY_BANK_CAPACITY_CHANGED = 131246 EVENT_INVENTORY_BOUGHT_BAG_SPACE = 131231 EVENT_INVENTORY_BOUGHT_BANK_SPACE = 131232 EVENT_INVENTORY_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 131228 EVENT_INVENTORY_BUY_BANK_SPACE = 131229 EVENT_INVENTORY_CLOSE_BUY_SPACE = 131230 EVENT_INVENTORY_FULL_UPDATE = 131212 EVENT_INVENTORY_IS_FULL = 131238 EVENT_INVENTORY_ITEMS_AUTO_TRANSFERRED_TO_CRAFT_BAG = 131247 EVENT_INVENTORY_ITEM_DESTROYED = 131236 EVENT_INVENTORY_ITEM_USED = 131237 EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE = 131215 EVENT_INVENTORY_SLOT_LOCKED = 131226 EVENT_INVENTORY_SLOT_UNLOCKED = 131227 EVENT_ITEM_LAUNDER_RESULT = 131243 EVENT_ITEM_ON_COOLDOWN = 131399 EVENT_ITEM_PREVIEW_READY = 589830 EVENT_ITEM_REPAIR_FAILURE = 131242 EVENT_ITEM_SLOT_CHANGED = 131175 EVENT_JUMP_FAILED = 131401 EVENT_JUSTICE_BEING_ARRESTED = 131575 EVENT_JUSTICE_BOUNTY_PAYOFF_AMOUNT_UPDATED = 131565 EVENT_JUSTICE_FENCE_UPDATE = 131573 EVENT_JUSTICE_GOLD_PICKPOCKETED = 131571 EVENT_JUSTICE_GOLD_REMOVED = 131568 EVENT_JUSTICE_INFAMY_UPDATED = 131564 EVENT_JUSTICE_ITEM_PICKPOCKETED = 131570 EVENT_JUSTICE_NOW_KOS = 131566 EVENT_JUSTICE_NO_LONGER_KOS = 131567 EVENT_JUSTICE_NPC_SHUNNING = 131574 EVENT_JUSTICE_PICKPOCKET_FAILED = 131572 EVENT_JUSTICE_STOLEN_ITEMS_REMOVED = 131569 EVENT_KEEPS_INITIALIZED = 131323 EVENT_KEEP_ALLIANCE_OWNER_CHANGED = 131317 EVENT_KEEP_END_INTERACTION = 131322 EVENT_KEEP_GATE_STATE_CHANGED = 131320 EVENT_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM_UPDATE = 131319 EVENT_KEEP_INITIALIZED = 131324 EVENT_KEEP_RESOURCE_UPDATE = 131316 EVENT_KEEP_START_INTERACTION = 131321 EVENT_KEEP_UNDER_ATTACK_CHANGED = 131318 EVENT_KEYBINDINGS_LOADED = 65551 EVENT_KEYBINDING_CLEARED = 65550 EVENT_KEYBINDING_SET = 65549 EVENT_KILL_LOCATIONS_UPDATED = 131263 EVENT_LEADER_UPDATE = 131130 EVENT_LEAVE_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_RESPONSE = 131310 EVENT_LEAVE_RAM_ESCORT = 131339 EVENT_LEVEL_UPDATE = 131123 EVENT_LINKED_WORLD_POSITION_CHANGED = 131252 EVENT_LOCKPICK_BROKE = 131494 EVENT_LOCKPICK_FAILED = 131492 EVENT_LOCKPICK_SUCCESS = 131493 EVENT_LOGOUT_DEFERRED = 131402 EVENT_LOGOUT_DISALLOWED = 131403 EVENT_LOOT_CLOSED = 131349 EVENT_LOOT_ITEM_FAILED = 131184 EVENT_LOOT_RECEIVED = 131183 EVENT_LOOT_UPDATED = 131348 EVENT_LORE_BOOK_ALREADY_KNOWN = 131460 EVENT_LORE_BOOK_LEARNED = 131456 EVENT_LORE_BOOK_LEARNED_SKILL_EXPERIENCE = 131457 EVENT_LORE_COLLECTION_COMPLETED = 131458 EVENT_LORE_COLLECTION_COMPLETED_SKILL_EXPERIENCE = 131459 EVENT_LORE_LIBRARY_INITIALIZED = 131455 EVENT_LOW_FALL_DAMAGE = 131102 EVENT_LUA_ERROR = 65540 EVENT_LUA_LOW_MEMORY = 65541 EVENT_MAIL_ATTACHED_MONEY_CHANGED = 131428 EVENT_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_ADDED = 131426 EVENT_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_REMOVED = 131427 EVENT_MAIL_CLOSE_MAILBOX = 131434 EVENT_MAIL_COD_CHANGED = 131429 EVENT_MAIL_INBOX_UPDATE = 131421 EVENT_MAIL_NUM_UNREAD_CHANGED = 131422 EVENT_MAIL_OPEN_MAILBOX = 131433 EVENT_MAIL_READABLE = 131423 EVENT_MAIL_REMOVED = 131430 EVENT_MAIL_SEND_FAILED = 131425 EVENT_MAIL_SEND_SUCCESS = 131424 EVENT_MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHED_ITEM_SUCCESS = 131431 EVENT_MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHED_MONEY_SUCCESS = 131432 EVENT_MANAGER = userdata:0000014308319A58 (meta 0000014308319F00} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:000001430831A0C0 RegisterForAllEvents() = function:0000014308319C28 RegisterForEvent() = function:0000014308302280 RegisterForPostEffectsUpdate() = function:0000014308319DD8 RegisterForUpdate() = function:0000014308319E48 UnregisterForAllEvents() = function:0000014308319CF0 UnregisterForEvent() = function:0000014308319C98 UnregisterForPostEffectsUpdate() = function:000001430831A040 UnregisterForUpdate() = function:0000014308319D68 EVENT_MAP_PING = 131256 EVENT_MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT = 589827 EVENT_MARKET_STATE_UPDATED = 589826 EVENT_MEDAL_AWARDED = 131261 EVENT_MISSING_LURE = 131519 EVENT_MONEY_UPDATE = 131218 EVENT_MOUNTED_STATE_CHANGED = 131206 EVENT_MOUNT_FAILURE = 131210 EVENT_MOUNT_INFO_UPDATED = 131204 EVENT_MOUSE_REQUEST_ABANDON_QUEST = 131409 EVENT_MOUSE_REQUEST_DESTROY_ITEM = 131406 EVENT_MOUSE_REQUEST_DESTROY_ITEM_FAILED = 131407 EVENT_MURDERBALL_STATE_CHANGED = 131272 EVENT_NEW_MOVEMENT_IN_UI_MODE = 131476 EVENT_NON_COMBAT_BONUS_CHANGED = 131547 EVENT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 131233 EVENT_NO_INTERACT_TARGET = 131075 EVENT_OBJECTIVES_UPDATED = 131266 EVENT_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETED = 131093 EVENT_OBJECTIVE_CONTROL_STATE = 131267 EVENT_OPEN_BANK = 131396 EVENT_OPEN_FENCE = 131288 EVENT_OPEN_GUILD_BANK = 131525 EVENT_OPEN_HOUSE_STORE = 131289 EVENT_OPEN_STORE = 131281 EVENT_OPEN_TRADING_HOUSE = 131536 EVENT_OUTGOING_FRIEND_INVITE_ADDED = 327697 EVENT_OUTGOING_FRIEND_INVITE_REMOVED = 327698 EVENT_PERSONALITY_CHANGED = 131447 EVENT_PICKPOCKET_ON_COOLDOWN = 131584 EVENT_PICKPOCKET_OUT_OF_POSITION = 131582 EVENT_PICKPOCKET_STATE_UPDATED = 131583 EVENT_PICKPOCKET_SUSPICIOUS = 131585 EVENT_PICKPOCKET_TOO_FAR = 131581 EVENT_PLATFORMS_LIST_LOADED = 393238 EVENT_PLATFORM_ACHIEVEMENT_TRIGGERED = 393234 EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED = 589824 EVENT_PLAYER_ALIVE = 131351 EVENT_PLAYER_COMBAT_STATE = 131420 EVENT_PLAYER_DEACTIVATED = 589825 EVENT_PLAYER_DEAD = 131350 EVENT_PLAYER_DEATH_INFO_UPDATE = 131354 EVENT_PLAYER_DEATH_REQUEST_FAILURE = 131353 EVENT_PLAYER_EMOTE_FAILED_PLAY = 131592 EVENT_PLAYER_IN_PIN_AREA_CHANGED = 131257 EVENT_PLAYER_NOT_SWIMMING = 131363 EVENT_PLAYER_QUEUED_FOR_CYCLIC_RESPAWN = 131355 EVENT_PLAYER_REINCARNATED = 131352 EVENT_PLAYER_STATUS_CHANGED = 327700 EVENT_PLAYER_STUNNED_STATE_CHANGED = 131154 EVENT_PLAYER_SWIMMING = 131362 EVENT_PLAYER_TITLES_UPDATE = 131145 EVENT_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_OFFER = 131365 EVENT_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_OFFER_REMOVED = 131366 EVENT_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_RESULT = 131364 EVENT_POIS_INITIALIZED = 131253 EVENT_POI_DISCOVERED = 131254 EVENT_POI_UPDATED = 131255 EVENT_POWER_UPDATE = 131121 EVENT_PREFERRED_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED = 131303 EVENT_PROFILE_CARD_DIALOG_CLOSED = 393226 EVENT_PROFILE_CARD_DIALOG_OPENED = 393225 EVENT_PROFILE_DURANGO_SIGNED_OUT = 393220 EVENT_PROFILE_EMAIL_ID_RECEIVED = 393235 EVENT_PROFILE_LOGIN_REQUESTED = 393217 EVENT_PROFILE_LOGIN_RESULT = 393218 EVENT_PROFILE_ORBIS_SIGNED_OUT = 393219 EVENT_PROFILE_SAVELOAD_FAIL = 393223 EVENT_PROFILE_SAVELOAD_REQUESTED = 393222 EVENT_PROFILE_SAVELOAD_SUCCESSFUL = 393224 EVENT_QUEST_ADDED = 131077 EVENT_QUEST_ADVANCED = 131088 EVENT_QUEST_COMPLETE = 131091 EVENT_QUEST_COMPLETE_ATTEMPT_FAILED_INVENTORY_FULL = 131092 EVENT_QUEST_COMPLETE_DIALOG = 131087 EVENT_QUEST_CONDITION_COUNTER_CHANGED = 131083 EVENT_QUEST_LIST_UPDATED = 131081 EVENT_QUEST_LOG_IS_FULL = 131082 EVENT_QUEST_OFFERED = 131078 EVENT_QUEST_OPTIONAL_STEP_ADVANCED = 131089 EVENT_QUEST_POSITION_REQUEST_COMPLETE = 131098 EVENT_QUEST_REMOVED = 131090 EVENT_QUEST_SHARED = 131079 EVENT_QUEST_SHARE_REMOVED = 131080 EVENT_QUEST_SHOW_JOURNAL_ENTRY = 131095 EVENT_QUEST_TIMER_PAUSED = 131085 EVENT_QUEST_TIMER_UPDATED = 131086 EVENT_QUEST_TOOL_UPDATED = 131084 EVENT_QUEUE_FOR_CAMPAIGN_RESPONSE = 131309 EVENT_RAID_LEADERBOARD_DATA_CHANGED = 131141 EVENT_RAID_LEADERBOARD_PLAYER_DATA_CHANGED = 131142 EVENT_RAID_PARTICIPATION_UPDATE = 131139 EVENT_RAID_REVIVE_COUNTER_UPDATE = 131138 EVENT_RAID_SCORE_NOTIFICATION_ADDED = 131143 EVENT_RAID_SCORE_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = 131144 EVENT_RAID_TIMER_STATE_UPDATE = 131140 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_COMPLETE = 131133 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_FAILED = 131134 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_NEW_BEST_SCORE = 131135 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_RESET_BEST_SCORE = 131136 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_UPDATE = 131137 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_STARTED = 131132 EVENT_RAM_ESCORT_COUNT_UPDATE = 131338 EVENT_RANK_POINT_UPDATE = 131155 EVENT_REASON_HARDWARE = 0 EVENT_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EVENT_REASON_ITERATION_END = 1 EVENT_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 1 EVENT_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 EVENT_REASON_SOFTWARE = 1 EVENT_RECIPE_ALREADY_KNOWN = 131508 EVENT_RECIPE_LEARNED = 131507 EVENT_REMOTE_SCENE_STATE_CHANGE = 327735 EVENT_REMOTE_TOP_LEVEL_CHANGE = 327737 EVENT_REMOVE_ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP = 131482 EVENT_REMOVE_TUTORIAL = 131484 EVENT_REQUIREMENTS_FAIL = 131104 EVENT_RESEND_VERIFICATION_EMAIL_RESULT = 393221 EVENT_RESURRECT_FAILURE = 131359 EVENT_RESURRECT_REQUEST = 131357 EVENT_RESURRECT_REQUEST_REMOVED = 131358 EVENT_RESURRECT_RESULT = 131359 EVENT_RETICLE_HIDDEN_UPDATE = 131475 EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_CHANGED = 131116 EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_PLAYER_CHANGED = 131117 EVENT_RETRAIT_RESPONSE = 131620 EVENT_RETRAIT_STARTED = 131619 EVENT_RETRAIT_STATION_INTERACT_START = 131618 EVENT_REVENGE_KILL = 131470 EVENT_RIDING_SKILL_IMPROVEMENT = 131205 EVENT_SAVE_DATA_COMPLETE = 393240 EVENT_SAVE_DATA_START = 393239 EVENT_SAVE_GUILD_RANKS_RESPONSE = 327719 EVENT_SCREENSHOT_SAVED = 131404 EVENT_SCREEN_RESIZED = 65537 EVENT_SCRIPTED_WORLD_EVENT_INVITE = 131451 EVENT_SCRIPTED_WORLD_EVENT_INVITE_REMOVED = 131452 EVENT_SCRIPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION = 65555 EVENT_SECURE_3D_RENDER_MODE_CHANGED = 65557 EVENT_SECURE_RENDER_MODE_CHANGED = 65556 EVENT_SELECT_FROM_USER_LIST_DIALOG_RESULT = 393241 EVENT_SELL_RECEIPT = 131285 EVENT_SET_SUBTITLE = 327746 EVENT_SHOW_BOOK = 131461 EVENT_SHOW_PREGAME_GUI_IN_STATE = 65542 EVENT_SHOW_REMOTE_BASE_SCENE = 327736 EVENT_SHOW_SUBTITLE = 131112 EVENT_SHOW_TREASURE_MAP = 131521 EVENT_SIEGE_BUSY = 131346 EVENT_SIEGE_CONTROL_ANOTHER_PLAYER = 131347 EVENT_SIEGE_CREATION_FAILED_CLOSEST_DOOR_ALREADY_HAS_RAM = 131340 EVENT_SIEGE_CREATION_FAILED_NO_VALID_DOOR = 131341 EVENT_SIEGE_FIRE_FAILED_COOLDOWN = 131343 EVENT_SIEGE_FIRE_FAILED_RETARGETING = 131344 EVENT_SIEGE_PACK_FAILED_INVENTORY_FULL = 131342 EVENT_SIEGE_PACK_FAILED_NOT_CREATOR = 131345 EVENT_SKILLS_FULL_UPDATE = 131412 EVENT_SKILL_ABILITY_PROGRESSIONS_UPDATED = 131417 EVENT_SKILL_FORCE_RESPEC = 131418 EVENT_SKILL_LINE_ADDED = 131414 EVENT_SKILL_POINTS_CHANGED = 131413 EVENT_SKILL_RANK_UPDATE = 131415 EVENT_SKILL_XP_UPDATE = 131416 EVENT_SLD_SAVE_LOAD_ERROR = 393216 EVENT_SLOT_IS_LOCKED_FAILURE = 131234 EVENT_SMITHING_TRAIT_RESEARCH_CANCELED = 131515 EVENT_SMITHING_TRAIT_RESEARCH_COMPLETED = 131514 EVENT_SMITHING_TRAIT_RESEARCH_STARTED = 131513 EVENT_SMITHING_TRAIT_RESEARCH_TIMES_UPDATED = 131516 EVENT_SOCIAL_DATA_LOADED = 327680 EVENT_SOCIAL_ERROR = 327699 EVENT_SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGE_FAILURE = 131244 EVENT_SPAM_WARNING = 131405 EVENT_STABLE_INTERACT_END = 131209 EVENT_STABLE_INTERACT_START = 131208 EVENT_STACKED_ALL_ITEMS_IN_BAG = 131249 EVENT_START_FAST_TRAVEL_INTERACTION = 131468 EVENT_START_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_INTERACTION = 131465 EVENT_START_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM_INTERACTION = 131325 EVENT_START_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE_INTERACTION = 131327 EVENT_START_SOUL_GEM_RESURRECTION = 131360 EVENT_START_WAIT_SPINNER = 393232 EVENT_STATS_UPDATED = 131127 EVENT_STEALTH_STATE_CHANGED = 131151 EVENT_STOP_WAIT_SPINNER = 393233 EVENT_STORE_FAILURE = 131287 EVENT_STUCK_BEGIN = 131548 EVENT_STUCK_CANCELED = 131549 EVENT_STUCK_COMPLETE = 131554 EVENT_STUCK_ERROR_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS = 131551 EVENT_STUCK_ERROR_INVALID_LOCATION = 131553 EVENT_STUCK_ERROR_IN_COMBAT = 131552 EVENT_STUCK_ERROR_ON_COOLDOWN = 131550 EVENT_STYLE_LEARNED = 131509 EVENT_SYNERGY_ABILITY_CHANGED = 131170 EVENT_SYSTEM_HELP_OPENED = 393229 EVENT_SYSTEM_MENU_CLOSED = 393231 EVENT_SYSTEM_MENU_OPENED = 393230 EVENT_TARGET_CHANGED = 131114 EVENT_TELVAR_STONE_UPDATE = 131224 EVENT_TITLE_UPDATE = 131156 EVENT_TRACKING_UPDATE = 131094 EVENT_TRADE_ACCEPT_FAILED_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 131384 EVENT_TRADE_CANCELED = 131375 EVENT_TRADE_CONFIRMATION_CHANGED = 131376 EVENT_TRADE_ELEVATION_FAILED = 131378 EVENT_TRADE_FAILED = 131382 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_ACCEPTED = 131373 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_CANCELED = 131372 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_CONSIDERING = 131368 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_DECLINED = 131371 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_FAILED = 131367 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_REMOVED = 131369 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_WAITING = 131370 EVENT_TRADE_ITEM_ADDED = 131377 EVENT_TRADE_ITEM_ADD_FAILED = 131379 EVENT_TRADE_ITEM_REMOVED = 131380 EVENT_TRADE_ITEM_UPDATED = 131381 EVENT_TRADE_MONEY_CHANGED = 131374 EVENT_TRADE_SUCCEEDED = 131383 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_AWAITING_RESPONSE = 131540 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_ITEM_PURCHASE = 131543 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_ERROR = 131544 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_OPERATION_TIME_OUT = 131545 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_PENDING_ITEM_UPDATE = 131539 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED = 131541 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_SEARCH_COOLDOWN_UPDATE = 131546 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_SEARCH_RESULTS_RECEIVED = 131542 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_STATUS_RECEIVED = 131538 EVENT_TRAIT_LEARNED = 131506 EVENT_TRIAL_FEATURE_RESTRICTED = 131591 EVENT_TUTORIALS_RESET = 131486 EVENT_TUTORIAL_HIDDEN = 589831 EVENT_TUTORIAL_SYSTEM_ENABLED_STATE_CHANGED = 131485 EVENT_UI_ERROR = 131398 EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_ADDED = 131522 EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_REMOVED = 131523 EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_UPDATED = 131524 EVENT_UNIT_CREATED = 131118 EVENT_UNIT_DEATH_STATE_CHANGED = 131120 EVENT_UNIT_DESTROYED = 131119 EVENT_UNIT_FRAME_UPDATE = 131115 EVENT_UNLOCKED_DYES_UPDATED = 131557 EVENT_UNSPENT_CHAMPION_POINTS_CHANGED = 131586 EVENT_UPDATE_BUYBACK = 131283 EVENT_UPDATE_GUI_LOADING_PROGRESS = 65544 EVENT_VETERAN_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED = 131157 EVENT_VIBRATION = 131580 EVENT_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_CANCEL_STARTED = 327745 EVENT_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE = 327742 EVENT_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_CONFIRM_CANCEL = 327744 EVENT_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_ERROR = 327743 EVENT_VISUAL_LAYER_CHANGED = 131158 EVENT_WEAPON_PAIR_LOCK_CHANGED = 131241 EVENT_WEAPON_SWAP_LOCKED = 131235 EVENT_WEB_BROWSER_CLOSED = 393228 EVENT_WEB_BROWSER_OPENED = 393227 EVENT_WEREWOLF_STATE_CHANGED = 131153 EVENT_WRIT_VOUCHER_UPDATE = 131225 EVENT_ZONE_CHANGED = 131250 EVENT_ZONE_CHANNEL_CHANGED = 131111 EVENT_ZONE_COLLECTIBLE_REQUIREMENT_FAILED = 131445 EVENT_ZONE_SCORING_CHANGED = 131259 EVENT_ZONE_UPDATE = 131122 EXTRACTION_FILTER = -2 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_FAILED_SAVE = 3 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_INTERNAL_ONLY = 2 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_INVALID_REWARD = 1 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_ITERATION_END = 3 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_MAX_VALUE = 3 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_MIN_VALUE = 0 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_SUCCESS = 0 EnchantItem() = function:00000143F58E6990 EndCurrentItemPreview() = function:00000143CACA6098 EndHeraldryCustomization() = function:00000143F58DEE68 EndInteractCameraSpin() = function:000001439D28F7B8 EndInteraction() = function:000001439D28C860 EndItemPreviewSpin() = function:00000143CACA6178 EndLooting() = function:000001439D29B5D0 EndPendingInteraction() = function:000001439D299420 EndPreviewMode() = function:00000143CACA6028 EquipItem() = function:000001439D28D0C8 EsoStringVersions = table:000001432DFFDCA8 firstTable 100 = 1 1008 = 1 102 = 2 103 = 1 108 = 1 1098 = 1 1100 = 1 1101 = 1 1117 = 1 112 = 2 114 = 2 1145 = 2 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3786 = 1 3793 = 2 3804 = 1 381 = 1 3810 = 1 3811 = 1 3852 = 1 3854 = 1 3856 = 2 3858 = 2 3862 = 2 3864 = 1 3882 = 1 3886 = 1 3888 = 1 3890 = 1 3892 = 1 3894 = 1 3895 = 1 3900 = 1 3901 = 1 3914 = 2 3916 = 2 3920 = 1 3921 = 1 3924 = 1 3936 = 1 3937 = 1 3956 = 1 3957 = 1 3967 = 1 3971 = 1 3975 = 1 3983 = 1 3985 = 1 3987 = 1 3989 = 1 3993 = 1 3995 = 2 3996 = 1 4000 = 1 4001 = 1 4051 = 2 4052 = 3 406 = 1 4073 = 1 4075 = 1 408 = 1 4085 = 2 409 = 1 4090 = 2 4105 = 1 4107 = 1 4109 = 2 4111 = 2 4112 = 1 4118 = 1 4119 = 2 4121 = 3 4122 = 3 4124 = 3 4126 = 1 413 = 1 4130 = 1 4131 = 1 4132 = 3 4134 = 1 4138 = 5 4139 = 6 4140 = 5 4141 = 5 4142 = 4 4143 = 5 4157 = 1 416 = 1 4169 = 2 4170 = 2 4171 = 2 4173 = 1 4174 = 1 4177 = 3 4179 = 2 4180 = 2 4189 = 1 4196 = 1 4197 = 1 4198 = 2 4202 = 1 4203 = 1 4207 = 1 4214 = 3 4216 = 1 4217 = 2 4221 = 2 4222 = 2 4223 = 2 4224 = 1 4225 = 3 4226 = 2 4229 = 1 4235 = 2 4237 = 1 4238 = 1 4239 = 1 4248 = 2 4255 = 1 4256 = 1 4257 = 1 4258 = 1 4259 = 1 4267 = 3 4268 = 1 427 = 1 4270 = 1 4279 = 1 4285 = 3 4286 = 3 4287 = 4 4304 = 1 4305 = 1 4306 = 1 4310 = 1 4311 = 1 4312 = 1 4314 = 1 4318 = 3 4326 = 1 4336 = 1 4340 = 3 4341 = 1 4344 = 1 4347 = 1 435 = 1 4368 = 3 4369 = 3 441 = 1 4419 = 1 4423 = 1 4424 = 1 4439 = 1 4455 = 1 4457 = 1 4474 = 1 4503 = 1 4504 = 1 4505 = 1 4509 = 1 4512 = 1 4568 = 2 4577 = 1 4587 = 1 4588 = 1 4589 = 1 4597 = 1 4598 = 1 4608 = 2 4609 = 1 4610 = 1 4611 = 1 4615 = 1 462 = 2 4646 = 1 465 = 1 4652 = 1 4653 = 1 4654 = 1 4656 = 1 466 = 1 4664 = 1 4667 = 1 467 = 1 4677 = 1 468 = 2 4684 = 1 4687 = 1 4688 = 1 4689 = 1 469 = 1 4690 = 1 4691 = 1 4692 = 1 4697 = 3 4710 = 2 4728 = 1 475 = 4 4753 = 3 476 = 1 4762 = 1 4763 = 1 477 = 4 4772 = 1 4773 = 1 4775 = 1 4776 = 1 4782 = 1 4783 = 1 4784 = 1 4785 = 1 479 = 4 4794 = 1 4800 = 1 4801 = 1 4802 = 1 4805 = 2 481 = 4 4816 = 1 4829 = 1 483 = 4 4839 = 1 4840 = 1 4843 = 1 4859 = 1 4862 = 1 4869 = 1 4878 = 2 4879 = 2 488 = 1 4880 = 1 4881 = 2 4882 = 1 4883 = 1 4903 = 2 4904 = 2 4906 = 1 491 = 1 4917 = 1 496 = 1 497 = 1 4970 = 1 4971 = 1 4972 = 2 498 = 1 4992 = 1 4996 = 2 500 = 3 501 = 3 5016 = 1 5019 = 1 502 = 2 5020 = 1 5021 = 1 5034 = 2 5036 = 2 5037 = 1 5038 = 3 5053 = 1 5055 = 1 5066 = 3 5086 = 1 5087 = 1 5088 = 1 5089 = 1 5093 = 1 5098 = 1 5099 = 1 5111 = 1 5113 = 1 5114 = 1 512 = 2 513 = 2 514 = 1 5153 = 1 5155 = 1 5156 = 1 5162 = 3 5167 = 1 5168 = 1 5169 = 1 517 = 2 5176 = 2 5177 = 1 5178 = 3 5179 = 3 518 = 2 5181 = 1 519 = 1 520 = 2 521 = 2 5211 = 1 5212 = 1 5221 = 1 5224 = 1 5225 = 1 5226 = 1 5228 = 1 5229 = 1 5268 = 1 5282 = 2 5283 = 1 5284 = 1 5291 = 1 5303 = 1 5309 = 1 5311 = 1 5317 = 1 5318 = 1 5324 = 1 5325 = 1 5326 = 2 5356 = 2 5368 = 1 5369 = 2 5376 = 1 5377 = 1 5380 = 1 5384 = 1 5385 = 3 5393 = 1 5394 = 1 5396 = 1 5399 = 2 5400 = 1 5401 = 1 5402 = 1 5408 = 2 5409 = 1 5452 = 2 546 = 1 5462 = 1 5468 = 1 5469 = 1 5475 = 1 5476 = 1 5477 = 1 5478 = 1 548 = 2 549 = 1 5497 = 1 5498 = 2 550 = 1 551 = 2 5510 = 1 552 = 1 553 = 1 554 = 1 556 = 1 5577 = 1 5587 = 1 5588 = 1 5589 = 1 559 = 1 5598 = 1 5600 = 1 5608 = 1 5609 = 1 561 = 2 5613 = 1 5618 = 1 5628 = 1 5629 = 1 5630 = 1 564 = 1 5649 = 1 566 = 2 5660 = 1 5662 = 1 567 = 1 5670 = 3 568 = 1 5689 = 2 5691 = 1 5694 = 1 5699 = 1 570 = 1 5702 = 1 5709 = 1 571 = 1 572 = 3 5739 = 2 5744 = 1 5760 = 1 5778 = 1 5779 = 1 5782 = 1 5784 = 2 5785 = 1 5786 = 4 5793 = 1 5798 = 1 5800 = 1 5801 = 3 5813 = 1 5820 = 2 5821 = 1 5829 = 1 5838 = 1 5850 = 1 5853 = 1 5854 = 2 5855 = 1 5856 = 1 5858 = 1 5859 = 2 5876 = 1 5879 = 2 5889 = 1 5890 = 1 5902 = 1 5903 = 1 5905 = 1 5906 = 1 5908 = 1 5909 = 1 5912 = 1 5913 = 1 5915 = 1 5916 = 1 5918 = 1 5919 = 1 5920 = 1 5921 = 1 5922 = 1 5923 = 1 5933 = 1 5938 = 2 5940 = 1 5941 = 1 5944 = 1 5947 = 2 5950 = 4 5966 = 2 5978 = 2 5992 = 1 5993 = 1 5994 = 1 5995 = 1 5999 = 2 6000 = 1 6004 = 1 6010 = 2 6011 = 1 6018 = 1 6023 = 1 6034 = 1 6037 = 1 6045 = 1 6046 = 1 6051 = 1 6052 = 1 6053 = 1 6057 = 1 6058 = 1 6065 = 1 6071 = 1 6075 = 2 6078 = 1 6079 = 1 609 = 1 6096 = 1 61 = 1 6105 = 1 6106 = 1 6113 = 2 6114 = 2 6115 = 2 6117 = 1 6118 = 2 6119 = 3 612 = 1 6130 = 1 6165 = 1 6170 = 2 618 = 1 6180 = 1 6184 = 1 6185 = 1 619 = 1 6198 = 4 6199 = 4 620 = 1 6200 = 4 6201 = 4 6202 = 5 6203 = 5 6204 = 4 6206 = 1 621 = 1 6217 = 1 6218 = 2 622 = 1 623 = 1 6236 = 2 6237 = 1 6238 = 1 624 = 1 6241 = 1 6244 = 1 6245 = 1 625 = 1 626 = 1 6265 = 2 627 = 1 628 = 1 6285 = 1 629 = 1 6293 = 3 6296 = 1 6298 = 1 6299 = 1 630 = 1 6303 = 3 6304 = 2 631 = 1 632 = 1 633 = 1 6339 = 1 634 = 1 635 = 1 6356 = 1 636 = 1 6360 = 1 637 = 1 6377 = 1 638 = 1 639 = 1 640 = 1 6416 = 1 6417 = 2 6418 = 1 6426 = 1 6427 = 1 6430 = 1 6431 = 1 6436 = 1 6438 = 1 6441 = 1 6443 = 1 6446 = 1 6459 = 1 6461 = 1 6472 = 1 648 = 2 6486 = 1 649 = 1 6505 = 1 6521 = 3 6528 = 1 6568 = 2 6569 = 2 657 = 2 6570 = 1 6571 = 1 6572 = 1 6573 = 2 6574 = 2 6575 = 1 6576 = 1 6577 = 1 658 = 1 6580 = 1 6581 = 1 659 = 1 6595 = 1 6596 = 1 6602 = 1 6605 = 1 6619 = 1 6621 = 1 6625 = 1 6626 = 1 6633 = 2 6635 = 2 6645 = 2 6646 = 2 6647 = 1 6649 = 1 6663 = 1 6682 = 2 6688 = 2 6690 = 2 67 = 1 6702 = 1 6704 = 2 6719 = 2 6727 = 4 6728 = 3 6732 = 1 6735 = 1 6744 = 1 675 = 1 6754 = 3 6755 = 1 6756 = 1 6763 = 1 677 = 2 6770 = 1 6782 = 1 6783 = 1 6791 = 1 6792 = 1 6795 = 1 6796 = 1 6797 = 1 6804 = 1 6816 = 1 6817 = 1 682 = 1 6833 = 1 6839 = 1 6841 = 1 6843 = 1 6844 = 1 6854 = 1 6855 = 1 6861 = 1 6864 = 1 6865 = 1 687 = 1 6871 = 1 6872 = 1 6873 = 1 688 = 1 6897 = 1 6898 = 2 6899 = 1 6914 = 1 6927 = 1 696 = 1 6979 = 1 6989 = 1 6996 = 1 6997 = 1 7004 = 1 7005 = 1 7022 = 1 7023 = 1 7024 = 1 7025 = 1 7026 = 1 7032 = 1 7033 = 1 7041 = 1 7042 = 1 7043 = 1 707 = 1 7072 = 1 7074 = 1 708 = 2 7081 = 1 7083 = 1 7084 = 1 7085 = 1 7086 = 1 7087 = 1 7088 = 1 7089 = 1 7096 = 1 7098 = 1 713 = 1 720 = 1 722 = 1 737 = 2 738 = 2 739 = 2 741 = 1 75 = 1 753 = 1 754 = 1 757 = 1 758 = 2 759 = 2 760 = 3 761 = 3 762 = 1 763 = 1 764 = 1 765 = 1 766 = 1 771 = 1 772 = 1 773 = 1 774 = 1 775 = 1 776 = 1 777 = 1 778 = 1 779 = 1 780 = 1 781 = 1 782 = 1 783 = 1 784 = 1 785 = 1 786 = 1 787 = 1 788 = 1 789 = 1 79 = 2 790 = 1 791 = 1 796 = 2 799 = 2 800 = 2 802 = 2 803 = 1 804 = 1 805 = 1 806 = 1 807 = 1 808 = 1 809 = 2 810 = 1 829 = 2 83 = 1 843 = 1 844 = 1 845 = 1 85 = 1 866 = 1 883 = 1 886 = 1 888 = 3 889 = 1 890 = 1 891 = 4 908 = 1 909 = 1 910 = 1 911 = 1 912 = 1 913 = 1 914 = 1 915 = 1 916 = 1 917 = 1 918 = 1 919 = 1 920 = 1 921 = 1 922 = 1 923 = 1 924 = 1 925 = 1 926 = 1 927 = 1 928 = 1 929 = 1 930 = 1 931 = 1 932 = 1 933 = 1 934 = 1 935 = 1 936 = 1 937 = 1 938 = 1 939 = 1 940 = 1 941 = 1 942 = 1 943 = 1 944 = 1 945 = 1 946 = 1 947 = 1 948 = 1 949 = 1 95 = 1 950 = 1 951 = 1 952 = 1 957 = 1 964 = 1 970 = 1 971 = 1 972 = 1 973 = 1 977 = 1 99 = 2 994 = 1 995 = 1 EsoStrings = table:000001432DFFDD70 firstTable 1 = 10 = Low 100 = Determines the total number of particle systems that are shown in the world at any given time. Decreasing this setting will reduce the number of particle systems shown, but may improve performance. 1000 = https://www.dmm.com/my/-/top/ 1001 = http://eso.dmm.com/store/#crownpack 1002 = http://eso.dmm.com/store/esoplus/ESO_PLUS_3 1003 = http://help-jp.elderscrollsonline.com/ 1004 = http://eso.dmm.com/community 1005 = https://help-jp.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/39609 1006 = http://www.elderscrollsonline.com 1007 = https://account.elderscrollsonline.com 1008 = http://store.steampowered.com/app/306130/ 1009 = http://store.steampowered.com/app/306130/ 101 = This setting will only be applied after you logout or change locations. 1010 = https://help.elderscrollsonline.com 1011 = http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com 1012 = https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/39609 1013 = Normal 1014 = Veteran 1015 = Select Impact 1016 = Crash / Blocks Progress 1017 = Exploit 1018 = Impairs Functionality 1019 = Delays Progress 102 = Particle Suppression Distance 1020 = Cosmetic 1021 = Pleasant Surprise 1022 = That's Awesome! 1023 = Select Category 1024 = Alliance War / Cyrodiil 1025 = Audio 1026 = Characters 1027 = Combat & Monsters 1028 = Items & Equipment 1029 = Game System 103 = Adjusts the distance at which non critical particles are no longer visible. Increasing this will show more of these types of particles, further out in the world at the expense of performance. 1030 = Graphics & UI 1031 = Quests 1032 = Text / Localizations 1033 = Select Subcategory 1034 = Graveyards / Death 1035 = Objectives / Interactables 1036 = Ranking / Progressions 1037 = Siege Weapons 1038 = Music / Ambient Audio 1039 = Sound Effects 104 = HDR Brightness 1040 = Voiceover 1041 = Other 1042 = Abilities 1043 = Achievements 1044 = Art / Animation / Effects 1045 = Camera 1046 = Character Creation / Login / Selection 1047 = Death / Resurrection 1048 = Emotes 1049 = Friends 105 = Sets the HDR brightness. 1050 = Mail 1051 = Movement / Controls 1052 = Skill Lines / Skills / Progression 1053 = Targeting / Cursor 1054 = Ability 1055 = AI / Pathing / Combat 1056 = Animation / Art / Effects 1057 = Loot 1058 = NPC Placement 1059 = Armor 106 = Show Additional Ally Effects 1060 = Consumables / Enchantments 1061 = Gathering / Reagents 1062 = Item Art 1063 = Loot 1064 = Soul Gems 1065 = Weapons 1066 = Chat 1067 = Crafting 1068 = Framerate 1069 = Grouping 107 = Displays all persistent ally offensive abilities when in dungeon and overland zones. Disabling this may increase performance. 1070 = Guilds 1071 = Interactables / Lockpicking 1072 = Latency 1073 = Mounts / Fast Travel 1074 = Trade / Auction 1075 = Vendors 1076 = Art / Animation / Environment 1077 = Character Creation / Login / Selection 1078 = Chat Box 1079 = Currency 108 = Show Title 1080 = Collision: Trees / Rocks / etc. 1081 = Collision: Fixtures 1082 = Hot Bar / Keybinds 1083 = Inventory / Equipment 1084 = Maps / Compass 1085 = Peripherals & Settings 1086 = Tooltips 1087 = Weather / Effects / Lighting 1088 = Dialog / Voiceover 1089 = Dialog Grammar / Spelling 109 = Controls if a player's title is shown as part of their name. 1090 = Objectives / Interactables 1091 = NPC & Monsters 1092 = Rewards 1093 = Dialog / Voiceover 1094 = Localization 1095 = Books 1096 = Select Category 1097 = Character Issue 1098 = Report Player 1099 = Select Category 11 = High 110 = Show Guild (Equipped Tabard) 1100 = NPC/mobs 1101 = Item missing 1102 = Select Category 1103 = I am missing Crowns 1104 = I have a problem with a Crown Store item 1105 = I lost my item 1106 = I can't get the item I need/want 1107 = Select Subcategory 1108 = Inappropriate Name 1109 = Harassment 111 = Controls if the guild matching a player's tabard is shown under their name. 1110 = Cheating 1111 = Other 1112 = Champion Point bonuses are disabled in this Alliance War campaign. 1113 = Champion Point bonuses are disabled in this Battleground. 1114 = Normal 1115 = Silver 1116 = Gold 1117 = Sony Entertainment Network 1118 = Xbox Live 1119 = DMM 112 = Friendly NPCs (Show) 1120 = Steam 1121 = The Elder Scrolls Online PC/MAC Store 1122 = PlayStation®Store 1123 = Xbox Store 1124 = DMM Store 1125 = Steam® store 1126 = Name Change 1127 = Race Change 1128 = Appearance Change 1129 = None 113 = Displays the name of friendly creatures and non player characters as overhead text. 1130 = Fire Drakes 1131 = Pit Daemons 1132 = Storm Lords 1133 = <> finished off <<2>> 1134 = <> helped kill <<2>> 1135 = <> killed <<2>> 1136 = <> stole the kill on <<2>> 1137 = <> killed <<2>> 1138 = Requires the |cffffff<<1>>|r upgrade. 1139 = Requires the |cffffffMorrowind|r Chapter. 114 = Friendly Players (Show) 1140 = Cannot play emote at this time. 1141 = This emote is locked. 1142 = Explicit Standard Loc 1143 = Implicit Standard Loc 1144 = Explicit Multi Loc 1145 = Explicit Multi Loc Descriptor One 1146 = Explicit Multi Loc Descriptor Two 1147 = Implicit Standard Loc (w/ Multi) 1148 = Implicit Multi Loc Descriptor One 1149 = Implicit Multi Loc Descriptor Two 115 = Displays the name of friendly players as overhead text. 1150 = 1151 = 1152 = You can't use this collectible in this zone. 1153 = You can't use this collectible while swimming. 1154 = You can't use collectibles while dead. 1155 = You can't use this collectible. 1156 = You are the wrong gender to use this collectible. 1157 = You are the wrong race to use this collectible. 1158 = You are the wrong alliance to use this collectible. 1159 = Your collectible cannot be used while placed in your house. 116 = Enemy NPCs (Show) 1160 = This collectible is not ready yet. 1161 = You're the wrong class to use this collectible. 1162 = You need a target to use this collectible. 1163 = You can't use this collectible while mounted. 1164 = Gender 1165 = Race 1166 = Alliance 1167 = Class 1168 = Invalid 1169 = DLC 117 = Displays the name of enemy creatures and non player characters as overhead text. 1170 = Mount 1171 = Non-Combat Pet 1172 = Costume 1173 = Memento 1174 = Upgrade 1175 = Service 1176 = Assistant 1177 = Personality 1178 = Hat 1179 = Skin 118 = Neutral NPCs (Show) 1180 = Polymorph 1181 = Hair 1182 = Facial Hair / Horns 1183 = Facial Accessory 1184 = Piercing / Jewelry 1185 = Head Marking 1186 = Body Marking 1187 = House 1188 = Furniture 1189 = Emote 119 = Displays the name of neutral non-player characters as overhead text. 1190 = Chapter 1191 = Ability Skin 1192 = 1193 = Bust 1194 = Not Collected 1195 = ESO Plus Unlocked 1196 = Collected 1197 = 1198 = 1199 = Common 12 = Adjust Brightness 120 = Enemy Players (Shown) 1200 = Uncommon 1201 = Rare 1202 = Red 1203 = Yellow 1204 = Green 1205 = Blue 1206 = Purple 1207 = Brown 1208 = Gray 1209 = This Dye Stamp has the same dyes as your current equipment. 121 = Displays the name of enemy players as overhead text. 1210 = This Dye Stamp has no equipment it can affect. 1211 = This Dye Stamp has the same dyes as your current costume and hat. 1212 = This Dye Stamp has no costume or hat to affect. 1213 = This Dye Stamp does not exist. 1214 = This Dye Stamp cannot be used on a hidden costume or hat. 1215 = 1216 = 1217 = 1218 = 1219 = None 122 = Self (Show) 1220 = Staple 1221 = Classic 1222 = Notable 1223 = Custom 1224 = Decorator 1225 = Visitor 1226 = No Access 1227 = Visitor 1228 = Decorator 1229 = Use Objects 123 = Displays the name of your character as overhead text. 1230 = Use Assistants 1231 = Use Crafting Stations 1232 = Move Furniture 1233 = Place Temporary Items 1234 = Social Options 1235 = General 1236 = Visitors 1237 = Banlist 1238 = Guild Visitors 1239 = Guild Banlist 124 = Nameplates 1240 = Templates 1241 = Traditional Furnishings 1242 = Special Furnishings 1243 = Collectible Furnishings 1244 = Special Collectibles 1245 = This house already has these permissions. 1246 = Permissions loaded successfully. 1247 = All Themes 1248 = Other 1249 = Breton 125 = Enables the overhead name system that appears above creatures, non player characters and players. 1250 = High Elf 1251 = Argonian 1252 = Wood Elf 1253 = Dark Elf 1254 = Khajiit 1255 = Nord 1256 = Orc 1257 = Redguard 1258 = Imperial 1259 = Dwarven 126 = Group Members (Show) 1260 = Daedric 1261 = Ayleid 1262 = Primal 1263 = Clockwork 1264 = Unused 6 1265 = Unused 7 1266 = Unused 8 1267 = Unused 9 1268 = Unused 10 1269 = Unused 11 127 = Displays the names of your group members as overhead text. 1270 = Unused 12 1271 = Unused 13 1272 = Unused 14 1273 = Unused 15 1274 = Unused 16 1275 = Unused 17 1276 = Unused 18 1277 = Unused 19 1278 = Unused 20 1279 = The furnishing failed to be placed. 128 = Self (Highlight) 1280 = The furnishing could not be removed from your inventory. 1281 = The furnishing could not be put back in your bag. 1282 = The furnishing could not be moved. 1283 = The furnishing could not be removed. 1284 = You do not have permission to do that in this house. 1285 = You do not have room for any more Traditional Furnishings in this house. 1286 = This home is listed in the Home Show. 1287 = You are not currently touring in the Home Show. 1288 = That furnishing is currently being moved by another player. 1289 = You do not have room for any more Collectible Furnishings in this house. 129 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above yourself. 1290 = You do not have room for any more Special Collectibles in this house. 1291 = You do not have enough furnishings in your home to list in the Home Show. 1292 = You cannot place furnishing by the entrance. 1293 = A furnishing is already being placed. 1294 = You cannot have more than one of this furnishing in your house. 1295 = You already have a furnishing selected. 1296 = The furnishing could not be put back in your bag because it is full. 1297 = You cannot edit a house while in combat. 1298 = You are not in a house. 1299 = You cannot edit a house while dead. 13 = The middle logo above should be barely visible. 130 = Friendly NPCs (Highlight) 1300 = You must launder that item before placing. 1301 = You do not have room for any more Special Furnishings in this house. 1302 = 1303 = 1304 = None 1305 = Light 1306 = Medium 1307 = Heavy 1308 = Light 1309 = Medium 131 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above friendly non-player characters. 1310 = Heavy 1311 = Undaunted 1312 = Clothing 1313 = Signature 1314 = Head 1315 = Neck 1316 = Chest 1317 = Shoulders 1318 = One-Handed 1319 = Two-Handed 132 = Friendly Players (Highlight) 1320 = Off Hand 1321 = Waist 1322 = Legs 1323 = Feet 1324 = Appearance 1325 = Ring 1326 = Hands 1327 = Main Hand 1328 = Poison 1329 = Head 133 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above friendly players. 1330 = Neck 1331 = Chest 1332 = Shoulders 1333 = Main Hand 1334 = Off Hand 1335 = Waist 1336 = Wrist 1337 = Legs 1338 = Feet 1339 = Appearance 134 = Neutral NPCs (Highlight) 1340 = Ring 1 1341 = Ring 2 1342 = Poison 1343 = Poison Back-Up 1344 = Ranged 1345 = Hands 1346 = Class 1 1347 = Class 2 1348 = Class 3 1349 = Main Hand Backup 135 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above neutral non-player characters. 1350 = Off-Hand Backup 1351 = Weapons 1352 = Apparel 1353 = Accessories 1354 = Low 1355 = Average 1356 = Fair 1357 = High 1358 = Superior 1359 = Extraordinary 136 = Enemy NPCs (Highlight) 1360 = None 1361 = Weapon 1362 = Apparel 1363 = Enchantment 1364 = Food 1365 = Trophy 1366 = Siege 1367 = Potion 1368 = Motif 1369 = Tool 137 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above enemy non-player characters. 1370 = Ingredient 1371 = Additive 1372 = Drink 1373 = Costume 1374 = Disguise 1375 = Tabard 1376 = Lure 1377 = Raw Material 1378 = Container 1379 = Soul Gem 138 = Enemy Players (Highlight) 1380 = Weapon Glyph 1381 = Armor Glyph 1382 = Lockpick 1383 = Weapon Booster 1384 = Armor Booster 1385 = Enchantment Booster 1386 = Jewelry Glyph 1387 = Spice 1388 = Flavoring 1389 = Recipe 139 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above enemy players. 1390 = Poison 1391 = Reagent 1392 = Deprecated 1393 = Potion Solvent 1394 = Collectible 1395 = Raw Material 1396 = Material 1397 = Raw Material 1398 = Material 1399 = Raw Material 14 = Reset Keyboard Bindings to Defaults 140 = Group Members (Highlight) 1400 = Material 1401 = Temper 1402 = Resin 1403 = Tannin 1404 = Style Material 1405 = Armor Trait 1406 = Weapon Trait 1407 = Alliance War Repair 1408 = Trash 1409 = Tablet 141 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above group members. 1410 = Mount 1411 = Potency Runestone 1412 = Aspect Runestone 1413 = Essence Runestone 1414 = Fish 1415 = Crown Repair 1416 = Treasure 1417 = Crown Item 1418 = Poison Solvent 1419 = Dye Stamp 142 = This setting will not take effect until the game is restarted. 1420 = Master Writ 1421 = Furnishing 1422 = Furnishing Material 1423 = Weapon 1424 = Armor 1425 = Augment 1426 = Meat Dish 1427 = Fruit Dish 1428 = Vegetable Dish 1429 = Savoury Dish 143 = This setting must be applied and may result in a load screen. 1430 = Ragout Dish 1431 = Entremet Dish 1432 = Gourmet Dish 1433 = Unique Dish 1434 = Treasure Map 1435 = Survey Report 1436 = Key Fragment 1437 = Museum Piece 1438 = Recipe Fragment 1439 = Scroll 144 = Settings 1440 = Material Upgrader 1441 = Key 1442 = Runebox Fragment 1443 = Trebuchet 1444 = Ballista 1445 = Ram 1446 = Universal Siege 1447 = Catapult 1448 = Forward Camp 1449 = Monster 145 = Controls 1450 = Oil 1451 = Battle Standard 1452 = Potion 1453 = Motif Book 1454 = Motif Chapter 1455 = Tool 1456 = Meat Ingredient 1457 = Vegetable Ingredient 1458 = Fruit Ingredient 1459 = Food Additive 146 = Add-Ons 1460 = Alcohol Ingredient 1461 = Tea Ingredient 1462 = Tonic Ingredient 1463 = Drink Additive 1464 = Rare Ingredient 1465 = Additive 1466 = Alcoholic Beverage 1467 = Tea Beverage 1468 = Tonic Beverage 1469 = Liqueur Beverage 147 = Quit 1470 = Tincture Beverage 1471 = Cordial Tea Beverage 1472 = Distillate Beverage 1473 = Drink 1474 = Costume 1475 = Disguise 1476 = Tabard 1477 = Lure 1478 = Raw Material 1479 = Container 148 = Add-Ons 1480 = Event Container 1481 = Soul Gem 1482 = Weapon Glyph 1483 = Armor Glyph 1484 = Lockpick 1485 = Weapon Booster 1486 = Armor Booster 1487 = Enchantment Booster 1488 = Jewelry Glyph 1489 = Spice 149 = Name 1490 = Flavoring 1491 = Food Recipe 1492 = Drink Recipe 1493 = Furnishing Diagram 1494 = Furnishing Pattern 1495 = Furnishing Schematic 1496 = Furnishing Formula 1497 = Furnishing Design 1498 = Furnishing Blueprint 1499 = Poison 15 = Are you sure you want to reset your keyboard keybinds to default settings? 150 = Enabled 1500 = Herb 1501 = Fungus 1502 = Animal Parts 1503 = Potion Solvent 1504 = Furnishing Material 1505 = Furnishing Material 1506 = Furnishing Material 1507 = Furnishing Material 1508 = Furnishing Material 1509 = Furnishing Material 151 = Notes 1510 = Rare Fish 1511 = Monster Trophy 1512 = Raw Material 1513 = Material 1514 = Raw Material 1515 = Material 1516 = Raw Material 1517 = Material 1518 = Temper 1519 = Resin 152 = Author 1520 = Tannin 1521 = Style Material 1522 = Armor Trait 1523 = Weapon Trait 1524 = AvA Repair 1525 = Trash 1526 = Tablet 1527 = Mount 1528 = Potency Runestone 1529 = Aspect Runestone 153 = Configure for: 1530 = Essence Runestone 1531 = Fish 1532 = Crown Repair 1533 = Treasure 1534 = Crown Item 1535 = Poison Solvent 1536 = Dye Stamp 1537 = Master Writ 1538 = Furnishing 1539 = Light 154 = All Characters 1540 = Seating 1541 = Crafting Station 1542 = Target Dummy 1543 = All 1544 = Weapon 1545 = Apparel 1546 = Consumable 1547 = Materials 1548 = Miscellaneous 1549 = Slottable Items 155 = Allow out of date add-ons 1550 = Quest 1551 = Buyback 1552 = Junk 1553 = Damaged Equipment 1554 = Collectible 1555 = Blacksmithing 1556 = Clothing 1557 = Woodworking 1558 = Alchemy 1559 = Enchanting 156 = Required Add-Ons: <<1>> 1560 = Provisioning 1561 = Style Materials 1562 = Trait Items 1563 = Furnishings 1564 = House with Template 1565 = Sellable On Trading House 1566 = No trait 1567 = Powered 1568 = Charged 1569 = Precise 157 = Dependency 1570 = Infused 1571 = Defending 1572 = Training 1573 = Sharpened 1574 = Decisive 1575 = Intricate 1576 = Ornate 1577 = Sturdy 1578 = Impenetrable 1579 = Reinforced 158 = <<1>>, <<2>> 1580 = Well-fitted 1581 = Training 1582 = Infused 1583 = Invigorating 1584 = Divines 1585 = Ornate 1586 = Intricate 1587 = Healthy 1588 = Arcane 1589 = Robust 159 = This add-on is enabled for all your characters. 1590 = Ornate 1591 = Nirnhoned 1592 = Nirnhoned 1593 = Aspect 1594 = Essence 1595 = Potency 1596 = Bind On Pickup 1597 = Bind On Equip 1598 = Backpack Bind On Pickup 1599 = Worn 16 = Reset Gamepad Bindings to Defaults 160 = This add-on is not enabled for any of your characters. 1600 = Normal 1601 = Fine 1602 = Superior 1603 = Epic 1604 = Legendary 1605 = None 1606 = Befouled Weapon 1607 = Berserker 1608 = Charged Weapon 1609 = Reduce Armor 161 = This add-on is enabled for some of your characters. 1610 = Disease Resistant 1611 = Flame Weapon 1612 = Fire Resistant 1613 = Frost Resistant 1614 = Frost Weapon 1615 = Damage Shield 1616 = Health 1617 = Health Regen 1618 = Magicka 1619 = Magicka Recovery 162 = Reload UI 1620 = Poison Resistant 1621 = Poisoned Weapon 1622 = Stamina 1623 = Stamina Regen 1624 = Reduce Power 1625 = Absorb Health 1626 = Shock Resistant 1627 = Absorb Stamina 1628 = Absorb Magicka 1629 = Damage Health 163 = View EULA 1630 = Reduce Spell Cost 1631 = Reduce Feat Cost 1632 = Increase Bash Damage 1633 = Reduce Block And Bash 1634 = Increase Potion Effectiveness 1635 = Reduce Potion Cooldown 1636 = Increase Physical Damage 1637 = Increase Spell Damage 1638 = Decrease Physical Damage 1639 = Decrease Spell Damage 164 = AddOn End User License Agreement 1640 = Other 1641 = do not translate 1642 = Axe 1643 = Mace 1644 = Sword 1645 = Sword 1646 = Axe 1647 = Mace 1648 = do not translate 1649 = Bow 165 = <<1>> 1650 = Healing Staff 1651 = Rune 1652 = Dagger 1653 = Flame Staff 1654 = Frost Staff 1655 = Shield 1656 = Lightning Staff 1657 = Axe 1658 = Hammer 1659 = Sword 166 = UserID: 1660 = Dagger 1661 = Axe 1662 = Hammer 1663 = Sword 1664 = Bow 1665 = Staff 1666 = Shield 1667 = Rune 1668 = do not translate 1669 = One-Handed Melee 167 = ex. Queen Ayrenn or @Ayren1234 1670 = Two-Handed Melee 1671 = Bow 1672 = Destruction Staff 1673 = Restoration Staff 1674 = Alchemy 1675 = Amulet 1676 = Axe 1677 = Bait 1678 = Blacksmith 1679 = Bow 168 = UI Error 1680 = Chest 1681 = Clothier 1682 = Consumable 1683 = Costume 1684 = Dagger 1685 = Enchanting 1686 = Feet 1687 = Glyphs 1688 = Hammer 1689 = Hands 169 = Dismiss Error 1690 = Head 1691 = Legs 1692 = Potion 1693 = Provisioning 1694 = Ring 1695 = Shield 1696 = Shoulders 1697 = Siege 1698 = Spellcrafting 1699 = Staff 17 = Are you sure you want to reset your gamepad keybinds to default settings? 170 = <<1>> 1700 = Material 1701 = Soul Gem 1702 = Sword 1703 = Tool 1704 = Trait Gem 1705 = Trophy 1706 = Waist 1707 = Woodworking 1708 = Weapons 1709 = Heavy Armor 171 = <<1>> 1710 = Medium Armor 1711 = Light Armor 1712 = Jewelry 1713 = 1714 = Helmet 1715 = Glove 1716 = Boot 1717 = Legs 1718 = Chest 1719 = Belt 172 = <<1>> 1720 = Shoulder 1721 = Sword 1722 = Mace 1723 = Axe 1724 = Dagger 1725 = Staff 1726 = Shield 1727 = Bow 1728 = One Hand and Shield 1729 = Dual Wield 173 = <<1>> 1730 = Two-Handed 1731 = Bow 1732 = Destruction Staff 1733 = Restoration Staff 1734 = Fire Staff 1735 = Frost Staff 1736 = Lightning Staff 1737 = One Handed 1738 = Unarmed 1739 = Treasure Type 174 = Error 1740 = Furnishing Behavior 1741 = Increased Inspiration 1742 = Increased Sell Value 1743 = Can Research 1744 = Transmuted 1745 = 1746 = 1747 = January 1748 = February 1749 = March 175 = • <<1>> 1750 = April 1751 = May 1752 = June 1753 = July 1754 = August 1755 = September 1756 = October 1757 = November 1758 = December 1759 = 176 = • 1760 = 1761 = 1762 = 1763 = Alliance War 1764 = Normal 1765 = Veteran 1766 = Trial 1767 = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t Champion 1768 = Home Show 1769 = Non-Champion 177 = • 1770 = Below Level 50 1771 = Damage 1772 = Tank 1773 = Healer 1774 = Undaunted Exploration Supplies 1775 = Premium Undaunted Exploration Supplies 1776 = You or a member of your group has not selected a role. 1777 = You are not the group leader. 1778 = Your group is too large. 1779 = You or members of your group are not within the correct level range. 178 = web browser 1780 = You or members of your group are not in the correct location to queue for that activity. 1781 = You or members of your group do not have the DLC unlocked for that activity. 1782 = That option is not yet supported. 1783 = You must select at least one activity to queue for. 1784 = The members of this group are role incompatible. 1785 = Cannot determine compatible region 1786 = You cannot LFM solo. 1787 = You or a member of your group queued too recently. 1788 = Unable to queue at this time. 1789 = One or more members are offline. 179 = email client 1790 = Your place in the LFG queue has expired. 1791 = Your desired LFG location is no longer valid. 1792 = The locations of one or more members are no longer LFG compatible. 1793 = Current campaign and active campaign don't match. 1794 = One or more members cancelled Ready Check. 1795 = The structure of the group changed. 1796 = A different LFG search was initiated. 1797 = Cannot queue for LFG while inside battleground. 1798 = Not Queued 1799 = Queued 18 = Interface 180 = Open URL 1800 = In Progress 1801 = Activity Complete 1802 = Ready Check 1803 = Forming Group 1804 = Someone declined the invite. You were placed at the front of the queue. 1805 = Ready check canceled, group was not viable. 1806 = You or someone in your group declined the invite. You have exited the queue. 1807 = Ready check succeeded, group formed! 1808 = Activity no longer valid. 1809 = 181 = This will open |c76BCC3<>|r in your default <<2>> outside of the game. Are you sure you want to continue? 1810 = 1811 = 1812 = 1813 = Talk in Guild Chat 1814 = Invite Members 1815 = Remove Members 1816 = Promote Members 1817 = Demote Members 1818 = Edit Message of the Day 1819 = Read Member Notes 182 = Open 1820 = Edit Member Notes 1821 = Claim Alliance Resources 1822 = Release Alliance Resources 1823 = Read Officer Chat 1824 = Talk in Officer Chat 1825 = Edit About Us 1826 = Edit Recruitment 1827 = Deposit in Guild Bank 1828 = Withdraw from Guild Bank 1829 = Buy from Guild Store 183 = This will open the Steam® store in the Steam® overlay. Are you sure you want to continue? 1830 = Sell in Guild Store 1831 = Edit Guild Permissions 1832 = Use Battle Standards 1833 = Hire Guild Traders 1834 = Edit Guild Heraldry 1835 = Withdraw Guild Bank Gold 1836 = View Guild Bank Gold 1837 = View Withdraw History of Guild Bank 1838 = View Deposit History of Guild Bank 1839 = Guild 184 = This will open the |c76BCC3<<1>>|r in your default web browser outside the game.\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r 1840 = Bank 1841 = Sales 1842 = Campaign 1843 = Alliance War 1844 = Roster 1845 = Customization 1846 = Unlocks 1847 = Deposits 1848 = Withdrawals 1849 = Purchases 185 = This will open the Steam® store in the Steam® overlay.\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r 1850 = Hired Trader 1851 = Ownership 1852 = <<1>> invited <<2>> to the guild. 1853 = <<1>> promoted <<2>> to <<3>>. 1854 = <<1>> demoted <<2>> to <<3>>. 1855 = <<1>> created the guild. 1856 = <<1>> joined the guild (invited by <<2>>). 1857 = <<1>> left the guild. 1858 = <<1>> kicked <<2>> from the guild. 1859 = <<1>> deposited <<2>> <>. 186 = This will open |c76BCC3<<1>>|r in your default web browser outside of the game. Are you sure you want to continue?\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r 1860 = <<1>> withdrew <<2>> <>. 1861 = <<1>> sold <<3>> <> to <<2>> for <<5>>. <<6>> in taxes collected. 1862 = <<1>> claimed <<2>> in <<3>> campaign. 1863 = Guild lost <<1>> in <<2>> campaign. 1864 = <<1>> released <<2>> in <<3>> campaign. 1865 = <<1>> edited guild's heraldry for <<2>>. 1866 = <<1>> deposited <<2>>. 1867 = <<1>> withdrew <<2>>. 1868 = Lost bid to hire <<1>>. <<2>> refunded. 1869 = <<1>> bid <<2>> to hire <<3>>. 187 = Dialogs 1870 = <<1>> hired <<3>> for <<2>>. 1871 = <<1>> picked up a battle standard. 1872 = <<1>> put down a battle standard. 1873 = <<1>> edited Message of the Day text. 1874 = <<1>> edited the About Us text. 1875 = You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Store! 1876 = Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Store. 1877 = You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Bank! 1878 = Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Bank. 1879 = You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Standard! 188 = Exit 1880 = Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Standard. 1881 = You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Tabard! 1882 = Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Tabard. 1883 = You have reached enough members to unlock hiring Guild Traders! 1884 = Guild no longer has enough members to hire Guild Traders. 1885 = Invited 1886 = Recruit 1887 = Member 1888 = Officer 1889 = Guildmaster 189 = Character logout in <<1>> seconds. 1890 = 1891 = 1892 = Repeatable 1893 = Daily 1894 = Group 1895 = Main Quest 1896 = Guild 1897 = Crafting 1898 = Dungeon 1899 = Raid 19 = Custom Scale 190 = You cannot logout while in combat. 1900 = Alliance War 1901 = Class 1902 = QA Test 1903 = Group Alliance War 1904 = Grand Alliance War 1905 = Holiday Event 1906 = Battleground 1907 = 1908 = 1909 = 191 = You can't access this right now. 1910 = 1911 = 1912 = 1913 = You need <<1>> additional open inventory <<1[/slot/slots]>>. 1914 = The pack was not opened properly. 1915 = No item found for pack. 1916 = Pack does not exist. 1917 = Invalid tier data for pack. 1918 = You do not have any more crates of this type left. 1919 = The system is currently unavailable. 192 = <> 1920 = You do not have any crates to open. You can purchase more in the Crown Store. 1921 = All 1922 = 1923 = 1924 = 1925 = 1926 = None 1927 = Bronze 1928 = Silver 1929 = Gold 193 = <<1>> 1930 = Enemy 1931 = Ally 1932 = Self 1933 = 1934 = 1935 = Health 1936 = Error: invalid mechanic 1937 = Magicka 1938 = Werewolf 1939 = Stamina 194 = <><<2[// ($d)]>> 1940 = Ultimate 1941 = Mount Stamina 1942 = Health Bonus 1943 = None 1944 = Generic 1945 = Physical 1946 = Flame 1947 = Shock 1948 = Daedric 1949 = Frost 195 = 1950 = Earth 1951 = Magic 1952 = Drowning 1953 = Disease 1954 = Poison 1955 = Normal 1956 = Vulnerable 1957 = Resistant 1958 = 1959 = 196 = 1960 = 1961 = 1962 = Local Campaign 1963 = Home Campaign 1964 = Home and Local Campaign 1965 = Low 1966 = Medium 1967 = High 1968 = Full 1969 = None 197 = Gamepad 1970 = Wood 1971 = Food 1972 = Ore 1973 = Production 1974 = Defense 1975 = None 1976 = Trebuchet 1977 = Ballista 1978 = Ram 1979 = Universal Siege 198 = Select 1980 = Catapult 1981 = Forward Camp 1982 = Monster 1983 = Oil 1984 = Battle Standard 1985 = Normal 1986 = Hardcore 1987 = Special Events 1988 = None 1989 = Player Level 199 = Toggle 1990 = Champion Points 1991 = Majority control of Cyrodiil unlocks the gates to Imperial City. 1992 = Unlocking the gates requires control of |cffffff<<1>>|r home keeps. 1993 = Unlocking the gates requires control of |cffffff<<1>>|r home keeps and at least |cffffff1|r enemy keep. 1994 = The gates of Imperial City are open to all alliances. 1995 = 1996 = 1997 = Audio 1998 = Video 1999 = Camera 2 = English 20 = Adjusts the scale of the interface, including all windows and the Heads-Up Display. 200 = Back 2000 = Interface 2001 = Gameplay 2002 = Social 2003 = Debug 2004 = Cinematic 2005 = Nameplates 2006 = Combat 2007 = High 2008 = Medium 2009 = Low 201 = Options 2010 = do not translate 2011 = Never 2012 = Always 2013 = Injured 2014 = All 2015 = None 2016 = Enemy 2017 = Ally 2018 = Targeted 2019 = Injured or Targeted 202 = Back (Saving) 2020 = Left 2021 = Center 2022 = Don't Show 2023 = Always Show 2024 = Automatic 2025 = Off 2026 = On 2027 = Focused 2028 = Don't Show 2029 = Always Show 203 = Accept 2030 = Automatic 2031 = Don't Show 2032 = Always Show 2033 = Automatic 2034 = Don't Show 2035 = Always Show 2036 = Automatic 2037 = Don't Show 2038 = Always Show 2039 = Automatic 204 = Invert Y 2040 = Free 2041 = Constrained 2042 = Off 2043 = On 2044 = Automatic 2045 = |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t Gold Purchased 2046 = |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_crown.dds|t Crown Purchased 2047 = Prefer <<1>> 2048 = Prefer Character Name 2049 = Off 205 = Templates 2050 = Number Only 2051 = Percent Only 2052 = Number and Percent 2053 = Small 2054 = Medium 2055 = Large 2056 = Off 2057 = Low 2058 = Medium 2059 = High 206 = Gamepad Mode 2060 = Ultra 2061 = PS4 2062 = XB1 2063 = Off 2064 = Low 2065 = Medium 2066 = High 2067 = Scorpio 2068 = 2069 = 207 = Switches controls and the interface to be utilized by a gamepad. 2070 = 2071 = 2072 = 2073 = 2074 = Character 2075 = Bank 2076 = Guild Bank 2077 = Account 2078 = 2079 = 208 = Camera Sensitivity 2080 = 2081 = 2082 = 2083 = 2084 = 2085 = 2086 = 2087 = 2088 = 2089 = 209 = Vibration 2090 = 2091 = 2092 = 2093 = 2094 = 2095 = 2096 = 2097 = 2098 = 2099 = 21 = This option can only be changed when logged into the world with a character. 210 = Third Person FOV 2100 = 2101 = 2102 = 2103 = 2104 = 2105 = 2106 = 2107 = 2108 = 2109 = 211 = First Person FOV 2110 = 2111 = 2112 = 2113 = 2114 = 2115 = 2116 = 2117 = 2118 = 2119 = 212 = First Person Head Bob 2120 = Could not find a player named \"<<1>>\" to invite. 2121 = <<1>> accepted your invitation. 2122 = <<1>> declined your group invitation. 2123 = <<1>> is ignoring you. You cannot extend a group invitation. 2124 = <<1>> is considering another invite. You cannot extend a group invitation. 2125 = <<1>> is already in a group. You cannot extend a group invitation. 2126 = This group is already full. 2127 = You cannot invite yourself. 2128 = Only group leaders can invite others to group. 2129 = You or <<1>> are in an area that does not permit cross-alliance grouping. 213 = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/gamepad/gp_gold.dds|t Gold Purchased 2130 = You have invited <<1>> to the group. 2131 = Account type is not set to allow group creation. 2132 = Failed to join the group. 2133 = Unable to join <<1>>. The group is full. 2134 = Unable to join <<1>>. You are already in a group. 2135 = <<1>> is currently in a battleground. 2136 = Target is immune. 2137 = You are busy. 2138 = You can't do that while dead. 2139 = The target is out of range. 214 = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_crown.dds|t Crown Purchased 2140 = You cannot do that while recalling. 2141 = You're too close to other siege engines. 2142 = You cannot place this here. 2143 = You're too close to an enemy keep. 2144 = You are too close to an enemy town. 2145 = You are too close to an enemy resource. 2146 = You are too close to an enemy outpost. 2147 = Over the siege limit. 2148 = You must be near a friendly keep. 2149 = Too close to other deployed mercenaries. 215 = Player Voice 2150 = Invalid location 2151 = This must be placed on land. 2152 = Can't be placed on this structure. 2153 = This terrain is not flat enough. 2154 = Not close enough to enemy keep door. 2155 = You're too close to another friendly Forward Camp. 2156 = You must have a valid empty Soul Gem. 2157 = You don't have enough inventory space to add a filled Soul Gem. 2158 = You must have a valid filled Soul Gem. 2159 = You are mounted. 216 = Assign a Skill 2160 = Graveyards are not usable inside dungeons. 2161 = Not enough space to create siege engine. 2162 = You do not meet the requirements to do that. 2163 = All nearby doors are currently under attack by rams. 2164 = All nearby doors are already destroyed. 2165 = Over the mercenary limit. 2166 = Your alliance has reached the maximum number of Forward Camps. 2167 = Your alliance has reached the maximum number of Battle Standards. 2168 = Your must be wearing the tabard of the guild for which you are placing a Battle Standard. 2169 = A Battle Standard belonging to your guild already has already been placed. 217 = Equipped <<1>> 2170 = You are too close to a capture point. 2171 = You do not have permission to use Battle Standards for that guild. 2172 = Battle Standards are currently disabled. 2173 = You must be wearing the tabard of the guild for which you are placing a forward camp. 2174 = A forward camp belonging to your guild has already been placed. 2175 = You do not have permission to use forward camps for that guild. 2176 = No weapons to swap to. 2177 = Cannot weapon swap while changing gear. 2178 = You cannot attack this target because of the prevent attacking innocents option. 2179 = You do not have enough inventory space. 218 = None 2180 = You can't do that while hiding. 2181 = Invalid character name. 2182 = Unknown error. 2183 = Name already in use. 2184 = Name too short. 2185 = Name too long. 2186 = Server locked. 2187 = No global character data. 2188 = No template creation allowed. 2189 = Invalid template. 219 = Save Name 2190 = You must select a template. 2191 = Invalid class. 2192 = Invalid race. 2193 = You must select a race whose alliance matches that of the selected template. 2194 = Invalid hair option. 2195 = Invalid hair tint. 2196 = Invalid skin tint. 2197 = Invalid adornment option. 2198 = Invalid head marking option. 2199 = Invalid body marking option. 22 = Use Custom Scale 220 = Buy ESO Plus 2200 = Invalid eye tint. 2201 = Invalid age. 2202 = Invalid eyebrow. 2203 = Invalid gender. 2204 = Invalid model data. 2205 = No free character slots. 2206 = No valid entitlements. 2207 = You must choose an alliance. 2208 = Save failure. 2209 = Character list not received. 221 = A window with the ESO Plus offer will open.\n\nAfter buying ESO Plus, you will have to relog to receive your ESO Plus benefits. 2210 = An unknown system error occurred. 2211 = You don't have any tokens. 2212 = No changes made. 2213 = Invalid Name 2214 = Duplicate Name 2215 = Too few characters. 2216 = Too many characters. 2217 = No adjacent punctuation characters. 2218 = Must end with a letter. 2219 = No more than two of the same letter in a row. 222 = Open Window 2220 = Four hyphens, apostrophes, or spaces at most. 2221 = Name cannot start with a space. 2222 = There was a system error. 2223 = Cannot currently change name. 2224 = No numbers. 2225 = Invalid characters. 2226 = Must contain 3 to 20 characters. 2227 = No more than three of the same characters in a row. 2228 = One period, hyphen, apostrophe, and underscore at most. 2229 = Must start with a letter. 223 = Buy ESO Plus 2230 = Must end with a number or valid letter. 2231 = No spaces. 2232 = Invalid characters. 2233 = 2234 = Female 2235 = Male 2236 = Internal error 2237 = Unknown player 2238 = Recipient's Inbox is full 2239 = You cannot send mail to that recipient. 224 = Controller Disconnected 2240 = Not enough gold 2241 = Invalid attached item 2242 = This mail is lacking a subject, body, or attachments. 2243 = You cannot send gold as Cash On Delivery. 2244 = You must attach at least one item for Cash on Delivery mail. 2245 = Please wait: processing prior request. 2246 = You cannot send mail to yourself. 2247 = Sending mail is currently disabled. 2248 = Mail not open. 2249 = Too many items attached. 225 = The connection to the controller has been lost or has been disconnected. Please reconnect the controller for <<1>>. 2250 = Recipient not found. 2251 = User Canceled 2252 = Your inventory is full. 2253 = Your inventory is full. 2254 = That item is no longer available. 2255 = You are unable to loot <<1>> because it is unique and you already have one. 2256 = At least one item could not be looted because it's unique and you already have one. 2257 = Invalid slot number 2258 = You can't place items in weapon attack slots. 2259 = You don't know that ability. 226 = The connection to the controller has been lost or has been disconnected. Please reconnect controller for <<1>>. 2260 = You can't put that item in that slot. 2261 = You don't have that item. 2262 = You can't swap these in combat. 2263 = This ability is from an inactive skill line. 2264 = You haven't unlocked that collectible. 2265 = You may only use Werewolf abilities right now. 2266 = You don't know that ability. 2267 = That ability can't be upgraded further. 2268 = Invalid progression line 2269 = You can't purchase more upgrades for that ability. Your level isn't high enough. 227 = <<1>> Continue 2270 = You don't have enough gold to upgrade that. 2271 = You've already morphed this ability. You must respec first. 2272 = You haven't progressed this ability enough to morph it. 2273 = You haven't morphed this ability yet. 2274 = This ability doesn't have a valid upgrade. 2275 = You don't have any skill points. 2276 = Your skill ability purchases have been reset. 2277 = Your attribute purchases have been reset. 2278 = You don't have enough gold. 2279 = Your morphs have been reset. 228 = Failed to find a user with that account name. Please try again later. 2280 = You can't fast travel because you're engaged in combat. 2281 = You can't fast travel because there isn't a valid fast travel path to the desired destination. 2282 = You can't fast travel because the starting keep's alliance differs from yours. 2283 = You can't fast travel because the starting keep is currently under attack. 2284 = You can't fast travel because the destination keep's alliance differs from yours. 2285 = You can't fast travel because the destination keep is currently under attack. 2286 = You can't fast travel because the destination keep has at least one resource in enemy hands. 2287 = You can't fast travel because you're too far away from the starting keep. 2288 = Your fast travel attempt failed. 2289 = You must talk to a keep travel master. 229 = <<1>>\n\n 2290 = You can't fast travel because you're carrying a Scroll. 2291 = You can't fast travel. 2292 = You can't fast travel because the starting keep has too few resources in allied hands. 2293 = You are unable to unassign yourself from a campaign while in a campaign. 2294 = You do not have enough gold to unassign yourself from a campaign. 2295 = You do not have enough AP to unassign yourself from a campaign. 2296 = You are not currently assigned to a campaign. 2297 = You cannot unassign from a campaign because your cooldown has not expired. 2298 = You cannot unassign from a campaign at this time. 2299 = Character 23 = When this setting is enabled you can determine the UI scale using the slider below. When this setting is disabled, the game will automatically scale the UI to make it as sharp as possible. 230 = Invalid Name 2300 = Combat 2301 = Crafting 2302 = Crash 2303 = Items 2304 = MonsterNPC 2305 = Quest 2306 = TextLocalization 2307 = UI 2308 = Visuals 2309 = Other 231 = Inventory Capacity 2310 = That item cannot be sold. 2311 = You cannot sell items when you are at the gold cap. 2312 = You don't need that quest item. 2313 = You can only buy one of those. 2314 = You don't need that many quest items. 2315 = You don't meet the purchase requirements. 2316 = You can only have one of those items. 2317 = You can't afford that item. 2318 = You need more Alliance Points to buy that. 2319 = You need more Inspiration Points to buy that. 232 = <<1>>/<<2>> 2320 = You need more Tel Var Stones to buy that. 2321 = This hookpoint is not active. 2322 = You do not have enough stable space to purchase this mount. 2323 = You can't sell stolen items here. 2324 = Fences only deal with stolen items. 2325 = That item is worthless. 2326 = You have reached your daily limit for selling stolen goods. 2327 = You already have that collectible. 2328 = You need more Writ Vouchers to buy that. 2329 = You need more Chaos Creatia to buy that. 233 = Validating Name 2330 = 2331 = <<1>> has declined your resurrection request. 2332 = <<1>> is already considering a resurrection request. 2333 = You can not resurrect <<1>>. You are already attempting to resurrect someone else with a soul gem. 2334 = You can not resurrect <<1>>. You do not have a filled soul gem. 2335 = You can not resurrect <<1>>. They are in a bad location. 2336 = You must have a valid Soul Gem to charge your weapon. 2337 = This weapon is already fully charged. 2338 = You must have valid repair kit to repair this item. 2339 = This item is already at full durability. 234 = Please wait... 2340 = You cannot afford to repair this item. 2341 = Item Laundered 2342 = Invalid request. 2343 = This item is not stolen. 2344 = You cannot afford to launder this item. 2345 = You do not have enough room in your inventory to do that. 2346 = That item may not be laundered at a fence. 2347 = You have reached your daily limit for laundering stolen goods. 2348 = You cannot mount right now. 2349 = You cannot mount in this location. 235 = Waiting... 2350 = You need <<1>> more open inventory <<1[/slot/slots]>>. 2351 = You can not swap mounts while an inventory item is locked. 2352 = You have not set an active mount. 2353 = <<1>> is too busy to pledge with. 2354 = <<1>> can't begin Ritual of Mara with a player who is dead. 2355 = Beginning Ritual of Mara with <<1>>. 2356 = <<1>> has been joined with you in the Ritual of Mara. 2357 = <<1>> has declined your Ritual of Mara request. 2358 = The Ritual of Mara has been cancelled. 2359 = <<1>> is not eligible for the Ritual of Mara. 236 = Open <<1>> 2360 = You are too far away from <<1>> to perform the Ritual of Mara. 2361 = <<1>> is not available to duel. 2362 = Not a valid duel target. 2363 = You cannot duel yourself. 2364 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are too far away. 2365 = You cannot invite another to duel while you have challenged <<1>>. 2366 = You cannot invite another to duel while responding to a duel challenge from <<1>>. 2367 = You cannot invite another to duel while you are already dueling <<1>>. 2368 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they have challenged someone else to a duel. 2369 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are considering another duel challenge. 237 = This will open the <<1>>.\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r 2370 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are dueling another player. 2371 = You cannot duel when you are dead. 2372 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are dead. 2373 = You cannot duel while swimming. 2374 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are swimming. 2375 = You cannot duel while in combat. 2376 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are in combat. 2377 = You cannot duel while crafting. 2378 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are crafting. 2379 = You cannot duel here. 238 = Enter Code 2380 = You cannot challenge a player to duel who has recently declined your duel invitation. 2381 = You cannot duel here, there are too many duels nearby. 2382 = Cannot duel unless both duelists are at full health. 2383 = You already have a trade invite pending. 2384 = <<1>> is ignoring you. 2385 = You must respond to your current trade invite first. 2386 = You are already trading. 2387 = You must have a target to trade with. 2388 = You cannot trade with yourself. 2389 = You must be closer to trade. 239 = This will open the Redeem Codes window.\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r 2390 = You can only trade with your own alliance. 2391 = Your target is already trading. 2392 = Your trade invite failed. 2393 = You are too busy to trade. 2394 = Dead players cannot trade. 2395 = You don't have enough gold to complete that trade. 2396 = Your trade partner no longer has enough gold to complete this trade. 2397 = You have too much gold to complete this trade. 2398 = Your trade partner has too much gold to complete this trade. 2399 = You are unable to trade for <> because it's unique and you already have one. 24 = Calibrate 240 = Open Window 2400 = You don't have enough empty slots to accept the offered items. 2401 = That item is locked. 2402 = That item is bound. 2403 = There are no open trade slots. 2404 = You are already trading <>. 2405 = That item is stolen. 2406 = Trading is currently disabled 2407 = You can't make anything with these materials. 2408 = You can't use these additives with these materials. 2409 = Your inventory is full. 241 = 2410 = You already have that unique item. 2411 = You are not trained in that craft. 2412 = You are missing crafting components. 2413 = You don't meet the requirements to craft that. 2414 = Your rank is too low to craft that. 2415 = Interrupted 2416 = You can't afford to craft that. 2417 = You must be at a crafting station to craft. 2418 = You are not trained to craft in that racial style. 2419 = That item is not researchable. 242 = 2420 = You must be at a crafting station to research this. 2421 = You must research an item. 2422 = You cannot research an item that's locked. 2423 = You are not trained in the correct craft to research that. 2424 = Your rank is too low to research that. 2425 = Your inventory is full. 2426 = Item cannot be reforged. 2427 = You are not trained in that craft. 2428 = This item is already in that style. 2429 = Your rank is too low to reforge that. 243 = Accept 2430 = You are not trained in that racial style. 2431 = That is not a valid racial style for this item. 2432 = You are missing the racial crafting component. 2433 = You can't afford to reforge that. 2434 = You cannot reforge an item that is locked. 2435 = This item can't be refined. 2436 = You must be at a crafting station to refine this. 2437 = You don't have enough to refine. 2438 = You aren't trained in the correct craft to refine that. 2439 = Your rank is too low to refine that. 244 = Decline 2440 = Your inventory is full. 2441 = Recipe Unknown 2442 = Insufficient Rank 2443 = Insufficient Quality Rank 2444 = Can't Craft Yet 2445 = Invalid Alchemy Base 2446 = Insufficient Rank 2447 = Invalid Alchemy Reagent 2448 = Not Enough Alchemy Reagents 2449 = Too Many Alchemy Reagents 245 = Yes 2450 = Invalid Rune 2451 = Insufficient Rank 2452 = Insufficient Quality Rank 2453 = Invalid Crafting Material 2454 = Invalid Crafting Pattern 2455 = Invalid Style Material 2456 = Invalid Trait Material 2457 = Insufficient Quantity 2458 = Invalid Improvement Material 2459 = Item Not Improvable 246 = No 2460 = Improvement Failed 2461 = Trait Not Learned Yet 2462 = Invalid Tradeskill 2463 = Invalid Trait 2464 = No Available Research Slots 2465 = Not Enough Traits Researched 2466 = Invalid Item 2467 = Already Researching Trait Line 2468 = You can't deconstruct an item that you are wearing. 2469 = Cannot research an item that is transmuted. 247 = Cancel 2470 = Error <<1>>\nNo error. 2471 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout while waiting for the realm directory service. 2472 = Error <<1>>\nFailed to obtain a list of realms from the directory service. 2473 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout while trying to obtain server connection information. 2474 = Error <<1>>\nError <<1>>\nFailed to obtain server connection information. 2475 = Error <<1>>\nServer is currently full. Please try again later. 2476 = Error <<1>>\nServer is currently full. Please try again later. 2477 = Error <<1>>\nServices are busy. Please try again later. 2478 = Error <<1>>\nServices are busy. Please try again later. 2479 = Error <<1>>\nLogin failed. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 248 = Create 2480 = Error <<1>>\nServer is currently unavailable. Please try again later. 2481 = Error <<1>>\nYou are not entitled to play on this realm. 2482 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout without a response from the authentication service. Please check the server's status at the Service Alerts page: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 2483 = Error <<1>>\nLogin failed. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 2484 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout attempting to cancel login. 2485 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to cancel login. 2486 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout while sending Access Code submission. 2487 = Error <<1>>\nYou have provided the incorrect Access Code too many times. Your Account has been locked for 10 minutes. 2488 = Error <<1>>\nYou have provided incorrect credentials too many times. Your client has been locked for 10 minutes. 2489 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to server. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support:\n\nhelp.elderscrollsonline.com 249 = Exit 2490 = Error <<1>>\nConnection to the server has been lost. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 2491 = Error <<1>>\nConnection to the server has timed out. 2492 = Error <<1>>\nThis account is already logged in. 2493 = Error <<1>>\nProtocol mismatch. 2494 = Error <<1>>\nThe realm has been shutdown. 2495 = Error <<1>>\nBooted from server. 2496 = Error <<1>>\nLost connection due to inactivity. Please log in again to reconnect. 2497 = Error <<1>>\nIP address mismatch. 2498 = Error <<1>>\nTransfer Failed. Please try to reconnect. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 2499 = Error <<1>>\nBandwidth cap reached. 25 = General 250 = Remove 2500 = Error <<1>>\nInvalid session id. 2501 = Error <<1>>\nAccount name mismatch. 2502 = Error <<1>>\nServer data not ready. 2503 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to the lobby. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 2504 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to lobby-e. 2505 = Error <<1>>\nPending connection for account on global lobby router. 2506 = Error <<1>>\nYou have been dropped from the server because you hit the message rate limit. Please avoid excessive messaging (i.e. spamming). 2507 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 2508 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 2509 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 251 = Confirm 2510 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 2511 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 2512 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 2513 = Error <<1>>\nInsufficient permissions for world. 2514 = Error <<1>>\nCharacter is currently locked. 2515 = Error <<1>>\nCharacter requires a rename. 2516 = Error <<1>>\nThe server is either down, or you are not entitled to play on this realm. 2517 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to server. 2518 = Error <<1>>\nFailed to log in dev. 2519 = Error <<1>>\nLogin Service has failed. 252 = Close 2520 = Error <<1>>\nCharacter is still in game. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 2521 = Error <<1>>\nCharacter currently unavailable. 2522 = Error <<1>>\nLost lobby connection. 2523 = Error <<1>>\nLost heartbeat. 2524 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout while waiting for character list. 2525 = Email address format is invalid. 2526 = Connection to server timed out. Please try again later. 2527 = This feature is not available on your current game realm. 2528 = That email address has already been used to create an account. Please choose a different email to create a new account. 2529 = That screen name is invalid or is already in use. Please choose a different screen name to create a new account. 253 = Log Out & Enter Code 2530 = Invalid transfer sku 2531 = That account does not exist. Please enter a valid ESO account. 2532 = That User ID has already been used to create an account. Please choose a different User ID. 2533 = Incorrect UserID or Password. 2534 = That account has been deactivated. Please contact customer service at <<1>> or link to a different account. 2535 = Your account must be verified in order to continue to play. Check the email you used to create an ESO account for instruction on how to complete the verification process. 2536 = That account has been permanently banned. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information or link to a different account. 2537 = Connection to server timed out. Please try again later. 2538 = Unable to connect to the PlayStation™Network. Please confirm you are connected to the PlayStation™Network or try again later. 2539 = Unable to connect to Xbox Live. Please confirm you are connected to Xbox Live or try again later. 254 = Log Out & Upgrade 2540 = Unable to initialize connection to Steam. Please ensure the game was launched through Steam or try again later. 2541 = The servers are temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again later. 2542 = Your account has been suspended. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information. 2543 = Your account has been permanently banned. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information. 2544 = Your account must be verified in order to continue to play. Check the email you used to create an ESO account for instruction on how to complete the verification process. 2545 = Game Account Not Found 2546 = Your account has been suspended. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information. 2547 = Your account has been permanently banned. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information. 2548 = Your account must be verified in order to continue to play. Check the email you used to create an ESO account for instruction on how to complete the verification process. 2549 = Your account has restricted authentication. Please contact customer service at <<1>>. 255 = Cancel 2550 = The servers are temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again later. 2551 = Could not connect to XBL. 2552 = Could not connect to Xbox Live. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 2553 = Could not connect to Xbox Live. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 2554 = Could not connect to Xbox Live. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 2555 = Could not connect to The PlayStation™Network. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 2556 = Could not connect to The PlayStation™Network. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 2557 = Required credentials are missing. Please relaunch the game from the launcher. 2558 = Incorrect token, please relaunch the game from the launcher. 2559 = You must be logged into a Sony Entertainment Network account to play ESO. 256 = Save 2560 = You Must Be Signed In To An Xbox Live Profile To Play ESO 2561 = Unable to connect to Xbox Live. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection. 2562 = ESO servers are down for maintenance. Please try again later or visit <<1>> for more information 2563 = Unable to connect to PlayStation™Network. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection. 2564 = Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection. 2565 = Patch required. Please download and install to access online features. 2566 = Selected user profile age does not meet the requirements for playing this game. 2567 = Selected user profile is a guest account. 2568 = You do not currently have network connectivity. This title requires Xbox Live and a network connection. 2569 = You do not currently have network connectivity. This title requires a Sony Entertainment Network Account and a network connection. 257 = OK 2570 = The Xbox Live Account selected does not have Multiplayer privileges. Please select an account with Xbox Live Gold, or update your permissions. 2571 = A user profile was not selected. 2572 = The Sony Entertainment Network account selected does not have realtime multiplayer privileges. Please select another account, or update your permissions. 2573 = Selected Sony Entertainment Network sub-account does not have access to user-generated content. 2574 = Patch required. Please download and install to access online features. 2575 = The Xbox Live Account selected does not have user-generated content privileges. Please select another account, or update your permissions. 2576 = There is not enough free space to create save data. Please free up additional space. 2577 = Local transfer successful. 2578 = Remote transfer initiated. 2579 = You lack the correct permissions to transfer there. 258 = <<1>> 2580 = Your attempted transfer failed. 2581 = Your attempted jump failed because you don't have an assigned Alliance War campaign yet. 2582 = Your attempted jump failed because the destination Alliance War campaign is disabled. 2583 = Your attempted jump failed because you have not unlocked that difficulty level. 2584 = Your attempted jump failed. 2585 = Your attempted jump failed because you are not max level or you do not have enough champion points. 2586 = Your attempted jump failed because your destination does not allow social jumps. 2587 = Jump failed. Instance is full. 2588 = Jump failed. Existing jump in progress. 2589 = No free instances available, please try later. 259 = Enter character name or UserID. 2590 = You do not meet the requirement to jump there. 2591 = You do not have the collectible needed to jump there. 2592 = Your attempted jump failed because your location does not allow recalling. 2593 = You must be level 50 to enter a veteran instance. 2594 = You do not own this house. 2595 = You don't have permission to visit this house. 2596 = The house you attempted to visit is unavailable. 2597 = Destination not found. 2598 = Destination unavailable. 2599 = Cannot enter battleground. 26 = Combat 260 = <<1>> 2600 = Account not found. 2601 = You have already invited this player to be your friend. 2602 = You have already listed this player as your friend. 2603 = This account is already ignored. 2604 = Social systems are busy. Please try later. 2605 = You can't add your own account as a friend. 2606 = You can't ignore your own account. 2607 = You can't lead any additional guilds. 2608 = You can't join another guild without leaving one first. 2609 = Could not find the specified guild 261 = By: <<1>> 2610 = You're not the guild leader. 2611 = This guild is full. 2612 = This player is already a member of this guild. 2613 = You are not a member of this guild. 2614 = That guild name is already in use. 2615 = Invalid guild name 2616 = You are not permitted to invite members to this guild. 2617 = You are not permitted to kick members from this guild. 2618 = You are not permitted to kick the leader from this guild. 2619 = You cannot promote this player. 262 = <> <<2>> 2620 = You cannot demote this player. 2621 = You cannot set the Message of the Day. 2622 = You cannot set the guild description. 2623 = An error has occurred with the social request. 2624 = You are being ignored by that account. 2625 = You can't add any more friends. 2626 = You can't ignore any more accounts. 2627 = That was an unrecognized request. 2628 = That account cannot have any more friends. 2629 = You must wait longer before using that operation. 263 = <><<2>> 2630 = Social and display name functions are disabled on this server. 2631 = Character not found. 2632 = You are not grouped. 2633 = Cannot jump to yourself. 2634 = No suitable location found to jump to. 2635 = You cannot jump to that player right now. 2636 = You cannot jump while in combat. 2637 = Not in same group. 2638 = Can't mix alliances. 2639 = Not been invited. 264 = Log Out 2640 = Not online. 2641 = You do not have permission to edit guild member notes. 2642 = You do not have permission to use the guild bank. 2643 = You do not have permission to edit recruitment information. 2644 = You do not have permission to sell via the guild store. 2645 = You do not have permission to buy from the guild store. 2646 = You do not have permission to claim a keep. 2647 = Cannot jump out of this area. 2648 = No guild leader rank defined. 2649 = No recruit rank defined. 265 = Reset to Defaults 2650 = You do not have permission to edit guild ranks. 2651 = The guild could not be deleted because its claimed keep could not be released. 2652 = You must be level 50 to travel to that location. 2653 = This area is not accessible via jumping. 2654 = You must be in the same group to travel to that location. 2655 = You cannot jump within the same campaign. 2656 = You do not have permission to enter that campaign. 2657 = This player is already leading another guild. 2658 = You are not allowed to promote players. 2659 = You are not allowed to demote players. 266 = Are you sure you want to reset this options panel to its default settings? 2660 = That is not a valid guild rank. 2661 = You are not allowed to have that many guild ranks. 2662 = You are not allowed to have that few guild ranks. 2663 = Only the guild leader rank can edit permissions. 2664 = A guild rank must be empty before it can be deleted. 2665 = Only the guild leader rank can edit heraldry. 2666 = Guild leader permissions cannot be modified. 2667 = You don't have permission to modify heraldry. 2668 = Not enough gold in the Guild Bank. 2669 = You cannot edit heraldry information while guild banks are disabled. 267 = Are you sure you want to reset all options panels to their default settings? 2670 = You must wait longer before editing heraldry again. 2671 = You don't have enough money to buy a tabard. 2672 = You don't have room for a tabard. 2673 = Your guild has not created its heraldry yet. 2674 = That is not a valid heraldry standard. 2675 = You don't have enough money to buy a standard. 2676 = You don't have room for a standard. 2677 = You don't have permission to use the guild's battle standard. 2678 = Heraldry is currently disabled. 2679 = You don't have enough alliance points to buy a forward camp. 268 = Reset 2680 = You don't have room for a forward camp. 2681 = The player you invited can't join another guild without leaving one first. 2682 = You can't social jump while being arrested. 2683 = You cannot jump to that player. 2684 = You cannot jump to that player while they are previewing a house. 2685 = You cannot jump to that player while they are in the home show. 2686 = Failed to save housing permissions. 2687 = You don't have permission to visit this house. 2688 = You are already queued for that campaign. 2689 = You don't have permission to queue for that campaign. 269 = Defaults 2690 = Unable to queue for campaign: internal error. 2691 = You are already in that campaign. 2692 = Unable to queue for campaign: invalid group. 2693 = No one in your group is assigned to that campaign. 2694 = You are already in that campaign. 2695 = Unable to queue for campaign: invalid campaign. 2696 = Only the group leader can queue for a campaign. 2697 = Unable to login to campaign: internal error. 2698 = Invalid campaign destination. 2699 = The destination is full. 27 = Output 270 = Off 2700 = Players not all online. 2701 = The campaign is full. 2702 = Your faction does not control the Imperial City. 2703 = The destination is not active yet. 2704 = Campaigns are disabled on this server. 2705 = Your level is not high enough to queue for a campaign. 2706 = A group member's level is not high enough to queue for a campaign. 2707 = Cannot queue for campaign from inside a battleground. 2708 = Cannot queue for campaign from this location. 2709 = You are not queued for that campaign. 271 = On 2710 = Unable to leave queue: internal error. 2711 = You are not queued for anything. 2712 = Unable to leave queue: invalid campaign. 2713 = Only the group leader can leave a campaign queue. 2714 = Opposing alliance character already assigned to this campaign. 2715 = You do not meet the requirements to join this campaign. 2716 = Campaigns are disabled on this server. 2717 = You do not meet the level requirement to join this campaign. 2718 = Not a member of a guild. 2719 = Item no longer exists. 272 = Disabled 2720 = Item cannot be stored in the Guild Bank. 2721 = Your guild bank is full. 2722 = Bank currently unavailable. 2723 = Not interacting with the Guild Bank. 2724 = Invalid item. 2725 = Not a member of any guild. 2726 = Waiting on previous request. 2727 = Your guild must have at least <<1>> members to enable depositing to the Guild Bank. 2728 = You do not have permission to withdraw. 2729 = You do not have permission to deposit. 273 = , 2730 = You do not have that much gold to deposit. 2731 = You can not add that much gold to your guild bank. 2732 = You can not withdraw that much gold from your guild bank. 2733 = You cannot deposit stolen items. 2734 = You are not a member of the guild. 2735 = Not enough gold in the Guild Bank. 2736 = A bid has already been placed at another location. 2737 = New bid must be higher than the current bid. 2738 = You do not have guild permissions. 2739 = You are not a member of a guild. 274 = . 2740 = Bidding has already closed for this time slot. 2741 = This Guild Trader is currently unavailable. 2742 = This Guild Trader is already hired. 2743 = Your Guild needs <<1>> members to hire Guild Traders. 2744 = Your Guild may only hire one Guild Trader at a time. 2745 = Guild store not opened. 2746 = You are not a member of that guild. 2747 = You can not put any more items up for sale. 2748 = Wait for prior item to complete. 2749 = Could not find specified item. 275 = , 2750 = You can not sell bound items to other players. 2751 = You can not afford this posting fee. 2752 = Too many searches in rapid succession. 2753 = Only Backpack items can be posted. 2754 = You must select a valid guild. 2755 = No permission. 2756 = Guild too small for new posts. 2757 = Cannot afford that item. 2758 = Please wait for your current search to complete. 2759 = Please wait for your current listings request to complete. 276 = , and 2760 = Please wait for your current request to complete before switching guilds. 2761 = Please wait for the initial guild store status update. 2762 = Please wait for your current purchase request to complete. 2763 = You cannot buy your own items. 2764 = Please wait for your current cancellation request to complete. 2765 = You cannot post an item for free. 2766 = You cannot post an item for more than <<1>> gold. 2767 = You cannot sell stolen items to other players. 2768 = Not a member of any guild. 2769 = You must unlock this item before you can list it. 277 = and 2770 = You must be in a campaign to claim a keep. 2771 = You must be in Cyrodiil to claim a keep. 2772 = Keeps are not claimable yet. 2773 = That keep does not exist. 2774 = That keep is not claimable. 2775 = |cffffff<<1>>|r is already claimed by another guild in your alliance. 2776 = A member of your guild is presently claiming another keep. 2777 = Guild operations are currently disabled. 2778 = You are not a member of that guild. 2779 = This guild has not granted you permission to claim ownership. 278 = <<1>> 2780 = Keep claim failed. 2781 = You are not allowed to do that right now. 2782 = Your alliance does not own that keep. 2783 = You may only claim ownership for a guild that matches your character's alliance. 2784 = This guild already has ownership of another location. 2785 = You are not a member of that guild. 2786 = You do not have permission to do that. 2787 = Keep release failed. 2788 = Guild operations are currently disabled. 2789 = You are not allowed to do that right now. 279 = Alters the <<1>> <<2[emote/emotes]>>. 2790 = Invalid release operation. 2791 = That guild does not have a keep claimed. 2792 = That guild does not own this keep. 2793 = That keep does not exist. 2794 = Disabled on trial accounts. 2795 = Whispering disabled on Trial accounts. 2796 = Trial accounts may only whisper to friends. 2797 = Guilds disabled on trial accounts. 2798 = Could not find specified item. 2799 = You cannot perform that action now. 28 = Master Volume 280 = Alters the <> <<2[emote/emotes]>>. 2800 = Invalid trait for item. 2801 = Insufficient funds. 2802 = Item already has that trait. 2803 = Cannot change the trait of this item. 2804 = You must research that trait first. 2805 = 2806 = 2807 = 2808 = 2809 = 281 = Grants the <<1>> <<2[emote/emotes]>>. 2810 = 2811 = 2812 = 2813 = 2814 = Harvest Nodes 2815 = Merchants 2816 = Trainers 2817 = NPC Followers 2818 = 2819 = 282 = Grants the <<1>> emote. 2820 = Enabled 2821 = Disabled 2822 = Out of Date 2823 = Dependency 2824 = 2825 = No Key 2826 = Backspace 2827 = Tab 2828 = Enter 2829 = Ctrl 283 = <<1>>: <<2>> 2830 = Alt 2831 = Command 2832 = Shift 2833 = Left Windows 2834 = Right Windows 2835 = Pause / Break 2836 = Caps Lock 2837 = Esc 2838 = Space 2839 = Page Up 284 = Your current character cannot use this. 2840 = Page Down 2841 = End 2842 = Home 2843 = Insert 2844 = Delete 2845 = Print Screen 2846 = Scroll Lock 2847 = 0 2848 = 1 2849 = 2 285 = Equipped 2850 = 3 2851 = 4 2852 = 5 2853 = 6 2854 = 7 2855 = 8 2856 = 9 2857 = A 2858 = B 2859 = C 286 = <<1>> 2860 = D 2861 = E 2862 = F 2863 = G 2864 = H 2865 = I 2866 = J 2867 = K 2868 = L 2869 = M 287 = (Unique-Equipped) 2870 = N 2871 = O 2872 = P 2873 = Q 2874 = R 2875 = S 2876 = T 2877 = U 2878 = V 2879 = W 288 = (Unique) 2880 = X 2881 = Y 2882 = Z 2883 = NumPad 0 2884 = NumPad 1 2885 = NumPad 2 2886 = NumPad 3 2887 = NumPad 4 2888 = NumPad 5 2889 = NumPad 6 289 = (Use from Quickslot) 2890 = NumPad 7 2891 = NumPad 8 2892 = NumPad 9 2893 = Num Lock 2894 = NumPad Asterisk 2895 = NumPad Dash 2896 = NumPad Slash 2897 = NumPad Period 2898 = NumPad Plus 2899 = NumPad Enter 29 = Adjusts the volume of all sound in the game. 290 = Bound 2900 = F1 2901 = F2 2902 = F3 2903 = F4 2904 = F5 2905 = F6 2906 = F7 2907 = F8 2908 = F9 2909 = F10 291 = Trash 2910 = F11 2911 = F12 2912 = F13 2913 = F14 2914 = F15 2915 = F16 2916 = F17 2917 = F18 2918 = F19 2919 = F20 292 = <<1>> 2920 = F21 2921 = F22 2922 = F23 2923 = F24 2924 = - 2925 = = 2926 = [ 2927 = ] 2928 = \\ 2929 = ; 293 = <<2>> <<1>> 2930 = ' 2931 = , 2932 = . 2933 = / 2934 = ` 2935 = Left Arrow 2936 = Right Arrow 2937 = Up Arrow 2938 = Down Arrow 2939 = LMB 294 = (<<1>>) 2940 = RMB 2941 = MMB 2942 = MB4 2943 = MB5 2944 = LMB + RMB 2945 = Mousewheel Down 2946 = Mousewheel Up 2947 = < 2948 = D-Pad Up 2949 = D-Pad Down 295 = (<<1>>) (Unique) 2950 = D-Pad Left 2951 = D-Pad Right 2952 = Start 2953 = Back 2954 = Left Stick 2955 = Right Stick 2956 = Left Shoulder 2957 = Right Shoulder 2958 = Gamepad Button 1 2959 = Gamepad Button 2 296 = (<<1>>) (Unique-Equipped) 2960 = Gamepad Button 3 2961 = Gamepad Button 4 2962 = Left Trigger 2963 = Right Trigger 2964 = Left Stick Up 2965 = Left Stick Down 2966 = Left Stick Left 2967 = Left Stick Right 2968 = Right Stick Up 2969 = Right Stick Down 297 = (<<1>> Armor) 2970 = Right Stick Left 2971 = Right Stick Right 2972 = Left + Right Shoulders 2973 = Left + Right Triggers 2974 = Left + Right Sticks 2975 = RB + Button 1 2976 = RB + Button 2 2977 = RB + Button 3 2978 = RB + Button 4 2979 = LB + Button 1 298 = (<<1>> Armor) (Unique) 2980 = LB + Button 2 2981 = LB + Button 3 2982 = LB + Button 4 2983 = LB + LS 2984 = LB + RS 2985 = LB + D-Pad Left 2986 = LT + Button 1 2987 = Button 1 + Button 4 2988 = Button 2 + Button 3 2989 = Button 1 + Button 4 299 = (<<1>> Armor) (Unique-Equipped) 2990 = Back + Start 2991 = Touchpad Press + Start 2992 = D-Pad Right + Button 2 2993 = Hold Left Shoulder 2994 = Hold Right Shoulder 2995 = Hold Gamepad Button 1 2996 = Hold Gamepad Button 2 2997 = Hold Gamepad Button 3 2998 = Hold Gamepad Button 4 2999 = Hold Left Trigger 3 = German 30 = Sound 300 = <<1>> 3000 = Hold Right Trigger 3001 = Hold D-Pad Up 3002 = Hold D-Pad Down 3003 = Hold D-Pad Left 3004 = Hold D-Pad Right 3005 = Hold Start 3006 = Hold Back 3007 = Hold Left Stick 3008 = Hold Right Stick 3009 = Hold Touchpad 301 = <<1>> (Unique) 3010 = Touchpad Touch 3011 = Touchpad Press 3012 = Touchpad Swipe Up 3013 = Touchpad Swipe Down 3014 = Touchpad Swipe Left 3015 = Touchpad Swipe Right 3016 = 3017 = 3018 = Minimum 3019 = Low 302 = <<1>> (Unique-Equipped) 3020 = Medium 3021 = High 3022 = Ultra-High 3023 = PS4 3024 = XB1 3025 = Custom 3026 = PS4PLUS1080P 3027 = PS4PLUS4K 3028 = SCORPIO 3029 = 4K 303 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 3030 = 1080p Enhanced 3031 = Windowed 3032 = Windowed (Fullscreen) 3033 = Fullscreen 3034 = Low 3035 = Medium 3036 = High 3037 = Low 3038 = Medium 3039 = High 304 = <<1>> (<<2>>) (Unique) 3040 = Ultra 3041 = Off 3042 = Art 3043 = Verbose 3044 = Animation 3045 = Instance 3046 = 3047 = 3048 = Log In 3049 = Save Error 305 = <<1>> (<<2>>) (Unique-Equipped) 3050 = Load Error 3051 = There is not enough free space to save. Do you want to continue without saving? 3052 = The auto save file cannot be used because the data is corrupted. Do you want to overwrite it? Selecting \"no\" will disable saves. 3053 = The auto save file failed to load correctly. Would you like to try again? 3054 = The auto save file failed to save correctly. Would you like to try again? If not, saving will be disabled. 3055 = The auto save's storage device has been removed. Saving will be disabled and game progress may be lost. 3056 = No save was created so game progress will not be saved. Continue without saving? 3057 = No save device was selected so game progress will not be saved. Continue without saving? 3058 = You already have save data on this storage device. Do you want to overwrite it? 3059 = The Xbox Live Account selected does not have Multiplayer privileges. Please select an account with Xbox Live Gold, or update your permissions. 306 = <<1>> (<<2>> Armor) 3060 = Cannot Enter World - Game Install In Progress 3061 = Installation Progress: <<1>> % 3062 = Loading Profile Failed 3063 = Full Name 3064 = Loading Profile 3065 = Currently Loading Profile 3066 = Level <<1>> <<2>> <<3>> 3067 = Champion Rank <<1>> <<2>> <<3>> 3068 = In <<1>> 3069 = Logging in 307 = <<1>> (<<2>> Armor) (Unique) 3070 = Launch Game 3071 = Lancer le jeu 3072 = Spiel starten 3073 = Invite To Play 3074 = Invite To Join Game 3075 = Hey, come join me in game. 3076 = Gameplay 3077 = All Nameplates 3078 = All Health Bars 3079 = Your Nameplate 308 = <<1>> (<<2>>) (Unique-Equipped) 3080 = Your Health Bar 3081 = Friendly NPC Nameplates 3082 = Friendly NPC Health Bars 3083 = Friendly Player Nameplates 3084 = Friendly Player Health Bars 3085 = Enemy NPC Nameplates 3086 = Enemy NPC Health Bars 3087 = Enemy Player Nameplates 3088 = Enemy Player Health Bars 3089 = Enable Voice Chat 309 = Known <<1>> 3090 = ESO Store 3091 = Glow 3092 = Lock Combat Values 3093 = Combat Distance 3094 = Non-Combat Distance 3095 = Vibration 3096 = Audio/Video 3097 = Target Glow Intensity 3098 = Interactables Glow Intensity 3099 = Voice 31 = Enables game sounds. 310 = <<1>> 3100 = Camera 3101 = First Person Rotation Speed 3102 = Third Person Rotation Speed 3103 = Login Failed 3104 = Account Creation/Linking Failed 3105 = An unexpected internal error has occurred. Please contact customer service at <<1>> 3106 = Group Members 3107 = Talked To 3108 = Traded With 3109 = Killed or Killed By 311 = Enchantment 3110 = Dueled With 3111 = ex. Ayren1234 3112 = There is no player with that name. 3113 = You cannot communicate with that player. 3114 = You cannot communicate with other players. 3115 = 3116 = 3117 = You cannot use /stuck in this location. Please contact customer service via /help. 3118 = Guild <<1>> 3119 = Officer <<1>> 312 = <<1>> Upgrade 3120 = You do not have a guild <<1>>. 3121 = You don't have permission to talk in guild chat for <<1>>. 3122 = You don't have permission to talk in officer chat for <<1>>. 3123 = /say /s 3124 = /group /g /party /p 3125 = /yell /y 3126 = /zone /z 3127 = /enzone /enz 3128 = /frzone /frz 3129 = /dezone /dez 313 = Can only be applied to an item of level <<1>> or more. 3130 = /jpzone /jpz 3131 = /tell /t /w /whisper 3132 = /reply /respond /r 3133 = /guild1 /g1 3134 = /guild2 /g2 3135 = /guild3 /g3 3136 = /guild4 /g4 3137 = /guild5 /g5 3138 = /officer1 /o1 3139 = /officer2 /o2 314 = Required armor type: <<1>> 3140 = /officer3 /o3 3141 = /officer4 /o4 3142 = /officer5 /o5 3143 = /emote /e /me 3144 = Chat Tab Options 3145 = Chat Color Options 3146 = Tab Name 3147 = Filters 3148 = Guild Channels 3149 = Font Size: 315 = Required weapon type: <<1>> 3150 = Background Color: 3151 = Window Options 3152 = Color Options 3153 = To change Combat Log filters, use the buttons labeled <<1>>, <<2>>, and <<3>> on the Combat Log. 3154 = <<1>>: 3155 = <<1>> to <<2>>: 3156 = Say 3157 = Group 3158 = Yell 3159 = Zone 316 = Required equip type: <<1>> 3160 = Zone - English 3161 = Zone - French 3162 = Zone - German 3163 = Zone - Japanese 3164 = Tell 3165 = Emote 3166 = NPC 3167 = Social 3168 = Chat 3169 = You have joined the <<1>> (/<<2>>) channel. 317 = Level 3170 = You have left the <<1>> (/<<2>>) channel. 3171 = <<3>><<1>> says: <> 3172 = <<3>><<1>> whispers: <> 3173 = <<1>> <<2>>: <> 3174 = <<3>><<1>> yells: <> 3175 = <<3>><<1>> zone: <> 3176 = <<3>><<1>> zone - English: <> 3177 = <<3>><<1>> zone - French: <> 3178 = <<3>><<1>> zone - German: <> 3179 = <<3>><<1>> zone - Japanese: <> 318 = Armor 3180 = To <<1>>: <> 3181 = <<1>> <> 3182 = <> whispers: <<2>> 3183 = <> says: <<2>> 3184 = <> yells: <<2>> 3185 = <> <<2>> 3186 = <<3>>[<<1>>] <> 3187 = <<1>> <<2>>: <> 3188 = <<1>> <<2>>: <> 3189 = You have played <<1>> for <<2>>. 319 = Damage 3190 = Your group is now a large group. 3191 = Your group is no longer a large group. 3192 = New Tab 3193 = Remove Tab: <<1>>? 3194 = Reset tab <<1>> to defaults? 3195 = A server shutdown has been scheduled. The server will shutdown in <<1>>. 3196 = The server shutdown has been canceled. 3197 = The server shutdown has been rescheduled. The server will shutdown in <<1>>. 3198 = The server will shut down now. 3199 = The server will shut down in <<1>>. 32 = Music 320 = Adds |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>>. 3200 = Show Timestamps 3201 = Hide Timestamps 3202 = Lock Window 3203 = Unlock Window 3204 = Make Non-Interactive 3205 = Make Interactive 3206 = Create New Tab 3207 = Remove Tab 3208 = Options 3209 = Whisper 321 = Adds up to |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>>. 3210 = Invite to Group 3211 = Remove from Group 3212 = Ignore 3213 = Add to Friends 3214 = Report for Spam 3215 = Report Player 3216 = Logging Chat to Logs\\ChatLog.txt 3217 = No longer logging chat. 3218 = Complete Quest. 3219 = Never mind. 322 = Adds <<1>> <<2>>. 3220 = Quests: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 3221 = Purchase 3222 = How many <> do you wish to buy? 3223 = Travel to <<1>>? 3224 = You have recently recalled. You must pay a fee to recall again this soon.\n\nPay the fee and travel to <<1>>? 3225 = You have recently recalled. You must pay a fee to recall again this soon.\nHowever, you can't afford the fee to travel to <<1>>. 3226 = You can't afford to travel to <<1>>. 3227 = You must wait <<2>> to recall again. 3228 = Goodbye. 3229 = This item is new. 323 = Only fits in an enchantment slot 3230 = This item is stolen. 3231 = This item is locked. 3232 = This item is temporarily tradable. 3233 = This item can be converted to Crown Gems in the Crown Crates UI. 3234 = This item is currently equipped. 3235 = <<1>>: <<2>> 3236 = This item cannot be researched because it has been transmuted. 3237 = Click here to move an item to an empty Bank slot 3238 = Click here to move item to empty Backpack slot 3239 = Click here to buy an item from the store 324 = Only fits in Toughness slot 3240 = Click here to sell an item 3241 = Click here to buy back the item you sold 3242 = Switch to ascending sort 3243 = Switch to descending sort 3244 = Split Stack 3245 = Split 3246 = Are you sure you want to split <> into two stacks? 3247 = Name 3248 = Value 3249 = Damage 325 = Only fits in Ammo slot 3250 = Armor 3251 = Status 3252 = Trait Information 3253 = Active 3254 = Inventory Space: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>> 3255 = Inventory Space: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>> 3256 = Bank Space: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>> 3257 = Bank Space: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>> 3258 = View Quickslots 3259 = Retrieving Items... 326 = Only fits in Precision slot 3260 = Items 3261 = Quickslots 3262 = Currency 3263 = Craft Items 3264 = Craft Bag: <<1>> 3265 = All 3266 = Price 3267 = Condition 3268 = Cost 3269 = <<1>>% 327 = Only fits in Launch Velocity slot 3270 = Cost 3271 = |cC5C29EHaggling Bonus:|r |cEECA2A<<1>>%|r 3272 = Buy 3273 = Sell 3274 = Repair 3275 = Buy Back 3276 = Remove 3277 = Add to Empty Slot 3278 = Add to Ultimate Slot 3279 = Add to Slot <<1>> 328 = Enchantment slot 3280 = You recently upgraded a riding skill. You can train again in <<1>>. 3281 = Each day you can upgrade a riding skill for <<1>>. 3282 = <<1>> 3283 = No Permission (Your Guild Rank does not permit item withdrawals from the Guild Bank) 3284 = No Permission (Your Guild Rank does not permit item deposits into the Guild Bank) 3285 = Your guild does not have enough member to disposit in guild bank. <<1>> guild members required. 3286 = The guild bank inventory is empty 3287 = Your inventory is empty. 3288 = No items to show. 3289 = Your craft bag is empty. 329 = Precision Notch 3290 = You cannot sheathe weapons during combat. 3291 = You cannot swap items during combat. 3292 = Item cannot be equipped 3293 = Item cannot be equipped in that slot 3294 = No item found to unequip 3295 = No item found to destroy 3296 = That's more than you have of that item 3297 = Your inventory is full. 3298 = You need <<1>> additional open inventory <<1[/slot/slots]>>. 3299 = Your bank is full. 33 = Enables game music. 330 = Range Notch 3300 = Enchantments can't be equipped. 3301 = You're not high enough level to equip that item. 3302 = You do not have enough champion points to equip that item. 3303 = Your class isn't allowed to equip that item. 3304 = You can't equip that type of armor. 3305 = You can equip only one of that item, and you already have one equipped. 3306 = This item already has a unique enchantment installed. You can't add another. 3307 = You can't equip that type of weapon 3308 = You can't put quest items in the Bank 3309 = You cannot trade quest items. 331 = Toughness Notch 3310 = You can only trade items from your backpack. 3311 = You cannot stack items in the Guild Bank. 3312 = You can only carry one of that item, and already have one in your backpack. 3313 = You can only deposit one of that item, and already have one in your bank. 3314 = You may not deposit that item in your bank. 3315 = You are not a member of that guild. 3316 = You already have this unique item. 3317 = No player funds. 3318 = No bank funds. 3319 = Select Guild Bank 332 = Ammo Notch 3320 = Choose a guild to view its bank: 3321 = Select Guild Store 3322 = Choose a guild to view its store: 3323 = Claim |cffffff<<1>>|r in the name of: 3324 = <<1>> 3325 = No items found. Modify your search and try again. 3326 = You don't have enough gold. 3327 = Item Enchantment 3328 = Reset 3329 = Install Enchantment 333 = <<1>> 3330 = Equipped 3331 = <<1>> 3332 = Empty 3333 = Skills 3334 = Are you sure you want to refund all your skill points? 3335 = <<1>> 3336 = Unclaimed 3337 = Upgrade Level: <<1>> 3338 = Your alliance must control this keep to claim it. 3339 = You must be a member of a guild to claim a keep. 334 = <<1>> 3340 = Level <<1>> 3341 = <<1>> is under attack! 3342 = Guild Owner: 3343 = N/A 3344 = Time to next level: |cffffffN/A|r 3345 = Time to next level: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3346 = Maximum Level 3347 = Enemy Controlled 3348 = <> is open! 3349 = <> is closed. 335 = <<1>> (|cffffff<<2>>|r cooldown) 3350 = You earned <<2>> Experience and <<3[1 Alliance Point/$d Alliance Points]>> for capturing <<1>>! 3351 = You earned <<2>> Experience and <<3[1 Alliance Point/$d Alliance Points]>> for defending <<1>>! 3352 = Level <<1>> 3353 = Click to view <<1>>. 3354 = The <<1>> controls the link from <<2>> to <<3>>. 3355 = The <<1>> lost the link from <<2>> to <<3>>. 3356 = You cannot use the fast travel network while carrying an Elder Scroll. 3357 = The forces of <<1>> have captured <<2>> from <<3>>! 3358 = (<<4>>) The forces of <<1>> have captured <<2>> from <<3>>! 3359 = (<<1>>) Player <<2>> of <<3>> has been crowned emperor! 336 = Available in: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3360 = (<<1>>) Player <<2>> of <<3>> has been deposed as emperor! 3361 = (<<1>>) Player <<2>> of <<3>> has abdicated their claim to emperor! 3362 = (<<1>>) Player <<4>> has claimed <<2>> for <<3>>! 3363 = (<<1>>) <<3>> has lost their claim to <<2>>! 3364 = (<<1>>) Player <<4>> has relinquished the claim of <<3>> on <<2>>! 3365 = (<<1>>) <<2>> has gained access to Imperial City! 3366 = (<<1>>) <<2>> has lost access to Imperial City! 3367 = Recent Aldmeri vs. Daggerfall Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r 3368 = Recent Aldmeri vs. Daggerfall Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r 3369 = Recent Aldmeri vs. Daggerfall Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r 337 = <<1>> 3370 = Recent Ebonheart vs. Aldmeri Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r 3371 = Recent Ebonheart vs. Aldmeri Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r 3372 = Recent Ebonheart vs. Aldmeri Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r 3373 = Recent Daggerfall vs. Ebonheart Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r 3374 = Recent Daggerfall vs. Ebonheart Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r 3375 = Recent Daggerfall vs. Ebonheart Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r 3376 = Recent All Alliance Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r 3377 = Recent All Alliance Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r 3378 = Recent All Alliance Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r 3379 = <<1>> of <<2>> has taken <<3>> from <<4>>. 338 = (This enchantment cannot be replaced.) 3380 = <<1>> of <<2>> has picked up <<3>>. 3381 = <<1>> of <<2>> has secured <<3>> at <<4>>. 3382 = <<1>> of <<2>> has returned <<3>> to <<4>>. 3383 = <<1>> has returned to <<2>>. 3384 = <<1>> of <<2>> has dropped <<3>>. 3385 = (<<5>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has taken <<3>> from <<4>>. 3386 = (<<4>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has picked up <<3>>. 3387 = (<<5>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has secured <<3>> at <<4>>. 3388 = (<<5>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has returned <<3>> to <<4>>. 3389 = (<<3>>) <<1>> has returned to <<2>>. 339 = Enchantment 3390 = (<<4>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has dropped <<3>>. 3391 = Mail 3392 = From: 3393 = Received: 3394 = <<1>> <<1[day/days]>> 3395 = < 1 day 3396 = |cff0000Returned:|r <<1>> 3397 = This mail was sent Cash On Delivery. You may take the attachments and pay the indicated price, or return this mail to the sender at no cost. 3398 = You have no mail. 3399 = Your inbox is full. Delete some mail to receive more. 34 = Music Volume 340 = <<1>> Enchantment 3400 = Received 3401 = Expires In: 3402 = From 3403 = Subject 3404 = Reply 3405 = You can't afford to accept the C.O.D. charges. 3406 = Previous 3407 = Next 3408 = To: 3409 = Subject: 341 = Multi-Effect Enchantment 3410 = Postage: 3411 = C.O.D. 3412 = You must set the Cash on Delivery amount 3413 = Do you really want to destroy the attachments? 3414 = Do you really want to destroy the attached gold? 3415 = Do you really want to destroy the attachments and attached gold? 3416 = You have no unread messages. 3417 = You have <<1>> unread <<1[message/messages]>>. 3418 = <<1>> 3419 = Item already attached 342 = <<1>> 3420 = Item is bound 3421 = Item is locked 3422 = Item not found 3423 = You may not have more than one of each unique item. 3424 = Clear 3425 = You cannot attach any more items. 3426 = RE: <<1>> 3427 = Undeliverable: <<1>> 3428 = You must pay a postage fee to send attached items. This fee is based on the value of the items and the COD price. 3429 = Attachments Changed 343 = <<1>> <<2>> 3430 = Your pending mail attachments have changed. 3431 = |cffc100 Completed: <<1>> - <<2>> (+<<3>> XP) 3432 = |cffc100 Discovered: <<1>> - <<2>> 3433 = <<1>> Discovered 3434 = Map Updated 3435 = Level Up 3436 = You are now Level <<1>>! 3437 = You are enlightened 3438 = Champion Points gained at an accelerated rate. 3439 = You are no longer enlightened 344 = <<1>> 3440 = New 3441 = <<1>> can now be morphed 3442 = <<1>> Increased to Rank <> 3443 = <<1>> increased to <<2>> 3444 = Gained <<1>> skill <<1[point/points]>> 3445 = Skyshard Absorbed 3446 = Pieces Collected <<1>>/<<2>> 3447 = Skill line gained: <<1>> <<2>> 3448 = <<1>> wants to trade. 3449 = Submit Offer 345 = Created by: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3450 = Cancel Offer 3451 = <<1>> has invited you to trade. 3452 = You've invited <<1>> to trade. 3453 = Trade invite declined. 3454 = Trade invite canceled. 3455 = Trade canceled. 3456 = Trade complete. 3457 = Trade failed. 3458 = Trade failed, insufficient gold. 3459 = YOUR OFFER 346 = Represents: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3460 = <<1>>'s OFFER 3461 = Ready 3462 = <> 3463 = Take 3464 = Take All 3465 = <<1[1 pt/$d pts]>>. 3466 = points 3467 = Achievement Points: |cffffff<<1>> 3468 = Achievement Points Earned 3469 = Completed 347 = Quest Item 3470 = You have earned the <<1>> achievement . 3471 = Achievement Unlocked 3472 = [Guild] <> has earned the <<2>> achievement. 3473 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3474 = <<1>> 3475 = <<1>>: <<2>> 3476 = General 3477 = All Collections 3478 = All Collectibles 3479 = Show Unlocked 348 = Collectible 3480 = Show Locked 3481 = Show Usable 3482 = Search 3483 = No matching collectibles found. 3484 = Quickslot 3485 = Purchased in Crown Store 3486 = Quest: |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r 3487 = Lore Library 3488 = Books: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 3489 = <<1>> |cffffff<<2>>/<<3>>|r 349 = Locked 3490 = You already know <<1>>. 3491 = You added <<1>> to your lore library. 3492 = Lorebook Discovered 3493 = <<1>> Added to Library 3494 = Collection Completed 3495 = Found all lorebooks in <<1>> 3496 = Read 3497 = Turn Page 3498 = Previous Page 3499 = Next Page 35 = Adjusts the volume of music. 350 = Item not ready yet 3500 = <<1>> increases constantly as long as this resource is controlled. 3501 = Mousewheel 3502 = <<1>> 3503 = <<1>> 3504 = Abandon 3505 = Share 3506 = Focus on this quest. 3507 = Show on map 3508 = Interface Options 3509 = Trade 351 = Item can only be used from a quickslot. 3510 = <<1>> Campaign Bonuses 3511 = Friends 3512 = Your Group 3513 = Cancel Search 3514 = Searching for Members... 3515 = Group Members: 3516 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3517 = Soul Reservoir: 3518 = The total number of souls your group has left in the Soul Reservoir for this Trial. 3519 = Roles 352 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds |cffffff<<2>>|r <<3>> 3520 = <<1>>. <<2>> 3521 = Character Name 3522 = Class 3523 = Lvl 3524 = Roles 3525 = Group Leader 3526 = Disabled 3527 = Current Campaign: 3528 = You have joined a group for <<1>>. 3529 = Dungeon Mode: 353 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds |cffffff<<2>>|r% <<3>> 3530 = Normal 3531 = Veteran 3532 = Your group leader has chosen this as the mode of group dungeons. 3533 = Dungeon difficulty changed to Normal. 3534 = Dungeon difficulty changed to Veteran. 3535 = <<1>>: <>|cffffff<<3>>|r 3536 = Average dungeon queue: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3537 = Removing from area... 3538 = You are not in your group’s instance. 3539 = You are no longer in a group. 354 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds <<2>> <<3>> 3540 = Color Picker 3541 = Opacity 3542 = New 3543 = Current 3544 = |cff0000You don't have enough inspiration points to learn that recipe 3545 = |cff0000That item has no slots available 3546 = <<1>> receives<<3[ 1/ $d]>> <>. 3547 = You receive<<2[ 1/ $d]>> <>. 3548 = You receive <<1>> gold. 3549 = Warning: <> is a bind-on-pickup item. Are you sure you want to loot it? 355 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds <<2>>% <<3>> 3550 = Warning: This contains one or more bind-on-pickup items. Are you sure you want to loot all? 3551 = <> 3552 = <<1>> / <<2>> 3553 = Empty Slot 3554 = Offline 3555 = Dead 3556 = This quest is meant to be completed by yourself. 3557 = This quest is meant to be completed with the help of other players. 3558 = This quest is located in a Dungeon and is meant to be completed by a 4 player group. 3559 = This quest is meant to be completed by a 12 player trial group. 356 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) <<2>> 3560 = This quest takes place in a public dungeon. 3561 = This quest takes place in a delve. 3562 = This quest takes place in a player house. 3563 = Level <<1>> 3564 = Repeatable 3565 = <<1>> 3566 = Skills 3567 = Stats 3568 = Inventory 3569 = Quests 357 = Adds |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>> 3570 = Lore Library 3571 = Cadwell's Almanac 3572 = Leaderboards 3573 = World Map 3574 = Mail 3575 = Guilds 3576 = Notifications 3577 = Group & Activity Finder 3578 = <<1>> <<2>> 3579 = Background 358 = Adds |cffffff<<1>>|r% <<2>> 3580 = You are ready to train a riding skill. Visit a stable master to train. 3581 = Alliance Rank 3582 = Bounty 3583 = Commit Points 3584 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3585 = Attribute Points: 3586 = Equipment Bonus: 3587 = Lowest Piece: <> 3588 = Health Idle Regen: 3589 = Health Combat Regen: 359 = Adds <<1>> <<2>> 3590 = Magicka Idle Regen: 3591 = Magicka Combat Regen: 3592 = Stamina Idle Regen: 3593 = Stamina Combat Regen: 3594 = Spell Power: 3595 = Spell Penetration: 3596 = Magicka Max: 3597 = Spell Critical: 3598 = Attack Power: 3599 = Pierce Rating 36 = Sound Effects 360 = Adds <<1>>% <<2>> 3600 = Stamina Max: 3601 = Critical Strike: 3602 = Weapon Resistance 3603 = Spell Resistance: 3604 = Health Max: 3605 = Critical Resistance: 3606 = Craft: 3607 = Rank: 3608 = <<1>> 3609 = Affects the amount of Damage you can take before dying. 361 = <<1>> 3610 = When not in combat, you recover <<1>> Health every two seconds. 3611 = When in combat, you recover <<1>> Health every two seconds. 3612 = Affects how many Magicka abilities you can cast and how effective those abilities will be. Stave Weapon damage is based on your Maximum Magicka. 3613 = When not in combat, you recover <<1>> Magicka every two seconds. 3614 = When in combat, you recover <<1>> Magicka every two seconds. 3615 = Affects how many Stamina abilities you can use and how effective those abilities will be. Sword, shield, axe, mace, bow and dagger Weapon Damage is based on your Maximum Stamina. 3616 = When not in combat, you recover <<1>> Stamina every two seconds. 3617 = When in combat, you recover <<1>> Stamina every two seconds. 3618 = Affects how much Damage or Healing your Magicka-based abilities and weapons cause. 3619 = Makes your spell attacks bypass your target's spell resist. 362 = Part of the <<1>> set (<<2>>/<<3>> items) 3620 = Gives your Magicka-based abilities and weapons a chance to do Critical Damage. 3621 = Affects how much Damage you deal with physical attacks. 3622 = Makes your physical attacks bypass your target's armor. 3623 = Gives your Physical Attacks a chance to do Critical Damage. 3624 = Decreases the amount of Damage you take from Physical Attacks. 3625 = Decreases the amount of Damage you take from Magical Attacks. 3626 = Decreases the damage you will take when you are the victim of a Critical Strike. 3627 = Affects how much Damage or Healing your Stamina-based abilities and weapons cause. 3628 = Resistance 3629 = Reduces the Damage you take from Spells. 363 = Crafted 3630 = Reduces the Damage you take from Physical Attacks. 3631 = Affects how much Damage or Healing your Stamina-based abilities and weapons cause. 3632 = Attributes Reset 3633 = <<1>> 3634 = Updates 3635 = Background Information 3636 = Guildmaster: 3637 = Members Online: 3638 = Add Rank 3639 = Save 364 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3640 = Cancel 3641 = Founded: 3642 = Guild Bank is enabled.\n\nVisit a Banker to access the contents of the guild's bank. 3643 = Guild Bank is disabled.\n\n|cff0000Unlocked with <<1>> members. You may still withdraw items from the guild bank.|r 3644 = Guild Store is enabled. 3645 = Guild Store is disabled.\n\n|cff0000Unlocked with <<1>> members. You may still purchase from the store and cancel your listings. 3646 = Guild Heraldry is enabled. 3647 = Guild Heraldry is disabled.\n\n|cff0000Unlocked with <<1>> members. 3648 = |t24:24:<>|t (<<2>>) <<3>> 3649 = Guild Trader 365 = Makes a level |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>> 3650 = Confirm Changes 3651 = Save the changes to your guild's ranks? 3652 = Accept 3653 = Decline 3654 = Ignore Player 3655 = Report Spamming 3656 = Delete 3657 = Open Leaderboard 3658 = <<1>> has been updated with the <<2>> collectible. Click the <> to the right learn more about it. 3659 = Click for more information. 366 = Makes a |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>> 3660 = Edit 3661 = Cancel 3662 = Save 3663 = \"<>\" 3664 = Show my location 3665 = Browse maps 3666 = Go up a floor 3667 = Go down a floor 3668 = Mark on map 3669 = Abandon 367 = An ingredient for crafting in the |cffffff<>|r style. 3670 = Share 3671 = Show on Map 3672 = Show Details 3673 = Sharing quest with your group. 3674 = Complete one: 3675 = Optional Steps: 3676 = Hints: 3677 = *<<1>> 3678 = •<<1>> 3679 = <<1>> 368 = Used to create Shields, Staffs, and Bows of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3680 = Your quest log is full 3681 = You do not meet the requirements for this quest 3682 = You have reached the maximum number of daily quests for today 3683 = You can only have one Grand Alliance War quest at a time 3684 = |cff0000Tracker full: Cease tracking a quest to make room 3685 = Are you sure you want to abandon <<1>>? 3686 = Abandon 3687 = (<<1>>) 3688 = Complete 3689 = Group Options 369 = Used to create Shields, Staffs, and Bows of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r. 3690 = Leader: 3691 = Layout Options 3692 = Four columns 3693 = Two columns 3694 = Only show my group 3695 = You must be in a group to do that. 3696 = You must be the group leader to do that. 3697 = That person is not a member of your group. 3698 = Group leader changed to <<1>>. 3699 = You have been removed from the group. 37 = Toggle sound effects such as footsteps and attack sounds. 370 = Used to create Light Armor of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3700 = <<1>> wants to group. Do you accept? 3701 = Some Dungeons only allow groups of <<1>> or fewer to enter. Inviting this player will convert this group to a large group and prevent access.\nAre you sure you want to extend this invitation? 3702 = Guild MOTD: <> 3703 = Loot 3704 = Apply 3705 = Yes 3706 = No 3707 = <<1>> gold 3708 = <<1>> Tel Var Stones 3709 = <<1>> Writ Vouchers 371 = Used to create Light Armor of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r. 3710 = <>: <<2>> / <<3>> 3711 = Completed: <> 3712 = Failed: <>: <<2>> / <<3>> 3713 = Failed: <> 3714 = |cffc100Quest Completed: <> 3715 = |cffc100Quest Accepted: <> 3716 = Completed: <<1>> 3717 = Completed: <<1>><<2>> 3718 = Started: <<1>> 3719 = Started: <<1>><<2>> 372 = Used to create Medium Armor of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3720 = <<1>> 3721 = Completed: <<1>> 3722 = Champion Point 3723 = Champion 3724 = You gain <<1>> experience. 3725 = Discovered: <>. You gain <<2>> experience. 3726 = You gain <<1[1 Alliance Point/$d Alliance Points]>>. 3727 = You gain <<1[1 Rank Point/$d Rank Points]>>. 3728 = <<1>> 3729 = <<1>> <<2>> 373 = Used to create Medium Armor of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r. 3730 = You gain <<1>> Tel Var Stones. 3731 = Group Leader 3732 = Group <<1>> 3733 = Keep Score Bonuses (<<1[1 Keep/$d Keeps]>> Held) 3734 = Hold all home keeps 3735 = +<<1>> Keep Score 3736 = Defensive Elder Scroll Bonuses (<<1>> Defensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> Held) 3737 = +<<1>> Enemy Defensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> 3738 = Offensive Elder Scroll Bonuses (<<1>> Offensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> Held) 3739 = Hold the <<1>> 374 = Used to create Heavy Armor and Metal Weapons of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3740 = +<<1>> Enemy Offensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> 3741 = Stuck 3742 = Stuck 3743 = Moving to a safe location... 3744 = You can only use /stuck once every <<1>>. Please try again in <<2>>. 3745 = You are already in the process of being moved. 3746 = You cannot use /stuck while in combat. 3747 = Skill Points: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3748 = Skyshards: |cffffff<<1>>/3|r 3749 = Active Abilities 375 = Used to create Heavy Armor and Metal Weapons of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r. 3750 = Passive Abilities 3751 = Ultimate Abilities 3752 = Morph Ability 3753 = Choose an ability to morph |cffffff<<1>>|r into: 3754 = Purchase Ability 3755 = Are you sure you want to purchase 3756 = Upgrade Ability 3757 = Are you sure you want to upgrade |cffffff<<1>>|r? 3758 = This costs |cffffff1|r skill point. 3759 = Morph 376 = An ingredient for crafting armor with an intrinsic trait. 3760 = Unlock 3761 = Upgrade 3762 = Skills Reset 3763 = <<1>> 3764 = <<1>> 3765 = Your alliance must hold your own Elder Scroll before you can capture an enemy Elder Scroll. 3766 = Your alliance already holds this Elder Scroll. 3767 = There is no Elder Scroll to interact with here. 3768 = You're already carrying an Elder Scroll. 3769 = This is not a valid capture location for an Elder Scroll. 377 = An ingredient for crafting weapons with an intrinsic trait. 3770 = This is a capture location for an enemy Elder Scroll. 3771 = You can only capture an Elder Scroll at a keep in your home territory. 3772 = There's already an Elder Scroll here. 3773 = You can only return this Elder Scroll to its starting temple. 3774 = You've been awarded a medal: <<1>> 3775 = The |cffffff<>|r event is starting. Would you like to join?\nExpires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3776 = The |cffffff<>|r event is starting which will grant you the |cffffff<>|r quest. Would you like to join?\nExpires in |cffffff<<3>>|r. 3777 = |cffffff<<1>>|r is starting the |cffffff<>|r event. Would you like to join?\nExpires in |cffffff<<3>>|r. 3778 = |cffffff<<1>>|r is starting the |cffffff<>|r event which will grant you the |cffffff<>|r quest. Would you like to join?\nExpires in |cffffff<<4>>|r. 3779 = Press a key or click in the box below to set the <<1>> bind for <<2>>. 378 = Unknown Recipe 3780 = Primary 3781 = Secondary 3782 = Tertiary 3783 = Quaternary 3784 = Special Keys: 3785 = First Bind 3786 = Second Bind 3787 = Third Bind 3788 = Fourth Bind 3789 = Bindings 379 = potion 3790 = Bind 3791 = Unbind 3792 = This is already the <<1>> bind for <<2>>. 3793 = Setting this bind will unbind it from <<1>>. 3794 = This is already bound to <<1>> and it cannot be unbound. 3795 = Load Keyboard Defaults 3796 = Load Gamepad Defaults 3797 = In-World 3798 = Items 3799 = Tutorials 38 = Effects Volume 380 = poison 3800 = General 3801 = Nameplates 3802 = Healthbars 3803 = Indicators 3804 = Combat Text 3805 = Heads-Up Display 3806 = Performance 3807 = Tooltips 3808 = Ability Bar 3809 = Controls the visibility of the Ability Bar. When automatic display is selected, the Ability Bar will only appear in useful situations like combat and targeting an enemy. 381 = CP 3810 = Group Revive Counter 3811 = Controls the display of the group revive counter. When automatic display is selected the revive counter only appears when a group member revives. 3812 = Display Name (Keyboard) 3813 = Determines which name should be displayed most prominently when viewing other players. (Gamepad mode can be changed separately in Gamepad settings) 3814 = Attribute Bars 3815 = Controls the visibility of the player Attribute Bars. When automatic display is selected, the Attribute Bars will only appear in useful situations like combat. 3816 = Incoming Requests 3817 = Alerts 3818 = Chat Settings 3819 = Notifications 382 = <<1>> 3820 = Chat Colors 3821 = <<1>> (Incoming) 3822 = <<1>> (Outgoing) 3823 = Adjusts the color of messages that are said locally. 3824 = Adjusts the color of messages that are yelled. 3825 = Adjusts the color of incoming whispers. 3826 = Adjusts the color of outgoing whispers. 3827 = Adjusts the color of group messages. 3828 = Adjusts the color of the zone chat channel text. 3829 = Adjusts the color of the English zone chat channel text. 383 = Tradable For 3830 = Adjusts the color of the French zone chat channel text. 3831 = Adjusts the color of the German zone chat channel text. 3832 = Adjusts the color of the Japanese zone chat channel text. 3833 = Adjusts the color of non player character messages. 3834 = Adjusts the color of emote messages. 3835 = Adjusts the color of system messages. 3836 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 1. 3837 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 1. 3838 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 2. 3839 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 2. 384 = Eligible Players 3840 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 3. 3841 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 3. 3842 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 4. 3843 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 4. 3844 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 5. 3845 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 5. 3846 = Global 3847 = First Person 3848 = Third Person 3849 = Reset to Default 385 = <<1>>: |cffffff<<2>>|r 3850 = Healthbars 3851 = Enables the healthbar system that appears above creatures, non player characters and players. 3852 = Self (Show) 3853 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above your character. 3854 = Group Members (Show) 3855 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above group members. 3856 = Friendly NPCs (Show) 3857 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above friendly non player characters. 3858 = Friendly Players (Show) 3859 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above friendly players. 386 = <<1>> 3860 = Neutral NPCs (Show) 3861 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above neutral non-player characters. 3862 = Enemy NPCs (Show) 3863 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above enemy non player characters. 3864 = Enemy Players (Show) 3865 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above enemy players. 3866 = Self (Highlight) 3867 = Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above yourself. 3868 = Group Members (Highlight) 3869 = Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above group members. 387 = Bait 3870 = Friendly NPCs (Highlight) 3871 = Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above friendly non-player characters. 3872 = Friendly Players (Highlight) 3873 = Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above friendly players. 3874 = Neutral NPCs (Highlight) 3875 = Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above neutral non-player characters. 3876 = Enemy NPCs (Highlight) 3877 = Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above enemy non-player characters. 3878 = Enemy Players (Highlight) 3879 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above enemy players. 388 = Book 3880 = Alignment 3881 = Sets the alignment of the health bar within the frame. 3882 = Damage Taken Indicator 3883 = Adds a segment to the healthbar that shows recent damage done. 3884 = Frame Border 3885 = Adds a bright border to the healthbar, helping it stand out more in dark areas. 3886 = Alliance Indicators 3887 = Controls the display of an alliance icon above players that signifies their alliance association. 3888 = Group Members 3889 = Displays a group member icon above players that are in your group. 389 = Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped |cffffffEquipment|r even when hidden by a costume or hat. This includes shields equipped in either slot. 3890 = Resurrectable Players 3891 = Displays a resurrectable icon above friendly players that are dead. 3892 = Followers 3893 = Displays a follower icon above creatures and non player characters that are following your character. 3894 = Auto Loot 3895 = Automatically takes all items when looting corpses and containers. 3896 = Auto Loot Stolen Items 3897 = If this option is off, auto-loot will not steal items; they must be manually taken. Otherwise, auto-loot will work on owned items the same way it works on unowned items. Note that this will still incur a bounty if you're seen. 3898 = Auto-Add to Craft Bag 3899 = Controls whether crafting materials will be automatically transferred to the Craft Bag.\n\nThe Craft Bag requires an active ESO Plus membership. 39 = Adjusts the volume of sound effects. 390 = Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped |cffffffCostume|r and |cffffffHat|r. 3900 = Consolidate Area Loot 3901 = Combines the items of all nearby corpses into one window when bringing up a loot window. 3902 = Quest Tracker 3903 = Displays the Quest Tracker on the right side of the Heads Up Display. 3904 = Compass Quest Givers 3905 = Controls the display of quest givers on the compass. 3906 = Compass Active Quests 3907 = Controls the display of active quests on the compass. 3908 = Quest Givers 3909 = Displays an icon both in the world and on your compass for quest givers. 391 = Requires an active Costume or Hat. 3910 = This setting only applies when the Quest Givers Indicators setting is enabled. 3911 = In world indicators over quest objects will still show up for all quests. Indicators that guide you through passageways and doors will only show up for your focused quest. 3912 = In world indicators over quest objects will still show up for all quests. Indicators that guide you through passageways and doors will not show up. 3913 = <<1>>ms 3914 = Double Tap Speed 3915 = Adjusts the length of the time period in which you must press the movement key twice, before having your character perform the dodge. 3916 = Double Tap to Dodge 3917 = Allows you to double tap a movement key to dodge in that direction. 3918 = Ground Targeting Range Lock 3919 = When enabled, ground targeted abilities cannot be aimed beyond their maximum range. 392 = Requires Equipment that can be dyed. 3920 = Prevent Attacking Innocents 3921 = Prevents your attacks and spells from damaging innocents. 3922 = Quick Cast Ground Abilities 3923 = Toggle whether all ground targeted abilities are cast instantly or if they require a second confirmation with the location indicator displayed. Automatic defaults each ground targeted ability to its own pre-defined setting. 3924 = All 3925 = Shows damage and healing amounts in the world near their targets. 3926 = Outgoing 3927 = Shows damage and healing amounts on your targets. 3928 = Outgoing Damage 3929 = Shows damage amounts on your targets. 393 = Already Applied 3930 = Outgoing Damage Over Time 3931 = Shows damage over time amounts on your targets. 3932 = Outgoing Healing 3933 = Shows healing amounts on your targets. 3934 = Outgoing Healing Over Time 3935 = Shows healing over time amounts on your targets. 3936 = Outgoing Crowd Control 3937 = Shows crowd control on your targets. 3938 = Outgoing Pet Damage 3939 = Shows damage amounts on your pets' targets. 394 = Cannot apply at this time. 3940 = Outgoing Pet Damage Over Time 3941 = Shows damage over time amounts on your pets' targets. 3942 = Outgoing Pet Healing 3943 = Shows healing amounts on your pets' targets. 3944 = Outgoing Pet Healing Over Time 3945 = Shows healing over time amounts on your pets' targets. 3946 = Incoming 3947 = Shows damage and healing amounts on you. 3948 = Incoming Damage 3949 = Shows damage amounts on you. 395 = Costume or Hat is being hidden. 3950 = Incoming Damage Over Time 3951 = Shows damage over time amounts on you. 3952 = Incoming Healing 3953 = Shows healing amounts on you. 3954 = Incoming Healing Over Time 3955 = Shows healing over time amounts on you. 3956 = Incoming Crowd Control 3957 = Shows crowd control on you. 3958 = Incoming Point Gains 3959 = Shows point gains on you. 396 = Increases Quality from <<1>> to <<2>> 3960 = Incoming Pet Damage 3961 = Shows damage amounts on your pets. 3962 = Incoming Pet Damage Over Time 3963 = Shows damage over time amounts on your pets. 3964 = Battle Level 3965 = Automatically adjusts the stats of your character to be competitive with other players in the Alliance War. 3966 = This setting may only be changed in locations that do not use Battle Levels. 3967 = Combat Cues 3968 = Displays certain visual effects on creatures and non player characters, calling out behaviors that are applied to and from them. 3969 = Custom Colors 397 = Already in your library. 3970 = Enable this option to change the colors of combat cues. 3971 = Friendly Color 3972 = The color of visual effects for friendly abilities. 3973 = Friendly Brightness 3974 = The brightness of visual effects for friendly abilities. 3975 = Enemy Color 3976 = The color of visual effects for enemy abilities. 3977 = Enemy Brightness 3978 = The brightness of visual effects for enemy abilities. 3979 = Test Friendly 398 = You do not own this book. 3980 = Creates a friendly combat cue for testing. 3981 = Test Enemy 3982 = Creates an enemy combat cue for testing. 3983 = Target Glow 3984 = Displays a glow around your target. The color of the glow represents their disposition towards you. 3985 = Glow Intensity 3986 = Adjusts the intensity of the glow around your target. 3987 = Interactables Glow 3988 = Displays a glow around certain interactable objects. 3989 = Glow Intensity 399 = Use to add to your lore library. 3990 = Adjusts the intensity of the glow around interactable objects. 3991 = Glow Thickness 3992 = Adjusts the thickness of target and interactable glows. 3993 = Active Combat Tips 3994 = Controls the display of helpful combat tips at the bottom of the Heads Up Display. When automatic display is chosen, it will only be shown when necessary to learn the core mechanics of combat. 3995 = Tutorials 3996 = Enables helpful tutorial alerts. 3997 = Reset Tutorials 3998 = Profanity Filter 3999 = Filters out profanity in all player-written text in chat, email subjects and bodies, guild messages, and more. 4 = French 40 = Ambient Sounds 400 = Upgrade 4000 = Hide Helmet 4001 = Causes your character's helmet to not be displayed so that other players can see your character's face. Properties of the hidden helmet will still impact your character's stats. 4002 = Hide Mount Stamina Upgrade 4003 = Determines if this character's mount will appear as though not upgraded in stamina to everybody, even though the stamina upgrade is still applied. 4004 = Hide Mount Speed Upgrade 4005 = Determines if this character's mount will appear as though not upgraded in speed to everybody, even though the speed upgrade is still applied. 4006 = Hide Mount Capacity Upgrade 4007 = Determines if this character's mount will appear as though not upgraded in capacity to everybody, even though the capacity upgrade is still applied. 4008 = Hide Loin Cloth 4009 = Determines if this character will appear as though not wearing a loin cloth to everybody. 401 = Bundle 4010 = Hide Tassets 4011 = Determines if this character will appear as though not wearing tassets to everybody. 4012 = HUD Cursor On Entry 4013 = Displays the cursor on the Heads Up Display whenever you are typing. 4014 = Framerate 4015 = Enables an indicator on the interface showing the game's framerate in real time. Higher values indicate a smoother experience. 4016 = Latency 4017 = Enables a network latency indicator on the interface. Higher values can result in decreased responsiveness while playing. 4018 = Framerate/Latency Position Lock 4019 = Locks the Framerate and Latency indicators to their current position on the interface. 402 = DLC 4020 = Reset Position 4021 = /say 4022 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /say. 4023 = /yell 4024 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /yell. 4025 = /tell 4026 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /tell. 4027 = /group 4028 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /group. 4029 = /emote 403 = Unlocked 4030 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /emote. 4031 = Very Slow 4032 = Slow 4033 = Average 4034 = Fast 4035 = Very Fast 4036 = FPS: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4037 = <<1>>+ 4038 = Frames per second. Higher values indicate a smoother experience. 4039 = Your latency to the server in milliseconds. Higher values can result in decreased responsiveness while playing. 404 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4040 = Resume 4041 = Keybindings 4042 = More Info 4043 = <<1>> 4044 = <> 4045 = <<1>> points 4046 = <<1>> 4047 = <<1>> Base 4048 = <<1>> Spawn 4049 = Started: <<1>> Trial 405 = This increases your inventory capacity by |cffffff<<1>>|r slots, though it can’t exceed the maximum size available from Pack Merchants. 4050 = Failed: <<1>> Trial 4051 = Completed: <<1>> 4052 = Final Score: <<1>>\nTotal Time: <<2>> 4053 = |t64:64:<<1>>|t<<2>> Points Rewarded 4054 = Your current score is <<1>> points. 4055 = New Best Score for Weekly (<<1>>) 4056 = New Best Score for <<1>> 4057 = Help 4058 = Tutorials 4059 = Customer Support 406 = This increases your bank capacity by |cffffff<<1>>|r slots, though it can’t exceed the maximum size available from Bankers.\n\nNote: An ESO Plus membership doubles your bank space while active. 4060 = Emotes 4061 = Enter a keyword 4062 = Filter by: 4063 = No matching tutorials found. 4064 = Loading... 4065 = Sell All Junk 4066 = Are you sure you want to sell all items marked as junk from your inventory? 4067 = Sell 4068 = Destroy All Junk 4069 = Are you sure you want to destroy all items marked as junk from your inventory? 407 = This unlocks |cffffff<<1>>|r additional character <<1[slot/slots]>> in character creation. 4070 = Destroy 4071 = Repair all your damaged equipment? 4072 = You cannot afford to repair all of your equipment. 4073 = <>: <<2>> / <<3>> 4074 = <> 4075 = Completed: <<1>> 4076 = <<1>> has logged on. 4077 = <<1>> has logged on with <<2>>. 4078 = <<1>> has logged off. 4079 = <<1>> has logged off with <<2>>. 408 = New 4080 = <<1>> added to Ignore List. 4081 = <<1>> removed from Ignored List. 4082 = Busy processing social requests. Please try again in a few seconds. 4083 = You are set to: <<1>> 4084 = Friends Online: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r 4085 = You have been invited to join <>|cffffff<<2>>|r by |cffffff<<3>>|r. 4086 = A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. 4087 = Notifications (<<1>>) 4088 = You have |cffffff<<1>>|r pending <<1[notification/notifications]>>. 4089 = You do not have any notifications. 409 = Sale 4090 = You Have No Pending Notifications 4091 = Toggles between your Primary and Backup Weapon Sets. 4092 = Unlocked at Level <<1>> 4093 = Cannot weapon swap in your current state. 4094 = You do not have weapons equipped in both weapon sets. 4095 = <<1>> 4096 = +<<1>>% 4097 = +<<1>> 4098 = <<1>> Aiming Arrow Length 4099 = <<1>> Scatter Reduction 41 = Toggle ambient sounds. 410 = -<>% 4100 = <<1>> Range 4101 = <<1>> Max HP 4102 = Toughness 4103 = <<1>> HP 4104 = Siege Bonus: <<1>> 4105 = <<1>> (<<2>> / <<3>>) 4106 = <<1>> 4107 = <<1>> 4108 = Cast Time 4109 = <<1[$d second/$d seconds]>> 411 = <>-<>% off 4110 = Channel Time 4111 = <<1[$d second/$d seconds]>> 4112 = Instant 4113 = Target 4114 = Ground 4115 = Cone 4116 = Area 4117 = Cost 4118 = <<1>> <<2>> 4119 = None 412 = ESO Plus Free Trial Available 4120 = Range 4121 = <<1>> meters 4122 = <<1>> - <<2>> meters 4123 = Radius 4124 = <<1>> meters 4125 = Area 4126 = <<1>> x <<2>> meters 4127 = Duration 4128 = <<1[$d second/$d seconds]>> 4129 = No Duration 413 = Enjoy the benefits of ESO Plus through |cffffff<<1>>|r for free (Crown Stipend not included). 4130 = Passive 4131 = Self 4132 = <<1>> cooldown 4133 = |cff0000<<1>>|r remaining 4134 = Requires: <> 4135 = Bronze Rank 4136 = Silver Rank 4137 = Gold Rank 4138 = |cffffff<<1>>|r 4139 = |cffffff<<1>>|r% 414 = Press <> to start your free trial. 4140 = |cffffff<<1>>|r Damage 4141 = |cffffff<<1>>|r Magic Damage 4142 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>> Damage 4143 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[meter/meters]>> 4144 = <<1>> 4145 = <<1>>% 4146 = <<1>> Damage 4147 = <<1>> Magic Damage 4148 = <<1>> <<2>> Damage 4149 = <<1>> <<1[meter/meters]>> 415 = Crown Crate 4150 = Requires 1 Skill Point 4151 = <<1>> : |cffffff<<2>> / <<3>>|r 4152 = Skyshards can be found throughout the world. Collecting three Skyshards grants an extra skill point. 4153 = |cffffff<<1>>|r 4154 = |cffffff<<1>>|r% 4155 = <<1>> 4156 = <<1>> 4157 = <<1[/$d/$d]>> 4158 = <<1>> 4159 = <<1>> (dead) 416 = This item allows you to craft items in any known style. 4160 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 4161 = Map Ping: <<1>> 4162 = Group Rally Point 4163 = Your Set Destination 4164 = <<1>> 4165 = Level <<1>> <<2>> (Player) 4166 = Level <<1>> 4167 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 4168 = <<1>> 4169 = Requires <<1>> 417 = |cffffffSeller:|r <<1>> 4170 = <<1>> |c7fa4c5(Above)|r 4171 = <<1>> |c7fa4c5(Below)|r 4172 = Undiscovered Quest 4173 = Alliance Owner: <<1>> 4174 = <<1>>: <<2>> 4175 = Access: <<1>> <<2>> <<3>> 4176 = No Alliances 4177 = Guild Owner: <<1>> 4178 = Under Attack! 4179 = Left-click to travel here. 418 = Service 4180 = This keep is inaccessible. 4181 = Your alliance does not own this keep. 4182 = This keep is under attack. 4183 = This keep has too many resources under enemy control. 4184 = This keep is not connected to your current keep. 4185 = Your current keep is under attack. 4186 = Your current keep has too many resources under enemy control. 4187 = Left-click to respawn here. 4188 = You cannot respawn here. 4189 = You are at this keep. 419 = <<1>> 4190 = Left-click to fast travel here. 4191 = Left-click to recall to here. 4192 = Left-click to open the Crown Store. 4193 = Left-click to preview house. 4194 = Left-click to upgrade. 4195 = Cost to Recall: 4196 = Elder Scroll Type: |c7fa4c5Offensive|r 4197 = Elder Scroll Type: |c7fa4c5Defensive|r 4198 = Elder Scroll Stolen! 4199 = Only the <<1>> can use this link 42 = Ambience Volume 420 = This token allows you to change the name of |cffffff1|r character. 4200 = Forward Camp 4201 = Left-click to respawn here. 4202 = |c7fa4c5<<1>> : Siege Weapons (<<2>> / <<3>>) 4203 = |c7fa4c5<<1>> : Siege NPC (<<2>> / <<3>>) 4204 = <<1>> 4205 = Level <<1>> 4206 = <<1>> 4207 = Capture Bonus: <> <>|r 4208 = <>|cffffff<<2>>|r 4209 = <<1>> <<2>> 421 = This token allows you to change the race and appearance of |cffffff1|r character. 4210 = 4211 = 4212 = 4213 = Unclaimed 4214 = Unknown 4215 = Traits 4216 = ? 4217 = Craft (<<1>>) 4218 = Craft 4219 = Extract 422 = This token allows you to change the appearance of |cffffff1|r character. 4220 = Clear Selections 4221 = Buy Crown Mimic Stone 4222 = Crown Mimic Stone (<<1>>) 4223 = Use Crown Mimic Stone 4224 = You are about to create an item using a Crown Mimic Stone.\n\n This cannot be undone. 4225 = |cffffff<<1>>|r (|cEECA2ACrown Mimic Stone|r) 4226 = Do you really want to cancel researching |cffffff<<1>>: <<2>>|r? Type <<3>> to verify. 4227 = The item used will not be returned. 4228 = <> changed to |cffffff<<2>>|r 4229 = Requires Solvent Proficiency <<1>> 423 = You have |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>> <<1[Token/Tokens]>>. 4230 = Creation 4231 = Solvent 4232 = Reagents 4233 = Solvent 4234 = Reagents 4235 = Makes a level <<1>> <<2>> 4236 = Makes a |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t<<1>> <<2>> 4237 = No solvents or reagents found. 4238 = No solvents found. 4239 = No reagents found. 424 = This token can only be used on the character select screen. 4240 = Alchemical reaction yielded no results. 4241 = Traits Discovered 4242 = You have discovered the following traits: 4243 = <<1>> 4244 = Options 4245 = Use <<1>> 4246 = <> |cffffff(<<2>>)|r 4247 = Nothing found that matches your filters. 4248 = Discovered trait <<2>> on <> 4249 = Learned the <<1>> crafting style. 425 = \"<<1>>\" 4250 = Learned the <<1>> <<2>> crafting style. 4251 = Finished researching trait <<1>> for <<2>> 4252 = You learned how to make <> 4253 = Recipe already known. 4254 = Unknown Runestone 4255 = No runestones found. 4256 = No Aspect runestones found. 4257 = No Essence runestones found. 4258 = No Potency runestones found. 4259 = No Glyphs to extract. 426 = <<1>> 4260 = Rune Phrase 4261 = Glyph to Extract 4262 = Creation 4263 = Extraction 4264 = Requires Potency Improvement <<1>> 4265 = Requires Aspect Improvement <<1>> 4266 = Translation 4267 = ? 4268 = <<1>> 4269 = Can only be applied to an item between |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r and |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r 427 = <> 4270 = Minimum Level: |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r 4271 = Unknown Glyph 4272 = Unknown Effects 4273 = Runes Translated 4274 = You have translated the following runes: 4275 = Confirm Enchant Item 4276 = The item being enchanted is locked, type <<1>> to verify. 4277 = Gained inspiration: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4278 = Gained inspiration: |cffffff<<1>>|r |c7fa4c5(+ <<2>>)|r 4279 = Type 428 = Adjust the area so that the corners are still visible on your screen. 4280 = Material 4281 = Style 4282 = Trait 4283 = |cffffff<<1>>|r (|cffffff<<2>>|r Traits) 4284 = <<1>> 4285 = |cffffff<<2>>|r - |cffffff<<3>>|r <> 4286 = |cffffff<<2>>|r (<>) 4287 = |cffffff<<2>>|r (<>) 4288 = Buy Crafting Items 4289 = Set Weapons 429 = Adjust 4290 = Set Apparel 4291 = Have items 4292 = Have knowledge 4293 = Creation 4294 = Improvement 4295 = Research 4296 = Refine 4297 = Deconstruct 4298 = No Materials Found 4299 = No Styles Found 43 = Adjusts the volume of ambient environmental sound. 430 = Adjust Screen 4300 = No Weapon Types Found 4301 = No Armor Types Found 4302 = Learn the <<1>> Crafting Style to Unlock 4303 = Research <<1>> <<2>> Traits to Unlock 4304 = Research to Unlock 4305 = |cff00000|r 4306 = Learn Style to Unlock 4307 = Requires Metalworking <<1>> 4308 = Requires Woodworking <<1>> 4309 = Requires Tailoring <<1>> 431 = Adjusting Screen... 4310 = Trait Line 4311 = <> 4312 = Trait Progress 4313 = Unknown 4314 = Researching… 4315 = Researchable 4316 = Researching: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 4317 = Researching: |cff0000<<1>>/<<1>>|r 4318 = |cffffff<<1>>|r Available (|t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/timer_32.dds|tTakes |cffffff<<2>>|r) 4319 = |cff00000|r Traits Researchable 432 = Accept 4320 = The <<1>> trait line is already being researched. 4321 = All traits researched. 4322 = All <<1>> research slots are in use. 4323 = Research Trait from Item 4324 = Research Trait 4325 = Select an item from which to research the trait. 4326 = Researching an item will destroy it. This process will take |cffffff<<1>>|r. 4327 = Refine 4328 = Deconstruct 4329 = Refine Material 433 = Back 4330 = Deconstruct Weapon 4331 = Deconstruct Apparel 4332 = Raw Materials 4333 = No materials to refine. 4334 = No weapons to deconstruct. 4335 = No apparel to deconstruct. 4336 = Minimum of |cffffff<<1>>|r needed. 4337 = You lack the skill to recover all the materials from this item. 4338 = Improve 4339 = Attempt Item Improvement 434 = Calibrate Brightness 4340 = You have |cFFFFFF<>|r% chance to improve <>. 4341 = You have |cFFFFFF<>|r% chance to improve <>. This item is locked, type <<3>> to verify. 4342 = If this attempt fails, <> will be destroyed in the process! 4343 = Chance 4344 = Improve 4345 = No weapons to improve. 4346 = No apparel to improve. 4347 = Chance <<1>>% 4348 = Awaiting Weapon 4349 = Awaiting Apparel 435 = This may be an unusually long load time. 4350 = Improvement attempt succeeded. 4351 = Improvement attempt failed. 4352 = No usable items found. 4353 = No usable items found. 4354 = No usable items found. 4355 = Tempers Chart 4356 = Resins Chart 4357 = Tannins Chart 4358 = Pattern 4359 = Design 436 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 4360 = Type 4361 = Background 4362 = Crest 4363 = Finalize 4364 = Style 4365 = Primary Color 4366 = Secondary Color 4367 = Color 4368 = Apply Changes (Guild Bank: <<1>>) 4369 = Purchase Heraldry (Guild Bank: <<1>>) 437 = You cannot carry any more <<1>>. 4370 = Undo Changes 4371 = The Gold Coast Trading Company 4372 = Once purchased, this guild's design will show up on the guild's tabard.\n\nMembers can purchase a tabard by visiting the guild's store. 4373 = Guild Balance: 4374 = Cost: 4375 = Guild Cost: 4376 = Purchase 4377 = Cancel 4378 = Accept 4379 = Apply Changes 438 = Your Total Alliance Points 4380 = Applying changes to the guild's heraldry will update the design shown on the guild's tabard. The change will be reflected immediately and cannot be reversed.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 4381 = You are attempting to exit before applying your changes.\n\nApplying changes to the guild's heraldry will update the design shown on the guild's tabard. The change will be reflected immediately and cannot be reversed.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 4382 = Not enough gold in Guild Bank. 4383 = Tools 4384 = Saved Sets 4385 = Bind Items 4386 = Dyeing your equipped items will bind them to your account. Once bound, you will no longer be able to trade or mail them to other players.\n\nAre you sure you want to apply your changes? 4387 = Bind Items 4388 = You are attempting to exit before applying your changes.\n\nDyeing your equipped items will bind them to your account. Once bound, you will no longer be able to trade or mail them to other players.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 4389 = You are attempting to switch tabs before applying your changes.\n\nDyeing your equipped items will bind them to your account. Once bound, you will no longer be able to trade or mail them to other players.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 439 = Inspiration 4390 = You are attempting to switch tabs before applying your changes.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 4391 = Active 4392 = 4393 = Costume and Hat Dyeing: <<1>> 4394 = Dyes 4395 = Enter a keyword 4396 = 4397 = <<1>> 4398 = Stow Siege Weapon 4399 = Fire 44 = User Interface 440 = <<1>> 4400 = Zoom Out Camera 4401 = The <<1>> is busy. 4402 = Cannot fire while on cooldown 4403 = Cannot fire while retargeting 4404 = The <<1>> is under another player's control. 4405 = Unable to a create siege object because the closest keep door already has a ram. 4406 = Unable to a create siege object because a keep door isn't within range. 4407 = Only the creator is allowed to pack up a siege weapon. 4408 = Requires the <<1>> crafting skill to harvest 4409 = You cannot resurrect at a keep while it's under attack. 441 = <<1>> <> 4410 = You can only resurrect at a keep your alliance owns. 4411 = You cannot resurrect in the Imperial City from the outside. 4412 = You cannot resurrect at a forward camp while it's under attack. 4413 = The forward camp has been depleted, you cannot resurrect there. 4414 = You are not in range of the forward camp so you cannot resurrect there. 4415 = You must wait for the respawn timer to expire before resurrecting at a forward camp. 4416 = +<<1>> XP 4417 = +<<1>> AP 4418 = Crafting ... 4419 = Researching ... 442 = Buy Crowns 4420 = Refining... 4421 = Harvesting ... 4422 = Grappling ... 4423 = Destroying <<1>>... 4424 = Repairing <<1>>... 4425 = Disarming... 4426 = Fishing... 4427 = Packing Up <<1>>... 4428 = Buy <> for <<2>><<3>><<4>>? 4429 = , <<1>> <<2>> 443 = Your Total Crowns 4430 = , and <<1>> <<2>> 4431 = <<1>> <<2>> 4432 = An Add-On attempted to illegally call [<<1>>]. 4433 = You must wait 30 seconds before submitting this bug. 4434 = Screenshot saved as: <> 4435 = You have taken your revenge against <<1>>! 4436 = You have avenged the death of <<1>> by killing <<2>>! 4437 = <<1>> killed <<2>> in <<3>>. 4438 = <<1>> killed <<2>>. 4439 = <<1[/$d bonus XP!/$d bonus XP!]>> 444 = Your Total Crown Gems 4440 = Finesse Bonus 4441 = Hidden 4442 = Detected 4443 = Disguised 4444 = Danger 4445 = Suspicious 4446 = Discovered 4447 = Time until drowning 4448 = Use <<1>> 4449 = Empty 445 = General 4450 = <<1>> 4451 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 4452 = <<1>> (<>) 4453 = <<1>> (requires <>) 4454 = <<1>> (will consume <>) 4455 = Lockpicks remaining: <<1>> 4456 = Lock Level: <<1>> 4457 = Force Lock (<<1>>%) 4458 = Depress Pin 4459 = <<1>> is locked, but you don't have the key or any lockpicks. 446 = User Interface Shortcuts 4460 = <<1>> is locked and it is too difficult to pick. 4461 = Clear the slot. 4462 = You cannot afford this upgrade. 4463 = <<1>> Wall 4464 = Upgrades Selected: 4465 = <<1>> / <<2>> 4466 = Remaining: 4467 = Cost: 4468 = Purchase 4469 = Reset 447 = Siege 4470 = x <<1>> 4471 = Repair Kits: 4472 = Repair 4473 = Wall Upgrades: 4474 = There are no available hook points. 4475 = You must have a valid filled Soul Gem to charge this weapon. 4476 = This weapon is already fully charged. 4477 = A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. Click to open the chat. 4478 = Use <<1>> 4479 = Abandon Quest 448 = Notifications 4480 = Bind on Pickup 4481 = Group Invite 4482 = Event Invite 4483 = Trade Invite 4484 = Destroy Augment 4485 = Purchase 4486 = Repair All 4487 = Sell Items 4488 = Destroy Items 4489 = Script Violation 449 = Housing Editor 4490 = Reset Skills 4491 = Quest Share 4492 = Destroy Attachments 4493 = Destroy Gold 4494 = Fast Travel 4495 = Log Out 4496 = Quit 4497 = Large Group Conversion 4498 = Buy Multiple 4499 = Remove Tab 45 = Toggle user interface sounds such as button clicks. 450 = Housing HUD 4500 = Reset Tab 4501 = Do you want to log out to character select? 4502 = Do you want to quit the game? 4503 = You don't have any bait. 4504 = Need Bait 4505 = Hold to Select Bait 4506 = You cannot fish while swimming. 4507 = Empty 4508 = Guild Store 4509 = List Item 451 = Battlegrounds 4510 = Add to Listing 4511 = Start Search 4512 = Remove from Listing 4513 = Select an item in your inventory to list it for sale. 4514 = Listing |cffffff<<1>>|r of |cffffff<<2>>|r 4515 = Listing |cff0000<<1>>|r of |cff0000<<2>>|r 4516 = Quantity 4517 = Total Price: 4518 = Search Store For 4519 = Price Range: 452 = Movement 4520 = Level Range: 4521 = Champion Points Range: 4522 = Any Quality 4523 = Normal 4524 = Fine 4525 = Superior 4526 = Epic 4527 = Legendary 4528 = All Items 4529 = Weapon 453 = Combat 4530 = Apparel 4531 = Furnishings 4532 = Soul Gems & Glyphs 4533 = Crafting 4534 = Consumables 4535 = Other 4536 = All One-Handed 4537 = All Two-Handed 4538 = All Pieces 4539 = All Traits 454 = Targeting 4540 = All Enchantments 4541 = All Furnishings 4542 = Items and Recipes 4543 = Items Only 4544 = Recipes Only 4545 = All 4546 = Guild Items 4547 = Light Armor 4548 = Medium Armor 4549 = Heavy Armor 455 = Interaction 4550 = Shield 4551 = Accessory 4552 = All Accessories 4553 = All Consumables 4554 = All Materials 4555 = All Component Types 4556 = Seller: |cffffff<<1>> 4557 = <<1>> 4558 = All Ingredients 4559 = Food Ingredients 456 = Camera 4560 = Drink Ingredients 4561 = Rare Ingredients 4562 = Name 4563 = Time Left 4564 = Price 4565 = Buy Item 4566 = Buy Item 4567 = Are you sure you want to buy this item? 4568 = This will cost <<1>> 4569 = Items On Page: |cffffff<<1>> 457 = User Interface 4570 = Next 4571 = Previous 4572 = Cancel Listing 4573 = Cancel Listing 4574 = Are you sure you want to cancel this listing? You will not be refunded the listing fee. 4575 = Yes 4576 = No 4577 = You don't have enough gold. 4578 = Filter by text search 4579 = Cancel Listing 458 = General 4580 = Alliance War 4581 = Rank Points: <<1>> / <<2>>\n\nGain rank points by participating in activities for your alliance in Cyrodiil campaigns. 4582 = <<1>> <<2>> 4583 = Unassigned 4584 = Home 4585 = Guest 4586 = Name 4587 = Group Members Assigned to this Campaign 4588 = Friends Assigned to this Campaign 4589 = Guild Members in a Campaign 459 = Disabled 4590 = Aldmeri Dominion Population 4591 = Ebonheart Pact Population 4592 = Daggerfall Covenant Population 4593 = Estimated Wait: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4594 = Your Home Campaign 4595 = Your Guest Campaign 4596 = <<1[$d Group Member/$d Group Members]>> 4597 = <<1[$d Friend/$d Friends]>> 4598 = <<1[$d Guild Member/$d Guild Members]>> 4599 = In Queue For: |cffffff<<1>>|r 46 = Interface Volume 460 = <<1>> 4600 = Rules 4601 = Are you sure you wish to select |cffffff<<1>>|r as your guest campaign? While guesting this campaign: 4602 = Cost: 4603 = Balance: 4604 = Set now. 4605 = Set when current campaign ends. 4606 = Keeps required for Emperor: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 4607 = Reigning For: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4608 = Leaderboard rankings take some time to update and may not immediately reflect your current rank. 4609 = You have joined a Trial already in progress and are not eligible to be placed in this leaderboard. 461 = Not Bound 4610 = Shows how long until the Weekly Trial is over. 4611 = Shows how long until the Weekly Trial starts. 4612 = Campaign Duration Remaining: 4613 = Next Score Evaluation in: 4614 = Potential Points: 4615 = <<1>> 4616 = x<<1>> 4617 = End Of Campaign Reward Tier 4618 = Keeps Held 4619 = Outposts Held 462 = < 1 minute ago. 4620 = Resources Held 4621 = Scrolls Held 4622 = Low Score Bonus 4623 = This bonus applies to an alliance with significantly fewer points than the leading alliance. 4624 = Low Population Bonus 4625 = This bonus is applied when an alliance continually has significantly fewer participants than competing Alliances. 4626 = N 4627 = S 4628 = W 4629 = E 463 = <<1>> ago. 4630 = <> 4631 = Categories 4632 = All 4633 = Show More 4634 = Customer Service 4635 = Retrieving history... 4636 = Activity Log 4637 = Unknown 4638 = Last Online: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4639 = <> 464 = <> LEFT 4640 = <<1>> 4641 = Class 4642 = Alliance 4643 = Level 4644 = Player Status 4645 = Friends Online: 4646 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4647 = Filter By: 4648 = Add Friend 4649 = Invite to Group 465 = <<1>> mo. 4650 = Rank 4651 = Add Ignore 4652 = Add Ignore 4653 = Ignored 4654 = Stop Ignoring 4655 = There are no players in your ignore list. 4656 = Your guild may hire this trader for immediate use. Once hired, your guild's store will be made available to the general public through this trader for the next |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\n|cffffffNOTE:|r Only one trader can be hired at a time for a guild. 4657 = Hire for Guild: 4658 = Guild Bank Balance: 4659 = Hiring Cost: 466 = <<1>> d. 4660 = Hire 4661 = Bid for Guild: 4662 = Bidding Closes In: 4663 = New Bid: 4664 = Current Bid: 4665 = Minimum Bid: 4666 = Update Bid 4667 = Guilds may only have one bid out until bidding has closed. This guild has already placed a bid on |cffffff<<1>>|r. 4668 = Bid rate exceeded. 4669 = Guilds must have unlocked Guild Stores to bid on a Guild Trader. This guild does not have the required |cffffff<<1>>|r members. 467 = <<1>> h. 4670 = Guild Trader (<<1>>) 4671 = Quit Game 4672 = You are not allowed to quit at this time. You will remain logged in on the server if you force quit. 4673 = You will quit automatically in <<1>>. You will remain logged in on the server if you force quit. 4674 = Quit Now 4675 = Cancel 4676 = Logout 4677 = You will logout in <<1>>. 4678 = Cancel 4679 = <> 468 = <<1>>m 4680 = <<1>> 4681 = Mundus Stone 4682 = Accept Sign 4683 = Cancel 4684 = Those under the sign of |cffffff<>|r will have a boon that |cffffff<>|r.\n\nYou may only have one boon at a time. 4685 = <>\n<<2>> 4686 = <<1>>. <> 4687 = [<>] 4688 = [<<1>>] 4689 = <<1>> 469 = <<1>> s. 4690 = <> 4691 = <<1>> 4692 = <> 4693 = Trial Account 4694 = Exit 4695 = ex. Eternal Servitude 4696 = <<1>> |cC5C29EIs Ignored|r 4697 = This dungeon has been scaled to Champion <<1>>. 4698 = Housing 4699 = Filter By 47 = Adjusts the volume of sounds from interface elements, such as buttons and windows. 470 = <<1>> month 4700 = You must choose a furnishing to set its location on the compass. 4701 = You must choose a furnishing to put it away. 4702 = You must choose a furnishing to modify it. 4703 = You must choose a furnishing to place it. 4704 = You must choose a furnishing to purchase it. 4705 = Name: 4706 = Location: 4707 = House Type: 4708 = Primary Residence: 4709 = Template: 471 = <<1>> day 4710 = Location: |cffffff<>|r 4711 = House Type: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4712 = Primary Residence: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4713 = <<1>>m 4714 = Gem Total 4715 = <<1>> <><> 4716 = <<1>>\n<<2>> 4717 = Banked: 4718 = Player: 4719 = Withdraw: 472 = <<1>> hour 4720 = Deposit: 4721 = Filter By 4722 = 4723 = 4724 = Fast Travel 4725 = Options 4726 = Legend 4727 = Points of Interest 4728 = <<1>> <<2>> 4729 = Set Active Quest 473 = <<1>> min. 4730 = Choose Active Quest 4731 = Travel 4732 = Choose Destination 4733 = Revive 4734 = Cannot Revive Here 4735 = Choose Revive Location 4736 = Fast Travel 4737 = Select Your Destination 4738 = Cost To Recall <<1>><> 4739 = Tasks 474 = <<1>> sec. 4740 = Choose Active Quest 4741 = Select a quest 4742 = Choose Respawn Location 4743 = Make a Choice 4744 = Travel 4745 = Set Active Quest 4746 = Destination 4747 = Players 4748 = Alliance 4749 = Guild 475 = <<1[1 month/$d months]>> 4750 = Cost To Recall 4751 = Siege Weapons 4752 = Siege NPCs 4753 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4754 = Elder Scroll Type 4755 = Elder Scroll 4756 = Offensive 4757 = Defensive 4758 = Press <> to travel here. 4759 = Press <> to respawn here. 476 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[month/months]>> 4760 = Access 4761 = Only the <<1>> can use this link. 4762 = Capture Bonus 4763 = <> <> 4764 = Close 4765 = Switch Elevation 4766 = Press <<1>> to fast travel to here. 4767 = Press <<1>> to recall to here. 4768 = Press <<1>> to preview this house. 4769 = <<1>><<2>> 477 = <<1[1 day/$d days]>> 4770 = Use from quickslot. 4771 = Stolen 4772 = Item Created 4773 = Materials Recovered 4774 = Do you really want to cancel researching |cffffff<<1>>: <<2>>|r?\n\n|cE60000The item used will not be returned.|r 4775 = You have |cFFFFFF<>|r% chance to improve <>. This item is locked, are you sure you want to continue? 4776 = Item Transmuted 4777 = Crafting has revealed the following traits: 4778 = Lockpicks 4779 = Difficulty 478 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[day/days]>> 4780 = Move Lockpick 4781 = Equipped 4782 = Main Hand 4783 = Off Hand 4784 = Main Hand Backup 4785 = Off Hand Backup 4786 = Request 4787 = Sort 4788 = Purchase Ability 4789 = Upgrade Ability 479 = <<1[1 hour/$d hours]>> 4790 = Morph Ability 4791 = Purchase 4792 = Morph 4793 = Ability Bar 4794 = Points 4795 = Skyshards 4796 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4797 = Ability Bar 4798 = Morph 1 4799 = Morph 2 48 = Voice Over 480 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[hour/hours]>> 4800 = Are you sure you want to purchase |cffffff<>|r? This costs |cffffff1|r skill point. 4801 = Are you sure you want to upgrade |cffffff<>|r? This costs |cffffff1|r skill point. 4802 = Choose an ability to morph |cffffff<>|r into. This costs |cffffff1|r skill point. 4803 = Assign 4804 = Manage Ability Bar 4805 = (|cffffff<<2>>/<<3>>|r) <<1>> 4806 = No Abilities Available for Assignment 4807 = Ability 4808 = <<1>> 4809 = Ready 481 = <<1[1 minute/$d minutes]>> 4810 = <<1>> Increase 4811 = Champion 4812 = Inventory 4813 = Craft Bag 4814 = Choose a Hand 4815 = Actions 4816 = Player Capacity 4817 = One-Handed Melee 4818 = Two-Handed Melee 4819 = Destruction Staff 482 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[minute/minutes]>> 4820 = Restoration Staff 4821 = Bow 4822 = Consumables 4823 = Quest Items 4824 = Your inventory is empty. 4825 = Equipped - More Actions 4826 = Nothing Equipped 4827 = Alliance Points 4828 = Tel Var Stones 4829 = Gold 483 = <<1[1 second/$d seconds]>> 4830 = Your Craft Bag is empty 4831 = Confirm 4832 = Split 4833 = Distribute the items into a new stack 4834 = Character Attributes 4835 = Toggle View 4836 = Notifications (<<1>>) 4837 = Decline Invite 4838 = Decline the Friend Invite from |cffffff<<1>>|r. 4839 = You have been invited to join |cffffff<<1>>|r by |cffffff<<2>>|r. 484 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[second/seconds]>> 4840 = Decline the Invite to join |cffffff<<1>>|r from |cffffff<<2>>|r. 4841 = Hold to Begin Ritual 4842 = A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. 4843 = You Have No Pending Notifications 4844 = The message of the day for |cffffff<<1>>|r has changed. 4845 = Notifications 4846 = Accept 4847 = Decline 4848 = Remove 4849 = Show Leaderboard 485 = <<1>>:<<2>>:<<3>>:<<4>> 4850 = Ignore Player 4851 = Block Player 4852 = Report Spamming 4853 = Later 4854 = <<1>> has been updated with the <<2>> collectible. Press <> to learn more about it. 4855 = <<1>> <<2>> 4856 = Friends Online 4857 = Character 4858 = <<1>>: 4859 = Enter <<1>> 486 = <<1>>d <<2>>h <<3>>m <<4>>s 4860 = Character name or UserID. 4861 = <<1>> 4862 = Last Online 4863 = Friends Online: 4864 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4865 = Status 4866 = Alliance 4867 = Class 4868 = Level 4869 = Friends 487 = <<1>>d <<2>>h <<3>>m <<4>>s <<5>>ms 4870 = Ignored 4871 = Add Friend 4872 = Add Ignore 4873 = Options 4874 = Options 4875 = My Options 4876 = Friends Options 4877 = Whisper 4878 = Status 4879 = Filter 488 = <<1>>:<<2>>:<<3>> 4880 = None 4881 = online ID 4882 = Remove <<1>>? 4883 = Ignore <<1>>? 4884 = Online 4885 = Away 4886 = Do Not Disturb 4887 = Offline 4888 = Add to Friends List 4889 = Optional Note 489 = <<1>>h <<2>>m <<3>>s 4890 = Send an optional message 4891 = Add to Ignore List 4892 = Notes 4893 = Save 4894 = Add an optional note 4895 = Notes 4896 = Note Saved 4897 = Block 4898 = No Friends 4899 = No Ignored Players 49 = Toggle voice over sound. 490 = <<1>>h <<2>>m <<3>>s <<4>>ms 4900 = Invite To Guild 4901 = Bank Capacity 4902 = Bank 4903 = Deposited |cffffff<>|r 4904 = Withdrew |cffffff<>|r 4905 = Bank Space Bought 4906 = Accept (<><>) 4907 = Bank Funds 4908 = Player Funds 4909 = Bank Capacity 491 = <<1>>:<<2>> 4910 = Player Capacity 4911 = Deposit Gold 4912 = Withdraw Gold 4913 = Guild Bank 4914 = Available Funds 4915 = No Permission 4916 = Guild Selection 4917 = No Items To Withdraw 4918 = No permission. (Your Guild Rank does not permit withdrawals from the Guild Bank.) 4919 = No permission. (The Guild must have <> members to deposit to the Guild Bank.) 492 = <<1>>m <<2>>s 4920 = Guild 4921 = Cannot change this permission 4922 = All items repaired. 4923 = <> repaired. 4924 = No damaged items. 4925 = Nothing to sell. 4926 = Nothing to buy back. 4927 = No stolen items to sell. 4928 = No stolen items to launder. 4929 = Vendor 493 = <<1>>m <<2>>s <<3>>ms 4930 = Supplies - <<1>> 4931 = Materials - <<1>> 4932 = Quick Slots - <<1>> 4933 = Collectibles - <<1>> 4934 = Items Sold 4935 = Items Laundered 4936 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4937 = Haggling Bonus 4938 = <<1>>% 4939 = Player 494 = <<1>>s <<2>>ms 4940 = Voice Chat 4941 = Communications 4942 = Group 4943 = Miscellaneous 4944 = Supplies 4945 = <<1>> 4946 = Currencies 4947 = Assign 4948 = Send 4949 = Voice Channels 495 = <<1>>s 4950 = Speaker History 4951 = Participants 4952 = Join Channel 4953 = Leave Channel 4954 = Enable Voice 4955 = View Participants 4956 = Participants List 4957 = Main Channels 4958 = Area 4959 = Group 496 = 0:<<1>> 4960 = <<1>> Channels 4961 = Join this channel to chat with players around you. 4962 = Join this channel to chat with players in your group. 4963 = Join this channel to chat with players in your guild. 4964 = Join this channel to chat with officers in your guild. 4965 = <<1>> - <<2>> 4966 = All Members <<1>> 4967 = Officers 4968 = Channel 4969 = Last Heard 497 = <<1[1 second/$d seconds]>> 4970 = Participants 4971 = <<1>> - <<2>> 4972 = Your PlayStation™Network reputation restricts you from speaking in this channel. Raising your reputation will remove this restriction. 4973 = Your Xbox Live reputation restricts you from speaking in this channel. Raising your reputation will remove this restriction. 4974 = <<1>> 4975 = Please wait a moment before making another voice chat request. 4976 = Voice chat is unavailable. This could be due to routine server maintenance or a configuration issue. Visit |cffffff<<1>>|r for additional support. 4977 = Voice channel changed to <<1>> 4978 = Quests 4979 = Lore Library 498 = <<1>> sec. 4980 = Cadwell's Almanac 4981 = Achievements 4982 = Race 4983 = Class 4984 = Champion Points 4985 = <<1>> 4986 = <<1>> 4987 = Bounty 4988 = Alliance 4989 = Rank 499 = <<1>>s 4990 = Infamy 4991 = Character Sheet 4992 = Attribute Points 4993 = Grade 4994 = Change Attributes 4995 = Commit Points? 4996 = Commit Points 4997 = Confirm Changes 4998 = Cancel 4999 = Overcharged 5 = Japanese 50 = Dialogue Volume 500 = <<1[/1 minute/$d minutes]>><<2[/ and 1 second/ and $d seconds]>> 5000 = Time Remaining 5001 = No Active Effects 5002 = Remove Effect 5003 = Riding Speed 5004 = Riding Stamina 5005 = Riding Capacity 5006 = Riding Training 5007 = XP Progress 5008 = Description 5009 = Lowest Piece 501 = <<1[/1 min./$d min.]>><<2[/ and 1 sec./ and $d sec.]>> 5010 = View Attributes 5011 = Ready 5012 = Name 5013 = <<1>> 5014 = Capacity 5015 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5016 = Available 5017 = Gold Offered 5018 = Add Gold 5019 = Attach Items 502 = <<1[/1 min./$d min.]>> <<2>> sec. 5020 = (Empty Slot) 5021 = Submit 5022 = Accept Trade 5023 = Accept 5024 = Add 5025 = Remove 5026 = Review 5027 = Cancel Trade 5028 = Cancel Offer 5029 = Cancel Trade 503 = <<1>>m <<2>>s 5030 = Are you sure you want to cancel the trade? 5031 = No Items Offered 5032 = Waiting for 5033 = Edit the selected rank 5034 = Membership 5035 = New 5036 = Guilds 5037 = Members Online: 5038 = Guildmaster: 5039 = <<1>>/<<2>> 504 = <<1>>m<<2[/ $ds/ $ds]>> 5040 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5041 = Services: 5042 = <> <> <> 5043 = Guild Bank 5044 = Guild Heraldry 5045 = Guild Store 5046 = Guild Name 5047 = Guildmaster 5048 = Members Online 5049 = Bank 505 = Unknown 5050 = Heraldry 5051 = Store 5052 = Features 5053 = Options 5054 = Options 5055 = Create New Guild 5056 = My Status 5057 = Add Friend 5058 = Guild Roster 5059 = Apply Changes (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>) 506 = < 1 min 5060 = |c666666Apply Changes|r (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>) 5061 = Purchase Heraldry (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>) 5062 = |c666666Purchase Heraldry|r (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>) 5063 = Customize Background 5064 = Customize Crest 5065 = Feature Cost: 5066 = |t50:50:<<1>>|t<<2>> 5067 = |t50:50:<<1>>|t <<2>> 5068 = Create New 5069 = Options 507 = <1m 5070 = Reorder 5071 = Add Rank 5072 = Edit Rank 5073 = Rename 5074 = Delete 5075 = Change Icon 5076 = Change Permissions 5077 = Delete Rank 5078 = Reorder Up 5079 = Reorder Down 508 = > 1 hour 5080 = Rename Rank 5081 = Rank: 5082 = Enter a Name for this Rank 5083 = Rank 5084 = Customize Your Guild's Heraldry With The Selected Features 5085 = Enter Message of the Day 5086 = Change MOTD 5087 = Change About Us 5088 = Promoted to <<1>> <<2>> 5089 = Demoted to <<1>> <<2>> 509 = >1h 5090 = \n<<1>> 5091 = Ownership 5092 = Chat 5093 = Voice & Text 5094 = Edit 5095 = Members 5096 = Alliance War 5097 = Commerce 5098 = Join Officer Chats 5099 = Join Guild Chats 51 = Adjusts the volume of dialogue. 510 = 1 hour + 5100 = Choose Alliance 5101 = 5102 = Finish 5103 = Details 5104 = Heraldry Updated 5105 = Loading Data 5106 = Page <<1>> 5107 = Next 5108 = Previous 5109 = Show All 511 = 1h+ 5110 = <<1>> <<2>> 5111 = |cffffff<>|r<> 5112 = Remove 5113 = Create Listing |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 5114 = Create Listing |cff0000<<1>>/<<2>>|r 5115 = Remove Listing 5116 = \n<<1>> \n\nAre you sure you want to remove your listing of <<2>> for <<3>>? You will not be refunded the listing fee. 5117 = List For Sale 5118 = \n<<1>> \n\nAre you sure you want to list <<2>> for <<3>>? 5119 = Purchase 512 = <<1[/1 hour/$d hours]>>, <<2[/1 minute/$d minutes]>>,<<3[/ and 1 second/ and $d seconds]>> 5120 = \n<<1>> \n\nAre you sure you want to buy <<2>>? This will cost you <<3>>. 5121 = <<1>> 5122 = Guild Selection 5123 = Category 5124 = Min Price 5125 = Max Price 5126 = Min Level 5127 = Max Level 5128 = Quality 5129 = Name 513 = <<1[/1 hr/$d hrs]>>, <<2[/1 min/$d min]>>,<<3[/ and 1 sec/ and $d sec]>> 5130 = Cost 5131 = Listing Created 5132 = Confirm 5133 = Create Listing 5134 = Total Price 5135 = Level Type 5136 = Player Level 5137 = Champion Points 5138 = All 5139 = Please wait, processing prior request. 514 = <<1[/1 hr/$d hrs]>> <<2[/1 min/$d min]>> <<3>> sec 5140 = Sort By <<1>> 5141 = No permission. (The Guild must have <> members to post to the Guild Store.) 5142 = No permission. (Your Guild Rank does not permit posting to the Guild Store.) 5143 = No Items Found 5144 = Item Price Range 5145 = Buy Mount 5146 = Confirm Purchase 5147 = Train 5148 = Training Cost 5149 = Trainable 515 = <<1>>h <<2>>m<<3[/ $ds/ $ds]>> 5150 = Ready 5151 = You can train one riding skill per day. 5152 = You have already fully upgraded this skill. 5153 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 5154 = Can only be applied to an item between <<1>>|cffffff<<2>>|r and <<1>>|cffffff<<3>>|r 5155 = Minimum Level: <<1>>|cffffff<<2>>|r 5156 = The item being enchanted is locked, are you sure you want to continue? 5157 = <> <<2>> 5158 = (<>) 5159 = <<1>> 516 = <<1>>h<<2[/ $dm/ $dm]>><<3[/ $ds/ $ds]>> 5160 = Options 5161 = Use to learn recipe. 5162 = Options 5163 = Select trait line 5164 = Choose an item to research: 5165 = <<1>> (<<2>> Traits) 5166 = <<2>> - <<3>> <> 5167 = <<2>> (<>) 5168 = <<2>> (<>) 5169 = <<1>> Available <<2>> 517 = <<1[/1 day/$d days]>>, <<2[/1 hour/$d hours]>>, <<3[/1 minute/$d minutes]>>,<<4[/ and 1 second/ and $d seconds]>> 5170 = Confirm Research 5171 = |cff0000Researching an item will destroy it|r. This process will take |cffffff<<1>>|r. Are you sure you want to continue? 5172 = Researching 5173 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5174 = Quality 5175 = <<1>> (<<2>> <<3>>) 5176 = Crown Mimic Stone 5177 = |cEECA2A<<1>>|r (<<2>>) 5178 = |cffffff<<1>>|r (|cEECA2ACrown Mimic Stone|r) 5179 = Toggle |cEECA2ACrown Mimic Stone|r <<1>> 518 = <<1[/1 day/$d days]>>, <<2[/1 hr/$d hrs]>>, <<3[/1 min/$d min]>>,<<4[/ and 1 sec/ and $d sec]>> 5180 = (<<1>>) 5181 = Open Crown Store 5182 = Text Chat 5183 = Text Chat (Pinned) 5184 = Pin Chat Window 5185 = Unpin Chat Window 5186 = Enter Text 5187 = Toggle Chat Window 5188 = Close Chat Window 5189 = Cycle Tooltip 519 = <<1[/1 day/$d days]>> <<2[/1 hr/$d hrs]>> <<3[/1 min/$d min]>> <<4>> sec 5190 = Open Collection 5191 = Books 5192 = |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 5193 = Details 5194 = Search 5195 = Search - <<1>> 5196 = Enter Search Text 5197 = Customer Service 5198 = Get Me Unstuck 5199 = Information about the most common issues can be found at 52 = Plays in Background 520 = <<1>>d <<2>>h<<3[/ $dm/ $dm]>><<4[/ $ds/ $ds]>> 5200 = help.elderscrollsonline.com 5201 = Please describe the issue below. 5202 = Close 5203 = You may be able to find answers more quickly with our online self-service Knowledge Base. 5204 = \nYour contact email is <<1>>. 5205 = There has been an error in your ticket submission. Please try again in a few minutes. 5206 = Submitting Ticket 5207 = Please wait while your ticket is submitted. 5208 = Please provide details below. 5209 = You can only use the unstuck functionality once every hour. Please try again in: 521 = <<1>>d<<2[/ $dh/ $dh]>><<3[/ $dm/ $dm]>><<4[/ $ds/ $ds]>> 5210 = Teleport 5211 = Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r<>, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. \n\nPress <> to teleport to the nearest Wayshrine. 5212 = Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r<>, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. You will also lose |cffffff<<4>>%|r of your currently held Tel Var stones. \n\nPress <> to teleport to the nearest Wayshrine. 5213 = You cannot use \"Get Me Unstuck\" in this location. Please contact customer service. 5214 = You cannot use \"Get Me Unstuck\" while in combat. 5215 = Submit 5216 = Go to Journal 5217 = Go to Inventory 5218 = Ticket Submitted 5219 = Character Issue 522 = [<<1>>:<<2>>:<<3>>] 5220 = Report Player 5221 = Submit Feedback 5222 = Customer Service Tool Disabled 5223 = The Customer Service tool is disabled in PC Gamepad mode. Please switch back to keyboard mode to report an issue. 5224 = Player Has An Inappropriate Name 5225 = Harassing Me 5226 = Cheating 5227 = Email Address 5228 = Issue Category 5229 = Issue Subcategory 523 = <<1>>:<<2>> A.M. 5230 = Required Information 5231 = Additional Information (optional) 5232 = You must provide a contact email to submit a ticket. 5233 = Offending Character Name 5234 = Offending <<1>> 5235 = You must provide a character name if you wish to report a player. 5236 = You must provide a <<1>> if you wish to report a player. 5237 = You must provide a name to submit a ticket. 5238 = You must select a category to submit a ticket. 5239 = You must provide a description to submit this ticket. 524 = <<1>>:<<2>> P.M. 5240 = You must provide an impact to submit this ticket. 5241 = Enter email address 5242 = <<1>> 5243 = Thank You 5244 = Error 5245 = <<1>>\n\n<<2>>\n\n<<3>> 5246 = account.elderscrollsonline.com/terms-of-service 5247 = Terms of Use 5248 = Legal 5249 = Information about our terms of service and related documents can be found at 525 = <<1>>:<<2>> 5250 = Name 5251 = Location 5252 = Unknown Zone 5253 = Yes 5254 = No 5255 = Accept 5256 = Group Actions 5257 = Group Roles 5258 = Current Group 5259 = Dungeon Difficulty 526 = <<1>> <<2>>, <<3>> 5260 = Group Members 5261 = Soul Reservoir 5262 = <<1>>|t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Trials/VitalityDepletion.dds|t 5263 = # 5264 = Normal 5265 = Veteran 5266 = <<1>> 5267 = Offline Member 5268 = Group Roles 5269 = Role Override 527 = K 5270 = Queued Activities 5271 = Estimated 5272 = Actual 5273 = Average dungeon queue 5274 = Veteran <<1>> 5275 = Use the Dungeon Finder to find a group for a dungeon and get bonus rewards! 5276 = Queueing for Alliance War will match you with other players in Cyrodiil and Imperial City. 5277 = Queueing for Battlegrounds will match you with other players and take you to a battleground. 5278 = Queueing for Home Show will take you to player houses at random to vote on. 5279 = Join 528 = -K 5280 = Full 5281 = Server Population 5282 = Join Campaign 5283 = Set Home 5284 = Set Guest 5285 = Home Campaign 5286 = Confirm 5287 = <<1>>\n\n<<2>> 5288 = This change will cost:\n<<1>> 5289 = Confirm 529 = M 5290 = Unassigned 5291 = <><> 5292 = Group Members 5293 = Friends 5294 = Guild Members 5295 = <<1>> 5296 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 5297 = Leave Campaign 5298 = Estimated Wait 5299 = Campaigns 53 = Allows game audio to continue playing in the background, even when the game window is not in focus. 530 = -M 5300 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5301 = Queue Position 5302 = Queue Countdown 5303 = Campaign Ends 5304 = Done 5305 = Next Score Evaluation 5306 = Home Campaign 5307 = Guest Campaign 5308 = Locked 5309 = Emperor Leaderboard (<<1>>) 531 = B 5310 = Leaderboard Empty 5311 = Reigning Time 5312 = Done 5313 = Keeps Required for Emperor 5314 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5315 = |t32:32:<<1>>|t<<2>> 5316 = View Bonuses 5317 = Bonus <> x <<2>> 5318 = Bonus <> 5319 = Home Keeps 532 = k 5320 = Enemy Keeps 5321 = Defensive Scrolls 5322 = Offensive Scrolls 5323 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5324 = Join Now 5325 = Join Later 5326 = When current campaign ends 5327 = Select Guild 5328 = Claim |cffffff<<1>>|r in the name of 5329 = Subject 533 = -k 5330 = Message 5331 = From 5332 = You Have No Mail 5333 = None 5334 = None 5335 = Options 5336 = View Attachments 5337 = Loading... 5338 = This mail cannot be reported. 5339 = This mail cannot be returned to sender. 534 = m 5340 = Received <<1>> 5341 = Expires in <<1>> 5342 = This mail was sent cash on delivery. You may take the attachments and pay the indicated price, or return this mail to the sender at no cost. 5343 = C.O.D. Free (No Funds Available) 5344 = Available 5345 = Inventory Space 5346 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5347 = Enter <<1>> 5348 = <<1>>(<<2>>) 5349 = Full 535 = -m 5350 = Sending... 5351 = To 5352 = Attach Items 5353 = Add 5354 = Remove 5355 = Clear 5356 = Clear Mail 5357 = Accept 5358 = Attach Gold 5359 = Request Gold 536 = b 5360 = Postage 5361 = Gold 5362 = Items 5363 = Enter Name 5364 = Recent Contacts 5365 = Recipient 5366 = Choose Friend 5367 = Hold to Respond 5368 = View Gamercard 5369 = View Profile 537 = The Elder Scrolls Online PC/MAC Store 5370 = <<1>> |cC5C29EIs Blocked|r 5371 = Ability 1 5372 = Ability 2 5373 = Ability 3 5374 = Ability 4 5375 = Ability 5 5376 = Ultimate 5377 = Use Quickslot 5378 = Assign Quickslot 5379 = Menu 538 = The Elder Scrolls Online Account Page 5380 = Interact/Jump 5381 = Cycle Quest 5382 = Sheathe 5383 = Interact 5384 = Toggle Camera 5385 = Gamepad Camera Zoom 5386 = Sprint 5387 = Jump 5388 = Quickslot Menu 5389 = Emote Menu 539 = Upgrade 5390 = Cycle Enemy 5391 = Synergy 5392 = Player Interact 5393 = <<1>> |cC5C29E(Hold)|r 5394 = <<1>> |t80:40:<<2>>|t 5395 = |cC5C29E(Tap)|r <<1>> 5396 = |cC5C29E(Hold)|r <<1>> 5397 = |t80:40:<<2>>|t <<1>> 5398 = Scroll Leaderboard 5399 = <<1>> Rank 54 = Speaker Setup 540 = 5400 = Reopens In 5401 = Closes In 5402 = Updates In 5403 = <<1>> 5404 = Character Name 5405 = Best Score 5406 = Current Score 5407 = Switch Campaign 5408 = Earned AP 5409 = <> <<2>> 541 = 5410 = <<1>> (Not Eligible) 5411 = Guild 5412 = Hire For Gold 5413 = Hire 5414 = Hiring 5415 = Are you sure you want to hire this trader for <<1>>? 5416 = Hire Trader 5417 = Guild Trader Acquired 5418 = Hire Cost 5419 = Bid for Gold 542 = Health 5420 = Minimum Bid 5421 = Bidding closes 5422 = Bid 5423 = Bid on a Trader 5424 = Are you sure you want to update your bid for <<1>>? 5425 = Update Bid 5426 = Guild Bank Balance 5427 = Bid updated 5428 = Bidding 5429 = Trader 543 = Magicka 5430 = Return 5431 = Options 5432 = Dye Options 5433 = Color Presets 5434 = Edit Color Preset 5435 = Edit Color Presets 5436 = Edit Armor 5437 = Apply the selected color preset to armor. 5438 = Discard Changes 5439 = Are you sure you want to exit?\n\nAll of your changes will be discarded. 544 = Stamina 5440 = Set Preset 5441 = Preset A 5442 = Preset B 5443 = Preset C 5444 = Preset D 5445 = Dye Station 5446 = Apply any unlocked dyes to currently equipped armor and most shields. 5447 = Sorting 5448 = Options 5449 = Achievements Options 545 = Attack Power 5450 = Achievement Points 5451 = Rewards 5452 = Item: 5453 = <> <<2>> 5454 = Title 5455 = Dye 5456 = Criteria 5457 = No achievements match your filters. 5458 = No Recent Achievement 5459 = <<1>>/<<2>> 546 = Weapon and Spell Damage 5460 = Level 5461 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5462 = Repeatable|t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_Quest_Repeat.dds|t 5463 = Optional Steps 5464 = Hints 5465 = Options 5466 = Complete One 5467 = No Quests 5468 = <>Dungeon 5469 = <>Group 547 = Armor 5470 = <>Trial 5471 = <>Solo 5472 = <>Public Dungeon 5473 = <>Delve 5474 = <>Housing 5475 = <> <> 5476 = <> 5477 = <> <> <> 5478 = <> <> 5479 = Allocate Points 548 = Maximum Magicka 5480 = <<1>><> 5481 = Available 5482 = Allocated 5483 = Next Page 5484 = Previous Page 5485 = Emotes 5486 = Use 5487 = Assign 5488 = Category 5489 = Page 549 = Magicka Recovery 5490 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5491 = <<1>> 5492 = <<1>> 5493 = Choose a slot for the selected emote: 5494 = Cannot play emote at this time. 5495 = Personality 5496 = Quantity 5497 = That Gamercard is not available at the moment. Please try again later. 5498 = That profile is not available at the moment. Please try again later. 5499 = Inventory space increased by <<1>> 55 = Sets the audio output to Stereo, Mono, or Surround. This setting should match your speaker setup. 550 = Magicka Recovery Idle 5500 = Cost 5501 = Crown Store 5502 = Store 5503 = Balance 5504 = Retrieving Character Info 5505 = Please Wait... 5506 = Select Player to Friend 5507 = Select Player to Invite 5508 = Select Player to Mail 5509 = Find Player 551 = Maximum Health 5510 = <<1>> Continue 5511 = Quick Chat 5512 = Quick Chat Enabled 5513 = Quick Chat 5514 = Available Funds 5515 = Player Inventory 5516 = Quest: 5517 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 5518 = Open Crown Store 5519 = Cooldown 552 = Health Recovery 5520 = Display Name 5521 = Determines which name should be displayed most prominently when viewing other players. 5522 = More Below 5523 = HUD Chat Display 5524 = Displays the HUD chat frame. 5525 = Open Crown Store 5526 = <<1>><> Total 5527 = Select Preset 5528 = Select 5529 = You don't have any entries in this list. 553 = Health Recovery Idle 5530 = Guild 5531 = Select Guild 5532 = Other 5533 = Search 5534 = Select House 5535 = <<1>>m away. 5536 = Toggle View 5537 = Points 5538 = Banked <<1>> 5539 = Carried <<1>> 554 = Healing Taken 5540 = 5541 = 5542 = 5543 = 5544 = 5545 = /logout 5546 = /camp 5547 = /quit 5548 = /script 5549 = /chatlog 555 = Dodge 5550 = /invite 5551 = /jumptoleader 5552 = /jumptogroupmember 5553 = /jumptofriend 5554 = /jumptoguildmember 5555 = /reloadui 5556 = /fps 5557 = /latency 5558 = /stuck 5559 = /bug 556 = Healing Done 5560 = /feedback 5561 = /help 5562 = /chat 5563 = /played 5564 = /readycheck 5565 = /duel 5566 = Locations 5567 = Quests 5568 = Key 5569 = Filters 557 = Spell Resistance 5570 = Houses 5571 = You haven't discovered any houses yet. 5572 = Current Location 5573 = You do not have any quests here. 5574 = Zoom in to a smaller map to see quests. 5575 = This map does not have a key. 5576 = This quest cannot be shown on a map. 5577 = <> 5578 = Show Details 5579 = Show Alliance 558 = Block 5580 = Zoom 5581 = Summary 5582 = Wood 5583 = Food 5584 = Ore 5585 = Production 5586 = Defense 5587 = Forward Camp Respawn in 5588 = <> 5589 = <> (<>) 559 = Weapon Critical 5590 = <> (<>) 5591 = World Map: Unknown Zone 5592 = Pop-Out Map Options 5593 = Configure map 5594 = Force map to be square 5595 = Transparency: 5596 = Show quest list 5597 = Points of Interest 5598 = Forward Camp Areas 5599 = Player vs. Player Pins: 56 = Footsteps Volume 560 = Resistance 5600 = Set Focused: <<1>> 5601 = Remove Rally Point 5602 = Set Destination 5603 = Remove Destination 5604 = Travel to Keep 5605 = Respawn at Keep 5606 = Show Information 5607 = Hide Information 5608 = Recall to <<1>> 5609 = Travel to <<1>> 561 = Physical Resistance 5610 = Respawn at Forward Camp 5611 = Open Crown Store 5612 = Upgrade 5613 = <> 5614 = <<1>> is produced by <<2>>. The rate upgrades automatically as long as your alliance continues to own it. 5615 = To produce <<1>>, take control of <<2>>. 5616 = <<1>> is produced for this enemy keep by <<2>>. To decrease <<1>> production, kill the workers at <<2>> or capture it for your alliance. 5617 = <<1>> is not being produced for this enemy keep because they do not control <<2>>. 5618 = <> 5619 = You cannot recall in an Alliance War area. Visit the wayshrine to travel. 562 = Spell Critical 5620 = You are at this wayshrine. 5621 = You can recall to a wayshrine in <<1>>. 5622 = You can unlock this area with an ESO Plus membership, or by purchasing |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r, available in the Crown Store! 5623 = This area requires a |cffffffChapter|r upgrade. 5624 = You cannot recall from an Outlaws Refuge. 5625 = You cannot recall from this location. 5626 = You cannot recall while dead. 5627 = Plus <<1>> more quest locations. 5628 = <<1>> bounty added. 5629 = Bounty cleared. 563 = Critical Resistance 5630 = Your bounty is now <<1>> gold. 5631 = <<1>> gold removed. 5632 = All stolen items removed. 5633 = You Are Now <<1>> 5634 = Fugitive From Justice 5635 = You will now be killed on sight by the law. 5636 = You will no longer be attacked by the law. 5637 = Trespassing 5638 = You are in a restricted area 5639 = No Longer Trespassing 564 = Spell Damage 5640 = You have left a restricted area 5641 = <> (<<2>>) stolen. 5642 = <<1>> gold stolen. 5643 = You've been caught pickpocketing. 5644 = Empty 5645 = They want nothing to do with you. 5646 = You cannot logout while being arrested. 5647 = The mark is suspicious of you. 5648 = You are too far away to pickpocket. 5649 = You are not in position to pickpocket. 565 = Spell Resistance 5650 = You cannot pickpocket. The mark has nothing of value. 5651 = Your total infamy. 5652 = You cannot deposit stolen items. 5653 = You cannot send stolen items. 5654 = You cannot trade stolen items. 5655 = You cannot list stolen items. 5656 = Sale is Final 5657 = You are attempting to sell a high quality stolen item. Unlike other vendors, the Fence does not let you purchase back the items you've sold.\n\nAre you sure you want to sell <>? 5658 = <<1>>% Chance 5659 = Launder 566 = Maximum Stamina 5660 = Items Sold: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r 5661 = Items Sold: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>>|r 5662 = Items Laundered: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r 5663 = Items Laundered: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>>|r 5664 = Daily sell limit resets in 5665 = Daily launder limit resets in 5666 = Duel Starts in <<1>> 5667 = You are close to the edge of the Duel Area! 5668 = Attributes 5669 = Level Up 567 = Stamina Recovery 5670 = |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/Stats/diminishingReturns_icon.dds|tWhen a stat is overcharged it becomes increasingly difficult to raise it further. Consider changing your equipment, skills or attributes to distribute your stats more evenly. 5671 = Riding Skill 5672 = Active Effects 5673 = <<1>>% 5674 = +<<1>> 5675 = <<1>> 5676 = <> 5677 = Title 5678 = Character 5679 = No Title 568 = Stamina Recovery Idle 5680 = Scaled Level 5681 = Equipment Bonus 5682 = High level and quality equipment provides the greatest combat bonus. 5683 = Missing <<1>> 5684 = Determines the amount of Damage you can take in combat and how much Healing you can receive. Health recovers over time. That recovery is reduced during combat. 5685 = Determines how many Magicka abilities you can cast and how effective those abilities are. Magicka recovers over time. That recovery is reduced during combat. Staff Weapon Damage is based on Magicka. 5686 = Determines how many Stamina abilities you can use and how effective those abilities will be. Sprint, Bash, Sneak, Roll Dodge and Break Free all consume Stamina. Stamina recovers over time. That recovery is reduced during combat. Sword, shield, axe, mace, bow and dagger Weapon Damage is based on your Stamina. 5687 = <<1>> <<2>>% 5688 = <<1>> 5689 = Your character is enlightened and will earn the next |cFFFFFF<<1>>|r XP at an accelerated rate. 569 = Miss 5690 = Your character is enlightened. 5691 = <<1>>/<<2>> XP 5692 = <<1>>/<<2>> XP (<<3>>%) 5693 = Max XP 5694 = <> 5695 = <<1>> 5696 = <<1>> <> 5697 = Role 5698 = Upgrade 5699 = New Effect 57 = Adjusts the volume of footsteps. 570 = Physical Penetration 5700 = Next Rank 5701 = <<1>> improves from <<2>> to <<3>> 5702 = Ability Morph Available For 1 Skill Point 5703 = Unlocked at <<1>> <<2>> 5704 = Purchase for 1 Skill Point 5705 = Upgrade for 1 Skill Point 5706 = Unlocked at <<1>> Rank <<2>> 5707 = Next Upgrade Unlocked at <<1>> Rank <<2>> 5708 = Your riding skill stats will not apply until you have acquired and activated at least one mount. 5709 = Riding Trainer 571 = Spell Penetration 5710 = <<1>>% 5711 = <<1>> 5712 = Increases your movement speed while mounted, up to a maximum of |cffffff<<1>>|r%. 5713 = Increases your stamina while mounted, up to a maximum of |cffffff<<1>>|r, allowing your mount to sprint longer and take more hits before you become dismounted. 5714 = Increases your carrying capacity, up to a maximum of |cffffff<<1>>|r. 5715 = Riding Skill Increased 5716 = Your <<1>> riding skill has increased from <<2>> to <<3>>. 5717 = Your <<1>> riding skill has increased. 5718 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 5719 = Journal 572 = Weapon Damage 5720 = Character 5721 = Skills 5722 = Champion 5723 = Crown Store 5724 = Inventory 5725 = Social 5726 = Alliance War 5727 = Map 5728 = Friends 5729 = Guilds 573 = Generic Resistance 5730 = Mail 5731 = Notifications 5732 = Help 5733 = Group 5734 = Collections 5735 = Activity Finder 5736 = Crown Crates 5737 = Multiplayer 5738 = Campaigns 5739 = Level 574 = Physical Resistance 5740 = Summary 5741 = Quest Journal 5742 = <<1>> <<2>> 5743 = <<1>> would like to share [<>] with you. Will you accept the quest? 5744 = Miscellaneous 5745 = <<1>> 5746 = <<1>> 5747 = <<1>> 5748 = <<1>> 5749 = Unknown Quest 575 = Flame Resistance 5750 = Tasks 5751 = Hint: 5752 = Abandon 5753 = Share 5754 = Show On Map 5755 = Cycle Focused Quest 5756 = Get Help 5757 = Inspiration 5758 = Alliance Points 5759 = Tel Var Stones 576 = Shock Resistance 5760 = Partial Skill Point 5761 = <<1>> Partial Skill <<1[Points/Point/Points]>> 5762 = <<1>> Skill <<1[Points/Point/Points]>> 5763 = <<1>> Skill <<1[Points/Point/Points]>> and <<2>> Partial Skill <<2[Points/Point/Points]>> 5764 = Writ Vouchers 5765 = Skill Line: <<1>> 5766 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5767 = Create Guild 5768 = Leave Guild 5769 = Home 577 = Oblivion Resistance 5770 = Roster 5771 = Ranks 5772 = Heraldry 5773 = History 5774 = <<1>> joined the guild. 5775 = Nothing Owned 5776 = <<1>> 5777 = None Hired 5778 = Message of the Day 5779 = About Us 578 = Frost Resistance 5780 = Enter a message of the day that you would like your guild members to see. 5781 = A message of the day is not set for this guild. 5782 = Enter information about the guild that you would like your guild members to see. 5783 = There is no description set for this guild. 5784 = Guilds are a great way to team up with other travelers you come across while exploring the world of Tamriel! These large, permanent groups allow players to band together, work towards common goals, and unlock special perks like Guild Stores. 5785 = Utilize ranks to make your guild as structured or free-form as you like!\nCoordinate with your guildmates and fight in large scale battles against others as part of the Alliance Wars!\nAnd much more! 5786 = Guild membership is tied to your <<1>> and is limited to 5 guilds total. All characters under your <<1>> will have access to all of your guilds.\n\nJoin an existing guild or start one of your own to invite others! 5787 = You cannot create a guild because you are already leading a guild 5788 = You cannot create a guild because you are already in <<1>> guilds 5789 = You must be at least level <<1>> to create a guild 579 = Earth Resistance 5790 = Creating and Joining Guilds 5791 = Permissions 5792 = Logo 5793 = Add Member 5794 = Promote 5795 = Demote 5796 = Remove from Guild 5797 = Remove from Guild 5798 = Are you sure you want to leave: <>|cffffff<<2>>|r? 5799 = Are you sure you want to delete rank: |cffffff<<1>>|r? 58 = Display 580 = Magic Resistance 5800 = You are the Guildmaster. Leaving will assign Guildmaster to the highest ranked player that has been in the guild longest.\n\nAre you sure you want to leave: <>|cffffff<<2>>|r? 5801 = You are the last member of the guild. Leaving will disband the guild and allow others to use this guild's name. It will also destroy all items stored in the guild bank.\n\nAre you sure you want to leave: <>|cffffff<<2>>|r? 5802 = Leave Guild 5803 = Disband Guild 5804 = Create Guild 5805 = Your character's alliance is <<1>>. Your guild can only fight for its designated alliance in the Alliance War. 5806 = Guild Alliance: 5807 = Guild Name: 5808 = Enter a name for your guild. 5809 = Delete Rank 581 = Drowning Resistance 5810 = Rank Name: 5811 = Copy Permissions From: 5812 = None 5813 = Alliance War\nOwnership 5814 = Release 5815 = Release Ownership 5816 = Release Ownership 5817 = Releasing ownership of |cffffff<<1>>|r will result in your guild having to reclaim it. Are you sure you want to release ownership? 5818 = |cffffff<<1>>|r has recently changed ownership. You must wait |cffffff<<2>>|r before attempting to release ownership. 5819 = Claim 582 = Disease Resistance 5820 = |cffffff<<1>>|r has recently changed ownership. You must wait |cffffff<<2>>|r before attempting to claim it. 5821 = Add Member 5822 = Your guild may bid to hire this trader for future use. The winning guild's store will be made available to the general public through this trader for a total of |cffffff7 days|r. Hiring period does not begin until a winner has been determined at the close of bidding.\n\n|cffffffNOTE:|r Placed bids are final and the winning bid will not be refunded. Only one trader can be bid on at a time for a guild. 5823 = Hire Guild Trader 5824 = Guilds may only hire one guild trader at a time. This guild has already hired |cffffff<<1>>|r. 5825 = Guilds must have unlocked Guild Stores to hire a Guild Trader. This guild does not have the required |cffffff<<1>>|r members. 5826 = Bid On Guild Trader 5827 = Cannot Delete Rank 5828 = You cannot delete a rank if there are players still holding that rank in the guild. Promote them or demote them to another rank first. 5829 = Purchase Heraldry 583 = Poison Resistance 5830 = <<1>><<2>> 5831 = <<1>> 5832 = Hide Offline 5833 = Show Offline 5834 = Enter guild name 5835 = You don't have permission to view this. 5836 = There are no entries in this list. 5837 = Enabling this permission will automatically enable |cffffff<<1>>|r 5838 = Disabling this permission will remove all guild bank gold events from the Guild History Logs for this rank. 5839 = Disabling this permission will remove all guild trader bid events from the Guild History Logs for this rank. 584 = Mount Stamina 5840 = Guild 5841 = Browse 5842 = Sell 5843 = Listings 5844 = Guild 5845 = Buy 5846 = Cancel 5847 = Listing Fee 5848 = House Cut 5849 = Profit 585 = Mount Stamina Regen Combat 5850 = Posting an item on the guild store costs <<1>>% of the posting price immediately. 5851 = When the item sells, <<1>>% of the sale price is kept by the guild store. If the item does not sell you are not charged this fee. 5852 = Reset Search 5853 = Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r from <>|cffffff<<3>>|r? Once removed, this player will no longer have access to any of the Guild's features. 5854 = Are you sure you want to set <<1>> as the new Guildmaster of <>|cffffff<<3>>|r? Doing so will demote you to <<4>>. 5855 = <<1>> joined <<2>>. 5856 = <<1>> left <<2>>. 5857 = You have been removed from <<1>>. 5858 = You have invited |cffffff<<1>>|r to join |cffffff<<2>>|r. 5859 = Repair All (<<1>>) 586 = Mount Stamina Regen Moving 5860 = <<1>> 5861 = +<<1>>% 5862 = Bonus applies only in the districts. 5863 = Unlocked 5864 = Locked 5865 = <><<2>>: <<3>> 5866 = <<1>>: <<2>><> 5867 = Ten of these items can be refined into |cffffff<<1>>|r to |cffffff<<2>>|r <>. 5868 = Suppressed by equipped Poison. 5869 = Friends 587 = Age 5870 = Edit Note 5871 = Travel to Player 5872 = Invite to Group 5873 = Send Mail 5874 = Add Friend 5875 = Invite to <<1>> 5876 = Visit Primary Residence 5877 = Whisper 5878 = Whisper 5879 = UserID 588 = Body 5880 = Character Name 5881 = Location 5882 = There are no players in your friends list. 5883 = All of your friends are offline. 5884 = Remove Friend 5885 = Ignore 5886 = Stop Ignoring 5887 = Edit Note 5888 = Type a note here 5889 = Add Friend 589 = Face 5890 = Send an optional message 5891 = Request 5892 = Type a custom message here 5893 = Add Ignore 5894 = Remove Friend 5895 = Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r from your friends list? 5896 = Remove 5897 = Ignore Friend 5898 = Are you sure you want to ignore <<1>>? 5899 = Ignore 59 = Graphics 590 = Body Type 5900 = Filter returned no results. 5901 = <<1>> 5902 = Your <<3[friend/friends]>> completed |cffffff<<1>>|r with a score of |cffffff<<2>>|r. 5903 = Your <<3[guild mate/guild mates]>> completed |cffffff<<1>>|r with a score of |cffffff<<2>>|r. 5904 = Your friends and guild mates completed |cffffff<<1>>|r with a score of |cffffff<<2>>|r. 5905 = <<1[Friend/Friends]>>: 5906 = <<1[Guild Mate/Guild Mates]>>: 5907 = <<1>> 5908 = Your attributes have been refunded; you will need to go set them again. 5909 = Your skill points have been refunded; you will need to go set them again. 591 = Features 5910 = All crafting materials stored in your bank and inventory have been transferred to your craft bag. 5911 = <<1>> 5912 = ESO Plus is now active on your account. View the in-game help to see how you can take advantage of all the ESO Plus benefits. 5913 = Your ESO Plus free trial has concluded. Continue enjoying the benefits of ESO Plus by purchasing your subscription today. 5914 = View ESO Plus Benefits 5915 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 5916 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r, with your group. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 5917 = Entering Cyrodiil... 5918 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to be your friend. 5919 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to resurrect you. Expires in <<2>>. 592 = Upper Body 5920 = |cffffff<<1>>|r has invited you to join a group. 5921 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to trade with you. 5922 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to share |cffffff<<2>>|r. 5923 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to duel with you. 5924 = Group Election 5925 = A vote to kick |cffffff<<1>>(<<2>>)|r from the group has started. Expires in |cffffff<<3>>|r. 5926 = A vote to promote |cffffff<<1>>(<<2>>)|r to group leader has been started. Expires in |cffffff<<3>>|r. 5927 = Ready Check 5928 = Are you ready? 5929 = <<1>> Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 593 = Lower Body 5930 = A vote to kick |cffffff<<1>>(<<2>>)|r from the group has passed. 5931 = A vote to kick |cffffff<<1>>(<<2>>)|r from the group has failed. 5932 = Your group members voted to kick you from the group. 5933 = You have initiated a vote... 5934 = You have initiated a ready check... 5935 = Everyone in your group is ready! 5936 = Someone in your group is not ready. 5937 = Ritual Of Mara 5938 = By accepting the pledge of Mara you will receive a ring inscribed with the name of the <<1>> character <<3>>. When you wear the ring and group with <<3>> you will gain <<2>>% bonus experience.\n\nDo you pledge commitment to <<3>>? 5939 = Ritual of Mara Completed 594 = Face Type 5940 = You have been joined with <<1>> (<<2>>) 5941 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to join with you in the Ritual of Mara. 5942 = Join |cffffff<<1>>|r in the Ritual of Mara. 5943 = Begin Ritual 5944 = Increase your Inventory size by <<1[$d more slot/$d more slots]>>? 5945 = You can't afford to increase the size of your Inventory. 5946 = Buy Bag Space 5947 = Increase your Bank size to <<1>> more slots?\n\nNote: An ESO Plus membership doubles your bank space while active. 5948 = You can't afford to increase the size of your Bank. 5949 = Buy Bank Space 595 = Hair 5950 = Buy Bank Space (<<1>>) 5951 = Inventory Capacity Increased 5952 = Your inventory capacity has increased from <<1>> to <<2>>. 5953 = Bank Capacity Increased 5954 = Your bank capacity has increased from <<1>> to <<2>>. 5955 = Are you sure you want to disband the group? 5956 = Are you sure you want to disband the group? Everyone in your group will be removed from the instance. 5957 = Are you sure you want to leave the group? 5958 = Are you sure you want to leave the group? You will be removed from the instance. 5959 = Are you sure you want to leave the group? You will be removed from the battleground and unable to return. 596 = Features 5960 = This player is already in your group. 5961 = You have blocked that player. 5962 = Invite Player 5963 = Invite Friend 5964 = Leave Group 5965 = Disband Group 5966 = Invite a player or use an activity finder to organize or join a group. 5967 = Kick From Group 5968 = Vote to Kick 5969 = Leave Group 597 = Face 5970 = Promote to Leader 5971 = Ready Check 5972 = Travel to Leader 5973 = Unable to Travel 5974 = This group's leader is located in a different version of |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nWould you like to travel to their version, which will place you at the wayshrine nearest to them? 5975 = This group's leader is located in |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nWould you like to travel to their zone, which will place you at the wayshrine nearest to them? 5976 = This group's leader is located in |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nYou are unable to travel to this player because they are in a locked area. You can unlock this area by purchasing |cffffff<<2>> (<<3>>)|r or an ESO Plus membership in the Crown Store! 5977 = This group's leader is located in |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nYou do not have the necessary |cffffffChapter|r to access this zone. Would you like to upgrade? 5978 = This setting is used in determining the difficulty of group dungeons. When joining a group, only the group leader's setting will be used. 5979 = <<1>> 598 = Eyes 5980 = Any Dungeon 5981 = Any Veteran Dungeon 5982 = Choosing \"Any Dungeon\" is the quickest way to find a dungeon group. 5983 = Choosing \"Any Veteran Dungeon\" is the quickest way to find a veteran dungeon group. 5984 = This is a <<1>> player activity. 5985 = Status 5986 = Join Queue 5987 = Leave Queue 5988 = Unlocked at Level <<1>>. 5989 = Locked after Level <<1>>. 599 = Brow 5990 = Unlocked at Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t<<1>>. 5991 = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t<<1>>. 5992 = Not all group members meet the location's level requirements. 5993 = Party is already full for this location. 5994 = Party is too large for this location. 5995 = You cannot queue for this activity type while in an AVA location. 5996 = You cannot queue while you are in a battleground. 5997 = You must be in an AVA location to queue for Alliance War. 5998 = Only the group leader can join the queue. 5999 = You or a member of your group has not selected a role. 6 = Unknown 60 = Ability 600 = Mouth 6000 = This activity requires |cffffff<<1>> (DLC)|r from the Crown Store. 6001 = This activity requires a |cffffffChapter|r upgrade. 6002 = Cross alliance groups cannot queue together for AVA. 6003 = You have queued too recently. 6004 = You have queued too recently. You can queue again in |cffffff<<1>>|r. 6005 = You have the battleground deserter penalty. 6006 = You have the battleground deserter penalty. You can queue again in |cffffff<<1>>|r. 6007 = Leave Queue 6008 = Are you sure you want to leave the queue? 6009 = Ready 601 = Ears 6010 = Your |cffffff<<1>> <<2>>|r is ready. Your role: <>|cffffff<<4>>|r\nExpires in |cffffff<<5>>|r. 6011 = Your |cffffff<<1>> <<2>>|r is ready.\nExpires in |cffffff<<3>>|r. 6012 = Find Replacement 6013 = Group Member Left 6014 = A group member has left your |cffffff<<1>>|r group. 6015 = <> There are currently no activities available. 6016 = <> Unlocked at level |cffffff<<2>>|r 6017 = <> Unlocked at <>|cffffff<<3>>|r 6018 = Random <<1>> <<2>> 6019 = Dungeon 602 = Nose 6020 = Battleground 6021 = Daily Bonus Rewards 6022 = Standard Rewards (Daily Complete) 6023 = <> XP 6024 = <<1>><> 6025 = <<1>> - <<2>><> 6026 = Team Size <<1>><> 6027 = Dungeon Finder 6028 = Alliance War 6029 = Battlegrounds 603 = Voice 6030 = Home Show 6031 = Specific Dungeons 6032 = Specific Battlegrounds 6033 = Random Dungeons 6034 = Completing a Random Normal Dungeon or Random Veteran Dungeon will give you bonus rewards once per day. 6035 = You must be group leader to use an activity finder. 6036 = Joining Campaign 6037 = You're currently participating in a non-Alliance War activity. You will be removed from your group upon traveling to the campaign. 6038 = Game Modes 6039 = Roles are used to create balanced groups for certain activities. 604 = Eye Height 6040 = Focuses on dealing damage against enemies that pose a threat. 6041 = Heals and protects allies, keeping them alive throughout the battle. 6042 = Absorbs damage from enemies and prevents allies from being attacked. 6043 = Activity Complete! 6044 = Waiting for players: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6045 = Confirm 6046 = Confirm Points (<<1>> <<2>>) 6047 = <<1>> 6048 = <<1>> 6049 = Zoom In 605 = Eye Size 6050 = Zoom Out 6051 = Redistribute 6052 = Cancel Redistribute 6053 = Available: 6054 = Earned: 6055 = <<1>>/<<2>> 6056 = Spent Points: 6057 = Gained <<1[$d Champion Point/$d Champion Points]>> 6058 = <<1>> |t32:32:<>|t <<3>> <<1[Point/Points]>> 6059 = <<1>> 606 = Eye Separation 6060 = <<1>> 6061 = Warrior 6062 = Thief 6063 = Mage 6064 = Champion Progression Unlocked 6065 = Clear 6066 = |cffffff<<1>>|r% 6067 = |cffffff<<1>>|r 6068 = Next Point 6069 = Upgrade for 1 |t32:32:<>|t 607 = Eye Angle 6070 = Requires 1 |t32:32:<>|t 6071 = You cannot spend more than <<1>> points in constellations under the |t32:32:<>|t <<3>>. 6072 = Unlocks at <<1>> Rank <<2>> 6073 = Unlocked at <<1>> Rank <<2>> 6074 = Redistribute Points 6075 = You are attempting to redistribute the points spent in ALL Constellations. Any pending changes you currently have will be reverted.\n\nYou will be charged <<1>> <<2>> if you commit your changes. You will not be charged if you do not confirm your changes. 6076 = Cancel Redistribute 6077 = Are you sure you want to cancel? All your changes will be reverted. 6078 = Confirm Changes 6079 = Are you sure you want to commit your points? 608 = Mouth Height 6080 = Balance 6081 = Redistribution Cost 6082 = You have exited the Champion Screen without committing all your points. 6083 = Your unsaved champion points have been reset. 6084 = <<1>>Champion Level Achieved 6085 = You do not currently know <<1>>. 6086 = Steal 6087 = Steal All 6088 = <<1>> 6089 = Store 609 = Lip Fullness 6090 = Store (<<1>>) 6091 = Store (<<1>>), Smuggler's Fee <<2>>% 6092 = Loot 6093 = Bank 6094 = Buy Backpack Upgrade 6095 = View Stable 6096 = Inspect Keep 6097 = Travel to another keep 6098 = Travel to a wayshrine 6099 = Soul Healing 61 = Texture Quality 610 = Mouth Curve 6100 = Bind Corpse Summoner 6101 = Guild Bank 6102 = Guild Store 6103 = Guild Store (<<1>>) 6104 = -<<1>>- 6105 = You will receive: 6106 = Someone is using that. 6107 = You are in combat 6108 = You must wait a few seconds to attempt to pick another lock. 6109 = You cannot abandon the main quest. 611 = Nose Height 6110 = Claim ownership of <<1>>. 6111 = Release ownership of <<1>>. 6112 = Create Spellcrafting Tablet 6113 = Bid on Guild Trader 6114 = Hire Guild Trader 6115 = [Pay] Here's <<1>> gold. Clear my bounty. 6116 = [Pay] Here's <<1>> gold. Clear my bounty. 6117 = [Pay] Here's <<1>> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty. 6118 = [Flee in <<1>> sec] I won't pay the bounty. 6119 = <<1>> [<<2>> <>] 612 = Nose Width 6120 = Dismiss <<1>> 6121 = I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered. 6122 = <<1>> (<<2>> Cooldown) 6123 = <<1>> 6124 = <<1>> (<<2>> Cooldown) 6125 = You don't have enough gold 6126 = You need the Intimidate Perk before you can choose this option 6127 = You need the Persuasion Perk before you can choose this option 6128 = You need the Clemency Perk before you can use this option. 6129 = You must wait to use this option again. 613 = Ear Height 6130 = Bidding closed while traders change ownership. 6131 = <<<1>>> 6132 = The message of the day for <>|cffffff<<2>>|r has changed. 6133 = <<1>> accepted. 6134 = <<1>> declined. 6135 = Friend Invite 6136 = Guild Invite 6137 = Group Invite 6138 = Duel Invite 6139 = Share Quest 614 = Ear Size 6140 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6141 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r, with your group. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6142 = More Info 6143 = Lockpick failed 6144 = You have invited <<1>> to duel. 6145 = <<1>> has invited you to duel. 6146 = Duel invitation accepted. 6147 = Duel invitation declined. 6148 = Duel invitation canceled. 6149 = Hold to Interact 615 = Eyebrow Height 6150 = Filled 6151 = Hold to Resurrect (<> <>) 6152 = Hold to Resurrect (<> <> + <>) 6153 = Hold to Resurrect |cff0000(|r<> <>|cff0000)|r 6154 = Hold to Resurrect |cff0000(|r<> <> |cff0000+|r <>|cff0000)|r 6155 = Being Resurrected... 6156 = Resurrection Pending... 6157 = Respond 6158 = <<1>> 6159 = Send Whisper 616 = Eyebrow Angle 6160 = Invite to Trade 6161 = Invite to Group 6162 = Remove from Group 6163 = You do not have permission to do that. 6164 = Add as Friend 6165 = You are already friends. 6166 = Invite to Duel 6167 = <<1>> wants to duel. 6168 = <<1>> wants to trade. 6169 = <<1>> wants to group. 617 = Chin Height 6170 = <<1>> wants to share the quest <<2>> with you 6171 = <<1>> wants to join with you in the Ritual of Mara. 6172 = Join <<1>> in the Ritual of Mara. 6173 = <<1>> wants to be your friend 6174 = <<1>> wants you to join <<2>> 6175 = A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. 6176 = Player is Ignored 6177 = Player is Blocked 6178 = Cancel 6179 = <<1>> - <<2>> 618 = Chin Size 6180 = <<1>> (<>) 6181 = Move Forward 6182 = Move Backward 6183 = Toggle Walk / Run 6184 = Move Left 6185 = Move Right 6186 = Jump 6187 = Autorun 6188 = Roll Dodge 6189 = Use Synergy 619 = Jaw Size 6190 = Attack 6191 = Block 6192 = Sprint 6193 = Crouch 6194 = Interrupt 6195 = Weapon Swap 6196 = Weapon Swap To Set 1 6197 = Weapon Swap To Set 2 6198 = Ability 1 6199 = Ability 2 62 = Controls the quality of textures used in the world by changing the size of textures used. Higher settings will provide more detail on objects, character models and the environment, but require more video memory to run smoothly. 620 = Forehead Slope 6200 = Ability 3 6201 = Ability 4 6202 = Ability 5 6203 = Ultimate Ability 6204 = Quickslot Item 6205 = Toggle Mount 6206 = Sheathe/Unsheathe 6207 = Select 6208 = Mouse Steer 6209 = Activate 621 = Nose Shape 6210 = Zoom Camera Out 6211 = Zoom Camera In 6212 = Toggle Fullscreen Mode 6213 = Take Screenshot 6214 = Start Chat 6215 = Start Chat Slash 6216 = Reply to Whisper 6217 = UI On/Off 6218 = Character Windows 6219 = Crown Store 622 = Nose Length 6220 = Crown Crates 6221 = Inventory 6222 = Character 6223 = Skills 6224 = Champion 6225 = Quest Journal 6226 = Collections 6227 = Map 6228 = Group 6229 = Friends 623 = Eye Squint 6230 = Guilds 6231 = Alliance War 6232 = Mail 6233 = Notifications 6234 = Activity Finder 6235 = System 6236 = Help 6237 = Interact With Environment 6238 = Interact With Player 6239 = Accept Notification 624 = Eyebrow Skew 6240 = Decline Notification 6241 = Padlock Target 6242 = Mouse Freelook 6243 = Cycle Preferred Enemy Target 6244 = Cycle Focused Quest 6245 = First/Third Person 6246 = Fire Siege Weapon 6247 = Exit Siege Weapon 6248 = Stow Siege Weapon 6249 = Primary Action/Accept 625 = Eyebrow Depth 6250 = Secondary Action 6251 = Tertiary Action 6252 = Decline/Negative/Abandon Action 6253 = View Quickslots (From Inventory) 6254 = Show On Map (From Quest Journal) 6255 = Quaternary Action 6256 = Report a Player 6257 = Stack All Items 6258 = Primary Dialog Action 6259 = Secondary Dialog Action 626 = Ear Tip Flare 6260 = Tertiary dialog action 6261 = Negative/Decline Dialog Action 6262 = Reset dialog action 6263 = Close Dialog 6264 = Help 6265 = Toggle In-Game Cursor 6266 = Toggle Gamepad Mode 6267 = Toggle Nameplates 6268 = Toggle Healthbars 6269 = Command Pet 627 = Ear Rotation 6270 = Show Housing Panel 6271 = Primary Action 6272 = Negative Action 6273 = Secondary Action 6274 = Teritary Action 6275 = Quaternary Action 6276 = Yaw Right 6277 = Yaw Left 6278 = Pitch Forward 6279 = Pitch Backward 628 = Cheekbone Size 6280 = Roll Right 6281 = Roll Left 6282 = Push Forward 6283 = Pull Backward 6284 = Surface Align 6285 = Go to Entrance 6286 = Toggle Scoreboard 6287 = Leave Battleground 6288 = Scoreboard Previous Player 6289 = Scoreboard Next Player 629 = Cheekbone Height 6290 = Scoreboard Player Options 6291 = <<1>> (<<2>>s) 6292 = <<1>> 6293 = <<1>> |cffffff<<2>>|r <>? 6294 = Pay 6295 = Give Gold 6296 = [<<1>>] <<2>> 6297 = |cFF0000[<<1>>]|r <<2>> 6298 = Intimidate 6299 = Persuade 63 = View Distance 630 = Waist Size 6300 = Clemency 6301 = Destroy Item 6302 = Destroy Item 6303 = Do you really want to destroy<<2[// $d]>> <>? 6304 = Do you really want to destroy<<2[// $d]>> <>? Type <<3>> to confirm. 6305 = DESTROY 6306 = CONFIRM 6307 = Binding Item 6308 = Equipping <> will permanently bind it to your account. 6309 = Modifying <<1>> will permanently bind it to your account. 631 = Torso Size 6310 = Your items have been stacked. 6311 = Deposit 6312 = Withdraw 6313 = Deposit 6314 = Withdraw 6315 = Deposit Currency 6316 = Withdraw Currency 6317 = Deposit Currency 6318 = Withdraw Currency 6319 = -- 632 = Neck Size 6320 = No Rankings Found 6321 = # 6322 = Name 6323 = Alliance 6324 = Class 6325 = Score 6326 = Points 6327 = All Classes 6328 = <<1>> Rank: |cffffff<<2>>|r 6329 = -- 633 = Leg Size 6330 = Not Ranked 6331 = Not Recorded 6332 = No Score 6333 = Reopens In: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6334 = Closes In: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6335 = Best Score: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6336 = Current Score: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6337 = Alliance War 6338 = Overall 6339 = Current Earned AP: |cffffff<<1>>|r 634 = Hip Size 6340 = Scoring Closed 6341 = Scoring Open 6342 = Scoring Not Available 6343 = <<1>> 6344 = Weekly 6345 = Weekly (<<1>>) 6346 = Current Score: |cffffff<<1>> (Not Eligible)|r 6347 = Home Show 6348 = <<1>> 6349 = <<1>>: <<2>> Homes 635 = Hand Size 6350 = All 6351 = Next Home Show Update: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6352 = House 6353 = Travel to House 6354 = Battlegrounds 6355 = Your selected costume will not appear until you remove your current disguise. 6356 = Dye Station 6357 = 6358 = 6359 = 636 = Gut Size 6360 = Apply Changes 6361 = Randomize 6362 = Undo Changes 6363 = Show Locked 6364 = Sort by Rarity 6365 = Sort by Hue 6366 = Dye 6367 = Clear Color 6368 = Dye All 6369 = Copy Color 637 = Foot Size 6370 = Set Fill 6371 = Clear Color 6372 = Cannot sample non-dyed color. 6373 = Cannot sample a color that has not been achieved yet. 6374 = Cannot sample a color that is not obtainable through the achievement system. 6375 = No dyes found that match your filters 6376 = <<1>> 6377 = Right-Click to view Achievement. 6378 = View Achievement 6379 = Unlocked by the <<1>> Achievement 638 = Posterior Dimensions 6380 = Unlocked via Hidden Achievement 6381 = Unlocked via Hidden Achievement 6382 = Unlocked by the <<1>> Achievement 6383 = This dye is not obtainable from the achievement system 6384 = Equipment 6385 = Costume and Hat 6386 = 6387 = Applying dyes to your costume and hat is currently not available. This feature can be unlocked with an ESO Plus membership. 6388 = You can access the collection appearance tab and apply dyes to your costume and hat while you are an ESO Plus Member. 6389 = Dye Items 639 = Arm Size 6390 = You are attempting to exit before applying your changes. If you do not apply your changes, they will be discarded.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 6391 = Use Dye Stamp 6392 = Applying your changes will consume |cffffff1 <<1>>|r 6393 = 6394 = 6395 = 6396 = 6397 = 6398 = In Progress 6399 = Title: 64 = Adjusts the distance at which certain objects in the game will no longer be visible. Increasing this will provide a richer and more realistic environment at the expense of performance. 640 = Chest Size 6400 = <<1>> 6401 = <<1>> 6402 = Dye: 6403 = <<1>> 6404 = <<1>>: 6405 = Recent Achievements 6406 = <<1>> 6407 = All Achievements 6408 = Show Earned 6409 = Show Unearned 641 = Tooth/Fang Size 6410 = Achievements 6411 = Objectives 6412 = <<1>> 6413 = <<1>> 6414 = <<1>> - <<2>> 6415 = <<1>> 6416 = Travel to Campaign 6417 = Are you sure you want to leave your current location and travel to the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r?\n\nExpires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6418 = Enter Campaign 6419 = Overview 642 = Tail Size 6420 = Scoring 6421 = Bonuses 6422 = Emperorship 6423 = Current Emperor 6424 = No Emperor 6425 = Imperial Keep Status 6426 = Emperor Leaderboard - <<1>> 6427 = Enter Campaign 6428 = Group 6429 = Solo 643 = Height 6430 = You are attempting to enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Would you like to enter as a group or solo? 6431 = Please wait... 6432 = Leaving queue... 6433 = Entering Cyrodiil... 6434 = Your campaign invite has expired. 6435 = Solo Queue Position: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6436 = Solo Access Available. Expires in |cffffff<<1>>|r. 6437 = Group Queue Position: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6438 = Group Access Available. Expires in |cffffff<<1>>|r. 6439 = Queue Paused: Group member offline. 644 = Mouth Width 6440 = Abandon Campaign 6441 = After entering this campaign, you will be restricted from changing it again for a period of time. 6442 = Home Campaign Locked 6443 = Your home campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered recently.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to change it again. 6444 = Your home campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered recently.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to abandon it. 6445 = Guest Campaign Locked 6446 = Your guest campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered within the past 24 hours.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to change it again. 6447 = Your guest campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered recently.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to abandon it. 6448 = Set Guest Campaign 6449 = World effects will not apply outside of Cyrodiil. 645 = Hair Style 6450 = Leaderboard ranking will be disabled. 6451 = Alliance Points gained will not count towards campaign rewards. 6452 = Set Home Campaign 6453 = Are you sure you wish to set your home campaign to |cffffff<<1>>|r? 6454 = This change is free, however, future changes will incur a cost in Alliance Points. 6455 = Are you sure you wish to abandon your home campaign |cffffff<<1>>|r? 6456 = Are you sure you wish to abandon your guest campaign |cffffff<<1>>|r? 6457 = Use Gold 6458 = Use Alliance Points 6459 = This change is free, however, future changes may incur a cost in Alliance Points or gold. 646 = Hair Color 6460 = Campaigns 6461 = Travel to Campaign 6462 = Leave Queue 6463 = Claim Ownership 6464 = Home Keep Score Bonuses 6465 = Enemy Keeps Owned Bonuses 6466 = Defensive Elder Scroll Bonuses 6467 = Offensive Elder Scroll Bonuses 6468 = Emperorship Bonuses 6469 = All Home Keeps Held 647 = Skin Color 6470 = All Home Keeps Not Held 6471 = All 6472 = Enemy Keeps Held: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6473 = All home keeps must be held to gain these bonuses. 6474 = Enemy Scrolls Held: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6475 = All home scrolls must be held to gain these bonuses. 6476 = No Emperor 6477 = Emperor Within Alliance 6478 = Emperor Not Within Alliance 6479 = <<1>> 648 = Adornment 6480 = You don't meet the requirements to buy this. 6481 = You must face the player you wish to commit to. 6482 = You must be near a Shrine of Mara. 6483 = Your level isn't high enough to use this item 6484 = You cannot use this item while swimming. 6485 = You cannot use this item while sprinting. 6486 = You cannot use this item while moving. 6487 = You cannot use this item while dodging. 6488 = This item is locked. 6489 = This item is bound to you. 649 = Head Marking 6490 = Passive abilities can't be placed in Action Bars. 6491 = That action button cannot be moved. 6492 = You can only place weapon abilities in that action slot. 6493 = You can only place ultimate abilities in that action slot. 6494 = You can only place normal abilities in that action slot. 6495 = You can only place that ability in the certain action slots. 6496 = Invalid slot 6497 = You've already unlocked that collectible. 6498 = Invalid Command 6499 = Banking is disabled. See forums for details. 65 = Gamma Adjustment 650 = Body Marking 6500 = Guild banking is disabled. See forums for details. 6501 = Guild stores are disabled. See forums for details. 6502 = Campaigns are disabled on this server. 6503 = Only enchantments can be placed in slots. 6504 = Enchantments cannot be added to enchantments. 6505 = This enchantment requires an item with a higher Power rating. 6506 = This enchantment requires a different item equip type. 6507 = You need more souls to enchant that item. 6508 = This enchantment requires a different item armor type. 6509 = This enchantment requires a different item weapon type. 651 = Eye Color 6510 = This enchantment requires a different slot type. 6511 = Invalid enchantment. 6512 = This upgrade's level is too high for this siege weapon. 6513 = You cannot modify this enchantment. 6514 = You cannot use this enchantment on a siege of this type. 6515 = You can't do that while dead. 6516 = You can't do that while in combat. 6517 = You can't do that while reviving. 6518 = You can't do that while swimming. 6519 = You can't do that while in werewolf form. 652 = Age 6520 = Your paws are too clumsy. 6521 = You cannot summon a non-combat pet in an Alliance War location. 6522 = You have too much money to take these attachments. 6523 = That person is busy. 6524 = <<1>> prevents you from sneaking. 6525 = Ability requires <<1>> 6526 = Collections 6527 = Collectibles 6528 = Stories 6529 = Housing 653 = Eyebrows 6530 = Unlock Permanently 6531 = Subscribe Now 6532 = Upgrade 6533 = Accept Quest 6534 = Quest Accepted 6535 = Accepted 6536 = Not Accepted 6537 = <<1>> - \"<<2>>\" 6538 = Rename 6539 = Enter New Nickname 654 = Voice 6540 = Set Active 6541 = Put Away 6542 = Rename 6543 = Use 6544 = Dismiss 6545 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 6546 = Go to Collection Book 6547 = Collection Updated 6548 = <<1>> added to <<2>> 6549 = <<1>> new <<1[collectible/collectibles]>> unlocked 655 = No Gear 6550 = <<1>> has been updated with the <<2>> collectible. 6551 = Collectible is not ready yet. 6552 = Collectible is blocked from use. 6553 = Collectible is invalid for this character. 6554 = Collectible will appear when you get out of the water. 6555 = Quest available! 6556 = Available in Crown Store or with an ESO Plus subscription. 6557 = Upgrade available. 6558 = Locked Content 6559 = Entrance to this zone requires |cffffff<<1>> (DLC)|r. |cffffffDLC|r game packs can be purchased from the Crown Store, or unlocked with an ESO Plus membership available <<2>>. 656 = Novice Gear 6560 = You do not have the necessary |cffffffChapter|r to access this zone. Would you like to upgrade? 6561 = at https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store 6562 = on the PlayStation®Store 6563 = on the Xbox Store 6564 = Open Crown Store 6565 = Travel to House 6566 = Preview House 6567 = Available for purchase! 6568 = Charge Weapon 6569 = Charge 657 = Champion Gear 6570 = Select a Soul Gem to charge this weapon. 6571 = Charging this weapon will consume the Soul Gem. 6572 = You do not have any filled Soul Gems to charge this weapon. 6573 = Enchant Item 6574 = Enchant 6575 = Select an enchantment to apply to this item. 6576 = Enchanting this item will consume the enchantment. 6577 = You do not have any enchantments that can be applied to this item. 6578 = Deconstruction yielded no results. 6579 = Craft was not completed. 658 = No Collectibles 6580 = Can only be applied to an item between levels |cffffff<<1>>|r and |cffffff<<2>>|r 6581 = Minimum Level: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6582 = Repair Item 6583 = Repair 6584 = Select a Repair Kit to repair this item. 6585 = Repairing this item will consume the Repair Kit. 6586 = You do not have any Repair Kits to repair this item. 6587 = No items to repair. 6588 = <<1>> 6589 = <<1>> 659 = Current Appearance 6590 = Skills cannot be modified while your character has special abilities. 6591 = 6592 = 6593 = 6594 = 6595 = Inbox 6596 = Send 6597 = Attachments 6598 = (No subject) 6599 = (No message) 66 = Adjusts the overall gamma (brightness) setting of the game with no impact to performance. Change this setting if the game appears too bright or dark on your display. 660 = Overall 6600 = C.O.D. Fee: 6601 = Sent Gold: 6602 = Take Attachments 6603 = Delete 6604 = Report Player 6605 = Return to Sender 6606 = Send 6607 = Send Gold 6608 = Enter Subject 6609 = Delete Mail 661 = Class 6610 = Are you sure you want to delete this mail? Once deleted, you will no longer have access to it. 6611 = Delete 6612 = Pay C.O.D. 6613 = Taking this item will require you to pay the COD amount. Are you sure? 6614 = Return to Sender 6615 = Are you sure you want to return this mail to |cffffff<<1>>|r? You will no longer have access to the attachments. 6616 = Return 6617 = Clear Mail 6618 = Are you sure you want to clear out the contents of this mail? 6619 = <> 662 = Alliance 6620 = (Data not available) 6621 = Leaderboard Notifications 6622 = Show leaderboard notifications of guild members and friends. 6623 = Text Size 6624 = Adjusts the size of messages in the chat window. 6625 = Minimum Transparency 6626 = Adjusts the amount of transparency to which the chat window will fade when not in use. 6627 = Auto-Decline Duels 6628 = Automatically decline all incoming duel invitations. 6629 = AvA Announcements 663 = House 6630 = Displays AvA announcements related to your current home campaign. When automatic display is selected, AvA announcements will only show while in an Alliance War area. 6631 = Invert Y-Axis 6632 = Inverts the vertical direction in which the mouse moves the camera. 6633 = Rotation Speed 6634 = Adjusts the sensitivity of the mouse when moving the camera in 3rd person mode. 6635 = Rotation Speed 6636 = Adjusts the sensitivity of the mouse when moving the camera in 1st person mode. 6637 = Field of View 6638 = Adjusts the field of view while in 1st person mode. 6639 = Head Bob 664 = Battleground 6640 = Adjusts the magnitude of head bob while moving in 1st person view. 6641 = Screen Shake 6642 = Adjusts the magnitude of screen shake from various in-game sources. 6643 = Smoothing 6644 = Smoothens the motion of the camera when looking around in the world. 6645 = Horizontal Position 6646 = Adjusts the base horizontal position while in 3rd person mode. 6647 = Horizontal Offset 6648 = Additional horizontal offset while in 3rd person mode. 6649 = Vertical Offset 665 = Crowns 6650 = Additional vertical offset while in 3rd person mode. 6651 = Field of View 6652 = Adjusts the field of view while in 3rd person mode. 6653 = Field of View Changes 6654 = Allows field of view changes from sprinting and ability use. 6655 = Siege Weaponry 6656 = Controls the camera mode used when aiming Siege Weapons. Free Mode provides a more open feel while aiming, while Constrained Mode limits the camera to the area at which you are aiming. 6657 = Assassination Camera 6658 = Enables usage of cinematic kill camera during assassinations. 6659 = Subtitles 666 = Crown Gems 6660 = Determines if subtitles will be displayed for NPCs or not. 6661 = Foot Inverse Kinematics 6662 = Enabling this will have feet perform inverse kinematics so that they rest more naturally on the terrain. 6663 = Chat Bubbles 6664 = Displays a chat bubble above a player's head when they are speaking. 6665 = Fade Rate 6666 = Controls how quickly a chat bubble will fade after appearing. 6667 = Only Known Players 6668 = Displays a chat bubble only for players that are in any of your guilds, in your contact list, or in your group. 6669 = Self 667 = None 6670 = Displays a dialogue bubble for yourself when you speak. 6671 = Loot History 6672 = Provides a visual history of loot, rewards and currency you've acquired as you play. 6673 = Resource Numbers 6674 = Controls the visibility of health, stamina, and magicka numbers on the player unit frame, and health numbers on the target unit frame. 6675 = Ultimate Number 6676 = Shows your current Ultimate in the ability bar. 6677 = Buffs & Debuffs 6678 = All 6679 = Enables the buff & debuff system that shows buff and debuff effects on you and your target. 668 = Aldmeri Dominion 6680 = Buffs 6681 = Shows buff (positive) effects. 6682 = Self Buffs 6683 = Shows buff effects on you. 6684 = Target 6685 = Shows buff effects on your target. 6686 = Debuffs 6687 = Shows debuff (negative) effects. 6688 = Self Debuffs 6689 = Shows debuff effects on you. 669 = Ebonheart Pact 6690 = Target Debuffs 6691 = Shows debuff effects on your target. 6692 = Long Effects 6693 = Shows effects with a duration longer than 1 minute. 6694 = Permanent Effects 6695 = Shows effects with an infinite duration. 6696 = From Others 6697 = Shows debuffs applied by other players on your target. 6698 = Default Soul Gem 6699 = Your default soul gem will be used first when reviving yourself or another player. 67 = Shadow Quality 670 = Daggerfall Covenant 6700 = Subtitles 6701 = Excessive Message Warning 6702 = You are sending a lot of messages rapidly. Be advised that continuing to do so may drop you from the server. 6703 = <<1>> 6704 = online ID 6705 = Xbox Live gamertag 6706 = UserID 6707 = Your Tutorials Have Been Reset 6708 = Reset Tutorials 6709 = Are you sure you want to reset tutorials? 671 = Damage 6710 = Scales from level <<1>> to <<2>>. 6711 = Scales from <><<2>> to <><<3>> 6712 = Here 6713 = Here (<> <>) 6714 = Here (<>) 6715 = Here (<> <> + <>) 6716 = Here |cff0000(|r<> <>|cff0000)|r 6717 = Here |cff0000(|r<>|cff0000)|r 6718 = Here |cff0000(|r<> <> |cff0000+|r <>|cff0000)|r 6719 = Wayshrine 672 = Healing 6720 = Wayshrine (<>) 6721 = Release 6722 = No Valid Soul Gems Found 6723 = No <<1>> found. 6724 = Costs |cffffff1|r <<1>> 6725 = Choose Revive Location 6726 = Join Queue 6727 = Automatically Reviving... 6728 = Join the respawn queue? 6729 = <<1>> wants to resurrect you. 673 = Medal Score 6730 = Waiting for the battle to end... 6731 = Your equipped items have lost durability. 6732 = Revive at Entrance 6733 = Lives: <<1>> 6734 = Revive 6735 = Releasing in |cffffff<<1>>|r 6736 = Toggle Recap 6737 = Death Recap 6738 = Recent Damage 6739 = Hints 674 = Trials 6740 = No Hints Available 6741 = <<1>> 6742 = <<1>>'s <<2>> 6743 = <> |cffffff<<2>>|r|u10:0::|u<<3>> 6744 = <> |cffffff<<2>>|r|u10:0::|u<>'s <<4>> 6745 = <> <<2>> 6746 = <> <>'s <<3>> 6747 = dmg 6748 = <<1>> 6749 = Tel Var Stones: 675 = Solo 6750 = -<<1>> 6751 = x 6752 = <<1>> 6753 = .<<1>> 6754 = <>: |cffffff<>|r 6755 = <> 6756 = ESO PLUS 6757 = Locked 6758 = ESO Plus Unlocked 6759 = <<1>>/<<2>> 676 = None 6760 = Vitality Bonus 6761 = Score 6762 = Final Score 6763 = |t64:64:<<1>>|tVitality Bonus Decreased 6764 = The bonus has dropped to <<1>> points 6765 = Final Score 6766 = Total Time 6767 = Vitality Bonus 6768 = Show only the items that can be created based on what is available in inventory. 6769 = Show only the items that can be created based on learned knowledge. 677 = Capture the Relic 6770 = Substitute for an already-known style's material. \nCraft new weapons and armor in any style. 6771 = Purchase more in the Crown Store. 6772 = <> (<<2>>) 6773 = Preview 6774 = End Preview 6775 = Cancel Research 6776 = Cancel Research 6777 = Improving a locked item requires a 100% chance. 6778 = None 6779 = Have Skills 678 = Deathmatch 6780 = Have Ingredients 6781 = Furnishings 6782 = Drinks 6783 = Food 6784 = Requires Recipe Quality <<1>> 6785 = Requires <<1>> <<2>> 6786 = To Create 6787 = Ingredients 6788 = You have not learned any of these. 6789 = <> 679 = King of the Hill 6790 = Transmuting 6791 = Transmute 6792 = Transmute 6793 = Cost 6794 = Select Trait 6795 = Transmute 6796 = Transmute (<<1>>) 6797 = Confirm Transmute 6798 = You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>. 6799 = You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nTransmuting this item will permanently bind it to your account. 68 = Determines the quality of shadows seen in the world. Higher settings increase the shadow's draw distance, sharpness and the number of objects in the world that cast shadows. Decreasing this quality may help improve performance. 680 = Domination 6800 = You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nThis item is locked, type <<4>> to verify. 6801 = You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nTransmuting this item will permanently bind it to your account.\n\nThis item is locked, type <<4>> to verify. 6802 = You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nThis item is locked, are you sure you want to continue? 6803 = You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nTransmuting this item will permanently bind it to your account.\n\nThis item is locked, are you sure you want to continue? 6804 = Research at a <<1>> station to unlock 6805 = Experience 6806 = <<1>> 6807 = +<<1>> 6808 = Leaderboard Score 6809 = Overview 681 = Crazy King 6810 = Character Stuck 6811 = Submit Feedback 6812 = Ask For Help 6813 = Quest Assistance 6814 = Item Assistance 6815 = Get Me Unstuck 6816 = Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. 6817 = Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. You will also lose |cffffff<<2>>%|r of your currently held Tel Var stones. 6818 = Using Get Me Unstuck will kill you so that you can respawn. 6819 = Impact 682 = Chaosball 6820 = Category 6821 = Subcategory 6822 = Description 6823 = Attach Screenshot 6824 = Enter Name 6825 = Quest Name 6826 = Item Name 6827 = The Elder Scrolls Online Forums 6828 = The Elder Scrolls Online Support 6829 = Submitting Ticket 683 = None 6830 = Submitting... 6831 = Confirmation 6832 = Failed To Submit 6833 = There has been an error in your ticket submission. Please try again in a few minutes.\n\nYou can also visit |c2e86b8<<1>>|r for support. 6834 = Open Web Browser 6835 = Include the following details:\nWhat were you doing?\nWhat did you expect to happen?\nWhat actually happened? 6836 = Please include any details you feel are important. 6837 = Submit 6838 = Common Questions 6839 = <<1>> 684 = Deathmatch 6840 = Player Name 6841 = Customer Support is unable to provide quest hints. If you are looking for help or tips on how to complete a quest, your fellow players on the forums at |c2e86b8<<1>>|r are a great source of information. Additionally, you can consult one of the many ESO community Wikis. 6842 = <<1>> 6843 = In order to help us resolve your issue, please provide us with your quest details and information by navigating to your Journal and selecting \"Get Help\" from the options menu for the quest. 6844 = In order to help us resolve your issue, please provide us with your item details and information by navigating to your Inventory and selecting \"Get Help\" from the options menu for the item. 6845 = <<1>> 6846 = Crafting Item 6847 = Crown Crate 6848 = Use 6849 = Equip 685 = Land Grab 6850 = Unequip 6851 = Add to Mail 6852 = Remove from Mail 6853 = Take 6854 = Deposit 6855 = Withdraw 6856 = Add to Offer 6857 = Remove from Offer 6858 = Sell 6859 = Launder 686 = Flag Games 6860 = Buy 6861 = Buy Multiple 6862 = Buy 6863 = Take 6864 = Split Stack 6865 = Destroy 6866 = Link in Chat 6867 = Lock 6868 = Unlock 6869 = Mark as Junk 687 = Vote failed; please try again later. 6870 = Unmark as Junk 6871 = Enchant 6872 = Charge 6873 = Add to Quickslot 6874 = Remove from Quickslot 6875 = Convert to Imperial Style 6876 = Convert to Morag Tong Style 6877 = Repair 6878 = Add 6879 = Remove 688 = Vote failed; please try again later. 6880 = Get Help 6881 = Research 6882 = Stack All Items 6883 = Stow 6884 = Retrieve 6885 = Preview Dye Stamp 6886 = Stow Materials 6887 = Preview 6888 = (Hidden) 6889 = (Hidden By Lycanthropy) 689 = Could not find target player to start the voting process. 6890 = (Hidden By Polymorph) 6891 = (Hidden By Costume) 6892 = (Hidden By Headwear) 6893 = (Hidden By Disguise) 6894 = (Hide Helmet is active) 6895 = (Hidden By Skin) 6896 = (Polymorphs hide costumes, hats and skins.) 6897 = Unknown <<1>>. 6898 = A <<1>> with unknown effects. 6899 = Inert <<1>> 69 = Distortion 690 = Unable to process that vote. 6900 = These reagents will not react. 6901 = All Poisons are applied 20% of the time on Light Attacks, Heavy Attacks, or Weapon Abilities. While slotted, this poison suppresses your weapon enchantments. 6902 = Crafting Materials can be withdrawn but not deposited. The Craft Bag can be unlocked by becoming an ESO Plus member. 6903 = Crafting Materials can be withdrawn and deposited freely while you are an ESO Plus member. 6904 = Stow Items 6905 = Retrieve Items 6906 = Armor Indicator 6907 = Weapon Indicator 6908 = Displays an indicator when a piece of equipped armor is fully damaged. 6909 = Displays an indicator when the charge of a weapon is fully depleted and no poisons are equipped. 691 = You cannot initiate a vote when the voting process is already in progress. 6910 = A piece of equipped armor is fully damaged. 6911 = The charge of an equipped weapon is fully depleted and no poisons are equipped. 6912 = Gem Extraction 6913 = Extract 6914 = Extract All<<1[/ ($d)/ ($d)]>> 6915 = Select something to extract gems from. 6916 = Select 6917 = You need at least <<1>> <<2>> to begin extracting gems. 6918 = <<1>><<2[/ ($d)/ ($d)]>> 6919 = Extract All 692 = You cannot use that type of vote on yourself. 6920 = Are you sure you want to destroy|cffffff<<1[// $d]>>|r <> to produce |cffffff<<3>>|r crown gems? 6921 = You have nothing to extract gems from. 6922 = Confirm Stow Gemifiable 6923 = Stowing this material in the craft bag will prevent you from converting it into Crown Gems. Are you sure you want to continue? 6924 = Confirm Stow Materials 6925 = You have a material that can be converted to Crown Gems. By stowing it in the craft bag you will no longer be able to convert it. Are you sure you want to continue? 6926 = Housing Editor 6927 = Purchase Options 6928 = Vote 6929 = Place 693 = There are not enough members to start the voting process. 6930 = Purchase 6931 = Retrieve 6932 = Settings 6933 = Uncategorized 6934 = Home Show 6935 = Unlist 6936 = List 6937 = The Home Show is a showcase of the most extravagant player houses. Players can tour random houses and vote on their favorites. The top ranking houses will be eligible for weekly leaderboard rewards. 6938 = Primary Residence 6939 = Make Primary Residence 694 = You are not currently in a group. 6940 = Your primary residence can be visited by those with permission even when you are offline. 6941 = Default Visitor Access 6942 = Controls the level of access for everyone not on a visitor list or banlist. 6943 = Permissions 6944 = Guild 6945 = Purchase 6946 = Search 6947 = You have no furnishings to place. 6948 = You have no furnishings to retrieve. 6949 = There are no furnishings available for purchase. 695 = There is nothing currently being voted on. 6950 = No furnishings match the search. 6951 = The location of the furnishing has been marked on your compass. 6952 = Furniture 6953 = Use 6954 = Remove From Banlist 6955 = Enter guild name 6956 = Permissions 6957 = Add Player 6958 = Add Guild 6959 = Load Permissions 696 = Your vote has already been cast. 6960 = House Information 6961 = <<1>>/<<2>> 6962 = <<1>> 6963 = <<1>> 6964 = Remove Visitor 6965 = Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r as a visitor? 6966 = Remove Ban 6967 = Are you sure you want to remove the ban on |cffffff<<1>>|r? 6968 = Remove Guild Visitor 6969 = Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r as a visitor? 697 = Your vote has already been cast. 6970 = Remove Guild Ban 6971 = Are you sure you want to remove the ban on |cffffff<<1>>|r? 6972 = Confirm 6973 = Add Visitor 6974 = Ban Player 6975 = Add Guild Visitor 6976 = Ban Guild 6977 = Change Permissions 6978 = Edit the permissions of |cffffff<<1>>|r 6979 = Commit 698 = You initiated an election too recently. 6980 = Load Permissions 6981 = Load visitor lists and ban lists from: 6982 = Select One 6983 = You need more than one house to share permissions between them. 6984 = Apply to all houses. 6985 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 6986 = <<1>> 6987 = No Access 6988 = Cancel 6989 = Go to Entrance 699 = One or more group members is in a battleground. 6990 = Place 6991 = Place (|cffffff<<1>>|r) 6992 = Select 6993 = Put Away 6994 = Modify 6995 = Browse 6996 = Surface Drag On 6997 = Surface Drag Off 6998 = Yaw Right 6999 = Yaw Left 7 = Input Language Changed to: <<1>> 70 = Causes certain objects in the world to display distortion effects in their vicinity. Disabling this may improve performance. 700 = The vote did not pass. 7000 = Pitch Forward 7001 = Pitch Backward 7002 = Roll Right 7003 = Roll Left 7004 = Push 7005 = Pull 7006 = Align 7007 = Cursor Mode 7008 = Could not find player <<1>>. 7009 = Could not find guild <<1>>. 701 = The vote did not pass. 7010 = You can't add yourself to your own housing permissions. 7011 = Remove 7012 = Change Permissions 7013 = Primary Residence 7014 = Setting this house as your Primary Residence will unset your current one - |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r 7015 = Other players cannot visit this house unless added to the visitor or guild visitor list 7016 = Other players can visit this house when you are there. If it's your primary residence, they can visit even when you are not there. 7017 = Other players can visit this house and move your furniture around. 7018 = Your permissions for this house have changed. 7019 = This house is not currently for sale. 702 = The voting process has been cancelled. 7020 = Confirm Purchase 7021 = Are you sure you want to buy |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r for |cffffff<<3>>|r? 7022 = Name 7023 = Location 7024 = House Type 7025 = Template 7026 = Primary Residence 7027 = Population 7028 = House owners can still enter their house when it's full. 7029 = Preview 703 = The vote passed! 7030 = <<1>> 7031 = Requirements Not Met 7032 = Open <<1>> (<<2>>) 7033 = Back 7034 = Buy Crates 7035 = Open a Crate 7036 = Open 7037 = Reveal Next 7038 = Reveal Selected 7039 = Reveal All 704 = The vote did not pass. 7040 = x<<1>> 7041 = <> 7042 = <> (<<2>>) 7043 = <<1>><<2>> (<<3>>) 7044 = Item 7045 = Crown Gems: 7046 = <<1>> 7047 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 7048 = +<<1>><<2>> 7049 = Back 705 = Vote Kick 7050 = Page: 7051 = <<1>>/<<2>> 7052 = Quality 7053 = Trait 7054 = Set 7055 = Style 7056 = Craft a <<1>> with the following properties:<<2>><<3>><<4>><<5>>\n• Progress 7057 = Craft a <<1>> with the following traits:<<2>><<3>><<4>>\n• Progress 7058 = Craft a <<1>><<2>>\n• Progress 7059 = Craft a <<1>>\n• Progress 706 = Vote To Promote 7060 = \n• <<1>>: <<2>> 7061 = \n• <<1>> 7062 = Consume to start quest:\nCraft a <<1>><<2>><<3>><<4>><<5>> 7063 = Consume to start quest:\nCraft a <<1>> with the following properties: <<2>><<3>><<4>> 7064 = Consume to start quest:\nCraft a <<1>><<2>> 7065 = Consume to start quest:\nCraft a <<1>> 7066 = , <<1>> 7067 = ; <<1>>: <<2>> 7068 = Result: <<1>> DPS, <<2>> (<<3>>) 7069 = Reward: <<1>><> Writ Vouchers 707 = <<1>>(<<2>>) has left the group. 7070 = Scoreboard 7071 = Team Score 7072 = K 7073 = A 7074 = D 7075 = Closing |cffffff<<1>>|r 7076 = Leave Battleground 7077 = Match Breakdown 7078 = Top Medals 7079 = No Medals Earned 708 = <<1>>(<<2>>) removed from the group. 7080 = You 7081 = Your Team 7082 = Enemy Team 7083 = <> grabbed<> 7084 = <> dropped<> 7085 = <> controls<> 7086 = <> grabbed<> 7087 = <> dropped<> 7088 = <>has returned! 7089 = <> captured<> 709 = <<1>>(<<2>>) has disbanded the group. 7090 = <<1>> are nearing victory! 7091 = <> is nearing victory! 7092 = <>has spawned! 7093 = <>has moved! 7094 = Battlegrounds 7095 = Waiting for players... 7096 = <<1>>\nStarts in: <<2>> 7097 = Starting... 7098 = <<1>> <<2>> 7099 = Ends in: <<1>> 71 = Depth of Field 710 = <<1>>(<<2>>) has left the battleground. 7100 = You will be removed from the battleground if you remain inactive. 7101 = Not enough players. The battleground will close in <<1>> seconds. 7102 = Close 7103 = Leave Battleground 7104 = Select 7105 = Previous 7106 = Next 7107 = Leave Battleground 7108 = Leaving a battleground early temporarily inflicts you with a |cffffffDeserter|r debuff. 7109 = Ends In 711 = Diagrams 7110 = ONE MINUTE REMAINING! 7111 = Convert to <> 7112 = Converting this item to the <> style will make it bound to your account, preventing other accounts from being able to use it.\n\nOnce converted, the item cannot be returned to its original style.\n\nAre you sure you want to convert the style of <>? 7113 = Convert 7114 = Your ESO Plus Free Trial Has Begun 7115 = Your ESO Plus Free Trial Has Ended 7116 = 712 = Patterns 713 = Praxis 714 = Formulae 715 = Designs 716 = Blueprints 717 = Class 718 = Weapon 719 = Armor 72 = Simulates the photographic effect that causes distant objects to appear out of focus based on the distance they are from objects in the foreground. Does not impact conversation scenes. 720 = World 721 = Guild 722 = Alliance War 723 = Racial 724 = Craft 725 = Champion 726 = You cannot destroy items while crafting. 727 = You cannot destroy locked items. 728 = Default 729 = Mono 73 = Bloom 730 = Stereo 731 = 2.1 732 = Quad 733 = 4.1 734 = 5.0 735 = Surround 736 = 7.1 737 = Solo 738 = Group 739 = Trial 74 = Increases the intensity of the glow surrounding light sources. Toggling this off will increase performance. 740 = Solo 741 = Dungeon 742 = Trial 743 = Group Delve 744 = Group 745 = Public Dungeon 746 = Delve 747 = Housing 748 = Battleground 749 = Say 75 = Graphics Quality 750 = Yell 751 = Incoming Whispers 752 = Outgoing Whispers 753 = Zone 754 = Group 755 = Emote 756 = System 757 = Guild 1 758 = Guild 2 759 = Guild 3 76 = Sets the overall graphics quality of the game, adjusting all advanced options below. 760 = Guild 4 761 = Guild 5 762 = Officer 1 763 = Officer 2 764 = Officer 3 765 = Officer 4 766 = Officer 5 767 = Zone - English 768 = Zone - French 769 = Zone - German 77 = Display Mode 770 = Zone - Japanese 771 = Monster Say 772 = Monster Yell 773 = Monster Whisper 774 = Monster Emote 775 = Experience 776 = Tel Var Stones 777 = Rank Points 778 = Alliance Points 779 = Gained Effect 78 = Sets the game's primary display mode. 780 = Lost Effect 781 = Direct Damage 782 = Damage over Time 783 = Direct Heal 784 = Heal over Time 785 = Power Energize 786 = Power Drain 787 = Dodge/Parry/Miss 788 = Block/Absorb/Defend 789 = Resist 79 = Resolution 790 = Other 791 = Death 792 = Channels 793 = Guilds 794 = Combat 795 = You are in control of the dungeon mode. 796 = Unlocked once your character reaches Level 50. 797 = Only the group leader may change the mode of group dungeons. 798 = Cannot change dungeon mode while you are in a dungeon. 799 = Cannot change dungeon mode while in a group created by an activity finder. 8 = Current Keyboard Layout: <<1>> 80 = Specifies the overall resolution in which the game will run. Increasing the resolution will provide a higher fidelity image at the expense of performance. The resolution chosen should match the aspect ratio of your monitor. 800 = Don't Show 801 = Automatic 802 = Always Show 803 = Simple 804 = Intermediate 805 = Advanced 806 = Master 807 = Impossible 808 = Trivial 809 = Trivial 81 = <<1>>x<<2>> 810 = Search 811 = Talk 812 = Harvest 813 = Disarm 814 = Use 815 = Read 816 = Take 817 = Destroy 818 = Repair 819 = Inspect 82 = <<1>>x<<2>> (Wide) 820 = Repair 821 = Unlock 822 = Open 823 = Examine 824 = Fish 825 = Reel In 826 = Pack Up 827 = Steal 828 = Steal From 829 = Pickpocket 83 = SubSampling Quality 830 = Trespass 831 = Hide 832 = Preview 833 = Exit 834 = Have any poisons or potions today? 835 = Have anything that can help make me less noticeable? 836 = Have any equipment today? 837 = gamertag 838 = Online ID 839 = UserID 84 = Determines the resolution in which the game will render the world. The interface is not affected by this setting. Decreasing the quality may help improve performance. 840 = Speed 841 = Carry Capacity 842 = Stamina 843 = Online 844 = Away 845 = Do Not Disturb 846 = Offline 847 = You are currently waiting for a duel invite response from <<1>>. 848 = You are currently considering a duel invite from <<1>>. 849 = You are currently dueling <<1>>. 85 = Vertical Sync 850 = Your duel with <<1>> is about to start. 851 = Your prior duel is shutting down. 852 = <<1>> forfeited the duel. 853 = <<1>> won the duel. 854 = Friend Invite 855 = Guild Invite 856 = Campaign Ready 857 = Resurrect Available 858 = Group Invite 859 = Trade Invite 86 = Helps to eliminate tearing artifacts by synchronizing the framerate with the refresh rate of your monitor. 860 = Share Quest 861 = Pledge of Mara 862 = Customer Service 863 = Leaderboard 864 = Guild MotD 865 = Collections 866 = Activity Finder 867 = Points Reset 868 = Craft Bag 869 = Group Election 87 = Ambient Occlusion 870 = Duel Invitation 871 = ESO Plus 872 = Event 873 = Objectives 874 = Alliance War Objectives 875 = Battles 876 = Quests 877 = Resources 878 = Forward Camp Ranges 879 = Forward Camps 88 = Provides improvements to lighting by displaying subtle differences in shadow transparency along the edges and seams of objects. Disabling this will increase performance. 880 = Wayshrines 881 = Group Members 882 = Transit Lines 883 = Imperial City Entrances 884 = All Alliances 885 = My Alliance 886 = Template A 887 = Southpaw 888 = Hardcore 889 = Attack on Button 89 = Anti-Aliasing 890 = Template B 891 = Template C 892 = Weapon Swap Right Stick 893 = Weapon Swap Face Button 894 = Invalid 895 = Easy 896 = Medium 897 = Hard 898 = Suspicious 899 = Too Far 9 = Graphics Options 90 = Smoothens the edges of objects in the world. Disabling this option may increase performance at the expense of displaying a harsher edge to objects. 900 = Aware 901 = Inventory Full 902 = Upstanding 903 = Disreputable 904 = Notorious 905 = Fugitive 906 = Enforcer 907 = Criminal 908 = Alchemist 909 = Artisan 91 = Sunlight Rays 910 = Assassin 911 = Bard 912 = Beggar 913 = Chef 914 = Civil Servant 915 = Clothier 916 = Commoner 917 = Crafter 918 = Cultist 919 = Drunkard 92 = Causes the sun to display rays of light depending on its angle relative to the camera. Disabling this may improve performance. 920 = Farmer 921 = Fighter 922 = Fisher 923 = Gatherer 924 = Ghost 925 = Guard 926 = Healer 927 = Hunter 928 = Laborer 929 = Mage 93 = Grass 930 = Merchant 931 = Noble 932 = Nude 933 = Ordinator 934 = Outlaw 935 = Pilgrim 936 = Priest 937 = Prisoner 938 = Provisioner 939 = Sailor 94 = Displays additional grass in the world, giving the environment a richer and more realistic appearance. Disabling this may improve performance. 940 = Scholar 941 = Servant 942 = Skeleton 943 = Slave 944 = Smith 945 = Soldier 946 = Student 947 = Thief 948 = Vampire 949 = Warrior 95 = Water Reflection Quality 950 = Watchmen 951 = Werewolf 952 = Woodworker 953 = Purchase Successful 954 = You do not have enough crowns to make this purchase. 955 = You do not have enough room in your inventory to make this purchase. 956 = We're sorry, this product doesn't seem to exist. 957 = You cannot have more than one of the same unique item. 958 = We're sorry, you cannot purchase this item. 959 = Cannot complete the purchase at this time. Please try again later. 96 = Determines the quality of reflections shown on the surface of water. Decreasing this setting may increase performance, but may cause distortion artifacts in the reflections that are displayed. 960 = We're sorry, this product doesn't seem to exist. 961 = You already own this item! 962 = We're sorry, you cannot purchase this item at this time. 963 = We're sorry, you cannot purchase that item at this time. 964 = You've already fully unlocked this item. 965 = This product is coming soon. 966 = You do not have enough Crown Gems to make this purchase. 967 = We're sorry, this product doesn't seem to exist. 968 = You already own this item! 969 = Invalid 97 = Graphics 970 = Ceremonial 971 = Cheers and Jeers 972 = Deprecated 973 = Emotion 974 = Entertainment 975 = Food and Drink 976 = Give Directions 977 = Perpetual 978 = Physical 979 = Poses and Fidgets 98 = Controls the quality of rendering. 980 = Prop 981 = Social 982 = Personality Only 983 = Collected 984 = View All 985 = View Purchased 986 = View Not Purchased 987 = None 988 = NA 989 = EU 99 = Maximum Particle Systems 990 = North America 991 = Europe 992 = http://www.elderscrollsonline.com 993 = https://account.elderscrollsonline.com 994 = https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store?utm_source=ESO%20in-game%20Crown%20Store&utm_campaign=Buy%20Crowns&utm_content=In-Game%20Buy%20Crowns 995 = https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store/product/eso_plus?utm_source=ESO%20In-Game&utm_campaign=ESO%20Plus 996 = https://help.elderscrollsonline.com 997 = http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com 998 = https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/39609 999 = http://eso.dmm.com/ ExecuteChatCommand() = function:000001439D286CC8 ExecutePatternedChatCommand() = function:00000143C3438718 ExecuteTradingHouseSearch() = function:000001439D296650 ExtractEnchantingItem() = function:000001439D2AE108 ExtractOrRefineSmithingItem() = function:00000143F58DAEC8 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED = 12 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_DESTINATION_KEEP_ALLIANCE = 5 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_DESTINATION_KEEP_ALLIED_RESOURCE = 7 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_DESTINATION_KEEP_UNDER_ATTACK = 6 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_INTERACT_REQUIREMENT = 10 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_INVALID_DESTINATION_WAYPOINT = 9 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_NO_VALID_PATH = 2 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_ORIGIN_KEEP_ALLIANCE = 3 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_ORIGIN_KEEP_ALLIED_RESOURCE = 14 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_ORIGIN_KEEP_UNDER_ATTACK = 4 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_PLAYER_CARRYING_ARTIFACT = 11 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_PLAYER_IN_COMBAT = 1 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_PLAYER_TOO_FAR_AWAY_FROM_ORIGIN_KEEP = 8 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 14 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 14 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_PENDING_REMOTE_JUMP_REPSONSE = 13 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_ACTIVE = 0 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_INACTIVE = 2 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_IN_COMBAT = 1 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_ITERATION_END = 2 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_MAX_VALUE = 2 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_MIN_VALUE = 0 FCB_PUSH_DIRECTION_DOWN = 1 FCB_PUSH_DIRECTION_UP = -1 FEEDBACK_TYPE_INVALID = 0 FEEDBACK_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FEEDBACK_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 1 FEEDBACK_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 1 FEEDBACK_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 FEEDBACK_TYPE_QUEST = 1 FENCE_GAMEPAD = table:000001431BD40FC8 (meta 000001431BD3E838} FENCE_KEYBOARD = table:000001431BD2E3F0 (meta 000001431BD2D438} FENCE_LAUNDER_GAMEPAD = table:000001431BD41900 (meta 000001431BD3B070} firstTable firstMeta confirmKeybindStripDescriptor = table:000001431BD46B28 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD46BB8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431BD46B70 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Launder order = -500 2 = table:000001431BD46C68 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431BD46C20 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 control = userdata:000001431BD41B80 (meta 000001431BD42020} fragment = table:000001431BD42A60 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001431BD46478 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD46510 firstTable callback() = function:000001431BD46600 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_STICK name = Stack All Items 2 = table:000001431BD46708 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431BD46640 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Launder order = -500 visible() = function:000001431BD466C0 3 = table:000001431BD464C0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 4 = table:000001431BD46820 firstTable callback() = function:000001431BD46750 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 5 = table:000001431BD46980 firstTable callback() = function:000001431BD437C0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 list = table:000001431BD41F18 (meta 0000014405F90F70} mode = 6 modeData = table:000001431BD46CD8 firstTable iconFile = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_fence_up.dds keybind = table:000001431BD46478 mode = 6 text = Launder storeMode = 6 tabText = Launder FENCE_MANAGER = table:00000143C804DB30 (meta 00000143C804D5D8} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:000001431BD2E4B8 firstTable FenceClosed = table:000001431BD2E660 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD2E700 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD2E618 3 = false 2 = table:000001431BD411A0 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD41158 3 = false FenceEnterLaunder = table:000001431BD2EE80 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD2EEC8 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD2EE38 3 = false 2 = table:000001431BD41740 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD416F8 3 = false FenceEnterSell = table:000001431BD2ED50 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD2ED98 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD2ED08 3 = false 2 = table:000001431BD41650 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD41608 3 = false FenceInventoryUpdated = table:000001431BD2EAF0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD2EB38 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD2EAA8 3 = false 2 = table:000001431BD41470 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD41428 3 = false FenceLaunderSuccess = table:000001431BD2E9C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD2EA08 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD2E978 3 = false 2 = table:000001431BD41380 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD41338 3 = false FenceOpened = table:000001431BD2E500 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD2E578 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD2E438 3 = false 2 = table:000001431BD410B0 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD41068 3 = false FenceSellSuccess = table:000001431BD2E7E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD2E8D8 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD2E7A0 3 = false 2 = table:000001431BD41290 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD41248 3 = false FenceUpdated = table:000001431BD2EC20 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD2EC68 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD2EBD8 3 = false 2 = table:000001431BD41560 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD41518 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143C804DB78 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 laundersUsed = 0 sellsUsed = 0 totalLaunders = 50 totalSells = 50 FENCE_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:00000143C802A398 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} FENCE_SCENE = table:000001431BD2EFB0 (meta 00000144C79BED68} FENCE_SELL_GAMEPAD = table:000001431BD46D48 (meta 000001431BD36B78} firstTable firstMeta confirmKeybindStripDescriptor = table:000001431BD4C060 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD4C0F0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431BD4C0A8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Sell order = -500 2 = table:000001431BD4C1A0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431BD4C158 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 control = userdata:000001431BD46F98 (meta 000001431BD474C8} fragment = table:000001431BD47ED0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001431BD4B9B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD4BA48 firstTable callback() = function:000001431BD4BB38 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_STICK name = Stack All Items 2 = table:000001431BD4BC40 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431BD4BB78 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Sell order = -500 visible() = function:000001431BD4BBF8 3 = table:000001431BD4B9F8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 4 = table:000001431BD4BD58 firstTable callback() = function:000001431BD4BC88 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 5 = table:000001431BD4BEB8 firstTable callback() = function:000001431BD48C50 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 list = table:000001431BD472C0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} mode = 5 modeData = table:000001431BD4C210 firstTable iconFile = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_sell_up.dds keybind = table:000001431BD4B9B0 mode = 5 text = Sell storeMode = 5 tabText = Sell FISHING_GAMEPAD = table:00000144DD5C19B8 (meta 00000144DD5B4930} firstTable menu = table:00000144DD5C1A30 (meta 000001431DA64B50} firstTable actionLabel = userdata:00000144DD5C19A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} actionLayerName = RadialMenu activateOnShow = true animation = userdata:00000144DD5B51C8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} control = userdata:00000144DD5C1838 (meta 000001430831E750} directionInputs = table:0000014316F467B0 enableMouse = true entries = table:00000144DD5C1E20 firstTable entryPool = table:00000144DD5C1D18 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144DD5C1EE0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000144DD5C1C18 m_Free = table:00000144DD5C1DD8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000144DD5C1BD8 onClearCallback() = function:00000144DD5C20C8 onSelectionChangedCallback() = function:00000144DD5C2000 selectIfCentered = true selectedBackground = userdata:00000144DD5C1930 (meta 0000014308349FC8} setupFunction() = function:00000144DD5C1F80 virtualMouseX = 0 virtualMouseY = 0 menuControl = userdata:00000144DD5C1838 (meta 000001430831E750} FISHING_KEYBOARD = table:00000144DD5C0AA0 (meta 00000144DD5B4930} firstTable firstMeta menu = table:00000144DD5C0B18 (meta 000001431DA64B50} firstTable actionLabel = userdata:00000144DD5C0A90 (meta 00000143083425C0} actionLayerName = RadialMenu activateOnShow = true animation = userdata:00000144DD5C0DD0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} control = userdata:00000144DD5C0908 (meta 000001430831E750} directionInputs = table:0000014316F467B0 enableMouse = true entries = table:00000144DD5C0E28 firstTable entryPool = table:00000144DD5C0D20 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144DD5C0F18 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000144DD5C0C20 m_Free = table:00000144DD5C0DE0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000144DD5C0BE0 onClearCallback() = function:00000144DD5C1100 onSelectionChangedCallback() = function:00000144DD5C1038 selectIfCentered = true selectedBackground = userdata:00000144DD5C0990 (meta 0000014308349FC8} setupFunction() = function:00000144DD5C0FB8 unselectedBackground = userdata:00000144DD5C0A18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} virtualMouseX = 0 virtualMouseY = 0 menuControl = userdata:00000144DD5C0908 (meta 000001430831E750} FISHING_MANAGER = table:00000144DD5B4D88 (meta 00000144DD5B4C08} firstTable firstMeta FOCUSED_QUEST_TRACKER = table:00000143D70CD980 (meta 00000143E3455A60} FOCUSED_QUEST_TRACKER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CBF689C0 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} FONT_STYLE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FONT_STYLE_ITERATION_END = 5 FONT_STYLE_MAX_VALUE = 5 FONT_STYLE_MIN_VALUE = 0 FONT_STYLE_NORMAL = 0 FONT_STYLE_OUTLINE = 2 FONT_STYLE_OUTLINE_THICK = 3 FONT_STYLE_SHADOW = 1 FONT_STYLE_SOFT_SHADOW_THICK = 5 FONT_STYLE_SOFT_SHADOW_THIN = 4 FORCE_INIT_SMOOTH_STATUS_BAR = true FRAGMENT_GROUP = table:00000143553852B0 firstTable BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_GAMEPAD_GROUP = table:00000143C8033A00 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BC168F88 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:0000014313E3FA48 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_KEYBOARD_GROUP = table:00000143C805E8E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014306476910 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:000001436170C438 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143BC160120 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001436170C148 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BC078 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001436170C480 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_GROUP = table:000001448F8805B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E10EB918 (meta 00000143C7D3B190} 2 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 3 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED = table:0000014409E60578 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313E26AA8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 2 = table:00000143CB7341B8 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 3 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED_NO_BLUR = table:000001431BD39998 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313E26AA8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 2 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED_UNIFORM_BLUR = table:00000143C805B510 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313E26AA8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 2 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 3 = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} FRAME_TARGET_FURNITURE_BROWSER_NO_BLUR = table:000001431BD2B048 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5FF68 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 2 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD = table:00000143CB73DD98 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 2 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 3 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_LEFT = table:000001430A07E6E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313E159C0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 2 = table:00000143F0DF2210 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 3 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS = table:0000014316658310 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313E198A0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 2 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_RIGHT = table:000001442807ED48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 2 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 3 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} FRAME_TARGET_OPTIONS = table:00000144081A8178 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313E25768 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 2 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} FRAME_TARGET_STANDARD_RIGHT_PANEL = table:000001431BD3D358 firstTable 1 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 2 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 3 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} FRAME_TARGET_TRADING_HOUSE_GAMEPAD = table:00000144DD5B8968 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E7DDD5D0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:000001431DEE07D0 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E7DDD618 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 id = 10 state = hidden 2 = table:00000143E7DDD660 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:00000143C7D36DC0 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E7DDD6A8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true id = 6 state = hidden 3 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_DEPENDENCIES = table:000001431C5997F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143609DD758 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} 2 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 3 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 4 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 5 = table:0000014316AD2930 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_DRIVEN_UI_NO_KEYBIND_BACKGROUND_WINDOW = table:0000014409E61968 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 6 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 7 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 8 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 9 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} GAMEPAD_DRIVEN_UI_WINDOW = table:000001431BD5E280 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} GAMEPAD_KEYBIND_STRIP_GROUP = table:000001448018D490 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} HOUSING_EDITOR_HUD = table:0000014309788400 firstTable 1 = table:0000014408199530 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 3 = table:00000143A022EC18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} KEYBOARD_KEYBIND_STRIP_GROUP = table:00000143C805C698 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} MOUSE_DRIVEN_UI_WINDOW = table:00000143CB526850 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} MOUSE_DRIVEN_UI_WINDOW_NO_COMBAT_OVERLAY = table:00000143CB526AA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 5 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} MOUSE_DRIVEN_UI_WINDOW_NO_KEYBIND_STRIP = table:00000143D8F32480 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 4 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 5 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_GAMEPAD = table:000001442808B600 firstTable 1 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:0000014458432D48 (meta 000001431DA5F2A0} PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_GAMEPAD_CURRENT = table:000001442808B6A0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 3 = table:0000014458432D48 (meta 000001431DA5F2A0} PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_KEYBOARD_CURRENT = table:0000014309DF2C68 firstTable 1 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} READ_ONLY_EQUIPPED_ITEMS = table:000001447D4568A0 firstTable 1 = table:000001436170C290 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:00000143D9E641C8 (meta 0000014320DBA160} SIEGE_BAR_GROUP = table:00000143F28C7158 firstTable 1 = table:00000143210647A0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:000001439D7980C8 (meta 000001439D797E70} 3 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 4 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 5 = table:00000143A0234228 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 6 = table:00000143A022EC18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 7 = table:00000144D0781B18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} SUPRESS_COLLECTIBLES_GROUP = table:0000014309DF7E68 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316CE34A0 (meta 00000143CB52F3F0} 2 = table:00000143DAF14A30 (meta 0000014316CE3630} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_AVA = table:00000143BC1684C0 (meta 000001444E58B410} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_CHAMPION = table:00000143CB530F08 (meta 000001444E58B410} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_CROWN_CRATES = table:00000143CB530F98 (meta 000001444E58B410} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB530FE0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 framingType = 11 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_CROWN_STORE = table:0000014306480CA0 (meta 000001444E58B410} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_INVENTORY = table:0000014313E1B4B8 (meta 000001444E58B410} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_JOURNAL = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_LOOT = table:00000143BC168550 (meta 000001444E58B410} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_MAP = table:0000014313E24228 (meta 000001444E58B410} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_SKILLS = table:0000014313E24108 (meta 000001444E58B410} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_SOCIAL = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_SYSTEM = table:0000014306476558 (meta 000001444E58B410} FRAME_PLAYER_FRAGMENT = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} FRAME_PLAYER_ON_SCENE_HIDDEN_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E2EF70 (meta 0000014313E12D48} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DAF14478 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_CENTERED_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB7341B8 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_FULLSCREEN_FRAGMENT = table:00000143DE377B08 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:00000143B8D0BED0 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DE377B50 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true id = 8 state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_FRAGMENT = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_STANDARD_RIGHT_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_STORE_WINDOW_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E236F0 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000014313E1B6F8 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E23738 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true id = 3 state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E26AA8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} FRAME_TARGET_CRAFTING_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E3A2D0B0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:00000144801744C0 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F0F69D18 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 id = 2 state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_CRAFTING_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F0F69DA0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:00000143D9E68248 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E26A60 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 id = 3 state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_FURNITURE_BROWSER_FRAGMENT = table:000001431BD5FF68 (meta 00000143AA410E30} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E198A0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_FRAGMENT = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} FRAME_TARGET_LEFT_BLUR_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F0DF2210 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} FRAME_TARGET_LEFT_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E159C0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} FRAME_TARGET_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E25768 (meta 00000143AA410E30} FRAME_TARGET_STANDARD_RIGHT_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} FRAME_TARGET_STORE_WINDOW_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E23F90 (meta 00000143AA410E30} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000014313E250A8 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E23FD8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 id = 6 state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_TRADING_HOUSE_BLUR_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E7DDD660 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} FRAME_TARGET_TRADING_HOUSE_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E7DDD5D0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} FRAMING_SCREEN_AVA = 6 FRAMING_SCREEN_CHAMPION = 9 FRAMING_SCREEN_CROWN_CRATES = 11 FRAMING_SCREEN_CROWN_STORE = 10 FRAMING_SCREEN_DEFAULT = 0 FRAMING_SCREEN_INVENTORY = 2 FRAMING_SCREEN_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FRAMING_SCREEN_ITERATION_END = 11 FRAMING_SCREEN_JOURNAL = 3 FRAMING_SCREEN_LOOT = 8 FRAMING_SCREEN_MAP = 4 FRAMING_SCREEN_MAX_VALUE = 11 FRAMING_SCREEN_MIN_VALUE = 0 FRAMING_SCREEN_SKILLS = 1 FRAMING_SCREEN_SOCIAL = 5 FRAMING_SCREEN_SYSTEM = 7 FRIENDS_LIST = table:0000014428074BF0 (meta 0000014428066470} firstTable firstMeta alternateRowBackgrounds = true automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:0000014428066590 (meta 0000014308326048} currentSortKey = status currentSortOrder = true emptyRow = userdata:0000014428075398 (meta 000001430831E750} emptyRowMessage = userdata:0000014428075418 (meta 00000143083425C0} headersContainer = userdata:0000014428072C58 (meta 000001430831E750} hideOfflineCheckBox = userdata:0000014428072560 (meta 0000014428072B98} lastUpdateTime = 0 list = userdata:00000144280743F0 (meta 0000014428074878} searchBox = userdata:0000014428072078 (meta 0000014428072408} sortFunction() = function:0000014428075770 sortHeaderGroup = table:0000014428074CB8 (meta 0000014368605B08} FRIENDS_LIST_ENTRY_SORT_KEYS = table:000001448F8A5E80 firstTable alliance = table:000001448F8A6090 firstTable tiebreaker = displayName championPoints = table:000001448F8A6108 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = displayName characterName = table:000001448F8A5F10 firstTable class = table:000001448F8A5FA0 firstTable tiebreaker = displayName displayName = table:000001448F8A5EC8 firstTable formattedZone = table:000001448F8A6018 firstTable tiebreaker = displayName level = table:000001448F8A61A8 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = championPoints normalizedLogoffSort = table:000001448F8A6248 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = displayName status = table:000001448F8A5F58 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = normalizedLogoffSort FRIENDS_LIST_FRAGMENT = table:000001439D79B238 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} FRIENDS_LIST_MANAGER = table:000001448F8A6998 (meta 000001448F8A5DC0} firstTable firstMeta lastUpdateTime = 0 lists = table:000001448F8A69E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014428074BF0 (meta 0000014428066470} 2 = table:00000143F990A638 (meta 000001447D44A9C8} firstTable firstMeta automaticallyColorRows = true conditionResults = table:0000014428070400 firstTable container = userdata:000001430A087410 (meta 000001430831E750} contentHeader = userdata:00000144081AF400 (meta 000001442806E708} contentHeaderData = table:000001442806E7A8 firstTable titleText = Friends titleTextAlignment = 1 control = userdata:000001430A087410 (meta 000001430831E750} currentSortKey = status currentSortOrder = true dialogData = table:0000014428070D98 firstTable emptyRow = userdata:00000143166484F8 (meta 000001430831E750} emptyRowMessage = userdata:00000143DA76A3F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} emptyText = No Friends filterDropdown = table:000001430A068268 (meta 0000014316F496C8} filterSwitcher = table:000001442806EB08 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000144081AF400 (meta 000001442806E708} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:000001442806D270 firstTable 10 = userdata:000001430A05F430 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:000001430A05F6F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:0000014310373818 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:000001447D44AC10 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:000001430A05F720 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143CB7634D0 (meta 000001442806EA20} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:000001442806E7F0 firstTable forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 878 3 = userdata:00000143CB763170 (meta 000001430831E750} 4 = userdata:00000144081AF430 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:00000143CB763500 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:000001430A05F400 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000143CB7631A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000143103737E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 3 data = table:000001442806EB50 firstTable 1 = table:000001442806ECA8 firstTable activate() = function:000001442806ED38 callback() = function:000001442806ECF0 canFocus() = function:000001442806EDC8 deactivate() = function:000001442806ED80 highlight = userdata:00000143CB7317D8 (meta 0000014308324730} highlightFadeAnimation = userdata:000001442806EEA8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} 2 = table:000001442806F558 firstTable callback() = function:000001442806F5A0 canFocus() = function:000001442806F5E8 highlight = userdata:000001430A068A20 (meta 0000014308324730} highlightFadeAnimation = userdata:000001442806F690 (meta 0000014308367FC0} directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:000001442806EAC0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onFocusChangedFunction() = function:000001442806F6D0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 filtersFocalArea = table:000001442806D078 (meta 000001434613F5C8} firstTable activateCallback() = function:000001442806CFB0 deactivateCallback() = function:000001442806D030 keybindDescriptor = table:000001442806F8F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001442806F968 firstTable callback() = function:000001442806FA58 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select 2 = table:000001442806FAD8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:0000014428070000 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000144280700F0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Add Friend 4 = table:000001442806FE80 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000144280702A8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_STICK name() = function:0000014428070268 alignment = 1 manager = table:00000143F990A638 (meta 000001447D44A9C8} nextFocus = table:000001442806D150 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} firstTable activateCallback() = function:000001442806D0C0 deactivateCallback() = function:000001442806D108 keybindDescriptor = table:000001442806FB50 firstTable 1 = table:000001442806FB98 firstTable callback() = function:000001442806FC88 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Sort 2 = table:000001442806FCD0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:0000014428070000 4 = table:000001442806FE80 alignment = 1 manager = table:00000143F990A638 (meta 000001447D44A9C8} nextFocus = table:000001442806D228 (meta 00000143AA17A038} firstTable activateCallback() = function:000001442806D198 deactivateCallback() = function:000001442806D1E0 keybindDescriptor = table:000001442806F750 firstTable 1 = table:000001442806F798 firstTable 2 = table:000001442806F8A8 firstTable 3 = table:000001442806FD48 firstTable 4 = table:000001442806FEC8 firstTable 5 = table:0000014428070000 6 = table:000001442806FE80 manager = table:00000143F990A638 (meta 000001447D44A9C8} nextFocus = false previousFocus = table:000001442806D150 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} previousFocus = table:000001442806D078 (meta 000001434613F5C8} previousFocus = false headersContainer = userdata:000001430A068A50 (meta 000001430831E750} headersFocalArea = table:000001442806D150 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001442806F750 list = userdata:000001448F87C388 (meta 000001431DE77720} listFragment = table:000001448F8B1DA0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} masterList = table:000001448F8A6A28 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F8A6CD0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Eriador class = 1 displayName = @Jak_Atackka formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood friendIndex = 1 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 17 normalizedLogoffSort = 72720039.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 72720037 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 10 = table:000001448F8A75F0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 877 characterName = -Jonlaw class = 2 displayName = @Jonlaw98 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Daggerfall Overlook friendIndex = 10 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 40907.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 40905 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 11 = table:000001448F8A76D0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sinacai Indarys class = 3 displayName = @Keepenater formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls friendIndex = 11 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 5 normalizedLogoffSort = 79881622.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 79881620 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 12 = table:000001448F8A77B8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 32 characterName = Stephen Cronin class = 3 displayName = @stevecronin formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood friendIndex = 12 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 9931137.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 9931135 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 13 = table:000001448F8A7898 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sanjew class = 2 displayName = @njain1 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Alik'r Desert friendIndex = 13 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 31 normalizedLogoffSort = 759692.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 759690 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 14 = table:000001448F8A7978 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Hrjala Bearpaw class = 6 displayName = @teddybehrens formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Reaper's March friendIndex = 14 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 107108592.70313 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 107108590 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 15 = table:000001448F8A7A58 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 346 characterName = Pip Cook class = 3 displayName = @MadDachshund formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell friendIndex = 15 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 12140032.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 12140030 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 16 = table:000001448F8A7B30 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Piucar Aen class = 2 displayName = @oakpack4 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon friendIndex = 16 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 4 normalizedLogoffSort = 104368195.70313 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 104368193 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 17 = table:000001448F8A7C08 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 60 characterName = Talolan class = 6 displayName = @webjr formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven friendIndex = 17 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 30290342.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 30290340 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 18 = table:000001448F8A7CE0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Jota class = 3 displayName = @Sobernoe formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven friendIndex = 18 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 63233424.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 63233422 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 19 = table:000001448F8A7D88 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Timeoin class = 6 displayName = @Timeoin formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Malabal Tor friendIndex = 19 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 38 normalizedLogoffSort = 13198820.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 13198818 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 2 = table:000001448F8A6E40 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 247 characterName = Jeancey class = 6 displayName = @Jeancey formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell friendIndex = 2 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 11736666.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 11736664 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 20 = table:000001448F8A7E60 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 400 characterName = Lady Zahra class = 3 displayName = @likelolwhat formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Vvardenfell friendIndex = 20 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 10674085.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 10674083 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 21 = table:000001448F8A7F70 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 699 characterName = Stormahawk class = 2 displayName = @Stormahawk formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Grand Topal Hideaway friendIndex = 21 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 53265.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 53263 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 22 = table:000001448F8A8050 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 628 characterName = Alga the Unseen class = 3 displayName = @aubbls formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Fungal Grotto I friendIndex = 22 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = -1 note = online = true secsSinceLogoff = -1 status = 1 timeStamp = 0 type = 1 23 = table:000001448F8A8130 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Mog-Player class = 2 displayName = @Mog-Player formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls friendIndex = 23 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 76433379.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 76433377 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 24 = table:000001448F8A8248 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sandreth Arethi class = 3 displayName = @zbox4211 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Wailing Prison friendIndex = 24 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 2 normalizedLogoffSort = 26768015.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 26768013 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 25 = table:000001448F8A8330 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Angoldan class = 2 displayName = @RandomlyKnighted formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Hew's Bane friendIndex = 25 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 49 normalizedLogoffSort = 39202375.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 39202373 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 26 = table:000001448F8A8410 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Gill'd'Taung class = 3 displayName = @BRAVO872 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls friendIndex = 26 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 17 normalizedLogoffSort = 111235022.70313 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 111235020 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 27 = table:000001448F8A8500 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Just An Urban Angel class = 1 displayName = @Unclescratchy formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls friendIndex = 27 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 3 normalizedLogoffSort = 51483524.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 51483522 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 28 = table:000001448F8A85E0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 544 characterName = Arkad'ey class = 6 displayName = @Wolfeyes formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Reaper's March friendIndex = 28 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 7212297.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 7212295 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 29 = table:000001448F8A86C0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Luxys Lyrius class = 3 displayName = @Mannimagnus formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Glenumbra friendIndex = 29 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 5 normalizedLogoffSort = 9177791.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 9177789 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 3 = table:000001448F8A6F40 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Alksare class = 1 displayName = @utharda formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon friendIndex = 3 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 6 normalizedLogoffSort = 17023801.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 17023799 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 30 = table:000001448F8A8798 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 749 characterName = Vöödöö class = 4 displayName = @King.Shocker formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Cyrodiil friendIndex = 30 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 208203.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 208201 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 31 = table:000001448F8A88B8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Daggerthorn class = 3 displayName = @AurielsHand formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Rawl'kha Outlaws Refuge friendIndex = 31 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 76090442.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 76090440 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 32 = table:000001448F8A8998 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 445 characterName = Valia Vakos class = 2 displayName = @CaptainDumac formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = The Clockwork City friendIndex = 32 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 82146.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 82144 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 33 = table:000001448F8A8A70 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Selysei class = 2 displayName = @Hargrimm formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon friendIndex = 33 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 11 normalizedLogoffSort = 38061595.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 38061593 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 34 = table:000001448F8A8F58 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 817 characterName = Crystalmaker class = 2 displayName = @Asayre formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven friendIndex = 34 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 2366116.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 2366114 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 35 = table:000001448F8A9538 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 155 characterName = Analemma class = 1 displayName = @Deneb1180 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Auridon friendIndex = 35 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 6312055.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 6312053 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 36 = table:000001448F8A9B20 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Socremius class = 2 displayName = @Gunslinger1080 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon friendIndex = 36 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 7 normalizedLogoffSort = 54061412.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 54061410 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 37 = table:000001448F8AA108 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Ragnnar Lotthbrokk class = 1 displayName = @Xisnaider formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Glenumbra friendIndex = 37 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 7 normalizedLogoffSort = 12239608.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 12239606 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 38 = table:000001448F8AA6F0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Alandier class = 2 displayName = @Musicman247 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon friendIndex = 38 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 7 normalizedLogoffSort = 111722732.70313 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 111722730 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 39 = table:000001448F8AACE0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Onna Bugeishas class = 1 displayName = @HahdrimRovaan formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Eastmarch friendIndex = 39 gender = 1 hasCharacter = true level = 10 normalizedLogoffSort = 26581559.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 26581557 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 4 = table:000001448F8A7068 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Dirk Moonway class = 3 displayName = @Craniumrat formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra friendIndex = 4 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 9 normalizedLogoffSort = 53790496.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 53790494 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 40 = table:000001448F8AB2D8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Ulfgar Whitebeard class = 1 displayName = @TheGamingEntity formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Shadowfen friendIndex = 40 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 23 normalizedLogoffSort = 11421316.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 11421314 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 5 = table:000001448F8A7150 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Lord Ronan the Scythe class = 6 displayName = @Delamor1998 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Coldharbour friendIndex = 5 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 54146950.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 54146948 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 6 = table:000001448F8A6FB8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Benjels Telvayn class = 2 displayName = @Flapjack.Serious formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Reaper's March friendIndex = 6 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 39 normalizedLogoffSort = 8020274.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 8020272 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 7 = table:000001448F8A7368 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Tobias Leas class = 1 displayName = @jzholloway formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Rift friendIndex = 7 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 47360994.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 47360992 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 8 = table:000001448F8A7440 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 265 characterName = Willgraham class = 2 displayName = @Smallpoxx17 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell friendIndex = 8 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1696698.703125 note = online = false secsSinceLogoff = 1696696 status = 4 timeStamp = 19327.19140625 type = 1 9 = table:000001448F8A7518 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 853 characterName = Faunter class = 3 displayName = @Faunter formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Arx Corinium friendIndex = 9 gender = 2 hasCharacter = true level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = -1 note = online = true secsSinceLogoff = -1 status = 1 timeStamp = 0 type = 1 movementController = table:000001442806CD18 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 optionTemplateGroups = table:00000144280703B8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014428070448 firstTable headerFunction() = function:000001431DC98928 options = table:0000014428070490 firstTable 1 = table:00000144280704D8 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143B4BFCFE0 conditionFunction() = function:00000143B4BFCFA0 2 = table:0000014428070520 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143140BF240 conditionFunction() = function:00000143140BF1C0 3 = table:00000144280705E8 firstTable buildFunction() = function:0000014428070568 conditionFunction() = function:000001431DC988E8 4 = table:0000014428070678 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143EA779380 5 = table:00000144280706C0 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143B4BFCF60 6 = table:0000014428070630 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143EA7793C0 conditionFunction() = function:00000143CACAD7E8 7 = table:0000014428070708 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143EA779400 8 = table:0000014428070750 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143209407D8 9 = table:0000014428070798 firstTable buildFunction() = function:0000014320940858 conditionFunction() = function:0000014320940818 2 = table:0000014428070820 firstTable headerFunction() = function:00000144280707E0 options = table:0000014428070868 firstTable 1 = table:00000144280709C0 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000144280708B0 conditionFunction() = function:0000014428070970 2 = table:0000014428070B38 firstTable buildFunction() = function:0000014428070A60 conditionFunction() = function:0000014428070AE8 3 = table:0000014428070CB0 firstTable buildFunction() = function:0000014428070BD8 conditionFunction() = function:0000014428070C60 panelFocalArea = table:000001442806D228 (meta 00000143AA17A038} searchEdit = userdata:000001447D44ECA0 (meta 000001448F8B3798} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true searchProcessor = table:000001442806CE28 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:000001442806CE70 firstTable processors = table:000001442806CEE8 firstTable 1() = function:000001442806CF30 socialManager = table:000001448F8A6998 (meta 000001448F8A5DC0} sortFunction() = function:000001442806CDE0 sortHeaderGroup = table:0000014320F402B0 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortKeys = table:000001448F8A5E80 masterList = table:000001448F8A6A28 noteEditedFunction() = function:000001448F8A6C90 numOnlineFriends = 2 search = table:000001448F8A6A70 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:000001448F8A6AB8 firstTable processors = table:000001448F8A6B00 firstTable 1() = function:000001448F8A6BF0 FRIENDS_LIST_SCENE = table:00000144280757B8 (meta 0000014368607700} FRIENDS_ONLINE = table:00000143E38651C0 (meta 00000143E3893250} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143CB749CD0 (meta 0000014308326048} FRIENDS_ONLINE_FRAGMENT = table:00000144DD5CE698 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} FRIEND_DATA = 1 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_CHARACTER_FRAMING_BLUR = 1 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_ITERATION_END = 2 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_MAX_VALUE = 2 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_MIN_VALUE = 0 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_NONE = 0 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_UNIFORM_BLUR = 2 FULLSCREEN_MODE_FULLSCREEN_EXCLUSIVE = 2 FULLSCREEN_MODE_FULLSCREEN_WINDOWED = 1 FULLSCREEN_MODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FULLSCREEN_MODE_ITERATION_END = 2 FULLSCREEN_MODE_MAX_VALUE = 2 FULLSCREEN_MODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 FULLSCREEN_MODE_WINDOWED = 0 FURNITURE_BROWSER_GAMEPAD_ITEM_PREVIEW_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E7DDC820 (meta 000001431DC95C30} FURNITURE_BROWSER_ITEM_PREVIEW_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E02D0350 (meta 000001431DC95C30} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143C8053BD0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 options = table:00000143E02DBE48 firstTable dynamicFramingConsumedHeight = 80 dynamicFramingConsumedWidth = 950 forcePreparePreview = false paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 950 previewInEmptyWorld = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} firstTable firstMeta baseScene = table:000001448016E1E8 (meta 000001448015B378} firstTable firstMeta allowEvaluateTransitionComplete = true dirtyEvents = table:000001448015B450 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001431BD2A950 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable firstMeta actionLayerName = MouseUIMode allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:000001430A073FA0 dirtyEvents = table:000001430A079710 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:000001430A087FF0 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable firstMeta sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = shown 10 = table:0000014314CF2D98 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:000001431DE8AAF0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 6 animationOnStop() = function:0000014314CF3020 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014314CF30A0 conditional() = function:0000014314CF2FA0 control = userdata:0000014314CF1388 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:0000014314CF2E10 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:0000014314CF2F58 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:0000014480154D48 firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = showing 11 = table:00000144C753DD88 (meta 00000143C802E838} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143097A4CA0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = shown 12 = table:00000143D7676710 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143D7676940 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D7661F90 callbackRegistry = table:00000143D7676A40 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D7676A88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D7676AD0 firstTable conditional() = function:00000143D76768C0 control = userdata:00000143D7662468 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D7676788 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:00000143D7676878 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:00000143D7676B70 firstTable Dead = true NotShowingAsDead = true hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = hidden 13 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:00000143B2AA2460 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 7 animationOnStop() = function:000001440FCB54A0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014314DD5290 conditional() = function:00000143A022EF38 control = userdata:00000144C8052F80 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001440FCB8188 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:000001431C6C86A0 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:00000143C368F6C8 firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = showing 14 = table:00000143A0234228 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:00000143B2AA24C0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 8 animationOnStop() = function:00000143BC860E50 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A02342F0 conditional() = function:00000143BC861050 control = userdata:00000144083D6E48 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A0234270 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:00000143BC860EC0 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:0000014480154DC0 firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = shown 15 = table:00000144D0781B18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:00000143B2AA1D58 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 9 animationOnStop() = function:00000144D0781C10 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144D0781788 conditional() = function:00000144D0781D20 control = userdata:00000144D07822C0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144D0781B90 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:00000144D0781CD8 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:00000143FBCC17E8 firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = shown 16 = table:00000143F9F252B8 (meta 000001431D97EC50} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014458432D00 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = shown 17 = table:000001445842D068 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:000001431DE8AB98 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 10 animationOnStop() = function:000001445842D1F0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001445842D270 conditional() = function:000001445842D170 control = userdata:000001445842A468 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001445842D0E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:000001445842D128 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:0000014480154E38 firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = showing 18 = table:000001439D6A0DE8 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:000001431DE8ABF8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 11 animationOnStop() = function:000001439D6A0F70 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439D6A0FF0 callbackRegistry = table:000001439D6A10F8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439D6A1140 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D6A1188 firstTable conditional() = function:000001439D6A0EF0 control = userdata:000001439D6A0738 (meta 000001439D6A2450} firstMeta firstIndex m_fadeAnimation = table:000001439D6A22C0 (meta 00000143E9837830} firstTable m_animatedControl = userdata:000001439D6A0738 (meta 000001439D6A2450} maxAlpha = 1 minAlpha = 0 dirtyEvents = table:000001439D6A0E60 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:000001439D6A0EA8 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = showing 19 = table:000001439D69D360 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:00000143B2AA1AD8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 12 animationOnStop() = function:000001439D69D4E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439D69D568 callbackRegistry = table:000001439D69D670 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439D69D6B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D69D700 firstTable conditional() = function:000001439D69D468 control = userdata:000001439D69CC60 (meta 000001439D69E9C8} firstMeta firstIndex m_fadeAnimation = table:000001439D69E838 (meta 00000143E9837830} firstTable m_animatedControl = userdata:000001439D69CC60 (meta 000001439D69E9C8} maxAlpha = 1 minAlpha = 0 dirtyEvents = table:000001439D69D3D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:000001439D69D420 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = showing 2 = table:00000143F9902340 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animationOnStop() = function:000001431DE8DEE8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431DE87138 callbackRegistry = table:000001431DE8A368 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143166752C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB72A510 firstTable conditional() = function:000001430A069E80 control = userdata:000001430A062D80 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F98FEE70 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:00000143F9902130 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:00000143FBCA89A8 firstTable NotAvailable = true hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = hidden 20 = table:00000143104568C0 (meta 00000143D76A9D30} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:00000143B2A9F090 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 13 animationOnStop() = function:0000014310456AE0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014310456B60 conditional() = function:0000014310456A98 control = userdata:0000014309B39430 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014310456908 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:0000014310456A50 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:00000144801590B8 firstTable hideDuration = 0 keybindButton = userdata:000001445842FE90 (meta 00000143104566B0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:0000014310456BE8 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000014310456658 (meta 0000014310456820} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:0000014310456EB0 firstTable leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001445842FE90 (meta 00000143104566B0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = SHOW_HOUSING_PANEL keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143104564E8 (meta 0000014310456540} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false platformStyle = table:0000014310457188 (meta 00000143FA1359A8} firstTable firstMeta applyFunction() = function:0000014310457108 gamepadStyle = table:00000143D76AA020 firstTable keybindButtonAnchor = table:00000143D76AA0C0 (meta 000001431D56DC68} firstTable keybindButtonTemplate = ZO_KeybindButton_Gamepad_Template keyboardStyle = table:00000143D76ADC28 firstTable keybindButtonAnchor = table:00000143D76A9E58 (meta 000001431D56DC68} firstTable firstMeta keybindButtonTemplate = ZO_KeybindButton_Keyboard_Template sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = shown 21 = table:0000014316CDF6C0 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:00000143B2A9F0F0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 14 animationOnStop() = function:0000014355588D68 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014355588DB0 conditional() = function:0000014316CDF750 control = userdata:00000143BC367858 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014316CDF708 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:0000014355588E10 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:0000014480159100 firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = showing 22 = table:000001440819ABB8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = Housing HUD allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:0000014309DFD818 dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F25E10 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:000001447D426298 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:0000014480159178 firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = shown 23 = table:0000014313E177F8 (meta 00000143CB72E618} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:0000014320618568 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 15 animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB5370B8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001448F883E08 battlegroundScoreHudControl = userdata:00000143F0F934B8 (meta 000001430831E750} conditional() = function:00000143CB72A2D8 control = userdata:00000144081A3090 (meta 0000014308326048} currentBattlegroundTimeMS = 0 dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E18B90 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerLabel = userdata:00000143F0F93458 (meta 00000143083425C0} hiddenReasons = table:00000143C80452E8 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:000001448F0BA5A0 firstTable Battleground = true hideDuration = 0 keybindButton = userdata:00000144D83D9BA0 (meta 000001431DE95160} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431BD4B790 (meta 00000144C1B6D650} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:0000014313E28148 firstTable leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000144D83D9BA0 (meta 000001431DE95160} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = SHOW_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143EA9226D8 (meta 0000014309E2C580} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false platformStyle = table:0000014313E38B20 (meta 00000143FA1359A8} firstTable applyFunction() = function:0000014313E38960 gamepadStyle = table:0000014316659C00 firstTable hudTemplate = ZO_BattlegroundHudTopLevel_Gamepad keybindButtonTemplate = ZO_KeybindButton_Gamepad_Template keyboardStyle = table:00000143E3899968 firstTable hudTemplate = ZO_BattlegroundHudTopLevel_Keyboard keybindButtonTemplate = ZO_KeybindButton_Keyboard_Template sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = hidden stateLabel = userdata:00000143F0F93488 (meta 00000143083425C0} 24 = table:00000144081B8FE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = BattlegroundHud allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:0000014313372F90 dirtyEvents = table:00000144081BA380 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:00000143617023A8 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:00000144BA7B2488 firstTable Battleground = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143F9F29D88 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = shown suppressFadeTimeline = userdata:0000014309B40B00 (meta 0000014308367FC0} 4 = table:00000143A022EC18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:00000143A9B81EE8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 1 animationOnStop() = function:00000143A022ED68 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A022EDE8 conditional() = function:00000143A022ED20 control = userdata:00000143A022B740 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A022EC90 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:00000143A022ECD8 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = shown 5 = table:00000143CBF689C0 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143CBF68370 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CBF683F0 callbackRegistry = table:00000143EA530290 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143EA5302D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014305C9AD20 firstTable conditional() = function:00000143E6C7AE38 control = userdata:00000143A38F1F88 (meta 00000143D70CD278} firstMeta firstIndex tracker = table:00000143D70CD980 (meta 00000143E3455A60} firstTable firstMeta MAX_TRACKED = 25 assistedData = table:00000143DD9AD9B8 (meta 00000143C025C700} firstTable firstMeta assistedQuestCompleted = false assistedTexture = userdata:00000143A38F20F8 (meta 00000143A390A558} firstMeta firstIndex callbackRegistry = table:00000143A38F28E8 firstTable conditionPool = table:00000143A390D880 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143D70CD9F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerPool = table:00000143D70CD318 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable isMouseInside = false stepDescriptionPool = table:00000143A390CD40 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable timerControl = userdata:00000143E3454578 (meta 000001430831E750} tracked = table:00000143F8DD84C8 firstTable trackerControl = userdata:00000143A38F2010 (meta 00000143F4567DC0} firstMeta firstIndex trackerPanel = userdata:00000143CCAFA908 (meta 0000014308326048} treeView = table:00000143EA530728 (meta 000001432E010CF0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143CBF68A08 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:00000143CBF68A50 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:0000014480151028 firstTable DisabledBySetting = true hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = hidden 6 = table:00000143E4C53840 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:00000143E66518A8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 2 animationOnStop() = function:00000143A38F2A40 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A38F2808 conditional() = function:00000143A38F29C0 control = userdata:000001431322D6E8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143FC338660 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:0000014313230BC0 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:0000014480151070 firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = showing 7 = table:00000143D70CE978 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:000001440EAF63F0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 3 animationOnStop() = function:00000143D70CE878 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D70CEA40 conditional() = function:00000143D70CEAF8 control = userdata:00000143EA52FD28 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D70CE9C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:00000143D70CEAB0 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:00000144801510E8 firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = showing 8 = table:00000143F9A11BA8 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:0000014313E32B10 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 4 animationOnStop() = function:00000143F9A09478 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F9A09B50 callbackRegistry = table:0000014314CF3180 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014314CF31C8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314CF3210 firstTable conditional() = function:00000143F9A11D80 control = userdata:00000143F9A0EF50 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F9A11BF0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:00000143F9A11D38 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:0000014480154C58 firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = shown 9 = table:00000143EC94DFE0 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:000001431DE8AB38 (meta 0000014308367FC0} animationKey = 5 animationOnStop() = function:00000143207EA020 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D76618E8 callbackRegistry = table:000001431348C450 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014313481F10 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313486718 firstTable conditional() = function:00000143207EA210 control = userdata:000001439D68DF10 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC94DAE0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:00000143207EA1C8 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:0000014480154CD0 firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = showing name = hudui restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = shown wasShownInGamepadPreferredMode = false callWhen = table:00000143613A08E8 firstTable hudui = table:000001431C09E0D0 firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D600FD40 firstTable SceneStateChanged = table:00000143D600FD88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D600FDD0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0F91A88 3 = false 2 = table:0000014309DF3668 firstTable 1() = function:0000014309DF35E8 3 = false 3 = table:0000014313E3F980 firstTable 1() = function:0000014313E3F900 3 = false 4 = table:0000014313E3F6B8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014309DF3808 3 = false 5 = table:0000014313E11768 firstTable 1() = function:0000014313E116E8 3 = false currentScene = table:000001448016E1E8 (meta 000001448015B378} dirtyEvents = table:00000143613A0538 firstTable exitUIModeOnChatFocusLost = false fireCallbackDepth = 0 hudSceneName = hud hudUISceneHidesAutomatically = true hudUISceneName = hudui initialized = false manuallyEnteredHUDUIMode = true numTopLevelShown = 0 previousScene = table:000001448015B248 (meta 000001448015A9A8} firstTable firstMeta allowEvaluateTransitionComplete = true dirtyEvents = table:000001448015B2E8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001448015B330 firstTable 1 = table:00000143077479F0 (meta 00000143C805B210} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144C753DE90 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014314CF2D98 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 11 = table:00000144C753DD88 (meta 00000143C802E838} 12 = table:00000143D7676710 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 13 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 14 = table:00000143A0234228 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 15 = table:00000144D0781B18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 16 = table:00000143F9F252B8 (meta 000001431D97EC50} 17 = table:000001445842D068 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 18 = table:000001439D6A0DE8 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 19 = table:000001439D69D360 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 2 = table:00000143F9902340 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 20 = table:00000143104568C0 (meta 00000143D76A9D30} 21 = table:0000014316CDF6C0 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 22 = table:000001440819ABB8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 23 = table:0000014313E177F8 (meta 00000143CB72E618} 24 = table:00000144081B8FE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 4 = table:00000143A022EC18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 5 = table:00000143CBF689C0 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 6 = table:00000143E4C53840 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 7 = table:00000143D70CE978 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 8 = table:00000143F9A11BA8 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 9 = table:00000143EC94DFE0 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} name = hud restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden wasShownInGamepadPreferredMode = false previousSceneStack = table:00000143613A0710 firstTable restoresBaseSceneOnGameMenuToggle = table:00000143D960E150 firstTable battleground_scoreboard_end_of_game = true housingEditorHudUI = true hudui = true sceneGroups = table:00000143613A06C8 firstTable allianceWarSceneGroup = table:000001439F8D53D8 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8D5968 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:000001439F8D59B0 firstTable 1 = campaignOverview 2 = campaignBrowser state = scene_group_hidden collectionsSceneGroup = table:00000143CDD2B0C0 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable firstMeta activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB51C488 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:000001448015EB50 firstTable 1 = collectionsBook 2 = dlcBook 3 = housingBook state = scene_group_hidden contactsSceneGroup = table:00000144C7546608 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:00000144C7547F88 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:000001431BD37258 firstTable 1 = friendsList 2 = ignoreList state = scene_group_hidden gamepad_market_scenegroup = table:000001439F8E1B88 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8E1BD0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:000001439F8E1C18 firstTable 1 = gamepad_market 2 = gamepad_market_preview 3 = gamepad_market_bundle_contents 4 = gamepad_market_purchase state = scene_group_hidden guildsSceneGroup = table:0000014409E6D3A0 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:0000014409E71028 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:0000014409E73220 firstTable 1 = guildHome 2 = guildRoster 3 = guildRanks 4 = guildHeraldry 5 = guildHistory 6 = guildCreate state = scene_group_hidden helpSceneGroup = table:000001439F8D3130 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8D3178 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:000001439F8D32C0 firstTable 1 = helpTutorials 2 = helpCustomerSupport 3 = helpEmotes state = scene_group_hidden helpSceneGroupGamepad = table:000001439F8DCB00 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8DCDD0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:000001439F8DCE18 firstTable 1 = helpTutorialsCategoriesGamepad 2 = helpTutorialsEntriesGamepad state = scene_group_hidden journalSceneGroup = table:000001439F8D4638 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8D46B0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:000001439F8D46F8 firstTable 1 = questJournal 2 = cadwellsAlmanac 3 = loreLibrary 4 = achievements 5 = leaderboards state = scene_group_hidden mailSceneGroup = table:00000143E3884D58 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:00000143E3884DA0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:000001439F8D6BD0 firstTable 1 = mailInbox 2 = mailSend state = scene_group_hidden tradingHouseGamepadSceneGroup = table:000001439F8D9C68 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8D9CB0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:000001439F8DBC40 firstTable 1 = gamepad_trading_house 2 = gamepad_trading_house_create_listing state = scene_group_hidden sceneStack = table:00000143613A08A0 firstTable scenes = table:00000143613A05D8 firstTable achievements = table:000001430FD6C6E8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001430FD6C888 firstTable StateChange = table:000001430FD6C8D0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD6C948 firstTable 1() = function:000001430FD6C808 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001430FD6C730 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001430FD6C778 firstTable 1 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 10 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 11 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 12 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 13 = table:0000014313465820 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB505100 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB540118 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F28E8ED0 (meta 00000143F28D69B8} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD280D8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:00000143EA93A080 (meta 000001431336FD98} 19 = table:0000014313E391F0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 2 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 20 = table:00000143E02DD828 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D84F020 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 22 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:00000143E1D49188 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 22 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 23 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:00000143E1D493A8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 5 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = achievements restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8D4638 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden achievementsGamepad = table:00000143E41C9C18 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E41C9F68 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E41C9FB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E41C9FF8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E41C9EE8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E41C9C90 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E41C9CD8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143CDD40220 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143E41BCD80 (meta 00000143E41C9D68} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143E41BCE68 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143E41BCF80 (meta 00000143E41CA748} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143E41C9BD0 (meta 00000143E41BB5D8} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB520878 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 19 = table:000001439F8DA018 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8DA060 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 22 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000143CB525380 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014480167488 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014480167510 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C755CFD8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB525A10 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = achievementsGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden alchemy = table:000001439D84AB10 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001439D84AD38 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439D84AD80 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D84ADC8 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D84ACB8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D84AB58 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439D84ABA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:00000143DAF14D18 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 11 = table:00000143CFFE6498 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014309780648 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Alchemy_Closed sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Alchemy_Opened state = hidden 12 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:0000014320860860 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143F0F89698 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F0F89720 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001439D83F340 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143208608A8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 9 = table:000001447D436920 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} interactionInfo = table:000001439D84A418 firstTable End() = function:000001439D84A460 interactTypes = table:000001439D84A4A0 firstTable 1 = 23 type = Alchemy Station name = alchemy restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden bank = table:00000143143B5C10 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143143B5100 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143143B5CD0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143143B5D18 firstTable 1() = function:00000143BC86E448 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143143B5C88 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143143B5E18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:00000143F65B26A8 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F65B26F0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Bank_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Bank_Open state = hidden 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:00000143DAF14D18 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 9 = table:000001431BD60C98 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431BD65448 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431BD654D0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A390E6F0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD65400 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden interactionInfo = table:000001439F029568 name = bank restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden battleground_scoreboard_end_of_game = table:000001430A463398 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001430A463458 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143DAF11920 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DAF11F60 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DAF12198 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001430A463410 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143DAF12150 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D6A0DE8 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 2 = table:000001439D69D360 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 3 = table:00000143E10EB918 (meta 00000143C7D3B190} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = true alliancePanels = table:000001431D589F50 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D588F60 (meta 0000014316656A60} firstTable firstMeta 2 = table:000001431D6CD850 (meta 0000014316656A60} firstTable 3 = table:000001431D6CB9A8 (meta 0000014316656A60} firstTable animationOnStop() = function:00000143E10EB9D8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E10EBA58 callbackRegistry = table:000001439FC55978 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014458611338 firstTable conditional() = function:00000143E10EBB20 control = userdata:0000014320DBB638 (meta 0000014308326048} currentBattlegroundId = 0 currentBattlegroundScoreThreshold = 0 dirty = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143E10EB990 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 gamepadBackground = userdata:00000143E1E4D870 (meta 0000014308324730} headers = userdata:00000143CB75CE30 (meta 000001430831E750} hiddenReasons = table:00000143E10EBAD8 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 keyboardBackground = userdata:00000143E1E4D8F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} platformStyle = table:0000014458612690 (meta 00000143FA1359A8} firstTable applyFunction() = function:0000014458612610 gamepadStyle = table:0000014313E22740 firstTable keyboardStyle = table:000001431DEE1FA8 firstTable playMatchResultSound = false playerEntryData = table:000001431D589F98 firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = hidden userIdHeaderLabel = userdata:00000143E10EC740 (meta 00000143083425C0} 4 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 5 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 6 = table:00000143DAF13300 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143DAF13548 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143DAF136C8 conditional() = function:00000143DAF13780 control = userdata:00000143094E55D0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143DAF13648 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:00000143DAF13738 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showDuration = 250 state = hidden 7 = table:000001431DEA13B0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = BattlegroundScoreboard allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:000001431DEA6C68 dirtyEvents = table:000001431DEA13F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:000001431DEA6C10 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden name = battleground_scoreboard_end_of_game restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden battleground_scoreboard_in_game = table:000001444E588800 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001444E588610 firstTable StateChange = table:000001444E587010 firstTable 1 = table:000001444E588658 firstTable 1() = function:0000014458611508 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001444E588848 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001444E588890 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E10EB918 (meta 00000143C7D3B190} 2 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 3 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 4 = table:000001431DEA13B0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:0000014458611478 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:0000014458611468 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144586114C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden name = battleground_scoreboard_in_game restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = true restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden battleground_scoreboard_in_game_ui = table:000001444E586898 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001444E586910 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001444E586958 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E10EB918 (meta 00000143C7D3B190} 2 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 3 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 4 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} name = battleground_scoreboard_in_game_ui restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden bookSetGamepad = table:00000143F98F3350 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143F98F34A8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143F98F34F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98F3538 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F98F3428 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F98F3398 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143F98F33E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001430979A510 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143C8062BF0 (meta 00000143F98F1120} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143EC94FCE0 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143F98F05D0 (meta 00000143F98F1970} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143F98F1090 (meta 00000144C755D990} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001430979A9B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = bookSetGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden cadwellGamepad = table:00000143D6A515A8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D6A518F8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D6A51940 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6A51988 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6A51878 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D6A51620 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143D6A51668 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143553B1060 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143D6A4C340 (meta 00000143D6A516F8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143D6A4DE18 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143D6A4DED0 (meta 00000143D6A52208} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143D6A51560 (meta 00000143D6A4C220} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143A35DD1E8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014313E3F738 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable ClearFocus() = function:00000143E9843AD0 ClearHighlight() = function:000001431C15F5D0 FadeRightDivider() = function:000001431C16BFC0 Mixin() = function:00000143E9834DE0 ResetOnHidden() = function:00000143210702D8 ResetOnHiding() = function:000001432106F790 SetFocus() = function:000001431C15FBD8 SetHighlightHidden() = function:000001431C16B308 TakeFocus() = function:00000143E9840DE0 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000014313E115D0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014313E11658 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143063C0720 (meta 00000143063C0D50} firstMeta firstIndex background = userdata:00000143063C0CF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} focusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_focus_512.dds highlight = userdata:00000143063C0980 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDivider = userdata:00000143063C0C70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDividerFadeInAnimation = userdata:00000143063C0E10 (meta 0000014308367FC0} rightDividerFadeOutAnimation = userdata:00000143063C0E70 (meta 0000014308367FC0} unfocusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_noFocus_512.dds dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E3F780 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 19 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000144D075AE18 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143099C7568 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 76 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = cadwellGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden cadwellsAlmanac = table:000001448F88B360 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001448F88B3A8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001448F88B3F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000143CDD263A8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431DE816C8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144C7521E38 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D6A5D1F8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD25E90 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:00000143EA93A080 (meta 000001431336FD98} 19 = table:0000014313E391F0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:000001442805A678 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001442805A6C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 76 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:00000143E1D49188 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 22 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 23 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:00000143E1D493A8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = cadwellsAlmanac restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8D4638 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden campaignBrowser = table:00000143D4A3BA30 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D4A5E270 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014409E86BD0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014409E86C18 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D4A5E228 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D4A3BA78 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143D4A38250 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000144DD5BAAE8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144DD5BAB78 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144DD5BAC00 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D4A50F90 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5BAB30 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000144DD5BAA58 (meta 000001431336FD98} 18 = table:00000144801734B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 19 = table:00000144DD5BAC90 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000143D4A6E710 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E41C4A38 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 73 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:0000014313E1A730 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 22 = table:00000143BC1684C0 (meta 000001444E58B410} 23 = table:00000143B2E66498 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 26 = table:00000143B2E666B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = campaignBrowser restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8D53D8 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden campaignOverview = table:0000014313E0B288 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000014313E0B410 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014313E0B458 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313E0B4A0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014313E0B390 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E0B300 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014313E0B348 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:000001431336AEE8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143097AF3E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143097AF438 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D4A55000 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143097AF3A0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000144DD5BAA58 (meta 000001431336FD98} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5BAAA0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden title = Alliance War 18 = table:00000144801734B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431336AE28 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014480173548 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D4A56970 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014480173500 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 19 = table:0000014313E35550 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014313E31AB0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB53AD78 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001431BD4AD58 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431BD44B68 firstTable control = userdata:000001448F8A6E30 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E355C8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000144DD5BAC90 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431336AF70 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431336AD80 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014409E8E510 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014480173470 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:000001439D85C920 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D85C968 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 75 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 22 = table:0000014313E1A730 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143A34CD458 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = AllianceWarWindow_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = AllianceWarWindow_Open state = hidden 23 = table:00000143BC1684C0 (meta 000001444E58B410} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143BC168508 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 framingType = 6 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 24 = table:00000143B2E66498 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143B2E66558 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143B2E665E0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143B2E66488 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2E66510 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 25 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 26 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 27 = table:00000143B2E666B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001439F8D5F30 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439F8D5FB8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A04E4910 (meta 00000143A04E6218} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2E66700 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = campaignOverview restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8D53D8 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden championPerks = table:0000014428084530 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000014428083C58 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014428083CA0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014428083FC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014428083F38 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014428083C10 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014428084128 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EA93A1A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 10 = table:00000143C80280B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:00000143C80284E8 control = userdata:00000143F0F8AED0 (meta 00000143F0F8B0C8} firstMeta firstIndex iconTexture = userdata:00000143F0F8AFE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} pointsHeaderLabel = userdata:00000143F0F8AF60 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsLabel = userdata:00000143F0F8B070 (meta 00000143083425C0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143C80284A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 11 = table:00000144280836B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 12 = table:0000014320860FA0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014320860FE8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Champion_Closed sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Champion_Opened state = hidden 13 = table:00000143CB530F08 (meta 000001444E58B410} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 2 = table:00000143DE374930 (meta 000001431C5A46A8} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143DE3747F0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D76B2BD8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014310BC3850 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D76B5D50 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 6 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 7 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 8 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 9 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} name = championPerks restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden collectionsBook = table:0000014369128DD8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000014369128EF8 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014369128F40 firstTable 1 = table:0000014369128F88 firstTable 1() = function:0000014369128EB0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014369128E20 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014369128E68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000143CB50E200 (meta 000001431DC95C30} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014480162528 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 options = table:0000014309782B50 firstTable dynamicFramingConsumedHeight = 300 dynamicFramingConsumedWidth = 1150 forcePreparePreview = false paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 950 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:00000143140B4038 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false callbackRegistry = table:00000143140B3E80 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144290152A0 firstTable control = userdata:000001431DC94FC8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143140B40B0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:000001445842AC10 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D76A8E30 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D76A8E80 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A98CA380 (meta 00000143691254E0} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:0000014369125260 (meta 00000143A98CA1E0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001445842AC58 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 18 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 19 = table:0000014313373180 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 21 = table:00000143EA939FF0 (meta 000001431336FD98} 22 = table:000001442805A708 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DA769068 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 134 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 23 = table:00000143E1D49CB8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 26 = table:0000014409E5B1A8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = collectionsBook restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:00000143CDD2B0C0 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden crownCrateGamepad = table:00000143E7DDF010 (meta 000001431D566020} crownCrateKeyboard = table:00000143E7DDA928 (meta 000001431D566020} dlcBook = table:00000143CCAF7AE8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143CCAF7C40 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CCAF75E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CCAF7C88 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCAF7BC0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CCAF7B30 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143CCAF7B78 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000143C80603B0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144C7520F28 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143EA920BE8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014369132EF0 (meta 0000014314112710} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143C026C250 (meta 0000014369133350} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143C802B1E0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:0000014313373180 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143133731C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Collections_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Collections_Open state = hidden 18 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 19 = table:00000143EA939FF0 (meta 000001431336FD98} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143EA93A038 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden title = Collections 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000143E1D49CB8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D49FC0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D4A048 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D49CA8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D49D30 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 22 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 23 = table:0000014409E5B1A8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB73D208 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D4A168 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A04E4910 (meta 00000143A04E6218} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D4A120 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = dlcBook restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:00000143CDD2B0C0 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden dyeStampConfirmationGamepad = table:000001431C5AD988 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001431C5ADE90 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431C5ADED8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C5ADF20 firstTable 1() = function:000001431C5ADE10 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431C5ADA00 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001431C5ADA48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E26AA8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:00000143CB7341B8 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143F9CF2CC0 (meta 0000014313E146B8} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F9CF2D08 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 16 = table:0000014316CDC058 (meta 0000014320DB8960} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014316CDC0A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:000001431DE8D460 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = dyeStampConfirmationGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden dyeStampConfirmationKeyboard = table:000001431C5AB830 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001431C5ABDE0 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431C5ABE28 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C5ABEA0 firstTable 1() = function:000001431C5AB9F8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431C5AB8A8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001431C5AB8F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:00000143F9CF2CC0 (meta 0000014313E146B8} 12 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 13 = table:0000014316CDC058 (meta 0000014320DB8960} 14 = table:000001431DE8D460 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:0000014313E26AA8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143CB7341B8 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = dyeStampConfirmationKeyboard restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden enchantGamepad = table:00000144DD5DB750 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000144DD5DBA38 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144DD5DBA80 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5DBAC8 firstTable 1() = function:00000144DD5DB9F0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5DB7C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144DD5DB810 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143A35FAAC8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144C7522F90 control = userdata:00000144DD5D99D0 (meta 00000144DD5DB8F8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000144DD5D9AB8 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000144DD5D9B78 (meta 00000144DD5DC310} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000144DD5DB508 (meta 00000144DD5D92A0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143A35FAF70 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143A35FB088 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143A35FBA78 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143CB503678 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = enchantGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden enchanting = table:00000143DA75CDA8 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143DA75D010 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143DA75D058 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DA75D0A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA75CF90 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DA75CDF0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143DA75CE38 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:00000143DAF14D18 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 11 = table:00000143134B2078 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143134B20C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Enchanting_Closed sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Enchanting_Opened state = hidden 12 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:00000143208608F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001440819FEF0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001440819FF40 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143DA756B90 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014320860938 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 9 = table:000001447D436920 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} interactionInfo = table:000001439D85D7F0 firstTable End() = function:000001439D85DA48 interactTypes = table:000001439D866610 firstTable 1 = 23 type = Enchanting Station name = enchanting restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden fence_keyboard = table:000001431BD2EFB0 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001431BD2F1C0 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431BD2F208 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD2F250 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD2F140 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD2F028 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001431BD2F070 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:00000143A34CD4A0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F65B2398 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Store_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Store_Open state = hidden 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431C5A44D8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143DE3749D8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014310BC3850 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001431C5A4660 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 instantScenes = table:00000143DE374A68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E7DDA928 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143BC15E7C0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143BC15E810 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E74C0268 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143BC15E778 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 instantScenes = table:00000143BC15E8A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E7DDA928 (meta 000001431D566020} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:00000143DAF14D18 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014316CE15C0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014316CE1610 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79B92E0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143DAF14D60 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 instantScenes = table:000001430977C318 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E7DDA928 (meta 000001431D566020} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 9 = table:00000143C802A398 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A35CB6C0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A35CB710 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001431BD2D558 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143C802A3E0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden interactionInfo = table:00000143E97C2958 firstTable interactTypes = table:00000143E97C29A0 firstTable 1 = 15 2 = 27 type = Store name = fence_keyboard restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden friendsList = table:00000144280757B8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000144280758D8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143DA76D600 firstTable 1 = table:0000014428075920 firstTable 1() = function:0000014428075890 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014428075800 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014428075848 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:000001439D79B238 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB50C4E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439D79B080 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014428066590 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001439D79B280 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000144DD5CE4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000143DDBCC2C0 (meta 000001431336FD98} 18 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 19 = table:0000014313E39310 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000144DD5CE698 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 21 = table:00000143CDD44A18 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D84F068 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 24 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 22 = table:00000143E1D46520 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 23 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:00000144C7548078 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = friendsList restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:00000144C7546608 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gameMenuInGame = table:00000143B4BCF5B8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143B4BCF600 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439D2A2140 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B4BD0328 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143B4BD4280 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143B4BD03F0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143B4BD04C0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143B4BD0508 firstTable control = userdata:00000143B1412890 (meta 00000143B4BD0FB8} firstMeta firstIndex OnHide() = function:00000143B1412730 OnShow() = function:00000143B1412670 gameMenu = table:00000143B1415E48 (meta 0000014457A45EF0} firstTable firstMeta owner = table:00000143B1415E48 (meta 0000014457A45EF0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B4BD0370 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:00000144D0781B18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 5 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 6 = table:0000014313E25768 (meta 00000143AA410E30} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:000001447D01B0F0 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E23F48 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 id = 5 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 7 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 8 = table:00000143F65B2618 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F65B2660 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = System_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = System_Open state = hidden 9 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} name = gameMenuInGame restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepadAvAFinder = table:0000014309883240 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D5872C40 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439FD02298 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5872C88 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D5872BC0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014464831D50 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014464831D98 firstTable 1 = table:0000014464831DE0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143F420A840 (meta 00000143EA76F438} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000144DD7673E8 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143D9614FA8 (meta 000001444EEEAB18} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143D9614E90 (meta 00000143E6317438} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:0000014464831E28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:00000143609DD758 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = table:00000143609DD6C8 (meta 000001431D56DC68} firstTable data = table:00000143609DD710 firstTable animationOnStop() = function:00000143609DDB88 callbackRegistry = table:00000143609DDDC0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143609DDE08 firstTable control = userdata:00000143609DC580 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143609DD7A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143609DD7E8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143609DD878 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143609DDAF8 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 19 = table:0000014316AD2930 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014316AD2B38 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014316AD2BC0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143609E6238 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143609E6280 firstTable control = userdata:0000014316AC74B0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014316AD29A8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = gamepadAvAFinder restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepadBattlegroundFinder = table:00000143E4C5AC78 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143B4BFE078 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144C79C5160 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C79C51A8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014429009010 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E4C5A268 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E4C5A2B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E4C5A2F8 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143ED3BED10 (meta 0000014429008EE8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000144737580E0 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:0000014473758208 (meta 00000143CFE73E58} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:0000014361395490 (meta 00000143E6317438} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E4C5A340 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:00000143609DD758 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 19 = table:0000014316AD2930 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = gamepadBattlegroundFinder restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepadChatMenu = table:00000143D317B7F0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D317DCD8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431D937D30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D317DD20 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D317DBB0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D317B868 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143D317CE78 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D64399B0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014473750820 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144737508A8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E631D928 (meta 00000143D317CF08} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:000001439DB2B4D0 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:000001439FD06650 (meta 000001431D934E30} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143D317B7A8 (meta 0000014309880110} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000144737507D8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:0000014313E114E8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = gamepadChatMenu restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepadCollectionsBook = table:00000143D6170660 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143A42F3918 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D61746C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A42E8138 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D61707D0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D61754C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143CCAECA10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143C802ECB8 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143CCAED848 (meta 00000143A42F7A88} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143A42E6540 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143A42F6EC0 (meta 00000143A42F2160} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143A42F4B90 (meta 00000143D6171518} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000144C755ACD8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143E7DDC748 (meta 000001431DC95C30} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E7DDC790 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 options = table:00000143E7DDF530 firstTable dynamicFramingConsumedHeight = 400 dynamicFramingConsumedWidth = 1150 forcePreparePreview = false paddingLeft = 566 paddingRight = 0 previewBufferMS = 300 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:000001439F6B6520 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false callbackRegistry = table:0000014316F67FE8 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014316F57FB8 firstTable control = userdata:0000014313925EE0 (meta 00000143A0C2F2B0} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:0000014457A35A40 (meta 00000143EA4FA928} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143F74D0CF8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 18 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 19 = table:000001439F8DBB98 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8DBBE0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 134 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepadCollectionsBook restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepadDungeonFinder = table:000001431D7289E0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143B4EFE4C8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143FA12EBA0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F6BF870 firstTable 1() = function:000001431B70EE48 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431D728AF8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001431D727AE8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D725EB8 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143D960FDD0 (meta 00000143D5877378} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143D9610B28 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143D6430A50 (meta 00000143E03A92C0} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143D960F060 (meta 00000143E6317438} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001431D724FB8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:00000143609DD758 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 19 = table:0000014316AD2930 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = gamepadDungeonFinder restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepadInteract = table:00000143207D3E00 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000144D83F0F88 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143207D7738 firstTable 1 = table:00000143207D7780 firstTable 1() = function:000001430FD96550 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143207D3E48 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143207D5F90 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014480150428 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A35D5DB0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A35D5E38 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143CFFD7AC8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A35D5D68 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:00000143F65B23E0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:00000143207E20C0 firstTable End() = function:00000143207E2108 interactTypes = table:00000143207DD7F0 firstTable 1 = 14 2 = 3 type = Interact name = gamepadInteract restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepadTrade = table:000001439D68D628 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001439D68CCB8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439D68C9C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D68CD00 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D68CC38 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D68D6A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439D68D180 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:000001447D022B90 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D9E6AAE8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D9E6AB70 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143CFFD7008 (meta 000001439D68D210} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143F1943670 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143F1943778 (meta 00000143E1371878} object = table:000001439D68D5E0 (meta 00000143207ECC38} firstTable firstMeta owner = table:000001439D68D5E0 (meta 00000143207ECC38} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D022BD8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 13 = table:0000014313E3FA48 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable ClearFocus() = function:00000143E9843AD0 ClearHighlight() = function:000001431C15F5D0 FadeRightDivider() = function:000001431C16BFC0 Mixin() = function:00000143E9834DE0 ResetOnHidden() = function:00000143210702D8 ResetOnHiding() = function:000001432106F790 SetFocus() = function:000001431C15FBD8 SetHighlightHidden() = function:000001431C16B308 TakeFocus() = function:00000143E9840DE0 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014313E3F5F8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014309DF3778 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143FA135298 (meta 00000143FA1356F8} firstMeta firstIndex background = userdata:00000143FA1356A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} focusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_focus_512.dds highlight = userdata:00000143FA1354F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDivider = userdata:00000143FA135618 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDividerFadeInAnimation = userdata:00000143FA1357B8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} rightDividerFadeOutAnimation = userdata:00000143FA135818 (meta 0000014308367FC0} unfocusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_noFocus_512.dds dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E3FA90 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 15 = table:000001430A464530 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001430A464578 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 17 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepadTrade restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_activity_finder_root = table:000001447C506A88 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001447C5067D8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001447C5063B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001447C506590 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCBEED68 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001447C506B00 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001447C506B48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143609DD758 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 18 = table:0000014316AD2930 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 19 = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000144C753DB18 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143CCBF2068 (meta 000001431B70F3A8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143CCBF8810 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143CCBF8840 (meta 000001447C505148} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001447C506A40 (meta 00000143CCBF2A00} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000144C7525D18 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_activity_finder_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_alchemy_creation = table:000001447D44FF08 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001447D450190 firstTable StateChange = table:000001447D4501D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D450220 firstTable 1() = function:000001447D450148 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001447D44FF80 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001447D44FFC8 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D44F9C0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D44FA50 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D44FAD8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001439D868168 (meta 000001439D86A288} firstMeta firstIndex craftingAnimationsStoppedCallback() = function:000001447D44F7A0 glowContainer = userdata:000001439D868A60 (meta 000001430831E750} increaseAnimation = userdata:000001447D44DD08 (meta 0000014308367FC0} name = userdata:000001439D868E28 (meta 00000143083425C0} rank = userdata:000001439D868DA8 (meta 000001447D44F8F0} firstMeta firstIndex xpBar = table:000001439D86A3B0 (meta 0000014409E096D0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001447D44FA08 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 13 = table:00000143E02CAAA0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:000001439D86A5D8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E02C79C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:00000144D0786AF8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001442807F2C0 control = userdata:000001439D86D798 (meta 000001439D861188} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001439D85DD28 (meta 0000014308367FC0} owner = table:000001439D861B20 (meta 000001439D868078} firstTable firstMeta scrollList = table:000001439D85DC80 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000144D07860F0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000144D077A9C0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000144D0778500 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000144D0761B58 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014408195298 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014408196A20 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144D075B598 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001439D86DA70 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001431036F8E0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 19 = table:000001431DE86CB0 (meta 000001431DE8AC50} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:000001447D44E000 firstTable End() = function:000001447D44E0F0 interactTypes = table:000001447D44E130 firstTable 1 = 23 type = Alchemy Station name = gamepad_alchemy_creation restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_alchemy_mode = table:000001447D44FB68 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001447D44FDD8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001447D44FE20 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D44FE68 firstTable 1() = function:000001447D44FD58 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001447D44FBB0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001447D44FBF8 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D44F9C0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 13 = table:00000143E02CAAA0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 14 = table:000001430978CB98 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143EA92B278 control = userdata:000001439D86D4D0 (meta 000001447D452AD0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:0000014309E187C8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001447D4514C0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E02C15C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E02BE6A8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E02BE220 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E02B8DF0 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:000001447D44E000 name = gamepad_alchemy_mode restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_banking = table:00000143CB763710 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143CB763EF0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CB763F38 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB763F80 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB763EA8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB763788 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143CB7637D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001431D6D0940 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143CB75CB98 (meta 00000143CB763DB0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143CB75E1D0 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143CB75E230 (meta 00000143CB764800} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143CB7636C8 (meta 00000143CB75BC00} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001431D6D0988 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:000001439F029568 firstTable interactTypes = table:000001439F02AE80 firstTable 1 = 6 type = Banking name = gamepad_banking restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_buy_bag_space = table:000001430A087718 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001430A087D88 firstTable StateChange = table:000001430A087DD0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A087E18 firstTable 1() = function:000001430A087D08 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001430A087790 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001430A087920 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:0000014428073778 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:000001430A07A538 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014428073ED0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:00000143E3466AE0 firstTable interactTypes = table:00000143E6C878F8 firstTable 1 = 19 type = Buy Bag Space name = gamepad_buy_bag_space restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_buy_bank_space = table:00000143CB743558 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143CB744BC8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CB744C10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB744C58 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB744B80 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB7435D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143CB743618 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001431D6D0940 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 15 = table:0000014428073C90 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143CB7610C8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144280759A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:000001439F029568 name = gamepad_buy_bank_space restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_campaign_root = table:000001435538C208 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001435539E8F0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143553A0CE0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143553A2430 firstTable 1() = function:0000014313E57458 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014355399A50 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001435539BF18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001431DE76E48 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:0000014313E50C38 (meta 00000143A35DC5D8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:0000014313E50D40 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:0000014313E50E70 (meta 00000143A35DE770} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143A35DC1E0 (meta 000001430979DD70} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:0000014316668DE0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F28D8BC8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014309DF3F88 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014309DF4010 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014313E4FFD8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D5FD1370 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014313E3F738 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 19 = table:00000143099BEB38 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8DBC88 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 73 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_campaign_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_championPerks_root = table:0000014428084040 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D4A501B8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D4A50488 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4A504D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144280840D0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014428084088 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143D4A50138 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 11 = table:00000144280836B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:0000014428083E58 control = userdata:00000143A35CC5D8 (meta 00000143F0F8ACE0} firstMeta firstIndex iconTexture = userdata:00000143F0F8ABF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} pointsHeaderLabel = userdata:00000143F0F8AB70 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsLabel = userdata:00000143F0F8AC88 (meta 00000143083425C0} dirtyEvents = table:00000144280836F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 13 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 15 = table:00000143CB530F08 (meta 000001444E58B410} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB530F50 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 framingType = 9 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:0000014316CDC058 (meta 0000014320DB8960} 6 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 7 = table:00000143EA93A1A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143F28CE098 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F28CE0E8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F0F96EA8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143EA93A1E8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_championPerks_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_dyeing = table:000001430FD7F238 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001430FD7F530 firstTable StateChange = table:000001430FD7F578 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD7F5C0 firstTable 1() = function:000001447D45DDF0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001430FD7F2B0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001430FD7F2F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:00000143CDD09308 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A35E3390 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A35E5590 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001430FD67530 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD087F0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:00000143A35E3198 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014355397CA8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001448016ECF8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001430FD74588 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A35E4180 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 14 = table:0000014313E3F738 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 16 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:00000143F440A858 name = gamepad_dyeing restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_enchanting_creation = table:00000143DA773B60 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000143D6001FD0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143DA773E50 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DA773E98 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DA773D88 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DA773BD8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143DA773C20 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DA7735F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143DA773680 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143DA773708 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143DA7637C0 (meta 00000143DA764120} firstMeta firstIndex craftingAnimationsStoppedCallback() = function:00000143DA773018 glowContainer = userdata:00000143DA763D00 (meta 000001430831E750} increaseAnimation = userdata:00000143DA772FD8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} name = userdata:00000143DA7640C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} rank = userdata:00000143DA764048 (meta 00000143DA7733E8} firstMeta firstIndex xpBar = table:00000143DA764248 (meta 0000014409E096D0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143DA773638 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143553A1800 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001435538BEF8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143C804B4A0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143DA764518 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001435539F040 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014309DFBED0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014309DFC290 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000014309DFC360 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014309DFC3A8 firstTable control = userdata:0000014309DF8BD8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014309DFC210 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 15 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 16 = table:0000014480183420 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CDD29A70 control = userdata:00000143DA766568 (meta 00000143DA76DE10} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143DA76DED0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} owner = table:00000143DA76DD50 (meta 00000143DA763348} firstTable firstMeta scrollList = table:00000143DA76DFD8 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014480182F20 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000144801822A8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000014480162158 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001448015DF38 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 18 = table:000001431DE86CB0 (meta 000001431DE8AC50} firstTable firstMeta actionLayerName = SceneChangeInterceptLayer allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:00000143D5FFD958 dirtyEvents = table:000001431DE86D50 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:000001431666A0E8 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:00000143DA7734B8 firstTable End() = function:0000014320F48AA0 interactTypes = table:00000143DA7735A8 firstTable 1 = 23 type = Enchanting Station name = gamepad_enchanting_creation restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_enchanting_extraction = table:00000143DA773F18 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D60019F8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CFFDED28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFFDED70 firstTable 1() = function:000001431664CCE0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DA773F90 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143DA772CF0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:00000143553A1800 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 12 = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 13 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 15 = table:0000014480183420 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} 16 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 17 = table:000001431DE86CB0 (meta 000001431DE8AC50} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:00000143DA7734B8 name = gamepad_enchanting_extraction restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_enchanting_mode = table:0000014320F47410 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143DA773978 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143DA7739C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DA773A08 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6002980 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DA773798 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143DA7737E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DA7735F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143553A1800 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 13 = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 15 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 16 = table:000001435539D9E0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431BD3DD88 control = userdata:00000143DA766290 (meta 00000143DA768720} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143DA768930 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143DA768548 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001435539F170 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000014355398488 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000014355396510 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001435537F5A8 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:00000143DA7734B8 name = gamepad_enchanting_mode restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_friends = table:00000144280711E8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014428071230 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014428071278 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F8B1DA0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144DD5DB610 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001430A087CB0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143DA75CF40 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144280702F0 firstTable control = userdata:000001447D44AA78 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001448F888770 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:00000144280896B8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014428089998 callbackRegistry = table:0000014428089C78 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014428089CC0 firstTable control = userdata:0000014428087DD0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014428089700 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000014428089748 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000144280897D8 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000144280898B0 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:0000014313E114E8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 19 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = gamepad_friends restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_groupList = table:00000143F3182E70 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143CFE6DE18 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431D66A470 firstTable 1 = table:000001431B70A740 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EA778F88 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014429012F50 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014429012D20 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:0000014313452988 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143166580F8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014428062E38 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E6318E40 (meta 0000014316AD42A8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143E631B7C0 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:000001435514A188 (meta 00000143E630F520} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143D3180960 (meta 000001439DB28A20} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F26690 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014316AD2930 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:0000014313E24108 (meta 000001444E58B410} 18 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 19 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_groupList restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_guild_bank = table:0000014309781A28 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001431C5B94A0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E18AB7D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A4C3A7F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014309781AE8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014309781AA0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014309781D30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001431D6CC1E0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143CDD27DF0 (meta 000001440602CE78} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143CDD27EE8 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:000001431BD3BD48 (meta 00000143EA93B620} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143097819E0 (meta 00000143E02CD870} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001431D6CBFF0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 18 = table:00000143F28C70C8 (meta 000001430A0775D0} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:000001439F02AF38 name = gamepad_guild_bank restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_guild_bank_error = table:0000014320F477B0 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143DDBCCE80 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014405FFF2F0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014405FFF410 firstTable 1() = function:000001447D443978 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D844FC8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001447D436230 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001430795E908 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143D8F49A50 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001430795E950 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:000001439F02AF38 name = gamepad_guild_bank_error restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_guild_home = table:00000144DD5BE5C0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000144DD5BE748 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144DD5BEA18 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5BEA60 firstTable 1() = function:00000144DD5BE6C8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5BE638 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144DD5BE680 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143CDD1FB78 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:000001431DE81EA0 (meta 000001448F8ACB98} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000144DD5B8CF8 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143DDBCE788 (meta 000001448F87DC90} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001448F8ACB08 (meta 000001431DE81D80} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD23E70 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:0000014313E114E8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014313E11578 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E7DDF4A0 animationTemplate = TranslateFromLeftSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143063C00D8 (meta 00000143063C0550} firstMeta firstIndex background = userdata:00000143063C04F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} focusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_focus_512.dds highlight = userdata:00000143063C0338 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDivider = userdata:00000143063C0468 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDividerFadeInAnimation = userdata:00000143063C0610 (meta 0000014308367FC0} rightDividerFadeOutAnimation = userdata:00000143063C0670 (meta 0000014308367FC0} unfocusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_noFocus_512.dds dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E11530 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_guild_home restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_guild_hub = table:000001448F8ADF40 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143CB7594E8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CB7597B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB759800 firstTable 1() = function:000001431C5A51D0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431C5A5140 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001431C5A5188 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:0000014309782748 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:000001431DE800D8 (meta 000001431DE80A90} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:000001439D83E058 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:000001431345E9F0 (meta 000001431C5A5610} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001431DE80A00 (meta 000001448F8794D0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD23928 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014313E3F738 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_guild_hub restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_housing_furniture_scene = table:0000014320FFACB0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000014320FFC800 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014320FFC848 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320FFC890 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320FFC780 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014320FFAD28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014320FFAD70 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E26AA8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 13 = table:0000014316653850 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D8F43B28 control = userdata:00000143C7D36790 (meta 0000014320FFC688} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143C7D37A10 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143C7D369D8 (meta 0000014320FFD0A8} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:0000014320FFAC68 (meta 00000143C7D36620} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000144C75253F0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000144C7523540 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000144C7521518 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E02CE7F8 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 15 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 16 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 17 = table:00000143E7DDC820 (meta 000001431DC95C30} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001431DED64A8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 options = table:00000143E7DDC7D8 firstTable dynamicFramingConsumedHeight = 400 dynamicFramingConsumedWidth = 566 forcePreparePreview = false paddingLeft = 566 paddingRight = 566 previewBufferMS = 300 previewInEmptyWorld = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:000001439F6B6520 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_housing_furniture_scene restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_ignored = table:00000143103775C0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014310377648 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E3882E60 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F89D448 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144DD5B33C0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F0F6B660 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001448F8A01F8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001448F8A2D98 firstTable control = userdata:000001447D44AAE8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001448F89D638 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:00000144280896B8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} 16 = table:0000014313E114E8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 19 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = gamepad_ignored restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_inventory_root = table:00000143B3252760 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143B3252B58 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143B3252BA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B3252BE8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B3252A30 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143B32527D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143B3252820 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143E7DDC748 (meta 000001431DC95C30} 15 = table:00000143A35E1748 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143EC400290 (meta 00000143B32528B0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000144C804FFA0 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000144C8050060 (meta 00000143B3251148} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143B3252718 (meta 000001437792DBE8} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143A35CEC28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:0000014313E1B4B8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 17 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 18 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 19 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:000001439F6B6520 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_inventory_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_leaderboards = table:000001448016E5F0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001448016D438 firstTable StateChange = table:000001448016CFD0 firstTable 1 = table:000001448016D1C8 firstTable 1() = function:000001448016D270 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001448016E668 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001448016DD10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143D4A2C860 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:0000014480180E30 (meta 000001448016D7B0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:0000014480180F18 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:0000014480180920 (meta 000001448016B7A8} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001448016E868 (meta 00000143553882D0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD57280 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014409E7D910 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014409E69C68 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014409E7D820 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A36013B8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD57370 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014313E3FA00 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000014313E113D0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014313E11458 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143063C0F20 (meta 000001439F6BAE90} firstMeta firstIndex background = userdata:000001439F6BAE38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} focusTexture = 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table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_leaderboards restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_loreReaderInteraction = table:00000143D8F5B9E8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D7658D88 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D765A5F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D765A878 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C1B8BC18 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143FC331EB0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144D83E7488 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:000001431BD60A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 12 = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} 13 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_loreReaderInteraction restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_loreReaderInventory = table:00000143EC960568 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001430FD7AD48 firstTable StateChange = 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00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_loreReaderInventory restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_loreReaderLoreLibrary = table:00000143EC96B618 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D7658430 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D76586B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D7658AD0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C1B8BC18 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D765AB90 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E189B290 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001431BD60A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431BD60AF0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431BD60B78 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144D078BAA8 (meta 000001430FD7ABC0} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001430FD7A548 (meta 00000143E41D8C48} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD60AA8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_loreReaderLoreLibrary restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_market = table:000001439F8E00E0 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8E0128 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439F8E0170 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E159C0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:00000143E7DE0C48 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E15A08 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 id = 9 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 13 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 15 = table:0000014306480CA0 (meta 000001444E58B410} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014306480CE8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 framingType = 10 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:000001431DE8D460 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = PreviewInterceptLayer allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:000001431DE8AD08 dirtyEvents = table:000001431DE8D4A8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:000001431DE8ACC0 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_market restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8E1B88 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_market_bundle_contents = table:000001439F8E08E8 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8E0930 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439F8E0AC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E159C0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 13 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 15 = table:0000014306480CA0 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:000001431DE8D460 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_market_bundle_contents restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8E1B88 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_market_content_list = table:000001439F8E16E0 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8E1728 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439F8E18B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 13 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 15 = table:0000014306480CA0 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:000001431DE8D460 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_market_content_list restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_market_locked = table:000001439F8E0D90 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8E0DD8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439F8E0F68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E159C0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 13 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 15 = table:0000014306480CA0 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:000001431DE8D460 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_market_locked restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_market_pre_scene = table:000001439F8DFC38 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8DFC80 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439F8DFE10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E159C0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:00000143F0DF2210 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:00000143E7DDD510 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F0DF2258 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true id = 5 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_market_pre_scene restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_market_preview = table:000001439F8E0440 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8E0488 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439F8E0618 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E159C0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 13 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 15 = table:0000014306480CA0 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:000001431DE8D460 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_market_preview restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8E1B88 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_market_purchase = table:000001439F8E1238 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8E1280 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439F8E1410 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 13 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 15 = table:0000014306480CA0 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:000001431DE8D460 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_market_purchase restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8E1B88 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_notifications_root = table:0000014313226DA0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143132270F0 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014313227138 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313227180 firstTable 1() = function:0000014313227070 3 = false 2 = table:00000144C2581B10 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C2581A90 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313226E18 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014313226E60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:0000014428075C48 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143132184F0 (meta 0000014313226EF0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:0000014313219108 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:0000014313219168 (meta 0000014313228E08} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:0000014313226D58 (meta 0000014313218380} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:0000014428076618 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 18 = table:000001439F8D9E40 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8D9E88 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 19 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_notifications_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_options_panel = table:000001439F8DBFF8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001439F8DC118 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439F8DC3E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8DC430 firstTable 1() = function:000001439F8DC0D0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8DC040 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439F8DC088 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E198A0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 13 = table:0000014306476558 (meta 000001444E58B410} 14 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 15 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 16 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 17 = table:000001440601E898 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:0000014313E3FA00 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 19 = table:000001439E146D58 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:0000014310BC7898 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_options_panel restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8DC5C8 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_options_root = table:000001439F8DBD88 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001439F8DBEE8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439F8DBF30 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8DBF78 firstTable 1() = function:000001439F8DBE60 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8DBDD0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439F8DBE18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E198A0 (meta 00000143AA410E30} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000014313E158C0 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E15878 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 id = 8 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 13 = table:0000014306476558 (meta 000001444E58B410} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143064765A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 framingType = 7 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 15 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 16 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 17 = table:000001440601E898 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143143A8DC8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001440601E960 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E983E4E0 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001440601E8E0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:0000014313E3FA00 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 19 = table:000001439E146D58 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143F74D0CE8 (meta 0000014310BC7E58} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:000001431DA59DB8 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:0000014316F6AC80 (meta 0000014310BC7750} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:0000014310BC7C08 (meta 00000143F74D0B20} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001436882AA30 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:0000014310BC7898 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000014310BC7970 control = userdata:000001431DA59E40 (meta 00000143A429F170} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:0000014316F6AC80 (meta 0000014310BC7750} dirtyEvents = table:0000014310BC78E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143CDE608F0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143CDE60938 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143CDE60898 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_options_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8DC5C8 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 callbackRegistry = table:000001439F8DC768 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439F8DC7B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8DC7F8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8DC610 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:000001439F8DC658 firstTable 1 = gamepad_options_root 2 = gamepad_options_panel state = scene_group_hidden sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_player_emote = table:0000014310372CA8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000014310372F70 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014310372FB8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014310373000 firstTable 1() = function:0000014310372EF0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014310372D20 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014310372D68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143553A2F08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143553940F0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143C805BB30 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014310364190 (meta 0000014310372DF8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:0000014310364B60 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:0000014310364C28 (meta 0000014310373880} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:0000014310372C60 (meta 00000143103640A0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143553A1628 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014313E3FA00 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_player_emote restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_provisioner_options = table:00000143D8F25240 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D5FD9188 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D5FD9A28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FDC980 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D5FD5C60 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D5FD3CE0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143D5FD50D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F52648 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:000001431DED65F0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 13 = table:000001430795D130 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431D6CCEF8 control = userdata:00000143DA74C3C8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001430795D178 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143DF61D110 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143DF61D1A0 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001431D6D0AA0 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014313E1B4B8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:00000143D8F4B1A8 name = gamepad_provisioner_options restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:00000143D5FDE708 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_provisioner_root = table:00000143D8F54950 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D8F27770 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D8F45B90 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F251C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F40340 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F54BD8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143D8F56358 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F52648 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143DA74DA20 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D5FD8540 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143DA749B88 (meta 0000014309E06B68} firstMeta firstIndex glowContainer = userdata:00000143DA74A2E8 (meta 000001430831E750} name = userdata:00000143DA74A5C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} rank = userdata:00000143DA74A540 (meta 00000143083425C0} xpBar = table:0000014309E06E10 (meta 0000014409E096D0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F546C8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:000001431DED65F0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143DA74A8B0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001431DED6638 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:000001431DED6680 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001430795CCB8 control = userdata:00000143DA74C0D0 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001431DED66C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:000001431DED6710 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001431DED67A0 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143DF61D070 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 15 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 16 = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 18 = table:000001431DE86CB0 (meta 000001431DE8AC50} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:00000143D8F4B1A8 firstTable End() = function:00000143D8F4EFD8 interactTypes = table:00000143D8F4F8D0 firstTable 1 = 23 type = Provisioner Station name = gamepad_provisioner_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:00000143D5FDE708 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 callbackRegistry = table:00000143D5FE10C0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D5FF1FE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FF21D8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143D5FDE958 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:00000143D5FE0600 firstTable 1 = gamepad_provisioner_root 2 = gamepad_provisioner_options state = scene_group_hidden sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_quest_journal = table:00000143D2B8D5C8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D2B8D860 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D2B8D8A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D2B8D8F0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D2B8D7E0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D2B8D610 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143D2B8D658 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:0000014480150BA0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143D2B86F80 (meta 00000143D2B8D6E8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143D2B89258 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143D2B892B8 (meta 00000143D2B8F548} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143D2B8D508 (meta 00000143D2B86DE0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD5E098 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:000001439F8D9A78 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8D9AC0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 7 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 19 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_quest_journal restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_quickslot = table:0000014314CDD1B0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143F9A08FE8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143F9A02C58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F9A025D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EC4012B0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC401F08 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143F9A0FDE0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000144D0756820 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000144CCF5ED40 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5B1A78 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014313E1B4B8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_quickslot restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_restyle_root = table:000001430FD76D98 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001430FD81A88 firstTable StateChange = table:000001430FD81AD0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD81B48 firstTable 1() = function:000001430FD81790 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001430FD76DE0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001430FD76E28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:00000143CDD09308 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 12 = table:00000143CB51DCE0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014480182398 control = userdata:000001430FD74220 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB5163A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143CB516468 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143CB5100E8 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143CB50E798 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 14 = table:00000143D6AF99B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable ClearFocus() = function:00000143E9843AD0 ClearHighlight() = function:000001431C15F5D0 FadeRightDivider() = function:000001431C16BFC0 Mixin() = function:00000143E9834DE0 ResetOnHidden() = function:00000143210702D8 ResetOnHiding() = function:000001432106F790 SetFocus() = function:000001431C15FBD8 SetHighlightHidden() = function:000001431C16B308 TakeFocus() = function:00000143E9840DE0 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D6AF97C8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D600FEE0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143063C7D28 (meta 00000143063CB510} firstMeta firstIndex background = userdata:00000143063CB4B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} focusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_focus_512.dds highlight = userdata:00000143063CB148 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDivider = userdata:00000143063CB430 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDividerFadeInAnimation = userdata:00000143063CB848 (meta 0000014308367FC0} rightDividerFadeOutAnimation = userdata:00000143063CB8A8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} unfocusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_noFocus_512.dds dirtyEvents = table:00000143D6AF9A00 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 16 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:00000143F440A858 name = gamepad_restyle_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_skills_line_filter = table:00000143F1934F10 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E97A5B38 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E97A5848 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E97A5B98 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E97A5AE0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E97A5A50 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E97A5A98 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D76670E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:000001448015AE70 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 16 = table:0000014313E24108 (meta 000001444E58B410} 17 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 18 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 19 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = gamepad_skills_line_filter restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:00000143E97A4670 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_skills_root = table:00000143F1933E88 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143F1934E48 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E97A6420 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F1934E90 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F1934DF0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D7667178 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143F1934DA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D76670E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143F1934F98 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F1934FE8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143166825C8 (meta 00000144060147C0} firstMeta firstIndex glowContainer = userdata:00000144060153B8 (meta 000001430831E750} name = userdata:0000014406014768 (meta 00000143083425C0} rank = userdata:0000014406014F98 (meta 00000143083425C0} xpBar = table:00000144060148E8 (meta 0000014409E096D0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143D7667130 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:000001448015AE70 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000144060144C8 (meta 00000143D7668BB0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:0000014406014950 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:0000014406013F58 (meta 00000143D7668630} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143D7668B20 (meta 0000014406029D20} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:0000014480159C50 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:0000014313E24108 (meta 000001444E58B410} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E24150 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 framingType = 1 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 18 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 19 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = gamepad_skills_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:00000143E97A4670 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 callbackRegistry = table:00000143E97A3B18 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E97A3B60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E97A3BA8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E97A46E8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:00000143E97A4730 firstTable 1 = gamepad_skills_root 2 = gamepad_skills_line_filter state = scene_group_hidden sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_creation = table:00000143ED519D80 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143ED518450 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143ED518498 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5184E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED519F30 3 = false 2 = table:00000143ED5388F8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED538878 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143ED519DF8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014316661B78 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED51F218 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:000001431BD575B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 13 = table:000001439D85D720 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143207F01F0 control = userdata:00000143ED5262D0 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5B9840 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143103670E0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000144DD5B1410 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143ED51E568 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:00000143D4A61A30 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143C804CAF0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CDD35738 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143ED52BD78 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D4A66BB0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:000001431DE86CB0 (meta 000001431DE8AC50} 19 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:00000143ED546898 name = gamepad_smithing_creation restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001431DE731B8 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_creation_options = table:00000143ED5389A0 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143ED53A020 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143ED53A068 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED53A0B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED539FD8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143ED538A18 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143ED538A60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:000001431BD575B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 12 = table:00000144DD5B8C10 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143F440A270 control = userdata:00000143ED529540 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001430A07EA60 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:000001430A084CF0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001440818BA70 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143D4A5E8F8 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 15 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:00000143ED546898 name = gamepad_smithing_creation_options restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001431DE731B8 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_deconstruct = table:00000143ED518580 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143ED518D20 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143ED518D68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED518DB0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED518C98 3 = false 2 = table:000001431DE709D8 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DE70950 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143ED5185F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143ED518888 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED51F218 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:000001431BD575B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 13 = table:000001431BD32C68 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E02C0A40 control = userdata:00000143ED529CB8 (meta 00000143ED53FD48} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143ED53FDB0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} owner = table:00000143ED53FCB8 (meta 00000143DDBE0CB8} firstTable firstMeta scrollList = table:00000143ED53FF08 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E02D7578 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E02D7D48 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E02D8C48 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000144D0774710 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:00000143E75D86C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143C805FA90 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014309788370 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143ED530400 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001439D8519F8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:000001431DE86CB0 (meta 000001431DE8AC50} 19 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:00000143ED546898 name = gamepad_smithing_deconstruct restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001431DE731B8 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_improvement = table:00000143ED518E50 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143ED5193A8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143ED5193F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED519438 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED519320 3 = false 2 = table:00000143ED53F4E8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53F4A0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143ED518EC8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143ED518F10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED51F218 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014316666B50 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014316664558 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143ED523208 (meta 00000143ED5240A8} firstMeta firstIndex glowContainer = userdata:00000143ED523C88 (meta 000001430831E750} name = userdata:00000143ED524050 (meta 00000143083425C0} rank = userdata:00000143ED523FD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} xpBar = table:00000143ED5241D0 (meta 0000014409E096D0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014316664510 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:000001431BD575B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143ED5243F8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD57970 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:00000143D4A68440 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014309DF6C10 control = userdata:00000143ED52A048 (meta 00000143ED53D098} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143ED53D158 (meta 0000014308367FC0} owner = table:00000143ED53D008 (meta 00000143F19533C0} firstTable firstMeta scrollList = table:00000143ED53D208 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143D4A688D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143D4A68AE8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000014409E8DD50 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000014409E91010 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014409E5A4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143C804D020 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CFFBFBB0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143ED532A28 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:0000014409E613A0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:000001431DE86CB0 (meta 000001431DE8AC50} 19 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:00000143ED546898 firstTable End() = function:00000143ED546988 interactTypes = table:00000143166644A8 firstTable 1 = 23 type = Smithing Station name = gamepad_smithing_improvement restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001431DE731B8 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 callbackRegistry = table:000001431DE73308 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431DE73350 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DE73398 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001431DE73230 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:000001431DE73278 firstTable 1 = gamepad_smithing_refine 2 = gamepad_smithing_creation 3 = gamepad_smithing_deconstruct 4 = gamepad_smithing_improvement 5 = gamepad_smithing_research 6 = gamepad_smithing_creation_options state = scene_group_hidden sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_refine = table:0000014316661AE8 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143ED519C50 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143ED519C98 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED519CE0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED519BC8 3 = false 2 = table:00000143ED537048 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED536FC0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014316661B30 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143ED5197C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED51F218 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:000001431BD575B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 13 = table:00000143C804ABB0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E02C4A60 control = userdata:00000143ED529940 (meta 00000143ED515B28} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143ED515B90 (meta 0000014308367FC0} owner = table:00000143ED515950 (meta 00000143DDBE0CB8} firstTable scrollList = table:00000143ED515C40 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143C804C118 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E02E8B58 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143C8058C10 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143C8059150 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:00000144C75393D8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014480159D88 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D5FD6160 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143ED52DE48 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000144C753A8C0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:000001431DE86CB0 (meta 000001431DE8AC50} 19 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:00000143ED546898 name = gamepad_smithing_refine restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001431DE731B8 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_research = table:00000143ED5194D8 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143ED518640 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143ED518688 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5186D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED519720 3 = false 2 = table:000001431DE715D0 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DE71550 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143ED519550 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143ED519598 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED51F218 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:000001431BD575B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 13 = table:0000014409E63528 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143097A86F8 control = userdata:00000143ED52A3C8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:0000014409E64558 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000014409E64740 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000014409E65858 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000014409E68B38 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:00000143ED546898 name = gamepad_smithing_research restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001431DE731B8 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_research_confirm = table:000001431DE71650 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001431DE730A8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431DE730F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DE73138 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DE73058 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431DE716C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001431DE71858 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:000001431BD575B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 12 = table:0000014409E72968 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001448F8804B8 control = userdata:00000143ED52B978 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:0000014409E81DA8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000014409E82710 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000014409E833E0 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000014409E793D0 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 15 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:00000143ED546898 name = gamepad_smithing_research_confirm restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_root = table:0000014316667370 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000014316661440 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014316661488 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316661A48 firstTable 1() = function:00000143166613B8 3 = false 2 = table:000001431DE79810 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DE797C8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143166673B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014316667400 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED51F218 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:000001431BD575B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 13 = table:0000014409E6A3E0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E02D7B78 control = userdata:00000143ED525EF8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD57A28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000014480154230 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001448015C438 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143C804A4C8 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:00000143ED546898 name = gamepad_smithing_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_stats_root = table:000001440601DD40 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001440601DEC8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001440601DF10 firstTable 1 = table:000001440601D470 firstTable 1() = function:000001440601DE48 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001440601DDB8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001440601DE00 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 15 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 16 = table:0000014458432D48 (meta 000001431DA5F2A0} 17 = table:00000143D8F43D38 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:000001431C5A7E68 (meta 00000143F4419CF0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:0000014406007F78 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:0000014406008030 (meta 00000143F9910CB8} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143F4419B90 (meta 00000143B335A5B8} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5E6860 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 19 = table:0000014313E3F738 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 21 = table:00000143CB520658 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB5120D0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB50AA00 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C1B6F938 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E0BA78 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 22 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_stats_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_store = table:00000143E75DDC88 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E75DE0D8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E75DE120 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75DE198 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75DE058 3 = false 2 = table:000001431BD41880 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD41840 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E75DDCD0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E75DDD18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001431D6CD2B8 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143E75DB8A8 (meta 00000143E75DDEB8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143E75DB990 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143E75DBAA8 (meta 00000143E75DE9C8} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143E75DDBB8 (meta 00000143E75DA6B8} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001431D6CD300 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143DA76A590 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8DA1F0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 18 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 19 = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:00000143E97C2958 name = gamepad_store restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_trading_house = table:00000143CDD39AB0 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD39AF8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143CDD39B40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 15 = table:000001431B42A400 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143DAF12698 control = userdata:00000143CDD2C3D0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001431B42A448 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:000001444E580E38 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001444E580EC8 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143DAF12458 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:00000143F28C70C8 (meta 000001430A0775D0} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:0000014480174A08 name = gamepad_trading_house restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8D9C68 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_trading_house_create_listing = table:00000143CB53BEE0 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143CB53C190 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CB53C1D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB53C220 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB53C110 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB53BF58 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143CB53BFA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 15 = table:00000143AA405A58 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A34CD510 control = userdata:00000143CB529B40 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143AA405AA0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143DAF124B0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143DAF12540 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143DAF12828 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:000001439FC50260 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001432086B300 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = TradingHouse_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = TradingHouse_Open state = hidden 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:0000014480174A08 firstTable End() = function:0000014480174AF8 interactTypes = table:0000014480174B38 firstTable 1 = 26 type = TradingHouse name = gamepad_trading_house_create_listing restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8D9C68 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gamepad_worldMap = table:00000143E12C1CC0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E12C1E20 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E12C1E68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E12C1EB0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E12C1DC8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E12C1D38 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E12C1D80 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} 12 = table:00000143E12C1700 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E12C17C0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E12C1848 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E12C1948 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E12C1990 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CBF837E8 (meta 00000143EB8E4FF0} firstMeta firstIndex zoneName = Wayrest dirtyEvents = table:00000143E12C1778 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:00000143A35F2CE0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014310452B38 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014310452BC0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E12C1F50 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014310452AF0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014313E24228 (meta 000001444E58B410} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E24270 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 framingType = 4 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431045E368 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F9CFA898 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014428AF0850 (meta 0000014428AF4CF8} firstMeta firstIndex OnHidden() = function:0000014405F9A078 dirtyEvents = table:00000143F9CFA850 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = gamepad_worldMap restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden gammaAdjust = table:0000014309B425D0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143FE10B878 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014309B42618 firstTable 1 = table:00000143063BF260 (meta 00000143E30A5F90} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = 1500 animationOnStop() = function:000001439FD0E8F8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143AA182968 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation confirmGamma = userdata:00000143063BF0B8 (meta 000001431D56E508} control = userdata:00000143E30A9A68 (meta 00000143063BF190} firstMeta firstIndex initialized = true declineGamma = userdata:00000143063BF138 (meta 00000143B3091C10} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431D56E4B0 (meta 00000143E30B1410} firstMeta firstIndex keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431D56E428 (meta 00000143B3091CF8} firstMeta firstIndex dialog = userdata:00000143E30A9A68 (meta 00000143063BF190} dirtyEvents = table:000001439FD0E8B0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 gamepadSlider = userdata:0000014405F97310 (meta 00000143A0C2D060} firstMeta firstIndex Activate() = function:00000143167A0850 Deactivate() = function:00000143167A0890 Initialize() = function:00000143167A0810 MoveLeft() = function:00000143D819E658 MoveRight() = function:00000143D819E698 SetActive() = function:00000143D819E700 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:000001432E00BFE0 movementController = table:00000143A0C2D100 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable keyContainer = userdata:00000143063BF038 (meta 000001430831E750} keyboardSlider = userdata:000001431D56E620 (meta 0000014308359498} leftArrow = userdata:00000143AA182B48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} mainText = userdata:00000143B3097B90 (meta 00000143083425C0} rightArrow = userdata:00000143D72C4CB0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} slider = userdata:000001431D56E620 (meta 0000014308359498} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:0000014308357958 ClearAnchors() = function:0000014308357C98 Convert3DLocalOrientationToWorldOrientation() = function:0000014308359420 Convert3DLocalPositionToWorldPosition() = function:00000143083593B0 Convert3DWorldOrientationToLocalOrientation() = function:00000143083593E8 Convert3DWorldPositionToLocalPosition() = function:0000014308359378 Create3DRenderSpace() = function:0000014308357990 CreateControl() = function:00000143083573A8 Destroy3DRenderSpace() = function:00000143083579C8 Does3DRenderSpaceUseDepthBuffer() = function:0000014308359308 DoesAllowDraggingFromThumb() = function:0000014308356618 Get3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:0000014308359228 Get3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:00000143083591B8 Get3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:0000014308357A38 Get3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:0000014308357AA8 Get3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:0000014308359298 Get3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:0000014308359148 GetAlpha() = function:0000014308357C28 GetAnchor() = function:0000014308357D08 GetBottom() = function:00000143083570D0 GetCenter() = function:0000014308357108 GetChild() = function:0000014308356B90 GetClampedToScreen() = function:0000014308357290 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:00000143083577D0 GetControlAlpha() = function:0000014308357C60 GetControlScale() = function:0000014308357BB8 GetDesiredHeight() = function:0000014308356FF0 GetDesiredWidth() = function:0000014308356FB8 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:00000143083578B0 GetDimensions() = function:00000143083567B0 GetDrawLayer() = function:0000014308356E30 GetDrawLevel() = function:0000014308356EA0 GetDrawTier() = function:0000014308356D88 GetEnabled() = function:0000014308356428 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:0000014308357648 GetHandler() = function:0000014308356F10 GetHeight() = function:0000014308356F80 GetHitInsets() = function:0000014308357760 GetId() = function:0000014308357568 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:0000014308357488 GetInheritsScale() = function:00000143083574F8 GetLeft() = function:0000014308357028 GetMinMax() = function:0000014308354DC0 GetName() = function:0000014308356C38 GetNamedChild() = function:0000014308356BC8 GetNumChildren() = function:0000014308356B58 GetOrientation() = function:00000143083564C0 GetOwningWindow() = function:0000014308356740 GetParent() = function:0000014308356AE8 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:00000143083575D8 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:0000014308357840 GetRight() = function:0000014308357098 GetScale() = function:0000014308357B80 GetScreenRect() = function:0000014308357140 GetThumbTextureControl() = function:0000014308356378 GetTop() = function:0000014308357060 GetType() = function:0000014308356C70 GetValue() = function:0000014308356240 GetValueStep() = function:0000014308356278 GetWidth() = function:00000143083567E8 Has3DRenderSpace() = function:0000014308357A00 IsChildOf() = function:0000014308356C00 IsControlHidden() = function:0000014308356D18 IsHandlerSet() = function:0000014308356F48 IsHidden() = function:0000014308356CE0 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308357370 IsMouseEnabled() = function:0000014308357300 IsPointInside() = function:0000014308357178 IsThumbFlushWithExtents() = function:0000014308356A00 RegisterForEvent() = function:00000143083578E8 Set3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:0000014308359260 Set3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:00000143083591F0 Set3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:0000014308357A70 Set3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:0000014308357AE0 Set3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:00000143083592D0 Set3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:0000014308359180 Set3DRenderSpaceUsesDepthBuffer() = function:0000014308359340 SetAllowDraggingFromThumb() = function:0000014308356690 SetAlpha() = function:0000014308357BF0 SetAnchor() = function:0000014308357CD0 SetAnchorFill() = function:00000143083571B0 SetBackgroundBottomTexture() = function:0000014308356918 SetBackgroundMiddleTexture() = function:00000143083568A0 SetBackgroundTopTexture() = function:0000014308356828 SetClampedToScreen() = function:0000014308357258 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:0000014308357798 SetColor() = function:0000014308356708 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:0000014308357878 SetDimensions() = function:0000014308356778 SetDrawLayer() = function:0000014308356DF8 SetDrawLevel() = function:0000014308356E68 SetDrawTier() = function:0000014308356DC0 SetEnabled() = function:00000143083563F0 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:0000014308357610 SetHandler() = function:0000014308356ED8 SetHeight() = function:0000014308356AB0 SetHidden() = function:0000014308356CA8 SetHitInsets() = function:0000014308357728 SetId() = function:0000014308357530 SetInheritAlpha() = function:0000014308357450 SetInheritScale() = function:00000143083574C0 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308357338 SetMinMax() = function:0000014308354D58 SetMouseEnabled() = function:00000143083572C8 SetMovable() = function:00000143083573E0 SetOrientation() = function:00000143083562E0 SetParent() = function:0000014308356B20 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:0000014308357418 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:00000143083575A0 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:0000014308357808 SetScale() = function:0000014308357B48 SetShapeType() = function:0000014308357680 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:00000143083571E8 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:0000014308357220 SetThumbFlushWithExtents() = function:00000143083565A0 SetThumbTexture() = function:0000014308356530 SetThumbTextureHeight() = function:0000014308356990 SetValue() = function:0000014308354DF8 SetValueStep() = function:0000014308356340 SetWidth() = function:0000014308356A78 StartMoving() = function:00000143083576B8 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:00000143083576F0 ToggleHidden() = function:0000014308356D50 UnregisterForEvent() = function:0000014308357920 state = hidden subText = userdata:00000143B3097BF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} name = gammaAdjust restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden groupMenuKeyboard = table:000001447C500510 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001447C5007B0 firstTable StateChange = table:000001447C500A80 firstTable 1 = table:000001447C500AF8 firstTable 1() = function:000001447C500730 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001447C500558 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001447C5006E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:0000014309E1F140 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB752300 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014309E1F1D0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001447C4FF638 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014309E1F188 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:00000144DD5CE4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:00000143CB5386C8 (meta 000001431336FD98} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB538710 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden title = Group & Activity Finder 19 = table:00000143CB538900 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014313479A60 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014313479AE8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E630E670 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5CD9C0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000143D4A6E680 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D4A6E6C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 40 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:0000014313E39000 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E39048 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Group_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Group_Open state = hidden 22 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 23 = table:00000143E1D43848 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D43A50 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D43AD8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D43838 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D438C0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 24 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = groupMenuKeyboard restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden guildBank = table:00000143EC9747B8 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143EC974F28 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143EC974F70 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC974FB8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EC974EA0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC974830 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143EC974AC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:00000143F65B26A8 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143097806D8 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014316CDE968 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 44 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:00000143DAF14D18 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 9 = table:00000144801501F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014480150280 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014480150308 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001439DBF5400 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014480150238 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden interactionInfo = table:000001439F02AF38 firstTable interactTypes = table:000001439F02B0E8 firstTable 1 = 25 type = GuildBanking name = guildBank restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden guildCreate = table:0000014310380F08 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001431037E3D0 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431035D7B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431037E418 firstTable 1() = function:000001431037E388 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431037E2F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001431037E340 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000144081917F8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014408191888 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014408191910 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001431DE92BA0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014408191840 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:00000144DD5CDA08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:0000014313E3D9C8 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 17 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 18 = table:000001440819E2D8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 19 = table:00000143B2E64528 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 21 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = guildCreate restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000014409E6D3A0 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden guildHeraldry = table:0000014314DD3D20 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143F990AEF0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143F990BDF0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F990BF20 firstTable 1() = function:000001440600A560 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144C3054E78 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001431C5BA3A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000144DD5CDA08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:0000014408191A30 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB754EB0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB754F38 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001430A07F840 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB754E68 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000144DD5CE4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:00000144081919A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 19 = table:0000014313E3D9C8 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000143097897D8 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001442807CCD0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 100 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 22 = table:000001440819E2D8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 23 = table:00000143B2E64528 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 26 = table:00000143D4A2E590 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = guildHeraldry restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000014409E6D3A0 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden guildHistory = table:000001440601EF28 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000144C1B76EF8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144C1B76F40 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C1B76F88 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C1B76EB0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144C1B76E20 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144C1B76E68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000144DD5CDA08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:00000143143A8770 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001442805F8C8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001442805F950 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001431C5A6768 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001442805F880 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000144DD5CE4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:00000144081919A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 19 = table:0000014313E3D9C8 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 21 = table:000001440819E2D8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 22 = table:00000143B2E64528 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 23 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:00000143D4A2E590 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = guildHistory restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000014409E6D3A0 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden guildHome = table:00000143CB73B638 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143CB73B2E0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CB738DB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB73B6C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB73B298 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB73B680 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143CB73B250 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000144DD5CDA08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:00000144DD5CC928 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144DD5CC9B8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144DD5CCA40 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F28D4F98 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5CC970 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000144DD5CE4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000144081919A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:0000014313E3D9C8 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 19 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:000001448F87F7C0 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001448F87F808 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 42 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 22 = table:000001440819E2D8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 23 = table:00000143B2E64528 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 26 = table:00000143D4A2E590 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = guildHome restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000014409E6D3A0 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden guildKioskBidGamepad = table:00000143C8045D50 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143C8046288 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143C80462D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8046318 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C8046160 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143C8045DC8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143C8045E10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001444E588210 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431B42A040 control = userdata:00000144C754BD10 (meta 00000143C8046010} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143C80420A8 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143C8042168 (meta 00000143C8046B60} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143C8045D08 (meta 00000143C803D238} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001444E588258 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000014458610AE8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000014458610B78 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001444E581028 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 18 = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:00000144C7539980 firstTable interactTypes = table:00000144C7539A20 firstTable 1 = 18 type = Bid On Kiosk name = guildKioskBidGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden guildKioskPurchaseGamepad = table:00000143C8041B68 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143C8041D60 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143C8041DA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8041DF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C8041AE8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143C8041BB0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143C8041BF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001430795E998 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001444E587D98 control = userdata:00000143C803D328 (meta 00000143C80417D0} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143C8041740 (meta 00000143C803CBA0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001430795E9E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:000001430795EA28 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001431D6CD390 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000014458610A48 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 18 = table:00000143F28C70C8 (meta 000001430A0775D0} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144C7522280 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001442807FD40 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E3A2E2A8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F28C7110 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 guildNameControl = userdata:00000143E3A2F728 (meta 00000143083425C0} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:00000144C7539878 firstTable interactTypes = table:00000144C7539918 firstTable 1 = 32 type = Purchase Kiosk name = guildKioskPurchaseGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden guildRanks = table:0000014320F5C948 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000014320F5CAA0 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014320F607C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D441E18 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F5CA50 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014320F5C9C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014320F5CA08 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000144DD5CDA08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144DD5CCAE0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144DD5CDA98 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D6B10FE0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5CDA50 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:00000143143A86E0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001442805F7A0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001442805F7F0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001447D43EFA0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143143A8728 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000144DD5CE4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144DD5CE580 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144DD5CE608 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014310374C70 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5CE538 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:00000144081919A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB754D88 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB754DD8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001431DE98990 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144081919E8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:0000014313E3D9C8 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E3DA10 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Guild_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Guild_Open state = hidden 19 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 21 = table:000001440819E2D8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = Guild allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:000001431DE8E908 dirtyEvents = table:000001431DEA61C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:000001431DE90500 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 22 = table:00000143B2E64528 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143B2E645E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143B2E64670 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143B2E64518 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2E645A0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 23 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:00000143D4A2E590 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431BD371B0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014409E710F8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A04E4910 (meta 00000143A04E6218} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E02EF3D0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = guildRanks restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000014409E6D3A0 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden guildRoster = table:000001431DE92D80 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001431DE949B0 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431DE924F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DE949F8 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DE94968 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431DE92DC8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001431DE94920 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000144DD5CDA08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:00000143143A8538 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143143A85C8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143143A8650 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001431DEA75A8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143143A8580 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000144DD5CE4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000144081919A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:0000014313E3D9C8 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 19 = table:000001439D68BAF8 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313F5FEA8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 43 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 21 = table:000001440819E2D8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 22 = table:00000143B2E64528 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 23 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:00000143D4A2E590 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = guildRoster restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000014409E6D3A0 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden helpCustomerServiceGamepad = table:00000143E1CEFA58 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1CEFF18 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E1CEFF60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1CEFFA8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1CEFE98 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1CEFAD0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E1CEFB18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1CEFB60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1CEFC20 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1CEFCA8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1CED438 (meta 00000143E1CEFDF8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143E1CEDE48 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143E1CEDF70 (meta 00000143E1CF0800} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143E1CEFA10 (meta 00000143E1CED318} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1CEFBD8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = helpCustomerServiceGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden helpCustomerSupport = table:000001431346BB38 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001431346BBB0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001431346BD40 firstTable 1 = table:000001431346BD88 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431346BF60 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431346BFE8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001431346A0B0 (meta 000001431346BA68} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001431346B9A8 (meta 0000014313469FC0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001431346BDD0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 11 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 12 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 13 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 14 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 15 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 19 = table:00000143EA93A110 (meta 000001431336FD98} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143EA93A158 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden title = Help 2 = table:00000143DDBC17C0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143DDBC1880 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143DDBC1908 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143DDBB58F0 (meta 00000143DDBC1A58} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143DDBC1778 (meta 00000143DDBB57D0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143DDBC1838 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 20 = table:00000143F65B2588 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F65B25D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Help_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Help_Open state = hidden 21 = table:00000144DD5B93D0 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001430A07E118 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 78 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 22 = table:00000143B2E69AD8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143B2E69B98 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143B2E69C20 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143B2E69AC8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2E69B50 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 23 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:000001439F8D3DB8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001439F8D3E48 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439F8D3ED0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A04E4910 (meta 00000143A04E6218} dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8D3E00 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 5 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = helpCustomerSupport restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8D3130 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden helpEmotes = table:0000014310379BE8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014310379C60 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014310379CA8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014310379CF0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014310379D80 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014310379E08 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000014310379F18 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014310379F60 firstTable control = userdata:00000143103793E0 (meta 0000014310379B48} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:0000014310379A30 (meta 00000143103792C0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:0000014310379D38 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 11 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 12 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 13 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 14 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:00000143EA93A110 (meta 000001431336FD98} 19 = table:00000143F65B2588 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 21 = table:00000143B2E69AD8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 22 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 23 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:000001439F8D3DB8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 4 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 5 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 6 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 7 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 8 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 9 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} name = helpEmotes restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8D3130 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden helpItemAssistanceGamepad = table:00000143E1D13B60 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1D14020 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E1D14068 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D140B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D13FA0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D13BD8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E1D13C20 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D13C68 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D13D28 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D13DB0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D11AF0 (meta 00000143E1D13F00} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143E1D11E98 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143E1D11FD0 (meta 00000143E1D14908} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143E1D13B18 (meta 00000143E1D119D0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D13CE0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = helpItemAssistanceGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden helpLegalDocsGamepad = table:00000143D8F3C840 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D8F3CEC8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D8F3CF10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F3CF88 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F3CE80 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F3C8B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143D8F3C900 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F3C9A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D8F3CA30 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D8F3CAB8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D8F3A978 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F3C9E8 firstTable duration = 200 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restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden helpQuestAssistanceGamepad = table:00000143E1D0BB88 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1D0C048 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E1D0C090 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D0C0D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D0BFC8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D0BC00 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E1D0BC48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D0BC90 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D0BD50 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D0BDD8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D09B40 (meta 00000143E1D0BF28} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143E1D09EA8 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143E1D09FE0 (meta 00000143E1D0C938} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143E1D0BB40 (meta 00000143E1D09A20} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D0BD08 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = helpQuestAssistanceGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden helpRootGamepad = table:00000143EA915C70 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143EA915FC0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143EA916008 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EA916050 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EA915F40 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143EA915CE8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143EA915D30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EA918BF0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143EA918850 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143EA918CE8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143EA9089F0 (meta 00000143EA915DC0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143EA909400 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143EA9094C0 (meta 00000143EA916890} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143EA915C28 (meta 00000143EA908850} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143EA918C68 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = helpRootGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden helpSubmitFeedbackGamepad = table:00000143D8F4F208 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D8F4F6C8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D8F4F710 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F4F758 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F4F648 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F4F280 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143D8F4F2C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F4F310 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D8F4F3D0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D8F4F458 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D8F4CFA8 (meta 00000143D8F4F5A8} firstMeta firstIndex container = 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hideOnSceneHidden = true id = 7 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD39F68 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313924940 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = helpSubmitFeedbackGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden helpTutorials = table:00000144DD5B8590 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014310366EB0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014309E14A20 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000143C802A428 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A35CB7E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A35CB870 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014313471360 (meta 000001431347D5A0} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001431347D4E0 (meta 0000014313470CE0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143A35CB7A0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:00000143EA93A110 (meta 000001431336FD98} 19 = table:00000143F65B2588 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 21 = table:00000143DA73B900 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014309E136B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 77 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 22 = table:00000143B2E69AD8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 23 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:000001439F8D3DB8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = helpTutorials restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8D3130 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden helpTutorialsCategoriesGamepad = table:00000143E1D009C0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1D01F20 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E1D01F68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D01FB0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D01EA0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D00A08 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E1D00A50 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D007E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D008A8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D00930 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D1D0C0 (meta 00000143E1D204F8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143E1D1E868 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143E1D1E9A0 (meta 00000143E1D216F8} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143E1D20468 (meta 00000143E1D1CFA0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D00860 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = helpTutorialsCategoriesGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8DCB00 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden helpTutorialsEntriesGamepad = table:00000143D8F39630 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D8F39788 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D8F397D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F39818 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F39708 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F39678 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143D8F396C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F39488 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D8F39518 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D8F395A0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D06BB0 (meta 00000143D8F36670} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143E1D08450 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143E1D08578 (meta 00000143D8F37150} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143D8F365E0 (meta 00000143E1D06A90} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F394D0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143AF1D3990 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 13 = table:00000143DE377A38 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 14 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014313E3F738 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 18 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = helpTutorialsEntriesGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8DCB00 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden housingBook = table:00000143EA542528 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143B8231330 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143B8231470 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F45623C8 firstTable 1() = function:000001431DC97AA0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431DC97980 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143EA542708 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000144C7521BC0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CDD26618 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001442805DC48 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D6181B78 (meta 0000014313220DE8} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:0000014313220D58 (meta 00000143D6181A88} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143E02BDCA0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:0000014313373180 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 18 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 19 = table:00000143EA939FF0 (meta 000001431336FD98} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000143E1D49CB8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 21 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 22 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 23 = table:0000014409E5B1A8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = housingBook restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:00000143CDD2B0C0 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden housingEditorHud = table:00000143104596C0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000014310459848 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014310459890 firstTable 1 = table:00000143104598D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143104597C8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014310459738 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014310459780 firstTable 1 = table:0000014408199530 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 3 = table:00000143A022EC18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 4 = table:0000014309E0ED50 (meta 0000014458433928} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014309E0ED98 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 5 = table:000001439D798158 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D7981A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 169 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden name = housingEditorHud restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000014310459BE8 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden housingEditorHudUI = table:0000014310459958 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000014310459AA8 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014310459AF0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014310459B38 firstTable 1() = function:0000014310459A60 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143104599D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014310459A18 firstTable 1 = table:0000014408199530 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = Housing Editor allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:00000143F194E9B8 dirtyEvents = table:00000144081998F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:00000143F194F4A8 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 3 = table:00000143A022EC18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} name = housingEditorHudUI restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000014310459BE8 (meta 0000014368609698} firstTable activeScene = 1 callbackRegistry = table:0000014310459E30 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014310459E78 firstTable 1 = table:0000014310459EC0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014310459C60 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:0000014310459DA8 firstTable 1 = housingEditorHud 2 = housingEditorHudUI state = scene_group_hidden sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden hud = table:000001448015B248 (meta 000001448015A9A8} hudui = table:000001448016E1E8 (meta 000001448015B378} ignoreList = table:0000014428087220 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000014428087340 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014428087388 firstTable 1 = table:00000144280873D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144280872F8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014428087268 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144280872B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:00000144DD5CE4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:00000143DDBCC230 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143DDBCC0B0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143DDBCC138 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014428078698 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143DDBCC278 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000143DDBCC2C0 (meta 000001431336FD98} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5CE4A8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden title = Friends 18 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 19 = table:0000014313E39310 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E39358 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Contacts_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Contacts_Open state = hidden 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000144DD5CE698 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014310353538 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143103535C0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143CB749CD0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5CE6E0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:000001439D84F0B0 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1CFAD40 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 24 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 22 = table:00000143E1D46520 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D49F70 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143B2E60F38 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D44810 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D49F28 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 23 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:00000144C7548078 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014409E5EB98 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014409E5EDC0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A04E4910 (meta 00000143A04E6218} dirtyEvents = table:0000014409E5EB50 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = ignoreList restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:00000144C7546608 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden interact = table:00000143CFFD3468 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143CFFD3678 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CFFD36C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFFD3708 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CFFD32D8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CFFD34E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143CFFD3528 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:0000014480150398 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A35D5C88 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A35D5CD8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143CFFC4A78 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144801503E0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143F65B23E0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439FC50218 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Interact_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Interact_Open state = hidden 4 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 5 = table:0000014313F64DD0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = Conversation allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:00000143143A4748 dirtyEvents = table:00000143143A46B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:00000143143A4700 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden interactionInfo = table:00000143CFFD3358 firstTable End() = function:00000143CFFD33E8 interactTypes = table:00000143CFFD33A0 firstTable 1 = 14 2 = 3 type = Interact name = interact restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden inventory = table:000001430977C360 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014409E81608 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014409E654B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:00000143DAF14B08 (meta 000001431DC95C30} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014309780690 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 options = table:00000143DAF14AC0 firstTable forcePreparePreview = false paddingLeft = 570 paddingRight = 620 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:00000143140B4038 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 13 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 14 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 15 = table:00000143DAF14D18 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:000001447D0198B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D019948 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D0199D0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BC958 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D019900 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:00000143D9E60F78 (meta 0000014320DBA160} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014320DBBD40 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014309B3CDE0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000014309B3CEF0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D9E64100 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CE3FAB48 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014309B3CD60 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 readOnly = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:00000143D9E60EE8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D9E60D68 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D9E60DF0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F3AD22F0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D9E60F30 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 19 = table:00000144D86476C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144C80583E0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144C8058468 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143214BA048 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144CCF61C40 firstTable control = userdata:00000143214BFCD0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143214C0BB8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:0000014313E1B4B8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 21 = table:00000143A34CD3C8 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143A34CD410 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Backpack_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Backpack_Open state = hidden 22 = table:00000143E1D45020 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D450E0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D45168 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D45010 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D45098 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 23 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:0000014313E26AA8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143CB7341B8 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = inventory restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden keyboard_housing_furniture_scene = table:00000143E1E4CA40 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1E4CDD8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E1E4D0A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1E4D0F0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1E4CD90 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1E4CAB8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E1E4CD48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 11 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 12 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 13 = table:00000143E3887BA0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001448F880868 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014355381278 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001431D57FD20 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5B1D50 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:00000143208607D0 (meta 000001431336FD98} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014320860818 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden title = Housing 15 = table:00000143E02D0350 (meta 000001431DC95C30} 16 = table:00000143140B4038 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001431BD5FF68 (meta 00000143AA410E30} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:00000143E3A2CFE8 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001448018C108 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 id = 1 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 9 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} name = keyboard_housing_furniture_scene restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden leaderboards = table:00000143CDD255D0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143CDD25758 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CDD24F60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CDD24638 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDD256D8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD25648 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143CDD25690 firstTable 1 = table:00000144D0760608 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144D07606C8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144D0766D58 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000144D075BE38 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144D0766DE8 firstTable control = userdata:00000144D0775E60 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144D0760680 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 11 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 12 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 13 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 14 = table:00000143CDD090C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CDD09538 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CDD088C8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143CDD08958 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CDD086D8 firstTable control = userdata:000001430977C780 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD09140 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 19 = table:00000143EA93A080 (meta 000001431336FD98} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:0000014313E391F0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 21 = table:000001439D85C9B0 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001448F87F778 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 74 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 22 = table:00000143E1D49188 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 23 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:00000143E1D493A8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 4 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 5 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 6 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 7 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 8 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 9 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} name = leaderboards restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8D4638 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden lockpickGamepad = table:00000143D5FF6ED8 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D5FF70F0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D5FF7138 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FF7180 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D5FF6B08 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D5FF6F50 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143D5FF6F98 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:000001447D022C20 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D018978 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D0189C8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D5FE5A08 (meta 00000143D5FF4718} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143D5FF4658 (meta 00000143D5FE58E8} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001447D022C68 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} 13 = table:00000143D5FFD998 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D5FFD9E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 8 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} interactionInfo = table:00000143D5FF6A20 firstTable interactTypes = table:00000143D5FF6AC0 firstTable 1 = 20 type = Lockpick name = lockpickGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden lockpickKeyboard = table:00000143D5FF6B90 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D5FF6DA8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D5FF6DF0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FF6E38 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D5FF6B08 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D5FF6C08 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143D5FF6C50 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 11 = table:00000143D5FFD998 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001447D022C20 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 9 = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} interactionInfo = table:00000143D5FF6A20 name = lockpickKeyboard restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden loot = table:00000143E1362870 (meta 00000143E1365890} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000014314397788 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143143977D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1365470 firstTable 1() = function:0000014314397740 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1365158 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143143976F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D69D360 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 10 = table:00000143A022EC18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 11 = table:00000143CBF689C0 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 12 = table:00000143E4C53840 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 13 = table:00000143D70CE978 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 14 = table:00000143F9A11BA8 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 15 = table:00000143EC94DFE0 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 16 = table:0000014314CF2D98 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 17 = table:00000144C753DD88 (meta 00000143C802E838} 18 = table:00000143D7676710 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 19 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000143A0234228 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 21 = table:00000144D0781B18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 22 = table:00000143F9F252B8 (meta 000001431D97EC50} 23 = table:000001445842D068 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 24 = table:000001439D6A0DE8 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 25 = table:00000143104568C0 (meta 00000143D76A9D30} 26 = table:0000014316CDF6C0 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 27 = table:000001440819ABB8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 28 = table:0000014313E177F8 (meta 00000143CB72E618} 29 = table:00000144081B8FE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 30 = table:00000143BC168550 (meta 000001444E58B410} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143BC168598 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 framingType = 8 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 7 = table:0000014314396E70 (meta 00000143143A08A8} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alphaControl = userdata:00000143143ACBB0 (meta 000001430831E750} alphaInAnimation = userdata:00000143E135FD78 (meta 0000014308367FC0} alphaInStop() = function:00000143E75FB460 alphaOutAnimation = userdata:00000143E1362830 (meta 0000014308367FC0} alphaOutStop() = function:00000143E135FDB8 control = userdata:00000143143A0CD8 (meta 00000143FBC8D7B0} firstMeta firstIndex IsControlHidden() = function:00000143CBD5C888 dirtyEvents = table:0000014314396EE8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 interactFadeOutAnimation = userdata:00000143143B03E0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} keybindButton = userdata:00000143143AC4A0 (meta 00000143143AC948} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 enabled = true gamepadPreferredKeybind = GAMEPAD_JUMP_OR_INTERACT keyLabel = userdata:00000143143AC8F0 (meta 00000143143ACAB8} firstMeta firstIndex keybind = GAME_CAMERA_INTERACT keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143143AC510 (meta 00000143143AC568} firstMeta firstIndex sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} slideInAnimation = userdata:0000014314396ED8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} slideInStop() = function:0000014314396F30 state = hidden titleControl = userdata:00000143143AC438 (meta 00000143083425C0} titleSlideInAnimation = userdata:00000143143B0380 (meta 0000014308367FC0} 8 = table:00000143F9902340 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 9 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} name = loot restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden lootGamepad = table:00000143EC95E6D0 (meta 00000143E1365890} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000143EC95E7D8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143EC95E820 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC95E868 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EC95E648 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC95E748 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143EC95E790 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D6A0DE8 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:000001430979AA50 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = 2 animationOnStop() = function:000001442805E940 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144081949B8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143EC950710 (meta 00000143EC95E578} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143EC95E4E8 (meta 00000143EC9505F0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001430979AF98 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = lootGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden lootInventoryGamepad = table:00000143EC9655E0 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000143EC9656E8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143EC965730 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC965778 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EC965560 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC965658 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143EC9656A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001430A4644E8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 11 = table:000001430979B058 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144801673F8 control = userdata:00000143EC960AC0 (meta 00000143EC962BC8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143EC961078 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143EC961190 (meta 00000143EC963670} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143EC962B38 (meta 00000143EC960920} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001430979B258 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:000001430979BA78 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143097A1480 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001430979C760 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} firstTable firstMeta ClearFocus() = function:00000143E9843AD0 ClearHighlight() = function:000001431C15F5D0 FadeRightDivider() = function:000001431C16BFC0 Mixin() = function:00000143E9834DE0 ResetOnHidden() = function:00000143210702D8 ResetOnHiding() = function:000001432106F790 SetFocus() = function:000001431C15FBD8 SetHighlightHidden() = function:000001431C16B308 TakeFocus() = function:00000143E9840DE0 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143166527B0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014316652838 animationTemplate = TranslateFromLeftSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001439F6BA8A8 (meta 00000143063C2DA8} firstMeta firstIndex background = userdata:000001439F6B4540 (meta 0000014308349FC8} focusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_focus_512.dds highlight = userdata:00000143D7E85598 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDivider = userdata:000001439F6B44B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDividerFadeInAnimation = userdata:00000143063C2E68 (meta 0000014308367FC0} rightDividerFadeOutAnimation = userdata:00000143063C4918 (meta 0000014308367FC0} unfocusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_noFocus_512.dds dirtyEvents = table:00000143F0F91A40 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014320DB8870 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = GamepadUIMode allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:00000143CB74B630 dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB74B220 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:00000143CB74B438 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = GamepadActions allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:000001431DE93710 dirtyEvents = table:000001431DE85C28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:000001431DE862B0 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D76B29C8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F9CF2E00 animationTemplate = TranslateFromBottomSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014310BC3850 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D76B2B50 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 instantScenes = table:00000143F9CF2E90 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E7DDF010 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable firstMeta sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143AF1D5848 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143AF1D58D0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E74C1DA8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143DAF14CD0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 instantScenes = table:00000143AF1D5960 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E7DDF010 (meta 000001431D566020} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = User Interface Shortcuts allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:0000014321064758 dirtyEvents = table:0000014313373430 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:0000014320860DF8 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DAF14BF8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DAF14C88 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143FE10B830 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden name = lootInventoryGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden loreLibrary = table:00000143F98EDE08 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143F98EDF60 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143F98EDFA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98EDFF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F98EDEE0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F98EDE50 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143F98EDE98 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:000001445842ACD8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D76A8ED8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D76A8F60 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F98E1408 (meta 00000143F98ED1D8} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143F98ED148 (meta 00000143F98E0E18} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001445842AD20 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:00000143EA93A080 (meta 000001431336FD98} 19 = table:0000014313E391F0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000144D077BDE8 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143097A36D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 9 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:00000143E1D49188 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 22 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 23 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:00000143E1D493A8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = loreLibrary restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8D4638 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden loreLibraryGamepad = table:00000144C1B7D788 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000144C1B7E060 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144C1B7E318 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D8787D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C1B7DEB8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144C1B7D938 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144C1B7DD28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:0000014409E80668 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000143E41CB8B8 (meta 000001430FD82E30} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143F98F4220 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143F98F42D8 (meta 000001430FD84A08} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001430FD82460 (meta 00000143E41C9570} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143097873C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = loreLibraryGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden loreReaderInteraction = table:00000144D83E7440 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143D765A0D0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D7657F98 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD794D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C1B8A2F8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D7676F00 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143EC968800 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001431BD60A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 9 = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} name = loreReaderInteraction restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden loreReaderInventory = table:00000144D83DF720 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000144C1B8D680 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144C1B857D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C1B81020 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C1B8A2F8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144D83DF768 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144D83E3310 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} 11 = table:000001431BD60A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 12 = table:0000014313E1B4B8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 13 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:0000014313E26AA8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} name = loreReaderInventory restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden loreReaderLoreLibrary = table:00000144D83E3358 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001430FD7A6C8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001430FD78D48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D76589D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C1B8A2F8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144D83E33A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144D83E73F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431BD60A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 12 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 13 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = loreReaderLoreLibrary restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden mailInbox = table:00000143F194BE20 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143F194BBD8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143F194BEB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F1944A68 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F194BB90 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F194BE68 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143F194BB48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:000001447D022B00 (meta 000001431336FD98} 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000143F9CEF2C0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D017A58 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D017AE0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001439D68AB58 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D017A10 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 18 = table:0000014313E3D938 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 19 = table:00000143C016C910 (meta 00000143D1A511A8} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:000001431036A880 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014409E57F28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 10 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:00000143B2E67000 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 22 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 23 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:000001439F8D7088 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = mailInbox restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:00000143E3884D58 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden mailManagerGamepad = table:00000143E1D22028 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143EA4EF2C0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E1D27188 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D271D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EA4EF318 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D222F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E1D22340 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001430A07CF28 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CDD25B20 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CDD25BA8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C3034228 (meta 00000143E1D223D0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000144C3035B80 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000144C3035BE0 (meta 00000143E1D28398} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143E1D22FD0 (meta 00000144C3034108} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001430A07CD50 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 16 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 17 = table:0000014313E3FA00 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 19 = table:00000143C016C910 (meta 00000143D1A511A8} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000143099BF7D8 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143099BF820 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 10 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = mailManagerGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden mailSend = table:000001439D698400 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001439D6984C8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439D698510 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D698558 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DDBF2580 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D698448 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439D6986D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:000001447D022B00 (meta 000001431336FD98} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001447D022B48 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden title = Mail 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:000001447D017B70 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D022CF0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D017C00 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C8060D78 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D017BB8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014306476510 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 framingType = 5 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:0000014313E3D938 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E3D980 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Mail_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Mail_Open state = hidden 19 = table:000001439F024368 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143C016C820 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A98C8038 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143A98C8090 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439F036EB8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143210A0DE0 (meta 0000014308326048} dependencies = table:00000143DAF14B68 firstTable table = 0000014309DCBAD8 = true 0000014313F5D088 = true 0000014313F5DF90 = true 0000014313F5F7E8 = true 0000014313F5F930 = true 0000014313F5FDA0 = true 0000014313F61610 = true 0000014313F621C8 = true 0000014313F64F58 = true 00000143F3AB6CC0 = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143C016C7D8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:0000014313F5FDA0 (meta 0000014313F63F00} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:0000014313F5FE18 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:0000014313F64E30 firstTable additionalFilter() = function:0000014309DD1950 backpackOffsetY = 96 emptyLabelOffsetY = 100 hiddenFilters = table:0000014313F64E78 firstTable hideBankInfo = true inventoryBottomOffsetY = -60 inventoryFilterDividerTopOffsetY = 105 inventoryTopOffsetY = 50 sortByHeaderWidth = 576 sortByNameWidth = 241 sortByOffsetY = 63 width = 565 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:00000143C016C910 (meta 00000143D1A511A8} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143C0169F88 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 22 = table:0000014310361D78 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143C8024738 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 10 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 23 = table:00000143B2E67000 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143B2E670C0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143B2E67148 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143B2E66FF0 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2E67078 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 24 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 25 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 26 = table:000001439F8D7088 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001439F8D7260 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439F8D72E8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A04E4910 (meta 00000143A04E6218} dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8D70D0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = mailSend restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:00000143E3884D58 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden mainMenuGamepad = table:00000143B14064F8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143B14069C8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143B1406A10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B1406A58 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B14068A0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143B1406570 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143B14065B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 15 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F9F25270 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:0000014458432D48 (meta 000001431DA5F2A0} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false anchor = table:00000143D76B0120 (meta 000001431D56DC68} firstTable data = table:00000143D76B0168 firstTable control = userdata:000001431D9805B8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:0000014458432DC0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:00000143F28CE178 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:000001439EABD4A0 (meta 00000143B1406720} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:000001439EABE738 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:000001439EABE798 (meta 00000143B1407250} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143B14064B0 (meta 000001439EABD380} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143143A8D80 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 19 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = mainMenuGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden market = table:00000143FE10B8C0 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014309B409B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144801602B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:0000014306480CA0 (meta 000001444E58B410} 12 = table:0000014316CDC058 (meta 0000014320DB8960} 13 = table:000001432086B348 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014320860DB0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Market_Closed sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Market_Opened state = hidden 14 = table:000001431DE8D460 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 15 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 16 = table:00000143A04E78D0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143609DC440 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D3F9E0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A04E78C0 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A04E7948 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 4 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 5 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 6 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 7 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 8 = table:0000014316CDEC38 (meta 0000014316CDEA10} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014313E147C8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB52F538 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E74C0268 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014316CDEC80 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 9 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} name = market restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden marketAnnouncement = table:0000014309B40A00 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014320DB88B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014320DB8900 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 4 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 5 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = marketAnnouncement restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden notifications = table:00000143609C3B08 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143609C3C58 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143609C3CA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143609C3CE8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143609C3C10 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143609C3B80 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143609C3BC8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:00000143097AF4C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB50C558 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB50C368 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143609BE488 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143097AF510 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000143097AF558 (meta 000001431336FD98} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143097AF5A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden title = Notifications 17 = table:00000143DA7690B0 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DA7690F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 19 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:0000014313E1A8D8 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E1A6E8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Notifications_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Notifications_Open state = hidden 19 = table:00000143064764C8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000143B2E67B68 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143B2E67C28 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143B2E67CB0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143B2E67B58 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2E67BE0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 22 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = notifications restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden playerSubmenu = table:00000143B1406600 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143B140C6A0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143B140C6E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B140C760 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B140C650 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143B1406648 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143B1406690 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 15 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 16 = table:0000014458432D48 (meta 000001431DA5F2A0} 17 = table:00000143F28CE178 (meta 0000014457A2F660} 18 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 19 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 20 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = playerSubmenu restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden provisioner = table:00000143E1D14848 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001447D44DEF0 firstTable StateChange = table:000001447D44DF38 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D44DF80 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D866158 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1CF0740 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001447D44D298 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:00000143DAF14D18 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 11 = table:00000143CDD44988 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD449D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Provisioning_Closed sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Provisioning_Opened state = hidden 12 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001439D84D0F8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001442808E440 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431664BDC0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001447D44B918 firstTable StateChange = table:000001447D44CA38 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E1D26EB0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001439D84D318 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 9 = table:000001447D436920 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} interactionInfo = table:00000143E1D15290 firstTable End() = function:00000143D8F50860 interactTypes = table:00000143D7667700 firstTable 1 = 23 type = Provisioner Station name = provisioner restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden questJournal = table:00000143DFA5AAB8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143DFA5B390 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143DFA5B3D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DFA5B420 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DFA5B310 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DFA5AB30 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143DFA5ADC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:0000014458430E70 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D76A9020 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014458430F00 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E3465278 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014458430EB8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014313E24198 (meta 000001444E58B410} 15 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143BC1648C0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143BC164948 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BCAB8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014316CE16E8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D017038 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D0170C0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BCD60 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D016FF0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143F9CEF1A8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F9CEF230 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation category = Title control = userdata:00000144C79BCEA8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F9CEF160 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:00000143EA93A080 (meta 000001431336FD98} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143EA93A0C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden title = Quest Journal 19 = table:0000014313E391F0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E39238 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Codex_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Codex_Open state = hidden 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:00000143E1CFACB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1CFACF8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 7 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 21 = table:00000143E1D49188 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D49248 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D492D0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D49178 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D49200 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 22 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A04E6670 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A04E6BC8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A04E45B0 (meta 00000143A04E4838} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143A04E90C8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 23 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143F9CEF308 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D0171E0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D4DDC8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D017198 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 24 = table:00000143E1D493A8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001439F8D5088 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439F8D5110 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A04E4910 (meta 00000143A04E6218} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143A04E6140 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D493F0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:00000143E3A2C810 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001448018C0C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 id = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:000001431BD5FED8 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001448014F710 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true id = 1 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden name = questJournal restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:000001439F8D4638 (meta 0000014368609698} sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden repairGamepad = table:000001448F888860 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001448F888B80 firstTable StateChange = table:000001448F888BC8 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F888C10 firstTable 1() = function:000001448F888B00 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001448F8888D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001448F888920 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000014313E19D08 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E1B840 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 id = 7 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000014313E17438 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E1B8D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true id = 4 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143A35E0020 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144081900F0 control = userdata:000001448F886548 (meta 000001448F888A08} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:000001448F8868E8 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:000001448F8869A8 (meta 000001448F889418} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001448F888698 (meta 000001448F886428} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:0000014480184EF0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143553B5D50 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143553BDF38 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000014428065870 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = repairGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden restyle_keyboard = table:000001447D45DB70 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001447D45DC68 firstTable StateChange = table:000001447D45DCB0 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D45DD28 firstTable 1() = function:000001447D45E018 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001447D45DBE8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001447D45DE78 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001447D01FC48 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D01EAA0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D01EB28 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BC6F0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D01EA58 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 11 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 12 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 13 = table:00000143143A8CF0 (meta 000001431336FD98} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143143A8D38 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden title = Dye Station 14 = table:0000014313F64D88 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD46310 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Dyeing_Closed sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Dyeing_Opened state = hidden 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:00000143CB752388 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB752418 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB7524A0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C1B7A4C8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB7523D0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 9 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} interactionInfo = table:00000143F440A858 firstTable End() = function:00000143F440A948 interactTypes = table:00000143F440A988 firstTable 1 = 31 type = Dyeing Station name = restyle_keyboard restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden retrait_gamepad = table:00000144081AF770 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001430A05D8E8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001430A05D930 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A05D978 firstTable 1() = function:000001430A05D868 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144081AF7B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144081AF800 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A05D6A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001430A05D730 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001430A05D7B8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144081AF550 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001430A05D6E8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 13 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 14 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 15 = table:000001431DE86CB0 (meta 000001431DE8AC50} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:00000144081A7A30 name = retrait_gamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden retrait_gamepad_root = table:00000144081AE750 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000144081AEF38 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144081AEF80 firstTable 1 = table:00000144081AEFC8 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081AEEB8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144081AE798 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144081AEA28 firstTable 1 = table:00000144081AF638 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144081AF910 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144081A7A78 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144081AE048 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144081AF680 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 13 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 14 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} interactionInfo = table:00000144081A7A30 firstTable End() = function:00000144081AE670 interactTypes = table:00000144081AE6B0 firstTable 1 = 36 type = Retrait Station name = retrait_gamepad_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden retrait_keyboard_root = table:00000144081C0388 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000144081C0598 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144081C05E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144081C0330 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081C0518 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144081C03D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144081C0660 firstTable 1 = table:00000144081B7C28 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144081B9100 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144081B9188 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144081BEC48 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144081B7C70 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:000001436170C290 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 11 = table:00000143D9E641C8 (meta 0000014320DBA160} 12 = table:000001447D436920 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 13 = table:00000143F65B23E0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 4 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 5 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 6 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 7 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 8 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 9 = table:00000143DAF14D18 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} interactionInfo = table:00000144081C01F8 firstTable End() = function:000001431DEA2CF8 interactTypes = table:00000144081C02E8 firstTable 1 = 36 type = Retrait Station name = retrait_keyboard_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden screenAdjust = table:00000143E3A20498 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E3A20838 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E3A20880 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E3A208C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3A207B8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E3A204E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E3A20770 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB532AB8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB532B78 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB532C00 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001431BD62A90 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB532B30 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 10 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 11 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 12 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 13 = table:00000143097B0278 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = ScreenAdjust allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:00000143C8030AA8 dirtyEvents = table:00000143C803BD38 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:00000143C803BEB0 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 6 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 7 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 8 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 9 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} name = screenAdjust restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden screenAdjustIntro = table:00000143E3A24EF8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E3A25070 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E3A24BE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E3A24C30 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E3A24FF0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E3A24F40 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E3A24F88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E3A27928 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E3A279E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E3A24E68 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E3A20660 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E3A279A0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden name = screenAdjustIntro restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden show_market = table:000001439F8E1DF0 (meta 000001431D566020} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001439F8E1E38 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439F8E1FC8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E7DDE968 (meta 00000143CB52F5C8} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E7DDE9B0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden name = show_market restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden siegeBar = table:000001439D798CF8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001439D798E18 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439D798E60 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D798EA8 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D798DD0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D798D40 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439D798D88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143210647A0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = Siege allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:000001440819E150 dirtyEvents = table:00000144081A8F38 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:00000144081A3A08 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:000001439D7980C8 (meta 000001439D797E70} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D798110 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 3 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 4 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 5 = table:00000143A0234228 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 6 = table:00000143A022EC18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 7 = table:00000144D0781B18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} name = siegeBar restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden siegeBarUI = table:000001439D798F48 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001439D799098 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439D7990E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D799128 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D799050 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D798FC0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001439D799008 firstTable 1 = table:00000143210647A0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:000001439D7980C8 (meta 000001439D797E70} 3 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 4 = table:000001440FCBA230 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 5 = table:00000143A0234228 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 6 = table:00000143A022EC18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} 7 = table:00000144D0781B18 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} name = siegeBarUI restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden skills = table:00000143D76B14D8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143D76B1520 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014316CDC0E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:000001447D018A20 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D018AB0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D018B38 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F9909940 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D018A68 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:0000014316CE3530 (meta 0000014306480D30} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014316CE3780 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F9CF2D50 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143BC1639C8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143BC163A10 firstTable control = userdata:00000143F9A0EF50 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143094F1038 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:0000014313E24108 (meta 000001444E58B410} 19 = table:000001431036E210 (meta 000001431336FD98} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431036E258 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden title = Skills 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 20 = table:0000014313E33F88 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E33FD0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Skills_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Skills_Open state = hidden 21 = table:0000014355382A70 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014355382AB8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 15 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 22 = table:00000143E1D466D8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D46798 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D46820 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D466C8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D46750 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 23 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 24 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001448014F7A8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143E3A2C860 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} name = skills restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden smithing = table:0000014316664298 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000014316665930 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014316665978 firstTable 1 = table:00000143166659C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143166658B0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014316664310 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000014316664358 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:00000143DAF14D18 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 11 = table:00000143134B2108 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001430977C2D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Smithing_Closed sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Smithing_Opened state = hidden 12 = table:000001436170C290 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001436170C320 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001436170C3A8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BBF10 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001436170C2D8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:00000143D9E641C8 (meta 0000014320DBA160} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D9E64258 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D9E642E0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143F9CFA6F8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143F9CFA740 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CE3FAB48 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D9E64210 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 readOnly = true sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001440819FFD0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431036E0F8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431036E180 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014313457048 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001431036E0B0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 9 = table:000001447D436920 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D4369B0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D436A38 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001447D436B08 firstTable StateChange = table:000001447D436B50 firstTable control = userdata:000001447D435550 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D436968 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden interactionInfo = table:0000014309E1BD58 firstTable End() = function:0000014309E1BE48 interactTypes = table:0000014309E1BE88 firstTable 1 = 23 type = Smithing Station name = smithing restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden soulGemItemChargerGamepad = table:00000144DD5E6F88 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000144DD5E4AF0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144DD5E4B38 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5E4B80 firstTable 1() = function:00000144DD5E4AA8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5E1F00 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143F0F6B308 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E1B7F8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014313E1B888 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} 13 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 14 = table:00000143CB507B30 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CDD25A90 control = userdata:00000144DD5E92A8 (meta 00000143F0F6B3F0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000144DD5EAA18 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000144DD5EAB40 (meta 00000144DD5EA658} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000144DD5D50C8 (meta 00000144DD5E9188} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB508928 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143CB5267D8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001431BD487C8 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000144C7523128 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} 16 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 17 = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = soulGemItemChargerGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden stables = table:00000143E1896DB8 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E18916E8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E1891730 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E189AE00 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1898F28 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1894508 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E1894550 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 11 = table:00000143A34CD4A0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:00000143DAF14D18 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 9 = table:00000143CB541BF0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB50BC70 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014409E70D00 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E18B5998 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD528F0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden interactionInfo = table:00000143E1896AA0 firstTable End() = function:00000143E1896AE8 interactTypes = table:00000143E1896D70 firstTable 1 = 27 type = Stable name = stables restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden stats = table:0000014355382B00 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143BC15E688 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000144801602F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143F9F29DD0 (meta 00000143F9F26948} 13 = table:00000143BC1649D8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143BC15D988 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143BC15D9D8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BBD38 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143BC15D940 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:00000143E18B3E98 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431036E2A0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E18B3CA8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F1938860 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E18B3EE0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 15 = table:0000014313E24108 (meta 000001444E58B410} 16 = table:0000014313E34178 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E341C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Character_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Character_Open state = hidden 17 = table:00000143E1D45B48 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D45C08 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D45C90 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D45B38 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D45BC0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 18 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 19 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:0000014313E26AA8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 9 = table:00000143CB7341B8 (meta 00000143A35D6C90} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000014313E25DA8 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E256E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true id = 2 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden name = stats restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden store = table:00000143DB1E81A8 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143DB1E8400 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143DB1E8448 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB1E8490 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DB1E83B8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DB1E8220 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143DB1E8268 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:00000143A34CD4A0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 12 = table:00000143E41C4A80 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E41C4AC8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 18 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:0000014313F5F930 (meta 0000014313F63F00} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014313F5DDC0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:0000014313F5E780 firstTable additionalFilter() = function:0000014313F5F8F0 alwaysReapplyLayout = true backpackOffsetY = 96 emptyLabelOffsetY = 100 hiddenFilters = table:0000014313F5F8A8 firstTable hideBankInfo = true inventoryBottomOffsetY = -30 inventoryFilterDividerTopOffsetY = 105 inventoryTopOffsetY = 45 sortByHeaderWidth = 576 sortByNameWidth = 241 sortByOffsetY = 63 width = 565 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:00000143DAF14D18 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 9 = table:00000143C802A1F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143C802A280 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143C802A308 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143DB1E2810 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143C802A238 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden interactionInfo = table:00000143E97C2958 name = store restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden trade = table:00000143F1948940 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143F1948A00 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143F1947520 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F1948A48 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F1948548 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F19489B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143F1948500 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 11 = table:00000144081A3438 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001448F8AF398 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E18B2660 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E18B7DB0 (meta 00000143F194A928} firstMeta firstIndex object = table:000001431347F550 (meta 00000143DDBEBB68} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001448F8AF350 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:000001439F024368 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 13 = table:0000014313F5F7E8 (meta 0000014313F63F00} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014313F5F860 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:0000014313F5EC20 firstTable additionalFilter() = function:0000014313F5F7A8 backpackOffsetY = 96 emptyLabelOffsetY = 100 hiddenFilters = table:0000014313F5F760 firstTable hideBankInfo = true inventoryBottomOffsetY = -60 inventoryFilterDividerTopOffsetY = 105 inventoryTopOffsetY = 50 sortByHeaderWidth = 576 sortByNameWidth = 241 sortByOffsetY = 63 waitUntilInventoryOpensToClearNewStatus = true width = 565 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:000001439FC50188 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439FC501D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Trade_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Trade_Open state = hidden 15 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 16 = table:000001439D84F228 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313F5FE60 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 17 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 9 = table:000001431336A188 (meta 000001431336FD98} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB50C4A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden title = Trade name = trade restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden tradinghouse = table:000001431BD4C670 (meta 00000144C79BED68} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143553830F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143553B8608 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:00000143CB50C410 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431336A0A8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431336A0F8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143553A9830 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB50C458 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 11 = table:0000014313F61610 (meta 0000014313F63F00} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014313F62300 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:0000014313F61968 firstTable backpackOffsetY = 140 emptyLabelOffsetY = 100 hideBankInfo = true hideTabBar = true inventoryBottomOffsetY = -30 inventoryFilterDividerTopOffsetY = 105 inventoryTopOffsetY = 3 selectedTab = 23 sortByHeaderWidth = 690 sortByNameWidth = 341 sortByOffsetY = 110 useSearchBar = true width = 670 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:000001439FC50260 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 13 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 9 = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} interactionInfo = table:0000014480174A08 name = tradinghouse restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden treasureMapInventory = table:000001448F8974E8 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001448F897560 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001448F8975A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431DEA7958 firstTable effectType = 2 fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true params = table:000001444E5876B0 firstTable sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 11 = table:000001431BD60C08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431BD65320 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431BD65370 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001448F896F68 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD60C50 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:000001432086B4F0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001432086B538 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = TreasureMap_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = TreasureMap_Open state = hidden 13 = table:0000014313E1B4B8 (meta 000001444E58B410} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E1B378 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 framingType = 2 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 14 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:0000014313E26AA8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:00000143CB7340F8 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E26AF0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 id = 4 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 9 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} name = treasureMapInventory restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden treasureMapInventoryGamepad = table:000001448F897788 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001448F897890 firstTable StateChange = table:000001448F8978D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F897920 firstTable 1() = function:000001448F896DC8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001448F897800 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001448F897848 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:0000014313E26AA8 (meta 00000143AA410E30} 12 = table:0000014320DB9AA8 (meta 000001444E5876F8} 13 = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} 14 = table:000001431BD60C08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:000001432086B4F0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 16 = table:0000014313E1B4B8 (meta 000001444E58B410} 17 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = treasureMapInventoryGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden treasureMapQuickSlot = table:000001448F897638 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001448F8976B0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001448F8976F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} 11 = table:000001431045E1B0 (meta 00000143E4C5C130} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:000001431BD60C08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 9 = table:000001432086B4F0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} name = treasureMapQuickSlot restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden treasureMapQuickSlotGamepad = table:000001448F897A18 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001448F897AF0 firstTable StateChange = table:000001448F897B38 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F897B80 firstTable 1() = function:000001448F896DC8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001448F897A60 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:000001448F897AA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} 11 = table:000001431BD60C08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 12 = table:000001432086B4F0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} 13 = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} 14 = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} name = treasureMapQuickSlotGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden worldMap = table:00000143E12C1A58 (meta 0000014368607700} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143E12C1BB0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E12C1BF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E12C1C40 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E12C1B60 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E12C1AD0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000143E12C1B18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 10 = table:00000143A35F2AA8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A35F2B38 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A35F2BC0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143214BA7B0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A35F2AF0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 11 = table:0000014314DD3D68 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014314DD4AD8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014314DD4B60 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000014314DD4C70 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014314DD4CB8 firstTable control = userdata:0000014368A1AC18 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014314DD4A90 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 12 = table:00000143A35F2C50 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014310452A10 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014310452A60 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014368A194E0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A35F2C98 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 13 = table:0000014313E24228 (meta 000001444E58B410} 14 = table:0000014313E39280 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313E392C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Map_Close sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} showSoundId = Map_Open state = hidden 15 = table:000001439F4804B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001439F480370 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439F480580 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143C0165050 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001439F480500 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 16 = table:00000143E1D472A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D474A8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D47530 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D47290 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D47318 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden 17 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 18 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} 3 = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 5 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 6 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 7 = table:0000014320DBBF40 (meta 0000014320DBBD98} 8 = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} 9 = table:00000143E12C1700 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} name = worldMap restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden topLevelWindows = table:00000143D960E108 firstTable state = hidden FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_ALL = 0 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_ARGONIAN = 4 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_AYLEID = 14 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_BRETON = 2 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_CLOCKWORK = 16 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_DAEDRIC = 13 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_DARK_ELF = 6 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_DWARVEN = 12 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_GENERIC = 1 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_HIGH_ELF = 3 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_IMPERIAL = 11 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 31 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_KHAJIIT = 7 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 31 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_NORD = 8 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_ORC = 9 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_PRIMAL = 15 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_REDGUARD = 10 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED10 = 21 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED11 = 22 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED12 = 23 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED13 = 24 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED14 = 25 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED15 = 26 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED16 = 27 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED17 = 28 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED18 = 29 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED19 = 30 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED20 = 31 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED6 = 17 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED7 = 18 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED8 = 19 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED9 = 20 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_WOOD_ELF = 5 FastTravelToNode() = function:000001439D29E670 FindFirstEmptySlotInBag() = function:00000143F58E6598 FireTutorialHiddenEvent() = function:00000143CACA0840 FlashHealthWarningStage() = function:000001439D2A91F8 ForceCancelMounted = function: Private FormatAchievementLinkTimestamp() = function:000001439D28F010 FormatFloatRelevantFraction() = function:000001439D2969A8 FormatIntegerWithDigitGrouping() = function:00000143CACA9728 FormatTimeMilliseconds() = function:00000143CACA9128 FormatTimeSeconds() = function:00000143CACA90B8 GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_FOOTER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB525380 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CDD40220 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_ACTION_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_FRAGMENT = table:00000144C753DB18 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_ROOT_SCENE = table:000001447C506A88 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_QUEUE_DATA = table:0000014316AD28E8 (meta 0000014316AC6FC8} firstTable firstMeta footerData = table:000001439DB2DE80 firstTable GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_QUEUE_DATA_FRAGMENT = table:0000014316AD2930 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY = table:000001439D866378 (meta 000001439D867990} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_CREATION_SCENE = table:000001447D44FF08 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E02CAAA0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:00000144D0786AF8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_MODE_FRAGMENT = table:000001430978CB98 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_ROOT_SCENE = table:000001447D44FB68 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_SLOTS_FRAGMENT = table:0000014408195298 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_ALLIANCE_WAR_FINDER_SCENE = table:0000014309883240 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_APPLY_ENCHANT_FRAGMENT = table:00000143A35FAAC8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_AVA_BROWSER = table:00000143A35DC1E0 (meta 000001430979DD70} GAMEPAD_AVA_CAMPAIGN_INFO_FRAGMENT = table:000001442808C470 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143A35E71F8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A35E7248 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014313E52CD8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F98E3E88 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_AVA_FRAGMENT = table:000001431DE76E48 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_AVA_ROOT_SCENE = table:000001435538C208 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_BANKING = table:00000143CB7636C8 (meta 00000143CB75BC00} GAMEPAD_BANKING_FRAGMENT = table:000001431D6D0940 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_BANKING_SCENE = table:00000143CB763710 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_BANKING_WITHDRAW_DEPOSIT_GOLD_FRAGMENT = table:0000014428074180 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144280762A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_BATTLEGROUND_FINDER_SCENE = table:00000143E4C5AC78 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARDS = table:00000143CDD25398 (meta 00000143A35E4E68} GAMEPAD_BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARD_FRAGMENT = table:000001442805E468 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_BOOK_SET_FRAGMENT = table:000001430979A510 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_BUY_BAG_SPACE_FRAGMENT = table:0000014428073778 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_BUY_BAG_SPACE_SCENE = table:000001430A087718 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_BUY_BAG_SPACE_SCENE_NAME = gamepad_buy_bag_space GAMEPAD_BUY_BANK_SPACE_FRAGMENT = table:0000014428073C90 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_BUY_BANK_SPACE_SCENE = table:00000143CB743558 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_BUY_BANK_SPACE_SCENE_NAME = gamepad_buy_bank_space GAMEPAD_CADWELL_FRAGMENT = table:00000143553B1060 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARDS = table:00000143E02E0CD8 (meta 00000144C7556B08} GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARD_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E02E0A78 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_CHAMPION_PERKS_SCENE = table:0000014428084040 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_CHAT_TEXT_SIZE_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 22 GAMEPAD_CHAT_TEXT_SIZE_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 34 GAMEPAD_CHAT_TEXT_SIZE_SETTING_LARGE = 34 GAMEPAD_CHAT_TEXT_SIZE_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 34 GAMEPAD_CHAT_TEXT_SIZE_SETTING_MEDIUM = 27 GAMEPAD_CHAT_TEXT_SIZE_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 22 GAMEPAD_CHAT_TEXT_SIZE_SETTING_SMALL = 22 GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_BOOK = table:00000143A42F4B90 (meta 00000143D6171518} GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_DLC_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CDD20030 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E02BF6F0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144D0767308 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D6175440 (meta 00000143A0A5FE38} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD1FEF8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_FRAGMENT = table:00000143C802ECB8 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_GRID_LIST_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:00000144C7555860 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E02BBA60 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143DDBCEA88 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143A42F47C8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000144C75536A8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_HOUSING_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:00000144C75592B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001431BD2D3E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144D0766E50 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D6171010 (meta 00000143A0A602D8} firstMeta firstIndex backgroundControl = userdata:00000143D6171090 (meta 0000014308349FC8} collectedStatusLabel = userdata:00000143A42EAD48 (meta 00000143083425C0} descriptionLabel = userdata:00000143A42F4FC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} hintLabel = userdata:00000143A42E7808 (meta 00000143083425C0} houseTypeLabel = userdata:00000143A42E6DA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} locationLabel = userdata:00000143D61719E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} nameLabel = userdata:00000143A42EAD78 (meta 00000143083425C0} nicknameLabel = userdata:00000143A42EC738 (meta 00000143083425C0} primaryResidenceHeaderLabel = userdata:00000143A42E6DD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} primaryResidenceValueLabel = userdata:00000143A42F1D38 (meta 00000143083425C0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143C802D8A8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_SCENE = table:00000143D6170660 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_COMBO_BOX_DROPDOWN = table:00000143688208C0 (meta 000001436881D800} GAMEPAD_CONTACTS = table:0000014428089570 (meta 0000014428087CB0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000014428087DD0 (meta 0000014308326048} footerData = table:00000144280895E8 firstTable data1HeaderText = Friends Online: GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_FRAGMENT = table:00000144280896B8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_RESULTS = table:0000014309DFBBD0 (meta 0000014309DF8AB8} GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_RESULTS_FRAGMENT = table:0000014309DFC1C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_POST_PADDING = 16 GAMEPAD_DIALOGS = table:00000143686082C8 firstTable BASIC = 1 CENTERED = 4 COOLDOWN = 3 CUSTOM = 7 ITEM_SLIDER = 6 PARAMETRIC = 2 STATIC_LIST = 5 GAMEPAD_DUNGEON_FINDER_SCENE = table:000001431D7289E0 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_DYEING_CONVEYOR_FRAGMENT = table:000001430FD7F640 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001430FD7FD60 control = userdata:000001430FD74698 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001430FD7F6B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:000001430FD7F700 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001430FD7F790 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD7F7D8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001430FD7F970 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001430FD7F9E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD7FA80 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001430FD7FBE8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden GAMEPAD_DYEING_RIGHT_RADIAL_FRAGMENT = table:000001430FD80640 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001430FD80700 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001430FD80788 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001430FD75768 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001430FD806B8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_DYEING_RIGHT_SWATCHES_FRAGMENT = table:000001430FD80818 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001430FD808A8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001430FD80930 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001430FD76A38 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001430FD80860 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_DYEING_SCENE = table:000001430FD7F238 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_DYEING_SET_PRESET_CONVEYOR_FRAGMENT = table:000001430FD7FE28 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001430FD80578 control = userdata:000001430FD75258 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001430FD7FEA0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:000001430FD7FEE8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001430FD7FF78 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD7FFF0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001430FD80188 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001430FD801F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD80298 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001430FD80400 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden GAMEPAD_EMOTES_FRAGMENT = table:00000143553A2F08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING = table:00000143DA768478 (meta 00000143DA762D90} firstTable firstMeta activeSlot = -1 containerControl = userdata:00000143DA766210 (meta 0000014308354BA8} control = userdata:00000143DA764518 (meta 0000014308326048} creationCraftingBar = table:00000143DA76EB90 (meta 00000143D6006330} firstTable control = userdata:00000143DA764720 (meta 000001430831E750} dataList = table:0000014320F578C8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320F57408 firstTable control = userdata:00000143DA76E7F0 (meta 00000143DA76F5F0} emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_slot.dds inventory = table:00000143DA76DD50 (meta 00000143DA763348} owner = table:00000143DA768478 (meta 00000143DA762D90} slot = table:00000143DA76F7C0 (meta 00000143F1942780} firstTable control = userdata:00000143DA76E7F0 (meta 00000143DA76F5F0} craftingInventory = table:00000143DA76DD50 (meta 00000143DA763348} dropCallout = userdata:00000143DA76F408 (meta 0000014308349FC8} dropCalloutTextureNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_negative.dds dropCalloutTexturePositive = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_drag.dds emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_slot.dds emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_slot.dds nameLabel = userdata:00000143DA76F580 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:00000143DA768478 (meta 00000143DA762D90} pendingRemoveSound = Enchanting_PotencyRune_Removed placeSound = Enchanting_PotencyRune_Placed runeType = 3 slotType = 25 slotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_slot.dds slotIconDrag = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_drag.dds slotIconNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_negative.dds soundPlaced = Enchanting_PotencyRune_Placed soundRemoved = Enchanting_PotencyRune_Removed type = 3 2 = table:0000014320F4E6D8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143DA76F8D8 (meta 00000143DA76FE68} emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_slot.dds inventory = table:00000143DA76DD50 (meta 00000143DA763348} owner = table:00000143DA768478 (meta 00000143DA762D90} slot = table:00000143DA76FF08 (meta 00000143F1942780} firstTable control = userdata:00000143DA76F8D8 (meta 00000143DA76FE68} craftingInventory = table:00000143DA76DD50 (meta 00000143DA763348} dropCallout = userdata:00000143DA76FC80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} dropCalloutTextureNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_negative.dds dropCalloutTexturePositive = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_drag.dds emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_slot.dds emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_slot.dds nameLabel = userdata:00000143DA76FDF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:00000143DA768478 (meta 00000143DA762D90} pendingRemoveSound = Enchanting_EssenceRune_Removed placeSound = 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EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_negative.dds dropCalloutTexturePositive = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_drag.dds emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_slot.dds emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_slot.dds nameLabel = userdata:00000143DA7705C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:00000143DA768478 (meta 00000143DA762D90} pendingRemoveSound = Enchanting_AspectRune_Removed placeSound = Enchanting_AspectRune_Placed runeType = 1 slotType = 25 slotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_slot.dds slotIconDrag = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_drag.dds slotIconNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_negative.dds soundPlaced = Enchanting_AspectRune_Placed soundRemoved = Enchanting_AspectRune_Removed type = 1 dataTypes = table:00000143DA76ECD8 firstTable ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneCraftingSlot = table:00000143DA76ED68 firstTable pool = table:00000143DA76EE08 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143DA76EF60 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143DA76E7F0 (meta 00000143DA76F5F0} 2 = userdata:00000143DA76F8D8 (meta 00000143DA76FE68} 3 = userdata:00000143DA76F828 (meta 00000143DA770678} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143DA7705F0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} key = 3 slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 templateName = ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneCraftingSlot m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DA76EE98 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelRuneSlotContainerSlotCenterZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneCraftingSlot parent = userdata:00000143DA7647B0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneCraftingSlot setupFunction() = function:00000143DA763088 slotCenterControl = userdata:00000143DA7647B0 (meta 000001430831E750} slotSpacing = 231 creationSlotAnimation = table:00000143DA7708F0 (meta 00000143F19344F0} firstTable bursts = table:00000143DA770B70 firstTable slots = table:00000143DA770938 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DA76F7C0 (meta 00000143F1942780} 2 = table:00000143DA76FF08 (meta 00000143F1942780} 3 = table:00000143DA770790 (meta 00000143F1942780} enchantingStationInteraction = table:00000143DA7734B8 extractionCraftingBar = table:00000143DA770C58 (meta 00000143D6006330} firstTable control = userdata:00000143DA764838 (meta 000001430831E750} dataList = table:00000143DA771258 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DA7712E8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143DA770F98 (meta 00000143DA7718E0} inventory = table:00000143DA76DD50 (meta 00000143DA763348} owner = table:00000143DA768478 (meta 00000143DA762D90} slot = table:00000143DA771A28 (meta 00000143DA7636A0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143DA770F98 (meta 00000143DA7718E0} craftingInventory = table:00000143DA76DD50 (meta 00000143DA763348} dropCallout = userdata:00000143DA7716A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} emptyTexture = nameLabel = userdata:00000143DA771828 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:00000143DA768478 (meta 00000143DA762D90} previousGlyph = 0 slotType = 25 dataTypes = table:00000143DA770CA0 firstTable ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneExtractionSlot = table:00000143DA770D30 firstTable pool = table:00000143DA770DD0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143DA7712A0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143DA770F98 (meta 00000143DA7718E0} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143DA771858 (meta 0000014308367FC0} key = 1 slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 templateName = ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneExtractionSlot m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DA770E60 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelExtractionSlotContainerSlotCenterZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneExtractionSlot parent = userdata:00000143DA7648C8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneExtractionSlot setupFunction() = function:00000143DA7630C8 slotCenterControl = userdata:00000143DA7648C8 (meta 000001430831E750} slotSpacing = 231 extractionSlot = table:00000143DA771A28 (meta 00000143DA7636A0} extractionSlotContainer = userdata:00000143DA764838 (meta 000001430831E750} header = userdata:00000143DA7649D0 (meta 0000014309E157F8} headerData = table:000001447D441610 firstTable data1HeaderText = Player Capacity data1Text() = function:000001447D4415D0 titleText = Enchanting inventory = table:00000143DA76DD50 (meta 00000143DA763348} keybindEnchantingStripDescriptor = table:00000143DA771B48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DA771BC0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DA771CD0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:00000143DA771C08 visible() = function:00000143DA771C88 2 = table:00000143DA771D18 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DA771DA8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:00000143DA771D60 visible() = function:00000143DA771DF0 3 = table:00000143DA771E38 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DA771F28 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Clear Selections visible() = function:00000143DA771F70 4 = table:00000143DA7721D8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143DA772220 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT order = -10000 visible() = function:00000143DA772260 5 = table:00000143DA7722A0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143DA7722E8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -10000 visible() = function:00000143DA772328 6 = table:00000143DA772468 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DA771330 enabled() = function:00000143DA7726D8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 7 = table:00000143DA772590 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DA772680 enabled() = function:00000143DA7726D8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 keybindModeStripDescriptor = table:00000143DA771B00 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DA772000 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143DA771FB8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select order = -500 2 = table:00000143DA772048 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 modeList = table:00000143DA768548 (meta 0000014405F90F70} onSelectedDataChangedCallback() = function:00000143DA773A88 resultTooltip = userdata:00000143DA7667C8 (meta 00000143DA767068} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000143DA7669E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} lastContentHeight = 0 scrollTooltip = userdata:00000143DA766AF0 (meta 00000143DA768028} tip = userdata:00000143DA766CB0 (meta 00000143DA7671D8} runeSlotContainer = userdata:00000143DA764720 (meta 000001430831E750} runeSlots = table:00000143DA76EFA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DA770790 (meta 00000143F1942780} 2 = table:00000143DA76FF08 (meta 00000143F1942780} 3 = table:00000143DA76F7C0 (meta 00000143F1942780} skillInfo = userdata:00000143DA7637C0 (meta 00000143DA764120} slotAnimation = table:0000014320F4A1F0 (meta 0000014320F59C00} firstTable bursts = table:00000143DA7711B8 firstTable slots = table:00000143DA770F30 firstTable slotCreationAnimationName = gamepad_enchanting_creation GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_CREATION_SCENE = table:00000143DA773B60 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_EXTRACTION_SCENE = table:00000143DA773F18 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_FRAGMENT = table:00000143553A1800 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:0000014480183420 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_MODE_FRAGMENT = table:000001435539D9E0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_MODE_SCENE_ROOT = table:0000014320F47410 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_EXCLUDE_DEADZONE = false GAMEPAD_FENCE_FRAGMENT = table:000001431D6D08B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:000001431BD3E958 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001431D6D08F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_FQT_ANIMATION_FADE_IN_MS = 300 GAMEPAD_FQT_ANIMATION_FADE_OUT_MS = 2000 GAMEPAD_FQT_TEXT_MIN_ALPHA = 0.3 GAMEPAD_FRIENDS_LIST_SCENE = table:00000144280711E8 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_GENERIC_FOOTER = table:0000014405F941D8 (meta 00000143C358D3C8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000014428AF0850 (meta 0000014428AF4CF8} controls = table:0000014428AF4AC0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143C358FAE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143063CA630 (meta 00000143083425C0} 3 = userdata:00000143C358FB60 (meta 00000143063C6120} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143C358FE60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} currentRotation = 0 lastAnimationUpdate = 0 4 = userdata:00000143FA134658 (meta 00000143083425C0} 5 = userdata:00000143C358FF90 (meta 00000143083425C0} 6 = userdata:0000014428AF0388 (meta 00000143063C79B0} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143C358C7D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} currentRotation = 0 lastAnimationUpdate = 0 7 = userdata:000001439F6BB938 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:0000014405F96B58 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:0000014405F97CE0 (meta 00000143F1192568} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143E30A56B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} currentRotation = 0 lastAnimationUpdate = 0 GAMEPAD_GENERIC_FOOTER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F9CFA808 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_GRID_NAV1 = 1 GAMEPAD_GRID_NAV2 = 2 GAMEPAD_GRID_NAV3 = 3 GAMEPAD_GRID_NAV4 = 4 GAMEPAD_GRID_NAV8 = 8 GAMEPAD_GROUPING_TOOLS_FRAGMENT = table:000001448F8ACF70 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014428072160 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_GROUPING_TOOLS_LOCATION_INFO_FRAGMENT = table:0000014428071E20 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001430A081718 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001430A0817A0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation dirtyEvents = table:0000014428072E78 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_GROUP_LFG_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E1D04730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A35E72D8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144D07898F8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation dirtyEvents = table:00000143D5FDD1B0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_GROUP_LIST_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D5FDA738 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB73D700 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB73D788 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC970210 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_GROUP_MEMBERS_FRAGMENT = table:000001439D850AA8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144081A7DD0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144081A7E58 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation dirtyEvents = table:000001448F8B40C0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_GROUP_MENU = table:00000143D3180960 (meta 000001439DB28A20} GAMEPAD_GROUP_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313452988 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_GROUP_ROLES_BAR = table:00000143BC4F6DF8 (meta 00000143609DA618} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:00000143E4C54898 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143609DCD78 (meta 00000143609DCF68} 2 = userdata:00000143609DC680 (meta 00000143609DCB38} 3 = userdata:00000143609DD1A8 (meta 000001439DB2B9F0} control = userdata:00000143609DC580 (meta 000001430831E750} isActivated = false isLockedFromSearch = false isManuallyDimmed = false movementControllerHorizontal = table:00000144D5B35B50 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onPressedCallback() = function:00000143E4C54808 onSelectedCallback() = function:00000144D5B28D48 onUnselectedCallback() = function:00000143B4BFC760 roles = table:00000143ED3BE8D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143609DD588 firstTable button = userdata:00000143609DD1A8 (meta 000001439DB2B9F0} isSelected = true 2 = table:00000143609DD4F8 firstTable button = userdata:00000143609DCD78 (meta 00000143609DCF68} isSelected = false 4 = table:00000143609DD540 firstTable button = userdata:00000143609DC680 (meta 00000143609DCB38} isSelected = false GAMEPAD_GROUP_ROLES_FRAGMENT = table:00000143609DD758 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_GROUP_SCENE = table:00000143F3182E70 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK = table:00000143097819E0 (meta 00000143E02CD870} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_ERROR = table:000001431664A5A0 (meta 00000143DA7672C0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143D8F49A50 (meta 0000014308326048} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_ERROR_FRAGMENT = table:000001430795E908 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_ERROR_SCENE = table:0000014320F477B0 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_FRAGMENT = table:000001431D6CC1E0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_SCENE = table:0000014309781A28 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_WITHDRAW_DEPOSIT_GOLD_FRAGMENT = table:000001431D6CC038 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431D6CD348 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_GUILD_HOME = table:000001448F8ACB08 (meta 000001431DE81D80} GAMEPAD_GUILD_HOME_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CDD1FB78 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_GUILD_HOME_SCENE = table:00000144DD5BE5C0 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_GUILD_HOME_SCENE_NAME = gamepad_guild_home GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB = table:000001431DE80A00 (meta 000001448F8794D0} GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB_FRAGMENT = table:0000014309782748 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB_SCENE = table:000001448F8ADF40 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_GUILD_INFO = table:00000143DB1D8490 (meta 000001440602CFB8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001440602D0D8 (meta 0000014308326048} initialized = true GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_FRAGMENT = table:000001444E588210 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_FRAGMENT = table:000001430795E998 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_HEADER_DEFAULT_PADDING = 80 GAMEPAD_HEADER_SELECTED_PADDING = -40 GAMEPAD_HOUSING_FURNITURE_BROWSER = table:0000014320FFAC68 (meta 00000143C7D36620} GAMEPAD_HOUSING_FURNITURE_BROWSER_FRAGMENT = table:0000014316653850 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_HOUSING_FURNITURE_BROWSER_SCENE = table:0000014320FFACB0 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_IGNORED_LIST_SCENE = table:00000143103775C0 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_INCLUDE_DEADZONE = true GAMEPAD_INTERACTION = table:00000143CFFE6E30 (meta 00000143CFFD79A8} GAMEPAD_INTERACT_FRAGMENT = table:0000014480150428 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_INVENTORY = table:00000143B3252718 (meta 000001437792DBE8} GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:00000143A35E1748 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_ROOT_SCENE = table:00000143B3252760 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_ALCHEMY = 0 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_AMULET = 1 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_AXE = 2 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_BAIT = 3 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_BLACKSMITH = 4 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_BOW = 5 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_CHEST = 6 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_CLOTHIER = 7 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_CONSUMABLE = 8 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_COSTUME = 9 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_DAGGER = 10 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_ENCHANTING = 11 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_FEET = 12 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_GLYPHS = 13 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_HAMMER = 14 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_HANDS = 15 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_HEAD = 16 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_HEAVY_ARMOR = 35 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 38 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_JEWELRY = 38 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_LEGS = 17 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_LIGHT_ARMOR = 37 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 38 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_MEDIUM_ARMOR = 36 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_POTION = 18 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_PROVISIONING = 19 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_RING = 20 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_SHIELD = 21 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_SHOULDERS = 22 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_SIEGE = 23 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_SOUL_GEM = 27 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_SPELLCRAFTING = 24 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_STAFF = 25 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_STYLE_MATERIAL = 26 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_SWORD = 28 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_TOOL = 29 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_TRAIT_GEM = 30 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_TROPHY = 31 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_WAIST = 32 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_WEAPONS = 34 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_WOODWORKING = 33 GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS = table:000001448016E868 (meta 00000143553882D0} GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D4A2C860 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_LIST_FRAGMENT = table:0000014409E7D910 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_SCENE = table:000001448016E5F0 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARD_LIST = table:00000143553B12F8 (meta 00000143CB503BC8} firstTable firstMeta automaticallyColorRows = true conditionResults = table:00000143553A4C98 firstTable container = userdata:00000143A36001F8 (meta 000001430831E750} contentHeader = userdata:00000143A3600280 (meta 00000143553B0188} contentHeaderData = table:00000143553AD5E8 firstTable data1HeaderText = data2HeaderText = Overall Rank data3HeaderText = titleText = titleTextAlignment = 1 control = userdata:00000143A36001F8 (meta 000001430831E750} currentSortKey = rank currentSortOrder = true dialogData = table:00000143553A3BB0 firstTable emptyRow = userdata:00000143A35E3250 (meta 000001430831E750} emptyRowMessage = userdata:00000143A35E32D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} emptyText = No Rankings Found filterDropdown = table:00000143A35FDBC0 (meta 0000014316F496C8} firstTable deactivatedCallback() = function:000001431BD54938 keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143A35FD3F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A35FCCD8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A35FCDC8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back visible() = function:00000143A35FCE48 2 = table:00000143A35FCE88 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A35FC780 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE name = Back visible() = function:0000014310B9D1B8 3 = table:00000143A35FC7C8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A35FC8B8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:00000143A35FC900 4 = table:00000143A35FC940 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A35E7688 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:0000014310B9D1B8 alignment = 1 m_active = false m_container = userdata:00000143A35FE2C8 (meta 00000143A35FDC08} m_dropdown = table:00000143688208C0 (meta 000001436881D800} m_focus = table:00000143A35E76D0 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000143A35FE2C8 (meta 00000143A35FDC08} firstMeta firstIndex comboBoxObject = table:00000143A35FDBC0 (meta 0000014316F496C8} m_comboBox = table:00000143A35FDBC0 (meta 0000014316F496C8} data = table:00000143A35E7718 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:00000143A35E7860 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 m_font = ZoFontGamepad27 m_highlightColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_highlightFont = ZoFontGamepad36 m_highlightedIndex = 1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_itemTemplate = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_name = ZO_LeaderboardList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdown m_normalColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_openDropdown = userdata:00000143A35FE370 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_selectedColor = table:000001431BD548A8 firstTable 1 = 0.40000003576279 2 = 0.40000003576279 3 = 0.40000003576279 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000143A35FE420 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:00000143A35FDCA8 firstTable m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 filterSwitcher = table:000001431BD52480 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000143A3600280 (meta 00000143553B0188} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:00000143553B1398 firstTable 10 = userdata:00000143A35FFDA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000143A35FF488 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:00000143A35FF400 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:00000143A35FF5A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:00000143A35FF518 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143A36003B0 (meta 00000143553AC910} 3 = userdata:00000143A35FFBF8 (meta 000001430831E750} 4 = userdata:00000143A3600318 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:00000143A3600440 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:00000143A35FFD10 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000143A35FFC88 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000143A35FFE28 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 3 data = table:00000143553ABB28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143553ABD48 firstTable activate() = function:000001431BD54700 callback() = function:000001431BD546B8 canFocus() = function:00000143553ABBB8 deactivate() = function:00000143553ABB70 highlight = userdata:00000143A35FE228 (meta 0000014308324730} highlightFadeAnimation = userdata:000001431BD54410 (meta 0000014308367FC0} 2 = table:000001431BD4FB78 firstTable callback() = function:000001431BD4FC68 canFocus() = function:000001431BD4FCB0 highlight = userdata:00000143A35FD318 (meta 0000014308324730} highlightFadeAnimation = userdata:000001431BD4FD58 (meta 0000014308367FC0} directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:00000143553ABD00 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onFocusChangedFunction() = function:000001431BD4FD98 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 filtersFocalArea = table:00000143A35E1590 (meta 000001434613F5C8} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000143A35CE488 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143553B3580 keybindDescriptor = table:000001431BD4F9E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143553A7998 firstTable callback() = function:00000143553A7A88 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select 2 = table:00000143553A7B88 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143553A7B08 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 alignment = 1 manager = table:00000143553B12F8 (meta 00000143CB503BC8} nextFocus = table:00000143A35E15D8 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000143A35E1FB8 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143A35E2000 keybindDescriptor = table:00000143553A7C00 firstTable 1 = table:00000143553A7588 firstTable callback() = function:00000143553A7678 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Sort 2 = table:00000143553A5840 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143553A76C0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 alignment = 1 manager = table:00000143553B12F8 (meta 00000143CB503BC8} nextFocus = table:00000143553AE330 (meta 00000143AA17A038} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000143553B0140 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143553AE2E8 keybindDescriptor = table:00000143553AD970 firstTable 1 = table:00000143553AD9B8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431BD4F790 enabled() = function:00000143553ADB48 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Console_Menu_Forward 2 = table:000001431BD4F858 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431BD4F7D8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:00000143553A5A28 firstTable callback() = function:00000143553A5100 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:00000143553A5190 firstTable callback() = function:00000143553A5280 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER manager = table:00000143553B12F8 (meta 00000143CB503BC8} nextFocus = false previousFocus = table:00000143A35E15D8 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} previousFocus = table:00000143A35E1590 (meta 000001434613F5C8} previousFocus = false headersContainer = userdata:00000143A35FD398 (meta 000001430831E750} headersFocalArea = table:00000143A35E15D8 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143553AD970 list = userdata:00000143A35E5BC8 (meta 00000143A35E5360} listFragment = table:00000143553A52C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143553A4CF8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143553A4AB0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143553A4B40 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143553A4B88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143553A4BD0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143553A4240 3 = false control = userdata:00000143A36013B8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143553A5A70 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden masterList = table:0000014428085388 movementController = table:00000143553B0380 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 optionTemplateGroups = table:00000143553A4C50 firstTable 1 = table:00000143553A3988 firstTable headerFunction() = function:000001431DC98928 options = table:00000143553A3A28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143553A3A70 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143EA7793C0 conditionFunction() = function:00000143CACAD7E8 2 = table:00000143553A3B10 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143E30A8620 conditionFunction() = function:00000143E30A85E0 panelFocalArea = table:00000143553AE330 (meta 00000143AA17A038} searchEdit = userdata:00000143A35E6718 (meta 00000143A35E77F8} searchProcessor = table:00000143553B1298 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:00000143553B3538 firstTable processors = table:00000143A35CE440 firstTable 1() = function:00000143553ADBF8 sortFunction() = function:00000143553B1250 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143553B1488 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortKeys = table:00000143CB50A868 firstTable alliance = table:00000143CB50E658 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = rank characterName = table:00000143CB51C968 firstTable class = table:00000143CB51C9B0 firstTable tiebreaker = rank displayName = table:00000143CB51CF90 firstTable house = table:00000143CB51CFD8 firstTable tiebreaker = rank points = table:00000143CB50E6F8 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = rank rank = table:00000143CB51CE48 firstTable isNumeric = true GAMEPAD_LEFT_DIALOG_TOOLTIP = GAMEPAD_LEFT_DIALOG_TOOLTIP GAMEPAD_LEFT_DIALOG_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:00000143139318D0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_LEFT_DIALOG_TOOLTIP_DARK_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:000001439D305F50 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_LEFT_TOOLTIP = GAMEPAD_LEFT_TOOLTIP GAMEPAD_LEFT_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:000001431DC940B0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_LEFT_TOOLTIP_DARK_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:000001431DC93820 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_LOOT_HISTORY_FRAGMENT = table:000001439D6A0DE8 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} GAMEPAD_LOOT_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:000001430979B058 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_LOOT_PICKUP_FRAGMENT = table:000001430979AA50 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_LORE_LIBRARY_FRAGMENT = table:0000014409E80668 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_LORE_READER_INTERACTION_SCENE = table:00000143D8F5B9E8 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_LORE_READER_INVENTORY_SCENE = table:00000143EC960568 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_LORE_READER_LORE_LIBRARY_SCENE = table:00000143EC96B618 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D8F5E400 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D8F5E300 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D8F5E4C8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143D8F5E860 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D8F5E8A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F5E8F0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F5E7E0 3 = false control = userdata:00000144C3037548 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F5E448 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_MAIL_MANAGER_FRAGMENT = table:000001430A07CF28 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D8F5EA40 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D8F5EAD0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D8F5EB58 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143D8F5EEF0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D8F5EF38 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F5EF80 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F5EE70 3 = false control = userdata:00000143E1D21DE0 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F5EA88 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_MENU_SOUND_FRAGMENT = table:00000143B4EF7ED8 (meta 0000014313924700} GAMEPAD_MOVABLE_TOOLTIP = GAMEPAD_MOVABLE_TOOLTIP GAMEPAD_MOVABLE_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313932020 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_MOVABLE_TOOLTIP_DARK_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:0000014457A256A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_1_2_3_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E114E8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_1_2_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:0000014309DF36E8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} firstTable ClearFocus() = function:00000143E9843AD0 ClearHighlight() = function:000001431C15F5D0 FadeRightDivider() = function:000001431C16BFC0 Mixin() = function:00000143E9834DE0 ResetOnHidden() = function:00000143210702D8 ResetOnHiding() = function:000001432106F790 SetFocus() = function:000001431C15FBD8 SetHighlightHidden() = function:000001431C16B308 TakeFocus() = function:00000143E9840DE0 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014313E3F7E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014313E3F870 animationTemplate = TranslateFromLeftSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143FA1358C8 (meta 00000143063BFF08} firstMeta firstIndex background = userdata:00000143063BFEB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} focusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_focus_512.dds highlight = userdata:00000143063BFD00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDivider = userdata:00000143063BFE28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDividerFadeInAnimation = userdata:00000143063BFFC8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} rightDividerFadeOutAnimation = userdata:00000143063C0028 (meta 0000014308367FC0} unfocusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_noFocus_512.dds dirtyEvents = table:0000014309DF3730 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_1_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F0F919F8 (meta 0000014457A52E08} GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_1_INSTANT_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D600FE50 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:000001439F6BA8A8 (meta 00000143063C2DA8} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D600FE98 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_2_3_4_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E3FA00 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_2_3_4_ITEM_PREVIEW_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E7DDC748 (meta 000001431DC95C30} GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_2_3_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E3F738 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_2_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D6AF99B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_4_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E3FA48 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS = table:0000014313226D58 (meta 0000014313218380} GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_FRAGMENT = table:0000014428075C48 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_SCENE = table:0000014313226DA0 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_OPTIONS = table:0000014310BC7C08 (meta 00000143F74D0B20} GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:000001439E146D58 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_PANEL_SCENE = table:000001439F8DBFF8 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_ROOT_SCENE = table:000001439F8DBD88 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_PLAYER_EMOTE = table:0000014310372C60 (meta 00000143103640A0} GAMEPAD_PLAYER_EMOTE_SCENE = table:0000014310372CA8 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_NAME_LOCATION = table:000001431D9828B8 (meta 000001431D97EEA8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001431D9805B8 (meta 000001430831E750} location = userdata:000001431D980848 (meta 000001431D9822B8} locationHeader = userdata:000001431D9823E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} username = userdata:000001431D982478 (meta 000001431D982780} usernameHeader = userdata:000001431D9828A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER = table:00000143D8F3E270 (meta 0000014309E02580} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143DA74A8B0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirty = true filterType = 1 header = userdata:00000143DA74AA98 (meta 00000143D6B08F78} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:00000143D6B08B60 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143DA74AF50 (meta 00000143D6B09628} 10 = userdata:00000143DA74BBE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000143DA74BD98 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:00000143DA74BD08 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:00000143DA74BEB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:00000143DA74BE28 (meta 00000143083425C0} 15 = userdata:00000143DA74BF48 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143DA74ABC8 (meta 0000014309E11710} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:0000014309E0F738 firstTable 1 = table:0000014309E13920 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:0000014309E13A90 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:0000014309E14E48 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:00000143DA74AB30 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:00000143DA74B018 (meta 000001430831E750} 6 = userdata:00000143DA74B330 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:00000143DA74BB58 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000143DA74BAC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000143DA74BC78 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 1 tabBar = table:00000143D6B092B0 (meta 0000014405F8D010} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = false callbackRegistry = table:00000143EA901AF0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143EA904008 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EA906320 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C358BFC8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143D6B09BC0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143DA74AF50 (meta 00000143D6B09628} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E1D0BCF8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143D6B092B0 (meta 0000014405F8D010} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143EA919AA8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E1D15AE0 (meta 0000014313452290} dataList = table:00000143EA915A30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FF3638 2 = table:00000143D5FF4108 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DA74DFF8 text = Drinks 3 = table:00000143D5FF51F0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DA74E0D8 text = Furnishings dataTypes = table:00000143D6B099A0 firstTable ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate = table:00000143D6B0D0D0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D6B0CCB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143EA919CF0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E1D15AE0 (meta 0000014313452290} firstMeta firstIndex m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D6B0CF88 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate parent = userdata:00000143DA74AF80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143C358AFC8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D6B093D8 firstTable enabled = true entryAnchors = table:00000143D6B0C228 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 hideUnselectedControls = true isMoving = false jumping = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143D6B0C420 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6B0C5E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D6B0C7A8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_SHOULDER 2 = table:00000143D6B0C930 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D6B0CAB8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_SHOULDER lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 leftIcon = userdata:00000143DA74B3D0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = false movementController = table:00000143D6B09878 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 pips = table:000001431345F7D8 (meta 00000143063C3518} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143DA74B508 (meta 000001430831E750} pool = table:000001431347C858 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014313468A38 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143DA74FE00 (meta 000001430831E750} 2 = userdata:00000143DA74FF90 (meta 000001430831E750} 3 = userdata:00000143DA750120 (meta 000001430831E750} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014313466FD8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip parent = userdata:00000143DA74B508 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarPip pipsEnabled = true postPadding = table:00000143EA919070 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143EA9195A8 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false prePadding = table:00000143EA917FE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143EA9193D0 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false rightIcon = userdata:00000143DA74B470 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollControl = userdata:00000143DA74AF80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143EA919778 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 selectedData = table:00000143D5FF3638 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DA74DF18 canSelect = true text = Food selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:00000143EA9161C8 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate 2 = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate 3 = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate universalPostPadding = 0 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143EA919870 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143EA919B38 firstTable userdata = 00000143E1D15AE0 = true headerData = table:00000143D6B10070 firstTable data1HeaderText = Player Capacity data1Text() = function:00000143D6B0EB80 tabBarEntries = table:00000143D6B13230 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FF3638 2 = table:00000143D5FF4108 3 = table:00000143D5FF51F0 ingredientsBar = table:00000143D6AFB870 (meta 00000143D6006330} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143DA74C6C0 (meta 000001430831E750} dataList = table:00000143D6B07FE0 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143D6AFCDB0 firstTable ZO_ProvisionerIngredientBarSlotTemplate = table:00000143D6B08448 firstTable pool = table:00000143D6B08608 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D6B087A8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D6B08950 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelIngredientsBarSlotCenterZO_ProvisionerIngredientBarSlotTemplate parent = userdata:00000143DA74C748 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_ProvisionerIngredientBarSlotTemplate setupFunction() = function:0000014309E06118 slotCenterControl = userdata:00000143DA74C748 (meta 000001430831E750} slotSpacing = 211 mainKeybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143D5FF9540 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FF96F8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D5FF9B78 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:00000143D5FF9958 visible() = function:00000143D5FF9DB8 2 = table:00000143D5FF9FB0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D5FFA180 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Options visible() = function:00000143D5FFA320 3 = table:00000143D5FFA5B0 firstTable callback() = function:0000014320F62C68 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_STICK name() = function:00000143D5FFA7D0 visible() = function:0000014320F62D00 4 = table:0000014320F62EA8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DA74ED70 enabled() = function:0000014320F639C0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 5 = table:0000014320F63478 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DA74EEE0 enabled() = function:0000014320F639C0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER 6 = table:00000143D5FF8378 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143D5FF85A8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT order = -10000 visible() = function:00000143D5FF88A8 7 = table:00000143D5FF8A60 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143D5FF8C10 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -10000 visible() = function:00000143D5FF8E58 alignment = 1 mainSceneName = gamepad_provisioner_root optionDataList = table:00000143E1CF87B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D088C8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = false dataSource = table:0000014309E021B8 firstTable header = Options optionName = Have Ingredients enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Have Ingredients 2 = table:00000143E1CF8EA0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = false dataSource = table:0000014309E023C8 firstTable optionName = Have Skills enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Have Skills optionList = table:00000143D5FF7760 (meta 0000014405F90F70} optionsKeybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143D6AEC130 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6AE3E10 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143D6AECC18 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select order = -500 2 = table:00000143D5FF8378 3 = table:00000143D5FF90B0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143D5FF92A8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -10000 visible() = function:00000143D5FF8E58 provisionerStationInteraction = table:00000143D8F4B1A8 recipeList = table:00000143E1D08958 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143DA74C2B8 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1D02120 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E1D02368 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D02428 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D02050 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E1D095B0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143DA74C158 (meta 00000143E1D08E80} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E1CEFBC8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E1D08958 (meta 0000014405F90F70} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E1D10DC0 firstTable dataList = table:00000143E1D0C250 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143E1D09430 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate = table:00000143E1D16CF8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143E1D11230 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D115B0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E1D13948 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D14228 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerRecipeListScrollZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143DA74C1E8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E1D18D58 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143E1D11230 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D18E30 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143EA914870 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143DA74EA28 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E1D20CD0 m_Active = table:00000143E1D1BC70 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D20298 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerRecipeListScrollZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143DA74C1E8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D08AC0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E1D09270 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143DA74C348 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E1D10418 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E1D108D8 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143E1D10388 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E1D10668 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143DA74C1E8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E1D10A30 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143E1D0EEA0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143E1D10FC8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E1D10BD8 firstTable resultTooltip = userdata:00000143DA74C778 (meta 00000143D5FFB0D0} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000143DA74C9A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} lastContentHeight = 0 scrollTooltip = userdata:00000143DA74CAA8 (meta 00000143D8F3D028} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 animation = userdata:00000143D8F4F378 (meta 00000143D8F3D2C8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143DA74CAA8 (meta 00000143D8F3D028} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:00000143DA74CB38 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:00000143DA74CBD0 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000143DA74CE50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:00000143D8F38288 (meta 0000014308367FC0} tooltip = userdata:00000143DA74CC70 (meta 00000143D5FFB6D8} useFadeGradient = true tip = userdata:00000143DA74CC70 (meta 00000143D5FFB6D8} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:0000014320F4ABB8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143D8F39B80 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014320F5A1F0 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:00000143DA74CD18 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true icon = userdata:00000143DA74C9A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:00000143D5FFB8B0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143D8F398B8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D5FFBBF8 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 0 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:00000143D8F353E8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143D8F39BF8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D8F362B8 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:0000014320F5A288 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143D8F3A058 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014320F62000 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:0000014320F624C8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143D8F3A278 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E1D08338 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:00000143D8F36A78 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143D6006570 styles = table:00000143D8F38910 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FE9688 texturePool = table:00000143D5FFBDD8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143D8F399B0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D5FFC010 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} vertical = true savedVars = table:0000014494A19618 (meta 00000143C36C0940} firstTable firstMeta GetInterfaceForCharacter() = function:00000144BA7AC120 default = table:00000143C36C08A0 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false settings = table:0000014309E02F00 firstTable tabs = table:00000143D5FF7440 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FF3638 2 = table:00000143D5FF4108 3 = table:00000143D5FF51F0 GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER_FRAGMENT = table:000001431DED65F0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:000001430795D130 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER_OPTIONS_SCENE = table:00000143D8F25240 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER_RECIPELIST_FRAGMENT = table:000001431DED6680 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER_ROOT_SCENE = table:00000143D8F54950 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_QUAD1_TOOLTIP = GAMEPAD_QUAD1_TOOLTIP GAMEPAD_QUAD1_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:0000014310BBA9E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_QUAD1_TOOLTIP_DARK_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:000001431DA07260 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_QUAD3_TOOLTIP = GAMEPAD_QUAD3_TOOLTIP GAMEPAD_QUAD3_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E30AB190 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143B2B573E0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143B2B57468 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D9090D48 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E30AB5C8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_QUAD3_TOOLTIP_DARK_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:00000143B2B60690 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_FRAGMENT = table:0000014480150BA0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_ROOT_SCENE = table:00000143D2B8D5C8 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_QUICKSLOT = table:00000143C015ADF0 (meta 00000144CCF636A0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000144CCF5ED40 (meta 0000014308326048} entryControls = table:0000014309DCA028 firstTable header = userdata:00000143E137BC78 (meta 00000143EC404690} radialControl = userdata:00000143E12BE8E8 (meta 000001430831E750} radialMenu = table:00000143F3AD2300 (meta 000001431DA64B50} firstTable actionLayerName = RadialMenu activateOnShow = true activeIcon = userdata:00000144CCF5A4F8 (meta 00000143E1382FF0} control = userdata:00000143E12BE8E8 (meta 000001430831E750} directionInputs = table:0000014316F467B0 enableMouse = true entries = table:0000014309DCBBF8 firstTable entryPool = table:0000014309DD1BD8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014309DC9F10 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000144D863A370 m_Free = table:0000014309DCC868 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143F3AB4220 onSelectionChangedCallback() = function:0000014309DC7A98 selectIfCentered = true selectedBackground = userdata:00000143CE3FAB78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} setupFunction() = function:0000014309DC86D0 virtualMouseX = 0 virtualMouseY = 0 GAMEPAD_QUICKSLOT_FRAGMENT = table:00000144D0756820 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_QUICKSLOT_SCENE = table:0000014314CDD1B0 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_QUICKSLOT_SELECTED_TOOLTIP_FRAGMENT = table:00000144DD5B22F8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014428065018 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143C8033900 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation dirtyEvents = table:00000144C755AC18 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_RAID_LEADERBOARDS = table:00000144C755AA50 (meta 0000014316653898} GAMEPAD_RAID_LEADERBOARD_FRAGMENT = table:00000144C755AA98 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_REPAIR_KITS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143A35E0020 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_RESTYLE_DYEING_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:00000143A35E3198 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_RESTYLE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CDD09308 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_RESTYLE_ROOT_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB51DCE0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_RESTYLE_ROOT_SCENE = table:000001430FD76D98 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_RETRAIT_ROOT_SCENE = table:00000144081AE750 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_RETRAIT_SCENE = table:00000144081AF770 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TOOLTIP = GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TOOLTIP GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:000001431DC8F7D8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001431DC8F5B0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431DC8F2A8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D90978D8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001431DC8FDC0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 instantScenes = table:000001439F8DF9A0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320FFACB0 (meta 0000014368607700} 2 = table:00000143E7DDF010 (meta 000001431D566020} state = hidden GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TOOLTIP_DARK_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:000001431DC8EEE0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_SCREEN_ADJUST_ACTION_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143097B0278 (meta 000001431C16CE40} GAMEPAD_SETTINGS_DATA = table:00000143D70C6958 firstTable 0 = table:00000143D70C5138 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D70C5228 firstTable header = 6700 panel = 0 settingId = 0 system = 19 10 = table:000001431C471DA8 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 15 system = 11 2 = table:00000143D70C5318 firstTable header = 25 panel = 0 settingId = 1 system = 11 3 = table:00000143D70C5408 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 2 system = 11 4 = table:00000143D70C54F8 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 3 system = 11 5 = table:00000143D70C55E8 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 16 system = 11 6 = table:00000143D70C56D8 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 7 system = 11 7 = table:00000143D70C57C8 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 5 system = 11 8 = table:00000143D70C7A20 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 9 system = 11 9 = table:00000143D70C7A68 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 11 system = 11 1 = table:00000143D70C69A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D70B7F78 firstTable panel = 1 settingId = 26 system = 5 2 = table:00000143D70B8068 firstTable panel = 1 settingId = 49 system = 5 3 = table:00000143D70C69E8 firstTable header = 58 panel = 1 settingId = 38 system = 5000 2 = table:00000143D70C6AD8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D70C6BB8 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 1 system = 15 2 = table:00000143D70C6CA8 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 15 system = 2 3 = table:00000143D70C6D98 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 16 system = 2 4 = table:00000143D70C6E88 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 3 system = 15 5 = table:00000143D70C6F78 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 7 system = 2 6 = table:00000143D70C7068 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 8 system = 2 7 = table:00000143D70C7158 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 12 system = 2 8 = table:00000143D70C7248 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 9 system = 2 9 = table:00000143D70C7338 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 10 system = 2 3 = table:000001431C4722E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D70C5E78 firstTable header = 3805 panel = 3 settingId = 17 system = 3 10 = table:00000143D70C6778 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 2 system = 14 11 = table:00000143D70C6868 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 1 system = 14 12 = table:00000143D70B81A0 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 0 system = 5000 13 = table:00000143D70C6550 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 1 system = 5000 14 = table:00000143D70B83C0 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 2 system = 5000 15 = table:00000143D70B84B0 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 3 system = 5000 16 = table:00000143D70B85A0 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 4 system = 5000 2 = table:00000143D70C5F68 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 9 system = 3 3 = table:00000143D70C6058 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 7 system = 3 4 = table:00000143D70C6148 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 13 system = 3 5 = table:00000143D70C6238 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 14 system = 3 6 = table:00000143D70C6328 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 18 system = 3 7 = table:00000143D70C6418 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 19 system = 3 8 = table:00000143D70C6598 firstTable header = 6663 panel = 3 settingId = 0 system = 14 9 = table:00000143D70C6688 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 3 system = 14 4 = table:00000143D70C7428 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D70B7E88 firstTable header = 197 panel = 4 settingId = 5 system = 15 10 = table:00000143E6C92620 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 30 system = 7 11 = table:00000143E6C92710 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 31 system = 7 12 = table:00000143E6C92800 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 43 system = 5000 13 = table:00000143E6C928F0 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 25 system = 7 14 = table:00000143E6C929E0 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 26 system = 7 15 = table:00000143E6C92AD0 firstTable header = 3798 panel = 4 settingId = 5 system = 13 16 = table:00000143E6C92BC0 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 7 system = 13 17 = table:00000143E6C92CB0 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 8 system = 13 18 = table:00000143E6C92DA0 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 9 system = 13 19 = table:00000143E6C92E90 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 1 system = 6 2 = table:00000143D70C7618 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 4 system = 15 20 = table:00000143E6C92F80 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 0 system = 6 21 = table:00000143D70C4B98 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 2 system = 6 22 = table:00000143D70C4C88 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 4 system = 6 23 = table:00000143D70C4D78 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 3 system = 6 24 = table:00000143D70C4E68 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 6 system = 13 25 = table:00000143D70C4F58 firstTable header = 3799 panel = 4 settingId = 32 system = 10 26 = table:00000143D70C5048 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 39 system = 10 3 = table:00000143D70C7708 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 0 system = 15 4 = table:00000143D70C77F8 firstTable header = 3800 panel = 4 settingId = 12 system = 13 5 = table:00000143D70C78E8 firstTable header = 26 panel = 4 settingId = 20 system = 7 6 = table:00000143D70C79D8 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 27 system = 7 7 = table:000001431C476BF0 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 28 system = 7 8 = table:000001431C476A38 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 29 system = 7 9 = table:00000143E6C92530 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 42 system = 5000 5 = table:000001431C471E98 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D70B8798 firstTable header = 3818 panel = 5 settingId = 6 system = 5000 2 = table:000001431C471EE0 firstTable panel = 5 settingId = 5 system = 5000 3 = table:000001431C471F28 firstTable panel = 5 settingId = 0 system = 12 4 = table:000001431C472018 firstTable header = 3819 panel = 5 settingId = 15 system = 3 5 = table:000001431C472108 firstTable panel = 5 settingId = 24 system = 3 6 = table:000001431C4721F8 firstTable panel = 5 settingId = 33 system = 3 8 = table:000001431C472330 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C472680 firstTable header = 3801 panel = 8 settingId = 8 system = 0 10 = table:000001431C472EF0 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 2 system = 0 11 = table:000001431C472FE0 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 24 system = 0 12 = table:00000143E6C8FF98 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 36 system = 0 13 = table:00000143E6C90088 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 38 system = 0 14 = table:00000143E6C90178 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 4 system = 0 15 = table:00000143E6C90268 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 26 system = 0 16 = table:00000143E6C90358 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 6 system = 0 17 = table:00000143E6C90448 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 28 system = 0 18 = table:00000143E6C90538 firstTable header = 3802 panel = 8 settingId = 9 system = 0 19 = table:00000143E6C90628 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 34 system = 0 2 = table:000001431C472770 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 32 system = 0 20 = table:00000143E6C90718 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 35 system = 0 21 = table:00000143E6C90808 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 40 system = 0 22 = table:00000143E6C908F8 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 11 system = 0 23 = table:00000143E6C909E8 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 31 system = 0 24 = table:00000143E6C90AD8 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 19 system = 0 25 = table:00000143E6C90BC8 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 21 system = 0 26 = table:00000143E6C90CB8 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 1 system = 0 27 = table:00000143E6C90DA8 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 23 system = 0 28 = table:00000143E6C90E98 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 3 system = 0 29 = table:00000143E6C90F88 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 25 system = 0 3 = table:000001431C472860 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 33 system = 0 30 = table:00000143E6C91078 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 37 system = 0 31 = table:00000143E6C91168 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 39 system = 0 32 = table:00000143E6C91258 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 5 system = 0 33 = table:00000143E6C91348 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 27 system = 0 34 = table:00000143E6C91438 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 7 system = 0 35 = table:00000143E6C91528 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 29 system = 0 36 = table:00000143E6C91618 firstTable header = 3803 panel = 8 settingId = 14 system = 0 37 = table:00000143E6C91708 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 15 system = 0 38 = table:00000143E6C917F8 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 16 system = 0 39 = table:00000143E6C918E8 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 17 system = 0 4 = table:000001431C472950 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 10 system = 0 40 = table:00000143E6C919D8 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 2 system = 3 41 = table:00000143E6C91AC8 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 4 system = 13 42 = table:00000143E6C91BB8 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 0 system = 13 43 = table:00000143E6C91CA8 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 1 system = 13 44 = table:00000143E6C91D98 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 2 system = 13 45 = table:00000143E6C91E88 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 3 system = 13 5 = table:000001431C472A40 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 30 system = 0 6 = table:000001431C472B30 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 18 system = 0 7 = table:000001431C472C20 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 20 system = 0 8 = table:000001431C472D10 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 0 system = 0 9 = table:000001431C472E00 firstTable panel = 8 settingId = 22 system = 0 9 = table:00000143E6C91F78 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6C921C8 firstTable header = 3805 panel = 9 settingId = 8 system = 3 10 = table:00000143D70B68F8 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 4 system = 7 11 = table:00000143D70B69E8 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 5 system = 7 12 = table:00000143D70B6AD8 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 6 system = 7 13 = table:00000143D70B6BC8 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 7 system = 7 14 = table:00000143D70B6CB8 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 8 system = 7 15 = table:00000143D70B6DA8 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 9 system = 7 16 = table:00000143D70B6E98 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 10 system = 7 17 = table:00000143D70B6F88 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 11 system = 7 18 = table:00000143D70B7078 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 12 system = 7 19 = table:00000143D70B7168 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 13 system = 7 2 = table:00000143D70B6178 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 25 system = 3 20 = table:00000143D70B7258 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 14 system = 7 21 = table:00000143D70B7348 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 15 system = 7 22 = table:00000143D70B7438 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 16 system = 7 23 = table:00000143D70B7528 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 18 system = 7 24 = table:00000143D70B7618 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 19 system = 7 25 = table:00000143D70B7708 firstTable header = 6677 panel = 9 settingId = 0 system = 20 26 = table:00000143D70B77F8 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 1 system = 20 27 = table:00000143D70B78E8 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 2 system = 20 28 = table:00000143D70B79D8 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 5 system = 20 29 = table:00000143D70B7AC8 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 6 system = 20 3 = table:00000143D70B6268 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 20 system = 3 30 = table:00000143D70B7BB8 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 9 system = 20 31 = table:00000143D70B7CA8 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 7 system = 20 32 = table:00000143D70B7D98 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 8 system = 20 4 = table:00000143D70B6358 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 0 system = 9 5 = table:00000143D70B6448 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 22 system = 3 6 = table:00000143D70B6538 firstTable header = 3804 panel = 9 settingId = 0 system = 7 7 = table:00000143D70B6628 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 1 system = 7 8 = table:00000143D70B6718 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 2 system = 7 9 = table:00000143D70B6808 firstTable panel = 9 settingId = 3 system = 7 GAMEPAD_SETTING_CAMERA_SENSITIVITY = 3 GAMEPAD_SETTING_GAMEPAD_PREFERRED = 5 GAMEPAD_SETTING_GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE = 4 GAMEPAD_SETTING_INVERT_X = 2 GAMEPAD_SETTING_INVERT_Y = 1 GAMEPAD_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GAMEPAD_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 5 GAMEPAD_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 5 GAMEPAD_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 GAMEPAD_SETTING_VIBRATION = 0 GAMEPAD_SKILLS = table:00000143D7668B20 (meta 0000014406029D20} GAMEPAD_SKILLS_BUILD_PLANNER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E97A5BE0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E97A4780 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E97A4808 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E97A5CD8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E97A42B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E97A45F0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E97A4590 3 = false control = userdata:00000143D766B510 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E97A5C58 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_SKILLS_FRAGMENT = table:000001448015AE70 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_SKILLS_LINE_FILTER_SCENE = table:00000143F1934F10 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_SKILLS_LINE_PREVIEW_FRAGMENT = table:0000014480159CE8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014355388528 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014480181B18 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F44091E8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014480158E60 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_SKILLS_ROOT_SCENE = table:00000143F1933E88 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CREATION_CREATE_FRAGMENT = table:000001439D85D720 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CREATION_FLOATING_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D4A61A30 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CREATION_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:00000144DD5B8C10 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CREATION_OPTIONS_SCENE = table:00000143ED5389A0 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CREATION_OPTIONS_SCENE_NAME = gamepad_smithing_creation_options GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CREATION_SCENE = table:00000143ED519D80 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_DECONSTRUCT_FLOATING_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E75D86C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_DECONSTRUCT_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:000001431BD32C68 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_DECONSTRUCT_SCENE = table:00000143ED518580 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_FRAGMENT = table:000001431BD575B0 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_IMPROVEMENT_FLOATING_FRAGMENT = table:0000014409E5A4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_IMPROVEMENT_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D4A68440 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_IMPROVEMENT_SCENE = table:00000143ED518E50 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_MODE_FRAGMENT = table:0000014409E6A3E0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_REFINE_FLOATING_FRAGMENT = table:00000144C75393D8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_REFINE_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:00000143C804ABB0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_REFINE_SCENE = table:0000014316661AE8 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_CONFIRM_FRAGMENT = table:0000014409E72968 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_CONFIRM_SCENE = table:000001431DE71650 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_RESEARCH_FRAGMENT = table:0000014409E63528 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_SCENE = table:00000143ED5194D8 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_ROOT_SCENE = table:0000014316667370 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_DIALOGS = table:00000143C3FFF9D0 (meta 00000143C3FFF548} firstTable firstMeta GAMEPAD_SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB507B30 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_SPINNER_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 2 GAMEPAD_SPINNER_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 GAMEPAD_STATS = table:00000143F4419B90 (meta 00000143B335A5B8} GAMEPAD_STATS_BOUNTY_DISPLAY = table:00000143E1D26B80 (meta 00000144C3039E60} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000014406009958 (meta 00000143E1D26DB0} firstMeta firstIndex currencyArgs = table:00000143E1D26CD8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D26D20 firstTable amount = 0 isUsed = true notEnough = true type = 1 numUsedCurrencies = 1 options = table:00000143E1D26BC8 type = 1 currencyOptions = table:00000143E1D26BC8 firstTable customTooltip = 3582 font = ZoFontGamepadHeaderDataValue iconSide = 8 isGamepad = true showTooltips = true nextUpdateTime = 0 GAMEPAD_STATS_CHARACTER_INFO_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB520658 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_STATS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D8F43D38 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_STATS_ROOT_SCENE = table:000001440601DD40 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_STORE_SCENE_NAME = gamepad_store GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_ABILITY_MODIFIERS = 2 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_ALTERNATE_INTERACT = 4 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT = 0 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_ITERATION_END = 7 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_MAX_VALUE = 7 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_MODIFIERS_VARIANT = 3 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_REUSE_ME1 = 6 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_REUSE_ME2 = 7 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_SOUTHPAW = 1 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_WEAPON_TRICKS = 5 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIPS = table:000001439D306A90 (meta 000001431DC900B0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143F318ACD8 (meta 0000014308326048} currentLayoutFunctionName = LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip dialogControl = userdata:000001431DC90238 (meta 0000014308326048} tooltips = table:00000143D909D318 firstTable GAMEPAD_LEFT_DIALOG_TOOLTIP = table:00000143B3094F28 firstTable autoShowBg = true bgControl = userdata:00000143F318D290 (meta 000001430831E750} bgFragment = table:00000143139318D0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001439D306628 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439D3063E0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F318D290 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2B5A718 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden bgType = 1 control = userdata:000001431DC901C8 (meta 00000143B2B5A920} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:000001439D304218 (meta 0000014405F9BB60} firstMeta firstIndex bottomRail = userdata:000001431DA0D330 (meta 000001430831E750} statusLabel = userdata:000001439D3042B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusLabelValue = userdata:000001439D304348 (meta 000001431DA0CD30} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:000001431DA0CA38 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DA0CAB8 firstTable 2 = table:000001431DA0CB58 firstTable 3 = table:000001431DA0CBF8 firstTable forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 statusLabelValueForVisualLayer = userdata:000001431DA0CE68 (meta 000001431DA0D170} statusLabelVisualLayer = userdata:000001431DA0D2A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} tip = userdata:000001431DA0C378 (meta 00000143139317D8} darkBgControl = userdata:00000143F318A070 (meta 000001430831E750} darkBgFragment = table:000001439D305F50 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001439D306510 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439D306598 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F318A070 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001439D3064C8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden defaultAutoShowBg = true fragment = table:00000143FA13D730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143EA4F3FC0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014346140040 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001431DC901C8 (meta 00000143B2B5A920} dirtyEvents = table:00000143FA13C608 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden headerContainerControl = userdata:00000143F318B710 (meta 000001430831E750} headerControl = userdata:00000143F318B848 (meta 00000143B30953A8} resetScroll = true scrollIndicatorSide = 8 GAMEPAD_LEFT_TOOLTIP = table:000001431DC92D40 firstTable autoShowBg = true bgControl = userdata:00000143F3189DA8 (meta 000001430831E750} bgFragment = table:000001431DC940B0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001431DC93C30 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431DC939E8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F3189DA8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001431DC93E60 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden bgType = 1 control = userdata:00000143F318B1F0 (meta 000001431DC94068} darkBgControl = userdata:000001439F6B2698 (meta 000001430831E750} darkBgFragment = table:000001431DC93820 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001431DC93B10 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431DC93B98 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001439F6B2698 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001431DC93AC8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden defaultAutoShowBg = true fragment = table:00000143D909AAD8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001431DC926C0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431DC92748 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F318B1F0 (meta 000001431DC94068} dirtyEvents = table:000001431DC92678 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden resetScroll = true scrollIndicatorSide = 8 GAMEPAD_MOVABLE_TOOLTIP = table:000001439F6B60D0 firstTable autoShowBg = true bgControl = userdata:0000014428AF89B0 (meta 000001430831E750} bgFragment = table:0000014313932020 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E30B07F8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E30AD170 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014428AF89B0 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:0000014428AF92D0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden bgType = 1 control = userdata:000001431DC9DB78 (meta 0000014313931E38} darkBgControl = userdata:000001431DC9D1C8 (meta 000001430831E750} darkBgFragment = table:0000014457A256A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001431DC931B8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431DC93208 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001431DC9D1C8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:0000014310BBB1E8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden defaultAutoShowBg = true fragment = table:0000014405F9C330 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001431DC932F0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143C358F918 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001431DC9DB78 (meta 0000014313931E38} dirtyEvents = table:0000014405F95B48 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden resetScroll = true scrollIndicatorSide = 8 GAMEPAD_QUAD1_TOOLTIP = table:000001431DA07460 firstTable autoShowBg = true bgControl = userdata:00000143C35929C0 (meta 000001430831E750} bgFragment = table:0000014310BBA9E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000014457A24EB0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014457A24F00 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143C35929C0 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:0000014310BBAA60 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden bgType = 1 control = userdata:00000143D9093908 (meta 000001439D304E98} darkBgControl = userdata:000001431DC91540 (meta 000001430831E750} darkBgFragment = table:000001431DA07260 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001431DA072F0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431DA07378 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001431DC91540 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001431DA072A8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden defaultAutoShowBg = true fragment = table:0000014405F9B950 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000014405F9B9E0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014405F9BA30 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D9093908 (meta 000001439D304E98} dirtyEvents = table:0000014405F9B998 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden resetScroll = true scrollIndicatorSide = 8 GAMEPAD_QUAD3_TOOLTIP = table:00000143B2B55978 firstTable autoShowBg = true bgControl = userdata:00000143D9090D48 (meta 000001430831E750} bgFragment = table:00000143E30AB190 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} bgType = 1 control = userdata:00000143D90960B0 (meta 00000143E30AD390} darkBgControl = userdata:00000143D9092D50 (meta 000001430831E750} darkBgFragment = table:00000143B2B60690 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143B2B56550 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014457A48CD8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D9092D50 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2B60750 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden defaultAutoShowBg = true fragment = table:00000143B2B577A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143F1188E80 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F1188ED0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D90960B0 (meta 00000143E30AD390} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2B5D8F0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden headerContainerControl = userdata:00000143D9091380 (meta 000001430831E750} headerControl = userdata:00000143D90914B8 (meta 00000143B2B60B58} resetScroll = true scrollIndicatorSide = 8 GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TOOLTIP = table:00000143D909BC98 firstTable autoShowBg = true bgControl = userdata:00000143D90978D8 (meta 000001430831E750} bgFragment = table:000001431DC8F7D8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} bgType = 1 control = userdata:00000143D90950A0 (meta 000001431DC8F790} darkBgControl = userdata:00000143D9099858 (meta 000001430831E750} darkBgFragment = table:000001431DC8EEE0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001431DC8FE58 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431DC8F100 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D9099858 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:000001431DC8F080 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 instantScenes = table:000001439F8DF9E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320FFACB0 (meta 0000014368607700} 2 = table:00000143E7DDF010 (meta 000001431D566020} state = hidden defaultAutoShowBg = true fragment = table:00000143D909B5C0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143D909BD28 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D909BDB0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D90950A0 (meta 000001431DC8F790} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D909BCE0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 instantScenes = table:000001439F8DF958 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320FFACB0 (meta 0000014368607700} 2 = table:00000143E7DDF010 (meta 000001431D566020} state = hidden headerContainerControl = userdata:00000143D9097D28 (meta 000001430831E750} headerControl = userdata:00000143D9097E50 (meta 00000143D909BB70} resetScroll = true scrollIndicatorSide = 2 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ABILITY_UPGRADE = 6 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ACTIVE = 4 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_FAILED = 3 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_GENERAL_COLOR_1 = 0 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_GENERAL_COLOR_2 = 1 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_GENERAL_COLOR_3 = 7 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_INACTIVE = 5 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 7 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 7 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_SUCCEEDED = 2 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_DARK_BG = 2 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_NORMAL_BG = 1 GAMEPAD_TRADE = table:000001439D68D5E0 (meta 00000143207ECC38} GAMEPAD_TRADE_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D022B90 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE = table:00000143CB522B80 (meta 00000143CB514040} GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB524DA8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB524E68 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB524EF0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143CB525000 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CB525048 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB525090 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB524F80 3 = false control = userdata:00000143CB5153E0 (meta 00000143CB522C40} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143CB522B80 (meta 00000143CB514040} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143CB5153E0 (meta 00000143CB522C40} eventCallbacks = table:00000143CB5243D8 firstTable fragment = table:00000143CB524DA8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} itemList = table:00000143CB522D68 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143CB5159E0 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143CB5235C8 firstTable TargetDataChanged = table:00000143CB523610 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB523658 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB523548 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143CB5231B0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CB515890 (meta 00000143CB522E40} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143CB523088 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143CB522D68 (meta 0000014405F90F70} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143CB5234B8 firstTable dataList = table:00000143CB523278 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143CB523168 firstTable ZO_GamepadGuildStoreBrowseComboboxTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143CB523740 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CB523788 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143CB523A10 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143CB523910 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143CB5239D0 m_Active = table:00000143CB5237D0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CB523848 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_TradingHouse_Browse_GamepadListScrollZO_GamepadGuildStoreBrowseComboboxTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143CB515910 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadGuildStoreBrowseComboboxTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143CB5236F8 ZO_GamepadGuildStoreBrowseSliderTemplate = table:00000143CB524390 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false pool = table:00000143CB524240 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CB524288 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CB5242D0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_TradingHouse_Browse_GamepadListScrollZO_GamepadGuildStoreBrowseSliderTemplate parent = userdata:00000143CB515910 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadGuildStoreBrowseSliderTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143CB5241F8 ZO_GamepadPriceSelectorTemplate = table:00000143CB5241B0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false pool = table:00000143CB524068 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CB5240B0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CB5240F8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_TradingHouse_Browse_GamepadListScrollZO_GamepadPriceSelectorTemplate parent = userdata:00000143CB515910 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPriceSelectorTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143CB524020 ZO_GamepadPriceSelectorTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143CB523D48 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CB523D90 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143CB523FE0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143CB523EE0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143CB523FA0 m_Active = table:00000143CB523DD8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CB523E20 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_TradingHouse_Browse_GamepadListScrollZO_GamepadPriceSelectorTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143CB515910 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPriceSelectorTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143CB523CB0 ZO_Gamepad_Dropdown_Item_FullWidth = table:00000143CB523C10 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false pool = table:00000143CB523A98 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CB523AE0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CB523B58 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_TradingHouse_Browse_GamepadListScrollZO_Gamepad_Dropdown_Item_FullWidth parent = userdata:00000143CB515910 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_Gamepad_Dropdown_Item_FullWidth setupFunction() = function:00000143CB523A50 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB522DB0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143CB523120 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143CB515A10 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143CB523350 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CB5233E0 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143CB523308 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CB523398 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143CB515910 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143CB523428 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143CB5232C0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143CB523500 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143CB523470 firstTable keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143CB5244A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB524530 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB524578 enabled() = function:00000143CB524420 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:00000143CB5245C0 2 = table:00000143CB524608 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB524650 enabled() = function:00000143CB524420 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Submit sound = Console_Menu_Forward 3 = table:00000143CB524698 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB524708 enabled() = function:00000143CB523C58 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Guild visible() = function:00000143CB524750 4 = table:00000143CB5247C8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB524838 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_STICK name = Reset Search 5 = table:000001431E0CC588 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431E0CC548 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1000 6 = table:00000143CB5244E8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB524908 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 7 = table:00000143CB5249D0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB524A18 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 listControl = userdata:00000143CB515890 (meta 00000143CB522E40} priceSelectorKeybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143CB524AF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB524BE0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143CB524B98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1000 2 = table:00000143CB524C28 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB524D60 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:00000143CB524D18 alignment = 1 dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB524E20 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_MANAGER = table:00000143CB515718 (meta 00000143CB5152C0} firstTable firstMeta GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_RESULTS = table:00000143A35F5858 (meta 00000143A35E8718} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143A35E9918 (meta 0000014308326048} currentTimePriceKey = price eventCallbacks = table:00000143A35F6B80 firstTable 131541() = function:00000143A35F6BC8 131542() = function:00000143A35F6C78 131546() = function:00000143A35F6CC0 footer = table:00000143A35F7540 firstTable control = userdata:00000143A35F56A0 (meta 000001430831E750} nextButton = userdata:00000143A35F5848 (meta 0000014308331CA0} pageNumberLabel = userdata:00000143A35F5730 (meta 00000143083425C0} previousButton = userdata:00000143A35F57C0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} fragment = table:00000143A35F7630 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A35F76C0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A35F7748 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143A35F7858 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143A35F78A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A35F78E8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A35F77D8 3 = false control = userdata:00000143A35E9918 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A35F7678 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden guildItemsCachedForDisplay = table:00000143A35F74F8 firstTable initialSortKey = price itemList = table:00000143A35F5F98 (meta 0000014405F90F70} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143A35F6E10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A35F6EC0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143A35F5AD8 enabled() = function:00000143A35F6D88 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Sort 2 = table:00000143A35F6F08 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143A35F6F50 enabled() = function:00000143A35F6F98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Select 3 = table:00000143A35F6FE8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143A35F7078 enabled() = function:00000143A35F6D88 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_STICK name() = function:00000143A35F7030 4 = table:00000143A35F70D0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143A35F7158 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_STICK name() = function:00000143A35F7118 visible() = function:00000143A35F71A0 5 = table:00000143A35F71E8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A35F7230 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 6 = table:00000143A35F7278 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A35F7368 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER 7 = table:00000143A35F73F8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143A35F73B0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 alignment = 1 listControl = userdata:00000143A35E9A20 (meta 00000143A35F6148} sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143A35F58D0 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143A35F5938 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143A35F5CF8 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:00000143A35F5D40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A35F5D88 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A35F5C78 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143A35F5948 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:00000143A35F4D50 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143A35F5BD8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} showArrows = true sortDirection = false sortHeaders = table:00000143A35F5B38 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143A35F4DD8 (meta 00000143A35F5460} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = price sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143A35F58D0 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true sortOptions = table:00000143A35E86D0 firstTable price = 2 time = 1 toggleTimePriceKey = time GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_CREATE_LISTING_FRAGMENT = table:00000143AA405A58 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_FRAGMENT = table:000001431B42A400 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_LISTINGS = table:00000143CDD18DB0 (meta 00000143CDD0CAB8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143CDD0CBD8 (meta 0000014308326048} currentTimePriceKey = time eventCallbacks = table:00000143CDD1A198 firstTable 131541() = function:00000143CDD1A1E0 131546() = function:00000143CDD1A258 fragment = table:00000143CDD1A938 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CDD1A9C8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CDD1AA50 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143CDD1AB60 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CDD1ABA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CDD1ABF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDD1AAE0 3 = false control = userdata:00000143CDD0CBD8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD1A980 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden initialSortKey = time itemList = table:00000143CDD195B8 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143CDD0D450 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143CDD1A058 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143CDD1A0A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CDD1A118 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDD19FD8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143CDD19A88 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CDD0D290 (meta 00000143CDD19768} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143CDD19960 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143CDD195B8 (meta 0000014405F90F70} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143CDD19D90 firstTable dataList = table:00000143CDD19B50 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143CDD19A40 firstTable ZO_TradingHouse_ItemListRow_Gamepad = table:00000143CDD19F68 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CDD19E20 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CDD19E68 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CDD19EB0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadListScrollZO_TradingHouse_ItemListRow_Gamepad parent = userdata:00000143CDD0D310 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_TradingHouse_ItemListRow_Gamepad setupFunction() = function:00000143CDD0CC28 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD19630 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143CDD199F8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143CDD0D480 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143CDD19C28 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CDD19CB8 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143CDD19BE0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CDD19C70 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143CDD0D310 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143CDD19D00 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143CDD19B98 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143CDD19DD8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143CDD19D48 firstTable keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143CDD1A378 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CDD1A408 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143CDD1A450 enabled() = function:00000143CDD1A2F8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Sort sound = TradingHouse_StartSearch 2 = table:00000143CDD1A498 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143CDD1A520 enabled() = function:00000143CDD1A2F8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:00000143CDD1A4E0 visible() = function:00000143CDD1A568 3 = table:00000143CDD1A5B0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143CDD1A5F8 enabled() = function:00000143CDD1A2F8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Guild visible() = function:00000143CDD1A640 4 = table:00000143CDD1A680 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143CDD1A710 enabled() = function:00000143CDD1A2F8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_STICK name() = function:00000143CDD1A6C8 sound = TradingHouse_StartSearch 5 = table:00000143CDD1A758 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 6 = table:00000143CDD1A3C0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CDD19030 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 7 = table:00000143CDD1A898 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CDD1A8E0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER listControl = userdata:00000143CDD0D290 (meta 00000143CDD19768} sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143CDD18E28 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143CDD18E90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143CDD19248 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:00000143CDD19290 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CDD192D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CDD191C8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CDD18EA0 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:00000143CDD18500 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} highlightTemplate = ZO_Gamepad_TradingHouse_Highlight movementController = table:00000143CDD19128 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} showArrows = true sortDirection = false sortHeaders = table:00000143CDD19090 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143CDD18580 (meta 00000143CDD188C0} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = name sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143CDD18E28 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true 2 = userdata:00000143CDD18B00 (meta 00000143CDD18BE0} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = time sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143CDD18E28 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true sortOptions = table:00000143A35D0D88 firstTable name = table:00000143A35D0A70 firstTable name = table:00000143A35D0AB8 firstTable tiebreaker = time time = table:00000143A35D0B30 firstTable price = table:00000143A35D0C80 firstTable name = table:00000143A35D0D40 firstTable price = table:00000143A35D0CC8 firstTable tiebreaker = name time = table:00000143A35D0B78 firstTable name = table:00000143A35D0C38 firstTable time = table:00000143A35D0BC0 firstTable tiebreaker = name toggleTimePriceKey = price GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_SELL = table:00000143CB519DE0 (meta 00000143CB516AF8} GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_SELL_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB51BBC0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB51BC50 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB51BCD8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143CB51BDE8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CB51BE30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB51BE78 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB51BD68 3 = false control = userdata:00000143CB516BE8 (meta 00000143CB519EA0} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143CB519DE0 (meta 00000143CB516AF8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143CB516BE8 (meta 00000143CB519EA0} eventCallbacks = table:00000143CB51B7E8 firstTable fragment = table:00000143CB51BBC0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} itemList = table:00000143CB51A048 (meta 00000144C79C59A8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143CB5185D0 (meta 00000143CB51A4F8} dataByBagAndSlotIndex = table:00000143CB51A1E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB51A290 firstTable inventoryTypes = table:00000143CB51A228 firstTable 1 = 1 isDirty = true itemFilterFunction() = function:00000143CB51B7A8 list = table:00000143CB51A378 (meta 00000143F1192C30} selectedDataCallback() = function:00000143CB519FC8 template = ZO_TradingHouse_ItemListRow_Gamepad triggerKeybinds = table:00000143CB51B078 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB51B0C0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB51B108 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 2 = table:00000143CB51B1D0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB51B2C0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER useTriggers = true keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143CB51B830 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB51B878 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143CB51B900 enabled() = function:00000143CB51B9C8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:00000143CB51B8C0 visible() = function:00000143CB51B980 2 = table:00000143CB51BA08 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143CB51BA78 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Guild visible() = function:00000143CB51BAC0 3 = table:00000143CB51BB00 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 alignment = 1 listControl = userdata:00000143CB5185D0 (meta 00000143CB51A4F8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143CB51A6E0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143CB51A378 (meta 00000143F1192C30} firstTable firstMeta active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143CB518720 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143CB51B4B8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143CB51B500 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB51B578 firstTable centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143CB51A808 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CB5185D0 (meta 00000143CB51A4F8} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143CB51AB10 firstTable dataList = table:00000143CB51A8D0 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143CB51A7C0 firstTable ZO_TradingHouse_ItemListRow_Gamepad = table:00000143CB51ACE8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CB51ABA0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:00000143CB516DE0 ZO_TradingHouse_ItemListRow_GamepadWithHeader = table:00000143CB51AD80 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CB51ADC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:00000143CB516DE0 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB51A3C0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143CB51A778 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143CB5187A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143CB51A9A8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CB51AA38 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143CB51A960 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CB51A9F0 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143CB518650 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143CB51AA80 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143CB51A918 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143CB51AB58 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143CB51AAC8 firstTable messageControl = userdata:00000143CB519DD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} messageControlTextNoGuildPermission = No permission. (The Guild must have 50 members to post to the Guild Store.) messageControlTextNoPlayerPermission = No permission. (Your Guild Rank does not permit posting to the Guild Store.) dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB51BC08 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_TREASURE_MAP_INVENTORY_SCENE = table:000001448F897788 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_TREASURE_MAP_QUICK_SLOT_SCENE = table:000001448F897A18 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GAMEPAD_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 GAMEPAD_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 GAMEPAD_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 GAMEPAD_TYPE_NONE = 0 GAMEPAD_TYPE_PS4 = 2 GAMEPAD_TYPE_XBOX = 1 GAMEPAD_UI_MODE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} GAMEPAD_VENDOR_FRAGMENT = table:000001431D6CD2B8 (meta 0000014457A2F660} GAMEPAD_VENDOR_SCENE = table:00000143E75DDC88 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_DIED = 1 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_FALL_DAMAGE_HIGH = 6 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_FALL_DAMAGE_LOW = 5 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_ITERATION_END = 6 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_KILLED = 0 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_KNOCKED_BACK = 3 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_MAX_VALUE = 6 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_MIN_VALUE = 0 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_STAGGERED = 4 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_STUNNED = 2 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_DESTRUCTION_STAFF = 4 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 5 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 5 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_ONE_HANDED_MELEE = 1 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_RESTORATION_STAFF = 5 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_TWO_HANDED_BOW = 3 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_TWO_HANDED_MELEE = 2 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_UNCATEGORIZED = 0 GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_CHOICE_FRAGMENT = table:00000144C1026888 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144C1026A60 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144C1026AE8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000144C1026F90 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144C1026FD8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C1027020 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C1026F48 3 = false control = userdata:00000143E12C4110 (meta 00000143E12C5440} dirtyEvents = table:00000144C10268D0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_FILTERS = table:00000143C0158A00 (meta 00000143C01577D0} firstTable firstMeta battlegroundPanel = table:00000143B81F4198 (meta 00000143C0157618} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143C0158700 (meta 000001430831E750} list = table:00000143C345E788 (meta 00000143F1192C30} mapFilterType = 4 pinFilterCheckBoxes = table:0000014406383D98 firstTable 1 = table:0000014406392E80 (meta 000001431392FB40} pinFilterOptionComboBoxes = table:0000014406383DE0 firstTable savedVars = table:00000143DB2D2F80 (meta 0000014313B148C8} control = userdata:00000143C01578F0 (meta 0000014308326048} currentPanel = table:00000143E3A2AFC0 (meta 00000143C0156F68} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143C0157D78 (meta 000001430831E750} list = table:00000144BA7AE2B8 (meta 00000143F1192C30} mapFilterType = 1 mapMode = 2 modeVars = table:00000143099D6008 pinFilterCheckBoxes = table:0000014320FEF118 firstTable 1 = table:00000143FE109088 (meta 000001431392FB40} 2 = table:0000014307959B50 (meta 000001431392FB40} 3 = table:00000143FE1090D0 (meta 000001431392FB40} pinFilterOptionComboBoxes = table:0000014320FEF160 firstTable savedVars = table:00000143DB2D2F80 (meta 0000014313B148C8} imperialPvPPanel = table:00000143DD62A9C0 (meta 00000143C01573F0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143C0158398 (meta 000001430831E750} list = table:00000143DAD0D8B0 (meta 00000143F1192C30} mapFilterType = 3 pinFilterCheckBoxes = table:00000143DAD20910 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DAD18C98 (meta 000001431392FB40} 2 = table:00000143A979D7D0 (meta 000001431392FB40} 3 = table:00000143A979DCC0 (meta 000001431392FB40} pinFilterOptionComboBoxes = table:00000143DAD20958 firstTable savedVars = table:00000143DB2D2F80 (meta 0000014313B148C8} keybindStripDescriptorNoSelect = table:00000143C0158BF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C0158C90 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C0158CD8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY 2 = table:00000143C0158DB0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143D1A4ACD8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 alignment = 1 keybindStripDescriptorSelect = table:00000143C0158C40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C0158E78 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C0158F68 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Click 2 = table:00000143C0159058 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143D1A4ACD8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 alignment = 1 pvePanel = table:00000143E3A2AFC0 (meta 00000143C0156F68} pvpPanel = table:0000014313BAC350 (meta 00000143C01571C8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143C0158058 (meta 000001430831E750} list = table:00000143B1D7C110 (meta 00000143F1192C30} mapFilterType = 2 pinFilterCheckBoxes = table:00000143B81F06E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A3887CC8 (meta 000001431392FB40} 2 = table:00000143097A9EA0 (meta 000001431392FB40} 3 = table:000001431D6D1850 (meta 000001431392FB40} 4 = table:00000143AF1D14C0 (meta 000001431392FB40} 5 = table:0000014307959110 (meta 000001431392FB40} 6 = table:00000143ECB53410 (meta 000001431392FB40} 7 = table:000001448F0DA410 (meta 000001431392FB40} 8 = table:00000144BF60D468 (meta 000001431392FB40} 9 = table:00000143E7FCEA98 (meta 000001431392FB40} pinFilterOptionComboBoxes = table:00000143B81F0728 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ECFF9868 (meta 000001431392FB40} savedVars = table:00000143DB2D2F80 (meta 0000014313B148C8} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_FILTERS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143C0158E28 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143C0158D58 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143C01591A8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143C01592B8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143C0159300 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C0159348 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C0159238 3 = false control = userdata:00000143C01578F0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143C0159128 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_HEADER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143A35F2CE0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_HOUSES = table:0000014309892710 (meta 0000014309891DB8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000014309891ED8 (meta 0000014308326048} fragment = table:0000014309893480 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014309893510 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014309893598 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143098936A8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143098936F0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014309893738 firstTable 1() = function:0000014309893628 3 = false control = userdata:0000014309891ED8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143098934C8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143098938E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014309893950 firstTable callback() = function:0000014309893A40 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:0000014309893AC0 2 = table:0000014309893B08 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143D1A4ACD8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 alignment = 1 list = table:0000014309892788 (meta 00000143F1192C30} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:0000014309892608 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:0000014309892C00 firstTable control = userdata:0000014309892458 (meta 0000014309892890} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:0000014309892AD8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:0000014309892788 (meta 00000143F1192C30} dataIndexToControl = table:0000014309892F08 firstTable dataList = table:0000014309892CC8 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000014309892BB8 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 = table:0000014309893138 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014309892FF0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014309893038 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014309893080 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapHouses_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 parent = userdata:00000143098924D8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42WithHeader = table:0000014309893180 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143098931C8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143098933E8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:0000014309893320 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143098933A8 m_Active = table:0000014309893210 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014309893258 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapHouses_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42WithHeader parent = userdata:00000143098924D8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:0000014309892800 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:0000014309892B70 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:0000014309892688 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:0000014309892DA0 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000014309892E30 firstTable prePadding = table:0000014309892D58 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000014309892DE8 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143098924D8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:0000014309892E78 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:0000014309892D10 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:0000014309892F50 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:0000014309892EC0 firstTable listEnabled = true noHousesLabel = userdata:0000014309892700 (meta 00000143083425C0} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_INFO = table:0000014314DD4D80 (meta 00000143D1A4A8C0} firstTable firstMeta baseHeaderData = table:0000014314DD3450 firstTable tabBarEntries = table:0000014314DCE728 control = userdata:00000143D1A4A9E0 (meta 0000014308326048} fragment = table:00000143A4C36890 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} header = userdata:00000143D1A4AE00 (meta 0000014314DD4F38} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:0000014314DD4E50 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D1A4B2B8 (meta 0000014314DD50E0} 10 = userdata:00000143D1A4BEA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000143D1A4C030 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:00000143D1A4BFB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:00000143D1A4C138 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:00000143D1A4C0B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 15 = userdata:00000143D1A4C1B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143D1A4AEC0 (meta 00000143D1A4B100} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143D1A4AED0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D1A4AF50 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143D1A4AFC8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143D1A4B040 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:00000143D1A4AE30 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:00000143D1A4B3C8 (meta 000001430831E750} 6 = userdata:00000143D1A4B6A8 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:00000143D1A4BE20 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000143D1A4BDA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000143D1A4BF28 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 1 tabBar = table:0000014314DD4FD8 (meta 0000014405F8D010} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = false callbackRegistry = table:0000014314DD3498 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:0000014314DD34E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314DD3558 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C358BFC8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:0000014314DD5C78 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D1A4B2B8 (meta 0000014314DD50E0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:0000014314DD58C8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:0000014314DD4FD8 (meta 0000014405F8D010} dataIndexToControl = table:0000014314DD3818 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E12BB5C0 (meta 00000143E12BE530} dataList = table:0000014314DD35D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314DD2F40 2 = table:0000014314DD30A0 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314DD3140 text = Locations 3 = table:0000014314DD3190 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314DD3230 text = Filters 4 = table:0000014314DD32B8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314DD3358 text = Houses dataTypes = table:0000014314DD5C30 firstTable ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate = table:0000014314DCE6E0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014314DCE608 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014314DD38A8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E12BB5C0 (meta 00000143E12BE530} firstMeta firstIndex m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014314DCE698 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate parent = userdata:00000143D1A4B340 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143C358AFC8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014314DD5050 firstTable enabled = true entryAnchors = table:00000143D6A53E50 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 hideUnselectedControls = true isMoving = false jumping = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:0000014314DCE2C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314DCE308 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314DCE3F8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_SHOULDER 2 = table:0000014314DCE478 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314DCE568 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_SHOULDER lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 leftIcon = userdata:00000143D1A4B738 (meta 0000014308331CA0} maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = false movementController = table:0000014314DD5960 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 pips = table:00000143E12BE808 (meta 00000143063C3518} firstTable control = userdata:00000143D1A4B858 (meta 000001430831E750} pool = table:00000143E12BE880 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E12BF2D8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E12BE870 (meta 000001430831E750} 2 = userdata:00000143E12BED08 (meta 000001430831E750} 3 = userdata:00000143E12BEEF8 (meta 000001430831E750} 4 = userdata:00000143E12BF130 (meta 000001430831E750} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E12BE940 firstTable m_NextControlId = 4 m_NextFree = 5 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip parent = userdata:00000143D1A4B858 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarPip pipsEnabled = true postPadding = table:0000014314DD36B0 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000014314DD3740 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false prePadding = table:0000014314DD3668 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000014314DD36F8 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false rightIcon = userdata:00000143D1A4B7C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollControl = userdata:00000143D1A4B340 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:0000014314DD3788 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 selectedData = table:0000014314DD2F40 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314DD2FE0 canSelect = true text = Quests selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:0000014314DD3620 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate 2 = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate 3 = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate 4 = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate universalPostPadding = 0 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:0000014314DD3860 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:0000014314DD37D0 firstTable userdata = 00000143E12BB5C0 = true tabBarEntries = table:0000014314DCE728 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314DD2F40 2 = table:0000014314DD30A0 3 = table:0000014314DD3190 4 = table:0000014314DD32B8 usesRightSideContent = true GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_INFO_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E12BF368 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143063C3668 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014314DD2F88 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E12BF518 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E12BF560 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E12BF5A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E12BF498 3 = false control = userdata:00000143D1A4A9E0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E12BF3E0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEEP_INFO = table:0000014368A031A0 (meta 00000143CFE4F238} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEEP_INFO_FRAGMENT = table:00000143609B2558 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEEP_SUMMARY = table:00000143F5B93EE0 (meta 00000143C7B953B0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143C7B954D0 (meta 0000014308326048} fragment = table:00000143F5B94030 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} rowLayout = ZO_WorldMapKeepSummaryRow_Gamepad rowPool = table:00000143F8B92230 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143F8BA3610 m_Active = table:00000143F8BA1BD8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F8BA3188 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapKeepSummary_GamepadUpgradeRow parent = userdata:00000143C7B954D0 (meta 0000014308326048} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeepSummaryRow_Gamepad GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEEP_UPGRADE = table:000001439F496E10 (meta 00000143B821A628} firstTable firstMeta barControl = userdata:00000144C2578F50 (meta 00000143E3466E48} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143CBF72B08 (meta 0000014308340698} barLabel = userdata:00000143A4C384A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} buttonLayout = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeButton_Gamepad buttonPool = table:00000143F0617E10 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000144D545BAE8 m_Active = table:00000143F0617F78 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143C0264D38 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgrade_GamepadUpgradeButton parent = userdata:00000143A0A6EE18 (meta 0000014308326048} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeButton_Gamepad control = userdata:00000143A0A6EE18 (meta 0000014308326048} currentLevelLabel = userdata:000001431D66DE80 (meta 00000143083425C0} directionalMovementSound = Horizontal_List_Item_Selected focusX = 1 focusY = 1 fragment = table:00000143F4558B80 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143B8225B60 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143FB9FC630 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143CCAF9390 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D61812F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B822E510 firstTable 1() = function:000001431C477978 3 = false control = userdata:00000143A0A6EE18 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A04E7E40 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden horizontalMovementController = table:00000144CCF78360 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 levelLayout = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeLevel_Gamepad levelPool = table:00000143609CCA28 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143C0271CD8 m_Active = table:00000143609CA278 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001439FAD60B8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgrade_GamepadUpgradeLevel parent = userdata:00000143A0A6EE18 (meta 0000014308326048} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeLevel_Gamepad rowMajor = true scrollTooltip = userdata:00000143E3461FD8 (meta 00000143F4569AA0} firstMeta firstIndex AddMoney() = function:00000143EA774E50 AppendAvAObjective() = function:00000143EA774C10 AppendMapPing() = function:00000143EA7735B8 AppendQuestCondition() = function:00000143EA771030 AppendQuestEnding() = function:00000143EA76EA48 AppendUnitName() = function:000001431B70DCE8 AppendWayshrineTooltip() = function:00000143E03A4C00 ClearLines() = function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutGroupHeader() = function:00000143EA76BBE8 LayoutIconStringLine() = function:00000143F76E5428 LayoutIconStringRightStringLine() = function:00000143EA76B940 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutKeepUpgrade() = function:00000143E03A4DD0 LayoutLargeIconStringLine() = function:00000143EA776388 LayoutStringLine() = function:00000143EA779FC0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 animation = userdata:00000143EA54E6D8 (meta 00000143F0616160} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143E3461FD8 (meta 00000143F4569AA0} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:00000143E3462008 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:00000143DFA5A930 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000143DFA59880 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:00000143609C83E8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} tooltip = userdata:00000143DFA5A9D0 (meta 00000144CCF78BD8} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:00000143DFA588E0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143B4BFACB0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143DFA5A048 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:00000143DFA5AA78 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true innerSecondaryDimension = 375 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:00000143DFA54AC0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143C025BEA8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143DFA56B60 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 32 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 32 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 375 sectionPool = table:0000014314B77670 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143B4C00A20 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014314B79AD0 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:00000143DFA58B98 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143E4C55D08 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000144C1033EE0 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:00000143E3466DC8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001439DB31CD0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014314B67830 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:0000014314B745F0 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143F31809A0 styles = table:00000143C0173370 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DA05330 firstTable childSpacing = 10 fontColorField = 1 fontColorType = 14 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_MEDIUM_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_27) fontStyle = soft-shadow-thick paddingTop = 32 width = 375 texturePool = table:00000143DFA56D40 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143EA53B9F8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143DFA579B8 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} vertical = true useFadeGradient = true selector = userdata:00000143E3461E50 (meta 000001430831E750} sideContent = userdata:00000143E3461F50 (meta 000001430831E750} symbolParams = table:000001439EAB4580 firstTable FIRST_SECTION_OFFSET_X = 39 FIRST_SECTION_OFFSET_Y = 50 SYMBOL_PADDING_X = 10 SYMBOL_PADDING_Y = 0 SYMBOL_SECTION_OFFSET_X = 0 SYMBOL_SECTION_OFFSET_Y = 20 timeContainer = userdata:00000143D6189018 (meta 000001430831E750} timeUntilNextLevelLabel = userdata:000001439DBF50F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} verticalMovementController = table:00000143210B15F0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEY = table:00000143098A79F0 (meta 00000143098A5BF0} firstTable firstMeta columns = table:00000143098A7B90 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143098A7C40 (meta 000001430831E750} 2 = userdata:00000143098A7CD8 (meta 000001430831E750} 3 = userdata:00000143098A7D78 (meta 000001430831E750} 4 = userdata:00000143098A7E38 (meta 000001430831E750} control = userdata:00000143098A5D10 (meta 0000014308326048} directionalMovementSound = Horizontal_List_Item_Selected dirty = true focusX = 1 focusY = 1 fragment = table:00000143098A82C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143098A8388 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143098A8410 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143098A8520 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143098A8568 firstTable 1 = table:00000143098A85B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143098A84A0 3 = false control = userdata:00000143098A5D10 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143098A8340 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden headerPool = table:00000143098A8018 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143098A7E48 m_Active = table:00000143098A8060 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143098A80A8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapKey_GamepadMainHeader parent = userdata:00000143098A7968 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryHeaderTemplate horizontalMovementController = table:00000143098A7A80 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143098A8138 firstTable 1 = table:00000143098A8180 firstTable callback() = function:00000143098A81F0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Close sound = Console_Menu_Back 2 = table:00000143098A8238 firstTable callback() = function:00000143098A8280 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_STICK sound = Console_Menu_Back alignment = 1 noKeyLabel = userdata:00000143098A79E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} scrollTargetPos = 0 symbolParams = table:00000143098A5BA8 firstTable HEADER_OFFSET_X = 69 HEADER_OFFSET_Y = 70 MAX_SYMBOLS_PER_COLUMN = 7 SYMBOL_OFFSET_Y = 25 TARGET_SECTIONS_PER_COLUMN = 2 TARGET_SYMBOLS_PER_COLUMN = 6 symbolPool = table:00000143098A7EC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143098A7E48 m_Active = table:00000143098A7F10 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143098A7F88 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapKey_GamepadMainSymbol parent = userdata:00000143098A7968 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeySymbol_Gamepad verticalMovementController = table:00000143098A7A38 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEY_COLUMN_WIDTH = 420 GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEY_FRAGMENT = table:00000143098A82C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_LOCATIONS = table:00000143CFE4ADC0 (meta 00000143CFE47A30} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143CFE47B50 (meta 0000014308326048} data = table:00000143D1A56B30 (meta 00000143D1A50BE0} hasLocationInfo = true keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143F5B92648 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5B926C0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F5B92708 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:00000143F5B92750 2 = table:00000143F5B92798 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143D1A4ACD8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 alignment = 1 list = table:00000143CFE4B1A8 (meta 00000143F1192C30} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143CFE4ABA0 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143CFE4B648 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CFE4A9E0 (meta 00000143CFE4B328} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143CFE4B520 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143CFE4B1A8 (meta 00000143F1192C30} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143CFE4BF80 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001447352E1C0 (meta 00000143CFE50790} 10 = userdata:00000143F5B8D000 (meta 00000143F5B8E8C8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 10 highlight = userdata:00000143F5B8E6D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143F5B8E618 (meta 00000143F5B8E7E0} key = 10 label = userdata:00000143F5B8E568 (meta 00000143F5B90E40} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143F5B8E788 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 2 = userdata:00000143CFE4FB50 (meta 00000143CFE50008} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 2 highlight = userdata:00000143CFE4FE10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143CFE4FD58 (meta 00000143CFE4FF20} key = 2 label = userdata:00000143CFE4FCB0 (meta 00000143CFE491F8} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143CFE4FEC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 3 = userdata:00000143CFE49330 (meta 0000014368A03820} 4 = userdata:0000014368A04B10 (meta 0000014368A04FC8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 4 highlight = userdata:0000014368A04DD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:0000014368A04D18 (meta 0000014368A04EE0} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 4 label = userdata:0000014368A04C70 (meta 0000014368A06118} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:0000014368A04E88 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 5 = userdata:0000014368A06280 (meta 0000014368A06738} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 5 highlight = userdata:0000014368A06540 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:0000014368A06488 (meta 0000014368A06650} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 5 label = userdata:0000014368A063E0 (meta 0000014368A078F0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:0000014368A065F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 6 = userdata:0000014368A07A58 (meta 0000014368A07E88} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 6 highlight = userdata:0000014368A07C90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:0000014368A07C60 (meta 0000014368A07DA0} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 6 label = userdata:0000014368A07BB8 (meta 0000014368A08F30} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:0000014368A07D48 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 7 = userdata:0000014368A09098 (meta 0000014368A09550} 8 = userdata:0000014368A039E0 (meta 00000143689FFF90} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 8 highlight = userdata:0000014368A02158 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:0000014368A09A98 (meta 0000014368A02268} key = 8 label = userdata:0000014368A0A860 (meta 0000014368A02B58} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:0000014368A02210 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 9 = userdata:0000014368A02BC0 (meta 0000014368A03078} dataList = table:00000143CFE4BD40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE4C058 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A57930 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Alik'r Desert 10 = table:00000143CFE4C810 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A585F8 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Cyrodiil 11 = table:00000143CFE4C858 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A58098 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Deshaan 12 = table:00000143CFE4C8A0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A584A0 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Eastmarch 13 = table:00000143CFE4C8E8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A57370 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Glenumbra 14 = table:00000143CFE4C930 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A59FC0 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Gold Coast 15 = table:00000143CFE4C978 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A57BE0 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Grahtwood 16 = table:00000143CFE4C9C0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A589A0 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Greenshade 17 = table:00000143CFE4CA08 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A59D78 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Hew's Bane 18 = table:00000143CFE4D7C8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A59860 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Imperial City 19 = table:00000143CFE4D958 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A59058 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Khenarthi's Roost 2 = table:00000143CFE4C160 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A58750 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Auridon 20 = table:00000143CFE4DAE8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A57DE8 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Malabal Tor 21 = table:00000143CFE4DC78 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A58AF8 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Reaper's March 22 = table:00000143CFE4DE08 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A574C8 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Rivenspire 23 = table:00000143CFE4DF98 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A57F40 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Shadowfen 24 = table:00000143CFE4E128 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A581F0 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Stonefalls 25 = table:00000143CFE4E2B8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A577D8 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Stormhaven 26 = table:00000143CFE4E448 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A58DA8 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Stros M'Kai 27 = table:00000143CFE4E5D8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A56FB8 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Tamriel 28 = table:00000143CFE4E768 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A595B0 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = The Aurbis 29 = table:00000143CFE4E8F8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A58348 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = The Rift 3 = table:00000143CFE4C298 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A58C50 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Bal Foyen 30 = table:00000143CFE4EA88 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A5A1F8 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Vvardenfell 31 = table:00000143CFE4EC18 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A59AF8 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Wrothgar 4 = table:00000143CFE4C248 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A57A88 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Bangkorai 5 = table:00000143CFE4C448 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A58F00 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Betnikh 6 = table:00000143CFE4C400 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A591E8 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Bleakrock Isle 7 = table:00000143CFE4C738 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A5A450 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Clockwork City 8 = table:00000143CFE4C780 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A59370 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Coldharbour 9 = table:00000143CFE4C7C8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143D1A59708 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Craglorn dataTypes = table:00000143CFE4B600 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 = table:00000143CFE4BBB0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CFE4BA60 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CFE4C010 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001447352E1C0 (meta 00000143CFE50790} 10 = userdata:00000143F5B8D000 (meta 00000143F5B8E8C8} 2 = userdata:00000143CFE4FB50 (meta 00000143CFE50008} 3 = userdata:00000143CFE49330 (meta 0000014368A03820} 4 = userdata:0000014368A04B10 (meta 0000014368A04FC8} 5 = userdata:0000014368A06280 (meta 0000014368A06738} 6 = userdata:0000014368A07A58 (meta 0000014368A07E88} 7 = userdata:0000014368A09098 (meta 0000014368A09550} 8 = userdata:0000014368A039E0 (meta 00000143689FFF90} 9 = userdata:0000014368A02BC0 (meta 0000014368A03078} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CFE4BAF0 firstTable 11 = userdata:00000143F5B90FA8 (meta 00000143F5B91420} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 11 highlight = userdata:00000143F5B91270 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143F5B911B8 (meta 00000143F5B91380} key = 11 label = userdata:00000143F5B91108 (meta 00000143F5B924E8} firstMeta firstIndex numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143F5B91328 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 m_NextControlId = 11 m_NextFree = 12 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 parent = userdata:00000143CFE4AA60 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 setupFunction() = function:00000143CFE4B9E0 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143CFE4B1F0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143CFE4B5B8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143CFE4AC28 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143CFE4BE18 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 11 = false 12 = false 13 = false 14 = false 15 = false 16 = false 17 = false 18 = false 19 = false 2 = false 20 = false 21 = false 22 = false 23 = false 24 = false 25 = false 26 = false 27 = false 28 = false 29 = false 3 = false 30 = false 31 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false 9 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CFE4BEA8 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 11 = false 12 = false 13 = false 14 = false 15 = false 16 = false 17 = false 18 = false 19 = false 2 = false 20 = false 21 = false 22 = false 23 = false 24 = false 25 = false 26 = false 27 = false 28 = false 29 = false 3 = false 30 = false 31 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false 9 = false prePadding = table:00000143CFE4BDD0 firstTable 1 = 0 10 = 0 11 = 0 12 = 0 13 = 0 14 = 0 15 = 0 16 = 0 17 = 0 18 = 0 19 = 0 2 = 0 20 = 0 21 = 0 22 = 0 23 = 0 24 = 0 25 = 0 26 = 0 27 = 0 28 = 0 29 = 0 3 = 0 30 = 0 31 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = 0 8 = 0 9 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CFE4BE60 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 11 = false 12 = false 13 = false 14 = false 15 = false 16 = false 17 = false 18 = false 19 = false 2 = false 20 = false 21 = false 22 = false 23 = false 24 = false 25 = false 26 = false 27 = false 28 = false 29 = false 3 = false 30 = false 31 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false 9 = false scrollControl = userdata:00000143CFE4AA60 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143CFE4BEF0 firstTable 1 = 0 10 = 0 11 = 0 12 = 0 13 = 0 14 = 0 15 = 0 16 = 0 17 = 0 18 = 0 19 = 0 2 = 0 20 = 0 21 = 0 22 = 0 23 = 0 24 = 0 25 = 0 26 = 0 27 = 0 28 = 0 29 = 0 3 = 0 30 = 0 31 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = 0 8 = 0 9 = 0 selectedData = table:00000143CFE4C058 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:00000143CFE4BD88 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 10 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 11 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 12 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 13 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 14 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 15 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 16 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 17 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 18 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 19 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 2 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 20 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 21 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 22 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 23 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 24 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 25 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 26 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 27 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 28 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 29 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 3 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 30 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 31 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 4 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 5 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 6 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 7 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 8 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 9 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143CFE4BF38 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143CFE4BFC8 firstTable userdata = 0000014368A02BC0 = true 0000014368A039E0 = true 0000014368A04B10 = true 0000014368A06280 = true 0000014368A07A58 = true 0000014368A09098 = true 00000143CFE49330 = true 00000143CFE4FB50 = true 00000143F5B8D000 = true 000001447352E1C0 = true listDisabled = false selectedData = table:00000143CFE4C058 (meta 000001431392FB40} showingTooltips = false sideContent = userdata:00000143CFE4ACA8 (meta 000001430831E750} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_LOCATIONS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F5B92810 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143F5B928A0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F5B928F0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143F5B929C8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143F5B92A10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5B92A58 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5B92980 3 = false control = userdata:00000143CFE47B50 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F5B92858 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_QUESTS = table:00000143F5B89D88 (meta 00000143F8BABA18} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143F8B919B8 (meta 0000014308326048} data = table:00000143F8BA40B8 (meta 00000143F5B963A0} entriesByIndex = table:00000143A4C36110 firstTable keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143A4C36158 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A4C361D0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A4C362C0 enabled() = function:00000143A4C36340 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Set Active Quest 2 = table:00000143A4C36388 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143D1A4ACD8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:00000143A4C36548 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A4C36638 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:00000143A4C36700 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A4C367F0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 noQuestsLabel = userdata:00000143F5B89D78 (meta 00000143083425C0} questList = table:00000143F5B89DD0 (meta 00000143F1192C30} scrollTooltip = userdata:00000143F8BA28A8 (meta 00000143F5B8C1F8} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_QUESTS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143A4C36890 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A4C36B68 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A4C36BF0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143A4C37098 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143A4C370E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A4C37128 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A4C37050 3 = false control = userdata:00000143F8B919B8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A4C368D8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_SCENE = table:00000143E12C1CC0 (meta 0000014368607700} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_FRAGMENT = table:00000143214B70B0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143214B73B8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143214B7440 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C10263B8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143214B7128 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAME_CREDITS_ENTRY_TYPE_BACKGROUND_SWITCH = 5 GAME_CREDITS_ENTRY_TYPE_COMPANY_LOGO = 4 GAME_CREDITS_ENTRY_TYPE_DEPARTMENT_HEADER = 0 GAME_CREDITS_ENTRY_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GAME_CREDITS_ENTRY_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 6 GAME_CREDITS_ENTRY_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 6 GAME_CREDITS_ENTRY_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 GAME_CREDITS_ENTRY_TYPE_PADDING_SECTION = 6 GAME_CREDITS_ENTRY_TYPE_SECTION_HEADER = 1 GAME_CREDITS_ENTRY_TYPE_SECTION_TEXT = 2 GAME_CREDITS_ENTRY_TYPE_SECTION_TEXT_BLOCK = 3 GAME_MENU_SCENE = table:00000143B4BCF5B8 (meta 0000014368607700} GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_BOTH = 3 GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_BUTTON = 2 GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_STICK = 1 GAMMA_SCENE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143063BF260 (meta 00000143E30A5F90} GAMPEAD_AVA_RANK_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F28D8BC8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GEMIFIABLE_FILTER_TYPE_ALL = 0 GEMIFIABLE_FILTER_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GEMIFIABLE_FILTER_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 0 GEMIFIABLE_FILTER_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 0 GEMIFIABLE_FILTER_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 GENDER_FEMALE = 1 GENDER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GENDER_ITERATION_END = 2 GENDER_MALE = 2 GENDER_MAX_VALUE = 2 GENDER_MIN_VALUE = 0 GENDER_NEUTER = 0 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED = 329 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_AUTH_FAILED = 201 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_AUTH_LOCKED = 207 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_AUTH_OTP_FAILED = 205 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_AUTH_OTP_LOCKED = 206 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_AUTH_OTP_TIMEOUT = 204 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_AUTH_TIMEOUT = 200 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_CHARACTER_LIST_TIMEOUT = 400 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_DBW_TRANSFER_FAILED_0 = 319 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_DBW_TRANSFER_FAILED_1 = 320 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_DBW_TRANSFER_FAILED_2 = 321 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_DBW_TRANSFER_FAILED_3 = 322 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_DBW_TRANSFER_FAILED_4 = 323 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_DBW_TRANSFER_FAILED_5 = 324 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_GLOBBY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FAILURE = 331 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_GLOBBY_OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED = 301 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_GLOBBY_PENDING_SESSION = 317 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_ITERATION_END = 400 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_ACCOUNT_NAME_MISMATCH = 313 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_AFK = 308 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_ANOTHER_LOGIN = 304 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_BANDWIDTH_CAP = 311 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_BOOTED = 307 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_CHARACTER_LOCKED = 326 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_CHARACTER_RENAME_NEEDED = 327 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_CHAR_STILL_IN_GAME = 332 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_DEV_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_THAT_IP = 330 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_FAILED_VALIDATION = 333 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_INVALID_SESSION_ID = 312 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_LOST_CONNECT = 302 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_MESSAGE_RATE_LIMIT = 318 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED = 315 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_OPEN_EDIT_CONNECT_FAILED = 316 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_PLAYER_NOT_ENTITLED = 328 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_REALM_SHUTDOWN = 306 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_SERVER_DATA_NOT_READY = 314 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_TIMED_OUT = 303 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_TRANSFER_FAILED = 310 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_UNVERIFIED_PROTOCOL = 305 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_WORLD_PERMISSIONS = 325 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOBBY_WRONG_IP = 309 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOGIN_CANCEL_FAILED = 203 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOGIN_CANCEL_TIMEOUT = 202 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOST_HEARTBEAT = 335 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_LOST_LOBBY_CONNECTION = 334 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_MAX_VALUE = 400 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_NO_ERROR = 0 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_PLATFORM_REALM_DIR_FAILED = 101 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_PLATFORM_REALM_DIR_TIMEOUT = 100 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_PLATFORM_REALM_LOGIN_STATE_UNEXPECTED = 108 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_PLATFORM_REALM_RESERVATION_FAILED = 103 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_PLATFORM_REALM_RESERVATION_NOT_ENTITLED = 110 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_PLATFORM_REALM_RESERVATION_SERVER_DOWN = 109 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_PLATFORM_REALM_RESERVATION_SERVER_FULL = 104 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_PLATFORM_REALM_RESERVATION_SERVER_INFO_OUTDATED = 105 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_PLATFORM_REALM_RESERVATION_TIMEOUT = 102 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_PLATFORM_REALM_SERVICES_RATE_EXCEEDED = 106 GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_PLATFORM_REALM_SERVICES_USER_RATE_EXCEEDED = 107 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_CUSTOM = 7 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_HIGH = 3 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_ITERATION_END = 10 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_LOW = 1 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_MAX_VALUE = 10 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_MEDIUM = 2 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_MINIMUM = 0 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_MIN_VALUE = 0 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_PS4 = 5 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_PS4PLUS1080P = 8 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_PS4PLUS4K = 9 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_SCORPIO = 10 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_ULTRA = 4 GRAPHICS_PRESETS_XB1 = 6 GRAPHICS_SETTING_ALPHA = 12 GRAPHICS_SETTING_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION = 33 GRAPHICS_SETTING_ANAGLYPH = 38 GRAPHICS_SETTING_ANTI_ALIASING = 34 GRAPHICS_SETTING_BLOOM = 24 GRAPHICS_SETTING_CHARACTER_LIGHTING = 10 GRAPHICS_SETTING_CLUTTER_2D = 46 GRAPHICS_SETTING_COLOR_CORRECTION = 28 GRAPHICS_SETTING_COLOR_GRADING = 60 GRAPHICS_SETTING_COLOR_PICKER = 39 GRAPHICS_SETTING_CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY = 68 GRAPHICS_SETTING_CUBE_LIGHTING = 8 GRAPHICS_SETTING_DEPTH_OF_FIELD = 23 GRAPHICS_SETTING_DETAIL_MAPS = 5 GRAPHICS_SETTING_DIFFUSE_2_MAPS = 6 GRAPHICS_SETTING_DIFFUSE_MAPS = 2 GRAPHICS_SETTING_DISTORTION = 22 GRAPHICS_SETTING_DQ_SKINNING = 36 GRAPHICS_SETTING_DRAW_BAD_FIXTURES = 18 GRAPHICS_SETTING_FADER = 29 GRAPHICS_SETTING_FOG = 40 GRAPHICS_SETTING_FRESNEL = 7 GRAPHICS_SETTING_FULLSCREEN = 26 GRAPHICS_SETTING_GAMMA_ADJUSTMENT = 58 GRAPHICS_SETTING_GLOW = 13 GRAPHICS_SETTING_GOD_RAYS = 35 GRAPHICS_SETTING_GRAPHICS_DEBUG_VIEW = 31 GRAPHICS_SETTING_GRAY_DIFFUSE = 15 GRAPHICS_SETTING_HDR_BRIGHTNESS = 69 GRAPHICS_SETTING_HIGH_RESOLUTION_SHADOWS = 53 GRAPHICS_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GRAPHICS_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 70 GRAPHICS_SETTING_LENS_FLARE = 41 GRAPHICS_SETTING_MAX_ANISOTROPY = 30 GRAPHICS_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 70 GRAPHICS_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 GRAPHICS_SETTING_MIP_LOAD_SKIP_LEVELS = 19 GRAPHICS_SETTING_MULTI_GPU_CHECK = 63 GRAPHICS_SETTING_NORMAL_MAPS = 4 GRAPHICS_SETTING_NO_CHARACTER_ATLAS = 51 GRAPHICS_SETTING_OCCLUSION_QUERIES = 21 GRAPHICS_SETTING_PARTICLE_DENSITY = 48 GRAPHICS_SETTING_PFX_GLOBAL_MAXIMUM = 66 GRAPHICS_SETTING_PFX_SUPPRESS_DISTANCE = 65 GRAPHICS_SETTING_POINT_SAMPLING = 56 GRAPHICS_SETTING_POST_PROCESS_PANELS = 32 GRAPHICS_SETTING_PRESETS = 25 GRAPHICS_SETTING_RAIN_WETNESS = 42 GRAPHICS_SETTING_REFLECTION_QUALITY = 37 GRAPHICS_SETTING_RESOLUTION = 49 GRAPHICS_SETTING_SCREEN_PERCENTAGE = 43 GRAPHICS_SETTING_SHADOWS = 0 GRAPHICS_SETTING_SHOW_ADDITIONAL_ALLY_EFFECTS = 70 GRAPHICS_SETTING_SHOW_ART_METRICS = 17 GRAPHICS_SETTING_SIMPLE_SHADERS = 44 GRAPHICS_SETTING_SKINNING = 14 GRAPHICS_SETTING_SOFT_ALPHA = 59 GRAPHICS_SETTING_SPECULAR_MAPS = 3 GRAPHICS_SETTING_SUB_SAMPLING = 45 GRAPHICS_SETTING_SUN_LIGHTING = 9 GRAPHICS_SETTING_SYS_GPU_RESERVATION = 67 GRAPHICS_SETTING_TEXTURE_POOLING = 52 GRAPHICS_SETTING_TINT_MAPS = 57 GRAPHICS_SETTING_TONE_MAPPING = 62 GRAPHICS_SETTING_VERTEX_COLORS = 11 GRAPHICS_SETTING_VIEW_DISTANCE = 1 GRAPHICS_SETTING_VIEW_SHADER_CHANNEL = 47 GRAPHICS_SETTING_VSYNC = 27 GRAPHICS_SETTING_VSYNC_INTERVAL = 64 GRAPHICS_SETTING_WATERMARK = 54 GRAPHICS_SETTING_WATER_FOAM = 16 GRAPHICS_SETTING_WEAPONS_IN_ATLAS = 55 GRAPHICS_SETTING_WINDOW_PROJECTORS = 61 GRAPHICS_SETTING_WIREFRAME = 20 GRAPHICS_SETTING_Z_PREPASS = 50 GROUP_CENTER_INFO_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB538758 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CB5387E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143CB538870 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB5387A0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GROUP_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_REASON_IN_DUNGEON = 3 GROUP_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_REASON_IN_LFG_GROUP = 4 GROUP_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GROUP_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_REASON_ITERATION_END = 5 GROUP_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 5 GROUP_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 GROUP_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_REASON_NOT_GROUP_LEADER = 2 GROUP_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_REASON_NOT_UNLOCKED = 1 GROUP_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_REASON_NO_UNIT = 5 GROUP_DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_REASON_SUCCESS = 0 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_ALREADY_VOTED = 11 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_ANOTHER_IN_PROGRESS = 5 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_INITIATOR_CANNOT_VOTE = 10 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_INITIATOR_NOT_FOUND = 2 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_IN_BATTLEGROUND = 13 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_ITERATION_END = 13 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_MAX_VALUE = 13 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_MIN_VALUE = 0 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_NONE = 0 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_NOT_GROUPED = 8 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_NO_CURRENT_ELECTION = 9 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_SAME_INITIATOR_AND_TARGET = 6 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_SERVER_ERROR = 1 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_TARGET_NOT_FOUND = 3 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_TOO_FEW_MEMBERS = 7 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_TOO_SOON = 12 GROUP_ELECTION_FAILURE_UNKNOWN_CHOICE = 4 GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_ABANDONED = 3 GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_ELECTION_LOST = 5 GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_ELECTION_WON = 4 GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS = 6 GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 6 GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 6 GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_NOT_APPLICABLE = 0 GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_TIED = 2 GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_TIMED_OUT = 1 GROUP_ELECTION_TYPE_GENERIC_SIMPLEMAJORITY = 0 GROUP_ELECTION_TYPE_GENERIC_SUPERMAJORITY = 1 GROUP_ELECTION_TYPE_GENERIC_UNANIMOUS = 2 GROUP_ELECTION_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GROUP_ELECTION_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 4 GROUP_ELECTION_TYPE_KICK_MEMBER = 3 GROUP_ELECTION_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 4 GROUP_ELECTION_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 GROUP_ELECTION_TYPE_NEW_LEADER = 4 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_ACCEPTED = 1 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_ALREADY_GROUPED = 5 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_CANNOT_CREATE_GROUPS = 11 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_CONSIDERING_OTHER = 4 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_DECLINED = 2 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_GENERIC_JOIN_FAILURE = 12 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_GROUP_FULL = 6 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_IGNORED = 3 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_INVITED = 10 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_IN_BATTLEGROUND = 15 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_ITERATION_END = 15 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_MAX_VALUE = 15 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_MIN_VALUE = 0 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_ONLY_LEADER_CAN_INVITE = 8 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_OTHER_ALLIANCE = 9 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND = 0 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_REQUEST_FAIL_ALREADY_GROUPED = 14 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_REQUEST_FAIL_GROUP_FULL = 13 GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE_SELF_INVITE = 7 GROUP_LEAVE_REASON_DESTROYED = 3 GROUP_LEAVE_REASON_DISBAND = 2 GROUP_LEAVE_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GROUP_LEAVE_REASON_ITERATION_END = 4 GROUP_LEAVE_REASON_KICKED = 1 GROUP_LEAVE_REASON_LEFT_BATTLEGROUND = 4 GROUP_LEAVE_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 4 GROUP_LEAVE_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 GROUP_LEAVE_REASON_VOLUNTARY = 0 GROUP_LIST = table:000001439DB2E250 (meta 000001439DB29598} GROUP_LIST_FRAGMENT = table:000001439DB2F320 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GROUP_LIST_GAMEPAD = table:0000014316ACC308 (meta 00000143ED3BB108} firstTable firstMeta automaticallyColorRows = true conditionResults = table:0000014316ACF018 firstTable container = userdata:00000143ED3BB9A0 (meta 000001430831E750} contentHeader = userdata:00000143ED3BB9D0 (meta 0000014316ACD248} contentHeaderData = table:0000014316ACD340 firstTable titleTextAlignment = 1 control = userdata:00000143ED3BB9A0 (meta 000001430831E750} currentSortKey = displayName currentSortOrder = true dialogData = table:0000014316ACFE80 firstTable emptyRow = userdata:0000014316ACA198 (meta 000001430831E750} emptyRowMessage = userdata:0000014316ACA218 (meta 00000143083425C0} emptyText = Invite a player or use an activity finder to organize or join a group. filterDropdown = table:00000143ED3B6518 (meta 0000014316F496C8} filterSwitcher = table:0000014316ACD718 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000143ED3BB9D0 (meta 0000014316ACD248} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:0000014316ACD160 firstTable 10 = userdata:00000143ED3BBDA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000143ED3BBF40 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:00000143ED3BBEB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:00000143ED3BC050 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:00000143ED3BBFC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143ED3BBAF0 (meta 0000014316ACD588} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:0000014316ACD388 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316ACD408 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:0000014316ACD450 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold34 3 = table:0000014316ACD4C8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 3 = userdata:00000143ED3BBC10 (meta 000001430831E750} 4 = userdata:00000143ED3BBA60 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:00000143ED3BBB80 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:00000143ED3BBD20 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000143ED3BBC98 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000143ED3BBE30 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 3 data = table:0000014316ACD760 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316ACD8B8 firstTable activate() = function:0000014316ACD948 callback() = function:0000014316ACD900 canFocus() = function:0000014316ACD9D8 deactivate() = function:0000014316ACD990 highlight = userdata:00000143ED3BC178 (meta 0000014308324730} highlightFadeAnimation = userdata:0000014316ACDAB8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} 2 = table:0000014316ACDFD8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014316ACE020 canFocus() = function:0000014316ACE068 highlight = userdata:0000014316AC9760 (meta 0000014308324730} highlightFadeAnimation = userdata:00000143D5CF11A0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:0000014316ACD6D0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onFocusChangedFunction() = function:0000014316ACE0F0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 filtersFocalArea = table:0000014316ACCD68 (meta 000001434613F5C8} firstTable activateCallback() = function:0000014316ACCCA0 deactivateCallback() = function:0000014316ACCD20 keybindDescriptor = table:0000014316ACE350 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316ACE398 firstTable callback() = function:0000014316ACE488 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select 2 = table:0000014316ACE548 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:0000014316ACE508 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:0000014316ACEA50 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:0000014316ACEB80 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_STICK name() = function:0000014316ACEB40 alignment = 1 manager = table:0000014316ACC308 (meta 00000143ED3BB108} nextFocus = table:0000014316ACCE40 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} firstTable activateCallback() = function:0000014316ACCDB0 deactivateCallback() = function:0000014316ACCDF8 keybindDescriptor = table:0000014316ACE590 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316ACE5D8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014316ACE6C8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Sort 2 = table:0000014316ACE750 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:0000014316ACE710 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:0000014316ACEA50 alignment = 1 manager = table:0000014316ACC308 (meta 00000143ED3BB108} nextFocus = table:0000014316ACD070 (meta 00000143AA17A038} firstTable activateCallback() = function:0000014316ACCFE0 deactivateCallback() = function:0000014316ACD028 keybindDescriptor = table:0000014316ACE170 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316ACE1B8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:0000014316ACE280 enabled() = function:0000014316ACE200 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Console_Menu_Forward 2 = table:0000014316ACE308 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:0000014316ACE2C8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:0000014316ACE798 firstTable callback() = function:0000014316ACE888 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:0000014316ACE918 firstTable callback() = function:0000014316ACEA08 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER 5 = table:0000014316ACEA50 manager = table:0000014316ACC308 (meta 00000143ED3BB108} nextFocus = false previousFocus = table:0000014316ACCE40 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} previousFocus = table:0000014316ACCD68 (meta 000001434613F5C8} previousFocus = false headersContainer = userdata:0000014316AC97D8 (meta 000001430831E750} headersFocalArea = table:0000014316ACCE40 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} keybindStripDescriptor = table:0000014316ACE170 list = userdata:0000014316AC9850 (meta 0000014316AC9DB0} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:0000014316AC9EC8 firstTable animation = userdata:0000014316AC9FC0 (meta 0000014316ACA018} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000014316AC9850 (meta 0000014316AC9DB0} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000014316AC9F58 firstTable contents = userdata:0000014316AC9C68 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:0000014316AC9E80 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000014316AC9D20 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316AD0218 firstTable height = 80 pool = table:0000014316AD0110 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014316AD0158 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014316AD0010 m_Free = table:0000014316AD01D0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000014316ACFF90 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:0000014316AC9AF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:0000014316AC98D0 (meta 0000014316AC9BA8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:0000014316AC9B50 (meta 000001430836A030} areaOver = false targetAlpha = 0.5 timeline = userdata:0000014316AC9B20 (meta 0000014308367FC0} selectionCallback() = function:0000014316ACCA50 selectionTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterDefaultHighlight timeline = userdata:0000014316AC9E70 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 80 upButton = userdata:0000014316AC9A68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:0000014316AD0260 firstTable listFragment = table:0000014316ACE8D0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014316ACED60 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014316ACEDE8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000014316ACEEC0 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014316ACEF08 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316ACEF50 firstTable 1() = function:0000014316ACEE78 3 = false control = userdata:00000143ED3BB228 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014316ACED18 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden masterList = table:0000014473755520 firstTable movementController = table:0000014316ACCA08 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 optionTemplateGroups = table:0000014316ACEFD0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316ACF060 firstTable headerFunction() = function:000001431DC98928 options = table:0000014316ACF100 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316ACF1C8 firstTable buildFunction() = function:0000014316ACF148 conditionFunction() = function:000001431DC988E8 2 = table:0000014316ACF268 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143B4BFCFE0 conditionFunction() = function:00000143B4BFCFA0 3 = table:0000014316ACF428 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143ED3BB578 conditionFunction() = function:0000014316ACF398 4 = table:0000014316ACF510 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143ED3BB840 conditionFunction() = function:0000014316ACF308 5 = table:0000014316ACF5B0 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143ED3BB880 conditionFunction() = function:0000014316ACF350 6 = table:0000014316ACF4C8 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143EA7793C0 conditionFunction() = function:00000143CACAD7E8 7 = table:0000014316ACF730 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143E30A8620 conditionFunction() = function:00000143E30A85E0 8 = table:0000014316ACF7D0 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143EA779380 conditionFunction() = function:0000014316ACF3E0 2 = table:0000014316ACF8B0 firstTable headerFunction() = function:0000014316ACF870 options = table:0000014316ACF950 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316ACFAA8 firstTable buildFunction() = function:0000014316ACF998 conditionFunction() = function:0000014316ACFA58 2 = table:0000014316ACFC20 firstTable buildFunction() = function:0000014316ACFB48 conditionFunction() = function:0000014316ACFBD0 3 = table:0000014316ACFD98 firstTable buildFunction() = function:0000014316ACFCC0 conditionFunction() = function:0000014316ACFD48 panelFocalArea = table:0000014316ACD070 (meta 00000143AA17A038} searchEdit = userdata:0000014316AC8D30 (meta 0000014316AC9558} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true searchProcessor = table:0000014316ACCB18 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:0000014316ACCB60 firstTable processors = table:0000014316ACCBD8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014316ACCC20 socialManager = table:0000014473755490 (meta 00000144737551F8} firstTable firstMeta delayedRebuildCounter = 0 lists = table:00000144737554D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DB2E250 (meta 000001439DB29598} firstTable firstMeta activeColor = table:000001439DB2F640 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.61960786581039 g = 0.7607843875885 r = 0.77254909276962 automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:000001439DB2A038 (meta 0000014308326048} headers = table:000001439DB2F2D8 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001439DB2E4B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 2 = userdata:000001439DB2A2E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 3 = userdata:000001439DB2A358 (meta 00000143083425C0} 4 = userdata:000001439DB2A3C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 5 = userdata:000001439DB2A438 (meta 00000143083425C0} 6 = userdata:000001439DB2A4A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} headersContainer = userdata:000001439DB2A270 (meta 000001430831E750} inactiveColor = table:000001439DB2F688 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.40000003576279 g = 0.40000003576279 r = 0.40000003576279 keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001439DB2E960 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DB2E9A8 firstTable alignment = 3 callback() = function:000001439DB2EA18 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Whisper visible() = function:000001439DB2EA98 2 = table:000001439DB2EAE0 firstTable alignment = 2 callback() = function:0000014473755D80 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Ready Check visible() = function:000001439DB2EB50 3 = table:000001439DB2EB98 firstTable alignment = 2 callback() = function:000001439DB2EC08 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Leave Group visible() = function:000001439DB2EC48 list = userdata:000001439DB2A510 (meta 000001439DB2AA48} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:000001439DB2EDE0 firstTable animation = userdata:000001439DB2EF08 (meta 000001439DB2EF60} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001439DB2A510 (meta 000001439DB2AA48} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:000001439DB2EE70 firstTable contents = userdata:000001439DB2A580 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:000001439DB2ED98 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001439DB2ED50 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DB2F270 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:000001439DB2F168 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001439DB2F020 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000001439DB2A7D8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false highlightTemplate = ZO_ThinListHighlight mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001439DB2A5F0 (meta 000001439DB2A890} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001439DB2A838 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:000001439DB2A808 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:000001439DB2EED8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 30 upButton = userdata:000001439DB2A768 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:000001439DB2EFD8 firstTable noGroupRow = userdata:000001439DB2C300 (meta 000001430831E750} sortHeaderGroup = table:000001439DB2E448 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:000001439DB2E4B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:000001439DB2E800 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:000001439DB2E848 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DB2E8C0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001439DB2E4C0 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:000001439DB2A270 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:000001439DB2E738 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} showArrows = true sortDirection = false sortHeaders = table:000001439DB2E6B0 firstTable 2 = table:0000014316ACC308 (meta 00000143ED3BB108} masterList = table:0000014473755520 search = table:0000014473755568 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:00000144737555B0 firstTable processors = table:00000144737555F8 firstTable 1() = function:00000144737556E8 sortFunction() = function:0000014316ACCAD0 sortHeaderGroup = table:0000014316ACC500 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortKeys = table:00000143ED3BADB8 firstTable championPoints = table:00000143ED3BAF80 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = displayName characterName = table:00000143ED3BAE48 firstTable class = table:00000143ED3BAF08 firstTable tiebreaker = displayName displayName = table:00000143ED3BAE00 firstTable formattedZone = table:00000143ED3BAE90 firstTable tiebreaker = displayName level = table:00000143ED3BAFC8 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = championPoints status = table:00000143ED3BB068 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = displayName GROUP_LIST_MANAGER = table:0000014473755490 (meta 00000144737551F8} GROUP_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:0000014309E1F140 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GROUP_MENU_KEYBOARD = table:000001431D93A6B0 (meta 000001447C4FF518} firstTable firstMeta categoriesControl = userdata:000001431D939F10 (meta 000001431D93A498} categoryFragmentToNodeLookup = table:000001447C501988 firstTable table = 000001439DB2F320 = table:000001439DB2F890 (meta 000001432E003D68} 00000143F4205310 = table:00000143D96127A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} 000001446482A480 = table:00000144648286A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} 0000014464830970 = table:00000144DD763568 (meta 000001432E003D68} control = userdata:000001447C4FF638 (meta 0000014308326048} currentCategoryFragment = table:000001439DB2F320 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} headerControl = userdata:000001447C5016E0 (meta 000001430831E750} keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001447C500B98 firstTable alignment = 2 callback() = function:000001447C500C08 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Invite Player visible() = function:000001447C500C48 navigationTree = table:000001431D93A7F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} GROUP_MSG_CANT_KICK_YOURSELF = 3 GROUP_MSG_CANT_PROMOTE_YOURSELF = 4 GROUP_MSG_INVALID_MEMBER = 2 GROUP_MSG_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GROUP_MSG_ITERATION_END = 4 GROUP_MSG_MAX_VALUE = 4 GROUP_MSG_MIN_VALUE = 0 GROUP_MSG_YOU_ARE_NOT_IN_A_GROUP = 0 GROUP_MSG_YOU_ARE_NOT_THE_LEADER = 1 GROUP_SIZE_MAX = 24 GROUP_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB5386C8 (meta 000001431336FD98} GROUP_VOTE_CHOICE_ABSTAIN = 0 GROUP_VOTE_CHOICE_AGAINST = 2 GROUP_VOTE_CHOICE_FOR = 1 GROUP_VOTE_CHOICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GROUP_VOTE_CHOICE_ITERATION_END = 2 GROUP_VOTE_CHOICE_MAX_VALUE = 2 GROUP_VOTE_CHOICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 GROUP_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:0000014313E39000 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} GROW_DIRECTION_DOWN_LEFT = 3 GROW_DIRECTION_DOWN_RIGHT = 4 GROW_DIRECTION_UP_LEFT = 1 GROW_DIRECTION_UP_RIGHT = 2 GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialog = userdata:000001439D6B87C0 (meta 0000014308326048} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogBG = userdata:000001439D6B88B8 (meta 0000014308324730} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001439D6B8940 (meta 0000014308349FC8} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogCancel = userdata:000001439D6B75A8 (meta 000001439D6B7710} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001439D6B76B8 (meta 000001439D6B7880} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001439D6B75A8 (meta 000001439D6B7710} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001439D6B7630 (meta 000001439D6B7968} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:000001439D6B76B8 (meta 000001439D6B7880} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:000001439D6B7630 (meta 000001439D6B7968} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainer = userdata:000001439D6B8AB8 (meta 000001430831E750} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmounts = userdata:000001439D6B81B8 (meta 000001430831E750} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsBanked = userdata:000001439D6B8248 (meta 00000143083425C0} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsCarried = userdata:000001439D6B8278 (meta 00000143083425C0} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsComboBox = userdata:000001439D6B7EF8 (meta 000001439D6B6F18} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:000001439D6B6C20 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:000001439D6B7EF8 (meta 000001439D6B6F18} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsComboBox m_openDropdown = userdata:000001439D6B6C10 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:000001439D6B6D98 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:000001439D6B6B78 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:000001439D6B7130 firstTable m_sortsItems = true m_spacing = 0 GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsComboBoxBG = userdata:000001439D6B7F88 (meta 0000014308324730} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsComboBoxBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001439D6B8028 (meta 0000014308349FC8} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsComboBoxOpenDropdown = userdata:000001439D6B6C10 (meta 0000014308331CA0} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsComboBoxSelectedItemText = userdata:000001439D6B6B78 (meta 00000143083425C0} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerDepositWithdrawCurrency = userdata:000001439D6B7488 (meta 0000014308324730} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerDepositWithdrawCurrencyAmount = userdata:000001439D6B7528 (meta 00000143083425C0} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerHeaders = userdata:000001439D6B8B40 (meta 000001430831E750} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerHeadersBanked = userdata:000001439D6B8BD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerHeadersCarried = userdata:000001439D6B8C60 (meta 00000143083425C0} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerHeadersWithdrawDeposit = userdata:000001439D6B8CF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogDepositWithdraw = userdata:000001439D6B7A80 (meta 000001440FCB82F8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001440FCC4AA0 (meta 00000143F3ACB5B8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001439D6B7A80 (meta 000001440FCB82F8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001439D6B7B10 (meta 000001439D6B7BC8} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogDepositWithdrawKeyLabel = userdata:000001440FCC4AA0 (meta 00000143F3ACB5B8} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogDepositWithdrawNameLabel = userdata:000001439D6B7B10 (meta 000001439D6B7BC8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogDivider = userdata:000001439D6B8A38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:000001439D6B8840 (meta 0000014308349FC8} GUILD_BANKCurrencyTransferDialogTitle = userdata:000001439D6B89B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} GUILD_BANKING_INTERACTION = table:000001439F02AF38 GUILD_BANK_BAD_ITEM = 8 GUILD_BANK_CANT_BE_STORED = 4 GUILD_BANK_FRAGMENT = table:00000143143B5D98 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001439D6B8060 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439D6B80B0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001439D6B8590 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439D6B85D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D6B8650 firstTable 1() = function:000001439D6B8510 3 = false control = userdata:000001431D66E280 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001439D6B7DD0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GUILD_BANK_GUILD_TOO_SMALL = 11 GUILD_BANK_ITEM_NOT_FOUND = 3 GUILD_BANK_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 GUILD_BANK_ITERATION_END = 18 GUILD_BANK_MAX_VALUE = 18 GUILD_BANK_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:00000144801501F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GUILD_BANK_MIN_VALUE = 1 GUILD_BANK_NOT_A_MEMBER = 2 GUILD_BANK_NOT_ENOUGH_BANK_SPACE_FOR_GOLD = 16 GUILD_BANK_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD = 15 GUILD_BANK_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD_IN_BANK = 17 GUILD_BANK_NOT_IN_A_GUILD = 9 GUILD_BANK_NOT_OPEN = 7 GUILD_BANK_NO_DEPOSIT_PERMISSION = 14 GUILD_BANK_NO_DEPOSIT_STOLEN_ITEM = 18 GUILD_BANK_NO_SPACE_LEFT = 5 GUILD_BANK_NO_WITHDRAW_PERMISSION = 13 GUILD_BANK_PARTIAL_SUCCESS = 12 GUILD_BANK_SUCCESS = 1 GUILD_BANK_TRANSFER_PENDING = 10 GUILD_BANK_UNAVAILABLE = 6 GUILD_CREATE_FRAGMENT = table:00000144081917F8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GUILD_CREATE_SCENE = table:0000014310380F08 (meta 0000014368607700} GUILD_EVENT_ABOUT_US_EDITED = 32 GUILD_EVENT_BANKGOLD_ADDED = 21 GUILD_EVENT_BANKGOLD_GUILD_STORE_TAX = 29 GUILD_EVENT_BANKGOLD_KIOSK_BID = 24 GUILD_EVENT_BANKGOLD_KIOSK_BID_REFUND = 23 GUILD_EVENT_BANKGOLD_PURCHASE_HERALDRY = 26 GUILD_EVENT_BANKGOLD_REMOVED = 22 GUILD_EVENT_BANKITEM_ADDED = 13 GUILD_EVENT_BANKITEM_REMOVED = 14 GUILD_EVENT_BATTLE_STANDARD_PICKUP = 27 GUILD_EVENT_BATTLE_STANDARD_PUTDOWN = 28 GUILD_EVENT_EVENT_FORMAT = table:000001440819AD30 firstTable 1() = function:0000014313456710 12() = function:0000014313456710 13() = function:00000143E18ACBE8 14() = function:00000143E18ACBE8 15() = function:000001439D84EA48 16() = function:00000143D6AF00F8 17() = function:00000143EA910FF8 19() = function:00000143D6AF00F8 20() = function:00000143E41C3D18 21() = function:00000143E41C3D18 22() = function:00000143E41C3D18 23() = function:00000143D8F2E6F8 24() = function:00000143E41C3D18 25() = function:00000143E41C3D18 29() = function:0000014313456A10 3() = function:0000014313456710 31() = function:00000143D6AF00F8 32() = function:00000143D6AF00F8 33() = function:0000014313456A10 34() = function:0000014313456A10 35() = function:0000014313456A10 36() = function:0000014313456A10 37() = function:0000014313456A10 38() = function:0000014313456A10 39() = function:0000014313456A10 4() = function:0000014313456710 40() = function:0000014313456A10 42() = function:0000014313456A10 43() = function:0000014313456A10 5() = function:00000143D6AF00F8 7() = function:000001431035DD28 8() = function:00000143D6AF00F8 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_BANK_LOCKED = 36 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_BANK_UNLOCKED = 35 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_CREATE = 5 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_DELETE = 6 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_DEMOTE = 4 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_INVITE = 1 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_INVITEDECLINED = 10 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_INVITEPURGED = 11 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_INVITEREVOKED = 9 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_JOIN = 7 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_KICKED = 12 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_LOCKED = 43 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASED = 25 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_REFUND = 30 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_UNLOCKED = 42 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_LEAVE = 8 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_PROMOTE = 3 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_REMOVE = 2 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_STANDARD_LOCKED = 38 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_STANDARD_UNLOCKED = 37 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_STORE_LOCKED = 34 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_STORE_UNLOCKED = 33 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_TABARD_LOCKED = 40 GUILD_EVENT_GUILD_TABARD_UNLOCKED = 39 GUILD_EVENT_HERALDRY_EDITED = 20 GUILD_EVENT_ITEM_LISTED = 41 GUILD_EVENT_ITEM_SOLD = 15 GUILD_EVENT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 GUILD_EVENT_ITERATION_END = 43 GUILD_EVENT_KEEP_CLAIMED = 16 GUILD_EVENT_KEEP_LOST = 17 GUILD_EVENT_KEEP_RELEASED = 19 GUILD_EVENT_MAX_VALUE = 43 GUILD_EVENT_MIN_VALUE = 1 GUILD_EVENT_MOTD_EDITED = 31 GUILD_EVENT_NAME_CHANGED = 18 GUILD_HERALDRY = table:000001431DEA7EC8 (meta 000001431DEA5318} GUILD_HERALDRY_FRAGMENT = table:0000014408191A30 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GUILD_HERALDRY_GAMEPAD = table:00000143E02D62E8 (meta 00000143E02D2E40} firstTable firstMeta bgStyleCatListControl = userdata:00000143E02D48F0 (meta 00000143E02D4F28} control = userdata:00000143E02D2F60 (meta 0000014308326048} crestStyleCatListControl = userdata:00000143E02D5070 (meta 00000143E02D54B8} currencyOptions = table:0000014307CA2F10 pendingTransaction = false styleHeader = userdata:00000143E02D5E08 (meta 00000143083425C0} stylePane = userdata:00000143E02D55F0 (meta 00000143E02D5B88} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143E02D5C78 (meta 00000143E02D5CD0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143E02D55F0 (meta 00000143E02D5B88} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000143E02D5670 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:00000143E02D5910 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:00000143E02D5888 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:00000143E02D56F0 (meta 00000143E02D59C8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143E02D5970 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143E02D5940 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:00000143E02D5C48 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 stylePaneScrollChild = userdata:00000143E02D5A88 (meta 000001430831E750} stylePool = table:00000143E02D6A40 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E02D6DE8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E02D6F70 m_Active = table:00000143E02D6A88 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E02D6AD0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GuildHeraldry_GamepadStylePaneScrollChildZO_GuildHeraldry_Style_Gamepad parent = userdata:00000143E02D5A88 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_GuildHeraldry_Style_Gamepad swatchInterpolator = table:00000143E02D6330 (meta 000001436880A180} firstTable controlsToTarget = table:00000143E02D6400 firstTable maxScale = 1.3 minScale = 1 swatchPool = table:00000143E02D6548 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E02D6870 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E02D6A00 m_Active = table:00000143E02D6590 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E02D6608 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GuildHeraldry_DyeingSwatch_Gamepad parent = userdata:000001430838BF28 (meta 000001430831FE68} templateName = ZO_GuildHeraldry_DyeingSwatch_Gamepad GUILD_HERALDRY_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E02D6FB0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E02D7040 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E02D70C8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E02D71E8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E02D7230 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E02D7278 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E02D7158 3 = false control = userdata:00000143E02D2F60 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E02D6FF8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GUILD_HERALDRY_SCENE = table:0000014314DD3D20 (meta 0000014368607700} GUILD_HISTORY = table:00000143EA907698 (meta 00000143E41C8528} firstTable firstMeta automaticallyColorRows = true categoryTree = table:00000143207CD560 (meta 000001431679AD50} control = userdata:000001431C5A6768 (meta 0000014308326048} dummyRowControl = userdata:00000143B333D098 (meta 000001430831E750} guildId = 1 keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001430FD77508 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1CFFC38 firstTable callback() = function:00000143207CD518 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Show More visible() = function:00000143207CD4D0 alignment = 3 list = userdata:00000143ED51EBB8 (meta 00000143F1929498} loading = userdata:0000014320F696E0 (meta 00000143EA9075F8} firstMeta firstIndex ApplyTemplateToLabel() = function:0000014368809E38 Hide() = function:0000014368809DB8 SetText() = function:0000014368809DF8 Show() = function:0000014368809CF8 createdIcon = false labelTemplate = ZO_LoadingText text = Retrieving history... masterList = table:00000143D6AF89F0 firstTable nextRequestNewestTime = 0 noEntriesMessageLabel = userdata:0000014320F69670 (meta 00000143083425C0} requestCount = -3 selectedCategory = 1 sortFunction() = function:000001430FD77700 updateFunction() = function:000001430FD77748 updateIntervalLastUpdate = 0 updateIntervalSecs = 60 GUILD_HISTORY_ALLIANCE_WAR = 5 GUILD_HISTORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_ITERATION_END = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_MAX_VALUE = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_MIN_VALUE = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_OWNERSHIP = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_BANK = 2 GUILD_HISTORY_BANK_DEPOSITS = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_BANK_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_BANK_ITERATION_END = 2 GUILD_HISTORY_BANK_MAX_VALUE = 2 GUILD_HISTORY_BANK_MIN_VALUE = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_BANK_WITHDRAWALS = 2 GUILD_HISTORY_CATEGORIES = table:0000014320F46D20 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DDBCF5C8 firstTable down = EsoUI/Art/Guild/guildHistory_indexIcon_guild_down.dds over = EsoUI/Art/Guild/guildHistory_indexIcon_guild_over.dds subcategories = table:0000014320F47068 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4A72840 firstTable events = table:00000143D5FE16E0 firstTable 1 = true 12 = true 3 = true 4 = true 5 = true 7 = true 8 = true gamepadIcon = EsoUI/Art/Guild/gamepad/gp_guild_menuIcon_roster.dds 2 = table:00000143B333C8D8 firstTable events = table:00000143DDBE0B10 firstTable 20 = true 26 = true 31 = true 32 = true gamepadIcon = EsoUI/Art/Guild/gamepad/gp_guild_menuIcon_customization.dds 3 = table:00000143DDBE12B0 firstTable events = table:000001439D84FE70 firstTable 33 = true 34 = true 35 = true 36 = true 37 = true 38 = true 39 = true 40 = true 42 = true 43 = true gamepadIcon = EsoUI/Art/Guild/gamepad/gp_guild_menuIcon_unlocks.dds subcategoryEnumName = SI_GUILDHISTORYGENERALSUBCATEGORIES up = EsoUI/Art/Guild/guildHistory_indexIcon_guild_up.dds 2 = table:00000143DDBDF460 firstTable down = EsoUI/Art/Guild/guildHistory_indexIcon_guildBank_down.dds over = EsoUI/Art/Guild/guildHistory_indexIcon_guildBank_over.dds subcategories = table:000001431347B238 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320F46E98 firstTable events = table:0000014320F46308 firstTable 13 = true 21 = true 23 = true gamepadIcon = EsoUI/Art/Guild/gamepad/gp_guild_menuIcon_deposits.dds gatingPermission = 26 2 = table:0000014320F4FB88 firstTable events = table:0000014320F45E30 firstTable 14 = true 20 = true 22 = true 24 = true 25 = true 26 = true gamepadIcon = EsoUI/Art/Guild/gamepad/gp_guild_menuIcon_withdrawals.dds gatingPermission = 25 subcategoryEnumName = SI_GUILDHISTORYBANKSUBCATEGORIES up = EsoUI/Art/Guild/guildHistory_indexIcon_guildBank_up.dds 3 = table:000001447D446128 firstTable down = EsoUI/Art/Guild/guildHistory_indexIcon_guildStore_down.dds over = EsoUI/Art/Guild/guildHistory_indexIcon_guildStore_over.dds subcategories = table:000001447D446210 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F33340 firstTable events = table:00000143D6B00278 firstTable 15 = true gamepadIcon = EsoUI/Art/Guild/gamepad/gp_guild_menuIcon_purchases.dds 2 = table:00000144D83D9E10 firstTable events = table:000001447D432070 firstTable 23 = true 24 = true 25 = true gamepadIcon = EsoUI/Art/Guild/gamepad/gp_guild_menuIcon_trader.dds gatingPermission = 24 subcategoryEnumName = SI_GUILDHISTORYSTORESUBCATEGORIES up = EsoUI/Art/Guild/guildHistory_indexIcon_guildStore_up.dds 5 = table:00000143134722D8 firstTable down = EsoUI/Art/Guild/guildHistory_indexIcon_campaigns_down.dds over = EsoUI/Art/Guild/guildHistory_indexIcon_campaigns_over.dds subcategories = table:0000014320F45D78 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EA92A0D0 firstTable events = table:00000143EA929D08 firstTable 16 = true 17 = true 19 = true gamepadIcon = EsoUI/Art/Guild/gamepad/gp_guild_menuIcon_ownership.dds subcategoryEnumName = SI_GUILDHISTORYALLIANCEWARSUBCATEGORIES up = EsoUI/Art/Guild/guildHistory_indexIcon_campaigns_up.dds GUILD_HISTORY_COMBAT = 4 GUILD_HISTORY_FRAGMENT = table:00000143143A8770 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GUILD_HISTORY_GAMEPAD = table:00000144C7537758 (meta 00000144C752B748} GUILD_HISTORY_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:00000144C7537BB8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000144C75378E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144C7537CB0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000144C7537D88 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144C7537DD0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C7537E18 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C7537D40 3 = false control = userdata:00000144C752B868 (meta 00000144C7537818} dirtyEvents = table:00000144C7537C30 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GUILD_HISTORY_GENERAL = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_GENERAL_CUSTOMIZATION = 2 GUILD_HISTORY_GENERAL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_GENERAL_ITERATION_END = 3 GUILD_HISTORY_GENERAL_MAX_VALUE = 3 GUILD_HISTORY_GENERAL_MIN_VALUE = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_GENERAL_ROSTER = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_GENERAL_UNLOCKS = 3 GUILD_HISTORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_ITERATION_END = 5 GUILD_HISTORY_MAX_VALUE = 5 GUILD_HISTORY_MIN_VALUE = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_SCENE = table:000001440601EF28 (meta 0000014368607700} GUILD_HISTORY_STORE = 3 GUILD_HISTORY_STORE_HIRED_TRADER = 2 GUILD_HISTORY_STORE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_STORE_ITERATION_END = 2 GUILD_HISTORY_STORE_MAX_VALUE = 2 GUILD_HISTORY_STORE_MIN_VALUE = 1 GUILD_HISTORY_STORE_PURCHASES = 1 GUILD_HOME = table:00000143CB75A7F8 (meta 00000143E388D478} GUILD_HOME_FRAGMENT = table:00000144DD5CC928 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GUILD_HOME_SCENE = table:00000143CB73B638 (meta 0000014368607700} GUILD_INFO_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:00000143DB1D8560 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143DB1D85F0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143DB1D8640 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143DB1D8C98 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143DB1D8CE0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB1D8D28 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DB1D86D0 3 = false control = userdata:000001440602D0D8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143DB1D85A8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GUILD_KEEP_CLAIM_INTERACTION = table:000001439D6B1F58 firstTable interactTypes = table:000001439D6B1FA0 firstTable 1 = 5 type = Guild Keep Claim GUILD_KEEP_RELEASE_INTERACTION = table:000001439D6B1EA8 firstTable interactTypes = table:000001439D6B1EF0 firstTable 1 = 29 type = Guild Keep Release GUILD_KIOSK_BID_EXISTS_ON_ANOTHER_KIOSK = 5 GUILD_KIOSK_BID_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:00000143C8045D50 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GUILD_KIOSK_BID_INSUFFICIENT = 6 GUILD_KIOSK_BID_SUCCESSFUL = 2 GUILD_KIOSK_BID_WINDOW_CLOSED = 9 GUILD_KIOSK_BID_WINDOW_GAMEPAD = table:00000143C8045D08 (meta 00000143C803D238} GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_INFO_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_INFO_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 4 GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_INFO_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 4 GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_INFO_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_INFO_RESULT_NO_GUILD = 2 GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_INFO_RESULT_NO_INFO = 1 GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_INFO_RESULT_NO_INFO_FOR_ANY_GUILD = 4 GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_INFO_RESULT_NO_INFO_FOR_GUILD = 3 GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_INFO_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_OWNS_OTHER_KIOSK = 14 GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_TOO_SMALL = 13 GUILD_KIOSK_INFO_REQUEST_SUCCESSFUL = 1 GUILD_KIOSK_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 GUILD_KIOSK_ITERATION_END = 14 GUILD_KIOSK_KIOSK_OWNED = 11 GUILD_KIOSK_MAX_VALUE = 14 GUILD_KIOSK_MIN_VALUE = 1 GUILD_KIOSK_NOT_A_MEMBER = 3 GUILD_KIOSK_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD_IN_BANK = 4 GUILD_KIOSK_NOT_IN_A_GUILD = 8 GUILD_KIOSK_NO_BID_PERMISSION = 7 GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:00000143C8041B68 (meta 00000144C79BED68} GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_SUCCESSFUL = 12 GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_WINDOW_GAMEPAD = table:00000143C8041740 (meta 00000143C803CBA0} GUILD_KIOSK_UNAVAILABLE = 10 GUILD_MEMBER_DATA = 1 GUILD_PERMISSION_BANK_DEPOSIT = 15 GUILD_PERMISSION_BANK_VIEW_DEPOSIT_HISTORY = 26 GUILD_PERMISSION_BANK_VIEW_GOLD = 24 GUILD_PERMISSION_BANK_VIEW_WITHDRAW_HISTORY = 25 GUILD_PERMISSION_BANK_WITHDRAW = 16 GUILD_PERMISSION_BANK_WITHDRAW_GOLD = 23 GUILD_PERMISSION_CHAT = 1 GUILD_PERMISSION_CLAIM_AVA_RESOURCE = 9 GUILD_PERMISSION_DEMOTE = 5 GUILD_PERMISSION_DESCRIPTION_EDIT = 13 GUILD_PERMISSION_EDIT_HERALDRY = 22 GUILD_PERMISSION_GUILD_KIOSK_BID = 21 GUILD_PERMISSION_INVITE = 2 GUILD_PERMISSION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 GUILD_PERMISSION_ITERATION_END = 26 GUILD_PERMISSION_MAX_VALUE = 26 GUILD_PERMISSION_MIN_VALUE = 0 GUILD_PERMISSION_NONE = 0 GUILD_PERMISSION_NOTE_EDIT = 8 GUILD_PERMISSION_NOTE_READ = 7 GUILD_PERMISSION_OFFICER_CHAT_READ = 11 GUILD_PERMISSION_OFFICER_CHAT_WRITE = 12 GUILD_PERMISSION_PERMISSION_EDIT = 19 GUILD_PERMISSION_PROMOTE = 4 GUILD_PERMISSION_RECRUITMENT_EDIT = 14 GUILD_PERMISSION_RELEASE_AVA_RESOURCE = 10 GUILD_PERMISSION_REMOVE = 3 GUILD_PERMISSION_SET_MOTD = 6 GUILD_PERMISSION_STORE_BUY = 17 GUILD_PERMISSION_STORE_SELL = 18 GUILD_PERMISSION_USE_GUILD_SIEGE = 20 GUILD_PRIVILEGE_BANK_DEPOSIT = 1 GUILD_PRIVILEGE_HERALDRY = 3 GUILD_PRIVILEGE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 GUILD_PRIVILEGE_ITERATION_END = 3 GUILD_PRIVILEGE_MAX_VALUE = 3 GUILD_PRIVILEGE_MIN_VALUE = 1 GUILD_PRIVILEGE_TRADING_HOUSE = 2 GUILD_RANKS = table:00000143F442CFA8 (meta 000001447D4397E0} GUILD_RANKS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143143A86E0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GUILD_RANKS_GAMEPAD = table:00000144D0771190 (meta 00000144D076F208} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000144D076F3A8 (meta 0000014308326048} iconSelector = userdata:00000143DB1D9558 (meta 000001430831E750} permissionsSummary = userdata:00000144D07708B0 (meta 00000144D0770A78} firstMeta firstIndex DisableUpdateHandler() = function:0000014457A319C0 Initialize() = function:0000014457A318C8 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:0000014457A31A80 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:0000014457A31A40 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:0000014457A31AC0 OnUpdate() = function:0000014457A31B00 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:0000014457A31A00 ResetToTop() = function:0000014457A31978 animation = userdata:00000144D0770E90 (meta 00000144D0770EE8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000144D07708B0 (meta 00000144D0770A78} directionalInputActivated = false hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000144D0770930 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000144D0770960 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollInput = 0 scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:00000144D0770E60 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 permissionsSummaryScrollChild = userdata:00000144D0770990 (meta 000001430831E750} ranks = table:00000144D0771208 firstTable GUILD_RANKS_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:00000144D0771598 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000144D0771628 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144D07716B0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000144D07717C0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144D0771808 firstTable 1 = table:00000144D0771850 firstTable 1() = function:00000144D0771740 3 = false control = userdata:00000144D076F3A8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144D07715E0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GUILD_RANKS_ICON_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT = table:00000144D0771428 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000144D07714B8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144D0771508 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143DB1D9558 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000144D0771470 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GUILD_RANKS_PERMISSION_SUMMARY_FRAGMENT = table:00000144D0771250 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000144D0771310 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144D0771398 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144D07708B0 (meta 00000144D0770A78} dirtyEvents = table:00000144D07712C8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GUILD_RANKS_SCENE = table:0000014320F5C948 (meta 0000014368607700} GUILD_ROSTER_ENTRY_SORT_KEYS = table:00000143E1CEADC8 firstTable alliance = table:00000143D6B07578 firstTable tiebreaker = displayName championPoints = table:00000143E1CEA1F0 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = displayName characterName = table:00000143E1CEB100 firstTable class = table:00000143DDBBC1C8 firstTable tiebreaker = displayName displayName = table:0000014310352070 firstTable formattedZone = table:0000014320F3C850 firstTable tiebreaker = displayName level = table:00000143B3354BF0 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = championPoints normalizedLogoffSort = table:00000143DA743C90 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = displayName rankIndex = table:00000143DA744A78 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = displayName status = table:0000014309E1C9B0 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = normalizedLogoffSort GUILD_ROSTER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143143A8538 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GUILD_ROSTER_GAMEPAD = table:00000143E02F34B8 (meta 00000143E02E1540} firstTable firstMeta automaticallyColorRows = true conditionResults = table:00000143E02F3068 firstTable container = userdata:00000143E02E1C78 (meta 000001430831E750} contentHeader = userdata:00000143E02E1CF8 (meta 00000143E02F4428} contentHeaderData = table:00000143E02F4248 firstTable data1HeaderText = Guild Name data2HeaderText = Guildmaster: titleText = Guild Roster titleTextAlignment = 1 control = userdata:00000143E02E1C78 (meta 000001430831E750} currentSortKey = status currentSortOrder = true dialogData = table:000001442807A4A8 firstTable emptyRow = userdata:00000143E02E4030 (meta 000001430831E750} emptyRowMessage = userdata:00000143E02E40B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} emptyText = filterDropdown = table:00000143E02E25F8 (meta 0000014316F496C8} filterSwitcher = table:00000143E02F4B68 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000143E02E1CF8 (meta 00000143E02F4428} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:00000143E02F42E0 firstTable 10 = userdata:00000143E02E2028 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000143E02E21C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:00000143E02E2140 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:00000143E02E22E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:00000143E02E2258 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143E02E1DC0 (meta 00000143E02F4750} 3 = userdata:00000143E02E1E80 (meta 000001430831E750} 4 = userdata:00000143E02E1D28 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:00000143E02E1DF0 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:00000143E02E1F98 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000143E02E1F10 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000143E02E20B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 3 data = table:00000143E02F4BB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E02F4D08 firstTable activate() = function:00000143E02F4EE0 callback() = function:00000143E02F4E98 canFocus() = function:00000143E02F4F70 deactivate() = function:00000143E02F4F28 highlight = userdata:00000143E02E2408 (meta 0000014308324730} highlightFadeAnimation = userdata:00000143E02F5070 (meta 0000014308367FC0} 2 = table:00000144D075BF90 firstTable callback() = function:00000144D07632E8 canFocus() = function:00000144D0767850 highlight = userdata:00000143E02E34F0 (meta 0000014308324730} highlightFadeAnimation = userdata:0000014408195808 (meta 0000014308367FC0} directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:00000143E02F4898 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onFocusChangedFunction() = function:00000144D07678D8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 filtersFocalArea = table:00000143E02F3F00 (meta 000001434613F5C8} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000143E02F3E38 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143E02F3EB8 keybindDescriptor = table:00000144D077ADE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144D077AE60 firstTable callback() = function:00000144D077AEA8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select 2 = table:00000143E02C5330 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143E02BA4D8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:00000143E02F35D8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143E02E2F88 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Add Member visible() = function:00000143E02F1C50 4 = table:00000143E02F3548 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143E02F24C8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_STICK name() = function:00000143E02F2488 alignment = 1 manager = table:00000143E02F34B8 (meta 00000143E02E1540} nextFocus = table:00000143E02F4080 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000143E02F3FF0 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143E02F4038 keybindDescriptor = table:00000143E02C53A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E02C53F0 firstTable callback() = function:00000144D077C1B0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Sort 2 = table:00000144D07803A8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000144D0780368 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:00000143E02F35D8 4 = table:00000143E02F3548 alignment = 1 manager = table:00000143E02F34B8 (meta 00000143E02E1540} nextFocus = table:00000143E02F4200 (meta 00000143AA17A038} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000143E02F4170 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143E02F41B8 keybindDescriptor = table:00000144081908C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014408190908 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001440818F618 enabled() = function:0000014408190950 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Console_Menu_Forward 2 = table:000001440818F6A0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001440818F660 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:00000143E02E2E98 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E02F3500 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:00000143E02F3590 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E02F1C08 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER 5 = table:00000143E02F35D8 6 = table:00000143E02F3548 manager = table:00000143E02F34B8 (meta 00000143E02E1540} nextFocus = false previousFocus = table:00000143E02F4080 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} previousFocus = table:00000143E02F3F00 (meta 000001434613F5C8} previousFocus = false headersContainer = userdata:00000143E02E3568 (meta 000001430831E750} headersFocalArea = table:00000143E02F4080 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000144081908C0 list = userdata:00000143E02E35E0 (meta 00000143E02E3B40} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000143E02E3D58 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143553B1008 (meta 00000143C3E49B70} 10 = userdata:00000143C3E4E6F8 (meta 00000143C3E4EC88} 11 = userdata:00000143C3E4EFC0 (meta 00000143C3E4F768} 12 = userdata:00000143C3E4F970 (meta 00000143C3E50048} 13 = userdata:00000143C3E50380 (meta 00000143C3E50B28} 2 = userdata:00000143C3E49EA8 (meta 00000143C3E48608} 3 = userdata:00000143C3E48940 (meta 00000143C3E49128} 4 = userdata:00000143C3E49378 (meta 0000014355394D20} 5 = userdata:0000014355395058 (meta 00000143553957B0} 6 = userdata:0000014355395A40 (meta 00000143C3E4C4B0} 7 = userdata:00000143C3E4C7E8 (meta 00000143C3E4CF88} 8 = userdata:00000143C3E4D190 (meta 00000143C3E4D808} 9 = userdata:00000143C3E4DB40 (meta 00000143C3E4E3E8} animation = userdata:00000143E02E3E50 (meta 00000143E02E3EA8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143E02E35E0 (meta 00000143E02E3B40} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000143E02E3DE8 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143E02E39F8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143E02E3C10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C3E434A0 10 = table:000001431BD343C0 100 = table:00000143C3E40D40 101 = table:00000143A3A4F6C8 102 = table:00000143C3E37F88 103 = table:00000143C3E37BC8 104 = table:00000143C3E3D320 105 = table:00000143C3E3CE70 106 = table:00000143A3A55AA8 107 = table:00000143097B2890 108 = table:00000143A3A4F3F8 109 = table:00000143C3E44760 11 = table:00000143C3E40110 110 = table:00000143C3E44DF0 111 = table:00000143C3E47200 112 = table:000001448018ADC8 113 = table:00000143097B2758 114 = table:00000143C3E3BF70 115 = table:000001435538D138 116 = table:0000014409E643A0 117 = table:00000143C3E47890 118 = table:00000143097B2848 119 = table:00000143C3E413D0 12 = table:00000143C3E3D050 120 = table:0000014409E67108 121 = table:00000143C3E41B50 122 = table:00000143553A6E60 123 = table:0000014409E66F28 124 = table:00000143C3E44940 125 = table:00000143A3A55E68 126 = table:00000143C3E459A0 127 = table:00000144081A1C90 128 = table:00000143D4A45BF0 129 = table:00000143C3E40890 13 = table:0000014355389B58 130 = table:000001448018AFA8 131 = table:0000014355386698 132 = table:00000143C3E430E0 133 = table:0000014409E6F5E8 134 = table:00000143CB7518F0 135 = table:00000143C3E406B0 136 = table:00000143C3E458B0 137 = table:000001435538D228 138 = table:00000143C3E3FE40 139 = table:00000143553B0FA0 14 = table:00000143553B0E68 140 = table:00000143097B28D8 141 = table:00000143C3E43D10 142 = table:000001448018ACD8 143 = table:00000143C3E45C70 144 = table:00000143C3E44A30 145 = table:00000143C3E3CC90 146 = table:00000143CB751710 147 = table:00000143C3E415B0 148 = table:00000143C3E44490 149 = table:0000014409E641C0 15 = table:0000014355389978 150 = table:00000143C3E3CAB0 151 = table:00000143C3E468A0 152 = table:00000143A3A54EA8 153 = table:00000144081A1AB0 154 = table:00000143CB751A28 155 = table:00000143097B4290 156 = table:00000143C3E43E00 157 = table:00000143A3A566D8 158 = table:00000143C3E36EA8 159 = table:0000014320869F00 16 = table:00000143C3E38438 160 = table:00000144081A1CD8 161 = table:00000143C3E37268 162 = table:00000143C3E3FC60 163 = table:000001435538D540 164 = table:00000143A3A4FD58 165 = table:00000143C3E41970 166 = table:00000143A3A556E8 167 = table:0000014355389A68 168 = table:00000143C3E43EF0 169 = table:00000143CB509AA0 17 = table:00000143C80359B0 170 = table:00000143C3E422D0 171 = table:000001431BD35808 172 = table:00000143C3E46030 173 = table:00000143D4A367D0 174 = table:00000143C3E3B8E0 175 = table:00000143C3E37E98 176 = table:00000143C3E43A40 177 = table:00000143C3E37178 178 = table:000001448018B098 179 = table:00000143C3E404D0 18 = table:00000143097B42D8 180 = table:00000143553867B0 181 = table:00000143A3A565E8 182 = table:00000143C3E44EE0 183 = table:00000143C3E45390 184 = table:00000143C3E36F98 185 = table:00000143C3E46990 186 = table:00000143C3E3B610 187 = table:00000143C3E37DA8 188 = table:00000143C3E40F20 189 = table:00000143C3E421E0 19 = table:00000143C3E39518 190 = table:00000143A3A54818 191 = table:00000143C3E38618 192 = table:00000143C3E3E8B0 193 = table:00000143C3E37448 194 = table:00000143C3E47A70 195 = table:00000143A3A56C78 196 = table:00000143A3A4F4E8 197 = table:00000143C3E3D140 198 = table:00000143C3E47020 199 = table:00000143C3E45E50 2 = table:00000143C3E411F0 20 = table:00000143C3E402F0 200 = table:00000143097A71B8 201 = table:0000014355386990 202 = table:00000143C3E378F8 203 = table:00000143C3E37088 204 = table:00000143097B2668 205 = table:00000143D4A45920 206 = table:00000143C3E41E20 207 = table:00000143C3E405C0 208 = table:00000143C3E47B60 209 = table:00000143C3E387F8 21 = table:00000143C3E45B80 210 = table:00000143C3E463F0 211 = table:00000143D4A36698 212 = table:00000143C3E3B7F0 213 = table:00000143C3E38528 214 = table:00000143C3E3BCA0 215 = table:0000014355389BE8 216 = table:0000014310453D90 217 = table:000001448018B0E0 218 = table:00000143C3E3C330 219 = table:000001435538D4F8 22 = table:00000143C3E441C0 220 = table:00000143C3E47110 221 = table:00000143C3E3C7E0 222 = table:00000143C3E475C0 223 = table:00000143C3E466C0 224 = table:00000143C3E36728 225 = table:00000143C3E450C0 226 = table:00000143C3E46210 227 = table:0000014409E67018 228 = table:00000143C3E3E310 229 = table:00000143CB7519E0 23 = table:00000143C3E41100 230 = table:00000143C3E476B0 231 = table:00000143A3A56408 232 = table:00000143097B2578 233 = table:00000143097871E8 234 = table:00000143C3E3FF30 235 = table:00000143C3E472F0 236 = table:00000143CDD28A60 237 = table:00000143C3E3C8D0 238 = table:00000143A3A4ECE0 239 = table:00000143C8035AA0 24 = table:00000143C3E42960 240 = table:00000143C3E3E7C0 241 = table:00000143A3A4F280 242 = table:00000143D76AAF10 243 = table:00000143C3E37CB8 244 = table:00000143C3E36AE8 245 = table:00000143A3A56B88 246 = table:00000143C3E44FD0 247 = table:0000014309786F18 248 = table:00000143C3E47980 249 = table:00000143C3E46F30 25 = table:00000143C3E46D50 250 = table:000001431BD35718 251 = table:00000143C3E3EB80 252 = table:00000143097B40B0 253 = table:00000143CB751620 254 = table:0000014355389888 255 = table:0000014409E640D0 256 = table:00000143C3E41C40 257 = table:00000143C3E3E6D0 258 = table:00000143C3E44B20 259 = table:00000143A3A54638 26 = table:00000143C3E369F8 260 = table:00000143A3A549F8 261 = table:00000143C3E3C9C0 262 = table:00000143C3E3CD80 263 = table:00000143A3A4F8A8 264 = table:00000143D4A365A8 265 = table:00000143C3E3C600 266 = table:00000143A3A55178 267 = table:00000143A3A55C88 268 = table:00000143D76AB000 269 = table:00000143553868A0 27 = table:00000143C3E42870 270 = table:00000143C3E38348 271 = table:00000143C3E443A0 272 = table:00000143C3E3CF60 273 = table:00000143553B0D50 274 = table:00000143A3A54F98 275 = table:00000143C3E379E8 276 = table:00000143C3E3F6C0 277 = table:00000143553B0D08 278 = table:00000143C3E43950 279 = table:00000143C3E420F0 28 = table:00000143A3A56F48 280 = table:00000143A3A4FB78 281 = table:00000143D76AB0F0 282 = table:00000143D76AB228 283 = table:00000143C3E3C6F0 284 = table:00000143A3A4F5D8 285 = table:00000143D4A36788 286 = table:00000143C3E43FE0 287 = table:00000143C3E3EF40 288 = table:00000143CB5097D0 289 = table:00000143A3A4EEC0 29 = table:00000143A3A559B8 290 = table:00000143C3E41880 291 = table:000001431BD35938 292 = table:00000143C3E43770 293 = table:00000143C3E3D410 294 = table:00000143A3A54908 295 = table:00000143C3E43860 296 = table:00000143C3E3E040 297 = table:00000143097A70C8 298 = table:00000143A3A54DB8 299 = table:00000143C3E3BAC0 3 = table:00000143C3E37628 30 = table:00000143C3E44850 300 = table:000001435538D318 301 = table:00000143CDD28DC0 302 = table:0000014355386650 303 = table:000001431BD34090 304 = table:00000143553A6B90 305 = table:0000014409E6F558 306 = table:00000143C3E40020 307 = table:00000143C3E42E10 308 = table:00000143C3E41F10 309 = table:00000143A3A4FA88 31 = table:00000143C3E38168 310 = table:00000143C3E3E220 311 = table:00000143C3E3DD70 312 = table:00000143C3E412E0 313 = table:00000143A3A4FE48 314 = table:00000143097B3FC0 315 = table:00000143C3E3D230 316 = table:000001448018AEB8 317 = table:00000143C3E45F40 318 = table:00000143C3E3E400 319 = table:00000143A3A56E58 32 = table:00000143A35C6FE8 320 = table:00000143A3A55418 321 = table:00000143C3E389D8 322 = table:00000143C3E3D500 323 = table:0000014309787320 324 = table:0000014409E642B0 325 = table:00000143C3E37808 326 = table:00000143A3A54368 327 = table:00000143D76AB270 328 = table:00000143C3E388E8 329 = table:000001435538D408 33 = table:00000143C3E40200 330 = table:00000143C3E42000 331 = table:00000143C3E3D6E0 332 = table:00000143C3E41790 333 = table:00000143D4A45C80 334 = table:0000014310453BB0 335 = table:00000143A3A56F90 336 = table:00000143C8035C80 337 = table:000001431BD340F0 338 = table:00000143C3E39338 339 = table:00000143C3E37AD8 34 = table:00000143D4A45C38 340 = table:00000143097B41A0 341 = table:00000143A3A4F7B8 342 = table:00000143C3E38708 343 = table:00000143097A72F0 344 = table:00000143C3E477A0 345 = table:00000143C3E39068 346 = table:0000014310453F70 347 = table:00000143C3E3DB90 348 = table:00000143C3E38E88 349 = table:00000143A3A55F58 35 = table:000001447D01DFB8 350 = table:00000143C3E45A90 351 = table:00000143A3A55B98 352 = table:0000014310453CA0 353 = table:00000143C3E44D00 354 = table:00000143553B0B18 355 = table:00000143C3E42B40 356 = table:00000143C3E3EC70 357 = table:00000143C3E38078 358 = table:00000143C3E414C0 359 = table:00000143C3E3BBB0 36 = table:0000014310453FB8 360 = table:00000143A3A55D78 361 = table:00000143C3E38258 362 = table:00000143C3E3FD50 363 = table:00000143A3A54548 364 = table:0000014409E671F8 365 = table:00000143C3E38D98 366 = table:00000143A3A564F8 367 = table:00000143A3A568B8 368 = table:00000143D4A364B8 369 = table:00000143C3E40C50 37 = table:00000143C3E40980 370 = table:00000143C3E36908 371 = table:00000143C3E3C420 372 = table:00000143C8035B90 373 = table:00000143C3E3ED60 374 = table:00000143097872D8 375 = table:00000143C3E474D0 376 = table:00000143C3E40E30 377 = table:00000143A3A54CC8 378 = table:00000143C3E39248 379 = table:00000143A3A569A8 38 = table:00000143A3A56318 380 = table:00000143C3E46300 381 = table:0000014409E66E38 382 = table:00000143553B0F58 383 = table:00000143C3E3CBA0 384 = table:000001431BD341E0 385 = table:0000014409E6F5A0 386 = table:00000143C3E39428 387 = table:00000143CDD28D30 388 = table:00000143C3E3FB70 389 = table:00000143A3A4F190 39 = table:00000143C3E38F78 390 = table:00000143A3A558C8 391 = table:00000143A3A54458 392 = table:00000143C8035D10 393 = table:00000143C3E42D20 394 = table:00000143C3E465D0 395 = table:00000143C3E3C240 396 = table:00000143C3E42F00 397 = table:00000143C3E41D30 398 = table:00000143CB5099B0 399 = table:00000143A3A567C8 4 = table:00000144081A1D20 40 = table:00000143C3E3DF50 400 = table:00000143C3E3C510 401 = table:00000143CDD28B50 402 = table:00000143A35C6EF8 403 = table:00000143C3E39158 404 = table:00000143C3E457C0 405 = table:00000143A3A4EDD0 406 = table:00000143C3E42690 407 = table:00000143C3E473E0 408 = table:00000143C3E3C060 409 = table:0000014409E6F378 41 = table:00000143553A6C80 410 = table:00000143A35C7300 411 = table:00000143C3E44C10 412 = table:00000143A3A55508 413 = table:00000143D4A45A10 414 = table:00000143A3A56138 415 = table:00000143C3E442B0 416 = table:00000143C3E453D8 417 = table:00000143C3E423C0 418 = table:0000014409E6F288 419 = table:000001431BD35B18 42 = table:0000014355389BA0 420 = table:00000143C3E3D7D0 421 = table:00000143A35C70D8 422 = table:00000143A3A555F8 423 = table:00000143C3E3BD90 424 = table:00000143C3E3F030 425 = table:00000143C3E3F8A0 426 = table:00000143CB5098C0 427 = table:00000143C3E3EA90 428 = table:00000143C3E43590 429 = table:00000143C3E3C150 43 = table:0000014409E67240 430 = table:00000143C3E3DC80 431 = table:00000143A3A4F2C8 432 = table:000001447D01E2D0 433 = table:000001447D01E0A8 434 = table:00000143C3E3EE50 435 = table:000001447D01DEC8 436 = table:0000014310453E80 437 = table:00000143C3E425A0 438 = table:00000143C3E37538 439 = table:00000143C3E36CC8 44 = table:00000143C3E433B0 440 = table:00000143C3E3F7B0 441 = table:00000143C3E3D5F0 442 = table:00000143CDD28D78 443 = table:00000143C3E36BD8 444 = table:00000143097A72A8 445 = table:00000143A3A56228 446 = table:00000143A35C7210 447 = table:00000143C3E44580 448 = table:00000143C3E41A60 449 = table:00000143C3E3F300 45 = table:00000143A3A56D68 450 = table:00000143C3E42FF0 451 = table:00000143A3A55088 452 = table:00000143C8035CC8 453 = table:00000143C3E431D0 454 = table:00000143CB5096E0 455 = table:00000143C3E3F210 456 = table:00000143C3E3B700 457 = table:00000143C3E42C30 458 = table:00000143553A6F98 459 = table:00000143097B3ED0 46 = table:000001447D01E198 460 = table:00000143553A6F50 461 = table:00000143C3E44670 462 = table:00000144081A19C0 463 = table:00000143C3E3F3F0 464 = table:00000143C3E3DAA0 465 = table:00000143CB509AE8 466 = table:000001431BD35A28 467 = table:00000143C3E42780 468 = table:00000143CDD28C40 469 = table:00000143A3A4EFB0 47 = table:00000143097A6FD8 470 = table:00000143C3E432C0 471 = table:00000143C3E3F4E0 472 = table:00000143D76AB1E0 473 = table:00000143C3E46120 474 = table:00000143C3E37718 475 = table:00000143C3E403E0 476 = table:00000143A3A4FC68 477 = table:00000143C3E440D0 478 = table:0000014309787008 479 = table:00000143C3E3D8C0 48 = table:00000143C3E3B9D0 480 = table:00000143A3A557D8 481 = table:00000143C3E38CA8 482 = table:00000143C3E456D0 483 = table:00000143C3E40A70 484 = table:00000143C3E455E0 485 = table:0000014409E6F468 486 = table:00000143A3A54BD8 487 = table:00000143553A6D70 488 = table:00000143C3E424B0 49 = table:00000143C3E36638 5 = table:00000143C3E451B0 50 = table:00000143097A7338 51 = table:00000143D4A363C8 52 = table:00000143A3A4F998 53 = table:00000143097870F8 54 = table:00000143A3A54AE8 55 = table:00000143C3E467B0 56 = table:00000143C3E407A0 57 = table:00000143C3E47E30 58 = table:00000143A3A56A98 59 = table:00000143C3E47C50 6 = table:00000143C3E3E4F0 60 = table:00000143C3E416A0 61 = table:0000014409E64430 62 = table:00000143C3E452A0 63 = table:00000143C3E47D40 64 = table:00000143C3E3FA80 65 = table:00000143C3E43C20 66 = table:00000143D4A45B00 67 = table:00000143C3E3E130 68 = table:00000143C3E38BB8 69 = table:00000143C3E46C60 7 = table:00000143A3A56048 70 = table:00000143C3E45D60 71 = table:00000143C3E3F990 72 = table:00000143C3E3F5D0 73 = table:00000143C3E3BE80 74 = table:00000143C3E46E40 75 = table:00000143CB751800 76 = table:00000143C3E43B30 77 = table:000001447D01E288 78 = table:00000143C3E36818 79 = table:00000143C3E43680 8 = table:00000143C3E464E0 80 = table:00000143C3E46A80 81 = table:00000143C3E40B60 82 = table:00000143C3E3F120 83 = table:0000014409E643E8 84 = table:00000143C3E41010 85 = table:00000143A3A4F0A0 86 = table:00000143C3E3DE60 87 = table:00000143C3E42A50 88 = table:00000143C3E3E9A0 89 = table:00000143A3A4EBF0 9 = table:00000143A3A54728 90 = table:00000143C3E37358 91 = table:00000143C3E46B70 92 = table:00000143C3E36DB8 93 = table:00000144081A1BA0 94 = table:00000143C3E38AC8 95 = table:00000143A35C71C8 96 = table:000001431BD342D0 97 = table:00000143A3A55268 98 = table:00000143C3E3E5E0 99 = table:00000143C3E3D9B0 dataTypes = table:00000143E02E3AB0 firstTable 1 = table:000001442807BC48 firstTable height = 80 pool = table:000001442807BB40 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:000001442807BB88 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143553B1008 (meta 00000143C3E49B70} 10 = userdata:00000143C3E4E6F8 (meta 00000143C3E4EC88} 11 = userdata:00000143C3E4EFC0 (meta 00000143C3E4F768} 12 = userdata:00000143C3E4F970 (meta 00000143C3E50048} 13 = userdata:00000143C3E50380 (meta 00000143C3E50B28} 2 = userdata:00000143C3E49EA8 (meta 00000143C3E48608} 3 = userdata:00000143C3E48940 (meta 00000143C3E49128} 4 = userdata:00000143C3E49378 (meta 0000014355394D20} 5 = userdata:0000014355395058 (meta 00000143553957B0} 6 = userdata:0000014355395A40 (meta 00000143C3E4C4B0} 7 = userdata:00000143C3E4C7E8 (meta 00000143C3E4CF88} 8 = userdata:00000143C3E4D190 (meta 00000143C3E4D808} 9 = userdata:00000143C3E4DB40 (meta 00000143C3E4E3E8} m_Factory() = function:000001442807BA40 m_Free = table:000001442807BC00 firstTable m_NextControlId = 13 m_NextFree = 14 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001442807B9C0 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000143E02E3880 (meta 0000014308349FC8} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143E02E3660 (meta 00000143E02E3938} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143E02E38E0 (meta 000001430836A030} areaOver = false targetAlpha = 0.5 timeline = userdata:00000143E02E38B0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} selectionCallback() = function:00000143E02F3C00 selectionTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterDefaultHighlight timeline = userdata:00000143E02E3C00 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 80 upButton = userdata:00000143E02E37F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143C3E47F20 firstTable 1 = 1 10 = 10 100 = 100 101 = 101 102 = 102 103 = 103 104 = 104 105 = 105 106 = 106 107 = 107 108 = 108 109 = 109 11 = 11 110 = 110 111 = 111 112 = 112 113 = 113 114 = 114 115 = 115 116 = 116 117 = 117 118 = 118 119 = 119 12 = 12 120 = 120 121 = 121 122 = 122 123 = 123 124 = 124 125 = 125 126 = 126 127 = 127 128 = 128 129 = 129 13 = 13 130 = 130 131 = 131 132 = 132 133 = 133 134 = 134 135 = 135 136 = 136 137 = 137 138 = 138 139 = 139 14 = 14 140 = 140 141 = 141 142 = 142 143 = 143 144 = 144 145 = 145 146 = 146 147 = 147 148 = 148 149 = 149 15 = 15 150 = 150 151 = 151 152 = 152 153 = 153 154 = 154 155 = 155 156 = 156 157 = 157 158 = 158 159 = 159 16 = 16 160 = 160 161 = 161 162 = 162 163 = 163 164 = 164 165 = 165 166 = 166 167 = 167 168 = 168 169 = 169 17 = 17 170 = 170 171 = 171 172 = 172 173 = 173 174 = 174 175 = 175 176 = 176 177 = 177 178 = 178 179 = 179 18 = 18 180 = 180 181 = 181 182 = 182 183 = 183 184 = 184 185 = 185 186 = 186 187 = 187 188 = 188 189 = 189 19 = 19 190 = 190 191 = 191 192 = 192 193 = 193 194 = 194 195 = 195 196 = 196 197 = 197 198 = 198 199 = 199 2 = 2 20 = 20 200 = 200 201 = 201 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userdata:00000143E02E1660 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E02F2740 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden masterList = table:00000143ED5320C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143103834F8 10 = table:00000143CDD181E0 100 = table:00000144D0786DD8 101 = table:0000014313E3AA38 102 = table:0000014313E17090 103 = table:0000014409E6ABC0 104 = table:0000014320867458 105 = table:00000143E02C73B0 106 = table:00000143B8D0AFF0 107 = table:00000143C7D3E628 108 = table:0000014320DC2050 109 = table:00000143094E4FC0 11 = table:00000143CDD15E18 110 = table:00000143E02B9C88 111 = table:00000143094F1E78 112 = table:00000143D76AC718 113 = table:0000014409E5DB80 114 = table:00000144801596F0 115 = table:0000014309DFE4C8 116 = table:00000143143AFCF0 117 = table:00000143143AFDD8 118 = table:00000143143AFEB8 119 = table:00000143F65B8260 12 = table:00000143D4A327E0 120 = table:000001435537FEB8 121 = table:000001435537FFE0 122 = table:0000014355380090 123 = table:00000143075B2588 124 = table:0000014355387F00 125 = table:0000014355387FB8 126 = table:0000014355388098 127 = table:00000143DF6220D8 128 = table:00000143C7D3A8E0 129 = table:0000014320DBFF28 13 = table:00000143D4A33178 130 = table:00000143DAF0B670 131 = table:0000014320DBAA80 132 = table:00000143553938F0 133 = table:00000143553939A0 134 = table:0000014355393B00 135 = table:000001430A466270 136 = table:00000143094EA478 137 = table:0000014306477848 138 = table:00000143553944C8 139 = table:00000143553945A8 14 = table:00000143D4A33220 140 = table:00000143D76A6CD8 141 = table:00000143F9CF0680 142 = table:00000143553A1B60 143 = table:00000143553A1C10 144 = table:00000143553A1CF8 145 = table:000001448017F710 146 = table:0000014313E31258 147 = table:00000143D8F22F28 148 = table:00000143D8F22FB0 149 = table:00000143AF1D4B68 15 = table:00000143CDD33A40 150 = table:00000144C752B578 151 = table:00000144C752B620 152 = table:00000144C752B6F8 153 = table:00000143CDD30770 154 = table:00000143CDD30850 155 = table:0000014355397490 156 = table:0000014355397570 157 = table:0000014355397690 158 = table:0000014355397F58 159 = table:0000014355398030 16 = table:0000014409E541A8 160 = table:00000143A35CD880 161 = table:00000143A35CD960 162 = table:00000143A35CDA88 163 = table:00000143CDD290C8 164 = table:00000143CDD291D0 165 = table:00000143CDD0D508 166 = table:00000143CDD0D5F0 167 = table:00000143CDD0D6D0 168 = table:00000143097A38D8 169 = table:00000143097A39B0 17 = table:0000014409E54260 170 = table:00000143097A3A88 171 = table:00000143CDD32878 172 = table:00000143CDD32958 173 = table:00000143D4A34918 174 = table:00000143D4A34A00 175 = table:00000143D4A34AE0 176 = table:00000143D4A370C8 177 = table:00000143D4A371B8 178 = table:00000143D4A372A8 179 = table:00000143CDD125D0 18 = table:0000014409E545A0 180 = table:00000143CDD12740 181 = table:0000014409E60A18 182 = table:0000014409E60AC0 183 = table:0000014409E60B78 184 = table:0000014309793D28 185 = table:0000014309793E60 186 = table:0000014409E595B0 187 = table:0000014409E59688 188 = table:0000014409E59730 189 = table:00000144DD5CBAE0 19 = table:00000143CDD11630 190 = table:00000144DD5CBBC0 191 = table:00000144DD5CBC98 192 = table:00000143CB73C120 193 = table:00000143CB73C288 194 = table:00000143DE37BD18 195 = table:00000143DE37BDF0 196 = table:00000143DE37BF10 197 = table:00000143DE37AAB0 198 = table:00000143DE37AB90 199 = table:00000143DE37AC70 2 = table:00000143A35D48A0 20 = table:00000143D4A34190 200 = table:00000143DE3776D8 201 = table:00000143C7D40060 202 = table:00000143C7D40140 203 = table:00000143C7D401F8 204 = table:00000143DF624DD8 205 = table:00000143DF624EB0 206 = table:000001431DD909A8 207 = table:000001431DD9CB98 208 = table:000001431DD9CC78 209 = table:000001431DD9CD58 21 = table:00000143D4A34268 210 = table:000001431D6D3F70 211 = table:000001431D6D4048 212 = table:000001431D6D4130 213 = table:000001431D6CEB30 214 = table:000001431D6CEBE8 215 = table:000001431D6CECA0 216 = table:0000014458614CD0 217 = table:0000014458614DB8 218 = table:0000014458614EA8 219 = table:00000143DAF055D0 22 = table:00000143D4A3AA80 220 = table:00000143DAF056A8 221 = table:0000014306481468 222 = table:0000014306481518 223 = table:00000143064815F8 224 = table:00000143AA40C058 225 = table:00000143AA40C138 226 = table:00000143D9E66CD8 227 = table:00000143D9E66DB8 228 = table:00000143D9E66E98 229 = table:00000143D76AF678 23 = table:00000143D4A3B188 230 = table:00000143D76AF760 231 = table:00000143D76AF840 232 = table:00000143E3A2DAC0 233 = table:00000143E3A2DBA0 234 = table:0000014313E1CCD8 235 = table:0000014313E1CDC0 236 = table:0000014313E1CEA0 237 = table:00000143137AC108 238 = table:00000143137AC1E0 239 = table:00000143137AC2C8 24 = table:00000143D4A3CA88 240 = table:00000143B8CFFA00 241 = table:00000143B8CFFAE8 242 = table:00000143AF1CBC28 243 = table:00000143AF1CBD10 244 = table:00000143AF1CBDB8 245 = table:0000014355587278 246 = table:0000014355587360 247 = table:0000014355587440 248 = table:0000014355594D98 249 = table:0000014355594E48 25 = table:00000143D4A3CB70 250 = table:00000144586091F0 251 = table:0000014458609310 252 = table:00000144586093E8 253 = table:000001444E5895E8 254 = table:000001444E5896D0 255 = table:000001431B4333B0 256 = table:000001431B4334E0 257 = table:000001431B4335B8 258 = table:00000143BC3706D8 259 = table:000001445842B508 26 = table:00000143D4A3CFE0 260 = table:000001445842B5E8 261 = table:000001445842B6D8 262 = table:00000143C8029D18 263 = table:00000143C8029DF0 264 = table:00000143C8029EC8 265 = table:0000014313E42B60 266 = table:00000143D4A35230 267 = table:00000143D4A35318 268 = table:00000143D4A353F8 269 = table:00000144D07679D0 27 = table:00000143D4A3DCA8 270 = table:00000144D0767A90 271 = table:00000144D0767B80 272 = table:000001442807E6A0 273 = table:000001442807E7E0 274 = table:000001442807E8C0 275 = table:00000143DF6238D0 276 = table:00000143DF623980 277 = table:00000143DF623A98 278 = table:00000144C755AE98 279 = table:00000144C755AF78 28 = table:00000143D4A3E0F8 280 = table:00000144C755AFF0 281 = table:00000143CB5071A8 282 = table:00000143CB5071F0 283 = table:00000143CB507310 284 = table:00000143DE37D540 285 = table:00000143CB50A438 286 = table:00000143CB50A518 287 = table:00000143CB51D430 288 = table:00000143CB51D518 289 = table:00000143CB51D600 29 = table:00000143D4A3E1A0 290 = table:000001439FC51A58 291 = table:000001439FC51B38 292 = table:000001439FC51C28 293 = table:00000143FE103CD0 294 = table:00000143FE103DC0 295 = table:00000143FE103E70 296 = table:00000143B8D027E0 297 = table:00000143B8D028C0 298 = table:0000014320DB7100 299 = table:0000014320DB71D8 3 = table:00000143A35D48E8 30 = table:00000143D4A44480 300 = table:0000014313E3E810 301 = table:0000014313E3E8C0 302 = table:0000014313E3E9A0 303 = table:00000143CB51F3F8 304 = table:00000143CB51F4D0 305 = table:0000014313E3EA48 306 = table:000001430977B0B0 307 = table:000001430977B188 308 = table:000001430977B268 309 = table:00000143D4A31320 31 = table:0000014309798FB0 310 = table:00000143D4A31400 311 = table:00000143D4A314E8 312 = table:0000014409E73648 313 = table:0000014409E737B0 314 = table:0000014409E73858 315 = table:0000014408195920 316 = table:00000144081959F8 317 = table:0000014408195B08 318 = table:0000014409E70A30 319 = table:0000014409E70AE8 32 = table:00000143097990D0 320 = table:0000014409E70BA8 321 = table:0000014409E70C50 322 = table:00000143D4A32B68 323 = table:00000143D4A32C50 324 = table:00000143D4A32D30 325 = table:00000143A3A46F88 326 = table:00000144280584B8 327 = table:00000144280585A0 328 = table:0000014428058680 329 = table:000001442807AFF0 33 = table:00000143097991B0 330 = table:000001442807B0C8 331 = table:000001442807B1A8 332 = table:00000143DAF0B580 333 = table:00000143DAF0B628 334 = table:00000143F65B5828 335 = table:00000143F65B5918 336 = table:000001431DEDC208 337 = table:000001431DEDC2F8 338 = table:000001431DEDC3B8 339 = table:00000143555943F8 34 = table:0000014409E6E148 340 = table:00000143555944D8 341 = table:00000143555945B0 342 = table:0000014316CD8A30 343 = table:0000014316CD8B08 344 = table:0000014316CD8BE8 345 = table:0000014313E0EE38 346 = table:0000014313E0EF18 347 = table:00000144C75481D8 348 = table:00000144C7548290 349 = table:00000144C7548378 35 = table:0000014409E6E228 350 = table:00000144C7548450 351 = table:00000143C8054288 352 = table:00000143C8054378 353 = table:00000143C8054458 354 = table:00000143CDD09C78 355 = table:00000143CDD09DD8 356 = table:000001442805D5F0 357 = table:000001442805D7A0 358 = table:000001442805D878 359 = table:000001448F880A70 36 = table:00000143D4A2C008 360 = table:000001448F880B28 361 = table:000001448F880C08 362 = table:000001431DE7D090 363 = table:000001431DE7D170 364 = table:000001431DE7D248 365 = table:00000144801678A8 366 = table:0000014480167980 367 = table:0000014480167A58 368 = table:000001435538B258 369 = table:000001435538B308 37 = table:00000143D4A2C0F0 370 = table:000001435538B3E8 371 = table:00000143553A4468 372 = table:00000143553A4518 373 = table:00000143553A4600 374 = table:00000143CDD22B68 375 = table:00000143CDD22D30 376 = table:00000143CDD29468 377 = table:00000143CDD29550 378 = table:00000143CDD29690 379 = table:0000014428061A18 38 = table:00000143D4A2C1D0 380 = table:0000014428061AF0 381 = table:0000014428061BC8 382 = table:0000014428063050 383 = table:0000014428063128 384 = table:0000014428063210 385 = table:000001442808B7E0 386 = table:000001442808B888 387 = table:000001442808B968 388 = table:000001442808C538 389 = table:000001442808C620 39 = table:00000143D4A4B030 390 = table:000001442808C6F8 391 = table:0000014309DF2F28 392 = table:0000014309DF2FD0 393 = table:0000014309DF3140 394 = table:00000143DDBC86A0 395 = table:00000143DDBC8788 396 = table:00000143DDBC8870 397 = table:0000014309E23288 398 = table:0000014309E23368 399 = table:000001447D421E18 4 = table:00000143A35D4978 40 = table:00000143D4A4B140 400 = table:000001447D421EF8 401 = table:000001447D421FD8 402 = table:00000143134531B8 403 = table:0000014313453298 404 = table:0000014313453348 405 = table:00000143A3A3BF78 406 = table:0000014316678298 407 = table:0000014316678378 408 = table:0000014316678458 409 = table:0000014313E556E8 41 = table:00000143D4A4CA50 410 = table:0000014313E55798 411 = table:0000014313E55850 412 = table:00000143AA40AA98 413 = table:00000143AA40AB88 414 = table:00000143AA40AC68 415 = table:00000143E13686D0 416 = table:00000143E13687B8 417 = table:00000143E13688A8 418 = table:000001430A05DFB8 419 = table:000001430A05E098 42 = table:00000143D4A4CB08 420 = table:000001430A05E180 421 = table:000001431036C6C8 422 = table:000001431036C7B8 423 = table:000001431036C8A0 424 = table:000001430A07E278 425 = table:000001430A07E350 426 = table:000001430A07E430 427 = table:000001439D852EA0 428 = table:000001439D852F88 429 = table:000001439D853030 43 = table:00000143D4A4CBF0 430 = table:00000144DD5B26C8 431 = table:00000144DD5B27A8 432 = table:00000144DD5B2898 433 = table:00000144D07587A8 434 = table:00000144D07588B8 435 = table:00000144D0758990 436 = table:00000144D0760938 437 = table:00000144D0760A60 438 = table:0000014309B47BA0 439 = table:0000014309B47C48 44 = table:00000143D4A561D0 440 = table:0000014309B47D28 441 = table:00000144D07693E0 442 = table:00000144D07755A0 443 = table:00000144D0775650 444 = table:00000144D0775730 445 = table:00000144D0776010 446 = table:00000144D07760F0 447 = table:00000144D07761C8 448 = table:00000144D0776498 449 = table:00000144D0776550 45 = table:00000143D4A562E0 450 = table:00000144D0776640 451 = table:00000144D0777980 452 = table:00000144D0777A68 453 = table:00000144D0777B58 454 = table:00000144D0778AF8 455 = table:00000144D0778BD8 456 = table:00000144D0778CC0 457 = table:00000144D0789388 458 = table:00000144D0789468 459 = table:00000144D0789558 46 = table:00000143D4A563D0 460 = table:00000144D0789B80 461 = table:00000144D0789C58 462 = table:00000144D0789D40 463 = table:00000143E02B8710 464 = table:00000143E02B87F8 465 = table:00000143E02B8908 466 = table:00000143E02BF880 467 = table:00000143E02BF998 468 = table:00000143E02BFA78 469 = table:00000143E02C1078 47 = table:00000143D4A67C68 470 = table:00000143E02C1188 471 = table:00000143E02C1268 472 = table:00000143E02C6D60 473 = table:00000143E02C6E50 474 = table:00000143E02C6F38 475 = table:00000143E02C8938 476 = table:00000143E02C8A20 477 = table:00000143E02C8B00 478 = table:00000143E02C8BB8 479 = table:00000143E02C9230 48 = table:00000143D4A67D68 480 = table:00000143E02C9310 481 = table:00000143E02C9408 482 = table:00000143E02C9C70 483 = table:00000143E02CA1A0 484 = table:00000143E02CA258 485 = table:00000143E02CA340 486 = table:000001442807F698 487 = table:000001442807F778 488 = table:000001442807F850 49 = table:0000014409E908A8 5 = table:00000143CDD15DA0 50 = table:0000014409E90958 51 = table:0000014409E90A40 52 = table:0000014409E7A210 53 = table:0000014409E7A2F0 54 = table:0000014409E7A3E0 55 = table:0000014409E90CE8 56 = table:0000014409E90D98 57 = table:0000014409E90E48 58 = table:0000014313467F90 59 = table:0000014313468078 6 = table:00000143A35D4930 60 = table:0000014313468158 61 = table:00000143E02DDED8 62 = table:00000143E02DDFB8 63 = table:0000014313E082C8 64 = table:0000014313E083D8 65 = table:0000014313E08480 66 = table:000001448F8B34F8 67 = table:000001448F8B35D8 68 = table:000001448F8B36D0 69 = table:000001442805C9F8 7 = table:00000143CDD15E70 70 = table:0000014320F5DD78 71 = table:0000014320F5DF78 72 = table:00000144D075A780 73 = table:00000144D075A868 74 = table:00000144D075A948 75 = table:000001431C5B8BF8 76 = table:000001431C5B8CD0 77 = table:000001431C5B8DA8 78 = table:00000144280627E8 79 = table:00000144280628D0 8 = table:00000143CDD18120 80 = table:00000144280629B8 81 = table:000001447D43B9B0 82 = table:000001447D43BA90 83 = table:000001431666F868 84 = table:000001431666F950 85 = table:000001431666FA68 86 = table:0000014320F67A70 87 = table:0000014320F67B58 88 = table:0000014310361FC0 89 = table:0000014310362098 9 = table:00000143CDD18168 90 = table:0000014320F67C30 91 = table:00000144D0762090 92 = table:00000143F65AC9A8 93 = table:00000144D0766890 94 = table:000001431B435CC8 95 = table:0000014316CDBB80 96 = table:00000143094EB348 97 = table:00000144D077D5B8 98 = table:00000143BC161998 99 = table:000001445842E720 movementController = table:00000143E02F3BB8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 optionTemplateGroups = table:00000143E02F2E10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E02F30B0 firstTable headerFunction() = function:000001431DC98928 options = table:00000143E02F3150 firstTable 1 = table:0000014428079630 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143E02E19D8 conditionFunction() = function:00000143E02F13B0 10 = table:000001442807A1A8 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143EA779380 conditionFunction() = function:0000014428079FB8 11 = table:000001442807A2C8 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143B4BFCF60 conditionFunction() = function:000001442807A248 12 = table:000001442807A368 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143E30A8620 conditionFunction() = function:00000143E30A85E0 13 = table:000001442807A408 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143E02E1B58 conditionFunction() = function:00000143CACAD7E8 2 = table:00000144280796D0 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143E02E1A18 conditionFunction() = function:00000144280795D8 3 = table:00000144280797B8 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143E02E1A58 conditionFunction() = function:0000014428079770 4 = table:0000014428079B80 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143E02E1A98 conditionFunction() = function:0000014428079B38 5 = table:0000014428079C68 firstTable buildFunction() = function:000001431DC98968 conditionFunction() = function:0000014428079C20 6 = table:0000014428079D90 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143E02E1AD8 conditionFunction() = function:0000014428079AF0 7 = table:0000014428079E30 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143B4BFCFE0 conditionFunction() = function:00000143B4BFCFA0 8 = table:0000014428079ED0 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143140BF240 conditionFunction() = function:00000143140BF1C0 9 = table:000001442807A000 firstTable buildFunction() = function:0000014428079F70 conditionFunction() = function:000001431DC988E8 panelFocalArea = table:00000143E02F4200 (meta 00000143AA17A038} searchEdit = userdata:00000143E02E31B8 (meta 00000143E02E3308} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true searchProcessor = table:00000143E02F3C90 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:00000143E02F3CD8 firstTable processors = table:00000143E02F3D50 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E02F3D98 socialManager = table:00000143ED531BA0 (meta 00000143E1CEB7F8} firstTable firstMeta guildAlliance = 3 guildId = 1 guildName = UESP lists = table:00000143ED531D58 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DE993D8 (meta 000001431DEA74B8} 2 = table:00000143E02F34B8 (meta 00000143E02E1540} masterList = table:00000143ED5320C8 noteEditedFunction() = function:00000143ED540EB0 search = table:00000143ED531F10 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:00000143ED5405F0 firstTable processors = table:00000143ED540CF8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED540AE8 sortFunction() = function:00000143E02F3C48 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E02F36B0 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortKeys = table:00000143E1CEADC8 GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD = table:000001431DE993D8 (meta 000001431DEA74B8} firstTable firstMeta alternateRowBackgrounds = true automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:000001431DEA75A8 (meta 0000014308326048} currentSortKey = status currentSortOrder = true emptyRow = userdata:000001431DE966C8 (meta 000001430831E750} headersContainer = userdata:000001431DEA32F8 (meta 000001430831E750} hideOfflineCheckBox = userdata:00000144081A47F0 (meta 000001431DEA3238} firstMeta firstIndex label = userdata:000001431DEA35F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} toggleFunction() = function:00000143CB73B0D0 list = userdata:000001431DE9ACB8 (meta 000001431DE9A400} searchBox = userdata:000001431DEA67B0 (meta 000001431DEA68D8} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true sortFunction() = function:000001431DE93000 sortHeaderGroup = table:000001431DE97B30 (meta 0000014368605B08} GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER = table:00000143ED531BA0 (meta 00000143E1CEB7F8} GUILD_ROSTER_SCENE = table:000001431DE92D80 (meta 0000014368607700} GUILD_SELECTOR = table:00000143D5FFFA68 (meta 00000143D6B10EC0} firstTable firstMeta OnGuildChanged() = function:00000143D5FDC5D8 allianceIconControl = userdata:00000143E41C5600 (meta 0000014308349FC8} comboBox = table:000001447D440EA0 (meta 000001431D56DB28} control = userdata:00000143D6B10FE0 (meta 0000014308326048} currentGuildText = UESP guildId = 1 guildRelatedScenes = table:00000143D6000160 firstTable 1 = guildHome 2 = guildRoster 3 = guildRanks 4 = guildHistory 5 = guildHeraldry guildWindows = table:00000143D5FFFEC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB75A7F8 (meta 00000143E388D478} firstTable firstMeta campaignName = userdata:00000143CB7460B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} control = userdata:00000143F28D4F98 (meta 0000014308326048} description = table:00000143CB73CF70 (meta 00000143A42A0650} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000143CB73C618 firstTable Save = table:00000143CB73CA30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB73CAD0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB73C758 3 = false SetEditing = table:00000143CB73C660 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB73C6D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB74F540 3 = false cancelButton = userdata:00000143CB74F440 (meta 0000014308331CA0} control = userdata:00000143CB750088 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB73C910 firstTable display = userdata:00000143CB74FBD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} edit = userdata:00000143CB74FA78 (meta 00000143CB73C578} editBackdrop = userdata:00000143CB74FA00 (meta 0000014308324730} editing = false empty = userdata:00000143CB74FC48 (meta 00000143083425C0} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 modified = false modifyButton = userdata:00000143CB74F3C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} putTextInQuotes = true resetText = |aCUnited Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits (UESP)\"\nThe wiki: uesp.net\n|r|c3A92FFUESP Guild TeamSpeak: ts.uesp.net / pw: SothaSil\nUESP Wiki Discord: https://discord.gg/UESP|r\nRaffles on |cEECA2ASundays at 9:30 pm ET saveButton = userdata:00000143CB74F4B8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} validText = true guildId = 1 infoContainer = userdata:00000143CB758C38 (meta 000001430831E750} keepIcon = userdata:000001448F8A16F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} keepName = userdata:000001448F8A1760 (meta 00000143083425C0} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143CB73CB50 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB73BCE0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB73BDD0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Leave Guild visible() = function:00000143CB73BE50 2 = table:00000143CB73BE90 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB73B8B0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Release Ownership visible() = function:00000143CB73B868 alignment = 2 motd = table:00000143CB74F5C0 (meta 00000143A42A0650} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000144DD5CEB60 firstTable Save = table:00000143CB73CE50 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB73CEF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB73CDD0 3 = false SetEditing = table:00000143CB73CD10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB73CD88 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB74F540 3 = false cancelButton = userdata:00000143CB7572B0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} control = userdata:00000143CB75A908 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB74F608 firstTable display = userdata:00000143CB758850 (meta 00000143083425C0} edit = userdata:00000143CB758708 (meta 00000144DD5CEAC0} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true editBackdrop = userdata:00000143CB758690 (meta 0000014308324730} editing = false empty = userdata:00000143CB7588C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 modified = false modifyButton = userdata:00000143CB7588F0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} putTextInQuotes = true resetText = |t32:32:esoui\\art\\journal\\gamepad\\gp_questtypeicon_groupdungeon.dds|tOctober 25: Fungal Grotto I – Selene's Web – Bloodroot Forge\n\n|cFF0099UESP Trial: WEDNESDAY at 9.15pm|r VETERAN Hel Ra Citadel. Players should be experienced with nHRC, DPS classes should have 15k+ DPS. Send a message to @Jonlaw98\n\nDon't forget to use your |cA02EF7Witchmother's Whistle|r to get a 100% EXP buff! Look out for dolmen and World Boss runs in Guild chat.\n\n|c2DC50EUESP Guild Raffle:|r @fgoron2000 has won 10 |cFFD709Psijic Ambrosia|r, @Bluedwarf has won 7 & @Dianthe has won 3\n\nThis week: Celebrate the release of Clockwork City with our Dwemer furnishings! 1st prize: |cFFD709Dwarven Gyroscope, Masterwork|r, 2nd prize: |c3A92FFDwarven Engine, Boiler|r, 3rd prize: |c2DC50EDwarven Urn, Sealed|r!\nRaffle tickets are 1000g each (deposited into guild bank, lump sum deposits are ok).\n\n|cFD7A1A23 Oct: uespLog v1.31 is now available from the wiki and ESOUI/Minion.|t\r saveButton = userdata:00000143CB754860 (meta 0000014308331CA0} validText = true savingEditBoxGroup = table:00000143CB74EEE0 (meta 00000143A42A11F0} firstTable firstMeta savingEditBoxes = table:00000143CB74F4C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB74F5C0 (meta 00000143A42A0650} 2 = table:00000143CB73CF70 (meta 00000143A42A0650} setEditingCallback() = function:00000143CB74F540 scroll = userdata:00000143CB745A28 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:00000143CB75ACA0 (meta 000001430831E750} traderIcon = userdata:00000143CB7461F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} traderName = userdata:00000143CB746268 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = table:00000143ED531BA0 (meta 00000143E1CEB7F8} 3 = table:00000143F442CFA8 (meta 000001447D4397E0} 4 = table:00000143EA907698 (meta 00000143E41C8528} 5 = table:00000143103684C0 (meta 000001431347AD28} firstTable firstMeta bankIcon = userdata:00000143F0F9BFD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} canDepositToBank = true canUseHeraldry = true canUseTradingHouse = true control = userdata:000001431DE98990 (meta 0000014308326048} guildId = 1 heraldryIcon = userdata:00000143EA922430 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tradingHouseIcon = userdata:00000144DD5E5098 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 6 = table:000001431DEA7EC8 (meta 000001431DEA5318} scenesCreated = true GUILD_SELECTOR_ACTION_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:000001440819E2D8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} GUILD_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT = table:00000144DD5CDA08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GUILD_SHARED_INFO = table:00000143103684C0 (meta 000001431347AD28} GUILD_SHARED_INFO_FRAGMENT = table:00000144081919A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} GUILD_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:0000014313E3D9C8 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} GUI_RENDER_3D_SPACE_SYSTEM_CAMERA = 1 GUI_RENDER_3D_SPACE_SYSTEM_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 GUI_RENDER_3D_SPACE_SYSTEM_ITERATION_END = 1 GUI_RENDER_3D_SPACE_SYSTEM_MAX_VALUE = 1 GUI_RENDER_3D_SPACE_SYSTEM_MIN_VALUE = 0 GUI_RENDER_3D_SPACE_SYSTEM_WORLD = 0 GameCameraGamepadZoomDown = function: Private GameCameraGamepadZoomUp = function: Private GameCameraInteractStart = function: Private GameCameraMouseFreeLookStart = function: Private GameCameraMouseFreeLookStop = function: Private GameTooltip = userdata:00000143EA76CFE0 (meta 000001430834FDB0} GameTooltipBG = userdata:00000143E03A3600 (meta 0000014308324730} GameTooltipBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143E03A4A78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} GameTooltipTopLevel = userdata:00000143EA774560 (meta 0000014308326048} 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GetCoronateEmperorEventDescription() = function:00000143BC4F35A8 GetCostToCraftAlchemyItem() = function:000001439D2AD6E8 GetCostToCraftEnchantingItem() = function:000001439D2AE020 GetCostToCraftProvisionerItem() = function:000001439D2ADEB8 GetCostToCraftSmithingItem() = function:000001439D2AE3E0 GetCountdownBattlegroundAllianceSymbolIcon() = function:0000014429010F68 GetCraftingInteractionType() = function:000001439D2ACFE0 GetCraftingSkillLineIndices() = function:00000143CACA71C0 GetCraftingSkillName() = function:00000143CACA7238 GetCriticalStrikeChance() = function:000001439D286E80 GetCrownCrateCardTextures() = function:00000143CACA4458 GetCrownCrateCount() = function:00000143CACA42E0 GetCrownCrateNPCBoneWorldPosition() = function:00000143CACA48C8 GetCrownCrateNPCCardThrowingBoneName() = function:00000143CACA4A58 GetCrownCrateName() = function:00000143CACA4270 GetCrownCratePackNormalTexture() = function:00000143CACA43D8 GetCrownCrateRewardInfo() = function:00000143CACA46C8 GetCrownCrateRewardProductReferenceData() = function:00000143CACA4840 GetCrownCrateTierOrdering() = function:00000143CACA5050 GetCrownCrateTierQualityColor() = function:00000143CACA4BC8 GetCrownCrateTierReactionNPCAnimation() = function:00000143CACA4C40 GetCrownCratesSystemState() = function:00000143CACA4CC0 GetCurrencyAmount() = function:00000143F58E56A0 GetCurrencyGamepadColor() = function:00000143F58E5BB0 GetCurrencyGamepadIcon() = function:00000143F58E5C28 GetCurrencyKeyboardColor() = function:00000143F58E5A48 GetCurrencyKeyboardIcon() = function:00000143F58E5AC0 GetCurrencyLootGamepadIcon() = function:00000143F58E5CA0 GetCurrencyLootKeyboardIcon() = function:00000143F58E5B38 GetCurrencyName() = function:00000143F58E59D8 GetCurrencyPlayerStoredLocation() = function:00000143F58E58E8 GetCurrentBattlegroundId() = function:000001439D29FB08 GetCurrentBattlegroundScore() = function:000001439D2A0578 GetCurrentBattlegroundShutdownTimer() = function:000001439D29FE20 GetCurrentBattlegroundState() = function:000001439D2A05F0 GetCurrentBattlegroundStateTimeRemaining() = function:000001439D2A06E8 GetCurrentCampaignId() = function:000001439D2A0F88 GetCurrentCampaignLoyaltyStreak() = function:000001439D299A00 GetCurrentChapterCollectibleId() = function:00000143CACAE3C8 GetCurrentCharacterId() = function:000001439D289480 GetCurrentCollectibleDyes() = function:00000143CACA54A0 GetCurrentCrownCrateId() = function:00000143CACA44D0 GetCurrentHousePopulation() = function:00000143F58E4890 GetCurrentHousePopulationCap() = function:00000143F58E2B90 GetCurrentHousePreviewTemplateId() = function:00000143F58E4440 GetCurrentItemDyes() = function:00000143CACA5430 GetCurrentLFGActivity() = function:00000143D76B5828 GetCurrentLFGActivityId() = function:00000143F58DD110 GetCurrentMapIndex() = function:000001439D29BE68 GetCurrentMapZoneIndex() = function:000001439D29C030 GetCurrentMoney() = function:00000143D9E64620 GetCurrentParticipatingRaidId() = function:000001439D293460 GetCurrentQuickslot() = function:000001439D295160 GetCurrentRaidDeaths() = function:000001439D292F70 GetCurrentRaidLifeScoreBonus() = function:000001439D293060 GetCurrentRaidScore() = function:000001439D292F00 GetCurrentRaidStartingReviveCounters() = function:000001439D292FE0 GetCurrentRecipeIngredientCount() = function:000001439D2ADFA0 GetCurrentSmithingMaterialItemCount() = function:000001439D2AE9C0 GetCurrentSmithingStyleItemCount() = function:000001439D2AEB98 GetCurrentSmithingTraitItemCount() = function:000001439D2AEEE8 GetCurrentSubZonePOIIndices() = function:000001439D29D520 GetCurrentTitleIndex() = function:000001439D2A7240 GetCurrentTradingHouseGuildDetails() = function:000001439D295DE0 GetCurrentZoneDungeonDifficulty() = function:00000143F58E24F0 GetCurrentZoneHouseId() = function:00000143F58E2B20 GetCurrentZoneLevelScalingConstraints() = function:000001439D29DA40 GetCursorBagId() = function:000001439D290698 GetCursorContentType() = function:00000143CACA7068 GetCursorSlotIndex() = function:000001439D290708 GetCyrodiilMapIndex() = function:000001439D29BF48 GetDate() = function:00000143CACA8F00 GetDateStringFromTimestamp() = function:00000143CACA8D40 GetDeathInfo() = function:000001439D2A74E0 GetDeathRecapHintInfo() = function:00000143F58DD9A8 GetDefaultGuildRankName() = function:000001430A05A610 GetDefaultQuickChatMessage() = function:00000143F58DFFD8 GetDefaultQuickChatName() = function:00000143F58DFF60 GetDeposeEmperorEventDescription() = function:00000143BC4F3628 GetDiffBetweenTimeStamps() = function:00000143CACA8FD0 GetDigitGroupingSize() = function:00000143CACAE128 GetDimItemQualityColor() = function:0000014312F645F8 GetDisplayModes() = function:00000143CACA86B0 GetDisplayName() = function:00000143CACAA4C8 GetDistrictOwnershipTelVarBonusPercent() = function:000001439D2A7060 GetDuelInfo() = function:000001439D2A7BF0 GetDyeColorsById() = function:00000143CACA53C0 GetDyeInfo() = function:00000143CACA52E8 GetDyeInfoById() = function:00000143CACA5350 GetDyeSwatchMaxRowWidth_Gamepad() = function:00000144060285D0 GetDyeSwatchNumRows() = function:00000143F440B590 GetDyeSwatchRow() = function:00000143F440B5D8 GetDyeSwatchSize_Gamepad() = function:00000143F440B620 GetDyesSearchResult() = function:00000143F58E54F0 GetDynamicChatChannelName() = function:000001439D297FC0 GetESOVersionString() = function:00000143CACA9B20 GetEULADetails() = function:00000143CACA9FE8 GetEarnedAchievementPoints() = function:000001439D2AA468 GetEmoteCollectibleId() = function:00000143CACA7818 GetEmoteIndex() = function:00000143CACA7748 GetEmoteInfo() = function:00000143CACA77B0 GetEmoteSlashNameByIndex() = function:00000143CACA7888 GetEmperorAllianceBonusInfo() = function:000001439D2A0DA8 GetEnchantedItemResultingItemLink() = function:000001439D2AE360 GetEnchantingResultingItemInfo() = function:000001439D2AE178 GetEnchantingResultingItemLink() = function:000001439D2AE1F8 GetEnchantmentSearchCategories() = 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function:000001439D2A78B8 GetFrameDeltaNormalizedForTargetFramerate() = function:00000143CACAA440 GetFrameDeltaTimeMilliseconds() = function:00000143CACA8CC8 GetFrameDeltaTimeSeconds() = function:00000143CACA8BD8 GetFrameTimeMilliseconds() = function:00000143CACA8C50 GetFrameTimeSeconds() = function:00000143CACA8B68 GetFramerate() = function:00000143CACA8E30 GetFriendCharacterInfo() = function:00000143CACAA760 GetFriendInfo() = function:00000143CACAA6F8 GetFullBountyPayoffAmount() = function:00000143F58DDE10 GetFurnitureCategoryGamepadIcon() = function:00000143F58E2F58 GetFurnitureCategoryId() = function:00000143F58E2CF8 GetFurnitureCategoryInfo() = function:00000143F58E2E60 GetFurnitureCategoryKeyboardIcons() = function:00000143F58E2ED8 GetFurnitureCategoryName() = function:00000143CACA72A8 GetFurnitureDataCategoryInfo() = function:00000143CACA7390 GetFurnitureDataInfo() = function:00000143CACA7320 GetFurnitureIdFromCollectibleId() = function:00000143F58E4908 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= function:000001439D2A6F80 GetKeepName() = function:000001439D2A6418 GetKeepOwnershipChangedEventDescription() = function:00000143E4C556C8 GetKeepPinInfo() = function:000001439D2A63A8 GetKeepProductionLevel() = function:000001439D2A6728 GetKeepResourceInfo() = function:000001439D2A6648 GetKeepResourceLevel() = function:000001439D2A6568 GetKeepResourceType() = function:000001439D2A65D8 GetKeepScoreBonusInfo() = function:000001439D2A6338 GetKeepThatHasCapturedThisArtifactScrollObjective() = function:000001439D29F1E8 GetKeepTravelNetworkLinkEndpoints() = function:000001439D28D968 GetKeepTravelNetworkLinkInfo() = function:000001439D28D8F0 GetKeepTravelNetworkNodeInfo() = function:000001439D28D878 GetKeepType() = function:000001439D29B8C8 GetKeepUnderAttack() = function:000001439D2A6C68 GetKeepUpgradeDetails() = function:000001439D28E1B8 GetKeepUpgradeInfo() = function:000001439D2A66B8 GetKeepUpgradeLineFromResourceType() = function:000001439D28E228 GetKeepUpgradeLineFromUpgradePath() = 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GetLFGActivityRewardUINodeInfo() = function:00000143F58DC1A0 GetLFGAverageRoleTimeByActivity() = function:00000143F9CFB448 GetLFGCooldownTimeRemainingSeconds() = function:00000143F58DC2A0 GetLFGDisplayLevels() = function:00000143F9CEF770 GetLFGFindReplacementNotificationInfo() = function:000001431045DC78 GetLFGOption() = function:00000143D9E614C8 GetLFGOptionGamepadDescriptionTexture() = function:000001431045CEB8 GetLFGOptionGroupType() = function:00000143D76A78F8 GetLFGOptionKeyboardDescriptionTextures() = function:00000143D9E68F90 GetLFGReadyCheckActivityType() = function:00000143F58DCEA8 GetLFGReadyCheckCounts() = function:00000143F58DD020 GetLFGReadyCheckNotificationInfo() = function:00000143F58DCE28 GetLFGRequestInfo() = function:000001431045DC38 GetLFGSearchTimes() = function:00000143F58DC938 GetLargeAllianceSymbolIcon() = function:000001442900DEA0 GetLargeAvARankIcon() = function:000001439D288AC0 GetLargeBattlegroundAllianceSymbolIcon() = function:0000014429010DF8 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function:000001439D2A9D90 GetMailSender() = function:000001439D2A9508 GetMapContentType() = function:000001439D29C720 GetMapFilterType() = function:000001439D29C790 GetMapFloorInfo() = function:000001439D29CD78 GetMapIndexByZoneId() = function:000001439D29BED8 GetMapInfo() = function:000001439D29C338 GetMapKeySectionName() = function:000001439D29CC18 GetMapKeySectionSymbolInfo() = function:000001439D29CD00 GetMapLocationIcon() = function:000001439D29C8E0 GetMapLocationTooltipHeader() = function:000001439D29CAC0 GetMapLocationTooltipLineInfo() = function:000001439D29CA48 GetMapMouseoverInfo() = function:000001439D29CB38 GetMapName() = function:000001439D29C650 GetMapNameByIndex() = function:000001439D29C118 GetMapNumTiles() = function:000001439D29C570 GetMapParentCategories() = function:000001439D29C4F8 GetMapPing() = function:000001439D28D640 GetMapPlayerPosition() = function:000001439D28D5D0 GetMapPlayerWaypoint() = function:000001439D28D718 GetMapRallyPoint() = function:000001439D28D6A8 GetMapTileTexture() = function:000001439D29C5E0 GetMapType() = function:000001439D29C6B8 GetMarketProductBundleHidesChildProducts = function: Private GetMarketProductCategoryInfo = function: Private GetMarketProductChildId = function: Private GetMarketProductCollectibleId = function: Private GetMarketProductCollectibleInfo = function: Private GetMarketProductCompleteErrorStringId = function: Private GetMarketProductCrownCrateId = function: Private GetMarketProductCrownCrateRewardInfo() = function:00000143CACA4740 GetMarketProductCrownCrateTierId() = function:00000143CACA47C0 GetMarketProductDescription = function: Private GetMarketProductDisplayName = function: Private GetMarketProductEligibilityErrorStringIds = function: Private GetMarketProductEndTimeString = function: Private GetMarketProductFurnitureDataId = function: Private GetMarketProductHouseId = function: Private GetMarketProductHouseTemplateId = function: Private GetMarketProductIcon = function: Private GetMarketProductInfo = function: Private GetMarketProductInstantUnlockType = function: Private GetMarketProductItemInfo = function: Private GetMarketProductItemLink = function: Private GetMarketProductNumBundledProducts = function: Private GetMarketProductNumChildren = function: Private GetMarketProductNumCollectibles = function: Private GetMarketProductNumItems = function: Private GetMarketProductOpenMarketBehavior = function: Private GetMarketProductOpenMarketBehaviorNavigateToOtherProductId = function: Private GetMarketProductPresentationIds() = function:00000143CACA2E30 GetMarketProductPreviewVariationDisplayName() = function:00000143CACA6E10 GetMarketProductPricingByPresentation = function: Private GetMarketProductPurchaseState = function: Private GetMarketProductQuality = function: Private GetMarketProductStackCount = function: Private GetMarketProductSubCategoryInfo = function: Private GetMarketProductTimeLeftInSeconds = function: Private GetMarketProductType = function: Private GetMarketProductsForItem() = function:00000143CACA3D98 GetMarketState = function: Private GetMaxBags() = function:000001439D28C9B0 GetMaxBankCurrencyAmount() = function:00000143A34C1D40 GetMaxBankDeposit() = function:00000143F9CF2738 GetMaxBankWithdrawal() = function:00000143F9CF26F8 GetMaxBindingsPerAction() = function:000001439D291368 GetMaxCarriedCurrencyAmount() = function:00000143A34C1D00 GetMaxCurrencyTransfer() = function:00000143F58E5788 GetMaxGuildBankCurrencyAmount() = function:00000143A34C1D80 GetMaxGuildBankDeposit() = function:00000143F9CF27B8 GetMaxGuildBankWithdrawal() = function:00000143F9CF2778 GetMaxKeepNPCs() = function:000001439D2A6E30 GetMaxKeepSieges() = function:000001439D2A6DC0 GetMaxLevel() = function:000001439D2AB298 GetMaxMailItems() = function:000001439D2AA120 GetMaxPossibleCurrency() = function:00000143F58E5710 GetMaxPossiblePointsInChampionSkill() = function:00000143F58DF480 GetMaxRecipeIngredients() = function:000001439D2ADAF8 GetMaxRidingTraining() = function:000001439D295388 GetMaxSimultaneousSmithingResearch() = function:000001439D2AF0D8 GetMaxSpendableChampionPointsInAttribute() = function:000001439D2AB210 GetMaxTraits() = function:00000143F58EA8D8 GetMaxVeteranRank() = function:000001439D2AB300 GetMedalInfo() = function:000001439D29FC70 GetMedalName() = function:000001439D29FCD8 GetMedalScoreReward() = function:000001439D29FD40 GetMenuOwner() = function:00000143A131E258 GetMenuPadding() = function:00000143D0949D00 GetMinLevelForCampaignTutorial() = function:000001439D28DF58 GetMinMaxRamEscorts() = function:000001439D28EFA0 GetMinUICanvasHeight() = function:000001430830FCD8 GetMinUICanvasWidth() = function:0000014308373B08 GetMoragTongStyleId() = function:00000143F58DB380 GetMountSkinId() = function:000001439D2952A8 GetMouseIconPathForKeyCode() = function:00000143CACA96B0 GetNameOfGameCameraQuestToolTarget() = function:000001439D28FC80 GetNameplateGamepadFont() = function:00000143F58E4C70 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function:000001439D2AD5D8 GetNumAbilities() = function:000001439D28AE28 GetNumAbilitiesLearnedForLevel() = function:000001439D28F0F8 GetNumAchievementCategories() = function:000001439D2AA200 GetNumActionLayers() = function:000001439D2910B0 GetNumActiveActionLayers() = function:000001439D2919D0 GetNumActivitiesByType() = function:00000143F58DBCD8 GetNumActivityRequests() = function:00000143F58DC670 GetNumActivitySetActivities() = function:00000143F58DB9F0 GetNumActivitySetsByType() = function:00000143F58DCC40 GetNumArtifactScoreBonuses() = function:000001439D29F3E0 GetNumAttributes() = function:000001439D291BA0 GetNumAvAObjectives() = function:000001439D29E7B8 GetNumBackgroundListFilterResults() = function:00000143167B5158 GetNumBagFreeSlots() = function:00000143F58E6528 GetNumBagUsedSlots() = function:00000143F58E64B8 GetNumBattleStandards() = function:000001439D2A7A90 GetNumBattlegroundLeaderboardEntries() = function:000001439D29FFA0 GetNumBuffs() = function:000001439D289BC0 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GetNumCollectibleNotifications() = function:00000143CACA2048 GetNumCollectiblesSearchResults() = function:00000143CACA1C90 GetNumCrownGemsFromItemManualGemification() = function:00000143CACA0430 GetNumCurrentCrownCrateBonusRewards() = function:00000143CACA4648 GetNumCurrentCrownCratePrimaryRewards() = function:00000143CACA45C8 GetNumCurrentCrownCrateTotalRewards() = function:00000143CACA4548 GetNumDeathRecapHints() = function:00000143F58DD938 GetNumDefaultQuickChats() = function:00000143F58DFEE8 GetNumDyes() = function:00000143CACA5280 GetNumDyesSearchResults() = function:00000143F58E5478 GetNumEmotes() = function:00000143CACA76E0 GetNumExperiencePointsInLevel() = function:000001439D2AAF30 GetNumFastTravelNodes() = function:000001439D29E320 GetNumFishingLures() = function:00000143F58DD188 GetNumForwardCamps() = function:000001439D2A7848 GetNumFreeAnytimeCampaignReassigns() = function:000001439D2A10D8 GetNumFreeAnytimeCampaignUnassigns() = function:000001439D2A1490 GetNumFreeEndCampaignReassigns() = function:000001439D2A1158 GetNumFriendlyKeepNPCs() = function:000001439D2A6EA0 GetNumFriends() = function:00000143CACAA690 GetNumFurnitureCategories() = function:00000143F58E2C80 GetNumFurnitureSubcategories() = function:00000143F58E2D70 GetNumGuildEvents() = function:00000143CACAC348 GetNumGuildHistoryCategories() = function:00000143CACA93E0 GetNumGuildInvites() = function:00000143CACAC580 GetNumGuildMembers() = function:00000143CACAB1A8 GetNumGuildMembersRequiredForPrivilege() = function:00000143CACA9458 GetNumGuildPermissionDependencies() = function:00000143CACACDA8 GetNumGuildPermissionRequisites() = function:00000143CACACEA0 GetNumGuildPermissions() = function:00000143D9E603C8 GetNumGuildRankIcons() = function:00000143CACABBD8 GetNumGuildRanks() = function:00000143CACABAF8 GetNumGuildSpecificItems() = function:00000143CACACBD0 GetNumGuilds() = function:00000143CACAAF20 GetNumHelpCategories() = function:000001439D2AC1F8 GetNumHelpEntriesWithinCategory() = function:000001439D2AC268 GetNumHelpOverviewQuestionAnswers() = function:000001439D2AC918 GetNumHeraldryBackgroundCategories() = function:00000143F58DEA10 GetNumHeraldryBackgroundStyles() = function:00000143F58DEB10 GetNumHeraldryColors() = function:00000143F58DE930 GetNumHeraldryCrestCategories() = function:00000143F58DEC10 GetNumHeraldryCrestStyles() = function:00000143F58DED00 GetNumHomeShowLeaderboardEntries() = function:000001439D294530 GetNumHomeShowVoteCategories() = function:000001439D2943B0 GetNumHouseFurnishingsPlaced() = function:00000143F58E4628 GetNumHouseTemplatesForHouse() = function:00000143CACA7408 GetNumHousingPermissions() = function:00000143F58E25E0 GetNumIgnored() = function:00000143CACAA7D8 GetNumIncomingFriendRequests() = function:00000143CACAABF0 GetNumJournalQuests() = function:000001439D296CD0 GetNumKeepResourceTypes() = function:000001439D28E048 GetNumKeepScoreBonuses() = function:000001439D2A62C0 GetNumKeepTravelNetworkLinks() = function:000001439D28D800 GetNumKeepTravelNetworkNodes() = function:000001439D28D788 GetNumKeepUpgradePaths() = function:000001439D28E0C0 GetNumKeeps() = function:000001439D2A6178 GetNumKillLocations() = function:000001439D29A260 GetNumKillingAttacks() = function:00000143F58DD6E0 GetNumLFGActivityRewardUINodes() = function:00000143F58DC120 GetNumLFGOptions() = function:00000143F58DBCD8 GetNumLFGRequests() = function:00000143F58DC670 GetNumLastCraftingResultItemsAndPenalty() = function:000001439D2AD360 GetNumLastCraftingResultLearnedTraits() = function:000001439D2AD260 GetNumLastCraftingResultLearnedTranslations() = function:000001439D2AD150 GetNumLockpicksLeft() = function:000001439D2ACDB0 GetNumLootItems() = function:000001439D28DFD8 GetNumLoreCategories() = function:000001439D2AB9B0 GetNumMailItems() = function:000001439D2A93C0 GetNumMapKeySectionSymbols() = function:000001439D29CC88 GetNumMapKeySections() = function:000001439D29CBA8 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function:00000143F58DF500 GetNumRaidLeaderboards() = function:000001439D292590 GetNumRaidScoreNotificationMembers() = function:000001439D294958 GetNumRaidScoreNotifications() = function:000001439D2947F0 GetNumRecipeLists() = function:000001439D2ADA18 GetNumRecipeTradeskillRequirements() = function:000001439D2ADCC8 GetNumSCTCloudOffsets() = function:00000143F58E1C28 GetNumSCTSlots() = function:00000143F58E0540 GetNumSavedDyeSets() = function:00000143CACA5588 GetNumScoreboardEntries() = function:000001439D2A01A8 GetNumScriptedEventInvites() = function:000001439D2AB650 GetNumSelectionCampaignFriends() = function:000001439D2A1CE0 GetNumSelectionCampaignGroupMembers() = function:000001439D2A1DE0 GetNumSelectionCampaignGuildMembers() = function:000001439D2A1D60 GetNumSelectionCampaigns() = function:000001439D2A1A70 GetNumSieges() = function:000001439D2A6F18 GetNumSkillAbilities() = function:000001439D2A8CD0 GetNumSkillLines() = function:000001439D2A8B78 GetNumSkillTypes() = function:000001439D2A8B08 GetNumSkyShards() = function:000001439D2A8A98 GetNumSmithingImprovementItems() = function:00000143F58DB030 GetNumSmithingPatterns() = function:000001439D2AE6D0 GetNumSmithingResearchLines() = function:000001439D2AF060 GetNumSmithingStyleItems() = function:00000143D9E60408 GetNumSmithingTraitItems() = function:000001439D2AED80 GetNumSpentChampionPoints() = function:00000143F58DF678 GetNumStats() = function:000001439D28F090 GetNumStoreItems() = function:000001439D29AB30 GetNumTelvarStonesLost() = function:00000143F58DDA18 GetNumTitles() = function:000001439D2A7170 GetNumTracked() = function:000001439D2A86D8 GetNumTradingHouseGuilds() = function:000001439D295CF0 GetNumTradingHouseListings() = function:000001439D29BA08 GetNumTrialLeaderboardEntries() = function:000001439D292890 GetNumTrialOfTheWeekLeaderboardEntries() = function:000001439D292808 GetNumTutorials() = function:00000143CACA0608 GetNumUnreadMail() = function:000001439D2A9A78 GetNumUnspentChampionPoints() = function:00000143F58DF6F0 GetNumUpgradesForKeepAtPathLevel() = function:000001439D28E328 GetNumUpgradesForKeepAtResourceLevel() = function:000001439D28E138 GetNumValidItemStyles() = function:00000143F58DB3F0 GetNumVeteranPointsInRank() = function:000001439D2AB190 GetNumViewableTreasureMaps() = function:00000143F58DD348 GetNumZonesForCadwellProgressionLevel() = function:000001439D29DC80 GetNumZonesForDifficultyLevel() = function:000001439D29DC80 GetObjectiveAuraPinInfo() = function:000001439D29EB50 GetObjectiveControlState() = function:000001439D29E980 GetObjectiveDesignation() = function:000001439D29EC40 GetObjectiveIdsForIndex() = function:000001439D29E828 GetObjectiveInfo() = function:000001439D29E9F8 GetObjectivePinInfo() = function:000001439D29EA68 GetObjectiveReturnPinInfo() = function:000001439D29EBC8 GetObjectiveSpawnPinInfo() = function:000001439D29EAD8 GetObjectiveType() = function:000001439D29E910 GetObjectiveVirtualId() = 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function:00000143F58E4248 GetPlatformAllianceSymbolIcon() = function:0000014307CAB220 GetPlatformClassIcon() = function:000001432093E1F8 GetPlatformServiceType() = function:00000143CACAA3C8 GetPlatformTraitInformationIcon() = function:0000014307CA10C8 GetPlayerActiveSubzoneName() = function:000001439D29DE68 GetPlayerActiveZoneName() = function:000001439D29DEE0 GetPlayerCameraHeading() = function:000001439D289A60 GetPlayerCampaignRewardTierInfo() = function:000001439D2A19F0 GetPlayerChampionPointsEarned() = function:000001439D287CA8 GetPlayerChampionXP() = function:000001439D287C38 GetPlayerCrownGems = function: Private GetPlayerCrowns = function: Private GetPlayerDifficultyLevel() = function:000001439D29DC08 GetPlayerGuildMemberIndex() = function:00000143CACAB3E8 GetPlayerInfamyData() = function:00000143F58DDD28 GetPlayerLocationName() = function:000001439D29DF58 GetPlayerMarketCurrency() = function:00000143CACAE600 GetPlayerRaidOfTheWeekParticipationInfo() = function:000001439D294138 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function:000001439D297EC0 GetQuestLootItemTooltipInfo() = function:00000143F9CFB488 GetQuestRewardItemLink() = function:000001439D297840 GetQuestToolCooldownInfo() = function:000001439D297250 GetQuestToolCount() = function:000001439D28B6C0 GetQuestToolInfo() = function:000001439D297C80 GetQuestToolLink() = function:000001439D28CB68 GetQuestToolQuestItemId() = function:000001439D297D60 GetQuestToolTooltipInfo() = function:00000143F9CFB4C8 GetQueuedCOD() = function:000001439D2A9D28 GetQueuedItemAttachmentInfo() = function:000001439D2A9E08 GetQueuedMailPostage() = function:000001439D2A96B0 GetQueuedMoneyAttachment() = function:000001439D2A9C48 GetRaceName() = function:00000143CACA83A8 GetRaidBonusMultiplier() = function:000001439D2930D8 GetRaidDuration() = function:000001439D293548 GetRaidLeaderboardInfo() = function:000001439D292688 GetRaidLeaderboardLocalPlayerInfo() = function:000001439D292788 GetRaidName() = function:000001439D2933F8 GetRaidOfTheWeekLeaderboardInfo() = function:000001439D292608 GetRaidOfTheWeekLeaderboardLocalPlayerInfo() = function:000001439D292700 GetRaidOfTheWeekTimes() = function:000001439D2940C8 GetRaidReviveCounterInfo() = function:000001439D292E80 GetRaidReviveCountersRemaining() = function:000001439D292E80 GetRaidScoreNotificationId() = function:000001439D294868 GetRaidScoreNotificationInfo() = function:000001439D2948E0 GetRaidScoreNotificationMemberInfo() = function:000001439D2949D8 GetRaidTargetTime() = function:000001439D2934D8 GetRawUnitName() = function:000001439D2874B0 GetRearchLineInfoFromRetraitItem() = function:00000143F58E5310 GetRecallCooldown() = function:000001439D28DBB0 GetRecallCost() = function:000001439D29E6E0 GetRecallCurrency() = function:000001439D29E748 GetRecentlyCompletedAchievements() = function:000001439D2AA888 GetRecipeInfo() = function:000001439D2ADB70 GetRecipeIngredientItemInfo() = function:000001439D2ADBD8 GetRecipeIngredientItemLink() = function:000001439D2ADC50 GetRecipeListInfo() = 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table:000001430FD89668 (meta 000001431348E078} firstTable firstMeta alertBorder = userdata:000001431C5A93E8 (meta 000001431C5925B0} firstMeta firstIndex pulseAnimation = userdata:000001431C5924F8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} control = userdata:0000014406019E10 (meta 0000014308326048} gamepadStyle = table:000001430FD89798 firstTable currencyOptions = table:000001430FD897E0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadHeaderDataValue iconSide = 8 isGamepad = true showTooltips = false template = ZO_HUDTelvarMeter_GamepadTemplate hiddenReasons = table:000001430FD896B0 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:00000143B2AA2B20 firstTable disabledInZone = true keyboardStyle = table:000001430FD89868 firstTable currencyOptions = table:000001430FD89750 firstTable font = ZoFontGameLargeBold iconSide = 8 isGamepad = false showTooltips = true template = ZO_HUDTelvarMeter_KeyboardTemplate meterBarControl = userdata:000001440601B170 (meta 00000143DA777F50} firstMeta firstIndex easeAnimation = 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firstTable amount = 0 isUsed = true notEnough = false type = 3 numUsedCurrencies = 1 options = table:000001430FD89750 type = 3 telvarStoneThreshold = 1 HUD_UI_SCENE = table:000001448016E1E8 (meta 000001448015B378} HasAcceptedLFGReadyCheck() = function:00000143F58DCDB0 HasActivatableSwapWeaponsEquipped() = function:00000143F58E7198 HasActivationHighlight() = function:000001439D28A6E8 HasActivityFindReplacementNotification() = function:00000143F58DC9A8 HasAgreedToEULA() = function:00000143CACAA058 HasAnyEditingPermissionsForCurrentHouse() = function:00000143F58E4710 HasAnyJunk() = function:00000143F58E8080 HasAvailableChampionPointsInAttribute() = function:00000143F58DF8D0 HasCompletedFastTravelNodePOI() = function:000001439D29E5F8 HasCostFailure() = function:000001439D28A278 HasCraftBagAccess() = function:00000143F58E7EC0 HasCraftBagAutoTransferNotification() = function:00000143CACA01C0 HasCurrentChapter() = function:00000143CACAE448 HasEsoPlusFreeTrialNotification() = function:00000143F58E4FB8 HasFallingFailure() = function:000001439D28A520 HasItemInSlot() = function:00000143F58E8698 HasLFGFindReplacementNotification() = function:00000143F58DC9A8 HasLFGReadyCheckNotification() = function:00000143F58DCD38 HasMountSkin() = function:000001439D295240 HasMountedFailure() = function:000001439D28A600 HasPendingGroupElectionVote() = function:000001439D291FF0 HasPendingHeraldryChanges() = function:00000143F58DE6E0 HasPermissionSettingForCurrentHouse() = function:00000143F58E4798 HasRaidEnded() = function:000001439D2931C0 HasRangeFailure() = function:000001439D28A438 HasReincarnatingFailure() = function:000001439D28A670 HasRequirementFailure() = function:000001439D28A2E8 HasSeenTutorial() = function:00000143CACA0928 HasStatusEffectFailure() = function:000001439D28A4A8 HasSwimmingFailure() = function:000001439D28A590 HasSynergyEffects() = function:000001439D291E30 HasTargetFailure() = function:000001439D28A3C8 HasUnreadMail() = function:000001439D2A9A10 HasViewedEULA() = function:00000143CACAA130 HasWeaponSlotFailure() = function:000001439D28A358 HashString() = function:00000143CACA9898 HideMouse() = function:00000143CACA8940 HousingEditorAlignFurnitureToSurface() = function:00000143F58E3C38 HousingEditorCanPlaceCollectible() = function:00000143F58E42C8 HousingEditorCanSelectTargettedFurniture() = function:00000143F58E3F68 HousingEditorCreateCollectibleFurnitureForPlacement() = function:00000143F58E3D40 HousingEditorCreateFurnitureForPlacementFromMarketProduct() = function:00000143F58E3DD0 HousingEditorCreateItemFurnitureForPlacement() = function:00000143F58E3CB8 HousingEditorEndCurrentPreview() = function:00000143F58E3E68 HousingEditorGetFurnitureLocalBounds() = function:00000143F58E37B8 HousingEditorGetFurnitureOrientation() = function:00000143F58E3838 HousingEditorGetFurnitureWorldBounds() = function:00000143F58E3738 HousingEditorGetFurnitureWorldPosition() = function:00000143F58E36B0 HousingEditorGetSelectedFurnitureId() = function:00000143F58E39C0 HousingEditorGetSelectedFurnitureStackCount() = function:00000143F58E3A40 HousingEditorIsSurfaceDragModeEnabled() = function:00000143F58E3318 HousingEditorJumpToSafeLocation() = function:00000143F58E4348 HousingEditorPreviewTemplate() = function:00000143F58E44C0 HousingEditorPushFurniture() = function:00000143F58E3BC0 HousingEditorRequestChangeOrientation() = function:00000143F58E3630 HousingEditorRequestChangePosition() = function:00000143F58E35B0 HousingEditorRequestChangePositionAndOrientation() = function:00000143F58E3520 HousingEditorRequestCollectiblePlacement() = function:00000143F58E3498 HousingEditorRequestItemPlacement() = function:00000143F58E3418 HousingEditorRequestModeChange() = function:00000143F58E3FF0 HousingEditorRequestRemoveFurniture() = function:00000143F58E3940 HousingEditorRequestRemoveSelectedFurniture() = function:00000143F58E38B8 HousingEditorRequestSelectedPlacement() = function:00000143F58E3398 HousingEditorRotateFurniture() = function:00000143F58E3B48 HousingEditorSelectFurnitureById() = function:00000143F58E3AC8 HousingEditorSelectTargettedFurniture() = function:00000143F58E3EE8 HousingEditorToggleSurfaceDragMode() = function:00000143F58E3298 IGNORE_DATA = 1 IGNORE_LIST = table:00000144280853D0 (meta 0000014428078020} IGNORE_LIST_ENTRY_SORT_KEYS = table:000001448F899800 IGNORE_LIST_FRAGMENT = table:00000143DDBCC230 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} IGNORE_LIST_MANAGER = table:000001448F899CA8 (meta 000001448F899890} IGNORE_LIST_SCENE = table:0000014428087220 (meta 0000014368607700} IME_UNDERLINE_THICKNESS_PIXELS = 3 IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_RULE_TYPE_EVERYONE = 3 IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_RULE_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_RULE_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_RULE_TYPE_MAJORITY_KEEPS = 0 IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_RULE_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_RULE_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_RULE_TYPE_NATIVE_KEEPS = 1 IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_RULE_TYPE_NATIVE_KEEPS_PLUS_ONE = 2 INBOX_TAB_INDEX = 1 INFAMY_METER_GAMEPAD_BAR_OFFSET = 10 INFAMY_METER_HEIGHT = 128 INFAMY_METER_KEYBOARD_BAR_OFFSET_X = 14 INFAMY_METER_KEYBOARD_BAR_OFFSET_Y = 15 INFAMY_METER_WIDTH = 256 INFAMY_THRESHOLD_DISREPUTABLE = 1 INFAMY_THRESHOLD_FUGITIVE = 3 INFAMY_THRESHOLD_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 INFAMY_THRESHOLD_ITERATION_END = 3 INFAMY_THRESHOLD_MAX_VALUE = 3 INFAMY_THRESHOLD_MIN_VALUE = 0 INFAMY_THRESHOLD_NOTORIOUS = 2 INFAMY_THRESHOLD_UPSTANDING = 0 INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 1 INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_KEYBOARD = 0 INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 1 INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_MOUSE = 1 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND = 9 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_DELVE = 7 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_DUNGEON = 2 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_GROUP_AREA = 5 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_GROUP_DELVE = 4 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_HOUSING = 8 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 9 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 9 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_NONE = 0 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_PUBLIC_DUNGEON = 6 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_RAID = 3 INSTANCE_DISPLAY_TYPE_SOLO = 1 INSTANCE_KICK_WARNING_ALIVE = table:00000143E1389BF0 (meta 00000143E1386110} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143E1386388 (meta 0000014308326048} kickLabel = userdata:00000143E1388E58 (meta 00000143083425C0} kickPending = false timerCooldown = userdata:00000143E1388ED8 (meta 00000143E1389598} INSTANCE_KICK_WARNING_DEAD = table:00000143E1389258 (meta 00000143E1386290} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143E1389D00 (meta 0000014308326048} hiddenReasons = table:00000143E13892A0 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:00000143D7676C18 firstTable deathHidden = true kickPending = true kickLabel = userdata:00000143E13835C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} kickPending = false timerCooldown = userdata:00000143E13835F8 (meta 0000014314CF6920} INSTANCE_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND = 4 INSTANCE_TYPE_GRADUATION_MOMENT = 5 INSTANCE_TYPE_GROUP = 2 INSTANCE_TYPE_HOUSING = 7 INSTANCE_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 INSTANCE_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 7 INSTANCE_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 7 INSTANCE_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 INSTANCE_TYPE_NONE = 0 INSTANCE_TYPE_PUBLIC_DUNGEON = 6 INSTANCE_TYPE_RAID = 3 INSTANCE_TYPE_SOLO = 1 INTERACTION = table:00000143CFFD0A28 (meta 00000143CFFC4958} firstTable firstMeta chatterOptionName = ZO_ChatterOption control = userdata:00000143CFFC4A78 (meta 0000014308326048} currencyRewardPool = table:00000143CFFD31B8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CFFD3200 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CFFD3248 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_InteractWindowRewardAreaCurrency parent = userdata:00000143CFFD06C0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_CurrencyTemplate currencyTemplateName = ZO_CurrencyTemplate eventCallbacks = table:00000143CFFD0CF8 firstTable 131072() = function:00000143CFFD0B38 131073() = function:00000143CFFD0B88 131076() = function:00000143207F2688 131078() = function:00000143CFFD0A70 131087() = function:00000143CFFD0AF0 131092() = function:00000143207F25C8 131113() = function:00000143CFFD0C60 131213() = function:00000143207F2608 131214() = function:00000143207F2648 131350() = function:00000143CFFD0BD0 589825() = function:00000143CFFD0C18 65537() = function:00000143CFFD0CB0 givenRewardPool = table:00000143CFFD3068 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CFFD30B0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CFFD3128 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_InteractWindowRewardAreaGiven parent = userdata:00000143CFFD06C0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_QuestReward optionControls = table:00000143CFFD2EF8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143CFFD1660 (meta 00000143083425C0} 10 = userdata:00000143CFFD2E08 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143CFFD2408 (meta 00000143083425C0} 3 = userdata:00000143CFFD2548 (meta 00000143083425C0} 4 = userdata:00000143CFFD2688 (meta 00000143083425C0} 5 = userdata:00000143CFFD27C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 6 = userdata:00000143CFFD2908 (meta 00000143083425C0} 7 = userdata:00000143CFFD2A48 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000143CFFD2B88 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000143CFFD2CC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} questRewardName = ZO_QuestReward sceneName = interact titleControl = userdata:00000143CFFD0690 (meta 00000143083425C0} INTERACTION_AVA_HOOK_POINT = 16 INTERACTION_BANK = 6 INTERACTION_BOOK = 12 INTERACTION_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 19 INTERACTION_CONVERSATION = 14 INTERACTION_CRAFT = 23 INTERACTION_DYE_STATION = 31 INTERACTION_FAST_TRAVEL = 11 INTERACTION_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP = 8 INTERACTION_FISH = 24 INTERACTION_FURNITURE = 35 INTERACTION_GUILDBANK = 25 INTERACTION_GUILDKIOSK_BID = 18 INTERACTION_GUILDKIOSK_PURCHASE = 32 INTERACTION_HARVEST = 28 INTERACTION_HIDEYHOLE = 34 INTERACTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 INTERACTION_ITERATION_END = 36 INTERACTION_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM = 5 INTERACTION_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE = 29 INTERACTION_KEEP_INSPECT = 4 INTERACTION_KEEP_PIECE = 21 INTERACTION_LOCKPICK = 20 INTERACTION_LOOT = 2 INTERACTION_MAIL = 7 INTERACTION_MAX_VALUE = 36 INTERACTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 INTERACTION_NONE = 0 INTERACTION_PAY_BOUNTY = 30 INTERACTION_PICKPOCKET = 33 INTERACTION_QUEST = 3 INTERACTION_RETRAIT = 36 INTERACTION_SIEGE = 22 INTERACTION_STABLE = 27 INTERACTION_STONE_MASON = 17 INTERACTION_STORE = 1 INTERACTION_TRADINGHOUSE = 26 INTERACTION_VENDOR = 15 INTERACT_FRAGMENT = table:0000014480150398 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} INTERACT_TARGET_TYPE_AOE_LOOT = 6 INTERACT_TARGET_TYPE_CLIENT_CHARACTER = 3 INTERACT_TARGET_TYPE_FIXTURE = 5 INTERACT_TARGET_TYPE_ITEM = 2 INTERACT_TARGET_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 INTERACT_TARGET_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 6 INTERACT_TARGET_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 6 INTERACT_TARGET_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 INTERACT_TARGET_TYPE_NONE = 0 INTERACT_TARGET_TYPE_OBJECT = 1 INTERACT_TARGET_TYPE_QUEST_ITEM = 4 INTERACT_WINDOW = table:000001439D695730 (meta 000001439D695388} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000144CAE4D2D8 firstTable Hidden = table:00000144CAE54208 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D694790 firstTable 1() = function:00000144CAE4D290 3 = false 2 = table:00000143D6E8F888 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6E8F840 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D695778 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 INTERACT_WINDOW_KEYBIND_INTERCEPT_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:000001431DEA6CB0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} firstTable actionLayerName = SceneChangeInterceptLayer allShowHideTimeUpdates = false conditional() = function:000001431DE900C0 dirtyEvents = table:000001431DEA6CF8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 forceRefresh = true hiddenReasons = table:000001431DE8FFE8 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable state = hidden INTERACT_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:00000143F65B23E0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ABILITY_TOOLTIP = 3 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP = 36 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ALLIANCE = 25 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP = 23 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_UPGRADE_PROJECTED = 34 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND_ALLIANCE = 49 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_BOOK_MEDIUM = 28 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_BUFF_TYPE = 19 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_CAST_BAR_END = 8 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_CAST_BAR_START = 7 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_CHAT_CHANNEL_CATEGORY_DEFAULTS = 24 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_CON_COLORS = 12 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_CURRENCY = 21 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS = 47 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_DEFAULT_COLOR = 0 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_FINESSE = 38 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP = 14 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_GENERAL = 9 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS = 1 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ITEM_TOOLTIP = 2 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 50 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_KEEP_TOOLTIP = 26 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_LEADERBOARD_COLORS = 44 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_LEVEL_UP = 37 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_LINK = 22 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_LOADING_SCREEN = 29 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_MAPPIN_TOOLTIP = 4 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_MARKET_COLORS = 46 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 50 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_NAME_PLATE = 6 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_NAME_PLATE_HEALTH_END = 42 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_NAME_PLATE_HEALTH_START = 41 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_NAME_PLATE_HIT_INDICATOR = 43 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_OBJECT_NOTIFICATION = 16 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_POWER = 48 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_POWER_END = 31 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_POWER_FADE_IN = 32 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_POWER_FADE_OUT = 33 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_POWER_START = 30 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_PROGRESSION = 39 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT = 10 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_SHARED_TOOLTIP = 18 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_SKILL_LINE_TOOLTIP = 17 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_STATUS_EFFECT = 27 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_STAT_VALUE = 20 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_TEXT_COLORS = 13 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ULTIMATE_BAR = 35 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_UNIT_CLASS = 11 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_UNIT_HIGHLIGHT_OVERRIDE = 50 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_UNIT_REACTION_COLOR = 5 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_UNUSED_VALUE = 15 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_UNUSED_VALUE2 = 40 INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_VOICE_CHAT_COLORS = 45 INTERFACE_GENERAL_COLOR_ALERT = 3 INTERFACE_GENERAL_COLOR_BLACK = 7 INTERFACE_GENERAL_COLOR_DISABLED = 1 INTERFACE_GENERAL_COLOR_ENABLED = 0 INTERFACE_GENERAL_COLOR_ERROR = 2 INTERFACE_GENERAL_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 INTERFACE_GENERAL_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 7 INTERFACE_GENERAL_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 7 INTERFACE_GENERAL_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 INTERFACE_GENERAL_COLOR_STATUS_BAR_END = 6 INTERFACE_GENERAL_COLOR_STATUS_BAR_START = 5 INTERFACE_GENERAL_COLOR_WARNING = 4 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_BATTLEGROUND_WINNER = 25 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_BLADE = 5 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_BLADE_HIGHLIGHT = 6 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_BODY = 4 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_CHATTER_NPC = 13 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_CHATTER_PLAYER_OPTION = 14 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_CONTEXT_HIGHLIGHT = 9 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_CONTRAST = 15 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_CURRENCY_HIGHLIGHT = 23 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT_TEXT = 19 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_DISABLED = 2 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_FAILED = 11 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_GAMEPAD_CATEGORY_HEADER = 21 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_GAMEPAD_TERTIARY = 22 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_GAME_REPRESENTATIVE = 20 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT = 0 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_HINT = 12 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 25 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 25 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL = 1 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_PERSONALITY_EMOTES = 24 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_SECOND_CONTRAST = 16 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_SELECTED = 3 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_SUBTLE = 17 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_SUCCEEDED = 10 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_TOOLTIP_DEFAULT = 7 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_TOOLTIP_INSTRUCTIONAL = 8 INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_VALUE = 18 INVALID_DYE_ID = 0 INVALID_EXPLORATION_INDEX = 294967290 INVALID_TRACKER_INDEX = 100 INVENTORY_BACKPACK = 1 INVENTORY_BANK = 3 INVENTORY_CRAFT_BAG = 5 INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:000001439F024368 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} INVENTORY_GUILD_BANK = 4 INVENTORY_MENU_BAR = table:00000144D864B568 (meta 0000014314CEE358} firstTable firstMeta craftBagButtonData = table:0000014314DD6B90 currencyButtonData = table:0000014314DD7890 fragment = table:00000144D86476C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} inventoryButtonData = table:00000144C1028788 menuBarControl = userdata:00000144C1025A28 (meta 00000143609C8E78} modeBar = table:00000143214C02B0 (meta 00000143ED5C67B0} firstTable buttonData = table:00000143214BE1A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C1028788 2 = table:0000014314DD6B90 3 = table:0000014314DD7890 4 = table:00000143A021DE78 label = userdata:00000143CE3F10F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} lastFragmentName = 3260 menuBar = userdata:00000144C1025A28 (meta 00000143609C8E78} quickslotToggleFragment = 3260 quickslotsButtonData = table:00000143A021DE78 INVENTORY_MENU_CRAFT_BAG_BUTTON = craftBag INVENTORY_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:00000144D86476C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} INVENTORY_MENU_INVENTORY_BUTTON = inventory INVENTORY_MENU_QUICKSLOT_BUTTON = quickslot INVENTORY_MENU_WALLET_BUTTON = wallet INVENTORY_QUEST_ITEM = 2 INVENTORY_SLOT_ACTIONS_PREVENT_CONTEXT_MENU = false INVENTORY_SLOT_ACTIONS_USE_CONTEXT_MENU = true INVENTORY_UPDATE_REASON_DEFAULT = 0 INVENTORY_UPDATE_REASON_DURABILITY_CHANGE = 1 INVENTORY_UPDATE_REASON_DYE_CHANGE = 2 INVENTORY_UPDATE_REASON_ITEM_CHARGE = 3 INVENTORY_UPDATE_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 INVENTORY_UPDATE_REASON_ITERATION_END = 4 INVENTORY_UPDATE_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 4 INVENTORY_UPDATE_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 INVENTORY_UPDATE_REASON_PLAYER_LOCKED = 4 INVENTORY_WALLET = table:00000144C3049ED0 (meta 000001431C6C9178} firstTable firstMeta container = userdata:00000144C303D660 (meta 0000014308326048} currencyLocationFilter = 4 filterBarControl = userdata:00000144C303D6D0 (meta 00000144C303D828} filterBarLabel = userdata:00000144C303D740 (meta 00000143083425C0} freeSlotsLabel = userdata:00000144C303E870 (meta 00000143083425C0} list = userdata:00000144C303DD80 (meta 00000144C303E2E0} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000144C303E3C8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144C304C310 (meta 00000144C304E298} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144C304B710 index = 1 key = 1 slotControlType = listSlot 2 = userdata:00000144C304E758 (meta 00000144C304EC90} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143BC865F90 index = 2 key = 2 slotControlType = listSlot 3 = userdata:00000144C304EF70 (meta 00000144C304F4A8} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144C304C020 index = 3 key = 3 slotControlType = listSlot 4 = userdata:00000144C304F568 (meta 000001439DBF9178} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144C304B5D8 index = 4 key = 4 slotControlType = listSlot 5 = userdata:00000144C304FD70 (meta 00000143A42E6238} 6 = userdata:00000144C30500E0 (meta 000001439DBF5540} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144083BC908 index = 6 key = 6 slotControlType = listSlot 7 = userdata:00000144C30504E8 (meta 00000143098978A0} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144C304BB18 index = 7 key = 7 slotControlType = listSlot animation = userdata:00000144C303E4C0 (meta 00000144C303E518} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000144C303DD80 (meta 00000144C303E2E0} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000144C304B548 firstTable contents = userdata:00000144C303DDF8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000144C303E380 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C304B710 firstTable bottom = 52 data = table:00000144C304B620 firstTable amount = 1700 currencyType = 2 dataEntry = table:00000144C304B710 name = Alliance Points top = 0 typeId = 1 2 = table:00000143BC865F90 firstTable bottom = 104 data = table:00000144C304B9E0 firstTable amount = 486 currencyType = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143BC865F90 name = Crown Gems top = 52 typeId = 1 3 = table:00000144C304C020 firstTable bottom = 156 data = table:000001440FCB8428 firstTable amount = 12800 currencyType = 7 dataEntry = table:00000144C304C020 name = Crowns top = 104 typeId = 1 4 = table:00000144C304B5D8 firstTable bottom = 208 data = table:00000144C304B590 firstTable amount = 389482 currencyType = 1 dataEntry = table:00000144C304B5D8 name = Gold top = 156 typeId = 1 5 = table:00000144C304B8F0 6 = table:00000144083BC908 firstTable bottom = 312 data = table:00000144C304BC08 firstTable amount = 0 currencyType = 5 dataEntry = table:00000144083BC908 name = Transmute Crystals top = 260 typeId = 1 7 = table:00000144C304BB18 firstTable bottom = 364 data = table:00000144C304BA28 firstTable amount = 0 currencyType = 4 dataEntry = table:00000144C304BB18 name = Writ Vouchers top = 312 typeId = 1 dataTypes = table:00000144C303E250 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C304A1B8 firstTable height = 52 pool = table:00000144C304A0B0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144C304A0F8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144C304C310 (meta 00000144C304E298} 2 = userdata:00000144C304E758 (meta 00000144C304EC90} 3 = 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= 8 IN_WORLD_UI_SETTING_HIDE_MOUNT_STAMINA_UPGRADE = 7 IN_WORLD_UI_SETTING_HIDE_TASSETS = 11 IN_WORLD_UI_SETTING_INTERACTABLE_GLOW_ENABLED = 2 IN_WORLD_UI_SETTING_INTERACTABLE_GLOW_INTENSITY = 3 IN_WORLD_UI_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 IN_WORLD_UI_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 12 IN_WORLD_UI_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 12 IN_WORLD_UI_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 IN_WORLD_UI_SETTING_TARGET_GLOW_ENABLED = 0 IN_WORLD_UI_SETTING_TARGET_GLOW_INTENSITY = 1 ITEMFILTERTYPE_ALCHEMY = 16 ITEMFILTERTYPE_ALL = 0 ITEMFILTERTYPE_ARMOR = 2 ITEMFILTERTYPE_BLACKSMITHING = 13 ITEMFILTERTYPE_BUYBACK = 8 ITEMFILTERTYPE_CLOTHING = 14 ITEMFILTERTYPE_COLLECTIBLE = 12 ITEMFILTERTYPE_CONSUMABLE = 3 ITEMFILTERTYPE_CRAFTING = 4 ITEMFILTERTYPE_DAMAGED = 11 ITEMFILTERTYPE_ENCHANTING = 17 ITEMFILTERTYPE_FURNISHING = 21 ITEMFILTERTYPE_HOUSE_WITH_TEMPLATE = 22 ITEMFILTERTYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ITEMFILTERTYPE_ITERATION_END = 23 ITEMFILTERTYPE_JUNK = 9 ITEMFILTERTYPE_MAX_VALUE = 23 ITEMFILTERTYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ITEMFILTERTYPE_MISCELLANEOUS 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8 ITEMSTYLE_RAIDS_CRAGLORN = 27 ITEMSTYLE_UNDAUNTED = 26 ITEMSTYLE_UNIQUE = 10 ITEMSTYLE_UNIVERSAL = 36 ITEMTYPE_ADDITIVE = 11 ITEMTYPE_ARMOR = 2 ITEMTYPE_ARMOR_BOOSTER = 24 ITEMTYPE_ARMOR_TRAIT = 45 ITEMTYPE_AVA_REPAIR = 47 ITEMTYPE_BLACKSMITHING_BOOSTER = 41 ITEMTYPE_BLACKSMITHING_MATERIAL = 36 ITEMTYPE_BLACKSMITHING_RAW_MATERIAL = 35 ITEMTYPE_CLOTHIER_BOOSTER = 43 ITEMTYPE_CLOTHIER_MATERIAL = 40 ITEMTYPE_CLOTHIER_RAW_MATERIAL = 39 ITEMTYPE_COLLECTIBLE = 34 ITEMTYPE_CONTAINER = 18 ITEMTYPE_COSTUME = 13 ITEMTYPE_CROWN_ITEM = 57 ITEMTYPE_CROWN_REPAIR = 55 ITEMTYPE_DEPRECATED = 32 ITEMTYPE_DISGUISE = 14 ITEMTYPE_DRINK = 12 ITEMTYPE_DYE_STAMP = 59 ITEMTYPE_ENCHANTING_RUNE_ASPECT = 52 ITEMTYPE_ENCHANTING_RUNE_ESSENCE = 53 ITEMTYPE_ENCHANTING_RUNE_POTENCY = 51 ITEMTYPE_ENCHANTMENT_BOOSTER = 25 ITEMTYPE_FISH = 54 ITEMTYPE_FLAVORING = 28 ITEMTYPE_FOOD = 4 ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING = 61 ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING_MATERIAL = 62 ITEMTYPE_GLYPH_ARMOR = 21 ITEMTYPE_GLYPH_JEWELRY = 26 ITEMTYPE_GLYPH_WEAPON = 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IsCaptureAreaObjectiveCaptured() = function:000001439D29EDB8 IsCarryableObjectiveCarriedByLocalPlayer() = function:000001439D29ED30 IsChamberSolved() = function:000001439D2ACF00 IsChampionInRespecMode() = function:00000143F58DFA40 IsChampionRespecNeeded() = function:00000143F58DFAB8 IsChampionSystemUnlocked() = function:00000143F58DFDF8 IsCharacterPreviewingAvailable() = function:00000143CACA5D38 IsChatBubbleCategoryEnabled() = function:000001439D298CB0 IsChatContainerTabCategoryEnabled() = function:000001439D2982E8 IsChatLogEnabled() = function:000001439D298F78 IsChatSystemAvailableForCurrentPlatform() = function:000001439D298DA0 IsChromaSystemAvailable() = function:00000143CACAE678 IsCollectibleBlocked() = function:00000143CACA1610 IsCollectibleCategoryPlaceableFurniture() = function:00000143CACA1588 IsCollectibleCategorySlottable() = function:00000143CACA1490 IsCollectibleCategoryUsable() = function:00000143CACA1510 IsCollectibleNew() = function:00000143CACA1F60 IsCollectibleOwnedByDefId() = function:00000143CACA23A0 IsCollectiblePlaceholder() = function:00000143CACA18D0 IsCollectibleRenameable() = function:00000143CACA1858 IsCollectibleSlottable() = function:00000143CACA1770 IsCollectibleUnlocked() = function:00000143CACA2330 IsCollectibleUsable() = function:00000143CACA17E8 IsCollectibleValidForPlayer() = function:00000143CACA1680 IsCommandKeyDown() = function:00000143CACA7CD8 IsConsoleUI() = function:00000143CACAD7E8 IsControlKeyDown() = function:00000143CACA7C00 IsCountSingularForm() = function:00000143CACAE208 IsCreatingHeraldryForFirstTime() = function:00000143F58DE660 IsCurrencyCapped() = function:00000143F58E5E18 IsCurrencyDefaultNameLowercase() = function:00000143F58E5D18 IsCurrencyValid() = function:00000143F58E5968 IsCurrentBattlegroundStateTimed() = function:000001439D2A0668 IsCurrentLFGActivityComplete() = function:000001439D292A40 IsCurrentlyCustomizingHeraldry() = function:00000143F58DE568 IsCurrentlyPreviewing() = function:00000143CACA5DB8 IsCurrentlyPreviewingCollectibleAsFurniture() = function:00000143CACA5E28 IsCurrentlyPreviewingInventoryItemAsFurniture() = function:00000143CACA5EB0 IsCurrentlyPreviewingPlacedFurniture() = function:00000143CACA5F38 IsCurrentlySearchingForGroup() = function:00000143F58DC840 IsCutsceneActive() = function:00000143F58E4E60 IsDecoratedDisplayName() = function:00000143CACAA5A8 IsDisplayNameInItemBoPAccountTable() = function:00000143F58E7BC8 IsDuelingDeath() = function:000001439D2A7768 IsDyeIndexKnown() = function:00000143CACA5750 IsESOPlusSubscriber() = function:00000143CACAE278 IsEligibleForDailyActivityReward() = function:00000143F58DC220 IsEnlightenedAvailableForAccount() = function:000001439D2AB090 IsEnlightenedAvailableForCharacter() = function:000001439D2AB110 IsEquipSlotVisualCategoryHidden() = function:000001439D295940 IsEquipable() = function:000001439D28D130 IsFeedbackGatheringEnabled() = function:000001439D290030 IsForwardCampGuildOwned() = function:000001439D2A7928 IsFriend() = function:00000143CACAAB88 IsGUIResizing() = function:00000143CACADE08 IsGameCameraActive() = function:000001439D28F658 IsGameCameraInteractableUnitMonster() = function:000001439D299158 IsGameCameraPreferredTargetValid() = function:000001439D28FB00 IsGameCameraSiegeControlled() = function:000001439D28FD78 IsGameCameraUIModeActive() = function:00000143CACA9210 IsGameCameraUnitHighlightedAttackable() = function:000001439D28F910 IsGamepadHelpOption() = function:000001439D2ACA88 IsGamepadTouchpadActive() = function:00000143CACAD688 IsGroupCrossAlliance() = function:000001439D292998 IsGroupErrorIgnoreResponse() = function:00000143F1949848 IsGroupMemberInRemoteRegion() = function:000001430835C6B8 IsGroupModificationAvailable() = function:000001439D292C28 IsGroupUsingVeteranDifficulty() = function:000001439D292BB0 IsGuildBankOpen() = function:00000143F58E5630 IsGuildRankGuildMaster() = function:00000143CACABF00 IsHousingPermissionEnabled() = function:00000143F58E26D8 IsHousingPermissionMarkedForDelete() = function:00000143F58E2750 IsIgnored() = function:00000143CACAA8B0 IsInAvAZone() = function:000001439D29D670 IsInCampaign() = function:000001439D2A0B58 IsInCyrodiil() = function:000001439D29D598 IsInGamepadPreferredMode() = function:00000143CACAD850 IsInImperialCity() = function:000001439D29D600 IsInJusticeEnabledZone() = function:000001439D29D748 IsInLFGGroup() = function:000001439D292A08 IsInOutlawZone() = function:000001439D29D6D8 IsInPreviewMode() = function:00000143CACA5CC8 IsInTutorialZone() = function:000001439D29D7C0 IsInteracting() = function:000001439D2ABEC8 IsInteractingWithMyAssistant() = function:000001439D299650 IsInteractionCameraActive() = function:000001439D28F6C8 IsInteractionPending() = function:000001439D2993B0 IsInteractionUsingInteractCamera() = function:00000143CACA7580 IsInternalBuild() = function:00000143CACA8A10 IsItemAffectedByPairedPoison() = function:00000143F58E8F38 IsItemBoPAndTradeable() = function:00000143F58E7C48 IsItemBound() = function:00000143F58E67D0 IsItemChargeable() = function:00000143F58E6AD8 IsItemConsumable() = function:000001439D28CAF8 IsItemDyeable() = function:00000143F58E85B8 IsItemEnchantable() = function:00000143F58E6838 IsItemEnchantment() = function:00000143F58E68A8 IsItemFromCrownCrate() = function:00000143CACA0528 IsItemFromCrownStore() = function:00000143CACA04B8 IsItemJunk() = function:00000143F58E84E8 IsItemLinkBook() = function:00000143F58E9B20 IsItemLinkBookKnown() = function:00000143F58E9C00 IsItemLinkBound() = function:00000143F58E9950 IsItemLinkConsumable() = function:00000143F58E9670 IsItemLinkCrafted() = function:00000143F58E92E8 IsItemLinkEnchantingRune() = function:00000143F58E9758 IsItemLinkFurnitureRecipe() = function:00000143F58EA7E0 IsItemLinkOnlyUsableFromQuickslot() = function:00000143F58EA3C8 IsItemLinkPlaceableFurniture() = function:00000143F58E9AA8 IsItemLinkRecipeKnown() = function:00000143F58E9D60 IsItemLinkStackable() = function:00000143F58EA4B8 IsItemLinkStolen() = function:00000143F58EA448 IsItemLinkUnique() = function:00000143F58E9518 IsItemLinkUniqueEquipped() = function:00000143F58E9588 IsItemLinkVendorTrash() = function:00000143F58E9358 IsItemNonCrownRepairKit() = function:00000143F58E6FB8 IsItemPlaceableFurniture() = function:00000143F58E7AD8 IsItemPlayerLocked() = function:00000143F58E8398 IsItemRepairKit() = function:00000143F58E6F48 IsItemSoulGem() = function:00000143F58E6C38 IsItemStolen() = function:00000143F58EA940 IsItemTraitKnownForRetraitResult() = function:00000143F58E5290 IsItemUsable() = function:00000143DB2E2F70 IsJournalQuestInCurrentMapZone() = function:000001439D2974F0 IsJournalQuestStepEnding() = function:000001439D297570 IsJusticeEnabled() = function:00000143F58DDB08 IsJusticeEnabledForZone() = function:00000143F58DDB78 IsKeepTypeClaimable() = function:000001439D2A6FF0 IsKeyCodeChordKey() = function:00000143CACADA18 IsKeyCodeGamepadKey() = function:00000143CACAD8C8 IsKeyCodeHoldKey() = function:00000143CACADA88 IsKeyCodeKeyboardKey() = function:00000143CACAD9A8 IsKeyCodeMouseKey() = function:00000143CACAD938 IsKeyDown = function: Private IsKeyboardHelpOption() = function:000001439D2ACA18 IsKillOnSight() = function:00000143F58DDBF0 IsLTODisabledForMarketProductCategory() = function:00000143CACA2B98 IsLocalBattlegroundContext() = function:000001439D29A0F0 IsLocalMailboxFull() = function:000001439D2A9350 IsLockedWeaponSlot() = function:000001439D28D4E8 IsLooting() = function:000001439D29B638 IsMailReturnable() = function:000001439D2A98D0 IsMapLocationTooltipLineVisible() = function:000001439D29C9C8 IsMapLocationVisible() = function:000001439D29C870 IsMaxTelvarStoneMultiplierThreshold() = function:00000143F58EAB90 IsMenuVisisble() = function:00000143E0DAB838 IsMinSpecMachine() = function:00000143CACA8720 IsMounted() = function:000001439D295548 IsMouseWithinClientArea() = function:00000143CACAD770 IsNearDuelBoundary() = function:000001439D2A7D98 IsObjectiveEnabled() = function:000001439D29F548 IsObjectiveObjectVisible() = function:000001439D29F4D0 IsOwnerOfCurrentHouse() = function:00000143F58E46A0 IsPOIGroupDungeon() = function:000001447D01AE70 IsPOIPublicDungeon() = function:000001447D01AE30 IsPOIWayshrine() = function:000001447D01ADF0 IsPerformingCraftProcess() = function:000001439D2AD058 IsPlayerActivated() = function:000001439D286FD8 IsPlayerAllowedToEditHeraldry() = function:00000143F58DE4F0 IsPlayerAllowedToOpenCrownCrates() = function:00000143CACA4DB8 IsPlayerControllingSiegeWeapon() = function:000001439D28EE38 IsPlayerEmoteOverridden() = function:000001439D289970 IsPlayerEscortingRam() = function:000001439D28EEB8 IsPlayerGroundTargeting() = function:000001439D2898F8 IsPlayerInAvAWorld() = function:000001439D29DFC8 IsPlayerInGroup() = function:000001439D292280 IsPlayerInRaid() = function:000001439D293298 IsPlayerInRaidStagingArea() = function:000001439D293380 IsPlayerInReviveCounterRaid() = function:000001439D293308 IsPlayerInsidePinArea() = function:000001439D2A87B0 IsPlayerInteractingWithObject() = function:000001439D2995D8 IsPlayerMoving() = function:000001439D289888 IsPlayerStunned() = function:000001439D291D50 IsPlayerTryingToMove() = function:000001439D291C10 IsPreviewingMarketProduct() = function:00000143CACA6CA0 IsPrimaryHouse() = function:00000143F58E31A8 IsPrivateFunction() = function:00000143CACA8790 IsProtectedFunction() = function:00000143CACA8800 IsQueuedForCampaign() = function:000001439D29A520 IsQueuedForCyclicRespawn() = function:000001439D2A7688 IsRaidInProgress() = function:000001439D293150 IsReadMailInfoReady() = function:000001439D2AA0B0 IsRestyleEquipmentSlotBound() = function:00000143CACA5AE8 IsRestyleSlotDataDyeable() = function:00000143CACA5A70 IsRestyleSlotTypeDyeable() = function:00000143F58DDA90 IsResurrectPending() = function:000001439D2A73F8 IsReticleHidden() = function:000001439D28F8A0 IsSCTSlotEventTypeShown() = function:00000143F58E0AC0 IsShiftKeyDown() = function:00000143CACA7B90 IsSlotItemConsumable() = function:000001439D28AAD8 IsSlotLocked() = function:000001439D294AD0 IsSlotSoulTrap() = function:000001439D28ABC8 IsSlotToggled() = function:000001439D28A140 IsSlotUsable() = function:000001439D28A210 IsSlotUsed() = function:000001439D28A1A8 IsSmithingStyleKnown() = function:000001439D2AEC18 IsSmithingTraitItemValidForPattern() = function:000001439D2AEF68 IsSmithingTraitKnownForResult() = function:000001439D2AEFE8 IsSocialErrorIgnoreResponse() = function:00000143F19497C8 IsStoreEmpty() = function:000001439D29B278 IsStuckFixPending() = function:00000143F58DE248 IsSubmitFeedbackSupported() = function:000001439D2ACAF8 IsSystemUsingHDR() = function:00000143CACA9CF0 IsTargetSameAsLastValidTarget() = function:000001439D2897A0 IsTradeItemBoPAndTradeable() = function:000001439D2A8388 IsTrespassing() = function:00000143F58DE0D8 IsTrustedFunction() = function:000001430830E930 IsTutorialActionRequired() = function:00000143CACA0A08 IsUnderArrest() = function:000001439D299068 IsUnderpopBonusEnabled() = function:000001439D29A078 IsUnitAttackable() = function:000001439D288500 IsUnitBattleLeveled() = function:000001439D287D20 IsUnitBeingResurrected() = function:000001439D288F30 IsUnitChampion() = function:000001439D287B50 IsUnitChampionBattleLeveled() = function:000001439D287D90 IsUnitDead() = function:000001439D288CF8 IsUnitDeadOrReincarnating() = function:000001439D288DD0 IsUnitFriend() = function:000001439D288358 IsUnitFriendlyFollower() = function:000001439D2888F8 IsUnitGroupLeader() = function:000001439D288200 IsUnitGrouped() = function:000001439D288198 IsUnitIgnored() = function:000001439D2883C0 IsUnitInCombat() = function:000001439D288C88 IsUnitInDungeon() = function:000001439D289250 IsUnitInGroupSupportRange() = function:000001439D287FE8 IsUnitInspectableSiege() = function:000001439D2891D8 IsUnitInvulnerableGuard() = function:000001439D2885E0 IsUnitJusticeGuard() = function:000001439D288570 IsUnitLivestock() = function:000001439D288658 IsUnitOnline() = function:000001439D289170 IsUnitPlayer() = function:000001439D288428 IsUnitPvPFlagged() = function:000001439D288490 IsUnitReincarnating() = function:000001439D288D60 IsUnitResurrectableByPlayer() = function:000001439D288EB8 IsUnitSoloOrGroupLeader() = function:000001439D288270 IsUnitSwimming() = function:000001439D288E48 IsUnitUsingVeteranDifficulty() = function:000001439D287BC0 IsUnitVetBattleLeveled() = function:000001439D287D90 IsUnitVeteran() = function:000001439D287B50 IsUnitWorldMapPositionBreadcrumbed() = function:000001439D287A00 IsUserAdjustingClientWindow() = function:00000143CACA8030 IsValidAbilityForSlot() = function:000001439D28AF08 IsValidCollectibleForSlot() = function:000001439D28B060 IsValidCollectibleName() = function:00000143CACA1D88 IsValidGuildName() = function:00000143CACAB4C8 IsValidItemForSlot() = function:000001439D28AF78 IsValidItemForSlotByItemInfo() = function:000001439D28AFE8 IsValidName() = function:00000143CACAE0C0 IsValidQuestIndex() = function:000001439D296D40 IsVirtualKeyboardOnscreen() = function:00000143CACA9820 IsWerewolf() = function:000001439D291CE8 IsWerewolfSkillLine() = function:000001439D2A9118 ItemSlotHasFilterType() = function:0000014345CE9100 ItemTooltip = userdata:00000143E03A7280 (meta 000001430834FDB0} ItemTooltipBG = userdata:00000143E03A72E0 (meta 0000014308324730} ItemTooltipBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143E03A7350 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ItemTooltipCharges = userdata:00000143E03A7790 (meta 000001430831E750} ItemTooltipChargesBG = userdata:00000143E03A77F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ItemTooltipChargesBarLeft = userdata:00000143E03A7868 (meta 00000143E03A7938} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E03A78E0 (meta 0000014308340698} ItemTooltipChargesBarLeftGloss = userdata:00000143E03A78E0 (meta 0000014308340698} ItemTooltipChargesBarRight = userdata:00000143E03A7A68 (meta 00000143E03A7B38} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E03A7AE0 (meta 0000014308340698} ItemTooltipChargesBarRightGloss = userdata:00000143E03A7AE0 (meta 0000014308340698} ItemTooltipCondition = userdata:00000143E03A7C60 (meta 000001430831E750} ItemTooltipConditionBG = userdata:00000143E03A7CD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ItemTooltipConditionBarLeft = userdata:00000143E03A7D40 (meta 00000143E03A7E10} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E03A7DB8 (meta 0000014308340698} ItemTooltipConditionBarLeftGloss = userdata:00000143E03A7DB8 (meta 0000014308340698} ItemTooltipConditionBarRight = userdata:00000143E03A7F40 (meta 00000143E03A8010} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E03A7FB8 (meta 0000014308340698} ItemTooltipConditionBarRightGloss = userdata:00000143E03A7FB8 (meta 0000014308340698} ItemTooltipFadeLeft = userdata:00000143E03A9DE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ItemTooltipFadeRight = userdata:00000143E03A9E50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ItemTooltipIcon = userdata:00000143E03A9EB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ItemTooltipSellPrice = userdata:00000143E03A8138 (meta 000001430831E750} ItemTooltipSellPriceCurrency = userdata:00000143E03A8218 (meta 00000143083425C0} ItemTooltipSellPriceReason = userdata:00000143E03A81A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ItemTooltipTopLevel = userdata:00000143E03A7250 (meta 0000014308326048} JOURNAL_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143EA93A080 (meta 000001431336FD98} JUMP_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 JUMP_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 22 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED = 3 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_ALREADY_JUMPING = 11 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_BATTLEGROUND_ENTRY = 22 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_CHAMPION_RANK = 8 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_DISABLED_CAMPAIGN = 5 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_DONT_OWN_HOUSE = 17 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_HEROIC_INSTANCE = 16 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_INSTANCE_CAP_REACHED = 12 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_INSTANCE_FULL = 10 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_INVALID_HOUSE = 19 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_INVALID_WORLD = 20 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_NO_CAMPAIGN = 4 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_NO_DETECTION_CELL = 21 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_NO_HOUSE_PERMISSION = 18 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_NO_SOCIAL = 9 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_QUEUING = 7 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_RECALL_BLOCKED = 15 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_TOO_DIFFICULT = 6 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_ZONE_COLLECTIBLE = 14 JUMP_RESULT_JUMP_FAILED_ZONE_REQUIREMENT = 13 JUMP_RESULT_LOCAL_JUMP_SUCCESSFUL = 0 JUMP_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 22 JUMP_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 JUMP_RESULT_NO_JUMP_PERMISSION = 2 JUMP_RESULT_REMOTE_JUMP_INITIATED = 1 JUMP_TO_PLAYER_RESULT_CROSS_ALLIANCE_LOCKED = 6 JUMP_TO_PLAYER_RESULT_GENERIC_FAILURE = 1 JUMP_TO_PLAYER_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 JUMP_TO_PLAYER_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 6 JUMP_TO_PLAYER_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 6 JUMP_TO_PLAYER_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 JUMP_TO_PLAYER_RESULT_PLAYER_DIFFICULTY_LOCKED = 5 JUMP_TO_PLAYER_RESULT_PLAYER_OFFLINE = 2 JUMP_TO_PLAYER_RESULT_SOLO_ZONE = 3 JUMP_TO_PLAYER_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 JUMP_TO_PLAYER_RESULT_ZONE_COLLECTIBLE_LOCKED = 4 JUSTICE_CRIMINAL = 2 JUSTICE_ENFORCER = 1 JUSTICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 JUSTICE_ITERATION_END = 2 JUSTICE_MAX_VALUE = 2 JUSTICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 JUSTICE_NONE = 0 JUSTICE_SKILL_FENCE = 3 JUSTICE_SKILL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 JUSTICE_SKILL_ITERATION_END = 3 JUSTICE_SKILL_LOCKPICK = 2 JUSTICE_SKILL_MAX_VALUE = 3 JUSTICE_SKILL_MIN_VALUE = 0 JUSTICE_SKILL_NONE = 0 JUSTICE_SKILL_PICKPOCKET = 1 JoinRespawnQueue() = function:000001439D2A7618 JumpAscendStart = function: Private JumpToFriend() = function:000001439D2946B0 JumpToGroupLeader() = function:000001439D292358 JumpToGroupMember() = function:000001439D2923C8 JumpToGuildMember() = function:00000143CACAC740 JumpToHouse() = function:000001439D294718 JumpToSpecificHouse() = function:000001439D294780 KEEPTYPE_ARTIFACT_GATE = 4 KEEPTYPE_ARTIFACT_KEEP = 3 KEEPTYPE_BORDER_KEEP = 2 KEEPTYPE_IMPERIAL_CITY_DISTRICT = 6 KEEPTYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 KEEPTYPE_ITERATION_END = 7 KEEPTYPE_KEEP = 0 KEEPTYPE_MAX_VALUE = 7 KEEPTYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 KEEPTYPE_OUTPOST = 5 KEEPTYPE_RESOURCE = 1 KEEPTYPE_TOWN = 7 KEEP_CLAIM_DIALOG = table:0000014314393C50 (meta 000001439D6B2190} firstTable firstMeta OnGuildSelectedCallback() = function:000001439D6AEA98 acceptButton = userdata:000001439D6B4828 (meta 000001439D6B4980} cancelButton = userdata:000001439D6B4370 (meta 000001439D6B44C8} control = userdata:000001439D6B2318 (meta 0000014308326048} dialogInfo = table:0000014314393C98 firstTable buttons = table:0000014314392848 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC96C840 firstTable callback() = function:00000143143A60A0 control = userdata:000001439D6B4828 (meta 000001439D6B4980} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001439D6B4928 (meta 000001439D6B4148} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001439D6B4828 (meta 000001439D6B4980} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001439D6B48A8 (meta 000001439D6AC718} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false text = 5819 2 = table:000001439D6A84E8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314393C10 control = userdata:000001439D6B4370 (meta 000001439D6B44C8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001439D6B4470 (meta 000001439D6B4638} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001439D6B4370 (meta 000001439D6B44C8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001439D6B43F0 (meta 000001439D6B4720} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false text = 247 customControl = userdata:000001439D6B2318 (meta 0000014308326048} noChoiceCallback() = function:0000014314393C10 setup() = function:000001439D68D438 title = table:00000143D7685580 firstTable text = Claim Ownership updateFn() = function:000001439D691880 dialogName = SELECT_GUILD_KEEP_CLAIM errorTextLabel = userdata:000001439D6B45E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} filterFunction() = function:00000143D76855C8 guildComboBox = table:000001439D6B4028 (meta 000001431D56DB28} lastUpdateTime = 0 KEEP_TEXTURE_AT_ZERO_REFERENCES = 1 KEEP_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ACCESSIBLE = 3 KEEP_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ATTACK_LINE = 1 KEEP_TOOLTIP_COLOR_AT_KEEP = 5 KEEP_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 KEEP_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 7 KEEP_TOOLTIP_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 7 KEEP_TOOLTIP_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 KEEP_TOOLTIP_COLOR_NAME = 0 KEEP_TOOLTIP_COLOR_NORMAL_LINE = 2 KEEP_TOOLTIP_COLOR_NOT_ACCESSIBLE = 4 KEEP_TOOLTIP_COLOR_OWNER = 6 KEEP_TOOLTIP_COLOR_UNCLAIMED = 7 KEYBINDINGS_FRAGMENT = table:00000144C79C5F90 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431DA01ED0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431DA01F58 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E30A84D0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E30A8518 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E30A8560 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A0C301C8 3 = false control = userdata:000001431B70E520 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001431DA01E88 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden KEYBINDINGS_MANAGER = table:0000014457A219A8 (meta 00000143D5870850} firstTable firstMeta KEYBINDING_MANAGER = table:000001444EEE7380 (meta 000001439FD08478} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001431B70E520 (meta 0000014308326048} list = table:000001444EEE73F8 (meta 000001430987B488} firstTable firstMeta automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:000001431B70E520 (meta 0000014308326048} list = userdata:0000014361393CC0 (meta 00000143D0540F00} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000143B4BFD3F8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E6199658 (meta 00000143F2CCF078} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EB1F0 index = 1 key = 1 10 = userdata:00000143B8D07AC0 (meta 00000143D09DE0D8} 11 = userdata:00000143AA401230 (meta 000001431B6210B8} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:000001447D01D208 (meta 00000143D6EB0878} firstMeta firstIndex normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} bindingButtons = table:00000143F5F79D58 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D9E6B860 (meta 00000143D9E69688} 2 = userdata:00000143D76B5480 (meta 00000143CBD65DD8} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:00000143D76B24D8 (meta 00000143A9794008} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 3 4 = userdata:00000144D07544D8 (meta 000001439D9D1760} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:00000143DB2EE268 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EE2B0 index = 11 key = 9 12 = userdata:00000143BC368E50 (meta 00000143D09B94F8} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EDDB0 index = 12 key = 2 13 = userdata:00000144BA7DB6B0 (meta 00000144BA7BBF30} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:0000014310369450 (meta 00000144CAEE5440} firstMeta firstIndex normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} bindingButtons = table:00000143C36AB080 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001447D01CD48 (meta 000001448F0E1398} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 1 2 = userdata:00000143AF1D0B78 (meta 00000144C7FCB258} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:0000014355586C98 (meta 000001447C5E4F28} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 3 4 = userdata:00000143DF6193D8 (meta 00000144D04B9F78} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:0000014313B9A6A0 dataEntry = table:0000014313B9A6E8 index = 13 key = 10 14 = userdata:0000014316CE24D0 (meta 0000014494A01FA0} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:00000143094EF490 (meta 00000144647DD650} firstMeta firstIndex normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} bindingButtons = table:0000014494A02040 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001447D014B68 (meta 00000144CC059FC0} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 1 2 = userdata:00000143137AF2E8 (meta 00000143DD564C88} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:00000143FE110260 (meta 00000143E6195548} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 3 4 = userdata:000001442806DF68 (meta 00000143EB8E73A8} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:00000143DB2ED678 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2ED6C0 index = 14 key = 11 15 = userdata:000001431DE7F9A8 (meta 00000143E7DDBBA8} 16 = userdata:00000143DF621828 (meta 000001448F8A26C0} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:00000143DF61DD20 (meta 00000143FE112230} firstMeta firstIndex normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} bindingButtons = table:0000014306482C60 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001444E58AD60 (meta 00000143C8034108} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 1 2 = userdata:000001430647AE70 (meta 00000143C7D46190} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:00000143BC161388 (meta 000001447D016410} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 3 4 = userdata:00000143D9E65568 (meta 00000143D76A7D00} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:00000143DB2F0B68 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2F0BB0 index = 16 key = 13 17 = userdata:00000143D76A7E78 (meta 00000143A352AE18} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:00000144584393D8 (meta 00000143B14737D8} firstMeta firstIndex normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} bindingButtons = table:00000143A352AEB8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E3A2A2F0 (meta 00000144063A0A60} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 1 2 = userdata:00000143BC3688C8 (meta 00000143CBD76598} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:0000014428055F50 (meta 000001439CF64B58} 4 = userdata:00000143F0F81568 (meta 0000014320610510} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:0000014313367D18 dataEntry = table:0000014313367D60 index = 17 key = 14 18 = userdata:0000014313E2F4B0 (meta 00000143100292B0} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:0000014313E2EA70 (meta 00000143E664C848} firstMeta firstIndex normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} bindingButtons = table:000001436BD99728 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014313E2DA50 (meta 0000014320751E68} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 1 2 = userdata:000001431347E6F0 (meta 0000014313BADF38} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:00000143B147ADE8 (meta 0000014313B97510} 4 = userdata:00000143A38843B0 (meta 00000143ED0000E0} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:00000143EB396F50 dataEntry = table:00000143EB396F98 index = 18 key = 15 19 = userdata:00000143CBD77A10 (meta 0000014428C47DE8} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:000001439CF5AC88 (meta 00000143E41DB158} firstMeta firstIndex normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} bindingButtons = table:0000014313AF6480 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014320611E18 (meta 00000143E43CEF00} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 1 2 = userdata:00000143E066AF28 (meta 0000014313367F48} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:00000143B8501F88 (meta 00000143D537FD08} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 3 4 = userdata:00000143F19E5E90 (meta 00000144C410DE98} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:00000143DB2F0488 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2F04D0 index = 19 key = 16 2 = userdata:00000143E6196938 (meta 0000014409DAD8C8} 3 = userdata:00000143E6197BA8 (meta 0000014313B10C08} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:00000143E6174FB8 (meta 00000143D6E91620} firstMeta firstIndex normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} bindingButtons = table:0000014313AF14C0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E616E2C0 (meta 00000143C36B08E0} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 1 2 = userdata:00000143E61664B8 (meta 00000144CAE6F7F0} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:00000143EB8FB2F0 (meta 00000143DD549DA0} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 3 4 = userdata:00000143EB8F6128 (meta 00000143ECB69798} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:0000014409602750 dataEntry = table:0000014409602798 index = 3 key = 1 4 = userdata:00000143EB8EF468 (meta 00000143DD5415D0} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:00000143EB8EC748 (meta 00000143B820FEB8} firstMeta firstIndex normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} bindingButtons = table:0000014494A16F00 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143EB8E9A60 (meta 000001439CF5D958} 2 = userdata:0000014494A208D8 (meta 00000143DD57E6B0} 3 = userdata:0000014494A12FD0 (meta 00000143DD99B4A0} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 3 4 = userdata:0000014494A0F1C8 (meta 00000143C36B1DE0} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:00000143B2A998A0 dataEntry = table:00000143E7FCA300 index = 4 key = 2 5 = userdata:0000014494A0B340 (meta 00000143C7808838} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:00000144949FF4C8 (meta 00000143E18B2398} firstMeta firstIndex normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} bindingButtons = table:00000143DB2DD368 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143ECB56FF0 (meta 000001430795BD80} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 1 2 = userdata:0000014313B2BB10 (meta 00000143AF1C8D08} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:0000014313B1ACE8 (meta 000001440638F6A0} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 3 4 = userdata:0000014313B101F8 (meta 000001439CF5F540} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:00000143DB2EB198 dataEntry = table:00000144095FEF60 index = 5 key = 3 6 = userdata:0000014313B0C2F8 (meta 000001440EB12D38} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:0000014313B04528 (meta 0000014409DA6220} bindingButtons = table:00000143F8DC0228 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014313AF36C0 (meta 00000143A9B65528} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 1 2 = userdata:00000143AE989FB8 (meta 000001431B4272E0} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:00000143617048E8 (meta 00000143EB9193E8} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 3 4 = userdata:00000143E61984C8 (meta 0000014494A00050} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:00000143B2A99858 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EAF18 index = 6 key = 4 7 = userdata:000001440EB12DA0 (meta 00000143BC36B098} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:000001448F0D9F70 (meta 00000143FBCB8480} bindingButtons = table:0000014361707C18 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014313B0ACE0 (meta 00000143F5F4DF50} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 1 2 = userdata:00000143A387FB60 (meta 000001448F0D3C50} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:000001448F0EFFA8 (meta 00000144D04D5B08} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 3 4 = userdata:000001447C5EA210 (meta 00000144949F0AD8} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:00000143A9B8C9D0 dataEntry = table:00000143A9B8CA18 index = 7 key = 5 8 = userdata:00000143BC36B100 (meta 00000143B81F1530} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:00000143F28BD4E8 (meta 00000143F5F47E98} firstMeta firstIndex normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} bindingButtons = table:00000143DB2E1878 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143B8511F58 (meta 00000143B1478B78} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 1 2 = userdata:00000143E3A2B870 (meta 00000143A3892E88} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:00000143C345BF60 (meta 00000143CBD73B48} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 3 4 = userdata:00000143A388A8F8 (meta 000001439CF63150} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:00000143A9B892E8 dataEntry = table:00000143A9B89330 index = 8 key = 6 9 = userdata:00000143B81F1598 (meta 00000143ECB5DC68} firstMeta firstIndex actionLabel = userdata:00000143A351A230 (meta 00000143F8DC9D00} firstMeta firstIndex normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} bindingButtons = table:00000143ECB4F0C0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143C780AD28 (meta 00000143E7FD5BC0} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 1 2 = userdata:00000143E2D11FC8 (meta 00000144CAE6E768} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 2 3 = userdata:00000143C36B8B38 (meta 00000143DD55E810} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 3 4 = userdata:00000143B2A99BF0 (meta 00000144949F21E0} firstMeta firstIndex bindingIndex = 4 data = table:0000014313B9A420 dataEntry = table:0000014313B9A468 index = 9 key = 7 animation = userdata:00000143B4C03C38 (meta 00000143D0540FE8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000014361393CC0 (meta 00000143D0540F00} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000144BF616500 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143B4C04DF8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143D0540FA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB2EB1F0 10 = table:00000143DB2EAF60 100 = table:00000143A9B812C0 101 = table:00000143A9B81540 102 = table:00000143A9B817C0 103 = table:00000143A9B81A40 104 = table:00000143A9B81CC0 105 = table:00000143A9B81F40 106 = table:00000143A9B82120 107 = table:00000143A9B823A0 108 = table:00000143A9B824D8 109 = table:00000143B2A9DD70 11 = table:00000143DB2EE2B0 110 = table:00000143B2A9DFF0 111 = table:00000143B2A9E270 112 = table:00000143B2A9E4F0 113 = table:00000143B2A9E770 114 = table:00000143B2A9E9F0 115 = table:00000143B2A9EC70 116 = table:00000143B2A9EEF0 117 = table:00000143B2A9F028 118 = table:00000144BF615DC8 119 = table:00000144BF616048 12 = table:00000143DB2EDDB0 120 = table:00000144BF6162C8 13 = table:0000014313B9A6E8 14 = table:00000143DB2ED6C0 15 = table:0000014313B9ABE8 16 = table:00000143DB2F0BB0 17 = table:0000014313367D60 18 = table:00000143EB396F98 19 = table:00000143DB2F04D0 2 = table:00000144095FEF18 20 = table:00000143B1D80E10 21 = table:00000143EB397218 22 = table:00000143B1D80910 23 = table:0000014307957D50 24 = table:00000143EB397718 25 = table:00000143B1D801D8 26 = table:00000143B1D803F8 27 = table:00000143EB3979F8 28 = table:00000143B1D80B30 29 = table:00000143EB3974F8 3 = table:0000014409602798 30 = table:00000143DB2F0888 31 = table:0000014313B9A920 32 = table:00000143DB2EDA88 33 = table:00000143DB2EDF40 34 = table:00000143DB2EE488 35 = table:00000143DB2EE518 36 = table:0000014313B9A968 37 = table:00000143DB2EB8B8 38 = table:00000143DB2EB370 39 = table:000001440EAF8EB8 4 = table:00000143E7FCA300 40 = table:000001440EAF8F48 41 = table:000001440EAF9460 42 = table:000001440EAF9138 43 = table:00000143E7FCA4D8 44 = table:000001440EAF6080 45 = table:00000143EB397D08 46 = table:00000143EB397E40 47 = table:00000143A979FA80 48 = table:00000143EB397E88 49 = table:0000014361041A18 5 = table:00000144095FEF60 50 = table:00000143EB397ED0 51 = table:00000143E7FC8CB8 52 = table:00000143F2CC8568 53 = table:00000143F2CC8928 54 = table:00000143F2CC8CE8 55 = table:00000143F2CC8E20 56 = table:000001436103C1A0 57 = table:000001436103C560 58 = table:000001436103C920 59 = table:000001436103CCE0 6 = table:00000143DB2EAF18 60 = table:000001436103CE18 61 = table:000001440EAF9810 62 = table:0000014313BA0E38 63 = table:0000014313BA1208 64 = table:0000014313BA15D8 65 = table:0000014313BA1AF0 66 = table:00000143E66513D8 67 = table:00000143E6651798 68 = table:0000014313BA19F0 69 = table:0000014313B9CE08 7 = table:00000143A9B8CA18 70 = table:00000143B8206E40 71 = table:00000143B8207200 72 = table:00000143B82075C0 73 = table:00000143B82079D8 74 = table:0000014320618388 75 = table:0000014320618608 76 = table:0000014320618888 77 = table:0000014320618B08 78 = table:0000014320618D88 79 = table:0000014320619008 8 = table:00000143A9B89330 80 = table:0000014320619288 81 = table:00000143B8207A20 82 = table:00000143B2AA1B70 83 = table:00000143B2AA1E48 84 = table:00000143B2AA2028 85 = table:00000143B2AA22A8 86 = table:00000143B2AA2528 87 = table:00000143B2AA27A8 88 = table:00000143B2AA2988 89 = table:00000143B2AA2C08 9 = table:0000014313B9A468 90 = table:00000143B2AA1DF0 91 = table:000001431B62DFB8 92 = table:000001431B62E238 93 = table:000001431B62E4B8 94 = table:000001431B62E790 95 = table:000001431B62E970 96 = table:000001431B62EBF0 97 = table:000001431B62EE70 98 = table:00000143B8206B18 99 = table:00000143A9B810E0 dataTypes = table:00000143D0540E70 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C79C7628 firstTable height = 60 pool = table:00000144C79BF588 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144C79C7598 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E6199658 (meta 00000143F2CCF078} m_Factory() = function:00000144C79BF758 m_Free = table:00000144C79C75E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000144C79BF6A0 2 = table:00000144C79C68A8 firstTable height = 48 pool = table:00000144C79C7738 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144C79C7780 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E6196938 (meta 0000014409DAD8C8} 2 = userdata:00000143BC368E50 (meta 00000143D09B94F8} m_Factory() = function:00000144C79C7670 m_Free = table:00000144C79C77C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000144C79BF6E0 3 = table:00000143F118DA70 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:00000144C79C5E70 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144C79C5EB8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E6197BA8 (meta 0000014313B10C08} 10 = userdata:00000144BA7DB6B0 (meta 00000144BA7BBF30} 11 = userdata:0000014316CE24D0 (meta 0000014494A01FA0} 12 = userdata:000001431DE7F9A8 (meta 00000143E7DDBBA8} 13 = userdata:00000143DF621828 (meta 000001448F8A26C0} 14 = userdata:00000143D76A7E78 (meta 00000143A352AE18} 15 = userdata:0000014313E2F4B0 (meta 00000143100292B0} 16 = userdata:00000143CBD77A10 (meta 0000014428C47DE8} 2 = userdata:00000143EB8EF468 (meta 00000143DD5415D0} 3 = userdata:0000014494A0B340 (meta 00000143C7808838} 4 = userdata:0000014313B0C2F8 (meta 000001440EB12D38} 5 = userdata:000001440EB12DA0 (meta 00000143BC36B098} 6 = userdata:00000143BC36B100 (meta 00000143B81F1530} 7 = userdata:00000143B81F1598 (meta 00000143ECB5DC68} 8 = userdata:00000143B8D07AC0 (meta 00000143D09DE0D8} 9 = userdata:00000143AA401230 (meta 000001431B6210B8} m_Factory() = function:00000144C79C7810 m_Free = table:00000144C79C5F00 firstTable m_NextControlId = 16 m_NextFree = 17 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143D0543400 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:0000014361393DA8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 2 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143B4C04488 (meta 00000143B4C03BD0} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143B4C03B78 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143B4C03B48 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:00000143D0540E08 (meta 0000014308367FC0} upButton = userdata:0000014361393D30 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000144BF6170C0 firstTable 1 = 1 10 = 10 100 = 100 101 = 101 102 = 102 103 = 103 104 = 104 105 = 105 106 = 106 107 = 107 108 = 108 109 = 109 11 = 11 110 = 110 111 = 111 112 = 112 113 = 113 114 = 114 115 = 115 116 = 116 117 = 117 118 = 118 119 = 119 12 = 12 120 = 120 13 = 13 14 = 14 15 = 15 16 = 16 17 = 17 18 = 18 19 = 19 2 = 2 20 = 20 21 = 21 22 = 22 23 = 23 24 = 24 25 = 25 26 = 26 27 = 27 28 = 28 29 = 29 3 = 3 30 = 30 31 = 31 32 = 32 33 = 33 34 = 34 35 = 35 36 = 36 37 = 37 38 = 38 39 = 39 4 = 4 40 = 40 41 = 41 42 = 42 43 = 43 44 = 44 45 = 45 46 = 46 47 = 47 48 = 48 49 = 49 5 = 5 50 = 50 51 = 51 52 = 52 53 = 53 54 = 54 55 = 55 56 = 56 57 = 57 58 = 58 59 = 59 6 = 6 60 = 60 61 = 61 62 = 62 63 = 63 64 = 64 65 = 65 66 = 66 67 = 67 68 = 68 69 = 69 7 = 7 70 = 70 71 = 71 72 = 72 73 = 73 74 = 74 75 = 75 76 = 76 77 = 77 78 = 78 79 = 79 8 = 8 80 = 80 81 = 81 82 = 82 83 = 83 84 = 84 85 = 85 86 = 86 87 = 87 88 = 88 89 = 89 9 = 9 90 = 90 91 = 91 92 = 92 93 = 93 94 = 94 95 = 95 96 = 96 97 = 97 98 = 98 99 = 99 masterList = table:00000143DB2EB698 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB2EB1F0 firstTable bottom = 60 data = table:00000143DB2EB6E0 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EB1F0 layerIndex = 1 layerName = General sortIndex = 1 top = 0 typeId = 1 10 = table:00000143DB2EAF60 100 = table:00000143A9B812C0 firstTable bottom = 3318 data = table:00000143A9B81278 firstTable actionIndex = 1 actionName = TOGGLE_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_DUMMY categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A9B812C0 isRebindable = true layerId = 99 layerIndex = 22 localizedActionName = Toggle Scoreboard sortIndex = 100 top = 3288 typeId = 3 101 = table:00000143A9B81540 firstTable bottom = 3348 data = table:00000143A9B814F8 firstTable actionIndex = 2 actionName = LEAVE_BATTLEGROUND_DUMMY categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A9B81540 isRebindable = true layerId = 99 layerIndex = 22 localizedActionName = Leave Battleground sortIndex = 101 top = 3318 typeId = 3 102 = table:00000143A9B817C0 firstTable bottom = 3378 data = table:00000143A9B81778 firstTable actionIndex = 3 actionName = BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PREVIOUS_DUMMY categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A9B817C0 isRebindable = true layerId = 99 layerIndex = 22 localizedActionName = Scoreboard Previous Player sortIndex = 102 top = 3348 typeId = 3 103 = table:00000143A9B81A40 firstTable bottom = 3408 data = table:00000143A9B819F8 firstTable actionIndex = 4 actionName = BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_NEXT_DUMMY categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A9B81A40 isRebindable = true layerId = 99 layerIndex = 22 localizedActionName = Scoreboard Next Player sortIndex = 103 top = 3378 typeId = 3 104 = table:00000143A9B81CC0 firstTable bottom = 3438 data = table:00000143A9B81C78 firstTable actionIndex = 5 actionName = BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_OPTIONS_DUMMY categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A9B81CC0 isRebindable = true layerId = 99 layerIndex = 22 localizedActionName = Scoreboard Player Options sortIndex = 104 top = 3408 typeId = 3 105 = table:00000143A9B81F40 firstTable bottom = 3498 data = table:00000143A9B81EF8 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143A9B81F40 layerIndex = 25 layerName = Housing Editor sortIndex = 105 top = 3438 typeId = 1 106 = table:00000143A9B82120 firstTable bottom = 3528 data = table:00000143A9B820D8 firstTable actionIndex = 28 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_PRIMARY_ACTION categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A9B82120 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Primary Action sortIndex = 106 top = 3498 typeId = 3 107 = table:00000143A9B823A0 firstTable bottom = 3558 data = table:00000143A9B82358 firstTable actionIndex = 29 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_NEGATIVE_ACTION categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A9B823A0 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Negative Action sortIndex = 107 top = 3528 typeId = 3 108 = table:00000143A9B824D8 firstTable bottom = 3588 data = table:00000143A9B82490 firstTable actionIndex = 30 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_SECONDARY_ACTION categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A9B824D8 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Secondary Action sortIndex = 108 top = 3558 typeId = 3 109 = table:00000143B2A9DD70 firstTable bottom = 3618 data = table:00000143A9B82520 firstTable actionIndex = 31 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_TERTIARY_ACTION categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2A9DD70 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Teritary Action sortIndex = 109 top = 3588 typeId = 3 11 = table:00000143DB2EE2B0 firstTable bottom = 378 data = table:00000143DB2EE268 firstTable actionIndex = 9 actionName = TOGGLE_MOUNT categoryId = 2 categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EE2B0 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Toggle Mount sortIndex = 11 top = 348 typeId = 3 110 = table:00000143B2A9DFF0 firstTable bottom = 3648 data = table:00000143B2A9DFA8 firstTable actionIndex = 32 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_QUATERNARY_ACTION categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2A9DFF0 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Quaternary Action sortIndex = 110 top = 3618 typeId = 3 111 = table:00000143B2A9E270 firstTable bottom = 3678 data = table:00000143B2A9E228 firstTable actionIndex = 33 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_YAW_LEFT categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2A9E270 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Yaw Left sortIndex = 111 top = 3648 typeId = 3 112 = table:00000143B2A9E4F0 firstTable bottom = 3708 data = table:00000143B2A9E4A8 firstTable actionIndex = 34 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_YAW_RIGHT categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2A9E4F0 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Yaw Right sortIndex = 112 top = 3678 typeId = 3 113 = table:00000143B2A9E770 firstTable bottom = 3738 data = table:00000143B2A9E728 firstTable actionIndex = 35 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_PITCH_FORWARD categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2A9E770 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Pitch Forward sortIndex = 113 top = 3708 typeId = 3 114 = table:00000143B2A9E9F0 firstTable bottom = 3768 data = table:00000143B2A9E9A8 firstTable actionIndex = 36 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_PITCH_BACKWARD categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2A9E9F0 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Pitch Backward sortIndex = 114 top = 3738 typeId = 3 115 = table:00000143B2A9EC70 firstTable bottom = 3798 data = table:00000143B2A9EC28 firstTable actionIndex = 37 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_ROLL_LEFT categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2A9EC70 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Roll Left sortIndex = 115 top = 3768 typeId = 3 116 = table:00000143B2A9EEF0 firstTable bottom = 3828 data = table:00000143B2A9EEA8 firstTable actionIndex = 38 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_ROLL_RIGHT categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2A9EEF0 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Roll Right sortIndex = 116 top = 3798 typeId = 3 117 = table:00000143B2A9F028 firstTable bottom = 3858 data = table:00000143B2A9EFE0 firstTable actionIndex = 39 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_PUSH_FORWARD categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2A9F028 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Push Forward sortIndex = 117 top = 3828 typeId = 3 118 = table:00000144BF615DC8 firstTable bottom = 3888 data = table:00000144BF615D80 firstTable actionIndex = 40 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_PULL_BACKWARD categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000144BF615DC8 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Pull Backward sortIndex = 118 top = 3858 typeId = 3 119 = table:00000144BF616048 firstTable bottom = 3918 data = table:00000144BF616000 firstTable actionIndex = 41 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_ALIGN_TO_SURFACE categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000144BF616048 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Surface Align sortIndex = 119 top = 3888 typeId = 3 12 = table:00000143DB2EDDB0 firstTable bottom = 426 data = table:00000143DB2EDD68 firstTable categoryIndex = 2 categoryName = Combat dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EDDB0 layerIndex = 1 sortIndex = 12 top = 378 typeId = 2 120 = table:00000144BF6162C8 firstTable bottom = 3948 data = table:00000144BF616280 firstTable actionIndex = 42 actionName = HOUSING_EDITOR_JUMP_TO_SAFE_LOC categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000144BF6162C8 isRebindable = true layerId = 105 layerIndex = 25 localizedActionName = Go to Entrance sortIndex = 120 top = 3918 typeId = 3 13 = table:0000014313B9A6E8 firstTable bottom = 456 data = table:0000014313B9A6A0 firstTable actionIndex = 1 actionName = SPECIAL_MOVE_ATTACK categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:0000014313B9A6E8 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Attack sortIndex = 13 top = 426 typeId = 3 14 = table:00000143DB2ED6C0 firstTable bottom = 486 data = table:00000143DB2ED678 firstTable actionIndex = 2 actionName = SPECIAL_MOVE_BLOCK categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2ED6C0 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Block sortIndex = 14 top = 456 typeId = 3 15 = table:0000014313B9ABE8 16 = table:00000143DB2F0BB0 firstTable bottom = 546 data = table:00000143DB2F0B68 firstTable actionIndex = 5 actionName = SPECIAL_MOVE_CROUCH categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2F0BB0 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Crouch sortIndex = 16 top = 516 typeId = 3 17 = table:0000014313367D60 firstTable bottom = 576 data = table:0000014313367D18 firstTable actionIndex = 6 actionName = SPECIAL_MOVE_INTERRUPT categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:0000014313367D60 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Interrupt sortIndex = 17 top = 546 typeId = 3 18 = table:00000143EB396F98 firstTable bottom = 606 data = table:00000143EB396F50 firstTable actionIndex = 7 actionName = USE_SYNERGY categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143EB396F98 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Use Synergy sortIndex = 18 top = 576 typeId = 3 19 = table:00000143DB2F04D0 firstTable bottom = 636 data = table:00000143DB2F0488 firstTable actionIndex = 8 actionName = SPECIAL_MOVE_WEAPON_SWAP categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2F04D0 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Weapon Swap sortIndex = 19 top = 606 typeId = 3 2 = table:00000144095FEF18 20 = table:00000143B1D80E10 firstTable bottom = 666 data = table:00000143A9B7EE50 firstTable actionIndex = 9 actionName = SPECIAL_MOVE_WEAPON_SWAP_TO_SET_1 categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143B1D80E10 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Weapon Swap To Set 1 sortIndex = 20 top = 636 typeId = 3 21 = table:00000143EB397218 firstTable bottom = 696 data = table:00000143EB3971D0 firstTable actionIndex = 10 actionName = SPECIAL_MOVE_WEAPON_SWAP_TO_SET_2 categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143EB397218 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Weapon Swap To Set 2 sortIndex = 21 top = 666 typeId = 3 22 = table:00000143B1D80910 firstTable bottom = 726 data = table:00000143B1D80E58 firstTable actionIndex = 11 actionName = ACTION_BUTTON_3 categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143B1D80910 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Ability 1 sortIndex = 22 top = 696 typeId = 3 23 = table:0000014307957D50 firstTable bottom = 756 data = table:0000014307957D08 firstTable actionIndex = 12 actionName = ACTION_BUTTON_4 categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:0000014307957D50 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Ability 2 sortIndex = 23 top = 726 typeId = 3 24 = table:00000143EB397718 firstTable bottom = 786 data = table:00000143EB3976D0 firstTable actionIndex = 13 actionName = ACTION_BUTTON_5 categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143EB397718 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Ability 3 sortIndex = 24 top = 756 typeId = 3 25 = table:00000143B1D801D8 firstTable bottom = 816 data = table:00000143B1D80958 firstTable actionIndex = 14 actionName = ACTION_BUTTON_6 categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143B1D801D8 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Ability 4 sortIndex = 25 top = 786 typeId = 3 26 = table:00000143B1D803F8 firstTable bottom = 846 data = table:00000143B1D803B0 firstTable actionIndex = 15 actionName = ACTION_BUTTON_7 categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143B1D803F8 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Ability 5 sortIndex = 26 top = 816 typeId = 3 27 = table:00000143EB3979F8 firstTable bottom = 876 data = table:00000143B1D80220 firstTable actionIndex = 16 actionName = ACTION_BUTTON_8 categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143EB3979F8 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Ultimate Ability sortIndex = 27 top = 846 typeId = 3 28 = table:00000143B1D80B30 firstTable bottom = 906 data = table:00000143B1D80AE8 firstTable actionIndex = 25 actionName = ACTION_BUTTON_9 categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143B1D80B30 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Quickslot Item sortIndex = 28 top = 876 typeId = 3 29 = table:00000143EB3974F8 firstTable bottom = 936 data = table:00000143EB397A40 firstTable actionIndex = 27 actionName = SHEATHE_WEAPON_TOGGLE categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143EB3974F8 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Sheathe/Unsheathe sortIndex = 29 top = 906 typeId = 3 3 = table:0000014409602798 firstTable bottom = 138 data = table:0000014409602750 firstTable actionIndex = 1 actionName = MOVE_FORWARD categoryId = 2 categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014409602798 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Move Forward sortIndex = 3 top = 108 typeId = 3 30 = table:00000143DB2F0888 firstTable bottom = 966 data = table:00000143DB2F0840 firstTable actionIndex = 28 actionName = COMMAND_PET categoryId = 12 categoryIndex = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2F0888 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Command Pet sortIndex = 30 top = 936 typeId = 3 31 = table:0000014313B9A920 firstTable bottom = 1014 data = table:00000143EB397540 firstTable categoryIndex = 3 categoryName = Targeting dataEntry = table:0000014313B9A920 layerIndex = 1 sortIndex = 31 top = 966 typeId = 2 32 = table:00000143DB2EDA88 firstTable bottom = 1044 data = table:00000143DB2EDA40 firstTable actionIndex = 1 actionName = CYCLE_PREFERRED_ENEMY_TARGET categoryId = 31 categoryIndex = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EDA88 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Cycle Preferred Enemy Target sortIndex = 32 top = 1014 typeId = 3 33 = table:00000143DB2EDF40 firstTable bottom = 1092 data = table:00000143DB2EDAD0 firstTable categoryIndex = 4 categoryName = Camera dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EDF40 layerIndex = 1 sortIndex = 33 top = 1044 typeId = 2 34 = table:00000143DB2EE488 firstTable bottom = 1122 data = table:00000143DB2EE440 firstTable actionIndex = 1 actionName = CAMERA_ZOOM_OUT categoryId = 33 categoryIndex = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EE488 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Zoom Camera Out sortIndex = 34 top = 1092 typeId = 3 35 = table:00000143DB2EE518 firstTable bottom = 1152 data = table:00000143DB2EE4D0 firstTable actionIndex = 2 actionName = CAMERA_ZOOM_IN categoryId = 33 categoryIndex = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EE518 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Zoom Camera In sortIndex = 35 top = 1122 typeId = 3 36 = table:0000014313B9A968 firstTable bottom = 1182 data = table:00000143DB2EDF88 firstTable actionIndex = 3 actionName = GAME_CAMERA_MOUSE_FREE_LOOK categoryId = 33 categoryIndex = 4 dataEntry = table:0000014313B9A968 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Mouse Freelook sortIndex = 36 top = 1152 typeId = 3 37 = table:00000143DB2EB8B8 firstTable bottom = 1212 data = table:00000143DB2EB870 firstTable actionIndex = 4 actionName = GAME_CAMERA_GAMEPAD_ZOOM categoryId = 33 categoryIndex = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EB8B8 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Gamepad Camera Zoom sortIndex = 37 top = 1182 typeId = 3 38 = table:00000143DB2EB370 firstTable bottom = 1260 data = table:00000143DB2EDB18 firstTable categoryIndex = 5 categoryName = Interaction dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EB370 layerIndex = 1 sortIndex = 38 top = 1212 typeId = 2 39 = table:000001440EAF8EB8 firstTable bottom = 1290 data = table:000001440EAF8E70 firstTable actionIndex = 1 actionName = GAME_CAMERA_INTERACT categoryId = 38 categoryIndex = 5 dataEntry = table:000001440EAF8EB8 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Interact With Environment sortIndex = 39 top = 1260 typeId = 3 4 = table:00000143E7FCA300 firstTable bottom = 168 data = table:00000143B2A998A0 firstTable actionIndex = 2 actionName = MOVE_BACKWARD categoryId = 2 categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143E7FCA300 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Move Backward sortIndex = 4 top = 138 typeId = 3 40 = table:000001440EAF8F48 firstTable bottom = 1320 data = table:000001440EAF8F00 firstTable actionIndex = 2 actionName = PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INTERACT categoryId = 38 categoryIndex = 5 dataEntry = table:000001440EAF8F48 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Interact With Player sortIndex = 40 top = 1290 typeId = 3 41 = table:000001440EAF9460 firstTable bottom = 1368 data = table:000001440EAF9370 firstTable categoryIndex = 6 categoryName = User Interface dataEntry = table:000001440EAF9460 layerIndex = 1 sortIndex = 41 top = 1320 typeId = 2 42 = table:000001440EAF9138 firstTable bottom = 1398 data = table:000001440EAF90F0 firstTable actionIndex = 1 actionName = TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:000001440EAF9138 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Toggle Fullscreen Mode sortIndex = 42 top = 1368 typeId = 3 43 = table:00000143E7FCA4D8 firstTable bottom = 1428 data = table:00000143DB2EB3B8 firstTable actionIndex = 2 actionName = TAKE_SCREENSHOT categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143E7FCA4D8 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Take Screenshot sortIndex = 43 top = 1398 typeId = 3 44 = table:000001440EAF6080 firstTable bottom = 1458 data = table:000001440EAF6038 firstTable actionIndex = 3 actionName = START_CHAT_ENTER categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:000001440EAF6080 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Start Chat sortIndex = 44 top = 1428 typeId = 3 45 = table:00000143EB397D08 firstTable bottom = 1488 data = table:00000143E7FCA520 firstTable actionIndex = 4 actionName = START_CHAT_SLASH categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143EB397D08 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Start Chat Slash sortIndex = 45 top = 1458 typeId = 3 46 = table:00000143EB397E40 firstTable bottom = 1518 data = table:00000143EB397DF8 firstTable actionIndex = 5 actionName = CHAT_REPLY_TO_LAST_WHISPER categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143EB397E40 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Reply to Whisper sortIndex = 46 top = 1488 typeId = 3 47 = table:00000143A979FA80 firstTable bottom = 1548 data = table:00000143A979FA38 firstTable actionIndex = 6 actionName = TOGGLE_SHOW_INGAME_GUI categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A979FA80 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = UI On/Off sortIndex = 47 top = 1518 typeId = 3 48 = table:00000143EB397E88 firstTable bottom = 1578 data = table:00000143A979FB70 firstTable actionIndex = 7 actionName = TOGGLE_GAME_CAMERA_UI_MODE categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143EB397E88 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Character Windows sortIndex = 48 top = 1548 typeId = 3 49 = table:0000014361041A18 firstTable bottom = 1608 data = table:00000143610419D0 firstTable actionIndex = 8 actionName = TOGGLE_MARKET categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014361041A18 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Crown Store sortIndex = 49 top = 1578 typeId = 3 5 = table:00000144095FEF60 firstTable bottom = 198 data = table:00000143DB2EB198 firstTable actionIndex = 3 actionName = TOGGLE_WALK categoryId = 2 categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000144095FEF60 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Toggle Walk / Run sortIndex = 5 top = 168 typeId = 3 50 = table:00000143EB397ED0 firstTable bottom = 1638 data = table:0000014361041B08 firstTable actionIndex = 9 actionName = TOGGLE_INVENTORY categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143EB397ED0 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Inventory sortIndex = 50 top = 1608 typeId = 3 51 = table:00000143E7FC8CB8 firstTable bottom = 1668 data = table:00000143E7FC8C70 firstTable actionIndex = 10 actionName = TOGGLE_CHARACTER categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143E7FC8CB8 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Character sortIndex = 51 top = 1638 typeId = 3 52 = table:00000143F2CC8568 firstTable bottom = 1698 data = table:00000143E7FC8DA8 firstTable actionIndex = 11 actionName = TOGGLE_SKILLS categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143F2CC8568 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Skills sortIndex = 52 top = 1668 typeId = 3 53 = table:00000143F2CC8928 firstTable bottom = 1728 data = table:00000143F2CC88E0 firstTable actionIndex = 12 actionName = TOGGLE_CHAMPION categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143F2CC8928 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Champion sortIndex = 53 top = 1698 typeId = 3 54 = table:00000143F2CC8CE8 firstTable bottom = 1758 data = table:00000143F2CC8CA0 firstTable actionIndex = 13 actionName = TOGGLE_JOURNAL categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143F2CC8CE8 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Quest Journal sortIndex = 54 top = 1728 typeId = 3 55 = table:00000143F2CC8E20 firstTable bottom = 1788 data = table:00000143F2CC8DD8 firstTable actionIndex = 14 actionName = TOGGLE_COLLECTIONS_BOOK categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143F2CC8E20 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Collections sortIndex = 55 top = 1758 typeId = 3 56 = table:000001436103C1A0 firstTable bottom = 1818 data = table:00000143F2CC8F10 firstTable actionIndex = 15 actionName = TOGGLE_MAP categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:000001436103C1A0 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Map sortIndex = 56 top = 1788 typeId = 3 57 = table:000001436103C560 firstTable bottom = 1848 data = table:000001436103C518 firstTable actionIndex = 16 actionName = TOGGLE_GROUP categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:000001436103C560 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Group sortIndex = 57 top = 1818 typeId = 3 58 = table:000001436103C920 firstTable bottom = 1878 data = table:000001436103C8D8 firstTable actionIndex = 17 actionName = TOGGLE_CONTACTS categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:000001436103C920 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Friends sortIndex = 58 top = 1848 typeId = 3 59 = table:000001436103CCE0 firstTable bottom = 1908 data = table:000001436103CC98 firstTable actionIndex = 18 actionName = TOGGLE_GUILDS categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:000001436103CCE0 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Guilds sortIndex = 59 top = 1878 typeId = 3 6 = table:00000143DB2EAF18 firstTable bottom = 228 data = table:00000143B2A99858 firstTable actionIndex = 4 actionName = TURN_LEFT categoryId = 2 categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143DB2EAF18 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Move Left sortIndex = 6 top = 198 typeId = 3 60 = table:000001436103CE18 firstTable bottom = 1938 data = table:000001436103CDD0 firstTable actionIndex = 19 actionName = TOGGLE_ALLIANCE_WAR categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:000001436103CE18 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Alliance War sortIndex = 60 top = 1908 typeId = 3 61 = table:000001440EAF9810 firstTable bottom = 1968 data = table:000001440EAF97C8 firstTable actionIndex = 20 actionName = TOGGLE_MAIL categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:000001440EAF9810 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Mail sortIndex = 61 top = 1938 typeId = 3 62 = table:0000014313BA0E38 firstTable bottom = 1998 data = table:0000014313BA0DF0 firstTable actionIndex = 21 actionName = TOGGLE_NOTIFICATIONS categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014313BA0E38 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Notifications sortIndex = 62 top = 1968 typeId = 3 63 = table:0000014313BA1208 firstTable bottom = 2028 data = table:0000014313BA11C0 firstTable actionIndex = 22 actionName = TOGGLE_ACTIVITY_FINDER categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014313BA1208 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Activity Finder sortIndex = 63 top = 1998 typeId = 3 64 = table:0000014313BA15D8 firstTable bottom = 2058 data = table:0000014313BA1590 firstTable actionIndex = 23 actionName = TOGGLE_CROWN_CRATES categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014313BA15D8 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Crown Crates sortIndex = 64 top = 2028 typeId = 3 65 = table:0000014313BA1AF0 firstTable bottom = 2088 data = table:0000014313BA1960 firstTable actionIndex = 24 actionName = TOGGLE_HELP categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014313BA1AF0 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Help sortIndex = 65 top = 2058 typeId = 3 66 = table:00000143E66513D8 firstTable bottom = 2118 data = table:0000014313BA1B38 firstTable actionIndex = 25 actionName = TOGGLE_SYSTEM categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143E66513D8 isRebindable = false layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = System sortIndex = 66 top = 2088 typeId = 3 67 = table:00000143E6651798 firstTable bottom = 2148 data = table:00000143E6651750 firstTable actionIndex = 26 actionName = ASSIST_NEXT_TRACKED_QUEST categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143E6651798 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Cycle Focused Quest sortIndex = 67 top = 2118 typeId = 3 68 = table:0000014313BA19F0 firstTable bottom = 2178 data = table:0000014313BA19A8 firstTable actionIndex = 27 actionName = TOGGLE_FIRST_PERSON categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014313BA19F0 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = First/Third Person sortIndex = 68 top = 2148 typeId = 3 69 = table:0000014313B9CE08 firstTable bottom = 2208 data = table:0000014313B9CDC0 firstTable actionIndex = 28 actionName = TOGGLE_HUD_UI categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014313B9CE08 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Toggle In-Game Cursor sortIndex = 69 top = 2178 typeId = 3 7 = table:00000143A9B8CA18 firstTable bottom = 258 data = table:00000143A9B8C9D0 firstTable actionIndex = 5 actionName = TURN_RIGHT categoryId = 2 categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A9B8CA18 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Move Right sortIndex = 7 top = 228 typeId = 3 70 = table:00000143B8206E40 firstTable bottom = 2238 data = table:0000014313B9CEF8 firstTable actionIndex = 29 actionName = TOGGLE_GAMEPAD_MODE categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143B8206E40 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Toggle Gamepad Mode sortIndex = 70 top = 2208 typeId = 3 71 = table:00000143B8207200 firstTable bottom = 2268 data = table:00000143B82071B8 firstTable actionIndex = 30 actionName = TOGGLE_NAMEPLATES categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143B8207200 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Toggle Nameplates sortIndex = 71 top = 2238 typeId = 3 72 = table:00000143B82075C0 firstTable bottom = 2298 data = table:00000143B8207578 firstTable actionIndex = 31 actionName = TOGGLE_HEALTHBARS categoryId = 41 categoryIndex = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143B82075C0 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Toggle Healthbars sortIndex = 72 top = 2268 typeId = 3 73 = table:00000143B82079D8 firstTable bottom = 2358 data = table:00000143B8207938 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143B82079D8 layerIndex = 3 layerName = User Interface Shortcuts sortIndex = 73 top = 2298 typeId = 1 74 = table:0000014320618388 firstTable bottom = 2388 data = table:00000143206181F8 firstTable actionIndex = 1 actionName = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014320618388 isRebindable = true layerId = 73 layerIndex = 3 localizedActionName = Primary Action/Accept sortIndex = 74 top = 2358 typeId = 3 75 = table:0000014320618608 firstTable bottom = 2418 data = table:00000143206185C0 firstTable actionIndex = 2 actionName = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014320618608 isRebindable = true layerId = 73 layerIndex = 3 localizedActionName = Secondary Action sortIndex = 75 top = 2388 typeId = 3 76 = table:0000014320618888 firstTable bottom = 2448 data = table:0000014320618840 firstTable actionIndex = 3 actionName = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014320618888 isRebindable = true layerId = 73 layerIndex = 3 localizedActionName = Tertiary Action sortIndex = 76 top = 2418 typeId = 3 77 = table:0000014320618B08 firstTable bottom = 2478 data = table:0000014320618AC0 firstTable actionIndex = 4 actionName = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014320618B08 isRebindable = true layerId = 73 layerIndex = 3 localizedActionName = Decline/Negative/Abandon Action sortIndex = 77 top = 2448 typeId = 3 78 = table:0000014320618D88 firstTable bottom = 2508 data = table:0000014320618D40 firstTable actionIndex = 5 actionName = UI_SHORTCUT_REPORT_PLAYER categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014320618D88 isRebindable = true layerId = 73 layerIndex = 3 localizedActionName = Report a Player sortIndex = 78 top = 2478 typeId = 3 79 = table:0000014320619008 firstTable bottom = 2538 data = table:0000014320618FC0 firstTable actionIndex = 6 actionName = UI_SHORTCUT_QUICK_SLOTS categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014320619008 isRebindable = true layerId = 73 layerIndex = 3 localizedActionName = View Quickslots (From Inventory) sortIndex = 79 top = 2508 typeId = 3 8 = table:00000143A9B89330 firstTable bottom = 288 data = table:00000143A9B892E8 firstTable actionIndex = 6 actionName = MOVE_JUMPASCEND categoryId = 2 categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A9B89330 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Jump sortIndex = 8 top = 258 typeId = 3 80 = table:0000014320619288 firstTable bottom = 2568 data = table:0000014320619240 firstTable actionIndex = 7 actionName = UI_SHORTCUT_SHOW_QUEST_ON_MAP categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014320619288 isRebindable = true layerId = 73 layerIndex = 3 localizedActionName = Show On Map (From Quest Journal) sortIndex = 80 top = 2538 typeId = 3 81 = table:00000143B8207A20 firstTable bottom = 2598 data = table:00000143B8207980 firstTable actionIndex = 8 actionName = UI_SHORTCUT_QUATERNARY categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B8207A20 isRebindable = true layerId = 73 layerIndex = 3 localizedActionName = Quaternary Action sortIndex = 81 top = 2568 typeId = 3 82 = table:00000143B2AA1B70 firstTable bottom = 2628 data = table:00000143B2AA1B28 firstTable actionIndex = 9 actionName = UI_SHORTCUT_STACK_ALL categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2AA1B70 isRebindable = true layerId = 73 layerIndex = 3 localizedActionName = Stack All Items sortIndex = 82 top = 2598 typeId = 3 83 = table:00000143B2AA1E48 firstTable bottom = 2688 data = table:00000143B2AA1DA8 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143B2AA1E48 layerIndex = 4 layerName = Siege sortIndex = 83 top = 2628 typeId = 1 84 = table:00000143B2AA2028 firstTable bottom = 2718 data = table:00000143B2AA1FE0 firstTable actionIndex = 1 actionName = SIEGE_FIRE categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2AA2028 isRebindable = true layerId = 83 layerIndex = 4 localizedActionName = Fire Siege Weapon sortIndex = 84 top = 2688 typeId = 3 85 = table:00000143B2AA22A8 firstTable bottom = 2748 data = table:00000143B2AA2260 firstTable actionIndex = 2 actionName = SIEGE_RELEASE categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2AA22A8 isRebindable = true layerId = 83 layerIndex = 4 localizedActionName = Exit Siege Weapon sortIndex = 85 top = 2718 typeId = 3 86 = table:00000143B2AA2528 firstTable bottom = 2778 data = table:00000143B2AA24E0 firstTable actionIndex = 3 actionName = SIEGE_PACK_UP categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2AA2528 isRebindable = true layerId = 83 layerIndex = 4 localizedActionName = Stow Siege Weapon sortIndex = 86 top = 2748 typeId = 3 87 = table:00000143B2AA27A8 firstTable bottom = 2838 data = table:00000143B2AA2760 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143B2AA27A8 layerIndex = 5 layerName = Dialogs sortIndex = 87 top = 2778 typeId = 1 88 = table:00000143B2AA2988 firstTable bottom = 2868 data = table:00000143B2AA2940 firstTable actionIndex = 1 actionName = DIALOG_PRIMARY categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2AA2988 isRebindable = true layerId = 87 layerIndex = 5 localizedActionName = Primary Dialog Action sortIndex = 88 top = 2838 typeId = 3 89 = table:00000143B2AA2C08 firstTable bottom = 2898 data = table:00000143B2AA2BC0 firstTable actionIndex = 2 actionName = DIALOG_SECONDARY categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2AA2C08 isRebindable = true layerId = 87 layerIndex = 5 localizedActionName = Secondary Dialog Action sortIndex = 89 top = 2868 typeId = 3 9 = table:0000014313B9A468 firstTable bottom = 318 data = table:0000014313B9A420 firstTable actionIndex = 7 actionName = AUTORUN categoryId = 2 categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014313B9A468 isRebindable = true layerId = 1 layerIndex = 1 localizedActionName = Autorun sortIndex = 9 top = 288 typeId = 3 90 = table:00000143B2AA1DF0 firstTable bottom = 2928 data = table:00000143B2AA2CF8 firstTable actionIndex = 3 actionName = DIALOG_TERTIARY categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B2AA1DF0 isRebindable = true layerId = 87 layerIndex = 5 localizedActionName = Tertiary dialog action sortIndex = 90 top = 2898 typeId = 3 91 = table:000001431B62DFB8 firstTable bottom = 2958 data = table:000001431B62DF70 firstTable actionIndex = 4 actionName = DIALOG_NEGATIVE categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:000001431B62DFB8 isRebindable = true layerId = 87 layerIndex = 5 localizedActionName = Negative/Decline Dialog Action sortIndex = 91 top = 2928 typeId = 3 92 = table:000001431B62E238 firstTable bottom = 2988 data = table:000001431B62E1F0 firstTable actionIndex = 5 actionName = DIALOG_CLOSE categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:000001431B62E238 isRebindable = true layerId = 87 layerIndex = 5 localizedActionName = Close Dialog sortIndex = 92 top = 2958 typeId = 3 93 = table:000001431B62E4B8 firstTable bottom = 3018 data = table:000001431B62E470 firstTable actionIndex = 6 actionName = DIALOG_RESET categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:000001431B62E4B8 isRebindable = true layerId = 87 layerIndex = 5 localizedActionName = Reset dialog action sortIndex = 93 top = 2988 typeId = 3 94 = table:000001431B62E790 firstTable bottom = 3078 data = table:000001431B62E6F0 firstTable dataEntry = table:000001431B62E790 layerIndex = 6 layerName = Notifications sortIndex = 94 top = 3018 typeId = 1 95 = table:000001431B62E970 firstTable bottom = 3108 data = table:000001431B62E928 firstTable actionIndex = 1 actionName = PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INTERACT_ACCEPT categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:000001431B62E970 isRebindable = true layerId = 94 layerIndex = 6 localizedActionName = Accept Notification sortIndex = 95 top = 3078 typeId = 3 96 = table:000001431B62EBF0 firstTable bottom = 3138 data = table:000001431B62EBA8 firstTable actionIndex = 2 actionName = PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INTERACT_DECLINE categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:000001431B62EBF0 isRebindable = true layerId = 94 layerIndex = 6 localizedActionName = Decline Notification sortIndex = 96 top = 3108 typeId = 3 97 = table:000001431B62EE70 firstTable bottom = 3198 data = table:000001431B62EE28 firstTable dataEntry = table:000001431B62EE70 layerIndex = 21 layerName = Housing HUD sortIndex = 97 top = 3138 typeId = 1 98 = table:00000143B8206B18 firstTable bottom = 3228 data = table:000001431B62E738 firstTable actionIndex = 1 actionName = SHOW_HOUSING_PANEL categoryIndex = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143B8206B18 isRebindable = true layerId = 97 layerIndex = 21 localizedActionName = Show Housing Panel sortIndex = 98 top = 3198 typeId = 3 99 = table:00000143A9B810E0 firstTable bottom = 3288 data = table:00000143A9B81098 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143A9B810E0 layerIndex = 22 layerName = Battlegrounds sortIndex = 99 top = 3228 typeId = 1 owner = table:000001444EEE7380 (meta 000001439FD08478} KEYBIND_STRIP = table:000001431D7B1240 (meta 0000014314B9BE00} firstTable firstMeta ClearKeybindGroupStateStack() = function:000001431E0CC408 GenerateGamepadBackButtonDescriptor() = function:000001431E0CE4C8 GenerateGamepadLeftSlideButtonDescriptor() = function:000001431E0CC508 GenerateGamepadRightScrollButtonDescriptor() = function:000001431E0CC4C8 GenerateGamepadStickButtonDescriptor_Internal() = function:000001431E0CC448 GetDefaultGamepadBackButtonDescriptor() = function:000001431E0CC5D0 HasDefaultExit() = function:000001431D7B2300 PushKeybindGroupState() = function:000001431E0CC3C8 RefreshDefaultExits() = function:000001431E0CC378 RemoveDefaultExit() = function:000001431D7B2340 RestoreDefaultExit() = function:000001431D7B2380 allowDefaultExit = true centerParent = userdata:000001431D7B1230 (meta 000001430831E750} control = userdata:0000014310BC3850 (meta 0000014308326048} cooldownKeybinds = table:000001431D7B12D0 firstTable insertionId = 5 keybindButtonPool = table:000001431D7B3EC0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431D7B3948 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431E0CC638 (meta 000001431E0CE3D0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 alwaysPreferGamepadMode = false callback() = function:000001431D7B2780 enabled = true insertionOrder = 5 key = 1 keyLabel = userdata:000001431D7B3AD8 (meta 0000014313924268} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:000001431E0D9A30 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431E0D9B28 (meta 000001431E0D9C00} firstMeta firstIndex key = 1 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431E0CC638 (meta 000001431E0CE3D0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT keybindButtonDescriptor = table:000001431D7B3A20 firstTable addedForSceneName = hudui callback() = function:000001431D7B3B10 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT name = Exit order = -10000 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431E0CB298 (meta 00000143139242F8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false m_Factory() = function:000001431D7B2438 m_Free = table:000001431D7B3990 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:000001431D7B3E80 keybindGroups = table:000001431D7B1288 firstTable keybindStateStack = table:000001431D7B2738 firstTable keybinds = table:000001431D7B26F0 firstTable UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT = userdata:000001431E0CC638 (meta 000001431E0CE3D0} leftSlideKeybind = userdata:00000143D5FF4CA8 (meta 00000143D5FF4EE8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 customKeyText = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D5FF4E90 (meta 00000143D5FF5058} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D5FF4CA8 (meta 00000143D5FF4EE8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = true keybindEnabledInEdit = true nameLabel = userdata:00000143D5FF4D28 (meta 00000143D5FF4D80} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = false normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false onStyleChanged() = function:000001431E0CB1A0 rightButtons = table:000001435543AF38 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431E0CC638 (meta 000001431E0CE3D0} styleInfo = table:00000143E74BEAE8 firstTable alwaysPreferGamepadMode = false backgroundDrawLevel = 0 backgroundDrawTier = 1 centerAnchorOffset = 0 drawLevel = 1 drawTier = 1 keyFont = ZoFontKeybindStripKey leftAnchorOffset = 10 modifyTextType = 0 nameFont = ZoFontKeybindStripDescription nameFontColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} resizeToFitPadding = 40 rightAnchorOffset = -10 KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_CENTER = 2 KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_LEFT = 1 KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_RIGHT = 3 KEYBIND_STRIP_CHAMPION_KEYBOARD_STYLE = table:00000143E74BE550 firstTable alwaysPreferGamepadMode = false backgroundDrawLevel = 100 backgroundDrawTier = 2 centerAnchorOffset = 0 drawLevel = 110 drawTier = 2 keyFont = ZoFontKeybindStripKey leftAnchorOffset = 10 modifyTextType = 0 nameFont = ZoFontKeybindStripDescription nameFontColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} resizeToFitPadding = 40 rightAnchorOffset = -10 KEYBIND_STRIP_DISABLED_ALERT = alert KEYBIND_STRIP_DISABLED_DIALOG = dialog KEYBIND_STRIP_FADE_FRAGMENT = table:000001431C5A4618 (meta 000001430A4645D8} KEYBIND_STRIP_GAMEPAD_BACKDROP_FRAGMENT = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} KEYBIND_STRIP_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} KEYBIND_STRIP_GAMEPAD_STYLE = table:00000143E74BDFF0 firstTable alwaysPreferGamepadMode = true backgroundDrawLevel = 100 backgroundDrawTier = 2 centerAnchorOffset = 0 drawLevel = 110 drawTier = 2 keyFont = ZoFontGamepad22 leftAnchorOffset = 96 modifyTextType = 1 nameFont = ZoFontGamepad34 nameFontColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} resizeToFitPadding = 15 rightAnchorOffset = -96 yAnchorOffset = -53 KEYBIND_STRIP_MUNGE_BACKDROP_FRAGMENT = table:00000143BC15E730 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} KEYBIND_STRIP_STANDARD_STYLE = table:00000143E74BEAE8 KEYBIND_TEXTURE_OPTIONS_EMBED_MARKUP = 2 KEYBIND_TEXTURE_OPTIONS_NONE = 1 KEYBIND_TEXT_OPTIONS_ABBREVIATED_NAME = 1 KEYBIND_TEXT_OPTIONS_FULL_NAME = 2 KEYBIND_TEXT_OPTIONS_FULL_NAME_SEPARATE_MODS = 3 KEYBOARD_DYEING_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F4426758 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143F44267E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F4426870 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143F4426980 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143F44269C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F4426A10 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4426900 3 = false control = userdata:00000143F441A5A0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F44267A0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden KEYBOARD_GROUP_MENU_SCENE = table:000001447C500510 (meta 0000014368607700} KEYBOARD_HOUSING_FURNITURE_BROWSER = table:000001431D586400 (meta 000001431D57FC30} KEYBOARD_HOUSING_FURNITURE_BROWSER_SCENE = table:00000143E1E4CA40 (meta 0000014368607700} KEYBOARD_LOOT_HISTORY_FRAGMENT = table:000001439D69D360 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} KEYBOARD_OPTIONS = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} KEYBOARD_PLAYER_EMOTE = table:0000014310379A30 (meta 00000143103792C0} KEYBOARD_RETRAIT_ROOT_SCENE = table:00000144081C0388 (meta 00000144C79BED68} KEY_0 = 22 KEY_1 = 23 KEY_2 = 24 KEY_3 = 25 KEY_4 = 26 KEY_5 = 27 KEY_6 = 28 KEY_7 = 29 KEY_8 = 30 KEY_9 = 31 KEY_A = 32 KEY_ALT = 5 KEY_B = 33 KEY_BACKSPACE = 1 KEY_C = 34 KEY_CAPSLOCK = 11 KEY_COMMAND = 6 KEY_CTRL = 4 KEY_D = 35 KEY_DELETE = 19 KEY_DOWNARROW = 113 KEY_E = 36 KEY_END = 16 KEY_ENTER = 3 KEY_ESCAPE = 12 KEY_F = 37 KEY_F1 = 75 KEY_F10 = 84 KEY_F11 = 85 KEY_F12 = 86 KEY_F13 = 87 KEY_F14 = 88 KEY_F15 = 89 KEY_F16 = 90 KEY_F17 = 91 KEY_F18 = 92 KEY_F19 = 93 KEY_F2 = 76 KEY_F20 = 94 KEY_F21 = 95 KEY_F22 = 96 KEY_F23 = 97 KEY_F24 = 98 KEY_F3 = 77 KEY_F4 = 78 KEY_F5 = 79 KEY_F6 = 80 KEY_F7 = 81 KEY_F8 = 82 KEY_F9 = 83 KEY_G = 38 KEY_GAMEPAD_BACK = 128 KEY_GAMEPAD_BACK_HOLD = 181 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_BACK_START = 165 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_BUTTON_1_BUTTON_4 = 164 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_BUTTON_2_BUTTON_3 = 163 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_BUTTON_2_BUTTON_4 = 162 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_DPAD_RIGHT_BUTTON_2 = 167 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_LEFT_SHOULDER_BUTTON_1 = 154 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_LEFT_SHOULDER_BUTTON_2 = 155 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_LEFT_SHOULDER_BUTTON_3 = 156 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_LEFT_SHOULDER_BUTTON_4 = 157 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_LEFT_SHOULDER_DPAD_LEFT = 160 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_LEFT_SHOULDER_LEFT_STICK = 158 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_LEFT_SHOULDER_RIGHT_STICK = 159 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_LEFT_TRIGGER_BUTTON_1 = 161 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_RIGHT_SHOULDER_BUTTON_1 = 150 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_RIGHT_SHOULDER_BUTTON_2 = 151 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_RIGHT_SHOULDER_BUTTON_3 = 152 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_RIGHT_SHOULDER_BUTTON_4 = 153 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_SHOULDERS = 147 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_STICKS = 149 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_TOUCHPAD_START = 166 KEY_GAMEPAD_BOTH_TRIGGERS = 148 KEY_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_1 = 133 KEY_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_1_HOLD = 170 KEY_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_2 = 134 KEY_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_2_HOLD = 171 KEY_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_3 = 135 KEY_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_3_HOLD = 172 KEY_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_4 = 136 KEY_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_4_HOLD = 173 KEY_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN = 124 KEY_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN_HOLD = 177 KEY_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT = 125 KEY_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT_HOLD = 178 KEY_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT = 126 KEY_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT_HOLD = 179 KEY_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP = 123 KEY_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP_HOLD = 176 KEY_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER = 131 KEY_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER_HOLD = 168 KEY_GAMEPAD_LEFT_STICK = 129 KEY_GAMEPAD_LEFT_STICK_HOLD = 182 KEY_GAMEPAD_LEFT_TRIGGER = 137 KEY_GAMEPAD_LEFT_TRIGGER_HOLD = 174 KEY_GAMEPAD_LSTICK_DOWN = 140 KEY_GAMEPAD_LSTICK_LEFT = 141 KEY_GAMEPAD_LSTICK_RIGHT = 142 KEY_GAMEPAD_LSTICK_UP = 139 KEY_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER = 132 KEY_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER_HOLD = 169 KEY_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_STICK = 130 KEY_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_STICK_HOLD = 183 KEY_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TRIGGER = 138 KEY_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TRIGGER_HOLD = 175 KEY_GAMEPAD_RSTICK_DOWN = 144 KEY_GAMEPAD_RSTICK_LEFT = 145 KEY_GAMEPAD_RSTICK_RIGHT = 146 KEY_GAMEPAD_RSTICK_UP = 143 KEY_GAMEPAD_START = 127 KEY_GAMEPAD_START_HOLD = 180 KEY_GAMEPAD_TOUCHPAD_HOLD = 184 KEY_GAMEPAD_TOUCHPAD_PRESSED = 186 KEY_GAMEPAD_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_DOWN = 188 KEY_GAMEPAD_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_LEFT = 189 KEY_GAMEPAD_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_RIGHT = 190 KEY_GAMEPAD_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_UP = 187 KEY_GAMEPAD_TOUCHPAD_TOUCHED = 185 KEY_H = 39 KEY_HOME = 17 KEY_I = 40 KEY_INSERT = 18 KEY_INVALID = 0 KEY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 KEY_ITERATION_END = 190 KEY_J = 41 KEY_K = 42 KEY_L = 43 KEY_LEFTARROW = 110 KEY_LWINDOWS = 8 KEY_M = 44 KEY_MAX_VALUE = 190 KEY_MIN_VALUE = 0 KEY_MOUSEWHEEL_DOWN = 120 KEY_MOUSEWHEEL_UP = 121 KEY_MOUSE_4 = 117 KEY_MOUSE_5 = 118 KEY_MOUSE_LEFT = 114 KEY_MOUSE_LEFTRIGHT = 119 KEY_MOUSE_MIDDLE = 116 KEY_MOUSE_RIGHT = 115 KEY_N = 45 KEY_NUMLOCK = 68 KEY_NUMPAD0 = 58 KEY_NUMPAD1 = 59 KEY_NUMPAD2 = 60 KEY_NUMPAD3 = 61 KEY_NUMPAD4 = 62 KEY_NUMPAD5 = 63 KEY_NUMPAD6 = 64 KEY_NUMPAD7 = 65 KEY_NUMPAD8 = 66 KEY_NUMPAD9 = 67 KEY_NUMPAD_ADD = 73 KEY_NUMPAD_DOT = 72 KEY_NUMPAD_ENTER = 74 KEY_NUMPAD_MINUS = 70 KEY_NUMPAD_SLASH = 71 KEY_NUMPAD_STAR = 69 KEY_O = 46 KEY_OEM_102_GERMAN_LESS_THAN = 122 KEY_OEM_1_SEMICOLON = 104 KEY_OEM_2_FORWARD_SLASH = 108 KEY_OEM_3_TICK = 109 KEY_OEM_4_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 101 KEY_OEM_5_BACK_SLASH = 103 KEY_OEM_6_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 102 KEY_OEM_7_SINGLE_QUOTE = 105 KEY_OEM_COMMA = 106 KEY_OEM_MINUS = 99 KEY_OEM_PERIOD = 107 KEY_OEM_PLUS = 100 KEY_P = 47 KEY_PAGEDOWN = 15 KEY_PAGEUP = 14 KEY_PAUSE = 10 KEY_PRINTSCREEN = 20 KEY_Q = 48 KEY_R = 49 KEY_RIGHTARROW = 111 KEY_RWINDOWS = 9 KEY_S = 50 KEY_SCROLLLOCK = 21 KEY_SHIFT = 7 KEY_SPACEBAR = 13 KEY_T = 51 KEY_TAB = 2 KEY_U = 52 KEY_UPARROW = 112 KEY_V = 53 KEY_W = 54 KEY_X = 55 KEY_Y = 56 KEY_Z = 57 KeepUpgradeTooltip = userdata:0000014429013678 (meta 000001430834FDB0} KeepUpgradeTooltipBG = userdata:00000144290136E0 (meta 0000014308324730} KeepUpgradeTooltipBGMungeOverlay = userdata:0000014429013758 (meta 0000014308349FC8} KeepUpgradeTooltipTopLevel = userdata:0000014429013610 (meta 0000014308326048} LABEL_LINE_ANCHOR_BASELINE = 1 LABEL_LINE_ANCHOR_BOTTOM = 2 LABEL_LINE_ANCHOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LABEL_LINE_ANCHOR_ITERATION_END = 2 LABEL_LINE_ANCHOR_MAX_VALUE = 2 LABEL_LINE_ANCHOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 LABEL_LINE_ANCHOR_TOP = 0 LABEL_LINE_ORDER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LABEL_LINE_ORDER_ITERATION_END = 1 LABEL_LINE_ORDER_MAX_VALUE = 1 LABEL_LINE_ORDER_MIN_VALUE = 0 LABEL_LINE_ORDER_OVER = 0 LABEL_LINE_ORDER_UNDER = 1 LABEL_LINE_STYLE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LABEL_LINE_STYLE_ITERATION_END = 1 LABEL_LINE_STYLE_MAX_VALUE = 1 LABEL_LINE_STYLE_MIN_VALUE = 0 LABEL_LINE_STYLE_SOLID = 0 LABEL_LINE_STYLE_WAVY = 1 LAMAddonPanelContainer1 = userdata:00000143F5F6D338 (meta 00000143F5F6D890} LAMAddonPanelContainer1Scroll = userdata:00000143F5F6D3A8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} LAMAddonPanelContainer1ScrollBar = userdata:00000143F5F6D420 (meta 00000143F5F6D6D8} LAMAddonPanelContainer1ScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143F5F6D620 (meta 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selectionTemplate = ZO_ThinListHighlight timeline = userdata:00000143DD9AA768 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 28 upButton = userdata:00000143DD9AA570 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143DD9AAA90 firstTable LAMAddonSettingsWindowAddonListContents = userdata:00000143D09B6870 (meta 0000014308354BA8} LAMAddonSettingsWindowAddonListScrollBar = userdata:00000143D09B68F0 (meta 00000143DD9AA6A8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143DD9AA650 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143DD9AA620 (meta 0000014308367FC0} LAMAddonSettingsWindowAddonListScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143DD9AA5F0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} LAMAddonSettingsWindowAddonListScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143D09B6A08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} LAMAddonSettingsWindowAddonListScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143DD9AA570 (meta 0000014308331CA0} LAMAddonSettingsWindowBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144BA7B5D10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} LAMAddonSettingsWindowBackgroundRight = userdata:00000143E7766F18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} LAMAddonSettingsWindowDivider = userdata:00000143D09B8070 (meta 0000014308349FC8} LAMAddonSettingsWindowPanelContainer = userdata:00000143DD9AAA38 (meta 000001430831E750} LAMAddonSettingsWindowSearchFilter = userdata:00000143D09B80E8 (meta 000001430831E750} LAMAddonSettingsWindowSearchFilterBg = userdata:00000143D09B82C0 (meta 0000014308324730} LAMAddonSettingsWindowSearchFilterButton = userdata:00000143D09B8168 (meta 0000014308331CA0} LAMAddonSettingsWindowSearchFilterEdit = userdata:00000143D09B81E8 (meta 000001430833A3B8} LAMAddonSettingsWindowTitle = userdata:00000143E7767078 (meta 00000143083425C0} LAMAddonSettingsWindowUnderlayLeft = userdata:00000143E7766F90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} LAMAddonSettingsWindowUnderlayRight = userdata:00000143E7767008 (meta 0000014308349FC8} LAMCreateControl = table:00000143A38855A0 firstTable button() = function:0000014406385AA8 checkbox() = function:0000014406383B00 colorpicker() = function:000001440639A140 custom() = function:000001440639C450 description() = function:000001440639D8C8 dropdown() = function:00000144063A22D8 editbox() = function:00000143A388C1C0 header() = function:00000143A388DB98 panel() = function:0000014406382CB0 scrollCount = 2 slider() = function:00000143B2A9B788 submenu() = function:00000143B2AA0730 texture() = function:00000143B2AA2F78 uespdescription() = function:00000143CBD61690 LANGUAGE_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LANGUAGE_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 0 LANGUAGE_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 0 LANGUAGE_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 LANGUAGE_SETTING_USE_PROFANITY_FILTER = 0 LEADERBOARDS = table:00000143CDD25588 (meta 00000143ED53ACC0} LEADERBOARDS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CDD090C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} LEADERBOARDS_SCENE = table:00000143CDD255D0 (meta 0000014368607700} LEADERBOARD_COLORS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LEADERBOARD_COLORS_ITERATION_END = 4 LEADERBOARD_COLORS_MAX_VALUE = 4 LEADERBOARD_COLORS_MIN_VALUE = 0 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table:00000143094ED558 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden LEVEL_UP_COLOR_GAINED_TEXT = 2 LEVEL_UP_COLOR_GENERAL = 0 LEVEL_UP_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LEVEL_UP_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 2 LEVEL_UP_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 2 LEVEL_UP_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 LEVEL_UP_COLOR_NEW_LEVEL = 1 LFG_ACTIVITY_AVA = 1 LFG_ACTIVITY_BATTLE_GROUND_CHAMPION = 5 LFG_ACTIVITY_BATTLE_GROUND_LOW_LEVEL = 8 LFG_ACTIVITY_BATTLE_GROUND_NON_CHAMPION = 7 LFG_ACTIVITY_DUNGEON = 2 LFG_ACTIVITY_HOME_SHOW = 6 LFG_ACTIVITY_INVALID = 0 LFG_ACTIVITY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LFG_ACTIVITY_ITERATION_END = 8 LFG_ACTIVITY_MASTER_DUNGEON = 3 LFG_ACTIVITY_MAX_VALUE = 8 LFG_ACTIVITY_MIN_VALUE = 0 LFG_ACTIVITY_TRIAL = 4 LFG_COOLDOWN_ACTIVITY_STARTED = 5 LFG_COOLDOWN_BATTLEGROUND_DESERTED = 6 LFG_COOLDOWN_DUNGEON_LEFT = 2 LFG_COOLDOWN_INVALID = 0 LFG_COOLDOWN_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LFG_COOLDOWN_ITERATION_END = 6 LFG_COOLDOWN_MAX_VALUE = 6 LFG_COOLDOWN_MIN_VALUE = 0 LFG_COOLDOWN_QUEUE_LEFT = 1 LFG_COOLDOWN_REWARD_GRANTED = 4 LFG_COOLDOWN_TRIAL_LEFT = 3 LFG_GROUP_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LFG_GROUP_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 LFG_GROUP_TYPE_LARGE = 2 LFG_GROUP_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 LFG_GROUP_TYPE_MEDIUM = 1 LFG_GROUP_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 LFG_GROUP_TYPE_NONE = 3 LFG_GROUP_TYPE_REGULAR = 0 LFG_ITEM_REWARD_TYPE_DAILY = 2 LFG_ITEM_REWARD_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LFG_ITEM_REWARD_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 LFG_ITEM_REWARD_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 LFG_ITEM_REWARD_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 LFG_ITEM_REWARD_TYPE_NONE = 0 LFG_ITEM_REWARD_TYPE_STANDARD = 1 LFG_READY_CHECK_CANCEL_REASON_ACTIVITY_NO_LONGER_VALID = 5 LFG_READY_CHECK_CANCEL_REASON_GROUP_FORMED_SUCCESSFULLY = 4 LFG_READY_CHECK_CANCEL_REASON_GROUP_MEMBER_CANCELED = 3 LFG_READY_CHECK_CANCEL_REASON_GROUP_NOT_VIABLE = 2 LFG_READY_CHECK_CANCEL_REASON_GROUP_REPLACED_IN_QUEUE = 1 LFG_READY_CHECK_CANCEL_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LFG_READY_CHECK_CANCEL_REASON_ITERATION_END = 5 LFG_READY_CHECK_CANCEL_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 5 LFG_READY_CHECK_CANCEL_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 LFG_READY_CHECK_CANCEL_REASON_NOT_IN_READY_CHECK = 0 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_FORM_GROUP = 4 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_GROUP_TIMEOUT_CANCEL = 5 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_IN_READY_CHECK = 1 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_IN_READY_CHECK_BATTLEGROUND_TEST = 9 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_IN_TRANSIT_TO_BATTLEGROUND = 10 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_ITERATION_END = 10 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_LAUNCHING_BATTLEGROUND_INSTANCE = 6 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 10 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_NOT_IN_READY_CHECK = 0 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_PLAYER_ACCEPTED = 3 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_PLAYER_DECLINED = 2 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_QUEUEDTEST_BATTLEGROUND_LAUNCH = 8 LFG_READY_CHECK_STATE_TRANSFER_TO_BATTLEGROUND_INSTANCE = 7 LFG_ROLE_DPS = 1 LFG_ROLE_HEAL = 4 LFG_ROLE_INVALID = 0 LFG_ROLE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LFG_ROLE_ITERATION_END = 4 LFG_ROLE_MAX_VALUE = 4 LFG_ROLE_MIN_VALUE = 0 LFG_ROLE_TANK = 2 LINK_HANDLER = table:000001431392A7F8 (meta 00000143C3437728} firstTable firstMeta INSERT_LINK_EVENT = ZO_LinkHandler_InsertLinkEvent LINK_CLICKED_EVENT = ZO_LinkHandler_LinkClickedEvent LINK_MOUSE_UP_EVENT = ZO_LinkHandler_LinkMouseUpEvent callbackRegistry = table:00000143FB9FA700 firstTable ZO_LinkHandler_InsertLinkEvent = table:00000143FB9FD530 firstTable 1 = table:00000143FB9FD5A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143BC4F8098 2 = table:00000143D70D2868 (meta 00000143C0273928} 3 = false ZO_LinkHandler_LinkClickedEvent = table:00000143FB9FD628 firstTable 1 = table:00000143FB9FD6C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C0263690 2 = table:00000143D70D2868 (meta 00000143C0273928} 3 = false 2 = table:000001430FD6C9C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F28DBC38 2 = table:00000143F28D6928 (meta 00000143F28DB150} 3 = false ZO_LinkHandler_LinkMouseUpEvent = table:00000143FB9FD748 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DB2C9E8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C0263690 2 = table:00000143D70D2868 (meta 00000143C0273928} 3 = false 2 = table:000001430FD6CA70 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F28DBC38 2 = table:00000143F28D6928 (meta 00000143F28DB150} 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431392A870 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 LINK_STYLE_BRACKETS = 1 LINK_STYLE_DEFAULT = 0 LINK_STYLE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LINK_STYLE_ITERATION_END = 1 LINK_STYLE_MAX_VALUE = 1 LINK_STYLE_MIN_VALUE = 0 LINK_TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT = 2 LINK_TYPE_BOOK = 3 LINK_TYPE_COLLECTIBLE = 4 LINK_TYPE_INVALID = 0 LINK_TYPE_ITEM = 1 LINK_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LINK_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 5 LINK_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 5 LINK_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 LINK_TYPE_QUEST_ITEM = 5 LIST_DIALOG_CUSTOM_CONTROL_LOCATION_BOTTOM = 2 LIST_DIALOG_CUSTOM_CONTROL_LOCATION_TOP = 1 LOADING_SCREEN_COLOR_BAR_END = 1 LOADING_SCREEN_COLOR_BAR_START = 0 LOADING_SCREEN_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOADING_SCREEN_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 1 LOADING_SCREEN_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 1 LOADING_SCREEN_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOADING_SYSTEM_CHARACTER_ACTIVATED = 10 LOADING_SYSTEM_CHARACTER_GEOMETRY = 1 LOADING_SYSTEM_DYNAMIC_OBJECTS = 5 LOADING_SYSTEM_GAME_DATA = 8 LOADING_SYSTEM_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOADING_SYSTEM_ITERATION_END = 12 LOADING_SYSTEM_KEEPS = 3 LOADING_SYSTEM_MAX_VALUE = 12 LOADING_SYSTEM_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOADING_SYSTEM_PLAYER = 0 LOADING_SYSTEM_RENDERER = 7 LOADING_SYSTEM_RESUME_FROM_SUSPEND = 12 LOADING_SYSTEM_SHARED_CHARACTER_OBJECT = 11 LOADING_SYSTEM_STATIC_OBJECTS = 4 LOADING_SYSTEM_TERRAIN_GEOMETRY = 2 LOADING_SYSTEM_TEXTURES = 9 LOADING_SYSTEM_USER_INTERFACE = 6 LOCKED_COLOR = table:0000014345F13DA0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.40000003576279 g = 0.40000003576279 r = 0.40000003576279 LOCKPICK_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D022C20 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} LOCKPICK_TUTORIAL_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D5FFD998 (meta 00000143C7D3F778} LOCK_PICK = table:00000143D5FF4658 (meta 00000143D5FE58E8} LOCK_PICK_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:00000143D5FF6ED8 (meta 00000144C79BED68} LOCK_PICK_SCENE = table:00000143D5FF6B90 (meta 00000144C79BED68} LOCK_QUALITY_ADVANCED = 3 LOCK_QUALITY_IMPOSSIBLE = 5 LOCK_QUALITY_INTERMEDIATE = 2 LOCK_QUALITY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOCK_QUALITY_ITERATION_END = 7 LOCK_QUALITY_MASTER = 4 LOCK_QUALITY_MAX_VALUE = 7 LOCK_QUALITY_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOCK_QUALITY_NONE = 0 LOCK_QUALITY_PRACTICE = 7 LOCK_QUALITY_SIMPLE = 1 LOCK_QUALITY_TRIVIAL = 6 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_ACCOUNT_BANNED = 8005 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_ACCOUNT_NOT_LINKED = 8003 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_ACCOUNT_NOT_VERIFIED = 8007 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED = 8004 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_BAD_CREDENTIALS = 8000 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_BAD_DMM_TOKEN = 17001 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEDOUT = 2 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_GAME_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_RESTRICTED = 8012 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_GAME_ACCOUNT_BANNED = 8010 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_GAME_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND = 8008 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_GAME_ACCOUNT_NOT_VERIFIED = 8011 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_GAME_ACCOUNT_NO_PERMISSION = 8013 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_GAME_ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED = 8009 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_ITERATION_END = 17001 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_MAX_VALUE = 17001 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_MISSING_DMM_TOKEN = 5000 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_NO_ERROR = 0 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_PAYMENT_EXPIRED = 8002 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_PSN_UNAVAILABLE = 3 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_SERVER_MAINTENANCE = 3000 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_SERVER_PSN_AUTH_ERROR = 14002 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_SERVER_PSN_FREE_TRIAL_END = 14008 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_SERVER_PSN_INVALID_PARAMS = 14000 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_SERVER_XBL_AUTH_ERROR = 13000 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_SERVER_XBL_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR = 13004 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_SERVER_XBL_TOKEN_ERROR = 13003 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_SERVER_XBL_USER_ACCESS_ERROR = 13002 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_STEAM_UNAVAILABLE = 5 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1 LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR_XBL_UNAVAILABLE = 4 LOGIN_STATUS_AUTH_FAILURE = 3 LOGIN_STATUS_AUTH_LOCKED = 14 LOGIN_STATUS_AUTH_SUCCESS = 2 LOGIN_STATUS_AUTH_WAITING = 1 LOGIN_STATUS_CANCELLED = 7 LOGIN_STATUS_CONNECTED = 8 LOGIN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED = 9 LOGIN_STATUS_INVALID_STATE = 0 LOGIN_STATUS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOGIN_STATUS_ITERATION_END = 27 LOGIN_STATUS_LEGAL_DOC_ACCEPTANCE_FAILED = 24 LOGIN_STATUS_LEGAL_DOC_ACCEPTANCE_PENDING = 22 LOGIN_STATUS_LEGAL_DOC_ACCEPTANCE_SUCCESS = 23 LOGIN_STATUS_LEGAL_DOC_NOT_ACCEPTED = 21 LOGIN_STATUS_LINK_ACCOUNT_FAILED = 27 LOGIN_STATUS_LINK_ACCOUNT_PENDING = 25 LOGIN_STATUS_LINK_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS = 26 LOGIN_STATUS_MASTER_ACCOUNT_CREATE_FAILED = 20 LOGIN_STATUS_MASTER_ACCOUNT_CREATE_PENDING = 18 LOGIN_STATUS_MASTER_ACCOUNT_CREATE_SUCCESS = 19 LOGIN_STATUS_MASTER_ACCOUNT_NOT_CREATED = 17 LOGIN_STATUS_MAX_VALUE = 27 LOGIN_STATUS_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOGIN_STATUS_OTP_FAILED = 11 LOGIN_STATUS_OTP_LOCKED = 12 LOGIN_STATUS_OTP_PENDING = 10 LOGIN_STATUS_OTP_SUCCESS = 13 LOGIN_STATUS_OVERFLOW_KICK_WAITING = 16 LOGIN_STATUS_OVERFLOW_WAITING = 15 LOGIN_STATUS_RESERVATION_FAILURE = 6 LOGIN_STATUS_RESERVATION_SUCCESS = 5 LOGIN_STATUS_RESERVATION_WAITING = 4 LOGOUT_ERROR_ESO_CONNECTION_LOST = 7 LOGOUT_ERROR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOGOUT_ERROR_ITERATION_END = 8 LOGOUT_ERROR_MAX_VALUE = 8 LOGOUT_ERROR_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOGOUT_ERROR_NO_ERROR = 0 LOGOUT_ERROR_PATCH_REQUIRED = 8 LOGOUT_ERROR_PSN_CONNECTION_LOST = 2 LOGOUT_ERROR_PSN_NETWORK_CONNECTION_LOST = 6 LOGOUT_ERROR_SERVER_DOWN_FOR_MAINTENANCE = 5 LOGOUT_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1 LOGOUT_ERROR_XBL_CONNECTION_LOST = 3 LOGOUT_ERROR_XBL_NETWORK_CONNECTION_LOST = 4 LOGOUT_RESULT_ALLOWED = 0 LOGOUT_RESULT_DEFER = 1 LOGOUT_RESULT_DISALLOWED = 2 LOGOUT_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOGOUT_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 2 LOGOUT_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 2 LOGOUT_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOGOUT_TYPE_CANCEL = 2 LOGOUT_TYPE_FORCED = 1 LOGOUT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOGOUT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 LOGOUT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 LOGOUT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOGOUT_TYPE_NORMAL = 0 LOOP_INDEFINITELY = 255 LOOT_COMMON_GAMEPAD = table:00000143143ABC78 (meta 00000143143ABAF8} LOOT_CRATES_SYSTEM_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOOT_CRATES_SYSTEM_STATE_ITERATION_END = 2 LOOT_CRATES_SYSTEM_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 2 LOOT_CRATES_SYSTEM_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOOT_CRATES_SYSTEM_STATE_OFFLINE = 0 LOOT_CRATES_SYSTEM_STATE_ONLINE = 2 LOOT_CRATES_SYSTEM_STATE_OPEN_ONLY = 1 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_FAIL_NO_INVENTORY_SPACE = 1 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_INVALID_LOOT_CRATE = 4 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_INVALID_LOOT_CRATE_TIER = 5 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_INVALID_MARKET_PRODUCT = 2 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_ITERATION_END = 8 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_MAX_VALUE = 8 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_NO_PRODUCT_SELECTED = 3 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_OUT_OF_ALL_LOOT_CRATES = 8 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_OUT_OF_LOOT_CRATE = 6 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_SUCCESS = 0 LOOT_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE = 7 LOOT_ENTRY_TYPE_COLLECTIBLE = 4 LOOT_ENTRY_TYPE_CURRENCY = 2 LOOT_ENTRY_TYPE_EXPERIENCE = 1 LOOT_ENTRY_TYPE_ITEM = 3 LOOT_ENTRY_TYPE_MEDAL = 5 LOOT_ENTRY_TYPE_SCORE = 6 LOOT_ENTRY_TYPE_SKILL_EXPERIENCE = 7 LOOT_EXPERIENCE_ICON = EsoUI/Art/Icons/Icon_Experience.dds LOOT_HISTORY_GAMEPAD = table:000001439D6A0DA0 (meta 000001439D6A0618} LOOT_HISTORY_KEYBOARD = table:000001439D69D318 (meta 000001439D69CB40} LOOT_INVENTORY_SCENE_GAMEPAD = table:00000143EC9655E0 (meta 0000014368607700} LOOT_INVENTORY_WINDOW_GAMEPAD = table:00000143EC962B38 (meta 00000143EC960920} LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_DEPRECATED2 = 4 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_DEPRECATED3 = 10 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_DEPRECATED4 = 5 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_DEPRECATED5 = 7 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_DEPRECATED6 = 11 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_INVENTORY_FULL = 2 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_INVENTORY_FULL_LOOT_ALL = 3 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_IS_UNIQUE = 8 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_IS_UNIQUE_LOOT_ALL = 9 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 11 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 11 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_NOT_AVAILABLE = 6 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_QUEST_RESTRICTED = 1 LOOT_ITEM_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 LOOT_LEADERBOARD_SCORE_ICON = EsoUI/Art/Icons/Battleground_Score.dds LOOT_SCENE = table:00000143E1362870 (meta 00000143E1365890} LOOT_SCENE_GAMEPAD = table:00000143EC95E6D0 (meta 00000143E1365890} LOOT_SETTING_AOE_LOOT = 1 LOOT_SETTING_AUTO_ADD_TO_CRAFT_BAG = 4 LOOT_SETTING_AUTO_LOOT = 0 LOOT_SETTING_AUTO_LOOT_STOLEN = 2 LOOT_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOOT_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 4 LOOT_SETTING_LOOT_HISTORY = 3 LOOT_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 4 LOOT_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOOT_SHARED = table:00000143E1365D00 (meta 00000143E1365A00} firstTable firstMeta LOOT_TYPE_ANY = 0 LOOT_TYPE_CHAOTIC_CREATIA = 7 LOOT_TYPE_COLLECTIBLE = 4 LOOT_TYPE_ITEM = 1 LOOT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 LOOT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 8 LOOT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 8 LOOT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 LOOT_TYPE_MONEY = 3 LOOT_TYPE_QUEST_ITEM = 2 LOOT_TYPE_TELVAR_STONES = 5 LOOT_TYPE_WRIT_VOUCHERS = 6 LOOT_WINDOW = table:00000143143A0B80 (meta 00000143143A0BC8} LOOT_WINDOW_FRAGMENT = table:0000014314396E70 (meta 00000143143A08A8} LOOT_WINDOW_GAMEPAD = table:00000143EC95E4E8 (meta 00000143EC9505F0} LORE_LIBRARY = table:00000143F98ED148 (meta 00000143F98E0E18} LORE_LIBRARY_FRAGMENT = table:000001445842ACD8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} LORE_LIBRARY_GAMEPAD = table:000001430FD82460 (meta 00000143E41C9570} LORE_LIBRARY_SCENE = table:00000143F98EDE08 (meta 0000014368607700} LORE_LIBRARY_SCENE_GAMEPAD = table:00000144C1B7D788 (meta 0000014368607700} LORE_READER = table:000001430FD7A548 (meta 00000143E41D8C48} LORE_READER_FRAGMENT = table:000001431BD60A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} LORE_READER_INTERACTION_SCENE = table:00000144D83E7440 (meta 0000014368607700} LORE_READER_INVENTORY_SCENE = table:00000144D83DF720 (meta 0000014368607700} LORE_READER_LORE_LIBRARY_SCENE = table:00000144D83E3358 (meta 0000014368607700} LaunderItem() = function:000001439D29B210 LeaveBattleground() = function:000001439D29FDB0 LeaveCampaignQueue() = function:000001439D29A438 LeftAndRightMouseDownInWorld = function: Private LeftAndRightMouseUpInWorld = function: Private LeftMouseDownInWorld = function: Private LeftMouseUpInWorld = function: Private LegalURL = userdata:00000143D8F3CC28 (meta 00000143083425C0} LibStub = table:00000143A387F588 (meta 00000143A387F860} firstTable firstMeta GetLibrary() = function:00000143A387F7A0 IterateLibraries() = function:00000143A387F820 NewLibrary() = function:00000143A387F760 libs = table:00000143A387F628 firstTable LibAddonMenu = 2 = 0 = table:00000143A3884C80 firstTable GetAddonPanelContainer() = function:00000143A387D5A8 GetAddonSettingsFragment() = function:00000143A387D5F0 OpenToPanel() = function:00000143A3881FC0 RegisterAddonPanel() = function:00000143A3880FE8 RegisterOptionControls() = function:00000143A3881F18 RegisterWidget() = function:00000143A38855E8 addonList = userdata:00000143D09B67F0 (meta 00000143DD9AA860} panelId = 100 util = table:0000014406392260 firstTable CreateBaseControl() = function:0000014406392300 CreateLabelAndContainerControl() = function:0000014406390788 GetTooltipText() = function:0000014406397370 widgets = table:0000014406394D90 firstTable button = 7 checkbox = 9 colorpicker = 7 custom = 6 description = 6 dropdown = 9 editbox = 8 header = 6 panel = 9 slider = 7 submenu = 9 texture = 7 uespdescription = 6 minor = 3 minors = table:00000143A387F670 firstTable LibAddonMenu = 2 = 0 = 18 LoadString() = function:000001430830E6E8 LocaleAwareToLower() = function:00000143CACA8640 LocaleAwareToUpper() = function:00000143CACA85D0 LocalizeString() = function:0000014308318BA8 LockCameraRotation() = function:00000143CACA9288 Logout() = function:00000143DB2E3070 LootAll() = function:000001439D29B350 LootCurrency() = function:000001439D29B500 LootItemById() = function:000001439D29B498 LootMoney() = function:000001439D29B568 LuaWarning() = function:0000014308312930 MAIL_ATTACHMENT_RESULT_ALREADY_ATTACHED = 1 MAIL_ATTACHMENT_RESULT_BOUND = 2 MAIL_ATTACHMENT_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_FOUND = 4 MAIL_ATTACHMENT_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MAIL_ATTACHMENT_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 6 MAIL_ATTACHMENT_RESULT_LOCKED = 3 MAIL_ATTACHMENT_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 6 MAIL_ATTACHMENT_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 MAIL_ATTACHMENT_RESULT_PLAYER_LOCKED = 6 MAIL_ATTACHMENT_RESULT_STOLEN = 5 MAIL_ATTACHMENT_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 MAIL_ENTRY_FIRST_SORT_KEY = priority MAIL_ENTRY_SORT_KEYS = table:00000143EC94CC08 firstTable mailId = table:00000143EC94C020 firstTable isId64 = true priority = table:00000143EC94BF80 firstTable numeric = true tiebreaker = secsSinceReceived secsSinceReceived = table:00000143EC94BF38 firstTable numeric = true tiebreaker = mailId MAIL_INBOX = table:00000143CFFE0FF0 (meta 00000143B3244CD0} firstTable firstMeta Delete() = function:00000143B81FBA18 alternateRowBackgrounds = true attachmentSlots = table:00000143F192B750 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143F192B848 (meta 00000143F192A578} firstMeta firstIndex cooldown = userdata:00000143F192A520 (meta 0000014308316C08} id = 1 inCooldown = false slotIndex = 1 slotType = 12 stackCount = 0 2 = userdata:00000143F192A638 (meta 00000143207D7B20} firstMeta firstIndex cooldown = userdata:00000143207D7AC8 (meta 0000014308316C08} id = 2 inCooldown = false slotIndex = 2 slotType = 12 stackCount = 0 3 = userdata:00000143207D7EA0 (meta 00000143207E7368} firstMeta firstIndex cooldown = userdata:00000143207D7CE0 (meta 0000014308316C08} id = 3 inCooldown = false slotIndex = 3 slotType = 12 stackCount = 0 4 = userdata:00000143207D7BE0 (meta 000001439D6A8648} firstMeta firstIndex cooldown = userdata:00000143207E7528 (meta 0000014308316C08} id = 4 inCooldown = false slotIndex = 4 slotType = 12 stackCount = 0 5 = userdata:000001439D6A8708 (meta 000001439D6AC860} firstMeta firstIndex cooldown = userdata:000001439D6A8788 (meta 0000014308316C08} id = 5 inCooldown = false slotIndex = 5 slotType = 12 stackCount = 0 6 = userdata:000001439D6A8800 (meta 000001439D6AC998} firstMeta firstIndex cooldown = userdata:000001439D6ACD40 (meta 0000014308316C08} id = 6 inCooldown = false slotIndex = 6 slotType = 12 stackCount = 0 7 = userdata:00000143EC96D7C0 (meta 00000143EC96D820} firstMeta firstIndex cooldown = userdata:00000143EC96DBD0 (meta 0000014308316C08} id = 7 inCooldown = false slotIndex = 7 slotType = 12 stackCount = 0 automaticallyColorRows = true codControl = userdata:00000143134858F0 (meta 000001430831E750} control = userdata:000001439D68AB58 (meta 0000014308326048} fromControl = userdata:000001431348B800 (meta 00000143083425C0} inboxDirty = false list = userdata:00000143E97C26F0 (meta 00000143E97B2680} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000143E97B2868 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143DB2DABA0 (meta 0000014320602D18} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144BA7A3270 index = 1 key = 1 10 = userdata:00000143B2A9A198 (meta 00000143B2A9A378} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144BA7A2D80 index = 10 key = 10 11 = userdata:00000143B2A9A520 (meta 00000143B2A9A700} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143DB2DB1B0 index = 11 key = 11 12 = userdata:00000143B2A9A8A8 (meta 00000143B2A9AA88} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144CAE68698 index = 12 key = 12 2 = userdata:0000014320602F08 (meta 0000014320603090} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144CAE68378 index = 2 key = 2 3 = userdata:00000144BA7A3060 (meta 00000144BA7A2EB8} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144CAE680E0 index = 3 key = 3 4 = userdata:000001440EB0F298 (meta 000001440EB0F478} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144CAE68508 index = 4 key = 4 5 = userdata:000001440EB0F618 (meta 000001440EB0F880} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144BA7A2F50 index = 5 key = 5 6 = userdata:000001440EB0FA50 (meta 000001440EB0FBE8} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000144BA7A30E0 index = 6 key = 6 7 = userdata:000001440EB0FD88 (meta 000001440961B3F8} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143DB2DAAA8 index = 7 key = 7 8 = userdata:000001440961B6C8 (meta 000001440961B8A8} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143CFFDE5A8 index = 8 key = 8 9 = userdata:000001440961BA48 (meta 000001440961BD30} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143DB2DADF8 index = 9 key = 9 animation = userdata:00000143E97B2828 (meta 000001431348B8B8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143E97C26F0 (meta 00000143E97B2680} autoSelect = true buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000143E97B27C0 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143E97C2760 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143E97B2720 firstTable 1 = table:00000144BA7A3270 firstTable bottom = 50 data = table:00000144BA7A3228 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000144BA7A3270 priority = 3 sortIndex = 1 top = 0 typeId = 2 10 = table:00000144BA7A2D80 firstTable bottom = 500 data = table:00000144BA7A2D38 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000144BA7A2D80 priority = 3 sortIndex = 10 top = 450 typeId = 2 11 = table:00000143DB2DB1B0 firstTable bottom = 550 data = table:00000143DB2DB168 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143DB2DB1B0 priority = 3 sortIndex = 11 top = 500 typeId = 2 12 = table:00000144CAE68698 firstTable bottom = 600 data = table:00000144CAE68650 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000144CAE68698 priority = 3 sortIndex = 12 top = 550 typeId = 2 2 = table:00000144CAE68378 firstTable bottom = 100 data = table:00000144CAE68330 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000144CAE68378 priority = 3 sortIndex = 2 top = 50 typeId = 2 3 = table:00000144CAE680E0 firstTable bottom = 150 data = table:00000144CAE68098 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000144CAE680E0 priority = 3 sortIndex = 3 top = 100 typeId = 2 4 = table:00000144CAE68508 firstTable bottom = 200 data = table:00000144CAE684C0 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000144CAE68508 priority = 3 sortIndex = 4 top = 150 typeId = 2 5 = table:00000144BA7A2F50 firstTable bottom = 250 data = table:00000143CFFDE518 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000144BA7A2F50 priority = 3 sortIndex = 5 top = 200 typeId = 2 6 = table:00000144BA7A30E0 firstTable bottom = 300 data = table:00000144BA7A3098 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000144BA7A30E0 priority = 3 sortIndex = 6 top = 250 typeId = 2 7 = table:00000143DB2DAAA8 firstTable bottom = 350 data = table:00000143DB2DAA60 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143DB2DAAA8 priority = 3 sortIndex = 7 top = 300 typeId = 2 8 = table:00000143CFFDE5A8 firstTable bottom = 400 data = table:00000143CFFDE560 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143CFFDE5A8 priority = 3 sortIndex = 8 top = 350 typeId = 2 9 = table:00000143DB2DADF8 firstTable bottom = 450 data = table:00000143DB2DAAF0 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143DB2DADF8 priority = 3 sortIndex = 9 top = 400 typeId = 2 dataTypes = table:00000143E97B25F0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313F5B380 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:0000014313F5B3C8 height = 50 pool = table:0000014313F5B278 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014313F5B2C0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014313F5B178 m_Free = table:0000014313F5B338 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectSound = Mail_ItemSelected selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000014313F5B130 2 = table:00000143F194BD90 firstTable height = 50 pool = table:00000143CFFDE878 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CFFDE8C0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143DB2DABA0 (meta 0000014320602D18} 10 = userdata:00000143B2A9A198 (meta 00000143B2A9A378} 11 = userdata:00000143B2A9A520 (meta 00000143B2A9A700} 12 = userdata:00000143B2A9A8A8 (meta 00000143B2A9AA88} 2 = userdata:0000014320602F08 (meta 0000014320603090} 3 = userdata:00000144BA7A3060 (meta 00000144BA7A2EB8} 4 = userdata:000001440EB0F298 (meta 000001440EB0F478} 5 = userdata:000001440EB0F618 (meta 000001440EB0F880} 6 = userdata:000001440EB0FA50 (meta 000001440EB0FBE8} 7 = userdata:000001440EB0FD88 (meta 000001440961B3F8} 8 = userdata:000001440961B6C8 (meta 000001440961B8A8} 9 = userdata:000001440961BA48 (meta 000001440961BD30} m_Factory() = function:0000014313F5B450 m_Free = table:00000143CFFDE908 firstTable m_NextControlId = 12 m_NextFree = 13 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = false setupCallback() = function:0000014313F5B408 deselectOnReselect = false downButton = userdata:00000143BC87D160 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false highlightTemplate = ZO_ThinListHighlight mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143E97C27D0 (meta 00000143E97B24F8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143BC87D1C0 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143BC87D190 (meta 0000014308367FC0} selectionCallback() = function:00000143F194BDD8 selectionTemplate = ZO_ThinListHighlight timeline = userdata:00000143BC87D1F0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 50 upButton = userdata:00000143E97C2908 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:0000014320602A18 firstTable 1 = 1 10 = 10 11 = 11 12 = 12 2 = 2 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 6 = 6 7 = 7 8 = 8 9 = 9 masterList = table:00000143DB2DB120 firstTable messageControl = userdata:000001431348B640 (meta 000001430831E750} numEmptyRows = 12 reportedMailIds = table:0000014313F5B0E8 firstTable selectionKeybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143F1947CB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F1947D70 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F1947E60 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Return to Sender visible() = function:00000143F1947EE0 2 = table:00000143F1947F28 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F1948018 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Delete visible() = function:00000143F192B3B8 3 = table:00000143F192B400 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F192B518 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Take Attachments visible() = function:00000143F192B560 4 = table:00000143F192B5A8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F192B708 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_REPORT_PLAYER name = Report Player visible() = function:00000143F192B6C0 alignment = 2 sentMoneyControl = userdata:00000143214C16C0 (meta 000001430831E750} sortFunction() = function:00000143CFFE1178 unreadLabel = userdata:00000143E97C2620 (meta 00000143083425C0} MAIL_INBOX_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F9CEF2C0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} MAIL_INBOX_SCENE = table:00000143F194BE20 (meta 0000014368607700} MAIL_INTERACTION_FRAGMENT = table:00000143C016C910 (meta 00000143D1A511A8} MAIL_MANAGER_GAMEPAD = table:00000143E1D22FD0 (meta 00000144C3034108} MAIL_MANAGER_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:00000143E1D22028 (meta 000001431D566020} MAIL_MAX_ATTACHED_ITEMS = 6 MAIL_MAX_BODY_CHARACTERS = 700 MAIL_MAX_SUBJECT_CHARACTERS = 45 MAIL_SEND = table:00000143207ED890 (meta 00000143143899E0} firstTable firstMeta attachMoneyRadioButton = userdata:00000143F991B350 (meta 0000014308331CA0} attachmentSlots = table:00000143E97C56E0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E97C57C8 (meta 00000143E97C5988} firstMeta firstIndex cooldown = userdata:00000143E97C5930 (meta 0000014308316C08} id = 1 inCooldown = false slotIndex = 1 slotType = 11 stackCount = 0 2 = userdata:00000143E97C5A48 (meta 00000143CFFDC898} firstMeta firstIndex cooldown = userdata:00000143CFFDC840 (meta 0000014308316C08} id = 2 inCooldown = false slotIndex = 2 slotType = 11 stackCount = 0 3 = userdata:00000143CFFE7FB0 (meta 00000143CFFE8170} 4 = userdata:00000143CFFDC958 (meta 00000143CFFDFF78} 5 = userdata:00000143CFFE0038 (meta 00000144C303BF98} 6 = userdata:00000143CFFE0128 (meta 00000144C303C080} firstMeta firstIndex cooldown = userdata:00000144C303C458 (meta 0000014308316C08} id = 6 inCooldown = false slotIndex = 6 slotType = 11 stackCount = 0 autoComplete = table:000001431348F0B8 (meta 000001431392D8C0} firstTable anchorStyle = 0 automaticMode = true dirtyEvents = table:000001431348F100 firstTable dontCallHookedHandlers = true editControl = userdata:00000143E1362DC8 (meta 000001439D6A7228} enabled = true excludeFlags = table:0000014321065178 firstTable 1 = 6 fireCallbackDepth = 0 includeFlags = table:00000143CFFC78A8 firstTable 1 = 7 keepFocusOnCommit = true onlineOnly = false owner = userdata:00000143E1362DC8 (meta 000001439D6A7228} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true editControlGroupIndex = 1 useArrows = true body = userdata:0000014314389CD0 (meta 00000143EC94FE58} codRadioButton = userdata:00000143F991B380 (meta 0000014308331CA0} control = userdata:00000144C8060D78 (meta 0000014308326048} postageCurrency = userdata:00000143207ED7A0 (meta 00000143DDBF2398} radioButtonGroup = table:00000143EC94FF78 (meta 000001439DE42720} firstTable m_buttons = table:00000143EC94FFC0 firstTable userdata = 00000143F991B350 = table:00000143EC950090 firstTable isValidOption = true originalHandler() = function:00000143DB1D7D88 00000143F991B380 = table:00000143143B1EA0 firstTable isValidOption = true originalHandler() = function:000001431348F5C0 m_clickedButton = userdata:00000143F991B350 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_enabled = true sendCurrency = userdata:00000143F991B270 (meta 000001439D6ABC68} firstMeta firstIndex OnBeginInput() = function:00000143DB1D6638 OnCurrencyChanged() = function:00000143DB1D63E8 currencyControl = userdata:00000143F991B2E0 (meta 000001439D6ABF10} currencyType = 1 currentCurrencyAmount = 0 onCurrencyUpdate() = function:00000143DB1D6680 usePlayerCurrencyAsMax = true sendMoneyMode = true staticKeybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143DB1D6750 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D6ABFB0 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D6ABDB0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Clear 2 = table:000001439D6ABFF8 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D6AC040 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Send alignment = 2 subject = userdata:00000143B3240680 (meta 00000143CFFC7800} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true editControlGroupIndex = 2 to = userdata:00000143E1362DC8 (meta 000001439D6A7228} MAIL_SEND_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D017B70 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} MAIL_SEND_RESULT_CANCELED = 16 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_CANT_SEND_CASH_COD = 8 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_CANT_SEND_TO_SELF = 11 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_FAIL_BLANK_MAIL = 7 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_FAIL_DB_ERROR = 1 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_FAIL_IGNORED = 4 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_FAIL_INVALID_NAME = 2 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_FAIL_IN_PROGRESS = 10 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_FAIL_MAILBOX_FULL = 3 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_INVALID_ITEM = 6 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 16 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_MAILBOX_NOT_OPEN = 13 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_MAIL_DISABLED = 12 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 16 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_FOR_COD = 9 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 5 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_RECIPIENT_NOT_FOUND = 15 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 MAIL_SEND_RESULT_TOO_MANY_ATTACHMENTS = 14 MAIL_SEND_SCENE = table:000001439D698400 (meta 0000014368607700} MAIL_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D022B00 (meta 000001431336FD98} MAIL_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:0000014313E3D938 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} MAIN_MENU_CATEGORY_DISABLED_WHILE_DEAD = 1 MAIN_MENU_CATEGORY_DISABLED_WHILE_IN_COMBAT = 2 MAIN_MENU_CATEGORY_DISABLED_WHILE_REVIVING = 3 MAIN_MENU_CATEGORY_DISABLED_WHILE_SWIMMING = 4 MAIN_MENU_CATEGORY_DISABLED_WHILE_WEREWOLF = 5 MAIN_MENU_CATEGORY_ENABLED = 0 MAIN_MENU_GAMEPAD = table:00000143B14064B0 (meta 000001439EABD380} MAIN_MENU_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:00000143B14064F8 (meta 0000014368607700} MAIN_MENU_KEYBOARD = table:00000143A04E65E0 (meta 00000143A04DF8A8} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:000001447D441F28 firstTable OnSceneGroupBarLabelTextChanged = table:000001447D441F70 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FFFE40 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D5FDC418 3 = false categoryAreaFragments = table:0000014345CEDBC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 2 = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} categoryBar = userdata:00000143A04E45B0 (meta 00000143A04E4838} categoryBarFragment = table:00000143A04E9838 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} categoryInfo = table:00000143CCBF3D40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D3FE40 firstTable barControls = table:00000143E1D3FF30 firstTable lastSceneName = market subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143A04E78C0 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143A04E78D0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 10 = table:00000143E1D43F38 firstTable barControls = table:00000143E1D43F80 firstTable lastSceneName = groupMenuKeyboard subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143E1D43838 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143E1D43848 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 11 = table:00000143B2E61360 firstTable barControls = table:00000143B2E61450 firstTable lastSceneGroupName = contactsSceneGroup subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143E1D44810 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143E1D46520 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 12 = table:00000143B2E64700 firstTable barControls = table:00000143B2E647F0 firstTable lastSceneGroupName = guildsSceneGroup subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143B2E64518 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143B2E64528 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 13 = table:00000143B2E66670 firstTable barControls = table:00000143B2E66760 firstTable lastSceneGroupName = allianceWarSceneGroup subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143B2E66488 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143B2E66498 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 14 = table:00000143B2E671D8 firstTable barControls = table:00000143B2E672C8 firstTable lastSceneGroupName = mailSceneGroup subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143B2E66FF0 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143B2E67000 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 15 = table:00000143B2E67D40 firstTable barControls = table:00000143B2E67E30 firstTable lastSceneName = notifications subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143B2E67B58 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143B2E67B68 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 16 = table:00000143B2E69CB0 firstTable barControls = table:00000143B2E69DA0 firstTable lastSceneGroupName = helpSceneGroup subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143B2E69AC8 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143B2E69AD8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 17 = table:00000143B2E6A818 firstTable barControls = table:00000143B2E6A860 firstTable subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143B2E6A630 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143B2E6A640 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143B2E6A700 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143B2E6A788 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143B2E6A630 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2E6A6B8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden 2 = table:00000143E1D432C8 firstTable barControls = table:00000143E1D43310 firstTable lastSceneName = crownCrateKeyboard subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143E1D430E0 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143E1D430F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D431B0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D43238 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D430E0 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D43168 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden 3 = table:00000143E1D451F8 firstTable barControls = table:00000143E1D452E8 firstTable lastSceneName = inventory subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143E1D45010 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143E1D45020 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 4 = table:00000143E1D45D20 firstTable barControls = table:00000143E1D45E10 firstTable lastSceneName = stats subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143E1D45B38 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143E1D45B48 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 5 = table:00000143E1D468B0 firstTable barControls = table:00000143E1D469A0 firstTable lastSceneName = skills subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143E1D466C8 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143E1D466D8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143E1D48830 firstTable barControls = table:00000143E1D48920 firstTable lastSceneName = championPerks subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143E1D48648 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143E1D48658 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D48718 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1D487A0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E1D48648 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D486D0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden 7 = table:00000143E1D49360 firstTable barControls = table:00000143E1D49450 firstTable lastSceneGroupName = journalSceneGroup subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143E1D49178 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143E1D49188 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 8 = table:00000143E1D4A0D8 firstTable barControls = table:00000143E1D4A1C8 firstTable lastSceneGroupName = collectionsSceneGroup subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143E1D49CA8 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143E1D49CB8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 9 = table:00000143E1D47990 firstTable barControls = table:00000143E1D479D8 firstTable lastSceneName = worldMap subcategoryBar = userdata:00000143E1D47290 (meta 000001430831E750} subcategoryBarFragment = table:00000143E1D472A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} control = userdata:00000143A04E1078 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A04E6628 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 lastCategory = 3 sceneGroupBar = userdata:00000143A04E4910 (meta 00000143A04E6218} sceneGroupBarLabel = userdata:00000143A04E5F88 (meta 00000143083425C0} sceneGroupInfo = table:0000014345CEDB78 firstTable allianceWarSceneGroup = table:000001439F8D6010 firstTable category = 13 menuBarIconData = table:000001439F8D5258 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8D5308 firstTable categoryName = 6419 descriptor = campaignOverview highlight = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaign_tabIcon_summary_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaign_tabIcon_summary_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaign_tabIcon_summary_down.dds visible() = function:000001439F8D5350 2 = table:000001439F8D5390 firstTable categoryName = 6460 descriptor = campaignBrowser highlight = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaign_tabIcon_browser_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaign_tabIcon_browser_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaign_tabIcon_browser_down.dds sceneGroupBarFragment = table:00000143B2E666B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} collectionsSceneGroup = table:00000143CB73D258 firstTable category = 8 menuBarIconData = table:00000143E1D3F940 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C3050A40 firstTable categoryName = 6527 descriptor = collectionsBook highlight = EsoUI/Art/Collections/collections_tabIcon_collectibles_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Collections/collections_tabIcon_collectibles_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Collections/collections_tabIcon_collectibles_down.dds statusIcon() = function:00000144C3050A88 2 = table:000001442805C768 firstTable categoryName = 6528 descriptor = dlcBook highlight = EsoUI/Art/Collections/collections_tabIcon_DLC_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Collections/collections_tabIcon_DLC_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Collections/collections_tabIcon_DLC_down.dds statusIcon() = function:000001442805C7B0 3 = table:00000143CDD2B030 firstTable categoryName = 6529 descriptor = housingBook highlight = EsoUI/Art/Collections/collections_tabIcon_housing_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Collections/collections_tabIcon_housing_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Collections/collections_tabIcon_housing_down.dds statusIcon() = function:00000143CDD2B078 sceneGroupBarFragment = table:0000014409E5B1A8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} contactsSceneGroup = table:0000014409E5EE18 firstTable category = 11 menuBarIconData = table:00000144C7546530 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C7546578 firstTable categoryName = 3511 descriptor = friendsList highlight = EsoUI/Art/Contacts/tabIcon_friends_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Contacts/tabIcon_friends_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Contacts/tabIcon_friends_down.dds 2 = table:00000144C75465C0 firstTable categoryName = 4653 descriptor = ignoreList highlight = EsoUI/Art/Contacts/tabIcon_ignored_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Contacts/tabIcon_ignored_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Contacts/tabIcon_ignored_down.dds sceneGroupBarFragment = table:00000144C7548078 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} guildsSceneGroup = table:00000143E02EF418 firstTable category = 12 menuBarIconData = table:0000014409E5EEB8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316667BE8 firstTable categoryName = 5769 descriptor = guildHome disabled = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_home_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_home_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_home_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_home_down.dds 2 = table:0000014316667C30 firstTable categoryName = 5770 descriptor = guildRoster disabled = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_roster_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_roster_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_roster_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_roster_down.dds 3 = table:0000014316667C78 firstTable categoryName = 5771 descriptor = guildRanks disabled = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_ranks_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_ranks_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_ranks_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_ranks_down.dds 4 = table:0000014409E6D2D0 firstTable categoryName = 5772 descriptor = guildHeraldry disabled = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_heraldry_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_heraldry_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_heraldry_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_heraldry_down.dds visible() = function:0000014409E6D318 5 = table:0000014409E6D358 firstTable categoryName = 5773 descriptor = guildHistory disabled = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_history_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_history_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_history_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Guild/tabIcon_history_down.dds sceneGroupBarFragment = table:00000143D4A2E590 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} helpSceneGroup = table:00000143B2E69D30 firstTable category = 16 menuBarIconData = table:000001439F8D2C00 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8D2C80 firstTable categoryName = 4058 descriptor = helpTutorials highlight = EsoUI/Art/Help/help_tabIcon_tutorial_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Help/help_tabIcon_tutorial_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Help/help_tabIcon_tutorial_down.dds 2 = table:000001439F8D2E10 firstTable categoryName = 4059 descriptor = helpCustomerSupport highlight = EsoUI/Art/Help/help_tabIcon_CS_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Help/help_tabIcon_CS_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Help/help_tabIcon_CS_down.dds 3 = table:000001439F8D2FA0 firstTable categoryName = 4060 descriptor = helpEmotes highlight = EsoUI/Art/Help/help_tabIcon_emotes_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Help/help_tabIcon_emotes_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Help/help_tabIcon_emotes_down.dds sceneGroupBarFragment = table:000001439F8D3DB8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} journalSceneGroup = table:000001439F8D5168 firstTable category = 7 menuBarIconData = table:00000144D83E8260 firstTable 1 = table:00000144D83E8300 firstTable categoryName = 3569 descriptor = questJournal highlight = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_quest_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_quest_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_quest_down.dds 2 = table:00000144D83E8348 firstTable categoryName = 3571 descriptor = cadwellsAlmanac highlight = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_cadwell_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_cadwell_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_cadwell_down.dds visible() = function:00000144D83E8390 3 = table:00000144D83E83D0 firstTable categoryName = 3570 descriptor = loreLibrary highlight = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_loreLibrary_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_loreLibrary_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_loreLibrary_down.dds 4 = table:000001439F8D4318 firstTable categoryName = 6410 descriptor = achievements highlight = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_achievements_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_achievements_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_achievements_down.dds 5 = table:000001439F8D44A8 firstTable categoryName = 3572 descriptor = leaderboards highlight = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_leaderboard_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_leaderboard_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_tabIcon_leaderboard_down.dds sceneGroupBarFragment = table:00000143E1D493A8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} mailSceneGroup = table:000001439F8D7748 firstTable category = 14 menuBarIconData = table:000001439F8D3268 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E3884CC8 firstTable categoryName = 6595 descriptor = mailInbox highlight = EsoUI/Art/Mail/mail_tabIcon_inbox_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Mail/mail_tabIcon_inbox_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Mail/mail_tabIcon_inbox_down.dds 2 = table:00000143E3884D10 firstTable categoryName = 6596 descriptor = mailSend highlight = EsoUI/Art/Mail/mail_tabIcon_compose_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Mail/mail_tabIcon_compose_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Mail/mail_tabIcon_compose_down.dds sceneGroupBarFragment = table:000001439F8D7088 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} sceneInfo = table:0000014345CEDB30 firstTable achievements = table:000001439F8D4D60 firstTable category = 7 sceneGroupName = journalSceneGroup sceneName = achievements cadwellsAlmanac = table:00000143DA768FF0 firstTable category = 7 sceneGroupName = journalSceneGroup sceneName = cadwellsAlmanac campaignBrowser = table:0000014409E731C0 firstTable category = 13 sceneGroupName = allianceWarSceneGroup sceneName = campaignBrowser campaignOverview = table:0000014409E73178 firstTable category = 13 sceneGroupName = allianceWarSceneGroup sceneName = campaignOverview championPerks = table:00000143E1D468F8 firstTable category = 6 sceneName = championPerks collectionsBook = table:00000143CB51C518 firstTable category = 8 sceneGroupName = collectionsSceneGroup sceneName = collectionsBook crownCrateKeyboard = table:00000143B2E67DD0 firstTable category = 2 sceneName = crownCrateKeyboard dlcBook = table:00000143CB50CCA8 firstTable category = 8 sceneGroupName = collectionsSceneGroup sceneName = dlcBook friendsList = table:000001431BD372A0 firstTable category = 11 sceneGroupName = contactsSceneGroup sceneName = friendsList groupMenuKeyboard = table:00000143B2E67D88 firstTable category = 10 sceneName = groupMenuKeyboard guildCreate = table:00000143D4A2E548 firstTable category = 12 sceneGroupName = guildsSceneGroup sceneName = guildCreate guildHeraldry = table:000001431BD5A668 firstTable category = 12 sceneGroupName = guildsSceneGroup sceneName = guildHeraldry guildHistory = table:000001431BD5A6B0 firstTable category = 12 sceneGroupName = guildsSceneGroup sceneName = guildHistory guildHome = table:0000014409E73268 firstTable category = 12 sceneGroupName = guildsSceneGroup sceneName = guildHome guildRanks = table:000001431DE82D48 firstTable category = 12 sceneGroupName = guildsSceneGroup sceneName = guildRanks guildRoster = table:000001431DE82D00 firstTable category = 12 sceneGroupName = guildsSceneGroup sceneName = guildRoster helpCustomerSupport = table:000001439F8D3BD8 firstTable category = 16 sceneGroupName = helpSceneGroup sceneName = helpCustomerSupport helpEmotes = table:000001439F8D3CC8 firstTable category = 16 sceneGroupName = helpSceneGroup sceneName = helpEmotes helpTutorials = table:000001439F8D3AE8 firstTable category = 16 sceneGroupName = helpSceneGroup sceneName = helpTutorials housingBook = table:0000014409E5B0B8 firstTable category = 8 sceneGroupName = collectionsSceneGroup sceneName = housingBook ignoreList = table:000001431BD37208 firstTable category = 11 sceneGroupName = contactsSceneGroup sceneName = ignoreList inventory = table:00000143C80575E8 firstTable category = 3 sceneName = inventory leaderboards = table:000001439F8D4E50 firstTable category = 7 sceneGroupName = journalSceneGroup sceneName = leaderboards loreLibrary = table:000001439F8D4C70 firstTable category = 7 sceneGroupName = journalSceneGroup sceneName = loreLibrary mailInbox = table:000001439F8D6D60 firstTable category = 14 sceneGroupName = mailSceneGroup sceneName = mailInbox mailSend = table:000001439F8D6E50 firstTable category = 14 sceneGroupName = mailSceneGroup sceneName = mailSend market = table:00000143CDD3FB58 firstTable category = 1 sceneName = market notifications = table:00000143E1D46940 firstTable category = 15 sceneName = notifications questJournal = table:00000143DA768F20 firstTable category = 7 sceneGroupName = journalSceneGroup sceneName = questJournal skills = table:00000143CDD3D728 firstTable category = 5 sceneName = skills stats = table:00000143553B96C8 firstTable category = 4 sceneName = stats worldMap = table:0000014316CDE9B0 firstTable category = 9 sceneName = worldMap sceneShowCallback() = function:00000143A04E1108 tabPressedCallback() = function:000001431B3F94C8 MAIN_MENU_MANAGER = table:00000143D3178120 (meta 00000144D5B336E8} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000143B2E6A9A0 firstTable OnBlockingSceneCleared = table:00000143B2E6AC10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B2E6AD00 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B2E6A910 3 = false OnPlayerStateUpdate = table:00000143B2E6A9E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B2E6AA30 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B2E6A958 3 = false 2 = table:00000143B140C828 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B140C7E0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D3178168 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 playerStateTable = table:00000143D3178208 firstTable inCombat = false isDead = false isReviving = false isSwimming = false isWerewolf = false MAPTYPE_ALLIANCE = 4 MAPTYPE_COSMIC = 5 MAPTYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MAPTYPE_ITERATION_END = 5 MAPTYPE_MAX_VALUE = 5 MAPTYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 MAPTYPE_NONE = 0 MAPTYPE_SUBZONE = 1 MAPTYPE_WORLD = 3 MAPTYPE_ZONE = 2 MAP_CONTENT_AVA = 1 MAP_CONTENT_BATTLEGROUND = 3 MAP_CONTENT_DUNGEON = 2 MAP_CONTENT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MAP_CONTENT_ITERATION_END = 3 MAP_CONTENT_MAX_VALUE = 3 MAP_CONTENT_MIN_VALUE = 0 MAP_CONTENT_NONE = 0 MAP_FILTER_AVA_GRAVEYARDS = 7 MAP_FILTER_AVA_GRAVEYARD_AREAS = 6 MAP_FILTER_AVA_OBJECTIVES = 2 MAP_FILTER_DEPRECATED = 4 MAP_FILTER_GROUP_MEMBERS = 9 MAP_FILTER_HARVEST = 1 MAP_FILTER_IMPERIAL_CITY_ENTRANCES = 12 MAP_FILTER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 MAP_FILTER_ITERATION_END = 12 MAP_FILTER_KILL_LOCATIONS = 3 MAP_FILTER_MAX_VALUE = 12 MAP_FILTER_MIN_VALUE = 1 MAP_FILTER_NPC_FOLLOWER = 5 MAP_FILTER_OBJECTIVES = 1 MAP_FILTER_QUESTS = 4 MAP_FILTER_RESOURCE_KEEPS = 5 MAP_FILTER_TRAINER = 3 MAP_FILTER_TRANSIT_LINES = 10 MAP_FILTER_TRANSIT_LINES_ALLIANCE = 11 MAP_FILTER_TYPE_AVA_CYRODIIL = 2 MAP_FILTER_TYPE_AVA_IMPERIAL = 3 MAP_FILTER_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND = 4 MAP_FILTER_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 MAP_FILTER_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 4 MAP_FILTER_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 4 MAP_FILTER_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 MAP_FILTER_TYPE_STANDARD = 1 MAP_FILTER_VENDOR = 2 MAP_FILTER_WAYSHRINES = 8 MAP_MODE_AVA_RESPAWN = 5 MAP_MODE_FAST_TRAVEL = 4 MAP_MODE_KEEP_TRAVEL = 3 MAP_MODE_LARGE_CUSTOM = 2 MAP_MODE_SMALL_CUSTOM = 1 MAP_PIN_TOOLTIP_COLOR_AVA_OBJECTIVE = 3 MAP_PIN_TOOLTIP_COLOR_INTERACTABLE = 2 MAP_PIN_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MAP_PIN_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 5 MAP_PIN_TOOLTIP_COLOR_MAP_PING = 4 MAP_PIN_TOOLTIP_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 5 MAP_PIN_TOOLTIP_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 MAP_PIN_TOOLTIP_COLOR_POI = 1 MAP_PIN_TOOLTIP_COLOR_QUEST_ENDING = 0 MAP_PIN_TOOLTIP_COLOR_RALLY_POINT = 5 MAP_PIN_TYPE_AGGRO = 184 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ALDMERI_VS_DAGGERFALL_LARGE = 161 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ALDMERI_VS_DAGGERFALL_MEDIUM = 160 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ALDMERI_VS_DAGGERFALL_SMALL = 159 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ALDMERI_VS_EBONHEART_LARGE = 158 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ALDMERI_VS_EBONHEART_MEDIUM = 157 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ALDMERI_VS_EBONHEART_SMALL = 156 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_ALDMERI_DEFENSIVE = 95 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_ALDMERI_OFFENSIVE = 94 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_DAGGERFALL_DEFENSIVE = 99 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_DAGGERFALL_OFFENSIVE = 98 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_EBONHEART_DEFENSIVE = 97 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_EBONHEART_OFFENSIVE = 96 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_GATE_CLOSED_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 132 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_GATE_CLOSED_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 134 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_GATE_CLOSED_EBONHEART_PACT = 133 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_GATE_OPEN_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 129 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_GATE_OPEN_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 131 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_GATE_OPEN_EBONHEART_PACT = 130 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_KEEP_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 126 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_KEEP_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 128 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_KEEP_EBONHEART_PACT = 127 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_RETURN_ALDMERI = 100 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_RETURN_DAGGERFALL = 101 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ARTIFACT_RETURN_EBONHEART = 102 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ASSISTED_QUEST_CONDITION = 9 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ASSISTED_QUEST_ENDING = 11 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ASSISTED_QUEST_OPTIONAL_CONDITION = 10 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ASSISTED_QUEST_REPEATABLE_CONDITION = 12 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ASSISTED_QUEST_REPEATABLE_ENDING = 14 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ASSISTED_QUEST_REPEATABLE_OPTIONAL_CONDITION = 13 MAP_PIN_TYPE_AVA_CAPTURE_AREA_ALDMERI = 28 MAP_PIN_TYPE_AVA_CAPTURE_AREA_AURA = 87 MAP_PIN_TYPE_AVA_CAPTURE_AREA_DAGGERFALL = 30 MAP_PIN_TYPE_AVA_CAPTURE_AREA_EBONHEART = 29 MAP_PIN_TYPE_AVA_CAPTURE_AREA_NEUTRAL = 27 MAP_PIN_TYPE_AVA_TOWN_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 140 MAP_PIN_TYPE_AVA_TOWN_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 142 MAP_PIN_TYPE_AVA_TOWN_EBONHEART_PACT = 141 MAP_PIN_TYPE_AVA_TOWN_GRAVEYARD_ACCESSIBLE = 178 MAP_PIN_TYPE_AVA_TOWN_NEUTRAL = 139 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_AURA = 88 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_A_FIRE_DRAKES = 36 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_A_NEUTRAL = 35 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_A_PIT_DAEMONS = 37 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_A_STORM_LORDS = 38 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_B_FIRE_DRAKES = 40 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_B_NEUTRAL = 39 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_B_PIT_DAEMONS = 41 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_B_STORM_LORDS = 42 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_C_FIRE_DRAKES = 44 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_C_NEUTRAL = 43 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_C_PIT_DAEMONS = 45 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_C_STORM_LORDS = 46 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_D_FIRE_DRAKES = 48 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_D_NEUTRAL = 47 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_D_PIT_DAEMONS = 49 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_D_STORM_LORDS = 50 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_FIRE_DRAKES = 32 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_NEUTRAL = 31 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_PIT_DAEMONS = 33 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_CAPTURE_AREA_STORM_LORDS = 34 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_FIRE_DRAKES = 72 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_FIRE_DRAKES_AURA = 91 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_NEUTRAL = 71 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_NEUTRAL_AURA = 90 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_PIT_DAEMONS = 73 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_PIT_DAEMONS_AURA = 92 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_RETURN_FIRE_DRAKES = 79 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_RETURN_PIT_DAEMONS = 80 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_RETURN_STORM_LORDS = 81 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_SPAWN_FIRE_DRAKES = 76 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_SPAWN_NEUTRAL = 75 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_SPAWN_PIT_DAEMONS = 77 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_SPAWN_STORM_LORDS = 78 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_STORM_LORDS = 74 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_FLAG_STORM_LORDS_AURA = 93 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_AURA = 89 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_A_FIRE_DRAKES = 56 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_A_NEUTRAL = 55 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_A_PIT_DAEMONS = 57 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_A_STORM_LORDS = 58 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_B_FIRE_DRAKES = 60 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_B_NEUTRAL = 59 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_B_PIT_DAEMONS = 61 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_B_STORM_LORDS = 62 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_C_FIRE_DRAKES = 64 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_C_NEUTRAL = 63 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_C_PIT_DAEMONS = 65 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_C_STORM_LORDS = 66 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_D_FIRE_DRAKES = 68 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_D_NEUTRAL = 67 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_D_PIT_DAEMONS = 69 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_D_STORM_LORDS = 70 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_FIRE_DRAKES = 52 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_NEUTRAL = 51 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_PIT_DAEMONS = 53 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MOBILE_CAPTURE_AREA_STORM_LORDS = 54 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_A_FIRE_DRAKES = 36 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_A_NEUTRAL = 35 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_A_PIT_DAEMONS = 37 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_A_STORM_LORDS = 38 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_B_FIRE_DRAKES = 40 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_B_NEUTRAL = 39 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_B_PIT_DAEMONS = 41 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_B_STORM_LORDS = 42 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_C_FIRE_DRAKES = 44 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_C_NEUTRAL = 43 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_C_PIT_DAEMONS = 45 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_C_STORM_LORDS = 46 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_D_FIRE_DRAKES = 48 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_D_NEUTRAL = 47 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_D_PIT_DAEMONS = 49 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MULTI_CAPTURE_AREA_D_STORM_LORDS = 50 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MURDERBALL_FIRE_DRAKES = 84 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MURDERBALL_NEUTRAL = 83 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MURDERBALL_PIT_DAEMONS = 85 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MURDERBALL_SPAWN_NEUTRAL = 82 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BGPIN_MURDERBALL_STORM_LORDS = 86 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BORDER_KEEP_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 123 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BORDER_KEEP_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 125 MAP_PIN_TYPE_BORDER_KEEP_EBONHEART_PACT = 124 MAP_PIN_TYPE_COUNT = 188 MAP_PIN_TYPE_DARK_BROTHERHOOD_TARGET = 186 MAP_PIN_TYPE_EBONHEART_VS_DAGGERFALL_LARGE = 164 MAP_PIN_TYPE_EBONHEART_VS_DAGGERFALL_MEDIUM = 163 MAP_PIN_TYPE_EBONHEART_VS_DAGGERFALL_SMALL = 162 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FARM_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 112 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FARM_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 114 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FARM_EBONHEART_PACT = 113 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FARM_NEUTRAL = 111 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FAST_TRAVEL_BORDER_KEEP_ACCESSIBLE = 166 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_ACCESSIBLE = 165 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FAST_TRAVEL_OUTPOST_ACCESSIBLE = 167 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FAST_TRAVEL_WAYSHRINE = 168 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FAST_TRAVEL_WAYSHRINE_CURRENT_LOC = 170 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FAST_TRAVEL_WAYSHRINE_UNDISCOVERED = 169 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FORWARD_CAMP_ACCESSIBLE = 174 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FORWARD_CAMP_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 171 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FORWARD_CAMP_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 173 MAP_PIN_TYPE_FORWARD_CAMP_EBONHEART_PACT = 172 MAP_PIN_TYPE_GROUP = 1 MAP_PIN_TYPE_GROUP_LEADER = 2 MAP_PIN_TYPE_HARVEST_NODE = 146 MAP_PIN_TYPE_IMPERIAL_CITY_CLOSED = 180 MAP_PIN_TYPE_IMPERIAL_CITY_OPEN = 179 MAP_PIN_TYPE_IMPERIAL_DISTRICT_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 136 MAP_PIN_TYPE_IMPERIAL_DISTRICT_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 138 MAP_PIN_TYPE_IMPERIAL_DISTRICT_EBONHEART_PACT = 137 MAP_PIN_TYPE_IMPERIAL_DISTRICT_GRAVEYARD_ACCESSIBLE = 177 MAP_PIN_TYPE_IMPERIAL_DISTRICT_NEUTRAL = 135 MAP_PIN_TYPE_INVALID = 189 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MAP_PIN_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 189 MAP_PIN_TYPE_KEEP_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 104 MAP_PIN_TYPE_KEEP_ATTACKED_LARGE = 143 MAP_PIN_TYPE_KEEP_ATTACKED_SMALL = 144 MAP_PIN_TYPE_KEEP_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 106 MAP_PIN_TYPE_KEEP_EBONHEART_PACT = 105 MAP_PIN_TYPE_KEEP_GRAVEYARD_ACCESSIBLE = 175 MAP_PIN_TYPE_KEEP_NEUTRAL = 103 MAP_PIN_TYPE_LOCATION = 145 MAP_PIN_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 189 MAP_PIN_TYPE_MILL_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 120 MAP_PIN_TYPE_MILL_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 122 MAP_PIN_TYPE_MILL_EBONHEART_PACT = 121 MAP_PIN_TYPE_MILL_NEUTRAL = 119 MAP_PIN_TYPE_MINE_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 116 MAP_PIN_TYPE_MINE_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 118 MAP_PIN_TYPE_MINE_EBONHEART_PACT = 117 MAP_PIN_TYPE_MINE_NEUTRAL = 115 MAP_PIN_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 MAP_PIN_TYPE_NPC_FOLLOWER = 149 MAP_PIN_TYPE_OUTPOST_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 108 MAP_PIN_TYPE_OUTPOST_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 110 MAP_PIN_TYPE_OUTPOST_EBONHEART_PACT = 109 MAP_PIN_TYPE_OUTPOST_NEUTRAL = 107 MAP_PIN_TYPE_PING = 150 MAP_PIN_TYPE_PLAYER = 0 MAP_PIN_TYPE_PLAYER_CAMERA = 187 MAP_PIN_TYPE_PLAYER_WAYPOINT = 152 MAP_PIN_TYPE_POI_COMPLETE = 22 MAP_PIN_TYPE_POI_SEEN = 21 MAP_PIN_TYPE_QUEST_COMPLETE = 5 MAP_PIN_TYPE_QUEST_GIVE_ITEM = 8 MAP_PIN_TYPE_QUEST_INTERACT = 7 MAP_PIN_TYPE_QUEST_OFFER = 3 MAP_PIN_TYPE_QUEST_OFFER_REPEATABLE = 4 MAP_PIN_TYPE_QUEST_TALK_TO = 6 MAP_PIN_TYPE_RALLY_POINT = 151 MAP_PIN_TYPE_RESPAWN_BORDER_KEEP_ACCESSIBLE = 176 MAP_PIN_TYPE_RESTRICTED_LINK_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 181 MAP_PIN_TYPE_RESTRICTED_LINK_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 183 MAP_PIN_TYPE_RESTRICTED_LINK_EBONHEART_PACT = 182 MAP_PIN_TYPE_RETURN_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 23 MAP_PIN_TYPE_RETURN_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 25 MAP_PIN_TYPE_RETURN_EBONHEART_PACT = 24 MAP_PIN_TYPE_RETURN_NEUTRAL = 26 MAP_PIN_TYPE_TIMELY_ESCAPE_NPC = 185 MAP_PIN_TYPE_TRACKED_QUEST_CONDITION = 15 MAP_PIN_TYPE_TRACKED_QUEST_ENDING = 17 MAP_PIN_TYPE_TRACKED_QUEST_OPTIONAL_CONDITION = 16 MAP_PIN_TYPE_TRACKED_QUEST_REPEATABLE_CONDITION = 18 MAP_PIN_TYPE_TRACKED_QUEST_REPEATABLE_ENDING = 20 MAP_PIN_TYPE_TRACKED_QUEST_REPEATABLE_OPTIONAL_CONDITION = 19 MAP_PIN_TYPE_TRAINER = 148 MAP_PIN_TYPE_TRI_BATTLE_LARGE = 155 MAP_PIN_TYPE_TRI_BATTLE_MEDIUM = 154 MAP_PIN_TYPE_TRI_BATTLE_SMALL = 153 MAP_PIN_TYPE_VENDOR = 147 MAP_TRANSIT_LINE_ALLIANCE_ALL = 1 MAP_TRANSIT_LINE_ALLIANCE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 MAP_TRANSIT_LINE_ALLIANCE_ITERATION_END = 2 MAP_TRANSIT_LINE_ALLIANCE_MAX_VALUE = 2 MAP_TRANSIT_LINE_ALLIANCE_MINE = 2 MAP_TRANSIT_LINE_ALLIANCE_MIN_VALUE = 1 MAP_TYPE_COUNT = 2 MAP_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MAP_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 MAP_TYPE_LOCATION_CENTERED = 1 MAP_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 MAP_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 MAP_TYPE_PLAYER_CENTERED = 0 MAP_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:0000014313E39280 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} MARKET_COLORS_CALLOUT_BACKGROUND = 10 MARKET_COLORS_CALLOUT_BACKGROUND_DIMMED = 9 MARKET_COLORS_DIMMED = 1 MARKET_COLORS_INELIGIBLE = 12 MARKET_COLORS_INELIGIBLE_DIMMED = 11 MARKET_COLORS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MARKET_COLORS_ITERATION_END = 14 MARKET_COLORS_MAX_VALUE = 14 MARKET_COLORS_MIN_VALUE = 0 MARKET_COLORS_NEW = 7 MARKET_COLORS_NEW_DIMMED = 6 MARKET_COLORS_ON_SALE = 5 MARKET_COLORS_ON_SALE_DIMMED = 4 MARKET_COLORS_PRODUCT_BACKGROUND_BRIGHTNESS = 8 MARKET_COLORS_PURCHASED = 3 MARKET_COLORS_PURCHASED_DIMMED = 2 MARKET_COLORS_SELECTED = 0 MARKET_COLORS_UNIVERSAL_ITEM = 13 MARKET_COLORS_UNIVERSAL_ITEM_SELECTED = 14 MARKET_CURRENCY_GAMEPAD = table:00000143B2B55830 (meta 00000143E03AC908} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000143E6E0E1A0 firstTable OnCurrencyUpdated = table:00000143E6E0E1E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E0E230 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6E0E158 3 = false control = userdata:00000143B30923A8 (meta 0000014308326048} crownAmountControl = userdata:0000014314B96518 (meta 00000143083425C0} dirtyEvents = table:000001431DC990D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 gemAmountControl = userdata:000001431DA082D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} MARKET_CURRENCY_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D909B0D8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431DC98D20 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431DC98DA8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = 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200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden MARKET_DISPLAY_GROUP_CROWN_STORE = 0 MARKET_DISPLAY_GROUP_HOUSE_EDITOR = 1 MARKET_DISPLAY_GROUP_HOUSE_PREVIEW = 2 MARKET_DISPLAY_GROUP_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MARKET_DISPLAY_GROUP_ITERATION_END = 2 MARKET_DISPLAY_GROUP_MAX_VALUE = 2 MARKET_DISPLAY_GROUP_MIN_VALUE = 0 MARKET_FILTER_VIEW_ALL = 1 MARKET_FILTER_VIEW_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 MARKET_FILTER_VIEW_ITERATION_END = 3 MARKET_FILTER_VIEW_MAX_VALUE = 3 MARKET_FILTER_VIEW_MIN_VALUE = 1 MARKET_FILTER_VIEW_NOT_PURCHASED = 3 MARKET_FILTER_VIEW_PURCHASED = 2 MARKET_INSTANT_UNLOCK_APPEARANCE_CHANGE_TOKEN = 9 MARKET_INSTANT_UNLOCK_BITE_CURE = 5 MARKET_INSTANT_UNLOCK_CHARACTER_SLOT = 6 MARKET_INSTANT_UNLOCK_ESO_PLUS = 10 MARKET_INSTANT_UNLOCK_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MARKET_INSTANT_UNLOCK_ITERATION_END = 10 MARKET_INSTANT_UNLOCK_MAX_VALUE = 10 MARKET_INSTANT_UNLOCK_MIN_VALUE = 0 MARKET_INSTANT_UNLOCK_NONE = 0 MARKET_INSTANT_UNLOCK_PLAYER_BACKPACK = 1 MARKET_INSTANT_UNLOCK_PLAYER_BANK = 2 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MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_INVALID_MARKET_HOUSING = 14 MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_INVALID_MARKET_ITEM = 3 MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_INVALID_STACK_SIZE = 5 MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 15 MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_MARKET_LOCKED = 6 MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 15 MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_CROWN_GEMS = 13 MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_ROOM = 2 MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_VC = 1 MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT_UNIQUE_ITEM_ALREADY = 4 MARKET_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MARKET_STATE_ITERATION_END = 3 MARKET_STATE_LOCKED = 0 MARKET_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 3 MARKET_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 MARKET_STATE_OPEN = 2 MARKET_STATE_UNKNOWN = 3 MARKET_STATE_UPDATING = 1 MARKET_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:000001432086B348 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} MAXIMUM_CHAMPION_RANK = 50 MAX_ANCHORS = 2 MAX_BOSSES = 6 MAX_CROWN_CRATE_REWARD_SLOTS = 5 MAX_DEVICE_ID_LENGTH = 1024 MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH = 256 MAX_GUILDS = 5 MAX_GUILD_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = 256 MAX_GUILD_MEMBERS = 500 MAX_GUILD_MOTD_LENGTH = 1024 MAX_GUILD_NAME_LENGTH = 25 MAX_GUILD_RANKS = 10 MAX_GUILD_RANK_NAME_LENGTH = 16 MAX_HELP_DESCRIPTION_BODY = 700 MAX_HELP_DETAILS_TEXT = 64 MAX_JOURNAL_QUESTS = 25 MAX_KEEP_UPGRADE_LEVELS = 6 MAX_LOCAL_MAILS = 72 MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 256 MAX_PET_UNIT_TAGS = 7 MAX_PLAYER_CURRENCY = 2100000000 MAX_PLAYER_MONEY = 2100000000 MAX_STORE_WINDOW_STACK_QUANTITY = 999 MAX_TEXT_CHAT_INPUT_CHARACTERS = 350 MEDIUM_LEFT_PANEL_BG_FRAGMENT = table:00000143BC1600B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D020A20 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D020AA8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BC268 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D0209D8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden MEDIUM_RIGHT_PANEL_BG_FRAGMENT = table:000001436170C1D8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143BC15FFD8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143BC160028 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BC170 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001436170C4C8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden MEDIUM_SHORT_LEFT_PANEL_BG_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D01FAA0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D01FB30 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D01FBB8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BC570 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D01FAE8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden MEDIUM_SHORT_RIGHT_PANEL_BG_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D020B38 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D01FC90 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D020BC8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BC3E8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D020B80 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden MEDIUM_TALL_LEFT_PANEL_BG_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D01FC48 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} MEGASERVER_EU = 2 MEGASERVER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MEGASERVER_ITERATION_END = 2 MEGASERVER_MAX_VALUE = 2 MEGASERVER_MIN_VALUE = 0 MEGASERVER_NA = 1 MEGASERVER_NONE = 0 MENU_ADD_OPTION_CHECKBOX = 2 MENU_ADD_OPTION_LABEL = 1 MENU_CATEGORY_ACTIVITY_FINDER = 17 MENU_CATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR = 13 MENU_CATEGORY_CHAMPION = 6 MENU_CATEGORY_CHARACTER = 4 MENU_CATEGORY_COLLECTIONS = 8 MENU_CATEGORY_CONTACTS = 11 MENU_CATEGORY_CROWN_CRATES = 2 MENU_CATEGORY_GROUP = 10 MENU_CATEGORY_GUILDS = 12 MENU_CATEGORY_HELP = 16 MENU_CATEGORY_INVENTORY = 3 MENU_CATEGORY_JOURNAL = 7 MENU_CATEGORY_MAIL = 14 MENU_CATEGORY_MAP = 9 MENU_CATEGORY_MARKET = 1 MENU_CATEGORY_NOTIFICATIONS = 15 MENU_CATEGORY_SKILLS = 5 MENU_TYPE_COMBO_BOX = 2 MENU_TYPE_DEFAULT = 1 MENU_TYPE_TEXT_ENTRY_DROP_DOWN = 3 MINIMIZE_CHAT_FRAGMENT = table:0000014320DB8828 (meta 00000143FE10B920} MIN_REQUIRED_LEVEL_TO_CREATE_GUILD = 10 MKCT_CROWNS = 1 MKCT_CROWN_GEMS = 2 MKCT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MKCT_ITERATION_END = 2 MKCT_MAX_VALUE = 2 MKCT_MIN_VALUE = 0 MKCT_NONE = 0 MLET_EXP_VAL_MULTI_LOC = 3 MLET_EXP_VAL_NO_LOC = 0 MLET_EXP_VAL_STD_LOC = 1 MLET_IMP_VAL_MULTI_LOC = 4 MLET_IMP_VAL_STD_LOC = 2 MLET_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MLET_ITERATION_END = 4 MLET_MAX_VALUE = 4 MLET_MIN_VALUE = 0 MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 1 MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 1 MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_NONE = 0 MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_UPPERCASE = 1 MONEY_INPUT = table:00000143D70CB800 (meta 00000143B4C024E8} firstTable firstMeta badInputTimeline = userdata:00000143D70CB8A0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} control = userdata:00000143A3907D20 (meta 0000014308326048} currencyAmount = 0 currencyField = userdata:00000143D70CB7F0 (meta 00000143D70CACA0} firstMeta firstIndex currencyArgs = table:00000143D70CABC8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D70CAC10 firstTable amount = 0 isUsed = true notEnough = false numUsedCurrencies = 1 options = table:00000143F061A538 firstTable font = ZoFontWinT1 showTooltips = false globalMouseDownHandler() = function:00000143EA54E1C0 mouseRefCount = 0 pulseTimeline = userdata:00000143EA54E0C8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} MONSTER_DIFFICULTY_DEADLY = 4 MONSTER_DIFFICULTY_EASY = 1 MONSTER_DIFFICULTY_HARD = 3 MONSTER_DIFFICULTY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MONSTER_DIFFICULTY_ITERATION_END = 4 MONSTER_DIFFICULTY_MAX_VALUE = 4 MONSTER_DIFFICULTY_MIN_VALUE = 0 MONSTER_DIFFICULTY_NONE = 0 MONSTER_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL = 2 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_ALCHEMIST = 2 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_ARTISAN = 3 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_ASSASSIN = 4 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_BARD = 5 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_BEGGAR = 6 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_CHEF = 7 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_CIVIL_SERVANT = 8 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_CLOTHIER = 9 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_COMMONER = 10 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_CRAFTER = 11 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_CULTIST = 12 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_DRUNKARD = 13 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_FARMER = 14 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_FIGHTER = 15 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_FISHER = 16 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_GATHERER = 17 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_GHOST = 18 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_GUARD = 19 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_HEALER = 20 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_HUNTER = 21 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_ITERATION_END = 46 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_LABORER = 22 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_MAGE = 23 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_MAX_VALUE = 46 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_MERCHANT = 24 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_MIN_VALUE = 0 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_NOBLE = 25 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_NOT_APPLICABLE = 1 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_NUDE = 26 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_ORDINATOR = 27 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_OUTLAW = 28 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_PILGRIM = 29 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_PRIEST = 30 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_PRISONER = 31 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_PROVISIONER = 32 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_SAILOR = 33 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_SCHOLAR = 34 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_SERVANT = 35 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_SKELETON = 36 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_SLAVE = 37 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_SMITH = 38 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_SOLDIER = 39 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_STUDENT = 40 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_THIEF = 41 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_UNDEFINED = 0 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_VAMPIRE = 42 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_WARRIOR = 43 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_WATCHMEN = 44 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_WEREWOLF = 45 MONSTER_SOCIAL_CLASS_WOODWORKER = 46 MOUNT_FAILURE_REASON_BUSY = 0 MOUNT_FAILURE_REASON_INVALID_LOCATION = 1 MOUNT_FAILURE_REASON_INVENTORY_BUSY = 3 MOUNT_FAILURE_REASON_INVENTORY_TOO_FULL = 2 MOUNT_FAILURE_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MOUNT_FAILURE_REASON_ITERATION_END = 4 MOUNT_FAILURE_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 4 MOUNT_FAILURE_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 MOUNT_FAILURE_REASON_NO_ACTIVE_MOUNT = 4 MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_4 = 4 MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_5 = 5 MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_INVALID = 0 MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_ITERATION_END = 6 MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_LEFT = 1 MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_LEFT_AND_RIGHT = 6 MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_MAX_VALUE = 6 MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_MIDDLE = 3 MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_MIN_VALUE = 0 MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_RIGHT = 2 MOUSE_CONTENT_ACTION = 1 MOUSE_CONTENT_COLLECTIBLE = 9 MOUSE_CONTENT_EMPTY = 0 MOUSE_CONTENT_EQUIPPED_ITEM = 4 MOUSE_CONTENT_INVENTORY_ITEM = 2 MOUSE_CONTENT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MOUSE_CONTENT_ITERATION_END = 9 MOUSE_CONTENT_MAX_VALUE = 9 MOUSE_CONTENT_MIN_VALUE = 0 MOUSE_CONTENT_QUEST_ITEM = 6 MOUSE_CONTENT_STORE_BUYBACK_ITEM = 5 MOUSE_CONTENT_STORE_ITEM = 8 MOUSE_CONTENT_TRADE_ITEM = 3 MOUSE_CURSOR_DEFAULT_CURSOR = 0 MOUSE_CURSOR_DO_NOT_CARE = 666 MOUSE_CURSOR_ERASE = 7 MOUSE_CURSOR_FILL = 8 MOUSE_CURSOR_FILL_MULTIPLE = 9 MOUSE_CURSOR_ICON = 5 MOUSE_CURSOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MOUSE_CURSOR_ITERATION_END = 666 MOUSE_CURSOR_MAX = 17 MOUSE_CURSOR_MAX_VALUE = 666 MOUSE_CURSOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 MOUSE_CURSOR_NEXT_LEFT = 14 MOUSE_CURSOR_NEXT_RIGHT = 15 MOUSE_CURSOR_PAINT = 10 MOUSE_CURSOR_PAN = 12 MOUSE_CURSOR_PREVIEW = 16 MOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_EW = 1 MOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_NESW = 3 MOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_NS = 2 MOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_NWSE = 4 MOUSE_CURSOR_ROTATE = 13 MOUSE_CURSOR_SAMPLE = 11 MOUSE_CURSOR_UI_HAND = 6 MOUSE_DESTROY_ITEM_FAIL_REASON_CRAFTING = 1 MOUSE_DESTROY_ITEM_FAIL_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 MOUSE_DESTROY_ITEM_FAIL_REASON_ITERATION_END = 2 MOUSE_DESTROY_ITEM_FAIL_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 2 MOUSE_DESTROY_ITEM_FAIL_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 MOUSE_DESTROY_ITEM_FAIL_REASON_NONE = 0 MOUSE_DESTROY_ITEM_FAIL_REASON_PLAYER_LOCKED = 2 MOUSE_UI_MODE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} MOVEMENT_CONTROLLER_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 2 MOVEMENT_CONTROLLER_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 MOVEMENT_CONTROLLER_MOVE_NEXT = 1 MOVEMENT_CONTROLLER_MOVE_PREVIOUS = 2 MOVEMENT_CONTROLLER_NO_CHANGE = 0 MapZoomOut() = function:000001439D29C1F0 MarkEULAAsViewed() = function:00000143CACAA198 MarketProductCategoryContainsNewMarketProducts() = function:00000143CACA2C18 MarketProductCategoryOrSubCategoriesContainsNewMarketProducts() = function:00000143CACA2CA8 MenuOwnerClosed() = function:00000143A131E298 MouseIsOver() = function:000001430831A4D0 MoveBackwardStart = function: Private MoveBackwardStop = function: Private MoveForwardStart = function: Private MoveForwardStop = function: Private MyTradeWindowSlot1 = userdata:000001431347F5F0 (meta 000001431347F310} firstMeta firstIndex slotControlType = listSlot MyTradeWindowSlot1BG = userdata:00000143F991BB58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot1BGRight = userdata:00000143F991BBC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot1Button = userdata:00000143F991BCA8 (meta 000001431347F1F8} firstMeta firstIndex slotIndex = 1 slotType = 4 tooltipAnchor = userdata:000001431347F5F0 (meta 000001431347F310} MyTradeWindowSlot1ButtonCooldown = userdata:000001431347F130 (meta 0000014308316C08} MyTradeWindowSlot1ButtonIcon = userdata:00000143F991BD18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot1ButtonStackCount = userdata:000001431347F0B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} MyTradeWindowSlot1Highlight = userdata:00000143F991BC38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot1Name = userdata:000001431347F1A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} MyTradeWindowSlot2 = userdata:000001431347F2B8 (meta 00000143134ADB28} firstMeta firstIndex slotControlType = listSlot MyTradeWindowSlot2BG = userdata:00000143134ADF40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot2BGRight = userdata:00000143134ADFB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot2Button = userdata:00000143134AE090 (meta 00000143134ADA10} firstMeta firstIndex slotIndex = 2 slotType = 4 tooltipAnchor = userdata:000001431347F2B8 (meta 00000143134ADB28} MyTradeWindowSlot2ButtonCooldown = userdata:00000143134AD948 (meta 0000014308316C08} MyTradeWindowSlot2ButtonIcon = userdata:00000143134AE0C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot2ButtonStackCount = userdata:00000143134B1828 (meta 00000143083425C0} MyTradeWindowSlot2Highlight = userdata:00000143134AE020 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot2Name = userdata:00000143134AD9B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} MyTradeWindowSlot3 = userdata:00000143134ADAD0 (meta 000001431348A898} MyTradeWindowSlot3BG = userdata:000001431348B290 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot3BGRight = userdata:000001431348B300 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot3Button = userdata:000001431348B3E0 (meta 000001431348A780} firstMeta firstIndex slotIndex = 3 slotType = 4 tooltipAnchor = userdata:00000143134ADAD0 (meta 000001431348A898} firstMeta firstIndex slotControlType = listSlot MyTradeWindowSlot3ButtonCooldown = userdata:000001431348A6F8 (meta 0000014308316C08} MyTradeWindowSlot3ButtonIcon = userdata:000001431348B450 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot3ButtonStackCount = userdata:00000143134A65E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} MyTradeWindowSlot3Highlight = userdata:000001431348B370 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot3Name = userdata:000001431348A728 (meta 00000143083425C0} MyTradeWindowSlot4 = userdata:000001431348A840 (meta 00000143134898C0} MyTradeWindowSlot4BG = userdata:0000014313489B98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot4BGRight = userdata:0000014313489C08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot4Button = userdata:0000014313489CE8 (meta 00000143134897A8} firstMeta firstIndex slotIndex = 4 slotType = 4 tooltipAnchor = userdata:000001431348A840 (meta 00000143134898C0} firstMeta firstIndex slotControlType = listSlot MyTradeWindowSlot4ButtonCooldown = userdata:00000143134896E0 (meta 0000014308316C08} MyTradeWindowSlot4ButtonIcon = userdata:0000014313489D18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot4ButtonStackCount = userdata:000001431348A398 (meta 00000143083425C0} MyTradeWindowSlot4Highlight = userdata:0000014313489C78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot4Name = userdata:0000014313489750 (meta 00000143083425C0} MyTradeWindowSlot5 = userdata:0000014313489868 (meta 00000143CFFE2BD0} firstMeta firstIndex slotControlType = listSlot MyTradeWindowSlot5BG = userdata:00000143CFFDCC88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot5BGRight = userdata:00000143CFFDCCF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot5Button = userdata:00000143CFFDCDD8 (meta 00000143CFFE2AB8} firstMeta firstIndex slotIndex = 5 slotType = 4 tooltipAnchor = userdata:0000014313489868 (meta 00000143CFFE2BD0} MyTradeWindowSlot5ButtonCooldown = userdata:00000143CFFE2A30 (meta 0000014308316C08} MyTradeWindowSlot5ButtonIcon = userdata:00000143CFFDCE48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot5ButtonStackCount = userdata:00000143134894F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} MyTradeWindowSlot5Highlight = userdata:00000143CFFDCD68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} MyTradeWindowSlot5Name = userdata:00000143CFFE2A60 (meta 00000143083425C0} NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_ALL = 4 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_ALLY = 7 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_ALWAYS = 2 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_CENTER = 11 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_ENEMY = 6 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_HURT = 9 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_INJURED = 3 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_INJURED_OR_TARGETED = 9 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_INVALID = 0 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_ITERATION_END = 11 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_LEFT = 10 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_MAX_VALUE = 11 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_NEVER = 1 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_NONE = 5 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_OFF = 1 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_ON = 2 NAMEPLATE_CHOICE_TARGETED = 8 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ALLIANCE_INDICATORS = 14 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ALL_HEALTHBARS = 9 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ALL_NAMEPLATES = 8 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_DEFUNCT_DONT_REMOVE_1 = 12 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_DEFUNCT_DONT_REMOVE_2 = 13 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ENEMY_NPC_HEALTHBARS = 5 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ENEMY_NPC_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT = 27 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ENEMY_NPC_NAMEPLATES = 4 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ENEMY_NPC_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT = 26 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ENEMY_PLAYER_HEALTHBARS = 7 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ENEMY_PLAYER_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT = 29 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ENEMY_PLAYER_NAMEPLATES = 6 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ENEMY_PLAYER_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT = 28 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_FOLLOWER_INDICATORS = 17 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_FRIENDLY_NPC_HEALTHBARS = 1 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_FRIENDLY_NPC_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT = 23 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_FRIENDLY_NPC_NAMEPLATES = 0 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_FRIENDLY_NPC_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT = 22 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_FRIENDLY_PLAYER_HEALTHBARS = 3 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_FRIENDLY_PLAYER_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT = 25 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_FRIENDLY_PLAYER_NAMEPLATES = 2 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_FRIENDLY_PLAYER_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT = 24 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_GROUP_INDICATORS = 15 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_GROUP_MEMBER_HEALTHBARS = 19 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_GROUP_MEMBER_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT = 21 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_GROUP_MEMBER_NAMEPLATES = 18 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_GROUP_MEMBER_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT = 20 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_HEALTHBAR_ALIGNMENT = 34 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_HEALTHBAR_CHASE_BAR = 35 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_HEALTHBAR_FRAME_BORDER = 40 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 40 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 40 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_NEUTRAL_NPC_HEALTHBARS = 37 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_NEUTRAL_NPC_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT = 39 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_NEUTRAL_NPC_NAMEPLATES = 36 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_NEUTRAL_NPC_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT = 38 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_PLAYER_HEALTHBAR = 11 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_PLAYER_HEALTHBAR_HIGHLIGHT = 31 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_PLAYER_NAMEPLATE = 10 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_PLAYER_NAMEPLATE_HIGHLIGHT = 30 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_RESURRECT_INDICATORS = 16 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_SHOW_PLAYER_GUILDS = 33 NAMEPLATE_TYPE_SHOW_PLAYER_TITLES = 32 NAME_CHANGE = table:00000143E03AD7B0 (meta 00000143E03AD518} firstTable firstMeta newCharacterName = Heals-for-Things oldCharacterName = Heals-for-Things NAME_RULE_CANNOT_RENAME = 11 NAME_RULE_CANNOT_START_WITH_SPACE = 9 NAME_RULE_DUPLICATE_NAME = 2 NAME_RULE_INVALID_CHARACTERS = 13 NAME_RULE_INVALID_NAME = 1 NAME_RULE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 NAME_RULE_ITERATION_END = 13 NAME_RULE_MAX_VALUE = 13 NAME_RULE_MIN_VALUE = 0 NAME_RULE_MUST_END_WITH_LETTER = 6 NAME_RULE_NO_ADJACENT_PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS = 5 NAME_RULE_NO_ERROR = 0 NAME_RULE_NO_NUMBERS = 12 NAME_RULE_SYSTEM_ERROR = 10 NAME_RULE_TOO_LONG = 4 NAME_RULE_TOO_MANY_IDENTICAL_ADJACENT_CHARACTERS = 7 NAME_RULE_TOO_MANY_PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS = 8 NAME_RULE_TOO_SHORT = 3 NEW_SKILL_CALLOUTS = table:000001431C5B2908 (meta 000001431C5B0AC8} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000143E41C9390 firstTable OnAbilityUpdatedStatusChanged = table:00000143E41C2AF0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313F55AB8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E41C9348 3 = false OnSkillLineNewStatusChanged = table:00000143E41C93D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E41C2AA8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E41C9348 3 = false currentSkillList = table:000001431C5B3048 firstTable Alchemy = table:000001440600BAE0 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143D7664B58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D766A348 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:00000143D766A5A0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:00000143D766A808 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:000001440600B8C0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:000001440600B940 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 6 = table:00000143D766D058 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Argonian = Skills = table:00000143D76648B8 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143E1D27938 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F56CD8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:00000143D8F5DC30 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:00000143D8F59908 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:00000143D8F5B2B8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Assassination = table:00000143F44278C8 firstTable abilityList = table:000001431C5B3290 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C5B3480 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 10 = table:00000143F4427498 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:000001431C5B3610 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:000001431C5B37B0 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:00000143F4426DC8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:00000143F4427050 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 6 = table:000001431C5B3960 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 7 = table:00000143F4426E98 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 8 = table:00000143F44270E0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 9 = table:00000143F44273B0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Assault = table:00000143E97A6608 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F1952138 firstTable 2 = table:00000143E97A49E8 firstTable atMorph = false isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Blacksmithing = table:000001440600CE70 firstTable abilityList = table:000001440600BC58 firstTable 1 = table:000001440600BE18 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:000001440600BF58 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:000001440600C110 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:000001440600C4B0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:000001440600C810 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 6 = table:000001440600C2C0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Bow = table:00000144060105C8 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143B334E058 firstTable 2 = table:00000143B3351238 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:00000143B3356FF8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 7 = table:00000143B3357630 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Clothing = table:000001440600E8E8 firstTable abilityList = table:000001440600D0E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001440600D760 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:000001440600DEF0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:000001440600DF70 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:000001440600E308 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:000001440600E560 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 6 = table:000001440600E118 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Destruction = Staff = table:0000014406012320 firstTable abilityList = table:0000014406010770 firstTable 1 = table:0000014406010930 firstTable atMorph = false isNewlyAvailable = false 10 = table:0000014406011FD0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 11 = table:0000014406012148 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:0000014406010B88 firstTable atMorph = false isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:0000014406010D00 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:00000144060111A8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:0000014406011978 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 6 = table:0000014406010F48 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 7 = table:0000014406011A00 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 8 = table:0000014406011BB0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 9 = table:0000014406011D70 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Dual = Wield = table:00000143B3349EE8 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F4431630 firstTable 2 = table:0000014406002FC0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:0000014406003268 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:0000014406006668 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 7 = table:00000143B334B460 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 8 = table:00000143B334CA98 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Enchanting = table:000001440600F9B0 firstTable abilityList = table:000001440600EA58 firstTable 1 = table:000001440600F3A0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:000001440600F590 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:000001440600F7E8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:000001440600FCC8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:0000014406010540 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Fighters = Guild = table:00000143F440F828 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F440F520 firstTable 6 = table:00000143F440F5D0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Heavy = Armor = table:00000143F440CEB0 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F4406AC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F440C8E8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:00000143F440CA20 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:00000143F440CBD8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:00000143D8F5CE30 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:00000143F44072D8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Legerdemain = table:00000143F440E818 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F440D3E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F440D938 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:00000143F440E588 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:00000143F440E6B0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:00000143F440EAF8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:00000143F440EC28 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Light = Armor = table:0000014406025F10 firstTable abilityList = table:0000014406017418 firstTable 1 = table:0000014406018600 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:0000014406019150 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:0000014406019268 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:00000144060234C0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:0000014406024C90 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 6 = table:0000014406019438 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Mages = Guild = table:00000143F19509D8 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F4410670 firstTable 2 = table:00000143F44117B0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 6 = table:00000143F4413150 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 7 = table:00000143DB1ED108 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Medium = Armor = table:00000143F4406700 firstTable abilityList = table:0000014406027388 firstTable 1 = table:00000144060283C8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:000001440602DD48 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:00000144060190A8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:00000143F44064B0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false One = Hand = and = Shield = table:00000143F442E188 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F442BFF0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143F442C228 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Provisioning = table:000001439D6ADD80 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F4416CF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F441AFC8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:00000143F441BA10 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:00000143F441BE48 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:00000143F441D408 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:00000143F991B390 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 6 = table:00000143F441C068 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 7 = table:000001431C6DB7D8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Restoration = Staff = table:0000014406016850 firstTable abilityList = table:0000014406012438 firstTable 2 = table:0000014406012CB0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Shadow = table:00000143F4429460 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F4427BA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F4427DA0 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 10 = table:00000143F4429368 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:00000143F4427FC0 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:00000143F4428150 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:00000143F44285B8 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:00000143F44287F8 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 7 = table:00000143F44283E0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 8 = table:00000143F4428A08 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 9 = table:00000143F4429250 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Siphoning = table:00000143F442B3F8 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F4429760 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F4429AA8 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 10 = table:00000143F442B0B8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:00000143F4429BC0 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:00000143F4429D70 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:00000143F442A038 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:00000143F442A1F8 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 6 = table:00000143F4429F10 firstTable atMorph = true isNewlyAvailable = false 7 = table:00000143F442A2E8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 8 = table:00000143F442AC38 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 9 = table:00000143F442AED8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Soul = Magic = table:00000143F440F2F8 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F440ED80 firstTable 2 = table:00000143F440F020 firstTable atMorph = false isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Support = table:00000143E1D28748 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F1933020 firstTable 2 = table:00000144C30389E8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Thieves = Guild = table:00000144C303AD48 firstTable abilityList = table:00000144C30394A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C303A878 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Two = Handed = table:00000143F442BCC8 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143F442B610 firstTable 2 = table:00000143F442B7E8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:00000143F442B9E8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Undaunted = table:00000143207D0370 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143EC953DD0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75D38F0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false Woodworking = table:00000143CFFD9A30 firstTable abilityList = table:00000143E137EE90 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313F57C90 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 2 = table:0000014313F57E08 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 3 = table:00000143E97A75A8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 4 = table:00000143143A01C0 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 5 = table:00000143143AB410 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false 6 = table:000001439D6952E8 firstTable isNewlyAvailable = false isNew = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431C5B2BA8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 NONE = 0 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ALCHEMY_CREATE_EXTRA = 11 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ALCHEMY_CREATE_PERCENT_DISCOUNT = 13 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ALCHEMY_LEVEL = 2 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ALCHEMY_NEGATIVE_DURATION = 43 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ALCHEMY_POTION_DURATION = 14 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ALCHEMY_SHOW_NODES = 41 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ALCHEMY_THIRD_SLOT = 10 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ARMOR_KNOWLEDGE = 54 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ASSAULT_BOUNTY_REDUCTION = 74 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_AVOID_BLADE_OF_WOE_WITNESS_CHANCE = 78 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_BLACKSMITHING_BOOSTER_BONUS = 20 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_BLACKSMITHING_CRAFT_PERCENT_DISCOUNT = 22 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_BLACKSMITHING_EXTRACT_LEVEL = 21 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_BLACKSMITHING_HIRELING_LEVEL = 24 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_BLACKSMITHING_LEVEL = 18 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_BLACKSMITHING_RESEARCH_LEVEL = 23 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_BLACKSMITHING_SHOW_NODES = 19 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_BOUNTY_DECAY = 64 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_CLEMENCY = 70 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_CLEMENCY_ARREST_IMMUNITY = 72 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_CLOTHIER_BOOSTER_BONUS = 34 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_CLOTHIER_CRAFT_PERCENT_DISCOUNT = 36 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_CLOTHIER_EXTRACT_LEVEL = 35 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_CLOTHIER_HIRELING_LEVEL = 38 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_CLOTHIER_LEVEL = 32 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_CLOTHIER_RESEARCH_LEVEL = 37 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_CLOTHIER_SHOW_NODES = 33 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ENCHANTING_CRAFT_PERCENT_DISCOUNT = 17 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ENCHANTING_DECONSTRUCTION_UPGRADE = 15 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ENCHANTING_HIRELING_LEVEL = 16 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ENCHANTING_LEVEL = 1 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ENCHANTING_RARITY_LEVEL = 12 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ENCHANTING_SHOW_NODES = 40 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ENCHANTING_SLOT_IMPROVEMENT = 39 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ENLIGHTENED = 58 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_EXTRACTION = 60 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_FENCE_SALESMAN = 62 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_FORTUNE_SEEKER = 52 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_GROOM = 57 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_GUARD_KILL = 75 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_GUARD_PURSUIT_DISTANCE_REDUCTION = 69 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_HAGGLING = 66 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_HEAT_DECAY = 65 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_IMPATIENCE = 56 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_INVALID = 0 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ITERATION_END = 79 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_MASTER_GATHERER = 53 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_MAX_VALUE = 79 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_MIN_VALUE = 0 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_MOUNTED_AGGRO_RADIUS_REDUCTION = 77 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_MURDER_BOUNTY_REDUCTION = 73 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_PICKPOCKET_CHANCE = 61 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_PROVISIONING_CREATE_EXTRA_DRINK = 6 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_PROVISIONING_CREATE_EXTRA_FOOD = 5 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_PROVISIONING_DRINK_DURATION = 8 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_PROVISIONING_FOOD_DURATION = 7 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_PROVISIONING_HIRELING_LEVEL = 9 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_PROVISIONING_LEVEL = 3 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_PROVISIONING_RARITY_LEVEL = 4 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_PROVISIONING_SHOW_NODES = 42 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_SECONDARY_WITNESS_RANGE_REDUCTION = 68 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS = 79 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_SLY = 63 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_SPELLCRAFTING_ABILITIES_LEARNED = 44 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_SPELLCRAFTING_FOCUS_AREA = 51 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_SPELLCRAFTING_FOCUS_CAST_TIME = 48 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_SPELLCRAFTING_FOCUS_CHEAPER = 50 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_SPELLCRAFTING_FOCUS_DURATION = 49 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_SPELLCRAFTING_FOCUS_ULTIMATE = 47 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_SPELLCRAFTING_TABLET_CREATION_TIME = 45 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_SPELLCRAFTING_TABLET_QUALITY = 46 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_TELVAR_MULTIPLIER = 76 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_TIMELY_ESCAPE = 71 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_TRAIT_IDENTIFIER = 55 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_UNUSED = 59 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_WITNESS_RANGE_REDUCTION = 67 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_WOODWORKING_BOOSTER_BONUS = 27 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_WOODWORKING_CRAFT_PERCENT_DISCOUNT = 29 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_WOODWORKING_EXTRACT_LEVEL = 28 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_WOODWORKING_HIRELING_LEVEL = 31 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_WOODWORKING_LEVEL = 25 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_WOODWORKING_RESEARCH_LEVEL = 30 NON_COMBAT_BONUS_WOODWORKING_SHOW_NODES = 26 NOTIFICATIONS = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} firstTable firstMeta allowUpdate = false collectionsProvider = table:00000143609C1928 (meta 00000143609BDFF0} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C1970 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C19B8 eventNamespace = KeyboardNotifications providers = table:00000143609C1A38 firstTable 1 = table:00000143609C1A80 (meta 00000143609BD7B0} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C1AC8 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C1BB8 10 = table:00000143609C2628 (meta 00000143D900F528} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C2670 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C26B8 11 = table:00000143609C2B80 (meta 00000143FC326CE0} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C2BC8 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C2C10 12 = table:00000143609C2C90 (meta 00000143609BDC88} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C2CD8 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C2D20 13 = table:00000143609C2DA0 (meta 00000143609BDDC8} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C2DE8 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C2E30 14 = table:00000143609C1928 (meta 00000143609BDFF0} 15 = table:00000143609C3100 (meta 00000143D9000470} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = true list = table:00000143609C3148 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C3190 16 = table:00000143609C3210 (meta 00000143D9000780} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C3258 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C32A0 17 = table:00000143609C3320 (meta 00000143D9000940} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C3368 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C33B0 18 = table:00000143609C3430 (meta 00000143609BE258} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C3478 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C34C0 2 = table:00000143609C1C38 (meta 00000143609BD920} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C1C80 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C1CC8 3 = table:00000143609C1D48 (meta 00000143B821BE80} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C1D90 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C1DD8 sv = table:00000143DD564938 (meta 00000143DD54D3E0} firstTable firstMeta GetInterfaceForCharacter() = function:00000143DD5649C8 4 = table:00000143609C1F20 (meta 00000143609BDB48} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = true list = table:00000143609C1F68 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C2058 5 = table:00000143609C20D8 (meta 00000143FC3392E8} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = true list = table:00000143609C2120 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C2168 6 = table:00000143609C21E8 (meta 00000143FC330E10} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C2230 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C2278 7 = table:00000143609C22F8 (meta 00000143B8222020} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = true list = table:00000143609C2340 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C2388 8 = table:00000143609C2408 (meta 00000143A4300CE8} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C2450 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C2498 9 = table:00000143609C2518 (meta 00000143D9013958} firstTable firstMeta canShowGamerCard = false hasTimer = false list = table:00000143609C2560 firstTable notificationManager = table:00000143609C0060 (meta 00000143609BE398} pushUpdateCallback() = function:00000143609C25A8 sortFilterList = table:00000143609C00D8 (meta 00000143D90010C8} firstTable firstMeta alternateRowBackgrounds = true automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:00000143609BE488 (meta 0000014308326048} emptyRow = userdata:00000143609C0B80 (meta 000001430831E750} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143609C3718 firstTable 1 = table:00000143609C37C8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143609C3838 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = More Info visible() = function:00000143609C3880 2 = table:00000143609C38C8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143609C3958 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name() = function:00000143609C3910 visible() = function:00000143609C39A0 3 = table:00000143609C39E8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143609C3A78 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:00000143609C3A30 visible() = function:00000143609C3AC0 alignment = 3 list = userdata:00000143609BF870 (meta 00000143609BFCE0} sortFunction() = function:00000143609C0310 totalNumNotifications = 0 NOTIFICATIONS_ALERT_DATA = 4 NOTIFICATIONS_COLLECTIBLE_DATA = 5 NOTIFICATIONS_ESO_PLUS_SUBSCRIPTION_DATA = 9 NOTIFICATIONS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143097AF4C8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} NOTIFICATIONS_LEADERBOARD_DATA = 3 NOTIFICATIONS_LFG_FIND_REPLACEMENT_DATA = 6 NOTIFICATIONS_LFG_READY_CHECK_DATA = 8 NOTIFICATIONS_MENU_OPENED_FROM_KEYBIND = 1 NOTIFICATIONS_MENU_OPENED_FROM_MOUSE = 2 NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST_DATA = 1 NOTIFICATIONS_SCENE = table:00000143609C3B08 (meta 0000014368607700} NOTIFICATIONS_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143097AF558 (meta 000001431336FD98} NOTIFICATIONS_WAITING_DATA = 2 NOTIFICATIONS_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:0000014313E1A8D8 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} NOTIFICATIONS_YES_NO_DATA = 7 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE = 3 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_COLLECTIONS = 12 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CRAFT_BAG_AUTO_TRANSFER = 15 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CUSTOMER_SERVICE = 9 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DUEL = 17 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ESO_PLUS_SUBSCRIPTION = 18 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_FRIEND = 1 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_GROUP = 5 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_GROUP_ELECTION = 16 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_GUILD = 2 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_GUILD_MOTD = 11 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 19 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_LEADERBOARD = 10 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_LFG = 13 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 19 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_PLEDGE_OF_MARA = 8 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_POINTS_RESET = 14 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_QUEST_SHARE = 7 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_RESURRECT = 4 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SCRIPTED_WORLD_EVENT = 19 NOTIFICATION_TYPE_TRADE = 6 NO_FILTER = -1 NO_POWER_INDEX = 998 NUMBER_ABBREVIATION_PRECISION_HUNDREDTHS = 2 NUMBER_ABBREVIATION_PRECISION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 NUMBER_ABBREVIATION_PRECISION_ITERATION_END = 2 NUMBER_ABBREVIATION_PRECISION_LARGEST_UNIT = 0 NUMBER_ABBREVIATION_PRECISION_MAX_VALUE = 2 NUMBER_ABBREVIATION_PRECISION_MIN_VALUE = 0 NUMBER_ABBREVIATION_PRECISION_TENTHS = 1 NUM_ALLIANCES = 3 NUM_BACKPACK_SLOTS_PER_UPGRADE = 10 NUM_BANK_SLOTS_PER_UPGRADE = 10 NUM_BUG_CATEGORIES = 11 NUM_COMBAT_RELATED_EQUIP_SLOTS = 12 NUM_LOCKPICK_CHAMBERS = 5 NUM_LOCKPICK_CHAMBER_STATES = 4 NUM_PARTIAL_SKILL_POINTS_FOR_FULL = 3 NUM_POWER_POOLS = 10 NUM_SKILL_LINE_COLUMNS_PER_LINE = 11 NonContiguousCount() = function:0000014316F408F0 NormalizeMousePositionToControl() = function:00000143ED5C8250 NormalizePointToControl() = function:00000143ED5CAEF8 NormalizeUICanvasPoint() = 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= 2 text = 6639 tooltipText = 6640 valueFormat = %.2f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 11 = userdata:00000143E6C831C8 (meta 00000143E6C83708} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C835D0 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 2 text = 3848 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 12 = userdata:00000143E6C837C8 (meta 00000143E6C83ED0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143CBF6A608 firstTable controlType = 4 maxValue = 1.6 minValue = 0.1 panel = 2 settingId = 2 showValue = true showValueMax = 100 showValueMin = 0 system = 2 text = 6633 tooltipText = 6634 valueFormat = %.2f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 13 = userdata:00000143E6C83F90 (meta 00000143E6C85B00} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143CBF6A8D8 firstTable controlType = 4 defaultMarker = 100 maxValue = 1 minValue = -1 panel = 2 settingId = 9 showValue = true showValueMax = 100 showValueMin = -100 system = 2 text = 6645 tooltipText = 6646 valueFormat = %.2f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 14 = userdata:00000143E6C85F80 (meta 00000143CBF86F48} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143CBF6ABA8 firstTable controlType = 4 defaultMarker = 0 maxValue = 1 minValue = -1 panel = 2 settingId = 10 showValue = true showValueMax = 100 showValueMin = -100 system = 2 text = 6647 tooltipText = 6648 valueFormat = %.2f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 15 = userdata:00000143E6C7F3A0 (meta 00000143E6C7F750} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143CBF6AE78 firstTable controlType = 4 defaultMarker = 0 maxValue = 0.5 minValue = -0.3 panel = 2 settingId = 11 showValue = true showValueMax = 100 showValueMin = -60 system = 2 text = 6649 tooltipText = 6650 valueFormat = %.2f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 16 = userdata:00000143E6C849C8 (meta 00000143E6C854A8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143CBF6B148 firstTable controlType = 4 defaultMarker = 50 gamepadTextOverride = 210 maxValue = 65 minValue = 35 panel = 2 settingId = 12 showValue = true showValueMax = 130 showValueMin = 70 system = 2 text = 6651 tooltipText = 6652 valueFormat = %.2f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 17 = userdata:00000143E6C85908 (meta 00000143E6C813F0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143CBF6B418 firstTable controlType = 7 panel = 2 settingId = 14 system = 2 text = 6655 tooltipText = 6656 valid = table:00000143CBF6B5A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 1 valueStringPrefix = SI_SIEGECAMERACHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 2 = userdata:00000143B2E6FCE8 (meta 00000143E6C87050} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143D70C3F70 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 2 settingId = 1 system = 2 text = 6643 tooltipText = 6644 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 3 = userdata:00000143CBF85BE8 (meta 00000143CBF879C0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143D70C4438 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 2 settingId = 0 system = 2 text = 6631 tooltipText = 6632 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 4 = userdata:00000143CBF87C38 (meta 00000143CBF84D00} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143D70C45C8 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 2 settingId = 13 system = 2 text = 6653 tooltipText = 6654 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 5 = userdata:00000143CBF84F08 (meta 00000143CBF857D0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143D70C4758 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 2 settingId = 15 system = 2 text = 6657 tooltipText = 6658 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 6 = userdata:00000143CBF859B8 (meta 00000143CBF83B48} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143D70C48E8 firstTable controlType = 4 defaultMarker = 100 maxValue = 1 minValue = 0 panel = 2 settingId = 16 showValue = true showValueMax = 100 showValueMin = 0 system = 2 text = 6641 tooltipText = 6642 valueFormat = %.2f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 7 = userdata:00000143CBF84598 (meta 00000143E6C7FFF8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C7FEC0 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 2 text = 3847 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 8 = userdata:00000143E6C800B8 (meta 00000143E6C81B98} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143D70C4930 firstTable controlType = 4 maxValue = 1.6 minValue = 0.1 panel = 2 settingId = 3 showValue = true showValueMax = 100 showValueMin = 0 system = 2 text = 6635 tooltipText = 6636 valueFormat = %.2f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 9 = userdata:00000143E6C81C58 (meta 00000143E6C82330} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143D70C4978 firstTable controlType = 4 defaultMarker = 50 gamepadTextOverride = 211 maxValue = 65 minValue = 35 panel = 2 settingId = 7 showValue = true showValueMax = 130 showValueMin = 70 system = 2 text = 6637 tooltipText = 6638 valueFormat = %.2f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 3 = table:00000143A39083E8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143CBF81048 (meta 00000143A39082F0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A39081B8 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 3 text = 3805 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 10 = userdata:00000143CBF7F238 (meta 00000143CBF7FBC8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390F638 firstTable consoleTextOverride = 5512 controlType = 2 events = table:00000143A390F908 firstTable false = ChatBubbles_Off true = ChatBubbles_On gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true panel = 3 settingId = 0 system = 14 text = 6663 tooltipText = 6664 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 11 = userdata:00000143CBF7FDD0 (meta 00000143CBF801A0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390F950 firstTable controlType = 4 eventCallbacks = table:00000143A390FC20 firstTable ChatBubbles_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 ChatBubbles_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143A390FCC0 maxValue = 3 minValue = 0.25 panel = 3 settingId = 3 showValue = true showValueFunc() = function:00000143A390E878 system = 14 text = 6665 tooltipText = 6666 valueFormat = %.2f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 12 = userdata:00000143CBF80260 (meta 00000143CBF77C18} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390FD00 firstTable controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143A390FE90 firstTable ChatBubbles_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 ChatBubbles_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 panel = 3 settingId = 2 system = 14 text = 6667 tooltipText = 6668 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 13 = userdata:00000143CBF78930 (meta 00000143CBF7A4C0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390FF30 firstTable controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143A390FF78 firstTable ChatBubbles_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 ChatBubbles_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 panel = 3 settingId = 1 system = 14 text = 6669 tooltipText = 6670 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 14 = userdata:00000143CBF803B0 (meta 00000143F0619830} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390C070 firstTable GetSettingOverride() = function:00000143A390E8F8 SetSettingOverride() = function:00000143A390E8B8 channelCategories = table:00000143A390C0B8 firstTable 1 = 1 controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F06198D0 firstTable ChatBubbles_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 ChatBubbles_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 panel = 3 text = 4021 tooltipText = 4022 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 15 = userdata:00000143F0619BE0 (meta 00000143F061B518} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A39093F8 firstTable GetSettingOverride() = function:00000143A390E8F8 SetSettingOverride() = function:00000143A390E8B8 channelCategories = table:00000143A3909440 firstTable 1 = 2 controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F061B5B8 firstTable ChatBubbles_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 ChatBubbles_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 panel = 3 text = 4023 tooltipText = 4024 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 16 = userdata:00000143F061B930 (meta 00000143F061BE28} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A3909488 firstTable GetSettingOverride() = function:00000143A390E8F8 SetSettingOverride() = function:00000143A390E8B8 channelCategories = table:00000143A3906668 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 4 controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F061BEC8 firstTable ChatBubbles_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 ChatBubbles_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 panel = 3 text = 4025 tooltipText = 4026 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 17 = userdata:00000143F061C200 (meta 00000143F061C738} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A39066B0 firstTable GetSettingOverride() = function:00000143A390E8F8 SetSettingOverride() = function:00000143A390E8B8 channelCategories = table:00000143A39066F8 firstTable 1 = 7 controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F061C7D8 firstTable ChatBubbles_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 ChatBubbles_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 panel = 3 text = 4027 tooltipText = 4028 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 18 = userdata:00000143F061CB10 (meta 00000143F061D048} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A3905F40 firstTable GetSettingOverride() = function:00000143A390E8F8 SetSettingOverride() = function:00000143A390E8B8 channelCategories = table:00000143A3905F88 firstTable 1 = 8 controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F061D0E8 firstTable ChatBubbles_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 ChatBubbles_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 panel = 3 text = 4029 tooltipText = 4030 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 19 = userdata:00000143F061D418 (meta 00000143F061D958} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F061D820 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 3 text = 3806 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 2 = userdata:00000143E30A7CB8 (meta 00000143F0623528} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390EB30 firstTable controlType = 7 panel = 3 settingId = 16 system = 3 text = 3812 tooltipText = 3813 valid = table:00000143A390EB78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 1 valueStrings = table:00000143A390EBE8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A390EC58 2() = function:00000143A390EC98 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 20 = userdata:00000143F061DA18 (meta 00000143F061F400} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390EF90 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 3 settingId = 10 system = 3 text = 4014 tooltipText = 4015 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 21 = userdata:00000143F061F630 (meta 00000143F061FB48} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390EFD8 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 3 settingId = 11 system = 3 text = 4016 tooltipText = 4017 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 22 = userdata:00000143F061FD80 (meta 00000143F0620538} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390F020 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 3 settingId = 12 system = 3 text = 4018 tooltipText = 4019 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 3 = userdata:00000143F06239E8 (meta 00000143CBF75BB8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390EE80 firstTable controlType = 7 panel = 3 settingId = 9 system = 3 text = 3810 tooltipText = 3811 valid = table:00000143A390EEC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 2 3 = 1 valueStringPrefix = SI_RAIDLIFEVISIBILITYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 4 = userdata:00000143CBF75C78 (meta 00000143CBF75258} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390EF48 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 3 settingId = 7 system = 3 text = 3902 tooltipText = 3903 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 5 = userdata:00000143CBF75460 (meta 00000143CBF7B108} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390F068 firstTable controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143A390F0B0 firstTable Bestowers_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 Bestowers_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143A390F150 panel = 3 settingId = 13 system = 3 text = 3904 tooltipText = 3905 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 6 = userdata:00000143CBF7B1C8 (meta 00000143CBF7C1D8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390F190 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143A390F348 firstTable CompassActiveQuests_Focused() = function:00000143A390F478 CompassActiveQuests_Off() = function:00000143A390F438 CompassActiveQuests_On() = function:0000014409E0CE68 events = table:00000143A390F258 firstTable 0 = CompassActiveQuests_Off 1 = CompassActiveQuests_On 2 = CompassActiveQuests_Focused panel = 3 settingId = 14 system = 3 text = 3906 tooltipText = 3907 valid = table:00000143A390F1D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 1 3 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_COMPASSACTIVEQUESTSCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 7 = userdata:00000143CBF7C298 (meta 00000143CBF7CF50} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390F4B8 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 3 settingId = 18 system = 3 text = 6907 tooltipText = 6909 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 8 = userdata:00000143CBF7D180 (meta 00000143CBF7D6A8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A390F500 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 3 settingId = 19 system = 3 text = 6906 tooltipText = 6908 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 9 = userdata:00000143CBF77F70 (meta 00000143CBF7F178} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143CBF7F040 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 3 text = 6663 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 4 = table:00000143D70BC3E0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143A0C2D298 (meta 00000143D70BC290} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143D70BC158 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 4 text = 3800 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 10 = userdata:00000143D70C1550 (meta 00000143D70C1CA0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C75B68 firstTable controlType = 4 eventCallbacks = table:00000143E6C75E38 firstTable MonsterTellsColorSwapEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 MonsterTellsEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143E6C7DE90 maxValue = 50 minValue = 1 panel = 4 settingId = 31 showValue = true system = 7 text = 3977 tooltipText = 3978 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 11 = userdata:00000143D70C1D60 (meta 00000143D70C21F8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C77028 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E6C77110 controlType = 8 eventCallbacks = table:00000143E6C77070 firstTable MonsterTellsColorSwapEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 MonsterTellsEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143E6C7DE90 panel = 4 settingId = 43 system = 5000 text = 3981 tooltipText = 3982 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 12 = userdata:00000143D70C22B8 (meta 00000143D70C2A18} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C75ED8 firstTable controlType = 2 events = table:00000143E6C75F20 firstTable false = DoubleTapRollDodgeEnabled_Off true = DoubleTapRollDodgeEnabled_On panel = 4 settingId = 22 system = 7 text = 3916 tooltipText = 3917 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 13 = userdata:00000143D70C2C48 (meta 00000143D70C3228} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C75FC0 firstTable controlType = 4 eventCallbacks = table:00000143E6C7C7A0 firstTable DoubleTapRollDodgeEnabled_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 DoubleTapRollDodgeEnabled_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 maxValue = 275 minValue = 75 panel = 4 settingId = 21 showValue = true system = 7 text = 3914 tooltipText = 3915 valueTextFormatter = 3913 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 14 = userdata:00000143D70C32E8 (meta 00000143D70C3A68} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C7C840 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 4 settingId = 24 system = 7 text = 3918 tooltipText = 3919 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 15 = userdata:00000143F062CB50 (meta 00000143E6C73600} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C7C9D0 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 4 settingId = 25 system = 7 text = 3920 tooltipText = 3921 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 16 = userdata:00000143E6C73810 (meta 00000143E6C743C0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C7CB60 firstTable controlType = 7 panel = 4 settingId = 26 system = 7 text = 3922 tooltipText = 3923 valid = table:00000143E6C7CCF0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 0 valueStringPrefix = SI_QUICKCASTGROUNDABILITIESCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 17 = userdata:00000143D70B97A0 (meta 00000143A39103C0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A3910E70 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 4 text = 197 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 18 = userdata:00000143A3910480 (meta 00000143CBF81E88} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143D70B8E30 firstTable controlType = 2 excludeFromResetToDefault = true panel = 4 settingId = 5 system = 15 text = 206 tooltipText = 207 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 19 = userdata:00000143D70BA8E0 (meta 00000143CBF82580} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143CBF82448 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 4 text = 3798 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 2 = userdata:00000143E6C86D78 (meta 00000143D70BC9B0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C765A8 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 4 settingId = 12 system = 13 text = 6661 tooltipText = 6662 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 20 = userdata:00000143CBF82640 (meta 00000143CBF82FB0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C7CD80 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 4 settingId = 1 system = 6 text = 3900 tooltipText = 3901 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 21 = userdata:00000143CBF831D8 (meta 00000143D70BE700} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C7CDC8 firstTable controlType = 2 events = table:00000143E6C77A38 firstTable false = AutoLoot_Off true = AutoLoot_On gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true panel = 4 settingId = 0 system = 6 text = 3894 tooltipText = 3895 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 22 = userdata:00000143D70BA868 (meta 00000143D70BF118} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C77AD8 firstTable controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143E6C77C68 firstTable AutoLoot_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AutoLoot_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143E6C77D08 panel = 4 settingId = 2 system = 6 text = 3896 tooltipText = 3897 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 23 = userdata:000001431C46E0B0 (meta 00000143CBF816A0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C77D48 firstTable controlType = 2 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143CACAE278 onInitializeFunction() = function:00000143E6C77ED8 panel = 4 settingId = 4 system = 6 text = 3898 tooltipText = 3899 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} state = 1 24 = userdata:00000143CBF81760 (meta 00000143F0625068} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C77F18 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 4 settingId = 3 system = 6 text = 6671 tooltipText = 6672 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 25 = userdata:00000143F0625290 (meta 00000143F0626BA0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C78238 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 4 settingId = 5 system = 13 text = 4000 tooltipText = 4001 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 26 = userdata:00000143F0626DD8 (meta 00000143F0627308} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C783C8 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 4 settingId = 7 system = 13 text = 4002 tooltipText = 4003 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 27 = userdata:00000143F0627540 (meta 00000143F0627A70} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C78558 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 4 settingId = 8 system = 13 text = 4004 tooltipText = 4005 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 28 = userdata:00000143F0627CA8 (meta 00000143F06281E8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C76090 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 4 settingId = 9 system = 13 text = 4006 tooltipText = 4007 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 29 = userdata:00000143F0628418 (meta 00000143F0628D18} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C76220 firstTable controlType = 7 gamepadValidStringOverrides = table:00000143E6C76538 firstTable 1 = 213 2 = 214 panel = 4 settingId = 6 system = 13 text = 6698 tooltipText = 6699 valid = table:00000143E6C764F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 1 valueStringPrefix = SI_DEFAULTSOULGEMCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 3 = userdata:00000143D70BCC08 (meta 00000143D70BD130} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143D70BCFF8 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 4 text = 26 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 30 = userdata:00000143F0629188 (meta 00000143F06296C8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0629590 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 4 text = 3799 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 31 = userdata:00000143F0629788 (meta 00000143F0629F28} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C767D8 firstTable controlType = 2 events = table:00000143E6C76968 firstTable false = TutorialsDisabled true = TutorialsEnabled panel = 4 settingId = 32 system = 10 text = 3995 tooltipText = 3996 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 4 = userdata:00000143D70BD1F0 (meta 00000143D70BD808} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C7BF28 firstTable controlType = 2 events = table:00000143E6C7BA58 firstTable false = MonsterTellsEnabled_Changed true = MonsterTellsEnabled_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true panel = 4 settingId = 20 system = 7 text = 3967 tooltipText = 3968 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 5 = userdata:00000143D70BDA18 (meta 00000143D70BF360} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C74570 firstTable controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143E6C74600 firstTable MonsterTellsEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DE10 events = table:00000143E6C745B8 firstTable false = MonsterTellsColorSwapEnabled_Changed true = MonsterTellsColorSwapEnabled_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143E6C7DDD0 panel = 4 settingId = 27 system = 7 text = 3969 tooltipText = 3970 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 6 = userdata:00000143D70BF660 (meta 00000143D70BFD68} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C7CEC0 firstTable controlType = 9 eventCallbacks = table:00000143E6C7CF08 firstTable MonsterTellsColorSwapEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 MonsterTellsEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143E6C7DE90 panel = 4 settingId = 28 system = 7 text = 3971 tooltipText = 3972 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 7 = userdata:00000143D70C0038 (meta 00000143D70C0688} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C807E8 firstTable controlType = 4 eventCallbacks = table:00000143E6C80830 firstTable MonsterTellsColorSwapEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 MonsterTellsEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143E6C7DE90 maxValue = 50 minValue = 1 panel = 4 settingId = 29 showValue = true system = 7 text = 3973 tooltipText = 3974 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 8 = userdata:00000143D70C0748 (meta 00000143D70C0CA8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C76C78 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E6C76FE8 controlType = 8 eventCallbacks = table:00000143E6C76F48 firstTable MonsterTellsColorSwapEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 MonsterTellsEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143E6C7DE90 panel = 4 settingId = 42 system = 5000 text = 3979 tooltipText = 3980 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 9 = userdata:00000143D70C0D68 (meta 00000143D70C1490} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143E6C80878 firstTable controlType = 9 eventCallbacks = table:00000143E6C75AC8 firstTable MonsterTellsColorSwapEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 MonsterTellsEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E6C7DED8 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143E6C7DE90 panel = 4 settingId = 30 system = 7 text = 3975 tooltipText = 3976 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 5 = table:00000143B82341F0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143F455A578 (meta 00000143B82340A0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143B8233F68 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 5 text = 3818 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 10 = userdata:00000143F455EE30 (meta 00000144C2591230} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000144C25910F8 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 5 text = 3820 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 11 = userdata:00000144C2597D88 (meta 00000144C2592A88} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455D860 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 1 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000144C25923E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3823 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 12 = userdata:00000144C2592B48 (meta 00000143609C9028} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455D8A8 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 2 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000144C2597510 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3824 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 13 = userdata:00000143609C90E8 (meta 00000143609CAA30} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143B8236870 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 3 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 nameFormatter = 3821 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609C9318 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3825 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 14 = userdata:00000143609CAC00 (meta 00000143609CB040} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143B82368B8 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 4 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 nameFormatter = 3822 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609CAD88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3826 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 15 = userdata:00000143609CB208 (meta 00000143609CB678} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143B82364B8 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 7 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609CB378 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3827 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 16 = userdata:00000143609CB738 (meta 00000143609CBC40} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455AD90 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 6 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609CB940 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3828 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 17 = userdata:00000143609CBD00 (meta 00000143609CC238} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455AF20 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 20 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609CBF28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3829 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 18 = userdata:00000143609CC2F8 (meta 00000143609CDC38} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455AF68 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 21 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609CC520 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3830 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 19 = userdata:00000143609CDCF8 (meta 00000143609CE230} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455AFB0 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 22 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609CDF20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3831 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 2 = userdata:00000143B8234160 (meta 00000144C2592C40} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455D7D0 firstTable controlType = 5 customControlType = 4 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143FC33E098 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143B8236FC8 maxValue = 24 minValue = 8 onShow() = function:00000143FC33E058 panel = 5 text = 6623 tooltipText = 6624 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 20 = userdata:00000143609CE2F0 (meta 00000143609CE830} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455AFF8 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 23 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609CE520 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3832 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 21 = userdata:00000143609CE8F0 (meta 00000143609CEDF8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455B040 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 41 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 overrideName = 3166 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609CEAF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3833 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 22 = userdata:00000143609CEF88 (meta 00000143609CF510} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143B8237C70 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 8 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609CF0F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3834 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 23 = userdata:00000143609CF5D0 (meta 00000143609CFE80} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143B8237E00 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 9 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609CF7E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3835 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 24 = userdata:00000143609CFF40 (meta 00000144C2590670} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143B8237F90 firstTable controlType = 5 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143FC33E018 guildIndex = 1 panel = 5 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 25 = userdata:00000143609C7C40 (meta 00000143609CD558} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143B8238080 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 10 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609C7DB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3836 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 26 = userdata:00000143609CD618 (meta 00000143E345B0A0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143B8238210 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 15 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143609CD838 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3837 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 27 = userdata:00000143E345B160 (meta 00000143E345B478} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143B82383A0 firstTable controlType = 5 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143FC33E018 guildIndex = 2 panel = 5 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 28 = userdata:00000143E345B538 (meta 00000143E345BA80} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143B8238490 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 11 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143E345B780 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3838 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 29 = userdata:00000143E345BB40 (meta 00000143E345C068} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455DB30 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 16 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143E345BD60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3839 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 3 = userdata:00000144C2592DF0 (meta 00000144C2593398} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455D818 firstTable controlType = 5 customControlType = 4 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8237088 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143B8235680 maxValue = 100 minValue = 0 onShow() = function:00000143B8237048 panel = 5 text = 6625 tooltipText = 6626 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 30 = userdata:00000143E345C128 (meta 00000143E345C440} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455DCC0 firstTable controlType = 5 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143FC33E018 guildIndex = 3 panel = 5 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 31 = userdata:00000143E345C500 (meta 00000143E345CA48} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455DDB0 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 12 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143E345C748 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3840 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 32 = userdata:00000143E345CB08 (meta 00000143E345D030} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455DF40 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 17 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143E345CD28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3841 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 33 = userdata:00000143E345D0F0 (meta 00000143E345D408} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455E0D0 firstTable controlType = 5 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143FC33E018 guildIndex = 4 panel = 5 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 34 = userdata:00000143E345D4C8 (meta 00000143E345D9D8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455E1C0 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 13 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143E345D6D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3842 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 35 = userdata:00000143E345DA98 (meta 00000143E345DEE0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455E350 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 18 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143E345DCB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3843 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 36 = userdata:00000143CCBF67B0 (meta 00000143E345E288} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455E4E0 firstTable controlType = 5 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143FC33E018 guildIndex = 5 panel = 5 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 37 = userdata:00000143CCBEE940 (meta 00000143E345E7F8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455E5D0 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 14 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143E345E4F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3844 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 38 = userdata:00000143C3FFE4B0 (meta 00000143E345EDB0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455E760 firstTable chatChannelCategory = 19 controlType = 5 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143B8230978 customSetupFunction() = function:00000143F45530C0 panel = 5 texture = userdata:00000143E345EAA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} tooltipText = 3845 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 4 = userdata:00000144C2592D00 (meta 00000144C2593A58} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143FC33FFD8 firstTable controlType = 2 events = table:00000143B8236C60 firstTable false = ProfanityFilter_Off true = ProfanityFilter_On panel = 5 settingId = 0 system = 12 text = 3998 tooltipText = 3999 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 5 = userdata:00000144C2593C90 (meta 00000144C25941C0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143FC3400C0 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 5 settingId = 3 system = 3 text = 4012 tooltipText = 4013 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 6 = userdata:00000144C25943A8 (meta 00000144C25948E8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000144C25947B0 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 5 text = 3819 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 7 = userdata:00000144C25949A8 (meta 00000144C2594FA8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455B118 firstTable controlType = 2 events = table:00000143F455B2A8 firstTable false = LeaderboardNotifications_Off true = LeaderboardNotifications_On panel = 5 settingId = 15 system = 3 text = 6621 tooltipText = 6622 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 8 = userdata:00000144C25951D8 (meta 00000144C2596B08} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F455B2F0 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 5 settingId = 24 system = 3 text = 6627 tooltipText = 6628 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 9 = userdata:00000144C2596D38 (meta 00000144C2597CC8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143B8234C98 firstTable controlType = 7 panel = 5 settingId = 33 system = 3 text = 6629 tooltipText = 6630 valid = table:00000143F455D740 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 2 3 = 1 valueStringPrefix = SI_AVANOTIFICATIONSSETTINGCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 8 = table:00000143F0612460 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143F0615D70 (meta 00000143F0626548} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0617CC0 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 8 text = 3801 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 10 = userdata:00000143A3901EA0 (meta 00000143E346DA70} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F45637D0 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F4563D08 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:00000143F4563950 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143F4563950 NameplateType0_Changed() = function:00000143F4563950 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F45638C8 panel = 8 settingId = 22 system = 0 text = 130 tooltipText = 131 valid = table:00000143F4562C28 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = 3 3 = 9 4 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 11 = userdata:00000143A39024F8 (meta 00000143E346EBB8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F4563DF8 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F4564168 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F4564208 firstTable 1 = NameplateType2_Changed 2 = NameplateType2_Changed 3 = NameplateType2_Changed 8 = NameplateType2_Changed 9 = NameplateType2_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F4569778 panel = 8 settingId = 2 system = 0 text = 114 tooltipText = 115 valid = table:00000143F45640C8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 8 3 = 3 4 = 9 5 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 12 = userdata:00000143E346EC78 (meta 00000143E3471168} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F45644D8 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F4564838 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:00000143F4564458 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143F4564458 NameplateType2_Changed() = function:00000143F4564458 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F45643D0 panel = 8 settingId = 24 system = 0 text = 132 tooltipText = 133 valid = table:00000143F45647A8 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = 3 3 = 9 4 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 13 = userdata:00000143E346B3D0 (meta 00000143E3472288} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F4564928 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F4564C98 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F4564D38 firstTable 1 = NameplateType36_Changed 2 = NameplateType36_Changed 3 = NameplateType36_Changed 8 = NameplateType36_Changed 9 = NameplateType36_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F4569778 panel = 8 settingId = 36 system = 0 text = 118 tooltipText = 119 valid = table:00000143F4564BF8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 8 3 = 3 4 = 9 5 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 14 = userdata:00000143E3472348 (meta 00000143E3473478} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F060CD60 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F060D0C0 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:00000143F060CCE0 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143F060CCE0 NameplateType36_Changed() = function:00000143F060CCE0 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F060CC58 panel = 8 settingId = 38 system = 0 text = 134 tooltipText = 135 valid = table:00000143F060D030 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = 3 3 = 9 4 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 15 = userdata:00000143E3473538 (meta 00000143E346B8F0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F060D1B0 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F060D520 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F060D5C0 firstTable 1 = NameplateType4_Changed 2 = NameplateType4_Changed 3 = NameplateType4_Changed 8 = NameplateType4_Changed 9 = NameplateType4_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F4569778 panel = 8 settingId = 4 system = 0 text = 116 tooltipText = 117 valid = table:00000143F060D480 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 8 3 = 3 4 = 9 5 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 16 = userdata:00000143E346F820 (meta 00000143E3469F10} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F060D8A0 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F060DC00 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:00000143F060D820 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143F060D820 NameplateType4_Changed() = function:00000143F060D820 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F060D798 panel = 8 settingId = 26 system = 0 text = 136 tooltipText = 137 valid = table:00000143F060DB70 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = 3 3 = 9 4 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 17 = userdata:00000143E3469FD0 (meta 00000143D90190C0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F060DCF0 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F060E060 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F060E100 firstTable 1 = NameplateType6_Changed 2 = NameplateType6_Changed 3 = NameplateType6_Changed 8 = NameplateType6_Changed 9 = NameplateType6_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F4569778 panel = 8 settingId = 6 system = 0 text = 120 tooltipText = 121 valid = table:00000143F060DFC0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 8 3 = 3 4 = 9 5 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 18 = userdata:00000143D9019180 (meta 00000143D901B748} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F060E410 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F060E770 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:00000143F060E390 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143F060E390 NameplateType6_Changed() = function:00000143F060E390 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F060E308 panel = 8 settingId = 28 system = 0 text = 138 tooltipText = 139 valid = table:00000143F060E6E0 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = 3 3 = 9 4 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 19 = userdata:00000143D901B808 (meta 00000143D901C518} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143D901C3E0 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 8 text = 3802 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 2 = userdata:00000143D70BC350 (meta 00000143F061E660} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F4565910 firstTable controlType = 2 events = table:00000143F4565AA0 firstTable false = AllNameplates_Off true = AllNameplates_On gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true panel = 8 settingId = 8 system = 0 text = 124 tooltipText = 125 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 20 = userdata:00000143D901C5D8 (meta 00000143D901DFA0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F060E860 firstTable controlType = 2 events = table:00000143F060E9F0 firstTable false = AllHealthBars_Off true = AllHealthBars_On gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true panel = 8 settingId = 9 system = 0 text = 3850 tooltipText = 3851 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 21 = userdata:00000143D9016BA8 (meta 00000143D901EA50} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F060EA90 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F060EDD0 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F45697B8 panel = 8 settingId = 34 system = 0 text = 3880 tooltipText = 3881 valid = table:00000143F060ED60 firstTable 1 = 10 2 = 11 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 22 = userdata:00000143D901F070 (meta 00000143D901F820} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F060EE70 firstTable controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F060F000 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F45697B8 panel = 8 settingId = 35 system = 0 text = 3882 tooltipText = 3883 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 23 = userdata:00000143D901FBA8 (meta 00000143E346AEE0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F060F0A0 firstTable controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F060F230 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F45697B8 panel = 8 settingId = 40 system = 0 text = 3884 tooltipText = 3885 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 24 = userdata:00000143CBF80F30 (meta 00000143D901A6B8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F060F2D0 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F060F620 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F060F6C0 firstTable 1 = HealthbarType11_Changed 2 = HealthbarType11_Changed 3 = HealthbarType11_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F45697B8 panel = 8 settingId = 11 system = 0 text = 3852 tooltipText = 3853 valid = table:00000143F060F5A0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 3 3 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 25 = userdata:00000143D901AB70 (meta 00000143A38FF8A8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F060F8F8 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F060FC38 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:00000143F060F878 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143F060F878 HealthbarType11_Changed() = function:00000143F060F878 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F060F7A8 panel = 8 settingId = 31 system = 0 text = 3866 tooltipText = 3867 valid = table:00000143F060FBC8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 26 = userdata:00000143D9018E90 (meta 00000143D901CEE0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F060FD28 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F0610098 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F0610138 firstTable 1 = HealthbarType19_Changed 2 = HealthbarType19_Changed 3 = HealthbarType19_Changed 8 = HealthbarType19_Changed 9 = HealthbarType19_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F45697B8 panel = 8 settingId = 19 system = 0 text = 3854 tooltipText = 3855 valid = table:00000143F060FFF8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 8 3 = 3 4 = 9 5 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 27 = userdata:00000143D901CF48 (meta 00000143FC33AB00} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0610448 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F06107A8 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:00000143F06103C8 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143F06103C8 HealthbarType19_Changed() = function:00000143F06103C8 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F0610340 panel = 8 settingId = 21 system = 0 text = 3868 tooltipText = 3869 valid = table:00000143F0610718 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = 3 3 = 9 4 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 28 = userdata:00000143FC33CA90 (meta 00000143FC33B720} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0610898 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F0610C08 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F0610CA8 firstTable 1 = HealthbarType1_Changed 2 = HealthbarType1_Changed 3 = HealthbarType1_Changed 8 = HealthbarType1_Changed 9 = HealthbarType1_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F45697B8 panel = 8 settingId = 1 system = 0 text = 3856 tooltipText = 3857 valid = table:00000143F0610B68 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 8 3 = 3 4 = 9 5 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 29 = userdata:00000143FC33B890 (meta 00000143FC342530} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0610FB8 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F0611318 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:00000143F0610F38 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143F0610F38 HealthbarType1_Changed() = function:00000143F0610F38 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F0610EB0 panel = 8 settingId = 23 system = 0 text = 3870 tooltipText = 3871 valid = table:00000143F0611288 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = 3 3 = 9 4 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 3 = userdata:00000143F061E890 (meta 00000143F061F0C0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F4565B40 firstTable controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F0619290 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F4569778 panel = 8 settingId = 32 system = 0 text = 108 tooltipText = 109 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 30 = userdata:00000143FC33DD80 (meta 00000143FC343688} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0611408 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F0611778 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F0611818 firstTable 1 = HealthbarType3_Changed 2 = HealthbarType3_Changed 3 = HealthbarType3_Changed 8 = HealthbarType3_Changed 9 = HealthbarType3_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F45697B8 panel = 8 settingId = 3 system = 0 text = 3858 tooltipText = 3859 valid = table:00000143F06116D8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 8 3 = 3 4 = 9 5 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 31 = userdata:00000143FC343748 (meta 00000143FC33EF68} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0611B28 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F0611E88 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:00000143F0611AA8 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143F0611AA8 HealthbarType3_Changed() = function:00000143F0611AA8 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F0611A20 panel = 8 settingId = 25 system = 0 text = 3872 tooltipText = 3873 valid = table:00000143F0611DF8 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = 3 3 = 9 4 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 32 = userdata:00000143FC33F7F0 (meta 00000143F454A810} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0611F78 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F06122E8 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F0612388 firstTable 1 = HealthbarType37_Changed 2 = HealthbarType37_Changed 3 = HealthbarType37_Changed 8 = HealthbarType37_Changed 9 = HealthbarType37_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F45697B8 panel = 8 settingId = 37 system = 0 text = 3860 tooltipText = 3861 valid = table:00000143F0612248 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 8 3 = 3 4 = 9 5 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 33 = userdata:00000143F454A8D0 (meta 00000143F454C0A8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0612698 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F06129F8 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:00000143F0612618 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143F0612618 HealthbarType37_Changed() = function:00000143F0612618 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F0612590 panel = 8 settingId = 39 system = 0 text = 3874 tooltipText = 3875 valid = table:00000143F0612968 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = 3 3 = 9 4 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 34 = userdata:00000143F454C168 (meta 00000143F454D220} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0612AE8 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F0612E58 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F0612EF8 firstTable 1 = HealthbarType5_Changed 2 = HealthbarType5_Changed 3 = HealthbarType5_Changed 8 = HealthbarType5_Changed 9 = HealthbarType5_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F45697B8 panel = 8 settingId = 5 system = 0 text = 3862 tooltipText = 3863 valid = table:00000143F0612DB8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 8 3 = 3 4 = 9 5 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 35 = userdata:00000143F454D2E0 (meta 00000143F454E498} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0613208 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F0613568 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:00000143F0613188 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143F0613188 HealthbarType5_Changed() = function:00000143F0613188 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F0613100 panel = 8 settingId = 27 system = 0 text = 3876 tooltipText = 3877 valid = table:00000143F06134D8 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = 3 3 = 9 4 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 36 = userdata:00000143F454E558 (meta 00000143F454F5D8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0613658 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F06139C8 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F0613A68 firstTable 1 = HealthbarType7_Changed 2 = HealthbarType7_Changed 3 = HealthbarType7_Changed 8 = HealthbarType7_Changed 9 = HealthbarType7_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F45697B8 panel = 8 settingId = 7 system = 0 text = 3864 tooltipText = 3865 valid = table:00000143F0613928 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 8 3 = 3 4 = 9 5 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 37 = userdata:00000143F454F698 (meta 00000143F4550870} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0613D78 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F06140D8 firstTable AllHealthBars_Off() = function:00000143F0613CF8 AllHealthBars_On() = function:00000143F0613CF8 HealthbarType7_Changed() = function:00000143F0613CF8 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F0613C70 panel = 8 settingId = 29 system = 0 text = 3878 tooltipText = 3879 valid = table:00000143F0614048 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = 3 3 = 9 4 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 38 = userdata:00000143F4550930 (meta 00000143F4551640} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F4551508 firstTable controlType = 3 panel = 8 text = 3803 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 39 = userdata:00000143F4551700 (meta 00000143F45520F0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F06141C8 firstTable controlType = 7 panel = 8 settingId = 14 system = 0 text = 3886 tooltipText = 3887 valid = table:00000143F0614358 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 7 3 = 6 4 = 4 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 4 = userdata:00000143F4564318 (meta 00000143A3901320} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0619330 firstTable controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F0619378 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F4569778 panel = 8 settingId = 33 system = 0 text = 110 tooltipText = 111 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 40 = userdata:00000143F45521B0 (meta 00000143F4552D00} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F06143E8 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 8 settingId = 15 system = 0 text = 3888 tooltipText = 3889 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 41 = userdata:00000143F454A118 (meta 00000143F45533C0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0614578 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 8 settingId = 16 system = 0 text = 3890 tooltipText = 3891 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 42 = userdata:00000143F45535F0 (meta 00000143F4553B18} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0614708 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 8 settingId = 17 system = 0 text = 3892 tooltipText = 3893 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 43 = userdata:00000143F4553D48 (meta 00000143F4554268} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0614910 firstTable controlType = 2 events = table:00000143F0614AA0 firstTable false = Bestowers_Off true = Bestowers_On gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true panel = 8 settingId = 2 system = 3 text = 3908 tooltipText = 3909 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 44 = userdata:00000143F4554498 (meta 00000143F4554A28} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0614CD0 firstTable controlType = 4 maxValue = 1 minValue = 0 panel = 8 settingId = 4 showValue = true showValueMax = 100 showValueMin = 0 system = 13 text = 3991 tooltipText = 3992 valueFormat = %f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 45 = userdata:00000143F4554AE8 (meta 00000143F45550D8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0614FA0 firstTable controlType = 2 events = table:00000143F0615130 firstTable false = TargetGlowEnabled_Off true = TargetGlowEnabled_On gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true panel = 8 settingId = 0 system = 13 text = 3983 tooltipText = 3984 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 46 = userdata:00000143F4555310 (meta 00000143F45558C0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F06151D0 firstTable controlType = 4 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F06154A0 firstTable TargetGlowEnabled_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 TargetGlowEnabled_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F0615540 maxValue = 1 minValue = 0 panel = 8 settingId = 1 showValue = true showValueMax = 100 showValueMin = 0 system = 13 text = 3985 tooltipText = 3986 valueFormat = %f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 47 = userdata:00000143F4555980 (meta 00000143F4556130} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F0615580 firstTable controlType = 2 events = table:00000143F0615710 firstTable false = InteractableGlowEnabled_Off true = InteractableGlowEnabled_On gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true panel = 8 settingId = 2 system = 13 text = 3987 tooltipText = 3988 optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 48 = userdata:00000143F4556368 (meta 00000143F45568F0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F06157B0 firstTable controlType = 4 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F0615A80 firstTable InteractableGlowEnabled_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 InteractableGlowEnabled_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F0615B20 maxValue = 1 minValue = 0 panel = 8 settingId = 3 showValue = true showValueMax = 100 showValueMin = 0 system = 13 text = 3989 tooltipText = 3990 valueFormat = %f optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 5 = userdata:00000143A3901658 (meta 00000143A3903338} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F4561508 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F4561598 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F4568C60 firstTable 1 = NameplateType10_Changed 2 = NameplateType10_Changed 3 = NameplateType10_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F4569778 panel = 8 settingId = 10 system = 0 text = 122 tooltipText = 123 valid = table:00000143F4561550 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 3 3 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 6 = userdata:00000143A39033F8 (meta 00000143A39043A0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F4568E98 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F45626A8 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:00000143F4568E18 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143F4568E18 NameplateType10_Changed() = function:00000143F4568E18 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F4568D48 panel = 8 settingId = 30 system = 0 text = 128 tooltipText = 129 valid = table:00000143F4562638 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 7 = userdata:00000143A3904460 (meta 00000143A3905260} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143F4562798 firstTable controlType = 7 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F4562AB0 firstTable AllNameplates_Off() = function:0000014409E107A0 AllNameplates_On() = function:00000143CDC21460 events = table:00000143F4562B50 firstTable 1 = NameplateType18_Changed 2 = NameplateType18_Changed 3 = NameplateType18_Changed 8 = NameplateType18_Changed 9 = NameplateType18_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F4569778 panel = 8 settingId = 18 system = 0 text = 126 tooltipText = 127 valid = table:00000143F4562A68 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 8 3 = 3 4 = 9 5 = 2 valueStringPrefix = SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE optionsManager = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} 8 = userdata:00000143A3905320 (meta 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offsetX = -6 offsetXUIUnits = -6 offsetY = -6 offsetYUIUnits = -6 point = 3 relativePoint = 3 2 = table:000001431DA0FBE0 firstTable anchorTo = userdata:000001431DA0D948 (meta 0000014308359498} offsetX = 6 offsetXUIUnits = 6 offsetY = 6 offsetYUIUnits = 6 point = 12 relativePoint = 12 applyLocked = false control = userdata:000001431DA0F860 (meta 0000014308324730} dirty = false pixelSource = 1 scale = 1 000001431DA0F9F8 = table:00000143B2B5C170 (meta 00000143AA17EFD8} firstTable anchors = table:000001431DA0E2F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DA0E488 firstTable anchorTo = userdata:000001431DA0DA58 (meta 0000014308359498} offsetX = -6 offsetXUIUnits = -6 offsetY = -6 offsetYUIUnits = -6 point = 3 relativePoint = 3 2 = table:000001431DA0E618 firstTable anchorTo = userdata:000001431DA0DA58 (meta 0000014308359498} offsetX = 6 offsetXUIUnits = 6 offsetY = 6 offsetYUIUnits = 6 point = 12 relativePoint = 12 applyLocked = false control = userdata:000001431DA0F9F8 (meta 0000014308324730} dirty = false pixelSource = 1 scale = 1 PLATFORM_SERVICE_TYPE_DMM = 3 PLATFORM_SERVICE_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 PLATFORM_SERVICE_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 4 PLATFORM_SERVICE_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 4 PLATFORM_SERVICE_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 PLATFORM_SERVICE_TYPE_PSN = 1 PLATFORM_SERVICE_TYPE_STEAM = 4 PLATFORM_SERVICE_TYPE_XBL = 2 PLATFORM_SERVICE_TYPE_ZOS = 0 PLATFORM_STORE_LABEL_DMM = 3 PLATFORM_STORE_LABEL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 PLATFORM_STORE_LABEL_ITERATION_END = 4 PLATFORM_STORE_LABEL_MAX_VALUE = 4 PLATFORM_STORE_LABEL_MIN_VALUE = 0 PLATFORM_STORE_LABEL_PSN = 1 PLATFORM_STORE_LABEL_STEAM = 4 PLATFORM_STORE_LABEL_XBL = 2 PLATFORM_STORE_LABEL_ZOS = 0 PLAYER_ATTRIBUTE_BARS = table:00000144083DB510 (meta 00000144083D6520} firstTable firstMeta attributeVisualizer = table:00000143BC86AC18 (meta 00000143A0224448} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:000001440FCBFE20 firstTable AttributeBarSizeChangingStart = table:000001440FCC29D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001440FCC3B00 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F3ABCA00 3 = false 2 = table:00000143A022C6D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A022C650 3 = false AttributeBarSizeChangingStopped = table:00000143A022C7E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A022C880 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A022C758 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143BC86D550 firstTable externalControlCallback() = function:00000143BC868E78 fireCallbackDepth = 0 healthBarControl = userdata:00000143CFE4B9B0 (meta 00000144083D9DA8} magickaBarControl = userdata:00000144083D87C8 (meta 00000144083D9038} moduleControlledCounts = table:00000143BC86FC40 firstTable userdata = 00000143CFE4B9B0 = 0 00000144083D87C8 = 0 00000144083DA578 = 0 soundTable = table:00000144083D65E0 firstTable 20 = table:00000144083D6D00 firstTable 1 = Immunity_Effect_Added 2 = Immunity_Effect_Lost 3 = Damage_Shield_Effect_Added 4 = Damage_Shield_Effect_Lost 5 = Possession_Effect_Applied 6 = Possession_Effect_Removed 29 = table:00000144083D6760 firstTable 1 = Max_Stamina_Normal 2 = Max_Stamina_Increased 3 = Max_Stamina_Decreased 3 = table:00000144083D6B20 firstTable 1 = Increased_Armor_Effect_Added 2 = Increased_Armor_Effect_Lost 3 = Decreased_Armor_Effect_Added 4 = Decreased_Armor_Effect_Lost 30 = table:00000144083D6A30 firstTable 1 = Increased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Added 2 = Increased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Lost 3 = Decreased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Added 4 = Decreased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Lost 35 = table:00000144083D6C10 firstTable 1 = Increased_Power_Effect_Added 2 = Increased_Power_Effect_Lost 3 = Decreased_Power_Effect_Added 4 = Decreased_Power_Effect_Lost 4 = table:00000144083D6670 firstTable 1 = Max_Magicka_Normal 2 = Max_Magicka_Increased 3 = Max_Magicka_Decreased 5 = table:00000144083D6940 firstTable 1 = Increased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Added 2 = Increased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Lost 3 = Decreased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Added 4 = Decreased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Lost 7 = table:00000144083D6628 firstTable 1 = Max_Health_Normal 2 = Max_Health_Increased 3 = Max_Health_Decreased 8 = table:00000144083D6850 firstTable 1 = Increased_Health_Regen_Effect_Added 2 = Increased_Health_Regen_Effect_Lost 3 = Decreased_Health_Regen_Effect_Added 4 = Decreased_Health_Regen_Effect_Lost staminaBarControl = userdata:00000144083DA578 (meta 00000144083DAF08} unitTag = player visualModules = table:00000143BC86E1E8 firstTable table = 00000143A022D700 = table:00000143A022D700 (meta 00000143F3AC96C0} firstTable barControls = table:00000143BC865F48 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143CFE4B9B0 (meta 00000144083D9DA8} barInfo = table:0000014377929C30 firstTable 1 = table:0000014377929C78 firstTable lastValue = 0 value = 0 layoutData = table:00000143F3AC4A38 firstTable overlayContainerTemplate = ZO_UnwaveringOverlayContainerArrow overlayOffsets = table:00000144C80506B0 firstTable gamepad = table:00000143A022D610 firstTable bottom = -2 left = 4 right = -4 top = 3 keyboard = table:00000144C8052E38 firstTable bottom = -3 left = 3 right = -3 top = 3 moduleId = 4 owner = table:00000143BC86AC18 (meta 00000143A0224448} 00000143BC8660A0 = table:00000143BC8660A0 (meta 00000143F3ACEA00} firstTable barControls = table:00000143F3AC6720 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143CFE4B9B0 (meta 00000144083D9DA8} barInfo = table:00000143F3ABC9B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BC865EA0 firstTable barSizeState = 1 lastValue = 0 playPossessionAnimation() = function:00000143F3ACF170 value = 0 layoutData = table:00000143BC866058 firstTable overlayBottomOffset = -3 overlayContainerTemplate = ZO_PossessionOverlayContainerArrow overlayLeftOffset = 3 overlayRightOffset = -3 overlayTopOffset = 3 possessionHaloGlowTemplate = ZO_PossessionHaloGlowArrow type = Arrow moduleId = 5 owner = table:00000143BC86AC18 (meta 00000143A0224448} 00000143BC86CF78 = table:00000143BC86CF78 (meta 00000143A021D220} firstTable barControls = table:00000143BC865B60 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143CFE4B9B0 (meta 00000144083D9DA8} barInfo = table:00000143B8201F78 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B8201FF0 firstTable lastValue = 0 maxValue = 0 value = 0 layoutData = table:00000143F3ABCB28 firstTable barLeftOverlayTemplate = ZO_PowerShieldBarLeftOverlayArrow barRightOverlayTemplate = ZO_PowerShieldBarRightOverlayArrow moduleId = 6 owner = table:00000143BC86AC18 (meta 00000143A0224448} 000001440FCB2418 = table:000001440FCB2418 (meta 0000014309DE51E0} firstTable barControls = table:000001440FCB25B0 firstTable 29 = userdata:00000144083DA578 (meta 00000144083DAF08} 4 = userdata:00000144083D87C8 (meta 00000144083D9038} 7 = userdata:00000143CFE4B9B0 (meta 00000144083D9DA8} barInfo = table:0000014409612838 firstTable 29 = table:00000144096130F0 firstTable animation = userdata:0000014409612ED0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} state = 1 value = 0 4 = table:0000014409612DC0 firstTable animation = userdata:0000014409612BA0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} state = 1 value = 0 7 = table:0000014409612A90 firstTable animation = userdata:0000014409611CC8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} state = 1 value = 0 expandedWidth = 323 moduleId = 2 normalWidth = 237 owner = table:00000143BC86AC18 (meta 00000143A0224448} shrunkWidth = 141 000001440FCBB780 = table:000001440FCBB780 (meta 00000143F3ABB740} firstTable barControls = table:000001440FCBED30 firstTable 3 = userdata:00000143CFE4B9B0 (meta 00000144083D9DA8} 35 = userdata:00000143CFE4B9B0 (meta 00000144083D9DA8} barInfo = table:00000144096131E0 firstTable 3 = table:0000014377929BA0 firstTable barSizeState = 1 lastValue = 0 playDecreaseAnimation() = function:00000143F3ABC250 playIncreaseAnimation() = function:00000143F3ABC1D0 value = 0 35 = table:0000014377929BE8 firstTable barSizeState = 1 lastValue = 0 playDecreaseAnimation() = function:00000143F3ABC390 playIncreaseAnimation() = function:00000143F3ABC310 value = 0 layoutData = table:000001440FCB7E88 firstTable decreasedArmorOverlayContainerTemplate = ZO_DecreasedArmorOverlayContainerArrow increasedArmorBgContainerTemplate = ZO_IncreasedArmorBgContainerArrow increasedArmorFrameContainerTemplate = ZO_IncreasedArmorFrameContainerArrow increasedArmorOffsets = table:000001440FCB9EA8 firstTable shared = table:000001440FCBABD8 firstTable bottom = 9 left = -8 right = 8 top = -9 increasedPowerGlowTemplate = ZO_IncreasedPowerGlowArrow type = Arrow moduleId = 3 owner = table:00000143BC86AC18 (meta 00000143A0224448} 00000144C30578A0 = table:00000144C30578A0 (meta 0000014309DD2738} firstTable arrowPool = table:00000143F3AC0740 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F3AC6090 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000144083DB558 m_Free = table:00000143F3AC70E8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143F3ABECD0 barControls = table:00000143F3AC6308 firstTable 30 = userdata:00000144083DA578 (meta 00000144083DAF08} 5 = userdata:00000144083D87C8 (meta 00000144083D9038} 8 = userdata:00000143CFE4B9B0 (meta 00000144083D9DA8} barInfo = table:0000014409612478 firstTable 30 = table:0000014409612748 firstTable arrowsRemaining = 0 tickDelay = 0 value = 0 5 = table:0000014409612658 firstTable arrowsRemaining = 0 tickDelay = 0 value = 0 8 = table:0000014409612568 firstTable arrowsRemaining = 0 tickDelay = 1 value = 0 moduleId = 1 owner = table:00000143BC86AC18 (meta 00000143A0224448} ticks = 749 bars = table:00000144083DB5B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144083DB640 (meta 00000144083D5FE0} 2 = table:00000144083DBB38 (meta 00000144083D5FE0} 3 = table:00000144083D90B0 (meta 00000144083D5FE0} 4 = table:00000144083DBEF0 (meta 00000144083D5FE0} 5 = table:000001437792AB40 (meta 00000144083D5FE0} 6 = table:00000144083C8688 (meta 00000144083D5FE0} control = userdata:00000144083D6E48 (meta 0000014308326048} forceShow = false forceVisible = false PLAYER_ATTRIBUTE_BARS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143A0234228 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} PLAYER_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_FIRST_ALLIANCE = 0 PLAYER_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_SECOND_ALLIANCE = 1 PLAYER_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_THIRD_ALLIANCE = 2 PLAYER_EMOTE_MANAGER = table:00000143E386CF08 (meta 00000143E386C928} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:000001431037A0F0 firstTable EmoteListUpdated = table:000001431037A138 firstTable 1 = table:000001431037A1B0 firstTable 1() = function:000001431037A068 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E386CF50 firstTable emoteCategories = table:00000143E386D1C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E386E328 firstTable 1 = 123 10 = 28 11 = 32 12 = 47 13 = 64 14 = 60 15 = 68 16 = 66 17 = 67 18 = 65 19 = 351 2 = 125 3 = 239 4 = 208 5 = 69 6 = 301 7 = 333 8 = 248 9 = 119 10 = table:00000143E386F920 firstTable 1 = 237 10 = 296 11 = 153 12 = 291 13 = 294 14 = 158 15 = 62 16 = 97 17 = 95 18 = 96 19 = 105 2 = 205 20 = 72 21 = 89 22 = 104 23 = 141 24 = 110 25 = 127 26 = 142 27 = 106 28 = 109 29 = 383 3 = 229 4 = 288 5 = 159 6 = 168 7 = 267 8 = 334 9 = 295 11 = table:00000143E386D290 firstTable 1 = 196 10 = 1 11 = 2 12 = 13 13 = 136 14 = 121 15 = 183 16 = 154 17 = 155 18 = 152 19 = 374 2 = 206 3 = 290 4 = 289 5 = 193 6 = 361 7 = 372 8 = 331 9 = 194 12 = table:00000143E386E0E0 firstTable 1 = 170 10 = 440 11 = 144 12 = 174 13 = 377 14 = 157 15 = 25 16 = 51 17 = 43 18 = 50 19 = 74 2 = 164 20 = 27 21 = 29 22 = 52 23 = 108 24 = 86 25 = 87 26 = 126 27 = 78 28 = 85 29 = 442 3 = 169 4 = 173 5 = 162 6 = 163 7 = 171 8 = 441 9 = 431 14 = table:00000143E3880A18 firstTable 1 = 440 2 = 441 3 = 431 4 = 442 2 = table:00000143E386D508 firstTable 1 = 156 10 = 181 11 = 185 12 = 177 13 = 178 14 = 179 15 = 82 16 = 34 17 = 31 18 = 33 19 = 40 2 = 107 20 = 22 21 = 30 22 = 37 23 = 3 24 = 76 25 = 70 26 = 73 27 = 41 28 = 46 29 = 63 3 = 135 30 = 266 4 = 172 5 = 83 6 = 84 7 = 161 8 = 77 9 = 249 4 = table:00000143E386DCC0 firstTable 1 = 166 10 = 124 11 = 36 12 = 38 13 = 48 14 = 23 15 = 39 16 = 71 17 = 75 18 = 20 19 = 49 2 = 167 20 = 293 3 = 186 4 = 160 5 = 180 6 = 210 7 = 240 8 = 79 9 = 187 5 = table:00000143E386D610 firstTable 1 = 284 10 = 292 11 = 279 12 = 280 13 = 21 14 = 6 15 = 7 16 = 5 17 = 88 18 = 80 19 = 278 2 = 282 20 = 165 21 = 276 22 = 117 23 = 4 24 = 371 3 = 283 4 = 281 5 = 286 6 = 285 7 = 304 8 = 302 9 = 303 6 = table:00000143E386D980 firstTable 1 = 298 10 = 15 11 = 130 12 = 103 13 = 231 14 = 244 15 = 9 16 = 398 2 = 299 3 = 314 4 = 313 5 = 315 6 = 316 7 = 261 8 = 263 9 = 11 7 = table:00000143E386DFF0 firstTable 1 = 58 10 = 45 11 = 42 12 = 55 13 = 54 14 = 53 15 = 209 2 = 134 3 = 101 4 = 56 5 = 175 6 = 151 7 = 57 8 = 24 9 = 26 9 = table:00000143E386E850 firstTable 1 = 148 10 = 176 11 = 140 12 = 143 13 = 35 14 = 98 15 = 59 16 = 61 17 = 44 18 = 100 19 = 99 2 = 146 20 = 132 21 = 120 22 = 122 23 = 102 24 = 133 25 = 300 3 = 147 4 = 145 5 = 150 6 = 149 7 = 297 8 = 182 9 = 232 emoteCategoryTypes = table:00000143E386D210 firstTable 1 = 1 10 = 12 11 = 14 2 = 2 3 = 4 4 = 5 5 = 6 6 = 7 7 = 9 8 = 10 9 = 11 emoteList = table:00000143E386D180 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E386D328 firstTable displayName = Set fire with torch emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 1 emoteIndex = 1 emoteSlashName = /torch isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 100 = table:00000143E3870D60 firstTable displayName = Push-ups weak emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 100 emoteIndex = 86 emoteSlashName = /pushup isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 101 = table:00000143E3870DD0 firstTable displayName = You emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 101 emoteIndex = 87 emoteSlashName = /you isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 102 = table:00000143E3870E78 firstTable displayName = Knock on door emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 102 emoteIndex = 88 emoteSlashName = /knock isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 103 = table:00000143E3870F10 firstTable displayName = Pour emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 103 emoteIndex = 89 emoteSlashName = /pour isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 104 = table:00000143E3870FB0 firstTable displayName = Sickened emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 104 emoteIndex = 90 emoteSlashName = /sick isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 105 = table:00000143E3871058 firstTable displayName = Stretch emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 105 emoteIndex = 91 emoteSlashName = /stretch isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 106 = table:00000143E38710F8 firstTable displayName = Tilt head emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 106 emoteIndex = 92 emoteSlashName = /tilt isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 107 = table:00000143E38711A0 firstTable displayName = Wag finger emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 107 emoteIndex = 93 emoteSlashName = /wagfinger isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 108 = table:00000143E38711E8 firstTable displayName = Whisper emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 108 emoteIndex = 94 emoteSlashName = /whisper isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 109 = table:00000143E3871288 firstTable displayName = Wipe brow emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 109 emoteIndex = 95 emoteSlashName = /phew isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 11 = table:00000143E386DAA0 firstTable displayName = Eat bread quickly emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 11 emoteIndex = 9 emoteSlashName = /eat2 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = false 110 = table:00000143E3871320 firstTable displayName = Yawn emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 110 emoteIndex = 96 emoteSlashName = /yawn isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 117 = table:00000143E38713C8 firstTable displayName = Celebration emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 117 emoteIndex = 97 emoteSlashName = /celebrate isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 119 = table:00000143E3871470 firstTable displayName = Ritual emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 119 emoteIndex = 98 emoteSlashName = /ritual isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 120 = table:00000143E3871510 firstTable displayName = Sit ground emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 120 emoteIndex = 99 emoteSlashName = /sit isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 121 = table:00000143E38715B8 firstTable displayName = Sit chair emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 121 emoteIndex = 100 emoteSlashName = /sitchair isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 122 = table:00000143E3871630 firstTable displayName = Crouch emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 122 emoteIndex = 101 emoteSlashName = /crouch isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 123 = table:00000143E38716D0 firstTable displayName = Kneel emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 123 emoteIndex = 102 emoteSlashName = /kneel isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 124 = table:00000143E3871778 firstTable displayName = Humble emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 124 emoteIndex = 103 emoteSlashName = /humble isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 125 = table:00000143E3871820 firstTable displayName = Kneel praying emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 125 emoteIndex = 104 emoteSlashName = /kneelpray isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 126 = table:00000143E3871898 firstTable displayName = Beggar emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 126 emoteIndex = 105 emoteSlashName = /beggar isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 127 = table:00000143E3871940 firstTable displayName = Shield eyes emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 127 emoteIndex = 106 emoteSlashName = /shieldeyes isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 13 = table:00000143E386DB40 firstTable displayName = Read book emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 13 emoteIndex = 10 emoteSlashName = /read isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 130 = table:00000143E38719E0 firstTable displayName = Stir Bowl emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 130 emoteIndex = 107 emoteSlashName = /prov isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 132 = table:00000143E386DC78 firstTable displayName = Touch emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 132 emoteIndex = 108 emoteSlashName = /touch isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 133 = table:00000143E3871AD8 firstTable displayName = Kick emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 133 emoteIndex = 109 emoteSlashName = /kick isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 134 = table:00000143E3871B50 firstTable displayName = Search emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 134 emoteIndex = 110 emoteSlashName = /search isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 135 = table:00000143E3871BC8 firstTable displayName = Thank You emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 135 emoteIndex = 111 emoteSlashName = /thank isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 136 = table:00000143E3871C70 firstTable displayName = Hammer crate emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 136 emoteIndex = 112 emoteSlashName = /hammer isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 140 = table:00000143E386DB88 firstTable displayName = Situps emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 140 emoteIndex = 113 emoteSlashName = /situps isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 141 = table:00000143E3871D78 firstTable displayName = Breathless emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 141 emoteIndex = 114 emoteSlashName = /breathless isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 142 = table:00000143E3871E20 firstTable displayName = Play dead emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 142 emoteIndex = 115 emoteSlashName = /playdead isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 143 = table:00000143E3871EC8 firstTable displayName = Sleep side emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 143 emoteIndex = 116 emoteSlashName = /sleep isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 144 = table:00000143E3871F70 firstTable displayName = Over here emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 144 emoteIndex = 117 emoteSlashName = /overhere isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 145 = table:00000143E3872018 firstTable displayName = Sleep back emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 145 emoteIndex = 118 emoteSlashName = /sleep2 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 146 = table:00000143E38720B8 firstTable displayName = Sit ground 2 emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 146 emoteIndex = 119 emoteSlashName = /sit2 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 147 = table:00000143E3872158 firstTable displayName = Sit ground 3 emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 147 emoteIndex = 120 emoteSlashName = /sit3 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 148 = table:00000143E3872548 firstTable displayName = Sit ground 4 emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 148 emoteIndex = 121 emoteSlashName = /sit4 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 149 = table:00000143E3872730 firstTable displayName = Sit ground 5 emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 149 emoteIndex = 122 emoteSlashName = /sit5 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 15 = table:00000143E386DC30 firstTable displayName = Drink potion emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 15 emoteIndex = 11 emoteSlashName = /potion isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 150 = table:00000143E3872918 firstTable displayName = Sit ground 6 emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 150 emoteIndex = 123 emoteSlashName = /sit6 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 151 = table:00000143E3873010 firstTable displayName = Point upward emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 151 emoteIndex = 124 emoteSlashName = /pointu isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 152 = table:00000143E38730B0 firstTable displayName = Write emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 152 emoteIndex = 125 emoteSlashName = /write isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 153 = table:00000143E3873290 firstTable displayName = Huh emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 153 emoteIndex = 126 emoteSlashName = /huh isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 154 = table:00000143E3873480 firstTable displayName = Hammer wall emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 154 emoteIndex = 127 emoteSlashName = /hammerwall isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 155 = table:00000143E3873670 firstTable displayName = Hammer kneel emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 155 emoteIndex = 128 emoteSlashName = /hammerlow isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 156 = table:00000143E3873860 firstTable displayName = Thumbs up emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 156 emoteIndex = 129 emoteSlashName = /thumbsup isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 157 = table:00000143E3873A50 firstTable displayName = Curtsey emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 157 emoteIndex = 130 emoteSlashName = /curtsey isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 158 = table:00000143E3873C48 firstTable displayName = Wall lean (side) emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 158 emoteIndex = 131 emoteSlashName = /leanside isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 159 = table:00000143E3873E40 firstTable displayName = Wall lean (back) emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 159 emoteIndex = 132 emoteSlashName = /leanback isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 160 = table:00000143E3874228 firstTable displayName = Sigh emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 160 emoteIndex = 133 emoteSlashName = /sigh isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 161 = table:00000143E3874410 firstTable displayName = Taunt emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 161 emoteIndex = 134 emoteSlashName = /taunt isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 162 = table:00000143E38745F8 firstTable displayName = Greet emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 162 emoteIndex = 135 emoteSlashName = /greet isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 163 = table:00000143E38749E0 firstTable displayName = Hail emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 163 emoteIndex = 136 emoteSlashName = /hail isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 164 = table:00000143E3874BC8 firstTable displayName = Hello emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 164 emoteIndex = 137 emoteSlashName = /hello isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 165 = table:00000143E3874DB0 firstTable displayName = Bored emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 165 emoteIndex = 138 emoteSlashName = /bored isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 166 = table:00000143E3874F98 firstTable displayName = Drunk emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 166 emoteIndex = 139 emoteSlashName = /drunk isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 167 = table:00000143E3876188 firstTable displayName = Guffaw emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 167 emoteIndex = 140 emoteSlashName = /lol isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 168 = table:00000143E3876230 firstTable displayName = Headache emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 168 emoteIndex = 141 emoteSlashName = /headache isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 169 = table:00000143E38762D8 firstTable displayName = Kowtow emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 169 emoteIndex = 142 emoteSlashName = /kowtow isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 170 = table:00000143E3876380 firstTable displayName = Congratulate emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 170 emoteIndex = 143 emoteSlashName = /congratulate isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 171 = table:00000143E3876428 firstTable displayName = Congrats emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 171 emoteIndex = 144 emoteSlashName = /congrats isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 172 = table:00000143E38764C8 firstTable displayName = Grats emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 172 emoteIndex = 145 emoteSlashName = /grats isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 173 = table:00000143E3876510 firstTable displayName = Blow Kiss emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 173 emoteIndex = 146 emoteSlashName = /kiss isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = false 174 = table:00000143E38765B0 firstTable displayName = Flirt emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 174 emoteIndex = 147 emoteSlashName = /flirt isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 175 = table:00000143E3876650 firstTable displayName = Rally emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 175 emoteIndex = 148 emoteSlashName = /rally isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 176 = table:00000143E38766F8 firstTable displayName = Stagger emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 176 emoteIndex = 149 emoteSlashName = /stagger isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 177 = table:00000143E38768E8 firstTable displayName = Thanks emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 177 emoteIndex = 150 emoteSlashName = /thanks isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 178 = table:00000143E3876AA8 firstTable displayName = Thank You emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 178 emoteIndex = 151 emoteSlashName = /thankyou isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = false 179 = table:00000143E3876C88 firstTable displayName = Doom emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 179 emoteIndex = 152 emoteSlashName = /doom isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 180 = table:00000143E3876E78 firstTable displayName = Confused emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 180 emoteIndex = 153 emoteSlashName = /confused isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 181 = table:00000143E3877068 firstTable displayName = Impatient emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 181 emoteIndex = 154 emoteSlashName = /impatient isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 182 = table:00000143E3877248 firstTable displayName = Tap emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 182 emoteIndex = 155 emoteSlashName = /tap isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 183 = table:00000143E3877438 firstTable displayName = Twiddle emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 183 emoteIndex = 156 emoteSlashName = /twiddle isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 185 = table:00000143E3877618 firstTable displayName = Clap emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 185 emoteIndex = 157 emoteSlashName = /clap isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 186 = table:00000143E3877810 firstTable displayName = Broken Hearted emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 186 emoteIndex = 158 emoteSlashName = /heartbroken isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 187 = table:00000143E3877A00 firstTable displayName = Surrender emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 187 emoteIndex = 159 emoteSlashName = /surrender isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 193 = table:00000143E3877E00 firstTable displayName = Dwarven control rod emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 193 emoteIndex = 160 emoteSlashName = /controlrod isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 194 = table:00000143E3877FF0 firstTable displayName = Water bucket emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 194 emoteIndex = 161 emoteSlashName = /bucketsplash isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 196 = table:00000143E38781E0 firstTable displayName = Shovel emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 196 emoteIndex = 162 emoteSlashName = /shovel isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 2 = table:00000143E386D410 firstTable displayName = Use wand emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 2 emoteIndex = 2 emoteSlashName = /wand2 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 20 = table:00000143E386D658 firstTable displayName = Angry emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 20 emoteIndex = 12 emoteSlashName = /angry isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 205 = table:00000143E38783C8 firstTable displayName = Faint emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 205 emoteIndex = 163 emoteSlashName = /faint isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 206 = table:00000143E38785B0 firstTable displayName = Use wand once emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 206 emoteIndex = 164 emoteSlashName = /wand isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 208 = table:00000143E38787B0 firstTable displayName = Bestow Blessing emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 208 emoteIndex = 165 emoteSlashName = /bestowblessing isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 209 = table:00000143E3878970 firstTable displayName = Blow Kiss emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 209 emoteIndex = 166 emoteSlashName = /blowkiss isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = false 21 = table:00000143E386DD98 firstTable displayName = Applaud emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 21 emoteIndex = 13 emoteSlashName = /applaud isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 210 = table:00000143E3878B60 firstTable displayName = Annoyed emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 210 emoteIndex = 167 emoteSlashName = /annoyed isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 22 = table:00000143E386D890 firstTable displayName = Approve emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 22 emoteIndex = 14 emoteSlashName = /approve isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 229 = table:00000143E3878D50 firstTable displayName = Knocked down emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 229 emoteIndex = 168 emoteSlashName = /knockeddown isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 23 = table:00000143E386DF20 firstTable displayName = Arms crossed emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 23 emoteIndex = 15 emoteSlashName = /armscrossed isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 231 = table:00000143E3878F38 firstTable displayName = Eat turkey emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 231 emoteIndex = 169 emoteSlashName = /eat isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 232 = table:00000143E3879128 firstTable displayName = Break Object emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 232 emoteIndex = 170 emoteSlashName = /smash isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 237 = table:00000143E3879320 firstTable displayName = Crack Knuckles emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 237 emoteIndex = 171 emoteSlashName = /knuckles isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 239 = table:00000143E3879510 firstTable displayName = Blessing emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 239 emoteIndex = 172 emoteSlashName = /blessing isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 24 = table:00000143E386E038 firstTable displayName = Beckon emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 24 emoteIndex = 16 emoteSlashName = /beckon isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 240 = table:00000143E38796F0 firstTable displayName = Cry emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 240 emoteIndex = 173 emoteSlashName = /cry isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 244 = table:00000143E38798E8 firstTable displayName = Drinking from chalice emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 244 emoteIndex = 174 emoteSlashName = /drink2 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 248 = table:00000143E3879AD0 firstTable displayName = Honor emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 248 emoteIndex = 175 emoteSlashName = /honor isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 249 = table:00000143E3879CC0 firstTable displayName = Dishonor emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 249 emoteIndex = 176 emoteSlashName = /dishonor isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 25 = table:00000143E386E128 firstTable displayName = Come here emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 25 emoteIndex = 17 emoteSlashName = /comehere isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 26 = table:00000143E386E198 firstTable displayName = Beckon emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 26 emoteIndex = 18 emoteSlashName = /come isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = false 261 = table:00000143E3879EB0 firstTable displayName = Eat bread emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 261 emoteIndex = 177 emoteSlashName = /eatbread isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 263 = table:00000143E387A0C8 firstTable displayName = Eat apple emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 263 emoteIndex = 178 emoteSlashName = /eat3 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 266 = table:00000143E387A280 firstTable displayName = Spit emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 266 emoteIndex = 179 emoteSlashName = /spit isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 267 = table:00000143E387A460 firstTable displayName = Idle emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 267 emoteIndex = 180 emoteSlashName = /idle isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 27 = table:00000143E386E260 firstTable displayName = Plead emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 27 emoteIndex = 19 emoteSlashName = /plead isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 276 = table:00000143E387A650 firstTable displayName = Dance Breton emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 276 emoteIndex = 181 emoteSlashName = /dancebreton isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 278 = table:00000143E387A988 firstTable displayName = Dance Altmer emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 278 emoteIndex = 182 emoteSlashName = /dancealtmer isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = false 279 = table:00000143E387AB88 firstTable displayName = Dance Argonian emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 279 emoteIndex = 183 emoteSlashName = /danceargonian isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 28 = table:00000143E386E370 firstTable displayName = Bless emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 28 emoteIndex = 20 emoteSlashName = /bless isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = false 280 = table:00000143E387AD78 firstTable displayName = Dance Bosmer emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 280 emoteIndex = 184 emoteSlashName = /dancebosmer isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = false 281 = table:00000143E387AF68 firstTable displayName = Dance Dunmer emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 281 emoteIndex = 185 emoteSlashName = /dancedunmer isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = false 282 = table:00000143E387B3F0 firstTable displayName = Dance Imperial emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 282 emoteIndex = 186 emoteSlashName = /danceimperial isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 283 = table:00000143E387B498 firstTable displayName = Dance Khajiit emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 283 emoteIndex = 187 emoteSlashName = /dancekhajiit isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 284 = table:00000143E387B688 firstTable displayName = Dance Nord emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 284 emoteIndex = 188 emoteSlashName = /dancenord isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 285 = table:00000143E387BA80 firstTable displayName = Dance Orc emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 285 emoteIndex = 189 emoteSlashName = /danceorc isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 286 = table:00000143E387BC80 firstTable displayName = Dance Redguard emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 286 emoteIndex = 190 emoteSlashName = /danceredguard isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 288 = table:00000143E387BE70 firstTable displayName = Idle royalty emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 288 emoteIndex = 191 emoteSlashName = /idle2 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 289 = table:00000143E387C050 firstTable displayName = Rake emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 289 emoteIndex = 192 emoteSlashName = /rake isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 29 = table:00000143E386E410 firstTable displayName = Blow Kiss emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 29 emoteIndex = 21 emoteSlashName = /kiss isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 290 = table:00000143E387C240 firstTable displayName = Sweeping emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 290 emoteIndex = 193 emoteSlashName = /sweep isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 291 = table:00000143E387C948 firstTable displayName = Wall lean (back, coinflip) emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 291 emoteIndex = 194 emoteSlashName = /leanbackcoin isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 292 = table:00000143E387C9F0 firstTable displayName = Juggle flame emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 292 emoteIndex = 195 emoteSlashName = /juggleflame isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 293 = table:00000143E387CBD0 firstTable displayName = Sad emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 293 emoteIndex = 196 emoteSlashName = /sad isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 294 = table:00000143E387CDC0 firstTable displayName = Idle casual emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 294 emoteIndex = 197 emoteSlashName = /idle3 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 295 = table:00000143E387CFB0 firstTable displayName = Idle angry emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 295 emoteIndex = 198 emoteSlashName = /idle4 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 296 = table:00000143E387D1A0 firstTable displayName = Idle heroic emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 296 emoteIndex = 199 emoteSlashName = /idle5 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 297 = table:00000143E387D388 firstTable displayName = Stomp emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 297 emoteIndex = 200 emoteSlashName = /stomp isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 298 = table:00000143E387D580 firstTable displayName = Drinking from bottle emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 298 emoteIndex = 201 emoteSlashName = /drink3 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 299 = table:00000143E387D768 firstTable displayName = Eat from bowl emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 299 emoteIndex = 202 emoteSlashName = /eat4 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 3 = table:00000143E386D550 firstTable displayName = Whistle emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 3 emoteIndex = 3 emoteSlashName = /whistle isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 30 = table:00000143E386E4D0 firstTable displayName = Shout emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 30 emoteIndex = 22 emoteSlashName = /shout isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 300 = table:00000143E387D958 firstTable displayName = Look up emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 300 emoteIndex = 203 emoteSlashName = /lookup isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 301 = table:00000143E387DB48 firstTable displayName = Attention emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 301 emoteIndex = 204 emoteSlashName = /attention isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 302 = table:00000143E387DF48 firstTable displayName = Dance High Elf emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 302 emoteIndex = 205 emoteSlashName = /dancehighelf isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 303 = table:00000143E387E140 firstTable displayName = Dance Wood Elf emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 303 emoteIndex = 206 emoteSlashName = /dancewoodelf isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 304 = table:00000143E387E338 firstTable displayName = Dance Dark Elf emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 304 emoteIndex = 207 emoteSlashName = /dancedarkelf isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 31 = table:00000143E386E590 firstTable displayName = Booing emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 31 emoteIndex = 23 emoteSlashName = /boo isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 313 = table:00000143E387E520 firstTable displayName = Eat pie emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 313 emoteIndex = 208 emoteSlashName = /pie isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 314 = table:00000143E387E710 firstTable displayName = Eat soup emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 314 emoteIndex = 209 emoteSlashName = /soupbowl isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 315 = table:00000143E387F308 firstTable displayName = Eat roll emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 315 emoteIndex = 210 emoteSlashName = /smallbread isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 316 = table:00000143E387F3A8 firstTable displayName = Eat a meal emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 316 emoteIndex = 211 emoteSlashName = /meal isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 32 = table:00000143E386E600 firstTable displayName = Bow emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 32 emoteIndex = 24 emoteSlashName = /bow isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 33 = table:00000143E386E6C8 firstTable displayName = Cheer emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 33 emoteIndex = 25 emoteSlashName = /cheer isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 331 = table:00000143E387F450 firstTable displayName = Read letter emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 331 emoteIndex = 212 emoteSlashName = /letter isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 333 = table:00000143E387F4F0 firstTable displayName = Bow flourish emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 333 emoteIndex = 213 emoteSlashName = /bow2 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 334 = table:00000143E387F6E8 firstTable displayName = Shivering cold emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 334 emoteIndex = 214 emoteSlashName = /colder isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 34 = table:00000143E386E518 firstTable displayName = Fistpump emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 34 emoteIndex = 26 emoteSlashName = /fistpump isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 35 = table:00000143E386E898 firstTable displayName = Cower emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 35 emoteIndex = 27 emoteSlashName = /cower isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 351 = table:00000143E387F878 firstTable displayName = Pray emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 351 emoteIndex = 215 emoteSlashName = /pray isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 36 = table:00000143E386E940 firstTable displayName = Cuckoo emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 36 emoteIndex = 28 emoteSlashName = /cuckoo isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 361 = table:00000143E387FA38 firstTable displayName = Crown Store emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 361 emoteIndex = 216 emoteSlashName = /crownstore isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 37 = table:00000143E386EA30 firstTable displayName = Disapprove emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 37 emoteIndex = 29 emoteSlashName = /disapprove isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 371 = table:00000143E387FE00 firstTable displayName = Swallow emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 371 emoteIndex = 217 emoteSlashName = /eat3 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 372 = table:00000143E387FF90 firstTable displayName = Annoyed emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 372 emoteIndex = 218 emoteSlashName = /annoyed isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 374 = table:00000143E3880120 firstTable displayName = Tilt head emoteCategory = 11 emoteId = 374 emoteIndex = 219 emoteSlashName = /tilt isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 377 = table:00000143E38802B0 firstTable displayName = Yes emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 377 emoteIndex = 220 emoteSlashName = /yes isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 38 = table:00000143E386EAD8 firstTable displayName = Disgust emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 38 emoteIndex = 30 emoteSlashName = /disgust isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 383 = table:00000143E38804A8 firstTable displayName = Assassin Look Right emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 383 emoteIndex = 221 emoteSlashName = /testme isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 39 = table:00000143E386EB80 firstTable displayName = Downcast emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 39 emoteIndex = 31 emoteSlashName = /downcast isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 398 = table:00000143E3880698 firstTable displayName = Toast - Wine emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 398 emoteIndex = 222 emoteSlashName = /toast3 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 4 = table:00000143E386D6A0 firstTable displayName = Blow horn emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 4 emoteIndex = 4 emoteSlashName = /horn isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 40 = table:00000143E386E988 firstTable displayName = Exasperated emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 40 emoteIndex = 32 emoteSlashName = /exasperated isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 41 = table:00000143E386EC88 firstTable displayName = Facepalm emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 41 emoteIndex = 33 emoteSlashName = /facepalm isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 42 = table:00000143E386ED30 firstTable displayName = Follow me emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 42 emoteIndex = 34 emoteSlashName = /followme isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 43 = table:00000143E386EDC0 firstTable displayName = Give emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 43 emoteIndex = 35 emoteSlashName = /give isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 431 = table:00000143E3880888 firstTable displayName = TeaTime emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 431 emoteIndex = 223 emoteSlashName = /teatime isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 44 = table:00000143E386EE30 firstTable displayName = Take emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 44 emoteIndex = 36 emoteSlashName = /take isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 440 = table:00000143E3880A90 firstTable displayName = Kiss This emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 440 emoteIndex = 224 emoteSlashName = /kissthis isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 441 = table:00000143E3880C78 firstTable displayName = Belly Laugh emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 441 emoteIndex = 225 emoteSlashName = /bellylaugh isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 442 = table:00000143E3880E80 firstTable displayName = Go Quietly emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 442 emoteIndex = 226 emoteSlashName = /goquietly isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 45 = table:00000143E386EEC8 firstTable displayName = Stop emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 45 emoteIndex = 37 emoteSlashName = /stop isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 46 = table:00000143E386EF70 firstTable displayName = Hands on hips emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 46 emoteIndex = 38 emoteSlashName = /handsonhips isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 47 = table:00000143E386F018 firstTable displayName = Hand to heart emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 47 emoteIndex = 39 emoteSlashName = /handtoheart isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 48 = table:00000143E386F108 firstTable displayName = Scratch head emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 48 emoteIndex = 40 emoteSlashName = /headscratch isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 49 = table:00000143E386F180 firstTable displayName = Laugh emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 49 emoteIndex = 41 emoteSlashName = /laugh isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 5 = table:00000143E386D738 firstTable displayName = Play lute emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 5 emoteIndex = 5 emoteSlashName = /lute isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 50 = table:00000143E386F1F0 firstTable displayName = Yes emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 50 emoteIndex = 42 emoteSlashName = /yes isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 51 = table:00000143E386E458 firstTable displayName = No emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 51 emoteIndex = 43 emoteSlashName = /no isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 52 = table:00000143E386F2C0 firstTable displayName = Pay me emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 52 emoteIndex = 44 emoteSlashName = /payme isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 53 = table:00000143E386F368 firstTable displayName = Point forward emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 53 emoteIndex = 45 emoteSlashName = /point isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 54 = table:00000143E386ED78 firstTable displayName = Point behind emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 54 emoteIndex = 46 emoteSlashName = /pointb isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 55 = table:00000143E386F4F8 firstTable displayName = Point down emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 55 emoteIndex = 47 emoteSlashName = /pointd isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 56 = table:00000143E386F5A0 firstTable displayName = Point left emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 56 emoteIndex = 48 emoteSlashName = /pointl isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 57 = table:00000143E386F648 firstTable displayName = Point right emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 57 emoteIndex = 49 emoteSlashName = /pointr isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 58 = table:00000143E386F6B8 firstTable displayName = Point to self emoteCategory = 7 emoteId = 58 emoteIndex = 50 emoteSlashName = /self isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 59 = table:00000143E386F750 firstTable displayName = Poke emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 59 emoteIndex = 51 emoteSlashName = /poke isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 6 = table:00000143E386D598 firstTable displayName = Play flute emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 6 emoteIndex = 6 emoteSlashName = /flute isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 60 = table:00000143E386F808 firstTable displayName = Pray emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 60 emoteIndex = 52 emoteSlashName = /pray isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 61 = table:00000143E386F878 firstTable displayName = Push emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 61 emoteIndex = 53 emoteSlashName = /push isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 62 = table:00000143E386F968 firstTable displayName = Rub hands emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 62 emoteIndex = 54 emoteSlashName = /rubhands isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 63 = table:00000143E386FA08 firstTable displayName = Rude gesture emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 63 emoteIndex = 55 emoteSlashName = /rude isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 64 = table:00000143E386FAB0 firstTable displayName = Salute 1 emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 64 emoteIndex = 56 emoteSlashName = /salute isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 65 = table:00000143E386F060 firstTable displayName = Salute 2 emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 65 emoteIndex = 57 emoteSlashName = /salute2 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 66 = table:00000143E386FBE8 firstTable displayName = Salute 3 emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 66 emoteIndex = 58 emoteSlashName = /salute3 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 67 = table:00000143E386FC60 firstTable displayName = Salute Loop 1 emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 67 emoteIndex = 59 emoteSlashName = /saluteloop isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 68 = table:00000143E386FD08 firstTable displayName = Salute Loop 2 emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 68 emoteIndex = 60 emoteSlashName = /saluteloop2 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 69 = table:00000143E386FD80 firstTable displayName = Salute Loop 3 emoteCategory = 1 emoteId = 69 emoteIndex = 61 emoteSlashName = /saluteloop3 isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 7 = table:00000143E386D908 firstTable displayName = Play drum emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 7 emoteIndex = 7 emoteSlashName = /drum isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 70 = table:00000143E386FE28 firstTable displayName = Shake fist emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 70 emoteIndex = 62 emoteSlashName = /shakefist isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 71 = table:00000143E386FED0 firstTable displayName = Scared emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 71 emoteIndex = 63 emoteSlashName = /scared isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 72 = table:00000143E386FF70 firstTable displayName = Shiver cold emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 72 emoteIndex = 64 emoteSlashName = /cold isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 73 = table:00000143E3870030 firstTable displayName = Shush emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 73 emoteIndex = 65 emoteSlashName = /shh isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 74 = table:00000143E38700D8 firstTable displayName = Welcome emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 74 emoteIndex = 66 emoteSlashName = /welcome isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 75 = table:00000143E3870180 firstTable displayName = Surprised emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 75 emoteIndex = 67 emoteSlashName = /surprised isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 76 = table:00000143E3870228 firstTable displayName = Threaten emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 76 emoteIndex = 68 emoteSlashName = /threaten isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 77 = table:00000143E38702D0 firstTable displayName = Thumbs down emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 77 emoteIndex = 69 emoteSlashName = /thumbsdown isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 78 = table:00000143E3870370 firstTable displayName = Waving emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 78 emoteIndex = 70 emoteSlashName = /wave isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 79 = table:00000143E3870410 firstTable displayName = Weep emoteCategory = 4 emoteId = 79 emoteIndex = 71 emoteSlashName = /crying isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 80 = table:00000143E38704B0 firstTable displayName = Dance emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 80 emoteIndex = 72 emoteSlashName = /dance isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 82 = table:00000143E3870558 firstTable displayName = Dismiss 1 emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 82 emoteIndex = 73 emoteSlashName = /dismiss isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 83 = table:00000143E3870600 firstTable displayName = Dismiss 2 emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 83 emoteIndex = 74 emoteSlashName = /goaway isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 84 = table:00000143E38706A8 firstTable displayName = Dismiss 3 emoteCategory = 2 emoteId = 84 emoteIndex = 75 emoteSlashName = /leaveme isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 85 = table:00000143E3870740 firstTable displayName = Beg emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 85 emoteIndex = 76 emoteSlashName = /beg isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 86 = table:00000143E38707E0 firstTable displayName = Nod head emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 86 emoteIndex = 77 emoteSlashName = /nod isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 87 = table:00000143E3870890 firstTable displayName = Brush off shoulder emoteCategory = 12 emoteId = 87 emoteIndex = 78 emoteSlashName = /brushoff isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 88 = table:00000143E3870938 firstTable displayName = Dance drunk emoteCategory = 5 emoteId = 88 emoteIndex = 79 emoteSlashName = /dancedrunk isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 89 = table:00000143E38709E0 firstTable displayName = Dust off emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 89 emoteIndex = 80 emoteSlashName = /dustoff isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 9 = table:00000143E386D9C8 firstTable displayName = Drinking from flagon emoteCategory = 6 emoteId = 9 emoteIndex = 8 emoteSlashName = /drink isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 95 = table:00000143E3870AA0 firstTable displayName = Shrug emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 95 emoteIndex = 81 emoteSlashName = /shrug isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 96 = table:00000143E3870B48 firstTable displayName = Preening emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 96 emoteIndex = 82 emoteSlashName = /preen isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 97 = table:00000143E3870A28 firstTable displayName = Head scratch emoteCategory = 10 emoteId = 97 emoteIndex = 83 emoteSlashName = /scratch isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 98 = table:00000143E3870C50 firstTable displayName = Jumping jacks emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 98 emoteIndex = 84 emoteSlashName = /jumpingjacks isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true 99 = table:00000143E386F798 firstTable displayName = Push-ups strong emoteCategory = 9 emoteId = 99 emoteIndex = 85 emoteSlashName = /pushups isOverriddenByPersonality = false showInGamepadUI = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 PLAYER_EMOTE_PLAY_FAILURE_GENERIC = 0 PLAYER_EMOTE_PLAY_FAILURE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 PLAYER_EMOTE_PLAY_FAILURE_ITERATION_END = 1 PLAYER_EMOTE_PLAY_FAILURE_LOCKED = 1 PLAYER_EMOTE_PLAY_FAILURE_MAX_VALUE = 1 PLAYER_EMOTE_PLAY_FAILURE_MIN_VALUE = 0 PLAYER_EMOTE_QUICKSLOT = table:00000143E3892B18 (meta 00000143E388FB98} firstTable firstMeta menu = table:00000143E3892B90 (meta 000001431DA64B50} firstTable firstMeta actionLayerName = RadialMenu activateOnShow = true control = userdata:00000143E3892A00 (meta 000001430831E750} directionInputs = table:0000014316F467B0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 2 enableMouse = true entries = table:00000143E3892FD8 firstTable entryPool = table:00000143E3892ED0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E3893020 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143E3892DD0 m_Free = table:00000143E3892F90 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143E3892D90 onClearCallback() = function:00000143E3893208 onSelectionChangedCallback() = function:00000143E3893140 selectIfCentered = true selectedBackground = userdata:00000143E3892B08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} setupFunction() = function:00000143E38930C0 virtualMouseX = 0 virtualMouseY = 0 menuControl = userdata:00000143E3892A00 (meta 000001430831E750} PLAYER_INVENTORY = table:00000143EA549738 (meta 00000143D1A54CA0} firstTable firstMeta bagToInventoryType = table:000001439DBF5E90 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 3 3 = 4 5 = 5 6 = 3 bankDepositTabKeybindButtonGroup = table:00000143143B7830 firstTable 1 = table:00000143143B78D0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143143B79E8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Deposit Currency 2 = table:00000143143B7A28 firstTable callback() = function:00000143143B7B18 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_STACK_ALL name = Stack All Items alignment = 2 bankWithdrawTabKeybindButtonGroup = table:00000143143B44B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143143B4560 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F58E62F8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name() = function:00000143143B7590 visible() = function:000001439D28D208 2 = table:00000143143B75D0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143143B76C0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Withdraw Currency 3 = table:00000143143B7700 firstTable callback() = function:00000143143B77F0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_STACK_ALL name = Stack All Items alignment = 2 guildBankDepositTabKeybindButtonGroup = table:00000143EC976828 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC9768A0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EC976A10 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name() = function:00000143EC976990 visible() = function:00000143EC9769D0 2 = table:00000143EC976A50 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EC976B40 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Deposit Currency visible() = function:00000143EC976B80 alignment = 2 guildBankWithdrawTabKeybindButtonGroup = table:00000143EC9765D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC976648 firstTable callback() = function:000001440FCC4EF0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name() = function:000001439D6B77F8 visible() = function:00000143BC860FF0 2 = table:00000143EC976738 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314CF57B0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Withdraw Currency visible() = function:000001439D6B8D08 alignment = 2 inventories = table:000001439DBF9610 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DBF9658 2 = table:000001439DBFE858 firstTable currentFilter = 0 currentSortKey = name currentSortOrder = true hiddenColumns = table:00000143C0261D40 firstTable stackSellPrice = true statusSortOrder = true traitInformationSortOrder = true listDataType = 2 listHiddenCallback() = function:00000143D5CF0F38 listSetupCallback() = function:000001439F034638 listView = userdata:00000143CCAF1918 (meta 00000143D901F520} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:0000014313212A28 firstTable animation = userdata:0000014313212B50 (meta 0000014313212BA8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143CCAF1918 (meta 00000143D901F520} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000014313212AB8 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143CCAEC2A0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143132129E0 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000014313212998 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D2B84FB0 firstTable height = 52 hideCallback() = function:00000143D5CF0F38 pool = table:00000144C25789E8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144C2578A30 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000144C25788E8 m_Free = table:00000143D2B84F68 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143C025DEA8 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001439F034638 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000001439DBF7DE0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143D6174238 (meta 00000143D616FFE8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143CCAEDE10 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143A42F7908 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:0000014313212B20 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 52 upButton = userdata:000001439DBF7DB0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000144C25788A0 firstTable rowTemplate = ZO_PlayerInventorySlot searchBox = userdata:00000143210A0E10 (meta 000001431C6C5328} slotType = 1 slots = table:000001439DBFE8A0 firstTable stringSearch = table:0000014314A454A0 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = true data = table:00000143DFA53A60 firstTable processors = table:00000143F455A760 firstTable 2() = function:00000143F8B9ACF8 3() = function:00000143F8B9BC30 3 = table:000001439DBFE8E8 firstTable activeTab = userdata:00000143C7B95260 (meta 00000143083425C0} altFreeSlotType = 3 altFreeSlotsLabel = userdata:00000143D901A158 (meta 00000143083425C0} backingBags = table:00000143098910C0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 6 currentFilter = 0 currentSortKey = name currentSortOrder = true filterBar = userdata:00000143C7B95230 (meta 000001439F021818} freeSlotType = 1 freeSlotsFullStringId = 3257 freeSlotsLabel = userdata:00000143D901A0B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} freeSlotsStringId = 3256 hiddenColumns = table:00000143C0261E30 listDataType = 1 listHiddenCallback() = function:00000143D5CF0F38 listSetupCallback() = function:00000143132217C8 listView = userdata:00000143C02659C8 (meta 00000143D1035158} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:0000014473531BF8 firstTable animation = userdata:0000014473532F18 (meta 0000014473532F70} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143C02659C8 (meta 00000143D1035158} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000014473532EB0 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143C0265A38 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:0000014473531BB0 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000014473531B68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D1A4FA50 firstTable height = 52 hideCallback() = function:00000143D5CF0F38 pool = table:00000143D1A47BA0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D1A47BE8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014473533088 m_Free = table:00000143D1A47C60 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143C025DEA8 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001431C09AE18 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000143E34628E0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143C0265AB0 (meta 00000143E3462998} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143E3462940 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143E3462910 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:0000014313212988 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 52 upButton = userdata:00000143E3462868 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:0000014473533040 firstTable rowTemplate = ZO_PlayerInventorySlot searchBox = userdata:00000143CE3F9188 (meta 000001439D794EE8} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true slotType = 9 slots = table:0000014309891108 firstTable 2 = table:00000143098911A8 firstTable 0 = table:00000143F8DD1788 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144D04BB670 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_001_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 617255990 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Health quality = 1 rawName = Essence of health requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D6EAC440 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 0 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 0 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202957 1 = table:00000144C7FCE6F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C368AE98 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_grilled_apples.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2096152584 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Firsthold Fruit and Cheese Plate quality = 2 rawName = Firsthold Fruit and Cheese Plate requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DE77A0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 1 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 1 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 33 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 165 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2991617457477e-313 10 = table:00000143F5F7D198 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DC9880 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_jam_pot.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3825365400 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Orcrest Garlic Apple Jelly quality = 2 rawName = Orcrest Garlic Apple Jelly requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F4F690 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 10 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 10 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 15 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 60 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2026332833381e-313 100 = table:00000144D04BD700 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:0000014494A172E8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4165204073 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Belt quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide belt^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EB90C858 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 100 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 100 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 619 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 101 = table:00000143C369A210 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143DD562660 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1459568298 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Arm Cops quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide arm cops^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCC7D98 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 101 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 101 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1445 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 102 = table:000001448F0BE530 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143FBCB7068 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2957316626 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Guards quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide guards^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E775E270 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 102 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 102 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1424 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 103 = table:00000143FBC9F078 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143F5F615B8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 343264044 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Helmet quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide helmet^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143C36B2398 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 103 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 103 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1445 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 104 = table:00000144CAEE0380 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143F5F5A6C0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1932595565 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Bracers quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide bracers^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143ECB5ABA8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 104 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 104 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 826 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 105 = table:00000143FBC9E1C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143FBCCCDF0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3521927086 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Boots quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide boots^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCA1DC0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 105 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 105 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 1445 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 106 = table:00000143F5F4BA00 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143F5F5E9E8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_light_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3994954353 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Sash quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun sash^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCC0A10 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 106 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 106 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 415 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 107 = table:00000144C7FCE830 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000144C7FD1C98 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1289318578 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F7E628 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 107 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 107 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 969 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 108 = table:00000143F5F6E3F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000144CAF00880 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 81431131 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C80018F8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 108 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 108 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 955 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 109 = table:00000143F5F71738 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000144CAF05A20 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2499426363 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Arm Cops quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide arm cops^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F6B5D8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 109 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 109 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1445 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 11 = table:00000143FBCB2D48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647D0220 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_soup_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4003040483 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = West Weald Corn Chowder quality = 2 rawName = West Weald Corn Chowder requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014494A0F948 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 11 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 11 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 89 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 356 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3216025003134e-313 110 = table:00000143FBCB8118 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143F8DE37C8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 910094842 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Belt quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide belt^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F42C50 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 110 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 110 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 619 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 111 = table:00000143D09D5368 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143FBCA6D48 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3997174691 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Guards quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide guards^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EB9186D8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 111 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 111 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1424 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 112 = table:00000143FBCA3C70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:00000143FBC9DE58 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_light_robe_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4173835634 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Robe quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun robe^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001448F0F9348 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 112 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 112 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1060 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 113 = table:00000143F5F62B08 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CAE51DF8 firstTable 1 = 3 gemsAwardedPerConversion = 1 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_ridinglessons_capacity.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = true isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4250521335 itemType = 57 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crown Lesson: Riding Capacity quality = 5 rawName = Crown Lesson: Riding Capacity requiredLevel = 1 requiredPerGemConversion = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCA0F40 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 113 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 113 specializedItemType = 2600 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 2 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420366 114 = table:00000143FBCCA898 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CAEF8A38 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_tea_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1738588103 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Aetherial Tea quality = 2 rawName = Aetherial Tea requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F772D8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 114 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 114 specializedItemType = 21 stackCount = 14 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 56 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203671 115 = table:00000143F5F46CF0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143DD618E88 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C6126E8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 115 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 115 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 116 = table:00000143FBCC9910 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CAEEABD0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dom_beer_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4115801439 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sipping Imga Tonic quality = 2 rawName = Sipping Imga Tonic requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E7DDDA40 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 116 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 116 specializedItemType = 22 stackCount = 98 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 392 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203671 117 = table:00000143F8DDC8D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143F8DD26E0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014494A03920 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 117 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 117 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 118 = table:00000143E774A718 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001447C5E2E00 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2604256798 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Cheydinhal Sherry quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Cheydinhal Sherry requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E774A690 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 118 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 118 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203672 119 = table:00000143FBC98BB0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143E616BF50 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E619BE28 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 119 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 119 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 12 = table:00000144CC068318 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143B2A956B0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dom_distill_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1576307330 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Comely Wench Whiskey quality = 2 rawName = Comely Wench Whiskey requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DDC360 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 12 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 12 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 400 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2026333061145e-313 120 = table:00000143FBC8F198 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E618F3C0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2182520362 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Pink Profundity quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Pink Profundity requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCB1038 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 120 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 120 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203673 121 = table:00000143D09DA808 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143F5F65670 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F73818 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 121 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 121 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 122 = table:00000143E619BC98 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCA9170 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1066216108 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Mead de Menthe quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Mead de Menthe requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143D6EAE4B0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 122 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 122 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203673 123 = table:00000143FBC95120 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000144C80046C8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F46CA0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 123 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 123 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 124 = table:00000143F8DD75B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCABCD8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1241445383 itemType = 8 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Shoulders quality = 4 rawName = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Shoulders requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD99BEE0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 124 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 124 specializedItemType = 61 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203737 125 = table:00000144949FA3D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CAEE8D78 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3141172691 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Lillandril Tonic Tea quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Lillandril Tonic Tea requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D88FC18 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 125 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 125 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203674 126 = table:00000143F5F43B68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143F5F7C788 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F5B760 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 126 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 126 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 127 = table:00000143FBCC0F60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143FBCB5208 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD9A8898 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 127 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 127 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 128 = table:00000144CAF04388 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143FBC96B80 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DEF160 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 128 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 128 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 129 = table:00000143D6E7B620 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143F5F70B00 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCA0078 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 129 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 129 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 13 = table:00000143FBCBFE70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD97CC50 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dom_meat_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1712858400 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Argonian Saddle-Cured Rabbit quality = 2 rawName = Argonian Saddle-Cured Rabbit requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143ECB578F8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 13 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 13 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 4 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 16 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202219 130 = table:00000143FBCA6018 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143D6E824B8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DD8388 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 130 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 130 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 131 = table:00000143F5F57A58 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143E6183198 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DD8220 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 131 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 131 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 132 = table:00000143F5F41AC0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143D09CECB8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCBDE38 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 132 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 132 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 133 = table:00000143FBC97238 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000144D04BD920 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DE8708 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 133 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 133 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 134 = table:00000143ECB3B0B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000144D04DEEC8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C5ED738 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 134 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 134 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 135 = table:00000143FBCBF008 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143F5F5C5F8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144CAEDB518 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 135 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 135 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 136 = table:00000143D6E9F388 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143F8DE8140 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F49948 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 136 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 136 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 137 = table:00000143DD573480 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143DD62CCB8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D09B9D28 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 137 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 137 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 138 = table:00000143F5F54608 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143F8DDF670 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C5F9F08 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 138 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 138 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 139 = table:00000144CAED0A20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:000001448F0E2AA0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F695A8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 139 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 139 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 14 = table:0000014313B98A58 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143D09E3250 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_tea_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2237037483 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Khenarthi's Wings Chai quality = 2 rawName = Khenarthi's Wings Chai requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC9DC78 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 14 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 14 specializedItemType = 21 stackCount = 4 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 16 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202165 140 = table:000001448F0BA5F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143FBCC38D0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCAAE38 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 140 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 140 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 141 = table:00000143FBC95530 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143F5F7B160 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCC5EA0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 141 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 141 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 142 = table:00000143F5F67900 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143FBCC9988 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F56648 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 142 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 142 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 143 = table:00000143F5F4B848 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143F5F5EBC8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCB0EA8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 143 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 143 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 144 = table:00000143F8DE03A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143F8DDD700 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCC58B0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 144 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 144 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 145 = table:00000143F5F6B9C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143ECB6E530 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC90058 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 145 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 145 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 146 = table:00000143FBCC7A00 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000144CAEF0EA0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001448F0C7260 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 146 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 146 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 147 = table:000001448F0E7C70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143FBCA9260 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F41D90 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 147 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 147 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 148 = table:000001439D88F808 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143F5F7D7D8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143094EBEA0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 148 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 148 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 149 = table:00000143DD542B80 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143F5F6F650 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143094EC3C8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 149 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 149 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 15 = table:00000143FBCBCCB8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = 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inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3745211388 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD981EA0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 150 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 150 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 151 = table:00000143DD54B578 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000144CC044C68 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143C3696D38 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 151 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 151 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 152 = table:00000143F5F6F888 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143D09C9D68 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001448F0BDCC8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 152 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 152 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 153 = table:00000143D6EB3238 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143D09DD300 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F629F0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 153 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 153 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 154 = table:00000143E777F2D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143FBC9EE48 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F5DA28 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 154 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 154 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 155 = table:00000143F5F45768 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143FBCCBA00 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCA7D00 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 155 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 155 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 156 = table:00000143D09E17A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000144647ABAE0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A51C17A8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 156 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 156 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 157 = table:00000143F8DD35F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143DD989DB0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DD8338 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 157 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 157 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 158 = table:00000143FBC8E250 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001448F0EB718 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DAD09738 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 158 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 158 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 159 = table:00000143FBCA8E50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143F5F5EA60 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DDB2E8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 159 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 159 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 16 = table:000001447C5DCB68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647CF100 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = 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false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1320869130 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D09DE938 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 160 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 160 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1050 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 161 = table:00000143FBCB8A10 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143FBCBDB90 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 360828613 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143ECB5AB58 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 161 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 161 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1176 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 162 = table:00000143FBCBFBC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000144CC0684A8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_light_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3830667269 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Sash quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun sash^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC92318 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 162 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 162 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 415 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203729 163 = table:00000143F5F41778 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014494A03AB0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1125031494 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439D88FC90 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 163 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 163 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 969 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203729 164 = table:000001447C5EC6D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143DD97DA88 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4212111343 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F6E508 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 164 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 164 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 955 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203729 165 = table:00000143D6E80380 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:000001448F0ED690 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4212111343 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCA3F18 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 165 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 165 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 955 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203729 166 = table:00000144BA7C7500 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143F5F5E768 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_light_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1598058761 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Hat quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun hat^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144CAE622F8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 166 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 166 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 969 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203729 167 = table:00000143E775E4A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143F8DE4930 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_light_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3187390282 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Gloves quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun gloves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DE17C8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 167 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 167 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 554 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203729 168 = table:00000143DD99DE50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143E775AEC8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_light_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3187390282 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Gloves quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun gloves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DDE120 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 168 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 168 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 554 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203729 169 = table:00000143F5F486C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCB2AF0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1869415846 itemType = 8 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 19: Mercenary Chests quality = 4 rawName = Crafting Motif 19: Mercenary Chests requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F7B6B0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 169 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 169 specializedItemType = 61 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.347125318195e-313 17 = table:00000144CC046E10 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001447C618748 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_002_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4255825077 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Magicka quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Magicka requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E400BE0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 17 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 17 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 53 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 265 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202599 170 = table:00000143DD55A3E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143D09C8950 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4102024354 itemType = 8 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 19: Mercenary Legs quality = 4 rawName = Crafting Motif 19: Mercenary Legs requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144CC04EC68 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 170 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 170 specializedItemType = 61 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3957198594083e-313 171 = table:000001448F0CB7F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCA3AE0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 923361312 itemType = 8 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 19: Mercenary Shields quality = 4 rawName = Crafting Motif 19: Mercenary Shields requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCA3E50 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 171 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 171 specializedItemType = 61 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202504 172 = table:00000143F5F65968 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DEA448 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/event_halloween_2016_iron_cup_bones.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3728368382 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Witchmother's Potent Brew quality = 4 rawName = Witchmother's Potent Brew requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCA3BA8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 172 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 172 specializedItemType = 27 stackCount = 11 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 11 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203259 173 = table:00000143ECB57C18 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCC4978 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_potion_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1105299936 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Psijic Ambrosia quality = 5 rawName = Psijic Ambrosia requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144CAEE02B8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 173 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 173 specializedItemType = 27 stackCount = 4 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202855 174 = table:00000143F5F54BA8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CAEF2DD0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1268498448 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Glass Style Motif Fragment quality = 4 rawName = Glass Style Motif Fragment requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB9095F0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 174 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 174 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 37 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 481 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494201918 175 = table:000001448F0BDC28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC90580 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3118247927 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment I quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment I requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBC9FE20 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 175 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 175 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 10 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 130 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2959744963992e-313 176 = table:00000143FBC9A250 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F6F2B8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/event_halloween_2016_spooky_recipe.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4134486029 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Crisp and Crunchy Pumpkin Snack Skewer quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Crisp and Crunchy Pumpkin Snack Skewer requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DED1C8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 176 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 176 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 5 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203734 177 = table:00000143D6E8A4F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD9A56E8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dom_distill_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1576307330 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Comely Wench Whiskey quality = 2 rawName = Comely Wench Whiskey requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001448F0C2610 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 177 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 177 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 14 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 56 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420375 178 = table:00000143F5F578F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F69350 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 636703944 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Baby Carrots in Moon-Sugar Glaze quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Baby Carrots in Moon-Sugar Glaze requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F68980 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 178 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 178 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420375 179 = table:00000143DD9AFA08 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD9B2700 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = 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isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3322891765 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Magicka quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Magicka requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A51C0A90 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 18 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 18 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1114184738272e-313 180 = table:00000143E7756258 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F72590 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2693269522 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Athlete's Guzzle quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Athlete's Guzzle requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD54E3A0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 180 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 180 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.8970603945056 181 = table:00000143094EC058 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DDF3A0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 214967508 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Sweet Scamp Mazte quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Sweet Scamp Mazte requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144C7FFA050 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 181 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 181 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203752 182 = table:00000143FBCBCD30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143D6E91470 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1494757129 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Apple-Eidar Cheese Salad quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Apple-Eidar Cheese Salad requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCC3C18 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 182 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 182 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203752 183 = table:00000144CAED72C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F5CA08 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4093991578 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Camlorn Pork Sausage quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Camlorn Pork Sausage requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB8F0600 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 183 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 183 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203753 184 = table:00000144D04A7FD0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD98D1B0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2220251880 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Sweet Skeever Gumbo quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Sweet Skeever Gumbo requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144C8002FD8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 184 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 184 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203753 185 = table:00000144CC058840 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CAE5E908 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1109731211 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Hag Fen Pumpkin Pie quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Hag Fen Pumpkin Pie requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F6B6A0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 185 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 185 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203758 186 = table:00000143ECFEFB78 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000144BF6139D8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_ashlanderv_2hsword_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2475382543 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedite Greatsword quality = 1 rawName = Rubedite greatsword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCC2C40 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 186 type = 1 sellPrice = 74 slotIndex = 186 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 74 statValue = 1206 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203764 187 = table:00000143FBCA4E78 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F62608 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3512589439 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Combwort Flatbread quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Combwort Flatbread requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F65AF8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 187 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 187 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203764 188 = table:00000143FBCA8FE0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 7 filterData = table:00000143F5F4C510 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_shield_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1096602444 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ruby Ash Shield quality = 1 rawName = ruby ash shield^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F76218 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 188 type = 1 sellPrice = 47 slotIndex = 188 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 47 statValue = 1500 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203765 189 = table:00000144CC080E50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143D09C88D8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2345434525 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedite Girdle quality = 1 rawName = rubedite girdle^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C7FEB200 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 189 type = 1 sellPrice = 28 slotIndex = 189 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 28 statValue = 907 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203765 19 = table:00000143F5F56698 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001448F0D5F98 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dom_distill_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4207595432 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rislav's Righteous Red Kvass quality = 4 rawName = Rislav's Righteous Red Kvass requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCBAA18 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 19 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 19 specializedItemType = 26 stackCount = 4 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 20 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 5.763621151632e-314 190 = table:00000143FBCBE018 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51BE5A8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 541898010 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Sweet Persistence quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Sweet Persistence requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001447C612828 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 190 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 190 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203765 191 = table:00000143E7787790 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:00000143FBCA4CE8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_ashlanderv_light_robe_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4183255908 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ancestor Silk Robe quality = 1 rawName = Ancestor Silk robe^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F4BBB8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 191 type = 1 sellPrice = 55 slotIndex = 191 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 55 statValue = 1204 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203766 192 = table:00000144647AB838 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001448F0F9410 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3675636002 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Hearty Garlic Corn Chowder quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Hearty Garlic Corn Chowder requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001440960C750 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 192 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 192 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203766 193 = table:0000014494A0F998 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143FBCC8158 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1231241766 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ruby Ash Lightning Staff quality = 1 rawName = ruby ash lightning staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439D894BF0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 193 type = 1 sellPrice = 74 slotIndex = 193 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 74 statValue = 1025 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203766 194 = table:00000143FBCA9F28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001447C5FC130 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2528813012 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Dragonstar Radish Kebabs quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Dragonstar Radish Kebabs requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F48718 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 194 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 194 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203766 195 = table:00000143F5F58C10 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:00000143FBC970D0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_ashlanderv_light_robe_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3367617706 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ancestor Silk Robe quality = 1 rawName = Ancestor Silk robe^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD5704F0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 195 type = 1 sellPrice = 57 slotIndex = 195 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 57 statValue = 1220 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203766 196 = table:00000143ECB3C3A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143FBCC5CC0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_ashlanderv_2hsword_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2475382543 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedite Greatsword quality = 1 rawName = Rubedite greatsword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E774B0D8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 196 type = 1 sellPrice = 74 slotIndex = 196 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 74 statValue = 1206 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203766 197 = table:00000143F5F64A48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC93D88 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3942101603 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Berrymead Tonic quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Berrymead Tonic requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBC90CD0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 197 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 197 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203766 198 = table:00000143E6653C60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F44CE0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3443950238 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Vvardenfell Flin quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Vvardenfell Flin requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCA8070 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 198 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 198 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203767 199 = table:00000143F5F6A648 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143FBCA0C98 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4290161130 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ruby Ash Restoration Staff quality = 1 rawName = ruby ash restoration staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144D04DEE78 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 199 type = 1 sellPrice = 76 slotIndex = 199 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 76 statValue = 1037 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203767 2 = table:000001447C5F7570 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCA5080 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stoneware_bottle_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3286078307 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Blue Road Marathon quality = 2 rawName = Blue Road Marathon requiredLevel = 40 searchData = table:00000143DD9919A8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 2 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 2 specializedItemType = 22 stackCount = 42 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 168 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2148894466933e-313 20 = table:00000143D09E0210 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E774B088 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_leather_vitriol.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2133874477 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hagraven's Tonic quality = 2 rawName = Hagraven's Tonic requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DE7368 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 20 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 20 specializedItemType = 22 stackCount = 10 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202182 200 = table:00000143FBCC5C20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647A5B10 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 908564183 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Drowned Sailor Ale quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Drowned Sailor Ale requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144CC06B400 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 200 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 200 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203767 201 = table:00000144CAE643A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143FBCB9A20 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_ashlanderv_light_hands_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1004592866 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ancestor Silk Gloves quality = 1 rawName = Ancestor Silk gloves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C5E24F8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 201 type = 1 sellPrice = 27 slotIndex = 201 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 27 statValue = 602 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203768 202 = table:00000143D6EAE348 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143DE374F80 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1231241766 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ruby Ash Lightning Staff quality = 1 rawName = ruby ash lightning staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B1476EF0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 202 type = 1 sellPrice = 74 slotIndex = 202 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 74 statValue = 1025 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203768 203 = table:00000143DD9B2688 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCB3180 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2497895704 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Elinhir Qishr quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Elinhir Qishr requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB8F09A0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 203 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 203 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203768 204 = table:00000143F5F46818 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = 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table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4145534015 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ruby Ash Bow quality = 1 rawName = Ruby Ash bow^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B81FBC10 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 205 type = 1 sellPrice = 74 slotIndex = 205 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 74 statValue = 1025 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203768 206 = table:00000143F5F736D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000144D04C0380 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_light_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1939533399 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ancestor Silk Shoes quality = 1 rawName = ancestor silk shoes^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DE85A0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 206 type = 1 sellPrice = 27 slotIndex = 206 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 27 statValue = 1053 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203768 207 = table:00000143FBCA9ED8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143E775AE78 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2345434525 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedite Girdle quality = 1 rawName = rubedite girdle^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F549C8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 207 type = 1 sellPrice = 28 slotIndex = 207 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 28 statValue = 907 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203768 208 = table:00000143FBC91E90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001447C5DCA00 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2958325176 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Bitter Tea quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Bitter Tea requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001431B630CE0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 208 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 208 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203768 209 = table:00000143FBCB2088 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143A51C1898 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_ashlanderv_2hsword_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1659744341 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedite Greatsword quality = 1 rawName = Rubedite greatsword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A97A43B8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 209 type = 1 sellPrice = 76 slotIndex = 209 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 76 statValue = 1220 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203769 21 = table:00000143D6EA8738 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A97A4408 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_skillet_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3685484105 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Lilmoth Garlic Hagfish quality = 2 rawName = Lilmoth Garlic Hagfish requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144BA7B38A8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 21 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 21 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 10 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202182 210 = table:00000143FBCA0208 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143F5F68408 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 270906228 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Restoration Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood restoration staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439D893D58 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 210 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 210 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203778 211 = table:00000143F5F5EC18 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143D6E91358 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 270906228 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Restoration Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood restoration staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DAD09878 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 211 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 211 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203778 212 = table:00000143F5F448F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143F5F69878 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1860237749 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Lightning Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood lightning staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCB0FC0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 212 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 212 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203778 213 = table:00000143FBCA4C70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143ECB57AD8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = 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isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3449569270 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Ice Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood ice staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC94E00 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 214 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 214 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203778 215 = table:00000143DD982F20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143F5F655F8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3449569270 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Ice Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood ice staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD570658 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 215 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 215 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203778 216 = table:00000143ECB3C0D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143DD54E288 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 743933495 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Inferno Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood inferno staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F5F768 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 216 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 216 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203778 217 = table:00000144BA7CD4E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143DD5795B8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_bow_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2333265016 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Bow quality = 1 rawName = nightwood bow^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F63C20 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 217 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 217 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203778 22 = table:00000143FBC941C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144BA7D0F28 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_grilled_apples.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4115716628 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Fresh Apples and Eidar Cheese quality = 2 rawName = Fresh Apples and Eidar Cheese requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F6E378 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 22 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 22 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 47 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 188 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202555 23 = table:00000143F5F753A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F5C878 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/event_newlifefestival_2016_fisheye_rye.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4163609038 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hissmir Fish-Eye Rye quality = 5 rawName = Hissmir Fish-Eye Rye requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144CAEF0E00 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 23 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23 specializedItemType = 27 stackCount = 29 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 58 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.368567533235e-313 24 = table:000001439D891870 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143D09C8888 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_medium_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2229109029 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Arm Cops quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide arm cops^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F45DF8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 24 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 24 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1382 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203027 25 = table:00000143F5F76970 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144D04CBE90 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_empty.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2808723548 itemType = 19 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Soul Gem (Empty) quality = 1 rawName = Soul Gem (Empty) requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DE10C0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 25 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 25 specializedItemType = 900 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1000 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203046 26 = table:00000143E619C300 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = 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false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1733560244 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Stamina quality = 1 rawName = Essence of stamina requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCAEF78 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 28 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 28 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202183 29 = table:00000143F5F74328 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F597B8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_001_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 617255990 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Health quality = 1 rawName = Essence of health requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C7FFA168 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 29 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 29 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4183601555765e-313 3 = table:00000143F5F6CA70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB8F0CE8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_bread_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3069135344 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Cyrodilic Cornbread quality = 2 rawName = Cyrodilic Cornbread requiredLevel = 40 searchData = table:00000143FBC91DF0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 3 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 3 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 35 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 140 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2127484730978e-313 30 = table:00000144CAEE8C78 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCA7360 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_003_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1733560244 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Stamina quality = 1 rawName = Essence of stamina requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DD8540 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 30 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 30 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420301 31 = table:00000143FBCABE40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC98C50 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_011_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3924556648 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Panacea of Invisibility quality = 1 rawName = panacea of Invisibility requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F5E808 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 31 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 31 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 35 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 140 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 7.2111611879337e-314 32 = table:00000143F5F56B20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DEB7B8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_009_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1096022790 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Panacea of Detection quality = 1 rawName = panacea of Detection requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC8F148 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 32 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 32 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 59 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 236 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 7.6547960883993e-314 33 = table:00000143F8DE1228 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F54C98 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_014_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3121288384 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Lingering Health quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Lingering Health requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A51C01E0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 33 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 33 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 63 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 315 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3681793984751e-313 34 = table:000001447C5ED4A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647C02F0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_008_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3267050847 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Immovability quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Immovability requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144BA7CBFE8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 34 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 34 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 11 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 55 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 7.9958570364471e-314 35 = table:00000143F8DEE3F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC97030 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_001_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 617255990 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Health quality = 1 rawName = Essence of health requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D09E0378 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 35 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 35 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.0062111753804e-313 36 = table:00000143FBCAAC08 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = 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/esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_003_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1733560244 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Stamina quality = 1 rawName = Essence of stamina requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCBEDD0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 37 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 37 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.0062111759239e-313 38 = table:00000143F5F685E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 15 filterData = table:00000143F5F70948 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_poison_001_green_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1999616110 itemType = 30 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Damage Stamina Poison IX quality = 1 rawName = Damage Stamina Poison IX requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F71828 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 38 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 38 specializedItemType = 1400 stackCount = 292 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1460 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203353 39 = table:00000143F8DDD228 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F4C678 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_crate_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2273551505 itemType = 9 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grand Repair Kit quality = 2 rawName = Grand Repair Kit requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143ECB387D0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 39 type = 1 sellPrice = 14 slotIndex = 39 specializedItemType = 500 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2800 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4262545012367e-313 4 = table:00000143F5F6A828 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F405E8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_fruit_pie.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2123080810 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mammoth Snout Pie quality = 2 rawName = Mammoth Snout Pie requiredLevel = 40 searchData = table:00000143FBCC9F50 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 4 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 4 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 48 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 192 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2137247037809e-313 40 = table:000001439D892910 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCC6D20 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2985720100 itemType = 8 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 19: Mercenary Gloves quality = 4 rawName = Crafting Motif 19: Mercenary Gloves requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F6E760 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 40 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 40 specializedItemType = 61 stackCount = 3 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 98.167541504479 41 = table:00000143FBC9BEE0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F40598 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_daedricembers.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1799206744 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Key Fragment quality = 4 rawName = Key Fragment requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F51680 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 41 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 41 specializedItemType = 102 stackCount = 152 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203233 42 = table:00000143FBCABAD0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C7FDD218 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1268498448 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Glass Style Motif Fragment quality = 4 rawName = Glass Style Motif Fragment requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001448F0BA4B0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 42 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 42 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2600 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 108.91998291288 43 = table:000001448F0F1968 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F50748 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_crate_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2273551505 itemType = 9 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grand Repair Kit quality = 2 rawName = Grand Repair Kit requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC9DCF0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 43 type = 1 sellPrice = 14 slotIndex = 43 specializedItemType = 500 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2800 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203312 44 = table:00000143F5F69918 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F4E428 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dom_stew_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 256054706 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pickled Carrot Slurry quality = 2 rawName = Pickled Carrot Slurry requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCA6130 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 44 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 44 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 77 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 308 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203354 45 = table:00000143D6E79468 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 15 filterData = table:00000144C7FD0A18 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = 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= false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1594260082 itemType = 30 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Damage Magicka Poison IX quality = 1 rawName = Damage Magicka Poison IX requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C7FF6CA0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 46 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 46 specializedItemType = 1400 stackCount = 290 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1450 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203353 47 = table:00000143FBC952D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCADC50 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_tea_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2606901744 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Muthsera's Remorse quality = 2 rawName = Muthsera's Remorse requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F45AD8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 47 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 47 specializedItemType = 21 stackCount = 77 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 385 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203438 48 = table:0000014406389CD8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143FBC950D0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1468199859 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Girdle quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel girdle^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F568F0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 48 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 48 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 787 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420354 49 = table:00000144CAEE2DE0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCBAB80 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_crate_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2273551505 itemType = 9 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grand Repair Kit quality = 2 rawName = Grand Repair Kit requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F6EA80 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 49 type = 1 sellPrice = 14 slotIndex = 49 specializedItemType = 500 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2800 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203453 5 = table:00000143F8DD83D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C7FFA258 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dessert_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1177026276 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Skyrim Jazbay Crostata quality = 2 rawName = Skyrim Jazbay Crostata requiredLevel = 40 searchData = table:00000143F5F5BA58 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 5 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 5 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 54 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 216 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2148894466439e-313 50 = table:00000144D04B2AA0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144D04C2FD0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_soup_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1623125317 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hearty Garlic Corn Chowder quality = 2 rawName = Hearty Garlic Corn Chowder requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DEF050 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 50 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 50 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 77 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 385 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203455 51 = table:00000144BA7CE358 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD996EE0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3338946725 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Stendarr's Vigilance Ginger Ale quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Stendarr's Vigilance Ginger Ale requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F52DC8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 51 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 51 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 20 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203456 52 = table:00000143DD5504C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014494A0AA28 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_spirits_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4210607373 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Arenthian Brandy quality = 2 rawName = Arenthian Brandy requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC90E38 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 52 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 52 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 91 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 364 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203506 53 = table:00000143F5F52710 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143F5F505E0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3057531380 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Pauldron quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel pauldron^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C7FF8A78 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 53 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 53 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1837 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420354 54 = table:00000144CAE770B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143D09BEC88 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 160283683 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Mint Mudcrab Mojito quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Mint Mudcrab Mojito requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F58A08 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 54 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 54 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203542 55 = table:00000143F5F6B8D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DE7638 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/fragment_costume_sixthhouse_bell.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1867666655 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sixth House Tailor's Bell quality = 4 rawName = Sixth House Tailor's Bell requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DEA1A0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 55 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 55 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202841 56 = table:00000143F5F741E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F77828 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3001840279 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Mistral Banana Bread quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Mistral Banana Bread requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F546D0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 56 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 56 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203564 57 = table:00000144C7FED150 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F4C588 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3811973992 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Clavicus Vines Chenin Blanc quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Clavicus Vines Chenin Blanc requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F42958 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 57 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 57 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203565 58 = table:00000144096184E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DDC1D0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dom_beer_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3776500884 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Barley Nectar quality = 2 rawName = Barley Nectar requiredLevel = 20 searchData = table:00000143F5F5A738 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 58 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 58 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 95 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 190 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203567 59 = table:000001448F0CA218 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DE0350 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 184467245 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Timber Mammoth Ale quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Timber Mammoth Ale requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCC9BB8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 59 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 59 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203568 6 = table:000001447C5F4100 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C8001948 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_spirits_003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1583581107 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Gods-Blind-Me quality = 2 rawName = Gods-Blind-Me requiredLevel = 40 searchData = table:00000143F5F449E8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 6 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 6 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 34 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 136 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2127484731472e-313 60 = table:00000143F8DE52E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D894A38 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_beer_003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2526201 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nut Brown Ale quality = 2 rawName = Nut Brown Ale requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143D6EA87D8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 60 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 60 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 96 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203568 61 = table:000001431B630AD8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F75620 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_bowl_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1152957163 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Roast Corn quality = 2 rawName = Roast Corn requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD989EF0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 61 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 61 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 96 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203568 62 = table:00000143F5F745D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F7C3C8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715286305 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Toasted Millet Salad quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Toasted Millet Salad requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143D09DD350 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 62 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 62 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203572 63 = table:00000144647D0648 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647DF178 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_grilled_chicken.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 206902629 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Chicken Breast quality = 2 rawName = Chicken Breast requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144CAE4B130 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 63 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 63 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 97 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 97 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203576 64 = table:00000144CC06F2C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C7FD09C8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_beer_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2553369073 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Bog-Iron Ale quality = 2 rawName = Bog-Iron Ale requiredLevel = 5 searchData = table:00000143DD5427E8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 64 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 64 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 97 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 97 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203575 65 = table:00000143F8DDD520 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:000001432086AD20 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E775E2E8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 65 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 65 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 66 = table:00000143FBCB3F60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DEB388 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_crate_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2273551505 itemType = 9 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grand Repair Kit quality = 2 rawName = Grand Repair Kit requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144647C22C8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 66 type = 1 sellPrice = 14 slotIndex = 66 specializedItemType = 500 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2800 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203564 67 = table:0000014312EB1708 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C368CA98 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2699062732 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Curried Kwama Scrib Risotto quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Curried Kwama Scrib Risotto requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F7F430 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 67 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 67 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203564 68 = table:00000143F5F70858 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000144CAEEDA78 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F506F8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 68 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 68 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 69 = table:000001439D8928C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000144CC068160 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F4B8C0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 69 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 69 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 7 = table:00000143E619C058 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC9ED30 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_tea_003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2434829707 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Two-Zephyr Tea quality = 2 rawName = Two-Zephyr Tea requiredLevel = 40 searchData = table:00000143FBCA7E18 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 7 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 7 specializedItemType = 21 stackCount = 32 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 128 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2137247039291e-313 70 = table:00000143FBCBCEC0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143C369EC70 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_khajiit_light_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4134145772 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Shoes quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun shoes^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001448F0E0A58 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 70 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 70 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 927 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203589 71 = table:00000143EB8F0E28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC951E8 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_empty.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2808723548 itemType = 19 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Soul Gem (Empty) quality = 1 rawName = Soul Gem (Empty) requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144D04C01F0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 71 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 71 specializedItemType = 900 stackCount = 155 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 775 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203592 72 = table:00000143F5F721F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F65468 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3777645093 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Kragenmoor Pickled Pumpkin quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Kragenmoor Pickled Pumpkin requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCC20F8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 72 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 72 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203592 73 = table:00000143F8DE0148 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F7F4A8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 933688281 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Pirate's Jig Tonic quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Pirate's Jig Tonic requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCA6C80 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 73 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 73 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203593 74 = table:00000143DD999E40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F41890 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4250672360 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Rimmen Raisin Cookies quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Rimmen Raisin Cookies requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F4D6C8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 74 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 74 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203593 75 = table:00000144D04A7920 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DDF508 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1236465828 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Busy Bee Brew quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Busy Bee Brew requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DED5D8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 75 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 75 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203593 76 = table:00000143EB909758 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143E7758198 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_heavy_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 698659128 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Girdle quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel girdle^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F7D620 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 76 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 76 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 823 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.53924942036 77 = table:00000143F8DE6598 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143DD55A168 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_heavy_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2287990649 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Pauldron quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel pauldron^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D09C0A98 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 77 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 77 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1921 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.53924942036 78 = table:000001430795F260 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143FBCBACC0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3785738977 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144CC04EDD0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 78 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 78 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1893 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.53924942036 79 = table:00000143F8DD37B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:000001448F0EF848 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1171686395 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCB3BC8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 79 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 79 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1921 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.53924942036 8 = table:00000143D6EB6138 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD552350 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stoneware_bottle_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1341131161 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grandpa's Bedtime Tonic quality = 2 rawName = Grandpa's Bedtime Tonic requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014406389788 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 8 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 8 specializedItemType = 22 stackCount = 22 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 88 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.0311519705915e-313 80 = table:00000143D09C5B60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143E7782078 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2761017916 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD9B4920 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 80 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 80 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 1098 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.53924942036 81 = table:00000143FBCB9BF8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:000001447C5F2548 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 55382141 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F61A18 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 81 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 81 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 1921 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.53924942036 82 = table:00000143F5F52B48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:00000143F5F4E4F0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_heavy_chest_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2543318119 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Cuirass quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel cuirass^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C7FD0AB8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 82 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 82 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2100 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.53924942036 83 = table:00000143FBCC6AC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:000001447C5F85F8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_heavy_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1042914511 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Girdle quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel girdle^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D09BC208 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 83 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 83 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 787 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.53924942036 84 = table:00000143A51B26B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143D09E4050 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_2hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2050928704 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greatsword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greatsword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F42E58 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 84 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 84 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 1080 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.53924942036 85 = table:00000143EB8E2928 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:0000014361700AC0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3936072733 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144647DF8A0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 85 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 85 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 86 = table:00000143F5F63570 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143F5F4DBA0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3936072733 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD54E8F0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 86 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 86 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 87 = table:00000144C7FCD498 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143F5F5F718 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2896214668 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCB1DE0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 87 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 87 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 88 = table:00000143FBCA7D78 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC92E78 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1268498448 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Glass Style Motif Fragment quality = 4 rawName = Glass Style Motif Fragment requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCCCD00 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 88 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 88 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2600 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.53924942036 89 = table:00000143FBC99218 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143D6E803F8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D09D84B8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 89 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 89 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 9 = table:00000143FBCAF180 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DC94B0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_meat_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 476452638 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Millet-Stuffed Pork Loin quality = 2 rawName = Millet-Stuffed Pork Loin requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E616BEB0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 9 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 9 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 18 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 72 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2038183910436e-313 90 = table:00000143FBCA5F78 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 7 filterData = table:00000143FBCB7DD0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_shield_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1180317956 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Shield quality = 1 rawName = nightwood shield^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD560290 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 90 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 90 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1300 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 91 = table:00000143F8DEB3F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 7 filterData = table:00000143F5F71580 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_shield_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 348431504 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Shield quality = 1 rawName = nightwood shield^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC8F0A8 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 91 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 91 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1300 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 92 = table:00000143FBCBFC90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 7 filterData = table:00000143FBCC1A68 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_shield_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1516443634 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Shield quality = 1 rawName = nightwood shield^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C5F4178 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 92 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 92 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1300 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 93 = table:00000143F5F49858 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = 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table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3620898077 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Restoration Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood restoration staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439D894790 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 94 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 94 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 95 = table:000001439CF70970 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143FBCBF078 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2291454750 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Arm Cops quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide arm cops^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143ECB3BED0 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 95 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 95 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1445 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 96 = table:00000143FBCC9E88 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143DD573278 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 702123229 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Belt quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide belt^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCBE998 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 96 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 96 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 619 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 97 = table:00000143F8DDA8F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143DD9A87F8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3789203078 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Guards quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide guards^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DED538 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 97 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 97 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1424 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 98 = table:00000143DD978A68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143E6183698 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2707397976 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Arm Cops quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide arm cops^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F40D18 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 98 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 98 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1445 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 99 = table:00000143F5F696E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 2 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143F8DDD598 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_medium_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4205146304 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Guards quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide guards^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F4BD70 firstTable bagId = 2 slotIndex = 99 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 99 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1424 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420365 6 = table:00000143098911F0 firstTable 0 = table:0000014361922140 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014361923FF8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_002_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3322891765 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Magicka quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Magicka requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361924078 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 0 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 0 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.413477712304e-313 1 = table:0000014361924168 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143619241B0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_medium_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4036140347 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Belt quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide belt^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361924228 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 1 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 1 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 619 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203027 10 = table:0000014361927EE8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014361927F30 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_001_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 617255990 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Health quality = 1 rawName = Essence of health requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361927FB0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 10 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 10 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203066 100 = table:00000143CE3F03C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143CE3F0410 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = 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isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143779278C8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 101 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 101 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 102 = table:00000143779279B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:0000014377927F08 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377927F78 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 102 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 102 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 103 = table:0000014377928068 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143CE3F05B8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143CE3F0628 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 103 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 103 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 104 = table:000001437791E168 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143EC3DAC60 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3DACD0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 104 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 104 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 105 = table:00000143EC3DAE10 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143EC3DAE58 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3DAEC8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 105 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 105 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 106 = table:00000143EC3DAFB8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143EC3DB000 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3DB070 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 106 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 106 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 107 = table:0000014377910688 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:0000014377927A00 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377927A70 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 107 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 107 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 108 = 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firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377927DC0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 109 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 109 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 11 = table:00000143619280A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143619280E8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_002_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3322891765 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Magicka quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Magicka requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361928168 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 11 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 11 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420302 110 = table:0000014377927EB0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143EC3DD988 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3DD9F8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 110 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 110 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 111 = table:00000143EC3DDAE8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143EC3DDB30 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3DDBA0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 111 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 111 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 112 = table:00000143EC3DDC90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143EC3DDCD8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3DDD48 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 112 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 112 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 113 = table:00000143EC3DDE38 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143EC3DFCA8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3DFD18 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 113 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 113 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 114 = table:00000143EC3DFE08 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143EC3DFE50 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3DFEC0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 114 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 114 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 115 = table:00000143EC3DFFB0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143EC3DFFF8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E0068 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 115 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 115 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 116 = table:00000143EC3E0158 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143EC3E1FC8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E2038 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 116 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 116 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 117 = table:00000143EC3E2128 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143EC3E2170 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E21E0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 117 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 117 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 118 = table:00000143EC3E2328 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3E2370 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E23E0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 118 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 118 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 119 = table:0000014377913B98 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3E42E8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E4358 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 119 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 119 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 12 = table:0000014361928258 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143619282A0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_002_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3322891765 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Magicka quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Magicka requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361928320 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 12 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 12 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 31 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 155 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.53924942029 120 = table:00000143EC3E4448 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3E4490 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E4500 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 120 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 120 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 121 = table:00000143EC3E45F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3E4638 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E46A8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 121 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 121 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 122 = table:00000143EC3E4798 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3E6608 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E6678 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 122 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 122 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 123 = table:00000143EC3E6768 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3E67B0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E6820 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 123 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 123 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 124 = table:00000143EC3E6910 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3E6958 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E69C8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 124 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 124 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 125 = table:00000143EC3E6AB8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3E8928 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E8998 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 125 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 125 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 126 = table:00000143EC3E8A88 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3E8AD0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E8B40 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 126 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 126 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 127 = table:00000143EC3E8C30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3E8C78 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3E8CE8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 127 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 127 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 128 = table:00000143EC3E8DD8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3EAC48 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3EACB8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 128 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 128 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 129 = table:00000143EC3EADA8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3EADF0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3EAE60 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 129 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 129 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 13 = table:00000143CE3D1C70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3D1CF8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/fragment_costume_sixthhouse_cloth.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2127346144 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sixth House Patterned Bolt quality = 4 rawName = Sixth House Patterned Bolt requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3D1D78 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 13 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 13 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202896 130 = table:00000143EC3EAF50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3EAF98 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3EB008 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 130 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 130 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 131 = table:00000143EC3EB0F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3ECF68 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3ECFD8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 131 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 131 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 132 = table:00000143EC3ED0C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3ED110 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3ED180 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 132 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 132 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 133 = table:00000143EC3ED270 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3ED2B8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3ED328 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 133 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 133 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 134 = table:00000143EC3ED418 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3EF288 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3EF2F8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 134 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 134 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 135 = table:00000143EC3EF3E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3EF430 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3EF4A0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 135 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 135 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 136 = table:00000143EC3EF590 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3EF5D8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3EF648 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 136 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 136 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 137 = table:00000143EC3EF738 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3F4DD0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3F4E40 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 137 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 137 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 138 = table:00000143EC3F4F30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3F4F78 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3F4FE8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 138 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 138 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 139 = table:00000143EC3F50D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3F5120 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3F5190 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 139 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 139 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 14 = table:00000143CE3D1E68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3D1EB0 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_filled.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1405610901 itemType = 19 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Soul Gem quality = 2 rawName = Soul Gem requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143CE3D1EF8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 14 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 14 specializedItemType = 900 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 3000 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202828 140 = table:00000143EC3F5280 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3F70F0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3F7160 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 140 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 140 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 141 = table:00000143EC3F7250 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3F7298 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3F7308 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 141 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 141 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 142 = table:00000143EC3F73F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3F7440 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3F74B0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 142 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 142 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 143 = table:00000143EC3F75A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EC3F9410 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3F9480 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 143 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 143 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 144 = table:00000143EC3F9570 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143EC3F95B8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3F9628 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 144 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 144 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 145 = table:00000143EC3F9718 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143EC3F9760 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3F97D0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 145 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 145 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 146 = table:00000143EC3F98C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143EC3FB730 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3FB7A0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 146 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 146 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 147 = table:00000143EC3FB890 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3FB8D8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 568800226 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3FB948 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 147 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 147 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1050 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 148 = table:00000143EC3FBA38 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3FBA80 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 776771839 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3FBAF0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 148 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 148 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1050 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 149 = table:00000143EC3FBBE0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3FC640 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 984743452 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3FC6B0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 149 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 149 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1050 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 15 = table:0000014361928368 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3D3480 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_015_type_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3079136521 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Ravage Health quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Ravage Health requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143CE3D3500 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 15 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 15 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 50 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 250 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203226 150 = table:00000143EC3FC7A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143EC3FC7E8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 152857000 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3FC858 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 150 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 150 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1050 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 151 = table:00000143EC3FC948 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143EC3FC990 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3520129507 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC3FCA00 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 151 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 151 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 152 = table:00000143EC3FCAF0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EC3FCB80 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = 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= false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4234552181 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment III quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment III requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F3A2C8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 153 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 153 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 9 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 117 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3004892282516e-313 154 = table:0000014313F3A3B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F3A448 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2172193393 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment VII quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment VII requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F3A490 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 154 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 154 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 15 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 195 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4405988774112e-313 155 = table:0000014313F3A580 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F3A5C8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_crate_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2273551505 itemType = 9 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grand Repair Kit quality = 2 rawName = Grand Repair Kit requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014313F3A638 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 155 type = 1 sellPrice = 14 slotIndex = 155 specializedItemType = 500 stackCount = 83 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1162 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202505 156 = table:0000014313F3C5B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F3C648 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2830776904 itemType = 8 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Shields quality = 4 rawName = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Shields requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F3C6B8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 156 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 156 specializedItemType = 61 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203743 157 = table:0000014313F3C800 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F3C888 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_experiencescroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = true isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1235478978 itemType = 57 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crown Experience Scroll quality = 5 rawName = Crown Experience Scroll requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F3C8F8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 157 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 157 specializedItemType = 2600 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203022 158 = table:0000014313F3A680 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F3DE70 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1544222930 itemType = 8 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Axes quality = 4 rawName = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Axes requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F3DEB8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 158 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 158 specializedItemType = 61 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203744 159 = table:0000014313F3DFA8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F3E038 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 598168396 itemType = 8 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Gloves quality = 4 rawName = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Gloves requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F3E080 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 159 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 159 specializedItemType = 61 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203744 16 = table:00000143CE3D35F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3D3638 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_003_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1733560244 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Stamina quality = 1 rawName = Essence of stamina requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143CE3D36B8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 16 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 16 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 59 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 295 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203068 160 = table:0000014313F3E170 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F3E1F8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3342339719 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Velothi Cabbage Soup quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Velothi Cabbage Soup requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F3E268 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 160 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 160 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203751 161 = table:0000014313F401F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F40280 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3765087530 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Black Marsh Wamasu Loin quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Black Marsh Wamasu Loin requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F402F0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 161 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 161 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203751 162 = table:0000014313F403E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F40468 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 208203155 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Shepherd's Pie quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Shepherd's Pie requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F404D8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 162 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 162 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203754 163 = table:0000014313F405C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F41A60 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3256299782 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Bravil Bitter Barley Beer quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Bravil Bitter Barley Beer requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F41AD0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 163 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 163 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203755 164 = table:0000014313F41C20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F41C68 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_planfurniture_woodworking_2.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2339319053 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Blueprint: Nord Cart, Hay quality = 2 rawName = Blueprint: Nord Cart, Hay requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F41CD8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 164 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 164 specializedItemType = 177 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203759 165 = table:0000014313F41DC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F41E58 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_planfurniture_woodworking_2.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2667838625 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Blueprint: Orcish Counter, Block quality = 2 rawName = Blueprint: Orcish Counter, Block requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F41EC8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 165 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 165 specializedItemType = 177 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203759 166 = table:0000014313F43E28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F43E70 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_planfurniture_woodworking_2.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2024561638 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Blueprint: Orcish Table, Braced Kitchen quality = 2 rawName = Blueprint: Orcish Table, Braced Kitchen requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F43EE0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 166 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 166 specializedItemType = 177 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203758 167 = table:0000014313F44030 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F440B8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_planfurniture_provisioning2.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1953491614 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Design: Redguard Kabobs, Wax quality = 2 rawName = Design: Redguard Kabobs, Wax requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F44128 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 167 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 167 specializedItemType = 176 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203688 168 = table:0000014313F45698 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F45728 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_planfurniture_blacksmithing3.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2621763309 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Diagram: Daedric Pedestal, Ritual quality = 3 rawName = Diagram: Daedric Pedestal, Ritual requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F45798 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 168 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 168 specializedItemType = 172 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203261 169 = table:0000014313F458E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F45978 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_planfurniture_blacksmithing2.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3916670706 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Diagram: High Elf Plate, Dinner quality = 2 rawName = Diagram: High Elf Plate, Dinner requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F459E8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 169 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 169 specializedItemType = 172 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203597 17 = table:00000143CE3D3800 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 15 filterData = table:00000143CE3D3888 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_poison_002_red_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3133709688 itemType = 30 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Drain Health Poison IX quality = 1 rawName = Drain Health Poison IX requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143CE3D3900 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 17 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 17 specializedItemType = 1400 stackCount = 129 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 645 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203353 170 = table:0000014313F45AD8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F46FB0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/event_halloween_2016_spooky_recipe.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 855233468 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Double Bloody Mara quality = 5 rawName = Recipe: Double Bloody Mara requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F47020 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 170 type = 1 sellPrice = 15 slotIndex = 170 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 15 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203733 171 = table:0000014313F47110 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F471A0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 447092076 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Fyr's Hyperagonal Potation quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Fyr's Hyperagonal Potation requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F47210 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 171 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 171 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420375 172 = table:0000014313F47300 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F47348 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1211341730 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Kaveh Stout quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Kaveh Stout requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F473B8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 172 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 172 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 20 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203575 173 = table:0000014313F492D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F49360 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4016135442 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Kragenmoor Zinger Mazte quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Kragenmoor Zinger Mazte requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F493D0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 173 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 173 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203733 174 = table:0000014313F494C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F49508 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2735822454 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Numidium Brandy quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Numidium Brandy requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F49578 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 174 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 174 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 3 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 39 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494201989 175 = table:0000014313F49668 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014377911B18 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1842020922 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Sweet Dreams Tea quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Sweet Dreams Tea requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014377911B88 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 175 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 175 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203671 176 = table:0000014377911C78 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014377911D00 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/event_halloween_2016_spooky_recipe.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1885908367 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Sweet Sanguine Apples quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Sweet Sanguine Apples requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014377911D70 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 176 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 176 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203732 177 = table:0000014377911E60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014377911EE0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3327391565 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Tears of Joy quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Tears of Joy requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014377911F50 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 177 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 177 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203585 178 = table:0000014377912040 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143779120D0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/event_halloween_2016_spooky_recipe.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 25737607 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Witchmother's Party Punch quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Witchmother's Party Punch requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014377912140 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 178 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 178 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 6 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 78 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203732 179 = table:0000014377912230 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F4B5F0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1302754670 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Ysgramor's Harbinger Lager quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Ysgramor's Harbinger Lager requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F4B660 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 179 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 179 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494201875 18 = table:00000143CE3CFCB0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3D59A8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stoneware_bottle_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3079929011 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Markarth Mead quality = 2 rawName = Markarth Mead requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143CE3D59F0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 18 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 18 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 82 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 410 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203476 180 = table:0000014313F4B750 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:0000014313F4B838 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2004935085 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ruby Ash Ice Staff quality = 1 rawName = ruby ash ice staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014313F4B880 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 180 type = 1 sellPrice = 76 slotIndex = 180 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 76 statValue = 1037 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203769 181 = table:0000014313F4B970 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:0000014313F4B9B8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_ashlanderv_bow_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3329895813 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ruby Ash Bow quality = 1 rawName = Ruby Ash bow^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014313F4BA28 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 181 type = 1 sellPrice = 76 slotIndex = 181 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 76 statValue = 1037 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203769 182 = table:00000143779122C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313F4CF08 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1939227072 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Khajiiti Apple Spanakopita quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Khajiiti Apple Spanakopita requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313F4CF78 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 182 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 182 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203769 183 = table:0000014313F4D068 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:0000014313F4D0B0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1702157538 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedite Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = rubedite sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014313F4D120 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 183 type = 1 sellPrice = 28 slotIndex = 183 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 28 statValue = 2117 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203769 184 = table:0000014313F4D260 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:0000014313F4D2A8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_light_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3461738779 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ancestor Silk Shoes quality = 1 rawName = ancestor silk shoes^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014313F4D318 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 184 type = 1 sellPrice = 28 slotIndex = 184 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 28 statValue = 1067 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203769 19 = table:00000143CE3D5AE0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3D5B70 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3761524914 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment VI quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment VI requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3D5BF0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 19 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 19 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 15 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 195 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203486 2 = table:0000014361924368 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143619243B0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_medium_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3818440550 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Guards quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide guards^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361924450 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 2 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 2 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1382 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203027 20 = table:00000143CE3D7B68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3D7BF8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1055889139 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment V quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment V requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3D7C78 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 20 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 20 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 13 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 169 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203497 21 = table:00000143CE3D7D68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3D7DF8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1528916406 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment II quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment II requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3D7E78 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 21 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 21 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 9 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 117 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203537 22 = table:00000143CE3D5C38 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3D9410 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stew_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4193865461 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hare in Garlic Sauce quality = 2 rawName = Hare in Garlic Sauce requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143CE3D9490 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 22 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 22 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203548 23 = table:00000143CE3D95D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3D9658 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cake_003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 844952699 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jerall View Inn Carrot Cake quality = 2 rawName = Jerall View Inn Carrot Cake requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143CE3D96D8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 23 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 23 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203548 24 = table:00000143CE3D9818 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3DACF0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_skillet_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3247810927 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Stormhold Baked Bananas quality = 2 rawName = Stormhold Baked Bananas requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143CE3DAD38 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 24 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 24 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 98 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 294 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203548 25 = table:00000143CE3DAE70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3DAEE8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_tea_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2295739357 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Maormer Tea quality = 2 rawName = Maormer Tea requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143CE3DAF68 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 25 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 25 specializedItemType = 21 stackCount = 98 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 294 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203547 26 = table:00000143CE3DB0B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3DC608 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stoneware_bottle_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4074892220 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rye-in-Your-Eye quality = 2 rawName = Rye-in-your-Eye requiredLevel = 35 searchData = table:00000143CE3DC688 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 26 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 26 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203548 27 = table:00000143CE3DC778 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3DC7C0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stew_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1444490757 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sour Mash quality = 2 rawName = Sour Mash requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143CE3DC840 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 27 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 27 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203548 28 = table:00000143CE3DC930 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3DC9C0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2645220660 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment IV quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment IV requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3DCA40 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 28 type = 1 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 28 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 13 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 169 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203553 29 = table:00000143CE3DEA20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3DEAA0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_beer_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1359073218 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Torval Mint Tea quality = 2 rawName = Torval Mint Tea requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143CE3DEB20 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 29 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 29 specializedItemType = 21 stackCount = 99 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 297 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203555 3 = table:0000014361926410 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:0000014361926458 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 755441722 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Ice Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood ice staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361926518 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 3 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 3 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203177 30 = table:00000143CE3DEC10 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3DEC90 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_jam_pot.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2997658848 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Cinnamon Grape Jelly quality = 2 rawName = Cinnamon Grape Jelly requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143CE3DED10 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 30 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 30 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 99 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 297 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203554 31 = table:00000143CE3DB198 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E0240 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dom_distill_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 337574898 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mulled Wine quality = 2 rawName = Mulled Wine requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143CE3E02C0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 31 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 31 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203554 32 = table:00000143CE3E0400 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E0488 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_bowl_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3823613075 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Garlic Mashed Potatoes quality = 2 rawName = Garlic Mashed Potatoes requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143CE3E0508 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 32 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 32 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203554 33 = table:00000143CE3E0648 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E1B58 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_bowl_003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1761254287 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Senchal Curry Fish and Rice quality = 2 rawName = Senchal Curry Fish and Rice requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143CE3E2010 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 33 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 33 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203554 34 = table:00000143CE3D58A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E3E78 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stoneware_bottle_003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4084280615 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nereid Wine quality = 2 rawName = Nereid Wine requiredLevel = 35 searchData = table:00000143CE3E3EF8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 34 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 34 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203553 35 = table:00000143CE3E3FE8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E4070 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_bowl_003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 971685413 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nibenese Garlic Carrots quality = 2 rawName = Nibenese Garlic Carrots requiredLevel = 20 searchData = table:00000143CE3E40F0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 35 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 35 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 95 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 190 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203556 36 = table:00000143CE3E41E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E4260 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_tea_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 503031908 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Treacleberry Tea quality = 2 rawName = Treacleberry Tea requiredLevel = 20 searchData = table:00000143CE3E42E0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 36 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 36 specializedItemType = 21 stackCount = 95 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 190 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203556 37 = table:00000143CE3E4328 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E5790 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_bowl_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3374543641 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Garlic Pumpkin Seeds quality = 2 rawName = Garlic Pumpkin Seeds requiredLevel = 20 searchData = table:00000143CE3E57D8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 37 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 37 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 95 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 190 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203556 38 = table:00000143CE3E58C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E5948 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stoneware_bottle_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3228239305 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mermaid Whiskey quality = 2 rawName = Mermaid Whiskey requiredLevel = 25 searchData = table:00000143CE3E59C8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 38 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 38 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 92 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 276 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203556 39 = table:00000143CE3E5B10 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E66A0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_grilled_fish.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 25630879 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Whiterun Cheese-Baked Trout quality = 2 rawName = Whiterun Cheese-Baked Trout requiredLevel = 20 searchData = table:00000143CE3E6720 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 39 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 39 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 92 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 184 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203555 4 = table:0000014361926608 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:0000014361926650 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_medium_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1451359496 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Guards quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide guards^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143619266C0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 4 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 4 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1424 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203178 40 = table:00000143CE3E6860 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E68E0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_spirits_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3078882793 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Surilie Syrah Wine quality = 2 rawName = Surilie Syrah Wine requiredLevel = 5 searchData = table:00000143CE3E6960 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 40 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 40 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 96 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203558 41 = table:00000143CE3E6AA8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E5B98 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_fish_stick.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 481570504 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Fishy Stick quality = 2 rawName = Fishy Stick requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3E5C18 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 41 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 41 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 96 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203558 42 = table:00000143CE3E8A68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E8AB0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_beer_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3706702963 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Golden Lager quality = 2 rawName = Golden Lager requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3E8B30 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 42 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 42 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 99 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 99 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203558 43 = table:00000143CE3E8C20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E8C98 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dom_stew_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2594996297 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Carrot Soup quality = 2 rawName = Carrot Soup requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3E8D18 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 43 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 43 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 99 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 99 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203558 44 = table:00000143CE3E8E08 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3ECCE8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_spirits_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2530621214 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Lemon Flower Mazte quality = 2 rawName = Lemon Flower Mazte requiredLevel = 10 searchData = table:00000143CE3ECD30 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 44 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 44 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 192 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203557 45 = table:00000143CE3ECE20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3ECE98 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_grilled_apples.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1663706323 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Baked Apples quality = 2 rawName = Baked Apples requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3ECF18 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 45 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 96 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203557 46 = table:00000143CE3ED008 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3ED098 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1463799589 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Solstheim Elk and Scuttle quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Solstheim Elk and Scuttle requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3ED0E0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 46 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 46 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420357 47 = table:00000143CE3E6B20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3EF008 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3928532665 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Five-Fireball Infusion quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Five-Fireball Infusion requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3EF050 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 47 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 47 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203571 48 = table:00000143CE3EF140 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3EF1D0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3861854876 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3EF240 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 48 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 48 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203572 49 = table:00000143CE3EF330 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3EF378 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 725716668 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Puckermint Tea quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Puckermint Tea requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3EF3E8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 49 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 49 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203573 5 = table:0000014361924498 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014361927C30 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_medium_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4248578464 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Arm Cops quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide arm cops^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361927D58 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 5 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 5 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1445 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203178 50 = table:0000014321496C70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014321496CB8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1255827976 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Salted Cod quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Salted Cod requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014321496D28 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 50 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 50 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203574 51 = table:0000014321496E18 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014321496E60 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2944756238 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Lemonic Invigoration quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Lemonic Invigoration requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014321496ED0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 51 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 51 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420358 52 = table:0000014321496FC0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014321497008 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_003_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1955545330 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Stamina quality = 1 rawName = Essence of stamina requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014321497088 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 52 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 52 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 86 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 430 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203581 53 = table:0000014321497178 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014377907580 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3942101603 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Berrymead Tonic quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Berrymead Tonic requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143779075F0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 53 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 53 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203566 54 = table:0000014377907638 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143779076C0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3355908657 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Chicken and Biscuits quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Chicken and Biscuits requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014377907730 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 54 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 54 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203583 55 = table:0000014377907820 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143779078A0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_jam_pot.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3555815391 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grape Preserves quality = 2 rawName = Grape Preserves requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014377907920 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 55 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 55 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 99 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 99 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203584 56 = table:00000143779098A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014377909920 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dom_wine_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 888803240 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Clarified Syrah Wine quality = 2 rawName = Clarified Syrah Wine requiredLevel = 10 searchData = table:00000143779099A0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 56 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 56 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 99 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 198 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203584 57 = table:0000014377909A90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3F06A8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1503921698 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Arenthia's Empty Tankard Frittata quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Arenthia's Empty Tankard Frittata requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3F06F0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 57 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 57 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203595 58 = table:0000014377909BD0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:0000014377909C18 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3535025151 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377909C88 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 58 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 58 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1837 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 59 = table:000001437790BBC0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:000001437790BC08 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3327053538 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001437790BC50 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 59 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 59 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1837 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 6 = table:0000014361927EA0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143619283F0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_medium_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2659246943 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Belt quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide belt^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361928460 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 6 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 6 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 619 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203178 60 = table:000001437790BD40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:000001437790BD88 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3119081925 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001437790BDF8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 60 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 60 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2057 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 61 = table:000001437790BEE8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:000001437790BF30 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2911110312 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001437790BFA0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 61 type = 1 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 61 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1837 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 62 = table:000001437790DF30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:000001437790DF78 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_chest_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1037360989 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Cuirass quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel cuirass^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001437790DFE8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 62 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 62 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2100 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 63 = table:000001437790E0D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:000001437790E120 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_chest_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 829389376 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Cuirass quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel cuirass^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001437790E190 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 63 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 63 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2100 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 64 = table:000001437790E280 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:000001437790E2C8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_chest_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 621417763 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Cuirass quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel cuirass^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001437790E338 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 64 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 64 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2100 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 65 = table:00000143779102A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:00000143779102F0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_chest_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 205474537 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Cuirass quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel cuirass^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377910360 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 65 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 65 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2100 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 66 = table:0000014377910450 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143779104E0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = 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isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2182520362 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Pink Profundity quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Pink Profundity requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3E1C48 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 67 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 67 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203603 68 = table:00000143CE3E1D38 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CE3E1DC0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3904379710 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Thrassian Chai quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Thrassian Chai requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143CE3E1E30 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 68 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 68 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203604 69 = table:00000143CE3E1F70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:0000014377913730 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_1hhammer_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 61515167 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Mace quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel mace^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377913778 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 69 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 69 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 7 = table:0000014361928550 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143CE3CF848 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_medium_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3075190169 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Belt quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide belt^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143CE3CF8B8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 7 type = 1 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 7 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 619 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203178 70 = table:0000014377913868 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143779138F0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 276842356 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Alabaster Honey Rum quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Alabaster Honey Rum requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014377913960 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 70 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 70 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203605 71 = table:0000014377913A98 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:0000014377913AE0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_bow_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 386153397 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Bow quality = 1 rawName = nightwood bow^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377913B50 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 71 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 71 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 72 = table:0000014377915AF8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:0000014377915B40 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3204954851 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Restoration Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood restoration staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377915BB0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 72 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 72 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 73 = table:0000014377915CA0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:0000014377915CE8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 499319076 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Lightning Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood lightning staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377915D58 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 73 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 73 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 74 = table:0000014377915E48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:0000014377917368 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3677982118 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Inferno Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood inferno staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143779173D8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 74 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 74 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 75 = table:00000143779174C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:0000014377917510 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2088650597 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Ice Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood ice staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377917580 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 75 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 75 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 76 = table:0000014377917670 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143779176B8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3828869690 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Restoration Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood restoration staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377917728 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 76 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 76 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 77 = table:0000014377917818 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:0000014377915E90 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1123233915 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Lightning Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood lightning staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377915F00 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 77 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 77 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 78 = table:0000014377919730 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:0000014377919778 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 6929661 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Inferno Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood inferno staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143779197E8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 78 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 78 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 79 = table:00000143779198D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:0000014377919920 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_bow_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1426011462 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Bow quality = 1 rawName = nightwood bow^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377919990 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 79 type = 1 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 79 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 8 = table:00000143CE3CF9A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143CE3CF9F0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_medium_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 369554394 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Arm Cops quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide arm cops^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143CE3CFA60 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 8 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 8 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1445 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203178 80 = table:0000014377919A80 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:000001437791B9A8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_1hhammer_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3940539237 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Mace quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel mace^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001437791BA18 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 80 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 80 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 81 = table:000001437791BB58 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:000001437791BC38 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_1haxe_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1571029140 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Axe quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel axe^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001437791BC80 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 81 type = 1 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 81 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 82 = table:000001437791BDC0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:0000014377919AC8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_bosmer_1hhammer_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3527808449 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Galatite Mace quality = 1 rawName = galatite mace^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377919B10 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 82 type = 1 sellPrice = 38 slotIndex = 82 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 38 statValue = 925 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203651 83 = table:000001437791DD70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001437791DDB8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_001_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 617255990 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Health quality = 1 rawName = Essence of health requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001437791DE00 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 83 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 83 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 69 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 345 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203142 84 = table:000001437791DEF0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001437791DF80 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 683191834 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Garlic Cod with Potato Crust quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Garlic Cod with Potato Crust requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001437791DFF0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 84 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 84 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203598 85 = table:000001437791E0E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001437791F5E0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2222642471 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Happy Ogrim Amber Ale quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Happy Ogrim Amber Ale requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001437791F650 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 85 type = 1 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 85 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203688 86 = table:000001437791F740 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001437791F788 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/lockpick.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3998574797 itemType = 9 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Lockpick quality = 1 rawName = Lockpick requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001437791F7F8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 86 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 86 specializedItemType = 500 stackCount = 12 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203077 87 = table:000001437791F8E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001437791F930 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001437791F9A0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 87 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 87 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 88 = table:000001437791FA90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014377921900 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377921970 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 88 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 88 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 89 = table:0000014377921A60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014377921AA8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377921B18 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 89 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 89 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 9 = table:00000143CE3CFB50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143CE3CFB98 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_medium_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1867302722 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Guards quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide guards^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143619264A0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 9 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 9 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1424 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203178 90 = table:0000014377921C08 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014377921C50 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377921CC0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 90 type = 1 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 90 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 91 = table:0000014377921DB0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:0000014377923C20 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377923C90 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 91 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 91 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 92 = table:0000014377923D80 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:0000014377923DC8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377923E38 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 92 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 92 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 93 = table:0000014377923F28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:0000014377923F70 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377923FE0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 93 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 93 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 94 = table:00000143779240D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:0000014377925F40 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377925FB0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 94 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 94 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 95 = table:00000143779260A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143779260E8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377926158 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 95 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 95 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 96 = table:0000014377926248 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:0000014377926290 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014377926300 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 96 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 96 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 97 = table:00000143779263F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143CE3EFF18 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143CE3EFF88 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 97 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 97 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 98 = table:00000143CE3F0078 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143CE3F00C0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143CE3F0130 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 98 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 98 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 99 = table:00000143CE3F0220 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143CE3F0268 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143CE3F02D8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 99 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 99 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 sortHeaders = table:00000143098A8FC8 (meta 0000014368605B08} stringSearch = table:00000143DFA53B60 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = true data = table:00000144CAE84F30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E7FBA830 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 0 type = 1 10 = table:00000144CAE771F0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 9 type = 1 100 = table:00000143F5F51BF8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 99 type = 1 101 = table:00000143DD54E580 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 100 type = 1 102 = table:000001432086AC58 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 101 type = 1 103 = table:00000143FBC99330 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 102 type = 1 104 = table:00000143F8DDB1A8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 103 type = 1 105 = table:0000014494A0F8D0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 104 type = 1 106 = table:00000143FBC8F580 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 105 type = 1 107 = table:00000144BA7C05B8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 106 type = 1 108 = table:00000143EB8FAC78 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 107 type = 1 109 = table:00000144D04DD830 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 108 type = 1 11 = table:00000143DD542900 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 10 type = 1 110 = table:00000144D04DDB58 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 109 type = 1 111 = table:00000143F5F4BA78 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 110 type = 1 112 = table:00000143F5F78238 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 111 type = 1 113 = table:000001447C6148B0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 112 type = 1 114 = table:00000143DD9AF990 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 113 type = 1 115 = table:00000143FBCCBCD0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 114 type = 1 116 = table:00000143ECB57588 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 115 type = 1 117 = table:00000143D09C4800 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 116 type = 1 118 = table:00000143FBCAABB8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 117 type = 1 119 = table:00000143FBCC1F68 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 118 type = 1 12 = table:00000144C7FE4590 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 11 type = 1 120 = table:00000143FBCC1140 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 119 type = 1 121 = table:00000143F5F42CC8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 120 type = 1 122 = table:00000143FBCA9F78 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 121 type = 1 123 = table:00000143F5F7F250 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 122 type = 1 124 = table:00000143F8DDE768 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 123 type = 1 125 = table:00000143E7756168 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 124 type = 1 126 = table:00000143FBCC9AA0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 125 type = 1 127 = table:00000144CC080B08 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 126 type = 1 128 = table:00000143EB39F750 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 127 type = 1 129 = table:00000143E619C0F8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 128 type = 1 13 = table:00000143FBCA7E68 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 12 type = 1 130 = table:00000143D6EA3140 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 129 type = 1 131 = table:00000143D6E82508 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 130 type = 1 132 = table:00000143FBC9ECE0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 131 type = 1 133 = table:00000143ECFF0050 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 132 type = 1 134 = table:00000143F5F4BC58 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 133 type = 1 135 = table:00000143FBC96C20 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 134 type = 1 136 = table:00000143ECB57880 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 135 type = 1 137 = table:00000143DD570540 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 136 type = 1 138 = table:00000144CAEFA788 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 137 type = 1 139 = table:00000143F5F6EA08 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 138 type = 1 14 = table:00000143DD9A57D8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 13 type = 1 140 = table:00000143DD56B680 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 139 type = 1 141 = table:00000143F8DBE408 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 140 type = 1 142 = table:000001447C5FFD40 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 141 type = 1 143 = table:00000143FBC98170 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 142 type = 1 144 = table:00000143FBCB3AD8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 143 type = 1 145 = table:000001448F0DC0D8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 144 type = 1 146 = table:00000143E7787740 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 145 type = 1 147 = table:000001440960C7C8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 146 type = 1 148 = table:00000144C7FE6148 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 147 type = 1 149 = table:00000143F8DEA308 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 148 type = 1 15 = table:00000143F8DE80A0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 14 type = 1 150 = table:0000014494A0F588 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 149 type = 1 151 = table:00000143F5F5F4E8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 150 type = 1 152 = table:00000143F5F6A6C0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 151 type = 1 153 = table:00000143FBCA2DF8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 152 type = 1 154 = table:00000144647CF330 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 153 type = 1 155 = table:00000143FBCBCF60 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 154 type = 1 156 = table:00000143F5F69A80 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 155 type = 1 157 = table:00000143C3696CF0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 156 type = 1 158 = table:00000143DD97B1D8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 157 type = 1 159 = table:000001439D894E20 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 158 type = 1 16 = table:00000143FBCAA090 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 15 type = 1 160 = table:00000143FBC8EFB8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 159 type = 1 161 = table:00000143F5F53568 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 160 type = 1 162 = table:00000143F5F619C8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 161 type = 1 163 = table:00000143F5F4D858 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 162 type = 1 164 = table:00000143F8DE3200 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 163 type = 1 165 = table:000001447C5DCDE8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 164 type = 1 166 = table:00000144949F9FE8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 165 type = 1 167 = table:00000143F5F53A40 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 166 type = 1 168 = table:00000144BF614890 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 167 type = 1 169 = table:000001447C5F74F8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 168 type = 1 17 = table:00000143FBC900F8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 16 type = 1 170 = table:00000143FBCC4E28 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 169 type = 1 171 = table:00000143E7789620 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 170 type = 1 172 = table:00000143F8DD2658 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 171 type = 1 173 = table:000001448F0D8EE8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 172 type = 1 174 = table:00000143F5F59B28 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 173 type = 1 175 = table:00000143F8DDE328 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 174 type = 1 176 = table:00000144CC04ED08 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 175 type = 1 177 = table:0000014494A0F830 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 176 type = 1 178 = table:00000144BA7CC030 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 177 type = 1 179 = table:00000143DD62CD58 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 178 type = 1 18 = table:00000143F5F46728 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 17 type = 1 180 = table:00000143D09CD728 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 179 type = 1 181 = table:00000143FBCB6F00 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 180 type = 1 182 = table:00000143F5F6BA10 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 181 type = 1 183 = table:00000144949F9F70 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 182 type = 1 184 = table:00000143F5F478D0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 183 type = 1 185 = table:00000144CAE62FB8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 184 type = 1 19 = table:00000143F5F59588 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 18 type = 1 2 = table:00000143FBCA92B0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 1 type = 1 20 = table:000001447C5EF328 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 19 type = 1 21 = table:00000143F5F5D960 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 20 type = 1 22 = table:00000143F5F42B60 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 21 type = 1 23 = table:00000143C3693D38 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 22 type = 1 24 = table:00000144CAED0A70 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 23 type = 1 25 = table:00000143F8DD89F0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 24 type = 1 26 = table:00000143FBCB6910 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 25 type = 1 27 = table:000001431B630D30 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 26 type = 1 28 = table:00000143FBCA8F68 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 27 type = 1 29 = table:00000143DD5704A0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 28 type = 1 3 = table:00000143FBCA3CE8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 2 type = 1 30 = table:00000143D6EA52C0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 29 type = 1 31 = table:00000143F5F59BF0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 30 type = 1 32 = table:00000143FBCB0C78 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 31 type = 1 33 = table:00000143F8DE0440 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 32 type = 1 34 = table:00000143DD542C48 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 33 type = 1 35 = table:00000143DD9A5698 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 34 type = 1 36 = table:00000143FBCAED70 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 35 type = 1 37 = table:00000143F5F77288 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 36 type = 1 38 = table:00000143F5F7E3A8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 37 type = 1 39 = table:00000143FBCB7C18 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 38 type = 1 4 = table:00000144C7FF1FC8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 3 type = 1 40 = table:00000143C345B0F0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 39 type = 1 41 = table:00000144647C0380 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 40 type = 1 42 = table:00000143EB9090C8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 41 type = 1 43 = table:00000143F5F50798 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 42 type = 1 44 = table:00000143F5F6A710 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 43 type = 1 45 = table:00000143FBC9FF38 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 44 type = 1 46 = table:000001447C5EF1C0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 45 type = 1 47 = table:00000143F5F45A10 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 46 type = 1 48 = table:00000143FBCBFB78 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 47 type = 1 49 = table:00000143F8DDD110 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 48 type = 1 5 = table:00000143FBCC3DA8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 4 type = 1 50 = table:00000143F8DEC268 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 49 type = 1 51 = table:00000144C7FD95B8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 50 type = 1 52 = table:00000143F8DDA710 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 51 type = 1 53 = table:000001439D893E48 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 52 type = 1 54 = table:00000143F5F4C6F0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 53 type = 1 55 = table:00000144CAEF5698 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 54 type = 1 56 = table:00000143FBCADF70 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 55 type = 1 57 = table:00000144D04DDA40 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 56 type = 1 58 = table:00000143F8DEB8A8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 57 type = 1 59 = table:00000143FBCB60D8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 58 type = 1 6 = table:00000143F5F72360 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 5 type = 1 60 = table:00000143E77853C0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 59 type = 1 61 = table:00000143FBCA5030 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 60 type = 1 62 = table:000001448F0BDC78 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 61 type = 1 63 = table:000001439D9C7128 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 62 type = 1 64 = table:00000144C7FDC650 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 63 type = 1 65 = table:000001447C606AC8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 64 type = 1 66 = table:00000143B1D7D158 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 65 type = 1 67 = table:000001448F0E0A08 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 66 type = 1 68 = table:00000143F8DB2C38 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 67 type = 1 69 = table:00000143FBCC4DD8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 68 type = 1 7 = table:00000144647C2280 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 6 type = 1 70 = table:00000144C7FE4540 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 69 type = 1 71 = table:00000143F5F51B80 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 70 type = 1 72 = table:00000143FBCA2C40 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 71 type = 1 73 = table:00000143F5F73208 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 72 type = 1 74 = table:00000144C7FD14D0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 73 type = 1 75 = table:000001447C5ED6B8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 74 type = 1 76 = table:00000143F5F54770 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 75 type = 1 77 = table:000001447C606A78 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 76 type = 1 78 = table:00000143F5F722E8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 77 type = 1 79 = table:00000143F8DDC680 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 78 type = 1 8 = table:00000143C369EF18 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 7 type = 1 80 = table:00000143FBCA1E38 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 79 type = 1 81 = table:00000143FBCBB920 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 80 type = 1 82 = table:0000014494A0F4E8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 81 type = 1 83 = table:000001447C60CE60 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 82 type = 1 84 = table:000001447C5F1170 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 83 type = 1 85 = table:000001447C5E1638 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 84 type = 1 86 = table:00000143EB909668 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 85 type = 1 87 = table:00000143DD54E828 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 86 type = 1 88 = table:00000143F5F52AF8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 87 type = 1 89 = table:00000143F5F781C0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 88 type = 1 9 = table:00000144CC05B9D0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 8 type = 1 90 = table:00000144CAE5E990 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 89 type = 1 91 = table:0000014494A136D8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 90 type = 1 92 = table:00000143ECB6E5A8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 91 type = 1 93 = table:00000143F8DE33B8 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 92 type = 1 94 = table:000001448F0C0560 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 93 type = 1 95 = table:00000143FBCAAE88 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 94 type = 1 96 = table:00000143F5F65760 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 95 type = 1 97 = table:00000143FBC96EF0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 96 type = 1 98 = table:000001431B630C68 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 97 type = 1 99 = table:00000143C368CAE0 firstTable bagId = 6 slotIndex = 98 type = 1 processors = table:00000143DFA53BF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C102DE10 tabFilters = table:00000143FC329130 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C025F1C8 2 = table:00000143C025F210 3 = table:00000143E3458BB0 4 = table:00000143E3458BF8 5 = table:00000143E3458C40 6 = table:00000143E3458C88 7 = table:00000143E3458CD0 8 = table:00000143E3458D18 4 = table:0000014309891238 firstTable activeTab = userdata:00000143A4C388A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} altFreeSlotType = 4 altFreeSlotsLabel = userdata:00000143A42FE818 (meta 00000143083425C0} backingBags = table:0000014309891280 firstTable 1 = 3 currentFilter = 0 currentSortKey = name currentSortOrder = true filterBar = userdata:00000143A4C38878 (meta 00000143D6A5E108} freeSlotType = 1 freeSlotsFullStringId = 3257 freeSlotsLabel = userdata:00000143A38F97C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} freeSlotsStringId = 3256 hiddenColumns = table:00000143C0261E30 inventoryEmptyStringId() = function:000001439DBF96E8 listDataType = 1 listHiddenCallback() = function:00000143D5CF0F38 listSetupCallback() = function:00000143132217C8 listView = userdata:00000143B8229798 (meta 00000143E3454E28} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000143C016C8C8 firstTable animation = userdata:00000143C016C9F0 (meta 0000014473531B10} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143B8229798 (meta 00000143E3454E28} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000143C016C958 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143B8229808 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143C016C880 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001439F48C498 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C016C4C8 firstTable height = 52 hideCallback() = function:00000143D5CF0F38 pool = table:00000143C016C438 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143C016C480 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143C016C338 m_Free = table:00000143C016BE18 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143C025DEA8 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001431C09AF98 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000143D9013198 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143B8229660 (meta 00000143D900DAE8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143D90131F8 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143D90131C8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:00000143C016C9C0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 52 upButton = userdata:00000143D9013120 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143C016C2F0 firstTable rowTemplate = ZO_PlayerInventorySlot searchBox = userdata:000001431D66E2B0 (meta 00000143A4C38788} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true slotType = 10 slots = table:00000143098912C8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143098A97E8 firstTable sortHeaders = table:0000014368A19DB8 (meta 0000014368605B08} stringSearch = table:0000014314A45320 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = true data = table:0000014314A45368 firstTable processors = table:0000014314A453B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C102DE10 tabFilters = table:00000143E3458DE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EA547558 2 = table:00000143EA5475A0 3 = table:00000143EA5475E8 4 = table:00000143EA547630 5 = table:00000143EA547678 6 = table:00000143EA5476C0 7 = table:00000143EA547708 5 = table:00000143098A9830 firstTable activeTab = userdata:00000143D1A4A158 (meta 00000143083425C0} backingBags = table:00000143098A9878 firstTable 1 = 5 currentFilter = 0 currentSortKey = statusSortOrder currentSortOrder = false filterBar = userdata:00000143D1A4A128 (meta 00000143D1A4A240} hiddenColumns = table:00000143C0261CF8 inventoryEmptyStringId = 3289 listDataType = 1 listHiddenCallback() = function:00000143D5CF0F38 listSetupCallback() = function:00000143F5B97208 listView = userdata:00000143F5B96BC8 (meta 00000143F8B933F0} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:0000014314B63FE8 firstTable animation = userdata:00000143A0A5D678 (meta 0000014314B639C0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143F5B96BC8 (meta 00000143F8B933F0} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000143A0A5D610 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143F5B96C38 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:0000014314B63FA0 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000014314B63F58 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314B63610 firstTable height = 52 hideCallback() = function:00000143D5CF0F38 pool = table:0000014314B63BD8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014314B63550 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014314B63AD8 m_Free = table:0000014314B635C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143C025DEA8 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143F5B97208 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000143D61843D8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143F5B96CA8 (meta 00000143D6184490} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143D6184438 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143D6184408 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:0000014314B64050 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 52 upButton = userdata:00000143CFE45DE0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:0000014314B63A90 firstTable rowTemplate = ZO_CraftBagSlot searchBox = userdata:00000143D1A49C48 (meta 00000143D1A49DE0} slotType = 36 slots = table:00000143098A98C0 firstTable 5 = table:00000143098A9938 firstTable 114889 = table:00000144CAE5EAA0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51B2928 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_furniture_base_regulus.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3392896791 itemType = 62 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Regulus quality = 1 rawName = Regulus requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144647B2BB8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 114889 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 114889 specializedItemType = 1560 stackCount = 1034 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2068 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 5.6762707985055e-319 114890 = table:00000143A51C0740 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647AB978 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_furniture_base_bast_fiber.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1803565270 itemType = 62 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Bast quality = 1 rawName = Bast requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCA7090 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 114890 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 114890 specializedItemType = 1760 stackCount = 767 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1534 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 5.6763202050701e-319 114891 = table:00000143FBCBCA60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DE3138 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_furniture_base_clean_pelt.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 214233749 itemType = 62 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Clean Pelt quality = 1 rawName = Clean Pelt requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F70A88 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 114891 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 114891 specializedItemType = 1760 stackCount = 450 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 900 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 5.6763696116347e-319 114892 = table:00000143FBCA90A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CAEE6008 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_furniture_base_mundante_rune.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2919869524 itemType = 62 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mundane Rune quality = 1 rawName = Mundane Rune requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCA6CD0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 114892 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 114892 specializedItemType = 2410 stackCount = 931 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1862 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 5.6764190181992e-319 114893 = table:00000143C36B2818 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = 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false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3778884880 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Aetherial Dust quality = 5 rawName = Aetherial Dust requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E7789760 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 115026 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 115026 specializedItemType = 48 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 5.6830394978535e-319 1187 = table:00000143A51CBD28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51CFEC0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potion_base_water_2_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2008871545 itemType = 33 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Clear Water quality = 1 rawName = clear water requiredLevel = 10 searchData = table:00000143A51CFF40 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 1187 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 1187 specializedItemType = 1450 stackCount = 94 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 94 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 5.8645592161356e-321 121518 = table:00000143FBC92F90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DDA968 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_buoyant_armiger_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2507573208 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Volcanic Viridian quality = 1 rawName = Volcanic Viridian requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143D09CEC40 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 121518 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 121518 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 26 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 6.0037869151337e-319 121521 = table:00000143F5F527D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001447C5FD240 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 14 4 = 15 5 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_buoyant_armiger_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1380154953 itemType = 17 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Viridian Dust quality = 1 rawName = Viridian Dust requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCCB9B0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 121521 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 121521 specializedItemType = 800 stackCount = 6 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 12 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 6.0039351348274e-319 121522 = table:00000143F5F537E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D890980 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 14 4 = 15 5 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_telvanni_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4085790728 itemType = 17 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pliant Ferrofungus quality = 1 rawName = Pliant Ferrofungus requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBC9DE08 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 121522 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 121522 specializedItemType = 800 stackCount = 3 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 6 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 6.003984541392e-319 125476 = table:00000143F5F7C030 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCC5EF0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_ashlander_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1562474608 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ash Canvas quality = 1 rawName = Ash Canvas requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143D6E91420 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 125476 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 125476 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 82 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 6.1993380977576e-319 126581 = table:00000143DAD09A30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DE25C0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_device_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 171025841 itemType = 62 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Dwarven Construct Repair Parts quality = 5 rawName = Dwarven Construct Repair Parts requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCB7B78 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 126581 type = 1 sellPrice = 15 slotIndex = 126581 specializedItemType = 2410 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 15 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 6.2539323516231e-319 130059 = table:00000143F8DDE198 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DD3670 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_hlaalu_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1373102624 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Refined Bonemold Resin quality = 1 rawName = Refined Bonemold Resin requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E616BC08 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 130059 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 130059 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 3 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 6.4257683832467e-319 16291 = table:00000143A3A3DFC0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A3A3E008 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_smith_potion__sp_names_003.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1023106173 itemType = 46 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Citrine quality = 1 rawName = Citrine requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A3A3E088 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 16291 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 16291 specializedItemType = 2050 stackCount = 1977 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 8.0488234363997e-320 23095 = table:00000143A3A3E178 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = 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false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4085510207 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Thick Leather quality = 1 rawName = thick leather^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A3A40528 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23100 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 23100 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 1856 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 7424 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1412916418933e-319 23101 = table:00000143A3A40618 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C7807EB0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_leather_base_topgrain_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2496178686 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Fell Hide quality = 1 rawName = fell hide^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C7807F30 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23101 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 23101 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 2346 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9384 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1413410484579e-319 23103 = table:00000143A3A42538 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A3A42580 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_heavy_armor_sp_names_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3612482940 itemType = 35 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Orichalcum Ore quality = 1 rawName = orichalcum ore requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A3A42600 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23103 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23103 specializedItemType = 1500 stackCount = 3 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 6 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.141439861587e-319 23104 = table:00000143A3A426F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A3A42738 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_runecrafter_potion_sp_names_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2023151419 itemType = 35 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Dwarven Ore quality = 1 rawName = dwarven ore requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A3A427B8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23104 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23104 specializedItemType = 1500 stackCount = 9 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1414892681516e-319 23105 = table:00000143A3A428A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C78079A8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ore_base_ebony_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 433819898 itemType = 35 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ebony Ore quality = 1 rawName = ebony ore requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C7807A28 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23105 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23105 specializedItemType = 1500 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1415386747162e-319 23107 = table:00000143C7807A70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C7807AB8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ore_base_iron_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1550124152 itemType = 36 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Orichalcum Ingot quality = 1 rawName = orichalcum ingot requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C7807B38 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23107 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 23107 specializedItemType = 1550 stackCount = 4626 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18504 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1416374878454e-319 23117 = table:00000143C7807C28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C7807C70 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_base_beech_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2836678126 itemType = 37 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rough Beech quality = 1 rawName = rough beech^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C7807CF0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23117 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23117 specializedItemType = 1600 stackCount = 9 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1421315534912e-319 23118 = 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table:00000143A3A44968 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_base_yew_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3952982380 itemType = 37 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rough Yew quality = 1 rawName = rough yew^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A3A449E8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23119 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23119 specializedItemType = 1600 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 4 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1422303666204e-319 23121 = table:00000143A3A44AD8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A3A44B20 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = 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isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3479955113 itemType = 38 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sanded Hickory quality = 1 rawName = sanded hickory^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E7FBF310 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23122 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 23122 specializedItemType = 1650 stackCount = 4177 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 16708 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1423785863141e-319 23123 = table:00000143E7FBF400 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E7FBF448 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_base_yew_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1890623592 itemType = 38 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sanded Yew quality = 1 rawName = sanded yew^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E7FBF4C8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23123 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 23123 specializedItemType = 1650 stackCount = 3474 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13896 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1424279928787e-319 23125 = table:00000143E7FBF5B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E7FBF600 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cloth_base_cotton_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3006927846 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Cotton quality = 1 rawName = cotton^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E7FBF680 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23125 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 23125 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 2028 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 8112 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1425268060079e-319 23126 = table:00000143C7807E28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E7FC15B0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cloth_base_spidersilk_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1417596325 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Spidersilk quality = 1 rawName = spidersilk^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E7FC15F8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23126 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 23126 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 2147 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 8588 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1425762125725e-319 23127 = table:00000143E7FC16E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E7FC1730 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cloth_base_ebonthread_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4123232100 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ebonthread quality = 1 rawName = ebonthread^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E7FC17B0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23127 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 23127 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 1989 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 7956 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1426256191371e-319 23129 = table:00000143E7FC18A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E7FC18E8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_light_armor_sp_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 944569058 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Raw Cotton quality = 1 rawName = raw cotton^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E7FC1968 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23129 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23129 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 400 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1427244322662e-319 23130 = table:00000143E7FC1A58 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A3A45BC8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_light_armor_standard_f_004.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3650204833 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Raw Spidersilk quality = 1 rawName = raw spidersilk^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A3A45C48 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23130 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23130 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 10 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 20 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1427738388308e-319 23131 = table:00000143E7FC5C98 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E7FC5CE0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cloth_base_ebonthread_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2060873312 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Raw Ebonthread quality = 1 rawName = raw ebonthread^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E7FC3908 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23131 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23131 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 5 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1428232453954e-319 23133 = table:00000143E7FC39F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E7FC3A40 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ore_galatite.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3177177566 itemType = 35 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Galatite Ore quality = 1 rawName = Galatite ore requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E7FC3AC0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23133 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23133 specializedItemType = 1500 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 4 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1429220585246e-319 23134 = table:00000143E7FC3BB0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E7FC3BF8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ore_moonstone.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1587846045 itemType = 35 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Quicksilver Ore quality = 1 rawName = Quicksilver ore requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E7FC3C78 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23134 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23134 specializedItemType = 1500 stackCount = 5 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1429714650891e-319 23135 = table:00000143E7FC3D68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A3A456C0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ore_voidstone.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4293481820 itemType = 35 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidstone Ore quality = 1 rawName = voidstone ore requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A3A45740 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23135 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23135 specializedItemType = 1500 stackCount = 6 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 12 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1430208716537e-319 23137 = table:00000143A3A45830 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A3A45878 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_rough_mahogany.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1114818778 itemType = 37 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rough Mahogany quality = 1 rawName = rough mahogany^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A3A458F8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23137 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23137 specializedItemType = 1600 stackCount = 6 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 12 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1431196847829e-319 23138 = table:00000143A3A459E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A3A45A30 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_rough_nightwood.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3820454553 itemType = 37 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rough Nightwood quality = 1 rawName = rough nightwood^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A3A45AB0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23138 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23138 specializedItemType = 1600 stackCount = 21 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1431690913475e-319 23143 = table:00000143A3A45C90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D895BC8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_scraps_iron_hide.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 168764244 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Iron Hide Scraps quality = 1 rawName = iron hide scraps^p requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D895C48 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23143 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23143 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 5 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1434161241704e-319 23149 = table:000001439D895D38 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D895D80 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_enchantment_base_fire_opal_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3517677006 itemType = 46 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Fire Opal quality = 1 rawName = Fire Opal requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D895E00 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23149 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 23149 specializedItemType = 2050 stackCount = 1896 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1437125635579e-319 23165 = table:000001439D895EF0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D895F38 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_runecrafter_armor_component_004.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3858176446 itemType = 46 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Carnelian quality = 1 rawName = Carnelian requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D895FB8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23165 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 23165 specializedItemType = 2050 stackCount = 1694 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1445030685912e-319 23171 = table:000001439D897EE8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D897F30 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_jewelry_base_garnet_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2912121912 itemType = 45 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Garnet quality = 1 rawName = Garnet requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D897FB0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23171 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 23171 specializedItemType = 2000 stackCount = 2975 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1447995079788e-319 23173 = table:000001439D8980A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D8980E8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_accessory_sp_names_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4028426166 itemType = 45 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sapphire quality = 1 rawName = Sapphire requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D898168 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23173 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 23173 specializedItemType = 2000 stackCount = 2954 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1448983211079e-319 23203 = table:000001439D898258 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D8982A0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_runecrafter_potion_008.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3593120792 itemType = 46 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Chysolite quality = 1 rawName = Chysolite requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D898320 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23203 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 23203 specializedItemType = 2050 stackCount = 2027 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1463805180454e-319 23204 = table:000001439D89A2B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D89A2F8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_jewelry_base_amethyst_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2003789271 itemType = 46 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Amethyst quality = 1 rawName = Amethyst requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D89A378 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23204 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 23204 specializedItemType = 2050 stackCount = 1865 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.14642992461e-319 23219 = table:000001439D89A468 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D89A4B0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_jewelry_base_diamond_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3933620232 itemType = 45 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Diamond quality = 1 rawName = Diamond requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D89A530 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23219 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 23219 specializedItemType = 2000 stackCount = 3207 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1471710230788e-319 23221 = table:000001439D89A620 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D89ED50 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_accessory_sp_names_002.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 754957190 itemType = 45 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Almandine quality = 1 rawName = Almandine requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D89EDD0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23221 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 23221 specializedItemType = 2000 stackCount = 3758 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.147269836208e-319 23265 = table:000001439D89EE18 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D89EE60 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potion_base_water_3_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1851046141 itemType = 33 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Cleansed Water quality = 1 rawName = cleansed water requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:000001439D89EEE0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23265 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23265 specializedItemType = 1450 stackCount = 118 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 236 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1494437250497e-319 23266 = table:000001439D89EFD0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D89BB20 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potion_base_water_3_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1057300530 itemType = 33 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Filtered Water quality = 1 rawName = filtered water requiredLevel = 40 searchData = table:000001439D89BBA0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23266 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23266 specializedItemType = 1450 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 4 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1494931316142e-319 23267 = table:000001439D89BC90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D89BCD8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potion_base_water_3_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3554544903 itemType = 33 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Purified Water quality = 1 rawName = purified water requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439D89BD58 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23267 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 23267 specializedItemType = 1450 stackCount = 50 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 100 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1495425381788e-319 23268 = table:000001439D89BE48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D89BE90 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potion_base_water_4_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2299430078 itemType = 33 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Cloud Mist quality = 1 rawName = cloud mist requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439D89BF10 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 23268 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 23268 specializedItemType = 1450 stackCount = 1937 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 5811 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1495919447434e-319 26802 = table:000001439D898368 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D89DE40 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_plant_creature_vines.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3315627993 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Frost Mirriam quality = 4 rawName = Frost Mirriam requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D89DE88 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 26802 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 26802 specializedItemType = 48 stackCount = 5328 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 5328 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3241947439837e-319 26954 = table:000001439D89DF78 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D89DFC0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_spice_003.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2250595973 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Garlic quality = 1 rawName = Garlic requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D89E040 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 26954 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 26954 specializedItemType = 43 stackCount = 14248 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3317045418005e-319 27035 = table:000001439D89E130 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D89E178 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_gum.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2363761652 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Isinglass quality = 1 rawName = Isinglass requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D89E1F8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 27035 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 27035 specializedItemType = 47 stackCount = 16568 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3357064735318e-319 27043 = table:000001439D89E2E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F2CD5628 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_honeycomb_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2534011372 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Honey quality = 1 rawName = Honey requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F2CD56A8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 27043 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 27043 specializedItemType = 47 stackCount = 16370 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3361017260485e-319 27048 = table:00000143F2CD5798 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F2CD57E0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = 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isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1587956838 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Lemon quality = 1 rawName = Lemon requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F2CD5A18 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 27049 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 27049 specializedItemType = 47 stackCount = 16773 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.336398165436e-319 27052 = table:00000143F2CD7948 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F2CD7990 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_gin_002.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1114929571 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ginger quality = 1 rawName = Ginger requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F2CD7A10 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 27052 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 27052 specializedItemType = 47 stackCount = 16851 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3365463851297e-319 27057 = table:00000143F2CD7B00 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F2CD7B48 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_trollfat_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1758206558 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Cheese quality = 1 rawName = Cheese requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F2CD7BC8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 27057 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 27057 specializedItemType = 43 stackCount = 15333 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3367934179527e-319 27058 = table:00000143F2CD7CB8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F2CD7D00 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_dust_004.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 168875037 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Seasoning quality = 1 rawName = Seasoning requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F2CD7D80 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 27058 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 27058 specializedItemType = 43 stackCount = 16918 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3368428245172e-319 27059 = table:00000143F2CD9D10 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F2CD9D58 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_malt_003.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1503336473 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Bervez Juice quality = 4 rawName = Bervez Juice requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F2CD9DD8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 27059 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 27059 specializedItemType = 48 stackCount = 5509 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 5509 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3368922310818e-319 27063 = table:00000143F2CD9EC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F2CD9F10 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/monster_plant_creature_seeds_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 812152024 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Saltrice quality = 1 rawName = Saltrice requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F2CD9F90 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 27063 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 27063 specializedItemType = 43 stackCount = 15230 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3370898573402e-319 27064 = table:00000143F2CDA080 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F2CDB580 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_bread_004.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3517787799 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Millet quality = 1 rawName = Millet requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F2CDB600 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 27064 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 27064 specializedItemType = 43 stackCount = 14815 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3371392639047e-319 27100 = table:00000143F2CDB648 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F2CDB690 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_dust_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2136427891 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Flour quality = 1 rawName = Flour requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F2CDB710 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 27100 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 27100 specializedItemType = 43 stackCount = 15226 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3389179002298e-319 28603 = table:00000143F2CDB800 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F2CDB848 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = 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false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 117669017 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Greens quality = 1 rawName = Greens requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EB5D08 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 28604 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 28604 specializedItemType = 41 stackCount = 5696 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4132253733643e-319 28609 = table:0000014312EB5DF8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312EB5E40 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_vendor_fuel_meat_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 760946004 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Game quality = 1 rawName = Game requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EB5EC0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 28609 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 28609 specializedItemType = 40 stackCount = 6048 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4134724061872e-319 28610 = table:0000014312EB5FB0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312EB5FF8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_grapes.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3466581779 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jazbay Grapes quality = 1 rawName = Jazbay Grapes requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EB6078 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 28610 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 28610 specializedItemType = 42 stackCount = 5076 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4135218127518e-319 28636 = table:00000143F2CDBA00 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312EB7FA8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_flower_mountain_flower_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 798667897 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rose quality = 1 rawName = Rose requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EB7FF0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 28636 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 28636 specializedItemType = 45 stackCount = 6586 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.414806383431e-319 28639 = table:0000014312EB80E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312EB8128 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_bread_005.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 325640630 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rye quality = 1 rawName = Rye requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EB81A8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 28639 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 28639 specializedItemType = 44 stackCount = 8187 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4149546031247e-319 28666 = table:0000014312EB8298 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312EB82E0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cloth_stems.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 363362523 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Seaweed quality = 1 rawName = Seaweed requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EB8360 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 28666 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 28666 specializedItemType = 47 stackCount = 17046 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4162885803685e-319 29030 = table:0000014312EB8450 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312EBA2C8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_bread_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3210273649 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rice quality = 1 rawName = Rice requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EBA348 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 29030 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 29030 specializedItemType = 44 stackCount = 7875 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4342725698771e-319 30148 = table:0000014312EBA438 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312EBA480 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_mushroom_blue_entoloma_cap_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 502777361 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Blue Entoloma quality = 2 rawName = blue entoloma requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EBA500 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30148 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30148 specializedItemType = 151 stackCount = 1451 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2902 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4895091090822e-319 30149 = table:0000014312EBA5F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312EBA638 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = 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isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 29750094 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Emetic Russula quality = 2 rawName = emetic russula requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F2CDC4D8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30151 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30151 specializedItemType = 151 stackCount = 664 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1328 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4896573287759e-319 30152 = table:00000143F2CDC5C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F2CDC610 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_mushroom_violet_coprinus_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2735385869 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Violet Coprinus quality = 2 rawName = violet coprinus requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F2CDC690 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30152 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30152 specializedItemType = 151 stackCount = 1132 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2264 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4897067353405e-319 30153 = table:00000143F2CDC780 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F2CDC7C8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_mushroom_namiras_rot_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1146054348 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Namira's Rot quality = 2 rawName = namira's rot requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F2CDC848 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30153 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30153 specializedItemType = 151 stackCount = 1215 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2430 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4897561419051e-319 30154 = table:00000143F2CDC938 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313B15310 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_mushroom_white_cap_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3851690123 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = White Cap quality = 2 rawName = white cap requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313B171F0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30154 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30154 specializedItemType = 151 stackCount = 804 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1608 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4898055484697e-319 30155 = table:0000014313B172A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313B1C4C0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_mushroom_luminous_russula_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2262358602 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Luminous Russula quality = 2 rawName = luminous russula requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313B1C5B0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30155 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30155 specializedItemType = 151 stackCount = 697 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1394 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4898549550343e-319 30156 = table:0000014313B21148 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313B21240 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_mushroom_imp_stool_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 673027081 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Imp Stool quality = 2 rawName = imp stool requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313B263F8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30156 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30156 specializedItemType = 151 stackCount = 1025 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2050 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4899043615989e-319 30157 = table:0000014313B264E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313B29DD0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cloth_serrated_leaves.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3378662856 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Blessed Thistle quality = 2 rawName = blessed thistle requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014313B29E80 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30157 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30157 specializedItemType = 150 stackCount = 2593 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 5186 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4899537681634e-319 30158 = table:0000014313B2BEE8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014313B2BF98 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_forester_potion_sp_names_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1789331335 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Lady's Smock quality = 2 rawName = lady's smock requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143ECB44F48 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30158 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30158 specializedItemType = 150 stackCount = 3038 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 6076 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.490003174728e-319 30159 = table:00000143ECB4B9F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143ECB4FBD0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_flower_wormwood_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 199999814 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Wormwood quality = 2 rawName = wormwood requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143ECB4FC80 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30159 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30159 specializedItemType = 150 stackCount = 2722 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 5444 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4900525812926e-319 30160 = table:00000143ECB536C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = 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isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4021939843 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Dragonthorn quality = 2 rawName = dragonthorn requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143ECB71DE8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30162 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30162 specializedItemType = 150 stackCount = 3456 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 6912 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4902008009864e-319 30163 = table:00000143ECB71E98 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144949EEBE8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_flower_mountain_flower_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2432608322 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mountain Flower quality = 2 rawName = mountain flower requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144949EEC98 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30163 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30163 specializedItemType = 150 stackCount = 1865 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 3730 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.490250207551e-319 30164 = table:00000144949EED48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144949FB978 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_flower_columbine_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 843276801 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Columbine quality = 2 rawName = columbine requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014494A04D40 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30164 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30164 specializedItemType = 150 stackCount = 1773 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 3546 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4902996141155e-319 30165 = table:0000014494A0E580 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014494A108B8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_water_plant_nirnroot_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3548912576 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nirnroot quality = 2 rawName = nirnroot requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014494A1D4A8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30165 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30165 specializedItemType = 150 stackCount = 368 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 736 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4903490206801e-319 30166 = table:0000014494A1F4C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014494A211C0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_water_plant_water_hyacinth_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1959581055 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Water Hyacinth quality = 2 rawName = water hyacinth requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014494A23408 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30166 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 30166 specializedItemType = 150 stackCount = 1639 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 3278 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4903984272447e-319 30219 = table:0000014494A234B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014494A26190 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_enchantment_baxe_bloodstone_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2705430732 itemType = 45 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Bloodstone quality = 1 rawName = Bloodstone requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014494A262F0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30219 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 30219 specializedItemType = 2000 stackCount = 3650 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4930169751677e-319 30221 = table:0000014494A28340 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014494A2C150 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_enchantment_base_sardonyx_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3821734986 itemType = 45 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sardonyx quality = 1 rawName = Sardonyx requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB8E3C78 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 30221 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 30221 specializedItemType = 2000 stackCount = 3660 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4931157882968e-319 33150 = table:00000143EB8E3D28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB8E7EB0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_smith_potion_standard_f_002.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 586935710 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Flint quality = 1 rawName = flint requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB8E7F60 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33150 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33150 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 526 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6378276159637e-319 33194 = table:00000143EB8E9E68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB8E9F18 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_gems_daedra_skull.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1713669104 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Bone quality = 1 rawName = Bone requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB8EEA10 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33194 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33194 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 531 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6400015048054e-319 33217 = table:00000143EB8EFD30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB8F4838 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_flower_raw_famin.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3052310049 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Raw Kreshweed quality = 1 rawName = raw Kreshweed^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB8F6668 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33217 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 33217 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 9 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6411378557909e-319 33218 = table:00000143EB8F8748 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB8F87F8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_flower_ironweed.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1462978528 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Raw Ironweed quality = 1 rawName = raw ironweed^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB8FA480 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33218 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 33218 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 3 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 6 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6411872623555e-319 33219 = table:00000143EB9026A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB905210 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_flower_saints_hair.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4168614303 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Raw Silverweed quality = 1 rawName = raw silverweed^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB90D480 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33219 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 33219 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 5 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.64123666892e-319 33220 = table:00000143EB90D508 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB91AD50 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_flower_voidbloom.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2579282782 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Raw Void Bloom quality = 1 rawName = raw void bloom^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB91AE38 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33220 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 33220 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 12 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 24 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6412860754846e-319 33251 = table:00000143C369BC40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C7F77BB8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_metals_molybdenum.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1723567678 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Molybdenum quality = 1 rawName = Molybdenum requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C7F77C38 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33251 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33251 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 521 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6428176789867e-319 33252 = table:0000014313B08A60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312EBBD68 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/grafting_gems_adamantine.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2852799607 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Adamantite quality = 1 rawName = Adamantite requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EBBDE8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33252 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33252 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 530 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6428670855513e-319 33253 = table:0000014312EBBED8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312EBBF20 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_metals_graphite.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2051670009 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Obsidian quality = 1 rawName = Obsidian requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EBBFA0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33253 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33253 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 494 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6429164921159e-319 33254 = table:0000014312EBC090 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312EBC0D8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_heavy_armor_sp_names_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1170253850 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nickel quality = 1 rawName = Nickel requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EBC158 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33254 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33254 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 1004 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6429658986805e-319 33255 = table:0000014313B0B450 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B5A5E8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_smith_plug_sp_names_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 422648626 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Moonstone quality = 1 rawName = Moonstone requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B5A668 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33255 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33255 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 527 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6430153052451e-319 33256 = table:00000143A9B5A758 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B5A7A0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_metals_corundum.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2747564533 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Corundum quality = 1 rawName = Corundum requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B5A820 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33256 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33256 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 528 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6430647118096e-319 33257 = table:00000143A9B5A910 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B5A958 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_metals_manganese.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3115356726 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Manganese quality = 1 rawName = Manganese requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B5A9D8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33257 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33257 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 526 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6431141183742e-319 33258 = table:00000143ECB5F738 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B5DD18 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_medium_armor_sp_names_002.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 357103414 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Starmetal quality = 1 rawName = Starmetal requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B5DD98 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33258 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33258 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 542 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6431635249388e-319 33752 = table:00000143A9B5DE88 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B5DED0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_food_003.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2696794001 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Red Meat quality = 1 rawName = Red Meat requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B5DF50 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33752 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33752 specializedItemType = 40 stackCount = 6962 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6675703678434e-319 33753 = table:00000143A9B5E040 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B5E088 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_fish_fillet.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1107462480 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Fish quality = 1 rawName = Fish requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B5E108 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33753 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33753 specializedItemType = 40 stackCount = 7388 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.667619774408e-319 33754 = table:0000014494A1D2D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B609B8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_critter_dom_animal_fat.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3813098255 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = White Meat quality = 1 rawName = White Meat requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B60A38 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33754 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33754 specializedItemType = 40 stackCount = 6456 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6676691809725e-319 33755 = table:00000143A9B60B28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B60B70 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_bananas.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2223766734 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Bananas quality = 1 rawName = Bananas requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B60BF0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33755 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33755 specializedItemType = 42 stackCount = 5913 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6677185875371e-319 33756 = table:00000143A9B60CE0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B60D28 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_critter_rodent_toes.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 634435213 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Small Game quality = 1 rawName = Small Game requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B60DA8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33756 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33756 specializedItemType = 40 stackCount = 5706 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6677679941017e-319 33758 = table:00000143A9B600E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B60128 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_veg_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1750739467 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Potato quality = 1 rawName = Potato requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B601A8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33758 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33758 specializedItemType = 41 stackCount = 5839 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6678668072309e-319 33768 = table:00000143A9B60298 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B607E8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_comberries.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3037293441 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Comberry quality = 1 rawName = Comberry requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B60868 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33768 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33768 specializedItemType = 45 stackCount = 6392 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6683608728767e-319 33771 = table:00000143A9B60958 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EA987060 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = 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isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 974934653 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Coffee quality = 1 rawName = Coffee requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EA987298 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33772 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33772 specializedItemType = 46 stackCount = 7411 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6685584991351e-319 33773 = table:00000143EA987388 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EA9873D0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_spice_004.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3680570428 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mint quality = 1 rawName = Mint requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EA987450 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33773 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33773 specializedItemType = 45 stackCount = 6871 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6686079056996e-319 33774 = table:0000014494A21328 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B602E0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_bread_003.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2091238907 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Yeast quality = 1 rawName = Yeast requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B60360 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 33774 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 33774 specializedItemType = 44 stackCount = 7930 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6686573122642e-319 34305 = table:00000143A9B60450 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B60498 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_pumpkin.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 136807339 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pumpkin quality = 1 rawName = Pumpkin requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B60518 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34305 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34305 specializedItemType = 42 stackCount = 6720 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6948921980584e-319 34307 = table:00000143A9B60608 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B60650 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_radish.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1253111593 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Radish quality = 1 rawName = Radish requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A9B606D0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34307 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34307 specializedItemType = 41 stackCount = 5761 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6949910111876e-319 34308 = table:0000014313B29F30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EA989380 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_melo.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3958747368 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Melon quality = 1 rawName = Melon requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EA989400 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34308 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34308 specializedItemType = 42 stackCount = 6213 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6950404177521e-319 34309 = table:00000143EA9894F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EA989538 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_beets.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2369415847 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Beets quality = 1 rawName = Beets requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EA9895B8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34309 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34309 specializedItemType = 41 stackCount = 5933 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6950898243167e-319 34311 = table:00000143EA9896A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EA9896F0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/provisioner_apple.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3485720101 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Apples quality = 1 rawName = Apples requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EA989770 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34311 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34311 specializedItemType = 42 stackCount = 6607 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6951886374459e-319 34321 = table:00000143EB8EFE50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EA98D9C0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_grilled_chicken.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 477306779 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Poultry quality = 1 rawName = Poultry requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EA98DA40 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34321 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34321 specializedItemType = 40 stackCount = 6013 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6956827030917e-319 34323 = table:00000143EA98DB30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EA98B6A0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_corn.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1593611033 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Corn quality = 1 rawName = Corn requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EA98B720 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34323 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34323 specializedItemType = 41 stackCount = 5866 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6957815162209e-319 34324 = table:00000143EA98B810 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EA98B858 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_carrots.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4279512 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Carrots quality = 1 rawName = Carrots requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EA98B8D8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34324 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34324 specializedItemType = 41 stackCount = 5775 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6958309227855e-319 34329 = table:00000143EA98B9C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EA98BA10 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_bread_006.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 647556499 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Barley quality = 1 rawName = Barley requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EA98BA90 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34329 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34329 specializedItemType = 44 stackCount = 7281 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6960779556084e-319 34330 = table:00000143EB8F4958 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C7F5F0B8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_flower_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3353192274 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Lotus quality = 1 rawName = Lotus requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C7F5F138 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34330 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34330 specializedItemType = 45 stackCount = 6570 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.696127362173e-319 34333 = table:00000143C7F5F228 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F5BC10 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_berry_002.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2880165007 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Guarana quality = 1 rawName = Guarana requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EB1968 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34333 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34333 specializedItemType = 46 stackCount = 6696 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6962755818668e-319 34334 = table:000001447C618E20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647D7B20 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_veg_003.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1290833486 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Bittergreen quality = 1 rawName = Bittergreen requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144BA7BF810 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34334 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34334 specializedItemType = 45 stackCount = 5596 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6963249884313e-319 34335 = table:000001447C60E120 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C368AEE0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_bandage_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3996469261 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Yerba Mate quality = 1 rawName = Yerba Mate requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144647DC0B8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34335 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34335 specializedItemType = 46 stackCount = 7526 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6963743949959e-319 34345 = table:000001447C618970 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647C0450 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_berry_004.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 988055939 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Surilie Grapes quality = 1 rawName = Surilie Grapes requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144CC04CAE8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34345 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34345 specializedItemType = 44 stackCount = 7284 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6968684606418e-319 34346 = table:00000143F5F7F598 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC99FA8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_gin_005.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3693691714 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ginkgo quality = 1 rawName = Ginkgo requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144D04D4D08 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34346 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34346 specializedItemType = 46 stackCount = 7598 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6969178672063e-319 34347 = table:00000143F5F74260 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F53478 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ginseng.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2104360193 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ginseng quality = 1 rawName = Ginseng requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001430795F370 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34347 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34347 specializedItemType = 46 stackCount = 7288 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6969672737709e-319 34348 = table:00000143D09ACDB0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143D09AD1C0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_bread_002.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 515028672 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Wheat quality = 1 rawName = Wheat requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144CAF08670 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34348 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34348 specializedItemType = 44 stackCount = 7819 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6970166803355e-319 34349 = table:00000144BA7D2D40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C36A96B0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_acai_berry.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3220664447 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Acai Berry quality = 1 rawName = Acai Berry requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C36A9788 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 34349 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 34349 specializedItemType = 46 stackCount = 6967 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.6970660869001e-319 42869 = table:00000143C36A9888 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DB2D4160 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_worms.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3699875987 itemType = 16 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Worms quality = 1 rawName = worms^p requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DB2D41A8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 42869 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 42869 specializedItemType = 750 stackCount = 4675 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.1180100171568e-319 42870 = table:00000143C36A9998 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144BA7B52C0 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_critter_vertebrate_guts.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2110544466 itemType = 16 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Guts quality = 1 rawName = guts^p requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144BA7B5308 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 42870 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 42870 specializedItemType = 750 stackCount = 1831 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.1180594237214e-319 42871 = table:00000143EB8E6C18 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647D08C0 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_fishing_centipede.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 521212945 itemType = 16 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crawlers quality = 1 rawName = crawlers^p requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144647D0908 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 42871 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 42871 specializedItemType = 750 stackCount = 6228 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.118108830286e-319 42872 = table:00000143E61793C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144BA7CE798 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_fishing_torchbug.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3226848720 itemType = 16 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Insect Parts quality = 1 rawName = insect parts^p requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144BA7CE7E0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 42872 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 42872 specializedItemType = 750 stackCount = 3786 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.1181582368506e-319 42873 = table:00000143C36A9A78 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C36A9B80 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = 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isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 48185678 itemType = 16 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shad quality = 1 rawName = shad requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C7F5F4F8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 42874 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 42874 specializedItemType = 750 stackCount = 110 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.1182570499798e-319 42875 = table:00000143C7F6A0F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C7F6A140 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_critter_fish_tail.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2753821453 itemType = 16 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Chub quality = 1 rawName = chub requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C7F6A188 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 42875 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 42875 specializedItemType = 750 stackCount = 132 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.1183064565443e-319 42876 = table:00000143C7F6A278 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C7F6A2C0 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 18 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_fishing_river_betty.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1164489932 itemType = 16 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Minnow quality = 1 rawName = minnow requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C7F6A308 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 42876 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 42876 specializedItemType = 750 stackCount = 276 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.1183558631089e-319 4439 = table:00000143A51C8FD8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51CDBA0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_rough_ash.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3219442843 itemType = 37 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rough Ash quality = 1 rawName = rough ash^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A51CDBE8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 4439 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 4439 specializedItemType = 1600 stackCount = 7 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 14 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.1931574018893e-320 4442 = table:00000143A51CDCD8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51CDD20 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_jewelry_base_emerald_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2746415576 itemType = 45 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Emerald quality = 1 rawName = Emerald requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A51CDDA0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 4442 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 4442 specializedItemType = 2000 stackCount = 2935 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.1946395988268e-320 4447 = table:00000143A51CDE90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51CDED8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_leather_base_boiled_leather_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3389692563 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hide quality = 1 rawName = hide^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A51CDF58 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 4447 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 4447 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 2262 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9048 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.197109927056e-320 4448 = table:00000143A51CE048 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C77FED28 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_leather_base_fur_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1800361042 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hide Scraps quality = 1 rawName = hide scraps^p requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C77FEDA8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 4448 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 4448 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 9 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.1976039927019e-320 4456 = table:00000143C77FEE98 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C77FEEE0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_runecrafter_plug_component_002.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1970610762 itemType = 45 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Quartz quality = 1 rawName = Quartz requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C77FEF60 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 4456 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 4456 specializedItemType = 2000 stackCount = 3141 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2015565178686e-320 4463 = table:00000143C77FF050 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C77FF098 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = 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isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2140860482 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Raw Flax quality = 1 rawName = raw flax^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C7801090 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 4464 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 4464 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 7 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 14 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2055090430353e-320 4478 = table:00000143C7801180 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C78011C8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_scraps_daedra_hide.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1365055668 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Scraps quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide scraps^p requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C7801248 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 4478 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 4478 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 4 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 8 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2124259620771e-320 4482 = table:00000143C7801338 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C7801380 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ore_calcinium.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3597664176 itemType = 35 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Calcinium Ore quality = 1 rawName = Calcinium ore requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C7801400 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 4482 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 4482 specializedItemType = 1500 stackCount = 8 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 16 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2144022246605e-320 4486 = table:00000143C78014F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C7803368 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_jewelry_base_ruby_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1535305388 itemType = 46 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ruby quality = 1 rawName = Ruby requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C78033E8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 4486 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 4486 specializedItemType = 2050 stackCount = 2021 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2163784872438e-320 4487 = table:00000143C78034D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C7803520 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ore_base_high_iron_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4240941163 itemType = 36 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Steel Ingot quality = 1 rawName = Steel ingot requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C78035A0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 4487 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 4487 specializedItemType = 1550 stackCount = 3947 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 15788 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2168725528897e-320 4570 = table:00000143C7803690 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C78036D8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potion_base_water_2_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2687057029 itemType = 33 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pristine Water quality = 1 rawName = pristine water requiredLevel = 20 searchData = table:00000143C7803758 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 4570 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 4570 specializedItemType = 1450 stackCount = 140 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 140 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2578800014945e-320 45806 = table:00000143C7F6A3F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C7F613D8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_041.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3998957340 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jejora quality = 1 rawName = Jejora requiredLevel = 20 searchData = table:00000143C7F61420 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45806 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45806 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 12 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 12 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2631170973404e-319 45807 = table:00000144CC06EC40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E619EBC8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_049.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2807418774 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Odra quality = 1 rawName = Odra requiredLevel = 25 searchData = table:00000144BA7B3860 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45807 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45807 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 10 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 20 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.263166503905e-319 45808 = table:00000143A979A9C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DD2220 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_048.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1615880208 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pojora quality = 1 rawName = Pojora requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:000001447C60DE90 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45808 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45808 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 11 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 22 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2632159104696e-319 45809 = table:00000143F8DE46C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144D04B4350 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = 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false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3527770372 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jaera quality = 1 rawName = Jaera requiredLevel = 40 searchData = table:00000144CC06EEA0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45810 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45810 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 26 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2633147235988e-319 45811 = table:00000143075AA7C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CC05E8F0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_047.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2336231806 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pora quality = 1 rawName = Pora requiredLevel = 45 searchData = table:00000143ECFFE0C8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45811 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45811 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 38 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 76 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2633641301633e-319 45812 = table:00000143F5F4DCB8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647C3208 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_044.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4160069390 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Denara quality = 1 rawName = Denara requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144647DBA50 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45812 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45812 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 9 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2634135367279e-319 45813 = table:00000143A51B2228 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647C2F80 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_045.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 590362569 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rera quality = 1 rawName = Rera requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C60DC08 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45813 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 45813 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 19 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 57 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2634629432925e-319 45814 = table:000001448F0BC590 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E619EC50 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_051.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1315623044 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Derado quality = 1 rawName = Derado requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD56F6D0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45814 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 45814 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 9 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 27 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2635123498571e-319 45815 = table:00000143F5F5AB98 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144D04CBE40 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_029.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2040883519 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rekura quality = 1 rawName = Rekura requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DCD6E0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45815 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 45815 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 393 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1179 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2635617564217e-319 45816 = table:00000143B1D7D108 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F732A0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_034.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1775956344 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Kura quality = 1 rawName = Kura requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCC0DD0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45816 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 45816 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 485 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1455 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2636111629863e-319 45817 = table:00000143E619CE40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F51C48 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_035.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2502800928 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jode quality = 1 rawName = Jode requiredLevel = 5 searchData = table:00000143F5F519C8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45817 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45817 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 26 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2636605695508e-319 45818 = table:00000143FBC96C70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = 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isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3223152526 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Tade quality = 1 rawName = Tade requiredLevel = 20 searchData = table:00000143C7F656A8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45820 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45820 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 12 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 12 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2638087892446e-319 45821 = table:00000143C7F65798 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C7F657E0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_036.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2031613960 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jayde quality = 1 rawName = Jayde requiredLevel = 25 searchData = table:00000143C7F65828 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45821 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45821 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 12 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 24 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2638581958092e-319 45822 = table:00000143C7F65918 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647C3130 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_026.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 840075394 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Edode quality = 1 rawName = Edode requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:000001448F0E4C80 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45822 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45822 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 18 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 36 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2639076023738e-319 45823 = table:00000143D6EA1688 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F71300F8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_031.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3943504124 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pojode quality = 1 rawName = Pojode requiredLevel = 35 searchData = table:00000144647DCAD0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45823 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45823 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 29 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 58 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2639570089383e-319 45824 = table:00000144BA7CBFA0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DD91B0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_030.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1375981815 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rekude quality = 1 rawName = Rekude requiredLevel = 40 searchData = table:00000143E619ED58 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45824 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45824 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 13 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2640064155029e-319 45825 = table:00000144CAE86EC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C7FF4D98 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_037.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 184443249 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hade quality = 1 rawName = Hade requiredLevel = 45 searchData = table:000001447C5ED7B8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45825 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45825 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 11 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 22 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2640558220675e-319 45826 = table:000001447C5ED318 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F65C38 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_025.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2008280833 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Idode quality = 1 rawName = Idode requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F48D58 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45826 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45826 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 24 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 48 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2641052286321e-319 45827 = table:000001448F0F2D70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F498A8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_032.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2733541308 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pode quality = 1 rawName = Pode requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143ECB642B0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45827 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 45827 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 14 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2641546351967e-319 45828 = table:00000143E774EFA0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F7B778 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_052.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3458801783 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Kedeko quality = 1 rawName = Kedeko requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC90468 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45828 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 45828 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 12 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 36 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2642040417613e-319 45829 = table:00000143F5F768A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC8F300 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_038.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4184062258 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rede quality = 1 rawName = Rede requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F7B2F0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45829 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 45829 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 153 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 459 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2642534483258e-319 45830 = table:00000143FBC96F40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCB0CC8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_039.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3919135083 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Kude quality = 1 rawName = Kude requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCCBD70 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45830 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 45830 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 298 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 894 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2643028548904e-319 45831 = table:00000143F8DE9128 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD997170 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_020.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 32778007 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Oko quality = 1 rawName = Oko requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F67658 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45831 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45831 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 1639 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1639 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.264352261455e-319 45832 = table:00000144BA7C7690 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001448F0D5EA8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_023.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2738413782 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Makko quality = 1 rawName = Makko requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143ECB57768 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45832 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45832 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 2080 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2080 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2644016680196e-319 45833 = table:00000143DD5646A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144BA7C38A0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_016.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1149082261 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Deni quality = 1 rawName = Deni requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD991B10 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45833 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45833 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 2081 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2081 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2644510745842e-319 45834 = table:00000143E6175588 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DDD688 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_019.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3854718036 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Okoma quality = 1 rawName = Okoma requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD998B78 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45834 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45834 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 892 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 892 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2645004811488e-319 45835 = table:00000143F8DEE240 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144D04D6DD0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_022.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2265386515 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Makkoma quality = 1 rawName = Makkoma requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144D04D6E18 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45835 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45835 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 1057 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1057 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 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0 filterData = table:000001439D084390 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_024.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3381690769 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Kuoko quality = 1 rawName = Kuoko requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D0843D8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45837 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45837 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 850 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 850 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2646487008425e-319 45838 = table:000001439D0844C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D084510 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = 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isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 203027727 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Dekeipa quality = 1 rawName = Dekeipa requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144C8002BE8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45839 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45839 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 966 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 966 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2647475139717e-319 45840 = table:00000144C8002CD8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647C0408 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_021.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2908663502 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Meip quality = 1 rawName = Meip requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DE4858 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45840 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45840 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 939 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 939 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2647969205363e-319 45841 = table:0000014494A076A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E7FD31A0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_013.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1319331981 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Haoko quality = 1 rawName = Haoko requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD572F18 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45841 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45841 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 823 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 823 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2648463271009e-319 45842 = table:00000144D04B8558 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001447D0235D0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_014.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4024967756 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Deteri quality = 1 rawName = Deteri requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144D04DDBA0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45842 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45842 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 822 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 822 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2648957336654e-319 45843 = table:00000144949F5A40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001448F0CB7B0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_008.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2435636235 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Okori quality = 1 rawName = Okori requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCB4AD8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45843 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45843 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 816 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 816 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.26494514023e-319 45846 = table:00000143F8DEE2B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCB5DE0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_007.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1962608968 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Oru quality = 1 rawName = Oru requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014361030230 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45846 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45846 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 805 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 805 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2650933599238e-319 45847 = table:00000143FBCC6B40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB8E20B8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_006.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 373277447 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Taderi quality = 1 rawName = Taderi requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DDE7D8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45847 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45847 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 770 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 770 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2651427664884e-319 45848 = table:00000143F5F40750 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143ECFF5BC8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_009.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3078913222 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Makderi quality = 1 rawName = Makderi requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E774EF28 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45848 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45848 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 795 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 795 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2651921730529e-319 45849 = table:00000143094EC350 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = 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isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2546620797 itemType = 52 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jejota quality = 2 rawName = Jejota requiredLevel = 6 searchData = table:00000143F5F7DFC0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45851 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45851 specializedItemType = 2350 stackCount = 7558 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 7558 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2653403927467e-319 45852 = table:00000143E775E3D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCB4C18 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_004.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 898024118 itemType = 52 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = false name = Denata quality = 3 rawName = Denata requiredLevel = 11 searchData = table:00000144647CEF78 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45852 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45852 specializedItemType = 2350 stackCount = 3633 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 3633 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2653897993113e-319 45853 = table:00000143FBCC4B80 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143ECB57998 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_002.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3544394735 itemType = 52 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = false name = Rekuta quality = 4 rawName = Rekuta requiredLevel = 16 searchData = table:00000143F5F7E6F0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45853 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45853 specializedItemType = 2350 stackCount = 3967 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 7934 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2654392058759e-319 45854 = table:00000143DD60EAB8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F70C40 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1895798056 itemType = 52 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = false name = Kuta quality = 5 rawName = Kuta requiredLevel = 21 searchData = table:00000143F5F49AB0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45854 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 45854 specializedItemType = 2350 stackCount = 783 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1566 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2654886124405e-319 45855 = table:000001447C5ED398 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F74418 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_050.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 861761531 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jora quality = 1 rawName = Jora requiredLevel = 5 searchData = table:00000143DD542950 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45855 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45855 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 14 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 14 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.265538019005e-319 45856 = table:00000144CAEF7788 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CC0809C8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_046.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3965190261 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Porade quality = 1 rawName = Porade requiredLevel = 10 searchData = table:00000143F5F73728 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45856 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45856 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 60 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 60 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2655874255696e-319 45857 = table:00000143FBC98350 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCA8D60 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_040.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2773651695 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jera quality = 1 rawName = Jera requiredLevel = 15 searchData = table:00000143D6E7DFC0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 45857 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45857 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 14 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 14 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2656368321342e-319 46127 = table:00000143E77820F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144D04B77F0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ingot_calcinium.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 385452774 itemType = 36 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Calcinium Ingot quality = 1 rawName = Calcinium ingot requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCBBB78 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46127 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46127 specializedItemType = 1550 stackCount = 3849 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 15396 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2789766045719e-319 46128 = table:00000144CAE604F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CAE6C278 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ingot_galatite.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3091088549 itemType = 36 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Galatite Ingot quality = 1 rawName = Galatite ingot requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312EB1A38 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46128 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46128 specializedItemType = 1550 stackCount = 3960 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 15840 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2790260111365e-319 46129 = table:0000014494A01E78 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647C32E0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ingot_moonstone.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1501757028 itemType = 36 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Quicksilver Ingot quality = 1 rawName = quicksilver ingot requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144647CF148 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46129 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46129 specializedItemType = 1550 stackCount = 3393 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13572 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2790754177011e-319 46130 = table:00000144647CF200 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647DBC50 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ingot_voidstone.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4207392803 itemType = 36 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidstone Ingot quality = 1 rawName = voidstone ingot requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144647DBD18 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46130 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46130 specializedItemType = 1550 stackCount = 2026 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 8104 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2791248242657e-319 46131 = table:00000144D04C8660 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CAE622B0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cloth_famin.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2618061282 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Kresh Fiber quality = 1 rawName = Kresh Fiber^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144BA7B86E0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46131 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46131 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 2041 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 8164 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2791742308303e-319 46132 = table:00000143B2A9EE00 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143B1D82548 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cloth_ironthread.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1028729761 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ironthread quality = 1 rawName = ironthread^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143B1D82650 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46132 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46132 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 2001 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 8004 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2792236373948e-319 46133 = table:00000143B1D82740 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143B1D82838 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cloth_silverweave.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3734365536 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Silverweave quality = 1 rawName = silverweave^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143B1D82928 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46133 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46133 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 2583 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10332 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2792730439594e-319 46134 = table:00000143B1D82A48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143B1D82B98 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cloth_void.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2145034015 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Void Cloth quality = 1 rawName = void cloth^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143B1D82CF8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46134 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46134 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 1738 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 6952 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.279322450524e-319 46135 = table:00000143EB3877F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB3878F8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_hide_fell.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 555702494 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Topgrain Hide quality = 1 rawName = topgrain hide^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB387A18 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46135 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46135 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 1600 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 6400 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2793718570886e-319 46136 = table:00000143EB387C48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB387DB0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_hide_iron.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3261338269 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Iron Hide quality = 1 rawName = Iron Hide^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB387EC0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46136 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46136 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 1779 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 7116 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2794212636532e-319 46137 = table:00000143EB387FD8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A979A160 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_hide_scaled.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1672006748 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Superb Hide quality = 1 rawName = superb hide^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A979A258 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46137 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46137 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 2140 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 8560 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2794706702178e-319 46138 = table:00000143A979A398 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A979A4B8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_leather_base_leather_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 82675227 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide quality = 1 rawName = Shadowhide^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A979A610 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46138 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46138 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 5194 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 20776 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2795200767823e-319 46139 = table:00000143FBCADC00 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143137AB198 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_sanded_birch.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2788311002 itemType = 38 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sanded Birch quality = 1 rawName = sanded birch^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001431B633CC8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46139 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46139 specializedItemType = 1650 stackCount = 3621 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 14484 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2795694833469e-319 46140 = table:000001439D893A10 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001448F0C9930 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_sanded_ash.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1198979481 itemType = 38 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sanded Ash quality = 1 rawName = sanded ash^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD9AB6D0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46140 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46140 specializedItemType = 1650 stackCount = 3946 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 15784 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2796188899115e-319 46141 = table:00000143CBD62810 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143D09A9360 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_sanded_mahogany.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3904615256 itemType = 38 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sanded Mahogany quality = 1 rawName = sanded mahogany^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F63630 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46141 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46141 specializedItemType = 1650 stackCount = 4610 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18440 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2796682964761e-319 46142 = table:00000143F5F52D50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E77895D0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_sanded_nightwood.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2315283735 itemType = 38 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sanded Nightwood quality = 1 rawName = sanded nightwood^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014494A0F448 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46142 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 46142 specializedItemType = 1650 stackCount = 1392 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 5568 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2797177030407e-319 46149 = table:00000143F5F40A48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144BA7CCE28 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_smith_potion_standard_f_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2471698943 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Copper quality = 1 rawName = Copper requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBC91FD0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46149 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 46149 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 1180 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2800635489928e-319 46150 = table:000001447C5E2BE0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001440E400440 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_metals_argentum.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3220211004 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Argentum quality = 1 rawName = Argentum requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD981FB0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46150 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 46150 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 1409 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2801129555574e-319 46151 = table:00000144D04C3F80 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144BA79FD40 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_walking_dead_mort_heart.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2799801274 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Daedra Heart quality = 1 rawName = Daedra Heart requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F4A798 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46151 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 46151 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 1011 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2801623621219e-319 46152 = table:00000144C7FCE740 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C7FF4BE0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ore_palladium.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3955795390 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Palladium quality = 1 rawName = Palladium requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144C7FFFB80 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 46152 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 46152 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 1050 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.2802117686865e-319 521 = table:00000143BFC68D28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143BFC68D70 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_base_oak_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1682682586 itemType = 37 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rough Oak quality = 1 rawName = rough oak^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143BFC68DB8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 521 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 521 specializedItemType = 1600 stackCount = 8 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 16 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.5740820148329e-321 533 = table:00000143099C44A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143BFC65AC8 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table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 189800273 itemType = 36 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Iron Ingot quality = 1 rawName = Iron ingot requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C78056D0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 5413 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 5413 specializedItemType = 1550 stackCount = 3784 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 15136 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.6743773409387e-320 54170 = table:00000144C7FFFEA8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001448F0BC5D8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ores_lazurite.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3346788377 itemType = 41 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Honing Stone quality = 2 rawName = honing stone requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001447C5E2B68 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 54170 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 54170 specializedItemType = 1800 stackCount = 3488 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 6976 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.676353603522e-319 54171 = table:000001447C5E2D28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001447C5E2DB8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_forester_weapon_vendor_component_002.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1300398743 itemType = 41 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Dwarven Oil quality = 3 rawName = dwarven oil requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144D04DD6A0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 54171 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 54171 specializedItemType = 1800 stackCount = 4570 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 22850 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.6764030100866e-319 54172 = table:000001447C600D78 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C36A9740 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_forester_potion_vendor_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3548976405 itemType = 41 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grain Solvent quality = 4 rawName = grain solvent requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001447C5ED838 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 54172 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 54172 specializedItemType = 1800 stackCount = 2806 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25254 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.6764524166512e-319 54173 = table:00000143C368CB70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F5F5B0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_tempering_alloy.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1502586771 itemType = 41 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Tempering Alloy quality = 5 rawName = tempering alloy requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBC97080 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 54173 type = 1 sellPrice = 15 slotIndex = 54173 specializedItemType = 1800 stackCount = 778 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 11670 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.6765018232158e-319 54174 = table:00000143FBCC2A60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143D09CD5C0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_light_armor_vendor_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1284429589 itemType = 43 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hemming quality = 2 rawName = hemming requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD9A1EA0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 54174 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 54174 specializedItemType = 1900 stackCount = 4969 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9938 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.6765512297804e-319 54175 = table:00000143FBCC1FE0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F682A0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_light_armor_vendor_component_002.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3533007251 itemType = 43 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Embroidery quality = 3 rawName = embroidery requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144647B29B0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 54175 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 54175 specializedItemType = 1900 stackCount = 8093 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 40465 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.676600636345e-319 54176 = table:00000143F8DE73E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D890AC0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_runecrafter_potion_sp_name_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1486617617 itemType = 43 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Elegant Lining quality = 4 rawName = elegant lining requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E61835D0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 54176 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 54176 specializedItemType = 1900 stackCount = 4774 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42966 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.6766500429095e-319 54177 = table:00000143F5F62AB8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DCD370 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_outfitter_potion_014.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3735195279 itemType = 43 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Dreugh Wax quality = 5 rawName = dreugh wax requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DCF728 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 54177 type = 1 sellPrice = 15 slotIndex = 54177 specializedItemType = 1900 stackCount = 991 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 14865 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.6766994494741e-319 54178 = table:00000144C7548E48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CAF081D0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_forester_weapon_vendor_component_002.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3517038097 itemType = 42 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pitch quality = 2 rawName = pitch requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144BF6147A0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 54178 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 54178 specializedItemType = 1850 stackCount = 3315 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 6630 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.6767488560387e-319 54179 = table:000001448F0F92F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DE5330 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = 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false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3719226125 itemType = 42 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mastic quality = 4 rawName = mastic requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DDB158 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 54180 type = 1 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 54180 specializedItemType = 1850 stackCount = 2615 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 23535 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.6768476691679e-319 54181 = table:00000143D6E97440 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC9C1D8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_rosin.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1672836491 itemType = 42 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rosin quality = 5 rawName = rosin requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCCBC80 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 54181 type = 1 sellPrice = 15 slotIndex = 54181 specializedItemType = 1850 stackCount = 814 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 12210 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.6768970757325e-319 56862 = table:00000143F5F71A80 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C345B078 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potent_nirncrux_stone.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 859899489 itemType = 45 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Fortified Nirncrux quality = 1 rawName = Fortified Nirncrux requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014409618530 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 56862 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 56862 specializedItemType = 2000 stackCount = 142 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.8093560753825e-319 56863 = table:00000144C7FCD600 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DDF580 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potent_nirncrux_dust.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3565535264 itemType = 46 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Potent Nirncrux quality = 1 rawName = Potent Nirncrux requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD5730E8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 56863 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 56863 specializedItemType = 2050 stackCount = 62 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.8094054819471e-319 57587 = table:00000143DD991A48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144D04B4528 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dwemer_shiny_tube.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 373817792 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Dwemer Frame quality = 1 rawName = Dwemer Frame requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DCD870 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 57587 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 57587 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 34 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.845175834706e-319 57665 = table:000001447C5ED8B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C7FF5340 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 14 4 = 15 5 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_metals_dwarven_scrap.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 398991105 itemType = 17 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Dwemer Scrap quality = 1 rawName = Dwemer Scrap requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144CC06B0D0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 57665 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 57665 specializedItemType = 800 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 4 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.8490295467435e-319 59922 = table:00000144C7FCE7E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCBCF10 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_smith_potion_008.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3910449436 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Charcoal of Remorse quality = 1 rawName = Charcoal of Remorse requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144C7FFFE58 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 59922 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 59922 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 64 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 2.9605401630099e-319 6000 = 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table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3455038206 itemType = 10 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Perfect Roe quality = 5 rawName = Perfect Roe requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144647AB7C0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64222 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 64222 specializedItemType = 48 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.1729883907217e-319 64489 = table:000001448F0C4800 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCABDF0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_colossus_iron.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2472242547 itemType = 36 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedite Ingot quality = 1 rawName = Rubedite Ingot requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DDE580 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64489 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 64489 specializedItemType = 1550 stackCount = 11616 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 46464 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.1861799434656e-319 64500 = table:00000143FBC9F000 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647DBC00 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stardew.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 447137093 itemType = 33 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Star Dew quality = 1 rawName = Star Dew requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E61838C8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64500 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 64500 specializedItemType = 1450 stackCount = 684 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2052 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.186723415676e-319 64501 = table:00000143FBCAAED8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DE9060 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_lorkhanstears.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3119680274 itemType = 33 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Lorkhan's Tears quality = 1 rawName = Lorkhan's Tears requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC92DD8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64501 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 64501 specializedItemType = 1450 stackCount = 11074 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 33222 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.1867728222406e-319 64502 = table:00000143FBCC7B18 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC97DD8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_ruddy_ash.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3285769254 itemType = 38 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sanded Ruby Ash quality = 1 rawName = Sanded Ruby Ash^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DE6020 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64502 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 64502 specializedItemType = 1650 stackCount = 12683 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50732 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.1868222288052e-319 64504 = table:000001439D8917D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DE0760 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cloth_base_harvestersilk.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 107106212 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ancestor Silk quality = 1 rawName = Ancestor Silk^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBC9A020 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64504 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 64504 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 3711 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 14844 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.1869210419344e-319 64506 = table:00000143F5F784E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144BA7B8690 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_daedric_skin.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1223410466 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedo Leather quality = 1 rawName = Rubedo Leather^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144BA7B8778 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64506 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 64506 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 11092 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 44368 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.1870198550635e-319 64508 = table:00000144BA7B8840 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144BA7B89F8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_055.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 584294219 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jehade quality = 1 rawName = Jehade requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144BA7B8BC8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64508 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 64508 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 4234 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 12702 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.1871186681927e-319 64509 = table:00000144BA7B8C50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C36BEC50 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_053.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3289929994 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rejera quality = 1 rawName = Rejera requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143C36BED40 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64509 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 64509 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 4750 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 14250 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.1871680747573e-319 64685 = table:00000143C36BEE30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = 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isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2646866029 itemType = 17 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ancient Scale quality = 1 rawName = Ancient Scale requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C36B4150 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64688 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 64688 specializedItemType = 800 stackCount = 5 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.1960118498179e-319 64689 = table:00000143C36B4230 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144BA7B8470 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ore_base_malachite_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1807066408 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Malachite quality = 5 rawName = Malachite requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E7785528 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64689 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 64689 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 97 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.1960612563824e-319 64690 = table:00000144C7FFA398 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC93EF0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 14 4 = 15 5 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ore_base_malachite_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2391995944 itemType = 17 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Malachite Shard quality = 4 rawName = Malachite Shard requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143D09B1150 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64690 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 64690 specializedItemType = 800 stackCount = 26 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 130 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.196110662947e-319 64713 = table:00000144063898A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014494A13848 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_laurel.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4274939282 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Laurel quality = 5 rawName = Laurel requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001447C602B80 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 64713 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 64713 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 207 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.1972470139325e-319 68340 = table:00000144BA7B8648 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C368DBC8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_056.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2667015462 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Itade quality = 1 rawName = Itade requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E619EB80 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 68340 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 68340 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 1176 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 3528 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.3764446236791e-319 68341 = table:00000143FBC99E40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F75670 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_054.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1077683941 itemType = 51 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Repora quality = 1 rawName = Repora requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D09DB268 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 68341 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 68341 specializedItemType = 2300 stackCount = 1948 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 5844 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.3764940302437e-319 68342 = table:00000143F5F49600 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001448F0CF580 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 17 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_components_runestones_058.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2792083070 itemType = 53 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hakeijo quality = 1 rawName = Hakeijo requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144647DFBB0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 68342 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 68342 specializedItemType = 2400 stackCount = 3 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 3 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.3765434368082e-319 69555 = table:00000143ECB5AAB8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCB29B0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_smith_plug_standard_f_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 459174374 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Cassiterite quality = 1 rawName = Cassiterite requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F56AD0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 69555 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 69555 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 340 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.4364735996488e-319 69556 = table:00000144CC080EA0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DE0580 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 14 4 = 15 5 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ghost_inert_glow_dust.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3218334523 itemType = 17 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Cassiterite Sand quality = 1 rawName = Cassiterite Sand requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143ECB3BF48 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 69556 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 69556 specializedItemType = 800 stackCount = 38 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 76 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.4365230062134e-319 71198 = table:00000143FBCB8DA8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC9AEE0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 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table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2244809879 itemType = 37 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rough Ruby Ash quality = 1 rawName = rough ruby ash^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143ECFF0208 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 71199 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 71199 specializedItemType = 1600 stackCount = 11681 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 23362 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.5176979918251e-319 71200 = table:00000143F8DB0A58 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F44D80 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_light_armor_standard_f_005.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 655478358 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Raw Ancestor Silk quality = 1 rawName = raw ancestor silk^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD985B28 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 71200 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 71200 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 10427 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 20854 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.5177473983897e-319 71239 = table:00000143EB39F5C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001447C5FFDE0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_leather_ambergris.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3096058479 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedo Hide Scraps quality = 1 rawName = rubedo hide scraps^p requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBC8FE28 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 71239 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 71239 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 6511 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13022 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.5196742544085e-319 71538 = table:00000143D6E8A4A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD9AD8C8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_outlaw_styleitem.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2356069142 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rogue's Soot quality = 1 rawName = Rogue's Soot requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143D09ACF78 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 71538 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 71538 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 148 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.5344468172191e-319 71582 = table:00000143EB8E23E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143D09ACEE8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_trinimac.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 817763460 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Auric Tusk quality = 1 rawName = Auric Tusk requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001431B630C18 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 71582 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 71582 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 126 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.5366207060608e-319 71584 = table:0000014428069D18 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001440E3E6F80 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_malacath.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1172627978 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Potash quality = 1 rawName = Potash requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCBFAB0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 71584 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 71584 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 128 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.53671951919e-319 71668 = table:00000143DD57DC20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DEA538 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafing_universal_item.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 12656631 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crown Mimic Stone quality = 5 rawName = Crown Mimic Stone requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F6C6B0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 71668 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 71668 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 78 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = 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false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3377227879 itemType = 58 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grease quality = 1 rawName = Grease requiredLevel = 3 searchData = table:00000143DD55D740 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 75357 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 75357 specializedItemType = 2650 stackCount = 572 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.7231304873659e-319 75358 = table:00000143F5F746E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CC04AB90 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potion_base_oil_2_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2344806495 itemType = 58 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ichor quality = 1 rawName = Ichor requiredLevel = 10 searchData = table:00000143E61833F0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 75358 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 75358 specializedItemType = 2650 stackCount = 539 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 539 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.7231798939305e-319 75359 = table:00000143D09BEC38 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCBB008 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potion_base_oil_2_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1551060884 itemType = 58 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Slime quality = 1 rawName = Slime requiredLevel = 20 searchData = table:00000143F5F64688 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 75359 type = 1 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 75359 specializedItemType = 2650 stackCount = 333 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 333 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.723229300495e-319 75360 = table:00000143FBCC1F18 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F7BFB8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potion_base_oil_3_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 757315273 itemType = 58 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Gall quality = 1 rawName = Gall requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:000001448F0CD2D8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 75360 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 75360 specializedItemType = 2650 stackCount = 189 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 378 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.7232787070596e-319 75361 = table:00000143DD55A1E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144BA7C7640 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potion_base_oil_3_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4258536958 itemType = 58 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Terebinthine quality = 1 rawName = Terebinthine requiredLevel = 40 searchData = table:00000143FBCBABD0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 75361 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 75361 specializedItemType = 2650 stackCount = 531 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1062 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.7233281136242e-319 75362 = table:00000143F5F49998 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001447C618EA0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potion_base_oil_3_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2460814035 itemType = 58 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pitch-Bile quality = 1 rawName = Pitch-Bile requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCB1128 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 75362 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 75362 specializedItemType = 2650 stackCount = 154 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 308 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 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0 filterData = table:00000143CBD62798 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potion_base_oil_4_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3255364031 itemType = 58 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Night-Oil quality = 1 rawName = Night-Oil requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC94350 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 75364 type = 1 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 75364 specializedItemType = 2650 stackCount = 207 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 621 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.723476333318e-319 75365 = table:00000143F5F4E9A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144D04B4398 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = 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isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2442305883 itemType = 17 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Coarse Chalk quality = 1 rawName = Coarse Chalk requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DDF440 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 75371 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 75371 specializedItemType = 800 stackCount = 22 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 44 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.7238221792701e-319 75373 = table:00000143F5F6E878 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143D09DAA50 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_draugr_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1140479994 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pristine Shroud quality = 1 rawName = Pristine Shroud requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCA4A68 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 75373 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 75373 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 68 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.7239209923992e-319 76910 = table:00000143F5F52C88 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F625B8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_assassins_league_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2862313456 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Tainted Blood quality = 1 rawName = Tainted Blood requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F567B0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 76910 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 76910 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 31 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.799858882165e-319 76911 = table:00000143FBCADCC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCB1B38 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 14 4 = 15 5 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_assassins_league_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3337154397 itemType = 17 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Dried Blood quality = 1 rawName = Dried Blood requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F4D538 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 76911 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 76911 specializedItemType = 800 stackCount = 9 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.7999082887296e-319 76914 = table:00000143EB9096B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C7FE44F0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_abahs_watch_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3545280305 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Polished Shilling quality = 1 rawName = Polished Shilling requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144D04D2B88 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 76914 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 76914 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 35 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.8000565084234e-319 77581 = table:0000014312EB1890 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144D04B2518 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_poisonmaking_reagent_torchbug_thorax.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3346882689 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Torchbug Thorax quality = 2 rawName = Torchbug Thorax requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144D04D31A8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 77581 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 77581 specializedItemType = 152 stackCount = 334 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 668 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.833010687001e-319 77583 = table:00000144D04A7DC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E6175478 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_poisonmaking_reagent_scuttle.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 168219647 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Beetle Scuttle quality = 2 rawName = Beetle Scuttle requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144BA7A9B98 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 77583 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 77583 specializedItemType = 152 stackCount = 365 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 730 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.8331095001301e-319 77584 = table:00000143F5F4FCD0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD9B0940 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_poisonmaking_reagent_spider_egg.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2873855422 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Spider Egg quality = 2 rawName = Spider Egg requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DCF218 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 77584 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 77584 specializedItemType = 152 stackCount = 1605 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 3210 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.8331589066947e-319 77585 = table:00000143C36AE588 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isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1927800888 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightshade quality = 2 rawName = Nightshade requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014494A10808 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 77590 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 77590 specializedItemType = 150 stackCount = 868 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1736 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.8334553460822e-319 77591 = table:00000143FBC91400 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCC6F28 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_poisonmaking_reagent_mudcrab_chitin.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 338469367 itemType = 31 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mudcrab Chitin quality = 2 rawName = Mudcrab Chitin requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD618530 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 77591 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 77591 specializedItemType = 152 stackCount = 243 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 486 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.8335047526468e-319 793 = table:000001444B45BD28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312ECC208 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_medium_armor_component_004.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1800222027 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rawhide Scraps quality = 1 rawName = rawhide scraps^p requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312ECC250 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 793 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 793 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 59 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 118 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.9179405715211e-321 79304 = table:000001439D890DB8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143ECFF5830 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_dark_brotherhood_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2756089409 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Black Beeswax quality = 1 rawName = Black Beeswax requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144CAF027A0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 79304 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 79304 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 33 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.9181381977794e-319 79305 = table:0000014320615370 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001447C5E7560 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_morag_tong_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3043595041 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Boiled Carapace quality = 1 rawName = Boiled Carapace requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F7A600 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 79305 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 79305 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 79 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.918187604344e-319 794 = table:0000014312ECC340 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312ECC388 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_medium_armor_standard_f_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 210890506 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rawhide quality = 1 rawName = rawhide^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312ECC3D0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 794 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 794 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 3116 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 12464 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.9228812279795e-321 79672 = table:00000143FBCC7CA8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F6A440 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_dromothra_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3460355186 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Defiled Whiskers quality = 1 rawName = Defiled Whiskers requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCBA058 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 79672 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 79672 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 17 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.9363198135464e-319 802 = table:0000014312ECC4C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51C7C48 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_forester_weapon_component_004.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 381140226 itemType = 37 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rough Maple quality = 1 rawName = rough maple^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A51C7C90 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 802 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 802 specializedItemType = 1600 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 4 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.9624064796468e-321 803 = table:00000143A51C7D80 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51C7DC8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_forester_weapon_component_006.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3086776001 itemType = 38 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sanded Maple quality = 1 rawName = sanded maple^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A51C7E10 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 803 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 803 specializedItemType = 1650 stackCount = 3768 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 15072 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.9673471361052e-321 808 = table:00000143A51C7F00 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51C7F48 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_ore_base_iron_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3730052988 itemType = 35 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Iron Ore quality = 1 rawName = iron ore requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A51C7F90 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 808 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 808 specializedItemType = 1500 stackCount = 12 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 24 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 3.9920504183973e-321 810 = table:00000143A51C8080 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51C8B58 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_enchantment_base_jade_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 551389946 itemType = 46 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jade quality = 1 rawName = Jade requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A51C8BA0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 810 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 810 specializedItemType = 2050 stackCount = 1793 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.0019317313141e-321 811 = table:00000143A51C8C90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51C8CD8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_light_armor_standard_r_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3257025721 itemType = 40 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jute quality = 1 rawName = jute^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A51C8D20 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 811 type = 1 sellPrice = 4 slotIndex = 811 specializedItemType = 1750 stackCount = 3368 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13472 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.0068723877725e-321 812 = table:00000143A51C8E10 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51C8E58 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 14 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cloth_base_jute_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1667694200 itemType = 39 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Raw Jute quality = 1 rawName = raw jute^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A51C8EA0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 812 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 812 specializedItemType = 1700 stackCount = 25 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.0118130442309e-321 813 = table:00000143A51C8F90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51CB880 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 20 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_jewelry_base_turquoise_r3.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 78362679 itemType = 46 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Turquoise quality = 1 rawName = Turquoise requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A51CB8C8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 813 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 813 specializedItemType = 2050 stackCount = 2054 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.0167537006893e-321 818 = table:00000143A51CB9B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51CBA00 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 15 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_wood_rough_birch.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 721639666 itemType = 37 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rough Birch quality = 1 rawName = rough birch^ns requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A51CBA80 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 818 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 818 specializedItemType = 1600 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 2 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.0414569829814e-321 81994 = table:00000143F8DEB768 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E775CD98 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_minotaur_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 191955439 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Oxblood Fungus quality = 1 rawName = Oxblood Fungus requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143D09E0260 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 81994 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 81994 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 36 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.0510418565107e-319 81995 = table:00000143FBCC2F60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCAC188 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 14 4 = 15 5 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_minotaur_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 259314325 itemType = 17 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Oxblood Fungus Spore quality = 1 rawName = Oxblood Fungus Spore requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144C7548848 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 81995 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 81995 specializedItemType = 800 stackCount = 3 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 6 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.0510912630753e-319 81996 = table:00000143206157F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C7FF3D30 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_orderoth_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 192862276 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pearl Sand quality = 1 rawName = Pearl Sand requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD9AD968 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 81996 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 81996 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 36 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.0511406696399e-319 81997 = table:00000143E7751FA0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F67590 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 13 3 = 14 4 = 15 5 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_orderoth_r1.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1375618579 itemType = 17 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grain of Pearl Sand quality = 1 rawName = Grain of Pearl Sand requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCB8A88 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 81997 type = 1 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 81997 specializedItemType = 800 stackCount = 7 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 14 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.0511900762045e-319 81998 = table:00000143F5F4C858 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143D6EB0640 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_celestial_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1282404343 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Star Sapphire quality = 1 rawName = Star Sapphire requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCB10B0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 81998 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 81998 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 37 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.0512394827691e-319 82000 = table:00000143FBCBCD80 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014494A009D8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_hollowjack_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1149500245 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Amber Marble quality = 1 rawName = Amber Marble requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C36BA3A0 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 82000 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 82000 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 1490 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.0513382958982e-319 82004 = table:000001448F0CB100 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144BA7ABA38 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_ebony_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2647431204 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Night Pumice quality = 1 rawName = Night Pumice requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144D04B1A20 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 82004 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 82004 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 38 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.0515359221566e-319 883 = table:00000143A51CBB70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51CBBB8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 16 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_forester_potion_vendor_001.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 653423087 itemType = 33 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Natural Water quality = 1 rawName = natural water requiredLevel = 3 searchData = table:00000143A51CBC38 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 883 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 883 specializedItemType = 1450 stackCount = 398 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.3625996527782e-321 96388 = table:00000144D04A7A48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 5 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144949FB9C8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 19 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_style_item_wolfsbane_r2.dds inventory = table:00000143098A9830 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2110947754 itemType = 44 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Wolfsbane Incense quality = 1 rawName = Wolfsbane Incense requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DEF0D8 firstTable bagId = 5 slotIndex = 96388 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 96388 specializedItemType = 1950 stackCount = 67 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.7621999471346e-319 sortHeaders = table:00000143D1038260 (meta 0000014368605B08} stringSearch = table:00000143F455A8A8 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = true data = table:00000143E618F5F0 firstTable processors = table:00000143F455A938 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C102DE10 tabFilters = table:00000143FC329178 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DBF3AC8 2 = table:000001439DBF3B10 3 = table:000001439DBF3B58 4 = table:000001439DBF3BA0 5 = table:000001439DBF3BE8 6 = table:000001439DBF3C30 7 = table:000001439DBF3C78 8 = table:000001439DBF94A0 9 = table:000001439DBF94E8 isListDirty = table:00000143098A9980 firstTable 1 = true 2 = true 3 = true 4 = true 5 = true itemsLockedDueToDeath = false searchToInventoryType = table:000001439DBF5E48 firstTable table = 0000014314A45320 = 4 0000014314A454A0 = 2 00000143DFA53B60 = 3 00000143EA5497B0 = 1 00000143F455A8A8 = 5 selectedTabType = 1 PLAYER_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F28CE178 (meta 0000014457A2F660} PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR = table:00000143E4C52860 (meta 000001431D981F10} firstTable firstMeta bar = table:00000143E4C52BE0 (meta 0000014409E096D0} firstTable customAnimationTime = 1000 level = 835 onAnimationFinishedCallback() = function:00000143E4C52CB0 onCompleteCallback() = function:00000143E4C52EB0 onLevelChangedCallback() = function:00000143E4C52E30 statusBar = userdata:00000143E4C517D0 (meta 00000143E4C52248} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E4C51840 (meta 0000014308340698} max = 801210 onStopCallback() = function:00000143E4C52EB0 barControl = userdata:00000143E4C517D0 (meta 00000143E4C52248} barState = hidden barTypeClasses = table:00000143E4C53478 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F9F1AE50 (meta 00000143F9F1AE98} firstTable firstMeta GetCurrent() = function:00000144DD76D810 GetLevel() = function:00000144D545FC58 GetLevelSize() = function:00000143F9F1AEE0 Initialize() = function:00000144DD76D7C8 New() = function:00000144DD76D780 __index = table:00000143F9F1AE50 (meta 00000143F9F1AE98} 2 = table:00000144D545FBB0 (meta 00000144D545FBF8} firstTable firstMeta GetBarGlow() = function:00000144D545E120 GetBarGradient() = function:00000144D545F6A0 GetCurrent() = function:00000144D54583E0 GetEnlightenedPool() = function:000001431D9856B0 GetEnlightenedTooltip() = function:00000144D5458360 GetIcon() = function:00000144D545E1C0 GetLevel() = function:000001431D9856F0 GetLevelSize() = function:00000144D54583A0 GetLevelTypeText() = function:000001431D985730 GetShownAttribute() = function:00000144DD76D850 Initialize() = function:00000144D545F658 New() = function:00000144D545F5E0 __index = table:00000144D545FBB0 (meta 00000144D545FBF8} 3 = table:00000144D5458420 (meta 00000143E4C5B158} firstTable firstMeta GetCurrent() = function:000001431D981E78 GetLevel() = function:000001431D97D098 GetLevelSize() = function:000001431D981ED0 Initialize() = function:00000143E4C5B1E8 New() = function:00000143E4C5B1A0 barTypes = table:00000143E4C53568 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E4C535B0 (meta 00000143F9F1AE50} firstTable firstMeta barGlowColor = table:0000014316DC5F70 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.76470595598221 g = 0.72156864404678 r = 0.3137255012989 barGradient = table:0000014316DC6538 firstTable 1 = table:0000014316DC6580 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.45098042488098 g = 0.39215689897537 r = 0.10980392992496 2 = table:0000014316DC4F30 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.76470595598221 g = 0.72156864404678 r = 0.3137255012989 barLevelColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 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barTypeId = 2 lastCurrent = 697914 lastLevel = 835 params = table:00000143E4C536B8 firstTable tooltipCurrentMaxFormat = 5692 callbackRegistry = table:0000014409E11278 firstTable Complete = table:00000143B4C05910 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346132D08 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B4C058C8 3 = false Show = table:000001431DC99128 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DA080F8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143140B6348 3 = false championIcon = userdata:00000143E4C51768 (meta 0000014308349FC8} championPointsLabel = userdata:00000143E4C52850 (meta 00000143083425C0} control = userdata:00000144D545F648 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E4C528D8 firstTable enlightenedBarControl = userdata:00000143E4C521F0 (meta 0000014308340698} enlightenedTimeline = userdata:00000143E4C531C8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} fadeAlpha = 0 fadeTimeline = userdata:00000143E4C52F18 (meta 0000014308367FC0} fillCompleteCallback() = function:00000143E4C53238 fireCallbackDepth = 0 glowContainer = 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function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:00000143F0F65610 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143F0F7FE30 (meta 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POISON_COLOR_INDEX_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 POISON_COLOR_INDEX_ITERATION_END = 3 POISON_COLOR_INDEX_MAX_VALUE = 3 POISON_COLOR_INDEX_MIN_VALUE = 0 POISON_COLOR_INDEX_NONE = 0 POISON_COLOR_INDEX_ORANGE = 2 POISON_COLOR_INDEX_PURPLE = 3 POI_TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT = 3 POI_TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT_COMPONENT = 4 POI_TYPE_GROUP_DUNGEON = 6 POI_TYPE_HOUSE = 7 POI_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 POI_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 7 POI_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 7 POI_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 POI_TYPE_OBJECTIVE = 0 POI_TYPE_PUBLIC_DUNGEON = 5 POI_TYPE_STANDARD = 2 POI_TYPE_WAYSHRINE = 1 POWERTYPE_HEALTH = -2 POWERTYPE_HEALTH_BONUS = 12 POWERTYPE_INVALID = -1 POWERTYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = -2 POWERTYPE_ITERATION_END = 12 POWERTYPE_MAGICKA = 0 POWERTYPE_MAX_VALUE = 12 POWERTYPE_MIN_VALUE = -2 POWERTYPE_MOUNT_STAMINA = 11 POWERTYPE_STAMINA = 6 POWERTYPE_ULTIMATE = 10 POWERTYPE_WEREWOLF = 1 PPB_CLASS_CP = 2 PPB_CLASS_SKILL = 3 PPB_CLASS_XP = 1 PPB_CP = 2 PPB_XP = 1 PREFERRED_ROLES = table:000001431D938140 (meta 00000143D3171908} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001447C501758 (meta 000001430831E750} roles = table:000001431D9381B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D9382A8 firstTable button = userdata:000001447C501910 (meta 000001431D938070} firstMeta firstIndex role = 1 isSelected = true tooltip = Focuses on dealing damage against enemies that pose a threat. 2 = table:000001431D9384D8 firstTable button = userdata:00000143ED3BEB50 (meta 000001447C501800} firstMeta firstIndex role = 2 isSelected = false tooltip = Absorbs damage from enemies and prevents allies from being attacked. 4 = table:000001431D9383C0 firstTable button = userdata:000001447C4FB988 (meta 00000143ED3BEA08} isSelected = false tooltip = Heals and protects allies, keeping them alive throughout the battle. 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PROFILE_LOGIN_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1 PROGRESSION_COLOR_AVA_RANK_END = 14 PROGRESSION_COLOR_AVA_RANK_START = 13 PROGRESSION_COLOR_CP_HEALTH_END = 21 PROGRESSION_COLOR_CP_HEALTH_START = 20 PROGRESSION_COLOR_CP_MAGICKA_END = 23 PROGRESSION_COLOR_CP_MAGICKA_START = 22 PROGRESSION_COLOR_CP_STAMINA_END = 25 PROGRESSION_COLOR_CP_STAMINA_START = 24 PROGRESSION_COLOR_EARNED = 0 PROGRESSION_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 PROGRESSION_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 26 PROGRESSION_COLOR_LOCKED = 12 PROGRESSION_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 26 PROGRESSION_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 PROGRESSION_COLOR_PURCHASED = 10 PROGRESSION_COLOR_PURCHASED_UNSELECTED = 26 PROGRESSION_COLOR_SKILL_XP_END = 9 PROGRESSION_COLOR_SKILL_XP_GLOW = 19 PROGRESSION_COLOR_SKILL_XP_START = 8 PROGRESSION_COLOR_UNEARNED = 1 PROGRESSION_COLOR_UNPURCHASED = 11 PROGRESSION_COLOR_VP_END = 16 PROGRESSION_COLOR_VP_GLOW = 18 PROGRESSION_COLOR_VP_START = 15 PROGRESSION_COLOR_XP_END = 3 PROGRESSION_COLOR_XP_FULL_END = 5 PROGRESSION_COLOR_XP_FULL_START = 4 PROGRESSION_COLOR_XP_GLOW = 17 PROGRESSION_COLOR_XP_MORPH_END = 7 PROGRESSION_COLOR_XP_MORPH_START = 6 PROGRESSION_COLOR_XP_START = 2 PROGRESS_REASON_ACHIEVEMENT = 25 PROGRESS_REASON_ACTION = 13 PROGRESS_REASON_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 33 PROGRESS_REASON_AVA = 15 PROGRESS_REASON_BATTLEGROUND = 6 PROGRESS_REASON_BOOK_COLLECTION_COMPLETE = 12 PROGRESS_REASON_BOSS_KILL = 26 PROGRESS_REASON_COLLECT_BOOK = 11 PROGRESS_REASON_COMMAND = 4 PROGRESS_REASON_COMPLETE_POI = 2 PROGRESS_REASON_DARK_ANCHOR_CLOSED = 28 PROGRESS_REASON_DARK_FISSURE_CLOSED = 29 PROGRESS_REASON_DISCOVER_POI = 3 PROGRESS_REASON_DUNGEON_CHALLENGE = 35 PROGRESS_REASON_EVENT = 27 PROGRESS_REASON_FINESSE = 9 PROGRESS_REASON_GRANT_REPUTATION = 32 PROGRESS_REASON_GUILD_REP = 14 PROGRESS_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = -1 PROGRESS_REASON_ITERATION_END = 37 PROGRESS_REASON_JUSTICE_SKILL_EVENT = 36 PROGRESS_REASON_KEEP_REWARD = 5 PROGRESS_REASON_KILL = 0 PROGRESS_REASON_LFG_REWARD = 37 PROGRESS_REASON_LOCK_PICK = 10 PROGRESS_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 37 PROGRESS_REASON_MEDAL = 8 PROGRESS_REASON_MIN_VALUE = -1 PROGRESS_REASON_NONE = -1 PROGRESS_REASON_OTHER = 31 PROGRESS_REASON_OVERLAND_BOSS_KILL = 24 PROGRESS_REASON_PVP_EMPEROR = 34 PROGRESS_REASON_QUEST = 1 PROGRESS_REASON_REWARD = 17 PROGRESS_REASON_SCRIPTED_EVENT = 7 PROGRESS_REASON_SKILL_BOOK = 30 PROGRESS_REASON_TRADESKILL = 16 PROGRESS_REASON_TRADESKILL_ACHIEVEMENT = 18 PROGRESS_REASON_TRADESKILL_CONSUME = 20 PROGRESS_REASON_TRADESKILL_HARVEST = 21 PROGRESS_REASON_TRADESKILL_QUEST = 19 PROGRESS_REASON_TRADESKILL_RECIPE = 22 PROGRESS_REASON_TRADESKILL_TRAIT = 23 PROSPECTIVE_ALCHEMY_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 PROSPECTIVE_ALCHEMY_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 2 PROSPECTIVE_ALCHEMY_RESULT_KNOWN = 2 PROSPECTIVE_ALCHEMY_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 2 PROSPECTIVE_ALCHEMY_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 PROSPECTIVE_ALCHEMY_RESULT_UNCRAFTABLE = 0 PROSPECTIVE_ALCHEMY_RESULT_UNKNOWN = 1 PROSPECTIVE_PICKPOCKET_RESULT_CAN_ATTEMPT = 0 PROSPECTIVE_PICKPOCKET_RESULT_COOLDOWN = 1 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callbackRegistry = table:00000143EA917120 firstTable RecipeDataUpdated = table:00000143E75E0168 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6AEB670 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F98FFF88 3 = false 2 = table:00000143D8F4A440 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F48880 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F9903740 firstTable dirtyFlags = table:00000143F98FAFB0 firstTable 1 = true 2 = false 3 = false fireCallbackDepth = 0 PROVISIONER_SCENE = table:00000143E1D14848 (meta 00000144C79BED68} PROVISIONER_SPECIAL_INGREDIENT_TYPE_FLAVORING = 2 PROVISIONER_SPECIAL_INGREDIENT_TYPE_FURNISHING = 3 PROVISIONER_SPECIAL_INGREDIENT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 PROVISIONER_SPECIAL_INGREDIENT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 PROVISIONER_SPECIAL_INGREDIENT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 PROVISIONER_SPECIAL_INGREDIENT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 PROVISIONER_SPECIAL_INGREDIENT_TYPE_NONE = 0 PROVISIONER_SPECIAL_INGREDIENT_TYPE_SPICES = 1 PURCHASED_COLOR = table:0000014345F13000 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 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function: Private PlaceInEquipSlot = function: Private PlaceInInventory = function: Private PlaceInStoreWindow = function: Private PlaceInTradeWindow = function: Private PlaceInTradingHouse = function: Private PlaceInTransfer = function: Private PlaceInUnitFrame = function: Private PlaceInWorldLeftClick = function: Private PlainStringFind() = function:00000143CACA84F8 PlayCrownCrateSpecificParticleSoundAndVibration() = function:00000143CACA4EC8 PlayCrownCrateTierSpecificParticleSoundAndVibration() = function:00000143CACA4E38 PlayDefaultQuickChat = function: Private PlayEmoteByIndex() = function:00000143CACA7900 PlayItemSound() = function:000001439D2998A0 PlayLootSound() = function:000001439D295768 PlaySound() = function:00000143CACA7E88 PlayVideo() = function:00000143167B52D0 PlayerHasAttributeUpgrades() = function:000001439D28F1F0 PopActionLayer() = function:000001439D291960 PopupTooltip = userdata:00000143EA76A7D8 (meta 000001430834FDB0} PopupTooltipBG = userdata:00000143EA76A840 (meta 0000014308324730} PopupTooltipBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143EA76A8B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} PopupTooltipCharges = userdata:00000143EA76A918 (meta 000001430831E750} PopupTooltipChargesBG = userdata:00000143EA76A980 (meta 0000014308349FC8} PopupTooltipChargesBarLeft = userdata:00000143EA76A9F0 (meta 00000143EA76AAC0} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143EA76AA68 (meta 0000014308340698} PopupTooltipChargesBarLeftGloss = userdata:00000143EA76AA68 (meta 0000014308340698} PopupTooltipChargesBarRight = userdata:00000143140BC2A0 (meta 00000143140BC370} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143140BC318 (meta 0000014308340698} PopupTooltipChargesBarRightGloss = userdata:00000143140BC318 (meta 0000014308340698} PopupTooltipClose = userdata:00000143E03A6650 (meta 0000014308331CA0} PopupTooltipCondition = userdata:00000143140BC498 (meta 000001430831E750} PopupTooltipConditionBG = userdata:00000143140BC508 (meta 0000014308349FC8} PopupTooltipConditionBarLeft = 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PrepareAttack = function: Private PreviewArmorByItemLink = function: Private PreviewCollectible = function: Private PreviewCollectibleAsFurniture = function: Private PreviewCraftItem() = function:00000143CACA6608 PreviewDyeStamp() = function:00000143CACA6520 PreviewDyeStampByItemLink() = function:00000143CACA6590 PreviewFurnitureMarketProduct = function: Private PreviewInventoryItem() = function:00000143CACA6760 PreviewInventoryItemAsFurniture() = function:00000143CACA67D0 PreviewMarketProduct = function: Private PreviewPlacedFurniture() = function:00000143CACA6B40 PreviewProvisionerItemAsFurniture = function: Private PreviewStoreEntry() = function:00000143CACA6850 PreviewStoreEntryAsFurniture() = function:00000143CACA68C0 PreviewTradingHouseSearchResultItem() = function:00000143CACA6938 PreviewTradingHouseSearchResultItemAsFurniture() = function:00000143CACA69B8 ProcessMapClick() = function:000001439D29C2C8 PurchaseAttributes() = function:000001439D2AB4F0 PushActionLayerByName() = function:000001439D291710 PutPointIntoSkillAbility() = function:000001439D2A8F18 QUEST_ASSIST_CONSIDER_ALL_QUESTS = 1 QUEST_ASSIST_CONSIDER_ONLY_TRACKED_QUESTS = 0 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_ABILITY_TYPE_USED_ON_NPC = 19 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_ABILITY_TYPE_USED_ON_TABLE = 23 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_ABILITY_USED_ON_NPC = 18 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_ABILITY_USED_ON_TABLE = 22 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_ADVANCE_COMPLETABLE_SIBLINGS = 45 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_ARTIFACT_CAPTURED = 40 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_ARTIFACT_RETURNED = 41 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND_EARNED_POINTS = 52 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND_PARTICIPATION = 50 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND_VICTORY = 51 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_CAPTURE_KEEP_TYPE = 28 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_CAPTURE_SPECIFIC_KEEP = 29 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_COLLECT_ITEM = 6 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_CRAFT_ITEM = 31 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_CRAFT_RANDOM_WRIT_ITEM = 48 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_DECONSTRUCT_ITEM = 25 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_ENTER_SUBZONE = 20 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_EQUIP_ITEM = 33 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_EVENT_FAIL = 36 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_EVENT_SUCCESS = 35 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_EXIT_SUBZONE = 21 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_FOLLOWER_GAINED = 37 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_FOLLOWER_LOST = 13 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_GATHER_ITEM = 44 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_GATHER_ITEM_TRAIT = 53 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_GATHER_ITEM_TYPE = 49 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_GIVE_ITEM = 7 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_GOTO_POINT = 5 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_HAS_ITEM = 30 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_INTERACT_MONSTER = 2 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_INTERACT_OBJECT = 8 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_INTERACT_OBJECT_IN_STATE = 14 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_INTERACT_SIMPLE_OBJECT = 38 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_INTERACT_SIMPLE_OBJECT_IN_STATE = 39 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 53 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_KILL_BOUNTY_CLASSIFICATION_TYPE = 47 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_KILL_ENEMY_GUARDS = 27 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_KILL_ENEMY_PLAYERS = 26 QUEST_CONDITION_TYPE_KILL_ENEMY_PLAYERS_OF_CLASS = 42 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firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E13774D0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1377558 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1377630 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E1377678 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E13776C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E13775E8 3 = false control = userdata:00000144083C4420 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1377488 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden QUICKSLOT_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E13770C0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1377180 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1377208 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E13772E0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E1377328 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1377370 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1377298 3 = false control = userdata:00000144083C70D8 (meta 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function:000001439D7A6EE0 onClearCallback() = function:000001439D7A7400 onSelectionChangedCallback() = function:000001439D7A7338 selectIfCentered = true selectedBackground = userdata:000001439D7A6C90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} setupFunction() = function:000001439D7A72B8 unselectedBackground = userdata:000001439D7A6D18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} virtualMouseX = 0 virtualMouseY = 0 menuControl = userdata:000001439D7A6C08 (meta 000001430831E750} QUICKSLOT_RADIAL_MANAGER = table:000001439D7A6450 (meta 000001439D7A62A0} firstTable firstMeta QUICKSLOT_WINDOW = table:00000144083D4488 (meta 0000014368A0EBB0} firstTable firstMeta activeTab = userdata:00000144083C71B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} circle = userdata:00000144083C4420 (meta 0000014308326048} container = userdata:00000144083C70D8 (meta 0000014308326048} currentFilter = table:00000143CFFEC7C0 freeSlotsLabel = userdata:00000144083D3148 (meta 00000143083425C0} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143E1376E90 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1376F28 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table:00000143207F6B18 4 = table:00000143207F6BF0 5 = table:00000143CFFEC7C0 6 = table:00000143207F6BA8 sortFunction() = function:00000143E135CED8 sortHeaders = table:00000143CFFED248 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortHeadersControl = userdata:00000144083D40D0 (meta 000001430831E750} tabs = userdata:00000144083C7140 (meta 0000014368A0A960} QUICK_CAST_GROUND_ABILITIES_CHOICE_AUTOMATIC = 2 QUICK_CAST_GROUND_ABILITIES_CHOICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 QUICK_CAST_GROUND_ABILITIES_CHOICE_ITERATION_END = 2 QUICK_CAST_GROUND_ABILITIES_CHOICE_MAX_VALUE = 2 QUICK_CAST_GROUND_ABILITIES_CHOICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 QUICK_CAST_GROUND_ABILITIES_CHOICE_OFF = 0 QUICK_CAST_GROUND_ABILITIES_CHOICE_ON = 1 QUICK_CHAT_MANAGER = table:00000143E3A2E1B8 (meta 00000143E3A2DCE0} firstTable firstMeta formattedNames = table:00000143E3A2E200 firstTable QueryBattlegroundLeaderboardData() = function:000001439D29FEA0 QueryCampaignLeaderboardData() = function:000001439D2A1670 QueryCampaignSelectionData() = function:000001439D2A1588 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RAID_POINT_REASON_LIFE_REMAINING = 9 RAID_POINT_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 17 RAID_POINT_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 RAID_POINT_REASON_SOLO_ARENA_COMPLETE = 17 RAID_POINT_REASON_SOLO_ARENA_PICKUP_FOUR = 16 RAID_POINT_REASON_SOLO_ARENA_PICKUP_ONE = 13 RAID_POINT_REASON_SOLO_ARENA_PICKUP_THREE = 15 RAID_POINT_REASON_SOLO_ARENA_PICKUP_TWO = 14 RATINGS_BOARD_BR = 3 RATINGS_BOARD_ESRB = 1 RATINGS_BOARD_FPB = 7 RATINGS_BOARD_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 RATINGS_BOARD_ITERATION_END = 7 RATINGS_BOARD_MAX_VALUE = 7 RATINGS_BOARD_MIN_VALUE = 0 RATINGS_BOARD_NONE = 0 RATINGS_BOARD_OFLC = 4 RATINGS_BOARD_PEGI = 2 RATINGS_BOARD_RR = 6 RATINGS_BOARD_USK = 5 READY_CHECK_TRACKER = table:00000143EA54E670 (meta 000001431C4737F8} firstTable firstMeta container = userdata:00000143EA52FD28 (meta 000001430831E750} control = userdata:00000143EA546378 (meta 00000143EA54E730} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000143EA54E670 (meta 000001431C4737F8} countLabel = userdata:00000143EA54E660 (meta 00000143083425C0} iconControls = 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0 RECIPE_CRAFTING_SYSTEM_ITERATION_END = 6 RECIPE_CRAFTING_SYSTEM_MAX_VALUE = 6 RECIPE_CRAFTING_SYSTEM_MIN_VALUE = 0 RECIPE_CRAFTING_SYSTEM_PROVISIONING_DESIGNS = 5 RECIPE_CRAFTING_SYSTEM_WOODWORKING_BLUEPRINTS = 6 REFLECTION_QUALITY_HIGH = 3 REFLECTION_QUALITY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 REFLECTION_QUALITY_ITERATION_END = 4 REFLECTION_QUALITY_LOW = 1 REFLECTION_QUALITY_MAX_VALUE = 4 REFLECTION_QUALITY_MEDIUM = 2 REFLECTION_QUALITY_MIN_VALUE = 0 REFLECTION_QUALITY_OFF = 0 REFLECTION_QUALITY_SCORPIO = 4 REGION_AFRICA = 4 REGION_ASIA = 5 REGION_EUROPE = 3 REGION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 REGION_ITERATION_END = 6 REGION_MAX_VALUE = 6 REGION_MIN_VALUE = 0 REGION_NONE = 0 REGION_NORTH_AMERICA = 1 REGION_OCEANIA = 6 REGION_SOUTH_AMERICA = 2 REGISTER_FILTER_ABILITY_ID = 5 REGISTER_FILTER_BAG_ID = 8 REGISTER_FILTER_COMBAT_RESULT = 2 REGISTER_FILTER_INVALID = -1 REGISTER_FILTER_INVENTORY_UPDATE_REASON = 10 REGISTER_FILTER_IS_ERROR = 4 REGISTER_FILTER_IS_IN_GAMEPAD_PREFERRED_MODE = 6 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REPORT_PLAYER_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 REPORT_PLAYER_REASON_ITERATION_END = 5 REPORT_PLAYER_REASON_MAIL_SPAM = 1 REPORT_PLAYER_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 5 REPORT_PLAYER_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 REQUEST_READ_MAIL_RESULT_ALREADY_REQUESTED = 4 REQUEST_READ_MAIL_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 REQUEST_READ_MAIL_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 4 REQUEST_READ_MAIL_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 4 REQUEST_READ_MAIL_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 REQUEST_READ_MAIL_RESULT_NOT_IN_MAIL_INTERACTION = 2 REQUEST_READ_MAIL_RESULT_NO_SUCH_MAIL = 3 REQUEST_READ_MAIL_RESULT_SUCCESS_CACHED = 0 REQUEST_READ_MAIL_RESULT_SUCCESS_SERVER_REQUESTED = 1 RESOURCETYPE_FOOD = 2 RESOURCETYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 RESOURCETYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 RESOURCETYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 RESOURCETYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 RESOURCETYPE_NONE = 0 RESOURCETYPE_ORE = 3 RESOURCETYPE_WOOD = 1 RESOURCE_BARS_SETTING_CHOICE_ALWAYS_SHOW = 1 RESOURCE_BARS_SETTING_CHOICE_AUTOMATIC = 2 RESOURCE_BARS_SETTING_CHOICE_DONT_SHOW = 0 RESOURCE_BARS_SETTING_CHOICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 RESOURCE_BARS_SETTING_CHOICE_ITERATION_END = 2 RESOURCE_BARS_SETTING_CHOICE_MAX_VALUE = 2 RESOURCE_BARS_SETTING_CHOICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 RESOURCE_NUMBERS_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 RESOURCE_NUMBERS_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 3 RESOURCE_NUMBERS_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 3 RESOURCE_NUMBERS_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 RESOURCE_NUMBERS_SETTING_NUMBER_AND_PERCENT = 3 RESOURCE_NUMBERS_SETTING_NUMBER_ONLY = 1 RESOURCE_NUMBERS_SETTING_OFF = 0 RESOURCE_NUMBERS_SETTING_PERCENT_ONLY = 2 RESTYLE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB752388 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} RESTYLE_GAMEPAD = table:000001430FD76CC8 (meta 000001430FD67410} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001430FD67530 (meta 0000014308326048} currentlySelectedOptionData = table:000001430FD77E50 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable firstMeta alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001430FD77F20 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Dye/Gamepad/dye_tabIcon_EQUIPMENTDye.dds mode = 2 numIcons = 1 sceneName = gamepad_dyeing 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function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001430FD81260 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001430FD812F0 firstTable prePadding = table:000001430FD81218 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001430FD812A8 firstTable rightIcon = userdata:000001430FD73580 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollControl = userdata:000001430FD730B8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:000001430FD81338 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:000001430FD811D0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 0 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:000001430FD81410 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:000001430FD81380 firstTable headerData = table:000001430FD819B0 firstTable titleText = Dye Station keybindStripDescriptorRoot = table:000001430FD7EC20 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD7EC68 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001430FD7ECF0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:000001430FD7ECB0 visible() = function:000001430FD7ED70 2 = table:000001430FD7EDB8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:000001430FD7EE28 firstTable callback() = function:000001430FD7EE70 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:000001430FD7EF38 firstTable callback() = function:000001430FD7F028 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER modeList = table:000001430FD76F88 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:000001430FD74480 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:000001430FD779F8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:000001430FD77A40 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD77AB8 firstTable 1() = function:000001430FD779B0 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:000001430FD77408 firstTable control = userdata:000001430FD742A8 (meta 000001430FD77060} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001430FD772E0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001430FD76F88 (meta 0000014405F90F70} dataIndexToControl = table:000001430FD77D78 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001430FD78420 (meta 000001430FD789A0} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 cooldown = userdata:000001430FD787A8 (meta 0000014308316C08} dataIndex = 1 highlight = userdata:000001430FD78558 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:000001430FD78528 (meta 000001430FD78668} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:000001430FD79AB0 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Dye/Gamepad/dye_tabIcon_EQUIPMENTDye.dds inCooldown = false key = 1 label = userdata:000001430FD78480 (meta 000001430FD799E0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:000001430FD78610 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:000001430FD78860 (meta 000001430FD788B8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:000001430FD79B18 firstTable templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate 2 = userdata:000001430FD79C18 (meta 000001430FD7A320} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 cooldown = userdata:000001430FD7A128 (meta 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table:000001430FD7B4A0 firstTable templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate dataList = table:000001430FD77B38 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD77E50 (meta 000001431392FB40} 2 = table:000001430FD78138 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001430FD78208 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Dye/Gamepad/dye_tabIcon_costumeDye.dds mode = 3 numIcons = 1 sceneName = gamepad_dyeing selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Costume and Hat unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} dataTypes = table:000001430FD773C0 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate = table:000001430FD77920 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001430FD777A0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001430FD77E08 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001430FD78420 (meta 000001430FD789A0} 2 = userdata:000001430FD79C18 (meta 000001430FD7A320} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001430FD77860 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RestyleTopLevel_GamepadMaskContainerRootListScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate parent = userdata:000001430FD74330 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001430FD676E8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:000001430FD76FD0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001430FD77378 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:000001430FD74510 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001430FD77C10 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001430FD77CA0 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false prePadding = table:000001430FD77BC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001430FD77C58 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false scrollControl = userdata:000001430FD74330 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:000001430FD77CE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 selectedData = table:000001430FD77E50 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:000001430FD77B80 firstTable 1 = 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RESURRECT_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 5 RESURRECT_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 5 RESURRECT_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 RESURRECT_RESULT_NO_SOUL_GEM = 3 RESURRECT_RESULT_SOUL_GEM_IN_USE = 2 RESURRECT_RESULT_SUCCESS = 5 RETICLE = table:00000144D864F020 (meta 00000144D864C498} firstTable firstMeta additionalInfo = userdata:00000143CE3FB848 (meta 00000143083425C0} bonusScrollTimeline = userdata:00000143214BFF60 (meta 0000014308367FC0} control = userdata:00000144D864D2C0 (meta 0000014308326048} delayedTutorialTimestampSeconds = 19339.859375 delayedTutorialType = 0 hitIndicatorTimeline = userdata:00000143214BFF00 (meta 0000014308367FC0} interact = userdata:00000143214BB9E8 (meta 000001430831E750} interactContext = userdata:00000143214BC5C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} interactKeybindButton = userdata:00000143214BC640 (meta 00000143214C13F8} interactionBlocked = false nonInteract = userdata:00000144D864EF98 (meta 000001430831E750} nonInteractText = userdata:00000144D864F010 (meta 00000143083425C0} reticleHiddenExternalRequest = false reticleOpenCloseTimeline = userdata:00000143214BFE20 (meta 0000014308367FC0} reticleTexture = userdata:00000144D864F1A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} stealthIcon = table:00000143214C1D58 (meta 00000144D864D1D0} firstTable control = userdata:00000144D863C348 (meta 000001430831E750} currentStealthState = 0 disguiseState = 0 hiddenStates = table:00000143214C1DA0 firstTable 0 = false 1 = false 3 = true 4 = true 5 = true 6 = true nextStealthState = 0 stealthEyeTexture = userdata:00000144D863C3C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} stealthEyeTimeline = userdata:00000144D8648940 (meta 0000014308367FC0} stealthSounds = table:00000144D863D1B0 firstTable 1 = Stealth_Detected 3 = Stealth_Hidden 4 = Stealth_Hidden stealthText = userdata:00000143214BB978 (meta 00000143083425C0} stealthTextTimeline = userdata:00000144D86489A0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} RETRAIT_RESPONSE_BAD_INTERACT_MODE = 2 RETRAIT_RESPONSE_BAD_TRAIT_FOR_ITEM = 3 RETRAIT_RESPONSE_HAVENT_RESEARCHED_TRAIT_FOR_ITEM = 7 RETRAIT_RESPONSE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS = 4 RETRAIT_RESPONSE_INVALID_ITEM_FOR_RETRAIT = 6 RETRAIT_RESPONSE_ITEM_ALREADY_HAS_TRAIT = 5 RETRAIT_RESPONSE_ITEM_NOT_FOUND = 1 RETRAIT_RESPONSE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 RETRAIT_RESPONSE_ITERATION_END = 7 RETRAIT_RESPONSE_MAX_VALUE = 7 RETRAIT_RESPONSE_MIN_VALUE = 0 RETRAIT_RESPONSE_SUCCESS = 0 REWARD_ITEM_TYPE_COLLECTIBLE = 1 REWARD_ITEM_TYPE_ITEM = 0 REWARD_ITEM_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 REWARD_ITEM_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 1 REWARD_ITEM_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 1 REWARD_ITEM_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 REWARD_TYPE_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 2 REWARD_TYPE_AUTO_ITEM = 7 REWARD_TYPE_INSPIRATION = 5 REWARD_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 REWARD_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 10 REWARD_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 10 REWARD_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 REWARD_TYPE_MONEY = 1 REWARD_TYPE_NONE = 0 REWARD_TYPE_PARTIAL_SKILL_POINTS = 9 REWARD_TYPE_SKILL_LINE = 10 REWARD_TYPE_TELVAR_STONES = 4 REWARD_TYPE_UNUSED = 6 REWARD_TYPE_UNUSED3 = 8 REWARD_TYPE_WRIT_VOUCHERS = 3 RIDING_TRAIN_CARRYING_CAPACITY = 2 RIDING_TRAIN_DESCRIPTIONS = table:00000143EA774148 firstTable 1 = 5712 2 = 5714 3 = 5713 RIDING_TRAIN_INVALID = 0 RIDING_TRAIN_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 RIDING_TRAIN_ITERATION_END = 3 RIDING_TRAIN_MAX_VALUE = 3 RIDING_TRAIN_MIN_VALUE = 0 RIDING_TRAIN_SOURCE_INITIALIZE = 0 RIDING_TRAIN_SOURCE_ITEM = 2 RIDING_TRAIN_SOURCE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 RIDING_TRAIN_SOURCE_ITERATION_END = 2 RIDING_TRAIN_SOURCE_MAX_VALUE = 2 RIDING_TRAIN_SOURCE_MIN_VALUE = 0 RIDING_TRAIN_SOURCE_STABLES = 1 RIDING_TRAIN_SPEED = 1 RIDING_TRAIN_STAMINA = 3 RIGHT = 8 RIGHT_BG_EMPTY_WORLD_ITEM_PREVIEW_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:000001448F8B4800 (meta 000001431DC95C30} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E02DFB28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 options = table:00000143E02BBC80 firstTable dynamicFramingConsumedHeight = 300 dynamicFramingConsumedWidth = 1150 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 950 previewInEmptyWorld = true RIGHT_BG_FRAGMENT = table:0000014316CE16A0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} RIGHT_BG_ITEM_PREVIEW_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB50E200 (meta 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function:00000143CACACA60 ReleaseKeepForGuild() = function:00000143CACAC978 ReloadUI() = function:00000143DB2E30B0 RemoveActionLayerByName() = function:000001439D291870 RemoveChatContainer() = function:000001439D2986C0 RemoveChatContainerTab() = function:000001439D2987A0 RemoveCollectibleNotification() = function:00000143CACA2148 RemoveCollectibleNotificationByCollectibleId() = function:00000143CACA21C0 RemoveFriend() = function:00000143CACAA980 RemoveHousingPermission() = function:00000143F58E28C8 RemoveIgnore() = function:00000143CACAAAB8 RemoveMapPin() = function:000001439D28E718 RemoveMapPinsByType() = function:000001439D2A8820 RemoveMapPinsInRange() = function:000001439D2A8858 RemoveMapQuestPins() = function:000001439D28E9C0 RemovePendingFeedback() = function:000001439D28FFC0 RemovePlayerWaypoint() = function:000001439D29CF38 RemoveQueuedItemAttachment() = function:000001439D2A9B60 RemoveRaidScoreNotification() = function:000001439D294A58 RemoveRallyPoint() = function:000001439D29CFA8 RemoveScriptedEventInviteForQuest() = function:000001439D2AB930 RenameCollectible() = function:00000143CACA1E00 RepairAll() = function:000001439D29B140 RepairItem() = function:000001439D29B1A8 RepairItemWithRepairKit() = function:00000143F58E7120 ReportFeedback() = function:000001439D2AC118 RequestEndCutscene() = function:00000143F58E4F48 RequestFriend() = function:00000143CACAA918 RequestGuildHistoryCategoryNewest() = function:00000143CACAC248 RequestGuildHistoryCategoryOlder() = function:00000143CACAC2C8 RequestItemTraitChange() = function:00000143F58E5128 RequestJournalQuestConditionAssistance() = function:000001439D28B458 RequestJumpToHouse() = function:00000143CACA6E98 RequestJumpToHousePreviewWithTemplate() = function:00000143CACA6F08 RequestMoveItem = function: Private RequestOfflineGuildMembers() = function:00000143CACAC148 RequestOpenHouseStore() = function:00000143F58E4538 RequestOpenMailbox() = function:000001439D2AA040 RequestOpenUnsafeURL() = function:000001439D2900A8 RequestPostItemOnTradingHouse() = function:000001439D296308 RequestPurchaseMarketProduct() = function:00000143F58E1FC8 RequestReadMail() = function:000001439D2A97F8 RequestTradingHouseListings() = function:000001439D29B990 ResearchSmithingTrait() = function:000001439D2AF3C8 ResetAllBindsToDefault() = function:000001439D287278 ResetAllTutorials() = function:00000143CACA08B8 ResetCampaignHistoryWindow() = function:000001439D299E90 ResetChatCategoryColorToDefault() = function:000001439D298BB8 ResetChatContainerColorsToDefault() = function:000001439D2985D0 ResetChatContainerTabToDefault() = function:000001439D298460 ResetChatFontSizeToDefault() = function:000001439D298A60 ResetChatter() = function:000001439D299500 ResetCustomerServiceTicket() = function:000001439D2AC438 ResetGameTooltipToDefaultLocation() = function:00000143EA774060 ResetGamepadBindsToDefault() = function:000001439D287368 ResetKeyboardBindsToDefault() = function:000001439D2872F0 ResetSCTDataToDefaults() = function:00000143F58E0220 ResetSettingToDefault() = function:00000143CACA7A40 ResetToDefaultSettings() = function:00000143CACA7AB0 ResetVideoCancelConfirmation() = function:00000143167B5498 RespawnAtForwardCamp() = function:000001439D2A77D8 RespawnAtKeep() = function:000001439D2A7700 RespondToDestroyRequest = function: Private ReturnMail() = function:000001439D2A9940 RevertToSavedHeraldry() = function:00000143F58DE7D0 Revive() = function:000001439D2A7548 RightMouseDownInWorld = function: Private RightMouseUpInWorld = function: Private RollDodgeStart = function: Private RollDodgeStop = function: Private RunClickHandlers() = function:00000144C79BFC98 RunHandlers() = function:00000144C79BFC58 SAVE_CURRENT_VALUES = 1 SCALE_LEVEL_CONSTRAINT_CHAMPION_RANK_MIN_CHAMPION_RANK_MAX = 2 SCALE_LEVEL_CONSTRAINT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SCALE_LEVEL_CONSTRAINT_ITERATION_END = 2 SCALE_LEVEL_CONSTRAINT_MAX_VALUE = 2 SCALE_LEVEL_CONSTRAINT_MIN_VALUE = 0 SCALE_LEVEL_CONSTRAINT_NORMAL_MIN_CHAMPION_RANK_MAX = 1 SCALE_LEVEL_CONSTRAINT_NORMAL_MIN_NORMAL_MAX = 0 SCENE_FRAGMENT_HIDDEN = hidden SCENE_FRAGMENT_HIDING = hiding SCENE_FRAGMENT_SHOWING = showing SCENE_FRAGMENT_SHOWN = shown SCENE_GROUP_HIDDEN = scene_group_hidden SCENE_GROUP_SHOWING = scene_group_showing SCENE_GROUP_SHOWN = scene_group_shown SCENE_HIDDEN = hidden SCENE_HIDING = hiding SCENE_MANAGER = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} SCENE_SHOWING = showing SCENE_SHOWN = shown SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_ASSISTS = 6 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_CAPTURE_DEFENSE_POINTS = 9 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_CAPTURE_KILLED_ATTACKER = 11 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_CAPTURE_KILLED_DEFENDER = 10 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_DAMAGED_FLAG_CARRIER = 15 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_DAMAGE_DONE = 1 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_DAMAGE_TAKEN = 13 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_DEATH = 4 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_FLAG_CAPTURED = 5 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_FLAG_CARRIED_TIME = 17 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_HEALED_FLAG_CARRIER = 16 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_HEALING_DEFENDERS = 14 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_HEALING_DONE = 2 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 17 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_KILL = 3 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_KILLED_FLAG_CARRIER = 8 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_KILL_STREAK = 12 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 17 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_NONE = 0 SCORE_TRACKER_TYPE_SCORE = 7 SCREEN_ADJUST = table:00000143E3A211C8 (meta 000001431BD62970} firstTable firstMeta cancelButton = userdata:00000143CB530750 (meta 00000143CB5325F8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:00000143CB532A70 clickSound = Dialog_Decline enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143CB5325A0 (meta 00000143CB532768} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143CB5328A8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143CB532948 (meta 00000143CB5329A0} firstMeta firstIndex key = 35 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143CB530750 (meta 00000143CB5325F8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = SCREEN_ADJUST_CANCEL keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000144D0751878 (meta 00000143CB532CB8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false control = userdata:000001431BD62A90 (meta 0000014308326048} readyToSave = false rootHeight = 1416.9998779297 rootWidth = 2559.9997558594 saveButton = userdata:000001431BD606B0 (meta 00000143CB5314B8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:00000143E3A20AE8 clickSound = Dialog_Accept enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431BD636B0 (meta 00000143CB530640} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143E3A203F0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E3A209C0 (meta 00000143E3A20A18} firstMeta firstIndex key = 34 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431BD606B0 (meta 00000143CB5314B8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = SCREEN_ADJUST_SAVE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431BD60730 (meta 00000144D07523C0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false sceneName = screenAdjust SCREEN_ADJUST_INTRO = table:00000143E3A257F8 (meta 000001431BD62970} firstTable cancelButton = userdata:00000143E3A230A0 (meta 00000143E3A25F80} control = userdata:00000143E3A20660 (meta 0000014308326048} readyToSave = false rootHeight = 1416.9998779297 rootWidth = 2559.9997558594 saveButton = userdata:00000143E3A22DC8 (meta 00000143E3A226C0} sceneName = screenAdjustIntro SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_COLOR_AP_GAIN = 5 SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_COLOR_DAMAGE_DONE_TO_ANYONE_BUT_THE_LOCAL_PLAYER = 2 SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_COLOR_DAMAGE_DONE_TO_LOCAL_PLAYER = 1 SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT = 0 SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_COLOR_HEAL = 3 SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 6 SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 6 SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_COLOR_STATUS_EFFECTS = 6 SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_COLOR_XP_GAIN = 4 SCROLL_BOUNDING_BOUND = 1 SCROLL_BOUNDING_CONTAINED = 3 SCROLL_BOUNDING_DEFAULT = 0 SCROLL_BOUNDING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SCROLL_BOUNDING_ITERATION_END = 3 SCROLL_BOUNDING_MAX_VALUE = 3 SCROLL_BOUNDING_MIN_VALUE = 0 SCROLL_BOUNDING_UNBOUND = 2 SCT_EVENT_TEXT_TYPE_EXTRA = 1 SCT_EVENT_TEXT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SCT_EVENT_TEXT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 1 SCT_EVENT_TEXT_TYPE_MAIN = 0 SCT_EVENT_TEXT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 1 SCT_EVENT_TEXT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_ABSORBED = 2 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 39 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_BLADETURN = 24 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_BLOCKED = 6 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_BLOCKED_DAMAGE = 12 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_DAMAGE = 10 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_DAMAGE_CRIT = 11 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_DAMAGE_IMMUNE = 46 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_DAMAGE_SHIELDED = 17 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_DEBUG_MESSAGE = 40 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_DEFENDED = 13 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_DISARMED = 31 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_DISORIENTED = 28 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_DODGED = 5 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_DOT_IMMUNE = 47 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_DOT_TICK = 18 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_DOT_TICK_CRIT = 19 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_EXPERIENCE_POINTS = 38 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_FALL_DAMAGE = 9 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_FEARED = 27 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_HEAL = 20 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_HEAL_CRIT = 21 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_HOT_TICK = 22 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_HOT_TICK_CRIT = 23 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_IMMUNE = 34 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_INTERCEPTED = 15 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_INTERRUPT = 14 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 47 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_KNOCKBACK = 36 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_LEVITATED = 30 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 47 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_MISS = 4 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_NONE = 0 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_OFFBALANCE = 32 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_PACIFIED = 29 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_PARRIED = 3 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_PARTIAL_RESIST = 8 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_REFLECTED = 1 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_RESIST = 7 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_ROOTED = 37 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_SILENCED = 26 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_SNARED = 44 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_SPEED_BOOST = 45 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_SST_COMBAT = 41 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_SST_MOVEMENT = 43 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_SST_STATE = 42 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_STAGGERED = 35 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_STUNNED = 25 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_WEAPONSWAP = 33 SCT_EVENT_TYPE_WRONG_WEAPON = 16 SCT_UNIT_ANCHOR_HEAD = 0 SCT_UNIT_ANCHOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SCT_UNIT_ANCHOR_ITERATION_END = 4 SCT_UNIT_ANCHOR_LEFT_MIDDLE = 3 SCT_UNIT_ANCHOR_LEFT_TOP = 1 SCT_UNIT_ANCHOR_MAX_VALUE = 4 SCT_UNIT_ANCHOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 SCT_UNIT_ANCHOR_RIGHT_MIDDLE = 4 SCT_UNIT_ANCHOR_RIGHT_TOP = 2 SCT_UNIT_TYPE_ALL = 1 SCT_UNIT_TYPE_ALL_PLAYERS = 4 SCT_UNIT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SCT_UNIT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 6 SCT_UNIT_TYPE_LOCAL_PLAYER = 2 SCT_UNIT_TYPE_LOCAL_PLAYER_FOLLOWER = 6 SCT_UNIT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 6 SCT_UNIT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SCT_UNIT_TYPE_MONSTERS = 5 SCT_UNIT_TYPE_NONE = 0 SCT_UNIT_TYPE_OTHER_PLAYERS = 3 SEARCHING_FOR_GROUP = table:00000143D643D768 (meta 00000143E630E550} firstTable firstMeta activityFinderStatus = 0 actualTimeLabel = userdata:000001447C503B10 (meta 00000143083425C0} control = userdata:00000143E630E670 (meta 0000014308326048} estimatedTimeLabel = userdata:00000143D643D6E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} leaveQueueButton = userdata:000001447C503948 (meta 0000014308331CA0} statusLabel = userdata:00000143D643D758 (meta 00000143083425C0} SEARCHING_FOR_GROUP_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB538900 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} SELECT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_DIALOG = table:0000014409E762C0 (meta 0000014409E739D0} firstTable firstMeta bulletList = table:0000014409E76508 (meta 0000014377CEA2E0} firstTable bulletPaddingX = 4 bulletPool = table:0000014409E76738 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014409E76780 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014409E76630 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 2 = userdata:0000014409E769D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 3 = userdata:0000014409E76B58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014409E767C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedBulletListBullet parent = userdata:0000014409E75490 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_Bullet control = userdata:0000014409E75490 (meta 000001430831E750} height = 124 labelPool = table:0000014409E76580 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014409E765C8 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014409E76900 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:0000014409E76A80 (meta 00000143083425C0} 3 = userdata:0000014409E76C28 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014409E76640 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedBulletListLabel parent = userdata:0000014409E75490 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_BulletLabel lastBullet = userdata:0000014409E76B58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} lastLabel = userdata:0000014409E76C28 (meta 00000143083425C0} linePaddingY = 2 control = userdata:0000014409E74238 (meta 0000014409E764C0} firstMeta firstIndex timeLockedDialog = table:0000014409E762C0 (meta 0000014409E739D0} cooldownFunction() = function:000001439D2A0E98 dialogName = SELECT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN locked = userdata:0000014409E74DC0 (meta 000001430831E750} lockedMessage = userdata:0000014409E74E40 (meta 00000143083425C0} title = userdata:0000014409E74758 (meta 00000143083425C0} unlocked = userdata:0000014409E75388 (meta 000001430831E750} unlockedQuery = userdata:0000014409E75408 (meta 00000143083425C0} SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN_DIALOG = table:0000014409E83F78 (meta 0000014409E73C00} SEND_TAB_INDEX = 2 SERVER_STATUS_DOWN = 0 SERVER_STATUS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SERVER_STATUS_ITERATION_END = 3 SERVER_STATUS_LOCKED = 3 SERVER_STATUS_MAX_VALUE = 3 SERVER_STATUS_MIN_VALUE = 0 SERVER_STATUS_OUT = 2 SERVER_STATUS_UP = 1 SERVICE_TOKEN_APPEARANCE_CHANGE = 3 SERVICE_TOKEN_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SERVICE_TOKEN_ITERATION_END = 3 SERVICE_TOKEN_MAX_VALUE = 3 SERVICE_TOKEN_MIN_VALUE = 0 SERVICE_TOKEN_NAME_CHANGE = 1 SERVICE_TOKEN_NONE = 0 SERVICE_TOKEN_RACE_CHANGE = 2 SETTING_PANEL_AUDIO = 0 SETTING_PANEL_CAMERA = 2 SETTING_PANEL_CINEMATIC = 7 SETTING_PANEL_COMBAT = 9 SETTING_PANEL_DEBUG = 6 SETTING_PANEL_GAMEPLAY = 4 SETTING_PANEL_INTERFACE = 3 SETTING_PANEL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SETTING_PANEL_ITERATION_END = 9 SETTING_PANEL_MAX_VALUE = 9 SETTING_PANEL_MIN_VALUE = 0 SETTING_PANEL_NAMEPLATES = 8 SETTING_PANEL_SOCIAL = 5 SETTING_PANEL_VIDEO = 1 SETTING_TYPE_ACTION_BARS = 1 SETTING_TYPE_ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP = 9 SETTING_TYPE_AUDIO = 11 SETTING_TYPE_BUFFS = 20 SETTING_TYPE_CAMERA = 2 SETTING_TYPE_CHAT_BUBBLE = 14 SETTING_TYPE_CHAT_GLOBALS = 18 SETTING_TYPE_CHAT_TABS = 17 SETTING_TYPE_COMBAT = 7 SETTING_TYPE_CUSTOM = 5000 SETTING_TYPE_DEPRECATED_1 = 4 SETTING_TYPE_DEVELOPER_DEBUG = 8 SETTING_TYPE_GAMEPAD = 15 SETTING_TYPE_GRAPHICS = 5 SETTING_TYPE_IN_WORLD = 13 SETTING_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SETTING_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 20 SETTING_TYPE_LANGUAGE = 12 SETTING_TYPE_LOOT = 6 SETTING_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 20 SETTING_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SETTING_TYPE_NAMEPLATES = 0 SETTING_TYPE_SUBTITLES = 19 SETTING_TYPE_TUTORIAL = 10 SETTING_TYPE_UI = 3 SETTING_TYPE_VOICE = 16 SET_MAP_RESULT_CURRENT_MAP_UNCHANGED = 1 SET_MAP_RESULT_FAILED = 0 SET_MAP_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SET_MAP_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 2 SET_MAP_RESULT_MAP_CHANGED = 2 SET_MAP_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 2 SET_MAP_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 SHADOWS_CHOICE_HIGH = 3 SHADOWS_CHOICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SHADOWS_CHOICE_ITERATION_END = 6 SHADOWS_CHOICE_LOW = 1 SHADOWS_CHOICE_MAX_VALUE = 6 SHADOWS_CHOICE_MEDIUM = 2 SHADOWS_CHOICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SHADOWS_CHOICE_OFF = 0 SHADOWS_CHOICE_PS4 = 5 SHADOWS_CHOICE_ULTRA = 4 SHADOWS_CHOICE_XB1 = 6 SHAPE_BOX = 0 SHAPE_CIRCLE = 1 SHAPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SHAPE_ITERATION_END = 1 SHAPE_MAX_VALUE = 1 SHAPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SHARED_FURNITURE = table:000001447D01BB40 (meta 00000143AA407878} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:000001431D586798 firstTable MarketProductsChanged = table:00000143E1E3F960 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1E3FAF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1E3F910 3 = false 2 = table:0000014320FFB1B8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320FFB168 3 = false 3 = table:00000143E6E0E090 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6E0E010 3 = false PlaceableFurnitureChanged = table:000001431D5867E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D586448 firstTable 1() = function:000001431D588328 3 = false 2 = table:0000014320FFAE78 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320FFADB8 3 = false 3 = table:00000143F5AE7FF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5AE7CB8 3 = false RetrievableFurnitureChanged = table:000001431D586E08 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D586828 firstTable 1() = function:000001431D586DB8 3 = false 2 = table:0000014320FFAF48 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320FFAEF8 3 = false 3 = table:00000143E6E17D38 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6E17A00 3 = false RetrievableFurnitureDistanceAndHeadingChanged = table:000001431D586F30 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D587020 firstTable 1() = function:000001431D586EE0 3 = false 2 = table:0000014320FFB018 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320FFAFC8 3 = false RetrievableFurnitureHeadingChanged = table:00000143E1E3F828 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1E3F870 firstTable 1() = function:000001431D586E50 3 = false 2 = table:0000014320FFB0E8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320FFB098 3 = false completePlaceableFurnitureTextFilterTaskIds = table:00000143AA403768 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:000001447D01BBB8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 housingMarketProductPool = table:00000143F9CED740 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F5F4D768 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000001447D01BCA0 m_Free = table:00000143F9CED7D0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143F9CED700 inProgressPlaceableFurnitureTextFilterTaskIds = table:00000143F9CEFAC8 firstTable lastPlayerHeading = 5.6828236579895 lastPlayerWorldX = 66373 lastPlayerWorldY = 7010 lastPlayerWorldZ = 73349 marketProductCategoryTreeData = table:00000143F9CECFC8 (meta 00000143F9CECB68} firstTable entriesData = table:00000143F9CED010 firstTable subcategories = table:00000143F9CED088 firstTable marketProductTextFilter = marketProducts = table:00000143F9CED0D0 firstTable placeableFurniture = table:000001447D01BC58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143AA403720 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BFC67AE8 firstTable 147 = table:00000143BFC67B30 (meta 00000143D9E6B348} firstTable firstMeta bagId = 1 categoryId = 9 formattedStackCount = 1 furnitureDataId = 1703 passesTextFilter = true slotData = table:000001444B45BEE8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143099C3FF8 firstTable 1 = 21 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_elegant003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = true isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1741603516 itemType = 61 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Painting of Creek, Sturdy quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Creek, Sturdy requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143099C4068 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 147 type = 1 sellPrice = 100 slotIndex = 147 specializedItemType = 210 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 100 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203432 slotIndex = 147 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 2 = table:00000143AA4036D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C368F638 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable firstMeta categoryId = 16 collectibleId = 1 furnitureDataId = 4129 icon = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_horse_i.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Palomino Horse subcategoryId = 24 theme = 1 11 = table:00000143F5F59A18 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 11 furnitureDataId = 4139 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_013.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Imgakin Monkey subcategoryId = 43 theme = 1 111 = table:00000143FBCA9B68 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 111 furnitureDataId = 4193 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_027.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Fennec Fox subcategoryId = 43 theme = 1 1121 = table:00000143F8DDAA08 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 9 collectibleId = 1121 furnitureDataId = 4344 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_veterangrievoustwilightdusk001.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Bust: Lord Warden Dusk subcategoryId = 90 theme = 1 1137 = table:00000143F8DE06E8 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 9 collectibleId = 1137 furnitureDataId = 4360 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_veterantrialairatronach001.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Bust: Ra Kotu subcategoryId = 90 theme = 1 1144 = table:00000143D6EA5360 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 1144 furnitureDataId = 4367 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_131.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Molag Amur Cliff Strider^n subcategoryId = 41 theme = 1 1155 = table:00000143ECB491A8 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 1155 furnitureDataId = 4376 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_126.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Dwarven Spider Pet subcategoryId = 44 theme = 1 1161 = table:00000143ECB6E198 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 16 collectibleId = 1161 furnitureDataId = 4380 icon = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_dwarvenbear_a.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Dwarven Bear subcategoryId = 29 theme = 1 1184 = table:00000143F5F5B940 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 16 collectibleId = 1184 furnitureDataId = 4390 icon = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_wolf_e.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Gorne Striped Wolf Mount subcategoryId = 20 theme = 1 1266 = table:00000143DD981CF0 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 9 collectibleId = 1266 furnitureDataId = 4412 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_mountedtrophycaptainblackheart001.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Trophy: Captain Blackheart subcategoryId = 157 theme = 1 1276 = table:00000143C3691D28 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 9 collectibleId = 1276 furnitureDataId = 4422 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_mountedtrophygrevioustwilight001.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Trophy: Lord Warden Dusk subcategoryId = 157 theme = 1 1292 = table:00000144BA7C36A0 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 9 collectibleId = 1292 furnitureDataId = 4438 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_mountedtrophyairatronach001.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Trophy: Ra Kotu subcategoryId = 157 theme = 1 1293 = table:00000144CC080C70 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 9 collectibleId = 1293 furnitureDataId = 4439 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_mountedtrophytrialgrievoustwilight001.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Trophy: Rakkhat, Fang of Lorkhaj subcategoryId = 157 theme = 1 1299 = table:00000144C7FFEA60 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 9 collectibleId = 1299 furnitureDataId = 4445 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_mountedtrophydwarvencolossus001.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Trophy: Assembly General subcategoryId = 157 theme = 1 13 = table:00000143F8DEE718 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 13 furnitureDataId = 4141 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_001.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Rufous Mudcrab subcategoryId = 36 theme = 1 145 = table:00000143EB8F0BD0 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 145 furnitureDataId = 4203 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_033.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Bal Foyen Nix-Hound subcategoryId = 45 theme = 1 149 = table:00000144BF614140 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 149 furnitureDataId = 4204 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_036.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Stonefire Scamp subcategoryId = 38 theme = 1 158 = table:000001431B631148 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 158 furnitureDataId = 4211 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_041.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Sanguine's Black Goat subcategoryId = 37 theme = 1 16 = table:00000144647D7AD8 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 16 furnitureDataId = 4144 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_018.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = High Hrothgar Wraith subcategoryId = 42 theme = 1 160 = table:00000143DD55D600 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 160 furnitureDataId = 4213 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_050.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Echalette subcategoryId = 43 theme = 1 17 = table:00000143D09D0488 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 17 furnitureDataId = 4145 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_020.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Loyal Dwarven Sphere subcategoryId = 44 theme = 1 18 = table:00000143F5F5FCE0 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 16 collectibleId = 18 furnitureDataId = 4146 icon = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_guar_a.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Green Narsis Guar subcategoryId = 17 theme = 1 222 = table:0000014409613688 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 222 furnitureDataId = 4228 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_080.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Mossy Netch Calf subcategoryId = 42 theme = 1 26 = table:00000143FBCBCAB0 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 26 furnitureDataId = 4154 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_006.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Banekin subcategoryId = 38 theme = 1 261 = table:00000143F8DD17D0 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 16 collectibleId = 261 furnitureDataId = 4239 icon = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_senche_g.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Dro-m'Athra Senche subcategoryId = 30 theme = 1 28 = table:00000143FBCC3C68 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 28 furnitureDataId = 4156 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_005.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Vermilion Scuttler subcategoryId = 41 theme = 1 29 = table:00000143FBC8E4D0 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 29 furnitureDataId = 4157 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_008.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Bravil Retriever subcategoryId = 35 theme = 1 325 = table:00000143DD989F40 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 325 furnitureDataId = 4267 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_062.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Colovian Badger subcategoryId = 43 theme = 1 360 = table:00000143094EC1C0 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 360 furnitureDataId = 4271 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_060.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Jackal subcategoryId = 39 theme = 1 484 = table:00000143FBCC0E48 (meta 00000143F9CFAF50} firstTable categoryId = 33 collectibleId = 484 furnitureDataId = 4295 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_127.dds passesTextFilter = true rawName = Dwarven War Dog subcategoryId = 35 theme = 1 6 = 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table:00000143AA403810 (meta 00000143F9CECB68} firstTable entriesData = table:00000143AA403858 firstTable subcategories = table:000001447D01BC00 firstTable placeableTextFilter = placementFurnitureTheme = 0 purchaseFurnitureTheme = 0 refreshGroups = table:00000143A34C6418 (meta 0000014457A392F0} firstTable currentlyRefreshing = false refreshGroups = table:00000143A34C6460 firstTable UpdateMarketProducts = table:00000143A34C6E38 firstTable RefreshAll() = function:00000143A34C6E80 allDirty = true dirtySingles = table:00000143A34C6EC8 firstTable wasShown = false UpdatePlacementFurniture = table:00000143A34C6A08 firstTable RefreshAll() = function:00000143A34C6AA8 RefreshSingle() = function:00000143A34C6AF0 allDirty = true dirtySingles = table:00000143A34C6B78 firstTable wasShown = false UpdateRetrievableFurniture = table:00000143A34C6C68 firstTable RefreshAll() = function:00000143A34C6CB0 RefreshSingle() = function:00000143A34C6CF8 allDirty = true dirtySingles = table:00000143A34C6D48 firstTable wasShown = false retrievableFurniture = table:00000143F9CECF80 firstTable 18446744069414584355 = table:00000143F5F54810 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.9847290779194 categoryId = 16 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6545 distanceFromPlayerM = 65 furnitureDataId = 4162 icon = /esoui/art/icons/mount_senche_e.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Striped Senche-Tiger retrievableFurnitureId = -nan subcategoryId = 18 theme = 1 18446744069414584587 = table:000001439D8939C0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.68709886350647 categoryId = 25 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1055 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 4244 icon = /esoui/art/icons/assistant_banker_01.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Tythis Andromo, the Banker retrievableFurnitureId = -nan subcategoryId = 31 theme = 1 18446744069414584620 = table:00000143D09AB568 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.14088851192283 categoryId = 25 distanceFromPlayerCM = 794 distanceFromPlayerM = 7 furnitureDataId = 4258 icon = /esoui/art/icons/assistant_fence_01.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Pirharri the Smuggler retrievableFurnitureId = -nan subcategoryId = 32 theme = 1 18446744069414584621 = table:00000143ECB57C68 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.75558945672246 categoryId = 25 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1330 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 4259 icon = /esoui/art/icons/assistant_vendor_01.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Nuzhimeh the Merchant retrievableFurnitureId = -nan subcategoryId = 32 theme = 1 18446744069414584646 = table:00000143F5F7F4F8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.9458085942941 categoryId = 16 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6477 distanceFromPlayerM = 64 furnitureDataId = 4268 icon = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_wolf_c.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Red Pit Wolf retrievableFurnitureId = -nan subcategoryId = 20 theme = 1 18446744069414585430 = table:00000143FBCB7A88 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.0954981024089 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1228 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 4333 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_veterantrialargonianbehemoth001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Bust: Argonian Behemoth retrievableFurnitureId = -nan subcategoryId = 90 theme = 1 18446744069414585446 = table:00000143FBC9B070 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.2054521680002 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1173 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 4349 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_veteraniceatronach001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Bust: Iceheart retrievableFurnitureId = -nan subcategoryId = 90 theme = 1 18446744069414585465 = table:00000143FBCC5C70 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.90565217331 categoryId = 16 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6421 distanceFromPlayerM = 64 furnitureDataId = 4368 icon = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_horse_p.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Dwarven War Horse retrievableFurnitureId = -nan subcategoryId = 24 theme = 1 18446744069414585491 = table:00000143DD54E530 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.2529896300744 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 742 distanceFromPlayerM = 7 furnitureDataId = 4386 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_maptablehousing001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Vvardenfell Scale Model retrievableFurnitureId = -nan subcategoryId = 91 theme = 1 18446744069414585585 = table:00000143E774EED8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.4967575480242 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1083 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 4411 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_mountedtrophyargonianbehemoth001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Trophy: Argonian Behemoth retrievableFurnitureId = -nan subcategoryId = 157 theme = 1 4616796758926763645 = table:00000144CAF0A408 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.3710682273442 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1893 distanceFromPlayerM = 18 furnitureDataId = 547 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_cansmall002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Candelabra, Formal retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 129 theme = 2 4616796758926763646 = table:00000143F8DD3A08 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.0346942254558 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1448 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 523 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chinacabinet003.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Curio, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 83 theme = 2 4616796758926763647 = table:00000143FBC97F90 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.2716252952079 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2129 distanceFromPlayerM = 21 furnitureDataId = 3188 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_book_row005.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Book Row, Long retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 62 theme = 1 4616796758926763648 = table:00000143DD9AF8A0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.219580579711 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1254 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 489 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_bench001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Pew, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 134 theme = 2 4616796758926763649 = table:00000143B84E1BB0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.5531744103524 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1389 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 479 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_urnmediumnodirt001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Amphora, Ceramic retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 80 theme = 2 4616796758926763650 = table:00000143F5F47808 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.0000715821516 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 973 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 520 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Chair, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763651 = table:00000143F8DBE3B8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.85883138291942 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 917 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 526 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_merchantcountercorner001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Counter, Corner retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 67 theme = 2 4616796758926763652 = table:000001447C614838 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.6673076618688 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 580 distanceFromPlayerM = 5 furnitureDataId = 1507 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_washtub001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Washtub, Empty retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 153 theme = 1 4616796758926763653 = table:00000143ECFEFEE8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.5760733074851 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2096 distanceFromPlayerM = 20 furnitureDataId = 503 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_wallshelf001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Shelf, Scrolled retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 60 theme = 2 4616796758926763654 = table:00000143F5F40890 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.56289866671325 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1310 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 1803 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_exc_fish002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Fish, Bass retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 155 theme = 1 4616796758926763655 = table:00000143FBC905F8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.2251402490129 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1291 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 507 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_rug004.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Carpet, Dark retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 53 theme = 2 4616796758926763656 = table:00000143E618B5A8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.1352299562291 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1246 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 502 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_tablesquare001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Table, Square retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 66 theme = 2 4616796758926763657 = table:00000143F5F67310 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.60445587189841 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1402 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 1585 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_bread001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Hearty Bread retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 156 theme = 1 4616796758926763658 = table:00000143D6E881F0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.9706179811689 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 902 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 534 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_tablerect001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Table, Formal retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 66 theme = 2 4616796758926763659 = table:00000143FBCB89C0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.62425856736631 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1152 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 2790 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_red_exc_varcargobarrel002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Redguard Barrel, Corded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 95 theme = 10 4616796758926763660 = table:00000143F5F7B480 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.89102641037047 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1631 distanceFromPlayerM = 16 furnitureDataId = 1434 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_sackpotatoes001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Sack, Burlap retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763661 = table:00000143F8DEE060 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.5907287188048 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2441 distanceFromPlayerM = 24 furnitureDataId = 1630 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_plain004.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Cottage, Refined retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926763662 = table:00000143FBCAAB68 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.37390514894015 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 765 distanceFromPlayerM = 7 furnitureDataId = 3196 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_book_stack002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Book Stack, Decorative retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 62 theme = 1 4616796758926763663 = table:00000143FBCA6220 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.1385406454885 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1325 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 547 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_cansmall002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Candelabra, Formal retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 129 theme = 2 4616796758926763664 = table:00000144CC080C20 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.0561935555944 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1464 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 1583 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_keg001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Keg retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 84 theme = 1 4616796758926763665 = table:00000143FBCBC000 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.7952391893718 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1885 distanceFromPlayerM = 18 furnitureDataId = 549 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_drapesmall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Drapes, Grand retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 52 theme = 2 4616796758926763666 = table:00000143F8DEF790 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.8099854520405 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1379 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 464 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_bookcaseshort001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Nightstand, Open retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 145 theme = 2 4616796758926763667 = table:00000144BA7C56E0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.58250820417296 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1031 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 1683 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_liquor001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Bottle, Liquor retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 144 theme = 1 4616796758926763668 = table:00000144C7548F80 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.6486253017566 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2154 distanceFromPlayerM = 21 furnitureDataId = 535 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_tabletressle001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Trestle, Formal retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 66 theme = 2 4616796758926763669 = table:00000144C7FD16E0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.99987822102688 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1460 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 497 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_merchantcounter001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Counter, Long Cabinet retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 67 theme = 2 4616796758926763670 = table:00000144647C31C0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.8132951229075 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1173 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 1423 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_barrel002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Barrel, Sturdy retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 95 theme = 1 4616796758926763671 = table:00000143C36AE5D0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.6541865768376 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1941 distanceFromPlayerM = 19 furnitureDataId = 501 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_tableround001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Table, Round retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 59 theme = 2 4616796758926763672 = table:00000143FBCA1288 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.30168122957 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1952 distanceFromPlayerM = 19 furnitureDataId = 549 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_drapesmall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Drapes, Grand retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 52 theme = 2 4616796758926763673 = table:00000143F5F7B1D8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.2390390809657 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1826 distanceFromPlayerM = 18 furnitureDataId = 1472 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_crf_dyestationstool001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Stool, Round retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 135 theme = 1 4616796758926763674 = table:00000143FBC90F00 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.3140867179961 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2074 distanceFromPlayerM = 20 furnitureDataId = 491 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_bookcasetall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Bookcase, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 60 theme = 2 4616796758926763675 = table:00000143D09DB358 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.4980701230839 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1596 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 1635 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_fireplace001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Firelogs, Flaming retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 127 theme = 1 4616796758926763676 = table:00000143F5F6F218 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.1715115637785 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1761 distanceFromPlayerM = 17 furnitureDataId = 530 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_screen001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Divider, Folded Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 47 theme = 2 4616796758926763677 = table:00000143F8DDB3D8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.8841936223492 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1617 distanceFromPlayerM = 16 furnitureDataId = 501 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_tableround001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Table, Round retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 59 theme = 2 4616796758926763678 = table:00000144C8007BA0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.3263467334747 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 974 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 535 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_tabletressle001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Trestle, Formal retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 66 theme = 2 4616796758926763679 = table:00000143F5F58738 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.0010317170833 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1463 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 2785 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_goblet002_empty.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Noble's Chalice retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 144 theme = 1 4616796758926763680 = table:00000143F8DDD7A0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.8182516509982 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 864 distanceFromPlayerM = 8 furnitureDataId = 470 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_shelveslong001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Dresser, Open retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 146 theme = 2 4616796758926763681 = table:00000143FBCC4EA0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.39150074926486 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1287 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 495 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_cupboard001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Cupboard, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 83 theme = 2 4616796758926763682 = table:000001447C5E4648 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.9166541022273 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 929 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 1588 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_fruitbowl001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Bowl, Serving retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 81 theme = 1 4616796758926763683 = table:00000143F5F61720 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.3291455185306 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1028 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 1529 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_servingtray001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Platter, Serving retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 81 theme = 1 4616796758926763684 = table:00000143EB909708 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.4468833682894 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 835 distanceFromPlayerM = 8 furnitureDataId = 505 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_rug001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Carpet, Full retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 53 theme = 2 4616796758926763685 = table:00000143E618F5A0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.3323389464058 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1034 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 490 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_bench002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Bench, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 134 theme = 2 4616796758926763686 = table:00000144CAE4AB78 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.5938061027252 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2099 distanceFromPlayerM = 20 furnitureDataId = 2783 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_jug001_empty.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Cup, Empty retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 144 theme = 1 4616796758926763687 = table:00000144CAE56358 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.907313109076 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1225 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 509 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_vaselargenodirt002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Amphora, Glazed retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 80 theme = 2 4616796758926763688 = table:00000143FBC9EEC0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.0220374264405 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1553 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 504 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_winerack001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Rack, Wine retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 84 theme = 2 4616796758926763689 = table:00000143F8DE1278 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.7078685199957 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1151 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 537 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_wardrobe001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Armoire, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 48 theme = 2 4616796758926763690 = table:00000144949FEED8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.80946832628544 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1806 distanceFromPlayerM = 18 furnitureDataId = 1498 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_barrel001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Barrel, Sealed retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 95 theme = 1 4616796758926763691 = table:00000143C345AD30 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.9842914945795 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1474 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 2785 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_goblet002_empty.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Noble's Chalice retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 144 theme = 1 4616796758926763692 = table:00000143DD998A88 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.37848645665424 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1315 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 539 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_urnsmallnodirt001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Urn, Striated retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 80 theme = 2 4616796758926763693 = table:00000144647C02A8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.8971140057233 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 974 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 1436 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_exc_axesmll001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Hatchet, Practical retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 96 theme = 1 4616796758926763694 = table:00000143FBC90008 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.79003199553901 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1581 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 1507 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_washtub001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Washtub, Empty retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 153 theme = 1 4616796758926763695 = table:00000143FBC96360 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.8583271887848 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1703 distanceFromPlayerM = 17 furnitureDataId = 520 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Chair, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763696 = table:00000143F5F7B7C8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.0220374264405 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1488 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 504 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_winerack001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Rack, Wine retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 84 theme = 2 4616796758926763697 = table:00000143F5F48588 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.3945822836642 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1194 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 1678 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_baskettall002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Basket of Gourds retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763698 = table:000001447C612760 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.297572714554 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1935 distanceFromPlayerM = 19 furnitureDataId = 1502 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_baskettall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Basket, Tall retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763699 = table:00000144C7FCD588 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.926958795378 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 826 distanceFromPlayerM = 8 furnitureDataId = 520 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Chair, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763700 = table:00000143FBCA2DA8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.0787413262176 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 914 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 1524 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_platesetempty001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Plate, Setting retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 81 theme = 1 4616796758926763701 = table:00000144647ABA68 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.9085845444995 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1901 distanceFromPlayerM = 19 furnitureDataId = 1629 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_plain003.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of a Waterfall, Refined retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926763702 = table:00000143FBCA6F00 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.370523325571 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1708 distanceFromPlayerM = 17 furnitureDataId = 1627 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_plain001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Mountains, Refined retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926763703 = table:00000143FBCA7018 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.10729495985321 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1067 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 1599 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_servingdish001_empty.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Pie Dish, Empty retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 81 theme = 1 4616796758926763704 = table:00000143FBCB4CB8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.6338250770271 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 935 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 527 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_merchantcountersmall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Counter, Cabinet retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 67 theme = 2 4616796758926763705 = table:000001447C604BE0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.1680778847998 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1691 distanceFromPlayerM = 16 furnitureDataId = 1504 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_bucket002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Bucket, Rope retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 153 theme = 1 4616796758926763706 = table:00000143F5F42D40 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.6230869452484 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1202 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 1477 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_logpilecut001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Firewood, Stack retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 96 theme = 1 4616796758926763707 = table:00000144CC080BD0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.2025490605325 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1913 distanceFromPlayerM = 19 furnitureDataId = 503 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_wallshelf001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Shelf, Scrolled retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 60 theme = 2 4616796758926763708 = table:00000143F5F6F268 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.8759352783178 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1471 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 549 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_drapesmall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Drapes, Grand retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 52 theme = 2 4616796758926763709 = table:00000143D6E8F3B8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.69786667442476 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1598 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 1425 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_crate002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Crate, Reinforced retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 95 theme = 1 4616796758926763710 = table:00000143FBC922C8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.0310777419092 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1589 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 1686 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_wine001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Bottle, Wine retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 144 theme = 1 4616796758926763711 = table:00000143FBCA0028 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.814250053725 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 981 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 1477 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_logpilecut001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Firewood, Stack retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 96 theme = 1 4616796758926763712 = table:000001431664CEB8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.1922139841905 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1760 distanceFromPlayerM = 17 furnitureDataId = 495 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_cupboard001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Cupboard, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 83 theme = 2 4616796758926763713 = table:00000143FBCA5B18 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.995217407281 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1557 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 520 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Chair, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763714 = table:00000144C7FF4F58 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.2473988896115 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2008 distanceFromPlayerM = 20 furnitureDataId = 527 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_merchantcountersmall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Counter, Cabinet retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 67 theme = 2 4616796758926763715 = table:00000143FBC953F0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.56756173110727 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1643 distanceFromPlayerM = 16 furnitureDataId = 525 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_dressershort001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Dresser, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 146 theme = 2 4616796758926763716 = table:00000143F5F40700 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.2691986728051 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1295 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 520 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Chair, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763717 = table:00000143FBCA9AF0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.52444527717612 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1171 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 1555 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_sack007.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Sack of Grain retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763718 = table:00000143F8DCA538 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.43641664178283 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1454 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 537 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_wardrobe001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Armoire, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 48 theme = 2 4616796758926763719 = table:00000144D04DDDA0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.2425886567188 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1536 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 549 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_drapesmall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Drapes, Grand retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 52 theme = 2 4616796758926763720 = table:000001447C5E1700 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.7370496978994 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1831 distanceFromPlayerM = 18 furnitureDataId = 488 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_bedfull001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Bed, Full retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 46 theme = 2 4616796758926763721 = table:00000144D04C8610 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.8829960619304 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2119 distanceFromPlayerM = 21 furnitureDataId = 510 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_vaselargenodirt001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Urn, Glazed retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 80 theme = 2 4616796758926763722 = table:000001431664CE70 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.58708695060131 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1381 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 1587 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_cheese001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Cheese Wedge retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 155 theme = 1 4616796758926763723 = table:00000144D04B4430 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.0035954422082 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1349 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 1519 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_cleaver001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Cleaver, Cooking retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 82 theme = 1 4616796758926763724 = table:00000143C36B2638 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.0220417904132 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1586 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 1686 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_wine001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Bottle, Wine retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 144 theme = 1 4616796758926763725 = table:000001440E400710 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.40883564396123 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 709 distanceFromPlayerM = 7 furnitureDataId = 533 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_tabledesk001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Desk, Scholar's retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 61 theme = 2 4616796758926763726 = table:00000143FBCCAF28 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.8870684258033 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1006 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 1524 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_platesetempty001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Plate, Setting retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 81 theme = 1 4616796758926763727 = table:00000143D09DE7A8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.0764564416649 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1032 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 532 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_stool001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Stool, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 135 theme = 2 4616796758926763728 = table:00000143F5F7B728 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.6147471005727 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1353 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 530 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_screen001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Divider, Folded Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 47 theme = 2 4616796758926763729 = table:000001447C607F18 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.311494097534 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 918 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 1425 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_crate002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Crate, Reinforced retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420233 subcategoryId = 95 theme = 1 4616796758926763730 = table:00000144D04A8050 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.3534838001307 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1095 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 1426 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_crate004.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Crate, Open retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 95 theme = 1 4616796758926763731 = table:00000143FBCA20B8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.4809229995216 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2255 distanceFromPlayerM = 22 furnitureDataId = 1634 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_plain008.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of a Desert, Refined retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926763732 = table:0000014494A0F628 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.95607300799567 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1323 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 3186 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_book_row002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Book Row, Decorative retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 62 theme = 1 4616796758926763733 = table:00000143FBCBCB50 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.1606408164623 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2060 distanceFromPlayerM = 20 furnitureDataId = 492 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair003.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Chair, Rocking retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763734 = table:00000143F5F7B840 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.1044072394306 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1288 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 531 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_screen002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Divider, Curved Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 47 theme = 2 4616796758926763735 = table:00000143166595D0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.0617185296002 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2088 distanceFromPlayerM = 20 furnitureDataId = 3196 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_book_stack002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Book Stack, Decorative retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 62 theme = 1 4616796758926763736 = table:00000143FBCB5E58 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.1582486248411 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1396 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 528 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_mirror001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Mirror, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 50 theme = 2 4616796758926763737 = table:00000143F5F756C0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.9173722808549 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1782 distanceFromPlayerM = 17 furnitureDataId = 505 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_rug001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Carpet, Full retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 53 theme = 2 4616796758926763738 = table:000001447C5EC798 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.807466492889 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 903 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 1591 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_hourglass001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Hourglass, Common retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 56 theme = 1 4616796758926763739 = table:00000143FBCA90F8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.2432572129565 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1759 distanceFromPlayerM = 17 furnitureDataId = 491 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_bookcasetall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Bookcase, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 60 theme = 2 4616796758926763740 = table:00000143EB918570 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.8927971708517 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1247 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 1502 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_baskettall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Basket, Tall retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763741 = table:00000143E7763158 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.5889092188157 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 639 distanceFromPlayerM = 6 furnitureDataId = 1503 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_bucket001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Bucket, Basic retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 153 theme = 1 4616796758926763742 = table:00000143FBCC7B68 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.2324667329232 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1138 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 549 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_drapesmall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Drapes, Grand retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 52 theme = 2 4616796758926763743 = table:00000144C8005C90 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.8026843007748 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1018 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 521 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Armchair, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763744 = table:00000143FBCB5BB0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.1018112318491 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1836 distanceFromPlayerM = 18 furnitureDataId = 537 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_wardrobe001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Armoire, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 48 theme = 2 4616796758926763745 = table:00000143DD998A38 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.072887284823 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2106 distanceFromPlayerM = 21 furnitureDataId = 464 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_bookcaseshort001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Nightstand, Open retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 145 theme = 2 4616796758926763746 = table:00000143F8DDC180 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.54408887461133 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1864 distanceFromPlayerM = 18 furnitureDataId = 503 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_wallshelf001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Shelf, Scrolled retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 60 theme = 2 4616796758926763747 = table:00000143F8DE0530 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.95317119943723 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1453 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 1583 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_keg001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Keg retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 84 theme = 1 4616796758926763748 = table:00000143F5F7D788 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.85484010835802 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1924 distanceFromPlayerM = 19 furnitureDataId = 529 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_nightstand001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Nightstand, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 145 theme = 2 4616796758926763749 = table:00000143FBCBAFB8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.087018297583541 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1038 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 494 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chinacabinet002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Hutch, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 83 theme = 2 4616796758926763750 = table:00000144BA7C3740 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.87648513183602 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1952 distanceFromPlayerM = 19 furnitureDataId = 1048 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_candleholdertall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Chamberstick, Tall retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 129 theme = 2 4616796758926763751 = table:00000144BA7C3820 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.87082945274264 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1800 distanceFromPlayerM = 18 furnitureDataId = 1498 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_barrel001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Barrel, Sealed retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 95 theme = 1 4616796758926763752 = table:00000144BA7C3658 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.0641658032229 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1182 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 532 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_stool001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Stool, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 135 theme = 2 4616796758926763753 = table:00000144D04DD658 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.95477231458171 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1408 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 1516 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_bananas001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Banana, Wax retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 154 theme = 1 4616796758926763754 = table:00000143610301B0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.2814016123895 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2128 distanceFromPlayerM = 21 furnitureDataId = 3196 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_book_stack002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Book Stack, Decorative retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 62 theme = 1 4616796758926763755 = table:00000143F8DE0268 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.3762476091832 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1009 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 1827 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_paperstack001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Papers, Stack retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 62 theme = 1 4616796758926763756 = table:00000143DD55A328 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.2023773404841 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1036 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 1506 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_cratelarge001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Crate, Sealed retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 95 theme = 1 4616796758926763757 = table:00000144CAED25F0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.87050129977238 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1616 distanceFromPlayerM = 16 furnitureDataId = 1434 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_sackpotatoes001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Sack, Burlap retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763758 = table:00000143F5F7D440 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.8264153833514 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1634 distanceFromPlayerM = 16 furnitureDataId = 512 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_vase_medium002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Vase, Delicate retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 57 theme = 2 4616796758926763759 = table:00000143F8DE12C8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.1247208505054 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1773 distanceFromPlayerM = 17 furnitureDataId = 1501 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_basketopen001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Basket, Open retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763760 = table:00000144C7FFA348 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.55402601263941 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1315 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 468 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_dresserlow001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Shelves, Double retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 60 theme = 2 4616796758926763761 = table:00000143F5F415E8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.4976974210934 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1422 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 506 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_rug002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Rug, Starburst retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 53 theme = 2 4616796758926763762 = table:00000143FBC9BD50 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.0144545624567 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1907 distanceFromPlayerM = 19 furnitureDataId = 499 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_stoolpeasant001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Stool, Plain retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 135 theme = 2 4616796758926763763 = table:00000143FBCC7D48 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.1910831330785 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1232 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 477 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_rug003.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Carpet, Bordered retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 53 theme = 2 4616796758926763764 = table:000001448F0CD260 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.3748316672392 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1833 distanceFromPlayerM = 18 furnitureDataId = 525 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_dressershort001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Dresser, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 146 theme = 2 4616796758926763765 = table:00000143F8DE8258 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.9742503239078 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2039 distanceFromPlayerM = 20 furnitureDataId = 492 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair003.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Chair, Rocking retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763766 = table:000001439D890890 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.5336458148556 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 988 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 1502 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_baskettall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Basket, Tall retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763767 = table:00000143FBCB7BC8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.7935483412889 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1548 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 519 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_cabinetslong001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Sideboard, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 83 theme = 2 4616796758926763768 = table:00000143F8DE84D8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.8423961893045 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1057 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 469 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_merchantcaskstand001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Rack, Barrel retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 84 theme = 2 4616796758926763769 = table:00000143F5F7F1B0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.9072082847363 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1213 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 520 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Chair, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763770 = table:00000143F5F4E5E0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.2662528206581 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 850 distanceFromPlayerM = 8 furnitureDataId = 520 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Chair, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763771 = table:00000143F5F6C908 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.3996643682278 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1103 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 1433 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_sack004.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Bag, Burlap retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763772 = table:00000143F5F498F8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.1757954711765 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1735 distanceFromPlayerM = 17 furnitureDataId = 1666 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bos_exc_meatchuncks002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Cured Meats retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 155 theme = 1 4616796758926763773 = table:00000143F8DCF630 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.74177983777351 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1787 distanceFromPlayerM = 17 furnitureDataId = 1423 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_barrel002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Barrel, Sturdy retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 95 theme = 1 4616796758926763774 = table:00000143FBCA9030 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.1783329908877 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 816 distanceFromPlayerM = 8 furnitureDataId = 521 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Armchair, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763775 = table:00000143FBCBAB08 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.7650495754763 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 810 distanceFromPlayerM = 8 furnitureDataId = 1048 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_candleholdertall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Chamberstick, Tall retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 129 theme = 2 4616796758926763776 = table:00000143F8DD8810 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.9357926334579 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1408 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 1497 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_cmp_merchanttentcounter001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Counter, Island Stall retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 67 theme = 1 4616796758926763777 = table:00000144CC04ECB8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.73030943912794 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1299 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 1505 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_cargobale001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Cargo, Covered retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 95 theme = 1 4616796758926763778 = table:00000143F5F7B368 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.7948904824872 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1597 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 496 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_dresserlong001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Chest of Drawers retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 48 theme = 2 4616796758926763779 = table:00000143F8DE97B8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.0851231678374 categoryId = 6 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1899 distanceFromPlayerM = 18 furnitureDataId = 1466 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_exc_clotheslinepost001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Clothesline, Post retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 69 theme = 1 4616796758926763780 = table:00000143F5F6F5E0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable firstMeta angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.6536949656873 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1971 distanceFromPlayerM = 19 furnitureDataId = 511 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_vasesmallnodirt001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Vase, Glazed retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 57 theme = 2 4616796758926763781 = table:00000143F5F6AB00 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.7010964777789 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1789 distanceFromPlayerM = 17 furnitureDataId = 529 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_nightstand001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Nightstand, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 145 theme = 2 4616796758926763782 = table:000001447C5E2640 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.4474756589641 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1555 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 544 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_tapestry002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Tapestry, Boughs retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 52 theme = 2 4616796758926763783 = table:00000143FBC9F300 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.0373508797 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1029 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 1429 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_cratesmall002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Bin, Sturdy retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 95 theme = 1 4616796758926763784 = table:00000143F5F6AB98 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.9781964725498 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1222 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 1499 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_basketclosed001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Basket, Closed retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763785 = table:00000144CC080AC0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.73919369599 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2170 distanceFromPlayerM = 21 furnitureDataId = 545 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_candleshort001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Sconce, Floor retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 123 theme = 2 4616796758926763786 = table:00000143EB8E28A0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.92196520689465 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1575 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 478 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_rug005.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Carpet, Square retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 53 theme = 2 4616796758926763787 = table:00000143FBCA9BB8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.3495860391706 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1274 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 1676 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_basketapples002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Basket of Apples, Full retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763788 = table:00000143F8DED4E8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.5265128532021 categoryId = 4 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1593 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 3188 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_book_row005.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Book Row, Long retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 62 theme = 1 4616796758926763789 = table:00000143F5F743C8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.58579829466449 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1660 distanceFromPlayerM = 16 furnitureDataId = 495 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_cupboard001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Cupboard, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 83 theme = 2 4616796758926763790 = table:00000143FBCA7CB0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.9617235570186 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 964 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 547 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_cansmall002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Candelabra, Formal retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 129 theme = 2 4616796758926763791 = table:00000143FBCAECD0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.5710771017519 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1984 distanceFromPlayerM = 19 furnitureDataId = 509 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_vaselargenodirt002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Amphora, Glazed retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 80 theme = 2 4616796758926763792 = table:00000143FBC97F40 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.8138515754164 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 880 distanceFromPlayerM = 8 furnitureDataId = 520 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Chair, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763793 = table:00000143F5F7B4D0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.1910831330785 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 733 distanceFromPlayerM = 7 furnitureDataId = 477 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_rug003.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Carpet, Bordered retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 53 theme = 2 4616796758926763794 = table:00000143FBC9C3E0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.2733298737282 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1600 distanceFromPlayerM = 16 furnitureDataId = 1667 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bos_exc_meatchuncks003.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Cured Meat Chunks retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 155 theme = 1 4616796758926763795 = table:00000143FBCC7BE0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.9374006301888 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 893 distanceFromPlayerM = 8 furnitureDataId = 1464 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_exc_clotheslinelg001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Clothesline, Long retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 153 theme = 1 4616796758926763796 = table:00000143E618B508 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.62556685482388 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1441 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 1553 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_sack005.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Sack of Rice retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763797 = table:00000143F8DDB0E0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.2830246933699 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1127 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 1601 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_teapot001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Teapot, Common retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 144 theme = 1 4616796758926763798 = table:00000143FBC9C458 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.015923031566 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1497 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 1527 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_servingbowl001_empty.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Bowl, Serving retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 81 theme = 1 4616796758926763799 = table:00000143F5F70C90 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.3590936310125 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2079 distanceFromPlayerM = 20 furnitureDataId = 460 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_bedbunk001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Bed, Bunk retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 46 theme = 2 4616796758926763800 = table:00000143FBCA6C08 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.5188369779676 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1530 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 1530 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_skillet001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Skillet, Practical retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 81 theme = 1 4616796758926763801 = table:00000143FBC98C00 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.7662811393322 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1290 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 522 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chinacabinet001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Cabinet, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 83 theme = 2 4616796758926763802 = table:00000143D09D69F8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.91788656025776 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1616 distanceFromPlayerM = 16 furnitureDataId = 1434 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_sackpotatoes001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Sack, Burlap retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 87 theme = 1 4616796758926763803 = table:00000143F5F4CBF0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.9716689462436 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 960 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 489 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_bench001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Pew, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 134 theme = 2 4616796758926763804 = table:00000143F5F506A8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.2832993323847 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1552 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 498 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_merchantwinerack001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Shelf, Barrel Rack retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 84 theme = 2 4616796758926763805 = table:00000143FBC98E08 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.5442260854981 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1772 distanceFromPlayerM = 17 furnitureDataId = 493 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chest001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Chest, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 49 theme = 2 4616796758926763806 = table:00000144CC068048 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.1356367642466 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 918 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 520 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_chair001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Chair, Padded retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 132 theme = 2 4616796758926763807 = table:00000143ECB491F8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.55712173972 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2132 distanceFromPlayerM = 21 furnitureDataId = 1633 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_plain007.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of a Forest, Refined retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926763808 = table:00000143DD56D7B0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.3014390287486 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1179 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 1816 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_red_exc_varmarketproduce004.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Box of Oranges retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 154 theme = 1 4616796758926763809 = table:000001447C5E2540 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.0175604953063 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1477 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 2785 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_goblet002_empty.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Noble's Chalice retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 144 theme = 1 4616796758926763810 = table:00000144647C0338 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.1231710006508 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1470 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 478 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_rug005.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Carpet, Square retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 53 theme = 2 4616796758926763811 = table:00000143F5F5FB08 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.7663323413377 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 833 distanceFromPlayerM = 8 furnitureDataId = 1506 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_con_cratelarge001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Common Crate, Sealed retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 95 theme = 1 4616796758926763812 = table:00000143FBCBA9C8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.7120413655024 categoryId = 10 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1082 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 1477 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_logpilecut001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rough Firewood, Stack retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 96 theme = 1 4616796758926763813 = table:00000143DD55D5B0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.95164952633371 categoryId = 5 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1310 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 497 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_merchantcounter001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Counter, Long Cabinet retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 67 theme = 2 4616796758926763814 = table:00000144CAEFC588 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.515147910142 categoryId = 2 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1469 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 536 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_trunk001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Footlocker, Knotwork retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 49 theme = 2 4616796758926763815 = table:00000143ECB6E260 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.82984627807711 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1732 distanceFromPlayerM = 17 furnitureDataId = 498 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_fur_merchantwinerack001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Breton Shelf, Barrel Rack retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 84 theme = 2 4616796758926763816 = table:00000143F5F467C8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.01441492424 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1503 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 1527 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_servingbowl001_empty.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Bowl, Serving retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 81 theme = 1 4616796758926763817 = table:00000144CC067EE0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.27953589108406 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 708 distanceFromPlayerM = 7 furnitureDataId = 484 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_torchsimple001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Sconce, Torch retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 123 theme = 2 4616796758926763818 = table:00000143F8DD8478 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.8340921567921 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 2069 distanceFromPlayerM = 20 furnitureDataId = 548 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_canwallsimple001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Sconce, Wall retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 123 theme = 2 4616796758926763819 = table:00000143D6E9C220 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.8662458400577 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1205 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 546 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_candletall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Sconce, Grand retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 123 theme = 2 4616796758926763820 = table:00000143F5F698C8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.93448457491458 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1466 distanceFromPlayerM = 14 furnitureDataId = 547 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_cansmall002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Candelabra, Formal retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 129 theme = 2 4616796758926763821 = table:00000143F5F50B08 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.7331061575101 categoryId = 12 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6647 distanceFromPlayerM = 66 furnitureDataId = 2798 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_tre_dec_saplinghighland002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Saplings, Squat Highland retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 141 theme = 1 4616796758926763822 = table:00000143C345AFB0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.2812169116678 categoryId = 12 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6794 distanceFromPlayerM = 67 furnitureDataId = 2888 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_tre_dec_rowanyellow002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Tree, Yellowing Oak retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 108 theme = 1 4616796758926763823 = table:00000143F5F518D8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.6204300753692 categoryId = 12 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6271 distanceFromPlayerM = 62 furnitureDataId = 2799 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_tre_dec_saplinghighland004.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Sapling, Strong Highland retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 141 theme = 1 4616796758926763824 = table:00000143F5F5FBA0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.76463028396 categoryId = 12 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6579 distanceFromPlayerM = 65 furnitureDataId = 2800 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_tre_dec_saplinghighland005.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Sapling, Tall Highland retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 141 theme = 1 4616796758926763825 = table:00000143E775E220 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.6584296350868 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 7464 distanceFromPlayerM = 74 furnitureDataId = 484 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_torchsimple001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Sconce, Torch retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 123 theme = 2 4616796758926763826 = table:000001432086AD70 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.0496085211986 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 7057 distanceFromPlayerM = 70 furnitureDataId = 517 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_torchelaborate001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Breton Sconce, Sturdy Torch retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 123 theme = 2 4616796758926763827 = table:00000143D09DE8E8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.8501060883888 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1178 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 548 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_canwallsimple001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Sconce, Wall retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 123 theme = 2 4616796758926763828 = table:00000143F5F4E540 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.2921852320015 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1038 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 548 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_canwallsimple001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Sconce, Wall retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 123 theme = 2 4616796758926763829 = table:000001439D893DF8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.5877368273768 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 877 distanceFromPlayerM = 8 furnitureDataId = 548 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_canwallsimple001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Sconce, Wall retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 123 theme = 2 4616796758926763830 = table:00000143F5F51D10 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.8363978928125 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1632 distanceFromPlayerM = 16 furnitureDataId = 548 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_canwallsimple001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Sconce, Wall retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 123 theme = 2 4616796758926763831 = table:000001448F0CD210 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.044596830444138 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1649 distanceFromPlayerM = 16 furnitureDataId = 548 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_canwallsimple001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Breton Sconce, Wall retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 123 theme = 2 4616796758926763832 = table:00000143F8DEB600 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.0791062578907 categoryId = 12 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6775 distanceFromPlayerM = 67 furnitureDataId = 2814 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_veg_bsh_bangkorairedscrub001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Shrub, Browncrub retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 110 theme = 1 4616796758926763833 = table:00000143F8DEA358 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.4127197857314 categoryId = 12 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6866 distanceFromPlayerM = 68 furnitureDataId = 2970 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_rok_mos_tanlgt005.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Boulder, Mossy Weathered retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 152 theme = 1 4616796758926763834 = table:00000144647DF850 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.4127197857314 categoryId = 12 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6866 distanceFromPlayerM = 68 furnitureDataId = 2970 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_rok_mos_tanlgt005.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Boulder, Mossy Weathered retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 152 theme = 1 4616796758926763835 = table:00000144CAE51E48 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.0401416182043 categoryId = 12 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6285 distanceFromPlayerM = 62 furnitureDataId = 2971 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_rok_mos_tansmall011.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Rocks, Craggy Set retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 152 theme = 1 4616796758926763836 = table:00000144647CEFC8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.0099280606737 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6847 distanceFromPlayerM = 68 furnitureDataId = 1605 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_lsb_lanternhanginginterior001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Lantern, Hanging retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 121 theme = 1 4616796758926763837 = table:00000143E774A7A0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.8080630157881 categoryId = 12 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6308 distanceFromPlayerM = 63 furnitureDataId = 2970 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_rok_mos_tanlgt005.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 1 rawName = Boulder, Mossy Weathered retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 152 theme = 1 4616796758926763838 = table:00000144BA7B3938 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.6467506169285 categoryId = 25 distanceFromPlayerCM = 7050 distanceFromPlayerM = 70 furnitureDataId = 1794 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_crf_portabletablealchemy001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 5 rawName = Alchemy Station retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 104 theme = 1 4616796758926763839 = table:00000144CAEE01F0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.5433075006314 categoryId = 25 distanceFromPlayerCM = 7028 distanceFromPlayerM = 70 furnitureDataId = 1796 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_crf_portabletableenchanter001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 5 rawName = Enchanting Station retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202331 subcategoryId = 104 theme = 1 4616796758926763862 = table:00000143F5F63BD8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.8701235895951 categoryId = 25 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6909 distanceFromPlayerM = 69 furnitureDataId = 1793 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_crf_portablecampfire001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 5 rawName = Provisioning Station retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202332 subcategoryId = 104 theme = 1 4616796758926782246 = table:00000143FBCB2CA8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.2114118050008 categoryId = 11 distanceFromPlayerCM = 420 distanceFromPlayerM = 4 furnitureDataId = 2377 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_cra_lsb_brazierrough001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Craglorn Brazier retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202495 subcategoryId = 124 theme = 10 4616796758926797451 = table:00000143F5F5A7B0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.0755301313092 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1250 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 1705 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_elegant005.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Crags, Sturdy retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420263 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926815754 = table:00000143A51BE710 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.3195235576298 categoryId = 3 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1923 distanceFromPlayerM = 19 furnitureDataId = 2169 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_dae_lsb_bannerhircinesmall001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 5 rawName = Banner of Hircine retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202793 subcategoryId = 58 theme = 13 4616796758926818108 = table:00000144D04C4018 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.7463667342683 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1268 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 3773 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_vrd_duc_tapestry008.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Velothi Shroud, Majesty retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202813 subcategoryId = 92 theme = 6 4616796758926819006 = table:00000143FBCA3C20 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.4407823538507 categoryId = 14 distanceFromPlayerCM = 538 distanceFromPlayerM = 5 furnitureDataId = 3795 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_yarnball001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Sir Socks's Ball of Yarn retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202821 subcategoryId = 168 theme = 1 4616796758926821312 = table:000001448F0DC178 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.1611760893682 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1084 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 1703 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_elegant003.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Creek, Sturdy retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202842 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926829113 = table:00000144CAE51AB0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.2765201501816 categoryId = 7 distanceFromPlayerCM = 419 distanceFromPlayerM = 4 furnitureDataId = 3799 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_vrd_duc_urn001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Velothi Caisson, Crypt retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202911 subcategoryId = 78 theme = 6 4616796758926829208 = table:00000143F5F5A828 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -4.8220477470117 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1104 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 1744 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_red_inc_varpuzzlepaintings004.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Great Ruins, Bolted retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202912 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926833400 = table:00000143F5F716E8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.8999040851322 categoryId = 12 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6576 distanceFromPlayerM = 65 furnitureDataId = 3348 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_veg_bsh_vrdbitterbrush006.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Shrub, Bitter Cluster retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202949 subcategoryId = 110 theme = 1 4616796758926835004 = table:00000144CAEDE2C0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -6.1390952153023 categoryId = 7 distanceFromPlayerCM = 451 distanceFromPlayerM = 4 furnitureDataId = 2380 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_exc_bloodvial001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Poisoned Blood retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494202964 subcategoryId = 76 theme = 1 4616796758926840080 = table:00000143FBCC2AB0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -3.9421640485131 categoryId = 8 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1331 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 3468 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_vrd_inc_hlascrapetool001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Ashlander Knife, Cheese retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494203009 subcategoryId = 82 theme = 6 4616796758926842762 = table:00000144096123A8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.1957609597001 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 903 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 1741 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_red_inc_varpuzzlepaintings001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Winter, Bolted retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494203032 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926844478 = table:00000143F8DE8528 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.50637264674626 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1130 distanceFromPlayerM = 11 furnitureDataId = 1708 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_elegant008.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Palms, Sturdy retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494203048 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926845056 = table:00000143DAD098C8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.7529114759685 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1298 distanceFromPlayerM = 12 furnitureDataId = 1742 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_red_inc_varpuzzlepaintings002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Bridge, Bolted retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494203053 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926845080 = table:00000144CC080838 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.9864683261161 categoryId = 12 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6651 distanceFromPlayerM = 66 furnitureDataId = 3349 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_veg_bsh_vrdfloral002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 2 rawName = Shrub, Flowering Dusk retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494203053 subcategoryId = 110 theme = 1 4616796758926845703 = table:00000143F8DE05F8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.618033502118 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1360 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 1706 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_elegant006.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Summer, Sturdy retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494203059 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926845733 = table:00000143C36B26B8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.5025201114708 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1562 distanceFromPlayerM = 15 furnitureDataId = 1702 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_elegant002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Pasture, Sturdy retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494203059 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926845826 = table:00000143D09DE7F8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.36010831359394 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 883 distanceFromPlayerM = 8 furnitureDataId = 1704 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_elegant004.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Lakes, Sturdy retrievableFurnitureId = 4.539249420306 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926846025 = table:00000143206157A8 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -5.2605340096869 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1384 distanceFromPlayerM = 13 furnitureDataId = 1742 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_red_inc_varpuzzlepaintings002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Bridge, Bolted retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494203061 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926846026 = table:00000143ECB57A88 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.00090449227794487 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 916 distanceFromPlayerM = 9 furnitureDataId = 1704 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_elegant004.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Lakes, Sturdy retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494203061 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926846027 = table:00000144CAED7200 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -0.45613917632389 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1019 distanceFromPlayerM = 10 furnitureDataId = 1708 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_elegant008.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = 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00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.1963449695628 categoryId = 9 distanceFromPlayerCM = 1615 distanceFromPlayerM = 16 furnitureDataId = 1702 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_elegant002.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Pasture, Sturdy retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494203061 subcategoryId = 54 theme = 1 4616796758926846031 = table:00000144647DBCD0 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -1.3679890693626 categoryId = 14 distanceFromPlayerCM = 506 distanceFromPlayerM = 5 furnitureDataId = 3795 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_yarnball001.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 3 rawName = Sir Socks's Ball of Yarn retrievableFurnitureId = 4.5392494203061 subcategoryId = 168 theme = 1 4616796758926850396 = table:00000144647B5240 (meta 00000143E3A2EEE0} firstTable angleFromPlayerHeadingRadians = -2.5397997076672 categoryId = 25 distanceFromPlayerCM = 6503 distanceFromPlayerM = 65 furnitureDataId = 1839 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_targetdummy_humanoid_01.dds passesTextFilter = true quality = 5 rawName = Target Skeleton, Humanoid retrievableFurnitureId = 4.53924942031 subcategoryId = 98 theme = 1 retrievableFurnitureCategoryTreeData = table:00000143AA4037B0 (meta 00000143F9CECB68} firstTable entriesData = table:00000143F9CECE98 firstTable subcategories = table:00000143F9CECEE0 firstTable retrievableTextFilter = SHARED_INFORMATION_AREA = table:00000143B140F1B0 (meta 00000143B140EA98} firstTable firstMeta prioritizedVisibility = table:00000143B140F1F8 (meta 0000014310B9AA30} firstTable firstMeta objectToPriority = table:00000143B140F288 firstTable table = 0000014314CF7958 = 4 00000143E1389BF0 = 2 userdata = 00000143143A0CD8 = 1 0000014314CED520 = 5 00000143B333AA68 = 8 00000143D767B8A8 = 6 00000143F0F8F0B8 = 7 00000143F28D8B88 = 3 prioritizedObjectsToShow = table:00000143B140F240 firstTable searchComparator() = function:00000143B140F2D0 supressed = false SHARED_INVENTORY = table:000001439D7AA7B0 (meta 000001439D7977F8} firstTable firstMeta bagCache = table:000001439D7AB298 firstTable 0 = table:00000143E75E9A58 firstTable 1 = table:000001436913EAF0 firstTable 0 = table:00000143B82022C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143B8202310 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_empty.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2808723548 itemType = 19 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Soul Gem (Empty) quality = 1 rawName = Soul Gem (Empty) requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B8202358 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 0 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 0 specializedItemType = 900 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1000 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = 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isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2374778501 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sword Dancer's Bracers quality = 3 rawName = Sword Dancer's Bracers requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143099BAA10 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 103 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 103 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 982 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3344306428245e-313 104 = table:00000143099BAB00 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143099BC538 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgiantspider_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4138480308 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Swarm Mother's Visage quality = 4 rawName = Swarm Mother's Visage requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001431B6385D8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 104 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 104 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3555690027987e-313 105 = table:00000143099BABF0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143099BAC38 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgiantspider_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1148426731 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Swarm Mother's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = Swarm Mother's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143099BAC80 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 105 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 105 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.352847397031e-313 106 = table:00000143B1D6D908 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143B1D6D950 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgiantspider_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3328324960 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Swarm Mother's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Swarm Mother's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B1D6D998 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 106 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 106 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3407939477727e-313 107 = table:00000143B1D6DA88 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143B1D6DAD0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgiantspider_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1856532880 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Swarm Mother's Arm Cops quality = 4 rawName = Swarm Mother's Arm Cops requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B1D6DB18 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 107 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 107 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.345877160648e-313 109 = table:00000143B1D6DC08 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143099BACC8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedstormatronach_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2912381734 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Stormfist's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Stormfist's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B1D6DC50 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 109 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 109 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1355 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3162947091082e-313 11 = table:00000143075AE3E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143075AE428 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 155215244 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ysgramor's Necklace quality = 4 rawName = Ysgramor's Necklace requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143075AE470 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 11 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 11 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2487714222047e-313 111 = table:0000014361035558 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143610355A0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcrocodile_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3059897947 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Slimecraw's Visage quality = 4 rawName = Slimecraw's Visage requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143610355E8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 111 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 111 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3487284280157e-313 112 = table:00000143610356D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 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false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = true itemInstanceId = 1818408711 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Face Mask of Anguish quality = 3 rawName = Face Mask of Anguish requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361038298 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 114 type = 1 sellPrice = 50 slotIndex = 114 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 1718 statusSortOrder = 1 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1802366769964e-313 116 = table:0000014361038388 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143610383D0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedclannfear_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3797980868 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowrend's Visage quality = 4 rawName = Shadowrend's Visage requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361038418 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 116 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 116 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3527632865049e-313 117 = table:0000014361038508 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:0000014361038550 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedclannfear_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1327423975 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowrend's Mask quality = 4 rawName = Shadowrend's Mask requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361038598 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 117 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 117 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2024 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3107185733115e-313 118 = table:0000014312EC49C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:0000014312EC4A08 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hhammer_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = true isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 758214499 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedite Mace quality = 1 rawName = rubedite mace^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014312EC4A50 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 118 type = 1 sellPrice = 175 slotIndex = 118 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 175 statValue = 1025 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 2 traitInformationSortOrder = 4 uniqueId = 4.5392494203754 119 = table:0000014312EC4B40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:0000014312EC4B88 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redoran_1hsword_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1893889917 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Warrior-Poet's Sword quality = 3 rawName = Warrior-Poet's Sword requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014312EC4BD0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 119 type = 1 sellPrice = 50 slotIndex = 119 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 1108 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202992 121 = table:0000014312EC4CC0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014312EC4D08 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcenturion_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3498574680 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014312EC4D50 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 121 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 121 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.352481187768e-313 122 = table:0000014312EC4E40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014312EC4E88 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcenturion_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3143086854 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Arm Cops quality = 4 rawName = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Arm Cops requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014312EC4ED0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 122 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 122 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.323503075103e-313 123 = table:0000014312EC4FC0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:0000014312EC5008 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlamia_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 997539159 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sellistrix's Visage quality = 4 rawName = Sellistrix's Visage requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014312EC5050 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 123 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 123 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3197015286408e-313 124 = table:0000014312EC5140 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014312EC5188 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlamia_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1186148624 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sellistrix's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = Sellistrix's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014312EC51D0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 124 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 124 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3373200707851e-313 125 = table:0000014312EC52C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000144B0015D80 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlamia_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1115078600 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sellistrix's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Sellistrix's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144B0015DC8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 125 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 125 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2478352367774e-313 126 = table:00000144B0015EB8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000144B0015F00 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlamia_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1303688065 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sellistrix's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Sellistrix's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144B0015F48 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 126 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 126 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3061095827259e-313 127 = table:00000144B0016038 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000144C101AE78 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_artifactwormcultlight_waist_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2019039911 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sash of the Worm Cult quality = 4 rawName = Sash of the Worm Cult requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C101AEC0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 127 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 127 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 505 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3106483016136e-313 128 = table:00000144C101AFB0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:00000144C101AFF8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_artifactwormcultlight_robe_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 259458670 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Robe of the Worm Cult quality = 4 rawName = Robe of the Worm Cult requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C101B040 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 128 type = 1 sellPrice = 61 slotIndex = 128 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 61 statValue = 1348 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3523582661128e-313 13 = table:00000143075AE560 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143075AE5A8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3555468790 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Burning Spellweave Ring quality = 3 rawName = Burning Spellweave Ring requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143075AE5F0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 13 type = 1 sellPrice = 50 slotIndex = 13 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3248840622483e-313 130 = table:00000144C101B130 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000144C101B178 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redoran_dagger_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1553390477 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Warrior-Poet's Dagger quality = 3 rawName = Warrior-Poet's Dagger requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C101B1E8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 130 type = 1 sellPrice = 50 slotIndex = 130 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 1108 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202902 131 = table:00000144C101B2D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000144C101B320 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2624595005 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of the Worm Cult quality = 4 rawName = Ring of the Worm Cult requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C101B368 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 131 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 131 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3523994607135e-313 132 = table:0000014361037878 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143610378C0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1haxe_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = true isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2347546020 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedite Axe quality = 1 rawName = rubedite axe^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361037930 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 132 type = 1 sellPrice = 175 slotIndex = 132 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 175 statValue = 1025 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 2 traitInformationSortOrder = 4 uniqueId = 4.5392494203768 133 = table:0000014361037A20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:0000014361037F70 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1801604920 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of the Tormentor quality = 4 rawName = Ring of the Tormentor requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361037FB8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 133 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 133 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3540807284091e-313 134 = table:00000143610380A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143610380F0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3595979822 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of the Combat Physician quality = 4 rawName = Ring of the Combat Physician requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361038138 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 134 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 134 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3487284280651e-313 136 = table:000001444B459318 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001444B459360 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_lich_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1059350302 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nerien'eth's Pauldron quality = 4 rawName = Nerien'eth's Pauldron^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001444B4593A8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 136 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 136 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3458523355291e-313 137 = table:000001444B459498 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001444B4594E0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_lich_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1399849742 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nerien'eth's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Nerien'eth's Epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001444B459528 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 137 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 137 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3458771611421e-313 138 = table:000001444B459618 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:000001444B459660 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 302314216 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Necklace of the Ranger quality = 4 rawName = Necklace of the Ranger requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001444B4596A8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 138 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 138 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3560561847267e-313 139 = table:000001444B459798 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:0000014361037A68 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 899307270 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Necklace of a Mother's Sorrow quality = 4 rawName = Necklace of a Mother's Sorrow requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361037AD8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 139 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 139 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3511779947665e-313 14 = table:00000143075AE6E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143075AE728 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedsuneripper_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1020272666 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Tremorscale's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Tremorscale's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143075AE770 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 14 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 14 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3069639269695e-313 140 = table:0000014361037BC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014361037C10 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedclivia_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4076914097 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Molag Kena's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Molag Kena's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361037C58 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 140 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 140 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3357177196517e-313 141 = table:0000014361037D48 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014361037D90 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 908462730 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Malubeth the Scourger's Pauldron quality = 4 rawName = Malubeth the Scourger's Pauldron requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014361037DD8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 141 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 141 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3444705761592e-313 142 = table:0000014361037EC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:000001444B45BFB8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2970821518 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Malubeth the Scourger's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Malubeth the Scourger's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001444B45C000 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 142 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 142 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1355 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2844094085518e-313 143 = table:000001444B45B6E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001444B45B728 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1721989437 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Malubeth the Scourger's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Malubeth the Scourger's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001444B45B770 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 143 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 143 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2578792249582e-313 144 = table:000001444B45B860 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001444B45BDB0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgrievoust_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1040990557 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Lord Warden Dusk's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Lord Warden Dusk's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001444B45BDF8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 144 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 144 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3444800267951e-313 147 = table:000001444B45BEE8 148 = table:00000143099C4158 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143099C41A0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_khajiit_medium_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1321010941 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jailbreaker Belt quality = 3 rawName = Jailbreaker Belt requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143099C41E8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 148 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 148 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 736 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3233180811151e-313 15 = table:00000143075AE860 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000144D076B578 firstTable 1 = 2 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= false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1489722585 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jack of Cyrodiil's Ward quality = 3 rawName = Jack of Cyrodiil's Ward requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143099C4368 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 150 type = 1 sellPrice = 60 slotIndex = 150 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 60 statValue = 1964 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2538204449962e-313 151 = table:00000143099C4458 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143099C6318 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dwarven_medium_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4102607560 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Automaton's Arm Cops quality = 4 rawName = Automaton's Arm Cops requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143099C6360 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 151 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 151 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.305968286127e-313 152 = table:00000143099C6450 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143099C6498 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlurcher_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 883371077 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Infernal Guardian's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = Infernal Guardian's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143099C64E0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 152 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 152 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2692 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3223229573123e-313 153 = table:00000143099C65D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143099C6618 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlurcher_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1402867761 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Infernal Guardian's Mask quality = 4 rawName = Infernal Guardian's Mask requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143099C6660 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 153 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 153 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3555997107572e-313 154 = table:000001444B45B950 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001444B45B998 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedxilvilai_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 580593530 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ilambris's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = Ilambris's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001444B45B9E0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 154 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 154 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.338822816654e-313 155 = table:000001444B45BAD0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:000001444B45BB18 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedxivilai_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1573117481 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ilambris's Mask quality = 4 rawName = Ilambris's Mask requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001444B45BB60 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 155 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 155 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.345849071435e-313 156 = table:000001444B45BC50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001444B45BC98 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedxilvilai_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 54855984 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ilambris's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Ilambris's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001444B45BCE0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 156 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 156 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3471253182444e-313 157 = table:0000014312EC6848 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:0000014312EC6890 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_khajiit_medium_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1204452268 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jailbreaker Bracers quality = 4 rawName = Jailbreaker Bracers requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014312EC68D8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 157 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 157 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 1156 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3540941686745e-313 158 = table:0000014312EC69C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:0000014312EC6A10 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_daedric_medium_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4259903915 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Helmet of Night Terror quality = 4 rawName = Helmet of Night Terror requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014312EC6A80 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 158 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 158 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3350528021036e-313 16 = table:00000144D076B6B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000144D076B6F8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = 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isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1694288748 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Helm of the Green Pact quality = 4 rawName = Helm of the Green Pact requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014312EC6C28 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 160 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 160 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.356031889592e-313 161 = table:0000014312EC8B68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:0000014312EC8BB0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_artifactwormcultlight_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2345553368 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hat of the Worm Cult quality = 4 rawName = Hat of the Worm Cult requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014312EC8BF8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 161 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 161 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3523994468796e-313 162 = table:0000014312EC8CE8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:0000014312EC8D30 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_malacath_light_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 511441796 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hat of Succession quality = 4 rawName = Hat of Succession requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014312EC8D78 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 162 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 162 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3524517076121e-313 165 = table:0000014312EC8E68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:0000014312EC8EB0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_trinimac_heavy_legs_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2218936066 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Greaves of Glory quality = 4 rawName = Greaves of Glory requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014312EC8EF8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 165 type = 1 sellPrice = 61 slotIndex = 165 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 61 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3412622684482e-313 167 = table:0000014312ECAE88 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312ECAED0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_book_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = true isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4245612495 itemType = 8 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 3: Wood Elf Style quality = 3 rawName = Crafting Motif 3: Wood Elf Style requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312ECAF40 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 167 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 167 specializedItemType = 60 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 54293728.00032 168 = table:0000014312ECB030 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312ECB078 firstTable 1 = 5 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_measures_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1358593885 itemType = 56 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Vibrant Paint Set quality = 1 rawName = Vibrant Paint Set requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312ECB0C0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 168 type = 1 sellPrice = 40 slotIndex = 168 specializedItemType = 2550 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 40 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 4 stolen = true traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203674 17 = table:00000144D076B830 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000144D076B878 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1382235739 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Treasure Hunter's Ring quality = 4 rawName = Treasure Hunter's Ring requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144D076B8C0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 17 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 17 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3470795311554e-313 175 = table:0000014312ECB1B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014312ECB1F8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_forester_weapon_component_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 310527839 itemType = 47 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Keep Door Woodwork Repair Kit quality = 1 rawName = Keep Door Woodwork Repair Kit requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014312ECB240 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 175 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 175 specializedItemType = 2100 stackCount = 26 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203182 176 = table:00000143BFC656F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143BFC65738 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_heavy_armor_sp_names_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4082627092 itemType = 47 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Keep Wall Masonry Repair Kit quality = 1 rawName = Keep Wall Masonry Repair Kit requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143BFC65780 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 176 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 176 specializedItemType = 2100 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2365086706817e-313 177 = table:00000143BFC65870 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143BFC658B8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_heavy_armor_sp_names_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4082627092 itemType = 47 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Keep Wall Masonry Repair Kit quality = 1 rawName = Keep Wall Masonry Repair Kit requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143BFC65900 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 177 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 177 specializedItemType = 2100 stackCount = 66 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203218 178 = table:00000143BFC659F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143BFC65A38 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = 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false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2808723548 itemType = 19 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Soul Gem (Empty) quality = 1 rawName = Soul Gem (Empty) requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144D076B9F8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 18 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 18 specializedItemType = 900 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1000 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203248 19 = table:00000144D076BAE8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144D076BB30 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_empty.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2808723548 itemType = 19 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Soul Gem (Empty) quality = 1 rawName = Soul Gem (Empty) requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144D076BB78 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 19 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 19 specializedItemType = 900 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1000 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202569 2 = table:00000143B82024B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143BC865EE8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_magma_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1821169133 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Valkyn Skoria's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Valkyn Skoria's Epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B82024F8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 2 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 2 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1355 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202174 21 = table:0000014307746F38 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:0000014307746F80 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedtroll_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 126928411 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = The Troll King's Visage quality = 4 rawName = The Troll King's Visage requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014307746FC8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 21 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 21 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3081332573803e-313 22 = table:00000143077470B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014307747100 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedtroll_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 315537876 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = The Troll King's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = The Troll King's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014307747148 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 22 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 22 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3249562147553e-313 23 = table:0000014307747238 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:0000014307747280 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 471326373 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Girdle of Tava's Favor quality = 4 rawName = Girdle of Tava's Favor requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143077472C8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 23 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 23 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 1003 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.0391867871187e-313 24 = table:00000143077473B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:0000014307745028 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2546552207 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of Cyrodiil's Ward quality = 4 rawName = Ring of Cyrodiil's Ward requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014307747400 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 24 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 24 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2538204829898e-313 25 = table:00000143077474F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:0000014307744750 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_snowreach_heavy_hands_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 203290908 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Gauntlets of Permafrost quality = 4 rawName = Gauntlets of Permafrost requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014307744798 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 25 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 25 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 1338 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.341262233666e-313 26 = table:0000014307744888 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143077448D0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = 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isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1681909398 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Tremorscale's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Tremorscale's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014307744A98 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 27 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 27 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1355 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3061095849492e-313 28 = table:0000014307744B88 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014307744BD0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgiantspider_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1621453998 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Swarm Mother's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = Swarm Mother's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014307744C18 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 28 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 28 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.302638372013e-313 29 = table:0000014307744D08 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:0000014307744D50 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3948551676 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of the Sergeant quality = 4 rawName = Ring of the Sergeant requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014307744D98 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 29 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 29 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.266156987002e-313 3 = table:00000143B82025E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143B82010F0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_002_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3322891765 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Magicka quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Magicka requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B8201170 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 3 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 3 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2562069007896e-313 30 = table:0000014307744E88 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:0000014307744ED0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcrocodile_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3721534679 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Slimecraw's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = Slimecraw's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014307744F18 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 30 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 30 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3025910218979e-313 31 = table:0000014307747538 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143A3A4A268 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcenturion_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3309965215 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A3A4A2B0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 31 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 31 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.306025363456e-313 32 = table:00000143A3A4A3A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143A3A4A3E8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedtroll_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3540670335 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = The Troll King's Mask quality = 4 rawName = The Troll King's Mask requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A3A4A430 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 32 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 32 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2024 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3486595699878e-313 33 = table:00000143A3A4A520 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A9B64C58 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_003_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1733560244 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Stamina quality = 1 rawName = Essence of stamina requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A9B64CA0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 33 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 33 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 89 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 445 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3163813692601e-313 34 = table:00000143A9B64D90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143A9B64DD8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_aldmeri_medium_waist_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1808469286 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Belt of Cyrodiil's Ward quality = 4 rawName = Belt of Cyrodiil's Ward requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A9B64E20 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 34 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 34 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 754 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2827990732187e-313 35 = table:00000143A9B64F10 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143A9B64F58 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1540945704 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of Trinimac's Valor quality = 4 rawName = Ring of Trinimac's Valor requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A9B64FA0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 35 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 35 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 9.5380841762114e-314 36 = table:00000143A9B65090 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143A9B650D8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3782675718 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Necklace of Truth quality = 4 rawName = Necklace of Truth requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A9B65120 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 36 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 36 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3060253635054e-313 37 = table:00000143A9B65210 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143A9B65258 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1509079156 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Burning Spellweave Necklace quality = 4 rawName = Burning Spellweave Necklace requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A9B652A0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 37 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 37 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3086390811462e-313 38 = table:00000143A9B65390 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 7 filterData = table:0000014307747580 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dwarvenscavenged_shield_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 143357869 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = The Maelstrom's Shield quality = 5 rawName = The Maelstrom's Shield^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143077475C8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 38 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 38 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1720 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3171366172255e-313 39 = table:0000014307747610 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143A3A3A300 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2359220155 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Necklace of the Sergeant quality = 4 rawName = Necklace of the Sergeant requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A3A3A348 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 39 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 39 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2692196394669e-313 4 = table:00000143B8201260 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143B82012A8 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_filled.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1405610901 itemType = 19 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Soul Gem quality = 2 rawName = Soul Gem requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B82012F0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 4 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 4 specializedItemType = 900 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 6000 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2605784736626e-313 40 = table:00000143A3A3A438 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143A3A3A480 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_strangler_heavy_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3362675494 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Chokethorn's Visage quality = 4 rawName = Chokethorn's Visage requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A3A3A4C8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 40 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 40 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3387003414364e-313 41 = table:00000143A3A3A5B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143A3A4A568 firstTable 1 = 1 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_aldmeri_bow_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3806951458 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Bow of Cyrodiil's Ward quality = 2 rawName = Bow of Cyrodiil's Ward requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A9B653D8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 41 type = 1 sellPrice = 78 slotIndex = 41 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 78 statValue = 1072 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 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table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 566161014 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Pendant of Permafrost quality = 4 rawName = Pendant of Permafrost requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A3A3A948 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 44 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 44 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3081175022691e-313 45 = table:00000143A3A3AA38 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001440E3EE1C8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_lich_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 283545488 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nerien'eth's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Nerien'eth's Epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E3EE210 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 45 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 45 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1355 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3056981950628e-313 46 = table:000001440E3EE300 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001440E3EE348 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_lich_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3935235797 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nerien'eth's Arm Cops quality = 4 rawName = Nerien'eth's Arm Cops^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E3EE390 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 46 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 46 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3058504379825e-313 47 = table:000001440E3EE480 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:000001440E3EE4C8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 153361515 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Uulgarg's Bones quality = 4 rawName = Uulgarg's Bones requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E3EE510 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 47 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 47 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2692195089348e-313 48 = table:000001440E3EE600 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:000001440E3EE648 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2867511946 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Necklace of the Undaunted Bastion quality = 4 rawName = Necklace of the Undaunted Bastion requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E3EE690 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 48 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 48 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3068284007609e-313 49 = table:000001440E3EE780 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:000001440E3EE7C8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3811276105 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Para Bellum Choker quality = 4 rawName = Para Bellum Choker requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E3EE810 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 49 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 49 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3524517427895e-313 5 = table:00000143B82013E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143B8201428 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1801604920 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of the Tormentor quality = 4 rawName = Ring of the Tormentor requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B8201470 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 5 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 5 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3044505094967e-313 50 = table:000001440E3EE900 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:000001440E3EE948 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1699365908 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Necklace of the Crusader quality = 4 rawName = Necklace of the Crusader requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E3EE990 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 50 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 50 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3069639270189e-313 51 = table:00000143A3A3AA80 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143099CB260 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_imperial_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1252533235 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Necklace of Succession quality = 4 rawName = Necklace of Succession requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143099CB2A8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 51 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 51 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3081175022197e-313 52 = table:00000143099CB398 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:000001440E3F9410 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_imperial_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1252533235 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Necklace of Succession quality = 4 rawName = Necklace of Succession requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143099CB3E0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 52 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 52 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3088840386464e-313 53 = table:00000143099CB4D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:000001440E3F8B38 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_imperial_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4166140623 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Necklace of Succession quality = 4 rawName = Necklace of Succession requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E3F8B80 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 53 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 53 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.303023383784e-313 54 = table:000001440E3F8C70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:000001440E3F8CB8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_imperial_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2404631591 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mara's Blessing quality = 4 rawName = Mara's Blessing requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E3F8D00 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 54 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 54 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1288388407074e-313 55 = table:000001440E3F8DF0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001440E3F8E38 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 605685183 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Malubeth the Scourger's Arm Cops quality = 4 rawName = Malubeth the Scourger's Arm Cops requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E3F8E80 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 55 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 55 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3070699652159e-313 56 = table:000001440E3F8F70 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:000001440E3F8FB8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunteddreugh_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4085770029 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Kra'gh's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Kra'gh's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E3F9000 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 56 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 56 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3025733440808e-313 57 = table:000001440E3F90F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:000001440E3F9138 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1065196932 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Breeches of Destruction Mastery quality = 3 rawName = Breeches of Destruction Mastery requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E3F9180 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 57 type = 1 sellPrice = 60 slotIndex = 57 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 60 statValue = 1151 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1996526775388e-313 58 = table:000001440E3F9270 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:000001440E3F92B8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedfleshatronach_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 702506733 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grothdarr's Mask quality = 4 rawName = Grothdarr's Mask requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001440E3F9300 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 58 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 58 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3524621374367e-313 59 = table:00000143EA991910 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143EA991958 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedxivilai_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4278753256 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ilambris's Mask quality = 4 rawName = Ilambris's Mask requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EA9919A0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 59 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 59 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.305741519037e-313 6 = table:00000143B8201560 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143B82001E0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1077039943 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of Truth quality = 4 rawName = Ring of Truth requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B8200228 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 6 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 6 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3455291006395e-313 60 = table:00000143EA991A90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143EA991AD8 firstTable 1 = 1 iconFile = 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false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4140210825 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ebon Greaves quality = 4 rawName = Ebon Greaves requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EA991CA0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 61 type = 1 sellPrice = 61 slotIndex = 61 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 61 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3056427823892e-313 62 = table:00000143EA991D90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 7 filterData = table:00000143EA991DD8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dwarvenscavenged_shield_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1716720236 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = The Maelstrom's Shield quality = 4 rawName = The Maelstrom's Shield^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EA991E20 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 62 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 62 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1660 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3294005154254e-313 63 = table:00000143E777D278 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143E777DC98 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_trinimac_light_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 852564544 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Epaulets of Trinimac's Valor quality = 4 rawName = Epaulets of Trinimac's Valor requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E777DCE0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 63 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 63 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 9.758485526844e-314 64 = table:00000143E777DDD0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143E777DA50 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_khajiit_medium_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304532949 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jailbreaker Arm Cops quality = 4 rawName = Jailbreaker Arm Cops requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E777DA98 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 64 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 64 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3540806653663e-313 65 = table:00000143E777DB88 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143E777DE18 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1801604920 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of the Tormentor quality = 4 rawName = Ring of the Tormentor requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E777DE60 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 65 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 65 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3527632865543e-313 66 = table:00000143E777DF50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143E777DBD0 firstTable 1 = 1 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dwarvenscavenged_2hsword_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2508494204 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = The Maelstrom's Greatsword quality = 5 rawName = The Maelstrom's Greatsword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E777DC18 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 66 type = 1 sellPrice = 84 slotIndex = 66 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 84 statValue = 1571 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.228025736515e-313 68 = table:00000143E777D2C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143E777D308 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 173532063 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Death's Amulet quality = 4 rawName = Death's Amulet requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E777D350 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 68 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 68 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3523993895186e-313 69 = table:00000143E777D440 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143E777D488 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_light_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 932669105 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Gloves of Destruction Mastery quality = 3 rawName = Gloves of Destruction Mastery requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E777D4D0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 69 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 69 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 658 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1996526638038e-313 7 = table:00000143B8200318 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = 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table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 146923472 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Boots of Cyrodiil's Ward quality = 4 rawName = Boots of Cyrodiil's Ward requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E777D7D0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 71 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 71 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 1718 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 7.5730134104423e-314 72 = table:00000143E777D8C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143E777D908 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2811090470 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Broodmother's Knot quality = 4 rawName = Broodmother's Knot requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E777D950 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 72 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 72 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2669558945604e-313 73 = table:00000143A9B90A30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:00000143A9B90A78 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_trinimac_light_robe_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2255677191 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Robe of Trinimac's Valor quality = 3 rawName = Robe of Trinimac's Valor requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A9B90AC0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 73 type = 1 sellPrice = 60 slotIndex = 73 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 60 statValue = 1316 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2992901524704e-313 74 = table:00000143A9B90BB0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143A9B90BF8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2345939604 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Bonehand's Amulet quality = 4 rawName = Bonehand's Amulet requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A9B90C40 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 74 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 74 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3056427992368e-313 75 = table:00000143A9B90D30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143A9B90D78 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_strangler_heavy_shoulder_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2605230425 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Chokethorn's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = Chokethorn's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A9B90DC0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 75 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 75 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3556949030769e-313 76 = table:00000143A9B90EB0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143A9B90EF8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_titan_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1154156236 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Bogdan the Nightflame's Mask quality = 4 rawName = Bogdan the Nightflame's Mask requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A9B90F40 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 76 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 76 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2024 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3068284006621e-313 78 = table:00000143A9B91030 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143A9B91078 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_daedric_light_waist_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3933690123 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Burning Spellweave Sash quality = 3 rawName = Burning Spellweave Sash requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A9B910C0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 78 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 78 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 493 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3055271269574e-313 79 = table:00000143A9B911B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:000001431B638958 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_khajiit_medium_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3515897556 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jailbreaker Helmet quality = 3 rawName = Jailbreaker Helmet requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A9B911F8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 79 type = 1 sellPrice = 50 slotIndex = 79 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 1718 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3443812272527e-313 8 = table:00000143B8200498 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143B82004E0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1608421066 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Scamplord's Signet quality = 4 rawName = Scamplord's Signet requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B8200528 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 8 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 8 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3086391094068e-313 80 = table:00000143A9B912E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143C3464728 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2094164501 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Greaves of the Sergeant quality = 4 rawName = Greaves of the Sergeant requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143C3464770 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 80 type = 1 sellPrice = 61 slotIndex = 80 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 61 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.34863708175e-313 81 = table:00000143C3464860 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143C34648A8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2054601335 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ancient Necklace quality = 4 rawName = Ancient Necklace requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143C34648F0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 81 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 81 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3069638794404e-313 82 = table:00000143C34649E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143C3464A28 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedfleshatronach_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2576256056 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grothdarr's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Grothdarr's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143C3464A70 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 82 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 82 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3330362808775e-313 83 = table:00000143C3464B60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143C3464BA8 firstTable 1 = 1 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_ancient_elf_staff_c.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1557407605 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Zaven's Doomstaff quality = 5 rawName = Zaven's Doomstaff requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143C3464BF0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 83 type = 1 sellPrice = 84 slotIndex = 83 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 84 statValue = 1335 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.30574151879e-313 84 = table:00000143C3464CE0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C3464D28 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/lockpick.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3998574797 itemType = 9 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Lockpick quality = 1 rawName = Lockpick requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C3464D70 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 84 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 84 specializedItemType = 500 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.0396236222257e-313 86 = table:00000143C3464E60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:000001431B638080 firstTable 1 = 1 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_thievesguildv2_1hhammer_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1632767573 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mace of Bahraha's Curse quality = 3 rawName = mace of Bahraha's Curse requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001431B6380C8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 86 type = 1 sellPrice = 50 slotIndex = 86 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 1108 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203692 87 = table:000001431B638110 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:000001431B638660 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1726086347 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of the Twin Sisters quality = 4 rawName = Ring of the Twin Sisters requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001431B6386A8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 87 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 87 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202169 88 = table:000001431B638798 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:000001431B6387E0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_hoarvordaedra_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2820892955 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Velidreth's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Velidreth's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001431B638828 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 88 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 88 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3138870094802e-313 9 = table:00000143B8200618 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143B8202630 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_001_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 617255990 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Health quality = 1 rawName = Essence of health requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B8202678 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 9 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 9 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 13 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 65 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202172 90 = table:00000143099BC160 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143099BC1A8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_hoarvordaedra_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1496617088 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Velidreth's Arm Cops quality = 4 rawName = Velidreth's Arm Cops requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143099BC1F0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 90 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 90 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3487665747254e-313 91 = table:00000143099BC2E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143099BC328 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_empty.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2808723548 itemType = 19 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Soul Gem (Empty) quality = 1 rawName = Soul Gem (Empty) requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143099BC370 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 91 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 91 specializedItemType = 900 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1000 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.058775458219e-313 92 = table:00000143099BC460 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001431B638158 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_artifactebonyheavy_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3402127904 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ebon Pauldron quality = 4 rawName = Ebon Pauldron requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001431B6381A0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 92 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 92 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2692 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3457492248687e-313 96 = table:000001431B638290 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001431B6382D8 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_filled.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1405610901 itemType = 19 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Soul Gem quality = 2 rawName = Soul Gem requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001431B638320 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 96 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 96 specializedItemType = 900 stackCount = 199 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 5970 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 7.7580728788422e-314 97 = table:000001431B638410 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:000001431B638458 firstTable 1 = 1 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dwarvenscavenged_staff_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2383124831 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = The Maelstrom's Lightning Staff quality = 5 rawName = The Maelstrom's Lightning Staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001431B6384A0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 97 type = 1 sellPrice = 84 slotIndex = 97 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 84 statValue = 1535 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3630935378032e-313 98 = table:000001431B638590 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 condition = 100 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143099BC4A8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1835028034 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hircine's Ring quality = 4 rawName = Hircine's Ring requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143099BC4F0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 98 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 98 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2674144653939e-313 2 = table:000001439DBD1FE8 firstTable 0 = table:00000143F8DD1788 1 = table:00000144C7FCE6F8 10 = table:00000143F5F7D198 100 = table:00000144D04BD700 101 = table:00000143C369A210 102 = table:000001448F0BE530 103 = table:00000143FBC9F078 104 = table:00000144CAEE0380 105 = table:00000143FBC9E1C8 106 = table:00000143F5F4BA00 107 = table:00000144C7FCE830 108 = table:00000143F5F6E3F0 109 = table:00000143F5F71738 11 = table:00000143FBCB2D48 110 = table:00000143FBCB8118 111 = table:00000143D09D5368 112 = table:00000143FBCA3C70 113 = table:00000143F5F62B08 114 = table:00000143FBCCA898 115 = table:00000143F5F46CF0 116 = table:00000143FBCC9910 117 = table:00000143F8DDC8D8 118 = table:00000143E774A718 119 = table:00000143FBC98BB0 12 = table:00000144CC068318 120 = table:00000143FBC8F198 121 = table:00000143D09DA808 122 = table:00000143E619BC98 123 = table:00000143FBC95120 124 = table:00000143F8DD75B8 125 = table:00000144949FA3D8 126 = table:00000143F5F43B68 127 = table:00000143FBCC0F60 128 = table:00000144CAF04388 129 = table:00000143D6E7B620 13 = table:00000143FBCBFE70 130 = table:00000143FBCA6018 131 = table:00000143F5F57A58 132 = table:00000143F5F41AC0 133 = table:00000143FBC97238 134 = table:00000143ECB3B0B8 135 = table:00000143FBCBF008 136 = table:00000143D6E9F388 137 = table:00000143DD573480 138 = table:00000143F5F54608 139 = table:00000144CAED0A20 14 = table:0000014313B98A58 140 = table:000001448F0BA5F0 141 = table:00000143FBC95530 142 = table:00000143F5F67900 143 = table:00000143F5F4B848 144 = table:00000143F8DE03A0 145 = table:00000143F5F6B9C0 146 = table:00000143FBCC7A00 147 = table:000001448F0E7C70 148 = table:000001439D88F808 149 = table:00000143DD542B80 15 = table:00000143FBCBCCB8 150 = table:000001439D894808 151 = table:00000143DD54B578 152 = table:00000143F5F6F888 153 = table:00000143D6EB3238 154 = table:00000143E777F2D0 155 = table:00000143F5F45768 156 = table:00000143D09E17A8 157 = table:00000143F8DD35F8 158 = table:00000143FBC8E250 159 = table:00000143FBCA8E50 16 = table:000001447C5DCB68 160 = table:00000143F5F5B990 161 = table:00000143FBCB8A10 162 = table:00000143FBCBFBC8 163 = table:00000143F5F41778 164 = table:000001447C5EC6D0 165 = table:00000143D6E80380 166 = table:00000144BA7C7500 167 = table:00000143E775E4A0 168 = table:00000143DD99DE50 169 = table:00000143F5F486C8 17 = table:00000144CC046E10 170 = table:00000143DD55A3E8 171 = table:000001448F0CB7F8 172 = table:00000143F5F65968 173 = table:00000143ECB57C18 174 = table:00000143F5F54BA8 175 = table:000001448F0BDC28 176 = table:00000143FBC9A250 177 = table:00000143D6E8A4F8 178 = table:00000143F5F578F0 179 = table:00000143DD9AFA08 18 = table:000001447C5E2D70 180 = table:00000143E7756258 181 = table:00000143094EC058 182 = table:00000143FBCBCD30 183 = table:00000144CAED72C8 184 = table:00000144D04A7FD0 185 = table:00000144CC058840 186 = table:00000143ECFEFB78 187 = table:00000143FBCA4E78 188 = table:00000143FBCA8FE0 189 = table:00000144CC080E50 19 = table:00000143F5F56698 190 = table:00000143FBCBE018 191 = table:00000143E7787790 192 = table:00000144647AB838 193 = table:0000014494A0F998 194 = table:00000143FBCA9F28 195 = table:00000143F5F58C10 196 = table:00000143ECB3C3A8 197 = table:00000143F5F64A48 198 = table:00000143E6653C60 199 = table:00000143F5F6A648 2 = table:000001447C5F7570 20 = table:00000143D09E0210 200 = table:00000143FBCC5C20 201 = table:00000144CAE643A0 202 = table:00000143D6EAE348 203 = table:00000143DD9B2688 204 = table:00000143F5F46818 205 = table:00000143FBC931C0 206 = table:00000143F5F736D8 207 = table:00000143FBCA9ED8 208 = table:00000143FBC91E90 209 = table:00000143FBCB2088 21 = table:00000143D6EA8738 210 = table:00000143FBCA0208 211 = table:00000143F5F5EC18 212 = table:00000143F5F448F8 213 = table:00000143FBCA4C70 214 = table:00000143FBCC7DE8 215 = table:00000143DD982F20 216 = table:00000143ECB3C0D8 217 = table:00000144BA7CD4E8 22 = table:00000143FBC941C0 23 = table:00000143F5F753A0 24 = table:000001439D891870 25 = table:00000143F5F76970 26 = table:00000143E619C300 27 = table:00000143F5F468B8 28 = table:00000143F5F74918 29 = table:00000143F5F74328 3 = table:00000143F5F6CA70 30 = table:00000144CAEE8C78 31 = table:00000143FBCABE40 32 = table:00000143F5F56B20 33 = table:00000143F8DE1228 34 = table:000001447C5ED4A0 35 = table:00000143F8DEE3F8 36 = table:00000143FBCAAC08 37 = table:000001439D892B68 38 = table:00000143F5F685E8 39 = table:00000143F8DDD228 4 = table:00000143F5F6A828 40 = table:000001439D892910 41 = table:00000143FBC9BEE0 42 = table:00000143FBCABAD0 43 = table:000001448F0F1968 44 = table:00000143F5F69918 45 = table:00000143D6E79468 46 = table:00000143FBCA5E38 47 = table:00000143FBC952D8 48 = table:0000014406389CD8 49 = table:00000144CAEE2DE0 5 = table:00000143F8DD83D8 50 = table:00000144D04B2AA0 51 = table:00000144BA7CE358 52 = table:00000143DD5504C0 53 = table:00000143F5F52710 54 = table:00000144CAE770B0 55 = table:00000143F5F6B8D0 56 = table:00000143F5F741E8 57 = table:00000144C7FED150 58 = table:00000144096184E0 59 = table:000001448F0CA218 6 = table:000001447C5F4100 60 = table:00000143F8DE52E0 61 = table:000001431B630AD8 62 = table:00000143F5F745D0 63 = table:00000144647D0648 64 = table:00000144CC06F2C0 65 = table:00000143F8DDD520 66 = table:00000143FBCB3F60 67 = table:0000014312EB1708 68 = table:00000143F5F70858 69 = table:000001439D8928C0 7 = table:00000143E619C058 70 = table:00000143FBCBCEC0 71 = table:00000143EB8F0E28 72 = table:00000143F5F721F8 73 = table:00000143F8DE0148 74 = table:00000143DD999E40 75 = table:00000144D04A7920 76 = table:00000143EB909758 77 = table:00000143F8DE6598 78 = table:000001430795F260 79 = table:00000143F8DD37B0 8 = table:00000143D6EB6138 80 = table:00000143D09C5B60 81 = table:00000143FBCB9BF8 82 = table:00000143F5F52B48 83 = table:00000143FBCC6AC8 84 = table:00000143A51B26B8 85 = table:00000143EB8E2928 86 = table:00000143F5F63570 87 = table:00000144C7FCD498 88 = table:00000143FBCA7D78 89 = table:00000143FBC99218 9 = table:00000143FBCAF180 90 = table:00000143FBCA5F78 91 = table:00000143F8DEB3F8 92 = table:00000143FBCBFC90 93 = table:00000143F5F49858 94 = table:00000143F5F419A8 95 = table:000001439CF70970 96 = table:00000143FBCC9E88 97 = table:00000143F8DDA8F0 98 = table:00000143DD978A68 99 = table:00000143F5F696E8 5 = table:00000143A0218A90 firstTable 114889 = table:00000144CAE5EAA0 114890 = table:00000143A51C0740 114891 = table:00000143FBCBCA60 114892 = table:00000143FBCA90A8 114893 = table:00000143C36B2818 114894 = table:00000144CAF00830 114895 = table:00000143FBC9C4A8 115026 = table:00000143F5F686D8 1187 = table:00000143A51CBD28 121518 = table:00000143FBC92F90 121521 = table:00000143F5F527D8 121522 = table:00000143F5F537E8 125476 = table:00000143F5F7C030 126581 = table:00000143DAD09A30 130059 = table:00000143F8DDE198 16291 = table:00000143A3A3DFC0 23095 = table:00000143A3A3E178 23097 = table:000001444B45BF30 23099 = table:00000143A3A402A8 23100 = table:00000143A3A40460 23101 = table:00000143A3A40618 23103 = table:00000143A3A42538 23104 = table:00000143A3A426F0 23105 = table:00000143A3A428A8 23107 = table:00000143C7807A70 23117 = table:00000143C7807C28 23118 = table:00000143C7807DE0 23119 = table:00000143A3A44920 23121 = table:00000143A3A44AD8 23122 = table:00000143C7807F78 23123 = table:00000143E7FBF400 23125 = table:00000143E7FBF5B8 23126 = table:00000143C7807E28 23127 = table:00000143E7FC16E8 23129 = table:00000143E7FC18A0 23130 = table:00000143E7FC1A58 23131 = table:00000143E7FC5C98 23133 = table:00000143E7FC39F8 23134 = table:00000143E7FC3BB0 23135 = table:00000143E7FC3D68 23137 = table:00000143A3A45830 23138 = table:00000143A3A459E8 23143 = table:00000143A3A45C90 23149 = table:000001439D895D38 23165 = table:000001439D895EF0 23171 = table:000001439D897EE8 23173 = table:000001439D8980A0 23203 = table:000001439D898258 23204 = table:000001439D89A2B0 23219 = table:000001439D89A468 23221 = table:000001439D89A620 23265 = table:000001439D89EE18 23266 = table:000001439D89EFD0 23267 = table:000001439D89BC90 23268 = table:000001439D89BE48 26802 = table:000001439D898368 26954 = table:000001439D89DF78 27035 = table:000001439D89E130 27043 = table:000001439D89E2E8 27048 = table:00000143F2CD5798 27049 = table:00000143F2CD5950 27052 = table:00000143F2CD7948 27057 = table:00000143F2CD7B00 27058 = table:00000143F2CD7CB8 27059 = table:00000143F2CD9D10 27063 = table:00000143F2CD9EC8 27064 = table:00000143F2CDA080 27100 = table:00000143F2CDB648 28603 = table:00000143F2CDB800 28604 = table:00000143F2CDB9B8 28609 = table:0000014312EB5DF8 28610 = table:0000014312EB5FB0 28636 = table:00000143F2CDBA00 28639 = table:0000014312EB80E0 28666 = table:0000014312EB8298 29030 = table:0000014312EB8450 30148 = table:0000014312EBA438 30149 = 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table:00000143ECB5F738 33752 = table:00000143A9B5DE88 33753 = table:00000143A9B5E040 33754 = table:0000014494A1D2D8 33755 = table:00000143A9B60B28 33756 = table:00000143A9B60CE0 33758 = table:00000143A9B600E0 33768 = table:00000143A9B60298 33771 = table:00000143A9B60958 33772 = table:00000143EA9871D0 33773 = table:00000143EA987388 33774 = table:0000014494A21328 34305 = table:00000143A9B60450 34307 = table:00000143A9B60608 34308 = table:0000014313B29F30 34309 = table:00000143EA9894F0 34311 = table:00000143EA9896A8 34321 = table:00000143EB8EFE50 34323 = table:00000143EA98DB30 34324 = table:00000143EA98B810 34329 = table:00000143EA98B9C8 34330 = table:00000143EB8F4958 34333 = table:00000143C7F5F228 34334 = table:000001447C618E20 34335 = table:000001447C60E120 34345 = table:000001447C618970 34346 = table:00000143F5F7F598 34347 = table:00000143F5F74260 34348 = table:00000143D09ACDB0 34349 = table:00000144BA7D2D40 42869 = table:00000143C36A9888 42870 = table:00000143C36A9998 42871 = 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table:00000144BA7C0328 45821 = table:00000143C7F65798 45822 = table:00000143C7F65918 45823 = table:00000143D6EA1688 45824 = table:00000144BA7CBFA0 45825 = table:00000144CAE86EC8 45826 = table:000001447C5ED318 45827 = table:000001448F0F2D70 45828 = table:00000143E774EFA0 45829 = table:00000143F5F768A8 45830 = table:00000143FBC96F40 45831 = table:00000143F8DE9128 45832 = table:00000144BA7C7690 45833 = table:00000143DD5646A8 45834 = table:00000143E6175588 45835 = table:00000143F8DEE240 45836 = table:00000143CFE25BA8 45837 = table:000001439D084348 45838 = table:000001439D0844C8 45839 = table:00000144C8002B58 45840 = table:00000144C8002CD8 45841 = table:0000014494A076A0 45842 = table:00000144D04B8558 45843 = table:00000144949F5A40 45846 = table:00000143F8DEE2B8 45847 = table:00000143FBCC6B40 45848 = table:00000143F5F40750 45849 = table:00000143094EC350 45850 = table:00000143FBC94058 45851 = table:00000143ECFEFAB0 45852 = table:00000143E775E3D8 45853 = table:00000143FBCC4B80 45854 = table:00000143DD60EAB8 45855 = table:000001447C5ED398 45856 = table:00000144CAEF7788 45857 = table:00000143FBC98350 46127 = table:00000143E77820F0 46128 = table:00000144CAE604F8 46129 = table:0000014494A01E78 46130 = table:00000144647CF200 46131 = table:00000144D04C8660 46132 = table:00000143B2A9EE00 46133 = table:00000143B1D82740 46134 = table:00000143B1D82A48 46135 = table:00000143EB3877F8 46136 = table:00000143EB387C48 46137 = table:00000143EB387FD8 46138 = table:00000143A979A398 46139 = table:00000143FBCADC00 46140 = table:000001439D893A10 46141 = table:00000143CBD62810 46142 = table:00000143F5F52D50 46149 = table:00000143F5F40A48 46150 = table:000001447C5E2BE0 46151 = table:00000144D04C3F80 46152 = table:00000144C7FCE740 521 = table:00000143BFC68D28 533 = table:00000143099C44A0 5413 = table:00000143099C66A8 54170 = table:00000144C7FFFEA8 54171 = table:000001447C5E2D28 54172 = table:000001447C600D78 54173 = table:00000143C368CB70 54174 = table:00000143FBCC2A60 54175 = table:00000143FBCC1FE0 54176 = table:00000143F8DE73E0 54177 = table:00000143F5F62AB8 54178 = table:00000144C7548E48 54179 = table:000001448F0F92F8 54180 = table:00000143F5F5E678 54181 = table:00000143D6E97440 56862 = table:00000143F5F71A80 56863 = table:00000144C7FCD600 57587 = table:00000143DD991A48 57665 = table:000001447C5ED8B8 59922 = table:00000144C7FCE7E8 6000 = table:00000143C78057C0 6001 = table:00000143C7805978 6020 = table:00000143C7805B30 64222 = table:00000143C369BCC8 64489 = table:000001448F0C4800 64500 = table:00000143FBC9F000 64501 = table:00000143FBCAAED8 64502 = table:00000143FBCC7B18 64504 = table:000001439D8917D0 64506 = table:00000143F5F784E0 64508 = table:00000144BA7B8840 64509 = table:00000144BA7B8C50 64685 = table:00000143C36BEE30 64687 = table:00000143C36BF0F0 64688 = table:00000143C36B3F88 64689 = table:00000143C36B4230 64690 = table:00000144C7FFA398 64713 = table:00000144063898A0 68340 = table:00000144BA7B8648 68341 = table:00000143FBC99E40 68342 = table:00000143F5F49600 69555 = table:00000143ECB5AAB8 69556 = table:00000144CC080EA0 71198 = table:00000143FBCB8DA8 71199 = table:00000143C345B028 71200 = table:00000143F8DB0A58 71239 = table:00000143EB39F5C0 71538 = table:00000143D6E8A4A8 71582 = table:00000143EB8E23E8 71584 = table:0000014428069D18 71668 = table:00000143DD57DC20 71736 = table:00000143FBCBBAD8 71738 = table:00000143F5F6B628 71740 = table:000001440639C890 71742 = table:00000143F8DEA830 71766 = table:000001447C60E098 75357 = table:0000014494A0A9A0 75358 = table:00000143F5F746E8 75359 = table:00000143D09BEC38 75360 = table:00000143FBCC1F18 75361 = table:00000143DD55A1E0 75362 = table:00000143F5F49998 75363 = table:00000144C7FF2040 75364 = table:00000143F8DD86A8 75365 = table:00000143F5F4E9A0 75370 = table:00000143F5F7F7A0 75371 = table:00000143FBCB1A98 75373 = table:00000143F5F6E878 76910 = table:00000143F5F52C88 76911 = table:00000143FBCADCC8 76914 = table:00000143EB9096B8 77581 = table:0000014312EB1890 77583 = table:00000144D04A7DC8 77584 = table:00000143F5F4FCD0 77585 = table:00000143C36AE588 77587 = table:00000143FBCC5FE0 77589 = table:00000144C7FFAD68 77590 = table:00000143F5F528A0 77591 = table:00000143FBC91400 793 = table:000001444B45BD28 79304 = table:000001439D890DB8 79305 = table:0000014320615370 794 = table:0000014312ECC340 79672 = table:00000143FBCC7CA8 802 = table:0000014312ECC4C0 803 = table:00000143A51C7D80 808 = table:00000143A51C7F00 810 = table:00000143A51C8080 811 = table:00000143A51C8C90 812 = table:00000143A51C8E10 813 = table:00000143A51C8F90 818 = table:00000143A51CB9B8 81994 = table:00000143F8DEB768 81995 = table:00000143FBCC2F60 81996 = table:00000143206157F8 81997 = table:00000143E7751FA0 81998 = table:00000143F5F4C858 82000 = table:00000143FBCBCD80 82004 = table:000001448F0CB100 883 = table:00000143A51CBB70 96388 = table:00000144D04A7A48 6 = table:00000143619220A0 firstTable 0 = table:00000143F5F45EE8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 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false itemInstanceId = 617255990 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Health quality = 1 rawName = Essence of health requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD542900 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 10 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203066 100 = table:00000143FBCB3D30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143FBCAA1A8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD54E580 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 100 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 101 = table:00000143F5F56878 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000144D04DEE28 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001432086AC58 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 101 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 102 = table:00000144CAF059D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143FBCBD000 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC99330 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 102 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 103 = table:00000143EB9091B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143D6EB60C0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DDB1A8 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 103 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 104 = table:00000144096183C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143F5F74968 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = 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false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC8F580 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 105 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 106 = table:00000144CAEF78C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143C369A258 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144BA7C05B8 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 106 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 107 = table:000001447C618EF0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000144647ABC20 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EB8FAC78 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 107 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 108 = table:0000014320618958 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143F8DE0828 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144D04DD830 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 108 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 109 = table:00000144D04DD8F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000144D04DD9C0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144D04DDB58 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 109 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 11 = table:00000143FBCC3BA0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F7F2F0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_002_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3322891765 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Magicka quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Magicka requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C7FE4590 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 11 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420302 110 = table:00000143F5F61B30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000144647DFA20 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F4BA78 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 110 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 111 = table:00000143D6EB0690 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143FBCA6F50 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F78238 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 111 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 112 = table:00000143F8DE5FD0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143DD97DF40 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C6148B0 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 112 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 113 = table:000001448F0D1F20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:000001439D894DD0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD9AF990 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 113 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 114 = table:00000143F5F43780 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143F8DDC748 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCCBCD0 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 114 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 115 = table:00000143F5F4B9B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143FBCC0BF0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1715312813 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143ECB57588 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 115 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 116 = table:00000143F5F7C120 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143ECB57948 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 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itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Helm quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel helm^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCAABB8 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 117 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 118 = table:00000143F8DD7888 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143F5F5A878 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCC1F68 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 118 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 119 = table:00000143F8DD89A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143F5F52B98 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCC1140 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 119 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 12 = table:00000143F5F72270 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E618B5F8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_002_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3322891765 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Magicka quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Magicka requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCA7E68 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 12 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 31 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 155 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.53924942029 120 = 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= /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCA9F78 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 121 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 122 = table:00000143FBCAEAC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143FBC9E330 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F7F250 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 122 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 123 = table:00000144647A5AC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143F5F5EC68 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DDE768 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 123 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 124 = table:0000014361031E98 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143FBCC6DC0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E7756168 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 124 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 125 = table:000001447C5EC810 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143F5F68318 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCC9AA0 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 125 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 126 = table:00000143F5F50B58 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143D09B1240 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144CC080B08 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 126 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 127 = table:00000143F8DD78D8 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isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D6EA3140 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 129 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 13 = table:00000143F5F5A8C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCBBD08 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/fragment_costume_sixthhouse_cloth.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2127346144 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sixth House Patterned Bolt quality = 4 rawName = Sixth House Patterned Bolt requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD9A57D8 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 13 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202896 130 = table:00000144C7FD96D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143ECB6DFE0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304644334 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D6E82508 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 130 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1277 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 131 = table:00000144CAEE4180 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143F5F56800 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC9ECE0 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 131 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 132 = table:000001447C5F7610 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EB909168 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143ECFF0050 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 132 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 133 = table:00000144CAF02700 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143FBCA8BA8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F4BC58 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 133 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 134 = table:00000143F5F72518 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143FBCB8FB0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = 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false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143ECB57880 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 135 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 136 = table:00000143F5F63888 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000144C7FFEAD8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD570540 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 136 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 137 = table:000001447C5FD100 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:000001440639C8E0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144CAEFA788 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 137 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 138 = table:00000143F8DE9330 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000144C7FFFEF0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F6EA08 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 138 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 139 = table:00000143094EC0F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143F5F76678 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143DD56B680 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 139 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 14 = table:00000143FBCBB8A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB909410 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_filled.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1405610901 itemType = 19 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Soul Gem quality = 2 rawName = Soul Gem requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DE80A0 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 14 specializedItemType = 900 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 3000 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202828 140 = table:00000143094EC558 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143F8DBC538 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DBE408 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 140 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 141 = table:000001447C60CE10 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143F5F4DB50 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C5FFD40 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 141 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 142 = table:000001447C5E7678 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143F5F4CB00 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC98170 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 142 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 143 = table:00000143FBCAEB40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143EB8F09F0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 599008559 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCB3AD8 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 143 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 144 = table:00000143F5F5D9D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143ECB57B28 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001448F0DC0D8 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 144 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 145 = table:00000143FBC99290 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:0000014409618468 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 901786106 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E7787740 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 145 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 1018 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 146 = table:00000143FBCB7C90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143ECFEFBC8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = 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isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 568800226 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C7FE6148 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 147 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1050 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 148 = table:00000143FBC91F58 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143FBCCBA50 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 776771839 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DEA308 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 148 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1050 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 149 = table:00000143DD55A758 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143D09B3178 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 984743452 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014494A0F588 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 149 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1050 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 15 = table:00000143FBCB0A98 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001448F0F4A98 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_015_type_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3079136521 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Ravage Health quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Ravage Health requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCAA090 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 15 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 50 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 250 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203226 150 = table:00000143FBCA00C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 13 filterData = table:00000143FBCBCB00 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_heavy_hands_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 152857000 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Gauntlets quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel gauntlets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F5F4E8 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 150 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1050 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 151 = table:00000143F5F51810 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:0000014494A01D10 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_1hsword_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3520129507 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sword quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sword^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F6A6C0 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 151 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203725 152 = table:00000143FBC92F40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DDE418 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3303804171 itemType = 8 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Helmets quality = 4 rawName = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Helmets requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCA2DF8 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 152 specializedItemType = 61 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203737 153 = table:00000143ECB57BA0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014494A0F6A0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4234552181 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment III quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment III requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144647CF330 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 153 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 9 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 117 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3004892282516e-313 154 = table:00000143F5F5E628 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D893CE0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2172193393 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment VII quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment VII requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCBCF60 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 154 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 15 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 195 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.4405988774112e-313 155 = table:00000143DD5734D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC91DA0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_crate_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2273551505 itemType = 9 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grand Repair Kit quality = 2 rawName = Grand Repair Kit requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F69A80 sellPrice = 14 slotIndex = 155 specializedItemType = 500 stackCount = 83 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1162 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202505 156 = table:000001448F0E0990 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001448F0CA1D0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2830776904 itemType = 8 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Shields quality = 4 rawName = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Shields requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143C3696CF0 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 156 specializedItemType = 61 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203743 157 = table:00000143DD98B228 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014494A17378 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/store_experiencescroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = true isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1235478978 itemType = 57 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crown Experience Scroll quality = 5 rawName = Crown Experience Scroll requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD97B1D8 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 157 specializedItemType = 2600 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203022 158 = table:00000143FBC9BE98 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143ECB6DE50 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1544222930 itemType = 8 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Axes quality = 4 rawName = Crafting Motif 42: Hollowjack Axes requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001439D894E20 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 158 specializedItemType = 61 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203744 159 = table:00000143FBCA6BB8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E7754BB8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = 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false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1733560244 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Stamina quality = 1 rawName = Essence of stamina requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC900F8 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 16 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 59 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 295 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203068 160 = table:000001447C617C38 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F76920 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3342339719 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Velothi Cabbage Soup quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Velothi Cabbage Soup requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F53568 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 160 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203751 161 = table:00000143FBCAA018 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E774CF70 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3765087530 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Black Marsh Wamasu Loin quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Black Marsh Wamasu Loin requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F619C8 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 161 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203751 162 = table:000001439D893DA8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DCE720 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 208203155 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Shepherd's Pie quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Shepherd's Pie requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F4D858 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 162 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203754 163 = table:00000143F5F48B50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD9B2778 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3256299782 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Bravil Bitter Barley Beer quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Bravil Bitter Barley Beer requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DE3200 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 163 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203755 164 = table:00000143FBCB2F50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F47AD8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_planfurniture_woodworking_2.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2339319053 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Blueprint: Nord Cart, Hay quality = 2 rawName = Blueprint: Nord Cart, Hay requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001447C5DCDE8 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 164 specializedItemType = 177 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203759 165 = table:00000143F5F43988 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCB2C30 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_planfurniture_woodworking_2.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2667838625 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Blueprint: Orcish Counter, Block quality = 2 rawName = Blueprint: Orcish Counter, Block requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144949F9FE8 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 165 specializedItemType = 177 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203759 166 = table:00000143F8DE3778 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD9B0868 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_planfurniture_woodworking_2.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2024561638 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Blueprint: Orcish Table, Braced Kitchen quality = 2 rawName = Blueprint: Orcish Table, Braced Kitchen requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F53A40 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 166 specializedItemType = 177 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203758 167 = table:00000144CAEF77D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCCBED8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_planfurniture_provisioning2.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1953491614 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Design: Redguard Kabobs, Wax quality = 2 rawName = Design: Redguard Kabobs, Wax requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144BF614890 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 167 specializedItemType = 176 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203688 168 = table:00000144D04E17D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DE5858 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_planfurniture_blacksmithing3.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2621763309 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Diagram: Daedric Pedestal, Ritual quality = 3 rawName = Diagram: Daedric Pedestal, Ritual requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001447C5F74F8 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 168 specializedItemType = 172 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203261 169 = table:00000143F5F7D0F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DE91F0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_planfurniture_blacksmithing2.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3916670706 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Diagram: High Elf Plate, Dinner quality = 2 rawName = Diagram: High Elf Plate, Dinner requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCC4E28 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 169 specializedItemType = 172 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203597 17 = table:00000143F8DDC630 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 15 filterData = table:00000143F8DDA648 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_poison_002_red_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3133709688 itemType = 30 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Drain Health Poison IX quality = 1 rawName = Drain Health Poison IX requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F46728 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 17 specializedItemType = 1400 stackCount = 129 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 645 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203353 170 = table:00000144CAF08790 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC8F4B8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/event_halloween_2016_spooky_recipe.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 855233468 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Double Bloody Mara quality = 5 rawName = Recipe: Double Bloody Mara requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143E7789620 sellPrice = 15 slotIndex = 170 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 15 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203733 171 = table:00000143E7758148 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC97FE0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 447092076 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Fyr's Hyperagonal Potation quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Fyr's Hyperagonal Potation requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DD2658 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 171 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420375 172 = table:00000144CC0683E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F6C700 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1211341730 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Kaveh Stout quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Kaveh Stout requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001448F0D8EE8 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 172 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 20 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203575 173 = table:00000144CAE51D88 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C7FF00A8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4016135442 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Kragenmoor Zinger Mazte quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Kragenmoor Zinger Mazte requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F59B28 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 173 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203733 174 = table:00000143ECFEFD08 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC8DD00 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2735822454 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Numidium Brandy quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Numidium Brandy requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DDE328 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 174 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 3 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 39 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494201989 175 = table:00000143DD55D678 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F539F0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1842020922 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Sweet Dreams Tea quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Sweet Dreams Tea requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144CC04ED08 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 175 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203671 176 = table:00000143DD989EA0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C8007A88 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/event_halloween_2016_spooky_recipe.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1885908367 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Sweet Sanguine Apples quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Sweet Sanguine Apples requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:0000014494A0F830 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 176 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203732 177 = table:00000143DD55A370 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F7B408 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3327391565 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Tears of Joy quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Tears of Joy requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144BA7CC030 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 177 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203585 178 = table:00000143E6183648 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC92D88 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/event_halloween_2016_spooky_recipe.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 25737607 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Witchmother's Party Punch quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Witchmother's Party Punch requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD62CD58 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 178 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 6 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 78 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203732 179 = table:00000143F5F52D00 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC98FC0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1302754670 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Ysgramor's Harbinger Lager quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Ysgramor's Harbinger Lager requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143D09CD728 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 179 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 13 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494201875 18 = table:00000143FBC8DF08 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCA40A8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stoneware_bottle_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3079929011 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Markarth Mead quality = 2 rawName = Markarth Mead requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F59588 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 18 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 82 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 410 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203476 180 = table:00000143F5F437F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143F8DDA6C0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2004935085 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ruby Ash Ice Staff quality = 1 rawName = ruby ash ice staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCB6F00 sellPrice = 76 slotIndex = 180 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 76 statValue = 1037 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203769 181 = table:00000143FBC9AD50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143F5F5E7B8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_ashlanderv_bow_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3329895813 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ruby Ash Bow quality = 1 rawName = Ruby Ash bow^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F6BA10 sellPrice = 76 slotIndex = 181 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 76 statValue = 1037 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203769 182 = table:00000143DD5645B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC904B8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1939227072 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Khajiiti Apple Spanakopita quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Khajiiti Apple Spanakopita requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144949F9F70 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 182 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203769 183 = table:00000143F5F5E998 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143F5F5A5A8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1702157538 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedite Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = rubedite sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F478D0 sellPrice = 28 slotIndex = 183 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 28 statValue = 2117 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203769 184 = table:00000143F5F64868 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143F5F41728 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_light_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3461738779 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ancestor Silk Shoes quality = 1 rawName = ancestor silk shoes^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144CAE62FB8 sellPrice = 28 slotIndex = 184 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 28 statValue = 1067 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 1 traitInformationSortOrder = 0 uniqueId = 4.5392494203769 19 = table:00000143FBCA50D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD994BF8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3761524914 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment VI quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment VI requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001447C5EF328 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 19 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 15 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 195 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203486 2 = table:00000143F5F6F8D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:000001448F0F73E0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_medium_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3818440550 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Guards quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide guards^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCA3CE8 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 2 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1382 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203027 20 = table:00000143FBCB6A28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB8FA890 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1055889139 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment V quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment V requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F5D960 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 20 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 13 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 169 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203497 21 = table:000001447C608080 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD9989E8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1528916406 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment II quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment II requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F42B60 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 21 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 9 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 117 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203537 22 = table:00000143DAD099E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCA2220 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stew_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4193865461 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Hare in Garlic Sauce quality = 2 rawName = Hare in Garlic Sauce requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143C3693D38 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 22 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203548 23 = table:00000144D04B43E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C7FD1630 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cake_003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 844952699 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jerall View Inn Carrot Cake quality = 2 rawName = Jerall View Inn Carrot Cake requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000144CAED0A70 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 23 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203548 24 = table:00000144CC06F068 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143C368CA50 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_skillet_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3247810927 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Stormhold Baked Bananas quality = 2 rawName = Stormhold Baked Bananas requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143F8DD89F0 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 24 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 98 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 294 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203548 25 = table:00000143F5F59A60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCB7A10 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_tea_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2295739357 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Maormer Tea quality = 2 rawName = Maormer Tea requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143FBCB6910 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 25 specializedItemType = 21 stackCount = 98 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 294 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203547 26 = table:00000143FBCC2D80 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F759B8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stoneware_bottle_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4074892220 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rye-in-Your-Eye quality = 2 rawName = Rye-in-your-Eye requiredLevel = 35 searchData = table:000001431B630D30 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 26 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203548 27 = table:000001448F0DC128 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F655A8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stew_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1444490757 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sour Mash quality = 2 rawName = Sour Mash requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143FBCA8F68 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 27 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203548 28 = table:00000143F8DDB428 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001431664CF58 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/notes_004.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2645220660 itemType = 5 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment IV quality = 4 rawName = Recipe: Psijic Ambrosia, Fragment IV requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD5704A0 sellPrice = 13 slotIndex = 28 specializedItemType = 104 stackCount = 13 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 169 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203553 29 = table:00000143FBCB9D38 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51BE6C0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_beer_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1359073218 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Torval Mint Tea quality = 2 rawName = Torval Mint Tea requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143D6EA52C0 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 29 specializedItemType = 21 stackCount = 99 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 297 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203555 3 = table:00000143DD54E418 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143F8DD9160 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 755441722 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Ice Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood ice staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C7FF1FC8 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 3 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203177 30 = table:00000143F8DDA9B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D892BB8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = 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= false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 337574898 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mulled Wine quality = 2 rawName = Mulled Wine requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143FBCB0C78 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 31 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203554 32 = table:00000143FBCA6DC0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143DD99BF58 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_bowl_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3823613075 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Garlic Mashed Potatoes quality = 2 rawName = Garlic Mashed Potatoes requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143F8DE0440 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 32 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203554 33 = table:00000143FBCB7D80 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144D04C3FC8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_bowl_003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1761254287 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Senchal Curry Fish and Rice quality = 2 rawName = Senchal Curry Fish and Rice requiredLevel = 30 searchData = table:00000143DD542C48 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 33 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203554 34 = table:00000143FBCC4900 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBC9C390 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stoneware_bottle_003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4084280615 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nereid Wine quality = 2 rawName = Nereid Wine requiredLevel = 35 searchData = table:00000143DD9A5698 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 34 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 288 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203553 35 = table:00000143FBC92FE0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C8007B50 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_bowl_003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 971685413 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nibenese Garlic Carrots quality = 2 rawName = Nibenese Garlic Carrots requiredLevel = 20 searchData = table:00000143FBCAED70 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 35 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 95 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 190 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203556 36 = table:00000143F5F45DA8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = 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isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3374543641 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Garlic Pumpkin Seeds quality = 2 rawName = Garlic Pumpkin Seeds requiredLevel = 20 searchData = table:00000143F5F7E3A8 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 37 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 95 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 190 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203556 38 = table:00000143DD61E8A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143A51BE5F8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stoneware_bottle_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3228239305 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mermaid Whiskey quality = 2 rawName = Mermaid Whiskey requiredLevel = 25 searchData = table:00000143FBCB7C18 sellPrice = 3 slotIndex = 38 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 92 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 276 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203556 39 = table:00000143FBCB80A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014320618DD0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_grilled_fish.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 25630879 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Whiterun Cheese-Baked Trout quality = 2 rawName = Whiterun Cheese-Baked Trout requiredLevel = 20 searchData = table:00000143C345B0F0 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 39 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 92 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 184 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203555 4 = table:00000143D09DB2B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143FBC99DF0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_medium_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1451359496 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Guards quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide guards^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCC3DA8 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 4 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1424 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203178 40 = table:00000143F8DEEF58 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F46D40 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_spirits_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3078882793 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Surilie Syrah Wine quality = 2 rawName = Surilie Syrah Wine requiredLevel = 5 searchData = table:00000144647C0380 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 40 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 96 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203558 41 = table:000001447C5E45D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCA2C90 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_fish_stick.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 481570504 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Fishy Stick quality = 2 rawName = Fishy Stick requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB9090C8 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 41 specializedItemType = 1 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 96 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203558 42 = table:00000143F8DBA858 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F6C3E0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = 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isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2594996297 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Carrot Soup quality = 2 rawName = Carrot Soup requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F6A710 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 43 specializedItemType = 3 stackCount = 99 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 99 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203558 44 = table:00000143FBCBA0A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCC19A0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_spirits_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2530621214 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Lemon Flower Mazte quality = 2 rawName = Lemon Flower Mazte requiredLevel = 10 searchData = table:00000143FBC9FF38 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 44 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 192 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203557 45 = table:00000143F5F6C750 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E77562A8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_cooking_grilled_apples.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1663706323 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Baked Apples quality = 2 rawName = Baked Apples requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001447C5EF1C0 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 45 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 96 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 96 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203557 46 = table:00000143DD615020 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F564B8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1463799589 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Solstheim Elk and Scuttle quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Solstheim Elk and Scuttle requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F45A10 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 46 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420357 47 = table:00000143FBC942B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001447C5EDA58 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3928532665 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Five-Fireball Infusion quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Five-Fireball Infusion requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCBFB78 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 47 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203571 48 = table:00000144C8007B00 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014409618418 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3861854876 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DDD110 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 48 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203572 49 = table:000001448F0D8E20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001447C607F68 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = 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false itemInstanceId = 4248578464 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Arm Cops quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide arm cops^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F72360 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 5 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1445 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203178 50 = table:00000143FBC93418 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F7E358 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1255827976 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Salted Cod quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Salted Cod requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144C7FD95B8 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 50 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203574 51 = table:00000143FBC9F0F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144CAED07C8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2944756238 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Lemonic Invigoration quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Lemonic Invigoration requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DDA710 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 51 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420358 52 = table:00000144CAEDE310 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001448F0F4A20 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_003_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1955545330 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Stamina quality = 1 rawName = Essence of stamina requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439D893E48 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 52 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 86 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 430 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203581 53 = table:00000143FBCADBB0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F8DE6070 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3942101603 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Berrymead Tonic quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Berrymead Tonic requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F4C6F0 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 53 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203566 54 = table:00000143FBCC5D60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001448F0DC1F0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = 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isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3555815391 itemType = 4 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Grape Preserves quality = 2 rawName = Grape Preserves requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCADF70 sellPrice = 1 slotIndex = 55 specializedItemType = 2 stackCount = 99 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 99 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203584 56 = table:00000143D09CD6B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144647A5BD8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_dom_wine_002.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 888803240 itemType = 12 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Clarified Syrah Wine quality = 2 rawName = Clarified Syrah Wine requiredLevel = 10 searchData = table:00000144D04DDA40 sellPrice = 2 slotIndex = 56 specializedItemType = 20 stackCount = 99 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 198 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203584 57 = table:00000143C3699FC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:0000014494A0F7C0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1503921698 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Arenthia's Empty Tankard Frittata quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Arenthia's Empty Tankard Frittata requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DEB8A8 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 57 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203595 58 = table:00000143F8DDB5B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143FBC90D98 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3535025151 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCB60D8 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 58 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1837 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 59 = table:00000143F5F5FB50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143D6E7E0B0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3327053538 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E77853C0 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 59 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1837 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 6 = table:00000143FBC95350 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000143DD981AB0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_medium_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2659246943 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Belt quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide belt^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144647C2280 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 6 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 619 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203178 60 = table:00000143FBCA0118 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 10 filterData = table:00000143F5F42D90 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_feet_d.dds inventory = 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itemInstanceId = 2911110312 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Sabatons quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel sabatons^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001448F0BDC78 sellPrice = 25 slotIndex = 61 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 25 statValue = 1837 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 62 = table:00000143FBCB4D08 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:00000143FBCB5980 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_chest_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1037360989 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Cuirass quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel cuirass^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439D9C7128 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 62 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2100 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 63 = table:00000143FBC8DE40 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:00000143F5F51D60 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_chest_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 829389376 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Cuirass quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel cuirass^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C7FDC650 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 63 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2100 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 64 = table:00000143FBC8F530 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 3 filterData = table:00000143F8DE2548 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_chest_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 621417763 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Cuirass quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel cuirass^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C606AC8 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 64 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2100 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 65 = 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isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2182520362 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Pink Profundity quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Pink Profundity requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8DB2C38 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 67 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203603 68 = table:00000143094EC210 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143EB909208 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3904379710 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Thrassian Chai quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Thrassian Chai requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143FBCC4DD8 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 68 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 2 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 18 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203604 69 = table:00000144647CEEC8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143F5F777D8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_1hhammer_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 61515167 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Mace quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel mace^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C7FE4540 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 69 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 7 = table:00000143F8DEF540 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 8 filterData = table:00000144CC05B868 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_medium_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3075190169 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Belt quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide belt^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143C369EF18 sellPrice = 26 slotIndex = 7 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 26 statValue = 619 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203178 70 = table:00000144CAEF4F20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCA1350 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 276842356 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Alabaster Honey Rum quality = 2 rawName = Recipe: Alabaster Honey Rum requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F5F51B80 sellPrice = 9 slotIndex = 70 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 9 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203605 71 = table:00000143FBCA3118 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = 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isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3204954851 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Restoration Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood restoration staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F73208 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 72 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 73 = table:000001447C60DD00 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000144D04DDBE8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 499319076 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Lightning Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood lightning staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144C7FD14D0 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 73 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 74 = table:00000144D04C7DB8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143C36AC070 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3677982118 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Inferno Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood inferno staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C5ED6B8 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 74 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 75 = table:00000143FBC91EE0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:0000014494A0FAB0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2088650597 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Ice Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood ice staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F54770 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 75 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 76 = table:00000143F5F67838 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143C36B2740 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3828869690 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Restoration Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood restoration staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C606A78 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 76 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 77 = table:00000143FBCA4E28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000144949F9F20 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1123233915 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Lightning Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood lightning staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F722E8 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 77 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 78 = table:00000143ECFEFC90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143F8DBC678 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_staff_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 6929661 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Inferno Staff quality = 1 rawName = nightwood inferno staff^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DDC680 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 78 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 79 = table:00000143F5F4FB90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143F5F74468 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_bow_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1426011462 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nightwood Bow quality = 1 rawName = nightwood bow^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCA1E38 sellPrice = 68 slotIndex = 79 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 68 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 8 = table:00000144C7FE3368 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143EB910020 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_medium_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 369554394 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Arm Cops quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide arm cops^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144CC05B9D0 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 8 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1445 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203178 80 = table:00000143ECB57510 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143FBCAED20 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_1hhammer_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3940539237 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Mace quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel mace^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCBB920 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 80 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 81 = table:00000143D09B52D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000144063898F0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_1haxe_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1571029140 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Axe quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel axe^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014494A0F4E8 sellPrice = 42 slotIndex = 81 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 42 statValue = 918 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203626 82 = table:00000143F8DE64A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 5 filterData = table:00000143FBC9DD40 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_bosmer_1hhammer_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3527808449 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Galatite Mace quality = 1 rawName = galatite mace^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C60CE60 sellPrice = 38 slotIndex = 82 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 38 statValue = 925 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203651 83 = table:00000143ECB6E4B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143F5F7A0B0 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_001_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 617255990 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Health quality = 1 rawName = Essence of health requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001447C5F1170 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 83 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 69 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 345 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203142 84 = table:000001447C617AA8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D894740 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 683191834 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Garlic Cod with Potato Crust quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Garlic Cod with Potato Crust requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:000001447C5E1638 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 84 specializedItemType = 170 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203598 85 = table:00000143F5F75468 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439D890750 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_scroll_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2222642471 itemType = 29 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Recipe: Happy Ogrim Amber Ale quality = 3 rawName = Recipe: Happy Ogrim Amber Ale requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143EB909668 sellPrice = 10 slotIndex = 85 specializedItemType = 171 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 10 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203688 86 = table:00000143F5F7A150 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143FBCB9FB8 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/lockpick.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3998574797 itemType = 9 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Lockpick quality = 1 rawName = Lockpick requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143DD54E828 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 86 specializedItemType = 500 stackCount = 12 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203077 87 = table:00000143F8DEB718 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143F8DDB478 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F52AF8 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 87 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 88 = table:00000143FBCA12D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143FBCA1D20 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F781C0 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 88 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 89 = table:00000143F5F5FC90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143FBCB9A68 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144CAE5E990 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 89 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 9 = table:00000143FBCB4208 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143F8DE6228 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_medium_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1867302722 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowhide Guards quality = 1 rawName = shadowhide guards^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144CAE771F0 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 9 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1424 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203178 90 = table:0000014494A17330 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143FBC9B028 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3272184121 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Epaulets quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014494A136D8 sellPrice = 43 slotIndex = 90 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 43 statValue = 1207 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 91 = table:00000143F5F40D68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143F8DEBF70 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_nord_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2064296674 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Shadowspun Breeches quality = 1 rawName = shadowspun breeches^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143ECB6E5A8 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 91 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1189 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203722 92 = table:00000144CC080CE8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:000001448F0C7170 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8DE33B8 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 92 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 93 = table:00000143F5F7F2A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:000001447C610BD8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001448F0C0560 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 93 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 94 = table:0000014494A01E28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143F8DE91A0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBCAAE88 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 94 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 95 = table:00000144949F9E30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000144CAEE0268 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F65760 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 95 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 96 = table:00000143FBC98E58 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143DD56F8A0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FBC96EF0 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 96 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 97 = table:00000143F5F4E590 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143D09D54F8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001431B630C68 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 97 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 98 = table:00000143FBCCB8C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143FBC953A0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143C368CAE0 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 98 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 99 = table:000001447C6127B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 6 condition = 100 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143D09C9D18 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBFE8E8 isBoPTradeable = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 125981292 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Voidsteel Greaves quality = 1 rawName = voidsteel greaves^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F5F51BF8 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 99 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2064 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false traitInformation = 3 traitInformationSortOrder = 2 uniqueId = 4.5392494203723 callbackRegistry = table:000001439F036FC0 firstTable FullInventoryUpdate = table:00000143EC974878 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC974968 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EC974398 3 = false 2 = table:00000144CCF61D18 firstTable 1() = function:00000144CCF61CD0 3 = false 3 = table:00000143CB51B618 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB51B428 3 = false 4 = table:00000143F9CEFB90 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F9CEFB10 3 = false 5 = table:00000143F65AA0F8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F65AA0B0 3 = false FullQuestUpdate = table:00000143EC974A30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC974A78 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C8062F00 3 = false ItemRepaired = table:00000143DB1E8578 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB1E85C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DB1E8530 3 = false 2 = table:00000143E75E1D28 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E1CD8 3 = false SingleQuestUpdate = table:00000144C305FF80 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BC860F50 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F3AC4698 3 = false SingleSlotInventoryUpdate = table:000001439D7AA8F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BC87DFF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EC9749E8 3 = false 2 = table:000001439D68ABF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C8064268 3 = false 3 = table:00000143CB51B6E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB51B470 3 = false 4 = table:00000143A34C61F0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F9CEFC10 3 = false 5 = table:00000143F65AA1C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB51B698 3 = false SlotAdded = table:00000143EC403708 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC403750 firstTable 1() = function:000001439F036F78 3 = false SlotRemoved = table:00000143EC403818 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC4038B8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EC4037D0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001439D7AAA30 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 questCache = table:000001439D7AB4A8 firstTable refresh = table:000001439D7AB8D8 (meta 0000014457A392F0} firstTable currentlyRefreshing = false refreshGroups = table:000001439D7ABA18 firstTable guild_bank = table:000001439D7ACB70 firstTable RefreshAll() = function:0000014361932F58 dirtySingles = table:000001436192E388 firstTable wasShown = false inventory = table:000001439D7ABB98 firstTable RefreshAll() = function:000001439D7ABD58 RefreshSingle() = function:000001439D7ABEF8 allDirty = false dirtySingles = table:000001439D7AC078 firstTable wasShown = false quest_inventory = table:0000014361933078 firstTable RefreshAll() = function:000001436192E708 RefreshSingle() = function:000001436192EE88 dirtySingles = table:000001436192F3C0 firstTable wasShown = false SHOW_BASE_ABILITY = true SHOW_MARKET_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E7DDE968 (meta 00000143CB52F5C8} SIEGE_ACTION_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143210647A0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} SIEGE_BAR = table:000001439D7988E0 (meta 000001439D798200} firstTable firstMeta UIModeKeybindStripDescriptor = table:000001439D798C90 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D798428 isDirty = true keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001439D798928 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D7989D8 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D798A88 keybind = SIEGE_FIRE name = Fire visible() = function:000001439D798A48 2 = table:000001439D798AC8 firstTable callback() = function:000001439D798C20 keybind = SIEGE_PACK_UP name = Stow Siege Weapon visible() = function:000001439D798BE0 3 = table:000001439D798428 firstTable alignment = 3 callback() = function:000001439D798518 keybind = SIEGE_RELEASE name = Exit alignment = 2 SIEGE_BAR_SCENE = table:000001439D798CF8 (meta 0000014368607700} SIEGE_BAR_UI_SCENE = table:000001439D798F48 (meta 0000014368607700} SIEGE_CAMERA_CHOICE_CONSTRAINED = 1 SIEGE_CAMERA_CHOICE_FREE = 0 SIEGE_CAMERA_CHOICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SIEGE_CAMERA_CHOICE_ITERATION_END = 1 SIEGE_CAMERA_CHOICE_MAX_VALUE = 1 SIEGE_CAMERA_CHOICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SIEGE_HUD_FRAGMENT = table:000001439D7980C8 (meta 000001439D797E70} SIEGE_TYPE_BALLISTA = 2 SIEGE_TYPE_BATTLE_STANDARD = 9 SIEGE_TYPE_CATAPULT = 5 SIEGE_TYPE_GRAVEYARD = 6 SIEGE_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SIEGE_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 9 SIEGE_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 9 SIEGE_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SIEGE_TYPE_MONSTER = 7 SIEGE_TYPE_NONE = 0 SIEGE_TYPE_OIL = 8 SIEGE_TYPE_RAM = 3 SIEGE_TYPE_TREBUCHET = 1 SIEGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL = 4 SI_ABANDON_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_LOCKED_MESSAGE = 6447 = "Your guest campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered recently.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to abandon it." SI_ABANDON_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_QUERY = 6456 = "Are you sure you wish to abandon your guest campaign |cffffff<<1>>|r?" SI_ABANDON_HOME_CAMPAIGN_FREE = 6459 = "This change is free, however, future changes may incur a cost in Alliance Points or gold." SI_ABANDON_HOME_CAMPAIGN_LOCKED_MESSAGE = 6444 = "Your home campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered recently.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to abandon it." SI_ABANDON_HOME_CAMPAIGN_QUERY = 6455 = "Are you sure you wish to abandon your home campaign |cffffff<<1>>|r?" SI_ABANDON_HOME_CAMPAIGN_USE_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 6458 = "Use Alliance Points" SI_ABANDON_HOME_CAMPAIGN_USE_GOLD = 6457 = "Use Gold" SI_ABANDON_MAIN_QUEST_FAIL = 6109 = "You cannot abandon the main quest." SI_ABANDON_QUEST_CONFIRM = 3686 = "Abandon" SI_ABILITYPROGRESSIONRESULT1 = 2266 = "You don't know that ability." SI_ABILITYPROGRESSIONRESULT10 = 2275 = "You don't have any skill points." SI_ABILITYPROGRESSIONRESULT2 = 2267 = "That ability can't be upgraded further." SI_ABILITYPROGRESSIONRESULT3 = 2268 = "Invalid progression line" SI_ABILITYPROGRESSIONRESULT4 = 2269 = "You can't purchase more upgrades for that ability. Your level isn't high enough." SI_ABILITYPROGRESSIONRESULT5 = 2270 = "You don't have enough gold to upgrade that." SI_ABILITYPROGRESSIONRESULT6 = 2271 = "You've already morphed this ability. You must respec first." SI_ABILITYPROGRESSIONRESULT7 = 2272 = "You haven't progressed this ability enough to morph it." SI_ABILITYPROGRESSIONRESULT8 = 2273 = "You haven't morphed this ability yet." SI_ABILITYPROGRESSIONRESULT9 = 2274 = "This ability doesn't have a valid upgrade." SI_ABILITYUPGRADELEVEL0 = 1926 = "None" SI_ABILITYUPGRADELEVEL1 = 1927 = "Bronze" SI_ABILITYUPGRADELEVEL2 = 1928 = "Silver" SI_ABILITYUPGRADELEVEL3 = 1929 = "Gold" SI_ABILITY_ACTION_CLEAR_SLOT = 3276 = "Remove" SI_ABILITY_AT_MORPH_POINT = 5702 = "Ability Morph Available For 1 Skill Point" SI_ABILITY_NAME = 5695 = "<<1>>" SI_ABILITY_NAME_AND_RANK = 5696 = "<<1>> <>" SI_ABILITY_NAME_AND_UPGRADE_LEVELS = 4105 = "<<1>> (<<2>> / <<3>>)" SI_ABILITY_PURCHASE = 5704 = "Purchase for 1 Skill Point" SI_ABILITY_RANK_UP = 3442 = "<<1>> Increased to Rank <>" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_AOE_DIMENSIONS = 4126 = "<<1>> x <<2>> meters" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_AREA_LABEL = 4125 = "Area" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_BRONZE_RANK = 4135 = "Bronze Rank" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_CAST_TIME = 4109 = "<<1[$d second/$d seconds]>>" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_CAST_TIME_LABEL = 4108 = "Cast Time" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_CHANNEL_TIME = 4111 = "<<1[$d second/$d seconds]>>" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_CHANNEL_TIME_LABEL = 4110 = "Channel Time" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_COOLDOWN = 4132 = "<<1>> cooldown" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_DESCRIPTION = 4107 = "<<1>>" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_DESCRIPTION_HEADER = 4106 = "<<1>>" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_DURATION = 4128 = "<<1[$d second/$d seconds]>>" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_DURATION_LABEL = 4127 = "Duration" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_GOLD_RANK = 4137 = "Gold Rank" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_INSTANT_CAST = 4112 = "Instant" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MARKUP_DAMAGE = 4140 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r Damage" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MARKUP_DAMAGE_AND_TYPE = 4142 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>> Damage" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MARKUP_DAMAGE_AND_TYPE_NO_COLOR = 4148 = "<<1>> <<2>> Damage" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MARKUP_DAMAGE_NO_COLOR = 4146 = "<<1>> Damage" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MARKUP_DERIVED_VALUE = 4138 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MARKUP_DERIVED_VALUE_NO_COLOR = 4144 = "<<1>>" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MARKUP_DERIVED_VALUE_PERCENT = 4139 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r%" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MARKUP_DERIVED_VALUE_PERCENT_NO_COLOR = 4145 = "<<1>>%" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MARKUP_DISTANCE = 4143 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[meter/meters]>>" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MARKUP_DISTANCE_NO_COLOR = 4149 = "<<1>> <<1[meter/meters]>>" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MARKUP_MAGIC_DAMAGE = 4141 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r Magic Damage" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MARKUP_MAGIC_DAMAGE_NO_COLOR = 4147 = "<<1>> Magic Damage" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_MIN_TO_MAX_RANGE = 4122 = "<<1>> - <<2>> meters" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_NAME = 5694 = "<>" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_NEW_EFFECT = 5699 = "New Effect" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_NEXT_RANK = 5700 = "Next Rank" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_NO_DURATION = 4129 = "No Duration" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_NO_RESOURCE_COST = 4119 = "None" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_PASSIVE = 4130 = "Passive" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_RADIUS = 4124 = "<<1>> meters" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_RADIUS_LABEL = 4123 = "Radius" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_RANGE = 4121 = "<<1>> meters" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_RANGE_LABEL = 4120 = "Range" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_RANGE_SELF = 4131 = "Self" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_REMAINING_COOLDOWN = 4133 = "|cff0000<<1>>|r remaining" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENTS = 4134 = "Requires: <>" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_RESOURCE_COST = 4118 = "<<1>> <<2>>" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_RESOURCE_COST_LABEL = 4117 = "Cost" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_ROLE_LABEL = 5697 = "Role" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_SILVER_RANK = 4136 = "Silver Rank" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TARGET_TYPE_AREA = 4116 = "Area" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TARGET_TYPE_CONE = 4115 = "Cone" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TARGET_TYPE_GROUND = 4114 = "Ground" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TARGET_TYPE_LABEL = 4113 = "Target" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_UPGRADE = 5698 = "Upgrade" SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_UPGRADE_FORMAT = 5701 = "<<1>> improves from <<2>> to <<3>>" SI_ABILITY_UNLOCKED_AT = 5703 = "Unlocked at <<1>> <<2>>" SI_ABILITY_UPGRADE = 5705 = "Upgrade for 1 Skill Point" SI_ACCOUNTCREATELINKERROR12002 = 2528 = "That email address has already been used to create an account. Please choose a different email to create a new account." SI_ACCOUNTCREATELINKERROR12004 = 2529 = "That screen name is invalid or is already in use. Please choose a different screen name to create a new account." SI_ACCOUNTCREATELINKERROR12037 = 2530 = "Invalid transfer sku" SI_ACCOUNTCREATELINKERROR12038 = 2531 = "That account does not exist. Please enter a valid ESO account." SI_ACCOUNTCREATELINKERROR12039 = 2532 = "That User ID has already been used to create an account. Please choose a different User ID." SI_ACCOUNTCREATELINKERROR12100 = 2533 = "Incorrect UserID or Password." SI_ACCOUNTCREATELINKERROR12101 = 2534 = "That account has been deactivated. Please contact customer service at <<1>> or link to a different account." SI_ACCOUNTCREATELINKERROR12102 = 2535 = "Your account must be verified in order to continue to play. Check the email you used to create an ESO account for instruction on how to complete the verification process." SI_ACCOUNTCREATELINKERROR12104 = 2536 = "That account has been permanently banned. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information or link to a different account." SI_ACCOUNTCREATELINKERROR2 = 2525 = "Email address format is invalid." SI_ACCOUNTCREATELINKERROR3 = 2526 = "Connection to server timed out. Please try again later." SI_ACCOUNTCREATELINKERROR6000 = 2527 = "This feature is not available on your current game realm." SI_ACCOUNTNAMINGERROR1 = 2226 = "Must contain 3 to 20 characters." SI_ACCOUNTNAMINGERROR2 = 2227 = "No more than three of the same characters in a row." SI_ACCOUNTNAMINGERROR3 = 2228 = "One period, hyphen, apostrophe, and underscore at most." SI_ACCOUNTNAMINGERROR4 = 2229 = "Must start with a letter." SI_ACCOUNTNAMINGERROR5 = 2230 = "Must end with a number or valid letter." SI_ACCOUNTNAMINGERROR6 = 2231 = "No spaces." SI_ACCOUNTNAMINGERROR7 = 2232 = "Invalid characters." SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY = 6404 = "<<1>>: " SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_DESCRIPTION = 6401 = "<<1>>" SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_DYE = 6402 = "Dye: " SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_DYE_NAME = 6403 = "<<1>>" SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_NAME = 6400 = "<<1>>" SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_OVERALL = 3468 = "Achievement Points Earned" SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_POINTS_LABEL = 3467 = "Achievement Points: |cffffff<<1>>" SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_POINTS_SHORT = 3465 = "<<1[1 pt/$d pts]>>." SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_POINTS_STATIC = 3466 = "points" SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_RECENT = 6405 = "Recent Achievements" SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_TITLE = 6399 = "Title: " SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_TOOLTIP_COMPLETE = 3469 = "Completed" SI_ACHIEVEMENTS_TOOLTIP_PROGRESS = 6398 = "In Progress" SI_ACHIEVEMENT_AWARDED = 3470 = "You have earned the <<1>> achievement ." SI_ACHIEVEMENT_AWARDED_CENTER_SCREEN = 3471 = "Achievement Unlocked" SI_ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERION_FORMAT = 6406 = "<<1>>" SI_ACHIEVEMENT_FILTER_SHOW_ALL = 6407 = "All Achievements" SI_ACHIEVEMENT_FILTER_SHOW_EARNED = 6408 = "Show Earned" SI_ACHIEVEMENT_FILTER_SHOW_UNEARNED = 6409 = "Show Unearned" SI_ACHIEVEMENT_GUILD_MEMBER_AWARDED = 3472 = "[Guild] <> has earned the <<2>> achievement." SI_ACTIONBARSETTINGCHOICE0 = 2022 = "Don't Show" SI_ACTIONBARSETTINGCHOICE1 = 2023 = "Always Show" SI_ACTIONBARSETTINGCHOICE2 = 2024 = "Automatic" SI_ACTIONRESULT2000 = 2136 = "Target is immune." SI_ACTIONRESULT2030 = 2137 = "You are busy." SI_ACTIONRESULT2060 = 2138 = "You can't do that while dead." SI_ACTIONRESULT2100 = 2139 = "The target is out of range." SI_ACTIONRESULT2520 = 2140 = "You cannot do that while recalling." SI_ACTIONRESULT2600 = 2141 = "You're too close to other siege engines." SI_ACTIONRESULT2605 = 2142 = "You cannot place this here." SI_ACTIONRESULT2610 = 2143 = "You're too close to an enemy keep." SI_ACTIONRESULT2611 = 2144 = "You are too close to an enemy town." SI_ACTIONRESULT2612 = 2145 = "You are too close to an enemy resource." SI_ACTIONRESULT2613 = 2146 = "You are too close to an enemy outpost." SI_ACTIONRESULT2620 = 2147 = "Over the siege limit." SI_ACTIONRESULT2630 = 2148 = "You must be near a friendly keep." SI_ACTIONRESULT2640 = 2149 = "Too close to other deployed mercenaries." SI_ACTIONRESULT2700 = 2150 = "Invalid location" SI_ACTIONRESULT2800 = 2151 = "This must be placed on land." SI_ACTIONRESULT2810 = 2152 = "Can't be placed on this structure." SI_ACTIONRESULT2900 = 2153 = "This terrain is not flat enough." SI_ACTIONRESULT2910 = 2154 = "Not close enough to enemy keep door." SI_ACTIONRESULT3030 = 2155 = "You're too close to another friendly Forward Camp." SI_ACTIONRESULT3040 = 2156 = "You must have a valid empty Soul Gem." SI_ACTIONRESULT3050 = 2157 = "You don't have enough inventory space to add a filled Soul Gem." SI_ACTIONRESULT3060 = 2158 = "You must have a valid filled Soul Gem." SI_ACTIONRESULT3070 = 2159 = "You are mounted." SI_ACTIONRESULT3080 = 2160 = "Graveyards are not usable inside dungeons." SI_ACTIONRESULT3090 = 2161 = "Not enough space to create siege engine." SI_ACTIONRESULT3100 = 2162 = "You do not meet the requirements to do that." SI_ACTIONRESULT3110 = 2163 = "All nearby doors are currently under attack by rams." SI_ACTIONRESULT3120 = 2164 = "All nearby doors are already destroyed." SI_ACTIONRESULT3140 = 2165 = "Over the mercenary limit." SI_ACTIONRESULT3150 = 2166 = "Your alliance has reached the maximum number of Forward Camps." SI_ACTIONRESULT3160 = 2167 = "Your alliance has reached the maximum number of Battle Standards." SI_ACTIONRESULT3170 = 2168 = "Your must be wearing the tabard of the guild for which you are placing a Battle Standard." SI_ACTIONRESULT3180 = 2169 = "A Battle Standard belonging to your guild already has already been placed." SI_ACTIONRESULT3190 = 2170 = "You are too close to a capture point." SI_ACTIONRESULT3200 = 2171 = "You do not have permission to use Battle Standards for that guild." SI_ACTIONRESULT3210 = 2172 = "Battle Standards are currently disabled." SI_ACTIONRESULT3220 = 2173 = "You must be wearing the tabard of the guild for which you are placing a forward camp." SI_ACTIONRESULT3230 = 2174 = "A forward camp belonging to your guild has already been placed." SI_ACTIONRESULT3240 = 2175 = "You do not have permission to use forward camps for that guild." SI_ACTIONRESULT3400 = 2176 = "No weapons to swap to." SI_ACTIONRESULT3410 = 2177 = "Cannot weapon swap while changing gear." SI_ACTIONRESULT3420 = 2178 = "You cannot attack this target because of the prevent attacking innocents option." SI_ACTIONRESULT3430 = 2179 = "You do not have enough inventory space." SI_ACTIONRESULT3440 = 2180 = "You can't do that while hiding." SI_ACTION_IS_NOT_BOUND = 461 = "Not Bound" SI_ACTIVECOMBATTIPSETTING0 = 800 = "Don't Show" SI_ACTIVECOMBATTIPSETTING1 = 801 = "Automatic" SI_ACTIVECOMBATTIPSETTING2 = 802 = "Always Show" SI_ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR = 4095 = "<<1>>" SI_ACTIVITYFINDERSTATUS0 = 1798 = "Not Queued" SI_ACTIVITYFINDERSTATUS1 = 1799 = "Queued" SI_ACTIVITYFINDERSTATUS2 = 1800 = "In Progress" SI_ACTIVITYFINDERSTATUS3 = 1801 = "Activity Complete" SI_ACTIVITYFINDERSTATUS4 = 1802 = "Ready Check" SI_ACTIVITYFINDERSTATUS5 = 1803 = "Forming Group" SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT1 = 1776 = "You or a member of your group has not selected a role." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT10 = 1785 = "Cannot determine compatible region" SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT11 = 1786 = "You cannot LFM solo." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT12 = 1787 = "You or a member of your group queued too recently." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT13 = 1788 = "Unable to queue at this time." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT14 = 1789 = "One or more members are offline." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT15 = 1790 = "Your place in the LFG queue has expired." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT16 = 1791 = "Your desired LFG location is no longer valid." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT17 = 1792 = "The locations of one or more members are no longer LFG compatible." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT18 = 1793 = "Current campaign and active campaign don't match." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT19 = 1794 = "One or more members cancelled Ready Check." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT2 = 1777 = "You are not the group leader." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT20 = 1795 = "The structure of the group changed." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT21 = 1796 = "A different LFG search was initiated." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT22 = 1797 = "Cannot queue for LFG while inside battleground." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT3 = 1778 = "Your group is too large." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT4 = 1779 = "You or members of your group are not within the correct level range." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT5 = 1780 = "You or members of your group are not in the correct location to queue for that activity." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT6 = 1781 = "You or members of your group do not have the DLC unlocked for that activity." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT7 = 1782 = "That option is not yet supported." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT8 = 1783 = "You must select at least one activity to queue for." SI_ACTIVITYQUEUERESULT9 = 1784 = "The members of this group are role incompatible." SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_ACTIVITY_COMPLETE_ANNOUNCEMENT_TEXT = 6043 = "Activity Complete!" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_CATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR = 6028 = "Alliance War" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_CATEGORY_BATTLEGROUNDS = 6029 = "Battlegrounds" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_CATEGORY_DUNGEON_FINDER = 6027 = "Dungeon Finder" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_CATEGORY_HOME_SHOW = 6030 = "Home Show" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_DUNGEON_AVERAGE_ROLE_TIME_FORMAT = 3536 = "Average dungeon queue: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_GROUP_SIZE_RANGE_FORMAT = 6025 = "<<1>> - <<2>><>" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_GROUP_SIZE_SIMPLE_FORMAT = 6024 = "<<1>><>" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_GROUP_SIZE_TEAM_FORMAT = 6026 = "Team Size <<1>><>" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_LOCKED_NOT_LEADER_TEXT = 6035 = "You must be group leader to use an activity finder." SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_RANDOM_DAILY_REWARD_HEADER = 6021 = "Daily Bonus Rewards" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_RANDOM_REWARD_XP_FORMAT = 6023 = "<> XP" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_RANDOM_STANDARD_REWARD_HEADER = 6022 = "Standard Rewards (Daily Complete)" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_RANDOM_TITLE_FORMAT = 6018 = "Random <<1>> <<2>>" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_TOOLTIP_CHAMPION_LOCK = 6017 = "<> Unlocked at <>|cffffff<<3>>|r" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_TOOLTIP_LEVEL_LOCK = 6016 = "<> Unlocked at level |cffffff<<2>>|r" SI_ACTIVITY_FINDER_TOOLTIP_NO_ACTIVITIES_LOCK = 6015 = "<> There are currently no activities available." SI_ACTIVITY_QUEUE_STATUS_LABEL_FORMAT = 3535 = "<<1>>: <>|cffffff<<3>>|r" SI_ADDONLOADSTATE0 = 2818 SI_ADDONLOADSTATE1 = 2819 SI_ADDONLOADSTATE2 = 2820 = "Enabled" SI_ADDONLOADSTATE3 = 2821 = "Disabled" SI_ADDONLOADSTATE4 = 2822 = "Out of Date" SI_ADDONLOADSTATE5 = 2823 = "Dependency" SI_ADDONLOADSTATE6 = 2824 SI_ADDON_MANAGER_AUTHOR = 152 = "Author" SI_ADDON_MANAGER_CHARACTER_SELECT_ALL = 154 = "All Characters" SI_ADDON_MANAGER_CHARACTER_SELECT_LABEL = 153 = "Configure for:" SI_ADDON_MANAGER_DEPENDENCIES = 156 = "Required Add-Ons: <<1>>" SI_ADDON_MANAGER_DEPENDENCY = 157 = "Dependency" SI_ADDON_MANAGER_ENABLED = 150 = "Enabled" SI_ADDON_MANAGER_LOAD_OUT_OF_DATE_ADDONS = 155 = "Allow out of date add-ons" SI_ADDON_MANAGER_NAME = 149 = "Name" SI_ADDON_MANAGER_NOTES = 151 = "Notes" SI_ADDON_MANAGER_RELOAD = 162 = "Reload UI" SI_ADDON_MANAGER_STATE_STRING = 158 = "<<1>>, <<2>>" SI_ADDON_MANAGER_TOOLTIP_ENABLED_ALL = 159 = "This add-on is enabled for all your characters." SI_ADDON_MANAGER_TOOLTIP_ENABLED_NONE = 160 = "This add-on is not enabled for any of your characters." SI_ADDON_MANAGER_TOOLTIP_ENABLED_SOME = 161 = "This add-on is enabled for some of your characters." SI_ADDON_MANAGER_VIEW_EULA = 163 = "View EULA" SI_ADD_ON_AUTHOR_LINE = 261 = "By: <<1>>" SI_AGENT_CHAT_ACTIVE_TOOLTIP = 4477 = "A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. Click to open the chat." SI_AGENT_CHAT_REQUEST_MESSAGE = 4086 = "A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you." SI_ALCHEMY_CREATES_ITEM_OF_CHAMPION_POINTS = 4236 = "Makes a |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t<<1>> <<2>>" SI_ALCHEMY_CREATES_ITEM_OF_LEVEL = 4235 = "Makes a level <<1>> <<2>>" SI_ALCHEMY_CREATION = 4230 = "Creation" SI_ALCHEMY_NO_EFFECTS = 6900 = "These reagents will not react." SI_ALCHEMY_NO_REAGENTS = 4239 = "No reagents found." SI_ALCHEMY_NO_RESULT = 6899 = "Inert <<1>>" SI_ALCHEMY_NO_SOLVENTS = 4238 = "No solvents found." SI_ALCHEMY_NO_SOLVENTS_OR_REAGENTS = 4237 = "No solvents or reagents found." SI_ALCHEMY_NO_YIELD = 4240 = "Alchemical reaction yielded no results." SI_ALCHEMY_OPTIONS = 4244 = "Options" SI_ALCHEMY_REAGENTS_HEADER = 4234 = "Reagents" SI_ALCHEMY_REAGENTS_TAB = 4232 = "Reagents" SI_ALCHEMY_REAGENT_TRAIT_FORMATTER = 4243 = "<<1>>" SI_ALCHEMY_REAGENT_TRAIT_LEARNED_DIALOG_BODY = 4242 = "You have discovered the following traits:" SI_ALCHEMY_REAGENT_TRAIT_LEARNED_DIALOG_TITLE = 4241 = "Traits Discovered" SI_ALCHEMY_SOLVENT_HEADER = 4233 = "Solvent" SI_ALCHEMY_SOLVENT_TAB = 4231 = "Solvent" SI_ALCHEMY_UNKNOWN_EFFECTS = 6898 = "A <<1>> with unknown effects." SI_ALCHEMY_UNKNOWN_RESULT = 6897 = "Unknown <<1>>." SI_ALERTTEXT_LOCATION_FORMAT = 4679 = "<>" SI_ALERTTEXT_QUEST_CONDITION_FAIL = 3712 = "Failed: <>: <<2>> / <<3>>" SI_ALERTTEXT_QUEST_CONDITION_FAIL_NO_COUNT = 3713 = "Failed: <>" SI_ALERTTEXT_QUEST_CONDITION_UPDATE = 3710 = "<>: <<2>> / <<3>>" SI_ALERTTEXT_QUEST_CONDITION_UPDATE_NO_COUNT = 3711 = "Completed: <>" SI_ALERT_INPUT_LANGUAGE_CHANGE = 7 = "Input Language Changed to: <<1>>" SI_ALERT_LOCKPICK_FAILED = 6143 = "Lockpick failed" SI_ALLIANCE0 = 667 = "None" SI_ALLIANCE1 = 668 = "Aldmeri Dominion" SI_ALLIANCE2 = 669 = "Ebonheart Pact" SI_ALLIANCE3 = 670 = "Daggerfall Covenant" SI_ALLIANCE_NAME = 170 = "<<1>>" SI_ALLIANCE_POINT_GAIN = 3726 = "You gain <<1[1 Alliance Point/$d Alliance Points]>>." SI_ALLOW_OVERWRITE = 3058 = "You already have save data on this storage device. Do you want to overwrite it?" SI_AND_SPECIAL_CURRENCY = 4430 = ", and <<1>> <<2>>" SI_APPLY = 3704 = "Apply" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPE0 = 992 = "http://www.elderscrollsonline.com" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPE1 = 993 = "https://account.elderscrollsonline.com" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPE2 = 994 = "https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store?utm_source=ESO%20in-game%20Crown%20Store&utm_campaign=Buy%20Crowns&utm_content=In-Game%20Buy%20Crowns" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPE3 = 995 = "https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store/product/eso_plus?utm_source=ESO%20In-Game&utm_campaign=ESO%20Plus" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPE4 = 996 = "https://help.elderscrollsonline.com" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPE5 = 997 = "http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPE7 = 998 = "https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/39609 " SI_APPROVEDURLTYPEDMM0 = 999 = "http://eso.dmm.com/" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPEDMM1 = 1000 = "https://www.dmm.com/my/-/top/" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPEDMM2 = 1001 = "http://eso.dmm.com/store/#crownpack" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPEDMM3 = 1002 = "http://eso.dmm.com/store/esoplus/ESO_PLUS_3" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPEDMM4 = 1003 = "http://help-jp.elderscrollsonline.com/" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPEDMM5 = 1004 = "http://eso.dmm.com/community" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPEDMM6 = 1005 = "https://help-jp.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/39609 " SI_APPROVEDURLTYPESTEAM0 = 1006 = "http://www.elderscrollsonline.com" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPESTEAM1 = 1007 = "https://account.elderscrollsonline.com" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPESTEAM2 = 1008 = "http://store.steampowered.com/app/306130/" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPESTEAM3 = 1009 = "http://store.steampowered.com/app/306130/" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPESTEAM4 = 1010 = "https://help.elderscrollsonline.com" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPESTEAM5 = 1011 = "http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com" SI_APPROVEDURLTYPESTEAM6 = 1012 = "https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/39609 " SI_ARMORTYPE0 = 1304 = "None" SI_ARMORTYPE1 = 1305 = "Light" SI_ARMORTYPE2 = 1306 = "Medium" SI_ARMORTYPE3 = 1307 = "Heavy" SI_ARMOR_INDICATOR = 6906 = "Armor Indicator" SI_ARMOR_INDICATOR_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP = 6908 = "Displays an indicator when a piece of equipped armor is fully damaged." SI_ARMOR_INDICATOR_TOOLTIP = 6910 = "A piece of equipped armor is fully damaged." SI_ARTIFACT_CAPTURED = 3381 = "<<1>> of <<2>> has secured <<3>> at <<4>>." SI_ARTIFACT_DROPPED = 3384 = "<<1>> of <<2>> has dropped <<3>>." SI_ARTIFACT_PICKED_UP = 3380 = "<<1>> of <<2>> has picked up <<3>>." SI_ARTIFACT_RETURNED = 3382 = "<<1>> of <<2>> has returned <<3>> to <<4>>." SI_ARTIFACT_RETURNED_BY_TIMER = 3383 = "<<1>> has returned to <<2>>." SI_ARTIFACT_TAKEN = 3379 = "<<1>> of <<2>> has taken <<3>> from <<4>>." SI_ARTMETRICSCHOICE0 = 3041 = "Off" SI_ARTMETRICSCHOICE1 = 3042 = "Art" SI_ARTMETRICSCHOICE2 = 3043 = "Verbose" SI_ARTMETRICSCHOICE3 = 3044 = "Animation" SI_ARTMETRICSCHOICE4 = 3045 = "Instance" SI_ATTRIBUTES1 = 542 = "Health" SI_ATTRIBUTES2 = 543 = "Magicka" SI_ATTRIBUTES3 = 544 = "Stamina" SI_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_RESPEC_PROMPT = 3633 = "<<1>>" SI_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_RESPEC_TITLE = 3632 = "Attributes Reset" SI_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBERS_WITHOUT_PERCENT = 5688 = "<<1>>" SI_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBERS_WITH_PERCENT = 5687 = "<<1>> <<2>>%" SI_ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_HEALTH = 5684 = "Determines the amount of Damage you can take in combat and how much Healing you can receive. Health recovers over time. That recovery is reduced during combat." SI_ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_MAGICKA = 5685 = "Determines how many Magicka abilities you can cast and how effective those abilities are. Magicka recovers over time. That recovery is reduced during combat. Staff Weapon Damage is based on Magicka." SI_ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_STAMINA = 5686 = "Determines how many Stamina abilities you can use and how effective those abilities will be. Sprint, Bash, Sneak, Roll Dodge and Break Free all consume Stamina. Stamina recovers over time. That recovery is reduced during combat. Sword, shield, axe, mace, bow and dagger Weapon Damage is based on your Stamina." SI_AUDIOSPEAKERCONFIGURATIONS0 = 728 = "Default" SI_AUDIOSPEAKERCONFIGURATIONS1 = 729 = "Mono" SI_AUDIOSPEAKERCONFIGURATIONS2 = 730 = "Stereo" SI_AUDIOSPEAKERCONFIGURATIONS3 = 731 = "2.1" SI_AUDIOSPEAKERCONFIGURATIONS4 = 732 = "Quad" SI_AUDIOSPEAKERCONFIGURATIONS5 = 733 = "4.1" SI_AUDIOSPEAKERCONFIGURATIONS6 = 734 = "5.0" SI_AUDIOSPEAKERCONFIGURATIONS7 = 735 = "Surround" SI_AUDIOSPEAKERCONFIGURATIONS8 = 736 = "7.1" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_AMBIENT_ENABLED = 40 = "Ambient Sounds" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_AMBIENT_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 41 = "Toggle ambient sounds." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_AMBIENT_VOLUME = 42 = "Ambience Volume" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_AMBIENT_VOLUME_TOOLTIP = 43 = "Adjusts the volume of ambient environmental sound." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_BACKGROUND_AUDIO = 52 = "Plays in Background" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_BACKGROUND_AUDIO_TOOLTIP = 53 = "Allows game audio to continue playing in the background, even when the game window is not in focus." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_COMBAT = 26 = "Combat" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_FOOTSTEPS_VOLUME = 56 = "Footsteps Volume" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_FOOTSTEPS_VOLUME_TOOLTIP = 57 = "Adjusts the volume of footsteps." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_GENERAL = 25 = "General" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_MASTER_VOLUME = 28 = "Master Volume" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_MASTER_VOLUME_TOOLTIP = 29 = "Adjusts the volume of all sound in the game." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_MUSIC_ENABLED = 32 = "Music" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_MUSIC_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 33 = "Enables game music." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_MUSIC_VOLUME = 34 = "Music Volume" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_MUSIC_VOLUME_TOOLTIP = 35 = "Adjusts the volume of music." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_OUTPUT = 27 = "Output" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_SFX_ENABLED = 36 = "Sound Effects" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_SFX_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 37 = "Toggle sound effects such as footsteps and attack sounds." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_SFX_VOLUME = 38 = "Effects Volume" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_SFX_VOLUME_TOOLTIP = 39 = "Adjusts the volume of sound effects." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_SOUND_ENABLED = 30 = "Sound" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_SOUND_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 31 = "Enables game sounds." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_SPEAKER_SETUP = 54 = "Speaker Setup" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_SPEAKER_SETUP_TOOLTIP = 55 = "Sets the audio output to Stereo, Mono, or Surround. This setting should match your speaker setup." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_UI_ENABLED = 44 = "User Interface" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_UI_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 45 = "Toggle user interface sounds such as button clicks." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_UI_VOLUME = 46 = "Interface Volume" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_UI_VOLUME_TOOLTIP = 47 = "Adjusts the volume of sounds from interface elements, such as buttons and windows." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_VO_ENABLED = 48 = "Voice Over" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_VO_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 49 = "Toggle voice over sound." SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_VO_VOLUME = 50 = "Dialogue Volume" SI_AUDIO_OPTIONS_VO_VOLUME_TOOLTIP = 51 = "Adjusts the volume of dialogue." SI_AUGMENT_ITEM = 3329 = "Install Enchantment" SI_AVANOTIFICATIONSSETTINGCHOICE0 = 2037 = "Don't Show" SI_AVANOTIFICATIONSSETTINGCHOICE1 = 2038 = "Always Show" SI_AVANOTIFICATIONSSETTINGCHOICE2 = 2039 = "Automatic" SI_AVA_ALLIANCE_AND_RANK_NAME = 4582 = "<<1>> <<2>>" SI_AVA_ALLIANCE_HOME_ARTIFACT_CONDITION = 3739 = "Hold the <<1>>" SI_AVA_ALLIANCE_KEEPS_CONDITION = 3734 = "Hold all home keeps" SI_AVA_ARTIFACT_CAPTURE_FAIL_CAPTURE_POINT_OCCUPIED = 3772 = "There's already an Elder Scroll here." SI_AVA_ARTIFACT_CAPTURE_FAIL_ENEMY_CAPTURE_POINT = 3770 = "This is a capture location for an enemy Elder Scroll." SI_AVA_ARTIFACT_CAPTURE_FAIL_NOT_A_RETURN_LOCATION = 3769 = "This is not a valid capture location for an Elder Scroll." SI_AVA_ARTIFACT_CAPTURE_FAIL_NOT_IN_HOME_TERRITORY = 3771 = "You can only capture an Elder Scroll at a keep in your home territory." SI_AVA_ARTIFACT_INTERACTION_FAIL_ALREADY_CARRYING_ARTIFACT = 3768 = "You're already carrying an Elder Scroll." SI_AVA_ARTIFACT_INTERACTION_FAIL_ALREADY_HELD = 3766 = "Your alliance already holds this Elder Scroll." SI_AVA_ARTIFACT_INTERACTION_FAIL_NO_ARTIFACT_PRESENT = 3767 = "There is no Elder Scroll to interact with here." SI_AVA_ARTIFACT_INTERACTION_FAIL_OWN_ARTIFACT_NOT_HOME = 3765 = "Your alliance must hold your own Elder Scroll before you can capture an enemy Elder Scroll." SI_AVA_ARTIFACT_RETURN_FAIL_INCORRECT_HOME_LOCATION = 3773 = "You can only return this Elder Scroll to its starting temple." SI_AVA_BONUS_DEFENSIVE_ARTIFACT_CONDITION = 3737 = "+<<1>> Enemy Defensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>>" SI_AVA_BONUS_DEFENSIVE_ARTIFACT_HEADER = 3736 = "Defensive Elder Scroll Bonuses (<<1>> Defensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> Held)" SI_AVA_BONUS_KEEP_CONDITION = 3735 = "+<<1>> Keep Score" SI_AVA_BONUS_KEEP_HEADER = 3733 = "Keep Score Bonuses (<<1[1 Keep/$d Keeps]>> Held)" SI_AVA_BONUS_OFFENSIVE_ARTIFACT_CONDITION = 3740 = "+<<1>> Enemy Offensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>>" SI_AVA_BONUS_OFFENSIVE_ARTIFACT_HEADER = 3738 = "Offensive Elder Scroll Bonuses (<<1>> Offensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> Held)" SI_AVA_MENU_ALLIANCE_WAR_GROUP = 4580 = "Alliance War" SI_AVA_OBJECTIVE_CAPTURE_FLAG_SPAWN_TOOLTIP = 4047 = "<<1>> Base" SI_AVA_OBJECTIVE_DISPLAY_NAME_TOOLTIP = 4046 = "<<1>>" SI_AVA_OBJECTIVE_MURDERBALL_SPAWN_TOOLTIP = 4048 = "<<1>> Spawn" SI_AVA_RANK_PROGRESS_TOOLTIP = 4581 = "Rank Points: <<1>> / <<2>>\n\nGain rank points by participating in activities for your alliance in Cyrodiil campaigns." SI_AVENGE_KILL = 4436 = "You have avenged the death of <<1>> by killing <<2>>!" SI_BANK_CURRENCY_AMOUNT_BANKED_HEADER = 4717 = "Banked:" SI_BANK_CURRENCY_AMOUNT_CARRIED_HEADER = 4718 = "Player:" SI_BANK_CURRENCY_TRANSFER_CURRENCY_PAIR_FORMAT = 4716 = "<<1>>\n<<2>>" SI_BANK_CURRENCY_VALUE_ENTRY_DEPOSIT_HEADER = 4720 = "Deposit:" SI_BANK_CURRENCY_VALUE_ENTRY_WITHDRAW_HEADER = 4719 = "Withdraw:" SI_BANK_DEPOSIT = 6311 = "Deposit" SI_BANK_DEPOSIT_BIND = 6313 = "Deposit" SI_BANK_DEPOSIT_CURRENCY = 6315 = "Deposit Currency" SI_BANK_DEPOSIT_CURRENCY_BIND = 6317 = "Deposit Currency" SI_BANK_UPGRADE_TEXT = 5950 = "Buy Bank Space (<<1>>)" SI_BANK_WITHDRAW = 6312 = "Withdraw" SI_BANK_WITHDRAW_BIND = 6314 = "Withdraw" SI_BANK_WITHDRAW_CURRENCY = 6316 = "Withdraw Currency" SI_BANK_WITHDRAW_CURRENCY_BIND = 6318 = "Withdraw Currency" SI_BATTLEGROUNDALLIANCE0 = 1129 = "None" SI_BATTLEGROUNDALLIANCE1 = 1130 = "Fire Drakes" SI_BATTLEGROUNDALLIANCE2 = 1131 = "Pit Daemons" SI_BATTLEGROUNDALLIANCE3 = 1132 = "Storm Lords" SI_BATTLEGROUNDGAMETYPE0 = 676 = "None" SI_BATTLEGROUNDGAMETYPE1 = 677 = "Capture the Relic" SI_BATTLEGROUNDGAMETYPE2 = 678 = "Deathmatch" SI_BATTLEGROUNDGAMETYPE3 = 679 = "King of the Hill" SI_BATTLEGROUNDGAMETYPE4 = 680 = "Domination" SI_BATTLEGROUNDGAMETYPE5 = 681 = "Crazy King" SI_BATTLEGROUNDGAMETYPE6 = 682 = "Chaosball" SI_BATTLEGROUNDKILLTYPE0 = 1133 = "<> finished off <<2>>" SI_BATTLEGROUNDKILLTYPE1 = 1134 = "<> helped kill <<2>>" SI_BATTLEGROUNDKILLTYPE2 = 1135 = "<> killed <<2>>" SI_BATTLEGROUNDKILLTYPE3 = 1136 = "<> stole the kill on <<2>>" SI_BATTLEGROUNDKILLTYPE4 = 1137 = "<> killed <<2>>" SI_BATTLEGROUNDLEADERBOARDTYPE0 = 683 = "None" SI_BATTLEGROUNDLEADERBOARDTYPE1 = 684 = "Deathmatch" SI_BATTLEGROUNDLEADERBOARDTYPE2 = 685 = "Land Grab" SI_BATTLEGROUNDLEADERBOARDTYPE3 = 686 = "Flag Games" SI_BATTLEGROUNDQUERYCONTEXTTYPE1 = 1962 = "Local Campaign" SI_BATTLEGROUNDQUERYCONTEXTTYPE2 = 1963 = "Home Campaign" SI_BATTLEGROUNDQUERYCONTEXTTYPE3 = 1964 = "Home and Local Campaign" SI_BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_AREA_CAPTURED = 7085 = "<> controls<>" SI_BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_AREA_MOVED = 7093 = "<>has moved!" SI_BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_AREA_SPAWNED = 7092 = "<>has spawned!" SI_BATTLEGROUND_CONFIRM_LEAVE_DESCRIPTION = 7108 = "Leaving a battleground early temporarily inflicts you with a |cffffffDeserter|r debuff." SI_BATTLEGROUND_CONFIRM_LEAVE_TITLE = 7107 = "Leave Battleground" SI_BATTLEGROUND_ENEMY_TEAM = 7082 = "Enemy Team" SI_BATTLEGROUND_FINDER_GENERAL_ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTOR = 6020 = "Battleground" SI_BATTLEGROUND_FINDER_SET_TYPES_HEADER = 6038 = "Game Modes" SI_BATTLEGROUND_FINDER_SPECIFIC_FILTER_TEXT = 6032 = "Specific Battlegrounds" SI_BATTLEGROUND_FLAG_CAPTURED = 7089 = "<> captured<>" SI_BATTLEGROUND_FLAG_DROPPED = 7087 = "<> dropped<>" SI_BATTLEGROUND_FLAG_PICKED_UP = 7086 = "<> grabbed<>" SI_BATTLEGROUND_FLAG_RETURNED = 7088 = "<>has returned!" SI_BATTLEGROUND_HUD_FRAGMENT_SCOREBOARD_KEYBIND = 7070 = "Scoreboard" SI_BATTLEGROUND_HUD_HEADER = 7094 = "Battlegrounds" SI_BATTLEGROUND_INACTIVITY_WARNING = 7100 = "You will be removed from the battleground if you remain inactive." SI_BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARDS_CATEGORIES_HEADER = 6354 = "Battlegrounds" SI_BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_PANEL_MEDALS_HEADER = 7078 = "Top Medals" SI_BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_PANEL_NO_MEDALS_TEXT = 7079 = "No Medals Earned" SI_BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_PANEL_TITLE = 7077 = "Match Breakdown" SI_BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_POINTS_FORMATTER_KEYBOARD = 4045 = "<<1>> points" SI_BATTLEGROUND_MURDERBALL_DROPPED = 7084 = "<> dropped<>" SI_BATTLEGROUND_MURDERBALL_PICKED_UP = 7083 = "<> grabbed<>" SI_BATTLEGROUND_NEARING_VICTORY_OTHER_TEAM = 7090 = "<<1>> are nearing victory!" SI_BATTLEGROUND_NEARING_VICTORY_OWN_TEAM = 7091 = "<> is nearing victory!" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_CLOSE = 7102 = "Close" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_END_OF_GAME_CLOSING_TIME = 7075 = "Closing |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_END_OF_GAME_LEAVE_KEYBIND = 7076 = "Leave Battleground" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_ASSISTS = 7073 = "A" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_DEATHS = 7074 = "D" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_KILLS = 7072 = "K" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_TEAM_SCORE = 7071 = "Team Score" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_IN_GAME_TIMER_HEADER = 7109 = "Ends In" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_LEAVE_BATTLEGROUND = 7103 = "Leave Battleground" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_NEXT_PLAYER_KEYBIND = 7106 = "Next" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_OPTIONS_KEYBIND = 7104 = "Select" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PREVIOUS_PLAYER_KEYBIND = 7105 = "Previous" SI_BATTLEGROUND_SHUTDOWN_IMMINENT = 7101 = "Not enough players. The battleground will close in <<1>> seconds." SI_BATTLEGROUND_STATE_FINISHED = 7099 = "Ends in: <<1>>" SI_BATTLEGROUND_STATE_PREGAME = 7095 = "Waiting for players..." SI_BATTLEGROUND_STATE_RUNNING = 7098 = "<<1>> <<2>>" SI_BATTLEGROUND_STATE_STARTING = 7096 = "<<1>>\nStarts in: <<2>>" SI_BATTLEGROUND_STATE_STARTING_COUNTDOWN = 7097 = "Starting..." SI_BATTLEGROUND_WARNING_ONE_MINUTE_REMAINING = 7110 = "ONE MINUTE REMAINING!" SI_BATTLEGROUND_YOU = 7080 = "You" SI_BATTLEGROUND_YOUR_TEAM = 7081 = "Your Team" SI_BINDING_NAME_ACTION_BUTTON_3 = 6198 = "Ability 1" SI_BINDING_NAME_ACTION_BUTTON_4 = 6199 = "Ability 2" SI_BINDING_NAME_ACTION_BUTTON_5 = 6200 = "Ability 3" SI_BINDING_NAME_ACTION_BUTTON_6 = 6201 = "Ability 4" SI_BINDING_NAME_ACTION_BUTTON_7 = 6202 = "Ability 5" SI_BINDING_NAME_ACTION_BUTTON_8 = 6203 = "Ultimate Ability" SI_BINDING_NAME_ACTION_BUTTON_9 = 6204 = "Quickslot Item" SI_BINDING_NAME_ASSIST_NEXT_TRACKED_QUEST = 6244 = "Cycle Focused Quest" SI_BINDING_NAME_AUTORUN = 6187 = "Autorun" SI_BINDING_NAME_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_NEXT_DUMMY = 6289 = "Scoreboard Next Player" SI_BINDING_NAME_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_OPTIONS_DUMMY = 6290 = "Scoreboard Player Options" SI_BINDING_NAME_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PREVIOUS_DUMMY = 6288 = "Scoreboard Previous Player" SI_BINDING_NAME_CAMERA_ZOOM_IN = 6211 = "Zoom Camera In" SI_BINDING_NAME_CAMERA_ZOOM_OUT = 6210 = "Zoom Camera Out" SI_BINDING_NAME_CHAT_REPLY_TO_LAST_WHISPER = 6216 = "Reply to Whisper" SI_BINDING_NAME_COMMAND_PET = 6269 = "Command Pet" SI_BINDING_NAME_COOLDOWN_FORMAT = 6291 = "<<1>> (<<2>>s)" SI_BINDING_NAME_CYCLE_PREFERRED_ENEMY_TARGET = 6243 = "Cycle Preferred Enemy Target" SI_BINDING_NAME_DIALOG_CLOSE = 6263 = "Close Dialog" SI_BINDING_NAME_DIALOG_HELP = 6264 = "Help" SI_BINDING_NAME_DIALOG_NEGATIVE = 6261 = "Negative/Decline Dialog Action" SI_BINDING_NAME_DIALOG_PRIMARY = 6258 = "Primary Dialog Action" SI_BINDING_NAME_DIALOG_RESET = 6262 = "Reset dialog action" SI_BINDING_NAME_DIALOG_SECONDARY = 6259 = "Secondary Dialog Action" SI_BINDING_NAME_DIALOG_TERTIARY = 6260 = "Tertiary dialog action" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_ACTION_BUTTON_3 = 5371 = "Ability 1" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_ACTION_BUTTON_4 = 5372 = "Ability 2" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_ACTION_BUTTON_5 = 5373 = "Ability 3" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_ACTION_BUTTON_6 = 5374 = "Ability 4" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_ACTION_BUTTON_7 = 5375 = "Ability 5" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_ACTION_BUTTON_8 = 5376 = "Ultimate" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_ACTION_BUTTON_9 = 5377 = "Use Quickslot" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_ASSIGN_QUICKSLOT = 5378 = "Assign Quickslot" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_ASSIST_NEXT_TRACKED_QUEST = 5381 = "Cycle Quest" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_CHORD_LEFT = 5397 = "|t80:40:<<2>>|t <<1>>" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_CHORD_RIGHT = 5394 = "<<1>> |t80:40:<<2>>|t" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_CYCLE_PREFERRED_ENEMY_TARGET = 5390 = "Cycle Enemy" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_GAME_CAMERA_INTERACT = 5383 = "Interact" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_HOLD_LEFT = 5396 = "|cC5C29E(Hold)|r <<1>>" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_HOLD_RIGHT = 5393 = "<<1>> |cC5C29E(Hold)|r" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_JUMP_OR_INTERACT = 5380 = "Interact/Jump" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_MOVE_JUMPASCEND = 5387 = "Jump" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INTERACT = 5392 = "Player Interact" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_SHEATHE_WEAPON_TOGGLE = 5382 = "Sheathe" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_SPECIAL_MOVE_SPRINT = 5386 = "Sprint" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_TAP_LEFT = 5395 = "|cC5C29E(Tap)|r <<1>>" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_TOGGLE_FIRST_PERSON = 5384 = "Toggle Camera" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_TOGGLE_GAME_CAMERA_UI_MODE = 5379 = "Menu" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_UI_SHORTCUT_EMOTES_QUICK_SLOTS = 5389 = "Emote Menu" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_UI_SHORTCUT_QUICK_SLOTS = 5388 = "Quickslot Menu" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAMEPAD_USE_SYNERGY = 5391 = "Synergy" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAME_CAMERA_GAMEPAD_ZOOM = 5385 = "Gamepad Camera Zoom" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAME_CAMERA_INTERACT = 6237 = "Interact With Environment" SI_BINDING_NAME_GAME_CAMERA_MOUSE_FREE_LOOK = 6242 = "Mouse Freelook" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_ALIGN_TO_SURFACE = 6284 = "Surface Align" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_JUMP_TO_SAFE_LOC = 6285 = "Go to Entrance" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_NEGATIVE_ACTION = 6272 = "Negative Action" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_PITCH_BACKWARD = 6279 = "Pitch Backward" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_PITCH_FORWARD = 6278 = "Pitch Forward" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_PRIMARY_ACTION = 6271 = "Primary Action" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_PULL_BACKWARD = 6283 = "Pull Backward" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_PUSH_FORWARD = 6282 = "Push Forward" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_QUATERNARY_ACTION = 6275 = "Quaternary Action" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_ROLL_LEFT = 6281 = "Roll Left" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_ROLL_RIGHT = 6280 = "Roll Right" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_SECONDARY_ACTION = 6273 = "Secondary Action" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_TERTIARY_ACTION = 6274 = "Teritary Action" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_YAW_LEFT = 6277 = "Yaw Left" SI_BINDING_NAME_HOUSING_EDITOR_YAW_RIGHT = 6276 = "Yaw Right" SI_BINDING_NAME_LEAVE_BATTLEGROUND_DUMMY = 6287 = "Leave Battleground" SI_BINDING_NAME_LEFT_AND_RIGHT_MOUSE_IN_WORLD = 6208 = "Mouse Steer" SI_BINDING_NAME_LEFT_MOUSE_IN_WORLD = 6207 = "Select" SI_BINDING_NAME_MOVE_BACKWARD = 6182 = "Move Backward" SI_BINDING_NAME_MOVE_FORWARD = 6181 = "Move Forward" SI_BINDING_NAME_MOVE_JUMPASCEND = 6186 = "Jump" SI_BINDING_NAME_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INTERACT = 6238 = "Interact With Player" SI_BINDING_NAME_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INTERACT_ACCEPT = 6239 = "Accept Notification" SI_BINDING_NAME_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INTERACT_DECLINE = 6240 = "Decline Notification" SI_BINDING_NAME_RIGHT_MOUSE_IN_WORLD = 6209 = "Activate" SI_BINDING_NAME_ROLL_DODGE = 6188 = "Roll Dodge" SI_BINDING_NAME_SHEATHE_WEAPON_TOGGLE = 6206 = "Sheathe/Unsheathe" SI_BINDING_NAME_SHOW_HOUSING_PANEL = 6270 = "Show Housing Panel" SI_BINDING_NAME_SIEGE_FIRE = 6246 = "Fire Siege Weapon" SI_BINDING_NAME_SIEGE_PACK_UP = 6248 = "Stow Siege Weapon" SI_BINDING_NAME_SIEGE_RELEASE = 6247 = "Exit Siege Weapon" SI_BINDING_NAME_SPECIAL_MOVE_ATTACK = 6190 = "Attack" SI_BINDING_NAME_SPECIAL_MOVE_BLOCK = 6191 = "Block" SI_BINDING_NAME_SPECIAL_MOVE_CROUCH = 6193 = "Crouch" SI_BINDING_NAME_SPECIAL_MOVE_INTERRUPT = 6194 = "Interrupt" SI_BINDING_NAME_SPECIAL_MOVE_SPRINT = 6192 = "Sprint" SI_BINDING_NAME_SPECIAL_MOVE_WEAPON_SWAP = 6195 = "Weapon Swap" SI_BINDING_NAME_SPECIAL_MOVE_WEAPON_SWAP_TO_SET_1 = 6196 = "Weapon Swap To Set 1" SI_BINDING_NAME_SPECIAL_MOVE_WEAPON_SWAP_TO_SET_2 = 6197 = "Weapon Swap To Set 2" SI_BINDING_NAME_START_CHAT_ENTER = 6214 = "Start Chat" SI_BINDING_NAME_START_CHAT_SLASH = 6215 = "Start Chat Slash" SI_BINDING_NAME_TAKE_SCREENSHOT = 6213 = "Take Screenshot" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_ACTIVITY_FINDER = 6234 = "Activity Finder" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_ALLIANCE_WAR = 6231 = "Alliance War" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_DUMMY = 6286 = "Toggle Scoreboard" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_CHAMPION = 6224 = "Champion" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_CHARACTER = 6222 = "Character" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_COLLECTIONS_BOOK = 6226 = "Collections" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_CONTACTS = 6229 = "Friends" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_CROWN_CRATES = 6220 = "Crown Crates" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_FIRST_PERSON = 6245 = "First/Third Person" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN = 6212 = "Toggle Fullscreen Mode" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_GAMEPAD_MODE = 6266 = "Toggle Gamepad Mode" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_GAME_CAMERA_UI_MODE = 6218 = "Character Windows" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_GROUP = 6228 = "Group" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_GUILDS = 6230 = "Guilds" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_HEALTHBARS = 6268 = "Toggle Healthbars" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_HELP = 6236 = "Help" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_HUD_UI = 6265 = "Toggle In-Game Cursor" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_INVENTORY = 6221 = "Inventory" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_JOURNAL = 6225 = "Quest Journal" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_MAIL = 6232 = "Mail" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_MAP = 6227 = "Map" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_MARKET = 6219 = "Crown Store" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_MOUNT = 6205 = "Toggle Mount" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_NAMEPLATES = 6267 = "Toggle Nameplates" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_NOTIFICATIONS = 6233 = "Notifications" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_PADLOCK_TARGET = 6241 = "Padlock Target" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_SHOW_INGAME_GUI = 6217 = "UI On/Off" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_SKILLS = 6223 = "Skills" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_SYSTEM = 6235 = "System" SI_BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_WALK = 6183 = "Toggle Walk / Run" SI_BINDING_NAME_TURN_LEFT = 6184 = "Move Left" SI_BINDING_NAME_TURN_RIGHT = 6185 = "Move Right" SI_BINDING_NAME_UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE = 6252 = "Decline/Negative/Abandon Action" SI_BINDING_NAME_UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY = 6249 = "Primary Action/Accept" SI_BINDING_NAME_UI_SHORTCUT_QUATERNARY = 6255 = "Quaternary Action" SI_BINDING_NAME_UI_SHORTCUT_QUICK_SLOTS = 6253 = "View Quickslots (From Inventory)" SI_BINDING_NAME_UI_SHORTCUT_REPORT_PLAYER = 6256 = "Report a Player" SI_BINDING_NAME_UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY = 6250 = "Secondary Action" SI_BINDING_NAME_UI_SHORTCUT_SHOW_QUEST_ON_MAP = 6254 = "Show On Map (From Quest Journal)" SI_BINDING_NAME_UI_SHORTCUT_STACK_ALL = 6257 = "Stack All Items" SI_BINDING_NAME_UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY = 6251 = "Tertiary Action" SI_BINDING_NAME_USE_SYNERGY = 6189 = "Use Synergy" SI_BINDTYPE1 = 1596 = "Bind On Pickup" SI_BINDTYPE2 = 1597 = "Bind On Equip" SI_BINDTYPE3 = 1598 = "Backpack Bind On Pickup" SI_BUFFDEBUFFENABLEDCHOICE0 = 2034 = "Don't Show" SI_BUFFDEBUFFENABLEDCHOICE1 = 2035 = "Always Show" SI_BUFFDEBUFFENABLEDCHOICE2 = 2036 = "Automatic" SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_ALL_ENABLED = 6678 = "All" SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_ALL_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 6679 = "Enables the buff & debuff system that shows buff and debuff effects on you and your target." SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_BUFFS_ENABLED = 6680 = "Buffs" SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_BUFFS_ENABLED_FOR_SELF = 6682 = "Self Buffs" SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_BUFFS_ENABLED_FOR_SELF_TOOLTIP = 6683 = "Shows buff effects on you." SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_BUFFS_ENABLED_FOR_TARGET = 6684 = "Target" SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_BUFFS_ENABLED_FOR_TARGET_TOOLTIP = 6685 = "Shows buff effects on your target." SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_BUFFS_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 6681 = "Shows buff (positive) effects." SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_DEBUFFS_ENABLED = 6686 = "Debuffs" SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_DEBUFFS_ENABLED_FOR_SELF = 6688 = "Self Debuffs" SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_DEBUFFS_ENABLED_FOR_SELF_TOOLTIP = 6689 = "Shows debuff effects on you." SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_DEBUFFS_ENABLED_FOR_TARGET = 6690 = "Target Debuffs" SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_DEBUFFS_ENABLED_FOR_TARGET_FROM_OTHERS = 6696 = "From Others" SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_DEBUFFS_ENABLED_FOR_TARGET_FROM_OTHERS_TOOLTIP = 6697 = "Shows debuffs applied by other players on your target." SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_DEBUFFS_ENABLED_FOR_TARGET_TOOLTIP = 6691 = "Shows debuff effects on your target." SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_DEBUFFS_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 6687 = "Shows debuff (negative) effects." SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_LONG_EFFECTS = 6692 = "Long Effects" SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_LONG_EFFECTS_TOOLTIP = 6693 = "Shows effects with a duration longer than 1 minute." SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_PERMANENT_EFFECTS = 6694 = "Permanent Effects" SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_PERMANENT_EFFECTS_TOOLTIP = 6695 = "Shows effects with an infinite duration." SI_BUFFS_OPTIONS_SECTION_TITLE = 6677 = "Buffs & Debuffs" SI_BUFF_TOOLTIP_DESCRIPTION = 4156 = "<<1>>" SI_BUFF_TOOLTIP_NAME = 4155 = "<<1>>" SI_BUFF_TRACKER_STACK_COUNT = 4157 = "<<1[/$d/$d]>>" SI_BUGCATEGORY0 = 2299 = "Character" SI_BUGCATEGORY1 = 2300 = "Combat" SI_BUGCATEGORY10 = 2309 = "Other" SI_BUGCATEGORY2 = 2301 = "Crafting" SI_BUGCATEGORY3 = 2302 = "Crash" SI_BUGCATEGORY4 = 2303 = "Items" SI_BUGCATEGORY5 = 2304 = "MonsterNPC" SI_BUGCATEGORY6 = 2305 = "Quest" SI_BUGCATEGORY7 = 2306 = "TextLocalization" SI_BUGCATEGORY8 = 2307 = "UI" SI_BUGCATEGORY9 = 2308 = "Visuals" SI_BULLET = 177 = "•" SI_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 5944 = "Increase your Inventory size by <<1[$d more slot/$d more slots]>>?" SI_BUY_BAG_SPACE_CANNOT_AFFORD = 5945 = "You can't afford to increase the size of your Inventory." SI_BUY_BANK_SPACE = 5947 = "Increase your Bank size to <<1>> more slots?\n\nNote: An ESO Plus membership doubles your bank space while active." SI_BUY_BANK_SPACE_CANNOT_AFFORD = 5948 = "You can't afford to increase the size of your Bank." SI_CADWELLPROGRESSIONLEVEL0 = 1114 = "Normal" SI_CADWELLPROGRESSIONLEVEL1 = 1115 = "Silver" SI_CADWELLPROGRESSIONLEVEL2 = 1116 = "Gold" SI_CADWELL_OBJECTIVES = 6411 = "Objectives" SI_CADWELL_OBJECTIVE_FORMAT = 6414 = "<<1>> - <<2>>" SI_CADWELL_QUEST_NAME_FORMAT = 3565 = "<<1>>" SI_CADWELL_ZONE_DESC_FORMAT = 6413 = "<<1>>" SI_CADWELL_ZONE_NAME_FORMAT = 6412 = "<<1>>" SI_CAMERA_OPTIONS_FIRST_PERSON = 3847 = "First Person" SI_CAMERA_OPTIONS_GLOBAL = 3846 = "Global" SI_CAMERA_OPTIONS_THIRD_PERSON = 3848 = "Third Person" SI_CAMERA_OPTIONS_TITLE = 3100 = "Camera" SI_CAMPAIGNLEVELREQUIREMENTTYPE0 = 1988 = "None" SI_CAMPAIGNLEVELREQUIREMENTTYPE1 = 1989 = "Player Level" SI_CAMPAIGNLEVELREQUIREMENTTYPE2 = 1990 = "Champion Points" SI_CAMPAIGNPOPULATIONTYPE0 = 1965 = "Low" SI_CAMPAIGNPOPULATIONTYPE1 = 1966 = "Medium" SI_CAMPAIGNPOPULATIONTYPE2 = 1967 = "High" SI_CAMPAIGNPOPULATIONTYPE3 = 1968 = "Full" SI_CAMPAIGNREASSIGNMENTERRORREASON13 = 2715 = "You do not meet the requirements to join this campaign." SI_CAMPAIGNREASSIGNMENTERRORREASON14 = 2716 = "Campaigns are disabled on this server." SI_CAMPAIGNREASSIGNMENTERRORREASON15 = 2717 = "You do not meet the level requirement to join this campaign." SI_CAMPAIGNREASSIGNMENTERRORREASON5 = 2714 = "Opposing alliance character already assigned to this campaign." SI_CAMPAIGNRULESETTYPE1 = 1985 = "Normal" SI_CAMPAIGNRULESETTYPE2 = 1986 = "Hardcore" SI_CAMPAIGNRULESETTYPE3 = 1987 = "Special Events" SI_CAMPAIGN_ABDICATE_EMPEROR = 3361 = "(<<1>>) Player <<2>> of <<3>> has abdicated their claim to emperor!" SI_CAMPAIGN_ARTIFACT_CAPTURED = 3387 = "(<<5>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has secured <<3>> at <<4>>." SI_CAMPAIGN_ARTIFACT_DROPPED = 3390 = "(<<4>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has dropped <<3>>." SI_CAMPAIGN_ARTIFACT_PICKED_UP = 3386 = "(<<4>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has picked up <<3>>." SI_CAMPAIGN_ARTIFACT_RETURNED = 3388 = "(<<5>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has returned <<3>> to <<4>>." SI_CAMPAIGN_ARTIFACT_RETURNED_BY_TIMER = 3389 = "(<<3>>) <<1>> has returned to <<2>>." SI_CAMPAIGN_ARTIFACT_TAKEN = 3385 = "(<<5>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has taken <<3>> from <<4>>." SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_DEFENSIVE_SCROLL_HEADER = 6466 = "Defensive Elder Scroll Bonuses" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_EMPERORSHIP_HEADER = 6468 = "Emperorship Bonuses" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_EMPEROR_FAIL_INFO = 6478 = "Emperor Not Within Alliance" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_EMPEROR_NONE_INFO = 6476 = "No Emperor" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_EMPEROR_PASS_INFO = 6477 = "Emperor Within Alliance" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_ENEMY_KEEP_HEADER = 6465 = "Enemy Keeps Owned Bonuses" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_ENEMY_KEEP_INFO = 6472 = "Enemy Keeps Held: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_ENEMY_KEEP_INFO_TOOLTIP = 6473 = "All home keeps must be held to gain these bonuses." SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_ENEMY_SCROLL_INFO = 6474 = "Enemy Scrolls Held: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_ENEMY_SCROLL_INFO_TOOLTIP = 6475 = "All home scrolls must be held to gain these bonuses." SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_ENTRY_ROW_FORMATTER = 6479 = "<<1>>" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_HOME_KEEP_ALL = 6471 = "All" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_HOME_KEEP_FAIL_INFO = 6470 = "All Home Keeps Not Held" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_HOME_KEEP_HEADER = 6464 = "Home Keep Score Bonuses" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_HOME_KEEP_PASS_INFO = 6469 = "All Home Keeps Held" SI_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_OFFENSIVE_SCROLL_HEADER = 6467 = "Offensive Elder Scroll Bonuses" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROSWER_QUEUE_DIALOG_PROMPT = 6430 = "You are attempting to enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Would you like to enter as a group or solo?" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROSWER_READY_DIALOG_PROMPT = 6417 = "Are you sure you want to leave your current location and travel to the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r?\n\nExpires in |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_ABANDON_CAMPAIGN = 6440 = "Abandon Campaign" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CHOOSE_GUEST_CAMPAIGN = 4585 = "Guest" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CHOOSE_HOME_CAMPAIGN = 4584 = "Home" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_ENTER_CAMPAIGN = 6461 = "Travel to Campaign" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_GROUP_PAUSED = 6439 = "Queue Paused: Group member offline." SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_GROUP_QUEUED = 6437 = "Group Queue Position: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_GROUP_READY = 6438 = "Group Access Available. Expires in |cffffff<<1>>|r." SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_LEAVE_QUEUE = 6462 = "Leave Queue" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_NAME_HEADER = 4586 = "Name" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_QUEUE_ACCEPT_ERROR_EXPIRED = 6434 = "Your campaign invite has expired." SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_QUEUE_CAMPAIGN = 6418 = "Enter Campaign" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_QUEUE_DIALOG_TITLE = 6427 = "Enter Campaign" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_QUEUE_GROUP = 6428 = "Group" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_QUEUE_PENDING_ACCEPT = 6433 = "Entering Cyrodiil..." SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_QUEUE_PENDING_JOIN = 6431 = "Please wait..." SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_QUEUE_PENDING_LEAVE = 6432 = "Leaving queue..." SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_QUEUE_SOLO = 6429 = "Solo" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_READY_DIALOG_TITLE = 6416 = "Travel to Campaign" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_RULES_HEADER = 4600 = "Rules" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_SOLO_QUEUED = 6435 = "Solo Queue Position: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_SOLO_READY = 6436 = "Solo Access Available. Expires in |cffffff<<1>>|r." SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_ALDERI_DOMINION_POPULATION = 4590 = "Aldmeri Dominion Population" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT_POPULATION = 4592 = "Daggerfall Covenant Population" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_EBONHEART_PACT_POPULATION = 4591 = "Ebonheart Pact Population" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_ESTIMATED_TIME = 4593 = "Estimated Wait: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_FRIENDS = 4588 = "Friends Assigned to this Campaign" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_GROUP_MEMBERS = 4587 = "Group Members Assigned to this Campaign" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_GUEST_CAMPAIGN = 4595 = "Your Guest Campaign" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_GUILD_MEMBERS = 4589 = "Guild Members in a Campaign" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_HOME_CAMPAIGN = 4594 = "Your Home Campaign" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_IN_QUEUE_FOR = 4599 = "In Queue For: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_NUM_FRIENDS = 4597 = "<<1[$d Friend/$d Friends]>>" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_NUM_GROUP_MEMBERS = 4596 = "<<1[$d Group Member/$d Group Members]>>" SI_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_NUM_GUILD_MEMBERS = 4598 = "<<1[$d Guild Member/$d Guild Members]>>" SI_CAMPAIGN_CLAIM_KEEP_EVENT = 3362 = "(<<1>>) Player <<4>> has claimed <<2>> for <<3>>!" SI_CAMPAIGN_CORONATE_EMPEROR = 3359 = "(<<1>>) Player <<2>> of <<3>> has been crowned emperor!" SI_CAMPAIGN_DEPOSE_EMPEROR = 3360 = "(<<1>>) Player <<2>> of <<3>> has been deposed as emperor!" SI_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_KEEPS_HEADER = 6425 = "Imperial Keep Status" SI_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_KEEPS_NEEDED = 4606 = "Keeps required for Emperor: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r" SI_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_LEADERBOARD = 6426 = "Emperor Leaderboard - <<1>>" SI_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_NAME_HEADER = 6423 = "Current Emperor" SI_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_REIGN_DURATION = 4607 = "Reigning For: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_CAMPAIGN_ENTER_MESSAGE = 5917 = "Entering Cyrodiil..." SI_CAMPAIGN_KEEP_CAPTURED = 3358 = "(<<4>>) The forces of <<1>> have captured <<2>> from <<3>>!" SI_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARDS_CATEGORIES_HEADER = 6337 = "Alliance War" SI_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARDS_CURRENT_POINTS = 6339 = "Current Earned AP: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARDS_OVERALL = 6338 = "Overall" SI_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARDS_SCORING_CLOSED = 6340 = "Scoring Closed" SI_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARDS_SCORING_NOT_AVAILABLE = 6342 = "Scoring Not Available" SI_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARDS_SCORING_OPEN = 6341 = "Scoring Open" SI_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARD_MENU_FILTER_FORMAT = 4680 = "<<1>>" SI_CAMPAIGN_LOST_KEEP_EVENT = 3363 = "(<<1>>) <<3>> has lost their claim to <<2>>!" SI_CAMPAIGN_NAME = 6415 = "<<1>>" SI_CAMPAIGN_NO_EMPEROR = 6424 = "No Emperor" SI_CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_CATEGORY_BONUSES = 6421 = "Bonuses" SI_CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_CATEGORY_EMPERORSHIP = 6422 = "Emperorship" SI_CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_CATEGORY_SCORING = 6420 = "Scoring" SI_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_KICKING_FROM_LFG_GROUP_WARNING_BODY = 6037 = "You're currently participating in a non-Alliance War activity. You will be removed from your group upon traveling to the campaign." SI_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_KICKING_FROM_LFG_GROUP_WARNING_TITLE = 6036 = "Joining Campaign" SI_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_MESSAGE_GROUP = 5916 = "You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r, with your group. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_MESSAGE_INDIVIDUAL = 5915 = "You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_CAMPAIGN_RELEASE_KEEP_EVENT = 3364 = "(<<1>>) Player <<4>> has relinquished the claim of <<3>> on <<2>>!" SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_DURATION_REMAINING = 4612 = "Campaign Duration Remaining:" SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_END_OF_CAMPAIGN_REWARD_TIER = 4617 = "End Of Campaign Reward Tier" SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_HOLDING = 4616 = "x<<1>>" SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_KEEPS_TOOLTIP = 4618 = "Keeps Held" SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_NEXT_SCORE_EVAL = 4613 = "Next Score Evaluation in:" SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_OUTPOSTS_TOOLTIP = 4619 = "Outposts Held" SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_POTENTIAL_POINTS = 4615 = "<<1>>" SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_POTENTIAL_POINTS_LABEL = 4614 = "Potential Points:" SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_RESOURCES_TOOLTIP = 4620 = "Resources Held" SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_SCROLLS_TOOLTIP = 4621 = "Scrolls Held" SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_UNDERDOG_TOOLTIP = 4623 = "This bonus applies to an alliance with significantly fewer points than the leading alliance." SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_UNDERDOG_TOOLTIP_TITLE = 4622 = "Low Score Bonus" SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_UNDERPOP_TOOLTIP = 4625 = "This bonus is applied when an alliance continually has significantly fewer participants than competing Alliances." SI_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_UNDERPOP_TOOLTIP_TITLE = 4624 = "Low Population Bonus" SI_CANCEL = 255 = "Cancel" SI_CANNOT_CRAFT_WHILE_WEREWOLF = 6520 = "Your paws are too clumsy." SI_CANNOT_CROUCH_WHILE_CARRYING_ARTIFACT = 6524 = "<<1>> prevents you from sneaking." SI_CANNOT_DO_THAT_WHILE_DEAD = 6515 = "You can't do that while dead." SI_CANNOT_DO_THAT_WHILE_IN_COMBAT = 6516 = "You can't do that while in combat." SI_CANNOT_DO_THAT_WHILE_REVIVING = 6517 = "You can't do that while reviving." SI_CANNOT_DO_THAT_WHILE_SWIMMING = 6518 = "You can't do that while swimming." SI_CANNOT_DO_THAT_WHILE_WEREWOLF = 6519 = "You can't do that while in werewolf form." SI_CANNOT_FISH_WHILE_SWIMMING = 4506 = "You cannot fish while swimming." SI_CANT_GUILD_CHAT_NOT_IN_GUILD = 3120 = "You do not have a guild <<1>>." SI_CANT_GUILD_CHAT_NO_PERMISSION = 3121 = "You don't have permission to talk in guild chat for <<1>>." SI_CANT_OFFICER_CHAT_NO_PERMISSION = 3122 = "You don't have permission to talk in officer chat for <<1>>." SI_CHAMPIONPOINTACTIVEREASON1 = 1112 = "Champion Point bonuses are disabled in this Alliance War campaign." SI_CHAMPIONPOINTACTIVEREASON2 = 1113 = "Champion Point bonuses are disabled in this Battleground." SI_CHAMPION_ANNOUNCEMENT_UNLOCKED = 6084 = "<<1>>Champion Level Achieved" SI_CHAMPION_AVAILABLE_POINTS_HEADER = 6053 = "Available:" SI_CHAMPION_CANCEL_RESPEC_POINTS = 6052 = "Cancel Redistribute" SI_CHAMPION_CONFIRM_SPEND_POINTS_ACTION = 6045 = "Confirm" SI_CHAMPION_CONFIRM_SPEND_RESPEC_ACTION = 6046 = "Confirm Points (<<1>> <<2>>)" SI_CHAMPION_CONSTELLATION_GROUP_HEALTH_NAME = 6061 = "Warrior" SI_CHAMPION_CONSTELLATION_GROUP_MAGICKA_NAME = 6063 = "Mage" SI_CHAMPION_CONSTELLATION_GROUP_NAME_FORMAT = 6060 = "<<1>>" SI_CHAMPION_CONSTELLATION_GROUP_STAMINA_NAME = 6062 = "Thief" SI_CHAMPION_CONSTELLATION_NAME_FORMAT = 6059 = "<<1>>" SI_CHAMPION_CONSTELLATION_ZOOM_IN = 6049 = "Zoom In" SI_CHAMPION_CONSTELLATION_ZOOM_OUT = 6050 = "Zoom Out" SI_CHAMPION_DIALOG_CANCEL_RESPEC_BODY = 6077 = "Are you sure you want to cancel? All your changes will be reverted." SI_CHAMPION_DIALOG_CANCEL_RESPEC_TITLE = 6076 = "Cancel Redistribute" SI_CHAMPION_DIALOG_CONFIRMATION_BALANCE = 6080 = "Balance" SI_CHAMPION_DIALOG_CONFIRMATION_COST = 6081 = "Redistribution Cost" SI_CHAMPION_DIALOG_CONFIRM_CHANGES_TITLE = 6078 = "Confirm Changes" SI_CHAMPION_DIALOG_CONFIRM_POINT_COST = 6079 = "Are you sure you want to commit your points?" SI_CHAMPION_DIALOG_ENTER_RESPEC_BODY = 6075 = "You are attempting to redistribute the points spent in ALL Constellations. Any pending changes you currently have will be reverted.\n\nYou will be charged <<1>> <<2>> if you commit your changes. You will not be charged if you do not confirm your changes." SI_CHAMPION_DIALOG_ENTER_RESPEC_TITLE = 6074 = "Redistribute Points" SI_CHAMPION_EARNED_POINTS_FORMAT = 6055 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_CHAMPION_EARNED_POINTS_HEADER = 6054 = "Earned:" SI_CHAMPION_POINT_EARNED = 6057 = "Gained <<1[$d Champion Point/$d Champion Points]>>" SI_CHAMPION_POINT_TYPE = 6058 = "<<1>> |t32:32:<>|t <<3>> <<1[Point/Points]>>" SI_CHAMPION_RESPEC_CURRENCY_FORMAT = 5480 = "<<1>><>" SI_CHAMPION_RESPEC_POINTS = 6051 = "Redistribute" SI_CHAMPION_SPENT_POINTS_HEADER = 6056 = "Spent Points:" SI_CHAMPION_STAR_ALLOCATE_POINTS = 5479 = "Allocate Points" SI_CHAMPION_STAR_NAME = 6047 = "<<1>>" SI_CHAMPION_STAR_POINTS = 6048 = "<<1>>" SI_CHAMPION_SYSTEM_CLEAR_POINTS = 6065 = "Clear" SI_CHAMPION_SYSTEM_UNLOCKED = 6064 = "Champion Progression Unlocked" SI_CHAMPION_TOOLTIP_FLAT_VALUE_FORMAT = 6067 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_CHAMPION_TOOLTIP_LOCKED = 6072 = "Unlocks at <<1>> Rank <<2>>" SI_CHAMPION_TOOLTIP_NEXT_POINT = 6068 = "Next Point" SI_CHAMPION_TOOLTIP_POINTS_REQUIRED = 6070 = "Requires 1 |t32:32:<>|t" SI_CHAMPION_TOOLTIP_REACHED_MAX_SPEND_LIMIT = 6071 = "You cannot spend more than <<1>> points in constellations under the |t32:32:<>|t <<3>>." SI_CHAMPION_TOOLTIP_UNLOCKED = 6073 = "Unlocked at <<1>> Rank <<2>>" SI_CHAMPION_TOOLTIP_UPGRADE = 6069 = "Upgrade for 1 |t32:32:<>|t" SI_CHAMPION_TOOLTIP_VALUE_FORMAT = 6066 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r%" SI_CHAMPION_UNSAVED_CHANGES_EXIT_ALERT = 6082 = "You have exited the Champion Screen without committing all your points." SI_CHAMPION_UNSAVED_CHANGES_RESET_ALERT = 6083 = "Your unsaved champion points have been reset." SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_EMOTE = 3143 = "/emote /e /me" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_GUILD_1 = 3133 = "/guild1 /g1" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_GUILD_2 = 3134 = "/guild2 /g2" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_GUILD_3 = 3135 = "/guild3 /g3" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_GUILD_4 = 3136 = "/guild4 /g4" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_GUILD_5 = 3137 = "/guild5 /g5" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_OFFICER_1 = 3138 = "/officer1 /o1" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_OFFICER_2 = 3139 = "/officer2 /o2" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_OFFICER_3 = 3140 = "/officer3 /o3" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_OFFICER_4 = 3141 = "/officer4 /o4" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_OFFICER_5 = 3142 = "/officer5 /o5" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PARTY = 3124 = "/group /g /party /p" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_SAY = 3123 = "/say /s" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_WHISPER = 3131 = "/tell /t /w /whisper" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_WHISPER_REPLY = 3132 = "/reply /respond /r" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_YELL = 3125 = "/yell /y" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_ZONE = 3126 = "/zone /z" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_ZONE_ENGLISH = 3127 = "/enzone /enz" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_ZONE_FRENCH = 3128 = "/frzone /frz" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_ZONE_GERMAN = 3129 = "/dezone /dez" SI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_ZONE_JAPANESE = 3130 = "/jpzone /jpz" SI_CHAPTER_UPGRADE_DIALOG_TITLE = 539 = "Upgrade" SI_CHARACTERAPPEARANCENAME0 = 645 = "Hair Style" SI_CHARACTERAPPEARANCENAME1 = 646 = "Hair Color" SI_CHARACTERAPPEARANCENAME2 = 647 = "Skin Color" SI_CHARACTERAPPEARANCENAME3 = 648 = "Adornment" SI_CHARACTERAPPEARANCENAME4 = 649 = "Head Marking" SI_CHARACTERAPPEARANCENAME5 = 650 = "Body Marking" SI_CHARACTERAPPEARANCENAME6 = 651 = "Eye Color" SI_CHARACTERAPPEARANCENAME7 = 652 = "Age" SI_CHARACTERAPPEARANCENAME8 = 653 = "Eyebrows" SI_CHARACTERAPPEARANCENAME9 = 654 = "Voice" SI_CHARACTERCREATEDRESSINGOPTION0 = 655 = "No Gear" SI_CHARACTERCREATEDRESSINGOPTION1 = 656 = "Novice Gear" SI_CHARACTERCREATEDRESSINGOPTION2 = 657 = "Champion Gear" SI_CHARACTERCREATEDRESSINGOPTION3 = 658 = "No Collectibles" SI_CHARACTERCREATEDRESSINGOPTION4 = 659 = "Current Appearance" SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR0 = 2181 = "Invalid character name." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR1 = 2182 = "Unknown error." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR10 = 2191 = "Invalid class." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR11 = 2192 = "Invalid race." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR12 = 2193 = "You must select a race whose alliance matches that of the selected template." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR13 = 2194 = "Invalid hair option." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR14 = 2195 = "Invalid hair tint." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR15 = 2196 = "Invalid skin tint." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR16 = 2197 = "Invalid adornment option." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR17 = 2198 = "Invalid head marking option." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR18 = 2199 = "Invalid body marking option." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR19 = 2200 = "Invalid eye tint." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR2 = 2183 = "Name already in use." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR20 = 2201 = "Invalid age." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR21 = 2202 = "Invalid eyebrow." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR22 = 2203 = "Invalid gender." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR23 = 2204 = "Invalid model data." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR25 = 2205 = "No free character slots." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR26 = 2206 = "No valid entitlements." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR27 = 2207 = "You must choose an alliance." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR28 = 2208 = "Save failure." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR29 = 2209 = "Character list not received." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR3 = 2184 = "Name too short." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR31 = 2210 = "An unknown system error occurred." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR32 = 2211 = "You don't have any tokens." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR33 = 2212 = "No changes made." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR4 = 2185 = "Name too long." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR5 = 2186 = "Server locked." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR6 = 2187 = "No global character data." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR7 = 2188 = "No template creation allowed." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR8 = 2189 = "Invalid template." SI_CHARACTERCREATEEDITERROR9 = 2190 = "You must select a template." SI_CHARACTERCREATEOPTIONRESTRICTIONREASON1 = 1138 = "Requires the |cffffff<<1>>|r upgrade." SI_CHARACTERCREATEOPTIONRESTRICTIONREASON2 = 1139 = "Requires the |cffffffMorrowind|r Chapter." SI_CHARACTERSLIDERCATEGORY0 = 587 = "Age" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERCATEGORY1 = 588 = "Body" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERCATEGORY2 = 589 = "Face" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME0 = 604 = "Eye Height" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME1 = 605 = "Eye Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME10 = 614 = "Ear Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME11 = 615 = "Eyebrow Height" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME12 = 616 = "Eyebrow Angle" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME13 = 617 = "Chin Height" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME14 = 618 = "Chin Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME15 = 619 = "Jaw Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME16 = 620 = "Forehead Slope" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME17 = 621 = "Nose Shape" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME18 = 622 = "Nose Length" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME19 = 623 = "Eye Squint" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME2 = 606 = "Eye Separation" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME20 = 624 = "Eyebrow Skew" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME21 = 625 = "Eyebrow Depth" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME22 = 626 = "Ear Tip Flare" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME23 = 627 = "Ear Rotation" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME24 = 628 = "Cheekbone Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME25 = 629 = "Cheekbone Height" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME26 = 630 = "Waist Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME27 = 631 = "Torso Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME28 = 632 = "Neck Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME29 = 633 = "Leg Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME3 = 607 = "Eye Angle" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME30 = 634 = "Hip Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME31 = 635 = "Hand Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME32 = 636 = "Gut Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME33 = 637 = "Foot Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME34 = 638 = "Posterior Dimensions" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME35 = 639 = "Arm Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME36 = 640 = "Chest Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME37 = 641 = "Tooth/Fang Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME38 = 642 = "Tail Size" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME39 = 643 = "Height" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME4 = 608 = "Mouth Height" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME40 = 644 = "Mouth Width" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME5 = 609 = "Lip Fullness" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME6 = 610 = "Mouth Curve" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME7 = 611 = "Nose Height" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME8 = 612 = "Nose Width" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERNAME9 = 613 = "Ear Height" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY0 = 590 = "Body Type" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY1 = 591 = "Features" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY10 = 600 = "Mouth" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY11 = 601 = "Ears" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY12 = 602 = "Nose" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY13 = 603 = "Voice" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY2 = 592 = "Upper Body" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY3 = 593 = "Lower Body" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY4 = 594 = "Face Type" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY5 = 595 = "Hair" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY6 = 596 = "Features" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY7 = 597 = "Face" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY8 = 598 = "Eyes" SI_CHARACTERSLIDERSUBCATEGORY9 = 599 = "Brow" SI_CHARACTER_EQUIP_SLOT_FORMAT = 3331 = "<<1>>" SI_CHARACTER_EQUIP_TITLE = 3330 = "Equipped" SI_CHARACTER_MENU_SKILLS = 3566 = "Skills" SI_CHARACTER_MENU_STATS = 3567 = "Stats" SI_CHARACTER_SELECT_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS = 3060 = "Cannot Enter World - Game Install In Progress" SI_CHARGE_WEAPON_CONFIRM = 6569 = "Charge" SI_CHARGE_WEAPON_CONSUME = 6571 = "Charging this weapon will consume the Soul Gem." SI_CHARGE_WEAPON_NONE_FOUND = 6572 = "You do not have any filled Soul Gems to charge this weapon." SI_CHARGE_WEAPON_SELECT = 6570 = "Select a Soul Gem to charge this weapon." SI_CHARGE_WEAPON_TITLE = 6568 = "Charge Weapon" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES1 = 749 = "Say" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES10 = 757 = "Guild 1" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES11 = 758 = "Guild 2" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES12 = 759 = "Guild 3" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES13 = 760 = "Guild 4" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES14 = 761 = "Guild 5" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES15 = 762 = "Officer 1" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES16 = 763 = "Officer 2" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES17 = 764 = "Officer 3" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES18 = 765 = "Officer 4" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES19 = 766 = "Officer 5" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES2 = 750 = "Yell" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES20 = 767 = "Zone - English" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES21 = 768 = "Zone - French" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES22 = 769 = "Zone - German" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES23 = 770 = "Zone - Japanese" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES3 = 751 = "Incoming Whispers" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES4 = 752 = "Outgoing Whispers" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES41 = 771 = "Monster Say" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES42 = 772 = "Monster Yell" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES43 = 773 = "Monster Whisper" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES44 = 774 = "Monster Emote" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES45 = 775 = "Experience" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES46 = 776 = "Tel Var Stones" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES47 = 777 = "Rank Points" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES48 = 778 = "Alliance Points" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES49 = 779 = "Gained Effect" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES50 = 780 = "Lost Effect" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES51 = 781 = "Direct Damage" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES52 = 782 = "Damage over Time" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES53 = 783 = "Direct Heal" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES54 = 784 = "Heal over Time" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES55 = 785 = "Power Energize" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES56 = 786 = "Power Drain" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES57 = 787 = "Dodge/Parry/Miss" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES58 = 788 = "Block/Absorb/Defend" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES59 = 789 = "Resist" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES6 = 753 = "Zone" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES60 = 790 = "Other" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES61 = 791 = "Death" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES7 = 754 = "Group" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES8 = 755 = "Emote" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORIES9 = 756 = "System" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORYHEADERS1 = 792 = "Channels" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORYHEADERS10 = 793 = "Guilds" SI_CHATCHANNELCATEGORYHEADERS45 = 794 = "Combat" SI_CHATTEXT_MEDAL_AWARDED = 3774 = "You've been awarded a medal: <<1>>" SI_CHATTEXT_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE = 3431 = "|cffc100 Completed: <<1>> - <<2>> (+<<3>> XP)" SI_CHATTEXT_OBJECTIVE_DISCOVER = 3432 = "|cffc100 Discovered: <<1>> - <<2>>" SI_CHATTEXT_QUEST_ACCEPTED = 3715 = "|cffc100Quest Accepted: <>" SI_CHATTEXT_QUEST_COMPLETED = 3714 = "|cffc100Quest Completed: <>" SI_CHAT_ANNOUNCEMENT_IN_LARGE_GROUP = 3190 = "Your group is now a large group." SI_CHAT_ANNOUNCEMENT_IN_SMALL_GROUP = 3191 = "Your group is no longer a large group." SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_JOIN = 3169 = "You have joined the <<1>> (/<<2>>) channel." SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_LEAVE = 3170 = "You have left the <<1>> (/<<2>>) channel." SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME_EMOTE = 3165 = "Emote" SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME_NPC = 3166 = "NPC" SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME_PARTY = 3157 = "Group" SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME_SAY = 3156 = "Say" SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME_SOCIAL = 3167 = "Social" SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME_WHISPER = 3164 = "Tell" SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME_YELL = 3158 = "Yell" SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME_ZONE = 3159 = "Zone" SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME_ZONE_ENGLISH = 3160 = "Zone - English" SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME_ZONE_FRENCH = 3161 = "Zone - French" SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME_ZONE_GERMAN = 3162 = "Zone - German" SI_CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME_ZONE_JAPANESE = 3163 = "Zone - Japanese" SI_CHAT_CONFIG_CREATE_NEW = 3206 = "Create New Tab" SI_CHAT_CONFIG_HIDE_TIMESTAMP = 3201 = "Hide Timestamps" SI_CHAT_CONFIG_INTERACTIVE = 3205 = "Make Interactive" SI_CHAT_CONFIG_LOCK = 3202 = "Lock Window" SI_CHAT_CONFIG_NON_INTERACTIVE = 3204 = "Make Non-Interactive" SI_CHAT_CONFIG_OPTIONS = 3208 = "Options" SI_CHAT_CONFIG_REMOVE = 3207 = "Remove Tab" SI_CHAT_CONFIG_SHOW_TIMESTAMP = 3200 = "Show Timestamps" SI_CHAT_CONFIG_UNLOCK = 3203 = "Unlock Window" SI_CHAT_DIALOG_CONFIRM_ITEM_DESTRUCTION = 6301 = "Destroy Item" SI_CHAT_DIALOG_NEW_TAB = 3192 = "New Tab" SI_CHAT_DIALOG_REMOVE_TAB = 3193 = "Remove Tab: <<1>>?" SI_CHAT_DIALOG_RESET_TAB = 3194 = "Reset tab <<1>> to defaults?" SI_CHAT_EMOTE = 3181 = "<<1>> <>" SI_CHAT_ENTRY_GENERAL_FORMAT = 3154 = "<<1>>: " SI_CHAT_ENTRY_TARGET_FORMAT = 3155 = "<<1>> to <<2>>: " SI_CHAT_LOG_DISABLED = 3217 = "No longer logging chat." SI_CHAT_LOG_ENABLED = 3216 = "Logging Chat to Logs\\ChatLog.txt" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_GUILD = 3187 = "<<1>> <<2>>: <>" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_PARTY = 3173 = "<<1>> <<2>>: <>" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_PLAYED_TIME = 3189 = "You have played <<1>> for <<2>>." SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_SAY = 3171 = "<<3>><<1>> says: <>" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_SYSTEM = 3186 = "<<3>>[<<1>>] <>" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_USER = 3188 = "<<1>> <<2>>: <>" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_WHISPER = 3172 = "<<3>><<1>> whispers: <>" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_WHISPER_SENT = 3180 = "To <<1>>: <>" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_YELL = 3174 = "<<3>><<1>> yells: <>" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_ZONE = 3175 = "<<3>><<1>> zone: <>" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_ZONE_ENGLISH = 3176 = "<<3>><<1>> zone - English: <>" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_ZONE_FRENCH = 3177 = "<<3>><<1>> zone - French: <>" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_ZONE_GERMAN = 3178 = "<<3>><<1>> zone - German: <>" SI_CHAT_MESSAGE_ZONE_JAPANESE = 3179 = "<<3>><<1>> zone - Japanese: <>" SI_CHAT_MONSTER_EMOTE = 3185 = "<> <<2>>" SI_CHAT_MONSTER_MESSAGE_SAY = 3183 = "<> says: <<2>>" SI_CHAT_MONSTER_MESSAGE_WHISPER = 3182 = "<> whispers: <<2>>" SI_CHAT_MONSTER_MESSAGE_YELL = 3184 = "<> yells: <<2>>" SI_CHAT_OPTIONS_BACKGROUND_COLOR = 3150 = "Background Color:" SI_CHAT_OPTIONS_CHANNEL_TOOLTIP = 3151 = "Window Options" SI_CHAT_OPTIONS_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3152 = "Color Options" SI_CHAT_OPTIONS_COMBAT_LOG_MESSAGE = 3153 = "To change Combat Log filters, use the buttons labeled <<1>>, <<2>>, and <<3>> on the Combat Log." SI_CHAT_OPTIONS_FILTERS = 3147 = "Filters" SI_CHAT_OPTIONS_FONT_SIZE = 3149 = "Font Size:" SI_CHAT_OPTIONS_GUILD_CHANNELS = 3148 = "Guild Channels" SI_CHAT_OPTIONS_TAB_NAME = 3146 = "Tab Name" SI_CHAT_PLAYER_CONTEXT_ADD_FRIEND = 3213 = "Add to Friends" SI_CHAT_PLAYER_CONTEXT_ADD_GROUP = 3210 = "Invite to Group" SI_CHAT_PLAYER_CONTEXT_ADD_IGNORE = 3212 = "Ignore" SI_CHAT_PLAYER_CONTEXT_REMOVE_GROUP = 3211 = "Remove from Group" SI_CHAT_PLAYER_CONTEXT_REPORT = 3215 = "Report Player" SI_CHAT_PLAYER_CONTEXT_SPAM = 3214 = "Report for Spam" SI_CHAT_PLAYER_CONTEXT_WHISPER = 3209 = "Whisper" SI_CHAT_SHUTDOWN_CANCEL = 3196 = "The server shutdown has been canceled." SI_CHAT_SHUTDOWN_NOW = 3198 = "The server will shut down now." SI_CHAT_SHUTDOWN_RESCHEDULE = 3197 = "The server shutdown has been rescheduled. The server will shutdown in <<1>>." SI_CHAT_SHUTDOWN_START = 3195 = "A server shutdown has been scheduled. The server will shutdown in <<1>>." SI_CHAT_SHUTDOWN_TIME = 3199 = "The server will shut down in <<1>>." SI_CHAT_TAB_GENERAL = 3168 = "Chat" SI_CHECK_BUTTON_DISABLED = 272 = "Disabled" SI_CHECK_BUTTON_OFF = 270 = "Off" SI_CHECK_BUTTON_ON = 271 = "On" SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE10 = 2778 = "You are not a member of that guild." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE11 = 2779 = "This guild has not granted you permission to claim ownership." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE12 = 2780 = "Keep claim failed." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE13 = 2781 = "You are not allowed to do that right now." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE14 = 2782 = "Your alliance does not own that keep." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE15 = 2783 = "You may only claim ownership for a guild that matches your character's alliance." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE16 = 2784 = "This guild already has ownership of another location." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE2 = 2770 = "You must be in a campaign to claim a keep." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE3 = 2771 = "You must be in Cyrodiil to claim a keep." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE4 = 2772 = "Keeps are not claimable yet." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE5 = 2773 = "That keep does not exist." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE6 = 2774 = "That keep is not claimable." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE7 = 2775 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r is already claimed by another guild in your alliance." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE8 = 2776 = "A member of your guild is presently claiming another keep." SI_CLAIMKEEPRESULTTYPE9 = 2777 = "Guild operations are currently disabled." SI_CLASS_NAME = 171 = "<<1>>" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE0 = 1168 = "Invalid" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE1 = 1169 = "DLC" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE10 = 1178 = "Hat" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE11 = 1179 = "Skin" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE12 = 1180 = "Polymorph" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE13 = 1181 = "Hair" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE14 = 1182 = "Facial Hair / Horns" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE15 = 1183 = "Facial Accessory" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE16 = 1184 = "Piercing / Jewelry" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE17 = 1185 = "Head Marking" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE18 = 1186 = "Body Marking" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE19 = 1187 = "House" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE2 = 1170 = "Mount" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE20 = 1188 = "Furniture" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE21 = 1189 = "Emote" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE22 = 1190 = "Chapter" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE23 = 1191 = "Ability Skin" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE3 = 1171 = "Non-Combat Pet" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE4 = 1172 = "Costume" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE5 = 1173 = "Memento" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE6 = 1174 = "Upgrade" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE7 = 1175 = "Service" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE8 = 1176 = "Assistant" SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE9 = 1177 = "Personality" SI_COLLECTIBLERESTRICTIONTYPE0 = 1164 = "Gender" SI_COLLECTIBLERESTRICTIONTYPE1 = 1165 = "Race" SI_COLLECTIBLERESTRICTIONTYPE2 = 1166 = "Alliance" SI_COLLECTIBLERESTRICTIONTYPE3 = 1167 = "Class" SI_COLLECTIBLES_UPDATED_ANNOUNCEMENT_BODY = 6549 = "<<1>> new <<1[collectible/collectibles]>> unlocked" SI_COLLECTIBLEUNLOCKSTATE0 = 1194 = "Not Collected" SI_COLLECTIBLEUNLOCKSTATE1 = 1195 = "ESO Plus Unlocked" SI_COLLECTIBLEUNLOCKSTATE2 = 1196 = "Collected" SI_COLLECTIBLEUSAGEBLOCKREASON1 = 1152 = "You can't use this collectible in this zone." SI_COLLECTIBLEUSAGEBLOCKREASON10 = 1161 = "You're the wrong class to use this collectible." SI_COLLECTIBLEUSAGEBLOCKREASON11 = 1162 = "You need a target to use this collectible." SI_COLLECTIBLEUSAGEBLOCKREASON12 = 1163 = "You can't use this collectible while mounted." SI_COLLECTIBLEUSAGEBLOCKREASON2 = 1153 = "You can't use this collectible while swimming." SI_COLLECTIBLEUSAGEBLOCKREASON3 = 1154 = "You can't use collectibles while dead." SI_COLLECTIBLEUSAGEBLOCKREASON4 = 1155 = "You can't use this collectible." SI_COLLECTIBLEUSAGEBLOCKREASON5 = 1156 = "You are the wrong gender to use this collectible." SI_COLLECTIBLEUSAGEBLOCKREASON6 = 1157 = "You are the wrong race to use this collectible." SI_COLLECTIBLEUSAGEBLOCKREASON7 = 1158 = "You are the wrong alliance to use this collectible." SI_COLLECTIBLEUSAGEBLOCKREASON8 = 1159 = "Your collectible cannot be used while placed in your house." SI_COLLECTIBLEUSAGEBLOCKREASON9 = 1160 = "This collectible is not ready yet." SI_COLLECTIBLE_ACTION_DISMISS = 6544 = "Dismiss" SI_COLLECTIBLE_ACTION_PUT_AWAY = 6541 = "Put Away" SI_COLLECTIBLE_ACTION_RENAME = 6542 = "Rename" SI_COLLECTIBLE_ACTION_SET_ACTIVE = 6540 = "Set Active" SI_COLLECTIBLE_ACTION_USE = 6543 = "Use" SI_COLLECTIBLE_NAME_FORMATTER = 426 = "<<1>>" SI_COLLECTIBLE_TOOLTIP_EMOTE_DISPLAY_NAME_FORMATTER = 282 = "Grants the <<1>> emote." SI_COLLECTIBLE_TOOLTIP_EMOTE_SLASH_NAMES_FORMATTER = 281 = "Grants the <<1>> <<2[emote/emotes]>>." SI_COLLECTIBLE_TOOLTIP_NOT_USABLE_BY_CHARACTER = 284 = "Your current character cannot use this." SI_COLLECTIBLE_TOOLTIP_PERSONALITY_OVERRIDES_DISPLAY_NAMES_FORMATTER = 280 = "Alters the <> <<2[emote/emotes]>>." SI_COLLECTIBLE_TOOLTIP_PERSONALITY_OVERRIDES_SLASH_NAMES_FORMATTER = 279 = "Alters the <<1>> <<2[emote/emotes]>>." SI_COLLECTIBLE_TOOLTIP_PURCHASABLE = 3485 = "Purchased in Crown Store" SI_COLLECTIBLE_TOOLTIP_RESTRICTION_PAIR_FORMATTER = 283 = "<<1>>: <<2>>" SI_COLLECTIBLE_ZONE_JUMP_FAILURE_CHAPTER_DIALOG_BODY = 6560 = "You do not have the necessary |cffffffChapter|r to access this zone. Would you like to upgrade?" SI_COLLECTIBLE_ZONE_JUMP_FAILURE_DIALOG_PRIMARY_BUTTON = 6564 = "Open Crown Store" SI_COLLECTIBLE_ZONE_JUMP_FAILURE_DIALOG_STORE_PC = 6561 = "at https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store" SI_COLLECTIBLE_ZONE_JUMP_FAILURE_DIALOG_STORE_PS4 = 6562 = "on the PlayStation®Store" SI_COLLECTIBLE_ZONE_JUMP_FAILURE_DIALOG_STORE_XBOX = 6563 = "on the Xbox Store" SI_COLLECTIBLE_ZONE_JUMP_FAILURE_DIALOG_TITLE = 6558 = "Locked Content" SI_COLLECTIBLE_ZONE_JUMP_FAILURE_DLC_DIALOG_BODY = 6559 = "Entrance to this zone requires |cffffff<<1>> (DLC)|r. |cffffffDLC|r game packs can be purchased from the Crown Store, or unlocked with an ESO Plus membership available <<2>>." SI_COLLECTIONS_BLOCKED_ERROR = 6552 = "Collectible is blocked from use." SI_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_FILTER_SHOW_ALL = 3478 = "All Collectibles" SI_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_FILTER_SHOW_LOCKED = 3480 = "Show Locked" SI_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_FILTER_SHOW_UNLOCKED = 3479 = "Show Unlocked" SI_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_FILTER_SHOW_USABLE = 3481 = "Show Usable" SI_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_OVERALL = 3477 = "All Collections" SI_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_QUICKSLOT_KEYBIND = 3484 = "Quickslot" SI_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_SEARCH_EDIT_DEFAULT = 3482 = "Search" SI_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_SEARCH_NO_MATCHES = 3483 = "No matching collectibles found." SI_COLLECTIONS_COOLDOWN_ERROR = 6551 = "Collectible is not ready yet." SI_COLLECTIONS_HOUSING_DISPLAY_NAME_FORMAT = 6545 = "<<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_COLLECTIONS_INVALID_ERROR = 6553 = "Collectible is invalid for this character." SI_COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY_DIALOG_RENAME_COLLECTIBLE_MAIN = 6539 = "Enter New Nickname" SI_COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY_DIALOG_RENAME_COLLECTIBLE_TITLE = 6538 = "Rename" SI_COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY_DISPLAY_NAME_FORMAT = 6537 = "<<1>> - \"<<2>>\"" SI_COLLECTIONS_MENU_ROOT_TITLE = 6526 = "Collections" SI_COLLECTIONS_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON = 6546 = "Go to Collection Book" SI_COLLECTIONS_QUEST_AVAILABLE = 6555 = "Quest available!" SI_COLLECTIONS_QUEST_AVAILABLE_WITH_UNLOCK = 6556 = "Available in Crown Store or with an ESO Plus subscription." SI_COLLECTIONS_QUEST_AVAILABLE_WITH_UPGRADE = 6557 = "Upgrade available." SI_COLLECTIONS_SET_IN_WATER_ALERT = 6554 = "Collectible will appear when you get out of the water." SI_COLLECTIONS_UPDATED_ANNOUNCEMENT_BODY = 6548 = "<<1>> added to <<2>>" SI_COLLECTIONS_UPDATED_ANNOUNCEMENT_TITLE = 6547 = "Collection Updated" SI_COLLECTIONS_UPDATED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE = 6550 = "<<1>> has been updated with the <<2>> collectible." SI_COLLECTIONS_UPDATED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_MORE_INFO_GAMEPAD = 4854 = "<<1>> has been updated with the <<2>> collectible. Press <> to learn more about it." SI_COLLECTIONS_UPDATED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_MORE_INFO_KEYBOARD = 3658 = "<<1>> has been updated with the <<2>> collectible. Click the <> to the right learn more about it." SI_COLLECTION_BOOK_TITLE = 6527 = "Collectibles" SI_COLOR_PICKER_ALPHA = 3541 = "Opacity" SI_COLOR_PICKER_CURRENT = 3543 = "Current" SI_COLOR_PICKER_NEW = 3542 = "New" SI_COMBATMECHANICTYPE0 = 1937 = "Magicka" SI_COMBATMECHANICTYPE1 = 1938 = "Werewolf" SI_COMBATMECHANICTYPE10 = 1940 = "Ultimate" SI_COMBATMECHANICTYPE11 = 1941 = "Mount Stamina" SI_COMBATMECHANICTYPE12 = 1942 = "Health Bonus" SI_COMBATMECHANICTYPE6 = 1939 = "Stamina" SI_COMBATMECHANICTYPE_1 = 1936 = "Error: invalid mechanic" SI_COMBATMECHANICTYPE_2 = 1935 = "Health" SI_COMMA_SPECIAL_CURRENCY = 4429 = ", <<1>> <<2>>" SI_COMPASSACTIVEQUESTSCHOICE0 = 2025 = "Off" SI_COMPASSACTIVEQUESTSCHOICE1 = 2026 = "On" SI_COMPASSACTIVEQUESTSCHOICE2 = 2027 = "Focused" SI_COMPASS_EAST_ABBREVIATION = 4629 = "E" SI_COMPASS_LOCATION_NAME_FORMAT = 4630 = "<>" SI_COMPASS_NORTH_ABBREVIATION = 4626 = "N" SI_COMPASS_SOUTH_ABBREVIATION = 4627 = "S" SI_COMPASS_WEST_ABBREVIATION = 4628 = "W" SI_CONFIRM_ABANDON_QUEST = 3685 = "Are you sure you want to abandon <<1>>?" SI_CONFIRM_BOP_LOOT = 3549 = "Warning: <> is a bind-on-pickup item. Are you sure you want to loot it?" SI_CONFIRM_BOP_LOOT_ALL = 3550 = "Warning: This contains one or more bind-on-pickup items. Are you sure you want to loot all?" SI_CONFIRM_DESTROY_ITEM_PROMPT = 6304 = "Do you really want to destroy<<2[// $d]>> <>? Type <<3>> to confirm." SI_CONFIRM_MUNDUS_STONE_ACCEPT = 4682 = "Accept Sign" SI_CONFIRM_MUNDUS_STONE_DECLINE = 4683 = "Cancel" SI_CONFIRM_MUNDUS_STONE_MAIN_TEXT = 4684 = "Those under the sign of |cffffff<>|r will have a boon that |cffffff<>|r.\n\nYou may only have one boon at a time." SI_CONFIRM_MUNDUS_STONE_TITLE = 4681 = "Mundus Stone" SI_CONFIRM_OPEN_STEAM_STORE = 183 = "This will open the Steam® store in the Steam® overlay. Are you sure you want to continue?" SI_CONFIRM_OPEN_URL_TEXT = 181 = "This will open |c76BCC3<>|r in your default <<2>> outside of the game. Are you sure you want to continue?" SI_CONFIRM_OPEN_URL_TITLE = 180 = "Open URL" SI_CONFIRM_PURCHASE = 4428 = "Buy <> for <<2>><<3>><<4>>?" SI_CONFIRM_SHARE_QUEST_ACCEPT = 5743 = "<<1>> would like to share [<>] with you. Will you accept the quest?" SI_CONFIRM_STOW_ALL_GEMIFIABLE_TEXT = 6925 = "You have a material that can be converted to Crown Gems. By stowing it in the craft bag you will no longer be able to convert it. Are you sure you want to continue?" SI_CONFIRM_STOW_ALL_GEMIFIABLE_TITLE = 6924 = "Confirm Stow Materials" SI_CONFIRM_STOW_GEMIFIABLE_TEXT = 6923 = "Stowing this material in the craft bag will prevent you from converting it into Crown Gems. Are you sure you want to continue?" SI_CONFIRM_STOW_GEMIFIABLE_TITLE = 6922 = "Confirm Stow Gemifiable" SI_CONFIRM_STUCK_TITLE = 3741 = "Stuck" SI_CONSOLEENHANCEDRENDERQUALITY0 = 3029 = "4K" SI_CONSOLEENHANCEDRENDERQUALITY1 = 3030 = "1080p Enhanced" SI_CONSOLESERVERCHOICE0 = 990 = "North America" SI_CONSOLESERVERCHOICE1 = 991 = "Europe" SI_CONSOLE_COMMUNICATION_PERMISSION_ERROR_GLOBALLY_RESTRICTED = 3114 = "You cannot communicate with other players." SI_CONSOLE_COMMUNICATION_PERMISSION_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED = 3113 = "You cannot communicate with that player." SI_CONSOLE_COMMUNICATION_PERMISSION_ERROR_NO_SUCH_PLAYER = 3112 = "There is no player with that name." SI_CONVERSATION_OPTION_SPEECHCRAFT_CLEMENCY = 6300 = "Clemency" SI_CONVERSATION_OPTION_SPEECHCRAFT_FORMAT = 6296 = "[<<1>>] <<2>>" SI_CONVERSATION_OPTION_SPEECHCRAFT_INTIMIDATE = 6298 = "Intimidate" SI_CONVERSATION_OPTION_SPEECHCRAFT_PERSUADE = 6299 = "Persuade" SI_CONVERSATION_OPTION_SPEECHCRAFT_UNUSUABLE_FORMAT = 6297 = "|cFF0000[<<1>>]|r <<2>>" SI_CONVERT_ITEM_STYLE_BODY = 7112 = "Converting this item to the <> style will make it bound to your account, preventing other accounts from being able to use it.\n\nOnce converted, the item cannot be returned to its original style.\n\nAre you sure you want to convert the style of <>?" SI_CONVERT_ITEM_STYLE_BUTTON = 7113 = "Convert" SI_CONVERT_ITEM_STYLE_TITLE = 7111 = "Convert to <>" SI_CORRUPT_SAVE = 3052 = "The auto save file cannot be used because the data is corrupted. Do you want to overwrite it? Selecting \"no\" will disable saves." SI_COSTUME_FAIL_WEARING_DISGUISE = 6355 = "Your selected costume will not appear until you remove your current disguise." SI_CRAFTING_ALERT_CANT_IMPROVE_LOCKED_ITEM = 6777 = "Improving a locked item requires a 100% chance." SI_CRAFTING_BUY_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_ITEM = 4221 = "Buy Crown Mimic Stone" SI_CRAFTING_CANCEL_RESEARCH = 6776 = "Cancel Research" SI_CRAFTING_CLEAR_SELECTIONS = 4220 = "Clear Selections" SI_CRAFTING_COMPONENT_TOOLTIP_TRAITS = 4215 = "Traits" SI_CRAFTING_COMPONENT_TOOLTIP_UNKNOWN_TRAIT = 4216 = "?" SI_CRAFTING_CONFIRM_CANCEL_RESEARCH_DESCRIPTION = 4226 = "Do you really want to cancel researching |cffffff<<1>>: <<2>>|r? Type <<3>> to verify." SI_CRAFTING_CONFIRM_CANCEL_RESEARCH_TITLE = 6775 = "Cancel Research" SI_CRAFTING_CONFIRM_CANCEL_RESEARCH_WARNING = 4227 = "The item used will not be returned." SI_CRAFTING_CONFIRM_USE_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION = 4224 = "You are about to create an item using a Crown Mimic Stone.\n\n This cannot be undone." SI_CRAFTING_CONFIRM_USE_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_ITEM_TITLE = 4223 = "Use Crown Mimic Stone" SI_CRAFTING_ENTER_PREVIEW_MODE = 6773 = "Preview" SI_CRAFTING_EXIT_PREVIEW_MODE = 6774 = "End Preview" SI_CRAFTING_HAVE_KNOWLEDGE_TOOLTIP = 6769 = "Show only the items that can be created based on learned knowledge." SI_CRAFTING_HAVE_MATERIALS_TOOLTIP = 6768 = "Show only the items that can be created based on what is available in inventory." SI_CRAFTING_INVALID_ITEM_STYLE = 6778 = "None" SI_CRAFTING_PERFORM_CRAFT = 4217 = "Craft (<<1>>)" SI_CRAFTING_PERFORM_EXTRACTION = 4219 = "Extract" SI_CRAFTING_PERFORM_FREE_CRAFT = 4218 = "Craft" SI_CRAFTING_RESULT_INSPIRATION = 4277 = "Gained inspiration: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_CRAFTING_RESULT_INSPIRATION_TOTAL = 4278 = "Gained inspiration: |cffffff<<1>>|r |c7fa4c5(+ <<2>>)|r" SI_CRAFTING_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_DESCRIPTION = 4225 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r (|cEECA2ACrown Mimic Stone|r)" SI_CRAFTING_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_ITEM_CROWN_STORE_TOOLTIP = 6771 = "Purchase more in the Crown Store." SI_CRAFTING_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_ITEM_TOOLTIP = 6770 = "Substitute for an already-known style's material. \nCraft new weapons and armor in any style." SI_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN_NAME = 4214 = "Unknown" SI_CRAFTING_USE_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_ITEM = 4222 = "Crown Mimic Stone (<<1>>)" SI_CRAFT_BAG_STATUS_ESO_PLUS_UNLOCKED_DESCRIPTION = 6903 = "Crafting Materials can be withdrawn and deposited freely while you are an ESO Plus member." SI_CRAFT_BAG_STATUS_LOCKED_DESCRIPTION = 6902 = "Crafting Materials can be withdrawn but not deposited. The Craft Bag can be unlocked by becoming an ESO Plus member." SI_CROWN_CRATE_AVAILABLE_GEMS_HEADER = 7045 = "Crown Gems:" SI_CROWN_CRATE_BUY_CRATES_KEYBIND = 7034 = "Buy Crates" SI_CROWN_CRATE_CHANGE_CRATE_KEYBIND = 7033 = "Back" SI_CROWN_CRATE_COUNT = 7040 = "x<<1>>" SI_CROWN_CRATE_GEMS_GAINED_FORMAT = 7048 = "+<<1>><<2>>" SI_CROWN_CRATE_LEAVE_GEM_EXTRACTION_KEYBIND = 7049 = "Back" SI_CROWN_CRATE_OPEN_NEXT_CRATE_KEYBIND = 7035 = "Open a Crate" SI_CROWN_CRATE_OPEN_NEXT_KEYBIND = 7032 = "Open <<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_CROWN_CRATE_OPEN_SELECTED_CRATE_KEYBIND = 7036 = "Open" SI_CROWN_CRATE_PACK_NAME = 7046 = "<<1>>" SI_CROWN_CRATE_PACK_WITH_STACK_NAME = 7047 = "<<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_CROWN_CRATE_PAGE_HEADER = 7050 = "Page:" SI_CROWN_CRATE_PAGE_INDICATOR_FORMAT = 7051 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_CROWN_CRATE_REVEAL_ALL_REWARDS_KEYBIND = 7039 = "Reveal All" SI_CROWN_CRATE_REVEAL_NEXT_REWARD_KEYBIND = 7037 = "Reveal Next" SI_CROWN_CRATE_REVEAL_SELECTED_REWARD_KEYBIND = 7038 = "Reveal Selected" SI_CROWN_CRATE_REWARD_NAME = 7041 = "<>" SI_CROWN_CRATE_REWARD_TYPE_ITEM = 7044 = "Item" SI_CROWN_CRATE_REWARD_WITH_GEMS_EXCHANGED = 7043 = "<<1>><<2>> (<<3>>)" SI_CROWN_CRATE_REWARD_WITH_STACK_NAME = 7042 = "<> (<<2>>)" SI_CROWN_CRATE_TOOLTIP_HEADER = 415 = "Crown Crate" SI_CROWN_STORE_SEARCH_CRAFT_ITEMS = 6846 = "Crafting Item" SI_CROWN_STORE_SEARCH_CROWN_CRATES = 6847 = "Crown Crate" SI_CROWN_STORE_SEARCH_FORMAT_STRING = 6845 = "<<1>>" SI_CURRENCYLOCATION0 = 2074 = "Character" SI_CURRENCYLOCATION1 = 2075 = "Bank" SI_CURRENCYLOCATION2 = 2076 = "Guild Bank" SI_CURRENCYLOCATION3 = 2077 = "Account" SI_CURRENCY_AMOUNT_WITH_ICON = 441 = "<<1>> <>" SI_CURRENCY_CUSTOM_TOOLTIP_FORMAT = 440 = "<<1>>" SI_CURRENCY_INSPIRATION = 439 = "Inspiration" SI_CURRENCY_OBFUSCATE_VALUE = 6319 = "-- " SI_CURRENCY_YOUR_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 438 = "Your Total Alliance Points" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEASKFORHELPCATEGORIES0 = 1096 = "Select Category" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEASKFORHELPCATEGORIES1 = 1097 = "Character Issue" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEASKFORHELPCATEGORIES2 = 1098 = "Report Player" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEASKFORHELPREPORTPLAYERSUBCATEGORY0 = 1107 = "Select Subcategory" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEASKFORHELPREPORTPLAYERSUBCATEGORY1 = 1108 = "Inappropriate Name" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEASKFORHELPREPORTPLAYERSUBCATEGORY2 = 1109 = "Harassment" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEASKFORHELPREPORTPLAYERSUBCATEGORY3 = 1110 = "Cheating" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEASKFORHELPREPORTPLAYERSUBCATEGORY4 = 1111 = "Other" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEITEMASSISTANCECATEGORIES0 = 1102 = "Select Category" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEITEMASSISTANCECATEGORIES2 = 1103 = "I am missing Crowns" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEITEMASSISTANCECATEGORIES3 = 1104 = "I have a problem with a Crown Store item" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEITEMASSISTANCECATEGORIES4 = 1105 = "I lost my item" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEITEMASSISTANCECATEGORIES5 = 1106 = "I can't get the item I need/want" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEQUESTASSISTANCECATEGORIES0 = 1099 = "Select Category" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEQUESTASSISTANCECATEGORIES1 = 1100 = "NPC/mobs" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEQUESTASSISTANCECATEGORIES2 = 1101 = "Item missing" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKCATEGORIES0 = 1023 = "Select Category" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKCATEGORIES1 = 1024 = "Alliance War / Cyrodiil" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKCATEGORIES2 = 1025 = "Audio" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKCATEGORIES3 = 1026 = "Characters" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKCATEGORIES4 = 1027 = "Combat & Monsters" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKCATEGORIES5 = 1028 = "Items & Equipment" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKCATEGORIES6 = 1029 = "Game System" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKCATEGORIES7 = 1030 = "Graphics & UI" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKCATEGORIES8 = 1031 = "Quests" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKCATEGORIES9 = 1032 = "Text / Localizations" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKIMPACTS0 = 1015 = "Select Impact" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKIMPACTS1 = 1016 = "Crash / Blocks Progress" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKIMPACTS2 = 1017 = "Exploit" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKIMPACTS3 = 1018 = "Impairs Functionality" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKIMPACTS4 = 1019 = "Delays Progress" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKIMPACTS5 = 1020 = "Cosmetic" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKIMPACTS6 = 1021 = "Pleasant Surprise" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKIMPACTS7 = 1022 = "That's Awesome!" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES0 = 1033 = "Select Subcategory" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES1 = 1034 = "Graveyards / Death" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES101 = 1038 = "Music / Ambient Audio" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES102 = 1039 = "Sound Effects" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES103 = 1040 = "Voiceover" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES104 = 1041 = "Other" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES2 = 1035 = "Objectives / Interactables" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES201 = 1042 = "Abilities" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES202 = 1043 = "Achievements" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES203 = 1044 = "Art / Animation / Effects" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES204 = 1045 = "Camera" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES205 = 1046 = "Character Creation / Login / Selection" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES206 = 1047 = "Death / Resurrection" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES207 = 1048 = "Emotes" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES208 = 1049 = "Friends" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES209 = 1050 = "Mail" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES210 = 1051 = "Movement / Controls" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES211 = 1052 = "Skill Lines / Skills / Progression" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES212 = 1053 = "Targeting / Cursor" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES3 = 1036 = "Ranking / Progressions" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES301 = 1054 = "Ability" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES302 = 1055 = "AI / Pathing / Combat" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES303 = 1056 = "Animation / Art / Effects" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES304 = 1057 = "Loot" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES305 = 1058 = "NPC Placement" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES4 = 1037 = "Siege Weapons" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES401 = 1059 = "Armor" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES402 = 1060 = "Consumables / Enchantments" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES403 = 1061 = "Gathering / Reagents" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES404 = 1062 = "Item Art" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES405 = 1063 = "Loot" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES406 = 1064 = "Soul Gems" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES407 = 1065 = "Weapons" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES501 = 1066 = "Chat" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES502 = 1067 = "Crafting" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES503 = 1068 = "Framerate" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES504 = 1069 = "Grouping" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES505 = 1070 = "Guilds" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES506 = 1071 = "Interactables / Lockpicking" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES507 = 1072 = "Latency" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES508 = 1073 = "Mounts / Fast Travel" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES509 = 1074 = "Trade / Auction" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES510 = 1075 = "Vendors" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES601 = 1076 = "Art / Animation / Environment" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES602 = 1077 = "Character Creation / Login / Selection" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES603 = 1078 = "Chat Box" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES604 = 1079 = "Currency" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES605 = 1080 = "Collision: Trees / Rocks / etc." SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES606 = 1081 = "Collision: Fixtures" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES607 = 1082 = "Hot Bar / Keybinds" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES608 = 1083 = "Inventory / Equipment" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES609 = 1084 = "Maps / Compass" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES610 = 1085 = "Peripherals & Settings" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES611 = 1086 = "Tooltips" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES612 = 1087 = "Weather / Effects / Lighting" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES701 = 1088 = "Dialog / Voiceover" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES702 = 1089 = "Dialog Grammar / Spelling" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES703 = 1090 = "Objectives / Interactables" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES704 = 1091 = "NPC & Monsters" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES705 = 1092 = "Rewards" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES801 = 1093 = "Dialog / Voiceover" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES802 = 1094 = "Localization" SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES803 = 1095 = "Books" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP = 6812 = "Ask For Help" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_NO_QUEST_HINT = 6841 = "Customer Support is unable to provide quest hints. If you are looking for help or tips on how to complete a quest, your fellow players on the forums at |c2e86b8<<1>>|r are a great source of information. Additionally, you can consult one of the many ESO community Wikis." SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_PLAYER_NAME = 6840 = "Player Name" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_SUBMIT_TICKET_CONFIRMATION = 6842 = "<<1>>" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ATTACH_SCREENSHOT = 6823 = "Attach Screenshot" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_CATEGORY = 6820 = "Category" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_CHARACTER_STUCK = 6810 = "Character Stuck" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_FEEDBACK = 6835 = "Include the following details:\nWhat were you doing?\nWhat did you expect to happen?\nWhat actually happened?" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_GENERIC = 6836 = "Please include any details you feel are important." SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION = 6822 = "Description" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ENTER_NAME = 6824 = "Enter Name" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ESO_FORUMS_LINK_TEXT = 6827 = "The Elder Scrolls Online Forums" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ESO_HELP_LINK_TEXT = 6828 = "The Elder Scrolls Online Support" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_FEEDBACK_IMPACT = 6819 = "Impact" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_GET_ME_UNSTUCK = 6815 = "Get Me Unstuck" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE = 6814 = "Item Assistance" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_NAME_INSTRUCTIONS = 6844 = "In order to help us resolve your issue, please provide us with your item details and information by navigating to your Inventory and selecting \"Get Help\" from the options menu for the item." SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_NAME = 6826 = "Item Name" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_OPEN_WEB_BROWSER = 6834 = "Open Web Browser" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_OVERVIEW = 6809 = "Overview" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_OVERVIEW_COMMON_QUESTIONS = 6838 = "Common Questions" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE = 6813 = "Quest Assistance" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_NAME_INSTRUCTIONS = 6843 = "In order to help us resolve your issue, please provide us with your quest details and information by navigating to your Journal and selecting \"Get Help\" from the options menu for the quest." SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_NAME = 6825 = "Quest Name" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBCATEGORY = 6821 = "Subcategory" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT = 6837 = "Submit" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMITTING = 6830 = "Submitting..." SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMITTING_TICKET = 6829 = "Submitting Ticket" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_CONFIRMATION = 6831 = "Confirmation" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FAILED = 6832 = "Failed To Submit" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FAILED_BODY = 6833 = "There has been an error in your ticket submission. Please try again in a few minutes.\n\nYou can also visit |c2e86b8<<1>>|r for support." SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK = 6811 = "Submit Feedback" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBMIT_CONFIRMATION = 6839 = "<<1>>" SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_UNSTUCK_COST_PROMPT = 6816 = "Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine." SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_UNSTUCK_COST_PROMPT_IN_BATTLEGROUND = 6818 = "Using Get Me Unstuck will kill you so that you can respawn." SI_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_UNSTUCK_COST_PROMPT_TELVAR = 6817 = "Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. You will also lose |cffffff<<2>>%|r of your currently held Tel Var stones." SI_DAMAGETYPE0 = 1943 = "None" SI_DAMAGETYPE1 = 1944 = "Generic" SI_DAMAGETYPE10 = 1953 = "Disease" SI_DAMAGETYPE11 = 1954 = "Poison" SI_DAMAGETYPE2 = 1945 = "Physical" SI_DAMAGETYPE3 = 1946 = "Flame" SI_DAMAGETYPE4 = 1947 = "Shock" SI_DAMAGETYPE5 = 1948 = "Daedric" SI_DAMAGETYPE6 = 1949 = "Frost" SI_DAMAGETYPE7 = 1950 = "Earth" SI_DAMAGETYPE8 = 1951 = "Magic" SI_DAMAGETYPE9 = 1952 = "Drowning" SI_DATE_FORMAT_FULL_DATE = 526 = "<<1>> <<2>>, <<3>>" SI_DEATH_DURABILITY_ANNOUNCEMENT = 6731 = "Your equipped items have lost durability." SI_DEATH_PROMPT_AVA = 6727 = "Automatically Reviving..." SI_DEATH_PROMPT_BATTLE_GROUND_QUEUE = 6728 = "Join the respawn queue?" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_CHOOSE_REVIVE_LOCATION = 6725 = "Choose Revive Location" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_HERE = 6712 = "Here" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_HERE_GEM = 6713 = "Here (<> <>)" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_HERE_GEM_FAILED = 6716 = "Here |cff0000(|r<> <>|cff0000)|r" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_HERE_GEM_LIFE = 6715 = "Here (<> <> + <>)" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_HERE_GEM_LIFE_FAILED = 6718 = "Here |cff0000(|r<> <> |cff0000+|r <>|cff0000)|r" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_HERE_LIFE = 6714 = "Here (<>)" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_HERE_LIFE_FAILED = 6717 = "Here |cff0000(|r<>|cff0000)|r" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_IN_ENCOUNTER = 6730 = "Waiting for the battle to end..." SI_DEATH_PROMPT_JOIN = 6726 = "Join Queue" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_NO_SOUL_GEMS = 6722 = "No Valid Soul Gems Found" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_NO_SOUL_GEMS_PVP = 6723 = "No <<1>> found." SI_DEATH_PROMPT_RAID_RELEASE = 6732 = "Revive at Entrance" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_RAID_REVIVE_COUNTER = 6733 = "Lives: <<1>>" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_RELEASE = 6721 = "Release" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_RESURRECT_TEXT = 6729 = "<<1>> wants to resurrect you." SI_DEATH_PROMPT_REVIVE_LABEL = 6734 = "Revive" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_SOUL_GEM_PRICE = 6724 = "Costs |cffffff1|r <<1>>" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_WAITING_RELEASE = 6735 = "Releasing in |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_WAYSHRINE = 6719 = "Wayshrine" SI_DEATH_PROMPT_WAYSHRINE_LIFE = 6720 = "Wayshrine (<>)" SI_DEATH_RECAP_ATTACKER_NAME = 6741 = "<<1>>" SI_DEATH_RECAP_ATTACKER_NAME_MINION = 6742 = "<<1>>'s <<2>>" SI_DEATH_RECAP_ATTACKS_HEADER = 6738 = "Recent Damage" SI_DEATH_RECAP_ATTACK_NAME = 6748 = "<<1>>" SI_DEATH_RECAP_BATTLEGROUND_ALLIANCE_ATTACKER_NAME = 6745 = "<> <<2>>" SI_DEATH_RECAP_BATTLEGROUND_ALLIANCE_ATTACKER_NAME_MINION = 6746 = "<> <>'s <<3>>" SI_DEATH_RECAP_DAMAGE_LABEL = 6747 = "dmg" SI_DEATH_RECAP_HINTS_HEADER = 6739 = "Hints" SI_DEATH_RECAP_NO_HINTS = 6740 = "No Hints Available" SI_DEATH_RECAP_RANK_ATTACKER_NAME = 6743 = "<> |cffffff<<2>>|r|u10:0::|u<<3>>" SI_DEATH_RECAP_RANK_ATTACKER_NAME_MINION = 6744 = "<> |cffffff<<2>>|r|u10:0::|u<>'s <<4>>" SI_DEATH_RECAP_TELVAR_STONE_LOSS_LABEL = 6749 = "Tel Var Stones:" SI_DEATH_RECAP_TELVAR_STONE_LOSS_VALUE = 6750 = "-<<1>>" SI_DEATH_RECAP_TITLE = 6737 = "Death Recap" SI_DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE_KEYBIND = 6736 = "Toggle Recap" SI_DEFAULTSOULGEMCHOICE0 = 2045 = "|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t Gold Purchased" SI_DEFAULTSOULGEMCHOICE1 = 2046 = "|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_crown.dds|t Crown Purchased" SI_DEFAULT_QUEST_COMPLETE_CONFIRM_TEXT = 3218 = "Complete Quest." SI_DEFAULT_QUEST_COMPLETE_DECLINE_TEXT = 3219 = "Never mind." SI_DERIVEDSTATS1 = 545 = "Attack Power" SI_DERIVEDSTATS10 = 554 = "Healing Taken" SI_DERIVEDSTATS11 = 555 = "Dodge" SI_DERIVEDSTATS12 = 556 = "Healing Done" SI_DERIVEDSTATS13 = 557 = "Spell Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS14 = 558 = "Block" SI_DERIVEDSTATS16 = 559 = "Weapon Critical" SI_DERIVEDSTATS2 = 546 = "Weapon and Spell Damage" SI_DERIVEDSTATS20 = 560 = "Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS22 = 561 = "Physical Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS23 = 562 = "Spell Critical" SI_DERIVEDSTATS24 = 563 = "Critical Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS25 = 564 = "Spell Damage" SI_DERIVEDSTATS26 = 565 = "Spell Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS29 = 566 = "Maximum Stamina" SI_DERIVEDSTATS3 = 547 = "Armor" SI_DERIVEDSTATS30 = 567 = "Stamina Recovery" SI_DERIVEDSTATS31 = 568 = "Stamina Recovery Idle" SI_DERIVEDSTATS32 = 569 = "Miss" SI_DERIVEDSTATS33 = 570 = "Physical Penetration" SI_DERIVEDSTATS34 = 571 = "Spell Penetration" SI_DERIVEDSTATS35 = 572 = "Weapon Damage" SI_DERIVEDSTATS37 = 573 = "Generic Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS38 = 574 = "Physical Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS39 = 575 = "Flame Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS4 = 548 = "Maximum Magicka" SI_DERIVEDSTATS40 = 576 = "Shock Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS41 = 577 = "Oblivion Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS42 = 578 = "Frost Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS43 = 579 = "Earth Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS44 = 580 = "Magic Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS45 = 581 = "Drowning Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS46 = 582 = "Disease Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS47 = 583 = "Poison Resistance" SI_DERIVEDSTATS48 = 584 = "Mount Stamina" SI_DERIVEDSTATS49 = 585 = "Mount Stamina Regen Combat" SI_DERIVEDSTATS5 = 549 = "Magicka Recovery" SI_DERIVEDSTATS50 = 586 = "Mount Stamina Regen Moving" SI_DERIVEDSTATS6 = 550 = "Magicka Recovery Idle" SI_DERIVEDSTATS7 = 551 = "Maximum Health" SI_DERIVEDSTATS8 = 552 = "Health Recovery" SI_DERIVEDSTATS9 = 553 = "Health Recovery Idle" SI_DESCRIPTION_TUTORIALS_RESET = 6709 = "Are you sure you want to reset tutorials?" SI_DESTROY_ALL_JUNK = 4069 = "Are you sure you want to destroy all items marked as junk from your inventory? " SI_DESTROY_ALL_JUNK_CONFIRM = 4070 = "Destroy" SI_DESTROY_ALL_JUNK_KEYBIND_TEXT = 4068 = "Destroy All Junk" SI_DESTROY_ITEM_CONFIRMATION = 6305 = "DESTROY" SI_DESTROY_ITEM_PROMPT = 6303 = "Do you really want to destroy<<2[// $d]>> <>?" SI_DIALOG_ACCEPT = 243 = "Accept" SI_DIALOG_ADD_IGNORE = 4651 = "Add Ignore" SI_DIALOG_BUTTON_CHANGE_HOUSING_PERMISSION = 6979 = "Commit" SI_DIALOG_BUTTON_IGNORE_FRIEND = 5899 = "Ignore" SI_DIALOG_BUTTON_REMOVE_FRIEND = 5896 = "Remove" SI_DIALOG_BUTTON_REMOVE_VISITOR_PERMISSION = 6972 = "Confirm" SI_DIALOG_BUTTON_TEXT_LOGOUT_CANCEL = 4678 = "Cancel" SI_DIALOG_BUTTON_TEXT_QUIT_CANCEL = 4675 = "Cancel" SI_DIALOG_BUTTON_TEXT_QUIT_FORCE = 4674 = "Quit Now" SI_DIALOG_BUY_MULTIPLE = 3222 = "How many <> do you wish to buy?" SI_DIALOG_CANCEL = 247 = "Cancel" SI_DIALOG_CLOSE = 252 = "Close" SI_DIALOG_CONFIRM = 251 = "Confirm" SI_DIALOG_CONFIRM_BINDING_ITEM_TITLE = 6307 = "Binding Item" SI_DIALOG_CONFIRM_EQUIPPING_ITEM_BODY = 6308 = "Equipping <> will permanently bind it to your account." SI_DIALOG_COPY_HOUSING_PERMISSION_DEFAULT_CHOICE = 6982 = "Select One" SI_DIALOG_COPY_HOUSING_PERMISSION_HEADER = 6981 = "Load visitor lists and ban lists from:" SI_DIALOG_COPY_HOUSING_PERMISSION_REQUIRES_MORE_HOUSES = 6983 = "You need more than one house to share permissions between them." SI_DIALOG_COPY_HOUSING_PERMISSION_TITLE = 6980 = "Load Permissions" SI_DIALOG_CREATE = 248 = "Create" SI_DIALOG_DECLINE = 244 = "Decline" SI_DIALOG_EXIT = 249 = "Exit" SI_DIALOG_INSTALLATION_PROGRESS = 3061 = "Installation Progress: <<1>> %" SI_DIALOG_LOG_OUT_ENTER_CODE = 253 = "Log Out & Enter Code" SI_DIALOG_LOG_OUT_UPGRADE = 254 = "Log Out & Upgrade" SI_DIALOG_NO = 246 = "No" SI_DIALOG_OPTION_VISITOR_PERMISSION_AFFECTS_ALL_HOUSES = 6984 = "Apply to all houses." SI_DIALOG_PURCHASE = 3221 = "Purchase" SI_DIALOG_REMOVE = 250 = "Remove" SI_DIALOG_TEXT_CHANGE_HOUSING_PERMISSION = 6978 = "Edit the permissions of |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_DIALOG_TEXT_IGNORE_FRIEND = 5898 = "Are you sure you want to ignore <<1>>?" SI_DIALOG_TEXT_LOGOUT_DEFERRED = 4677 = "You will logout in <<1>>." SI_DIALOG_TEXT_QUIT_DEFERRED = 4673 = "You will quit automatically in <<1>>. You will remain logged in on the server if you force quit." SI_DIALOG_TEXT_QUIT_PREVENTED = 4672 = "You are not allowed to quit at this time. You will remain logged in on the server if you force quit." SI_DIALOG_TEXT_REMOVE_BANLIST_GUILD_PERMISSION = 6971 = "Are you sure you want to remove the ban on |cffffff<<1>>|r?" SI_DIALOG_TEXT_REMOVE_BANLIST_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = 6967 = "Are you sure you want to remove the ban on |cffffff<<1>>|r?" SI_DIALOG_TEXT_REMOVE_FRIEND = 5895 = "Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r from your friends list?" SI_DIALOG_TEXT_REMOVE_GUILD_PERMISSION = 6969 = "Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r as a visitor?" SI_DIALOG_TEXT_REMOVE_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = 6965 = "Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r as a visitor?" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_ADD_GUILD_PERMISSION = 6975 = "Add Guild Visitor" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_ADD_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = 6973 = "Add Visitor" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_BAN_GUILD_PERMISSION = 6976 = "Ban Guild" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_BAN_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = 6974 = "Ban Player" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_CHANGE_HOUSING_PERMISSION = 6977 = "Change Permissions" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_IGNORE_FRIEND = 5897 = "Ignore Friend" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_LOGOUT = 4676 = "Logout" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_QUIT = 4671 = "Quit Game" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_REMOVE_BANLIST_GUILD_PERMISSION = 6970 = "Remove Guild Ban" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_REMOVE_BANLIST_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = 6966 = "Remove Ban" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_REMOVE_FRIEND = 5894 = "Remove Friend" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_REMOVE_GUILD_PERMISSION = 6968 = "Remove Guild Visitor" SI_DIALOG_TITLE_REMOVE_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = 6964 = "Remove Visitor" SI_DIALOG_TRADE_BOP_MODIFYING_ITEM_BODY = 6309 = "Modifying <<1>> will permanently bind it to your account." SI_DIALOG_YES = 245 = "Yes" SI_DIGIT_GROUP_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = 274 = "." SI_DIGIT_GROUP_SEPARATOR = 273 = "," SI_DISGUISE_DANGER = 4444 = "Danger" SI_DISGUISE_DISCOVERED = 4446 = "Discovered" SI_DISGUISE_DISGUISED = 4443 = "Disguised" SI_DISGUISE_SUSPICIOUS = 4445 = "Suspicious" SI_DISMISS_UI_ERROR = 169 = "Dismiss Error" SI_DISPLAY_GUILD_STORE_ITEM_NAME = 3324 = "<<1>>" SI_DISPLAY_GUILD_STORE_NO_ITEMS = 3325 = "No items found. Modify your search and try again." SI_DISPLAY_NAME_LABEL = 166 = "UserID:" SI_DISTRICT_RESURRECT_FAIL_NOT_INSIDE_IMPERIAL_CITY = 4411 = "You cannot resurrect in the Imperial City from the outside." SI_DLC_BOOK_ACTION_ACCEPT_QUEST = 6533 = "Accept Quest" SI_DLC_BOOK_ACTION_CHAPTER_UPGRADE = 6532 = "Upgrade" SI_DLC_BOOK_ACTION_GET_SUBSCRIPTION = 6531 = "Subscribe Now" SI_DLC_BOOK_ACTION_OPEN_CROWN_STORE = 6530 = "Unlock Permanently" SI_DLC_BOOK_ACTION_QUEST_ACCEPTED = 6534 = "Quest Accepted" SI_DLC_BOOK_QUEST_STATUS = 3486 = "Quest: |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r" SI_DLC_BOOK_QUEST_STATUS_ACCEPTED = 6535 = "Accepted" SI_DLC_BOOK_QUEST_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED = 6536 = "Not Accepted" SI_DLC_BOOK_TITLE = 6528 = "Stories" SI_DUELING_COUNTDOWN_CSA = 5666 = "Duel Starts in <<1>>" SI_DUELING_NEAR_BOUNDARY_CSA = 5667 = "You are close to the edge of the Duel Area!" SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON1 = 2361 = "<<1>> is not available to duel." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON10 = 2370 = "<<1>> is not available to duel because they are dueling another player." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON11 = 2371 = "You cannot duel when you are dead." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON12 = 2372 = "<<1>> is not available to duel because they are dead." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON13 = 2373 = "You cannot duel while swimming." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON14 = 2374 = "<<1>> is not available to duel because they are swimming." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON15 = 2375 = "You cannot duel while in combat." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON16 = 2376 = "<<1>> is not available to duel because they are in combat." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON17 = 2377 = "You cannot duel while crafting." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON18 = 2378 = "<<1>> is not available to duel because they are crafting." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON19 = 2379 = "You cannot duel here." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON2 = 2362 = "Not a valid duel target." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON20 = 2380 = "You cannot challenge a player to duel who has recently declined your duel invitation." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON21 = 2381 = "You cannot duel here, there are too many duels nearby." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON22 = 2382 = "Cannot duel unless both duelists are at full health." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON3 = 2363 = "You cannot duel yourself." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON4 = 2364 = "<<1>> is not available to duel because they are too far away." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON5 = 2365 = "You cannot invite another to duel while you have challenged <<1>>." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON6 = 2366 = "You cannot invite another to duel while responding to a duel challenge from <<1>>." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON7 = 2367 = "You cannot invite another to duel while you are already dueling <<1>>." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON8 = 2368 = "<<1>> is not available to duel because they have challenged someone else to a duel." SI_DUELINVITEFAILREASON9 = 2369 = "<<1>> is not available to duel because they are considering another duel challenge." SI_DUELRESULT0 = 852 = "<<1>> forfeited the duel." SI_DUELRESULT1 = 853 = "<<1>> won the duel." SI_DUELSTATE1 = 847 = "You are currently waiting for a duel invite response from <<1>>." SI_DUELSTATE2 = 848 = "You are currently considering a duel invite from <<1>>." SI_DUELSTATE3 = 849 = "You are currently dueling <<1>>." SI_DUELSTATE4 = 850 = "Your duel with <<1>> is about to start." SI_DUELSTATE5 = 851 = "Your prior duel is shutting down." SI_DUEL_INVITE_ACCEPTED = 6146 = "Duel invitation accepted." SI_DUEL_INVITE_CANCELED = 6148 = "Duel invitation canceled." SI_DUEL_INVITE_DECLINED = 6147 = "Duel invitation declined." SI_DUEL_INVITE_MESSAGE = 5923 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r wants to duel with you." SI_DUEL_INVITE_RECEIVED = 6145 = "<<1>> has invited you to duel." SI_DUEL_INVITE_SENT = 6144 = "You have invited <<1>> to duel." SI_DUNGEONDIFFICULTY1 = 1013 = "Normal" SI_DUNGEONDIFFICULTY2 = 1014 = "Veteran" SI_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED_TO_NORMAL = 3533 = "Dungeon difficulty changed to Normal." SI_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED_TO_VETERAN = 3534 = "Dungeon difficulty changed to Veteran." SI_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_HEADER = 3529 = "Dungeon Mode:" SI_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_HELP_TOOLTIP = 5978 = "This setting is used in determining the difficulty of group dungeons. When joining a group, only the group leader's setting will be used." SI_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL_TOOLTIP_HEADER = 3530 = "Normal" SI_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_VETERAN_TOOLTIP_HEADER = 3531 = "Veteran" SI_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_VETERAN_TOOLTIP_LEADER_CHOSEN_SETTING = 3532 = "Your group leader has chosen this as the mode of group dungeons." SI_DUNGEON_FINDER_GENERAL_ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTOR = 6019 = "Dungeon" SI_DUNGEON_FINDER_RANDOM_DESCRIPTION = 6034 = "Completing a Random Normal Dungeon or Random Veteran Dungeon will give you bonus rewards once per day." SI_DUNGEON_FINDER_RANDOM_FILTER_TEXT = 6033 = "Random Dungeons" SI_DUNGEON_FINDER_SPECIFIC_FILTER_TEXT = 6031 = "Specific Dungeons" SI_DUNGEON_FLOOR_DOWN_TOOLTIP = 3667 = "Go down a floor" SI_DUNGEON_FLOOR_UP_TOOLTIP = 3666 = "Go up a floor" SI_DYEHUECATEGORY0 = 1202 = "Red" SI_DYEHUECATEGORY1 = 1203 = "Yellow" SI_DYEHUECATEGORY2 = 1204 = "Green" SI_DYEHUECATEGORY3 = 1205 = "Blue" SI_DYEHUECATEGORY4 = 1206 = "Purple" SI_DYEHUECATEGORY5 = 1207 = "Brown" SI_DYEHUECATEGORY6 = 1208 = "Gray" SI_DYEING_APPLY_CHANGE_CONFIRM_BODY = 4386 = "Dyeing your equipped items will bind them to your account. Once bound, you will no longer be able to trade or mail them to other players.\n\nAre you sure you want to apply your changes?" SI_DYEING_APPLY_CHANGE_CONFIRM_TITLE = 4385 = "Bind Items" SI_DYEING_CANNOT_SAMPLE = 6372 = "Cannot sample non-dyed color." SI_DYEING_CANNOT_SAMPLE_LOCKED_DYE = 6373 = "Cannot sample a color that has not been achieved yet." SI_DYEING_CANNOT_SAMPLE_NON_PLAYER_DYE = 6374 = "Cannot sample a color that is not obtainable through the achievement system." SI_DYEING_CLEAR_MENU = 6371 = "Clear Color" SI_DYEING_COLLECTIBLE_SHEET_HEADER = 4391 = "Active" SI_DYEING_COLLECTIBLE_STATUS = 4393 = "Costume and Hat Dyeing: <<1>>" SI_DYEING_COLLECTIBLE_TAB_DESCRIPTION_LOCKED = 6387 = "Applying dyes to your costume and hat is currently not available. This feature can be unlocked with an ESO Plus membership." SI_DYEING_COLLECTIBLE_TAB_DESCRIPTION_UNLOCKED = 6388 = "You can access the collection appearance tab and apply dyes to your costume and hat while you are an ESO Plus Member." SI_DYEING_COMMIT = 6360 = "Apply Changes" SI_DYEING_DYE_COLLECTIBLE_TAB = 6385 = "Costume and Hat" SI_DYEING_DYE_EQUIPMENT_TAB = 6384 = "Equipment" SI_DYEING_EXIT_WITH_CHANGES_BIND_CONFIRM_BODY = 4388 = "You are attempting to exit before applying your changes.\n\nDyeing your equipped items will bind them to your account. Once bound, you will no longer be able to trade or mail them to other players.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes?" SI_DYEING_EXIT_WITH_CHANGES_BIND_CONFIRM_TITLE = 4387 = "Bind Items" SI_DYEING_EXIT_WITH_CHANGES_CONFIRM_BODY = 6390 = "You are attempting to exit before applying your changes. If you do not apply your changes, they will be discarded.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes?" SI_DYEING_EXIT_WITH_CHANGES_CONFIRM_TITLE = 6389 = "Dye Items" SI_DYEING_NO_MATCHING_DYES = 6375 = "No dyes found that match your filters" SI_DYEING_RANDOMIZE = 6361 = "Randomize" SI_DYEING_SAVED_SETS_HEADER = 4384 = "Saved Sets" SI_DYEING_SHOW_LOCKED = 6363 = "Show Locked" SI_DYEING_SORT_BY_HUE = 6365 = "Sort by Hue" SI_DYEING_SORT_BY_RARITY = 6364 = "Sort by Rarity" SI_DYEING_SWATCH_TOOLTIP_BODY = 6379 = "Unlocked by the <<1>> Achievement" SI_DYEING_SWATCH_TOOLTIP_BODY_HIDDEN = 6380 = "Unlocked via Hidden Achievement" SI_DYEING_SWATCH_TOOLTIP_BODY_HIDDEN_LOCKED = 6381 = "Unlocked via Hidden Achievement" SI_DYEING_SWATCH_TOOLTIP_BODY_LOCKED = 6382 = "Unlocked by the <<1>> Achievement" SI_DYEING_SWATCH_TOOLTIP_BODY_NON_PLAYER_DYE = 6383 = "This dye is not obtainable from the achievement system" SI_DYEING_SWATCH_TOOLTIP_SEE_ACHIEVEMENT = 6377 = "Right-Click to view Achievement." SI_DYEING_SWATCH_TOOLTIP_TITLE = 6376 = "<<1>>" SI_DYEING_SWATCH_VIEW_ACHIEVEMENT = 6378 = "View Achievement" SI_DYEING_SWITCH_WITH_CHANGES_BIND_CONFIRM_BODY = 4389 = "You are attempting to switch tabs before applying your changes.\n\nDyeing your equipped items will bind them to your account. Once bound, you will no longer be able to trade or mail them to other players.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes?" SI_DYEING_SWITCH_WITH_CHANGES_CONFIRM_BODY = 4390 = "You are attempting to switch tabs before applying your changes.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes?" SI_DYEING_TOOLS_HEADER = 4383 = "Tools" SI_DYEING_TOOL_DYE_ALL_TOOLTIP = 6368 = "Dye All" SI_DYEING_TOOL_DYE_TOOLTIP = 6366 = "Dye" SI_DYEING_TOOL_ERASE_TOOLTIP = 6367 = "Clear Color" SI_DYEING_TOOL_SAMPLE_TOOLTIP = 6369 = "Copy Color" SI_DYEING_TOOL_SET_FILL = 6370 = "Set Fill" SI_DYEING_UNDO = 6362 = "Undo Changes" SI_DYERARITY0 = 1199 = "Common" SI_DYERARITY1 = 1200 = "Uncommon" SI_DYERARITY2 = 1201 = "Rare" SI_DYESTAMPUSERESULT1 = 1209 = "This Dye Stamp has the same dyes as your current equipment." SI_DYESTAMPUSERESULT2 = 1210 = "This Dye Stamp has no equipment it can affect." SI_DYESTAMPUSERESULT3 = 1211 = "This Dye Stamp has the same dyes as your current costume and hat." SI_DYESTAMPUSERESULT4 = 1212 = "This Dye Stamp has no costume or hat to affect." SI_DYESTAMPUSERESULT5 = 1213 = "This Dye Stamp does not exist." SI_DYESTAMPUSERESULT6 = 1214 = "This Dye Stamp cannot be used on a hidden costume or hat." SI_DYE_STAMP_COLLECTIBLES_HIDDEN = 395 = "Costume or Hat is being hidden." SI_DYE_STAMP_CONFIRMATION_USE_DESCRIPTION = 6392 = "Applying your changes will consume |cffffff1 <<1>>|r" SI_DYE_STAMP_CONFIRMATION_USE_TITLE = 6391 = "Use Dye Stamp" SI_DYE_STAMP_COSTUME_DESCRIPTION = 390 = "Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped |cffffffCostume|r and |cffffffHat|r." SI_DYE_STAMP_ITEM_DESCRIPTION = 389 = "Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped |cffffffEquipment|r even when hidden by a costume or hat. This includes shields equipped in either slot." SI_DYE_STAMP_NOT_USABLE_NOW = 394 = "Cannot apply at this time." SI_DYE_STAMP_REQUIRES_COLLECTIBLE = 391 = "Requires an active Costume or Hat." SI_DYE_STAMP_REQUIRES_EQUIPMENT = 392 = "Requires Equipment that can be dyed." SI_DYE_STAMP_SAME_DYE_DATA = 393 = "Already Applied" SI_EDIT_NOTE_DEFAULT_TEXT = 5888 = "Type a note here" SI_EDIT_NOTE_DIALOG_TITLE = 5887 = "Edit Note" SI_EMOTECATEGORY0 = 969 = "Invalid" SI_EMOTECATEGORY1 = 970 = "Ceremonial" SI_EMOTECATEGORY10 = 979 = "Poses and Fidgets" SI_EMOTECATEGORY11 = 980 = "Prop" SI_EMOTECATEGORY12 = 981 = "Social" SI_EMOTECATEGORY13 = 982 = "Personality Only" SI_EMOTECATEGORY14 = 983 = "Collected" SI_EMOTECATEGORY2 = 971 = "Cheers and Jeers" SI_EMOTECATEGORY3 = 972 = "Deprecated" SI_EMOTECATEGORY4 = 973 = "Emotion" SI_EMOTECATEGORY5 = 974 = "Entertainment" SI_EMOTECATEGORY6 = 975 = "Food and Drink" SI_EMOTECATEGORY7 = 976 = "Give Directions" SI_EMOTECATEGORY8 = 977 = "Perpetual" SI_EMOTECATEGORY9 = 978 = "Physical" SI_EMPTY_GUILD_CHANNEL_NAME = 3118 = "Guild <<1>>" SI_EMPTY_OFFICER_CHANNEL_NAME = 3119 = "Officer <<1>>" SI_ENCHANTINGRUNECLASSIFICATION1 = 1593 = "Aspect" SI_ENCHANTINGRUNECLASSIFICATION2 = 1594 = "Essence" SI_ENCHANTINGRUNECLASSIFICATION3 = 1595 = "Potency" SI_ENCHANTING_CONFIRM_LOCKED_ITEM_DESCRIPTION = 4276 = "The item being enchanted is locked, type <<1>> to verify." SI_ENCHANTING_CONFIRM_LOCKED_ITEM_TITLE = 4275 = "Confirm Enchant Item" SI_ENCHANTING_CREATION = 4262 = "Creation" SI_ENCHANTING_EXTRACTION = 4263 = "Extraction" SI_ENCHANTING_EXTRACT_HEADER = 4261 = "Glyph to Extract" SI_ENCHANTING_GLYPH_REQUIRED_CHAMPION_POINTS = 4269 = "Can only be applied to an item between |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r and |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r" SI_ENCHANTING_GLYPH_REQUIRED_CHAMPION_POINTS_GAMEPAD = 5154 = "Can only be applied to an item between <<1>>|cffffff<<2>>|r and <<1>>|cffffff<<3>>|r" SI_ENCHANTING_GLYPH_REQUIRED_LEVEL = 6580 = "Can only be applied to an item between levels |cffffff<<1>>|r and |cffffff<<2>>|r" SI_ENCHANTING_GLYPH_REQUIRED_SINGLE_CHAMPION_POINTS = 4270 = "Minimum Level: |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_ENCHANTING_GLYPH_REQUIRED_SINGLE_CHAMPION_POINTS_GAMEPAD = 5155 = "Minimum Level: <<1>>|cffffff<<2>>|r" SI_ENCHANTING_GLYPH_REQUIRED_SINGLE_LEVEL = 6581 = "Minimum Level: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_ENCHANTING_NO_ASPECT_RUNES = 4256 = "No Aspect runestones found." SI_ENCHANTING_NO_ESSENCE_RUNES = 4257 = "No Essence runestones found." SI_ENCHANTING_NO_GLYPHS = 4259 = "No Glyphs to extract." SI_ENCHANTING_NO_POTENCY_RUNES = 4258 = "No Potency runestones found." SI_ENCHANTING_NO_RUNES = 4255 = "No runestones found." SI_ENCHANTING_PHRASE_HEADER = 4260 = "Rune Phrase" SI_ENCHANTING_REQUIRES_ASPECT_IMPROVEMENT = 4265 = "Requires Aspect Improvement <<1>>" SI_ENCHANTING_REQUIRES_POTENCY_IMPROVEMENT = 4264 = "Requires Potency Improvement <<1>>" SI_ENCHANTING_TRANSLATION_HEADER = 4266 = "Translation" SI_ENCHANTING_TRANSLATION_KNOWN = 4268 = "<<1>>" SI_ENCHANTING_TRANSLATION_LEARNED_DIALOG_BODY = 4274 = "You have translated the following runes:" SI_ENCHANTING_TRANSLATION_LEARNED_DIALOG_TITLE = 4273 = "Runes Translated" SI_ENCHANTING_TRANSLATION_UNKNOWN = 4267 = "?" SI_ENCHANTING_UNKNOWN_EFFECTS = 4272 = "Unknown Effects" SI_ENCHANTING_UNKNOWN_RESULT = 4271 = "Unknown Glyph" SI_ENCHANTING_UNKNOWN_RUNE = 4254 = "Unknown Runestone" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE0 = 1605 = "None" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE1 = 1606 = "Befouled Weapon" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE10 = 1615 = "Damage Shield" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE11 = 1616 = "Health" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE12 = 1617 = "Health Regen" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE13 = 1618 = "Magicka" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE14 = 1619 = "Magicka Recovery" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE15 = 1620 = "Poison Resistant" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE16 = 1621 = "Poisoned Weapon" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE17 = 1622 = "Stamina" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE18 = 1623 = "Stamina Regen" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE19 = 1624 = "Reduce Power" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE2 = 1607 = "Berserker" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE20 = 1625 = "Absorb Health" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE21 = 1626 = "Shock Resistant" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE22 = 1627 = "Absorb Stamina" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE23 = 1628 = "Absorb Magicka" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE24 = 1629 = "Damage Health" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE25 = 1630 = "Reduce Spell Cost" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE26 = 1631 = "Reduce Feat Cost" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE27 = 1632 = "Increase Bash Damage" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE28 = 1633 = "Reduce Block And Bash" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE29 = 1634 = "Increase Potion Effectiveness" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE3 = 1608 = "Charged Weapon" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE30 = 1635 = "Reduce Potion Cooldown" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE31 = 1636 = "Increase Physical Damage" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE32 = 1637 = "Increase Spell Damage" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE33 = 1638 = "Decrease Physical Damage" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE34 = 1639 = "Decrease Spell Damage" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE35 = 1640 = "Other" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE4 = 1609 = "Reduce Armor" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE5 = 1610 = "Disease Resistant" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE6 = 1611 = "Flame Weapon" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE7 = 1612 = "Fire Resistant" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE8 = 1613 = "Frost Resistant" SI_ENCHANTMENTSEARCHCATEGORYTYPE9 = 1614 = "Frost Weapon" SI_ENCHANTMENT_BOOSTER_DESCRIPTION = 396 = "Increases Quality from <<1>> to <<2>>" SI_ENCHANT_CONFIRM = 6574 = "Enchant" SI_ENCHANT_CONSUME = 6576 = "Enchanting this item will consume the enchantment." SI_ENCHANT_NONE_FOUND = 6577 = "You do not have any enchantments that can be applied to this item." SI_ENCHANT_NO_GLYPH_CREATED = 6579 = "Craft was not completed." SI_ENCHANT_NO_YIELD = 6578 = "Deconstruction yielded no results." SI_ENCHANT_SELECT = 6575 = "Select an enchantment to apply to this item." SI_ENCHANT_TITLE = 6573 = "Enchant Item" SI_ENLIGHTENED_STATE_GAINED_DESCRIPTION = 3438 = "Champion Points gained at an accelerated rate." SI_ENLIGHTENED_STATE_GAINED_HEADER = 3437 = "You are enlightened" SI_ENLIGHTENED_STATE_LOST_HEADER = 3439 = "You are no longer enlightened" SI_ENTERED_SCALED_ZONE = 4697 = "This dungeon has been scaled to Champion <<1>>." SI_ENTER_CODE_CONFIRM_BUTTON = 240 = "Open Window" SI_ENTER_CODE_DIALOG_BODY = 239 = "This will open the Redeem Codes window.\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r" SI_ENTER_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE = 238 = "Enter Code" SI_EQUIPMENTBONUS0 = 1354 = "Low" SI_EQUIPMENTBONUS1 = 1355 = "Average" SI_EQUIPMENTBONUS2 = 1356 = "Fair" SI_EQUIPMENTBONUS3 = 1357 = "High" SI_EQUIPMENTBONUS4 = 1358 = "Superior" SI_EQUIPMENTBONUS5 = 1359 = "Extraordinary" SI_EQUIPSLOT0 = 1329 = "Head" SI_EQUIPSLOT1 = 1330 = "Neck" SI_EQUIPSLOT10 = 1339 = "Appearance" SI_EQUIPSLOT11 = 1340 = "Ring 1" SI_EQUIPSLOT12 = 1341 = "Ring 2" SI_EQUIPSLOT13 = 1342 = "Poison" SI_EQUIPSLOT14 = 1343 = "Poison Back-Up" SI_EQUIPSLOT15 = 1344 = "Ranged" SI_EQUIPSLOT16 = 1345 = "Hands" SI_EQUIPSLOT17 = 1346 = "Class 1" SI_EQUIPSLOT18 = 1347 = "Class 2" SI_EQUIPSLOT19 = 1348 = "Class 3" SI_EQUIPSLOT2 = 1331 = "Chest" SI_EQUIPSLOT20 = 1349 = "Main Hand Backup" SI_EQUIPSLOT21 = 1350 = "Off-Hand Backup" SI_EQUIPSLOT3 = 1332 = "Shoulders" SI_EQUIPSLOT4 = 1333 = "Main Hand" SI_EQUIPSLOT5 = 1334 = "Off Hand" SI_EQUIPSLOT6 = 1335 = "Waist" SI_EQUIPSLOT7 = 1336 = "Wrist" SI_EQUIPSLOT8 = 1337 = "Legs" SI_EQUIPSLOT9 = 1338 = "Feet" SI_EQUIPSLOTVISUALCATEGORY1 = 1351 = "Weapons" SI_EQUIPSLOTVISUALCATEGORY2 = 1352 = "Apparel" SI_EQUIPSLOTVISUALCATEGORY3 = 1353 = "Accessories" SI_EQUIPTYPE1 = 1314 = "Head" SI_EQUIPTYPE10 = 1323 = "Feet" SI_EQUIPTYPE11 = 1324 = "Appearance" SI_EQUIPTYPE12 = 1325 = "Ring" SI_EQUIPTYPE13 = 1326 = "Hands" SI_EQUIPTYPE14 = 1327 = "Main Hand" SI_EQUIPTYPE15 = 1328 = "Poison" SI_EQUIPTYPE2 = 1315 = "Neck" SI_EQUIPTYPE3 = 1316 = "Chest" SI_EQUIPTYPE4 = 1317 = "Shoulders" SI_EQUIPTYPE5 = 1318 = "One-Handed" SI_EQUIPTYPE6 = 1319 = "Two-Handed" SI_EQUIPTYPE7 = 1320 = "Off Hand" SI_EQUIPTYPE8 = 1321 = "Waist" SI_EQUIPTYPE9 = 1322 = "Legs" SI_ERROR_ACCOUNT_BANK_DISABLED = 6499 = "Banking is disabled. See forums for details." SI_ERROR_ACTION_BUTTON_IS_LOCKED = 6491 = "That action button cannot be moved." SI_ERROR_AUGMENTATION_AUGMENT = 6504 = "Enchantments cannot be added to enchantments." SI_ERROR_AUGMENTATION_CANT_BE_MODIFIED = 6513 = "You cannot modify this enchantment." SI_ERROR_AUGMENTATION_DOESNT_MATCH_SIEGE = 6514 = "You cannot use this enchantment on a siege of this type." SI_ERROR_AUGMENTATION_INVALID_AUGMENT = 6511 = "Invalid enchantment." SI_ERROR_AUGMENTATION_NOTCH_TYPE = 6510 = "This enchantment requires a different slot type." SI_ERROR_AUGMENTATION_NOT_AUGMENT = 6503 = "Only enchantments can be placed in slots." SI_ERROR_AUGMENTATION_REQUIRED_ARMOR_TYPE = 6508 = "This enchantment requires a different item armor type." SI_ERROR_AUGMENTATION_REQUIRED_EQUIP_TYPE = 6506 = "This enchantment requires a different item equip type." SI_ERROR_AUGMENTATION_REQUIRED_LEVEL = 6505 = "This enchantment requires an item with a higher Power rating. " SI_ERROR_AUGMENTATION_REQUIRED_SOUL_COST = 6507 = "You need more souls to enchant that item." SI_ERROR_AUGMENTATION_REQUIRED_WEAPON_TYPE = 6509 = "This enchantment requires a different item weapon type." SI_ERROR_AUGMENTATION_UPGRADE_TOO_HIGH = 6512 = "This upgrade's level is too high for this siege weapon." SI_ERROR_AVA_GRAND_QUEST_FAIL = 3683 = "You can only have one Grand Alliance War quest at a time" SI_ERROR_CAMPAIGNS_DISABLED = 6502 = "Campaigns are disabled on this server." SI_ERROR_CANNOT_USE_ITEM_WHILE_MOVING = 6486 = "You cannot use this item while moving." SI_ERROR_CANNOT_USE_ITEM_WHILE_ROLLING = 6487 = "You cannot use this item while dodging." SI_ERROR_CANNOT_USE_ITEM_WHILE_SPRINTING = 6485 = "You cannot use this item while sprinting." SI_ERROR_CANNOT_USE_ITEM_WHILE_SWIMMING = 6484 = "You cannot use this item while swimming." SI_ERROR_CANT_AFFORD_OPTION = 6125 = "You don't have enough gold" SI_ERROR_CANT_PLACE_PASSIVE_IN_ACTION_BAR = 6490 = "Passive abilities can't be placed in Action Bars." SI_ERROR_CLEMENCY_ON_COOLDOWN = 6129 = "You must wait to use this option again." SI_ERROR_COLLECTIBLE_ALREADY_UNLOCKED = 6497 = "You've already unlocked that collectible." SI_ERROR_DOESNT_MEET_REQUIREMENTS_TO_BUY = 6480 = "You don't meet the requirements to buy this." SI_ERROR_GUILD_BANK_DISABLED = 6500 = "Guild banking is disabled. See forums for details." SI_ERROR_GUILD_STORE_DISABLED = 6501 = "Guild stores are disabled. See forums for details." SI_ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND = 6498 = "Invalid Command" SI_ERROR_INVALID_SLOT_TYPE = 6496 = "Invalid slot" SI_ERROR_INVALID_SLOT_TYPE_NORMAL = 6494 = "You can only place normal abilities in that action slot." SI_ERROR_INVALID_SLOT_TYPE_OTHER = 6495 = "You can only place that ability in the certain action slots." SI_ERROR_INVALID_SLOT_TYPE_ULTIMATE = 6493 = "You can only place ultimate abilities in that action slot." SI_ERROR_INVALID_SLOT_TYPE_WEAPON = 6492 = "You can only place weapon abilities in that action slot." SI_ERROR_ITEM_BOUND = 6489 = "This item is bound to you." SI_ERROR_ITEM_LOCKED = 6488 = "This item is locked." SI_ERROR_ITEM_NO_NOTCHES = 3545 = "|cff0000That item has no slots available" SI_ERROR_MAX_DAILIES_REACHED = 3682 = "You have reached the maximum number of daily quests for today" SI_ERROR_NEED_CLEMENCY = 6128 = "You need the Clemency Perk before you can use this option." SI_ERROR_NEED_INTIMIDATE = 6126 = "You need the Intimidate Perk before you can choose this option" SI_ERROR_NEED_PERSUADE = 6127 = "You need the Persuasion Perk before you can choose this option" SI_ERROR_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_NOT_NEAR = 6482 = "You must be near a Shrine of Mara." SI_ERROR_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_NO_TARGET = 6481 = "You must face the player you wish to commit to." SI_ERROR_QUEST_FAIL_REQUIREMENTS = 3681 = "You do not meet the requirements for this quest" SI_ERROR_QUEST_LOG_FULL = 3680 = "Your quest log is full" SI_ERROR_QUEST_TRACKER_FULL_REMOVE_SOMETHING_FIRST = 3684 = "|cff0000Tracker full: Cease tracking a quest to make room" SI_ERROR_REASON = 258 = "<<1>>" SI_ERROR_TOO_LOW_LEVEL_TO_USE_ITEM = 6483 = "Your level isn't high enough to use this item" SI_ERROR_TRADESKILL_INSPIRATION = 3544 = "|cff0000You don't have enough inspiration points to learn that recipe" SI_ERROR_WRONG_WEAPON_EQUIPPED_FOR_SKILL = 6525 = "Ability requires <<1>>" SI_ESO_ACCOUNT_PAGE_LINK_TEXT = 538 = "The Elder Scrolls Online Account Page" SI_ESO_PLUS_FREE_TRIAL_ENDED = 7115 = "Your ESO Plus Free Trial Has Ended" SI_ESO_PLUS_FREE_TRIAL_STARTED = 7114 = "Your ESO Plus Free Trial Has Begun" SI_ESO_PLUS_STATUS_LOCKED = 6757 = "Locked" SI_ESO_PLUS_STATUS_UNLOCKED = 6758 = "ESO Plus Unlocked" SI_ESO_PLUS_SUBSCRIPTION_LINK_TEXT = 537 = "The Elder Scrolls Online PC/MAC Store" SI_ESO_PLUS_TITLE = 6756 = "ESO PLUS" SI_EVENT_INVITE = 3775 = "The |cffffff<>|r event is starting. Would you like to join?\nExpires in |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_EVENT_INVITE_NAMED = 3777 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r is starting the |cffffff<>|r event. Would you like to join?\nExpires in |cffffff<<3>>|r." SI_EVENT_INVITE_NAMED_QUEST = 3778 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r is starting the |cffffff<>|r event which will grant you the |cffffff<>|r quest. Would you like to join?\nExpires in |cffffff<<4>>|r." SI_EVENT_INVITE_QUEST = 3776 = "The |cffffff<>|r event is starting which will grant you the |cffffff<>|r quest. Would you like to join?\nExpires in |cffffff<<3>>|r." SI_EXIT_BUTTON = 188 = "Exit" SI_EXIT_HIDEYHOLE = 4694 = "Exit" SI_EXPERIENCE_CHAMPION_ENLIGHTENED_TOOLTIP = 5689 = "Your character is enlightened and will earn the next |cFFFFFF<<1>>|r XP at an accelerated rate." SI_EXPERIENCE_CHAMPION_ENLIGHTENED_TOOLTIP_MAXED = 5690 = "Your character is enlightened." SI_EXPERIENCE_CHAMPION_LABEL = 3723 = "Champion" SI_EXPERIENCE_CHAMPION_POINT_LABEL = 3722 = "Champion Point" SI_EXPERIENCE_CURRENT_MAX = 5691 = "<<1>>/<<2>> XP" SI_EXPERIENCE_CURRENT_MAX_PERCENT = 5692 = "<<1>>/<<2>> XP (<<3>>%)" SI_EXPERIENCE_GAIN = 3724 = "You gain <<1>> experience." SI_EXPERIENCE_GAIN_DISCOVERY = 3725 = "Discovered: <>. You gain <<2>> experience." SI_EXPERIENCE_LEVEL_LABEL = 5739 = "Level" SI_EXPERIENCE_LIMIT_REACHED = 5693 = "Max XP" SI_FAILED_LOAD = 3053 = "The auto save file failed to load correctly. Would you like to try again?" SI_FAILED_SAVE = 3054 = "The auto save file failed to save correctly. Would you like to try again? If not, saving will be disabled." SI_FAILED_TO_FIND_PROFILE_ORBIS = 228 = "Failed to find a user with that account name. Please try again later." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT1 = 2280 = "You can't fast travel because you're engaged in combat." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT10 = 2289 = "You must talk to a keep travel master." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT11 = 2290 = "You can't fast travel because you're carrying a Scroll." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT12 = 2291 = "You can't fast travel." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT14 = 2292 = "You can't fast travel because the starting keep has too few resources in allied hands." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT2 = 2281 = "You can't fast travel because there isn't a valid fast travel path to the desired destination." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT3 = 2282 = "You can't fast travel because the starting keep's alliance differs from yours." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT4 = 2283 = "You can't fast travel because the starting keep is currently under attack." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT5 = 2284 = "You can't fast travel because the destination keep's alliance differs from yours." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT6 = 2285 = "You can't fast travel because the destination keep is currently under attack." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT7 = 2286 = "You can't fast travel because the destination keep has at least one resource in enemy hands." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT8 = 2287 = "You can't fast travel because you're too far away from the starting keep." SI_FASTTRAVELKEEPRESULT9 = 2288 = "Your fast travel attempt failed." SI_FAST_TRAVEL_DIALOG_CANT_AFFORD = 3226 = "You can't afford to travel to <<1>>." SI_FAST_TRAVEL_DIALOG_CANT_AFFORD_PREMIUM = 3225 = "You have recently recalled. You must pay a fee to recall again this soon.\nHowever, you can't afford the fee to travel to <<1>>." SI_FAST_TRAVEL_DIALOG_MAIN_TEXT = 3223 = "Travel to <<1>>?" SI_FAST_TRAVEL_DIALOG_PREMIUM = 3224 = "You have recently recalled. You must pay a fee to recall again this soon.\n\nPay the fee and travel to <<1>>?" SI_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_FAIL_CARRYING_ARTIFACT = 3356 = "You cannot use the fast travel network while carrying an Elder Scroll." SI_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_LINK_HELD = 3354 = "The <<1>> controls the link from <<2>> to <<3>>." SI_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_LINK_LOST = 3355 = "The <<1>> lost the link from <<2>> to <<3>>." SI_FAST_TRAVEL_RECALL_COOLDOWN = 3227 = "You must wait <<2>> to recall again." SI_FEEDBACK_LOADING = 4064 = "Loading..." SI_FENCE_HAGGLING_SKILL_BONUS_LABEL = 3271 = "|cC5C29EHaggling Bonus:|r |cEECA2A<<1>>%|r" SI_FENCE_LAUNDER_LIMIT = 5662 = "Items Laundered: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r" SI_FENCE_LAUNDER_LIMIT_REACHED = 5663 = "Items Laundered: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>>|r" SI_FENCE_LAUNDER_LIMIT_RESET = 5665 = "Daily launder limit resets in" SI_FENCE_LAUNDER_TAB = 5659 = "Launder" SI_FENCE_SELL_LIMIT = 5660 = "Items Sold: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r" SI_FENCE_SELL_LIMIT_REACHED = 5661 = "Items Sold: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>>|r" SI_FENCE_SELL_LIMIT_RESET = 5664 = "Daily sell limit resets in" SI_FINESSE_BONUS_LOOT_TOOLTIP = 4440 = "Finesse Bonus" SI_FINESSE_REWARD_XP = 4439 = "<<1[/$d bonus XP!/$d bonus XP!]>>" SI_FINISHED_SMITHING_TRAIT_RESEARCH = 4251 = "Finished researching trait <<1>> for <<2>>" SI_FIRST_SPECIAL_CURRENCY = 4431 = "<<1>> <<2>>" SI_FIXING_STUCK_TEXT = 3743 = "Moving to a safe location..." SI_FIXING_STUCK_TITLE = 3742 = "Stuck" SI_FORMAT_BULLET_SPACING = 176 = "• " SI_FORMAT_BULLET_TEXT = 175 = "• <<1>>" SI_FORMAT_ICON_TEXT = 262 = "<> <<2>>" SI_FORMAT_ICON_TEXT_NO_SPACE = 263 = "<><<2>>" SI_FORWARD_CAMP_FAILURE_DEPLETED = 4413 = "The forward camp has been depleted, you cannot resurrect there." SI_FORWARD_CAMP_FAILURE_IN_COMBAT = 4412 = "You cannot resurrect at a forward camp while it's under attack." SI_FORWARD_CAMP_FAILURE_NOT_IN_RANGE = 4414 = "You are not in range of the forward camp so you cannot resurrect there." SI_FORWARD_CAMP_FAILURE_PVP_RESPAWN_TIMER = 4415 = "You must wait for the respawn timer to expire before resurrecting at a forward camp." SI_FRAMERATE_METER_FORMAT = 4036 = "FPS: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_FRAMERATE_METER_TOOLTIP = 4038 = "Frames per second. Higher values indicate a smoother experience." SI_FRIENDS_LIST_ALL_FRIENDS_OFFLINE = 5883 = "All of your friends are offline." SI_FRIENDS_LIST_FRIEND_CHARACTER_LOGGED_OFF = 4079 = "<<1>> has logged off with <<2>>." SI_FRIENDS_LIST_FRIEND_CHARACTER_LOGGED_ON = 4077 = "<<1>> has logged on with <<2>>." SI_FRIENDS_LIST_FRIEND_LOGGED_OFF = 4078 = "<<1>> has logged off." SI_FRIENDS_LIST_FRIEND_LOGGED_ON = 4076 = "<<1>> has logged on." SI_FRIENDS_LIST_IGNORE_ADDED = 4080 = "<<1>> added to Ignore List." SI_FRIENDS_LIST_IGNORE_REMOVED = 4081 = "<<1>> removed from Ignored List." SI_FRIENDS_LIST_PANEL_ADD_FRIEND = 4648 = "Add Friend" SI_FRIENDS_LIST_PANEL_INVITE = 4649 = "Invite to Group" SI_FRIENDS_LIST_PANEL_NO_FRIENDS_MESSAGE = 5882 = "There are no players in your friends list." SI_FRIENDS_LIST_PANEL_NUM_ONLINE = 4646 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_FRIENDS_LIST_PANEL_NUM_ONLINE_LABEL = 4645 = "Friends Online:" SI_FRIENDS_LIST_PANEL_SEARCH = 4647 = "Filter By:" SI_FRIENDS_LIST_PANEL_TOOLTIP_ALLIANCE = 4642 = "Alliance" SI_FRIENDS_LIST_PANEL_TOOLTIP_CLASS = 4641 = "Class" SI_FRIENDS_LIST_PANEL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL = 4643 = "Level" SI_FRIENDS_LIST_PANEL_TOOLTIP_STATUS = 4644 = "Player Status" SI_FRIENDS_ONLINE_TOOLTIP = 4084 = "Friends Online: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r" SI_FRIEND_MENU_IGNORE = 5885 = "Ignore" SI_FRIEND_MENU_REMOVE_FRIEND = 5884 = "Remove Friend" SI_FRIEND_REQUEST_MESSAGE = 5918 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r wants to be your friend." SI_FULLSCREENMODE0 = 3031 = "Windowed" SI_FULLSCREENMODE1 = 3032 = "Windowed (Fullscreen)" SI_FULLSCREENMODE2 = 3033 = "Fullscreen" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE0 = 1247 = "All Themes" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE1 = 1248 = "Other" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE10 = 1257 = "Redguard" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE11 = 1258 = "Imperial" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE12 = 1259 = "Dwarven" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE13 = 1260 = "Daedric" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE14 = 1261 = "Ayleid" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE15 = 1262 = "Primal" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE16 = 1263 = "Clockwork" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE17 = 1264 = "Unused 6" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE18 = 1265 = "Unused 7" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE19 = 1266 = "Unused 8" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE2 = 1249 = "Breton" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE20 = 1267 = "Unused 9" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE21 = 1268 = "Unused 10" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE22 = 1269 = "Unused 11" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE23 = 1270 = "Unused 12" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE24 = 1271 = "Unused 13" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE25 = 1272 = "Unused 14" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE26 = 1273 = "Unused 15" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE27 = 1274 = "Unused 16" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE28 = 1275 = "Unused 17" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE29 = 1276 = "Unused 18" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE3 = 1250 = "High Elf" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE30 = 1277 = "Unused 19" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE31 = 1278 = "Unused 20" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE4 = 1251 = "Argonian" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE5 = 1252 = "Wood Elf" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE6 = 1253 = "Dark Elf" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE7 = 1254 = "Khajiit" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE8 = 1255 = "Nord" SI_FURNITURETHEMETYPE9 = 1256 = "Orc" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE1 = 810 = "Search" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE10 = 819 = "Inspect" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE11 = 820 = "Repair" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE12 = 821 = "Unlock" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE13 = 822 = "Open" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE15 = 823 = "Examine" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE16 = 824 = "Fish" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE17 = 825 = "Reel In" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE18 = 826 = "Pack Up" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE19 = 827 = "Steal" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE2 = 811 = "Talk" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE20 = 828 = "Steal From" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE21 = 829 = "Pickpocket" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE23 = 830 = "Trespass" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE24 = 831 = "Hide" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE25 = 832 = "Preview" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE26 = 833 = "Exit" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE3 = 812 = "Harvest" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE4 = 813 = "Disarm" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE5 = 814 = "Use" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE6 = 815 = "Read" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE7 = 816 = "Take" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE8 = 817 = "Destroy" SI_GAMECAMERAACTIONTYPE9 = 818 = "Repair" SI_GAMEPADCHATTEXTSIZESETTING22 = 2053 = "Small" SI_GAMEPADCHATTEXTSIZESETTING27 = 2054 = "Medium" SI_GAMEPADCHATTEXTSIZESETTING34 = 2055 = "Large" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY0 = 1674 = "Alchemy" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY1 = 1675 = "Amulet" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY10 = 1684 = "Dagger" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY11 = 1685 = "Enchanting" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY12 = 1686 = "Feet" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY13 = 1687 = "Glyphs" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY14 = 1688 = "Hammer" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY15 = 1689 = "Hands" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY16 = 1690 = "Head" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY17 = 1691 = "Legs" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY18 = 1692 = "Potion" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY19 = 1693 = "Provisioning" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY2 = 1676 = "Axe" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY20 = 1694 = "Ring" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY21 = 1695 = "Shield" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY22 = 1696 = "Shoulders" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY23 = 1697 = "Siege" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY24 = 1698 = "Spellcrafting" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY25 = 1699 = "Staff" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY26 = 1700 = "Material" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY27 = 1701 = "Soul Gem" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY28 = 1702 = "Sword" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY29 = 1703 = "Tool" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY3 = 1677 = "Bait" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY30 = 1704 = "Trait Gem" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY31 = 1705 = "Trophy" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY32 = 1706 = "Waist" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY33 = 1707 = "Woodworking" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY34 = 1708 = "Weapons" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY35 = 1709 = "Heavy Armor" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY36 = 1710 = "Medium Armor" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY37 = 1711 = "Light Armor" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY38 = 1712 = "Jewelry" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY4 = 1678 = "Blacksmith" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY5 = 1679 = "Bow" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY6 = 1680 = "Chest" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY7 = 1681 = "Clothier" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY8 = 1682 = "Consumable" SI_GAMEPADITEMCATEGORY9 = 1683 = "Costume" SI_GAMEPADTEMPLATE0 = 886 = "Template A" SI_GAMEPADTEMPLATE1 = 887 = "Southpaw" SI_GAMEPADTEMPLATE2 = 888 = "Hardcore" SI_GAMEPADTEMPLATE3 = 889 = "Attack on Button" SI_GAMEPADTEMPLATE4 = 890 = "Template B" SI_GAMEPADTEMPLATE5 = 891 = "Template C" SI_GAMEPADTEMPLATE6 = 892 = "Weapon Swap Right Stick" SI_GAMEPADTEMPLATE7 = 893 = "Weapon Swap Face Button" SI_GAMEPADWEAPONCATEGORY0 = 1668 = "do not translate" SI_GAMEPADWEAPONCATEGORY1 = 1669 = "One-Handed Melee" SI_GAMEPADWEAPONCATEGORY2 = 1670 = "Two-Handed Melee" SI_GAMEPADWEAPONCATEGORY3 = 1671 = "Bow" SI_GAMEPADWEAPONCATEGORY4 = 1672 = "Destruction Staff" SI_GAMEPADWEAPONCATEGORY5 = 1673 = "Restoration Staff" SI_GAMEPAD_ABILITY_NAME_AND_UPGRADE_LEVELS = 4805 = "(|cffffff<<2>>/<<3>>|r) <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_ACCEPT_OPTION = 203 = "Accept" SI_GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_CRITERIA_LABEL = 5456 = "Criteria" SI_GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_DYE = 5455 = "Dye" SI_GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_ITEM_ICON_AND_DESCRIPTION = 5453 = "<> <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_ITEM_LABEL = 5452 = "Item: " SI_GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_NO_ACHIEVEMENT = 5458 = "No Recent Achievement" SI_GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_NO_ITEMS = 5457 = "No achievements match your filters." SI_GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_OPTIONS = 5448 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_OPTIONS_TITLE = 5449 = "Achievements Options" SI_GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_POINTS_LABEL = 5450 = "Achievement Points" SI_GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_REWARDS_LABEL = 5451 = "Rewards" SI_GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_TITLE = 5454 = "Title" SI_GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_DUNGEON_AVERAGE_ROLE_TIME_HEADER = 5273 = "Average dungeon queue" SI_GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_TOOLTIP_ALLIANCE_WAR = 5276 = "Queueing for Alliance War will match you with other players in Cyrodiil and Imperial City." SI_GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_TOOLTIP_BATTLEGROUNDS = 5277 = "Queueing for Battlegrounds will match you with other players and take you to a battleground." SI_GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_TOOLTIP_DUNGEON_FINDER = 5275 = "Use the Dungeon Finder to find a group for a dungeon and get bonus rewards!" SI_GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_TOOLTIP_HOME_SHOW = 5278 = "Queueing for Home Show will take you to player houses at random to vote on." SI_GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_VETERAN_LOCATION_FORMAT = 5274 = "Veteran <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_REAGENT_TRAIT_LEARNED_DIALOG_BODY = 4777 = "Crafting has revealed the following traits:" SI_GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_USE_REAGENT = 4245 = "Use <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_AUDIO_OPTIONS_VOICECHAT_VOLUME = 215 = "Player Voice" SI_GAMEPAD_BACK_OPTION = 200 = "Back" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_BANK_CAPACITY_LABEL = 4909 = "Bank Capacity" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_BANK_FUNDS_LABEL = 4907 = "Bank Funds" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_CAPACITY = 4901 = "Bank Capacity" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_CATEGORY_HEADER = 4902 = "Bank" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_CURRENCY_AMOUNT_BANKED_HEADER_FORMAT = 5538 = "Banked <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_CURRENCY_AMOUNT_CARRIED_HEADER_FORMAT = 5539 = "Carried <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_DEPOSIT_GOLD_ENTRY_NAME = 4911 = "Deposit Gold" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_GOLD_AMOUNT_DEPOSITED = 4903 = "Deposited |cffffff<>|r" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_GOLD_AMOUNT_WITHDRAWN = 4904 = "Withdrew |cffffff<>|r" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_PLAYER_CAPACITY_LABEL = 4910 = "Player Capacity" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_PLAYER_FUNDS_LABEL = 4908 = "Player Funds" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_UPGRADED_ALERT = 4905 = "Bank Space Bought" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_UPGRADE_ACCEPT = 4906 = "Accept (<><>)" SI_GAMEPAD_BANK_WITHDRAW_GOLD_ENTRY_NAME = 4912 = "Withdraw Gold" SI_GAMEPAD_BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_POINTS_HEADER = 5537 = "Points" SI_GAMEPAD_BUY_BAG_SPACE_ALERT_MESSAGE = 5499 = "Inventory space increased by <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_BUY_BAG_SPACE_COST = 5500 = "Cost" SI_GAMEPAD_CADWELL_OBJECTIVE_FORMAT = 5459 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_DEFENSIVE_SCROLLS_HEADER = 5321 = "Defensive Scrolls" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_DESCRIPTION_HEADER_WITHOUT_AMOUNT = 5318 = "Bonus <>" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_DESCRIPTION_HEADER_WITH_AMOUNT = 5317 = "Bonus <> x <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_ENEMY_KEEPS_HEADER = 5320 = "Enemy Keeps" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_HOME_KEEPS_HEADER = 5319 = "Home Keeps" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_HOME_KEEPS_HEADER_INFO = 5323 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_OFFENSIVE_SCROLLS_HEADER = 5322 = "Offensive Scrolls" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CAMPAIGNS_HEADER = 5299 = "Campaigns" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CAMPAIGNS_HEADER_DATA_FORMAT = 5300 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CAMPAIGN_FULL = 5280 = "Full" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CHOOSE_GUEST_CAMPAIGN = 5284 = "Set Guest" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CHOOSE_HOME_CAMPAIGN = 5283 = "Set Home" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CHOOSE_HOME_CAMPAIGN_COST = 5288 = "This change will cost:\n<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CHOOSE_HOME_CAMPAIGN_DIALOG_TITLE = 5285 = "Home Campaign" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CHOOSE_HOME_CAMPAIGN_MESSAGE = 5287 = "<<1>>\n\n<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CHOOSE_HOME_OR_GUEST_CAMPAIGN = 5282 = "Join Campaign" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CONFIRM_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_TITLE = 5289 = "Confirm" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CONFIRM_HOME_CAMPAIGN_DIALOG_TITLE = 5286 = "Confirm" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_CONTENT_TITLE = 5296 = "<<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_COUNTDOWN_TIMER_HEADER = 5302 = "Queue Countdown" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_ESTIMATED_WAIT = 5298 = "Estimated Wait" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_HEADER_UNASSIGNED = 5290 = "Unassigned" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_JOIN_CAMPAIGN = 5279 = "Join" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_LEAVE_CAMPAIGN = 5297 = "Leave Campaign" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_PEOPLE_AMOUNT = 5295 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_PRICE = 5291 = "<><>" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_QUEUE_POSITION_HEADER = 5301 = "Queue Position" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_SERVER_POPULATION = 5281 = "Server Population" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_FRIENDS = 5293 = "Friends" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_GROUP_MEMBERS = 5292 = "Group Members" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_TOOLTIP_GUILD_MEMBERS = 5294 = "Guild Members" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_HEADER_NAME = 5315 = "|t32:32:<<1>>|t<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_KEEPS_NEEDED = 5313 = "Keeps Required for Emperor" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_KEEPS_NEEDED_FORMAT = 5314 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_REIGN_DURATION_DONE = 5312 = "Done" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_REIGN_DURATION_HEADER = 5311 = "Reigning Time" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_GUEST_CAMPAIGN = 5307 = "Guest Campaign" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_HOME_CAMPAIGN = 5306 = "Home Campaign" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARDS_ACTIVE_CAMPAIGN = 5409 = "<> <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARDS_CURRENT_POINTS_LABEL = 5408 = "Earned AP" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_LOCKED_DIALOG_TITLE = 5308 = "Locked" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_NEXT_SCORING_EVALUATION = 5305 = "Next Score Evaluation" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_VIEW_BONUSES = 5316 = "View Bonuses" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_DURATION_REMAINING = 5303 = "Campaign Ends" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_SCORING_DURATION_REMAINING_DONE = 5304 = "Done" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_SELECT_HOME_NOW = 5324 = "Join Now" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_SELECT_HOME_ON_END = 5325 = "Join Later" SI_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_SELECT_HOME_ON_END_INFO = 5326 = "When current campaign ends" SI_GAMEPAD_CHAMPION_ALLOCATED_POINTS_LABEL = 5482 = "Allocated" SI_GAMEPAD_CHAMPION_AVAILABLE_POINTS_LABEL = 5481 = "Available" SI_GAMEPAD_CHAT_MENU_CYCLE_TOOLTIP_BINDING = 5189 = "Cycle Tooltip" SI_GAMEPAD_CHAT_MENU_MORE_BELOW = 5522 = "More Below" SI_GAMEPAD_CHAT_MENU_SEND_KEYBIND = 4948 = "Send" SI_GAMEPAD_CLOSE_CHAT_WINDOW = 5188 = "Close Chat Window" SI_GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_EMPTY = 218 = "None" SI_GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_SAVE_NAME_OPTION = 219 = "Save Name" SI_GAMEPAD_CONSOLE_SELECT_FOR_FRIEND_ADD = 5506 = "Select Player to Friend" SI_GAMEPAD_CONSOLE_SELECT_FOR_HOUSE_PERMISSIONS = 5509 = "Find Player" SI_GAMEPAD_CONSOLE_SELECT_FOR_INVITE = 5507 = "Select Player to Invite" SI_GAMEPAD_CONSOLE_SELECT_FOR_MAIL = 5508 = "Select Player to Mail" SI_GAMEPAD_CONSOLE_WAIT_FOR_CONSOLE_CHARACTER_INFO_TEXT = 5505 = "Please Wait..." SI_GAMEPAD_CONSOLE_WAIT_FOR_CONSOLE_CHARACTER_INFO_TITLE = 5504 = "Retrieving Character Info" SI_GAMEPAD_CONSOLE_WAIT_FOR_NAME_VALIDATION_TEXT = 234 = "Please wait..." SI_GAMEPAD_CONSOLE_WAIT_FOR_NAME_VALIDATION_TITLE = 233 = "Validating Name" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_ADD_FRIEND_BUTTON_LABEL = 4871 = "Add Friend" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_ADD_FRIEND_NOTE_INSRUCTIONS = 4890 = "Send an optional message" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_ADD_FRIEND_NOTE_LABEL = 4889 = "Optional Note" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_ADD_FRIEND_TITLE = 4888 = "Add to Friends List" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_ADD_IGNORE_BUTTON_LABEL = 4872 = "Add Ignore" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_ADD_IGNORE_TITLE = 4891 = "Add to Ignore List" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_EDIT_NOTE_CONFIRM = 4893 = "Save" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_EDIT_NOTE_INSTRUCTIONS = 4894 = "Add an optional note" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_FRIENDS_LIST_NO_FRIENDS_MESSAGE = 4898 = "No Friends" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_FRIENDS_LIST_TITLE = 4869 = "Friends" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_HEADER_FRIENDS_ONLINE = 4863 = "Friends Online:" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_HEADER_FRIENDS_ONLINE_FORMAT = 4864 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_IGNORED_LIST_TITLE = 4870 = "Ignored" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_IGNORE_FRIEND_CONFIRM_MESSAGE = 4883 = "Ignore <<1>>?" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_IGNORE_LIST_NO_ENTRIES_MESSAGE = 4899 = "No Ignored Players" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_INVITE_TO_GUILD_HEADER = 4900 = "Invite To Guild" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_LIST_HEADER_ALLIANCE = 4866 = "Alliance" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_LIST_HEADER_CLASS = 4867 = "Class" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_LIST_HEADER_LEVEL = 4868 = "Level" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_LIST_HEADER_STATUS = 4865 = "Status" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_MENU_IGNORE = 4897 = "Block" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_NOTES_TITLE = 4892 = "Notes" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_NOTE_HEADER = 4895 = "Notes" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_NOTE_SAVED = 4896 = "Note Saved" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_OPTIONS_BUTTON_LABEL = 4873 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_OPTIONS_FILTER = 4879 = "Filter" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_OPTIONS_FILTER_NONE = 4880 = "None" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_OPTIONS_FRIEND_OPTIONS_HEADER = 4876 = "Friends Options" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_OPTIONS_MY_OPTIONS_HEADER = 4875 = "My Options" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_OPTIONS_PSN_ID = 4881 = "online ID" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_OPTIONS_STATUS = 4878 = "Status" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_OPTIONS_TITLE = 4874 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_OPTIONS_WHISPER = 4877 = "Whisper" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_REMOVE_FRIEND_CONFIRM_MESSAGE = 4882 = "Remove <<1>>?" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_STATUS_AWAY = 4885 = "Away" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_STATUS_DO_NOT_DISTURB = 4886 = "Do Not Disturb" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_STATUS_OFFLINE = 4887 = "Offline" SI_GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_STATUS_ONLINE = 4884 = "Online" SI_GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_COMPLETED_ITEM = 4772 = "Item Created" SI_GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_CONFIRM_CANCEL_RESEARCH_DESCRIPTION = 4774 = "Do you really want to cancel researching |cffffff<<1>>: <<2>>|r?\n\n|cE60000The item used will not be returned.|r" SI_GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_CONFIRM_IMPROVE_LOCKED_ITEM = 4775 = "You have |cFFFFFF<>|r% chance to improve <>. This item is locked, are you sure you want to continue?" SI_GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_DECONSTRUCTED_ITEM = 4773 = "Materials Recovered" SI_GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_INVENTORY_HEADER = 5159 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_CROWN_CRATE_BUY_CRATES_KEYBIND = 5525 = "Open Crown Store" SI_GAMEPAD_DIALOG_ACCEPT_KEYBIND = 5255 = "Accept" SI_GAMEPAD_DIALOG_NO_BUTTON = 5254 = "No" SI_GAMEPAD_DIALOG_YES_BUTTON = 5253 = "Yes" SI_GAMEPAD_DISCONNECTED_CONTINUE_TEXT = 227 = "<<1>> Continue" SI_GAMEPAD_DISCONNECTED_PS4_TEXT = 225 = "The connection to the controller has been lost or has been disconnected. Please reconnect the controller for <<1>>." SI_GAMEPAD_DISCONNECTED_TITLE = 224 = "Controller Disconnected" SI_GAMEPAD_DISCONNECTED_XBOX_TEXT = 226 = "The connection to the controller has been lost or has been disconnected. Please reconnect controller for <<1>>." SI_GAMEPAD_DLC_BOOK_ACTION_OPEN_CROWN_STORE = 5518 = "Open Crown Store" SI_GAMEPAD_DLC_BOOK_QUEST_STATUS_HEADER = 5516 = "Quest:" SI_GAMEPAD_DLC_BOOK_QUEST_STATUS_INFO = 5517 = "<<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_DISCARD_CHANGES_BODY = 5439 = "Are you sure you want to exit?\n\nAll of your changes will be discarded." SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_DISCARD_CHANGES_TITLE = 5438 = "Discard Changes" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION = 5446 = "Apply any unlocked dyes to currently equipped armor and most shields." SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_EQUIP_SWITCH = 5436 = "Edit Armor" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_OPTIONS = 5431 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_OPTIONS_TITLE = 5432 = "Dye Options" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_PRESET_1 = 5441 = "Preset A" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_PRESET_2 = 5442 = "Preset B" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_PRESET_3 = 5443 = "Preset C" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_PRESET_4 = 5444 = "Preset D" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_PRESET_TITLE = 5440 = "Set Preset" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_ROOT_TITLE = 5445 = "Dye Station" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_SETS_EDIT = 5434 = "Edit Color Preset" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_SETS_SWITCH = 5435 = "Edit Color Presets" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_SETS_TITLE = 5433 = "Color Presets" SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_SETS_TOOLTIP = 5437 = "Apply the selected color preset to armor." SI_GAMEPAD_DYEING_SORT_OPTION_HEADER = 5447 = "Sorting" SI_GAMEPAD_EMOTE_ASSIGN_INSTRUCTIONS = 5493 = "Choose a slot for the selected emote:" SI_GAMEPAD_EMOTE_FAILED_PLAY = 5494 = "Cannot play emote at this time." SI_GAMEPAD_EMOTE_PERSONALITY_OVERRIDE_HEADER = 5495 = "Personality" SI_GAMEPAD_EMPERORSHIP_LEADERBOARD_EMPTY = 5310 = "Leaderboard Empty" SI_GAMEPAD_EMPERORSHIP_LEADERBOARD_HEADER = 5309 = "Emperor Leaderboard (<<1>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_CONFIRM_ENCHANT_LOCKED_ITEM = 5156 = "The item being enchanted is locked, are you sure you want to continue?" SI_GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_TRANSLATION_KNOWN = 5153 = "<<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_ENTER_TEXT = 5186 = "Enter Text" SI_GAMEPAD_EQUIPPED_BACKUP_MAIN_ITEM_HEADER = 4784 = "Main Hand Backup" SI_GAMEPAD_EQUIPPED_BACKUP_OFF_ITEM_HEADER = 4785 = "Off Hand Backup" SI_GAMEPAD_EQUIPPED_ITEM_HEADER = 4781 = "Equipped" SI_GAMEPAD_EQUIPPED_MAIN_HAND_ITEM_HEADER = 4782 = "Main Hand" SI_GAMEPAD_EQUIPPED_OFF_HAND_ITEM_HEADER = 4783 = "Off Hand" SI_GAMEPAD_EXPERIENCE_CHAMPION_LABEL = 4811 = "Champion" SI_GAMEPAD_FENCE_HAGGLING_BONUS = 4938 = "<<1>>%" SI_GAMEPAD_FENCE_HAGGLING_SKILL_NAME = 4937 = "Haggling Bonus" SI_GAMEPAD_FENCE_LAUNDER_LIMIT = 4935 = "Items Laundered" SI_GAMEPAD_FENCE_SELL_LIMIT = 4934 = "Items Sold" SI_GAMEPAD_FENCE_TRANSACTION_COUNT = 4936 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_FURNITURE_TEXT_FILTER_KEYBIND_TEXT = 5533 = "Search" SI_GAMEPAD_GAMERCARD_UNAVAILABLE_DIALOG_BODY = 5497 = "That Gamercard is not available at the moment. Please try again later." SI_GAMEPAD_GEMIFICATION_GEM_TOTAL_LABEL = 5526 = "<<1>><> Total" SI_GAMEPAD_GENERIC_WAITING_TEXT = 235 = "Waiting..." SI_GAMEPAD_GROUP_ACTIONS_MENU_HEADER = 5256 = "Group Actions" SI_GAMEPAD_GROUP_CURRENT_GROUP = 5258 = "Current Group" SI_GAMEPAD_GROUP_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY = 5259 = "Dungeon Difficulty" SI_GAMEPAD_GROUP_DUNGEON_MODE_NORMAL = 5264 = "Normal" SI_GAMEPAD_GROUP_DUNGEON_MODE_VETERAN = 5265 = "Veteran" SI_GAMEPAD_GROUP_LIST_HEADER_POSITION = 5263 = "#" SI_GAMEPAD_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_GROUP_MEMBERS_LABEL = 5260 = "Group Members" SI_GAMEPAD_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_SOUL_RESERVOIR_COUNT = 5262 = "<<1>>|t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Trials/VitalityDepletion.dds|t" SI_GAMEPAD_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_SOUL_RESERVOIR_LABEL = 5261 = "Soul Reservoir" SI_GAMEPAD_GROUP_MEMBER_INDEX = 5266 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_GROUP_MEMBER_OFFLINE = 5267 = "Offline Member" SI_GAMEPAD_GROUP_PREFERRED_ROLES_HEADER = 5257 = "Group Roles" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_ADD_FRIEND = 5057 = "Add Friend" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_AVAILABLE_FUNDS = 4914 = "Available Funds" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_CATEGORY_HEADER = 4913 = "Guild Bank" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_GUILD_FOOTER_LABEL = 4920 = "Guild" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_GUILD_SELECTION = 4916 = "Guild Selection" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_NO_DEPOSIT_PERMISSIONS = 4919 = "No permission. (The Guild must have <> members to deposit to the Guild Bank.)" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_NO_PERMISSION = 4915 = "No Permission" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_NO_WITHDRAW_ITEMS = 4917 = "No Items To Withdraw" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_NO_WITHDRAW_PERMISSIONS = 4918 = "No permission. (Your Guild Rank does not permit withdrawals from the Guild Bank.)" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_CREATE_DIALOG_ALLIANCE_SELECTOR_HEADER = 5100 = "Choose Alliance" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_CREATE_DIALOG_FINISH = 5102 = "Finish" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_CREATE_DIALOG_NEW_GUILD_DEFAULT_HEADER = 5101 = "" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_CREATE_NEW_GUILD = 5055 = "Create New Guild" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HEADER_GUILDS_FORMAT = 5039 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HEADER_GUILDS_TITLE = 5036 = "Guilds" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HEADER_GUILD_MASTER_LABEL = 5038 = "Guildmaster:" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HEADER_GUILD_SERVICES = 5041 = "Services:" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HEADER_GUILD_SERVICES_BANK = 5043 = "Guild Bank" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HEADER_GUILD_SERVICES_FORMAT = 5042 = "<> <> <>" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HEADER_GUILD_SERVICES_HERALDRY = 5044 = "Guild Heraldry" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HEADER_GUILD_SERVICES_STORE = 5045 = "Guild Store" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HEADER_MEMBERS_ONLINE_FORMAT = 5040 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HEADER_MEMBERS_ONLINE_LABEL = 5037 = "Members Online:" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HERALDRY_APPLY_CHANGES = 5059 = "Apply Changes (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HERALDRY_APPLY_CHANGES_NOT_ENOUGH = 5060 = "|c666666Apply Changes|r (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HERALDRY_BACKGROUND = 5063 = "Customize Background" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HERALDRY_CANCEL_EXIT = 5430 = "Return" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HERALDRY_COST_LABEL = 5065 = "Feature Cost:" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HERALDRY_CREST = 5064 = "Customize Crest" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HERALDRY_MESSAGE = 5084 = "Customize Your Guild's Heraldry With The Selected Features" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HERALDRY_PURCHASE_HERALDRY = 5061 = "Purchase Heraldry (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HERALDRY_PURCHASE_HERALDRY_NOT_ENOUGH = 5062 = "|c666666Purchase Heraldry|r (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HERALDRY_SAVED = 5104 = "Heraldry Updated" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HISTORY_GUILD_EVENT_TITLE = 5103 = "Details" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HISTORY_LOADING = 5105 = "Loading Data" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HISTORY_PAGE_NEXT = 5107 = "Next" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HISTORY_PAGE_NUMBER = 5106 = "Page <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HISTORY_PAGE_PREVIOUS = 5108 = "Previous" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HISTORY_SUBCATEGORY_ALL = 5109 = "Show All" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB_BANK_HEADER = 5049 = "Bank" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB_FEATURES_HEADER = 5052 = "Features" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB_GUILD_MASTER_HEADER = 5047 = "Guildmaster" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB_GUILD_NAME_HEADER = 5046 = "Guild Name" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB_HERALDRY_HEADER = 5050 = "Heraldry" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB_MEMBERS_ONLINE_HEADER = 5048 = "Members Online" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB_SCREEN_EXPLANATION = 5033 = "Edit the selected rank" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB_STORE_HEADER = 5051 = "Store" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_INFO_CHANGE_ABOUT_US = 5087 = "Change About Us" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_INFO_CHANGE_MOTD = 5086 = "Change MOTD" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KEEP_OWNERSHIP_HEADER = 5091 = "Ownership" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_BIDDING_CLOSES = 5421 = "Bidding closes" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_BIDDING_LABEL = 5428 = "Bidding" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_ALERT = 5427 = "Bid updated" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_AMOUNT_LABEL = 5422 = "Bid" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_BODY = 5424 = "Are you sure you want to update your bid for <<1>>?" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_DIALOG_TITLE = 5423 = "Bid on a Trader" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_SELECTOR_LABEL = 5419 = "Bid for Gold" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_UPDATE_KEYBIND = 5425 = "Update Bid" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_DIALOG = 5415 = "Are you sure you want to hire this trader for <<1>>?" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_DIALOG_TITLE = 5416 = "Hire Trader" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_BANK_BALANCE = 5426 = "Guild Bank Balance" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_GUILD_LABEL = 5411 = "Guild" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_HIRE_KEYBIND = 5413 = "Hire" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_HIRE_LABEL = 5412 = "Hire For Gold" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_HIRING_LABEL = 5414 = "Hiring" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_MINIMUM_BID = 5420 = "Minimum Bid" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASED_ALERT = 5417 = "Guild Trader Acquired" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_COST = 5418 = "Hire Cost" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_TRADER_HEADER = 5429 = "Trader" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_LEAVE_GUILD_ALLIANCE_ICON_FORMAT = 5090 = "\n<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_LIST_MEMBERSHIP_HEADER = 5034 = "Membership" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_LIST_NEW_HEADER = 5035 = "New" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_MOTD_EMPTY_TEXT = 5085 = "Enter Message of the Day" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_MY_STATUS_HEADER = 5056 = "My Status" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_NOTIFY_DEMOTED = 5089 = "Demoted to <<1>> <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_NOTIFY_PROMOTED = 5088 = "Promoted to <<1>> <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_OPTIONS = 5053 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_OPTIONS_LIST_HEADER = 5054 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_PERMISSIONS_CANNOT_CHANGE = 4921 = "Cannot change this permission" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_ADD = 5071 = "Add Rank" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_CHANGE_ICON = 5075 = "Change Icon" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS = 5076 = "Change Permissions" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_DELETE_ENTRY = 5074 = "Delete" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_DELETE_TITLE = 5077 = "Delete Rank" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_DIALOG_DEFAULT_TEXT = 5082 = "Enter a Name for this Rank" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_EDIT = 5072 = "Edit Rank" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_HEADER = 5081 = "Rank:" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_NEW_HEADER = 5068 = "Create New" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_OPTIONS = 5069 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_PERMISSIONS_ALLIANCE_WAR = 5096 = "Alliance War" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_PERMISSIONS_CHAT = 5092 = "Chat" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_PERMISSIONS_COMMERCE = 5097 = "Commerce" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_PERMISSIONS_EDIT = 5094 = "Edit" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_PERMISSIONS_JOIN_GUILD_CHANNEL = 5099 = "Join Guild Chats" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_PERMISSIONS_JOIN_OFFICER_CHANNEL = 5098 = "Join Officer Chats" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_PERMISSIONS_MEMBERS = 5095 = "Members" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_PERMISSIONS_VOICE_CHAT = 5093 = "Voice & Text" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_RENAME = 5080 = "Rename Rank" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_RENAME_ENTRY = 5073 = "Rename" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_REORDER = 5070 = "Reorder" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_REORDER_DOWN = 5079 = "Reorder Down" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANK_REORDER_UP = 5078 = "Reorder Up" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_ROSTER_HEADER = 5058 = "Guild Roster" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_ROSTER_RANK_HEADER = 5083 = "Rank" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_STATUS_SELECTOR_FORMAT = 5067 = "|t50:50:<<1>>|t <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_GUILD_USER_ID_STATUS_FORMAT = 5066 = "|t50:50:<<1>>|t<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_HEADER_VISUAL_LAYER_CONJOINMENT = 4855 = "<<1>> <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CATEGORY_CHARACTER = 5219 = "Character Issue" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CATEGORY_OTHER = 5221 = "Submit Feedback" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CATEGORY_REPORT = 5220 = "Report Player" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CS_DISABLED_TEXT = 5223 = "The Customer Service tool is disabled in PC Gamepad mode. Please switch back to keyboard mode to report an issue." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CS_DISABLED_TITLE = 5222 = "Customer Service Tool Disabled" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE = 5197 = "Customer Service" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_CLOSE_KEYBIND_TEXT = 5202 = "Close" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_FAILED_TICKET_SUBMISSION = 5205 = "There has been an error in your ticket submission. Please try again in a few minutes." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_FIELD_ENTRY_MESSAGE = 5201 = "Please describe the issue below." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_FINAL_HEADER_KNOWLEDGE_BASE = 5203 = "You may be able to find answers more quickly with our online self-service Knowledge Base." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMISSION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE = 5207 = "Please wait while your ticket is submitted." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMISSION_IN_PROGRESS_TITLE = 5206 = "Submitting Ticket" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMITTED_EMAIL = 5204 = "\nYour contact email is <<1>>." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_DETAILS = 5193 = "Details" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_EMAIL_ADDRESS_REQUIRED = 5241 = "Enter email address" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_FIELD_TITLE_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS = 5231 = "Additional Information (optional)" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_FIELD_TITLE_CATEGORY = 5228 = "Issue Category" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_FIELD_TITLE_EMAIL = 5227 = "Email Address" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_FIELD_TITLE_REQUIRED_DETAILS = 5230 = "Required Information" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_FIELD_TITLE_SUBCATEGORY = 5229 = "Issue Subcategory" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_GET_ME_UNSTUCK = 5198 = "Get Me Unstuck" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_GO_TO_INVENTORY_KEYBIND = 5217 = "Go to Inventory" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_GO_TO_JOURNAL_KEYBIND = 5216 = "Go to Journal" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_LEGAL_HEADER = 5248 = "Legal" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_LEGAL_MENU = 5247 = "Terms of Use" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_LEGAL_TEXT = 5249 = "Information about our terms of service and related documents can be found at" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_ROOT_HEADER = 5199 = "Information about the most common issues can be found at" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_SEARCH = 5194 = "Search" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_SEARCH_PROMPT = 5196 = "Enter Search Text" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_SEARCH_TITLE = 5195 = "Search - <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_SUBCATEGORY_REPORT_BAD_NAME = 5224 = "Player Has An Inappropriate Name" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_SUBCATEGORY_REPORT_CHEATING = 5226 = "Cheating" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_SUBCATEGORY_REPORT_HARASSMENT = 5225 = "Harassing Me" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_FIELD_ENTRY_MESSAGE = 5208 = "Please provide details below." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_SUBMIT_TICKET = 5215 = "Submit" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_EDIT_REQUIRED_NAME_CHARACTER = 5233 = "Offending Character Name" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_EDIT_REQUIRED_NAME_DISPLAY = 5234 = "Offending <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_FAILED_NO_EMAIL = 5232 = "You must provide a contact email to submit a ticket." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_FAILED_REPORT_WITHOUT_CATEGORY = 5238 = "You must select a category to submit a ticket." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_FAILED_REPORT_WITHOUT_CHARACTER = 5235 = "You must provide a character name if you wish to report a player." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_FAILED_REPORT_WITHOUT_DESCRIPTION = 5239 = "You must provide a description to submit this ticket." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_FAILED_REPORT_WITHOUT_DETAILS = 5237 = "You must provide a name to submit a ticket." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_FAILED_REPORT_WITHOUT_DISPLAY_NAME = 5236 = "You must provide a <<1>> if you wish to report a player." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_FAILED_REPORT_WITHOUT_IMPACT = 5240 = "You must provide an impact to submit this ticket." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_SUBMITTED = 5218 = "Ticket Submitted" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_SUBMITTED_DIALOG_BODY = 5245 = "<<1>>\n\n<<2>>\n\n<<3>>" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_SUBMITTED_DIALOG_HEADER = 5242 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_SUBMITTED_DIALOG_HEADER_FAILURE = 5244 = "Error" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_TICKET_SUBMITTED_DIALOG_HEADER_SUCCESS = 5243 = "Thank You" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_UNSTUCK_CONFIRM_STUCK_PROMPT = 5211 = "Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r<>, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. \n\nPress <> to teleport to the nearest Wayshrine." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_UNSTUCK_CONFIRM_STUCK_PROMPT_TELVAR = 5212 = "Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r<>, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. You will also lose |cffffff<<4>>%|r of your currently held Tel Var stones. \n\nPress <> to teleport to the nearest Wayshrine." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_UNSTUCK_COOLDOWN_HEADER = 5209 = "You can only use the unstuck functionality once every hour. Please try again in:" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_UNSTUCK_ERROR_INVALID_STUCK_LOCATION = 5213 = "You cannot use \"Get Me Unstuck\" in this location. Please contact customer service." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_UNSTUCK_ERROR_IN_COMBAT = 5214 = "You cannot use \"Get Me Unstuck\" while in combat." SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_UNSTUCK_TELEPORT_KEYBIND_TEXT = 5210 = "Teleport" SI_GAMEPAD_HELP_WEBSITE = 5200 = "help.elderscrollsonline.com" SI_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_DISTANCE_AWAY_FORMAT = 5535 = "<<1>>m away." SI_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_FURNITURE_BROWSER_TOGGLE_INFO = 5536 = "Toggle View" SI_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_GUILD_HEADER = 5531 = "Select Guild" SI_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_GUILD_OTHER = 5532 = "Other" SI_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_HOUSE_HEADER = 5534 = "Select House" SI_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_NO_ENTRIES = 5529 = "You don't have any entries in this list." SI_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_PRESET_HEADER = 5527 = "Select Preset" SI_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_SEARCH_GUILD = 5530 = "Guild" SI_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_SELECT = 5528 = "Select" SI_GAMEPAD_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_PRIMARY_PLAYER_NAME = 5520 = "Display Name" SI_GAMEPAD_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_PRIMARY_PLAYER_NAME_TOOLTIP = 5521 = "Determines which name should be displayed most prominently when viewing other players." SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_ACTION_LIST_KEYBIND = 4815 = "Actions" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 4827 = "Alliance Points" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_AVAILABLE_FUNDS = 4829 = "Gold" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_CAPACITY = 4816 = "Player Capacity" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_CAPACITY_FORMAT = 232 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_CATEGORY_BOW = 4821 = "Bow" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_CATEGORY_DESTRUCTION_STAFF = 4819 = "Destruction Staff" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_CATEGORY_HEADER = 4812 = "Inventory" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_CATEGORY_ONE_HANDED_MELEE = 4817 = "One-Handed Melee" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_CATEGORY_RESTORATION_STAFF = 4820 = "Restoration Staff" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_CATEGORY_TWO_HANDED_MELEE = 4818 = "Two-Handed Melee" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_CONSUMABLES = 4822 = "Consumables" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_CRAFT_BAG_EMPTY = 4830 = "Your Craft Bag is empty" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_CRAFT_BAG_HEADER = 4813 = "Craft Bag" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_DESTROY_CONFIRM_HEADER = 4831 = "Confirm" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_EMPTY = 4824 = "Your inventory is empty." SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_EMPTY_TOOLTIP = 4826 = "Nothing Equipped" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_EQUIPPED_MORE_ACTIONS = 4825 = "Equipped - More Actions" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_HANDSELECT_HEADER = 4814 = "Choose a Hand" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_ITEM_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_TITLE = 4834 = "Character Attributes" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_QUEST_ITEMS = 4823 = "Quest Items" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_SPLIT_STACK_PROMPT = 4833 = "Distribute the items into a new stack" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_SPLIT_STACK_TITLE = 4832 = "Split" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_TELVAR_STONES = 4828 = "Tel Var Stones" SI_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_TOGGLE_ITEM_COMPARE_MODE = 4835 = "Toggle View" SI_GAMEPAD_ITEM_ACTION_QUICKSLOT_ASSIGN = 4947 = "Assign" SI_GAMEPAD_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_USE_ONLY_FROM_QUICKSLOT = 4770 = "Use from quickslot." SI_GAMEPAD_ITEM_LEARNED_FROM = 5158 = "(<>)" SI_GAMEPAD_ITEM_STOLEN_LABEL = 4771 = "Stolen" SI_GAMEPAD_ITEM_TRAITS_LEARNED = 5157 = "<> <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_KEEP_CLAIM_SELECT_GUILD_HEADER = 5327 = "Select Guild" SI_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_BEST_SCORE_LABEL = 5405 = "Best Score" SI_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_CLOSES_IN_TIMER_LABEL = 5401 = "Closes In" SI_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_CURRENT_RANK_LABEL = 5399 = "<<1>> Rank" SI_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_CURRENT_SCORE_LABEL = 5406 = "Current Score" SI_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_HEADER_CHARACTER_NAME = 5404 = "Character Name" SI_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_REOPENS_IN_TIMER_LABEL = 5400 = "Reopens In" SI_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_SCROLL_KEYBIND = 5398 = "Scroll Leaderboard" SI_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_SWITCH_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARD = 5407 = "Switch Campaign" SI_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_TIMER = 5403 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_UPDATES_IN_TIMER_LABEL = 5402 = "Updates In" SI_GAMEPAD_LEVELUP_DIALOG_CONFIRM = 4809 = "Ready" SI_GAMEPAD_LEVELUP_PENDING_BONUS_LABEL = 4810 = "<<1>> Increase" SI_GAMEPAD_LFG_LOCATION_ROLES = 5268 = "Group Roles" SI_GAMEPAD_LFG_QUEUED_ACTIVITIES = 5270 = "Queued Activities" SI_GAMEPAD_LFG_QUEUE_ACTUAL = 5272 = "Actual" SI_GAMEPAD_LFG_QUEUE_ESTIMATED = 5271 = "Estimated" SI_GAMEPAD_LFG_ROLE_OVERRIDE = 5269 = "Role Override" SI_GAMEPAD_LOCKPICK_DIFFICULTY = 4779 = "Difficulty" SI_GAMEPAD_LOCKPICK_MOVE = 4780 = "Move Lockpick" SI_GAMEPAD_LOCKPICK_PICKS_REMAINING = 4778 = "Lockpicks" SI_GAMEPAD_LOOT_INVENTORY_CAPACITY = 5515 = "Player Inventory" SI_GAMEPAD_LORE_LIBRARY_OPEN_COLLECTION = 5190 = "Open Collection" SI_GAMEPAD_LORE_LIBRARY_TOTAL_COLLECTED = 5192 = "|cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r" SI_GAMEPAD_LORE_LIBRARY_TOTAL_COLLECTED_TITLE = 5191 = "Books" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_BODY_LABEL = 5330 = "Message" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_CHOOSE_FRIEND = 5366 = "Choose Friend" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_DEFAULT_ADDRESSEE = 5347 = "Enter <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_CANNOT_REPORT = 5338 = "This mail cannot be reported." SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_CANNOT_RETURN = 5339 = "This mail cannot be returned to sender." SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_COD_LABEL_INSUFFICIENT = 5343 = "C.O.D. Free (No Funds Available)" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_COD_NOTICE = 5342 = "This mail was sent cash on delivery. You may take the attachments and pay the indicated price, or return this mail to the sender at no cost." SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_EMPTY = 5332 = "You Have No Mail" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_EXPIRES_TEXT = 5341 = "Expires in <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_FROM = 5331 = "From" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_FULL = 5349 = "Full" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_INVENTORY = 5345 = "Inventory Space" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_INVENTORY_SPACES = 5346 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_LOADING = 5337 = "Loading..." SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_NO_ATTACHED_GOLD = 5334 = "None" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_NO_ATTACHMENTS = 5333 = "None" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_OPTIONS = 5335 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_PLAYER_GOLD = 5344 = "Available" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_RECEIVED_TEXT = 5340 = "Received <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_VIEW_ATTACHMENTS = 5336 = "View Attachments" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_WINDOW_TITLE = 5348 = "<<1>>(<<2>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_ACCEPT_MONEY = 5357 = "Accept" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_ATTACH = 5352 = "Attach Items" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_ATTACH_GOLD = 5358 = "Attach Gold" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_ATTACH_ITEM = 5353 = "Add" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_CLEAR = 5355 = "Clear" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_CLEAR_TITLE = 5356 = "Clear Mail" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_COD = 5359 = "Request Gold" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_DETACH_ITEM = 5354 = "Remove" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_ENTER_NAME = 5363 = "Enter Name" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_GOLD_HEADER = 5361 = "Gold" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_ITEMS_HEADER = 5362 = "Items" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_POSTAGE_LABEL = 5360 = "Postage" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_RECENT_CONTACTS = 5364 = "Recent Contacts" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_RECIPIENT = 5365 = "Recipient" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_SENDING = 5350 = "Sending..." SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_TO = 5351 = "To" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIL_SUBJECT_LABEL = 5329 = "Subject" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIN_MENU_EMOTES = 5485 = "Emotes" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIN_MENU_JOURNAL_ACHIEVEMENTS = 4981 = "Achievements" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIN_MENU_JOURNAL_CADWELL = 4980 = "Cadwell's Almanac" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIN_MENU_JOURNAL_LORE_LIBRARAY = 4979 = "Lore Library" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIN_MENU_JOURNAL_QUESTS = 4978 = "Quests" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIN_MENU_MARKET_BALANCE_TITLE = 5503 = "Balance" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIN_MENU_MARKET_CATEGORY_LABEL = 5502 = "Store" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIN_MENU_MARKET_ENTRY = 5501 = "Crown Store" SI_GAMEPAD_MAIN_MENU_NOTIFICATIONS = 4836 = "Notifications (<<1>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_MARKET_BUY_PLUS_DIALOG_KEYBIND_LABEL = 222 = "Open Window" SI_GAMEPAD_MARKET_BUY_PLUS_KEYBIND_LABEL = 223 = "Buy ESO Plus" SI_GAMEPAD_MARKET_BUY_PLUS_TEXT_CONSOLE = 221 = "A window with the ESO Plus offer will open.\n\nAfter buying ESO Plus, you will have to relog to receive your ESO Plus benefits." SI_GAMEPAD_MARKET_BUY_PLUS_TITLE = 220 = "Buy ESO Plus" SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_ACCEPT_OPTION = 4846 = "Accept" SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_AGENT_CHAT_REQUEST_MESSAGE = 4842 = "A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you." SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_CATEGORY_HEADER = 4845 = "Notifications" SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_DECLINE_INVITE = 4837 = "Decline Invite" SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_DECLINE_OPTION = 4847 = "Decline" SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_DEFER_OPTION = 4853 = "Later" SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_OPTION = 4848 = "Remove" SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_FRIEND_REQUEST_DECLINE_HEADER = 4838 = "Decline the Friend Invite from |cffffff<<1>>|r." SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_GUILD_INVITE_DECLINE_HEADER = 4840 = "Decline the Invite to join |cffffff<<1>>|r from |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_GUILD_INVITE_MESSAGE = 4839 = "You have been invited to join |cffffff<<1>>|r by |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_GUILD_MOTD_CHANGED = 4844 = "The message of the day for |cffffff<<1>>|r has changed." SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_NO_NOTIFICATIONS_MESSAGE = 4843 = "You Have No Pending Notifications" SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_BEGIN_RITUAL_PROMPT = 4841 = "Hold to Begin Ritual" SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST_BLOCK_PLAYER = 4851 = "Block Player" SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST_IGNORE_PLAYER = 4850 = "Ignore Player" SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST_REPORT_SPAMMING = 4852 = "Report Spamming" SI_GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_SHOW_LEADERBOARD_OPTION = 4849 = "Show Leaderboard" SI_GAMEPAD_NO_BUYBACK_ITEMS = 4926 = "Nothing to buy back." SI_GAMEPAD_NO_DAMAGED_ITEMS = 4924 = "No damaged items." SI_GAMEPAD_NO_SELL_ITEMS = 4925 = "Nothing to sell." SI_GAMEPAD_NO_STOLEN_ITEMS_LAUNDER = 4928 = "No stolen items to launder." SI_GAMEPAD_NO_STOLEN_ITEMS_SELL = 4927 = "No stolen items to sell." SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_BACK_SAVING = 202 = "Back (Saving)" SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON_BOB = 212 = "First Person Head Bob" SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON_FOV = 211 = "First Person FOV" SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_CAMERA_SENSITIVITY = 208 = "Camera Sensitivity" SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON_FOV = 210 = "Third Person FOV" SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_CAMERA_VIBRATION = 209 = "Vibration" SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_DEFAULT_SOUL_GEM_CHOICE_CROWNS = 214 = "|t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_crown.dds|t Crown Purchased" SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_DEFAULT_SOUL_GEM_CHOICE_GOLD = 213 = "|t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/gamepad/gp_gold.dds|t Gold Purchased" SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_GAMEPAD_MODE = 206 = "Gamepad Mode" SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_GAMEPAD_MODE_TOOLTIP = 207 = "Switches controls and the interface to be utilized by a gamepad." SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_INVERT_Y = 204 = "Invert Y" SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_MENU = 201 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_TEMPLATES = 205 = "Templates" SI_GAMEPAD_PAGED_GRID_NEXT_PAGE = 5483 = "Next Page" SI_GAMEPAD_PAGED_GRID_PREVIOUS_PAGE = 5484 = "Previous Page" SI_GAMEPAD_PAGED_LIST_PAGE_NUMBER = 260 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_PAY_FOR_CONVERSATION_AVAILABLE_FUNDS = 5514 = "Available Funds" SI_GAMEPAD_PIN_CHAT_WINDOW = 5184 = "Pin Chat Window" SI_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_EMOTE_ASSIGN_EMOTE = 5487 = "Assign" SI_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_EMOTE_CATEGORY = 5488 = "Category" SI_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_EMOTE_CATEGORY_NAME = 5492 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_EMOTE_NAME = 5491 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_EMOTE_PAGE_FORMAT = 5490 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_EMOTE_PAGE_LABEL = 5489 = "Page" SI_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_EMOTE_USE_EMOTE = 5486 = "Use" SI_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_INVENTORY_CAPACITY_FOOTER_LABEL = 231 = "Inventory Capacity" SI_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_PROGERSS_BAR_LOCATION_HEADER = 5251 = "Location" SI_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_PROGERSS_BAR_UNKNOWN_ZONE = 5252 = "Unknown Zone" SI_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_USER_NAME_HEADER = 5250 = "Name" SI_GAMEPAD_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_ACTION_RESPOND = 5367 = "Hold to Respond" SI_GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER_OPTIONS = 5160 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER_USE_TO_LEARN_RECIPE = 5161 = "Use to learn recipe." SI_GAMEPAD_PSN_PROFILE_UNAVAILABLE_DIALOG_BODY = 5498 = "That profile is not available at the moment. Please try again later." SI_GAMEPAD_QUANTITY_SPINNER_TEMPLATE_LABEL = 5496 = "Quantity" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_CURRENT_MAX = 5461 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_DELVE = 5473 = "<>Delve" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_HINT_HEADER = 5464 = "Hints" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_HOUSING = 5474 = "<>Housing" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_INSTANCE_TYPE_DUNGEON = 5468 = "<>Dungeon" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_INSTANCE_TYPE_GROUP_AREA = 5469 = "<>Group" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_INSTANCE_TYPE_RAID = 5470 = "<>Trial" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_INSTANCE_TYPE_SOLO = 5471 = "<>Solo" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_NO_QUESTS = 5467 = "No Quests" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_OPTIONAL_STEPS_HEADER = 5463 = "Optional Steps" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_OPTIONS = 5465 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_PUBLIC_DUNGEON = 5472 = "<>Public Dungeon" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_QUEST_LEVEL = 5460 = "Level" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_QUEST_NAME_FORMAT = 5475 = "<> <>" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_QUEST_NAME_FORMAT_NO_ICON = 5476 = "<>" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_QUEST_OR_DESCRIPTION = 5466 = "Complete One" SI_GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_REPEATABLE_TEXT = 5462 = "Repeatable|t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_Quest_Repeat.dds|t" SI_GAMEPAD_RAID_LEADERBOARDS_CURRENT_SCORE_NOT_ELIGIBLE = 5410 = "<<1>> (Not Eligible)" SI_GAMEPAD_REPAIR_ALL_SUCCESS = 4922 = "All items repaired." SI_GAMEPAD_REPAIR_ITEM_SUCCESS = 4923 = "<> repaired." SI_GAMEPAD_REQUEST_OPTION = 4786 = "Request" SI_GAMEPAD_RETRAIT_COMPLETED_RESULT_HEADER = 4776 = "Item Transmuted" SI_GAMEPAD_RETRAIT_STATION_PERFORM_RETRAIT_AND_BIND_DIALOG_LOCKED_ITEM_CONFIRM = 6803 = "You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nTransmuting this item will permanently bind it to your account.\n\nThis item is locked, are you sure you want to continue?" SI_GAMEPAD_RETRAIT_STATION_PERFORM_RETRAIT_DIALOG_LOCKED_ITEM_CONFIRM = 6802 = "You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nThis item is locked, are you sure you want to continue?" SI_GAMEPAD_SECTION_HEADER = 197 = "Gamepad" SI_GAMEPAD_SECTION_HEADER_EQUIPPED_ITEM = 217 = "Equipped <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_SELECTED_QUEST_JOURNAL_QUEST_NAME_FORMAT = 5477 = "<> <> <>" SI_GAMEPAD_SELECTED_QUEST_JOURNAL_QUEST_NAME_FORMAT_NO_ICON = 5478 = "<> <>" SI_GAMEPAD_SELECT_GUILD_KEEP_CLAIM_INSTRUCTIONS = 5328 = "Claim |cffffff<<1>>|r in the name of" SI_GAMEPAD_SELECT_OPTION = 198 = "Select" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_ACTIONBAR_HEADER = 4797 = "Ability Bar" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_ASSIGN = 4803 = "Assign" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_AVAILABLE_POINTS = 4794 = "Points" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_BUILD_PLANNER = 4793 = "Ability Bar" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_EMPTY_TOOLTIP = 216 = "Assign a Skill" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_MANAGE_ACTIONBAR = 4804 = "Manage Ability Bar" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_MORPH = 4792 = "Morph" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_MORPH_1 = 4798 = "Morph 1" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_MORPH_2 = 4799 = "Morph 2" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_MORPH_CONFIRM = 4802 = "Choose an ability to morph |cffffff<>|r into. This costs |cffffff1|r skill point." SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_MORPH_TITLE = 4790 = "Morph Ability" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_NO_ABILITIES = 4806 = "No Abilities Available for Assignment" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_PURCHASE = 4791 = "Purchase" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_PURCHASE_CONFIRM = 4800 = "Are you sure you want to purchase |cffffff<>|r? This costs |cffffff1|r skill point." SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_PURCHASE_TITLE = 4788 = "Purchase Ability" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_SKY_SHARDS = 4795 = "Skyshards" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_SKY_SHARDS_FOUND = 4796 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_TOOLTIP_STATUS = 4807 = "Ability" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_TOOLTIP_STATUS_NUMBER = 4808 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_UPDATE_TITLE = 4789 = "Upgrade Ability" SI_GAMEPAD_SKILLS_UPGRADE_CONFIRM = 4801 = "Are you sure you want to upgrade |cffffff<>|r? This costs |cffffff1|r skill point." SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CREATION_OPTIONS = 5162 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CURRENT_RESEARCH_AMOUNT = 5173 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CURRENT_RESEARCH_HEADER = 5172 = "Researching" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_IMPROVEMENT_REAGENT_SELECTION = 5175 = "<<1>> (<<2>> <<3>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_IMPROVEMENT_REAGENT_TITLE = 5174 = "Quality" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_MATERIAL_QUANTITY = 5166 = "<<2>> - <<3>> <>" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_PURCHASE_MORE = 5181 = "Open Crown Store" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_CONFIRM_DIALOG_TEXT = 5171 = "|cff0000Researching an item will destroy it|r. This process will take |cffffff<<1>>|r. Are you sure you want to continue?" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_CONFIRM_DIALOG_TITLE = 5170 = "Confirm Research" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_SELECT_ITEM = 5164 = "Choose an item to research:" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_SELECT_TRAIT_LINE = 5163 = "Select trait line" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_TIME_FOR_NEXT = 5169 = "<<1>> Available <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_SELECTED_PATTERN = 5165 = "<<1>> (<<2>> Traits)" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_STYLE_DESCRIPTION = 5167 = "<<2>> (<>)" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_TOGGLE_UNIVERSAL_STYLE = 5179 = "Toggle |cEECA2ACrown Mimic Stone|r <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_TOOLTIP_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_ITEM = 5176 = "Crown Mimic Stone" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_TOOLTIP_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_ITEM_TITLE = 5177 = "|cEECA2A<<1>>|r (<<2>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_TRAIT_DESCRIPTION = 5168 = "<<2>> (<>)" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_DESCRIPTION = 5178 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r (|cEECA2ACrown Mimic Stone|r)" SI_GAMEPAD_SMITHING_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_ITEM_COUNT = 5180 = "(<<1>>)" SI_GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_FOOTER_NUM_ONLINE = 4856 = "Friends Online" SI_GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_HEADER_CHARACTER = 4857 = "Character" SI_GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_ID = 4858 = "<<1>>:" SI_GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_LIST_LAST_ONLINE = 4862 = "Last Online" SI_GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_PERSONALITY = 4861 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_REQUEST_EITHER_NAME_ENTRY_HEADER = 4860 = "Character name or UserID." SI_GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_REQUEST_NAME_INSTRUCTIONS = 4859 = "Enter <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_SORT_OPTION = 4787 = "Sort" SI_GAMEPAD_STABLE_CONFIRM_BUY_MOUNT = 5146 = "Confirm Purchase" SI_GAMEPAD_STABLE_FULLY_UPGRADED_WARNING = 5152 = "You have already fully upgraded this skill." SI_GAMEPAD_STABLE_ONCE_PER_DAY_WARNING = 5151 = "You can train one riding skill per day." SI_GAMEPAD_STABLE_STABLES_BUY = 5145 = "Buy Mount" SI_GAMEPAD_STABLE_TRAIN = 5147 = "Train" SI_GAMEPAD_STABLE_TRAINABLE_HEADER = 5149 = "Trainable" SI_GAMEPAD_STABLE_TRAINABLE_READY = 5150 = "Ready" SI_GAMEPAD_STABLE_TRAINING_COST_HEADER = 5148 = "Training Cost" SI_GAMEPAD_TEXT_CHAT = 5182 = "Text Chat" SI_GAMEPAD_TEXT_CHAT_PINNED = 5183 = "Text Chat (Pinned)" SI_GAMEPAD_TOGGLE_CHAT_WINDOW = 5187 = "Toggle Chat Window" SI_GAMEPAD_TOGGLE_OPTION = 199 = "Toggle" SI_GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COOLDOWN_HEADER = 5519 = "Cooldown" SI_GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_ITEM_VALUE_FORMAT = 4769 = "<<1>><<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_FAST_TRAVEL_INTERACT = 4766 = "Press <<1>> to fast travel to here." SI_GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_PREVIEW_HOUSE_INTERACT = 4768 = "Press <<1>> to preview this house." SI_GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_RECALL_INTERACT = 4767 = "Press <<1>> to recall to here." SI_GAMEPAD_TOS_WEBSITE = 5246 = "account.elderscrollsonline.com/terms-of-service" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_ACCEPT_MONEY = 5023 = "Accept" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_ACCEPT_TRADE = 5022 = "Accept Trade" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_ADD = 5024 = "Add" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_ATTACH_GOLD = 5018 = "Add Gold" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_ATTACH_ITEMS = 5019 = "Attach Items" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_CANCEL_OFFER = 5028 = "Cancel Offer" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_CANCEL_TRADE = 5027 = "Cancel Trade" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_DIALOG_CANCEL_TRADE_BODY = 5030 = "Are you sure you want to cancel the trade?" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_DIALOG_CANCEL_TRADE_TITLE = 5029 = "Cancel Trade" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_EMPTY_SLOT = 5020 = "(Empty Slot)" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_INVENTORY = 5014 = "Capacity" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_INVENTORY_SPACES = 5015 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_NO_ITEMS_OFFERED = 5031 = "No Items Offered" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_OFFERED_GOLD = 5017 = "Gold Offered" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_PLAYER_GOLD = 5016 = "Available" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_READY = 5011 = "Ready" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_REMOVE = 5025 = "Remove" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_REVIEW = 5026 = "Review" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_SUBMIT = 5021 = "Submit" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_USERNAME = 5013 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_USERNAME_LABEL = 5012 = "Name" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADE_WAITING_MESSAGE = 5032 = "Waiting for" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ALL_LEVEL = 5138 = "All" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_CATEGORY = 5123 = "Category" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_CHAMPION_POINTS = 5137 = "Champion Points" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_COST = 5130 = "Cost" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_LEVEL_TYPE = 5135 = "Level Type" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_MAX_LEVEL = 5127 = "Max Level" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_MAX_PRICE = 5125 = "Max Price" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_MIN_LEVEL = 5126 = "Min Level" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_MIN_PRICE = 5124 = "Min Price" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_NAME = 5129 = "Name" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_PLAYER_LEVEL = 5136 = "Player Level" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_PROCESSING_PRIOR = 5139 = "Please wait, processing prior request." SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_QUALITY = 5128 = "Quality" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_BUY_DIALOG_TEXT = 5120 = "\n<<1>> \n\nAre you sure you want to buy <<2>>? This will cost you <<3>>." SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_BUY_DIALOG_TITLE = 5119 = "Purchase" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_SELL_DIALOG_TEXT = 5118 = "\n<<1>> \n\nAre you sure you want to list <<2>> for <<3>>?" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_SELL_DIALOG_TITLE = 5117 = "List For Sale" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_CREATE_LISTING_ALERT = 5131 = "Listing Created" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_CREATE_LISTING_CONFIRM = 5132 = "Confirm" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_CREATE_LISTING_TITLE = 5133 = "Create Listing" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_CREATE_LISTING_TOTAL_PRICE = 5134 = "Total Price" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_ERROR_TEXT = 5121 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_GUILD_SELECTION = 5122 = "Guild Selection" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_ITEM_AMOUNT = 5111 = "|cffffff<>|r<>" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION = 5110 = "<<1>> <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_ITEM_PRICE_RANGE_HEADER = 5144 = "Item Price Range" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_LISTING_CREATE = 5113 = "Create Listing |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_LISTING_CREATE_FULL = 5114 = "Create Listing |cff0000<<1>>/<<2>>|r" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_LISTING_REMOVE = 5112 = "Remove" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_LISTING_REMOVE_DIALOG_TEXT = 5116 = "\n<<1>> \n\nAre you sure you want to remove your listing of <<2>> for <<3>>? You will not be refunded the listing fee." SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_LISTING_REMOVE_DIALOG_TITLE = 5115 = "Remove Listing" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_NO_LISTINGS = 5143 = "No Items Found" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_NO_PERMISSION_GUILD = 5141 = "No permission. (The Guild must have <> members to post to the Guild Store.)" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_NO_PERMISSION_PLAYER = 5142 = "No permission. (Your Guild Rank does not permit posting to the Guild Store.)" SI_GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_SORT_TIME_PRICE_TOGGLE = 5140 = "Sort By <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_UNPIN_CHAT_WINDOW = 5185 = "Unpin Chat Window" SI_GAMEPAD_VENDOR_CATEGORY_HEADER = 4929 = "Vendor" SI_GAMEPAD_VENDOR_COLLECTIBLE_GROUP = 4933 = "Collectibles - <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_VENDOR_MATERIALS_GROUP = 4931 = "Materials - <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_VENDOR_QUICKSLOTS_GROUP = 4932 = "Quick Slots - <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_VENDOR_SUPPLIES_GROUP = 4930 = "Supplies - <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_ALERT_CHANNEL_ACTIVE = 4977 = "Voice channel changed to <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_CHANNELS_TITLE = 4949 = "Voice Channels" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_CHANNEL_AREA = 4958 = "Area" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION_AREA = 4961 = "Join this channel to chat with players around you." SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION_GROUP = 4962 = "Join this channel to chat with players in your group." SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION_GUILD = 4963 = "Join this channel to chat with players in your guild." SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION_GUILD_OFFICERS = 4964 = "Join this channel to chat with officers in your guild." SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_CHANNEL_GROUP = 4959 = "Group" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_HEADER = 4960 = "<<1>> Channels" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_CHANNEL_MAIN_HEADER = 4957 = "Main Channels" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_ERROR_REQUEST_COOLDOWN = 4975 = "Please wait a moment before making another voice chat request." SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_FORMAT_NAME = 4974 = "<<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_GUILD_CHANNEL_NAME = 4965 = "<<1>> - <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_HISTORY_TIP_CHANNEL = 4968 = "Channel" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_HISTORY_TIP_LAST_HEARD = 4969 = "Last Heard" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_HISTORY_TITLE = 4950 = "Speaker History" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_KEYBIND_ENABLE_VOICE = 4954 = "Enable Voice" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_KEYBIND_JOIN_CHANNEL = 4952 = "Join Channel" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_KEYBIND_LEAVE_CHANNEL = 4953 = "Leave Channel" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_KEYBIND_PARTICIPANT_OPTIONS = 4956 = "Participants List" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_KEYBIND_VIEW_PARTICIPANTS = 4955 = "View Participants" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_PARTICIPANTS_GUILD_HEADER = 4971 = "<<1>> - <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_PARTICIPANTS_HEADER = 4970 = "Participants" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_PARTICIPANTS_REPUTATION_RESTRICTION_PS4 = 4972 = "Your PlayStation™Network reputation restricts you from speaking in this channel. Raising your reputation will remove this restriction." SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_PARTICIPANTS_REPUTATION_RESTRICTION_XB1 = 4973 = "Your Xbox Live reputation restricts you from speaking in this channel. Raising your reputation will remove this restriction." SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_PARTICIPANT_OPTIONS_TITLE = 4951 = "Participants" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_ROOM_NAME = 4966 = "All Members <<1>>" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_ROOM_NAME_OFFICERS = 4967 = "Officers" SI_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT_UNAVAILABLE = 4976 = "Voice chat is unavailable. This could be due to routine server maintenance or a configuration issue. Visit |cffffff<<1>>|r for additional support." SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_CHOOSE_ACTIVE_QUEST = 4740 = "Choose Active Quest" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_FAST_TRAVEL = 4724 = "Fast Travel" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_INTERACT = 4728 = "<<1>> <<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_INTERACT_CANT_REVIVE = 4734 = "Cannot Revive Here" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_INTERACT_CHOOSE_ACTIVE_QUEST = 4730 = "Choose Active Quest" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_INTERACT_CHOOSE_DESTINATION = 4732 = "Choose Destination" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_INTERACT_CHOOSE_REVIVE = 4735 = "Choose Revive Location" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_INTERACT_REVIVE = 4733 = "Revive" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_INTERACT_SET_ACTIVE_QUEST = 4729 = "Set Active Quest" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_INTERACT_TRAVEL = 4731 = "Travel" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_LEGEND = 4726 = "Legend" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_LEGEND_CLOSE_KEYBIND = 4764 = "Close" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_MAKE_A_CHOICE = 4743 = "Make a Choice" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_OPTIONS = 4725 = "Options" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_POINTS_OF_INTEREST = 4727 = "Points of Interest" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_RECALL_COST = 4738 = "Cost To Recall <<1>><>" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_SELECT_A_QUEST = 4741 = "Select a quest" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_SET_ACTIVE_QUEST = 4745 = "Set Active Quest" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_SWITCH_ELEVATION_KEYBIND = 4765 = "Switch Elevation" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TEXT_FAST_TRAVEL = 4737 = "Select Your Destination" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TITLE_CHOOSE_REVIVE = 4742 = "Choose Respawn Location" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TITLE_FAST_TRAVEL = 4736 = "Fast Travel" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TITLE_TASKS = 4739 = "Tasks" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_ALLIANCE_OWNER = 4748 = "Alliance" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_ALLIANCE_RESTRICTED_LINK = 4761 = "Only the <<1>> can use this link." SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_ARTIFACT = 4755 = "Elder Scroll" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_DESTINATION = 4746 = "Destination" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_CATEGORY_PLAYERS = 4747 = "Players" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_DISTRICT_TEL_VAR_BONUS_HEADER = 4762 = "Capture Bonus" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_DISTRICT_TEL_VAR_BONUS_TEXT_FORMAT = 4763 = "<> <>" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_GUILD_OWNER = 4749 = "Guild" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS = 4760 = "Access" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_KEEP_ACCESSIBLE = 4758 = "Press <> to travel here." SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_KEEP_RESPAWNABLE = 4759 = "Press <> to respawn here." SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_RECALL_COST = 4750 = "Cost To Recall" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_SCROLL_DEFENSIVE = 4757 = "Defensive" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_SCROLL_OFFENSIVE = 4756 = "Offensive" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_SCROLL_TYPE = 4754 = "Elder Scroll Type" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_SIEGE = 4753 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_SIEGE_NPCS = 4752 = "Siege NPCs" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TOOLTIP_SIEGE_WEAPONS = 4751 = "Siege Weapons" SI_GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_TRAVEL = 4744 = "Travel" SI_GAMEPLAY_OPTIONS_DEFAULT_SOUL_GEM = 6698 = "Default Soul Gem" SI_GAMEPLAY_OPTIONS_DEFAULT_SOUL_GEM_TOOLTIP = 6699 = "Your default soul gem will be used first when reviving yourself or another player." SI_GAMEPLAY_OPTIONS_GENERAL = 3800 = "General" SI_GAMEPLAY_OPTIONS_IN_WORLD = 3797 = "In-World" SI_GAMEPLAY_OPTIONS_ITEMS = 3798 = "Items" SI_GAMEPLAY_OPTIONS_SUBTITLES = 6700 = "Subtitles" SI_GAMEPLAY_OPTIONS_TITLE = 3076 = "Gameplay" SI_GAMEPLAY_OPTIONS_TUTORIALS = 3799 = "Tutorials" SI_GAME_CAMERA_ACTION_EMPTY = 4449 = "Empty" SI_GAME_CAMERA_ACTION_QUEST_ITEM = 4448 = "Use <<1>>" SI_GAME_CAMERA_TARGET = 4450 = "<<1>>" SI_GAME_CAMERA_TARGET_ADDITIONAL_INFO = 4451 = "<<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_GAME_CAMERA_TARGET_ADDITIONAL_INFO_BAIT = 4452 = "<<1>> (<>)" SI_GAME_CAMERA_TARGET_ADDITIONAL_INFO_REQUIRES_KEY = 4453 = "<<1>> (requires <>)" SI_GAME_CAMERA_TARGET_ADDITIONAL_INFO_WILL_CONSUME_KEY = 4454 = "<<1>> (will consume <>)" SI_GAME_MENU_ADDONS = 146 = "Add-Ons" SI_GAME_MENU_CONTROLS = 145 = "Controls" SI_GAME_MENU_KEYBINDINGS = 4041 = "Keybindings" SI_GAME_MENU_LOGOUT = 264 = "Log Out" SI_GAME_MENU_QUIT = 147 = "Quit" SI_GAME_MENU_RESUME = 4040 = "Resume" SI_GAME_MENU_SETTINGS = 144 = "Settings" SI_GAMMA_CONFIRM = 432 = "Accept" SI_GAMMA_DECLINE = 433 = "Back" SI_GAMMA_MAIN_TEXT = 12 = "Adjust Brightness" SI_GAMMA_SUB_TEXT = 13 = "The middle logo above should be barely visible." SI_GEMIFIABLEFILTERTYPE0 = 1921 = "All" SI_GEMIFICATION_EMPTY_SLOT_MESSAGE = 6915 = "Select something to extract gems from." SI_GEMIFICATION_EXTRACT = 6913 = "Extract" SI_GEMIFICATION_EXTRACT_ALL = 6914 = "Extract All<<1[/ ($d)/ ($d)]>>" SI_GEMIFICATION_EXTRACT_ALL_CONFIRM_TEXT = 6920 = "Are you sure you want to destroy|cffffff<<1[// $d]>>|r <> to produce |cffffff<<3>>|r crown gems?" SI_GEMIFICATION_EXTRACT_ALL_CONFIRM_TITLE = 6919 = "Extract All" SI_GEMIFICATION_NOTHING_TO_EXTRACT = 6921 = "You have nothing to extract gems from." SI_GEMIFICATION_SELECT = 6916 = "Select" SI_GEMIFICATION_SLOT_NAME_AND_COUNT = 6918 = "<<1>><<2[/ ($d)/ ($d)]>>" SI_GEMIFICATION_SORT_TYPE_GEM_TOTAL = 4714 = "Gem Total" SI_GEMIFICATION_TITLE = 6912 = "Gem Extraction" SI_GEMIFICATION_TOO_FEW_TO_EXTRACT = 6917 = "You need at least <<1>> <<2>> to begin extracting gems." SI_GENDER0 = 2233 SI_GENDER1 = 2234 = "Female" SI_GENDER2 = 2235 = "Male" SI_GENERIC_CURRENCY_TOOLTIP_FORMAT = 4715 = "<<1>> <><>" SI_GENERIC_FURNITURE_TEXT = 6952 = "Furniture" SI_GLOBALERRORCODE0 = 2470 = "Error <<1>>\nNo error." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE100 = 2471 = "Error <<1>>\nTimeout while waiting for the realm directory service." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE101 = 2472 = "Error <<1>>\nFailed to obtain a list of realms from the directory service." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE102 = 2473 = "Error <<1>>\nTimeout while trying to obtain server connection information." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE103 = 2474 = "Error <<1>>\nError <<1>>\nFailed to obtain server connection information." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE104 = 2475 = "Error <<1>>\nServer is currently full. Please try again later." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE105 = 2476 = "Error <<1>>\nServer is currently full. Please try again later." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE106 = 2477 = "Error <<1>>\nServices are busy. Please try again later." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE107 = 2478 = "Error <<1>>\nServices are busy. Please try again later." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE108 = 2479 = "Error <<1>>\nLogin failed. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE109 = 2480 = "Error <<1>>\nServer is currently unavailable. Please try again later." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE110 = 2481 = "Error <<1>>\nYou are not entitled to play on this realm." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE200 = 2482 = "Error <<1>>\nTimeout without a response from the authentication service. Please check the server's status at the Service Alerts page: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE201 = 2483 = "Error <<1>>\nLogin failed. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE202 = 2484 = "Error <<1>>\nTimeout attempting to cancel login." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE203 = 2485 = "Error <<1>>\nUnable to cancel login." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE204 = 2486 = "Error <<1>>\nTimeout while sending Access Code submission." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE206 = 2487 = "Error <<1>>\nYou have provided the incorrect Access Code too many times. Your Account has been locked for 10 minutes." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE207 = 2488 = "Error <<1>>\nYou have provided incorrect credentials too many times. Your client has been locked for 10 minutes." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE301 = 2489 = "Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to server. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support:\n\nhelp.elderscrollsonline.com" SI_GLOBALERRORCODE302 = 2490 = "Error <<1>>\nConnection to the server has been lost. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE303 = 2491 = "Error <<1>>\nConnection to the server has timed out." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE304 = 2492 = "Error <<1>>\nThis account is already logged in." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE305 = 2493 = "Error <<1>>\nProtocol mismatch." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE306 = 2494 = "Error <<1>>\nThe realm has been shutdown." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE307 = 2495 = "Error <<1>>\nBooted from server." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE308 = 2496 = "Error <<1>>\nLost connection due to inactivity. Please log in again to reconnect." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE309 = 2497 = "Error <<1>>\nIP address mismatch." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE310 = 2498 = "Error <<1>>\nTransfer Failed. Please try to reconnect. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE311 = 2499 = "Error <<1>>\nBandwidth cap reached." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE312 = 2500 = "Error <<1>>\nInvalid session id." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE313 = 2501 = "Error <<1>>\nAccount name mismatch." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE314 = 2502 = "Error <<1>>\nServer data not ready." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE315 = 2503 = "Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to the lobby. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE316 = 2504 = "Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to lobby-e." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE317 = 2505 = "Error <<1>>\nPending connection for account on global lobby router." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE318 = 2506 = "Error <<1>>\nYou have been dropped from the server because you hit the message rate limit. Please avoid excessive messaging (i.e. spamming)." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE319 = 2507 = "Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE320 = 2508 = "Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE321 = 2509 = "Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE322 = 2510 = "Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE323 = 2511 = "Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE324 = 2512 = "Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE325 = 2513 = "Error <<1>>\nInsufficient permissions for world." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE326 = 2514 = "Error <<1>>\nCharacter is currently locked." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE327 = 2515 = "Error <<1>>\nCharacter requires a rename." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE328 = 2516 = "Error <<1>>\nThe server is either down, or you are not entitled to play on this realm." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE329 = 2517 = "Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to server." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE330 = 2518 = "Error <<1>>\nFailed to log in dev." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE331 = 2519 = "Error <<1>>\nLogin Service has failed." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE332 = 2520 = "Error <<1>>\nCharacter is still in game. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE333 = 2521 = "Error <<1>>\nCharacter currently unavailable." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE334 = 2522 = "Error <<1>>\nLost lobby connection." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE335 = 2523 = "Error <<1>>\nLost heartbeat." SI_GLOBALERRORCODE400 = 2524 = "Error <<1>>\nTimeout while waiting for character list." SI_GOODBYE = 3228 = "Goodbye." SI_GRAPHICSPRESETS0 = 3018 = "Minimum" SI_GRAPHICSPRESETS1 = 3019 = "Low" SI_GRAPHICSPRESETS10 = 3028 = "SCORPIO" SI_GRAPHICSPRESETS2 = 3020 = "Medium" SI_GRAPHICSPRESETS3 = 3021 = "High" SI_GRAPHICSPRESETS4 = 3022 = "Ultra-High" SI_GRAPHICSPRESETS5 = 3023 = "PS4" SI_GRAPHICSPRESETS6 = 3024 = "XB1" SI_GRAPHICSPRESETS7 = 3025 = "Custom" SI_GRAPHICSPRESETS8 = 3026 = "PS4PLUS1080P" SI_GRAPHICSPRESETS9 = 3027 = "PS4PLUS4K" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY = 97 = "Graphics" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_TOOLTIP = 98 = "Controls the quality of rendering." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION = 87 = "Ambient Occlusion" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_TOOLTIP = 88 = "Provides improvements to lighting by displaying subtle differences in shadow transparency along the edges and seams of objects. Disabling this will increase performance." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_ANTI_ALIASING = 89 = "Anti-Aliasing" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_ANTI_ALIASING_TOOLTIP = 90 = "Smoothens the edges of objects in the world. Disabling this option may increase performance at the expense of displaying a harsher edge to objects." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_BLOOM = 73 = "Bloom" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_BLOOM_TOOLTIP = 74 = "Increases the intensity of the glow surrounding light sources. Toggling this off will increase performance." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_CATEGORY_ABILITY = 60 = "Ability" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_CATEGORY_DISPLAY = 58 = "Display" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_CATEGORY_GRAPHICS = 59 = "Graphics" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_CLUTTER_2D = 93 = "Grass" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_CLUTTER_2D_TOOLTIP = 94 = "Displays additional grass in the world, giving the environment a richer and more realistic appearance. Disabling this may improve performance." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_DEPTH_OF_FIELD = 71 = "Depth of Field" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_DEPTH_OF_FIELD_TOOLTIP = 72 = "Simulates the photographic effect that causes distant objects to appear out of focus based on the distance they are from objects in the foreground. Does not impact conversation scenes." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_DISPLAY_MODE = 77 = "Display Mode" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_DISPLAY_MODE_TOOLTIP = 78 = "Sets the game's primary display mode." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_DISTORTION = 69 = "Distortion" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_DISTORTION_TOOLTIP = 70 = "Causes certain objects in the world to display distortion effects in their vicinity. Disabling this may improve performance." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_GAMMA_ADJUSTMENT = 65 = "Gamma Adjustment" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_GAMMA_ADJUSTMENT_TOOLTIP = 66 = "Adjusts the overall gamma (brightness) setting of the game with no impact to performance. Change this setting if the game appears too bright or dark on your display." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_GOD_RAYS = 91 = "Sunlight Rays" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_GOD_RAYS_TOOLTIP = 92 = "Causes the sun to display rays of light depending on its angle relative to the camera. Disabling this may improve performance." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_HDR_BRIGHTNESS = 104 = "HDR Brightness" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_HDR_BRIGHTNESS_TOOLTIP = 105 = "Sets the HDR brightness." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_MAXIMUM_PARTICLE_SYSTEMS = 99 = "Maximum Particle Systems" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_MAXIMUM_PARTICLE_SYSTEMS_RESTRICTION = 101 = "This setting will only be applied after you logout or change locations." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_MAXIMUM_PARTICLE_SYSTEMS_TOOLTIP = 100 = "Determines the total number of particle systems that are shown in the world at any given time. Decreasing this setting will reduce the number of particle systems shown, but may improve performance." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_PARTICLE_SUPPRESSION_DISTANCE = 102 = "Particle Suppression Distance" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_PARTICLE_SUPPRESSION_DISTANCE_TOOLTIP = 103 = "Adjusts the distance at which non critical particles are no longer visible. Increasing this will show more of these types of particles, further out in the world at the expense of performance." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_PRESETS = 75 = "Graphics Quality" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_PRESETS_TOOLTIP = 76 = "Sets the overall graphics quality of the game, adjusting all advanced options below. " SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_REFLECTION_QUALITY = 95 = "Water Reflection Quality" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_REFLECTION_QUALITY_TOOLTIP = 96 = "Determines the quality of reflections shown on the surface of water. Decreasing this setting may increase performance, but may cause distortion artifacts in the reflections that are displayed." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_RESOLUTION = 79 = "Resolution" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_RESOLUTION_FORMAT = 81 = "<<1>>x<<2>>" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_RESOLUTION_FORMAT_WIDE = 82 = "<<1>>x<<2>> (Wide)" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_RESOLUTION_TOOLTIP = 80 = "Specifies the overall resolution in which the game will run. Increasing the resolution will provide a higher fidelity image at the expense of performance. The resolution chosen should match the aspect ratio of your monitor." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_SHADOWS = 67 = "Shadow Quality" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_SHADOWS_TOOLTIP = 68 = "Determines the quality of shadows seen in the world. Higher settings increase the shadow's draw distance, sharpness and the number of objects in the world that cast shadows. Decreasing this quality may help improve performance." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_SHOW_ADDITIONAL_ALLY_EFFECTS = 106 = "Show Additional Ally Effects" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_SHOW_ADDITIONAL_ALLY_EFFECTS_TOOLTIP = 107 = "Displays all persistent ally offensive abilities when in dungeon and overland zones. Disabling this may increase performance." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_SUB_SAMPLING = 83 = "SubSampling Quality" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_SUB_SAMPLING_TOOLTIP = 84 = "Determines the resolution in which the game will render the world. The interface is not affected by this setting. Decreasing the quality may help improve performance." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_TEXTURE_RES = 61 = "Texture Quality" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_TEXTURE_RES_TOOLTIP = 62 = "Controls the quality of textures used in the world by changing the size of textures used. Higher settings will provide more detail on objects, character models and the environment, but require more video memory to run smoothly. " SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_VIEW_DISTANCE = 63 = "View Distance" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_VIEW_DISTANCE_TOOLTIP = 64 = "Adjusts the distance at which certain objects in the game will no longer be visible. Increasing this will provide a richer and more realistic environment at the expense of performance." SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_VSYNC = 85 = "Vertical Sync" SI_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS_VIDEO_VSYNC_TOOLTIP = 86 = "Helps to eliminate tearing artifacts by synchronizing the framerate with the refresh rate of your monitor." SI_GREGORIANCALENDARMONTHS0 = 1747 = "January" SI_GREGORIANCALENDARMONTHS1 = 1748 = "February" SI_GREGORIANCALENDARMONTHS10 = 1757 = "November" SI_GREGORIANCALENDARMONTHS11 = 1758 = "December" SI_GREGORIANCALENDARMONTHS2 = 1749 = "March" SI_GREGORIANCALENDARMONTHS3 = 1750 = "April" SI_GREGORIANCALENDARMONTHS4 = 1751 = "May" SI_GREGORIANCALENDARMONTHS5 = 1752 = "June" SI_GREGORIANCALENDARMONTHS6 = 1753 = "July" SI_GREGORIANCALENDARMONTHS7 = 1754 = "August" SI_GREGORIANCALENDARMONTHS8 = 1755 = "September" SI_GREGORIANCALENDARMONTHS9 = 1756 = "October" SI_GROUPDIFFICULTYCHANGEREASON0 = 795 = "You are in control of the dungeon mode." SI_GROUPDIFFICULTYCHANGEREASON1 = 796 = "Unlocked once your character reaches Level 50." SI_GROUPDIFFICULTYCHANGEREASON2 = 797 = "Only the group leader may change the mode of group dungeons." SI_GROUPDIFFICULTYCHANGEREASON3 = 798 = "Cannot change dungeon mode while you are in a dungeon." SI_GROUPDIFFICULTYCHANGEREASON4 = 799 = "Cannot change dungeon mode while in a group created by an activity finder." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE1 = 687 = "Vote failed; please try again later." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE10 = 696 = "Your vote has already been cast." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE11 = 697 = "Your vote has already been cast." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE12 = 698 = "You initiated an election too recently." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE13 = 699 = "One or more group members is in a battleground." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE2 = 688 = "Vote failed; please try again later." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE3 = 689 = "Could not find target player to start the voting process." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE4 = 690 = "Unable to process that vote." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE5 = 691 = "You cannot initiate a vote when the voting process is already in progress." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE6 = 692 = "You cannot use that type of vote on yourself." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE7 = 693 = "There are not enough members to start the voting process." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE8 = 694 = "You are not currently in a group." SI_GROUPELECTIONFAILURE9 = 695 = "There is nothing currently being voted on." SI_GROUPELECTIONRESULT1 = 700 = "The vote did not pass." SI_GROUPELECTIONRESULT2 = 701 = "The vote did not pass." SI_GROUPELECTIONRESULT3 = 702 = "The voting process has been cancelled." SI_GROUPELECTIONRESULT4 = 703 = "The vote passed!" SI_GROUPELECTIONRESULT5 = 704 = "The vote did not pass." SI_GROUPELECTIONTYPE3 = 705 = "Vote Kick" SI_GROUPELECTIONTYPE4 = 706 = "Vote To Promote" SI_GROUPING_TOOLS_ALERT_LFG_JOINED = 3528 = "You have joined a group for <<1>>." SI_GROUPING_TOOLS_PANEL_CURRENT_CAMPAIGN = 3527 = "Current Campaign:" SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE0 = 2120 = "Could not find a player named \"<<1>>\" to invite." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE1 = 2121 = "<<1>> accepted your invitation." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE10 = 2130 = "You have invited <<1>> to the group." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE11 = 2131 = "Account type is not set to allow group creation." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE12 = 2132 = "Failed to join the group." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE13 = 2133 = "Unable to join <<1>>. The group is full." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE14 = 2134 = "Unable to join <<1>>. You are already in a group." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE15 = 2135 = "<<1>> is currently in a battleground." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE2 = 2122 = "<<1>> declined your group invitation." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE3 = 2123 = "<<1>> is ignoring you. You cannot extend a group invitation." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE4 = 2124 = "<<1>> is considering another invite. You cannot extend a group invitation." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE5 = 2125 = "<<1>> is already in a group. You cannot extend a group invitation." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE6 = 2126 = "This group is already full." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE7 = 2127 = "You cannot invite yourself." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE8 = 2128 = "Only group leaders can invite others to group." SI_GROUPINVITERESPONSE9 = 2129 = "You or <<1>> are in an area that does not permit cross-alliance grouping." SI_GROUPLEAVEREASON0 = 707 = "<<1>>(<<2>>) has left the group." SI_GROUPLEAVEREASON1 = 708 = "<<1>>(<<2>>) removed from the group." SI_GROUPLEAVEREASON2 = 709 = "<<1>>(<<2>>) has disbanded the group." SI_GROUPLEAVEREASON4 = 710 = "<<1>>(<<2>>) has left the battleground." SI_GROUP_ALERT_INVITE_PLAYER_ALREADY_MEMBER = 5960 = "This player is already in your group." SI_GROUP_ALERT_INVITE_PLAYER_BLOCKED = 5961 = "You have blocked that player." SI_GROUP_DIALOG_DISBAND_GROUP_CONFIRMATION = 5955 = "Are you sure you want to disband the group?" SI_GROUP_DIALOG_DISBAND_GROUP_INSTANCE_CONFIRMATION = 5956 = "Are you sure you want to disband the group? Everyone in your group will be removed from the instance." SI_GROUP_DIALOG_LEAVE_GROUP_BATTLEGROUND_CONFIRMATION = 5959 = "Are you sure you want to leave the group? You will be removed from the battleground and unable to return." SI_GROUP_DIALOG_LEAVE_GROUP_CONFIRMATION = 5957 = "Are you sure you want to leave the group?" SI_GROUP_DIALOG_LEAVE_GROUP_INSTANCE_CONFIRMATION = 5958 = "Are you sure you want to leave the group? You will be removed from the instance." SI_GROUP_ELECTION_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_FORMAT = 5929 = "<<1>> Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_GROUP_ELECTION_KICK_MEMBER_FAILED = 5931 = "A vote to kick |cffffff<<1>>(<<2>>)|r from the group has failed." SI_GROUP_ELECTION_KICK_MEMBER_PASSED = 5930 = "A vote to kick |cffffff<<1>>(<<2>>)|r from the group has passed." SI_GROUP_ELECTION_KICK_MESSAGE = 5925 = "A vote to kick |cffffff<<1>>(<<2>>)|r from the group has started. Expires in |cffffff<<3>>|r." SI_GROUP_ELECTION_KICK_PLAYER_PASSED = 5932 = "Your group members voted to kick you from the group." SI_GROUP_ELECTION_NOTIFICATION_HEADER = 5924 = "Group Election" SI_GROUP_ELECTION_PROMOTE_MESSAGE = 5926 = "A vote to promote |cffffff<<1>>(<<2>>)|r to group leader has been started. Expires in |cffffff<<3>>|r." SI_GROUP_ELECTION_READY_CHECK_FAILED = 5936 = "Someone in your group is not ready." SI_GROUP_ELECTION_READY_CHECK_MESSAGE = 5928 = "Are you ready?" SI_GROUP_ELECTION_READY_CHECK_NOTIFICATION_HEADER = 5927 = "Ready Check" SI_GROUP_ELECTION_READY_CHECK_PASSED = 5935 = "Everyone in your group is ready!" SI_GROUP_ELECTION_READY_CHECK_REQUESTED = 5934 = "You have initiated a ready check..." SI_GROUP_ELECTION_REQUESTED = 5933 = "You have initiated a vote..." SI_GROUP_INVITE_MESSAGE = 5920 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r has invited you to join a group." SI_GROUP_INVITE_RECEIVED = 3700 = "<<1>> wants to group. Do you accept?" SI_GROUP_LEADER_TOOLTIP = 3731 = "Group Leader" SI_GROUP_LEAVE = 5964 = "Leave Group" SI_GROUP_LIST_MENU_DISBAND_GROUP = 5965 = "Disband Group" SI_GROUP_LIST_MENU_KICK_FROM_GROUP = 5967 = "Kick From Group" SI_GROUP_LIST_MENU_LEAVE_GROUP = 5969 = "Leave Group" SI_GROUP_LIST_MENU_PROMOTE_TO_LEADER = 5970 = "Promote to Leader" SI_GROUP_LIST_MENU_VOTE_KICK_FROM_GROUP = 5968 = "Vote to Kick" SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_CHARACTER_NAME = 3520 = "<<1>>. <<2>>" SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_CLASS_HEADER = 3522 = "Class" SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_DISABLED_ROLE_TOOLTIP = 3526 = "Disabled" SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_GROUP_MEMBERS_COUNT = 3516 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_GROUP_MEMBERS_LABEL = 3515 = "Group Members:" SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_LEADER_TOOLTIP = 3525 = "Group Leader" SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_LEVEL_HEADER = 3523 = "Lvl" SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_NAME_HEADER = 3521 = "Character Name" SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_NO_GROUP_MESSAGE = 5966 = "Invite a player or use an activity finder to organize or join a group." SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_PREFERRED_ROLES_LABEL = 3519 = "Roles" SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_REVIVE_COUNTER_LABEL = 3517 = "Soul Reservoir:" SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_REVIVE_COUNTER_TOOLTIP = 3518 = "The total number of souls your group has left in the Soul Reservoir for this Trial." SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_ROLES_HEADER = 3524 = "Roles" SI_GROUP_LIST_READY_CHECK_BIND = 5971 = "Ready Check" SI_GROUP_NOTIFICATION_GROUP_LEADER_CHANGED = 3698 = "Group leader changed to <<1>>." SI_GROUP_NOTIFICATION_GROUP_MSG_INVALID_MEMBER = 3697 = "That person is not a member of your group." SI_GROUP_NOTIFICATION_GROUP_SELF_KICKED = 3699 = "You have been removed from the group." SI_GROUP_NOTIFICATION_YOU_ARE_NOT_IN_A_GROUP = 3695 = "You must be in a group to do that." SI_GROUP_NOTIFICATION_YOU_ARE_NOT_THE_LEADER = 3696 = "You must be the group leader to do that." SI_GROUP_OPTIONS_LAYOUT_HEADER = 3691 = "Layout Options" SI_GROUP_OPTIONS_LAYOUT_STRIDE_2 = 3693 = "Two columns" SI_GROUP_OPTIONS_LAYOUT_STRIDE_4 = 3692 = "Four columns" SI_GROUP_OPTIONS_LEADER = 3690 = "Leader:" SI_GROUP_OPTIONS_ONLY_SHOW_MY_SUBGROUP = 3694 = "Only show my group" SI_GROUP_PREFERRED_ROLE_DESCRIPTION = 6039 = "Roles are used to create balanced groups for certain activities." SI_GROUP_PREFERRED_ROLE_DPS_TOOLTIP = 6040 = "Focuses on dealing damage against enemies that pose a threat." SI_GROUP_PREFERRED_ROLE_HEAL_TOOLTIP = 6041 = "Heals and protects allies, keeping them alive throughout the battle." SI_GROUP_PREFERRED_ROLE_TANK_TOOLTIP = 6042 = "Absorbs damage from enemies and prevents allies from being attacked." SI_GROUP_SUBGROUP_LABEL = 3732 = "Group <<1>>" SI_GROUP_WINDOW_CANCEL_SEARCH = 3513 = "Cancel Search" SI_GROUP_WINDOW_INVITE_FRIEND = 5963 = "Invite Friend" SI_GROUP_WINDOW_INVITE_PLAYER = 5962 = "Invite Player" SI_GROUP_WINDOW_SEARCHING_FOR_MEMBERS = 3514 = "Searching for Members..." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT10 = 2726 = "Waiting on previous request." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT11 = 2727 = "Your guild must have at least <<1>> members to enable depositing to the Guild Bank." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT13 = 2728 = "You do not have permission to withdraw." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT14 = 2729 = "You do not have permission to deposit." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT15 = 2730 = "You do not have that much gold to deposit." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT16 = 2731 = "You can not add that much gold to your guild bank." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT17 = 2732 = "You can not withdraw that much gold from your guild bank." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT18 = 2733 = "You cannot deposit stolen items." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT2 = 2718 = "Not a member of a guild." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT3 = 2719 = "Item no longer exists." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT4 = 2720 = "Item cannot be stored in the Guild Bank." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT5 = 2721 = "Your guild bank is full." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT6 = 2722 = "Bank currently unavailable." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT7 = 2723 = "Not interacting with the Guild Bank." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT8 = 2724 = "Invalid item." SI_GUILDBANKRESULT9 = 2725 = "Not a member of any guild." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE1 = 1852 = "<<1>> invited <<2>> to the guild." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE12 = 1858 = "<<1>> kicked <<2>> from the guild." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE13 = 1859 = "<<1>> deposited <<2>> <>." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE14 = 1860 = "<<1>> withdrew <<2>> <>." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE15 = 1861 = "<<1>> sold <<3>> <> to <<2>> for <<5>>. <<6>> in taxes collected." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE16 = 1862 = "<<1>> claimed <<2>> in <<3>> campaign." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE17 = 1863 = "Guild lost <<1>> in <<2>> campaign." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE19 = 1864 = "<<1>> released <<2>> in <<3>> campaign." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE20 = 1865 = "<<1>> edited guild's heraldry for <<2>>." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE21 = 1866 = "<<1>> deposited <<2>>." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE22 = 1867 = "<<1>> withdrew <<2>>." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE23 = 1868 = "Lost bid to hire <<1>>. <<2>> refunded." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE24 = 1869 = "<<1>> bid <<2>> to hire <<3>>." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE25 = 1870 = "<<1>> hired <<3>> for <<2>>." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE27 = 1871 = "<<1>> picked up a battle standard." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE28 = 1872 = "<<1>> put down a battle standard." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE3 = 1853 = "<<1>> promoted <<2>> to <<3>>." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE31 = 1873 = "<<1>> edited Message of the Day text." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE32 = 1874 = "<<1>> edited the About Us text." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE33 = 1875 = "You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Store!" SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE34 = 1876 = "Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Store." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE35 = 1877 = "You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Bank!" SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE36 = 1878 = "Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Bank." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE37 = 1879 = "You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Standard!" SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE38 = 1880 = "Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Standard." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE39 = 1881 = "You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Tabard!" SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE4 = 1854 = "<<1>> demoted <<2>> to <<3>>." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE40 = 1882 = "Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Tabard." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE42 = 1883 = "You have reached enough members to unlock hiring Guild Traders!" SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE43 = 1884 = "Guild no longer has enough members to hire Guild Traders." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE5 = 1855 = "<<1>> created the guild." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE7 = 1856 = "<<1>> joined the guild (invited by <<2>>)." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPE8 = 1857 = "<<1>> left the guild." SI_GUILDEVENTTYPEDEPRECATED7 = 5774 = "<<1>> joined the guild." SI_GUILDHISTORYALLIANCEWARSUBCATEGORIES1 = 1851 = "Ownership" SI_GUILDHISTORYBANKSUBCATEGORIES1 = 1847 = "Deposits" SI_GUILDHISTORYBANKSUBCATEGORIES2 = 1848 = "Withdrawals" SI_GUILDHISTORYCATEGORY1 = 1839 = "Guild " SI_GUILDHISTORYCATEGORY2 = 1840 = "Bank" SI_GUILDHISTORYCATEGORY3 = 1841 = "Sales" SI_GUILDHISTORYCATEGORY4 = 1842 = "Campaign" SI_GUILDHISTORYCATEGORY5 = 1843 = "Alliance War" SI_GUILDHISTORYGENERALSUBCATEGORIES1 = 1844 = "Roster" SI_GUILDHISTORYGENERALSUBCATEGORIES2 = 1845 = "Customization" SI_GUILDHISTORYGENERALSUBCATEGORIES3 = 1846 = "Unlocks" SI_GUILDHISTORYSTORESUBCATEGORIES1 = 1849 = "Purchases" SI_GUILDHISTORYSTORESUBCATEGORIES2 = 1850 = "Hired Trader" SI_GUILDKIOSKRESULT10 = 2741 = "This Guild Trader is currently unavailable." SI_GUILDKIOSKRESULT11 = 2742 = "This Guild Trader is already hired." SI_GUILDKIOSKRESULT13 = 2743 = "Your Guild needs <<1>> members to hire Guild Traders." SI_GUILDKIOSKRESULT14 = 2744 = "Your Guild may only hire one Guild Trader at a time." SI_GUILDKIOSKRESULT3 = 2734 = "You are not a member of the guild." SI_GUILDKIOSKRESULT4 = 2735 = "Not enough gold in the Guild Bank." SI_GUILDKIOSKRESULT5 = 2736 = "A bid has already been placed at another location." SI_GUILDKIOSKRESULT6 = 2737 = "New bid must be higher than the current bid." SI_GUILDKIOSKRESULT7 = 2738 = "You do not have guild permissions." SI_GUILDKIOSKRESULT8 = 2739 = "You are not a member of a guild." SI_GUILDKIOSKRESULT9 = 2740 = "Bidding has already closed for this time slot." SI_GUILDPERMISSION1 = 1813 = "Talk in Guild Chat" SI_GUILDPERMISSION10 = 1822 = "Release Alliance Resources" SI_GUILDPERMISSION11 = 1823 = "Read Officer Chat" SI_GUILDPERMISSION12 = 1824 = "Talk in Officer Chat" SI_GUILDPERMISSION13 = 1825 = "Edit About Us" SI_GUILDPERMISSION14 = 1826 = "Edit Recruitment" SI_GUILDPERMISSION15 = 1827 = "Deposit in Guild Bank" SI_GUILDPERMISSION16 = 1828 = "Withdraw from Guild Bank" SI_GUILDPERMISSION17 = 1829 = "Buy from Guild Store" SI_GUILDPERMISSION18 = 1830 = "Sell in Guild Store" SI_GUILDPERMISSION19 = 1831 = "Edit Guild Permissions" SI_GUILDPERMISSION2 = 1814 = "Invite Members" SI_GUILDPERMISSION20 = 1832 = "Use Battle Standards" SI_GUILDPERMISSION21 = 1833 = "Hire Guild Traders" SI_GUILDPERMISSION22 = 1834 = "Edit Guild Heraldry" SI_GUILDPERMISSION23 = 1835 = "Withdraw Guild Bank Gold" SI_GUILDPERMISSION24 = 1836 = "View Guild Bank Gold" SI_GUILDPERMISSION25 = 1837 = "View Withdraw History of Guild Bank" SI_GUILDPERMISSION26 = 1838 = "View Deposit History of Guild Bank" SI_GUILDPERMISSION3 = 1815 = "Remove Members" SI_GUILDPERMISSION4 = 1816 = "Promote Members" SI_GUILDPERMISSION5 = 1817 = "Demote Members" SI_GUILDPERMISSION6 = 1818 = "Edit Message of the Day" SI_GUILDPERMISSION7 = 1819 = "Read Member Notes" SI_GUILDPERMISSION8 = 1820 = "Edit Member Notes" SI_GUILDPERMISSION9 = 1821 = "Claim Alliance Resources" SI_GUILDRANKS0 = 1885 = "Invited" SI_GUILDRANKS1 = 1886 = "Recruit" SI_GUILDRANKS2 = 1887 = "Member" SI_GUILDRANKS254 = 1888 = "Officer" SI_GUILDRANKS255 = 1889 = "Guildmaster" SI_GUILD_BACKGROUND_INFO_HEADER = 3635 = "Background Information" SI_GUILD_BENEFITS_LIST = 5785 = "Utilize ranks to make your guild as structured or free-form as you like!\nCoordinate with your guildmates and fight in large scale battles against others as part of the Alliance Wars!\nAnd much more!" SI_GUILD_CANT_VIEW_HISTORY = 5835 = "You don't have permission to view this." SI_GUILD_CLAIM_KEEP_ACCEPT = 5819 = "Claim" SI_GUILD_CONCLUSION = 5786 = "Guild membership is tied to your <<1>> and is limited to 5 guilds total. All characters under your <<1>> will have access to all of your guilds.\n\nJoin an existing guild or start one of your own to invite others!" SI_GUILD_CREATE = 5767 = "Create Guild" SI_GUILD_CREATE_DIALOG_ALLIANCE_HEADER = 5806 = "Guild Alliance:" SI_GUILD_CREATE_DIALOG_ALLIANCE_RULES = 5805 = "Your character's alliance is <<1>>. Your guild can only fight for its designated alliance in the Alliance War." SI_GUILD_CREATE_DIALOG_NAME_DEFAULT_TEXT = 5808 = "Enter a name for your guild." SI_GUILD_CREATE_DIALOG_NAME_HEADER = 5807 = "Guild Name:" SI_GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_ALREADY_LEADER = 5787 = "You cannot create a guild because you are already leading a guild" SI_GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_LOW_LEVEL = 5789 = "You must be at least level <<1>> to create a guild" SI_GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_TOO_MANY = 5788 = "You cannot create a guild because you are already in <<1>> guilds" SI_GUILD_CREATE_TITLE = 5790 = "Creating and Joining Guilds" SI_GUILD_DEMOTE = 5795 = "Demote" SI_GUILD_DESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_TEXT = 5782 = "Enter information about the guild that you would like your guild members to see." SI_GUILD_DESCRIPTION_EMPTY_TEXT = 5783 = "There is no description set for this guild." SI_GUILD_DESCRIPTION_HEADER = 5779 = "About Us" SI_GUILD_DISBAND = 5801 = "You are the last member of the guild. Leaving will disband the guild and allow others to use this guild's name. It will also destroy all items stored in the guild bank.\n\nAre you sure you want to leave: <>|cffffff<<2>>|r?" SI_GUILD_EVENT_GOLD_FOMART = 5830 = "<<1>><<2>>" SI_GUILD_EVENT_NO_PARAM_FORMAT = 5831 = "<<1>>" SI_GUILD_FOUNDED_LABEL = 3641 = "Founded:" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_APPLY_CHANGES = 4368 = "Apply Changes (Guild Bank: <<1>>)" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_BACKGROUND = 4361 = "Background" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_COLOR = 4367 = "Color" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_COST_LABEL = 4375 = "Guild Cost:" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_CREST = 4362 = "Crest" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_DESIGN_HEADER = 4359 = "Design" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_DIALOG_ACCEPT = 4378 = "Accept" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_DIALOG_APPLY_CHANGES_DESCRIPTION = 4380 = "Applying changes to the guild's heraldry will update the design shown on the guild's tabard. The change will be reflected immediately and cannot be reversed.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes?" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_DIALOG_APPLY_CHANGES_PENDING_EXIT_DESCRIPTION = 4381 = "You are attempting to exit before applying your changes.\n\nApplying changes to the guild's heraldry will update the design shown on the guild's tabard. The change will be reflected immediately and cannot be reversed.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes?" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_DIALOG_APPLY_CHANGES_TITLE = 4379 = "Apply Changes" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_DIALOG_BANKED_GOLD_HEADER = 4373 = "Guild Balance:" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_DIALOG_CANCEL = 4377 = "Cancel" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_DIALOG_COST_HEADER = 4374 = "Cost:" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_DIALOG_PURCHASE = 4376 = "Purchase" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_DIALOG_PURCHASE_DESCRIPTION = 4372 = "Once purchased, this guild's design will show up on the guild's tabard.\n\nMembers can purchase a tabard by visiting the guild's store." SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_DIALOG_PURCHASE_TITLE = 5829 = "Purchase Heraldry" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD = 4382 = "Not enough gold in Guild Bank." SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_FINALIZE = 4363 = "Finalize" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_PATTERN_HEADER = 4358 = "Pattern" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_PRIMARY_COLOR = 4365 = "Primary Color" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_PURCHASE_HERALDRY = 4369 = "Purchase Heraldry (Guild Bank: <<1>>)" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_SECONDARY_COLOR = 4366 = "Secondary Color" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_SELLER_NAME = 4371 = "The Gold Coast Trading Company" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_STYLE = 4364 = "Style" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_TYPE_HEADER = 4360 = "Type" SI_GUILD_HERALDRY_UNDO_CHANGES = 4370 = "Undo Changes" SI_GUILD_HIRED_TRADER = 5776 = "<<1>>" SI_GUILD_HISTORY_ACTIVITY_LOG = 4636 = "Activity Log" SI_GUILD_HISTORY_CATEGORIES_HEADER = 4631 = "Categories" SI_GUILD_HISTORY_CUSTOMER_SERVICE = 4634 = "Customer Service" SI_GUILD_HISTORY_DEFAULT_PARSED_TEXT = 4637 = "Unknown" SI_GUILD_HISTORY_NO_ENTRIES = 5836 = "There are no entries in this list." SI_GUILD_HISTORY_RETRIEVING = 4635 = "Retrieving history..." SI_GUILD_HISTORY_SHOW_MORE = 4633 = "Show More" SI_GUILD_HISTORY_SUBCATEGORY_ALL = 4632 = "All" SI_GUILD_ICONS_HEADER = 5792 = "Logo" SI_GUILD_INTRODUCTION = 5784 = "Guilds are a great way to team up with other travelers you come across while exploring the world of Tamriel! These large, permanent groups allow players to band together, work towards common goals, and unlock special perks like Guild Stores." SI_GUILD_INVITE_ACTION = 5793 = "Add Member" SI_GUILD_INVITE_MESSAGE = 4085 = "You have been invited to join <>|cffffff<<2>>|r by |cffffff<<3>>|r." SI_GUILD_KEEP_OWNERSHIP_HEADER = 5813 = "Alliance War\nOwnership" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_BANKED_GOLD_HEADER = 4658 = "Guild Bank Balance:" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_BID = 4666 = "Update Bid" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_BIDDING_CLOSES_IN_HEADER = 4662 = "Bidding Closes In:" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_DESCRIPTION = 5822 = "Your guild may bid to hire this trader for future use. The winning guild's store will be made available to the general public through this trader for a total of |cffffff7 days|r. Hiring period does not begin until a winner has been determined at the close of bidding.\n\n|cffffffNOTE:|r Placed bids are final and the winning bid will not be refunded. Only one trader can be bid on at a time for a guild." SI_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_ERROR_EXISTING_BID = 4667 = "Guilds may only have one bid out until bidding has closed. This guild has already placed a bid on |cffffff<<1>>|r." SI_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_ERROR_TRADING_HOUSE_LOCKED = 4669 = "Guilds must have unlocked Guild Stores to bid on a Guild Trader. This guild does not have the required |cffffff<<1>>|r members." SI_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_GUILD_CHOICE_HEADER = 4661 = "Bid for Guild:" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_RATE_EXCEEDED = 4668 = "Bid rate exceeded." SI_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_TITLE = 5826 = "Bid On Guild Trader" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_CURRENT_BID_HEADER = 4664 = "Current Bid:" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_DISPLAY_CAPTION_WITH_OWNER = 4670 = "Guild Trader (<<1>>)" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_MINIMUM_BID_HEADER = 4665 = "Minimum Bid:" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_NEW_BID_HEADER = 4663 = "New Bid:" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE = 4660 = "Hire" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_COST = 4659 = "Hiring Cost:" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_DESCRIPTION = 4656 = "Your guild may hire this trader for immediate use. Once hired, your guild's store will be made available to the general public through this trader for the next |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\n|cffffffNOTE:|r Only one trader can be hired at a time for a guild." SI_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_ERROR_KIOSK_RENTED = 5824 = "Guilds may only hire one guild trader at a time. This guild has already hired |cffffff<<1>>|r." SI_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_ERROR_TRADING_HOUSE_LOCKED = 5825 = "Guilds must have unlocked Guild Stores to hire a Guild Trader. This guild does not have the required |cffffff<<1>>|r members." SI_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_GUILD_CHOICE_HEADER = 4657 = "Hire for Guild:" SI_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_TITLE = 5823 = "Hire Guild Trader" SI_GUILD_LEAVE = 5768 = "Leave Guild" SI_GUILD_LEAVE_WARNING = 5798 = "Are you sure you want to leave: <>|cffffff<<2>>|r?" SI_GUILD_LEAVE_WARNING_LEADER = 5800 = "You are the Guildmaster. Leaving will assign Guildmaster to the highest ranked player that has been in the guild longest.\n\nAre you sure you want to leave: <>|cffffff<<2>>|r?" SI_GUILD_MASTER_LABEL = 3636 = "Guildmaster:" SI_GUILD_MOTD = 3702 = "Guild MOTD: <>" SI_GUILD_MOTD_CHANGED_NOTIFICATION = 6132 = "The message of the day for <>|cffffff<<2>>|r has changed." SI_GUILD_MOTD_DEFAULT_TEXT = 5780 = "Enter a message of the day that you would like your guild members to see." SI_GUILD_MOTD_EMPTY_TEXT = 5781 = "A message of the day is not set for this guild." SI_GUILD_MOTD_HEADER = 5778 = "Message of the Day" SI_GUILD_NO_CLAIMED_KEEP = 5775 = "Nothing Owned" SI_GUILD_NO_HIRED_TRADER = 5777 = "None Hired" SI_GUILD_NUM_MEMBERS_ONLINE_FORMAT = 5766 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_GUILD_NUM_MEMBERS_ONLINE_LABEL = 3637 = "Members Online:" SI_GUILD_PERMISSIONS_HEADER = 5791 = "Permissions" SI_GUILD_PERMISSION_INFO_BANK_VIEW_GOLD = 5838 = "Disabling this permission will remove all guild bank gold events from the Guild History Logs for this rank." SI_GUILD_PERMISSION_INFO_GUILD_KIOSK_BID = 5839 = "Disabling this permission will remove all guild trader bid events from the Guild History Logs for this rank." SI_GUILD_PERMISSION_INFO_ONE_DEPENDENCY = 5837 = "Enabling this permission will automatically enable |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_GUILD_PROMOTE = 5794 = "Promote" SI_GUILD_PROMOTE_TO_GUILD_MASTER = 5854 = "Are you sure you want to set <<1>> as the new Guildmaster of <>|cffffff<<3>>|r? Doing so will demote you to <<4>>." SI_GUILD_RANKS_ADD_RANK = 3638 = "Add Rank" SI_GUILD_RANKS_ADD_RANK_NAME_HEADER = 5810 = "Rank Name:" SI_GUILD_RANKS_CANCEL = 3640 = "Cancel" SI_GUILD_RANKS_CONFIRM_CHANGES = 3651 = "Save the changes to your guild's ranks?" SI_GUILD_RANKS_CONFIRM_CHANGES_TITLE = 3650 = "Confirm Changes" SI_GUILD_RANKS_COPY_HEADER = 5811 = "Copy Permissions From:" SI_GUILD_RANKS_COPY_NONE = 5812 = "None" SI_GUILD_RANKS_REMOVE_RANK = 5809 = "Delete Rank" SI_GUILD_RANKS_REMOVE_RANK_WARNING_TEXT = 5828 = "You cannot delete a rank if there are players still holding that rank in the guild. Promote them or demote them to another rank first." SI_GUILD_RANKS_REMOVE_RANK_WARNING_TITLE = 5827 = "Cannot Delete Rank" SI_GUILD_RANKS_SAVE = 3639 = "Save" SI_GUILD_RANK_DELETE_WARNING = 5799 = "Are you sure you want to delete rank: |cffffff<<1>>|r?" SI_GUILD_RELEASE_KEEP = 5815 = "Release Ownership" SI_GUILD_RELEASE_KEEP_ACCEPT = 5814 = "Release" SI_GUILD_RELEASE_KEEP_CONFIRM_PROMPT = 5817 = "Releasing ownership of |cffffff<<1>>|r will result in your guild having to reclaim it. Are you sure you want to release ownership?" SI_GUILD_RELEASE_KEEP_CONFIRM_TITLE = 5816 = "Release Ownership" SI_GUILD_RELEASE_KEEP_COOLDOWN = 5818 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r has recently changed ownership. You must wait |cffffff<<2>>|r before attempting to release ownership." SI_GUILD_REMOVE = 5796 = "Remove from Guild" SI_GUILD_REMOVE_MEMBER_WARNING = 5853 = "Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r from <>|cffffff<<3>>|r? Once removed, this player will no longer have access to any of the Guild's features." SI_GUILD_ROSTER_ADDED = 5855 = "<<1>> joined <<2>>." SI_GUILD_ROSTER_INVITED_MESSAGE = 5858 = "You have invited |cffffff<<1>>|r to join |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_GUILD_ROSTER_REMOVED = 5856 = "<<1>> left <<2>>." SI_GUILD_SELECTOR_FORMAT = 3648 = "|t24:24:<>|t (<<2>>) <<3>>" SI_GUILD_SELF_KICKED_FROM_GUILD = 5857 = "You have been removed from <<1>>." SI_GUILD_TOOLTIP_BANK_DEPOSIT_DISABLED = 3643 = "Guild Bank is disabled.\n\n|cff0000Unlocked with <<1>> members. You may still withdraw items from the guild bank.|r" SI_GUILD_TOOLTIP_BANK_DEPOSIT_ENABLED = 3642 = "Guild Bank is enabled.\n\nVisit a Banker to access the contents of the guild's bank." SI_GUILD_TOOLTIP_HERALDRY_DISABLED = 3647 = "Guild Heraldry is disabled.\n\n|cff0000Unlocked with <<1>> members." SI_GUILD_TOOLTIP_HERALDRY_ENABLED = 3646 = "Guild Heraldry is enabled." SI_GUILD_TOOLTIP_RANK = 4650 = "Rank" SI_GUILD_TOOLTIP_TRADING_HOUSE_DISABLED = 3645 = "Guild Store is disabled.\n\n|cff0000Unlocked with <<1>> members. You may still purchase from the store and cancel your listings." SI_GUILD_TOOLTIP_TRADING_HOUSE_ENABLED = 3644 = "Guild Store is enabled." SI_GUILD_TRADER_OWNERSHIP_HEADER = 3649 = "Guild Trader" SI_GUILD_UPDATES_HEADER = 3634 = "Updates" SI_HARVEST_WRONG_TRADESKILL = 4408 = "Requires the <<1>> crafting skill to harvest" SI_HELP_CUSTOMER_SUPPORT = 4059 = "Customer Support" SI_HELP_EMOTES = 4060 = "Emotes" SI_HELP_ENTER_KEYWORD = 4061 = "Enter a keyword" SI_HELP_FILTER_BY = 4062 = "Filter by:" SI_HELP_NO_MATCHES = 4063 = "No matching tutorials found." SI_HELP_TITLE = 4057 = "Help" SI_HELP_TUTORIALS = 4058 = "Tutorials" SI_HIDDEN_BY_COSTUME = 6891 = "(Hidden By Costume)" SI_HIDDEN_BY_DISGUISE = 6893 = "(Hidden By Disguise)" SI_HIDDEN_BY_HEADWEAR = 6892 = "(Hidden By Headwear)" SI_HIDDEN_BY_HIDE_HELM = 6894 = "(Hide Helmet is active)" SI_HIDDEN_BY_POLYMORPH = 6890 = "(Hidden By Polymorph)" SI_HIDDEN_BY_SKIN = 6895 = "(Hidden By Skin)" SI_HIDDEN_BY_WEREWOLF = 6889 = "(Hidden By Lycanthropy)" SI_HIDDEN_GENERAL = 6888 = "(Hidden)" SI_HIGH = 11 = "High" SI_HIT_TYPE_CRAFTING = 4418 = "Crafting ..." SI_HIT_TYPE_DECONSTRUCTING = 4419 = "Researching ..." SI_HIT_TYPE_DESTROY_SIEGE = 4423 = "Destroying <<1>>..." SI_HIT_TYPE_DISARM_TRAP = 4425 = "Disarming..." SI_HIT_TYPE_FISHING = 4426 = "Fishing..." SI_HIT_TYPE_GRAPPLING = 4422 = "Grappling ..." SI_HIT_TYPE_HARVESTING = 4421 = "Harvesting ..." SI_HIT_TYPE_PACKUP_SIEGE = 4427 = "Packing Up <<1>>..." SI_HIT_TYPE_REFINING = 4420 = "Refining..." SI_HIT_TYPE_REPAIR_SIEGE = 4424 = "Repairing <<1>>..." SI_HOLD_TO_SELECT_BAIT = 4505 = "Hold to Select Bait" SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_ALL_POINTS_FULL = 4474 = "There are no available hook points." SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_CANT_AFFORD = 4462 = "You cannot afford this upgrade." SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_CLEAR_SLOT = 4461 = "Clear the slot." SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_COST = 4467 = "Cost:" SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_PENDING_HOOK_POINTS = 4465 = "<<1>> / <<2>>" SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_PENDING_HOOK_POINTS_HEADER = 4464 = "Upgrades Selected:" SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_PURCHASE = 4468 = "Purchase" SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_REMAINING = 4466 = "Remaining:" SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_REPAIR = 4472 = "Repair" SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_REPAIR_KIT_COUNT = 4470 = "x <<1>>" SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_REPAIR_KIT_HEADER = 4471 = "Repair Kits:" SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_RESET = 4469 = "Reset" SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_TITLE = 4463 = "<<1>> Wall" SI_HOOK_POINT_STORE_WALL_UPGRADES_HEADER = 4473 = "Wall Upgrades:" SI_HOTBARRESULT1 = 2257 = "Invalid slot number" SI_HOTBARRESULT2 = 2258 = "You can't place items in weapon attack slots." SI_HOTBARRESULT3 = 2259 = "You don't know that ability." SI_HOTBARRESULT4 = 2260 = "You can't put that item in that slot." SI_HOTBARRESULT5 = 2261 = "You don't have that item." SI_HOTBARRESULT6 = 2262 = "You can't swap these in combat." SI_HOTBARRESULT7 = 2263 = "This ability is from an inactive skill line." SI_HOTBARRESULT8 = 2264 = "You haven't unlocked that collectible." SI_HOTBARRESULT9 = 2265 = "You may only use Werewolf abilities right now." SI_HOUSECATEGORYTYPE0 = 1219 = "None" SI_HOUSECATEGORYTYPE1 = 1220 = "Staple" SI_HOUSECATEGORYTYPE2 = 1221 = "Classic" SI_HOUSECATEGORYTYPE3 = 1222 = "Notable" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONDEFAULTACCESSSETTING0 = 1226 = "No Access" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONDEFAULTACCESSSETTING1 = 1227 = "Visitor" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONDEFAULTACCESSSETTING2 = 1228 = "Decorator" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONOPTIONSCATEGORIES0 = 1234 = "Social Options" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONOPTIONSCATEGORIES1 = 1235 = "General" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONOPTIONSCATEGORIES2 = 1236 = "Visitors" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONOPTIONSCATEGORIES3 = 1237 = "Banlist" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONOPTIONSCATEGORIES4 = 1238 = "Guild Visitors" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONOPTIONSCATEGORIES5 = 1239 = "Guild Banlist" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONOPTIONSCATEGORIES6 = 1240 = "Templates" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONPRESETSETTING0 = 1223 = "Custom" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONPRESETSETTING1 = 1224 = "Decorator" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONPRESETSETTING2 = 1225 = "Visitor" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONSETTING1 = 1229 = "Use Objects" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONSETTING2 = 1230 = "Use Assistants" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONSETTING3 = 1231 = "Use Crafting Stations" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONSETTING4 = 1232 = "Move Furniture" SI_HOUSEPERMISSIONSETTING5 = 1233 = "Place Temporary Items" SI_HOUSE_INFORMATION_COUNT_FORMAT = 6961 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_HOUSE_INFORMATION_LOCATION_FORMAT = 6963 = "<<1>>" SI_HOUSE_INFORMATION_NAME_FORMAT = 6962 = "<<1>>" SI_HOUSE_INFORMATION_TITLE = 6960 = "House Information" SI_HOUSE_TEMPLATE_NAME_FORMAT = 7030 = "<<1>>" SI_HOUSE_TEMPLATE_PREVIEW_BUTTON_TEXT = 7029 = "Preview" SI_HOUSE_TEMPLATE_UNMET_REQUIREMENTS_TEXT = 7031 = "Requirements Not Met" SI_HOUSINGFURNISHINGLIMITTYPE0 = 1241 = "Traditional Furnishings" SI_HOUSINGFURNISHINGLIMITTYPE1 = 1242 = "Special Furnishings" SI_HOUSINGFURNISHINGLIMITTYPE2 = 1243 = "Collectible Furnishings" SI_HOUSINGFURNISHINGLIMITTYPE3 = 1244 = "Special Collectibles" SI_HOUSINGLOADPERMISSIONSRESULT0 = 1245 = "This house already has these permissions." SI_HOUSINGLOADPERMISSIONSRESULT1 = 1246 = "Permissions loaded successfully." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT1 = 1279 = "The furnishing failed to be placed." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT10 = 1287 = "You are not currently touring in the Home Show." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT11 = 1288 = "That furnishing is currently being moved by another player." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT14 = 1289 = "You do not have room for any more Collectible Furnishings in this house." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT15 = 1290 = "You do not have room for any more Special Collectibles in this house." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT18 = 1291 = "You do not have enough furnishings in your home to list in the Home Show." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT2 = 1280 = "The furnishing could not be removed from your inventory." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT20 = 1292 = "You cannot place furnishing by the entrance." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT23 = 1293 = "A furnishing is already being placed." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT24 = 1294 = "You cannot have more than one of this furnishing in your house." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT25 = 1295 = "You already have a furnishing selected." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT26 = 1296 = "The furnishing could not be put back in your bag because it is full." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT27 = 1297 = "You cannot edit a house while in combat." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT28 = 1298 = "You are not in a house." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT29 = 1299 = "You cannot edit a house while dead." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT3 = 1281 = "The furnishing could not be put back in your bag." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT31 = 1300 = "You must launder that item before placing." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT32 = 1301 = "You do not have room for any more Special Furnishings in this house." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT4 = 1282 = "The furnishing could not be moved." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT5 = 1283 = "The furnishing could not be removed." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT6 = 1284 = "You do not have permission to do that in this house." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT8 = 1285 = "You do not have room for any more Traditional Furnishings in this house." SI_HOUSINGREQUESTRESULT9 = 1286 = "This home is listed in the Home Show." SI_HOUSING_ADD_PERMISSIONS_CANT_ADD_SELF = 7010 = "You can't add yourself to your own housing permissions." SI_HOUSING_ADD_PERMISSIONS_FAILED_GUILD = 7009 = "Could not find guild <<1>>." SI_HOUSING_ADD_PERMISSIONS_FAILED_INDIVIDUAL = 7008 = "Could not find player <<1>>." SI_HOUSING_BOOK_ACTION_PREVIEW_HOUSE = 6566 = "Preview House" SI_HOUSING_BOOK_ACTION_TRAVEL_TO_HOUSE = 6565 = "Travel to House" SI_HOUSING_BOOK_AVAILABLE_FOR_PURCHASE = 6567 = "Available for purchase!" SI_HOUSING_BOOK_HOUSE_TYPE_FORMATTER = 4711 = "House Type: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_HOUSING_BOOK_LOCATION_FORMATTER = 4710 = "Location: |cffffff<>|r" SI_HOUSING_BOOK_PRIMARY_RESIDENCE_FORMATTER = 4712 = "Primary Residence: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_HOUSING_BOOK_TITLE = 6529 = "Housing" SI_HOUSING_BROWSER_DISTANCE_AWAY_FORMAT = 4713 = "<<1>>m" SI_HOUSING_BROWSER_MUST_CHOOSE_TO_MODIFY = 4702 = "You must choose a furnishing to modify it." SI_HOUSING_BROWSER_MUST_CHOOSE_TO_PLACE = 4703 = "You must choose a furnishing to place it." SI_HOUSING_BROWSER_MUST_CHOOSE_TO_PURCHASE = 4704 = "You must choose a furnishing to purchase it." SI_HOUSING_BROWSER_MUST_CHOOSE_TO_PUT_AWAY = 4701 = "You must choose a furnishing to put it away." SI_HOUSING_BROWSER_MUST_CHOOSE_TO_SET_PLAYER_WAYPOINT = 4700 = "You must choose a furnishing to set its location on the compass." SI_HOUSING_BROWSER_SEARCH_FILTER_BY = 4699 = "Filter By" SI_HOUSING_BROWSER_TITLE = 4698 = "Housing" SI_HOUSING_CURRENT_RESIDENTS_HEADER = 7027 = "Population" SI_HOUSING_CURRENT_RESIDENTS_OVER_POPULATION_TEXT = 7028 = "House owners can still enter their house when it's full." SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_ALIGN = 7006 = "Align" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_BROWSE = 6995 = "Browse" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_CANCEL = 6988 = "Cancel" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_CURSOR_MODE = 7007 = "Cursor Mode" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_MODIFY = 6994 = "Modify" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_PITCH_BACKWARD = 7001 = "Pitch Backward" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_PITCH_FORWARD = 7000 = "Pitch Forward" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_PLACE = 6990 = "Place" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_PLACE_WITH_STACK_COUNT = 6991 = "Place (|cffffff<<1>>|r)" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_PUSH_BACKWARD = 7005 = "Pull" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_PUSH_FORWARD = 7004 = "Push" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_PUT_AWAY = 6993 = "Put Away" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_ROLL_LEFT = 7003 = "Roll Left" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_ROLL_RIGHT = 7002 = "Roll Right" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_SAFE_LOC = 6989 = "Go to Entrance" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_SELECT = 6992 = "Select" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_SURFACE_DRAG_OFF = 6997 = "Surface Drag Off" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_SURFACE_DRAG_ON = 6996 = "Surface Drag On" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_YAW_LEFT = 6999 = "Yaw Left" SI_HOUSING_EDITOR_YAW_RIGHT = 6998 = "Yaw Right" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_BROWSER_PURCHASE_KEYBIND = 6945 = "Purchase" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_CATEGORY_FORMAT = 6985 = "<<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_NAME_FORMAT = 6986 = "<<1>>" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_NEEDS_CATEGORIZATION = 6933 = "Uncategorized" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_NO_MARKET_PRODUCTS = 6949 = "There are no furnishings available for purchase." SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_NO_PLACEABLE_FURNITURE = 6947 = "You have no furnishings to place." SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_NO_RETRIEVABLE_FURNITURE = 6948 = "You have no furnishings to retrieve." SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_NO_SEARCH_RESULTS = 6950 = "No furnishings match the search." SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_ADD_GUILD_KEYBIND = 6958 = "Add Guild" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_ADD_PLAYER_KEYBIND = 6957 = "Add Player" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_GENERAL_DEFAULT_ACCESS_TEXT = 6941 = "Default Visitor Access" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_GENERAL_DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOOLTIP_TEXT = 6942 = "Controls the level of access for everyone not on a visitor list or banlist." SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_GENERAL_HOMESHOW_BUTTON_TEXT_LIST = 6936 = "List" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_GENERAL_HOMESHOW_BUTTON_TEXT_UNLIST = 6935 = "Unlist" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_GENERAL_HOMESHOW_TEXT = 6934 = "Home Show" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_GENERAL_HOMESHOW_TOOLTIP_TEXT = 6937 = "The Home Show is a showcase of the most extravagant player houses. Players can tour random houses and vote on their favorites. The top ranking houses will be eligible for weekly leaderboard rewards." SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_GENERAL_PRIMARY_RESIDENCE_BUTTON_TEXT = 6939 = "Make Primary Residence" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_GENERAL_PRIMARY_RESIDENCE_TEXT = 6938 = "Primary Residence" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_GENERAL_PRIMARY_RESIDENCE_TOOLTIP_TEXT = 6940 = "Your primary residence can be visited by those with permission even when you are offline." SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_LOAD_PERMISSIONS_KEYBIND = 6959 = "Load Permissions" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_REMOVE_FROM_BANLIST = 6954 = "Remove From Banlist" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_SOCIAL_LIST_GUILD = 6944 = "Guild" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_SETTINGS_SOCIAL_LIST_PERMISSIONS = 6943 = "Permissions" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_TAB_PLACE = 6929 = "Place" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_TAB_PURCHASE = 6930 = "Purchase" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_TAB_RETRIEVAL = 6931 = "Retrieve" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_TAB_SETTINGS = 6932 = "Settings" SI_HOUSING_FURNITURE_TEXT_FILTER_DEFAULT_TEXT = 6946 = "Search" SI_HOUSING_FURNIUTRE_SET_WAYPOINT_SUCCESS = 6951 = "The location of the furnishing has been marked on your compass." SI_HOUSING_HOUSE_TYPE_HEADER = 7024 = "House Type" SI_HOUSING_HOUSE_TYPE_HEADER_WITH_COLON = 4707 = "House Type:" SI_HOUSING_HUD_FRAGMENT_EDITOR_KEYBIND = 6926 = "Housing Editor" SI_HOUSING_HUD_FRAGMENT_PURCHASE_KEYBIND = 6927 = "Purchase Options" SI_HOUSING_HUD_FRAGMENT_VOTE_KEYBIND = 6928 = "Vote" SI_HOUSING_LEADERBOARDS_ALL_HOMES = 6350 = "All" SI_HOUSING_LEADERBOARDS_CATEGORIES_HEADER = 6347 = "Home Show" SI_HOUSING_LEADERBOARDS_HEADER_HOUSE = 6352 = "House" SI_HOUSING_LEADERBOARDS_HOME_SHOW_NAME = 6348 = "<<1>>" SI_HOUSING_LEADERBOARDS_HOME_SHOW_NAME_AND_CATEGORY = 6349 = "<<1>>: <<2>> Homes" SI_HOUSING_LEADERBOARDS_HOME_SHOW_UPDATES_IN_TIMER = 6351 = "Next Home Show Update: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_HOUSING_LEADERBOARDS_VISIT_HOUSE_OPTION = 6353 = "Travel to House" SI_HOUSING_LOCATION_HEADER = 7023 = "Location" SI_HOUSING_LOCATION_HEADER_WITH_COLON = 4706 = "Location:" SI_HOUSING_NAME_HEADER = 7022 = "Name" SI_HOUSING_NAME_HEADER_WITH_COLON = 4705 = "Name:" SI_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_DEFAULT_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION0 = 7015 = "Other players cannot visit this house unless added to the visitor or guild visitor list" SI_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_DEFAULT_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION1 = 7016 = "Other players can visit this house when you are there. If it's your primary residence, they can visit even when you are not there." SI_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_DEFAULT_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION2 = 7017 = "Other players can visit this house and move your furniture around." SI_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS = 7012 = "Change Permissions" SI_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_OPTIONS_REMOVE = 7011 = "Remove" SI_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_PRIMARY_RESIDENCE_DIALOG_TEXT = 7014 = "Setting this house as your Primary Residence will unset your current one - |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r" SI_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_PRIMARY_RESIDENCE_DIALOG_TITLE = 7013 = "Primary Residence" SI_HOUSING_PERMISSION_DEFAULT_NO_ACCESS = 6987 = "No Access" SI_HOUSING_PLAYER_PERMISSIONS_CHANGED = 7018 = "Your permissions for this house have changed." SI_HOUSING_PREVIEW_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_PURCHASE = 7019 = "This house is not currently for sale." SI_HOUSING_PREVIEW_PURCHASE_FOR_GOLD_BODY = 7021 = "Are you sure you want to buy |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r for |cffffff<<3>>|r?" SI_HOUSING_PREVIEW_PURCHASE_FOR_GOLD_TITLE = 7020 = "Confirm Purchase" SI_HOUSING_PRIMARY_RESIDENCE_HEADER = 7026 = "Primary Residence" SI_HOUSING_PRIMARY_RESIDENCE_HEADER_WITH_COLON = 4708 = "Primary Residence:" SI_HOUSING_TEMPLATE_HEADER = 7025 = "Template" SI_HOUSING_TEMPLATE_HEADER_WITH_COLON = 4709 = "Template:" SI_IGNORE_LIST_ADD_IGNORE = 4652 = "Add Ignore" SI_IGNORE_LIST_PANEL_NO_IGNORES_MESSAGE = 4655 = "There are no players in your ignore list." SI_IGNORE_LIST_PANEL_TITLE = 4653 = "Ignored" SI_IGNORE_LIST_REMOVE_IGNORE = 4654 = "Stop Ignoring" SI_IGNORE_MENU_REMOVE_IGNORE = 5886 = "Stop Ignoring" SI_IMPERIALCITYACCESSRULESTYPE0 = 1991 = "Majority control of Cyrodiil unlocks the gates to Imperial City." SI_IMPERIALCITYACCESSRULESTYPE1 = 1992 = "Unlocking the gates requires control of |cffffff<<1>>|r home keeps." SI_IMPERIALCITYACCESSRULESTYPE2 = 1993 = "Unlocking the gates requires control of |cffffff<<1>>|r home keeps and at least |cffffff1|r enemy keep." SI_IMPERIALCITYACCESSRULESTYPE3 = 1994 = "The gates of Imperial City are open to all alliances." SI_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_GAINED = 3365 = "(<<1>>) <<2>> has gained access to Imperial City!" SI_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_LOST = 3366 = "(<<1>>) <<2>> has lost access to Imperial City!" SI_INFAMYTHRESHOLDSTYPE0 = 902 = "Upstanding" SI_INFAMYTHRESHOLDSTYPE1 = 903 = "Disreputable" SI_INFAMYTHRESHOLDSTYPE2 = 904 = "Notorious" SI_INFAMYTHRESHOLDSTYPE3 = 905 = "Fugitive" SI_INPUT_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH = 2 = "English" SI_INPUT_LANGUAGE_FRENCH = 4 = "French" SI_INPUT_LANGUAGE_GERMAN = 3 = "German" SI_INPUT_LANGUAGE_JAPANESE = 5 = "Japanese" SI_INPUT_LANGUAGE_UNKNOWN = 6 = "Unknown" SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE1 = 740 = "Solo" SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE2 = 741 = "Dungeon" SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE3 = 742 = "Trial" SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE4 = 743 = "Group Delve" SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE5 = 744 = "Group" SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE6 = 745 = "Public Dungeon" SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE7 = 746 = "Delve" SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE8 = 747 = "Housing" SI_INSTANCEDISPLAYTYPE9 = 748 = "Battleground" SI_INSTANCETYPE1 = 737 = "Solo" SI_INSTANCETYPE2 = 738 = "Group" SI_INSTANCETYPE3 = 739 = "Trial" SI_INSTANCE_KICK_WARNING = 3537 = "Removing from area..." SI_INSTANCE_KICK_WARNING_GROUPED = 3538 = "You are not in your group’s instance." SI_INSTANCE_KICK_WARNING_UNGROUPED = 3539 = "You are no longer in a group." SI_INTERACT_BUSY = 6106 = "Someone is using that." SI_INTERACT_FAILED_CLUMSY_DEBUFF = 6108 = "You must wait a few seconds to attempt to pick another lock." SI_INTERACT_IN_COMBAT = 6107 = "You are in combat" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_BANK = 6093 = "Bank" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 6094 = "Buy Backpack Upgrade" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_CORPSE_SUMMONER = 6100 = "Bind Corpse Summoner" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_COST = 6119 = "<<1>> [<<2>> <>]" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_CREATE_TABLET = 6112 = "Create Spellcrafting Tablet" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_DISMISS_ASSISTANT = 6120 = "Dismiss <<1>>" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_FAST_TRAVEL_GRAVEYARD = 6098 = "Travel to a wayshrine" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP = 6097 = "Travel to another keep" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_FLEE_ARREST = 6118 = "[Flee in <<1>> sec] I won't pay the bounty." SI_INTERACT_OPTION_GUILDBANK = 6101 = "Guild Bank" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_GUILDKIOSK_BID = 6113 = "Bid on Guild Trader" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_GUILDKIOSK_PURCHASE = 6114 = "Hire Guild Trader" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_KEEP = 6096 = "Inspect Keep" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM = 6110 = "Claim ownership of <<1>>." SI_INTERACT_OPTION_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE = 6111 = "Release ownership of <<1>>." SI_INTERACT_OPTION_LOOT = 6092 = "Loot" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_PAY_BOUNTY = 6115 = "[Pay] Here's <<1>> gold. Clear my bounty." SI_INTERACT_OPTION_PAY_BOUNTY_FORFEIT_ITEMS = 6117 = "[Pay] Here's <<1>> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty." SI_INTERACT_OPTION_PAY_BOUNTY_TO_FENCE = 6116 = "[Pay] Here's <<1>> gold. Clear my bounty." SI_INTERACT_OPTION_SOUL_HEALER = 6099 = "Soul Healing" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_STABLE = 6095 = "View Stable" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_STORE = 6089 = "Store" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_STORE_CAPTION = 6090 = "Store (<<1>>)" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_STORE_CAPTION_SMUGGLER = 6091 = "Store (<<1>>), Smuggler's Fee <<2>>%" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_TRADING_HOUSE = 6102 = "Guild Store" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_TRADING_HOUSE_OWNER = 6103 = "Guild Store (<<1>>)" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_USE_CLEMENCY = 6121 = "I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered." SI_INTERACT_OPTION_USE_CLEMENCY_COOLDOWN = 6122 = "<<1>> (<<2>> Cooldown)" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_USE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS = 6123 = "<<1>>" SI_INTERACT_OPTION_USE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS_COOLDOWN = 6124 = "<<1>> (<<2>> Cooldown)" SI_INTERACT_PROMPT_FORMAT_INTERACTABLE_NAME = 4692 = "<>" SI_INTERACT_PROMPT_FORMAT_PLAYER_NAME = 4691 = "<<1>>" SI_INTERACT_PROMPT_FORMAT_UNIT_NAME = 4690 = "<>" SI_INTERACT_REWARDS_GIVEN = 6105 = "You will receive:" SI_INTERACT_TITLE_FORMAT = 6104 = "-<<1>>-" SI_INTERACT_TRADER_BIDDING_CLOSED_DURING_BID_TRANSITIONING_PERIOD = 6130 = "Bidding closed while traders change ownership." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_ACTION_BAR = 3808 = "Ability Bar" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_ACTION_BAR_TOOLTIP = 3809 = "Controls the visibility of the Ability Bar. When automatic display is selected, the Ability Bar will only appear in useful situations like combat and targeting an enemy." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_ACT_SETTING_LABEL = 3993 = "Active Combat Tips" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_ACT_SETTING_LABEL_TOOLTIP = 3994 = "Controls the display of helpful combat tips at the bottom of the Heads Up Display. When automatic display is chosen, it will only be shown when necessary to learn the core mechanics of combat." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_BATTLE_LEVEL = 3964 = "Battle Level" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_BATTLE_LEVEL_RESTRICTION = 3966 = "This setting may only be changed in locations that do not use Battle Levels." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_BATTLE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP = 3965 = "Automatically adjusts the stats of your character to be competitive with other players in the Alliance War." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_ASSASSINATION_CAMERA = 6657 = "Assassination Camera" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_ASSASSINATION_CAMERA_TOOLTIP = 6658 = "Enables usage of cinematic kill camera during assassinations." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON_BOB = 6639 = "Head Bob" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON_BOB_TOOLTIP = 6640 = "Adjusts the magnitude of head bob while moving in 1st person view." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON_FOV = 6637 = "Field of View" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON_FOV_TOOLTIP = 6638 = "Adjusts the field of view while in 1st person mode." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_FOV_CHANGES = 6653 = "Field of View Changes" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_FOV_CHANGES_TOOLTIP = 6654 = "Allows field of view changes from sprinting and ability use." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_INVERT_Y = 6631 = "Invert Y-Axis" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_INVERT_Y_TOOLTIP = 6632 = "Inverts the vertical direction in which the mouse moves the camera." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_SCREEN_SHAKE = 6641 = "Screen Shake" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_SCREEN_SHAKE_TOOLTIP = 6642 = "Adjusts the magnitude of screen shake from various in-game sources." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_SENSITIVITY_FIRST_PERSON = 6635 = "Rotation Speed" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_SENSITIVITY_FIRST_PERSON_GAMEPAD = 3101 = "First Person Rotation Speed" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_SENSITIVITY_FIRST_PERSON_TOOLTIP = 6636 = "Adjusts the sensitivity of the mouse when moving the camera in 1st person mode." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_SENSITIVITY_THIRD_PERSON = 6633 = "Rotation Speed" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_SENSITIVITY_THIRD_PERSON_GAMEPAD = 3102 = "Third Person Rotation Speed" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_SENSITIVITY_THIRD_PERSON_TOOLTIP = 6634 = "Adjusts the sensitivity of the mouse when moving the camera in 3rd person mode." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_SMOOTHING = 6643 = "Smoothing" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_SMOOTHING_TOOLTIP = 6644 = "Smoothens the motion of the camera when looking around in the world." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON_FOV = 6651 = "Field of View" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON_FOV_TOOLTIP = 6652 = "Adjusts the field of view while in 3rd person mode." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET = 6647 = "Horizontal Offset" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET_TOOLTIP = 6648 = "Additional horizontal offset while in 3rd person mode." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON_HORIZONTAL_POSITION_MULTIPLIER = 6645 = "Horizontal Position" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON_HORIZONTAL_POSITION_MULTIPLIER_TOOLTIP = 6646 = "Adjusts the base horizontal position while in 3rd person mode." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON_SIEGE_WEAPONRY = 6655 = "Siege Weaponry" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON_SIEGE_WEAPONRY_TOOLTIP = 6656 = "Controls the camera mode used when aiming Siege Weapons. Free Mode provides a more open feel while aiming, while Constrained Mode limits the camera to the area at which you are aiming." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON_VERTICAL_OFFSET = 6649 = "Vertical Offset" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON_VERTICAL_OFFSET_TOOLTIP = 6650 = "Additional vertical offset while in 3rd person mode." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_BUBBLES = 6663 = "Chat Bubbles" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_BUBBLES_FADE_RATE = 6665 = "Fade Rate" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_BUBBLES_FADE_RATE_TOOLTIP = 6666 = "Controls how quickly a chat bubble will fade after appearing." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_BUBBLES_ONLY_KNOWN = 6667 = "Only Known Players" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_BUBBLES_ONLY_KNOWN_TOOLTIP = 6668 = "Displays a chat bubble only for players that are in any of your guilds, in your contact list, or in your group." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_BUBBLES_SELF = 6669 = "Self" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_BUBBLES_SELF_TOOLTIP = 6670 = "Displays a dialogue bubble for yourself when you speak." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_BUBBLES_TOOLTIP = 6664 = "Displays a chat bubble above a player's head when they are speaking." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_EMOTE = 4029 = "/emote" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_GROUP = 4027 = "/group" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_SAY = 4021 = "/say" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_TELL = 4025 = "/tell" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_CHAT_YELL = 4023 = "/yell" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_CLAMP_GROUND_TARGET_ENABLED = 3918 = "Ground Targeting Range Lock" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_CLAMP_GROUND_TARGET_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3919 = "When enabled, ground targeted abilities cannot be aimed beyond their maximum range." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_COLOR_SWAP_ENABLED = 3969 = "Custom Colors" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_COLOR_SWAP_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3970 = "Enable this option to change the colors of combat cues." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_ENABLE = 3967 = "Combat Cues" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_ENABLE_TOOLTIP = 3968 = "Displays certain visual effects on creatures and non player characters, calling out behaviors that are applied to and from them." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_ENEMY_BRIGHTNESS = 3977 = "Enemy Brightness" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_ENEMY_BRIGHTNESS_TOOLTIP = 3978 = "The brightness of visual effects for enemy abilities." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_ENEMY_COLOR = 3975 = "Enemy Color" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_ENEMY_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3976 = "The color of visual effects for enemy abilities." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_ENEMY_TEST = 3981 = "Test Enemy" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_ENEMY_TEST_TOOLTIP = 3982 = "Creates an enemy combat cue for testing." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_FRIENDLY_BRIGHTNESS = 3973 = "Friendly Brightness" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_FRIENDLY_BRIGHTNESS_TOOLTIP = 3974 = "The brightness of visual effects for friendly abilities." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_FRIENDLY_COLOR = 3971 = "Friendly Color" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_FRIENDLY_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3972 = "The color of visual effects for friendly abilities." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_FRIENDLY_TEST = 3979 = "Test Friendly" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_MONSTER_TELLS_FRIENDLY_TEST_TOOLTIP = 3980 = "Creates a friendly combat cue for testing." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_PREVENT_ATTACKING_INNOCENTS = 3920 = "Prevent Attacking Innocents" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_PREVENT_ATTACKING_INNOCENTS_TOOLTIP = 3921 = "Prevents your attacks and spells from damaging innocents." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_QUICK_CAST_GROUND_ABILITIES = 3922 = "Quick Cast Ground Abilities" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_QUICK_CAST_GROUND_ABILITIES_TOOLTIP = 3923 = "Toggle whether all ground targeted abilities are cast instantly or if they require a second confirmation with the location indicator displayed. Automatic defaults each ground targeted ability to its own pre-defined setting." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_ROLL_DODGE_ENABLED = 3916 = "Double Tap to Dodge" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_ROLL_DODGE_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3917 = "Allows you to double tap a movement key to dodge in that direction." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_ROLL_DODGE_WINDOW = 3914 = "Double Tap Speed" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_ROLL_DODGE_WINDOW_MS = 3913 = "<<1>>ms" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_ROLL_DODGE_WINDOW_TOOLTIP = 3915 = "Adjusts the length of the time period in which you must press the movement key twice, before having your character perform the dodge." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_ENABLED = 3924 = "All" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3925 = "Shows damage and healing amounts in the world near their targets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_DAMAGE_ENABLED = 3948 = "Incoming Damage" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_DAMAGE_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3949 = "Shows damage amounts on you." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_DOT_ENABLED = 3950 = "Incoming Damage Over Time" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_DOT_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3951 = "Shows damage over time amounts on you." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_ENABLED = 3946 = "Incoming" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3947 = "Shows damage and healing amounts on you." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_HEALING_ENABLED = 3952 = "Incoming Healing" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_HEALING_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3953 = "Shows healing amounts on you." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_HOT_ENABLED = 3954 = "Incoming Healing Over Time" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_HOT_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3955 = "Shows healing over time amounts on you." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_PET_DAMAGE_ENABLED = 3960 = "Incoming Pet Damage" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_PET_DAMAGE_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3961 = "Shows damage amounts on your pets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_PET_DOT_ENABLED = 3962 = "Incoming Pet Damage Over Time" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_PET_DOT_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3963 = "Shows damage over time amounts on your pets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_POINT_GAINS_ENABLED = 3958 = "Incoming Point Gains" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_POINT_GAINS_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3959 = "Shows point gains on you." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_STATUS_EFFECTS_ENABLED = 3956 = "Incoming Crowd Control" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_INCOMING_STATUS_EFFECTS_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3957 = "Shows crowd control on you." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_DAMAGE_ENABLED = 3928 = "Outgoing Damage" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_DAMAGE_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3929 = "Shows damage amounts on your targets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_DOT_ENABLED = 3930 = "Outgoing Damage Over Time" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_DOT_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3931 = "Shows damage over time amounts on your targets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_ENABLED = 3926 = "Outgoing" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3927 = "Shows damage and healing amounts on your targets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_HEALING_ENABLED = 3932 = "Outgoing Healing" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_HEALING_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3933 = "Shows healing amounts on your targets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_HOT_ENABLED = 3934 = "Outgoing Healing Over Time" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_HOT_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3935 = "Shows healing over time amounts on your targets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_DAMAGE_ENABLED = 3938 = "Outgoing Pet Damage" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_DAMAGE_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3939 = "Shows damage amounts on your pets' targets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_DOT_ENABLED = 3940 = "Outgoing Pet Damage Over Time" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_DOT_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3941 = "Shows damage over time amounts on your pets' targets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_HEALING_ENABLED = 3942 = "Outgoing Pet Healing" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_HEALING_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3943 = "Shows healing amounts on your pets' targets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_HOT_ENABLED = 3944 = "Outgoing Pet Healing Over Time" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_HOT_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3945 = "Shows healing over time amounts on your pets' targets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_STATUS_EFFECTS_ENABLED = 3936 = "Outgoing Crowd Control" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMBAT_SCT_OUTGOING_STATUS_EFFECTS_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3937 = "Shows crowd control on your targets." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS = 3906 = "Compass Active Quests" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_FOCUSED_RESTRICTION = 3911 = "In world indicators over quest objects will still show up for all quests. Indicators that guide you through passageways and doors will only show up for your focused quest." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_OFF_RESTRICTION = 3912 = "In world indicators over quest objects will still show up for all quests. Indicators that guide you through passageways and doors will not show up." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_TOOLTIP = 3907 = "Controls the display of active quests on the compass." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMPASS_QUEST_GIVERS = 3904 = "Compass Quest Givers" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMPASS_QUEST_GIVERS_RESTRICTION = 3910 = "This setting only applies when the Quest Givers Indicators setting is enabled." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_COMPASS_QUEST_GIVERS_TOOLTIP = 3905 = "Controls the display of quest givers on the compass." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_EMOTE_TOOLTIP = 4030 = "Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /emote." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_FADE_RATE_AVERAGE = 4033 = "Average" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_FADE_RATE_FAST = 4034 = "Fast" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_FADE_RATE_SLOW = 4032 = "Slow" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_FADE_RATE_VERY_FAST = 4035 = "Very Fast" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_FADE_RATE_VERY_SLOW = 4031 = "Very Slow" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_FOOT_INVERSE_KINEMATICS = 6661 = "Foot Inverse Kinematics" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_FOOT_INVERSE_KINEMATICS_TOOLTIP = 6662 = "Enabling this will have feet perform inverse kinematics so that they rest more naturally on the terrain." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_FRAMERATE_LATENCY_LOCK = 4018 = "Framerate/Latency Position Lock" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_FRAMERATE_LATENCY_LOCK_TOOLTIP = 4019 = "Locks the Framerate and Latency indicators to their current position on the interface." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_FRAMERATE_LATENCY_POSITION_RESET = 4020 = "Reset Position" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_GLOWS_THICKNESS = 3991 = "Glow Thickness" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_GLOWS_THICKNESS_TOOLTIP = 3992 = "Adjusts the thickness of target and interactable glows." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_GROUP_TOOLTIP = 4028 = "Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /group." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEADS_UP_DISPLAY = 3805 = "Heads-Up Display" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS = 3802 = "Healthbars" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_ALL = 3850 = "Healthbars" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_ALL_TOOLTIP = 3851 = "Enables the healthbar system that appears above creatures, non player characters and players." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_ENEMY_NPC = 3862 = "Enemy NPCs (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_ENEMY_NPC_TOOLTIP = 3863 = "Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above enemy non player characters." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_ENEMY_PLAYER = 3864 = "Enemy Players (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_ENEMY_PLAYER_TOOLTIP = 3865 = "Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above enemy players." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_FRIENDLY_NPC = 3856 = "Friendly NPCs (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_FRIENDLY_NPC_TOOLTIP = 3857 = "Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above friendly non player characters." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_FRIENDLY_PLAYER = 3858 = "Friendly Players (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_FRIENDLY_PLAYER_TOOLTIP = 3859 = "Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above friendly players." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_GROUP_MEMBER = 3854 = "Group Members (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_GROUP_MEMBER_TOOLTIP = 3855 = "Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above group members." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_ENEMY_NPC = 3876 = "Enemy NPCs (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_ENEMY_NPC_TOOLTIP = 3877 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above enemy non-player characters." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_ENEMY_PLAYER = 3878 = "Enemy Players (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_ENEMY_PLAYER_TOOLTIP = 3879 = "Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above enemy players." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_FRIENDLY_NPC = 3870 = "Friendly NPCs (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_FRIENDLY_NPC_TOOLTIP = 3871 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above friendly non-player characters." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_FRIENDLY_PLAYER = 3872 = "Friendly Players (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_FRIENDLY_PLAYER_TOOLTIP = 3873 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above friendly players." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_GROUP_MEMBER = 3868 = "Group Members (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_GROUP_MEMBER_TOOLTIP = 3869 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above group members." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_NEUTRAL_NPC = 3874 = "Neutral NPCs (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_NEUTRAL_NPC_TOOLTIP = 3875 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above neutral non-player characters." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_PLAYER = 3866 = "Self (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_HIGHLIGHT_PLAYER_TOOLTIP = 3867 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above yourself." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_NEUTRAL_NPC = 3860 = "Neutral NPCs (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_NEUTRAL_NPC_TOOLTIP = 3861 = "Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above neutral non-player characters." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_PLAYER = 3852 = "Self (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBARS_PLAYER_TOOLTIP = 3853 = "Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above your character. " SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBAR_ALIGNMENT = 3880 = "Alignment" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBAR_ALIGNMENT_TOOLTIP = 3881 = "Sets the alignment of the health bar within the frame." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBAR_CHASE_BAR = 3882 = "Damage Taken Indicator" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBAR_CHASE_BAR_TOOLTIP = 3883 = "Adds a segment to the healthbar that shows recent damage done." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBAR_FRAME_BORDER = 3884 = "Frame Border" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HEALTHBAR_FRAME_BORDER_TOOLTIP = 3885 = "Adds a bright border to the healthbar, helping it stand out more in dark areas." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HIDE_HELM = 4000 = "Hide Helmet" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HIDE_HELM_TOOLTIP = 4001 = "Causes your character's helmet to not be displayed so that other players can see your character's face. Properties of the hidden helmet will still impact your character's stats." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HIDE_LOIN_CLOTH = 4008 = "Hide Loin Cloth" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HIDE_LOIN_CLOTH_TOOLTIP = 4009 = "Determines if this character will appear as though not wearing a loin cloth to everybody." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HIDE_MOUNT_INVENTORY_UPGRADE = 4006 = "Hide Mount Capacity Upgrade" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HIDE_MOUNT_INVENTORY_UPGRADE_TOOLTIP = 4007 = "Determines if this character's mount will appear as though not upgraded in capacity to everybody, even though the capacity upgrade is still applied." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HIDE_MOUNT_SPEED_UPGRADE = 4004 = "Hide Mount Speed Upgrade" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HIDE_MOUNT_SPEED_UPGRADE_TOOLTIP = 4005 = "Determines if this character's mount will appear as though not upgraded in speed to everybody, even though the speed upgrade is still applied." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HIDE_MOUNT_STAMINA_UPGRADE = 4002 = "Hide Mount Stamina Upgrade" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HIDE_MOUNT_STAMINA_UPGRADE_TOOLTIP = 4003 = "Determines if this character's mount will appear as though not upgraded in stamina to everybody, even though the stamina upgrade is still applied." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HIDE_TASSETS = 4010 = "Hide Tassets" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_HIDE_TASSETS_TOOLTIP = 4011 = "Determines if this character will appear as though not wearing tassets to everybody." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_INDICATORS = 3803 = "Indicators" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_INTERACTABLE_GLOWS_ENABLED = 3987 = "Interactables Glow" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_INTERACTABLE_GLOWS_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3988 = "Displays a glow around certain interactable objects." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_INTERACTABLE_GLOWS_INTENSITY = 3989 = "Glow Intensity" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_INTERACTABLE_GLOWS_INTENSITY_TOOLTIP = 3990 = "Adjusts the intensity of the glow around interactable objects." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_LANGUAGE_USE_PROFANITY_FILTER = 3998 = "Profanity Filter" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_LANGUAGE_USE_PROFANITY_FILTER_TOOLTIP = 3999 = "Filters out profanity in all player-written text in chat, email subjects and bodies, guild messages, and more." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_LOOT_AUTO_ADD_TO_CRAFT_BAG = 3898 = "Auto-Add to Craft Bag" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_LOOT_AUTO_ADD_TO_CRAFT_BAG_TOOLTIP = 3899 = "Controls whether crafting materials will be automatically transferred to the Craft Bag.\n\nThe Craft Bag requires an active ESO Plus membership." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_LOOT_TOGGLE_LOOT_HISTORY = 6671 = "Loot History" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_LOOT_TOGGLE_LOOT_HISTORY_TOOLTIP = 6672 = "Provides a visual history of loot, rewards and currency you've acquired as you play." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_LOOT_USE_AOELOOT = 3900 = "Consolidate Area Loot" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_LOOT_USE_AOELOOT_TOOLTIP = 3901 = "Combines the items of all nearby corpses into one window when bringing up a loot window." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_LOOT_USE_AUTOLOOT = 3894 = "Auto Loot" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_LOOT_USE_AUTOLOOT_STOLEN = 3896 = "Auto Loot Stolen Items" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_LOOT_USE_AUTOLOOT_STOLEN_TOOLTIP = 3897 = "If this option is off, auto-loot will not steal items; they must be manually taken. Otherwise, auto-loot will work on owned items the same way it works on unowned items. Note that this will still incur a bounty if you're seen." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_LOOT_USE_AUTOLOOT_TOOLTIP = 3895 = "Automatically takes all items when looting corpses and containers." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES = 3801 = "Nameplates" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_ALL = 124 = "Nameplates" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_ALLIANCE_INDICATORS = 3886 = "Alliance Indicators" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_ALLIANCE_INDICATORS_TOOLTIP = 3887 = "Controls the display of an alliance icon above players that signifies their alliance association." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_ALL_TOOLTIP = 125 = "Enables the overhead name system that appears above creatures, non player characters and players." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_ENEMY_NPC = 116 = "Enemy NPCs (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_ENEMY_NPC_TOOLTIP = 117 = "Displays the name of enemy creatures and non player characters as overhead text." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_ENEMY_PLAYER = 120 = "Enemy Players (Shown)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_ENEMY_PLAYER_TOOLTIP = 121 = "Displays the name of enemy players as overhead text." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_FOLLOWER_INDICATORS = 3892 = "Followers" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_FOLLOWER_INDICATORS_TOOLTIP = 3893 = "Displays a follower icon above creatures and non player characters that are following your character." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_FRIENDLY_NPC = 112 = "Friendly NPCs (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_FRIENDLY_NPC_TOOLTIP = 113 = "Displays the name of friendly creatures and non player characters as overhead text." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_FRIENDLY_PLAYER = 114 = "Friendly Players (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_FRIENDLY_PLAYER_TOOLTIP = 115 = "Displays the name of friendly players as overhead text." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_GROUP_INDICATORS = 3888 = "Group Members" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_GROUP_INDICATORS_TOOLTIP = 3889 = "Displays a group member icon above players that are in your group." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_GROUP_MEMBER = 126 = "Group Members (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_GROUP_MEMBER_TOOLTIP = 127 = "Displays the names of your group members as overhead text." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_ENEMY_NPC = 136 = "Enemy NPCs (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_ENEMY_NPC_TOOLTIP = 137 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead text above enemy non-player characters." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_ENEMY_PLAYER = 138 = "Enemy Players (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_ENEMY_PLAYER_TOOLTIP = 139 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead text above enemy players." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_FRIENDLY_NPC = 130 = "Friendly NPCs (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_FRIENDLY_NPC_TOOLTIP = 131 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead text above friendly non-player characters." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_FRIENDLY_PLAYER = 132 = "Friendly Players (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_FRIENDLY_PLAYER_TOOLTIP = 133 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead text above friendly players." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_GROUP_MEMBER = 140 = "Group Members (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_GROUP_MEMBER_TOOLTIP = 141 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead text above group members." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_NEUTRAL_NPC = 134 = "Neutral NPCs (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_NEUTRAL_NPC_TOOLTIP = 135 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead text above neutral non-player characters." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_PLAYER = 128 = "Self (Highlight)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_HIGHLIGHT_PLAYER_TOOLTIP = 129 = "Controls the transparency of the overhead text above yourself." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_NEUTRAL_NPC = 118 = "Neutral NPCs (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_NEUTRAL_NPC_TOOLTIP = 119 = "Displays the name of neutral non-player characters as overhead text." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_PLAYER = 122 = "Self (Show)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_PLAYER_TOOLTIP = 123 = "Displays the name of your character as overhead text." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_RESURRECT_INDICATORS = 3890 = "Resurrectable Players" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_RESURRECT_INDICATORS_TOOLTIP = 3891 = "Displays a resurrectable icon above friendly players that are dead." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_PLAYER_GUILDS = 110 = "Show Guild (Equipped Tabard)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_PLAYER_GUILDS_TOOLTIP = 111 = "Controls if the guild matching a player's tabard is shown under their name." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_PLAYER_TITLES = 108 = "Show Title" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_PLAYER_TITLES_TOOLTIP = 109 = "Controls if a player's title is shown as part of their name." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_PERFORMANCE = 3806 = "Performance" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_PRIMARY_PLAYER_NAME_KEYBOARD = 3812 = "Display Name (Keyboard)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_PRIMARY_PLAYER_NAME_TOOLTIP_KEYBOARD = 3813 = "Determines which name should be displayed most prominently when viewing other players. (Gamepad mode can be changed separately in Gamepad settings)" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_QUICK_CHAT = 5511 = "Quick Chat" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_RESET_TO_DEFAULT_TOOLTIP = 3849 = "Reset to Default" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_RESET_TUTORIALS = 3997 = "Reset Tutorials" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_RESOURCE_BARS = 3814 = "Attribute Bars" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_RESOURCE_BARS_TOOLTIP = 3815 = "Controls the visibility of the player Attribute Bars. When automatic display is selected, the Attribute Bars will only appear in useful situations like combat." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_RESOURCE_NUMBERS = 6673 = "Resource Numbers" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_RESOURCE_NUMBERS_TOOLTIP = 6674 = "Controls the visibility of health, stamina, and magicka numbers on the player unit frame, and health numbers on the target unit frame." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_RETURN_CURSOR_ON_CHAT_FOCUS = 4012 = "HUD Cursor On Entry" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_RETURN_CURSOR_ON_CHAT_FOCUS_TOOLTIP = 4013 = "Displays the cursor on the Heads Up Display whenever you are typing." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_SAY_TOOLTIP = 4022 = "Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /say." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_SCT = 3804 = "Combat Text" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_SHOW_FRAMERATE = 4014 = "Framerate" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_SHOW_FRAMERATE_TOOLTIP = 4015 = "Enables an indicator on the interface showing the game's framerate in real time. Higher values indicate a smoother experience." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_SHOW_LATENCY = 4016 = "Latency" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_SHOW_LATENCY_TOOLTIP = 4017 = "Enables a network latency indicator on the interface. Higher values can result in decreased responsiveness while playing." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_SHOW_QUEST_BESTOWERS = 3908 = "Quest Givers" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_SHOW_QUEST_BESTOWERS_TOOLTIP = 3909 = "Displays an icon both in the world and on your compass for quest givers." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_SHOW_QUEST_TRACKER = 3902 = "Quest Tracker" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_SHOW_QUEST_TRACKER_TOOLTIP = 3903 = "Displays the Quest Tracker on the right side of the Heads Up Display." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_SHOW_RAID_LIVES = 3810 = "Group Revive Counter" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_SHOW_RAID_LIVES_TOOLTIP = 3811 = "Controls the display of the group revive counter. When automatic display is selected the revive counter only appears when a group member revives." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_TARGET_GLOWS_ENABLED = 3983 = "Target Glow" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_TARGET_GLOWS_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3984 = "Displays a glow around your target. The color of the glow represents their disposition towards you." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_TARGET_GLOWS_INTENSITY = 3985 = "Glow Intensity" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_TARGET_GLOWS_INTENSITY_TOOLTIP = 3986 = "Adjusts the intensity of the glow around your target." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_TELL_TOOLTIP = 4026 = "Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /tell." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_TOOLTIPS = 3807 = "Tooltips" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_TOOLTIPS_SUBTITLES_ENABLED = 6659 = "Subtitles" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_TOOLTIPS_SUBTITLES_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 6660 = "Determines if subtitles will be displayed for NPCs or not." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_TOOLTIPS_TUTORIAL_ENABLED = 3995 = "Tutorials" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_TOOLTIPS_TUTORIAL_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 3996 = "Enables helpful tutorial alerts." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_ULTIMATE_NUMBER = 6675 = "Ultimate Number" SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_ULTIMATE_NUMBER_TOOLTIP = 6676 = "Shows your current Ultimate in the ability bar." SI_INTERFACE_OPTIONS_YELL_TOOLTIP = 4024 = "Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /yell." SI_INVALID_NAME_DIALOG_INSTRUCTION_FORMAT = 229 = "<<1>>\n\n" SI_INVALID_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE = 230 = "Invalid Name" SI_INVALID_STUCK_LOCATION = 3117 = "You cannot use /stuck in this location. Please contact customer service via /help." SI_INVENTORY_BACKPACK_COMPLETELY_FULL = 3255 = "Inventory Space: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>>" SI_INVENTORY_BACKPACK_REMAINING_SPACES = 3254 = "Inventory Space: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>" SI_INVENTORY_BAG_UPGRADE_ANOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION = 5952 = "Your inventory capacity has increased from <<1>> to <<2>>." SI_INVENTORY_BAG_UPGRADE_ANOUNCEMENT_TITLE = 5951 = "Inventory Capacity Increased" SI_INVENTORY_BANK_COMPLETELY_FULL = 3257 = "Bank Space: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>>" SI_INVENTORY_BANK_REMAINING_SPACES = 3256 = "Bank Space: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>" SI_INVENTORY_BANK_UPGRADE_ANOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION = 5954 = "Your bank capacity has increased from <<1>> to <<2>>." SI_INVENTORY_BANK_UPGRADE_ANOUNCEMENT_TITLE = 5953 = "Bank Capacity Increased" SI_INVENTORY_CRAFT_BAG_STATUS = 3264 = "Craft Bag: <<1>>" SI_INVENTORY_CURRENCIES = 4946 = "Currencies" SI_INVENTORY_EQUIPPED_ITEM_TOOLTIP = 3234 = "This item is currently equipped." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_ARMOR_TYPE_NOT_MET_FOR_EQUIP = 3304 = "You can't equip that type of armor." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_AUGMENT_CANNOT_BE_EQUIPPED = 3300 = "Enchantments can't be equipped." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_BANK_DEPOSIT_NOT_ALLOWED = 3314 = "You may not deposit that item in your bank." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_BANK_DEPOSIT_UNIQUE = 3313 = "You can only deposit one of that item, and already have one in your bank." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_BANK_FULL = 3299 = "Your bank is full." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_BANK_WITHDRAW_UNIQUE = 3312 = "You can only carry one of that item, and already have one in your backpack." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_CANNOT_STACK_GUILD_BANK = 3311 = "You cannot stack items in the Guild Bank." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_CANT_TRADE_NON_BACKPACK_ITEMS = 3310 = "You can only trade items from your backpack." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_CANT_TRADE_QUEST_ITEMS = 3309 = "You cannot trade quest items." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_CLASS_NOT_MET_FOR_EQUIP = 3303 = "Your class isn't allowed to equip that item." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_CRAFT_BAG_EMPTY = 3289 = "Your craft bag is empty." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_FILTER_EMPTY = 3288 = "No items to show." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_GUILD_BANK_EMPTY = 3286 = "The guild bank inventory is empty" SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_GUILD_BANK_NO_DEPOSIT_PERMISSIONS = 3284 = "No Permission (Your Guild Rank does not permit item deposits into the Guild Bank)" SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_GUILD_BANK_NO_DEPOSIT_PRIVILEGES = 3285 = "Your guild does not have enough member to disposit in guild bank. <<1>> guild members required." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_GUILD_BANK_NO_WITHDRAWAL_PERMISSIONS = 3283 = "No Permission (Your Guild Rank does not permit item withdrawals from the Guild Bank)" SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE = 3298 = "You need <<1>> additional open inventory <<1[/slot/slots]>>." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_INVALID_QUANTITY_TO_DESTROY = 3296 = "That's more than you have of that item" SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_INVALID_SLOT_FOR_EQUIP = 3293 = "Item cannot be equipped in that slot" SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_INVENTORY_EMPTY = 3287 = "Your inventory is empty." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_INVENTORY_FULL = 3297 = "Your inventory is full." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_ITEM_CANNOT_BE_EQUIPPED = 3292 = "Item cannot be equipped" SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_NO_BANK_FUNDS = 3318 = "No bank funds." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_NO_ITEM_TO_DESTROY = 3295 = "No item found to destroy" SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_NO_ITEM_TO_UNEQUIP = 3294 = "No item found to unequip" SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_NO_PLAYER_FUNDS = 3317 = "No player funds." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_NO_QUEST_ITEMS_IN_BANK = 3308 = "You can't put quest items in the Bank" SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_NO_SHEATHE_COMBAT = 3290 = "You cannot sheathe weapons during combat." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_NO_SWAP_COMBAT = 3291 = "You cannot swap items during combat." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_REQUIRED_CHAMPION_POINTS_NOT_MET_FOR_EQUIP = 3302 = "You do not have enough champion points to equip that item." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_REQUIRED_LEVEL_NOT_MET_FOR_EQUIP = 3301 = "You're not high enough level to equip that item." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_TABARD_NOT_A_MEMBER = 3315 = "You are not a member of that guild." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_UNIQUE_EQUIPPED_AUGMENT_NOT_MET_FOR_EQUIP = 3306 = "This item already has a unique enchantment installed. You can't add another." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_UNIQUE_EQUIPPED_NOT_MET_FOR_EQUIP = 3305 = "You can equip only one of that item, and you already have one equipped." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_UNIQUE_ITEM = 3316 = "You already have this unique item." SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_WEAPON_TYPE_NOT_MET_FOR_EQUIP = 3307 = "You can't equip that type of weapon" SI_INVENTORY_GEMMABLE_ITEM_TOOLTIP = 3233 = "This item can be converted to Crown Gems in the Crown Crates UI." SI_INVENTORY_HEADER = 4945 = "<<1>>" SI_INVENTORY_LANDING_AREA_BUYBACK_ITEM = 3241 = "Click here to buy back the item you sold" SI_INVENTORY_LANDING_AREA_BUY_ITEM = 3239 = "Click here to buy an item from the store" SI_INVENTORY_LANDING_AREA_MOVE_TO_BACKPACK = 3238 = "Click here to move item to empty Backpack slot" SI_INVENTORY_LANDING_AREA_MOVE_TO_BANK = 3237 = "Click here to move an item to an empty Bank slot" SI_INVENTORY_LANDING_AREA_SELL_ITEM = 3240 = "Click here to sell an item" SI_INVENTORY_MENU_INVENTORY = 3568 = "Inventory" SI_INVENTORY_MODE_CRAFT_BAG = 3263 = "Craft Items" SI_INVENTORY_MODE_CURRENCY = 3262 = "Currency" SI_INVENTORY_MODE_ITEMS = 3260 = "Items" SI_INVENTORY_MODE_QUICKSLOTS = 3261 = "Quickslots" SI_INVENTORY_NEW_ITEM_TOOLTIP = 3229 = "This item is new." SI_INVENTORY_PLAYER_LOCKED_ITEM_TOOLTIP = 3231 = "This item is locked." SI_INVENTORY_RETRIEVING_ITEMS = 3259 = "Retrieving Items..." SI_INVENTORY_SORT_ASCENDING_TOOLTIP = 3242 = "Switch to ascending sort" SI_INVENTORY_SORT_DESCENDING_TOOLTIP = 3243 = "Switch to descending sort" SI_INVENTORY_SORT_TYPE_ACTIVE = 3253 = "Active" SI_INVENTORY_SORT_TYPE_ARMOR = 3250 = "Armor" SI_INVENTORY_SORT_TYPE_NAME = 3247 = "Name" SI_INVENTORY_SORT_TYPE_POWER = 3249 = "Damage" SI_INVENTORY_SORT_TYPE_PRICE = 3248 = "Value" SI_INVENTORY_SORT_TYPE_STATUS = 3251 = "Status" SI_INVENTORY_SORT_TYPE_TRAIT_INFORMATION = 3252 = "Trait Information" SI_INVENTORY_SPLIT_STACK = 3245 = "Split" SI_INVENTORY_SPLIT_STACK_PROMPT = 3246 = "Are you sure you want to split <> into two stacks?" SI_INVENTORY_SPLIT_STACK_TITLE = 3244 = "Split Stack" SI_INVENTORY_STOLEN_ITEM_TOOLTIP = 3230 = "This item is stolen." SI_INVENTORY_SUPPLIES = 4944 = "Supplies" SI_INVENTORY_TOGGLE_QUICKSLOTS = 3258 = "View Quickslots" SI_INVENTORY_TRADE_BOP_ITEM_TOOLTIP = 3232 = "This item is temporarily tradable." SI_INVENTORY_TRAIT_STATUS_RETRAITED_NOT_RESEARCHABLE = 3236 = "This item cannot be researched because it has been transmuted." SI_INVENTORY_TRAIT_STATUS_TOOLTIP = 3235 = "<<1>>: <<2>>" SI_INVENTORY_WALLET_ALL_FILTER = 3265 = "All" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE0 = 1543 = "All" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE1 = 1544 = "Weapon" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE11 = 1553 = "Damaged Equipment" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE12 = 1554 = "Collectible" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE13 = 1555 = "Blacksmithing" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE14 = 1556 = "Clothing" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE15 = 1557 = "Woodworking" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE16 = 1558 = "Alchemy" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE17 = 1559 = "Enchanting" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE18 = 1560 = "Provisioning" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE19 = 1561 = "Style Materials" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE2 = 1545 = "Apparel" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE20 = 1562 = "Trait Items" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE21 = 1563 = "Furnishings" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE22 = 1564 = "House with Template" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE23 = 1565 = "Sellable On Trading House" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE3 = 1546 = "Consumable" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE4 = 1547 = "Materials" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE5 = 1548 = "Miscellaneous" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE6 = 1549 = "Slottable Items" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE7 = 1550 = "Quest" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE8 = 1551 = "Buyback" SI_ITEMFILTERTYPE9 = 1552 = "Junk" SI_ITEMLAUNDERRESULT1 = 2341 = "Item Laundered" SI_ITEMLAUNDERRESULT2 = 2342 = "Invalid request." SI_ITEMLAUNDERRESULT3 = 2343 = "This item is not stolen." SI_ITEMLAUNDERRESULT4 = 2344 = "You cannot afford to launder this item." SI_ITEMLAUNDERRESULT5 = 2345 = "You do not have enough room in your inventory to do that." SI_ITEMLAUNDERRESULT6 = 2346 = "That item may not be laundered at a fence." SI_ITEMLAUNDERRESULT7 = 2347 = "You have reached your daily limit for laundering stolen goods." SI_ITEMQUALITY0 = 1599 = "Worn" SI_ITEMQUALITY1 = 1600 = "Normal" SI_ITEMQUALITY2 = 1601 = "Fine" SI_ITEMQUALITY3 = 1602 = "Superior" SI_ITEMQUALITY4 = 1603 = "Epic" SI_ITEMQUALITY5 = 1604 = "Legendary" SI_ITEMREPAIRREASON0 = 2338 = "You must have valid repair kit to repair this item." SI_ITEMREPAIRREASON1 = 2339 = "This item is already at full durability." SI_ITEMREPAIRREASON2 = 2340 = "You cannot afford to repair this item." SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER0 = 1713 SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER1 = 1714 = "Helmet" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER10 = 1723 = "Axe" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER11 = 1724 = "Dagger" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER12 = 1725 = "Staff" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER13 = 1726 = "Shield" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER14 = 1727 = "Bow" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER2 = 1715 = "Glove" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER3 = 1716 = "Boot" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER4 = 1717 = "Legs" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER5 = 1718 = "Chest" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER6 = 1719 = "Belt" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER7 = 1720 = "Shoulder" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER8 = 1721 = "Sword" SI_ITEMSTYLECHAPTER9 = 1722 = "Mace" SI_ITEMTAGCATEGORY1 = 1739 = "Treasure Type" SI_ITEMTAGCATEGORY2 = 1740 = "Furnishing Behavior" SI_ITEMTRAITINFORMATION1 = 1741 = "Increased Inspiration" SI_ITEMTRAITINFORMATION2 = 1742 = "Increased Sell Value" SI_ITEMTRAITINFORMATION3 = 1743 = "Can Research" SI_ITEMTRAITINFORMATION4 = 1744 = "Transmuted" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE0 = 1566 = "No trait" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE1 = 1567 = "Powered" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE10 = 1576 = "Ornate" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE11 = 1577 = "Sturdy" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE12 = 1578 = "Impenetrable" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE13 = 1579 = "Reinforced" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE14 = 1580 = "Well-fitted" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE15 = 1581 = "Training" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE16 = 1582 = "Infused" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE17 = 1583 = "Invigorating" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE18 = 1584 = "Divines" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE19 = 1585 = "Ornate" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE2 = 1568 = "Charged" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE20 = 1586 = "Intricate" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE21 = 1587 = "Healthy" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE22 = 1588 = "Arcane" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE23 = 1589 = "Robust" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE24 = 1590 = "Ornate" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE25 = 1591 = "Nirnhoned" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE26 = 1592 = "Nirnhoned" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE3 = 1569 = "Precise" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE4 = 1570 = "Infused" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE5 = 1571 = "Defending" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE6 = 1572 = "Training" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE7 = 1573 = "Sharpened" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE8 = 1574 = "Decisive" SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE9 = 1575 = "Intricate" SI_ITEMTYPE0 = 1360 = "None" SI_ITEMTYPE1 = 1361 = "Weapon" SI_ITEMTYPE10 = 1370 = "Ingredient" SI_ITEMTYPE11 = 1371 = "Additive" SI_ITEMTYPE12 = 1372 = "Drink" SI_ITEMTYPE13 = 1373 = "Costume" SI_ITEMTYPE14 = 1374 = "Disguise" SI_ITEMTYPE15 = 1375 = "Tabard" SI_ITEMTYPE16 = 1376 = "Lure" SI_ITEMTYPE17 = 1377 = "Raw Material" SI_ITEMTYPE18 = 1378 = "Container" SI_ITEMTYPE19 = 1379 = "Soul Gem" SI_ITEMTYPE2 = 1362 = "Apparel" SI_ITEMTYPE20 = 1380 = "Weapon Glyph" SI_ITEMTYPE21 = 1381 = "Armor Glyph" SI_ITEMTYPE22 = 1382 = "Lockpick" SI_ITEMTYPE23 = 1383 = "Weapon Booster" SI_ITEMTYPE24 = 1384 = "Armor Booster" SI_ITEMTYPE25 = 1385 = "Enchantment Booster" SI_ITEMTYPE26 = 1386 = "Jewelry Glyph" SI_ITEMTYPE27 = 1387 = "Spice " SI_ITEMTYPE28 = 1388 = "Flavoring" SI_ITEMTYPE29 = 1389 = "Recipe" SI_ITEMTYPE3 = 1363 = "Enchantment" SI_ITEMTYPE30 = 1390 = "Poison" SI_ITEMTYPE31 = 1391 = "Reagent" SI_ITEMTYPE32 = 1392 = "Deprecated" SI_ITEMTYPE33 = 1393 = "Potion Solvent" SI_ITEMTYPE34 = 1394 = "Collectible" SI_ITEMTYPE35 = 1395 = "Raw Material" SI_ITEMTYPE36 = 1396 = "Material" SI_ITEMTYPE37 = 1397 = "Raw Material" SI_ITEMTYPE38 = 1398 = "Material" SI_ITEMTYPE39 = 1399 = "Raw Material" SI_ITEMTYPE4 = 1364 = "Food" SI_ITEMTYPE40 = 1400 = "Material" SI_ITEMTYPE41 = 1401 = "Temper" SI_ITEMTYPE42 = 1402 = "Resin" SI_ITEMTYPE43 = 1403 = "Tannin" SI_ITEMTYPE44 = 1404 = "Style Material" SI_ITEMTYPE45 = 1405 = "Armor Trait" SI_ITEMTYPE46 = 1406 = "Weapon Trait" SI_ITEMTYPE47 = 1407 = "Alliance War Repair" SI_ITEMTYPE48 = 1408 = "Trash" SI_ITEMTYPE49 = 1409 = "Tablet" SI_ITEMTYPE5 = 1365 = "Trophy" SI_ITEMTYPE50 = 1410 = "Mount" SI_ITEMTYPE51 = 1411 = "Potency Runestone" SI_ITEMTYPE52 = 1412 = "Aspect Runestone" SI_ITEMTYPE53 = 1413 = "Essence Runestone" SI_ITEMTYPE54 = 1414 = "Fish" SI_ITEMTYPE55 = 1415 = "Crown Repair" SI_ITEMTYPE56 = 1416 = "Treasure" SI_ITEMTYPE57 = 1417 = "Crown Item" SI_ITEMTYPE58 = 1418 = "Poison Solvent" SI_ITEMTYPE59 = 1419 = "Dye Stamp" SI_ITEMTYPE6 = 1366 = "Siege" SI_ITEMTYPE60 = 1420 = "Master Writ" SI_ITEMTYPE61 = 1421 = "Furnishing" SI_ITEMTYPE62 = 1422 = "Furnishing Material" SI_ITEMTYPE7 = 1367 = "Potion" SI_ITEMTYPE8 = 1368 = "Motif" SI_ITEMTYPE9 = 1369 = "Tool" SI_ITEM_ABILITY_SCALING_CHAMPION_POINTS_RANGE = 6711 = "Scales from <><<2>> to <><<3>>" SI_ITEM_ABILITY_SCALING_LEVEL_RANGE = 6710 = "Scales from level <<1>> to <<2>>." SI_ITEM_ACTION_ADD_ITEMS_TO_CRAFT_BAG = 6883 = "Stow" SI_ITEM_ACTION_ADD_TO_CRAFT = 6878 = "Add" SI_ITEM_ACTION_BANK_DEPOSIT = 6854 = "Deposit" SI_ITEM_ACTION_BANK_WITHDRAW = 6855 = "Withdraw" SI_ITEM_ACTION_BUY = 6860 = "Buy" SI_ITEM_ACTION_BUYBACK = 6862 = "Buy" SI_ITEM_ACTION_BUY_MULTIPLE = 6861 = "Buy Multiple" SI_ITEM_ACTION_CHARGE = 6872 = "Charge" SI_ITEM_ACTION_CONVERT_TO_IMPERIAL_STYLE = 6875 = "Convert to Imperial Style" SI_ITEM_ACTION_CONVERT_TO_MORAG_TONG_STYLE = 6876 = "Convert to Morag Tong Style" SI_ITEM_ACTION_DESTROY = 6865 = "Destroy" SI_ITEM_ACTION_ENCHANT = 6871 = "Enchant" SI_ITEM_ACTION_EQUIP = 6849 = "Equip" SI_ITEM_ACTION_LAUNDER = 6859 = "Launder" SI_ITEM_ACTION_LINK_TO_CHAT = 6866 = "Link in Chat" SI_ITEM_ACTION_LOOT_TAKE = 6863 = "Take" SI_ITEM_ACTION_MAIL_ATTACH = 6851 = "Add to Mail" SI_ITEM_ACTION_MAIL_DETACH = 6852 = "Remove from Mail" SI_ITEM_ACTION_MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHMENT = 6853 = "Take" SI_ITEM_ACTION_MAP_TO_QUICKSLOT = 6873 = "Add to Quickslot" SI_ITEM_ACTION_MARK_AS_JUNK = 6869 = "Mark as Junk" SI_ITEM_ACTION_MARK_AS_LOCKED = 6867 = "Lock" SI_ITEM_ACTION_PREVIEW = 6887 = "Preview" SI_ITEM_ACTION_PREVIEW_DYE_STAMP = 6885 = "Preview Dye Stamp" SI_ITEM_ACTION_REMOVE_FROM_CRAFT = 6879 = "Remove" SI_ITEM_ACTION_REMOVE_FROM_QUICKSLOT = 6874 = "Remove from Quickslot" SI_ITEM_ACTION_REMOVE_ITEMS_FROM_CRAFT_BAG = 6884 = "Retrieve" SI_ITEM_ACTION_REPAIR = 6877 = "Repair" SI_ITEM_ACTION_REPORT_ITEM = 6880 = "Get Help" SI_ITEM_ACTION_RESEARCH = 6881 = "Research" SI_ITEM_ACTION_SELL = 6858 = "Sell" SI_ITEM_ACTION_SPLIT_STACK = 6864 = "Split Stack" SI_ITEM_ACTION_STACK_ALL = 6882 = "Stack All Items" SI_ITEM_ACTION_STOW_MATERIALS = 6886 = "Stow Materials" SI_ITEM_ACTION_TRADE_ADD = 6856 = "Add to Offer" SI_ITEM_ACTION_TRADE_REMOVE = 6857 = "Remove from Offer" SI_ITEM_ACTION_UNEQUIP = 6850 = "Unequip" SI_ITEM_ACTION_UNMARK_AS_JUNK = 6870 = "Unmark as Junk" SI_ITEM_ACTION_UNMARK_AS_LOCKED = 6868 = "Unlock" SI_ITEM_ACTION_USE = 6848 = "Use" SI_ITEM_ALREADY_CHARGED = 4476 = "This weapon is already fully charged." SI_ITEM_CONDITION_PERCENT = 3269 = "<<1>>%" SI_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_UNIVERSAL_STYLE = 416 = "This item allows you to craft items in any known style." SI_ITEM_FILTER_BY_TEXT = 4578 = "Filter by text search" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ARMOR = 318 = "Armor" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ARMOR_GLYPH_DERIVED_STAT = 321 = "Adds up to |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>>." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ARMOR_TRAIT = 376 = "An ingredient for crafting armor with an intrinsic trait." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ARMOR_TYPE = 297 = "(<<1>> Armor)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ARMOR_TYPE_UNIQUE = 298 = "(<<1>> Armor) (Unique)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ARMOR_TYPE_UNIQUE_EQUIPPED = 299 = "(<<1>> Armor) (Unique-Equipped)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_AUGMEMTATION_EMPTY_AMMO_NOTCH = 332 = "Ammo Notch" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_AUGMEMTATION_EMPTY_ENCHANTMENT_NOTCH = 328 = "Enchantment slot" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_AUGMEMTATION_EMPTY_LAUNCH_VELOCITY_NOTCH = 330 = "Range Notch" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_AUGMEMTATION_EMPTY_PRECISION_NOTCH = 329 = "Precision Notch" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_AUGMEMTATION_EMPTY_TOUGHNESS_NOTCH = 331 = "Toughness Notch" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_AUGMENT_AMMO = 325 = "Only fits in Ammo slot" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_AUGMENT_ENCHANTMENT = 323 = "Only fits in an enchantment slot" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_AUGMENT_ITEM_TYPE = 311 = "Enchantment" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_AUGMENT_LAUNCH_VELOCITY = 327 = "Only fits in Launch Velocity slot" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_AUGMENT_PRECISION = 326 = "Only fits in Precision slot" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_AUGMENT_TOUGHNESS = 324 = "Only fits in Toughness slot" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_BOUND = 290 = "Bound" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_BROAD_TYPE = 292 = "<<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_CHAMPION = 381 = "CP" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_CLOTH_MATERIAL_CHAMPION_POINTS = 371 = "Used to create Light Armor of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_CLOTH_MATERIAL_LEVEL = 370 = "Used to create Light Armor of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_COLLECTIBLE = 348 = "Collectible" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_COLOR_NAME = 382 = "<<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_CRAFTED = 363 = "Crafted" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_CREATES_ALCHEMY_ITEM_OF_CHAMPION_POINTS = 366 = "Makes a |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_CREATES_ALCHEMY_ITEM_OF_LEVEL = 365 = "Makes a level |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_CREATOR = 345 = "Created by: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_DAMAGE = 319 = "Damage" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_DERIVED_STAT = 320 = "Adds |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>>." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_DERIVED_STAT_NO_COLOR = 322 = "Adds <<1>> <<2>>." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_EFFECTIVE_VALUE_OF_MAX = 364 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ENCHANT = 337 = "<<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ENCHANT_HEADER = 339 = "Enchantment" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ENCHANT_HEADER_MULTI_EFFECT = 341 = "Multi-Effect Enchantment" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ENCHANT_HEADER_NAMED = 340 = "<<1>> Enchantment" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ENCHANT_IRREPLACEABLE = 338 = "(This enchantment cannot be replaced.)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_EQUIPPED = 285 = "Equipped" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_EQUIPPED_SLOT = 286 = "<<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ITEM_TRAIT_DESCRIPTION = 344 = "<<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ITEM_TRAIT_HEADER = 342 = "<<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ITEM_TRAIT_WITH_ICON_HEADER = 343 = "<<1>> <<2>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_KNOWN_ITEM_TYPE = 309 = "Known <<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_LEATHER_MATERIAL_CHAMPION_POINTS = 373 = "Used to create Medium Armor of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_LEATHER_MATERIAL_LEVEL = 372 = "Used to create Medium Armor of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_LEVEL = 317 = "Level" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_LOCKED = 349 = "Locked" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_METAL_MATERIAL_CHAMPION_POINTS = 375 = "Used to create Heavy Armor and Metal Weapons of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_METAL_MATERIAL_LEVEL = 374 = "Used to create Heavy Armor and Metal Weapons of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ONLY_USABLE_FROM_ACTION_SLOT = 351 = "Item can only be used from a quickslot." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ON_COOLDOWN = 350 = "Item not ready yet" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ON_USE = 333 = "<<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ON_USE_COOLDOWN = 335 = "<<1>> (|cffffff<<2>>|r cooldown)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ON_USE_MULTI_EFFECT = 334 = "<<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_ON_USE_REMAINING_COOLDOWN = 336 = "Available in: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_POISON = 380 = "poison" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_POTION = 379 = "potion" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_QUEST_ITEM = 347 = "Quest Item" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_REQ_ARMOR = 314 = "Required armor type: <<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_REQ_EQUIP = 316 = "Required equip type: <<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_REQ_NOTCH_ITEM_LEVEL = 313 = "Can only be applied to an item of level <<1>> or more." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_REQ_WEAPON = 315 = "Required weapon type: <<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SET_NAME = 362 = "Part of the <<1>> set (<<2>>/<<3>> items)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SET_NO_COUNT_PROC_BONUS = 361 = "<<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SET_NO_COUNT_PROPERTY_BONUS = 357 = "Adds |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SET_NO_COUNT_PROPERTY_BONUS_INACTIVE = 359 = "Adds <<1>> <<2>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SET_NO_COUNT_PROPERTY_BONUS_INACTIVE_PERCENT = 360 = "Adds <<1>>% <<2>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SET_NO_COUNT_PROPERTY_BONUS_PERCENT = 358 = "Adds |cffffff<<1>>|r% <<2>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SET_PROC_BONUS = 356 = "(<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) <<2>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SET_PROPERTY_BONUS = 352 = "(<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds |cffffff<<2>>|r <<3>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SET_PROPERTY_BONUS_INACTIVE = 354 = "(<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds <<2>> <<3>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SET_PROPERTY_BONUS_INACTIVE_PERCENT = 355 = "(<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds <<2>>% <<3>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SET_PROPERTY_BONUS_PERCENT = 353 = "(<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds |cffffff<<2>>|r% <<3>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SIEGE_AUGMENT_ITEM_TYPE = 312 = "<<1>> Upgrade" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SPECIFIC_TYPE = 294 = "(<<1>>)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SPECIFIC_TYPE_UNIQUE = 295 = "(<<1>>) (Unique)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_SPECIFIC_TYPE_UNIQUE_EQUIPPED = 296 = "(<<1>>) (Unique-Equipped)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_STYLE_MATERIAL = 367 = "An ingredient for crafting in the |cffffff<>|r style." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TABARD = 346 = "Represents: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TEXT1 = 300 = "<<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TEXT1_ARMOR2 = 306 = "<<1>> (<<2>> Armor)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TEXT1_ARMOR2_UNIQUE = 307 = "<<1>> (<<2>> Armor) (Unique)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TEXT1_ARMOR2_UNIQUE_EQUIPPED = 308 = "<<1>> (<<2>>) (Unique-Equipped)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TEXT1_TEXT2 = 303 = "<<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TEXT1_TEXT2_UNIQUE = 304 = "<<1>> (<<2>>) (Unique)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TEXT1_TEXT2_UNIQUE_EQUIPPED = 305 = "<<1>> (<<2>>) (Unique-Equipped)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TEXT1_UNIQUE = 301 = "<<1>> (Unique)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TEXT1_UNIQUE_EQUIPPED = 302 = "<<1>> (Unique-Equipped)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TRADE_BOP_PLAYERS_HEADER = 384 = "Eligible Players" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TRADE_BOP_SECTION_FORMATTER_KEYBOARD = 385 = "<<1>>: |cffffff<<2>>|r" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TRADE_BOP_TIMER_HEADER = 383 = "Tradable For" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TRASH = 291 = "Trash" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_TYPE_PLUS_EXTRA_INFO = 293 = "<<2>> <<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_UNIQUE = 288 = "(Unique)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_UNIQUE_EQUIPPED = 287 = "(Unique-Equipped)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_UNKNOWN_ITEM_TYPE = 310 = "<<1>>" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_UNKNOWN_RECIPE = 378 = "Unknown Recipe" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_USE_ONLY_FROM_QUICKSLOT = 289 = "(Use from Quickslot)" SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_WEAPON_TRAIT = 377 = "An ingredient for crafting weapons with an intrinsic trait." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_WOOD_MATERIAL_CHAMPION_POINTS = 369 = "Used to create Shields, Staffs, and Bows of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_WOOD_MATERIAL_LEVEL = 368 = "Used to create Shields, Staffs, and Bows of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_ITEM_SUB_TYPE_BAIT = 387 = "Bait" SI_ITEM_SUB_TYPE_BOOK = 388 = "Book" SI_JOURNAL_MENU_ACHIEVEMENTS = 6410 = "Achievements" SI_JOURNAL_MENU_CADWELLS_ALMANAC = 3571 = "Cadwell's Almanac" SI_JOURNAL_MENU_LEADERBOARDS = 3572 = "Leaderboards" SI_JOURNAL_MENU_LORE_LIBRARY = 3570 = "Lore Library" SI_JOURNAL_MENU_QUESTS = 3569 = "Quests" SI_JOURNAL_PROGRESS_BAR_PROGRESS = 3473 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_JOURNAL_PROGRESS_CATEGORY = 3474 = "<<1>>" SI_JOURNAL_PROGRESS_CATEGORY_GENERAL = 3476 = "General" SI_JOURNAL_PROGRESS_CATEGORY_SUBCATEGORY = 3475 = "<<1>>: <<2>>" SI_JOURNAL_PROGRESS_SUMMARY = 5740 = "Summary" SI_JUMPRESULT0 = 2577 = "Local transfer successful." SI_JUMPRESULT1 = 2578 = "Remote transfer initiated." SI_JUMPRESULT10 = 2587 = "Jump failed. Instance is full." SI_JUMPRESULT11 = 2588 = "Jump failed. Existing jump in progress." SI_JUMPRESULT12 = 2589 = "No free instances available, please try later." SI_JUMPRESULT13 = 2590 = "You do not meet the requirement to jump there." SI_JUMPRESULT14 = 2591 = "You do not have the collectible needed to jump there." SI_JUMPRESULT15 = 2592 = "Your attempted jump failed because your location does not allow recalling." SI_JUMPRESULT16 = 2593 = "You must be level 50 to enter a veteran instance." SI_JUMPRESULT17 = 2594 = "You do not own this house." SI_JUMPRESULT18 = 2595 = "You don't have permission to visit this house." SI_JUMPRESULT19 = 2596 = "The house you attempted to visit is unavailable." SI_JUMPRESULT2 = 2579 = "You lack the correct permissions to transfer there." SI_JUMPRESULT20 = 2597 = "Destination not found." SI_JUMPRESULT21 = 2598 = "Destination unavailable." SI_JUMPRESULT22 = 2599 = "Cannot enter battleground." SI_JUMPRESULT3 = 2580 = "Your attempted transfer failed." SI_JUMPRESULT4 = 2581 = "Your attempted jump failed because you don't have an assigned Alliance War campaign yet." SI_JUMPRESULT5 = 2582 = "Your attempted jump failed because the destination Alliance War campaign is disabled." SI_JUMPRESULT6 = 2583 = "Your attempted jump failed because you have not unlocked that difficulty level." SI_JUMPRESULT7 = 2584 = "Your attempted jump failed." SI_JUMPRESULT8 = 2585 = "Your attempted jump failed because you are not max level or you do not have enough champion points." SI_JUMPRESULT9 = 2586 = "Your attempted jump failed because your destination does not allow social jumps." SI_JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_COLLECTIBLE_LOCKED_TITLE = 5973 = "Unable to Travel" SI_JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_OCCURANCE_PROMPT = 5974 = "This group's leader is located in a different version of |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nWould you like to travel to their version, which will place you at the wayshrine nearest to them?" SI_JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_TITLE = 5972 = "Travel to Leader" SI_JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_WORLD_CHAPTER_COLLECTIBLE_LOCKED_PROMPT = 5977 = "This group's leader is located in |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nYou do not have the necessary |cffffffChapter|r to access this zone. Would you like to upgrade?" SI_JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_WORLD_DLC_COLLECTIBLE_LOCKED_PROMPT = 5976 = "This group's leader is located in |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nYou are unable to travel to this player because they are in a locked area. You can unlock this area by purchasing |cffffff<<2>> (<<3>>)|r or an ESO Plus membership in the Crown Store!" SI_JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_WORLD_PROMPT = 5975 = "This group's leader is located in |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nWould you like to travel to their zone, which will place you at the wayshrine nearest to them?" SI_JUSTICEALLEGIANCE1 = 906 = "Enforcer" SI_JUSTICEALLEGIANCE2 = 907 = "Criminal" SI_JUSTICE_BOUNTY_ADDED = 5628 = "<<1>> bounty added." SI_JUSTICE_BOUNTY_CLEARED = 5629 = "Bounty cleared." SI_JUSTICE_BOUNTY_SET = 5630 = "Your bounty is now <<1>> gold." SI_JUSTICE_GOLD_PICKPOCKETED = 5642 = "<<1>> gold stolen." SI_JUSTICE_GOLD_REMOVED = 5631 = "<<1>> gold removed." SI_JUSTICE_INFAMY_LEVEL_CHANGED = 5633 = "You Are Now <<1>>" SI_JUSTICE_INFAMY_TOOLTIP_ZONE_LABEL = 5651 = "Your total infamy." SI_JUSTICE_ITEM_PICKPOCKETED = 5641 = "<> (<<2>>) stolen." SI_JUSTICE_LOGOUT_DISALLOWED = 5646 = "You cannot logout while being arrested." SI_JUSTICE_NOW_FUGITIVE = 5634 = "Fugitive From Justice" SI_JUSTICE_NOW_KOS = 5635 = "You will now be killed on sight by the law." SI_JUSTICE_NOW_TRESPASSING_PRIMARY = 5637 = "Trespassing" SI_JUSTICE_NOW_TRESPASSING_SECONDARY = 5638 = "You are in a restricted area" SI_JUSTICE_NO_LONGER_KOS = 5636 = "You will no longer be attacked by the law." SI_JUSTICE_NO_LONGER_TRESPASSING_PRIMARY = 5639 = "No Longer Trespassing" SI_JUSTICE_NO_LONGER_TRESPASSING_SECONDARY = 5640 = "You have left a restricted area" SI_JUSTICE_NPC_SHUNNING = 5645 = "They want nothing to do with you." SI_JUSTICE_PICKPOCKET_FAILED = 5643 = "You've been caught pickpocketing." SI_JUSTICE_PICKPOCKET_TARGET_EMPTY = 5644 = "Empty" SI_JUSTICE_STOLEN_ITEMS_REMOVED = 5632 = "All stolen items removed." SI_KEEPRESOURCETYPE0 = 1969 = "None" SI_KEEPRESOURCETYPE1 = 1970 = "Wood" SI_KEEPRESOURCETYPE2 = 1971 = "Food" SI_KEEPRESOURCETYPE3 = 1972 = "Ore" SI_KEEPUPGRADEPATH1 = 1973 = "Production" SI_KEEPUPGRADEPATH2 = 1974 = "Defense" SI_KEEP_CAPTURED = 3357 = "The forces of <<1>> have captured <<2>> from <<3>>!" SI_KEEP_CAPTURED_REWARDS = 3350 = "You earned <<2>> Experience and <<3[1 Alliance Point/$d Alliance Points]>> for capturing <<1>>!" SI_KEEP_CHANGE_GATE_CLOSED = 3349 = "<> is closed." SI_KEEP_CHANGE_GATE_OPENED = 3348 = "<> is open!" SI_KEEP_CLAIM_NOT_IN_GUILD = 3339 = "You must be a member of a guild to claim a keep." SI_KEEP_CLAIM_ON_COOLDOWN = 5820 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r has recently changed ownership. You must wait |cffffff<<2>>|r before attempting to claim it." SI_KEEP_CLAIM_WRONG_ALLIANCE = 3338 = "Your alliance must control this keep to claim it." SI_KEEP_CURRENT_LEVEL = 3340 = "Level <<1>>" SI_KEEP_DEFENDED_REWARDS = 3351 = "You earned <<2>> Experience and <<3[1 Alliance Point/$d Alliance Points]>> for defending <<1>>!" SI_KEEP_GUILD_OWNER_HEADER = 3342 = "Guild Owner:" SI_KEEP_RESURRECT_FAIL_UNDER_ATTACK = 4409 = "You cannot resurrect at a keep while it's under attack." SI_KEEP_RESURRECT_FAIL_WRONG_ALLIANCE = 4410 = "You can only resurrect at a keep your alliance owns." SI_KEEP_SWITCH_TOOLTIP = 3353 = "Click to view <<1>>." SI_KEEP_UNCLAIMED = 4213 = "Unclaimed" SI_KEEP_UNCLAIMED_GUILD = 3336 = "Unclaimed" SI_KEEP_UNDER_ATTACK = 3341 = "<<1>> is under attack! " SI_KEEP_UPGRADE_AT_MAX = 3346 = "Maximum Level" SI_KEEP_UPGRADE_ENEMY_CONTROLLED = 3347 = "Enemy Controlled" SI_KEEP_UPGRADE_INVALID_TIME = 3343 = "N/A" SI_KEEP_UPGRADE_LEVEL = 3337 = "Upgrade Level: <<1>>" SI_KEEP_UPGRADE_LEVEL_SECTION_HEADER = 3352 = "Level <<1>>" SI_KEEP_UPGRADE_TIME_TO_NEXT_LEVEL = 3345 = "Time to next level: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_KEEP_UPGRADE_TIME_TO_NEXT_LEVEL_INVALID = 3344 = "Time to next level: |cffffffN/A|r" SI_KEYBINDINGS_ALREADY_BOUND = 3792 = "This is already the <<1>> bind for <<2>>." SI_KEYBINDINGS_BINDINGS = 3789 = "Bindings" SI_KEYBINDINGS_BIND_BUTTON = 3790 = "Bind" SI_KEYBINDINGS_CANNOT_BIND_TO = 3794 = "This is already bound to <<1>> and it cannot be unbound." SI_KEYBINDINGS_CATEGORY_CAMERA = 456 = "Camera" SI_KEYBINDINGS_CATEGORY_COMBAT = 453 = "Combat" SI_KEYBINDINGS_CATEGORY_GENERAL = 458 = "General" SI_KEYBINDINGS_CATEGORY_INTERACTION = 455 = "Interaction" SI_KEYBINDINGS_CATEGORY_MOVEMENT = 452 = "Movement" SI_KEYBINDINGS_CATEGORY_TARGETING = 454 = "Targeting" SI_KEYBINDINGS_CATEGORY_USER_INTERFACE = 457 = "User Interface" SI_KEYBINDINGS_GAMEPAD_RESET_PROMPT = 17 = "Are you sure you want to reset your gamepad keybinds to default settings?" SI_KEYBINDINGS_GAMEPAD_RESET_TITLE = 16 = "Reset Gamepad Bindings to Defaults" SI_KEYBINDINGS_KEYBOARD_RESET_PROMPT = 15 = "Are you sure you want to reset your keyboard keybinds to default settings?" SI_KEYBINDINGS_KEYBOARD_RESET_TITLE = 14 = "Reset Keyboard Bindings to Defaults" SI_KEYBINDINGS_LAYER_BATTLEGROUNDS = 451 = "Battlegrounds" SI_KEYBINDINGS_LAYER_DIALOG = 187 = "Dialogs" SI_KEYBINDINGS_LAYER_GENERAL = 445 = "General" SI_KEYBINDINGS_LAYER_HOUSING_EDITOR = 449 = "Housing Editor" SI_KEYBINDINGS_LAYER_HUD_HOUSING = 450 = "Housing HUD" SI_KEYBINDINGS_LAYER_NOTIFICATIONS = 448 = "Notifications" SI_KEYBINDINGS_LAYER_SIEGE = 447 = "Siege" SI_KEYBINDINGS_LAYER_USER_INTERFACE_SHORTCUTS = 446 = "User Interface Shortcuts" SI_KEYBINDINGS_LOAD_GAMEPAD_DEFAULTS = 3796 = "Load Gamepad Defaults" SI_KEYBINDINGS_LOAD_KEYBOARD_DEFAULTS = 3795 = "Load Keyboard Defaults" SI_KEYBINDINGS_PRESS_A_KEY_OR_CLICK = 3779 = "Press a key or click in the box below to set the <<1>> bind for <<2>>." SI_KEYBINDINGS_PRIMARY = 3780 = "Primary" SI_KEYBINDINGS_PRIMARY_HEADER = 3785 = "First Bind" SI_KEYBINDINGS_QUATERNARY = 3783 = "Quaternary" SI_KEYBINDINGS_QUATERNARY_HEADER = 3788 = "Fourth Bind" SI_KEYBINDINGS_SECONDARY = 3781 = "Secondary" SI_KEYBINDINGS_SECONDARY_HEADER = 3786 = "Second Bind" SI_KEYBINDINGS_SPECIAL_KEYS = 3784 = "Special Keys:" SI_KEYBINDINGS_TERTIARY = 3782 = "Tertiary" SI_KEYBINDINGS_TERTIARY_HEADER = 3787 = "Third Bind" SI_KEYBINDINGS_UNBIND_BUTTON = 3791 = "Unbind" SI_KEYBINDINGS_WOULD_UNBIND = 3793 = "Setting this bind will unbind it from <<1>>." SI_KEYBIND_CURRENT_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT = 8 = "Current Keyboard Layout: <<1>>" SI_KEYBIND_STRIP_DISABLED_DIALOG_TEXT = 460 = "<<1>>" SI_KEYBIND_STRIP_DISABLED_DIALOG_TITLE = 459 = "Disabled" SI_KEYBOARD_RETRAIT_COMPLETED_RESULT_FORMATTER = 4228 = "<> changed to |cffffff<<2>>|r" SI_KEYCODE0 = 2825 = "No Key" SI_KEYCODE1 = 2826 = "Backspace" SI_KEYCODE10 = 2835 = "Pause / Break" SI_KEYCODE100 = 2925 = "=" SI_KEYCODE101 = 2926 = "[" SI_KEYCODE102 = 2927 = "]" SI_KEYCODE103 = 2928 = "\\" SI_KEYCODE104 = 2929 = ";" SI_KEYCODE105 = 2930 = "'" SI_KEYCODE106 = 2931 = "," SI_KEYCODE107 = 2932 = "." SI_KEYCODE108 = 2933 = "/" SI_KEYCODE109 = 2934 = "`" SI_KEYCODE11 = 2836 = "Caps Lock" SI_KEYCODE110 = 2935 = "Left Arrow" SI_KEYCODE111 = 2936 = "Right Arrow" SI_KEYCODE112 = 2937 = "Up Arrow" SI_KEYCODE113 = 2938 = "Down Arrow" SI_KEYCODE114 = 2939 = "LMB" SI_KEYCODE115 = 2940 = "RMB" SI_KEYCODE116 = 2941 = "MMB" SI_KEYCODE117 = 2942 = "MB4" SI_KEYCODE118 = 2943 = "MB5" SI_KEYCODE119 = 2944 = "LMB + RMB" SI_KEYCODE12 = 2837 = "Esc" SI_KEYCODE120 = 2945 = "Mousewheel Down" SI_KEYCODE121 = 2946 = "Mousewheel Up" SI_KEYCODE122 = 2947 = "<" SI_KEYCODE123 = 2948 = "D-Pad Up" SI_KEYCODE124 = 2949 = "D-Pad Down" SI_KEYCODE125 = 2950 = "D-Pad Left" SI_KEYCODE126 = 2951 = "D-Pad Right" SI_KEYCODE127 = 2952 = "Start" SI_KEYCODE128 = 2953 = "Back" SI_KEYCODE129 = 2954 = "Left Stick" SI_KEYCODE13 = 2838 = "Space" SI_KEYCODE130 = 2955 = "Right Stick" SI_KEYCODE131 = 2956 = "Left Shoulder" SI_KEYCODE132 = 2957 = "Right Shoulder" SI_KEYCODE133 = 2958 = "Gamepad Button 1" SI_KEYCODE134 = 2959 = "Gamepad Button 2" SI_KEYCODE135 = 2960 = "Gamepad Button 3" SI_KEYCODE136 = 2961 = "Gamepad Button 4" SI_KEYCODE137 = 2962 = "Left Trigger" SI_KEYCODE138 = 2963 = "Right Trigger" SI_KEYCODE139 = 2964 = "Left Stick Up" SI_KEYCODE14 = 2839 = "Page Up" SI_KEYCODE140 = 2965 = "Left Stick Down" SI_KEYCODE141 = 2966 = "Left Stick Left" SI_KEYCODE142 = 2967 = "Left Stick Right" SI_KEYCODE143 = 2968 = "Right Stick Up" SI_KEYCODE144 = 2969 = "Right Stick Down" SI_KEYCODE145 = 2970 = "Right Stick Left" SI_KEYCODE146 = 2971 = "Right Stick Right" SI_KEYCODE147 = 2972 = "Left + Right Shoulders" SI_KEYCODE148 = 2973 = "Left + Right Triggers" SI_KEYCODE149 = 2974 = "Left + Right Sticks" SI_KEYCODE15 = 2840 = "Page Down" SI_KEYCODE150 = 2975 = "RB + Button 1" SI_KEYCODE151 = 2976 = "RB + Button 2" SI_KEYCODE152 = 2977 = "RB + Button 3" SI_KEYCODE153 = 2978 = "RB + Button 4" SI_KEYCODE154 = 2979 = "LB + Button 1" SI_KEYCODE155 = 2980 = "LB + Button 2" SI_KEYCODE156 = 2981 = "LB + Button 3" SI_KEYCODE157 = 2982 = "LB + Button 4" SI_KEYCODE158 = 2983 = "LB + LS" SI_KEYCODE159 = 2984 = "LB + RS" SI_KEYCODE16 = 2841 = "End" SI_KEYCODE160 = 2985 = "LB + D-Pad Left" SI_KEYCODE161 = 2986 = "LT + Button 1" SI_KEYCODE162 = 2987 = "Button 1 + Button 4" SI_KEYCODE163 = 2988 = "Button 2 + Button 3" SI_KEYCODE164 = 2989 = "Button 1 + Button 4" SI_KEYCODE165 = 2990 = "Back + Start" SI_KEYCODE166 = 2991 = "Touchpad Press + Start" SI_KEYCODE167 = 2992 = "D-Pad Right + Button 2" SI_KEYCODE168 = 2993 = "Hold Left Shoulder" SI_KEYCODE169 = 2994 = "Hold Right Shoulder" SI_KEYCODE17 = 2842 = "Home" SI_KEYCODE170 = 2995 = "Hold Gamepad Button 1" SI_KEYCODE171 = 2996 = "Hold Gamepad Button 2" SI_KEYCODE172 = 2997 = "Hold Gamepad Button 3" SI_KEYCODE173 = 2998 = "Hold Gamepad Button 4" SI_KEYCODE174 = 2999 = "Hold Left Trigger" SI_KEYCODE175 = 3000 = "Hold Right Trigger" SI_KEYCODE176 = 3001 = "Hold D-Pad Up" SI_KEYCODE177 = 3002 = "Hold D-Pad Down" SI_KEYCODE178 = 3003 = "Hold D-Pad Left" SI_KEYCODE179 = 3004 = "Hold D-Pad Right" SI_KEYCODE18 = 2843 = "Insert" SI_KEYCODE180 = 3005 = "Hold Start" SI_KEYCODE181 = 3006 = "Hold Back" SI_KEYCODE182 = 3007 = "Hold Left Stick" SI_KEYCODE183 = 3008 = "Hold Right Stick" SI_KEYCODE184 = 3009 = "Hold Touchpad" SI_KEYCODE185 = 3010 = "Touchpad Touch" SI_KEYCODE186 = 3011 = "Touchpad Press" SI_KEYCODE187 = 3012 = "Touchpad Swipe Up" SI_KEYCODE188 = 3013 = "Touchpad Swipe Down" SI_KEYCODE189 = 3014 = "Touchpad Swipe Left" SI_KEYCODE19 = 2844 = "Delete" SI_KEYCODE190 = 3015 = "Touchpad Swipe Right" SI_KEYCODE2 = 2827 = "Tab" SI_KEYCODE20 = 2845 = "Print Screen" SI_KEYCODE21 = 2846 = "Scroll Lock" SI_KEYCODE22 = 2847 = "0" SI_KEYCODE23 = 2848 = "1" SI_KEYCODE24 = 2849 = "2" SI_KEYCODE25 = 2850 = "3" SI_KEYCODE26 = 2851 = "4" SI_KEYCODE27 = 2852 = "5" SI_KEYCODE28 = 2853 = "6" SI_KEYCODE29 = 2854 = "7" SI_KEYCODE3 = 2828 = "Enter" SI_KEYCODE30 = 2855 = "8" SI_KEYCODE31 = 2856 = "9" SI_KEYCODE32 = 2857 = "A" SI_KEYCODE33 = 2858 = "B" SI_KEYCODE34 = 2859 = "C" SI_KEYCODE35 = 2860 = "D" SI_KEYCODE36 = 2861 = "E" SI_KEYCODE37 = 2862 = "F" SI_KEYCODE38 = 2863 = "G" SI_KEYCODE39 = 2864 = "H" SI_KEYCODE4 = 2829 = "Ctrl" SI_KEYCODE40 = 2865 = "I" SI_KEYCODE41 = 2866 = "J" SI_KEYCODE42 = 2867 = "K" SI_KEYCODE43 = 2868 = "L" SI_KEYCODE44 = 2869 = "M" SI_KEYCODE45 = 2870 = "N" SI_KEYCODE46 = 2871 = "O" SI_KEYCODE47 = 2872 = "P" SI_KEYCODE48 = 2873 = "Q" SI_KEYCODE49 = 2874 = "R" SI_KEYCODE5 = 2830 = "Alt" SI_KEYCODE50 = 2875 = "S" SI_KEYCODE51 = 2876 = "T" SI_KEYCODE52 = 2877 = "U" SI_KEYCODE53 = 2878 = "V" SI_KEYCODE54 = 2879 = "W" SI_KEYCODE55 = 2880 = "X" SI_KEYCODE56 = 2881 = "Y" SI_KEYCODE57 = 2882 = "Z" SI_KEYCODE58 = 2883 = "NumPad 0" SI_KEYCODE59 = 2884 = "NumPad 1" SI_KEYCODE6 = 2831 = "Command" SI_KEYCODE60 = 2885 = "NumPad 2" SI_KEYCODE61 = 2886 = "NumPad 3" SI_KEYCODE62 = 2887 = "NumPad 4" SI_KEYCODE63 = 2888 = "NumPad 5" SI_KEYCODE64 = 2889 = "NumPad 6" SI_KEYCODE65 = 2890 = "NumPad 7" SI_KEYCODE66 = 2891 = "NumPad 8" SI_KEYCODE67 = 2892 = "NumPad 9" SI_KEYCODE68 = 2893 = "Num Lock" SI_KEYCODE69 = 2894 = "NumPad Asterisk" SI_KEYCODE7 = 2832 = "Shift" SI_KEYCODE70 = 2895 = "NumPad Dash" SI_KEYCODE71 = 2896 = "NumPad Slash" SI_KEYCODE72 = 2897 = "NumPad Period" SI_KEYCODE73 = 2898 = "NumPad Plus" SI_KEYCODE74 = 2899 = "NumPad Enter" SI_KEYCODE75 = 2900 = "F1" SI_KEYCODE76 = 2901 = "F2" SI_KEYCODE77 = 2902 = "F3" SI_KEYCODE78 = 2903 = "F4" SI_KEYCODE79 = 2904 = "F5" SI_KEYCODE8 = 2833 = "Left Windows" SI_KEYCODE80 = 2905 = "F6" SI_KEYCODE81 = 2906 = "F7" SI_KEYCODE82 = 2907 = "F8" SI_KEYCODE83 = 2908 = "F9" SI_KEYCODE84 = 2909 = "F10" SI_KEYCODE85 = 2910 = "F11" SI_KEYCODE86 = 2911 = "F12" SI_KEYCODE87 = 2912 = "F13" SI_KEYCODE88 = 2913 = "F14" SI_KEYCODE89 = 2914 = "F15" SI_KEYCODE9 = 2834 = "Right Windows" SI_KEYCODE90 = 2915 = "F16" SI_KEYCODE91 = 2916 = "F17" SI_KEYCODE92 = 2917 = "F18" SI_KEYCODE93 = 2918 = "F19" SI_KEYCODE94 = 2919 = "F20" SI_KEYCODE95 = 2920 = "F21" SI_KEYCODE96 = 2921 = "F22" SI_KEYCODE97 = 2922 = "F23" SI_KEYCODE98 = 2923 = "F24" SI_KEYCODE99 = 2924 = "-" SI_KILL_SPAM_LOCATION = 4437 = "<<1>> killed <<2>> in <<3>>." SI_KILL_SPAM_NO_LOCATION = 4438 = "<<1>> killed <<2>>." SI_LARGE_GROUP_INVITE_WARNING = 3701 = "Some Dungeons only allow groups of <<1>> or fewer to enter. Inviting this player will convert this group to a large group and prevent access.\nAre you sure you want to extend this invitation?" SI_LATENCY_EXTREME_FORMAT = 4037 = "<<1>>+" SI_LATENCY_METER_TOOLTIP = 4039 = "Your latency to the server in milliseconds. Higher values can result in decreased responsiveness while playing." SI_LAUNDER_SORT_TYPE_COST = 3270 = "Cost" SI_LEADERBOARDS_BEST_SCORE = 6335 = "Best Score: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_LEADERBOARDS_CLOSES_IN_TIMER = 6334 = "Closes In: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_LEADERBOARDS_CURRENT_RANK = 6328 = "<<1>> Rank: |cffffff<<2>>|r" SI_LEADERBOARDS_CURRENT_SCORE = 6336 = "Current Score: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_LEADERBOARDS_FILTER_ALL_CLASSES = 6327 = "All Classes" SI_LEADERBOARDS_HEADER_ALLIANCE = 6323 = "Alliance" SI_LEADERBOARDS_HEADER_CLASS = 6324 = "Class" SI_LEADERBOARDS_HEADER_NAME = 6322 = "Name" SI_LEADERBOARDS_HEADER_POINTS = 6326 = "Points" SI_LEADERBOARDS_HEADER_RANK = 6321 = "#" SI_LEADERBOARDS_HEADER_SCORE = 6325 = "Score" SI_LEADERBOARDS_NOT_RANKED = 6330 = "Not Ranked" SI_LEADERBOARDS_NO_CURRENT_SCORE = 6332 = "No Score" SI_LEADERBOARDS_NO_RANKINGS_FOUND = 6320 = "No Rankings Found" SI_LEADERBOARDS_NO_SCORE_RECORDED = 6331 = "Not Recorded" SI_LEADERBOARDS_REOPENS_IN_TIMER = 6333 = "Reopens In: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_LEADERBOARDS_STAT_NOT_AVAILABLE = 6329 = "--" SI_LEADERBOARDTYPE0 = 660 = "Overall" SI_LEADERBOARDTYPE1 = 661 = "Class" SI_LEADERBOARDTYPE2 = 662 = "Alliance" SI_LEADERBOARDTYPE3 = 663 = "House" SI_LEADERBOARDTYPE4 = 664 = "Battleground" SI_LEAVECAMPAIGNQUEUERESPONSETYPE1 = 2709 = "You are not queued for that campaign." SI_LEAVECAMPAIGNQUEUERESPONSETYPE2 = 2710 = "Unable to leave queue: internal error." SI_LEAVECAMPAIGNQUEUERESPONSETYPE3 = 2711 = "You are not queued for anything." SI_LEAVECAMPAIGNQUEUERESPONSETYPE4 = 2712 = "Unable to leave queue: invalid campaign." SI_LEAVECAMPAIGNQUEUERESPONSETYPE5 = 2713 = "Only the group leader can leave a campaign queue." SI_LEVELED_UP = 3436 = "You are now Level <<1>>!" SI_LEVEL_BAR_LABEL = 3728 = "<<1>>" SI_LEVEL_DISPLAY = 3729 = "<<1>> <<2>>" SI_LEVEL_UP_NOTIFICATION = 3435 = "Level Up" SI_LFGACTIVITY1 = 1763 = "Alliance War" SI_LFGACTIVITY2 = 1764 = "Normal" SI_LFGACTIVITY3 = 1765 = "Veteran" SI_LFGACTIVITY4 = 1766 = "Trial" SI_LFGACTIVITY5 = 1767 = "|t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t Champion" SI_LFGACTIVITY6 = 1768 = "Home Show" SI_LFGACTIVITY7 = 1769 = "Non-Champion" SI_LFGACTIVITY8 = 1770 = "Below Level 50" SI_LFGITEMREWARDTYPE1 = 1774 = "Undaunted Exploration Supplies" SI_LFGITEMREWARDTYPE2 = 1775 = "Premium Undaunted Exploration Supplies" SI_LFGREADYCHECKCANCELREASON1 = 1804 = "Someone declined the invite. You were placed at the front of the queue." SI_LFGREADYCHECKCANCELREASON2 = 1805 = "Ready check canceled, group was not viable." SI_LFGREADYCHECKCANCELREASON3 = 1806 = "You or someone in your group declined the invite. You have exited the queue." SI_LFGREADYCHECKCANCELREASON4 = 1807 = "Ready check succeeded, group formed!" SI_LFGREADYCHECKCANCELREASON5 = 1808 = "Activity no longer valid." SI_LFGROLE1 = 1771 = "Damage" SI_LFGROLE2 = 1772 = "Tank" SI_LFGROLE4 = 1773 = "Healer" SI_LFG_ACTIVITY_NAME = 5979 = "<<1>>" SI_LFG_ANY_DUNGEON = 5980 = "Any Dungeon" SI_LFG_ANY_DUNGEON_DESCRIPTION = 5982 = "Choosing \"Any Dungeon\" is the quickest way to find a dungeon group." SI_LFG_ANY_VETERAN_DUNGEON = 5981 = "Any Veteran Dungeon" SI_LFG_ANY_VETERAN_DUNGEON_DESCRIPTION = 5983 = "Choosing \"Any Veteran Dungeon\" is the quickest way to find a veteran dungeon group." SI_LFG_DIALOG_LEAVE_QUEUE_CONFIRMATION_BODY = 6008 = "Are you sure you want to leave the queue?" SI_LFG_DIALOG_LEAVE_QUEUE_CONFIRMATION_TITLE = 6007 = "Leave Queue" SI_LFG_FIND_REPLACEMENT_ACCEPT = 6012 = "Find Replacement" SI_LFG_FIND_REPLACEMENT_TEXT = 6014 = "A group member has left your |cffffff<<1>>|r group." SI_LFG_FIND_REPLACEMENT_TITLE = 6013 = "Group Member Left" SI_LFG_JOIN_QUEUE = 5986 = "Join Queue" SI_LFG_LEAVE_QUEUE = 5987 = "Leave Queue" SI_LFG_LOCATION_GROUP_SIZE = 5984 = "This is a <<1>> player activity." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_AVA_CROSS_ALLIANCE = 6002 = "Cross alliance groups cannot queue together for AVA." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_CHAPTER_NOT_UNLOCKED = 6001 = "This activity requires a |cffffffChapter|r upgrade." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_DLC_NOT_UNLOCKED = 6000 = "This activity requires |cffffff<<1>> (DLC)|r from the Crown Store." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_GROUP_FULL = 5993 = "Party is already full for this location." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_GROUP_LOCATION_LEVEL_REQUIREMENTS = 5992 = "Not all group members meet the location's level requirements." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_GROUP_TOO_LARGE = 5994 = "Party is too large for this location." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_IN_AVA = 5995 = "You cannot queue for this activity type while in an AVA location." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_IN_BATTLEGROUND = 5996 = "You cannot queue while you are in a battleground." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_LEFT_BATTLEGROUND_EARLY_CONCISE = 6005 = "You have the battleground deserter penalty." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_LEFT_BATTLEGROUND_EARLY_VERBOSE = 6006 = "You have the battleground deserter penalty. You can queue again in |cffffff<<1>>|r." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_NOT_IN_AVA = 5997 = "You must be in an AVA location to queue for Alliance War." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_NOT_LEADER = 5998 = "Only the group leader can join the queue." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_NO_ROLES_SELECTED = 5999 = "You or a member of your group has not selected a role." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_PLAYER_MAX_CHAMPION_REQUIREMENT = 5991 = "Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t<<1>>." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_PLAYER_MAX_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT = 5989 = "Locked after Level <<1>>." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_PLAYER_MIN_CHAMPION_REQUIREMENT = 5990 = "Unlocked at Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t<<1>>." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_PLAYER_MIN_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT = 5988 = "Unlocked at Level <<1>>." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_QUEUE_COOLDOWN_CONCISE = 6003 = "You have queued too recently." SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_QUEUE_COOLDOWN_VERBOSE = 6004 = "You have queued too recently. You can queue again in |cffffff<<1>>|r." SI_LFG_QUEUE_STATUS = 5985 = "Status" SI_LFG_READY_CHECK_ACCEPT = 6009 = "Ready" SI_LFG_READY_CHECK_NO_ROLE_TEXT = 6011 = "Your |cffffff<<1>> <<2>>|r is ready.\nExpires in |cffffff<<3>>|r." SI_LFG_READY_CHECK_TEXT = 6010 = "Your |cffffff<<1>> <<2>>|r is ready. Your role: <>|cffffff<<4>>|r\nExpires in |cffffff<<5>>|r." SI_LINK_FORMAT_GENERIC_NAME = 4689 = "<<1>>" SI_LINK_FORMAT_GENERIC_NAME_BRACKETS = 4688 = "[<<1>>]" SI_LINK_FORMAT_ITEM_NAME = 6619 = "<>" SI_LINK_FORMAT_ITEM_NAME_BRACKETS = 4687 = "[<>]" SI_LIST_AND_SEPARATOR = 277 = " and " SI_LIST_COMMA_AND_SEPARATOR = 276 = ", and " SI_LIST_COMMA_SEPARATOR = 275 = ", " SI_LIST_ITEM_FORMATTER = 278 = "<<1>>" SI_LOAD_ERROR_TITLE = 3050 = "Load Error" SI_LOCKPICK_DEPRESS_PIN = 4458 = "Depress Pin" SI_LOCKPICK_FORCE = 4457 = "Force Lock (<<1>>%)" SI_LOCKPICK_IMPOSSIBLE_LOCK = 4460 = "<<1>> is locked and it is too difficult to pick." SI_LOCKPICK_LEVEL = 4456 = "Lock Level: <<1>>" SI_LOCKPICK_NO_KEY_AND_NO_LOCK_PICKS = 4459 = "<<1>> is locked, but you don't have the key or any lockpicks." SI_LOCKPICK_PICKS_REMAINING = 4455 = "Lockpicks remaining: <<1>>" SI_LOCKQUALITY1 = 803 = "Simple" SI_LOCKQUALITY2 = 804 = "Intermediate" SI_LOCKQUALITY3 = 805 = "Advanced" SI_LOCKQUALITY4 = 806 = "Master" SI_LOCKQUALITY5 = 807 = "Impossible" SI_LOCKQUALITY6 = 808 = "Trivial" SI_LOCKQUALITY7 = 809 = "Trivial" SI_LOGINAUTHERROR13000 = 2551 = "Could not connect to XBL." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR13002 = 2552 = "Could not connect to Xbox Live. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR13003 = 2553 = "Could not connect to Xbox Live. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR13004 = 2554 = "Could not connect to Xbox Live. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR14000 = 2555 = "Could not connect to The PlayStation™Network. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR14002 = 2556 = "Could not connect to The PlayStation™Network. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR17001 = 2558 = "Incorrect token, please relaunch the game from the launcher." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR2 = 2537 = "Connection to server timed out. Please try again later." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR3 = 2538 = "Unable to connect to the PlayStation™Network. Please confirm you are connected to the PlayStation™Network or try again later." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR3000 = 2541 = "The servers are temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again later." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR4 = 2539 = "Unable to connect to Xbox Live. Please confirm you are connected to Xbox Live or try again later." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR5 = 2540 = "Unable to initialize connection to Steam. Please ensure the game was launched through Steam or try again later." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR5000 = 2557 = "Required credentials are missing. Please relaunch the game from the launcher." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR8004 = 2542 = "Your account has been suspended. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR8005 = 2543 = "Your account has been permanently banned. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR8007 = 2544 = "Your account must be verified in order to continue to play. Check the email you used to create an ESO account for instruction on how to complete the verification process." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR8008 = 2545 = "Game Account Not Found" SI_LOGINAUTHERROR8009 = 2546 = "Your account has been suspended. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR8010 = 2547 = "Your account has been permanently banned. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR8011 = 2548 = "Your account must be verified in order to continue to play. Check the email you used to create an ESO account for instruction on how to complete the verification process." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR8012 = 2549 = "Your account has restricted authentication. Please contact customer service at <<1>>." SI_LOGINAUTHERROR8013 = 2550 = "The servers are temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again later." SI_LOGIN_DIALOG_TITLE_LINK_FAILED = 3104 = "Account Creation/Linking Failed" SI_LOGIN_DIALOG_TITLE_LOGIN_FAILED = 3103 = "Login Failed" SI_LOGIN_FLOW_CREATE_ACCT_FULLNAME = 3063 = "Full Name" SI_LOGOUTERROR2 = 2559 = "You must be logged into a Sony Entertainment Network account to play ESO." SI_LOGOUTERROR3 = 2560 = "You Must Be Signed In To An Xbox Live Profile To Play ESO" SI_LOGOUTERROR4 = 2561 = "Unable to connect to Xbox Live. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection." SI_LOGOUTERROR5 = 2562 = "ESO servers are down for maintenance. Please try again later or visit <<1>> for more information" SI_LOGOUTERROR6 = 2563 = "Unable to connect to PlayStation™Network. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection." SI_LOGOUTERROR7 = 2564 = "Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection." SI_LOGOUTERROR8 = 2565 = "Patch required. Please download and install to access online features." SI_LOGOUT_DEFER_DELAY = 189 = "Character logout in <<1>> seconds." SI_LOGOUT_DISALLOWED = 190 = "You cannot logout while in combat." SI_LOG_OUT_DIALOG = 4501 = "Do you want to log out to character select?" SI_LONG_LOAD_TIME = 435 = "This may be an unusually long load time." SI_LOOTCRATEOPENRESPONSE1 = 1913 = "You need <<1>> additional open inventory <<1[/slot/slots]>>." SI_LOOTCRATEOPENRESPONSE2 = 1914 = "The pack was not opened properly." SI_LOOTCRATEOPENRESPONSE3 = 1915 = "No item found for pack." SI_LOOTCRATEOPENRESPONSE4 = 1916 = "Pack does not exist." SI_LOOTCRATEOPENRESPONSE5 = 1917 = "Invalid tier data for pack." SI_LOOTCRATEOPENRESPONSE6 = 1918 = "You do not have any more crates of this type left." SI_LOOTCRATEOPENRESPONSE7 = 1919 = "The system is currently unavailable." SI_LOOTCRATEOPENRESPONSE8 = 1920 = "You do not have any crates to open. You can purchase more in the Crown Store." SI_LOOTITEMRESULT2 = 2252 = "Your inventory is full." SI_LOOTITEMRESULT3 = 2253 = "Your inventory is full." SI_LOOTITEMRESULT6 = 2254 = "That item is no longer available." SI_LOOTITEMRESULT8 = 2255 = "You are unable to loot <<1>> because it is unique and you already have one." SI_LOOTITEMRESULT9 = 2256 = "At least one item could not be looted because it's unique and you already have one." SI_LOOT_CURRENCY_FORMAT = 6088 = "<<1>>" SI_LOOT_HISTORY_EXPERIENCE_GAIN = 6805 = "Experience" SI_LOOT_HISTORY_LEADERBOARD_SCORE = 6808 = "Leaderboard Score" SI_LOOT_HISTORY_MEDAL_NAME_FORMATTER = 6806 = "<<1>>" SI_LOOT_HISTORY_MEDAL_VALUE_FORMATTER = 6807 = "+<<1>>" SI_LOOT_ITEM_OTHER = 3546 = "<<1>> receives<<3[ 1/ $d]>> <>." SI_LOOT_ITEM_SELF = 3547 = "You receive<<2[ 1/ $d]>> <>." SI_LOOT_MONEY = 3548 = "You receive <<1>> gold." SI_LOOT_OBJECT_NAME = 3462 = "<>" SI_LOOT_STEAL = 6086 = "Steal" SI_LOOT_STEAL_ALL = 6087 = "Steal All" SI_LOOT_TAKE = 3463 = "Take" SI_LOOT_TAKE_ALL = 3464 = "Take All" SI_LORE_LIBRARY_ALREADY_KNOW_BOOK = 3490 = "You already know <<1>>." SI_LORE_LIBRARY_ANNOUNCE_BOOK_ADDED_TO_LIBRARY = 3493 = "<<1>> Added to Library" SI_LORE_LIBRARY_ANNOUNCE_BOOK_LEARNED = 3492 = "Lorebook Discovered" SI_LORE_LIBRARY_BOOK_LEARNED = 3491 = "You added <<1>> to your lore library." SI_LORE_LIBRARY_COLLECTION_COMPLETED_LARGE = 3494 = "Collection Completed" SI_LORE_LIBRARY_COLLECTION_COMPLETED_SMALL = 3495 = "Found all lorebooks in <<1>>" SI_LORE_LIBRARY_IN_LIBRARY = 397 = "Already in your library." SI_LORE_LIBRARY_KNOWN_BOOKS = 3489 = "<<1>> |cffffff<<2>>/<<3>>|r" SI_LORE_LIBRARY_NOT_IN_LIBRARY = 398 = "You do not own this book." SI_LORE_LIBRARY_READ = 3496 = "Read" SI_LORE_LIBRARY_TOTAL_COLLECTED = 3488 = "Books: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r" SI_LORE_LIBRARY_UNKNOWN_BOOK = 6085 = "You do not currently know <<1>>." SI_LORE_LIBRARY_USE_TO_LEARN = 399 = "Use to add to your lore library." SI_LORE_READER_NEXT_PAGE = 3499 = "Next Page" SI_LORE_READER_PREVIOUS_PAGE = 3498 = "Previous Page" SI_LORE_READER_TURN_PAGES = 3497 = "Turn Page" SI_LOW = 10 = "Low" SI_MAIL_ALREADY_ATTACHED = 3419 = "Item already attached" SI_MAIL_ATTACHMENTS_CHANGED_MESSAGE = 3430 = "Your pending mail attachments have changed." SI_MAIL_ATTACHMENTS_CHANGED_TITLE = 3429 = "Attachments Changed" SI_MAIL_ATTACHMENTS_FULL = 3425 = "You cannot attach any more items." SI_MAIL_ATTACHMENTS_HEADER = 6597 = "Attachments" SI_MAIL_BOUND = 3420 = "Item is bound" SI_MAIL_CLEAR_MAIL_COMPOSE_PROMPT = 6618 = "Are you sure you want to clear out the contents of this mail?" SI_MAIL_CLEAR_MAIL_COMPOSE_TITLE = 6617 = "Clear Mail" SI_MAIL_COD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 3405 = "You can't afford to accept the C.O.D. charges." SI_MAIL_CONFIRM_DELETE = 6610 = "Are you sure you want to delete this mail? Once deleted, you will no longer have access to it." SI_MAIL_CONFIRM_DELETE_ATTACHMENTS = 3413 = "Do you really want to destroy the attachments?" SI_MAIL_CONFIRM_DELETE_ATTACHMENTS_AND_MONEY = 3415 = "Do you really want to destroy the attachments and attached gold?" SI_MAIL_CONFIRM_DELETE_MONEY = 3414 = "Do you really want to destroy the attached gold?" SI_MAIL_CONFIRM_RETURN_ATTACHMENTS = 6615 = "Are you sure you want to return this mail to |cffffff<<1>>|r? You will no longer have access to the attachments." SI_MAIL_CONFIRM_RETURN_ATTACHMENTS_TITLE = 6614 = "Return to Sender" SI_MAIL_CONFIRM_TAKE_ATTACHMENT_COD = 6613 = "Taking this item will require you to pay the COD amount. Are you sure?" SI_MAIL_DELETE = 6611 = "Delete" SI_MAIL_INBOX_EMPTY = 3398 = "You have no mail." SI_MAIL_INBOX_EXPIRES_HEADER = 3401 = "Expires In:" SI_MAIL_INBOX_FROM_COLUMN = 3402 = "From" SI_MAIL_INBOX_FULL = 3399 = "Your inbox is full. Delete some mail to receive more." SI_MAIL_INBOX_NEXT = 3407 = "Next" SI_MAIL_INBOX_PREVIOUS = 3406 = "Previous" SI_MAIL_INBOX_RECEIVED_COLUMN = 3400 = "Received" SI_MAIL_INBOX_SUBJECT_COLUMN = 3403 = "Subject" SI_MAIL_ITEM_NOT_FOUND = 3422 = "Item not found" SI_MAIL_LOCKED = 3421 = "Item is locked" SI_MAIL_MUST_SET_REQUIRED_MONEY_IN_COD = 3412 = "You must set the Cash on Delivery amount" SI_MAIL_NO_UNREAD_MAIL = 3416 = "You have no unread messages." SI_MAIL_PARAM_NOT_FOUND = 6620 = "(Data not available)" SI_MAIL_READ_ATTACHMENTS_TAKE = 6602 = "Take Attachments" SI_MAIL_READ_COD_LABEL = 6600 = "C.O.D. Fee:" SI_MAIL_READ_COD_TOOLTIP = 3397 = "This mail was sent Cash On Delivery. You may take the attachments and pay the indicated price, or return this mail to the sender at no cost." SI_MAIL_READ_DELETE = 6603 = "Delete" SI_MAIL_READ_EXPIRES_LABEL = 3394 = "<<1>> <<1[day/days]>>" SI_MAIL_READ_EXPIRES_LESS_THAN_ONE_DAY = 3395 = "< 1 day" SI_MAIL_READ_FROM_LABEL = 3392 = "From:" SI_MAIL_READ_NO_BODY = 6599 = "(No message)" SI_MAIL_READ_NO_SUBJECT = 6598 = "(No subject)" SI_MAIL_READ_RECEIVED_LABEL = 3393 = "Received:" SI_MAIL_READ_REPLY = 3404 = "Reply" SI_MAIL_READ_REPORT_PLAYER = 6604 = "Report Player" SI_MAIL_READ_RETURN = 6605 = "Return to Sender" SI_MAIL_READ_RETURNED_SUBJECT = 3396 = "|cff0000Returned:|r <<1>>" SI_MAIL_READ_SENT_GOLD_LABEL = 6601 = "Sent Gold:" SI_MAIL_REPLY_SUBJECT = 3426 = "RE: <<1>>" SI_MAIL_RETURN = 6616 = "Return" SI_MAIL_SEND_ATTACH_MONEY = 6607 = "Send Gold" SI_MAIL_SEND_CLEAR = 3424 = "Clear" SI_MAIL_SEND_COD = 3411 = "C.O.D." SI_MAIL_SEND_FAIL = 3418 = "<<1>>" SI_MAIL_SEND_POSTAGE_HELP_TOOLTIP = 3428 = "You must pay a postage fee to send attached items. This fee is based on the value of the items and the COD price." SI_MAIL_SEND_POSTAGE_LABEL = 3410 = "Postage: " SI_MAIL_SEND_SEND = 6606 = "Send" SI_MAIL_SEND_SUBJECT_LABEL = 3409 = "Subject:" SI_MAIL_SEND_TO_LABEL = 3408 = "To:" SI_MAIL_SUBJECT_DEFAULT_TEXT = 6608 = "Enter Subject" SI_MAIL_TAKE_FAIL_UNIQUE = 3423 = "You may not have more than one of each unique item." SI_MAIL_UNDELIVERABLE_SUBJECT = 3427 = "Undeliverable: <<1>>" SI_MAIL_UNREAD_MAIL = 3417 = "You have <<1>> unread <<1[message/messages]>>." SI_MAIN_MENU_ACTIVITY_FINDER = 5735 = "Activity Finder" SI_MAIN_MENU_ALLIANCE_WAR = 5726 = "Alliance War" SI_MAIN_MENU_CHAMPION = 5722 = "Champion" SI_MAIN_MENU_CHARACTER = 5720 = "Character" SI_MAIN_MENU_COLLECTIONS = 5734 = "Collections" SI_MAIN_MENU_CONTACTS = 5728 = "Friends" SI_MAIN_MENU_CROWN_CRATES = 5736 = "Crown Crates" SI_MAIN_MENU_GAMEPAD_VOICECHAT = 4940 = "Voice Chat" SI_MAIN_MENU_GROUP = 5733 = "Group" SI_MAIN_MENU_GUILDS = 5729 = "Guilds" SI_MAIN_MENU_HELP = 5732 = "Help" SI_MAIN_MENU_INVENTORY = 5724 = "Inventory" SI_MAIN_MENU_JOURNAL = 5719 = "Journal" SI_MAIN_MENU_KEYBIND = 5718 = "<<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_MAIN_MENU_MAIL = 5730 = "Mail" SI_MAIN_MENU_MAP = 5727 = "Map" SI_MAIN_MENU_MARKET = 5723 = "Crown Store" SI_MAIN_MENU_NOTIFICATIONS = 5731 = "Notifications" SI_MAIN_MENU_SKILLS = 5721 = "Skills" SI_MAIN_MENU_SOCIAL = 5725 = "Social" SI_MAIN_MENU_TOOLTIP_DISABLED_BUTTON = 191 = "You can't access this right now." SI_MAPDISPLAYFILTER1 = 2814 = "Harvest Nodes" SI_MAPDISPLAYFILTER2 = 2815 = "Merchants" SI_MAPDISPLAYFILTER3 = 2816 = "Trainers" SI_MAPDISPLAYFILTER5 = 2817 = "NPC Followers" SI_MAPFILTER1 = 873 = "Objectives" SI_MAPFILTER10 = 882 = "Transit Lines" SI_MAPFILTER12 = 883 = "Imperial City Entrances" SI_MAPFILTER2 = 874 = "Alliance War Objectives" SI_MAPFILTER3 = 875 = "Battles" SI_MAPFILTER4 = 876 = "Quests" SI_MAPFILTER5 = 877 = "Resources" SI_MAPFILTER6 = 878 = "Forward Camp Ranges" SI_MAPFILTER7 = 879 = "Forward Camps" SI_MAPFILTER8 = 880 = "Wayshrines" SI_MAPFILTER9 = 881 = "Group Members" SI_MAPTRANSITLINEALLIANCE1 = 884 = "All Alliances" SI_MAPTRANSITLINEALLIANCE2 = 885 = "My Alliance" SI_MAP_FORWARD_CAMP_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN = 5587 = "Forward Camp Respawn in" SI_MAP_INFO_MODE_FILTERS = 5569 = "Filters" SI_MAP_INFO_MODE_HOUSES = 5570 = "Houses" SI_MAP_INFO_MODE_KEY = 5568 = "Key" SI_MAP_INFO_MODE_LOCATIONS = 5566 = "Locations" SI_MAP_INFO_MODE_QUESTS = 5567 = "Quests" SI_MAP_KEEP_INFO_ALLIANCE_TOOLTIP_FORMAT = 5613 = "<>" SI_MAP_KEEP_INFO_KEEP_RATE_NOT_OWNED_INCREASING_TOOLTIP = 5616 = "<<1>> is produced for this enemy keep by <<2>>. To decrease <<1>> production, kill the workers at <<2>> or capture it for your alliance." SI_MAP_KEEP_INFO_KEEP_RATE_NOT_OWNED_NOT_INCREASING_TOOLTIP = 5617 = "<<1>> is not being produced for this enemy keep because they do not control <<2>>." SI_MAP_KEEP_INFO_KEEP_RATE_OWNED_INCREASING_TOOLTIP = 5614 = "<<1>> is produced by <<2>>. The rate upgrades automatically as long as your alliance continues to own it." SI_MAP_KEEP_INFO_KEEP_RATE_OWNED_NOT_INCREASING_TOOLTIP = 5615 = "To produce <<1>>, take control of <<2>>." SI_MAP_KEEP_INFO_MODE_DEFENSE = 5586 = "Defense" SI_MAP_KEEP_INFO_MODE_FOOD = 5583 = "Food" SI_MAP_KEEP_INFO_MODE_ORE = 5584 = "Ore" SI_MAP_KEEP_INFO_MODE_PRODUCTION = 5585 = "Production" SI_MAP_KEEP_INFO_MODE_SUMMARY = 5581 = "Summary" SI_MAP_KEEP_INFO_MODE_WOOD = 5582 = "Wood" SI_MAP_KEEP_INFO_RESOURCE_RATE_TOOLTIP = 3500 = "<<1>> increases constantly as long as this resource is controlled." SI_MAP_MENU_WORLD_MAP = 3573 = "World Map" SI_MARKETCURRENCYTYPE1 = 665 = "Crowns" SI_MARKETCURRENCYTYPE2 = 666 = "Crown Gems" SI_MARKETFILTERVIEW1 = 984 = "View All" SI_MARKETFILTERVIEW2 = 985 = "View Purchased" SI_MARKETFILTERVIEW3 = 986 = "View Not Purchased" SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT0 = 953 = "Purchase Successful" SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT1 = 954 = "You do not have enough crowns to make this purchase." SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT10 = 963 = "We're sorry, you cannot purchase that item at this time." SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT11 = 964 = "You've already fully unlocked this item." SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT12 = 965 = "This product is coming soon." SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT13 = 966 = "You do not have enough Crown Gems to make this purchase." SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT14 = 967 = "We're sorry, this product doesn't seem to exist." SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT15 = 968 = "You already own this item!" SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT2 = 955 = "You do not have enough room in your inventory to make this purchase." SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT3 = 956 = "We're sorry, this product doesn't seem to exist." SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT4 = 957 = "You cannot have more than one of the same unique item." SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT5 = 958 = "We're sorry, you cannot purchase this item." SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT6 = 959 = "Cannot complete the purchase at this time. Please try again later." SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT7 = 960 = "We're sorry, this product doesn't seem to exist." SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT8 = 961 = "You already own this item!" SI_MARKETPURCHASABLERESULT9 = 962 = "We're sorry, you cannot purchase this item at this time." SI_MARKET_BUY_CROWNS = 442 = "Buy Crowns" SI_MARKET_CROWNS_TOOLTIP = 443 = "Your Total Crowns" SI_MARKET_CROWN_GEMS_TOOLTIP = 444 = "Your Total Crown Gems" SI_MARKET_DISCOUNT_PRICE_PERCENT_FORMAT = 410 = "-<>%" SI_MARKET_DISCOUNT_PRICE_RANGE_PERCENT_FORMAT = 411 = "<>-<>% off" SI_MARKET_FREE_TRIAL_TOOLTIP_DESCRIPTION = 413 = "Enjoy the benefits of ESO Plus through |cffffff<<1>>|r for free (Crown Stipend not included)." SI_MARKET_FREE_TRIAL_TOOLTIP_HEADER = 412 = "ESO Plus Free Trial Available" SI_MARKET_FREE_TRIAL_TOOLTIP_START_INSTRUCTIONS = 414 = "Press <> to start your free trial." SI_MARKET_PRODUCT_NAME_FORMATTER = 427 = "<>" SI_MARKET_PRODUCT_TOOLTIP_BACKPACK_UPGRADE_DESCRIPTION = 405 = "This increases your inventory capacity by |cffffff<<1>>|r slots, though it can’t exceed the maximum size available from Pack Merchants. " SI_MARKET_PRODUCT_TOOLTIP_BANK_UPGRADE_DESCRIPTION = 406 = "This increases your bank capacity by |cffffff<<1>>|r slots, though it can’t exceed the maximum size available from Bankers.\n\nNote: An ESO Plus membership doubles your bank space while active." SI_MARKET_PRODUCT_TOOLTIP_BUNDLE = 401 = "Bundle" SI_MARKET_PRODUCT_TOOLTIP_CHARACTER_SLOT_UPGRADE_DESCRIPTION = 407 = "This unlocks |cffffff<<1>>|r additional character <<1[slot/slots]>> in character creation." SI_MARKET_PRODUCT_TOOLTIP_DLC = 402 = "DLC" SI_MARKET_PRODUCT_TOOLTIP_UNLOCK = 403 = "Unlocked" SI_MARKET_PRODUCT_TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_LEVEL = 404 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_MARKET_PRODUCT_TOOLTIP_UPGRADE = 400 = "Upgrade" SI_MARKET_TILE_CALLOUT_NEW = 408 = "New" SI_MARKET_TILE_CALLOUT_SALE = 409 = "Sale" SI_MASTER_WRIT_DESCRIPTION_QUALITY = 7052 = "Quality" SI_MASTER_WRIT_DESCRIPTION_SET = 7054 = "Set" SI_MASTER_WRIT_DESCRIPTION_STYLE = 7055 = "Style" SI_MASTER_WRIT_DESCRIPTION_TRAIT = 7053 = "Trait" SI_MASTER_WRIT_ITEM_ALCHEMY_FORMAT_STRING = 7063 = "Consume to start quest:\nCraft a <<1>> with the following properties: <<2>><<3>><<4>>" SI_MASTER_WRIT_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE = 7066 = ", <<1>>" SI_MASTER_WRIT_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_WITH_DESCRIPTION = 7067 = "; <<1>>: <<2>>" SI_MASTER_WRIT_ITEM_DURABLE_FORMAT_STRING = 7062 = "Consume to start quest:\nCraft a <<1>><<2>><<3>><<4>><<5>>" SI_MASTER_WRIT_ITEM_ENCHANTING_FORMAT_STRING = 7064 = "Consume to start quest:\nCraft a <<1>><<2>>" SI_MASTER_WRIT_ITEM_PROVISIONING_FORMAT_STRING = 7065 = "Consume to start quest:\nCraft a <<1>>" SI_MASTER_WRIT_ITEM_REWARDS = 7069 = "Reward: <<1>><> Writ Vouchers" SI_MASTER_WRIT_QUEST_ALCHEMY_FORMAT_STRING = 7057 = "Craft a <<1>> with the following traits:<<2>><<3>><<4>>\n• Progress" SI_MASTER_WRIT_QUEST_BULLET_POINT = 7061 = "\n• <<1>>" SI_MASTER_WRIT_QUEST_BULLET_POINT_WITH_DESCRIPTION = 7060 = "\n• <<1>>: <<2>>" SI_MASTER_WRIT_QUEST_DURABLE_FORMAT_STRING = 7056 = "Craft a <<1>> with the following properties:<<2>><<3>><<4>><<5>>\n• Progress" SI_MASTER_WRIT_QUEST_ENCHANTING_FORMAT_STRING = 7058 = "Craft a <<1>><<2>>\n• Progress" SI_MASTER_WRIT_QUEST_PROVISIONING_FORMAT_STRING = 7059 = "Craft a <<1>>\n• Progress" SI_MEGASERVER0 = 987 = "None" SI_MEGASERVER1 = 988 = "NA" SI_MEGASERVER2 = 989 = "EU" SI_MENU_BAR_TOOLTIP = 3502 = "<<1>>" SI_MESSAGE_SPAM_WARNING_DIALOG_BODY = 6702 = "You are sending a lot of messages rapidly. Be advised that continuing to do so may drop you from the server." SI_MESSAGE_SPAM_WARNING_DIALOG_TITLE = 6701 = "Excessive Message Warning" SI_MINIMAP_AREA_NAME = 3282 = "<<1>>" SI_MISSING_LURE_OR_BAIT = 4503 = "You don't have any bait." SI_MONEY_ATTACHMENT_WILL_EXCEED_MAXIMUM = 6522 = "You have too much money to take these attachments." SI_MONEY_FORMAT = 3707 = "<<1>> gold" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS10 = 916 = "Commoner" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS11 = 917 = "Crafter" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS12 = 918 = "Cultist" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS13 = 919 = "Drunkard" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS14 = 920 = "Farmer" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS15 = 921 = "Fighter" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS16 = 922 = "Fisher" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS17 = 923 = "Gatherer" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS18 = 924 = "Ghost" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS19 = 925 = "Guard" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS2 = 908 = "Alchemist" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS20 = 926 = "Healer" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS21 = 927 = "Hunter" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS22 = 928 = "Laborer" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS23 = 929 = "Mage" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS24 = 930 = "Merchant" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS25 = 931 = "Noble" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS26 = 932 = "Nude" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS27 = 933 = "Ordinator" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS28 = 934 = "Outlaw" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS29 = 935 = "Pilgrim" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS3 = 909 = "Artisan" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS30 = 936 = "Priest" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS31 = 937 = "Prisoner" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS32 = 938 = "Provisioner" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS33 = 939 = "Sailor" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS34 = 940 = "Scholar" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS35 = 941 = "Servant" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS36 = 942 = "Skeleton" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS37 = 943 = "Slave" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS38 = 944 = "Smith" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS39 = 945 = "Soldier" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS4 = 910 = "Assassin" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS40 = 946 = "Student" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS41 = 947 = "Thief" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS42 = 948 = "Vampire" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS43 = 949 = "Warrior" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS44 = 950 = "Watchmen" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS45 = 951 = "Werewolf" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS46 = 952 = "Woodworker" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS5 = 911 = "Bard" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS6 = 912 = "Beggar" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS7 = 913 = "Chef" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS8 = 914 = "Civil Servant" SI_MONSTERSOCIALCLASS9 = 915 = "Clothier" SI_MORPH_AVAILABLE_ANNOUNCEMENT = 3441 = "<<1>> can now be morphed" SI_MOUNTFAILUREREASON0 = 2348 = "You cannot mount right now." SI_MOUNTFAILUREREASON1 = 2349 = "You cannot mount in this location." SI_MOUNTFAILUREREASON2 = 2350 = "You need <<1>> more open inventory <<1[/slot/slots]>>." SI_MOUNTFAILUREREASON3 = 2351 = "You can not swap mounts while an inventory item is locked." SI_MOUNTFAILUREREASON4 = 2352 = "You have not set an active mount." SI_MOUNT_ATTRIBUTE_SIMPLE_FORMAT = 5711 = "<<1>>" SI_MOUNT_ATTRIBUTE_SPEED_FORMAT = 5710 = "<<1>>%" SI_MOUNT_TRAIN_CARRYING_CAPACITY = 5714 = "Increases your carrying capacity, up to a maximum of |cffffff<<1>>|r." SI_MOUNT_TRAIN_SPEED = 5712 = "Increases your movement speed while mounted, up to a maximum of |cffffff<<1>>|r%." SI_MOUNT_TRAIN_STAMINA = 5713 = "Increases your stamina while mounted, up to a maximum of |cffffff<<1>>|r, allowing your mount to sprint longer and take more hits before you become dismounted." SI_MOUSEDESTROYITEMFAILEDREASON1 = 726 = "You cannot destroy items while crafting." SI_MOUSEDESTROYITEMFAILEDREASON2 = 727 = "You cannot destroy locked items." SI_MULTILOCALIZEDENUMTEST1 = 1142 = "Explicit Standard Loc" SI_MULTILOCALIZEDENUMTEST2 = 1143 = "Implicit Standard Loc" SI_MULTILOCALIZEDENUMTEST3 = 1144 = "Explicit Multi Loc" SI_MULTILOCALIZEDENUMTEST4 = 1147 = "Implicit Standard Loc (w/ Multi)" SI_MULTILOCALIZEDENUMTESTDESCONE3 = 1145 = "Explicit Multi Loc Descriptor One" SI_MULTILOCALIZEDENUMTESTDESCONE4 = 1148 = "Implicit Multi Loc Descriptor One" SI_MULTILOCALIZEDENUMTESTDESCTWO3 = 1146 = "Explicit Multi Loc Descriptor Two" SI_MULTILOCALIZEDENUMTESTDESCTWO4 = 1149 = "Implicit Multi Loc Descriptor Two" SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE0 = 2010 = "do not translate" SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE1 = 2011 = "Never" SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE10 = 2020 = "Left" SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE11 = 2021 = "Center" SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE2 = 2012 = "Always" SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE3 = 2013 = "Injured" SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE4 = 2014 = "All" SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE5 = 2015 = "None" SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE6 = 2016 = "Enemy" SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE7 = 2017 = "Ally" SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE8 = 2018 = "Targeted" SI_NAMEPLATEDISPLAYCHOICE9 = 2019 = "Injured or Targeted" SI_NAMEPLATE_SECOND_LINE_FORMAT = 6131 = "<<<1>>>" SI_NAMINGERROR1 = 2213 = "Invalid Name" SI_NAMINGERROR10 = 2222 = "There was a system error." SI_NAMINGERROR11 = 2223 = "Cannot currently change name." SI_NAMINGERROR12 = 2224 = "No numbers." SI_NAMINGERROR13 = 2225 = "Invalid characters." SI_NAMINGERROR2 = 2214 = "Duplicate Name" SI_NAMINGERROR3 = 2215 = "Too few characters." SI_NAMINGERROR4 = 2216 = "Too many characters." SI_NAMINGERROR5 = 2217 = "No adjacent punctuation characters." SI_NAMINGERROR6 = 2218 = "Must end with a letter." SI_NAMINGERROR7 = 2219 = "No more than two of the same letter in a row." SI_NAMINGERROR8 = 2220 = "Four hyphens, apostrophes, or spaces at most." SI_NAMINGERROR9 = 2221 = "Name cannot start with a space." SI_NEW = 3440 = "New" SI_NEW_RECIPE_LEARNED = 4252 = "You learned how to make <>" SI_NEW_STYLE_CHAPTER_LEARNED = 4250 = "Learned the <<1>> <<2>> crafting style." SI_NEW_STYLE_LEARNED = 4249 = "Learned the <<1>> crafting style." SI_NEW_TRAIT_UNLOCKED = 4248 = "Discovered trait <<2>> on <>" SI_NO = 3706 = "No" SI_NONSTR_CLIENTGAMEPADSTRINGS_FIRST_ENTRY = 196 SI_NONSTR_CLIENTGAMEPADSTRINGS_LAST_ENTRY = 241 SI_NONSTR_CLIENTKEYBOARDSTRINGS_FIRST_ENTRY = 1 SI_NONSTR_CLIENTKEYBOARDSTRINGS_LAST_ENTRY = 195 SI_NONSTR_CLIENTSHAREDSTRINGS_FIRST_ENTRY = 242 SI_NONSTR_CLIENTSHAREDSTRINGS_LAST_ENTRY = 540 SI_NONSTR_CONSOLESTRINGS_FIRST_ENTRY = 3047 SI_NONSTR_CONSOLESTRINGS_LAST_ENTRY = 3115 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_ABILITY_FIRST_ENTRY = 1925 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_ABILITY_LAST_ENTRY = 1933 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_ACTIVITYFINDER_FIRST_ENTRY = 1762 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_ACTIVITYFINDER_LAST_ENTRY = 1809 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_ANIMATION_FIRST_ENTRY = 2071 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_ANIMATION_LAST_ENTRY = 2072 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_APPEARANCE_FIRST_ENTRY = 2079 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_APPEARANCE_LAST_ENTRY = 2110 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_AVA_FIRST_ENTRY = 1961 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_AVA_LAST_ENTRY = 1995 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_CHROMA_FIRST_ENTRY = 1908 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_CHROMA_LAST_ENTRY = 1909 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_CLIENT_FIRST_ENTRY = 1810 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_CLIENT_LAST_ENTRY = 1811 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_COLLECTIBLE_FIRST_ENTRY = 1151 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_COLLECTIBLE_LAST_ENTRY = 1197 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_COMBAT_FIRST_ENTRY = 1934 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_COMBAT_LAST_ENTRY = 1958 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_CROWNCRATE_FIRST_ENTRY = 1912 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_CROWNCRATE_LAST_ENTRY = 1922 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_CURRENCY_FIRST_ENTRY = 2073 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_CURRENCY_LAST_ENTRY = 2078 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_DEF_FIRST_ENTRY = 1923 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_DEF_LAST_ENTRY = 1924 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_DYEING_FIRST_ENTRY = 1198 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_DYEING_LAST_ENTRY = 1215 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_EDITOR_FIRST_ENTRY = 2117 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_EDITOR_LAST_ENTRY = 2118 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_FIRST_ENTRY = 541 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_FURNITURE_FIRST_ENTRY = 1216 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_FURNITURE_LAST_ENTRY = 1217 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_FX_FIRST_ENTRY = 2069 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_FX_LAST_ENTRY = 2070 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_GUILD_FIRST_ENTRY = 1812 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_GUILD_LAST_ENTRY = 1890 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_HOUSING_FIRST_ENTRY = 1218 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_HOUSING_LAST_ENTRY = 1302 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_INTERFACECOLORS_FIRST_ENTRY = 1910 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_INTERFACECOLORS_LAST_ENTRY = 1911 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_ITEM_FIRST_ENTRY = 1303 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_ITEM_LAST_ENTRY = 1745 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_LAST_ENTRY = 1150 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_LOCALIZATION_FIRST_ENTRY = 2115 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_LOCALIZATION_LAST_ENTRY = 2116 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_PERMISSIONS_FIRST_ENTRY = 2113 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_PERMISSIONS_LAST_ENTRY = 2114 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_QUEST_FIRST_ENTRY = 1891 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_QUEST_LAST_ENTRY = 1907 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_SERVERLOGGING_FIRST_ENTRY = 2111 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_SERVERLOGGING_LAST_ENTRY = 2112 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_SETTINGS_FIRST_ENTRY = 1996 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_SETTINGS_LAST_ENTRY = 2068 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_THEATER_FIRST_ENTRY = 1959 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_THEATER_LAST_ENTRY = 1960 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_TIMEFORMAT_FIRST_ENTRY = 1746 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_TIMEFORMAT_LAST_ENTRY = 1759 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_TRADE_FIRST_ENTRY = 1760 SI_NONSTR_ESOGAMEDATAENUMS_TRADE_LAST_ENTRY = 1761 SI_NONSTR_ESOMESSAGEENUMS_FIRST_ENTRY = 2119 SI_NONSTR_ESOMESSAGEENUMS_LAST_ENTRY = 2812 SI_NONSTR_INGAMEGAMEPADSTRINGS_FIRST_ENTRY = 4723 SI_NONSTR_INGAMEGAMEPADSTRINGS_LAST_ENTRY = 5543 SI_NONSTR_INGAMEKEYBOARDSTRINGS_FIRST_ENTRY = 3116 SI_NONSTR_INGAMEKEYBOARDSTRINGS_LAST_ENTRY = 4722 SI_NONSTR_INGAMESHAREDSTRINGS_FIRST_ENTRY = 5544 SI_NONSTR_INGAMESHAREDSTRINGS_LAST_ENTRY = 7116 SI_NONSTR_ZOGUIENUMS_FIRST_ENTRY = 2813 SI_NONSTR_ZOGUIENUMS_LAST_ENTRY = 3016 SI_NONSTR_ZORENDERENUMS_FIRST_ENTRY = 3017 SI_NONSTR_ZORENDERENUMS_LAST_ENTRY = 3046 SI_NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE = 3656 = "Delete" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_ESO_PLUS_TRIAL_ENDED = 5913 = "Your ESO Plus free trial has concluded. Continue enjoying the benefits of ESO Plus by purchasing your subscription today." SI_NOTIFICATIONS_ESO_PLUS_TRIAL_STARTED = 5912 = "ESO Plus is now active on your account. View the in-game help to see how you can take advantage of all the ESO Plus benefits." SI_NOTIFICATIONS_ESO_PLUS_TRIAL_VIEW_BENEFITS = 5914 = "View ESO Plus Benefits" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_ITEMS_AUTO_TRANSFERRED_TO_CRAFT_BAG = 5910 = "All crafting materials stored in your bank and inventory have been transferred to your craft bag." SI_NOTIFICATIONS_LEADERBOARD_RAID_MESSAGE_FRIENDS = 5902 = "Your <<3[friend/friends]>> completed |cffffff<<1>>|r with a score of |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_NOTIFICATIONS_LEADERBOARD_RAID_MESSAGE_FRIENDS_AND_GUILD_MEMBERS = 5904 = "Your friends and guild mates completed |cffffff<<1>>|r with a score of |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_NOTIFICATIONS_LEADERBOARD_RAID_MESSAGE_GUILD_MEMBERS = 5903 = "Your <<3[guild mate/guild mates]>> completed |cffffff<<1>>|r with a score of |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_NOTIFICATIONS_LEADERBOARD_RAID_NOTIFICATION_HEADER_FRIENDS = 5905 = "<<1[Friend/Friends]>>:" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_LEADERBOARD_RAID_NOTIFICATION_HEADER_GUILD_MEMBERS = 5906 = "<<1[Guild Mate/Guild Mates]>>:" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_LEADERBOARD_RAID_NOTIFICATION_SHORT_TEXT_FORMATTER = 5907 = "<<1>>" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_LEADERBOARD_SHOW_LEADERBOARD = 3657 = "Open Leaderboard" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_LIST_ENTRY = 5901 = "<<1>>" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_MORE_INFO = 6142 = "More Info" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_MORE_INFO_TOOLTIP = 3659 = "Click for more information." SI_NOTIFICATIONS_POINTS_RESET_ATTRIBUTES = 5908 = "Your attributes have been refunded; you will need to go set them again." SI_NOTIFICATIONS_POINTS_RESET_SKILLS = 5909 = "Your skill points have been refunded; you will need to go set them again." SI_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST_ACCEPT = 3652 = "Accept" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST_DECLINE = 3653 = "Decline" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST_IGNORE_PLAYER = 3654 = "Ignore Player" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST_REPORT_SPAMMING = 3655 = "Report Spamming" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_TOOLTIP_HAS_NOTIFICATIONS = 4088 = "You have |cffffff<<1>>|r pending <<1[notification/notifications]>>." SI_NOTIFICATIONS_TOOLTIP_HEADER = 4087 = "Notifications (<<1>>)" SI_NOTIFICATIONS_TOOLTIP_NO_NOTIFICATIONS = 4089 = "You do not have any notifications." SI_NOTIFICATIONS_TYPE_FORMATTER = 5911 = "<<1>>" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE1 = 854 = "Friend Invite" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE10 = 863 = "Leaderboard" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE11 = 864 = "Guild MotD" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE12 = 865 = "Collections" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE13 = 866 = "Activity Finder" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE14 = 867 = "Points Reset" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE15 = 868 = "Craft Bag" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE16 = 869 = "Group Election" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE17 = 870 = "Duel Invitation" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE18 = 871 = "ESO Plus" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE19 = 872 = "Event" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE2 = 855 = "Guild Invite" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE3 = 856 = "Campaign Ready" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE4 = 857 = "Resurrect Available" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE5 = 858 = "Group Invite" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE6 = 859 = "Trade Invite" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE7 = 860 = "Share Quest" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE8 = 861 = "Pledge of Mara" SI_NOTIFICATIONTYPE9 = 862 = "Customer Service" SI_NOTIFICATION_ACCEPTED = 6133 = "<<1>> accepted." SI_NOTIFICATION_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_MESSAGE_GROUP = 6141 = "You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r, with your group. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_NOTIFICATION_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_MESSAGE_INDIVIDUAL = 6140 = "You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_NOTIFICATION_DECLINED = 6134 = "<<1>> declined." SI_NOTIFICATION_DUEL_INVITE = 6138 = "Duel Invite" SI_NOTIFICATION_FRIEND_INVITE = 6135 = "Friend Invite" SI_NOTIFICATION_GROUP_INVITE = 6137 = "Group Invite" SI_NOTIFICATION_GUILD_INVITE = 6136 = "Guild Invite" SI_NOTIFICATION_SHARE_QUEST_INVITE = 6139 = "Share Quest" SI_NOTIFYTEXT_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE = 3721 = "Completed: <<1>>" SI_NOTIFYTEXT_OBJECTIVE_DISCOVERED = 3720 = "<<1>>" SI_NOTIFYTEXT_QUEST_ACCEPT = 3718 = "Started: <<1>>" SI_NOTIFYTEXT_QUEST_ACCEPT_WITH_ICON = 3719 = "Started: <<1>><<2>>" SI_NOTIFYTEXT_QUEST_COMPLETE = 3716 = "Completed: <<1>>" SI_NOTIFYTEXT_QUEST_COMPLETE_WITH_ICON = 3717 = "Completed: <<1>><<2>>" SI_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 3326 = "You don't have enough gold." SI_NO_BAIT_IN_SLOT = 4507 = "Empty" SI_NO_BAIT_OR_LURE_SELECTED = 4504 = "Need Bait" SI_NO_NOTIFICATIONS_MESSAGE = 4090 = "You Have No Pending Notifications" SI_NO_REPAIRS_TO_MAKE = 6587 = "No items to repair." SI_NO_SAVE_CONTINUE = 3056 = "No save was created so game progress will not be saved. Continue without saving?" SI_NO_SAVE_DEVICE = 3057 = "No save device was selected so game progress will not be saved. Continue without saving?" SI_NO_SOUL_GEM_FOR_ITEM_CHARGE = 4475 = "You must have a valid filled Soul Gem to charge this weapon." SI_NUMBERED_LIST_ENTRY = 4686 = "<<1>>. <>" SI_NUMBER_SUFFIX_ONE_BILLION_LOWERCASE = 536 = "b" SI_NUMBER_SUFFIX_ONE_BILLION_UPPERCASE = 531 = "B" SI_NUMBER_SUFFIX_ONE_HUNDRED_MILLION_LOWERCASE = 535 = "-m" SI_NUMBER_SUFFIX_ONE_HUNDRED_MILLION_UPPERCASE = 530 = "-M" SI_NUMBER_SUFFIX_ONE_MILLION_LOWERCASE = 534 = "m" SI_NUMBER_SUFFIX_ONE_MILLION_UPPERCASE = 529 = "M" SI_NUMBER_SUFFIX_ONE_THOUSAND_LOWERCASE = 532 = "k" SI_NUMBER_SUFFIX_ONE_THOUSAND_UPPERCASE = 527 = "K" SI_NUMBER_SUFFIX_TEN_THOUSAND_LOWERCASE = 533 = "-k" SI_NUMBER_SUFFIX_TEN_THOUSAND_UPPERCASE = 528 = "-K" SI_OBJECTIVE_UNKNOWN_QUEST_NAME = 4172 = "Undiscovered Quest" SI_OK = 257 = "OK" SI_OPEN_CHAPTER_UPGRADE = 184 = "This will open the |c76BCC3<<1>>|r in your default web browser outside the game.\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r" SI_OPEN_CHAPTER_UPGRADE_CONSOLE = 237 = "This will open the <<1>>.\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r" SI_OPEN_CHAPTER_UPGRADE_STEAM = 185 = "This will open the Steam® store in the Steam® overlay.\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r" SI_OPEN_ENTER_CODE_PAGE = 186 = "This will open |c76BCC3<<1>>|r in your default web browser outside of the game. Are you sure you want to continue?\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r" SI_OPEN_FIRST_PARTY_STORE_KEYBIND = 236 = "Open <<1>>" SI_OPTIONS_ALL_HEALTHBARS_GAMEPAD = 3078 = "All Health Bars" SI_OPTIONS_ALL_NAMEPLATES_GAMEPAD = 3077 = "All Nameplates" SI_OPTIONS_APPLY_WARNING = 143 = "This setting must be applied and may result in a load screen." SI_OPTIONS_AUDIO_AND_VIDEO_GAMEPAD = 3096 = "Audio/Video" SI_OPTIONS_CAMERA_COMBAT_DISTANCE_GAMEPAD = 3093 = "Combat Distance" SI_OPTIONS_CAMERA_LOCK_COMBAT_VALUES_GAMEPAD = 3092 = "Lock Combat Values" SI_OPTIONS_CAMERA_NON_COMBAT_DISTANCE_GAMEPAD = 3094 = "Non-Combat Distance" SI_OPTIONS_DEFAULTS = 269 = "Defaults" SI_OPTIONS_ENABLE_VOICE_GAMEPAD = 3089 = "Enable Voice Chat" SI_OPTIONS_ENEMY_NPC_HEALTH_BAR_GAMEPAD = 3086 = "Enemy NPC Health Bars" SI_OPTIONS_ENEMY_NPC_NAMEPLATE_GAMEPAD = 3085 = "Enemy NPC Nameplates" SI_OPTIONS_ENEMY_PLAYER_HEALTH_BAR_GAMEPAD = 3088 = "Enemy Player Health Bars" SI_OPTIONS_ENEMY_PLAYER_NAMEPLATE_GAMEPAD = 3087 = "Enemy Player Nameplates" SI_OPTIONS_ESO_STORE_OPTION_GAMEPAD = 3090 = "ESO Store" SI_OPTIONS_FRIENDLY_NPC_HEALTH_BAR_GAMEPAD = 3082 = "Friendly NPC Health Bars" SI_OPTIONS_FRIENDLY_NPC_NAMEPLATE_GAMEPAD = 3081 = "Friendly NPC Nameplates" SI_OPTIONS_FRIENDLY_PLAYER_HEALTH_BAR_GAMEPAD = 3084 = "Friendly Player Health Bars" SI_OPTIONS_FRIENDLY_PLAYER_NAMEPLATE_GAMEPAD = 3083 = "Friendly Player Nameplates" SI_OPTIONS_GLOW_OPTION_GAMEPAD = 3091 = "Glow" SI_OPTIONS_INTERACTABLES_GLOW_INTENSITY_GAMEPAD = 3098 = "Interactables Glow Intensity" SI_OPTIONS_PLAYER_HEALTH_BAR_GAMEPAD = 3080 = "Your Health Bar" SI_OPTIONS_PLAYER_NAMEPLATE_GAMEPAD = 3079 = "Your Nameplate" SI_OPTIONS_RESET = 268 = "Reset" SI_OPTIONS_RESET_ALL_PROMPT = 267 = "Are you sure you want to reset all options panels to their default settings?" SI_OPTIONS_RESET_PROMPT = 266 = "Are you sure you want to reset this options panel to its default settings?" SI_OPTIONS_RESET_TITLE = 265 = "Reset to Defaults" SI_OPTIONS_RESTART_WARNING = 142 = "This setting will not take effect until the game is restarted." SI_OPTIONS_TARGET_GLOW_INTENSITY_GAMEPAD = 3097 = "Target Glow Intensity" SI_OPTIONS_VIBRATION_GAMEPAD = 3095 = "Vibration" SI_OPTIONS_VOICE_GAMEPAD = 3099 = "Voice" SI_ORBIS_FEED_LAUNCH_GAME_BUTTON_TEXT_DE = 3072 = "Spiel starten" SI_ORBIS_FEED_LAUNCH_GAME_BUTTON_TEXT_EN = 3070 = "Launch Game" SI_ORBIS_FEED_LAUNCH_GAME_BUTTON_TEXT_FR = 3071 = "Lancer le jeu" SI_ORBIS_OPEN_INVITE_DIALOG = 3073 = "Invite To Play" SI_ORBIS_PRESENCE_CHARACTER_TYPE = 3066 = "Level <<1>> <<2>> <<3>>" SI_ORBIS_PRESENCE_CHARACTER_TYPE_CHAMPION = 3067 = "Champion Rank <<1>> <<2>> <<3>>" SI_ORBIS_PRESENCE_LOCATION = 3068 = "In <<1>>" SI_ORBIS_PRESENCE_PREGAME = 3069 = "Logging in" SI_OUT_OF_SPACE = 3051 = "There is not enough free space to save. Do you want to continue without saving?" SI_PARAMETERIZED_NUMERICAL_LITERAL_HIGHLIGHT = 4153 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_PARAMETERIZED_NUMERICAL_LITERAL_PERCENT_HIGHLIGHT = 4154 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r%" SI_PARTICLEDENSITY0 = 3037 = "Low" SI_PARTICLEDENSITY1 = 3038 = "Medium" SI_PARTICLEDENSITY2 = 3039 = "High" SI_PARTICLEDENSITY3 = 3040 = "Ultra" SI_PAY_FOR_CONVERSATION_GIVE = 6294 = "Pay" SI_PAY_FOR_CONVERSATION_GIVE_TITLE = 6295 = "Give Gold" SI_PAY_FOR_CONVERSATION_PROMPT = 6293 = "<<1>> |cffffff<<2>>|r <>?" SI_PERFORM_ACTION_CONFIRMATION = 6306 = "CONFIRM" SI_PICKPOCKETDIFFICULTYTYPE0 = 894 = "Invalid" SI_PICKPOCKETDIFFICULTYTYPE1 = 895 = "Easy" SI_PICKPOCKETDIFFICULTYTYPE2 = 896 = "Medium" SI_PICKPOCKETDIFFICULTYTYPE3 = 897 = "Hard" SI_PICKPOCKET_ON_COOLDOWN = 5650 = "You cannot pickpocket. The mark has nothing of value." SI_PICKPOCKET_OUT_OF_POSITION = 5649 = "You are not in position to pickpocket." SI_PICKPOCKET_SUCCESS_CHANCE = 5658 = "<<1>>% Chance" SI_PICKPOCKET_SUSPICIOUS = 5647 = "The mark is suspicious of you." SI_PICKPOCKET_TOO_FAR = 5648 = "You are too far away to pickpocket." SI_PLATFORMACCOUNTLABEL0 = 837 = "gamertag" SI_PLATFORMACCOUNTLABEL1 = 838 = "Online ID" SI_PLATFORMACCOUNTLABEL2 = 839 = "UserID" SI_PLATFORMSERVICETYPE1 = 1117 = "Sony Entertainment Network" SI_PLATFORMSERVICETYPE2 = 1118 = "Xbox Live" SI_PLATFORMSERVICETYPE3 = 1119 = "DMM" SI_PLATFORMSERVICETYPE4 = 1120 = "Steam" SI_PLATFORMSTORELABEL0 = 1121 = "The Elder Scrolls Online PC/MAC Store" SI_PLATFORMSTORELABEL1 = 1122 = "PlayStation®Store" SI_PLATFORMSTORELABEL2 = 1123 = "Xbox Store" SI_PLATFORMSTORELABEL3 = 1124 = "DMM Store" SI_PLATFORMSTORELABEL4 = 1125 = "Steam® store" SI_PLAYEREMOTEPLAYFAILURE0 = 1140 = "Cannot play emote at this time." SI_PLAYEREMOTEPLAYFAILURE1 = 1141 = "This emote is locked." SI_PLAYERSTATUS1 = 843 = "Online" SI_PLAYERSTATUS2 = 844 = "Away" SI_PLAYERSTATUS3 = 845 = "Do Not Disturb" SI_PLAYERSTATUS4 = 846 = "Offline" SI_PLAYERS_MET_TITLE_DUEL = 3110 = "Dueled With" SI_PLAYERS_MET_TITLE_GROUP = 3106 = "Group Members" SI_PLAYERS_MET_TITLE_KILL = 3109 = "Killed or Killed By" SI_PLAYERS_MET_TITLE_TRADE = 3108 = "Traded With" SI_PLAYERS_MET_TITLE_WHISPER = 3107 = "Talked To" SI_PLAYER_BUSY = 6523 = "That person is busy." SI_PLAYER_MENU_CAMPAIGNS = 5738 = "Campaigns" SI_PLAYER_MENU_COMMUNICATIONS = 4941 = "Communications" SI_PLAYER_MENU_GROUP = 4942 = "Group" SI_PLAYER_MENU_MISC = 4943 = "Miscellaneous" SI_PLAYER_MENU_MULTIPLAYER = 5737 = "Multiplayer" SI_PLAYER_MENU_PLAYER = 4939 = "Player" SI_PLAYER_NAME = 173 = "<<1>>" SI_PLAYER_NAME_WITH_TITLE_FORMAT = 6179 = "<<1>> - <<2>>" SI_PLAYER_PRIMARY_AND_SECONDARY_NAME_FORMAT = 6180 = "<<1>> (<>)" SI_PLAYER_STATUS_TOOLTIP = 4083 = "You are set to: <<1>>" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_ACTION_MENU = 6149 = "Hold to Interact" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_ACTION_RESPOND = 6157 = "Respond" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_ADD_FRIEND = 6164 = "Add as Friend" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_ADD_GROUP = 6161 = "Invite to Group" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_ALREADY_FRIEND = 6165 = "You are already friends." SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_BLOCKED = 6177 = "Player is Blocked" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_GROUP_DISABLED = 6163 = "You do not have permission to do that." SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_IGNORED = 6176 = "Player is Ignored" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INCOMING_AGENT_CHAT_REQUEST = 6175 = "A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you." SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INCOMING_DUEL = 6167 = "<<1>> wants to duel." SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INCOMING_FRIEND_REQUEST = 6173 = "<<1>> wants to be your friend" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INCOMING_GROUP = 6169 = "<<1>> wants to group." SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INCOMING_GUILD_REQUEST = 6174 = "<<1>> wants you to join <<2>>" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INCOMING_QUEST_SHARE = 6170 = "<<1>> wants to share the quest <<2>> with you" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INCOMING_RITUAL_OF_MARA = 6171 = "<<1>> wants to join with you in the Ritual of Mara." SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INCOMING_TRADE = 6168 = "<<1>> wants to trade." SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INVITE_DUEL = 6166 = "Invite to Duel" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_INVITE_TRADE = 6160 = "Invite to Trade" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_OUTGOING_RITUAL_OF_MARA = 6172 = "Join <<1>> in the Ritual of Mara." SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_REMOVE_GROUP = 6162 = "Remove from Group" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_RESURRECT_BEING_RESURRECTED = 6155 = "Being Resurrected..." SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_RESURRECT_GEM = 6151 = "Hold to Resurrect (<> <>)" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_RESURRECT_GEM_FAILED = 6153 = "Hold to Resurrect |cff0000(|r<> <>|cff0000)|r" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_RESURRECT_GEM_LIFE = 6152 = "Hold to Resurrect (<> <> + <>)" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_RESURRECT_GEM_LIFE_FAILED = 6154 = "Hold to Resurrect |cff0000(|r<> <> |cff0000+|r <>|cff0000)|r" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_RESURRECT_HAS_RESURRECT_PENDING = 6156 = "Resurrection Pending..." SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_TARGET = 6158 = "<<1>>" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_TARGET_BLOCKED = 5370 = "<<1>> |cC5C29EIs Blocked|r" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_TARGET_IGNORED = 4696 = "<<1>> |cC5C29EIs Ignored|r" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_VIEW_GAMER_CARD = 5368 = "View Gamercard" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_VIEW_PSN_PROFILE = 5369 = "View Profile" SI_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_WHISPER = 6159 = "Send Whisper" SI_PLEDGEOFMARARESULT0 = 2353 = "<<1>> is too busy to pledge with." SI_PLEDGEOFMARARESULT1 = 2354 = "<<1>> can't begin Ritual of Mara with a player who is dead." SI_PLEDGEOFMARARESULT2 = 2355 = "Beginning Ritual of Mara with <<1>>." SI_PLEDGEOFMARARESULT3 = 2356 = "<<1>> has been joined with you in the Ritual of Mara." SI_PLEDGEOFMARARESULT4 = 2357 = "<<1>> has declined your Ritual of Mara request." SI_PLEDGEOFMARARESULT5 = 2358 = "The Ritual of Mara has been cancelled." SI_PLEDGEOFMARARESULT6 = 2359 = "<<1>> is not eligible for the Ritual of Mara." SI_PLEDGEOFMARARESULT7 = 2360 = "You are too far away from <<1>> to perform the Ritual of Mara." SI_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_BEGIN_RITUAL_PROMPT = 5943 = "Begin Ritual" SI_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_MESSAGE = 5941 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r wants to join with you in the Ritual of Mara." SI_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_SENDER_MESSAGE = 5942 = "Join |cffffff<<1>>|r in the Ritual of Mara." SI_POISON_SYSTEM_INFO = 6901 = "All Poisons are applied 20% of the time on Light Attacks, Heavy Attacks, or Weapon Abilities. While slotted, this poison suppresses your weapon enchantments." SI_POLYMORPH_CAN_HIDE_WARNING = 6896 = "(Polymorphs hide costumes, hats and skins.)" SI_PRESS_START_PROFILE = 3048 = "Log In" SI_PRIMARYPLAYERNAMESETTING0 = 2047 = "Prefer <<1>>" SI_PRIMARYPLAYERNAMESETTING1 = 2048 = "Prefer Character Name" SI_PROFILELOGINERROR10 = 2574 = "Patch required. Please download and install to access online features." SI_PROFILELOGINERROR11 = 2575 = "The Xbox Live Account selected does not have user-generated content privileges. Please select another account, or update your permissions." SI_PROFILELOGINERROR12 = 2576 = "There is not enough free space to create save data. Please free up additional space." SI_PROFILELOGINERROR2 = 2566 = "Selected user profile age does not meet the requirements for playing this game." SI_PROFILELOGINERROR3 = 2567 = "Selected user profile is a guest account." SI_PROFILELOGINERROR4 = 2568 = "You do not currently have network connectivity. This title requires Xbox Live and a network connection." SI_PROFILELOGINERROR5 = 2569 = "You do not currently have network connectivity. This title requires a Sony Entertainment Network Account and a network connection." SI_PROFILELOGINERROR6 = 2570 = "The Xbox Live Account selected does not have Multiplayer privileges. Please select an account with Xbox Live Gold, or update your permissions." SI_PROFILELOGINERROR7 = 2571 = "A user profile was not selected." SI_PROFILELOGINERROR8 = 2572 = "The Sony Entertainment Network account selected does not have realtime multiplayer privileges. Please select another account, or update your permissions." SI_PROFILELOGINERROR9 = 2573 = "Selected Sony Entertainment Network sub-account does not have access to user-generated content." SI_PROFILE_LOADING_DIALOG_TEXT = 3065 = "Currently Loading Profile" SI_PROFILE_LOADING_DIALOG_TITLE = 3064 = "Loading Profile" SI_PROFILE_LOAD_FAILED_TITLE = 3062 = "Loading Profile Failed" SI_PROFILE_PRIVILEGES_FAILED_ERROR_TEXT = 3059 = "The Xbox Live Account selected does not have Multiplayer privileges. Please select an account with Xbox Live Gold, or update your permissions." SI_PROMPT_TITLE_ABANDON_QUEST = 4479 = "Abandon Quest" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_ADD_IGNORE = 5893 = "Add Ignore" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_ADD_ITEMS_TO_CRAFT_BAG = 6904 = "Stow Items" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_BOP_LOOT_CONFIRMATION = 4480 = "Bind on Pickup" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 5946 = "Buy Bag Space" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_BUY_BANK_SPACE = 5949 = "Buy Bank Space" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_BUY_MULTIPLE = 4498 = "Buy Multiple" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_CONFIRM_PURCHASE = 4485 = "Purchase" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_DELETE_MAIL = 6609 = "Delete Mail" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_DELETE_MAIL_ATTACHMENTS = 4492 = "Destroy Attachments" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_DELETE_MAIL_MONEY = 4493 = "Destroy Gold" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_DESTROY_AUGMENT_PROMPT = 4484 = "Destroy Augment" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_DESTROY_ITEMS = 4488 = "Destroy Items" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_DESTROY_ITEM_PROMPT = 6302 = "Destroy Item" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_DISBAND_GUILD = 5803 = "Disband Guild" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_ERROR = 174 = "Error" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_FAST_TRAVEL_CONFIRM = 4494 = "Fast Travel" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_GROUP_INVITE_RECEIVED = 4481 = "Group Invite" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_GUILD_CREATE = 5804 = "Create Guild" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_GUILD_INVITE = 5821 = "Add Member" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_GUILD_REMOVE_MEMBER = 5797 = "Remove from Guild" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_LARGE_GROUP_INVITE_WARNING = 4497 = "Large Group Conversion" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_LEAVE_GUILD = 5802 = "Leave Guild" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_LOG_OUT = 4495 = "Log Out" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHMENT_COD = 6612 = "Pay C.O.D." SI_PROMPT_TITLE_PAY_FOR_CONVERSATION = 6292 = "<<1>>" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_QUIT = 4496 = "Quit" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_REMOVE_ITEMS_FROM_CRAFT_BAG = 6905 = "Retrieve Items" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_REMOVE_TAB = 4499 = "Remove Tab" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_REPAIR_ALL = 4486 = "Repair All" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_RESET_TAB = 4500 = "Reset Tab" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_RITUAL_OF_MARA_PROMPT = 5937 = "Ritual Of Mara" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_SCRIPTED_WORLD_EVENT_INVITE = 4482 = "Event Invite" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_SCRIPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION = 4489 = "Script Violation" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_SELECT_GUILD_BANK = 3319 = "Select Guild Bank" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_SELECT_GUILD_KEEP_CLAIM = 6463 = "Claim Ownership" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_SELECT_GUILD_STORE = 3321 = "Select Guild Store" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_SELL_ITEMS = 4487 = "Sell Items" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_SHARE_QUEST = 4491 = "Quest Share" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_SKILLS_RESET_PROMPT = 4490 = "Reset Skills" SI_PROMPT_TITLE_TRADE_INVITE_PROMPT = 4483 = "Trade Invite" SI_PROSPECTIVEPICKPOCKETRESULT1 = 898 = "Suspicious" SI_PROSPECTIVEPICKPOCKETRESULT2 = 899 = "Too Far" SI_PROSPECTIVEPICKPOCKETRESULT3 = 900 = "Aware" SI_PROSPECTIVEPICKPOCKETRESULT4 = 901 = "Inventory Full" SI_PROVISIONER_FILTER_BREW = 6782 = "Drinks" SI_PROVISIONER_FILTER_COOK = 6783 = "Food" SI_PROVISIONER_FILTER_FURNISHINGS = 6781 = "Furnishings" SI_PROVISIONER_HAVE_INGREDIENTS = 6780 = "Have Ingredients" SI_PROVISIONER_HAVE_SKILLS = 6779 = "Have Skills" SI_PROVISIONER_INGREDIENTS_HEADER = 6787 = "Ingredients" SI_PROVISIONER_NONE_MATCHING_FILTER = 4247 = "Nothing found that matches your filters." SI_PROVISIONER_NO_RECIPES = 6788 = "You have not learned any of these." SI_PROVISIONER_RECIPE_NAME_COUNT = 4246 = "<> |cffffff(<<2>>)|r" SI_PROVISIONER_RECIPE_NAME_COUNT_NONE = 6789 = "<>" SI_PROVISIONER_REQUIREMENTS_HEADER = 6786 = "To Create" SI_PROVISIONER_REQUIRES_RECIPE_QUALITY = 6784 = "Requires Recipe Quality <<1>>" SI_QUESTREPEATABLETYPE1 = 1892 = "Repeatable" SI_QUESTREPEATABLETYPE2 = 1893 = "Daily" SI_QUESTTYPE1 = 1894 = "Group" SI_QUESTTYPE10 = 1903 = "Group Alliance War" SI_QUESTTYPE11 = 1904 = "Grand Alliance War" SI_QUESTTYPE12 = 1905 = "Holiday Event" SI_QUESTTYPE13 = 1906 = "Battleground" SI_QUESTTYPE2 = 1895 = "Main Quest" SI_QUESTTYPE3 = 1896 = "Guild" SI_QUESTTYPE4 = 1897 = "Crafting" SI_QUESTTYPE5 = 1898 = "Dungeon" SI_QUESTTYPE6 = 1899 = "Raid" SI_QUESTTYPE7 = 1900 = "Alliance War" SI_QUESTTYPE8 = 1901 = "Class" SI_QUESTTYPE9 = 1902 = "QA Test" SI_QUEST_ABANDON_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = 3504 = "Abandon" SI_QUEST_ASSIST_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = 3506 = "Focus on this quest." SI_QUEST_COMPLETE_FORMAT_STRING = 436 = "<<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_QUEST_CURRENT_MAX = 3220 = "Quests: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r" SI_QUEST_HINT_STEP_FORMAT = 3677 = "*<<1>>" SI_QUEST_HINT_STEP_HEADER = 3676 = "Hints:" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_ABANDON = 5752 = "Abandon" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_CYCLE_FOCUSED_QUEST = 5755 = "Cycle Focused Quest" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_DELVE_TOOLTIP = 3561 = "This quest takes place in a delve." SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_DUNGEON_TOOLTIP = 3558 = "This quest is located in a Dungeon and is meant to be completed by a 4 player group." SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_GENERAL_CATEGORY = 5744 = "Miscellaneous" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_GROUP_TOOLTIP = 3557 = "This quest is meant to be completed with the help of other players." SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_HOUSING_TOOLTIP = 3562 = "This quest takes place in a player house." SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_MAIN_STORY_FORMAT = 5746 = "<<1>>" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_MENU_JOURNAL = 5741 = "Quest Journal" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_OBJECTIVE_FORMAT = 5745 = "<<1>>" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_PUBLIC_DUNGEON_TOOLTIP = 3560 = "This quest takes place in a public dungeon." SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_QUEST_HINT = 5751 = "Hint: " SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_QUEST_LEVEL = 3563 = "Level <<1>>" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_QUEST_NAME_FORMAT = 5748 = "<<1>>" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_QUEST_TASKS = 5750 = "Tasks" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_RAID_TOOLTIP = 3559 = "This quest is meant to be completed by a 12 player trial group." SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_REPEATABLE_QUEST_TYPE = 5742 = "<<1>> <<2>>" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_REPEATABLE_TEXT = 3564 = "Repeatable" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_REPORT_QUEST = 5756 = "Get Help" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_SHARE = 5753 = "Share" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_SHOW_ON_MAP = 5754 = "Show On Map" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_SOLO_TOOLTIP = 3556 = "This quest is meant to be completed by yourself." SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_TEXT = 3679 = "<<1>>" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_UNKNOWN_QUEST_NAME = 5749 = "Unknown Quest" SI_QUEST_JOURNAL_ZONE_FORMAT = 5747 = "<<1>>" SI_QUEST_OPTIONAL_STEPS_DESCRIPTION = 3675 = "Optional Steps:" SI_QUEST_OR_CONDITION_FORMAT = 3678 = "•<<1>>" SI_QUEST_OR_DESCRIPTION = 3674 = "Complete one:" SI_QUEST_REWARD_ALLIANCE_POINTS_NAME = 5758 = "Alliance Points" SI_QUEST_REWARD_INSPIRATION_NAME = 5757 = "Inspiration" SI_QUEST_REWARD_MAX_CURRENCY_ERROR = 437 = "You cannot carry any more <<1>>." SI_QUEST_REWARD_PARTIAL_SKILL_POINTS = 5761 = "<<1>> Partial Skill <<1[Points/Point/Points]>>" SI_QUEST_REWARD_PARTIAL_SKILL_POINTS_NAME = 5760 = "Partial Skill Point" SI_QUEST_REWARD_SKILL_LINE = 5765 = "Skill Line: <<1>>" SI_QUEST_REWARD_SKILL_POINTS = 5762 = "<<1>> Skill <<1[Points/Point/Points]>>" SI_QUEST_REWARD_SKILL_POINTS_MIXED = 5763 = "<<1>> Skill <<1[Points/Point/Points]>> and <<2>> Partial Skill <<2[Points/Point/Points]>>" SI_QUEST_REWARD_TELVAR_STONES_NAME = 5759 = "Tel Var Stones" SI_QUEST_REWARD_WRIT_VOUCHERS_NAME = 5764 = "Writ Vouchers" SI_QUEST_SHARED = 3673 = "Sharing quest with your group." SI_QUEST_SHARE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = 3505 = "Share" SI_QUEST_SHARE_MESSAGE = 5922 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r wants to share |cffffff<<2>>|r." SI_QUEST_SHOW_ON_MAP_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = 3507 = "Show on map" SI_QUEST_TRACKER_MENU_ABANDON = 3669 = "Abandon" SI_QUEST_TRACKER_MENU_SHARE = 3670 = "Share" SI_QUEST_TRACKER_MENU_SHOW_ARROW = 3668 = "Mark on map" SI_QUEST_TRACKER_MENU_SHOW_IN_JOURNAL = 3672 = "Show Details" SI_QUEST_TRACKER_MENU_SHOW_ON_MAP = 3671 = "Show on Map" SI_QUEST_TYPE_COMPLETE = 3688 = "Complete" SI_QUEST_TYPE_FORMAT = 3687 = "(<<1>>)" SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE1 = 2688 = "You are already queued for that campaign." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE10 = 2697 = "Unable to login to campaign: internal error." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE11 = 2698 = "Invalid campaign destination." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE12 = 2699 = "The destination is full." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE13 = 2700 = "Players not all online." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE14 = 2701 = "The campaign is full." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE15 = 2702 = "Your faction does not control the Imperial City." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE16 = 2703 = "The destination is not active yet." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE17 = 2704 = "Campaigns are disabled on this server." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE18 = 2705 = "Your level is not high enough to queue for a campaign." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE19 = 2706 = "A group member's level is not high enough to queue for a campaign." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE2 = 2689 = "You don't have permission to queue for that campaign." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE20 = 2707 = "Cannot queue for campaign from inside a battleground." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE21 = 2708 = "Cannot queue for campaign from this location." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE3 = 2690 = "Unable to queue for campaign: internal error." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE4 = 2691 = "You are already in that campaign." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE5 = 2692 = "Unable to queue for campaign: invalid group." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE6 = 2693 = "No one in your group is assigned to that campaign." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE7 = 2694 = "You are already in that campaign." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE8 = 2695 = "Unable to queue for campaign: invalid campaign." SI_QUEUEFORCAMPAIGNRESPONSETYPE9 = 2696 = "Only the group leader can queue for a campaign." SI_QUICKCASTGROUNDABILITIESCHOICE0 = 2042 = "Off" SI_QUICKCASTGROUNDABILITIESCHOICE1 = 2043 = "On" SI_QUICKCASTGROUNDABILITIESCHOICE2 = 2044 = "Automatic" SI_QUICKSLOTS_EMPTY = 3332 = "Empty" SI_QUICK_CHAT_EMOTE_MENU_ENTRY_NAME = 5513 = "Quick Chat" SI_QUICK_CHAT_SETTING_ENABLED = 5512 = "Quick Chat Enabled" SI_QUIT_DIALOG = 4502 = "Do you want to quit the game?" SI_RACE_NAME = 172 = "<<1>>" SI_RADIAL_MENU_CANCEL_BUTTON = 6178 = "Cancel" SI_RAIDCATEGORY0 = 674 = "Trials" SI_RAIDCATEGORY1 = 675 = "Solo" SI_RAIDLIFEVISIBILITYCHOICE0 = 2031 = "Don't Show" SI_RAIDLIFEVISIBILITYCHOICE1 = 2032 = "Always Show" SI_RAIDLIFEVISIBILITYCHOICE2 = 2033 = "Automatic" SI_RAID_LEADERBOARDS_CLOSES_IN_HELP_TOOLTIP = 4610 = "Shows how long until the Weekly Trial is over." SI_RAID_LEADERBOARDS_CURRENT_SCORE_NOT_ELIGIBLE = 6346 = "Current Score: |cffffff<<1>> (Not Eligible)|r" SI_RAID_LEADERBOARDS_PARTICIPATING_NOT_ELIGIBLE_HELP_TOOLTIP = 4609 = "You have joined a Trial already in progress and are not eligible to be placed in this leaderboard." SI_RAID_LEADERBOARDS_RAID_NAME = 6343 = "<<1>>" SI_RAID_LEADERBOARDS_RANK_HELP_TOOLTIP = 4608 = "Leaderboard rankings take some time to update and may not immediately reflect your current rank." SI_RAID_LEADERBOARDS_REOPENS_IN_HELP_TOOLTIP = 4611 = "Shows how long until the Weekly Trial starts." SI_RAID_LEADERBOARDS_WEEKLY = 6344 = "Weekly" SI_RAID_LEADERBOARDS_WEEKLY_RAID = 6345 = "Weekly (<<1>>)" SI_RANK_POINT_GAIN = 3727 = "You gain <<1[1 Rank Point/$d Rank Points]>>." SI_READY_CHECK_TRACKER_COUNT_FORMAT = 6044 = "Waiting for players: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_RECENT_BATTLE_ALDMERI_VS_DAGGERFALL_LARGE = 3369 = "Recent Aldmeri vs. Daggerfall Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r" SI_RECENT_BATTLE_ALDMERI_VS_DAGGERFALL_MEDIUM = 3368 = "Recent Aldmeri vs. Daggerfall Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r" SI_RECENT_BATTLE_ALDMERI_VS_DAGGERFALL_SMALL = 3367 = "Recent Aldmeri vs. Daggerfall Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r" SI_RECENT_BATTLE_ALDMERI_VS_EBONHEART_LARGE = 3372 = "Recent Ebonheart vs. Aldmeri Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r" SI_RECENT_BATTLE_ALDMERI_VS_EBONHEART_MEDIUM = 3371 = "Recent Ebonheart vs. Aldmeri Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r" SI_RECENT_BATTLE_ALDMERI_VS_EBONHEART_SMALL = 3370 = "Recent Ebonheart vs. Aldmeri Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r" SI_RECENT_BATTLE_ALL_ALLIANCES_LARGE = 3378 = "Recent All Alliance Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r" SI_RECENT_BATTLE_ALL_ALLIANCES_MEDIUM = 3377 = "Recent All Alliance Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r" SI_RECENT_BATTLE_ALL_ALLIANCES_SMALL = 3376 = "Recent All Alliance Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r" SI_RECENT_BATTLE_DAGGERFALL_VS_EBONHEART_LARGE = 3375 = "Recent Daggerfall vs. Ebonheart Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r" SI_RECENT_BATTLE_DAGGERFALL_VS_EBONHEART_MEDIUM = 3374 = "Recent Daggerfall vs. Ebonheart Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r" SI_RECENT_BATTLE_DAGGERFALL_VS_EBONHEART_SMALL = 3373 = "Recent Daggerfall vs. Ebonheart Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r" SI_RECIPECRAFTINGSYSTEM1 = 711 = "Diagrams" SI_RECIPECRAFTINGSYSTEM2 = 712 = "Patterns" SI_RECIPECRAFTINGSYSTEM3 = 713 = "Praxis" SI_RECIPECRAFTINGSYSTEM4 = 714 = "Formulae" SI_RECIPECRAFTINGSYSTEM5 = 715 = "Designs" SI_RECIPECRAFTINGSYSTEM6 = 716 = "Blueprints" SI_RECIPE_ALREADY_KNOWN = 4253 = "Recipe already known." SI_RECIPE_INGREDIENT_WITH_COUNT = 6772 = "<> (<<2>>)" SI_RECIPE_REQUIRES_LEVEL_PASSIVE = 6785 = "Requires <<1>> <<2>>" SI_REFLECTIONQUALITY0 = 2063 = "Off" SI_REFLECTIONQUALITY1 = 2064 = "Low" SI_REFLECTIONQUALITY2 = 2065 = "Medium" SI_REFLECTIONQUALITY3 = 2066 = "High" SI_REFLECTIONQUALITY4 = 2067 = "Scorpio" SI_RELEASEKEEPRESULTTYPE10 = 2793 = "That keep does not exist." SI_RELEASEKEEPRESULTTYPE2 = 2785 = "You are not a member of that guild." SI_RELEASEKEEPRESULTTYPE3 = 2786 = "You do not have permission to do that." SI_RELEASEKEEPRESULTTYPE4 = 2787 = "Keep release failed." SI_RELEASEKEEPRESULTTYPE5 = 2788 = "Guild operations are currently disabled." SI_RELEASEKEEPRESULTTYPE6 = 2789 = "You are not allowed to do that right now." SI_RELEASEKEEPRESULTTYPE7 = 2790 = "Invalid release operation." SI_RELEASEKEEPRESULTTYPE8 = 2791 = "That guild does not have a keep claimed." SI_RELEASEKEEPRESULTTYPE9 = 2792 = "That guild does not own this keep." SI_REPAIR_ALL = 4071 = "Repair all your damaged equipment?" SI_REPAIR_ALL_CANNOT_AFFORD = 4072 = "You cannot afford to repair all of your equipment." SI_REPAIR_ALL_KEYBIND_TEXT = 5859 = "Repair All (<<1>>)" SI_REPAIR_KIT_CONFIRM = 6583 = "Repair" SI_REPAIR_KIT_CONSUME = 6585 = "Repairing this item will consume the Repair Kit." SI_REPAIR_KIT_NONE_FOUND = 6586 = "You do not have any Repair Kits to repair this item." SI_REPAIR_KIT_SELECT = 6584 = "Select a Repair Kit to repair this item." SI_REPAIR_KIT_TITLE = 6582 = "Repair Item" SI_REPAIR_SORT_TYPE_CONDITION = 3267 = "Condition" SI_REPAIR_SORT_TYPE_COST = 3268 = "Cost" SI_REQUEST_ADD_GUILD_PERMISSION_INSTRUCTIONS = 6955 = "Enter guild name" SI_REQUEST_FRIEND_DIALOG_REQUEST = 5891 = "Request" SI_REQUEST_FRIEND_DIALOG_TITLE = 5889 = "Add Friend" SI_REQUEST_FRIEND_MESSAGE_DEFAULT_TEXT = 5892 = "Type a custom message here" SI_REQUEST_FRIEND_MESSAGE_HEADER = 5890 = "Send an optional message" SI_REQUEST_GUILD_DEFAULT_TEXT = 4695 = "ex. Eternal Servitude" SI_REQUEST_GUILD_INSTRUCTIONS = 5834 = "Enter guild name" SI_REQUEST_NAME_DEFAULT_TEXT = 167 = "ex. Queen Ayrenn or @Ayren1234" SI_REQUEST_NAME_DEFAULT_TEXT_CONSOLE = 3111 = "ex. Ayren1234" SI_REQUEST_NAME_INSTRUCTIONS = 259 = "Enter character name or UserID." SI_REQUEST_SELECT_PERMISSION_HEADER = 6956 = "Permissions" SI_REQUIRES_ALCHEMY_SOLVENT_PURIFICATION = 4229 = "Requires Solvent Proficiency <<1>>" SI_RESET_NOTCHES = 3328 = "Reset" SI_RESOURCEBARSSETTINGCHOICE0 = 2028 = "Don't Show" SI_RESOURCEBARSSETTINGCHOICE1 = 2029 = "Always Show" SI_RESOURCEBARSSETTINGCHOICE2 = 2030 = "Automatic" SI_RESOURCENUMBERSSETTING0 = 2049 = "Off" SI_RESOURCENUMBERSSETTING1 = 2050 = "Number Only" SI_RESOURCENUMBERSSETTING2 = 2051 = "Percent Only" SI_RESOURCENUMBERSSETTING3 = 2052 = "Number and Percent" SI_RESPECRESULT0 = 2276 = "Your skill ability purchases have been reset." SI_RESPECRESULT1 = 2277 = "Your attribute purchases have been reset." SI_RESPECRESULT2 = 2278 = "You don't have enough gold." SI_RESPECRESULT3 = 2279 = "Your morphs have been reset." SI_RESTYLE_DYES_CATEGORY_NAME = 4394 = "Dyes" SI_RESTYLE_SEARCH_EDIT_DEFAULT = 4395 = "Enter a keyword" SI_RESTYLE_STATION_MENU_ROOT_TITLE = 6356 = "Dye Station" SI_RESURRECTRESULT0 = 2331 = "<<1>> has declined your resurrection request." SI_RESURRECTRESULT1 = 2332 = "<<1>> is already considering a resurrection request." SI_RESURRECTRESULT2 = 2333 = "You can not resurrect <<1>>. You are already attempting to resurrect someone else with a soul gem." SI_RESURRECTRESULT3 = 2334 = "You can not resurrect <<1>>. You do not have a filled soul gem." SI_RESURRECTRESULT4 = 2335 = "You can not resurrect <<1>>. They are in a bad location." SI_RESURRECT_MESSAGE = 5919 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r wants to resurrect you. Expires in <<2>>." SI_RETRAITRESPONSE1 = 2798 = "Could not find specified item." SI_RETRAITRESPONSE2 = 2799 = "You cannot perform that action now." SI_RETRAITRESPONSE3 = 2800 = "Invalid trait for item." SI_RETRAITRESPONSE4 = 2801 = "Insufficient funds." SI_RETRAITRESPONSE5 = 2802 = "Item already has that trait." SI_RETRAITRESPONSE6 = 2803 = "Cannot change the trait of this item." SI_RETRAITRESPONSE7 = 2804 = "You must research that trait first." SI_RETRAIT_STATION_HEADER = 6790 = "Transmuting" SI_RETRAIT_STATION_ITEM_TO_RETRAIT_HEADER = 6792 = "Transmute" SI_RETRAIT_STATION_MUST_RESEARCH_TRAIT = 6804 = "Research at a <<1>> station to unlock" SI_RETRAIT_STATION_PERFORM_RETRAIT = 6795 = "Transmute" SI_RETRAIT_STATION_PERFORM_RETRAIT_AND_BIND_DIALOG_CONFIRM = 6799 = "You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nTransmuting this item will permanently bind it to your account." SI_RETRAIT_STATION_PERFORM_RETRAIT_AND_BIND_DIALOG_LOCKED_ITEM_CONFIRM = 6801 = "You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nTransmuting this item will permanently bind it to your account.\n\nThis item is locked, type <<4>> to verify." SI_RETRAIT_STATION_PERFORM_RETRAIT_DIALOG_CONFIRM = 6798 = "You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>." SI_RETRAIT_STATION_PERFORM_RETRAIT_DIALOG_LOCKED_ITEM_CONFIRM = 6800 = "You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nThis item is locked, type <<4>> to verify." SI_RETRAIT_STATION_PERFORM_RETRAIT_DIALOG_TITLE = 6797 = "Confirm Transmute" SI_RETRAIT_STATION_PERFORM_RETRAIT_WITH_COST = 6796 = "Transmute (<<1>>)" SI_RETRAIT_STATION_RETRAIT_COST_HEADER = 6793 = "Cost" SI_RETRAIT_STATION_RETRAIT_MODE = 6791 = "Transmute" SI_RETRAIT_STATION_SELECT_TRAIT_HEADER = 6794 = "Select Trait" SI_REVENGE_KILL = 4435 = "You have taken your revenge against <<1>>!" SI_REVIVE_COUNTER_BONUS_POOL = 6760 = "Vitality Bonus" SI_REVIVE_COUNTER_FINAL_SCORE = 6762 = "Final Score" SI_REVIVE_COUNTER_REVIVES_USED = 6759 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_REVIVE_COUNTER_SCORE = 6761 = "Score" SI_REVIVE_COUNTER_UPDATED_LARGE = 6763 = "|t64:64:<<1>>|tVitality Bonus Decreased" SI_REVIVE_COUNTER_UPDATED_SMALL = 6764 = "The bonus has dropped to <<1>> points" SI_RIDINGTRAINTYPE1 = 840 = "Speed" SI_RIDINGTRAINTYPE2 = 841 = "Carry Capacity" SI_RIDINGTRAINTYPE3 = 842 = "Stamina" SI_RIDING_SKILL_ANNOUCEMENT_BANNER = 5715 = "Riding Skill Increased" SI_RIDING_SKILL_ANNOUCEMENT_SKILL_INCREASE = 5716 = "Your <<1>> riding skill has increased from <<2>> to <<3>>." SI_RIDING_SKILL_IMPROVEMENT_ALERT = 5717 = "Your <<1>> riding skill has increased." SI_RITUAL_OF_MARA_COMPLETION_ANNOUNCE_LARGE = 5939 = "Ritual of Mara Completed" SI_RITUAL_OF_MARA_COMPLETION_ANNOUNCE_SMALL = 5940 = "You have been joined with <<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_RITUAL_OF_MARA_PROMPT = 5938 = "By accepting the pledge of Mara you will receive a ring inscribed with the name of the <<1>> character <<3>>. When you wear the ring and group with <<3>> you will gain <<2>>% bonus experience.\n\nDo you pledge commitment to <<3>>?" SI_SAVE = 256 = "Save" SI_SAVE_DEST_REMOVED_STORAGE = 3055 = "The auto save's storage device has been removed. Saving will be disabled and game progress may be lost." SI_SAVE_ERROR_TITLE = 3049 = "Save Error" SI_SAVING_EDIT_BOX_CANCEL = 3661 = "Cancel" SI_SAVING_EDIT_BOX_EDIT = 3660 = "Edit" SI_SAVING_EDIT_BOX_QUOTES = 3663 = "\"<>\"" SI_SAVING_EDIT_BOX_SAVE = 3662 = "Save" SI_SCENE_FRAGMENT_BAR_TITLE = 3503 = "<<1>>" SI_SCORETRACKERENTRYTYPE1 = 671 = "Damage" SI_SCORETRACKERENTRYTYPE2 = 672 = "Healing" SI_SCORETRACKERENTRYTYPE7 = 673 = "Medal Score" SI_SCREENSHOT_SAVED = 4434 = "Screenshot saved as: <>" SI_SCREEN_ADJUST = 429 = "Adjust" SI_SCREEN_ADJUST_INSTRUCTIONS = 428 = "Adjust the area so that the corners are still visible on your screen." SI_SCRIPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION = 4432 = "An Add-On attempted to illegally call [<<1>>]." SI_SCT_EVENT_AP_GAINED = 4417 = "+<<1>> AP" SI_SCT_EVENT_XP_GAINED = 4416 = "+<<1>> XP" SI_SEARCH_FILTER_BY = 4721 = "Filter By" SI_SELECT_CAMPAIGN_COOLDOWN_WARNING = 6441 = "After entering this campaign, you will be restricted from changing it again for a period of time." SI_SELECT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_BULLET1 = 6449 = "World effects will not apply outside of Cyrodiil." SI_SELECT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_BULLET2 = 6450 = "Leaderboard ranking will be disabled." SI_SELECT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_BULLET3 = 6451 = "Alliance Points gained will not count towards campaign rewards." SI_SELECT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_DIALOG_TITLE = 6448 = "Set Guest Campaign" SI_SELECT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_LOCKED_DIALOG_TITLE = 6445 = "Guest Campaign Locked" SI_SELECT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_LOCKED_MESSAGE = 6446 = "Your guest campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered within the past 24 hours.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to change it again." SI_SELECT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_QUERY = 4601 = "Are you sure you wish to select |cffffff<<1>>|r as your guest campaign? While guesting this campaign:" SI_SELECT_GUILD_BANK_INSTRUCTIONS = 3320 = "Choose a guild to view its bank:" SI_SELECT_GUILD_KEEP_CLAIM_INSTRUCTIONS = 3323 = "Claim |cffffff<<1>>|r in the name of:" SI_SELECT_GUILD_STORE_INSTRUCTIONS = 3322 = "Choose a guild to view its store:" SI_SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN_BALANCE_LABEL = 4603 = "Balance:" SI_SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN_COST_LABEL = 4602 = "Cost:" SI_SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN_DIALOG_TITLE = 6452 = "Set Home Campaign" SI_SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN_FREE = 6454 = "This change is free, however, future changes will incur a cost in Alliance Points." SI_SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN_LOCKED_DIALOG_TITLE = 6442 = "Home Campaign Locked" SI_SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN_LOCKED_MESSAGE = 6443 = "Your home campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered recently.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to change it again." SI_SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN_NOW = 4604 = "Set now." SI_SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN_ON_END = 4605 = "Set when current campaign ends." SI_SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN_QUERY = 6453 = "Are you sure you wish to set your home campaign to |cffffff<<1>>|r?" SI_SELL_ALL_JUNK = 4066 = "Are you sure you want to sell all items marked as junk from your inventory? " SI_SELL_ALL_JUNK_CONFIRM = 4067 = "Sell" SI_SELL_ALL_JUNK_KEYBIND_TEXT = 4065 = "Sell All Junk" SI_SENDMAILRESULT1 = 2236 = "Internal error" SI_SENDMAILRESULT10 = 2245 = "Please wait: processing prior request." SI_SENDMAILRESULT11 = 2246 = "You cannot send mail to yourself." SI_SENDMAILRESULT12 = 2247 = "Sending mail is currently disabled." SI_SENDMAILRESULT13 = 2248 = "Mail not open." SI_SENDMAILRESULT14 = 2249 = "Too many items attached." SI_SENDMAILRESULT15 = 2250 = "Recipient not found." SI_SENDMAILRESULT16 = 2251 = "User Canceled" SI_SENDMAILRESULT2 = 2237 = "Unknown player" SI_SENDMAILRESULT3 = 2238 = "Recipient's Inbox is full" SI_SENDMAILRESULT4 = 2239 = "You cannot send mail to that recipient." SI_SENDMAILRESULT5 = 2240 = "Not enough gold" SI_SENDMAILRESULT6 = 2241 = "Invalid attached item" SI_SENDMAILRESULT7 = 2242 = "This mail is lacking a subject, body, or attachments." SI_SENDMAILRESULT8 = 2243 = "You cannot send gold as Cash On Delivery." SI_SENDMAILRESULT9 = 2244 = "You must attach at least one item for Cash on Delivery mail." SI_SERVICETOKENTYPE1 = 1126 = "Name Change" SI_SERVICETOKENTYPE2 = 1127 = "Race Change" SI_SERVICETOKENTYPE3 = 1128 = "Appearance Change" SI_SERVICE_TOKEN_USAGE_REQUIREMENT_CHARACTER_SELECT = 424 = "This token can only be used on the character select screen." SI_SERVICE_TOOLTIP_APPEARANCE_CHANGE_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION = 422 = "This token allows you to change the appearance of |cffffff1|r character." SI_SERVICE_TOOLTIP_HEADER_FORMATTER = 419 = "<<1>>" SI_SERVICE_TOOLTIP_NAME_CHANGE_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION = 420 = "This token allows you to change the name of |cffffff1|r character." SI_SERVICE_TOOLTIP_RACE_CHANGE_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION = 421 = "This token allows you to change the race and appearance of |cffffff1|r character." SI_SERVICE_TOOLTIP_SERVICE_TOKENS_AVAILABLE = 423 = "You have |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>> <<1[Token/Tokens]>>." SI_SERVICE_TOOLTIP_TYPE = 418 = "Service" SI_SESSION_INVITE_TEXT = 3075 = "Hey, come join me in game." SI_SESSION_INVITE_TITLE = 3074 = "Invite To Join Game" SI_SETTINGSYSTEMPANEL0 = 1997 = "Audio" SI_SETTINGSYSTEMPANEL1 = 1998 = "Video" SI_SETTINGSYSTEMPANEL2 = 1999 = "Camera" SI_SETTINGSYSTEMPANEL3 = 2000 = "Interface" SI_SETTINGSYSTEMPANEL4 = 2001 = "Gameplay" SI_SETTINGSYSTEMPANEL5 = 2002 = "Social" SI_SETTINGSYSTEMPANEL6 = 2003 = "Debug" SI_SETTINGSYSTEMPANEL7 = 2004 = "Cinematic" SI_SETTINGSYSTEMPANEL8 = 2005 = "Nameplates" SI_SETTINGSYSTEMPANEL9 = 2006 = "Combat" SI_SETTING_SHOW_GAMMA_ADJUST = 434 = "Calibrate Brightness" SI_SETTING_SHOW_SCREEN_ADJUST = 430 = "Adjust Screen" SI_SETTING_SHOW_SCREEN_ADJUST_DISABLED = 431 = "Adjusting Screen..." SI_SHADOWSCHOICE0 = 2056 = "Off" SI_SHADOWSCHOICE1 = 2057 = "Low" SI_SHADOWSCHOICE2 = 2058 = "Medium" SI_SHADOWSCHOICE3 = 2059 = "High" SI_SHADOWSCHOICE4 = 2060 = "Ultra" SI_SHADOWSCHOICE5 = 2061 = "PS4" SI_SHADOWSCHOICE6 = 2062 = "XB1" SI_SHADOWYCONNECTIONCHOICE1 = 834 = "Have any poisons or potions today?" SI_SHADOWYCONNECTIONCHOICE2 = 835 = "Have anything that can help make me less noticeable?" SI_SHADOWYCONNECTIONCHOICE3 = 836 = "Have any equipment today? " SI_SIEGECAMERACHOICE0 = 2040 = "Free" SI_SIEGECAMERACHOICE1 = 2041 = "Constrained" SI_SIEGETYPE0 = 1975 = "None" SI_SIEGETYPE1 = 1976 = "Trebuchet" SI_SIEGETYPE2 = 1977 = "Ballista" SI_SIEGETYPE3 = 1978 = "Ram" SI_SIEGETYPE4 = 1979 = "Universal Siege" SI_SIEGETYPE5 = 1980 = "Catapult" SI_SIEGETYPE6 = 1981 = "Forward Camp" SI_SIEGETYPE7 = 1982 = "Monster" SI_SIEGETYPE8 = 1983 = "Oil" SI_SIEGETYPE9 = 1984 = "Battle Standard" SI_SIEGE_BAR_CAMERA_ZOOM_OUT_TOOLTIP = 4400 = "Zoom Out Camera" SI_SIEGE_BAR_FIRE = 4399 = "Fire" SI_SIEGE_BAR_NAME = 4397 = "<<1>>" SI_SIEGE_BAR_PACK_UP = 4398 = "Stow Siege Weapon" SI_SIEGE_BUSY = 4401 = "The <<1>> is busy." SI_SIEGE_CONTROL_ANOTHER_PLAYER = 4404 = "The <<1>> is under another player's control." SI_SIEGE_CREATION_FAILED_CLOSEST_DOOR_ALREADY_HAS_RAM = 4405 = "Unable to a create siege object because the closest keep door already has a ram." SI_SIEGE_CREATION_FAILED_NO_VALID_DOOR = 4406 = "Unable to a create siege object because a keep door isn't within range." SI_SIEGE_FIRE_FAILED_COOLDOWN = 4402 = "Cannot fire while on cooldown" SI_SIEGE_FIRE_FAILED_RETARGETING = 4403 = "Cannot fire while retargeting" SI_SIEGE_PACK_FAILED_NOT_CREATOR = 4407 = "Only the creator is allowed to pack up a siege weapon." SI_SIEGE_TOOLTIP_ABSOLUTE_VALUE = 4097 = "+<<1>>" SI_SIEGE_TOOLTIP_AIMING_ARROW = 4098 = "<<1>> Aiming Arrow Length" SI_SIEGE_TOOLTIP_ENCHANTMENT_EFFECT = 4104 = "Siege Bonus: <<1>>" SI_SIEGE_TOOLTIP_LAUNCH_VELOCITY = 4100 = "<<1>> Range" SI_SIEGE_TOOLTIP_MAX_HP = 4101 = "<<1>> Max HP" SI_SIEGE_TOOLTIP_PERCENTAGE_VALUE = 4096 = "+<<1>>%" SI_SIEGE_TOOLTIP_SCATTER_REDUCTION = 4099 = "<<1>> Scatter Reduction" SI_SIEGE_TOOLTIP_TOUGHNESS = 4102 = "Toughness" SI_SIEGE_TOOLTIP_TOUGHNESS_FORMAT = 4103 = "<<1>> HP" SI_SKILLS_ACTIVE_ABILITIES = 3749 = "Active Abilities" SI_SKILLS_CONFIRM_DESCRIPTION = 3755 = "Are you sure you want to purchase " SI_SKILLS_CONFIRM_PURCHASE_ABILITY = 3754 = "Purchase Ability" SI_SKILLS_DISABLED_SPECIAL_ABILITIES = 6590 = "Skills cannot be modified while your character has special abilities." SI_SKILLS_ENTRY_LINE_NAME_FORMAT = 6589 = "<<1>>" SI_SKILLS_ENTRY_NAME_FORMAT = 6588 = "<<1>>" SI_SKILLS_FORCE_RESPEC_PROMPT = 3763 = "<<1>>" SI_SKILLS_FORCE_RESPEC_TITLE = 3762 = "Skills Reset" SI_SKILLS_IMPROVEMENT_COST = 3758 = "This costs |cffffff1|r skill point." SI_SKILLS_MORPH_ABILITY = 3752 = "Morph Ability" SI_SKILLS_MORPH_CONFIRM = 3759 = "Morph" SI_SKILLS_PASSIVE_ABILITIES = 3750 = "Passive Abilities" SI_SKILLS_POINTS_TO_SPEND = 3747 = "Skill Points: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_SKILLS_RESET_PROMPT = 3334 = "Are you sure you want to refund all your skill points?" SI_SKILLS_SELECT_MORPH = 3753 = "Choose an ability to morph |cffffff<<1>>|r into:" SI_SKILLS_SKY_SHARDS_COLLECTED = 3748 = "Skyshards: |cffffff<<1>>/3|r" SI_SKILLS_TREE_NAME_FORMAT = 3764 = "<<1>>" SI_SKILLS_ULTIMATE_ABILITIES = 3751 = "Ultimate Abilities" SI_SKILLS_UNLOCK_CONFIRM = 3760 = "Unlock" SI_SKILLS_UPGRADE_ABILITY = 3756 = "Upgrade Ability" SI_SKILLS_UPGRADE_CONFIRM = 3761 = "Upgrade" SI_SKILLS_UPGRADE_DESCRIPTION = 3757 = "Are you sure you want to upgrade |cffffff<<1>>|r?" SI_SKILLTYPE1 = 717 = "Class" SI_SKILLTYPE2 = 718 = "Weapon" SI_SKILLTYPE3 = 719 = "Armor" SI_SKILLTYPE4 = 720 = "World" SI_SKILLTYPE5 = 721 = "Guild" SI_SKILLTYPE6 = 722 = "Alliance War" SI_SKILLTYPE7 = 723 = "Racial" SI_SKILLTYPE8 = 724 = "Craft" SI_SKILLTYPE9 = 725 = "Champion" SI_SKILL_ABILITY_ASSIGN_TO_EMPTY_SLOT = 3277 = "Add to Empty Slot" SI_SKILL_ABILITY_ASSIGN_TO_SLOT = 3279 = "Add to Slot <<1>>" SI_SKILL_ABILITY_ASSIGN_TO_ULTIMATE_SLOT = 3278 = "Add to Ultimate Slot" SI_SKILL_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_POINT = 4150 = "Requires 1 Skill Point" SI_SKILL_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_INFO = 5706 = "Unlocked at <<1>> Rank <<2>>" SI_SKILL_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_UPGRADE_UNLOCK_INFO = 5707 = "Next Upgrade Unlocked at <<1>> Rank <<2>>" SI_SKILL_LINE_ADDED = 3447 = "Skill line gained: <<1>> <<2>>" SI_SKILL_LINE_TOOLTIP_DESCRIPTION = 3335 = "<<1>>" SI_SKILL_POINT_GAINED = 3444 = "Gained <<1>> skill <<1[point/points]>>" SI_SKILL_RANK_UP = 3443 = "<<1>> increased to <<2>>" SI_SKILL_TOOLTIP_SKYSHARD_DESC = 4152 = "Skyshards can be found throughout the world. Collecting three Skyshards grants an extra skill point." SI_SKILL_TOOLTIP_XP_PROGRESS = 4151 = "<<1>> : |cffffff<<2>> / <<3>>|r" SI_SKYSHARD_GAINED = 3445 = "Skyshard Absorbed" SI_SKYSHARD_GAINED_POINTS = 3446 = "Pieces Collected <<1>>/<<2>>" SI_SLASH_CAMP = 5546 = "/camp" SI_SLASH_CHATLOG = 5549 = "/chatlog" SI_SLASH_DUEL_INVITE = 5565 = "/duel" SI_SLASH_FPS = 5556 = "/fps" SI_SLASH_GROUP_INVITE = 5550 = "/invite" SI_SLASH_JUMP_TO_FRIEND = 5553 = "/jumptofriend" SI_SLASH_JUMP_TO_GROUP_MEMBER = 5552 = "/jumptogroupmember" SI_SLASH_JUMP_TO_GUILD_MEMBER = 5554 = "/jumptoguildmember" SI_SLASH_JUMP_TO_LEADER = 5551 = "/jumptoleader" SI_SLASH_LATENCY = 5557 = "/latency" SI_SLASH_LOGOUT = 5545 = "/logout" SI_SLASH_PLAYED_TIME = 5563 = "/played" SI_SLASH_QUIT = 5547 = "/quit" SI_SLASH_READY_CHECK = 5564 = "/readycheck" SI_SLASH_RELOADUI = 5555 = "/reloadui" SI_SLASH_REPORT_BUG = 5559 = "/bug" SI_SLASH_REPORT_CHAT = 5562 = "/chat" SI_SLASH_REPORT_FEEDBACK = 5560 = "/feedback" SI_SLASH_REPORT_HELP = 5561 = "/help" SI_SLASH_SCRIPT = 5548 = "/script" SI_SLASH_STUCK = 5558 = "/stuck" SI_SMITHING_BLACKSMITH_BOOSTER_CHART = 4355 = "Tempers Chart" SI_SMITHING_BLACKSMITH_EXTRACTION_FAILED = 4352 = "No usable items found." SI_SMITHING_BUY_CRAFTING_ITEMS = 4288 = "Buy Crafting Items" SI_SMITHING_CLOTHIER_BOOSTER_CHART = 4357 = "Tannins Chart" SI_SMITHING_CLOTHIER_EXTRACTION_FAILED = 4354 = "No usable items found." SI_SMITHING_CREATION_FILTER_SET_ARMOR = 4290 = "Set Apparel" SI_SMITHING_CREATION_FILTER_SET_WEAPONS = 4289 = "Set Weapons" SI_SMITHING_DECONSTRUCT = 4328 = "Deconstruct" SI_SMITHING_DECONSTRUCTION_LEVEL_PENALTY = 4337 = "You lack the skill to recover all the materials from this item." SI_SMITHING_EXTRACTION_DECONSTRUCT_ARMOR_HEADER = 4331 = "Deconstruct Apparel" SI_SMITHING_EXTRACTION_DECONSTRUCT_WEAPON_HEADER = 4330 = "Deconstruct Weapon" SI_SMITHING_EXTRACTION_NO_ARMOR = 4335 = "No apparel to deconstruct." SI_SMITHING_EXTRACTION_NO_MATERIALS = 4333 = "No materials to refine." SI_SMITHING_EXTRACTION_NO_WEAPONS = 4334 = "No weapons to deconstruct." SI_SMITHING_EXTRACTION_RAW_MATERIALS_TAB = 4332 = "Raw Materials" SI_SMITHING_EXTRACTION_REFINE_HEADER = 4329 = "Refine Material" SI_SMITHING_HAVE_KNOWLEDGE = 4292 = "Have knowledge" SI_SMITHING_HAVE_MATERIALS = 4291 = "Have items" SI_SMITHING_HEADER_ITEM = 4279 = "Type" SI_SMITHING_HEADER_MATERIAL = 4280 = "Material" SI_SMITHING_HEADER_STYLE = 4281 = "Style" SI_SMITHING_HEADER_TRAIT = 4282 = "Trait" SI_SMITHING_IMPROVE = 4338 = "Improve" SI_SMITHING_IMPROVEMENT_FAILED = 4351 = "Improvement attempt failed." SI_SMITHING_IMPROVEMENT_SUCCESS = 4350 = "Improvement attempt succeeded." SI_SMITHING_IMPROVE_AWAITING_ARMOR = 4349 = "Awaiting Apparel" SI_SMITHING_IMPROVE_AWAITING_WEAPON = 4348 = "Awaiting Weapon" SI_SMITHING_IMPROVE_CHANCE_FORMAT = 4347 = "Chance <<1>>%" SI_SMITHING_IMPROVE_CHANCE_HEADER = 4343 = "Chance" SI_SMITHING_IMPROVE_ITEM_CONFIRM = 4340 = "You have |cFFFFFF<>|r% chance to improve <>." SI_SMITHING_IMPROVE_ITEM_TITLE = 4339 = "Attempt Item Improvement" SI_SMITHING_IMPROVE_ITEM_TO_IMPROVE_HEADER = 4344 = "Improve" SI_SMITHING_IMPROVE_ITEM_WARNING = 4342 = "If this attempt fails, <> will be destroyed in the process!" SI_SMITHING_IMPROVE_LOCKED_ITEM_CONFIRM = 4341 = "You have |cFFFFFF<>|r% chance to improve <>. This item is locked, type <<3>> to verify." SI_SMITHING_IMPROVE_NO_ARMOR = 4346 = "No apparel to improve." SI_SMITHING_IMPROVE_NO_WEAPONS = 4345 = "No weapons to improve." SI_SMITHING_MATERIAL_QUANTITY = 4285 = "|cffffff<<2>>|r - |cffffff<<3>>|r <>" SI_SMITHING_NEED_MORE_TO_EXTRACT = 4336 = "Minimum of |cffffff<<1>>|r needed." SI_SMITHING_NONE_IN_INVENTORY = 4305 = "|cff00000|r" SI_SMITHING_NO_ARMOR_FOUND = 4301 = "No Armor Types Found" SI_SMITHING_NO_MATERIALS_FOUND = 4298 = "No Materials Found" SI_SMITHING_NO_STYLE_FOUND = 4299 = "No Styles Found" SI_SMITHING_NO_WEAPONS_FOUND = 4300 = "No Weapon Types Found" SI_SMITHING_PATTERN_MISSING_STYLE = 4302 = "Learn the <<1>> Crafting Style to Unlock" SI_SMITHING_PATTERN_MISSING_TRAITS = 4303 = "Research <<1>> <<2>> Traits to Unlock" SI_SMITHING_RANK_TOO_LOW_BLACKSMITHING = 4307 = "Requires Metalworking <<1>>" SI_SMITHING_RANK_TOO_LOW_CLOTHIER = 4309 = "Requires Tailoring <<1>>" SI_SMITHING_RANK_TOO_LOW_WOODWORKING = 4308 = "Requires Woodworking <<1>>" SI_SMITHING_REFINE = 4327 = "Refine" SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_ALL_RESEARCHED = 4321 = "All traits researched." SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_ALL_SLOTS_IN_USE = 4322 = "All <<1>> research slots are in use." SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_DIALOG_CONFIRM = 4324 = "Research Trait" SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_DIALOG_CONSUME = 4326 = "Researching an item will destroy it. This process will take |cffffff<<1>>|r." SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_DIALOG_SELECT = 4325 = "Select an item from which to research the trait." SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_DIALOG_TITLE = 4323 = "Research Trait from Item" SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_IN_PROGRESS = 4314 = "Researching…" SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_LINE_HEADER = 4310 = "Trait Line" SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_NO_TRAITS_RESEARCHABLE = 4319 = "|cff00000|r Traits Researchable" SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_PROGRESS_HEADER = 4312 = "Trait Progress" SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_RESEARCHABLE = 4315 = "Researchable" SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_SLOTS_FULL = 4317 = "Researching: |cff0000<<1>>/<<1>>|r" SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_TIME_FOR_NEXT = 4318 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r Available (|t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/timer_32.dds|tTakes |cffffff<<2>>|r)" SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_TRAIT_ALREADY_BEING_RESEARCHED = 4320 = "The <<1>> trait line is already being researched." SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_TRAIT_NAME_FORMAT = 4311 = "<>" SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_UNKNOWN = 4313 = "Unknown" SI_SMITHING_RESEARCH_USED_SLOTS = 4316 = "Researching: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r" SI_SMITHING_SELECTED_PATTERN = 4283 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r (|cffffff<<2>>|r Traits)" SI_SMITHING_SELECTED_PATTERN_NO_TRAITS = 4284 = "<<1>>" SI_SMITHING_STYLE_DESCRIPTION = 4286 = "|cffffff<<2>>|r (<>)" SI_SMITHING_TAB_CREATION = 4293 = "Creation" SI_SMITHING_TAB_DECONSTRUCTION = 4297 = "Deconstruct" SI_SMITHING_TAB_IMPROVEMENT = 4294 = "Improvement" SI_SMITHING_TAB_REFINMENT = 4296 = "Refine" SI_SMITHING_TAB_RESEARCH = 4295 = "Research" SI_SMITHING_TRAIT_DESCRIPTION = 4287 = "|cffffff<<2>>|r (<>)" SI_SMITHING_TRAIT_MUST_BE_RESEARCHED = 4304 = "Research to Unlock" SI_SMITHING_UNKNOWN_STYLE = 4306 = "Learn Style to Unlock" SI_SMITHING_WOODWORKING_BOOSTER_CHART = 4356 = "Resins Chart" SI_SMITHING_WOODWORKING_EXTRACTION_FAILED = 4353 = "No usable items found." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT1 = 2600 = "Account not found." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT10 = 2609 = "Could not find the specified guild" SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT11 = 2610 = "You're not the guild leader." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT12 = 2611 = "This guild is full." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT13 = 2612 = "This player is already a member of this guild." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT14 = 2613 = "You are not a member of this guild." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT15 = 2614 = "That guild name is already in use." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT16 = 2615 = "Invalid guild name" SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT17 = 2616 = "You are not permitted to invite members to this guild." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT18 = 2617 = "You are not permitted to kick members from this guild." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT19 = 2618 = "You are not permitted to kick the leader from this guild." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT2 = 2601 = "You have already invited this player to be your friend." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT20 = 2619 = "You cannot promote this player." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT21 = 2620 = "You cannot demote this player." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT22 = 2621 = "You cannot set the Message of the Day." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT23 = 2622 = "You cannot set the guild description." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT24 = 2623 = "An error has occurred with the social request." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT25 = 2624 = "You are being ignored by that account." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT26 = 2625 = "You can't add any more friends." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT27 = 2626 = "You can't ignore any more accounts." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT28 = 2627 = "That was an unrecognized request." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT29 = 2628 = "That account cannot have any more friends." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT3 = 2602 = "You have already listed this player as your friend." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT30 = 2629 = "You must wait longer before using that operation." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT31 = 2630 = "Social and display name functions are disabled on this server." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT32 = 2631 = "Character not found." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT33 = 2632 = "You are not grouped." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT34 = 2633 = "Cannot jump to yourself." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT35 = 2634 = "No suitable location found to jump to." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT36 = 2635 = "You cannot jump to that player right now." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT37 = 2636 = "You cannot jump while in combat." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT38 = 2637 = "Not in same group." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT39 = 2638 = "Can't mix alliances." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT4 = 2603 = "This account is already ignored." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT40 = 2639 = "Not been invited." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT41 = 2640 = "Not online." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT42 = 2641 = "You do not have permission to edit guild member notes." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT43 = 2642 = "You do not have permission to use the guild bank." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT44 = 2643 = "You do not have permission to edit recruitment information." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT45 = 2644 = "You do not have permission to sell via the guild store." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT46 = 2645 = "You do not have permission to buy from the guild store." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT47 = 2646 = "You do not have permission to claim a keep." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT48 = 2647 = "Cannot jump out of this area." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT49 = 2648 = "No guild leader rank defined." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT5 = 2604 = "Social systems are busy. Please try later." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT50 = 2649 = "No recruit rank defined." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT51 = 2650 = "You do not have permission to edit guild ranks." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT52 = 2651 = "The guild could not be deleted because its claimed keep could not be released." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT53 = 2652 = "You must be level 50 to travel to that location." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT54 = 2653 = "This area is not accessible via jumping." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT55 = 2654 = "You must be in the same group to travel to that location." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT56 = 2655 = "You cannot jump within the same campaign." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT57 = 2656 = "You do not have permission to enter that campaign." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT58 = 2657 = "This player is already leading another guild." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT59 = 2658 = "You are not allowed to promote players." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT6 = 2605 = "You can't add your own account as a friend." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT60 = 2659 = "You are not allowed to demote players." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT61 = 2660 = "That is not a valid guild rank." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT62 = 2661 = "You are not allowed to have that many guild ranks." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT63 = 2662 = "You are not allowed to have that few guild ranks." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT64 = 2663 = "Only the guild leader rank can edit permissions." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT65 = 2664 = "A guild rank must be empty before it can be deleted." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT66 = 2665 = "Only the guild leader rank can edit heraldry." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT67 = 2666 = "Guild leader permissions cannot be modified." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT68 = 2667 = "You don't have permission to modify heraldry." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT69 = 2668 = "Not enough gold in the Guild Bank." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT7 = 2606 = "You can't ignore your own account." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT70 = 2669 = "You cannot edit heraldry information while guild banks are disabled." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT71 = 2670 = "You must wait longer before editing heraldry again." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT72 = 2671 = "You don't have enough money to buy a tabard." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT73 = 2672 = "You don't have room for a tabard." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT74 = 2673 = "Your guild has not created its heraldry yet." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT75 = 2674 = "That is not a valid heraldry standard." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT76 = 2675 = "You don't have enough money to buy a standard." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT77 = 2676 = "You don't have room for a standard." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT78 = 2677 = "You don't have permission to use the guild's battle standard." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT79 = 2678 = "Heraldry is currently disabled." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT8 = 2607 = "You can't lead any additional guilds." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT80 = 2679 = "You don't have enough alliance points to buy a forward camp." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT81 = 2680 = "You don't have room for a forward camp." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT82 = 2681 = "The player you invited can't join another guild without leaving one first." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT83 = 2682 = "You can't social jump while being arrested." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT84 = 2683 = "You cannot jump to that player." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT85 = 2684 = "You cannot jump to that player while they are previewing a house." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT86 = 2685 = "You cannot jump to that player while they are in the home show." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT87 = 2686 = "Failed to save housing permissions." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT88 = 2687 = "You don't have permission to visit this house." SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT9 = 2608 = "You can't join another guild without leaving one first." SI_SOCIAL_LIST_ALLIANCE_FORMAT = 4640 = "<<1>>" SI_SOCIAL_LIST_HIDE_OFFLINE = 5832 = "Hide Offline" SI_SOCIAL_LIST_LAST_ONLINE = 4638 = "Last Online: |cffffff<<1>>|r" SI_SOCIAL_LIST_LOCATION_FORMAT = 4639 = "<>" SI_SOCIAL_LIST_PANEL_HEADER_CHARACTER = 5880 = "Character Name" SI_SOCIAL_LIST_PANEL_HEADER_DISPLAY_NAME = 5879 = "UserID" SI_SOCIAL_LIST_PANEL_HEADER_ZONE = 5881 = "Location" SI_SOCIAL_LIST_PANEL_WHISPER = 5878 = "Whisper" SI_SOCIAL_LIST_SEND_MESSAGE = 5877 = "Whisper" SI_SOCIAL_LIST_SHOW_OFFLINE = 5833 = "Show Offline" SI_SOCIAL_MENU_ADD_FRIEND = 5874 = "Add Friend" SI_SOCIAL_MENU_CONTACTS = 5869 = "Friends" SI_SOCIAL_MENU_EDIT_NOTE = 5870 = "Edit Note" SI_SOCIAL_MENU_GROUP = 3577 = "Group & Activity Finder" SI_SOCIAL_MENU_GUILDS = 3575 = "Guilds" SI_SOCIAL_MENU_GUILD_INVITE = 5875 = "Invite to <<1>>" SI_SOCIAL_MENU_INVITE = 5872 = "Invite to Group" SI_SOCIAL_MENU_JUMP_TO_PLAYER = 5871 = "Travel to Player" SI_SOCIAL_MENU_MAIL = 3574 = "Mail" SI_SOCIAL_MENU_NOTIFICATIONS = 3576 = "Notifications" SI_SOCIAL_MENU_SEND_MAIL = 5873 = "Send Mail" SI_SOCIAL_MENU_VISIT_HOUSE = 5876 = "Visit Primary Residence" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_ALERTS = 3817 = "Alerts" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_AUTO_DECLINE_DUEL_INVITES = 6627 = "Auto-Decline Duels" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_AUTO_DECLINE_DUEL_INVITES_TOOLTIP = 6628 = "Automatically decline all incoming duel invitations." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_CHAT_COLORS = 3820 = "Chat Colors" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_CHAT_SETTINGS = 3818 = "Chat Settings" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_EMOTE_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3834 = "Adjusts the color of emote messages." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_GAMEPAD_CHAT_HUD_ENABLED = 5523 = "HUD Chat Display" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_GAMEPAD_CHAT_HUD_ENABLED_TOOLTIP = 5524 = "Displays the HUD chat frame." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_GROUP_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3827 = "Adjusts the color of group messages." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_GUILD1_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3836 = "Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 1." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_GUILD2_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3838 = "Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 2." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_GUILD3_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3840 = "Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 3." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_GUILD4_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3842 = "Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 4." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_GUILD5_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3844 = "Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 5." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_INCOMING_REQUESTS = 3816 = "Incoming Requests" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_MIN_ALPHA = 6625 = "Minimum Transparency" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_MIN_ALPHA_TOOLTIP = 6626 = "Adjusts the amount of transparency to which the chat window will fade when not in use." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_NOTIFICATIONS = 3819 = "Notifications" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_NPC_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3833 = "Adjusts the color of non player character messages." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_OFFICER1_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3837 = "Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 1." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_OFFICER2_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3839 = "Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 2." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_OFFICER3_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3841 = "Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 3." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_OFFICER4_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3843 = "Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 4." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_OFFICER5_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3845 = "Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 5." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_SAY_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3823 = "Adjusts the color of messages that are said locally." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_SHOW_AVA_NOTIFICATIONS = 6629 = "AvA Announcements" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_SHOW_AVA_NOTIFICATIONS_TOOLTIP = 6630 = "Displays AvA announcements related to your current home campaign. When automatic display is selected, AvA announcements will only show while in an Alliance War area." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_SHOW_LEADERBOARD_NOTIFICATIONS = 6621 = "Leaderboard Notifications" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_SHOW_LEADERBOARD_NOTIFICATIONS_TOOLTIP = 6622 = "Show leaderboard notifications of guild members and friends." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_SYSTEM_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3835 = "Adjusts the color of system messages." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_TELL_INCOMING_FORMATTER = 3821 = "<<1>> (Incoming)" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_TELL_OUTGOING_FORMATTER = 3822 = "<<1>> (Outgoing)" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_TEXT_SIZE = 6623 = "Text Size" SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_TEXT_SIZE_TOOLTIP = 6624 = "Adjusts the size of messages in the chat window." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_WHISPER_INCOMING_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3825 = "Adjusts the color of incoming whispers." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_WHISPER_OUTGOING_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3826 = "Adjusts the color of outgoing whispers." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_YELL_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3824 = "Adjusts the color of messages that are yelled." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_ZONE_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3828 = "Adjusts the color of the zone chat channel text." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_ZONE_ENGLISH_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3829 = "Adjusts the color of the English zone chat channel text." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_ZONE_FRENCH_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3830 = "Adjusts the color of the French zone chat channel text." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_ZONE_GERMAN_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3831 = "Adjusts the color of the German zone chat channel text." SI_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_ZONE_JAPANESE_COLOR_TOOLTIP = 3832 = "Adjusts the color of the Japanese zone chat channel text." SI_SOCIAL_REQUEST_ON_COOLDOWN = 4082 = "Busy processing social requests. Please try again in a few seconds." SI_SORT_FILTER_LIST_NO_RESULTS = 5900 = "Filter returned no results." SI_SOULGEMITEMCHARGINGREASON0 = 2336 = "You must have a valid Soul Gem to charge your weapon." SI_SOULGEMITEMCHARGINGREASON1 = 2337 = "This weapon is already fully charged." SI_SOUL_GEM_FILLED = 6150 = "Filled" SI_SPECIALIZEDCOLLECTIBLETYPE1 = 1193 = "Bust" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1 = 1426 = "Meat Dish" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE100 = 1434 = "Treasure Map" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1000 = 1483 = "Armor Glyph" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE101 = 1435 = "Survey Report" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE102 = 1436 = "Key Fragment" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE103 = 1437 = "Museum Piece" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE104 = 1438 = "Recipe Fragment" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE105 = 1439 = "Scroll" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1050 = 1484 = "Lockpick" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE106 = 1440 = "Material Upgrader" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE107 = 1441 = "Key" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE108 = 1442 = "Runebox Fragment" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1100 = 1485 = "Weapon Booster" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1150 = 1486 = "Armor Booster" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1200 = 1487 = "Enchantment Booster" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1250 = 1488 = "Jewelry Glyph" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1300 = 1489 = "Spice" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1350 = 1490 = "Flavoring" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1400 = 1499 = "Poison" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1450 = 1503 = "Potion Solvent" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1460 = 1504 = "Furnishing Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1465 = 1505 = "Furnishing Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE150 = 1500 = "Herb" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1500 = 1512 = "Raw Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE151 = 1501 = "Fungus" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE152 = 1502 = "Animal Parts" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1550 = 1513 = "Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1560 = 1506 = "Furnishing Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1600 = 1514 = "Raw Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1650 = 1515 = "Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1660 = 1507 = "Furnishing Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE170 = 1491 = "Food Recipe" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1700 = 1516 = "Raw Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE171 = 1492 = "Drink Recipe" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE172 = 1493 = "Furnishing Diagram" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE173 = 1494 = "Furnishing Pattern" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE174 = 1495 = "Furnishing Schematic" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE175 = 1496 = "Furnishing Formula" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1750 = 1517 = "Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE176 = 1497 = "Furnishing Design" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1760 = 1508 = "Furnishing Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE177 = 1498 = "Furnishing Blueprint" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1800 = 1518 = "Temper" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1850 = 1519 = "Resin" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1900 = 1520 = "Tannin" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE1950 = 1521 = "Style Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2 = 1427 = "Fruit Dish" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE20 = 1466 = "Alcoholic Beverage" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2000 = 1522 = "Armor Trait" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2050 = 1523 = "Weapon Trait" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE21 = 1467 = "Tea Beverage" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE210 = 1538 = "Furnishing" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2100 = 1524 = "AvA Repair" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE211 = 1539 = "Light" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE212 = 1540 = "Seating" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE213 = 1541 = "Crafting Station" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE214 = 1542 = "Target Dummy" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2150 = 1525 = "Trash" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE22 = 1468 = "Tonic Beverage" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2200 = 1526 = "Tablet" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2250 = 1527 = "Mount" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE23 = 1469 = "Liqueur Beverage" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2300 = 1528 = "Potency Runestone" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2350 = 1529 = "Aspect Runestone" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE24 = 1470 = "Tincture Beverage" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2400 = 1530 = "Essence Runestone" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2410 = 1509 = "Furnishing Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2450 = 1531 = "Fish" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE25 = 1471 = "Cordial Tea Beverage" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE250 = 1423 = "Weapon" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2500 = 1532 = "Crown Repair" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2550 = 1533 = "Treasure" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE26 = 1472 = "Distillate Beverage" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2600 = 1534 = "Crown Item" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2650 = 1535 = "Poison Solvent" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE27 = 1473 = "Drink" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2700 = 1536 = "Dye Stamp" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE2750 = 1537 = "Master Writ" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE3 = 1428 = "Vegetable Dish" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE300 = 1424 = "Armor" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE350 = 1425 = "Augment" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE4 = 1429 = "Savoury Dish" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE40 = 1456 = "Meat Ingredient" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE400 = 1443 = "Trebuchet" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE401 = 1444 = "Ballista" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE402 = 1445 = "Ram" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE403 = 1446 = "Universal Siege" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE404 = 1447 = "Catapult" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE405 = 1448 = "Forward Camp" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE406 = 1449 = "Monster" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE407 = 1450 = "Oil" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE408 = 1451 = "Battle Standard" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE41 = 1457 = "Vegetable Ingredient" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE42 = 1458 = "Fruit Ingredient" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE43 = 1459 = "Food Additive" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE44 = 1460 = "Alcohol Ingredient" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE45 = 1461 = "Tea Ingredient" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE450 = 1452 = "Potion" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE46 = 1462 = "Tonic Ingredient" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE47 = 1463 = "Drink Additive" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE48 = 1464 = "Rare Ingredient" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE5 = 1430 = "Ragout Dish" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE500 = 1455 = "Tool" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE550 = 1465 = "Additive" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE6 = 1431 = "Entremet Dish" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE60 = 1453 = "Motif Book" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE600 = 1474 = "Costume" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE61 = 1454 = "Motif Chapter" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE650 = 1475 = "Disguise" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE7 = 1432 = "Gourmet Dish" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE700 = 1476 = "Tabard" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE750 = 1477 = "Lure" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE8 = 1433 = "Unique Dish" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE80 = 1510 = "Rare Fish" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE800 = 1478 = "Raw Material" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE81 = 1511 = "Monster Trophy" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE850 = 1479 = "Container" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE851 = 1480 = "Event Container" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE900 = 1481 = "Soul Gem" SI_SPECIALIZEDITEMTYPE950 = 1482 = "Weapon Glyph" SI_STABLE_INTRUCTIONS = 3281 = "Each day you can upgrade a riding skill for <<1>>." SI_STABLE_NOT_TRAINABLE_TOOLTIP = 3280 = "You recently upgraded a riding skill. You can train again in <<1>>." SI_STABLE_NO_ACTIVE_MOUNT_WARNING = 5708 = "Your riding skill stats will not apply until you have acquired and activated at least one mount." SI_STABLE_STABLES_TAB = 5709 = "Riding Trainer" SI_STACK_ALL_ITEMS_ALERT = 6310 = "Your items have been stacked." SI_STATS_ACTIVE_EFFECTS = 5672 = "Active Effects" SI_STATS_ALLIANCE_RANK = 3581 = "Alliance Rank" SI_STATS_ATTRIBUTES = 5668 = "Attributes" SI_STATS_ATTRIBUTES_LEVEL_UP = 5669 = "Level Up" SI_STATS_AVAILABLE_POINTS = 3585 = "Attribute Points:" SI_STATS_BACKGROUND = 3579 = "Background" SI_STATS_BAR_VALUE = 3584 = "<<1>>/<<2>>" SI_STATS_BOUNTY_LABEL = 3582 = "Bounty" SI_STATS_CHARACTER = 5678 = "Character" SI_STATS_COMMIT_ATTRIBUTES_BUTTON = 3583 = "Commit Points" SI_STATS_EQUIPMENT_BONUS = 5681 = "Equipment Bonus" SI_STATS_EQUIPMENT_BONUS_GENERAL_TOOLTIP = 5682 = "High level and quality equipment provides the greatest combat bonus." SI_STATS_EQUIPMENT_BONUS_LOWEST_PIECE_KEYBOARD = 3587 = "Lowest Piece: <>" SI_STATS_EQUIPMENT_BONUS_TITLE_KEYBOARD = 3586 = "Equipment Bonus:" SI_STATS_EQUIPMENT_BONUS_TOOLTIP_EMPTY_SLOT = 5683 = "Missing <<1>>" SI_STATS_GAMEPAD_AVAILABLE_POINTS = 4992 = "Attribute Points" SI_STATS_NO_TITLE = 5679 = "No Title" SI_STATS_RACE_CLASS = 3578 = "<<1>> <<2>>" SI_STATS_RIDING_SKILL = 5671 = "Riding Skill" SI_STATS_RIDING_TRAINABLE_TOOLTIP = 3580 = "You are ready to train a riding skill. Visit a stable master to train." SI_STATS_SCALED_LEVEL = 5680 = "Scaled Level" SI_STATS_TITLE = 5677 = "Title" SI_STAT_ATTACK_POWER = 3598 = "Attack Power:" SI_STAT_CRITICAL_RESISTANCE = 3605 = "Critical Resistance:" SI_STAT_CRITICAL_STRIKE = 3601 = "Critical Strike:" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_ALLIANCE_GRADE = 4993 = "Grade" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_ALLIANCE_LABEL = 4988 = "Alliance" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_BOUNTY_LABEL = 4987 = "Bounty" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_CHAMPION_POINTS_LABEL = 4984 = "Champion Points" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES = 4994 = "Change Attributes" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_CHARACTER_SHEET_DESCRIPTION = 5008 = "Description" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_CHARACTER_SHEET_TITLE = 4991 = "Character Sheet" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_CLASS_LABEL = 4983 = "Class" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_CLASS_NAME = 4986 = "<<1>>" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_COMMIT_POINTS = 4996 = "Commit Points" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_COMMIT_POINTS_CANCEL = 4998 = "Cancel" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_COMMIT_POINTS_CONFIRM_CHANGES = 4997 = "Confirm Changes" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_COMMIT_POINTS_QUESTION = 4995 = "Commit Points?" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_EFFECTS_NONE_ACTIVE = 5001 = "No Active Effects" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_EFFECTS_REMOVE = 5002 = "Remove Effect" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_EQUIPMENT_BONUS_LOWEST_PIECE = 5009 = "Lowest Piece" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_EXPERIENCE_LABEL = 5007 = "XP Progress" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_INFAMY_LABEL = 4990 = "Infamy" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_OVERCHARGED = 4999 = "Overcharged" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_RACE_LABEL = 4982 = "Race" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_RACE_NAME = 4985 = "<<1>>" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_RANK_LABEL = 4989 = "Rank" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_RIDING_HEADER_CAPACITY = 5005 = "Riding Capacity" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_RIDING_HEADER_SPEED = 5003 = "Riding Speed" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_RIDING_HEADER_STAMINA = 5004 = "Riding Stamina" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_RIDING_HEADER_TRAINING = 5006 = "Riding Training" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_TIME_REMAINING = 5000 = "Time Remaining" SI_STAT_GAMEPAD_VIEW_ATTRIBUTES = 5010 = "View Attributes" SI_STAT_HEALTH_MAX = 3604 = "Health Max:" SI_STAT_HEALTH_REGENERATION_COMBAT = 3589 = "Health Combat Regen:" SI_STAT_HEALTH_REGENERATION_IDLE = 3588 = "Health Idle Regen:" SI_STAT_MAGICKA_MAX = 3596 = "Magicka Max:" SI_STAT_MAGICKA_REGENERATION_COMBAT = 3591 = "Magicka Combat Regen:" SI_STAT_MAGICKA_REGENERATION_IDLE = 3590 = "Magicka Idle Regen:" SI_STAT_NAME_FORMAT = 5676 = "<>" SI_STAT_PENDING_BONUS_FORMAT = 5674 = "+<<1>>" SI_STAT_PHYSICAL_PENETRATION = 3599 = "Pierce Rating" SI_STAT_PHYSICAL_RESIST = 3602 = "Weapon Resistance" SI_STAT_RANK_NAME_FORMAT = 5675 = "<<1>>" SI_STAT_SPELL_CRITICAL = 3597 = "Spell Critical:" SI_STAT_SPELL_PENETRATION = 3595 = "Spell Penetration:" SI_STAT_SPELL_POWER = 3594 = "Spell Power:" SI_STAT_SPELL_RESIST = 3603 = "Spell Resistance:" SI_STAT_STAMINA_MAX = 3600 = "Stamina Max:" SI_STAT_STAMINA_REGENERATION_COMBAT = 3593 = "Stamina Combat Regen:" SI_STAT_STAMINA_REGENERATION_IDLE = 3592 = "Stamina Idle Regen:" SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_ARMOR_RATING = 3630 = "Reduces the Damage you take from Physical Attacks." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_ATTACK_POWER = 3621 = "Affects how much Damage you deal with physical attacks." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_CRITICAL_RESISTANCE = 3626 = "Decreases the damage you will take when you are the victim of a Critical Strike." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_CRITICAL_STRIKE = 3623 = "Gives your Physical Attacks a chance to do Critical Damage." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_DIMINISHING_RETURNS = 5670 = "|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/Stats/diminishingReturns_icon.dds|tWhen a stat is overcharged it becomes increasingly difficult to raise it further. Consider changing your equipment, skills or attributes to distribute your stats more evenly." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_HEALTH_MAX = 3609 = "Affects the amount of Damage you can take before dying." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_HEALTH_REGENERATION_COMBAT = 3611 = "When in combat, you recover <<1>> Health every two seconds." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_HEALTH_REGENERATION_IDLE = 3610 = "When not in combat, you recover <<1>> Health every two seconds." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_MAGICKA_MAX = 3612 = "Affects how many Magicka abilities you can cast and how effective those abilities will be. Stave Weapon damage is based on your Maximum Magicka." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_MAGICKA_REGENERATION_COMBAT = 3614 = "When in combat, you recover <<1>> Magicka every two seconds." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_MAGICKA_REGENERATION_IDLE = 3613 = "When not in combat, you recover <<1>> Magicka every two seconds." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_MITIGATION = 3628 = "Resistance" SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_PHYSICAL_PENETRATION = 3622 = "Makes your physical attacks bypass your target's armor." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_PHYSICAL_RESIST = 3624 = "Decreases the amount of Damage you take from Physical Attacks." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_POWER = 3627 = "Affects how much Damage or Healing your Stamina-based abilities and weapons cause." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_SPELL_CRITICAL = 3620 = "Gives your Magicka-based abilities and weapons a chance to do Critical Damage." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_SPELL_MITIGATION = 3629 = "Reduces the Damage you take from Spells." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_SPELL_PENETRATION = 3619 = "Makes your spell attacks bypass your target's spell resist." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_SPELL_POWER = 3618 = "Affects how much Damage or Healing your Magicka-based abilities and weapons cause." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_SPELL_RESIST = 3625 = "Decreases the amount of Damage you take from Magical Attacks." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_STAMINA_MAX = 3615 = "Affects how many Stamina abilities you can use and how effective those abilities will be. Sword, shield, axe, mace, bow and dagger Weapon Damage is based on your Maximum Stamina." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_STAMINA_REGENERATION_COMBAT = 3617 = "When in combat, you recover <<1>> Stamina every two seconds." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_STAMINA_REGENERATION_IDLE = 3616 = "When not in combat, you recover <<1>> Stamina every two seconds." SI_STAT_TOOLTIP_WEAPON_POWER = 3631 = "Affects how much Damage or Healing your Stamina-based abilities and weapons cause." SI_STAT_TRADESKILL = 3606 = "Craft:" SI_STAT_TRADESKILL_RANK = 3607 = "Rank:" SI_STAT_VALUE_NON_PERCENT = 3608 = "<<1>>" SI_STAT_VALUE_PERCENT = 5673 = "<<1>>%" SI_STEALTH_DETECTED = 4442 = "Detected" SI_STEALTH_HIDDEN = 4441 = "Hidden" SI_STOLEN_ITEM_CANNOT_BUYBACK_TEXT = 5657 = "You are attempting to sell a high quality stolen item. Unlike other vendors, the Fence does not let you purchase back the items you've sold.\n\nAre you sure you want to sell <>?" SI_STOLEN_ITEM_CANNOT_BUYBACK_TITLE = 5656 = "Sale is Final" SI_STOLEN_ITEM_CANNOT_DEPOSIT_MESSAGE = 5652 = "You cannot deposit stolen items." SI_STOLEN_ITEM_CANNOT_LIST_MESSAGE = 5655 = "You cannot list stolen items." SI_STOLEN_ITEM_CANNOT_MAIL_MESSAGE = 5653 = "You cannot send stolen items." SI_STOLEN_ITEM_CANNOT_TRADE_MESSAGE = 5654 = "You cannot trade stolen items." SI_STOREFAILURE12 = 2317 = "You can't afford that item." SI_STOREFAILURE13 = 2318 = "You need more Alliance Points to buy that." SI_STOREFAILURE14 = 2319 = "You need more Inspiration Points to buy that." SI_STOREFAILURE15 = 2320 = "You need more Tel Var Stones to buy that." SI_STOREFAILURE17 = 2321 = "This hookpoint is not active." SI_STOREFAILURE18 = 2322 = "You do not have enough stable space to purchase this mount." SI_STOREFAILURE19 = 2323 = "You can't sell stolen items here." SI_STOREFAILURE20 = 2324 = "Fences only deal with stolen items." SI_STOREFAILURE22 = 2325 = "That item is worthless." SI_STOREFAILURE23 = 2326 = "You have reached your daily limit for selling stolen goods." SI_STOREFAILURE24 = 2327 = "You already have that collectible." SI_STOREFAILURE25 = 2328 = "You need more Writ Vouchers to buy that." SI_STOREFAILURE26 = 2329 = "You need more Chaos Creatia to buy that." SI_STOREFAILURE3 = 2310 = "That item cannot be sold." SI_STOREFAILURE4 = 2311 = "You cannot sell items when you are at the gold cap." SI_STOREFAILURE5 = 2312 = "You don't need that quest item." SI_STOREFAILURE6 = 2313 = "You can only buy one of those." SI_STOREFAILURE7 = 2314 = "You don't need that many quest items." SI_STOREFAILURE8 = 2315 = "You don't meet the purchase requirements." SI_STOREFAILURE9 = 2316 = "You can only have one of those items." SI_STORE_MODE_BUY = 3272 = "Buy" SI_STORE_MODE_BUY_BACK = 3275 = "Buy Back" SI_STORE_MODE_REPAIR = 3274 = "Repair" SI_STORE_MODE_SELL = 3273 = "Sell" SI_STORE_SORT_TYPE_PRICE = 3266 = "Price" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_DAYS_HOURS_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS = 517 = "<<1[/1 day/$d days]>>, <<2[/1 hour/$d hours]>>, <<3[/1 minute/$d minutes]>>,<<4[/ and 1 second/ and $d seconds]>>" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_DAYS_HOURS_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS_MINIMAL = 520 = "<<1>>d <<2>>h<<3[/ $dm/ $dm]>><<4[/ $ds/ $ds]>>" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_DAYS_HOURS_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS_MINIMAL_HIDE_ZEROES = 521 = "<<1>>d<<2[/ $dh/ $dh]>><<3[/ $dm/ $dm]>><<4[/ $ds/ $ds]>>" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_DAYS_HOURS_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS_SHORT = 518 = "<<1[/1 day/$d days]>>, <<2[/1 hr/$d hrs]>>, <<3[/1 min/$d min]>>,<<4[/ and 1 sec/ and $d sec]>>" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_DAYS_HOURS_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS_SHORT_ZERO_SECS = 519 = "<<1[/1 day/$d days]>> <<2[/1 hr/$d hrs]>> <<3[/1 min/$d min]>> <<4>> sec" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_HOURS_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS = 512 = "<<1[/1 hour/$d hours]>>, <<2[/1 minute/$d minutes]>>,<<3[/ and 1 second/ and $d seconds]>>" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_HOURS_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS_MINIMAL = 515 = "<<1>>h <<2>>m<<3[/ $ds/ $ds]>>" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_HOURS_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS_MINIMAL_HIDE_ZEROES = 516 = "<<1>>h<<2[/ $dm/ $dm]>><<3[/ $ds/ $ds]>>" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_HOURS_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS_SHORT = 513 = "<<1[/1 hr/$d hrs]>>, <<2[/1 min/$d min]>>,<<3[/ and 1 sec/ and $d sec]>>" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_HOURS_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS_SHORT_ZERO_SECS = 514 = "<<1[/1 hr/$d hrs]>> <<2[/1 min/$d min]>> <<3>> sec" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS = 500 = "<<1[/1 minute/$d minutes]>><<2[/ and 1 second/ and $d seconds]>>" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS_MINIMAL = 503 = "<<1>>m <<2>>s" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS_MINIMAL_HIDE_ZEROES = 504 = "<<1>>m<<2[/ $ds/ $ds]>>" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS_SHORT = 501 = "<<1[/1 min./$d min.]>><<2[/ and 1 sec./ and $d sec.]>>" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_MINUTES_AND_SECONDS_SHORT_ZERO_SECS = 502 = "<<1[/1 min./$d min.]>> <<2>> sec." SI_STR_TIME_DESC_SECONDS_ONLY = 497 = "<<1[1 second/$d seconds]>>" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_SECONDS_ONLY_MINIMAL = 499 = "<<1>>s" SI_STR_TIME_DESC_SECONDS_ONLY_SHORT = 498 = "<<1>> sec." SI_STR_TIME_GREATER_THAN_HOUR = 508 = "> 1 hour" SI_STR_TIME_GREATER_THAN_HOUR_PLUS = 510 = "1 hour +" SI_STR_TIME_GREATER_THAN_HOUR_PLUS_SHORT = 511 = "1h+" SI_STR_TIME_GREATER_THAN_HOUR_SHORT = 509 = ">1h" SI_STR_TIME_LESS_THAN_MINUTE = 506 = "< 1 min" SI_STR_TIME_LESS_THAN_MINUTE_SHORT = 507 = "<1m" SI_STR_TIME_UNKNOWN = 505 = "Unknown" SI_STUCK_ERROR_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS = 3745 = "You are already in the process of being moved." SI_STUCK_ERROR_IN_COMBAT = 3746 = "You cannot use /stuck while in combat." SI_STUCK_ERROR_ON_COOLDOWN = 3744 = "You can only use /stuck once every <<1>>. Please try again in <<2>>." SI_SUBSAMPLINGMODE0 = 3034 = "Low" SI_SUBSAMPLINGMODE1 = 3035 = "Medium" SI_SUBSAMPLINGMODE2 = 3036 = "High" SI_SUBTITLE_FORMAT = 6754 = "<>: |cffffff<>|r" SI_SUBTITLE_FORMAT_WITHOUT_SPEAKER = 6755 = "<>" SI_SUBZONE_NOTIFICATION_DISCOVER = 3433 = "<<1>> Discovered" SI_SUBZONE_NOTIFICATION_DISCOVER_WHILE_IN_CONVERSATION = 3434 = "Map Updated" SI_TARGETTYPE0 = 1930 = "Enemy" SI_TARGETTYPE1 = 1931 = "Ally" SI_TARGETTYPE2 = 1932 = "Self" SI_TARGET_DUMMY_DPS_RESULT_FORMAT = 7068 = "Result: <<1>> DPS, <<2>> (<<3>>)" SI_TELVAR_HUD_MULTIPLIER_LABEL = 6751 = "x" SI_TELVAR_HUD_MULTIPLIER_VALUE_FRACTION = 6753 = ".<<1>>" SI_TELVAR_HUD_MULTIPLIER_VALUE_WHOLE = 6752 = "<<1>>" SI_TELVAR_STONE_FORMAT = 3708 = "<<1>> Tel Var Stones" SI_TELVAR_STONE_GAIN = 3730 = "You gain <<1>> Tel Var Stones." SI_TEXTURERESOLUTIONCHOICE0 = 2007 = "High" SI_TEXTURERESOLUTIONCHOICE1 = 2008 = "Medium" SI_TEXTURERESOLUTIONCHOICE2 = 2009 = "Low" SI_TIME_DURATION_AGO = 463 = "<<1>> ago." SI_TIME_DURATION_LEFT = 464 = "<> LEFT" SI_TIME_DURATION_NOT_LONG_AGO = 462 = "< 1 minute ago." SI_TIME_FORMAT_CLOCK_AM = 523 = "<<1>>:<<2>> A.M." SI_TIME_FORMAT_CLOCK_PM = 524 = "<<1>>:<<2>> P.M." SI_TIME_FORMAT_CLOCK_TWENTY_FOUR_HOUR = 525 = "<<1>>:<<2>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_DAYS = 466 = "<<1>> d." SI_TIME_FORMAT_DAYS_DESC = 477 = "<<1[1 day/$d days]>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_DAYS_DESC_COLOR = 478 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[day/days]>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_DAYS_DESC_SHORT = 471 = "<<1>> day" SI_TIME_FORMAT_DDHHMMSS = 485 = "<<1>>:<<2>>:<<3>>:<<4>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_DDHHMMSSMS_DESC_SHORT = 487 = "<<1>>d <<2>>h <<3>>m <<4>>s <<5>>ms" SI_TIME_FORMAT_DDHHMMSS_DESC_SHORT = 486 = "<<1>>d <<2>>h <<3>>m <<4>>s" SI_TIME_FORMAT_HHMMSS = 488 = "<<1>>:<<2>>:<<3>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_HHMMSSMS_DESC_SHORT = 490 = "<<1>>h <<2>>m <<3>>s <<4>>ms" SI_TIME_FORMAT_HHMMSS_DESC_SHORT = 489 = "<<1>>h <<2>>m <<3>>s" SI_TIME_FORMAT_HOURS = 467 = "<<1>> h." SI_TIME_FORMAT_HOURS_DESC = 479 = "<<1[1 hour/$d hours]>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_HOURS_DESC_COLOR = 480 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[hour/hours]>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_HOURS_DESC_SHORT = 472 = "<<1>> hour" SI_TIME_FORMAT_MINUTES = 468 = "<<1>>m" SI_TIME_FORMAT_MINUTES_COLON_SECONDS = 491 = "<<1>>:<<2>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_MINUTES_DESC = 481 = "<<1[1 minute/$d minutes]>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_MINUTES_DESC_COLOR = 482 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[minute/minutes]>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_MINUTES_DESC_SHORT = 473 = "<<1>> min." SI_TIME_FORMAT_MMSSMS_DESC_SHORT = 493 = "<<1>>m <<2>>s <<3>>ms" SI_TIME_FORMAT_MMSS_DESC_SHORT = 492 = "<<1>>m <<2>>s" SI_TIME_FORMAT_MONTHS = 465 = "<<1>> mo." SI_TIME_FORMAT_MONTHS_DESC = 475 = "<<1[1 month/$d months]>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_MONTHS_DESC_COLOR = 476 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[month/months]>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_MONTHS_DESC_SHORT = 470 = "<<1>> month" SI_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS = 469 = "<<1>> s." SI_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS_DESC = 483 = "<<1[1 second/$d seconds]>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS_DESC_COLOR = 484 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[second/seconds]>>" SI_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS_DESC_SHORT = 474 = "<<1>> sec." SI_TIME_FORMAT_SSMS_DESC_SHORT = 494 = "<<1>>s <<2>>ms" SI_TIME_FORMAT_SS_DESC_SHORT = 495 = "<<1>>s" SI_TIME_FORMAT_TIMESTAMP = 522 = "[<<1>>:<<2>>:<<3>>]" SI_TIME_FORMAT_ZERO_COLON_SECONDS = 496 = "0:<<1>>" SI_TIME_TO_DROWN = 4447 = "Time until drowning" SI_TITLE_TUTORIALS_RESET = 6708 = "Reset Tutorials" SI_TOOLTIP_ABOVE_ME = 4170 = "<<1>> |c7fa4c5(Above)|r" SI_TOOLTIP_ALLIANCE_RESTRICTED_LINK = 4199 = "Only the <<1>> can use this link" SI_TOOLTIP_ARTIFACT_TAKEN = 4198 = "Elder Scroll Stolen!" SI_TOOLTIP_ARTIFACT_TYPE_DEFENSIVE = 4197 = "Elder Scroll Type: |c7fa4c5Defensive|r" SI_TOOLTIP_ARTIFACT_TYPE_OFFENSIVE = 4196 = "Elder Scroll Type: |c7fa4c5Offensive|r" SI_TOOLTIP_BELOW_ME = 4171 = "<<1>> |c7fa4c5(Below)|r" SI_TOOLTIP_COLLECTIBLE_NICKNAME = 425 = "\"<<1>>\"" SI_TOOLTIP_DISTRICT_TEL_VAR_BONUS_FORMAT = 5861 = "+<<1>>%" SI_TOOLTIP_DISTRICT_TEL_VAR_BONUS_RESTRICTION_TEXT = 5862 = "Bonus applies only in the districts." SI_TOOLTIP_DISTRICT_TEL_VAR_BONUS_TEXT = 4207 = "Capture Bonus: <> <>|r" SI_TOOLTIP_ENCHANT_SUPPRESSED_BY_POISON = 5868 = "Suppressed by equipped Poison." SI_TOOLTIP_FIXTURE_INSTANCE = 4168 = "<<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_FORWARD_CAMP = 4200 = "Forward Camp" SI_TOOLTIP_FORWARD_CAMP_RESPAWN = 4201 = "Left-click to respawn here." SI_TOOLTIP_HARVEST_REQUIRES = 4169 = "Requires <<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_ICONS = 4175 = "Access: <<1>> <<2>> <<3>>" SI_TOOLTIP_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_NONE = 4176 = "No Alliances" SI_TOOLTIP_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_ROW_MAJORITY = 5866 = "<<1>>: <<2>><>" SI_TOOLTIP_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_ROW_NATIVE = 5865 = "<><<2>>: <<3>>" SI_TOOLTIP_IMPERIAL_CITY_ALLIANCE_OWNER = 4174 = "<<1>>: <<2>>" SI_TOOLTIP_IMPERIAL_CITY_LOCKED = 5864 = "Locked" SI_TOOLTIP_IMPERIAL_CITY_UNLOCKED = 5863 = "Unlocked" SI_TOOLTIP_ITEM_FLAVOR_TEXT = 193 = "<<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_ITEM_FORMAT_REFINES_TO = 5867 = "Ten of these items can be refined into |cffffff<<1>>|r to |cffffff<<2>>|r <>." SI_TOOLTIP_ITEM_NAME = 192 = "<>" SI_TOOLTIP_ITEM_NAME_WITH_QUANTITY = 194 = "<><<2[// ($d)]>>" SI_TOOLTIP_ITEM_TAG_FORMATER = 386 = "<<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_ITEM_VALUE_FORMAT = 4209 = "<<1>> <<2>>" SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_ACCESSIBLE = 4179 = "Left-click to travel here." SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_ALLIANCE_OWNER = 4173 = "Alliance Owner: <<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_GUILD_OWNER = 4177 = "Guild Owner: <<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_IN_COMBAT = 4178 = "Under Attack!" SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_NAME = 5860 = "<<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_NOT_ACCESSIBLE = 4180 = "This keep is inaccessible." SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_NETWORK = 4184 = "This keep is not connected to your current keep." SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_RESOURCES = 4183 = "This keep has too many resources under enemy control." SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_UNDER_ATTACK = 4182 = "This keep is under attack." SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_WRONG_OWNER = 4181 = "Your alliance does not own this keep." SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_NOT_RESPAWNABLE = 4188 = "You cannot respawn here." SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_RESPAWNABLE = 4187 = "Left-click to respawn here." SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_SIEGE_NPC = 4203 = "|c7fa4c5<<1>> : Siege NPC (<<2>> / <<3>>)" SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_SIEGE_WEAPON = 4202 = "|c7fa4c5<<1>> : Siege Weapons (<<2>> / <<3>>)" SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_STARTING_KEEP = 4189 = "You are at this keep." SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_STARTING_KEEP_RESOURCES = 4186 = "Your current keep has too many resources under enemy control." SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_STARTING_KEEP_UNDER_ATTACK = 4185 = "Your current keep is under attack." SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_UPGRADE_DESCRIPTION = 4206 = "<<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_UPGRADE_LEVEL = 4205 = "Level <<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_KEEP_UPGRADE_NAME = 4204 = "<<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_MAP_LOCATION_CATEGORY_FORMAT = 4208 = "<>|cffffff<<2>>|r" SI_TOOLTIP_MAP_MORE_QUESTS = 5627 = "Plus <<1>> more quest locations." SI_TOOLTIP_POI_LINKED_CHAPTER_COLLECTIBLE_LOCKED = 5623 = "This area requires a |cffffffChapter|r upgrade." SI_TOOLTIP_POI_LINKED_DLC_COLLECTIBLE_LOCKED = 5622 = "You can unlock this area with an ESO Plus membership, or by purchasing |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r, available in the Crown Store!" SI_TOOLTIP_RECALL_COST = 4195 = "Cost to Recall: " SI_TOOLTIP_UNIT_CAPTION = 4164 = "<<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_UNIT_DEAD = 4159 = "<<1>> (dead)" SI_TOOLTIP_UNIT_MAP_PING = 4161 = "Map Ping: <<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_UNIT_MAP_PLAYER_WAYPOINT = 4163 = "Your Set Destination" SI_TOOLTIP_UNIT_MAP_RALLY_POINT = 4162 = "Group Rally Point" SI_TOOLTIP_UNIT_MONSTER_DETAILS = 4166 = "Level <<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAME = 4158 = "<<1>>" SI_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAME_AND_CAPTION = 4160 = "<<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_TOOLTIP_UNIT_PLAYER_DETAILS = 4165 = "Level <<1>> <<2>> (Player)" SI_TOOLTIP_UNIT_QUEST_CONDITION = 4167 = "<<1>> (<<2>>)" SI_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_CANT_RECALL_AVA = 5619 = "You cannot recall in an Alliance War area. Visit the wayshrine to travel." SI_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_CANT_RECALL_FROM_LOCATION = 5625 = "You cannot recall from this location." SI_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_CANT_RECALL_OUTLAW_REFUGE = 5624 = "You cannot recall from an Outlaws Refuge." SI_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_CANT_RECALL_WHEN_DEAD = 5626 = "You cannot recall while dead." SI_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_CLICK_TO_FAST_TRAVEL = 4190 = "Left-click to fast travel here." SI_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_CLICK_TO_OPEN_CROWN_STORE = 4192 = "Left-click to open the Crown Store." SI_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_CLICK_TO_PREVIEW_HOUSE = 4193 = "Left-click to preview house." SI_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_CLICK_TO_RECALL = 4191 = "Left-click to recall to here." SI_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_CLICK_TO_UPGRADE_CHAPTER = 4194 = "Left-click to upgrade." SI_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_CURRENT_LOC = 5620 = "You are at this wayshrine." SI_TOOLTIP_WAYSHRINE_RECALL_COOLDOWN = 5621 = "You can recall to a wayshrine in <<1>>." SI_TOO_FREQUENT_BUG_SCREENSHOT = 4433 = "You must wait 30 seconds before submitting this bug." SI_TRACKED_QUEST_CONDITION = 4073 = "<>: <<2>> / <<3>>" SI_TRACKED_QUEST_CONDITION_NO_COUNT = 4074 = "<>" SI_TRACKED_QUEST_STEP_DONE = 4075 = "Completed: <<1>>" SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT0 = 2383 = "You already have a trade invite pending." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT1 = 2384 = "<<1>> is ignoring you." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT12 = 2392 = "Your trade invite failed." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT13 = 2393 = "You are too busy to trade." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT14 = 2394 = "Dead players cannot trade." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT2 = 2385 = "You must respond to your current trade invite first." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT3 = 2386 = "You are already trading." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT4 = 2387 = "You must have a target to trade with." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT41 = 2395 = "You don't have enough gold to complete that trade." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT42 = 2396 = "Your trade partner no longer has enough gold to complete this trade." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT43 = 2397 = "You have too much gold to complete this trade." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT44 = 2398 = "Your trade partner has too much gold to complete this trade." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT45 = 2399 = "You are unable to trade for <> because it's unique and you already have one." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT46 = 2400 = "You don't have enough empty slots to accept the offered items." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT5 = 2388 = "You cannot trade with yourself." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT6 = 2389 = "You must be closer to trade." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT62 = 2401 = "That item is locked." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT63 = 2402 = "That item is bound." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT64 = 2403 = "There are no open trade slots." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT65 = 2404 = "You are already trading <>." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT66 = 2405 = "That item is stolen." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT8 = 2390 = "You can only trade with your own alliance." SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT80 = 2406 = "Trading is currently disabled" SI_TRADEACTIONRESULT9 = 2391 = "Your target is already trading." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT10 = 2408 = "You can't use these additives with these materials." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT100 = 2441 = "Recipe Unknown" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT101 = 2442 = "Insufficient Rank" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT102 = 2443 = "Insufficient Quality Rank" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT103 = 2444 = "Can't Craft Yet" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT104 = 2445 = "Invalid Alchemy Base" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT105 = 2446 = "Insufficient Rank" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT106 = 2447 = "Invalid Alchemy Reagent" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT107 = 2448 = "Not Enough Alchemy Reagents" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT108 = 2449 = "Too Many Alchemy Reagents" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT109 = 2450 = "Invalid Rune" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT11 = 2409 = "Your inventory is full." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT110 = 2451 = "Insufficient Rank" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT111 = 2452 = "Insufficient Quality Rank" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT112 = 2453 = "Invalid Crafting Material" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT113 = 2454 = "Invalid Crafting Pattern" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT114 = 2455 = "Invalid Style Material" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT115 = 2456 = "Invalid Trait Material" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT116 = 2457 = "Insufficient Quantity" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT117 = 2458 = "Invalid Improvement Material" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT118 = 2459 = "Item Not Improvable" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT119 = 2460 = "Improvement Failed" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT12 = 2410 = "You already have that unique item." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT120 = 2461 = "Trait Not Learned Yet" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT121 = 2462 = "Invalid Tradeskill" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT122 = 2463 = "Invalid Trait" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT123 = 2464 = "No Available Research Slots" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT124 = 2465 = "Not Enough Traits Researched" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT125 = 2466 = "Invalid Item" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT126 = 2467 = "Already Researching Trait Line" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT127 = 2468 = "You can't deconstruct an item that you are wearing." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT128 = 2469 = "Cannot research an item that is transmuted." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT13 = 2411 = "You are not trained in that craft." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT14 = 2412 = "You are missing crafting components." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT16 = 2413 = "You don't meet the requirements to craft that." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT17 = 2414 = "Your rank is too low to craft that." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT18 = 2415 = "Interrupted" SI_TRADESKILLRESULT19 = 2416 = "You can't afford to craft that." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT20 = 2417 = "You must be at a crafting station to craft." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT21 = 2418 = "You are not trained to craft in that racial style." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT30 = 2419 = "That item is not researchable." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT31 = 2420 = "You must be at a crafting station to research this." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT32 = 2421 = "You must research an item." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT33 = 2422 = "You cannot research an item that's locked." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT34 = 2423 = "You are not trained in the correct craft to research that." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT35 = 2424 = "Your rank is too low to research that." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT36 = 2425 = "Your inventory is full." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT50 = 2426 = "Item cannot be reforged." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT51 = 2427 = "You are not trained in that craft." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT52 = 2428 = "This item is already in that style." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT53 = 2429 = "Your rank is too low to reforge that." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT54 = 2430 = "You are not trained in that racial style." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT55 = 2431 = "That is not a valid racial style for this item." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT56 = 2432 = "You are missing the racial crafting component." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT57 = 2433 = "You can't afford to reforge that." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT58 = 2434 = "You cannot reforge an item that is locked." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT70 = 2435 = "This item can't be refined." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT71 = 2436 = "You must be at a crafting station to refine this." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT72 = 2437 = "You don't have enough to refine." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT73 = 2438 = "You aren't trained in the correct craft to refine that." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT74 = 2439 = "Your rank is too low to refine that." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT76 = 2440 = "Your inventory is full." SI_TRADESKILLRESULT9 = 2407 = "You can't make anything with these materials." SI_TRADE_ACCEPT = 3449 = "Submit Offer" SI_TRADE_CANCEL = 3450 = "Cancel Offer" SI_TRADE_CANCELED = 3455 = "Trade canceled." SI_TRADE_CANCEL_INVITE = 3454 = "Trade invite canceled." SI_TRADE_COMPLETE = 3456 = "Trade complete." SI_TRADE_FAILED = 3457 = "Trade failed." SI_TRADE_INVITE = 3451 = "<<1>> has invited you to trade." SI_TRADE_INVITE_CONFIRM = 3452 = "You've invited <<1>> to trade." SI_TRADE_INVITE_DECLINE = 3453 = "Trade invite declined." SI_TRADE_INVITE_MESSAGE = 5921 = "|cffffff<<1>>|r wants to trade with you." SI_TRADE_INVITE_PROMPT = 3448 = "<<1>> wants to trade." SI_TRADE_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 3458 = "Trade failed, insufficient gold." SI_TRADE_READY = 3461 = "Ready" SI_TRADE_THEIR_OFFER = 3460 = "<<1>>'s OFFER" SI_TRADE_YOUR_OFFER = 3459 = "YOUR OFFER" SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT1 = 2745 = "Guild store not opened." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT10 = 2754 = "You must select a valid guild." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT11 = 2755 = "No permission." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT12 = 2756 = "Guild too small for new posts." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT13 = 2757 = "Cannot afford that item." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT14 = 2758 = "Please wait for your current search to complete." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT15 = 2759 = "Please wait for your current listings request to complete." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT16 = 2760 = "Please wait for your current request to complete before switching guilds." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT17 = 2761 = "Please wait for the initial guild store status update." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT18 = 2762 = "Please wait for your current purchase request to complete." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT19 = 2763 = "You cannot buy your own items." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT2 = 2746 = "You are not a member of that guild." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT20 = 2764 = "Please wait for your current cancellation request to complete." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT21 = 2765 = "You cannot post an item for free." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT22 = 2766 = "You cannot post an item for more than <<1>> gold." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT23 = 2767 = "You cannot sell stolen items to other players." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT24 = 2768 = "Not a member of any guild." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT25 = 2769 = "You must unlock this item before you can list it." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT3 = 2747 = "You can not put any more items up for sale." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT4 = 2748 = "Wait for prior item to complete." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT5 = 2749 = "Could not find specified item." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT6 = 2750 = "You can not sell bound items to other players." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT7 = 2751 = "You can not afford this posting fee." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT8 = 2752 = "Too many searches in rapid succession." SI_TRADINGHOUSERESULT9 = 2753 = "Only Backpack items can be posted." SI_TRADING_HOUSE_ADD_ITEM_TO_LISTING = 4510 = "Add to Listing" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ALL_ITEMS = 4528 = "All Items" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ARMOR_TYPE_HEAVY = 4549 = "Heavy Armor" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ARMOR_TYPE_LIGHT = 4547 = "Light Armor" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ARMOR_TYPE_MEDIUM = 4548 = "Medium Armor" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ARMOR_TYPE_SHIELD = 4550 = "Shield" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_CHAMPION_POINTS_RANGE_LABEL = 4521 = "Champion Points Range:" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_REMAINING_TIME = 4557 = "<<1>>" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_SELLER_NAME = 4556 = "Seller: |cffffff<<1>>" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_ACCESSORY = 4551 = "Accessory" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_ALL = 4545 = "All" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_ALL_ACCESSORIES = 4552 = "All Accessories" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_ALL_CONSUMABLES = 4553 = "All Consumables" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_ALL_CRAFTING_COMPONENTS = 4555 = "All Component Types" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_ALL_CRAFTING_MATERIALS = 4554 = "All Materials" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_ALL_ENCHANTMENT_TYPES = 4540 = "All Enchantments" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_ALL_FURNISHING_TYPES = 4541 = "All Furnishings" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_ALL_ONE_HANDED_WEAPONS = 4536 = "All One-Handed" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_ALL_TRAIT_TYPES = 4539 = "All Traits" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_ALL_TWO_HANDED_WEAPONS = 4537 = "All Two-Handed" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_ALL_WORN_ARMOR_TYPES = 4538 = "All Pieces" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_APPAREL = 4530 = "Apparel" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_CONSUMABLES = 4534 = "Consumables" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_CRAFTING = 4533 = "Crafting" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_FURNISHINGS = 4531 = "Furnishings" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_FURNISHINGS_ITEMS_AND_RECIPES = 4542 = "Items and Recipes" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_FURNISHINGS_ITEMS_ONLY = 4543 = "Items Only" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_FURNISHINGS_RECIPES_ONLY = 4544 = "Recipes Only" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_GLYPHS_AND_GEMS = 4532 = "Soul Gems & Glyphs" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_GUILD_ITEMS = 4546 = "Guild Items" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_OTHER = 4535 = "Other" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON = 4529 = "Weapon" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_LABEL = 4518 = "Search Store For" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_LEVEL_RANGE_LABEL = 4520 = "Level Range:" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_PRICE_RANGE_LABEL = 4519 = "Price Range:" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_PROVISIONING_ALL_INGREDIENTS = 4558 = "All Ingredients" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_PROVISIONING_DRINK_INGREDIENTS = 4560 = "Drink Ingredients" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_PROVISIONING_FOOD_INGREDIENTS = 4559 = "Food Ingredients" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_PROVISIONING_RARE_INGREDIENTS = 4561 = "Rare Ingredients" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_QUALITY_ANY = 4522 = "Any Quality" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_QUALITY_ARCANE = 4525 = "Superior" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_QUALITY_ARTIFACT = 4526 = "Epic" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_QUALITY_LEGENDARY = 4527 = "Legendary" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_QUALITY_MAGIC = 4524 = "Fine" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_QUALITY_NORMAL = 4523 = "Normal" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_BUY_ITEM = 4565 = "Buy Item" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_CANCEL_LISTING = 4572 = "Cancel Listing" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_CANCEL_LISTING_DIALOG_CANCEL = 4576 = "No" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_CANCEL_LISTING_DIALOG_CONFIRM = 4575 = "Yes" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_CANCEL_LISTING_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION = 4574 = "Are you sure you want to cancel this listing? You will not be refunded the listing fee." SI_TRADING_HOUSE_CANCEL_LISTING_DIALOG_TITLE = 4573 = "Cancel Listing" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_CANCEL_LISTING_LABEL = 4579 = "Cancel Listing" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_DO_SEARCH = 4511 = "Start Search" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD = 4577 = "You don't have enough gold." SI_TRADING_HOUSE_GUILD_HEADER = 5840 = "Guild" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_GUILD_LABEL = 5844 = "Guild" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_LISTING_COUNT = 4514 = "Listing |cffffff<<1>>|r of |cffffff<<2>>|r" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_LISTING_COUNT_FULL = 4515 = "Listing |cff0000<<1>>|r of |cff0000<<2>>|r" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_MODE_BROWSE = 5841 = "Browse" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_MODE_LISTINGS = 5843 = "Listings" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_MODE_SELL = 5842 = "Sell" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_POSTING_CUT_TOOLTIP = 5851 = "When the item sells, <<1>>% of the sale price is kept by the guild store. If the item does not sell you are not charged this fee." SI_TRADING_HOUSE_POSTING_LISTING_FEE = 5847 = "Listing Fee" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_POSTING_LISTING_FEE_TOOLTIP = 5850 = "Posting an item on the guild store costs <<1>>% of the posting price immediately." SI_TRADING_HOUSE_POSTING_PRICE_TOTAL = 4517 = "Total Price:" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_POSTING_PROFIT = 5849 = "Profit" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_POSTING_QUANTITY = 4516 = "Quantity" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_POSTING_TH_CUT = 5848 = "House Cut" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_POST_ITEM = 4509 = "List Item" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_PURCHASE_ITEM_AMOUNT = 4568 = "This will cost <<1>>" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_PURCHASE_ITEM_DIALOG_CANCEL = 5846 = "Cancel" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_PURCHASE_ITEM_DIALOG_CONFIRM = 5845 = "Buy" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_PURCHASE_ITEM_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION = 4567 = "Are you sure you want to buy this item?" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_PURCHASE_ITEM_DIALOG_TITLE = 4566 = "Buy Item" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_REMOVE_PENDING_POST = 4512 = "Remove from Listing" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_RESET_SEARCH = 5852 = "Reset Search" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_RESULTS_NEXT_PAGE = 4570 = "Next" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_RESULTS_PREVIOUS_PAGE = 4571 = "Previous" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_COUNT = 4569 = "Items On Page: |cffffff<<1>>" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_SEARCH_RESULT_SELLER_FORMATTER = 417 = "|cffffffSeller:|r <<1>>" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_SELL = 4513 = "Select an item in your inventory to list it for sale." SI_TRADING_HOUSE_SORT_TYPE_NAME = 4562 = "Name" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_SORT_TYPE_PRICE = 4564 = "Price" SI_TRADING_HOUSE_SORT_TYPE_TIME = 4563 = "Time Left" SI_TRIALACCOUNTRESTRICTIONTYPE1 = 2794 = "Disabled on trial accounts." SI_TRIALACCOUNTRESTRICTIONTYPE2 = 2795 = "Whispering disabled on Trial accounts." SI_TRIALACCOUNTRESTRICTIONTYPE3 = 2796 = "Trial accounts may only whisper to friends." SI_TRIALACCOUNTRESTRICTIONTYPE4 = 2797 = "Guilds disabled on trial accounts." SI_TRIAL_ACCOUNT_HELP_CATEGORY = 4693 = "Trial Account" SI_TRIAL_COMPLETED_LARGE = 4051 = "Completed: <<1>>" SI_TRIAL_COMPLETED_SMALL = 4052 = "Final Score: <<1>>\nTotal Time: <<2>>" SI_TRIAL_COMPLETE_FINAL_SCORE = 6765 = "Final Score" SI_TRIAL_COMPLETE_TOTAL_TIME = 6766 = "Total Time" SI_TRIAL_COMPLETE_VITALITY_BONUS = 6767 = "Vitality Bonus" SI_TRIAL_FAILED = 4050 = "Failed: <<1>> Trial" SI_TRIAL_NEW_BEST_SCORE_LIFETIME = 4056 = "New Best Score for <<1>>" SI_TRIAL_NEW_BEST_SCORE_WEEKLY = 4055 = "New Best Score for Weekly (<<1>>)" SI_TRIAL_SCORE_UPDATED_LARGE = 4053 = "|t64:64:<<1>>|t<<2>> Points Rewarded" SI_TRIAL_SCORE_UPDATED_SMALL = 4054 = "Your current score is <<1>> points." SI_TRIAL_STARTED = 4049 = "Started: <<1>> Trial" SI_TUTORIALS_RESET = 6707 = "Your Tutorials Have Been Reset" SI_TUTORIAL_BODY_FORMAT = 4044 = "<>" SI_TUTORIAL_CONTINUE = 5510 = "<<1>> Continue" SI_TUTORIAL_FORMATTER = 6703 = "<<1>>" SI_TUTORIAL_MORE_INFO = 4042 = "More Info" SI_TUTORIAL_TITLE_FORMAT = 4043 = "<<1>>" SI_TUTORIAL_USER_ID_PC = 6706 = "UserID" SI_TUTORIAL_USER_ID_PS4 = 6704 = "online ID" SI_TUTORIAL_USER_ID_XBOX = 6705 = "Xbox Live gamertag" SI_UNASSIGNCAMPAIGNRESULT1 = 2293 = "You are unable to unassign yourself from a campaign while in a campaign." SI_UNASSIGNCAMPAIGNRESULT2 = 2294 = "You do not have enough gold to unassign yourself from a campaign." SI_UNASSIGNCAMPAIGNRESULT3 = 2295 = "You do not have enough AP to unassign yourself from a campaign." SI_UNASSIGNCAMPAIGNRESULT4 = 2296 = "You are not currently assigned to a campaign." SI_UNASSIGNCAMPAIGNRESULT5 = 2297 = "You cannot unassign from a campaign because your cooldown has not expired." SI_UNASSIGNCAMPAIGNRESULT6 = 2298 = "You cannot unassign from a campaign at this time." SI_UNASSIGNED_CAMPAIGN = 4583 = "Unassigned" SI_UNEXPECTED_ERROR = 3105 = "An unexpected internal error has occurred. Please contact customer service at <<1>>" SI_UNIT_FRAME_BARTYPE = 3551 = "<>" SI_UNIT_FRAME_BARVALUE = 3552 = "<<1>> / <<2>>" SI_UNIT_FRAME_EMPTY_SLOT = 3553 = "Empty Slot" SI_UNIT_FRAME_STATUS_DEAD = 3555 = "Dead" SI_UNIT_FRAME_STATUS_OFFLINE = 3554 = "Offline" SI_UNIT_NAME = 165 = "<<1>>" SI_URL_APPLICATION_MAIL = 179 = "email client" SI_URL_APPLICATION_WEB = 178 = "web browser" SI_URL_DIALOG_OPEN = 182 = "Open" SI_USE_FURNITURE_INTERACTION_TEXT = 6953 = "Use" SI_USE_SYNERGY = 4478 = "Use <<1>>" SI_VANITY_PET_UNAVAILABLE_IN_AVA = 6521 = "You cannot summon a non-combat pet in an Alliance War location." SI_VIDEO_OPTIONS_CALIBRATE_GAMMA = 24 = "Calibrate" SI_VIDEO_OPTIONS_INTERFACE = 18 = "Interface" SI_VIDEO_OPTIONS_UI_CUSTOM_SCALE = 19 = "Custom Scale" SI_VIDEO_OPTIONS_UI_CUSTOM_SCALE_TOOLTIP = 20 = "Adjusts the scale of the interface, including all windows and the Heads-Up Display." SI_VIDEO_OPTIONS_UI_CUSTOM_SCALE_WARNING = 21 = "This option can only be changed when logged into the world with a character." SI_VIDEO_OPTIONS_UI_USE_CUSTOM_SCALE = 22 = "Use Custom Scale" SI_VIDEO_OPTIONS_UI_USE_CUSTOM_SCALE_TOOLTIP = 23 = "When this setting is enabled you can determine the UI scale using the slider below. When this setting is disabled, the game will automatically scale the UI to make it as sharp as possible." SI_VISUALARMORTYPE1 = 1308 = "Light" SI_VISUALARMORTYPE2 = 1309 = "Medium" SI_VISUALARMORTYPE3 = 1310 = "Heavy" SI_VISUALARMORTYPE4 = 1311 = "Undaunted" SI_VISUALARMORTYPE5 = 1312 = "Clothing" SI_VISUALARMORTYPE6 = 1313 = "Signature" SI_VULNERABILITYSTATUS0 = 1955 = "Normal" SI_VULNERABILITYSTATUS1 = 1956 = "Vulnerable" SI_VULNERABILITYSTATUS2 = 1957 = "Resistant" SI_WEAPONCONFIGTYPE1 = 1728 = "One Hand and Shield" SI_WEAPONCONFIGTYPE10 = 1737 = "One Handed" SI_WEAPONCONFIGTYPE11 = 1738 = "Unarmed" SI_WEAPONCONFIGTYPE2 = 1729 = "Dual Wield" SI_WEAPONCONFIGTYPE3 = 1730 = "Two-Handed" SI_WEAPONCONFIGTYPE4 = 1731 = "Bow" SI_WEAPONCONFIGTYPE5 = 1732 = "Destruction Staff" SI_WEAPONCONFIGTYPE6 = 1733 = "Restoration Staff" SI_WEAPONCONFIGTYPE7 = 1734 = "Fire Staff" SI_WEAPONCONFIGTYPE8 = 1735 = "Frost Staff" SI_WEAPONCONFIGTYPE9 = 1736 = "Lightning Staff" SI_WEAPONMODELTYPE1 = 1657 = "Axe" SI_WEAPONMODELTYPE10 = 1666 = "Shield" SI_WEAPONMODELTYPE11 = 1667 = "Rune" SI_WEAPONMODELTYPE2 = 1658 = "Hammer" SI_WEAPONMODELTYPE3 = 1659 = "Sword" SI_WEAPONMODELTYPE4 = 1660 = "Dagger" SI_WEAPONMODELTYPE5 = 1661 = "Axe" SI_WEAPONMODELTYPE6 = 1662 = "Hammer" SI_WEAPONMODELTYPE7 = 1663 = "Sword" SI_WEAPONMODELTYPE8 = 1664 = "Bow" SI_WEAPONMODELTYPE9 = 1665 = "Staff" SI_WEAPONTYPE0 = 1641 = "do not translate" SI_WEAPONTYPE1 = 1642 = "Axe" SI_WEAPONTYPE10 = 1651 = "Rune" SI_WEAPONTYPE11 = 1652 = "Dagger" SI_WEAPONTYPE12 = 1653 = "Flame Staff" SI_WEAPONTYPE13 = 1654 = "Frost Staff" SI_WEAPONTYPE14 = 1655 = "Shield" SI_WEAPONTYPE15 = 1656 = "Lightning Staff" SI_WEAPONTYPE2 = 1643 = "Mace" SI_WEAPONTYPE3 = 1644 = "Sword" SI_WEAPONTYPE4 = 1645 = "Sword" SI_WEAPONTYPE5 = 1646 = "Axe" SI_WEAPONTYPE6 = 1647 = "Mace" SI_WEAPONTYPE7 = 1648 = "do not translate" SI_WEAPONTYPE8 = 1649 = "Bow" SI_WEAPONTYPE9 = 1650 = "Healing Staff" SI_WEAPON_INDICATOR = 6907 = "Weapon Indicator" SI_WEAPON_INDICATOR_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP = 6909 = "Displays an indicator when the charge of a weapon is fully depleted and no poisons are equipped." SI_WEAPON_INDICATOR_TOOLTIP = 6911 = "The charge of an equipped weapon is fully depleted and no poisons are equipped." SI_WEAPON_SWAP_DISABLED_TOOLTIP = 4093 = "Cannot weapon swap in your current state." SI_WEAPON_SWAP_ONE_WEAPON_SET_TOOLTIP = 4094 = "You do not have weapons equipped in both weapon sets." SI_WEAPON_SWAP_TOOLTIP = 4091 = "Toggles between your Primary and Backup Weapon Sets." SI_WEAPON_SWAP_UNEARNED_TOOLTIP = 4092 = "Unlocked at Level <<1>>" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_ADDON_EULA = 164 = "AddOn End User License Agreement" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_ADDON_MANAGER = 148 = "Add-Ons" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_AVA_BONUSES = 3510 = "<<1>> Campaign Bonuses" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER = 6460 = "Campaigns" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW = 6419 = "Overview" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_CHAT_CHANNEL_OPTIONS = 3144 = "Chat Tab Options" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_CHAT_COLOR_OPTIONS = 3145 = "Chat Color Options" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_COLOR_PICKER = 3540 = "Color Picker" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_FRIENDS_LIST = 3511 = "Friends" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_GRAPHICS_OPTIONS = 9 = "Graphics Options" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_GROUP_LIST = 3512 = "Your Group" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_GROUP_OPTIONS = 3689 = "Group Options" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_GUILD_HERALDRY = 5772 = "Heraldry" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_GUILD_HISTORY = 5773 = "History" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_GUILD_HOME = 5769 = "Home" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_GUILD_RANKS = 5771 = "Ranks" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_GUILD_ROSTER = 5770 = "Roster" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_INBOX_MAIL = 6595 = "Inbox" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_INTERFACE_OPTIONS = 3508 = "Interface Options" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_ITEM_AUGMENTATION = 3327 = "Item Enchantment" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_LOOT = 3703 = "Loot" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_LORE_LIBRARY = 3487 = "Lore Library" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_MAIL = 3391 = "Mail" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_SEND_MAIL = 6596 = "Send" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_SKILLS = 3333 = "Skills" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_TRADE = 3509 = "Trade" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_TRADING_HOUSE = 4508 = "Guild Store" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_UI_ERROR = 168 = "UI Error" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_WORLD_MAP = 5588 = "<>" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_WORLD_MAP_NO_ZONE = 5591 = "World Map: Unknown Zone" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_WORLD_MAP_WITH_CAMPAIGN_NAME = 5590 = "<> (<>)" SI_WINDOW_TITLE_WORLD_MAP_WITH_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY = 5589 = "<> (<>)" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_GO_TO_CROWN_STORE = 5611 = "Open Crown Store" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_HIDE_INFORMATION = 5607 = "Hide Information" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_RECALL_TO_WAYSHRINE = 5608 = "Recall to <<1>>" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_REMOVE_PLAYER_WAYPOINT = 5603 = "Remove Destination" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_REMOVE_RALLY_POINT = 5601 = "Remove Rally Point" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_RESPAWN_AT_FORWARD_CAMP = 5610 = "Respawn at Forward Camp" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_RESPAWN_AT_KEEP = 5605 = "Respawn at Keep" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_SELECT_QUEST = 5600 = "Set Focused: <<1>>" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_SET_PLAYER_WAYPOINT = 5602 = "Set Destination" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_SHOW_INFORMATION = 5606 = "Show Information" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_TRAVEL_TO_KEEP = 5604 = "Travel to Keep" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_TRAVEL_TO_WAYSHRINE = 5609 = "Travel to <<1>>" SI_WORLD_MAP_ACTION_UPGRADE_CHAPTER = 5612 = "Upgrade" SI_WORLD_MAP_BROWSE_MAPS_TOOLTIP = 3665 = "Browse maps" SI_WORLD_MAP_CURRENT_LOCATION = 5572 = "Current Location" SI_WORLD_MAP_DOESNT_SHOW_QUESTS_DISTANCE = 5574 = "Zoom in to a smaller map to see quests." SI_WORLD_MAP_FILTERS_SHOW_ALLIANCE = 5579 = "Show Alliance" SI_WORLD_MAP_FILTERS_SHOW_DETAILS = 5578 = "Show Details" SI_WORLD_MAP_LOCATION_NAME = 5577 = "<>" SI_WORLD_MAP_NO_HOUSES = 5571 = "You haven't discovered any houses yet." SI_WORLD_MAP_NO_KEY = 5575 = "This map does not have a key." SI_WORLD_MAP_NO_QUESTS = 5573 = "You do not have any quests here." SI_WORLD_MAP_NO_QUEST_MAP_LOCATION = 5576 = "This quest cannot be shown on a map." SI_WORLD_MAP_OPTIONS_TOOLTIP = 5593 = "Configure map" SI_WORLD_MAP_OPTION_FILTER_GRAVEYARD_AREAS = 5598 = "Forward Camp Areas" SI_WORLD_MAP_OPTION_FILTER_OBJECTIVES = 5597 = "Points of Interest" SI_WORLD_MAP_OPTION_FILTER_PVP_SECTION = 5599 = "Player vs. Player Pins:" SI_WORLD_MAP_OPTION_SHOW_QUESTS = 5596 = "Show quest list" SI_WORLD_MAP_OPTION_SQUARE = 5594 = "Force map to be square" SI_WORLD_MAP_OPTION_TRANSPARENCY = 5595 = "Transparency:" SI_WORLD_MAP_RECENTER_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = 3664 = "Show my location" SI_WORLD_MAP_SMALL_OPTIONS_TITLE = 5592 = "Pop-Out Map Options" SI_WORLD_MAP_ZOOM = 5580 = "Zoom" SI_WORLD_MAP_ZOOM_KEY = 3501 = "Mousewheel" SI_WRIT_VOUCHER_FORMAT = 3709 = "<<1>> Writ Vouchers" SI_YES = 3705 = "Yes" SI_ZONE_DOOR_RETICLE_INSTANCE_TYPE_FORMAT = 4685 = "<>\n<<2>>" SI_ZONE_NAME = 5618 = "<>" SKILLS_ACTION_BAR_FRAGMENT = table:0000014316CE3530 (meta 0000014306480D30} SKILLS_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D018A20 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} SKILLS_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:000001431036E210 (meta 000001431336FD98} SKILLS_WINDOW = table:00000143F990C338 (meta 00000143E18AE870} firstTable firstMeta abilityList = userdata:00000143F990B980 (meta 00000143F990BE80} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000143E137A518 firstTable animation = userdata:00000144C1B83E00 (meta 00000143E18AE3E8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143F990B980 (meta 00000143F990BE80} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000144C1B83D98 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143F990B9F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143E137A4D0 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143E137A488 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E18983F8 firstTable height = 70 pool = table:00000143E188BCD8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E188BD20 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143E189EC08 m_Free = table:00000143E18983B0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143E189F070 2 = table:00000144083C8F20 firstTable height = 32 pool = table:00000143F3AC39C0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F3AC3A08 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014314391D48 m_Free = table:00000144083C8ED8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000014314391D00 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000143F990BC10 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 2 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143F990BA60 (meta 00000143F990BCC8} timeline = userdata:00000143F990C590 (meta 0000014308367FC0} upButton = userdata:00000143F990BB98 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143B32517A8 firstTable availablePoints = 0 availablePointsLabel = userdata:00000143F9909B48 (meta 00000143083425C0} confirmDialog = userdata:00000143F9907900 (meta 000001431C5BC830} container = userdata:00000143F9909940 (meta 0000014308326048} dirty = true displayedAbilityProgressions = table:00000143F990C380 firstTable morphDialog = userdata:00000143B324B588 (meta 00000143EC959CE0} navigationContainer = userdata:00000143F9909D60 (meta 00000143F990A1C0} navigationTree = table:00000143F990C3C8 (meta 000001431679AD50} skillInfo = userdata:00000143F990A430 (meta 00000143F990B638} skyShards = 0 skyShardsLabel = userdata:00000143F9909BB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} upgradeDialog = userdata:00000143F9908EC0 (meta 00000143F990CA58} warning = userdata:00000143F990C328 (meta 00000143083425C0} SKILLS_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:0000014313E33F88 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} SKILL_GROWTH_TYPE_AP = 1 SKILL_GROWTH_TYPE_EXP = 0 SKILL_GROWTH_TYPE_INSPIRATION = 4 SKILL_GROWTH_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SKILL_GROWTH_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 5 SKILL_GROWTH_TYPE_JUSTICE_THIEF = 5 SKILL_GROWTH_TYPE_KEEP = 3 SKILL_GROWTH_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 5 SKILL_GROWTH_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SKILL_GROWTH_TYPE_SIEGE = 2 SKILL_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_BODY = 1 SKILL_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SKILL_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 1 SKILL_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 1 SKILL_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 SKILL_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_NAME = 0 SKILL_TYPE_ARMOR = 3 SKILL_TYPE_AVA = 6 SKILL_TYPE_CHAMPION = 9 SKILL_TYPE_CLASS = 1 SKILL_TYPE_GUILD = 5 SKILL_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SKILL_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 9 SKILL_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 9 SKILL_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SKILL_TYPE_NONE = 0 SKILL_TYPE_RACIAL = 7 SKILL_TYPE_TRADESKILL = 8 SKILL_TYPE_WEAPON = 2 SKILL_TYPE_WORLD = 4 SLASH_COMMANDS = table:00000143CE3F68E8 SLASH_COMMAND_AUTO_COMPLETE = table:00000144D8634C98 (meta 00000144D86349A8} firstTable firstMeta anchorStyle = 1 automaticMode = true callbackRegistry = table:00000144D8637AF0 firstTable ZO_AutoComplete_On_Entry_Selected = table:00000144D8637B38 firstTable 1 = table:00000144D8637B80 firstTable 1() = function:00000144D8637A70 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000144D8634CE0 firstTable dontCallHookedHandlers = true editControl = userdata:000001439EAB5680 (meta 000001430833A3B8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepFocusOnCommit = true maxResults = 8 owner = table:00000143CE3F68E8 firstTable afk() = function:00000143DB2E3270 angry() = function:00000144D04C3780 annoyed() = function:00000143DD98F4C0 applaud() = function:00000144D04C3800 approve() = function:00000144D04C3880 armscrossed() = function:00000144D04C3900 attention() = function:00000143F5F45618 away() = function:00000143DB2E32B0 back() = function:00000143DB2E32F0 beckon() = function:00000144D04CF550 beg() = function:000001448F0EBF20 beggar() = function:00000143D09B4400 bellylaugh() = function:00000143F5F77AF8 bestowblessing() = function:00000143DD98F3C0 bless() = function:00000144D04DC5D8 blessing() = function:00000143DD99A2E0 blowkiss() = function:00000143DD98F440 boo() = function:00000144D04DC758 bored() = function:00000143D6E81E68 bow() = function:000001447C5E21F8 bow2() = function:00000143F5F69D98 breathless() = function:00000143D09CE2C0 brushoff() = function:000001448F0EC020 bucketsplash() = function:00000143DD9824D8 bug() = function:00000143B323D058 camp() = function:00000143CE3FAC58 celebrate() = function:00000144CAEFBD80 chat() = function:00000143CE3F3218 chatlog() = function:00000143CE3F69F0 cheer() = function:000001447C5E2278 clap() = function:00000143DD978350 cold() = function:000001448F0C3EF0 colder() = function:00000143F5F69E18 come() = function:00000144D04CF650 comehere() = function:00000144D04CF5D0 confused() = function:00000143D6EADD60 congrats() = function:00000143D6E96D50 congratulate() = function:00000143D6E8CC28 controlrod() = function:00000143DD9784D0 cower() = function:000001447C5E2378 crouch() = function:00000144CAF08E10 crownstore() = function:00000143F5F69E98 cry() = function:00000143DD9A5F58 crying() = function:000001448F0D29F0 cuckoo() = function:000001447C5EDEC8 curtsey() = function:00000143E777EE40 dance() = function:000001448F0DE620 dancealtmer() = function:00000143F8DBA020 danceargonian() = function:00000143F8DBA0A0 dancebosmer() = function:00000143F8DBA120 dancebreton() = function:00000143F8DB9FA0 dancedarkelf() = function:00000143F5F512E8 dancedrunk() = function:000001448F0EC0A0 dancedunmer() = function:00000143F8DC70D8 dancehighelf() = function:00000143F5F511E8 danceimperial() = function:00000143F8DC7158 dancekhajiit() = function:00000143F8DC71D8 dancenord() = function:00000143F8DC7258 danceorc() = function:00000143F8DD2E80 danceredguard() = function:00000143F8DD2F00 dancewoodelf() = function:00000143F5F51268 disapprove() = function:000001447C5EDF48 disgust() = function:000001447C5EDFC8 dishonor() = function:00000143DD9A60D8 dismiss() = function:000001448F0DE6A0 doom() = function:00000143D6EA2FF0 downcast() = function:000001447C5EE048 drink() = function:00000144D04B5F50 drink2() = function:00000143DD9A5FD8 drink3() = function:00000143F5F45498 drum() = function:00000144D04AA358 drunk() = function:00000143D6E81EE8 duel() = function:00000143CE3F6DD8 dustoff() = function:000001448F0F7BD8 eat() = function:00000143DD99A160 eat2() = function:00000144D04B5FD0 eat3() = function:00000143DD9B3220 eat4() = function:00000143F5F45518 eatbread() = function:00000143DD9B31A0 exasperated() = function:000001447C5FB748 facepalm() = function:000001447C5FB7C8 faint() = function:00000143DD9825D8 feedback() = function:00000143CE3F3148 fistpump() = function:000001447C5E22F8 flirt() = function:00000143D6E96E50 flute() = function:00000144D04AA2D8 followme() = function:000001447C5FB848 fps() = function:00000143CE3F36A0 give() = function:000001447C5FB8C8 goaway() = function:000001448F0DE720 goquietly() = function:00000143FBC92688 grats() = function:00000143D6E96DD0 greet() = function:00000143D6E77A50 hail() = function:00000143D6E81D68 hammer() = function:00000143D09CE1C0 hammerlow() = function:00000143E777ED40 hammerwall() = function:00000143E775C960 handsonhips() = function:000001447C60B470 handtoheart() = function:000001447C60B4F0 headache() = function:00000143D6E8CB28 headscratch() = function:000001447C61AE10 heartbroken() = function:00000143DD9783D0 hello() = function:00000143D6E81DE8 help() = function:00000143CE3F31B0 home() = function:00000143C7F7A9C0 honor() = function:00000143DD9A6058 horn() = function:00000144D04AA1D8 huh() = function:00000143E775C8E0 humble() = function:00000144CAF08F10 idle() = function:00000143DD9B3320 idle2() = function:00000143F8DD2F80 idle3() = function:00000143F8DE9CC8 idle4() = function:00000143F8DE9D48 idle5() = function:00000143F8DE9DC8 impatient() = function:00000143D6EADDE0 invite() = function:00000143CE3F6A30 juggleflame() = function:00000143F8DDEF70 jumpingjacks() = function:00000144CAED6B80 jumptofriend() = function:00000143CE3F6C10 jumptogroupmember() = function:00000143CE3F6BA8 jumptoguildmember() = function:00000143CE3F6C78 jumptoleader() = function:00000143CE3F6B40 kick() = function:00000143D09C2500 kiss() = function:00000144D04DC658 kissthis() = function:00000143F5F77A78 kneel() = function:00000144CAF08E90 kneelpray() = function:00000143D09B4380 knock() = function:00000144CAEE26D8 knockeddown() = function:00000143DD98F540 knuckles() = function:00000143DD99A260 kowtow() = function:00000143D6E8CBA8 latency() = function:00000143CE3F3708 laugh() = function:000001447C61AE90 leanback() = function:00000143D6E778D0 leanbackcoin() = function:00000143F8DDEEF0 leanside() = function:00000143E777EEC0 leaveme() = function:000001448F0DE7A0 letter() = function:00000143F5F5BF60 loc() = function:000001439CF69D30 logout() = function:00000143CE3F2BB0 lol() = function:00000143D6E8CAA8 lookup() = function:00000143F5F45598 lute() = function:00000144D04AA258 meal() = function:00000143F5F5BEE0 no() = function:000001447C61AF90 nod() = function:000001448F0EBFA0 offline() = function:00000143B2A9AC98 online() = function:00000143B2A9AC58 overhere() = function:00000143D09E0B90 payme() = function:00000144C7FD3E78 phew() = function:00000144CAEEF8E0 pie() = 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function:00000144C7FEC7B0 rude() = function:00000144C7FEC830 sad() = function:00000143F8DDEFF0 salute() = function:00000144C7FF95D8 salute2() = function:00000144C7FF9658 salute3() = function:00000144C7FF96D8 saluteloop() = function:00000144C7FF9758 saluteloop2() = function:00000144C8006E30 saluteloop3() = function:00000144C8006EB0 scared() = function:00000144C8006FB0 scratch() = function:000001448F0F7D58 script() = function:00000143CE3F6958 search() = function:00000143D09C2580 self() = function:00000144C7FDF090 shakefist() = function:00000144C8006F30 shh() = function:000001448F0C3F70 shieldeyes() = function:00000143D09B4480 shout() = function:00000144D04DC6D8 shovel() = function:00000143DD982558 shrug() = function:000001448F0F7C58 sick() = function:00000144CAEE27D8 sigh() = function:00000143D6E77950 sit() = function:00000144CAEFBE80 sit2() = function:00000143D09E0C90 sit3() = function:00000143E7750618 sit4() = function:00000143E7750698 sit5() = function:00000143E7750718 sit6() = function:00000143E7750798 sitchair() = function:00000144CAF08D90 situps() = function:00000143D09CE240 sleep() = function:00000143D09E0B10 sleep2() = function:00000143D09E0C10 smallbread() = function:00000143F5F5BE60 smash() = function:00000143DD99A1E0 soupbowl() = function:00000143F5F5BDE0 spit() = function:00000143DD9B32A0 stagger() = function:00000143D6EA2E70 stomp() = function:00000143F8DE9E48 stop() = function:000001447C60B3F0 stretch() = function:00000144CAEE2858 stuck() = function:00000143B323CFF0 surprised() = function:000001448F0C4070 surrender() = function:00000143DD978450 sweep() = function:00000143F8DDEE70 take() = function:000001447C60B370 tap() = function:00000143D6EADE60 taunt() = function:00000143D6E779D0 teatime() = function:00000143F5F779F8 testme() = function:00000143F5F69F18 thank() = function:00000143D09C2600 thanks() = function:00000143D6EA2EF0 thankyou() = function:00000143D6EA2F70 threaten() = function:000001448F0D2870 thumbsdown() = function:000001448F0D28F0 thumbsup() = function:00000143E777EDC0 tilt() = function:00000144CAEEF760 toast3() = function:00000143F5F77978 torch() = function:00000144BA7D3960 touch() = function:00000143D09C2480 twiddle() = function:00000143D6EADEE0 ucd() = function:00000143DB2D9FA8 uci() = function:000001439CF69CF0 ucl() = function:00000143B2AABFC0 ud() = function:000001439CF69BF0 ue() = function:000001439CF69C30 uespbuypassive() = function:00000143DB2E34B0 uespchardata() = function:00000143DB2D9FA8 uespcharinfo() = function:000001439CF69CF0 uespcolor() = function:000001439CF69E30 uespcomparelink() = function:00000143B2AABFC0 uespcontloot() = function:00000143CBD5A6D0 uespcount() = function:00000144095FFB20 uespcraft() = function:00000143E66533F8 uespcustomstat() = function:00000143CBD5A710 uespcustomstats() = function:00000143CBD5A710 uespd() = function:000001439CF69BF0 uespdaily() = function:00000144BF60F3E0 uespdebug() = function:000001439CF69D70 uespdump() = function:000001439CF69E70 uespenl() = 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uespsavebuild() = function:000001436103A0C0 uespset() = function:00000143FBC8D6B0 uespshowbuffs() = function:00000143CBD5AC90 uespshowcoor() = function:00000143DB2E37B0 uespskillcoef() = function:0000014361039EB0 uespskillpoints() = function:0000014361026B90 uespsmithinfo() = function:00000143B2AABEC0 uespsmithsetdump() = function:00000143B2AABE80 uespsmithtest() = function:00000143B2AABE40 uespspeed() = function:00000143DB2E3330 uespstyle() = function:00000143B2AABD40 uesptargetinfo() = function:000001440EB09FA0 uesptest() = function:000001440EB0A120 uesptestdump() = function:00000143CBD61EF8 uesptestpotion() = function:000001440EB0A0E0 uesptestwrit() = function:00000143C7F7A128 uesptime() = function:000001439CF69BB0 uesptrackloot() = function:00000143CBD5ACD0 uesptrackstat() = function:00000143DB2E37F0 uesptrait() = function:00000143DB2DA0E8 uesptreasuretimer() = function:000001439CF69B30 ukd() = function:00000143C7F6E3D0 ulb() = function:00000143DB2D9F68 ume() = function:00000143CBD61EB8 umi() = function:000001440EB09EA0 uml() = function:00000143CBD61E78 upf() = function:00000143DB2D9F28 uqi() = function:00000143DB2DA0A8 uri() = function:000001440EB0A160 usb() = function:000001436103A0C0 usc() = function:0000014361039EB0 usp() = function:0000014361026B90 uti() = function:000001440EB09FA0 utl() = function:00000143CBD5ACD0 utt() = function:000001439CF69B30 wagfinger() = function:00000144CAEEF7E0 wand() = function:00000143DD982658 wand2() = function:00000144BA7D39E0 wave() = function:000001448F0D2970 welcome() = function:000001448F0C3FF0 whisper() = function:00000144CAEEF860 whistle() = function:00000144BA7D3A60 write() = function:00000143E775C860 yawn() = function:00000144CAEFBD00 yes() = function:000001447C61AF10 you() = function:00000144CAED6D00 possibleMatches = table:00000143FBC92708 firstTable afk = /afk angry = /angry annoyed = /annoyed applaud = /applaud approve = /approve armscrossed = /armscrossed attention = /attention away = /away 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/dancenord danceorc = /danceorc danceredguard = /danceredguard dancewoodelf = /dancewoodelf disapprove = /disapprove disgust = /disgust dishonor = /dishonor dismiss = /dismiss doom = /doom downcast = /downcast drink = /drink drink2 = /drink2 drink3 = /drink3 drum = /drum drunk = /drunk duel = /duel dustoff = /dustoff eat = /eat eat2 = /eat2 eat3 = /eat3 eat4 = /eat4 eatbread = /eatbread exasperated = /exasperated facepalm = /facepalm faint = /faint feedback = /feedback fistpump = /fistpump flirt = /flirt flute = /flute followme = /followme fps = /fps give = /give goaway = /goaway goquietly = /goquietly grats = /grats greet = /greet hail = /hail hammer = /hammer hammerlow = /hammerlow hammerwall = /hammerwall handsonhips = /handsonhips handtoheart = /handtoheart headache = /headache headscratch = /headscratch heartbroken = /heartbroken hello = /hello help = /help home = /home honor = /honor horn = /horn huh = /huh humble = /humble idle = /idle idle2 = /idle2 idle3 = /idle3 idle4 = /idle4 idle5 = /idle5 impatient = /impatient invite = /invite juggleflame = /juggleflame jumpingjacks = /jumpingjacks jumptofriend = /jumptofriend jumptogroupmember = /jumptogroupmember jumptoguildmember = /jumptoguildmember jumptoleader = /jumptoleader kick = /kick kiss = /kiss kissthis = /kissthis kneel = /kneel kneelpray = /kneelpray knock = /knock knockeddown = /knockeddown knuckles = /knuckles kowtow = /kowtow latency = /latency laugh = /laugh leanback = /leanback leanbackcoin = /leanbackcoin leanside = /leanside leaveme = /leaveme letter = /letter loc = /loc logout = /logout lol = /lol lookup = /lookup lute = /lute meal = /meal no = /no nod = /nod offline = /offline online = /online overhere = /overhere payme = /payme phew = /phew pie = /pie playdead = /playdead played = /played plead = /plead point = /point pointb = /pointb pointd = /pointd pointl = /pointl pointr = /pointr pointu = /pointu poke = /poke potion = /potion pour = /pour pray = /pray preen = /preen prov = /prov push = /push pushup = /pushup pushups = /pushups quit = /quit rake = /rake rally = /rally read = /read readycheck = /readycheck reloadui = /reloadui ritual = /ritual rl = /rl rubhands = /rubhands rude = /rude sad = /sad salute = /salute salute2 = /salute2 salute3 = /salute3 saluteloop = /saluteloop saluteloop2 = /saluteloop2 saluteloop3 = /saluteloop3 scared = /scared scratch = /scratch script = /script search = /search self = /self shakefist = /shakefist shh = /shh shieldeyes = /shieldeyes shout = /shout shovel = /shovel shrug = /shrug sick = /sick sigh = /sigh sit = /sit sit2 = /sit2 sit3 = /sit3 sit4 = /sit4 sit5 = /sit5 sit6 = /sit6 sitchair = /sitchair situps = /situps sleep = /sleep sleep2 = /sleep2 smallbread = /smallbread smash = /smash soupbowl = /soupbowl spit = /spit stagger = /stagger stomp = /stomp stop = /stop stretch = /stretch stuck = /stuck surprised = /surprised surrender = /surrender sweep = /sweep take = /take tap = /tap taunt = /taunt teatime = /teatime testme = /testme 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= /uti utl = /utl utt = /utt wagfinger = /wagfinger wand = /wand wand2 = /wand2 wave = /wave welcome = /welcome whisper = /whisper whistle = /whistle write = /write yawn = /yawn yes = /yes you = /you useArrows = false useCallbacks = true SLD_ANSWER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SLD_ANSWER_ITERATION_END = 1 SLD_ANSWER_MAX_VALUE = 1 SLD_ANSWER_MIN_VALUE = 0 SLD_ANSWER_NO = 1 SLD_ANSWER_YES = 0 SLD_ERROR_ALLOW_OVERWRITE = 7 SLD_ERROR_FAILED_LOAD = 2 SLD_ERROR_FAILED_SAVE = 3 SLD_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT = 1 SLD_ERROR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SLD_ERROR_ITERATION_END = 7 SLD_ERROR_MAX_VALUE = 7 SLD_ERROR_MIN_VALUE = 0 SLD_ERROR_NO_SAVE_CREATED = 5 SLD_ERROR_NO_SAVE_DEVICE_SELECTED = 6 SLD_ERROR_OUT_OF_SPACE = 0 SLD_ERROR_SAVE_DEST_REMOVED = 4 SLIDER_CATEGORY_AGE = 0 SLIDER_CATEGORY_BODY = 1 SLIDER_CATEGORY_FACE = 2 SLIDER_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SLIDER_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 2 SLIDER_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 2 SLIDER_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 SLIDER_NAME_ARM_SIZE = 35 SLIDER_NAME_BUTTOCKS_SIZE = 34 SLIDER_NAME_CHARACTER_HEIGHT = 39 SLIDER_NAME_CHEEK_BONE_HEIGHT = 25 SLIDER_NAME_CHEEK_BONE_SIZE = 24 SLIDER_NAME_CHEST_SIZE = 36 SLIDER_NAME_CHIN_HEIGHT = 13 SLIDER_NAME_CHIN_SIZE = 14 SLIDER_NAME_EAR_HEIGHT = 9 SLIDER_NAME_EAR_ROTATION = 23 SLIDER_NAME_EAR_SIZE = 10 SLIDER_NAME_EAR_TIP_FLARE = 22 SLIDER_NAME_EYEBROW_ANGLE = 12 SLIDER_NAME_EYEBROW_DEPTH = 21 SLIDER_NAME_EYEBROW_HEIGHT = 11 SLIDER_NAME_EYEBROW_SKEW = 20 SLIDER_NAME_EYE_ANGLE = 3 SLIDER_NAME_EYE_HEIGHT = 0 SLIDER_NAME_EYE_SEPARATION = 2 SLIDER_NAME_EYE_SIZE = 1 SLIDER_NAME_EYE_SQUINT = 19 SLIDER_NAME_FOOT_SIZE = 33 SLIDER_NAME_FOREHEAD_SLOPE = 16 SLIDER_NAME_GUT_SIZE = 32 SLIDER_NAME_HAND_SIZE = 31 SLIDER_NAME_HIP_SIZE = 30 SLIDER_NAME_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SLIDER_NAME_ITERATION_END = 40 SLIDER_NAME_JAW_SIZE = 15 SLIDER_NAME_LEG_SIZE = 29 SLIDER_NAME_LIP_FULLNESS = 5 SLIDER_NAME_MAX_VALUE = 40 SLIDER_NAME_MIN_VALUE = 0 SLIDER_NAME_MOUTH_CURVE = 6 SLIDER_NAME_MOUTH_HEIGHT = 4 SLIDER_NAME_MOUTH_WIDTH = 40 SLIDER_NAME_NECK_SIZE = 28 SLIDER_NAME_NOSE_HEIGHT = 7 SLIDER_NAME_NOSE_LENGTH = 18 SLIDER_NAME_NOSE_SHAPE = 17 SLIDER_NAME_NOSE_WIDTH = 8 SLIDER_NAME_TAIL_SIZE = 38 SLIDER_NAME_TOOTH_SIZE = 37 SLIDER_NAME_TORSO_SIZE = 27 SLIDER_NAME_WAIST_SIZE = 26 SLIDER_SUBCAT_BODY_FEATURES = 1 SLIDER_SUBCAT_BODY_LOWER = 3 SLIDER_SUBCAT_BODY_TYPE = 0 SLIDER_SUBCAT_BODY_UPPER = 2 SLIDER_SUBCAT_FACE_BROW = 9 SLIDER_SUBCAT_FACE_EARS = 11 SLIDER_SUBCAT_FACE_EYES = 8 SLIDER_SUBCAT_FACE_FACE = 7 SLIDER_SUBCAT_FACE_FEATURES = 6 SLIDER_SUBCAT_FACE_HAIR = 5 SLIDER_SUBCAT_FACE_MOUTH = 10 SLIDER_SUBCAT_FACE_NOSE = 12 SLIDER_SUBCAT_FACE_TYPE = 4 SLIDER_SUBCAT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SLIDER_SUBCAT_ITERATION_END = 13 SLIDER_SUBCAT_MAX_VALUE = 13 SLIDER_SUBCAT_MIN_VALUE = 0 SLIDER_SUBCAT_VOICE = 13 SLOT_TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT_REWARD = 14 SLOT_TYPE_BANK_ITEM = 9 SLOT_TYPE_BUY_MULTIPLE = 8 SLOT_TYPE_COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY = 35 SLOT_TYPE_CRAFTING_COMPONENT = 24 SLOT_TYPE_CRAFT_BAG_ITEM = 36 SLOT_TYPE_DYEABLE_EQUIPMENT = 31 SLOT_TYPE_ENCHANTMENT = 16 SLOT_TYPE_ENCHANTMENT_RESULT = 17 SLOT_TYPE_EQUIPMENT = 3 SLOT_TYPE_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_ITEM = 34 SLOT_TYPE_GUILD_BANK_ITEM = 10 SLOT_TYPE_GUILD_SPECIFIC_ITEM = 32 SLOT_TYPE_ITEM = 2 SLOT_TYPE_LAUNDER = 33 SLOT_TYPE_LIST_DIALOG_ITEM = 30 SLOT_TYPE_LOOT = 13 SLOT_TYPE_MAIL_ATTACHMENT = 12 SLOT_TYPE_MAIL_QUEUED_ATTACHMENT = 11 SLOT_TYPE_MY_TRADE = 4 SLOT_TYPE_PENDING_CHARGE = 15 SLOT_TYPE_PENDING_CRAFTING_COMPONENT = 25 SLOT_TYPE_PENDING_REPAIR = 22 SLOT_TYPE_PENDING_RETRAIT_ITEM = 37 SLOT_TYPE_QUEST_ITEM = 1 SLOT_TYPE_REPAIR = 21 SLOT_TYPE_SMITHING_BOOSTER = 29 SLOT_TYPE_SMITHING_MATERIAL = 26 SLOT_TYPE_SMITHING_STYLE = 27 SLOT_TYPE_SMITHING_TRAIT = 28 SLOT_TYPE_STACK_SPLIT = 23 SLOT_TYPE_STORE_BUY = 6 SLOT_TYPE_STORE_BUYBACK = 7 SLOT_TYPE_THEIR_TRADE = 5 SLOT_TYPE_TRADING_HOUSE_ITEM_LISTING = 20 SLOT_TYPE_TRADING_HOUSE_ITEM_RESULT = 19 SLOT_TYPE_TRADING_HOUSE_POST_ITEM = 18 SMALL_GROUP_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 4 SMITHING = table:0000014309E1BCE0 (meta 0000014313456F28} SMITHING_BONUSES = table:0000014313471CD8 firstTable 18 = true 20 = true 21 = true 22 = true 23 = true 25 = true 27 = true 28 = true 29 = true 30 = true 32 = true 34 = true 35 = true 36 = true 37 = true SMITHING_FRAGMENT = table:000001440819FFD0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} SMITHING_GAMEPAD = table:00000143ED546820 (meta 00000143ED5230E8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143ED5243F8 (meta 0000014308326048} creationModeEntry = table:000001431DE75368 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001431DE75438 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_menuIcon_create.dds mode = 2 numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Creation unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} creationPanel = table:00000143ED5372D8 (meta 0000014320F664D8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143ED5262D0 (meta 000001430831E750} dirty = true floatingControl = userdata:00000143ED52BD78 (meta 000001430831E750} owner = table:00000143ED546820 (meta 00000143ED5230E8} panelControl = userdata:00000143ED526250 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollChild = userdata:00000143ED528C50 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollContainer = userdata:00000143ED528970 (meta 00000143ED528E60} firstMeta firstIndex DisableUpdateHandler() = function:0000014457A319C0 Initialize() = function:0000014457A318C8 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:0000014457A31A80 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:0000014457A31A40 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:0000014457A31AC0 OnUpdate() = function:0000014457A31B00 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:0000014457A31A00 ResetToTop() = function:0000014457A31978 animation = userdata:00000143ED5293A8 (meta 00000143ED529400} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143ED528970 (meta 00000143ED528E60} directionalInputActivated = false hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000143ED528B20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000143ED528BB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollInput = 0 scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:00000143ED529378 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 deconstructionModeEntry = table:000001431DE754C8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001431DE75598 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_menuIcon_deconstruct.dds mode = 3 numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Deconstruct unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} deconstructionPanel = table:00000143ED53F720 (meta 0000014313451C30} firstTable firstMeta extractionSlot = table:00000143ED539DB0 (meta 00000143D8F230E8} firstTable control = userdata:00000143ED530520 (meta 00000143ED530AE8} craftingInventory = table:00000143ED53FCB8 (meta 00000143DDBE0CB8} dropCallout = userdata:00000143ED530840 (meta 0000014308349FC8} emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_slot.dds nameLabel = userdata:00000143ED530988 (meta 00000143083425C0} needMoreLabel = userdata:00000143ED530A30 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:00000143ED53F720 (meta 0000014313451C30} slotType = 25 extractionSlotControl = userdata:00000143ED530520 (meta 00000143ED530AE8} floatingControl = userdata:00000143ED530400 (meta 000001430831E750} inventory = table:00000143ED53FCB8 (meta 00000143DDBE0CB8} itemActions = table:00000143ED53F768 (meta 00000143EA549850} firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED53FBA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED53F960 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143ED53FA68 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:00000143ED53F9A8 order = 500 visible() = function:00000143ED53FAB8 activateCallback() = function:00000143ED53FB50 hasBind() = function:00000143ED53FB08 slotActions = table:00000143ED53F7B0 (meta 00000143E6C73298} firstTable m_contextMenuMode = false m_keybindActions = table:00000143ED53F870 firstTable m_numContextMenuActions = 0 m_slotActions = table:00000143ED53F7F8 firstTable useKeybindStrip = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001431DE6FBD0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DE6FC50 firstTable callback() = function:000001431DE6FE08 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:000001431DE6FD40 visible() = function:000001431DE6FDC0 2 = table:000001431DE6FE50 firstTable callback() = function:000001431DE6FF88 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:000001431DE6FF40 visible() = function:000001431DE6FFD0 3 = table:000001431DE70018 firstTable callback() = function:000001431DE70108 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Actions visible() = function:000001431DE70150 4 = table:000001431DE70198 firstTable callback() = function:000001431DE6FA88 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 5 = table:000001431DE702F8 firstTable callback() = function:000001431DE703E8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER 6 = table:000001431DE70440 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431DE70510 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT order = -10000 visible() = function:000001431DE70550 7 = table:000001431DE70590 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431DE705D8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -10000 visible() = function:000001431DE70618 alignment = 1 mode = 2 owner = table:00000143ED546820 (meta 00000143ED5230E8} panelControl = userdata:00000143ED529C30 (meta 000001430831E750} slotAnimation = table:000001431DE6F768 (meta 0000014320F63DF0} firstTable burstToSlot = table:000001431DE6FA40 firstTable slotToBurst = table:000001431DE6FAE0 firstTable slots = table:000001431DE6F7B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED539DB0 (meta 00000143D8F230E8} tooltip = userdata:00000143ED530C30 (meta 00000143ED531580} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000143ED530E88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} lastContentHeight = 0 scrollTooltip = userdata:00000143ED530FA8 (meta 00000143ED532560} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 animation = userdata:00000143ED5325C8 (meta 00000143ED532620} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143ED530FA8 (meta 00000143ED532560} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:00000143ED531040 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:00000143ED5310E0 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000143ED531380 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:00000143ED531640 (meta 0000014308367FC0} tooltip = userdata:00000143ED531188 (meta 00000143ED5316F0} useFadeGradient = true tip = userdata:00000143ED531188 (meta 00000143ED5316F0} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:00000143ED531B58 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED532378 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED531BE8 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:00000143ED531238 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true icon = userdata:00000143ED530E88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:00000143ED531790 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED5322E8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED531878 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 0 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:00000143ED532080 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED5323C0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED532110 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:00000143ED531D10 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED532408 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED531DA0 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:00000143ED531EC8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED532450 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED531F58 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:00000143ED532238 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143D6006570 styles = table:00000143ED532280 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FE9688 texturePool = table:00000143ED5319A0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED532330 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED531A30 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} vertical = true header = userdata:00000143ED5246A8 (meta 000001431DE772E0} improvementModeEntry = table:000001431DE75628 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001431DE756F8 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_menuIcon_improve.dds mode = 4 numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Improvement unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} improvementPanel = table:00000143ED53A308 (meta 00000143D600A0F0} firstTable firstMeta boosterContainer = userdata:00000143ED532AB0 (meta 000001430831E750} boosterHeaderLabel = userdata:00000143ED533348 (meta 00000143083425C0} boosterSlot = userdata:00000143ED534358 (meta 00000143ED5347B8} boosterStackCount = userdata:00000143ED534490 (meta 00000143083425C0} dirty = true floatingControl = userdata:00000143ED532A28 (meta 000001430831E750} improvementChanceLabel = userdata:00000143ED533B50 (meta 00000143083425C0} improvementSlot = table:00000143ED53A350 (meta 00000143E97A3738} firstTable control = userdata:00000143ED533DA0 (meta 00000143ED534208} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143ED534180 (meta 0000014308367FC0} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 dropCallout = userdata:00000143ED5340A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} emptyTexture = owner = table:00000143ED53A308 (meta 00000143D600A0F0} slotType = 25 inventory = table:00000143ED53D008 (meta 00000143F19533C0} inventoryControl = userdata:00000143ED52A048 (meta 00000143ED53D098} itemActions = table:00000143ED53EDB0 (meta 00000143EA549850} firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED53F1B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED53EF78 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143ED53F080 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:00000143ED53EFC0 order = 500 visible() = function:00000143ED53F0D0 activateCallback() = function:00000143ED53F168 hasBind() = function:00000143ED53F120 slotActions = table:00000143ED53EDF8 (meta 00000143E6C73298} firstTable m_contextMenuMode = false m_keybindActions = table:00000143ED53EE88 firstTable m_numContextMenuActions = 0 m_slotActions = table:00000143ED53EE40 firstTable useKeybindStrip = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143ED53E0D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED53E170 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED53E1B8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT visible() = function:00000143ED53E1F8 2 = table:00000143ED53E238 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED53E3A8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name() = function:00000143ED53E328 visible() = function:00000143ED53E3F0 3 = table:00000143ED53E430 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED53E5A8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:00000143ED53E520 visible() = function:00000143ED53E560 4 = table:00000143ED53E5F0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED53E720 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:00000143ED53E6E0 visible() = function:00000143ED53E768 5 = table:00000143ED53E7B0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED53E8A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Actions visible() = function:00000143ED53E8E8 6 = table:00000143ED53E930 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED53EA20 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 7 = table:00000143ED53EAE8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED53EBD8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 listControl = userdata:00000143ED529FC0 (meta 000001430831E750} mode = 2 owner = table:00000143ED546820 (meta 00000143ED5230E8} panelControl = userdata:00000143ED529FC0 (meta 000001430831E750} qualityBridge = userdata:00000143ED534D18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} resultTooltip = userdata:00000143ED541D48 (meta 00000143ED5426D0} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000143ED541FA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} lastContentHeight = 0 scrollTooltip = userdata:00000143ED5420D0 (meta 00000143ED545EB8} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 animation = userdata:00000143ED546428 (meta 00000143ED546480} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143ED5420D0 (meta 00000143ED545EB8} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:00000143ED542168 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:00000143ED542210 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000143ED5424C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:00000143ED542790 (meta 0000014308367FC0} tooltip = userdata:00000143ED5422C0 (meta 00000143ED542840} useFadeGradient = true tip = userdata:00000143ED5422C0 (meta 00000143ED542840} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 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LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:00000143ED5454B0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED545CD0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED545540 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:00000143ED542378 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true icon = userdata:00000143ED541FA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:00000143ED5450E8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED545C40 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED5451D0 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 0 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:00000143ED5459D8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED545D18 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED545A68 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:00000143ED545668 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED545D60 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED5456F8 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:00000143ED545820 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED545DA8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED5458B0 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:00000143ED545B90 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143D6006570 styles = table:00000143ED545BD8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FE9688 texturePool = table:00000143ED5452F8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED545C88 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED545388 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} vertical = true rows = table:00000143ED53AEB0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143ED532DB8 (meta 00000143ED53C380} firstMeta firstIndex fadeAnimation = userdata:00000143ED53C440 (meta 0000014308367FC0} fromLabel = userdata:00000143ED5333D8 (meta 00000143ED53C9B0} firstMeta firstIndex fadeAnimation = userdata:00000143ED53AF18 (meta 0000014308367FC0} iconTexture = userdata:00000143ED532E50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} index = 1 stackLabel = userdata:00000143ED532EF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} toLabel = userdata:00000143ED533468 (meta 00000143ED53CAD0} firstMeta firstIndex fadeAnimation = userdata:00000143ED53CA48 (meta 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userdata:00000143ED533170 (meta 00000143ED53C7B0} firstMeta firstIndex fadeAnimation = userdata:00000143ED53C818 (meta 0000014308367FC0} fromLabel = userdata:00000143ED533588 (meta 00000143ED53CDC0} iconTexture = userdata:00000143ED533210 (meta 0000014308349FC8} index = 4 stackLabel = userdata:00000143ED5332B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} toLabel = userdata:00000143ED533620 (meta 00000143ED53CF38} firstMeta firstIndex fadeAnimation = userdata:00000143ED53CEB0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} slotAnimation = table:00000143ED53A598 (meta 0000014320F59C00} firstTable bursts = table:00000143ED53A870 firstTable slots = table:00000143ED53A5E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED53A350 (meta 00000143E97A3738} 2 = userdata:00000143ED534358 (meta 00000143ED5347B8} slotContainer = userdata:00000143ED5336A8 (meta 00000143ED534C58} firstMeta firstIndex activeBG = userdata:00000143ED533C70 (meta 0000014308324730} extraInfoLabel = userdata:00000143ED533B50 (meta 00000143083425C0} inactiveBG = userdata:00000143ED533BE0 (meta 0000014308324730} listControl = userdata:00000143ED5337C8 (meta 000001430831E750} selectedLabel = userdata:00000143ED533AB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} titleLabel = userdata:00000143ED533738 (meta 00000143083425C0} universalItemBg = userdata:00000143ED533D08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} sourceTooltip = userdata:00000143ED534E58 (meta 00000143ED540890} spinner = table:00000143ED53A910 (meta 00000144D64E3360} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 active = false callbackRegistry = table:00000143ED53A9E8 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:00000143ED53AA30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED53AA78 firstTable 1() = function:00000143ED53A9A0 3 = false constrainRangeFunc() = function:00000143ED5CD718 control = userdata:00000143ED534908 (meta 000001430831E750} decreaseButton = userdata:00000143ED534AD0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143ED53A958 firstTable display = userdata:00000143ED534B68 (meta 00000143083425C0} enabled = false errorColor = table:0000014345F117D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:00000143ED534C00 (meta 0000014308331CA0} magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:00000143167A2FB8 max = inf min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 stickDirection = 2 value = 1 keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001431DE758C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DE75928 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431DE759B0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:000001431DE75970 2 = table:000001431DE75A30 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:000001431DE75AA0 firstTable callback() = function:000001431DE75B90 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:000001431DE75C58 firstTable callback() = function:000001431DE75D48 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER modeList = table:000001431DE73418 (meta 0000014405F90F70} refinementModeEntry = table:000001431DE75208 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001431DE752D8 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_menuIcon_refine.dds mode = 1 numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Refine unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} refinementPanel = table:00000143ED518840 (meta 0000014313451C30} firstTable extractionSlot = table:00000143ED513440 (meta 00000143D8F230E8} firstTable control = userdata:00000143ED52DF68 (meta 00000143ED52E500} craftingInventory = table:00000143ED515950 (meta 00000143DDBE0CB8} dropCallout = userdata:00000143ED52E270 (meta 0000014308349FC8} emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_slot.dds nameLabel = userdata:00000143ED52E3A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} needMoreLabel = userdata:00000143ED52E448 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:00000143ED518840 (meta 0000014313451C30} slotType = 25 extractionSlotControl = userdata:00000143ED52DF68 (meta 00000143ED52E500} floatingControl = userdata:00000143ED52DE48 (meta 000001430831E750} inventory = table:00000143ED515950 (meta 00000143DDBE0CB8} itemActions = table:00000143ED515388 (meta 00000143EA549850} firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED515818 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5155D8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143ED5156E0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:00000143ED515620 order = 500 visible() = function:00000143ED515730 activateCallback() = function:00000143ED5157C8 hasBind() = function:00000143ED515780 slotActions = table:00000143ED5153D0 (meta 00000143E6C73298} firstTable m_contextMenuMode = false m_keybindActions = table:00000143ED515490 firstTable m_numContextMenuActions = 0 m_slotActions = table:00000143ED515418 firstTable useKeybindStrip = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143ED536260 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5362E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED536498 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:00000143ED5363D0 visible() = function:00000143ED536450 2 = table:00000143ED5364E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED536618 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:00000143ED5365D0 visible() = function:00000143ED536660 3 = table:00000143ED5366A8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED536798 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Actions visible() = function:00000143ED5367E0 4 = table:00000143ED536828 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED536118 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 5 = table:00000143ED536988 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED536A78 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER 6 = table:00000143ED536AD0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143ED536BA0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT order = -10000 visible() = function:00000143ED536BE0 7 = table:00000143ED536C20 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143ED536C68 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -10000 visible() = function:00000143ED536CA8 alignment = 1 mode = 3 owner = table:00000143ED546820 (meta 00000143ED5230E8} panelControl = userdata:00000143ED5298B8 (meta 000001430831E750} slotAnimation = table:00000143ED535DF8 (meta 0000014320F63DF0} firstTable burstToSlot = table:00000143ED5360D0 firstTable slotToBurst = table:00000143ED536170 firstTable slots = table:00000143ED535E40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED513440 (meta 00000143D8F230E8} tooltip = userdata:00000143ED52E640 (meta 00000143ED52EF58} researchModeEntry = table:000001431DE75788 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001431DE75858 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_menuIcon_research.dds mode = 5 numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Research unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} researchPanel = table:000001431DE70B20 (meta 0000014320F5E6C8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143ED52A3C8 (meta 000001430831E750} dirty = true owner = table:00000143ED546820 (meta 00000143ED5230E8} panelContent = userdata:00000143ED52A340 (meta 000001430831E750} slotPool = table:000001431DE71088 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431DE710D0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431DE71148 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelMaskResearchResearchZO_GamepadSmithingResearchSlot parent = userdata:00000143ED52A3C8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_GamepadSmithingResearchSlot timer = table:000001431DE70BF0 (meta 00000143B4E6F0B0} firstTable control = userdata:00000143ED52AC50 (meta 000001430831E750} direction = 2 fades = false running = false status = userdata:00000143ED52ADB0 (meta 00000143ED52B5E8} time = userdata:00000143ED52B738 (meta 00000143083425C0} timeFormatStyle = 0 timePrecision = 3 updateFunction() = function:000001431DE70C38 skillInfoBar = userdata:00000143ED523208 (meta 00000143ED5240A8} smithingRelatedSceneNames = table:00000143ED518770 firstTable 1 = gamepad_smithing_root 2 = gamepad_smithing_refine 3 = gamepad_smithing_creation 4 = gamepad_smithing_deconstruct 5 = gamepad_smithing_improvement 6 = gamepad_smithing_research 7 = gamepad_provisioner_root 8 = gamepad_provisioner_options smithingStationInteraction = table:00000143ED546898 SMITHING_MODE_CREATION = 2 SMITHING_MODE_DECONSTRUCTION = 3 SMITHING_MODE_IMPROVEMENT = 4 SMITHING_MODE_RECIPES = 6 SMITHING_MODE_REFINMENT = 1 SMITHING_MODE_RESEARCH = 5 SMITHING_MODE_ROOT = 0 SMITHING_RESEARCH_SELECT = table:000001430FD8F3B8 (meta 000001447D42BAD8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000144C1B70CE8 (meta 000001430831E750} SMITHING_SCENE = table:0000014316664298 (meta 00000144C79BED68} SOCIAL_NAME_SEARCH = 1 SOCIAL_RESULT_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_FRIENDS = 3 SOCIAL_RESULT_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_IGNORED = 4 SOCIAL_RESULT_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_INVITED = 2 SOCIAL_RESULT_ACCOUNT_IGNORING_YOU = 25 SOCIAL_RESULT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND = 1 SOCIAL_RESULT_ACCOUNT_OFFLINE = 41 SOCIAL_RESULT_ACCOUNT_TOO_MANY_FRIENDS = 26 SOCIAL_RESULT_ACCOUNT_TOO_MANY_IGNORES = 27 SOCIAL_RESULT_ALREADY_IN_GUILD = 13 SOCIAL_RESULT_ALREADY_IN_MAX_GUILDS = 9 SOCIAL_RESULT_ALREADY_IN_MAX_GUILDS_CANT_INVITE = 82 SOCIAL_RESULT_AT_MAX_LEADERSHIP_ROLES = 8 SOCIAL_RESULT_BEING_ARRESTED = 83 SOCIAL_RESULT_CANNOT_DELETE_A_GUILD_RANK_THAT_IS_NOT_EMPTY = 65 SOCIAL_RESULT_CANT_DEMOTE = 21 SOCIAL_RESULT_CANT_FRIEND_SELF = 6 SOCIAL_RESULT_CANT_IGNORE_SELF = 7 SOCIAL_RESULT_CANT_JUMP_INVALID_TARGET = 84 SOCIAL_RESULT_CANT_JUMP_SELF = 34 SOCIAL_RESULT_CANT_JUMP_TARGET_IN_HOMESHOW = 86 SOCIAL_RESULT_CANT_JUMP_TARGET_PREVIEWING_HOUSE = 85 SOCIAL_RESULT_CANT_KICK_LEADER = 19 SOCIAL_RESULT_CANT_PROMOTE = 20 SOCIAL_RESULT_CANT_PROMOTE_LEADING_ANOTHER_GUILD = 58 SOCIAL_RESULT_CHARACTER_NOT_FOUND = 32 SOCIAL_RESULT_DESTINATION_FULL = 36 SOCIAL_RESULT_DISABLED = 31 SOCIAL_RESULT_EDIT_HERALDRY_GUILD_LEADER_ONLY = 66 SOCIAL_RESULT_EDIT_PERMISSIONS_GUILD_LEADER_ONLY = 64 SOCIAL_RESULT_GUILD_LEADER_PERMISSIONS_NOT_EDITABLE = 67 SOCIAL_RESULT_GUILD_NOT_FOUND = 10 SOCIAL_RESULT_HERALDRY_DISABLED = 79 SOCIAL_RESULT_HERALDRY_EDITED_TOO_RECENTLY = 71 SOCIAL_RESULT_HERALDRY_GUILD_BANK_DISABLED = 70 SOCIAL_RESULT_HERALDRY_NOT_SET_YET = 74 SOCIAL_RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_ALLIANCE_POINTS_FOR_CAMP = 80 SOCIAL_RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_HERALDRY_FUNDS = 69 SOCIAL_RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_STANDARD_FUNDS = 76 SOCIAL_RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_TABARD_FUNDS = 72 SOCIAL_RESULT_INVALID_GUILD_NAME = 16 SOCIAL_RESULT_INVALID_GUILD_RANK = 61 SOCIAL_RESULT_INVALID_HERALDRY_DATA = 75 SOCIAL_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SOCIAL_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 88 SOCIAL_RESULT_JUMPS_EXIT_DISABLED = 48 SOCIAL_RESULT_JUMP_ENTRY_DISABLED = 54 SOCIAL_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 88 SOCIAL_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 SOCIAL_RESULT_NAME_ALREADY_TAKEN = 15 SOCIAL_RESULT_NOT_A_MEMBER = 14 SOCIAL_RESULT_NOT_GROUPED = 33 SOCIAL_RESULT_NOT_GUILD_LEADER = 11 SOCIAL_RESULT_NOT_INVITED = 40 SOCIAL_RESULT_NOT_IN_SAME_GROUP = 55 SOCIAL_RESULT_NOT_SAME_GROUP = 38 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_BATTLE_STANDARD_PERMISSION = 78 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_CAMPAIGN_PERMISSION = 57 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_DEMOTE_PERMISSION = 60 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_DESCRIPTION_EDIT_PREMISSION = 23 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_ERROR = 0 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_GUILD_BANK_PERMISSION = 43 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_GUILD_LEADER_RANK_DEFINED = 49 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_HERALDRY_EDIT_PERMISSION = 68 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_HOUSE_PERMISSION = 88 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_INTRA_CAMPAIGN_JUMPS_ALLOWED = 56 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_INVITE_PERMISSION = 17 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_JUMP_CHAMPION_RANK = 53 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_JUMP_IN_COMBAT = 37 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_KEEP_CLAIM_PERMISSION = 47 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_KICK_PERMISSION = 18 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_LOCATION = 35 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_NOTE_EDIT_PERMISSION = 42 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_PROMOTE_PERMISSION = 59 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_RECRUITMENT_EDIT_PERMISSION = 44 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_RECRUIT_RANK_DEFINED = 50 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_ROOM = 12 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_ROOM_FOR_CAMP = 81 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_ROOM_FOR_STANDARD = 77 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_ROOM_FOR_TABARD = 73 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_SET_MOTD_PERMISSION = 22 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_STORE_BUY_PERMISSION = 46 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_STORE_SELL_PERMISSION = 45 SOCIAL_RESULT_NO_STRUCTURE_EDIT_PERMISSION = 51 SOCIAL_RESULT_OTHER_ACCOUNT_TOO_MANY_FRIENDS = 29 SOCIAL_RESULT_PERMISSION_SAVE_FAILURE = 87 SOCIAL_RESULT_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 30 SOCIAL_RESULT_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND = 28 SOCIAL_RESULT_SOCIAL_DATA_UNAVAILABLE = 5 SOCIAL_RESULT_SOCIAL_ERROR = 24 SOCIAL_RESULT_TOO_FEW_GUILD_RANKS = 63 SOCIAL_RESULT_TOO_MANY_GUILD_RANKS = 62 SOCIAL_RESULT_UNABLE_TO_RELEASE_KEEP_CLAIM = 52 SOCIAL_RESULT_WRONG_ALLIANCE = 39 SOCKET_TYPE_AMMO = 32 SOCKET_TYPE_ENCHANTMENT = 1 SOCKET_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SOCKET_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 128 SOCKET_TYPE_LAUNCH_VELOCITY = 64 SOCKET_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 128 SOCKET_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SOCKET_TYPE_NONE = 0 SOCKET_TYPE_PRECISION = 16 SOCKET_TYPE_TOUGHNESS = 128 SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGER = table:00000144DD5E7858 (meta 00000144DD5E3C50} SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGER_GAMEPAD = table:00000144DD5D50C8 (meta 00000144DD5E9188} SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGER_SCENE_GAMEPAD = table:00000144DD5E6F88 (meta 0000014368607700} SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGING_ALREADY_CHARGED = 1 SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGING_ITERATION_END = 1 SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGING_MAX_VALUE = 1 SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGING_MIN_VALUE = 0 SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGING_NO_SOUL_GEM = 0 SOUL_GEM_TYPE_EMPTY = 0 SOUL_GEM_TYPE_FILLED = 1 SOUL_GEM_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SOUL_GEM_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 1 SOUL_GEM_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 1 SOUL_GEM_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SOUNDS = table:00000143EC92DF68 firstTable ABILITY_CASTER_BUSY = Ability_CasterBusy ABILITY_CASTER_DEAD = Ability_CasterDead ABILITY_CASTER_DISORIENTED = Ability_CasterDisoriented ABILITY_CASTER_FEARED = Ability_CasterFeared ABILITY_CASTER_LEVITATED = Ability_CasterLevitated ABILITY_CASTER_PACIFIED = Ability_CasterPacified ABILITY_CASTER_SILENCED = Ability_CasterSilenced ABILITY_CASTER_STUNNED = Ability_CasterStunned ABILITY_CLICK = Ability_Click ABILITY_FAILED = Ability_Failed ABILITY_FAILED_IN_COMBAT = Ability_FailedInCombat ABILITY_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS = Ability_FailedRequirements ABILITY_INVALID_JUSTICE_TARGET = Ability_InvalidJusticeTarget ABILITY_MORPH_AVAILABLE = Ability_MorphAvailable ABILITY_MORPH_PURCHASED = Ability_MorphPurchased ABILITY_NOT_ENOUGH_HEALTH = Ability_NotEnoughHealth ABILITY_NOT_ENOUGH_MAGICKA = Ability_NotEnoughMagicka ABILITY_NOT_ENOUGH_STAMINA = Ability_NotEnoughStamina ABILITY_NOT_ENOUGH_ULTIMATE = Ability_NotEnoughUltimate ABILITY_NOT_READY = No_Sound ABILITY_PICKED_UP = Ability_Picked_Up ABILITY_RANK_UP = Ability_RankedUp ABILITY_READY = Ability_Ready ABILITY_SKILL_PURCHASED = Ability_SkillPurchased ABILITY_SLOTTED = Ability_Slotted ABILITY_SLOT_CLEARED = Ability_Unslotted ABILITY_SLOT_MENU_OPEN = Ability_Slot_Menu_Open ABILITY_SYNERGY_READY = Ability_Synergy_Ready_Sound ABILITY_TARGET_BAD_TARGET = Ability_TargetBadTarget ABILITY_TARGET_DEAD = Ability_TargetDead ABILITY_TARGET_IMMUNE = Ability_TargetImmune ABILITY_TARGET_NOT_PVP_FLAGGED = Ability_TargetNotPvPFlagged ABILITY_TARGET_OUT_OF_LOS = Ability_TargetOutOfLineOfSight ABILITY_TARGET_OUT_OF_RANGE = Ability_TargetOutOfRange ABILITY_TARGET_TOO_CLOSE = Ability_TargetTooClose ABILITY_ULTIMATE_READY = Ability_Ultimate_Ready_Sound ABILITY_UPGRADE_PURCHASED = Ability_UpgradePurchased ABILITY_WEAPON_SWAP_FAIL = weapon_swap_fail ABILITY_WEAPON_SWAP_SUCCESS = weapon_swap_success ABILITY_WRONG_WEAPON = Ability_WrongWeapon ACHIEVEMENT_AWARDED = Achievement_Awarded ACHIEVEMENT_CATEGORY_SELECTED = Achievement_CategorySelected ACHIEVEMENT_COLLAPSED = Achievement_Collapsed ACHIEVEMENT_EXPANDED = Achievement_Expanded ACHIEVEMENT_SUB_CATEGORY_SELECTED = Achievement_SubCategorySelected ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_FAILS = ActiveCombatTip_Failed ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_SHOWN = ActiveCombatTip_Shown ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_SUCCESS = ActiveCombatTip_Success AGENT_CHAT_ACTIVE = Agent_Chat_Active ALCHEMY_CLOSED = Alchemy_Closed ALCHEMY_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_FAIL = Alchemy_Create_Tooltip_Glow_Fail ALCHEMY_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_SUCCESS = Alchemy_Create_Tooltip_Glow_Success ALCHEMY_OPENED = Alchemy_Opened ALCHEMY_REAGENT_PLACED = Alchemy_Reagent_Placed ALCHEMY_REAGENT_REMOVED = Alchemy_Reagent_Removed ALCHEMY_SOLVENT_PLACED = Alchemy_Solvent_Placed ALCHEMY_SOLVENT_REMOVED = Alchemy_Solvent_Removed ALLIANCE_POINT_TRANSACT = AlliancePoint_Transact ALLIANCE_WAR_WINDOW_CLOSE = AllianceWarWindow_Close ALLIANCE_WAR_WINDOW_OPEN = AllianceWarWindow_Open AVA_GATE_CLOSED = AvA_Gate_Closed AVA_GATE_OPENED = AvA_Gate_Opened AVA_KEEP_CAPTURED = AvA_KeepCaptured BACKPACK_WINDOW_CLOSE = Backpack_Close BACKPACK_WINDOW_OPEN = Backpack_Open BANK_WINDOW_CLOSE = Bank_Close BANK_WINDOW_OPEN = Bank_Open BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_AREA_CAPTURED_OTHER_TEAM = BG_CA_AreaCaptured_OtherTeam BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_AREA_CAPTURED_OWN_TEAM = BG_CA_AreaCaptured_OwnTeam BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_AREA_MOVED = BG_CA_AreaCaptured_Moved BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_AREA_SPAWNED = BG_CA_AreaCaptured_Spawned BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_FLAG_CAPTURED_BY_OTHER_TEAM = BG_CTF_FlagCaptured BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_FLAG_CAPTURED_BY_OWN_TEAM = BG_CTF_TeamFlagCapture BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_FLAG_DROPPED_OTHER_TEAM = BG_CTF_FlagDropped_OtherTeam BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_FLAG_DROPPED_OWN_TEAM = BG_CTF_FlagDropped_OwnTeam BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_FLAG_RETURNED = BG_CTF_FlagReturned BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_FLAG_TAKEN_OTHER_TEAM = BG_CTF_FlagTaken_OtherTeam BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_FLAG_TAKEN_OWN_TEAM = BG_CTF_FlagTaken_OwnTeam BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_METER_CAPTURING = BG_CM_CapturingArea BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_METER_CONTESTING = BG_CM_ContestingArea BATTLEGROUND_COUNTDOWN_FINISH = BG_Countdown_Finish BATTLEGROUND_INACTIVITY_WARNING = Battleground_InactivityWarning BATTLEGROUND_KILL_ASSIST = BG_Kill_Assist BATTLEGROUND_KILL_KILLED_BY_ENEMY_TEAM = BG_Kill_KilledByEnemyTeam BATTLEGROUND_KILL_KILLED_BY_MY_TEAM = BG_Kill_KilledByMyTeam BATTLEGROUND_KILL_KILLING_BLOW = BG_Kill_KillingBlow BATTLEGROUND_KILL_STOLEN_BY_ENEMY_TEAM = BG_Kill_StolenByEnemyTeam BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_LOST = BG_MatchLost BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_WON = BG_MatchWon BATTLEGROUND_MEDAL_RECEIVED = BG_MedalReceived BATTLEGROUND_MURDERBALL_DROPPED_OTHER_TEAM = BG_MB_BallDropped_OtherTeam BATTLEGROUND_MURDERBALL_DROPPED_OWN_TEAM = BG_MB_BallDropped_OwnTeam BATTLEGROUND_MURDERBALL_RETURNED = BG_MB_BallReturned BATTLEGROUND_MURDERBALL_TAKEN_OTHER_TEAM = BG_MB_BallTaken_OtherTeam BATTLEGROUND_MURDERBALL_TAKEN_OWN_TEAM = BG_MB_BallTaken_OwnTeam BATTLEGROUND_NEARING_VICTORY = BG_VictoryNear BATTLEGROUND_ONE_MINUTE_WARNING = BG_One_Minute_Warning BLACKSMITH_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW = Blacksmith_Create_Tooltip_Glow BLACKSMITH_EXTRACTED_BOOSTER = Blacksmith_Extracted_Booster BLACKSMITH_EXTRACT_START_ANIM = Blacksmith_Extract_Start_Anim BLACKSMITH_FAILED_EXTRACTION = Blacksmith_Failed_Extraction BLACKSMITH_IMPROVE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_FAIL = Blacksmith_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Fail BLACKSMITH_IMPROVE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_SUCCESS = Blacksmith_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Success BOOK_ACQUIRED = Book_Acquired BOOK_CLOSE = Book_Close BOOK_COLLECTION_COMPLETED = Book_Collection_Completed BOOK_METAL_CLOSE = Book_Metal_Close BOOK_METAL_OPEN = Book_Metal_Open BOOK_METAL_PAGE_TURN = Book_Metal_PageTurn BOOK_OPEN = Book_Open BOOK_PAGE_TURN = Book_PageTurn CADWELL_BLADE_SELECTED = Cadwell_BladeSelected CADWELL_ITEM_SELECTED = Cadwell_ItemSelected CAMPAIGN_BLADE_SELECTED = Campaign_BladeSelected CC_ALLIANCE = Click_AllianceButton CC_CLASS = Click_ClassButton CC_CREATE = Click_CreateButton CC_GAMEPAD_CHARACTER_CLICK = Console_Character_Click CC_LOCK_VALUE = Lock_Value CC_PREVIEW_GEAR = Preview_Gear CC_RACE = Click_RaceButton CC_RANDOMIZE = Click_RandomizeButton CC_SAVE = Click_SaveButton CC_SELECTOR_CLICK = Click_CC_Selector CC_UNLOCK_VALUE = Unlock_Value CHAMPION_CYCLED_TO_MAGE = Champion_CycledToMage CHAMPION_CYCLED_TO_THIEF = Champion_CycledToThief CHAMPION_CYCLED_TO_WARRIOR = Champion_CycledToWarrior CHAMPION_DAMAGE_TAKEN = Champion_DamageTaken CHAMPION_MAGE_MOUSEOVER = Champion_MageMouseover CHAMPION_PENDING_POINTS_CLEARED = Champion_PendingPointsCleared CHAMPION_POINTS_COMMITTED = Champion_PointsCommitted CHAMPION_POINTS_INCREASED = ChampionPointsIncreased CHAMPION_POINT_GAINED = Champion_PointGained CHAMPION_RESPEC_ACCEPT = Champion_RespecAccept CHAMPION_RESPEC_TOGGLED = Champion_RespecToggled CHAMPION_SPINNER_DOWN = Champion_SpinnerDown CHAMPION_SPINNER_UP = Champion_SpinnerUp CHAMPION_STAR_LOCKED = Champion_StarLocked CHAMPION_STAR_MOUSEOVER = Champion_StarMouseover CHAMPION_STAR_UNLOCKED = Champion_StarUnlocked CHAMPION_SYSTEM_UNLOCKED = Champion_SystemUnlocked CHAMPION_THIEF_MOUSEOVER = Champion_ThiefMouseover CHAMPION_WARRIOR_MOUSEOVER = Champion_WarriorMouseover CHAMPION_WINDOW_CLOSED = Champion_Closed CHAMPION_WINDOW_OPENED = Champion_Opened CHAMPION_ZOOM_IN = Champion_ZoomIn CHAMPION_ZOOM_OUT = Champion_ZoomOut CHARACTER_WINDOW_CLOSE = Character_Close CHARACTER_WINDOW_OPEN = Character_Open CHAT_MAXIMIZED = Chat_Max CHAT_MINIMIZED = Chat_Min CLOTHIER_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW = Clothier_Create_Tooltip_Glow CLOTHIER_EXTRACTED_BOOSTER = Clothier_Extracted_Booster CLOTHIER_EXTRACT_START_ANIM = Clothier_Extract_Start_Anim CLOTHIER_FAILED_EXTRACTION = Clothier_Failed_Extraction CLOTHIER_IMPROVE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_FAIL = Clothier_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Fail CLOTHIER_IMPROVE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_SUCCESS = Clothier_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Success CODEX_WINDOW_CLOSE = Codex_Close CODEX_WINDOW_OPEN = Codex_Open COLLECTIBLE_ACTIVATED = Collectible_Activated COLLECTIBLE_DEACTIVATED = Collectible_Deactivated COLLECTIBLE_ON_COOLDOWN = Collectible_On_Cooldown COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCKED = Collectible_Unlocked COLLECTIONS_WINDOW_CLOSE = Collections_Close COLLECTIONS_WINDOW_OPEN = Collections_Open COLLECTION_COMPLETED = Collection_Completed COMBO_CLICK = Click_Combo CONSOLE_GAME_ENTER = Console_Game_Enter CONTACTS_WINDOW_CLOSE = Contacts_Close CONTACTS_WINDOW_OPEN = Contacts_Open COUNTDOWN_TICK = Countdown_Tick COUNTDOWN_WARNING = Countdown_Warning CRAFTING_CREATE_SLOT_ANIMATED = Crafting_Create_Slot_Animated CRAFTING_GAINED_INSPIRATION = Crafting_Gained_Inspiration CROWN_CRATES_CARDS_LEAVE = CrownCrates_Cards_Leave CROWN_CRATES_CARDS_REVEAL_ALL = CrownCrates_Cards_Reveal_All CROWN_CRATES_CARD_FLIPPING = CrownCrates_Card_Flipping CROWN_CRATES_CARD_SELECTED = CrownCrates_Card_Selected CROWN_CRATES_DEAL_BONUS = CrownCrates_Deal_Bonus CROWN_CRATES_DEAL_PRIMARY = CrownCrates_Deal_Primary CROWN_CRATES_GAIN_GEMS = CrownCrates_Gain_Gems CROWN_CRATES_GEM_ITEM = CrownCrates_Gem_Item CROWN_CRATES_GEM_WOBBLE = CrownCrates_GemmingWobble CROWN_CRATES_MANIFEST_CHOSEN = CrownCrates_Manifest_Chosen CROWN_CRATES_MANIFEST_IN = CrownCrates_Manifest_In CROWN_CRATES_MANIFEST_OUT = CrownCrates_Manifest_Out CROWN_CRATES_MANIFEST_SELECTED = CrownCrates_Manifest_Selected CROWN_CRATES_PURCHASED_WITH_GEMS = CrownCrates_Purchased_With_Gems CROWN_CRATES_SCENE_CLOSED = CrownCrates_Scene_Closed CROWN_CRATES_SCENE_OPEN = CrownCrates_Scene_Open DEATH_RECAP_ATTACK_SHOWN = DeathRecap_AttackShown DEATH_RECAP_KILLING_BLOW_SHOWN = DeathRecap_KillingBlowShown DEFAULT_CLICK = Click DEFAULT_RECIPE_CRAFTED = Default_Recipe_Crafted DEFAULT_WINDOW_CLOSE = Window_Close DEFAULT_WINDOW_OPEN = Window_Open DEFER_NOTIFICATION = Defer_Notification DIALOG_ACCEPT = Dialog_Accept DIALOG_DECLINE = Dialog_Decline DIALOG_HIDE = Dialog_Hide DIALOG_SHOW = Dialog_Show DISPLAY_ANNOUNCEMENT = Display_Announcement DUEL_ACCEPTED = Duel_Accepted DUEL_BOUNDARY_WARNING = Duel_Boundary_Warning DUEL_FORFEIT = Duel_Forfeit DUEL_INVITE_RECEIVED = Duel_InviteReceived DUEL_START = Duel_Start DUEL_WON = Duel_Won DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL = DungeonDifficultySetToNormal DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_VETERAN = DungeonDifficultySetToVeteran DYEING_ACCEPT_BINDING = Dyeing_Accept_Binding DYEING_APPLY_CHANGES = Dyeing_Apply_Changes DYEING_APPLY_CHANGES_FROM_DIALOGUE = Dyeing_Apply_Changes_From_Dialogue DYEING_CLOSED = Dyeing_Closed DYEING_OPENED = Dyeing_Opened DYEING_RANDOMIZE_DYES = Dyeing_Randomize_Dyes DYEING_SAVED_SET_SELECTED = Dyeing_Saved_Set_Selected DYEING_SWATCH_SELECTED = Dyeing_Swatch_Selected DYEING_TOOL_DYE_SELECTED = Dyeing_Tool_Dye_Selected DYEING_TOOL_DYE_USED = Dyeing_Tool_Dye_Used DYEING_TOOL_ERASE_SELECTED = Dyeing_Tool_Erase_Selected DYEING_TOOL_ERASE_USED = Dyeing_Tool_Erase_Used DYEING_TOOL_FILL_ALL_SELECTED = Dyeing_Tool_Fill_All_Selected DYEING_TOOL_FILL_SELECTED = Dyeing_Tool_Fill_Selected DYEING_TOOL_FILL_USED = Dyeing_Tool_Fill_All_Used DYEING_TOOL_SAMPLE_SELECTED = Dyeing_Tool_Sample_Selected DYEING_TOOL_SAMPLE_USED = Dyeing_Tool_Sample_Used DYEING_TOOL_SET_FILL_SELECTED = Dyeing_Tool_Set_Fill_Selected DYEING_TOOL_SET_FILL_USED = Dyeing_Tool_Set_Fill_Used DYEING_UNDO_CHANGES = Dyeing_Undo_Changes EDIT_CLICK = Click_Edit ELDER_SCROLL_CAPTURED_BY_ALDMERI = ElderScroll_Captured_Aldmeri ELDER_SCROLL_CAPTURED_BY_DAGGERFALL = ElderScroll_Captured_Daggerfall ELDER_SCROLL_CAPTURED_BY_EBONHEART = ElderScroll_Captured_Ebonheart EMPEROR_ABDICATED = Emperor_Abdicated EMPEROR_CORONATED_ALDMERI = Emperor_Coronated_Aldmeri EMPEROR_CORONATED_DAGGERFALL = Emperor_Coronated_Daggerfall EMPEROR_CORONATED_EBONHEART = Emperor_Coronated_Ebonheart EMPEROR_DEPOSED_ALDMERI = Emperor_Deposed_Aldmeri EMPEROR_DEPOSED_DAGGERFALL = Emperor_Deposed_Daggerfall EMPEROR_DEPOSED_EBONHEART = Emperor_Deposed_Ebonheart ENCHANTING_ARMOR_GLYPH_PLACED = Enchanting_ArmorGlyph_Placed ENCHANTING_ARMOR_GLYPH_REMOVED = Enchanting_ArmorGlyph_Removed ENCHANTING_ASPECT_RUNE_PLACED = Enchanting_AspectRune_Placed ENCHANTING_ASPECT_RUNE_REMOVED = Enchanting_AspectRune_Removed ENCHANTING_CLOSED = Enchanting_Closed ENCHANTING_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW = Enchanting_Create_Tooltip_Glow ENCHANTING_ESSENCE_RUNE_PLACED = Enchanting_EssenceRune_Placed ENCHANTING_ESSENCE_RUNE_REMOVED = Enchanting_EssenceRune_Removed ENCHANTING_EXTRACT_START_ANIM = Enchanting_Extract_Start_Anim ENCHANTING_JEWELRY_GLYPH_PLACED = Enchanting_JewelryGlyph_Placed ENCHANTING_JEWELRY_GLYPH_REMOVED = Enchanting_JewelryGlyph_Removed ENCHANTING_OPENED = Enchanting_Opened ENCHANTING_POTENCY_RUNE_PLACED = Enchanting_PotencyRune_Placed ENCHANTING_POTENCY_RUNE_REMOVED = Enchanting_PotencyRune_Removed ENCHANTING_WEAPON_GLYPH_PLACED = Enchanting_WeaponGlyph_Placed ENCHANTING_WEAPON_GLYPH_REMOVED = Enchanting_WeaponGlyph_Removed ENLIGHTENED_STATE_GAINED = EnlightenedState_Gained ENLIGHTENED_STATE_LOST = EnlightenedState_Lost ESO_PLUS_TRIAL_ENDED = ESOPlus_TrialEnded ESO_PLUS_TRIAL_STARTED = ESOPlus_TrialStarted FENCE_ITEM_LAUNDERED = Fence_Item_Laundered FINESSE_FINISH_RANK_FOUR = Finesse_Rank_Four_Ender FINESSE_FINISH_RANK_ONE = Finesse_Rank_One_Ender FINESSE_FINISH_RANK_THREE = Finesse_Rank_Three_Ender FINESSE_FINISH_RANK_TWO = Finesse_Rank_Two_Ender GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_BEGIN = Console_Alchemy_Begin GAMEPAD_CLOSE_WINDOW = Console_Window_Close GAMEPAD_MAP_COMPLETE_MAP_CHANGE = Console_Map_Complete_Map_Change GAMEPAD_MAP_START_MAP_CHANGE = Console_Map_Start_Map_Change GAMEPAD_MENU_BACK = Console_Menu_Back GAMEPAD_MENU_DOWN = Console_Menu_Down GAMEPAD_MENU_FORWARD = Console_Menu_Forward GAMEPAD_MENU_JUMP_DOWN = Console_Menu_Jump_Down GAMEPAD_MENU_JUMP_UP = Console_Menu_Jump_Up GAMEPAD_MENU_UP = Console_Menu_Up GAMEPAD_OPEN_WINDOW = Console_Window_Open GAMEPAD_PAGE_BACK = Console_Page_Back GAMEPAD_PAGE_FORWARD = Console_Page_Forward GAMEPAD_PAGE_NAVIGATION_FAILED = Console_Page_Navigation_Failed GAMEPAD_STATS_SINGLE_PURCHASE = Console_Stats_Single_Purchase GENERAL_ALERT_ERROR = General_Alert_Error GENERAL_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS = General_FailedRequirements GROUP_DISBAND = Group_Disband GROUP_ELECTION_REQUESTED = GroupElection_Requested GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_LOST = GroupElection_ResultLost GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT_WON = GroupElection_ResultWon GROUP_ELECTION_VOTE_SUBMITTED = GroupElection_VotedSubmitted GROUP_INVITE = Group_Invite GROUP_JOIN = Group_Join GROUP_KICK = Group_Kick GROUP_LEAVE = Group_Leave GROUP_PROMOTE = Group_Promote GROUP_ROLE_DESELECTED = Click GROUP_ROLE_SELECTED = Click GROUP_WINDOW_CLOSE = Group_Close GROUP_WINDOW_OPEN = Group_Open GUILD_HERALDRY_APPLIED = Guild_Heraldry_Applied GUILD_HERALDRY_CATEGORY_SELECTED = Guild_Heraldry_CategorySelected GUILD_HERALDRY_STYLE_SELECTED = Guild_Heraldry_StyleSelected GUILD_HERALDRY_SUBCATEGORY_SELECTED = Guild_Heraldry_SubCategorySelected GUILD_HERALDRY_UNDO_CHANGES = Guild_Heraldry_UndoChanges GUILD_HISTORY_BLADE_SELECTED = GuildHistory_Blade_Selected GUILD_HISTORY_ENTRY_SELECTED = GuildHistory_Entry_Selected GUILD_KEEP_CLAIMED = Guild_Keep_Claimed GUILD_KEEP_LOST = Guild_Keep_Lost GUILD_KEEP_RELEASED = Guild_Keep_Released GUILD_RANK_CREATED = GuildRank_Created GUILD_RANK_DELETED = GuildRank_Deleted GUILD_RANK_LOGO_SELECTED = GuildRankLogo_Selected GUILD_RANK_REORDERED = GuildRank_Reordered GUILD_RANK_SAVED = GuildRank_Saved GUILD_RANK_SELECTED = GuildRank_Selected GUILD_ROSTER_ADDED = GuildRoster_Added GUILD_ROSTER_DEMOTE = GuildRoster_Demote GUILD_ROSTER_PROMOTE = GuildRoster_Promote GUILD_ROSTER_REMOVED = GuildRoster_Removed GUILD_SELF_JOINED = Guild_Self_Joined GUILD_SELF_LEFT = Guild_Self_Left GUILD_WINDOW_CLOSE = Guild_Close GUILD_WINDOW_OPEN = Guild_Open HELP_BLADE_SELECTED = Help_BladeSelected HELP_ITEM_SELECTED = Help_ItemSelected HELP_WINDOW_CLOSE = Help_Close HELP_WINDOW_OPEN = Help_Open HOR_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED = Horizontal_List_Item_Selected HOUSING_BUY_FOR_GOLD = Housing_BuyForGold HOUSING_EDITOR_CLOSED = Housing_MenuClosed HOUSING_EDITOR_CLOSE_BROWSER = Housing_CloseBrowser HOUSING_EDITOR_OPEN = Housing_MenuOpen HOUSING_EDITOR_OPEN_BROWSER = Housing_OpenBrowser HOUSING_EDITOR_PICKUP_ITEM = Housing_PickupItem HOUSING_EDITOR_PLACE_ITEM = Housing_PlaceItem HOUSING_EDITOR_RETRIEVE_ITEM = Housing_StoreItem HUD_ARMOR_BROKEN = HUD_ArmorBroken HUD_WEAPON_DEPLETED = HUD_WeaponDepleted IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_GAINED_ALDMERI = Imperial_City_Access_Gained_Aldmeri IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_GAINED_DAGGERFALL = Imperial_City_Access_Gained_Daggerfall IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_GAINED_EBONHEART = Imperial_City_Access_Gained_Ebonheart IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_LOST_ALDMERI = Imperial_City_Access_Lost_Aldmeri IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_LOST_DAGGERFALL = Imperial_City_Access_Lost_Daggerfall IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_LOST_EBONHEART = Imperial_City_Access_Lost_Ebonheart INTERACT_WINDOW_CLOSE = Interact_Close INTERACT_WINDOW_OPEN = Interact_Open INVENTORY_DESTROY_JUNK = Inventory_DestroyJunk INVENTORY_ITEM_APPLY_CHARGE = InventoryItem_ApplyCharge INVENTORY_ITEM_APPLY_ENCHANT = InventoryItem_ApplyEnchant INVENTORY_ITEM_JUNKED = InventoryItem_MarkAsJunk INVENTORY_ITEM_LOCKED = Lock_Value INVENTORY_ITEM_REPAIR = InventoryItem_Repair INVENTORY_ITEM_UNJUNKED = InventoryItem_NotJunk INVENTORY_ITEM_UNLOCKED = Unlock_Value ITEM_MONEY_CHANGED = Money_Transact ITEM_ON_COOLDOWN = Item_On_Cooldown JOURNAL_PROGRESS_CATEGORY_SELECTED = Journal_Progress_CategorySelected JOURNAL_PROGRESS_SUB_CATEGORY_SELECTED = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected JUSTICE_GOLD_REMOVED = Justice_GoldRemoved JUSTICE_ITEM_REMOVED = Justice_ItemRemoved JUSTICE_NOW_KOS = Justice_NowKOS JUSTICE_NO_LONGER_KOS = Justice_NoLongerKOS JUSTICE_PICKPOCKET_BONUS = Justice_PickpocketBonus JUSTICE_PICKPOCKET_FAILED = Justice_PickpocketFailed JUSTICE_STATE_CHANGED = Justice_StateChanged KEEP_WINDOW_CLOSE = Keep_Close KEEP_WINDOW_OPEN = Keep_Open KEYBIND_BUTTON_DISABLED = Keybind_Button_Disabled LEADERBOARD_CATEGORY_SELECTED = Leaderboard_CategorySelected LEADERBOARD_SUBCATEGORY_SELECTED = Leaderboard_SubCategorySelected LEVEL_UP = LevelUp LFG_COMPLETE_ANNOUNCEMENT = LFG_Complete_Announcement LFG_FIND_REPLACEMENT = LFG_Find_Replacement LFG_READY_CHECK = LFG_Ready_Check LFG_SEARCH_FINISHED = LFG_Search_Finished LFG_SEARCH_STARTED = LFG_Search_Started LOCKPICKING_BREAK = Lockpicking_lockpick_broke LOCKPICKING_CHAMBER_LOCKED = Lockpicking_chamber_locked LOCKPICKING_CHAMBER_RESET = Lockpicking_chamber_reset LOCKPICKING_CHAMBER_START = Lockpicking_chamber_start LOCKPICKING_CHAMBER_STRESS = Lockpicking_chamber_stress LOCKPICKING_CONTACT = Lockpicking_lockpick_contact LOCKPICKING_FAILED = Lockpicking_failed LOCKPICKING_FORCE = Lockpicking_force LOCKPICKING_NO_LOCKPICKS = No_lockpicks_or_impossible LOCKPICKING_START = Lockpicking_start LOCKPICKING_SUCCESS_CELEBRATION = Lockpicking_success LOCKPICKING_UNLOCKED = Lockpicking_unlocked LOOT_WINDOW_OPEN = LootRoll LORE_BLADE_SELECTED = Lore_BladeSelected LORE_ITEM_SELECTED = Lore_ItemSelected MAIL_ACCEPT_COD = Mail_AcceptCod MAIL_ITEM_DELETED = Mail_ItemDeleted MAIL_ITEM_SELECTED = Mail_ItemSelected MAIL_SENT = Mail_Sent MAIL_WINDOW_CLOSE = Mail_Close MAIL_WINDOW_OPEN = Mail_Open MAP_LOCATION_CLICKED = Map_Location_Clicked MAP_PING = Map_Ping MAP_PING_REMOVE = Map_Ping_Remove MAP_WINDOW_CLOSE = Map_Close MAP_WINDOW_OPEN = Map_Open MAP_ZOOM_IN = Map_Zoom_In MAP_ZOOM_LEVEL_CLICKED = Map_Zoom_Level_Clicked MAP_ZOOM_OUT = Map_Zoom_Out MARA_INVITE_RECEIVED = Mara_InviteReceived MARKET_CATEGORY_SELECTED = Market_CategorySelected MARKET_CROWNS_SPENT = Market_CrownsSpent MARKET_CROWN_GEMS_SPENT = Market_CrownGemsSpent MARKET_PREVIEW_SELECTED = Market_PreviewSelected MARKET_PURCHASE_SELECTED = Market_PurchaseSelected MARKET_SUB_CATEGORY_SELECTED = Market_SubCategorySelected MARKET_WINDOW_CLOSED = Market_Closed MARKET_WINDOW_OPENED = Market_Opened MENU_BAR_CLICK = Click_MenuBar MENU_HEADER_SELECTION = Menu_Header_Selection MENU_SUBCATEGORY_SELECTION = Menu_Subcategory_Selection MESSAGE_BROADCAST = System_Broadcast NEGATIVE_CLICK = Click_Negative NEW_MAIL = New_Mail NEW_NOTIFICATION = New_Notification NEW_TIMED_NOTIFICATION = New_NotificationTimed NONE = No_Sound NOTE_CLOSE = Note_Close NOTE_OPEN = Note_Open NOTE_PAGE_TURN = Note_PageTurn NOTIFICATIONS_WINDOW_CLOSE = Notifications_Close NOTIFICATIONS_WINDOW_OPEN = Notifications_Open NO_INTERACT_TARGET = No_Interact_Target OBJECTIVE_ACCEPTED = Objective_Accept OBJECTIVE_COMPLETED = Objective_Complete OBJECTIVE_DISCOVERED = Objective_Discovered OVERLAND_BOSS_KILL = Overland_Boss_Kill PLAYER_ACTION_INSUFFICIENT_GOLD = PlayerAction_NotEnoughMoney PLAYER_MENU_ENTRY_DISABLED = PlayerMenu_EntryDisabled POSITIVE_CLICK = Click_Positive PROVISIONING_BLADE_SELECTED = Provisioning_BladeSelected PROVISIONING_CLOSED = Provisioning_Closed PROVISIONING_ENTRY_SELECTED = Provisioning_EntrySelected PROVISIONING_OPENED = Provisioning_Opened QUEST_ABANDONED = Quest_Abandon QUEST_ACCEPTED = Quest_Accept QUEST_BLADE_SELECTED = Quest_Blade_Selected QUEST_COMPLETED = Quest_Complete QUEST_FOCUSED = Quest_Focused QUEST_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE = Quest_ObjectivesComplete QUEST_OBJECTIVE_INCREMENT = Quest_ObjectivesIncrement QUEST_OBJECTIVE_STARTED = Quest_ObjectivesStarted QUEST_SELECTED = Quest_Selected QUEST_SHARED = Quest_Shared QUEST_SHARE_ACCEPTED = QuestShare_Accepted QUEST_SHARE_DECLINED = QuestShare_Declined QUEST_SHARE_SENT = Quest_Share_Sent QUEST_STEP_FAILED = Quest_StepFailed QUICKSLOT_CLEAR = Quickslot_Clear QUICKSLOT_CLOSE = Quickslot_Close QUICKSLOT_MOUSEOVER = Quickslot_Mouseover QUICKSLOT_OPEN = Quickslot_Open QUICKSLOT_SET = Quickslot_Set QUICKSLOT_USE_EMPTY = Quickslot_Use_Empty RADIAL_MENU_CLOSE = Radial_Menu_Close RADIAL_MENU_MOUSEOVER = Radial_Menu_Mouseover RADIAL_MENU_OPEN = Radial_Menu_Open RADIAL_MENU_SELECTION = Radial_Menu_Selection RAID_LIFE_DISPLAY_CHANGED = Raid_Life_Display_Changed RAID_LIFE_DISPLAY_SHOWN = Raid_Life_Display_Shown RAID_TRIAL_COMPLETED = Raid_Trial_Completed RAID_TRIAL_COUNTER_UPDATE = Raid_Trial_Counter_Update RAID_TRIAL_FAILED = Raid_Trial_Failed RAID_TRIAL_NEW_BEST = Raid_Trial_New_Best RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_ADDED_HIGH = Raid_Trial_Score_Added_High RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_ADDED_LOW = Raid_Trial_Score_Added_Low RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_ADDED_NORMAL = Raid_Trial_Score_Added_Normal RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_ADDED_VERY_HIGH = Raid_Trial_Score_Added_Very_High RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_ADDED_VERY_LOW = Raid_Trial_Score_Added_Very_Low RAID_TRIAL_STARTED = Raid_Trial_Started RANK_UP = RankUp RECIPE_LEARNED = Recipe_Learned RETRAITING_ITEM_TO_RETRAIT_PLACED = Retraiting_Item_To_Retrait_Placed RETRAITING_ITEM_TO_RETRAIT_REMOVED = Retraiting_Item_To_Retrait_Removed RETRAITING_RETRAIT_TOOLTIP_GLOW_SUCCESS = Retraiting_Retrait_Tooltip_Glow_Success RETRAITING_START_RETRAIT = Retraiting_Start_Retrait SCRIPTED_EVENT_COMPLETION = ScriptedEvent_Completion SCRIPTED_WORLD_EVENT_ACCEPTED = QuestShare_Accepted SCRIPTED_WORLD_EVENT_DECLINED = QuestShare_Declined SCRIPTED_WORLD_EVENT_INVITED = Quest_Shared SINGLE_SETTING_RESET_TO_DEFAULT = Single_Setting_Reset SKILLS_WINDOW_CLOSE = Skills_Close SKILLS_WINDOW_OPEN = Skills_Open SKILL_GAINED = Skill_Gained SKILL_LINE_ADDED = SkillLine_Added SKILL_LINE_LEVELED_UP = SkillLine_Leveled SKILL_LINE_SELECT = SkillLine_Select SKILL_TYPE_ARMOR = SkillType_Armor SKILL_TYPE_AVA = SkillType_AvA SKILL_TYPE_CLASS = SkillType_Class SKILL_TYPE_GUILD = SkillType_Guild SKILL_TYPE_RACIAL = SkillType_Racial SKILL_TYPE_TRADESKILL = SkillType_Tradeskill SKILL_TYPE_WEAPON = SkillType_Weapon SKILL_TYPE_WORLD = SkillType_World SKILL_XP_BOSS_KILLED = SkillXP_BossKilled SKILL_XP_DARK_ANCHOR_CLOSED = SkillXP_DarkAnchorClosed SKILL_XP_DARK_FISSURE_CLOSED = SkillXP_DarkFissureClosed SKYSHARD_GAINED = Skyshard_Gained SMITHING_CLOSED = Smithing_Closed SMITHING_FINISH_RESEARCH = Smithing_Finish_Research SMITHING_ITEM_TO_EXTRACT_PLACED = Smithing_Item_To_Extract_Placed SMITHING_ITEM_TO_EXTRACT_REMOVED = Smithing_Item_To_Extract_Removed SMITHING_ITEM_TO_IMPROVE_PLACED = Smithing_Item_To_Improve_Placed SMITHING_ITEM_TO_IMPROVE_REMOVED = Smithing_Item_To_Improve_Removed SMITHING_OPENED = Smithing_Opened SMITHING_START_RESEARCH = Smithing_Start_Research SPINNER_DOWN = Spinner_Down SPINNER_UP = Spinner_Up STABLE_BUY_MOUNT = Stable_BuyMount STABLE_FEED_CARRY = Stable_FeedCarry STABLE_FEED_SPEED = Stable_FeedSpeed STABLE_FEED_STAMINA = Stable_FeedStamina STABLE_WINDOW_BUY_CLICKED = Stable_BuyClicked STABLE_WINDOW_MANAGE_CLICKED = Stable_ManageClicked STATS_PURCHASE = Stats_Purchase STEALTH_DETECTED = Stealth_Detected STEALTH_HIDDEN = Stealth_Hidden STORE_WINDOW_BUY_CLICKED = Store_BuyClicked STORE_WINDOW_CLOSE = Store_Close STORE_WINDOW_OPEN = Store_Open STORE_WINDOW_REPAIR_CLICKED = Store_RepairClicked STORE_WINDOW_SELL_CLICKED = Store_SellClicked SYSTEM_WINDOW_CLOSE = System_Close SYSTEM_WINDOW_OPEN = System_Open TABLET_CLOSE = Tablet_Close TABLET_OPEN = Tablet_Open TABLET_PAGE_TURN = Tablet_PageTurn TARGET_DESELECTED = Target_Deselect TARGET_SELECTED = Target_Select TELVAR_GAINED = Telvar_Gained TELVAR_LOST = Telvar_Lost TELVAR_MULTIPLIERMAX = Telvar_MultiplierMax TELVAR_MULTIPLIERUP = Telvar_MultiplierUp TELVAR_TRANSACT = Telvar_Transact TRADE_INVITE_RECEIVED = Trade_InviteReceived TRADE_PARTICIPANT_READY = Trade_ParticipantReady TRADE_PARTICIPANT_RECONSIDER = Trade_ParticipantReconsider TRADE_WINDOW_CLOSE = Trade_Close TRADE_WINDOW_OPEN = Trade_Open TRADING_HOUSE_SEARCH_INITIATED = TradingHouse_StartSearch TRADING_HOUSE_WINDOW_CLOSE = TradingHouse_Close TRADING_HOUSE_WINDOW_OPEN = TradingHouse_Open TREASURE_MAP_CLOSE = TreasureMap_Close TREASURE_MAP_OPEN = TreasureMap_Open TUTORIAL_INFO_SHOWN = Tutorial_Info_Show TUTORIAL_SHOWN = Tutorial_Window_Show UAV_DAMAGE_SHIELD_ADDED = Damage_Shield_Effect_Added UAV_DAMAGE_SHIELD_ADDED_TARGET = Damage_Shield_Effect_Added_Target UAV_DAMAGE_SHIELD_LOST = Damage_Shield_Effect_Lost UAV_DAMAGE_SHIELD_LOST_TARGET = Damage_Shield_Effect_Lost_Target UAV_DECREASED_ARMOR_ADDED = Decreased_Armor_Effect_Added UAV_DECREASED_ARMOR_ADDED_TARGET = Decreased_Armor_Effect_Added_Target UAV_DECREASED_ARMOR_LOST = Decreased_Armor_Effect_Lost UAV_DECREASED_ARMOR_LOST_TARGET = Decreased_Armor_Effect_Lost_Target UAV_DECREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_ADDED = Decreased_Health_Regen_Effect_Added UAV_DECREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_ADDED_TARGET = Decreased_Health_Regen_Effect_Added_Target UAV_DECREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_LOST = Decreased_Health_Regen_Effect_Lost UAV_DECREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_LOST_TARGET = Decreased_Health_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target UAV_DECREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_ADDED = Decreased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Added UAV_DECREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_ADDED_TARGET = Decreased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Added_Target UAV_DECREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_LOST = Decreased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Lost UAV_DECREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_LOST_TARGET = Decreased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target UAV_DECREASED_POWER_ADDED = Decreased_Power_Effect_Added UAV_DECREASED_POWER_ADDED_TARGET = Decreased_Power_Effect_Added_Target UAV_DECREASED_POWER_LOST = Decreased_Power_Effect_Lost UAV_DECREASED_POWER_LOST_TARGET = Decreased_Power_Effect_Lost_Target UAV_DECREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_ADDED = Decreased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Added UAV_DECREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_ADDED_TARGET = Decreased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Added_Target UAV_DECREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_LOST = Decreased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Lost UAV_DECREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_LOST_TARGET = Decreased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target UAV_IMMUNITY_ADDED = Immunity_Effect_Added UAV_IMMUNITY_ADDED_TARGET = Immunity_Effect_Added_Target UAV_IMMUNITY_LOST = Immunity_Effect_Lost UAV_IMMUNITY_LOST_TARGET = Immunity_Effect_Lost_Target UAV_INCREASED_ARMOR_ADDED = Increased_Armor_Effect_Added UAV_INCREASED_ARMOR_ADDED_TARGET = Increased_Armor_Effect_Added_Target UAV_INCREASED_ARMOR_LOST = Increased_Armor_Effect_Lost UAV_INCREASED_ARMOR_LOST_TARGET = Increased_Armor_Effect_Lost_Target UAV_INCREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_ADDED = Increased_Health_Regen_Effect_Added UAV_INCREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_ADDED_TARGET = Increased_Health_Regen_Effect_Added_Target UAV_INCREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_LOST = Increased_Health_Regen_Effect_Lost UAV_INCREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_LOST_TARGET = Increased_Health_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target UAV_INCREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_ADDED = Increased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Added UAV_INCREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_ADDED_TARGET = Increased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Added_Target UAV_INCREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_LOST = Increased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Lost UAV_INCREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_LOST_TARGET = Increased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target UAV_INCREASED_POWER_ADDED = Increased_Power_Effect_Added UAV_INCREASED_POWER_ADDED_TARGET = Increased_Power_Effect_Added_Target UAV_INCREASED_POWER_LOST = Increased_Power_Effect_Lost UAV_INCREASED_POWER_LOST_TARGET = Increased_Power_Effect_Lost_Target UAV_INCREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_ADDED = Increased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Added UAV_INCREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_ADDED_TARGET = Increased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Added_Target UAV_INCREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_LOST = Increased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Lost UAV_INCREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_LOST_TARGET = Increased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target UAV_MAX_HEALTH_DECREASED = Max_Health_Decreased UAV_MAX_HEALTH_DECREASED_TARGET = Max_Health_Decreased_Target UAV_MAX_HEALTH_INCREASED = Max_Health_Increased UAV_MAX_HEALTH_INCREASED_TARGET = Max_Health_Increased_Target UAV_MAX_HEALTH_NORMAL = Max_Health_Normal UAV_MAX_HEALTH_NORMAL_TARGET = Max_Health_Normal_Target UAV_MAX_MAGICKA_DECREASED = Max_Magicka_Decreased UAV_MAX_MAGICKA_DECREASED_TARGET = Max_Magicka_Decreased_Target UAV_MAX_MAGICKA_INCREASED = Max_Magicka_Increased UAV_MAX_MAGICKA_INCREASED_TARGET = Max_Magicka_Increased_Target UAV_MAX_MAGICKA_NORMAL = Max_Magicka_Normal UAV_MAX_MAGICKA_NORMAL_TARGET = Max_Magicka_Normal_Target UAV_MAX_STAMINA_DECREASED = Max_Stamina_Decreased UAV_MAX_STAMINA_DECREASED_TARGET = Max_Stamina_Decreased_Target UAV_MAX_STAMINA_INCREASED = Max_Stamina_Increased UAV_MAX_STAMINA_INCREASED_TARGET = Max_Stamina_Increased_Target UAV_MAX_STAMINA_NORMAL = Max_Stamina_Normal UAV_MAX_STAMINA_NORMAL_TARGET = Max_Stamina_Normal_Target UAV_POSSESSION_APPLIED = Possession_Effect_Applied UAV_POSSESSION_APPLIED_TARGET = Possession_Effect_Applied_Target UAV_POSSESSION_REMOVED = Possession_Effect_Removed UAV_POSSESSION_REMOVED_TARGET = Possession_Effect_Removed_Target VOICE_CHAT_ALERT_CHANNEL_MADE_ACTIVE = Voice_Chat_Alert_Channel_Made_Active VOICE_CHAT_MENU_CHANNEL_JOINED = Voice_Chat_Menu_Channel_Joined VOICE_CHAT_MENU_CHANNEL_LEFT = Voice_Chat_Menu_Channel_Left VOICE_CHAT_MENU_CHANNEL_MADE_ACTIVE = Voice_Chat_Menu_Channel_Made_Active VOLUME_DING_ALL = Volume_Ding_All_Sound VOLUME_DING_AMBIENT = Volume_Ding_Ambient VOLUME_DING_MUSIC = Volume_Ding_Music VOLUME_DING_SFX = Volume_Ding_SFX VOLUME_DING_UI = Volume_Ding_UI VOLUME_DING_VO = Volume_Ding_VO WOODWORKER_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW = Woodworker_Create_Tooltip_Glow WOODWORKER_EXTRACTED_BOOSTER = Woodworker_Extracted_Booster WOODWORKER_EXTRACT_START_ANIM = Woodworker_Extract_Start_Anim WOODWORKER_FAILED_EXTRACTION = Woodworker_Failed_Extraction WOODWORKER_IMPROVE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_FAIL = Woodworker_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Fail WOODWORKER_IMPROVE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_SUCCESS = Woodworker_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Success WRIT_VOUCHER_TRANSACT = WritVoucher_Transact SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_ACTION_SLOTS = 1 SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_CHAT_MESSAGE = 3 SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_GUILD_BANK_SELECTOR = 4 SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_GUILD_DESCRIPTION = 6 SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_GUILD_MOTD = 5 SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_GUILD_RANK_CHANGE = 7 SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_HOUSE_SAFE_LOC = 8 SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 8 SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 8 SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_NONE = 0 SPAM_WARNING_TYPE_TRADE_INVENTORY = 2 SPECIALIZED_COLLECTIBLE_TYPE_BUST = 1 SPECIALIZED_COLLECTIBLE_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SPECIALIZED_COLLECTIBLE_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 1 SPECIALIZED_COLLECTIBLE_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 1 SPECIALIZED_COLLECTIBLE_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SPECIALIZED_COLLECTIBLE_TYPE_NONE = 0 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_ADDITIVE = 550 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_ARMOR = 300 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_ARMOR_BOOSTER = 1150 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_ARMOR_TRAIT = 2000 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_AVA_REPAIR = 2100 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_BLACKSMITHING_BOOSTER = 1800 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_BLACKSMITHING_MATERIAL = 1550 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_BLACKSMITHING_RAW_MATERIAL = 1500 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_CLOTHIER_BOOSTER = 1900 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_CLOTHIER_MATERIAL = 1750 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_CLOTHIER_RAW_MATERIAL = 1700 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_COLLECTIBLE_MONSTER_TROPHY = 81 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_COLLECTIBLE_RARE_FISH = 80 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_CONTAINER = 850 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_CONTAINER_EVENT = 851 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_COSTUME = 600 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_CROWN_ITEM = 2600 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_CROWN_REPAIR = 2500 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_DISGUISE = 650 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_DRINK_ALCOHOLIC = 20 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_DRINK_CORDIAL_TEA = 25 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_DRINK_DISTILLATE = 26 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_DRINK_LIQUEUR = 23 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_DRINK_TEA = 21 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_DRINK_TINCTURE = 24 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_DRINK_TONIC = 22 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_DRINK_UNIQUE = 27 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_DYE_STAMP = 2700 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_ENCHANTING_RUNE_ASPECT = 2350 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_ENCHANTING_RUNE_ESSENCE = 2400 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_ENCHANTING_RUNE_POTENCY = 2300 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_ENCHANTMENT_BOOSTER = 1200 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FISH = 2450 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FLAVORING = 1350 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FOOD_ENTREMET = 6 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FOOD_FRUIT = 2 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FOOD_GOURMET = 7 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FOOD_MEAT = 1 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FOOD_RAGOUT = 5 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FOOD_SAVOURY = 4 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FOOD_UNIQUE = 8 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FOOD_VEGETABLE = 3 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING_CRAFTING_STATION = 213 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING_LIGHT = 211 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING_MATERIAL_ALCHEMY = 1460 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING_MATERIAL_BLACKSMITHING = 1560 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING_MATERIAL_CLOTHIER = 1760 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING_MATERIAL_ENCHANTING = 2410 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING_MATERIAL_PROVISIONING = 1465 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING_MATERIAL_WOODWORKING = 1660 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING_ORNAMENTAL = 210 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING_SEATING = 212 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_FURNISHING_TARGET_DUMMY = 214 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_GLYPH_ARMOR = 1000 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_GLYPH_JEWELRY = 1250 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_GLYPH_WEAPON = 950 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_INGREDIENT_ALCOHOL = 44 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_INGREDIENT_DRINK_ADDITIVE = 47 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_INGREDIENT_FOOD_ADDITIVE = 43 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_INGREDIENT_FRUIT = 42 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_INGREDIENT_MEAT = 40 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_INGREDIENT_RARE = 48 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_INGREDIENT_TEA = 45 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_INGREDIENT_TONIC = 46 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_INGREDIENT_VEGETABLE = 41 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_ITERATION_END = 2750 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_LOCKPICK = 1050 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_LURE = 750 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_MASTER_WRIT = 2750 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2750 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_MOUNT = 2250 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_NONE = 0 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_PLUG = 350 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_POISON = 1400 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_POISON_BASE = 2650 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_POTION = 450 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_POTION_BASE = 1450 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_RACIAL_STYLE_MOTIF_BOOK = 60 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_RACIAL_STYLE_MOTIF_CHAPTER = 61 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_RAW_MATERIAL = 800 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_REAGENT_ANIMAL_PART = 152 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_REAGENT_FUNGUS = 151 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_REAGENT_HERB = 150 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_RECIPE_ALCHEMY_FORMULA_FURNISHING = 175 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_RECIPE_BLACKSMITHING_DIAGRAM_FURNISHING = 172 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_RECIPE_CLOTHIER_PATTERN_FURNISHING = 173 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_RECIPE_ENCHANTING_SCHEMATIC_FURNISHING = 174 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_RECIPE_PROVISIONING_DESIGN_FURNISHING = 176 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_RECIPE_PROVISIONING_STANDARD_DRINK = 171 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_RECIPE_PROVISIONING_STANDARD_FOOD = 170 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_RECIPE_WOODWORKING_BLUEPRINT_FURNISHING = 177 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_SIEGE_BALLISTA = 401 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_SIEGE_BATTLE_STANDARD = 408 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_SIEGE_CATAPULT = 404 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_SIEGE_GRAVEYARD = 405 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_SIEGE_MONSTER = 406 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_SIEGE_OIL = 407 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_SIEGE_RAM = 402 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_SIEGE_TREBUCHET = 400 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_SIEGE_UNIVERSAL = 403 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_SOUL_GEM = 900 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_SPELLCRAFTING_TABLET = 2200 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_SPICE = 1300 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_STYLE_MATERIAL = 1950 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TABARD = 700 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TOOL = 500 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TRASH = 2150 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TREASURE = 2550 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TROPHY_KEY = 107 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TROPHY_KEY_FRAGMENT = 102 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TROPHY_MATERIAL_UPGRADER = 106 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TROPHY_MUSEUM_PIECE = 103 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TROPHY_RECIPE_FRAGMENT = 104 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TROPHY_RUNEBOX_FRAGMENT = 108 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TROPHY_SCROLL = 105 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TROPHY_SURVEY_REPORT = 101 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_TROPHY_TREASURE_MAP = 100 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_WEAPON = 250 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_WEAPON_BOOSTER = 1100 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_WEAPON_TRAIT = 2050 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_WOODWORKING_BOOSTER = 1850 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_WOODWORKING_MATERIAL = 1650 SPECIALIZED_ITEMTYPE_WOODWORKING_RAW_MATERIAL = 1600 SPECIAL_MOVE_INDEX_BLOCK = 0 SPECIAL_MOVE_INDEX_CROUCH = 2 SPECIAL_MOVE_INDEX_INTERRUPT = 3 SPECIAL_MOVE_INDEX_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SPECIAL_MOVE_INDEX_ITERATION_END = 4 SPECIAL_MOVE_INDEX_MAX_VALUE = 4 SPECIAL_MOVE_INDEX_MIN_VALUE = 0 SPECIAL_MOVE_INDEX_ROLL_DODGE = 4 SPECIAL_MOVE_INDEX_SPRINT = 1 SPINNER_MODE_CLAMP = 1 SPINNER_MODE_WRAP = 2 SSF_BMP = 1 SSF_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SSF_ITERATION_END = 3 SSF_JPG = 2 SSF_MAX_VALUE = 3 SSF_MIN_VALUE = 0 SSF_PNG = 3 SSF_SETTING = 0 STABLE = table:00000143F8BA6720 (meta 00000143E18B58A8} firstTable firstMeta carryRow = userdata:00000143E189AC30 (meta 00000143E189F590} firstMeta firstIndex bar = userdata:00000143E189ACF8 (meta 00000143E1893AF8} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E188F208 (meta 0000014308340698} icon = userdata:00000143E1896998 (meta 0000014308349FC8} label = userdata:00000143E189D4A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} trainButton = userdata:00000143E1893730 (meta 00000143E1898830} firstMeta firstIndex trainingSound = Stable_FeedCarry trainingType = 2 trainingSound = Stable_FeedCarry trainingType = 2 value = userdata:00000143E1898B08 (meta 00000143083425C0} currentSkinId = 8 instructions = userdata:00000143E18914C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} modeBar = table:00000143E189AE48 (meta 00000143ED5C67B0} firstTable buttonData = table:00000143E1891418 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1891460 2 = table:00000143E189F3D0 label = userdata:00000143E18B71E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} menuBar = userdata:00000143E18B7178 (meta 00000143E18B7418} money = userdata:00000143E1892C58 (meta 00000143083425C0} noSkinWarning = userdata:00000143E188BFF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} sceneIdentifier = stables skillHeader = userdata:00000143E18945B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} speedRow = userdata:00000143E1896A30 (meta 00000143E75E7FE0} stableControl = userdata:00000143E75E2650 (meta 0000014308326048} staminaRow = userdata:00000143E1360950 (meta 00000143E189F2F8} timerControl = userdata:00000143E136AA08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} timerOverlayControl = userdata:00000143E188C170 (meta 0000014308316C08} timerText = userdata:00000143E18B70E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} STABLES_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E1371280 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E75DDE20 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E189E7F8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143E75E2650 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014313F51A00 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden STABLES_KEYBOARD_SCENE_IDENTIFIER = stables_keyboard STABLES_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB541BF0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} STABLES_SCENE = table:00000143E1896DB8 (meta 00000144C79BED68} STABLE_GAMEPAD = table:00000143E18ABAC8 (meta 00000143E18A9FC8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143E18ABCC0 (meta 00000143E18AC160} fragment = table:00000143E189A368 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143DDBECA68 list = table:00000143E18AC058 (meta 0000014405F90F70} modeData = table:00000143DDBF1100 firstTable iconFile = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/tabIcon_mounts_up.dds keybind = table:00000143DDBECA68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DDBF0F00 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143DDBECC50 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Train order = -500 visible() = function:00000143DDBF0C30 2 = table:00000143DDBF2EB8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 mode = 7 text = Riding Trainer notifications = userdata:00000143E1891028 (meta 000001430831E750} sceneIdentifier = gamepad_store stableControl = userdata:00000143E189EDD8 (meta 0000014308326048} storeMode = 7 tabText = Riding Trainer timerText = userdata:00000143E188C610 (meta 00000143083425C0} trainableHeader = userdata:00000143E136DED8 (meta 00000143083425C0} trainableReady = userdata:00000143E1898930 (meta 00000143083425C0} warning = userdata:00000143A0216D30 (meta 00000143083425C0} STABLE_MANAGER = table:0000014313483A38 (meta 0000014313483658} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000143E189AB30 firstTable ActiveMountChanged = table:00000143E1894AA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1894AF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E188EF30 3 = false 2 = table:00000143E97B4F18 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E97B3450 3 = false StableInteractEnd = table:00000143E189CCE0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E188F040 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E189CBD0 3 = false 2 = table:0000014313481080 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E97C3B28 3 = false StableInteractStart = table:00000143E188C620 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1891148 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E189AA20 3 = false 2 = table:00000143DB1E7A48 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DB1F4F80 3 = false StableMountInfoUpdated = table:00000143E189EDE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1891038 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E189ECD8 3 = false 2 = table:00000143E97B1970 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E97ADAF0 3 = false currentMoney = 389482 dirtyEvents = table:0000014313483A80 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 ridingSkillMaxedOut = true stats = table:00000143134864D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143134865C0 firstTable 1 = 60 2 = 60 2 = table:0000014313486678 firstTable 1 = 60 2 = 60 3 = table:0000014313486608 firstTable 1 = 60 2 = 60 trainingCost = 250 STABLE_TRAINING_SOUNDS = table:0000014313483568 firstTable 1 = Stable_FeedSpeed 2 = Stable_FeedCarry 3 = Stable_FeedStamina STABLE_TRAINING_TEXTURES = table:0000014313483388 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Mounts/ridingSkill_speed.dds 2 = EsoUI/Art/Mounts/ridingSkill_capacity.dds 3 = EsoUI/Art/Mounts/ridingSkill_stamina.dds STABLE_TRAINING_TEXTURES_GAMEPAD = table:0000014313483478 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Mounts/Gamepad/gp_ridingSkill_speed.dds 2 = EsoUI/Art/Mounts/Gamepad/gp_ridingSkill_capacity.dds 3 = EsoUI/Art/Mounts/Gamepad/gp_ridingSkill_stamina.dds STATS = table:00000143134B55A8 (meta 00000143F1928080} firstTable firstMeta CreateAttributesSection() = function:00000143CBD5AB90 availablePoints = 0 control = userdata:00000143F1938860 (meta 0000014308326048} statBonuses = table:00000143134BA460 firstTable STATS_BG_FRAGMENT = table:00000143BC1649D8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} STATS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E18B3E98 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} STATS_SCENE = table:0000014355382B00 (meta 0000014368607700} STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_BLEED = 3 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_BLIND = 6 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_CHARM = 17 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_DAZED = 12 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_DISEASE = 8 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_ENVIRONMENT = 20 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_FEAR = 15 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 21 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_LEVITATE = 18 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_MAGIC = 21 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 21 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_MESMERIZE = 16 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_NEARSIGHT = 7 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_PACIFY = 14 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_POISON = 4 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_PUNCTURE = 10 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_ROOT = 1 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_SILENCE = 13 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_SNARE = 2 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_STUN = 19 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_TRAUMA = 9 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_WEAKNESS = 5 STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_WOUND = 11 STAT_ARMOR_RATING = 3 STAT_ATTACK_POWER = 1 STAT_BATTLE_LEVEL_COLOR = table:0000014345F11118 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.13333334028721 g = 0.50588238239288 r = 0.86274516582489 STAT_BLOCK = 14 STAT_BONUS_OPTION_APPLY_BONUS = 0 STAT_BONUS_OPTION_DONT_APPLY_BONUS = 1 STAT_BONUS_OPTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 STAT_BONUS_OPTION_ITERATION_END = 1 STAT_BONUS_OPTION_MAX_VALUE = 1 STAT_BONUS_OPTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 STAT_CRITICAL_RESISTANCE = 24 STAT_CRITICAL_STRIKE = 16 STAT_DAMAGE_RESIST_COLD = 42 STAT_DAMAGE_RESIST_DISEASE = 46 STAT_DAMAGE_RESIST_DROWN = 45 STAT_DAMAGE_RESIST_EARTH = 43 STAT_DAMAGE_RESIST_FIRE = 39 STAT_DAMAGE_RESIST_GENERIC = 37 STAT_DAMAGE_RESIST_MAGIC = 44 STAT_DAMAGE_RESIST_OBLIVION = 41 STAT_DAMAGE_RESIST_PHYSICAL = 38 STAT_DAMAGE_RESIST_POISON = 47 STAT_DAMAGE_RESIST_SHOCK = 40 STAT_DAMAGE_RESIST_START = 36 STAT_DODGE = 11 STAT_HEALING_DONE = 12 STAT_HEALING_TAKEN = 10 STAT_HEALTH_MAX = 7 STAT_HEALTH_REGEN_COMBAT = 8 STAT_HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE = 9 STAT_HIGHER_COLOR = table:0000014345F10158 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.13333334028721 g = 0.86274516582489 r = 0.16470588743687 STAT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 STAT_ITERATION_END = 50 STAT_LOWER_COLOR = table:0000014345F10258 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.098039224743843 g = 0.098039224743843 r = 1 STAT_MAGICKA_MAX = 4 STAT_MAGICKA_REGEN_COMBAT = 5 STAT_MAGICKA_REGEN_IDLE = 6 STAT_MAX_VALUE = 50 STAT_MIN_VALUE = 0 STAT_MISS = 32 STAT_MITIGATION = 20 STAT_MOUNT_STAMINA_MAX = 48 STAT_MOUNT_STAMINA_REGEN_COMBAT = 49 STAT_MOUNT_STAMINA_REGEN_MOVING = 50 STAT_NONE = 0 STAT_PHYSICAL_PENETRATION = 33 STAT_PHYSICAL_RESIST = 22 STAT_POWER = 35 STAT_SPELL_CRITICAL = 23 STAT_SPELL_MITIGATION = 26 STAT_SPELL_PENETRATION = 34 STAT_SPELL_POWER = 25 STAT_SPELL_RESIST = 13 STAT_STAMINA_MAX = 29 STAT_STAMINA_REGEN_COMBAT = 30 STAT_STAMINA_REGEN_IDLE = 31 STAT_STATE_DECREASE_GAINED = 3 STAT_STATE_DECREASE_LOST = 4 STAT_STATE_IMMUNITY_GAINED = 1 STAT_STATE_IMMUNITY_LOST = 2 STAT_STATE_INCREASE_GAINED = 1 STAT_STATE_INCREASE_LOST = 2 STAT_STATE_POSSESSION_APPLIED = 5 STAT_STATE_POSSESSION_REMOVED = 6 STAT_STATE_SHIELD_GAINED = 3 STAT_STATE_SHIELD_LOST = 4 STAT_TYPES = table:00000143207DF440 firstTable 1 = 7 2 = 4 3 = 29 STAT_VALUE_COLOR_BATTLE_LEVELED = 2 STAT_VALUE_COLOR_HIGHER = 1 STAT_VALUE_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 STAT_VALUE_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 2 STAT_VALUE_COLOR_LOWER = 0 STAT_VALUE_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 2 STAT_VALUE_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 STAT_WEAPON_AND_SPELL_DAMAGE = 2 STAT_WEAPON_POWER = 2 STEALTH_STATE_DETECTED = 1 STEALTH_STATE_HIDDEN = 3 STEALTH_STATE_HIDDEN_ALMOST_DETECTED = 5 STEALTH_STATE_HIDING = 2 STEALTH_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 STEALTH_STATE_ITERATION_END = 6 STEALTH_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 6 STEALTH_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 STEALTH_STATE_NONE = 0 STEALTH_STATE_STEALTH = 4 STEALTH_STATE_STEALTH_ALMOST_DETECTED = 6 STOP_MOVEMENT_FRAGMENT = table:0000014316CDC058 (meta 0000014320DB8960} STORE_ENTRY_TYPE_COLLECTIBLE = 4 STORE_ENTRY_TYPE_HOUSE_WITH_TEMPLATE = 5 STORE_ENTRY_TYPE_INTERACTABLE = 2 STORE_ENTRY_TYPE_ITEM = 0 STORE_ENTRY_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 STORE_ENTRY_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 6 STORE_ENTRY_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 6 STORE_ENTRY_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 STORE_ENTRY_TYPE_MONSTER = 1 STORE_ENTRY_TYPE_QUEST_ITEM = 3 STORE_ENTRY_TYPE_SUBSTORE = 6 STORE_FAILURE_ALREADY_HAVE_COLLECTIBLE = 24 STORE_FAILURE_AT_FENCE_LIMIT = 23 STORE_FAILURE_BUY_ITEM_FAILED_REQS = 8 STORE_FAILURE_CANT_BE_SOLD = 3 STORE_FAILURE_CANT_BUY_MULTIPLES = 6 STORE_FAILURE_HOOKPOINT_NOT_ACTIVE = 17 STORE_FAILURE_INVALID_ITEM_SLOT = 0 STORE_FAILURE_INVALID_ITEM_TO_SELL = 2 STORE_FAILURE_ITEM_BUY_UNIQUE = 9 STORE_FAILURE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 STORE_FAILURE_ITERATION_END = 27 STORE_FAILURE_MAX_VALUE = 27 STORE_FAILURE_MIN_VALUE = 0 STORE_FAILURE_NOT_ENOUGH_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 13 STORE_FAILURE_NOT_ENOUGH_CHAOS_CREATIA = 26 STORE_FAILURE_NOT_ENOUGH_INSPIRATION = 14 STORE_FAILURE_NOT_ENOUGH_ITEM = 12 STORE_FAILURE_NOT_ENOUGH_STABLE_SPACE = 18 STORE_FAILURE_NOT_ENOUGH_TELVAR_STONES = 15 STORE_FAILURE_NOT_ENOUGH_WRIT_VOUCHERS = 25 STORE_FAILURE_NOT_STOLEN = 20 STORE_FAILURE_NO_NEED_FOR_QUEST_ITEM = 5 STORE_FAILURE_NO_NEED_FOR_THAT_MANY_QUEST_ITEM = 7 STORE_FAILURE_SELL_FAILED_MONEY_CAP = 4 STORE_FAILURE_STOLEN = 19 STORE_FAILURE_WORTHLESS_TO_FENCE = 22 STORE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143DB1E55D8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143DB1E5698 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143DB1E5720 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143DB1E5830 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143DB1E5878 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB1E58C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DB1E57B0 3 = false control = userdata:00000143DB1E2ED8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143DB1E5650 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden STORE_INTERACTION = table:00000143E97C2958 STORE_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:00000143C802A1F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} STORE_WINDOW = table:00000143DB1E5560 (meta 00000143DB1E08D0} firstTable firstMeta activeTab = userdata:00000143DB1E3470 (meta 00000143083425C0} buyBackButtonData = table:00000143DB1E5FD8 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_buyBack_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_buyBack_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_buyBack_down.dds buyButtonData = table:00000143DB1E5DF8 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_buy_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_buy_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_buy_down.dds buyMultipleSpinner = table:00000143DB1E6C70 (meta 00000143C3445A30} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 callbackRegistry = table:00000143DB1E6F28 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:00000143DB1E6F70 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB1E6FB8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DB1E6EE0 3 = false constrainRangeFunc() = function:00000143ED5CD718 control = userdata:00000143DB1E1B70 (meta 000001430831E750} decreaseButton = userdata:00000143DB1E1BE8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143DB1E6CE8 firstTable display = userdata:00000143DB1E1DC8 (meta 000001430833A3B8} enabled = true errorColor = table:0000014345F117D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:00000143DB1E1C60 (meta 0000014308331CA0} max() = function:00000143DB1E6C28 min = 1 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 value = 1 control = userdata:00000143DB1E2ED8 (meta 0000014308326048} currency1Display = userdata:00000143DB1E54D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} currency2Display = userdata:00000143DB1E5550 (meta 00000143083425C0} currentFilter = 0 currentMoney = 0 currenyMoneyDisplay = userdata:00000143DB1E5460 (meta 00000143DB1E67B0} freeSlotsLabel = userdata:00000143DB1E53F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} hiddenColumns = table:00000143DB1E78F8 firstTable statusSortOrder = true traitInformationSortOrder = true keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143DB1E6110 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB1E6190 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DB1E6300 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:00000143DB1E6280 visible() = function:00000143DB1E62C0 2 = table:00000143DB1E6340 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DB1E64A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Sell All Junk visible() = function:00000143DB1E6458 3 = table:00000143DB1E64E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DB1E6638 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_QUATERNARY name = End Preview visible() = function:00000143DB1E65F8 alignment = 2 landingArea = userdata:00000143DB1E4898 (meta 00000143DB1E4BB0} list = userdata:00000143DB1E4450 (meta 00000143DB1E4D98} modeBar = table:00000143DB1E5BC0 (meta 00000143ED5C67B0} firstTable buttonData = table:00000143DB1E5C60 firstTable label = userdata:00000143DB1E28B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} menuBar = userdata:00000143DB1E2840 (meta 00000143DB1E2998} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143DB1E28C0 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable m_animationDuration = 200 m_barPool = table:00000143DB1E2C38 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143DB1E2C80 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DB1E2CC8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindowMenuBarPaddingBar parent = userdata:00000143DB1E2840 (meta 00000143DB1E2998} templateName = ZO_MenuBarPaddingBarTemplate m_buttonPadding = 20 m_buttons = table:00000143DB1E2908 firstTable m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_control = userdata:00000143DB1E2840 (meta 00000143DB1E2998} m_downSize = 64 m_normalSize = 51 m_point = 2 m_pool = table:00000143DB1E2AB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143DB1E2BF8 m_Active = table:00000143DB1E2AF8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DB1E2B70 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindowMenuBarButton parent = userdata:00000143DB1E2840 (meta 00000143DB1E2998} templateName = ZO_MenuBarTooltipButton m_relativePoint = 8 multipleDialog = userdata:00000143DB1E1768 (meta 0000014308326048} repairButtonData = table:00000143DB1E6020 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_repair_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_repair_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_repair_down.dds sellButtonData = table:00000143DB1E5EE8 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_sell_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_sell_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_sell_down.dds sortHeaders = table:00000143DB1E7310 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143DB1E7250 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143DB1E7660 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:00000143DB1E76A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB1E7720 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DB1E7618 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DB1E7358 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:00000143DB1E3A68 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143DB1E75D0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:00000143DB1E3D20 (meta 00000143DB1E3DE8} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = name selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143DB1E7310 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:00000143DB1E7548 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143DB1E3AD8 (meta 00000143DB1E3C20} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = statusSortOrder sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143DB1E7310 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortUpIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortUp.dds tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = 32 tooltipPoint = 12 tooltipText = Status 2 = userdata:00000143DB1E3D20 (meta 00000143DB1E3DE8} 3 = userdata:00000143DB1E3EE8 (meta 00000143DB1E4038} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = traitInformationSortOrder sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143DB1E7310 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortUpIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortUp.dds tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = 32 tooltipPoint = 12 tooltipText = Trait Information 4 = userdata:00000143DB1E4160 (meta 00000143DB1E4228} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = false key = stackBuyPrice sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143DB1E7310 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true sortKey = name sortOrder = true stackAllButton = table:00000143DB1E59A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB1E5A38 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DB1E5B28 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_STACK_ALL name = Stack All Items alignment = 2 storeFilters = table:00000143DB1E7A00 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB1E7AC0 firstTable activeTabText = Miscellaneous callback() = function:00000143DB1E7B08 descriptor = 5 filterType = 5 hiddenColumns = table:00000143DB1E78F8 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_misc_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_misc_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_misc_down.dds tooltipText = Miscellaneous 2 = table:00000143DB1E7B50 firstTable activeTabText = Furnishings callback() = function:00000143DB1E7B98 descriptor = 21 filterType = 21 hiddenColumns = table:00000143DB1E78F8 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/provisioner_indexIcon_furnishings_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/provisioner_indexIcon_furnishings_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/provisioner_indexIcon_furnishings_down.dds tooltipText = Furnishings 3 = table:00000143DB1E7BE0 firstTable activeTabText = Materials callback() = function:00000143DB1E7C28 descriptor = 4 filterType = 4 hiddenColumns = table:00000143DB1E78F8 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_crafting_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_crafting_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_crafting_down.dds tooltipText = Materials 4 = table:00000143DB1E7C70 firstTable activeTabText = Consumable callback() = function:00000143DB1E7CB8 descriptor = 3 filterType = 3 hiddenColumns = table:00000143DB1E78F8 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_consumables_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_consumables_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_consumables_down.dds tooltipText = Consumable 5 = table:00000143DB1E7D00 firstTable activeTabText = Apparel callback() = function:00000143DB1E7D48 descriptor = 2 filterType = 2 hiddenColumns = table:00000143DB1E7940 firstTable statusSortOrder = true highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_armor_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_armor_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_armor_down.dds tooltipText = Apparel 6 = table:00000143DB1E7D90 firstTable activeTabText = Weapon callback() = function:00000143DB1E7DD8 descriptor = 1 filterType = 1 hiddenColumns = table:00000143DB1E7940 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_weapons_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_weapons_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_weapons_down.dds tooltipText = Weapon 7 = table:00000143DB1E7E20 firstTable activeTabText = Collectible callback() = function:00000143DB1E7E68 descriptor = 12 filterType = 12 hiddenColumns = table:00000143DB1E78F8 highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_collections_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_collections_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_collections_down.dds tooltipText = Collectible 8 = table:00000143DB1E7EB0 firstTable activeTabText = All callback() = function:00000143DB1E7EF8 descriptor = 0 filterType = 0 hiddenColumns = table:00000143DB1E78F8 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_down.dds tooltipText = All tabs = userdata:00000143DB1E3400 (meta 00000143DB1E3558} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143DB1E3480 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable m_animationDuration = 180 m_barPool = table:00000143DB1E37F8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143DB1E3840 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DB1E3888 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindowTabsPaddingBar parent = userdata:00000143DB1E3400 (meta 00000143DB1E3558} templateName = ZO_MenuBarPaddingBarTemplate m_buttonPadding = -5 m_buttons = table:00000143DB1E34C8 firstTable m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_control = userdata:00000143DB1E3400 (meta 00000143DB1E3558} m_downSize = 51 m_normalSize = 40 m_point = 8 m_pool = table:00000143DB1E3670 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143DB1E37B8 m_Active = table:00000143DB1E36B8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DB1E3730 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindowTabsButton parent = userdata:00000143DB1E3400 (meta 00000143DB1E3558} templateName = ZO_InventoryFilterTab m_relativePoint = 2 STORE_WINDOW_GAMEPAD = table:00000143E75DDBB8 (meta 00000143E75DA6B8} STORE_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:00000143A34CD4A0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} STUB_SETTING_KEEP_MINIMIZED = false STUCK = table:00000143D6B0D778 (meta 00000143D6B0D2E0} SUBTITLE_HUD_FRAGMENT = table:000001445842D068 (meta 000001439DE3DA10} SUBTITLE_SETTING_ENABLED = 0 SUBTITLE_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SUBTITLE_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 0 SUBTITLE_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 0 SUBTITLE_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 SUB_SAMPLING_MODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 SUB_SAMPLING_MODE_ITERATION_END = 2 SUB_SAMPLING_MODE_LOW = 0 SUB_SAMPLING_MODE_MAX_VALUE = 2 SUB_SAMPLING_MODE_MEDIUM = 1 SUB_SAMPLING_MODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 SUB_SAMPLING_MODE_NORMAL = 2 SUPPRESS_COLLECTIBLE_ANNOUNCEMENTS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143DAF14A30 (meta 0000014316CE3630} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143DAF14A78 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden SUPPRESS_COLLECTIBLE_NOTIFICATIONS_FRAGMENT = table:0000014316CE34A0 (meta 00000143CB52F3F0} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014316CE34E8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:000001431D97A270 (meta 000001431D723A28} state = hidden SYNERGY = table:0000014314CF7958 (meta 0000014314CF6148} firstTable firstMeta action = userdata:0000014314CF7948 (meta 00000143083425C0} container = userdata:0000014314CF8168 (meta 000001430831E750} control = userdata:0000014314CF6268 (meta 0000014308326048} frame = userdata:0000014314CF8258 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:0000014314CF81E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} key = userdata:0000014314CF82D0 (meta 00000143EC3FE678} SYSTEMS = table:000001439DE41D08 (meta 000001439DE3D230} firstTable firstMeta systems = table:000001439DE41D50 firstTable HOUSING_PREVIEW = table:00000143B8D04B20 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143E7DD8208 (meta 00000143F65B79C0} keyboardObject = table:00000143B8D039F8 (meta 000001431DEE4F50} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001431DEE5070 (meta 0000014308326048} crownGemsPurchaseOptionControl = userdata:00000143B8CFEEF8 (meta 00000143B8D03F38} crownsPurchaseOptionControl = userdata:000001431DEE5180 (meta 00000143B8D03D20} firstMeta firstIndex button = userdata:000001431DEE05F8 (meta 00000143B8D04D60} firstMeta firstIndex backgroundTextureControl = userdata:00000143B8D032E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} clickCallback() = function:00000143B8D04CD0 enabled = true highlightTextureControl = userdata:00000143B8D03380 (meta 0000014308349FC8} priceControl = userdata:00000143AF1D5420 (meta 00000143083425C0} errorLabel = userdata:00000143B8CFEE30 (meta 00000143083425C0} textCallout = userdata:00000143B8CFEEC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} dialogInfo = table:00000143B8D04638 firstTable customControl = userdata:000001431DEE5070 (meta 0000014308326048} finishedCallback() = function:00000143B8D045B8 mainText = table:00000143B8D04740 firstTable text = noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143B8D045B8 setup() = function:00000143B8D04680 title = table:00000143B8D046C8 firstTable text = dialogName = HOUSE_PREVIEW_PURCHASE displayInfoDirty = true goldPurchaseOptionControl = userdata:000001431DEE5E58 (meta 00000143B8D03B08} firstMeta firstIndex button = userdata:000001431DEE5EE8 (meta 00000143B8D04C30} firstMeta firstIndex backgroundTextureControl = userdata:00000143B8D02B70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} clickCallback() = function:00000143B8D04B68 enabled = true highlightTextureControl = userdata:00000143B8D02C08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} priceControl = userdata:000001431DEE5F80 (meta 00000143083425C0} errorLabel = userdata:000001431DEDF280 (meta 00000143083425C0} textCallout = userdata:000001431DEE27F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} houseImageControl = userdata:000001431DEE5758 (meta 0000014308349FC8} houseTypeDataLabel = userdata:000001431DEE5A78 (meta 00000143083425C0} locationDataLabel = userdata:000001431DEE5960 (meta 00000143083425C0} marketPurchaseOptionControlsByCurrencyType = table:00000143B8D04108 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431DEE5180 (meta 00000143B8D03D20} 2 = userdata:00000143B8CFEEF8 (meta 00000143B8D03F38} firstMeta firstIndex button = userdata:00000143B8CFEF90 (meta 00000143B8D04E90} firstMeta firstIndex backgroundTextureControl = userdata:00000143B8D036B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} clickCallback() = function:00000143B8D04E00 enabled = true highlightTextureControl = userdata:00000143B8D03750 (meta 0000014308349FC8} priceControl = userdata:00000143B8CFF028 (meta 00000143083425C0} errorLabel = userdata:00000143B8CFF210 (meta 00000143083425C0} textCallout = userdata:00000143B8CFF2A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} notAvailableLabel = userdata:000001431DEE5B00 (meta 00000143083425C0} purchaseOptionsControl = userdata:000001431DEE5DD0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateComboBox = table:00000143B8D041A8 (meta 000001431D56DB28} templateComboBoxControl = userdata:000001431DEE5C90 (meta 00000143B8D044A0} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:00000143B8D041A8 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:000001431DEE5C90 (meta 00000143B8D044A0} m_font = ZoFontWinT1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_HousingPreviewDialog_KeyboardTemplateComboBox m_openDropdown = userdata:00000143B8D00D78 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:00000143B8D04320 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000143B8D00CE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:00000143B8D04570 firstTable m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 4 templateContainer = userdata:000001431DEE5B80 (meta 000001430831E750} templatePreviewButton = userdata:000001431DEE5D18 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ItemTransferDialog = table:00000143A38FC740 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143A38FD6A8 (meta 00000143A38FD378} firstTable firstMeta keyboardObject = table:00000143A38FAA18 (meta 00000143A38F5898} firstTable firstMeta dialogControl = userdata:00000143A38F5988 (meta 0000014308326048} iconControl = userdata:00000143A38F8918 (meta 0000014308349FC8} quantityControl = userdata:00000143A38F8990 (meta 00000143083425C0} slotControl = userdata:00000143A38F88A8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} spinner = table:00000143A38FAB10 (meta 00000143C3445A30} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 constrainRangeFunc() = function:00000143ED5CD718 control = userdata:00000143A38F8A00 (meta 000001430831E750} decreaseButton = userdata:00000143A38F8A78 (meta 0000014308331CA0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A38FAB88 firstTable display = userdata:00000143A38F8C58 (meta 000001430833A3B8} enabled = true errorColor = table:0000014345F117D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:00000143A38F8AF0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} max() = function:00000143A38FAA90 min = 1 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 value = 1 Stuck = table:00000143D6B0A478 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143EA915C28 (meta 00000143EA908850} keyboardObject = table:00000143D6B0D778 (meta 00000143D6B0D2E0} firstTable firstMeta ZO_LootHistory = table:000001439D69EA88 firstTable gamepadObject = table:000001439D6A0DA0 (meta 000001439D6A0618} firstTable firstMeta entryTemplate = ZO_LootHistory_GamepadEntry fadeAnim = table:000001439D6A22C0 (meta 00000143E9837830} lootQueue = table:000001439D6A24C8 firstTable lootStream = table:000001439D6A1AD0 (meta 000001439E14A390} firstTable activeEntries = table:000001439D6A1D80 firstTable additionalEntrySpacingY = -1 anchor = table:000001439D6A1278 (meta 000001431D56DC68} containerShowTimeMs = 3600 containerStartTimeMs = 0 control = userdata:000001439D6A0B90 (meta 000001439D6A2030} firstMeta firstIndex fadeTimeline = userdata:000001439D6A1268 (meta 000001439D6A1F18} firstMeta firstIndex control = userdata:000001439D6A0B90 (meta 000001439D6A2030} controlBuffer = table:000001439D6A1AD0 (meta 000001439E14A390} controllerType = Gamepad currentEntries = table:000001439D6A1E58 firstTable currentNumDisplayedEntries = 0 currentlyFadingEntries = 0 doesContainsEntries = false emptyDeltaTime = 0 entryPools = table:000001439D6A1B18 firstTable fadeAnimationName = ZO_LootHistory_FadeShared fadeTimeline = userdata:000001439D6A1268 (meta 000001439D6A1F18} headerPools = table:000001439D6A1BB8 firstTable iconAnimationName = ZO_LootHistory_IconEntranceShared linePools = table:000001439D6A1CA8 firstTable maxDisplayedEntries = 5 nextTimeToFlushMS = 19431958 queue = table:000001439D6A1CF0 firstTable queuedBatches = table:000001439D6A1E10 firstTable queuedTimedEntries = table:000001439D6A1DC8 firstTable resetPositionY = -1 templates = table:000001439D6A1D38 firstTable ZO_LootHistory_GamepadEntry = table:000001439D6A21A0 firstTable equalityCheck() = function:000001439D68F310 equalitySetup() = function:000001439D68F350 setup() = function:000001439D68F250 lootStreamPersistent = table:000001439D6A13A0 (meta 000001439E14A390} firstTable firstMeta activeEntries = table:000001439D6A15D8 firstTable additionalEntrySpacingY = -1 anchor = table:000001439D6A1278 (meta 000001431D56DC68} firstTable data = table:000001439D6A12C0 firstTable 1 = 6 2 = userdata:000001430838BF28 (meta 000001430831FE68} 3 = 6 4 = 0 5 = -120 6 = 0 containerShowTimeMs = 7000 containerStartTimeMs = 0 control = userdata:000001439D6A0B10 (meta 000001439D6A1888} firstMeta firstIndex fadeTimeline = userdata:000001439D6A1408 (meta 000001439D6A1770} firstMeta firstIndex control = userdata:000001439D6A0B10 (meta 000001439D6A1888} controlBuffer = table:000001439D6A13A0 (meta 000001439E14A390} controllerType = GamepadPersistent currentEntries = table:000001439D6A16B0 firstTable currentNumDisplayedEntries = 0 currentlyFadingEntries = 0 doesContainsEntries = false emptyDeltaTime = 0 entryPools = table:000001439D6A1418 firstTable fadeAnimationName = ZO_LootHistory_FadeShared fadeTimeline = userdata:000001439D6A1408 (meta 000001439D6A1770} headerPools = table:000001439D6A14B8 firstTable iconAnimationName = ZO_LootHistory_IconEntranceShared linePools = table:000001439D6A1500 firstTable maxDisplayedEntries = 5 nextTimeToFlushMS = 19431958 queue = table:000001439D6A1548 firstTable queuedBatches = table:000001439D6A1668 firstTable queuedTimedEntries = table:000001439D6A1620 firstTable resetPositionY = 0 templates = table:000001439D6A1590 firstTable ZO_LootHistory_GamepadEntry = table:000001439D6A1A00 firstTable equalityCheck() = function:000001439D68F310 equalitySetup() = function:000001439D68F350 setup() = function:000001439D68F250 keyboardObject = table:000001439D69D318 (meta 000001439D69CB40} firstTable firstMeta entryTemplate = ZO_LootHistory_KeyboardEntry fadeAnim = table:000001439D69E838 (meta 00000143E9837830} lootQueue = table:000001439D69EA40 firstTable lootStream = table:000001439D69E048 (meta 000001439E14A390} firstTable activeEntries = table:000001439D69E2F8 firstTable additionalEntrySpacingY = -1 anchor = table:000001439D69D7F0 (meta 000001431D56DC68} containerShowTimeMs = 3600 containerStartTimeMs = 0 control = userdata:000001439D69D108 (meta 000001439D69E5A8} firstMeta firstIndex fadeTimeline = userdata:000001439D69D7E0 (meta 000001439D69E490} firstMeta firstIndex control = userdata:000001439D69D108 (meta 000001439D69E5A8} controlBuffer = table:000001439D69E048 (meta 000001439E14A390} controllerType = Keyboard currentEntries = table:000001439D69E3D0 firstTable currentNumDisplayedEntries = 0 currentlyFadingEntries = 0 doesContainsEntries = false emptyDeltaTime = 0 entryPools = table:000001439D69E090 firstTable fadeAnimationName = ZO_LootHistory_FadeShared fadeTimeline = userdata:000001439D69D7E0 (meta 000001439D69E490} headerPools = table:000001439D69E130 firstTable iconAnimationName = ZO_LootHistory_IconEntranceShared linePools = table:000001439D69E220 firstTable maxDisplayedEntries = 6 nextTimeToFlushMS = 19431958 queue = table:000001439D69E268 firstTable queuedBatches = table:000001439D69E388 firstTable queuedTimedEntries = table:000001439D69E340 firstTable resetPositionY = 0 templates = table:000001439D69E2B0 firstTable ZO_LootHistory_KeyboardEntry = table:000001439D69E718 firstTable equalityCheck() = function:000001439D68F310 equalitySetup() = function:000001439D68F350 setup() = function:000001439D68F250 lootStreamPersistent = table:000001439D69D918 (meta 000001439E14A390} firstTable activeEntries = table:000001439D69DB50 firstTable additionalEntrySpacingY = -1 anchor = table:000001439D69D7F0 (meta 000001431D56DC68} firstTable data = table:000001439D69D838 firstTable 1 = 12 2 = userdata:000001430838BF28 (meta 000001430831FE68} 3 = 12 4 = 0 5 = -84 6 = 0 containerShowTimeMs = 7000 containerStartTimeMs = 0 control = userdata:000001439D69D088 (meta 000001439D69DE00} firstMeta firstIndex fadeTimeline = userdata:000001439D69D980 (meta 000001439D69DCE8} firstMeta firstIndex control = userdata:000001439D69D088 (meta 000001439D69DE00} controlBuffer = table:000001439D69D918 (meta 000001439E14A390} controllerType = KeyboardPersistent currentEntries = table:000001439D69DC28 firstTable currentNumDisplayedEntries = 0 currentlyFadingEntries = 0 doesContainsEntries = false emptyDeltaTime = 0 entryPools = table:000001439D69D990 firstTable fadeAnimationName = ZO_LootHistory_FadeShared fadeTimeline = userdata:000001439D69D980 (meta 000001439D69DCE8} headerPools = table:000001439D69DA30 firstTable iconAnimationName = ZO_LootHistory_IconEntranceShared linePools = table:000001439D69DA78 firstTable maxDisplayedEntries = 6 nextTimeToFlushMS = 19431958 queue = table:000001439D69DAC0 firstTable queuedBatches = table:000001439D69DBE0 firstTable queuedTimedEntries = table:000001439D69DB98 firstTable resetPositionY = 0 templates = table:000001439D69DB08 firstTable ZO_LootHistory_KeyboardEntry = table:000001439D69DF78 firstTable equalityCheck() = function:000001439D68F310 equalitySetup() = function:000001439D68F350 setup() = function:000001439D68F250 achievements = table:000001430FD6C7C0 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143E41C9BD0 (meta 00000143E41BB5D8} keyboardObject = table:00000143F28D6928 (meta 00000143F28DB150} keyboardRootScene = table:000001430FD6C6E8 (meta 0000014368607700} alchemy = table:00000143DA76A548 firstTable gamepadObject = table:000001439D866378 (meta 000001439D867990} firstTable firstMeta activeSlotIndex = 0 alchemyStationInteraction = table:000001447D44E000 control = userdata:000001439D86A5D8 (meta 0000014308326048} craftingBar = table:000001439D84D068 (meta 00000143D6006330} firstTable control = userdata:000001439D86DA70 (meta 000001430831E750} dataList = table:000001447D449EF0 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D449FC8 firstTable control = userdata:0000014309E1AB40 (meta 000001447D44C188} firstMeta firstIndex emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_alchemy_emptySlot_solvent.dds icon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_alchemy_emptySlot_solvent.dds inventory = table:000001439D861B20 (meta 000001439D868078} owner = table:000001439D866378 (meta 000001439D867990} placedSound = Alchemy_Solvent_Placed removedSound = Alchemy_Solvent_Removed slot = table:000001447D44C358 (meta 000001439D8677D8} firstTable firstMeta 2 = table:000001447D44C508 firstTable control = userdata:000001447D44C5F0 (meta 000001447D44CFF0} firstMeta firstIndex emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_alchemy_emptySlot_reagent.dds icon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_alchemy_emptySlot_reagent.dds inventory = table:000001439D861B20 (meta 000001439D868078} owner = table:000001439D866378 (meta 000001439D867990} placedSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Placed removedSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Removed slot = table:000001447D44D250 (meta 000001439D8677D8} firstTable 3 = table:000001447D44D3A8 firstTable control = userdata:000001447D44D0B0 (meta 000001447D44DC48} firstMeta firstIndex emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_alchemy_emptySlot_reagent.dds icon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_alchemy_emptySlot_reagent.dds inventory = table:000001439D861B20 (meta 000001439D868078} owner = table:000001439D866378 (meta 000001439D867990} placedSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Placed removedSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Removed slot = table:000001447D44DEA8 (meta 000001439D8677D8} firstTable dataTypes = table:000001439D84D0B0 firstTable ZO_AlchemySolventSlot_Gamepad = table:000001439D84D3A8 firstTable pool = table:000001439D84D448 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:000001439D867BF8 ZO_GamepadAlchemyCraftingSlotWithTraits = table:000001439D84D288 firstTable pool = table:000001439D84D2D0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:000001439D867BB8 slotCenterControl = userdata:000001439D86DAF8 (meta 000001430831E750} slotSpacing = 231 header = userdata:000001439D86BC90 (meta 000001447D4504F8} headerData = table:000001447D4506E0 firstTable data1HeaderText = Player Capacity data1Text() = function:000001447D4506A0 titleText = Alchemy inventory = table:000001439D861B20 (meta 000001439D868078} mainKeybindStripDescriptor = table:000001447D450970 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D450A20 firstTable callback() = function:000001447D450B40 enabled() = function:000001447D450AF8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:000001447D450A68 visible() = function:000001447D450AB0 2 = table:000001447D450B88 firstTable callback() = function:000001447D450C18 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:000001447D450BD0 visible() = function:000001447D450C60 3 = table:000001447D450CA8 firstTable callback() = function:000001447D450CF0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Clear Selections visible() = function:000001447D450D38 4 = table:000001447D450D80 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001447D450DC8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT order = -10000 visible() = function:000001447D450E08 5 = table:000001447D450E48 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001447D450E90 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -10000 visible() = function:000001447D450ED0 6 = table:000001447D4511C0 firstTable callback() = function:000001447D4512B0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 7 = table:000001447D451378 firstTable callback() = function:000001447D451468 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 modeKeybindStripDescriptor = table:000001447D4507D0 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D450898 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001447D450818 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select order = -500 2 = table:000001447D450900 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 modeList = table:000001447D4514C0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} reagentSlots = table:000001447D44C4C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D44D250 (meta 000001439D8677D8} 2 = table:000001447D44DEA8 (meta 000001439D8677D8} skillInfo = userdata:000001439D868168 (meta 000001439D86A288} slotAnimation = table:000001439D84D618 (meta 0000014320F59C00} firstTable bursts = table:000001447D448740 firstTable slots = table:000001439D83C990 firstTable solventSlot = table:000001447D44C358 (meta 000001439D8677D8} tooltip = userdata:000001439D86DB70 (meta 000001439D86E740} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:000001439D86DF88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} lastContentHeight = 0 scrollTooltip = userdata:000001439D86E088 (meta 000001439D873330} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 animation = userdata:000001439D8733C8 (meta 000001439D873420} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001439D86E088 (meta 000001439D873330} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:000001439D86E110 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:000001439D86E1A0 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollIndicator = userdata:000001439D86E400 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:000001439D873398 (meta 0000014308367FC0} tooltip = userdata:000001439D86E238 (meta 000001439D86E8B0} useFadeGradient = true tip = userdata:000001439D86E238 (meta 000001439D86E8B0} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:000001439D872928 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001439D873148 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001439D8729B8 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:000001439D86E2D8 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true icon = userdata:000001439D86DF88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:000001439D872560 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001439D8730B8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001439D872648 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 0 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:000001439D872E50 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001439D873190 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001439D872EE0 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:000001439D872AE0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001439D8731D8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001439D872B70 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:000001439D872C98 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001439D873220 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001439D872D28 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:000001439D873008 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143D6006570 styles = table:000001439D873050 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FE9688 texturePool = table:000001439D872770 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001439D873100 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001439D872800 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} vertical = true gamepadRootScene = table:000001447D44FB68 (meta 00000144C79BED68} keyboardObject = table:000001439D846540 (meta 000001439D83EDF8} keyboardRootScene = table:000001439D84AB10 (meta 00000144C79BED68} battlegroundLeaderboards = table:0000014428060040 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143CDD25398 (meta 00000143A35E4E68} firstTable firstMeta battlegroundListNodes = table:000001442805E528 firstTable control = userdata:00000143A35E4F88 (meta 0000014308326048} fragment = table:000001442805E468 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false callbackRegistry = table:00000143553AFDE8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143553AFE30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143553AFE78 firstTable control = userdata:00000143A35E4F88 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001442805E4E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden leaderboardScene = table:000001448016E5F0 (meta 0000014368607700} leaderboardSystem = table:000001448016E868 (meta 00000143553882D0} scoringInfoText = keyboardObject = table:0000014428061710 (meta 0000014428062440} battleground_scoreboard_end_of_game = table:00000143DAF12068 firstTable gamepadRootScene = table:000001430A463398 (meta 0000014368607700} keyboardRootScene = table:000001430A463398 (meta 0000014368607700} battleground_scoreboard_in_game = table:000001444E5869A0 firstTable gamepadRootScene = table:000001444E588800 (meta 0000014368607700} keyboardRootScene = table:000001444E588800 (meta 0000014368607700} campaignLeaderboards = table:00000144C755B630 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143E02E0CD8 (meta 00000144C7556B08} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000144C7524630 (meta 0000014308326048} fragment = table:00000143E02E0A78 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false callbackRegistry = table:00000143E02D14B8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E02D1500 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E02E0B38 firstTable control = userdata:00000144C7524630 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E02E0AF0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden leaderboardScene = table:000001448016E5F0 (meta 0000014368607700} leaderboardSystem = table:000001448016E868 (meta 00000143553882D0} scoringInfoText = selector = table:00000143E02D0DB8 (meta 00000144C7521850} firstTable firstMeta campaignWindows = table:00000143E02D0EB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E02E0CD8 (meta 00000144C7556B08} control = userdata:00000144C7524630 (meta 0000014308326048} dataRegistration = table:00000143E02D0810 (meta 0000014409E60C68} firstTable needsData = false needsDataFunction() = function:00000143E02D0790 keyboardObject = table:00000143C802D7A0 (meta 00000143C803B090} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143C803A488 (meta 0000014308326048} currentRankLabel = userdata:00000143C8030990 (meta 00000143083425C0} currentScoreLabel = userdata:00000143C803BF18 (meta 00000143083425C0} fragment = table:00000143C805BA00 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143C802D328 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143C802D378 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000144C755B520 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144C755B568 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C755B5B0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143C803A488 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143C805BA48 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden lastUpdateSecs = 0 leaderboardScene = table:00000143CDD255D0 (meta 0000014368607700} leaderboardSystem = table:00000143CDD25588 (meta 00000143ED53ACC0} scoringInfoLabel = userdata:00000143C8030A18 (meta 00000143083425C0} scoringInfoText = selector = table:00000143CDD1FE10 (meta 00000143C8032980} firstTable firstMeta activeTab = userdata:00000143C802ECA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} campaignWindows = table:00000143CDD1FEB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C802D7A0 (meta 00000143C803B090} control = userdata:00000143C803A488 (meta 0000014308326048} dataRegistration = table:00000144C75576C8 (meta 0000014409E60C68} firstTable needsData = false needsDataFunction() = function:00000144C7557258 guestTabData = table:00000144C7559FF0 firstTable callback() = function:00000144C755A038 descriptor = 1 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Journal/leaderboard_tabIcon_guest_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Journal/leaderboard_tabIcon_guest_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Journal/leaderboard_tabIcon_guest_down.dds queryType = 1 tooltipText = Local Campaign homeTabData = table:00000144C7559E18 firstTable callback() = function:00000144C7559FA8 descriptor = 2 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Journal/leaderboard_tabIcon_home_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Journal/leaderboard_tabIcon_home_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Journal/leaderboard_tabIcon_home_down.dds queryType = 2 tooltipText = Home Campaign tabs = userdata:00000143C802EED8 (meta 00000143C802ED00} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143C802EAC0 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable m_animationDuration = 180 m_barPool = table:00000144C7558860 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_buttonPadding = 15 m_buttons = table:00000143C802D860 firstTable m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_control = userdata:00000143C802EED8 (meta 00000143C802ED00} m_downSize = 64 m_normalSize = 51 m_point = 2 m_pool = table:00000144C755A080 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_relativePoint = 8 timerLabel = userdata:00000143C8030A98 (meta 00000143083425C0} champion = table:00000143D4A50550 firstTable gamepadRootScene = table:0000014428084040 (meta 0000014368607700} keyboardRootScene = table:0000014428084530 (meta 0000014368607700} collections = table:00000143DFA51688 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143A42F4B90 (meta 00000143D6171518} keyboardObject = table:0000014369125260 (meta 00000143A98CA1E0} colorPicker = table:00000143E30AEAE8 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143B2B5CE20 (meta 000001431DA0BCC0} firstTable firstMeta alphaLabel = userdata:000001431DA0DB70 (meta 00000143083425C0} alphaSlider = userdata:000001431DA0DA58 (meta 0000014308359498} alphaTexture = userdata:000001431DA0FA80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} colorSelect = userdata:000001431DA0D808 (meta 000001430835C888} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:000001430835AB38 ClearAnchors() = function:000001430835A358 Convert3DLocalOrientationToWorldOrientation() = function:000001430835C808 Convert3DLocalPositionToWorldPosition() = function:000001430835C798 Convert3DWorldOrientationToLocalOrientation() = function:000001430835C7D0 Convert3DWorldPositionToLocalPosition() = function:000001430835C760 Create3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430835AB70 CreateControl() = function:000001430835A588 Destroy3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430835ABA8 Does3DRenderSpaceUseDepthBuffer() = function:000001430835AEB8 Get3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:000001430835ADD8 Get3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:000001430835AD68 Get3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:000001430835AC18 Get3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:000001430835AC88 Get3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:000001430835AE48 Get3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:000001430835ACF8 GetAlpha() = function:000001430835A2E8 GetAnchor() = function:000001430835A3C8 GetBottom() = function:0000014308359CA8 GetCenter() = function:0000014308359CE0 GetChild() = function:000001430835A438 GetClampedToScreen() = function:000001430835B070 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000001430835A9B0 GetColorAsHSV() = function:0000014308359818 GetColorAsRGB() = function:0000014308359748 GetColorWheelTextureControl() = function:00000143083597A0 GetColorWheelThumbTextureControl() = function:00000143083596C8 GetControlAlpha() = function:000001430835A320 GetControlScale() = function:000001430835A278 GetDesiredHeight() = function:0000014308359BC8 GetDesiredWidth() = function:0000014308359B90 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:000001430835AA90 GetDimensions() = function:0000014308359E50 GetDrawLayer() = function:000001430835A0B8 GetDrawLevel() = function:000001430835A128 GetDrawTier() = function:000001430835A010 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:000001430835A828 GetFullValuedColorAsRGB() = function:0000014308359998 GetHandler() = function:000001430835A198 GetHeight() = function:0000014308359EC0 GetHitInsets() = function:000001430835A940 GetId() = function:000001430835A748 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:000001430835A668 GetInheritsScale() = function:000001430835A6D8 GetLeft() = function:0000014308359C00 GetName() = function:000001430835A4E0 GetNamedChild() = function:000001430835A470 GetNumChildren() = function:000001430835A400 GetOwningWindow() = function:0000014308359A10 GetParent() = function:0000014308359D88 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:000001430835A7B8 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:000001430835AA20 GetRight() = function:0000014308359C70 GetScale() = function:000001430835A240 GetScreenRect() = function:000001430835AF20 GetThumbNormalizedPosition() = function:0000014308359880 GetTop() = function:0000014308359C38 GetType() = function:0000014308359EF8 GetValue() = function:0000014308359960 GetWidth() = function:0000014308359E88 Has3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430835ABE0 IsChildOf() = function:000001430835A4A8 IsControlHidden() = function:0000014308359FA0 IsHandlerSet() = function:000001430835A1D0 IsHidden() = function:0000014308359F68 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:000001430835A550 IsMouseEnabled() = function:000001430835B0E0 IsPointInside() = function:000001430835AF58 RegisterForEvent() = function:000001430835AAC8 Set3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:000001430835AE10 Set3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:000001430835ADA0 Set3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:000001430835AC50 Set3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:000001430835ACC0 Set3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:000001430835AE80 Set3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:000001430835AD30 Set3DRenderSpaceUsesDepthBuffer() = function:000001430835C520 SetAlpha() = function:000001430835A2B0 SetAnchor() = function:000001430835A390 SetAnchorFill() = function:000001430835AF90 SetClampedToScreen() = function:000001430835B038 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000001430835A978 SetColorAsHSV() = function:0000014308359AB0 SetColorAsRGB() = function:00000143083598C0 SetColorWheelThumbTextureControl() = function:0000014308359648 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:000001430835AA58 SetDimensions() = function:0000014308359E18 SetDrawLayer() = function:000001430835A080 SetDrawLevel() = function:000001430835A0F0 SetDrawTier() = function:000001430835A048 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:000001430835A7F0 SetHandler() = function:000001430835A160 SetHeight() = function:0000014308359D50 SetHidden() = function:0000014308359F30 SetHitInsets() = function:000001430835A908 SetId() = function:000001430835A710 SetInheritAlpha() = function:000001430835A630 SetInheritScale() = function:000001430835A6A0 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:000001430835A518 SetMouseEnabled() = function:000001430835B0A8 SetMovable() = function:000001430835A5C0 SetParent() = function:0000014308359DC0 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:000001430835A5F8 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:000001430835A780 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:000001430835A9E8 SetScale() = function:000001430835A208 SetShapeType() = function:000001430835A860 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:000001430835AFC8 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:000001430835B000 SetThumbNormalizedPosition() = function:0000014308359B18 SetValue() = function:0000014308359928 SetWidth() = function:0000014308359D18 StartMoving() = function:000001430835A898 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:000001430835A8D0 ToggleHidden() = function:0000014308359FD8 UnregisterForEvent() = function:000001430835AB00 colorSelectThumb = userdata:000001431DA0D8C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} content = userdata:000001431DA0D780 (meta 000001430831E750} control = userdata:000001431DA0BDE0 (meta 000001431DA0FDF8} firstMeta firstIndex Activate() = function:000001431DA0A8C8 Deactivate() = function:000001431DA0A600 OnDialogHidden() = function:00000143EA506670 OnDialogHiding() = function:000001431DA4F000 OnDialogShowing() = function:00000143B5142800 OnDialogShown() = function:000001431DA4EF80 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:00000144D64E7668 fragment = table:000001431DA0FA90 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001431DA0FC98 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001431DA0FD20 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001431DA0A558 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431DA0A5A0 firstTable control = userdata:000001431DA0BDE0 (meta 000001431DA0FDF8} dirtyEvents = table:000001431DA0FB08 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden hideFunction() = function:000001431DA0AC00 setupFunc() = function:00000143EA506700 dialogName = GAMEPAD_COLOR_PICKER doesntHaveAlphaHeight = 282 hasAlphaHeight = 340 previewControl = userdata:000001431DA0F488 (meta 000001430831E750} previewCurrentTexture = userdata:000001431DA0F5A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} previewInitialTexture = userdata:000001431DA0F6B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} valueSlider = userdata:000001431DA0D948 (meta 0000014308359498} valueTexture = userdata:000001431DA0F8E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} keyboardObject = table:000001431E0D2CF8 (meta 00000143B2B5A990} firstTable firstMeta alphaLabel = userdata:00000143B2B5F340 (meta 00000143083425C0} alphaSlider = userdata:00000143B2B5F228 (meta 0000014308359498} alphaSpinner = table:00000143B2B5D9E0 (meta 00000143C3445A30} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 callbackRegistry = table:00000143B2B5E1A8 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:00000143B2B5E1F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B2B5E238 firstTable constrainRangeFunc() = function:00000143ED5CD718 control = userdata:00000143E30AF1A8 (meta 000001430831E750} decreaseButton = userdata:00000143E30AF238 (meta 0000014308331CA0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2B5DA58 firstTable display = userdata:00000143E30AF478 (meta 000001430833A3B8} enabled = true errorColor = table:0000014345F117D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:00000143E30AF2C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} max = 255 min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 value = 255 alphaTexture = userdata:00000143B2B55AA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} blueSpinner = table:000001431D7A6E40 (meta 00000143C3445A30} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 callbackRegistry = table:00000143B2B5D728 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:00000143B2B5D770 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B2B5D7E8 firstTable constrainRangeFunc() = function:00000143ED5CD718 control = userdata:00000143E30AEDF0 (meta 000001430831E750} decreaseButton = userdata:00000143E30AEE80 (meta 0000014308331CA0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2B5AD08 firstTable display = userdata:00000143E30AF0C0 (meta 000001430833A3B8} enabled = true errorColor = table:0000014345F117D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:00000143E30AEF10 (meta 0000014308331CA0} max = 255 min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000143B2B5D868 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 0.2 r = 0.2 spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 value = 255 colorSelect = userdata:00000143B2B5EFD8 (meta 000001430835C888} colorSelectThumb = userdata:00000143B2B5F098 (meta 0000014308349FC8} content = userdata:00000143B2B5EF50 (meta 000001430831E750} control = userdata:00000143B2B5AAB0 (meta 0000014308326048} dialogName = COLOR_PICKER doesntHaveAlphaHeight = 200 greenSpinner = table:00000143E30ADB38 (meta 00000143C3445A30} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 callbackRegistry = table:000001431D7A76A0 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:000001431D7A6D00 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D7A6D78 firstTable constrainRangeFunc() = function:00000143ED5CD718 control = userdata:00000143B2B55280 (meta 000001430831E750} decreaseButton = userdata:00000143B2B55310 (meta 0000014308331CA0} dirtyEvents = table:000001431D7A7490 firstTable display = userdata:00000143E30AED08 (meta 000001430833A3B8} enabled = true errorColor = table:0000014345F117D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:00000143E30AD750 (meta 0000014308331CA0} max = 255 min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:000001431D7A6DF8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.2 g = 1 r = 0.2 spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 value = 255 hasAlphaHeight = 225 previewControl = userdata:00000143B2B5FAC8 (meta 000001430831E750} previewCurrentTexture = userdata:00000143B2B55A70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} previewInitialTexture = userdata:00000143A0C34DA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} redSpinner = table:00000143E30AE7F0 (meta 00000143C3445A30} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 callbackRegistry = table:00000143E30AD9E0 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:00000143E30ADA28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E30ADA70 firstTable constrainRangeFunc() = function:00000143ED5CD718 control = userdata:00000143B2B57790 (meta 000001430831E750} decreaseButton = userdata:00000143B2B56540 (meta 0000014308331CA0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E30AD760 firstTable display = userdata:00000143B2B55198 (meta 000001430833A3B8} enabled = true errorColor = table:0000014345F117D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:00000143B2B54FE8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} max = 255 min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000143E30ADAF0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.2 g = 0.2 r = 1 spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 value = 255 valueSlider = userdata:00000143B2B5F118 (meta 0000014308359498} valueTexture = userdata:00000143B2B56CB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} craftingResults = table:0000014309DFC180 firstTable gamepadObject = table:0000014309DFBBD0 (meta 0000014309DF8AB8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000014309DF8BD8 (meta 0000014308326048} enchantSoundPlayer = table:0000014309DFBE40 (meta 000001439E141810} firstTable OnUpdateFunction() = function:0000014309DFBF60 finishedAllSoundsCallback() = function:0000014309DFBFE0 id = ZO_QueuedSoundPlayer1 queue = table:0000014309DFBE88 firstTable soundPaddingMs = 0 secondaryTooltipAnimationPool = table:0000014309DFC0A8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014309DFC0F0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014309DFC028 m_Free = table:0000014309DFC138 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014309DFC068 keyboardObject = table:000001447D435760 (meta 000001447D426380} crownCrate = table:00000143E7DDA228 firstTable gamepadRootScene = table:00000143E7DDF010 (meta 000001431D566020} keyboardRootScene = table:00000143E7DDA928 (meta 000001431D566020} dyeStampConfirmation = table:000001431C5AB938 firstTable gamepadRootScene = table:000001431C5AD988 (meta 0000014368607700} keyboardRootScene = table:000001431C5AB830 (meta 0000014368607700} dyeStamp_Confirmation = table:000001431C5AC030 firstTable gamepadObject = table:000001431C5AD940 (meta 000001431C5AD428} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001431C5AD518 (meta 0000014308326048} keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001431C5ADAE8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C5ADB50 firstTable callback() = function:000001431C5ADB98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Apply Changes 2 = table:000001431C5ADC70 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001431C5ADD60 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Exit alignment = 2 keyboardObject = table:000001431C5AB740 (meta 000001431C59F4D8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001431C59F5F8 (meta 0000014308326048} keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001431C5AB9B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C5ABA48 firstTable callback() = function:000001431C5ABB60 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Apply Changes 2 = table:000001431C5ABBE0 firstTable alignment = 3 callback() = function:000001431C5ABCD0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT name = Exit alignment = 2 rotationArea = userdata:000001431C5AA858 (meta 000001430831E750} enchant = table:00000144DD5D6540 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000144DD5DB508 (meta 00000144DD5D92A0} gamepadRootScene = table:00000144DD5DB750 (meta 0000014368607700} keyboardObject = table:00000144DD5D60B8 (meta 00000144DD5D55F8} firstTable firstMeta afterSlot = userdata:00000144DD5D5E58 (meta 0000014308331CA0} afterSlotGlow1 = userdata:00000144DD5D6030 (meta 0000014308349FC8} afterSlotGlow2 = userdata:00000144DD5D60A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} beforeSlot = userdata:00000144DD5D5C80 (meta 0000014308331CA0} control = userdata:00000144DD5D5718 (meta 000001430831E750} enchantedAnimation = userdata:00000144DD5D6120 (meta 0000014308367FC0} fence = table:000001431BD2EF68 firstTable gamepadObject = table:000001431BD40FC8 (meta 000001431BD3E838} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001431BD3E958 (meta 0000014308326048} sceneName = gamepad_store keyboardObject = table:000001431BD2E3F0 (meta 000001431BD2D438} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001431BD2D558 (meta 0000014308326048} modeBar = table:000001431BD2F2F0 (meta 00000143ED5C67B0} firstTable buttonData = table:000001431BD2F3C0 firstTable label = userdata:000001431BD2DA80 (meta 00000143083425C0} menuBar = userdata:000001431BD2DA08 (meta 000001431BD2DB68} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:000001431BD2DA90 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable m_animationDuration = 200 m_barPool = table:000001431BD2DD88 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_buttonPadding = 20 m_buttons = table:000001431BD2DAD8 firstTable m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_control = userdata:000001431BD2DA08 (meta 000001431BD2DB68} m_downSize = 64 m_normalSize = 51 m_point = 2 m_pool = table:000001431BD2DBF8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_relativePoint = 8 resetTimeControl = userdata:000001431BD2E260 (meta 000001430831E750} resetTimeStatControl = userdata:000001431BD2E2E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} resetTimeValueControl = userdata:000001431BD2E3E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} furniture_settings = table:00000143E1E49B48 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143E6E17E00 (meta 00000143C7D410F0} firstTable firstMeta banList = table:00000143E6E1CEF0 (meta 00000143DAF0FB58} firstTable firstMeta automaticallyColorRows = true backButtonCallback() = function:00000143E6E1BAB8 conditionResults = table:00000143EC03F140 firstTable container = userdata:000001435558EC30 (meta 000001430831E750} contentHeader = userdata:000001435558ECD0 (meta 00000143EC03CD48} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:00000143EC03D4B0 firstTable 10 = userdata:000001435558F0E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:000001435558F2D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:000001435558F230 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:000001435558F418 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:000001435558F378 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:000001435558EDA8 (meta 00000143E6E1AE20} firstMeta firstIndex 3 = userdata:000001435558EEF8 (meta 000001430831E750} 4 = userdata:000001435558ED78 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:000001435558EE50 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:000001435558F040 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:000001435558EFA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:000001435558F188 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 3 contentHeaderData = table:00000143EC03CE40 firstTable titleTextAlignment = 1 control = userdata:000001435558EC30 (meta 000001430831E750} currentSortKey = displayName currentSortOrder = true dialogData = table:00000143EC03ECB8 firstTable emptyRow = userdata:000001435558CCA8 (meta 000001430831E750} emptyRowMessage = userdata:000001435558CD48 (meta 00000143083425C0} emptyText = You don't have any entries in this list. filterDropdown = table:000001435558F7B8 (meta 0000014316F496C8} firstTable keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001435558FD68 firstTable 1 = table:000001435558FE28 firstTable 2 = table:000001435558ADE8 firstTable 3 = table:000001435558B808 firstTable 4 = table:000001435558B850 firstTable alignment = 1 m_active = false m_container = userdata:000001435558F628 (meta 000001435558FAB0} m_dropdown = table:00000143688208C0 (meta 000001436881D800} m_focus = table:000001435558FC40 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:000001435558F628 (meta 000001435558FAB0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:000001435558B898 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:0000014355587B18 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 m_font = ZoFontGamepad27 m_highlightColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_highlightFont = ZoFontGamepad36 m_highlightedIndex = 1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_itemTemplate = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelBanListContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdown m_normalColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_openDropdown = userdata:000001435558F6E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_selectedColor = table:000001435558F930 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:000001435558F7A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:000001435558FCC8 firstTable m_sortsItems = true m_spacing = 0 filterFunction() = function:00000143E6E1B970 filterSwitcher = table:00000143E6E1B5E0 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:000001435558ECD0 (meta 00000143EC03CD48} data = table:00000143E6E1B628 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E1B730 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:00000143E6E1B098 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onFocusChangedFunction() = function:00000143E6E1B9F0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 filtersFocalArea = table:00000143EC03D280 (meta 000001434613F5C8} firstTable firstMeta activateCallback() = function:00000143EC03D1B8 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143EC03D238 keybindDescriptor = table:00000143E6E1BF68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E1BFE0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143E6E1B228 firstTable alignment = 1 manager = table:00000143E6E1CEF0 (meta 00000143DAF0FB58} nextFocus = table:00000143EC03D410 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} firstTable firstMeta activateCallback() = function:00000143EC03D2C8 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143EC03D3C8 keybindDescriptor = table:00000143E6E1B2C8 firstTable manager = table:00000143E6E1CEF0 (meta 00000143DAF0FB58} nextFocus = table:00000143EC03D5A0 (meta 00000143AA17A038} firstTable firstMeta previousFocus = table:00000143EC03D280 (meta 000001434613F5C8} previousFocus = false headersContainer = userdata:0000014355587A00 (meta 000001430831E750} headersFocalArea = table:00000143EC03D410 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143E6E1BA70 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E1BB38 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143E6E1BD48 enabled() = function:00000143E6E1BCC8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Console_Menu_Forward 2 = table:00000143E6E1BDB0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143E6E1BAB8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:00000143EC03E528 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EC03E618 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:00000143EC03E6A8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EC03E798 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER list = userdata:0000014355587A98 (meta 000001435558C3D0} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:000001435558C5E8 firstTable animation = userdata:000001435558CAB0 (meta 000001435558CB08} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000014355587A98 (meta 000001435558C3D0} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:000001435558C7C0 firstTable contents = userdata:000001435558C268 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:000001435558C4A0 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001435558C340 firstTable 4 = table:00000143EC0409F0 firstTable deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000001435558C0F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001435558FCA8 (meta 000001435558C1A8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001435558C150 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:000001435558C120 (meta 0000014308367FC0} selectionCallback() = function:00000143EC03C648 selectionTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterDefaultHighlight timeline = userdata:000001435558C490 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 80 upButton = userdata:000001435558C050 (meta 0000014308349FC8} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143EC040A38 firstTable listFragment = table:00000143EC03E7E0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143EC03EAB8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143EC03EB40 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143EC03EFE8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143EC03F030 firstTable control = userdata:000001435558EBA0 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC03E828 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden masterList = table:00000143E6E1CAD0 firstTable movementController = table:00000143EC03C600 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 optionTemplateGroups = table:00000143EC03F0F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC03F188 firstTable headerFunction() = function:000001431DC98928 options = table:00000143EC03F228 firstTable owner = table:00000143E6E17E00 (meta 00000143C7D410F0} panelFocalArea = table:00000143EC03D5A0 (meta 00000143AA17A038} rowDataType = 4 searchEdit = userdata:00000143555894C8 (meta 0000014355589018} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true searchProcessor = table:000001435558C8A8 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:00000143E6E18940 firstTable processors = table:00000143E6E189B8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6E18A00 sortFunction() = function:000001435558C860 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E6E1CF70 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143E6E1CA48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143E6E18B50 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:00000143E6E18B98 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E6E1CA58 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:0000014355587A00 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143E6E18A88 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:000001435558C508 (meta 000001435558C6C0} firstMeta firstIndex highlightTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeaderHighlight initialDirection = true key = displayName selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E6E1CF70 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:00000143E6E18C30 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001435558C508 (meta 000001435558C6C0} sortKeys = table:00000143A34CAC28 firstTable displayName = table:00000143A34CACC8 firstTable permissionPresetName = table:00000143A34CAD10 firstTable tiebreaker = displayName userGroup = 2 control = userdata:00000143C7D36790 (meta 0000014320FFC688} defaultAccessList = table:000001436BD9F1F8 (meta 00000143E74C2E90} guildBanList = table:00000143EC043E90 (meta 000001430A46AE90} firstTable firstMeta automaticallyColorRows = true backButtonCallback() = function:00000143EC048258 conditionResults = table:00000143EC049930 firstTable container = userdata:0000014320FF6B00 (meta 000001430831E750} contentHeader = userdata:0000014320FF6BA0 (meta 00000143EC045D28} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:00000143EC045500 firstTable 10 = userdata:0000014320FF6F68 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:0000014320FF7168 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:0000014320FF70C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:0000014320FF72C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:0000014320FF7218 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:0000014320FF6C00 (meta 00000143EC048AC8} firstMeta firstIndex 3 = userdata:0000014320FF6D60 (meta 000001430831E750} 4 = userdata:0000014320FF6BD0 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:0000014320FF6CB0 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:0000014320FF6EB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:0000014320FF6E10 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:0000014320FF7010 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 3 contentHeaderData = table:00000143EC044E00 firstTable titleTextAlignment = 1 control = userdata:0000014320FF6B00 (meta 000001430831E750} currentSortKey = displayName currentSortOrder = true dialogData = table:00000143EC049DC0 firstTable emptyRow = userdata:0000014320FFA848 (meta 000001430831E750} emptyRowMessage = userdata:0000014320FFA8F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} emptyText = You don't have any entries in this list. filterDropdown = table:0000014320FF7680 (meta 0000014316F496C8} firstTable keybindStripDescriptor = table:0000014320FF7AE8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320FF7B78 firstTable 2 = table:0000014320FF7C48 firstTable 3 = table:0000014320FF7D80 firstTable 4 = table:0000014320FF7EF8 firstTable alignment = 1 m_active = false m_container = userdata:0000014320FF74E0 (meta 0000014320FF7978} m_dropdown = table:00000143688208C0 (meta 000001436881D800} m_focus = table:0000014320FF8030 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:0000014320FF74E0 (meta 0000014320FF7978} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:0000014320FF8078 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:0000014320FF81F0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 m_font = ZoFontGamepad27 m_highlightColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_highlightFont = ZoFontGamepad36 m_highlightedIndex = 1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_itemTemplate = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelGuildBanListContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdown m_normalColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_openDropdown = userdata:0000014320FF75A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_selectedColor = table:0000014320FF77F8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:0000014320FF7670 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:0000014320FF7A48 firstTable m_sortsItems = true m_spacing = 0 filterFunction() = function:00000143EC048110 filterSwitcher = table:00000143EC047D80 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:0000014320FF6BA0 (meta 00000143EC045D28} data = table:00000143EC047DC8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC047ED0 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:00000143EC047868 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onFocusChangedFunction() = function:00000143EC048190 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 filtersFocalArea = table:00000143EC045C08 (meta 000001434613F5C8} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000143EC045B40 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143EC045BC0 keybindDescriptor = table:00000143EC048708 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC048780 firstTable 2 = table:00000143EC0488F0 firstTable alignment = 1 manager = table:00000143EC043E90 (meta 000001430A46AE90} nextFocus = table:00000143EC045CE0 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000143EC045C50 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143EC045C98 keybindDescriptor = table:00000143EC0476F0 firstTable manager = table:00000143EC043E90 (meta 000001430A46AE90} nextFocus = table:00000143EC045E60 (meta 00000143AA17A038} firstTable previousFocus = table:00000143EC045C08 (meta 000001434613F5C8} previousFocus = false headersContainer = userdata:0000014320FF9C90 (meta 000001430831E750} headersFocalArea = table:00000143EC045CE0 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143EC048210 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC0482D8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143EC0484E8 enabled() = function:00000143EC048468 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Console_Menu_Forward 2 = table:00000143EC048550 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143EC048258 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:00000143EC048D50 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EC048E40 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:00000143EC048ED0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EC048FC0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER list = userdata:0000014320FF9D28 (meta 0000014320FFA338} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:0000014320FFA550 firstTable animation = userdata:0000014320FFA648 (meta 0000014320FFA6A0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000014320FF9D28 (meta 0000014320FFA338} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000014320FFA5E0 firstTable contents = userdata:0000014320FFA1D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:0000014320FFA408 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000014320FFA2A8 firstTable 6 = table:00000143EC04B560 firstTable deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:0000014320FFA058 (meta 0000014308349FC8} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:0000014320FF9DC8 (meta 0000014320FFA110} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:0000014320FFA0B8 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:0000014320FFA088 (meta 0000014308367FC0} selectionCallback() = function:00000143EC0458D0 selectionTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterDefaultHighlight timeline = userdata:0000014320FFA3F8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 80 upButton = userdata:0000014320FF9FB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143EC04B5A8 firstTable listFragment = table:00000143EC049008 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143EC0492E0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143EC049330 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143EC0497D8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143EC049820 firstTable control = userdata:0000014320FF6A68 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC049050 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden masterList = table:00000143EC041D48 firstTable movementController = table:00000143EC0454B8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 optionTemplateGroups = table:00000143EC0498E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC049978 firstTable headerFunction() = function:000001431DC98928 options = table:00000143EC049A18 firstTable owner = table:00000143E6E17E00 (meta 00000143C7D410F0} panelFocalArea = table:00000143EC045E60 (meta 00000143AA17A038} rowDataType = 6 searchEdit = userdata:0000014320FF9850 (meta 0000014320FF99C8} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true searchProcessor = table:00000143EC045998 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:00000143EC0459E0 firstTable processors = table:00000143EC045A58 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EC045AA0 sortFunction() = function:00000143EC045950 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143EC041F58 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143EC042050 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143EC0453A8 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:00000143EC0453F0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC041FA0 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:0000014320FF9C90 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143EC041CA0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:0000014320FFA998 (meta 0000014320FFAA98} firstMeta firstIndex highlightTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeaderHighlight initialDirection = true key = displayName selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143EC041F58 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:00000143EC041FE8 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014320FFA998 (meta 0000014320FFAA98} sortKeys = table:00000143A34CAC28 userGroup = 1 guildVisitorList = table:00000143EC040A80 (meta 0000014316CE2A38} firstTable firstMeta automaticallyColorRows = true backButtonCallback() = function:00000143EC042E88 conditionResults = table:00000143EC044558 firstTable container = userdata:000001435558C9C0 (meta 000001430831E750} contentHeader = userdata:000001435558CA60 (meta 00000143EC03F7B8} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:00000143EC040030 firstTable 10 = userdata:0000014355585D48 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:0000014355585F48 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:0000014355585EA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:00000143555860A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:0000014355585FF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143555859E0 (meta 00000143EC0436F0} firstMeta firstIndex 3 = userdata:0000014355585B40 (meta 000001430831E750} 4 = userdata:0000014355585928 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:0000014355585A90 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:0000014355585C98 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:0000014355585BF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:0000014355585DF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 3 contentHeaderData = table:0000014320FF6630 firstTable titleTextAlignment = 1 control = userdata:000001435558C9C0 (meta 000001430831E750} currentSortKey = displayName currentSortOrder = true dialogData = table:00000143EC044A08 firstTable emptyRow = userdata:0000014320FF1D40 (meta 000001430831E750} emptyRowMessage = userdata:0000014320FF1108 (meta 00000143083425C0} emptyText = You don't have any entries in this list. filterDropdown = table:0000014355586460 (meta 0000014316F496C8} firstTable keybindStripDescriptor = table:0000014355586718 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320FF1D60 firstTable 2 = table:0000014320FF21A8 firstTable 3 = table:0000014320FF22E0 firstTable 4 = table:0000014320FF2458 firstTable alignment = 1 m_active = false m_container = userdata:00000143555862C0 (meta 00000143555866D0} m_dropdown = table:00000143688208C0 (meta 000001436881D800} m_focus = table:0000014320FF2590 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000143555862C0 (meta 00000143555866D0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:0000014320FF25D8 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:0000014320FF2620 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 m_font = ZoFontGamepad27 m_highlightColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_highlightFont = ZoFontGamepad36 m_highlightedIndex = 1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_itemTemplate = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelGuildVisitorsContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdown m_normalColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_openDropdown = userdata:0000014355586388 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_selectedColor = table:0000014355586550 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:0000014355586450 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:00000143555865E0 firstTable m_sortsItems = true m_spacing = 0 filterFunction() = function:00000143EC042D40 filterSwitcher = table:00000143EC0429A8 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:000001435558CA60 (meta 00000143EC03F7B8} data = table:00000143EC0429F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC042AF8 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:00000143EC042490 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onFocusChangedFunction() = function:00000143EC042DC0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 filtersFocalArea = table:00000143EC040718 (meta 000001434613F5C8} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000143EC040650 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143EC0406D0 keybindDescriptor = table:00000143EC043338 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC0433B0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143EC043520 firstTable alignment = 1 manager = table:00000143EC040A80 (meta 0000014316CE2A38} nextFocus = table:00000143EC0407F0 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000143EC040760 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143EC0407A8 keybindDescriptor = table:00000143EC042318 firstTable manager = table:00000143EC040A80 (meta 0000014316CE2A38} nextFocus = table:00000143EC03E048 (meta 00000143AA17A038} firstTable previousFocus = table:00000143EC040718 (meta 000001434613F5C8} previousFocus = false headersContainer = userdata:0000014320FF2E18 (meta 000001430831E750} headersFocalArea = table:00000143EC0407F0 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143EC042E40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC042F08 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143EC043118 enabled() = function:00000143EC043098 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Console_Menu_Forward 2 = table:00000143EC043180 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143EC042E88 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:00000143EC043978 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EC043A68 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:00000143EC043AF8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EC043BE8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER list = userdata:0000014320FF2E48 (meta 0000014320FF0F58} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:0000014320FF1170 firstTable animation = userdata:0000014320FF1638 (meta 0000014320FF1690} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000014320FF2E48 (meta 0000014320FF0F58} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000014320FF1348 firstTable contents = userdata:0000014320FF0DF0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:0000014320FF1028 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000014320FF0EC8 firstTable 5 = table:00000143EC043E00 firstTable deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:0000014320FF0C78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:0000014320FF09E8 (meta 0000014320FF0D30} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:0000014320FF0CD8 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:0000014320FF0CA8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} selectionCallback() = function:00000143EC040400 selectionTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterDefaultHighlight timeline = userdata:0000014320FF1018 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 80 upButton = userdata:0000014320FF0BD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143EC043E48 firstTable listFragment = table:00000143EC043C30 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143EC043F08 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143EC043F58 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143EC044400 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143EC044448 firstTable control = userdata:000001435558C928 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC043C78 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden masterList = table:00000143EC03DD30 firstTable movementController = table:00000143EC03FFE8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 optionTemplateGroups = table:00000143EC044510 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC0445A0 firstTable headerFunction() = function:000001431DC98928 options = table:00000143EC044640 firstTable owner = table:00000143E6E17E00 (meta 00000143C7D410F0} panelFocalArea = table:00000143EC03E048 (meta 00000143AA17A038} rowDataType = 5 searchEdit = userdata:0000014320FF1F50 (meta 0000014320FF20C8} searchProcessor = table:00000143EC0404C8 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:00000143EC040510 firstTable processors = table:00000143EC040588 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EC0405D0 sortFunction() = function:00000143EC040480 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143EC03DF40 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143EC03DFA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143EC03FD70 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:00000143EC03FDB8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC03DFB8 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:0000014320FF2E18 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143EC03E000 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:0000014320FF1298 (meta 0000014320FF64B0} firstMeta firstIndex highlightTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeaderHighlight initialDirection = true key = displayName selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143EC03DF40 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:00000143EC03DCA8 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014320FF1298 (meta 0000014320FF64B0} 2 = userdata:0000014320FF6718 (meta 0000014320FF6818} firstMeta firstIndex sortKeys = table:00000143A34CAC28 userGroup = 1 keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143EC04B5F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC04B6A0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EC04B8B8 enabled() = function:00000143EC04B900 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:00000143EC04B830 visible() = function:00000143EC04B948 2 = table:00000143EC04B990 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EC04BB10 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:00000143EC04BA80 visible() = function:00000143EC04BAC8 3 = table:00000143EC0491E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143EC046F88 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Load Permissions 4 = table:00000143EC047018 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143EC046FD0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 alignment = 1 mainList = table:00000143EC04A180 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:000001436BD9B838 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001436BD9C068 control = userdata:00000143EC0472A8 (meta 00000143EC04A0B0} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143EC047340 (meta 00000143EC04A388} firstMeta firstIndex dirtyEvents = table:000001436BD9B880 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:000001436BD9B8C8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001436BD9B958 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001436BD9BD98 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143EC049FB0 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:000001436BD9B5C0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:000001436BD9B608 firstTable 1 = table:000001436BD9B650 firstTable TargetDataChanged = table:000001436BD9B718 firstTable 1 = table:000001436BD9B7B8 firstTable 2 = table:000001436BDA05F8 firstTable centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143EC04B140 firstTable control = userdata:00000143EC047340 (meta 00000143EC04A388} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143EC04A4F0 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001436BD9CB80 (meta 000001436BD99140} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 1 key = 1 label = userdata:000001436BD9D140 (meta 000001436BD99350} firstMeta firstIndex numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_HousingPermissionsSettingsRow_Gamepad 2 = userdata:000001436BD9F4E8 (meta 000001436BD9F028} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:000001436BD9EFA0 dataIndex = 2 horizontalListControl = userdata:000001436BD9ED20 (meta 000001436BD9F2B8} firstMeta firstIndex horizontalListObject = table:000001436BD9F1F8 (meta 00000143E74C2E90} firstTable firstMeta key = 1 label = userdata:000001436BD9EC58 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadHorizontalListRow 3 = userdata:000001436BD99200 (meta 000001436BDA36D0} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 3 key = 2 label = userdata:000001436BDA35D8 (meta 000001436BDA48D8} firstMeta firstIndex numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_HousingPermissionsSettingsRow_Gamepad 4 = userdata:000001436BDA4A08 (meta 000001436BDA4CA0} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 4 key = 3 label = userdata:000001436BDA4BA8 (meta 000001436BDA5EA0} firstMeta firstIndex numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_HousingPermissionsSettingsRow_Gamepad 5 = userdata:000001436BDA4D08 (meta 000001436BDA60C8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 5 key = 4 label = userdata:000001436BDA5FD0 (meta 000001436BDA7270} firstMeta firstIndex numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_HousingPermissionsSettingsRow_Gamepad 6 = userdata:000001436BDA7370 (meta 000001436BDA74C8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 6 key = 5 label = userdata:000001436BDA73D0 (meta 000001436BDA0568} firstMeta firstIndex numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_HousingPermissionsSettingsRow_Gamepad dataList = table:00000143EC04B208 firstTable 1 = table:000001436BD9CE18 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true generalInfo = table:00000143A34CA9C8 firstTable index = 1 numIcons = 0 permissionOption = 1 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Primary Residence 2 = table:000001436BD9CEE0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true generalInfo = table:00000143A34CAAF8 firstTable index = 2 numIcons = 0 permissionOption = 1 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Default Visitor Access 3 = table:000001436BD9D018 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 permissionOption = 2 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Visitors 4 = table:000001436BD9CFC8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 permissionOption = 3 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Banlist 5 = table:000001436BD9D7F0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 permissionOption = 4 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Guild Visitors 6 = table:000001436BD9D7A8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 permissionOption = 5 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Guild Banlist dataTypes = table:00000143EC04B0F8 firstTable ZO_GamepadHorizontalListRow = table:000001436BD9C9D0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001436BD9B258 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:000001436BD9C1A0 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143EC04ADC0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143EC04A580 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143EC04AF50 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143EC04AF98 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_HousingPermissionsSettingsRow_Gamepad = table:000001436BD9C3D8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001436BD9C238 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC04A1F8 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143EC04B0B0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143EC04A058 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143EC04A2E0 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143EC04A418 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false prePadding = table:00000143EC04A298 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143EC04A3D0 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false scrollControl = userdata:00000143EC0473E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143EC04A460 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 selectedData = table:000001436BD9CE18 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:00000143EC04B250 firstTable 1 = ZO_HousingPermissionsSettingsRow_Gamepad 2 = ZO_GamepadHorizontalListRow 3 = ZO_HousingPermissionsSettingsRow_Gamepad 4 = ZO_HousingPermissionsSettingsRow_Gamepad 5 = ZO_HousingPermissionsSettingsRow_Gamepad 6 = ZO_HousingPermissionsSettingsRow_Gamepad universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143EC04A4A8 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143EC04A538 firstTable userdata = 000001436BD99200 = true 000001436BD9CB80 = true 000001436BD9F4E8 = true 000001436BDA4A08 = true 000001436BDA4D08 = true 000001436BDA7370 = true owner = table:0000014320FFAC68 (meta 00000143C7D36620} visitorList = table:00000143E6E12C50 (meta 00000143DAF0CB30} firstTable firstMeta automaticallyColorRows = true backButtonCallback() = function:00000143E6E19618 conditionResults = table:00000143E6E1A360 firstTable container = userdata:000001435558A1F8 (meta 000001430831E750} contentHeader = userdata:000001435558A298 (meta 00000143E6E19040} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:00000143E6E18E48 firstTable 10 = userdata:000001435558A6B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:000001435558A8A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:000001435558A800 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:000001435558A9E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:000001435558A948 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:000001435558A378 (meta 00000143E6E19380} firstMeta firstIndex 3 = userdata:000001435558A4C8 (meta 000001430831E750} 4 = userdata:000001435558A2C8 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:000001435558A420 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:000001435558A610 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:000001435558A570 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:000001435558A758 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 3 contentHeaderData = table:00000143E6E19138 firstTable titleTextAlignment = 1 control = userdata:000001435558A1F8 (meta 000001430831E750} currentSortKey = displayName currentSortOrder = true dialogData = table:00000143E6E1A1B0 firstTable emptyRow = userdata:000001435558DF00 (meta 000001430831E750} emptyRowMessage = userdata:000001435558DFA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} emptyText = You don't have any entries in this list. filterDropdown = table:000001435558ADA0 (meta 0000014316F496C8} firstTable keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001435558B1B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001435558B240 firstTable 2 = table:000001435558B348 firstTable 3 = table:000001435558B480 firstTable 4 = table:000001435558B5F8 firstTable alignment = 1 m_active = false m_container = userdata:000001435558AC08 (meta 000001435558B098} m_dropdown = table:00000143688208C0 (meta 000001436881D800} m_focus = table:000001435558B730 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:000001435558AC08 (meta 000001435558B098} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:000001435558B778 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:000001435558B8F0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 m_font = ZoFontGamepad27 m_highlightColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_highlightFont = ZoFontGamepad36 m_highlightedIndex = 1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_itemTemplate = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelVisitorsContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdown m_normalColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_openDropdown = userdata:000001435558ACC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_selectedColor = table:000001435558AF18 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:000001435558AD90 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:000001435558B168 firstTable m_sortsItems = true m_spacing = 0 filterFunction() = function:00000143E6E194D0 filterSwitcher = table:00000143E6E185B0 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:000001435558A298 (meta 00000143E6E19040} data = table:00000143E6E185F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E13B40 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:00000143E6E12D28 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onFocusChangedFunction() = function:00000143E6E19550 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 filtersFocalArea = table:00000143E6E12CE0 (meta 000001434613F5C8} firstTable activateCallback() = function:000001435558E490 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143E6E12C98 keybindDescriptor = table:00000143E6E197F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E19868 firstTable 2 = table:00000143E6E199D8 firstTable alignment = 1 manager = table:00000143E6E12C50 (meta 00000143DAF0CB30} nextFocus = table:00000143E6E13170 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000143E6E130E0 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143E6E13128 keybindDescriptor = table:00000143E6E19A50 firstTable manager = table:00000143E6E12C50 (meta 00000143DAF0CB30} nextFocus = table:00000143E6E182E0 (meta 00000143AA17A038} firstTable previousFocus = table:00000143E6E12CE0 (meta 000001434613F5C8} previousFocus = false headersContainer = userdata:000001435558D368 (meta 000001430831E750} headersFocalArea = table:00000143E6E13170 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143E6E195D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E19698 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143E6E19760 enabled() = function:00000143E6E196E0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Console_Menu_Forward 2 = table:00000143E6E197A8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143E6E19618 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:00000143E6E19C70 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E6E19D60 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:00000143E6E19DF0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E6E19EE0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER list = userdata:000001435558D400 (meta 000001435558D9F8} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:000001435558DC10 firstTable animation = userdata:000001435558DD08 (meta 000001435558DD60} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001435558D400 (meta 000001435558D9F8} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:000001435558DCA0 firstTable contents = userdata:000001435558D890 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:000001435558DAC8 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001435558D968 firstTable 3 = table:00000143E6E1CC70 firstTable deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000001435558D718 (meta 0000014308349FC8} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001435558D4A0 (meta 000001435558D7D0} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001435558D778 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:000001435558D748 (meta 0000014308367FC0} selectionCallback() = function:00000143E6E13D98 selectionTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterDefaultHighlight timeline = userdata:000001435558DAB8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 80 upButton = userdata:000001435558D678 (meta 0000014308349FC8} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143E6E1CE00 firstTable listFragment = table:00000143E6E19F28 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E6E1A200 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E6E1A288 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E6E1A730 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E6E1A778 firstTable control = userdata:000001435558A168 (meta 000001430831E750} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E6E19F70 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden masterList = table:00000143E6E12D98 firstTable movementController = table:00000143E6E13D50 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 optionTemplateGroups = table:00000143E6E1A318 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E1A3A8 firstTable headerFunction() = function:000001431DC98928 options = table:00000143E6E19FB8 firstTable owner = table:00000143E6E17E00 (meta 00000143C7D410F0} panelFocalArea = table:00000143E6E182E0 (meta 00000143AA17A038} rowDataType = 3 searchEdit = userdata:000001435558CF40 (meta 000001435558D0B0} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true searchProcessor = table:00000143E6E13E60 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:00000143E6E13EA8 firstTable processors = table:00000143E6E13EF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6E13F38 sortFunction() = function:00000143E6E13E18 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E6E12FA8 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143E1E4DEB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143E6E13C40 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:00000143E6E13C88 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E6E12FF0 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:000001435558D368 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143E6E133E0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:000001435558E040 (meta 000001435558E368} firstMeta firstIndex highlightTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeaderHighlight initialDirection = true key = displayName selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E6E12FA8 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:00000143E6E131E0 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001435558E040 (meta 000001435558E368} 2 = userdata:000001435558E5C8 (meta 000001435558E958} firstMeta firstIndex sortKeys = table:00000143A34CAC28 userGroup = 2 keyboardObject = table:00000143E10E9C40 (meta 0000014458610568} firstTable firstMeta activePanel = userdata:0000014458606520 (meta 000001430831E750} banListOptionsPanel = userdata:000001445860E090 (meta 00000143E1E49A78} banListSocialList = table:00000143E1E48310 (meta 00000143BC15A378} firstTable firstMeta alternateRowBackgrounds = true automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:000001445860E090 (meta 00000143E1E49A78} firstMeta firstIndex list = table:00000143E1E48310 (meta 00000143BC15A378} emptyRow = userdata:00000143E1E49490 (meta 000001430831E750} headersContainer = userdata:000001445860F538 (meta 000001430831E750} list = userdata:000001445860F940 (meta 000001445860DD30} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:0000014458607ED0 firstTable animation = userdata:0000014458607FC8 (meta 000001445860C388} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001445860F940 (meta 000001445860DD30} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000014458607F60 firstTable contents = userdata:000001445860F9E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:000001445860C340 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001445860DCA0 firstTable 4 = table:00000143E1E488B8 firstTable deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000001445860FC90 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false highlightTemplate = ZO_ThinListHighlight mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001445860FA80 (meta 000001445860FD48} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001445860FCF0 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:000001445860FCC0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:000001445860FE08 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 30 upButton = userdata:000001445860FBE8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:000001445860C3D0 firstTable masterList = table:00000143E1E493B8 firstTable owner = table:00000143E10E9C40 (meta 0000014458610568} rowDataType = 4 rowTemplate = ZO_HousingSettings_BanList_Row sortFunction() = function:00000143E1E48388 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E1E48508 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143E1E48570 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1E48F48 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:00000143E1E48F90 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1E48580 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:000001445860F538 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143E1E48970 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} showArrows = true sortDirection = false sortHeaders = table:00000143E1E48770 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001445860F5E0 (meta 000001445860F6E8} firstMeta firstIndex userGroup = 2 categories = userdata:000001444E5803E8 (meta 000001444E57E910} categoryIndexToPanel = table:00000143E10E91F0 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014458606520 (meta 000001430831E750} 2 = userdata:000001445860CAE0 (meta 00000143E1E49730} 3 = userdata:000001445860E090 (meta 00000143E1E49A78} 4 = userdata:0000014458608940 (meta 00000143E1E4B040} 5 = userdata:000001445860B6C8 (meta 00000143E1E4B510} categoryTree = table:00000143E10E9DD8 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:00000143E10E9EF0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E10E9FF8 m_Active = table:00000143E10EA080 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E10E9FB0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureSettingsPanel_KeyboardTopLevelContentsCategoryListScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:000001444E57E7E8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:000001444E57E7E8 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:00000143E10E9E68 openAnimationPool = table:00000143E10E3C48 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E10E0750 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143E10EABB0 m_Free = table:00000143E10E0798 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143E10E3C08 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:00000143E10EA038 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:00000143E10E9DD8 (meta 000001431679AD50} scrollControl = userdata:000001444E5803E8 (meta 000001444E57E910} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:000001444E57EC78 (meta 000001444E57ECD0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001444E5803E8 (meta 000001444E57E910} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:000001444E580488 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:000001444E57E670 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:000001444E57E5C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:000001444E580530 (meta 000001444E57E728} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001444E57E6D0 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:000001444E57E6A0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:000001444E57EC48 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:00000143E10E9E20 firstTable ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowserSubCategory = table:00000143E10EAC08 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:00000143E10EAD98 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable selectionFunction() = function:00000143E10EA290 setupFunction() = function:00000143E10EA360 template = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowserSubCategory ZO_IconChildlessHeader = table:00000143E10EA748 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:00000143E10EA790 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable selectionFunction() = function:00000143E10EA2D8 setupFunction() = function:00000143E10EA248 template = ZO_IconChildlessHeader ZO_IconHeader = table:00000143E10EA3A0 firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = 0 equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:00000143E10EA3E8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:00000143E10EA188 template = ZO_IconHeader width = 300 childlessCategoryTemplate = ZO_IconChildlessHeader comboBox = table:000001445860C2A0 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:000001445860BFB8 (meta 000001445860C598} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:000001445860C2A0 (meta 000001431D56DB28} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_HousingFurnitureSettingsPanel_KeyboardTopLevelContentsGeneralDefaultAccessDropDown m_openDropdown = userdata:000001445860C290 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:000001445860C418 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:000001445860C1D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:000001445860C668 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E10E5428 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E10E5368 defaultAccess = 0 name = No Access 2 = table:00000143E10E5570 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E10E5368 defaultAccess = 1 name = Visitor 3 = table:00000143E1E46840 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E10E5368 defaultAccess = 2 name = Decorator m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 contents = userdata:000001444E58C820 (meta 000001430831E750} control = userdata:0000014458610708 (meta 0000014308326048} defaultAccessDropDown = userdata:000001445860BFB8 (meta 000001445860C598} defaultAccessSetting = userdata:000001445860BE68 (meta 000001445860C988} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A34CAAF8 fragment = table:00000143E10E0DC0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E10E1498 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E10E14E8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E10E5738 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E10E5780 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E10E57C8 firstTable control = userdata:0000014458610708 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E10E0E08 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden generalOptionsPanel = userdata:0000014458606520 (meta 000001430831E750} generalOptionsScrollList = userdata:00000144586065C0 (meta 0000014458608558} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:0000014458609A50 (meta 0000014458609AA8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000144586065C0 (meta 0000014458608558} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:0000014458606668 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:00000144586082B8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:0000014458608210 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:0000014458606698 (meta 0000014458608370} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:0000014458608318 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000144586082E8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:0000014458608618 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 guildBanListOptionsPanel = userdata:000001445860B6C8 (meta 00000143E1E4B510} guildBanListSocialList = table:00000143E1E4B110 (meta 00000143094E3020} firstTable firstMeta alternateRowBackgrounds = true automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:000001445860B6C8 (meta 00000143E1E4B510} firstMeta firstIndex list = table:00000143E1E4B110 (meta 00000143094E3020} emptyRow = userdata:00000143E1E4C018 (meta 000001430831E750} headersContainer = userdata:000001445860B768 (meta 000001430831E750} list = userdata:000001445860BB80 (meta 000001431D6D62E0} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:000001431D6D64C8 firstTable animation = userdata:000001431D6D79C8 (meta 000001431D6D7A20} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001445860BB80 (meta 000001431D6D62E0} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:000001431D6D6558 firstTable contents = userdata:000001445860BC28 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:000001431D6D6380 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001445860AC98 firstTable 6 = table:00000143E1E4B260 firstTable deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000001445860ADF0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false highlightTemplate = ZO_ThinListHighlight mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001445860B9E0 (meta 000001445860AEA8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001445860AE50 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:000001445860AE20 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:000001445860AF68 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 30 upButton = userdata:000001445860AC88 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:000001431D6D7AF0 firstTable masterList = table:00000143E1E4BF38 firstTable owner = table:00000143E10E9C40 (meta 0000014458610568} rowDataType = 6 rowTemplate = ZO_HousingSettings_BanList_Row sortFunction() = function:00000143E1E4C218 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E1E4B308 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143E1E4B370 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1E4BAC8 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:00000143E1E4BB10 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1E4B380 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:000001445860B768 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143E1E4B778 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} showArrows = true sortDirection = false sortHeaders = table:00000143E1E4B570 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001445860B818 (meta 000001445860B920} firstMeta firstIndex userGroup = 1 guildVisitorsOptionsPanel = userdata:0000014458608940 (meta 00000143E1E4B040} firstMeta firstIndex list = table:00000143E1E49B90 (meta 00000143094E2DC8} firstTable firstMeta alternateRowBackgrounds = true automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:0000014458608940 (meta 00000143E1E4B040} emptyRow = userdata:00000143E1E4AD20 (meta 000001430831E750} headersContainer = userdata:00000144586089E0 (meta 000001430831E750} list = userdata:00000144586063F8 (meta 000001445860A948} masterList = table:00000143E1E4AC40 firstTable owner = table:00000143E10E9C40 (meta 0000014458610568} rowDataType = 5 rowTemplate = ZO_HousingSettings_WhiteList_Row sortFunction() = function:00000144586062C0 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E1E49D88 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143E1E49DF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1E4A7D0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1E49E00 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:00000144586089E0 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143E1E4A1F8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} showArrows = true sortDirection = false sortHeaders = table:00000143E1E49FF0 firstTable userGroup = 1 guildVisitorsSocialList = table:00000143E1E49B90 (meta 00000143094E2DC8} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143E1E43B38 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1E43B80 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E1E3EE08 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:00000143E1E3EDC0 visible() = function:00000143E1E3EE50 2 = table:00000143E1E3EE98 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E10E83D0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Load Permissions alignment = 2 noMatchMessageLabel = userdata:000001444E57EAA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:000001431D586400 (meta 000001431D57FC30} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001431D57FD20 (meta 0000014308326048} modeBar = userdata:00000143E10EF160 (meta 00000143E1E3E098} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:000001431D5817F0 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable m_animationDuration = 200 m_barPool = table:000001431D586040 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_buttonPadding = 20 m_buttons = table:000001431D588250 firstTable m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_control = userdata:00000143E10EF160 (meta 00000143E1E3E098} m_downSize = 64 m_normalSize = 51 m_point = 2 m_pool = table:000001431D588298 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_relativePoint = 8 placeableListDirty = true placeablePanel = table:00000143E1E3FC10 (meta 00000143094E46B0} firstTable firstMeta CompareFurnitureEntriesFunction() = function:00000143E1E44670 PlaceableFurnitureOnMouseClickCallback() = function:00000143E1E446F0 PlaceableFurnitureOnMouseDoubleClickCallback() = function:00000143E1E44770 callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1E4DEC8 firstTable OnMostRecentlySelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E1E4DF10 firstTable categories = userdata:00000143094E4930 (meta 0000014316CD79E0} categoryTree = table:00000143E1E400A0 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:00000143E1E401B8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable control = userdata:0000014316CD78B8 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:00000143E1E40130 openAnimationPool = table:00000143E1E42028 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:00000143E1E409A8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143094E4930 (meta 0000014316CD79E0} firstMeta firstIndex suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:00000143E1E400E8 firstTable width = 300 childlessCategoryTemplate = ZO_IconChildlessHeader contents = userdata:000001431B42D208 (meta 000001430831E750} contentsList = table:00000143E1E42DC0 (meta 00000143EA4FD668} firstTable BuildMasterList() = function:00000143E1E44428 CommitScrollList() = function:00000143E1E445E0 FilterScrollList() = function:00000143E1E44550 SortScrollList() = function:00000143E1E44598 automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:000001431B42D208 (meta 000001430831E750} list = userdata:0000014316CD9088 (meta 0000014316CD96B0} firstMeta firstIndex control = userdata:00000143094E47D0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1E3FC88 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragment = table:00000143E1E42100 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1E41978 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E1E423B8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1E42898 firstTable control = userdata:00000143094E47D0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1E42148 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden freeSlotsLabel = userdata:0000014316CDA5C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143E1E429C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1E42A38 firstTable 2 = table:00000143E1E42C18 firstTable alignment = 2 noMatchMessageLabel = userdata:0000014316CD9B90 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:000001431D586400 (meta 000001431D57FC30} parentCategoryTemplate = ZO_IconHeader placementThemeDropdown = userdata:0000014316CDA700 (meta 0000014316CDAC98} subCategoryTemplate = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowserSubCategory productListDirty = true productsPanel = table:00000143E1E43770 (meta 0000014316CE0788} firstTable firstMeta CompareFurnitureEntriesFunction() = function:00000143E10E4020 MarketProductFurnitureOnMouseDoubleClickCallback() = function:00000143E10E4120 MarketProductOnMouseClickCallback() = function:00000143E10E40A0 callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1E4C780 firstTable OnMostRecentlySelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E1E4C7C8 firstTable categories = userdata:0000014316CE0C28 (meta 0000014316CD73B8} categoryTree = table:00000143E1E43C78 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:00000143E1E43D40 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable control = userdata:0000014316CDFB78 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:00000143E1E42FB8 openAnimationPool = table:00000143E10E1A20 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:00000143E1E44228 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable scrollControl = userdata:0000014316CE0C28 (meta 0000014316CD73B8} firstMeta firstIndex suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:00000143E1E43CC0 firstTable width = 300 childlessCategoryTemplate = ZO_IconChildlessHeader contents = userdata:0000014316CE0B90 (meta 000001430831E750} contentsList = table:00000143E10E2770 (meta 00000143EA4FD668} firstTable firstMeta BuildMasterList() = function:00000143E10E3DD8 CommitScrollList() = function:00000143E10E3F90 FilterScrollList() = function:00000143E10E3F00 SortScrollList() = function:00000143E10E3F48 automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:0000014316CE0B90 (meta 000001430831E750} list = userdata:0000014316CD8D90 (meta 000001431B4320B8} firstMeta firstIndex control = userdata:0000014316CE0878 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1E437B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragment = table:00000143E10E1AF8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E10E11D8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E10E1DB0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E10E2290 firstTable control = userdata:0000014316CE0878 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E10E1B40 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden freeSlotsLabel = userdata:000001431B434110 (meta 00000143083425C0} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143E10E23A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E10E2410 firstTable 2 = table:00000143E10E25F0 firstTable alignment = 2 noMatchMessageLabel = userdata:000001431B4339A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:000001431D586400 (meta 000001431D57FC30} parentCategoryTemplate = ZO_IconHeader purchaseThemeDropdown = userdata:000001431B434240 (meta 000001431B4347D0} subCategoryTemplate = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowserSubCategory retrievableListDirty = true retrievableListDistancesDirty = true retrievableListHeadingsDirty = true retrievalPanel = table:00000143E10E6788 (meta 0000014309B44708} firstTable firstMeta CompareFurnitureEntriesFunction() = function:00000143E10E97D8 CompareRetrievableEntriesFunction() = function:00000143E10E9C00 RetrievableFurnitureOnMouseClick() = function:00000143E10E9858 RetrievableFurnitureOnMouseDoubleClick() = function:00000143E10E98D8 callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1E4C8E0 firstTable OnMostRecentlySelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E1E4C928 firstTable categories = userdata:000001444E589E88 (meta 000001431B430A08} categoryTree = table:00000143E10E6848 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:00000143E10E6910 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable control = userdata:000001431B4308E0 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:00000143E10E5AA0 openAnimationPool = table:00000143E10E7450 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:00000143E10E6A28 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable scrollControl = userdata:000001444E589E88 (meta 000001431B430A08} firstMeta firstIndex suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:00000143E10E6890 firstTable width = 300 childlessCategoryTemplate = ZO_IconChildlessHeader contents = userdata:000001444E58BCD8 (meta 000001430831E750} contentsList = table:00000143E10E7F28 (meta 00000143EA4FD668} firstTable BuildMasterList() = function:00000143E10E9590 CommitScrollList() = function:00000143E10E9748 FilterScrollList() = function:00000143E10E96B8 SortScrollList() = function:00000143E10E9700 automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:000001444E58BCD8 (meta 000001430831E750} list = userdata:000001431B4311A8 (meta 000001431B4317D0} firstMeta firstIndex control = userdata:0000014309B44828 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E10E6800 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragment = table:00000143E10E7528 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143E10E70D0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143E10E75F0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143E10E7700 firstTable control = userdata:0000014309B44828 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E10E7570 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden freeSlotsLabel = userdata:000001444E581698 (meta 00000143083425C0} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143E10E7810 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E10E78A0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143E10E7A58 firstTable 3 = table:00000143E10E7C00 firstTable 4 = table:00000143E10E7DA8 firstTable alignment = 2 noMatchMessageLabel = userdata:000001431B431998 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:000001431D586400 (meta 000001431D57FC30} parentCategoryTemplate = ZO_IconHeader subCategoryTemplate = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowserSubCategory scene = table:00000143E1E4CA40 (meta 0000014368607700} settingsPanel = table:00000143E10E9C40 (meta 0000014458610568} parentCategoryTemplate = ZO_IconHeader primaryResidenceButton = userdata:000001445860A188 (meta 0000014308331CA0} primaryResidenceSetting = userdata:0000014458609C10 (meta 000001445860BD08} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A34CA9C8 settingsTreeData = table:00000143E10E8418 (meta 00000143F9CECB68} firstTable firstMeta entriesData = table:00000143E10E8490 firstTable subcategories = table:00000143E10E8508 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E10E8870 (meta 00000143F9CECB68} firstTable categoryId = 0 categoryOrder = 0 entriesData = table:00000143E10E88B8 firstTable name = parentCategory = table:00000143E10E8418 (meta 00000143F9CECB68} subcategories = table:00000143E10E8958 firstTable subCategoryTemplate = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowserSubCategory visitorsOptionsPanel = userdata:000001445860CAE0 (meta 00000143E1E49730} firstMeta firstIndex list = table:00000143E1E46978 (meta 00000143BC15A238} firstTable firstMeta alternateRowBackgrounds = true automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:000001445860CAE0 (meta 00000143E1E49730} emptyRow = userdata:00000143E1E479F0 (meta 000001430831E750} headersContainer = userdata:000001445860CB80 (meta 000001430831E750} list = userdata:000001445860D5F0 (meta 000001445860DBB8} masterList = table:00000143E1E478F0 firstTable owner = table:00000143E10E9C40 (meta 0000014458610568} rowDataType = 3 rowTemplate = ZO_HousingSettings_WhiteList_Row sortFunction() = function:000001445860D528 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E1E46AB0 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143E10E84F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1E47468 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1E46AF8 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:000001445860CB80 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143E1E46E90 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} showArrows = true sortDirection = false sortHeaders = table:00000143E1E46C90 firstTable userGroup = 2 visitorsSocialList = table:00000143E1E46978 (meta 00000143BC15A238} guildKioskBid = table:00000144C754E520 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143C8045D08 (meta 00000143C803D238} gamepadRootScene = table:00000143C8045D50 (meta 00000144C79BED68} keyboardObject = table:00000144C754D6A0 (meta 00000144C753EB18} firstTable firstMeta acceptButton = userdata:00000144C754CB50 (meta 00000144C754CC98} bidControls = userdata:00000144C754D1F0 (meta 000001430831E750} biddingClosesLabel = userdata:00000144C754D278 (meta 00000143083425C0} control = userdata:00000144C754BD80 (meta 0000014308326048} currentBidHeaderLabel = userdata:00000144C754D510 (meta 00000143083425C0} currentBidLabel = userdata:00000144C754D488 (meta 00000143083425C0} dialog = table:00000144C754D7A8 (meta 00000144C79C61C8} firstTable firstMeta OnGuildSelectedCallback() = function:00000144C754DBC0 acceptButton = userdata:00000144C754CB50 (meta 00000144C754CC98} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000144C754CC40 (meta 00000144C754CE08} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000144C754CB50 (meta 00000144C754CC98} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000144C754CBC8 (meta 00000144C754CEF0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false cancelButton = userdata:00000144C754C6B0 (meta 00000144C754C7F8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000144C754C7A0 (meta 00000144C754C968} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000144C754C6B0 (meta 00000144C754C7F8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000144C754C728 (meta 00000144C754CA50} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false control = userdata:00000144C754BD80 (meta 0000014308326048} dialogInfo = table:00000144C754D7F0 firstTable buttons = table:00000144C754D8B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C754D958 firstTable 2 = table:00000144C754DAD0 firstTable customControl = userdata:00000144C754BD80 (meta 0000014308326048} noChoiceCallback() = function:00000144C754D768 setup() = function:00000144C754D838 title = table:00000144C754DD80 firstTable text = Bid On Guild Trader updateFn() = function:00000144C754DED0 dialogName = BID_ON_KIOSK filterFunction() = function:00000144C754DE90 guildComboBox = table:00000144C754C320 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:00000144C754C120 (meta 00000144C754C440} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:00000144C754C320 (meta 000001431D56DB28} m_font = ZoFontHeader m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_GuildKioskBidDialogGuild m_openDropdown = userdata:00000144C754C310 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:00000144C754C368 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000144C754C290 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:00000144C754C510 firstTable m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 4 selectedCallback() = function:00000144C754DE20 errorControls = userdata:00000144C754C5C0 (meta 000001430831E750} errorLabel = userdata:00000144C754C640 (meta 00000143083425C0} guildBalanceLabel = userdata:00000144C754D380 (meta 00000143083425C0} newBidInput = userdata:00000144C754D590 (meta 00000144C754DFD0} firstMeta firstIndex OnBeginInput() = function:00000144C754E4D8 OnCurrencyChanged() = function:00000144C754E3D0 currencyControl = userdata:00000144C754D610 (meta 00000144C754E168} firstMeta firstIndex currencyArgs = table:00000144C754E070 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C754E0D8 firstTable numUsedCurrencies = 1 options = table:00000143F76DCDC0 firstTable font = ZoFontGame iconSide = 8 showTooltips = false useShortFormat = false type = 1 currencyType = 1 currentCurrencyAmount = 0 usePlayerCurrencyAsMax = false guildKioskPurchase = table:00000144C754BCA8 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143C8041740 (meta 00000143C803CBA0} gamepadRootScene = table:00000143C8041B68 (meta 00000144C79BED68} keyboardObject = table:00000144C754B468 (meta 00000144C753E740} firstTable firstMeta acceptButton = userdata:00000143E02EF860 (meta 00000144C753FE58} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000144C753FE00 (meta 00000144C753FFC8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143E02EF860 (meta 00000144C753FE58} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000144C753FD80 (meta 00000144C75400B0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false descriptionLabel = userdata:00000144C753F178 (meta 00000143083425C0} errorControls = userdata:00000144C753F780 (meta 000001430831E750} errorLabel = userdata:00000144C753F800 (meta 00000143083425C0} guildBalanceLabel = userdata:00000144C754B2A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} purchaseControls = userdata:00000144C754B218 (meta 000001430831E750} purchaseCostLabel = userdata:00000144C754B3C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} guild_heraldry = table:00000143F442E548 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143E02D62E8 (meta 00000143E02D2E40} keyboardObject = table:000001431DEA7EC8 (meta 000001431DEA5318} housing_furniture_browser = table:00000143E1E4D190 firstTable gamepadRootScene = table:0000014320FFACB0 (meta 0000014368607700} keyboardRootScene = table:00000143E1E4CA40 (meta 0000014368607700} interact = table:00000143CFFD37A8 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143CFFE6E30 (meta 00000143CFFD79A8} firstTable firstMeta contentContainerControl = userdata:00000143CFFE4B38 (meta 000001430831E750} control = userdata:00000143CFFD7AC8 (meta 0000014308326048} eventCallbacks = table:00000143CFFE7100 firstTable 131072() = function:00000143CFFE6F40 131073() = function:00000143CFFE6F90 131076() = function:00000143207F2688 131078() = function:00000143CFFE6E78 131087() = function:00000143CFFE6EF8 131092() = function:00000143207F25C8 131113() = function:00000143CFFE7068 131213() = function:00000143207F2608 131214() = function:00000143207F2648 131350() = function:00000143CFFE6FD8 589825() = function:00000143CFFE7020 65537() = function:00000143CFFE70B8 itemList = table:00000143CFFE7A98 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143CFFE6C70 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143CFFE9670 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143CFFE96B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFFE9700 firstTable centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143CFFE7E88 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CFFE6A98 (meta 00000143CFFE7BA0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143CFFE7D60 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143CFFE7A98 (meta 0000014405F90F70} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143CFFE9598 firstTable dataList = table:00000143CFFE9358 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143CFFE7E40 firstTable ZO_ChatterOption_Gamepad = table:00000143CFFEA288 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CFFEA140 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:00000143CFFD7B58 ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadBodyTextItem = table:00000143CFFE9928 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CFFE97A0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:00000143CFFD7B18 ZO_QuestReward_Gamepad = table:00000143CFFEA0F8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CFFE9D28 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_QuestReward_Title_GamepadWithHeader = table:00000143CFFE99C0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CFFE9A08 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:00000143CFFE7A48 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143CFFE7B10 firstTable drawScrollArrows = true enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 40 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 10 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143CFFE7DF8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143CFFE6D00 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143CFFE9430 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CFFE94C0 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143CFFE93E8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CFFE9478 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143CFFE6B20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownControl = userdata:00000143CFFE6E20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollUpControl = userdata:00000143CFFE6D90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143CFFE9508 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143CFFE93A0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143CFFE95E0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143CFFE9550 firstTable keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143207CC0E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143207CC128 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143CFFEA2D0 enabled() = function:00000143CFFE9CD0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select order = -500 visible() = function:00000143CFFEA350 2 = table:000001430FD96508 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001430FD964C0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 sceneName = gamepadInteract textControl = userdata:00000143CFFE4E60 (meta 00000143CFFE6858} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143CFFE65B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFFE6630 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad42 lineLimit = 7 2 = table:00000143CFFE66D0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 lineLimit = 8 3 = table:00000143CFFE6770 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 lineLimit = 11 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 11 titleControl = userdata:00000143CFFE4AC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} gamepadRootScene = table:00000143207D3E00 (meta 00000144C79BED68} keyboardObject = table:00000143CFFD0A28 (meta 00000143CFFC4958} keyboardRootScene = table:00000143CFFD3468 (meta 00000144C79BED68} itemPreview = table:0000014409E088D8 firstTable gamepadObject = table:0000014457A35A40 (meta 00000143EA4FA928} keyboardObject = table:000001439FD03CD0 (meta 000001431B3F4438} firstTable firstMeta OnScreenResized() = function:0000014307CAE098 canChangePreview = true control = userdata:000001431DC94FC8 (meta 0000014308326048} currentPreviewType = 0 dirtyEvents = table:0000014429015258 firstTable dynamicFramingConsumedHeight = 0 dynamicFramingConsumedWidth = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 forcePreparePreview = true fragment = table:00000143140B4038 (meta 0000014457A2F660} lastSetChangeTime = 0 previewInEmptyWorld = false previewTypeObjects = table:0000014307CA4D98 firstTable 1 = table:0000014307CA4F28 (meta 00000143140BEA20} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:0000014307CA4FA0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 2 = table:0000014307CA5128 (meta 00000143F76E38E8} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:0000014307CA5170 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 3 = table:0000014307CA5040 (meta 00000143EA76EE90} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:0000014307CA5088 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 4 = table:000001444EEE18B8 (meta 00000143D5874818} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:000001439FD00E28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 5 = table:00000143B2B5ED90 (meta 00000143140B2510} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143B2B5EDD8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 6 = table:0000014307CAF678 (meta 0000014429013308} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:0000014307CAE868 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 7 = table:00000143F76E65B0 (meta 0000014307CAF708} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143F76E6740 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 8 = table:00000143F76E67E0 (meta 0000014307CAE180} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:0000014307CAD6B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 previewVariationLeftArrow = userdata:000001439FD03BD0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} previewVariationRightArrow = userdata:000001439FD03C90 (meta 0000014308331CA0} rotationControl = userdata:000001439FD03AC0 (meta 000001430831E750} variationLabel = userdata:000001439FD03B40 (meta 00000143083425C0} loot = table:00000143E13662D0 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143143ABC78 (meta 00000143143ABAF8} firstTable firstMeta gamepadRootScene = table:00000143EC95E6D0 (meta 00000143E1365890} keyboardObject = table:00000143143A0B80 (meta 00000143143A0BC8} firstTable firstMeta AreNonStolenItemsPresent() = function:00000143143A11D8 GetButtonByKeybind() = function:00000143143A1090 GetMouseOverLootItem() = function:00000143143A1158 Hide() = function:00000143143A1010 Initialize() = function:000001431439FCB0 InitializeKeybindDescriptors() = function:00000143143A0CE8 LootSingleItem() = function:00000143143A1198 OnMouseOverUpdated() = function:00000143143A10D0 SetUpBlankLootItem() = function:00000143143A0E50 SetUpLootItem() = function:00000143143A0D28 UpdateAllControlText() = function:00000143143A1118 UpdateList() = function:000001431439D560 UpdateListAddLootCurrency() = function:00000143143A0F80 UpdateListAddLootItems() = function:00000143143A0FC8 UpdateLootWindow() = function:00000143143A1050 buttons = table:000001431439A880 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143143AEA20 (meta 00000143143AED98} 2 = userdata:00000143143B0958 (meta 00000143143B0D00} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:00000143143A12D8 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143143B0A48 (meta 00000143143B0E70} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143143B1748 firstTable leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143143B0958 (meta 00000143143B0D00} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = LOOT_ITEM keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143143B09D0 (meta 00000143143B1460} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false control = userdata:00000143143A0CD8 (meta 00000143FBC8D7B0} keyButton = userdata:00000143143AC4A0 (meta 00000143143AC948} keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001431439E008 firstTable 1 = table:000001431439AFD8 firstTable alignment = 3 callback() = function:000001431439B048 ethereal = true keybind = LOOT_EXIT name = Exit list = userdata:00000143143AE108 (meta 00000143143AE670} stealthIcon = table:00000143143ADED8 (meta 00000144D864D1D0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143143B2D90 (meta 000001430831E750} currentStealthState = 0 disguiseState = 0 hiddenStates = table:00000143143ADF20 firstTable 0 = false 1 = false 3 = true 4 = true 5 = true 6 = true nextStealthState = 0 stealthEyeTexture = userdata:00000143143B2E00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} stealthEyeTimeline = userdata:00000143143B0300 (meta 0000014308367FC0} stealthSounds = table:00000143143ADF68 firstTable 1 = Stealth_Detected 3 = Stealth_Hidden 4 = Stealth_Hidden stealthText = userdata:00000143143B2E70 (meta 00000143083425C0} stealthTextTimeline = userdata:00000143E13665A8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} title = userdata:00000143143AC438 (meta 00000143083425C0} keyboardRootScene = table:00000143E1362870 (meta 00000143E1365890} mainMenu = table:00000143B2E6ADA0 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143B14064B0 (meta 000001439EABD380} keyboardObject = table:00000143A04E65E0 (meta 00000143A04DF8A8} matchInfo = table:0000014306475CF8 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143BC162028 (meta 00000143BC1631B8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143094EE390 (meta 0000014308326048} damageDealtValueLabel = userdata:00000143BC1626B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} fragment = table:00000143BC168F88 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143BC168A50 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143BC168AD8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143094EE390 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143BC168D40 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden healingDoneValueLabel = userdata:00000143BC162888 (meta 00000143083425C0} medalObjects = table:00000143BC163328 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BC15CCB0 (meta 0000014306480100} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143BC15F548 (meta 000001430831E750} countLabel = userdata:00000143BC15CAD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} iconTexture = userdata:00000143BC15F3C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} nameLabel = userdata:00000143BC15CC00 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsLabel = userdata:00000143BC15CCA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = table:00000143BC15BEE0 (meta 0000014306480100} firstTable control = userdata:00000143BC15C5F8 (meta 000001430831E750} countLabel = userdata:00000143BC15BD00 (meta 00000143083425C0} iconTexture = userdata:00000143BC15C690 (meta 0000014308349FC8} nameLabel = userdata:00000143BC15BE30 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsLabel = userdata:00000143BC15BED0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 3 = table:00000143BC15B610 (meta 0000014306480100} firstTable control = userdata:00000143BC15C810 (meta 000001430831E750} countLabel = userdata:00000143BC15B498 (meta 00000143083425C0} iconTexture = userdata:00000143BC15B8B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} nameLabel = userdata:00000143BC15B560 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsLabel = userdata:00000143BC15B600 (meta 00000143083425C0} 4 = table:00000143BC15A630 (meta 0000014306480100} firstTable control = userdata:00000143BC15A9F0 (meta 000001430831E750} countLabel = userdata:00000143BC15A4B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} iconTexture = userdata:00000143BC15A7C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} nameLabel = userdata:00000143BC15A580 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsLabel = userdata:00000143BC15A620 (meta 00000143083425C0} 5 = table:00000143BC15A6A8 (meta 0000014306480100} firstTable control = userdata:00000143BC15A698 (meta 000001430831E750} countLabel = userdata:00000143BC1692C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} iconTexture = userdata:00000143BC1699C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} nameLabel = userdata:00000143BC169390 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsLabel = userdata:00000143BC169430 (meta 00000143083425C0} noMedalsLabel = userdata:00000143BC1622F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} playerClassTexture = userdata:00000143BC162B10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} playerNameLabel = userdata:000001430647A3A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} scoreboardEntryRawMedalData = table:00000143BC15A988 firstTable keyboardObject = table:000001430647A8C0 (meta 000001430647C9E0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001430647CB00 (meta 0000014308326048} damageDealtValueLabel = userdata:000001430647BBB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} fragment = table:0000014306476910 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014306476D28 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014306476DB0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001430647CB00 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143064766C8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden healingDoneValueLabel = userdata:000001430647B598 (meta 00000143083425C0} medalObjects = table:000001430647A9B0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014306479EA0 (meta 0000014306480100} firstTable control = userdata:000001430647CB70 (meta 000001430831E750} countLabel = userdata:000001430647A3E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} iconTexture = userdata:000001430647B158 (meta 0000014308349FC8} nameLabel = userdata:000001430647A520 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsLabel = userdata:0000014306479E90 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = table:0000014306479418 (meta 0000014306480100} firstTable control = userdata:0000014306481CB0 (meta 000001430831E750} countLabel = userdata:0000014306479960 (meta 00000143083425C0} iconTexture = userdata:00000143064798C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} nameLabel = userdata:0000014306479368 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsLabel = userdata:0000014306479408 (meta 00000143083425C0} 3 = table:0000014306478870 (meta 0000014306480100} firstTable control = userdata:0000014306479520 (meta 000001430831E750} countLabel = userdata:00000143064790A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} iconTexture = userdata:0000014306479000 (meta 0000014308349FC8} nameLabel = userdata:00000143064787C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsLabel = userdata:0000014306478860 (meta 00000143083425C0} 4 = table:0000014306477F70 (meta 0000014306480100} firstTable control = userdata:00000143064789C0 (meta 000001430831E750} countLabel = userdata:0000014306478560 (meta 00000143083425C0} iconTexture = userdata:00000143064789F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} nameLabel = userdata:0000014306477EC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsLabel = userdata:0000014306477F60 (meta 00000143083425C0} 5 = table:0000014306476CE0 (meta 0000014306480100} firstTable control = userdata:0000014306477CA0 (meta 000001430831E750} countLabel = userdata:0000014306478048 (meta 00000143083425C0} iconTexture = userdata:0000014306477A78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} nameLabel = userdata:0000014306476C30 (meta 00000143083425C0} pointsLabel = userdata:0000014306476CD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} noMedalsLabel = userdata:000001430647B758 (meta 00000143083425C0} playerClassTexture = userdata:00000143094F15D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} playerNameLabel = userdata:00000143094F1540 (meta 00000143083425C0} scoreboardEntryRawMedalData = table:00000143064788B8 firstTable options = table:000001431DA5A6B0 firstTable gamepadObject = table:0000014310BC7C08 (meta 00000143F74D0B20} keyboardObject = table:0000014457A54E10 (meta 00000144D64CC4C0} questJournal = table:0000014314B678B8 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143D2B8D508 (meta 00000143D2B86DE0} keyboardObject = table:000001439F496CC0 (meta 00000143E3465158} firstTable firstMeta bgText = userdata:000001431D66DDB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} conditionTextBulletList = table:00000144CCF782D0 (meta 0000014377CEA2E0} firstTable bulletPaddingX = 4 bulletPool = table:00000144CCF78A20 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014314B676C8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143DFA565E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144CCF78AB0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuestJournalConditionTextBulletListBullet parent = userdata:000001439F496420 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_Bullet control = userdata:000001439F496420 (meta 000001430831E750} height = 24 labelPool = table:00000144CCF78318 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014314B67680 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143DFA56688 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143210B1550 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuestJournalConditionTextBulletListLabel parent = userdata:000001439F496420 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_QuestJournal_ConditionBulletLabel lastBullet = userdata:00000143DFA565E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} lastLabel = userdata:00000143DFA56688 (meta 00000143083425C0} linePaddingY = 2 conditionTextOrLabel = userdata:000001439F4963A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} control = userdata:00000143E3465278 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001439F496D38 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hintTextBulletList = table:000001439F496D80 (meta 0000014377CEA2E0} firstTable bulletPaddingX = 4 bulletPool = table:00000143210B15A8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014314B677E8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143210B1638 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuestJournalHintTextBulletListBullet parent = userdata:000001439F496328 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_QuestJournal_HintBullet control = userdata:000001439F496328 (meta 000001430831E750} height = 0 labelPool = table:000001439F496DC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014314B677A0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001439F496E88 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuestJournalHintTextBulletListLabel parent = userdata:000001439F496328 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_QuestJournal_HintBulletLabel linePaddingY = 2 icons = table:00000143DFA557B8 firstTable all_quests = table:00000143DFA55848 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_Quest_Instance.dds 2 = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_Quest_Group_Instance.dds 3 = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_Quest_Trial.dds 4 = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_Quest_Group_Delve.dds 5 = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_Quest_Group_Area.dds 6 = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_Quest_Dungeon.dds 7 = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_Quest_Delve.dds 8 = EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_Quest_Housing.dds keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143DFA57A48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DFA57AD8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DFA57BC8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_QUATERNARY name = Cycle Focused Quest visible() = function:00000143DFA57C48 2 = table:00000143DFA57C88 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DFA57DA0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SHOW_QUEST_ON_MAP name = Show On Map visible() = function:00000143DFA57DE8 3 = table:00000143DFA57E30 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DFA57F48 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Share visible() = function:00000143DFA57F90 4 = table:00000143DFA57FD8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DFA580F0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Abandon visible() = function:00000143DFA58138 alignment = 2 levelText = userdata:00000143609BD210 (meta 00000143083425C0} listDirty = false navigationTree = table:00000143DFA55B00 (meta 000001431679AD50} optionalStepTextBulletList = table:00000144CCF78B48 (meta 0000014377CEA2E0} firstTable firstMeta bulletPaddingX = 4 bulletPool = table:00000143DFA54A78 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014314B67758 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DFA54B08 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuestJournalOptionalStepTextBulletListBullet parent = userdata:000001439F496518 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_Bullet control = userdata:000001439F496518 (meta 000001430831E750} height = 0 labelPool = table:00000144CCF78B90 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014314B67710 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144CCF78C20 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuestJournalOptionalStepTextBulletListLabel parent = userdata:000001439F496518 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_QuestJournal_ConditionBulletLabel linePaddingY = 2 optionalStepTextLabel = userdata:000001439F496498 (meta 00000143083425C0} questCount = userdata:000001439F496588 (meta 00000143083425C0} questIcon = userdata:00000143D6189EB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} questIndexToTreeNode = table:00000143DFA5ABC0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314B66E70 (meta 000001432E003D68} 2 = table:0000014314B668D8 (meta 000001432E003D68} questInfoContainer = userdata:00000143E6C8AEE0 (meta 00000143A0A6DEB8} questMasterList = table:00000143DFA55728 firstTable categories = table:00000143DFA55380 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DFA554A0 firstTable name = Craglorn type = 1 2 = table:00000143DFA55410 firstTable name = Main Quest type = 2 quests = table:00000143DFA553C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DFA55598 2 = table:00000143DFA55458 firstTable categoryName = Main Quest categoryType = 2 displayType = 1 level = 50 name = The Harborage questIndex = 1 questType = 2 seenCategories = table:00000143DFA55338 firstTable Craglorn = true Main = Quest = true questStepContainer = userdata:00000143D61893E0 (meta 00000143210B0AF0} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143210B0E58 (meta 00000143210B0EB0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143D61893E0 (meta 00000143210B0AF0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000143D6189460 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:00000143D6189700 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:00000143D6189678 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:00000143D61894E0 (meta 00000143210B0930} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143D6189760 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143D6189730 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:00000143210B0E28 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 questStrings = table:00000143DFA55770 firstTable repeatableIcon = userdata:000001439F497068 (meta 0000014308349FC8} repeatableText = userdata:000001431D66DD50 (meta 00000143083425C0} sceneName = questJournal stepText = userdata:000001431D66DE28 (meta 00000143083425C0} titleText = userdata:00000143D9009B58 (meta 00000143083425C0} tooltips = table:00000143DFA55800 firstTable all_quests = table:00000143DFA55A10 firstTable 1 = This quest is meant to be completed by yourself. 2 = This quest is located in a Dungeon and is meant to be completed by a 4 player group. 3 = This quest is meant to be completed by a 12 player trial group. 4 = This quest is meant to be completed with the help of other players. 5 = This quest is meant to be completed with the help of other players. 6 = This quest takes place in a public dungeon. 7 = This quest takes place in a delve. 8 = This quest takes place in a player house. raidLeaderboards = table:00000144D075AC98 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000144C755AA50 (meta 0000014316653898} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143166539C8 (meta 0000014308326048} fragment = table:00000144C755AA98 (meta 0000014457A2F660} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false callbackRegistry = table:00000143E388A888 firstTable StateChange = table:00000144C755AB28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E388A608 firstTable control = userdata:00000143166539C8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144C755AAE0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden leaderboardScene = table:000001448016E5F0 (meta 0000014368607700} leaderboardSystem = table:000001448016E868 (meta 00000143553882D0} raidListNodes = table:00000143E388A7F8 firstTable scoringInfoText = keyboardObject = table:00000144D07605C0 (meta 00000144D0767360} repair = table:00000144DD5C89F0 firstTable gamepadObject = table:000001448F888698 (meta 000001448F886428} gamepadRootScene = table:000001448F888860 (meta 0000014368607700} keyboardObject = table:00000144DD5CA8D0 (meta 00000144DD5D13B8} firstTable firstMeta conditionBar = userdata:00000144DD5D21E8 (meta 00000144DD5D15B0} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000144DD5D2288 (meta 0000014308340698} conditionUnderlayBar = userdata:00000144DD5D1F90 (meta 00000144DD5D2090} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000144DD5D2038 (meta 0000014308340698} control = userdata:00000144DD5D14D8 (meta 000001430831E750} inventorySlot = userdata:00000144DD5D1CB0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} restyle = table:000001447D45DFD0 firstTable gamepadObject = table:000001430FD76CC8 (meta 000001430FD67410} gamepadRootScene = table:000001430FD76D98 (meta 00000144C79BED68} keyboardObject = table:00000144C1B7C988 (meta 00000144C1B79818} firstTable firstMeta activeTab = userdata:00000144C1B7B928 (meta 00000143083425C0} categories = userdata:00000144C1B7B030 (meta 00000144C1B7B618} categoryTree = table:00000144C1B7D628 (meta 000001431679AD50} contentSearchEditBox = userdata:00000144C1B7A848 (meta 00000144C1B7AE60} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true control = userdata:00000144C1B7A4C8 (meta 0000014308326048} dyeCategoryNode = table:00000144C1B7E5A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000144C1B7E680 (meta 00000144C1B7EA20} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014368830CB0 OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368830CF0 OnMouseUp() = function:000001431679F2D0 SetSelected() = function:00000143EA505DF0 allowIconScaling = true animationTemplate = IconHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:00000144C1B7E728 (meta 00000144C1B7EB38} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000144C1B7DF20 (meta 0000014308367FC0} iconHighlight = userdata:00000144C1B7E7E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} node = table:00000144C1B7E5A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} text = userdata:00000144C1B7E888 (meta 00000144C1B7E8E0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = true data = table:00000144C1B7E558 firstTable mouseoverIcon = EsoUI/Art/Dye/dyes_categoryIcon_over.dds name = Dyes node = table:00000144C1B7E5A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = EsoUI/Art/Dye/dyes_categoryIcon_up.dds pressedIcon = EsoUI/Art/Dye/dyes_categoryIcon_down.dds referenceData = table:00000144C1B79CB0 firstTable isDyesCategory = true enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000144C1B7DC58 open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C1B7E3A8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childContainer = userdata:00000144C1B7ECD8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 children = table:00000144C1B7EC08 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C1B7E5A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} childrenCurrentHeight = 48 childrenHeight = 48 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:00000144C1B7D628 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:00000144C1B7D740 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable control = userdata:00000144C1B7B508 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:00000144C1B7D6B8 exclusivePath = table:00000144C1B7ED08 firstTable openAnimationPool = table:00000144C1B7E2D0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:00000144C1B7E3A8 (meta 000001432E003D68} scrollControl = userdata:00000144C1B7B030 (meta 00000144C1B7B618} firstMeta firstIndex selectedNode = table:00000144C1B7E5A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} suspendAnimations = false templateInfo = table:00000144C1B7D670 firstTable width = 300 selectSound = Journal_Progress_CategorySelected selected = true selectionFunction() = function:00000144C1B7DB90 setupFunction() = function:00000144C1B7DB00 templateInfo = table:00000144C1B7DE28 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000144C1B7DC58 objectPool = table:00000144C1B7DE70 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144C1B7E4C8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C1B7DF30 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RestyleTopLevel_KeyboardRightPanelCategoriesScrollChildZO_IconChildlessHeader parent = userdata:00000144C1B7B508 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_IconChildlessHeader selectionFunction() = function:00000144C1B7DB90 setupFunction() = function:00000144C1B7DB00 template = ZO_IconChildlessHeader tree = table:00000144C1B7D628 (meta 000001431679AD50} keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001447D45C710 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D45D548 firstTable callback() = function:000001447D45D6B8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Apply Changes visible() = function:000001447D45D638 2 = table:000001447D45D700 firstTable callback() = function:000001447D45D7F0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Randomize 3 = table:000001447D45D838 firstTable callback() = function:000001447D45D970 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Undo Changes visible() = function:000001447D45D928 4 = table:000001447D45D9B8 firstTable alignment = 3 callback() = function:000001447D45DAA8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT name = Exit alignment = 2 mode = 2 onUpdateCollectionsSearchResultsCallback() = function:000001447D45DDA8 rightPanel = userdata:00000144C1B7A740 (meta 000001430831E750} sheetsByMode = table:00000144C1B7C9D0 firstTable 2 = table:00000144C1B7F7D8 (meta 000001431C5B6D40} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000144C1B7F8D8 (meta 00000144C1B80108} fragment = table:00000144C1B652C0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144C1B802F0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144C1B65388 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000144C1B65498 firstTable control = userdata:00000144C1B7F8D8 (meta 00000144C1B80108} firstMeta firstIndex dirtyEvents = table:00000144C1B65308 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden isViewDirty = true slotContainers = table:00000144C1B801D8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144C1B7FC50 (meta 000001430831E750} 2 = userdata:00000144C1B7FF68 (meta 000001430831E750} slots = table:00000144C1B802A8 firstTable 0 = table:00000144C1B80348 (meta 000001431C5B61C8} firstTable 16 = table:00000144C1B8CA28 (meta 000001431C5B61C8} firstTable 2 = table:00000144C1B81D10 (meta 000001431C5B61C8} firstTable firstMeta 21 = table:00000144C1B6E428 (meta 000001431C5B61C8} firstTable 3 = table:00000144C1B836D8 (meta 000001431C5B61C8} firstTable 5 = table:00000144C1B85100 (meta 000001431C5B61C8} firstTable 6 = table:00000144C1B86A00 (meta 000001431C5B61C8} firstTable 8 = table:00000144C1B88340 (meta 000001431C5B61C8} firstTable 9 = table:00000144C1B8AFC0 (meta 000001431C5B61C8} firstTable 3 = table:000001447D45CB68 (meta 000001431C5B6F80} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001447D45CC68 (meta 000001447D45FCC8} fragment = table:000001447D45F4A8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D45F070 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D45F0F8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001439D8737A0 firstTable control = userdata:000001447D45CC68 (meta 000001447D45FCC8} firstMeta firstIndex dirtyEvents = table:000001447D45FEB0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden isViewDirty = true slotContainers = table:000001447D45FD98 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001447D45F808 (meta 000001430831E750} 2 = userdata:000001447D45FB28 (meta 000001430831E750} slots = table:000001447D45FE68 firstTable 10 = table:000001447D45FF08 (meta 000001431C5B6348} firstTable firstMeta 4 = table:000001447D45BF68 (meta 000001431C5B6348} firstTable sheetsContainer = userdata:00000144C1B7BBA8 (meta 000001430831E750} tabs = userdata:00000144C1B7B8A0 (meta 00000144C1B7BA10} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000144C1B7B938 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable m_animationDuration = 200 m_barPool = table:00000144C1B7BC98 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144C1B7D558 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C1B7BD28 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RestyleTopLevel_KeyboardRightPanelTabsPaddingBar parent = userdata:00000144C1B7B8A0 (meta 00000144C1B7BA10} templateName = ZO_MenuBarPaddingBarTemplate m_buttonPadding = 20 m_buttons = table:00000144C1B7B980 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C1B7CEF0 firstTable 2 = table:00000144C1B7D4B0 firstTable m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_clickedButton = table:00000144C1B7CDA0 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_anim = userdata:00000144C1B7D5F0 (meta 0000014308353ED8} m_button = userdata:00000144C1B7CBE0 (meta 00000144C1B7CE30} firstMeta firstIndex m_buttonData = table:00000144C1B7CA98 firstTable m_highlight = userdata:00000144C1B7CD00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = false m_image = userdata:00000144C1B7CC68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_locked = true m_menuBar = table:00000144C1B7B938 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 1 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000144C1B7CD90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_control = userdata:00000144C1B7B8A0 (meta 00000144C1B7BA10} m_downSize = 64 m_normalSize = 51 m_point = 2 m_pool = table:00000144C1B7BAF8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000144C1B7BC58 m_Active = table:00000144C1B7BB40 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C1B7BBB8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RestyleTopLevel_KeyboardRightPanelTabsButton parent = userdata:00000144C1B7B8A0 (meta 00000144C1B7BA10} templateName = ZO_MenuBarTooltipButton m_relativePoint = 8 keyboardRootScene = table:000001447D45DB70 (meta 00000144C79BED68} retrait = table:00000144081B95E8 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000144081A79B8 (meta 00000144081ADF28} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000144081AE048 (meta 0000014308326048} header = userdata:00000144081B1090 (meta 00000144081AF490} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:00000144081AF110 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144081B14C8 (meta 000001430831E750} 10 = userdata:00000144081A7120 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000144081A72D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:00000144081A7248 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:00000144081A7400 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:00000144081A7370 (meta 00000143083425C0} 15 = userdata:00000144081A7490 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000144081B11C8 (meta 00000144081B1408} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000144081B11D8 firstTable forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:00000144081B1128 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:00000144081A8D58 (meta 000001430831E750} 6 = userdata:00000144081B9930 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:00000144081A7088 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000144081A6FF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000144081A71B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 1 interactScene = table:00000144081AE750 (meta 00000144C79BED68} keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001430A068D40 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A068DA8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001430A068E30 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:000001430A068DF0 2 = table:000001430A068EB0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:000001430A068F20 firstTable callback() = function:000001430A068F68 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:000001430A069030 firstTable callback() = function:000001430A069120 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER modeList = table:000001430A065390 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000144081A7910 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:000001430A066CA0 firstTable control = userdata:00000144081A7730 (meta 000001430A065540} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001430A065770 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001430A065390 (meta 0000014405F90F70} dataIndexToControl = table:000001430A066FA8 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001430A067480 (meta 000001430A067B10} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 cooldown = userdata:000001430A067918 (meta 0000014308316C08} dataIndex = 1 highlight = userdata:000001430A0676C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:000001430A067610 (meta 000001430A0677D8} firstMeta firstIndex inCooldown = false key = 1 label = userdata:000001430A067560 (meta 000001430A068BA0} firstMeta firstIndex numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:000001430A067780 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:000001430A0679D0 (meta 000001430A067A28} firstMeta firstIndex templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate dataList = table:000001430A066D68 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A0671D0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001430A0672A0 firstTable mode = 1 numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Transmute unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} dataTypes = table:000001430A066C58 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate = table:000001430A067188 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001430A067038 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:000001430A065408 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001430A066C10 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000144081A79A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001430A066E40 firstTable 1 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001430A066ED0 firstTable 1 = false prePadding = table:000001430A066DF8 firstTable 1 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001430A066E88 firstTable 1 = false scrollControl = userdata:00000144081A77C0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:000001430A066F18 firstTable 1 = 0 selectedData = table:000001430A0671D0 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:000001430A066DB0 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:000001430A066F60 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:000001430A066FF0 firstTable userdata = 000001430A067480 = true retraitStationInteraction = table:00000144081A7A30 gamepadRootScene = table:00000144081AE750 (meta 00000144C79BED68} keyboardObject = table:00000144081C0180 (meta 00000144081BEB28} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000144081BEC48 (meta 0000014308326048} interactScene = table:00000144081C0388 (meta 00000144C79BED68} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000144081BC808 firstTable 1 = table:00000144081B6618 firstTable callback() = function:00000144081B7830 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Clear Selections visible() = function:00000144081B7878 2 = table:00000144081B78C0 firstTable callback() = function:00000144081B7A98 enabled() = function:00000144081B7AE0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:00000144081B7A50 visible() = function:00000144081B7B28 alignment = 2 mode = 1 modeBar = userdata:00000144081C0858 (meta 00000144081C09C8} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000144081C08F0 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable m_animationDuration = 200 m_barPool = table:00000144081C0C80 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144081B8678 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144081C0D10 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RetraitStation_KeyboardTopLevelModeMenuBarPaddingBar parent = userdata:00000144081C0858 (meta 00000144081C09C8} templateName = ZO_MenuBarPaddingBarTemplate m_buttonPadding = 20 m_buttons = table:00000144081C0938 firstTable 1 = table:00000144081B85F8 firstTable m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_clickedButton = table:00000144081B8350 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_anim = userdata:00000144081B8710 (meta 0000014308353ED8} m_button = userdata:00000144081B8188 (meta 00000144081B8528} firstMeta firstIndex m_buttonData = table:00000144081B7EB8 m_highlight = userdata:00000144081B82B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = false m_image = userdata:00000144081B8218 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_locked = true m_menuBar = table:00000144081C08F0 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 1 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000144081B8340 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_control = userdata:00000144081C0858 (meta 00000144081C09C8} m_downSize = 64 m_normalSize = 51 m_point = 2 m_pool = table:00000144081C0AE0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000144081C0C40 m_Active = table:00000144081C0B28 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144081C0BA0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RetraitStation_KeyboardTopLevelModeMenuBarButton parent = userdata:00000144081C0858 (meta 00000144081C09C8} templateName = ZO_MenuBarTooltipButton m_relativePoint = 8 modeBarLabel = userdata:00000144081C08E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} retraitPanel = table:00000144081C1D60 (meta 000001440818C670} firstTable firstMeta awaitingLabel = userdata:00000144081C5808 (meta 00000143083425C0} control = userdata:00000144081C0FA0 (meta 000001430831E750} inventory = table:00000144081C1E30 (meta 000001440818D090} inventoryControl = userdata:00000144081C1030 (meta 00000144081C1EC0} owner = table:00000144081C0180 (meta 00000144081BEB28} resultTooltip = userdata:00000144081914D0 (meta 000001430834FDB0} retraitCostSlot = userdata:00000144081C4F78 (meta 00000144081C56A8} firstMeta firstIndex alwaysShowStackCount = true animation = userdata:00000144081C5620 (meta 0000014308367FC0} minStackCount = 0 retraitSlot = table:00000144081BB710 (meta 000001440818D410} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000144081C4A18 (meta 00000144081C4E18} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000144081C4D90 (meta 0000014308367FC0} slotType = 37 stackCount = 0 craftingInventory = table:00000144081C1E30 (meta 000001440818D090} firstTable firstMeta activeTab = userdata:00000144081C1158 (meta 00000143083425C0} baseSlotType = 24 control = userdata:00000144081C1030 (meta 00000144081C1EC0} firstMeta firstIndex dirty = true filterType = 2 itemCounts = table:00000144081C1FE8 firstTable list = userdata:00000144081C37D8 (meta 00000144081C3E00} firstMeta firstIndex noItemsLabel = userdata:00000144081C42D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:00000144081C1D60 (meta 000001440818C670} sortHeaders = table:00000143D8F34B48 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable sortKey = name sortOrder = true tabs = userdata:00000144081C10C0 (meta 00000144081C1240} firstMeta firstIndex dropCallout = userdata:00000144081C4CB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} emptyTexture = nameLabel = userdata:00000144081C4D60 (meta 00000143083425C0} owner = table:00000144081C1D60 (meta 000001440818C670} slotType = 37 slotAnimation = table:00000144081BBB88 (meta 0000014320F59C00} firstTable bursts = table:00000144081BBE08 firstTable slots = table:00000144081BBBD0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144081BB710 (meta 000001440818D410} 2 = userdata:00000144081C4F78 (meta 00000144081C56A8} traitContainer = userdata:00000144081C5898 (meta 000001430831E750} traitList = userdata:00000144081C5BA0 (meta 000001431DE84C38} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000144081BC1C0 firstTable animation = userdata:00000144081BC2B8 (meta 00000144081BC310} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000144081C5BA0 (meta 000001431DE84C38} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000144081BC250 firstTable contents = userdata:00000144081C5C40 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000144081BC178 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000144081BC130 firstTable 1 = table:00000144081BC6F8 firstTable deselectOnReselect = false downButton = userdata:000001431DE9FD78 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false highlightTemplate = ZO_TallListHighlight mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000144081C5CE0 (meta 00000144081C3F90} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001431DE9FDD8 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:000001431DE9FDA8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} selectionCallback() = function:00000144081BC7C0 selectionTemplate = ZO_TallListSelectedHighlight timeline = userdata:00000144081C4ED8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 58 upButton = userdata:000001431DE7AC48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000144081BC3E0 firstTable traitListData = table:00000144081BC178 retraitStationInteraction = table:00000144081C01F8 retraitTab = table:00000144081B7EB8 firstTable callback() = function:00000144081B8048 categoryName = 6791 descriptor = 1 disabled = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/retrait_tabIcon_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/retrait_tabIcon_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/retrait_tabIcon_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/retrait_tabIcon_down.dds keyboardRootScene = table:00000144081C0388 (meta 00000144C79BED68} soulgem = table:00000144DD5E7C68 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000144DD5D50C8 (meta 00000144DD5E9188} gamepadRootScene = table:00000144DD5E6F88 (meta 0000014368607700} keyboardObject = table:00000144DD5E7858 (meta 00000144DD5E3C50} firstTable firstMeta chargesBar = userdata:00000144DD5E72F8 (meta 00000144DD5E73F8} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000144DD5E73A0 (meta 0000014308340698} chargesUnderlayBar = userdata:00000144DD5E7090 (meta 00000144DD5E7198} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000144DD5E7140 (meta 0000014308340698} control = userdata:00000144DD5E3D70 (meta 000001430831E750} inventorySlot = userdata:00000144DD5E5730 (meta 0000014308331CA0} previewControlsInitialized = true trade = table:00000143F1948348 firstTable gamepadObject = table:000001439D68D5E0 (meta 00000143207ECC38} gamepadRootScene = table:000001439D68D628 (meta 0000014368607700} keyboardObject = table:000001431347F550 (meta 00000143DDBEBB68} keyboardRootScene = table:00000143F1948940 (meta 0000014368607700} tradingHouse = table:00000143553B8760 firstTable gamepadObject = table:00000143CDD398A8 (meta 00000143CDD2C2B0} firstTable firstMeta m_control = userdata:00000143CDD2C3D0 (meta 0000014308326048} m_isInitialized = false m_registeredFilterObjects = table:00000143CDD39A68 firstTable m_registeredFilterTypes = table:00000143CDD39920 firstTable 4529 = table:000001430979B780 (meta 000001430979B7C8} firstTable firstMeta ApplyToSearch() = function:000001430979B8B0 New() = function:000001430979B840 4530 = table:000001430979CD88 (meta 000001430979CDD0} firstTable firstMeta ApplyToSearch() = function:000001430979CFD0 Initialize() = function:000001430979CF38 New() = function:000001430979CEC8 PopulateSubTypes() = function:000001430979D0B8 SetGenericArmorSearch() = function:000001430979D138 SetHidden() = function:000001430979D1F8 UpdateFilterData() = function:000001430979D178 4531 = table:00000143097A14C8 (meta 00000143097A1510} firstTable firstMeta ApplyToSearch() = function:00000143097A17B8 Initialize() = function:00000143097A15F8 New() = function:00000143097A1588 OnItemTypeComboBoxSelectionChanged() = function:00000143097A1778 PopulateSubTypes() = function:00000143097A1690 4532 = table:000001430979DA18 (meta 000001430979DA60} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001430979DB48 New() = function:000001430979DAD8 SetCategoryType() = function:000001430979DBE0 4533 = table:000001430979F7C8 (meta 000001430979F810} firstTable firstMeta ApplyToSearch() = function:000001430979FAB8 Initialize() = function:000001430979F8F8 New() = function:000001430979F888 SetCategoryTypeAndSubData() = function:000001430979FA78 SetSubType() = function:000001430979F990 4534 = table:000001430979E238 (meta 000001430979E280} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:000001430979E2C8 4535 = table:000001430979E8B8 (meta 000001430979E900} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:000001430979E978 4546 = table:00000143097A03E8 (meta 00000143097A0430} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143097A04E8 New() = function:00000143097A0478 SetHidden() = function:00000143097A0580 gamepadRootScene = table:00000143CDD39AB0 (meta 00000144C79BED68} keyboardObject = table:000001431BD4C5B0 (meta 00000143553A9740} firstTable firstMeta InitializeSearchResults() = function:00000143C7F7C630 SetupPendingPost() = function:000001439D9C6738 m_control = userdata:00000143553A9830 (meta 0000014308326048} m_initialized = false m_registeredFilterTypes = table:000001431BD4C628 firstTable 4529 = table:00000143CDD3D7E0 (meta 00000143CDD3D828} firstTable firstMeta ApplyToSearch() = function:00000143CDD3D9A8 Initialize() = function:00000143CDD3D910 New() = function:00000143CDD3D8A0 SetHidden() = function:00000143CDD3D9E8 4530 = table:00000143CDD3EA80 (meta 00000143CDD3EAC8} firstTable firstMeta ApplyToSearch() = function:00000143CDD3ECC8 Initialize() = function:00000143CDD3EC30 New() = function:00000143CDD3EBC0 SetHidden() = function:00000143CDD3EDB0 4531 = table:000001430977A7B8 (meta 000001430977A800} firstTable firstMeta ApplyToSearch() = function:000001430977AAD0 Initialize() = function:000001430977A8E8 New() = function:000001430977A878 OnFirstTypeComboBoxSelectionChanged() = function:000001430977A928 OnItemTypeComboBoxSelectionChanged() = function:000001430977AA50 OnSecondTypeComboBoxSelectionChanged() = function:000001430977AA10 Reset() = function:000001430977AB50 SetHidden() = function:000001430977AB10 UpdateSecondTypeComboBoxFromFirstTypeChoice() = function:000001430977AA90 4532 = table:00000143CDD3FC10 (meta 00000143CDD3FC58} firstTable firstMeta ApplyToSearch() = function:00000143CDD3FDD8 Initialize() = function:00000143CDD3FD40 New() = function:00000143CDD3FCD0 SetHidden() = function:00000143CDD3FEC0 4533 = table:00000143CDD44210 (meta 00000143CDD44258} firstTable firstMeta ApplyToSearch() = function:00000143CDD443D8 Initialize() = function:00000143CDD44340 New() = function:00000143CDD442D0 SetHidden() = function:00000143CDD444C0 4534 = table:00000143CDD409F8 (meta 00000143CDD40A40} firstTable firstMeta ApplyToSearch() = function:00000143CDD40BC0 Initialize() = function:00000143CDD40B28 New() = function:00000143CDD40AB8 4535 = table:00000143CDD41898 (meta 00000143CDD418E0} firstTable firstMeta ApplyToSearch() = function:00000143CDD41A60 Initialize() = function:00000143CDD419C8 New() = function:00000143CDD41958 4546 = table:00000143CDD45738 (meta 00000143CDD45780} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143CDD45868 New() = function:00000143CDD457F8 m_titleLabel = userdata:00000143553B73B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} keyboardRootScene = table:000001431BD4C670 (meta 00000144C79BED68} treasureMapInventory = table:000001448F8975F0 firstTable gamepadRootScene = table:000001448F897788 (meta 0000014368607700} keyboardRootScene = table:000001448F8974E8 (meta 0000014368607700} treasureMapQuickSlot = table:000001448F897740 firstTable gamepadRootScene = table:000001448F897A18 (meta 0000014368607700} keyboardRootScene = table:000001448F897638 (meta 0000014368607700} world_map_keep_info = table:00000143BC87FD28 firstTable gamepadObject = table:0000014368A031A0 (meta 00000143CFE4F238} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143CFE4F3A8 (meta 0000014308326048} defenseButtonData = table:00000143CFE4F408 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceDefense_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceDefense_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceDefense_down.dds defenseFragment = table:0000014314B709C8 (meta 00000143C01613B8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CFE4F3C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:0000014368A031A0 (meta 00000143CFE4F238} state = hidden upgradePath = 2 dirtyEvents = table:0000014368A02418 firstTable externalFragments = table:000001430989A348 firstTable SUMMARY_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F5B94030 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143A4C36A28 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143098A5A88 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143F5B94858 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143F5B94B90 firstTable control = userdata:00000143C7B954D0 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F5B94410 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden UPGRADE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F4558B80 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} fireCallbackDepth = 0 foodButtonData = table:0000014314B71518 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_foodFarm_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_foodFarm_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_foodFarm_down.dds foodKeepResourceTypeFragment = table:00000143CFE42588 (meta 00000143C0161238} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CFE425D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:0000014368A031A0 (meta 00000143CFE4F238} resourceType = 2 state = hidden header = userdata:00000143CFE45B90 (meta 00000143F5B920F8} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:00000143F5B8AE48 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143CFE48380 (meta 0000014368A048A0} 10 = userdata:00000143A0A57358 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:0000014368A04340 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:0000014368A04310 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:0000014368A071B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:0000014368A07180 (meta 00000143083425C0} 15 = userdata:0000014368A08BE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143CFE4F640 (meta 00000143CFE4EE68} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143D6A48AC0 firstTable forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:00000143CFE4C360 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:00000143F5B8B258 (meta 000001430831E750} 6 = userdata:0000014368A07570 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:00000143B325A378 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000143A0A67A70 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:0000014309892A88 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 1 tabBar = table:00000143F5B8F438 (meta 0000014405F8D010} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143CFE4B458 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CFE48380 (meta 0000014368A048A0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:0000014368A060C0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143F5B8F438 (meta 0000014405F8D010} dataIndexToControl = table:0000014314B6FF30 firstTable dataList = table:00000143CFE48918 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143D6A48CD0 firstTable ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate = table:000001430989A300 firstTable defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143F5B91EE8 firstTable enabled = true entryAnchors = table:00000143F5B91508 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 hideUnselectedControls = true isMoving = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143F5B91550 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE4A7F8 firstTable 2 = table:000001430989C938 firstTable leftIcon = userdata:0000014368A08D28 (meta 0000014308331CA0} maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = false movementController = table:00000143CFE4F660 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:0000014368A0A3A8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F5B8B130 firstTable prePadding = table:0000014368A05DC8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000014368A0A3F0 firstTable rightIcon = userdata:00000144D864FEE8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollControl = userdata:00000143CFE48410 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143F5B8B178 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:0000014368A05D80 firstTable universalPostPadding = 0 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:0000014314B6FF78 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:0000014314B6FEE8 firstTable keepNameLabel = userdata:0000014368A002A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} keepUpgrade = table:00000143B4F00488 (meta 0000014368A0A288} firstTable firstMeta oreButtonData = table:0000014368A03A38 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_oreMine_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_oreMine_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_oreMine_down.dds oreKeepResourceTypeFragment = table:0000014314B71608 (meta 00000143C0161238} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014368A039F0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:0000014368A031A0 (meta 00000143CFE4F238} resourceType = 3 state = hidden productionButtonData = table:0000014314B708D8 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceProduction_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceProduction_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceProduction_down.dds productionFragment = table:0000014368A03B28 (meta 00000143C01613B8} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014314B70890 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:0000014368A031A0 (meta 00000143CFE4F238} state = hidden upgradePath = 1 resourceUpgrade = table:00000143609B5668 (meta 0000014368A02560} firstTable firstMeta summaryButtonData = table:00000143D1040C10 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_keepSummary_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_keepSummary_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_keepSummary_down.dds woodButtonData = table:00000143A4C372F0 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_woodMill_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_woodMill_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_woodMill_down.dds woodKeepResourceTypeFragment = table:000001430989C980 (meta 00000143C0161238} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CFE42540 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:0000014368A031A0 (meta 00000143CFE4F238} resourceType = 1 state = hidden worldMapKeepInfoBGFragment = table:00000143A0A55658 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143CFE4B408 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A38F2020 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000014368A045E8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014313213C08 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden worldMapKeepInfoFragment = table:00000143609B2558 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143DFA55BF8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143A42E5ED0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143609B5968 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143609B9438 firstTable 1 = table:00000143609BB6D8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CFE4F3A8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000144C2591AF8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden keyboardObject = table:00000143C0172508 (meta 00000143C016F018} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143C01709C8 (meta 0000014308326048} defenseButtonData = table:00000143C01730B8 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceDefense_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceDefense_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceDefense_down.dds defenseFragment = table:00000143C0172E38 (meta 00000143C01613B8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143C0172E80 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:00000143C0172508 (meta 00000143C016F018} state = hidden upgradePath = 2 dirtyEvents = table:00000143C0172580 firstTable externalFragments = table:00000143C01727A8 firstTable SUMMARY_FRAGMENT = table:00000143C7B940C0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143C7B94150 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143C7B941D8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143C7B94310 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143C7B94358 firstTable control = userdata:00000143C7B926E8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143C7B94108 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden UPGRADE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143D6A5E4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D6A59620 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D6A596A8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000014314B64A30 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014314B64A78 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D1A594B8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014368A0FDD0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden fireCallbackDepth = 0 foodButtonData = table:00000143C0172A48 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_foodFarm_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_foodFarm_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_foodFarm_down.dds foodKeepResourceTypeFragment = table:00000143C01729B8 (meta 00000143C0161238} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143C0172A00 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:00000143C0172508 (meta 00000143C016F018} resourceType = 2 state = hidden keepNameLabel = userdata:00000143C01722C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} keepUpgrade = table:00000143C01726B0 (meta 0000014313212E10} firstTable firstMeta modeBar = table:00000143C0172620 (meta 00000143ED5C67B0} firstTable buttonData = table:00000143C0172708 firstTable menuBar = userdata:00000143C0171FA0 (meta 00000143C0172100} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143C0172028 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable m_animationDuration = 200 m_barPool = table:00000143C01723A8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_buttonPadding = 20 m_buttons = table:00000143C0172070 firstTable m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_control = userdata:00000143C0171FA0 (meta 00000143C0172100} m_downSize = 64 m_normalSize = 51 m_point = 2 m_pool = table:00000143C0172218 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_relativePoint = 8 oreButtonData = table:00000143C0172BC8 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_oreMine_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_oreMine_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_oreMine_down.dds oreKeepResourceTypeFragment = table:00000143C0172B38 (meta 00000143C0161238} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143C0172B80 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:00000143C0172508 (meta 00000143C016F018} resourceType = 3 state = hidden productionButtonData = table:00000143C0172D48 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceProduction_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceProduction_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceProduction_down.dds productionFragment = table:00000143C0172CB8 (meta 00000143C01613B8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143C0172D00 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:00000143C0172508 (meta 00000143C016F018} state = hidden upgradePath = 1 resourceUpgrade = table:0000014314B713E8 (meta 00000143C016EF88} firstTable firstMeta summaryButtonData = table:00000143C01727F0 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_keepSummary_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_keepSummary_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_keepSummary_down.dds woodButtonData = table:00000143C01728C8 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_woodMill_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_woodMill_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_woodMill_down.dds woodKeepResourceTypeFragment = table:00000143C0172838 (meta 00000143C0161238} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143C0172880 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:00000143C0172508 (meta 00000143C016F018} resourceType = 1 state = hidden worldMapKeepInfoBGFragment = table:00000143A0A613E0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143609C5A00 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D2B790F8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143C016F108 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A0A547A8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden worldMapKeepInfoFragment = table:00000143DFA55AB0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D1045580 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D2B8FC50 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000014314B6A270 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143CFE48870 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314B6B220 firstTable control = userdata:00000143C01709C8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A0A60F98 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden SYSTEM_MAIL_MAX_PARAMETER_CHARACTERS = 100 SYSTEM_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:00000143F65B2618 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} SafeAddString() = function:000001432DFFDD30 SafeAddVersion() = function:000001432DFFDCF0 SaveLoadDialogResult() = function:00000143CACA8A80 SavePendingGuildRanks() = function:00000143CACAC060 ScriptBuildInfo() = function:000001430830E678 SelectChatterOption() = function:000001439D299340 SelectGuildBank() = function:00000143F58E7F30 SelectLastSlottedItem = function: Private SelectPlayerStatus() = function:000001439D2905A8 SelectSlotAbility = function: Private SelectSlotCollectible = function: Private SelectSlotEmote = function: Private SelectSlotItem = function: Private SelectSlotQuickChat = function: Private SelectSlotSkillAbility() = function:000001439D28AC38 SelectTitle() = function:000001439D2A72B0 SelectTradingHouseGuildId() = function:000001439D295FC8 SellAllJunk() = function:000001439D29B070 SellInventoryItem() = function:000001439D29B000 SendAllCachedSettingMessages() = function:00000143F58DEFC8 SendChatMessage = function: Private SendCrownCrateOpenRequest() = function:00000143CACA4098 SendLFMRequest() = function:00000143F58DC600 SendMail() = function:000001439D2A9648 SendPlayerStuck = function: Private SendPledgeOfMaraResponse() = function:000001439D2AC028 Set3DRenderSpaceToCurrentCamera() = function:00000143CACA9900 SetActionBarPage = function: Private SetAddMenuItemCallback() = function:00000143A131CD08 SetCVar() = function:00000143CACA79D8 SetCameraOptionsPreviewModeEnabled() = function:00000143CACA92F8 SetCampaignHistoryEnabled() = function:000001439F47C5D0 SetCampaignPreference() = function:000001439D2A12B8 SetChampionIsInRespecMode() = function:00000143F58DF9C8 SetChampionMusicActive() = function:00000143F58DFBA8 SetChatBubbleCategoryEnabled() = function:000001439D298D28 SetChatCategoryColor() = function:000001439D298B48 SetChatContainerColors() = function:000001439D298558 SetChatContainerTabCategoryEnabled() = function:000001439D298368 SetChatContainerTabInfo() = function:000001439D2983E8 SetChatFontSize() = function:000001439D298900 SetChatLogEnabled() = function:000001439D298F08 SetCrownCrateNPCVisible() = function:00000143CACA4AD8 SetCrownCrateUIMenuActive() = function:00000143CACA4FD8 SetCurrentQuickslot() = function:000001439D2951D0 SetCurrentVideoPlaybackVolume() = function:00000143167B5510 SetCursorItemSoundsEnabled() = function:00000143CACA6FF0 SetCustomerServiceTicketBody() = function:000001439D2AC530 SetCustomerServiceTicketCategory() = function:000001439D2AC5A8 SetCustomerServiceTicketContactEmail() = function:000001439D2AC4B0 SetCustomerServiceTicketItemTarget() = function:000001439D2AC730 SetCustomerServiceTicketItemTargetByLink() = function:000001439D2AC6A8 SetCustomerServiceTicketPlayerTarget() = function:000001439D2AC628 SetCustomerServiceTicketQuestTarget() = function:000001439D2AC7B0 SetDefaultColorOnLabel() = function:00000143063C6C78 SetFishingLure() = function:00000143F58DD268 SetFlashWaitTime() = function:000001439D2A92E0 SetFloatingMarkerGlobalAlpha() = function:00000143F58DD4A0 SetFloatingMarkerInfo() = function:00000143F58DD430 SetFrameLocalPlayerInGameCamera() = function:000001439D299738 SetFrameLocalPlayerTarget() = function:000001439D2997B8 SetFramingScreenType() = function:000001439D299830 SetFriendNote() = function:00000143CACAA9E8 SetFullscreenEffect() = function:000001439D286EF8 SetGameCameraUIMode() = function:00000143CACA91A0 SetGamepadChatFontSize() = function:000001439D2989E8 SetGamepadLeftStickConsumedByUI() = function:00000143CACAD4A8 SetGamepadRightStickConsumedByUI() = function:00000143CACAD528 SetGamepadVibration() = function:00000143CACACF98 SetGuiHidden() = function:00000143CACA7EF0 SetGuildDescription() = function:00000143CACAB840 SetGuildMemberNote() = function:00000143CACAC498 SetGuildMotD() = function:00000143CACAB8B0 SetHealthWarningStage() = function:000001439D2A9188 SetHousingPermissionPreset() = function:00000143F58E2850 SetHousingPrimaryHouse() = function:00000143F58E2A30 SetIgnoreNote() = function:00000143CACAAB20 SetInteractionUsingInteractCamera() = function:00000143CACA7500 SetItemIsJunk() = function:00000143F58E8550 SetItemIsPlayerLocked() = function:00000143F58E8408 SetMapFloor() = function:000001439D29CDE8 SetMapPinAssisted() = function:000001439D28E860 SetMapPinContinuousPositionUpdate() = function:000001439D28E8D0 SetMapQuestPinsAssisted() = function:000001439D28EA30 SetMapToMapListIndex() = function:000001439D29BDF8 SetMapToPlayerLocation() = function:000001439D29BCF8 SetMapToQuestCondition() = function:000001439D297668 SetMapToQuestStepEnding() = function:000001439D2976E0 SetMapToQuestZone() = function:000001439D297758 SetMenuEntryFontFace() = function:00000143063C5588 SetMenuEntrySmallFontFace() = function:00000143063C3AE0 SetMenuHiddenCallback() = function:00000143A131E2D8 SetMenuMinimumWidth() = function:00000143E0DAB880 SetMenuPad() = function:00000143E0DAA8B0 SetMenuSpacing() = function:00000143E0DAA870 SetNameplateGamepadFont() = function:00000143F58E4BF8 SetNameplateKeyboardFont() = function:00000143F58E4B08 SetNumPendingChampionPoints() = function:00000143F58DF858 SetOverscanOffsets() = function:00000143CACADD28 SetPendingEquippedItemDye() = function:00000143D76A7EF0 SetPendingHeraldryIndices() = function:00000143F58DE840 SetPendingInteractionConfirmed() = function:000001439D298FE8 SetPendingItemPost() = function:000001439D296228 SetPendingItemPurchase() = function:000001439D296380 SetPendingSlotDyes() = function:00000143CACA51A0 SetPinTint() = function:000001439D2A89B8 SetPlayerWaypointByWorldLocation() = function:000001439D29CEB8 SetPreviewDynamicFramingOpening() = function:00000143CACA64A0 SetPreviewInEmptyWorld() = function:00000143CACA63B0 SetRestylePreviewMode() = function:00000143CACA5920 SetSCTAnimationOffsetX() = function:00000143F58E0130 SetSCTAnimationOffsetY() = function:00000143F58E01A8 SetSCTCloudAnimationOverlapPercent() = function:00000143F58E1E68 SetSCTEventVisualInfo() = function:00000143F58E04D0 SetSCTEventVisualInfoHideWhenValueIsZero() = function:00000143F58E1B30 SetSCTEventVisualInfoTextColor() = function:00000143F58E1A28 SetSCTEventVisualInfoTextFontSizes() = function:00000143F58E1928 SetSCTEventVisualInfoTextFormat() = function:00000143F58E1828 SetSCTGamepadFont() = function:00000143F58E03E8 SetSCTKeyboardFont() = function:00000143F58E0308 SetSCTSlotAnimationMinimumSpacing() = function:00000143F58E0A40 SetSCTSlotAnimationTimeline() = function:00000143F58E0948 SetSCTSlotClamping() = function:00000143F58E0860 SetSCTSlotEventControlScales() = function:00000143F58E13E8 SetSCTSlotEventTypeShown() = function:00000143F58E0B38 SetSCTSlotEventVisualInfo() = function:00000143F58E1730 SetSCTSlotGamepadCloud() = function:00000143F58E15C8 SetSCTSlotKeyboardCloud() = function:00000143F58E14D8 SetSCTSlotPosition() = function:00000143F58E0690 SetSCTSlotSourceReputationTypes() = function:00000143F58E12F0 SetSCTSlotTargetReputationTypes() = function:00000143F58E11F0 SetSCTSlotZoomedInPosition() = function:00000143F58E0778 SetSavedDyeSetDyes() = function:00000143CACA5668 SetSessionIgnore() = function:000001439D298E28 SetSetting() = function:00000143CACA9DD0 SetShouldRenderWorld() = function:00000143F58DF0B8 SetShowHiddenGear = function: Private SetTooltipText() = function:000001439CF8F7B0 SetTooltipToActionBarSlot() = function:00000143140BD8E0 SetTooltipToMountTrain() = function:00000143140BE520 SetTracked() = function:000001439D28E4F8 SetTrackedIsAssisted() = function:000001439D28E640 SetTradingHouseFilter() = function:000001439D296568 SetTradingHouseFilterRange() = function:000001439D2965D8 SetTutorialSeen() = function:00000143CACA0AE8 SetVeteranDifficulty() = function:000001439D2924A8 SetVideoCancelAllOnCancelAny() = function:00000143167B5420 SetWorldParticleEffectOrientation = function: Private SetWorldParticleEffectPosition = function: Private SetWorldParticleEffectScale = function: Private SetupDyeStampPreview() = function:00000143CACA58B0 SetupEditControlForNameValidation() = function:000001431D5678F8 SetupHouse() = function:000001439DBFD100 SetupSlotHandlers = table:000001431C6E2788 firstTable 1() = function:000001431C6E2630 2() = function:000001431C6E26B0 5() = function:000001431C6E26F8 7() = function:000001431C6E2740 ShareQuest() = function:000001439D28B218 SharedChatContainer = table:00000143CCBF3688 (meta 00000143CCBF36D0} firstTable firstMeta AddCombatWindow() = function:000001431D723228 AddDebugMessage() = function:000001431D7231A8 AddEventMessageToWindow() = function:000001431D723168 AddFadeInReference() = function:00000143ED3BF3F8 AddMessageToWindow() = function:00000143EA5485F8 AddRawTabForWindow() = function:00000143F9F20328 AddRawWindow() = function:00000143EA54B358 AddWindow() = function:000001431D7231E8 ApplyInsertIndicator() = function:000001434613A200 AreTimestampsEnabled() = function:00000143E1D4CBE8 CalculateConstraints() = function:000001434613A178 CanTakeTabDrop() = function:00000143EA536A00 CopyAnchors() = function:000001431D724B40 FadeIn() = function:00000143D70CFE28 FadeOut() = function:00000143C025A7C8 FinalizeWindowTransfer() = function:000001431D724C00 ForceWindowIntoView() = function:0000014314A44B98 GetBackgroundColor() = function:0000014314A4C5E8 GetChatFont() = function:00000143D9618DD0 GetChatFontFormatString() = function:00000143D9618D90 GetChatSystem() = function:000001439EAAF5F8 GetCurrentMaxScroll() = function:00000143EA534E00 GetMinAlpha() = function:0000014314A4C668 GetTabName() = function:0000014345CEBF08 HandleTabClick() = function:00000143F9F202E8 Initialize() = function:000001439D308EA8 InitializeScrolling() = function:00000143EA536A80 InitializeWindowManagement() = function:000001431C479A28 IsCombatLog() = function:000001439EAAF5B8 IsInteractive() = function:0000014314A44B58 IsLocked() = function:00000143ED3BF3B8 IsMouseInside() = function:00000143C025A748 IsPrimary() = function:00000143EA542088 IsScrolledUp() = function:00000143EA548578 LoadSettings() = function:000001439EAB6C78 LoadWindowSettings() = function:00000143E1D4CC90 MonitorForMouseExit() = function:00000143C025A788 MonitorTabMovement() = function:00000143EA52F7C8 New() = function:00000143CCBF3718 OnChatEvent() = function:00000143EA5485B8 OnDestroy() = function:0000014314117118 OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143C025A708 OnMoveStop() = function:00000143141171D8 OnResizeStart() = function:0000014314117158 OnResizeStop() = function:0000014314117198 PerformLayout() = function:00000143D70CFE70 PrepareTabDrop() = function:00000143EA53B698 RegisterCategoriesForWindow() = function:00000143EA54B398 RemoveFadeInReference() = function:00000143ED3BF438 RemoveWindow() = function:00000143EA542108 ResetMinAlphaToDefault() = function:0000014314A4C6A8 ResetToDefaults() = function:000001439EAB6BF8 SaveSettings() = function:000001431C4799A8 SaveWindowSettings() = function:000001431C479968 ScrollByOffset() = function:00000143EA534D80 ScrollToBottom() = function:00000143EA534DC0 SetAllowSaveSettings() = function:000001439EAB6CB8 SetAsPrimary() = function:00000143EA542048 SetBackgroundColor() = function:00000143ED3BF478 SetBufferColor() = function:000001439EAAF638 SetFontSize() = function:000001439EAAF578 SetInteractivity() = function:0000014314A44BD8 SetLocked() = function:00000143E1D4CC28 SetMinAlpha() = function:0000014314A4C628 SetScroll() = function:00000143EA534D40 SetTabName() = function:0000014345CEBF48 SetTimestampsEnabled() = function:000001439D308EE8 SetWindowFilterEnabled() = function:00000143EA54B418 ShowContextMenu() = function:000001431C4799E8 ShowOptions() = function:000001439EAB6C38 ShowOverflowedTabsDropdown() = function:000001439D308F40 ShowRemoveTabDialog() = function:00000143F9F202A8 StartDraggingTab() = function:00000143EA53E8B8 StopDraggingTab() = function:00000143EA536A40 StopTabDrop() = function:00000143EA5369C0 SyncScrollToBuffer() = function:00000143EA532DB8 TakeWindow() = function:000001431D724BC0 TransferWindow() = function:00000143EA53E838 UnregisterCategoriesForWindow() = function:00000143EA54B3D8 UpdateInteractivity() = function:0000014314A44B18 UpdateOverflowArrow() = function:000001434613A240 UpdateScrollButtons() = function:00000143EA532E38 UpdateScrollVisibility() = function:00000143EA532D78 UpdateTabIndices() = function:00000143EA5420C8 SharedChatSystem = table:00000143D9618E10 (meta 00000143C026CE90} firstTable firstMeta AcquireInsertIndicator() = function:00000143C025AFB8 AddCombatLog() = function:00000143C025E278 AddCommandPrefix() = function:00000143C0263610 AddMessage() = function:00000143BC4F80D8 AutoSendTextEntry() = function:0000014316AD44F0 CanSaveSettings() = function:000001431D72BA70 CloseAutoComplete() = function:00000143EA541818 CloseTextEntry() = function:00000143BC4F8530 CreateChannelData() = function:00000143C025C0F0 CreateChatContainer() = function:00000143BC4F8018 CreateNewChatTab() = function:00000143C02636D0 DestroyContainer() = function:00000143C0267888 FindNextTargetForCurrentChannel() = function:00000143BC4F8670 FindPreviousTargetForCurrentChannel() = function:00000143BC4F86B0 GetCategoryColorFromChannel() = function:0000014316AD4570 GetCategoryFromEvent() = function:00000143C026A0C0 GetCurrentChannelData() = function:00000143C0263550 GetEditControl() = function:00000143EA541858 GetFont() = function:00000143E1D3F530 GetFontSizeFromSetting() = function:00000143E1D3F5B0 GetFontSizeString() = function:00000143E1D3F570 GetMinAlpha() = function:00000143EA536590 GetTextEntryFontString() = function:00000143D70CB450 HandleNewTargetOnChannel() = function:00000143C026A040 HandleTryInsertLink() = function:00000143BC4F8098 HasUnreadMail() = function:00000143EA5418D8 Initialize() = function:00000143C026CF48 InitializeEventManagement() = function:00000143C025C098 InitializeSharedControlManagement() = function:00000143C025E808 IsAutoCompleteOpen() = function:00000143EA5417D8 IsMinimized() = function:00000143D70CB550 IsPinnable() = function:00000143D70CB590 IsTextEntryOpen() = function:00000143BC4F8118 LoadChatFromSettings() = function:00000143C025E7A0 Maximize() = function:00000143D70CB510 Minimize() = function:00000143D70CB4D0 MultipleContainersAllowed() = function:00000143BC4F7FD8 New() = function:00000143C026CED8 OnAgentChatActiveChanged() = function:00000143D70CB410 OnAutoCompleteEntrySelected() = function:00000143BC4F8570 OnChatEvent() = function:00000143B4BD2C18 OnLinkClicked() = function:00000143C0263690 OnNumNotificationsChanged() = function:00000143EA541898 OnNumOnlineFriendsChanged() = function:00000143D70CB490 OnNumUnreadMailChanged() = function:00000143EA541918 OnRawWindowCreated() = function:00000143C0267948 OnRawWindowDestroyed() = function:00000143C025E238 OnTextEntryChanged() = function:00000143BC4F8630 PrepareContainersTabDrop() = function:00000143C025E2F8 RedockContainersToPrimary() = function:000001431D72BA30 RegisterForCategory() = function:00000143C025B038 ReleaseInsertIndicator() = function:00000143C025AFF8 RemoveSavedContainer() = function:00000143C02678C8 ReplyToLastTarget() = function:0000014316AD4530 ResetAllColorsToDefault() = function:00000143EA536450 ResetChannelCategoryToDefault() = function:00000143EA536490 ResetContainerPositionAndSize() = function:00000143BC4F8058 ResetFontSizeToDefault() = function:00000143EA536510 ResetMinAlphaToDefault() = function:00000143EA541758 SaveLocalContainerSettings() = function:000001431D72BAB0 SetAllowMultipleContainers() = function:00000143BC4F7F98 SetChannel() = function:00000143C0263510 SetChannelCategoryColor() = function:00000143EA536408 SetCombatLogObject() = function:00000143C025E2B8 SetContainerExtents() = function:00000143C0263590 SetFontSize() = function:00000143EA5364D0 SetMinAlpha() = function:00000143EA536550 SetTextEntryFont() = function:00000143EA5363C8 SetupFonts() = function:00000143D70CB5D0 SetupSavedVars() = function:000001431D72B9F0 ShowPlayerContextMenu() = function:00000143C0263650 ShowTextEntryMenu() = function:00000143EA541798 StartNewChatNotification() = function:00000143C025B078 StartTextEntry() = function:0000014316AD44B0 StopContainersTabDrop() = function:00000143C025E338 SubmitTextEntry() = function:00000143BC4F84F0 TransferWindow() = function:00000143C0267908 TryNotificationAndMailBursts() = function:00000143C025E760 UnregisterFromCategory() = function:00000143C026A000 UpdateContainerIndices() = function:00000143B4BD2C60 UpdateTextEntryChannel() = function:00000143C02635D0 ValidateChatChannel() = function:00000143BC4F8158 ValidateSwitch() = function:00000143BC4F85F0 ValidateTargetName() = function:00000143BC4F85B0 SharedGamepadEntryTemplateSetup() = function:00000143063C45B8 ShouldDisplayGuildMemberRemoveAlert() = function:00000143CACAB740 ShouldDisplaySelfKickedFromGuildAlert() = function:00000143CACAB7C0 ShouldHideTooltipRequiredLevel() = function:00000143F58EA858 ShouldOpenURLTypeInOverlay = function: Private ShouldShowCurrencyInLootHistory() = function:00000143F58E5D98 ShouldShowEULA() = function:00000143CACAA208 ShouldShowGroupErrorInAlert() = function:00000143F1949808 ShouldShowGroupErrorInChat() = function:00000143C0261278 ShouldShowSocialErrorInAlert() = function:00000143F1949788 ShouldShowSocialErrorInChat() = function:00000143C0261238 ShowBuyCrownsDialog() = function:00000143F58E2040 ShowEsoPlusPage() = function:00000143F58E20B0 ShowGamepadHelpScreen() = function:00000143CE3F6E58 ShowMarketAndSearch() = function:00000143F58E1F58 ShowMarketProduct() = function:00000143F58E1EE8 ShowMenu() = function:00000143A131CC68 ShowMouse() = function:00000143CACA89A8 ShowRemoteBaseScene() = function:00000143CACADFE0 SiegeWeaponFire = function: Private SiegeWeaponPackUp = function: Private SiegeWeaponRelease = function: Private SkillTooltip = userdata:0000014429012BE0 (meta 000001430834FDB0} SkillTooltipBG = userdata:0000014429012C48 (meta 0000014308324730} SkillTooltipBGMungeOverlay = userdata:0000014429012CB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} SkillTooltipTopLevel = userdata:0000014429012B80 (meta 0000014308326048} SlashCommandAutoComplete = table:00000144D86349A8 (meta 00000144D86349F0} firstTable firstMeta GetAutoCompletionResults() = function:00000144D8634C58 Initialize() = function:00000144D8634AD8 InvalidateSlashCommandCache() = function:00000144D8634B70 New() = function:00000144D8634A68 __index = table:00000144D86349A8 (meta 00000144D86349F0} SlotSkillAbilityInSlot() = function:000001439D28ACB0 SpendPendingChampionPoints() = function:00000143F58DFB30 SplitString() = function:00000143CACA8568 StackBag() = function:00000143F58EAC10 StartBackgroundListFilter() = function:00000143CACB0030 StartBlock = function: Private StartChatInput() = function:00000143E1D3F5F0 StartCollectibleSearch() = function:00000143CACA1C18 StartCommandPet = function: Private StartDyesSearch() = function:00000143F58E5408 StartGroupFinderSearch() = function:00000143F58DC518 StartHelpSearch() = function:000001439D2AC830 StartHeraldryCustomization() = function:00000143F58DEDF0 StartMapPinAnimation() = function:000001439D2A8740 StartMouseSiegeWeaponAim = function: Private StartSettingChamber = function: Private StartSoulGemResurrection = function: Private StartWorldEffectOnPlayer = function: Private StartWorldParticleEffect = function: Private StopAllMovement() = function:000001439D28B960 StopBlock = function: Private StopCommandPet = function: Private StopMapPinAnimation() = function:000001439D28E780 StopMouseSiegeWeaponAim = function: Private StopSettingChamber = function: Private StopWorldParticleEffect = function: Private StowAllVirtualItems() = function:00000143F58E81D0 StrafeLeftStart = function: Private StrafeLeftStop = function: Private StrafeRightStart = function: Private StrafeRightStop = function: Private SubmitCustomerServiceTicket() = function:000001439D2AC3C0 SwitchGuestCampaign() = function:000001439D28DEE8 TAG_CATEGORY_FURNITURE_BEHAVIOR = 2 TAG_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TAG_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 2 TAG_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 2 TAG_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 TAG_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 TAG_CATEGORY_TREASURE_TYPE = 1 TELVAR_METER_GAMEPAD_BAR_OFFSET_X = -9 TELVAR_METER_GAMEPAD_BAR_OFFSET_Y = 15 TELVAR_METER_HEIGHT = 128 TELVAR_METER_KEYBOARD_BAR_OFFSET_X = 14 TELVAR_METER_KEYBOARD_BAR_OFFSET_Y = 18 TELVAR_METER_WIDTH = 256 TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM = 4 TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER = 1 TEXT_ALIGN_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TEXT_ALIGN_ITERATION_END = 4 TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT = 0 TEXT_ALIGN_MAX_VALUE = 4 TEXT_ALIGN_MIN_VALUE = 0 TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT = 2 TEXT_ALIGN_TOP = 3 TEXT_TYPE_ALL = 0 TEXT_TYPE_ALPHABETIC = 4 TEXT_TYPE_ALPHABETIC_NO_FULLWIDTH_LATIN = 5 TEXT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TEXT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 5 TEXT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 5 TEXT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TEXT_TYPE_NUMERIC = 2 TEXT_TYPE_NUMERIC_UNSIGNED_INT = 3 TEXT_TYPE_PASSWORD = 1 TEXT_WRAP_MODE_ELLIPSIS = 1 TEXT_WRAP_MODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TEXT_WRAP_MODE_ITERATION_END = 1 TEXT_WRAP_MODE_MAX_VALUE = 1 TEXT_WRAP_MODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TEXT_WRAP_MODE_TRUNCATE = 0 TEX_BLEND_MODE_ADD = 1 TEX_BLEND_MODE_ALPHA = 0 TEX_BLEND_MODE_COLOR_DODGE = 2 TEX_BLEND_MODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TEX_BLEND_MODE_ITERATION_END = 2 TEX_BLEND_MODE_MAX_VALUE = 2 TEX_BLEND_MODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TEX_MODE_CLAMP = 0 TEX_MODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TEX_MODE_ITERATION_END = 1 TEX_MODE_MAX_VALUE = 1 TEX_MODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TEX_MODE_WRAP = 1 TEX_RES_CHOICE_HIGH = 0 TEX_RES_CHOICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TEX_RES_CHOICE_ITERATION_END = 2 TEX_RES_CHOICE_LOW = 2 TEX_RES_CHOICE_MAX_VALUE = 2 TEX_RES_CHOICE_MEDIUM = 1 TEX_RES_CHOICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TEX_SAMPLE_PROCESSING_ALPHA_AS_RGB = 1 TEX_SAMPLE_PROCESSING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TEX_SAMPLE_PROCESSING_ITERATION_END = 1 TEX_SAMPLE_PROCESSING_MAX_VALUE = 1 TEX_SAMPLE_PROCESSING_MIN_VALUE = 0 TEX_SAMPLE_PROCESSING_RGB = 0 THIN_LEFT_PANEL_BG_FRAGMENT = table:000001436170C290 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} THIN_RIGHT_PANEL_BG_FRAGMENT = table:00000144280570E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014428057178 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014428057200 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BBE20 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014428057130 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden THIN_TALL_RIGHT_PANEL_BG_FRAGMENT = table:000001436170C438 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} TICKET_CATEGORY_CHARACTER_ISSUE = 839 TICKET_CATEGORY_ITEM_CANT_ACQUIRE = 853 TICKET_CATEGORY_ITEM_FROM_CROWN_STORE = 851 TICKET_CATEGORY_ITEM_LOST = 852 TICKET_CATEGORY_ITEM_MISSING_CROWNS = 850 TICKET_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 838 TICKET_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 853 TICKET_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 853 TICKET_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 838 TICKET_CATEGORY_OTHER = 838 TICKET_CATEGORY_QUEST_ITEM_MISSING = 848 TICKET_CATEGORY_QUEST_NPC_MOBS = 847 TICKET_CATEGORY_REPORT_BAD_NAME = 840 TICKET_CATEGORY_REPORT_CHEATING = 842 TICKET_CATEGORY_REPORT_DEFAULT = 845 TICKET_CATEGORY_REPORT_HARASSMENT = 841 TICKET_CATEGORY_REPORT_OTHER = 844 TICKET_CATEGORY_REPORT_SPAM = 843 TIMER_BAR_COUNTS_DOWN = 2 TIMER_BAR_COUNTS_UP = 1 TIME_FORMAT_DIRECTION_ASCENDING = 0 TIME_FORMAT_DIRECTION_DESCENDING = 1 TIME_FORMAT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TIME_FORMAT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 2 TIME_FORMAT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 2 TIME_FORMAT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 TIME_FORMAT_DIRECTION_NONE = 2 TIME_FORMAT_PRECISION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TIME_FORMAT_PRECISION_ITERATION_END = 6 TIME_FORMAT_PRECISION_MAX_VALUE = 6 TIME_FORMAT_PRECISION_MILLISECONDS = 5 TIME_FORMAT_PRECISION_MILLISECONDS_NO_HOURS_OR_DAYS = 6 TIME_FORMAT_PRECISION_MIN_VALUE = 0 TIME_FORMAT_PRECISION_SECONDS = 0 TIME_FORMAT_PRECISION_TENTHS = 1 TIME_FORMAT_PRECISION_TENTHS_RELEVANT = 2 TIME_FORMAT_PRECISION_TWELVE_HOUR = 3 TIME_FORMAT_PRECISION_TWENTY_FOUR_HOUR = 4 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_CAST_TIME = 4 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_CHANNEL_TIME = 6 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_CLOCK_TIME = 11 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_COLONS = 0 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_COOLDOWN_TIME = 5 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_DESCRIPTIVE = 7 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_DESCRIPTIVE_MINIMAL = 14 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_DESCRIPTIVE_MINIMAL_HIDE_ZEROES = 16 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_DESCRIPTIVE_MINIMAL_SHOW_TENTHS_SECS = 15 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_DESCRIPTIVE_SHORT = 8 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_DESCRIPTIVE_SHORT_SHOW_ZERO_SECS = 9 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_DURATION = 12 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_ITERATION_END = 17 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_MAX_VALUE = 17 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_RELATIVE_TIMESTAMP = 10 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_SHOW_LARGEST_TWO_UNITS = 17 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_SHOW_LARGEST_UNIT = 1 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_SHOW_LARGEST_UNIT_DESCRIPTIVE = 2 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_SHOW_LARGEST_UNIT_DESCRIPTIVE_COLOR = 13 TIME_FORMAT_STYLE_SHOW_LARGEST_UNIT_DESCRIPTIVE_SHORT = 3 TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F9CEF118 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} TOGGLE_BUTTON_CLOSED = false TOGGLE_BUTTON_OPEN = true TOGGLE_BUTTON_TYPE_BLADE = 1 TOGGLE_BUTTON_TYPE_LEFT_RIGHT = 4 TOGGLE_BUTTON_TYPE_MINIMAP = 5 TOGGLE_BUTTON_TYPE_MIN_MAX = 3 TOGGLE_BUTTON_TYPE_PADLOCK = 6 TOGGLE_BUTTON_TYPE_PADLOCK_GAMEPAD = 7 TOGGLE_BUTTON_TYPE_TREE = 2 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_CHARGES = 2 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_CONDITION = 6 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_DIVIDER = 3 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_EQUIPPED_INFO = 4 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_ITEM_ICON = 7 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_ITERATION_END = 8 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_MAX_VALUE = 8 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_MIN_VALUE = 0 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_NONE = 0 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_PROGRESSION = 5 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_SKILL_UPGRADE = 1 TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_STOLEN = 8 TOOLTIP_HEADER_SIDE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TOOLTIP_HEADER_SIDE_ITERATION_END = 1 TOOLTIP_HEADER_SIDE_LEFT = 0 TOOLTIP_HEADER_SIDE_MAX_VALUE = 1 TOOLTIP_HEADER_SIDE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TOOLTIP_HEADER_SIDE_RIGHT = 1 TOP = 1 TOPLEFT = 3 TOPLEVEL_LOCKS_UI_MODE = true TOPRIGHT = 9 TOP_BAR_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D017150 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} TRACKER_MAX_TRACKED = 25 TRACK_TYPE_INVALID = 0 TRACK_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TRACK_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 1 TRACK_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 1 TRACK_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TRACK_TYPE_QUEST = 1 TRADE = table:000001431347F550 (meta 00000143DDBEBB68} TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_ADD_ITEM_DUPLICATE = 65 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_DISABLED = 80 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_IGNORING_YOU = 1 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_INVALID_TRADE_SLOT = 61 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_ITEM_ADD_LOCKED = 62 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_ITEM_IS_BOUND = 63 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_ITEM_IS_STOLEN = 66 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_ITEM_UNIQUE_FROM_OTHER = 45 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 80 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 80 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_NEED_ALLIANCE_FOR_TRADE = 8 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_NEED_PLAYER_FOR_TRADE = 7 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_CONSIDERING_TRADE_INVITE = 10 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_EMPTY_SLOTS = 46 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_SLOTS = 64 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_TRADING = 20 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_WAITING_TRADE_INVITE = 11 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_OTHER_HAS_TOO_MUCH_MONEY = 44 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_OTHER_IS_MISSING_MONEY = 42 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_OTHER_PLAYER_MISSING = 21 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_PARTICIPANT_IS_DEAD = 14 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_SUCCESS = 40 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_IS_TRADING = 9 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_TOO_FAR_TO_TRADE = 6 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_TRADE_INVITE_ALREADY_SENT = 0 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_TRADE_INVITE_FAILED = 12 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_TRADE_INVITE_PENDING = 2 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_TRADE_INVITE_WHEN_ACTIVE = 3 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_TRADE_SELF_ERROR = 5 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_TRADE_TARGET_REQUIRED = 4 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_UKNOWN_ITEM = 60 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_YOU_ARE_BUSY = 13 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_YOU_ARE_MISSING_MONEY = 41 TRADE_ACTION_RESULT_YOU_HAVE_TOO_MUCH_MONEY = 43 TRADE_CONFIRM_ACCEPT = 1 TRADE_CONFIRM_EDIT = 0 TRADE_CONFIRM_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TRADE_CONFIRM_ITERATION_END = 1 TRADE_CONFIRM_MAX_VALUE = 1 TRADE_CONFIRM_MIN_VALUE = 0 TRADE_DELAY_TIME = 2000 TRADE_FRAGMENT = table:00000144081A3438 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} TRADE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TRADE_ITERATION_END = 1 TRADE_MAX_VALUE = 1 TRADE_ME = 0 TRADE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TRADE_NUM_SLOTS = 5 TRADE_STATE_IDLE = 0 TRADE_STATE_INVITE_CONSIDERING = 2 TRADE_STATE_INVITE_WAITING = 1 TRADE_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TRADE_STATE_ITERATION_END = 3 TRADE_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 3 TRADE_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TRADE_STATE_TRADING = 3 TRADE_THEM = 1 TRADE_WINDOW = table:00000143D7683CA8 (meta 00000143D76838D0} firstTable firstMeta state = 0 TRADE_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:000001439FC50188 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} TRADING_HOUSE = table:000001431BD4C5B0 (meta 00000143553A9740} TRADING_HOUSE_CREATE_LISTING_GAMEPAD = table:00000143CB53BE98 (meta 00000143CB529A20} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143CB529B40 (meta 0000014308326048} focusMode = 1 isInitialized = false listingFee = 0 listingPrice = 0 TRADING_HOUSE_CREATE_LISTING_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:00000143CB53BEE0 (meta 00000144C79BED68} TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_ALL_LEVEL = 10 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_ARMOR = 3 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_CHAMPION_POINTS = 8 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_ENCHANTMENT = 9 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_EQUIP = 0 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_FURNITURE_CATEGORY = 11 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_FURNITURE_SUBCATEGORY = 12 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_ITEM = 1 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 13 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_LEVEL = 6 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 13 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_PRICE = 7 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_QUALITY = 5 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_SPECIALIZED_ITEM = 13 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_TRAIT = 4 TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TYPE_WEAPON = 2 TRADING_HOUSE_FRAGMENT = table:00000143CB50C410 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} TRADING_HOUSE_GAMEPAD = table:00000143CDD398A8 (meta 00000143CDD2C2B0} TRADING_HOUSE_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:00000143CDD39AB0 (meta 00000144C79BED68} TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_AWAITING_INITIAL_STATUS = 17 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_CANCEL_SALE_PENDING = 20 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_CANT_AFFORD_BUYPRICE = 13 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_CANT_AFFORD_POST_FEE = 7 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_CANT_BUY_YOUR_OWN_POSTS = 19 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_CANT_POST_BOUND = 6 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_CANT_POST_LOCKED = 25 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_CANT_POST_STOLEN = 23 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_CANT_SELL_FOR_FREE = 21 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_CANT_SELL_FOR_OVER_MAX_AMOUNT = 22 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_CANT_SWITCH_GUILDS_WHILE_AWAITING_RESPONSE = 16 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_CAN_ONLY_POST_FROM_BACKPACK = 9 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_GUILD_TOO_SMALL = 12 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_INVALID_GUILD_ID = 10 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_FOUND = 5 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 25 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_LISTINGS_PENDING = 15 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 25 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_NOT_A_MEMBER = 2 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_NOT_IN_A_GUILD = 24 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_NOT_OPEN = 1 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_NO_PERMISSION = 11 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_POST_PENDING = 4 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_PURCHASE_PENDING = 18 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_SEARCH_PENDING = 14 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_SEARCH_RATE_EXCEEDED = 8 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 TRADING_HOUSE_RESULT_TOO_MANY_POSTS = 3 TRADING_HOUSE_SCENE = table:000001431BD4C670 (meta 00000144C79BED68} TRADING_HOUSE_SORT_EXPIRY_TIME = 1 TRADING_HOUSE_SORT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 TRADING_HOUSE_SORT_ITERATION_END = 3 TRADING_HOUSE_SORT_MAX_VALUE = 3 TRADING_HOUSE_SORT_MIN_VALUE = 1 TRADING_HOUSE_SORT_REQUIRED_LEVEL = 3 TRADING_HOUSE_SORT_SALE_PRICE = 2 TRADING_HOUSE_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:000001439FC50260 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} TRANSLATE_ANIMATION_DELTA_TYPE_FROM_END = 1 TRANSLATE_ANIMATION_DELTA_TYPE_FROM_START = 0 TRANSLATE_ANIMATION_DELTA_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TRANSLATE_ANIMATION_DELTA_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 1 TRANSLATE_ANIMATION_DELTA_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 1 TRANSLATE_ANIMATION_DELTA_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TREASURE_MAP = table:000001448F8973F0 (meta 000001448F896E48} firstTable firstMeta image = userdata:000001448F8973E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TREASURE_MAP_FRAGMENT = table:000001431BD60C08 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} TREASURE_MAP_INVENTORY_SCENE = table:000001448F8974E8 (meta 0000014368607700} TREASURE_MAP_QUICK_SLOT_SCENE = table:000001448F897638 (meta 0000014368607700} TREASURE_MAP_SOUNDS = table:000001432086B4F0 (meta 0000014320DB9F78} TREES = table:000001431679FC00 (meta 000001431679F310} firstTable firstMeta trees = table:000001431679FC48 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D93A7F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 10 = table:00000143D6A59388 (meta 000001431679AD50} 11 = table:00000144C1B7D628 (meta 000001431679AD50} 12 = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 13 = table:00000143F98ED488 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:00000143F98ED568 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143F98ED6C8 m_Active = table:00000143F98ED750 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F98ED628 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_LoreLibraryNavigationContainerScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:00000143F98EC800 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:00000143F98EC800 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 40 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:00000143F98ED518 openAnimationPool = table:00000143F98EDA08 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F98EDA50 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143F98ED9C0 m_Free = table:00000143F98EDA98 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143F4425FD8 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:00000143F98ED708 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:00000143F98ED488 (meta 000001431679AD50} scrollControl = userdata:00000144D078BD58 (meta 00000143F98EC858} suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:00000143F98ED4D0 firstTable ZO_LabelHeader = table:00000143F98ED818 firstTable childSpacing = 0 equalityFunction() = function:00000143F98ED7D8 objectPool = table:00000143F98ED860 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F98ED8A8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F98ED8F0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_LoreLibraryNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_LabelHeader parent = userdata:00000143F98EC800 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_LabelHeader setupFunction() = function:00000143F98ED798 template = ZO_LabelHeader ZO_LoreLibraryNavigationEntry = table:000001439D6A3A38 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000144C1B60580 objectPool = table:00000143CFFE0048 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143DB1DBCA0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D7671D70 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_LoreLibraryNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_LoreLibraryNavigationEntry parent = userdata:00000143F98EC800 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_LoreLibraryNavigationEntry selectionFunction() = function:00000143F98ED978 setupFunction() = function:00000143F98ED938 template = ZO_LoreLibraryNavigationEntry width = 385 14 = table:00000143F990C3C8 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:00000143F990C4E0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143F990C640 m_Active = table:00000143F990C6C8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F990C5A0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_SkillsNavigationContainerScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:00000143F990A0C0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:00000143F990A0C0 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 74 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:00000143F990C458 openAnimationPool = table:000001430FD7A748 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:000001430FD78DC8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143E1D27E20 m_Free = table:00000143F98ED2A8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000144C1B84968 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:00000143F990C680 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:00000143F990C3C8 (meta 000001431679AD50} scrollControl = userdata:00000143F9909D60 (meta 00000143F990A1C0} suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:00000143F990C410 firstTable ZO_SkillIconHeader = table:00000143F990C750 firstTable childSpacing = 0 equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:00000143F990C798 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F990C7E0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F990C828 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_SkillsNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_SkillIconHeader parent = userdata:00000143F990A0C0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_SkillIconHeader setupFunction() = function:00000143F990C710 template = ZO_SkillIconHeader ZO_SkillsNavigationEntry = table:00000143F9908B48 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143F990B710 objectPool = table:00000143F99080E0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001447D45EB28 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C1B84920 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_SkillsNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_SkillsNavigationEntry parent = userdata:00000143F990A0C0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_SkillsNavigationEntry selectionFunction() = function:00000143F990CB58 setupFunction() = function:00000143F990CB18 template = ZO_SkillsNavigationEntry width = 300 15 = table:000001431347D6B8 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:000001431347D7D0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:000001431347CF28 m_Active = table:000001431347CB58 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431347D860 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HelpNavigationContainerScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:00000143134579B8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:00000143134579B8 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:000001431347D748 openAnimationPool = table:0000014313462740 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014313462788 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143134632C0 m_Free = table:00000143134627D0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014313463340 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:000001431347CF68 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:000001431347D6B8 (meta 000001431679AD50} scrollControl = userdata:0000014369124778 (meta 0000014313457AB0} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143D4A75DE0 (meta 00000143D4A75E38} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000014369124778 (meta 0000014313457AB0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:0000014313457E98 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:0000014313457840 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:00000143134577C0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:0000014313457F10 (meta 00000143134578F8} timeline = userdata:00000143D4A75DB0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:000001431347D700 firstTable ZO_Help_Header = table:000001431347CC20 firstTable childSpacing = 0 equalityFunction() = function:000001431347CBE0 objectPool = table:000001431347CFB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431347CFF8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431347D040 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HelpNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_Help_Header parent = userdata:00000143134579B8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_Help_Header setupFunction() = function:000001431347CBA0 template = ZO_Help_Header ZO_Help_NavigationEntry = table:0000014313462BE8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:0000014313462BA8 objectPool = table:0000014313462C30 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014313462C78 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014313462CF0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HelpNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_Help_NavigationEntry parent = userdata:00000143134579B8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_Help_NavigationEntry selectionFunction() = function:0000014313462B60 setupFunction() = function:0000014313462B20 template = ZO_Help_NavigationEntry width = 350 16 = table:000001431346C468 (meta 000001431679AD50} 17 = table:000001431664EE10 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:000001431664EF28 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:000001431664F060 m_Active = table:000001431664F0E8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431664EFB8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelNavigationContainerScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:00000143F98FE750 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:00000143F98FE750 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:000001431664EEA0 openAnimationPool = table:00000143F98FCB38 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014313461E40 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143F98FCC40 m_Free = table:00000143F98FD490 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143E1D275B0 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:000001431664F0A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:000001431664EE10 (meta 000001431679AD50} scrollControl = userdata:00000143F98FD760 (meta 00000143F99005D8} suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:000001431664EE58 firstTable ZO_IconHeader = table:000001431664F1B0 firstTable childSpacing = 0 equalityFunction() = function:000001431664F170 objectPool = table:000001431664F1F8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431664F240 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431664F288 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_IconHeader parent = userdata:00000143F98FE750 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_IconHeader setupFunction() = function:000001431664F130 template = ZO_IconHeader ZO_ProvisionerNavigationEntry = table:000001442808FE28 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143D5FD6818 objectPool = table:00000143F98FD028 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F98FD0A8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F99019B8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_ProvisionerNavigationEntry parent = userdata:00000143F98FE750 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_ProvisionerNavigationEntry selectionFunction() = function:00000143F98E1848 setupFunction() = function:00000143EA91D090 template = ZO_ProvisionerNavigationEntry width = 535 18 = table:000001431037A250 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:000001431037A368 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:000001431037A4C0 m_Active = table:000001431037A548 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431037A428 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_PlayerEmote_KeyboardCategoriesContainer parent = userdata:00000143103799A8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:00000143103799A8 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:000001431037A2E0 rootNode = table:000001431037A500 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:000001431037A250 (meta 000001431679AD50} suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:000001431037A298 firstTable ZO_IconChildlessHeader = table:000001431037A640 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:000001431037A688 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431037A6D0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431037A718 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_PlayerEmote_KeyboardCategoriesZO_IconChildlessHeader parent = userdata:00000143103799A8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_IconChildlessHeader selectionFunction() = function:0000014310379AA8 setupFunction() = function:000001431037A590 template = ZO_IconChildlessHeader width = 280 19 = table:00000143207CD560 (meta 000001431679AD50} 2 = table:000001447375AC18 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:000001447375CD10 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143BC4EB030 m_Active = table:00000144DD76B6F0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143BC4EDDE0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_DungeonFinder_KeyboardListSectionScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:00000143A44B07C0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:00000143A44B07C0 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = false exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:000001430987D4A8 openAnimationPool = table:00000143F9F236F8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E4C51850 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000001431D983C68 m_Free = table:00000143E4C51A28 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143F9F21C20 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:00000143BC4F5528 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:000001447375AC18 (meta 000001431679AD50} scrollControl = userdata:00000143A44B2520 (meta 000001431DA02390} suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:00000143BC4EC5D8 firstTable ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationEntry_Keyboard = table:000001431D97D400 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143E4C57B50 objectPool = table:000001431D980858 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431D982940 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431D9829D0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_DungeonFinder_KeyboardListSectionScrollChildZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationEntry_Keyboard parent = userdata:00000143A44B07C0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationEntry_Keyboard setupFunction() = function:00000144DD76AAF8 template = ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationEntry_Keyboard ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationHeader_Keyboard = table:00000144DD769208 firstTable childSpacing = 0 equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:00000144DD768498 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144DD7636F0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144DD763790 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_DungeonFinder_KeyboardListSectionScrollChildZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationHeader_Keyboard parent = userdata:00000143A44B07C0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationHeader_Keyboard setupFunction() = function:000001430987D2E0 template = ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationHeader_Keyboard width = 600 20 = table:00000143103545E0 (meta 000001431679AD50} 21 = table:00000143D4A618D0 (meta 000001431679AD50} 22 = table:0000014313E0B578 (meta 000001431679AD50} 23 = table:00000143CDD20098 (meta 000001431679AD50} 24 = table:00000143E1E400A0 (meta 000001431679AD50} 25 = table:00000143E1E43C78 (meta 000001431679AD50} 26 = table:00000143E10E6848 (meta 000001431679AD50} 27 = table:00000143E10E9DD8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 3 = table:00000144DD767338 (meta 000001431679AD50} 4 = table:00000144648260A8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 5 = table:00000143C0271128 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:00000143B4BD5D68 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143B4BD4428 m_Active = table:00000143B4BCFFE0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B4BD5E28 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GameMenu_InGameNavigationContainerScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:00000143B14144D8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:00000143B14144D8 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 30 defaultSpacing = 8 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:00000143B4BD5D18 openAnimationPool = table:00000143B4BCF9F0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B4BD0148 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143B4BCF968 m_Free = table:00000143B4BCFA80 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143B4BCF9B0 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation previousRoot = table:00000143B4BD4468 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = 8 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:00000143C0271128 (meta 000001431679AD50} rootNode = table:00000143B4BCFAC8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = 8 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:00000143C0271128 (meta 000001431679AD50} scrollControl = userdata:00000143B1414028 (meta 00000143B14145E0} suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:00000143B4BD5CD0 firstTable ZO_GameMenu_ChildlessHeader = table:00000143B1415620 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:00000143B1415668 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B4BD0028 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B14156F8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GameMenu_InGameNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_GameMenu_ChildlessHeader parent = userdata:00000143B14144D8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_GameMenu_ChildlessHeader setupFunction() = function:00000143B4BF8380 template = ZO_GameMenu_ChildlessHeader ZO_GameMenu_ChildlessHeader_WithSelectedState = table:00000143B1415CD8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:00000143B1415D20 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B4BD00B8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B1415DB0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GameMenu_InGameNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_GameMenu_ChildlessHeader_WithSelectedState parent = userdata:00000143B14144D8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_GameMenu_ChildlessHeader_WithSelectedState selectionFunction() = function:00000143B4BD5640 setupFunction() = function:00000143B4BF8380 template = ZO_GameMenu_ChildlessHeader_WithSelectedState ZO_GameMenu_LabelHeader = table:00000143B4BD5680 firstTable childSpacing = 5 equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:00000143B4BD56C8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B4BD0100 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B1415098 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GameMenu_InGameNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_GameMenu_LabelHeader parent = userdata:00000143B14144D8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_GameMenu_LabelHeader setupFunction() = function:00000143B4BD42D8 template = ZO_GameMenu_LabelHeader ZO_GameMenu_SubCategory = table:00000143B1415DF8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:00000143B14152D0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B4BD0070 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B1415908 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GameMenu_InGameNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_GameMenu_SubCategory parent = userdata:00000143B14144D8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_GameMenu_SubCategory selectionFunction() = function:00000143B4BD5640 setupFunction() = function:00000143B4BD4360 template = ZO_GameMenu_SubCategory width = 285 6 = table:0000014369126120 (meta 000001431679AD50} 7 = table:00000143E631A3A0 (meta 000001431679AD50} 8 = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} 9 = table:00000143DFA55B00 (meta 000001431679AD50} TREE_UNDERLAY_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D019A60 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} TRIAL_ACCOUNT_SPLASH_DIALOG = table:00000143D4A797E0 (meta 00000143D4A75040} firstTable firstMeta accountTypeId = 0 control = userdata:00000143D4A75160 (meta 0000014308326048} description = dialogDescription = userdata:00000143D4A77250 (meta 00000143083425C0} dialogInfo = table:00000143D4A799D8 firstTable buttons = table:00000143D4A79B10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4A79B88 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D4A79958 clickSound = Dialog_Accept control = userdata:00000143D4A78C00 (meta 00000143D4A78D58} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 249 customControl = userdata:00000143D4A75160 (meta 0000014308326048} noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143D4A79958 title = table:00000143D4A79AC8 firstTable dialogPane = userdata:00000143D4A76CA0 (meta 00000143D4A78980} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143D4A78A70 (meta 00000143D4A78AC8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143D4A76CA0 (meta 00000143D4A78980} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000143D4A76D18 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:00000143D4A76FB0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:00000143D4A76F30 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:00000143D4A76D98 (meta 00000143D4A77068} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143D4A77010 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143D4A76FE0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:00000143D4A78A40 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 dialogScrollChild = userdata:00000143D4A77128 (meta 000001430831E750} seenVersion = 0 title = version = 0 TRIAL_RESTRICTION_CANNOT_USE_GUILDS = 4 TRIAL_RESTRICTION_CANNOT_WHISPER = 2 TRIAL_RESTRICTION_CANNOT_ZONE_YELL = 1 TRIAL_RESTRICTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TRIAL_RESTRICTION_ITERATION_END = 4 TRIAL_RESTRICTION_MAX_VALUE = 4 TRIAL_RESTRICTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 TRIAL_RESTRICTION_NO_RESTRICTION = 0 TRIAL_RESTRICTION_WHISPER_FRIENDS_ONLY = 3 TRISTATE_CHECK_BUTTON_CHECKED = 1 TRISTATE_CHECK_BUTTON_INDETERMINATE = 3 TRISTATE_CHECK_BUTTON_UNCHECKED = 2 TUTORIAL_ENABLED_SETTING_ID = 32 TUTORIAL_SHOW_OPTIONS_ALL = 2 TUTORIAL_SHOW_OPTIONS_GAMEPAD = 1 TUTORIAL_SHOW_OPTIONS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TUTORIAL_SHOW_OPTIONS_ITERATION_END = 2 TUTORIAL_SHOW_OPTIONS_KEYBOARD = 0 TUTORIAL_SHOW_OPTIONS_MAX_VALUE = 2 TUTORIAL_SHOW_OPTIONS_MIN_VALUE = 0 TUTORIAL_SUPPRESSED_BY_LOOT = 2 TUTORIAL_SUPPRESSED_BY_SCENE = 1 TUTORIAL_SYSTEM = table:00000143F98EC418 (meta 00000143F98E9618} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143F28D8380 (meta 0000014308326048} tutorialHandlers = table:00000143F98EC490 firstTable 0 = table:00000143F98E4D38 (meta 00000144C303F1C8} firstTable firstMeta hiddenReasons = table:00000143F28D8AE0 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable lastUpdate = 19431798 queue = table:00000143F98E19C8 firstTable tutorial = userdata:00000143F28D8B88 (meta 00000143083425C0} tutorialAnimation = userdata:00000143F98EC480 (meta 0000014308367FC0} 1 = table:00000143F98E1A40 (meta 00000143EA937DE8} firstTable firstMeta hiddenReasons = table:00000143F98E1A88 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:00000143F98EB178 firstTable inactive = true lastUpdate = 19431798 queue = table:00000143F98EA100 firstTable suppressedByScene = false tutorial = userdata:00000143F98EAAC8 (meta 00000143F98EADB0} tutorialAnimation = 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TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ACQUIRED_COLLECTIBLE = 133 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ALCHEMY_OPENED = 34 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ALCHEMY_STATION_OIL_SLOTTED = 163 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ATTEMPTED_TO_FISH_WITHOUT_BAIT = 39 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_AVA_FAST_TRAVEL = 29 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_BANK_FULL_NO_ESO_PLUS = 179 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_BANK_OPENED_AS_SUBSCRIBER = 180 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_BANK_OVERFULL = 178 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_BATTLE_LEVEL_ZONE_ENTERED = 148 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_BATTLE_LEVEL_ZONE_ENTERED_VETERAN = 149 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_BLACKSMITHING_CREATION_OPENED = 35 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_BLACKSMITHING_DECONSTRUCTION_OPENED = 45 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_BLACKSMITHING_IMPROVEMENT_OPENED = 36 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_BLACKSMITHING_REFINEMENT_OPENED = 91 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_BLACKSMITHING_RESEARCH_OPENED = 46 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_BOUNTY_ADDED = 119 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CADWELLS_ALMANAC_OPENED = 76 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CAMPAIGN_AVAILABLE_TO_ENTER = 90 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_OPENED = 73 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_OPENED = 75 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CHAMPION_POINT_GAINED = 124 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CHAMPION_RANK_UP = 79 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CHAMPION_SYSTEM_UNLOCKED = 123 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CHAMPION_UI_SHOWN = 125 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CLOTHIER_CREATION_OPENED = 86 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CLOTHIER_DECONSTRUCTION_OPENED = 88 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CLOTHIER_IMPROVEMENT_OPENED = 87 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CLOTHIER_REFINEMENT_OPENED = 93 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CLOTHIER_RESEARCH_OPENED = 89 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_COLLECTIONS_DLC_OPENED_AS_SUBSCRIBER = 182 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_COLLECTIONS_OPENED = 134 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_COMBAT_MONSTER_DIFFICULTY = 103 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_COMBAT_ROOTED = 101 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_COMBAT_SKILLS_OPENED = 15 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_COMBAT_STATUS_EFFECT = 104 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_COMBAT_STUNNED = 102 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CONTACTS_OPENED = 24 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CONTROLLING_SIEGE = 25 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CRAFT_BAG_ITEM_GAINED = 151 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CRAFT_BAG_OPENED = 152 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CREATIA_RETRAIT_FIRST_CONTACT = 184 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_CONSUMABLE_PURCHASED = 136 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_CRATE_UI_OPENED = 167 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_GEMS_GAINED = 166 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_STORE_PRODUCT_PURCHASED_1 = 153 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_STORE_PRODUCT_PURCHASED_10 = 162 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_STORE_PRODUCT_PURCHASED_2 = 154 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_STORE_PRODUCT_PURCHASED_3 = 155 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_STORE_PRODUCT_PURCHASED_4 = 156 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_STORE_PRODUCT_PURCHASED_5 = 157 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_STORE_PRODUCT_PURCHASED_6 = 158 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_STORE_PRODUCT_PURCHASED_7 = 159 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_STORE_PRODUCT_PURCHASED_8 = 160 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_CROWN_STORE_PRODUCT_PURCHASED_9 = 161 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DAILY_QUEST_ADDED = 94 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DAMAGED_EQUIPMENT_REDUCING_EFFECTIVENESS = 58 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DEATH_AVA = 26 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DEATH_PVE = 27 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DECONSTRUCTION_LEVEL_PENALTY = 113 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DEPRECATED1 = 106 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DEPRECATED2 = 107 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DISCOVERED_GROUP_DUNGEON = 56 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DISCOVERED_PUBLIC_DUNGEON = 57 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DISREPUTABLE_REACHED = 131 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DYEING_OPENED = 98 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DYEING_OPENED_AS_SUBSCRIBER = 181 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_DYE_STAMP_CONFIRMATION_SEEN = 165 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_EARNED_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 2 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_EIDETIC_MEMORY = 112 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_EMOTES_MENU_OPENED = 150 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENCHANTING_CREATION_OPENED = 32 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENCHANTING_EXTRACTION_OPENED = 33 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENLIGHTENED_STATE_GAINED = 114 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENLIGHTENED_STATE_LOST = 115 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENTERED_BATTLEGROUND_CAPTURE_THE_FLAG = 172 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENTERED_BATTLEGROUND_CRAZY_KING = 176 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENTERED_BATTLEGROUND_DEATHMATCH = 173 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENTERED_BATTLEGROUND_DOMINATION = 175 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENTERED_BATTLEGROUND_KING_OF_THE_HILL = 174 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENTERED_BATTLEGROUND_MURDERBALL = 177 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENTERED_EDITABLE_HOME = 168 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENTERED_OBJECTIVE_CAPTURE_AREA = 72 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ENTERED_OWNED_HOUSE_AS_SUBSCRIBER = 183 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_EQUIPMENT_DAMAGED = 50 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_EQUIPMENT_OUT_OF_CHARGES = 59 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_EQUIPPED_ANY_ARMOR = 61 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_EQUIPPED_ANY_WEAPON = 60 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_FENCE_OPENED = 117 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_FUGITIVE_REACHED = 132 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_BATTLE_STANDARD_ITEM = 99 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_BIND_ON_EQUIP_ITEM = 81 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_CRAFTING_MATERIAL = 37 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_DISGUISE = 49 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_EMPTY_SOUL_GEM = 105 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_FORWARD_CAMP_ITEM = 69 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_SIEGE_BALLISTA_ITEM = 66 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_SIEGE_CATAPULT_ITEM = 68 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_SIEGE_MASONRY_KIT = 63 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_SIEGE_MONSTER_ITEM = 70 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_SIEGE_OIL_ITEM = 71 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_SIEGE_RAM_ITEM = 67 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_SIEGE_TREBUCHET_ITEM = 65 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_SIEGE_WOODWORKING_KIT = 64 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GAINED_SOUL_GEM = 62 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GROUP_CHAT = 109 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GROUP_TOOLS_OPENED = 41 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GUILDS_HERALDRY_OPENED = 100 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GUILDS_HOME_OPENED = 42 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GUILDS_ROSTER_OPENED = 43 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GUILD_BANK_OPENED = 44 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_GUILD_CHAT = 110 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_HELP_CUSTOMER_SUPPORT_OPENED = 78 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_HELP_TUTORIALS_OPENED = 77 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_IMPORTANT_DIALOGUE = 111 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_INCOMING_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_NOTIFICATION = 38 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_INVENTORY_FULL = 4 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_INVENTORY_OPENED = 3 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_INVENTORY_OPENED_AND_QUICKSLOTS_AVAILABLE = 5 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_INVENTORY_OPENED_AND_STOLEN_ITEMS_PRESENT = 122 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_INVENTORY_OPENED_AND_WEAPON_SETS_AVAILABLE = 6 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ITERATION_END = 185 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_JOURNAL_OPENED = 7 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_LAUNDER_OPENED = 118 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_LEADERBOARDS_OPENED = 74 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_LEVEL_UP = 28 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_LIVESTOCK_TARGETED = 129 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_LOCKPICKING_OPENED = 8 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_LORE_LIBRARY_OPENED = 9 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_MAELSTROM_ARENA_ZONE_ENTERED = 143 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_MAIL_OPENED = 10 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_MAIL_OPENED_AND_FULL = 11 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_MAP_OPENED_AVA = 55 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_MAP_OPENED_BATTLEGROUND = 171 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_MAP_OPENED_PVE = 54 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_MARKET_OPENED = 135 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_MAX_VALUE = 185 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_MIN_VALUE = 0 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_MOUNTED = 137 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_MOUNT_SET = 48 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_NONE = 0 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_NON_SUBSCRIBER_LIMIT_REACHED = 170 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_NOTIFICATIONS_OPENED = 19 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_NOTORIOUS_REACHED = 130 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_OPENED_EDITOR = 169 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_OWNED_LOCK_VIEWED = 121 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_PICKPOCKET_PROMPT_VIEWED = 120 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_POISON_EQUIPPED = 164 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_PROVISIONING_OPENED = 31 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_PURCHASED_ABILITY = 52 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_PURCHASED_PASSIVE_ABILITY = 80 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_PURCHASED_ULTIMATE_ABILITY = 53 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_PVE_FAST_TRAVEL = 30 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_RAID_TRIAL_COMPLETED = 97 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_RAID_TRIAL_FAILED = 96 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_RAID_TRIAL_STARTED = 95 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_RECEIVED_MAIL = 21 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_RECEIVED_WHISPER = 20 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_REFUGE_ENTERED = 127 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_RETRAIT_STATION_OPENED = 185 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_RIDING_SKILL_MANAGEMENT_OPENED = 12 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_SCALEABLE_REGION_ENTERED = 116 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_SKYSHARDS_DISCOVERED = 51 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_STATS_OPENED = 13 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_STATS_OPENED_AND_ATTRIBUTE_POINTS_UNSPENT = 14 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_STOLEN_ITEM_EQUIPPED = 128 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_STOLEN_ITEM_TARGETED = 126 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_STORE_OPENED = 18 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_TELVAR_STONES_GAINED = 140 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_TELVAR_THRESHOLD_CROSSED = 141 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_TELVAR_ZONE_ENTERED = 142 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_TRADESKILLS_OPENED = 16 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_TRADE_OPENED = 17 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_TRESPASS_SUBZONE_ENTERED = 144 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_TRESPASS_SUBZONE_EXITED_WITH_BOUNTY = 147 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_TWO_FAST_TRAVEL_NODES = 1 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ULTIMATE_AVAILABLE = 108 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_ITEM = 145 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_VOICE_CHAT_OPEN_CHANNELS = 138 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_VOICE_CHAT_OPEN_HISTORY = 139 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_WEAPON_SWAPPING_UNLOCKED = 47 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_WOODWORKING_CREATION_OPENED = 82 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_WOODWORKING_DECONSTRUCTION_OPENED = 84 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_WOODWORKING_IMPROVEMENT_OPENED = 83 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_WOODWORKING_REFINEMENT_OPENED = 92 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_WOODWORKING_RESEARCH_OPENED = 85 TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_YOUR_GROUP_OPENED = 40 TUTORIAL_TYPE_DEPRECATED_3 = 3 TUTORIAL_TYPE_HUD_BRIEF = 0 TUTORIAL_TYPE_HUD_INFO_BOX = 1 TUTORIAL_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 TUTORIAL_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 TUTORIAL_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 TUTORIAL_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 TUTORIAL_TYPE_UI_INFO_BOX = 2 TakeLoot() = function:00000143F4562118 TakeMailAttachedItems() = function:000001439D2A9F60 TakeMailAttachedMoney() = function:000001439D2A9FD0 TakeScreenshot() = 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firstMeta firstIndex slotControlType = listSlot TheirTradeWindowSlot2BG = userdata:00000143CFFE8BA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot2BGRight = userdata:00000143CFFE8C10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot2Button = userdata:00000143CFFE8CF8 (meta 00000143CFFE87A0} firstMeta firstIndex slotIndex = 2 slotType = 5 tooltipAnchor = userdata:00000143CFFDA5F0 (meta 00000143F194E510} TheirTradeWindowSlot2ButtonCooldown = userdata:00000143CFFE86D8 (meta 0000014308316C08} TheirTradeWindowSlot2ButtonIcon = userdata:00000143CFFE85E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot2ButtonStackCount = userdata:00000143CFFE8660 (meta 00000143083425C0} TheirTradeWindowSlot2Highlight = userdata:00000143CFFE8C88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot2Name = userdata:00000143CFFE8748 (meta 00000143083425C0} TheirTradeWindowSlot3 = userdata:00000143CFFE8860 (meta 00000143F194D818} TheirTradeWindowSlot3BG = userdata:00000143F194E1F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot3BGRight = userdata:00000143F194E268 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot3Button = userdata:00000143F194E080 (meta 00000143F194DE78} firstMeta firstIndex slotIndex = 3 slotType = 5 tooltipAnchor = userdata:00000143CFFE8860 (meta 00000143F194D818} firstMeta firstIndex slotControlType = listSlot TheirTradeWindowSlot3ButtonCooldown = userdata:00000143F194DDB0 (meta 0000014308316C08} TheirTradeWindowSlot3ButtonIcon = userdata:00000143F194DCC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot3ButtonStackCount = userdata:00000143F194DD38 (meta 00000143083425C0} TheirTradeWindowSlot3Highlight = userdata:00000143F194E2E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot3Name = userdata:00000143F194DE20 (meta 00000143083425C0} TheirTradeWindowSlot4 = userdata:00000143F194D7C0 (meta 00000143F194C1D0} TheirTradeWindowSlot4BG = userdata:00000143F194CF48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot4BGRight = userdata:00000143F194CF78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot4Button = userdata:00000143F194C860 (meta 00000143F194CA90} firstMeta firstIndex slotIndex = 4 slotType = 5 tooltipAnchor = userdata:00000143F194D7C0 (meta 00000143F194C1D0} firstMeta firstIndex slotControlType = listSlot TheirTradeWindowSlot4ButtonCooldown = userdata:00000143F194C9C8 (meta 0000014308316C08} TheirTradeWindowSlot4ButtonIcon = userdata:00000143F194C8D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot4ButtonStackCount = userdata:00000143F194C950 (meta 00000143083425C0} TheirTradeWindowSlot4Highlight = userdata:00000143F194DA20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot4Name = userdata:00000143F194CA38 (meta 00000143083425C0} TheirTradeWindowSlot5 = userdata:00000143F194C308 (meta 00000143F194AC20} TheirTradeWindowSlot5BG = userdata:00000143F194B5F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot5BGRight = userdata:00000143F194B660 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot5Button = userdata:00000143F194B708 (meta 00000143F194B250} firstMeta firstIndex slotIndex = 5 slotType = 5 tooltipAnchor = userdata:00000143F194C308 (meta 00000143F194AC20} firstMeta firstIndex slotControlType = listSlot TheirTradeWindowSlot5ButtonCooldown = userdata:00000143F194B188 (meta 0000014308316C08} TheirTradeWindowSlot5ButtonIcon = userdata:00000143F194B098 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot5ButtonStackCount = userdata:00000143F194B110 (meta 00000143083425C0} TheirTradeWindowSlot5Highlight = userdata:00000143F194B6D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} TheirTradeWindowSlot5Name = userdata:00000143F194B1F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ToggleAutoRun = function: Private ToggleFullScreen() = function:00000143CACA7FC0 ToggleGameCameraFirstPerson() = function:000001439D28FD00 ToggleGameCameraPadlockTarget = function: Private ToggleMount = function: Private TogglePlayerWield() = function:000001439D289818 ToggleShowIngameGui() = function:000001439D286D38 ToggleWalk = function: Private TrackedQuestPinForAssisted() = function:000001439D2A8940 TradeAccept() = function:000001439D2A8170 TradeAddItem() = function:000001439D2A8240 TradeCancel() = function:000001439D2A8108 TradeEdit() = function:000001439D2A81D8 TradeInvite() = function:000001439D2A7E08 TradeInviteAccept() = function:000001439D2A7EE0 TradeInviteByName() = function:000001439D2A7E70 TradeInviteCancel() = function:000001439D2A8098 TradeInviteDecline() = function:000001439D2A7F50 TradeRemoveItem() = function:000001439D2A82A8 TradeSetMoney() = function:000001439D2A8030 TradeWindowDebugShow() = function:00000143D7681D00 TrainRiding() = function:000001439D2954E0 TransferChatContainerTab() = function:000001439D298818 TransferCurrency() = function:00000143F58E5800 TransferFromGuildBank() = function:00000143F58E8010 TransferToGuildBank() = function:00000143F58E7FA0 TravelToKeep() = function:000001439D28DB48 TriggerCrownCrateNPCAnimation() = function:00000143CACA4B50 TriggerTutorial() = function:00000143CACA07D0 TryGroupInviteByName() = function:0000014473755B40 TryPlaceInventoryItemInEmptySlot() = function:00000143D70CF110 TurnLeftStart = function: Private TurnLeftStop = function: Private TurnRightStart = function: Private TurnRightStop = function: Private UI_ALERT_CATEGORY_ALERT = 1 UI_ALERT_CATEGORY_ERROR = 0 UI_ALERT_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 UI_ALERT_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 1 UI_ALERT_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 1 UI_ALERT_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 UI_COMBAT_OVERLAY_FRAGMENT = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} UI_PLATFORM_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 UI_PLATFORM_ITERATION_END = 2 UI_PLATFORM_MAX_VALUE = 2 UI_PLATFORM_MIN_VALUE = 0 UI_PLATFORM_PC = 2 UI_PLATFORM_PS4 = 1 UI_PLATFORM_XBOX = 0 UI_SETTING_ALWAYS_SHOW_STATUS_TEXT = 5 UI_SETTING_AUTO_DECLINE_DUEL_INVITES = 24 UI_SETTING_COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS = 14 UI_SETTING_COMPASS_GROUP_LEADER = 26 UI_SETTING_COMPASS_GROUP_MEMBER_AVA = 32 UI_SETTING_COMPASS_GROUP_MEMBER_BATTLEGROUND = 31 UI_SETTING_COMPASS_GROUP_MEMBER_DELVE = 28 UI_SETTING_COMPASS_GROUP_MEMBER_DUNGEON = 29 UI_SETTING_COMPASS_GROUP_MEMBER_GENERAL = 27 UI_SETTING_COMPASS_GROUP_MEMBER_RAID = 30 UI_SETTING_COMPASS_QUEST_GIVERS = 13 UI_SETTING_CUSTOM_SCALE = 1 UI_SETTING_DEPRECATED3 = 6 UI_SETTING_FADE_PLAYER_BARS = 4 UI_SETTING_FRAMERATE_LATENCY_LOCK = 12 UI_SETTING_GAMEPAD_CHAT_HUD_ENABLED = 23 UI_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 UI_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 33 UI_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 33 UI_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 UI_SETTING_PRIMARY_PLAYER_NAME_GAMEPAD = 17 UI_SETTING_PRIMARY_PLAYER_NAME_KEYBOARD = 16 UI_SETTING_RESOURCE_NUMBERS = 20 UI_SETTING_RETURN_CURSOR_ON_CHAT_FOCUS = 3 UI_SETTING_SHOW_ACTION_BAR = 8 UI_SETTING_SHOW_ARMOR_INDICATOR = 19 UI_SETTING_SHOW_AVA_NOTIFICATIONS = 33 UI_SETTING_SHOW_FRAMERATE = 10 UI_SETTING_SHOW_LATENCY = 11 UI_SETTING_SHOW_LEADERBOARD_NOTIFICATIONS = 15 UI_SETTING_SHOW_QUEST_BESTOWER_INDICATORS = 2 UI_SETTING_SHOW_QUEST_TRACKER = 7 UI_SETTING_SHOW_RAID_LIVES = 9 UI_SETTING_SHOW_RESOURCE_BARS = 25 UI_SETTING_SHOW_WEAPON_INDICATOR = 18 UI_SETTING_SOCIAL_LIST_HIDE_OFFLINE = 21 UI_SETTING_ULTIMATE_NUMBER = 22 UI_SETTING_USE_CUSTOM_SCALE = 0 UI_SHORTCUTS_ACTION_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} UI_Settings_ShowQuestTracker = userdata:00000143CBF75C78 (meta 00000143CBF75258} UI_Settings_ShowQuestTrackerCheckbox = userdata:00000143CBF76258 (meta 00000143CBF762E0} firstMeta firstIndex checkedText = On toggleFunction() = function:0000014457A4A248 uncheckedText = Off UI_Settings_ShowQuestTrackerName = userdata:00000143CBF761E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} UI_WORLD_EFFECT_ENEMY_TELEGRAPH = 1 UI_WORLD_EFFECT_FRIENDLY_TELEGRAPH = 0 UI_WORLD_EFFECT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 UI_WORLD_EFFECT_ITERATION_END = 1 UI_WORLD_EFFECT_MAX_VALUE = 1 UI_WORLD_EFFECT_MIN_VALUE = 0 ULTIMATE_BAR_COLOR_BAR_END = 1 ULTIMATE_BAR_COLOR_BAR_START = 0 ULTIMATE_BAR_COLOR_FULL_BAR_END = 3 ULTIMATE_BAR_COLOR_FULL_BAR_START = 2 ULTIMATE_BAR_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ULTIMATE_BAR_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 3 ULTIMATE_BAR_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 3 ULTIMATE_BAR_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 UNASSIGN_CAMPAIGN_RESULT_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_AP = 3 UNASSIGN_CAMPAIGN_RESULT_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_GOLD = 2 UNASSIGN_CAMPAIGN_RESULT_FAILED_NOT_ASSIGNED_TO_CAMPAIGN = 4 UNASSIGN_CAMPAIGN_RESULT_FAILED_PLAYER_IN_CAMPAIGN = 1 UNASSIGN_CAMPAIGN_RESULT_FAILED_UNASSIGN = 6 UNASSIGN_CAMPAIGN_RESULT_FAILED_UNASSIGN_COOLDOWN = 5 UNASSIGN_CAMPAIGN_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 UNASSIGN_CAMPAIGN_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 6 UNASSIGN_CAMPAIGN_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 6 UNASSIGN_CAMPAIGN_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 UNASSIGN_CAMPAIGN_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 UNIFORM_BLUR_FRAGMENT = table:0000014313E2E6C8 (meta 00000143E7DDFC68} UNIT_FRAMES = table:0000014313B1FC80 (meta 00000144C8067EC8} firstTable firstMeta groupAndRaidHiddenReasons = table:0000014313B1FD58 (meta 0000014305C9BF70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:00000144CAE85868 firstTable groupFrames = table:0000014313B1FCC8 firstTable groupSize = 0 raidFrames = table:0000014313B1FD10 firstTable staticFrames = table:0000014313B1FDB0 firstTable reticleover = table:000001447C5EA7D0 (meta 00000144C806BE68} firstTable firstMeta animateShowHide = true attributeVisualizer = table:00000143EB8F0648 (meta 00000143A0224448} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000143DD56D6A0 firstTable AttributeBarSizeChangingStart = table:00000143DD56D6E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DD56D730 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DD55FEE0 3 = false 2 = table:00000144647A8470 firstTable 1() = function:00000144CC07E8F8 3 = false AttributeBarSizeChangingStopped = table:00000144647A8578 firstTable 1 = table:00000144647B51C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144647A84F0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143EB8F0690 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 healthBarControl = userdata:0000014314DD0CF0 (meta 0000014494A09F08} moduleControlledCounts = table:00000143EB90C810 firstTable soundTable = table:00000144C806D288 firstTable 20 = table:00000144C806DA50 firstTable 1 = Immunity_Effect_Added_Target 2 = Immunity_Effect_Lost_Target 3 = Damage_Shield_Effect_Added_Target 4 = Damage_Shield_Effect_Lost_Target 5 = Possession_Effect_Applied_Target 6 = Possession_Effect_Removed_Target 29 = table:00000144C806D4B0 firstTable 1 = Max_Stamina_Normal_Target 2 = Max_Stamina_Increased_Target 3 = Max_Stamina_Decreased_Target 3 = table:00000144C806D870 firstTable 1 = Increased_Armor_Effect_Added_Target 2 = Increased_Armor_Effect_Lost_Target 3 = Decreased_Armor_Effect_Added_Target 4 = Decreased_Armor_Effect_Lost_Target 30 = table:00000144C806D780 firstTable 1 = Increased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Added_Target 2 = Increased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target 3 = Decreased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Added_Target 4 = Decreased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target 35 = table:00000144C806D960 firstTable 1 = Increased_Power_Effect_Added_Target 2 = Increased_Power_Effect_Lost_Target 3 = Decreased_Power_Effect_Added_Target 4 = Decreased_Power_Effect_Lost_Target 4 = table:00000144C806D3C0 firstTable 1 = Max_Magicka_Normal_Target 2 = Max_Magicka_Increased_Target 3 = Max_Magicka_Decreased_Target 5 = table:00000144C806D690 firstTable 1 = Increased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Added_Target 2 = Increased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target 3 = Decreased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Added_Target 4 = Decreased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target 7 = table:00000144C806D2D0 firstTable 1 = Max_Health_Normal_Target 2 = Max_Health_Increased_Target 3 = Max_Health_Decreased_Target 8 = table:00000144C806D5A0 firstTable 1 = Increased_Health_Regen_Effect_Added_Target 2 = Increased_Health_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target 3 = Decreased_Health_Regen_Effect_Added_Target 4 = Decreased_Health_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target unitTag = reticleover visualModules = table:00000143EB90C7C8 firstTable table = 00000143DD55FD50 = table:00000143DD55FD50 (meta 00000143F3ABB740} firstTable firstMeta barControls = table:00000143DD55FE98 firstTable 3 = userdata:0000014314DD0CF0 (meta 0000014494A09F08} 35 = userdata:0000014314DD0CF0 (meta 0000014494A09F08} firstMeta firstIndex barInfo = table:00000144CAF0A3B8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143F8DE82A8 firstTable 35 = table:00000143DD99BE90 firstTable layoutData = table:00000143DD546DF0 moduleId = 9 owner = table:00000143EB8F0648 (meta 00000143A0224448} 00000143DD579438 = table:00000143DD579438 (meta 00000143A021D220} firstTable firstMeta barControls = table:00000144CC07E840 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014314DD0CF0 (meta 0000014494A09F08} barInfo = table:00000144BF614190 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F8DEB6C8 firstTable layoutData = table:00000144CC072C18 moduleId = 12 owner = table:00000143EB8F0648 (meta 00000143A0224448} 00000143E616A2A0 = table:00000143E616A2A0 (meta 0000014309DD2738} firstTable firstMeta arrowPool = table:00000143E61771E0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E6177228 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143EB8FDF10 m_Free = table:00000143E6177270 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143EB8FDFA0 barControls = table:00000143E61773B8 firstTable 8 = userdata:0000014314DD0CF0 (meta 0000014494A09F08} barInfo = table:00000143E619C350 firstTable 8 = table:00000143FBCBAF18 firstTable moduleId = 7 owner = table:00000143EB8F0648 (meta 00000143A0224448} ticks = 749 00000143E61915F8 = table:00000143E61915F8 (meta 0000014309DE51E0} firstTable firstMeta barControls = table:00000143E6191640 firstTable 7 = userdata:0000014314DD0CF0 (meta 0000014494A09F08} barInfo = table:00000143F8DE80F0 firstTable 7 = table:0000014494A0F880 firstTable expandedWidth = 362 moduleId = 8 normalWidth = 281 owner = table:00000143EB8F0648 (meta 00000143A0224448} shrunkWidth = 180 00000144CC0493D8 = table:00000144CC0493D8 (meta 00000143F3AC96C0} firstTable firstMeta barControls = table:00000144CC054FF0 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014314DD0CF0 (meta 0000014494A09F08} barInfo = table:00000144D0753768 firstTable 1 = table:00000143FBC8DE90 firstTable layoutData = table:00000143DD56D840 moduleId = 10 owner = table:00000143EB8F0648 (meta 00000143A0224448} 00000144CC055110 = table:00000144CC055110 (meta 00000143F3ACEA00} firstTable firstMeta barControls = 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UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_FRIENDLY_TARGET = 19 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_HOSTILE = 7 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_HOSTILE_TARGET = 21 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_IN_COMBAT_WITH_LOCAL_PLAYER = 10 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_IN_COMBAT_WITH_LOCAL_PLAYER_JUSTICE_NEUTRAL = 12 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_IN_COMBAT_WITH_LOCAL_PLAYER_JUSTICE_NEUTRAL_TARGET = 26 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_IN_COMBAT_WITH_LOCAL_PLAYER_TARGET = 24 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_JUSTICE_NEUTRAL = 11 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_JUSTICE_NEUTRAL_IGNORE_COMBAT = 13 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_JUSTICE_NEUTRAL_IGNORE_COMBAT_TARGET = 27 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_JUSTICE_NEUTRAL_TARGET = 25 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_NEUTRAL = 6 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_NPC_NEUTRAL_TARGET = 20 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_PLAYER_NO_PVP = 8 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_PLAYER_NO_PVP_TARGET = 22 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_PLAYER_PVP = 9 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ENEMY_PLAYER_PVP_TARGET = 23 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_ITERATION_END = 27 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_MAX_VALUE = 27 UNIT_NAMEPLATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 UNIT_REACTION_DEFAULT = 0 UNIT_REACTION_FRIENDLY = 3 UNIT_REACTION_HOSTILE = 1 UNIT_REACTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 UNIT_REACTION_ITERATION_END = 5 UNIT_REACTION_MAX_VALUE = 5 UNIT_REACTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 UNIT_REACTION_NEUTRAL = 2 UNIT_REACTION_NPC_ALLY = 5 UNIT_REACTION_PLAYER_ALLY = 4 UNIT_TYPE_ANCHOR = 5 UNIT_TYPE_CLIENT_CHARACTER = 12 UNIT_TYPE_CLIENT_TRAP = 10 UNIT_TYPE_HOUSE_INTERACTABLE = 13 UNIT_TYPE_INTERACTFIXTURE = 4 UNIT_TYPE_INTERACTOBJ = 3 UNIT_TYPE_INVALID = 0 UNIT_TYPE_MONSTER = 2 UNIT_TYPE_PLAYER = 1 UNIT_TYPE_SIEGEWEAPON = 6 UNIT_TYPE_SIMPLEINTERACTFIXTURE = 8 UNIT_TYPE_SIMPLEINTERACTOBJ = 7 UNPURCHASED_COLOR = table:0000014345F13EA0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.40000003576279 g = 0.40000003576279 r = 0.40000003576279 UPGRADEPATH_DEFENSIVE = 2 UPGRADEPATH_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 UPGRADEPATH_ITERATION_END = 2 UPGRADEPATH_MAX_VALUE = 2 UPGRADEPATH_MIN_VALUE = 0 UPGRADEPATH_NONE = 0 UPGRADEPATH_PRODUCTION = 1 URL_LINK_TYPE = url USE_CHATTER_OPTION_ICON = false USE_INTERNAL_FORMAT = true UespSalesResetButton = userdata:000001440EB0F8E8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} UespSalesScanButton = userdata:00000143B2A9AB48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} UnassignCampaignForPlayer() = function:000001439D2A1510 UnbindAllKeysFromAction = function: Private UnbindKeyFromAction = function: Private UndecorateDisplayName() = function:00000143CACAA620 UnequipItem() = function:00000143F58E6068 UnitFrame_HandleMouseEnter() = function:00000144C305F590 UnitFrame_HandleMouseExit() = function:00000144C305F5D8 UnitFrame_HandleMouseReceiveDrag() = function:000001440FCADF88 UnitFrame_HandleMouseUp() = function:000001440FCADFC8 UnregisterForAssignedCampaignData() = function:000001439D299E10 UpdateGroupStatus() = function:0000014409E24B18 UpdateMenuItemState() = function:00000143D0949FC0 UpdatePlayerPresenceInformation = function: Private UpdatePlayerPresenceName = function: Private UpdatePlayerRole() = function:00000143F58DBF50 UseCollectible() = function:00000143CACA1A40 UseItem = function: Private UseQuestItem() = function:000001439D297340 UseQuestTool() = function:000001439D2973A8 VENDOR_INVENTORY_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:000001439D7A07F8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000014361928D48 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014361928DD0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001431C6D37F8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439D79AAD8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D7A1B00 firstTable 1() = function:000001431C6D3778 3 = false control = userdata:00000144D8645550 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001439D791890 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden VERTEX_POINTS_BOTTOMLEFT = 4 VERTEX_POINTS_BOTTOMRIGHT = 8 VERTEX_POINTS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 VERTEX_POINTS_ITERATION_END = 8 VERTEX_POINTS_MAX_VALUE = 8 VERTEX_POINTS_MIN_VALUE = 1 VERTEX_POINTS_TOPLEFT = 1 VERTEX_POINTS_TOPRIGHT = 2 VETERAN_POINTS_GAIN = 131146 VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_ALLOW_SKIP = 1 VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_ITERATION_END = 2 VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_MAX_VALUE = 2 VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_NO_SKIP = 0 VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION_FOR_SKIP = 2 VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0 VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_TYPE_EMAIL = 1 VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 1 VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 1 VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 VISUALIZER_ANGLE_ARMOR_DAMAGE_LAYOUT_DATA = table:00000143DD546DF0 firstTable decreasedArmorOverlayContainerTemplate = ZO_DecreasedArmorOverlayContainerAngle increasedArmorBgContainerTemplate = ZO_IncreasedArmorBgContainerAngle increasedArmorFrameContainerTemplate = ZO_IncreasedArmorFrameContainerAngle increasedArmorOffsets = table:00000143DD546F80 firstTable gamepad = table:00000143DD553E78 firstTable bottom = 9 left = -12 right = 12 top = -8 keyboard = table:00000143DD546FC8 firstTable bottom = 8 left = -15 right = 15 top = -7 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= -3 left = 6 right = -7 top = 2 VISUAL_ARMORTYPE_CLOTHING = 5 VISUAL_ARMORTYPE_HEAVY = 3 VISUAL_ARMORTYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 VISUAL_ARMORTYPE_ITERATION_END = 6 VISUAL_ARMORTYPE_LIGHT = 1 VISUAL_ARMORTYPE_MAX_VALUE = 6 VISUAL_ARMORTYPE_MEDIUM = 2 VISUAL_ARMORTYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 VISUAL_ARMORTYPE_NONE = 0 VISUAL_ARMORTYPE_SIGNATURE = 6 VISUAL_ARMORTYPE_UNDAUNTED = 4 VISUAL_LAYER_COSTUME = 4 VISUAL_LAYER_DISGUISE = 6 VISUAL_LAYER_EQUIPMENT = 1 VISUAL_LAYER_HEADWEAR = 5 VISUAL_LAYER_HIDE_HELM_OPTION = 7 VISUAL_LAYER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 VISUAL_LAYER_ITERATION_END = 8 VISUAL_LAYER_MAX_VALUE = 8 VISUAL_LAYER_MIN_VALUE = 0 VISUAL_LAYER_NONE = 0 VISUAL_LAYER_POLYMORPH = 3 VISUAL_LAYER_SKIN = 8 VISUAL_LAYER_WEREWOLF = 2 VISUAL_SLOT_CHEST = 2 VISUAL_SLOT_COSTUME = 9 VISUAL_SLOT_FEET = 8 VISUAL_SLOT_HAND = 10 VISUAL_SLOT_HEAD_ADORNMENTS = 12 VISUAL_SLOT_HELM = 1 VISUAL_SLOT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 VISUAL_SLOT_ITERATION_END = 12 VISUAL_SLOT_LEGS = 7 VISUAL_SLOT_MAX_VALUE = 12 VISUAL_SLOT_MIN_VALUE = 0 VISUAL_SLOT_NONE = 0 VISUAL_SLOT_SHOULDERS = 3 VISUAL_SLOT_SKIN = 11 VISUAL_SLOT_WAIST = 5 VISUAL_SLOT_WEAPON = 4 VISUAL_SLOT_WRIST = 6 VOICE_CHANNEL_ALL = 4 VOICE_CHANNEL_AREA = 0 VOICE_CHANNEL_BATTLEGROUP = 3 VOICE_CHANNEL_GROUP = 1 VOICE_CHANNEL_GUILD = 2 VOICE_CHANNEL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 VOICE_CHANNEL_ITERATION_END = 5 VOICE_CHANNEL_MAX_VALUE = 5 VOICE_CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE = 0 VOICE_CHANNEL_NONE = 5 VOICE_CHAT_COLORS_AREA = 0 VOICE_CHAT_COLORS_GROUP = 1 VOICE_CHAT_COLORS_GUILD = 2 VOICE_CHAT_COLORS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 VOICE_CHAT_COLORS_ITERATION_END = 3 VOICE_CHAT_COLORS_MAX_VALUE = 3 VOICE_CHAT_COLORS_MIN_VALUE = 0 VOICE_CHAT_COLORS_MUTED = 3 VOICE_CHAT_REQUEST_DELAY = 6000 VOICE_CHAT_SPEAK_STATE_IDLE = 1 VOICE_CHAT_SPEAK_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 VOICE_CHAT_SPEAK_STATE_ITERATION_END = 3 VOICE_CHAT_SPEAK_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 3 VOICE_CHAT_SPEAK_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 VOICE_CHAT_SPEAK_STATE_MUTED = 3 VOICE_CHAT_SPEAK_STATE_NONE = 0 VOICE_CHAT_SPEAK_STATE_SPEAKING = 2 WALLET_FRAGMENT = table:00000143A022E168 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000144C8056A30 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000144C3050D58 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001440FCB5520 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143A42E6D18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F3AC20E0 firstTable 1() = function:000001440FCBEDB0 3 = false control = userdata:00000144C303D660 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F3AC4790 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden WEAPONTYPE_AXE = 1 WEAPONTYPE_BOW = 8 WEAPONTYPE_DAGGER = 11 WEAPONTYPE_FIRE_STAFF = 12 WEAPONTYPE_FROST_STAFF = 13 WEAPONTYPE_HAMMER = 2 WEAPONTYPE_HEALING_STAFF = 9 WEAPONTYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 WEAPONTYPE_ITERATION_END = 15 WEAPONTYPE_LIGHTNING_STAFF = 15 WEAPONTYPE_MAX_VALUE = 15 WEAPONTYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 WEAPONTYPE_NONE = 0 WEAPONTYPE_PROP = 7 WEAPONTYPE_RUNE = 10 WEAPONTYPE_SHIELD = 14 WEAPONTYPE_SWORD = 3 WEAPONTYPE_TWO_HANDED_AXE = 5 WEAPONTYPE_TWO_HANDED_HAMMER = 6 WEAPONTYPE_TWO_HANDED_SWORD = 4 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_BOW = 4 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_DESTRO_STAFF = 5 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_DUAL_WIELD = 2 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_FIRE_STAFF = 7 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_FROST_STAFF = 8 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 11 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_LIGHTNING_STAFF = 9 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 11 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_NONE = 0 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_ONE_HANDED = 10 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_ONE_HAND_AND_SHIELD = 1 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_RESTO_STAFF = 6 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_TWO_HANDED = 3 WEAPON_CONFIG_TYPE_UNARMED = 11 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_AXE = 1 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_BOW = 8 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_DAGGER = 4 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_HAMMER = 2 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 12 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 12 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_NONE = 0 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_PROP = 12 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_RUNE = 11 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_SHIELD = 10 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_STAFF = 9 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_SWORD = 3 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_TWO_HANDED_AXE = 5 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_TWO_HANDED_HAMMER = 6 WEAPON_MODEL_TYPE_TWO_HANDED_SWORD = 7 WIDE_LEFT_PANEL_BG_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D0198B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} WIDE_RIGHT_BG_FRAGMENT = table:00000143BC15DA68 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143208689A0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000014320868A28 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BCC08 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:0000014320868958 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden WIDE_RIGHT_PANEL_BG_FRAGMENT = table:000001447D01EBB8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447D019AA8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447D01EC48 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000144C79BC868 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001447D01EC00 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden WINDOW_MANAGER = userdata:000001430838AA00 (meta 0000014308366D78} firstMeta firstIndex ApplyTemplateToControl() = function:00000143083664F8 CompareControlVisualOrder() = function:0000014308366CC0 CreateControl() = function:00000143083664C0 CreateControlFromVirtual() = function:0000014308366550 CreateTopLevelWindow() = function:0000014308366450 GetControlByName() = function:00000143083666B0 GetFocusControl() = function:0000014308366790 GetMouseOverControl() = function:00000143083665C8 IsHandlingHardwareEvent() = function:0000014308366800 IsMouseOverWorld() = function:0000014308366638 IsSecureRenderModeEnabled() = function:0000014308366C48 SetFocusByName() = function:0000014308366910 SetMouseCursor() = function:0000014308366720 SetMouseFocusByName() = function:00000143083668A0 WORLD_MAP_CORNER_FRAGMENT = table:00000143A35F2AA8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} WORLD_MAP_FILTERS = table:00000143D104B328 (meta 00000143D103EA88} firstTable firstMeta battlegroundPanel = table:000001440638BB40 (meta 00000143D103E8D0} firstTable firstMeta checkBoxPool = table:00000143DAD17658 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CB731550 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D103EA78 (meta 00000143E3A2AF20} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DAD17568 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFiltersBattlegroundCheckBox parent = userdata:00000143D104B318 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_CheckButton control = userdata:00000143D104B318 (meta 000001430831E750} lastControl = userdata:00000143D103EA78 (meta 00000143E3A2AF20} lastOffsetX = 0 mapFilterType = 4 pinFilterCheckBoxes = table:000001440638BB88 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D103EA78 (meta 00000143E3A2AF20} firstMeta firstIndex label = userdata:00000143ECB4F630 (meta 00000143083425C0} mapPinGroup = 9 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F479770 toggleFunction() = function:0000014320FEF900 pinFilterOptionComboBoxes = table:00000143DAD17610 firstTable savedVars = table:00000143DB2D2F80 (meta 0000014313B148C8} firstTable firstMeta GetInterfaceForCharacter() = function:00000143DB2D3010 default = table:00000143F8DC0DB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F8DC0DF8 firstTable filters = table:00000143F8DC8E88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F8DD6A60 firstTable 2 = table:00000143F8DD6AA8 firstTable 1 = false 11 = 1 6 = false 3 = table:00000143F8DE6DF0 firstTable 4 = table:00000143F8DD6AF0 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143F5F43EB0 firstTable filters = table:00000143F5F43F50 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5F46438 firstTable 2 = table:00000143F5F56EB8 firstTable 1 = false 11 = 1 6 = false 3 = table:00000143F5F6FB10 firstTable 4 = table:00000143F5F6FB58 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143F5F6FBA0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143FBC96760 firstTable 2 = table:00000143FBCAD8C8 firstTable 1 = false 11 = 1 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 7 = false 8 = false mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143FBCAD910 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143FBCC3690 firstTable 1 = table:00000143FBCC5140 firstTable 2 = table:00000143FBCAD958 firstTable 11 = 1 2 = false 3 = false 3 = table:00000143FBCC92F0 firstTable 4 = table:000001439D891E28 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:000001439D891E70 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000144BA7AAC88 firstTable 2 = table:0000014409615188 firstTable 1 = false 11 = 1 3 = false 8 = false 3 = table:00000143099BF218 firstTable 4 = table:000001439D891EB8 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 control = userdata:00000143D103EBA8 (meta 0000014308326048} currentPanel = table:00000144CAE7C7D0 (meta 00000143D103E220} imperialPvPPanel = table:00000144CAED7C98 (meta 00000143D103E6A8} firstTable firstMeta checkBoxPool = table:00000143CB749190 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CB7491D8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D103E850 (meta 0000014409DAE3E8} 2 = userdata:00000143ECB464A0 (meta 00000143E7780FD8} 3 = userdata:00000143ECB4D150 (meta 000001431BD61718} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CBD641D8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFiltersImperialPvPCheckBox parent = userdata:00000143D104B2A0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_CheckButton control = userdata:00000143D104B2A0 (meta 000001430831E750} lastControl = userdata:00000143ECB4D150 (meta 000001431BD61718} lastOffsetX = 0 mapFilterType = 3 pinFilterCheckBoxes = table:00000143CBD64280 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D103E850 (meta 0000014409DAE3E8} 2 = userdata:00000143ECB464A0 (meta 00000143E7780FD8} 3 = userdata:00000143ECB4D150 (meta 000001431BD61718} pinFilterOptionComboBoxes = table:00000143CB749148 firstTable savedVars = table:00000143DB2D2F80 (meta 0000014313B148C8} pvePanel = table:00000144CAE7C7D0 (meta 00000143D103E220} firstTable firstMeta checkBoxPool = table:00000143DD99C4C8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143DD99C510 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D103E400 (meta 00000144CAE5EE90} 2 = userdata:00000144CAE5EEF8 (meta 000001447C5DD340} 3 = userdata:0000014313B0E2E0 (meta 000001448F0C0F80} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431002D738 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFiltersPvECheckBox parent = userdata:00000143D1049DC0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_CheckButton control = userdata:00000143D1049DC0 (meta 000001430831E750} lastControl = userdata:0000014313B0E2E0 (meta 000001448F0C0F80} lastOffsetX = 0 mapFilterType = 1 mapMode = 2 modeVars = table:00000143099D6008 pinFilterCheckBoxes = table:000001431002D6E0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D103E400 (meta 00000144CAE5EE90} 2 = userdata:00000144CAE5EEF8 (meta 000001447C5DD340} 3 = userdata:0000014313B0E2E0 (meta 000001448F0C0F80} pinFilterOptionComboBoxes = table:00000143DD99C480 firstTable savedVars = table:00000143DB2D2F80 (meta 0000014313B148C8} pvpPanel = table:00000144CAED7CF0 (meta 00000143D103E480} firstTable firstMeta checkBoxPool = table:00000143D09D1F90 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D6EA5958 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D103E628 (meta 00000143D6EB2F20} 2 = userdata:00000143F8DB44E0 (meta 0000014313AFD7E8} firstMeta firstIndex label = userdata:00000143DD9A67F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} mapPinGroup = 8 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F479C98 toggleFunction() = function:00000143064838B0 3 = userdata:0000014313B11088 (meta 0000014409606B48} 4 = userdata:000001448F0C6DB0 (meta 00000143E617B280} 5 = userdata:0000014313B15018 (meta 000001431336EFD8} 6 = userdata:0000014313B16AC8 (meta 00000143ECB47320} 7 = userdata:0000014313B18FA8 (meta 000001439D8910D0} 8 = userdata:0000014313B1BEE8 (meta 00000144CAEFE440} 9 = userdata:0000014313B1ED60 (meta 00000143C77F5920} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D6EA59A0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 9 m_NextFree = 10 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFiltersPvPCheckBox parent = userdata:00000143D104B230 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_CheckButton comboBoxPool = table:00000143C77F5968 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D09D0F60 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014313B25A88 (meta 00000143D09D1038} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D09D0FA8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFiltersPvPComboBox parent = userdata:00000143D104B230 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_WorldMapFilterComboBox control = userdata:00000143D104B230 (meta 000001430831E750} lastControl = userdata:0000014313B25A88 (meta 00000143D09D1038} lastOffsetX = 21 mapFilterType = 2 pinFilterCheckBoxes = table:00000143D6EA5A00 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D103E628 (meta 00000143D6EB2F20} 2 = userdata:00000143F8DB44E0 (meta 0000014313AFD7E8} 3 = userdata:0000014313B11088 (meta 0000014409606B48} 4 = userdata:000001448F0C6DB0 (meta 00000143E617B280} 5 = userdata:0000014313B15018 (meta 000001431336EFD8} 6 = userdata:0000014313B16AC8 (meta 00000143ECB47320} 7 = userdata:0000014313B18FA8 (meta 000001439D8910D0} 8 = userdata:0000014313B1BEE8 (meta 00000144CAEFE440} 9 = userdata:0000014313B1ED60 (meta 00000143C77F5920} pinFilterOptionComboBoxes = table:00000143D09D1F48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D9E65E50 (meta 000001431D56DB28} savedVars = table:00000143DB2D2F80 (meta 0000014313B148C8} WORLD_MAP_FRAGMENT = table:00000143E12C1700 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} WORLD_MAP_HOUSES = table:000001439DBFCFF0 (meta 000001439DBFACA0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001439DBFAD90 (meta 0000014308326048} fragment = table:000001439DBFD628 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001439DBFD6E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439DBFD770 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001439DBFD880 firstTable StateChange = table:000001439DBFD8C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DBFD910 firstTable 1() = function:000001439DBFD800 3 = false control = userdata:000001439DBFAD90 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001439DBFD6A0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden list = userdata:000001439DBFB2D0 (meta 000001439DBFB828} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:000001439DBFB910 firstTable animation = userdata:000001439DBFBA08 (meta 000001439DBFCE68} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001439DBFB2D0 (meta 000001439DBFB828} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:000001439DBFB9A0 firstTable contents = userdata:000001439DBFB340 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:000001439DBFB8C8 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001439DBFB798 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DBFD358 firstTable height = 32 pool = table:000001439DBFD280 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:000001439DBFD2C8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000001439DBFD180 m_Free = table:000001439DBFD310 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001439DBFD0C0 2 = table:000001439DBFD598 firstTable height = 60 pool = table:000001439DBFD4C0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:000001439DBFD508 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000001439DBFD3C0 m_Free = table:000001439DBFD550 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001439DBFD100 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000001439DBFB5B8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 2 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001439DBFB3B8 (meta 000001439DBFB670} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001439DBFB618 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:000001439DBFB5E8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:000001439DBFB730 (meta 0000014308367FC0} upButton = userdata:000001439DBFB540 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:000001439DBFD5E0 firstTable listEnabled = true noHousesLabel = userdata:000001439DBFCFE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} WORLD_MAP_HOUSES_DATA = table:00000143A4C36D68 (meta 00000143A4C394E8} firstTable firstMeta houseMapData = table:00000143A4C38C18 firstTable WORLD_MAP_INFO = table:0000014314DD1118 (meta 0000014368A193C0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000014368A1AC18 (meta 0000014308326048} modeBar = table:0000014314DD11D0 (meta 00000143ED5C67B0} firstTable firstMeta buttonData = table:0000014314DD12A0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314DD1340 2 = table:0000014314DD1CA0 3 = table:0000014314DD22B8 4 = table:0000014314DD3DB0 5 = table:0000014314DD43C8 label = userdata:0000014368A0BDC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} lastFragmentName = 5567 menuBar = userdata:0000014368A1AC88 (meta 00000143D6A4AA80} WORLD_MAP_INFO_BG_FRAGMENT = table:00000143A35F2C50 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} WORLD_MAP_INFO_FRAGMENT = table:0000014314DD3D68 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} WORLD_MAP_KEEP_INFO = table:00000143C0172508 (meta 00000143C016F018} WORLD_MAP_KEEP_SUMMARY = table:00000143C7B93F68 (meta 0000014309898CC0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143C7B926E8 (meta 0000014308326048} fragment = table:00000143C7B940C0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} rowLayout = ZO_WorldMapKeepSummaryRow rowPool = table:00000143C7B947F8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143098995A0 m_Active = table:00000143C7B94840 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143C7B948B8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapKeepSummaryUpgradeRow parent = userdata:00000143C7B926E8 (meta 0000014308326048} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeepSummaryRow WORLD_MAP_KEEP_UPGRADE = table:00000143D6A55798 (meta 000001439DBF7510} firstTable firstMeta barControl = userdata:00000143D2B7DC60 (meta 00000143D2B89100} barLabel = userdata:00000143D6A55840 (meta 00000143083425C0} buttonLayout = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeButton buttonPool = table:00000143D6A47648 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143D6A4F5C0 m_Active = table:00000143D6A60B98 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014473532668 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeUpgradeButton parent = userdata:00000143D1A594B8 (meta 0000014308326048} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeButton control = userdata:00000143D1A594B8 (meta 0000014308326048} currentLevelLabel = userdata:00000143D2B8D570 (meta 00000143083425C0} fragment = table:00000143D6A5E4F0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} levelLayout = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeLevel levelPool = table:00000143D6A5E730 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143D6A5CFF0 m_Active = table:00000143D6A60D98 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D6A61E60 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeUpgradeLevel parent = userdata:00000143D1A594B8 (meta 0000014308326048} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeLevel symbolParams = table:00000143098A59A0 firstTable FIRST_SECTION_OFFSET_X = 39 FIRST_SECTION_OFFSET_Y = 10 SYMBOL_PADDING_X = 0 SYMBOL_PADDING_Y = 5 SYMBOL_SECTION_OFFSET_X = 0 SYMBOL_SECTION_OFFSET_Y = 20 timeContainer = userdata:00000143D6A55C78 (meta 000001430831E750} timeUntilNextLevelLabel = userdata:0000014314B71050 (meta 00000143083425C0} WORLD_MAP_KEY = table:00000143098A1838 (meta 00000143098A0A60} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143098A0B80 (meta 0000014308326048} dirty = true fragment = table:00000143098A1C78 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} headerPool = table:00000143098A1A08 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143098A1A50 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143098A1AC8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapKeyPaneScrollChildHeader parent = userdata:00000143098A14C8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeyHeader noKeyLabel = userdata:00000143098A1828 (meta 00000143083425C0} scrollChild = userdata:00000143098A14C8 (meta 000001430831E750} symbolParams = table:00000143098A0A18 firstTable BETWEEN_SECTION_PADDING_Y = 20 HEADER_SECTION_OFFSET_X = 0 NUM_SYMBOLS_PER_ROW = 4 SYMBOL_PADDING = 16 SYMBOL_SECTION_OFFSET_X = 25 SYMBOL_SECTION_OFFSET_Y = 3 SYMBOL_SIZE = 40 symbolPool = table:00000143098A1B58 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143098A1BA0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143098A1BE8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapKeyPaneScrollChildSymbol parent = userdata:00000143098A14C8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeySymbol WORLD_MAP_KEY_FILTERS_FRAGMENT = table:000001439DBFDAA0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143D103DF98 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D104B848 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143D104BD28 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143D104BD70 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D104BDB8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D104BCA8 3 = false control = userdata:00000143D103EBA8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D104B5D8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden WORLD_MAP_KEY_FRAGMENT = table:00000143098A1C78 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143098A1D08 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143098A1D90 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143098A1EA0 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143098A1EE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143098A1F30 firstTable 1() = function:00000143098A1E20 3 = false control = userdata:00000143098A0B80 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143098A1CC0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden WORLD_MAP_LOCATIONS = table:00000143D1A56A60 (meta 00000143D1A55A98} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143D1A55BB8 (meta 0000014308326048} data = table:00000143D1A56B30 (meta 00000143D1A50BE0} list = userdata:00000143D1A561B0 (meta 00000143D1A56710} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000143D1A567F8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D1A5C970 (meta 00000143D1A5E3B8} 10 = userdata:00000143D1A60620 (meta 0000014473528C80} 11 = userdata:0000014473526FE8 (meta 00000144735278D8} 12 = userdata:0000014473527BB8 (meta 0000014473527D78} 13 = userdata:00000144735279E0 (meta 00000144735274C0} 14 = userdata:000001447352A230 (meta 00000143D1A5CFB0} 15 = userdata:00000143D1A5D290 (meta 00000143D1A5D6D8} 16 = userdata:00000143D1A5D888 (meta 00000143D1A5DCD0} 17 = userdata:00000143D1A5CB78 (meta 000001447352AB70} 18 = userdata:00000143D1A5D0C8 (meta 000001447352F1D8} 19 = userdata:000001447352F388 (meta 000001447352F548} 2 = userdata:00000143D1A5E638 (meta 00000143D1A5E818} 20 = userdata:000001447352F6F8 (meta 000001447352F8B8} 21 = userdata:000001447352FA68 (meta 000001447352FC28} 22 = userdata:000001447352FDD8 (meta 000001447352FF40} 23 = userdata:00000144735300F0 (meta 00000144735302B0} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BE10 index = 23 key = 23 24 = userdata:0000014473530460 (meta 0000014473530620} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BF00 index = 24 key = 24 25 = userdata:00000144735307D0 (meta 0000014473530C18} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BFF0 index = 25 key = 25 26 = userdata:0000014473530DC8 (meta 0000014473531210} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5C0E0 index = 26 key = 26 3 = userdata:00000143D1A5EB70 (meta 00000143D1A5ED28} 4 = userdata:00000143D1A5EFC0 (meta 00000143D1A5F400} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5A978 index = 4 key = 4 5 = userdata:00000143D1A5F5A8 (meta 00000143D1A60B20} 6 = userdata:00000143D1A5EA08 (meta 00000143D1A60C08} 7 = userdata:00000143D1A56B20 (meta 00000143D1A5F900} 8 = userdata:00000143D1A5AFC8 (meta 0000014473528108} 9 = userdata:00000143D1A603E8 (meta 00000144735281A8} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5ADE0 index = 9 key = 9 animation = userdata:00000143D1A568F0 (meta 00000143D1A56948} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143D1A561B0 (meta 00000143D1A56710} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000143D1A56888 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143D1A56228 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143D1A567B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D1A5A618 10 = table:00000143D1A5AFD8 11 = table:00000143D1A5B0C8 12 = table:00000143D1A5B1B8 13 = table:00000143D1A5B2A8 14 = table:00000143D1A5B398 15 = table:00000143D1A5B488 16 = table:00000143D1A5B578 17 = table:00000143D1A5B668 18 = table:00000143D1A5B960 19 = table:00000143D1A5BA50 2 = table:00000143D1A5A728 20 = table:00000143D1A5BB40 21 = table:00000143D1A5BC30 22 = table:00000143D1A5BD20 23 = table:00000143D1A5BE10 24 = table:00000143D1A5BF00 25 = table:00000143D1A5BFF0 26 = table:00000143D1A5C0E0 27 = table:00000143D1A5C1D0 28 = table:00000143D1A5C2C0 29 = table:00000143D1A5C3B0 3 = table:00000143D1A5A840 30 = table:00000143D1A5C4A0 31 = table:00000143D1A5C590 4 = table:00000143D1A5A978 5 = table:00000143D1A5AA68 6 = table:00000143D1A5A930 7 = table:00000143D1A5AC00 8 = table:00000143D1A5ACF0 9 = table:00000143D1A5ADE0 dataTypes = table:00000143D1A56680 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D1A56F28 firstTable height = 23 pool = table:00000143D1A56E20 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D1A56E68 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D1A5C970 (meta 00000143D1A5E3B8} 10 = userdata:00000143D1A60620 (meta 0000014473528C80} 11 = userdata:0000014473526FE8 (meta 00000144735278D8} 12 = userdata:0000014473527BB8 (meta 0000014473527D78} 13 = userdata:00000144735279E0 (meta 00000144735274C0} 14 = userdata:000001447352A230 (meta 00000143D1A5CFB0} 15 = userdata:00000143D1A5D290 (meta 00000143D1A5D6D8} 16 = userdata:00000143D1A5D888 (meta 00000143D1A5DCD0} 17 = userdata:00000143D1A5CB78 (meta 000001447352AB70} 18 = userdata:00000143D1A5D0C8 (meta 000001447352F1D8} 19 = userdata:000001447352F388 (meta 000001447352F548} 2 = userdata:00000143D1A5E638 (meta 00000143D1A5E818} 20 = userdata:000001447352F6F8 (meta 000001447352F8B8} 21 = userdata:000001447352FA68 (meta 000001447352FC28} 22 = userdata:000001447352FDD8 (meta 000001447352FF40} 23 = userdata:00000144735300F0 (meta 00000144735302B0} 24 = userdata:0000014473530460 (meta 0000014473530620} 25 = userdata:00000144735307D0 (meta 0000014473530C18} 26 = userdata:0000014473530DC8 (meta 0000014473531210} 3 = userdata:00000143D1A5EB70 (meta 00000143D1A5ED28} 4 = userdata:00000143D1A5EFC0 (meta 00000143D1A5F400} 5 = userdata:00000143D1A5F5A8 (meta 00000143D1A60B20} 6 = userdata:00000143D1A5EA08 (meta 00000143D1A60C08} 7 = userdata:00000143D1A56B20 (meta 00000143D1A5F900} 8 = userdata:00000143D1A5AFC8 (meta 0000014473528108} 9 = userdata:00000143D1A603E8 (meta 00000144735281A8} m_Factory() = function:00000143D1A56D20 m_Free = table:00000143D1A56EE0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 26 m_NextFree = 27 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143D1A56CA0 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000143D1A564A0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143D1A562A0 (meta 00000143D1A56558} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143D1A56500 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143D1A564D0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:00000143D1A56618 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 23 upButton = userdata:00000143D1A56428 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143D1A5C680 firstTable 1 = 1 10 = 10 11 = 11 12 = 12 13 = 13 14 = 14 15 = 15 16 = 16 17 = 17 18 = 18 19 = 19 2 = 2 20 = 20 21 = 21 22 = 22 23 = 23 24 = 24 25 = 25 26 = 26 27 = 27 28 = 28 29 = 29 3 = 3 30 = 30 31 = 31 4 = 4 5 = 5 6 = 6 7 = 7 8 = 8 9 = 9 listDisabled = false WORLD_MAP_LOCATIONS_DATA = table:00000143D1A56B30 (meta 00000143D1A50BE0} firstTable firstMeta mapData = table:00000143D1A56F70 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D1A57930 10 = table:00000143D1A585F8 11 = table:00000143D1A58098 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B0C8 firstTable bottom = 253 data = table:00000143D1A58098 top = 230 typeId = 1 description = The fertile valleys of Deshaan are home to lush fungal forests, deep kwama mines, and broad pastures where netches and guar graze. But all pales before the magnificence of Mournhold, home of the Tribunal and capital of the Ebonheart Pact. index = 10 locationName = Deshaan 12 = table:00000143D1A584A0 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B1B8 firstTable bottom = 276 data = table:00000143D1A584A0 top = 253 typeId = 1 description = One of the \"Old Holds,\" Eastmarch was among the first regions of Skyrim settled by the Nords when they arrived from Atmora. Its capital, Windhelm, is the oldest continuously inhabited human settlement in Tamriel, and was founded by Ysgramor himself. index = 13 locationName = Eastmarch 13 = table:00000143D1A57370 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B2A8 firstTable bottom = 299 data = table:00000143D1A57370 top = 276 typeId = 1 description = Glenumbra, the westernmost region of High Rock, contains the city-states of Daggerfall and Camlorn, the great cemetery of Cath Bedraud, and the wild areas of Hag Fen, Glenumbra Moors, and the forests of Daenia. index = 2 locationName = Glenumbra 14 = table:00000143D1A59FC0 15 = table:00000143D1A57BE0 16 = table:00000143D1A589A0 17 = table:00000143D1A59D78 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B668 firstTable bottom = 391 data = table:00000143D1A59D78 top = 368 typeId = 1 description = During the early days of the Ra Gada, Prince Hubalajad claimed this Hammerfell peninsula for his own. When all his ambitious endeavors ended in failure, the region acquired the nickname Hew's Bane—and it stuck. index = 28 locationName = Hew's Bane 18 = table:00000143D1A59860 19 = table:00000143D1A59058 2 = table:00000143D1A58750 20 = table:00000143D1A57DE8 21 = table:00000143D1A58AF8 22 = table:00000143D1A574C8 23 = table:00000143D1A57F40 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BE10 firstTable bottom = 529 data = table:00000143D1A57F40 top = 506 typeId = 1 description = On the border with Morrowind, the Shadowfen region has had more contact with Tamrielic civilization than most of Black Marsh—due primarily to the activities of the Dunmeri slavers who once operated out of the city of Stormhold. Now the Argonians are back in charge. index = 9 locationName = Shadowfen 24 = table:00000143D1A581F0 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BF00 firstTable bottom = 552 data = table:00000143D1A581F0 top = 529 typeId = 1 description = The ashfall from the volcanoes of the Velothi Mountains and from great Ash Mountain itself is Stonefalls' bane and benefit, fertilizing the soil where the land isn't too arid to grow crops. It was here that the recent invading army from Akavir met its bloody end. index = 11 locationName = Stonefalls 25 = table:00000143D1A577D8 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BFF0 firstTable bottom = 575 data = table:00000143D1A577D8 top = 552 typeId = 1 description = Situated at the head of the strategic Iliac Bay, Stormhaven is the geographic center of High Rock, and also the home of the great trading city of Wayrest, capital of the Daggerfall Covenant. index = 4 locationName = Stormhaven 26 = table:00000143D1A58DA8 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5C0E0 firstTable bottom = 598 data = table:00000143D1A58DA8 top = 575 typeId = 1 description = One of the first landfalls settled by the Redguards when they sailed east from their lost homeland of Yokuda, the island of Stros M'Kai is now a haven for freebooters, sea-rovers, and other nautical entrepreneurs who roam the Abecean Sea. index = 19 locationName = Stros M'Kai 27 = table:00000143D1A56FB8 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5C1D0 firstTable data = table:00000143D1A56FB8 typeId = 1 description = It was at the Convention of the Aedra that the land was first called “Tamriel,” which in the ancient tongues means “Dawn’s Beauty.” There are those, however, who prefer to translate it as “Starry Heart.” index = 1 locationName = Tamriel 28 = table:00000143D1A595B0 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5C2C0 firstTable data = table:00000143D1A595B0 typeId = 1 description = The Aurbis is all the cosmos as created by Anu and Padomay. It is known as the Wheel, with Mundus as the hub and the Eight Divines as the spokes. index = 24 locationName = The Aurbis 29 = table:00000143D1A58348 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5C3B0 firstTable data = table:00000143D1A58348 typeId = 1 description = Skyrim's southernmost hold has a relatively temperate climate, thanks to northern mountains that block the frigid gales of the Sea of Ghosts, and warming volcanoes in the Velothi Mountains to the east. Its capital is Riften, on the shores of broad Lake Honrich. index = 12 locationName = The Rift 3 = table:00000143D1A58C50 30 = table:00000143D1A5A1F8 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5C4A0 firstTable data = table:00000143D1A5A1F8 typeId = 1 description = Surrounded by the Inner Sea, the sprawling volcanic island of Vvardenfell dominates northern Morrowind. Looming over this strange land is the ominous, ever-smoldering peak of Red Mountain. index = 30 locationName = Vvardenfell 31 = table:00000143D1A59AF8 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5C590 firstTable data = table:00000143D1A59AF8 typeId = 1 description = The Wrothgar Mountains have been home to northern Tamriel's Orcs since the beginning of recorded history. Invading armies have marched into these peaks countless times to suppress the fractious Orcs, but the clans always rise again. index = 27 locationName = Wrothgar 4 = table:00000143D1A57A88 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5A978 firstTable bottom = 92 data = table:00000143D1A57A88 top = 69 typeId = 1 description = This region takes its name from its most famous feature, the Bangkorai Pass, which has served as High Rock's defense against the wild raiders of Hammerfell for countless generations. The uplands north of the pass and the desert to the south are both ruled from the port city of Evermore. index = 6 locationName = Bangkorai 5 = table:00000143D1A58F00 6 = table:00000143D1A591E8 7 = table:00000143D1A5A450 8 = table:00000143D1A59370 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5ACF0 firstTable bottom = 184 data = table:00000143D1A59370 top = 161 typeId = 1 description = The dreadful Oblivion plane of Coldharbour is a place of death, despair, and infinite cruelty. It is ruled by Molag Bal, the Lord of Brutality and Domination, a Daedric Prince dedicated to enslaving all the mortals of Nirn. index = 23 locationName = Coldharbour 9 = table:00000143D1A59708 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5ADE0 firstTable bottom = 207 data = table:00000143D1A59708 top = 184 typeId = 1 description = Though crossed by caravans and Covenant troops going to and from Cyrodiil, this wild region of eastern Hammerfell is a virtual no-man's-land. It's anchored on the east and west by the towns of Elinhir and Dragonstar. index = 25 locationName = Craglorn WORLD_MAP_LOCATIONS_FRAGMENT = table:000001447352A628 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001447352DC40 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001447352DA50 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143D1A55BB8 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D1A60928 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden WORLD_MAP_QUESTS = table:00000143F8BA4040 (meta 00000143F8B95238} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143F8BA3430 (meta 0000014308326048} data = table:00000143F8BA40B8 (meta 00000143F5B963A0} firstTable firstMeta CompareQuests() = function:00000143F8BA41D0 listDirty = false masterList = table:00000143F8BA4130 firstTable headerPool = table:00000143F8BA4808 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F8BA4850 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F8BA4898 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapQuestsPaneScrollChildHeader parent = userdata:00000143F8BA3CC0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_WorldMapQuestHeader noQuestsLabel = userdata:00000143F8BA4030 (meta 00000143083425C0} WORLD_MAP_QUESTS_DATA = table:00000143F8BA40B8 (meta 00000143F5B963A0} WORLD_MAP_QUESTS_FRAGMENT = table:00000143F8BA48E0 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000143F8BA4970 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143F8BA49F8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000143F8BA3430 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F8BA4928 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden WORLD_MAP_QUEST_BREADCRUMBS = table:0000014368A14038 (meta 0000014368A13518} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000143F8BA4290 firstTable QuestAvailable = table:00000143F8BA42D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F8BA4320 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F8BA4210 3 = false 2 = table:00000144C10305F8 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C10316C8 3 = false QuestRemoved = table:00000143F8BA4408 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F8BA4450 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F8BA43C0 3 = false 2 = table:000001439F47E000 firstTable 1() = function:000001439F47DFB8 3 = false conditionDataToPosition = table:00000143F8DD39B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5F635E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144CAEFC600 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C7FDD268 firstTable areaRadius = 0 insideCurrentMapWorld = false isBreadcrumb = false pinType = 15 xLoc = 1.2560142278671 yLoc = 15.165267944336 2 = table:00000143D6E79418 firstTable 1 = table:00000143FBCABB20 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C7FDD1A0 firstTable areaRadius = 0 insideCurrentMapWorld = false isBreadcrumb = false pinType = 15 xLoc = 7.4579153060913 yLoc = 2.1523163318634 dirtyEvents = table:0000014368A14080 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 taskIdToConditionData = table:00000143EB909118 firstTable WORLD_MAP_SCENE = table:00000143E12C1A58 (meta 0000014368607700} WORLD_MAP_ZOOM_FRAGMENT = table:000001439F4804B8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} WasRaidSuccessful() = function:000001439D293228 WhatIsVisualSlotShowing() = function:000001439D2957D0 WillChampionSkillBeUnlocked() = function:00000143F58DF950 WithdrawCurrencyFromBank() = function:00000143F9CF60A8 WithdrawCurrencyFromGuildBank() = function:000001447D014F20 WithdrawMoneyFromBank() = function:000001447D01A7F8 WithdrawMoneyFromGuildBank() = function:00000143F9CF6128 WithdrawTelvarStonesFromBank() = function:000001447D01A8B8 WorldPositionToGuiRender3DPosition() = function:000001439D29E1A8 WouldCollectibleBeHidden() = function:000001439D2959C0 WouldEquipmentBeHidden() = function:000001439D2958C8 WouldProcessMapClick() = function:000001439D29C258 ZO_ACTIVITY_FINDER_GENERALIZED_ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTORS = table:00000143FBA03FB8 firstTable 2 = Dungeon 3 = Dungeon 5 = Battleground 7 = Battleground 8 = Battleground ZO_ACTIVITY_FINDER_LOCATION_ENTRY_TYPE = table:00000143FBA04050 firstTable RANDOM = 3 SET = 2 SPECIFIC = 1 ZO_ACTIVITY_FINDER_REWARD_ENTRY_PADDING_X = 20 ZO_ACTIVITY_FINDER_REWARD_ENTRY_PADDING_Y = 10 ZO_ACTIVITY_FINDER_ROOT_GAMEPAD = table:000001447C506A40 (meta 00000143CCBF2A00} ZO_ACTIVITY_FINDER_ROOT_MANAGER = table:00000143E6311CF0 (meta 00000143E631D738} firstTable firstMeta activityFinderStatus = 0 callbackRegistry = table:000001431D9386C8 firstTable OnActivityFinderStatusUpdate = table:000001431D938710 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D938758 firstTable 1() = function:000001431D938648 3 = false 10 = table:00000143D643D7B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E03A8898 3 = false 11 = table:00000143A38F2858 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A390B188 3 = false 2 = table:000001439DB2DDD8 firstTable 1() = function:000001439DB32420 3 = false 3 = table:00000143609DDF18 firstTable 1() = function:00000143609DDE98 3 = false 4 = table:00000144C79BA6B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E4C53AD8 3 = false 5 = table:00000143E03AF1F8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014307CA1A48 3 = false 6 = table:0000014361395700 firstTable 1() = function:00000143613956B8 3 = false 7 = table:00000143EA774790 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EA774748 3 = false 8 = table:0000014355149E90 firstTable 1() = function:0000014361395670 3 = false 9 = table:00000144DD766D00 firstTable 1() = function:00000144DD766CB8 3 = false OnCooldownsUpdate = table:00000143F9F1FF78 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F9F1EA78 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F9F213B8 3 = false 2 = table:00000143F31831E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B2B57C80 3 = false 3 = table:00000143613952C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F9F25000 3 = false 4 = table:00000143EA76F270 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EA7749A0 3 = false 5 = table:00000143E6310808 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E63107C0 3 = false 6 = table:00000143BC4ED7A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143BC4ED760 3 = false OnHandleLFMPromptResponse = table:00000143E4C53FA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E4C541A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E4C53DB8 3 = false 2 = table:0000014307CA4A60 firstTable 1() = function:00000143609DDF98 3 = false 3 = table:0000014361395790 firstTable 1() = function:0000014361395748 3 = false 4 = table:00000143EA774858 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EA774810 3 = false 5 = table:00000143E6310670 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6310628 3 = false 6 = table:00000143F4206368 firstTable 1() = function:00000144DD766D80 3 = false OnLevelUpdate = table:000001447C500090 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DB33CA0 firstTable 1() = function:000001447C500048 3 = false 2 = table:00000143D64375E8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6437568 3 = false 3 = table:00000143E4C55110 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E4C54C08 3 = false 4 = table:000001439F6B7410 firstTable 1() = function:0000014307CA9118 3 = false 5 = table:00000143613958A0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014361395858 3 = false 6 = table:00000143EA774920 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EA7748D8 3 = false 7 = table:00000143E6310740 firstTable 1() = function:0000014361395810 3 = false 8 = table:00000143BC4ED6E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143BC4ED698 3 = false OnSelectionsChanged = table:000001431D72A630 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D961B498 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F4210DA0 3 = false 2 = table:00000143D587D3D0 firstTable 1() = function:000001431B3F89B8 3 = false 3 = table:0000014361395410 firstTable 1() = function:0000014361395390 3 = false 4 = table:00000143EA76F370 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EA76F2F0 3 = false 5 = table:00000143CCBF1B30 firstTable 1() = function:0000014361395348 3 = false 6 = table:0000014429008E20 firstTable 1() = function:0000014429008DD8 3 = false OnUpdateGroupStatus = table:000001447C500CD0 firstTable 1 = table:000001447C500D70 firstTable 1() = function:000001447C500C88 3 = false OnUpdateLocationData = table:00000143E4C52F58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E4C53958 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E4C525A0 3 = false 2 = table:000001430987D968 firstTable 1() = function:000001430987D810 3 = false 3 = table:0000014361395BA0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014361395B58 3 = false 4 = table:00000143E03A3BF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E03A3BA8 3 = false 5 = table:00000143E6313950 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E63138D0 3 = false 6 = table:00000144DD766C70 firstTable 1() = function:00000144DD766C28 3 = false cooldowns = table:0000014473751BD0 firstTable 5 = table:00000143CCBF5DD8 firstTable conciseFormatter = 6003 expiresAtS = 19337.62109375 isOnCooldown = false verboseFormatter = 6004 6 = table:00000143CCBF5EC8 firstTable conciseFormatter = 6005 expiresAtS = 19337.62109375 isOnCooldown = false verboseFormatter = 6006 dataDirty = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E6311D38 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 groupSize = 0 locationSetsLookupData = table:00000143CCBF6000 firstTable 0 = table:00000143CCBF6120 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5CF1228 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D5CF2830 firstTable 3 = table:0000014355150180 firstTable 4 = table:000001439F528140 firstTable 5 = table:000001439F5282B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F5276A0 (meta 00000143FBA05C40} 6 = table:0000014409E1A0D8 firstTable 7 = table:0000014409E1A250 firstTable 8 = table:0000014409E1A9F8 firstTable 2 = table:0000014409E204D8 (meta 00000143FBA05C40} numSelected = 0 playerIsGrouped = false playerIsLeader = false randomActivitySelections = table:0000014409E24A40 firstTable 0 = false 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false randomActivityTypeGroupSizeRanges = table:00000143CCBF6090 firstTable 0 = table:00000143D5CF10B0 firstTable max = 4 min = 2 1 = table:00000143D5CF2708 firstTable max = 24 min = 2 2 = table:0000014355150038 firstTable max = 4 min = 4 3 = table:000001439F527658 firstTable max = 4 min = 4 4 = table:000001439F5281D0 firstTable max = 1 min = 1 5 = table:000001439F527610 firstTable max = 4 min = 2 6 = table:0000014409E1A168 firstTable max = 1 min = 1 7 = table:0000014409E1A878 firstTable max = 4 min = 2 8 = table:0000014409E20438 firstTable max = 4 min = 2 randomActivityTypeLockReasons = table:0000014409E249F8 firstTable 1 = You must be in an AVA location to queue for Alliance War. 8 = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. sortedLocationsData = table:00000143CCBF6048 firstTable 0 = table:00000143CCBF6168 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5CF1038 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 0 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 252 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Craglorn nameKeyboard = Craglorn rawName = Craglorn requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 0 1 = table:00000143D5CF1270 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5CF12B8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 2 = table:00000143D5CF1F78 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 2 = table:00000143D5CF2878 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5CF28C0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = These extensive caverns in the volcanic rock beneath Stonefalls were once used for unknown purposes by the ancient Chimer, but were abandoned by the Elves long ago. Now they are the haunt of Goblins and other denizens of the underworld. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_fungalgrotto.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsfungal_grotto_tooltip.dds id = 2 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Fungal Grotto I nameKeyboard = Fungal Grotto I rawName = Fungal Grotto I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 6 10 = table:000001435514D638 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = When the Daedra-worshiping Ayleids were driven from Cyrodiil after Alessia's Slave Rebellion, many of the Wild Elf clans took refuge in Valenwood. One of the foremost of those clans was granted the right to excavate dwelling-halls under Elden Root itself. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_eldenhollow.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgselden_hollow_tooltip.dds id = 303 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Elden Hollow II nameKeyboard = Elden Hollow II rawName = Elden Hollow II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 5 11 = table:00000143D5CF4660 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Wayrest is justifiably proud of the commodious modern sewers that drain the city's wastes into the Iliac Bay. But the curving conduits beneath the streets contain dark secrets unsuspected by those who walk in the light of day above. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_wayrestsewers.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgswayrestsewers_tooltip.dds id = 6 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 17 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Wayrest Sewers I nameKeyboard = Wayrest Sewers I rawName = Wayrest Sewers I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 5 12 = table:00000143D5CF9A20 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Wayrest is justifiably proud of the commodious modern sewers that drain the city's wastes into the Iliac Bay. But the curving conduits beneath the streets contain dark secrets unsuspected by those who walk in the light of day above. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_wayrestsewers.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgswayrestsewers_tooltip.dds id = 22 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Wayrest Sewers II nameKeyboard = Wayrest Sewers II rawName = Wayrest Sewers II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 5 13 = table:00000143D5CF5580 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The Second Empire made some advances into the periphery of Black Marsh, but they didn't stay long. Arx Corinium, once an Imperial fort, is now occupied by denizens of the deep swamp—and even stranger things. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_arxcorinium.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsarx_corinium_tooltip.dds id = 8 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 24 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Arx Corinium nameKeyboard = Arx Corinium rawName = Arx Corinium requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 4 14 = table:00000143D5CF64D0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Not all Wood Elves are happy about Valenwood joining the Aldmeri Dominion. Some fear for their beloved forests, while others fear their heritage and traditions will be diluted or replaced. A few groups have retreated to refuges deep in the jungle. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_cityofash.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgscity_of_ash_tooltip.dds id = 10 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 24 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = City of Ash I nameKeyboard = City of Ash I rawName = City of Ash I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 4 15 = table:00000143D5CFBE00 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Nature has returned to reclaim the City of Ash. An unsealed portal still threatens, and only a few remain to defend against it. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_veterancityofash.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgscity_of_ash_tooltip.dds id = 322 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = City of Ash II nameKeyboard = City of Ash II rawName = City of Ash II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 4 16 = table:00000143D5CF5D10 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = This place's forbidding black towers are visible for leagues, even through Rivenspire's drifting mists. Yet the local inhabitants never mention it, behaving as if it doesn't even exist. But the Crypt of Hearts is no illusion or mirage—it is solid and all too real. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_cryptofhearts.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgscrypt_of_hearts_tooltip.dds id = 9 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 24 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Crypt of Hearts I nameKeyboard = Crypt of Hearts I rawName = Crypt of Hearts I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 4 17 = table:00000143D5CFAAC0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = This place's forbidding black towers are visible for leagues, even through Rivenspire's drifting mists. Yet the local inhabitants never mention it, behaving as if it doesn't even exist. But the Crypt of Hearts is no illusion or mirage—it is solid and all too real. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_cryptofhearts.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgscrypt_of_hearts_tooltip.dds id = 317 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Crypt of Hearts II nameKeyboard = Crypt of Hearts II rawName = Crypt of Hearts II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 4 18 = table:00000143D5CF6E40 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Ancestral home of the Direfrost clan, this frozen castle has long been sealed to the outside world, its owners neither seen nor heard from in generations. Mountain storms rage above the castle walls, conjured up by some unknown malignant power. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_direfrostkeep.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsdirefrost_keep_tooltip.dds id = 11 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 31 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Direfrost Keep nameKeyboard = Direfrost Keep rawName = Direfrost Keep requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 3 19 = table:00000143D5CF7B50 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Surrounded by sand bars and shifting channels, this island in the Strid estuary has long been a haven for pirates, raiders, and fugitives from law enforcement. It has never been fully explored by any civilized authority. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_tempestisland.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgstempest_island_tooltip.dds id = 13 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 31 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Tempest Island nameKeyboard = Tempest Island rawName = Tempest Island requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 3 2 = table:00000143D5CF9448 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = These extensive caverns in the volcanic rock beneath Stonefalls were once used for unknown purposes by the ancient Chimer, but were abandoned by the Elves long ago. Now they are the haunt of Goblins and other denizens of the underworld. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_fungalgrotto.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsfungal_grotto_tooltip.dds id = 18 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Fungal Grotto II nameKeyboard = Fungal Grotto II rawName = Fungal Grotto II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 6 20 = table:00000143D5CF57C0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The ancient Dwarven city of Volenfell was long lost to the sands of the Alik'r Desert. But its ruins have recently been discovered, prompting a race between scholars and treasure-hunters to be the first to search its storied depths. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_volenfell.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsvolenfell_tooltip.dds id = 12 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 31 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Volenfell nameKeyboard = Volenfell rawName = Volenfell requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 3 21 = table:00000143D5CF8528 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The Bjoulsae River, where it widens as it enters the Iliac Bay, flows past dozens of small islands that have long served as refuges for smugglers and sea raiders. The most notorious of these hideouts is Blackheart Haven. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_blackheart.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsblackheart_haven_tooltip.dds id = 15 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 38 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Blackheart Haven nameKeyboard = Blackheart Haven rawName = Blackheart Haven requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 2 22 = table:00000143D5CF7C78 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Warriors from all over Tamriel whisper about the Blessed Crucible, the hidden arena in the mountains of Skyrim where the mighty contend for fame, wealth, and the fabled Brimstone Crown. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_blessedcrucible.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsblessed_crucible_tooltip.dds id = 14 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 38 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Blessed Crucible nameKeyboard = Blessed Crucible rawName = Blessed Crucible requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 2 23 = table:00000143D5CF7ED0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Even by the standards of Malabal Tor, something is not right about the growth of the forest in this vicinity. It doesn't seem unhealthy—on the contrary, it seems vigorous, but in an unwholesome way. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_selenesweb.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsselenes_web_tooltip.dds id = 16 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 38 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Selene's Web nameKeyboard = Selene's Web rawName = Selene's Web requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 2 24 = table:00000143D5CF9250 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The Vaults of Madness are the masterpiece of the infamous Mad Architect, who is said to be one of the few entities ever to serve multiple Daedric Princes and profit from it. How he is paid for his \"services\" is a matter of wild and horrible conjecture. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_vaultsofmadness.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsvaults_of_madness_tooltip.dds id = 17 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Vaults of Madness nameKeyboard = Vaults of Madness rawName = Vaults of Madness requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 1 25 = table:000001435514E390 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Shunned by the Nords as a place of evil, this mystic forge site was constructed by an unknown Nedic sect that worshiped forgotten dark gods. Now it's been reopened by the Dreadhorn clan of Reachmen, who are meddling with dangerous forces of great power. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_bloodrootforge.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsbloodrootforge_tooltip.dds id = 324 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Bloodroot Forge nameKeyboard = Bloodroot Forge rawName = Bloodroot Forge requiredCollectible = 1165 sortOrder = 0 26 = table:000001435514CD88 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The Cradle of Shadows is the seat of power of the enigmatic figure known only as the Lady of Lace. What lies behind its veil of darkness is known only by her fanatical followers. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_cradleofshadows.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgscradleofshadows_tooltip.dds id = 295 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Cradle of Shadows nameKeyboard = Cradle of Shadows rawName = Cradle of Shadows requiredCollectible = 491 sortOrder = 0 27 = table:000001435514FF40 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Since Hakkvild drove out the Orcs in 2E 467 Falkreath has been back in the hands of the Nords. But now the weakened hold is menaced by another threat: the savage Reachmen of the Dreadhorn Clan. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_falkreathsdemise.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsfalkreathsdemise_tooltip.dds id = 368 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Falkreath Hold nameKeyboard = Falkreath Hold rawName = Falkreath Hold requiredCollectible = 1355 sortOrder = 0 28 = table:00000143D5CF6C30 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = This external district of the Imperial City houses the headquarters of the Imperial Legions, as well as the Imperial Prison itself. The City sewers pass beneath the prison as they drain toward Lake Rumare—but they're inaccessible, of course. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_imperialprison.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsimperialcity_prison_tooltip.dds id = 289 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Imperial City Prison nameKeyboard = Imperial City Prison rawName = Imperial City Prison requiredCollectible = 154 sortOrder = 0 29 = table:00000143D5CFB5A8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = As any Argonian will tell you, something at the heart of the \"Puzzle City\" is terribly wrong and deeply disturbing at a basic, almost organic level. Erect the spines of warning! descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_mazzatun.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsmazzatun_tooltip.dds id = 293 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Ruins of Mazzatun nameKeyboard = Ruins of Mazzatun rawName = Ruins of Mazzatun requiredCollectible = 375 sortOrder = 0 3 = table:00000143D5CF2F98 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The Ayleid ruins of Dwynnarth that grin down from the bluffs above Hag Fen were plundered and emptied out generations ago. But it seems there are forgotten mine tunnels beneath the lowest levels of Dwynnarth that might not be quite so empty. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_spindleclutch.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsspindleclutch_tooltip.dds id = 3 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Spindleclutch I nameKeyboard = Spindleclutch I rawName = Spindleclutch I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 6 30 = table:00000143D5CF9AA0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Built by the Ayleids as a focus of mystic power at the heart of Tamriel, the White-Gold Tower has long been a symbol of the Empires of Cyrodiil that followed. Now it is in danger of being absorbed into Coldharbour—and could draw Tamriel in after it! descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_whitegoldtower.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgswgt_tooltip.dds id = 288 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = White-Gold Tower nameKeyboard = White-Gold Tower rawName = White-Gold Tower requiredCollectible = 154 sortOrder = 0 4 = table:00000143D5CFA330 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The Ayleid ruins of Dwynnarth that grin down from the bluffs above Hag Fen were plundered and emptied out generations ago. But it seems there are forgotten mine tunnels beneath the lowest levels of Dwynnarth that might not be quite so empty. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_spindleclutch.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsspindleclutch_tooltip.dds id = 316 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Spindleclutch II nameKeyboard = Spindleclutch II rawName = Spindleclutch II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 6 5 = table:00000143D5CF3768 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The High Elves live long lives and have a talent for magic. Sometimes an Altmer's pursuit of magical power leads to tampering with forbidden knowledge and illicit dealings with evil Daedra. It was to confine such trespassers that the Banished Cells were created. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_banishedcell.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsbanishedcell_tooltip.dds id = 4 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = The Banished Cells I nameKeyboard = The Banished Cells I rawName = The Banished Cells I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 6 6 = table:000001435514D470 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The High Elves live long lives and have a talent for magic. Sometimes an Altmer's pursuit of magical power leads to tampering with forbidden knowledge and illicit dealings with evil Daedra. It was to confine such trespassers that the Banished Cells were created. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_banishedcell.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsbanishedcell_tooltip.dds id = 300 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = The Banished Cells II nameKeyboard = The Banished Cells II rawName = The Banished Cells II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 6 7 = table:00000143D5CF3F60 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = These caves have the distinction of being the most famous kwama mines in Deshaan. Dark Elves consider kwama eggs a delicacy, and those harvested from Darkshade Caverns are particularly prized by Dunmeri gourmets. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_darkshadecaverns.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsdarkshade_caverns_tooltip.dds id = 5 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 17 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Darkshade Caverns I nameKeyboard = Darkshade Caverns I rawName = Darkshade Caverns I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 5 8 = table:000001435514CEF8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = These caves have the distinction of being the most famous kwama mines in Deshaan. Dark Elves consider kwama eggs a delicacy, and those harvested from Darkshade Caverns are particularly prized by Dunmeri gourmets. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_darkshadecaverns.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsdarkshade_caverns_tooltip.dds id = 308 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 45 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Darkshade Caverns II nameKeyboard = Darkshade Caverns II rawName = Darkshade Caverns II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 5 9 = table:00000143D5CF4898 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 2 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = When the Daedra-worshiping Ayleids were driven from Cyrodiil after Alessia's Slave Rebellion, many of the Wild Elf clans took refuge in Valenwood. One of the foremost of those clans was granted the right to excavate dwelling-halls under Elden Root itself. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_eldenhollow.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgselden_hollow_tooltip.dds id = 7 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 17 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Elden Hollow I nameKeyboard = Elden Hollow I rawName = Elden Hollow I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 5 3 = table:00000143551506D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143551543C0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = These extensive caverns in the volcanic rock beneath Stonefalls were once used for unknown purposes by the ancient Chimer, but were abandoned by the Elves long ago. Now they are the haunt of Goblins and other denizens of the underworld. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_fungalgrotto.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsfungal_grotto_tooltip.dds id = 299 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Fungal Grotto I nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Fungal Grotto I rawName = Fungal Grotto I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 6 10 = table:0000014355154508 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = When the Daedra-worshiping Ayleids were driven from Cyrodiil after Alessia's Slave Rebellion, many of the Wild Elf clans took refuge in Valenwood. One of the foremost of those clans was granted the right to excavate dwelling-halls under Elden Root itself. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_eldenhollow.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgselden_hollow_tooltip.dds id = 302 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Elden Hollow II nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Elden Hollow II rawName = Elden Hollow II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 5 11 = table:000001439F520CC0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Wayrest is justifiably proud of the commodious modern sewers that drain the city's wastes into the Iliac Bay. But the curving conduits beneath the streets contain dark secrets unsuspected by those who walk in the light of day above. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_wayrestsewers.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgswayrestsewers_tooltip.dds id = 306 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Wayrest Sewers I nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Wayrest Sewers I rawName = Wayrest Sewers I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 5 12 = table:000001439F521CF8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Wayrest is justifiably proud of the commodious modern sewers that drain the city's wastes into the Iliac Bay. But the curving conduits beneath the streets contain dark secrets unsuspected by those who walk in the light of day above. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_wayrestsewers.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgswayrestsewers_tooltip.dds id = 307 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Wayrest Sewers II nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Wayrest Sewers II rawName = Wayrest Sewers II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 5 13 = table:000001439F520BD0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The Second Empire made some advances into the periphery of Black Marsh, but they didn't stay long. Arx Corinium, once an Imperial fort, is now occupied by denizens of the deep swamp—and even stranger things. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_arxcorinium.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsarx_corinium_tooltip.dds id = 305 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Arx Corinium nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Arx Corinium rawName = Arx Corinium requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 4 14 = table:00000143551522C8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Not all Wood Elves are happy about Valenwood joining the Aldmeri Dominion. Some fear for their beloved forests, while others fear their heritage and traditions will be diluted or replaced. A few groups have retreated to refuges deep in the jungle. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_cityofash.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgscity_of_ash_tooltip.dds id = 310 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran City of Ash I nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t City of Ash I rawName = City of Ash I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 4 15 = table:0000014355151080 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 160 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Nature has returned to reclaim the City of Ash. An unsealed portal still threatens, and only a few remain to defend against it. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_veterancityofash.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgscity_of_ash_tooltip.dds id = 267 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran City of Ash II nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t City of Ash II rawName = City of Ash II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 4 16 = table:00000143551516A0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = This place's forbidding black towers are visible for leagues, even through Rivenspire's drifting mists. Yet the local inhabitants never mention it, behaving as if it doesn't even exist. But the Crypt of Hearts is no illusion or mirage—it is solid and all too real. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_veterancryptofhearts.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgscrypt_of_hearts_tooltip.dds id = 261 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Crypt of Hearts I nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Crypt of Hearts I rawName = Crypt of Hearts I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 4 17 = table:000001439F5246B8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 160 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = This place's forbidding black towers are visible for leagues, even through Rivenspire's drifting mists. Yet the local inhabitants never mention it, behaving as if it doesn't even exist. But the Crypt of Hearts is no illusion or mirage—it is solid and all too real. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_veterancryptofhearts.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgscrypt_of_hearts_tooltip.dds id = 318 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Crypt of Hearts II nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Crypt of Hearts II rawName = Crypt of Hearts II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 4 18 = table:000001439F5251D8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Ancestral home of the Direfrost clan, this frozen castle has long been sealed to the outside world, its owners neither seen nor heard from in generations. Mountain storms rage above the castle walls, conjured up by some unknown malignant power. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_direfrostkeep.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsdirefrost_keep_tooltip.dds id = 319 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Direfrost Keep nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Direfrost Keep rawName = Direfrost Keep requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 3 19 = table:0000014355153758 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Surrounded by sand bars and shifting channels, this island in the Strid estuary has long been a haven for pirates, raiders, and fugitives from law enforcement. It has never been fully explored by any civilized authority. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_tempestisland.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgstempest_island_tooltip.dds id = 311 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Tempest Island nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Tempest Island rawName = Tempest Island requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 3 2 = table:0000014355153850 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = These extensive caverns in the volcanic rock beneath Stonefalls were once used for unknown purposes by the ancient Chimer, but were abandoned by the Elves long ago. Now they are the haunt of Goblins and other denizens of the underworld. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_fungalgrotto.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsfungal_grotto_tooltip.dds id = 312 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Fungal Grotto II nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Fungal Grotto II rawName = Fungal Grotto II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 6 20 = table:000001439F520AE0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The ancient Dwarven city of Volenfell was long lost to the sands of the Alik'r Desert. But its ruins have recently been discovered, prompting a race between scholars and treasure-hunters to be the first to search its storied depths. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_volenfell.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsvolenfell_tooltip.dds id = 304 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Volenfell nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Volenfell rawName = Volenfell requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 3 21 = table:000001439F526880 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The Bjoulsae River, where it widens as it enters the Iliac Bay, flows past dozens of small islands that have long served as refuges for smugglers and sea raiders. The most notorious of these hideouts is Blackheart Haven. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_blackheart.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsblackheart_haven_tooltip.dds id = 321 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Blackheart Haven nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Blackheart Haven rawName = Blackheart Haven requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 2 22 = table:000001439F5252D0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Warriors from all over Tamriel whisper about the Blessed Crucible, the hidden arena in the mountains of Skyrim where the mighty contend for fame, wealth, and the fabled Brimstone Crown. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_blessedcrucible.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsblessed_crucible_tooltip.dds id = 320 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Blessed Crucible nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Blessed Crucible rawName = Blessed Crucible requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 2 23 = table:000001439F5244C8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Even by the standards of Malabal Tor, something is not right about the growth of the forest in this vicinity. It doesn't seem unhealthy—on the contrary, it seems vigorous, but in an unwholesome way. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_selenesweb.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsselenes_web_tooltip.dds id = 313 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Selene's Web nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Selene's Web rawName = Selene's Web requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 2 24 = table:000001439F5245B8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The Vaults of Madness are the masterpiece of the infamous Mad Architect, who is said to be one of the few entities ever to serve multiple Daedric Princes and profit from it. How he is paid for his \"services\" is a matter of wild and horrible conjecture. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_vaultsofmadness.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsvaults_of_madness_tooltip.dds id = 314 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Vaults of Madness nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Vaults of Madness rawName = Vaults of Madness requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 1 25 = table:000001439F526980 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 160 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Shunned by the Nords as a place of evil, this mystic forge site was constructed by an unknown Nedic sect that worshiped forgotten dark gods. Now it's been reopened by the Dreadhorn clan of Reachmen, who are meddling with dangerous forces of great power. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_bloodrootforge.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsbloodrootforge_tooltip.dds id = 325 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Bloodroot Forge nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Bloodroot Forge rawName = Bloodroot Forge requiredCollectible = 1165 sortOrder = 0 26 = table:0000014355153120 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 160 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The Cradle of Shadows is the seat of power of the enigmatic figure known only as the Lady of Lace. What lies behind its veil of darkness is known only by her fanatical followers. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_cradleofshadows.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgscradleofshadows_tooltip.dds id = 296 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Cradle of Shadows nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Cradle of Shadows rawName = Cradle of Shadows requiredCollectible = 491 sortOrder = 0 27 = table:000001439F527518 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 160 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Since Hakkvild drove out the Orcs in 2E 467 Falkreath has been back in the hands of the Nords. But now the weakened hold is menaced by another threat: the savage Reachmen of the Dreadhorn Clan. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_falkreathsdemise.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsfalkreathsdemise_tooltip.dds id = 369 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Falkreath Hold nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Falkreath Hold rawName = Falkreath Hold requiredCollectible = 1355 sortOrder = 0 28 = table:0000014355152480 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 160 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = This external district of the Imperial City houses the headquarters of the Imperial Legions, as well as the Imperial Prison itself. The City sewers pass beneath the prison as they drain toward Lake Rumare—but they're inaccessible, of course. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_imperialprison.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsimperialcity_prison_tooltip.dds id = 268 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Imperial City Prison nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Imperial City Prison rawName = Imperial City Prison requiredCollectible = 154 sortOrder = 0 29 = table:0000014355153020 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 160 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = As any Argonian will tell you, something at the heart of the \"Puzzle City\" is terribly wrong and deeply disturbing at a basic, almost organic level. Erect the spines of warning! descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_mazzatun.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsmazzatun_tooltip.dds id = 294 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Ruins of Mazzatun nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Ruins of Mazzatun rawName = Ruins of Mazzatun requiredCollectible = 375 sortOrder = 0 3 = table:00000143551538D8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The Ayleid ruins of Dwynnarth that grin down from the bluffs above Hag Fen were plundered and emptied out generations ago. But it seems there are forgotten mine tunnels beneath the lowest levels of Dwynnarth that might not be quite so empty. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_spindleclutch.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsspindleclutch_tooltip.dds id = 315 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Spindleclutch I nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Spindleclutch I rawName = Spindleclutch I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 6 30 = table:0000014355152F20 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 160 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = Built by the Ayleids as a focus of mystic power at the heart of Tamriel, the White-Gold Tower has long been a symbol of the Empires of Cyrodiil that followed. Now it is in danger of being absorbed into Coldharbour—and could draw Tamriel in after it! descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_whitegoldtower.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgswgt_tooltip.dds id = 287 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran White-Gold Tower nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t White-Gold Tower rawName = White-Gold Tower requiredCollectible = 154 sortOrder = 0 4 = table:0000014355150718 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The Ayleid ruins of Dwynnarth that grin down from the bluffs above Hag Fen were plundered and emptied out generations ago. But it seems there are forgotten mine tunnels beneath the lowest levels of Dwynnarth that might not be quite so empty. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_spindleclutch.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsspindleclutch_tooltip.dds id = 19 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Spindleclutch II nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Spindleclutch II rawName = Spindleclutch II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 6 5 = table:0000014355150870 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The High Elves live long lives and have a talent for magic. Sometimes an Altmer's pursuit of magical power leads to tampering with forbidden knowledge and illicit dealings with evil Daedra. It was to confine such trespassers that the Banished Cells were created. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_banishedcell.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsbanishedcell_tooltip.dds id = 20 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran The Banished Cells I nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t The Banished Cells I rawName = The Banished Cells I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 6 6 = table:0000014355154480 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = The High Elves live long lives and have a talent for magic. Sometimes an Altmer's pursuit of magical power leads to tampering with forbidden knowledge and illicit dealings with evil Daedra. It was to confine such trespassers that the Banished Cells were created. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_banishedcell.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsbanishedcell_tooltip.dds id = 301 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran The Banished Cells II nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t The Banished Cells II rawName = The Banished Cells II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 6 7 = table:000001439F521DF8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = These caves have the distinction of being the most famous kwama mines in Deshaan. Dark Elves consider kwama eggs a delicacy, and those harvested from Darkshade Caverns are particularly prized by Dunmeri gourmets. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_darkshadecaverns.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsdarkshade_caverns_tooltip.dds id = 309 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Darkshade Caverns I nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Darkshade Caverns I rawName = Darkshade Caverns I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 5 8 = table:0000014355150F70 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = These caves have the distinction of being the most famous kwama mines in Deshaan. Dark Elves consider kwama eggs a delicacy, and those harvested from Darkshade Caverns are particularly prized by Dunmeri gourmets. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_darkshadecaverns.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgsdarkshade_caverns_tooltip.dds id = 21 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Darkshade Caverns II nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Darkshade Caverns II rawName = Darkshade Caverns II requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 5 9 = table:0000014355150F18 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 3 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = true description = When the Daedra-worshiping Ayleids were driven from Cyrodiil after Alessia's Slave Rebellion, many of the Wild Elf clans took refuge in Valenwood. One of the foremost of those clans was granted the right to excavate dwelling-halls under Elden Root itself. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_eldenhollow.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgselden_hollow_tooltip.dds id = 23 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Veteran Elden Hollow I nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t Elden Hollow I rawName = Elden Hollow I requiredCollectible = 0 sortOrder = 5 4 = table:000001439F528188 firstTable 5 = table:000001439F528300 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F52AC20 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ald C Chaos ball 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 380 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ald C Chaos ball 10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = Ald C Chaos ball 10-50 no cp rawName = Ald C Chaos ball 10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 10 = table:000001439F529F08 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Arcane CK10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 396 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Arcane CK10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = BG Arcane CK10-50 no cp rawName = BG Arcane CK10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 11 = table:000001439F5291E8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Arcane CK 50 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 404 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Arcane CK 50 nameKeyboard = BG Arcane CK 50 rawName = BG Arcane CK 50 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 12 = table:000001439F529160 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Arcane DM 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 382 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Arcane DM 10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = BG Arcane DM 10-50 no cp rawName = BG Arcane DM 10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 13 = table:000001439F52C1C0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Arcane DOM 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 367 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Arcane DOM 10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = BG Arcane DOM 10-50 no cp rawName = BG Arcane DOM 10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 14 = table:000001439F52C248 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG AU CTF 10—50 nocp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 370 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG AU CTF 10—50 nocp nameKeyboard = BG AU CTF 10—50 nocp rawName = BG AU CTF 10—50 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 15 = table:000001439F52E0C8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry DOM 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 393 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Foyada CK10-50 nocp nameKeyboard = BG Foyada CK10-50 nocp rawName = BG Foyada CK10-50 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 16 = table:000001439F52A018 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Foyada CK 50 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 402 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Foyada CK 50 nameKeyboard = BG Foyada CK 50 rawName = BG Foyada CK 50 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 17 = table:000001439F529DF8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Ularra CK10—50 nocp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 394 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Ularra CK10—50 nocp nameKeyboard = BG Ularra CK10—50 nocp rawName = BG Ularra CK10—50 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 18 = table:000001439F5289B0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Ularra CK 50 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 403 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Ularra CK 50 nameKeyboard = BG Ularra CK 50 rawName = BG Ularra CK 50 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 19 = table:000001439F52E040 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Chaos ball 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 384 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Foyada Chaos ball 10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = Foyada Chaos ball 10-50 no cp rawName = Foyada Chaos ball 10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 2 = table:000001439F52C138 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ald Carac DOM 10—50 nocp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 363 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ald Carac DOM 10—50 nocp nameKeyboard = Ald Carac DOM 10—50 nocp rawName = Ald Carac DOM 10—50 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 20 = table:000001439F529378 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry CTF 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 356 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Foyada Quarry CTF 10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = Foyada Quarry CTF 10-50 no cp rawName = Foyada Quarry CTF 10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 21 = table:0000014355154AD8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry DM 10-50 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_genericlfg.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgs_genericlfg_full.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgs_genericlfg_tooltip.dds id = 326 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Foyada Quarry DM 10-50 nameKeyboard = Foyada Quarry DM 10-50 rawName = Foyada Quarry DM 10-50 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 22 = table:0000014355154C50 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry DM 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 328 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Foyada Quarry DM 10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = Foyada Quarry DM 10-50 no cp rawName = Foyada Quarry DM 10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 23 = table:000001439F529330 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry DOM 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 355 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Foyada Quarry DOM 10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = Foyada Quarry DOM 10-50 no cp rawName = Foyada Quarry DOM 10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 24 = table:000001439F5292A8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry DOM v2 10—50 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 353 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Foyada Quarry DOM v2 10—50 nameKeyboard = Foyada Quarry DOM v2 10—50 rawName = Foyada Quarry DOM v2 10—50 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 25 = table:000001439F52C2D0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ularra Chaos ball 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 381 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ularra Chaos ball 10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = Ularra Chaos ball 10-50 no cp rawName = Ularra Chaos ball 10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 26 = table:0000014355154D18 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ularra CTF 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 358 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ularra CTF 10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = Ularra CTF 10-50 no cp rawName = Ularra CTF 10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 27 = table:000001439F5288E0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ularra DM 10-50 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 329 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ularra DM 10-50 nameKeyboard = Ularra DM 10-50 rawName = Ularra DM 10-50 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 28 = table:000001439F528A18 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ularra DM 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 331 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ularra DM 10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = Ularra DM 10-50 no cp rawName = Ularra DM 10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 29 = table:000001439F52AB98 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ularra DOM 10—50 nocp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 362 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ularra DOM 10—50 nocp nameKeyboard = Ularra DOM 10—50 nocp rawName = Ularra DOM 10—50 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 3 = table:000001439F528B18 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ald Carrac 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 334 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ald Carrac 10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = Ald Carrac 10-50 no cp rawName = Ald Carrac 10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 30 = table:000001439F528888 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ularra Murderball10-50 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 336 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ularra Murderball10-50 nameKeyboard = Ularra Murderball10-50 rawName = Ularra Murderball10-50 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 31 = table:000001439F5276A0 (meta 00000143FBA05C40} firstTable firstMeta activities = table:0000014409E165D0 firstTable 1 = 328 10 = 380 11 = 384 12 = 381 13 = 383 14 = 367 15 = 382 16 = 370 17 = 396 18 = 395 19 = 394 2 = 331 20 = 393 3 = 334 4 = 355 5 = 362 6 = 363 7 = 356 8 = 358 9 = 360 activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = This queue group includes Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Chaosball, Crazy King and Domination game modes for level 50 players only. No Champion Abilities are available in this queue group. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_genericlfg.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgs_genericlfg_full.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgs_genericlfg_tooltip.dds icon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 1 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/Gamepad/gp_champion_icon.dds|t Grab Bag nameKeyboard = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t Grab Bag rawName = Grab Bag requiredCollectibles = table:0000014409E16618 firstTable 1 = 593 10 = 593 11 = 593 12 = 593 13 = 593 14 = 593 15 = 593 16 = 593 17 = 593 18 = 593 19 = 593 2 = 593 20 = 593 3 = 593 4 = 593 5 = 593 6 = 593 7 = 593 8 = 593 9 = 593 sortOrder = 0 4 = table:000001439F52AAD0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ald Carrac CTF 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 360 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ald Carrac CTF 10-50 no cp nameKeyboard = Ald Carrac CTF 10-50 no cp rawName = Ald Carrac CTF 10-50 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 5 = table:000001439F528928 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ald Carrac DM 10-50 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 337 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ald Carrac DM 10-50 nameKeyboard = Ald Carrac DM 10-50 rawName = Ald Carrac DM 10-50 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 6 = table:000001439F528A98 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ald Carrac DM 10-50 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 332 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ald Carrac DM 10-50 nameKeyboard = Ald Carrac DM 10-50 rawName = Ald Carrac DM 10-50 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 7 = table:000001439F52DF70 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Arc.Univ Chaos ball 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 383 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Arc.Univ Chaos ball 10-50 nameKeyboard = Arc.Univ Chaos ball 10-50 rawName = Arc.Univ Chaos ball 10-50 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 8 = table:000001439F529E80 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Ald Carac CK10—50 nocp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 395 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Ald Carac CK10—50 nocp nameKeyboard = BG Ald Carac CK10—50 nocp rawName = BG Ald Carac CK10—50 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 9 = table:000001439F529F90 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 5 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Ald Carac CK 10—50 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 401 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 50 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Ald Carac CK 10—50 nameKeyboard = BG Ald Carac CK 10—50 rawName = BG Ald Carac CK 10—50 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 6 = table:0000014409E1A120 firstTable 7 = table:0000014409E1A298 firstTable 1 = table:0000014409E1AA48 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 7 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ald Carrac M-ball10-50 nocp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 340 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ald Carrac M-ball10-50 nocp nameKeyboard = Ald Carrac M-ball10-50 nocp rawName = Ald Carrac M-ball10-50 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 2 = table:0000014409E1AAD0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 7 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry CTF 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = 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M-ball10-50 nocp rawName = Foyada Quarry M-ball10-50 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 4 = table:0000014409E1A2E0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 7 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry Murderball10-50 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 335 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Foyada Quarry Murderball10-50 nameKeyboard = Foyada Quarry Murderball10-50 rawName = Foyada Quarry Murderball10-50 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 5 = table:0000014409E1A8D0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 7 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ularra M-ball10-50 nocp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 339 isLocked = false isSelected = false levelMax = 50 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ularra M-ball10-50 nocp nameKeyboard = Ularra M-ball10-50 nocp rawName = Ularra M-ball10-50 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 8 = table:0000014409E1B208 firstTable 1 = table:0000014409E20328 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ald C Chaos ball 10-49 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 392 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ald C Chaos ball 10-49 no cp nameKeyboard = Ald C Chaos ball 10-49 no cp rawName = Ald C Chaos ball 10-49 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 10 = table:0000014409E1B400 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Arcane DOM 10-49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 387 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Arcane DOM 10-49 nameKeyboard = BG Arcane DOM 10-49 rawName = BG Arcane DOM 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 11 = table:0000014409E1FB48 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG AU CTF 10—49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 389 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG AU CTF 10—49 nameKeyboard = BG AU CTF 10—49 rawName = BG AU CTF 10—49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 12 = table:0000014409E203B0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry DOM 10-50 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = 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maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Foyada DOM 10-49 nameKeyboard = BG Foyada DOM 10-49 rawName = BG Foyada DOM 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 14 = table:0000014409E1E970 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Ularra CK10—49 nocp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 398 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Ularra CK10—49 nocp nameKeyboard = BG Ularra CK10—49 nocp rawName = BG Ularra CK10—49 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 15 = table:0000014409E1DE50 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Ularra DOM 10-49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 364 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Ularra DOM 10-49 nameKeyboard = BG Ularra DOM 10-49 rawName = BG Ularra DOM 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 16 = table:0000014409E1CB38 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Chaos ball 10-49 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 390 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Foyada Chaos ball 10-49 no cp nameKeyboard = Foyada Chaos ball 10-49 no cp rawName = Foyada Chaos ball 10-49 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 17 = table:0000014409E1CC80 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry CTF 10-49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 357 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Foyada Quarry CTF 10-49 nameKeyboard = Foyada Quarry CTF 10-49 rawName = Foyada Quarry CTF 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 18 = table:0000014409E1B250 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry DM 10-49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 327 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Foyada Quarry DM 10-49 nameKeyboard = Foyada Quarry DM 10-49 rawName = Foyada Quarry DM 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 19 = table:0000014409E1C3A8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry DOM v2 10-49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 354 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Foyada Quarry DOM v2 10-49 nameKeyboard = Foyada Quarry DOM v2 10-49 rawName = Foyada Quarry DOM v2 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 2 = table:0000014409E1DDD0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ald Carrac CTF 10-49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 361 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ald Carrac CTF 10-49 nameKeyboard = Ald Carrac CTF 10-49 rawName = Ald Carrac CTF 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 20 = table:0000014409E1C498 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Foyada Quarry M-ball10-49 nocp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 341 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Foyada Quarry M-ball10-49 nocp nameKeyboard = Foyada Quarry M-ball10-49 nocp rawName = Foyada Quarry M-ball10-49 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 21 = table:0000014409E202A0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ularra Chaos ball 10-49 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 391 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ularra Chaos ball 10-49 no cp nameKeyboard = Ularra Chaos ball 10-49 no cp rawName = Ularra Chaos ball 10-49 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 22 = table:0000014409E1DD18 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ularra CTF 10-49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 359 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ularra CTF 10-49 nameKeyboard = Ularra CTF 10-49 rawName = Ularra CTF 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 23 = table:0000014409E1B2D8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ularra DM 10-49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 330 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ularra DM 10-49 nameKeyboard = Ularra DM 10-49 rawName = Ularra DM 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 24 = table:0000014409E1C528 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ularra M-ball10-49 nocp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 342 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ularra M-ball10-49 nocp nameKeyboard = Ularra M-ball10-49 nocp rawName = Ularra M-ball10-49 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 25 = table:0000014409E204D8 (meta 00000143FBA05C40} firstTable activities = table:0000014409E1CBC0 firstTable 1 = 327 10 = 386 11 = 387 12 = 388 13 = 389 14 = 390 15 = 391 16 = 392 17 = 400 18 = 399 19 = 398 2 = 330 20 = 397 3 = 333 4 = 366 5 = 365 6 = 364 7 = 357 8 = 359 9 = 361 activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = This queue group includes Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Chaosball, Crazy King and Domination game modes for players levels 10-49. No Champion Abilities are available in this queue group. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_genericlfg.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgs_genericlfg_full.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgs_genericlfg_tooltip.dds icon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 2 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Grab Bag nameKeyboard = Grab Bag rawName = Grab Bag requiredCollectibles = table:0000014409E1EB08 firstTable 1 = 593 10 = 593 11 = 593 12 = 593 13 = 593 14 = 593 15 = 593 16 = 593 17 = 593 18 = 593 19 = 593 2 = 593 20 = 593 3 = 593 4 = 593 5 = 593 6 = 593 7 = 593 8 = 593 9 = 593 sortOrder = 0 3 = table:0000014409E1B378 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ald Carrac DM 10-49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 333 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ald Carrac DM 10-49 nameKeyboard = Ald Carrac DM 10-49 rawName = Ald Carrac DM 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 4 = table:0000014409E1B448 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = Ald Carrac M-ball10-49 nocp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 343 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Ald Carrac M-ball10-49 nocp nameKeyboard = Ald Carrac M-ball10-49 nocp rawName = Ald Carrac M-ball10-49 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 5 = table:0000014409E1E9F8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Ald Carac CK10—49 nocp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 399 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Ald Carac CK10—49 nocp nameKeyboard = BG Ald Carac CK10—49 nocp rawName = BG Ald Carac CK10—49 nocp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 6 = table:0000014409E1DED0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Ald Carac DOM 10-49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 365 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Ald Carac DOM 10-49 nameKeyboard = BG Ald Carac DOM 10-49 rawName = BG Ald Carac DOM 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 7 = table:0000014409E1C5E8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Arcane Chaos ball 10-49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 386 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Arcane Chaos ball 10-49 nameKeyboard = BG Arcane Chaos ball 10-49 rawName = BG Arcane Chaos ball 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 8 = table:0000014409E1EA80 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Arcane CK10-49 no cp descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 400 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Arcane CK10-49 no cp nameKeyboard = BG Arcane CK10-49 no cp rawName = BG Arcane CK10-49 no cp requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 9 = table:0000014409E1CD08 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 8 championPointsMax = 0 championPointsMin = 0 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = BG Arcane DM 10-49 descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 388 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 49 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t0. maxGroupSize = 4 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = BG Arcane DM 10-49 nameKeyboard = BG Arcane DM 10-49 rawName = BG Arcane DM 10-49 requiredCollectible = 593 sortOrder = 0 specificLocationsLookupData = table:00000143CCBF5FB8 firstTable 0 = table:00000143CCBF60D8 firstTable 252 = table:00000143D5CF1038 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 1 = table:00000143D5CF11E0 firstTable 286 = table:00000143D5CF12B8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 290 = table:00000143D5CF1F78 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 2 = table:00000143D5CF27E8 firstTable 10 = table:00000143D5CF64D0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 11 = table:00000143D5CF6E40 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 12 = table:00000143D5CF57C0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 13 = table:00000143D5CF7B50 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 14 = table:00000143D5CF7C78 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 15 = table:00000143D5CF8528 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 16 = table:00000143D5CF7ED0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 17 = table:00000143D5CF9250 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 18 = table:00000143D5CF9448 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 2 = table:00000143D5CF28C0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 22 = table:00000143D5CF9A20 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 288 = table:00000143D5CF9AA0 (meta 00000143FBA05940} 289 = table:00000143D5CF6C30 (meta 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firstMeta Hide() = function:00000143F992F358 Initialize() = function:00000143F992E608 New() = function:000001431C16DDC0 Show() = function:00000143F992F200 __index = table:000001431C16CE40 (meta 000001431C16D7D8} ZO_ActionSlot_ClearSlot() = function:000001439D7AFB48 ZO_ActionSlot_SetUnusable() = function:000001439D7AFB88 ZO_ActionSlot_SetupSlot() = function:000001439D7AFB08 ZO_ActiveCombatTip = table:00000143B333A160 (meta 00000143B333A1A8} firstTable firstMeta ApplyStyle() = function:00000143B333A2D0 Initialize() = function:00000143B333A290 IsInSupression() = function:00000143B333A3F8 New() = function:00000143B333A220 OnDisplayActiveCombatTip() = function:00000143B333A478 OnGamepadPreferredModeChanged() = function:00000143B333A3B8 OnRemoveActiveCombatTip() = function:00000143B333A500 RefreshTip() = function:00000143B333A438 __index = table:00000143B333A160 (meta 00000143B333A1A8} ZO_ActiveCombatTips = userdata:00000143B333A280 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_ActiveCombatTipsTip = 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function:00000143E03A8228 GetSpecificFilterName() = function:000001431B719808 GetVisibleEntryTypes() = function:000001439FD048B0 Initialize() = function:00000143F76E5388 IsEntryTypeVisible() = function:00000143D5876790 New() = function:00000143CCBFDDC0 SetEntriesInSubmenu() = function:00000143E03ABFE8 SetSubmenuFilterNames() = function:00000143E03A9EC8 SetVisibleEntryTypes() = function:0000014320945448 __index = table:000001439FADB210 (meta 000001439D304358} ZO_ActivityFinderLocation_Base = table:00000143FBA04098 (meta 00000143FBA040E0} firstTable firstMeta AddActivitySearchEntry() = function:00000143FBA042F0 CountsForAverageRoleTime() = function:00000143FBA05880 DoesGroupMeetLevelRequirements() = function:00000143FBA05900 DoesPlayerMeetLevelRequirements() = function:00000143FBA058C0 GetActivityType() = function:00000143FBA04638 GetApplicableCooldownTypes() = function:00000143FBA045B8 GetChampionPointsMax() = function:00000143FBA048F8 GetChampionPointsMin() = function:00000143FBA048B8 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function:00000143FBA041C8 InitializeFormattedNames() = function:00000143FBA04208 IsLocked() = function:00000143FBA05700 IsLockedByCollectible() = function:00000143FBA04B78 IsSelected() = function:00000143FBA04C78 New() = function:00000143FBA04158 SetCountsForAverageRoleTime() = function:00000143FBA05840 SetGroupSizeRangeText() = function:00000143FBA04420 SetLockReasonText() = function:00000143FBA05740 SetLockReasonTextOverride() = function:00000143FBA057C0 SetLocked() = function:00000143FBA04CB8 SetNameGamepad() = function:00000143FBA04778 SetNameKeyboard() = function:00000143FBA046F8 SetSelected() = function:00000143FBA04C38 ZO_ActivityFinderLocation_Random = table:000001447C504A40 (meta 00000143FBA014D8} firstTable firstMeta GetEntryType() = function:00000143FB9FBFF0 Initialize() = function:00000143FBA01680 InitializeFormattedNames() = function:00000143FB9FF778 New() = function:00000143FBA01520 __index = table:000001447C504A40 (meta 00000143FBA014D8} ZO_ActivityFinderLocation_Set = 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function:00000143FBA05B00 GetEntryType() = function:00000143FBA05C00 GetFirstLockingCollectible() = function:00000143FBA05BC0 Initialize() = function:00000143FBA05A40 InitializeFormattedNames() = function:00000143FBA05A80 IsLockedByCollectible() = function:00000143FBA05B80 New() = function:00000143FBA059D0 __index = table:00000143FBA05940 (meta 00000143FBA05988} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_Gamepad = userdata:00000143CCBF2068 (meta 000001431B70F3A8} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMask = userdata:00000143FB9FB0A0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainer = userdata:00000143CCBF8810 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143FB9FE1C8 (meta 00000143CCBEF338} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143CCBF8840 (meta 000001447C505148} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143CCBF8840 (meta 000001447C505148} 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= userdata:000001447C506AF0 (meta 000001447C504460} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:000001447C5066A8 (meta 00000144D5B29400} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D6439C28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143D6439C70 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143D6439CB8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6439D00 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143D6439D48 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143D6438518 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6438560 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143D64385A8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:000001447C5043B8 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143D643BF78 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143D643BFC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D643C008 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D643BEF8 3 = false 2 = table:00000143D643A108 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D643A088 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143D643A1D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D643A270 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D643A188 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000144D5B28888 firstTable control = userdata:000001447C5066A8 (meta 00000144D5B29400} dataIndexToControl = table:000001447374FD18 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431D727730 (meta 00000143D6433988} 2 = userdata:00000143D64377A0 (meta 00000143A44BD000} 3 = userdata:000001431D723298 (meta 000001431D677D78} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 3 highlight = userdata:000001444EEDFE60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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find a group for a dungeon and get bonus rewards! enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001431D722650 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/gp_LFG_menuIcon_Dungeon.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Dungeon Finder unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 3 = table:000001431D9889D8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001430987E798 firstTable activityFinderObject = table:00000143D9614E90 (meta 00000143E6317438} menuIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/LFG_menuIcon_ava.dds name = Alliance War sceneName = gamepadAvAFinder tooltipDescription = Queueing for Alliance War will match you with other players in Cyrodiil and Imperial City. enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001431D97F228 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/LFG_menuIcon_ava.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Alliance War unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 4 = table:00000144D545AF60 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439FADC5D0 firstTable activityFinderObject = table:0000014361395490 (meta 00000143E6317438} menuIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/LFG_menuIcon_battlegrounds.dds name = Battlegrounds sceneName = gamepadBattlegroundFinder tooltipDescription = Queueing for Battlegrounds will match you with other players and take you to a battleground. enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:00000143E4C5DD20 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/LFG_menuIcon_battlegrounds.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Battlegrounds unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} dataTypes = table:0000014473750250 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:000001447374F108 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001447374F738 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001447374F780 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D64377A0 (meta 00000143A44BD000} 2 = userdata:000001431D727730 (meta 00000143D6433988} 3 = userdata:000001431D723298 (meta 000001431D677D78} 4 = userdata:00000143E4C5A258 (meta 00000144DD76FDF0} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001447374F7C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 4 m_NextFree = 5 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:000001447C505E58 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001447374FDA8 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:000001447374E9D0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001447374EB60 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D643BE60 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143D643C0D0 customResetBehavior() = function:000001447374EC38 m_Active = table:000001447374EBA8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001447374EBF0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:000001447C505E58 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001447374FDA8 defaultSelectedIndex = 2 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000144D5B29270 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 2 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000144D5B29370 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:000001447C504450 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001447374FBB0 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001447374FC40 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false prePadding = table:000001447374FB68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001447374FBF8 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false scrollControl = userdata:000001447C505E58 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:000001447374FC88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 selectedData = table:000001431D7224D8 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 2 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 2 templateList = table:000001447374FB20 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate 2 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate 3 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate 4 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:000001447374FCD0 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:000001447374FD60 firstTable userdata = 000001431D723298 = true 000001431D727730 = true 00000143D64377A0 = true 00000143E4C5A258 = true ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001447C504308 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:000001447C5043B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:000001447C504450 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:000001447C505E58 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate1 = userdata:00000143D64377A0 (meta 00000143A44BD000} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 2 highlight = userdata:00000143F420DED8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:000001431D985B48 (meta 000001431D72BEA0} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:000001431D722AF0 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/gp_LFG_menuIcon_Dungeon.dds key = 1 label = userdata:000001436139BF50 (meta 000001431D723120} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143F420DF90 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate1Icon = userdata:000001431D985B48 (meta 000001431D72BEA0} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate1IconHighlight = userdata:00000143F420DED8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate1IconStackCount = userdata:00000143F420DF90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate1Label = userdata:000001436139BF50 (meta 000001431D723120} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate1RootSpacer = userdata:0000014361397510 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate2 = userdata:000001431D727730 (meta 00000143D6433988} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 1 highlight = userdata:00000143D96197B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143D96196F8 (meta 00000143A44BC848} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 2 label = userdata:000001431D722BD8 (meta 00000143EC92D4A8} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143D9619868 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate2Icon = userdata:00000143D96196F8 (meta 00000143A44BC848} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate2IconHighlight = userdata:00000143D96197B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate2IconStackCount = userdata:00000143D9619868 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate2Label = userdata:000001431D722BD8 (meta 00000143EC92D4A8} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate2RootSpacer = userdata:000001431D7277E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate3 = userdata:000001431D723298 (meta 000001431D677D78} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate3Icon = userdata:000001444EEDFDA8 (meta 000001431D677CE8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143EA772CF0 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/LFG_menuIcon_ava.dds ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate3IconHighlight = userdata:000001444EEDFE60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate3IconStackCount = userdata:000001431D677C90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate3Label = userdata:0000014464831C20 (meta 00000143EA772CA8} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate3RootSpacer = userdata:000001431D730268 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate4 = userdata:00000143E4C5A258 (meta 00000144DD76FDF0} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 4 highlight = userdata:00000144D545D700 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144D545D648 (meta 00000144DD76FD60} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000144D5B2BF60 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/LFG_menuIcon_battlegrounds.dds key = 4 label = userdata:00000144D545D598 (meta 00000143F9F261D0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000144DD76FD08 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate4Icon = userdata:00000144D545D648 (meta 00000144DD76FD60} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate4IconHighlight = userdata:00000144D545D700 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate4IconStackCount = userdata:00000144DD76FD08 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate4Label = userdata:00000144D545D598 (meta 00000143F9F261D0} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate4RootSpacer = userdata:00000144D545D4E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ActivityFinderRoot_Gamepad_OnInitialize() = function:00000143CCBF5028 ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationEntryKeyboard_OnClicked() = function:000001431B3F2370 ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationEntryKeyboard_OnInitialized() = function:00000143063BE508 ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationEntryKeyboard_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001431B3F23B0 ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateNavigationEntryKeyboard_OnMouseExit() = function:000001431B3F23F0 ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateQueueButtonKeyboard_OnClicked() = function:000001431B3F2430 ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateTooltip_Keyboard = userdata:000001431D92FE08 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateTooltip_KeyboardArtTexture = userdata:00000143063BE5F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateTooltip_KeyboardContents = userdata:00000143A44BBC60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateTooltip_KeyboardContentsGroupSizeLabel = userdata:00000143A44BBCF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateTooltip_KeyboardContentsLockedInfoLabel = userdata:00000143D5CECA10 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateTooltip_KeyboardContentsNameLabel = userdata:00000143F76DE668 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateTooltip_KeyboardContentsSetTypesSection = userdata:00000143F76DE700 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateTooltip_KeyboardContentsSetTypesSectionHeader = userdata:00000143F76DE7A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateTooltip_KeyboardContentsSetTypesSectionList = userdata:00000143D5CEC978 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateTooltip_KeyboardFrame = userdata:00000143063BE5C0 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplateTooltip_KeyboardFrameMungeOverlay = userdata:0000014307CAB0F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplate_Gamepad = table:00000143E6317438 (meta 000001435514BB40} firstTable firstMeta AddRolesMenuEntry() = function:00000143ED3B74E0 FilterByActivity() = function:00000143D317C988 GetScene() = function:0000014355149860 Initialize() = function:0000014355145798 InitializeControls() = function:00000143D3175610 InitializeFilters() = function:0000014355145818 InitializeFragment() = function:00000143551457D8 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143D317C908 InitializeLists() = function:00000143D3175650 InitializeSingularPanelControls() = function:00000143D3175698 New() = function:0000014355145758 OnActivityFinderStatusUpdate() = function:000001447C4F9830 OnCooldownsUpdate() = function:0000014355149818 OnDeferredInitialize() = function:00000143D317C8C8 OnHiding() = function:000001447C4FC9F0 OnShow() = function:000001447C4FC9B0 OnShowing() = function:000001447C4FC968 PerformUpdate() = function:00000143ED3B74A0 RefreshFilters() = function:000001447C4F97E8 RefreshHeaderAndView() = function:00000143ED3B7560 RefreshSelections() = function:00000143ED3B7520 RefreshSingularSectionPanel() = function:000001439DB36DB8 RefreshSpecificFilters() = function:000001447C4F97A8 RefreshView() = function:000001447C4F9760 RegisterEvents() = function:00000143D31756D8 SetNavigationMode() = function:000001447C4FCA30 SetupList() = function:00000143E6310430 __index = table:00000143E6317438 (meta 000001435514BB40} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplate_Keyboard = table:000001431D934490 (meta 000001431D9363A8} firstTable firstMeta GetFragment() = function:000001439FADFB70 HideActivityTooltip() = function:000001439FADFBF8 HidePrimaryControls() = function:00000143E03A30A0 Initialize() = function:000001431D92FE18 InitializeControls() = function:000001431D92FE58 InitializeFilters() = function:000001431D92FE98 InitializeFragment() = function:000001431D934998 InitializeNavigationList() = function:00000144DD769D48 New() = function:000001431D932270 OnActivityFinderStatusUpdate() = function:00000144DD769CE8 OnCooldownsUpdate() = function:00000143E03A3020 OnFilterChanged() = function:00000144DD769CA0 OnHandleLFMPromptResponse() = function:000001439FADFB30 RefreshFilters() = function:000001431D92EE18 RefreshJoinQueueButton() = function:000001431D92EA50 RefreshView() = function:000001442900B2D8 RegisterEvents() = function:0000014307CA63A8 ResetLFMPrompt() = function:00000143E03A30E0 ShowActivityTooltip() = function:000001439FADFBB0 ShowPrimaryControls() = function:00000143E03A3060 __index = table:000001431D934490 (meta 000001431D9363A8} ZO_ActivityFinderTemplate_Manager = table:00000143EA777A40 (meta 00000143F76E2FD8} firstTable firstMeta GetCooldownLockText() = function:000001431B3F78B8 GetFilterModeData() = function:00000143D5875458 GetGamepadObject() = function:000001431B3EEC20 GetKeyboardObject() = function:00000143D5874450 GetManagerLockInfo() = function:00000143F31852C8 GetManagerLockText() = function:000001431D568888 GetName() = function:00000143F76DE320 Initialize() = function:000001431D676A20 IsLockedByCooldown() = function:000001444EEE0868 New() = function:00000143B4EF5B00 SetLockingCooldownTypes() = function:000001431B3ED400 ZO_ActivityFinderTemplate_Shared = table:0000014457A219F0 (meta 00000143CFE74818} firstTable firstMeta AppendSetDataToTooltip() = function:0000014429010688 GetGlobalLockInfo() = function:0000014346272488 GetGlobalLockText() = function:00000143462724C8 GetLFMPromptInfo() = function:000001439FD0ADF0 GetLevelLockInfo() = function:000001439FD0AE70 GetLevelLockInfoByActivity() = function:000001439FD0AE30 GetLevelLockTextByActivity() = function:0000014346272508 GetLockTextByActivity() = function:0000014429010648 GetNumLocations() = function:0000014346272448 Initialize() = function:000001431B70CF78 InitializeControls() = function:000001431B70CFB8 InitializeFilters() = function:000001431B70D0A0 InitializeFragment() = function:00000143CFE71F50 InitializeSingularPanelControls() = function:00000143F420FE68 New() = function:000001431B70CF08 OnActivityFinderStatusUpdate() = function:00000143D05409D8 OnCooldownsUpdate() = function:000001430987F798 OnHandleLFMPromptResponse() = function:00000143CFE76FE0 RefreshFilters() = function:000001436139F0A8 RefreshRewards() = function:0000014309888B48 RefreshView() = function:00000143C4004280 RegisterEvents() = function:00000143B4BFB430 ZO_ActivityQueueDataGamepad_OnInitialized() = function:0000014316AC73D0 ZO_ActivityQueueData_Gamepad = userdata:0000014316AC74B0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_ActivityTracker = userdata:00000143609CF8D0 (meta 00000143A42FA098} ZO_ActivityTrackerContainer = userdata:000001431322D6E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ActivityTrackerContainerHeader = userdata:000001431322D718 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ActivityTrackerContainerStatus = userdata:000001431322D4D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ActivityTracker_OnInitialized() = function:00000143C0268E58 ZO_AddLeaveGuildMenuItem() = function:000001430FD7DFC0 ZO_AddOnEulaInit() = function:0000014307CAEBE0 ZO_AddOnManager = table:000001431B3EBFA0 (meta 000001431B3EBFE8} firstTable firstMeta AllowReload() = function:000001431B3ED0A0 BuildCharacterDropdown() = function:000001431B3EC6E0 BuildMasterList() = function:000001439FD01188 ChangeEnabledState() = function:000001431B3EC720 GetCharacterInfo() = function:000001431B3EC4C8 GetCombinedAddOnStates() = function:000001431B3EC2F0 GetNumCharacters() = function:000001431B3EC488 GetRowSetupFunction() = function:000001431B3EC200 Initialize() = function:000001431B3EA030 New() = function:000001431B3EC030 OnCharacterChanged() = function:000001431B3EC6A0 OnEnabledButtonClicked() = function:000001431B3ED008 OnExpandButtonClicked() = function:000001431B3ED048 OnMouseEnter() = function:000001431B3ECAC0 OnShow() = function:000001431B3ECA40 RefreshMultiButton() = function:000001431B3ECA80 ResetDataTypes() = function:000001431B3EC940 SetCharacterData() = function:000001431B3EC438 SetupTypeId() = function:000001431B3EC8B8 SortScrollList() = function:000001431B3EC620 __index = table:000001431B3EBFA0 (meta 000001431B3EBFE8} ZO_AddOnManagerMultiButton_Callback() = function:000001431B3ED160 ZO_AddOnManager_OnEnabledButtonMouseEnter() = function:000001431B3ED120 ZO_AddOnManager_OnExpandButtonClicked() = function:000001431B3ED0E0 ZO_AddOns = userdata:00000143A04E63E0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_AddOnsBGLeft = userdata:00000143A04E6720 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AddOnsBGLeftBGRight = userdata:00000143A04E6790 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AddOnsCharacterSelectDropdown = userdata:00000143A04E68D8 (meta 00000143A04E6CB8} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:00000143A04E9E78 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:00000143A04E68D8 (meta 00000143A04E6CB8} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_AddOnsCharacterSelectDropdown m_openDropdown = userdata:00000143A04E6AE0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:00000143A04E9EC0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000143A04E6A60 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:00000143A04E9F50 firstTable m_sortsItems = true m_spacing = 0 ZO_AddOnsCharacterSelectDropdownBG = userdata:00000143A04E6950 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_AddOnsCharacterSelectDropdownBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143A04E69D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AddOnsCharacterSelectDropdownOpenDropdown = userdata:00000143A04E6AE0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_AddOnsCharacterSelectDropdownSelectedItemText = userdata:00000143A04E6A60 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AddOnsDivider = userdata:00000143A04E6860 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AddOnsList = userdata:00000143A04E6F08 (meta 00000143A04E7438} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000143A04E7520 firstTable animation = userdata:00000143A04E8A20 (meta 00000143A04E8A78} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143A04E6F08 (meta 00000143A04E7438} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000143A04E75B0 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143A04E6F70 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143A04E74D8 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143A04E73A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A04E9E10 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:00000143A04E9D08 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143A04E9D50 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143A04E9C08 m_Free = table:00000143A04E9DC8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143A04E9AF8 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000143A04E71C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143A04E6FE0 (meta 00000143A04E7280} timeline = userdata:00000143A04E7340 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 30 upButton = userdata:00000143A04E7158 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143A04E8B48 firstTable ZO_AddOnsListContents = userdata:00000143A04E6F70 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_AddOnsListScrollBar = userdata:00000143A04E6FE0 (meta 00000143A04E7280} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143A04E7228 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143A04E71F8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_AddOnsListScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143A04E71C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_AddOnsListScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143A04E70E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AddOnsListScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143A04E7158 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_AddOnsLoadOutOfDateAddOns = userdata:00000143A04E6E30 (meta 00000143A04EA030} firstMeta firstIndex toggleFunction() = function:00000143A04E9F98 ZO_AddOnsLoadOutOfDateAddOnsText = userdata:00000143A04E6EA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AddOnsMultiButton = userdata:00000143A04E8BE8 (meta 00000143A04E9028} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001431B3ED160 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143A04E8CC8 (meta 00000143A04E9198} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143A04E95D0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143A04E9670 (meta 00000143A04E96C8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143A04E8BE8 (meta 00000143A04E9028} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = ADDONS_PANEL_MULTI_BUTTON keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143A04E8C58 (meta 00000143A04E9280} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_AddOnsMultiButtonKeyLabel = userdata:00000143A04E8CC8 (meta 00000143A04E9198} ZO_AddOnsMultiButtonNameLabel = userdata:00000143A04E8C58 (meta 00000143A04E9280} ZO_AddOnsTitle = userdata:00000143A04E67F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AgentChatRequestProvider = table:00000143FC327150 (meta 00000143FC327198} firstTable firstMeta Accept() = function:00000143B821C8C8 BuildNotificationList() = function:00000143FC326E60 CreateMessage() = function:0000014313217B30 Decline() = function:00000143B821C908 New() = function:00000143FC326B88 ZO_Alchemy = table:000001439D83EDF8 (meta 000001439D83EE40} firstTable firstMeta GetReagentSlotOffset() = function:000001439D83F110 Initialize() = function:000001439D83EF28 InitializeInventory() = function:000001439D83EF68 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:000001439D83F150 InitializeModeBar() = function:000001439D83F0D0 InitializeScenes() = function:000001439D83F090 InitializeTooltip() = function:000001439D83F050 New() = function:000001439D83EEB8 OnItemReceiveDrag() = function:000001439D83F1D0 SetMode() = function:000001439D83F210 UpdateTooltip() = function:000001439D83F190 __index = table:000001439D83EDF8 (meta 000001439D83EE40} ZO_AlchemyCraftingBarSlotTemplateSetup() = function:000001439D867BB8 ZO_AlchemyCraftingBarSolventSlotTemplateSetup() = function:000001439D867BF8 ZO_AlchemyInventory = table:000001439D83F250 (meta 000001439D83F298} firstTable firstMeta AddListDataTypes() = function:000001439D83F3D0 ChangeFilter() = function:000001439D83F4E0 GetScrollDataType() = function:000001439D83F490 HideAllSlotDropCallouts() = function:000001439D83F5A0 Initialize() = function:000001439D83F350 IsLocked() = function:000001439D83F390 New() = function:000001439D83F2E0 Refresh() = function:000001439D83F520 ShowAppropriateSlotDropCallouts() = function:000001439D83F560 __index = table:000001439D83F250 (meta 000001439D83F298} ZO_AlchemyReagentSlot = table:000001447D447BA8 (meta 000001447D447BF0} firstTable firstMeta ClearTraits() = function:000001447D447E28 Initialize() = function:000001447D447CA8 MeetsUsabilityRequirement() = function:000001447D447E68 New() = function:000001447D447C38 SetItem() = function:000001447D447D68 SetTraits() = function:000001447D447DE8 ShowDropCallout() = function:000001447D447CE8 ShowSlotTraits() = function:000001447D447EA8 UpdateTraits() = function:000001447D447DA8 ValidateItemId() = function:000001447D447D28 __index = table:000001447D447BA8 (meta 000001447D447BF0} ZO_AlchemyTopLevel = userdata:000001439D83F340 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventory = userdata:000001439D843298 (meta 000001439D846778} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryBackpack = userdata:000001439D844620 (meta 000001439D844BC0} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryBackpackContents = userdata:000001439D8446A0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryBackpackScrollBar = userdata:000001439D844720 (meta 000001439D844A08} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryBackpackScrollBarDown = userdata:000001439D844950 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryBackpackScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:000001439D844840 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryBackpackScrollBarUp = userdata:000001439D8448C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryFilterDivider = userdata:000001439D843638 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryFilterDividerLeft = userdata:000001439D843900 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryFilterDividerRight = userdata:000001439D843980 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryInfoBar = userdata:000001439D8450F8 (meta 000001439D8473C0} firstMeta firstIndex isConnected = true ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryInfoBarDivider = userdata:000001439D845178 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryInfoBarDividerLeft = userdata:000001439D8451F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryInfoBarDividerRight = userdata:000001439D845280 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryInfoBarFreeSlots = userdata:000001439D845300 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryInfoBarMoney = userdata:000001439D845380 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryNoItemsLabel = userdata:000001439D845080 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventorySortBy = userdata:000001439D8439F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventorySortByArrow = userdata:000001439D847710 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventorySortByName = userdata:000001439D843D08 (meta 000001439D843E08} 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ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton1Flash = userdata:000001439D8485F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton1Image = userdata:000001439D848470 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton1ImageHighlight = userdata:000001439D8484F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton1Status = userdata:000001439D848578 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton2 = userdata:000001439D848848 (meta 000001439D848AF0} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:000001439D848A60 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:000001439D848848 (meta 000001439D848AF0} m_buttonData = table:000001439D847F60 firstTable activeTabText = Solvent callback() = function:000001439D847FA8 descriptor() = function:000001439D2AD9A8 disabled = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/alchemy_tabIcon_solvent_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/alchemy_tabIcon_solvent_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/alchemy_tabIcon_solvent_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/alchemy_tabIcon_solvent_down.dds tooltipText = Solvent m_highlight = userdata:000001439D848950 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:000001439D8488C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:000001439D843398 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:000001439D8489D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton2Flash = userdata:000001439D848A50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton2Image = userdata:000001439D8488C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton2ImageHighlight = userdata:000001439D848950 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton2Status = userdata:000001439D8489D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton3 = userdata:000001439D848CF8 (meta 000001439D848FA0} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:000001439D848F10 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:000001439D848CF8 (meta 000001439D848FA0} m_buttonData = table:000001439D848028 firstTable activeTabText = All callback() = function:000001439D848070 disabled = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_down.dds tooltipText = All m_highlight = userdata:000001439D848E00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:000001439D848D78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:000001439D843398 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:000001439D848E80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton3Flash = userdata:000001439D848F00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton3Image = userdata:000001439D848D78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton3ImageHighlight = userdata:000001439D848E00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelInventoryTabsButton3Status = userdata:000001439D848E80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenu = userdata:000001439D8404B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenuBar = userdata:000001439D840520 (meta 000001439D840680} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenuBarButton1 = userdata:000001439D84B5B8 (meta 000001439D84B7E0} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenuBarButton1Image = userdata:000001439D84B638 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenuBarButton1ImageHighlight = userdata:000001439D84B6C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenuBarButton1Status = userdata:000001439D84B740 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenuBarButton2 = userdata:000001439D84BB30 (meta 000001439D84BD58} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenuBarButton2Image = userdata:000001439D84BBB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenuBarButton2ImageHighlight = userdata:000001439D84BC38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenuBarButton2Status = userdata:000001439D84BCB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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000001430831E750} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerBg = userdata:000001439D840CB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot1 = userdata:000001439D840D38 (meta 000001439D841E68} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot1DropCallout = userdata:000001439D841630 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot1Glow = userdata:000001439D8415A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot1Icon = userdata:000001439D840DC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot1StackCount = userdata:000001439D840E48 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot1Trait1 = userdata:000001439D841948 (meta 000001439D849B08} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot1Trait2 = userdata:000001439D841C38 (meta 000001439D849BF0} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot1Trait3 = userdata:000001439D841CC0 (meta 000001439D849D08} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot1Trait4 = userdata:000001439D841D48 (meta 000001439D849E20} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot2 = userdata:000001439D841DC0 (meta 000001439D842568} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot2DropCallout = userdata:000001439D842228 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot2Glow = userdata:000001439D842198 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot2Icon = userdata:000001439D842088 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot2StackCount = userdata:000001439D842110 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot2Trait1 = userdata:000001439D8422B0 (meta 000001439D849F38} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot2Trait2 = userdata:000001439D842338 (meta 000001439D84A050} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot2Trait3 = userdata:000001439D8423C0 (meta 000001439D84A168} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot2Trait4 = userdata:000001439D842448 (meta 000001439D84A280} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerReagentSlot3 = 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userdata:000001439D845558 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelTooltipChargesBG = userdata:000001439D8455D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelTooltipChargesBarLeft = userdata:000001439D845650 (meta 000001439D845728} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:000001439D8456D0 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelTooltipChargesBarLeftGloss = userdata:000001439D8456D0 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelTooltipChargesBarRight = userdata:000001439D845868 (meta 000001439D845940} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:000001439D8458E8 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelTooltipChargesBarRightGloss = userdata:000001439D8458E8 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelTooltipCondition = userdata:000001439D845A78 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelTooltipConditionBG = userdata:000001439D845AF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelTooltipConditionBarLeft = userdata:000001439D845B70 (meta 000001439D845C50} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:000001439D845BF8 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ZO_AlchemyTopLevelTooltipSellPriceCurrency = userdata:000001439D8460A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AlchemyTopLevelTooltipSellPriceReason = userdata:000001439D846028 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Alchemy_DoesAlchemyItemPassFilter() = function:000001447D446F08 ZO_Alchemy_GetTraitInfo() = function:000001447D446F48 ZO_Alchemy_Initialize() = function:000001439D83F5E0 ZO_Alchemy_IsAlchemyItem() = function:000001447D446F88 ZO_Alchemy_IsSceneShowing() = function:000001447D447008 ZO_Alchemy_IsThirdAlchemySlotUnlocked() = function:000001447D446FC8 ZO_Alert() = function:00000143CFFDD888 ZO_AlertAddTemplate_Gamepad() = function:000001431348BFB0 ZO_AlertClearAll_Gamepad() = function:000001431348C030 ZO_AlertEvent() = function:00000143CFFDBB68 ZO_AlertFadeAll_Gamepad() = function:000001431348BFF0 ZO_AlertNoSuppression() = function:00000143CFFDD908 ZO_AlertNoSuppressionTemplated_Gamepad() = function:000001431348BF70 ZO_AlertTemplated_Gamepad() = function:000001431348BF30 ZO_AlertTextGamepad_OnInitialized() = function:000001431348BEB0 ZO_AlertTextKeyboard_OnInitialized() = function:00000143CFFDF168 ZO_AlertTextNotification = userdata:00000143CFFDEF38 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_AlertTextNotificationGamepad = userdata:000001431348BB48 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_AlertText_Base = table:00000143CFFDD238 (meta 00000143CFFDD280} firstTable firstMeta GetAlertColor() = function:00000143CFFDD720 Initialize() = function:00000143CFFDD368 New() = function:00000143CFFDD2F8 ZO_AlertText_GetHandlers() = function:00000143F1949740 ZO_AllianceWarFinder_Gamepad = userdata:00000143F420A840 (meta 00000143EA76F438} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMask = userdata:00000143D586F258 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainer = userdata:00000144DD7673E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143613954F8 (meta 00000143D908E4B8} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143D9614FA8 (meta 000001444EEEAB18} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143D9614FA8 (meta 000001444EEEAB18} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143140BBC20 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143140BBB88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143F76E8400 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143140BBCC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143F76E8538 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143F76E84A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:000001444EEE87B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143F76E85D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143D908E888 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143D908E348 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E4C508B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D908E3F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143D908E4A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143D908E930 (meta 0000014308331CA0} 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ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143D908ED58 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D908E7E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D908EE08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143D908EEB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:000001444EEE8850 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:000001431B7120A0 (meta 000001431D671CE8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001431D671C88 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001431D671AE0 (meta 0000014405F8D010} firstTable active = false 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0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143C358AFC8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431D671B58 firstTable enabled = true entryAnchors = table:00000143CFE77790 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 hideUnselectedControls = true isMoving = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143CFE777D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE77820 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE79BB8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_SHOULDER 2 = table:00000143CFE79C38 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE79D28 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_SHOULDER leftIcon = userdata:00000143D908E930 (meta 0000014308331CA0} maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = false movementController = table:000001439FD0B3D8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001431D92F9D8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CFE74280 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143CFE741F0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CFE74238 firstTable rightIcon = userdata:00000143D908E9D8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollControl = userdata:00000143D9614AE0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143CFE775F0 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143CFE741A8 firstTable universalPostPadding = 0 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143CFE776C8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143CFE77638 firstTable 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yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143CCBFCE80 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143CCBF9060 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143CCBF90A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CCBF90F0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCBF8FE0 3 = false 2 = table:00000143CCBF91F0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCBF9170 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:000001439FAE2E40 firstTable 1 = table:000001439FAE2EE0 firstTable 1() = function:000001439FAE2DF8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143CCBFC580 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CCBFD408 (meta 00000143CCBFCAC0} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143CCBFAFE0 firstTable dataList = table:00000143C3FFE240 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143CCBFB710 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate = table:000001439FAE0310 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001439FAE1980 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001439FAE0D78 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001439FAE0DC0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143CCBFD498 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:000001439FADF770 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001439FADF900 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001439FAE1008 customFactoryBehavior() = function:000001439FADF510 customResetBehavior() = function:000001439FAE0FC8 m_Active = table:000001439FADF948 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CCBF8F88 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143CCBFD498 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143CCBFA780 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CCBFB070 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CCBFB0B8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CCBFB100 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143CCBFD498 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143CCBFACA8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CCBFB148 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143CCBFA030 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143CCBF9F70 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143CCBF9670 m_Active = table:00000143CCBFB190 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CCBFABB8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143CCBFD498 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 2 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143CCBFD0B0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143CCBFC538 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143CCBFCF10 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143CCBFC6D8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CCBFAF08 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143CCBFC690 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CCBFC720 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143CCBFD498 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143CCBFAF50 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143CCBFC648 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143CCBFB028 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143CCBFAF98 firstTable ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143CCBFD4C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143CCBFCE80 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143CCBFCF10 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143CCBFD498 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSection = userdata:000001444EEE8900 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionBackground = userdata:000001444EEE8930 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionDescription = userdata:00000143D053F168 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionGroupSizeLabel = userdata:000001444EEE89C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionLock = userdata:00000143D961D170 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionLockIcon = userdata:00000143D961D1A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionLockReason = userdata:000001436139EC00 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionRewardsSection = userdata:00000143D053F1F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntries = userdata:00000143D053F328 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward1 = userdata:000001436139ED10 (meta 000001431D9865B0} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:000001436139EDB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} text = userdata:000001436139EDE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward1Icon = userdata:000001436139EDB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward1Text = userdata:000001436139EDE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward2 = userdata:00000143BC4F3E10 (meta 00000143B4C031E8} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000143B4C03130 (meta 0000014308349FC8} text = userdata:00000143B4C031D8 (meta 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0000014308349FC8} text = userdata:00000144D545C058 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesXPRewardIcon = userdata:00000144D545BFB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesXPRewardText = userdata:00000144D545C058 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionRewardsSectionHeader = userdata:00000143D053F290 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionSetTypesSection = userdata:00000143D961CF00 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionSetTypesSectionHeader = userdata:00000143D961D050 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionSetTypesSectionList = userdata:00000143D961D0E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_GamepadSingularSectionTitle = userdata:000001444EEE89F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_Keyboard = userdata:000001442900F2E0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardFilter = userdata:00000143E0DB7008 (meta 000001431DA0ACA0} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:00000143E0DB7228 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:00000143E0DB7008 (meta 000001431DA0ACA0} m_font = ZoFontWinT1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardFilter m_openDropdown = userdata:00000143E0DB7218 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:000001431DA0AD88 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemData = table:00000143E4C5D4F0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E4C5D470 data = table:00000143D5CF12B8 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable firstMeta activityType = 1 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = The Imperial province of Cyrodiil dominates central Tamriel. With the Empire's collapse, armies of the Dominion, Covenant, and Pact have all invaded Cyrodiil, vying for the Imperial throne and control of the greatest prize in the land. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_cyrodiil.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgs_cyrodiil_full.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 286 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = You must be in an AVA location to queue for Alliance War. maxGroupSize = 24 minGroupSize = 2 nameGamepad = Cyrodiil nameKeyboard = Cyrodiil rawName = Cyrodiil requiredCollectible = 0 singular = true sortOrder = 0 name = Cyrodiil m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000143E0DB7190 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:000001431DA0AE18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E4C5D4F0 2 = table:00000144D5463C00 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E4C5D470 data = table:00000143D5CF1F78 (meta 00000143FBA05940} firstTable activityType = 1 championPointsMax = 999990 championPointsMin = 10 countsForAverageRoleTime = false description = At the center of Cyrodiil stands the Imperial City. There, the Three Alliances vie with Daedric overlords and each other for control of the White-Gold Tower. descriptionTextureGamepad = /esoui/art/lfg/gamepad/gp_imperialcity.dds descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = /esoui/art/lfg/lfg_bgs_ic_full.dds descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds id = 290 isLocked = true isSelected = false levelMax = 99 levelMin = 10 lockReasonText = You must be in an AVA location to queue for Alliance War. maxGroupSize = 12 minGroupSize = 4 nameGamepad = Imperial City nameKeyboard = Imperial City rawName = Imperial City requiredCollectible = 154 singular = true sortOrder = 0 name = Imperial City m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 4 ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardFilterBG = userdata:00000143E0DB7080 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardFilterBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143E0DB7108 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardFilterOpenDropdown = userdata:00000143E0DB7218 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardFilterSelectedItemText = userdata:00000143E0DB7190 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardLFMPromptSection = userdata:00000143D05432C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardLFMPromptSectionAccept = userdata:00000143D0548050 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardLFMPromptSectionBody = userdata:00000143D0547FC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardLFMPromptSectionDecline = userdata:00000143D0548108 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardLFMPromptSectionTitle = userdata:00000143D0547F40 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardListSection = userdata:00000143F42068D8 (meta 000001444EEEA778} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143D0543130 (meta 00000143D0543188} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143F42068D8 (meta 000001444EEEA778} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000143F4206960 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:00000143F420A350 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:00000143F420A2C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:00000143F42069E8 (meta 000001444EEEA5B0} timeline = userdata:000001444EEEA7E0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardListSectionScroll = userdata:00000143F4206960 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardListSectionScrollBar = userdata:00000143F42069E8 (meta 000001444EEEA5B0} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143F420A3B0 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143F420A380 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardListSectionScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143F420A350 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardListSectionScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143F420A240 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardListSectionScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143F420A2C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} 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ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntries = userdata:0000014361399B80 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward1 = userdata:000001430987E780 (meta 00000144D5459750} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:000001431DA0AEC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} text = userdata:00000144D5459740 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward1Icon = userdata:000001431DA0AEC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward1Text = userdata:00000144D5459740 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward2 = userdata:00000144D5459810 (meta 00000144D54558A8} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000144D54557A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} text = userdata:00000144D5455850 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward2Icon = userdata:00000144D54557A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward2Text = userdata:00000144D5455850 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward3 = userdata:00000144D5455910 (meta 00000144648307B8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward3Icon = userdata:00000143F9F28A08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesItemReward3Text = userdata:00000143F9F28AB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesXPReward = userdata:000001431D728D38 (meta 000001431D728ED0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesXPRewardIcon = userdata:000001431D728DD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionEntriesXPRewardText = userdata:000001431D728E78 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionRewardsSectionHeader = userdata:0000014361399AE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AllianceWarFinder_KeyboardSingularSectionTitle = userdata:00000143613985B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_AlphaAnimation = table:00000143E9837830 (meta 00000143E983E190} firstTable firstMeta FadeIn() = function:00000143E9835400 FadeOut() = function:00000143D81A27D8 GetControl() = function:00000143E983CE70 GetPlaybackLoopsRemaining() = function:000001432E006088 IsPlaying() = function:00000143D81A2888 New() = function:00000143E9839738 PingPong() = function:00000143E98404F0 SetMinMaxAlpha() = function:00000143E9835458 SetPlaybackLoopCount() = function:00000143E9840580 SetPlaybackLoopsRemaining() = function:00000143E9840540 Stop() = function:00000143D81A2848 __index = table:00000143E9837830 (meta 00000143E983E190} ZO_AlphaAnimation_GetAnimation() = function:00000143E983DBA8 ZO_Anchor = table:000001431D56DC68 (meta 0000014316F50CB0} firstTable firstMeta AddOffsets() = function:0000014316F65A70 AddToControl() = function:00000143EC92DDF0 GetConstraints() = function:00000143EC92CAC0 GetMyPoint() = function:00000143C342EEF0 GetOffsetX() = function:00000143D8194F78 GetOffsetY() = function:00000143C3437578 GetOffsets() = function:00000143D8197538 GetRelativePoint() = function:00000143EC927638 GetTarget() = function:00000143EC9317C8 New() = function:000001431D56DB78 ResetToAnchor() = function:00000143D8194B88 Set() = function:0000014316F43600 SetConstraints() = function:000001431D56A5A0 SetFromControlAnchor() = function:00000143F74D3750 SetMyPoint() = function:00000143EC92A900 SetOffsets() = function:00000143C34299B0 SetRelativePoint() = function:00000143C3434758 SetTarget() = function:00000143EC9280C0 __index = table:000001431D56DC68 (meta 0000014316F50CB0} ZO_AnchorSceneFragment = table:000001431DA5F2A0 (meta 000001431DA5F660} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001431DA5FF90 New() = function:000001431DA5FAC8 Show() = function:00000143A429C440 __index = table:000001431DA5F2A0 (meta 000001431DA5F660} ZO_Anchor_BoxLayout() = function:00000143EC92EFD0 ZO_Anchor_ByAngle() = function:0000014316F69140 ZO_Anchor_DynamicAnchorTo() = function:00000143C343C188 ZO_Anchor_LineInContainer() = function:00000143EC92AD90 ZO_Anchor_OnRing() = function:000001432E018C70 ZO_Anchor_ToCenteredLabel() = function:0000014316F54F28 ZO_AnimatedSceneFragment = table:00000143C3430710 (meta 000001436881FF18} firstTable firstMeta AddInstantScene() = function:00000143CDC21B60 GetAnimation() = function:0000014368821590 GetControl() = function:0000014368822090 Hide() = function:00000143CDC2CCD0 Initialize() = function:0000014457A47728 IsAnimatedInCurrentScene() = function:00000143CDC257C0 New() = function:0000014368820360 Show() = function:00000143CDC28578 ZO_AnimationPool = table:0000014457A50028 (meta 0000014457A50070} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:0000014457A50128 SetCustomResetBehavior() = function:0000014457A501D8 __index = table:0000014457A50028 (meta 0000014457A50070} ZO_Animation_PlayBackwardOrInstantlyToStart() = function:000001439CF8A258 ZO_Animation_PlayForwardOrInstantlyToEnd() = function:000001439CF8A1D8 ZO_Animation_PlayFromStartOrInstantlyToEnd() = function:000001439CF8A218 ZO_ApplyEnchant = table:00000144DD5D55F8 (meta 00000144DD5D5640} firstTable firstMeta BeginItemImprovement() = function:00000144DD5D5950 Initialize() = function:00000144DD5D5728 New() = function:00000144DD5D56B8 OnEnchantSelected() = function:00000144DD5D5910 SetItemInfo() = function:00000144DD5D58D0 SetupDialog() = function:00000144DD5D57A8 __index = table:00000144DD5D55F8 (meta 00000144DD5D5640} ZO_ApplyEnchantPanel = userdata:00000144DD5D5718 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ApplyEnchantPanelAfter = userdata:00000144DD5D5E58 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ApplyEnchantPanelAfterCooldown = userdata:00000144DD5D5FB8 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_ApplyEnchantPanelAfterGlow1 = userdata:00000144DD5D6030 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ApplyEnchantPanelAfterGlow2 = userdata:00000144DD5D60A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ApplyEnchantPanelAfterIcon = userdata:00000144DD5D5EC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ApplyEnchantPanelAfterStackCount = userdata:00000144DD5D5F40 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ApplyEnchantPanelArrow = userdata:00000144DD5D5BD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ApplyEnchantPanelBefore = userdata:00000144DD5D5C80 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ApplyEnchantPanelBeforeCooldown = userdata:00000144DD5D5DE8 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_ApplyEnchantPanelBeforeIcon = userdata:00000144DD5D5CF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ApplyEnchantPanelBeforeStackCount = userdata:00000144DD5D5D70 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ApplyEnchant_OnInitialize() = function:00000144DD5D5990 ZO_ArmorFilter_Shared = table:00000143CDD3A180 (meta 00000143CDD3A1C8} firstTable firstMeta ApplyCategoryFilterToSearch() = function:00000143CDD3A240 ZO_AssignableActionBar = table:00000143F28C9BF8 (meta 00000143F28C9C40} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:00000143F28D4150 ClearAbility() = function:00000143F44033A8 Deactivate() = function:00000143F28CC308 GetSelectedSlotId() = function:00000143F44033E8 Initialize() = function:00000143F28C9CF8 IsUltimateSelected() = function:00000143F28C6978 New() = function:00000143F28C9C88 OnSkillsChanged() = function:00000143F28CCF50 RefreshDirtyButtons() = function:00000143F28CAB38 SetAbility() = function:00000143F28D1948 SetLockMode() = function:00000143F28D1908 SetOnAbilityFinalizedCallback() = function:00000143F28CCEA8 SetOnSelectedDataChangedCallback() = function:00000143F28CC348 SetSelectedButton() = function:00000143F28D1888 SetSelectedButtonBySlotId() = function:00000143F28D18C8 UpdateActionButtonSlotAnimation() = function:00000143F28C9D38 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:00000143F28CCEE8 ZO_AttributeSpinner_Shared = table:00000143E97A3608 (meta 00000143E97A3650} firstTable firstMeta GetAllocatedPoints() = function:00000143E135B498 GetPoints() = function:00000143DB1CE818 New() = function:00000143E97A3698 OnValueChanged() = function:00000143DB1CCFC8 RefreshPoints() = function:00000143DB1CD060 RefreshSpinnerMax() = function:00000143E97A36D8 Reinitialize() = function:00000143DB1CD020 ResetAddedPoints() = function:00000143DB1CD0A0 SetAddedPoints() = function:00000143E135B518 SetAddedPointsByTotalPoints() = function:00000143E135B4D8 SetAttributeType() = function:00000143DB1CD148 SetButtonsHidden() = function:00000143E135B558 SetSpinner() = function:00000143DB1CCF88 SetValueChangedCallback() = function:00000143DB1CD108 ZO_AutoComplete = table:000001431392D8C0 (meta 000001431392D908} firstTable firstMeta ApplyAutoCompletionResults() = function:0000014377CEBD80 ChangeAutoCompleteIndex() = function:0000014377CEBE00 GetAutoCompleteIndex() = function:00000143D72C3520 GetAutoCompletionResults() = function:0000014377CEBD40 GetNumAutoCompleteEntries() = function:00000143D72C34E0 Hide() = function:000001431392F690 Initialize() = function:000001431392D9F0 IsOpen() = function:000001431392F6D0 New() = function:000001431392D9B0 ON_ENTRY_SELECTED = ZO_AutoComplete_On_Entry_Selected OnCommit() = function:00000143D72C3560 OnTextChanged() = function:0000014377CEBDC0 SetAnchorStyle() = function:000001431392F750 SetEditControl() = function:000001431392DA30 SetEnabled() = function:0000014313930D80 SetExcludeFlags() = function:000001431E0CEC98 SetIncludeFlags() = function:000001431E0CEC58 SetKeepFocusOnCommit() = function:000001431E0CC6C0 SetMaxResults() = function:000001431E0CED18 SetOnlineOnly() = function:000001431E0CECD8 SetOwner() = function:000001431E0CC680 SetUseCallbacks() = function:000001431392F710 Show() = function:000001431E0CC700 __index = table:000001431392D8C0 (meta 000001431392D908} ZO_AvAFactionPopulation_Gamepad_OnInitialize() = function:00000143CDD3F7C8 ZO_BANKING_CURRENCY_LABEL_OPTIONS = table:0000014307CA2FA0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadHeaderDataValue iconSide = 8 isGamepad = true showTooltips = false ZO_BATTLEGROUND_ALLIANCE_STATUS_BAR_GRADIENTS = table:0000014312F65B88 firstTable 1 = table:0000014312F687F0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014312F66990 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.035 g = 0.153 r = 0.451 2 = table:0000014312F69500 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.176 g = 0.341 r = 0.757 2 = table:0000014312F66900 firstTable 1 = table:0000014312F66948 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.047 g = 0.306 r = 0.161 2 = table:0000014312F67800 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.149 g = 0.592 r = 0.345 3 = table:0000014312F67848 firstTable 1 = table:0000014312F64790 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.416 g = 0.125 r = 0.314 2 = table:0000014312F687A8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.576 g = 0.286 r = 0.475 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_MEDAL_ANCHOR_PADDING_Y_GAMEPAD = 20 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_MEDAL_ANCHOR_PADDING_Y_KEYBOARD = 10 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_BACKGROUND_HEIGHT = 802 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_BACKGROUND_WIDTH = 974 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_ASSISTS_WIDTH = 50 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_DEATHS_WIDTH = 50 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_DOUBLE_PADDING = 10 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_HEIGHT = 40 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_KILLS_WIDTH = 50 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_MEDALS_WIDTH = 180 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_PADDING = 5 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_TEAM_SCORE_OFFSET_X = 28 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_TEAM_SCORE_WIDTH = 212 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_USER_ID_WIDTH = 280 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_HEADER_WIDTH = 902 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_IN_GAME = table:000001444E588BB8 (meta 0000014320DBB518} firstTable firstMeta inGameTimer = userdata:0000014458611468 (meta 0000014308326048} inGameTimerLabel = userdata:000001444E588BA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001444E586A88 firstTable 1 = table:000001444E586AD0 firstTable callback() = function:000001444E586560 keybind = HIDE_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD name = Close 2 = table:000001444E5865E0 firstTable callback() = function:000001444E585F88 keybind = LEAVE_BATTLEGROUND name = Leave Battleground alignment = 3 listNavigationKeybindStripDescriptor = table:000001444E586078 firstTable 1 = table:000001444E586128 firstTable callback() = function:000001444E5857B0 keybind = BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_OPTIONS name = Select visible() = function:000001444E586170 2 = table:000001444E5857F0 firstTable callback() = function:000001444E585908 keybind = BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PREVIOUS name = Previous 3 = table:000001444E585948 firstTable callback() = function:000001444E585990 keybind = BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_NEXT name = Next alignment = 2 platformStyle = table:000001444E5853E0 (meta 00000143FA1359A8} firstTable applyFunction() = function:000001444E585360 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_OFFSET_Y_KEYBOARD = 40 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PADDING_HEIGHT = 30 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PADDING_HEIGHT_KEYBOARD = 93 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PADDING_WIDTH = 36 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PADDING_WIDTH_KEYBOARD = 95 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PANEL_ALLIANCE_ICON_HEIGHT = 48 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PANEL_ALLIANCE_ICON_WIDTH = 48 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PANEL_BG_OFFSET_X = -16 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PANEL_BG_PADDING = 20 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PANEL_BG_WIDTH = 934 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PANEL_HEIGHT = 234 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PANEL_NAME_OFFSET_X = -20 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PANEL_NAME_OFFSET_Y = 15 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PANEL_NAME_WIDTH = 202 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PANEL_OFFSET_Y = 10 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PANEL_SCORE_OFFSET_Y = 0 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PANEL_WIDTH = 902 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_ROW_HIGHLIGHT_ALPHA_MAX = 1 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_ROW_HIGHLIGHT_ALPHA_MIN = 0 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_ROW_HIGHLIGHT_ALPHA_MOUSE_OVER_MAX = 0.5 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_ROW_HIGHLIGHT_ALPHA_PER_SECOND = 3.921568627451 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_ROW_INITIAL_OFFSET_X = 250 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_ROW_INITIAL_OFFSET_Y = 20 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_ROW_MEDALS_OFFSET_X = 60 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_ROW_MEDALS_WIDTH = 80 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_ROW_MEDAL_USER_ID_DIFFERENCE = 100 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_ROW_NAVIGATION_THROTTLE_MS = 25 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_ROW_OFFSET_Y = 10 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_ROW_USER_ID_WIDTH = 330 ZO_BATTLEGROUND_WINNER_TEXT = table:0000014345F14CC8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.16470588743687 g = 0.79215693473816 r = 0.93333339691162 ZO_BID_ON_KIOSK_INTERACTION = table:00000144C7539980 ZO_BLACK = table:0000014345F11F98 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0 g = 0 r = 0 ZO_BLADE_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT = table:0000014345F0F450 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 ZO_BLADE_TEXT = table:0000014345F0F350 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.61960786581039 g = 0.7607843875885 r = 0.77254909276962 ZO_BUFF_COLOR = table:0000014312F62740 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0 g = 1 r = 0 ZO_BUFF_DEBUFF_CENTER_OUT_STYLE = table:00000143C7D431B8 (meta 00000143DF6202E8} firstTable firstMeta SortCallbackFunction() = function:00000143DE3769E0 sortedBuffs = table:00000143DF622270 firstTable sortedDebuffs = table:00000143C7D43388 firstTable template = ZO_BuffDebuffCenterOutStyle_Template ZO_BUFF_DEBUFF_EXPIRES_IN_STYLE = table:00000143F65AB018 (meta 000001435558E0F8} ZO_BUFF_DEBUFF_FRAME_DIMENSIONS_GAMEPAD = 46 ZO_BUFF_DEBUFF_FRAME_DIMENSIONS_KEYBOARD = 40 ZO_BUFF_DEBUFF_GAMEPAD_STYLE = table:000001431D6D53E0 firstTable CONTAINER_HEIGHT = 46 ZO_BUFF_DEBUFF_ICON_DIMENSIONS_GAMEPAD = 38 ZO_BUFF_DEBUFF_ICON_DIMENSIONS_KEYBOARD = 36 ZO_BUFF_DEBUFF_KEYBOARD_STYLE = table:000001431D6D7230 ZO_BUFF_DEBUFF_LONG_EFFECT_DURATION_SECONDS = 60 ZO_BUFF_DEBUFF_SPIRAL_OUT_STYLE = table:0000014355588000 (meta 00000143DF61A290} firstTable firstMeta SortCallbackFunction() = function:000001435558DC58 sortedBuffs = table:00000143555897E8 firstTable sortedDebuffs = table:0000014355589BC0 firstTable spiraledTable = table:000001435558DE30 firstTable template = ZO_BuffDebuffAllCenteredStyle_Template ZO_BackgroundFragment = table:000001439DE3CB20 firstTable ClearFocus() = function:00000143E9843AD0 ClearHighlight() = function:000001431C15F5D0 FadeRightDivider() = function:000001431C16BFC0 Mixin() = function:00000143E9834DE0 ResetOnHidden() = function:00000143210702D8 ResetOnHiding() = function:000001432106F790 SetFocus() = function:000001431C15FBD8 SetHighlightHidden() = function:000001431C16B308 TakeFocus() = function:00000143E9840DE0 ZO_BackpackLayoutFragment = table:0000014313F63F00 (meta 0000014313F62E78} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:0000014313F65370 Initialize() = function:0000014313F62F68 New() = function:0000014313F62B88 Show() = function:00000143F3AB6D18 __index = table:0000014313F63F00 (meta 0000014313F62E78} ZO_BankingCommon_Gamepad = table:00000143CB73E300 (meta 00000143CB73E348} firstTable firstMeta AddBankedBag() = function:00000143CB73E888 AddKeybinds() = function:00000143CB73F048 ClearBankedBags() = function:00000143CB73E848 CreateEventTable() = function:00000143CB73F2C8 CreateModeData() = function:00000143CB73EA48 DepositFunds() = function:00000143CB73EFC8 DoesObfuscateWithdrawAmount() = function:00000143CB73EF08 GetCurrencyType() = function:00000143CB73EB88 GetDepositMoneyAmount() = function:00000143CB73EF88 GetMainListForMode() = function:00000143CB73EE48 GetMaxedBankedFunds() = function:00000143CB73EF48 GetMode() = function:00000143CB73ED88 GetTargetData() = function:00000143CB73ED48 GetWithdrawMoneyAmount() = function:00000143CB73EE88 GetWithdrawMoneyOptions() = function:00000143CB73EEC8 HideSelector() = function:00000143CB73E708 Initialize() = function:00000143CB73E400 InitializeHeader() = function:00000143CB73E4C0 InitializeLists() = function:00000143CB73F308 InitializeWithdrawDepositKeybindDescriptor() = function:00000143CB73E540 InitializeWithdrawDepositSelector() = function:00000143CB73E500 IsInDepositMode() = function:00000143CB73EE08 IsInWithdrawMode() = function:00000143CB73EDC8 LayoutBankingEntryTooltip() = function:00000143CB73ED08 New() = function:00000143CB73E390 OnCategoryChanged() = function:00000143CB73EAC8 OnCategoryChangedCallback() = function:00000143CB73F208 OnDeferredInitialization() = function:00000143CB73F288 OnDeferredInitialize() = function:00000143CB73E480 OnRefreshHeaderData() = function:00000143CB73F348 OnSceneHidden() = function:00000143CB73F1C8 OnSceneHiding() = function:00000143CB73F188 OnSceneShowing() = function:00000143CB73F108 OnSceneShown() = function:00000143CB73F148 OnStateChanged() = function:00000143CB73E440 OnTargetChanged() = function:00000143CB73ECC8 OnTargetChangedCallback() = function:00000143CB73F248 RecolorCapacityHeader() = function:00000143CB73EC08 RefreshHeaderData() = function:00000143CB73EA88 RegisterForEvents() = function:00000143CB73E748 RemoveKeybinds() = function:00000143CB73F088 SetBankCapacityHeaderText() = function:00000143CB73EC48 SetCarriedBag() = function:00000143CB73E8C8 SetCurrencyType() = function:00000143CB73E908 SetCurrentBankedAmount() = function:00000143CB73EB48 SetCurrentCarriedAmount() = function:00000143CB73EB08 SetCurrentKeybindDescriptor() = function:00000143CB73E9C8 SetDepositKeybindDescriptor() = function:00000143CB73E948 SetDepositList() = function:00000143CB73E808 SetMaxInputFunction() = function:00000143CB73E6C8 SetMode() = function:00000143CB73EA08 SetPlayerCapacityHeaderText() = function:00000143CB73EC88 SetSelectorCurrency() = function:00000143CB73E580 SetSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143CB73EBC8 SetWithdrawKeybindDescriptor() = function:00000143CB73E988 SetWithdrawList() = function:00000143CB73E7C8 ShowSelector() = function:00000143CB73E680 UnregisterForEvents() = function:00000143CB73E788 UpdateInput() = function:00000143CB73E5C0 UpdateKeybinds() = function:00000143CB73F0C8 WithdrawFunds() = function:00000143CB73F008 ZO_Banking_Gamepad_Initialize() = function:00000143CB75CA68 ZO_BattlegroundFinder_Gamepad = userdata:00000143ED3BED10 (meta 0000014429008EE8} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMask = userdata:00000143ED3BED88 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainer = userdata:00000144737580E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:0000014473758170 (meta 000001431D725500} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:0000014473758208 (meta 00000143CFE73E58} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:0000014473758208 (meta 00000143CFE73E58} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:0000014361399630 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:0000014361399598 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:0000014361399768 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143613996D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:000001436139AD78 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:000001436139ACE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:000001436139AEB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:000001436139AE18 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143D6438D50 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_BattlegroundFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143D6438F78 (meta 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ZO_BuffDebuffStyleObject = table:00000143DF61EE70 (meta 00000143DF61F118} firstTable firstMeta GetTemplate() = function:00000143DF61F6C0 Initialize() = function:00000143DF61F448 New() = function:00000143DF61F258 SetupIcon() = function:00000143A9B7DE28 SortFunction() = function:00000143DF6200E8 UpdateContainer() = function:00000143DF61F990 UpdateDurations() = function:00000143DF61FB28 ZO_BuffDebuffTopLevel = userdata:00000143BC367858 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_BuffDebuffTopLevelSelfContainer = userdata:00000143094E81B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_BuffDebuffTopLevelSelfContainerContainer1 = userdata:00000143094EB888 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_BuffDebuffTopLevelSelfContainerContainer2 = userdata:00000143094EB910 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_BuffDebuffTopLevelTargetContainer = userdata:0000014316CD9DF8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_BuffDebuffTopLevelTargetContainerContainer1 = userdata:0000014316CDAE18 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_BuffDebuffTopLevelTargetContainerContainer2 = 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ZO_CROWN_CRATES_ANIMATION_PACK_GLOW = packGlow ZO_CROWN_CRATES_ANIMATION_PACK_HIDE = packHide ZO_CROWN_CRATES_ANIMATION_PACK_HIDE_AND_EXIT_SIDE = packHideAndExitSide ZO_CROWN_CRATES_ANIMATION_PACK_HIDE_INFO = packHideInfo ZO_CROWN_CRATES_ANIMATION_PACK_OPEN = packOpen ZO_CROWN_CRATES_ANIMATION_PACK_SELECT = packSelect ZO_CROWN_CRATES_ANIMATION_PACK_SHOW = packShow ZO_CROWN_CRATES_ANIMATION_PACK_SHOW_FROM_SIDE = packShowFromSide ZO_CROWN_CRATES_ANIMATION_PACK_SHOW_INFO = packShowInfo ZO_CROWN_CRATES_ANIMATION_PRIMARY_DEAL = primaryDeal ZO_CROWN_CRATES_ANIMATION_REVEAL = reveal ZO_CROWN_CRATES_ANIMATION_REVEALED_SELECTED_GLOW = revealedSelectedGlow ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_DRIFT_X_UI = 30 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_HANG_DURATION_MS = 175 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_SPACING_DURATION_MS = 200 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_TILT_DURATION_MS = 100 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_TO_HAND_DURATION_MS = 400 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_TO_HAND_START_MS = 585 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_TO_SCREEN_ARC_CONTROL_POINT_Y_OFFSET_SCREEN_PERCENT = 0.14 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_TO_SCREEN_DURATION_MS = 310 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_TO_SCREEN_END_PITCH_RADIANS = 0.78539816339745 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_TO_SCREEN_END_ROLL_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_TO_SCREEN_END_YAW_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_TO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR = 1.2 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_TO_SCREEN_START_PITCH_RADIANS = 1.5707963267949 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_TO_SCREEN_START_ROLL_RADIANS = -2.7925268031909 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_DEAL_TO_SCREEN_START_YAW_RADIANS = -0.5235987755983 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_HANG_START_MS = 410 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_SLIDE_DELAY_MS = 167 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_SLIDE_DURATION_MS = 333 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_SLIDE_FALL_DURATION_MS = 234 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_SLIDE_RISE_DURATION_MS = 99 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_SLIDE_RISE_Y_UI = 50 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_SLIDE_SPACING_DURATION_MS = 33 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_SLIDE_TILT_UP_DURATION_MS = 50 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_SLIDE_TILT_UP_RADIANS = 0.5235987755983 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BONUS_SLIDE_UNTILT_DURATION_MS = 190 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BUY_CRATES_KEYBIND_GAMEPAD = table:00000143A9B827B8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A9B82688 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_STICK name = Open Crown Store ZO_CROWN_CRATES_BUY_CRATES_KEYBIND_KEYBOARD = table:00000143A9B826C8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A9B82688 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_QUATERNARY name = Buy Crates ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_BOTTOM_COORD = 1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_HEIGHT_BUFFER_WORLD = 0.2 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_HEIGHT_IN_HAND_UI = 412.5 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_HEIGHT_REVEALED_UI = 472.5 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_HEIGHT_WORLD = 0.15 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_HIDE_INFO_DURATION_MS = 200 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_INFO_INSET_X = 40 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_LEFT_COORD = 0.16015625 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_RIGHT_COORD = 0.83984375 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_SHOW_INFO_DURATION_MS = 220 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_SHOW_INFO_NAME_OFFSET_Y_UI = -15 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_SHOW_INFO_REWARD_TYPE_OFFSET_Y_UI = 30 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_SIDE_BACK = back ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_SIDE_FACE = face ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_SIDE_GEMIFIED_FACE = gemifiedFace ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_SIDE_GEMIFIED_FLIPPED_FACE = gemifiedFlippedFace ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_SPACING_IN_HAND_UI = 73 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_SPACING_REVEALED_UI = 50 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_TEXTURE_LEVEL_ACCENT = 4 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_TEXTURE_LEVEL_ACTIVATION_OVERLAY = 1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_TEXTURE_LEVEL_COLOR_FLASH = 6 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_TEXTURE_LEVEL_COLOR_TINT = 5 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_TEXTURE_LEVEL_FRAME = 2 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_TEXTURE_LEVEL_GEM_OVERLAY = 7 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_TEXTURE_LEVEL_GLOW = 3 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_TEXTURE_LEVEL_MOUSE_AREA = 8 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_TEXTURE_LEVEL_REWARD = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_TOP_COORD = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_WIDTH_IN_HAND_UI = 275 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_WIDTH_REVEALED_UI = 315 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT_RATIO = 1.5 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_CARD_WIDTH_WORLD = 0.1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_BEGIN_PITCH_RADIANS = 3.0543261909901 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_COLOR_FLASH = table:00000143BC367280 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 0.86666666666667 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_COLOR_TINT_IN_DURATION_MS = 166 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_COLOR_TINT_IN_SECOND_DELAY_MS = 299 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_COLOR_TINT_IN_SECOND_DURATION_MS = 50 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_COLOR_TINT_OUT_DELAY_MS = 166 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_COLOR_TINT_OUT_DURATION_MS = 133 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_COLOR_TINT_OUT_SECOND_DELAY_MS = 349 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_COLOR_TINT_OUT_SECOND_DURATION_MS = 50 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_END_PITCH_RADIANS = 6.1959188445799 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_FINAL_GEM_DOWN_DELAY_MS = 100 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_FINAL_GEM_DOWN_DURATION_MS = 100 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_FINAL_GEM_UP_DURATION_MS = 100 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_GEM_GAIN_TEXT_ALPHA_DELAY_MS = 466 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_GEM_GAIN_TEXT_ALPHA_DURATION_MS = 134 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_GEM_GAIN_TEXT_TRANSLATE_DURATION_MS = 600 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_SHOW_DURATION_MS = 400 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_SHOW_SPIN_DELAY_MS = 333 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_SHOW_START_MS = 100 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_SINGLE_GEM_DELTA_ANGLE_DEGREES = 60 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_SINGLE_GEM_DURATION_MS = 233 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_SINGLE_GEM_INDEX_TO_START_FLASH = 1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_SINGLE_GEM_STARTING_ANGLE_DEGREES = 90 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_SINGLE_GEM_START_TIME_DELAY_MS = 100 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_SPIN_DURATION_MS = 500 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_TINT_ALPHA = 0.2 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_TINT_COLOR = table:00000143137B97E0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.66666666666667 g = 0.50196078431373 r = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFY_TOTAL_SINGLE_GEMS_TO_PLAY = 6 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_LEAVE_END_PITCH_RADIANS = 3.0543261909901 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_LEAVE_END_ROLL_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_LEAVE_END_YAW_RADIANS = -1.7453292519943 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_LEAVE_MOVE_DURATION_MS = 500 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_LEAVE_SPACING_MS = 20 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_LEAVE_SPIN_DURATION_MS = 250 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_MYSTERY_SELECTED_WOBBLE_DURATION_MS = 2800 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_MYSTERY_SELECTED_WOBBLE_MAGNITUDE_RADIANS = 0.034906585039887 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_MYSTERY_SELECTED_WOBBLE_SPACING_MS = 1000 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_MYSTERY_SELECTION_DURATION_MS = 166 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_MYSTERY_SELECTION_OFFSET_Y_UI = 50 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_CHOOSEN_PITCH_RADIANS = -0.13962634015955 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_CHOOSEN_ROLL_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_CHOOSEN_YAW_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_CHOOSE_HIDE_DELAY_MS = 450 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_CHOOSE_HIDE_DURATION_MS = 300 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_CHOOSE_MOVE_DURATION_MS = 650 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_CHOOSE_OFFSET_Y_UI = 150 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_CHOOSE_ROTATE_DURATION_MS = 200 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_CHOOSING_PACKS_PER_PAGE = 4 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT_UI = 42 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_COUNT_LABEL_INSET_X_PERCENT = 0.1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_COUNT_LABEL_INSET_Y_PERCENT = 0.05 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_DEPTH_WORLD = 0.1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_FRONT_MOUSE_PLANE_BUFFER_WORLD = 3 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_HEIGHT_TO_LID_THICKNESS_RATIO = 0.0859375 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_HEIGHT_WORLD = 0.1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_HIDE_AND_EXIT_SIDE_DURATION_MS = 500 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_HIDE_AND_EXIT_SIDE_OFFSET_X_UI = -2000 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_HIDE_DURATION_MS = 200 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_HIDE_INFO_DURATION_MS = 200 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_HIDE_OFFSET_Y_UI = -40 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_INFO_AREA_HEIGHT_UI = 120 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_LID_THICKNESS_WORLD = 0.00859375 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_NORMAL_ALPHA = 1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_OFFSET_Y_UI = 120 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_OPEN_END_YAW_RADIANS = 0.26179938779915 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_OPEN_START_YAW_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_PLACEHOLDER_ALPHA = 0.4 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SELECTED_PITCH_RADIANS = -0.13962634015955 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SELECTED_ROLL_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SELECTED_YAW_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SELECTION_DURATION_MS = 300 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SELECTION_OFFSET_Y_UI = 40 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SHOW_END_PITCH_RADIANS = -0.26179938779915 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SHOW_END_ROLL_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SHOW_END_YAW_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SHOW_FROM_SIDE_MOVE_DURATION_MS = 500 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SHOW_INFO_DURATION_MS = 220 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SHOW_MOVE_DURATION_MS = 800 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SHOW_SPACING_MS = 100 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SHOW_SPIN_DELAY_MS = 100 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SHOW_SPIN_DURATION_MS = 700 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SHOW_START_PITCH_RADIANS = 2.7925268031909 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SHOW_START_ROLL_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SHOW_START_YAW_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_SPACING_UI = 75 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_TEXTURE_HEIGHT = 1024 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_TEXTURE_LID_HEIGHT = 44 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_TEXTURE_WIDTH = 1024 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_WIDTH_TO_DEPTH_RATIO = 1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT_RATIO = 1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_WIDTH_UI = 350 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PACK_WIDTH_WORLD = 0.1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PAGE_CHANGE_ARROW_OFFSET_X_UI = 50 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PAGE_LEFT = -1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PAGE_RIGHT = 1 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PARTICLE_TYPE_LIFECYCLE = lifecycle ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PARTICLE_TYPE_REVEALED_SELECTED = revealedSelected ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PRIMARY_DEAL_ARC_CONTROL_POINT_Y_OFFSET_SCREEN_PERCENT = 0.07 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PRIMARY_DEAL_DURATION_MS = 300 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PRIMARY_DEAL_END_PITCH_RADIANS = 1.0471975511966 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PRIMARY_DEAL_END_ROLL_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PRIMARY_DEAL_END_YAW_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PRIMARY_DEAL_SPACING_DURATION_MS = 60 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PRIMARY_DEAL_START_PITCH_RADIANS = 1.5707963267949 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PRIMARY_DEAL_START_ROLL_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_PRIMARY_DEAL_START_YAW_RADIANS = 3.1415926535898 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_REVEALED_SELECTION_DURATION_MS = 166 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_REVEAL_ALL_OFFSET_DURATION_MS = 120 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_REVEAL_DURATION_MS = 500 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_REVEAL_END_PITCH_RADIANS = 3.0543261909901 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_REVEAL_END_ROLL_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_REVEAL_END_YAW_RADIANS = 0 ZO_CROWN_CRATES_REVEAL_INFO_AREA_HEIGHT_UI = 145 ZO_CROWN_CRATE_TRIGGER_COMMANDS = table:00000143FE109DB8 firstTable BACK_TO_MANIFEST = BackToManifest BONUS_DEAL_COMPLETE = OnBonusDealComplete BONUS_DEAL_COMPLETE_CAT = UI_Deal_Bonus CARD_DEAL_COMPLETE = OnCardDealComplete CARD_DESELECTED = OnCardDeselected CARD_FLIP_COMPLETE = OnFlipComplete CARD_GEMIFY_COMPLETE = OnGemifyComplete CARD_LEAVE = OnCardLeave CARD_OUT_COMPLETE = OnCardOutComplete CARD_REVEALED = OnCardRevealed CARD_SELECTED = OnCardSelected CAT_GREETING_COMPLETE = UI_OpenManifest CAT_SUMMON_COMPLETE = UI_Greet DEAL_REQUESTED = OnDealRequested FLIP_CARD = OnFlipCard GEMIFICATION_HIDDEN = GemificationHidden MANIFEST_IN_COMPLETE = OnManifestInComplete MANIFEST_OUT_COMPLETE = OnManifestOutComplete MANIFEST_PAGE_IN = ManifestPageIn MANIFEST_PAGE_OUT = ManifestPageOut PRIMARY_DEAL_COMPLETE = OnPrimaryDealComplete PRIMARY_DEAL_COMPLETE_CAT = UI_Deal_Primary SCENE_SHOWN = OnSceneShowing ZO_CTFObjectiveStateIndicator = table:00000143A34CC7A0 (meta 00000143A34CC988} firstTable firstMeta GetSortOrder() = function:00000143094EE658 Initialize() = function:00000143A34CCF08 Matches() = function:0000014306485338 New() = function:00000143A34CCC78 OnCaptureFlagStateChanged() = function:0000014306480888 Reset() = function:0000014306480950 Setup() = function:00000143BC160AF0 ShouldShow() = function:0000014306484630 ZO_CURRENCIES_DATA = table:00000143F76E75E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014307CA9B20 firstTable amountLabel = Gold color = table:0000014307CA7D38 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 gamepadColor = table:0000014307CA62F8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 gamepadPercentOfLineSize = 73% gamepadTexture = /esoui/art/currency/gamepad/gp_gold_mipmap.dds isDefaultLowercase = true keyboardPercentOfLineSize = 60% keyboardTexture = /esoui/art/currency/gold_mipmap.dds 2 = table:00000143F76E96A0 firstTable amountLabel = Alliance Points color = table:00000143E03B2420 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.1333329975605 g = 0.86274498701096 r = 0.17647099494934 gamepadColor = table:00000143E03ACAB8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.1333329975605 g = 0.86274498701096 r = 0.16470600664616 gamepadPercentOfLineSize = 73% gamepadTexture = /esoui/art/currency/gamepad/gp_alliancepoints_mipmap.dds isDefaultLowercase = false keyboardPercentOfLineSize = 60% keyboardTexture = /esoui/art/currency/alliancepoints_mipmap.dds 3 = table:00000143E03B2378 firstTable amountLabel = Tel Var Stones color = table:00000143E03B23C0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 0.64313697814941 r = 0.36862701177597 gamepadColor = table:00000143E03AF340 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 0.64313697814941 r = 0.36862701177597 gamepadPercentOfLineSize = 73% gamepadTexture = /esoui/art/currency/gamepad/gp_telvar_mipmap.dds isDefaultLowercase = false keyboardPercentOfLineSize = 60% keyboardTexture = /esoui/art/currency/telvar_mipmap.dds 4 = table:00000143E03AF608 firstTable amountLabel = Writ Vouchers color = table:00000143E03AF6F8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 gamepadColor = table:00000143E03AF840 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 gamepadPercentOfLineSize = 73% gamepadTexture = /esoui/art/currency/gamepad/gp_writvoucher_mipmap.dds isDefaultLowercase = false keyboardPercentOfLineSize = 60% keyboardTexture = /esoui/art/currency/writvoucher_mipmap.dds 5 = table:00000143E03AF6A8 firstTable amountLabel = Transmute Crystals color = table:00000143F76DC030 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 gamepadColor = table:00000143F76DC178 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 gamepadPercentOfLineSize = 73% gamepadTexture = /esoui/art/currency/gamepad/gp_seedcrystal_mipmap.dds isDefaultLowercase = false keyboardPercentOfLineSize = 60% keyboardTexture = /esoui/art/currency/currency_seedcrystal_mipmap.dds 6 = table:00000143E03AF5C0 firstTable amountLabel = Crown Gems color = table:00000143F76DC538 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 gamepadColor = table:00000143F76DC680 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 gamepadPercentOfLineSize = 73% gamepadTexture = /esoui/art/currency/gamepad/gp_crowngems_mipmap.dds isDefaultLowercase = true keyboardPercentOfLineSize = 60% keyboardTexture = /esoui/art/currency/crowngem_mipmap.dds 7 = table:00000143F76DC910 firstTable amountLabel = Crowns color = table:00000143F76DC958 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 gamepadColor = table:00000143F76DCAA0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 gamepadPercentOfLineSize = 73% gamepadTexture = /esoui/art/currency/gamepad/gp_crowns_mipmap.dds isDefaultLowercase = true keyboardPercentOfLineSize = 60% keyboardTexture = /esoui/art/currency/crowns_mipmap.dds 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0000014308354BA8} childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 children = table:00000143D4A632A8 firstTable childrenCurrentHeight = 144 childrenHeight = 144 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:00000143D4A618D0 (meta 000001431679AD50} openAnimationPool = table:00000143D4A62478 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F8DCC5E8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143D4A623B8 m_Free = table:00000143D4A62508 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D4A62438 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:00000143F8DE6FA8 (meta 000001432E003D68} scrollControl = userdata:00000143D4A5D540 (meta 00000143D4A5DA68} selectedNode = table:00000143FBC90C80 (meta 000001432E003D68} suspendAnimations = false templateInfo = table:00000143D4A61918 firstTable ZO_RulesetEntry = table:00000143D4A62238 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143D4A621F8 objectPool = table:00000143D4A62280 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable selectionFunction() = function:00000143D4A621B0 setupFunction() = function:00000143D4A62170 template = ZO_RulesetEntry ZO_RulesetTypeEntry = table:00000143D4A61F68 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143D4A61F28 objectPool = table:00000143D4A61FB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable selectionFunction() = function:00000143D4A61EA0 setupFunction() = function:00000143D4A61E58 template = ZO_RulesetTypeEntry ZO_RulesetTypeHeader = table:00000143D4A61CD8 firstTable childSpacing = 0 equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:00000143D4A61D20 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:00000143D4A61C58 template = ZO_RulesetTypeHeader width = 255 selectSound = Campaign_BladeSelected selected = false setupFunction() = function:00000143D4A61C58 templateInfo = table:00000143D4A61CD8 tree = table:00000143D4A618D0 (meta 000001431679AD50} selectSound = Click selected = true selectionFunction() = function:00000143D4A621B0 setupFunction() = function:00000143D4A62170 templateInfo = table:00000143D4A62238 tree = table:00000143D4A618D0 (meta 000001431679AD50} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} rulesetId = 14 selected = true ZO_CampaignBrowserCategoriesScrollChildZO_RulesetEntry2 = userdata:00000143D4A638C8 (meta 00000143D4A63920} ZO_CampaignBrowserCategoriesScrollChildZO_RulesetEntry3 = userdata:00000143D4A63B80 (meta 00000143D4A63BD8} ZO_CampaignBrowserCategoriesScrollChildZO_RulesetEntry4 = userdata:00000143D4A63AF0 (meta 00000143D4A63E98} ZO_CampaignBrowserCategoriesScrollChildZO_RulesetTypeHeader1 = userdata:00000143D4A62CF8 (meta 00000143D4A630A0} ZO_CampaignBrowserCategoriesScrollChildZO_RulesetTypeHeader1Channel = userdata:00000143D4A63048 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CampaignBrowserCategoriesScrollChildZO_RulesetTypeHeader1Icon = userdata:00000143D4A62D90 (meta 00000143D4A631D8} ZO_CampaignBrowserCategoriesScrollChildZO_RulesetTypeHeader1IconHighlight = userdata:00000143D4A62E30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CampaignBrowserCategoriesScrollChildZO_RulesetTypeHeader1Text = userdata:00000143D4A62EC8 (meta 00000143D4A62F20} ZO_CampaignBrowserHeaders = userdata:00000143D4A5DE38 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CampaignBrowserHeadersAlliancePopulation1 = userdata:00000143D4A5F118 (meta 00000143D4A5F500} ZO_CampaignBrowserHeadersAlliancePopulation1Icon = userdata:00000143D4A5F1A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CampaignBrowserHeadersAlliancePopulation1Mouseover = userdata:00000143D4A5F228 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CampaignBrowserHeadersAlliancePopulation2 = userdata:00000143D4A5F638 (meta 00000143D4A5FA78} ZO_CampaignBrowserHeadersAlliancePopulation2Icon = userdata:00000143D4A5F6C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CampaignBrowserHeadersAlliancePopulation2Mouseover = userdata:00000143D4A5F748 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CampaignBrowserHeadersAlliancePopulation3 = userdata:00000143D4A5FBB0 (meta 00000143D4A5FFF0} ZO_CampaignBrowserHeadersAlliancePopulation3Icon = userdata:00000143D4A5FC38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CampaignBrowserHeadersAlliancePopulation3Mouseover = userdata:00000143D4A5FCC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CampaignBrowserHeadersArrow = userdata:00000143D4A60E18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CampaignBrowserHeadersFriends = userdata:00000143D4A5E7F0 (meta 00000143D4A5EB68} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = numFriends sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143D4A60DB0 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143D4A60E18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143D4A61170 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:00000143D4A611B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4A61230 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D4A610F0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143D4A60E28 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:00000143D4A5DE38 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143D4A610A8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:00000143D4A5DEA8 (meta 00000143D4A5E0F8} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = name selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143D4A60DB0 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:00000143D4A61018 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D4A5DEA8 (meta 00000143D4A5E0F8} 2 = 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= 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Guild Members in a Campaign 5 = userdata:00000143D4A5F118 (meta 00000143D4A5F500} firstMeta firstIndex arrowOffset = -5 icon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBrowser_columnHeader_AD.dds initialDirection = true isIconHeader = true key = alliancePopulation1 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143D4A60DB0 (meta 0000014368605B08} tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Aldmeri Dominion Population usesArrow = true 6 = userdata:00000143D4A5F638 (meta 00000143D4A5FA78} firstMeta firstIndex arrowOffset = -5 icon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBrowser_columnHeader_EP.dds initialDirection = true isIconHeader = true key = alliancePopulation2 sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143D4A60DB0 (meta 0000014368605B08} tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Ebonheart Pact Population usesArrow = true 7 = userdata:00000143D4A5FBB0 (meta 00000143D4A5FFF0} firstMeta firstIndex arrowOffset = -5 icon = 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table:00000143D4A60808 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5F5D690 firstTable bottom = 30 data = table:00000143F5F761C8 firstTable alliancePopulation1 = 1 alliancePopulation2 = 1 alliancePopulation3 = 0 dataEntry = table:00000143F5F5D690 id = 81 name = Vivec numFriends = 0 numGroupMembers = 0 numGuildMembers = 10 queuedGroupState = 3 queuedGroupType = 2 queuedIndividualState = 3 queuedIndividualType = 2 queues = table:00000143F5F4D718 firstTable rulesetId = 14 rulesetType = 1 sortIndex = 1 type = 1 top = 0 typeId = 1 dataTypes = table:00000143D4A606D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4A61610 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:00000143D4A61508 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D4A61550 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D4A64468 (meta 00000143D4A68E70} m_Factory() = function:00000143D4A61408 m_Free = table:00000143D4A615C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143D4A613C0 2 = 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function:0000014313E4FF68 CanEnter() = function:00000143CDD3A340 CanGuest() = function:00000143CDD3AF00 CanHome() = function:00000143CDD3AA50 CanQueue() = function:00000143CDD3BF48 CollectAssignedCampaignData() = function:0000014313E4FD20 DoAbandon() = function:00000143CDD3BA70 DoHome() = function:00000143CDD3AD10 DoLeave() = function:00000143CDD3B160 DoQueue() = function:00000143CDD3C1A8 GetCampaignBrowser() = function:00000143CDD3BCF8 GetPriceMessage() = function:00000143CDD3DCC0 GetTargetData() = function:00000143CDD39DB8 GetTextParamsForAbandonHomeDialog() = function:00000143CDD3DFC0 GetTextParamsForSetHomeDialog() = function:00000143CDD3DD80 InitLastStates() = function:00000143CDD1EF00 Initialize() = function:00000143CDD30920 InitializeHeader() = function:00000143CDD1F278 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:0000014313E4E548 IsPendingQueueState() = function:00000143CDD3A800 IsQueued() = function:00000143CDD3A2B0 New() = function:000001430979E338 OnCampaignQueueJoined() = function:00000143CDD3E180 OnCampaignQueueLeft() = function:00000143CDD3E4C0 OnCampaignQueuePositionChanged() = function:00000143CDD3F070 OnCampaignQueueStateChanged() = function:00000143CDD3E748 OnSelectionChanged() = function:00000143CDD1EDD0 OnUpdate() = function:00000143CDD39D30 PerformDeferredInitialization() = function:00000143CDD1EA30 PerformUpdate() = function:000001430979E408 RefreshCampaignInfoContent() = function:00000143CDD1E7B0 RefreshContentHeader() = function:0000014313E4FAA8 RefreshScreenHeader() = function:00000143CDD20E98 RegisterEvents() = function:00000143CDD28E60 SetCurrentMode() = function:00000143CDD1F030 UnregisterEvents() = function:00000143CDD37D28 UpdateContent() = function:000001430979EA70 UpdateLists() = function:000001430979E9E8 UpdateQueueMessages() = function:00000143CDD1DFE8 UpdateQueuedMessage() = function:00000143CDD1E520 UpdateQueuedMessageControls() = function:00000143CDD1DD90 __index = table:000001430979DD70 (meta 000001430979DE38} 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= userdata:00000143E02EBAF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadLeftTooltip = userdata:00000143CB72C2F8 (meta 00000143E02EFCD0} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000143CB72C560 (meta 0000014308349FC8} lastContentHeight = 0 scrollTooltip = userdata:00000143CB72C690 (meta 0000014428088D60} tip = userdata:00000143D4A56DE0 (meta 00000143E02EFE40} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadLeftTooltipBg = userdata:00000143CB72C388 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadLeftTooltipBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143CB72C4D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadLeftTooltipBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143CB72C428 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadLeftTooltipContainer = userdata:00000143CB72C5F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadLeftTooltipContainerTip = userdata:00000143CB72C690 (meta 0000014428088D60} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 animation = userdata:0000014428088DF8 (meta 0000014428088E50} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143CB72C690 (meta 0000014428088D60} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:00000143D4A56C88 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:00000143D4A56D30 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000143D4A56FF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:0000014428088DC8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} tooltip = userdata:00000143D4A56DE0 (meta 00000143E02EFE40} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:00000143D4A570A8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:0000014428088B78 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D4A57138 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:00000143D4A56E98 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true icon = userdata:00000143CB72C560 (meta 0000014308349FC8} innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:00000143E02EFEE0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:0000014428088AE8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E02EFFC8 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 0 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:00000144280888A0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:0000014428088BC0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014428088930 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:00000143D4A57260 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:0000014428088C08 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D4A572F0 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:00000143D4A57418 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:0000014428088C50 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D4A574A8 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:0000014428088A58 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143F31809A0 styles = table:0000014428088AA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F31809E8 texturePool = table:00000143E02F00F0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:0000014428088B30 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E02F0180 sourcePool = 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function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 animation = userdata:00000144D07851B0 (meta 00000144D0785208} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143D6B02150 (meta 00000144D0785148} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:00000143D6B021F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:00000143F0F6E608 (meta 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AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:00000143CDD32598 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000144D0784F60 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143CDD32628 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:00000143F0F6E770 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true icon = userdata:00000143D6B02020 (meta 0000014308349FC8} innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:00000143CDD321D0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000144D0784ED0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143CDD322B8 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 0 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:00000143F0F6ED28 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000144D0784FA8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F0F6EDB8 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:00000143F0F6E9B8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000144D0784FF0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F0F6EA48 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:00000143F0F6EB70 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000144D0785038 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F0F6EC00 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:00000144D0784E40 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143F31809A0 styles = table:00000144D0784E88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F31809E8 firstTable fontColorField = 1 fontColorType = 14 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_MEDIUM_FONT) fontStyle = soft-shadow-thick paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 width = 390 texturePool = table:00000143CDD323E0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000144D0784F18 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143CDD32470 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} vertical = true useFadeGradient = true ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadRightTooltipContainerTipScroll = userdata:00000143D6B021F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadRightTooltipContainerTipScrollIndicator = userdata:00000143F0F6E8C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadRightTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChild = userdata:00000143F0F6E608 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadRightTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildPadding = userdata:00000143F0F6E820 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadRightTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltip = userdata:00000143F0F6E6B8 (meta 00000143CDD32130} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadRightTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltipContents = userdata:00000143F0F6E770 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationGamepadRightTooltipIcon = userdata:00000143D6B02020 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationTopRow = userdata:00000143F0F96840 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationTopRowName = userdata:00000143F0F968C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChampionPerksChosenConstellationTopRowSpentPoints = userdata:00000143F0F96948 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChampionPerksGamepad_TooltipResizeHandler() = function:00000143F0F749A8 ZO_ChampionPerksInactiveAlert = userdata:0000014408192FB0 (meta 0000014428052AF8} ZO_ChampionPerksInactiveAlertMessage = userdata:0000014428052AA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChampionPerksSelectedStarIndicator = userdata:00000143CB72CCD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChampionPerks_OnInitialized() = function:00000143F0F74A28 ZO_ChampionPreloadTextures = userdata:00000143F0F74B08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialog = userdata:00000143F0F8ADF8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogBG = userdata:00000143F0F74CB0 (meta 0000014308324730} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:0000014308322BF0 ClearAnchors() = function:0000014308322410 Convert3DLocalOrientationToWorldOrientation() = function:00000143083246B8 Convert3DLocalPositionToWorldPosition() = function:0000014308324648 Convert3DWorldOrientationToLocalOrientation() = function:0000014308324680 Convert3DWorldPositionToLocalPosition() = function:0000014308322FE0 Create3DRenderSpace() = function:0000014308322C28 CreateControl() = function:0000014308322640 Destroy3DRenderSpace() = function:0000014308322C60 Does3DRenderSpaceUseDepthBuffer() = function:0000014308322F70 Get3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:0000014308322E90 Get3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:0000014308322E20 Get3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:0000014308322CD0 Get3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:0000014308322D40 Get3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:0000014308322F00 Get3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:0000014308322DB0 GetAlpha() = function:00000143083223A0 GetAnchor() = function:0000014308322480 GetBottom() = function:0000014308321D60 GetCenter() = function:0000014308321D98 GetCenterColor() = function:00000143083218C0 GetChild() = function:0000014308321EE8 GetClampedToScreen() = function:0000014308323128 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:0000014308322A68 GetControlAlpha() = function:00000143083223D8 GetControlScale() = function:0000014308322330 GetDesiredHeight() = function:0000014308321FE8 GetDesiredWidth() = function:0000014308321FB0 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:0000014308322B48 GetDimensions() = function:0000014308321B30 GetDrawLayer() = function:0000014308322170 GetDrawLevel() = function:00000143083221E0 GetDrawTier() = function:00000143083220C8 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:00000143083228E0 GetHandler() = function:0000014308322250 GetHeight() = function:0000014308321F78 GetHitInsets() = function:00000143083229F8 GetId() = function:0000014308322800 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:0000014308322720 GetInheritsScale() = function:0000014308322790 GetLeft() = function:0000014308321CB8 GetName() = function:0000014308322598 GetNamedChild() = function:0000014308322528 GetNumChildren() = function:0000014308321EB0 GetOwningWindow() = function:0000014308321AC0 GetParent() = function:0000014308321E40 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:0000014308322870 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:0000014308322AD8 GetRight() = function:0000014308321D28 GetScale() = function:00000143083222F8 GetScreenRect() = function:00000143083224B8 GetTop() = function:0000014308321CF0 GetType() = function:00000143083225D0 GetWidth() = function:0000014308321F40 Has3DRenderSpace() = function:0000014308322C98 IsChildOf() = function:0000014308322560 IsControlHidden() = function:0000014308322058 IsHandlerSet() = function:0000014308322288 IsHidden() = function:0000014308322020 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308323208 IsMouseEnabled() = function:0000014308323198 IsPixelRoundingEnabled() = function:0000014308321BD0 IsPointInside() = function:00000143083224F0 RegisterForEvent() = function:0000014308322B80 Set3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:0000014308322EC8 Set3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:0000014308322E58 Set3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:0000014308322D08 Set3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:0000014308322D78 Set3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:0000014308322F38 Set3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:0000014308322DE8 Set3DRenderSpaceUsesDepthBuffer() = function:0000014308322FA8 SetAlpha() = function:0000014308322368 SetAnchor() = function:0000014308322448 SetAnchorFill() = function:0000014308323048 SetCenterColor() = function:0000014308319B68 SetCenterTexture() = function:0000014308319AF8 SetClampedToScreen() = function:00000143083230F0 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:0000014308322A30 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:0000014308322B10 SetDimensions() = function:0000014308321AF8 SetDrawLayer() = function:0000014308322138 SetDrawLevel() = function:00000143083221A8 SetDrawTier() = function:0000014308322100 SetEdgeColor() = function:0000014308321A10 SetEdgeTexture() = function:0000014308321868 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:00000143083228A8 SetHandler() = function:0000014308322218 SetHeight() = function:0000014308321E08 SetHidden() = function:0000014308322608 SetHitInsets() = function:00000143083229C0 SetId() = function:00000143083227C8 SetInheritAlpha() = function:00000143083226E8 SetInheritScale() = function:0000014308322758 SetInsets() = function:0000014308321930 SetIntegralWrapping() = function:0000014308321C48 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:00000143083231D0 SetMouseEnabled() = function:0000014308323160 SetMovable() = function:0000014308322678 SetParent() = function:0000014308321E78 SetPixelRoundingEnabled() = function:0000014308321998 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:00000143083226B0 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:0000014308322838 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:0000014308322AA0 SetScale() = function:00000143083222C0 SetShapeType() = function:0000014308322918 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:0000014308323080 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:00000143083230B8 SetTextureReleaseOption() = function:0000014308321A48 SetWidth() = function:0000014308321DD0 StartMoving() = function:0000014308322950 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:0000014308322988 ToggleHidden() = function:0000014308322090 UnregisterForEvent() = function:0000014308322BB8 ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143F0F74D38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogBalanceAmount = userdata:00000143F0F74FC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogBalanceDescription = userdata:00000143F0F74F40 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogCancel = userdata:00000143F0F86E48 (meta 00000143F0F86FB0} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:00000143F0F86F58 (meta 00000143F0F87120} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143F0F86E48 (meta 00000143F0F86FB0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143F0F86F58 (meta 00000143F0F87120} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143F0F86ED0 (meta 00000143F0F873F8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:00000143F0F86ED0 (meta 00000143F0F873F8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogConfirm = userdata:00000143F0F87508 (meta 00000143F0F87670} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogConfirmKeyLabel = userdata:00000143F0F87618 (meta 00000143F0F87208} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143F0F87508 (meta 00000143F0F87670} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143F0F87618 (meta 00000143F0F87208} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143F0F87590 (meta 00000143F0F96C98} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogConfirmNameLabel = userdata:00000143F0F87590 (meta 00000143F0F96C98} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogDivider = userdata:00000143F0F74E38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:00000143F0F74C38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogRespecCost = userdata:00000143F0F86DC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogRespecDescription = userdata:00000143F0F86D48 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogText = userdata:00000143F0F74EB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChampionRespecConfirmationDialogTitle = userdata:00000143F0F74DB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChampionStar = table:00000143D60104A8 (meta 00000143D60104F0} firstTable firstMeta ApplyButtonTemplatesToTextControl() = function:00000143F0F78B98 ApplyGamepadButtonTemplatesToTextControl() = function:00000143F0F78C18 ApplyGamepadTriggerButtonTemplatesToTextControl() = function:00000143F0F78C60 ArePointsAvailableToSpend() = function:00000143F0F71C60 CanAddPoints() = function:00000143F0F73C80 CanRemovePoints() = function:00000143F0F73D40 CanSpendPoints() = function:00000143CB746900 GetConstellation() = function:00000143F0F73DC0 GetNormalizedCoordinates() = function:00000144D83E0848 GetNumCommittedSpentPoints() = function:00000144D83ECED8 GetNumPendingPoints() = function:00000143D8F23018 GetNumPointsThatWillBeSpent() = function:00000143CB7468C0 GetNumSpentPoints() = function:00000144D83ECE98 GetStarTextColorUnselected() = function:00000143F0F70E48 GetTexture() = function:00000143F28D03C0 HasUnsavedChanges() = function:00000144D83ED040 Initialize() = function:00000144D83E0800 InitializePointSpending() = function:00000144D83ECFC0 IsPurchased() = function:00000143CB746940 New() = function:00000143D6010568 OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143F0F78DA0 OnMouseExit() = function:00000143F0F78DE0 OnMouseUp() = function:00000143F0F78D60 OnMouseWheel() = function:000001431DE7ADD0 OnValueChanged() = function:00000143D8F297D0 PlayOneShotAnimation() = function:00000143F0F78CE0 RefreshPointsMinMax() = function:00000144D83ED000 RefreshState() = function:0000014316659FD0 RefreshText() = function:00000143F0F73C40 RefreshTexture() = function:00000143F0F70D00 ReleaseTextControl() = function:00000143F0F71CA0 RemovePoints() = function:00000143F192C238 ResetPendingPoints() = function:00000144D83ECF40 ResetTextControl() = function:00000143F0F71CE0 SetEnabled() = function:00000143F0F71D38 SetNumPendingPoints() = function:00000144D83E0888 SetPendingPointsToZero() = function:00000144D83ECF80 SetStateLocked() = function:0000014310384578 SpendPoints() = function:00000143D60105A8 StartAddingPoints() = function:00000143F0F73CC0 StartRemovingPoints() = function:00000143F0F73D80 StopChangingPoints() = function:00000143F0F73D00 UpdateVisuals() = function:00000143F0F70F08 WouldBePurchased() = function:00000143CB746980 ZO_Champion_GetConstellationGroupNameFromAttribute() = function:00000144C805CEB8 ZO_Champion_GetUnformattedConstellationGroupNameFromAttribute() = function:000001431C5A4820 ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialog = userdata:000001431D6D7BA0 (meta 000001431D6D8DD8} firstMeta firstIndex presetsComboBox = table:000001445860F418 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:000001431D6D8120 (meta 000001431D6D7320} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:000001445860F418 (meta 000001431D56DB28} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogPresets m_openDropdown = userdata:000001445860F408 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:000001445860F460 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:000001431D6D6478 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:000001431D6D7538 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D6D8F28 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D6D8EA8 name = Decorator presetIndex = 1 2 = table:000001431D6D9070 firstTable callback() = function:000001431D6D8EA8 name = Visitor presetIndex = 2 m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogAllHouses = userdata:000001431D6D75F0 (meta 000001431D6D89E8} firstMeta firstIndex label = userdata:000001445860EFA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogAllHousesLabel = userdata:000001445860EFA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogBG = userdata:000001431D6D7CA0 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001431D6D7D28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogCancel = userdata:000001431D6D7EA8 (meta 000001431D6D8010} ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:000001431D6D7FB8 (meta 000001431D6D8180} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431D6D7EA8 (meta 000001431D6D8010} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431D6D7FB8 (meta 000001431D6D8180} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431D6D7F30 (meta 000001431D6D8268} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:000001431D6D7F30 (meta 000001431D6D8268} ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogConfirm = userdata:000001431D6D8378 (meta 000001431D6D98E8} ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogConfirmKeyLabel = userdata:000001431D6D9890 (meta 000001431D6D9A58} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431D6D8378 (meta 000001431D6D98E8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 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function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431D6D9890 (meta 000001431D6D9A58} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431D6D9808 (meta 000001431D6D9B40} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogConfirmNameLabel = userdata:000001431D6D9808 (meta 000001431D6D9B40} ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogDivider = userdata:000001431D6D7E28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogHeader = userdata:000001431D6DA840 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:000001431D6D7C28 (meta 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function:00000143B32560A8 ZO_Character_SetIsShowingReadOnlyFragment() = function:00000143B3257750 ZO_Character_UpdateReadOnly() = function:00000144D8632FA0 ZO_ChatEvent() = function:00000143C0261168 ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad = table:0000014309880110 (meta 0000014320945FB0} firstTable firstMeta AddMessage() = function:00000143D5CFC188 BuildChatList() = function:00000143F4211248 BuildOptionsList() = function:00000143FB9FDC68 FocusTextInput() = function:00000143B4C00590 Initialize() = function:00000143E631D938 InitializeChannelDropdown() = function:00000143E4C58740 InitializeControls() = function:00000143E4C587E8 InitializeFocusKeybinds() = function:00000144C79BFD58 InitializeFragment() = function:00000143E631D9D0 InitializePassiveFocus() = function:00000144C79BFCD8 InitializeTextEdit() = function:00000143E4C58780 InitializeTextInputSection() = function:00000143E631D978 New() = function:0000014316AD5460 OnChatChannelChanged() = function:000001431D937540 OnDeferredInitialize() = function:00000144C79BFD98 OnHiding() = function:00000143B4C00550 OnShow() = function:00000143B4C00510 OnTargetChanged() = function:00000143F42111C8 PerformUpdate() = function:00000143B4C004D0 ReadjustFixedCenterOffset() = function:00000143AA177F70 RefreshChannelDropdown() = function:000001431D937600 RefreshMoreBelow() = function:000001431D9375C0 RefreshTooltip() = function:00000143F4211208 RegisterForEvents() = function:00000144C79BFD18 SetupLogMessage() = function:00000143AA177FF0 SetupOptions() = function:00000143F4211288 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:00000143AA177F30 __index = table:0000014309880110 (meta 0000014320945FB0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevel = userdata:00000143E631D928 (meta 00000143D317CF08} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMask = userdata:000001431DC97DA8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainer = userdata:000001439DB2B4D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:000001439FD065C0 (meta 00000143D317B6D8} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:000001439FD06650 (meta 000001431D934E30} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:000001439FD06650 (meta 000001431D934E30} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143D3172768 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143D31726D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143D31728A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143D3172808 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143D3175C58 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143D31728D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143D3175D90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143D3175CF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143ED3BFCF8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143ED3C0678 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D3171658 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143ED3C0728 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143ED3C07D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143ED3BFDA0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143ED3C05D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143D3171708 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D3172630 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D31717B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143D3171868 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143ED3BFE48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:0000014355147330 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143E6317F00 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E6318108 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E6317FA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143E6318058 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143D317B680 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:0000014355146750 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:0000014355147540 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:000001439FD066F0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:000001439FD06798 (meta 0000014355146690} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:0000014355146490 firstTable 1 = table:0000014355146510 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:0000014355146558 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143551465D0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 1228 ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerMain = userdata:000001431D934FE0 (meta 000001431D936BB0} ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerMainList = userdata:000001431D935068 (meta 000001439DB31988} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001431D936D60 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001431D936C80 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:000001444EEE9E88 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143D5CED1A0 control = userdata:000001431D934FE0 (meta 000001431D936BB0} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:000001431D935068 (meta 000001439DB31988} dirtyEvents = table:000001444EEE9ED0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:000001444EEE9F18 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001444EEE9FA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001444EEE9FF0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 1228 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143D05415A8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 1228 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143D05415F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5CED158 firstTable xEndOffset = -1228 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143D5CED2A0 firstTable xEndOffset = -1228 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143D317CE60 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = true animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143609E2430 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143609E2478 firstTable 1 = table:00000143609E24C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143609E23B0 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143609E2588 firstTable 1 = table:000001444EEE9E08 firstTable 1() = function:00000143609E2540 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143ED3B6100 firstTable control = userdata:000001431D935068 (meta 000001439DB31988} customDirectionalInputHandler() = function:00000143609E2358 dataIndexToControl = table:00000143EC255D88 firstTable 197 = userdata:00000143AA40FA20 (meta 000001431C09C200} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143FB9FDCA8 dataIndex = 197 key = 2 label = userdata:000001431C09D5E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 198 = userdata:00000143F44192E0 (meta 00000144CAEE5FB8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143FB9FDCA8 dataIndex = 198 key = 1 label = userdata:00000143D76B3160 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 199 = userdata:000001431C09EAE0 (meta 000001431C09EDB8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143FB9FDCA8 dataIndex = 199 key = 3 label = userdata:000001431C09ECE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 200 = userdata:000001431C0A7608 (meta 000001431C0A2880} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143FB9FDCA8 dataIndex = 200 key = 4 label = userdata:000001431C0A27A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine dataList = table:00000143DF529E58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143AA410518 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431C09BEB0 firstTable category = 9 id = 2 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: ***Current action bar saved*** barIndex 1|r 10 = table:00000143BF872A10 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143BF872A58 firstTable category = 9 id = 11 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SendPlayerStuck' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 100 = table:000001444E40A6E0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143A9A2A5C8 firstTable category = 9 id = 101 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductNumChildren' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 101 = table:00000143ED240828 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143ED233370 firstTable category = 9 id = 102 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'RightMouseDownInWorld' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 102 = table:00000143CB565230 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CB566520 firstTable category = 9 id = 103 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductDescription' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 103 = table:00000143BF8375F8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001444F086480 firstTable category = 9 id = 104 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductSubCategoryInfo' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 104 = table:00000143D4C2CE78 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F9A51290 firstTable category = 9 id = 105 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'AttemptForceLock' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 105 = table:00000144D4417E98 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144BA856710 firstTable category = 9 id = 106 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetNumMarketProductCategories' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 106 = table:00000143D612AAC8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E4449CD0 firstTable category = 9 id = 107 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductCategoryInfo' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 107 = table:00000143E664A240 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143EB0398F8 firstTable category = 9 id = 108 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StartSettingChamber' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 108 = table:00000143A99FE6A0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E4461288 firstTable category = 9 id = 109 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductNumItems' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 109 = table:00000143D4BE9010 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D4BE9058 firstTable category = 9 id = 110 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductInstantUnlockType' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 11 = table:000001439DFA72A8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439DFA77E8 firstTable category = 9 id = 12 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OnWeaponSwap' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 110 = table:00000143F450BB50 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F450BB98 firstTable category = 9 id = 111 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductIcon' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 111 = table:00000143F3BCAE88 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144E2EEF788 firstTable category = 9 id = 112 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductInfo' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 112 = table:00000144649C7D50 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F13188C8 firstTable category = 9 id = 113 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductPricingByPresentation' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 113 = table:00000144BA48B540 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144CFC325A8 firstTable category = 9 id = 114 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StopSettingChamber' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 114 = table:0000014464DF25E8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144E2ED0F50 firstTable category = 9 id = 115 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Skipping dump for object uespLogSavedVars|r 115 = table:00000144AFE2A980 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144BA4B7AB8 firstTable category = 9 id = 116 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Skipping dump for object uespLogCoordinatesValue|r 116 = table:00000143F6564450 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F6565F58 firstTable category = 9 id = 117 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'AscendStop' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 117 = table:000001431B3E49A0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DD8CF638 firstTable category = 9 id = 118 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OnSpecialMoveKeyUp' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 118 = table:00000143D1E808E0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F6566560 firstTable category = 9 id = 119 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OnSpecialMoveKeyDown' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 119 = table:0000014409608028 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014377DD8C60 firstTable category = 9 id = 120 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OnSlotUp' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 12 = table:000001447CDBB200 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E3760770 firstTable category = 9 id = 13 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OnWeaponSwapToSet1' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 120 = table:00000143BBD1C5C0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143BBD1D158 firstTable category = 9 id = 121 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OnSlotDown' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 121 = table:00000143DDDBA2E0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F12F34B8 firstTable category = 9 id = 122 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PickupAbility' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 122 = table:00000143CBAA10B8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144649BCC38 firstTable category = 9 id = 123 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OnSlotDownAndUp' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 123 = table:000001439EEC9938 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E183EC38 firstTable category = 9 id = 124 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PlaceInTradingHouse' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 124 = table:00000143EB5D2188 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D0D6E3C0 firstTable category = 9 id = 125 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StrafeRightStop' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 125 = table:00000143EB5E4580 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431CF57550 firstTable category = 9 id = 126 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'JumpAscendStart' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 126 = table:0000014355095508 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014355072CD0 firstTable category = 9 id = 127 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StrafeLeftStart' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 127 = table:0000014312D1D788 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014312D1D7D0 firstTable category = 9 id = 128 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StrafeRightStart' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 128 = table:00000143D55EA7D8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439D0C3410 firstTable category = 9 id = 129 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StrafeLeftStop' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 129 = table:0000014409FD59E0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CFD13A00 firstTable category = 9 id = 130 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'CreateCrownCrateTierSpecificParticleEffect' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 13 = table:00000143CAFE3AE0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431B394FD0 firstTable category = 9 id = 14 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OnWeaponSwapToSet2' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 130 = table:00000143DA5B1DF8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DA5B1E40 firstTable category = 9 id = 131 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'DescendStop' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 131 = table:0000014464DBCA38 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014464DBCA80 firstTable category = 9 id = 132 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'LeftMouseUpInWorld' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 132 = table:000001444EBA16D0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001444EBA1A38 firstTable category = 9 id = 133 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'LeftMouseDownInWorld' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 133 = table:0000014369099100 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144D08D0CC8 firstTable category = 9 id = 134 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'DescendStart' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 134 = table:00000143A3CD2540 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143EB5EF390 firstTable category = 9 id = 135 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'UnbindKeyFromAction' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 135 = table:00000143A3D0F558 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143A3D04240 firstTable category = 9 id = 136 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'MoveBackwardStop' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 136 = table:00000143E9C98E30 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E9C99198 firstTable category = 9 id = 137 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Skipping dump for object uespLog|r 137 = table:00000144062D4670 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144062D51C8 firstTable category = 9 id = 138 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'MoveForwardStop' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 138 = table:00000143BC1813C8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143BC181730 firstTable category = 9 id = 139 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SiegeWeaponFire' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 139 = table:00000143CE341690 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CE3416D8 firstTable category = 9 id = 140 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SiegeWeaponPackUp' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 14 = table:00000143EB04DA10 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001440845CCB0 firstTable category = 9 id = 15 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'ActivateSynergy' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 140 = table:00000143CE358D40 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CE358D88 firstTable category = 9 id = 141 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'TurnRightStart' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 141 = table:00000143FE54F748 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143FE54F790 firstTable category = 9 id = 142 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'CancelSoulGemResurrection' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 142 = table:00000143FE569F08 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143FE569C90 firstTable category = 9 id = 143 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'TurnRightStop' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 143 = table:00000143FE59B9D0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143FE59BA18 firstTable category = 9 id = 144 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'TurnLeftStart' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 144 = table:00000143E63F6C00 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E63F6C48 firstTable category = 9 id = 145 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'ToggleWalk' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 145 = table:00000143DE348868 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001440E4B1F18 firstTable category = 9 id = 146 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'MoveForwardStart' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 146 = table:00000144AFE0B9C0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144649D2A28 firstTable category = 9 id = 147 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StartWorldEffectOnPlayer' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 147 = table:00000143BF862B00 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144D4426A38 firstTable category = 9 id = 148 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetActiveUserEmailAddress' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 148 = table:00000143F9A55770 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144AFE23718 firstTable category = 9 id = 149 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'ReleaseGameCameraSiegeControlled' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 149 = table:000001444C053A60 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431CF49A90 firstTable category = 9 id = 150 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SetWorldParticleEffectScale' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 15 = table:00000143D1E5AEA0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D1E5AEE8 firstTable category = 9 id = 16 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PlaceInUnitFrame' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 150 = table:00000143F1B7BC90 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001444F07CD08 firstTable category = 9 id = 151 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'DeleteWorldParticleEffect' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 151 = table:00000143144C9050 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143EA9CBE90 firstTable category = 9 id = 152 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SetWorldParticleEffectPosition' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 152 = table:000001439D0BF840 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014377DBF770 firstTable category = 9 id = 153 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SetWorldParticleEffectOrientation' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 153 = table:00000143F9FF40C8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F3B9F858 firstTable category = 9 id = 154 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StartWorldParticleEffect' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 154 = table:00000144D55F1028 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DA596B78 firstTable category = 9 id = 155 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GameCameraMouseFreeLookStart' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 155 = table:00000143F6554D10 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F12FD048 firstTable category = 9 id = 156 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SendChatMessage' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 156 = table:000001439EF18658 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CE94AE60 firstTable category = 9 id = 157 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OnMarketClose' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 157 = table:00000144D04A2310 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DDD8F798 firstTable category = 9 id = 158 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetShowHiddenGear' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 158 = table:00000143144F4418 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F1B75200 firstTable category = 9 id = 159 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PerformInterrupt' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 159 = table:00000143CE928128 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E9C8F490 firstTable category = 9 id = 160 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StartBlock' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 16 = table:00000143FA332800 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143FA332848 firstTable category = 9 id = 17 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PlaceInTradeWindow' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 160 = table:00000144BA49F070 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431B3C60A0 firstTable category = 9 id = 161 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'RollDodgeStart' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 161 = table:00000143A4139118 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143BC1A3510 firstTable category = 9 id = 162 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'ClearSlot' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 162 = table:00000143CBEFB888 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CBEFB8D0 firstTable category = 9 id = 163 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OpenURLByType' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 163 = table:00000143CC2C9F90 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CC2CA810 firstTable category = 9 id = 164 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StopCommandPet' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 164 = table:00000143CB4C7AF8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CB4C7B40 firstTable category = 9 id = 165 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductOpenMarketBehaviorNavigateToOtherProductId' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 165 = table:00000143C0469F38 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143C0469F80 firstTable category = 9 id = 166 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SelectSlotCollectible' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 166 = table:000001445869A7B8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001445869A800 firstTable category = 9 id = 167 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'RightMouseUpInWorld' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 167 = table:00000143BC1792B8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143EB5E62F8 firstTable category = 9 id = 168 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PreviewMarketProduct' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 168 = table:00000143E18428B8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144063A20E8 firstTable category = 9 id = 169 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PreviewProvisionerItemAsFurniture' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 169 = table:00000143F5A79330 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CB5A9458 firstTable category = 9 id = 170 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PreviewFurnitureMarketProduct' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 17 = table:00000143CDEB3FE8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CDEB41A8 firstTable category = 9 id = 18 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SelectLastSlottedItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 170 = table:00000143D1E8FB10 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D4953920 firstTable category = 9 id = 171 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'CreateCrownCrateSpecificParticleEffect' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 171 = table:000001439EEE5820 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E4498A68 firstTable category = 9 id = 172 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'TurnLeftStop' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 172 = table:00000143D6D6F9C0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439D41E0C8 firstTable category = 9 id = 173 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OnSpecialMoveKeyPressed' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 173 = table:00000143DA304310 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F1324D20 firstTable category = 9 id = 174 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'ForceCancelMounted' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 174 = table:00000143F9A6D598 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144BA7D41B0 firstTable category = 9 id = 175 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StopWorldParticleEffect' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 175 = table:00000143CC2D9638 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CC2F31E8 firstTable category = 9 id = 176 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SetShowHiddenGear' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 176 = table:0000014355472798 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143A40A1C68 firstTable category = 9 id = 177 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'MoveBackwardStart' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 177 = table:000001431D87E678 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014408A2A4B8 firstTable category = 9 id = 178 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PickupStoreItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 178 = table:00000143E443DAA0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143A4048350 firstTable category = 9 id = 179 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PreviewCollectibleAsFurniture' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 179 = table:00000143A3D09198 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D49D0090 firstTable category = 9 id = 180 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PlayDefaultQuickChat' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 18 = table:000001435544D028 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014408A19BF8 firstTable category = 9 id = 19 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SelectSlotEmote' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 180 = table:00000143A3CDD940 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143A3CE0708 firstTable category = 9 id = 181 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PreviewArmorByItemLink' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 181 = table:00000143DA32D9E8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014408F53B50 firstTable category = 9 id = 182 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StartMouseSiegeWeaponAim' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 182 = table:00000143E181CA30 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439DFE7680 firstTable category = 9 id = 183 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PickupQuestTool' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 183 = table:00000144D04DCD88 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DE1BF390 firstTable category = 9 id = 184 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PickupStoreBuybackItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 184 = table:000001447CD88300 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014355476558 firstTable category = 9 id = 185 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PreviewCollectible' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 185 = table:00000144D55F4468 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439D0FB550 firstTable category = 9 id = 186 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Output 136827 global objects and 167 private functions to log... 186 = table:00000143ED2061C8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143ED1F9AD0 firstTable category = 9 id = 187 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Scanning sales history for guild #3, up to timestamp 1508953855|r 187 = table:00000144068E8FE0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144068F7E18 firstTable category = 9 id = 188 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Starting sales history scan for guild #4|r 188 = table:000001435546D118 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001440AE639E8 firstTable category = 9 id = 189 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Scanning sales history for guild #4, up to timestamp 1508953856|r 189 = table:00000144CC063058 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D55F7770 firstTable category = 9 id = 190 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Starting sales history scan for guild #5|r 19 = table:00000144089FB310 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144089FC3A8 firstTable category = 9 id = 20 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SelectSlotQuickChat' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 190 = table:00000143DDDA1D98 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431DE7F830 firstTable category = 9 id = 191 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Scanning sales history for guild #5, up to timestamp 1508953858|r 191 = table:00000143DDD83D98 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D1E756B8 firstTable category = 9 id = 192 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = UESP: Found no new guild sales since last save! 192 = table:0000014409FCFCB8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144D4404188 firstTable category = 9 id = 193 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Reset logged global data 193 = table:00000143ED234780 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CAFBB2A8 firstTable category = 9 id = 194 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Turned UESP debug log messages on. 194 = table:00000143E64286D0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144D01402E0 firstTable category = 9 id = 195 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Dumping global objects to a depth of 7... 195 = table:00000143E1A4C4A0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E1A4C4E8 firstTable category = 9 id = 196 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |cff9999WARNING: Log 'globals' data exceeds 65000 elements in size.|r 196 = table:00000144D07707B8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E4454A60 firstTable category = 9 id = 197 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |cff9999Loss of data is possible when loading the saved variable file!|r 197 = table:00000143D0D7B908 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143144F00A0 firstTable category = 9 id = 198 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |cff9999You should save the data, submit it to the UESP and do \"/uespreset all\".|r 198 = table:00000143DF524228 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DF524630 firstTable category = 9 id = 199 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |cff9999WARNING: Log 'globals' data exceeds 111050 elements in size.|r 199 = table:00000143DF525570 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DF5259E8 firstTable category = 9 id = 200 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |cff9999Loss of data is possible when loading the saved variable file!|r 2 = table:000001431C09E3E0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431C09E748 firstTable category = 9 id = 3 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Looking for new guild sales data...|r 20 = table:00000143E444A650 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E444B550 firstTable category = 9 id = 21 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SelectSlotAbility' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 200 = table:00000143DF5290E0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DF529D20 firstTable category = 9 id = 201 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |cff9999You should save the data, submit it to the UESP and do \"/uespreset all\".|r 21 = table:00000143DD620488 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143BF8207F8 firstTable category = 9 id = 22 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SelectSlotItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 22 = table:00000143E446F4E8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E446D380 firstTable category = 9 id = 23 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SetActionBarPage' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 23 = table:00000143FA2EE6F0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CDED3860 firstTable category = 9 id = 24 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'ToggleMount' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 24 = table:00000143F5A8D228 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CAF59148 firstTable category = 9 id = 25 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'ShouldOpenURLTypeInOverlay' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 25 = table:00000143DD570330 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014313E39990 firstTable category = 9 id = 26 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetURLTextByType' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 26 = table:00000143DA5C8D20 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DA5C8EA0 firstTable category = 9 id = 27 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'UpdatePlayerPresenceInformation' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 27 = table:00000143ED2167E8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143A99EC820 firstTable category = 9 id = 28 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'UpdatePlayerPresenceName' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 28 = table:00000143A4098018 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143A40936C0 firstTable category = 9 id = 29 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'IsKeyDown' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 29 = table:0000014464A12E70 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E446B6C8 firstTable category = 9 id = 30 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'Disconnect' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 3 = table:000001431C0A7830 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431C0A7878 firstTable category = 9 id = 4 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Starting sales history scan for guild #1|r 30 = table:00000144BA83F878 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DA5D4B78 firstTable category = 9 id = 31 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PlaceInActionBar' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 31 = table:00000143D613CBD8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CE919E88 firstTable category = 9 id = 32 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PlaceInStoreWindow' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 32 = table:00000143DE210208 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144D0150250 firstTable category = 9 id = 33 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PlaceInEquipSlot' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 33 = table:00000144C309BB70 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144BA874D08 firstTable category = 9 id = 34 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PlaceInTransfer' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 34 = table:000001431B3D3F78 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144BEF7A3C8 firstTable category = 9 id = 35 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PlaceInInventory' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 35 = table:00000143D49AC5E0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431D843EE8 firstTable category = 9 id = 36 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'RequestMoveItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 36 = table:000001447CDAD4A8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E3720C88 firstTable category = 9 id = 37 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PickupAction' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 37 = table:0000014313E37A90 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001440E4D5AC8 firstTable category = 9 id = 38 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PlaceInWorldLeftClick' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 38 = table:00000143DE324830 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DE324D88 firstTable category = 9 id = 39 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PlaceInAttachmentSlot' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 39 = table:00000143BBF8A330 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143BBF8ADE0 firstTable category = 9 id = 40 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PickupTradeItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 4 = table:000001431C0B0FF8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431C0B1360 firstTable category = 9 id = 5 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Scanning sales history for guild #1, up to timestamp 1508953852|r 40 = table:00000144D5615DB0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144C3078FA0 firstTable category = 9 id = 41 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PickupInventoryItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 41 = table:00000144BA863060 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144BA4CD3F0 firstTable category = 9 id = 42 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PickupAbilityBySkillLine' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 42 = table:00000143D49C3720 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144B9AC3508 firstTable category = 9 id = 43 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PickupEquippedItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 43 = table:000001435544D468 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DE1DD8C8 firstTable category = 9 id = 44 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PickupCollectible' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 44 = table:00000143D5D9B108 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CAFE1788 firstTable category = 9 id = 45 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PickupQuestItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 45 = table:00000143CAFA7680 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014377DD6B28 firstTable category = 9 id = 46 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'RespondToDestroyRequest' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 46 = table:00000143BC1B9740 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001444F07AC98 firstTable category = 9 id = 47 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'UnbindAllKeysFromAction' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 47 = table:00000143B8EC87D0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001447CD8FDF8 firstTable category = 9 id = 48 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'BindKeyToAction' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 48 = table:00000143E4463B58 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F8DEC988 firstTable category = 9 id = 49 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetPlayerCrownGems' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 49 = table:00000143A9795598 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CBA5AFA0 firstTable category = 9 id = 50 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetPlayerCrowns' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 5 = table:000001431C0A9ED8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431C0AA088 firstTable category = 9 id = 6 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Starting sales history scan for guild #2|r 50 = table:00000143DD545B70 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F5A7E648 firstTable category = 9 id = 51 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |cff9999WARNING: Log 'globals' data exceeds 65000 elements in size.|r 51 = table:000001440E3E66A8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D4C285F8 firstTable category = 9 id = 52 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |cff9999Loss of data is possible when loading the saved variable file!|r 52 = table:00000143E3733138 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D4BE6228 firstTable category = 9 id = 53 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |cff9999You should save the data, submit it to the UESP and do \"/uespreset all\".|r 53 = table:00000143EB034710 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143B8EB3570 firstTable category = 9 id = 54 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'SiegeWeaponRelease' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 54 = table:00000143ED209518 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014408F3D448 firstTable category = 9 id = 55 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StopMouseSiegeWeaponAim' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 55 = table:00000143F3BDAD80 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D1E76220 firstTable category = 9 id = 56 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Skipping dump for object _G|r 56 = table:00000143CB5732C0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CB572C60 firstTable category = 9 id = 57 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'ClearGameCameraPreferredTarget' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 57 = table:0000014409FE4A40 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014409FE4A88 firstTable category = 9 id = 58 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GameCameraMouseFreeLookStop' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 58 = table:0000014409FEDD78 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014409FEDDC0 firstTable category = 9 id = 59 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'CycleGameCameraPreferredEnemyTarget' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 59 = table:0000014312D45218 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014312D45260 firstTable category = 9 id = 60 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GameCameraInteractStart' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 6 = table:0000014355438A20 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014355438A68 firstTable category = 9 id = 7 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Scanning sales history for guild #2, up to timestamp 1508953854|r 60 = table:00000143DA59A2F0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014409FED410 firstTable category = 9 id = 61 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductHouseTemplateId' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 61 = table:00000143ED203208 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144C60766F0 firstTable category = 9 id = 62 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductHouseId' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 62 = table:0000014464D2F128 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143DD56D3F8 firstTable category = 9 id = 63 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductCrownCrateId' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 63 = table:00000143F44D3E48 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143FA2FC7D8 firstTable category = 9 id = 64 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductBundleHidesChildProducts' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 64 = table:00000143D5D8A9A0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143A388A840 firstTable category = 9 id = 65 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Skipping dump for object uespLogCoordinates|r 65 = table:00000143CFCDD940 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001440EAFF188 firstTable category = 9 id = 66 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductCollectibleId' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 66 = table:000001439F7B58E8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144B9B00380 firstTable category = 9 id = 67 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductCollectibleInfo' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 67 = table:00000143F5F42208 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014406933EB0 firstTable category = 9 id = 68 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'UseItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 68 = table:0000014449787978 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144CAEDA2B8 firstTable category = 9 id = 69 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductNumCollectibles' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 69 = table:00000143C3690A68 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144BA7B45C0 firstTable category = 9 id = 70 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Skipping dump for object uespLogUI|r 7 = table:0000014355439170 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143554393A8 firstTable category = 9 id = 8 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Starting sales history scan for guild #3|r 70 = table:000001435544FF78 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143FA0150E0 firstTable category = 9 id = 71 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OnMarketPurchaseMoreCrowns' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 71 = table:00000144D08D2B00 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E18133E8 firstTable category = 9 id = 72 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GameCameraGamepadZoomUp' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 72 = table:00000143A99EF480 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001440E4C3AF8 firstTable category = 9 id = 73 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketState' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 73 = table:00000143CBA8A4D0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014312D25F38 firstTable category = 9 id = 74 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'OpenMarket' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 74 = table:000001440E4B5F30 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CAF64AD0 firstTable category = 9 id = 75 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductEndTimeString' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 75 = table:00000143CB578928 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143CB578DA8 firstTable category = 9 id = 76 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductTimeLeftInSeconds' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 76 = table:00000143D1EE7DF8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D1EE7E88 firstTable category = 9 id = 77 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductDisplayName' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 77 = table:0000014409FD5D00 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014409FD6348 firstTable category = 9 id = 78 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StartCommandPet' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 78 = table:0000014464D41488 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014464D41920 firstTable category = 9 id = 79 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductType' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 79 = table:00000144CFC50488 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D24DEC80 firstTable category = 9 id = 80 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GameCameraGamepadZoomDown' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 8 = table:000001435543B818 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001435543BB80 firstTable category = 9 id = 9 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Dumping global objects to a depth of 3... 80 = table:00000144B9AF8050 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144B9AB2938 firstTable category = 9 id = 81 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductItemLink' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 81 = table:000001439D3CDF60 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439D3C8CC8 firstTable category = 9 id = 82 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductItemInfo' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 82 = table:00000144D43DBEA0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001440E4C41E8 firstTable category = 9 id = 83 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PerformAttack' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 83 = table:00000143D49A6440 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144D018C4C8 firstTable category = 9 id = 84 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductCompleteErrorStringId' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 84 = table:000001440E4B98E8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001440E4A87D8 firstTable category = 9 id = 85 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'PrepareAttack' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 85 = table:00000143D24E9E68 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431D8717B0 firstTable category = 9 id = 86 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductEligibilityErrorStringIds' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 86 = table:00000143D4C3CE98 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D4C3AAA8 firstTable category = 9 id = 87 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'ToggleGameCameraPadlockTarget' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 87 = table:00000143CAF22058 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143EA431558 firstTable category = 9 id = 88 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'DoesMarketProductContainDLC' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 88 = table:000001447CD978B0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E61865B8 firstTable category = 9 id = 89 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StopBlock' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 89 = table:00000143DA5A3C10 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D611D7C0 firstTable category = 9 id = 90 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductPurchaseState' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 9 = table:00000143F9A6FE88 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143F9A70018 firstTable category = 9 id = 10 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'StartSoulGemResurrection' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 90 = table:000001444C059BB0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001444C06D840 firstTable category = 9 id = 91 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductQuality' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 91 = table:00000144BA7D5DA8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143ED234A70 firstTable category = 9 id = 92 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductOpenMarketBehavior' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 92 = table:00000143F9A4DC50 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431D8733D0 firstTable category = 9 id = 93 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductFurnitureDataId' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 93 = table:00000143CE90CE08 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144BEF86438 firstTable category = 9 id = 94 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'RollDodgeStop' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 94 = table:00000143F0BB9B38 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144BA4C3A08 firstTable category = 9 id = 95 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductStackCount' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 95 = table:00000143D1E50BA0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143D1E5BC38 firstTable category = 9 id = 96 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'ToggleAutoRun' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 96 = table:0000014314864618 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431484D4B8 firstTable category = 9 id = 97 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductNumBundledProducts' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 97 = table:00000144D55F4590 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144BA7CAF68 firstTable category = 9 id = 98 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'LeftAndRightMouseUpInWorld' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 98 = table:00000143EB8FFB58 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143554617C0 firstTable category = 9 id = 99 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductChildId' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r 99 = table:00000143CAF41658 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000014377DA1138 firstTable category = 9 id = 100 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = |c999999UESP: Error on dump object iteration...(Attempt to access a private function 'LeftAndRightMouseDownInWorld' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.\nstack traceback:\n\t[C]: in function 'next'\n\t[C]: in function 'pcall'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8629: in function 'uespLog.DumpObjectInnerLoop'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8919: in function 'uespLog.DumpObject'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:8957: in function 'uespLog.DumpGlobals'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:7112: in function 'fn'\n\tuser:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:12768: in function 'uespLog.DoCommand'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1813: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'\n\tEsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2531: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'\n\tZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'\n\t(tail call): ?\n\t(tail call): ?, nil, )|r dataTypes = table:00000143609E1CE8 firstTable ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine = table:0000014473750670 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143551473D8 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014473750520 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143EC256900 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143F44192E0 (meta 00000144CAEE5FB8} 2 = userdata:00000143AA40FA20 (meta 000001431C09C200} 3 = userdata:000001431C09EAE0 (meta 000001431C09EDB8} 4 = userdata:000001431C0A7608 (meta 000001431C0A2880} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144737505B0 firstTable 10 = userdata:000001431C0AB3F8 (meta 000001435543C508} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143FB9FDCA8 dataIndex = 193 key = 10 label = userdata:00000143F9A714A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 5 = userdata:000001431C0B16D8 (meta 000001431C0B1910} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143FB9FDCA8 dataIndex = 199 key = 5 label = userdata:000001431C0B1838 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 6 = userdata:000001431C0AB540 (meta 000001431C0AB778} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143FB9FDCA8 dataIndex = 200 key = 6 label = userdata:000001431C0AB6A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 7 = userdata:0000014355438EC8 (meta 00000143554352F8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143FB9FDCA8 dataIndex = 191 key = 7 label = userdata:0000014355435220 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 8 = userdata:00000143554353B8 (meta 0000014355439770} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143FB9FDCA8 dataIndex = 192 key = 8 label = userdata:00000143554364B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 9 = userdata:000001435543C380 (meta 000001431C0B14B8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143FB9FDCA8 dataIndex = 194 key = 9 label = userdata:000001431C0B11A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 templateName = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine m_NextControlId = 10 m_NextFree = 11 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine parent = userdata:00000143D317CD90 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine setupFunction() = function:00000144737509C8 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143609E0AB0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143609E16A0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143EC2581B8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143609E1730 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143D317CD90 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143609E1778 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143609E11A0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143609E1230 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143609E0588 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143609E2108 m_Active = table:00000143EC258260 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143609E04C0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143D317CD90 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431D936CF8 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 198 maxOffset = 0 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143ED3B60B8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:000001431D936BA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143DF52B758 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 100 = false 101 = false 102 = false 103 = false 104 = false 105 = false 106 = false 107 = false 108 = false 109 = false 11 = false 110 = false 111 = false 112 = false 113 = false 114 = false 115 = false 116 = false 117 = false 118 = false 119 = false 12 = false 120 = false 121 = false 122 = false 123 = false 124 = false 125 = false 126 = false 127 = false 128 = false 129 = false 13 = false 130 = false 131 = false 132 = false 133 = false 134 = false 135 = false 136 = false 137 = false 138 = false 139 = false 14 = false 140 = false 141 = false 142 = false 143 = false 144 = false 145 = false 146 = false 147 = false 148 = false 149 = false 15 = false 150 = false 151 = false 152 = false 153 = false 154 = false 155 = false 156 = false 157 = false 158 = false 159 = false 16 = false 160 = false 161 = false 162 = false 163 = false 164 = false 165 = false 166 = false 167 = false 168 = false 169 = false 17 = false 170 = false 171 = false 172 = false 173 = false 174 = false 175 = false 176 = false 177 = false 178 = false 179 = false 18 = false 180 = false 181 = false 182 = false 183 = false 184 = false 185 = false 186 = false 187 = false 188 = false 189 = false 19 = false 190 = false 191 = false 192 = false 193 = false 194 = false 195 = false 196 = false 197 = false 198 = false 199 = false 2 = false 20 = false 200 = false 21 = false 22 = false 23 = false 24 = false 25 = false 26 = false 27 = false 28 = false 29 = false 3 = false 30 = false 31 = false 32 = false 33 = false 34 = false 35 = false 36 = false 37 = false 38 = false 39 = false 4 = false 40 = false 41 = false 42 = false 43 = false 44 = false 45 = false 46 = false 47 = false 48 = false 49 = false 5 = false 50 = false 51 = false 52 = false 53 = false 54 = false 55 = false 56 = false 57 = false 58 = false 59 = false 6 = false 60 = false 61 = false 62 = false 63 = false 64 = false 65 = false 66 = false 67 = false 68 = false 69 = false 7 = false 70 = false 71 = false 72 = false 73 = false 74 = false 75 = false 76 = false 77 = false 78 = false 79 = false 8 = false 80 = false 81 = false 82 = false 83 = false 84 = false 85 = false 86 = false 87 = false 88 = false 89 = false 9 = false 90 = false 91 = false 92 = false 93 = false 94 = false 95 = false 96 = false 97 = false 98 = false 99 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143DF545220 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 100 = false 101 = false 102 = false 103 = false 104 = false 105 = false 106 = false 107 = false 108 = false 109 = false 11 = false 110 = false 111 = false 112 = false 113 = false 114 = false 115 = false 116 = false 117 = false 118 = false 119 = false 12 = false 120 = false 121 = false 122 = false 123 = false 124 = false 125 = false 126 = false 127 = false 128 = false 129 = false 13 = false 130 = false 131 = false 132 = false 133 = false 134 = false 135 = false 136 = false 137 = false 138 = false 139 = false 14 = false 140 = false 141 = false 142 = false 143 = false 144 = false 145 = false 146 = false 147 = false 148 = false 149 = false 15 = false 150 = false 151 = false 152 = false 153 = false 154 = false 155 = false 156 = false 157 = false 158 = false 159 = false 16 = false 160 = false 161 = false 162 = false 163 = false 164 = false 165 = false 166 = false 167 = false 168 = false 169 = false 17 = false 170 = false 171 = false 172 = false 173 = false 174 = false 175 = false 176 = false 177 = false 178 = false 179 = false 18 = false 180 = false 181 = false 182 = false 183 = false 184 = false 185 = false 186 = false 187 = false 188 = false 189 = false 19 = false 190 = false 191 = false 192 = false 193 = false 194 = false 195 = false 196 = false 197 = false 198 = false 199 = false 2 = false 20 = false 200 = false 21 = false 22 = false 23 = false 24 = false 25 = false 26 = false 27 = false 28 = false 29 = false 3 = false 30 = false 31 = false 32 = false 33 = false 34 = false 35 = false 36 = false 37 = false 38 = false 39 = false 4 = false 40 = false 41 = false 42 = false 43 = false 44 = false 45 = false 46 = false 47 = false 48 = false 49 = false 5 = false 50 = false 51 = false 52 = false 53 = false 54 = false 55 = false 56 = false 57 = false 58 = false 59 = false 6 = false 60 = false 61 = false 62 = false 63 = false 64 = false 65 = false 66 = false 67 = false 68 = false 69 = false 7 = false 70 = false 71 = false 72 = false 73 = false 74 = false 75 = false 76 = false 77 = false 78 = false 79 = false 8 = false 80 = false 81 = false 82 = false 83 = false 84 = false 85 = false 86 = false 87 = false 88 = false 89 = false 9 = false 90 = false 91 = false 92 = false 93 = false 94 = false 95 = false 96 = false 97 = false 98 = false 99 = false prePadding = table:00000143DF52B2C8 firstTable 1 = 0 10 = 0 100 = 0 101 = 0 102 = 0 103 = 0 104 = 0 105 = 0 106 = 0 107 = 0 108 = 0 109 = 0 11 = 0 110 = 0 111 = 0 112 = 0 113 = 0 114 = 0 115 = 0 116 = 0 117 = 0 118 = 0 119 = 0 12 = 0 120 = 0 121 = 0 122 = 0 123 = 0 124 = 0 125 = 0 126 = 0 127 = 0 128 = 0 129 = 0 13 = 0 130 = 0 131 = 0 132 = 0 133 = 0 134 = 0 135 = 0 136 = 0 137 = 0 138 = 0 139 = 0 14 = 0 140 = 0 141 = 0 142 = 0 143 = 0 144 = 0 145 = 0 146 = 0 147 = 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90 = 0 91 = 0 92 = 0 93 = 0 94 = 0 95 = 0 96 = 0 97 = 0 98 = 0 99 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143DF52BD40 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 100 = false 101 = false 102 = false 103 = false 104 = false 105 = false 106 = false 107 = false 108 = false 109 = false 11 = false 110 = false 111 = false 112 = false 113 = false 114 = false 115 = false 116 = false 117 = false 118 = false 119 = false 12 = false 120 = false 121 = false 122 = false 123 = false 124 = false 125 = false 126 = false 127 = false 128 = false 129 = false 13 = false 130 = false 131 = false 132 = false 133 = false 134 = false 135 = false 136 = false 137 = false 138 = false 139 = false 14 = false 140 = false 141 = false 142 = false 143 = false 144 = false 145 = false 146 = false 147 = false 148 = false 149 = false 15 = false 150 = false 151 = false 152 = false 153 = false 154 = false 155 = false 156 = false 157 = false 158 = false 159 = false 16 = false 160 = false 161 = false 162 = false 163 = false 164 = false 165 = false 166 = false 167 = false 168 = false 169 = false 17 = false 170 = false 171 = false 172 = false 173 = false 174 = false 175 = false 176 = false 177 = false 178 = false 179 = false 18 = false 180 = false 181 = false 182 = false 183 = false 184 = false 185 = false 186 = false 187 = false 188 = false 189 = false 19 = false 190 = false 191 = false 192 = false 193 = false 194 = false 195 = false 196 = false 197 = false 198 = false 199 = false 2 = false 20 = false 200 = false 21 = false 22 = false 23 = false 24 = false 25 = false 26 = false 27 = false 28 = false 29 = false 3 = false 30 = false 31 = false 32 = false 33 = false 34 = false 35 = false 36 = false 37 = false 38 = false 39 = false 4 = false 40 = false 41 = false 42 = false 43 = false 44 = false 45 = false 46 = false 47 = false 48 = false 49 = false 5 = false 50 = false 51 = false 52 = false 53 = false 54 = false 55 = false 56 = false 57 = false 58 = false 59 = false 6 = false 60 = false 61 = false 62 = false 63 = false 64 = false 65 = false 66 = false 67 = false 68 = false 69 = false 7 = false 70 = false 71 = false 72 = false 73 = false 74 = false 75 = false 76 = false 77 = false 78 = false 79 = false 8 = false 80 = false 81 = false 82 = false 83 = false 84 = false 85 = false 86 = false 87 = false 88 = false 89 = false 9 = false 90 = false 91 = false 92 = false 93 = false 94 = false 95 = false 96 = false 97 = false 98 = false 99 = false scrollControl = userdata:00000143D317CD90 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143EC255500 firstTable 1 = 0 10 = 0 100 = 0 101 = 0 102 = 0 103 = 0 104 = 0 105 = 0 106 = 0 107 = 0 108 = 0 109 = 0 11 = 0 110 = 0 111 = 0 112 = 0 113 = 0 114 = 0 115 = 0 116 = 0 117 = 0 118 = 0 119 = 0 12 = 0 120 = 0 121 = 0 122 = 0 123 = 0 124 = 0 125 = 0 126 = 0 127 = 0 128 = 0 129 = 0 13 = 0 130 = 0 131 = 0 132 = 0 133 = 0 134 = 0 135 = 0 136 = 0 137 = 0 138 = 0 139 = 0 14 = 0 140 = 0 141 = 0 142 = 0 143 = 0 144 = 0 145 = 0 146 = 0 147 = 0 148 = 0 149 = 0 15 = 0 150 = 0 151 = 0 152 = 0 153 = 0 154 = 0 155 = 0 156 = 0 157 = 0 158 = 0 159 = 0 16 = 0 160 = 0 161 = 0 162 = 0 163 = 0 164 = 0 165 = 0 166 = 0 167 = 0 168 = 0 169 = 0 17 = 0 170 = 0 171 = 0 172 = 0 173 = 0 174 = 0 175 = 0 176 = 0 177 = 0 178 = 0 179 = 0 18 = 0 180 = 0 181 = 0 182 = 0 183 = 0 184 = 0 185 = 0 186 = 0 187 = 0 188 = 0 189 = 0 19 = 0 190 = 0 191 = 0 192 = 0 193 = 0 194 = 0 195 = 0 196 = 0 197 = 0 198 = 0 199 = 0 2 = 0 20 = 0 200 = 0 21 = 0 22 = 0 23 = 0 24 = 0 25 = 0 26 = 0 27 = 0 28 = 0 29 = 0 3 = 0 30 = 0 31 = 0 32 = 0 33 = 0 34 = 0 35 = 0 36 = 0 37 = 0 38 = 0 39 = 0 4 = 0 40 = 0 41 = 0 42 = 0 43 = 0 44 = 0 45 = 0 46 = 0 47 = 0 48 = 0 49 = 0 5 = 0 50 = 0 51 = 0 52 = 0 53 = 0 54 = 0 55 = 0 56 = 0 57 = 0 58 = 0 59 = 0 6 = 0 60 = 0 61 = 0 62 = 0 63 = 0 64 = 0 65 = 0 66 = 0 67 = 0 68 = 0 69 = 0 7 = 0 70 = 0 71 = 0 72 = 0 73 = 0 74 = 0 75 = 0 76 = 0 77 = 0 78 = 0 79 = 0 8 = 0 80 = 0 81 = 0 82 = 0 83 = 0 84 = 0 85 = 0 86 = 0 87 = 0 88 = 0 89 = 0 9 = 0 90 = 0 91 = 0 92 = 0 93 = 0 94 = 0 95 = 0 96 = 0 97 = 0 98 = 0 99 = 0 selectedData = table:00000143DF524228 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 198 soundEnabled = false targetSelectedIndex = 200 templateList = table:00000143DF52A7B8 firstTable 1 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 10 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 100 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 101 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 102 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 103 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 104 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 105 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 106 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 107 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 108 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 109 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 11 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 110 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 111 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 112 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 113 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 114 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 115 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 116 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 117 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 118 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 119 = 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function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143B1413868 (meta 00000143B1413A30} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143B14137F0 (meta 00000143B1413B18} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_ChatOptionsDialogResetNameLabel = userdata:00000143B14137F0 (meta 00000143B1413B18} ZO_ChatOptionsDialogTitle = userdata:00000143141198E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatOptions_OnCommitClicked() = function:0000014314119630 ZO_ChatOptions_OnInitialized() = function:0000014314118D30 ZO_ChatOptions_OnResetClicked() = function:0000014314119670 ZO_ChatOptions_ToggleChannel() = function:00000143141196B0 ZO_ChatSystem = table:00000143C0273928 (meta 00000143C0273970} firstTable firstMeta GetFont() = function:0000014345CED070 GetFontSizeFromSetting() = function:0000014314A44F50 GetFontSizeString() = function:0000014314A44F10 HideMinBar() = function:00000143C026FD68 Initialize() = function:00000143C0272B20 InitializeSharedControlManagement() = function:00000143C0271A18 LoadChatFromSettings() = function:00000143C0273740 Maximize() = function:0000014345CED028 Minimize() = function:0000014345CECFA8 New() = function:00000143C02739B8 OnNumNotificationsChanged() = function:00000143A44B1640 OnNumOnlineFriendsChanged() = function:00000143C026FCE8 OnNumUnreadMailChanged() = function:00000143B4BD4C60 RemoveSavedContainer() = function:00000143A44B15C0 ResetContainerPositionAndSize() = function:00000143C0271AA0 SaveLocalContainerSettings() = function:00000143C02719D8 SetupNotifications() = function:00000143A44B1600 SetupSavedVars() = function:00000143A04DF320 ShowMinBar() = function:00000143C026FD28 TryNotificationAndMailBursts() = function:00000143C0271A60 __index = table:00000143C0273928 (meta 00000143C0273970} ZO_ChatSystem_AddEventHandler() = function:00000143C02611E8 ZO_ChatSystem_GetChannelInfo() = function:00000143C0259660 ZO_ChatSystem_GetEventCategoryMappings() = function:00000143C02596E0 ZO_ChatSystem_GetEventHandlers() = function:00000143C02610A8 ZO_ChatSystem_GetTrialEventMappings() = function:00000143C02597A0 ZO_ChatSystem_OnAgentChatClicked() = function:0000014314117830 ZO_ChatSystem_OnAgentChatEnter() = function:00000143C0261678 ZO_ChatSystem_OnAgentChatExit() = function:00000143141177F0 ZO_ChatSystem_OnDragStart() = function:00000143C0261338 ZO_ChatSystem_OnDragStop() = function:00000143C0261378 ZO_ChatSystem_OnFriendsClicked() = function:00000143C0261578 ZO_ChatSystem_OnFriendsEnter() = function:00000143C02614F8 ZO_ChatSystem_OnFriendsExit() = function:00000143C0261538 ZO_ChatSystem_OnInitialized() = function:0000014314A44FD0 ZO_ChatSystem_OnMailClicked() = function:00000143C0261638 ZO_ChatSystem_OnMailEnter() = function:00000143C02615B8 ZO_ChatSystem_OnMailExit() = function:00000143C02615F8 ZO_ChatSystem_OnMinMaxClicked() = function:0000014314A44F90 ZO_ChatSystem_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143C0261478 ZO_ChatSystem_OnMouseWheel() = function:00000143E1D3F6B0 ZO_ChatSystem_OnMoveStop() = function:00000143C0261438 ZO_ChatSystem_OnNotificationsClicked() = function:0000014314117870 ZO_ChatSystem_OnNotificationsEnter() = function:00000143141178B0 ZO_ChatSystem_OnNotificationsExit() = function:00000143141178F0 ZO_ChatSystem_OnResizeStart() = function:00000143C02613B8 ZO_ChatSystem_OnResizeStop() = function:00000143C02613F8 ZO_ChatSystem_ScrollByOffset() = function:00000143C02612B8 ZO_ChatSystem_ScrollToBottom() = function:00000143C02612F8 ZO_ChatSystem_SetScroll() = function:00000143E1D3F6F0 ZO_ChatSystem_ShowOptions() = function:00000143C02614B8 ZO_ChatTextEntry_Escape() = function:0000014314117A70 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0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowMail = userdata:000001439EAB5F48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ChatWindowMailBurst = userdata:00000143C0256D78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowMailGlow = userdata:00000143C0256D08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowMinBar = userdata:00000143D70D3798 (meta 00000143FB9FA9E0} ZO_ChatWindowMinBarBG = userdata:00000143D70D3800 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowMinBarBGHighlight = userdata:00000143D70D3878 (meta 00000143CCBF47F0} ZO_ChatWindowMinBarMaximize = userdata:00000143D70D38E8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ChatWindowMinimize = userdata:00000143D70D3548 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ChatWindowNewWindowTab = userdata:000001439EAB58A8 (meta 00000143A9B81690} ZO_ChatWindowNewWindowTabHighlight = userdata:000001439EAB5990 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowNewWindowTabIcon = userdata:000001439EAB5918 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowNotifications = userdata:00000143C0257C58 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ChatWindowNotificationsBurst = userdata:00000143D70D3438 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowNotificationsEcho = userdata:00000143D70D34B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowNotificationsGlow = userdata:00000143D70D33C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowNumNotifications = userdata:00000143D70D34E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatWindowNumOnlineFriends = userdata:00000143C0257BE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatWindowNumUnreadMail = userdata:00000143C0256DE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatWindowOptions = userdata:000001439EAB5A60 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ChatWindowOverflowTab = userdata:00000143C0255A18 (meta 00000143A44B1508} ZO_ChatWindowOverflowTabHighlight = userdata:00000143C0256348 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowOverflowTabIcon = userdata:00000143C02562D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowScrollbar = userdata:00000143BC4F1DB0 (meta 00000143B2A9ED78} ZO_ChatWindowScrollbarScrollDown = userdata:00000143C0256700 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ChatWindowScrollbarScrollEnd = userdata:00000143C0257E58 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ChatWindowScrollbarScrollUp = userdata:00000143C02690D8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ChatWindowTabTemplate1 = userdata:000001440E3F1E18 (meta 00000143C7F6B7C0} ZO_ChatWindowTabTemplate1Center = userdata:00000143BC36DA58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowTabTemplate1Left = userdata:00000143ECFFC880 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowTabTemplate1Right = userdata:00000143BC36D9E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatWindowTabTemplate1Text = userdata:00000143BC36DAC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatWindowTemplate1 = userdata:000001440E3F1CD8 (meta 000001436170BFD8} firstMeta firstIndex buffer = userdata:000001440E3F1D48 (meta 00000143C7F6BB90} fontSize = 16 key = 1 locked = true tab = userdata:000001440E3F1E18 (meta 00000143C7F6B7C0} firstMeta firstIndex allowLabelColorChanges = true container = table:00000143B2A9E1D0 (meta 00000143C0273590} firstTable firstMeta FadeOutCheckOnUpdate() = function:000001431C09E1E8 MonitorTabMovementOnUpdate() = function:0000014320618A68 allowSettingsSave = true backdrop = userdata:00000143BC4F1D40 (meta 0000014308324730} control = userdata:0000014316AD1270 (meta 00000143A9B81BD8} currentBuffer = userdata:000001440E3F1D48 (meta 00000143C7F6BB90} firstMeta firstIndex container = table:00000143B2A9E1D0 (meta 00000143C0273590} fadeAnim = table:00000143E7769F80 (meta 00000143E9837830} fadeInReferences = 0 hiddenTabStartIndex = 2 id = 1 maxAlpha = 1 minAlpha = 1 newWindowTab = userdata:000001439EAB58A8 (meta 00000143A9B81690} firstMeta firstIndex allowLabelColorChanges = true container = table:00000143B2A9E1D0 (meta 00000143C0273590} disabledIcon = EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/chat_addTab_disabled.dds mouseoverIcon = EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/chat_addTab_over.dds pressedIcon = EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/chat_addTab_down.dds state = 2 tabType = SimpleIconHighlight unpressedIcon = EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/chat_addTab_up.dds overflowTab = userdata:00000143C0255A18 (meta 00000143A44B1508} firstMeta firstIndex allowLabelColorChanges = true container = table:00000143B2A9E1D0 (meta 00000143C0273590} mouseoverIcon = EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/chat_overflowArrow_over.dds pressedIcon = EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/chat_overflowArrow_down.dds state = 2 tabType = SimpleIconHighlight unpressedIcon = EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/chat_overflowArrow_up.dds primary = true scrollDownButton = userdata:00000143C0256700 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollEndButton = userdata:00000143C0257E58 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:00000143C02690D8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:00000143BC4F1DB0 (meta 00000143B2A9ED78} firstMeta firstIndex container = table:00000143B2A9E1D0 (meta 00000143C0273590} settings = table:00000143099D5350 firstTable height = 380 point = 4 relPoint = 4 width = 550 x = -1004.9998779297 y = -50.9998779297 system = table:00000143D70D2868 (meta 00000143C0273928} firstTable firstMeta agentChatBurstTimeline = userdata:00000143CCBF67E0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} agentChatButton = 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00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 2 = table:00000143C7F6BD50 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 24 = table:00000143C7F6C850 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 25 = table:00000143C7F6C8C8 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 26 = table:00000143C7F6C940 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 27 = table:00000143C7F6C9B8 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 28 = table:00000143C7F6BF48 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 29 = table:00000143C7F6B860 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 3 = table:00000143C7F6BDC8 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 30 = table:00000143C7F6B8D8 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 31 = table:00000143BC36DAD8 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 32 = table:00000143BC36DB50 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 33 = table:00000143BC36E008 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 34 = table:00000143BC36E0B0 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 35 = table:00000143AA40EA10 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 36 = table:00000143AA40EB30 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 37 = table:00000143AA40EBA8 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 38 = table:00000143AA40F028 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 39 = table:00000143AA40F0A0 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 4 = table:00000143C7F6BE88 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 40 = table:00000143AA40F118 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 5 = table:00000143C7F6BF00 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 6 = table:00000143C7F6BE10 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 7 = table:00000143C7F6C030 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 8 = table:00000143C7F6C0A8 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 9 = table:00000143C7F6C120 firstTable table = 00000143B2A9E1D0 = 1 channelData = table:00000143D70D0E40 firstTable 0 = table:00000143C02580E0 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3171 id = 0 name = Say playerLinkable = true switches = /say /s 1 = table:00000143C0258178 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3174 id = 1 name = Yell playerLinkable = true switches = /yell /y 10 = table:00000143C02588C0 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3185 id = 10 playerLinkable = false 11 = table:00000143C02589B0 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3186 id = 11 playerLinkable = false 12 = table:00000143C0258AA0 firstTable channelLinkable = true deferRequirement = true dynamicName = true format = 3187 id = 12 playerLinkable = true requirementErrorMessage() = function:00000143C0258B10 requires() = function:000001439D2980A8 switches = /guild1 /g1 13 = table:00000143C0258B90 firstTable channelLinkable = true deferRequirement = true dynamicName = true format = 3187 id = 13 playerLinkable = true requirementErrorMessage() = function:00000143C0258C00 requires() = function:000001439D2980A8 switches = /guild2 /g2 14 = table:00000143C0258C80 firstTable channelLinkable = true deferRequirement = true dynamicName = true format = 3187 id = 14 playerLinkable = true requirementErrorMessage() = function:00000143C0258CF0 requires() = function:000001439D2980A8 switches = /guild3 /g3 15 = table:00000143C0258D70 firstTable channelLinkable = true deferRequirement = true dynamicName = true format = 3187 id = 15 playerLinkable = true requirementErrorMessage() = function:00000143C0258DE0 requires() = function:000001439D2980A8 switches = /guild4 /g4 16 = table:00000143C0258E60 firstTable channelLinkable = true deferRequirement = true dynamicName = true format = 3187 id = 16 playerLinkable = true requirementErrorMessage() = function:00000143C0258ED0 requires() = function:000001439D2980A8 switches = /guild5 /g5 17 = table:00000143C0258F50 firstTable channelLinkable = true deferRequirement = true dynamicName = true format = 3187 id = 17 playerLinkable = true requirementErrorMessage() = function:00000143C0258FC0 requires() = function:000001439D2980A8 switches = /officer1 /o1 18 = table:00000143C0259040 firstTable channelLinkable = true deferRequirement = true dynamicName = true format = 3187 id = 18 playerLinkable = true requirementErrorMessage() = function:00000143C02590B0 requires() = function:000001439D2980A8 switches = /officer2 /o2 19 = table:00000143C0259130 firstTable channelLinkable = true deferRequirement = true dynamicName = true format = 3187 id = 19 playerLinkable = true requirementErrorMessage() = function:00000143C02591A0 requires() = function:000001439D2980A8 switches = /officer3 /o3 2 = table:00000143C02583A8 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3172 id = 2 name = Tell playerLinkable = true saveTarget = 2 switches = /tell /t /w /whisper target = true targetSwitches = /reply /respond /r 20 = table:00000143C0259220 firstTable channelLinkable = true deferRequirement = true dynamicName = true format = 3187 id = 20 playerLinkable = true requirementErrorMessage() = function:00000143C0259290 requires() = function:000001439D2980A8 switches = /officer4 /o4 21 = table:00000143C0259310 firstTable channelLinkable = true deferRequirement = true dynamicName = true format = 3187 id = 21 playerLinkable = true requirementErrorMessage() = function:00000143C0259380 requires() = function:000001439D2980A8 switches = /officer5 /o5 3 = table:00000143C02582A8 firstTable channelLinkable = true deferRequirement = true format = 3173 id = 3 name = Group playerLinkable = true requirementErrorMessage = You must be in a group to do that. requires() = function:00000143C0258340 switches = /group /g /party /p 31 = table:00000143C0258210 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3175 id = 31 name = Zone playerLinkable = true switches = /zone /z 32 = table:00000143C0259400 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3176 id = 32 name = Zone - English playerLinkable = true switches = /enzone /enz 33 = table:00000143C0259498 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3177 id = 33 name = Zone - French playerLinkable = true switches = /frzone /frz 34 = table:00000143C0259530 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3178 id = 34 name = Zone - German playerLinkable = true switches = /dezone /dez 35 = table:00000143C02595C8 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3179 id = 35 name = Zone - Japanese playerLinkable = true switches = /jpzone /jpz 4 = table:00000143C0258468 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3180 id = 4 playerLinkable = true 6 = table:00000143C0258558 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3181 id = 6 name = Emote playerLinkable = true switches = /emote /e /me 7 = table:00000143C02585F0 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3183 id = 7 playerLinkable = false 8 = table:00000143C02586E0 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3184 id = 8 playerLinkable = false 9 = table:00000143C02587D0 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3182 id = 9 playerLinkable = false commandPrefixes = table:00000143FB9FA6B8 firstTable 47() = function:00000143DB2E3530 containerPool = table:00000143C3FFE5B8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143FB9FF090 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143C3FF8CC0 m_Free = table:00000143FB9FF0D8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143C3FFE578 containers = table:00000143FB9FAED8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B2A9E1D0 (meta 00000143C0273590} control = userdata:0000014316AD1270 (meta 00000143A9B81BD8} firstMeta firstIndex container = table:00000143B2A9E1D0 (meta 00000143C0273590} m_fadeAnimation = table:00000143E7769F80 (meta 00000143E9837830} firstTable m_animatedControl = userdata:0000014316AD1270 (meta 00000143A9B81BD8} m_fadeTimeline = userdata:00000144BF616260 (meta 0000014308367FC0} maxAlpha = 1 minAlpha = 1 currentChannel = 0 currentNumNotifications = 0 friendsButton = userdata:00000143C0256E50 (meta 0000014308331CA0} friendsLabel = userdata:00000143C0257BE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ignoreTextEntryChangedEvent = false insertIndicator = userdata:0000014314A40A30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} isAgentChatActive = false isMinimized = false loaded = true mailBurstTimeline = userdata:00000143CCBF2488 (meta 0000014308367FC0} mailButton = userdata:000001439EAB5F48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} mailGlow = userdata:00000143C0256D08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} mailLabel = userdata:00000143C0256DE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} maxContainerHeight = 380 maxContainerWidth = 550 minBar = userdata:00000143D70D3798 (meta 00000143FB9FA9E0} firstMeta firstIndex bgHighlight = userdata:00000143D70D3878 (meta 00000143CCBF47F0} maxButton = userdata:00000143D70D38E8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} minContainerHeight = 170 minContainerWidth = 300 newChatFadeAnim = table:00000143FB9FAB08 (meta 00000143E9837830} firstTable m_animatedControl = userdata:00000143D70D3878 (meta 00000143CCBF47F0} firstMeta firstIndex m_fadeAnimation = table:00000143FB9FAB08 (meta 00000143E9837830} maxAlpha = 1 minAlpha = 0 notificationBurstTimeline = userdata:00000143C0270B30 (meta 0000014308367FC0} notificationPulseTimeline = userdata:00000143D70D0E28 (meta 0000014308367FC0} notificationsButton = userdata:00000143C0257C58 (meta 0000014308331CA0} notificationsGlow = userdata:00000143D70D33C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} notificationsLabel = userdata:00000143D70D34E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} numUnreadMails = 0 platformSettings = table:00000143C0273A28 firstTable chatEditBufferBottom = 3 chatEditBufferTop = 3 fadeTransitionTime = 2000 finalFadeAlpha = 1 horizontalAlignment = 0 initialFadeAlpha = 0 primaryContainer = table:00000143B2A9E1D0 (meta 00000143C0273590} shouldMinimizeAfterEntry = false suppressSave = false sv = table:00000143B2A9E188 (meta 00000143B2A9E900} firstTable firstMeta GetInterfaceForCharacter() = function:00000143B2A9DF08 default = table:000001431B62EAD0 firstTable containers = table:00000143BC36CBF0 firstTable switchLookup = table:00000143D70D0C68 firstTable 0 = /say 1 = /yell 12 = /guild1 13 = /guild2 14 = /guild3 15 = /guild4 16 = /guild5 17 = /officer1 18 = /officer2 19 = /officer3 2 = /tell 20 = /officer4 21 = /officer5 3 = /group 31 = /zone 32 = /enzone 33 = /frzone 34 = /dezone 35 = /jpzone 6 = /emote dez = table:00000143C0259530 dezone = table:00000143C0259530 e = table:00000143C0258558 emote = table:00000143C0258558 enz = table:00000143C0259400 enzone = table:00000143C0259400 frz = table:00000143C0259498 frzone = table:00000143C0259498 g = table:00000143C02582A8 g1 = table:00000143C0258AA0 g2 = table:00000143C0258B90 g3 = table:00000143C0258C80 g4 = table:00000143C0258D70 g5 = table:00000143C0258E60 group = table:00000143C02582A8 guild1 = table:00000143C0258AA0 guild2 = table:00000143C0258B90 guild3 = table:00000143C0258C80 guild4 = table:00000143C0258D70 guild5 = table:00000143C0258E60 jpz = table:00000143C02595C8 jpzone = table:00000143C02595C8 me = table:00000143C0258558 o1 = table:00000143C0258F50 o2 = table:00000143C0259040 o3 = table:00000143C0259130 o4 = table:00000143C0259220 o5 = table:00000143C0259310 officer1 = table:00000143C0258F50 officer2 = table:00000143C0259040 officer3 = table:00000143C0259130 officer4 = table:00000143C0259220 officer5 = table:00000143C0259310 p = table:00000143C02582A8 party = table:00000143C02582A8 r = table:00000143D70D28E0 reply = table:00000143D70D28E0 respond = table:00000143D70D28E0 firstTable channelLinkable = false format = 3172 id = 2 name = Tell playerLinkable = true saveTarget = 2 switches = /tell /t /w /whisper target = 2 targetSwitches = /reply /respond /r s = table:00000143C02580E0 say = table:00000143C02580E0 t = table:00000143C02583A8 tell = table:00000143C02583A8 w = table:00000143C02583A8 whisper = table:00000143C02583A8 y = table:00000143C0258178 yell = table:00000143C0258178 z = table:00000143C0258210 zone = table:00000143C0258210 tabPool = table:00000143FB9FAFE0 (meta 0000014457A50218} targets = table:00000143D70D0CB0 firstTable textEntry = table:00000143D70D2968 (meta 0000014345CE19A0} firstTable firstMeta autoComplete = table:00000143D70D2D10 (meta 000001431392D8C0} firstTable firstMeta anchorStyle = 1 automaticMode = false callbackRegistry = table:00000143D70D09B0 firstTable ZO_AutoComplete_On_Entry_Selected = table:00000143D70D09F8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143D70D2D58 firstTable dontCallHookedHandlers = true editControl = userdata:000001439EAB5680 (meta 000001430833A3B8} enabled = true excludeFlags = table:00000143D70D2CC8 firstTable 1 = 6 fireCallbackDepth = 0 includeFlags = table:00000143D70D2C80 firstTable 1 = 7 keepFocusOnCommit = true maxResults = 10 onlineOnly = true owner = userdata:000001439EAB5680 (meta 000001430833A3B8} useArrows = true useCallbacks = true channelLabel = userdata:00000143C0268170 (meta 00000143083425C0} chatEditBufferBottom = 3 chatEditBufferTop = 3 commandHistory = table:00000143D70D2B98 (meta 000001431C1618B8} firstTable firstMeta entries = table:00000143D70D2C38 firstTable 1 = /uespdump globals 3 2 = /uespreset globals 3 = /uespdebug on 4 = /uespdump globals 7 index = 4 maxSize = 50 commandHistoryCursor = 5 control = userdata:00000143C0268100 (meta 00000143D70D2AF8} firstMeta firstIndex m_fadeAnimation = table:00000143B323C688 (meta 00000143E9837830} firstTable m_animatedControl = userdata:00000143C0268100 (meta 00000143D70D2AF8} m_fadeTimeline = userdata:00000143E4C4ECA8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} maxAlpha = 1 minAlpha = 0.25 owner = table:00000143D70D2968 (meta 0000014345CE19A0} system = table:00000143D70D2868 (meta 00000143C0273928} editBg = userdata:000001439EAB5610 (meta 0000014308324730} editControl = userdata:000001439EAB5680 (meta 000001430833A3B8} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:000001430833B6D8 AddValidCharacter() = function:0000014308338838 Clear() = function:00000143083382A8 ClearAnchors() = function:00000143083396D0 ClearSelection() = function:00000143083387C0 Convert3DLocalOrientationToWorldOrientation() = function:000001430833A340 Convert3DLocalPositionToWorldPosition() = function:000001430833A2D0 Convert3DWorldOrientationToLocalOrientation() = function:000001430833A308 Convert3DWorldPositionToLocalPosition() = function:000001430833A298 CopyAllTextToClipboard() = function:0000014308338FE0 Create3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430833B710 CreateControl() = function:00000143083399E0 Destroy3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430833B748 Does3DRenderSpaceUseDepthBuffer() = function:000001430833A228 Get3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:000001430833A148 Get3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:000001430833A0D8 Get3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:000001430833B7B8 Get3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:000001430833B828 Get3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:000001430833A1B8 Get3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:000001430833B898 GetAlpha() = function:0000014308339660 GetAnchor() = function:0000014308339740 GetBottom() = function:0000014308338ED0 GetCenter() = function:0000014308338F08 GetChild() = function:0000014308339EA8 GetClampedToScreen() = function:00000143083398C8 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000001430833B550 GetControlAlpha() = function:0000014308339698 GetControlScale() = function:00000143083395F0 GetCopyEnabled() = function:0000014308338990 GetCursorPosition() = function:0000014308339198 GetDesiredHeight() = function:0000014308338DF0 GetDesiredWidth() = function:0000014308338DB8 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:000001430833B630 GetDimensions() = function:0000014308338D10 GetDrawLayer() = function:0000014308339430 GetDrawLevel() = function:00000143083394A0 GetDrawTier() = function:000001430833A0A0 GetEditEnabled() = function:0000014308338B50 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:0000014308339C80 GetFontHeight() = function:0000014308339358 GetHandler() = function:0000014308339510 GetHeight() = function:0000014308338D80 GetHitInsets() = function:000001430833B4E0 GetId() = function:0000014308339BA0 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:0000014308339AC0 GetInheritsScale() = function:0000014308339B30 GetLeft() = function:0000014308338E28 GetName() = function:0000014308339F50 GetNamedChild() = function:0000014308339EE0 GetNewLineEnabled() = function:0000014308338A70 GetNumChildren() = function:0000014308339E70 GetOwningWindow() = function:0000014308338CA0 GetParent() = function:0000014308339E00 GetPasteEnabled() = function:00000143083385B0 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:0000014308339C10 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:000001430833B5C0 GetRight() = function:0000014308338E98 GetScale() = function:00000143083395B8 GetScreenRect() = function:0000014308339778 GetScrollExtents() = function:0000014308339278 GetText() = function:0000014308338108 GetTop() = function:0000014308338E60 GetTopLineIndex() = function:0000014308339208 GetType() = function:0000014308339F88 GetWidth() = function:0000014308338D48 Has3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430833B780 HasFocus() = function:00000143083382E0 HasSelection() = function:0000014308338758 InsertText() = function:0000014308338390 IsChildOf() = function:0000014308339F18 IsComposingIMEText() = function:0000014308338C30 IsControlHidden() = function:000001430833A030 IsHandlerSet() = function:0000014308339548 IsHidden() = function:0000014308339FF8 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:00000143083399A8 IsMouseEnabled() = function:0000014308339938 IsMultiLine() = function:00000143083390C0 IsPointInside() = function:00000143083397B0 LoseFocus() = function:0000014308338688 RegisterForEvent() = function:000001430833B668 RemoveAllValidCharacters() = function:00000143083388A8 SelectAll() = function:0000014308338F78 Set3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:000001430833A180 Set3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:000001430833A110 Set3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:000001430833B7F0 Set3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:000001430833B860 Set3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:000001430833A1F0 Set3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:000001430833B8D0 Set3DRenderSpaceUsesDepthBuffer() = function:000001430833A260 SetAlpha() = function:0000014308339628 SetAnchor() = function:0000014308339708 SetAnchorFill() = function:00000143083397E8 SetClampedToScreen() = function:0000014308339890 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000001430833B518 SetColor() = function:0000014308338548 SetCopyEnabled() = function:0000014308338920 SetCursorPosition() = function:0000014308339128 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:000001430833B5F8 SetDimensions() = function:0000014308338CD8 SetDrawLayer() = function:00000143083393F8 SetDrawLevel() = function:0000014308339468 SetDrawTier() = function:00000143083393C0 SetEditEnabled() = function:0000014308338BC0 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:0000014308339C48 SetFont() = function:0000014308338510 SetHandler() = function:00000143083394D8 SetHeight() = function:0000014308339DC8 SetHidden() = function:0000014308339FC0 SetHitInsets() = function:0000014308339D60 SetId() = function:0000014308339B68 SetInheritAlpha() = function:0000014308339A88 SetInheritScale() = function:0000014308339AF8 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308339970 SetMaxInputChars() = function:0000014308338438 SetMouseEnabled() = function:0000014308339900 SetMovable() = function:0000014308339A18 SetMultiLine() = function:0000014308339058 SetNewLineEnabled() = function:0000014308338AE0 SetParent() = function:0000014308339E38 SetPasteEnabled() = function:0000014308338A00 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:0000014308339A50 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:0000014308339BD8 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:000001430833B588 SetScale() = function:0000014308339580 SetSelection() = function:00000143083386F0 SetSelectionColor() = function:00000143083383C8 SetShapeType() = function:0000014308339CB8 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:0000014308339820 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:0000014308339858 SetText() = function:00000143083381A0 SetTextType() = function:00000143083384A8 SetTopLineIndex() = function:00000143083392E8 SetVirtualKeyboardType() = function:0000014308338230 SetWidth() = function:0000014308338F40 StartMoving() = function:0000014308339CF0 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:0000014308339D28 TakeFocus() = function:0000014308338620 ToggleHidden() = function:000001430833A068 UnregisterForEvent() = function:000001430833B6A0 WasLastChangeVirtualKeyboard() = function:00000143083381D8 fadeAnim = table:00000143B323C688 (meta 00000143E9837830} open = false system = table:00000143D70D2868 (meta 00000143C0273928} windowPool = table:00000143D6438AC0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D6437250 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001440E3F1CD8 (meta 000001436170BFD8} m_Factory() = function:00000143CCBEEDB8 m_Free = table:00000143D6435FD0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:000001447C505AF0 tabGroup = table:00000143B2A9E438 (meta 00000143D81A09C8} firstTable firstMeta m_Buttons = table:00000143B2A9ECB8 firstTable userdata = 000001440E3F1E18 = userdata:000001440E3F1E18 (meta 00000143C7F6B7C0} tabPool = table:00000143FB9FAFE0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143FB9FE100 m_Active = table:00000143E6310398 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001440E3F1E18 (meta 00000143C7F6B7C0} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CCBF6D28 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_ChatWindowTabTemplate parent = userdata:000001430838BF28 (meta 000001430831FE68} templateName = ZO_ChatWindowTabTemplate visualData = table:00000143A44B1478 firstTable disabledIcon = EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/chat_addTab_disabled.dds height = 32 lowerPadding = 0 mouseoverIcon = EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/chat_addTab_over.dds pressedIcon = EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/chat_addTab_down.dds unpressedIcon = EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/chat_addTab_up.dds upperPadding = 0 width = 32 windowContainer = userdata:00000143C02559A8 (meta 000001430831E750} windowPool = table:00000143D6438AC0 (meta 000001436860E718} windows = table:0000014320618A20 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001440E3F1CD8 (meta 000001436170BFD8} index = 1 key = 1 pressedCallback() = function:00000143C7F6BA80 state = 1 tabSizeChangedCallback() = function:00000143C7F6BB00 tabType = SimpleText window = userdata:000001440E3F1CD8 (meta 000001436170BFD8} ZO_ChatWindowTemplate1Buffer = userdata:000001440E3F1D48 (meta 00000143C7F6BB90} ZO_ChatWindowTextEntry = userdata:00000143C0268100 (meta 00000143D70D2AF8} ZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEdit = userdata:000001439EAB5610 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox = userdata:000001439EAB5680 (meta 000001430833A3B8} ZO_ChatWindowTextEntryLabel = userdata:00000143C0268170 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatWindowWindowContainer = userdata:00000143C02559A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatWindow_OpenContextMenu() = function:0000014314117930 ZO_ChatterOption1 = userdata:00000143CFFD1660 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatterOption10 = userdata:00000143CFFD2E08 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatterOption10Icon = userdata:00000143CFFD2E78 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatterOption10IconImage = userdata:00000143CFFD2EE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatterOption1Icon = userdata:00000143CFFD1CB8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatterOption1IconImage = userdata:00000143CFFD23A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatterOption2 = userdata:00000143CFFD2408 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatterOption2Icon = userdata:00000143CFFD2470 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatterOption2IconImage = userdata:00000143CFFD24E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatterOption3 = userdata:00000143CFFD2548 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatterOption3Icon = userdata:00000143CFFD25B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatterOption3IconImage = userdata:00000143CFFD2620 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatterOption4 = userdata:00000143CFFD2688 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatterOption4Icon = userdata:00000143CFFD26F0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatterOption4IconImage = userdata:00000143CFFD2760 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatterOption5 = userdata:00000143CFFD27C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatterOption5Icon = userdata:00000143CFFD2830 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatterOption5IconImage = userdata:00000143CFFD28A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatterOption6 = userdata:00000143CFFD2908 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatterOption6Icon = userdata:00000143CFFD2970 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatterOption6IconImage = userdata:00000143CFFD29E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatterOption7 = userdata:00000143CFFD2A48 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatterOption7Icon = userdata:00000143CFFD2AB0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatterOption7IconImage = userdata:00000143CFFD2B20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatterOption8 = userdata:00000143CFFD2B88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatterOption8Icon = userdata:00000143CFFD2BF0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatterOption8IconImage = userdata:00000143CFFD2C60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatterOption9 = userdata:00000143CFFD2CC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ChatterOption9Icon = userdata:00000143CFFD2D30 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ChatterOption9IconImage = userdata:00000143CFFD2DA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ChatterOption_MouseEnter() = function:00000143CFFC5358 ZO_ChatterOption_MouseExit() = function:00000143CFFC5398 ZO_ChatterOption_MouseUp() = function:00000143CFFC5318 ZO_CheckButtonLabel_ColorText() = function:0000014368824518 ZO_CheckButtonLabel_SetDefaultColors() = function:00000143688244D8 ZO_CheckButtonLabel_SetTextColor() = function:0000014368824558 ZO_CheckButton_Disable() = function:00000143688246D8 ZO_CheckButton_Enable() = function:0000014368824718 ZO_CheckButton_IsChecked() = function:00000143688247D8 ZO_CheckButton_OnClicked() = function:0000014368824658 ZO_CheckButton_SetCheckState() = function:0000014368824818 ZO_CheckButton_SetChecked() = function:0000014368824758 ZO_CheckButton_SetEnableState() = function:0000014368824698 ZO_CheckButton_SetLabelText() = function:0000014368824598 ZO_CheckButton_SetLabelWidth() = function:0000014368824618 ZO_CheckButton_SetLabelWrapMode() = function:00000143688245D8 ZO_CheckButton_SetToggleFunction() = function:0000014368824858 ZO_CheckButton_SetUnchecked() = function:0000014368824798 ZO_ChromaAnimationTimer = table:0000014457A48DB8 (meta 0000014457A48E00} ZO_ChromaAnimation_OnStop() = function:0000014457A492D0 ZO_ChromaAnimation_SetProgress() = function:0000014457A49290 ZO_ChromaCStyleCustomEffect = table:00000143A0C340B0 (meta 00000143A0C340F8} firstTable firstMeta GetEffectId() = function:00000143A0C341F8 GetEffectType() = function:00000143A0C342E0 Initialize() = function:00000143A0C341B0 New() = function:00000143A0C34140 SetCellActive() = function:00000143A0C34320 SetDeleteEffectCallback() = function:00000143A0C344A8 ZO_ChromaCStyleCustomSingleColorEffect = table:00000143A0C344E8 (meta 00000143A0C34530} firstTable firstMeta GetEffectType() = function:00000143A0C34628 Initialize() = function:00000143A0C345E8 New() = function:00000143A0C34578 ZO_ChromaCStyleCustomSingleColorFadingEffect = table:00000143A0C34668 (meta 00000143A0C346B0} firstTable firstMeta GetCurrentAnimationValue() = function:00000143A0C34A98 GetEffectType() = function:00000143A0C347A8 HandleAddEffect() = function:00000143A0C34890 Initialize() = function:00000143A0C34768 New() = function:00000143A0C346F8 OnUpdate() = function:00000143A0C348D0 RefreshColor() = function:00000143A0C34A58 ZO_ChromaCustomEffectBase = table:000001439F6B59F8 (meta 000001439F6B5A40} firstTable firstMeta GetBlendMode() = function:00000143D72C8148 GetColor() = function:000001439F6B5AC8 GetColorRGB() = function:000001431E0CFC30 GetCurrentAnimationValue() = function:000001439F6B4698 HandleAddEffect() = function:000001431E0CFB88 Initialize() = function:00000143D72C80C8 IsFullGrid() = function:00000143D72C8188 New() = function:000001439F6B5A88 OnUpdate() = function:000001431E0CFBC8 RefreshColor() = function:000001439F6B4658 ZO_ChromaCustomEffectCells = table:00000143A131BA78 (meta 00000143E74B5760} firstTable firstMeta GetColor() = function:00000143A0C33C20 Initialize() = function:00000144D64C7B00 New() = function:00000143E74B57A8 SetCellActive() = function:00000144D64C7B98 ZO_ChromaCustomEffectCellsFadeAnimation = table:00000143A0C33E88 (meta 00000143A0C33ED0} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143A0C33F88 New() = function:00000143A0C33F18 RefreshColor() = function:00000143A0C33FC8 ZO_ChromaCustomEffectFull = table:000001439F6B46D8 (meta 000001439F6B4720} firstTable firstMeta GetCellValid() = function:00000143E74B5808 GetColor() = function:00000143A131BAD0 GetColorRGB() = function:00000143E74B5848 Initialize() = function:00000143A131BA38 New() = function:0000014428AF9218 ZO_ChromaCustomEffectFullFadeAnimation = table:00000143A0C33C60 (meta 00000143A0C33CA8} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143A0C33D60 New() = function:00000143A0C33CF0 RefreshColor() = function:00000143A0C33DA0 ZO_ChromaCustomRenderer = table:000001431D56EFD8 (meta 00000143B30941B0} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143B3094298 New() = function:00000143B3094228 RenderEffect() = function:00000143B3094330 ZO_ChromaEffectBaseTemplate = table:00000143F11908C8 (meta 00000143F1190910} firstTable firstMeta GetDeviceType() = function:00000143F1191B60 GetDrawLevel() = function:00000143F1191B20 HandleAddEffect() = function:00000143F1191BA0 HandleRemoveEffect() = function:00000143E74BFDE0 Initialize() = function:000001439F6B5FE8 IsCStyle() = function:00000143F1191AE0 IsCustom() = function:00000143E74BFDA0 New() = function:000001439F6B5FA8 OnUpdate() = function:00000143E74BFE60 SetIsCStyle() = function:000001439F6B6028 SetOnUpdateCallback() = function:00000143E74BFE20 ZO_ChromaGetCustomEffectCoordinatesForAction() = function:00000143E30ACA80 ZO_ChromaKeybindButtonMixin = table:0000014457A50A48 firstTable AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 ZO_ChromaKeybindButtonTemplate_OnInitialized() = function:0000014457A50B10 ZO_ChromaKeybindButtonTemplate_Setup() = function:0000014457A50BA8 ZO_ChromaPredefinedEffect = table:00000143A0C34AD8 (meta 00000143A0C34B20} firstTable firstMeta FireCreateFunction() = function:00000143A0C34C58 Initialize() = function:00000143A0C34BD8 New() = function:00000143A0C34B68 ZO_ChromaPulsateTimer = table:0000014457A49150 (meta 0000014457A49198} ZO_CircularBuffer = table:000001431C1618B8 (meta 000001431C161900} firstTable firstMeta Add() = function:000001431C161A28 At() = function:00000144D64E0F58 CalculateIndex() = function:000001431C15F550 Clear() = function:00000143E98403A8 GetEnumerator() = function:000001431C15F590 IsFull() = function:00000143E9840468 MaxSize() = function:00000143E9840428 New() = function:000001431C161978 SetMaxSize() = function:00000143E98404A8 Size() = function:00000143E98403E8 __index = table:000001431C1618B8 (meta 000001431C161900} ZO_ClassActionBar = userdata:00000143F9A09BC0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_ClearNumericallyIndexedTable() = function:0000014316F3F5C8 ZO_ClearTable() = function:00000143EC92DF08 ZO_ClearTableWithCallback() = function:0000014316F4DBA8 ZO_CollectionsBook = userdata:00000143A98CA380 (meta 00000143691254E0} ZO_CollectionsBookCategory = userdata:00000143A98CACE8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CollectionsBookCategoryFilter = userdata:0000014369122358 (meta 0000014369122868} firstMeta firstIndex filterType = 3478 m_comboBox = table:0000014369122570 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:0000014369122358 (meta 0000014369122868} m_font = ZoFontWinT1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_CollectionsBookCategoryFilter m_openDropdown = userdata:0000014369122560 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:00000143691226E8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemData = table:0000014369127250 firstTable callback() = function:00000143691271D0 filterType = 3478 name = All Collectibles m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000143691224E0 (meta 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function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 data = table:0000014314B7E000 firstTable categoryIndex = 8 mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_costumes_over.dds name = Skins node = table:0000014314B7AE90 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_costumes_up.dds parentData = table:000001436912B3C0 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_costumes_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:0000014314B7D6A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:0000014314B7D7A8 (meta 0000014314B7C6F8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:0000014314B7D6A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:0000014314B7D858 (meta 0000014314B7D8B0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:0000014314B7D658 firstTable categoryIndex = 9 mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_costumes_over.dds name = Personalities node = table:0000014314B7D6A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_costumes_up.dds parentData = table:000001436912B3C0 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_costumes_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:0000014314B7EEE8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:0000014314B7E678 (meta 00000143D2B91540} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:0000014314B7C798 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001436912B408 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:0000014369126608 setupFunction() = function:00000143691266D8 templateInfo = table:0000014369126A20 tree = table:0000014369126120 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001436912B408 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:0000014369126608 setupFunction() = function:00000143691266D8 templateInfo = table:0000014369126A20 tree = table:0000014369126120 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001436912B408 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:0000014369126608 setupFunction() = function:00000143691266D8 templateInfo = table:0000014369126A20 tree = table:0000014369126120 (meta 000001431679AD50} 9 = table:0000014314B7D6A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 240 control = userdata:000001436912B4D8 (meta 0000014369124550} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014368830CB0 OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368830CF0 OnMouseUp() = function:0000014368830D30 allowIconScaling = true animationTemplate = IconHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:000001436912B578 (meta 0000014369124F70} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:000001436912B1C8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} iconHighlight = userdata:000001436912B620 (meta 0000014308349FC8} node = table:000001436912B408 (meta 000001432E003D68} statusIcon = userdata:000001436912BB70 (meta 000001436912BBC8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 text = userdata:000001436912B6C0 (meta 000001436912B718} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false data = table:000001436912B3C0 firstTable categoryIndex = 3 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_costumes_over.dds name = Appearance node = table:000001436912B408 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_costumes_up.dds pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_costumes_down.dds summary = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143D2B91C18 (meta 000001432E003D68} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:0000014369129028 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childContainer = userdata:000001436912B110 (meta 0000014308354BA8} childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 children = table:000001436912B048 firstTable 1 = table:0000014369129430 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:0000014369129538 (meta 000001436912AE40} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014368830CB0 OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368830CF0 OnMouseUp() = function:000001431679F2D0 SetSelected() = function:00000143EA505DF0 allowIconScaling = true animationTemplate = IconHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:000001436912A9E8 (meta 000001436912AF78} firstMeta firstIndex iconHighlight = userdata:000001436912AA18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} node = table:0000014369129430 (meta 000001432E003D68} statusIcon = userdata:000001436912AD00 (meta 000001436912AD58} firstMeta firstIndex text = userdata:000001436912AAC0 (meta 000001436912AB18} firstMeta 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Journal_Progress_CategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:0000014369126650 setupFunction() = function:00000143691265C0 templateInfo = table:0000014369126838 tree = table:0000014369126120 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:0000014369129028 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_CategorySelected selected = false setupFunction() = function:0000014369126500 templateInfo = table:0000014369126718 firstTable childIndent = 76 childSpacing = 0 equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:0000014369126760 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:0000014369126500 template = ZO_StatusIconHeader tree = table:0000014369126120 (meta 000001431679AD50} 4 = table:00000143D6A65290 (meta 000001432E003D68} 5 = table:00000143D6A63260 (meta 000001432E003D68} 6 = table:00000143D6A665C0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143D6A64628 (meta 00000143D6A64A08} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014368830CB0 OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368830CF0 OnMouseUp() = function:000001431679F2D0 SetSelected() = function:00000143EA505DF0 allowIconScaling = true animationTemplate = IconHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:00000143D6A646D0 (meta 0000014368A1F128} firstMeta firstIndex iconHighlight = userdata:00000143D6A64780 (meta 0000014308349FC8} node = table:00000143D6A665C0 (meta 000001432E003D68} statusIcon = userdata:00000143D6A64F68 (meta 00000143D6A64920} firstMeta firstIndex text = userdata:00000143D6A64828 (meta 00000143D6A64880} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143D6A66578 firstTable categoryIndex = 8 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_mounts_over.dds name = Mounts node = table:00000143D6A665C0 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_mounts_up.dds pressedIcon 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function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431D582A98 (meta 000001431D582C60} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431D582A18 (meta 000001431D584150} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_CopyHousingPermissionsDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:000001431D582A18 (meta 000001431D584150} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() 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function:0000014320F59E88 Initialize() = function:0000014320F59D30 New() = function:0000014320F59CC0 Play() = function:0000014320F59FF0 Stop() = function:0000014320F5A170 __index = table:0000014320F59C00 (meta 0000014320F59C48} ZO_CraftingEnchantExtractSlotAnimation = table:0000014320F628F8 (meta 0000014320F62940} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:0000014320F62A28 New() = function:0000014320F629B8 Play() = function:0000014320F62B40 __index = table:0000014320F628F8 (meta 0000014320F62940} ZO_CraftingGamepadEntryTraits_OnInitialized() = function:00000143F1187F28 ZO_CraftingGamepadEntry_OnInitialized() = function:00000143F1187F68 ZO_CraftingInventory = table:0000014309DF5760 (meta 0000014309DF57A8} firstTable firstMeta AddItemData() = function:0000014309DF5D80 AddListDataTypes() = function:0000014309DF5A38 ChangeFilter() = function:0000014309DF6318 ChangeSort() = function:0000014309DF5E40 CreateNewTabFilterData() = function:0000014309DF5B78 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function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001447D4284E0 (meta 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userdata:000001447D428048 (meta 0000014308349FC8} itemName = userdata:000001447D4280C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} translatedName = userdata:000001447D428150 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CraftingResultEnchantDialogRow3Icon = userdata:000001447D428048 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CraftingResultEnchantDialogRow3ItemName = userdata:000001447D4280C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CraftingResultEnchantDialogRow3TranslatedName = userdata:000001447D428150 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CraftingResultEnchantDialogTitle = userdata:000001447D426DD8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CraftingResultsTopLevel = userdata:000001447D435550 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_CraftingResultsTopLevel_Gamepad = userdata:0000014309DF8BD8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_CraftingResults_Base = table:0000014309E15EC0 (meta 0000014309E15F08} firstTable firstMeta AddSecondaryTooltipAnimationControl() = function:0000014309E161E8 AssociateAnimations() = function:0000014309E16168 CheckCraftProcessCompleted() = function:0000014309E14388 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SetCraftingTooltip() = function:0000014309E16000 SetForceCenterResultsText() = function:0000014309E16668 SetTooltipAnimationSounds() = function:0000014309E160E8 ShouldDisplayMessages() = function:0000014309E16950 StartCraftProcess() = function:0000014309E162A8 ZO_CraftingResults_Base_PlayPulse() = function:0000014309E15E80 ZO_CraftingResults_Gamepad = table:0000014309DF8AB8 (meta 0000014309DF8B00} firstTable firstMeta ClearAll() = function:0000014309DF90D8 DisplayCraftingResult() = function:0000014309DF9090 DisplayDiscoveredTraits() = function:0000014309DF91A0 DisplayDiscoveryHelper() = function:0000014309DF9158 DisplayTranslatedRunes() = function:0000014309DF91E0 FadeAll() = function:0000014309DF9118 Initialize() = function:0000014309DF8BE8 InitializeResultBuffer() = function:0000014309DF8E90 IsActive() = function:0000014309DF9050 ModifyAnchor() = function:0000014309DF8C28 New() = function:0000014309DF8B78 RestoreAnchor() = function:0000014309DF8D10 ShouldDisplayMessages() = function:0000014309DF9220 __index = table:0000014309DF8AB8 (meta 0000014309DF8B00} ZO_CraftingResults_Gamepad_Initialize() = function:0000014309DF9260 ZO_CraftingResults_Keyboard = table:000001447D426380 (meta 000001447D4263C8} firstTable firstMeta ClearAll() = function:000001447D426A68 DisplayCraftingResult() = function:000001447D426A20 DisplayDiscoveredTraits() = function:000001447D426B28 DisplayTranslatedRunes() = function:000001447D426B68 FadeAll() = function:000001447D426AE8 HasEntries() = function:000001447D426AA8 Initialize() = function:000001447D426658 InitializeResultBuffer() = function:0000014309E008D8 IsActive() = function:000001447D4269E0 ModifyAnchor() = function:000001447D426718 New() = function:000001447D426440 RestoreAnchor() = function:000001447D426800 ShouldDisplayMessages() = function:000001447D426BA8 __index = table:000001447D426380 (meta 000001447D4263C8} ZO_CraftingResults_Keyboard_Initialize() = function:000001447D426BE8 ZO_CraftingResults_SetupAlchemyDialogLayout() = function:000001447D424090 ZO_CraftingSlotAnimationBase = table:00000143D6005B00 (meta 00000143D6005B48} firstTable firstMeta AddSlot() = function:00000143D6005C40 Clear() = function:00000143D6005C80 Initialize() = function:00000143D6005C00 New() = function:00000143D6005B90 Play() = function:00000143D6005CC0 Stop() = function:00000143D6005D00 ZO_CraftingSlotBase = table:00000143D6004DE0 (meta 00000143D6004E28} firstTable firstMeta AddAnimationRef() = function:00000143D60051F8 GetBagAndSlot() = function:00000143D60052F8 GetControl() = function:00000143D6005980 GetItemId() = function:00000143D6005900 GetStackCount() = function:00000143D60052B8 HasAnimationRefs() = function:00000143D6005278 HasItem() = function:00000143D6005378 HideDropCallout() = function:00000143D6005038 Initialize() = function:00000143D6004F10 IsBagAndSlot() = function:00000143D6005338 IsItemId() = function:00000143D60058C0 IsSlotControl() = function:00000143D6005940 New() = function:00000143D6004EA0 OnFailedValidation() = function:00000143D60050B8 OnPassedValidation() = function:00000143D6005078 RemoveAnimationRef() = function:00000143D6005238 SetEmptyTexture() = function:00000143D6005A00 SetHidden() = function:00000143D6005A40 SetItem() = function:00000143D6005178 SetupItem() = function:00000143D60051B8 ShowDropCallout() = function:00000143D6004F50 ShowEmptySlotIcon() = function:00000143D6005A80 UpdateTooltip() = function:00000143D60059C0 ValidateItemId() = function:00000143D60050F8 ValidateSlottedItem() = function:00000143D6005138 ZO_CraftingSlot_OnInitialized() = function:00000143D6005AC0 ZO_CraftingSmithingExtractSlotAnimation = table:0000014320F63DF0 (meta 0000014320F63E38} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:0000014320F63F20 New() = function:0000014320F63EB0 Play() = function:0000014320F64038 Stop() = function:0000014320F64160 __index = table:0000014320F63DF0 (meta 0000014320F63E38} ZO_CraftingUtils_ConnectCheckBoxToCraftingProcess() = function:00000143D6005EC0 ZO_CraftingUtils_ConnectHorizontalScrollListToCraftingProcess() = function:00000143D6005E40 ZO_CraftingUtils_ConnectKeybindButtonGroupToCraftingProcess() = function:00000143D6005DC0 ZO_CraftingUtils_ConnectMenuBarToCraftingProcess() = function:00000143D6005D80 ZO_CraftingUtils_ConnectSpinnerToCraftingProcess() = function:00000143D6005F00 ZO_CraftingUtils_ConnectTreeToCraftingProcess() = function:00000143D6005F48 ZO_CraftingUtils_GetCostToCraftString() = function:00000143D6005D40 ZO_CraftingUtils_IsCraftingWindowOpen() = function:00000143D60062F0 ZO_CraftingUtils_IsPerformingCraftProcess() = function:00000143D60062A8 ZO_CraftingUtils_IsTraitAppliedToArmor() = function:00000143D6005FD0 ZO_CraftingUtils_IsTraitAppliedToWeapons() = function:00000143D6005F90 ZO_CraftingWindowKeybindInterceptLayerFragment = table:000001431DE8AC50 (meta 000001431DE8D4F0} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:000001431DE8D538 __index = table:000001431DE8AC50 (meta 000001431DE8D4F0} ZO_CrazyKingObjectiveStateIndicator = table:00000143F9CFA0F0 (meta 00000143D9E60740} firstTable firstMeta GetSortOrder() = function:00000143A34CA090 Initialize() = function:00000143A34CA240 New() = function:00000143A34C9EE0 ShouldShow() = function:00000143A34CA410 ZO_CreateGuildDialog = userdata:000001431D987EF0 (meta 00000144DD7710F0} firstMeta firstIndex OnAllianceSelected() = function:00000144D5B298C0 allianceComboBox = table:000001431B712900 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:000001431B7126F8 (meta 000001431B712BF8} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:000001431B712900 (meta 000001431D56DB28} m_font = ZoFontHeader m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_CreateGuildDialogAlliance m_openDropdown = userdata:000001431B7128F0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:000001431B712A78 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:000001431B712870 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:000001431B712CC8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144D5B29800 firstTable alliance = 1 allianceText = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_allianceIcon_aldmeri.dds|t Aldmeri Dominion callback() = function:00000144D5B298C0 name = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_allianceIcon_aldmeri.dds|t Aldmeri Dominion 2 = table:00000144DD771CA8 firstTable alliance = 2 allianceText = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_allianceIcon_ebonheart.dds|t Ebonheart Pact callback() = function:00000144D5B298C0 name = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_allianceIcon_ebonheart.dds|t Ebonheart Pact 3 = table:00000144DD7714E0 firstTable alliance = 3 allianceText = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_allianceIcon_daggerfall.dds|t Daggerfall Covenant callback() = function:00000144D5B298C0 name = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_allianceIcon_daggerfall.dds|t Daggerfall Covenant m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 4 createButton = userdata:000001431B712F88 (meta 000001431D989A58} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:000001431B712BA0 (meta 000001431B7129A0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431B712F88 (meta 000001431D989A58} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431B712B28 (meta 00000144DD770A30} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false createGuildFields = table:00000144DD771780 (meta 00000143688098A0} firstTable firstMeta OnTextChanged() = function:00000143E03B1798 booleans = table:00000144DD771888 firstTable ValidName = false buttons = table:00000144DD7717C8 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431B712F88 (meta 000001431D989A58} editControls = table:00000144DD771840 firstTable entries = table:00000144D5B29908 firstTable 1 = table:00000144D5B29800 2 = table:00000144DD771CA8 3 = table:00000144DD7714E0 nameEdit = userdata:00000143D908E148 (meta 000001431B7124C0} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true nameInstructions = table:00000143E03B17E0 (meta 00000143EA4EC450} firstTable firstMeta instructionLineCounter = 8 m_anchorTo = userdata:00000144D5B35E08 (meta 00000144D5B35E60} m_control = userdata:00000143D908DF40 (meta 000001430831E750} m_ruleToControl = table:00000143E03B1900 firstTable 12 = userdata:00000144D5B356F0 (meta 00000144D5B35748} firstMeta firstIndex m_rule = 12 13 = userdata:00000144D5B35E08 (meta 00000144D5B35E60} firstMeta firstIndex m_rule = 13 3 = userdata:00000143E03B18F0 (meta 00000143E03B1BC8} firstMeta firstIndex m_rule = 3 5 = userdata:00000144D5B35A28 (meta 00000144D5B35A80} firstMeta firstIndex m_rule = 5 6 = userdata:00000143E03B1C60 (meta 00000143E03B1F50} firstMeta firstIndex m_rule = 6 7 = userdata:00000143E03B1E28 (meta 00000144D5B35558} firstMeta firstIndex m_rule = 7 8 = userdata:00000144D5B35C18 (meta 00000144D5B35C70} firstMeta firstIndex m_rule = 8 9 = userdata:00000143E03B1D38 (meta 00000143E03B1D90} firstMeta firstIndex m_rule = 9 m_template = ZO_TextInstructionLine violationPrefix = SI_NAMINGERROR ZO_CreateGuildDialogAlliance = userdata:000001431B7126F8 (meta 000001431B712BF8} ZO_CreateGuildDialogAllianceBG = userdata:000001431B712770 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_CreateGuildDialogAllianceBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001431B7127F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CreateGuildDialogAllianceHeader = userdata:00000144DD769AE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CreateGuildDialogAllianceOpenDropdown = userdata:000001431B7128F0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_CreateGuildDialogAllianceRules = userdata:000001431B712688 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CreateGuildDialogAllianceSelectedItemText = userdata:000001431B712870 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CreateGuildDialogBG = userdata:000001439FADAD70 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_CreateGuildDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001439FADADA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CreateGuildDialogCancel = userdata:000001439FAD9DA0 (meta 000001431B712E88} ZO_CreateGuildDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:000001431B712E30 (meta 000001431B712FF8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001439FAD9DA0 (meta 000001431B712E88} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431B712E30 (meta 000001431B712FF8} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431B712DB8 (meta 000001431B7130E0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_CreateGuildDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:000001431B712DB8 (meta 000001431B7130E0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_CreateGuildDialogCreate = userdata:000001431B712F88 (meta 000001431D989A58} ZO_CreateGuildDialogCreateKeyLabel = userdata:000001431B712BA0 (meta 000001431B7129A0} ZO_CreateGuildDialogCreateNameLabel = userdata:000001431B712B28 (meta 00000144DD770A30} ZO_CreateGuildDialogDivider = userdata:000001431D989A00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CreateGuildDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:000001439FADAD40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CreateGuildDialogName = userdata:00000143D908E0D8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameEdit = userdata:00000143D908E148 (meta 000001431B7124C0} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameEditText = userdata:00000143D908E220 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameHeader = userdata:00000143D908E068 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameInstructions = userdata:00000143D908DF40 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameInstructionsBG = userdata:00000143D908DFC0 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameInstructionsBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143D908DFF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameInstructionsNameInstructionLine125 = userdata:00000144D5B356F0 (meta 00000144D5B35748} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameInstructionsNameInstructionLine138 = userdata:00000144D5B35E08 (meta 00000144D5B35E60} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameInstructionsNameInstructionLine31 = userdata:00000143E03B18F0 (meta 00000143E03B1BC8} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameInstructionsNameInstructionLine56 = userdata:00000144D5B35A28 (meta 00000144D5B35A80} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameInstructionsNameInstructionLine63 = userdata:00000143E03B1C60 (meta 00000143E03B1F50} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameInstructionsNameInstructionLine74 = userdata:00000143E03B1E28 (meta 00000144D5B35558} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameInstructionsNameInstructionLine87 = userdata:00000144D5B35C18 (meta 00000144D5B35C70} ZO_CreateGuildDialogNameInstructionsNameInstructionLine92 = userdata:00000143E03B1D38 (meta 00000143E03B1D90} ZO_CreateGuildDialogName_HideViolations() = function:000001436139DC20 ZO_CreateGuildDialogName_UpdateViolations() = function:000001436139DBE0 ZO_CreateGuildDialogTitle = userdata:000001431D989990 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CreateGuildDialog_OnInitialized() = function:000001436139DB60 ZO_CreateQuadrantConveyorFragment() = function:00000143A1316478 ZO_CreateScrollAnimation() = function:000001431C167558 ZO_CreateSparkleAnimation() = function:00000143688097E0 ZO_CreateStringId() = function:000001432DFFDDB8 ZO_CreateUniformIconTabData() = function:0000014316F649B8 ZO_CrossfadeBG_GetObject() = function:000001431D567E18 ZO_CrossfadeBG_OnCrossfadeComplete() = function:0000014457A55B98 ZO_CrossfadeBG_OnInitialized() = function:000001431D567D98 ZO_CrownCrates = table:00000143C3459778 (meta 00000143F5AE3AB0} firstTable firstMeta AddApplicableInputTypeKeybinds() = function:00000143D4A64B18 AddBounceResistantMouseHandlersToControl() = function:00000144C7547180 AddCrownGems() = function:0000014428059D38 AttemptExit() = function:00000143D4A65018 ComputeCameraPlaneMetrics() = function:00000143A35D8798 ComputeSlotBottomUIPosition() = function:00000143E02E7750 ComputeSlotCenterUIPosition() = function:00000143E02E7790 ComputeSlotCenterUIPositionX() = function:00000143E02E7C10 ComputeSlotCenterUIPositionY() = function:00000143E02E7C50 ConvertUIUnitsToWorldUnits() = function:00000143A35D87D8 CreateWobbleAnimationPool() = function:00000143CDD2E3A8 DeleteAllParticles() = function:000001448F882970 DeleteParticle() = function:000001448F882930 FireStateMachineTrigger() = function:00000143CDD16A78 GetAnimationPool() = function:00000143CDD34540 GetBottomOffsetUI() = function:0000014409E7F600 GetCameraLocalPositionFromWorldPosition() = function:00000143CDD16A38 GetControl() = function:0000014428059D78 GetCrateSpecificCardParticlePool() = function:000001448F883480 GetTierSpecificCardParticlePool() = function:000001448F8834C0 Initialize() = function:00000143F5AE16A8 InitializeAnimationPools() = function:00000143E02D2A20 InitializeCardParticlePools() = function:00000143CDD34580 InitializeCrownGemsQuantity() = function:00000143CDD0C350 InitializeGamepadKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143EC03D870 InitializeKeyboardKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000144C7545110 LockLocalSpaceToCurrentCamera() = function:00000143CDD16F08 New() = function:00000143EC04AA10 PerformDeferredInitializationGamepad() = function:00000143E75E8498 PerformDeferredInitializationKeyboard() = function:00000144C7546BC8 PerformDeferredInitializationShared() = function:0000014320FF9368 RefreshApplicableInputTypeKeybinds() = function:00000144C7545150 RefreshCrownGemsQuantityTemplate() = function:00000143A9B8AF48 RemoveInputTypeKeybinds() = function:00000143D4A64B58 UpdateCrownGemsQuantity() = function:0000014428059C78 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:00000143D4A64FD8 UpdateGemsLabel() = function:0000014428059C38 __index = table:00000143C3459778 (meta 00000143F5AE3AB0} ZO_CrownCratesAnimatable = table:00000143FE10EA48 (meta 00000143FE10EA90} firstTable firstMeta AcquireAndApplyAnimationTimeline() = function:00000143FE10ED20 AcquireCrateSpecificParticle() = function:00000143137ADE50 AcquireTierSpecificParticle() = function:00000143137ACA28 AddTexture() = function:00000143FE10EBB8 CallLater() = function:0000014313374678 DestroyParticle() = function:0000014313374638 EnsureAnimationsArePlayingInDirection() = function:00000143FE10EBF8 GetControl() = function:00000143FE10ECE0 GetOnePlayingAnimationOfType() = function:00000143FE10ED60 Initialize() = function:00000143FE10EB78 New() = function:00000143FE10EB08 OnAnimationStopped() = function:00000143137ADDD0 ReleaseAllParticles() = function:00000143133745F8 ReleaseParticle() = function:00000143133745B8 Reset() = function:00000143FE10ECA0 ReverseAnimationsOfType() = function:00000143FE10EDA0 SetupBezierArcBetween() = function:00000143137ADE10 StartAnimation() = function:00000143FE10EC38 StartCrateSpecificParticleEffects() = function:00000143137ACA68 StartParticle() = function:00000143137ACAE8 StartTierSpecificParticleEffects() = function:00000143137ACAA8 StopAllAnimations() = function:00000143FE10EDE0 StopAllAnimationsOfType() = function:00000143137AA9D8 ZO_CrownCratesCard = table:00000143B14E8F88 (meta 00000143B14E5560} firstTable firstMeta ApplyStyle() = function:00000143616FDA98 BonusDealFromWorldPositionToWorldPosition() = function:00000143133660C0 BonusSlideToWorldPosition() = function:0000014313366100 CanActivateCollectible() = function:00000143137B3498 CanAnimateMystery() = function:00000143B14E5FE0 CanSelect() = function:00000143137B5EF0 CreateTextureControl() = function:0000014320863328 Deselect() = function:00000143208613B0 Gemify() = function:0000014313364D60 GetState() = function:00000143137B32E8 HideInfo() = function:00000143137B5DA0 Initialize() = function:0000014320867DB8 InitializeForDeal() = function:0000014313366190 InitializeSingleGemPool() = function:00000143616FDA58 InitializeStyles() = function:00000143616FD998 IsGemified() = function:00000143137B3328 IsMystery() = function:00000143137B5E60 IsRevealed() = function:00000143137B5EA8 IsSelected() = function:00000143208613F0 Leave() = function:00000143137B5DE0 MysteryDeselect() = function:00000143B14E6128 MysterySelect() = function:00000143B14E60E8 New() = function:000001430795CC20 OnDealComplete() = function:0000014320861328 OnDeselect() = function:00000143B14E5FA0 OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014320861430 OnMouseExit() = function:0000014320861470 OnMouseUp() = function:00000143208614B0 OnScreenResized() = function:00000143137B3518 OnSelect() = function:00000143208614F0 PrimayDealFromWorldPositionToWorldPosition() = function:0000014313366080 Refresh2DCardPosition() = function:0000014313366150 RefreshActivateCollectibleKeybind() = function:00000143137B5E20 RefreshTextureCoords() = function:0000014313366040 Reset() = function:00000143133661D0 ResizeCard() = function:00000143137B11C8 Reveal() = function:00000143B14E6168 RevealedDeselect() = function:0000014313364F28 RevealedSelect() = function:0000014313364EA8 Select() = function:0000014320861370 SetCardFaceDesaturation() = function:00000143137B3368 SetRewardIndex() = function:00000143B14F4F68 SetState() = function:00000143137B5F38 SetVisualSlotIndex() = function:00000143B14F4FA8 SetupCardSide() = function:00000143137B35A8 ShowInfo() = function:00000143137B5D60 StartFinalGemAndTextAnimation() = function:0000014313364DE0 StartGemGainTextAnimation() = function:0000014313364E28 StartMysteryDeselectAnimation() = function:00000143B14E60A8 StartMysterySelectAnimation() = function:00000143B14E6068 StartMysterySelectedAnimation() = function:00000143B14E6028 StartSingleGemsAnimation() = function:0000014313364DA0 SuppressRevealSounds() = function:0000014313364E68 ZO_CrownCratesGemsCounter = userdata:0000014320FF93C8 (meta 00000143A35CBBF8} firstMeta firstIndex gemsHeaderLabel = userdata:00000143EC04AA70 (meta 00000143083425C0} gemsIcon = userdata:00000143A35C9BC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} gemsLabel = userdata:00000144C7545360 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CrownCratesGemsCounterGemIcon = userdata:00000143A35C9BC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CrownCratesGemsCounterGems = userdata:00000144C7545360 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CrownCratesGemsCounterGemsHeader = userdata:00000143EC04AA70 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CrownCratesPack = table:00000143079519A0 (meta 00000143079519E8} firstTable firstMeta ApplyStyle() = function:000001431002B0C0 CanSelect() = function:0000014310026DE0 Choose() = function:000001439FC59120 Deselect() = function:000001439FC5AD08 GetCrownCrateId() = function:000001431002B018 Hide() = function:000001439FC590A0 HideAndExitToSide() = function:000001439FC590E0 HideInfo() = function:000001439FC5AD88 Initialize() = function:0000014307951AD0 InitializeForShow() = function:000001431002F678 InitializeStyles() = function:0000014310032D88 IsPlaceholderCrate() = function:000001431002F6B8 IsSelected() = function:000001431002B058 New() = function:0000014307951A60 OnDeselect() = function:00000143079517A8 OnSelect() = function:0000014307951768 Reset() = function:00000143100316C8 Select() = function:00000143100248A8 SetPackMouseEnabled() = function:0000014310026E20 Show() = function:0000014310026E60 ShowFromSide() = function:0000014310026EA0 ShowInfo() = function:000001439FC5AD48 StartDeselectAnimation() = function:000001439FC5ACC8 StartGlowDown() = function:0000014310024828 StartGlowUp() = function:00000143100247E8 StartSelectAnimation() = function:0000014310024868 ZO_CrownCratesPackChoosing = table:000001439FC59160 (meta 000001439FC55758} firstTable firstMeta AddManifestKeybinds() = function:00000143BC3738B8 AnimateChoice() = function:00000143B1473C00 Choose() = function:00000143137B6990 ComputeSlotCenterWorldPosition() = function:00000143137B6810 CreateCenteredFace() = function:00000143B1473B00 CreateRectagularPrism() = function:00000143B1473AC0 GetCurrentPage() = function:0000014307952278 GetCurrentPageIndices() = function:00000143137B6850 GetManifestCameraPlaneMetrics() = function:000001439FC58D78 GetNextPage() = function:00000143079522F8 GetNumPacksToDisplayOnPage() = function:00000143BC373878 GetOwner() = function:000001439FC537A8 GetPack() = function:00000143B1473B40 GetPackInVisualOrder() = function:00000143100268B8 GetPreviousPage() = function:00000143079522B8 GetSelectedPack() = function:0000014310026938 GetStateMachine() = function:000001439FC53800 GetVisualPackCount() = function:00000143100268F8 HandleDirectionalInput() = function:0000014310026878 HasInitializedPacks() = function:00000143B1473A80 Hide() = function:00000143B1473C40 HidePageControls() = function:000001439FC58CB8 Initialize() = function:000001439FC53768 InitializeKeybinds() = function:000001439FC4ECC0 InitializePackPool() = function:000001439FC55810 New() = function:000001439FC557D0 OnActivate() = function:00000143100267F8 OnDeactivate() = function:0000014310026838 OnLockLocalSpaceToCurrentCamera() = function:000001439FC58D38 OnManifestPackInComplete() = function:00000143137B69D0 OnManifestPackOutComplete() = function:0000014307952178 PackOnMouseEnter() = function:00000143100269F8 PackOnMouseExit() = function:0000014310026A38 PackOnMouseUp() = function:00000143079514E0 PageOutActivePacks() = function:0000014307952338 RefreshCameraPlaneMetrics() = function:000001439FC4ED00 RefreshPageIndicator() = function:00000143079521B8 RefreshPlatformStyle() = function:000001439FC58BF0 RefreshSelectedPack() = function:00000143100269B8 RemoveManifestKeybinds() = function:00000143BC3738F8 RequestNextPage() = function:00000143BC373778 RequestPreviousPage() = function:00000143BC373738 ResetAllPacks() = function:00000143BC3737B8 ResetPacks() = function:000001439FC58CF8 SetCurrentPage() = function:00000143079521F8 SetNumPages() = function:0000014307952238 SetSelectedPack() = function:0000014310026978 SetStateMachine() = function:000001439FC4ED68 SetupForPageIn() = function:00000143BC3737F8 Show() = function:00000143B1473BC0 StartPackShowAnimation() = function:00000143137B6890 StartPackShowNewPageAnimation() = function:00000143137B6910 StartPageOutAnimation() = function:00000143BC373838 StartPageShowAnimation() = function:00000143137B6950 StartShowAnimation() = function:00000143137B68D0 UpdatePackData() = function:00000143B1473B80 __index = table:000001439FC59160 (meta 000001439FC55758} ZO_CrownCratesPackOpening = table:00000143137B1210 (meta 00000143137B1258} firstTable firstMeta AddAllRevealedKeybinds() = function:00000143137B1910 AddHandManipulationKeybinds() = function:00000143137B1890 ComputeBonusDealEndPosition() = function:0000014320863F40 ComputePrimaryDealEndPosition() = function:0000014320863EC0 ComputeRevealEndPosition() = function:0000014320863FC0 ComputeSlotCenterWorldPosition() = function:0000014320863E80 GetAllMysteryCards() = function:0000014320863E00 GetCard() = function:00000143137B1740 GetCardInVisualOrder() = function:00000143137B1780 GetFirstSelectedCard() = function:0000014320863D38 GetHighestMysteryTierCard() = function:0000014320863D78 GetInHandCameraPlaneMetrics() = function:00000143137B1418 GetNextMysteryCard() = function:00000143208637F0 GetOwner() = function:00000143137B1540 GetRevealedCameraPlaneMetrics() = function:00000143137B1458 GetSelectedCard() = function:00000143137B19D0 GetStateMachine() = function:00000143137B14C0 GetVisualCardCount() = function:00000143137B17C0 HandleDirectionalInput() = function:00000143137B1990 Initialize() = function:00000143137B1340 InitializeCardPool() = function:00000143137B1A90 InitializeKeybinds() = function:00000143137B16C0 New() = function:00000143137B12D0 OnBonusDealCardComplete() = function:00000143137B2898 OnCardFlipComplete() = function:00000143137B28D8 OnCardLeaveComplete() = function:00000143137B2918 OnDealComplete() = function:00000143137B1808 OnLockLocalSpaceToCurrentCamera() = function:00000143137B1380 OnPrimaryDealCardComplete() = function:00000143137B2858 OnScreenResized() = function:00000143137B13D8 RefreshCameraPlaneMetrics() = function:00000143137B1580 RefreshKeybindings() = function:00000143137B1700 RefreshSelectedCard() = function:00000143137B1A50 RemoveAllRevealedKeybinds() = function:00000143137B1950 RemoveHandManipulationKeybinds() = function:00000143137B18D0 ResetCards() = function:0000014320863E40 RevealAllCards() = function:0000014320863DB8 SetSelectedCard() = function:00000143137B1A10 SetStateMachine() = function:00000143137B1500 StartBonusDealAnimation() = function:0000014320863F80 StartLeaveAnimation() = function:00000143137B1848 StartPrimaryDealAnimation() = function:0000014320863F00 __index = table:00000143137B1210 (meta 00000143137B1258} ZO_CrownCratesStateMachine = table:00000143FE109E00 (meta 00000143FE109E48} firstTable firstMeta CanUseBackKeybind_Gamepad() = function:00000143FE10A008 GetStateByName() = function:00000143FE109FC8 Initialize() = function:00000143FE109F30 IsCurrentStateByName() = function:00000143FE10A0B0 New() = function:00000143FE109EC0 Reset() = function:00000143FE109F70 __index = table:00000143FE109E00 (meta 00000143FE109E48} ZO_CrownCratesTopLevel = userdata:00000143CB52C128 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_CrownCratesTopLevelPageChangeFrame = userdata:00000143CDD34790 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CrownCratesTopLevelPageChangeFrameLeftArrow = userdata:00000143B147EEF8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_CrownCratesTopLevelPageChangeFrameLeftArrowGamepadDirectionIndicator = userdata:00000144C7544CB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CrownCratesTopLevelPageChangeFrameRightArrow = userdata:00000143CDD17250 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_CrownCratesTopLevelPageChangeFrameRightArrowGamepadDirectionIndicator = userdata:00000143C345E148 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CrownCrates_FireStateMachineTrigger() = function:00000143CDD171E8 ZO_CrownCrates_OnInitialized() = function:00000143CDD175D8 ZO_CrownGemificationCard = table:00000143075A87A8 (meta 00000143075A87F0} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143075A8838 ManualGemify() = function:00000143B147B638 New() = function:0000014320FF41B8 OnScreenResized() = function:00000143075A8878 Refresh2DCardPosition() = function:00000143075A8A60 Refresh3DCardPosition() = function:00000143075A8A20 SetGemifiable() = function:00000143075A89E0 SetHidden() = function:00000143075A8960 __index = table:00000143075A87A8 (meta 00000143075A87F0} ZO_CrownGemificationRow_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143F0DFDCC0 ZO_CrownGemificationRow_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143F0DFDD08 ZO_CrownGemificationRow_OnMouseUp() = function:00000143F0DFDD50 ZO_CrownGemificationSlot = table:00000143B1478928 (meta 00000143075A8190} firstTable firstMeta ApplyStyle() = function:00000143CDD2BFD8 CanGemify() = function:00000143E02E7C90 GemifyAll() = function:0000014428059DB8 GemifyOne() = function:00000144C7545280 GetCameraPlaneMetrics() = function:00000143A35C9BD0 GetFragment() = function:000001448F882CC0 GetGemifiable() = function:00000144C75472F0 GetGemifyAllCount() = function:00000143E02E7D80 GetOwner() = function:000001448F883500 GetStateMachine() = function:00000143D4A65148 Initialize() = function:00000143CDD2BCF0 InitializeStyles() = function:00000143CB52C138 New() = function:00000143DDBC9C80 OnGemifiableChanged() = function:00000143CDD346B0 OnGemifiableListChanged() = function:00000143CB52C048 OnScreenResized() = function:00000143CDD345C0 RefreshCameraPlaneMetrics() = function:00000144C7545190 RefreshInfoBox() = function:00000144C7547200 SetGemifiable() = function:00000143D4A65058 __index = table:00000143B1478928 (meta 00000143075A8190} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevel = userdata:00000143CDD2E8F8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelCard = userdata:0000014320863C28 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelCardNameArea = userdata:00000144C7547260 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelCardNameAreaText = userdata:00000143D4A651A8 (meta 00000143CDD3E818} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:00000143B14F0B40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143137B40D0 firstTable font = ZoFontWinH1 lineLimit = 2 2 = table:00000143B14ECB68 firstTable font = ZoFontWinH2 lineLimit = 2 3 = table:00000143B14ECC08 firstTable dontUseForAdjusting = true font = ZoFontWinH3 lineLimit = 2 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 2 ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelCardRewardTypeArea = userdata:000001448F883560 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelCardRewardTypeAreaText = userdata:000001448F882D20 (meta 000001436BDA6AD0} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:00000143B14E8D18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B14E64E0 firstTable font = ZoFontWinH3 lineLimit = 2 2 = table:00000143B14E6580 firstTable dontUseForAdjusting = true font = ZoFontWinH4 lineLimit = 2 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 2 ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelCardSetCollectibleActiveArea = userdata:00000143CDD2E808 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelCardSetCollectibleActiveAreaKeybind = userdata:00000143CDD2BD50 (meta 000001436BDA58E0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:00000143E02E4ED0 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143CDD13FE8 (meta 00000143079515F0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:0000014307951638 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144C7547350 (meta 00000143B147D1B8} firstMeta firstIndex key = 39 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143CDD2BD50 (meta 000001436BDA58E0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000014480185F50 (meta 00000143B1479620} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelCardSetCollectibleActiveAreaKeybindKeyLabel = userdata:00000143CDD13FE8 (meta 00000143079515F0} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelCardSetCollectibleActiveAreaKeybindNameLabel = userdata:0000014480185F50 (meta 00000143B1479620} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelCardSetCollectibleActiveAreaOverlay = userdata:00000143A35D9800 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelInfo = userdata:00000143CB52C0A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelInfoBG = userdata:00000143CDD34710 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelInfoBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143E02E7500 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelInfoContents = userdata:00000143CDD34620 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelInfoContentsConversion = userdata:00000143E3A24E18 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelInfoContentsConversionArrow = userdata:00000143075A6C18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelInfoContentsConversionGemAmount = userdata:00000143075A6CB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelInfoContentsConversionGemIcon = userdata:00000143075A6D40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelInfoContentsConversionRequired = userdata:00000143075A6AF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelInfoContentsConversionRequiredIcon = userdata:00000143075A6B88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_CrownGemificationSlotTopLevelInfoContentsName = userdata:000001439D877DC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CrownGemification_Gamepad = table:00000143F0DFED00 (meta 00000143F0DFED48} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143F0DFEE30 InitializeHeader() = function:00000143F0DFEFF0 InitializeKeybindStrip() = function:00000143F0DFF030 InitializeList() = function:00000143F0DFF070 InsertIntoScene() = function:00000143F0DFEE70 New() = function:00000143F0DFEDC0 OnHidden() = function:00000143F0DFEFB0 OnShowing() = function:00000143F0DFEEC8 OnTargetDataChanged() = function:00000143F0DFF0B0 RefreshEntryFromGemifiable() = function:00000143F0DFEF48 RefreshGemifiable() = function:00000143F65AA368 RefreshList() = function:00000143F65AA328 RemoveFromScene() = function:00000143F0DFEF08 __index = table:00000143F0DFED00 (meta 00000143F0DFED48} ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevel = userdata:00000143F0DFEE20 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevelMask = userdata:00000143F65AA418 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainer = userdata:00000143FE107798 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerGemifiables = userdata:00000143616FFEA8 (meta 0000014361700248} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143616FFF40 (meta 00000143B147E130} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E02D2DE0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001436BD99598 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:0000014361700150 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143A9B87988 firstTable TargetDataChanged = table:00000143A9B879D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A9B87A18 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A9B87940 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143553A8A78 firstTable control = userdata:00000143616FFF40 (meta 00000143B147E130} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143553A8F00 firstTable dataList = table:000001448F883210 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143553A8A30 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate = table:00000143A9B878F8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143E02E4980 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143553A8F90 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143553A8FD8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143A9B85EB0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerGemifiablesListScrollZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143616FFFE0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143616FE998 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001448F8831C8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143617001F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143A9B8A7D8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E02E48A8 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143A9B8A790 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143A9B8A820 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143616FFFE0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E02E48F0 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:000001448F883258 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143553A8F48 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E02E4938 firstTable ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerGemifiablesEmptyText = userdata:00000143617003A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerGemifiablesList = userdata:00000143616FFF40 (meta 00000143B147E130} ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerGemifiablesListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:0000014361700090 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerGemifiablesListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:0000014361700150 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerGemifiablesListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143617001F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerGemifiablesListScroll = userdata:00000143616FFFE0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143FE1048A8 (meta 00000143616FFD58} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143FE104948 (meta 000001436BDA83A0} ZO_CrownGemification_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143FE104948 (meta 000001436BDA83A0} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:000001436BDA6FA0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143616FD480 (meta 000001430831E750} 10 = userdata:00000143616FF930 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000143616FFB18 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:00000143616FFA78 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:00000143616FFC60 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:00000143616FFBC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 15 = userdata:00000143616FFD00 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143F0DFE610 (meta 00000143616FD3C0} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143F0DFE620 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F65AB498 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143616FCFF0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143616FD068 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 390 4 = userdata:00000143F65AB488 (meta 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userdata:00000143D766EB30 (meta 00000143E1367DD8} ZO_DeathTwoOptionButton2ReviveText = userdata:00000143D766EB90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DeathTwoOptionButtons = userdata:00000143D766EAD0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DeathTwoOptionDeathRecapToggleButton = userdata:00000143D766EF48 (meta 00000143143A6A18} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RefreshText() = function:00000143207E5800 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143207E4ED8 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439D692EE8 chromaEnabled = true enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:00000143D766F0B0 (meta 00000143143A8800} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:000001439D6B0890 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D7674D00 (meta 000001439D6A95F0} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D766EF48 (meta 00000143143A6A18} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D766EFD0 (meta 00000143143A3FD8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false originalText = Toggle Recap ZO_DeathTwoOptionDeathRecapToggleButtonKeyLabel = userdata:00000143D766F0B0 (meta 00000143143A8800} ZO_DeathTwoOptionDeathRecapToggleButtonNameLabel = userdata:00000143D766EFD0 (meta 00000143143A3FD8} ZO_Death_DoesReviveCostRaidLife() = function:00000143CFFC0A48 ZO_Death_GetResurrectSoulGemText() = function:00000143D76614C0 ZO_Death_IsRaidReviveAllowed() = function:00000143CFFC07E0 ZO_Death_OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143E97C53F0 ZO_Death_OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143E97C5DC0 ZO_Death_OnInitialized() = function:00000143E97C3CA0 ZO_Debug_EventNotification() = function:0000014316F63CA8 ZO_Debug_MultiEventRegister() = function:00000143C3434550 ZO_DeepTableCopy() = function:00000143C3433A40 ZO_DefaultCurrencyInputField_GetCurrency() = function:00000143A3907C88 ZO_DefaultCurrencyInputField_Initialize() = function:00000143609C96A0 ZO_DefaultCurrencyInputField_SetCurrencyAmount() = function:00000143F76E5C08 ZO_DefaultCurrencyInputField_SetCurrencyMax() = function:00000143F76E5B88 ZO_DefaultCurrencyInputField_SetCurrencyMin() = function:00000143F76E5BC8 ZO_DefaultCurrencyInputField_SetCurrencyType() = function:00000143F76E5C50 ZO_DefaultCurrencyInputField_SetUsePlayerCurrencyAsMax() = function:00000143F76E5B08 ZO_DefaultEdit_SetEnabled() = function:000001436881D558 ZO_DefaultGridEntrySetup() = function:000001436882BEA8 ZO_DefaultGridHeaderSetup() = function:000001436882D7C0 ZO_DefaultMoneyInputField_GetMoney() = function:00000143A3907C88 ZO_DefaultMoneyInputField_Initialize() = function:00000143609C96A0 ZO_DefaultMoneyInputField_SetGoldMax() = function:00000143F76E5B88 ZO_DefaultMoneyInputField_SetGoldMin() = function:00000143F76E5BC8 ZO_DefaultMoneyInputField_SetMoney() = function:00000143F76E5C08 ZO_DefaultMoneyInputField_SetUsePlayerGoldAsMax() = function:00000143F76E5B08 ZO_Dialog1 = userdata:00000143F9933CE0 (meta 0000014368809400} firstMeta firstIndex buttonControls = table:0000014457A499A8 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431DA5D3F0 (meta 000001431DA5D8B0} 2 = userdata:000001431DA55570 (meta 000001431DA5D658} id = 1 loadingIcon = userdata:000001431DA53358 (meta 000001431C163238} firstMeta firstIndex ApplyTemplateToLabel() = function:0000014368809E38 Hide() = function:0000014368809DB8 SetText() = function:0000014368809DF8 Show() = function:0000014368809CF8 createdIcon = false labelTemplate = ZO_LoadingText radioButtonGroup = table:00000144D64E3748 (meta 000001439DE42720} firstTable firstMeta m_buttons = table:00000144D64E3790 firstTable m_enabled = true radioButtonPool = table:0000014368809018 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014368809060 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143688090A8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Dialog1RadioButtonContainerRadioButton parent = userdata:000001431DA48AD8 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_DialogRadioButton requiredTextFields = table:00000143688094D0 (meta 00000143688098A0} firstTable OnTextChanged() = function:00000143688095D8 booleans = table:0000014368809630 firstTable buttons = table:0000014368809518 firstTable editControls = table:0000014368809590 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431C1636B0 (meta 000001430833A3B8} ZO_Dialog1BG = userdata:0000014368607548 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_Dialog1BGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143686075B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Dialog1Button1 = userdata:000001431DA5D3F0 (meta 000001431DA5D8B0} ZO_Dialog1Button1KeyLabel = userdata:000001431DA581E8 (meta 000001431DA52F30} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431DA5D3F0 (meta 000001431DA5D8B0} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431DA581E8 (meta 000001431DA52F30} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431DA5DAC0 (meta 000001431DA53208} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_Dialog1Button1NameLabel = userdata:000001431DA5DAC0 (meta 000001431DA53208} ZO_Dialog1Button2 = userdata:000001431DA55570 (meta 000001431DA5D658} ZO_Dialog1Button2KeyLabel = userdata:000001431DA59598 (meta 000001431DA5D7C8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431DA55570 (meta 000001431DA5D658} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431DA59598 (meta 000001431DA5D7C8} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143167BB378 (meta 000001431DA5D388} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_Dialog1Button2NameLabel = userdata:00000143167BB378 (meta 000001431DA5D388} ZO_Dialog1ButtonExtraText1 = userdata:000001431DA532F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Dialog1ButtonExtraText2 = userdata:000001431DA5D770 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Dialog1Divider = userdata:0000014368607688 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Dialog1Edit = userdata:000001431C1635A8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_Dialog1EditBox = userdata:000001431C1636B0 (meta 000001430833A3B8} ZO_Dialog1EditBoxText = userdata:00000144D64EB6E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Dialog1EditInstructions = userdata:000001431DA53388 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Dialog1EditInstructionsBG = userdata:000001431DA533F8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_Dialog1EditInstructionsBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001431DA53478 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Dialog1Loading = userdata:000001431DA53358 (meta 000001431C163238} ZO_Dialog1ModalUnderlay = userdata:000001431DA55240 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Dialog1RadioButtonContainer = userdata:000001431DA48AD8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Dialog1Text = userdata:00000143686076F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Dialog1Title = userdata:0000014368607620 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Dialog1WarningText = userdata:000001431DA48A60 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DialogButton_OnInitialized() = function:00000144D64E0DD8 ZO_Dialogs_ButtonKeybindPressed() = function:00000144D64E0CB8 ZO_Dialogs_ButtonKeybindReleased() = function:00000144D64E0D00 ZO_Dialogs_CloseKeybindPressed() = function:00000144D64E0C20 ZO_Dialogs_FindDialog() = function:00000143F992FD88 ZO_Dialogs_GetEditBoxText() = function:000001439DE407C0 ZO_Dialogs_GetSelectedRadioButtonData() = function:000001439DE40800 ZO_Dialogs_HandleButtonForKeybind() = function:00000144D64E0C70 ZO_Dialogs_InitializeDialog() = function:0000014310B95F78 ZO_Dialogs_IsDialogHiding() = function:00000143C852C450 ZO_Dialogs_IsDialogRegistered() = function:00000144D64E0BA0 ZO_Dialogs_IsShowing() = function:00000143F74CCF50 ZO_Dialogs_IsShowingDialog() = function:0000014310B9D1B8 ZO_Dialogs_RefreshDialogText() = function:0000014310B99BB8 ZO_Dialogs_RegisterCustomDialog() = function:00000144D64E0BE0 ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseAllDialogs() = function:0000014345F16A00 ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseAllDialogsExcept() = function:0000014316DC68D8 ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseAllDialogsOfName() = function:0000014310B9D200 ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseDialog() = function:0000014345F16960 ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseDialogOnButtonPress() = function:0000014316DC6968 ZO_Dialogs_SetDialogLoadingIcon() = function:00000143F992FD48 ZO_Dialogs_SetupCustomButton() = function:00000143C85289C0 ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog() = function:000001432E000A90 ZO_Dialogs_ShowGamepadDialog() = function:000001432E000A50 ZO_Dialogs_ShowPlatformDialog() = function:0000014310B99AF0 ZO_Dialogs_UpdateButtonCost() = function:00000143F74CCF00 ZO_Dialogs_UpdateButtonExtraText() = function:00000143F74CCEB8 ZO_Dialogs_UpdateButtonState() = function:000001439DE40840 ZO_Dialogs_UpdateButtonText() = function:00000143F74CCE78 ZO_Dialogs_UpdateDialogMainText() = function:00000143C852C490 ZO_Dialogs_UpdateDialogTitleText() = function:00000143C852C4E0 ZO_Dialogs_UpdateDialogWarningText() = function:000001439DE40770 ZO_Disconnect() = function:00000143A44BB2A8 ZO_DisplayName = userdata:0000014310374C70 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_DisplayNameDisplayName = userdata:000001448F8A3268 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DisplayNameDisplayNameLabel = userdata:000001448F8A3238 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DisplayNameStatus = userdata:00000144DD5C8F18 (meta 00000143CB764128} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:00000143CB74E978 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:00000144DD5C8F18 (meta 00000143CB764128} m_font = ZoFontHeader m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_DisplayNameStatus m_openDropdown = userdata:00000143CB764088 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:00000143CB751AC0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:00000143CB765D08 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB745220 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB744DB8 name = |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_status_online.dds|t Online status = 1 2 = table:000001448F8A3148 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB744DB8 name = |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_status_afk.dds|t Away status = 2 3 = table:00000143CB745368 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB744DB8 name = |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_status_dnd.dds|t Do Not Disturb status = 3 4 = table:00000143CB745620 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB744DB8 name = |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_status_offline.dds|t Offline status = 4 m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 8 ZO_DisplayNameStatusOpenDropdown = userdata:00000143CB764088 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_DisplayNameStatusSelectedItem = userdata:00000143F0F8EA38 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_DisplayName_OnInitialized() = function:000001448F8AEDF8 ZO_DominationObjectiveStateIndicator = table:00000143A34CA600 (meta 00000143A34CB4C8} firstTable firstMeta GetSortOrder() = function:00000143A34CC370 Initialize() = function:00000143A34CBFE8 New() = function:00000143A34CBC70 Setup() = function:00000143A34CC540 ZO_DuelInviteProvider = table:00000143D9000940 (meta 00000143D9000988} firstTable firstMeta Accept() = function:00000143D9000A80 BuildNotificationList() = function:00000143D9000A40 Decline() = function:00000143D9000B68 New() = function:00000143D90009D0 __index = table:00000143D9000940 (meta 00000143D9000988} ZO_DungeonFinder_Gamepad = userdata:00000143D960FDD0 (meta 00000143D5877378} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMask = userdata:00000143D96103F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainer = userdata:00000143D9610B28 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerEntries = userdata:0000014464830640 (meta 00000143E4C567A0} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000144D5B34AF0 (meta 00000143E4C57888} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E4C57A08 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E4C56870 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143BC4EC258 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143BC4F3758 control = userdata:0000014464830640 (meta 00000143E4C567A0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143BC4EC2A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143BC4EFC28 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143BC4EC2E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BC4EC330 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143BC4EFB38 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143BC4EFA38 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BC4F3710 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143BC4F3858 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:0000014464833780 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143BC4EA970 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143BC4EA9B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BC4EAA00 firstTable 1() = function:00000143BC4EA170 3 = false 2 = table:00000143BC4EAA90 firstTable 1() = function:00000143BC4EAA48 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143BC4EC118 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BC4EC1B8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143BC4EAAD8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000144DD76B2A0 firstTable control = userdata:00000144D5B34AF0 (meta 00000143E4C57888} dataIndexToControl = table:00000144D5B2AC28 firstTable dataList = table:00000144DD76B330 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000144DD76B258 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate = table:00000143BC4F38A0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143BC4F4880 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143BC4F48C8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143BC4F4910 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerEntriesListScrollZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate parent = userdata:0000014464833630 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143BC4F38E8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143BC4F4958 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000144D5B2F0F0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000144D5B2E6E0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000144D5B2E768 m_Active = table:00000143BC4F49A0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144D5B2E698 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerEntriesListScrollZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:0000014464833630 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000144D5B2AD90 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144D5B2ACB8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144D5B2AD00 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144D5B2AD48 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerEntriesListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:0000014464833630 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000144D5B2ADD8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144DD763EB8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F9F245B8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143BC4EA0C8 customResetBehavior() = function:000001446482F300 m_Active = table:00000144DD763F00 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143BC4EA080 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerEntriesListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:0000014464833630 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 2 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143E4C568E8 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E4C577F8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:0000014464833810 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000144DD76B408 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000144DD76B498 firstTable prePadding = table:00000144DD76B3C0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000144DD76B450 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:0000014464833630 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000144D5B2AB98 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000144DD76B378 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000144D5B2AC70 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000144D5B2ABE0 firstTable ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerEntriesList = userdata:00000144D5B34AF0 (meta 00000143E4C57888} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerEntriesListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000144648336D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerEntriesListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:0000014464833780 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerEntriesListNoItemsLabel = userdata:0000014464833810 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerEntriesListScroll = userdata:0000014464833630 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143D9610DA0 (meta 000001442900EEF8} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143D6430A50 (meta 00000143E03A92C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143D6430A50 (meta 00000143E03A92C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:000001431E0D6FF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143E4C59F08 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:000001431E0D7128 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:000001431E0D7090 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143D6432240 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:000001431E0D71C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143D6432370 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143D64322D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143ED5CDA68 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000144D5454878 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:000001432E017BC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:000001432E017A60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:000001432E017B10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143D72D2C80 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143D72D2DC8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000144D5454A78 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:0000014377CEEC58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:0000014377CEEAF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:0000014377CEEBA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143D72D2D28 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:0000014310BBD020 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143ED5CDA38 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:0000014314B9FB58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:0000014314B9FA08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:0000014314B9FAB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143D6432408 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:0000014310BBD168 (meta 000001444EEE6BD8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001444EEE6B78 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E03A9390 (meta 0000014405F8D010} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143F118E040 firstTable control = userdata:0000014310BBD168 (meta 000001444EEE6BD8} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143B309E3D0 firstTable dataList = table:00000143F118E178 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143F118DFF8 firstTable ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate = table:000001431D7B1D30 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001431D7B1BD0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431D7B1C18 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431D7B1C60 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate parent = userdata:0000014310BBD208 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143C358AFC8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E03A9408 firstTable enabled = true entryAnchors = table:00000143B309E4E0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 hideUnselectedControls = true isMoving = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143B309E528 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B309E570 firstTable callback() = function:00000143FA130C88 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_SHOULDER 2 = table:00000143FA130D08 firstTable callback() = function:00000143FA130DF8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_SHOULDER leftIcon = userdata:00000143D72D2C80 (meta 0000014308331CA0} maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = false movementController = table:000001444EEE6D28 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143D0546550 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143D05465E0 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143F118E208 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143D0546598 firstTable rightIcon = userdata:00000143D72D2D28 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollControl = userdata:0000014310BBD208 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143B309E340 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143F118E1C0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 0 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143B309E418 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143B309E388 firstTable ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:0000014310BBD208 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:0000014405F93440 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:0000014405F934E0 (meta 00000143F42060F0} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143D96111B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D9611738 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000144D545D058 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143D9616E28 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143D0546770 (meta 00000143F11852C8} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:000001431D7B1D98 (meta 00000143E30AB850} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E30AB9B0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143F1185368 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000144C79C0B70 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001442900E950 control = userdata:00000143D0546770 (meta 00000143F11852C8} dirtyEvents = table:00000144C79C0BB8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000144C79C0C00 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000144C79C0C90 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C79C0CD8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001431D97CDB0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001431D97DDF8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D97DE98 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001431D97CC80 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143B51384E8 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:0000014346276520 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:0000014346271528 firstTable 1 = table:0000014346271570 firstTable 1() = function:00000143462764A0 3 = false 2 = table:0000014346271670 firstTable 1() = function:00000143462715F0 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:0000014346271738 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C79C0AF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143462716F0 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:000001431B3EB1D0 firstTable control = userdata:000001431D7B1D98 (meta 00000143E30AB850} dataIndexToControl = table:000001439FD0E650 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144D54614E0 (meta 00000144C79C0EA0} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 1 highlight = userdata:00000144C79BBA28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144C79BB978 (meta 00000144C79BBA38} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 2 label = userdata:00000144C79BB8D0 (meta 00000143F9F1B658} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000144C79C0E38 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate 2 = userdata:000001431D72EAF8 (meta 00000144D5461CD8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 2 highlight = userdata:00000144D54613B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144D5461308 (meta 00000144D5461478} key = 1 label = userdata:000001431D984748 (meta 000001431D7215A0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000144D5461468 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate 3 = userdata:000001431D988428 (meta 00000144D5B27F98} dataList = table:000001431B3EB298 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D72E9C8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431D9845D8 firstTable isRoleSelector = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = 2 = table:000001431D984690 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001431D72EA10 firstTable isRandom = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001431D984760 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/gp_LFG_menuIcon_Random.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Random Dungeons unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 3 = table:000001431D9847D0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000144D5458C08 firstTable isRandom = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001431D984818 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/gp_LFG_menuIcon_Dungeon.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Specific Dungeons unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} dataTypes = table:000001431B3EB188 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143EA775210 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001439FD0E6E0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001439FD0E728 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431D72EAF8 (meta 00000144D5461CD8} 2 = userdata:00000144D54614E0 (meta 00000144C79C0EA0} 3 = userdata:000001431D988428 (meta 00000144D5B27F98} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001439FD0E770 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143B5138398 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143EA7753A0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001431DA07F38 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014346276408 customFactoryBehavior() = function:000001431DA08010 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143462763C8 m_Active = table:000001431DA07F80 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431DA07FC8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143B5138398 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 2 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143F11853E0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 2 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001431B3EB140 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143B5138578 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001431B3EB370 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001439FD0E578 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false prePadding = table:000001431B3EB328 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001439FD0E530 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false scrollControl = userdata:00000143B5138398 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:000001439FD0E5C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 selectedData = table:000001431D984690 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 2 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 2 templateList = table:000001431B3EB2E0 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate 2 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate 3 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:000001439FD0E608 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:000001439FD0E698 firstTable userdata = 000001431D72EAF8 = true 000001431D988428 = true 00000144D54614E0 = true ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainList = userdata:000001431D7B1D98 (meta 00000143E30AB850} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143B5138438 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143B51384E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143B5138578 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143B5138398 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate1 = userdata:000001431D72EAF8 (meta 00000144D5461CD8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate1Icon = userdata:00000144D5461308 (meta 00000144D5461478} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000144DD770298 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/gp_LFG_menuIcon_Random.dds ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate1IconHighlight = userdata:00000144D54613B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate1IconStackCount = userdata:00000144D5461468 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate1Label = userdata:000001431D984748 (meta 000001431D7215A0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate1RootSpacer = userdata:00000144D5458E80 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate2 = userdata:00000144D54614E0 (meta 00000144C79C0EA0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate2Icon = userdata:00000144C79BB978 (meta 00000144C79BBA38} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate2IconHighlight = userdata:00000144C79BBA28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate2IconStackCount = userdata:00000144C79C0E38 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate2Label = userdata:00000144C79BB8D0 (meta 00000143F9F1B658} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate2RootSpacer = userdata:00000144C79BB8A0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_DungeonFinder_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate3 = userdata:000001431D988428 (meta 00000144D5B27F98} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 3 highlight = userdata:00000143F9F29850 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143F9F297A0 (meta 00000143F9F27A88} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143F9F1E750 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/gp_LFG_menuIcon_Dungeon.dds key = 3 label = userdata:00000143F9F296F8 (meta 00000144D545FAA0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143F9F25CA8 (meta 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function:00000143F4418FB8 New() = function:00000143F441A540 OnDyeSlotClicked() = function:00000143F441A8D8 OnPendingDyesChanged() = function:00000143F441AF08 OnSavedSetDyeSlotClicked() = function:00000143F441A918 OnSavedSetDyeSlotEnter() = function:00000143F441A958 OnSavedSetDyeSlotExit() = function:00000143F441A9E0 OnSavedSetSlotChanged() = function:00000143F441AAE0 OnToolChanged() = function:00000143F441A5F0 RefreshSavedSet() = function:00000143F441AE08 RefreshSavedSets() = function:00000143F441AE48 SetSelectedDyeId() = function:00000143F441AC20 SetSelectedSavedSetIndex() = function:00000143F441AC60 SwitchToDyeingWithDyeId() = function:00000143F441ABA0 ToggleSavedSetHightlight() = function:00000143F441ACE0 ToggleSavedSetHightlightBySlotControl() = function:00000143F441ACA0 UpdateOptionControls() = function:00000143F441A858 __index = table:00000143F441A438 (meta 00000143F441A480} ZO_Dyeing_Keyboard_OnInitialized() = function:00000143F441AF48 ZO_Dyeing_LayoutSwatches() = function:00000143F440B6A8 ZO_Dyeing_RadialMenu_Gamepad = table:00000143F4428D38 (meta 00000143F4428D80} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:00000143F4429150 Deactivate() = function:00000143F44291D0 DefocusAll() = function:00000143F4429050 FocusAll() = function:00000143F4429010 HighlightAll() = function:00000143F4429090 Initialize() = function:00000143F4428E68 New() = function:00000143F4428DF8 OnSelectionChanged() = function:00000143F44290D0 ResetToDefaultPositon() = function:00000143F4428EE8 SetOnSelectionChangedCallback() = function:00000143F4429110 Show() = function:00000143F4429210 ZO_Dyeing_RefreshDyeableSlotControlDyes() = function:00000143F440ABB0 ZO_Dyeing_RefreshDyeableSlotControlDyes_Colors() = function:00000143F440AB30 ZO_Dyeing_Slots_Gamepad = table:00000143F442A7C8 (meta 00000143F442A810} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:00000143F442A888 Populate() = function:00000143F442A990 SetMode() = function:00000143F442AB78 SetSelectionChangedCallback() = function:00000143F442ABB8 SetupDyeableSlot() = function:00000143F442A8F8 ZO_Dyeing_Slots_Panel_Gamepad = table:000001431C59A9E0 (meta 000001431C59AA28} firstTable firstMeta ActivateCurrentSelection() = function:000001431C59B7A0 ActivateDyeItemsHeader() = function:000001431C59AFB0 AttemptExit() = function:000001431C59BBA0 CanActivateCurrentSelection() = function:000001431C59B8A0 CanViewCurrentSelection() = function:00000144060018C8 ClearCenterSwatch() = function:000001431C59BD28 CommitSelection() = function:000001431C59B930 ConfirmCommitSelection() = function:000001431C59B970 DefaultBack() = function:000001431C59B6D8 DoesDyeIdExistInPlayerDyes() = function:000001431C59B658 ExitWithoutSave() = function:000001431C59BBE0 GetMode() = function:000001431C59BF90 GetSelectedDyeId() = function:000001431C59B5C0 GetSelectedSavedSetIndex() = function:000001431C59B580 Initialize() = function:000001431C590368 InitializeKeybindDescriptors() = function:000001431C59AB80 InitializeOptionsDialog() = function:000001431C59ADE8 NavigateBack() = function:000001431C59B720 New() = function:000001431C59AAA0 OnDropdownDeactivated() = function:000001431C59AD28 OnDyeListMoveOut() = function:000001431C59BA80 OnDyeSelectionChanged() = function:000001431C59BB58 OnDyeingPaneFocusChanged() = function:000001431C59AFF0 OnPendingDyesChanged() = function:000001431C59BC60 OnSavedSetListMoveOut() = function:000001431C59BB08 OnSavedSetSlotChanged() = function:000001431C59BCA8 PerformDeferredInitialization() = function:000001431C59AF30 RadialMenuSelectionChanged() = function:00000143B335D218 RefreshDyeableSlotDyes() = function:000001431C59BF50 RefreshKeybindStrip() = function:000001431C59B500 RefreshPresetListEntry() = function:000001431C59B0B0 RefreshSavedSet() = function:000001431C59AE28 RefreshSavedSets() = function:000001431C59AE68 RefreshVisibleRadialMenuSelection() = function:000001431C59BED8 ResetScreen() = function:000001431C59B030 SavedSetSelected() = function:000001431C59AEE8 SetSelectedSavedSetIndex() = function:000001431C59B698 SetupCenterSwatch() = function:00000143B3360990 SetupColorPresetControls() = function:000001431C59AEA8 SetupRandomizeSwatch() = function:000001431C59BE50 ShowRadialMenu() = function:000001431C59B2D8 SwitchToActiveRadialMenuMode() = function:000001431C59B3E0 SwitchToDyeSelection() = function:000001431C59B288 SwitchToDyeableSlotDyeMultiSelection() = function:000001431C592F70 SwitchToDyeableSlotDyeSelection() = function:000001431C596368 SwitchToDyeableSlotsSelection() = function:000001431C59B360 SwitchToDyeingWithDyeId() = function:000001431C59B608 SwitchToRadialMenu() = function:000001431C59B318 SwitchToSavedSelection() = function:000001431C59B238 SwitchToSetPresetList() = function:000001431C59B0F0 SwitchToSetPresetSwatch() = function:000001431C59B178 SwitchToTab() = function:000001431C59B9B8 SwitchToTool() = function:000001431C59B9F8 UndoPendingChanges() = function:000001431C59BC20 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:000001431C59B8E8 UpdateDyeSortingDropdownOptions() = function:000001431C59AD68 UpdateDyeSortingDropdownSelection() = function:000001431C59ADA8 UpdateUnlockedDyes() = function:000001431C59B540 __index = table:000001431C59A9E0 (meta 000001431C59AA28} ZO_Dyeing_Swatches_Gamepad = table:0000014406027A30 (meta 0000014406027A78} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:00000143F4421218 ChangeSelectedDyeColumn() = function:0000014320F6F768 ChangeSelectedDyeRow() = function:0000014320F6F6E0 Deactivate() = function:00000143F4420CE8 DoesDyeIdExistInPlayerDyes() = function:00000144060295F8 GetNumUnlockedDyes() = function:00000143D7664648 GetRandomUnlockedDyeId() = function:00000143D7664688 GetSelectedDyeId() = function:00000143D76645C8 GetSelectedSwatch() = function:00000143D7664608 Initialize() = function:00000143F442EA38 New() = function:00000143F4431548 OnSelectionChanged() = function:0000014406029538 RefreshDyeLayout() = function:00000143F44027B8 RefreshDyeLayout_Internal() = function:00000143F44027F8 SetSelectedDyeColumn() = function:0000014320F6F720 SwitchToDyeingWithDyeId() = function:00000144060295B8 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:0000014406029578 UpdateRowVisible() = function:00000143F4421260 ZO_Dyeing_UniformRandomize() = function:00000143F440ACB0 ZO_EMOTE_COLUMN_WIDTH = 400 ZO_EMOTE_ROW_HEIGHT = 70 ZO_EMPEROR_LEADERBOARD_ALLIANCE_DATA = 3 ZO_EMPEROR_LEADERBOARD_EMPTY_DATA = 4 ZO_EMPEROR_LEADERBOARD_NONPLAYER_DATA = 1 ZO_EMPEROR_LEADERBOARD_PLAYER_DATA = 2 ZO_ENCHANT_DIFF_ADD = add ZO_ENCHANT_DIFF_NONE = none ZO_ENCHANT_DIFF_REMOVE = remove ZO_ERROR_COLOR = table:0000014345F117D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} ZO_ERROR_FRAME = table:00000143A1313FA0 (meta 00000143EA4F35D0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143EA4F3E40 (meta 0000014308326048} dismissControl = userdata:0000014368817998 (meta 0000014308331CA0} dismissIcon = userdata:0000014368817A08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} displayingError = false queuedErrors = table:00000143EA4FF3D8 firstTable suppressErrorDialog = false textEditControl = userdata:00000143688178D0 (meta 000001430833A3B8} titleControl = userdata:00000143AA17DAA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_EaseInCubic() = function:00000143F9932F48 ZO_EaseInOutCubic() = function:00000143F99328D8 ZO_EaseInOutQuadratic() = function:00000143D81967D0 ZO_EaseInOutQuartic() = function:0000014312F6BD40 ZO_EaseInOutQuintic() = function:0000014312F6BE18 ZO_EaseInQuadratic() = function:00000143F99334F0 ZO_EaseInQuartic() = function:00000143F99322D8 ZO_EaseInQuintic() = function:0000014312F6BD88 ZO_EaseOutCubic() = function:00000143F9932890 ZO_EaseOutQuadratic() = function:00000143F9933570 ZO_EaseOutQuartic() = function:00000143F9932320 ZO_EaseOutQuintic() = function:0000014312F6BDD0 ZO_EditContainerSizer = table:0000014368811338 (meta 0000014368811380} firstTable firstMeta Add() = function:00000143688114E8 ForceRefreshSize() = function:00000143688115A8 GetHeight() = function:0000014368811528 Initialize() = function:0000014368811468 New() = function:00000143688113F8 OnAllGuiScreensResized() = function:00000143688115E8 RefreshSize() = function:0000014368811568 __index = table:0000014368811338 (meta 0000014368811380} ZO_EditControlGroup = table:00000143210633F8 (meta 0000014321064FC8} firstTable firstMeta AddEditControl() = function:0000014321064130 Initialize() = function:00000143210650B0 New() = function:0000014321065040 OnTabPressed() = function:00000143210650F0 __index = table:00000143210633F8 (meta 0000014321064FC8} ZO_EditDefaultText_Disable() = function:000001436881D6D8 ZO_EditDefaultText_Initialize() = function:000001436881D658 ZO_EditDefaultText_OnIMECompositionChanged() = function:000001436881D768 ZO_EditDefaultText_OnTextChanged() = function:000001436881D720 ZO_EditNoteDialog = userdata:00000143D9616440 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_EditNoteDialogBG = userdata:00000143D90902F8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_EditNoteDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143D908F930 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EditNoteDialogCancel = userdata:00000144D5457C88 (meta 00000144D5457DD0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000144D5457D78 (meta 00000144D5457F40} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000144D5457C88 (meta 00000144D5457DD0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000144D5457D00 (meta 000001431D9894D0} ZO_EditNoteDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:00000144D5457D78 (meta 00000144D5457F40} ZO_EditNoteDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:00000144D5457D00 (meta 000001431D9894D0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_EditNoteDialogDisplayName = userdata:00000143D908FD88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_EditNoteDialogDivider = userdata:00000143D908FA10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EditNoteDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:00000143D96164B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EditNoteDialogNote = userdata:00000143D908FDF0 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_EditNoteDialogNoteEdit = userdata:00000143D908FA80 (meta 00000144D5457B58} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true ZO_EditNoteDialogNoteEditText = userdata:00000144D5457478 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_EditNoteDialogSave = userdata:00000144D5457FA8 (meta 000001431D9896D8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431D989680 (meta 000001431D989848} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000144D5457FA8 (meta 000001431D9896D8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431D989610 (meta 00000144D5457E70} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_EditNoteDialogSaveKeyLabel = userdata:000001431D989680 (meta 000001431D989848} ZO_EditNoteDialogSaveNameLabel = userdata:000001431D989610 (meta 00000144D5457E70} ZO_EditNoteDialogTitle = userdata:00000143D908F9A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_EditNoteDialog_Hide() = function:000001436139DAE0 ZO_EditNoteDialog_OnInitialized() = function:000001436139DA60 ZO_EnchantExtractionSlot_Gamepad = table:00000143DA7636A0 (meta 00000143DA7636E8} firstTable firstMeta ClearDropCalloutTexture() = function:00000143DA763810 Initialize() = function:00000143DA7637D0 New() = function:00000143DA763760 SetBackdrop() = function:00000143DA763850 __index = table:00000143DA7636A0 (meta 00000143DA7636E8} ZO_Enchanting = table:00000143F98EEE00 (meta 00000143F98EEEB0} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143F98EF4E8 InitializeEnchantingScenes() = function:00000143F98EF9D8 InitializeExtractionSlots() = function:00000143F98EFD78 InitializeInventory() = function:00000143F98EF770 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143F98EFF60 InitializeModes() = function:00000143F98EFBF0 New() = function:00000143F98EF1B0 OnItemReceiveDrag() = function:00000143F98F2860 SetEnchantingMode() = function:00000143F98F0F88 UpdateTooltip() = function:00000143F98F1318 __index = table:00000143F98EEE00 (meta 00000143F98EEEB0} ZO_EnchantingInventory = table:00000143F98F35B8 (meta 00000143F98F3678} firstTable firstMeta ChangeFilter() = function:0000014313493330 ChangeMode() = function:00000143DB1D68F0 HideAllSlotDropCallouts() = function:00000143D765C758 Initialize() = function:00000143E1898640 IsLocked() = function:00000143134A6918 New() = function:00000143E1371168 Refresh() = function:00000143E41C6390 ShowAppropriateSlotDropCallouts() = function:00000143D765C620 __index = table:00000143F98F35B8 (meta 00000143F98F3678} ZO_EnchantingTopLevel = userdata:00000143DA756B90 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelExtractionSlotContainer = userdata:00000143DA758500 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelExtractionSlotContainerBg = userdata:00000143DA758588 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelExtractionSlotContainerExtractionLabel = userdata:00000143DA7586A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelExtractionSlotContainerExtractionSlot = userdata:00000143DA758738 (meta 00000143207CF0D8} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143DA7588F8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 ZO_EnchantingTopLevelExtractionSlotContainerExtractionSlotDropCallout = userdata:00000143DA7588C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelExtractionSlotContainerExtractionSlotGlow = userdata:00000143DA758830 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelExtractionSlotContainerExtractionSlotIcon = userdata:00000143DA758768 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelExtractionSlotContainerExtractionSlotStackCount = userdata:00000143DA758798 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelExtractionSlotContainerLandingArea = userdata:00000143DA758618 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventory = userdata:00000143DA7589B0 (meta 0000014309DF02F8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryBackpack = userdata:00000143DA7596B0 (meta 00000143EA91CB78} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryBackpackContents = userdata:00000143DA759738 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryBackpackScrollBar = userdata:00000143DA7597C0 (meta 00000143EA91C560} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryBackpackScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143DA7599F0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryBackpackScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143DA7598E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryBackpackScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143DA759968 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryFilterDivider = userdata:00000143DA758C08 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryFilterDividerLeft = userdata:00000143DA758C90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryFilterDividerRight = userdata:00000143DA758D18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryInfoBar = userdata:00000143DA759CF0 (meta 0000014309E002B0} firstMeta firstIndex isConnected = true ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryInfoBarDivider = userdata:00000143DA759D70 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryInfoBarDividerLeft = userdata:00000143DA759DF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryInfoBarDividerRight = userdata:00000143DA759E80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryInfoBarFreeSlots = userdata:00000143DA759F08 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryInfoBarMoney = userdata:00000143DA759F88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventoryNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143DA759CC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventorySortBy = userdata:00000143DA758D48 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventorySortByArrow = userdata:00000143DA75B3C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventorySortByName = userdata:00000143DA758FB0 (meta 00000143EA91B698} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventorySortByNameName = userdata:00000143DA759030 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventorySortByPrice = userdata:00000143DA759428 (meta 00000143EA91C130} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = false key = stackSellPrice sortHeaderGroup = table:000001447D423FA0 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143DA75B3C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:000001447D436F58 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:000001447D437188 firstTable 1 = table:000001447D4373D0 firstTable 1() = function:000001447D436D80 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001447D4339E8 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:00000143DA758D48 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:000001447D436C70 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:00000143DA758FB0 (meta 00000143EA91B698} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = name selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:000001447D423FA0 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:000001447D435560 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143DA758DC8 (meta 00000143D6AE9330} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = statusSortOrder sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:000001447D423FA0 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortUpIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortUp.dds tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = 32 tooltipPoint = 12 tooltipText = Status 2 = userdata:00000143DA758FB0 (meta 00000143EA91B698} 3 = userdata:00000143DA759238 (meta 00000143EA91BA98} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = traitInformationSortOrder sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:000001447D423FA0 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortUpIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortUp.dds tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = 32 tooltipPoint = 12 tooltipText = Trait Information 4 = userdata:00000143DA759428 (meta 00000143EA91C130} usesArrow = true ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventorySortByPriceName = userdata:00000143DA7594A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelInventorySortByStatus = userdata:00000143DA758DC8 (meta 00000143D6AE9330} 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userdata:00000143DA757448 (meta 00000143D76813E0} templateName = ZO_MenuBarTooltipButton m_relativePoint = 8 m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143DA75C4D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelModeMenuBarButton2Image = userdata:00000143DA75C3C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelModeMenuBarButton2ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143DA75C450 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelModeMenuBarButton2Status = userdata:00000143DA75C4D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelModeMenuBarButton3 = userdata:00000143DA75C6D8 (meta 000001439D85B138} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelModeMenuBarButton3Image = userdata:00000143DA75C758 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelModeMenuBarButton3ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143DA75C7E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelModeMenuBarButton3Status = userdata:00000143DA75C860 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_EnchantingTopLevelModeMenuBarLabel = userdata:00000143DA757478 (meta 00000143083425C0} 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ZO_Enchanting_IsInCreationMode() = function:00000143134AC5B0 ZO_Enchanting_IsSceneShowing() = function:00000143E75E57B8 ZO_EsoPlusSubscriptionStatusProvider = table:00000143D9000BA8 (meta 00000143D9000BF0} firstTable firstMeta Accept() = function:00000143D9000DD0 AddNotification() = function:00000143D9000CE8 BuildNotificationList() = function:00000143D9000CA8 Decline() = function:00000143D9000E10 New() = function:00000143D9000C38 ZO_FRIENDS_LIST_GAMEPAD = table:00000143F990A638 (meta 000001447D44A9C8} ZO_FURNITURE_NEEDS_CATEGORIZATION_FAKE_CATEGORY = NEEDS_CATEGORY ZO_FURNITURE_SETTINGS = table:00000143A34CA868 firstTable 0 = table:00000143A34CA8E0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 ZO_FadeSceneFragment = table:0000014457A4A9D8 (meta 0000014457A4DFE0} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:0000014457A50DC0 __index = table:0000014457A4A9D8 (meta 0000014457A4DFE0} ZO_FadingControlBuffer = table:00000143CDE6A638 (meta 00000143CDE6A680} firstTable firstMeta AcquireEntryObject() = function:0000014305CA1908 AcquireItemObject() = function:0000014313922A98 AddEntry() = function:0000014305CA1DF8 AddTemplate() = function:0000014305CA1D78 CalcHeightOfActiveEntries() = function:0000014313923860 CalcHeightOfEntry() = function:0000014313923818 CalcHeightOfEntryAfterPrepending() = function:00000143CDE6B360 CalculateItemHeight() = function:0000014313922AF0 CanDisplayEntry() = function:00000143139238A0 ClearAll() = function:0000014305CA1E38 DisplayEntry() = function:0000014313922D58 DisplayNextQueuedEntry() = function:000001431E0D0748 EnqueueEntry() = function:000001431E0D0708 FadeAll() = function:0000014305C9EED0 GetEntryHoldTime() = function:0000014305C9B700 GetEntryIndex() = function:0000014305C9EF50 GetLineIndex() = function:0000014305C9B640 HasEntries() = function:0000014305C9EE90 HasQueuedEntry() = function:00000143139238E0 HasTemplate() = function:0000014305CA1DB8 Initialize() = function:0000014305C9DED0 MoveEntriesOrLines() = function:0000014313922DA0 MoveEntriesOrLinesCalculations() = function:00000143CDE5F020 New() = function:00000143CDE6A6F8 PrependLinesToExistingEntry() = function:0000014313922C80 ReleaseControl() = function:00000143CDE6B2A0 SetAdditionalVerticalSpacing() = function:000001431E0D9490 SetFadesInImmediately() = function:0000014305CA42C0 SetHoldDisplayingEntries() = function:00000143CDE6ABE8 SetHoldTimes() = function:0000014305CA4368 SetPushDirection() = function:0000014305CA4300 SetTranslateDuration() = function:00000143CDE6A738 SetupItem() = function:0000014313922B70 TryCondenseBuffer() = function:0000014313922DE0 TryHandlingExistingEntry() = function:0000014305C9B680 TryRemoveLastEntry() = function:0000014313922CD0 UpdateFadeInDelay() = function:00000143CDE6DC78 UpdateFadeOutDelayAndPlayFromOffset() = function:00000143CDE6DBE8 __index = table:00000143CDE6A638 (meta 00000143CDE6A680} ZO_FadingControlBuffer_GetEntryControl() = function:00000143CDE6A578 ZO_FadingControlBuffer_GetHeaderControl() = 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function:000001439E14BDE8 ReleaseAllControls() = function:000001439E149460 ReleaseControl() = function:000001439E14BE68 SetAdditionalEntrySpacingY() = function:000001439E14E000 SetContainerShowTime() = function:00000143CDE66780 SetupItem() = function:0000014305CAA298 TryConcatWithExistingEntry() = function:00000143CDE681D8 UpdateFadeInDelay() = function:0000014305CAA318 __index = table:000001439E14A390 (meta 000001439E14A3D8} ZO_FakeBattlegroundObjectiveIndicator = table:000001431045A9D8 (meta 000001431045AC48} firstTable firstMeta GetSortOrder() = function:000001431045B838 Initialize() = function:000001431045AF50 Matches() = function:000001431045BBF0 New() = function:000001431045ADE8 RefreshPinTextures() = function:000001445842A548 Setup() = function:000001431045B300 ShouldShow() = function:000001431045BA10 Update() = function:000001431045B0F0 ZO_FenceWindow_Gamepad = userdata:000001431BD3E958 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMask = userdata:000001431BD3EC70 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainer = userdata:000001431BD3ECE8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:000001431BD3ED18 (meta 000001431BD40428} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:000001431BD3EDA8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:000001431BD3EDA8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:000001431BD3FFC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:000001431BD3FF30 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:000001431BD400E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:000001431BD40058 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:000001431BD40210 (meta 00000143083425C0} 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(meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:000001431BD3F7F8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:000001431BD3F940 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:000001431BD3FC90 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:000001431BD3FE98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:000001431BD3FD38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:000001431BD3FDE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:000001431BD3F8A0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:000001431BD3F428 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:000001431BD3F4C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:000001431BD3F6C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:000001431BD3F570 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:000001431BD3F618 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:000001431BD403D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:000001431BD3F2F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:000001431BD3F390 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:000001431BD3EE48 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:000001431BD3EEE8 (meta 000001431BD3F128} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:000001431BD3EEF8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD3EF78 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:000001431BD3EFF0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:000001431BD3F068 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainer = userdata:000001431BD40B30 (meta 000001431BD40F28} firstMeta firstIndex Activate() = function:00000143D9611FB8 AttachAndShowSpinner() = function:00000143D9612078 AttachToTargetListEntry() = function:00000143D96120F8 Deactivate() = function:00000143D9611FF8 DetachFromListEntry() = function:00000143D9612178 GetValue() = function:00000143D9611F38 InitializeSpinner() = function:00000143D9611D60 OnValueChanged() = function:00000143D9612038 SetIgnoreInvalidCost() = function:00000143D96121C0 SetMinMax() = function:00000143D9611E10 SetValue() = function:00000143D9611EF8 SetValueChangedCallback() = function:00000143D9611DD0 SetupCurrency() = function:00000143D9611F78 ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerHighlight = userdata:000001431BD40BB8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerLabel = userdata:000001431BD40C38 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerPrice = userdata:000001431BD40ED0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerSpinner = userdata:000001431BD40CB8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerSpinnerDecrease = userdata:000001431BD40D40 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerSpinnerDisplay = userdata:000001431BD40E50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_FenceWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerSpinnerIncrease = userdata:000001431BD40DC8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Fence_Base = table:00000143C805D6E8 (meta 00000143C805D730} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143C805D818 IsLaundering() = function:00000143C805DB00 IsSellingStolenItems() = function:00000143C805DB40 New() = function:00000143C805D7A8 OnClosed() = function:00000143C805D940 OnEnterLaunder() = function:00000143C805DAC0 OnEnterSell() = function:00000143C805DA80 OnFenceStateUpdated() = function:00000143C805DA40 OnInventoryUpdate() = function:00000143C805DA00 OnLaunderSuccess() = function:00000143C805D9C0 OnOpened() = function:00000143C805D858 OnSellSuccess() = function:00000143C805D980 ZO_Fence_Gamepad = table:000001431BD3E838 (meta 000001431BD3E880} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001431BD3E968 IsLaundering() = function:000001431BD3EB10 IsSellingStolenItems() = function:000001431BD3EB50 New() = function:000001431BD3E8F8 OnLaunderSuccess() = function:000001431BD3EAD0 OnOpened() = function:000001431BD3E9A8 OnSellSuccess() = function:000001431BD3EA90 __index = table:000001431BD3E838 (meta 000001431BD3E880} ZO_Fence_Gamepad_Initialize() = function:000001431BD3EB90 ZO_Fence_Keyboard = table:000001431BD2D438 (meta 000001431BD2D480} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001431BD2D568 InitializeModeBar() = function:000001431BD2D600 IsLaundering() = function:000001431BD2D8A8 IsSellingStolenItems() = function:000001431BD2D8E8 New() = function:000001431BD2D4F8 OnClosed() = function:000001431BD2D728 OnEnterLaunder() = function:000001431BD2D7E8 OnEnterSell() = function:000001431BD2D7A8 OnFenceStateUpdated() = function:000001431BD2D768 OnOpened() = function:000001431BD2D6E8 RefreshFooter() = function:000001431BD2D928 UpdateHagglingLabel() = function:000001431BD2D868 UpdateTransactionLabel() = function:000001431BD2D828 __index = table:000001431BD2D438 (meta 000001431BD2D480} ZO_Fence_Keyboard_Initialize() = function:000001431BD2D968 ZO_Fence_Keyboard_WindowMenu = userdata:000001431BD2D558 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_Fence_Keyboard_WindowMenuBar = userdata:000001431BD2DA08 (meta 000001431BD2DB68} ZO_Fence_Keyboard_WindowMenuBarLabel = userdata:000001431BD2DA80 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Fence_Keyboard_WindowMenuDivider = userdata:000001431BD2DCA8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Fence_Keyboard_WindowMenuDividerLeft = userdata:000001431BD2DF68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Fence_Keyboard_WindowMenuDividerRight = userdata:000001431BD2DFE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Fence_Keyboard_WindowMenuResetTime = userdata:000001431BD2E260 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Fence_Keyboard_WindowMenuResetTimeIcon = userdata:000001431BD2E360 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Fence_Keyboard_WindowMenuResetTimeStat = userdata:000001431BD2E2E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Fence_Keyboard_WindowMenuResetTimeValue = userdata:000001431BD2E3E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Fence_Manager = table:00000143C804D5D8 (meta 00000143C804D620} firstTable firstMeta GetHagglingBonus() = function:00000143C804DAF0 GetNumTotalTransactions() = function:00000143C804D9F0 GetNumTransactionsRemaining() = function:00000143C804DA70 GetNumTransactionsUsed() = function:00000143C804DA30 HasBonusToSellingStolenItems() = function:00000143C804DAB0 Initialize() = function:00000143C804D708 New() = function:00000143C804D698 OnEnterLaunder() = function:00000143C804D9B0 OnEnterSell() = function:00000143C804D970 OnFenceClosed() = function:00000143C804D830 OnFenceOpened() = function:00000143C804D748 OnFenceStateUpdated() = function:00000143C804D930 OnInventoryUpdated() = function:00000143C804D8F0 OnLaunderResult() = function:00000143C804D8B0 OnSellSuccess() = function:00000143C804D870 __index = table:00000143C804D5D8 (meta 00000143C804D620} ZO_Fishing = table:00000144DD5B4930 (meta 00000144DD5B4978} firstTable firstMeta InteractionCanceled() = function:00000144DD5B4B88 New() = function:00000144DD5B49F0 PopulateMenu() = function:00000144DD5B4BC8 PrepareForInteraction() = function:00000144DD5B4A60 SetupEntryControl() = function:00000144DD5B4AA0 __index = table:00000144DD5B4930 (meta 00000144DD5B4978} ZO_FishingPanel_Gamepad = userdata:00000144DD5C15D0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_FishingPanel_GamepadMenu = userdata:00000144DD5C1838 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FishingPanel_GamepadMenuAction = userdata:00000144DD5C19A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_FishingPanel_GamepadMenuSelectedBackground = userdata:00000144DD5C1930 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_FishingPanel_GamepadMenuTrack = userdata:00000144DD5C18B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_FishingPanel_Keyboard = userdata:00000143F0F6B6E0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_FishingPanel_KeyboardMenu = userdata:00000144DD5C0908 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FishingPanel_KeyboardMenuAction = userdata:00000144DD5C0A90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_FishingPanel_KeyboardMenuSelectedBackground = userdata:00000144DD5C0990 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_FishingPanel_KeyboardMenuUnselectedBackground = userdata:00000144DD5C0A18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Fishing_Gamepad_Initialize() = function:00000144DD5C1530 ZO_Fishing_Keyboard_Initialize() = function:00000144DD5B57D8 ZO_FocusedQuestTracker = table:00000143E3455A60 (meta 00000143E3455AA8} firstTable firstMeta ApplyPlatformStyle() = function:00000143D9013BA0 BeginTracking() = function:00000143E6C8B6B0 ClearTracker() = function:00000143A98CFA60 GetContainerControl() = function:00000143D9013B60 InitialTrackingUpdate() = function:00000143E345A6E8 Initialize() = function:00000143CCAFBD70 InitializeFadeAnimations() = function:00000143FC338C08 IsOverlappingTextChat() = function:00000143CCAFA7A8 New() = function:00000143E3455B20 OnGamepadPreferredModeChanged() = function:00000143D9013BE0 OnQuestAdded() = function:00000143E6C8B6F0 OnQuestAssistStateChanged() = function:00000143E345A680 OnQuestRemoved() = function:00000143E6C8B730 RefreshQuestPins() = function:00000143A98CFA20 RegisterCallbacks() = function:00000143E3457578 SetTrackTypeAssisted() = function:00000143E3454790 StopTracking() = function:00000143E345A640 TryFadeIn() = function:00000143FC338CD0 TryFadeOut() = function:00000143FC338C88 UpdateAssistedVisibility() = function:00000143A98CF9E0 UpdateVisibility() = function:00000143E3454BB8 __index = table:00000143E3455A60 (meta 00000143E3455AA8} ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanel = userdata:00000143CCAFA908 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanelContainer = userdata:00000143A38F1F88 (meta 00000143D70CD278} ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanelContainerQuestContainer = userdata:00000143A38F2010 (meta 00000143F4567DC0} ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanelContainerQuestContainerAssisted = userdata:00000143A38F20F8 (meta 00000143A390A558} ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanelContainerQuestContainerAssistedKeyLabel = userdata:00000143A38F1A68 (meta 00000143A390A3F8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:0000014313B23ED8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144647A73D8 (meta 0000014313B23F68} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143A38F20F8 (meta 00000143A390A558} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanelContainerQuestContainerAssistedNameLabel = userdata:00000143A38F1A38 (meta 00000143A390B5F8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanelContainerQuestContainerQuestCondition1 = userdata:00000143DAA33D28 (meta 00000144C7FF8918} firstMeta firstIndex entryType = 2 isGroupCreditShared = false m_TreeNode = table:00000143FBCBCFB0 (meta 000001432E00A788} firstTable m_Control = userdata:00000143DAA33D28 (meta 00000144C7FF8918} m_Expanded = true m_OffsetY = 2 m_OwningTree = table:00000143EA530728 (meta 000001432E010CF0} m_Parent = table:00000143F8DED588 (meta 000001432E00A788} firstTable m_Child = table:00000143FBCBCFB0 (meta 000001432E00A788} m_Control = userdata:00000144D6CA3DF8 (meta 000001448F0D6AA0} firstMeta firstIndex headerText = The Harborage icon = userdata:00000143DAA03EB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} instanceDisplayType = 1 isUsingIcon = true m_ChildConditionControls = table:00000143FBCB7D30 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143DAA33D28 (meta 00000144C7FF8918} 2 = 1 m_Data = table:00000143DD9AD9B8 (meta 00000143C025C700} m_ObjectKey = 1 m_StepDescriptionControls = table:00000143FBC992E0 firstTable m_TreeNode = table:00000143F8DED588 (meta 000001432E00A788} questType = 2 m_Expanded = true m_OffsetY = 18 m_OwningTree = table:00000143EA530728 (meta 000001432E010CF0} m_Parent = table:00000143FBCB0C28 (meta 000001432E00A788} firstTable m_Child = table:00000143F8DED588 (meta 000001432E00A788} m_Expanded = true m_OwningTree = table:00000143EA530728 (meta 000001432E010CF0} m_Showing = true m_Showing = true m_Showing = true ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanelContainerQuestContainerTrackedHeader1 = userdata:00000144D6CA3DF8 (meta 000001448F0D6AA0} ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanelContainerQuestContainerTrackedHeader1Icon = userdata:00000143DAA03EB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanelTimerAnchor = userdata:00000143E3454578 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_FocusedQuestTracker_OnInitialized() = function:00000143CCAFA868 ZO_FontAdjustingWrapLabel_OnInitialized() = function:00000143688240E8 ZO_FormatClockTime() = function:00000143D8192F38 ZO_FormatCountdownTimer() = function:00000143D81949E8 ZO_FormatDurationAgo() = function:000001431DA5E650 ZO_FormatManualNameEntry() = function:000001432E00CF28 ZO_FormatRelativeTimeStamp() = function:00000143EC930DF0 ZO_FormatResourceBarCurrentAndMax() = function:00000143A44BD738 ZO_FormatTime() = function:00000143D8194968 ZO_FormatTimeAsDecimalWhenBelowThreshold() = function:00000144D64E67F8 ZO_FormatTimeLargestTwo() = function:00000143D8194A28 ZO_FormatTimeMilliseconds() = function:00000143D81949A8 ZO_FormatUserFacingCharacterName() = function:000001432E00CE98 ZO_FormatUserFacingCharacterOrDisplayName() = function:000001432E00CEE8 ZO_FormatUserFacingDisplayName() = function:000001432E00CE58 ZO_FractionDisplay = table:000001431D7A9B00 (meta 000001431D7A9B48} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001431D7A9C30 New() = function:000001431D7A9BC0 SetHorizontalAlignment() = function:000001431D7A9CC8 SetValues() = function:000001431D7A9DB0 __index = table:000001431D7A9B00 (meta 000001431D7A9B48} ZO_FrameEmoteFragment = table:000001444E58B410 (meta 000001444E58B458} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:0000014313E1B3D0 New() = function:0000014313E1B2F8 Show() = function:0000014313E1B338 __index = table:000001444E58B410 (meta 000001444E58B458} ZO_FramePlayerFragment = table:000001444E5876F8 (meta 000001444E587740} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:00000144D075E730 New() = function:0000014310361920 Show() = function:0000014428067488 __index = table:000001444E5876F8 (meta 000001444E587740} ZO_FramePlayerOnSceneHiddenFragment = table:0000014313E12D48 (meta 0000014428057648} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:00000143E3A2D240 New() = function:000001431BD5F8A0 Show() = function:00000143F9CFB0A0 __index = table:0000014313E12D48 (meta 0000014428057648} ZO_FriendRequestProvider = table:00000143FC327748 (meta 00000143D9011408} firstTable firstMeta Accept() = function:00000143D9014250 BuildNotificationList() = function:00000143A98D0F58 CreateMessage() = function:00000143B822C1E0 New() = function:00000143A98CEAF8 ZO_FriendsList = table:000001448F8A5DC0 (meta 000001448F8A5E08} firstTable firstMeta BuildMasterList() = function:000001448F8A65D8 CreateFriendData() = function:000001448F8A6558 FindDataByDisplayName() = function:000001448F8A6618 GetNoteEditedFunction() = function:000001448F8A6658 GetNumOnline() = function:000001448F8A6430 Initialize() = function:000001448F8A6358 New() = function:000001448F8A62E8 OnFriendAdded() = function:000001448F8A66D8 OnFriendCharacterChampionPointsChanged() = function:000001448F8A6898 OnFriendCharacterLevelChanged() = function:000001448F8A6858 OnFriendCharacterUpdated() = function:000001448F8A6798 OnFriendCharacterZoneChanged() = function:000001448F8A6818 OnFriendDisplayNameChanged() = function:000001448F8A67D8 OnFriendNoteUpdated() = function:000001448F8A6758 OnFriendPlayerStatusChanged() = function:000001448F8A68D8 OnFriendRemoved() = function:000001448F8A6718 OnNumOnlineChanged() = function:000001448F8A6958 OnNumTotalFriendsChanged() = function:000001448F8A6918 OnSocialDataLoaded() = function:000001448F8A6698 SetupEntry() = function:000001448F8A6518 UpdateFriendData() = function:000001448F8A6598 __index = table:000001448F8A5DC0 (meta 000001448F8A5E08} ZO_FriendsListRowAlliance_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014428066CC8 ZO_FriendsListRowAlliance_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014428066D08 ZO_FriendsListRowChampion_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014428066E48 ZO_FriendsListRowChampion_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014428066E88 ZO_FriendsListRowClass_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014428066DC8 ZO_FriendsListRowClass_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014428066E08 ZO_FriendsListRowDisplayName_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014428066C48 ZO_FriendsListRowDisplayName_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014428066C88 ZO_FriendsListRowNote_OnClicked() = function:0000014428066C08 ZO_FriendsListRowNote_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014428066B88 ZO_FriendsListRowNote_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014428066BC8 ZO_FriendsListRowStatus_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014428066D48 ZO_FriendsListRowStatus_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014428066D88 ZO_FriendsListRow_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014428066AC8 ZO_FriendsListRow_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014428066B08 ZO_FriendsListRow_OnMouseUp() = function:0000014428066B48 ZO_FriendsList_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:00000143D6B0B9B8 ZO_FriendsList_OnInitialized() = function:0000014428066EC8 ZO_FriendsList_ToggleHideOffline() = function:0000014428066F48 ZO_FriendsOnline = userdata:00000143CB749CD0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_FriendsOnlineNumOnline = userdata:00000143CB749F00 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_FriendsOnlineNumOnlineLabel = userdata:00000143CB749ED0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_FriendsOnline_OnInitialized() = function:00000143E38958B8 ZO_FullscreenEffectFragment = table:00000143E7DDFC68 (meta 00000143E7DDFCB0} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:00000143E7DDFD78 New() = function:00000143E7DDFCF8 Show() = function:00000143E7DDFD38 __index = table:00000143E7DDFC68 (meta 00000143E7DDFCB0} ZO_FurnishingsFilter_ApplyToSearch() = function:00000143CDD3A730 ZO_FurnitureCategory = table:00000143F9CECB68 (meta 00000143F9CECBB0} firstTable firstMeta AddEntry() = function:00000143F9CECD98 AddSubcategory() = function:00000143F9CED120 Clear() = function:00000143F9CECD58 GetAllEntries() = function:00000143F9CECE18 GetAllSubcategories() = function:00000143F9CECE58 GetCategoryId() = function:00000143F9CECD18 GetHasSubcategories() = function:00000143F9CED1E0 GetName() = function:00000143F9CECCD8 GetNumEntryItemsRecursive() = function:00000143F9CED260 GetSubcategory() = function:00000143F9CED1A0 Initialize() = function:00000143F9CECC98 IsRoot() = function:00000143F9CED220 New() = function:00000143F9CECC28 RemoveEntry() = function:00000143F9CECDD8 RemoveSubcategory() = function:00000143F9CED160 SortCategoriesRecursive() = function:00000143F9CED2E0 __index = table:00000143F9CECB68 (meta 00000143F9CECBB0} ZO_FurnitureDataBase = table:0000014309B46020 (meta 0000014309B46068} firstTable firstMeta GetCategoryInfo() = function:00000143D9E63858 GetDataType() = function:00000143D9E6B308 GetFormattedName() = function:00000143A34C0148 GetFormattedStackCount() = function:000001431045B220 GetIcon() = function:00000143D9E67510 GetPassesTextFilter() = function:0000014309B461D0 GetQuality() = function:000001431045E4E8 GetRawName() = function:0000014309B46190 GetStackCount() = function:000001431045C0D0 Initialize() = function:0000014309B46150 IsBeingPreviewed() = function:00000143D9E6D358 IsFromCrownStore() = function:00000143F9CF7B98 IsGemmable() = function:00000143D9E60698 IsPreviewable() = function:00000143A34C2470 IsStolen() = function:00000143F9CFA040 New() = function:0000014309B460E0 PassesTheme() = function:00000143D9E6D398 Preview() = function:00000143D9E6D418 RefreshInfo() = function:00000143D9E6D3D8 SelectForPlacement() = function:00000143D9E6B2C8 SetPassesTextFilter() = function:00000143A34C2430 ZO_GAMEPAD_ACTION_BUTTON_SIZE = 61 ZO_GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_COORD_RIGHT = 0.8125 ZO_GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SQUARE_DIMENSION = 1024 ZO_GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_ROOT_SCENE_NAME = gamepad_activity_finder_root ZO_GAMEPAD_ALLEY_WIDTH = 10 ZO_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_ABANDON_GUEST_DIALOG = GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_ABANDON_GUEST_DIALOG ZO_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_ABANDON_HOME_CONFIRM_DIALOG = GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_ABANDON_HOME_CONFIRM_DIALOG ZO_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_LIST_ENTRY_INDENT = 40 ZO_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_LIST_ENTRY_WIDTH = 498 ZO_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_GUEST_WARNING_DIALOG = GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_GUEST_WARNING_DIALOG ZO_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_LOCKED_DIALOG = GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_LOCKED_DIALOG ZO_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_DIALOG = GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_DIALOG ZO_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_SELECT_DIALOG = GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_SELECT_DIALOG ZO_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_SET_HOME_CONFIRM_DIALOG = GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_SET_HOME_CONFIRM_DIALOG ZO_GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_SET_HOME_REVIEW_DIALOG = GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_SET_HOME_REVIEW_DIALOG ZO_GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_PANEL_TEXTURE_COORD_RIGHT = 0.8125 ZO_GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_PANEL_TEXTURE_SQUARE_DIMENSION = 1024 ZO_GAMEPAD_COMBO_BOX_FONT = ZoFontGamepad27 ZO_GAMEPAD_COMBO_BOX_HIGHLIGHTED_FONT = ZoFontGamepad36 ZO_GAMEPAD_COMBO_BOX_PADDING = 16 ZO_GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_CANCEL_RESEARCH_DIALOG = GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_CANCEL_RESEARCH ZO_GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_DESTROY_DIALOG = GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_DESTROY_ITEM_PROMPT ZO_GAMEPAD_CONTENT_DIVIDER_HEIGHT = 35 ZO_GAMEPAD_CONTENT_DIVIDER_INFO_PADDING_Y = 15 ZO_GAMEPAD_CONTENT_HEADER_DIVIDER_INFO_BOTTOM_PADDING_Y = 48 ZO_GAMEPAD_CONTENT_HEADER_DIVIDER_OFFSET_Y = 103 ZO_GAMEPAD_CONTENT_HEADER_INFO_OFFSET_Y = 153 ZO_GAMEPAD_CONTENT_HEADER_TITLE_INFO_PADDING_Y = 57 ZO_GAMEPAD_CONTENT_INSET_X = 40 ZO_GAMEPAD_CONTENT_TITLE_DIVIDER_PADDING_Y = 7 ZO_GAMEPAD_CONTENT_TITLE_HEIGHT = 96 ZO_GAMEPAD_CONTENT_VERT_OFFSET_PADDING = 20 ZO_GAMEPAD_CONTENT_VERT_OFFSET_PADDING_WIDE = 40 ZO_GAMEPAD_CONTENT_WIDTH = 390 ZO_GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_UTILS_FLOATING_BOTTOM_OFFSET = -175 ZO_GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_UTILS_FLOATING_PADDING_Y = 50 ZO_GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_UTILS_FLOATING_SLOT_STANDARD_HEIGHT = 190 ZO_GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_UTILS_SLOT_SPACING = 231 ZO_GAMEPAD_CURRENCY_OPTIONS = table:0000014307CA2F10 ZO_GAMEPAD_CURRENCY_OPTIONS_LONG_FORMAT = table:0000014307CA2E20 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_HEADER_DATA_PADDING = 10 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRY_HEIGHT = 40 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRY_ICON_DIMENSION = 40 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRY_ICON_X_OFFSET = -38 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRY_ICON_X_OFFSET_VOICECHAT = 32 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRY_INDENT = 101 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRY_MINIMUM_INDENT = 65.5 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRY_SECOND_ICON_X_OFFSET = -85 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRY_SECOND_ICON_X_OFFSET_VOICECHAT = 72 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRY_SELECTED_HEIGHT = 50 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRY_WIDTH_AFTER_INDENT = 289 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRY_WIDTH_VOICECHAT = 209 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRY_WIDTH_VOICECHAT_HISTORY = 249 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_ICON_INDENT_CENTER = 56 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_MAX_CONTROL_SCALE = 1.375 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_LIST_MIN_CONTROL_SCALE = 1 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_PANEL_SUB_CONTAINER_WIDTH = 460 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_SELECTION_ICON_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE = 75 ZO_GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_SELECTION_ICON_SIZE = 64 ZO_GAMEPAD_DIALOG_BASE_SCENE_NAME = hud ZO_GAMEPAD_DIALOG_DONT_END_IN_WORLD_INTERACTIONS_FRAGMENT_GROUP = table:00000143A35E6138 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED5164E0 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 2 = table:00000143CB73A378 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 3 = table:00000143F0F87EE8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 4 = table:00000143D76B2B08 (meta 000001444E58C450} 5 = table:00000143BC15E8E8 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} 6 = table:00000143133733E8 (meta 000001431C16CE40} 7 = table:00000143DAF14BB0 (meta 00000143C7D3F970} 8 = table:00000143DAF14C40 (meta 0000014320DBF5D0} 9 = table:000001430A4644A0 (meta 0000014316CDC190} ZO_GAMEPAD_DIALOG_FRAGMENT_GROUP = table:000001431BD5E280 ZO_GAMEPAD_DISABLED_UNSELECTED_COLOR = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} ZO_GAMEPAD_FENCE_CURRENCY_OPTIONS = table:0000014307CA2F58 firstTable color() = function:0000014307CA2DE0 font = ZoFontGamepadHeaderDataValue iconSide = 8 isGamepad = true showTooltips = false useShortFormat = true ZO_GAMEPAD_FLOATING_SCROLL_SAFE_TOOLTIP_TOP_OFFSET = 89 ZO_GAMEPAD_FLOATING_SCROLL_TOOLTIP_TOP_ICON_PADDING_Y = 35 ZO_GAMEPAD_FOCUS_NO_NEXT = false ZO_GAMEPAD_FOCUS_NO_PREVIOUS = false ZO_GAMEPAD_FOOTER_CONTROLS = table:00000143B309A150 firstTable DATA1 = 1 DATA1HEADER = 2 DATA1LOADINGICON = 3 DATA2 = 4 DATA2HEADER = 5 DATA2LOADINGICON = 6 DATA3 = 7 DATA3HEADER = 8 DATA3LOADINGICON = 9 ZO_GAMEPAD_FRIENDS_LIST_CHARACTER_NAME_WIDTH = 191 ZO_GAMEPAD_FRIENDS_LIST_USER_FACING_NAME_WIDTH = 296 ZO_GAMEPAD_FRIENDS_LIST_ZONE_WIDTH = 246 ZO_GAMEPAD_GROUP_FRAME_HEIGHT = 70 ZO_GAMEPAD_GROUP_FRAME_WIDTH = 160 ZO_GAMEPAD_GROUP_LIST_CHARACTER_NAME_WIDTH = 226 ZO_GAMEPAD_GROUP_LIST_ROLES_WIDTH = 111 ZO_GAMEPAD_GROUP_LIST_USER_FACING_NAME_WIDTH = 336 ZO_GAMEPAD_GROUP_LIST_ZONE_WIDTH = 256 ZO_GAMEPAD_GUILD_HERALDRY_STYLE_LIST_VERT_PADDING = 60 ZO_GAMEPAD_GUILD_RANKS_PERMISSION_COLUMN_WIDTH = 384 ZO_GAMEPAD_GUILD_ROSTER_CHARACTER_NAME_WIDTH = 151 ZO_GAMEPAD_GUILD_ROSTER_RANK_WIDTH = 76 ZO_GAMEPAD_GUILD_ROSTER_USER_FACING_NAME_WIDTH = 296 ZO_GAMEPAD_GUILD_ROSTER_ZONE_WIDTH = 196 ZO_GAMEPAD_GUILD_STORE_BROWSE_SLIDER_OFFSET_Y = 15 ZO_GAMEPAD_HEADER_CONTROLS = table:0000014405F9CBF8 firstTable CENTER_BASELINE = 3 DATA1 = 7 DATA1HEADER = 8 DATA2 = 9 DATA2HEADER = 10 DATA3 = 11 DATA3HEADER = 12 DATA4 = 13 DATA4HEADER = 14 DIVIDER_PIPPED = 6 DIVIDER_SIMPLE = 5 MESSAGE = 15 TABBAR = 1 TITLE = 2 TITLE_BASELINE = 4 ZO_GAMEPAD_HEADER_DIVIDER_TEXTURE = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/gp_nav1_horDividerFlat.dds ZO_GAMEPAD_HEADER_LAYOUTS = table:00000143C3592EA8 firstTable CONTENT_HEADER_DATA_PAIRS_LINKED = 3 DATA_PAIRS_SEPARATE = 1 DATA_PAIRS_TOGETHER = 2 ZO_GAMEPAD_HEADER_TABBAR_CREATE = true ZO_GAMEPAD_HEADER_TABBAR_DONT_CREATE = false ZO_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_PREVIEW_IMAGE_TEXTURE_HEIGHT = 484.57142857143 ZO_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_PREVIEW_IMAGE_TEXTURE_WIDTH = 848 ZO_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_NAME_WIDTH = 296 ZO_GAMEPAD_HOUSING_SETTINGS_PERMISSIONS_WIDTH = 423 ZO_GAMEPAD_ICON_SELECTED_ALPHA = 1 ZO_GAMEPAD_ICON_UNSELECTED_ALPHA = 0.4 ZO_GAMEPAD_INTERACTIVE_FILTER_ARROW_PADDING = 15 ZO_GAMEPAD_INTERACTIVE_FILTER_HIGHLIGHT_PADDING = 10 ZO_GAMEPAD_INTERACTIVE_FILTER_LIST_HEADER_DOUBLE_PADDING_X = 14 ZO_GAMEPAD_INTERACTIVE_FILTER_LIST_HEADER_PADDING_X = 7 ZO_GAMEPAD_INTERACTIVE_FILTER_LIST_PRIMARY_DATA_TYPE = 1 ZO_GAMEPAD_INTERACTIVE_FILTER_LIST_ROW_HEIGHT = 80 ZO_GAMEPAD_INTERACTIVE_FILTER_LIST_SEARCH_TYPE_NAMES = 1 ZO_GAMEPAD_INTERACTIVE_FILTER_RIGHT_ALIGN_HIGHLIGHT_PADDING = 25 ZO_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_ACTION_DIALOG = GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_ACTIONS_DIALOG ZO_GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_SCENE_NAME = gamepad_inventory_root ZO_GAMEPAD_ITEM_IMPROVEMENT_DESCRIPTION_Y_OFFSET = 15 ZO_GAMEPAD_KEEP_RELEASE_DIALOG = GAMEPAD_KEEP_RELEASE_DIALOG ZO_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARD_LIST_ALLIANCE_WIDTH = 106 ZO_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARD_LIST_CHARACTER_NAME_WIDTH = 326 ZO_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARD_LIST_CLASS_WIDTH = 106 ZO_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARD_LIST_HOUSE_NAME_WIDTH = 566 ZO_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARD_LIST_POINTS_WIDTH = 156 ZO_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARD_LIST_RANK_WIDTH = 102 ZO_GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARD_LIST_USER_FACING_NAME_WIDTH = 326 ZO_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SLIDE_SCROLL_ICON = 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ZO_GAMEPAD_NEW_ICON_64 = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/Gamepad/gp_icon_new_64.dds ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BACKGROUND_HIGHLIGHT_DRAW_LEVEL = 10 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_DRAW_LEVEL = 3 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BACKGROUND_TOP_LEVEL_DRAW_LEVEL = 2 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BG_BOTTOM_COORD = 2.109375 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BG_CONTENT_DIVIDER_CENTER_OFFSET_X = 36 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BG_EDGE_VERTICAL_DIVIDER_INSIDE_PADDING_X = 5 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BG_FILE_HEIGHT = 512 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BG_FILE_WIDTH = 512 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BG_HEIGHT = 1080 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BG_LEFT = 56 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BG_SCROLL_INDICATOR_OFFSET_FOR_ARROW = 48 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BG_VERTICAL_DIVIDER_HALF_WIDTH = 4 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BG_VERTICAL_DIVIDER_WIDTH = 8 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_BG_WIDTH = 1808 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_FLOATING_CENTER_OFFSET_Y = -35.5 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_FLOATING_CENTER_QUADRANT_1_2_SHOWN = 1415 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_FLOATING_CENTER_QUADRANT_1_SHOWN = 1175 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_FLOATING_HEIGHT_DISCOUNT = 179 ZO_GAMEPAD_PANEL_FLOATING_WIDTH_QUADRANT_1_2_SHOWN = 818 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ZO_GameMenu_InGameNavigationContainerScroll = userdata:00000143B14140A8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GameMenu_InGameNavigationContainerScrollBar = userdata:00000143B1414130 (meta 00000143B1414418} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143B14143C0 (meta 000001430836A030} areaOver = false targetAlpha = 0.5 timeline = userdata:00000143B1414390 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_GameMenu_InGameNavigationContainerScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143B1414360 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GameMenu_InGameNavigationContainerScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143B1414250 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GameMenu_InGameNavigationContainerScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143B14142D8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GameMenu_InGameNavigationContainerScrollChild = userdata:00000143B14144D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GameMenu_InGame_Initialize() = function:00000143B1412778 ZO_GameMenu_Initialize() = function:000001431D7AFA68 ZO_GameMenu_OnHide() = function:00000143A0C2D628 ZO_GameMenu_OnShow() = 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Refresh() = function:00000143CFE6F478 SetAbility() = function:00000143EA935E78 SetSelected() = function:00000143CFE6F438 ZO_GamepadAlchemy = table:000001439D867990 (meta 000001439D8679D8} firstTable firstMeta GetActiveSlot() = function:000001439D868038 GetAllSlots() = function:000001439D867FB8 GetReagentSlotOffset() = function:000001439D867E78 GetSlot() = function:000001439D867FF8 Initialize() = function:000001439D867A90 InitializeInventory() = function:000001439D867CF8 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:000001439D867D38 InitializeModeList() = function:000001439D867CB8 InitializeScenes() = function:000001439D867AD0 InitializeSlots() = function:000001439D867C38 InitializeTooltip() = function:000001439D867DB8 IsItemOnWorkbench() = function:000001439D867E38 IsSelectionOnWorkbench() = function:000001439D867DF8 New() = function:000001439D867A20 OnWorkbenchUpdated() = function:000001439D867EB8 SelectMode() = function:000001439D867D78 UpdateActiveSlot() = function:000001439D867EF8 UpdateItemOnWorkbench() = function:000001439D867F38 UpdateThirdAlchemySlot() = function:000001439D867C78 UpdateTooltip() = function:000001439D867F78 __index = table:000001439D867990 (meta 000001439D8679D8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyInventory = table:000001439D868078 (meta 000001439D8680C0} firstTable firstMeta AddListDataTypes() = function:000001439D8682A0 GetControl() = function:000001439D868428 GetList() = function:000001439D868220 GetListEntryTemplate() = function:000001439D8682E8 GetTargetData() = function:000001439D8684A8 HideAllSlotDropCallouts() = function:000001439D8683A8 Initialize() = function:000001439D85F018 IsActive() = function:000001439D868468 IsLocked() = function:000001439D868260 New() = function:000001439D868108 Refresh() = function:000001439D868328 SetAlignToScreenCenter() = function:000001439D8683E8 SetOnTargetDataChangedCallback() = function:000001439D8684E8 ShowAppropriateSlotDropCallouts() = function:000001439D868368 __index = table:000001439D868078 (meta 000001439D8680C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyReagentSlot = table:000001439D8677D8 (meta 000001439D867820} firstTable firstMeta ClearTraits() = function:000001439D867948 SetTraits() = function:000001439D867898 __index = table:000001439D8677D8 (meta 000001439D867820} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevel = userdata:000001439D86A5D8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainer = userdata:000001439D86D450 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerInventory = userdata:000001439D86D798 (meta 000001439D861188} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerInventoryListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001439D86D8B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerInventoryListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:000001439D86D960 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerInventoryNoItemsLabel = userdata:000001439D86D9F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerInventoryScroll = userdata:000001439D86D820 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerMode = userdata:000001439D86D4D0 (meta 000001447D452AD0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001439D86D5E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:000001439D86D690 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeNoItemsLabel = userdata:000001439D86D718 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScroll = userdata:000001439D86D550 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate1 = userdata:000001447D4529A0 (meta 000001447D44EEC8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 cooldown = userdata:000001447D44EA90 (meta 0000014308316C08} dataIndex = 1 highlight = userdata:000001447D452438 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:000001447D4525E0 (meta 000001447D44E6E0} inCooldown = false key = 1 label = userdata:000001447D4525B0 (meta 000001447D44B0B8} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:000001447D452C88 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:000001447D44EB40 (meta 000001447D44EB98} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate1Cooldown = userdata:000001447D44EA90 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate1Icon = userdata:000001447D4525E0 (meta 000001447D44E6E0} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:000001447D44B188 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_menuIcon_create.dds ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate1IconHighlight = userdata:000001447D452438 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate1IconStackCount = userdata:000001447D452C88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate1Label = userdata:000001447D4525B0 (meta 000001447D44B0B8} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate1RootSpacer = userdata:000001447D452A48 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate1StatusIndicator = userdata:000001447D44EB40 (meta 000001447D44EB98} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:000001447D44B1F0 firstTable ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate2 = userdata:000001447D44B2E8 (meta 0000014316648158} firstMeta firstIndex 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function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:0000014316649228 firstTable templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate2Cooldown = userdata:00000143166457A0 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate2Icon = userdata:000001447D44A378 (meta 000001447D44A558} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate2IconHighlight = userdata:000001447D44A420 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate2IconStackCount = userdata:000001447D44A548 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate2Label = userdata:000001447D44B430 (meta 0000014316649140} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate2RootSpacer = userdata:000001447D44B390 (meta 000001430831E750} 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table:000001439D86BEC0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:000001439D86BF38 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 390 4 = userdata:000001439D86BD20 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:000001439D86C408 (meta 000001430831E750} 6 = userdata:000001439D86C710 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:000001439D86CEF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:000001439D86CE68 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:000001439D86D008 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 1 ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:000001439D86BC90 (meta 000001447D4504F8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:000001439D86CEF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:000001439D86CE68 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:000001439D86D008 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:000001439D86CF80 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:000001439D86D120 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:000001439D86D098 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:000001439D86D238 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:000001439D86D1B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:000001439D86C710 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:000001439D86C978 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:000001439D86CB58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:000001439D86CA18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:000001439D86C408 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:000001439D86C4A0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:000001439D86C680 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:000001439D86C540 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:000001439D86C5E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:000001439D86D2C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:000001439D86C2E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:000001439D86C378 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = 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ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerSlotCenterZO_AlchemySolventSlot_Gamepad1DropCallout = userdata:000001447D44B7A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerSlotCenterZO_AlchemySolventSlot_Gamepad1EmptySlotIcon = userdata:000001447D44B858 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerSlotCenterZO_AlchemySolventSlot_Gamepad1Glow = userdata:000001447D44B6F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerSlotCenterZO_AlchemySolventSlot_Gamepad1Icon = userdata:000001439D84D4F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerSlotCenterZO_AlchemySolventSlot_Gamepad1StackCount = userdata:000001447D44B5A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerSlotCenterZO_GamepadAlchemyCraftingSlotWithTraits1 = userdata:000001447D44C5F0 (meta 000001447D44CFF0} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelSlotContainerSlotCenterZO_GamepadAlchemyCraftingSlotWithTraits1Bg = userdata:000001447D44C808 (meta 0000014308324730} 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userdata:000001447D44DB90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelTooltip = userdata:000001439D86DB70 (meta 000001439D86E740} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelTooltipBg = userdata:000001439D86DDE8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelTooltipBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:000001439D86DF10 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelTooltipBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001439D86DE78 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelTooltipContainer = userdata:000001439D86E008 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelTooltipContainerTip = userdata:000001439D86E088 (meta 000001439D873330} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelTooltipContainerTipScroll = userdata:000001439D86E110 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelTooltipContainerTipScrollIndicator = userdata:000001439D86E400 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadAlchemyTopLevelTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChild = userdata:000001439D86E1A0 (meta 000001430831E750} 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Initialize() = function:00000143CB73E0D8 IsInDepositMode() = function:00000143CB73E280 IsInWithdrawMode() = function:00000143CB73E240 New() = function:00000143CB73E068 SetBankMode() = function:00000143CB73E118 ZO_GamepadBankInventoryList = table:00000143CB75B9A8 (meta 00000143CB75B9F0} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143CB75BAD8 New() = function:00000143CB75BA68 RefreshList() = function:00000143CB75BB18 ZO_GamepadBanking = table:00000143CB75BC00 (meta 00000143CB75BC48} firstTable firstMeta AddKeybinds() = function:00000143CB75BE38 CanTransferSelectedFunds() = function:00000143CB75C968 ClearSelectedData() = function:00000143CB75C1A0 CreateEventTable() = function:00000143CB75C928 DepositFunds() = function:00000143CB75C8A8 DoesObfuscateWithdrawAmount() = function:00000143CB75C7E8 GetDepositMoneyAmount() = function:00000143CB75C868 GetMaxBankedFunds() = function:00000143CB75C828 GetWithdrawMoneyAmount() = function:00000143CB75C260 GetWithdrawMoneyOptions() = function:00000143CB75C7A8 Initialize() = function:00000143CB756B98 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143CB75C1E0 InitializeLists() = function:00000143CB75BFE0 IsEntryDataCurrencyRelated() = function:00000143CB75C0A0 LayoutBankingEntryTooltip() = function:00000143CB75C120 New() = function:00000143CB75BC90 OnCategoryChangedCallback() = function:00000143CB75C220 OnDeferredInitialization() = function:00000143CB75BF60 OnSceneHidden() = function:00000143CB75CA28 OnSceneShowing() = function:00000143CB75BFA0 OnTargetChangedCallback() = function:00000143CB75C160 PerformWithdrawDepositFunds() = function:00000143CB75C9A8 RefreshCurrenciesList() = function:00000143CB75C020 RemoveKeybinds() = function:00000143CB75BF20 SetupItem() = function:00000143CB75C060 ShowActions() = function:00000143CB75C9E8 UpdateKeybinds() = function:00000143CB75C0E0 WithdrawFunds() = function:00000143CB75C8E8 __index = table:00000143CB75BC00 (meta 00000143CB75BC48} ZO_GamepadBankingBuyBankSpaceTopLevel = 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ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143CB75EB88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143CB75F9A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143CB75E850 (meta 00000143CB764AD8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143CB7652D0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143CB7648D0 (meta 0000014405F8D010} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143CB7653F8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CB75E850 (meta 00000143CB764AD8} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143CB765C78 firstTable dataList = table:00000143CB765A38 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143CB7653B0 firstTable ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate = table:00000143CB757D38 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CB757B68 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CB757BB0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CB757BF8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate parent = userdata:00000143CB75E8F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143C358AFC8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB764948 firstTable enabled = true entryAnchors = table:00000143CB765D88 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 hideUnselectedControls = true isMoving = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143CB765DD0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB765E40 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB765E88 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_SHOULDER 2 = table:00000143CB765F08 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CB765FF8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_SHOULDER leftIcon = userdata:00000143CB75ED78 (meta 0000014308331CA0} maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = false movementController = table:00000143CB765368 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143CB765B10 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CB765BA0 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143CB765AC8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143CB765B58 firstTable rightIcon = userdata:00000143CB75EE20 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollControl = userdata:00000143CB75E8F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143CB765BE8 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143CB765A80 firstTable universalPostPadding = 0 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143CB765CC0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143CB765C30 firstTable ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143CB75E8F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143CB75E2D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143CB75E378 (meta 00000143CB75E5B8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143CB75E388 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB75E408 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143CB75E480 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143CB75E4F8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143CB757DA0 (meta 000001430A06C858} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143CB753F08 (meta 000001430A06BDD0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143CB733AF0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001430A0739D8 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143CB760C10 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001430A086498 control = userdata:00000143CB757DA0 (meta 000001430A06C858} dirtyEvents = table:00000143CB760C58 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143CB760EE8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143CB760F78 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB760FC0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143CB760D48 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143CB760D90 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB761060 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001430A086598 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:000001430A0833E8 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143CB760710 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143CB760758 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB7607A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB765238 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143CB760AF0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CB760B90 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CB760AA8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143CB75E6A0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143CB753F08 (meta 000001430A06BDD0} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143CB74F848 firstTable dataList = table:00000143CB738AB8 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143CB75E658 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143CB75DF60 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CB74F8D8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CB74F920 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CB75DEA0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143CB753F90 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143CB7657B8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143CB765948 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143CB7651F8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143CB7650F8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143CB7651B8 m_Active = table:00000143CB765990 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143CB765030 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143CB753F90 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = 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firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143D6177F60 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143A42EB3D8 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:000001439F03EF88 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:000001439F03EFD0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F03F3E8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A42ED170 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:000001439F03F478 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D61785C8 firstTable 1() = function:000001439F03F430 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:0000014369139710 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D61704A8 (meta 000001436912EAE8} dataIndexToControl = table:0000014369125040 firstTable dataList = table:00000143A98B7FB0 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000014369138718 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate = table:000001439F025078 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014368A1C6A8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143A42E5D48 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001439F025030 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerCollectionListScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143A42EC9B8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143A42E8180 ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143A42EE490 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = 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ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerCollectionListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143A42EB3D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerCollectionListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143A42EB408 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerCollectionListScroll = userdata:00000143A42EC9B8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143D6176A18 (meta 00000143D61748F8} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143A42F6EC0 (meta 00000143A42F2160} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143A42F6EC0 (meta 00000143A42F2160} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143A42F44F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143A42F4AC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143E345FDA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143A42F1BE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143D61717C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143A42F3328 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143A42F6688 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143CCAEF740 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:0000014313217660 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143A98C9208 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143CCAEC4B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143A42EDD18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143A42F5958 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143F4564EF8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:0000014313228EC8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143A42EE080 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D6174428 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143EA5474B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143A42F7508 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143609CB100 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143CBF6A528 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143A42F3470 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D61716B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143A42EE718 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143A42EBCA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143A42F8B50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143D616FFD0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143A42F4660 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:0000014369125730 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:0000014313226D48 (meta 00000143A42F7310} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143D6175FB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6170DE8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143A42F0348 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143A42F0390 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143609CAAF0 (meta 00000144C2583C28} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143132293E0 (meta 00000143E34612F0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143CCAF0538 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143CCAEDE80 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143A42F5728 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143A42F35E0 control = userdata:00000143609CAAF0 (meta 00000144C2583C28} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143132293E0 (meta 00000143E34612F0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D6173750 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143D6173798 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143A42F55A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A42F24C8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143A42F2510 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143A42F46F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A42E6B08 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143A42E6B50 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:000001439EAB6218 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143A42EB638 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143CCAF1320 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CCAF1368 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCAF6380 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143CCAEE0D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A42F56E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCAEE090 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143A42EE168 firstTable control = userdata:00000143132293E0 (meta 00000143E34612F0} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E6C84C88 firstTable dataList = table:00000143CCAEC520 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143D6170AA0 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate = table:00000143D6173018 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143A42E6F80 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CCAF2518 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143A42F7E20 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143A42E72B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143A42F02A0 ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143A42F4208 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143A42F7248 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D6178A40 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143D6177098 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143A42E82A8 m_Active = table:00000143D61789F8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143A42E8260 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143A42E72B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143A42F02A0 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143A42F59E8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143A42F0B28 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143A42F1BF8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143A42F5880 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143A42E72B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143A42F2F40 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143A42F6A00 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143A42F4588 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143A42F11F8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143A42EC890 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143D104D3D0 m_Active = table:00000143A42F7D80 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143A42F4AD8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143A42E72B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143A42F2F40 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143CCAEFFE8 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143A42EF4F8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E345FCB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143CCAEF9C8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001439F03FA00 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143A42F42F8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143A42E6C20 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143A42E72B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143CCAF1988 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143CCAF0AD8 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143D61744F8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143A42EEBA0 firstTable ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:0000014313229528 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:000001439EAB6218 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E345FCB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143A42E72B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerSubCategory = userdata:00000143D6173080 (meta 00000143A42F4D38} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:0000014369125F80 (meta 00000143A42F5780} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143D6176EE0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143A42EF060 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143CCAF15E0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143F8BAFFC0 control = userdata:00000143D6173080 (meta 00000143A42F4D38} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A42EF780 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143A42E7CC0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143A42E7D08 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A42E7D50 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143A42F6750 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143CCAE5A40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A42F9D88 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001439F03F968 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143A42F4BF8 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143A42E79A0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143A42E8578 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A42E85C0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DFA601D0 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143A42EE0E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A42EF310 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A42EE098 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143A42F0660 firstTable control = userdata:0000014369125F80 (meta 00000143A42F5780} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143D6170440 firstTable dataList = table:00000143A42F85C8 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143A42F3548 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate = table:00000143DFA60BF8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143A42E91B8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D6173C60 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D6178900 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerSubCategoryListScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143A42F7E88 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143A42E62C8 ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143D61728A0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D6173C08 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143A42F2F00 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143A42E7950 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143A42ED480 m_Active = table:00000143A42F6C00 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D6178948 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerSubCategoryListScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143A42F7E88 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143A42E62C8 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143DFA5E670 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143A42F0B70 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143CCAF4708 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DFA5E628 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerSubCategoryListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143A42F7E88 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143A42E6280 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143A42F2D50 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143A42F2D98 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143A42F0BB8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143A42E9168 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143CCAF4750 m_Active = table:00000143D6175C98 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D6175CE0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerSubCategoryListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143A42F7E88 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143A42E6280 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143A42EFB88 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143A42EFCE8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143A42F4B40 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143A42F2460 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143A42E6C70 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143A42F25C0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143D6171820 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143A42F7E88 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143D6173ED8 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143D6174440 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143A42F8340 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143A42F7520 firstTable ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerSubCategoryList = userdata:0000014369125F80 (meta 00000143A42F5780} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerSubCategoryListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143CCAF2580 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerSubCategoryListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143A42F4BF8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerSubCategoryListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143A42F4B40 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerSubCategoryListScroll = userdata:00000143A42F7E88 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadComboBoxDropdown = table:000001436881D800 (meta 000001436881D978} firstTable firstMeta AcquireControl() = function:000001436881F2E0 AddHeight() = function:000001436881F3C8 AddItem() = function:000001436881F558 AnchorToControl() = function:000001436881F188 Clear() = function:000001436881F770 Hide() = function:000001436881F028 Initialize() = function:000001436881E640 New() = function:000001436881DD00 SetPadding() = function:000001436881E828 Show() = function:000001436881EF70 __index = table:000001436881D800 (meta 000001436881D978} ZO_GamepadContacts = userdata:0000014428087DD0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GamepadContacts_OnInitialized() = function:0000014428087FE0 ZO_GamepadCraftingIngredientBar = table:00000143D6006330 (meta 00000143D6006378} firstTable firstMeta AddDataTemplate() = function:00000143D60064B0 AddEntry() = function:00000143D60064F0 Clear() = function:00000143D6006470 Commit() = function:00000143D6006530 Initialize() = function:00000143D6006430 New() = function:00000143D60063C0 __index = table:00000143D6006330 (meta 00000143D6006378} ZO_GamepadCraftingInventory = table:0000014309E04740 (meta 0000014309E04788} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:0000014309E04A98 AddFilteredDataToList() = function:0000014309E05058 AddListDataTypes() = function:0000014309E049D8 AddVerticalScrollDataTypes() = function:0000014309E04A18 CurrentSelection() = function:0000014309E051D8 CurrentSelectionBagAndSlot() = function:0000014309E05218 Deactivate() = function:0000014309E04AD8 EnumerateInventorySlotsAndAddToScrollData() = function:0000014309E05098 GenerateCraftingInventoryEntryData() = function:0000014309E05018 GetIndividualInventorySlotsAndAddToScrollData() = function:0000014309E050D8 GetListEntryTemplate() = function:0000014309E05118 HandleVisibleDirtyEvent() = function:0000014309E04B18 Hide() = function:0000014309E05198 Initialize() = function:0000014309E04870 InitializeList() = function:0000014309E048B0 New() = function:0000014309E04800 PerformFullRefresh() = function:0000014309E04B58 SetCustomBestItemCategoryNameFunction() = function:0000014309E04F98 SetCustomExtraData() = function:0000014309E04F18 SetCustomSort() = function:0000014309E04F58 SetNoItemLabelText() = function:0000014309E04998 SetVerticalScrollCraftEntryType() = function:0000014309E04FD8 SetVerticalScrollDataTypes() = function:0000014309E04A58 Show() = function:0000014309E05158 ZO_GamepadCraftingInventory_DefaultItemSortComparator() = function:0000014309E04E98 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_AddGenericCraftingBackKeybindsToDescriptor() = function:0000014320F4D8E8 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_AddListTriggerKeybindDescriptors() = function:0000014320F4D928 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_CraftingTooltip_Gamepad_Initialize() = function:0000014320F4DCE8 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_CraftingTooltip_StandardFloatingBottomScreenResizeHandler() = function:0000014320F4DC68 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_CraftingTooltip_StandardFloatingCenterScreenResizeHandler() = function:0000014320F4DCA8 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_GetLineNameForCraftingType() = function:0000014320F4D968 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_InitializeGenericHeader() = function:0000014320F4D9A8 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_PlaySlotBounceAnimation() = function:0000014320F4DBE8 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_RefreshGenericHeader() = function:0000014320F4DA68 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_RefreshGenericHeaderData() = function:0000014320F4DAA8 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_RestoreSlotBackground() = function:0000014320F4DBA8 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_ScaleSlotBackground() = function:0000014320F4DAE8 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_SelectOptionFromOptionList() = function:0000014320F4DC28 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_SetGenericHeaderData2() = function:0000014320F4DA28 ZO_GamepadCraftingUtils_SetupGenericHeader() = function:0000014320F4D9E8 ZO_GamepadDefaultHorizontalListEntrySetup() = function:00000143063C3700 ZO_GamepadDialogBackgroundFade = userdata:00000143E0DB5968 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GamepadDialogBackgroundFadeFade = userdata:00000143E0DAD6E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadDialogBase = userdata:00000143E30A5AB8 (meta 000001432DFFED30} firstMeta firstIndex Activate() = function:00000143A429DC88 Deactivate() = function:00000143A429DDF0 OnDialogHidden() = function:00000143EA506670 OnDialogHiding() = function:000001431DA4F000 OnDialogShowing() = function:00000143B5142800 OnDialogShown() = function:000001431DA4EF80 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:00000144D64E7668 fragment = table:0000014377CE8948 (meta 0000014457A52E08} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143D72C7930 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000143D7E84D40 animationTemplate = TranslateFromLeftSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000143D72CBE88 firstTable StateChange = table:0000014368805450 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D72CA8F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014377CF47C0 3 = false control = userdata:00000143E30A5AB8 (meta 000001432DFFED30} dirtyEvents = table:0000014377CF5760 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden header = userdata:000001439F6BA648 (meta 00000143D72C5A70} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:00000143D72C9FF0 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014428AF7D20 (meta 000001430831E750} 10 = userdata:00000143A0C35490 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000143A0C355D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:00000143A0C355A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:0000014377CF5C28 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = 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function:00000143DA763148 InitializeModes() = function:00000143DA762EA0 IsCurrentSelected() = function:00000143DA7632C8 New() = function:00000143DA762E20 Remove() = function:00000143DA763288 Select() = function:00000143DA763248 SelectMode() = function:00000143DA763188 SetEnchantingMode() = function:00000143DA7631C8 UpdateExtractionSlotTexture() = function:0000014309E0CA28 UpdateSelection() = function:00000143DA763208 UpdateTooltip() = function:00000143DA763308 __index = table:00000143DA762D90 (meta 00000143DA762DD8} ZO_GamepadEnchantingInventory = table:00000143DA763348 (meta 00000143DA763390} firstTable firstMeta AddListDataTypes() = function:00000143DA763458 HideAllSlotDropCallouts() = function:00000143DA763620 Initialize() = function:00000143DA763418 IsLocked() = function:00000143DA763498 New() = function:00000143DA7633D8 Refresh() = function:00000143DA763558 ShowAppropriateSlotDropCallouts() = function:00000143DA7635E0 __index = table:00000143DA763348 (meta 00000143DA763390} 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function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:00000143DA767640 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143DA767E40 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143DA7676D0 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:00000143DA766D58 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true icon = userdata:00000143DA7669E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:00000143DA767278 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143DA767DB0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143DA767360 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 0 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:00000143DA767B68 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143DA767E88 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143DA767BF8 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:00000143DA7677F8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143DA767ED0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143DA767888 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:00000143DA7679B0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143DA767F18 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143DA767A40 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:00000143DA767D20 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143D6006570 styles = table:00000143DA767D68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FE9688 texturePool = table:00000143DA767488 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143DA767DF8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143DA767518 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} vertical = true useFadeGradient = true ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelTooltipContainerTipScroll = userdata:00000143DA766B78 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelTooltipContainerTipScrollIndicator = userdata:00000143DA766E90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChild = userdata:00000143DA766C10 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildPadding = userdata:00000143DA766DF8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltip = userdata:00000143DA766CB0 (meta 00000143DA7671D8} ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltipContents = userdata:00000143DA766D58 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelTooltipGlow = userdata:00000143DA767010 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelTooltipIcon = userdata:00000143DA7669E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelTooltipIconBurst1 = userdata:00000143DA766F10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelTooltipIconBurst2 = userdata:00000143DA766F90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadEnchanting_Initialize() = function:00000143DA763660 ZO_GamepadEntryData = table:00000143CDE62BE8 firstTable AddIcon() = function:000001431D564990 AddIconSubtype() = function:000001431392DD50 AddSubLabel() = function:000001431DA4F5D8 AddSubLabels() = function:00000143CDE6A7E0 ClearIcons() = function:00000143CDE61A08 ClearSubLabels() = function:000001431DA4F618 GetColorsBasedOnQuality() = function:0000014368830768 GetCooldownDurationMs() = function:000001431392DC90 GetCooldownTimeRemainingMs() = function:000001431392DCD0 GetIcon() = function:000001431D564950 GetNameColor() = function:00000143CDE61A48 GetNameDisabledColor() = function:0000014314B96800 GetNumIcons() = function:000001431D5648D0 GetSubLabelColor() = function:00000143CDE61AC8 GetSubLabelTemplate() = function:0000014457A2ADA0 GetSubtypeIcon() = function:000001431D564910 GetText() = function:00000144D64D8B60 Initialize() = function:00000143F74D01F0 InitializeCollectibleVisualData() = function:00000143A13135A0 InitializeCraftingInventoryVisualData() = function:00000143CDE6A860 InitializeImprovementKitVisualData() = function:00000143CDE6A820 InitializeInventoryVisualData() = function:00000144D64E83B8 InitializeItemImprovementVisualData() = function:00000143A1313560 InitializeLootVisualData() = function:000001439E1409A8 InitializeStoreVisualData() = function:00000143AA1850A8 InitializeTradingHouseVisualData() = function:00000143AA1850E8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014314B96740 IsOnCooldown() = function:000001431392DD10 New() = function:00000143EA4E84D8 SetAlphaChangeOnSelection() = function:00000144D64D8BE0 SetChannelActive() = function:0000014314B966C0 SetCooldown() = function:00000143688307A8 SetDataSource() = function:00000143688306E8 SetDisabledIconTint() = function:0000014314B967C0 SetDisabledNameColors() = function:0000014314B96780 SetEnabled() = function:0000014314B96700 SetFontScaleOnSelection() = function:00000144D64D8BA0 SetHeader() = function:00000144D64E8480 SetIconDesaturation() = function:000001431DA4F518 SetIconDisabledTintOnSelection() = function:0000014314B96840 SetIconSampleProcessingWeight() = function:000001431DA4F558 SetIconSampleProcessingWeightTable() = function:000001431DA4F598 SetIconTint() = function:0000014457A2AE20 SetIconTintOnSelection() = function:00000143CDE61A88 SetIgnoreTraitInformation() = function:0000014368830728 SetIsHiddenByWardrobe() = function:0000014314B968C0 SetLocked() = function:000001431DA4F6D8 SetMaxIconAlpha() = function:00000144D64D8C20 SetModifyTextType() = function:0000014314B96880 SetNameColors() = function:0000014457A2AD20 SetNew() = function:00000144D64E84C0 SetSelected() = function:0000014314B96680 SetShowUnselectedSublabels() = function:000001431DA4F658 SetStackCount() = function:0000014314B9A5A8 SetSubLabelColors() = function:0000014457A2AD60 SetSubLabelTemplate() = function:0000014457A2ADE0 SetText() = function:00000144D64E8500 metaTable = table:000001431392FB40 firstTable __index() = function:00000144D64D7DA0 ZO_GamepadExtractionInventory = table:00000143DDBE0CB8 (meta 00000143DDBE0D00} firstTable firstMeta GetCurrentFilterType() = function:00000143D4A78248 Initialize() = function:00000143D6AEE650 New() = function:00000143DDBE0D48 Refresh() = function:00000143D6AEE6E8 __index = table:00000143DDBE0CB8 (meta 00000143DDBE0D00} ZO_GamepadFenceComponent = table:000001431BD324C8 (meta 000001431BD32510} firstTable firstMeta ClearFooter() = function:000001431BD329E0 Confirm() = function:000001431BD328A0 HideFenceBar() = function:000001431BD329A0 Initialize() = function:000001431BD325F8 InitializeKeybindStrip() = function:000001431BD32760 New() = function:000001431BD32588 OnSelectedItemChanged() = function:000001431BD32860 OnSuccess() = function:000001431BD328E0 RefreshFooter() = function:000001431BD32920 RegisterEvents() = function:000001431BD32638 SelectItem() = function:000001431BD327A0 SetupEntry() = function:000001431BD32820 ShowFenceBar() = function:000001431BD32960 UnregisterEvents() = function:000001431BD32720 UnselectItem() = function:000001431BD327E0 ZO_GamepadFenceLaunder = table:000001431BD3B070 (meta 000001431BD3B0B8} firstTable firstMeta Confirm() = function:000001431BD3B2C8 GetRemainingLaunders() = function:000001431BD3B1E0 Initialize() = function:000001431BD3B1A0 New() = function:000001431BD3B130 OnSuccess() = function:000001431BD3B348 RefreshFooter() = function:000001431BD3B388 SetupEntry() = function:000001431BD3B308 __index = table:000001431BD3B070 (meta 000001431BD3B0B8} ZO_GamepadFenceLaunder_Initialize() = function:000001431BD3B3C8 ZO_GamepadFenceSell = table:000001431BD36B78 (meta 000001431BD36BC0} firstTable firstMeta Confirm() = function:000001431BD36DA0 GetCurrencyOptions() = function:000001431BD36EE0 GetRemainingSells() = function:000001431BD36CB8 Initialize() = function:000001431BD36C78 New() = function:000001431BD36C08 RefreshFooter() = function:000001431BD36E20 SetupEntry() = function:000001431BD36E60 __index = table:000001431BD36B78 (meta 000001431BD36BC0} ZO_GamepadFenceSell_Initialize() = function:000001431BD36EA0 ZO_GamepadFocus = table:000001431E0D1CF8 (meta 000001431E0D6B88} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:000001431392C280 AddEntry() = function:0000014313930460 ClearFocus() = function:0000014313930738 Deactivate() = function:000001431392C2C0 GetFocus() = function:00000143139306F8 GetFocusItem() = function:00000143CDE6A080 GetItem() = function:00000143CDE6A0C0 GetItemCount() = function:00000143CDE6A100 Initialize() = function:0000014377CF12C0 InitializeMovementController() = function:000001431E0CB9E8 IsActive() = function:000001431E0CB990 IsFocused() = function:0000014305C9AE68 MoveNext() = function:00000143139262F8 MovePrevious() = function:00000143139262A8 New() = function:0000014377CF1280 RemoveAllEntries() = function:000001431E0D60E0 RemoveMatchingEntries() = function:000001431E0D6098 SetActive() = function:000001431392C328 SetDirectionalInputEnabled() = function:0000014313926400 SetFocusByIndex() = function:0000014305C9AF30 SetFocusChangedCallback() = function:0000014313930800 SetFocusToFirstEntry() = function:0000014305C9AEF0 SetFocusToMatchingEntry() = function:0000014305C9AEA8 SetLeaveFocusAtBeginningCallback() = function:000001431E0CBA28 SetPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139263C0 SetSelectedIndex() = function:00000143139306B8 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:0000014313926380 __index = table:000001431E0D1CF8 (meta 000001431E0D6B88} ZO_GamepadFriendsList = userdata:000001447D44AA78 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainer = userdata:000001430A087410 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeader = userdata:00000144081AF400 (meta 000001442806E708} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143CB763170 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderData1 = userdata:000001430A05F400 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143CB7631A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143103737E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderData2Header = userdata:000001430A05F430 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderData3 = userdata:000001430A05F6F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderData3Header = userdata:0000014310373818 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderData4 = userdata:000001447D44AC10 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderData4Header = userdata:000001430A05F720 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143CB763500 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilter = userdata:000001447D44AC40 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdown = userdata:00000143CB731808 (meta 00000143DA76A7D0} firstMeta firstIndex comboBoxObject = table:000001430A068268 (meta 0000014316F496C8} m_comboBox = table:000001430A068268 (meta 0000014316F496C8} firstTable deactivatedCallback() = function:000001442806EC28 keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143ED53D3F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A065610 firstTable callback() = function:000001447D44A5F0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back visible() = function:000001430A067F10 2 = table:000001447D44A638 firstTable callback() = function:000001447D44A680 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE name = Back visible() = function:0000014310B9D1B8 3 = table:0000014316648678 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DA76B878 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:00000143DA76B8C0 4 = table:00000143DA76B900 firstTable callback() = function:00000143DA76A148 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:0000014310B9D1B8 alignment = 1 m_active = false m_container = userdata:00000143CB731808 (meta 00000143DA76A7D0} m_dropdown = table:00000143688208C0 (meta 000001436881D800} m_focus = table:00000143DA76D018 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000143CB731808 (meta 00000143DA76A7D0} data = table:00000143DA76D060 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:000001448F87C3A8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 m_font = ZoFontGamepad27 m_highlightColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_highlightFont = ZoFontGamepad36 m_highlightedIndex = 1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_itemTemplate = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_name = ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdown m_normalColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_openDropdown = userdata:00000143DA769F50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_selectedColor = table:000001442806EB98 firstTable 1 = 0.40000003576279 2 = 0.40000003576279 3 = 0.40000003576279 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000143DA769F80 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:000001430A067EC8 firstTable 1 = table:000001442806EFA8 firstTable callback() = function:000001442806EEE8 name = |t50:50:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/Gamepad/gp_social_status_online.dds|t Online 2 = table:000001442806F0D0 firstTable callback() = function:000001442806F048 name = |t50:50:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/Gamepad/gp_social_status_afk.dds|t Away 3 = table:000001442806F1F8 firstTable callback() = function:000001442806F170 name = |t50:50:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/Gamepad/gp_social_status_dnd.dds|t Do Not Disturb 4 = table:000001442806F368 firstTable callback() = function:000001442806F2E0 name = |t50:50:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/Gamepad/gp_social_status_offline.dds|t Offline m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdownOpenDropdown = userdata:00000143DA769F50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdownSelectedItemText = userdata:00000143DA769F80 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterHighlight = userdata:00000143CB7317D8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderSearchFilter = userdata:000001430A063658 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderSearchFilterHighlight = userdata:000001430A068A20 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderSearchFilterIcon = userdata:000001448F8B3888 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderSearchFilterSearch = userdata:00000143CB764D90 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderSearchFilterSearchEdit = userdata:000001447D44ECA0 (meta 000001448F8B3798} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderSearchFilterSearchEditText = userdata:000001430A0682D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000144081AF430 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerContentHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143CB7634D0 (meta 000001442806EA20} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerEmptyRow = userdata:00000143166484F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerEmptyRowMessage = userdata:00000143DA76A3F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerHeaders = userdata:000001430A068A50 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerHeadersAlliance = userdata:000001442806BD48 (meta 000001442806C118} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerHeadersAllianceName = userdata:000001442806BDD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerHeadersArrow = userdata:00000143D8F369D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerHeadersCharacterName = userdata:00000143DA76D000 (meta 0000014428086DE8} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerHeadersCharacterNameName = userdata:0000014428086D90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerHeadersClass = userdata:000001442806A370 (meta 000001442806BB08} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerHeadersClassName = userdata:000001442806A3F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerHeadersDisplayName = userdata:00000143DA76A1F8 (meta 0000014316648C30} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerHeadersDisplayNameName = userdata:000001430A05F2A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadFriendsListContainerHeadersLevel = userdata:000001442806C358 (meta 000001442806C728} 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ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:000001430A082A30 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:000001431345E620 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143207E5F00 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143E1CF8190 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:000001439D83E088 (meta 000001431345E4F8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143D6000200 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6000280 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143207E5DD8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143207E5E20 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerMain = userdata:000001431C5A57C0 (meta 000001440601C578} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerMainList = userdata:000001431C5A5848 (meta 000001440601C820} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001440601CF60 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001440601C618 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143E41C0CD8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001448F8AD9B8 control = userdata:000001431C5A57C0 (meta 000001440601C578} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:000001431C5A5848 (meta 000001440601C820} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E41C0330 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E41C0378 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E41C0408 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E41C0450 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001448F8AD5F0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001448F8AD638 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F8AD970 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001448F8ADAB8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:000001431DE80BC8 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E41C0A60 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E41C0AA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E41C0AF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E41C09E0 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143E41C0BB8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E41C0C58 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E41C0B70 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:000001440601CC28 firstTable control = userdata:000001431C5A5848 (meta 000001440601C820} dataIndexToControl = table:00000144C3047AA8 firstTable dataList = table:000001440601CCF0 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001440601CBE0 firstTable ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplate = table:000001440601C8E0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:000001448F879490 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C3047B38 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144C3047B80 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C3047BC8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143ED51E7D8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:000001440601CA70 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:000001448F879490 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C30475C8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E41C0948 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E41C0880 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E41C0908 m_Active = table:00000144C3047610 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C3047688 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143ED51E7D8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:000001440601C690 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001440601CB98 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:000001431DE80C58 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001440601CDC8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000144C30479D0 firstTable prePadding = table:000001440601CD80 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000144C3047988 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143ED51E7D8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000144C3047A18 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:000001440601CD38 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000144C3047AF0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000144C3047A60 firstTable ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143ED51E808 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:000001431DE80BC8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:000001431DE80C58 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143ED51E7D8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelRightPaneContainer = userdata:000001430A05E3C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHeader = userdata:000001430A05E450 (meta 000001430A082ED8} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:000001430A05E4E8 (meta 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00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHeaderHeaderData4 = userdata:000001430A082E80 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHeaderHeaderData4Header = userdata:000001430A082DE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHeaderHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:000001430A05E6D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHeaderHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:000001430A05E588 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHeaderHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:000001430A05E630 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelRightPaneContainerCreateGuildExplanation = userdata:000001440818DC78 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelRightPaneContainerCreateGuildExplanationScrollContainer = userdata:000001440818DD20 (meta 000001431DE831B8} firstMeta firstIndex DisableUpdateHandler() = function:0000014457A319C0 Initialize() = function:0000014457A318C8 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:0000014457A31A80 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:0000014457A31A40 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:0000014457A31AC0 OnUpdate() = function:0000014457A31B00 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:0000014457A31A00 ResetToTop() = function:0000014457A31978 animation = userdata:000001440818DFE0 (meta 000001440818E038} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001440818DD20 (meta 000001431DE831B8} directionalInputActivated = false hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:000001440818DDD0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollIndicator = userdata:000001440818DE88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollInput = 0 scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:000001440818DFB0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 ZO_GamepadGuildHubTopLevelRightPaneContainerCreateGuildExplanationScrollContainerScroll = userdata:000001440818DDD0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 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firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001440602D0E8 InitializeFooter() = function:000001440602D3D0 New() = function:000001440602D078 PerformDeferredInitialization() = function:000001440602D128 RefreshDescription() = function:000001440602D4D0 RefreshFooter() = function:000001440602D410 RefreshGuildMaster() = function:000001440602D450 RefreshHeader() = function:000001440602D390 RefreshKeepOwnership() = function:000001440602D510 RefreshMOTD() = function:000001440602D490 RefreshPrivileges() = function:000001440602D310 RefreshScreen() = function:000001440602D250 RefreshTraderOwnership() = function:000001440602D5D0 SetGuildId() = function:000001440602D290 __index = table:000001440602CFB8 (meta 000001440602D000} ZO_GamepadGuildRoster = userdata:00000143E02E1660 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainer = userdata:00000143E02E1C78 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerContentHeader = userdata:00000143E02E1CF8 (meta 00000143E02F4428} 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function:00000143E02E2C90 4 = table:00000143E02E2CD0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E02E2DC0 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:0000014310B9D1B8 alignment = 1 m_active = false m_container = userdata:00000143E02E24A0 (meta 00000143E02E27C0} m_dropdown = table:00000143688208C0 (meta 000001436881D800} m_focus = table:00000143E02E2E08 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000143E02E24A0 (meta 00000143E02E27C0} data = table:00000143E02E2E50 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:00000143E02E2FC8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 m_font = ZoFontGamepad27 m_highlightColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_highlightFont = ZoFontGamepad36 m_highlightedIndex = 1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_itemTemplate = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_name = ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdown m_normalColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_openDropdown = userdata:00000143E02E2540 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_selectedColor = table:00000143E02F4BF8 firstTable 1 = 0.40000003576279 2 = 0.40000003576279 3 = 0.40000003576279 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000143E02E25E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:00000143E02E2890 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E02DAE98 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E02F3F48 name = |t50:50:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/Gamepad/gp_social_status_online.dds|t Online 2 = table:00000143E02F1A10 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E02F1988 name = |t50:50:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/Gamepad/gp_social_status_afk.dds|t Away 3 = table:00000143E3886660 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E02E3CD8 name = |t50:50:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/Gamepad/gp_social_status_dnd.dds|t Do Not Disturb 4 = table:00000144081957A0 firstTable callback() = function:0000014408195750 name = |t50:50:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/Gamepad/gp_social_status_offline.dds|t Offline m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdownOpenDropdown = userdata:00000143E02E2540 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdownSelectedItemText = userdata:00000143E02E25E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterHighlight = userdata:00000143E02E2408 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerContentHeaderSearchFilter = userdata:00000143E02E3090 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerContentHeaderSearchFilterHighlight = userdata:00000143E02E34F0 (meta 0000014308324730} 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true maxLines = 3 ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerEmptyRow = userdata:00000143E02E4030 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerEmptyRowMessage = userdata:00000143E02E40B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerHeaders = userdata:00000143E02E3568 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerHeadersAlliance = userdata:00000143E02F2EE8 (meta 00000143E02F2FC8} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerHeadersAllianceName = userdata:00000143E02F2F70 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerHeadersArrow = userdata:00000143E02F3718 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerHeadersCharacterName = userdata:00000143E02F2588 (meta 00000143E02F2670} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerHeadersCharacterNameName = userdata:00000143E02F2618 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerHeadersClass = userdata:00000143E02F2BC8 (meta 00000143E02F2CA8} ZO_GamepadGuildRosterContainerHeadersClassName = userdata:00000143E02F2C50 (meta 00000143083425C0} 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disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:00000143E02E3568 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143E02F39B0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:00000143E02EF1D0 (meta 00000143E02F1AC0} firstMeta firstIndex highlightTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeaderHighlight initialDirection = true key = status selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E02F36B0 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:00000143E02F3918 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E02EF1D0 (meta 00000143E02F1AC0} 2 = userdata:00000143E02F1D00 (meta 00000143E02F2018} 3 = userdata:00000143E02F2260 (meta 00000143E02F2340} firstMeta firstIndex highlightTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeaderHighlight initialDirection = true key = displayName sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E02F36B0 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true 4 = userdata:00000143E02F2588 (meta 00000143E02F2670} firstMeta firstIndex highlightTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeaderHighlight initialDirection = true key = characterName sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E02F36B0 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true 5 = userdata:00000143E02F28B0 (meta 00000143E02F2988} firstMeta firstIndex highlightTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeaderHighlight initialDirection = true key = formattedZone sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E02F36B0 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true 6 = 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PerformDeferredInitialization() = function:00000143E02E1798 SetupOptions() = function:00000143E02E1958 __index = table:00000143E02E1540 (meta 00000143E02E1588} ZO_GamepadGuildRoster_Initialize() = function:00000143E02E1B98 ZO_GamepadHelpLegal = userdata:00000143D8F3A978 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GamepadHelpLegalMask = userdata:00000143D8F3AC68 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadHelpLegalMaskContainer = userdata:00000143D8F3ACE0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadHelpLegalMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143D8F3AD10 (meta 00000143D8F3C500} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143D8F3AD98 (meta 00000143D8F3CD30} ZO_GamepadHelpLegalMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143D8F3AD98 (meta 00000143D8F3CD30} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:00000143D8F3CC38 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D8F3B408 (meta 000001430831E750} 10 = userdata:00000143D8F3C138 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000143D8F3C2F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = 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ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeader_Initialize() = function:00000143D72C3160 ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterList = table:00000143D72CE158 (meta 00000143D72CE1A0} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:00000143B513D600 AddUniversalKeybind() = function:0000014346132068 CommitScrollList() = function:00000143D72C30A0 CompareSortEntries() = function:00000143D72C3060 Deactivate() = function:00000143B513D640 EntrySelectionCallback() = function:0000014346132128 FilterScrollList() = function:00000143AA17A428 GetBackKeybindCallback() = function:00000143461320A8 GetContentHeaderData() = function:00000143AA17A2E8 GetCurrentSearch() = function:00000143AA17A328 GetHeaderControl() = function:00000143AA17A2A8 GetListFragment() = function:00000143AA17A3A8 GetMasterList() = function:00000143AA17A268 HasEntries() = function:00000143AA17A368 Initialize() = function:0000014346138D38 InitializeDropdownFilter() = function:0000014346137398 InitializeFilters() = function:00000143461337D8 InitializeHeader() = function:0000014346133798 InitializeKeybinds() = function:0000014346137418 InitializeSearchFilter() = function:00000143461373D8 InitializeSortFilterList() = function:0000014346137358 IsActivated() = function:00000143B513D680 IsMatch() = function:00000143D72C30E0 MoveNext() = function:000001434613CC78 MovePrevious() = function:00000143B513D6C0 New() = function:0000014346138CC8 OnFilterDeactivated() = function:000001434613CCB8 OnHidden() = function:000001434613E610 OnHiding() = function:000001434613E5D0 OnShowing() = function:000001434613E550 OnShown() = function:000001434613E590 ProcessNames() = function:00000143D72C3120 RefreshHeader() = function:000001434613CD38 SetEmptyText() = function:000001434613CD78 SetMasterList() = function:000001434613CDB8 SetTitle() = function:000001434613CCF8 SetupFoci() = function:0000014346138D78 SetupSort() = function:00000143461320E8 SortScrollList() = function:00000143D72C3020 UpdateKeybinds() = function:00000143AA17A3E8 ZO_GamepadInventory = table:000001437792DBE8 (meta 000001437792DC30} firstTable firstMeta ActivateHeader() = function:00000144C305D510 AddFilteredBackpackCategoryIfPopulated() = function:00000143EC402DF0 AddKeybinds() = function:00000143A0220CF8 ClearActiveKeybinds() = function:00000143F9A09670 ClearSelectedInventoryData() = function:00000144C305E5D8 DeactivateHeader() = function:00000144C305D550 GenerateItemSlotData() = function:00000143F99FC8D0 GetNumSlots() = function:0000014314CDDBC8 Initialize() = function:00000143BC86DED0 InitializeCategoryList() = function:00000143F3AB35C0 InitializeConfirmDestroyDialog() = function:000001440FCBE4D0 InitializeCraftBagList() = function:00000143F99FC910 InitializeHeader() = function:000001440FCBD7E8 InitializeItemActions() = function:00000143F9A096F0 InitializeItemList() = function:000001439D79C930 InitializeKeybindStrip() = function:00000143A0220C70 InitializeSplitStackDialog() = function:000001440FCBE510 IsClearNewItemActuallyNew() = function:0000014314CF5108 IsItemListEmpty() = function:0000014314CDDB48 LayoutCraftBagTooltip() = function:00000143F99F8458 MarkDirty() = function:00000143F3AC1AF8 MarkSelectedItemAsNotNew() = function:00000144C305D590 New() = function:000001437792DCA8 OnActionsDialogFinished() = function:000001440FCBE550 OnDeferredInitialize() = function:00000144C8059E10 OnInventoryShown() = function:00000144C80619B0 OnStateChanged() = function:00000143CE3F1F70 OnUpdate() = function:00000143BC8639B0 PrepareNextClearNewStatus() = function:00000143EC4001F0 RefreshActiveKeybinds() = function:00000143F9A096B0 RefreshCategoryList() = function:00000143EC402E30 RefreshCraftBagList() = function:00000143F99F8418 RefreshHeader() = function:00000143F99F8498 RefreshItemActions() = function:00000143F9A09730 RefreshItemList() = function:00000143F99FC848 RemoveKeybinds() = function:00000143A0220CB8 Select() = function:0000014314CF5208 SetActiveKeybinds() = function:00000143A0220D38 SetSelectedInventoryData() = function:00000144C305E590 SetSelectedItemUniqueId() = function:00000144C305E550 ShowActions() = function:0000014314CF5290 ShowQuickslot() = function:0000014314CF5250 SwitchActiveList() = function:00000144C80619F0 TryClearNewStatus() = function:00000143EC400170 TryClearNewStatusOnHidden() = function:00000143EC4001B0 TryEquipItem() = function:00000144C305D4D0 TrySetClearNewFlag() = function:0000014314CF5148 UpdateCategoryLeftTooltip() = function:00000144C305E618 UpdateItemLeftTooltip() = function:00000144CCF74C90 UpdateRightTooltip() = function:0000014314CF5188 UpdateTooltipEquippedIndicatorText() = function:0000014314CF51C8 __index = table:000001437792DBE8 (meta 000001437792DC30} ZO_GamepadInventoryList = table:00000144C79C59A8 (meta 00000144C79C59F0} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:000001431D989B80 AddInventoryType() = function:00000144C79C5C80 AddSlotDataToTable() = function:00000144C79B85B8 ClearInventoryTypes() = function:00000144C79C5B98 ClearList() = function:00000144C79B9240 Deactivate() = function:000001431D989BC0 GenerateSlotTable() = function:00000144C79B85F8 GetControl() = function:00000144C79B8778 GetParametricList() = function:000001431D986F08 GetTargetData() = function:000001431D986EC8 Initialize() = function:00000144C79C5AD8 IsActive() = function:00000144C79B91C0 IsEmpty() = function:000001436139F608 MoveNext() = function:000001431D986F48 MovePrevious() = function:000001431D986F88 New() = function:00000144C79C5A68 RefreshList() = function:00000144C79B8678 RefreshVisible() = function:00000144C79B86B8 RemoveOnSelectedDataChangedCallback() = function:00000144C79C38F8 RemoveOnTargetDataChangedCallback() = function:00000144C79C5BD8 SetAlignToScreenCenter() = function:00000144C79B8738 SetCategorizationFunction() = function:00000144C79C5C18 SetDirectionalInputEnabled() = function:00000144C79B86F8 SetEntrySetupCallback() = function:00000144D54548E0 SetFirstIndexSelected() = function:000001436139F688 SetItemFilterFunction() = function:00000144D5454920 SetLastIndexSelected() = function:00000143F4202F88 SetNextSelectedDataByEval() = function:00000143F4203008 SetNoItemText() = function:00000144C79B9200 SetOnSelectedDataChangedCallback() = function:00000144C79C6120 SetOnTargetDataChangedCallback() = function:00000143F420A9D0 SetPreviousSelectedDataByEval() = function:00000143F4202FC8 SetSelectedIndex() = function:00000143F4203048 SetSortFunction() = function:00000144D54548A0 SetUseTriggers() = function:00000144D5454960 SetupItemEntry() = function:000001431D989C00 __index = table:00000144C79C59A8 (meta 00000144C79C59F0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevel = userdata:00000143EC400290 (meta 00000143B32528B0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMask = userdata:00000144C804FF20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainer = userdata:00000144C804FFA0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000144C804FFD0 (meta 00000143B3251CA8} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000144C8050060 (meta 00000143B3251148} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000144C8050060 (meta 00000143B3251148} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143F9A0AEB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143F9A0AE18 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143F9A0AFE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143F9A0AF50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143F9A0B120 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143F9A0B088 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143F9A0A2B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143F9A0B1C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:0000014309DCF370 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143F9A09E60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143F9A0A070 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143F9A09F10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143F9A09FC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:0000014309DCF418 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:0000014309DCF568 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143F9A0A120 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143F9A0AD78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143F9A0A1D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143F9A0A280 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:0000014309DCF4C0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000144083D7AF0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000144083D77E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:0000014309DCF2D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E135E4C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:0000014309DCF220 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143B3250848 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000144083D79B0 (meta 00000143B32513F0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143B32518F0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143B32511E8 (meta 0000014405F8D010} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143B3251348 firstTable control = userdata:00000144083D79B0 (meta 00000143B32513F0} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143B324B490 firstTable dataList = table:00000143B32515C0 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143B3251300 firstTable ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate = table:00000143B32494D8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B324B930 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B3249178 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B32491C0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate parent = userdata:00000144083D7A50 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143C358AFC8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143B3251260 firstTable enabled = true entryAnchors = table:00000143B324B5A0 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 hideUnselectedControls = true isMoving = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143B324B5E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B324B630 firstTable callback() = function:00000143B324B720 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_SHOULDER 2 = table:00000143B324B7A0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143B324B890 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_SHOULDER leftIcon = userdata:0000014309DCF418 (meta 0000014308331CA0} maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = false movementController = table:00000143B3251988 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143B3251698 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143B3251480 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143B3251650 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143B3251438 firstTable rightIcon = userdata:0000014309DCF4C0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollControl = userdata:00000144083D7A50 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143B32514C8 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143B3251608 firstTable universalPostPadding = 0 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143B324B4D8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143B3251510 firstTable ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000144083D7A50 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143E135E170 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143E135E218 (meta 00000143E135E458} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143E135E228 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E135E2A8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143E135E320 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143E135E398 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143B3249318 (meta 00000143DB1F5BB0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143B32493A0 (meta 00000143DB1F5E88} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143DB1F65C8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143DB1F5C80 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143B3249758 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143B324A168 control = userdata:00000143B3249318 (meta 00000143DB1F5BB0} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143B32493A0 (meta 00000143DB1F5E88} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B32497A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143B3249A30 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143B3249D48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B3249D90 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143B3249F08 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143B324A080 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B324A120 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143B324A268 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143DB1F5AC8 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143134BD238 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143134BD280 firstTable 1 = table:00000143134BD2C8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014309DD3948 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143134BD390 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B32496D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143134BD348 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143DB1F5D98 firstTable control = userdata:00000143B32493A0 (meta 00000143DB1F5E88} dataIndexToControl = table:0000014309DD43A8 firstTable dataList = table:00000143DB1F6238 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143DB1F66A8 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:0000014309DD47D0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014309DD4438 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014309DD4480 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014309DD44C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143B3249430 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:0000014309DD4818 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014309DD4658 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014309DD38B0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143134BD6F8 customResetBehavior() = function:0000014309DD46E8 m_Active = table:0000014309DD46A0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014309DD3868 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143B3249430 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143DB1F5CF8 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143DB1F6660 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143DB1F5B58 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143DB1F6310 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143DB1F63A0 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143DB1F62C8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143DB1F6358 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143B3249430 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143DB1F63E8 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143DB1F6280 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:0000014309DD43F0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143DB1F6430 firstTable ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143B3251E08 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143DB1F5AC8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143DB1F5B58 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143B3249430 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadInventory_DefaultItemSortComparator() = function:00000144CCF65520 ZO_GamepadInventory_OnInitialize() = function:0000014314CF52D0 ZO_GamepadItemSlot_UpdateCooldowns() = function:000001439FADD950 ZO_GamepadLabeledQuantitySpinnerContainerTemplate_Initialize() = function:00000143D9612200 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateParametricListFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate_GetAlpha() = function:00000143063C4578 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate_Setup() = function:00000143063C45F8 ZO_GamepadMenuHeaderTemplate_OnInitialized() = function:00000143F1188780 ZO_GamepadMenuHeaderTemplate_Setup() = function:00000143063C3458 ZO_GamepadMenuSoundFragment = table:0000014313924700 (meta 0000014313924748} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:0000014313924998 New() = function:0000014313924790 Show() = function:00000143139248C0 __index = table:0000014313924700 (meta 0000014313924748} ZO_GamepadNotifications = userdata:00000143132184F0 (meta 0000014313226EF0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMask = userdata:0000014313219090 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainer = userdata:0000014313219108 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:0000014313219138 (meta 000001431321A830} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:0000014313219168 (meta 0000014313228E08} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:0000014313219168 (meta 0000014313228E08} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:000001431321A3B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:000001431321A318 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:000001431321A4E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:000001431321A448 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:000001431321A610 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:000001431321A578 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:000001431321A740 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:000001431321A6A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:0000014313219AD0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:0000014313219DC0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:0000014313219FC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:0000014313219E68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:0000014313219F18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:0000014313219B78 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:0000014313219D18 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:000001431321A070 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:000001431321A280 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:000001431321A120 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:000001431321A1D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:0000014313219C20 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:0000014313219798 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:0000014313219838 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:0000014313219A30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143132198E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:0000014313219988 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:000001431321A7D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:0000014313219660 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143132196F8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:0000014313219208 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143132192A8 (meta 00000143132194E8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143132192B8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014313219338 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143132193B0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:0000014313219428 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 390 ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMain = userdata:0000014313228FE8 (meta 00000143132292A8} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainList = userdata:0000014313229068 (meta 0000014313229580} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:0000014313229798 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:0000014313229378 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000144C257F178 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000144C257FA78 control = userdata:0000014313228FE8 (meta 00000143132292A8} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:0000014313229068 (meta 0000014313229580} dirtyEvents = table:00000144C257F1C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000144C257F450 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000144C257F768 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C257F7B0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000144C257F8F8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000144C257F9E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C257FA30 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000144C257FB78 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143132291C0 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000144C257EF00 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000144C257EF48 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C257EF90 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C257EE80 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000144C257F058 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C257F0F8 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C257F010 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143132298C0 firstTable control = userdata:0000014313229068 (meta 0000014313229580} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143ECFF72B0 firstTable dataList = table:00000143ECFF7070 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000014313229878 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000144C257EE38 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C257EA68 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143ECFF76E8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C257EAF8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadNotificationsAlertRow = table:00000144C257DD18 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C257D940 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143ECFF7778 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C257D9D0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsAlertRow parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsAlertRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229FF0 ZO_GamepadNotificationsAlertRowWithHeader = table:00000144C257E2B8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C257E300 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000144C257EA28 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000144C257E928 customResetBehavior() = function:00000144C257E9E8 m_Active = table:00000143ECFF76A0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C257E390 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsAlertRowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsAlertRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229FF0 ZO_GamepadNotificationsCollectibleRow = table:00000143A0A59B60 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143DFA67EC0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143ECFF7808 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DFA67058 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsCollectibleRow parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsCollectibleRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsCollectibleRowWithHeader = table:00000143A0A59C00 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143DFA646C0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143A0A586F8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143DFA65658 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143A0A55C60 m_Active = table:00000143ECFF7538 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DFA64750 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsCollectibleRowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsCollectibleRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsEsoPlusSubscriptionRow = table:00000143A0A67D30 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143132149F8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143ECFF73D0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143A0A688D8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsEsoPlusSubscriptionRow parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsEsoPlusSubscriptionRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsEsoPlusSubscriptionRowWithHeader = table:00000143132149A0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014313213860 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143DFA67E80 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143DFA67DF8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143DFA644C8 m_Active = table:00000143ECFF7340 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143132138F0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsEsoPlusSubscriptionRowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsEsoPlusSubscriptionRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsLFGFindReplacementRow = table:00000144C25888F0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143A0A58738 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143ECFF7658 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143A0A55780 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsLFGFindReplacementRow parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsLFGFindReplacementRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsLFGFindReplacementRowWithHeader = table:00000143A0A55828 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014313226C50 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143A0A64618 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143609B1670 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143A0A645D8 m_Active = table:00000143ECFF7388 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014313226CE0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsLFGFindReplacementRowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsLFGFindReplacementRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsLFGReadyCheckRow = table:00000144C257C238 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C257BE58 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143ECFF7418 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C257BEE8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsLFGReadyCheckRow parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsLFGReadyCheckRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsLFGReadyCheckRowWithHeader = table:00000144C257C2D8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C257C468 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000144C257CB98 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000144C257CA98 customResetBehavior() = function:00000144C257CB58 m_Active = table:00000143ECFF7610 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C257C4F8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsLFGReadyCheckRowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsLFGReadyCheckRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsLeaderboardRow = table:000001431322A190 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001431322A038 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143ECFF75C8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431322A0C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsLeaderboardRow parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsLeaderboardRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsLeaderboardRowWithHeader = table:000001431322A230 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001431322A278 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014313214960 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143A0A5C430 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143132294C8 m_Active = table:00000143ECFF7850 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431322A308 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsLeaderboardRowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsLeaderboardRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsRequestRow = table:0000014313228D60 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143A0A64658 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143ECFF74A8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C2589DA0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsRequestRow parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsRequestRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsRequestRowWithHeader = table:00000144C2589DE8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C2589E30 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000144C257B0B0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000144C257AFE8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000144C257B070 m_Active = table:00000143ECFF7460 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C257AA50 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsRequestRowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsRequestRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsWaitingRow = table:00000144C257CFB0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C257CBD8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143ECFF7730 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C257CC68 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsWaitingRow parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsWaitingRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229FA8 ZO_GamepadNotificationsWaitingRowWithHeader = table:00000144C257D048 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C257D1D8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000144C257D900 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000144C257D800 customResetBehavior() = function:00000144C257D8C0 m_Active = table:00000143ECFF77C0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C257D268 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsWaitingRowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsWaitingRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229FA8 ZO_GamepadNotificationsYesNoRow = table:00000144C257B4C8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C257B0F0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143ECFF7580 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C257B180 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsYesNoRow parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsYesNoRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 ZO_GamepadNotificationsYesNoRowWithHeader = table:00000144C257B560 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C257B6F0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000144C257BE18 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000144C257BD18 customResetBehavior() = function:00000144C257BDD8 m_Active = table:00000143ECFF74F0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C257B780 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNotificationsYesNoRowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNotificationsYesNoRow setupFunction() = function:0000014313229C58 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143132293F0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:0000014313229830 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:0000014313229250 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143ECFF7148 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143ECFF71D8 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143ECFF7100 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143ECFF7190 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143ECFF7220 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143ECFF70B8 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143ECFF72F8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143ECFF7268 firstTable ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:0000014313229190 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143132291C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:0000014313229250 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadNotificationsMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143132290F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadNotifications_OnInitialized() = function:0000014313218F70 ZO_GamepadOnDefaultActivatedChanged() = function:00000143F11885B8 ZO_GamepadOnDefaultScrollListActivatedChanged() = function:00000143F11885F8 ZO_GamepadOptions = table:00000143F74D0B20 (meta 00000143F74D0B68} firstTable firstMeta AddCategory() = function:0000014314B9B258 AddSettingGroup() = function:000001431DA63C28 DeactivateSelectedControl() = function:00000143063BC750 GetButtonTextureInfoFromActionName() = function:000001439F6B62F8 HasInfoPanel() = function:00000143A0C33B38 Initialize() = function:00000143F74D0BF8 InitializeControl() = function:00000143C3592C90 InitializeGamepadInfoPanelTable() = function:00000143C358E910 InitializeHeader() = function:00000143A0C2C0B0 InitializeKeybindStrip() = function:00000143A0C33AF8 InitializeOptionsLists() = function:00000143B2B5D3B0 InitializeScenes() = function:00000143F74D0C40 IsAtRoot() = function:00000143C358E8C8 LoadDefaults() = function:0000014457A44C40 LoadPanelDefaults() = function:0000014310BB90B8 New() = function:00000143F1185A28 OnDeferredInitialize() = function:00000143CDE652F0 OnOptionWithDependenciesChanged() = function:00000143F74D0C88 OnSelectionChanged() = function:00000143C358C430 PerformUpdate() = function:00000143C358E970 RefreshCategoryList() = function:0000014428AF5268 RefreshGamepadInfoPanel() = function:000001432E005488 RefreshHeader() = function:00000144D64DC318 RefreshOptionsList() = function:0000014316798E00 Select() = function:00000143063BF8A0 SetGamepadOptionsInputBlocked() = function:0000014457A45288 SetupList() = function:000001431DA019E0 SetupOptionsList() = function:000001431DA01A20 __index = table:00000143F74D0B20 (meta 00000143F74D0B68} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevel = userdata:00000143F74D0CE8 (meta 0000014310BC7E58} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanel = userdata:00000143E983E4E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomLeft = userdata:0000014313931BB8 (meta 000001431E0CDAF8} firstMeta firstIndex alignment = 128 ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomLeftLabel1 = userdata:00000143D72C81F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomLeftLabel1Background = userdata:00000143D72C8288 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomLeftLabel2 = userdata:00000143D72C8310 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomLeftLabel2Background = userdata:00000143D72C83A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomLeftLabel3 = userdata:00000143D72C8428 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomLeftLabel3Background = userdata:000001431E0CD988 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomLeftLabel4 = userdata:000001431E0CDA10 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomLeftLabel4Background = userdata:000001431E0CDAA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomRight = userdata:000001431E0CD558 (meta 000001439D3053C0} firstMeta firstIndex alignment = 128 ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomRightLabel1 = userdata:000001431E0CD5E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomRightLabel1Background = userdata:000001431E0CD670 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomRightLabel2 = userdata:000001431E0CD6F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomRightLabel2Background = userdata:000001431E0CD788 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomRightLabel3 = userdata:000001439D3051C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomRightLabel3Background = userdata:000001439D305250 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomRightLabel4 = userdata:000001439D3052D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadOptionsTopLevelInfoPanelBottomRightLabel4Background = userdata:000001439D305368 (meta 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ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainer = userdata:0000014310364B60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:0000014310364B90 (meta 0000014310366318} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:0000014310364C28 (meta 0000014310373880} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:0000014310364C28 (meta 0000014310373880} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:0000014310365E78 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:0000014310365DE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:0000014310365FB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:0000014310365F18 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143103660E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:0000014310366050 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:0000014310366220 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:0000014310366188 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143103655C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:0000014310365868 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:0000014310365A78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:0000014310365918 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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userdata:0000014310373AC0 (meta 0000014310374068} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:0000014310374298 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:0000014310373E60 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:0000014310374C08 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143103750C0 control = userdata:0000014310373940 (meta 0000014310373D90} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:0000014310373AC0 (meta 0000014310374068} dirtyEvents = table:0000014310374C80 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000014310374CC8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000014310374D58 firstTable 1 = table:0000014310374DD0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:0000014310374E38 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000014310374FD8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014310375078 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143103751C0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:0000014310373CA0 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:0000014310374940 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:0000014310374988 firstTable 1 = table:0000014310374A00 firstTable 1() = function:00000143103748F8 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:0000014310374AC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014310374B68 firstTable 1() = function:0000014310374A80 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143103743C0 firstTable control = userdata:0000014310373AC0 (meta 0000014310374068} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143103746C8 firstTable dataList = table:0000014310374488 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000014310374378 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate = table:00000143103748B0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014310374758 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143103747A0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143103747E8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate parent = userdata:0000014310373B50 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:0000014310373ED8 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:0000014310374330 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:0000014310373D38 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:0000014310374560 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143103745F0 firstTable prePadding = table:0000014310374518 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143103745A8 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:0000014310373B50 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:0000014310374638 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143103744D0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:0000014310374710 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:0000014310374680 firstTable ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:0000014310373BF0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:0000014310373CA0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:0000014310373D38 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:0000014310373B50 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelQuickslot = userdata:0000014310372888 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelQuickslotAssign = userdata:0000014310372908 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelQuickslotRadial = userdata:0000014310372A18 (meta 000001430831E750} 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ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHeaderHeaderData4 = userdata:0000014310371DA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHeaderHeaderData4Header = userdata:0000014310371D08 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHeaderHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:0000014310371800 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHeaderHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143103716B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHeaderHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:0000014310371758 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelRightPaneContainerFooter = userdata:0000014310371F48 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelRightPaneContainerFooterNextButton = userdata:0000014310372450 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelRightPaneContainerFooterPageNumberText = userdata:0000014310371FE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 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ZO_GamepadPlayerProgressBarNameLocationFragmentControlLocation = userdata:000001431D980848 (meta 000001431D9822B8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:000001431D981FC0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D982040 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad42 lineLimit = 1 2 = table:000001431D9820E0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 lineLimit = 1 3 = table:000001431D982180 firstTable dontUseForAdjusting = true font = ZoFontGamepad34 lineLimit = 1 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 ZO_GamepadPlayerProgressBarNameLocationFragmentControlLocationHeader = userdata:000001431D9823E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerProgressBarNameLocationFragmentControlUserName = userdata:000001431D982478 (meta 000001431D982780} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:000001431D982488 firstTable 1 = table:000001431D982508 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad42 lineLimit = 1 2 = table:000001431D9825A8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 lineLimit = 1 3 = table:000001431D982648 firstTable dontUseForAdjusting = true font = ZoFontGamepad34 lineLimit = 1 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 ZO_GamepadPlayerProgressBarNameLocationFragmentControlUserNameHeader = userdata:000001431D9828A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadPlayerProgressBarNameLocation_OnInitialized() = function:000001431D97F0D0 ZO_GamepadProvisioner = table:0000014309E02580 (meta 0000014309E027E8} firstTable firstMeta BuildOptionList() = function:0000014309E03F90 ConfigureFromSettings() = function:0000014309E03668 Create() = function:0000014309E05BE8 EMBEDDED_SETTINGS = table:0000014309E03108 firstTable tabs = table:00000143D5FF74C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FF51F0 EmbedInCraftingScene() = function:0000014309E03990 Initialize() = function:00000143DA749B98 InitializeDetails() = function:0000014309E04188 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:000001447D43C4D8 InitializeOptionList() = function:0000014309E03DD8 InitializeRecipeList() = function:0000014309E03BF8 InitializeSettings() = function:0000014309E03308 IsCraftable() = function:0000014309E05A88 New() = function:0000014309E02B08 OnTabFilterChanged() = function:0000014309E05258 PROVISIONING_SETTINGS = table:0000014309E02F00 RefreshOptionList() = function:0000014309E05878 RefreshRecipeDetails() = function:0000014309E05700 RefreshRecipeList() = function:00000143DA749D18 SaveFilters() = function:00000143DA749C90 SelectOption() = function:0000014309E05948 SetDefaultProvisioningSettings() = function:0000014309E03798 SetDetailsEnabled() = function:0000014309E043F8 ShouldShowForControlScheme() = function:0000014309E02D58 ShowOptions() = function:0000014309E03AA0 TogglePreviewMode() = function:0000014309E052E0 __index = table:0000014309E02580 (meta 0000014309E027E8} ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevel = userdata:00000143DA74A8B0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainer = userdata:00000143DA74C050 (meta 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table:00000143E1CF56B0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1CF4D18 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E1CF4FD8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1CF5218 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerOptionsListScrollZO_GamepadLeftCheckboxOptionTemplate parent = userdata:00000143DA74C4E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadLeftCheckboxOptionTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143D9611CD8 ZO_GamepadLeftCheckboxOptionTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E1CF59C0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1CF5B50 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143EA931810 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143DA74E648 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E1D1D1F8 m_Active = table:00000143E1CF6228 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1CF6D70 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerOptionsListScrollZO_GamepadLeftCheckboxOptionTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143DA74C4E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadLeftCheckboxOptionTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143D9611CD8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143D5FF7BC0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143EA922FC0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143DA74C640 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E1CF2C60 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E1CF42B8 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143E1CF0120 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E1CF41A0 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143DA74C4E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E1CF4488 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143E1CEF810 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143E1CF4BB0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E1CF46F8 firstTable ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerOptionsListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143DA74C580 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerOptionsListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143DA74C5B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerOptionsListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143DA74C640 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerOptionsListScroll = userdata:00000143DA74C4E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerRecipe = userdata:00000143DA74C0D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerRecipeList = userdata:00000143DA74C158 (meta 00000143E1D08E80} ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerRecipeListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143DA74C288 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerRecipeListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143DA74C2B8 (meta 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firstTable firstMeta HideScene() = function:0000014369137658 Initialize() = function:00000144CCF5F928 InitializeHeader() = function:00000143CBBA0EE0 InitializeKeybindStrip() = function:00000143CBBA47C0 New() = function:00000144CCF5F830 OnSelectionChanged() = function:00000144CCF62018 PerformDeferredInitialization() = function:00000143CBBA5CF0 PopulateMenu() = function:000001439F488B30 RefreshHeader() = function:00000143DFA56AA8 RefreshQuickslotMenu() = function:000001439F48A930 ResetActiveIcon() = function:00000143FC331F80 SetCollectibleToQuickslot() = function:00000143CBBA3458 SetItemToQuickslot() = function:00000144C102DE70 ShowQuickslotMenu() = function:000001439F488AE0 TryAssignItemToSlot() = function:0000014314DD7968 __index = table:00000144CCF636A0 (meta 00000144CCF60E20} ZO_GamepadQuickslotCooldownSetup() = function:000001439D7A7F78 ZO_GamepadQuickslotToplevel = userdata:00000144CCF5ED40 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GamepadQuickslotToplevelContainer = userdata:00000143E137F548 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userdata:00000143D766C190 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143D766C0F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143D766B9F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:0000014406013D70 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000144060133F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:0000014406012F90 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D766CC98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D766CB38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:0000014406012E48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:0000014406013678 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:0000014406013D40 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:0000014406013358 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:0000014406013208 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000144060132B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143D766BA90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000144060137C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:0000014406013860 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:0000014406013FF8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:0000014406014098 (meta 0000014406013C08} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000144060140A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014406014128 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:0000014406013AD0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:0000014406013B48 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143D76687E8 (meta 00000143D7666A10} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143D76672A8 (meta 00000143D76665F8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143D7665FC8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143D76663F0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000144C3031DD0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143F1935E68 control = userdata:00000143D76687E8 (meta 00000143D7666A10} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143D76672A8 (meta 00000143D76665F8} dirtyEvents = table:00000144C3031E18 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000144C3031718 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000144C3031760 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C30317A8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000144C30315D0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000144C3031618 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C30316B8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143F1935F68 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143D7666928 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000144C30327B8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000144C3032800 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C3032848 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C3032738 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000144C3031CB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C3031D50 firstTable 1() = function:00000144C3031C68 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143D7666060 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D76672A8 (meta 00000143D76665F8} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143D7662BD0 firstTable dataList = table:00000143D7666128 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143D7663220 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143207E1020 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D7662C60 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E1D29018 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D29060 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143D7667330 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E1D29268 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144C3032C50 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000144C3032D68 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000144C3032950 customResetBehavior() = function:00000144C3032D28 m_Active = table:00000144C3032C98 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C3032CE0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143D7667330 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143D7666468 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143D7666568 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143D76669B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143D7662A68 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143D7662AF8 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143D7662A20 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143D7662AB0 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143D7667330 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143D7662B40 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143D76629D8 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143D7662C18 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143D7662B88 firstTable ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143D7667360 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143D7666928 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143D76669B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143D7667330 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfo = userdata:00000143166825C8 (meta 00000144060147C0} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoName = userdata:0000014406014768 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoRank = userdata:0000014406014F98 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBar = userdata:0000014316682648 (meta 0000014406014E60} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:0000014316682678 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarBG = userdata:0000014406016408 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarBGLeft = userdata:0000014406016488 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarBGMiddle = userdata:0000014406016590 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarBGRight = userdata:0000014406016508 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarGloss = userdata:0000014316682678 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarGlowContainer = userdata:00000144060153B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarGlowContainerCenter = userdata:0000014406014E08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarGlowContainerLeft = userdata:000001440601A298 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarGlowContainerRight = userdata:0000014406014D78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarOverlay = userdata:00000144060165C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarOverlayLeft = userdata:0000014406015220 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarOverlayMiddle = userdata:0000014406015330 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelSkillInfoXPBarOverlayRight = userdata:00000144060152A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSkills_OnInitialize() = function:00000143F1929838 ZO_GamepadSlider = table:00000143167A07C8 firstTable Activate() = function:00000143167A0850 Deactivate() = function:00000143167A0890 Initialize() = function:00000143167A0810 MoveLeft() = function:00000143D819E658 MoveRight() = function:00000143D819E698 SetActive() = function:00000143D819E700 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:000001432E00BFE0 ZO_GamepadSlider_OnInitialized() = function:0000014457A30DF8 ZO_GamepadSlider_OnValueChanged() = function:0000014457A30E38 ZO_GamepadSmithingCreation = table:0000014320F664D8 (meta 00000143DDBD4728} firstTable firstMeta ActivateMaterialQuantitySpinner() = function:00000143F1932948 AddCheckedStateToOption() = function:000001447D458B00 GenerateTabBarEntries() = function:00000143F98E0020 GetPlatformFormattedTextString() = function:000001440600EC08 Initialize() = function:00000143D8F477C8 InitializeFocusItems() = function:00000143134AB300 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:0000014309E229A8 InitializeOptionList() = function:00000143D6B12158 New() = function:00000143DDBD47C0 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143143A7520 OnStyleChanged() = function:00000144060198D0 PerformDeferredInitialization() = function:00000143D8F47860 RefreshAvailableFilters() = function:00000143F98E00A0 RefreshFilters() = function:00000143D600BE60 RefreshOptionList() = function:000001447D458C10 RefreshScrollPanel() = function:00000143143A7560 RefreshTooltips() = function:00000143134AB2B8 SelectOption() = function:00000143D600BE20 SetLabelHidden() = function:00000143EA93FAF8 SetupListActivationFunctions() = function:00000143DB1F5370 SetupOptionData() = function:000001447D458B80 SetupResultTooltip() = function:00000143D600BEB0 SetupSavedVars() = function:00000143D6B12228 SetupScrollPanel() = function:00000143134AB380 SetupTabBar() = function:00000143F98E0060 ShowOptions() = function:000001447D458B40 UpdateBorderHighlight() = function:000001440601B9C8 UpdateOptionLeftTooltip() = function:00000143D6B121D8 UpdateScrollPanel() = function:000001440601B948 UpdateUniversalStyleItemInfo() = function:000001440601BA08 __index = table:0000014320F664D8 (meta 00000143DDBD4728} ZO_GamepadSmithingExtraction = table:0000014313451C30 (meta 0000014313451C78} firstTable firstMeta AddEntry() = function:0000014313479628 AddItemToCraft() = function:00000143D4A721E8 AddKeybinds() = function:00000143D5FE1B78 ChangeMode() = function:0000014313451D30 ConfirmRefineOrDestroy() = function:00000143D4A72268 HasEnoughToRefine() = function:00000143D4A722A8 Initialize() = function:00000143D8F23E18 InitializeInventory() = function:0000014313479580 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143D5FE1B38 IsCurrentSelected() = function:00000143134795C0 New() = function:0000014313451CF0 RemoveItemFromCraft() = function:00000143D4A72228 RemoveKeybinds() = function:00000143D5FE1BB8 SetCraftingType() = function:00000143D4A72918 ShowItemActions() = function:00000143D5FE1BF8 UpdateEmptySlotIcon() = function:00000143D4A78370 UpdateSelection() = function:00000143D4A782E8 __index = table:0000014313451C30 (meta 0000014313451C78} ZO_GamepadSmithingImprovement = table:00000143D600A0F0 (meta 00000143DB1CD810} firstTable firstMeta AddEntry() = function:00000143F442B220 AddItemToCraft() = function:00000143DDBE4DD8 AddKeybinds() = function:00000143F1941E00 CanImprove() = function:00000143EC9495A8 ChangeMode() = function:0000014313F55B00 ClearBoosterRowHighlight() = function:00000143EA935F08 ColorizeText() = function:00000143EA93EB90 ConfirmImprove() = function:00000143EC949430 EnableQualityBridge() = function:00000143B3252418 HighlightBoosterRow() = function:00000143EA936448 Initialize() = function:00000143E189F028 InitializeInventory() = function:00000143F3ABD100 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143207C7BE8 InitializeSlots() = function:00000143E137E7F8 IsCurrentSelected() = function:00000143D31783C8 New() = function:000001447D45C688 OnSlotChanged() = function:00000143E18A9300 RefreshImprovementChance() = function:00000144D8630020 RemoveItemFromCraft() = function:00000144C804EC28 RemoveKeybinds() = function:00000143F1941FE0 SetInventoryActive() = function:00000143CFFE0D10 SetupResultTooltip() = function:00000144083C2DE0 ShowItemActions() = function:00000144083D2E60 UpdateSelection() = function:00000143143A2048 __index = table:00000143D600A0F0 (meta 00000143DB1CD810} ZO_GamepadSmithingImprovement_TooltipScreenResizeHandler() = function:00000144083C4C90 ZO_GamepadSmithingResearch = table:0000014320F5E6C8 (meta 000001440602BF40} firstTable firstMeta AcceptResearch() = function:00000143F98DF3C0 AnchorTimerBar() = function:00000143D5FFE2C8 ClearTooltip() = function:000001439D855358 GenerateTabBarEntries() = function:00000143D5FFE6D0 GetExtraInfoColor() = function:000001439D855420 GetResearchTimeString() = function:000001439D8553E0 Initialize() = function:000001440602C028 InitializeConfirmDestroyDialog() = function:00000143F98DF380 InitializeConfirmList() = function:00000143F98DF400 InitializeFocusItems() = function:000001447D443868 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143F98DF340 New() = function:000001440602BFB8 OnControlsAcquired() = function:000001447D4438E8 PerformDeferredInitialization() = function:00000143D5FFE728 RefreshAvailableFilters() = function:00000143D5FFE220 RefreshCurrentResearchStatusDisplay() = function:00000143D5FFE260 RefreshFocusItems() = function:000001447D4438A8 Research() = function:000001439D855398 SetupTabBar() = function:00000143D5FFE768 SetupTooltip() = function:000001447D443928 SetupTraitDisplay() = function:00000143EA92F6D8 __index = table:0000014320F5E6C8 (meta 000001440602BF40} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevel = userdata:00000143ED5243F8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreation = userdata:00000143ED52BD78 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltip = userdata:00000143ED52BE00 (meta 00000143ED52C9A0} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000143ED52C058 (meta 0000014308349FC8} lastContentHeight = 0 scrollTooltip = userdata:00000143ED52C178 (meta 00000143ED52D980} tip = userdata:00000143ED52C358 (meta 00000143ED52CB10} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipBg = userdata:00000143ED52BE88 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143ED52BFD0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143ED52BF28 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipContainer = userdata:00000143ED52C0E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipContainerTip = userdata:00000143ED52C178 (meta 00000143ED52D980} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 animation = userdata:00000143ED52D9E8 (meta 00000143ED52DA40} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143ED52C178 (meta 00000143ED52D980} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:00000143ED52C210 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:00000143ED52C2B0 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000143ED52C550 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:00000143ED52CA60 (meta 0000014308367FC0} tooltip = userdata:00000143ED52C358 (meta 00000143ED52CB10} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:00000143ED52CF78 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable firstMeta activeObjects = table:00000143ED52D798 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED52D008 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:0000014346139958 customResetBehavior() = function:000001436880D030 m_Active = table:00000143EA4F9DF0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001436880CFE8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = GuiRootColor parent = userdata:000001430838BF28 (meta 000001430831FE68} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:000001430831F958 ClearAnchors() = function:000001430831F178 Convert3DLocalOrientationToWorldOrientation() = function:000001430831FDF0 Convert3DLocalPositionToWorldPosition() = function:000001430831FD80 Convert3DWorldOrientationToLocalOrientation() = function:000001430831FDB8 Convert3DWorldPositionToLocalPosition() = function:000001430831FD48 Create3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430831F990 CreateControl() = function:000001430831F488 Destroy3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430831F9C8 Does3DRenderSpaceUseDepthBuffer() = function:000001430831FCD8 Get3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:000001430831FBF8 Get3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:000001430831FB88 Get3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:000001430831FA38 Get3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:000001430831FAA8 Get3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:000001430831FC68 Get3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:000001430831FB18 GetAlpha() = function:000001430831F108 GetAnchor() = function:000001430831F1E8 GetBottom() = function:000001430831EB40 GetCenter() = function:000001430831EB78 GetChild() = function:000001430831EC88 GetClampedToScreen() = function:000001430831F370 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000001430831F7D0 GetControlAlpha() = function:000001430831F140 GetControlScale() = function:000001430831F098 GetDesiredHeight() = function:000001430831EA60 GetDesiredWidth() = function:000001430831EA28 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:000001430831F8B0 GetDimensions() = function:000001430831E9F0 GetDrawLayer() = function:000001430831F4F8 GetDrawLevel() = function:000001430831F568 GetDrawTier() = function:000001430831EE80 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:000001430831F648 GetHandler() = function:000001430831EFB8 GetHeight() = function:000001430831EAD0 GetHitInsets() = function:000001430831F760 GetId() = function:0000014308320168 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:0000014308320088 GetInheritsScale() = function:00000143083200F8 GetLeft() = function:000001430831EA98 GetName() = function:000001430831ED30 GetNamedChild() = function:000001430831ECC0 GetNumChildren() = function:000001430831EF80 GetOwningWindow() = function:000001430831E8F8 GetParent() = function:000001430831EF10 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:000001430831F5D8 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:000001430831F840 GetRight() = function:000001430831EB08 GetScale() = function:000001430831F060 GetScreenRect() = function:000001430831F220 GetTop() = function:000001430831EC50 GetType() = function:000001430831ED68 GetWidth() = function:000001430831E998 Has3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430831FA00 IsChildOf() = function:000001430831ECF8 IsControlHidden() = function:000001430831EE10 IsHandlerSet() = function:000001430831EFF0 IsHidden() = function:000001430831EDD8 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:000001430831F450 IsMouseEnabled() = function:000001430831F3E0 IsPointInside() = function:000001430831F258 RegisterForEvent() = function:000001430831F8E8 Set3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:000001430831FC30 Set3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:000001430831FBC0 Set3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:000001430831FA70 Set3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:000001430831FAE0 Set3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:000001430831FCA0 Set3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:000001430831FB50 Set3DRenderSpaceUsesDepthBuffer() = function:000001430831FD10 SetAlpha() = function:000001430831F0D0 SetAnchor() = function:000001430831F1B0 SetAnchorFill() = function:000001430831F290 SetClampedToScreen() = function:000001430831F338 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000001430831F798 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:000001430831F878 SetDimensions() = function:000001430831E960 SetDrawLayer() = function:000001430831F4C0 SetDrawLevel() = function:000001430831F530 SetDrawTier() = function:000001430831EEB8 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:000001430831F610 SetHandler() = function:000001430831F5A0 SetHeight() = function:000001430831EBE8 SetHidden() = function:000001430831EDA0 SetHitInsets() = function:000001430831F728 SetId() = function:0000014308320130 SetInheritAlpha() = function:0000014308320050 SetInheritScale() = function:00000143083200C0 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:000001430831F418 SetMouseEnabled() = function:000001430831F3A8 SetMovable() = function:000001430831FFE0 SetParent() = function:000001430831EF48 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:0000014308320018 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:00000143083201A0 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:000001430831F808 SetScale() = function:000001430831F028 SetShapeType() = function:000001430831F680 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:000001430831F2C8 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:000001430831F300 SetWidth() = function:000001430831EBB0 StartMoving() = function:000001430831F6B8 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:000001430831F6F0 ToggleHidden() = function:000001430831EE48 UnregisterForEvent() = function:000001430831F920 templateName = ZO_TooltipColorSwatch contentsControl = userdata:00000143ED52C408 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true icon = userdata:00000143ED52C058 (meta 0000014308349FC8} innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:00000143ED52CBB0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED52D708 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED52CC98 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 0 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:00000143ED52D4A0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED52D7E0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED52D530 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:0000014346138BA8 customResetBehavior() = function:0000014368602D88 m_Active = table:0000014368827F18 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001430FD7C778 (meta 000001430FD7C840} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:0000014368602E08 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:000001430FD7CD18 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430FD7D538 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430FD7CDA8 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:000001430FD7C7E8 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = false isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = false labelPool = table:000001430FD7C920 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430FD7D4A8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430FD7CA38 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 390 numControls = 1 offsetX = 0 offsetY = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 parent = userdata:00000143F3189B48 (meta 000001430FD7B578} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:000001430FD7B968 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable contentsControl = userdata:00000143F3189BF0 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = false innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:000001430FD7B618 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 390 numControls = 2 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 239 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 239 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:000001430FD7BE90 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable statValuePairPool = table:000001430FD7BB20 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable statValueSliderPool = table:000001430FD7BCD8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable statusBarPools = table:000001430FD7C048 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143F31809A0 firstTable styles = table:000001430FD7C090 firstTable texturePool = table:000001430FD7B7B0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable vertical = true poolKey = 1 primaryCursor = 59 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 59 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:000001430FD7D240 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430FD7D580 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430FD7D2D0 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:000001430FD7CED0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430FD7D5C8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430FD7CF60 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:000001430FD7D088 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430FD7D610 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430FD7D118 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable statusBarPools = table:000001430FD7D3F8 firstTable styles = table:000001430FD7D440 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F3181330 firstTable texturePool = table:000001430FD7CB60 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430FD7D4F0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430FD7CBF0 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} vertical = true 2 = userdata:000001430FD7DA00 (meta 000001430FD7DAC8} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:0000014368602E08 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:000001430FD7DF78 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430FD7E798 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430FD7E008 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:000001430FD7DA70 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = false innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:000001430FD7DBB8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430FD7E708 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430FD7DCD0 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 330 numControls = 1 offsetX = 0 offsetY = 89 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 parent = userdata:00000143F3189B48 (meta 000001430FD7B578} poolKey = 2 primaryCursor = 150 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 150 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:000001430FD7E4A0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430FD7E7E0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430FD7E530 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:000001430FD7E130 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430FD7E828 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430FD7E1C0 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:000001430FD7E2E8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430FD7E870 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430FD7E378 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:000001430FD7E658 firstTable styles = table:000001430FD7E6A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F31812E8 firstTable texturePool = table:000001430FD7DDC0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430FD7E750 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430FD7DE50 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} vertical = true m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014368827F90 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = GuiRootSection parent = userdata:000001430838BF28 (meta 000001430831FE68} templateName = ZO_TooltipSection statValuePairPool = table:00000143ED52D130 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED52D828 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED52D1C0 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:0000014346139518 m_Active = table:0000014457A4FAF8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014457A4FB40 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = GuiRootStatValuePair parent = userdata:000001430838BF28 (meta 000001430831FE68} templateName = ZO_TooltipStatValuePair statValueSliderPool = table:00000143ED52D2E8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED52D870 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED52D378 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:00000143ED52D658 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143D6006570 firstTable abilityProgressBar = table:0000014320F31F38 firstTable customSpacing = 10 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statusBarGradientColors = table:0000014320F32080 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320F320C8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.45098042488098 g = 0.39215689897537 r = 0.10980392992496 2 = table:0000014320F321B8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.76470595598221 g = 0.72156864404678 r = 0.3137255012989 statusBarTemplate = ZO_GamepadArrowStatusBarWithBGMedium statusBarTemplateOverrideName = ArrowBar widthPercent = 80 abilityStatsSection = table:0000014320F31C50 firstTable childSpacing = 3 customSpacing = 20 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statValuePairSpacing = 10 abilityUpgrade = table:00000143D5FEA468 firstTable fontColorField = 6 fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 abilityUpgradeSection = table:00000143D5FF0510 firstTable childSpacing = 10 customSpacing = 7 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_MEDIUM_FONT) height = 64 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = up widthPercent = 100 achievementComplete = table:0000014320F318A8 firstTable fontColorField = 0 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true achievementCriteriaBar = table:0000014320F32538 firstTable customSpacing = 4 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statusBarGradientColors = table:0000014320F32580 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320F325C8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.11372549831867 g = 0.60000002384186 r = 0.77647066116333 2 = table:0000014320F326B8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.29411765933037 g = 0.87450987100601 r = 0.97254908084869 statusBarTemplate = ZO_GamepadArrowStatusBarWithBGMedium width = 380 achievementCriteriaBarWrapper = table:00000143D8F326D0 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingLeft = 2 achievementCriteriaCheckComplete = table:00000143D5FF1798 firstTable height = 32 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 32 achievementCriteriaCheckIncomplete = table:00000143D5FEAE80 firstTable color = table:00000143D5FEAEF8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 0 b = 0 g = 0 r = 0 height = 32 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 32 achievementCriteriaProgress = table:00000143D5FEB9F8 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_30) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 achievementCriteriaSection = table:0000014320F31208 firstTable childSpacing = 15 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = down layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = right paddingBottom = 15 paddingTop = 30 uppercase = true achievementCriteriaSectionBar = table:00000143D5FEC930 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingBottom = 5 widthPercent = 100 achievementCriteriaSectionCheck = table:00000143D5FF0160 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down uppercase = true achievementDescriptionComplete = table:00000143D5FF1D58 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_30) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 357 achievementDescriptionIncomplete = table:00000143D5FEB778 firstTable fontColorField = 5 fontSize = $(GP_30) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 357 achievementIncomplete = table:00000143D5FF0558 firstTable fontColorField = 0 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true achievementItemIcon = table:00000143D5FF16F8 firstTable height = 48 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 48 achievementName = table:00000143D6007C78 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 85 achievementPointsSection = table:00000143D60079C8 firstTable childSpacing = 10 fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = up achievementRewardsEntrySection = table:00000143D5FF0118 firstTable childSpacing = 10 fontSize = $(GP_30) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down widthPercent = 100 achievementRewardsName = table:00000143D5FF03E0 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 achievementRewardsSection = table:00000143D8F2D8B0 firstTable childSpacing = 25 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = down layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = right paddingTop = 30 uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 achievementRewardsTitle = table:00000143D60068A0 firstTable fontColorField = 7 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 achievementSubtitleText = table:00000143D5FEC090 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_30) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true achievementSummaryCategorySection = table:00000143D6007AB8 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = down layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = right paddingBottom = 20 uppercase = true achievementTextSection = table:00000143D6007A70 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = down layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = right uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 activeBonus = table:00000143D5FE9090 firstTable fontColorField = 7 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true attributeBody = table:00000143D6006600 firstTable customSpacing = 30 fontColorField = 7 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 attributeIcon = table:00000143D6007DA8 firstTable height = 48 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 48 attributeStatsSection = table:00000143D5FF1308 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingTop = 100 attributeTitle = table:0000014320F31E98 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true attributeTitleSection = table:00000143D5FEAC78 firstTable childSpacing = 20 fontColorField = 7 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_BOLD_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_48) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = left layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 attributeUpgradePair = table:00000143D5FF11A8 firstTable customSpacing = 3 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true bagCountSection = table:00000143D5FEC8E8 firstTable customSpacing = 30 fontColorField = 7 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = down layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = right widthPercent = 100 bankCurrencyMainSection = table:00000143D5FE9DE0 firstTable childSpacing = 25 customSpacing = 47 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 bankCurrencySection = table:00000143D5FE9D98 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 baseStatsSection = table:0000014320F32898 firstTable childSecondarySpacing = 3 childSpacing = 10 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down statValuePairSpacing = 3 widthPercent = 100 bind = table:00000143D8F35890 firstTable fontColorField = 7 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true bodyDescription = table:00000143D5FF1928 firstTable fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true bodyHeader = table:00000143D5FF0A50 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_MEDIUM_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true bodySection = table:00000143D5FEB400 firstTable childSpacing = 10 customSpacing = 30 fontColorField = 7 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 cadwellObjectiveActive = table:00000143D5FEC8A0 firstTable fontColorField = 4 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 312 cadwellObjectiveComplete = table:00000143D8F214F0 firstTable fontColorField = 7 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 312 cadwellObjectiveContainerSection = table:00000143D5FF0BE0 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down widthPercent = 100 cadwellObjectiveInactive = table:00000143D5FF0878 firstTable fontColorField = 5 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 312 cadwellObjectiveSection = table:00000143D5FF1F78 firstTable fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down widthPercent = 90 cadwellObjectiveTitle = table:00000143D5FEB448 firstTable customSpacing = 3 fontColorField = 1 fontColorType = 13 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_BOLD_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_22) height = 40 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true cadwellObjectiveTitleSection = table:00000143D5FF0EB8 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingLeft = 46 cadwellObjectivesSection = table:00000143D5FF0B98 firstTable childSpacing = 7 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 cadwellSection = table:00000143D5FF0F00 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingTop = 13 widthPercent = 100 cadwellTextureContainer = table:00000143D5FEC758 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = down layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = right paddingTop = 9 widthPercent = 10 championBodySection = table:00000143D5FEB8C0 firstTable customSpacing = 15 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true championPointsSection = table:00000143D6008210 firstTable customSpacing = 5 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = up widthPercent = 100 championRequirements = table:00000143D5FE9778 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true championTitle = table:00000143D5FEACC0 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 championTitleSection = table:00000143D5FEB318 firstTable customSpacing = 15 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 charaterNameSection = table:00000143D5FE9108 firstTable customSpacing = 5 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 collectionsEmoteGranted = table:00000143D6006930 firstTable fontColorField = 0 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true collectionsInfoSection = table:00000143D5FF05D0 firstTable childSpacing = 25 customSpacing = 25 fontColorField = 7 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 collectionsPersonality = table:00000143D5FED4A0 firstTable fontColor = table:00000143D5FED4E8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.86274516582489 g = 0.678431391716 r = 0.13333334028721 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true collectionsRestrictionsSection = table:00000143D5FEFFA0 firstTable childSpacing = 10 customSpacing = 20 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statValuePairSpacing = 10 widthPercent = 100 collectionsStatsSection = table:00000143D5FF1450 firstTable childSpacing = 20 customSpacing = 20 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statValuePairSpacing = 10 widthPercent = 100 collectionsStatsValue = table:00000143D5FEA0D8 firstTable customSpacing = 8 fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true collectionsTopSection = table:00000143D5FD8EF0 firstTable childSpacing = 1 fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_27) height = 110 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = up layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = right uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 conditionOrChargeBar = table:00000143D6006A18 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statusBarGradientColors = table:00000143D6006A60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6006AA8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.45098042488098 g = 0.39215689897537 r = 0.10980392992496 2 = table:00000143D6006C10 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.76470595598221 g = 0.72156864404678 r = 0.3137255012989 statusBarTemplate = ZO_GamepadArrowStatusBarWithBGMedium statusBarTemplateOverrideName = ArrowBar widthPercent = 80 conditionOrChargeBarSection = table:00000143D5FD4F70 firstTable childSecondarySpacing = 3 childSpacing = 10 customSpacing = 10 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down statValuePairSpacing = 6 widthPercent = 100 currencyLocationCurrenciesSection = table:00000143D5FE9ED0 firstTable childSpacing = 5 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 currencyLocationSection = table:00000143D5FE80C0 firstTable childSpacing = 15 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 currencyLocationTitle = table:00000143D5FE9F18 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_BOLD_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true currencyMainSection = table:00000143D5FED5D8 firstTable childSpacing = 45 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 currencyStatValuePair = table:00000143D6006738 firstTable height = 40 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 98 currencyStatValuePairStat = table:00000143D5FE9CA8 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true currencyStatValuePairValue = table:00000143D5FE9BB8 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true defaultAccessBody = table:00000143D5FEA320 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 defaultAccessTitle = table:00000143D60089B0 firstTable fontColorField = 0 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true defaultAccessTopSection = table:00000143D5FEA558 firstTable customSpacing = 10 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingTop = 30 degradedStat = table:00000143D6008938 firstTable fontColorField = 3 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true dividerLine = table:00000143D5FF1AC8 firstTable height = 8 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true textureCoordinateBottom = 0.75 textureCoordinateLeft = 0.25 textureCoordinateRight = 0.75 textureCoordinateTop = 0.25 widthPercent = 100 doesntHaveIngredient = table:0000014320F31B90 firstTable fontColorField = 5 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true dyeStampError = table:00000143D8F47090 firstTable fontColorField = 3 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true dyeSwatchEntrySection = table:00000143D5FEA7F8 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down widthPercent = 100 dyeSwatchStyle = table:00000143D5FEA930 firstTable customSpacing = 2 edgeTextureFile = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/Gamepad/gp_emptyFrame_gold_edge.dds edgeTextureHeight = 16 edgeTextureWidth = 128 fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_34) height = 38 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 38 dyesSection = table:00000143D6008500 firstTable childSpacing = 10 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = down layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = right paddingTop = 30 widthPercent = 100 enchantDiff = table:00000143D5FEC208 firstTable childSpacing = 10 customSpacing = 30 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 enchantDiffAdd = table:00000143D5FE3AF8 firstTable fontColorField = 6 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true enchantDiffRemove = table:00000143D5FEA648 firstTable fontColorField = 3 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true enchantDiffTexture = table:00000143D5FEB6D8 firstTable height = 32 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 32 enchantDiffTextureContainer = table:00000143D5FF1838 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down paddingBottom = -49 paddingLeft = -35 paddingRight = 3 paddingTop = 3 enchantIrreplaceable = table:00000143D5FF02D8 firstTable fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true equipmentBonusLowestPieceHeader = table:00000143D60078F8 firstTable fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true equipmentBonusLowestPieceValue = table:00000143D6006DD0 firstTable customSpacing = 0 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true equipmentBonusValue = table:00000143D5FD54E0 firstTable fontColorField = 0 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true equippedPoisonSection = table:00000143D5FF0F48 firstTable customSpacing = 20 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingBottom = -20 failed = table:00000143D5FECFF8 firstTable fontColorField = 3 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true flavorText = table:00000143D60085F0 firstTable fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true fullWidth = table:00000143D5FECF68 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 gamepadElderScrollTooltipContent = table:0000014320F31860 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 groupBodySection = table:00000143D5FECCC0 firstTable childSpacing = 30 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true groupDescription = table:00000143D5FEC3F8 firstTable fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true groupDescriptionError = table:00000143D5FEC380 firstTable fontColorField = 3 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true groupRolesStatValuePairValue = table:00000143D8F25108 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = false groupRolesTitleSection = table:00000143D5FEBDD0 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingTop = 70 uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 groupTitleSection = table:00000143D6008038 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 hasIngredient = table:00000143D5FEBBE0 firstTable fontColorField = 4 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true inactiveBonus = table:0000014320F32850 firstTable fontColorField = 5 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true instantUnlockIneligibilityLine = table:00000143D5FEBB98 firstTable fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true instantUnlockIneligibilitySection = table:00000143D5FED358 firstTable customSpacing = 25 fontColorField = 3 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 itemComparisonStatSection = table:00000143D5FEB248 firstTable customSpacing = 25 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 itemComparisonStatValuePair = table:00000143D6006648 firstTable height = 40 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 98 itemComparisonStatValuePairDefaultColor = table:00000143D5FEB1B8 firstTable fontColorField = 0 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true itemComparisonStatValuePairValue = table:00000143D6007B00 firstTable fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true itemImprovementConditionOrChargeBar = table:00000143D5FF1EA0 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statusBarGradientColors = table:00000143D5FF1EE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FF1F30 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.45098042488098 g = 0.39215689897537 r = 0.10980392992496 2 = table:00000143D5FE81F8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.76470595598221 g = 0.72156864404678 r = 0.3137255012989 statusBarTemplate = ZO_ItemImproveBar_Gamepad statusBarTemplateOverrideName = ImproveBar widthPercent = 80 itemTagDescription = table:0000014320F31C08 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true itemTagTitle = table:0000014320F323F0 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true itemTagsSection = table:00000143D6006810 firstTable customSpacing = 40 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 itemTradeBoPHeader = table:00000143D5FEA690 firstTable fontColor = table:00000143D5FEA6D8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 0.80000007152557 r = 0 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true itemTradeBoPSection = table:00000143D8F48A20 firstTable customSpacing = 80 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 keepBaseTooltipContent = table:00000143D5FEBEC0 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 305 keepInfoSection = table:00000143D5FED2B8 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingTop = 20 widthPercent = 100 keepUpgradeTooltipContent = table:00000143D60087C0 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 lootTooltip = table:00000143D5FF0830 firstTable fontColorField = 1 fontColorType = 14 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_MEDIUM_FONT) fontStyle = soft-shadow-thick horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 295 mapArtifactNormal = table:00000143D5FEAAE8 firstTable color = table:00000143D5FEAB30 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true mapArtifactStolen = table:00000143D5FF08C0 firstTable color = table:00000143D5FF0908 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0 g = 0 r = 1 fontColorField = 3 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true mapGroupsSection = table:00000143D6008A28 firstTable childSpacing = 10 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 mapIconTitle = table:00000143D5FF1BB8 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 310 mapKeepAccessible = table:00000143D5FE91D8 firstTable fontColorField = 3 fontColorType = 26 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 305 mapKeepAt = table:00000143D5FF0618 firstTable fontColorField = 5 fontColorType = 26 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true mapKeepCategorySpacing = table:00000143D5FF0398 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingBottom = 20 paddingTop = 20 widthPercent = 100 mapKeepGroupSection = table:0000014320F314E0 firstTable childSpacing = 4 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingTop = 15 widthPercent = 100 mapKeepInaccessible = table:00000143D5FF1598 firstTable fontColorField = 4 fontColorType = 26 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true mapKeepSection = table:00000143D5FF0D28 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingTop = -30 widthPercent = 100 mapKeepUnderAttack = table:00000143D5FE9918 firstTable fontColorField = 3 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_BOLD_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_22) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true mapLocationEntrySection = table:00000143D5FF11F0 firstTable childSpacing = -5 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 mapLocationGroupSection = table:00000143D5FE8EC0 firstTable childSpacing = 10 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 mapLocationHeaderTextSection = table:00000143D5FE7B28 firstTable dimensionConstraints = table:00000143D5FEFFE8 firstTable minHeight = 40 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = down layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = right mapLocationKeepClaimed = table:00000143D5FE9320 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true mapLocationKeepElderScrollInfo = table:00000143D6006858 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true mapLocationKeepUnclaimed = table:00000143D5FD7D40 firstTable fontColorField = 1 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true mapLocationSection = table:00000143D60065B8 firstTable childSpacing = 20 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingTop = -30 widthPercent = 100 mapLocationTooltipContentHeader = table:0000014320F31938 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_MEDIUM_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true mapLocationTooltipContentLabel = table:0000014320F31B18 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 80 mapLocationTooltipContentLeftLabel = table:0000014320F318F0 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 0 mapLocationTooltipContentName = table:00000143D8F35950 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true mapLocationTooltipContentRightLabel = table:00000143D5FF1628 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 60 mapLocationTooltipContentSection = table:00000143D5FEAD08 firstTable childSpacing = 20 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down widthPercent = 100 mapLocationTooltipContentTitle = table:00000143D5FF1160 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true mapLocationTooltipDoubleContentSection = table:0000014320F31A28 firstTable childSpacing = 20 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = up mapLocationTooltipIcon = table:00000143D6007A28 firstTable height = 40 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 40 mapLocationTooltipLargeIcon = table:00000143D5FE8DD0 firstTable height = 40 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true textureCoordinateBottom = 0.8 textureCoordinateLeft = 0.2 textureCoordinateRight = 0.8 textureCoordinateTop = 0.2 width = 40 mapLocationTooltipNameSection = table:00000143D5FECFB0 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingLeft = 60 widthPercent = 100 mapLocationTooltipNoIcon = table:00000143D8F35908 firstTable color = table:00000143D5FD8F38 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 0 b = 0 g = 0 r = 0 height = 1 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 40 mapLocationTooltipSection = table:00000143D5FEA978 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingTop = -10 widthPercent = 100 mapLocationTooltipWayshrineHeader = table:00000143D6007390 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_BOLD_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true widthPercent = 85 mapLocationTooltipWayshrineLinkedCollectibleLockedText = table:00000143D5FD7CF8 firstTable fontColorField = 5 fontColorType = 46 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 85 mapMoreQuestsContentSection = table:00000143D5FE9AC8 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down paddingTop = 20 widthPercent = 100 mapQuestFocused = table:00000143D5FE94F8 firstTable color = table:00000143D5FE9540 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 fontColorField = 0 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true mapQuestNonFocused = table:00000143D5FE9368 firstTable color = table:00000143D5FE93B0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.61960786581039 g = 0.7607843875885 r = 0.77254909276962 fontColorField = 7 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true mapQuestTitle = table:00000143D6008180 firstTable fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_BOLD_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true mapRecallCost = table:00000143D5FE9980 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true mapTitle = table:00000143D5FF0350 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_BOLD_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true width = 327 mapUnitName = table:00000143D5FF01A8 firstTable fontColorField = 3 fontColorType = 6 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true newEffectBody = table:00000143D5FF1018 firstTable fontColorField = 6 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 newEffectTitle = table:00000143D8F33658 firstTable fontColorField = 6 fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 pointsHeader = table:00000143D5FEA090 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true widthPercent = 60 pointsValue = table:00000143D5FF0D70 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 40 poisonCount = table:00000143D6006978 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true poisonCountSection = table:00000143D5FEB170 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = left layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down qualityArcane = table:0000014320F31DC8 firstTable fontColorField = 3 fontColorType = 1 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true qualityArtifact = table:00000143D5FF1380 firstTable fontColorField = 4 fontColorType = 1 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true qualityLegendary = table:00000143D6006780 firstTable fontColorField = 5 fontColorType = 1 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true qualityMagic = table:00000143D5FF1DA0 firstTable fontColorField = 2 fontColorType = 1 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true qualityNormal = table:00000143D5FD9EA8 firstTable fontColorField = 1 fontColorType = 1 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true qualityTrash = table:00000143D60067C8 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontColorType = 1 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true requirementFail = table:00000143D5FE8398 firstTable fontColorField = 3 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true requirementPass = table:00000143D5FE84D8 firstTable fontColorField = 2 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true ridingTrainingChargeBar = table:00000143D6006F08 firstTable customSpacing = 4 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statusBarGradientColors = table:00000143D6006FF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6007040 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.45098042488098 g = 0.39215689897537 r = 0.10980392992496 2 = table:00000143D6007130 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.76470595598221 g = 0.72156864404678 r = 0.3137255012989 statusBarTemplate = ZO_StableTrainingBar_Gamepad statusBarTemplateOverrideName = TrainBar widthPercent = 80 socialOffline = table:00000143D5FEA8E8 firstTable fontColorField = 1 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true socialStatsSection = table:00000143D5FF06E8 firstTable childSpacing = 3 customSpacing = 15 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statValuePairSpacing = 10 widthPercent = 100 socialStatsValue = table:00000143D6007F20 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true socialTitle = table:00000143D5FEB3B8 firstTable customSpacing = 3 fontColorField = 1 fontColorType = 13 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_LIGHT_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_42) fontStyle = soft-shadow-thick horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true stableGamepadFlavor = table:00000143D5FE8438 firstTable customSpacing = 30 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true stableGamepadStats = table:00000143D6006E18 firstTable childSpacing = 3 customSpacing = 40 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statValuePairSpacing = 6 stableGamepadTitle = table:00000143D6007C30 firstTable customSpacing = 8 fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = false stableGamepadTooltip = table:00000143D6008AF8 firstTable customSpacing = 50 fontColorField = 1 fontColorType = 14 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_MEDIUM_FONT) fontStyle = soft-shadow-thick horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true width = 352 statValuePair = table:00000143D5FF12C0 firstTable height = 40 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statValuePairMagickaValue = table:00000143D5FEFE28 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontColorType = 48 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statValuePairStaminaValue = table:00000143D5FED0B8 firstTable fontColorField = 6 fontColorType = 48 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statValuePairStat = table:00000143D5FEC0D8 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true statValuePairValue = table:00000143D5FEA250 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statValueSlider = table:00000143D6008808 firstTable fontColorField = 0 gradientColors = table:00000143D60083D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6008258 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.45098042488098 g = 0.39215689897537 r = 0.10980392992496 2 = table:00000143D6007DF0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.76470595598221 g = 0.72156864404678 r = 0.3137255012989 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statValueSliderStat = table:00000143D5FEBC58 firstTable fontColorField = 1 fontColorType = 13 fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true statValueSliderValue = table:00000143D8F2D7D8 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_27) gradientColors = table:00000143D8F2D820 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F2D868 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.45098042488098 g = 0.39215689897537 r = 0.10980392992496 2 = table:00000143D5FE7F28 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.76470595598221 g = 0.72156864404678 r = 0.3137255012989 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true stolen = table:0000014320F31498 firstTable fontColorField = 3 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true succeeded = table:00000143D60081C8 firstTable fontColorField = 2 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true suppressedAbility = table:00000143D5FEC5B8 firstTable fontColorField = 5 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true title = table:00000143D5FEB200 firstTable customSpacing = 8 fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 tooltip = table:00000143D5FE9688 firstTable fontColorField = 1 fontColorType = 14 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_MEDIUM_FONT) fontStyle = soft-shadow-thick horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 width = 390 topSection = table:00000143D8F21538 firstTable childSpacing = 1 fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_27) height = 92 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = up layoutSecondaryDirection = right uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 topSubsection = table:00000143D5FE8108 firstTable childSpacing = 8 fontSize = $(GP_27) height = 32 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = up widthPercent = 100 topSubsectionItemDetails = table:00000143D5FEB908 firstTable childSpacing = 15 customSpacing = -4 fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_27) height = 32 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = up widthPercent = 100 traitKnown = table:00000143D8F32718 firstTable fontColorField = 4 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true traitUnknown = table:00000143D5FF15E0 firstTable fontColorField = 5 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true valueStatsSection = table:00000143D5FECB78 firstTable horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true layoutSecondaryDirection = down paddingTop = 30 widthPercent = 100 voiceChatBodyHeader = table:00000143D60068E8 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_MEDIUM_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true widthPercent = 100 voiceChatGamepadReputation = table:00000143D6008388 firstTable fontColorField = 3 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = false voiceChatGamepadSpeaker = table:0000014320F31628 firstTable childSpacing = 10 customSpacing = 15 fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_34) height = 43 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirection = right layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 voiceChatGamepadSpeakerIcon = table:00000143D6007FF0 firstTable desaturation = 0 height = 43 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true textureCoordinateBottom = 0.8359375 textureCoordinateLeft = 0.2734375 textureCoordinateRight = 0.7265625 textureCoordinateTop = 0.1640625 width = 29 voiceChatGamepadSpeakerText = table:00000143D5FECD50 firstTable fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 90 voiceChatGamepadSpeakerTitle = table:00000143D5FECE20 firstTable customSpacing = 8 fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_42) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = false voiceChatGamepadStatValuePair = table:00000143D5FECD08 firstTable height = 40 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true widthPercent = 100 voiceChatPair = table:00000143D5FED1E8 firstTable customSpacing = 25 height = 40 horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true voiceChatPairLabel = table:00000143D5FED070 firstTable fontColorField = 7 fontSize = $(GP_27) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true uppercase = true voiceChatPairText = table:00000143D5FEAA48 firstTable fontColorField = 0 fontSize = $(GP_34) horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true worldMapTooltip = table:00000143D5FEC4C8 firstTable childSpacing = 10 fontColorField = 1 fontColorType = 14 fontFace = $(GAMEPAD_MEDIUM_FONT) fontSize = $(GP_27) fontStyle = soft-shadow-thick horizontalAlignment = 1 layoutPrimaryDirectionCentered = true paddingTop = 32 width = 375 styles = table:00000143ED52D6A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FE9688 texturePool = table:00000143ED52CDC0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143ED52D750 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143ED52CE50 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143EA4F9E48 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143EA4F9E90 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = GuiRootTexture parent = userdata:000001430838BF28 (meta 000001430831FE68} templateName = ZO_TooltipTexture vertical = true useFadeGradient = true ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipContainerTipScroll = userdata:00000143ED52C210 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipContainerTipScrollIndicator = userdata:00000143ED52C550 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChild = userdata:00000143ED52C2B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildPadding = userdata:00000143ED52C4B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltip = userdata:00000143ED52C358 (meta 00000143ED52CB10} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltipContents = userdata:00000143ED52C408 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipGlow = userdata:00000143ED52C6F8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipIcon = userdata:00000143ED52C058 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipIconBurst1 = userdata:00000143ED52C5E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelCreationResultTooltipIconBurst2 = userdata:00000143ED52C670 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstruction = userdata:00000143ED530400 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionSlotContainer = userdata:00000143ED530488 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionSlotContainerExtractionSlot = userdata:00000143ED530520 (meta 00000143ED530AE8} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143ED530A60 (meta 0000014308367FC0} meetsStackRequirement = true minStackCount = 1 slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionSlotContainerExtractionSlotBg = userdata:00000143ED5306F8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionSlotContainerExtractionSlotDropCallout = userdata:00000143ED530840 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionSlotContainerExtractionSlotEmptySlotIcon = userdata:00000143ED5308E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionSlotContainerExtractionSlotGlow = userdata:00000143ED530798 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionSlotContainerExtractionSlotIcon = userdata:00000143ED5305C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionSlotContainerExtractionSlotName = userdata:00000143ED530988 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionSlotContainerExtractionSlotNeedMoreLabel = userdata:00000143ED530A30 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionSlotContainerExtractionSlotStackCount = userdata:00000143ED530660 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltip = userdata:00000143ED530C30 (meta 00000143ED531580} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipBg = userdata:00000143ED530CB8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143ED530E00 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143ED530D58 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipContainer = userdata:00000143ED530F18 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipContainerTip = userdata:00000143ED530FA8 (meta 00000143ED532560} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipContainerTipScroll = userdata:00000143ED531040 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipContainerTipScrollIndicator = userdata:00000143ED531380 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChild = userdata:00000143ED5310E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildPadding = userdata:00000143ED5312E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltip = userdata:00000143ED531188 (meta 00000143ED5316F0} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltipContents = userdata:00000143ED531238 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipGlow = userdata:00000143ED531528 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipIcon = userdata:00000143ED530E88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipIconBurst1 = userdata:00000143ED531410 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelDeconstructionTooltipIconBurst2 = userdata:00000143ED5314A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143ED524620 (meta 00000143ED525D40} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143ED5246A8 (meta 000001431DE772E0} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:000001431DE75DE8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143ED524D00 (meta 000001431DE775B8} 10 = userdata:00000143ED5259A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000143ED525B40 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:00000143ED525AB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:00000143ED525C58 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:00000143ED525BD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 15 = userdata:00000143ED525CE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143ED5247D0 (meta 00000143ED524A10} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143ED5247E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED524860 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143ED5248D8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143ED524950 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:00000143ED524738 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:00000143ED524E20 (meta 000001430831E750} 6 = userdata:00000143ED525128 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:00000143ED525910 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000143ED525888 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000143ED525A28 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 1 tabBar = table:000001431DE773B0 (meta 0000014405F8D010} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:000001431DE78DA0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143ED524D00 (meta 000001431DE775B8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001431DE77870 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001431DE773B0 (meta 0000014405F8D010} dataIndexToControl = table:000001431DE79110 firstTable dataList = table:000001431DE78ED0 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001431DE78D58 firstTable ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate = table:000001431DE79658 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001431DE79508 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431DE79550 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431DE79598 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadSmithingTopLevelHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate parent = userdata:00000143ED524D90 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143C358AFC8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431DE77428 firstTable enabled = true entryAnchors = table:000001431DE79220 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 hideUnselectedControls = true isMoving = false keybindStripDescriptor = 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= function:000001431D988CA0 LayoutTooltip() = function:000001444EEE86A0 New() = function:00000143B4C02F70 OnFilterDeactivated() = function:00000143D5CFC4F0 OnHidden() = function:00000143D5CFC570 OnShowing() = function:00000143D5CFC530 RefreshTooltip() = function:000001444EEE8660 SetupRow() = function:000001439FD056D8 UpdateStatusDropdownSelection() = function:00000143E03A8CD0 ZO_GamepadStatAttributeRow_Setup() = function:00000144C1B71370 ZO_GamepadStatCharacterRow_Setup() = function:00000144C1B71330 ZO_GamepadStatTitleRow_Setup() = function:00000144C1B712F0 ZO_GamepadStats = table:00000143B335A5B8 (meta 00000143E97CF348} firstTable firstMeta ActivateMainList() = function:00000143EC970960 ActivateTitleDropdown() = function:00000143134A18E8 ActivateViewAttributes() = function:00000143134A1968 AddActiveEffectData() = function:00000143CFFC7F68 DeactivateMainList() = function:00000143E18A8E68 DeactivateViewAttributes() = function:00000143134A19A8 GetAddedPoints() = function:00000143E97B2F00 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ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143F1934050 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143553BECA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143F19340F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143553BEC00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143F28D9348 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143F1934290 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143F1934328 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143CFFCE548 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143CFFCE5E8 (meta 000001448018ECE8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143CFFCE5F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001448018EB38 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:000001448018EBB0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:000001448018EC28 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143F4419BF8 (meta 00000143F9910E28} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143F9911000 (meta 00000144C1B79040} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000144C1B78FD0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000144C1B78E38 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:0000014320F6BEF8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001440601D068 control = userdata:00000143F4419BF8 (meta 00000143F9910E28} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B3342040 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000014320F6A970 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000014320F6AC88 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320F6AD00 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:0000014320F6AD48 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000014320F6A828 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320F6A8C8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:0000014320F6A910 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143F4419F08 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:0000014320F6BCD8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:0000014320F6BD20 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320F6BD68 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F6BC58 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:0000014320F6BE30 firstTable 1 = table:0000014320F6BE78 firstTable 1() = function:0000014320F6BDE8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000144C1B794A0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143F9911000 (meta 00000144C1B79040} dataIndexToControl = table:0000014320F70B20 firstTable dataList = table:00000144C1B79568 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000144C1B79458 firstTable ZO_GamepadEffectAttributeRow = table:0000014320F6E6D8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E135A2F0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014320F6E5D0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014320F6E618 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadEffectAttributeRow parent = userdata:00000143F441A168 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadEffectAttributeRow setupFunction() = function:00000143CFFC3778 ZO_GamepadEffectAttributeRowWithHeader = table:0000014320F6E770 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B3341E18 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B33422B8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143B33421B8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143B3342278 m_Active = table:00000143B3341E60 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B3341EA8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadEffectAttributeRowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143F441A168 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadEffectAttributeRow setupFunction() = function:00000143CFFC3778 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143E135A950 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E135AC58 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E135A850 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E135A898 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143F441A168 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000144C1B71330 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E135A998 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E135A9E0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014320F6E940 customFactoryBehavior() = function:0000014320F6E840 customResetBehavior() = function:0000014320F6E900 m_Active = table:00000143E135AA28 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E135A2A8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143F441A168 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000144C1B71330 ZO_GamepadStatAttributeRow = table:00000144D83D7E68 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144D83D81B8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144D83D8200 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144D83D7DB0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadStatAttributeRow parent = userdata:00000143F441A168 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadStatAttributeRow setupFunction() = function:00000144C1B71370 ZO_GamepadStatAttributeRowWithHeader = table:00000143E135A398 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144D83D8160 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E135AC18 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E135AB18 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E135ABD8 m_Active = table:00000143E135A7C0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E135A808 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadStatAttributeRowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143F441A168 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadStatAttributeRow setupFunction() = function:00000144C1B71370 ZO_GamepadStatTitleRow = table:00000144C1B79140 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014320F70BB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014320F70BF8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C1B79088 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadStatTitleRow parent = userdata:00000143F441A168 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadStatTitleRow setupFunction() = function:00000144C1B712F0 ZO_GamepadStatTitleRowWithHeader = table:00000144D83D8780 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144D83D8910 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000144D83D8120 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000144D83D89A0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000144D83D80E0 m_Active = table:00000144D83D8958 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144D83D7D68 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadStatTitleRowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143F441A168 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadStatTitleRow setupFunction() = function:00000144C1B712F0 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000144C1B78EB0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000144C1B79410 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F9910DD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:0000014320F709B8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000014320F70A48 firstTable prePadding = table:00000144C1B795F8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000014320F70A00 firstTable scrollControl = 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ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000144C1B6F2F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000144C1B6F4A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000144C1B6F418 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000144D83E9928 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000144D83E9898 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000144D83E9A50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000144D83E99C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000144C1B6F1C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = 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ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelExperienceBarOverlayRight = userdata:000001431C597A50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelExperienceProgress = userdata:000001431C5971B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelExperienceProgressLabel = userdata:00000143E1D26A50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelLeftColumn = userdata:00000144D83EA158 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelLeftColumnChampionPoints = userdata:000001431C5B8060 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelLeftColumnChampionPointsHeader = userdata:000001431C5B7D18 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelLeftColumnClass = userdata:000001431C5B7FB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelLeftColumnClassHeader = userdata:000001431C5B7C68 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelLeftColumnRace = userdata:000001431C5B7F18 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelLeftColumnRaceHeader = userdata:00000144D83EA200 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelLeftColumnRidingCapacity = userdata:000001431C5B81B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelLeftColumnRidingCapacityHeader = userdata:000001431C5B7E78 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelLeftColumnRidingSpeed = userdata:000001431C5B8108 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelLeftColumnRidingSpeedHeader = userdata:000001431C5B7DC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumn = userdata:000001431C5B8250 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnAlliance = userdata:000001431C5B82F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnAllianceBonus = userdata:000001431C5B84F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnAllianceData = userdata:000001431C5B8448 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnAllianceHeader = userdata:000001431C5B83A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnAllianceHighlight = userdata:000001431C5B85A0 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnBountyDisplay = userdata:0000014406009958 (meta 00000143E1D26DB0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnBountyHeader = userdata:0000014406009750 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnRank = userdata:00000144D83EA230 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnRankBonus = userdata:0000014406009600 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnRankData = userdata:0000014406009558 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnRankHeader = userdata:00000144060094B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnRankHighlight = userdata:00000144060096A8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnRidingStamina = userdata:0000014406009E58 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnRidingStaminaHeader = userdata:0000014406009800 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnRidingTrainingHeader = userdata:00000144060098B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnRidingTrainingReady = userdata:0000014406009A80 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStatsTopLevelRightPaneInfoPanelCharacterStatsPanelRightColumnRidingTrainingTimer = userdata:00000143E1D269A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadStats_OnInitialize() = function:00000144C1B71270 ZO_GamepadStoreBuy = table:00000143134954B8 (meta 0000014313495500} firstTable firstMeta CanBuy() = function:00000143134957D0 CanPreviewStoreEntry() = function:0000014313495990 ConfirmBuy() = function:0000014313495790 Initialize() = function:00000143134955E8 InitializeKeybindStrip() = function:0000014313495750 New() = function:0000014313495578 OnSelectedItemChanged() = function:00000143134958D0 RegisterEvents() = function:0000014313495628 SelectBuyItem() = function:0000014313495810 SetupEntry() = function:0000014313495890 TogglePreviewMode() = function:0000014313495950 UnregisterEvents() = function:0000014313495710 UnselectBuyItem() = function:0000014313495850 UpdatePreview() = function:0000014313495910 __index = table:00000143134954B8 (meta 0000014313495500} ZO_GamepadStoreBuyback = table:000001431349B538 (meta 000001431349B580} firstTable firstMeta CanBuyBack() = function:000001431349B850 ConfirmBuyBack() = function:000001431349B810 Initialize() = function:000001431349B668 InitializeKeybindStrip() = function:000001431349B7D0 New() = function:000001431349B5F8 OnSelectedItemChanged() = function:000001431349B8D0 RegisterEvents() = function:000001431349B6A8 SetupEntry() = function:000001431349B890 UnregisterEvents() = function:000001431349B790 __index = table:000001431349B538 (meta 000001431349B580} ZO_GamepadStoreComponent = table:00000143DDBEF798 (meta 00000143DDBEF7E0} firstTable firstMeta CreateModeData() = function:00000143DDBEFB30 GetModeData() = function:00000143DDBEFAF0 GetStoreMode() = function:00000143DDBEFAB0 GetTabText() = function:00000143DDBEF9F0 Hide() = function:00000143DDBEFA70 Initialize() = function:00000143DDBEF8C8 New() = function:00000143DDBEF858 Refresh() = function:00000143DDBEF908 Show() = function:00000143DDBEFA30 ZO_GamepadStoreList = table:00000143DDBE6DB8 (meta 00000143DDBE6E00} firstTable firstMeta AddItems() = function:00000143DDBE7040 New() = function:00000143DDBE6E78 SetMode() = function:00000143DDBE6F28 UpdateList() = function:00000143DDBE7168 ZO_GamepadStoreListComponent = table:00000143DDBEFB70 (meta 00000143DDBEFBB8} firstTable firstMeta CreateItemList() = function:00000143DDBEFDC0 GetCurrencyOptions() = function:00000143DDBF00C8 Initialize() = function:00000143DDBEFC40 New() = function:00000143DDBEFC00 OnExitUnselectItem() = function:00000143DDBEFE00 OnSelectedItemChanged() = function:00000143DDBEFD80 Refresh() = function:00000143DDBEFC80 SetupEntry() = function:00000143DDBEFCC0 SetupPrice() = function:00000143DDBEFD40 SetupStoreItem() = function:00000143DDBEFD00 ZO_GamepadStoreManager = table:00000143E75DA6B8 (meta 00000143E75DA700} firstTable firstMeta AddComponent() = function:00000143E75DAB38 CanAffordAndCanCarry() = function:00000143E75DB748 FailedRepairMessageBox() = function:00000143E75DB708 GetActiveComponent() = function:00000143E75DAA78 GetCurrentMode() = function:00000143E75DAAB8 GetRepairAllKeybind() = function:00000143E75DAC78 GetSpinnerValue() = function:00000143E75DABB8 Hide() = function:00000143E75DB7C8 HideActiveComponent() = function:00000143E75DAD78 Initialize() = function:00000143E75D7D58 InitializeKeybindStrip() = function:00000143E75DACB8 New() = function:00000143E75DA7F8 OnStateChanged() = function:00000143E75DAB78 RebuildHeaderTabs() = function:00000143E75DACF8 RefreshHeaderData() = function:00000143E75DB408 RepairMessageBox() = function:00000143E75DB6C8 SetActiveComponents() = function:00000143E75DAAF8 SetDeferredStartingMode() = function:00000143E75DA990 SetMode() = function:00000143E75DB688 SetQuantitySpinnerActive() = function:00000143E75DAC38 SetupSpinner() = function:00000143E75DABF8 Show() = function:00000143E75DB788 ShowComponent() = function:00000143E75DAD38 UpdateRightTooltip() = function:00000143E75DB648 __index = table:00000143E75DA6B8 (meta 00000143E75DA700} ZO_GamepadStoreRepair = table:00000143134A9FD0 (meta 00000143134AA018} firstTable firstMeta CanRepair() = function:00000143134AA2A8 ConfirmRepair() = function:00000143134AA2E8 GetNumRepairItems() = function:00000143134AA3A8 Initialize() = function:00000143134AA100 InitializeKeybindStrip() = function:00000143134AA268 New() = function:00000143134AA090 OnSelectedItemChanged() = function:00000143134AA368 RegisterEvents() = function:00000143134AA140 SetupEntry() = function:00000143134AA328 UnregisterEvents() = function:00000143134AA228 __index = table:00000143134A9FD0 (meta 00000143134AA018} ZO_GamepadStoreSell = table:00000143134A3770 (meta 00000143134A37B8} firstTable firstMeta CanSell() = function:00000143134A3A48 ConfirmSell() = function:00000143134A3A88 Initialize() = function:00000143134A38A0 InitializeKeybindStrip() = function:00000143134A3A08 New() = function:00000143134A3830 OnSelectedItemChanged() = function:00000143134A3BC8 RegisterEvents() = function:00000143134A38E0 SelectSellItem() = function:00000143134A3AC8 SetupEntry() = function:00000143134A3B88 UnregisterEvents() = function:00000143134A39C8 UnselectSellItem() = function:00000143134A3B48 __index = table:00000143134A3770 (meta 00000143134A37B8} ZO_GamepadTabBarScrollList = table:0000014405F8D010 (meta 0000014405F8D058} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:00000143F1193070 Commit() = function:00000143F11930B0 Deactivate() = function:000001439F6BB690 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:000001439F6BB778 MoveNext() = function:00000143F1191FA8 MovePrevious() = function:00000143F1191F68 New() = function:00000143F1192FF8 RefreshPips() = function:000001439F6BB710 SetPipsEnabled() = function:000001439F6BB6D0 SetSelectedIndex() = function:00000143F1191F28 __index = table:0000014405F8D010 (meta 0000014405F8D058} ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate_OnInitialized() = function:00000143063C3498 ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate_Setup() = function:00000143063C34D8 ZO_GamepadTooltip = table:000001431DC90028 firstTable AddTooltipInstantScene() = function:000001439D304008 ClearStatusLabel() = function:000001431DC8FAB0 ClearTooltip() = function:000001431DC8F488 DoesAutoShowTooltipBg() = function:000001439D304048 GetAndInitializeTooltipContainerTip() = function:000001439D306228 GetTooltip() = function:000001439D3061A8 GetTooltipBgFragment() = function:000001439D303FC8 GetTooltipContainer() = function:000001439D3061E8 GetTooltipFragment() = function:000001439D306268 GetTooltipInfo() = function:000001439D304088 HideBg() = function:000001439D3082C8 Initialize() = function:00000143D909B290 InitializeTooltip() = function:000001431DC8FB18 New() = function:000001431DC901D8 Reset() = function:000001439D307908 ResetScrollTooltipToTop() = function:000001431DC8FA70 SetAutoShowBg() = function:000001439D308308 SetBgAlpha() = function:000001439D307848 SetBgType() = function:000001439D308348 SetMovableTooltipAnchors() = function:00000143D909C508 SetMovableTooltipVerticalRules() = function:00000143D909C4C8 SetScrollIndicatorSide() = function:00000143D909C548 SetStatusLabelText() = function:00000143D909C488 SetTooltipResetScrollOnClear() = function:000001439D307888 ShowBg() = function:000001439D308288 ShowGenericHeader() = function:000001439D3078C8 metaTable = table:000001431DC900B0 firstTable __index() = function:000001431DC90128 ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevel = userdata:00000143F318ACD8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelLeftTooltip = userdata:00000143F318B1F0 (meta 000001431DC94068} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:00000143F318B270 (meta 000001431DC90BC0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomRail = userdata:00000143F3189698 (meta 000001430831E750} statusLabel = userdata:00000143F318B300 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusLabelValue = userdata:00000143F318B390 (meta 00000143F3188E30} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:00000143F318B3A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F3188BB8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad42 lineLimit = 1 2 = table:00000143F3188C58 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad34 lineLimit = 1 3 = table:00000143F3188CF8 firstTable dontUseForAdjusting = true font = ZoFontGamepad27 lineLimit = 1 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 statusLabelValueForVisualLayer = userdata:00000143F31891D8 (meta 00000143F31894E0} statusLabelVisualLayer = userdata:00000143F3189608 (meta 00000143083425C0} tip = userdata:00000143F3189980 (meta 000001431DA0C648} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelLeftTooltipBg = userdata:00000143F3189DA8 (meta 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00000143F3188E30} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelLeftTooltipContainerStatusLabelValueForVisualLayer = userdata:00000143F31891D8 (meta 00000143F31894E0} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:00000143F31891E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F3189268 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad42 lineLimit = 1 2 = table:00000143F3189308 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad34 lineLimit = 1 3 = table:00000143F31893A8 firstTable dontUseForAdjusting = true font = ZoFontGamepad27 lineLimit = 1 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelLeftTooltipContainerStatusLabelVisualLayer = userdata:00000143F3189608 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelLeftTooltipContainerTip = userdata:00000143F3189980 (meta 000001431DA0C648} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 animation = userdata:000001430FD7C348 (meta 000001430FD7C3A0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143F3189980 (meta 000001431DA0C648} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false initialized = true inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:00000143F3189A10 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:00000143F3189AA8 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000143F3189D28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:000001431DA0C708 (meta 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3 = table:000001431DC9E578 firstTable dontUseForAdjusting = true font = ZoFontGamepad27 lineLimit = 1 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 statusLabelVisualLayer = userdata:000001431DC9E128 (meta 00000143083425C0} tip = userdata:000001431DC9CC28 (meta 000001431DC930C8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipBg = userdata:0000014428AF89B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipBgBg = userdata:00000143B2B5C1D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipBgBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:000001431DC9D0D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipBgBgBg = userdata:000001431DC9D198 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipBgBgHighlight = userdata:000001431DC9D108 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipBgBgLeftDivider = userdata:000001431DC9D138 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipBgBgRightDivider = userdata:000001431DC9D168 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipBgBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001431DC9D038 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainer = userdata:000001431DC9DC00 (meta 00000143D909D0C0} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerBottomRail = userdata:000001431DC9E1B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerBottomRailDivider = userdata:000001431DC9E7D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerBottomRailDividerCenter = userdata:000001431DC9CBA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerBottomRailDividerLeft = userdata:000001431DC9CA60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerBottomRailDividerRight = userdata:000001431DC9CB00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerStatusLabel = userdata:000001431DC9DC90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerStatusLabelValue = userdata:000001431DC9DD28 (meta 000001431DC9DFF8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:000001431DC9DD38 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DC9DD80 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad42 lineLimit = 1 2 = table:000001431DC9DE20 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad34 lineLimit = 1 3 = table:000001431DC9DEC0 firstTable dontUseForAdjusting = true font = ZoFontGamepad27 lineLimit = 1 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerStatusLabelValueForVisualLayer = userdata:000001431DC9E3A8 (meta 000001431DC9E6B0} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerStatusLabelVisualLayer = userdata:000001431DC9E128 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerTip = userdata:000001431DC9CC28 (meta 000001431DC930C8} firstMeta firstIndex initialized = false ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerTipScroll = userdata:000001431DC9CCB8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerTipScrollIndicator = userdata:0000014428AF8948 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChild = userdata:000001431DC9CD50 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildPadding = userdata:000001431DC9CF38 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltip = userdata:000001431DC9CDF0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltipContents = userdata:000001431DC9CE98 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipDarkBg = userdata:000001431DC9D1C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipDarkBgBg = userdata:000001431DC9D1F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipDarkBgBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:000001431DC9D330 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipDarkBgBgBg = userdata:000001431DC9D568 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipDarkBgBgHighlight = userdata:000001431DC9D3C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipDarkBgBgLeftDivider = userdata:000001431DC9D450 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipDarkBgBgRightDivider = userdata:000001431DC9D4E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipDarkBgBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001431DC9D290 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipDarkBgDarkener = userdata:000001431DC9D5F0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipDarkBgDarkenerBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:000001431DC9D738 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipDarkBgDarkenerBg = userdata:00000143D9096030 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelMovableTooltipDarkBgDarkenerHighlight = userdata:000001431DC9D7D0 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table:0000014346131928 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad34 lineLimit = 1 3 = table:000001431E0CBC10 firstTable dontUseForAdjusting = true font = ZoFontGamepad27 lineLimit = 1 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 statusLabelValueForVisualLayer = userdata:00000143D9094050 (meta 00000143D9094358} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:00000143D9094060 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D90940E0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad42 lineLimit = 1 2 = table:00000143D9094180 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad34 lineLimit = 1 3 = table:00000143D9094220 firstTable dontUseForAdjusting = true font = ZoFontGamepad27 lineLimit = 1 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 statusLabelVisualLayer = userdata:00000143D9094700 (meta 00000143083425C0} tip = userdata:00000143D9094A90 (meta 000001431DA0DB80} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelQuadrant1TooltipBg = userdata:00000143C35929C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelQuadrant1TooltipBgBg = 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ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerBottomRailDivider = userdata:00000143D9097260 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerBottomRailDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D9097428 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerBottomRailDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D90972F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerBottomRailDividerRight = userdata:00000143D9097390 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerStatusLabel = userdata:00000143D90951B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerStatusLabelValue = userdata:00000143D9095250 (meta 00000143D9095558} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:00000143D9095260 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D90952E0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad42 lineLimit = 1 2 = table:00000143D9095380 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad34 lineLimit = 1 3 = table:00000143D9095420 firstTable dontUseForAdjusting = true font = ZoFontGamepad27 lineLimit = 1 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerStatusLabelValueForVisualLayer = userdata:00000143D9095900 (meta 00000143D9095C08} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerStatusLabelVisualLayer = userdata:00000143D9095D30 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerTip = userdata:00000143D90974B0 (meta 000001431DC8FCF0} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerTipScroll = userdata:00000143D9097540 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerTipScrollIndicator = userdata:00000143D9097858 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChild = userdata:00000143D90975D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildPadding = userdata:00000143D90977C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltip = userdata:00000143D9097678 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltipContents = userdata:00000143D9097720 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBg = userdata:00000143D9099858 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgBg = userdata:00000143D90998D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143D9099A10 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgBgBg = userdata:00000143D9099C48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgBgHighlight = userdata:00000143D9099AA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgBgLeftDivider = userdata:00000143D9099B30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgBgRightDivider = userdata:00000143D9099BC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143D9099970 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgDarkener = userdata:00000143D9099CD0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgDarkenerBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143D9095700 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgDarkenerBg = userdata:000001431DC9DAF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgDarkenerHighlight = userdata:00000143D90982A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgDarkenerLeftDivider = userdata:00000143D9098340 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgDarkenerRightDivider = userdata:000001431DC9DA70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GamepadTooltipTopLevelRightTooltipDarkBgDarkenerScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143D9099D00 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GamepadTooltip_OnInitialized() = function:000001439D3040C8 ZO_GamepadTradeWindow = table:00000143207ECC38 (meta 00000143207ECC80} firstTable firstMeta AddOfferListEntry() = function:000001431349DAA8 BeginTrade() = function:00000143F1943C10 EnterConfirmation() = function:00000143F1941620 ExitConfirmation() = function:00000143F1943B90 GetActiveItemSlot() = function:00000143F1948440 HideGoldSliderControl() = function:00000143F193BDC0 Initialize() = function:00000143CFFD7018 InitializeHeaders() = function:000001431349DAF0 InitializeInventoryList() = function:00000143F1928D68 InitializeKeybindDescriptor() = function:00000143F1948480 InitializeOfferLists() = function:000001431349DB50 InventorySelectionChanged() = function:00000143F1937EC0 New() = function:00000143CFFD6FA8 OnSelectionChanged() = function:00000143F193BE00 OnStateChanged() = function:00000143CFFCF4D0 OnTradeWindowItemAdded() = function:00000143CFFCF510 OnTradeWindowItemRemoved() = function:00000143CFFCF550 OnTradeWindowMoneyChanged() = function:00000143CFFCF590 PerformDeferredInitialization() = function:00000143CFFCEFE0 PrepareWindowForNewTrade() = function:00000143F1943BD0 RefreshCanSwitchFocus() = function:00000143207DAD18 RefreshKeybind() = function:00000143F1948400 RefreshOfferList() = function:00000143F193DF70 RefreshTooltips() = function:00000143F193DF28 SetOfferFocus() = function:00000143CFFCF690 SetupOfferList() = function:00000143CFFCF098 ShowGoldSliderControl() = function:00000143F193BD80 SwitchToKeybind() = function:00000143F19483C0 SwitchView() = function:00000143F1943C58 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:00000143CFFCF618 UpdateGoldOfferValue() = function:00000143F192ECC0 UpdateHeaders() = function:00000143F192ED00 __index = table:00000143207ECC38 (meta 00000143207ECC80} ZO_GamepadTradingHouse_BaseList = table:00000143A35CFE90 (meta 00000143A35CFED8} firstTable firstMeta ActivateOnResponse() = function:00000143A35D05A8 DeactivateForResponse() = function:00000143A35D0568 DisplayChangeGuildDialog() = function:00000143A35D0268 DisplayErrorDialog() = function:00000143A35D0228 GetFragmentGroup() = function:00000143A35D0368 HasNoCooldown() = function:00000143A35D05E8 Hide() = function:00000143A35D0128 Initialize() = function:00000143A35CFFC0 InitializeEvents() = function:00000143A35D0328 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143A35D0000 InitializeList() = function:00000143A35D02E8 New() = function:00000143A35CFF50 OnEndInteraction() = function:00000143A35D03E8 OnHidden() = function:00000143A35D04A8 OnHiding() = function:00000143A35D0468 OnInitialInteraction() = function:00000143A35D03A8 OnShowing() = function:00000143A35D04E8 OnShown() = function:00000143A35D0528 RegisterForEvents() = function:00000143A35D01E8 SetAwaitingResponse() = function:00000143A35D02A8 SetEventCallback() = function:00000143A35D01A8 Show() = function:00000143A35D0168 UpdateForGuildChange() = function:00000143A35D0428 UpdateKeybind() = function:00000143A35D00E8 ZO_GamepadTradingHouse_BrowseManager = table:00000143CB5152C0 (meta 00000143CB515308} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:00000143CB515618 New() = function:00000143CB515380 NewFilteredSearch() = function:00000143CB515698 OnEndInteraction() = function:00000143CB515518 OnInitialInteraction() = function:00000143CB515430 RegisterForEvents() = function:00000143CB5153F0 SetAwaitingResponse() = function:00000143CB5156D8 Show() = function:00000143CB5155D8 Toggle() = function:00000143CB515658 UpdateForGuildChange() = function:00000143CB515558 UpdateKeybind() = function:00000143CB515598 __index = table:00000143CB5152C0 (meta 00000143CB515308} ZO_GamepadTradingHouse_CreateListing = table:00000143CB529A20 (meta 00000143CB529A68} firstTable firstMeta FocusPriceSelector() = function:00000143CB529D98 Hiding() = function:00000143CB529D58 Initialize() = function:00000143CB529B50 InitializeControls() = function:00000143CB529C98 InitializeHeader() = function:00000143CB529C58 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143CB529C10 New() = function:00000143CB529AE0 OnStateChanged() = function:00000143CB529CD8 PerformDeferredInitialization() = function:00000143CB529BD0 SetControlAmountLabel() = function:00000143CB529E60 SetListingPrice() = function:00000143CB529EE0 SetupListing() = function:00000143CB529F20 ShowListItemConfirmation() = function:00000143CB529F60 Showing() = function:00000143CB529D18 UnfocusPriceSelector() = function:00000143CB529DD8 ValidatePriceSelectorValue() = function:00000143CB529E18 __index = table:00000143CB529A20 (meta 00000143CB529A68} ZO_GamepadTradingHouse_Dialogs_DisplayConfirmationDialog() = function:00000143CDD1C180 ZO_GamepadTradingHouse_DynamicSetter = table:00000143CB513DE8 (meta 00000143CB513E30} firstTable firstMeta GetValues() = function:00000143CB513F58 Initialize() = function:00000143CB513F18 New() = function:00000143CB513EA8 ZO_GamepadTradingHouse_EnchantmentFilters = table:000001430979AE68 (meta 000001430979AEB0} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:000001430979AF28 ZO_GamepadTradingHouse_Filter = table:000001430978E570 (meta 000001430978E5B8} firstTable firstMeta AddMods() = function:000001430978E848 ApplyToSearch() = function:000001430978E908 Initialize() = function:000001430978E6A0 IsInitialized() = function:000001430978E6E0 New() = function:000001430978E630 RemoveComboBoxes() = function:000001430978E808 SetComboBoxes() = function:000001430978E7C8 SetEnchantmentType() = function:000001430978E8C8 SetHidden() = function:000001430978E948 SetTraitType() = function:000001430978E888 ZO_GamepadTradingHouse_ItemList = table:00000143A35D0628 (meta 00000143A35D0670} firstTable firstMeta GetKeyBind() = function:00000143A35D0768 Initialize() = function:00000143A35D0728 InitializeList() = function:00000143A35D07E8 New() = function:00000143A35D06B8 SetFragment() = function:00000143A35D07A8 UpdateList() = function:00000143A35D0828 ZO_GamepadTradingHouse_ModFilter = table:000001430978E988 (meta 000001430978E9D0} firstTable firstMeta GetComboBoxData() = function:000001430978EB48 Initialize() = function:000001430978EA88 InitializeComboBox() = function:000001430978EC08 IsInitialized() = function:000001430978EAC8 New() = function:000001430978EA18 OnFilterSelectionChanged() = function:000001430978EBC8 SetType() = function:000001430978EB88 SetVisible() = function:000001430978EB08 ZO_GamepadTradingHouse_SortableItemList = table:00000143A35D08B0 (meta 00000143A35D08F8} firstTable firstMeta BuildList() = function:00000143A35D1060 GetKeyBind() = function:00000143A35D0DD0 GetTextForCurrentTimePriceKey() = function:00000143A35D0F90 GetTextForToggleTimePriceKey() = function:00000143A35D0FD8 Initialize() = function:00000143A35D0A30 InitializeSortOptions() = function:00000143A35D0E50 New() = function:00000143A35D09F0 RequestListUpdate() = function:00000143A35D10A0 ResetSortOptions() = function:00000143A35D0ED0 SORT_KEY_NAME = name SORT_KEY_PRICE = price SORT_KEY_TIME = time SelectInitialSortOption() = function:00000143A35D0F10 SetFragment() = function:00000143A35D0E10 ToggleSortOptions() = function:00000143A35D1020 ZO_GamepadTradingHouse_TraitFilters = table:000001430979A888 (meta 000001430979A8D0} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:000001430979A948 ZO_GamepadVerticalItemParametricScrollList = table:0000014405F90F70 (meta 0000014405F90FB8} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:0000014405F91000 __index = table:0000014405F90F70 (meta 0000014405F90FB8} ZO_GamepadVerticalParametricScrollList = table:00000143F1192C30 (meta 00000143F1192C78} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:0000014405F93DE0 New() = function:0000014405F8E588 __index = table:00000143F1192C30 (meta 00000143F1192C78} ZO_GamepadVerticalParametricScrollListSubList = table:00000143F1191FE8 (meta 00000143F1192030} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:0000014428AF4748 CancelSelection() = function:0000014428AF4580 Commit() = function:0000014428AF4498 Deactivate() = function:0000014428AF4788 Initialize() = function:00000143F1191E50 InitializeKeybindStrip() = function:0000014428AF45C0 New() = function:00000143F1191DE0 ZO_Gamepad_Achievements = userdata:00000143E41BCD80 (meta 00000143E41C9D68} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsChain = userdata:00000143E41C9750 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMask = userdata:00000143E41BCDF0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainer = userdata:00000143E41BCE68 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143E41BCEF0 (meta 00000143E41BE648} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143E41BCF80 (meta 00000143E41CA748} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143E41BCF80 (meta 00000143E41CA748} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143E41BE1C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143E41BE130 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143E41BE2F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143E41BE260 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143E41BE428 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143E41BE390 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143E41BE558 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143E41BE4C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143E41BD940 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143E41BDBD8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E41BDDE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E41BDC80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143E41BDD30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143E41BD9E8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143E41BDB30 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143E41BDE88 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E41BE098 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E41BDF38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143E41BDFE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143E41BDA90 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143E41BD608 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143E41BD6A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E41BD8A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E41BD750 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143E41BD7F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143E41BE5F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143E41BD4D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143E41BD568 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143E41BD020 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143E41BD0C0 (meta 00000143E41BD300} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143E41BD0D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E41BD150 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143E41BD1C8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143E41BD240 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 390 ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143E41CA808 (meta 00000143E41CAC38} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143E41CA978 (meta 00000143E41CAF10} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E41CB128 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E41CAD08 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143E41CBF68 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E41CC688 control = userdata:00000143E41CA808 (meta 00000143E41CAC38} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143E41CA978 (meta 00000143E41CAF10} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E41CBFB0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E41CBFF8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E41CC088 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E41CC100 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E41CC298 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E41CC308 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E41CC3A8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E41CC510 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143E41CAB50 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E41CBD48 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E41CBD90 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E41CBDD8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E41CBCC8 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143E41CBEA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E41CBEE8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E41CBE58 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E41CB250 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E41CA978 (meta 00000143E41CAF10} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E41CB558 firstTable dataList = table:00000143E41CB318 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143E41CB208 firstTable ZO_GamepadAchievementsEntryTemplate = table:00000143E41CB778 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E41CB628 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E41CB670 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E41CB6B8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadAchievementsEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143E41CAA00 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadAchievementsEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadAchievementsEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E41CB7C0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E41CB808 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E41CBA98 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E41CB998 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E41CBA58 m_Active = table:00000143E41CB850 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E41CB8C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadAchievementsEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E41CAA00 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadAchievementsEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryWithBarTemplate = table:00000143E41CBC80 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E41CBB30 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E41CBB78 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E41CBBC0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryWithBarTemplate parent = userdata:00000143E41CAA00 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryWithBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143E41CB5E8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E41CAD80 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E41CB1C0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E41CABE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E41CB3F0 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E41CB480 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143E41CB3A8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E41CB438 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143E41CAA00 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E41CB4C8 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143E41CB360 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143E41CB5A0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E41CB510 firstTable ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143E41CAAA0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143E41CAB50 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E41CABE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143E41CAA00 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerNoEntries = userdata:00000143E41C9BC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerRecent = userdata:00000143E41C97D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerRecentCenterer = userdata:00000143E41C9B40 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerRecentHeader = userdata:00000143E41C9AB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBar = userdata:00000144C755CFD8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarName = userdata:00000143E41BCD10 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarRank = userdata:00000143E41BCC98 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBar = userdata:00000143E41BB7B8 (meta 00000143E41BCB60} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E41BC510 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarBG = userdata:00000143E41BC590 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarBGLeft = userdata:00000143E41BC610 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarBGMiddle = userdata:00000143E41BC718 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarBGRight = userdata:00000143E41BC690 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarGloss = userdata:00000143E41BC510 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarGlowContainer = userdata:00000143E41BC9B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarGlowContainerCenter = userdata:00000143E41BCB08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarGlowContainerLeft = userdata:00000143E41BC9E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarGlowContainerRight = userdata:00000143E41BCA78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarOverlay = userdata:00000143E41BC798 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarOverlayLeft = userdata:00000143E41BC820 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarOverlayMiddle = userdata:00000143E41BC930 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_Achievements_FooterBarXPBarOverlayRight = userdata:00000143E41BC8A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_AddBackNavigationKeybindDescriptors() = function:00000143F993DDD8 ZO_Gamepad_AddBackNavigationKeybindDescriptorsWithSound() = function:00000143F9938060 ZO_Gamepad_AddForwardNavigationKeybindDescriptors() = function:0000014310B937E0 ZO_Gamepad_AddForwardNavigationKeybindDescriptorsWithSound() = function:00000143F993DD58 ZO_Gamepad_AddListTriggerKeybindDescriptors() = function:0000014310B937A0 ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchant = userdata:00000144DD5D99D0 (meta 00000144DD5DB8F8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMask = userdata:00000144DD5D9A40 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainer = userdata:00000144DD5D9AB8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000144DD5D9AE8 (meta 00000144DD5DB240} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000144DD5D9B78 (meta 00000144DD5DC310} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000144DD5D9B78 (meta 00000144DD5DC310} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000144DD5DADC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000144DD5DAD28 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000144DD5DAEF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000144DD5DAE58 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000144DD5DB020 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000144DD5DAF88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000144DD5DB150 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000144DD5DB0B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:00000143083438E0 AnchorToBaseline() = function:00000143083416E0 Clean() = function:0000014308340E30 ClearAnchorToBaseline() = function:0000014308341750 ClearAnchors() = function:00000143083419F0 Convert3DLocalOrientationToWorldOrientation() = function:0000014308342548 Convert3DLocalPositionToWorldPosition() = function:00000143083424D8 Convert3DWorldOrientationToLocalOrientation() = function:0000014308342510 Convert3DWorldPositionToLocalPosition() = function:00000143083424A0 Create3DRenderSpace() = function:0000014308343918 CreateControl() = function:0000014308341D00 Destroy3DRenderSpace() = function:0000014308343950 DidLineWrap() = function:0000014308340DC8 Does3DRenderSpaceUseDepthBuffer() = function:0000014308343C60 Get3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:0000014308343B80 Get3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:0000014308343B10 Get3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:00000143083439C0 Get3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:0000014308343A30 Get3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:0000014308343BF0 Get3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:0000014308343AA0 GetAlpha() = function:0000014308341980 GetAnchor() = function:0000014308341A60 GetBottom() = function:0000014308341210 GetCenter() = function:0000014308341248 GetChild() = function:0000014308341398 GetClampedToScreen() = function:0000014308341BE8 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:0000014308342128 GetColor() = function:0000014308340BE8 GetControlAlpha() = function:00000143083419B8 GetControlScale() = function:0000014308341910 GetDesiredHeight() = function:0000014308341130 GetDesiredWidth() = function:00000143083410F8 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:0000014308342208 GetDimensions() = function:0000014308341868 GetDrawLayer() = function:0000014308342350 GetDrawLevel() = function:00000143083423C0 GetDrawTier() = function:00000143083422A8 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:0000014308341FA0 GetFontHeight() = function:0000014308340E68 GetHandler() = function:0000014308342430 GetHeight() = function:00000143083410C0 GetHitInsets() = function:00000143083420B8 GetHorizontalAlignment() = function:0000014308340910 GetId() = function:0000014308341EC0 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:0000014308341DE0 GetInheritsScale() = function:0000014308341E50 GetLeft() = function:0000014308341168 GetModifyTextType() = function:0000014308341600 GetName() = function:0000014308341440 GetNamedChild() = function:00000143083413D0 GetNumChildren() = function:0000014308341360 GetNumLines() = function:0000014308341020 GetOwningWindow() = function:00000143083417F8 GetParent() = function:00000143083412F0 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:0000014308341F30 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:0000014308342198 GetRight() = function:00000143083411D8 GetScale() = function:00000143083418D8 GetScreenRect() = function:0000014308341A98 GetStringWidth() = function:0000014308341590 GetStyleColor() = function:0000014308340B40 GetText() = function:0000014308340880 GetTextDimensions() = function:0000014308340C20 GetTextHeight() = function:0000014308340CF8 GetTextWidth() = function:0000014308340C90 GetTop() = function:00000143083411A0 GetType() = function:0000014308341478 GetVerticalAlignment() = function:0000014308340A30 GetWidth() = function:0000014308341088 Has3DRenderSpace() = function:0000014308343988 IsChildOf() = function:0000014308341408 IsControlHidden() = function:0000014308341520 IsHandlerSet() = function:0000014308342468 IsHidden() = function:00000143083414E8 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308341CC8 IsMouseEnabled() = function:0000014308341C58 IsPointInside() = function:0000014308341AD0 RegisterForEvent() = function:0000014308342240 Set3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:0000014308343BB8 Set3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:0000014308343B48 Set3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:00000143083439F8 Set3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:0000014308343A68 Set3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:0000014308343C28 Set3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:0000014308343AD8 Set3DRenderSpaceUsesDepthBuffer() = function:0000014308343C98 SetAlpha() = function:0000014308341948 SetAnchor() = function:0000014308341A28 SetAnchorFill() = function:0000014308341B08 SetClampedToScreen() = function:0000014308341BB0 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:00000143083420F0 SetColor() = function:00000143083409F8 SetDesaturation() = function:0000014308340AA0 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:00000143083421D0 SetDimensions() = function:0000014308341830 SetDrawLayer() = function:0000014308342318 SetDrawLevel() = function:0000014308342388 SetDrawTier() = function:00000143083422E0 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:0000014308341F68 SetFont() = function:00000143083409C0 SetHandler() = function:00000143083423F8 SetHeight() = function:00000143083412B8 SetHidden() = function:00000143083414B0 SetHitInsets() = function:0000014308342080 SetHorizontalAlignment() = function:00000143083408B8 SetId() = function:0000014308341E88 SetInheritAlpha() = function:0000014308341DA8 SetInheritScale() = function:0000014308341E18 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308341C90 SetLineSpacing() = function:0000014308340F40 SetMaxLineCount() = function:0000014308340FB0 SetModifyTextType() = function:0000014308341670 SetMouseEnabled() = function:0000014308341C20 SetMovable() = function:0000014308341D38 SetNewLineX() = function:0000014308340ED8 SetParent() = function:0000014308341328 SetPixelRoundingEnabled() = function:00000143083417C0 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:0000014308341D70 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:0000014308341EF8 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:0000014308342160 SetScale() = function:00000143083418A0 SetShapeType() = function:0000014308341FD8 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:0000014308341B40 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:0000014308341B78 SetStyleColor() = function:0000014308340AD8 SetText() = function:0000014308340848 SetVerticalAlignment() = function:0000014308340988 SetWidth() = function:0000014308341280 SetWrapMode() = function:0000014308340BA8 StartMoving() = function:0000014308342010 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:0000014308342048 ToggleHidden() = function:0000014308341558 UnregisterForEvent() = function:00000143083438A8 WasTruncated() = function:0000014308340D60 ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000144DD5DA538 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000144DD5DA7D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000144DD5DA9D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000144DD5DA878 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000144DD5DA928 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000144DD5DA5E0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000144DD5DA728 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000144DD5DAA80 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000144DD5DAC90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000144DD5DAB30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000144DD5DABE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000144DD5DA688 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000144DD5DA200 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000144DD5DA2A0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000144DD5DA498 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000144DD5DA348 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000144DD5DA3F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000144DD5DB1E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000144DD5DA0C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000144DD5DA160 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000144DD5D9C18 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000144DD5D9CB8 (meta 00000144DD5D9EF8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000144DD5D9CC8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5D9D48 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000144DD5D9DC0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000144DD5D9E38 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000144DD5DC3D0 (meta 00000144DD5DC800} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000144DD5DC540 (meta 00000144DD5DCAD8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000144DD5DCCF0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000144DD5DC8D0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000144DD5DD690 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000144DD5DDB48 control = userdata:00000144DD5DC3D0 (meta 00000144DD5DC800} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000144DD5DC540 (meta 00000144DD5DCAD8} dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5DD708 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000144DD5DD750 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000144DD5DD7E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5DD858 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000144DD5DD8C0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000144DD5DDA60 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5DDB00 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000144DD5DDC48 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000144DD5DC718 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000144DD5DD3C8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000144DD5DD410 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5DD488 firstTable 1() = function:00000144DD5DD348 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000144DD5DD550 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5DD5F0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144DD5DD508 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000144DD5DCE18 firstTable control = userdata:00000144DD5DC540 (meta 00000144DD5DCAD8} dataIndexToControl = table:00000144DD5DD120 firstTable dataList = table:00000144DD5DCEE0 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000144DD5DCDD0 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate = table:00000144DD5DD300 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false pool = table:00000144DD5DD1B0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144DD5DD1F8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144DD5DD240 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000144DD5DC5C8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000144DD5C6D18 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5DC948 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000144DD5DCD88 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000144DD5DC7A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000144DD5DCFB8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000144DD5DD048 firstTable prePadding = table:00000144DD5DCF70 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000144DD5DD000 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000144DD5DC5C8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000144DD5DD090 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000144DD5DCF28 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000144DD5DD168 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000144DD5DD0D8 firstTable ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000144DD5DC668 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000144DD5DC718 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000144DD5DC7A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchantMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000144DD5DC5C8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_ApplyEnchant_OnInitialize() = function:00000144DD5D98F0 ZO_Gamepad_BookSet = userdata:00000143C8062BF0 (meta 00000143F98F1120} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMask = userdata:00000144C1B883A8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainer = userdata:00000143EC94FCE0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143F98F05A0 (meta 00000143F98F0F10} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143F98F05D0 (meta 00000143F98F1970} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143F98F05D0 (meta 00000143F98F1970} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143F98F0D50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143F98F0D20 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143F98F0DB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143F98F0D80 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143F98F0E10 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143F98F0DE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143F98F0E70 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143F98F0E40 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143F98F0920 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143F98F0B30 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143F98F0BC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143F98F0B60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143F98F0B90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143F98F09C0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143F98F0A90 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143F98F0C60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143F98F0CF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143F98F0C90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143F98F0CC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143F98F0A60 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143F98F0830 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143F98F0860 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143F98F08F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143F98F0890 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143F98F08C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143F98F0F00 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143F98F07D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143F98F0800 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143F98F0600 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143F98F0630 (meta 00000143D7676D68} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143EC96D7D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143207D7BF0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:0000014314392C10 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143F192A648 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 390 ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143E41DBFA8 (meta 00000143CFFE8240} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000144C1B8B028 (meta 00000143F98F1AF8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143D7673390 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143DB1DA3C0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143F98F2788 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143F98F2AB0 control = userdata:00000143E41DBFA8 (meta 00000143CFFE8240} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000144C1B8B028 (meta 00000143F98F1AF8} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F98F27D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143F98F2818 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143F98F28A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98F28F0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143F98F2938 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143F98F2980 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98F2A20 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143F98F2A68 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:0000014406029390 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143F98F2510 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143F98F2558 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98F25A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F98F2490 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143F98F2668 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98F2708 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F98F2620 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143F98F1D88 firstTable control = userdata:00000144C1B8B028 (meta 00000143F98F1AF8} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143F98F2058 firstTable dataList = table:00000143F98F1E18 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143F98F1D40 firstTable ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143F98F2230 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F98F20E8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F98F2130 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F98F2178 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000144C1B803B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143F98F22C8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F98F2310 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D7677180 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143F98F23E8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143EC94EA78 m_Active = table:00000143F98F2358 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F98F23A0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000144C1B803B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000144D078BC88 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143F98F1CF8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000144D078C2D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143F98F1EF0 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F98F1F80 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143F98F1EA8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F98F1F38 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000144C1B803B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143F98F1FC8 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143F98F1E60 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143F98F20A0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143F98F2010 firstTable ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001440602A178 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:0000014406029390 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000144D078C2D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_BookSetMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000144C1B803B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_BookSet_OnInitialize() = function:000001439D6AC900 ZO_Gamepad_Cadwell = userdata:00000143D6A4C340 (meta 00000143D6A516F8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMask = userdata:00000143D6A4DDA0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainer = userdata:00000143D6A4DE18 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143D6A4DE48 (meta 00000143D6A4F4F0} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143D6A4DED0 (meta 00000143D6A52208} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143D6A4DED0 (meta 00000143D6A52208} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143D6A4F090 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143D6A4F000 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143D6A4F1B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143D6A4F128 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143D6A4F2E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143D6A4F250 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143D6A4F408 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143D6A4F378 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143D6A4E860 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143D6A4EAD8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D6A4ECD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D6A4EB80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143D6A4EC28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143D6A4E900 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143D6A4EA38 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143D6A4ED70 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D6A4EF68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D6A4EE18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143D6A4EEC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143D6A4E9A0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143D6A4E540 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143D6A4E5E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D6A4E7C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D6A4E680 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143D6A4E720 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143D6A4F498 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143D6A4E410 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143D6A4E4A8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143D6A4DF68 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143D6A4E008 (meta 00000143D6A4E248} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143D6A4E018 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6A4E098 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143D6A4E110 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143D6A4E188 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 390 ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143D6A522C8 (meta 00000143D6A526D0} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143D6A52430 (meta 00000143D6A529A8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143D6A52BB0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143D6A527A0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143D6A54C18 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143D6A550D0 control = userdata:00000143D6A522C8 (meta 00000143D6A526D0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D6A54C90 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143D6A54CD8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143D6A54D68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6A54DE0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143D6A54E48 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143D6A54FE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6A55088 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143D6A551D0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143D6A525F0 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143D6A54980 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143D6A549C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6A54A10 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6A54900 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143D6A54AD8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D6A54B78 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6A54A90 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143D6A540E0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D6A52430 (meta 00000143D6A529A8} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143D6A543E8 firstTable dataList = table:00000143D6A541A8 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143D6A54098 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143D6A545C0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D6A54478 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D6A544C0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D6A54508 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143D6A524B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143D6A54608 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D6A54650 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D6A54868 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143D6A547A0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143D6A54828 m_Active = table:00000143D6A54698 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D6A546E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143D6A524B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143D6A52818 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143D6A54050 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143D6A52678 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143D6A54280 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143D6A54310 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143D6A54238 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143D6A542C8 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143D6A524B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143D6A54358 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143D6A541F0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143D6A54430 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143D6A543A0 firstTable ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143D6A52430 (meta 00000143D6A529A8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143D6A52548 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143D6A525F0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143D6A52678 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143D6A524B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddle = userdata:00000143D6A50C20 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleBody = userdata:00000143D6A51550 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143D6A50CA0 (meta 00000143D6A51420} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143D6A50D20 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143D6A50D20 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeaderCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143D6A50F68 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143D6A51080 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143D6A50FF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143D6A51198 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143D6A51110 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143D6A512B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143D6A51228 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143D6A513C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143D6A51340 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143D6A50ED8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143D6A50DB0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_CadwellMiddleHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143D6A50E48 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_CreateListTriggerKeybindDescriptors() = function:0000014310B93720 ZO_Gamepad_GetLeftStickEasedX() = function:0000014310B953D0 ZO_Gamepad_GetLeftStickEasedY() = function:0000014310B95418 ZO_Gamepad_GetRightStickEasedX() = function:0000014310B95460 ZO_Gamepad_GetRightStickEasedY() = function:00000143F993CA00 ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_Bid = userdata:00000144C754BD10 (meta 00000143C8046010} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainer = userdata:00000143C8043D60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerCurrencyTexture = userdata:00000143C8043E80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerHighlight = userdata:00000143C8043DF0 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelector = userdata:00000143C8043F08 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorBillions = userdata:00000143C8045AC8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorBillionsDecrease = userdata:00000143C8045BF8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorBillionsDisplay = userdata:00000143C8045B60 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorBillionsIncrease = userdata:00000143C8045CF8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorHundredMillions = userdata:00000143C8045758 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorHundredMillionsDecrease = userdata:00000143C8045898 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorHundredMillionsDisplay = userdata:00000143C80457F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorHundredMillionsIncrease = userdata:00000143C80459A8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorHundredThousands = userdata:00000143C8044E38 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorHundredThousandsDecrease = userdata:00000143C8044F78 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorHundredThousandsDisplay = userdata:00000143C8044ED8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorHundredThousandsIncrease = userdata:00000143C8045088 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorHundreds = userdata:00000143C8044518 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorHundredsDecrease = userdata:00000143C8044648 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorHundredsDisplay = userdata:00000143C80445B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorHundredsIncrease = userdata:00000143C8044748 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorMillions = userdata:00000143C80451A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorMillionsDecrease = userdata:00000143C80452D8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorMillionsDisplay = userdata:00000143C8045240 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorMillionsIncrease = userdata:00000143C80453D8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorOnes = userdata:00000143C8043F98 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorOnesDecrease = userdata:00000143C80440C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorOnesDisplay = userdata:00000143C8044030 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorOnesIncrease = userdata:00000143C80441C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorSpacer1 = userdata:00000143C80447D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorSpacer2 = userdata:00000143C8045118 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorSpacer3 = userdata:00000143C8045A38 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_GuildKiosk_BidBidSelectorContainerSelectorTenMillions = 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table:00000143EA914DD8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143EA90F468 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1D1E370 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E1D1E3B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D1E430 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D1E768 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143E1D1E4F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EA914218 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D1E4B0 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143D6B11BF0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E1D20618 (meta 00000143EA92EE90} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E1D1C148 firstTable dataList = table:00000143EA901E08 firstTable dataTypes = 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userdata:00000143D8F37398 (meta 00000143D8F37950} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143D8F37B30 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143D8F37748 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143D8F38838 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143D8F38CC0 control = userdata:00000143D8F37210 (meta 00000143D8F37678} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F38880 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143D8F388C8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143D8F38958 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F389D0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143D8F38A38 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143D8F38BD8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F38C78 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143D8F38DC0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143D8F37588 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143D8F38580 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143D8F385C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F38610 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F38500 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143D8F386F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F38798 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F386B0 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143D8F37C58 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D8F37398 (meta 00000143D8F37950} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143D8F37F60 firstTable dataList = table:00000143D8F37D20 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143D8F37C10 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143D8F38148 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D8F37FF0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D8F38038 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D8F38080 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143D8F37428 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143D8F38190 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D8F381D8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D8F38468 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143D8F38368 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143D8F38428 m_Active = table:00000143D8F38220 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D8F38298 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143D8F37428 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F377C0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143D8F37BC8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143D8F37620 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143D8F37DF8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143D8F37E88 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143D8F37DB0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143D8F37E40 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143D8F37428 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143D8F37ED0 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143D8F37D68 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143D8F37FA8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143D8F37F18 firstTable ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143D8F37398 (meta 00000143D8F37950} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143D8F374D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143D8F37588 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143D8F37620 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143D8F37428 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesTutorialText = userdata:00000143D8F2A280 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesTutorialTextContainer = userdata:00000143D8F2A310 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesTutorialTextHelpMessageContainer = userdata:00000143D8F35E88 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesTutorialTextHelpMessageContainerDetailsBody1 = userdata:00000143D8F36208 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesTutorialTextHelpMessageContainerDetailsBody2 = userdata:00000143D8F36558 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesTutorialTextHelpMessageContainerDetailsImage = userdata:00000143D8F362A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesTutorialTextHelpTextContainer = userdata:00000143D8F2A3A8 (meta 00000143D8F35750} firstMeta firstIndex DisableUpdateHandler() = function:0000014457A319C0 Initialize() = function:0000014457A318C8 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:0000014457A31A80 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:0000014457A31A40 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:0000014457A31AC0 OnUpdate() = function:0000014457A31B00 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:0000014457A31A00 ResetToTop() = function:0000014457A31978 animation = userdata:00000143D8F35CD8 (meta 00000143D8F35D30} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143D8F2A3A8 (meta 00000143D8F35750} directionalInputActivated = false hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000143D8F2A440 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000143D8F2A4E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollInput = 0 scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:00000143D8F35CA8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesTutorialTextHelpTextContainerScroll = userdata:00000143D8F2A440 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesTutorialTextHelpTextContainerScrollChild = userdata:00000143D8F2A580 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_Help_Tutorials_EntriesTutorialTextHelpTextContainerScrollIndicator = userdata:00000143D8F2A4E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventory = userdata:00000143EC960AC0 (meta 00000143EC962BC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMask = userdata:00000143EC961000 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainer = userdata:00000143EC961078 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143EC961100 (meta 00000143EC962870} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143EC961190 (meta 00000143EC963670} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143EC961190 (meta 00000143EC963670} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143EC9623F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143EC962358 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143EC962520 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143EC962488 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143EC962650 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143EC9625B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143EC962780 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143EC9626E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143EC961B60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143EC961DF8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143EC962008 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143EC961EA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143EC961F58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143EC961C08 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143EC961D50 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143EC9620B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143EC9622C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143EC962160 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143EC962210 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143EC961CB0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143EC961820 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143EC9618C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143EC961AC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143EC961970 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143EC961A18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143EC962818 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143EC9616E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143EC961780 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143EC961230 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143EC9612D0 (meta 00000143EC961510} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143EC9612E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC961360 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143EC9613D8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143EC961450 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143EC963730 (meta 00000143EC963AE0} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143EC9638A0 (meta 00000143EC963CB8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143EC963F30 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143EC963BB0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143EC9648B8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143EC964D70 control = userdata:00000143EC963730 (meta 00000143EC963AE0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC964930 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143EC964978 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143EC964A08 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC964A80 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143EC964AE8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143EC964C88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC964D28 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143EC964E70 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143EC9639F8 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143EC9645D0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143EC964618 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC964690 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EC964588 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143EC964778 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC964818 firstTable 1() = function:00000143EC964730 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143EC964058 firstTable control = userdata:00000143EC9638A0 (meta 00000143EC963CB8} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143EC964360 firstTable dataList = table:00000143EC964120 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143EC964010 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate = table:00000143EC964540 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false pool = table:00000143EC9643F0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143EC964438 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143EC964480 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143EC963928 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143EC963C28 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143EC963FC8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143EC963A88 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143EC9641F8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143EC964288 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143EC9641B0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143EC964240 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143EC963928 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143EC9642D0 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143EC964168 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143EC9643A8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143EC964318 firstTable ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143EC9638A0 (meta 00000143EC963CB8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143EC9639C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143EC9639F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143EC963A88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventoryMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143EC963928 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_LootInventory_OnInitialize() = function:00000143EC960F18 ZO_Gamepad_LootPickup = userdata:00000143EC950710 (meta 00000143EC95E578} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupBg = userdata:00000143EC95BC58 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143EC95BD60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupBgHighlight = userdata:00000143EC95BDD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupBgLeftDivider = userdata:00000143EC95BE50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupBgNestedBg = userdata:00000143EC95BF40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupBgRightDivider = userdata:00000143EC95BEC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143EC95BCD8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContent = userdata:00000143EC95BFB0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143EC95C030 (meta 00000143EC95D5E8} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143EC95C0B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143EC95C0B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143EC95D1A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143EC95D110 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143EC95D2C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143EC95D230 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143EC95D3E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143EC95D350 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143EC95D500 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143EC95D470 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143EC95C980 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143EC95CBF8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143EC95CDE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143EC95CC98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143EC95CD40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143EC95CA20 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143EC95CB58 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143EC95CE88 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143EC95D080 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143EC95CF30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143EC95CFD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143EC95CAC0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143EC95C670 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143EC95C708 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143EC95C8E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143EC95C7A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143EC95C848 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143EC95D590 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143EC95C548 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143EC95C5D8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143EC95C150 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143EC95C1E8 (meta 00000143EC95C428} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143EC95C1F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143EC95C278 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143EC95C2F0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143EC95C368 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentKeybindContainer = userdata:00000143EC95DB08 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentKeybindContainerTakeAllContainer = userdata:00000143143AC158 (meta 00000143EC95E1F0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143EC95E198 (meta 00000143EC95E360} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143143AC158 (meta 00000143EC95E1F0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143EC95E100 (meta 00000143EC95E448} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentKeybindContainerTakeAllContainerKeyLabel = userdata:00000143EC95E198 (meta 00000143EC95E360} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentKeybindContainerTakeAllContainerNameLabel = userdata:00000143EC95E100 (meta 00000143EC95E448} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentKeybindContainerTakeContainer = userdata:00000143EC95DB98 (meta 00000143EC95DD20} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentKeybindContainerTakeContainerKeyLabel = userdata:00000143EC95DCC8 (meta 00000143EC95DE90} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143EC95DB98 (meta 00000143EC95DD20} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143EC95DCC8 (meta 00000143EC95DE90} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143EC95DC30 (meta 00000143EC95DF78} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentKeybindContainerTakeContainerNameLabel = userdata:00000143EC95DC30 (meta 00000143EC95DF78} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentList = userdata:00000143EC95D720 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentListContainer = userdata:00000143EC95D7A0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentListContainerList = userdata:00000143EC95D820 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentListContainerListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143EC95D948 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentListContainerListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143EC95D9F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentListContainerListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143EC95DA88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LootPickupContentListContainerListScroll = userdata:00000143EC95D8A8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibrary = userdata:00000143E41CB8B8 (meta 000001430FD82E30} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMask = userdata:00000143E02F6830 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainer = userdata:00000143F98F4220 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143F98F42A8 (meta 00000144C3051F28} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143F98F42D8 (meta 000001430FD84A08} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143F98F42D8 (meta 000001430FD84A08} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143F98F4EB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143F98F4E28 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143F98F4FE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143F98F4F50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143F98F5108 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143F98F5078 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143F98F5230 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143F98F51A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143F98F4AA0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143F98F4C40 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143F98F4CD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143F98F4C70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143F98F4CA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143F98F4B40 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143F98F4C10 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143F98F4D00 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143F98F4D90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143F98F4D30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143F98F4D60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143F98F4B70 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143F98F48D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143F98F4978 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143F98F4A08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143F98F49A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143F98F49D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143F98F52C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143F98F47A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143F98F4840 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143F98F4378 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143F98F4418 (meta 00000143E41CECF0} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143E41CE658 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E41CE800 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143E41CE918 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143E41CEA90 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 390 ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143F98F5D68 (meta 000001430FD85130} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143F98F5E40 (meta 000001430FD85F38} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143F98F63F8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001430FD853B8 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143F98F6A10 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143F98F6EC0 control = userdata:00000143F98F5D68 (meta 000001430FD85130} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143F98F5E40 (meta 000001430FD85F38} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F98F6A58 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143F98F6AA0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143F98F6B30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98F6B78 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143F98F6CF0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000144C1B73680 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C1B7A4D8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000144C1B7A940 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143F98F5F90 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143F98F6798 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143F98F67E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98F6828 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F98F6718 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143F98F68F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98F6990 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F98F68A8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:000001430FD8C3C0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143F98F5E40 (meta 000001430FD85F38} dataIndexToControl = table:000001430FD87758 firstTable dataList = table:00000143F28C32B0 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001430FD89080 firstTable ZO_GamepadLoreCollectionEntryTemplate = table:000001439D8778C0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001431C5A7440 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431C5A40F8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014316681A88 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadLoreCollectionEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143F98F5EC8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadLoreCollectionEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadLoreCollectionEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:000001439D877950 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F98F64C8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F98F6680 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143D7658CA0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143F98F6640 m_Active = table:00000143F98F6510 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F98F6588 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadLoreCollectionEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143F98F5EC8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadLoreCollectionEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:000001430FD85640 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001430FD880F8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F98F6020 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143F28CAE80 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F28D0748 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143F28C7CB0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F28CB970 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143F98F5EC8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143F28D3E28 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143F28C3490 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:000001431C5A9988 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143F28E7268 firstTable ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143F98F5F60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143F98F5F90 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F98F6020 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibraryMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143F98F5EC8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_LoreLibrary_OnInitialize() = function:00000143E41CD888 ZO_Gamepad_ParametricList_Screen = table:00000143063BD708 (meta 00000143063BD750} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:00000143C3593578 ActivateCurrentList() = function:0000014314B94C00 AddList() = function:0000014405F90238 CheckUpdateIfOffCooldown() = function:00000143E74B5EF0 CreateAndSetupList() = function:0000014405F8EEE8 CreateListFragment() = function:00000143C35934B8 Deactivate() = function:0000014457A2C080 DeactivateCurrentList() = function:00000143063BEAE8 DisableCurrentList() = function:00000143063BCF80 EnableCurrentList() = function:00000143063BEB28 GetCurrentList() = function:00000143F118D370 GetHeaderContainer() = function:0000014428AFD7A0 GetHeaderFragment() = function:0000014405F8F598 GetList() = function:0000014405F902B8 GetListFragment() = function:00000143063BEB90 GetMainList() = function:0000014405F90278 Initialize() = function:00000143F118D558 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:0000014305CA9758 IsCurrentList() = function:00000143F118D3B0 New() = function:00000143063BD7C8 OnDeferredInitialize() = function:00000143063BD2E8 OnHide() = function:0000014405F8EEA8 OnHiding() = function:00000143063BD3A8 OnSelectionChanged() = function:0000014305CA9798 OnShow() = function:00000143063BD368 OnShowing() = function:00000143063BD328 OnStateChanged() = function:00000143C3593538 OnTabBarCategoryChanged() = function:0000014457A2C100 OnTargetChanged() = function:0000014305CA97D8 PerformDeferredInitialize() = function:00000143063BD2A8 PerformUpdate() = function:0000014305CA9718 RefreshKeybinds() = function:0000014457A2C0C0 SetCurrentList() = function:00000143F118D330 SetListsUseTriggerKeybinds() = function:00000143063C9070 SetScene() = function:00000143C35934F8 SetUpdateCooldown() = function:00000143E74B5EB0 SetupList() = function:0000014457A2C140 TryAddListTriggers() = function:00000143F118D3F0 TryRemoveListTriggers() = function:0000014405F901F8 Update() = function:00000143E74B5F70 ZO_Gamepad_PlayerInventoryFooter = userdata:000001439F6B5310 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_Gamepad_PlayerInventoryFooterFragment = table:000001439F6B5220 (meta 000001439F6B5268} firstTable firstMeta CapacityUpdate() = function:00000143CDE68F78 Initialize() = function:000001439F6B5320 New() = function:000001439F6B52B0 Show() = function:000001439F6B5360 ZO_Gamepad_PlayerInventoryFooterInventoryCapacityAmount = userdata:00000143E74B5750 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_PlayerInventoryFooterInventoryCapacityHeader = userdata:00000143A0C310E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKits = userdata:000001448F886548 (meta 000001448F888A08} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMask = userdata:000001448F886870 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainer = userdata:000001448F8868E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:000001448F886918 (meta 000001448F888000} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:000001448F8869A8 (meta 000001448F889418} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:000001448F8869A8 (meta 000001448F889418} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:000001448F887B98 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:000001448F887B08 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:000001448F887CC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:000001448F887C30 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:000001448F887DE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:000001448F887D58 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:000001448F887F10 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:000001448F887E80 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:000001448F887348 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:000001448F8875D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:000001448F8877C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:000001448F887678 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:000001448F887720 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:000001448F8873E8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:000001448F887528 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:000001448F887870 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:000001448F887A70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:000001448F887918 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:000001448F8879C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:000001448F887488 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:000001448F887018 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:000001448F8870B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:000001448F8872B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:000001448F887160 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:000001448F887208 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:000001448F887FA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:000001448F886EE8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:000001448F886F80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:000001448F886A40 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:000001448F886AE0 (meta 000001448F886D20} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:000001448F886AF0 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F886B70 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:000001448F886BE8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:000001448F886C60 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerMain = userdata:000001448F8894D8 (meta 000001448F8898F8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerMainList = userdata:000001448F889648 (meta 000001448F889BD0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001448F889DE0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001448F8899C8 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:000001448F88A788 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001448F88AC40 control = userdata:000001448F8894D8 (meta 000001448F8898F8} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:000001448F889648 (meta 000001448F889BD0} dirtyEvents = table:000001448F88A800 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:000001448F88A848 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001448F88A8D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F88A950 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001448F88A9B8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001448F88AB58 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F88ABF8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001448F88AD40 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:000001448F889810 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:000001448F88A4C0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:000001448F88A508 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F88A580 firstTable 1() = function:000001448F88A440 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:000001448F88A648 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F88A6E8 firstTable 1() = function:000001448F88A600 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:000001448F889F08 firstTable control = userdata:000001448F889648 (meta 000001448F889BD0} dataIndexToControl = table:000001448F88A210 firstTable dataList = table:000001448F889FD0 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001448F889EC0 firstTable ZO_Gamepad_ItemImprovement_ItemTemplate = table:000001448F88A3F8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false pool = table:000001448F88A2A0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001448F88A2E8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001448F88A330 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_Gamepad_ItemImprovement_ItemTemplate parent = userdata:000001448F8896D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_Gamepad_ItemImprovement_ItemTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000144DD5C6D18 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:000001448F889A40 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001448F889E78 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:000001448F8898A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001448F88A0A8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001448F88A138 firstTable prePadding = table:000001448F88A060 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001448F88A0F0 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:000001448F8896D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:000001448F88A180 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:000001448F88A018 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:000001448F88A258 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:000001448F88A1C8 firstTable ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001448F889768 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:000001448F889810 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:000001448F8898A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKitsMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:000001448F8896D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_RepairKits_OnInitialize() = function:000001448F886758 ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemCharger = userdata:00000144DD5E92A8 (meta 00000143F0F6B3F0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMask = userdata:00000144DD5EA9E8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainer = userdata:00000144DD5EAA18 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000144DD5EAAA8 (meta 00000144DD5EC288} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000144DD5EAB40 (meta 00000144DD5EA658} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000144DD5EAB40 (meta 00000144DD5EA658} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000144DD5EBDE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000144DD5EBD50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000144DD5EBF20 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000144DD5EBE88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000144DD5EC058 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000144DD5EBFC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000144DD5EC190 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000144DD5EC0F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000144DD5EB530 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000144DD5EB7D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000144DD5EB9E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000144DD5EB888 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000144DD5EB938 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000144DD5EB5D8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000144DD5EB728 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000144DD5EBA98 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000144DD5EBCB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000144DD5EBB48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000144DD5EBBF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000144DD5EB680 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000144DD5EB1D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000144DD5EB280 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000144DD5EB490 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000144DD5EB330 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000144DD5EB3E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000144DD5EC230 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000144DD5EB098 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000144DD5EB138 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000144DD5EABE0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000144DD5EAC88 (meta 00000144DD5EAEC8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000144DD5EAC98 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5EAD18 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000144DD5EAD90 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000144DD5EAE08 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000144DD5EA718 (meta 00000144DD5B6908} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000144DD5EA898 (meta 00000144DD5B6BE0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000144DD5B7830 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000144DD5B69D8 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000144DD5C8098 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000144DD5C9C68 control = userdata:00000144DD5EA718 (meta 00000144DD5B6908} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000144DD5EA898 (meta 00000144DD5B6BE0} dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5C8110 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000144DD5C83A0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000144DD5C86B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5C8730 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000144DD5C8200 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000144DD5C8270 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5C87D0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000144DD5C9D68 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000144DD5B6818 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000144DD5B7450 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000144DD5B7498 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5C7E90 firstTable 1() = function:00000144DD5B6E68 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000144DD5C7F58 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5C7FF8 firstTable 1() = function:00000144DD5C7F10 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000144DD5B7958 firstTable control = userdata:00000144DD5EA898 (meta 00000144DD5B6BE0} dataIndexToControl = table:00000144DD5B6CB8 firstTable dataList = table:00000144DD5B7A20 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000144DD5B7910 firstTable ZO_Gamepad_ItemImprovement_ItemTemplate = table:00000144DD5B6E20 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false pool = table:00000144DD5B6D48 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144DD5B6D90 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144DD5B6DD8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_Gamepad_ItemImprovement_ItemTemplate parent = userdata:00000144DD5EA928 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_Gamepad_ItemImprovement_ItemTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000144DD5C6D18 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000144DD5B6A50 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000144DD5B78C8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000144DD5B68B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000144DD5B7AF8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000144DD5B6B38 firstTable prePadding = table:00000144DD5B7AB0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000144DD5B6AF0 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000144DD5EA928 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000144DD5B6C28 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000144DD5B7A68 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000144DD5B6D00 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000144DD5B6C70 firstTable ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000144DD5EA958 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000144DD5B6818 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000144DD5B68B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemChargerMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000144DD5EA928 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Gamepad_SoulGemItemCharger_OnInitialize() = function:00000144DD5E94B8 ZO_Gamepad_TempVirtualKeyboardGenRandomString() = function:00000143F99380E8 ZO_Gamepad_Tutorials_Categories_OnInitialize() = function:00000143E1D1D2F8 ZO_Gamepad_Tutorials_Entries_OnInitialize() = function:00000143E1D06EE8 ZO_Gamepad_Tutorials_Entries_OnTextureLoaded() = function:00000143E1D06E68 ZO_GammaAdjust = userdata:00000143E30A9A68 (meta 00000143063BF190} ZO_GammaAdjustBG = userdata:00000143B30979B0 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GammaAdjustBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143B3097A20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GammaAdjustDivider = userdata:00000143B3097AF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GammaAdjustGamepadSlider = userdata:0000014405F97310 (meta 00000143A0C2D060} ZO_GammaAdjustGamepadSliderCenter = userdata:0000014405F96C70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GammaAdjustGamepadSliderLeft = userdata:000001431392A518 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GammaAdjustGamepadSliderRight = userdata:0000014405F96BF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GammaAdjustKeyContainer = userdata:00000143063BF038 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GammaAdjustKeyContainerConfirmGamma = userdata:00000143063BF0B8 (meta 000001431D56E508} ZO_GammaAdjustKeyContainerConfirmGammaKeyLabel = userdata:000001431D56E3A0 (meta 000001431D56E678} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143063BF0B8 (meta 000001431D56E508} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431D56E3A0 (meta 000001431D56E678} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001439FD0E8A0 (meta 00000143B3091A20} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_GammaAdjustKeyContainerConfirmGammaNameLabel = userdata:000001439FD0E8A0 (meta 00000143B3091A20} ZO_GammaAdjustKeyContainerDeclineGamma = userdata:00000143063BF138 (meta 00000143B3091C10} ZO_GammaAdjustKeyContainerDeclineGammaKeyLabel = userdata:000001431D56E4B0 (meta 00000143E30B1410} ZO_GammaAdjustKeyContainerDeclineGammaNameLabel = userdata:000001431D56E428 (meta 00000143B3091CF8} ZO_GammaAdjustMainText = userdata:00000143B3097B90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GammaAdjustModalUnderlay = userdata:00000143B3097948 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GammaAdjustReferenceImage1 = userdata:00000143FA12EE88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GammaAdjustReferenceImage2 = userdata:00000143FA12EE58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GammaAdjustReferenceImage3 = userdata:00000143B3097B20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GammaAdjustSlider = userdata:000001431D56E620 (meta 0000014308359498} ZO_GammaAdjustSliderBackdrop = userdata:000001431DA0A440 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GammaAdjustSliderBackdropMungeOverlay = userdata:000001431DA0A4C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GammaAdjustSliderDecrement = userdata:00000143AA182B48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GammaAdjustSliderIncrement = userdata:00000143D72C4CB0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GammaAdjustSlider_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:0000014305CA8478 ZO_GammaAdjustSlider_Keyboard_OnInitialized() = function:00000143B30978A0 ZO_GammaAdjustSubText = userdata:00000143B3097BF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GammaAdjustTitle = userdata:00000143B3097A88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GammaAdjust_ChangeGamma() = function:0000014305CA83B8 ZO_GammaAdjust_ColorTexturesWithGamma() = function:0000014305CA82B8 ZO_GammaAdjust_Initialize() = function:00000143F118EBA0 ZO_GammaAdjust_NeedsFirstSetup() = function:0000014305CA83F8 ZO_GammaAdjust_SetGamma() = function:0000014305CA8270 ZO_Gemifiable = table:00000143F0DF2FA0 (meta 00000143F0DF2FE8} firstTable firstMeta ClientSideUpdate() = function:00000143F0DF54D0 Gemify() = function:00000143E7DDEA80 GemifyAll() = function:00000143F0DF3150 GemifyOne() = function:00000143E7DDDD40 Initialize() = function:00000143F0DF30D0 IsOutOfSync() = function:00000143F0DF4100 LayoutGamepadTooltip() = function:00000143F0DF5428 LayoutKeyboardTooltip() = function:00000143E7DDEAC0 New() = function:00000143F0DF3060 UpdateFromOfficialCount() = function:00000143F0DF3110 ZO_GemifiableItem = table:00000143F0DF5468 (meta 00000143F0DF2398} firstTable firstMeta Gemify() = function:00000143F0DF2460 Initialize() = function:00000143F0DF2420 LayoutGamepadTooltip() = function:00000143E7DDD3C0 LayoutKeyboardTooltip() = function:00000143E7DE03E0 New() = function:00000143F0DF23E0 __index = table:00000143F0DF5468 (meta 00000143F0DF2398} ZO_GenerateCommaSeparatedList() = function:0000014368610EF8 ZO_GenerateCommaSeparatedListWithoutAnd() = function:0000014368610F38 ZO_GenerateCubicBezierEase() = function:00000143F99343E0 ZO_GenericCenteredGamepadDialogTemplate_OnInitialized() = function:0000014457A49CB8 ZO_GenericCenteredGamepadDialogTemplate_Setup() = function:0000014457A49CF8 ZO_GenericCooldownGamepadDialogTemplate_OnInitialized() = function:00000144D64E50B8 ZO_GenericCooldownGamepadDialogTemplate_Setup() = function:0000014457A49C78 ZO_GenericFooter_Gamepad = userdata:0000014428AF0850 (meta 0000014428AF4CF8} ZO_GenericFooter_GamepadData1 = userdata:00000143C358FAE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GenericFooter_GamepadData1Header = userdata:00000143063CA630 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GenericFooter_GamepadData1LoadingIcon = userdata:00000143C358FB60 (meta 00000143063C6120} ZO_GenericFooter_GamepadData1LoadingIconAnimation = userdata:00000143C358FE60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GenericFooter_GamepadData2 = userdata:00000143FA134658 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GenericFooter_GamepadData2Header = userdata:00000143C358FF90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GenericFooter_GamepadData2LoadingIcon = userdata:0000014428AF0388 (meta 00000143063C79B0} ZO_GenericFooter_GamepadData2LoadingIconAnimation = userdata:00000143C358C7D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GenericFooter_GamepadData3 = userdata:000001439F6BB938 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GenericFooter_GamepadData3Header = userdata:0000014405F96B58 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GenericFooter_GamepadData3LoadingIcon = userdata:0000014405F97CE0 (meta 00000143F1192568} ZO_GenericFooter_GamepadData3LoadingIconAnimation = userdata:00000143E30A56B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GenericFooter_Gamepad_OnHidden() = function:000001439F6C1520 ZO_GenericFooter_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:000001439F6C0A68 ZO_GenericGamepadDialog_GetControl() = function:00000143F74D1D30 ZO_GenericGamepadDialog_HideTooltip() = function:00000144D64E4EE8 ZO_GenericGamepadDialog_IsShowing() = function:00000143CDC2F830 ZO_GenericGamepadDialog_OnInitialized() = function:00000143CDC2F6A8 ZO_GenericGamepadDialog_Parametric_TextFieldFocusLost() = function:000001431D566CC0 ZO_GenericGamepadDialog_RefreshHeaderData() = function:00000143EA506700 ZO_GenericGamepadDialog_RefreshKeybinds() = function:00000144D64E75E8 ZO_GenericGamepadDialog_RefreshText() = function:00000143EA5066C0 ZO_GenericGamepadDialog_SetupDirectionalInput() = function:00000143B5142740 ZO_GenericGamepadDialog_Show() = function:00000143CDC2F7F0 ZO_GenericGamepadDialog_ShowTooltip() = function:00000143CDC2F878 ZO_GenericGamepadDialog_UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:00000144D64E7668 ZO_GenericGamepadItemSliderDialogTemplate_GetSliderValue() = function:000001431D566C80 ZO_GenericGamepadItemSliderDialogTemplate_OnInitialized() = function:0000014457A49EB8 ZO_GenericGamepadItemSliderDialogTemplate_Setup() = function:000001431D566C00 ZO_GenericGamepadStaticListDialogTemplate_OnInitialized() = function:0000014457A49E38 ZO_GenericParametricListGamepadDialogTemplate_OnInitialized() = function:00000144D64E4F28 ZO_GenericParametricListGamepadDialogTemplate_Setup() = function:00000144D64E4FF8 ZO_GenericStaticListGamepadDialogTemplate_Setup() = function:0000014457A49E78 ZO_GetAchievementIds() = function:000001430FD82420 ZO_GetAllianceIcon() = function:000001432E001EE0 ZO_GetAllianceIconUserAreaDataName() = function:000001436882FC58 ZO_GetChromaAnimationTimer() = function:0000014457A48FB0 ZO_GetCollectibleCategoryAndName() = function:00000143CCAEB350 ZO_GetCraftingSkillName() = function:0000014310B9C9C8 ZO_GetEffectiveDungeonDifficulty() = function:0000014473755CC0 ZO_GetGroupDungeonDifficulty() = function:0000014473755C40 ZO_GetGuildCreateError() = function:00000143F98F97B8 ZO_GetInviteInstructions() = function:000001431DA59960 ZO_GetItemTraitInformation_SortOrder() = function:0000014314CEC5C0 ZO_GetNextActiveArtificialEffectIdIter() = function:00000143207D2D18 ZO_GetNextBagSlotIndex() = function:000001431D72B208 ZO_GetNextInProgressAchievementInLine() = function:000001430FD823A0 ZO_GetNextMailIdIter() = function:00000144C304C538 ZO_GetNextOwnedCrownCrateIdIter() = function:000001436BDA7778 ZO_GetPlatformAccountLabel() = function:000001432E00CF68 ZO_GetPlatformStoreName() = function:000001432E00A490 ZO_GetPlatformTemplate() = function:00000143063C36C0 ZO_GetPlatformUserFacingName() = function:000001431DA598E0 ZO_GetPlayerDungeonDifficulty() = function:0000014473755C80 ZO_GetPrimaryPlayerName() = function:000001432E013340 ZO_GetPrimaryPlayerNameFromUnitTag() = function:000001432E0132C0 ZO_GetPrimaryPlayerNameHeader() = function:000001432E011730 ZO_GetPrimaryPlayerNameWithSecondary() = function:000001432E0116F0 ZO_GetRestyleSlotTypeDefaultDescriptor() = function:0000014405FFFF90 ZO_GetScrollMaxFadeGradientSize() = function:0000014310B9F7E8 ZO_GetSecondaryPlayerName() = function:000001432E013380 ZO_GetSecondaryPlayerNameFromUnitTag() = function:000001432E013300 ZO_GetSecondaryPlayerNameWithTitleFromUnitTag() = function:000001432E012C78 ZO_GetSimplifiedGroupElectionResultType() = function:0000014473755D40 ZO_GetSimplifiedTimeEstimateText() = function:00000143D8199190 ZO_GetSpecializedItemTypeText() = function:0000014310B9C948 ZO_GetSpecializedItemTypeTextBySlot() = function:0000014310B9C988 ZO_GetStatDeltaLookupFromItemComparisonReturns() = function:000001439D79B808 ZO_GridScrollList = table:00000143F74D1468 (meta 00000143CDC2FB58} firstTable firstMeta AddEntry() = function:000001436880D400 ClearGridList() = function:000001431C169528 CommitGridList() = function:000001431C1638B8 Initialize() = function:00000144D64EB3C0 New() = function:000001432DFFF668 SetGridEntryTemplate() = function:00000143C8528470 SetHeaderTemplate() = function:0000014310B99498 SetLineBreakAmount() = function:00000143F74D83F0 ZO_GridScrollList_Gamepad = table:0000014316F3D338 (meta 0000014316F52220} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:0000014409E083B8 CommitGridList() = function:0000014368825FF0 Deactivate() = function:0000014409E062B8 Initialize() = function:0000014457A4C958 New() = function:0000014457A4D350 OnSelectionChanged() = function:00000143CDC24F80 SetDirectionalInputEnabled() = function:00000143CDC2B7E8 SetOnSelectedDataChangedCallback() = function:0000014457A1F120 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:00000143CDC281F0 __index = table:0000014316F3D338 (meta 0000014316F52220} ZO_GroupElectionDescriptorToRequestAlertText = table:00000143F193C6D0 firstTable ZO_NONE = You have initiated a vote... ZO_READY_CHECK = You have initiated a ready check... ZO_GroupElectionProvider = table:00000143B8222020 (meta 00000143B8224878} firstTable firstMeta Accept() = function:00000143A98CD8E8 BuildNotificationList() = function:00000143A98CD850 Decline() = function:00000143A4300CA8 New() = function:00000143B8224960 __index = table:00000143B8222020 (meta 00000143B8224878} ZO_GroupElectionResultToAlertTextOverrides = table:00000143F1950EA0 firstTable 4 = table:00000143F1950EE8 firstTable ZO_READY_CHECK = Everyone in your group is ready! 5 = table:00000143F1944370 firstTable ZO_READY_CHECK = Someone in your group is not ready. ZO_GroupInviteProvider = table:00000143FC330E10 (meta 00000143FC330E58} firstTable firstMeta Accept() = function:00000143B8222078 BuildNotificationList() = function:00000143A38F6FB8 CreateMessage() = function:00000143B8224920 Decline() = function:00000143B82220B8 New() = function:00000143A38F6F78 __index = table:00000143FC330E10 (meta 00000143FC330E58} ZO_GroupList = userdata:000001439DB2A038 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GroupListHeaders = userdata:000001439DB2A270 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupListHeadersArrow = userdata:000001439DB2E4B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupListHeadersCharacterName = userdata:000001439DB2A2E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupListHeadersClass = userdata:000001439DB2A3C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupListHeadersLevel = userdata:000001439DB2A438 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupListHeadersRole = userdata:000001439DB2A4A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupListHeadersZone = userdata:000001439DB2A358 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupListList = userdata:000001439DB2A510 (meta 000001439DB2AA48} ZO_GroupListListContents = userdata:000001439DB2A580 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GroupListListScrollBar = userdata:000001439DB2A5F0 (meta 000001439DB2A890} ZO_GroupListListScrollBarDown = userdata:000001439DB2A7D8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GroupListListScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:000001439DB2A6F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupListListScrollBarUp = userdata:000001439DB2A768 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GroupListNoGroupRow = userdata:000001439DB2C300 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupListNoGroupRowBG = userdata:000001439DB2C3E0 (meta 000001439DB2C618} firstMeta firstIndex nonRecolorable = true ZO_GroupListNoGroupRowMessage = userdata:000001439DB2C370 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupListRole_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001439DB29F58 ZO_GroupListRowChampion_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001439DB29E58 ZO_GroupListRowChampion_OnMouseExit() = function:000001439DB29E98 ZO_GroupListRowCharacterName_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001439DB29D58 ZO_GroupListRowCharacterName_OnMouseExit() = function:000001439DB29D98 ZO_GroupListRowChild_OnMouseExit() = function:000001439DB29CD8 ZO_GroupListRowClass_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001439DB29DD8 ZO_GroupListRowClass_OnMouseExit() = function:000001439DB29E18 ZO_GroupListRowStatus_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001439DB29F18 ZO_GroupListRowTooltipIfTruncatedLabel_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001439DB29ED8 ZO_GroupListRow_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001439DB29C58 ZO_GroupListRow_OnMouseExit() = function:000001439DB29C98 ZO_GroupListRow_OnMouseUp() = function:000001439DB29D18 ZO_GroupListVeteranDifficultySettings = userdata:000001439DB2C750 (meta 000001439DB2DD38} firstMeta firstIndex difficultyControlReason = 0 difficultyLabel = userdata:000001439DB2DCE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} hasControlOfDifficulty = true normalModeButton = userdata:000001439DB2CEF0 (meta 000001439DB2D7C8} firstMeta firstIndex dungeonDifficulty = 1 veteranModeButton = userdata:000001439DB2D918 (meta 000001439DB2DB98} firstMeta firstIndex dungeonDifficulty = 2 ZO_GroupListVeteranDifficultySettingsDifficultyLabel = userdata:000001439DB2DCE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupListVeteranDifficultySettingsHelp = userdata:000001439DB2C9D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupListVeteranDifficultySettingsNormalDifficulty = userdata:000001439DB2CEF0 (meta 000001439DB2D7C8} ZO_GroupListVeteranDifficultySettingsText = userdata:000001439DB2CE68 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupListVeteranDifficultySettingsVeteranDifficulty = userdata:000001439DB2D918 (meta 000001439DB2DB98} ZO_GroupList_Gamepad = userdata:00000143ED3BB228 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainer = userdata:00000143ED3BB9A0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeader = userdata:00000143ED3BB9D0 (meta 0000014316ACD248} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143ED3BBC10 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143ED3BBD20 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143ED3BBC98 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143ED3BBE30 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143ED3BBDA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143ED3BBF40 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143ED3BBEB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143ED3BC050 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143ED3BBFC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143ED3BBB80 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilter = userdata:00000143ED3BC0E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdown = userdata:00000143ED3BC210 (meta 00000143609E4A20} firstMeta firstIndex comboBoxObject = table:00000143ED3B6518 (meta 0000014316F496C8} m_comboBox = table:00000143ED3B6518 (meta 0000014316F496C8} firstTable deactivatedCallback() = function:0000014316ACD838 keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143609E5210 firstTable 1 = table:00000143ED3B5700 firstTable callback() = function:0000014316AC7568 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back visible() = function:0000014316AC75B0 2 = table:00000143ED3B5748 firstTable callback() = function:0000014316AC7938 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE name = Back visible() = function:0000014310B9D1B8 3 = table:0000014316AC7980 firstTable callback() = function:0000014316AC7A98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:0000014316AC7AE0 4 = table:0000014316AC7B20 firstTable callback() = function:0000014316AC7C10 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:0000014310B9D1B8 alignment = 1 m_active = false m_container = userdata:00000143ED3BC210 (meta 00000143609E4A20} m_dropdown = table:00000143688208C0 (meta 000001436881D800} m_focus = table:0000014316AC7C58 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000143ED3BC210 (meta 00000143609E4A20} data = table:0000014316AC7CA0 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:0000014316AC7D90 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 m_font = ZoFontGamepad27 m_highlightColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_highlightFont = ZoFontGamepad36 m_highlightedIndex = 1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_itemTemplate = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_name = ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdown m_normalColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_openDropdown = userdata:00000143609E4A10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_selectedColor = table:0000014316ACD7A8 firstTable 1 = 0.40000003576279 2 = 0.40000003576279 3 = 0.40000003576279 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000143ED3B6508 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:00000143ED3B4108 firstTable 1 = table:00000144D5B35628 firstTable callback() = function:0000014316ACDAF8 name = |t50:50:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/Gamepad/gp_social_status_online.dds|t Online 2 = table:0000014409E25D08 firstTable callback() = function:00000143ED3BE970 name = |t50:50:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/Gamepad/gp_social_status_afk.dds|t Away 3 = table:00000144D5B35960 firstTable callback() = function:000001447C501768 name = |t50:50:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/Gamepad/gp_social_status_dnd.dds|t Do Not Disturb 4 = table:0000014316ACDDE8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014316ACDD28 name = |t50:50:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/Gamepad/gp_social_status_offline.dds|t Offline m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdownOpenDropdown = userdata:00000143609E4A10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdownSelectedItemText = userdata:00000143ED3B6508 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterHighlight = userdata:00000143ED3BC178 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderSearchFilter = userdata:0000014316AC8A60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderSearchFilterHighlight = userdata:0000014316AC9760 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderSearchFilterIcon = userdata:0000014316AC96C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderSearchFilterSearch = userdata:0000014316AC8AF0 (meta 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(meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:0000014316ACA440 (meta 0000014316ACAD68} firstMeta firstIndex highlightTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeaderHighlight initialDirection = true key = displayName selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:0000014316ACC500 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:0000014316ACC768 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014316ACA440 (meta 0000014316ACAD68} 2 = userdata:0000014316ACAFB0 (meta 00000144D5B35D40} firstMeta firstIndex highlightTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeaderHighlight initialDirection = true key = characterName sortHeaderGroup = table:0000014316ACC500 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true 3 = userdata:00000143FBA05D30 (meta 00000143E03B1C70} 4 = userdata:000001444EEDD8A0 (meta 0000014316ACBAB0} firstMeta firstIndex highlightTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeaderHighlight initialDirection = true key = class sortHeaderGroup = table:0000014316ACC500 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true 5 = userdata:0000014316ACBCF0 (meta 0000014316ACC0B8} firstMeta firstIndex highlightTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterHeaderHighlight initialDirection = true key = level sortHeaderGroup = table:0000014316ACC500 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true usesArrow = true ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerHeadersZoneName = userdata:0000014429011D60 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerList = userdata:0000014316AC9850 (meta 0000014316AC9DB0} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerListContents = userdata:0000014316AC9C68 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerListScrollBar = userdata:0000014316AC98D0 (meta 0000014316AC9BA8} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerListScrollBarDown = userdata:0000014316AC9AF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupList_GamepadContainerListScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:0000014316AC99E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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= userdata:00000143CCBF6500 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:000001439DB28178 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143CCBF65A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:000001439DB280D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:0000014473750380 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143609E4B18 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143D3172DB8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143A04ECFD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143609E0B88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143ED3B2B40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143D31761C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143ED3B38F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143D3172C98 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:000001439DB28600 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:000001439DB27D20 (meta 00000143ED3C0EB0} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:000001435514ACF8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014409E25E30 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:0000014473756DB8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:000001447C503330 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143FB9FA088 (meta 00000143B4C07C90} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143FB9FA108 (meta 00000144D54575B8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:0000014473751678 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001431D673BB0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143063C2218 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E03A8D68 control = userdata:00000143FB9FA088 (meta 00000143B4C07C90} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143FB9FA108 (meta 00000144D54575B8} dirtyEvents = table:000001431B70DFB8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143B4C04E08 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143D0543C60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F31830A0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001432093F6D8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000014320940A00 firstTable 1 = table:000001431B3F11C0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143D58724B0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143FB9FA278 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143FBA08610 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143FBA08658 firstTable 1 = table:0000014473757BC0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D643BB18 3 = false 2 = table:00000143CCBEE580 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCBEE500 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:0000014361394F60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143613A1158 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CCBEE600 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143B4BFF3E8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143FB9FA108 (meta 00000144D54575B8} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143D643DD80 firstTable dataList = table:00000144290092A0 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143D9615238 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000144737585C0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014473753E58 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144737571A0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144D5B28C50 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143FB9FA138 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:000001447C504150 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001447C506ED8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D643BC90 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143C3FFF290 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143D643BC50 m_Active = table:00000144D5B29120 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014473751528 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143FB9FA138 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GroupMenuGamepadDungeonDifficultyEntryWithHeader = table:0000014473757C70 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014473757CB8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143FBA08528 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143C3FFC118 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143FBA084E8 m_Active = table:00000143C3FFC088 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143C3FFC0D0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GroupMenuGamepadDungeonDifficultyEntryWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143FB9FA138 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GroupMenuGamepadDungeonDifficultyEntry setupFunction() = function:00000143C3FFD718 defaultSelectedIndex = 2 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143D908FB50 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E03B1978 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:000001447375A0D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143FBA07D10 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143FBA08378 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143FBA07B00 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143FBA07E48 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143FB9FA138 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143D643DF58 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143FBA079C8 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143D643DEB0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143D643D2A0 firstTable ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143FB9FA1D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143FB9FA278 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:000001447375A0D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupMenuGamepadMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143FB9FA138 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 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ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader1 = userdata:000001439DB2F9A0 (meta 000001439DB30F78} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader1Channel = userdata:000001439DB2BDE0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader1Icon = userdata:000001439DB2FBF8 (meta 000001439DB310B0} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader1IconHighlight = userdata:000001439DB304D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader1Text = userdata:000001439DB30578 (meta 000001439DB30C70} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader2 = userdata:000001431B3F8DD0 (meta 00000143E4C55478} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader2Channel = userdata:00000143A0C30C38 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader2Icon = userdata:000001439D309870 (meta 00000143E4C59500} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader2IconHighlight = userdata:000001439D309920 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader2Text = userdata:000001439D3099C8 (meta 00000143D961D6A8} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader3 = userdata:00000144DD76B8A0 (meta 00000143BC4F6808} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader3Channel = userdata:00000143BC4F67B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader3Icon = userdata:00000144DD76B948 (meta 00000144D5463AE8} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000144DD76B7F8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader3IconHighlight = userdata:00000144DD76B9F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader3Text = userdata:00000143BC4F6678 (meta 00000143BC4F66D0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader4 = userdata:00000144648287B0 (meta 0000014464828488} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseEnter() = function:00000144648284D0 OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368830CF0 OnMouseUp() = function:000001431679F2D0 SetSelected() = function:00000143EA505DF0 allowIconScaling = true animationTemplate = IconHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:0000014464828858 (meta 00000144648267C8} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:0000014464828708 (meta 0000014308367FC0} iconHighlight = userdata:0000014464828908 (meta 0000014308349FC8} node = table:00000144648286A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000144648287B0 (meta 0000014464828488} data = table:000001439FADC588 enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001431D93AEF8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childContainer = userdata:000001439DB31240 (meta 0000014308354BA8} childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 children = table:000001439DB31180 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DB2F890 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001439DB2F9A0 (meta 000001439DB30F78} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014368830CB0 OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368830CF0 OnMouseUp() = function:000001431679F2D0 SetSelected() = function:00000143EA505DF0 allowIconScaling = true animationTemplate = IconHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:000001439DB2FBF8 (meta 000001439DB310B0} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:000001439DB2F8F8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} iconHighlight = userdata:000001439DB304D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} node = table:000001439DB2F890 (meta 000001432E003D68} text = userdata:000001439DB30578 (meta 000001439DB30C70} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = true data = table:000001439DB2F820 firstTable categoryFragment = table:000001439DB2F320 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001439DB2F3B0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001439DB2F438 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001439DB2F510 firstTable control = userdata:000001439DB2A038 (meta 0000014308326048} dirtyEvents = table:000001439DB2F368 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden mouseoverIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/LFG_indexIcon_group_over.dds name = Group normalIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/LFG_indexIcon_group_up.dds pressedIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/LFG_indexIcon_group_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143D96127A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001431B3F8DD0 (meta 00000143E4C55478} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseEnter() = function:000001439DB32678 OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368830CF0 OnMouseUp() = function:000001431679F2D0 SetSelected() = function:00000143EA505DF0 allowIconScaling = true animationTemplate = IconHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:000001439D309870 (meta 00000143E4C59500} firstMeta firstIndex iconHighlight = userdata:000001439D309920 (meta 0000014308349FC8} node = table:00000143D96127A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} text = userdata:000001439D3099C8 (meta 00000143D961D6A8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143C3FFD388 firstTable activityFinderObject = table:00000143C3FFAFF8 (meta 000001431D934490} firstTable categoryFragment = table:00000143F4205310 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} firstTable mouseoverIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/LFG_indexIcon_dungeon_over.dds name = Dungeon Finder normalIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/LFG_indexIcon_dungeon_up.dds pressedIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/LFG_indexIcon_dungeon_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000144DD763568 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000144DD76B8A0 (meta 00000143BC4F6808} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:000001431D72BBA8 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000144648286A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001431D93AEF8 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_CategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431D93A798 setupFunction() = function:000001431D93A750 templateInfo = table:000001431D93AF78 tree = table:000001431D93A7F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001431D93AEF8 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_CategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431D93A798 setupFunction() = function:000001431D93A750 templateInfo = table:000001431D93AF78 tree = table:000001431D93A7F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001431D93AEF8 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_CategorySelected selected = true selectionFunction() = function:000001431D93A798 setupFunction() = function:000001431D93A750 templateInfo = table:000001431D93AF78 tree = table:000001431D93A7F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:000001431D93A888 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:000001431D93AEB8 m_Active = table:000001447C501920 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431D93A948 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:000001431D93A398 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:000001431D93A398 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:000001431D93A6F8 exclusivePath = table:000001439DB326C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DB2F890 (meta 000001432E003D68} 2 = table:000001431D93AEF8 (meta 000001432E003D68} openAnimationPool = table:000001447C500438 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:000001447C500480 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000001447C500378 m_Free = table:000001447C5004C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000001447C5003F8 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:000001431D93AEF8 (meta 000001432E003D68} scrollControl = userdata:000001431D939F10 (meta 000001431D93A498} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:000001431D93A588 (meta 000001431D93A5E0} firstMeta firstIndex hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:000001431D939F88 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:000001431D93A220 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:000001431D93A1A0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:000001431D93A008 (meta 000001431D93A2D8} firstMeta firstIndex timeline = userdata:000001431D93A558 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 selectedNode = table:000001439DB2F890 (meta 000001432E003D68} suspendAnimations = false templateInfo = table:000001431D93A840 firstTable ZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader = table:000001431D93AF78 firstTable width = 260 2 = table:00000143D96127A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} 3 = table:00000144DD763568 (meta 000001432E003D68} 4 = table:00000144648286A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} childrenCurrentHeight = 162 childrenHeight = 162 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:000001431D93A7F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} selectSound = Journal_Progress_CategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431D93A798 setupFunction() = function:000001431D93A750 templateInfo = table:000001431D93AF78 tree = table:000001431D93A7F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} text = userdata:00000144648282E8 (meta 0000014464828340} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader4Channel = userdata:0000014464828478 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader4Icon = userdata:0000014464828858 (meta 00000144648267C8} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader4IconHighlight = userdata:0000014464828908 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardCategoriesScrollChildZO_GroupMenuKeyboard_CategoryHeader4Text = userdata:00000144648282E8 (meta 0000014464828340} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardHeader = userdata:000001447C5016E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardPreferredRoles = userdata:000001447C501758 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardPreferredRolesButtons = userdata:000001447C4FD2D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardPreferredRolesButtonsDPS = userdata:000001447C501910 (meta 000001431D938070} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardPreferredRolesButtonsHeal = userdata:000001447C4FB988 (meta 00000143ED3BEA08} firstMeta firstIndex role = 4 ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardPreferredRolesButtonsTank = userdata:00000143ED3BEB50 (meta 000001447C501800} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardPreferredRolesLabel = userdata:000001447C4FD250 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardRolesCategoriesDivider = userdata:000001431D938868 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardRolesCategoriesDividerCenter = userdata:000001431D939E98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardRolesCategoriesDividerLeft = userdata:000001431D939D88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardRolesCategoriesDividerMungeOverlay = userdata:000001431D939D00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupMenu_KeyboardRolesCategoriesDividerRight = userdata:000001431D939E10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupRolesBarGamepad = userdata:00000143609DA738 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GroupRolesBarGamepadMask = userdata:00000143609DB148 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GroupRolesBarGamepadMaskContainer = userdata:00000143609DC580 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GroupRolesBarGamepadMaskContainerDPS = userdata:00000143609DD1A8 (meta 000001439DB2B9F0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143609DA2B0 icon = userdata:00000143609DD2B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} pressedFrame = userdata:00000143609DD238 (meta 0000014308324730} selectedFrame = userdata:00000143609DD340 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GroupRolesBarGamepadMaskContainerDPSIcon = userdata:00000143609DD2B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GroupRolesBarGamepadMaskContainerDPSSelectedIndicator = userdata:00000143609DD238 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GroupRolesBarGamepadMaskContainerDPSSelector = userdata:00000143609DD340 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_GroupRolesBarGamepadMaskContainerHeader = userdata:00000143609DC600 (meta 00000143083425C0} 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function:0000014473756F38 ZO_GuildAddRankDialog = userdata:00000143D767D400 (meta 00000143F98E1B60} firstMeta firstIndex copyComboBox = table:00000143E1D19028 (meta 000001431D56DB28} ZO_GuildAddRankDialogAdd = userdata:00000143D7682AF0 (meta 00000143D76843F8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 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HideStyleHighlight() = function:00000143E02D4008 HighlightColor() = function:00000143E02D3F48 HighlightColorWithDirection() = function:00000143E02D40C8 HighlightStyle() = function:00000143E02D3F88 HighlightStyleWithDirection() = function:00000143E02C7260 Initialize() = function:00000143E02D30D8 InitializeColorList() = function:00000143E02CE570 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143E02D3460 InitializeStyleCategoryLists() = function:00000143E02D3258 IsCurrentBlockingScene() = function:00000143E02D3318 New() = function:00000143E02D2F00 NoChoiceExitCallback() = function:00000143E02D3420 OnTargetChanged() = function:00000143E02D3560 PerformDeferredInitialization() = function:00000143E02D3198 PopulateCategories() = function:00000143E02CA828 PopulateColors() = function:00000143E02D3B38 RegisterEvents() = function:00000143E02D31D8 SelectColor() = function:00000143E02D41E8 SelectMode() = function:00000143E02D3EC8 SelectStyle() = function:00000143E02D4228 SetActiveKeybindDescriptor() = function:00000143E02D3D00 SetDirectionalInputEnabled() = function:00000143E02D4088 SetMainList() = function:00000143E02D2F70 SetMode_BGStyle() = function:00000143E02D3DC0 SetMode_Category() = function:00000143E02D3D40 SetMode_Color() = function:00000143E02D3D80 SetMode_CrestStyle() = function:00000143E02D3E00 SetOwningScreen() = function:00000143E02D2FB0 SetSelectedHeraldryIndices() = function:00000143E02D3F08 SetStyleSubMode() = function:00000143E02D3E40 SetViewedStyleCategory() = function:00000143E02D3A38 SetupHeraldryDialog() = function:00000143E02D4268 SwitchMode() = function:00000143E02D3E88 UnregisterEvents() = function:00000143E02D3218 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:00000143E02D4180 UpdateKeybindGroups() = function:00000143E02D3520 UpdateStyleWithDirection() = function:00000143E02D4118 __index = table:00000143E02D2E40 (meta 00000143E02D2E88} ZO_GuildHeraldryManager_Keyboard = table:000001431DEA5318 (meta 000001431DEA5360} firstTable firstMeta CancelExit() = function:00000144DD5BFBF8 ChangeSelectedGuild() = function:0000014309DFBA60 ConfirmExit() = function:00000144DD5BFBB0 ConfirmHeraldryApplyChanges() = function:000001448F8AF8F0 ConfirmHeraldryPurchase() = function:000001448F8AF8B0 GetApplyChangesDialogName() = function:0000014316671450 GetPurchaseDialogName() = function:000001447D42DE20 Initialize() = function:000001431DEA5458 InitializeCategories() = function:000001440819D4F0 InitializeHeaderPool() = function:000001431DEA54D8 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143166751F0 InitializeNavigationTree() = function:000001431665BA68 IsCurrentBlockingScene() = function:0000014309DFBAA0 New() = function:000001431DEA53A8 NoChoiceExitCallback() = function:00000143166751B0 PopulateColors() = function:000001440819D5B0 SetSelectedHeraldryIndices() = function:000001440819D570 SetupHeraldryDialog() = function:000001448F8AF830 SwitchMode() = function:000001440819D530 UpdateKeybindGroups() = function:0000014316675230 __index = table:000001431DEA5318 (meta 000001431DEA5360} ZO_GuildHeraldryManager_Shared = table:00000144081B1D20 (meta 00000144081B1FD0} firstTable firstMeta ApplyChangesHeraldryDialogInitialize() = function:00000144081C0A98 AttemptSaveAndExit() = function:00000144081BD908 AttemptSaveIfBlocking() = function:00000144081BD690 CanSave() = function:00000144081BD030 CancelExit() = function:00000144081BDDE0 ConfirmExit() = function:00000144081BDB78 ConfirmHeraldryApplyChanges() = function:00000144081C1310 ConfirmHeraldryPurchase() = function:00000144081C0CC8 GetApplyChangesDialogName() = function:00000144081BE500 GetPurchaseDialogName() = function:00000144081BE260 Initialize() = function:00000144081B23C8 InitializeStyleCategoryLists() = function:00000144081B26F8 InitializeStylePool() = function:00000144081B2D88 InitializeSwatchPool() = function:00000144081B2A98 IsEnabled() = function:00000144081B3DA0 IsPendingExit() = function:00000144081BD468 LayoutColors() = function:00000144081B3EE8 LayoutStyles() = function:00000144081BC870 New() = function:00000144081B2228 NoChoiceExitCallback() = function:00000144081BDFF0 OnCategorySelected() = function:00000144081B3798 PopulateStyleCategoryLists() = function:00000144081B28B0 PurchaseHeraldryDialogInitialize() = function:00000144081BE850 SelectColor() = function:00000144081B3958 SelectStyle() = function:00000144081B4B98 SetGuildId() = function:00000143F0F6E0F8 SetPendingExit() = function:00000144081BD200 SetPendingIndices() = function:00000144081B4940 SetSelectedHeraldryIndices() = function:00000144081B3BA8 SetSelectedStyleCategory() = function:00000144081B4758 SetViewedStyleCategory() = function:00000144081B4530 ZO_GuildHeraldryPanelName = userdata:00000143ED516238 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GuildHeraldrySharedColorHighlight = userdata:000001431DEA7E40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GuildHeraldrySharedStyleHighlight = userdata:000001431DEA7EB8 (meta 00000144DD5E2748} ZO_GuildHeraldryStyleHeader = userdata:00000144081923A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GuildHeraldryStylePane = userdata:00000143F0F78A28 (meta 0000014408192130} ZO_GuildHeraldryStylePaneScroll = userdata:0000014408191C40 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_GuildHeraldryStylePaneScrollBar = userdata:0000014408191CB8 (meta 0000014408191F78} ZO_GuildHeraldryStylePaneScrollBarDown = userdata:0000014408191EC0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GuildHeraldryStylePaneScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:0000014408191DC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GuildHeraldryStylePaneScrollBarUp = userdata:0000014408191E40 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GuildHeraldryStylePaneScrollChild = userdata:0000014408192038 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_GuildHeraldryStylePaneScrollChildZO_GuildHeraldry_Style1 = userdata:000001439D874B98 (meta 00000144C1B70160} ZO_GuildHeraldryStylePaneScrollChildZO_GuildHeraldry_Style1Frame = userdata:000001431C5B9490 (meta 0000014308366298} ZO_GuildHeraldryStylePaneScrollChildZO_GuildHeraldry_Style1Icon = userdata:00000144C1B70108 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GuildHeraldryStylePaneScrollChildZO_GuildHeraldry_Style2 = userdata:00000144C1B70508 (meta 00000144C1B70240} firstMeta firstIndex SetHighlighted() = function:000001431667CF40 SetSelected() = function:000001431667CF00 UpdateHighlightedState() = function:000001431667D0C8 UpdateSelectedState() = function:000001431667CFC8 frame = userdata:00000144C1B705A0 (meta 0000014308366298} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:0000014308364750 AddSurface() = function:0000014308363090 ClearAllSurfaces() = function:00000143083630C8 ClearAnchors() = function:0000014308363E90 Convert3DLocalOrientationToWorldOrientation() = function:0000014308366218 Convert3DLocalPositionToWorldPosition() = function:00000143083661A8 Convert3DWorldOrientationToLocalOrientation() = function:00000143083661E0 Convert3DWorldPositionToLocalPosition() = function:0000014308366170 Create3DRenderSpace() = function:0000014308364788 CreateControl() = function:00000143083641A0 Destroy3DRenderSpace() = function:00000143083647C0 Does3DRenderSpaceUseDepthBuffer() = function:0000014308366100 Get3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:0000014308366020 Get3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:0000014308365FB0 Get3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:0000014308365E60 Get3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:0000014308365ED0 Get3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:0000014308366090 Get3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:0000014308365F40 GetAlpha() = function:0000014308364A20 GetAnchor() = function:0000014308363F00 GetBlendMode() = function:0000014308363508 GetBottom() = function:00000143083638A8 GetCenter() = function:00000143083638E0 GetChild() = function:0000014308363A30 GetClampedToScreen() = function:0000014308364088 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:00000143083645C8 GetColor() = function:0000014308363270 GetControlAlpha() = function:0000014308363E58 GetControlScale() = function:00000143083649B0 GetDesaturation() = function:0000014308363498 GetDesiredHeight() = function:0000014308363DE8 GetDesiredWidth() = function:0000014308363DB0 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:00000143083646A8 GetDimensions() = function:00000143083636C8 GetDrawLayer() = function:0000014308363CD0 GetDrawLevel() = function:0000014308364860 GetDrawTier() = function:0000014308363C28 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:0000014308364440 GetHandler() = function:00000143083648D0 GetHeight() = function:0000014308363D78 GetHitInsets() = function:0000014308364558 GetId() = function:0000014308364360 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:0000014308364280 GetInheritsScale() = function:00000143083642F0 GetInsets() = function:0000014308363158 GetLeft() = function:0000014308363E20 GetName() = function:0000014308363AD8 GetNamedChild() = function:0000014308363A68 GetNumChildren() = function:00000143083639F8 GetNumSurfaces() = function:0000014308363020 GetOwningWindow() = function:0000014308363658 GetParent() = function:0000014308363988 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:00000143083643D0 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:0000014308364638 GetRight() = function:0000014308363870 GetScale() = function:0000014308364978 GetScreenRect() = function:0000014308363F38 GetSurfaceAlpha() = function:0000014308363318 GetTextureCoords() = function:00000143083637C8 GetTextureFileDimensions() = function:0000014308363578 GetTextureFileName() = function:0000014308363540 GetTop() = function:0000014308363838 GetType() = function:0000014308363B10 GetWidth() = function:0000014308363D40 Has3DRenderSpace() = function:00000143083647F8 IsChildOf() = function:0000014308363AA0 IsControlHidden() = function:0000014308363BB8 IsHandlerSet() = function:0000014308364908 IsHidden() = function:0000014308363B80 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308364168 IsMouseEnabled() = function:00000143083640F8 IsPixelRoundingEnabled() = function:0000014308363620 IsPointInside() = function:0000014308363F70 IsSurfaceHidden() = function:00000143083633F0 IsTextureLoaded() = function:00000143083635B0 RegisterForEvent() = function:00000143083646E0 RemoveSurface() = function:0000014308363120 Set3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:0000014308366058 Set3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:0000014308365FE8 Set3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:0000014308365E98 Set3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:0000014308365F08 Set3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:00000143083660C8 Set3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:0000014308365F78 Set3DRenderSpaceUsesDepthBuffer() = function:0000014308366138 SetAlpha() = function:00000143083649E8 SetAnchor() = function:0000014308363EC8 SetAnchorFill() = function:0000014308363FA8 SetBlendMode() = function:00000143083634D0 SetClampedToScreen() = function:0000014308364050 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:0000014308364590 SetColor() = function:0000014308363460 SetDesaturation() = function:0000014308363800 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:0000014308364670 SetDimensions() = function:0000014308363690 SetDrawLayer() = function:0000014308363C98 SetDrawLevel() = function:0000014308363D08 SetDrawTier() = function:0000014308363C60 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:0000014308364408 SetHandler() = function:0000014308364898 SetHeight() = function:0000014308363950 SetHidden() = function:0000014308363B48 SetHitInsets() = function:0000014308364520 SetId() = function:0000014308364328 SetInheritAlpha() = function:0000014308364248 SetInheritScale() = function:00000143083642B8 SetInsets() = function:0000014308363238 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308364130 SetMouseEnabled() = function:00000143083640C0 SetMovable() = function:00000143083641D8 SetParent() = function:00000143083639C0 SetPixelRoundingEnabled() = function:00000143083635E8 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:0000014308364210 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:0000014308364398 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:0000014308364600 SetScale() = function:0000014308364940 SetShapeType() = function:0000014308364478 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:0000014308363FE0 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:0000014308364018 SetSurfaceAlpha() = function:00000143083632A8 SetSurfaceHidden() = function:00000143083631C0 SetTexture() = function:0000014308363720 SetTextureCoords() = function:0000014308363790 SetTextureReleaseOption() = function:0000014308363758 SetWidth() = function:0000014308363918 StartMoving() = function:00000143083644B0 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:00000143083644E8 ToggleHidden() = function:0000014308363BF0 UnregisterForEvent() = function:0000014308364718 highlighted = false icon = userdata:00000144C1B70230 (meta 0000014308349FC8} owner = table:000001431DEA7EC8 (meta 000001431DEA5318} firstTable firstMeta activeData = table:00000143ED520140 firstTable cost = 1000 getInfo() = function:00000143ED5201D0 getNum() = function:00000143ED520188 getSelectedCategory() = function:0000014316669188 getSelectedStyle() = function:00000143166692F0 getViewCategory() = function:0000014316669218 layout() = function:000001431DE8C038 mode = 3 name = Style resetToSelectedCategory() = function:0000014316669260 setSelectedCategory() = function:00000143ED520218 setSelectedStyle() = function:00000143166692A8 setViewCategory() = function:00000143166691D0 styleHeaderName = Pattern bgStyleCatList = table:0000014309DF56D8 (meta 00000143E74BE688} bgStyleCatListControl = userdata:0000014316644EF8 (meta 000001448F8A5B10} firstMeta firstIndex horizontalScrollList = table:0000014309DF56D8 (meta 00000143E74BE688} firstTable firstMeta allowWrapping = false control = userdata:0000014316644EF8 (meta 000001448F8A5B10} controlEntryWidth = 94 controls = table:0000014313F570C0 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001448F8A5AB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 2 = userdata:0000014313F571C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 3 = userdata:0000014313F57248 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 4 = userdata:0000014313F57310 (meta 000001439D874868} firstMeta firstIndex categoryIndex = 1 categoryName = Chevron 5 = userdata:0000014313F57390 (meta 00000143E97AE440} firstMeta firstIndex categoryIndex = 2 categoryName = Crest 6 = 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(meta 00000143E74BE688} categoryName = Crest icon = /esoui/art/icons/heraldrybg_category_crest.dds 3 = table:00000144D83EFBB0 firstTable categoryIndex = 3 categoryList = table:0000014309DF56D8 (meta 00000143E74BE688} categoryName = Fang icon = /esoui/art/icons/heraldrybg_category_fang.dds 4 = table:00000143E41BA488 firstTable categoryIndex = 4 categoryList = table:0000014309DF56D8 (meta 00000143E74BE688} categoryName = Hilted icon = /esoui/art/icons/heraldrybg_category_hilted.dds 5 = table:00000143E41BA5C8 firstTable categoryIndex = 5 categoryList = table:0000014309DF56D8 (meta 00000143E74BE688} categoryName = Nord icon = /esoui/art/icons/heraldrybg_category_nord.dds 6 = table:00000143E41BA798 firstTable categoryIndex = 6 categoryList = table:0000014309DF56D8 (meta 00000143E74BE688} categoryName = Onion icon = /esoui/art/icons/heraldrybg_category_onion.dds 7 = table:00000143E41BA8B8 firstTable categoryIndex = 7 categoryList = table:0000014309DF56D8 (meta 00000143E74BE688} categoryName = Pointed icon = /esoui/art/icons/heraldrybg_category_pointed.dds 8 = table:00000144D83DE2D0 firstTable categoryIndex = 8 categoryList = table:0000014309DF56D8 (meta 00000143E74BE688} categoryName = Round icon = /esoui/art/icons/heraldrybg_category_round.dds 9 = table:00000144D83DE448 firstTable categoryIndex = 9 categoryList = table:0000014309DF56D8 (meta 00000143E74BE688} categoryName = Square icon = /esoui/art/icons/heraldrybg_category_square.dds maxScale = 1 minScale = 0.6 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F0F78610 (meta 00000143083425C0} numVisibleEntries = 7 offsetBetweenEntries = 0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143E74BE838 rightArrow = userdata:0000014316645078 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollControl = userdata:0000014316644F78 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedData = table:00000144D83EF928 selectedIndex = 0 selectedLabel = userdata:00000143F0F78698 (meta 00000143083425C0} setupFunction() = function:0000014309DF5658 categoriesHeader = userdata:0000014316644E80 (meta 00000143083425C0} categoryList = userdata:0000014313451918 (meta 00000143ED515FC0} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143ED5160B0 (meta 00000143ED516108} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000014313451918 (meta 00000143ED515FC0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:0000014313451990 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:0000014313451C10 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:0000014313451B90 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:0000014313451A08 (meta 00000143CB744390} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143CB744338 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143CB744308 (meta 0000014308367FC0} targetControlPercentageToTop = 1 timeline = userdata:00000143ED516080 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 categoryListScrollChild = userdata:00000143ED515F10 (meta 000001430831E750} colorHeaderPool = table:00000143166794E8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014316679530 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014316679578 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_GuildHeraldryColorPaneScrollChildZO_DyeingHeader parent = userdata:0000014316644C80 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_DyeingHeader colorPane = userdata:0000014316647258 (meta 0000014316644D78} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143166450E0 (meta 0000014316645138} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000014316647258 (meta 0000014316644D78} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000143166472D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:0000014316644B08 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:00000143166474D0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:0000014316647348 (meta 0000014316644BC0} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:0000014316644B68 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:0000014316644B38 (meta 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22 = false 23 = true 24 = true 25 = true 26 = true 3 = true 4 = true 5 = true 6 = true 7 = true 8 = true 9 = true poolKey = 3 4 = table:00000143C3E54868 (meta 000001447D4385F0} firstTable control = userdata:00000143C3E52DD0 (meta 00000143C3E547C8} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseDown() = function:00000143F98EC5B0 OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143F98EE0B0 OnMouseExit() = function:00000143F98EE220 OnMouseUp() = function:00000143F98ED5B0 allowIconScaling = true animationTemplate = RankHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:00000143C3E52E40 (meta 00000143C3E53AA0} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143C3E55398 (meta 0000014308367FC0} iconHighlight = userdata:00000143C3E53938 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rank = table:00000143C3E54868 (meta 000001447D4385F0} text = userdata:00000143C3E539A8 (meta 00000143C3E53A00} guildId = 1 guildRanksObject = table:00000143F442CFA8 (meta 000001447D4397E0} hasCustomName = true iconIndex = 10 id = 6 index = 4 lastGoodName = Advisor name = Advisor 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230 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 123632.953125 note = @BeatrixLaChance online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 123629 sortIndex = 103 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 104 = table:00000143D4A33690 firstTable data = table:000001430977B0B0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 341 characterName = Jordanborn class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3D320 firstTable data = table:000001430977B0B0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Ruskie formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 306 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 124517.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 124514 sortIndex = 104 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 105 = table:00000143D4A322E0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E3E8C0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 465 characterName = The Digital Native class = 6 dataEntry = 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19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 107 = table:00000143CDD42778 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37AC70 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 849 characterName = Dero Giradys class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143097B2890 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37AC70 typeId = 1 displayName = @Dro'Craddish formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Earthtear Cavern gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 199 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 134127.953125 note = Bright moons!\n\nI'm Dro. I run Dungeon Help Night on Sundays (casual learning runs of 4-player content). But I'm happy to lend a hand anytime I'm online. Just ask! I can play any role in your group: DPS, tank, or healer. I'm usually offline Tue & Thu. online = false rankId = 254 rankIndex = 2 secsSinceLogoff = 134124 sortIndex = 107 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 108 = table:0000014355380A08 firstTable data = table:00000143DAF0B670 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 648 characterName = Kiryen Thunderbow class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4F3F8 firstTable data = table:00000143DAF0B670 typeId = 1 displayName = @Kiryen_Thunderbow formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Rivenspire gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 130 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 136179.953125 note = Gigantic dickhead online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 136176 sortIndex = 108 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 109 = table:000001431B430218 firstTable data = table:00000144DD5B26C8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 690 characterName = Ra'sumar class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44760 firstTable data = table:00000144DD5B26C8 typeId = 1 displayName = @skrigger formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 430 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 136673.953125 note = Offline until feb 25th online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 136670 sortIndex = 109 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 11 = table:00000143D4A4EBA0 firstTable bottom = 330 data = table:00000143CDD09DD8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 693 characterName = Yoshimi Telvanni class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E40110 firstTable bottom = 880 data = table:00000143CDD09DD8 top = 800 typeId = 1 displayName = @YazdigerdIV formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Brass Fortress gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 355 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = -1 note = Can craft most anything \"regular,\" usually free to guild members. MWM ND/NS. I like pie. online = true rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = -1 sortIndex = 11 status = 2 timeStamp = 0 type = 1 top = 300 typeId = 1 110 = table:0000014307742788 firstTable data = table:00000144D0760A60 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 487 characterName = Faux Hunter class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44DF0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0760A60 typeId = 1 displayName = @XottaMattoX formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 437 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 137781.953125 note = Can give Werewolf bites! online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 137778 sortIndex = 110 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 111 = table:00000143C8031CE8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C8938 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 517 characterName = Kiiyara Organa class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E47200 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C8938 typeId = 1 displayName = @eryngobragh formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 475 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 138664.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 138661 sortIndex = 111 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 112 = table:00000144C753D430 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD33A40 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 174 characterName = Keerasa-Kai class = 6 dataEntry = table:000001448018ADC8 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD33A40 typeId = 1 displayName = @Pingpat formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 15 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 142199.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 142196 sortIndex = 112 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 113 = table:000001431BD366D8 firstTable data = table:000001442805C9F8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 619 characterName = Azura Telvanni class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143097B2758 firstTable data = table:000001442805C9F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Nerevar-Telvanni formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 69 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 152249.953125 note = Forged by war the Ebonheart rose\r, and drove the Akaviri back to the sea\r. When the enemy begged for the mercy they lacked\r. Three voices as one shouted \"Blood for the Pact!\"\r Forged by war, our story be told\r. online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 152246 sortIndex = 113 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 114 = table:0000014409E7E500 firstTable data = table:00000143CB50A438 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 576 characterName = Alkaerar Dawn-Seeker class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3BF70 firstTable data = table:00000143CB50A438 typeId = 1 displayName = @AlphaAbsol formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Dranil Kir gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 285 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 155842.953125 note = • I can craft just about anything (8-traits in everything, 9 in some)\n• My main is a MagSorc DPS (CP500), I run pledges every day and am willing to help out with other dungeons too.\n• I've done nearly every quest in the game,PM me if you need help! online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 155839 sortIndex = 114 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 115 = table:00000144C7556790 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3B188 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 849 characterName = Ellya Erdain class = 3 dataEntry = table:000001435538D138 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3B188 typeId = 1 displayName = @Rubinato formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 23 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 159247.953125 note = Fountain of Wisdom. online = false rankId = 6 rankIndex = 4 secsSinceLogoff = 159244 sortIndex = 115 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 116 = table:0000014480155B80 firstTable data = table:00000144280628D0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 331 characterName = Kiku Ravenclaw class = 3 dataEntry = table:0000014409E643A0 firstTable data = table:00000144280628D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Scitimane formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Rivenspire gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 79 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 164525.953125 note = @Scitimane online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 164522 sortIndex = 116 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 117 = table:000001431BD2BAE8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C9C70 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 73 characterName = Ra'Shabi the Wild-Claw class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E47890 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C9C70 typeId = 1 displayName = @Merorzen formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Shadowfen gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 482 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 181542.953125 note = @Mauin's second account. Because why not?\nLow CP. Ebonheart Pact only. \n\nMessage my main account if you need something crafted. That account has my master crafter with many known styles and over 500 furnishings known. online = false rankId = 6 rankIndex = 4 secsSinceLogoff = 181539 sortIndex = 117 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 118 = table:000001431BD383F8 firstTable data = table:0000014320F5DD78 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 385 characterName = Elanwe class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143097B2848 firstTable data = table:0000014320F5DD78 typeId = 1 displayName = @Alarra formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Exorcised Coven Cottage gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 70 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 211707.953125 note = @Alarra online = false rankId = 6 rankIndex = 4 secsSinceLogoff = 211704 sortIndex = 118 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 119 = table:0000014310025B78 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD22D30 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 460 characterName = Mnidhexa class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E413D0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD22D30 typeId = 1 displayName = @somethingruther formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 375 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 214846.953125 note = ~*~ Mnidhexa's Dream Crafting ~*~\n\nIf you can dream it, I can craft it! Master enchanting/alchemy, *ALL* recipes known, *ALL* styles and traits known, including akaviri!\n\nFREE to guildies if they supply all mats c:\n\n<- Is into bloody cake. online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 214843 sortIndex = 119 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 12 = table:00000143D4A324C0 firstTable bottom = 360 data = table:00000143CB51F3F8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 552 characterName = Xana La'neral class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3D050 firstTable bottom = 960 data = table:00000143CB51F3F8 top = 880 typeId = 1 displayName = @Sparrowbane formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = The Brass Fortress gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 303 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 235.953125 note = Loves dungeons, trials, and exploring! Feel free to ask me for help!\n\nFull service caravan at the entrance to my house! Stop by for quick merching, banking, and crafting! online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 232 sortIndex = 12 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 top = 330 typeId = 1 120 = table:0000014480156848 firstTable data = table:000001431666F868 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = uespwiki-krihavok-four class = 4 dataEntry = table:0000014409E67108 firstTable data = table:000001431666F868 typeId = 1 displayName = @KriHavok formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 83 isLocalPlayer = false level = 4 normalizedLogoffSort = 217896.953125 note = online = false rankId = 7 rankIndex = 9 secsSinceLogoff = 217893 sortIndex = 120 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 121 = table:0000014409E79CC8 firstTable data = table:0000014428063128 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Groala class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E41B50 firstTable data = table:0000014428063128 typeId = 1 displayName = @Geovine formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 383 isLocalPlayer = false level = 5 normalizedLogoffSort = 219687.953125 note = @Geovine online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 219684 sortIndex = 121 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 122 = table:00000144C75539D8 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A2C008 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 200 characterName = Mathias Telvanni class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143553A6E60 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A2C008 typeId = 1 displayName = @RevenDarkeye formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 36 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 221415.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 221412 sortIndex = 122 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 123 = table:0000014480155D60 firstTable data = table:000001447D43B9B0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Nevos Dralor class = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014409E66F28 firstTable data = table:000001447D43B9B0 typeId = 1 displayName = @mimejuice formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 81 isLocalPlayer = false level = 28 normalizedLogoffSort = 226118.953125 note = @mimejuice online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 226115 sortIndex = 123 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 124 = table:000001431B4303F8 firstTable data = table:00000144DD5B2898 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 181 characterName = Mandolina the Enchantress class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44940 firstTable data = table:00000144DD5B2898 typeId = 1 displayName = @Marlos formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Bal Foyen gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 432 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 230086.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 230083 sortIndex = 124 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 125 = table:00000143A35CD0A8 firstTable data = table:00000143A35CDA88 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Pedro the boat builder class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A55E68 firstTable data = table:00000143A35CDA88 typeId = 1 displayName = @MrArsh formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Earthtear Cavern gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 162 isLocalPlayer = false level = 13 normalizedLogoffSort = 231314.953125 note = @MrArsh online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 231311 sortIndex = 125 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 126 = table:000001431036EF00 firstTable data = table:00000144D0776550 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 117 characterName = Vinonolemar Chaethius class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E459A0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0776550 typeId = 1 displayName = @rakauth formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Mathiisen Manor gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 449 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 239465.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 239462 sortIndex = 126 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 127 = table:0000014480188340 firstTable data = table:00000143F65B8260 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 506 characterName = Kajmeht class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000144081A1C90 firstTable data = table:00000143F65B8260 typeId = 1 displayName = @Bassospades formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 119 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 239655.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 239652 sortIndex = 127 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 128 = table:000001448015CDD0 firstTable data = table:000001445842E720 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Gandosa Falvani class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143D4A45BF0 firstTable data = table:000001445842E720 typeId = 1 displayName = @urzasbouncer formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 99 isLocalPlayer = false level = 13 normalizedLogoffSort = 248201.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 248198 sortIndex = 128 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 129 = table:00000143D4A5CC60 firstTable data = table:000001431DE7D170 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 661 characterName = Valyr Breyln class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E40890 firstTable data = table:000001431DE7D170 typeId = 1 displayName = @hberke formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Ald Velothi Harbor House gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 363 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 249227.953125 note = @hberke online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 249224 sortIndex = 129 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 13 = table:00000143C80385C0 firstTable bottom = 390 data = table:00000143097990D0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Lucien Andarius class = 4 dataEntry = table:0000014355389B58 firstTable bottom = 1040 data = table:00000143097990D0 top = 960 typeId = 1 displayName = @SuperSexySarah formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Sheogorath's Tongue gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 32 isLocalPlayer = false level = 30 normalizedLogoffSort = 585.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 582 sortIndex = 13 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 top = 360 typeId = 1 130 = table:00000144C753D610 firstTable data = table:0000014409E54260 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 666 characterName = Hayyel Tree-Singer class = 6 dataEntry = table:000001448018AFA8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E54260 typeId = 1 displayName = @Erulissea formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 17 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 259186.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 259183 sortIndex = 130 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 131 = table:00000143CB53F5C8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E60B78 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 140 characterName = Malitae Moonsorrow class = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014355386698 firstTable data = table:0000014409E60B78 typeId = 1 displayName = @BubbatheScrub formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Alik'r Desert gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 183 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 259818.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 259815 sortIndex = 131 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 132 = table:00000143C805ED60 firstTable data = table:0000014316678298 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Favela Othrel class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E430E0 firstTable data = table:0000014316678298 typeId = 1 displayName = @Dillonn241 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 406 isLocalPlayer = false level = 38 normalizedLogoffSort = 298046.953125 note = @Dillon241 online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 298043 sortIndex = 132 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 133 = table:00000143CDD42078 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37BF10 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Jiyndarel Seleucid class = 4 dataEntry = table:0000014409E6F5E8 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37BF10 typeId = 1 displayName = @PixelatedPooka formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = The Gold Coast gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 196 isLocalPlayer = false level = 17 normalizedLogoffSort = 302800.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 302797 sortIndex = 133 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 134 = table:0000014480186C70 firstTable data = table:0000014409E5DB80 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 245 characterName = Caveman With Stick class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143CB7518F0 firstTable data = table:0000014409E5DB80 typeId = 1 displayName = @niru91 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 113 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 307483.953125 note = @niru91 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 307480 sortIndex = 134 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 135 = table:00000143D4A5CA80 firstTable data = table:000001448F880C08 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 68 characterName = Finae class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E406B0 firstTable data = table:000001448F880C08 typeId = 1 displayName = @KaiaBlackthorne formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 361 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 312148.953125 note = @KaiaBlackthorne online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 312145 sortIndex = 135 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 136 = table:000001431036EE10 firstTable data = table:00000144D0776498 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 649 characterName = Amelia Whitelilly class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E458B0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0776498 typeId = 1 displayName = @DasArchitect formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 448 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 314225.953125 note = @DasArchitect online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 314222 sortIndex = 136 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 137 = table:00000144C7556880 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3CA88 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 759 characterName = Drackus Volar class = 2 dataEntry = table:000001435538D228 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3CA88 typeId = 1 displayName = @DrackusVolar formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 24 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 347449.953125 note = @DrackusVolar online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 347446 sortIndex = 137 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 138 = table:00000143D4A4E240 firstTable data = table:00000143C8054378 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 382 characterName = Has-Thick-Tail class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3FE40 firstTable data = table:00000143C8054378 typeId = 1 displayName = @ZackAttackHall formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 352 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 355827.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 355824 sortIndex = 138 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 139 = table:000001442807F910 firstTable data = table:00000143A35D4978 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 527 characterName = Harmand Von Krieger class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143553B0FA0 firstTable data = table:00000143A35D4978 typeId = 1 displayName = @sigvardr1 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 4 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 358850.953125 note = @sigvardr1 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 358847 sortIndex = 139 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 14 = table:00000144280824E0 firstTable bottom = 420 data = table:00000143A35D48E8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 993 characterName = Filarieth class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143553B0E68 firstTable data = table:00000143A35D48E8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Deandra formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Linchal Grand Manor gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 3 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 951.953125 note = Deandra\n|t64:128:esoui/art/guild/banner_ebonheart.dds|t\n\n• Available for all pve roles\n• Does all crafts\n• Bard with large repertoire of songs available for RP hire\n\nhttp://en.uesp.net/wiki/User:Deandra for which furniture I can craft online = false rankId = 254 rankIndex = 2 secsSinceLogoff = 948 sortIndex = 14 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 top = 390 typeId = 1 140 = table:00000143CDD42868 firstTable data = table:00000143DE3776D8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 331 characterName = Arabella Morte class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143097B28D8 firstTable data = table:00000143DE3776D8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Bella_Morte formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 200 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 386617.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 386614 sortIndex = 140 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 141 = table:00000143077578D8 firstTable data = table:000001430A05E098 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 486 characterName = Bob the Hermit class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E43D10 firstTable data = table:000001430A05E098 typeId = 1 displayName = @zxcvbnm formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 419 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 390888.953125 note = @zxcvbnm online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 390885 sortIndex = 141 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 142 = table:00000144C7526D38 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A33220 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Pil-ion class = 4 dataEntry = table:000001448018ACD8 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A33220 typeId = 1 displayName = @Pylawn formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 14 isLocalPlayer = false level = 20 normalizedLogoffSort = 396575.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 396572 sortIndex = 142 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 143 = table:00000144D075CFD0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0777A68 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 643 characterName = Dalvasi Arethi class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E45C70 firstTable data = table:00000144D0777A68 typeId = 1 displayName = @EgonHaystavk formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Ald Velothi Harbor House gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 452 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 400164.953125 note = @EgonHaystavk online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 400161 sortIndex = 143 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 144 = table:000001431B42BBC8 firstTable data = table:00000144D07587A8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Jo'marash Ravitani class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44A30 firstTable data = table:00000144D07587A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @draeath formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 433 isLocalPlayer = false level = 26 normalizedLogoffSort = 402975.953125 note = @draeath online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 402972 sortIndex = 144 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 145 = table:00000143D4A2EB68 firstTable data = table:0000014320DB71D8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 510 characterName = Evarwyn class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3CC90 firstTable data = table:0000014320DB71D8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Evarwyn formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 299 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 429642.953125 note = @Evarwyn online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 429639 sortIndex = 145 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 146 = table:00000144801864E0 firstTable data = table:00000143094F1E78 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 238 characterName = Knight Foltest class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143CB751710 firstTable data = table:00000143094F1E78 typeId = 1 displayName = @Slapiffy formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Alik'r Desert gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 111 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 429649.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 429646 sortIndex = 146 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 147 = table:00000143E10EE818 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD29550 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Olivia Dove class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E415B0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD29550 typeId = 1 displayName = @Doggyears formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Bangkorai gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 377 isLocalPlayer = false level = 22 normalizedLogoffSort = 430560.953125 note = online = false rankId = 7 rankIndex = 9 secsSinceLogoff = 430557 sortIndex = 147 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 148 = table:00000143F0DF77F0 firstTable data = table:000001439D852EA0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 499 characterName = Quenialyn V'Hex class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44490 firstTable data = table:000001439D852EA0 typeId = 1 displayName = @guytanatz formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Reaper's March gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 427 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 483959.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 483956 sortIndex = 148 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 149 = table:0000014480155708 firstTable data = table:000001431C5B8DA8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 373 characterName = Grubtuk class = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014409E641C0 firstTable data = table:000001431C5B8DA8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Daryth formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 77 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 496250.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 496247 sortIndex = 149 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 15 = table:00000143C8037938 firstTable bottom = 450 data = table:00000143D4A44480 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 714 characterName = Urlama class = 2 dataEntry = table:0000014355389978 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A44480 typeId = 1 displayName = @smacx250 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Hunding's Palatial Hall gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 30 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1017.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1014 sortIndex = 15 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 top = 420 typeId = 1 150 = table:00000143D4A2CD58 firstTable data = table:00000143B8D028C0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 725 characterName = Aros Bjorn class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3CAB0 firstTable data = table:00000143B8D028C0 typeId = 1 displayName = @rider88 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Bangkorai gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 297 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 498420.953125 note = @rider88 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 498417 sortIndex = 150 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 151 = table:00000143E02DD5F0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02B8908 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 175 characterName = misa legend class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E468A0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02B8908 typeId = 1 displayName = @KLPluto formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 465 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 566030.953125 note = @klpluto online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 566027 sortIndex = 151 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 152 = table:0000014409E715E0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0767A90 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 679 characterName = Embraces-The-Shadows class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54EA8 firstTable data = table:00000144D0767A90 typeId = 1 displayName = @Tedfurd formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 270 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 572405.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 572402 sortIndex = 152 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 153 = table:0000014480187748 firstTable data = table:00000143143AFDD8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 254 characterName = Sinder Sitani class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000144081A1AB0 firstTable data = table:00000143143AFDD8 typeId = 1 displayName = @TboneTWM formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 117 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 653552.953125 note = @TboneTWM online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 653549 sortIndex = 153 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 154 = table:0000014480187568 firstTable data = table:0000014309DFE4C8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Jespar Aurmlion class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143CB751A28 firstTable data = table:0000014309DFE4C8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Demiryu1279 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Bangkorai gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 115 isLocalPlayer = false level = 13 normalizedLogoffSort = 656333.953125 note = Can craft some furniture.\n\n-Houses-\nFlaming Nix - Bar - Primary\nTwin Arches - Messy house\nSt Delyn - Simple inn room\nAld Velothi - WIP\n\nFeel free to visit any via commands or asking.\n\nMight be able to give a vampire bite or werewolf bite, just ask. online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 656330 sortIndex = 154 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 155 = table:000001431BD32FE0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E08480 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 452 characterName = Cripsen class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143097B4290 firstTable data = table:0000014313E08480 typeId = 1 displayName = @Cripsen formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 65 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 659769.953125 note = @Cripsen online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 659766 sortIndex = 155 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 156 = table:00000143077579C8 firstTable data = table:000001430A05E180 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 38 characterName = John Barard class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E43E00 firstTable data = table:000001430A05E180 typeId = 1 displayName = @JohnBarard formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Rivenspire gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 420 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 672663.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 672660 sortIndex = 156 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 157 = table:00000143CB510648 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD32878 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Bishop Qvali class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A566D8 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD32878 typeId = 1 displayName = @Rainkeep formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 171 isLocalPlayer = false level = 4 normalizedLogoffSort = 689040.953125 note = @Rainkeep online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 689037 sortIndex = 157 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 158 = table:0000014309779F48 firstTable data = table:0000014458614CD0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 361 characterName = Ràllos Zek class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E36EA8 firstTable data = table:0000014458614CD0 typeId = 1 displayName = @GreyFox13 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 216 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 696489.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 696486 sortIndex = 158 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 159 = table:00000143CB541030 firstTable data = table:0000014309793D28 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kadal Frostraven class = 4 dataEntry = table:0000014320869F00 firstTable data = table:0000014309793D28 typeId = 1 displayName = @MetalMagic formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 184 isLocalPlayer = false level = 7 normalizedLogoffSort = 736918.953125 note = @MetalMagic online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 736915 sortIndex = 159 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 16 = table:0000014309784888 firstTable bottom = 480 data = table:00000143137AC2C8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Drinks-The-Sap Daril class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38438 firstTable data = table:00000143137AC2C8 typeId = 1 displayName = @DracSept formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 239 isLocalPlayer = false level = 41 normalizedLogoffSort = 1294.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 1291 sortIndex = 16 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 top = 450 typeId = 1 160 = table:00000143CDD0BFF8 firstTable data = table:00000144DD5CBAE0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Valne Aelsonore class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000144081A1CD8 firstTable data = table:00000144DD5CBAE0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Demorde formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Jarol Estate gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 189 isLocalPlayer = false level = 39 normalizedLogoffSort = 757153.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 757150 sortIndex = 160 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 161 = table:000001430977CB70 firstTable data = table:00000143DAF056A8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 98 characterName = Erzan-do class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37268 firstTable data = table:00000143DAF056A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @RukoFamicom formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Hew's Bane gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 220 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 764795.953125 note = online = false rankId = 7 rankIndex = 9 secsSinceLogoff = 764792 sortIndex = 161 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 162 = table:00000143D4A4DE48 firstTable data = table:00000144C7548450 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Josepherry class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3FC60 firstTable data = table:00000144C7548450 typeId = 1 displayName = @joey_jrpg formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 350 isLocalPlayer = false level = 45 normalizedLogoffSort = 902809.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 902806 sortIndex = 162 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 163 = table:00000144C755A5E0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3E0F8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 414 characterName = Faithhful class = 6 dataEntry = table:000001435538D540 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3E0F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @gankinu formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 28 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 921441.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 921438 sortIndex = 163 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 164 = table:000001435538FA20 firstTable data = table:00000143D76A6CD8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 216 characterName = Vendi'lynn class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4FD58 firstTable data = table:00000143D76A6CD8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Lady_Vendethiel formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 140 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 940500.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 940497 sortIndex = 164 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 165 = table:000001431BD36B28 firstTable data = table:0000014428061BC8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 50 characterName = Myrlanda class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E41970 firstTable data = table:0000014428061BC8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Dispera formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 381 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 942719.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 942716 sortIndex = 165 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 166 = table:00000143553B2F88 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD30850 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Cant-Thinkofa-name class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A556E8 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD30850 typeId = 1 displayName = @BarkinDarkin formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Greenshade gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 154 isLocalPlayer = false level = 23 normalizedLogoffSort = 949023.953125 note = @BarkinDarkin online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 949020 sortIndex = 166 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 167 = table:00000143C8037A28 firstTable data = table:0000014309798FB0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 266 characterName = Adairan class = 2 dataEntry = table:0000014355389A68 firstTable data = table:0000014309798FB0 typeId = 1 displayName = @mrPassenger formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Coldharbour gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 31 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1006187.953125 note = @mrPassenger online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1006184 sortIndex = 167 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 168 = table:00000143B14ED730 firstTable data = table:000001431036C6C8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kjode Siegfried class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E43EF0 firstTable data = table:000001431036C6C8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Chainsaw_bunny formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = The Gold Coast gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 421 isLocalPlayer = false level = 16 normalizedLogoffSort = 1034679.953125 note = @Chainsaw_bunny online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1034676 sortIndex = 168 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 169 = table:00000143097AFE78 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A562E0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Aaki Siegfried class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143CB509AA0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A562E0 typeId = 1 displayName = @ChiakiKura formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Eastmarch gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 45 isLocalPlayer = false level = 16 normalizedLogoffSort = 1036071.953125 note = @Chiakikura online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1036068 sortIndex = 169 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 17 = table:00000144801815A8 firstTable bottom = 510 data = table:00000143B8D0AFF0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 954 characterName = Pha-Q class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C80359B0 firstTable data = table:00000143B8D0AFF0 typeId = 1 displayName = @KoreanDemon formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 106 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1598.953125 note = @KoreanDemon online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1595 sortIndex = 17 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 top = 480 typeId = 1 170 = table:00000143BC3734F8 firstTable data = table:0000014309DF2F28 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 383 characterName = Masochristic class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E422D0 firstTable data = table:0000014309DF2F28 typeId = 1 displayName = @masochristic formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 391 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1064600.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1064597 sortIndex = 170 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 171 = table:00000143CB541210 firstTable data = table:0000014409E595B0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 230 characterName = Kirandi class = 1 dataEntry = table:000001431BD35808 firstTable data = table:0000014409E595B0 typeId = 1 displayName = @hanasaseru formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 186 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1105697.953125 note = @hanasaseru online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 1105694 sortIndex = 171 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 172 = table:00000144D077B578 firstTable data = table:00000144D0778CC0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 220 characterName = Gathers Dead Things class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E46030 firstTable data = table:00000144D0778CC0 typeId = 1 displayName = @AiriDrakul formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 456 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1113512.953125 note = online = false rankId = 7 rankIndex = 9 secsSinceLogoff = 1113509 sortIndex = 172 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 173 = table:0000014480158890 firstTable data = table:0000014316CDBB80 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Umbaturrmaillin class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143D4A367D0 firstTable data = table:0000014316CDBB80 typeId = 1 displayName = @antigravityslimepig formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 95 isLocalPlayer = false level = 35 normalizedLogoffSort = 1186376.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1186373 sortIndex = 173 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 174 = table:0000014409E7C548 firstTable data = table:00000144C755AE98 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 348 characterName = Rendil Llondryn class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3B8E0 firstTable data = table:00000144C755AE98 typeId = 1 displayName = @Laurifel formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 278 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1363663.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1363660 sortIndex = 174 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 175 = table:00000143097814A8 firstTable data = table:00000143E3A2DBA0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Tars gro-Tan class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37E98 firstTable data = table:00000143E3A2DBA0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Brethon1 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 233 isLocalPlayer = false level = 12 normalizedLogoffSort = 1446759.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1446756 sortIndex = 175 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 176 = table:00000143CB50BA90 firstTable data = table:00000143E13687B8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Isabel Renault class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E43A40 firstTable data = table:00000143E13687B8 typeId = 1 displayName = @TheGlassesGirl formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Rivenspire gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 416 isLocalPlayer = false level = 35 normalizedLogoffSort = 1478499.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1478496 sortIndex = 176 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 177 = table:000001430977BF70 firstTable data = table:00000143DAF055D0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 366 characterName = Themadcat class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37178 firstTable data = table:00000143DAF055D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @The-Mad_Cat formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Velyn Harbor Outlaws Refuge gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 219 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1520850.953125 note = @The-Mad_Cat online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1520847 sortIndex = 177 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 178 = table:00000144C7553A48 firstTable data = table:0000014409E545A0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 92 characterName = Internet Ninja class = 3 dataEntry = table:000001448018B098 firstTable data = table:0000014409E545A0 typeId = 1 displayName = @MingusKhan formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Forsaken Stronghold gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 18 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1520913.953125 note = @MingusKhan online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1520910 sortIndex = 178 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 179 = table:00000143D4A5BCD8 firstTable data = table:000001448F880A70 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 265 characterName = Willgraham class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E404D0 firstTable data = table:000001448F880A70 typeId = 1 displayName = @Smallpoxx17 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 359 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1696699.953125 note = Master alchemist (has 50 alchemy skill) will make potions if given the ingredients. online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1696696 sortIndex = 179 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 18 = table:000001431BD330D0 firstTable bottom = 540 data = table:000001448F8B34F8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 387 characterName = Elixia class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143097B42D8 firstTable data = table:000001448F8B34F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @ramenators formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 66 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 2173.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2170 sortIndex = 18 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 top = 510 typeId = 1 180 = table:00000144C7555400 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A34190 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 329 characterName = Nirviah class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143553867B0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A34190 typeId = 1 displayName = @Retrogradenova formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Rift gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 20 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1722654.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1722651 sortIndex = 180 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 181 = table:00000143CB510558 firstTable data = table:00000143097A3A88 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 279 characterName = Mapaché class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A565E8 firstTable data = table:00000143097A3A88 typeId = 1 displayName = @Cliff3119 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 170 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1762411.953125 note = @Cliff3119 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1762408 sortIndex = 181 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 182 = table:0000014307742878 firstTable data = table:0000014309B47BA0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 660 characterName = Zurin Arctus class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44EE0 firstTable data = table:0000014309B47BA0 typeId = 1 displayName = @ForTheEmpire formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Shadowfen gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 438 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1804184.953125 note = @ForTheEmpire\n|t64:128:esoui/art/guild/banner_daggerfall.dds|t\n\n• All crafts\n• All motifs online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 1804181 sortIndex = 182 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 183 = table:00000143A9B92D18 firstTable data = table:00000144D0775650 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Tarelia Nyx class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E45390 firstTable data = table:00000144D0775650 typeId = 1 displayName = @NikkiNyx formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 443 isLocalPlayer = false level = 22 normalizedLogoffSort = 1841533.953125 note = @NikkiNyx online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1841530 sortIndex = 183 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 184 = table:000001430977BD90 firstTable data = table:0000014458614DB8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 84 characterName = Mount Ragemore class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E36F98 firstTable data = table:0000014458614DB8 typeId = 1 displayName = @RoyalTonberry formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Linchal Grand Manor gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 217 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1862512.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1862509 sortIndex = 184 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 185 = table:00000143E02DD6E0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02BF880 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Shady Stix class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E46990 firstTable data = table:00000143E02BF880 typeId = 1 displayName = @aDemi formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 466 isLocalPlayer = false level = 44 normalizedLogoffSort = 1950429.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 1950426 sortIndex = 185 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 186 = table:0000014409E7C178 firstTable data = table:00000143DF6238D0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 494 characterName = Thrives-in-the-Dark class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3B610 firstTable data = table:00000143DF6238D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @BlueCheese000 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Darkshade Caverns I gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 275 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 1951633.953125 note = @BlueCheese000 online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 1951630 sortIndex = 186 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 187 = table:00000143097813B8 firstTable data = table:00000143E3A2DAC0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Shadow Souls class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37DA8 firstTable data = table:00000143E3A2DAC0 typeId = 1 displayName = @ShadowBorne1 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 232 isLocalPlayer = false level = 30 normalizedLogoffSort = 2117288.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2117285 sortIndex = 187 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 188 = table:00000143E10ECFD8 firstTable data = table:000001435538B3E8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 591 characterName = Elsir Light-Fire class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E40F20 firstTable data = table:000001435538B3E8 typeId = 1 displayName = @TheScelus formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Old Mistveil Manor gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 370 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 2133872.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2133869 sortIndex = 188 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 189 = table:00000144D0781118 firstTable data = table:000001442808C6F8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 587 characterName = Maikhi class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E421E0 firstTable data = table:000001442808C6F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @mikeyiskuma formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 390 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 2235072.953125 note = @mikeyiskuma online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 2235069 sortIndex = 189 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 19 = table:0000014409E5F1C0 firstTable bottom = 570 data = table:000001431B4335B8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 992 characterName = Aelandril class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E39518 firstTable data = table:000001431B4335B8 typeId = 1 displayName = @contraptions formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stros M'Kai gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 257 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 3338.953125 note = @contraptions online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 3335 sortIndex = 19 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 top = 540 typeId = 1 190 = table:0000014409E6B390 firstTable data = table:00000143C8029DF0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Linkuya class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54818 firstTable data = table:00000143C8029DF0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Linkuya formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 263 isLocalPlayer = false level = 15 normalizedLogoffSort = 2272131.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2272128 sortIndex = 190 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 191 = table:0000014309785620 firstTable data = table:00000143B8CFFAE8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Etobar Gadrun class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38618 firstTable data = table:00000143B8CFFAE8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Vangun_Daxson formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 241 isLocalPlayer = false level = 14 normalizedLogoffSort = 2302758.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 2302755 sortIndex = 191 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 192 = table:00000143D4A49BB0 firstTable data = table:000001442807AFF0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 62 characterName = Kiyarsa Jayas class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3E8B0 firstTable data = table:000001442807AFF0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Soylentbob formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 329 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 2305024.953125 note = @Soylentbob online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 2305021 sortIndex = 192 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 193 = table:000001430977CD50 firstTable data = table:0000014306481518 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Pious Augustus V class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37448 firstTable data = table:0000014306481518 typeId = 1 displayName = @MrDjango formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 222 isLocalPlayer = false level = 3 normalizedLogoffSort = 2400729.953125 note = @MrDjango online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2400726 sortIndex = 193 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 194 = table:000001431BD2C360 firstTable data = table:00000143E02CA258 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 177 characterName = He Who Sips Milkshakes class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E47A70 firstTable data = table:00000143E02CA258 typeId = 1 displayName = @Batsumi formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 484 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 2410341.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2410338 sortIndex = 194 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 195 = table:00000143CB53D918 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A371B8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 204 characterName = Doran at-Werzhan class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A56C78 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A371B8 typeId = 1 displayName = @sealedinterface formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Reaper's March gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 177 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 2417857.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2417854 sortIndex = 195 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 196 = table:0000014355380AF8 firstTable data = table:0000014320DBAA80 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 199 characterName = Zi'Rahk class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4F4E8 firstTable data = table:0000014320DBAA80 typeId = 1 displayName = @ZeRoc formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Reaper's March gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 131 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 2463254.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2463251 sortIndex = 196 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 197 = table:00000143D4A334B0 firstTable data = table:00000143CB51F4D0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 323 characterName = Ra'Myes class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3D140 firstTable data = table:00000143CB51F4D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @TheWiseCat formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 304 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 2463665.953125 note = @TheWiseCat online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2463662 sortIndex = 197 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 198 = table:00000144C75333F8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C6E50 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = The Zucotti Manicotti class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E47020 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C6E50 typeId = 1 displayName = @Spazghost formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 473 isLocalPlayer = false level = 17 normalizedLogoffSort = 2471942.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2471939 sortIndex = 198 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 199 = table:00000144D075D1B0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0778AF8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Yakula Yagen class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E45E50 firstTable data = table:00000144D0778AF8 typeId = 1 displayName = @BuckeyesFan31299 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 454 isLocalPlayer = false level = 11 normalizedLogoffSort = 2480998.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2480995 sortIndex = 199 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 2 = table:0000014310025998 firstTable bottom = 60 data = table:00000143553A4600 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 604 characterName = Elaahin Khahan class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E411F0 firstTable bottom = 160 data = table:00000143553A4600 top = 80 typeId = 1 displayName = @BeardedFlagon formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Eastmarch gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 373 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = -1 note = @BeardedFlagon online = true rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = -1 sortIndex = 2 status = 1 timeStamp = 0 type = 1 top = 30 typeId = 1 20 = table:00000143D4A4ED80 firstTable data = table:000001442805D7A0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 561 characterName = Veganira class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E402F0 firstTable data = table:000001442805D7A0 typeId = 1 displayName = @VycDarkshadow formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = The Gold Coast gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 357 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 5116.953125 note = Can craft 9-pc sets if you provide mats. My house has all crafting stations, plus a dye station, and is open to everyone. I also stream on Twitch. twitch.tv/VycDarkshadow. online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 5113 sortIndex = 20 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 200 = table:00000143C805AE70 firstTable data = table:0000014313468078 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 122 characterName = Mixes-and-Weaves class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143097A71B8 firstTable data = table:0000014313468078 typeId = 1 displayName = @BardoftheOzarks formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 59 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 2756775.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2756772 sortIndex = 200 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 201 = table:00000144C75555E0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3AA80 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = R H S class = 4 dataEntry = table:0000014355386990 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3AA80 typeId = 1 displayName = @n0nleft13 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 22 isLocalPlayer = false level = 28 normalizedLogoffSort = 2828286.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2828283 sortIndex = 201 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 202 = table:000001430977EBF0 firstTable data = table:00000143D9E66DB8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sedated Kitten class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E378F8 firstTable data = table:00000143D9E66DB8 typeId = 1 displayName = @LilRedKitten formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = The Rift gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 227 isLocalPlayer = false level = 16 normalizedLogoffSort = 2853452.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 2853449 sortIndex = 202 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 203 = table:000001430977BE80 firstTable data = table:0000014458614EA8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Allendar Allseer class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37088 firstTable data = table:0000014458614EA8 typeId = 1 displayName = @trumpeteer568 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 218 isLocalPlayer = false level = 19 normalizedLogoffSort = 2878969.953125 note = @trumpeteer568 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2878966 sortIndex = 203 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 204 = table:000001431BD365E8 firstTable data = table:000001448F8B36D0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 208 characterName = One of Little Harmony class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143097B2668 firstTable data = table:000001448F8B36D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @OneofLittleHarmony formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 68 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 2880956.953125 note = @OneofLittleHarmony online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 2880953 sortIndex = 204 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 205 = table:0000014480158980 firstTable data = table:00000143094EB348 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Fala Wildrose class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143D4A45920 firstTable data = table:00000143094EB348 typeId = 1 displayName = @Aeleone formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Khenarthi's Roost gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 96 isLocalPlayer = false level = 15 normalizedLogoffSort = 2895469.953125 note = @Aeleone online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2895466 sortIndex = 205 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 206 = table:00000143DE375990 firstTable data = table:000001442808B888 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 370 characterName = Nahamilah class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E41E20 firstTable data = table:000001442808B888 typeId = 1 displayName = @Hexx3 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Reaper's March gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 386 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 2896857.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2896854 sortIndex = 206 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 207 = table:00000143D4A5BDC8 firstTable data = table:000001448F880B28 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = bashinskulls class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E405C0 firstTable data = table:000001448F880B28 typeId = 1 displayName = @bashinskulls17 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 360 isLocalPlayer = false level = 47 normalizedLogoffSort = 2925072.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 2925069 sortIndex = 207 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 208 = table:000001431BD2C450 firstTable data = table:00000143E02CA340 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Justmacke class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E47B60 firstTable data = table:00000143E02CA340 typeId = 1 displayName = @JustMacke formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 485 isLocalPlayer = false level = 16 normalizedLogoffSort = 3055519.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 3055516 sortIndex = 208 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 209 = table:0000014309785800 firstTable data = table:00000143AF1CBD10 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 162 characterName = Theluteplayer class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E387F8 firstTable data = table:00000143AF1CBD10 typeId = 1 displayName = @Manes formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 243 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 3076141.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 3076138 sortIndex = 209 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 21 = table:00000144D075CEE0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0777980 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Soul The Collecter class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E45B80 firstTable data = table:00000144D0777980 typeId = 1 displayName = @Kartana16 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 451 isLocalPlayer = false level = 10 normalizedLogoffSort = 6245.953125 note = Burner of fish online = false rankId = 6 rankIndex = 4 secsSinceLogoff = 6242 sortIndex = 21 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 210 = table:00000143E02DB410 firstTable data = table:00000144D0789B80 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Dro-Rhajar class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E463F0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0789B80 typeId = 1 displayName = @Nimtiz formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Malabal Tor gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 460 isLocalPlayer = false level = 35 normalizedLogoffSort = 3253557.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 3253554 sortIndex = 210 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 211 = table:00000144801584E0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0766890 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sirinna Skylar class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143D4A36698 firstTable data = table:00000144D0766890 typeId = 1 displayName = @WiseFiend formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 93 isLocalPlayer = false level = 14 normalizedLogoffSort = 3288142.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 3288139 sortIndex = 211 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 212 = table:0000014409E7C458 firstTable data = table:00000143DF623A98 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Runs-With-Deer'Kin class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3B7F0 firstTable data = table:00000143DF623A98 typeId = 1 displayName = @MidoriKirov formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Khenarthi's Roost gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 277 isLocalPlayer = false level = 6 normalizedLogoffSort = 3413782.953125 note = @Hiiguru online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 3413779 sortIndex = 212 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 213 = table:0000014309784978 firstTable data = table:00000143B8CFFA00 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = elandron class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38528 firstTable data = table:00000143B8CFFA00 typeId = 1 displayName = @nurseyrich formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 240 isLocalPlayer = false level = 24 normalizedLogoffSort = 3440470.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 3440467 sortIndex = 213 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 214 = table:0000014409E7D2D8 firstTable data = table:00000143CB5071F0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sirtankalous class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3BCA0 firstTable data = table:00000143CB5071F0 typeId = 1 displayName = @deboss1986 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Rift gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 282 isLocalPlayer = false level = 44 normalizedLogoffSort = 3489515.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 3489512 sortIndex = 214 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 215 = table:0000014309777BF0 firstTable data = table:000001431DD909A8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 111 characterName = Thraxis Stormholm class = 3 dataEntry = table:0000014355389BE8 firstTable data = table:000001431DD909A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @ThraxisStormholm formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Alik'r Desert gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 206 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 3521163.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 3521160 sortIndex = 215 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 216 = table:000001448015D6F0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E17090 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 721 characterName = Haknir Death-Brand class = 3 dataEntry = table:0000014310453D90 firstTable data = table:0000014313E17090 typeId = 1 displayName = @ReynardMuldrake formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 102 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 3613289.953125 note = @ReynardMuldrake online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 3613286 sortIndex = 216 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 217 = table:00000144C7525FE8 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD11630 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 695 characterName = Topher Allin class = 1 dataEntry = table:000001448018B0E0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD11630 typeId = 1 displayName = @Topherrising formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 19 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 3615612.953125 note = @Topherrising online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 3615609 sortIndex = 217 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 218 = table:00000143D4A2A800 firstTable data = table:00000143CB51D600 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sombra Nightwalker class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3C330 firstTable data = table:00000143CB51D600 typeId = 1 displayName = @Roonstone formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 289 isLocalPlayer = false level = 38 normalizedLogoffSort = 3706764.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 3706761 sortIndex = 218 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 219 = table:00000144C755A4F0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3DCA8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kortgath Gro-Brasukal class = 4 dataEntry = table:000001435538D4F8 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3DCA8 typeId = 1 displayName = @THExWOOD formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Imperial Sewers gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 27 isLocalPlayer = false level = 29 normalizedLogoffSort = 3773399.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 3773396 sortIndex = 219 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 22 = table:00000143B14ED958 firstTable data = table:000001430A07E278 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = J'Pummra class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E441C0 firstTable data = table:000001430A07E278 typeId = 1 displayName = @DobbaDeuce formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Reaper's March gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 424 isLocalPlayer = false level = 18 normalizedLogoffSort = 6319.953125 note = @DobbaDeuce online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 6316 sortIndex = 22 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 220 = table:00000144C75334E8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C6F38 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Well-Rested Lahni class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E47110 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C6F38 typeId = 1 displayName = @MissMaenad formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Khenarthi's Roost gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 474 isLocalPlayer = false level = 13 normalizedLogoffSort = 4017786.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 4017783 sortIndex = 220 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 221 = table:00000143D4A2AEC0 firstTable data = table:00000143FE103DC0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = C B class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3C7E0 firstTable data = table:00000143FE103DC0 typeId = 1 displayName = @T7Tanya7T formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Daggerfall Outlaws Refuge gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 294 isLocalPlayer = false level = 20 normalizedLogoffSort = 4027997.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 4027994 sortIndex = 221 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 222 = table:000001431BD2B818 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C9230 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 255 characterName = Xnetteom class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E475C0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C9230 typeId = 1 displayName = @Xnetteom formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 479 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 4065177.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 4065174 sortIndex = 222 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 223 = table:00000143E02DD410 firstTable data = table:00000143E02B8710 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kuschelige Katze class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E466C0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02B8710 typeId = 1 displayName = @Elilmalith formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 463 isLocalPlayer = false level = 24 normalizedLogoffSort = 4148734.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 4148731 sortIndex = 223 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 224 = table:0000014309778510 firstTable data = table:000001431DD9CC78 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 534 characterName = Galonil class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E36728 firstTable data = table:000001431DD9CC78 typeId = 1 displayName = @Phoenixpyre formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 208 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 4198895.953125 note = @Phoenixpyre online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 4198892 sortIndex = 224 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 225 = table:00000143A35CFC08 firstTable data = table:0000014309B47D28 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 457 characterName = Aminos Makoych class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E450C0 firstTable data = table:0000014309B47D28 typeId = 1 displayName = @MoodyMayhem formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 440 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 4235664.953125 note = @MoodyMayhem online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 4235661 sortIndex = 225 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 226 = table:00000144D077B758 firstTable data = table:00000144D0789468 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 647 characterName = Sir Jonathan Frost class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E46210 firstTable data = table:00000144D0789468 typeId = 1 displayName = @Agent.Ice formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 458 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 4397658.953125 note = @Agent.Ice online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 4397655 sortIndex = 226 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 227 = table:0000014480156758 firstTable data = table:000001447D43BA90 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Wolvengaard class = 3 dataEntry = table:0000014409E67018 firstTable data = table:000001447D43BA90 typeId = 1 displayName = @VirtualWolfe formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 82 isLocalPlayer = false level = 25 normalizedLogoffSort = 4459932.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 4459929 sortIndex = 227 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 228 = table:00000143D4A48878 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A32C50 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Caius Victus class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3E310 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A32C50 typeId = 1 displayName = @hyperreal formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 323 isLocalPlayer = false level = 11 normalizedLogoffSort = 4555685.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 4555682 sortIndex = 228 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 229 = table:0000014480186D60 firstTable data = table:00000144801596F0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Mnémoli class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143CB7519E0 firstTable data = table:00000144801596F0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Mnemo-Li formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 114 isLocalPlayer = false level = 20 normalizedLogoffSort = 4811883.953125 note = @Mnemo-Li online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 4811880 sortIndex = 229 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 23 = table:00000143E10ED1B8 firstTable data = table:00000143553A4518 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = K'al-Ma class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E41100 firstTable data = table:00000143553A4518 typeId = 1 displayName = @EndgameV formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 372 isLocalPlayer = false level = 44 normalizedLogoffSort = 6493.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6490 sortIndex = 23 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 230 = table:000001431BD2B908 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C9310 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Ender Felandaris class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E476B0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C9310 typeId = 1 displayName = @Chiruochiba formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 480 isLocalPlayer = false level = 16 normalizedLogoffSort = 4899638.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 4899635 sortIndex = 230 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 231 = table:00000143CB50B248 firstTable data = table:00000143097A38D8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = bahaara class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A56408 firstTable data = table:00000143097A38D8 typeId = 1 displayName = @aargre formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 168 isLocalPlayer = false level = 9 normalizedLogoffSort = 4908257.953125 note = @aargre online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 4908254 sortIndex = 231 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 232 = table:000001431BD364F8 firstTable data = table:000001448F8B35D8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 103 characterName = Foramen Magnum class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143097B2578 firstTable data = table:000001448F8B35D8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Kordrid formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 67 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 4909252.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 4909249 sortIndex = 232 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 233 = table:00000143C805A120 firstTable data = table:0000014409E7A3E0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 85 characterName = ascendingphoenix class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143097871E8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E7A3E0 typeId = 1 displayName = @phoenixascending90 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 54 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 5146730.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 5146727 sortIndex = 233 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 234 = table:00000143D4A4E330 firstTable data = table:00000143C8054458 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = fudgexxiv class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3FF30 firstTable data = table:00000143C8054458 typeId = 1 displayName = @rachaelhall3 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 353 isLocalPlayer = false level = 31 normalizedLogoffSort = 5187742.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 5187739 sortIndex = 234 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 235 = table:00000143C8031DD8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C8A20 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Dawn Auritav class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E472F0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C8A20 typeId = 1 displayName = @dawn4lyfe formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Wrothgar gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 476 isLocalPlayer = false level = 26 normalizedLogoffSort = 5224042.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 5224039 sortIndex = 235 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 236 = table:0000014409E54F38 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A67C68 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sir Robin the Minstrel class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143CDD28A60 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A67C68 typeId = 1 displayName = @Bazaarine formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 47 isLocalPlayer = false level = 14 normalizedLogoffSort = 5263553.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 5263550 sortIndex = 236 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 237 = table:00000143D4A2CB78 firstTable data = table:00000143FE103E70 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 218 characterName = Uses Controller class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3C8D0 firstTable data = table:00000143FE103E70 typeId = 1 displayName = @dpayter formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 295 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 5596685.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 5596682 sortIndex = 237 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 238 = table:0000014355390750 firstTable data = table:00000143553A1CF8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Xervish Flydd class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4ECE0 firstTable data = table:00000143553A1CF8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Mr_Conflicts formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 144 isLocalPlayer = false level = 46 normalizedLogoffSort = 5682359.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 5682356 sortIndex = 238 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 239 = table:0000014480181698 firstTable data = table:00000143C7D3E628 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 529 characterName = Tafkals class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C8035AA0 firstTable data = table:00000143C7D3E628 typeId = 1 displayName = @youngstalin formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 107 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 5696444.953125 note = @youngstalin online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 5696441 sortIndex = 239 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 24 = table:00000143CB51FF38 firstTable data = table:0000014309E23368 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 112 characterName = Baurus Septim class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E42960 firstTable data = table:0000014309E23368 typeId = 1 displayName = @Jakovasaur21 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 398 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8552.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 8549 sortIndex = 24 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 240 = table:00000143D4A49AC0 firstTable data = table:0000014428058680 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Adrazhirr-jo class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3E7C0 firstTable data = table:0000014428058680 typeId = 1 displayName = @Gilfirion formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Khenarthi's Roost gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 328 isLocalPlayer = false level = 9 normalizedLogoffSort = 5730766.953125 note = @Gilfirion online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 5730763 sortIndex = 240 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 241 = table:000001435539B208 firstTable data = table:00000144C752B578 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Brohemian-Rhapsody class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4F280 firstTable data = table:00000144C752B578 typeId = 1 displayName = @drmmerdude007 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Eastmarch gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 150 isLocalPlayer = false level = 42 normalizedLogoffSort = 5824744.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 5824741 sortIndex = 241 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 242 = table:000001448018DB50 firstTable data = table:0000014355388098 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Narcyeis class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143D76AAF10 firstTable data = table:0000014355388098 typeId = 1 displayName = @Alessyia formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 126 isLocalPlayer = false level = 27 normalizedLogoffSort = 5828151.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 5828148 sortIndex = 242 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 243 = table:00000143D4A320C0 firstTable data = table:00000143D76AF840 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 384 characterName = Zypy class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37CB8 firstTable data = table:00000143D76AF840 typeId = 1 displayName = @l3Realmz formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 231 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 5840283.953125 note = @l3Realmz online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 5840280 sortIndex = 243 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 244 = table:00000143097799B0 firstTable data = table:000001431D6D4130 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 185 characterName = Charlotte Faye class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E36AE8 firstTable data = table:000001431D6D4130 typeId = 1 displayName = @Charlotte_Faye formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Bangkorai gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 212 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 5842893.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 5842890 sortIndex = 244 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 245 = table:00000143CB53D828 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A370C8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Arwen Marshiku class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A56B88 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A370C8 typeId = 1 displayName = @kiramarshiku formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 176 isLocalPlayer = false level = 15 normalizedLogoffSort = 5853600.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 5853597 sortIndex = 245 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 246 = table:00000143A35CFB18 firstTable data = table:0000014309B47C48 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Synaeris class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44FD0 firstTable data = table:0000014309B47C48 typeId = 1 displayName = @Synserity formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Wrothgar gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 439 isLocalPlayer = false level = 8 normalizedLogoffSort = 6036660.953125 note = @Synserity online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6036657 sortIndex = 246 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 247 = table:00000143C8059520 firstTable data = table:0000014409E90A40 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 149 characterName = O'Jar Moon-Scholar class = 2 dataEntry = table:0000014309786F18 firstTable data = table:0000014409E90A40 typeId = 1 displayName = @Gathering.Mist formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Shadowfen gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 51 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 6096473.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 6096470 sortIndex = 247 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 248 = table:000001431BD2C270 firstTable data = table:00000143E02CA1A0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 259 characterName = Connor Reese class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E47980 firstTable data = table:00000143E02CA1A0 typeId = 1 displayName = @ConnorReese formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Alik'r Desert gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 483 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 6118297.953125 note = @ConnorReese online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6118294 sortIndex = 248 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 249 = table:00000144C7533308 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C6D60 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Gormaz gro-Usha class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E46F30 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C6D60 typeId = 1 displayName = @Agnil formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Wrothgar gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 472 isLocalPlayer = false level = 12 normalizedLogoffSort = 6188260.953125 note = @Agnil online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6188257 sortIndex = 249 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 25 = table:00000144C75293A8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C1188 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 212 characterName = Assanik class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E46D50 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C1188 typeId = 1 displayName = @lspx7 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Mnemonic Planisphere gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 470 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8566.953125 note = @lspx7 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8563 sortIndex = 25 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 250 = table:00000144C751F8B0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD15DA0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 376 characterName = winfrank class = 6 dataEntry = table:000001431BD35718 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD15DA0 typeId = 1 displayName = @winfrank formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Bleakrock Isle gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 5 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 6220926.953125 note = @winfrank online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6220923 sortIndex = 250 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 251 = table:00000143D4A4A008 firstTable data = table:00000143DAF0B580 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 438 characterName = Mad'Lib class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3EB80 firstTable data = table:00000143DAF0B580 typeId = 1 displayName = @Mate_Frantigo formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 332 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 6283588.953125 note = @Mate_Frantigo online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6283585 sortIndex = 251 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 252 = table:00000143C805E210 firstTable data = table:0000014313E082C8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 154 characterName = Storm Seker the Swift class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143097B40B0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E082C8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Stormseeker2016 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Forgotten Wastes gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 63 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 6285014.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6285011 sortIndex = 252 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 253 = table:00000144801863F0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02B9C88 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 131 characterName = Sylvasion class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143CB751620 firstTable data = table:00000143E02B9C88 typeId = 1 displayName = @barkerm formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 110 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 6294079.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6294076 sortIndex = 253 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 254 = table:00000143C8037848 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3E1A0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 155 characterName = Analemma class = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014355389888 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3E1A0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Deneb1180 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 29 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 6312055.953125 note = @Deneb1180 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6312052 sortIndex = 254 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 255 = table:0000014480155618 firstTable data = table:000001431C5B8CD0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 195 characterName = Sakahno class = 2 dataEntry = table:0000014409E640D0 firstTable data = table:000001431C5B8CD0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Dark_Nasty formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 76 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 6366103.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6366100 sortIndex = 255 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 256 = table:0000014409E79DB8 firstTable data = table:0000014428063210 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Desmond Blackwood class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E41C40 firstTable data = table:0000014428063210 typeId = 1 displayName = @KingGambrinus formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Hew's Bane gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 384 isLocalPlayer = false level = 23 normalizedLogoffSort = 6434363.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6434360 sortIndex = 256 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 257 = table:00000143D4A49428 firstTable data = table:00000144280585A0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Ceriya class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3E6D0 firstTable data = table:00000144280585A0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Red_Radiation formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 327 isLocalPlayer = false level = 37 normalizedLogoffSort = 6450175.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6450172 sortIndex = 257 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 258 = table:000001431B42BCB8 firstTable data = table:00000144D07588B8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 265 characterName = Lynnex class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44B20 firstTable data = table:00000144D07588B8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Lynne92 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 434 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 6470521.953125 note = @lynne92 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 6470518 sortIndex = 258 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 259 = table:0000014409E6B018 firstTable data = table:000001445842B6D8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 193 characterName = Nilsena the Gatherer class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54638 firstTable data = table:000001445842B6D8 typeId = 1 displayName = @dwarvenname formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 261 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 7226933.953125 note = @dwarvenname online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 7226930 sortIndex = 259 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 26 = table:00000143097798C0 firstTable data = table:000001431D6D4048 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 501 characterName = Wiator class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E369F8 firstTable data = table:000001431D6D4048 typeId = 1 displayName = @Wiator formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Malabal Tor gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 211 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8735.953125 note = @Wiator online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8732 sortIndex = 26 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 260 = table:0000014409E6D698 firstTable data = table:0000014313E42B60 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Coless Ariandel class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A549F8 firstTable data = table:0000014313E42B60 typeId = 1 displayName = @Badwolf007 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = The Harborage gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 265 isLocalPlayer = false level = 12 normalizedLogoffSort = 7377074.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 7377071 sortIndex = 260 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 261 = table:00000143D4A2CC68 firstTable data = table:00000143B8D027E0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 394 characterName = Isarii Ashenstrike class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3C9C0 firstTable data = table:00000143B8D027E0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Isarii formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 296 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 7413443.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 7413440 sortIndex = 261 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 262 = table:00000143D4A2EC58 firstTable data = table:0000014313E3E810 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Patus Mantashpi class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3CD80 firstTable data = table:0000014313E3E810 typeId = 1 displayName = @scribbane formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 300 isLocalPlayer = false level = 32 normalizedLogoffSort = 7421659.953125 note = @scribbane online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 7421656 sortIndex = 262 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 263 = table:000001435538B838 firstTable data = table:000001430A466270 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 371 characterName = Vorago class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4F8A8 firstTable data = table:000001430A466270 typeId = 1 displayName = @DrSuSE formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Coldharbour gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 135 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 7432395.953125 note = @DrSuSE online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 7432392 sortIndex = 263 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 264 = table:00000144801583F0 firstTable data = table:00000143F65AC9A8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 359 characterName = A'stari class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143D4A365A8 firstTable data = table:00000143F65AC9A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @A5tari formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 92 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 7690822.953125 note = @A5tari online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 7690819 sortIndex = 264 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 265 = table:00000143D4A2ACE0 firstTable data = table:000001439FC51C28 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Mystic Dragonblade class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3C600 firstTable data = table:000001439FC51C28 typeId = 1 displayName = @LegendaryDragoon formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 292 isLocalPlayer = false level = 17 normalizedLogoffSort = 7695804.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 7695801 sortIndex = 265 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 266 = table:0000014409E72E60 firstTable data = table:000001442807E7E0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Twists-In-Depths class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A55178 firstTable data = table:000001442807E7E0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Wervern formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Gold Coast gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 273 isLocalPlayer = false level = 3 normalizedLogoffSort = 7698829.953125 note = Whisper me your unconventional character builds. online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 7698826 sortIndex = 266 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 267 = table:00000143A35CCEC8 firstTable data = table:00000143A35CD880 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kerilliann class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A55C88 firstTable data = table:00000143A35CD880 typeId = 1 displayName = @BoomStickGuy formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 160 isLocalPlayer = false level = 28 normalizedLogoffSort = 7762764.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 7762761 sortIndex = 267 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 268 = table:000001435537F7A0 firstTable data = table:00000143DF6220D8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sickeningtrout class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143D76AB000 firstTable data = table:00000143DF6220D8 typeId = 1 displayName = @SickeningTrout formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 127 isLocalPlayer = false level = 36 normalizedLogoffSort = 7840698.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 7840695 sortIndex = 268 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 269 = table:00000144C75554F0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A34268 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 308 characterName = Lil juicee class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143553868A0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A34268 typeId = 1 displayName = @Mr_Anime formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 21 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 7860230.953125 note = @Mr_Anime online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 7860227 sortIndex = 269 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 27 = table:00000143CB51FE48 firstTable data = table:0000014309E23288 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 924 characterName = Sharzee'Rai class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E42870 firstTable data = table:0000014309E23288 typeId = 1 displayName = @Mauin formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Exorcised Coven Cottage gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 397 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 10603.953125 note = Master Crafter\n|t64:128:esoui/art/guild/banner_ebonheart.dds|t\nWill give free werewolf/vampire bites.\nCan make many housing items, including both target skeletons. 9 trait crafting. \nCan do all PvE dungeon roles. Fights for the Pact.\n online = false rankId = 6 rankIndex = 4 secsSinceLogoff = 10600 sortIndex = 27 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 270 = table:0000014309784798 firstTable data = table:00000143137AC1E0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Escapefate class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38348 firstTable data = table:00000143137AC1E0 typeId = 1 displayName = @EscapeTime formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 238 isLocalPlayer = false level = 9 normalizedLogoffSort = 7875722.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 7875719 sortIndex = 270 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 271 = table:000001448F8791A0 firstTable data = table:000001430A07E430 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 433 characterName = Ervas Hlaren class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E443A0 firstTable data = table:000001430A07E430 typeId = 1 displayName = @zhayman formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 426 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 7908467.953125 note = @zhayman online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 7908464 sortIndex = 271 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 272 = table:00000143D4A323D0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E3E9A0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sacrot class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3CF60 firstTable data = table:0000014313E3E9A0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Koop0311 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 302 isLocalPlayer = false level = 29 normalizedLogoffSort = 8016400.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8016397 sortIndex = 272 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 273 = table:00000144280823F0 firstTable data = table:00000143A35D48A0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Benjels Telvayn class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143553B0D50 firstTable data = table:00000143A35D48A0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Flapjack.Serious formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Reaper's March gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 2 isLocalPlayer = false level = 39 normalizedLogoffSort = 8020274.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8020271 sortIndex = 273 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 274 = table:0000014409E72C80 firstTable data = table:00000144D0767B80 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 467 characterName = Murial L'areq class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54F98 firstTable data = table:00000144D0767B80 typeId = 1 displayName = @LilithSerenada formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Domus Phrasticus gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 271 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8079780.953125 note = @LilithSerenada online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 8079777 sortIndex = 274 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 275 = table:000001430977ECE0 firstTable data = table:00000143D9E66E98 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 476 characterName = Jestyme class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E379E8 firstTable data = table:00000143D9E66E98 typeId = 1 displayName = @PanPiper formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 228 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8184331.953125 note = @PanPiper online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8184328 sortIndex = 275 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 276 = table:00000143D4A4C788 firstTable data = table:0000014316CD8BE8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Vastong class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3F6C0 firstTable data = table:0000014316CD8BE8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Aldmer_Professor7 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 344 isLocalPlayer = false level = 16 normalizedLogoffSort = 8251786.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8251783 sortIndex = 276 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 277 = table:000001442807F8C8 firstTable data = table:00000143103834F8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 478 characterName = Mohkia class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143553B0D08 firstTable data = table:00000143103834F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Mohkia formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Ebony Flask Inn Room gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 1 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8277726.953125 note = @Mohkia online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 8277723 sortIndex = 277 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 278 = table:00000143CB50B9A0 firstTable data = table:00000143E13686D0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Dulfor Barash class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E43950 firstTable data = table:00000143E13686D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Lord_Hughus formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = The Rosy Lion gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 415 isLocalPlayer = false level = 27 normalizedLogoffSort = 8294948.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 8294945 sortIndex = 278 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 279 = table:00000144D0781028 firstTable data = table:000001442808C620 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 10 characterName = Dreekara class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E420F0 firstTable data = table:000001442808C620 typeId = 1 displayName = @SpandexSpiderman formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 389 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8312644.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8312641 sortIndex = 279 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 28 = table:00000143CB53E580 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD12740 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 666 characterName = Njorgaard Oathbreaker class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A56F48 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD12740 typeId = 1 displayName = @ryanstewart formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Coldharbour gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 180 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 10881.953125 note = Just trying to be the best tank I can be. Will dungeon run for food and/or glory.\n\nPST - Seattle, WA online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 10878 sortIndex = 28 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 280 = table:000001435538DBA0 firstTable data = table:00000143553944C8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 198 characterName = Arianna Celeste class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4FB78 firstTable data = table:00000143553944C8 typeId = 1 displayName = @sharpcoder28 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Rivenspire gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 138 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8431037.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 8431034 sortIndex = 280 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 281 = table:000001435537F890 firstTable data = table:00000143C7D3A8E0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = itkkar class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143D76AB0F0 firstTable data = table:00000143C7D3A8E0 typeId = 1 displayName = @EnlightenedLuminess formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 128 isLocalPlayer = false level = 29 normalizedLogoffSort = 8436759.953125 note = @EnlightenedLuminess online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8436756 sortIndex = 281 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 282 = table:00000143CDD0BE18 firstTable data = table:0000014409E59688 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Azran-Dar class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143D76AB228 firstTable data = table:0000014409E59688 typeId = 1 displayName = @Hraefn formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 187 isLocalPlayer = false level = 14 normalizedLogoffSort = 8437989.953125 note = @Hraefn online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8437986 sortIndex = 282 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 283 = table:00000143D4A2ADD0 firstTable data = table:00000143FE103CD0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 293 characterName = Larok gro-Maknok class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3C6F0 firstTable data = table:00000143FE103CD0 typeId = 1 displayName = @CMDR_Coleslaw formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Velothi Reverie gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 293 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8512054.953125 note = @CMDR_Coleslaw online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 8512051 sortIndex = 283 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 284 = table:0000014355380BE8 firstTable data = table:00000143553938F0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Burz gro-Bug class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4F5D8 firstTable data = table:00000143553938F0 typeId = 1 displayName = @GregVillage formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 132 isLocalPlayer = false level = 20 normalizedLogoffSort = 8517369.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8517366 sortIndex = 284 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 285 = table:00000144801587A0 firstTable data = table:000001431B435CC8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Duderatamus class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143D4A36788 firstTable data = table:000001431B435CC8 typeId = 1 displayName = @trilithm formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 94 isLocalPlayer = false level = 29 normalizedLogoffSort = 8619078.953125 note = @trilithm online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8619075 sortIndex = 285 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 286 = table:00000143B14ED820 firstTable data = table:000001431036C7B8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 350 characterName = Skaði Winterskorn class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E43FE0 firstTable data = table:000001431036C7B8 typeId = 1 displayName = @mullinsthegreat formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Eastmarch gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 422 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8622637.953125 note = @mullinsthegreat online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8622634 sortIndex = 286 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 287 = table:00000143D4A4A550 firstTable data = table:000001431DEDC208 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Faolan Storihbeg class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3EF40 firstTable data = table:000001431DEDC208 typeId = 1 displayName = @Deritin formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 336 isLocalPlayer = false level = 18 normalizedLogoffSort = 8630603.953125 note = @Deritin online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8630600 sortIndex = 287 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 288 = table:00000143C803AF40 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A4CB08 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Cicero Draconius class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143CB5097D0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A4CB08 typeId = 1 displayName = @KlueThe_enigma formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 42 isLocalPlayer = false level = 12 normalizedLogoffSort = 8697164.953125 note = @KlueThe_enigma online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 8697161 sortIndex = 288 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 289 = table:0000014355396A18 firstTable data = table:0000014313E31258 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 699 characterName = Not Sure class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4EEC0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E31258 typeId = 1 displayName = @TTMighty formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 146 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8703242.953125 note = Not actively playing at the moment.\nMay come back later.\nNothing but love for the guild and guild mates. online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 8703239 sortIndex = 289 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 29 = table:00000143553B4108 firstTable data = table:0000014355397690 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 530 characterName = Ulkhar Meadbarrel class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A559B8 firstTable data = table:0000014355397690 typeId = 1 displayName = @BrynjarIsenbana formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Brass Fortress gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 157 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 11780.953125 note = @Brynjarlsenbana online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 11777 sortIndex = 29 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 290 = table:000001431BD36A38 firstTable data = table:0000014428061AF0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 348 characterName = Kirunn class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E41880 firstTable data = table:0000014428061AF0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Fatal185 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Wayrest Sewers II gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 380 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8705892.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8705889 sortIndex = 290 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 291 = table:00000144C7524AC0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD15E70 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sloop'sloop class = 6 dataEntry = table:000001431BD35938 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD15E70 typeId = 1 displayName = @bukkits formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 7 isLocalPlayer = false level = 24 normalizedLogoffSort = 8714449.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8714446 sortIndex = 291 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 292 = table:0000014313E1DB88 firstTable data = table:00000143AA40AB88 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 178 characterName = Teharja Mehanda class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E43770 firstTable data = table:00000143AA40AB88 typeId = 1 displayName = @sorrymsjackson formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 413 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 8764953.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8764950 sortIndex = 292 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 293 = table:00000143D4A33B50 firstTable data = table:000001430977B188 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Ryu Hlaalu class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3D410 firstTable data = table:000001430977B188 typeId = 1 displayName = @JimDeezy formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 307 isLocalPlayer = false level = 8 normalizedLogoffSort = 8878369.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8878366 sortIndex = 293 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 294 = table:0000014409E6B480 firstTable data = table:00000143C8029EC8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kael Feat class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54908 firstTable data = table:00000143C8029EC8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Kaelum formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Coldharbour gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 264 isLocalPlayer = false level = 49 normalizedLogoffSort = 8892023.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8892020 sortIndex = 294 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 295 = table:0000014313E1DC78 firstTable data = table:00000143AA40AC68 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = xidfar class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E43860 firstTable data = table:00000143AA40AC68 typeId = 1 displayName = @Farbre formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 414 isLocalPlayer = false level = 41 normalizedLogoffSort = 8948527.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 8948524 sortIndex = 295 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 296 = table:00000143D4A481C0 firstTable data = table:0000014409E70BA8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Luxys Lyrius class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3E040 firstTable data = table:0000014409E70BA8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Mannimagnus formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 320 isLocalPlayer = false level = 5 normalizedLogoffSort = 9177792.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 9177789 sortIndex = 296 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 297 = table:00000143C805AD80 firstTable data = table:0000014313467F90 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 561 characterName = Phosphorius class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143097A70C8 firstTable data = table:0000014313467F90 typeId = 1 displayName = @Wolfrainr formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 58 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 9301215.953125 note = @Wolfrainr online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 9301212 sortIndex = 297 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 298 = table:0000014409E714F0 firstTable data = table:00000144D07679D0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 371 characterName = Belethor Wirich class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54DB8 firstTable data = table:00000144D07679D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @chaos22 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 269 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 9318145.953125 note = @chaos22 online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 9318142 sortIndex = 298 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 299 = table:0000014409E7D0F8 firstTable data = table:00000144C755AFF0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Vyria Lichenvale class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3BAC0 firstTable data = table:00000144C755AFF0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Vvyri formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = The Gold Coast gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 280 isLocalPlayer = false level = 19 normalizedLogoffSort = 9373394.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 9373391 sortIndex = 299 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 3 = table:000001430977E098 firstTable bottom = 90 data = table:00000143AA40C058 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Orky Orkson class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37628 firstTable bottom = 240 data = table:00000143AA40C058 top = 160 typeId = 1 displayName = @CapnRusty formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 224 isLocalPlayer = false level = 28 normalizedLogoffSort = -1 note = online = true rankId = 7 rankIndex = 9 secsSinceLogoff = -1 sortIndex = 3 status = 1 timeStamp = 0 type = 1 top = 60 typeId = 1 30 = table:000001431B430308 firstTable data = table:00000144DD5B27A8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 694 characterName = Magnus Stormhart class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44850 firstTable data = table:00000144DD5B27A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Comdawg formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = The Brass Fortress gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 431 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 13781.953125 note = @Comdawg online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 13778 sortIndex = 30 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 300 = table:00000144C7556970 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3CB70 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 158 characterName = Lady Erulisse class = 6 dataEntry = table:000001435538D318 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3CB70 typeId = 1 displayName = @Lady_Erulisse formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 25 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 9391660.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 9391657 sortIndex = 300 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 301 = table:00000143CDD436A8 firstTable data = table:00000143DF624DD8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 279 characterName = Rena Curio class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143CDD28DC0 firstTable data = table:00000143DF624DD8 typeId = 1 displayName = @FAdamsXII formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 204 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 9461728.953125 note = \"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full\"\n*Can craft most things, in all disciplines including 9-trait arms/armor and Psijic Ambrosia. PM me.\n*Can answer most questions about the guild and game\n*UTC-7 (DST) online = false rankId = 6 rankIndex = 4 secsSinceLogoff = 9461725 sortIndex = 301 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 302 = table:00000143C803AD60 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A4B140 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Son of the Heavens class = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014355386650 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A4B140 typeId = 1 displayName = @RushPUNK formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Jarol Estate gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 40 isLocalPlayer = false level = 4 normalizedLogoffSort = 9512684.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 9512681 sortIndex = 302 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 303 = table:00000143CB53F4D8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E60AC0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 121 characterName = Akb'a class = 3 dataEntry = table:000001431BD34090 firstTable data = table:0000014409E60AC0 typeId = 1 displayName = @AKB formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 182 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 9655047.953125 note = @AKB online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 9655044 sortIndex = 303 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 304 = table:00000143C80386B0 firstTable data = table:00000143097991B0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 68 characterName = Eliorr class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143553A6B90 firstTable data = table:00000143097991B0 typeId = 1 displayName = @OrangeNebula formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 33 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 9657088.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 9657085 sortIndex = 304 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 305 = table:0000014480157D80 firstTable data = table:0000014310362098 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 77 characterName = Belnoth class = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014409E6F558 firstTable data = table:0000014310362098 typeId = 1 displayName = @bnutt115 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 89 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 9658326.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 9658323 sortIndex = 305 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 306 = table:00000143D4A4E420 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD09C78 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 69 characterName = Isheawai class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E40020 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD09C78 typeId = 1 displayName = @Altonas formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Earthtear Cavern gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 354 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 10016380.953125 note = @Altonas online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 10016377 sortIndex = 306 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 307 = table:00000143DF619C50 firstTable data = table:0000014313453298 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 31 characterName = Umutu class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E42E10 firstTable data = table:0000014313453298 typeId = 1 displayName = @Ratedskills formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 403 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 10074941.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 10074938 sortIndex = 307 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 308 = table:00000143DE375A80 firstTable data = table:000001442808B968 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 259 characterName = Koxenare Renid class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E41F10 firstTable data = table:000001442808B968 typeId = 1 displayName = @Jacob314 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 387 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 10262672.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 10262669 sortIndex = 308 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 309 = table:000001435538DAB0 firstTable data = table:0000014306477848 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 318 characterName = Xidian class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4FA88 firstTable data = table:0000014306477848 typeId = 1 displayName = @Magodes formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 137 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 10338871.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 10338868 sortIndex = 309 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 31 = table:0000014309783A20 firstTable data = table:0000014313E1CEA0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Mindsetliberation class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38168 firstTable data = table:0000014313E1CEA0 typeId = 1 displayName = @epicbabble formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 236 isLocalPlayer = false level = 31 normalizedLogoffSort = 16364.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 16361 sortIndex = 31 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 310 = table:00000143D4A48788 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A32B68 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Adhémar de Balfiera class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3E220 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A32B68 typeId = 1 displayName = @R40k formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Nchuleftingth gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 322 isLocalPlayer = false level = 24 normalizedLogoffSort = 10341817.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 10341814 sortIndex = 310 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 311 = table:00000143D4A44BA8 firstTable data = table:0000014408195B08 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 46 characterName = Victoria Valerius class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3DD70 firstTable data = table:0000014408195B08 typeId = 1 displayName = @LoganInCamo formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 317 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 10515720.953125 note = Will be away for a while, do not kick from the Guild :) online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 10515717 sortIndex = 311 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 312 = table:0000014310025A88 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD22B68 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 400 characterName = Lady Zahra class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E412E0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD22B68 typeId = 1 displayName = @likelolwhat formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 374 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 10674086.953125 note = Call me Lulzy. Timezone: AKST/GMT -9 online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 10674083 sortIndex = 312 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 313 = table:000001435538FB10 firstTable data = table:00000143F9CF0680 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Tiberius Manterius class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4FE48 firstTable data = table:00000143F9CF0680 typeId = 1 displayName = @Traitoral formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Rift gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 141 isLocalPlayer = false level = 46 normalizedLogoffSort = 10827026.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 10827023 sortIndex = 313 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 314 = table:00000143C805E120 firstTable data = table:00000143E02DDFB8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Ghor Bol class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143097B3FC0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02DDFB8 typeId = 1 displayName = @ProdigyGolem formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 62 isLocalPlayer = false level = 17 normalizedLogoffSort = 10926579.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 10926576 sortIndex = 314 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 315 = table:00000143D4A335A0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E3EA48 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 84 characterName = Xanneros class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3D230 firstTable data = table:0000014313E3EA48 typeId = 1 displayName = @rdfarley89 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 305 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 10953932.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 10953929 sortIndex = 315 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 316 = table:00000144C753D520 firstTable data = table:0000014409E541A8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Tuco Benedicto class = 6 dataEntry = table:000001448018AEB8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E541A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @nastidon formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 16 isLocalPlayer = false level = 4 normalizedLogoffSort = 10956861.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 10956858 sortIndex = 316 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 317 = table:00000144D077B488 firstTable data = table:00000144D0778BD8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 362 characterName = X-Astaroth-X class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E45F40 firstTable data = table:00000144D0778BD8 typeId = 1 displayName = @XAstarothX formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Alik'r Desert gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 455 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 10970571.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 10970568 sortIndex = 317 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 318 = table:00000143D4A48968 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A32D30 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Tertius Artellian class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3E400 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A32D30 typeId = 1 displayName = @aticorpd formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 324 isLocalPlayer = false level = 40 normalizedLogoffSort = 11078901.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 11078898 sortIndex = 318 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 319 = table:00000143CB53E490 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD125D0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Za'vahir class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A56E58 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD125D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Onikrex formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Forgotten Wastes gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 179 isLocalPlayer = false level = 12 normalizedLogoffSort = 11106275.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 11106272 sortIndex = 319 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 32 = table:000001431BD385D8 firstTable data = table:00000144D075A780 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 310 characterName = Jezdia Drahcir class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143A35C6FE8 firstTable data = table:00000144D075A780 typeId = 1 displayName = @Teque formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 72 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 17002.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 16999 sortIndex = 32 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 320 = table:000001435539D230 firstTable data = table:00000144C752B620 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Do'zakhun class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A55418 firstTable data = table:00000144C752B620 typeId = 1 displayName = @Frost-Wing formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 151 isLocalPlayer = false level = 27 normalizedLogoffSort = 11147084.953125 note = @Frost-Wing online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 11147081 sortIndex = 320 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 321 = table:0000014309789BD8 firstTable data = table:0000014355587278 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 399 characterName = Vanryth class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E389D8 firstTable data = table:0000014355587278 typeId = 1 displayName = @valden83 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 245 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 11272440.953125 note = @valden83 online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 11272437 sortIndex = 321 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 322 = table:00000143D4A33C40 firstTable data = table:000001430977B268 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 146 characterName = One-Eye Mulubul class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3D500 firstTable data = table:000001430977B268 typeId = 1 displayName = @DjinniGenie formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 308 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 11325470.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 11325467 sortIndex = 322 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 323 = table:00000143C805AAB8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E90D98 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Ulfgar Whitebeard class = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014309787320 firstTable data = table:0000014409E90D98 typeId = 1 displayName = @TheGamingEntity formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Shadowfen gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 56 isLocalPlayer = false level = 23 normalizedLogoffSort = 11421316.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 11421313 sortIndex = 323 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 324 = table:00000144801557F8 firstTable data = table:00000144280627E8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Shagak-Gra-Murzhol class = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014409E642B0 firstTable data = table:00000144280627E8 typeId = 1 displayName = @RoastedRareByte formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 78 isLocalPlayer = false level = 15 normalizedLogoffSort = 11459373.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 11459370 sortIndex = 324 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 325 = table:000001430977EB00 firstTable data = table:00000143D9E66CD8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 180 characterName = Inima Franta class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37808 firstTable data = table:00000143D9E66CD8 typeId = 1 displayName = @zemra formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Mathiisen Manor gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 226 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 11477945.953125 note = Happy to help with WB and Delves when I can, you're welcome to whisper me or add me as a friend.\n\nCan make *most* research items, will help with fishing (for trophy fish) etc. online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 11477942 sortIndex = 325 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 326 = table:0000014409E5F2B0 firstTable data = table:00000143BC3706D8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 487 characterName = Vidar Hjaltason class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54368 firstTable data = table:00000143BC3706D8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Cryptolithus formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 258 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 11515363.953125 note = @Cryptolithus online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 11515360 sortIndex = 326 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 327 = table:00000143CDD0BF08 firstTable data = table:0000014409E59730 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 44 characterName = Lorelai Elsinor class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143D76AB270 firstTable data = table:0000014409E59730 typeId = 1 displayName = @Lorelai1548 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 188 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 11665531.953125 note = @Lorelai1548 online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 11665528 sortIndex = 327 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 328 = table:0000014309789AE8 firstTable data = table:00000143AF1CBDB8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 247 characterName = Jeancey class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E388E8 firstTable data = table:00000143AF1CBDB8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Jeancey formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 244 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 11736667.953125 note = @Jeancey online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 11736664 sortIndex = 328 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 329 = table:00000144C755A400 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3CFE0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 198 characterName = Esh-Tam Chi class = 2 dataEntry = table:000001435538D408 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A3CFE0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Rouge-Sword formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 26 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 11829468.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 11829465 sortIndex = 329 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 33 = table:00000143D4A4EC90 firstTable data = table:000001442805D5F0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Dovesi Dreth class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E40200 firstTable data = table:000001442805D5F0 typeId = 1 displayName = @GD96 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 356 isLocalPlayer = false level = 22 normalizedLogoffSort = 18753.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 18750 sortIndex = 33 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 330 = table:00000144D0780F38 firstTable data = table:000001442808C538 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 136 characterName = Morgan of Drury class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E42000 firstTable data = table:000001442808C538 typeId = 1 displayName = @EvilChuck66 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Gardner House gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 388 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 11850124.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 11850121 sortIndex = 330 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 331 = table:00000143D4A3D700 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A31400 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Grizz Darkforger class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3D6E0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A31400 typeId = 1 displayName = @Raargh666 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 310 isLocalPlayer = false level = 18 normalizedLogoffSort = 11986712.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 11986709 sortIndex = 331 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 332 = table:000001431BD36948 firstTable data = table:0000014428061A18 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Pyenkeykez class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E41790 firstTable data = table:0000014428061A18 typeId = 1 displayName = @coreag formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Wrothgar gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 379 isLocalPlayer = false level = 20 normalizedLogoffSort = 11993102.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 11993099 sortIndex = 332 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 333 = table:00000143CDD2B9E0 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37BD18 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Leaf Erikson class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143D4A45C80 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37BD18 typeId = 1 displayName = @Leafrain formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Bal Foyen gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 194 isLocalPlayer = false level = 8 normalizedLogoffSort = 12049419.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 12049416 sortIndex = 333 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 334 = table:000001448015D510 firstTable data = table:00000144D0786DD8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = The Dagonator class = 4 dataEntry = table:0000014310453BB0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0786DD8 typeId = 1 displayName = @SacredDragon52 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 100 isLocalPlayer = false level = 7 normalizedLogoffSort = 12097514.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 12097511 sortIndex = 334 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 335 = table:00000143CB53F3E8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E60A18 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Stealth-dude class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A56F90 firstTable data = table:0000014409E60A18 typeId = 1 displayName = @osman123 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Betnikh gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 181 isLocalPlayer = false level = 5 normalizedLogoffSort = 12100372.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 12100369 sortIndex = 335 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 336 = table:0000014480186300 firstTable data = table:00000143094E4FC0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 450 characterName = Hor Tater class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C8035C80 firstTable data = table:00000143094E4FC0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Pendletr0n formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 109 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 12147655.953125 note = @Pendletr0n online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 12147652 sortIndex = 336 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 337 = table:00000144C751F9A0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD181E0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = wawellphuls class = 2 dataEntry = table:000001431BD340F0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD181E0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Mert7 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 10 isLocalPlayer = false level = 18 normalizedLogoffSort = 12403805.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 12403802 sortIndex = 337 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 338 = table:0000014409E5ADE8 firstTable data = table:000001431B4333B0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Simba Fireblood class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E39338 firstTable data = table:000001431B4333B0 typeId = 1 displayName = @braxwolf formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 255 isLocalPlayer = false level = 38 normalizedLogoffSort = 12492498.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 12492495 sortIndex = 338 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 339 = table:00000143D4A31EE0 firstTable data = table:00000143D76AF678 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 375 characterName = Lorrillye class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37AD8 firstTable data = table:00000143D76AF678 typeId = 1 displayName = @FLGrayBear formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Reaper's March gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 229 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 12544625.953125 note = @FLGrayBear online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 12544622 sortIndex = 339 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 34 = table:00000143CDD2B8F0 firstTable data = table:00000143CB73C288 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 690 characterName = Provost Templar class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143D4A45C38 firstTable data = table:00000143CB73C288 typeId = 1 displayName = @ckpalm formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Wrothgar gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 193 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 35362.953125 note = Last operation will be on the 4/9/2017 and will need at least 6-8 recovery so please dont kick online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 35359 sortIndex = 34 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 340 = table:000001431BD32EF0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E083D8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 196 characterName = Olys class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143097B41A0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E083D8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Fiar formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 64 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 12575495.953125 note = Fiar on the UESP Forums\n@Sir Friar on the UESP Discord online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 12575492 sortIndex = 340 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 341 = table:000001435538B748 firstTable data = table:0000014355393B00 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 160 characterName = Vesperis Evensong class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4F7B8 firstTable data = table:0000014355393B00 typeId = 1 displayName = @mrs.rambles formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Shark's Teeth Grotto gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 134 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 12751863.953125 note = I'm baaaack (kind of) :-) online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 12751860 sortIndex = 341 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 342 = table:0000014309785710 firstTable data = table:00000143AF1CBC28 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Citra Beelzebub class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38708 firstTable data = table:00000143AF1CBC28 typeId = 1 displayName = @CitraBenzoet formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 242 isLocalPlayer = false level = 16 normalizedLogoffSort = 12843455.953125 note = Will be gone to New Zealand with no ESO access from 16th November 2015 until ??? 2016. online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 12843452 sortIndex = 342 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 343 = table:00000143CDD42958 firstTable data = table:00000143C7D40060 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Braylek Vex class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143097A72F0 firstTable data = table:00000143C7D40060 typeId = 1 displayName = @TrulyBlessed formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 201 isLocalPlayer = false level = 11 normalizedLogoffSort = 12956752.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 12956749 sortIndex = 343 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 344 = table:000001431BD2B9F8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C9408 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = N'wah of Seyda Neen class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E477A0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C9408 typeId = 1 displayName = @Saladofstones formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 481 isLocalPlayer = false level = 12 normalizedLogoffSort = 13036897.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 13036894 sortIndex = 344 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 345 = table:00000143097B0A40 firstTable data = table:00000144586093E8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 279 characterName = Draga Urda class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E39068 firstTable data = table:00000144586093E8 typeId = 1 displayName = @MechnoVinci formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 252 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 13203793.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 13203790 sortIndex = 345 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 346 = table:000001448015FFC0 firstTable data = table:0000014320867458 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Haveko class = 2 dataEntry = table:0000014310453F70 firstTable data = table:0000014320867458 typeId = 1 displayName = @Airbmac26 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Shadowfen gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 104 isLocalPlayer = false level = 22 normalizedLogoffSort = 13380873.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 13380870 sortIndex = 346 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 347 = table:00000143D4A3EAC0 firstTable data = table:0000014408195920 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kelryna class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3DB90 firstTable data = table:0000014408195920 typeId = 1 displayName = @Skullclutter formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 315 isLocalPlayer = false level = 6 normalizedLogoffSort = 13446505.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 13446502 sortIndex = 347 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 348 = table:00000143097B0860 firstTable data = table:00000144586091F0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kheila class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38E88 firstTable data = table:00000144586091F0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Apath3ticandroid formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Malabal Tor gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 250 isLocalPlayer = false level = 34 normalizedLogoffSort = 13527249.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 13527246 sortIndex = 348 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 349 = table:00000143CB505640 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD290C8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 275 characterName = Xezima class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A55F58 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD290C8 typeId = 1 displayName = @MetallicArk formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Malabal Tor gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 163 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 13629729.953125 note = always looking to help when and where i can. online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 13629726 sortIndex = 349 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 35 = table:000001448018D040 firstTable data = table:000001435537FFE0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 680 characterName = J'sef class = 3 dataEntry = table:000001447D01DFB8 firstTable data = table:000001435537FFE0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Fullerton formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Darkshade Caverns I gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 121 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 35366.953125 note = Fullerton on the wiki and Elder Scrolls Legends\n\nPraise Tosh Raka!\n\nNZT UTC+12 online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 35363 sortIndex = 35 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 350 = table:000001431036EFF0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0776640 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Faazar Ablallusamsi class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E45A90 firstTable data = table:00000144D0776640 typeId = 1 displayName = @MunKade formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 450 isLocalPlayer = false level = 39 normalizedLogoffSort = 13863137.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 13863134 sortIndex = 350 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 351 = table:00000143553B42E8 firstTable data = table:0000014355398030 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sarnon class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A55B98 firstTable data = table:0000014355398030 typeId = 1 displayName = @Sarnon42 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 159 isLocalPlayer = false level = 17 normalizedLogoffSort = 13958611.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 13958608 sortIndex = 351 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 352 = table:000001448015D600 firstTable data = table:0000014313E3AA38 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Tafu Bovu class = 1 dataEntry = table:0000014310453CA0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E3AA38 typeId = 1 displayName = @jamcdonald120 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 101 isLocalPlayer = false level = 17 normalizedLogoffSort = 13958613.953125 note = @jamcdonald120 online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 13958610 sortIndex = 352 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 353 = table:0000014307742698 firstTable data = table:00000144D0760938 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = At Anyammis av Molag class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44D00 firstTable data = table:00000144D0760938 typeId = 1 displayName = @WindWalker737 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 436 isLocalPlayer = false level = 18 normalizedLogoffSort = 13958753.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 13958750 sortIndex = 353 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 354 = table:0000014355390570 firstTable data = table:00000143553A1B60 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 83 characterName = Naddran class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143553B0B18 firstTable data = table:00000143553A1B60 typeId = 1 displayName = @fightklb formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 142 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 13971385.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 13971382 sortIndex = 354 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 355 = table:000001431BD3B8F0 firstTable data = table:000001447D421EF8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Smartoz class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E42B40 firstTable data = table:000001447D421EF8 typeId = 1 displayName = @SmarToz formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 400 isLocalPlayer = false level = 21 normalizedLogoffSort = 13972424.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 13972421 sortIndex = 355 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 356 = table:00000143D4A4A0F8 firstTable data = table:00000143DAF0B628 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 161 characterName = Drognog class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3EC70 firstTable data = table:00000143DAF0B628 typeId = 1 displayName = @Llegien20 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Fungal Grotto II gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 333 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 14037923.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 14037920 sortIndex = 356 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 357 = table:0000014309783930 firstTable data = table:0000014313E1CDC0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Valen Andral class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38078 firstTable data = table:0000014313E1CDC0 typeId = 1 displayName = @sperkins96 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 235 isLocalPlayer = false level = 21 normalizedLogoffSort = 14223536.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 14223533 sortIndex = 357 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 358 = table:00000143E10EE728 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD29468 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kulak Iron-Fist class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E414C0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD29468 typeId = 1 displayName = @v8skittles formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Coldharbour gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 376 isLocalPlayer = false level = 38 normalizedLogoffSort = 14246435.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 14246432 sortIndex = 358 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 359 = table:0000014409E7D1E8 firstTable data = table:00000143CB5071A8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Tsuks class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3BBB0 firstTable data = table:00000143CB5071A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @kyungjinmoon formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 281 isLocalPlayer = false level = 24 normalizedLogoffSort = 14248724.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 14248721 sortIndex = 359 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 36 = table:00000144801600B0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C73B0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 312 characterName = Sweat class = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014310453FB8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C73B0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Hatch44 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Rivenspire gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 105 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 35366.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 35363 sortIndex = 36 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 360 = table:00000143A35CCFB8 firstTable data = table:00000143A35CD960 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 427 characterName = Ra'Traajijazeri class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A55D78 firstTable data = table:00000143A35CD960 typeId = 1 displayName = @Azubuluk formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Rkindaleft gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 161 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 14251107.953125 note = @Azubuluk online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 14251104 sortIndex = 360 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 361 = table:0000014309783B10 firstTable data = table:00000143137AC108 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sir Tangles class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38258 firstTable data = table:00000143137AC108 typeId = 1 displayName = @Hforp formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 237 isLocalPlayer = false level = 10 normalizedLogoffSort = 14357807.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 14357804 sortIndex = 361 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 362 = table:00000143D4A4DF38 firstTable data = table:00000143C8054288 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Celadonz Alabastra class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3FD50 firstTable data = table:00000143C8054288 typeId = 1 displayName = @Celadonz formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 351 isLocalPlayer = false level = 30 normalizedLogoffSort = 14439829.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 14439826 sortIndex = 362 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 363 = table:0000014409E6AF28 firstTable data = table:000001445842B5E8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Thurm Ironhand class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54548 firstTable data = table:000001445842B5E8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Areck1845 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Bal Foyen gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 260 isLocalPlayer = false level = 7 normalizedLogoffSort = 14761695.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 14761692 sortIndex = 363 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 364 = table:0000014480156938 firstTable data = table:000001431666F950 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Ain'geal class = 3 dataEntry = table:0000014409E671F8 firstTable data = table:000001431666F950 typeId = 1 displayName = @Ain'geal formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 84 isLocalPlayer = false level = 30 normalizedLogoffSort = 15014389.953125 note = @Ain'geal online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 15014386 sortIndex = 364 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 365 = table:00000143097A8FA8 firstTable data = table:0000014355594E48 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Khor gro-Ungud class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38D98 firstTable data = table:0000014355594E48 typeId = 1 displayName = @Adhara formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stros M'Kai gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 249 isLocalPlayer = false level = 6 normalizedLogoffSort = 15084470.953125 note = @Adhara online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 15084467 sortIndex = 365 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 366 = table:00000143CB510468 firstTable data = table:00000143097A39B0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kolleen class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A564F8 firstTable data = table:00000143097A39B0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Akanov formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Cyrodilic Jungle House gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 169 isLocalPlayer = false level = 5 normalizedLogoffSort = 15151989.953125 note = @Akanov online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 15151986 sortIndex = 366 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 367 = table:00000143CB511B10 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A34918 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = M'aiqa the Liar class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A568B8 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A34918 typeId = 1 displayName = @Cheezman88 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Khenarthi's Roost gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 173 isLocalPlayer = false level = 5 normalizedLogoffSort = 15371483.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 15371480 sortIndex = 367 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 368 = table:0000014480158300 firstTable data = table:00000144D0762090 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 291 characterName = Kajidourden class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143D4A364B8 firstTable data = table:00000144D0762090 typeId = 1 displayName = @kajidourden formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Malabal Tor gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 91 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 15565288.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 15565285 sortIndex = 368 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 369 = table:00000143DE3795D0 firstTable data = table:0000014480167A58 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 185 characterName = Mastari class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E40C50 firstTable data = table:0000014480167A58 typeId = 1 displayName = @Dragonfett formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 367 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 15810962.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 15810959 sortIndex = 369 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 37 = table:0000014409E79550 firstTable data = table:000001431DE7D248 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 606 characterName = Valendrial class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E40980 firstTable data = table:000001431DE7D248 typeId = 1 displayName = @jalmynar formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Linchal Grand Manor gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 364 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 35715.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 35712 sortIndex = 37 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 370 = table:00000143097786F0 firstTable data = table:000001431D6D3F70 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Do'Maziish class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E36908 firstTable data = table:000001431D6D3F70 typeId = 1 displayName = @akolan56 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 210 isLocalPlayer = false level = 10 normalizedLogoffSort = 16138481.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 16138478 sortIndex = 370 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 371 = table:00000143D4A2A8F0 firstTable data = table:000001439FC51A58 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 243 characterName = Knyvez class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3C420 firstTable data = table:000001439FC51A58 typeId = 1 displayName = @MadMoneyz formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 290 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 16549625.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 16549622 sortIndex = 371 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 372 = table:0000014480181788 firstTable data = table:0000014320DC2050 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 165 characterName = Dswatz class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C8035B90 firstTable data = table:0000014320DC2050 typeId = 1 displayName = @dswat94 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 108 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 16553649.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 16553646 sortIndex = 372 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 373 = table:00000143D4A4A370 firstTable data = table:00000143F65B5828 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 51 characterName = Elyse Von Drake class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3ED60 firstTable data = table:00000143F65B5828 typeId = 1 displayName = @Believe123 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Reaper's March gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 334 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 16636101.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 16636098 sortIndex = 373 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 374 = table:00000143C805A9C8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E90CE8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = llneroll class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143097872D8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E90CE8 typeId = 1 displayName = @MichaelStreppone formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Davon's Watch Outlaws Refuge gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 55 isLocalPlayer = false level = 8 normalizedLogoffSort = 16666272.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 16666269 sortIndex = 374 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 375 = table:00000143C8031FB8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C8BB8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Mike The Rastafarian Orc class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E474D0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C8BB8 typeId = 1 displayName = @imtm formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 478 isLocalPlayer = false level = 19 normalizedLogoffSort = 17054095.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 17054092 sortIndex = 375 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 376 = table:00000143DE3797B0 firstTable data = table:000001435538B308 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 101 characterName = S'zen Daaril class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E40E30 firstTable data = table:000001435538B308 typeId = 1 displayName = @DarthVella formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 369 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 17125936.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 17125933 sortIndex = 376 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 377 = table:0000014409E71400 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A353F8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 98 characterName = Forengar class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54CC8 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A353F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Rylandm formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 268 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 17282759.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 17282756 sortIndex = 377 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 378 = table:0000014409E5ACF8 firstTable data = table:000001444E5896D0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Dessa Woodhearth class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E39248 firstTable data = table:000001444E5896D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @SondighMureaux formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Bleakrock Isle gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 254 isLocalPlayer = false level = 4 normalizedLogoffSort = 17319933.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 17319930 sortIndex = 378 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 379 = table:00000143CB511C00 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A34A00 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Ains'ooal'gown class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A569A8 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A34A00 typeId = 1 displayName = @Dr_Cactus formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 174 isLocalPlayer = false level = 16 normalizedLogoffSort = 17454014.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 17454011 sortIndex = 379 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 38 = table:00000143CB50B158 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD0D6D0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 702 characterName = Harby T J class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A56318 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD0D6D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @harby46 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Ebonheart Chateau gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 167 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 35824.953125 note = @harby46 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 35821 sortIndex = 38 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 380 = table:00000143E02DB320 firstTable data = table:00000144D0789558 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = xdesertseekerx class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E46300 firstTable data = table:00000144D0789558 typeId = 1 displayName = @xDesertSeekerX formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 459 isLocalPlayer = false level = 11 normalizedLogoffSort = 17583775.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 17583772 sortIndex = 380 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 381 = table:0000014480155C70 firstTable data = table:00000144280629B8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 171 characterName = Callidora Black class = 3 dataEntry = table:0000014409E66E38 firstTable data = table:00000144280629B8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Diryna formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 80 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 17683624.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 17683621 sortIndex = 381 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 382 = table:00000144280825D0 firstTable data = table:00000143A35D4930 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Ra'Bahn class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143553B0F58 firstTable data = table:00000143A35D4930 typeId = 1 displayName = @wjohnson formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Hew's Bane gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 6 isLocalPlayer = false level = 4 normalizedLogoffSort = 17768180.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 17768177 sortIndex = 382 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 383 = table:00000143D4A2EA78 firstTable data = table:0000014320DB7100 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 299 characterName = Kaziba-Jo class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3CBA0 firstTable data = table:0000014320DB7100 typeId = 1 displayName = @vonFawks formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 298 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 17954694.953125 note = The fawksiest\n\n\n|t124:124:/esoui/art/icons/heraldrycrests_animals_fox_01.dds|t\n\nKnows entire Dwemer style.\nMaster crafter.\nHas a big house with a pool. online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 17954691 sortIndex = 383 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 384 = table:00000144C75260F0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD15E18 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Aldariane class = 3 dataEntry = table:000001431BD341E0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD15E18 typeId = 1 displayName = @Therim187 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 11 isLocalPlayer = false level = 23 normalizedLogoffSort = 17968929.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 17968926 sortIndex = 384 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 385 = table:00000143CDD2BAD0 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37BDF0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Teideek class = 3 dataEntry = table:0000014409E6F5A0 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37BDF0 typeId = 1 displayName = @JumboWheat01 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Davon's Watch Outlaws Refuge gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 195 isLocalPlayer = false level = 15 normalizedLogoffSort = 18059312.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 18059309 sortIndex = 385 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 386 = table:0000014409E5F0D0 firstTable data = table:000001431B4334E0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 266 characterName = Ra Emre Vir class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E39428 firstTable data = table:000001431B4334E0 typeId = 1 displayName = @mentat_emre formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 256 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 18481194.953125 note = - Free vampire bite for all glorious Aldmeri Dominion comrades.\n-Does all crafts online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 18481191 sortIndex = 386 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 387 = table:00000143C8059430 firstTable data = table:0000014409E90958 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 158 characterName = Jytlan class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143CDD28D30 firstTable data = table:0000014409E90958 typeId = 1 displayName = @braeden_howse formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 50 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 18537034.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 18537031 sortIndex = 387 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 388 = table:00000143D4A4DD58 firstTable data = table:00000144C7548378 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Taigen Veil class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3FB70 firstTable data = table:00000144C7548378 typeId = 1 displayName = @KyloKhan formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Greenshade gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 349 isLocalPlayer = false level = 31 normalizedLogoffSort = 18621108.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 18621105 sortIndex = 388 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 389 = table:000001435539B118 firstTable data = table:00000143AF1D4B68 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Hrothmund Suncairn class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4F190 firstTable data = table:00000143AF1D4B68 typeId = 1 displayName = @ZORZATRON formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Rift gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 149 isLocalPlayer = false level = 43 normalizedLogoffSort = 18729796.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 18729793 sortIndex = 389 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 39 = table:00000143097B0950 firstTable data = table:0000014458609310 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 323 characterName = Velinthia class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38F78 firstTable data = table:0000014458609310 typeId = 1 displayName = @Vellandora formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Rift gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 251 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 35877.953125 note = |cbe29ecFree Werewolf/Vampire bites online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 35874 sortIndex = 39 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 390 = table:00000143553B3168 firstTable data = table:0000014355397570 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 221 characterName = Duronikkul class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A558C8 firstTable data = table:0000014355397570 typeId = 1 displayName = @DrakeArron formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Hew's Bane gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 156 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 19149269.953125 note = @DrakeArron online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 19149266 sortIndex = 390 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 391 = table:0000014409E6AE38 firstTable data = table:000001445842B508 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 109 characterName = Tulegit class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54458 firstTable data = table:000001445842B508 typeId = 1 displayName = @RRyox formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 259 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 19236781.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 19236778 sortIndex = 391 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 392 = table:00000143CDD29FE8 firstTable data = table:00000143CB73C120 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 348 characterName = Emperorzero class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C8035D10 firstTable data = table:00000143CB73C120 typeId = 1 displayName = @GrandEmperorZero formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 192 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 19409888.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 19409885 sortIndex = 392 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 393 = table:000001431BD3BAD0 firstTable data = table:00000143134531B8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 304 characterName = Demos Orellias class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E42D20 firstTable data = table:00000143134531B8 typeId = 1 displayName = @arkout formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 402 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 19499762.953125 note = @arkout online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 19499759 sortIndex = 393 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 394 = table:00000143E02DB5F0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0789D40 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = This One Is A Dog class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E465D0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0789D40 typeId = 1 displayName = @vXvDemonWolfvXv formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 462 isLocalPlayer = false level = 5 normalizedLogoffSort = 19613088.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 19613085 sortIndex = 394 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 395 = table:0000014409E81220 firstTable data = table:00000143CB51D518 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 151 characterName = Lazav of the Dimir class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3C240 firstTable data = table:00000143CB51D518 typeId = 1 displayName = @TheNivMizzet formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Rivenspire gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 288 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 19618491.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 19618488 sortIndex = 395 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 396 = table:00000143DF619D40 firstTable data = table:0000014313453348 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Roodde'Panda class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E42F00 firstTable data = table:0000014313453348 typeId = 1 displayName = @RooddePanda formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 404 isLocalPlayer = false level = 20 normalizedLogoffSort = 19872900.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 19872897 sortIndex = 396 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 397 = table:00000143DE3758A0 firstTable data = table:000001442808B7E0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 104 characterName = Grody Goodz class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E41D30 firstTable data = table:000001442808B7E0 typeId = 1 displayName = @GRODY_GOODz formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Gold Coast gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 385 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 19914880.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 19914877 sortIndex = 397 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 398 = table:00000143097AFD88 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A561D0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Y'anndil class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143CB5099B0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A561D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Slipperysocks formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 44 isLocalPlayer = false level = 23 normalizedLogoffSort = 20122959.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 20122956 sortIndex = 398 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 399 = table:00000143CB511A20 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD32958 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Lisbun Blood-Moon class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A567C8 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD32958 typeId = 1 displayName = @Jackquel formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Fungal Grotto I gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 172 isLocalPlayer = false level = 14 normalizedLogoffSort = 20472871.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 20472868 sortIndex = 399 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 4 = table:00000143CDD29E08 firstTable bottom = 120 data = table:00000144DD5CBBC0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 503 characterName = Nyxiria class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000144081A1D20 firstTable bottom = 320 data = table:00000144DD5CBBC0 top = 240 typeId = 1 displayName = @Daeryn formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 190 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = -1 note = online = true rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = -1 sortIndex = 4 status = 1 timeStamp = 0 type = 1 top = 90 typeId = 1 40 = table:00000143D4A480D0 firstTable data = table:0000014409E70AE8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 714 characterName = Sir Guillaume le Marechal class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3DF50 firstTable data = table:0000014409E70AE8 typeId = 1 displayName = @wjgr formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = The Brass Fortress gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 319 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 35947.953125 note = @wjgr online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 35944 sortIndex = 40 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 400 = table:00000143D4A2A9E0 firstTable data = table:000001439FC51B38 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Shaylin Flereous class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3C510 firstTable data = table:000001439FC51B38 typeId = 1 displayName = @ShaggyTh3Dog formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 291 isLocalPlayer = false level = 22 normalizedLogoffSort = 20511626.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 20511623 sortIndex = 400 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 401 = table:0000014409E55028 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A67D68 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 74 characterName = Etherial Ravenswood class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143CDD28B50 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A67D68 typeId = 1 displayName = @SpiffyWarlord formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 48 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 20799058.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 20799055 sortIndex = 401 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 402 = table:000001431BD384E8 firstTable data = table:0000014320F5DF78 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 73 characterName = Im-Kilaya class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A35C6EF8 firstTable data = table:0000014320F5DF78 typeId = 1 displayName = @Jnutter819 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Bangkorai gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 71 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 20954446.953125 note = EP: V6 Templar (crafter)\nDC: level 33 Sorceror\nAD: level 24 Dragonknight\nEP: level 20 Nightblade\nI can craft a lot, and may provide materials for requests (I have a lot of v10-14 mats)\nHappy to help with dungeons, quests, crafting, and other sorts of PvE online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 20954443 sortIndex = 402 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 403 = table:0000014409E5AC08 firstTable data = table:000001444E5895E8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Draegomi class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E39158 firstTable data = table:000001444E5895E8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Kaalrhys formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Alik'r Desert gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 253 isLocalPlayer = false level = 30 normalizedLogoffSort = 20959510.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 20959507 sortIndex = 403 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 404 = table:000001431036ED20 firstTable data = table:00000144D07761C8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 71 characterName = Ra'Zhiri class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E457C0 firstTable data = table:00000144D07761C8 typeId = 1 displayName = @hellhound223 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 447 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 21131983.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 21131980 sortIndex = 404 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 405 = table:0000014355396928 firstTable data = table:000001448017F710 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Eivon class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4EDD0 firstTable data = table:000001448017F710 typeId = 1 displayName = @GrungyShawn formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Bleakrock Isle gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 145 isLocalPlayer = false level = 9 normalizedLogoffSort = 21204852.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 21204849 sortIndex = 405 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 406 = table:00000143A34C5048 firstTable data = table:00000143DDBC8788 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Dra'zharim Saradni class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E42690 firstTable data = table:00000143DDBC8788 typeId = 1 displayName = @bob-of_zimbabwe formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Khenarthi's Roost gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 395 isLocalPlayer = false level = 7 normalizedLogoffSort = 21209128.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 21209125 sortIndex = 406 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 407 = table:00000143C8031EC8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C8B00 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Safetybomb pc class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E473E0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C8B00 typeId = 1 displayName = @xSafety1stx formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Daggerfall Overlook gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 477 isLocalPlayer = false level = 13 normalizedLogoffSort = 21290465.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 21290462 sortIndex = 407 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 408 = table:0000014409E81040 firstTable data = table:00000143CB50A518 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Vistha-Ze class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3C060 firstTable data = table:00000143CB50A518 typeId = 1 displayName = @Goodfaun formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Eastmarch gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 286 isLocalPlayer = false level = 9 normalizedLogoffSort = 21307398.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 21307395 sortIndex = 408 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 409 = table:0000014480156EE8 firstTable data = table:0000014320F67B58 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 52 characterName = Esjael Oakrun class = 3 dataEntry = table:0000014409E6F378 firstTable data = table:0000014320F67B58 typeId = 1 displayName = @Esjael formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Bangkorai gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 87 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 21410486.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 21410483 sortIndex = 409 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 41 = table:00000143C80387A0 firstTable data = table:0000014409E6E148 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 338 characterName = Tom Gánks class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143553A6C80 firstTable data = table:0000014409E6E148 typeId = 1 displayName = @riftwarlord formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 34 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 36984.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 36981 sortIndex = 41 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 410 = table:00000143C8038BE8 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A4B030 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 246 characterName = Alamair class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A35C7300 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A4B030 typeId = 1 displayName = @Sir.Kallath formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Wrothgar gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 39 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 21677375.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 21677372 sortIndex = 410 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 411 = table:000001431B42BDA8 firstTable data = table:00000144D0758990 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 75 characterName = Raith Valu class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44C10 firstTable data = table:00000144D0758990 typeId = 1 displayName = @Bluntaxed formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 435 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 21776149.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 21776146 sortIndex = 411 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 412 = table:000001435539D320 firstTable data = table:00000144C752B6F8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Xzandrine class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A55508 firstTable data = table:00000144C752B6F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @StratcasteR formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 152 isLocalPlayer = false level = 8 normalizedLogoffSort = 22027939.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 22027936 sortIndex = 412 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 413 = table:000001448015CBF0 firstTable data = table:00000144D077D5B8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Valergain the Exile class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143D4A45A10 firstTable data = table:00000144D077D5B8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Valergain formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Rift gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 97 isLocalPlayer = false level = 11 normalizedLogoffSort = 22091234.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 22091231 sortIndex = 413 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 414 = table:00000143CB505820 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD0D508 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Nelaria Offelia class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A56138 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD0D508 typeId = 1 displayName = @LemonyFreshest formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vulkhel Guard Outlaws Refuge gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 165 isLocalPlayer = false level = 7 normalizedLogoffSort = 22155965.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 22155962 sortIndex = 414 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 415 = table:000001448F8790B0 firstTable data = table:000001430A07E350 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = DaggerChic class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E442B0 firstTable data = table:000001430A07E350 typeId = 1 displayName = @fierydebris formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Hew's Bane gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 425 isLocalPlayer = false level = 31 normalizedLogoffSort = 22202018.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 22202015 sortIndex = 415 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 416 = table:00000143A9B92E08 firstTable data = table:00000144D0775730 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Jen-lal class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E453D8 firstTable data = table:00000144D0775730 typeId = 1 displayName = @TheRealFailsafe formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 444 isLocalPlayer = false level = 28 normalizedLogoffSort = 22285166.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 22285163 sortIndex = 416 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 417 = table:00000143BC3735E8 firstTable data = table:0000014309DF2FD0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Du Noir class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E423C0 firstTable data = table:0000014309DF2FD0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Dunedaktus formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Wailing Prison gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 392 isLocalPlayer = false level = 1 normalizedLogoffSort = 22441876.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 22441873 sortIndex = 417 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 418 = table:0000014480156DF8 firstTable data = table:0000014320F67A70 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 140 characterName = Byourel of the Arcane class = 2 dataEntry = table:0000014409E6F288 firstTable data = table:0000014320F67A70 typeId = 1 displayName = @Arowyn formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 86 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 22444397.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 22444394 sortIndex = 418 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 419 = table:00000144C7524CA0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD18168 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Autopilot class = 1 dataEntry = table:000001431BD35B18 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD18168 typeId = 1 displayName = @AutoPilot formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 9 isLocalPlayer = false level = 39 normalizedLogoffSort = 22476361.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 22476358 sortIndex = 419 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 42 = table:0000014309777B00 firstTable data = table:00000143DF624EB0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 801 characterName = Ivy Oaks class = 4 dataEntry = table:0000014355389BA0 firstTable data = table:00000143DF624EB0 typeId = 1 displayName = @pixsee24 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 205 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 37230.953125 note = @pixsee24 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 37227 sortIndex = 42 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 420 = table:00000143D4A3D7F0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A314E8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 117 characterName = Anondir Fenris class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3D7D0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A314E8 typeId = 1 displayName = @WarHound963 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Mara's Kiss Public House gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 311 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 22531582.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 22531579 sortIndex = 420 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 421 = table:000001431BD3E078 firstTable data = table:00000144D075A868 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Wayn Rackham class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A35C70D8 firstTable data = table:00000144D075A868 typeId = 1 displayName = @rbedsole formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Khenarthi's Roost gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 73 isLocalPlayer = false level = 3 normalizedLogoffSort = 23147870.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 23147867 sortIndex = 421 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 422 = table:000001435539D410 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD30770 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Nolderas class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A555F8 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD30770 typeId = 1 displayName = @Nolderas formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Hew's Bane gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 153 isLocalPlayer = false level = 38 normalizedLogoffSort = 23242112.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 23242109 sortIndex = 422 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 423 = table:0000014409E7E320 firstTable data = table:00000143CB507310 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Lelouch Wyrn class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3BD90 firstTable data = table:00000143CB507310 typeId = 1 displayName = @allan704 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Sentinel Outlaws Refuge gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 283 isLocalPlayer = false level = 11 normalizedLogoffSort = 23523279.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 23523276 sortIndex = 423 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 424 = table:00000143D4A4BDE0 firstTable data = table:000001431DEDC2F8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 64 characterName = Adina the Cheetah Warrior class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3F030 firstTable data = table:000001431DEDC2F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Addina formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 337 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 23797877.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 23797874 sortIndex = 424 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 425 = table:00000143D4A4D4B8 firstTable data = table:0000014313E0EF18 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Ma'rina Rabira class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3F8A0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E0EF18 typeId = 1 displayName = @datash55 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 346 isLocalPlayer = false level = 28 normalizedLogoffSort = 24433245.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 24433242 sortIndex = 425 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 426 = table:00000143097AFC98 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A4CBF0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Willhelm The Great class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143CB5098C0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A4CBF0 typeId = 1 displayName = @willyb321 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 43 isLocalPlayer = false level = 25 normalizedLogoffSort = 24564819.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 24564816 sortIndex = 426 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 427 = table:00000143D4A49F18 firstTable data = table:000001442807B1A8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Azarien Ienith class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3EA90 firstTable data = table:000001442807B1A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Eltee72 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 331 isLocalPlayer = false level = 28 normalizedLogoffSort = 24671373.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 24671370 sortIndex = 427 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 428 = table:00000143553B1E70 firstTable data = table:0000014313E55850 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Conan of Barbaria class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E43590 firstTable data = table:0000014313E55850 typeId = 1 displayName = @Johnny_Halloween formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 411 isLocalPlayer = false level = 30 normalizedLogoffSort = 25108360.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 25108357 sortIndex = 428 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 429 = table:0000014409E81130 firstTable data = table:00000143CB51D430 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 10 characterName = Shieldsplitter class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3C150 firstTable data = table:00000143CB51D430 typeId = 1 displayName = @ColdTemplar formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Alik'r Desert gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 287 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 25189479.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 25189476 sortIndex = 429 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 43 = table:0000014480156D08 firstTable data = table:000001431666FA68 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 382 characterName = Zandrea Faleria class = 4 dataEntry = table:0000014409E67240 firstTable data = table:000001431666FA68 typeId = 1 displayName = @Lalais formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = The Brass Fortress gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 85 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 37329.953125 note = @Lalais online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 37326 sortIndex = 43 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 430 = table:00000143D4A44AB8 firstTable data = table:00000144081959F8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 177 characterName = Vrekk class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3DC80 firstTable data = table:00000144081959F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Voular formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Betnikh gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 316 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 25837003.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 25837000 sortIndex = 430 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 431 = table:00000143CB541120 firstTable data = table:0000014309793E60 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 141 characterName = Varg Odeskog class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4F2C8 firstTable data = table:0000014309793E60 typeId = 1 displayName = @SCarverOrne formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Rift gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 185 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 25878626.953125 note = http://www.uesp.net/wiki/User:SCarverOrne online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 25878623 sortIndex = 431 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 432 = table:000001448018DA60 firstTable data = table:0000014355387FB8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 131 characterName = Vana the Hammer class = 2 dataEntry = table:000001447D01E2D0 firstTable data = table:0000014355387FB8 typeId = 1 displayName = @PalmTreePsychic formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = City of Ash II gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 125 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 25888329.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 25888326 sortIndex = 432 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 433 = table:000001448018D130 firstTable data = table:0000014355380090 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Elrae Starfinder class = 1 dataEntry = table:000001447D01E0A8 firstTable data = table:0000014355380090 typeId = 1 displayName = @Hollsiebfree formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 122 isLocalPlayer = false level = 6 normalizedLogoffSort = 25969313.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 25969310 sortIndex = 433 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 434 = table:00000143D4A4A460 firstTable data = table:00000143F65B5918 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Dadrim Spell Slinger class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3EE50 firstTable data = table:00000143F65B5918 typeId = 1 displayName = @Octohorse formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 335 isLocalPlayer = false level = 11 normalizedLogoffSort = 26124712.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 26124709 sortIndex = 434 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 435 = table:0000014480188430 firstTable data = table:000001435537FEB8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Vilgar Kyneswrath class = 2 dataEntry = table:000001447D01DEC8 firstTable data = table:000001435537FEB8 typeId = 1 displayName = @tobarstep formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 120 isLocalPlayer = false level = 7 normalizedLogoffSort = 26259188.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 26259185 sortIndex = 435 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 436 = table:000001448015FED0 firstTable data = table:0000014409E6ABC0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 299 characterName = Aev Tharn class = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014310453E80 firstTable data = table:0000014409E6ABC0 typeId = 1 displayName = @clew67 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Bangkorai gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 103 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 26435533.953125 note = @clew67 online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 26435530 sortIndex = 436 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 437 = table:00000143A34C4F58 firstTable data = table:00000143DDBC86A0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 158 characterName = Vvarlyeon class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E425A0 firstTable data = table:00000143DDBC86A0 typeId = 1 displayName = @obsidian_seer formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Hew's Bane gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 394 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 26498179.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 26498176 sortIndex = 437 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 438 = table:000001430977DFA8 firstTable data = table:00000143064815F8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Notapipe class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37538 firstTable data = table:00000143064815F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Notapipe formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 223 isLocalPlayer = false level = 15 normalizedLogoffSort = 26519096.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 26519093 sortIndex = 438 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 439 = table:0000014309779D68 firstTable data = table:000001431D6CEBE8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Onna Bugeishas class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E36CC8 firstTable data = table:000001431D6CEBE8 typeId = 1 displayName = @HahdrimRovaan formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Eastmarch gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 214 isLocalPlayer = false level = 10 normalizedLogoffSort = 26581560.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 26581557 sortIndex = 439 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 44 = table:00000143553B1C90 firstTable data = table:0000014313E556E8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Maro Sey class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E433B0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E556E8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Teridax773 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 409 isLocalPlayer = false level = 30 normalizedLogoffSort = 38400.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 38397 sortIndex = 44 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 440 = table:00000143D4A4C878 firstTable data = table:0000014313E0EE38 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Remendo class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3F7B0 firstTable data = table:0000014313E0EE38 typeId = 1 displayName = @tofin formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 345 isLocalPlayer = false level = 12 normalizedLogoffSort = 26603658.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 26603655 sortIndex = 440 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 441 = table:00000143D4A33D30 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A31320 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Andrew Kjrr class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3D5F0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A31320 typeId = 1 displayName = @Eddie_Pieta formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 309 isLocalPlayer = false level = 7 normalizedLogoffSort = 26767071.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 26767068 sortIndex = 441 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 442 = table:00000143CDD435B8 firstTable data = table:00000143C7D401F8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sandreth Arethi class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143CDD28D78 firstTable data = table:00000143C7D401F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @zbox4211 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Wailing Prison gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 203 isLocalPlayer = false level = 2 normalizedLogoffSort = 26768016.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 26768013 sortIndex = 442 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 443 = table:0000014309779AA0 firstTable data = table:000001431D6CEB30 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 103 characterName = Codex Neverender class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E36BD8 firstTable data = table:000001431D6CEB30 typeId = 1 displayName = @Codextwo formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 213 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 26937098.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 26937095 sortIndex = 443 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 444 = table:00000143C805AF60 firstTable data = table:0000014313468158 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Ladyapex class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143097A72A8 firstTable data = table:0000014313468158 typeId = 1 displayName = @LadyApex formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Spindleclutch I gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 60 isLocalPlayer = false level = 38 normalizedLogoffSort = 27268657.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 27268654 sortIndex = 444 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 445 = table:00000143CB50B068 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD0D5F0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kaals-Meatshield class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A56228 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD0D5F0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Rebariz formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 166 isLocalPlayer = false level = 17 normalizedLogoffSort = 27441693.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 27441690 sortIndex = 445 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 446 = table:000001431BD3E258 firstTable data = table:000001431C5B8BF8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Chesko class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A35C7210 firstTable data = table:000001431C5B8BF8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Chesko formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 75 isLocalPlayer = false level = 12 normalizedLogoffSort = 27601184.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 27601181 sortIndex = 446 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 447 = table:00000143F0DF78E0 firstTable data = table:000001439D852F88 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Uncle Rusty class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44580 firstTable data = table:000001439D852F88 typeId = 1 displayName = @GiZach formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Harborage gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 428 isLocalPlayer = false level = 25 normalizedLogoffSort = 28228985.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 28228982 sortIndex = 447 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 448 = table:0000014409E79BD8 firstTable data = table:0000014428063050 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Skiirvesh class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E41A60 firstTable data = table:0000014428063050 typeId = 1 displayName = @Scottyspoon formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 382 isLocalPlayer = false level = 32 normalizedLogoffSort = 28229186.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 28229183 sortIndex = 448 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 449 = table:00000143D4A4C240 firstTable data = table:00000143555944D8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Seedao class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3F300 firstTable data = table:00000143555944D8 typeId = 1 displayName = @guiff formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Bangkorai gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 340 isLocalPlayer = false level = 38 normalizedLogoffSort = 28332479.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 28332476 sortIndex = 449 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 45 = table:00000143CB53E3A0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A372A8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 167 characterName = Erebon Adlan class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A56D68 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A372A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @yellowantphil formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 178 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 38819.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 38816 sortIndex = 45 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 450 = table:00000143DF619E30 firstTable data = table:00000143A3A3BF78 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 178 characterName = Maahes of Bast class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E42FF0 firstTable data = table:00000143A3A3BF78 typeId = 1 displayName = @Memnokk formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 405 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 29018479.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 29018476 sortIndex = 450 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 451 = table:0000014409E72D70 firstTable data = table:000001442807E6A0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Quadruple Crosser class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A55088 firstTable data = table:000001442807E6A0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Breier formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 272 isLocalPlayer = false level = 43 normalizedLogoffSort = 29031295.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 29031292 sortIndex = 451 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 452 = table:00000143CDD29EF8 firstTable data = table:00000144DD5CBC98 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = King Lyr class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C8035CC8 firstTable data = table:00000144DD5CBC98 typeId = 1 displayName = @GuruPittka formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 191 isLocalPlayer = false level = 13 normalizedLogoffSort = 29252351.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 29252348 sortIndex = 452 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 453 = table:00000143C805EE50 firstTable data = table:0000014316678378 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 391 characterName = Brelos Fernthorn class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E431D0 firstTable data = table:0000014316678378 typeId = 1 displayName = @gcbius formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 407 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 29888418.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 29888415 sortIndex = 453 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 454 = table:00000143C803AE50 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A4CA50 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 191 characterName = Goldenick class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143CB5096E0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A4CA50 typeId = 1 displayName = @Goldenick formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Bleakrock Isle gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 41 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 30303903.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 30303900 sortIndex = 454 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 455 = table:00000143D4A4BFC0 firstTable data = table:00000143555943F8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Jauffre Wickfield class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3F210 firstTable data = table:00000143555943F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @blowthemandown formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 339 isLocalPlayer = false level = 13 normalizedLogoffSort = 30561553.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 30561550 sortIndex = 455 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 456 = table:0000014409E7C268 firstTable data = table:00000143DF623980 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kiara Sungrove class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3B700 firstTable data = table:00000143DF623980 typeId = 1 displayName = @Samaya formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Khenarthi's Roost gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 276 isLocalPlayer = false level = 3 normalizedLogoffSort = 32953310.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 32953307 sortIndex = 456 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 457 = table:000001431BD3B9E0 firstTable data = table:000001447D421FD8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 364 characterName = Ma'thri-Dar class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E42C30 firstTable data = table:000001447D421FD8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Lunarskar formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 401 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 33770544.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 33770541 sortIndex = 457 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 458 = table:00000143C8038AF8 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A2C1D0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 166 characterName = Do'khira class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143553A6F98 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A2C1D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Viscoe formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 38 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 34172334.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 34172331 sortIndex = 458 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 459 = table:00000143C805E030 firstTable data = table:00000143E02DDED8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Bear Bearington class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143097B3ED0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02DDED8 typeId = 1 displayName = @OjoBearington formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 61 isLocalPlayer = false level = 18 normalizedLogoffSort = 35741686.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 35741683 sortIndex = 459 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 46 = table:000001448018D220 firstTable data = table:00000143075B2588 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Tvorecot Harafi class = 3 dataEntry = table:000001447D01E198 firstTable data = table:00000143075B2588 typeId = 1 displayName = @coyotlgw formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Anvil Outlaws Refuge gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 123 isLocalPlayer = false level = 46 normalizedLogoffSort = 39028.953125 note = Skooma homebrewer\n\n\"I will do any modest office, my lord, to help my [guildmate]\" -Hero online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 39025 sortIndex = 46 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 460 = table:00000143C8038A08 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A2C0F0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Juicebox the Wet class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143553A6F50 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A2C0F0 typeId = 1 displayName = @epochae formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 37 isLocalPlayer = false level = 32 normalizedLogoffSort = 35848803.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 35848800 sortIndex = 460 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 461 = table:00000143F0DF79D0 firstTable data = table:000001439D853030 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Selysei class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E44670 firstTable data = table:000001439D853030 typeId = 1 displayName = @Hargrimm formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 429 isLocalPlayer = false level = 11 normalizedLogoffSort = 38061597.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 38061594 sortIndex = 461 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 462 = table:0000014480187658 firstTable data = table:00000143143AFCF0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 93 characterName = Slices-the-Waves class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000144081A19C0 firstTable data = table:00000143143AFCF0 typeId = 1 displayName = @gehazi formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 116 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 38321112.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 38321109 sortIndex = 462 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 463 = table:00000143D4A4C330 firstTable data = table:00000143555945B0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Mog Vader class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3F3F0 firstTable data = table:00000143555945B0 typeId = 1 displayName = @d20samurai formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Rivenspire gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 341 isLocalPlayer = false level = 29 normalizedLogoffSort = 38672394.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 38672391 sortIndex = 463 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 464 = table:00000143D4A3E9D0 firstTable data = table:0000014409E73858 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 481 characterName = Br'ihnassi class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3DAA0 firstTable data = table:0000014409E73858 typeId = 1 displayName = @captainecchi formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Reaper's March gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 314 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 39402103.953125 note = @captainecchi online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 39402100 sortIndex = 464 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 465 = table:0000014409E54E48 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A563D0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Elenaire Thaorfaere class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143CB509AE8 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A563D0 typeId = 1 displayName = @amusedalpaca formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Khenarthi's Roost gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 46 isLocalPlayer = false level = 6 normalizedLogoffSort = 39697133.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 39697130 sortIndex = 465 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 466 = table:00000144C7524BB0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD18120 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 48 characterName = Ragnar Loobrok class = 1 dataEntry = table:000001431BD35A28 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD18120 typeId = 1 displayName = @Gamer720 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 8 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 40229714.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 40229711 sortIndex = 466 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 467 = table:00000143A34C5138 firstTable data = table:00000143DDBC8870 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Guitar Godz class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E42780 firstTable data = table:00000143DDBC8870 typeId = 1 displayName = @coolxkidz formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Harborage gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 396 isLocalPlayer = false level = 6 normalizedLogoffSort = 40316596.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 40316593 sortIndex = 467 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 468 = table:00000143C8059340 firstTable data = table:0000014409E908A8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 431 characterName = Dulgarx class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143CDD28C40 firstTable data = table:0000014409E908A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Dulgarx formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 49 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 41111599.953125 note = @Dulgarx online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 41111596 sortIndex = 468 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 469 = table:0000014355396B08 firstTable data = table:00000143D8F22F28 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Stars-At-Stars class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4EFB0 firstTable data = table:00000143D8F22F28 typeId = 1 displayName = @Coconutsales formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 147 isLocalPlayer = false level = 29 normalizedLogoffSort = 41518812.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 41518809 sortIndex = 469 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 47 = table:00000143C805ABA8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E90E48 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 329 characterName = Nisam Ramishpi class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143097A6FD8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E90E48 typeId = 1 displayName = @Aussie_Kid formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 57 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 39581.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 39578 sortIndex = 47 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 470 = table:00000143C805EF40 firstTable data = table:0000014316678458 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = ayylemur class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E432C0 firstTable data = table:0000014316678458 typeId = 1 displayName = @dudesuh formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 408 isLocalPlayer = false level = 8 normalizedLogoffSort = 41937597.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 41937594 sortIndex = 470 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 471 = table:00000143D4A4C420 firstTable data = table:0000014316CD8A30 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 307 characterName = Hidoanee class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3F4E0 firstTable data = table:0000014316CD8A30 typeId = 1 displayName = @ZeRoSaNiTy00 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 342 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 43192930.953125 note = Invited by Lise online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 43192927 sortIndex = 471 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 472 = table:000001435537F980 firstTable data = table:0000014320DBFF28 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 40 characterName = Meija-Reì class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143D76AB1E0 firstTable data = table:0000014320DBFF28 typeId = 1 displayName = @BlackReaperRising formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 129 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 44132686.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 44132683 sortIndex = 472 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 473 = table:00000144D077B668 firstTable data = table:00000144D0789388 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Liyuana class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E46120 firstTable data = table:00000144D0789388 typeId = 1 displayName = @Jabberwonky formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 457 isLocalPlayer = false level = 13 normalizedLogoffSort = 44391332.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 44391329 sortIndex = 473 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 474 = table:000001430977E188 firstTable data = table:00000143AA40C138 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Nasir al-Qiteb class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37718 firstTable data = table:00000143AA40C138 typeId = 1 displayName = @JukeboxJedi formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Rivenspire gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 225 isLocalPlayer = false level = 32 normalizedLogoffSort = 44639239.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 44639236 sortIndex = 474 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 475 = table:00000143D4A5BBE8 firstTable data = table:000001442805D878 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Gathdrick class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E403E0 firstTable data = table:000001442805D878 typeId = 1 displayName = @Omega2296 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Rift gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 358 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 45090760.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 45090757 sortIndex = 475 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 476 = table:000001435538F930 firstTable data = table:00000143553945A8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Morin Kai class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4FC68 firstTable data = table:00000143553945A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @CapnPhry formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 139 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 45993598.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 45993595 sortIndex = 476 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 477 = table:00000143B14ED910 firstTable data = table:000001431036C8A0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Umar gra-Batul class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E440D0 firstTable data = table:000001431036C8A0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Malevan formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Wrothgar gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 423 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 46151901.953125 note = @Malevan online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 46151898 sortIndex = 477 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 478 = table:00000143C8059F40 firstTable data = table:0000014409E7A210 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Irithor class = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014309787008 firstTable data = table:0000014409E7A210 typeId = 1 displayName = @Andrewpaps formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Rift gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 52 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 46563249.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 46563246 sortIndex = 478 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 479 = table:00000143D4A3D8E0 firstTable data = table:0000014409E73648 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Dar'Tsabha class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3D8C0 firstTable data = table:0000014409E73648 typeId = 1 displayName = @robalan formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Hew's Bane gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 312 isLocalPlayer = false level = 36 normalizedLogoffSort = 46789542.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 46789539 sortIndex = 479 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 48 = table:0000014409E7C638 firstTable data = table:00000144C755AF78 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 421 characterName = Bufty class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3B9D0 firstTable data = table:00000144C755AF78 typeId = 1 displayName = @rricha1890 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Rivenspire gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 279 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 39805.953125 note = @rricha1890 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 39802 sortIndex = 48 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 480 = table:00000143553B3078 firstTable data = table:0000014355397490 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Anarzee Nightlark class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A557D8 firstTable data = table:0000014355397490 typeId = 1 displayName = @Vekotiitus formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Eastmarch gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 155 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 53306616.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 53306613 sortIndex = 480 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 481 = table:00000143097A8EB8 firstTable data = table:0000014355594D98 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Dirk Moonway class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38CA8 firstTable data = table:0000014355594D98 typeId = 1 displayName = @Craniumrat formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Glenumbra gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 248 isLocalPlayer = false level = 9 normalizedLogoffSort = 53790497.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 53790494 sortIndex = 481 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 482 = table:000001431B42BDF0 firstTable data = table:00000144D07760F0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Hyrogar class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E456D0 firstTable data = table:00000144D07760F0 typeId = 1 displayName = @dominusarbitrationis formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Rift gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 446 isLocalPlayer = false level = 34 normalizedLogoffSort = 54928769.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 54928766 sortIndex = 482 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 483 = table:0000014409E79640 firstTable data = table:00000144801678A8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Mehra Milo class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E40A70 firstTable data = table:00000144801678A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @BanjoBlack formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Deshaan gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 365 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 55204000.953125 note = Time zone: UTC -6\r\nMinimal ESO playtime recently online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 55203997 sortIndex = 483 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 484 = table:00000143A9B92EF8 firstTable data = table:00000144D0776010 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Saedrynn class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E455E0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0776010 typeId = 1 displayName = @SCLondon formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Malabal Tor gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 445 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 67384429.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 67384426 sortIndex = 484 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 485 = table:0000014480157C90 firstTable data = table:0000014310361FC0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Aeloc Velaon class = 2 dataEntry = table:0000014409E6F468 firstTable data = table:0000014310361FC0 typeId = 1 displayName = @mctaylor formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 88 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 68756954.953125 note = DC: Aeloc Velaon - VR12 - Socr DPS / Heal\n Antoni Velvus - 11\n Branster - 13\n Charles the Plant - 8\n\nEP: T. Mudcrab Merchant - 29\n Fishy Sticks - 6\n\nAD: The Creeper - 7\n Peke Utchoo -19 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 68756951 sortIndex = 485 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 486 = table:0000014409E6D878 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A35318 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Dime Curdlemium class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54BD8 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A35318 typeId = 1 displayName = @DimeCadmium formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = The Wailing Prison gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 267 isLocalPlayer = false level = 1 normalizedLogoffSort = 70266847.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 70266844 sortIndex = 486 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 487 = table:00000144C75538E8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E6E228 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Neurion Alfirin class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143553A6D70 firstTable data = table:0000014409E6E228 typeId = 1 displayName = @GnawingFetus formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 35 isLocalPlayer = false level = 19 normalizedLogoffSort = 70540083.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 70540080 sortIndex = 487 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 488 = table:00000143BC3736D8 firstTable data = table:0000014309DF3140 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Mignonne class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E424B0 firstTable data = table:0000014309DF3140 typeId = 1 displayName = @Kamikazeseppuku formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 393 isLocalPlayer = false level = 8 normalizedLogoffSort = 88547962.953125 note = In loving memory of Aim's wonderful partner, who passed away February 7, 2016.\n\nGoodnight, sweetheart. online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 88547959 sortIndex = 488 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 49 = table:0000014309777CE0 firstTable data = table:000001431DD9CB98 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 484 characterName = Annya Lionheart class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E36638 firstTable data = table:000001431DD9CB98 typeId = 1 displayName = @Lionheart_II formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 207 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 40265.953125 note = Lionheart II\n|t64:128:esoui/art/guild/banner_daggerfall.dds|t\n\nMain: Annya Lionheart\n|c4060B0Sorcerer/Werewolf|r\n\n|cc8bfe7* All crafts, all traits\n* If you want a style I don't know, it might be a good reason for me to get it :-)|r online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 40262 sortIndex = 49 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 5 = table:00000143A35CFCF8 firstTable bottom = 150 data = table:00000144D07693E0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Dawn of the new age class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E451B0 firstTable bottom = 400 data = table:00000144D07693E0 top = 320 typeId = 1 displayName = @DeathGrippe formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Sleek Creek House gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 441 isLocalPlayer = false level = 42 normalizedLogoffSort = -1 note = Practise dummy, bank and full std crafting stns free to use @ my residence. Safe access to Rawlkha thieves guild\n\nCrafting all 9 traits, pots and recipes\nStd motifs\n8 glyphs max per request\nemail mats +\nturnaround abt 1 day\n online = true rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = -1 sortIndex = 5 status = 1 timeStamp = 0 type = 1 top = 120 typeId = 1 50 = table:00000143CDD434C8 firstTable data = table:00000143C7D40140 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 371 characterName = Freya Odinsdottir class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143097A7338 firstTable data = table:00000143C7D40140 typeId = 1 displayName = @psilverelf formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Brass Fortress gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 202 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 40697.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 40694 sortIndex = 50 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 51 = table:0000014480157E70 firstTable data = table:0000014320F67C30 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 877 characterName = -Jonlaw class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143D4A363C8 firstTable data = table:0000014320F67C30 typeId = 1 displayName = @Jonlaw98 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Daggerfall Overlook gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 90 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 40908.953125 note = |c47FFC1Raid Leader|r\nYouTube.com/Jonlaw98\nTwitch.tv/Jonlaw98\n\n|H1:achievement:1330:1:1482977707|h|h\n|H1:achievement:1139:7:1486611145|h|h\n|H1:achievement:1367:1:1486501488|h|h\n|H1:achievement:1808:1:1495593779|h|h\n|H1:achievement:2076:1:1508811446|h|h online = false rankId = 6 rankIndex = 4 secsSinceLogoff = 40905 sortIndex = 51 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 52 = table:000001435538D9C0 firstTable data = table:00000143094EA478 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 667 characterName = Elanirne class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4F998 firstTable data = table:00000143094EA478 typeId = 1 displayName = @Circuitous formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Coldrock Diggings gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 136 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 43126.953125 note = |c8899BBMaster Crafter|r, |c88BB99Enchanter|r, |cBB9988Provisioner|r, |cBBBB66Alchemist|r, cheap/free guild rates.\nAll Traits, all Styles. 4x|H1:item:64221:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h|h free with your mats. online = false rankId = 6 rankIndex = 4 secsSinceLogoff = 43123 sortIndex = 52 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 53 = table:00000143C805A030 firstTable data = table:0000014409E7A2F0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 329 characterName = Slyvana Nightshade class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143097870F8 firstTable data = table:0000014409E7A2F0 typeId = 1 displayName = @F-Lambda formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Greenshade gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 53 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 44647.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 44644 sortIndex = 53 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 54 = table:0000014409E6D788 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A35230 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 812 characterName = Marcus Dubitas class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54AE8 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A35230 typeId = 1 displayName = @Xyzzy684 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = The Clockwork City gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 266 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 44745.953125 note = Palatine\n Marcus Dubitas\n|t64:128:esoui/art/guild/banner_daggerfall.dds|t \n\nCan craft most anything in many styles. Just ask. Free WW and vampire bites for guildies. online = false rankId = 6 rankIndex = 4 secsSinceLogoff = 44742 sortIndex = 54 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 55 = table:00000143E02DD500 firstTable data = table:00000143E02B87F8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 417 characterName = Nelvyn Dran class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E467B0 firstTable data = table:00000143E02B87F8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Ulfire formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Shadowfen gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 464 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 44915.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 44912 sortIndex = 55 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 56 = table:00000143D4A5CB70 firstTable data = table:000001431DE7D090 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 394 characterName = Lyiron Etal class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E407A0 firstTable data = table:000001431DE7D090 typeId = 1 displayName = @Endoor formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 362 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 45075.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 45072 sortIndex = 56 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 57 = table:00000143A35DAA30 firstTable data = table:000001442807F850 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Temporiard class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E47E30 firstTable data = table:000001442807F850 typeId = 1 displayName = @Oriard formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 488 isLocalPlayer = false level = 21 normalizedLogoffSort = 45229.953125 note = online = false rankId = 7 rankIndex = 9 secsSinceLogoff = 45226 sortIndex = 57 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 58 = table:00000143CB53D738 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A34AE0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 184 characterName = Max Welrod class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A56A98 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A34AE0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Max_Welrod formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 175 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 45513.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 45510 sortIndex = 58 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 59 = table:000001431BD2C540 firstTable data = table:000001442807F698 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 160 characterName = Queen Grace class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E47C50 firstTable data = table:000001442807F698 typeId = 1 displayName = @Prindle formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Aetherian Archive gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 486 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 46995.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 46992 sortIndex = 59 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 6 = table:00000143D4A49248 firstTable bottom = 180 data = table:00000143A3A46F88 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 463 characterName = Sizaan Sil class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3E4F0 firstTable bottom = 480 data = table:00000143A3A46F88 top = 400 typeId = 1 displayName = @DiscipleofVehk formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 325 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = -1 note = @DiscipleofVehk online = true rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = -1 sortIndex = 6 status = 1 timeStamp = 0 type = 1 top = 150 typeId = 1 60 = table:00000143E10EE908 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD29690 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 663 characterName = Vul'Fahliil'Kulass class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E416A0 firstTable data = table:00000143CDD29690 typeId = 1 displayName = @Half-Troll formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Daggerfall Overlook gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 378 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 47977.953125 note = @Half-Troll\n\n|t50:50:esoui\\art\\icons\\entitlement_004.dds|t |\n online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 47974 sortIndex = 60 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 61 = table:00000143CDD42258 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37AB90 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 657 characterName = Sand Taslia class = 6 dataEntry = table:0000014409E64430 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37AB90 typeId = 1 displayName = @G1Countdown formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Grand Topal Hideaway gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 198 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 48310.953125 note = @G1Countdown online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 48307 sortIndex = 61 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 62 = table:00000143F0DF7A18 firstTable data = table:00000144D07755A0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Kyrhilde Bear-Bottom class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E452A0 firstTable data = table:00000144D07755A0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Wicked_Shifty formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 442 isLocalPlayer = false level = 8 normalizedLogoffSort = 49009.953125 note = All Crafting Maxed!\n\nAll Not Boyant Armiger and HotR Motifs Known!\n\nAll Recipes Known!\n\nCurrently 75% of all possible furniture!\n\nWill craft research for free (except nirnhoned) online = false rankId = 6 rankIndex = 4 secsSinceLogoff = 49006 sortIndex = 62 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 63 = table:00000143A35DA940 firstTable data = table:000001442807F778 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Savedatreez class = 4 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E47D40 firstTable data = table:000001442807F778 typeId = 1 displayName = @Dianthe formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 487 isLocalPlayer = false level = 15 normalizedLogoffSort = 49574.953125 note = online = false rankId = 7 rankIndex = 9 secsSinceLogoff = 49571 sortIndex = 63 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 64 = table:00000143D4A4D698 firstTable data = table:00000144C7548290 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 232 characterName = Eternal Umbrage class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3FA80 firstTable data = table:00000144C7548290 typeId = 1 displayName = @TheInsurrection formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Cyrodiil gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 348 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 50185.953125 note = online = false rankId = 7 rankIndex = 9 secsSinceLogoff = 50182 sortIndex = 64 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 65 = table:00000143CB50BBC8 firstTable data = table:000001430A05DFB8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 702 characterName = Llurloche class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E43C20 firstTable data = table:000001430A05DFB8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Lurlock formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Ebonheart Chateau gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 418 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 50539.953125 note = @Lurlock online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 50536 sortIndex = 65 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 66 = table:000001448015CCE0 firstTable data = table:00000143BC161998 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 259 characterName = Myradarii class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143D4A45B00 firstTable data = table:00000143BC161998 typeId = 1 displayName = @Prometheus61 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Rivenspire gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 98 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 50579.953125 note = @Prometheus61 online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 50576 sortIndex = 66 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 67 = table:00000143D4A482B0 firstTable data = table:0000014409E70C50 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 0 characterName = Frikdragon class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3E130 firstTable data = table:0000014409E70C50 typeId = 1 displayName = @Bluedwarf formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 321 isLocalPlayer = false level = 43 normalizedLogoffSort = 50653.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 50650 sortIndex = 67 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 68 = table:00000143097A8DC8 firstTable data = table:0000014355587440 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 914 characterName = Hrist Cloud-Hewer class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38BB8 firstTable data = table:0000014355587440 typeId = 1 displayName = @Sedrethi formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Amaya Lake Lodge gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 247 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 51886.953125 note = Is, Always Was, Always Shall Be\n|t64:128:esoui/art/guild/banner_ebonheart.dds|t\n• Profile:\n– http://www.uesp.net/wiki/User:Sedrethi\n• House Amenities:\n– Generic crafting stations\n– Banker\n• PvE Guild Event Officer (Wed. & Sat.) online = false rankId = 254 rankIndex = 2 secsSinceLogoff = 51883 sortIndex = 68 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 69 = table:00000144C75292B8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C1078 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Parzivak class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E46C60 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C1078 typeId = 1 displayName = @Magic_Freak formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 469 isLocalPlayer = false level = 15 normalizedLogoffSort = 52037.953125 note = online = false rankId = 7 rankIndex = 9 secsSinceLogoff = 52034 sortIndex = 69 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 7 = table:00000143CB505730 firstTable bottom = 210 data = table:00000143CDD291D0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 619 characterName = J D Two class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A56048 firstTable bottom = 560 data = table:00000143CDD291D0 top = 480 typeId = 1 displayName = @fgoron2000 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Razak's Wheel gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 164 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = -1 note = @fgoron2000 online = true rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = -1 sortIndex = 7 status = 1 timeStamp = 0 type = 1 top = 180 typeId = 1 70 = table:00000144D075D0C0 firstTable data = table:00000144D0777B58 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 384 characterName = Brodious Lightmane class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E45D60 firstTable data = table:00000144D0777B58 typeId = 1 displayName = @ChazzberryCrunch formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stormhaven gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 453 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 53068.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 53065 sortIndex = 70 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 71 = table:00000143D4A4D5A8 firstTable data = table:00000144C75481D8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Travis The Strong class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3F990 firstTable data = table:00000144C75481D8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Snarkadmin formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Iron Wheel Headquarters gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 347 isLocalPlayer = false level = 29 normalizedLogoffSort = 53426.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 53423 sortIndex = 71 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 72 = table:00000143D4A4C698 firstTable data = table:0000014316CD8B08 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 25 characterName = Shokanshi class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3F5D0 firstTable data = table:0000014316CD8B08 typeId = 1 displayName = @Jaielle formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 343 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 53498.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 53495 sortIndex = 72 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 73 = table:0000014409E7E410 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37D540 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 712 characterName = Nedsdead class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3BE80 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37D540 typeId = 1 displayName = @nedordeador formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Reaper's March gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 284 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 55749.953125 note = @nedordeador online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 55746 sortIndex = 73 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 74 = table:00000144C7533218 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C1268 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Wither Wolf class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E46E40 firstTable data = table:00000143E02C1268 typeId = 1 displayName = @witherwolf formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Stros M'Kai gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 471 isLocalPlayer = false level = 12 normalizedLogoffSort = 56217.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 56214 sortIndex = 74 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 75 = table:0000014480186B80 firstTable data = table:00000143D76AC718 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Garine class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143CB751800 firstTable data = table:00000143D76AC718 typeId = 1 displayName = @Handhunter13 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Rivenspire gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 112 isLocalPlayer = false level = 28 normalizedLogoffSort = 56378.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 56375 sortIndex = 75 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 76 = table:00000143CB50BB80 firstTable data = table:00000143E13688A8 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Elainwe Laerenfare class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E43B30 firstTable data = table:00000143E13688A8 typeId = 1 displayName = @LevitatingKhajiit formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 417 isLocalPlayer = false level = 23 normalizedLogoffSort = 56579.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 56576 sortIndex = 76 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 77 = table:000001448018D970 firstTable data = table:0000014355387F00 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 218 characterName = Ormee class = 2 dataEntry = table:000001447D01E288 firstTable data = table:0000014355387F00 typeId = 1 displayName = @ormi1911 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Orbservatory Prior gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 124 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 56932.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 56929 sortIndex = 77 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 78 = table:0000014309778600 firstTable data = table:000001431DD9CD58 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Velindrel Drelke class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E36818 firstTable data = table:000001431DD9CD58 typeId = 1 displayName = @Nexerous formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Auridon gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 209 isLocalPlayer = false level = 4 normalizedLogoffSort = 57093.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 57090 sortIndex = 78 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 79 = table:00000143553B1EB8 firstTable data = table:00000143AA40AA98 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 620 characterName = Sr Ramrod The Master class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E43680 firstTable data = table:00000143AA40AA98 typeId = 1 displayName = @SrRamrod formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = The Clockwork City gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 412 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 57224.953125 note = @SrRamrod online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 57221 sortIndex = 79 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 8 = table:00000143E02DB500 firstTable bottom = 240 data = table:00000144D0789C58 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Nikla Vek class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E464E0 firstTable bottom = 640 data = table:00000144D0789C58 top = 560 typeId = 1 displayName = @nikla.vek formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Coldharbour gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 461 isLocalPlayer = false level = 31 normalizedLogoffSort = -1 note = online = true rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = -1 sortIndex = 8 status = 1 timeStamp = 0 type = 1 top = 210 typeId = 1 80 = table:00000144C75290D8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02BF998 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 271 characterName = Falkonn Ignis class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E46A80 firstTable data = table:00000143E02BF998 typeId = 1 displayName = @Falkonn1759 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Maelstrom Arena gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 467 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 57605.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 57602 sortIndex = 80 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 81 = table:0000014409E79730 firstTable data = table:0000014480167980 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 436 characterName = Grrthunk class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E40B60 firstTable data = table:0000014480167980 typeId = 1 displayName = @Grrthunk formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 366 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 57826.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 57823 sortIndex = 81 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 82 = table:00000143D4A4BED0 firstTable data = table:000001431DEDC3B8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Axa Unbroken class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3F120 firstTable data = table:000001431DEDC3B8 typeId = 1 displayName = @k_8 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 338 isLocalPlayer = false level = 27 normalizedLogoffSort = 57969.953125 note = @k_8 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 57966 sortIndex = 82 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 83 = table:00000143CDD42168 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37AAB0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 0 characterName = Mariko-chan class = 2 dataEntry = table:0000014409E643E8 firstTable data = table:00000143DE37AAB0 typeId = 1 displayName = @TimTwigg81 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Razak's Wheel gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 197 isLocalPlayer = false level = 25 normalizedLogoffSort = 59165.953125 note = @TimTwigg81 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 59162 sortIndex = 83 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 84 = table:00000143E10ED0C8 firstTable data = table:00000143553A4468 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 422 characterName = Flees-when-losing class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E41010 firstTable data = table:00000143553A4468 typeId = 1 displayName = @Raphscallion formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Clockwork City gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 371 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 61369.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 61366 sortIndex = 84 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 85 = table:000001435539B028 firstTable data = table:00000143D8F22FB0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 835 characterName = Bjornolfr Steel-Shaper class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4F0A0 firstTable data = table:00000143D8F22FB0 typeId = 1 displayName = @baratron formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 148 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 61955.953125 note = |c2DC50ELevel 50|r in all crafts. |c3A92FF9 trait|r Blacksmithing, Clothing, Woodworking. Most Racial Motifs. Still collecting the newest ones.\n\n|cFF0000Loves|r @Wicked_Shifty |cFF0000<3|r :) online = false rankId = 255 rankIndex = 1 secsSinceLogoff = 61952 sortIndex = 85 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 86 = table:00000143D4A44C98 firstTable data = table:0000014409E70A30 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 547 characterName = Nacho Daddy class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3DE60 firstTable data = table:0000014409E70A30 typeId = 1 displayName = @SecurityMan3 formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 318 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 62344.953125 note = @securityman3 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 62341 sortIndex = 86 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 87 = table:00000143CB520028 firstTable data = table:000001447D421E18 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 569 characterName = Cyrellon Larethal class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E42A50 firstTable data = table:000001447D421E18 typeId = 1 displayName = @Schiffy formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Malabal Tor gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 399 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 62524.953125 note = @Schiffy online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 62521 sortIndex = 87 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 88 = table:00000143D4A49CA0 firstTable data = table:000001442807B0C8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 126 characterName = Abgantamos class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3E9A0 firstTable data = table:000001442807B0C8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Dzerg1501 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Craglorn gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 330 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 63383.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 63380 sortIndex = 88 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 89 = table:0000014355390660 firstTable data = table:00000143553A1C10 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 344 characterName = Intentions Create class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A4EBF0 firstTable data = table:00000143553A1C10 typeId = 1 displayName = @vansfordave formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = The Rift gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 143 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 63496.953125 note = @vansfordave online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 63493 sortIndex = 89 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 9 = table:0000014409E6B2A0 firstTable bottom = 270 data = table:00000143C8029D18 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 381 characterName = Jurate class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A54728 firstTable bottom = 720 data = table:00000143C8029D18 top = 640 typeId = 1 displayName = @Peri_Doux formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Grahtwood gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 262 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = -1 note = online = true rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = -1 sortIndex = 9 status = 1 timeStamp = 0 type = 1 top = 240 typeId = 1 90 = table:000001430977CC60 firstTable data = table:0000014306481468 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 169 characterName = Marielha class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E37358 firstTable data = table:0000014306481468 typeId = 1 displayName = @Nighthellcat formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Reaper's March gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 221 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 67176.953125 note = @Nighthellcat online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 67173 sortIndex = 90 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 91 = table:00000144C75291C8 firstTable data = table:00000143E02BFA78 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 65 characterName = Illyvericenia class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E46B70 firstTable data = table:00000143E02BFA78 typeId = 1 displayName = @cremefatale formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = Shadowfen gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 468 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 70055.953125 note = online = false rankId = 1 rankIndex = 8 secsSinceLogoff = 70052 sortIndex = 91 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 92 = table:0000014309779E58 firstTable data = table:000001431D6CECA0 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 730 characterName = Glimmers-from-Depths class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E36DB8 firstTable data = table:000001431D6CECA0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Fin1000 formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Rift gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 215 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 71116.953125 note = @Fin1000 online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 71113 sortIndex = 92 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 93 = table:0000014480188250 firstTable data = table:00000143143AFEB8 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 132 characterName = Titus the Knight class = 3 dataEntry = table:00000144081A1BA0 firstTable data = table:00000143143AFEB8 typeId = 1 displayName = @xXLTRABBITXx formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = Stonefalls gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 118 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 71187.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 71184 sortIndex = 93 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 94 = table:0000014309789CC8 firstTable data = table:0000014355587360 firstTable alliance = 2 championPoints = 111 characterName = Meme Master class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E38AC8 firstTable data = table:0000014355587360 typeId = 1 displayName = @RenegadeOutcast formattedAllianceName = Ebonheart Pact formattedZone = The Brass Fortress gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 246 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 71889.953125 note = @RenegadeOutcast online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 71886 sortIndex = 94 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 95 = table:000001431BD3E168 firstTable data = table:00000144D075A948 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 670 characterName = Korilia Geious class = 1 dataEntry = table:00000143A35C71C8 firstTable data = table:00000144D075A948 typeId = 1 displayName = @sylvieanne formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Vvardenfell gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 74 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 72153.953125 note = @sylvieanne online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 72150 sortIndex = 95 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 96 = table:00000144C7526B58 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A327E0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 0 characterName = Sapphicia class = 3 dataEntry = table:000001431BD342D0 firstTable data = table:00000143D4A327E0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Arya.Stark formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Hew's Bane gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 12 isLocalPlayer = false level = 45 normalizedLogoffSort = 76368.953125 note = online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 76365 sortIndex = 96 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 97 = table:0000014409E7C088 firstTable data = table:000001442807E8C0 firstTable alliance = 1 championPoints = 375 characterName = Serithi class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143A3A55268 firstTable data = table:000001442807E8C0 typeId = 1 displayName = @Serithi formattedAllianceName = Aldmeri Dominion formattedZone = Ice-Heart's Lair gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 274 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 77016.953125 note = @Serithi online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 77013 sortIndex = 97 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 98 = table:00000143D4A49338 firstTable data = table:00000144280584B8 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 564 characterName = Pontius Sellius class = 6 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3E5E0 firstTable data = table:00000144280584B8 typeId = 1 displayName = @Gavin5000 formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = The Brass Fortress gender = 2 hasCharacter = true index = 326 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 81903.953125 note = @Gavin5000 online = false rankId = 2 rankIndex = 6 secsSinceLogoff = 81900 sortIndex = 98 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 99 = table:00000143D4A3E8E0 firstTable data = table:0000014409E737B0 firstTable alliance = 3 championPoints = 445 characterName = Valia Vakos class = 2 dataEntry = table:00000143C3E3D9B0 firstTable data = table:0000014409E737B0 typeId = 1 displayName = @CaptainDumac formattedAllianceName = Daggerfall Covenant formattedZone = The Clockwork City gender = 1 hasCharacter = true index = 313 isLocalPlayer = false level = 50 normalizedLogoffSort = 82147.953125 note = |cFFFFFFCaptainDumac|r\n Guild Jester\n|t80:150:/esoui/art/guild/banner_daggerfall.dds|t\nCan craft a radish furnishing online = false rankId = 4 rankIndex = 5 secsSinceLogoff = 82144 sortIndex = 99 status = 4 timeStamp = 19328.44140625 type = 1 typeId = 1 dataTypes = table:000001431DE9A370 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DE92F70 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:000001431DE94490 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431DE944D8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143C805EFA8 (meta 0000014428069F90} 10 = userdata:00000143D9E6F138 (meta 0000014314397E50} 11 = userdata:00000143143981C8 (meta 00000143E41D3B40} 12 = userdata:000001440818C2E0 (meta 0000014310370208} 13 = userdata:00000144D0763A08 (meta 000001431DED8D00} 14 = userdata:000001431DED9020 (meta 0000014313E29400} 15 = userdata:0000014313E294C0 (meta 00000143AA408A58} 16 = userdata:00000143AA406CB8 (meta 00000144C7527500} 17 = userdata:00000144C7527880 (meta 00000144D076D0B0} 18 = userdata:00000144D076D170 (meta 00000143C8036918} 19 = userdata:00000143C8036C60 (meta 0000014320869E60} 2 = userdata:000001442806A050 (meta 00000143CB739E80} 3 = userdata:0000014316653158 (meta 00000143CB5034F8} 4 = userdata:000001444E583690 (meta 00000143E02CFD70} 5 = userdata:000001430A469DA0 (meta 00000143D4A473A8} 6 = userdata:00000143A35CFD60 (meta 00000143DAF08CD8} 7 = userdata:00000143DAF08FF8 (meta 0000014309B3C6E0} 8 = userdata:0000014309B3FCD0 (meta 00000143E1D01C38} 9 = userdata:00000143097AC670 (meta 00000143DE3737C0} m_Factory() = function:000001431DE94390 m_Free = table:000001431DE94550 firstTable m_NextControlId = 19 m_NextFree = 20 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001431DE94B80 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000001431DE9B6E0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false highlightTemplate = ZO_ThinListHighlight mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001431DE9AD58 (meta 000001431DE9B798} timeline = userdata:000001431DE9A308 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 30 upButton = userdata:000001431DE9AED0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143A35DAB20 firstTable 1 = 1 10 = 10 100 = 100 101 = 101 102 = 102 103 = 103 104 = 104 105 = 105 106 = 106 107 = 107 108 = 108 109 = 109 11 = 11 110 = 110 111 = 111 112 = 112 113 = 113 114 = 114 115 = 115 116 = 116 117 = 117 118 = 118 119 = 119 12 = 12 120 = 120 121 = 121 122 = 122 123 = 123 124 = 124 125 = 125 126 = 126 127 = 127 128 = 128 129 = 129 13 = 13 130 = 130 131 = 131 132 = 132 133 = 133 134 = 134 135 = 135 136 = 136 137 = 137 138 = 138 139 = 139 14 = 14 140 = 140 141 = 141 142 = 142 143 = 143 144 = 144 145 = 145 146 = 146 147 = 147 148 = 148 149 = 149 15 = 15 150 = 150 151 = 151 152 = 152 153 = 153 154 = 154 155 = 155 156 = 156 157 = 157 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= 25 250 = 250 251 = 251 252 = 252 253 = 253 254 = 254 255 = 255 256 = 256 257 = 257 258 = 258 259 = 259 26 = 26 260 = 260 261 = 261 262 = 262 263 = 263 264 = 264 265 = 265 266 = 266 267 = 267 268 = 268 269 = 269 27 = 27 270 = 270 271 = 271 272 = 272 273 = 273 274 = 274 275 = 275 276 = 276 277 = 277 278 = 278 279 = 279 28 = 28 280 = 280 281 = 281 282 = 282 283 = 283 284 = 284 285 = 285 286 = 286 287 = 287 288 = 288 289 = 289 29 = 29 290 = 290 291 = 291 292 = 292 293 = 293 294 = 294 295 = 295 296 = 296 297 = 297 298 = 298 299 = 299 3 = 3 30 = 30 300 = 300 301 = 301 302 = 302 303 = 303 304 = 304 305 = 305 306 = 306 307 = 307 308 = 308 309 = 309 31 = 31 310 = 310 311 = 311 312 = 312 313 = 313 314 = 314 315 = 315 316 = 316 317 = 317 318 = 318 319 = 319 32 = 32 320 = 320 321 = 321 322 = 322 323 = 323 324 = 324 325 = 325 326 = 326 327 = 327 328 = 328 329 = 329 33 = 33 330 = 330 331 = 331 332 = 332 333 = 333 334 = 334 335 = 335 336 = 336 337 = 337 338 = 338 339 = 339 34 = 34 340 = 340 341 = 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ZO_GuildRosterSearchBox = userdata:000001431DEA67B0 (meta 000001431DEA68D8} ZO_GuildRosterSearchBoxText = userdata:000001431DEA6880 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GuildRosterSearchLabel = userdata:00000144081A47C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GuildSelector = userdata:00000143D6B10FE0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GuildSelectorComboBox = userdata:00000143E41C5670 (meta 00000143D5FDC4C0} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:000001447D440EA0 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:00000143E41C5670 (meta 00000143D5FDC4C0} m_font = ZoFontHeader2 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_GuildSelectorComboBox m_openDropdown = userdata:00000143D8F4CAB0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:000001447D441E98 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000143E41C56A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:00000143D5FDC560 firstTable 1 = table:0000014409E5EE60 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D5FDC5D8 guildId = 1 name = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_allianceIcon_daggerfall.dds|t (1) UESP selectedText = UESP 2 = table:00000143D4A2C7C8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D5FDC5D8 guildId = 2 name = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_allianceIcon_aldmeri.dds|t (2) Merchants of Zenithar selectedText = Merchants of Zenithar 3 = table:00000143D4A2C810 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D5FDC5D8 guildId = 3 name = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/Contacts/social_allianceIcon_daggerfall.dds|t (3) The Gathering Hall selectedText = The Gathering Hall 4 = table:00000143553AC0B0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D5FDC5D8 name = Creating and Joining Guilds selectedText = Creating and Joining Guilds m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 8 ZO_GuildSelectorComboBoxOpenDropdown = userdata:00000143D8F4CAB0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_GuildSelectorComboBoxSelectedItemText = userdata:00000143E41C56A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GuildSelectorDivider = userdata:00000143D5FDC5C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GuildSelectorGuildIcon = userdata:00000143E41C5600 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GuildSelector_Gamepad = table:00000144C30410F8 (meta 00000144C3041140} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001440601F7C8 New() = function:00000144C30411B8 OnGuildSelected() = function:000001440601F628 RefreshGuildList() = function:000001447D445D50 SelectGuild() = function:000001439D861000 SetOnGuildSelectedCallback() = function:000001447D445CA8 SetOnGuildsRefreshed() = function:000001439D860F68 __index = table:00000144C30410F8 (meta 00000144C3041140} ZO_GuildSelector_OnInitialized() = function:00000143EA91FD20 ZO_GuildSharedInfo = userdata:000001431DE98990 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_GuildSharedInfoBank = userdata:00000143F0F9BFD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GuildSharedInfoBank_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001431DE784C0 ZO_GuildSharedInfoBank_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143207D5C28 ZO_GuildSharedInfoCount = userdata:00000143F0F9BF60 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GuildSharedInfoCountLabel = userdata:00000143F0F9BEF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_GuildSharedInfoHeraldry = userdata:00000143EA922430 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GuildSharedInfoHeraldry_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014316656C28 ZO_GuildSharedInfoHeraldry_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014316656C68 ZO_GuildSharedInfoTradingHouse = userdata:00000144DD5E5098 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_GuildSharedInfoTradingHouse_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001431DE98A20 ZO_GuildSharedInfoTradingHouse_OnMouseExit() = function:000001431DE98A60 ZO_GuildSharedInfo_OnInitialized() = function:0000014316656CA8 ZO_GuildStoreBrowse_SliderOnValueChanged() = function:00000143CB5151F0 ZO_HELP_GENERIC_TICKET_SUBMISSION_MANAGER = table:0000014313461D38 (meta 0000014313461920} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000143DDBD9700 firstTable CustomerServiceFeedbackSubmitted = table:00000143DDBD9748 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DDBD9790 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DDBD9680 3 = false 2 = table:00000143E1CF40F8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1CF40B0 3 = false 3 = table:00000143E1D10278 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6AFC5E8 3 = false 4 = table:00000143E1D183A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D18358 3 = false 5 = table:00000143D8F53CF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F53CA8 3 = false CustomerServiceTicketSubmitted = table:00000143DDBB6FF0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DDBCAC48 firstTable 1() = function:00000143DDBB6F70 3 = false 2 = table:00000143D6AEB7B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6AEB6F0 3 = false 3 = table:00000143D6AFC568 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D6AFC4A8 3 = false 4 = table:00000143E1CF4030 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1CF3FB0 3 = false 5 = table:00000143E1D101F8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D10178 3 = false 6 = table:00000143E1D182D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D18258 3 = false 7 = table:00000143D8F53C28 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F53BA8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000014313461D80 firstTable emailAppendText = \nYour contact email is dave@uesp.net. fireCallbackDepth = 0 isAttemptingToSubmitReportPlayerTicket = false knowledgeBaseText = You may be able to find answers more quickly with our online self-service Knowledge Base. lastSubmitWithScreenshotTime = 0 ticketSubmittedFailedHeader = Error ticketSubmittedFailedMessage = There has been an error in your ticket submission. Please try again in a few minutes. ticketSubmittedSuccessHeader = Thank You websiteText = help.elderscrollsonline.com ZO_HELP_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_FIELD_DATA = table:000001431345BBE8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431345BCD8 firstTable enumStringPrefix = SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKIMPACTS invalidEntry = 0 iterationBegin = 0 iterationEnd = 7 2 = table:000001431345BDC8 firstTable enumStringPrefix = SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKCATEGORIES invalidEntry = 0 iterationBegin = 0 iterationEnd = 9 3 = table:000001431345BEB8 firstTable categoryContextualData = table:000001431345BFA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431345BFF0 firstTable iterationBegin = 1 iterationEnd = 4 2 = table:000001431345C090 firstTable iterationBegin = 101 iterationEnd = 104 3 = table:000001431345C130 firstTable iterationBegin = 201 iterationEnd = 212 4 = table:000001431345C1D0 firstTable iterationBegin = 301 iterationEnd = 305 5 = table:000001431345C270 firstTable detailsTitle = Item Name iterationBegin = 401 iterationEnd = 407 6 = table:000001431345C360 firstTable iterationBegin = 501 iterationEnd = 510 7 = table:000001431345C400 firstTable iterationBegin = 601 iterationEnd = 612 8 = table:000001431345C4A0 firstTable detailsTitle = Quest Name iterationBegin = 701 iterationEnd = 705 9 = table:000001431345C590 firstTable iterationBegin = 801 iterationEnd = 803 enumStringPrefix = SI_CUSTOMERSERVICESUBMITFEEDBACKSUBCATEGORIES invalidEntry = 0 universallyAddEnum = 0 ZO_HELP_TICKET_FIELD_TYPE = table:000001431345BBA0 firstTable ATTACH_SCREENSHOT = 6 CATEGORY = 2 DESCRIPTION = 5 DETAILS = 4 IMPACT = 1 SUBCATEGORY = 3 SUBMIT = 7 ZO_HELP_TICKET_STATE = table:00000143EA91CF58 firstTable FIELD_ENTRY = 1 START_SUBMISSION = 2 ZO_HELP_TICKET_VALIDATION_STATUS = table:00000143EA91CFA0 firstTable FAILED_ATTACHED_SCREENSHOT_RECENTLY = You must wait 30 seconds before submitting this bug. FAILED_NO_CATEGORY = You must select a category to submit a ticket. FAILED_NO_DESCRIPTION = You must provide a description to submit this ticket. FAILED_NO_DETAILS = You must provide a name to submit a ticket. FAILED_NO_DISPLAY_NAME = You must provide a UserID if you wish to report a player. FAILED_NO_IMPACT = You must provide an impact to submit this ticket. SUCCESS = true ZO_HERALDRY_BG_STYLE_MODE = 3 ZO_HERALDRY_CATEGORY_MODE = 1 ZO_HERALDRY_COLOR_MODE = 2 ZO_HERALDRY_CREST_STYLE_MODE = 4 ZO_HERALDRY_SKIP_ANIM = true ZO_HERALDRY_SKIP_SOUND = true ZO_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} ZO_HIGH_TIER_ALERT_TEXT = 145 ZO_HIGH_TIER_ANCHOR_EDITOR_HIGHLIGHT = 150 ZO_HIGH_TIER_CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE = 20 ZO_HIGH_TIER_CUTSCENE_UNDERLAY = 141 ZO_HIGH_TIER_DOWNLOAD_BAR = 120 ZO_HIGH_TIER_GAMEPAD_AUTO_SAVING_ICON = 142 ZO_HIGH_TIER_GAMEPAD_COMBO_BOX_DROPDOWN = 140 ZO_HIGH_TIER_GAMEPAD_DISCONNECT_POPUP = 145 ZO_HIGH_TIER_GAMEPAD_KEYBIND_STRIP = 110 ZO_HIGH_TIER_GAMEPAD_KEYBIND_STRIP_BG = 100 ZO_HIGH_TIER_OVER_GAMEPAD_KEYBIND_STRIP = 120 ZO_HIGH_TIER_SCREEN_ADJUST = 115 ZO_HIGH_TIER_TOOLTIPS = 140 ZO_HIGH_TIER_TRIAL_DIALOG = 10 ZO_HIGH_TIER_UI_ERRORS = 10 ZO_HIGH_TIER_UNDER_GAMEPAD_KEYBIND_STRIP_BG = 90 ZO_HIGH_TIER_VOICE_CHAT_HUD = 130 ZO_HINT_TEXT = table:0000014345F0D6F8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.49411767721176 g = 0.58039218187332 r = 0.53333336114883 ZO_HORIZONTALSCROLLLIST_MOVEMENT_TYPES = table:00000143E74BE748 firstTable INITIAL_UPDATE = 1 LAST = 4 MOVE_LEFT = 3 MOVE_RIGHT = 2 ZO_HORIZONTAL_PARAMETRIC_LIST_DEFAULT_FADE_GRADIENT_SIZE = 300 ZO_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_LIST_ANCHOR_ENTRIES_AT_FIXED_DISTANCE = 2 ZO_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_LIST_DISPLAY_FIXED_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES = 1 ZO_HOUSE_PREVIEW_MANAGER = table:00000143AF1D50E8 (meta 00000143AF1D4C90} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000143B8D04838 firstTable OnHouseTemplateDataUpdated = table:00000143B8D04880 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B8D048F8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B8D047B8 3 = false 2 = table:00000143E7DD94E8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E7DD9468 3 = false OnPlayerActivated = table:00000143B8D049E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B8D04A80 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B8D04998 3 = false 2 = table:00000143E7DD95B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E7DD9568 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143AF1D5130 firstTable displayInfo = table:00000143AF1D5298 firstTable backgroundImage = /esoui/art/store/pc_collections_housing_bretonlarge.dds houseCategory = Classic houseFoundInLocation = Stormhaven houseName = Gardner House fireCallbackDepth = 0 fullDataKeyed = table:00000143AF1D5208 firstTable fullDataSorted = table:00000143AF1D5250 firstTable houseMarketData = table:00000143AF1D51C0 firstTable houseStoreData = table:00000143AF1D5178 firstTable ZO_HOUSING_BOOK_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 307 ZO_HOUSING_BOOK_IMAGE_TEXTURE_COORD_BOTTOM = 0.68359375 ZO_HOUSING_BOOK_IMAGE_TEXTURE_COORD_RIGHT = 0.68359375 ZO_HOUSING_FURNITURE_LIST_ENTRY_HEIGHT = 52 ZO_HOUSING_MARKET_PRODUCT_DATA_TYPE = 7 ZO_HOUSING_PREVIEW_DIALOG_GAMEPAD = table:00000143E7DD8208 (meta 00000143F65B79C0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000143F65B72C0 (meta 00000143E7DD8470} crownGemsPurchaseOptionControl = userdata:00000143AF1CD2F0 (meta 00000143E7DD8C80} crownsPurchaseOptionControl = userdata:00000143AF1CCEC0 (meta 00000143E7DD8A68} 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table:00000143E7DD9180 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 7 dontEndInWorldInteractions = true mainText = table:00000143E7DD9108 firstTable text = noChoiceCallback() = function:00000143E7DD8F80 setup() = function:00000143E7DD9048 title = table:00000143E7DD9090 firstTable text = dialogName = HOUSE_PREVIEW_PURCHASE_GAMEPAD displayInfoDirty = true goldPurchaseOptionControl = userdata:00000143AF1CCAB8 (meta 00000143E7DD8980} firstMeta firstIndex button = userdata:00000143AF1CCB48 (meta 000001430831E750} errorLabel = userdata:00000143AF1CCDA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} focusData = table:00000143E7DD6FA8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E7DD7098 control = userdata:00000143AF1CCAB8 (meta 00000143E7DD8980} highlight = userdata:00000143E7DD77E8 (meta 0000014308324730} textCallout = userdata:00000143AF1CCE38 (meta 00000143083425C0} houseImageControl = userdata:00000143B8D00538 (meta 0000014308349FC8} houseNameLabel = userdata:00000143B8D042F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 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control = userdata:00000143AF1CCA30 (meta 000001430831E750} data = table:00000143E7DD3B38 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:00000143E7DD8B08 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onFocusChangedFunction() = function:00000143E7DD3358 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 sectionSwitcher = table:00000143E7DD9B80 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000143AF1CC8F0 (meta 000001430831E750} data = table:00000143E7DD9BC8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E7DD33A0 firstTable activate() = function:00000143E7DD33E8 control = userdata:00000143B8D001F0 (meta 000001430831E750} deactivate() = function:00000143E7DD3430 2 = table:00000143E7DD3B80 firstTable activate() = function:00000143E7DD6A78 control = userdata:00000143AF1CCA30 (meta 000001430831E750} deactivate() = function:00000143E7DD6AC0 directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:00000143E7DD56A0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 templateComboBox = table:00000143E7DD55B0 (meta 0000014316F496C8} templateComboBoxControl = userdata:00000143AF1CC8F0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateContainer = userdata:00000143B8D001F0 (meta 000001430831E750} templateContainerFocusSwitcher = table:00000143E7DD6028 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000143B8D001F0 (meta 000001430831E750} data = table:00000143E7DD6070 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E7DD6B08 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000001436881D800} firstTable firstMeta backgroundControl = userdata:00000143688205B8 (meta 0000014308324730} borderPadding = 16 dropdownControl = userdata:000001436880CD00 (meta 0000014308326048} height = 0 maxY = 1291.9998779297 minY = 70 padding = 0 pool = table:0000014368820BF0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014368820F10 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014368821150 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_ComboBox_Gamepad_DropdownScrollZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad parent = userdata:0000014368810F80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad scrollControl = userdata:0000014368810F80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_focus = table:00000143E7DD5F98 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000143E7DD5468 (meta 00000143E7DD58A8} firstMeta firstIndex comboBoxObject = table:00000143E7DD55B0 (meta 0000014316F496C8} m_comboBox = table:00000143E7DD55B0 (meta 0000014316F496C8} data = table:00000143E7DD5FE0 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:00000143E7DD6158 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 m_font = ZoFontGamepad27 m_highlightColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_highlightFont = ZoFontGamepad36 m_highlightedIndex = 1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_itemTemplate = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_name = ZO_HousingPreviewDialog_GamepadTemplateComboBoxDropdown m_normalColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_openDropdown = userdata:00000143E7DD5500 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_selectedColor = table:00000143E7DD8EF0 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ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143E1D132E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143E1D134D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143E1D13430 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143E1D13628 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143E1D13580 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143E1D13778 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143E1D136D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143E1D12A30 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143E1D12D08 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E1D12F40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E1D12DC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143E1D12E80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143E1D12AE8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143E1D12C50 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143E1D12FF8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E1D13238 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E1D130B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143E1D13178 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143E1D12BA0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143E1D126A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143E1D12758 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E1D12980 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E1D12810 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143E1D128C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143E1D13820 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143E1D12550 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143E1D125F8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143E1D12080 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143E1D12130 (meta 00000143E1D12370} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143E1D12140 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D121C0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143E1D12238 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143E1D122B0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143E1D149C8 (meta 00000143E1D14E58} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143E1D14B58 (meta 00000143E1D15130} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E1D15388 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E1D14F28 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143E1D16C20 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D170A8 control = userdata:00000143E1D149C8 (meta 00000143E1D14E58} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D16C68 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E1D16CB0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E1D16D40 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D16DB8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E1D16E20 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E1D16FC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D17060 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E1D171A8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143E1D14D60 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1D169E0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E1D16A28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D16A70 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D16960 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143E1D16B38 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D16B80 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D16AF0 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E1D154B0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E1D14B58 (meta 00000143E1D15130} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E1D157B8 firstTable dataList = table:00000143E1D15578 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143E1D15468 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143E1D159A0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D15848 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E1D15890 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D158D8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143E1D14BF0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E1D159E8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D15A30 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E1D15CC8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E1D15BC8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E1D15C88 m_Active = table:00000143E1D15A78 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D15AF0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E1D14BF0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadTextFieldItem_MultilineWithHeader = table:00000143E1D164E0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D16528 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E1D16778 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E1D16678 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E1D16738 m_Active = table:00000143E1D16570 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D165B8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollDescWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E1D14BF0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTextFieldItem_Multiline setupFunction() = function:00000143E1D15EA0 ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem = table:00000143E1D16918 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D167B8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E1D16800 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D16848 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem parent = userdata:00000143E1D14BF0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_Gamepad_Help_Dropdown_ItemWithHeader = table:00000143E1D15F28 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D15F70 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E1D161C8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E1D160C8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E1D16188 m_Active = table:00000143E1D15FB8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D16000 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollCategoriesWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E1D14BF0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_Gamepad_Help_Dropdown_Item setupFunction() = function:00000143E1D15D88 ZO_Help_MechanicAssistance_Gamepad_DetailsItemWithHeader = table:00000143E1D16208 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D16250 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E1D164A0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E1D163A0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E1D16460 m_Active = table:00000143E1D16298 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D162E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollDetailsWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E1D14BF0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_Help_MechanicAssistance_Gamepad_DetailsItem setupFunction() = function:00000143E1D15E10 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D14FA0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E1D15420 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E1D14E00 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E1D15650 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E1D156E0 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143E1D15608 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E1D15698 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143E1D14BF0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E1D15728 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143E1D155C0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143E1D15800 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E1D15770 firstTable ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143E1D14B58 (meta 00000143E1D15130} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143E1D14CA0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143E1D14D60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E1D14E00 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_ItemAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143E1D14BF0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Help_MechanicAssistance_Gamepad = table:00000143E1CFD250 (meta 00000143E1CFD298} firstTable firstMeta AddCategoriesEntry() = function:00000143E1CFD4E8 AddDescriptionEntry() = function:00000143E1CFD568 AddDetailsEntry() = function:00000143E1CFD528 AddSubmitEntry() = function:00000143E1CFD5A8 BuildList() = function:00000143E1CFD4A8 DetailsRequired() = function:00000143E1CFD628 GenerateSelectKeybindStripDescriptor() = function:00000143E1CFD5E8 GetCurrentTicketCategory() = function:00000143E1CFD6E8 GetDetailsInstructions() = function:00000143E1CFD828 GetDisplayedDetails() = function:00000143E1CFD928 GetFieldEntryMessage() = function:00000143E1CFD3C0 GoToDetailsSourceScene() = function:00000143E1CFD8A8 InitWithDetails() = function:00000143E1CFD968 Initialize() = function:00000143E1CFD380 New() = function:00000143E1CFD310 OnSelectionChanged() = function:00000143E1CFD768 RegisterDetails() = function:00000143E1CFD8E8 SetDetailsData() = function:00000143E1CFD9A8 SetDetailsHeader() = function:00000143E1CFD7E8 SetDetailsInstructions() = function:00000143E1CFD868 SetGoToDetailsSourceKeybindText() = function:00000143E1CFD7A8 SetupList() = function:00000143E1CFD728 SubmitTicket() = function:00000143E1CFD6A8 ValidateTicketFields() = function:00000143E1CFD668 ZO_Help_OnHide() = function:0000014313471300 ZO_Help_OnSearchEnterKeyPressed() = function:00000143134711F8 ZO_Help_OnSearchTextChanged() = function:00000143134711B8 ZO_Help_OnShow() = function:00000143134712C0 ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad = table:00000143E1D09A20 (meta 00000143E1D09A68} firstTable firstMeta DetailsRequired() = function:00000143E1D09D38 GetFieldEntryTitle() = function:00000143E1D09CB8 GetSceneName() = function:00000143E1D09B90 GoToDetailsSourceScene() = function:00000143E1D09C78 Initialize() = function:00000143E1D09B50 New() = function:00000143E1D09AE0 RegisterDetails() = function:00000143E1D09CF8 __index = table:00000143E1D09A20 (meta 00000143E1D09A68} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_OnInitialize() = function:00000143E1D09D78 ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevel = userdata:00000143E1D09B40 (meta 00000143E1D0BF28} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMask = userdata:00000143E1D09E78 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainer = userdata:00000143E1D09EA8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143E1D09F40 (meta 00000143E1D0B8A0} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143E1D09FE0 (meta 00000143E1D0C938} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143E1D09FE0 (meta 00000143E1D0C938} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143E1D0B3B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143E1D0B308 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143E1D0B500 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143E1D0B458 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143E1D0B650 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143E1D0B5A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143E1D0B7A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143E1D0B6F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143E1D0AA50 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143E1D0AD28 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E1D0AF68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E1D0ADE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143E1D0AEA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143E1D0AB08 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143E1D0AC70 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143E1D0B020 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E1D0B260 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E1D0B0E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143E1D0B1A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143E1D0ABC0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143E1D0A6C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143E1D0A778 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E1D0A9A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E1D0A830 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143E1D0A8E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143E1D0B848 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143E1D0A560 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143E1D0A610 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143E1D0A090 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143E1D0A140 (meta 00000143E1D0A380} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143E1D0A150 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D0A1D0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143E1D0A248 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143E1D0A2C0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143E1D0C9F8 (meta 00000143E1D0CE88} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143E1D0CB88 (meta 00000143E1D0D160} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E1D0D3C0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E1D0CF58 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143E1D0EDC8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E1D0F250 control = userdata:00000143E1D0C9F8 (meta 00000143E1D0CE88} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143E1D0CB88 (meta 00000143E1D0D160} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D0EE10 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E1D0EE58 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E1D0EEE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D0EF60 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E1D0EFC8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E1D0F168 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D0F208 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E1D0F350 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143E1D0CD90 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E1D0EB30 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E1D0EB78 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D0EBC0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D0EAB0 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143E1D0EC88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1D0ED28 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E1D0EC40 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E1D0D4E8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E1D0CB88 (meta 00000143E1D0D160} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E1D0D7F0 firstTable dataList = table:00000143E1D0D5B0 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143E1D0D4A0 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143E1D0D9E0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D0D880 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E1D0D8C8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D0D910 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143E1D0CC20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E1D0DA28 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D0DA70 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E1D0DD08 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E1D0DC08 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E1D0DCC8 m_Active = table:00000143E1D0DAB8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D0DB30 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E1D0CC20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadTextFieldItem_MultilineWithHeader = table:00000143E1D0E630 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D0E678 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E1D0E8C8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E1D0E7C8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E1D0E888 m_Active = table:00000143E1D0E6C0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D0E708 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollDescWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E1D0CC20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTextFieldItem_Multiline setupFunction() = function:00000143E1D0DF38 ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem = table:00000143E1D0EA68 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D0E908 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E1D0E950 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D0E998 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem parent = userdata:00000143E1D0CC20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_Gamepad_Help_Dropdown_ItemWithHeader = table:00000143E1D0DFF8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D0E040 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E1D0E298 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E1D0E198 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E1D0E258 m_Active = table:00000143E1D0E088 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D0E0D0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollCategoriesWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E1D0CC20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_Gamepad_Help_Dropdown_Item setupFunction() = function:00000143E1D0DE20 ZO_Help_MechanicAssistance_Gamepad_DetailsItemWithHeader = table:00000143E1D0E370 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1D0E3B8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E1D0E5B8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E1D0DD48 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E1D0E578 m_Active = table:00000143E1D0E400 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E1D0E448 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollDetailsWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E1D0CC20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_Help_MechanicAssistance_Gamepad_DetailsItem setupFunction() = function:00000143E1D0DEA8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143E1D0CFD0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E1D0D458 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E1D0CE30 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E1D0D688 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E1D0D718 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143E1D0D640 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E1D0D6D0 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143E1D0CC20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E1D0D760 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143E1D0D5F8 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143E1D0D838 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E1D0D7A8 firstTable ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143E1D0CCD0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143E1D0CD90 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E1D0CE30 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_QuestAssistance_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143E1D0CC20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_OnInitialize() = function:00000143D8F4D4A0 ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevel = userdata:00000143D8F4CFA8 (meta 00000143D8F4F5A8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMask = userdata:00000143D8F4D5E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainer = userdata:00000143D8F4D610 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143D8F4D6A8 (meta 00000143D8F4EF08} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143D8F4D748 (meta 00000143D8F4FFB0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143D8F4D748 (meta 00000143D8F4FFB0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143D8F4EA18 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143D8F4E970 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143D8F4EB68 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143D8F4EAC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143D8F4ECB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143D8F4EC10 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143D8F4EE08 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143D8F4ED60 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143D8F4E150 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143D8F4E428 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D8F4E5D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D8F4E4E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143D8F4E510 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143D8F4E208 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143D8F4E370 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143D8F4E688 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D8F4E8C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D8F4E748 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143D8F4E808 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143D8F4E2C0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143D8F4DDC8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143D8F4DE78 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D8F4E0A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D8F4DF30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143D8F4DFE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143D8F4EEB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143D8F4DC70 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143D8F4DD18 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143D8F4D7F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143D8F4D8A8 (meta 00000143D8F4DAE8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143D8F4D8B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F4D938 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143D8F4D9B0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143D8F4DA28 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143D8F50070 (meta 00000143D8F50500} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143D8F50200 (meta 00000143D8F507D8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143D8F50A30 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143D8F505D0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143D8F52570 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143D8F529F8 control = userdata:00000143D8F50070 (meta 00000143D8F50500} dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F525B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143D8F52600 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143D8F52690 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F52708 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143D8F52770 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143D8F52910 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F529B0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143D8F52AF8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143D8F50408 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143D8F522D8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143D8F52320 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F52368 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F52258 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143D8F52430 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D8F524D0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143D8F523E8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143D8F50B58 firstTable control = userdata:00000143D8F50200 (meta 00000143D8F507D8} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143D8F50E28 firstTable dataList = table:00000143D8F50BE8 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143D8F50B10 firstTable ZO_CheckBoxTemplate_WithoutIndent_Gamepad = table:00000143D8F52068 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D8F51F00 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D8F51F48 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D8F51F90 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = 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table:00000143D8F51058 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D8F510A0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D8F51338 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143D8F51238 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143D8F512F8 m_Active = table:00000143D8F510E8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D8F51160 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143D8F50298 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadTextFieldItemWithHeader = table:00000143D8F519A0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D8F519E8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D8F51BE8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143D8F51378 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143D8F51BA8 m_Active = table:00000143D8F51A30 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D8F51A78 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollDetailsWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143D8F50298 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTextFieldItem setupFunction() = function:00000143D8F51520 ZO_GamepadTextFieldItem_MultilineWithHeader = table:00000143D8F51C28 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D8F51C70 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D8F51EC0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143D8F51DC0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143D8F51E80 m_Active = table:00000143D8F51CB8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D8F51D00 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollDescWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143D8F50298 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTextFieldItem_Multiline setupFunction() = function:00000143D8F51520 ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem = table:00000143D8F52210 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D8F520B0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143D8F520F8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D8F52140 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem parent = userdata:00000143D8F50298 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_Gamepad_Help_Dropdown_ItemWithHeader = table:00000143D8F51678 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143D8F516C0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D8F51918 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143D8F51818 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143D8F518D8 m_Active = table:00000143D8F51708 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143D8F51750 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Help_SubmitFeedback_Gamepad_TopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollCategoriesWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143D8F50298 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_Gamepad_Help_Dropdown_Item setupFunction() = function:00000143D8F51450 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F50648 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143D8F50AC8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143D8F504A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 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ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard12 = userdata:00000143B82279F0 (meta 00000143B8227B10} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard12StatusIcon = userdata:00000143B8227AB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard13 = userdata:00000143B8226CA8 (meta 00000143D90070D0} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard13StatusIcon = userdata:00000143B8226D70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard14 = userdata:00000143B822B6F0 (meta 00000143B82255C0} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard14StatusIcon = userdata:00000143D9007138 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard16StatusIcon = userdata:00000143B8220180 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard17 = userdata:00000143B821AF48 (meta 00000143B821B068} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard17StatusIcon = userdata:00000143B821B010 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard18 = userdata:00000143B82292D8 (meta 00000143A98BF9D8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard18StatusIcon = userdata:00000143A98BF9C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard19 = userdata:00000143FC334FC8 (meta 00000143FC3350E8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143FC334CF8 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143FC335090 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard19StatusIcon = userdata:00000143FC335090 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard1StatusIcon = userdata:00000144C258C368 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard2 = userdata:00000144C258BEC8 (meta 00000144C258DE00} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 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= userdata:00000143FC3316A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard22 = userdata:00000143FC3316D0 (meta 00000143B8226B88} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard22StatusIcon = userdata:00000143FC32EBD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard23 = userdata:00000143FC32B650 (meta 00000143FC32B728} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143A42FB378 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143FC32B650 (meta 00000143FC32B728} data = table:00000143A0A57388 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_redguardmedium.dds collectibleId = 1094 description = After the death of his beloved daughter Haruzeh at the Running of the Dunerippers, the Magnifico Z'za retired to his house in Sentinel and never spoke again, spending his last days playing endless games of hammergammon with his trained monkey, Lizard. hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Alik'r Desert name = House of the Silent Magnifico nickname = Sentinel House purchasable = true referenceId = 35 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143D61825D0 (meta 000001432E003D68} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childContainer = userdata:00000143D90073D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} childIndent = 60 childSpacing = 0 children = table:00000143D90060B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D9007368 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143D9007490 (meta 00000143D9008538} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143D9007368 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143D9007558 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143132203F8 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_redornan.dds collectibleId = 1244 description = On the coast north of Gnisis, this three-level home in the Redoran \"bug-house\" style comes with a walled courtyard, a nearby dock, and convenient access to the nearby ruins of Ashalmawia and Arkngthunch-Sturdumz. hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Vvardenfell name = Ald Velothi Harbor House nickname = Redoran Home purchasable = true referenceId = 44 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143D9006368 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143D9006490 (meta 00000143D9006EC8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143D9006368 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143D9006558 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:0000014313214108 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_hlaalu.dds collectibleId = 1243 description = Enjoy the opulent luxury of a country lodge built by the Dark Elves of an earlier, more expansive era—a walled estate with a grand multistory house, roof balcony, stable, storage building, a well, and room for a formal garden. hint = Purchase Requires:\n\"Savior of Morrowind\" Achievement houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Vvardenfell name = Amaya Lake Lodge nickname = Hlaalu Home purchasable = true referenceId = 43 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000144C2586090 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143D9008640 (meta 00000143B822F360} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:0000014313213448 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143B822F400 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 objectPool = table:000001431321B378 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014313229ED8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431321B438 firstTable m_NextControlId = 45 m_NextFree = 46 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard parent = userdata:00000143D617D270 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 template = ZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} 10 = table:00000143B8226980 (meta 000001432E003D68} 11 = table:00000143B8223F08 (meta 000001432E003D68} 12 = table:00000143B8223158 (meta 000001432E003D68} 13 = table:00000143B821F650 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143B82200B8 (meta 00000143B821ADF8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143B821F650 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143B8220180 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143A0A60E78 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_ebonheartpactmanor.dds collectibleId = 1098 description = A magnificent castle keep, complete with walls, watchtowers, well, fountain, and stable, all dramatically sited on the slopes of an active volcano! It just needs a murder, and then it will be haunted as well. hint = Purchase Requires:\n\"Hero of the Ebonheart Pact\" Achievement houseCategoryType = 3 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Stonefalls name = Ebonheart Chateau nickname = Ebonheart Manor purchasable = true referenceId = 39 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143FC339E58 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143B821AF48 (meta 00000143B821B068} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143FC339E58 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143B821B010 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143A0A60FE8 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pc_collections_housing_witchhovel_2x1.dds collectibleId = 1310 description = Pay no attention to the rumors: this witches hut on the edge of Hag Fen in Glenumbra is guaranteed NOT to be haunted by the dead, the undead, or restless spirits of any kind. It does come with tumbledown walls to keep the crocodiles and wolves out. Spooky! hint = Purchase Requires:\n\"An Unsparing Harvest\" Achievement\nOnly Available During Witches Festival houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Glenumbra name = Exorcised Coven Cottage nickname = Witches Hut purchasable = true referenceId = 49 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143FC337E78 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143B82292D8 (meta 00000143A98BF9D8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A0A5C5D0 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143FC334CF8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} 14 = table:00000143FC339E58 (meta 000001432E003D68} 15 = table:00000143FC337E78 (meta 000001432E003D68} 16 = table:00000143FC334CF8 (meta 000001432E003D68} 17 = table:0000014369139E78 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143A98BFB28 (meta 00000143FC3314E0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:0000014369139E78 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143FC3314D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143A0A58D90 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_nordmediumfinal.dds collectibleId = 1088 description = Fine urban living in Windhelm is now available at this commodious town home, which features a lofty main floor, two fireplaces, and a second-floor balcony. Alas, that balcony lacks a railing, which is how Grymharth, after too much mead, came to woe. hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Eastmarch name = Grymharth's Woe nickname = Windhelm House purchasable = true referenceId = 29 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:0000014369131858 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143FC3315D8 (meta 00000143FC335188} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:0000014369131858 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143FC3316A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143A0A57BD8 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pc_collections_housing_falkreathlarge_2x1.dds collectibleId = 1311 description = Hakkvild, former Jarl of Falkreath who freed the hold from the hands of Yashnag's Orcs, built himself this spacious hall on the heights above town, with convenient access to the crypts of his ancestors. And now it can be yours! hint = Purchase Requires:\n\"Horns of the Reach Delver\" Achievement houseCategoryType = 3 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Craglorn name = Hakkvild's High Hall nickname = Falkreath Hall purchasable = true referenceId = 48 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:0000014369130320 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143FC3316D0 (meta 00000143B8226B88} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A0A57910 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143A42FB378 (meta 000001432E003D68} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} 18 = table:0000014369131858 (meta 000001432E003D68} 19 = table:0000014369130320 (meta 000001432E003D68} 2 = table:00000143D9006368 (meta 000001432E003D68} 20 = table:00000143A42FB378 (meta 000001432E003D68} 21 = table:00000143D61825D0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143FC329940 (meta 00000143FC32B7C8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143D61825D0 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143FC329A08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143A0A57D58 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_argoniansmall.dds collectibleId = 1069 description = A mud house is a constant reminder of the impermanence of life, and that we are but standing waves in the river of existence. But one still wishes it to look nice and comfortable, and decorates accordingly. Of course. hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 1 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Bal Foyen name = Humblemud nickname = Dhalmora House purchasable = true referenceId = 10 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143D617FA18 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143FC328C50 (meta 00000143FC328D28} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143D617FA18 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143FC328D18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143A0A55268 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_redguardlarge.dds collectibleId = 1095 description = This elegant pleasure palace, with its walled grounds enclosing stables, well, gardens, pool, watchtower, and docks, were paid for by the blood and treasure spilled from the countless treasure ships taken by the legendary Captain Izad. hint = Purchase Requires:\n\"Glenumbra Adventurer\" Achievement houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Stros M'Kai name = Hunding's Palatial Hall nickname = Port Hunding House purchasable = true referenceId = 36 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143A0A654A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143FC329B20 (meta 00000143D9013410} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A0A54600 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143B821EC70 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} 22 = table:00000143D617FA18 (meta 000001432E003D68} 23 = table:00000143A0A654A0 (meta 000001432E003D68} 24 = table:00000143B821EC70 (meta 000001432E003D68} 25 = table:00000143D900EFD8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143D90110C8 (meta 00000143D90111A0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143D900EFD8 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143D9011190 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143609C7208 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_altmerlarge.dds collectibleId = 1068 description = This elegant walled estate is truly the apogee of Altmeri architecture, including a grand entrance hall, curving double staircases, and a blossom-tree garden with circular reflecting pool. hint = Purchase Requires:\n\"Auridon Adventurer\" Achievement houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Auridon name = Mathiisen Manor nickname = Mathiisen House purchasable = true referenceId = 9 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143A98D3008 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143D900D6D8 (meta 00000143D900D7B0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143A98D3008 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143D900D7A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143609C6760 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_khajiitsmall.dds collectibleId = 1081 description = A small elevated house on an idyllic plantation in the mild and hospitable clime of Khenarthi's Roost? This one would find that sweet paradise! hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 1 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Khenarthi's Roost name = Moonmirth House nickname = Laughing Moons House purchasable = true referenceId = 22 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143A98D04A8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001436912D948 (meta 00000143A98CF480} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143609C5E60 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143A98CEE28 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} 26 = table:00000143A98D3008 (meta 000001432E003D68} 27 = table:00000143A98D04A8 (meta 000001432E003D68} 28 = table:00000143A98CEE28 (meta 000001432E003D68} 29 = table:00000143A38FF1B0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143CCAEA958 (meta 00000143A98CDE38} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143A38FF1B0 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143A98CF6C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143609BBE10 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_dunmerlarge.dds collectibleId = 1080 description = This capacious Dunmeri mansion, with its walled garden and view across a waterfall to majestic Mournhold, was originally built to house a noble family of House Indoril. hint = Purchase Requires:\n\"Deshaan Adventurer\" Achievement houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Deshaan name = Quondam Indorilia nickname = Mournhold House purchasable = true referenceId = 21 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:000001436913DCA8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:0000014369140210 (meta 0000014369140330} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:000001436913DCA8 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143691402D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143609BB4A0 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_bretonmedium.dds collectibleId = 1076 description = Two floors, no waiting, in this handsome walled town house makes for prime real estate in the quaint Rivenspire town of Fell's Run. The local story that the ravens that loiter around the front steps are the revenant spirits of former owners is absurd. hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Rivenspire name = Ravenhurst nickname = Fell's Run House purchasable = true referenceId = 17 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143B82327F8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143691403F0 (meta 00000143609C6CD0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143609BAFD0 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143B8231EC0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} 3 = table:00000144C2586090 (meta 000001432E003D68} 30 = table:000001436913DCA8 (meta 000001432E003D68} 31 = table:00000143B82327F8 (meta 000001432E003D68} 32 = table:00000143B8231EC0 (meta 000001432E003D68} 33 = table:00000143E6C8BE58 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143E6C8E4F0 (meta 00000143D70D3158} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143E6C8BE58 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143E6C8E5B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143609B9920 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_khajitmedium.dds collectibleId = 1082 description = All your friends are already nearby in Rawl'kha, yes? Invite them over to have a party at your so-sleek riverside house, with its private garden and over-creek deck. Much sweetness! hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Reaper's March name = Sleek Creek House nickname = Rawl'kha House purchasable = true referenceId = 23 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143D70D3558 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143E6C8E5E8 (meta 00000143D70D3AE0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143D70D3558 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143E6C8E6B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143609B8FF0 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_bosmersmall.dds collectibleId = 1072 description = A perfect graht-oak pod home, grown by a Home Singer from the very roots of Elden Root—compact, comfortable, and convenient to everything. Praise Z'en! hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 1 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Grahtwood name = Snugpod nickname = Elden Root House purchasable = true referenceId = 13 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143D70D3D08 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143D70D4258 (meta 00000143ED3B39E0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143609B8BA0 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:000001439DB30D88 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} 34 = table:00000143D70D3558 (meta 000001432E003D68} 35 = table:00000143D70D3D08 (meta 000001432E003D68} 36 = table:000001439DB30D88 (meta 000001432E003D68} 37 = table:000001431DC989B8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143E1D4A2A0 (meta 0000014429017170} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:000001431DC989B8 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143E1D4A368 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143609B74B8 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_argonianmedium.dds collectibleId = 1070 description = \"This house is a good house, plenty of room for guar! Palisade is strong to keep guar from straying, and many guar can feed in the garden! Very good, yes! Esqoo will come to visit often!\" —Esqoo of Dhalmora hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Shadowfen name = The Ample Domicile nickname = Stormhold House purchasable = true referenceId = 11 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143D053CB50 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143FC32EA58 (meta 00000143140B4250} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143D053CB50 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:000001431D986750 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143609B6318 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pc_collections_housing_ebonheartpactinn.dds collectibleId = 1062 description = The Dark Elves may not worship Dibella, but down at the cornerclubs they show that they still know how to have a good time—in their own special way.\nRoom is too small for Dueling. hint = Purchase Requires:\n\"Room to Spare\" House Quest Completion houseCategoryType = 1 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Stonefalls name = The Ebony Flask Inn Room nickname = Ebonheart Inn purchasable = false referenceId = 3 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:000001430987B1A8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143E6C8E790 (meta 00000143CFE6C2F8} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143609B5F48 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:0000014309888198 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} 38 = table:00000143D053CB50 (meta 000001432E003D68} 39 = table:000001430987B1A8 (meta 000001432E003D68} 4 = table:00000143B822F400 (meta 000001432E003D68} 40 = table:0000014309888198 (meta 000001432E003D68} 41 = table:00000143E4C50BF8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143609D81F8 (meta 00000143D5870AE0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143E4C50BF8 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143609D82C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143609B3618 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_redguardsmall.dds collectibleId = 1093 description = It may be small but it's solid, and it keeps the sandstorms out. The scenery is magnificent, but if you're in the mood for civilization, it's right outside the south gate of Hallin's Stand. hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 1 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Bangkorai name = Twin Arches nickname = Hallin's Stand House purchasable = true referenceId = 34 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143E03A5550 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001431B70C6E8 (meta 00000143F76E1940} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143E03A5550 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:000001431B70C7B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143609B2BB0 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_dunmermedium.dds collectibleId = 1079 description = This charming abode was named after both the Prophet Veloth who founded the surrounding town of Narsis, and the Velothi Mountains that rise above the walled garden at its rear. hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Deshaan name = Velothi Reverie nickname = Narsis House purchasable = true referenceId = 20 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} 42 = table:00000143E03A5550 (meta 000001432E003D68} 5 = table:00000143B822D340 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143B822DC00 (meta 00000143B822B5D8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143B822D340 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143D900A828 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143A0A69C98 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_altmersmall.dds collectibleId = 1066 description = Would you want to live in an old stone house just across a dark jungle stream from a haunted Ayleid ruin? Silly question—who wouldn't? hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 1 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Malabal Tor name = Black Vine Villa nickname = Black Vine House purchasable = true referenceId = 7 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143B822EBA8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143B822B7B0 (meta 00000143B8229188} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143B822EBA8 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:0000014345CE5EE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143A0A6AC70 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_bosmermedium.dds collectibleId = 1073 description = When civilization grows too confining, it's a relief to be able to withdraw into a handsome home in the wilds—especially one with an imposing wall around it, to keep out beasts and bandits. hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 2 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Greenshade name = Bouldertree Refuge nickname = Longhaven House purchasable = true referenceId = 14 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143A98BFB98 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143B82293E0 (meta 00000143D9007030} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A0A686E8 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143A98BE918 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} 6 = table:00000143B822EBA8 (meta 000001432E003D68} 7 = table:00000143A98BFB98 (meta 000001432E003D68} 8 = table:00000143A98BE918 (meta 000001432E003D68} 9 = table:00000143B8227680 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143B82279F0 (meta 00000143B8227B10} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143B8227680 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143B8227AB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143A0A6A828 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_imperialsmall.dds collectibleId = 1084 description = An Imperial, of course, is at home anywhere in Tamriel. This compact house at the Baandari Trading Post in Malabal Tor is a bit of Cyrodiil in Valenwood, and just steps away from the fine food and drink at the Silver Moons Inn. hint = Available for purchase! houseCategoryType = 1 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Malabal Tor name = Cyrodilic Jungle House nickname = Baandari House purchasable = true referenceId = 25 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143B8226980 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143B8226CA8 (meta 00000143D90070D0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143B8226980 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143B8226D70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} data = table:00000143A0A64370 firstTable active = false background = /esoui/art/store/pchousing/pc_collections_housing_daggerfallcovenantmanor.dds collectibleId = 1097 description = Before Daggerfall Castle was built, the kingdom's rulers lived in this imposing manor, now known as Daggerfall Overlook. The keep comes complete with a lower dungeon level. hint = Purchase Requires:\n\"Hero of the Daggerfall Covenant\" Achievement houseCategoryType = 3 isPrimaryResidence = false location = Glenumbra name = Daggerfall Overlook nickname = Daenia Dolmen Manor purchasable = true referenceId = 38 sortOrder = 0 unlockState = 0 unlocked = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143B8223F08 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143B822B6F0 (meta 00000143B82255C0} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:00000143A0A64050 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:000001431321C8A0 nextNode = table:00000143B8223158 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 924.00006103516 control = userdata:00000144C258CD30 (meta 00000143D9008450} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014368830CB0 OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368830CF0 OnMouseUp() = function:0000014368830D30 allowIconScaling = false animationTemplate = IconHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:00000143D900A628 (meta 00000143D9007150} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000144C258BD90 (meta 0000014308367FC0} iconHighlight = userdata:00000143D900A6F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} node = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} text = userdata:00000143D900A7B0 (meta 00000144C258CB18} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false data = Not Collected enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:0000014313214CF0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childContainer = userdata:0000014345CE5EB0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 children = table:00000144C258D918 firstTable 1 = table:0000014345CE5E48 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childContainer = userdata:00000144C258BD60 (meta 0000014308354BA8} childIndent = 60 childSpacing = 0 children = table:00000144C25892E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C258DDB8 (meta 000001432E003D68} 2 = table:00000144C258BDA0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable 3 = table:00000144C2587CB0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childrenCurrentHeight = 66 childrenHeight = 66 control = userdata:00000143609B1060 (meta 00000144C258D7C0} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014368830CB0 OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368830CF0 OnMouseUp() = function:0000014368830D30 allowIconScaling = false animationTemplate = IconHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:00000143609B1120 (meta 00000144C258CD48} firstMeta firstIndex iconHighlight = userdata:00000144C258DC58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} node = table:0000014345CE5E48 (meta 000001432E003D68} text = userdata:00000144C258DD18 (meta 00000144C258DD70} firstMeta firstIndex data = Collected enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} open = true openPercentage = 1 parentNode = table:0000014313214CF0 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_CategorySelected selected = false setupFunction() = function:000001431321FDA0 templateInfo = table:00000143132239A8 firstTable childSpacing = 0 equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 objectPool = table:000001431321FF90 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable setupFunction() = function:000001431321FDA0 template = ZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationHeader_Keyboard tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable childContainerPool = table:0000014313223918 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable control = userdata:00000143D617D270 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = false exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:00000143132238C8 openAnimationPool = table:0000014313229E00 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:0000014313214CF0 (meta 000001432E003D68} scrollControl = userdata:00000143CCAE90F8 (meta 00000143D617D378} firstMeta firstIndex selectedNode = table:00000144C258DDB8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable suspendAnimations = false templateInfo = table:0000014313221868 firstTable width = 300 2 = table:00000144C2586D60 (meta 000001432E003D68} childrenCurrentHeight = 152 childrenHeight = 1076.0000610352 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} selectSound = Journal_Progress_CategorySelected selected = false setupFunction() = function:000001431321FDA0 templateInfo = table:00000143132239A8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431321B988 setupFunction() = function:0000014313220020 templateInfo = table:000001431321B1E8 tree = table:0000014313220538 (meta 000001431679AD50} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143FC32B718 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard23StatusIcon = userdata:00000143FC32B718 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard24 = userdata:00000143FC329940 (meta 00000143FC32B7C8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard24StatusIcon = userdata:00000143FC329A08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard25 = userdata:00000143FC328C50 (meta 00000143FC328D28} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard25StatusIcon = userdata:00000143FC328D18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard26 = userdata:00000143FC329B20 (meta 00000143D9013410} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard26StatusIcon = userdata:00000143FC329B50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard27 = userdata:00000143D9013560 (meta 00000143D9013638} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:00000143B821EC70 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:00000143D9013628 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard27StatusIcon = userdata:00000143D9013628 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard28 = userdata:00000143D90110C8 (meta 00000143D90111A0} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard28StatusIcon = userdata:00000143D9011190 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_HousingBook_KeyboardNavigationListScrollChildZO_SpecializedCollection_Book_NavigationEntry_Keyboard29 = userdata:00000143D900D6D8 (meta 00000143D900D7B0} 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ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:0000014320FF7768 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:0000014320FF8170 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:0000014320FF1478 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:0000014320FF1448 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList1 = userdata:00000143F5AE2DA8 (meta 00000143F5AE0D48} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList1List = userdata:00000143F5AE0A38 (meta 00000143F5AE1020} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143F5AE1CB0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143F5AE0E18 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143F5AE57B8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143F5AE5FB8 control = userdata:00000143F5AE2DA8 (meta 00000143F5AE0D48} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143F5AE0A38 (meta 00000143F5AE1020} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F5AE5800 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143F5AE5848 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143F5AE58D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5AE5920 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143F5AE5968 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143F5AE5D18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5AE5E70 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143F5AE5EB8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143F5AE0C48 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143F5AE54E8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143F5AE5530 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5AE5578 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5AE51D8 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143F5AE5640 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5AE56E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5AE55F8 3 = false 2 = table:00000143F5AE63A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5AE2798 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143F5AE13F8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143F5AE0A38 (meta 00000143F5AE1020} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143F5AE17D0 firstTable dataList = table:00000143F5AE14C0 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143F5AE13B0 firstTable ZO_GamepadHousingItemEntryTemplate = table:00000143F5AE6678 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AE6528 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F5AE6570 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AE65B8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList1ListScrollItemEntry parent = userdata:00000143F5AE0AD8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadHousingItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143F5AE6428 ZO_GamepadHousingItemEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143F5AE5180 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AE6CC0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F5AE6F18 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143F5AE6E18 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143F5AE6ED8 m_Active = table:00000143F5AE6D08 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AE6D50 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList1ListScrollItemEntryWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143F5AE0AD8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadHousingItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143F5AE6428 ZO_GamepadHousingMPEntryTemplate = table:00000143F5AE7370 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AE6F58 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F5AE7268 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AE72B0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList1ListScrollMPEntry parent = userdata:00000143F5AE0AD8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadHousingMPEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143F5AE6468 ZO_GamepadHousingMPEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143F5AE6AD0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AE6B18 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F5AE7C30 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143F5AE7B68 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143F5AE7BF0 m_Active = table:00000143F5AE7A58 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AE7AA0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList1ListScrollMPEntryWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143F5AE0AD8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadHousingMPEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143F5AE6468 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143F5AE1C08 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AE1860 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F5AE18A8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AE18F0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList1ListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143F5AE0AD8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143F5AE1A80 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AE1AC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F5AE5140 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143F5AE5078 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143F5AE5100 m_Active = table:00000143F5AE1B10 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AE4F98 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList1ListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143F5AE0AD8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143F5AE0E90 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143F5AE1D48 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F5AE0CF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143F5AE1598 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F5AE0F30 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143F5AE1550 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F5AE15E0 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143F5AE0AD8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143F5AE0F78 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143F5AE1508 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143F5AE1818 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143F5AE1788 firstTable ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList1ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143F5AE0B88 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList1ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143F5AE0C48 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList1ListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F5AE0CF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList1ListScroll = userdata:00000143F5AE0AD8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList2 = userdata:00000143F5AE9398 (meta 00000143F5AE3150} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143F5AE2E40 (meta 00000143F5AE3428} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143F5AE40B8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143F5AE3220 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143F5AE5760 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143F5AEC5A8 control = userdata:00000143F5AE9398 (meta 00000143F5AE3150} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F5AEBDF8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143F5AEBE40 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143F5AEBED0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5AEBF18 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143F5AEBF60 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143F5AEBFA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5AEC460 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143F5AEC4A8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143F5AE3050 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143F5AEBAD8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143F5AEBB20 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5AEBB68 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5AEB7C8 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143F5AEBC30 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5AEBCD0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5AEBBE8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143F5AE3800 firstTable control = userdata:00000143F5AE2E40 (meta 00000143F5AE3428} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143F5AE3BD8 firstTable dataList = table:00000143F5AE38C8 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143F5AE37B8 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143F5AE4010 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AE3C68 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F5AE3CB0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AE3CF8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList2ListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143F5AE2EE0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143F5AE3E88 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AE3ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F5AEB730 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143F5AEB668 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143F5AEB6F0 m_Active = table:00000143F5AE3F18 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AEB588 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList2ListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143F5AE2EE0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143F5AE3298 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143F5AE4150 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F5AE30F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143F5AE39A0 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F5AE3338 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143F5AE3958 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F5AE39E8 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143F5AE2EE0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143F5AE3380 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143F5AE3910 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143F5AE3C20 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143F5AE3B90 firstTable ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList2List = userdata:00000143F5AE2E40 (meta 00000143F5AE3428} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList2ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143F5AE2F90 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList2ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143F5AE3050 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList2ListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F5AE30F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList2ListScroll = userdata:00000143F5AE2EE0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList3 = userdata:00000143F5AEC820 (meta 00000143F5AE9740} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143F5AE9430 (meta 00000143F5AE9A18} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143F5AEA6A8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143F5AE9810 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143F5AEF1D8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143F5AEF9D0 control = userdata:00000143F5AEC820 (meta 00000143F5AE9740} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F5AEF220 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143F5AEF268 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143F5AEF2F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5AEF340 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143F5AEF388 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143F5AEF3D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5AEF888 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143F5AEF8D0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143F5AE9640 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143F5AEEF60 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143F5AEEFA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5AEEFF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5AEEC50 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143F5AEF0B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5AEF158 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5AEF070 3 = false 2 = table:00000143F5AEFD88 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5AE8C68 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143F5AE9DF0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143F5AE9430 (meta 00000143F5AE9A18} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143F5AEA1C8 firstTable dataList = table:00000143F5AE9EB8 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143F5AE9DA8 firstTable ZO_GamepadHousingItemEntryTemplate = table:00000143F5AF00B0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AEFF30 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F5AEFF78 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AEFFF0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList3ListScrollItemEntry parent = userdata:00000143F5AE94D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadHousingItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143F5AEFE30 ZO_GamepadHousingItemEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143F5AEEBF8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AF06F8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F5AF0918 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143F5AF0850 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143F5AF08D8 m_Active = table:00000143F5AF0740 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AF0788 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList3ListScrollItemEntryWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143F5AE94D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadHousingItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143F5AEFE30 ZO_GamepadHousingMPEntryTemplate = table:00000143E6E0D468 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E6E0D020 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E6E0D068 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E6E0D0B0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList3ListScrollMPEntry parent = userdata:00000143F5AE94D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadHousingMPEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143F5AEFE70 ZO_GamepadHousingMPEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E6E0D4B0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E6E0D4F8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E6E0DCF0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E6E0D0F8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E6E0DCB0 m_Active = table:00000143E6E0D540 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E6E0D588 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList3ListScrollMPEntryWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143F5AE94D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadHousingMPEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143F5AEFE70 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143F5AEA600 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AEA258 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F5AEA2A0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AEA2E8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList3ListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143F5AE94D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143F5AEA478 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AEA4C0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F5AEEBB8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143F5AEEAF0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143F5AEEB78 m_Active = table:00000143F5AEA508 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AEEA10 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList3ListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143F5AE94D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143F5AE9888 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143F5AEA740 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F5AE96E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143F5AE9F90 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F5AE9928 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143F5AE9F48 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F5AE9FD8 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143F5AE94D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143F5AE9970 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143F5AE9F00 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143F5AEA210 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143F5AEA180 firstTable ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList3List = userdata:00000143F5AE9430 (meta 00000143F5AE9A18} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList3ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143F5AE9580 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList3ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143F5AE9640 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList3ListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F5AE96E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList3ListScroll = userdata:00000143F5AE94D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList4 = userdata:00000143E6E0F6C0 (meta 00000143F5AECBC8} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList4List = userdata:00000143F5AEC8B8 (meta 00000143F5AECEA0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143F5AEDB30 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143F5AECC98 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143F5AEBD50 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E6E12928 control = userdata:00000143E6E0F6C0 (meta 00000143F5AECBC8} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143F5AEC8B8 (meta 00000143F5AECEA0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143F5AEBD98 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E6E121C0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E6E12250 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E12298 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E6E122E0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E6E12328 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E127E0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E6E12828 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143F5AECAC8 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E6E11E00 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E6E11E48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E11E90 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6E11AF0 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143E6E11F58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E11FF8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6E11F10 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143F5AED278 firstTable control = userdata:00000143F5AEC8B8 (meta 00000143F5AECEA0} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143F5AED650 firstTable dataList = table:00000143F5AED340 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143F5AED230 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143F5AEDA88 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143F5AED6E0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F5AED728 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F5AED770 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList4ListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143F5AEC958 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = 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true dirtyEvents = table:00000143F5AECD10 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143F5AEDBC8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F5AECB70 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143F5AED418 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F5AECDB0 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143F5AED3D0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F5AED460 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143F5AEC958 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143F5AECDF8 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143F5AED388 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143F5AED698 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143F5AED608 firstTable ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList4ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143F5AECA08 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList4ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143F5AECAC8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList4ListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F5AECB70 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList4ListScroll = userdata:00000143F5AEC958 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 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yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E6E15708 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E6E15750 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E15C08 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E6E15C50 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143E6E0F968 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E6E152E0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E6E15328 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E15370 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6E14FD0 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143E6E15438 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E6E154D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6E153F0 3 = false 2 = table:00000143E6E16108 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E6E0EEC0 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E6E10118 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E6E0F758 (meta 00000143E6E0FD40} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E6E104F0 firstTable dataList = table:00000143E6E101E0 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143E6E100D0 firstTable ZO_GamepadHousingItemEntryTemplate = table:00000143E6E16408 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E6E16288 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E6E162D0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E6E16348 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList5ListScrollItemEntry parent = userdata:00000143E6E0F7F8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = 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customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E6E17978 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E6E178B0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E6E17938 m_Active = table:00000143E6E177A0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E6E177E8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerSubList5ListScrollMPEntryWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E6E0F7F8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadHousingMPEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143E6E161C8 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143E6E10928 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E6E10580 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E6E105C8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E6E10610 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 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function:0000014308331290 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:00000143083317D0 SetClickSound() = function:0000014308330CA8 SetDesaturation() = function:0000014308330DF8 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:00000143083318B0 SetDimensions() = function:0000014308330F10 SetDisabledFontColor() = function:0000014308330498 SetDisabledPressedFontColor() = function:0000014308330C30 SetDisabledPressedTexture() = function:00000143083216C8 SetDisabledTexture() = function:0000014308321658 SetDrawLayer() = function:00000143083319F8 SetDrawLevel() = function:0000014308331A68 SetDrawTier() = function:00000143083319C0 SetEnabled() = function:0000014308317418 SetEndCapWidth() = function:0000014308330E30 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:0000014308331648 SetFont() = function:0000014308330310 SetHandler() = function:0000014308331AD8 SetHeight() = function:0000014308330958 SetHidden() = function:0000014308330B50 SetHitInsets() = function:0000014308331760 SetHorizontalAlignment() = function:0000014308330D10 SetId() = function:0000014308331568 SetInheritAlpha() = function:0000014308331488 SetInheritScale() = function:00000143083314F8 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:0000014308331370 SetMouseEnabled() = function:0000014308331300 SetMouseOverBlendMode() = function:0000014308321760 SetMouseOverFontColor() = function:00000143083303B8 SetMouseOverTexture() = function:00000143083174C0 SetMovable() = function:0000014308331418 SetNormalFontColor() = function:0000014308330348 SetNormalOffset() = function:0000014308330680 SetNormalTexture() = function:0000014308317450 SetParent() = function:00000143083309C8 SetPixelRoundingEnabled() = function:00000143083305A0 SetPressedFontColor() = function:0000014308330428 SetPressedMouseOverTexture() = function:00000143083215E0 SetPressedOffset() = function:0000014308330268 SetPressedTexture() = function:00000143083217D0 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:0000014308331450 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:00000143083315D8 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function:00000144DD5D8C50 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Add Ignore 4 = table:00000144DD5D7F20 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001448F89D208 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_STICK name() = function:000001448F89D028 alignment = 1 manager = table:000001448F89C7D8 (meta 000001442806C1B8} nextFocus = table:00000144DD5B51D8 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000143F0F6B778 deactivateCallback() = function:00000143F0F6A6E8 keybindDescriptor = table:00000144DD5D6680 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5D71C8 firstTable callback() = function:00000144DD5D7440 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Sort 2 = table:00000144DD5D76F8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:00000144DD5D8970 4 = table:00000144DD5D7F20 alignment = 1 manager = table:000001448F89C7D8 (meta 000001442806C1B8} nextFocus = table:00000144DD5C11D0 (meta 00000143AA17A038} firstTable activateCallback() = function:00000144DD5C0D68 deactivateCallback() = function:00000144DD5C1148 keybindDescriptor = table:00000144DD5D2A60 firstTable 1 = table:00000144DD5D2BE0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000144DD5D3F38 enabled() = function:00000144DD5D2E00 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Console_Menu_Forward 2 = table:00000144DD5D5A08 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000143F993DD98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:00000143CACAD850 3 = table:00000144DD5D7998 firstTable callback() = function:00000144DD5D7CA8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:00000144DD5D81A8 firstTable callback() = function:00000144DD5D8320 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER 5 = table:00000144DD5D8970 6 = table:00000144DD5D7F20 manager = table:000001448F89C7D8 (meta 000001442806C1B8} nextFocus = false previousFocus = table:00000144DD5B51D8 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} previousFocus = table:00000143F0F6B6F8 (meta 000001434613F5C8} previousFocus = false headersContainer = userdata:000001448F888DA8 (meta 000001430831E750} headersFocalArea = table:00000144DD5B51D8 (meta 00000143AA17DD18} keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000144DD5D2A60 list = userdata:000001448F896238 (meta 000001448F897D98} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:000001448F8983C0 firstTable animation = userdata:000001448F898BC8 (meta 000001448F898F30} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001448F896238 (meta 000001448F897D98} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:000001448F898708 firstTable contents = userdata:00000144DD5E8FE0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:000001448F898240 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001448F8971F0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014310376E40 firstTable height = 80 pool = table:00000143103768F8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014310376BA0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014310366988 m_Free = table:0000014310376C90 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143103759E0 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000001448F886338 (meta 0000014308349FC8} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001448F899748 (meta 000001448F896A48} selectionCallback() = function:00000143F0F95800 selectionTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterDefaultHighlight timeline = userdata:000001448F898A58 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 80 upButton = userdata:000001448F8862B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:0000014310377318 firstTable listFragment = table:000001448F89D448 (meta 0000014457A4A9D8} masterList = table:000001448F899D38 firstTable 1 = table:000001448F899FE0 firstTable displayName = @Omnikevfka ignoreIndex = 1 note = type = 1 10 = table:000001448F89AAD0 firstTable displayName = @jboogie62 ignoreIndex = 10 note = type = 1 11 = table:000001448F89ABF0 firstTable displayName = @Jamesrank ignoreIndex = 11 note = type = 1 12 = table:000001448F89AD10 firstTable displayName = @pokgild2654 ignoreIndex = 12 note = type = 1 13 = table:000001448F89AE38 firstTable displayName = @Mr_Marshall2001 ignoreIndex = 13 note = type = 1 14 = table:000001448F89AF58 firstTable displayName = @kayfthg ignoreIndex = 14 note = type = 1 15 = table:000001448F89B078 firstTable displayName = @wlifiebros ignoreIndex = 15 note = type = 1 16 = table:000001448F89B198 firstTable displayName = @bmtdoniva ignoreIndex = 16 note = type = 1 17 = table:000001448F89B2B8 firstTable displayName = @gaoartym986 ignoreIndex = 17 note = type = 1 18 = table:000001448F89B3D8 firstTable displayName = @mayu05 ignoreIndex = 18 note = type = 1 19 = table:000001448F89B4F8 firstTable displayName = @fnecro ignoreIndex = 19 note = type = 1 2 = table:000001448F89A120 firstTable displayName = @miaucheri ignoreIndex = 2 note = type = 1 20 = table:000001448F89B620 firstTable displayName = @rishardnelson ignoreIndex = 20 note = type = 1 21 = table:000001448F89B740 firstTable displayName = @gonchonsi ignoreIndex = 21 note = type = 1 22 = table:000001448F89B860 firstTable displayName = @nmcxiaoahe ignoreIndex = 22 note = type = 1 23 = table:000001448F89B980 firstTable displayName = @EZ_Killer ignoreIndex = 23 note = type = 1 24 = table:000001448F89BAA0 firstTable displayName = @fullbooster ignoreIndex = 24 note = type = 1 25 = table:000001448F89BBC8 firstTable displayName = @theoraclesome123 ignoreIndex = 25 note = type = 1 26 = table:000001448F89BCE8 firstTable displayName = @iyaxilloco ignoreIndex = 26 note = type = 1 27 = table:000001448F89BE08 firstTable displayName = @kairui11 ignoreIndex = 27 note = type = 1 28 = table:000001448F89BF28 firstTable displayName = @Matthew1924 ignoreIndex = 28 note = type = 1 29 = table:000001448F89C048 firstTable displayName = @qmpartish ignoreIndex = 29 note = type = 1 3 = table:000001448F89A268 firstTable displayName = @ijimerre325 ignoreIndex = 3 note = type = 1 4 = table:000001448F89A3D0 firstTable displayName = @bmaaskelq ignoreIndex = 4 note = type = 1 5 = table:000001448F89A4F0 firstTable displayName = @umybengwme ignoreIndex = 5 note = type = 1 6 = table:000001448F89A358 firstTable displayName = @mayu04 ignoreIndex = 6 note = type = 1 7 = table:000001448F89A770 firstTable displayName = @seaverstryn ignoreIndex = 7 note = type = 1 8 = table:000001448F89A890 firstTable displayName = @Lowbei ignoreIndex = 8 note = type = 1 9 = table:000001448F89A9B0 firstTable displayName = @dahdahua ignoreIndex = 9 note = type = 1 movementController = table:00000143F0F93118 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 optionTemplateGroups = table:00000143103581A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014310360328 firstTable headerFunction() = function:000001431DC98928 options = table:0000014310360538 firstTable 1 = table:00000143103711E8 firstTable buildFunction() = function:0000014320940898 2 = table:0000014310372088 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000143EA7793C0 conditionFunction() = function:00000143CACAD7E8 panelFocalArea = table:00000144DD5C11D0 (meta 00000143AA17A038} searchEdit = userdata:000001442806E660 (meta 00000144DD5C97B0} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true searchProcessor = table:00000143F0F9AD50 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:00000143F0F9B158 firstTable processors = table:00000143F0F9B3E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F0F9B5D8 socialManager = table:000001448F899CA8 (meta 000001448F899890} firstTable firstMeta lists = table:000001448F899CF0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144280853D0 (meta 0000014428078020} firstTable firstMeta alternateRowBackgrounds = true automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:0000014428078698 (meta 0000014308326048} currentSortKey = displayName currentSortOrder = true emptyRow = userdata:0000014428087010 (meta 000001430831E750} headersContainer = userdata:0000014428083668 (meta 000001430831E750} list = userdata:0000014428084BD0 (meta 0000014428085058} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000144280851C0 firstTable animation = userdata:00000144280852B8 (meta 0000014428085310} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000014428084BD0 (meta 0000014428085058} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000014428085250 firstTable contents = userdata:0000014428084C48 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000144280850D0 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000014428084FC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014428087068 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:0000014428086F60 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000014428086E70 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:0000014428084EC8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false highlightTemplate = ZO_ThinListHighlight mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:0000014428084CC0 (meta 0000014428084F80} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:0000014428084F28 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:0000014428084EF8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:00000144280850C0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 30 upButton = userdata:0000014428084E48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000144280871D8 firstTable sortFunction() = function:00000144280870B0 sortHeaderGroup = table:0000014428085498 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:0000014428085500 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:0000014428085800 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:0000014428085848 firstTable 1 = table:00000144280858C0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000014428085510 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:0000014428083668 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:0000014428085738 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:0000014428084AA0 (meta 0000014428084B28} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = displayName selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:0000014428085498 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:00000144280856A8 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014428084AA0 (meta 0000014428084B28} 2 = table:000001448F89C7D8 (meta 000001442806C1B8} masterList = table:000001448F899D38 noteEditedFunction() = function:000001448F899FA0 search = table:000001448F899D80 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable cache = false data = table:000001448F899DC8 firstTable processors = table:000001448F899E10 firstTable 1() = function:000001448F899F00 sortFunction() = function:00000143F0F9ACA8 sortHeaderGroup = table:000001448F89CAA0 (meta 0000014368605B08} sortKeys = table:000001448F899800 firstTable displayName = table:000001448F899848 firstTable ZO_INTERACTION_SYSTEM_NAME = interact ZO_INTERACT_CENTER_OFFSET = 40 ZO_INVENTORY_STAT_GROUPS = table:000001431C6DC228 firstTable 1 = table:000001431C6DD098 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 5 3 = 7 4 = 8 5 = 29 6 = 30 2 = table:000001431C6DF2A0 firstTable 1 = 25 2 = 23 3 = 35 4 = 16 3 = table:000001431C6D32C8 firstTable 1 = 13 2 = 22 3 = 24 4 = table:00000143FBC8DB00 firstTable 1 = 34 2 = 33 5 = table:000001431C6DC3D0 firstTable 1 = -100 2 = -101 6 = table:00000143FBCAF9A8 firstTable 1 = -102 2 = -103 ZO_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORIES_DATA = table:00000143D4A77958 firstTable categoryEnumOrderedValues = table:00000143D4A77A48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 2 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 categoryEnumStringPrefix = SI_CUSTOMERSERVICEITEMASSISTANCECATEGORIES invalidCategory = 0 ticketCategoryMap = table:00000143D4A77AE8 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4A77BD8 firstTable ticketCategory = 850 3 = table:00000143D4A6FFF8 firstTable ticketCategory = 851 4 = table:00000143D4A70070 firstTable ticketCategory = 852 5 = table:00000143D4A700E8 firstTable ticketCategory = 853 ZO_ITEM_PREVIEW_COLLECTIBLE_AS_FURNITURE = 3 ZO_ITEM_PREVIEW_FURNITURE_MARKET_PRODUCT = 6 ZO_ITEM_PREVIEW_INVENTORY_ITEM_AS_FURNITURE = 2 ZO_ITEM_PREVIEW_MARKET_PRODUCT = 1 ZO_ITEM_PREVIEW_PLACED_FURNITURE = 4 ZO_ITEM_PREVIEW_PROVISIONER_ITEM_AS_FURNITURE = 5 ZO_ITEM_PREVIEW_STORE_ENTRY_AS_FURNITURE = 8 ZO_ITEM_PREVIEW_TRADING_HOUSE_SEARCH_RESULT_AS_FURNITURE = 7 ZO_ITEM_PREVIEW_WAIT_TIME_MS = 500 ZO_ITEM_TOOLTIP_BANK_TITLE_COUNT = bank ZO_ITEM_TOOLTIP_CRAFTBAG_TITLE_COUNT = craftbag ZO_ITEM_TOOLTIP_INVENTORY_AND_BANK_AND_CRAFTBAG_TITLE_COUNT = inventoryAndBankAndCraftbag ZO_ITEM_TOOLTIP_INVENTORY_AND_BANK_TITLE_COUNT = inventoryAndBank ZO_ITEM_TOOLTIP_INVENTORY_TITLE_COUNT = inventory ZO_IconAchievement1 = userdata:00000143E02F6470 (meta 00000143E02F6480} ZO_IconAchievement1EmergencyBG = userdata:00000143E02F75D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement1Frame = userdata:00000143E02F7308 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement1Icon = userdata:00000143E02F7298 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement2 = userdata:00000143E02F6898 (meta 00000144C755DB60} ZO_IconAchievement2EmergencyBG = userdata:00000143E02F6910 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement2Frame = userdata:00000143E02F65F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement2Icon = userdata:00000143E02F6980 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement3 = userdata:00000144C755DC20 (meta 00000143C8062B30} ZO_IconAchievement3EmergencyBG = userdata:00000144C755DF90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement3Frame = userdata:00000143C8062AD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement3Icon = userdata:00000144C755DFC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement4 = userdata:00000143C8062F20 (meta 00000144D078B428} ZO_IconAchievement4EmergencyBG = userdata:00000143C8062CB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement4Frame = userdata:00000144D078B3D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement4Icon = userdata:00000144D078B360 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement5 = userdata:00000144D078B838 (meta 00000144D078B9E8} ZO_IconAchievement5EmergencyBG = userdata:00000144D078B8B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement5Frame = userdata:00000144D078B990 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement5Icon = userdata:00000144D078B920 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement6 = 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0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:00000143F28EC500 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemData = table:00000143F28D00E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F28D0098 filterType = 6407 name = All Achievements m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000143F28EC428 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 firstTable name = table:000001431679A8E0 firstTable m_sortedItems = table:00000143F28EC750 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F28D00E0 2 = table:00000143F28D0228 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F28D0098 filterType = 6408 name = Show Earned 3 = table:00000143F28E87C0 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F28D0098 filterType = 6409 name = Show Unearned m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 4 categoryInset = userdata:00000143F28EBAE0 (meta 000001430831E750} categoryLabel = userdata:00000143F28EBB50 (meta 00000143083425C0} categoryProgress = userdata:00000143F28EBBC8 (meta 00000143F28EC180} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143F28EBC40 (meta 0000014308340698} categoryTree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} firstTable firstMeta childContainerPool = table:000001430FD8C728 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143F28CC458 m_Active = table:000001430FD6CB60 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001430FD6D4F8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 10 = userdata:00000143F0FA3CE8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 11 = userdata:000001431410DDC0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 12 = userdata:000001431410ED90 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 2 = userdata:000001430FD6DEE8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 3 = userdata:000001430FD68A78 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 4 = userdata:00000144081C6C40 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 5 = userdata:00000143F28DE420 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 6 = userdata:00000143F28E0BE0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 7 = userdata:00000143F28E2248 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 8 = userdata:00000143E389E8B0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} 9 = userdata:000001431038A558 (meta 0000014308354BA8} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001430FD93540 firstTable m_NextControlId = 12 m_NextFree = 13 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AchievementsContentsCategoriesScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:00000143F28E9398 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:00000143F28E9398 (meta 000001430831E750} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:000001430FD8C6D8 exclusivePath = table:000001442808FD98 firstTable 1 = table:000001430FD6CD80 (meta 000001432E003D68} 2 = table:000001430FD6CB18 (meta 000001432E003D68} openAnimationPool = table:00000143F28C9128 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:000001430FD6CC80 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000001430FD93110 m_Free = table:000001439D877908 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143F28C90E8 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:000001430FD6CB18 (meta 000001432E003D68} scrollControl = userdata:00000143F28E8FB8 (meta 00000143F28E93F0} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143F28E9488 (meta 00000143F28E94E0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143F28E8FB8 (meta 00000143F28E93F0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000143F28E9038 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:00000143F28E9228 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:00000143F28E91F8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:00000143F28E90B8 (meta 00000143F28E92E0} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143F28E9288 (meta 000001430836A030} areaOver = false targetAlpha = 0.5 timeline = userdata:00000143F28E9258 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:00000143F28E9458 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 selectedNode = table:000001430FD6CD80 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable firstMeta childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001430FD6CE80 (meta 000001430FD6D248} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014368830CB0 OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368830CF0 OnMouseUp() = function:000001431679F2D0 SetSelected() = function:00000143EA505DF0 allowIconScaling = true animationTemplate = IconHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:000001430FD6CF20 (meta 000001430FD6D360} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:000001430FD6CDE8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} iconHighlight = userdata:000001430FD6CFC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} node = table:000001430FD6CD80 (meta 000001432E003D68} text = userdata:000001430FD6D068 (meta 000001430FD6D0C0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable firstMeta a = 1 b = 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table:00000143141118E0 (meta 000001432E003D68} 11 = table:000001431410ED28 firstTable node = table:00000143F0FA1B38 (meta 000001432E003D68} subCategories = table:000001431410EDA0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431410F140 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001431410F780 (meta 000001431410F7D8} data = table:000001431410F0F8 firstTable categoryIndex = 1 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_dlc_over.dds name = Clockwork City node = table:000001431410F140 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_dlc_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F0FA2230 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_dlc_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:000001448F8B7118 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = 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000001432E003D68} 4 = table:000001431410F8F8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001448F8B7BA0 (meta 000001448F8B4BC0} data = table:000001431410F8B0 firstTable categoryIndex = 4 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_dlc_over.dds name = Dark Brotherhood node = table:000001431410F8F8 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_dlc_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F0FA2230 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_dlc_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:000001448F8B7DA0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001448F8B7E98 (meta 000001448F8B7EF0} data = table:000001448F8B7D58 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:0000014314110940 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F0FA1B38 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F0FA1B38 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 5 = table:000001448F8B7DA0 (meta 000001432E003D68} 6 = table:0000014314110940 (meta 000001432E003D68} 7 = table:000001442808DDE0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:0000014314110A90 (meta 000001442808F2E0} data = table:000001442808DD98 firstTable categoryIndex = 7 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_dlc_over.dds name = Imperial City node = table:000001442808DDE0 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_dlc_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F0FA2230 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_dlc_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F0FA1B38 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 2 = table:00000144081C9F38 firstTable node = table:000001430FD72178 (meta 000001432E003D68} subCategories = table:00000144081C9F80 firstTable 0 = table:00000143DA7769C8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001430FD6ACD8 (meta 000001430FD69960} data = table:00000143DA776980 firstTable categoryIndex = 2 hidesUnearned = false isFakedSubcategory = true mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_alliancewar_over.dds name = General node = table:00000143DA7769C8 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_alliancewar_up.dds parentData = table:000001430FD6E8C0 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_alliancewar_down.dds summary = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143DA775948 (meta 000001432E003D68} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001430FD72178 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 1 = table:00000143DA775948 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000144081C95B8 (meta 00000144081C9610} data = table:00000143DA775900 firstTable categoryIndex = 1 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_alliancewar_over.dds name = Alliance War node = table:00000143DA775948 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_alliancewar_up.dds parentData = table:000001430FD6E8C0 firstTable pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_alliancewar_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:000001430FD71370 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001430FD713D8 (meta 000001430FD71430} data = table:000001430FD71328 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001430FD72178 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001430FD72178 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 2 = table:000001430FD71370 (meta 000001432E003D68} 3 = table:00000144081C6BD8 firstTable node = table:000001430FD6C5F0 (meta 000001432E003D68} subCategories = table:00000144081C6C50 firstTable 0 = table:00000144081C7008 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000144081C7070 (meta 00000144081C5E98} data = table:00000144081C6D38 firstTable categoryIndex = 3 hidesUnearned = false isFakedSubcategory = true mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_crafting_over.dds name = General node = table:00000144081C7008 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_crafting_up.dds parentData = table:00000144081C9710 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_crafting_down.dds summary = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000144081C6058 (meta 000001432E003D68} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001430FD6C5F0 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 1 = table:00000144081C6058 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001431DEA9B68 (meta 00000144081C6808} data = table:00000144081C6010 firstTable categoryIndex = 1 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_crafting_over.dds name = Alchemy node = table:00000144081C6058 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_crafting_up.dds parentData = table:00000144081C9710 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_crafting_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000144081C68F0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = 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000001432E003D68} 4 = table:000001430FD6FC78 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001430FD6F6C8 (meta 000001430FD6FD70} data = table:000001430FD6FC30 firstTable categoryIndex = 4 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_crafting_over.dds name = Enchanting node = table:000001430FD6FC78 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_crafting_up.dds parentData = table:00000144081C9710 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_crafting_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:000001431DEAD650 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001431DEAD720 (meta 000001431DEAD778} data = table:000001430FD6EA30 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:000001431DEACEC8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001430FD6C5F0 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001430FD6C5F0 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 5 = table:000001431DEAD650 (meta 000001432E003D68} 6 = table:000001431DEACEC8 (meta 000001432E003D68} 4 = table:00000144081C9EF0 firstTable node = table:00000143F28DDCF0 (meta 000001432E003D68} subCategories = table:00000143F28DE430 firstTable 0 = table:00000143F28DE518 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F28DE5E8 (meta 00000143F28DE640} data = table:00000143F28DE4D0 firstTable categoryIndex = 4 hidesUnearned = false isFakedSubcategory = true mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_dungeons_over.dds name = General node = table:00000143F28DE518 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_dungeons_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F28DDCA8 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_dungeons_down.dds summary = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143F28DFC48 (meta 000001432E003D68} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28DDCF0 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 1 = table:00000143F28DFC48 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F28DFD48 (meta 00000143F28DFDA0} data = table:00000143DA7758B8 firstTable categoryIndex = 1 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_dungeons_over.dds name = Trials node = table:00000143F28DFC48 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_dungeons_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F28DDCA8 firstTable pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_dungeons_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143F28DFE88 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F28DFF58 (meta 00000143F28DFFB0} data = table:00000143F28DFE40 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143F28E0118 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28DDCF0 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28DDCF0 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 2 = table:00000143F28DFE88 (meta 000001432E003D68} 3 = table:00000143F28E0118 (meta 000001432E003D68} 5 = table:00000143F28E0B78 firstTable node = table:00000143F28E04E0 (meta 000001432E003D68} subCategories = table:00000143F28E0BF0 firstTable 0 = table:00000143F28E0D18 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F28E0DE8 (meta 00000143F28E0E40} data = table:00000144081C6C98 firstTable categoryIndex = 5 hidesUnearned = false isFakedSubcategory = true mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_veterandungeons_over.dds name = General node = table:00000143F28E0D18 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_veterandungeons_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F28E0498 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_veterandungeons_down.dds summary = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143F28E1038 (meta 000001432E003D68} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28E04E0 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 1 = table:00000143F28E1038 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F28E1138 (meta 00000143F28E1190} data = table:00000143F28E0FF0 firstTable categoryIndex = 1 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_veterandungeons_over.dds name = Death Challenges node = table:00000143F28E1038 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_veterandungeons_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F28E0498 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_veterandungeons_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143F28E12B0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F28E1380 (meta 00000143F28E13D8} data = table:00000143F28E1268 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143F28E1540 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28E04E0 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28E04E0 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 2 = table:00000143F28E12B0 (meta 000001432E003D68} 3 = table:00000143F28E1540 (meta 000001432E003D68} 4 = table:00000143F28E17D0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F28E18A0 (meta 00000143F28E18F8} data = table:00000143F28E1788 firstTable categoryIndex = 4 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_veterandungeons_over.dds name = Speed Challenges node = table:00000143F28E17D0 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_veterandungeons_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F28E0498 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_veterandungeons_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28E04E0 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 6 = table:00000143F28E21E0 firstTable node = table:00000143F28E1B58 (meta 000001432E003D68} subCategories = table:00000143F28E2258 firstTable 0 = table:00000143F28E2340 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F28E2410 (meta 00000143F28E2468} data = table:00000143F28E22F8 firstTable categoryIndex = 6 hidesUnearned = false isFakedSubcategory = true mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_exploration_over.dds name = General node = table:00000143F28E2340 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_exploration_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F28E1478 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_exploration_down.dds summary = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143F28E2628 (meta 000001432E003D68} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28E1B58 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 1 = table:00000143F28E2628 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F28E2728 (meta 00000143F28E2780} data = table:00000143F28E25E0 firstTable categoryIndex = 1 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_exploration_over.dds name = Aldmeri Dominion node = table:00000143F28E2628 (meta 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table:00000143F28E1478 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_exploration_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143F28E2F68 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F28E3038 (meta 00000143F28E3090} data = table:00000143F28E2A30 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143F28E31B8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28E1B58 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28E1B58 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 5 = table:00000143F28E2F68 (meta 000001432E003D68} 6 = table:00000143F28E31B8 (meta 000001432E003D68} 7 = table:00000143F28E3B58 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F28E3C58 (meta 00000143F28E50B8} data = table:00000143F28E3B10 firstTable categoryIndex = 7 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_exploration_over.dds name = Dark Anchors node = table:00000143F28E3B58 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_exploration_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F28E1478 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_exploration_down.dds enabled = true 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equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143CB767388 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143CB769E78 (meta 00000143CB769ED0} data = table:00000143CB767340 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143F28DCFB8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28E6E10 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28E6E10 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 2 = table:00000143CB767388 (meta 000001432E003D68} 3 = table:00000143F28DCFB8 (meta 000001432E003D68} 4 = table:000001430A08AA30 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143CB769FD8 (meta 000001430A08AB28} data = table:000001430A08A9E8 firstTable categoryIndex = 4 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_quests_over.dds name = Ebonheart Pact node = table:000001430A08AA30 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_quests_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F28E6DC8 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_quests_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:000001431038C270 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001430A08AB90 (meta 000001431038C368} data = table:00000143F28DCF28 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000143E389C848 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28E6E10 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28E6E10 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 5 = table:000001431038C270 (meta 000001432E003D68} 6 = table:00000143E389C848 (meta 000001432E003D68} 7 = table:00000143F28E64F8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F28E65F0 (meta 00000143F28E6648} data = table:00000143F28E64B0 firstTable categoryIndex = 7 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_quests_over.dds name = Craglorn node = table:00000143F28E64F8 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_quests_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F28E6DC8 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_quests_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F28E6E10 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 8 = table:000001431038A4F0 firstTable node = table:000001431038B6E0 (meta 000001432E003D68} subCategories = table:000001431038A568 firstTable 0 = table:000001431038A8D8 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001431038A9A8 (meta 000001431038AA00} data = table:000001431038A608 firstTable categoryIndex = 8 hidesUnearned = false isFakedSubcategory = true mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/collection_indexicon_housing_over.dds name = General node = table:000001431038A8D8 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/collection_indexicon_housing_up.dds parentData = table:000001431038B698 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/collection_indexicon_housing_down.dds summary = false enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:0000014310389F48 (meta 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table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 2 = table:00000144DD5EFE58 (meta 000001432E003D68} 9 = table:00000143F0FA3C80 firstTable node = table:00000143F0FA1398 (meta 000001432E003D68} subCategories = table:00000143F0FA3CF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F0FA3DE0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000143F0FA3E48 (meta 00000143F0FA3EA0} data = table:00000143F0FA3D98 firstTable categoryIndex = 1 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_events_over.dds name = Midyear Mayhem node = table:00000143F0FA3DE0 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_events_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F0FA1350 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_events_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000144DD5EEA20 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000144DD5EEB48 (meta 00000144DD5EEBA0} data = table:00000144DD5EE9D8 firstTable enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 nextNode = table:00000144DD5EECB0 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F0FA1398 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F0FA1398 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 setupFunction() = function:000001431C5A2BE8 templateInfo = table:00000143166819F8 tree = table:000001430FD8F9F8 (meta 000001431679AD50} 2 = table:00000144DD5EEA20 (meta 000001432E003D68} 3 = table:00000144DD5EECB0 (meta 000001432E003D68} 4 = table:00000144DD5EDE00 (meta 000001432E003D68} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000144DD5EED18 (meta 00000144DD5ED9A8} data = table:00000144DD5EDDB8 firstTable categoryIndex = 4 hidesUnearned = false mouseoverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_events_over.dds name = Witches Festival node = table:00000144DD5EDE00 (meta 000001432E003D68} normalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_events_up.dds parentData = table:00000143F0FA1350 pressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/achievements_indexicon_events_down.dds enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:00000143A429D8E0 open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:00000143F0FA1398 (meta 000001432E003D68} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:000001431C5A2B18 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000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_AchievementRewardItem rewardIcons = table:000001430FD6B0A8 firstTable rewardLabelPool = table:00000143F28EA900 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143F28EA948 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F28EA990 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AchievementsContentsContentListScrollChildZO_AchievementRewardLabel parent = userdata:00000143F28EAE08 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_AchievementRewardLabel rewardLabels = table:000001430FD6B0F0 firstTable rewardThumb = userdata:00000143F28E8E68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} statusBarPool = table:00000143F28EA770 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143F28EA8C0 m_Active = table:00000143F28EA7B8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143F28EA800 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AchievementsContentsContentListScrollChildZO_AchievementsAchievementStatusBar parent = userdata:00000143F28EAE08 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_AchievementsAchievementStatusBar title = userdata:00000143F28E8CF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} refreshGroups = table:00000143F28D2FB0 (meta 0000014457A392F0} firstTable firstMeta currentlyRefreshing = false refreshGroups = table:00000143F28CC388 firstTable AchievementAwarded = table:00000143F28C3D98 firstTable RefreshSingle() = function:00000143F28BD5A8 dirtySingles = table:00000143F28BD5F0 firstTable wasShown = false AchievementUpdated = table:00000143F28C7420 firstTable RefreshSingle() = function:00000143F28C3D08 dirtySingles = table:00000143F28C3D50 firstTable wasShown = false FullUpdate = table:00000143F28C99A0 firstTable RefreshAll() = function:00000143F28C99E8 dirtySingles = table:00000143F28C9A30 firstTable wasShown = false subCategoryTemplate = ZO_TreeLabelSubCategory summaryInset = userdata:00000143F28EB188 (meta 000001430831E750} summaryRecent = userdata:00000143F28EB960 (meta 000001430831E750} summaryStatusBarPool = table:00000143F28CEB80 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143ED54A338 m_Active = table:00000144D078C3E8 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431410F898 (meta 00000143F28E7F20} firstMeta firstIndex category = userdata:000001442808F870 (meta 00000143083425C0} gloss = userdata:000001442808FF68 (meta 0000014308340698} progress = userdata:00000143F28E7EC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 10 = userdata:00000143E02F5328 (meta 00000143E02F5A48} firstMeta firstIndex category = userdata:00000143E02F5950 (meta 00000143083425C0} gloss = userdata:00000143E02F53C0 (meta 0000014308340698} progress = userdata:00000143E02F59F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000143E02F5CC8 (meta 00000143E02F6200} firstMeta firstIndex category = userdata:00000143E02F7740 (meta 00000143083425C0} gloss = userdata:00000143E02F5D60 (meta 0000014308340698} progress = userdata:00000144D078AED0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:000001442808E518 (meta 000001442808EC30} firstMeta firstIndex category = userdata:000001442808EB38 (meta 00000143083425C0} gloss = userdata:000001442808E5B0 (meta 0000014308340698} progress = userdata:000001442808EBD8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 3 = userdata:000001442808EED8 (meta 000001448F8B5EB8} firstMeta firstIndex category = userdata:000001448F8B5DC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} gloss = userdata:000001442808EF70 (meta 0000014308340698} progress = userdata:000001448F8B5E60 (meta 00000143083425C0} 4 = userdata:000001448F8B6180 (meta 000001448F8B6898} firstMeta firstIndex category = userdata:000001448F8B67A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} gloss = userdata:000001448F8B6218 (meta 0000014308340698} progress = userdata:000001448F8B6840 (meta 00000143083425C0} 5 = userdata:000001448F8B6B40 (meta 00000143E02F7650} firstMeta firstIndex category = userdata:000001448F8B6988 (meta 00000143083425C0} gloss = userdata:000001448F8B6BD8 (meta 0000014308340698} progress = userdata:00000143E02F61F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 6 = userdata:00000143E02F78A8 (meta 00000143E02F7F78} firstMeta firstIndex category = userdata:00000143E02F7EC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} gloss = userdata:00000143E02F7940 (meta 0000014308340698} progress = userdata:00000143E02F7F68 (meta 00000143083425C0} 7 = userdata:00000144D078B068 (meta 00000144D078CB88} firstMeta firstIndex category = userdata:00000144D078CA90 (meta 00000143083425C0} gloss = userdata:00000144D078C508 (meta 0000014308340698} progress = userdata:00000144D078CB30 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000144D078CE08 (meta 00000144D078D520} firstMeta firstIndex category = userdata:00000144D078D428 (meta 00000143083425C0} gloss = userdata:00000144D078CEA0 (meta 0000014308340698} progress = userdata:00000144D078D4C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000144D078D7A0 (meta 00000144D078DEB8} firstMeta firstIndex category = userdata:00000144D078DDC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} gloss = userdata:00000144D078D838 (meta 0000014308340698} progress = userdata:00000144D078DE60 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001439D877998 firstTable m_NextControlId = 11 m_NextFree = 12 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_AchievementsContentsSummaryInsetZO_JournalProgressStatusBar parent = userdata:00000143F28EB188 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_JournalProgressStatusBar summaryTotal = userdata:00000143F28EB208 (meta 00000143F28EB820} firstMeta firstIndex category = userdata:00000143F28EB740 (meta 00000143083425C0} gloss = userdata:00000143F28EB288 (meta 0000014308340698} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:000001430833ED50 ClearAnchors() = function:000001430833E490 ClearFadeOutLossAdjustedTopValue() = function:000001430833B090 Convert3DLocalOrientationToWorldOrientation() = function:0000014308340620 Convert3DLocalPositionToWorldPosition() = function:00000143083405B0 Convert3DWorldOrientationToLocalOrientation() = function:00000143083405E8 Convert3DWorldPositionToLocalPosition() = function:0000014308340578 Create3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430833ED88 CreateControl() = function:000001430833E7A0 Destroy3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430833EDC0 Does3DRenderSpaceUseDepthBuffer() = function:0000014308340508 EnableFadeOut() = function:000001430833B2E0 EnableLeadingEdge() = function:000001430833AEB8 EnableScrollingOverlay() = function:000001430833AF98 Get3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:0000014308340428 Get3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:000001430833EF80 Get3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:000001430833EE30 Get3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:000001430833EEA0 Get3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:0000014308340498 Get3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:000001430833EF10 GetAlpha() = function:000001430833E420 GetAnchor() = function:000001430833E500 GetBottom() = function:000001430833A878 GetCenter() = function:000001430833A8B0 GetChild() = function:000001430833AB88 GetClampedToScreen() = function:000001430833E688 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000001430833EBC8 GetControlAlpha() = function:000001430833E458 GetControlScale() = function:000001430833E3B0 GetDesiredHeight() = function:000001430833A6F8 GetDesiredWidth() = function:000001430833A668 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:000001430833ECA8 GetDimensions() = function:000001430833B428 GetDrawLayer() = function:000001430833E1F0 GetDrawLevel() = function:000001430833E260 GetDrawTier() = function:000001430833E148 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:000001430833EA40 GetHandler() = function:000001430833E2D0 GetHeight() = function:000001430833B498 GetHitInsets() = function:000001430833EB58 GetId() = function:000001430833E960 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:000001430833E880 GetInheritsScale() = function:000001430833E8F0 GetLeft() = function:000001430833A730 GetMinMax() = function:000001430833A600 GetName() = function:000001430833AC30 GetNamedChild() = function:000001430833ABC0 GetNumChildren() = function:000001430833AB50 GetOwningWindow() = function:000001430833B3B8 GetParent() = function:000001430833AAE0 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:000001430833E9D0 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:000001430833EC38 GetRight() = function:000001430833A840 GetScale() = function:000001430833E378 GetScreenRect() = function:000001430833E538 GetTop() = function:000001430833A768 GetType() = function:000001430833AC68 GetValue() = function:000001430833A7A0 GetWidth() = function:000001430833B460 Has3DRenderSpace() = function:000001430833EDF8 IsChildOf() = function:000001430833ABF8 IsControlHidden() = function:000001430833AD10 IsHandlerSet() = function:000001430833E308 IsHidden() = function:000001430833ACD8 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:000001430833E768 IsMouseEnabled() = function:000001430833E6F8 IsPointInside() = function:000001430833E570 RegisterForEvent() = function:000001430833ECE0 Set3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:0000014308340460 Set3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:000001430833EFB8 Set3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:000001430833EE68 Set3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:000001430833EED8 Set3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:00000143083404D0 Set3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:000001430833EF48 Set3DRenderSpaceUsesDepthBuffer() = function:0000014308340540 SetAlpha() = function:000001430833E3E8 SetAnchor() = function:000001430833E4C8 SetAnchorFill() = function:000001430833E5A8 SetBarAlignment() = function:000001430833ADD8 SetClampedToScreen() = function:000001430833E650 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000001430833EB90 SetColor() = function:000001430833A808 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:000001430833EC70 SetDimensions() = function:000001430833B3F0 SetDrawLayer() = function:000001430833E1B8 SetDrawLevel() = function:000001430833E228 SetDrawTier() = function:000001430833E180 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:000001430833EA08 SetFadeOutGainColor() = function:000001430833B200 SetFadeOutLossAdjustedTopValue() = function:000001430833B010 SetFadeOutLossColor() = function:000001430833B190 SetFadeOutLossSetValueToAdjust() = function:000001430833B110 SetFadeOutTexture() = function:000001430833B270 SetFadeOutTime() = function:000001430833B348 SetGradientColors() = function:000001430833A988 SetHandler() = function:000001430833E298 SetHeight() = function:000001430833A920 SetHidden() = function:000001430833ACA0 SetHitInsets() = function:000001430833EB20 SetId() = function:000001430833E928 SetInheritAlpha() = function:000001430833E848 SetInheritScale() = function:000001430833E8B8 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:000001430833E730 SetLeadingEdge() = function:000001430833AE48 SetLeadingEdgeTextureCoords() = function:000001430833AA68 SetMinMax() = function:000001430833A568 SetMouseEnabled() = function:000001430833E6C0 SetMovable() = function:000001430833E7D8 SetOrientation() = function:000001430833AD68 SetParent() = function:000001430833AB18 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:000001430833E810 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:000001430833E998 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:000001430833EC00 SetScale() = function:000001430833E340 SetShapeType() = function:000001430833EA78 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:000001430833E5E0 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:000001430833E618 SetTexture() = function:000001430833A9F8 SetTextureCoords() = function:000001430833AA30 SetValue() = function:000001430833A6C0 SetWidth() = function:000001430833A8E8 SetupScrollingOverlay() = function:000001430833AF28 StartMoving() = function:000001430833EAB0 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:000001430833EAE8 ToggleHidden() = function:000001430833E110 UnregisterForEvent() = function:000001430833ED18 progress = userdata:00000143F28EB7C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_IconAchievement6EmergencyBG = userdata:00000144D078BE38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement6Frame = userdata:00000144D078BF18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconAchievement6Icon = userdata:00000144D078BEA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_IconHeader_OnInitialized() = function:00000144D64E5218 ZO_IconHeader_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014368830CB0 ZO_IconHeader_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368830CF0 ZO_IconHeader_OnMouseUp() = function:0000014368830D30 ZO_IconHeader_SetAnimation() = function:00000143EA505E30 ZO_IconHeader_SetMaxLines() = function:000001432DFF9C68 ZO_IconHeader_Setup() = function:00000143EA505DF0 ZO_IconHeader_UpdateSize() = function:00000144D64E5150 ZO_IconSelectorPlaySound() = function:00000143FA12F150 ZO_IgnoreList = table:000001448F899890 (meta 000001448F8998D8} firstTable firstMeta BuildMasterList() = function:000001448F899B28 GetNoteEditedFunction() = function:000001448F899B68 Initialize() = function:000001448F8999C0 New() = function:000001448F899950 OnIgnoreAdded() = function:000001448F899BE8 OnIgnoreNoteUpdated() = function:000001448F899C68 OnIgnoreRemoved() = function:000001448F899C28 OnSocialDataLoaded() = function:000001448F899BA8 SetupEntry() = function:000001448F899A40 __index = table:000001448F899890 (meta 000001448F8998D8} ZO_IgnoreListRowNote_OnClicked() = function:00000144280785B8 ZO_IgnoreListRowNote_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014428078538 ZO_IgnoreListRowNote_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014428078578 ZO_IgnoreListRow_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014428078478 ZO_IgnoreListRow_OnMouseExit() = function:00000144280784B8 ZO_IgnoreListRow_OnMouseUp() = function:00000144280784F8 ZO_IgnoreList_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:0000014316648508 ZO_IgnoreList_OnInitialized() = function:00000144280785F8 ZO_ImperialCityTooltip = userdata:00000144C102D0F8 (meta 00000144C1025F28} firstMeta firstIndex GetWidth() = function:00000143B324E850 RefreshCityInfo() = function:00000143B32460C0 Reset() = function:00000143B3254A10 SetCity() = function:00000143B3257BE0 SetOwner() = function:00000143B32461B0 linePool = table:00000144C1025DC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144C1025E10 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C1025E58 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_ImperialCityTooltipLine parent = userdata:00000144C102D0F8 (meta 00000144C1025F28} templateName = ZO_KeepTooltipLine ZO_ImperialCityTooltipBG = userdata:00000144D8631030 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_ImperialCityTooltipBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000144C102D170 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ImperialCityTooltipName = userdata:00000144D8630DA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ImperialCityTooltip_OnInitialized() = function:00000144C102CDD8 ZO_ImperialPvPWorldMapFilterPanel_Shared = table:00000143D1035F70 (meta 00000143D1035FB8} firstTable firstMeta BuildControls() = function:00000143D1036030 ZO_IngameRzChroma_Effects = table:00000144C79B80D8 (meta 00000144C79C03F0} firstTable firstMeta AddDeathEffects() = function:000001431D97AEF0 Initialize() = function:000001431D97ACE8 New() = function:00000144C79B8120 RegisterForEvents() = function:000001431D97AE08 RemoveDeathEffects() = function:000001431D97AF30 ZO_Ingame_SavedVariables = table:000001439D06AC28 firstTable Default = table:000001439D06ADB8 firstTable Reorx = table:000001439D06BD98 firstTable AccountWide = table:00000143099D4928 firstTable GuildMotD = table:00000143099D49C8 firstTable Core = 0 Cyrodiil = Trader = s = Guild = 1147408423 Merchants = of = Zenithar = 833163704 Tamriel = Traders = Company = 4084864005 The = Covenant = Trading = Post = 4251498973 Gathering = Hall = 170181967 UESP = 3763887942 United = Kingdom = of = America = 1610556886 version = 1 NameChange = table:00000143099D4C98 firstTable 8796093022358203 = Reorx Holybeard 8796093022812691 = Dougan Redhammer 8796093023885043 = Thraag Hardnose 8796093037862139 = Fuzzfoot Pouchfiller 8796093037911755 = Nordish Chef 8796093038504483 = Morna Stormbinder 8796093040140149 = Thaik Mirel 8796093040648043 = Silerva Oakshade 8796093042104315 = Zanath Dralas 8796093042344985 = Heals-for-Things 8796093042673845 = Rexus Caelia 8796093042674075 = Iszara Melarg 8796093042674093 = Iszara af-Mirel 8796093045936531 = Valie Spellbound 8796093046313329 = Nimriel Fernbrook version = 1 Cat = peace = table:000001439D06BDE0 firstTable AutoComplete = table:000001439D06C8D8 firstTable RecentInteractions = table:000001439D06C978 firstTable version = 2 Chat = table:000001439D06CA38 firstTable containers = table:000001439D06CAD8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06CB50 firstTable height = 267 point = 6 relPoint = 6 width = 445 x = 0 y = -82 version = 4 DurabilityWarner = table:000001439D06C9C0 firstTable version = 1 Provisioner = table:000001439D06C7E8 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 Ram = table:000001439D06BE28 firstTable point = 4 relPoint = 4 version = 1 x = 0 y = -157 SmithingCreation = table:000001439D06CB98 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false version = 2 WorldMap = table:000001439D06BE70 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06BEB8 firstTable filters = table:000001439D06BF00 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06C040 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06BFA0 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:000001439D06C088 firstTable filters = table:000001439D06C128 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06C2B8 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06C1C8 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:000001439D06C300 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439F8E9C10 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06C378 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 4 = table:000001439D06C570 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D06C660 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06C7A0 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06C700 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:000001439D06C3C0 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439D06C408 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06C480 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Dougan = Redhammer = table:00000143A387A608 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143A387C908 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508941114 Adriana = Valeria = 1486585785 Alix = de = Feu = 1472427522 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504790697 Dark_Nasty = 1496019544 Deandra = 1461698642 Ellisig_Mandia = 1500169413 F = Lambda = 1486585785 Faunter = 1478394260 Granny = Gravius = 1508941114 Hor = Tater = 1466283800 Jon = Law = 1471376448 Jonlaw98 = 1471376448 Martin = Draconis = 1504790697 Orbinor = the = Thankful = 1508941114 Pendletr0n = 1466283800 Ragnnarrok = 1437789032 Rashaya = 1461698642 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506950388 Sable = Oximasoth = 1500169413 Sakahno = 1496019544 Sedrethi = 1506950388 Tythis = Andromo = 1508873057 Urbek = 1508941114 Varowil = Selms = 1492391997 Velothril = Sisters = 1508941114 WiseFiend = 1492391997 Zukki = dar = 1508941114 baratron = 1504790697 version = 3 Chat = table:00000143A387A8D8 firstTable containers = table:00000143A387A978 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A387A9F0 firstTable height = 380 point = 2 relPoint = 2 width = 550 x = 0 y = 451.5000610352 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:00000143A387AC70 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 DurabilityWarner = table:00000143A387CEF8 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143A387C818 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:00000143A387AB80 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 GuildMotD = table:00000143A387CF70 firstTable Cyrodiil = Trader = s = Guild = Welcome to Cyrodiil Trader's Guild! We now have 50+ members, so the guild store is up and running! Keep inviting your friends to the guild! Merchants = of = Zenithar = A small stack of each of the 6 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Provisioning Writ|r food & drink items and the 4 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Alchemy Writ|r monotype potions have been added to the Bank for your convenience. Don't forget to top them up occasionally! The = Covenant = Trading = Post = Since we do not have enough members to have a guild store (50 required) feel free to post what you are buying and selling in guild chat. UESP = Congratulations to |c78BEC3@DasArchitect|r for winning |cA02EF7All 7 Dwemer Weapon Motif Chapters|r + 7 |cFFFFFF[Dwemer Frame]|r and to |c78BEC3@Mohkia|r for winning a |cFFFFFF[Fortified Nirncrux]|r in the raffle with tickets 32 and 23 respectively!\n|cFFE164Please see |cEECA2Ahttp://tiny.cc/uesp7|cFFE164 if you're interested in crafting or fishing.|r\nThis week we have a Guild Trader in |c3A92FFEastmarch|r and the raffle prize is |cA02EF7All 7 Dwemer Armor Motif Chapters|r + 7 |cFFFFFF[Dwemer Frame]|r!\nEvery |c2DC50E1000|r|t16:16:esoui/art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t you deposit into UESP's Guild Bank earns you a raffle ticket and helps hire Guild Traders every week!\n|aC|t16:16:esoui/art/miscellaneous/gamepad/gp_scrollarrow.dds|t\n|rNext draw |c2DC50ESun 30th Aug at 10pm GMT|r here: |c3A92FFhttps://rolz.org/dr?room=uesp|r\nThe full ticket list is available here: |c3A92FFhttps://www.tinyurl.com/uesp-raffle|r\n\n|cFD7A1AThe uespLog add-on v0.26 is available with more bug fixes.|r version = 1 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143A387AD10 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143A387AEA0 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143A387D100 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 TrialAccount = table:00000143A387AF90 firstTable seen = table:00000143A387B030 firstTable version = 1 WorldMap = table:00000143A387B078 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A387B208 firstTable filters = table:00000143A387B4D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A387B610 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A387B658 firstTable 3 = table:00000143A387B748 firstTable 4 = table:00000143A387B5C8 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143A387B790 firstTable filters = table:00000143A387B830 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A387B968 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A387BAF8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143A387BBE8 firstTable 4 = table:00000143A387B920 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143A387BC30 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:00000143A387BDC0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A387BE38 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143A387C3C8 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143A387C4B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A387C5F0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A387C6E0 firstTable 3 = table:00000143A387C7D0 firstTable 4 = table:00000143A387C5A8 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143A387BFC8 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:00000143A387C158 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A387C290 firstTable 3 = table:00000143A387C380 firstTable 4 = table:00000143A387C248 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Ediih = table:000001439D068388 firstTable AutoComplete = table:000001439F8E6438 firstTable RecentInteractions = table:000001439F8E64D8 firstTable version = 2 Chat = table:000001439F8E6568 firstTable containers = table:000001439F8E6608 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8E6650 firstTable height = 267 point = 6 relPoint = 6 width = 445 x = 0 y = -82 version = 4 DurabilityWarner = table:000001439F8E6520 firstTable version = 1 Provisioner = table:000001439F8E6348 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 Ram = table:000001439D068518 firstTable point = 4 relPoint = 4 version = 1 x = 0 y = -157 SmithingCreation = table:000001439F8E67E0 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = false haveMaterialChecked = false version = 1 WorldMap = table:000001439D0686A8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D068838 firstTable filters = table:000001439D068880 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D0689C0 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D068920 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:000001439D068A08 firstTable filters = table:000001439F8E3298 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8E3428 firstTable 2 = table:000001439F8E3338 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:000001439F8E3470 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439F8E3600 firstTable 2 = table:000001439F8E3648 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 4 = table:000001439F8E60D0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439F8E61C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8E6300 firstTable 2 = table:000001439F8E6260 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:000001439F8E37D8 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439F8E3968 firstTable 2 = table:000001439F8E39B0 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Fuzzfoot = Pouchfiller = table:00000143D4878870 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143D487A990 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508941246 Adriana = Valeria = 1486563275 Alix = de = Feu = 1472430898 Alt = Dead = 1458179589 Aniaka = 1458179589 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504790833 Blooregard = Q = Kazoo = 1458179589 Bones = 1458179589 Brommok = 1458179589 Dark_Nasty = 1496019702 Deandra = 1461698833 Emerson = Biggins = 1458179589 F = Lambda = 1486563275 Faunter = 1478394380 Fraki = Haknir = 1492392162 Granny = Gravius = 1508941246 Hor = Tater = 1466283939 Jon = Law = 1471435572 Jonlaw98 = 1471435572 Kiara = Stormkeep = 1458179589 Litfire = 1458179589 Martin = Draconis = 1504790833 Novatom = 1458179589 Orbinor = the = Thankful = 1508941246 Pendletr0n = 1466283939 Rangallen = 1458179589 Rashaya = 1461698833 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506950522 Rocky = Crag = 1458179589 Sakahno = 1496019702 Sedrethi = 1506950522 Servilius = 1458179589 Spyte = 1458179589 Stam = Nah = Bro = 1458179589 TheGamingEntity = 1492392162 Tythis = Andromo = 1508873308 Urbek = 1508941246 Varowil = Selms = 1492392162 Velothril = Sisters = 1508941246 Verissa = 1458179589 WiseFiend = 1492392162 Zukki = dar = 1508941246 baratron = 1504790833 silverswans = 1458179589 version = 3 Chat = table:00000143D4878B40 firstTable containers = table:00000143D4878BE0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4878C58 firstTable height = 380 point = 4 relPoint = 4 width = 550 x = -1004.9998779297 y = -62.9998779297 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:00000143D4878ED8 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 DurabilityWarner = table:00000143D487B480 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143D487A8A0 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:00000143D4878DE8 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 GuildMotD = table:00000143D487B4F8 firstTable Cyrodiil = Trader = s = Guild = Welcome to Cyrodiil Trader's Guild! We now have 50+ members, so the guild store is up and running! Keep inviting your friends to the guild! Merchants = of = Zenithar = A small stack of each of the 6 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Provisioning Writ|r food & drink items and the 4 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Alchemy Writ|r monotype potions have been added to the Bank for your convenience. Don't forget to top them up occasionally! The = Covenant = Trading = Post = Since we do not have enough members to have a guild store (50 required) feel free to post what you are buying and selling in guild chat. UESP = Congratulations to |c78BEC3@DasArchitect|r for winning |cA02EF7All 7 Dwemer Weapon Motif Chapters|r + 7 |cFFFFFF[Dwemer Frame]|r and to |c78BEC3@Mohkia|r for winning a |cFFFFFF[Fortified Nirncrux]|r in the raffle with tickets 32 and 23 respectively!\n|cFFE164Please see |cEECA2Ahttp://tiny.cc/uesp7|cFFE164 if you're interested in crafting or fishing.|r\nThis week we have a Guild Trader in |c3A92FFEastmarch|r and the raffle prize is |cA02EF7All 7 Dwemer Armor Motif Chapters|r + 7 |cFFFFFF[Dwemer Frame]|r!\nEvery |c2DC50E1000|r|t16:16:esoui/art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t you deposit into UESP's Guild Bank earns you a raffle ticket and helps hire Guild Traders every week!\n|aC|t16:16:esoui/art/miscellaneous/gamepad/gp_scrollarrow.dds|t\n|rNext draw |c2DC50ESun 30th Aug at 10pm GMT|r here: |c3A92FFhttps://rolz.org/dr?room=uesp|r\nThe full ticket list is available here: |c3A92FFhttps://www.tinyurl.com/uesp-raffle|r\n\n|cFD7A1AThe uespLog add-on v0.30 is available for update 1.7.|r version = 1 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143D4878F78 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143D4879108 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143D487B688 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = false haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 TrialAccount = table:00000143D48791F8 firstTable seen = table:00000143D4879298 firstTable version = 1 WorldMap = table:00000143D48792E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4879470 firstTable filters = table:00000143D4879740 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4879878 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D48798C0 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D48799B0 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4879830 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143D48799F8 firstTable filters = table:00000143D4879A98 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4879BD0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4879CC0 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D4879DB0 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4879B88 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143D4879DF8 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D4879EE8 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4879F60 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143D487A450 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D487A540 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D487A678 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D487A768 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D487A858 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D487A630 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143D487A0F0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D487A1E0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D487A318 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D487A408 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D487A2D0 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Gathers = the = Shadow = table:000001439D06CC88 firstTable AutoComplete = table:000001439D06E070 firstTable RecentInteractions = table:000001439D06E110 firstTable Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1446211866 baratron = 1446211866 version = 3 Chat = table:000001439D06CCD0 firstTable containers = table:000001439D06CD70 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06CDE8 firstTable height = 267 point = 6 relPoint = 6 width = 445 x = 0 y = -82 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:000001439D06CED8 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 DurabilityWarner = table:000001439D06E1B0 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:000001439D06DF80 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:000001439D077D18 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 GuildMotD = table:000001439D06E228 firstTable Cyrodiil = Trader = s = Guild = Welcome to Cyrodiil Trader's Guild! We now have 50+ members, so the guild store is up and running! Keep inviting your friends to the guild! Merchants = of = Zenithar = A small stack of each of the 6 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Provisioning Writ|r food & drink items and the 4 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Alchemy Writ|r monotype potions have been added to the Bank for your convenience. Don't forget to top them up occasionally! The = Covenant = Trading = Post = Since we do not have enough members to have a guild store (50 required) feel free to post what you are buying and selling in guild chat. UESP = Please see your mail about the |c2DC50EGuild Bank Clearance|r! Take any set items you want BEFORE the raffle on |c2DC50ESun 5th July|r!\n\nThis week, we have a Guild Trader in |c3A92FFMalabal Tor|r and the raffle prizes are |cEECA2A6 [Psijic Ambrosia]|r for a total of |cA02EF75 hours of experience boost|r! There will be 6 winning tickets on |c2DC50ESun 28th June at 10pm GMT|r! Every |cFFFFFF1000|r|t16:16:esoui/art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t you deposit into UESP's Guild Bank earns you a ticket for a chance to win the weekly raffle. |c918F75All funds go towards hiring a Guild Trader every week|r.\n\n|cFD7A1AThe uespLog add-on v0.23 is available with a bug fix for bounty dialog|r. version = 1 PerformanceMeters = table:000001439D06CF78 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:000001439D06CFC0 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:000001439D06E270 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 TrialAccount = table:000001439D06D0B0 firstTable seen = table:000001439D06D150 firstTable version = 1 WorldMap = table:000001439D06D198 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06D1E0 firstTable filters = table:000001439D06D228 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06D318 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06D360 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D06D450 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:000001439D06D498 firstTable filters = table:000001439D06D538 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06D628 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06D670 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D06D760 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:000001439D06D7A8 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D06D898 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06D910 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:000001439D06DC20 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D06DD10 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06DE00 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06DE48 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D06DF38 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:000001439D06D958 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D06DA48 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06DAE8 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D06DBD8 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Heals = for = Things = table:00000143099D4F68 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143D4869E58 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508941575 Adriana = Valeria = 1486563682 Alix = de = Feu = 1503405013 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504791213 Dark_Nasty = 1496020158 F = Lambda = 1486563682 Faunter = 1478394724 Granny = Gravius = 1508941575 Guild = Store = 1508934843 Hrodulf = Bearpaw = 1495972421 Martin = Draconis = 1504791213 Orbinor = the = Thankful = 1508941575 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506950907 Sakahno = 1496020158 Sedrethi = 1506950907 TheGamingEntity = 1492993507 Tythis = Andromo = 1508872793 Urbek = 1508941575 Varowil = Selms = 1492392602 Velothril = Sisters = 1508941575 WiseFiend = 1492392602 Zukki = dar = 1508941575 baratron = 1504791213 version = 3 Chat = table:00000143099D5238 firstTable containers = table:00000143099D52D8 (meta 000001431B62E3E8} firstTable firstMeta 1 = table:00000143099D5350 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:00000143099D55D0 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143D486A448 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:00000143099D54E0 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143099D5670 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143099D5800 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143D486A538 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 WorldMap = table:00000143099D58F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D5A80 firstTable filters = table:00000143099D5D50 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D5E88 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D5ED0 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099D5FC0 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099D5E40 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143099D6008 firstTable filters = table:00000143099D60A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D61E0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D6280 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099D6370 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099D6198 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143099D63B8 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143099D64A8 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D6520 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143D4869AB0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D4869BA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4869CD8 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4869D20 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D4869E10 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4869C90 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143099D66B0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143099D67A0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4869978 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D4869A68 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099D6890 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Holybeard = table:000001439D06AE30 firstTable AutoComplete = table:000001439D06BA88 firstTable RecentInteractions = table:000001439D06BB28 firstTable Aenarion = 1404307567 Anja = Gray = Mane = 1404307567 Cavanoskus = 1404307567 DeathGrippe = 1404307567 Dro = Zendar = 1404307567 Kills = Many = For = Fee = 1404307567 Lalais = 1404307567 Martin = Draconis = 1404307567 Porkgasm = 1404307567 Rebecca = Brouchard = 1404307567 Rubinato = 1404307567 Silkie7 = 1404307567 Ty = Hawkins = 1404307567 Uninhibited = 1404307567 Wanders = but = isn = t = lost = 1404307567 axzfvn = 1404307400 baratron = 1404307567 breyibret = 1404307400 ccorlifcht = 1404307400 dsdfagfa = 1404307400 hgfgjq = 1404307400 jamcdonald120 = 1404307567 kyxvdonnel = 1404307400 uvtsgarnseyn = 1404307400 yimmontei = 1404307400 zahucacv = bovu = 1404307567 version = 3 Chat = table:000001439D06B928 firstTable containers = table:000001439D06B9C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06BA40 firstTable height = 267 point = 2 relPoint = 2 width = 550 x = 0 y = 352.003723 version = 4 DurabilityWarner = table:000001439D06BC60 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:000001439D06BB70 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 Provisioner = table:000001439D06AF08 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 Ram = table:000001439D06AE78 firstTable point = 4 relPoint = 4 version = 1 x = 0 y = -157 SmithingCreation = table:000001439D06BCA8 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false version = 2 UnitFrames = table:000001439D06AEC0 firstTable groupStride = 4 groupVisible1 = true groupVisible2 = true groupVisible3 = true groupVisible4 = true groupVisible5 = true groupVisible6 = true groupsVisible = true showOnlyMyGroup = false version = 1 WorldMap = table:000001439D06AFF8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8E7610 firstTable filters = table:000001439D06B040 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06B180 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06B0E0 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:000001439D06B1C8 firstTable filters = table:000001439D06B268 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06B3F8 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06B308 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:000001439D06B440 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:00000143099D7268 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06B4B8 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 4 = table:000001439D06B6B0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D06B7A0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06B8E0 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06B840 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:000001439D06B500 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439D06B548 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06B5C0 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Iszara = Melarg = table:00000143A38786B8 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143A387A340 firstTable RecentInteractions = table:00000143A387A3E0 firstTable version = 3 Chat = table:00000143A3878988 firstTable containers = table:00000143A3878A28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A3878AA0 firstTable height = 267 point = 6 relPoint = 6 width = 445 x = 0 y = -82 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:00000143A3878D20 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143A387A428 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:00000143A3878C30 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143A3878DC0 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143A3878F50 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143A387A518 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 WorldMap = table:00000143A3879040 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A38791D0 firstTable filters = table:00000143A38794A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A3879590 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A38795D8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143A38796C8 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143A3879710 firstTable filters = table:00000143A38797B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A38798A0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A38798E8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143A38799D8 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143A3879A20 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143A3879B10 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A3879B88 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143A3879FE0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143A387A0D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A387A1C0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A387A208 firstTable 3 = table:00000143A387A2F8 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143A3879D18 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143A3879E08 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A3879EA8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143A3879F98 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 af = Mirel = table:00000143D487B778 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143A38779E8 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508941875 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504791338 Dark_Nasty = 1496020310 Eron = Salt = 1508941875 Farrokh = 1508941875 Faunter = 1478350521 Granny = Gravius = 1508941875 Ludovic = Laumont = 1508726759 Martin = Draconis = 1504791338 Nullini = the = Amused = 1506780057 Vengeful = 1506872838 Nuzhimeh = 1508941874 Orbinor = the = (Too) = Curious = 1507989817 Bothered = 1506823583 Curious = 1508850974 Faithful = 1506951037 Grateful = 1508033362 Mortified = 1508726759 Open = Minded = 1508677559 Seeking = 1508337053 Thankful = 1507559196 Troubled = 1508941875 Unsure = 1508506030 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506951037 Sakahno = 1496020310 Sedrethi = 1506951037 Tythis = Andromo = 1508871176 Urbek = 1508423127 Valyne = Hlan = 1508850974 Varowil = Selms = 1492392748 Velothril = Sisters = 1508850974 WiseFiend = 1492392748 Zukki = dar = 1508941875 baratron = 1504791338 version = 3 Chat = table:00000143D487BA48 firstTable containers = table:00000143D487BAE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D487BB60 firstTable height = 380 point = 4 relPoint = 4 width = 550 x = -1004.9998779297 y = -75.4998779297 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:00000143D487BDE0 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143A38784D8 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:00000143D487BCF0 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143D487BE80 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143D487BEC8 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143A38785C8 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 WorldMap = table:00000143A38763B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A3876548 firstTable filters = table:00000143A3876818 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A3876950 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A3876998 firstTable 3 = table:00000143A3876A88 firstTable 4 = table:00000143A3876908 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143A3876AD0 firstTable filters = table:00000143A3876B70 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A3876CA8 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A3876E38 firstTable 3 = table:00000143A3876F28 firstTable 4 = table:00000143A3876C60 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143A3876F70 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143A3877060 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A38770A8 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143A3877598 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143A3877688 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A38777C0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A38778B0 firstTable 3 = table:00000143A38779A0 firstTable 4 = table:00000143A3877778 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143A3877238 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143A3877328 firstTable 2 = table:00000143A3877460 firstTable 3 = table:00000143A3877550 firstTable 4 = table:00000143A3877418 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Just = For = Testing = table:000001439D0761D8 firstTable AutoComplete = table:000001439D068078 firstTable RecentInteractions = table:000001439D068118 firstTable version = 3 Chat = table:000001439D076A58 firstTable containers = table:000001439F8E5C90 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8E5CD8 firstTable height = 267 point = 6 relPoint = 6 width = 445 x = 0 y = -82 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:000001439F8E2E78 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 DurabilityWarner = table:000001439D068250 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:000001439D068160 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:000001439F8E5D20 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 PerformanceMeters = table:000001439F8E4DA0 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:000001439F8E4DE8 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:000001439D068298 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false version = 2 TrialAccount = table:000001439D077888 firstTable seen = table:000001439D0778D0 firstTable version = 1 WorldMap = table:000001439D075468 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8E4E30 firstTable filters = table:000001439D071BD8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06F7E8 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06F830 firstTable 3 = table:000001439F8E96F8 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:000001439F8E9740 firstTable filters = table:000001439F8EA4F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8E3EC0 firstTable 2 = table:000001439F8E3F08 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D06A9B0 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:000001439D06A9F8 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439D06AA40 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06AA88 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 4 = table:000001439D077578 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D077668 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D077758 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D0777A0 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D077840 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:000001439F8E3F50 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439D0773A0 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D077440 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D077530 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 More = Testing = table:00000143099D0490 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143099D22A0 firstTable RecentInteractions = table:00000143099D2340 firstTable version = 3 Chat = table:00000143099D0760 firstTable containers = table:00000143099D0800 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D0878 firstTable height = 267 point = 6 relPoint = 6 width = 445 x = 0 y = -82 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:00000143099D0AF8 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 DurabilityWarner = table:00000143099D2478 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143099D2388 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:00000143099D0A08 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143099D0B98 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143099D0D28 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143099D24F0 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false version = 2 TrialAccount = table:00000143099D21B8 firstTable seen = table:00000143099D2258 firstTable version = 1 WorldMap = table:00000143099D0E18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D0FA8 firstTable filters = table:00000143099D1278 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D1368 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D13B0 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099D1450 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143099D1498 firstTable filters = table:00000143099D1538 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D1628 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D1670 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099D1760 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143099D17A8 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:00000143099D1938 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D19B0 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143099D1EA8 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143099D1F98 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D2088 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D20D0 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099D2170 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143099D1B40 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:00000143099D1CD0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D1D70 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099D1E60 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Mordallis = table:00000143D4876D58 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143D48782D0 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1394920387 Ariah = Greenbark = 1392044219 Calwuq = 1392044195 Eldoki = 1392044219 version = 2 Chat = table:00000143D48784D8 firstTable containers = table:00000143D4878578 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D48785F0 firstTable height = 261.745361 point = 1 relPoint = 1 width = 445 x = -786.395508 y = 786.007446 version = 4 DurabilityWarner = table:00000143D4878460 firstTable version = 1 Provisioner = table:00000143D48781E0 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 1 Ram = table:00000143D4876EE8 firstTable point = 4 relPoint = 4 version = 1 x = 0 y = -157 SmithingCreation = table:00000143D4878780 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = false haveMaterialChecked = false version = 2 WorldMap = table:00000143D4877078 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4877208 firstTable filters = table:00000143D48774D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4877618 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4877578 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143D4877660 firstTable filters = table:00000143D4877700 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4877890 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D48777A0 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143D48778D8 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:00000143D4877A68 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4877AE0 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143D4877F68 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D4878058 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4878198 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D48780F8 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143D4877C70 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:00000143D4877E00 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4877E78 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Morna = Stormbinder = table:000001439D087928 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143099CCF90 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508941359 Adriana = Valeria = 1486587364 Alix = de = Feu = 1472430967 An = Ghro = 1461454658 Anaconda = Girl = 1461282748 Aressette = 1461374821 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504790953 Dark_Nasty = 1496019846 Deandra = 1461285630 Dro = Zendar = 1488123117 F = Lambda = 1486587364 Faunter = 1478394511 Granny = Gravius = 1508941359 Hadran = 1461284410 Haenirr = 1462492165 Hangareighteen = 1461455251 Ixionai = 1462489495 Jefferson = Davis = 1461284410 Jon = Law = 1471435623 Jonlaw98 = 1471435623 Kaera = Elsinor = 1461284487 Lord = Nightblade = 1461282748 Martin = Draconis = 1504790953 Orbinor = the = Thankful = 1508941359 Piney = Toss = 1462489547 Queen = Vampire = 1462492165 Rashaya = 1461285630 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506950662 Romance = La = Villain = 1461374821 Rubinato = 1488123117 Sakahno = 1496019846 Sedrethi = 1506950662 Staff = of = Magius = 1461374821 Tehkiish = 1461454658 Tythis = Andromo = 1508870105 Urbek = 1508941359 Varowil = Selms = 1492392317 Velothril = Sisters = 1508941359 WiseFiend = 1492392317 Zahrana = 1461282748 Zukki = dar = 1508941359 baratron = 1504790953 btdonne = 1462489547 gunzork = le = colosse = 1462493088 version = 3 Chat = table:000001439D087BF8 firstTable containers = table:000001439D087C98 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D087D10 firstTable height = 380 point = 4 relPoint = 4 width = 550 x = -1004.9998779297 y = -69.9998779297 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:000001439D087F90 firstTable recapOn = false version = 1 DurabilityWarner = table:00000143099CDB70 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143099CDA80 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:000001439D087EA0 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143099CB5C8 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143099CB758 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143099CDBE8 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 TrialAccount = table:00000143099CCEA8 firstTable seen = table:00000143099CCF48 firstTable version = 1 WorldMap = table:00000143099CB848 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099CB9D8 firstTable filters = table:00000143099CBCA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099CBDE0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099CBE28 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099CBF18 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099CBD98 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143099CBF60 firstTable filters = table:00000143099CC000 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099CC138 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099CC2C8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099CC3B8 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099CC0F0 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143099CC400 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143099CC4F0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099CC568 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143099CCA58 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143099CCB48 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099CCC80 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099CCD70 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099CCE60 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099CCC38 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143099CC6F8 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143099CC7E8 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099CC920 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099CCA10 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099CC8D8 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Nimriel = Fernbrook = table:00000143099D25E0 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143099D43D8 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508942141 Abnab = 1508942141 Alliance = Basecamp = 1508520765 Deandra = 1508897351 Feral = Guardian = 1508942110 Gavin = Gavonne = 1508942141 Guild = Store = 1508790604 Hunger = 1508899382 Madam = Firilanya = 1508942141 Maj = al = Ragath = 1508694567 Max_Welrod = 1508790547 Pacrooti = 1508942141 Tythis = Andromo = 1508897575 Valinka = Stoneheaver = 1508942141 Wild = Guardian = 1508790602 version = 3 Chat = table:00000143099D28B0 firstTable containers = table:00000143099D2950 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D29C8 firstTable height = 380 point = 4 relPoint = 4 width = 550 x = -1004.9998779297 y = -70 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:00000143099D2C48 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143099D4748 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:00000143099D2B58 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143099D2CE8 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143099D2E78 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143099D4838 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 WorldMap = table:00000143099D2F68 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D30F8 firstTable filters = table:00000143099D33C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D3500 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D3548 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099D3638 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099D34B8 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143099D3680 firstTable filters = table:00000143099D3720 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D3858 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D38A0 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099D3990 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099D3810 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143099D39D8 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143099D3AC8 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D3B40 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143099D4030 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143099D4120 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099D4258 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D42A0 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099D4390 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099D4210 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143099D3CD0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143099D3DC0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099D3EF8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099D3FE8 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099D3EB0 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Nordish = Chef = table:00000143D486A628 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143D486C840 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508941298 A5tari = 1487612523 Adriana = Valeria = 1486563346 Alix = de = Feu = 1472435248 Armor = Wallet = 1481937675 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504790891 Dark_Nasty = 1496019776 Darmia = 1482079917 Deandra = 1461274981 F = Lambda = 1486563346 Faunter = 1478394467 Granny = Gravius = 1508941298 Gunderash = 1487612818 Hor = Tater = 1466283991 Jon = Law = 1471382692 Jonlaw98 = 1471382692 Martin = Draconis = 1504790891 Optio = Derun = 1487611196 Orbinor = the = Thankful = 1508941298 Pendletr0n = 1466283991 Rashaya = 1461274981 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506950595 Sakahno = 1496019776 Sedrethi = 1506950595 Simba = Omolu = 1482152917 Somora = 1482079941 TTMighty = 1481937675 Tythis = Andromo = 1508869925 Urbek = 1508941298 Varowil = Selms = 1492392242 Velothril = Sisters = 1508941298 WiseFiend = 1492392242 Zukki = dar = 1508941298 baratron = 1504790891 version = 3 Chat = table:00000143D486A8F8 firstTable containers = table:00000143D486A998 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486A9E0 firstTable height = 380 point = 4 relPoint = 4 width = 550 x = -1004.9998779297 y = -74.2818603516 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:00000143D486AC60 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 DurabilityWarner = table:00000143D486D330 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143D486C750 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:00000143D486AB70 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 GuildMotD = table:00000143D486D378 firstTable Cyrodiil = Trader = s = Guild = Welcome to Cyrodiil Trader's Guild! We now have 50+ members, so the guild store is up and running! Keep inviting your friends to the guild! Merchants = of = Zenithar = A small stack of each of the 6 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Provisioning Writ|r food & drink items and the 4 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Alchemy Writ|r monotype potions have been added to the Bank for your convenience. Don't forget to top them up occasionally! The = Covenant = Trading = Post = Since we do not have enough members to have a guild store (50 required) feel free to post what you are buying and selling in guild chat. UESP = Congratulations to |c78BEC3@DasArchitect|r for winning |cA02EF7All 7 Dwemer Weapon Motif Chapters|r + 7 |cFFFFFF[Dwemer Frame]|r and to |c78BEC3@Mohkia|r for winning a |cFFFFFF[Fortified Nirncrux]|r in the raffle with tickets 32 and 23 respectively!\n|cFFE164Please see |cEECA2Ahttp://tiny.cc/uesp7|cFFE164 if you're interested in crafting or fishing.|r\nThis week we have a Guild Trader in |c3A92FFEastmarch|r and the raffle prize is |cA02EF7All 7 Dwemer Armor Motif Chapters|r + 7 |cFFFFFF[Dwemer Frame]|r!\nEvery |c2DC50E1000|r|t16:16:esoui/art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t you deposit into UESP's Guild Bank earns you a raffle ticket and helps hire Guild Traders every week!\n|aC|t16:16:esoui/art/miscellaneous/gamepad/gp_scrollarrow.dds|t\n|rNext draw |c2DC50ESun 30th Aug at 10pm GMT|r here: |c3A92FFhttps://rolz.org/dr?room=uesp|r\nThe full ticket list is available here: |c3A92FFhttps://www.tinyurl.com/uesp-raffle|r\n\n|cFD7A1AThe uespLog add-on v0.30 is available for update 1.7.|r version = 1 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143D486AD00 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143D486AE90 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143D486D508 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 TrialAccount = table:00000143D486AF80 firstTable seen = table:00000143D486B020 firstTable version = 1 WorldMap = table:00000143D486B068 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486B1F8 firstTable filters = table:00000143D486B4C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486B600 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D486B648 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D486B738 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D486B5B8 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143D486B780 firstTable filters = table:00000143D486B820 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486B958 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D486BAE8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D486BBD8 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D486B910 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143D486BC20 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D486BD10 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D486BD88 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143D486C300 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D486C3F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486C528 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D486C618 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D486C708 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D486C4E0 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143D486BF18 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D486BF60 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D486C1C8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D486C2B8 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D486C180 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Reorx = Holybeard = table:000001439D06E360 firstTable AutoComplete = table:000001439D071AB8 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508942237 Alix = de = Feu = 1503541278 Bellator = Verax = 1503541278 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504877221 Bufty = 1502673618 Deyandra = Orithran = 1503541245 Dragnatra = 1503507604 Dro = Craddish = 1503541278 Embraces = The = Shadows = 1503541278 Granny = Gravius = 1508941041 Gregore = Belelle = 1501439027 Guild = Store = 1508942237 Harby = T = J = 1504206587 Jonlaw = 1503541111 Jonlaw98 = 1508806817 Lady = Blueflame = 1502673618 Lalaine = Cassiana = 1502840929 Martin = Draconis = 1506523634 Norton = Aldorius = 1503541278 Nuzhimeh = 1508806205 Nyralor = Fenris = 1503540986 Orbinor = the = Thankful = 1508941041 Raihn = Gray = 1504620412 Raven = Oryx = 1501439027 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506993672 Sedrethi = 1508786177 Serithi = 1502673618 Sharzee = Rai = 1502673618 Sir = Farms = a = Lot = 1502673618 Tythis = Andromo = 1508942322 UESP = (10) = 1508786177 Urbek = 1508941041 Urlama = 1503058350 Velothril = Sisters = 1508941041 Vinonolemar = Chaethius = 1508016205 Wicked = Shifty = 1503541278 Xana = La = neral = 1503541278 Zibelthiurdos = 1508094110 Zukki = dar = 1508941041 baratron = 1506523634 harby46 = 1504206587 ironmark = 1504620412 rakauth = 1508786177 smacx250 = 1503058350 tnx = aloot = 1501439027 version = 3 Chat = table:000001439D06E3A8 firstTable containers = table:000001439D06E448 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06E4C0 firstTable height = 352 point = 2 relPoint = 2 width = 550 x = 0 y = 455.9613647461 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:000001439D06E5F8 firstTable recapOn = false version = 1 DurabilityWarner = table:000001439D06F680 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:000001439D071A70 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:000001439D06E508 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 GuildMotD = table:000001439F8E8100 firstTable Cyrodiil = Trader = s = Guild = Welcome to Cyrodiil Trader's Guild! We now have 50+ members, so the guild store is up and running! Keep inviting your friends to the guild! Merchants = of = Zenithar = A small stack of each of the 6 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Provisioning Writ|r food & drink items and the 4 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Alchemy Writ|r monotype potions have been added to the Bank for your convenience. Don't forget to top them up occasionally! The = Covenant = Trading = Post = Since we do not have enough members to have a guild store (50 required) feel free to post what you are buying and selling in guild chat. UESP = Congratulations to |c78BEC3@YazdigerdIV|r for winning |cA02EF7All 7 Dwemer Armor Motif Chapters|r + 7 |cFFFFFF[Dwemer Frame]|r in the raffle with ticket 17!\n\nWe have a Guild Trader in |c3A92FFEastmarch|r and next week's raffle prize will be revealed shortly! Every |cFFFFFF1000|r|t16:16:esoui/art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t you deposit into UESP's Guild Bank earns you a raffle ticket and helps hire Guild Traders every week!\nNext draw |c2DC50ESun 6th Sept at 10pm GMT|r here: |c3A92FFhttps://rolz.org/dr?room=uesp|r\nThe full ticket list is available here: |c3A92FFhttps://www.tinyurl.com/uesp-raffle|r\n|cFD7A1AThe uespLog add-on v0.30 is available for update 1.7.|r version = 1 PerformanceMeters = table:000001439D06E698 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -21 y = 11 Provisioner = table:000001439D06E810 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 1 Ram = table:000001439D06E6E0 firstTable point = 4 relPoint = 4 version = 1 x = 0 y = -157 SmithingCreation = table:000001439D076190 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = false haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 TrialAccount = table:000001439D06E728 firstTable seen = table:000001439D06E7C8 firstTable version = 1 UnitFrames = table:000001439D06E900 firstTable groupStride = 4 groupVisible1 = true groupVisible2 = true groupVisible3 = true groupVisible4 = true groupVisible5 = true groupVisible6 = true groupsVisible = true showOnlyMyGroup = false version = 1 WorldMap = table:000001439D06E948 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06E990 firstTable filters = table:000001439D06E9D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06EB10 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06EB58 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D06EC48 firstTable 4 = table:000001439D06EAC8 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:000001439D06EC90 firstTable filters = table:000001439D06ED30 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D06EE98 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06EEE0 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D06F1B0 firstTable 4 = table:000001439D06EE20 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:000001439D06F1F8 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439D06F240 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D06F2B8 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 4 = table:000001439D076D08 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D076D50 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D073478 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D0734C0 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D073508 firstTable 4 = table:000001439D076D98 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:000001439D06F300 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439F8E43F0 firstTable 2 = table:000001439F8E57F8 firstTable 3 = table:000001439F8E5840 firstTable 4 = table:000001439F8E4438 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 the = Grand = table:00000143D486D5F8 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143D486EB70 firstTable RecentInteractions = table:00000143D486EC10 firstTable version = 2 Chat = table:00000143D486ECD0 firstTable containers = table:00000143D486ED70 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486EDE8 firstTable height = 268.787659 point = 6 relPoint = 6 width = 550 x = 0 y = -60.981323 version = 4 DurabilityWarner = table:00000143D486EC58 firstTable version = 1 Provisioner = table:00000143D486EA80 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 Ram = table:00000143D486D788 firstTable point = 4 relPoint = 4 version = 1 x = 0 y = -157 SmithingCreation = table:00000143D486EF78 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = false haveMaterialChecked = false version = 1 WorldMap = table:00000143D486D918 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486DAA8 firstTable filters = table:00000143D486DD78 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486DEB8 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D486DE18 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143D486DF00 firstTable filters = table:00000143D486DFA0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486E130 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D486E040 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143D486E178 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:00000143D486E308 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D486E380 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143D486E808 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D486E8F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486EA38 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D486E998 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143D486E510 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:00000143D486E6A0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D486E718 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Wizard = table:000001439D085E60 firstTable AutoComplete = table:000001439D0873D8 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1394811078 Slowham = 1393722689 version = 2 Chat = table:000001439D087590 firstTable containers = table:000001439D087630 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D0876A8 firstTable height = 267 point = 2 relPoint = 2 width = 550 x = 0 y = 352.003723 version = 4 DurabilityWarner = table:000001439D087518 firstTable version = 1 Provisioner = table:000001439D0872E8 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 Ram = table:000001439D085FF0 firstTable point = 4 relPoint = 4 version = 1 x = 0 y = -157 SmithingCreation = table:000001439D087838 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = false haveMaterialChecked = false version = 2 WorldMap = table:000001439D086180 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D086310 firstTable filters = table:000001439D0865E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D086720 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D086680 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:000001439D086768 firstTable filters = table:000001439D086808 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D086998 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D0868A8 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:000001439D0869E0 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439D086B70 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D086BE8 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 4 = table:000001439D087070 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D087160 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D0872A0 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D087200 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:000001439D086D78 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439D086F08 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D086F80 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Rexus = Caelia = table:00000143D4871870 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143D4873858 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508941631 Adriana = Valeria = 1486563751 Alix = de = Feu = 1488993800 BeatrixLaChance = 1488993800 Beatrixlachance = 1488993800 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504791281 Dark_Nasty = 1496020232 F = Lambda = 1486563751 Faunter = 1478358257 Granny = Gravius = 1508941631 Guild = Store = 1508870948 Martin = Draconis = 1504791281 Orbinor = the = Thankful = 1508941631 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506950967 Sakahno = 1496020232 Sedrethi = 1506950967 Tythis = Andromo = 1508873524 Urbek = 1508941631 Varowil = Selms = 1492392681 Velothril = Sisters = 1508941631 WiseFiend = 1492392681 Zukki = dar = 1508941631 baratron = 1504791281 version = 3 Chat = table:00000143D4871B40 firstTable containers = table:00000143D4871BE0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4871C58 firstTable height = 380 point = 4 relPoint = 4 width = 550 x = -1004.9998779297 y = -71.9998779297 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:00000143D4871ED8 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143D4873E48 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:00000143D4871DE8 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143D4871F78 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143D4872108 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143D4873F38 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = false haveMaterialChecked = true useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 WorldMap = table:00000143D48721F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4872388 firstTable filters = table:00000143D4872658 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4872790 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D48727D8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D48728C8 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4872748 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143D4872910 firstTable filters = table:00000143D48729B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4872AE8 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4872C78 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D4872D68 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4872AA0 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143D4872DB0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D4872EA0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4872F18 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143D4873408 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D48734F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4873630 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4873720 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D4873810 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D48735E8 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143D48730A8 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D4873198 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D48732D0 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D48733C0 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4873288 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Silerva = Oakshade = table:00000143D4874028 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143D4876010 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508941471 Adriana = Valeria = 1486563552 Angel = Dragonborn = 1477359486 Aniaka = 1477191883 Archavis = 1477191883 Archmage = Vargoth = 1477443285 Ares = Astrea = 1477191883 Ayane = Wyvernzora = 1477447756 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504791085 Bunky = the = Orange = 1477189217 Callanon = Harlock = 1477359521 Cassyr = 1477191883 Cyrator = 1477493035 Dark_Nasty = 1496019998 Emorie = Stella = 1477191883 Ermis = 1477334074 F = Lambda = 1486563552 Faunter = 1478394622 Fran = D = 1477359521 Gen = Armstrong = 1477191883 Gerlach = 1477182489 Granny = Gravius = 1508941471 High = Priestess = Emma = 1477447756 Jobooags = 1477191883 Loreli = Willowsong = 1477191883 Martin = Draconis = 1504791085 Maryjane = Valdez = 1477182489 Mer = de = Lumi = re = 1477191883 Orbinor = the = Thankful = 1508941471 Oy = Oy = 1477189237 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506950792 Ryona = Darkstep = 1477184287 Sakahno = 1496019998 Sedrethi = 1506950792 Tuebor = 1477191883 Tythis = Andromo = 1508873701 Urbek = 1508941471 Varowil = Selms = 1492392460 Velothril = Sisters = 1508941471 WiseFiend = 1492392460 Yeppy = Quickfoot = 1477191883 Zukki = dar = 1508941471 baratron = 1504791085 goonsquanch = 1477447756 version = 3 Chat = table:00000143D48742F8 firstTable containers = table:00000143D4874398 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4874410 firstTable height = 380 point = 4 relPoint = 4 width = 550 x = -1004.9998779297 y = -67.4998779297 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:00000143D4874690 firstTable recapOn = false version = 1 DurabilityWarner = table:00000143D4876BF0 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143D4876B00 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:00000143D48745A0 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143D4874730 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143D48748C0 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143D4876C68 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 WorldMap = table:00000143D48749B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4874B40 firstTable filters = table:00000143D4874E10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4874F48 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4874F90 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D4875080 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4874F00 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143D48750C8 firstTable filters = table:00000143D4875168 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D48752A0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4875430 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D4875520 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4875258 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143D4875568 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D4875658 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D48756D0 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143D4875BC0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D4875CB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4875DE8 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4875ED8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D4875FC8 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4875DA0 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143D4875860 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D4875950 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4875A88 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D4875B78 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4875A40 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Thaik = Mirel = table:000001439D069570 firstTable AutoComplete = table:000001439D073E18 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508941412 Adriana = Valeria = 1486563482 Amelia = the = Judas = Knight = 1487808834 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504791009 Dark_Nasty = 1496019925 Deandra = 1461698991 F = Lambda = 1486563482 Faunter = 1478394566 Fraki = Haknir = 1487808834 Granny = Gravius = 1508941412 Lisbun = Blood = Moon = 1487808834 MadDachshund = 1461197693 Martin = Draconis = 1504791009 Orbinor = the = Thankful = 1508941412 Penair = 1476235540 Pip = Cook = 1461197693 Rashaya = 1461698991 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506950720 Sakahno = 1496019925 Sedrethi = 1506950720 SinewySimian = 1478476042 TheGamingEntity = 1487808718 Tythis = Andromo = 1508870279 Urbek = 1508941412 Varowil = Selms = 1492392392 Velothril = Sisters = 1508941412 WiseFiend = 1492392392 Zukki = dar = 1508941412 baratron = 1504791009 dragonbro82 = 1476235299 version = 3 Chat = table:000001439D069840 firstTable containers = table:000001439D0698E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D069958 firstTable height = 380 point = 4 relPoint = 4 width = 550 x = -1004.9998779297 y = -68 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:000001439F8E83B8 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 DurabilityWarner = table:000001439D0744F8 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:000001439D074408 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:000001439D069AE8 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 PerformanceMeters = table:000001439F8E8458 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:000001439F8E85E8 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:000001439D074570 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 WorldMap = table:000001439F8E86D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8E8868 firstTable filters = table:000001439F8E8B38 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8E8C70 firstTable 2 = table:000001439F8E8CB8 firstTable 3 = table:000001439F8E8DA8 firstTable 4 = table:000001439F8E8C28 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:000001439F8E8DF0 firstTable filters = table:000001439F8E8E90 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8E8FC8 firstTable 2 = table:000001439F8E9158 firstTable 3 = table:000001439F8E9248 firstTable 4 = table:000001439F8E8F80 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:000001439F8E9290 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439F8E9380 firstTable 2 = table:000001439F8E93F8 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:000001439D0739C8 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D073AB8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D073BF0 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D073CE0 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D073DD0 firstTable 4 = table:000001439D073BA8 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:000001439F8E9588 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D073758 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D073890 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D073980 firstTable 4 = table:000001439D073848 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Thraag = Hardnose = table:000001439F8E68D0 firstTable AutoComplete = table:000001439D072D80 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508941172 Achilles = heals = 1477096924 Adriana = Valeria = 1486607003 Adwelas = Coach = 1476927064 Ahkavari = 1476921817 Alpha = 1486515067 Aramill = Darkhearted = 1477096924 Arewn = 1476926490 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504790761 Blazing = Shields = 1476822401 Boson = W = 1476927064 Circuitous = 1477682244 Dark_Nasty = 1496019624 Drogo = the = Fury = 1476921142 Dude = Where = s = My = Guar = 1476921817 F = Lambda = 1486607003 Faunter = 1479571510 Granny = Gravius = 1508941172 Huehuekaiser = 1476922903 Jon = Law = 1477102184 Jonlaw98 = 1490490460 Kalak = Willshaper = 1476833192 Martin = Draconis = 1504790761 Mistress = Mlyn = 1479571510 Orbinor = the = Thankful = 1508941172 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506950458 Razaghoul = 1476833116 Sakahno = 1496019624 Sedrethi = 1506950458 Taksik = 1479571510 TheGamingEntity = 1488246953 Tythis = Andromo = 1508869506 Ulphynes = 1476833192 Urbek = 1508941172 Vanus = Stormborn = 1476927064 Varowil = Selms = 1492392074 Velothril = Sisters = 1508941172 Wicked = Shifty = 1477102184 WiseFiend = 1492392074 Zukki = dar = 1508941172 baratron = 1504790761 brmc = 1477096924 gingerbreadsorc = 1488247193 lls = 1479567375 version = 3 Chat = table:000001439F8E6BA0 firstTable containers = table:000001439F8E6C40 firstTable 1 = table:000001439F8E6CB8 firstTable height = 380 point = 2 relPoint = 2 width = 550 x = 0 y = 449.7180786133 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:000001439D070048 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 DurabilityWarner = table:000001439D072E68 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:000001439D072C90 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:000001439F8E6E48 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 GuildMotD = table:000001439D072EE0 firstTable Cyrodiil = Trader = s = Guild = Welcome to Cyrodiil Trader's Guild! We now have 50+ members, so the guild store is up and running! Keep inviting your friends to the guild! Merchants = of = Zenithar = A small stack of each of the 6 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Provisioning Writ|r food & drink items and the 4 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Alchemy Writ|r monotype potions have been added to the Bank for your convenience. Don't forget to top them up occasionally! The = Covenant = Trading = Post = Since we do not have enough members to have a guild store (50 required) feel free to post what you are buying and selling in guild chat. UESP = Congratulations to |c78BEC3@Spookycat|r for winning the Dwemer Motif Armor Chapters bundle including |cA02EF7Belts, Boots, Chests, Gloves, Helmets, Legs and Shoulders|r and 7 |cFFFFFF[Dwemer Frame]|r with raffle ticket #99!\n\nThis week we have a Guild Trader in |c3A92FFMalabal Tor|r and the raffle prize is |cEECA2A50% of the weekly ticket sales, currently valued at 4000|t16:16:esoui/art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t|r!\nEvery |c78BEC31000|r|t16:16:esoui/art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t you deposit into UESP's Guild Bank earns you a ticket for a chance to win the raffle. Drawing will be on |c2DC50ESun 14th June at 10pm GMT|r!\n|cFD7A1AThe uespLog add-on v0.23 is available with a bug fix for bounty dialog.|r version = 1 PerformanceMeters = table:000001439D0700E8 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:000001439D070278 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:000001439D073070 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 TrialAccount = table:000001439D070368 firstTable seen = table:000001439D070408 firstTable version = 1 WorldMap = table:000001439D070450 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D0705E0 firstTable filters = table:000001439D0708B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D0709E8 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D070A30 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D070B20 firstTable 4 = table:000001439D0709A0 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:000001439D070B68 firstTable filters = table:000001439D070C08 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D070D40 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D070ED0 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D070FC0 firstTable 4 = table:000001439D070CF8 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:000001439F8E39F8 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439D072268 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D0722B0 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 4 = table:000001439D072840 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D072930 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D072A68 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D072B58 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D072C48 firstTable 4 = table:000001439D072A20 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:000001439D072440 firstTable allowHistory = false disableMapChanging = true filters = table:000001439D0725D0 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D072708 firstTable 3 = table:000001439D0727F8 firstTable 4 = table:000001439D0726C0 firstTable mapIndex = 14 mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Topknot = pouchfiller = table:000001439D074660 firstTable AutoComplete = table:000001439D085A08 firstTable RecentInteractions = table:000001439D085AA8 firstTable version = 3 Chat = table:000001439D074D38 firstTable containers = table:000001439D074DD8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D074E50 firstTable height = 267 point = 2 relPoint = 2 width = 550 x = 0 y = 368.2181396484 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:000001439D074A18 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 DurabilityWarner = table:000001439D085990 firstTable version = 1 Dyeing = table:000001439D085AF0 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GuildMotD = table:000001439D085BE0 firstTable Cyrodiil = Trader = s = Guild = Welcome to Cyrodiil Trader's Guild! We now have 50+ members, so the guild store is up and running! Keep inviting your friends to the guild! Merchants = of = Zenithar = A small stack of each of the 6 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Provisioning Writ|r food & drink items and the 4 |c2DC50ELevel 50 Alchemy Writ|r monotype potions have been added to the Bank for your convenience. Don't forget to top them up occasionally! The = Covenant = Trading = Post = Since we do not have enough members to have a guild store (50 required) feel free to post what you are buying and selling in guild chat. UESP = Congratulations to |c78BEC3@BeardedFlagon|r who won the raffle with ticket 55 and received a |cA02EF7[Racial Motifs 12: Barbaric]|r!\n\nThis week we have a Guild Trader in |c3A92FFStormhaven|r and the raffle prize is a |cA02EF7[Racial Motifs 13: Primal]|r. Every |cFFFFFF500|r|t16:16:esoui/art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t you deposit into UESP's Guild Bank earns you a ticket for a chance to win it! The winner will be selected live on |c2DC50ESunday 2nd August at 10pm GMT|r!\n\n|cFD7A1AThe uespLog add-on v0.26 is available with more bugs fixes from the last two versions.|r version = 1 PerformanceMeters = table:000001439D074AB8 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:000001439D074C48 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:000001439D085D70 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false version = 2 TrialAccount = table:000001439D074930 firstTable seen = table:000001439D0749D0 firstTable version = 1 WorldMap = table:000001439D074E98 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D074EE0 firstTable filters = table:000001439D074F28 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D084F38 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D084E98 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:000001439D084F80 firstTable filters = table:000001439D085020 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D0851B0 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D0850C0 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:000001439D0851F8 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D0852E8 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D085330 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:000001439D085718 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D085808 firstTable 1 = table:000001439D085948 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D0858A8 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:000001439D0854C0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:000001439D0855B0 firstTable 2 = table:000001439D085628 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Valie = Spellbound = table:00000143D486F068 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143D48710A0 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508941992 Abnab = 1508941992 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504791399 Bredston = 1495760706 Callista = Drakenbane = 1495760581 Gavin = Gavonne = 1508896175 Grandlaff = 1495985187 Helljokerz = 1495985187 Low = Neck = 1507255329 Lucient = Azureign = 1495985187 Madam = Firilanya = 1508941992 Manshima = 1495760706 Marcasite = 1495760706 Martin = Draconis = 1504791399 Moragtongue = 1495760706 One = That = Licks = 1495760706 Orbinor = the = Bothered = 1506823638 Pacrooti = 1508941992 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506951091 Ryanthusar = the = Damned = 1495985187 Sedrethi = 1506951091 Stormahawk = 1495848423 Thex = 1495760706 Trooda = 1495760706 Tythis = Andromo = 1508873196 Valinka = Stoneheaver = 1508941992 Wardorc = 1495760706 baratron = 1504791399 version = 3 Chat = table:00000143D486F338 firstTable containers = table:00000143D486F3D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486F450 firstTable height = 380 point = 4 relPoint = 4 width = 550 x = -1004.9998779297 y = -69.9998779297 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:00000143D486F6D0 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143D4871690 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:00000143D486F5E0 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143D486F770 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143D486F900 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143D4871780 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = false haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 WorldMap = table:00000143D486F9F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486FB80 firstTable filters = table:00000143D486FE50 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D486FF88 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D486FFD0 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D48700C0 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D486FF40 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143D4870108 firstTable filters = table:00000143D48701A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D48702E0 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4870470 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D4870600 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4870298 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143D4870648 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D4870738 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D48707B0 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143D4870CA0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D4870D90 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D4870EC8 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4870F68 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D4871058 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4870E80 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143D4870940 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143D4870A30 firstTable 2 = table:00000143D4870B68 firstTable 3 = table:00000143D4870C58 firstTable 4 = table:00000143D4870B20 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Zanath = Dralas = table:00000143099CDCD8 firstTable AutoComplete = table:00000143099CFCC0 firstTable RecentInteractions = 1508941524 Adriana = Valeria = 1486563620 Alix = de = Feu = 1472391847 Bjornolfr = Steel = Shaper = 1504791138 Dark_Nasty = 1496020083 F = Lambda = 1486563620 Faunter = 1478394677 Granny = Gravius = 1508941524 Jonlaw98 = 1497987390 Martin = Draconis = 1504791138 Orbinor = the = Thankful = 1508941524 Ravyn = Sedrethi = 1506950844 Sakahno = 1496020083 Sedrethi = 1506950844 Tythis = Andromo = 1508870651 Urbek = 1508941524 Varowil = Selms = 1492392529 Velothril = Sisters = 1508941524 WiseFiend = 1492392529 Zukki = dar = 1508941524 baratron = 1504791138 version = 3 Chat = table:00000143099CDFA8 firstTable containers = table:00000143099CE048 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099CE0C0 firstTable height = 380 point = 4 relPoint = 4 width = 550 x = -1004.9998779297 y = -69 version = 4 DeathRecap = table:00000143099CE340 firstTable recapOn = true version = 1 Dyeing = table:00000143099D02B0 firstTable showLocked = true sortStyle = 1 version = 1 GamepadProvisioner = table:00000143099CE250 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false version = 2 PerformanceMeters = table:00000143099CE3E0 firstTable point = 6 relPoint = 6 version = 1 x = -20 y = 20 Provisioner = table:00000143099CE570 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = true haveSkillsChecked = true version = 1 SmithingCreation = table:00000143099D03A0 firstTable haveKnowledgeChecked = true haveMaterialChecked = false useUniversalStyleItemChecked = false version = 2 WorldMap = table:00000143099CE660 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099CE7F0 firstTable filters = table:00000143099CEAC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099CEBF8 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099CEC40 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099CED30 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099CEBB0 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:00000143099CED78 firstTable filters = table:00000143099CEE18 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099CEF50 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099CF0E0 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099CF1D0 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099CEF08 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:00000143099CF218 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143099CF308 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099CF380 firstTable mapSize = 1 4 = table:00000143099CF870 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143099CF960 firstTable 1 = table:00000143099CFA98 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099CFB88 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099CFC78 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099CFA50 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:00000143099CF510 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:00000143099CF600 firstTable 2 = table:00000143099CF738 firstTable 3 = table:00000143099CF828 firstTable 4 = table:00000143099CF6F0 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 version = 4 Launig = table:00000143A387D2E0 firstTable a = 100021 d = false t = 1508770600 Lib3D_12 = table:00000143A387D1F0 firstTable 1 = 0.6340912534 2 = 0.2661199642 3 = 1 ZO_InstanceKickWarning_Alive = userdata:00000143E1386388 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_InstanceKickWarning_AliveContainer = userdata:00000143E1387A20 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InstanceKickWarning_AliveContainerText = userdata:00000143E1388E58 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_InstanceKickWarning_AliveContainerTimer = userdata:00000143E1388ED8 (meta 00000143E1389598} firstMeta firstIndex SetNumWarningSounds() = function:000001436880A098 Start() = function:000001436880A018 Stop() = function:000001436880A058 numWarningSounds = 5 ZO_InstanceKickWarning_AliveContainerTimerFrame = userdata:00000143E1389540 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InstanceKickWarning_Alive_OnInitialized() = function:00000143E13864B0 ZO_InstanceKickWarning_Dead = userdata:00000143E1389D00 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_InstanceKickWarning_DeadContainer = userdata:0000014314CF7A70 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InstanceKickWarning_DeadContainerText = userdata:00000143E13835C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_InstanceKickWarning_DeadContainerTimer = userdata:00000143E13835F8 (meta 0000014314CF6920} firstMeta firstIndex SetNumWarningSounds() = function:000001436880A098 Start() = function:000001436880A018 Stop() = function:000001436880A058 numWarningSounds = 5 ZO_InstanceKickWarning_DeadContainerTimerFrame = userdata:00000143E1389FC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InstanceKickWarning_Dead_OnInitialized() = function:00000143E1386530 ZO_InteractScene = table:00000144C79BED68 (meta 00000144C79BEDB0} firstTable firstMeta GetInteractionInfo() = function:00000144C79BEF30 Initialize() = function:00000144C79BEE98 New() = function:00000144C79BEE28 OnRemovedFromQueue() = function:00000144C79BF058 SetInteractionInfo() = function:00000144C79BF018 SetState() = function:00000144C79BF098 __index = table:00000144C79BED68 (meta 00000144C79BEDB0} ZO_InteractWindow = userdata:00000143CFFC4A78 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_InteractWindowBottomBG = userdata:00000143CFFD09A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindowDivider = userdata:00000143CFFD0530 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindowPlayerArea = userdata:00000143CFFD0760 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindowPlayerAreaHighlight = userdata:00000143CFFD0790 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindowPlayerAreaHighlightBottom = userdata:00000143CFFD0890 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindowPlayerAreaHighlightTop = userdata:00000143CFFD0810 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindowPlayerAreaOptions = userdata:00000143CFFD08C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindowRewardArea = userdata:00000143CFFD06C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindowRewardAreaHeader = userdata:00000143CFFD06F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_InteractWindowTargetArea = userdata:00000143CFFD05A0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindowTargetAreaBodyText = userdata:00000143CFFD0618 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_InteractWindowTargetAreaTitle = userdata:00000143CFFD0690 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_InteractWindowTopBG = userdata:00000143CFFD0930 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindowVerticalSeparator = userdata:00000143CFFD0A18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindow_Gamepad = userdata:00000143CFFD7AC8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadBG = userdata:00000143CFFE31C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadBGBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143CFFE46E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadBGBg = userdata:00000143CFFE4A48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadBGHighlight = userdata:00000143CFFE4758 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadBGLeftDivider = userdata:00000143CFFE47D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadBGLeftDividerArrow = userdata:00000143CFFE4858 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadBGLeftDividerBottom = userdata:00000143CFFE4958 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadBGLeftDividerTop = userdata:00000143CFFE48D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadBGRightDivider = userdata:00000143CFFE49D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadBGScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143CFFE4650 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainer = userdata:00000143CFFE4B38 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerDivider = userdata:00000143CFFE4BB8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerDividerDivider = userdata:00000143CFFE4C40 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerDividerDividerCenter = userdata:00000143CFFE4DE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerDividerDividerLeft = userdata:00000143CFFE4CC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerDividerDividerRight = userdata:00000143CFFE4D50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerInteract = userdata:00000143CFFE6A10 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerInteractList = userdata:00000143CFFE6A98 (meta 00000143CFFE7BA0} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerInteractListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143CFFE6BC0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerInteractListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143CFFE6C70 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerInteractListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143CFFE6D00 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerInteractListScroll = userdata:00000143CFFE6B20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerInteractListScrollDown = userdata:00000143CFFE6E20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerInteractListScrollUp = userdata:00000143CFFE6D90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadContainerText = userdata:00000143CFFE4E60 (meta 00000143CFFE6858} ZO_InteractWindow_GamepadTitle = userdata:00000143CFFE4AC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_InteractWindow_Gamepad_Initialize() = function:00000143CFFD80E0 ZO_InteractWindow_Initialize() = function:00000143CFFC54D8 ZO_Interaction = table:00000143CFFC4958 (meta 00000143CFFC49A0} firstTable firstMeta AnchorBottomBG() = function:00000143CFFC4FC0 DimOtherImportantOptions() = function:00000143CFFC4CE8 FinalizeChatterOptions() = function:00000143CFFC5008 InitInteraction() = function:00000143CFFC4AC8 Initialize() = function:00000143CFFC4A88 New() = function:00000143CFFC4A18 OnScreenResized() = function:00000143CFFC30A8 PopulateChatterOption() = function:00000143CFFC4F00 ResetInteraction() = function:00000143CFFC4C30 RestoreOtherImportantOptions() = function:00000143CFFC4D68 SelectChatterOptionByIndex() = function:00000143CFFC5088 SelectLastChatterOption() = function:00000143CFFC50C8 ShowQuestRewards() = function:00000143CFFC5108 UpdateChatterOptions() = function:00000143CFFC5048 __index = table:00000143CFFC4958 (meta 00000143CFFC49A0} ZO_InteractionManager = table:000001439D695388 (meta 000001439D6953D0} firstTable firstMeta HandleChatterOptionClicked() = function:00000143C7F7E450 IsInteracting() = function:000001439D6955F0 IsShowingInteraction() = function:000001439D695670 New() = function:000001439D695418 OnBeginInteraction() = function:000001439D695488 OnEndInteraction() = function:000001439D6954C8 SelectChatterOptionByIndex() = function:000001439D6956B0 SelectLastChatterOption() = function:000001439D6956F0 ShowInteractWindow() = function:000001439D695630 TerminateClientInteraction() = function:000001439D6955B0 __index = table:000001439D695388 (meta 000001439D6953D0} ZO_InteractiveRadialMenuController = table:00000144D64C57F0 (meta 000001431DA595A8} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143B5137258 InteractionCanceled() = function:00000144D64D6298 New() = function:000001431DA595F0 OnSelectionChangedCallback() = function:00000144D64D7320 OnUpdate() = function:0000014457A343E8 PopulateMenu() = function:00000144D64D6258 PrepareForInteraction() = function:0000014457A34300 SetupEntryControl() = function:0000014457A34340 ShowMenu() = function:00000144D64D63A0 StartInteraction() = function:00000143B51372F0 StopInteraction() = function:0000014457A343A8 ZO_InventoryInfoBar_ConnectStandardBar() = function:00000144C79BF158 ZO_InventoryItemImprovementStatusBar = table:0000014457A286A8 firstTable Initialize() = function:0000014457A31BC0 SetGradientColors() = function:0000014457A56680 SetMinMax() = function:0000014457A31C00 SetValueAndPreviewValue() = function:0000014457A31C98 ZO_InventoryItemImprovement_Gamepad = table:00000144DD5C6A00 (meta 00000144DD5C6A48} firstTable firstMeta AddEmptySubLabel() = function:00000144DD5C7198 AddEntry() = function:00000144DD5C6F98 AddItemKitSubLabelsToCurrentEntry() = function:00000144DD5C71D8 AddSubLabel() = function:00000144DD5C7158 BeginItemImprovement() = function:00000144DD5C7118 BuildEnumeratedImprovementKitList() = function:00000144DD5C72D8 BuildList() = function:00000144DD5C7018 CheckEmptyList() = function:00000144DD5C6F58 ClearTooltip() = function:00000144DD5C7218 CommitList() = function:00000144DD5C6FD8 GetItemName() = function:00000144DD5C7358 GetItemTemplateName() = function:00000144DD5C7298 GetScene() = function:00000144DD5C6CD8 Hide() = function:00000144DD5C6E18 ImproveItem() = function:00000144DD5C70D8 Initialize() = function:00000144DD5C6B30 InitializeImprovementKitVisualData() = function:00000144DD5C7318 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000144DD5C6B70 New() = function:00000144DD5C6AC0 OnDeferredInitialize() = function:00000144DD5C6C58 OnSelectionChanged() = function:00000144DD5C6DD8 OnShowing() = function:00000144DD5C6C98 PerformItemImprovement() = function:00000144DD5C7418 PerformUpdate() = function:00000144DD5C7098 ResetTooltipToDefault() = function:00000144DD5C7258 SetMessage() = function:00000144DD5C6E98 SetMessageHidden() = function:00000144DD5C6ED8 SetupList() = function:00000144DD5C6D58 SetupScene() = function:00000144DD5C73D8 Show() = function:00000144DD5C6E58 UpdateList() = function:00000144DD5C7058 UpdateTooltipOnSelectionChanged() = function:00000144DD5C7398 ZO_InventoryLandingArea_DropCursor() = function:00000143E6C8C4F0 ZO_InventoryLandingArea_DropCursorInBag() = function:00000143E6C8C570 ZO_InventoryLandingArea_Initialize() = function:00000143E6C8C5F8 ZO_InventoryLandingArea_SetHidden() = function:00000143E6C8C5B8 ZO_InventoryManager = table:00000143D1A54CA0 (meta 00000143D1A52E40} firstTable firstMeta AddInventoryItem() = function:000001439F023E38 AddQuestItem() = function:000001439DBF1B68 ApplyBackpackLayout() = function:00000143B8238B90 ApplySharedBagLayout() = function:00000143CBF791E0 ApplySort() = function:00000143A98CF0D0 ChangeFilter() = function:00000143B822D5B8 ChangeSort() = function:00000143CCAFC168 ClearAllGuildBankItems() = function:0000014314CF5750 ClearNewStatusOnItemsThePlayerHasSeen() = function:00000143D2B7AAC0 CloseGuildBank() = function:00000143F9A02570 CreateBankScene() = function:00000143D901A3F8 CreateCraftBagFragment() = function:00000144CCF62B10 CreateGuildBankScene() = function:00000144D864B608 DoesBagHaveEmptySlot() = function:00000144C2587EB0 EmptyInventory() = function:0000014368A0AC98 GenerateListOfVirtualStackedItems() = function:00000143D1034C10 GenerateListOfVirtualStackedItemsFromBag() = function:00000143E6C8DE50 GenerateVirtualStackedItem() = function:000001439F02F250 GetBackpackItem() = function:00000143EA537A78 GetBankItem() = function:00000143A0A69568 GetContextualInfoBar() = function:00000143141181B0 GetContextualMoneyControls() = function:00000143B8235C00 GetDisplayInventoryTable() = function:00000143D9011560 GetNumBackpackSlots() = function:00000143609B1570 GetNumSlots() = function:0000014314B77D58 GetTabFilterInfo() = function:00000143D9011668 GuildSizeChanged() = function:00000144CCF62A90 HasAnyQuickSlottableItems() = function:0000014314B796E0 HideToggleSortOrderTooltip() = function:000001439F03AF80 Initialize() = function:00000144CCF5F6D0 IsBanking() = function:00000143D9009A20 IsGuildBanking() = function:000001431C6C9CF8 IsShowingBackpack() = function:00000143E6C77570 IsSlotOccupied() = function:00000143F8BA2FD0 LayoutInventoryItems() = function:000001430989C240 New() = function:00000143D1A52658 OnGuildBankDeselected() = function:00000143D9003E88 OnGuildBankOpenError() = function:000001439F485CF8 OnInventoryItemAdded() = function:00000143A0A69390 OnInventoryItemRemoved() = function:00000143CBBA7F58 OnInventorySlotLocked() = function:00000144CCF6B878 OnInventorySlotUnlocked() = function:00000144CCF6B8B8 OnInventorySlotUpdated() = function:00000144CCF6B838 OpenGuildBank() = function:00000143CE3FA6B0 PlayItemAddedAlert() = function:000001439F0278C0 RefreshAllGuildBankItems() = function:00000143EC4016C8 RefreshAllInventoryOverlays() = function:000001439F03A8C8 RefreshAllInventorySlots() = function:0000014368A13248 RefreshAllQuests() = function:00000143EA52F5B8 RefreshBackpackWithFenceData() = function:000001446482A870 RefreshBankUpgradeKeybind() = function:000001439F0229F8 RefreshGuildBankMoneyOperationsPossible() = function:00000144CCF62A50 RefreshGuildBankPermissions() = function:00000143D9003EC8 RefreshInventorySlot() = function:0000014368A13470 RefreshInventorySlotLocked() = function:00000143D1035508 RefreshInventorySlotOverlay() = function:00000143E3462E28 RefreshMoney() = function:00000143D1A4CCC0 RefreshQuest() = function:00000143D2B861C8 RegisterForEvents() = function:00000143D6A57210 ResetQuest() = function:00000143EA531788 SelectAndChangeSort() = function:00000143E3455388 SetGuildBankLoaded() = function:00000143D0544C50 SetGuildBankLoading() = function:00000143A98C2480 SetupInitialFilter() = function:000001439F02BFD8 ShouldAddEntries() = function:00000143F455C008 ShouldAddSlotToList() = function:00000143F8BA2488 ShowToggleSortOrderTooltip() = function:000001439F03AD98 ToggleSortOrder() = function:000001431C47B040 UpdateApparelSection() = function:000001439F023C70 UpdateEmptyBagLabel() = function:00000144CCF62AD0 UpdateFreeSlots() = function:000001439F02BE10 UpdateItemCooldowns() = function:00000143E3462EC8 UpdateList() = function:00000143D2B7BDC0 UpdateNewStatus() = function:0000014473533E70 UpdateSortOrderButtonTextures() = function:0000014345CED288 __index = table:00000143D1A54CA0 (meta 00000143D1A52E40} ZO_InventoryManager_SetQuestToolData() = function:00000144CCF6B7F0 ZO_InventoryMenuBar = table:00000143F9A0C758 (meta 00000143F9A0D530} firstTable firstMeta AddTab() = function:0000014314CEA7B0 CreateTabData() = function:0000014314CEA370 GetFragment() = function:0000014314CEB170 Initialize() = function:00000143F9A107A8 LayoutCraftBagTooltip() = function:0000014314CE9DD0 New() = function:00000143F9A10A70 OnButtonClicked() = function:00000143BC8673C8 OnFragmentHidden() = function:0000014314CEE0B8 OnFragmentHiding() = function:0000014314CED8B0 OnFragmentShowing() = function:0000014314CEC980 OnFragmentShown() = function:0000014314CECD68 RemoveAllTabs() = function:0000014314CDB6D8 SetStartingFragmentQuickslots() = function:00000143EC406D58 ToggleQuickslotsTab() = function:00000143F9A06570 UpdateInventoryKeybinds() = function:0000014314CD9780 ZO_InventorySlotActions = table:00000143E6C73298 (meta 00000143CBF7F7A8} firstTable firstMeta AddSlotAction() = function:00000143CBF87438 CheckKeybindActionVisibility() = function:00000143EA543C38 CheckPrimaryActionVisibility() = function:00000143EA543BB0 Clear() = function:00000143E6C74F20 DoAction() = function:00000143E6C75460 DoKeybindAction() = function:00000143E6C75418 DoPrimaryAction() = function:00000144C2590C78 GetAction() = function:00000143F4558458 GetKeybindActionName() = function:00000143CBF85440 GetNumSlotActions() = function:00000143CBF874F8 GetPrimaryActionName() = function:00000143E6C754A8 GetRawActionName() = function:00000143EA543B68 GetSlotAction() = function:00000143CBF87538 New() = function:00000143E6C7BD98 SetContextMenuMode() = function:00000143E6C74FB8 SetInventorySlot() = function:00000143F4558500 Show() = function:00000143E6C74F60 __index = table:00000143E6C73298 (meta 00000143CBF7F7A8} ZO_InventorySlot_CanDestroyItem() = function:00000143C0261F40 ZO_InventorySlot_CanSplitItemStack() = function:00000143D0549A20 ZO_InventorySlot_DiscoverSlotActionsFromActionList() = function:00000143BC4F9188 ZO_InventorySlot_DoPrimaryAction() = function:0000014345CE90B0 ZO_InventorySlot_GetInventorySlotComponents() = function:00000143D70CB1A8 ZO_InventorySlot_GetItemListDialog() = function:00000143D0549AA0 ZO_InventorySlot_GetStackCount() = function:00000144D5B31378 ZO_InventorySlot_GetType() = function:00000144D5B31338 ZO_InventorySlot_HandleInventoryUpdate() = function:00000143141135B8 ZO_InventorySlot_InitiateDestroyItem() = function:00000143C0262000 ZO_InventorySlot_IsSplittableType() = function:00000144D5B313B8 ZO_InventorySlot_OnDragStart() = function:000001439EAB4EA8 ZO_InventorySlot_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143C7F7A1A8 ZO_InventorySlot_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143C7F7A168 ZO_InventorySlot_OnPoolReset() = function:00000143C025DEA8 ZO_InventorySlot_OnReceiveDrag() = function:00000143D6187810 ZO_InventorySlot_OnSlotClicked() = function:0000014345CE9140 ZO_InventorySlot_RemoveMouseOverKeybinds() = function:00000143D6187890 ZO_InventorySlot_SetHighlightHidden() = function:00000143ED3B7C58 ZO_InventorySlot_SetType() = function:00000144D5B312F8 ZO_InventorySlot_SetUpdateCallback() = function:0000014314113420 ZO_InventorySlot_ShowContextMenu() = function:00000143AA40F5D0 ZO_InventorySlot_Status_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143D61879E0 ZO_InventorySlot_TraitInfo_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143D6187918 ZO_InventorySlot_TraitInfo_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143D6187958 ZO_InventorySlot_TrySplitStack() = function:00000143D0549A60 ZO_InventorySlot_UpdateCooldowns() = function:000001439FADD8D0 ZO_InventorySlot_WillItemBecomeBoundOnEquip() = function:00000143D61878D8 ZO_InventoryUtils_DoesNewItemMatchFilterType() = function:00000143F4204898 ZO_InventoryUtils_DoesNewItemMatchSupplies() = function:00000143F42048D8 ZO_InventoryUtils_Gamepad_GetBestItemCategoryDescription() = function:00000143F4204698 ZO_InventoryUtils_Gamepad_GetSellItemCustomSortOrder() = function:00000143F4204798 ZO_InventoryUtils_GetEquipSlotForEquipType() = function:00000143F4204958 ZO_InventoryUtils_UpdateTooltipEquippedIndicatorText() = function:00000143F4204918 ZO_InventoryWallet = userdata:00000144C303D660 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_InventoryWalletFilterDivider = userdata:00000144C303D9F0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InventoryWalletFilterDividerLeft = userdata:00000144C303DC98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InventoryWalletFilterDividerRight = userdata:00000144C303DD10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InventoryWalletInfoBar = userdata:00000144C303E690 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InventoryWalletInfoBarDivider = userdata:00000144C303E708 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_InventoryWalletInfoBarDividerLeft = userdata:00000144C303E780 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InventoryWalletInfoBarDividerRight = userdata:00000144C303E7F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InventoryWalletInfoBarFreeSlots = userdata:00000144C303E870 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_InventoryWalletInfoBarMoney = userdata:00000144C303E8E8 (meta 00000144C3050CB8} ZO_InventoryWalletList = userdata:00000144C303DD80 (meta 00000144C303E2E0} ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row1 = userdata:00000144C304C310 (meta 00000144C304E298} ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row1Amount = userdata:00000144C304C9F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row1Bg = userdata:00000144C304C890 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row1Button = userdata:00000144C304CA70 (meta 00000144C304E180} firstMeta firstIndex tooltipAnchor = userdata:00000144C304C310 (meta 00000144C304E298} ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row1ButtonCooldown = userdata:00000144C304DFF0 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row1ButtonIcon = userdata:00000144C304DEF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row1ButtonStackCount = userdata:00000144C304DF70 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row1Highlight = userdata:00000144C304C908 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row1Name = userdata:00000144C304C980 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row2 = userdata:00000144C304E758 (meta 00000144C304EC90} ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row2Amount = userdata:00000144C304E930 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row2Bg = 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function:00000143EA76EF60 ResetStaticParameters() = function:00000143D58747D8 SetStaticParameters() = function:00000143EA76EF20 __index = table:00000143EA76EE90 (meta 00000143EA76EED8} ZO_ItemPreviewType_FurnitureMarketProduct = table:0000014429013308 (meta 00000143D586FBA8} firstTable firstMeta Apply() = function:00000143D586FBF0 __index = table:0000014429013308 (meta 00000143D586FBA8} ZO_ItemPreviewType_InventoryItemAsFurniture = table:00000143F76E38E8 (meta 00000143F76E3930} firstTable firstMeta Apply() = function:00000143F76DED20 HasStaticParameters() = function:000001444EEE1820 ResetStaticParameters() = function:00000143F76DECE0 SetStaticParameters() = function:00000143F76DEC70 __index = table:00000143F76E38E8 (meta 00000143F76E3930} ZO_ItemPreviewType_MarketProduct = table:00000143140BEA20 (meta 0000014307CA6E90} firstTable firstMeta Apply() = function:00000143D586FC50 GetNumVariations() = function:000001431B3ED9B0 GetVariationName() = function:00000144290132C8 HasStaticParameters() = function:0000014429013288 ResetStaticParameters() = function:000001431B3ED970 SetStaticParameters() = function:0000014429017478 __index = table:00000143140BEA20 (meta 0000014307CA6E90} ZO_ItemPreviewType_PlacedFurniture = table:00000143D5874818 (meta 00000143D5874860} firstTable firstMeta Apply() = function:000001439FD00ED0 HasStaticParameters() = function:000001439FD00DE8 ResetStaticParameters() = function:00000143140B24D0 SetStaticParameters() = function:00000143140B2460 __index = table:00000143D5874818 (meta 00000143D5874860} ZO_ItemPreviewType_ProvisionerItemAsFurniture = table:00000143140B2510 (meta 0000014307CAF4C0} firstTable firstMeta Apply() = function:0000014307CAF6C8 HasStaticParameters() = function:0000014307CAF5E0 ResetStaticParameters() = function:0000014307CAF548 SetStaticParameters() = function:0000014307CAF508 __index = table:00000143140B2510 (meta 0000014307CAF4C0} ZO_ItemPreviewType_StoreEntryAsFurniture = table:0000014307CAE180 (meta 0000014307CAE1C8} firstTable firstMeta Apply() = function:0000014307CAD760 HasStaticParameters() = function:0000014307CAD678 ResetStaticParameters() = function:0000014307CAD5E0 SetStaticParameters() = function:0000014307CAE210 __index = table:0000014307CAE180 (meta 0000014307CAE1C8} ZO_ItemPreviewType_TradingHouseSearchResultAsFurniture = table:0000014307CAF708 (meta 0000014307CAF588} firstTable firstMeta Apply() = function:0000014307CAE140 HasStaticParameters() = function:0000014307CAE058 ResetStaticParameters() = function:0000014307CADFC0 SetStaticParameters() = function:0000014307CAF750 __index = table:0000014307CAF708 (meta 0000014307CAF588} ZO_ItemPreview_Gamepad = table:00000143EA4FA928 (meta 000001431392EE78} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:0000014457A2F220 Apply() = function:000001436882CDB8 Deactivate() = function:00000143167BD6A0 Initialize() = function:00000144D64DC378 New() = function:0000014377CEF478 OnPreviewHidden() = function:0000014368606D58 OnPreviewShowing() = function:00000143AA17AA88 SetCanChangePreview() = function:00000144D64D54A0 SetHorizontalPaddings() = function:000001432E005440 SetVariationControlsHidden() = function:0000014457A2F108 SetVariationLabel() = function:00000143167BAC50 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:000001436882CF70 __index = table:00000143EA4FA928 (meta 000001431392EE78} ZO_ItemPreview_GamepadTopLevel = userdata:0000014313925EE0 (meta 00000143A0C2F2B0} ZO_ItemPreview_GamepadTopLevelPreviewLeftIcon = userdata:00000143AA17E6B8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ItemPreview_GamepadTopLevelPreviewRightIcon = userdata:0000014305C9EDD8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ItemPreview_GamepadTopLevelVariationLabel = userdata:0000014313925FC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ItemPreview_Gamepad_OnInitialize() = function:000001431D567BA0 ZO_ItemPreview_Keyboard = table:000001431B3F4438 (meta 000001431DC94EF0} firstTable firstMeta Apply() = function:0000014457A48360 CyclePreviewVariations() = function:0000014457A483A0 Initialize() = function:000001431DC94FD8 InitializeArrowButton() = function:00000143B2B5A350 InitializeRotationControl() = function:000001431DC95098 New() = function:000001431DC94F68 OnPreviewHidden() = function:000001431DC95180 SetCanChangePreview() = function:0000014457A48320 SetEnabled() = function:0000014457A483E8 SetHorizontalPaddings() = function:00000143D587DC70 SetVariationControlsHidden() = function:000001431DC950D8 SetVariationLabel() = function:000001431DC95118 __index = table:000001431B3F4438 (meta 000001431DC94EF0} ZO_ItemPreview_KeyboardTopLevel = userdata:000001431DC94FC8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_ItemPreview_KeyboardTopLevelPreviewVariationLeftArrow = userdata:000001439FD03BD0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ItemPreview_KeyboardTopLevelPreviewVariationRightArrow = userdata:000001439FD03C90 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ItemPreview_KeyboardTopLevelRotationArea = userdata:000001439FD03AC0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ItemPreview_KeyboardTopLevelVariationLabel = userdata:000001439FD03B40 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ItemPreview_Keyboard_OnInitialize() = function:00000143D587DCB0 ZO_ItemPreview_Shared = table:0000014307CAD7A0 (meta 0000014307CAD7E8} firstTable firstMeta Apply() = function:0000014307CAB7C8 ApplyOrBuffer() = function:0000014307CAB788 CanChangePreview() = function:0000014307CAB848 CanItemLinkBePreviewedAsFurniture() = function:000001444EEE0828 EndCurrentPreview() = function:0000014307CAD048 GetFragment() = function:0000014307CABB58 GetPreviewTypeObject() = function:0000014307CAD0A0 Initialize() = function:0000014307CAE000 IsCurrentlyPreviewing() = function:0000014307CAD0E0 IsInteractionCameraPreviewEnabled() = function:000001444EEE0628 New() = function:0000014307CAD860 OnPreviewHidden() = function:0000014307CAD2C8 OnPreviewShowing() = function:0000014307CAD1C8 OnPreviewShown() = function:0000014307CAD288 OnStateChanged() = function:0000014307CAD188 OnUpdate() = function:0000014307CAD248 PreviewCollectibleAsFurniture() = function:0000014307CAB648 PreviewFurnitureMarketProduct() = function:0000014307CAB5C8 PreviewInventoryItemAsFurniture() = function:0000014307CAB608 PreviewMarketProduct() = function:0000014307CAD120 PreviewNextVariation() = function:0000014307CAB8D0 PreviewPlacedFurniture() = function:0000014307CAB688 PreviewPreviousVariation() = function:0000014307CAB910 PreviewProvisionerItemAsFurniture() = function:0000014307CAB6C8 PreviewStoreEntryAsFurniture() = function:0000014307CAB748 PreviewTradingHouseSearchResultAsFurniture() = function:0000014307CAB708 RefreshDynamicFramingOpening() = function:0000014307CAB9D0 RefreshPreviewInEmptyWorld() = function:0000014307CABA90 RemoveFragmentImmediately() = function:000001444EEE06A8 SetCanChangePreview() = function:0000014307CAB808 SetDynamicFramingConsumedSpace() = function:0000014307CAB990 SetForcePreparePreview() = function:0000014307CAB950 SetHorizontalPaddings() = function:000001444EEE07A8 SetInteractionCameraPreviewEnabled() = function:000001444EEE06E8 SetPreviewBufferMS() = function:000001444EEE07E8 SetPreviewInEmptyWorld() = function:0000014307CABA50 SetVariationControlsHidden() = function:000001444EEE0728 SetVariationLabel() = function:000001444EEE0768 SharedPreviewSetup() = function:0000014307CAD620 ToggleInteractionCameraPreview() = function:000001444EEE0668 ZO_ItemSlotActionsController = table:00000143EA549850 (meta 00000143EA54C708} firstTable firstMeta AddSubCommand() = function:00000143D70CFB90 DoSelectedAction() = function:00000143EA549D20 GetActions() = function:00000143EA549D60 GetSelectedAction() = function:00000143EA5423E0 GetSlotActions() = function:00000143D70CFAE8 HasSelectedAction() = function:00000143EA549CE0 Initialize() = function:00000143EA545620 New() = function:00000143EA5455B0 RefreshKeybindStrip() = function:00000143EA545AA0 SetInventorySlot() = function:00000143EA547F80 SetSelectedAction() = function:00000143D70CFB28 SetUseKeybindStrip() = function:00000143EA545660 __index = table:00000143EA549850 (meta 00000143EA54C708} ZO_ItemSlot_GetAlwaysShowStackCount() = function:00000143E3457E78 ZO_ItemSlot_SetAlwaysShowStackCount() = function:00000143CCAFC510 ZO_ItemSlot_SetupIconUsableAndLockedColor() = function:00000143FBA02C18 ZO_ItemSlot_SetupSlot() = function:00000143CCB002F8 ZO_ItemSlot_SetupSlotBase() = function:0000014314114210 ZO_ItemSlot_SetupTextUsableAndLockedColor() = function:000001439D2A5368 ZO_ItemSlot_SetupUsableAndLockedColor() = function:000001439D2A2C48 ZO_ItemTooltip_AddMoney() = function:00000143140C1178 ZO_ItemTooltip_ClearCharges() = function:00000143EA7711E8 ZO_ItemTooltip_ClearCondition() = function:00000143EA771228 ZO_ItemTooltip_ClearEquippedInfo() = function:00000143EA771268 ZO_ItemTooltip_ClearMoney() = function:00000143EA7711A8 ZO_ItemTooltip_Cleared() = function:00000143EA76BC70 ZO_ItemTooltip_OnAddGameData() = function:00000143EA76A0D0 ZO_ItemTooltip_SetCharges() = function:00000143EA76C0D0 ZO_ItemTooltip_SetCondition() = function:00000143EA76C110 ZO_ItemTooltip_SetEquippedInfo() = function:00000143EA76BCF0 ZO_ItemTooltip_SetMoney() = function:00000143EA7725F0 ZO_ItemTooltip_SetStolen() = function:00000143EA76B678 ZO_ItemTransferDialog = userdata:00000143A38F5988 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_ItemTransferDialogBG = userdata:00000143A38F8578 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_ItemTransferDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143A38F85F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ItemTransferDialogCancel = userdata:00000143A38F8D28 (meta 00000143A38F8E70} ZO_ItemTransferDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:00000143A38F8E18 (meta 00000143A38F8FE0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143A38F8D28 (meta 00000143A38F8E70} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143A38F8E18 (meta 00000143A38F8FE0} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143A38F8DA0 (meta 00000143A38FA4D0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_ItemTransferDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:00000143A38F8DA0 (meta 00000143A38FA4D0} ZO_ItemTransferDialogDivider = userdata:00000143A38F86D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ItemTransferDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:00000143A38F7100 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ItemTransferDialogSlot = userdata:00000143A38F88A8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ItemTransferDialogSlotIcon = userdata:00000143A38F8918 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ItemTransferDialogSlotStackCount = userdata:00000143A38F8990 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ItemTransferDialogSpinner = userdata:00000143A38F8A00 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ItemTransferDialogSpinnerBGLeft = userdata:00000143A38F8B68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ItemTransferDialogSpinnerBGRight = userdata:00000143A38F8BE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ItemTransferDialogSpinnerDecrease = userdata:00000143A38F8A78 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ItemTransferDialogSpinnerDisplay = userdata:00000143A38F8C58 (meta 000001430833A3B8} ZO_ItemTransferDialogSpinnerIncrease = userdata:00000143A38F8AF0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ItemTransferDialogTitle = userdata:00000143A38F8660 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ItemTransferDialogTransfer = userdata:00000143A38FA5D0 (meta 00000143A38FA720} ZO_ItemTransferDialogTransferKeyLabel = userdata:00000143A38FA6C8 (meta 00000143A38FA890} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143A38FA5D0 (meta 00000143A38FA720} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143A38FA6C8 (meta 00000143A38FA890} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143A38FA650 (meta 00000143A38FA978} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_ItemTransferDialogTransferNameLabel = userdata:00000143A38FA650 (meta 00000143A38FA978} ZO_ItemTransferDialog_Base = table:000001436913C1F0 (meta 000001436913C238} firstTable firstMeta GetTransferMaximum() = function:000001436913C3B8 Initialize() = function:000001436913C320 New() = function:000001436913C2B0 ShowDialog() = function:000001436913C520 StartTransfer() = function:000001436913C4A0 Transfer() = function:000001436913C4E0 ZO_ItemTransferDialog_OnInitialize() = function:00000143A38FD628 ZO_ItemTransferDialog_OpenTransferDialog() = function:00000143A38F5B98 ZO_IterateDyeableSlotData() = function:00000143F440A750 ZO_JOURNAL_PROGRESS_FAKED_SUBCATEGORY_INDEX = 0 ZO_JournalProgressBook_Common = table:00000143D617FA60 (meta 00000143D617FAA8} firstTable firstMeta AddCategory() = function:00000143D6180800 AddTopLevelCategory() = function:00000143D6180900 BuildCategories() = function:00000143D6180680 BuildContentList() = function:00000143D6180700 GetCategoryIcons() = function:00000143D6180540 GetCategoryIndicesFromData() = function:00000143D61805C0 GetCategoryInfo() = function:00000143D617FFF8 GetCategoryInfoFromData() = function:00000143D6180600 GetLookupNodeByCategory() = function:00000143D6180640 GetNumCategories() = function:00000143D617FFB8 GetSubCategoryInfo() = function:00000143D6180580 HideSummary() = function:00000143D617FEF8 Initialize() = function:00000143D617FB90 InitializeCategories() = function:00000143D617FDF8 InitializeCategoryTemplates() = function:00000143D617FCF8 InitializeChildIndentAndSpacing() = function:00000143D617FD38 InitializeControls() = function:00000143D617FBD0 InitializeEvents() = function:00000143D617FCB8 InitializeFilters() = function:00000143D617FD78 InitializeSummary() = function:00000143D617FDB8 IsSummaryOpen() = function:00000143D617FF38 New() = function:00000143D617FB20 OnCategorySelected() = function:00000143D6180740 RefreshVisibleCategoryFilter() = function:00000143D6180780 ResetFilters() = function:00000143D617FE38 ShowSummary() = function:00000143D617FEB8 UpdateCategoryLabels() = function:00000143D61806C0 UpdateStatusBar() = function:00000143D617FF78 UpdateSummary() = function:00000143D617FE78 ZO_KEEP_SUMMARY_GAMEPAD_OFFSET_X = 10 ZO_KEYBIND_STRIP_GAMEPAD_VISUAL_HEIGHT = 125 ZO_KEYBIND_STRIP_KEYBOARD_VISUAL_HEIGHT = 85 ZO_KEYBOARD_CURRENCY_BANK_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS = table:0000014307CA2270 firstTable font = ZoFontGameLargeBold iconSide = 8 showTooltips = true tooltipFunction() = function:0000014307CA23E8 ZO_KEYBOARD_CURRENCY_GUILD_BANK_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS = table:0000014307CA2468 firstTable font = ZoFontGameLargeBold iconSide = 8 showTooltips = true tooltipFunction() = function:0000014307CA25E0 ZO_KEYBOARD_CURRENCY_OPTIONS = table:0000014307CA1FC8 firstTable font = ZoFontGameLargeBold iconSide = 8 showTooltips = true ZO_KEYBOARD_GROUP_FRAME_HEIGHT = 80 ZO_KEYBOARD_GROUP_FRAME_WIDTH = 288 ZO_KEYBOARD_GROUP_LIST_CLASS_WIDTH = 70 ZO_KEYBOARD_GROUP_LIST_LEADER_AND_NAME_WIDTH = 240 ZO_KEYBOARD_GROUP_LIST_LEADER_WIDTH = 35 ZO_KEYBOARD_GROUP_LIST_LEVEL_WIDTH = 75 ZO_KEYBOARD_GROUP_LIST_NAME_WIDTH = 205 ZO_KEYBOARD_GROUP_LIST_PADDING_X = 5 ZO_KEYBOARD_GROUP_LIST_ROLES_WIDTH = 75 ZO_KEYBOARD_GROUP_LIST_ZONE_WIDTH = 125 ZO_KEYBOARD_HOUSING_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_NAME_WIDTH = 300 ZO_KEYBOARD_HOUSING_SETTINGS_PERMISSIONS_WIDTH = 290 ZO_KEYBOARD_IS_EQUIPPED_ICON = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_icon_equipped.dds ZO_KEYBOARD_LOCKED_ICON = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/status_locked.dds ZO_KEYBOARD_LOOT_HISTORY_ENTRY_SPACING_Y = -1 ZO_KEYBOARD_NEW_ICON = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/new_icon.dds ZO_KEYBOARD_RAID_FRAME_HEIGHT = 40 ZO_KEYBOARD_RAID_FRAME_WIDTH = 96 ZO_KeepNetwork = table:00000143C0154CE8 (meta 00000143C0154D30} firstTable firstMeta ALLIANCE_OWNER_ALPHA = table:00000143E3462A08 firstTable 0 = 0.2 1 = 0.4 2 = 0.4 3 = 0.4 ClearOpenNetwork() = function:00000143E3462B40 LINK_NOT_READY_COLOR = table:00000143E3462C40 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 0.2 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 LINK_READY_COLOR = table:00000143E3462AF8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 0.4 b = 0 g = 1 r = 0 New() = function:00000143132249B0 RefreshLinks() = function:00000143E3462C88 SetOpenNetwork() = function:00000143132249F0 UpdateLinkPostionsForNewMapSize() = function:0000014313224C20 __index = table:00000143C0154CE8 (meta 00000143C0154D30} ZO_KeepResourceTypeFragment_Shared = table:00000143C0161238 (meta 00000143C0161280} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:00000143C0161378 New() = function:00000143C01612C8 Show() = function:00000143C0161338 __index = table:00000143C0161238 (meta 00000143C0161280} ZO_KeepTooltip = userdata:00000143B3247B88 (meta 00000144D8630CE8} firstMeta firstIndex GetWidth() = function:00000143B324E850 RefreshKeepInfo() = function:00000143B3257B20 Reset() = function:00000143B3254A10 SetForwardCamp() = function:00000143B3246140 SetKeep() = function:00000143B32479E8 SetOwner() = function:00000143B32461B0 linePool = table:00000144C102D390 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144C102D090 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144C102D108 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_KeepTooltipLine parent = userdata:00000143B3247B88 (meta 00000144D8630CE8} templateName = ZO_KeepTooltipLine ZO_KeepTooltipBG = userdata:00000144C102CFA8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_KeepTooltipBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000144C102D018 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_KeepTooltipName = userdata:00000144C102D080 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_KeepTooltip_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:00000144C102CE40 ZO_KeepTooltip_OnInitialized() = function:00000143B324E890 ZO_KeepUpgradePathFragment_Shared = table:00000143C01613B8 (meta 00000143C0161400} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:00000143C01614F8 New() = function:00000143C0161448 Show() = function:00000143C01614B8 __index = table:00000143C01613B8 (meta 00000143C0161400} ZO_KeepUpgrade_Shared = table:00000143C0160B70 (meta 00000143C0160BB8} firstTable firstMeta GetLevelUpgradeInfo() = function:00000143C0160DB0 GetNumLevelUpgrades() = function:00000143C0160D70 GetNumUpgradeTypes() = function:00000143C0160E30 GetUpgradeLevel() = function:00000143C0160CF0 GetUpgradeLevelProgress() = function:00000143C0160D30 GetUpgradeTypeName() = function:00000143C0160DF0 IsInputEnemyControlled() = function:00000143C0160E70 New() = function:00000143C0160C00 SetRateTooltip() = function:00000143C0160EB0 SetResourceType() = function:00000143C0160CB0 ZO_KeyMarkupLabel_OnNewUserAreaCreated() = function:0000014368823C48 ZO_KeyMarkupLabel_OnTextChanged() = function:0000014368823E10 ZO_KeyMarkupLabel_SetCustomOffsets() = function:0000014368823DD0 ZO_KeyMarkupLabel_SetEdgeFileColor() = function:0000014368823D88 ZO_KeybindButtonMixin = table:00000143D0942138 firstTable AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 ZO_KeybindButtonTemplate_AddGlobalDisableReference() = function:0000014457A4A5C8 ZO_KeybindButtonTemplate_OnInitialized() = function:0000014457A509C0 ZO_KeybindButtonTemplate_OnMouseUp() = function:0000014457A50980 ZO_KeybindButtonTemplate_RemoveGlobalDisableReference() = function:0000014457A4A610 ZO_KeybindButtonTemplate_Setup() = function:0000014457A50A08 ZO_KeybindButton_ChromaBehavior_OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143EA5049A8 ZO_KeybindButton_ChromaBehavior_OnEffectivelyShown() = function:0000014457A50BE8 ZO_KeybindStrip = table:0000014314B9BE00 (meta 00000143EC92DA78} firstTable firstMeta AddButtonToAnchors() = function:000001431D567158 AddKeybindButton() = function:0000014314B95B90 AddKeybindButtonGroup() = function:00000143A1311E28 ClearKeybindGroupStateStack() = function:0000014314B949D8 FilterSceneHiding() = function:00000143A429F1E0 GetAnchorTableFromAlignment() = function:00000143A1318A28 GetKeybindState() = function:0000014314B9BFB8 GetStyle() = function:000001431D567098 GetTopKeybindStateIndex() = function:0000014314B935C8 HasKeybindButton() = function:00000143A1316420 HasKeybindButtonGroup() = function:00000143EA4FA1C0 Initialize() = function:0000014314B9BEB8 New() = function:0000014314B9BE48 PopKeybindGroupState() = function:0000014314B93670 PushKeybindGroupState() = function:0000014314B9BF78 RemoveAllKeyButtonGroups() = function:0000014314B97EB8 RemoveAllKeyButtonGroupsStack() = function:0000014314B95B50 RemoveButtonFromAnchors() = function:000001431D567118 RemoveKeybindButton() = function:00000143A13113C8 RemoveKeybindButtonGroup() = function:00000143A1311EA8 RemoveKeybindButtonGroupStack() = function:0000014314B9A1E0 SetBackgroundDrawOrder() = function:00000143A1312530 SetBackgroundStyle() = function:000001431D567058 SetDrawOrder() = function:00000143A1314AF8 SetHidden() = function:00000143EA4E9E88 SetOnStyleChangedCallback() = function:000001431D5670D8 SetStyle() = function:00000143EA4E9EC8 SetUpButton() = function:00000143A1318AA8 SetupButtonStyle() = function:00000143A13189E8 TriggerCooldown() = function:00000143EA4E9E08 TryHandlingKeybindDown() = function:00000143A429F220 TryHandlingKeybindUp() = function:00000143A429F278 UpdateAnchors() = function:00000143EA4ECB00 UpdateAnchorsInternal() = function:00000143EA4ECA38 UpdateCooldowns() = function:00000143EA4E9E48 UpdateCurrentKeybindButtonGroups() = function:00000143A1311EE8 UpdateKeybindButton() = function:00000143A13163A0 UpdateKeybindButtonGroup() = function:00000143EA4FA140 __index = table:0000014314B9BE00 (meta 00000143EC92DA78} ZO_KeybindStripButtonTemplate1 = userdata:000001431E0CC638 (meta 000001431E0CE3D0} ZO_KeybindStripButtonTemplate1KeyLabel = userdata:000001431D7B3AD8 (meta 0000014313924268} ZO_KeybindStripButtonTemplate1NameLabel = userdata:000001431E0CB298 (meta 00000143139242F8} ZO_KeybindStripControl = userdata:0000014310BC3850 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_KeybindStripControlCenterParent = userdata:000001431D7B1230 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_KeybindStripControlLeftStickSlide = userdata:00000143D5FF4CA8 (meta 00000143D5FF4EE8} ZO_KeybindStripControlLeftStickSlideKeyLabel = userdata:00000143D5FF4E90 (meta 00000143D5FF5058} ZO_KeybindStripControlLeftStickSlideNameLabel = userdata:00000143D5FF4D28 (meta 00000143D5FF4D80} ZO_KeybindStripGamepadBackground = userdata:00000143E74C1DA8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_KeybindStripGamepadBackgroundTexture = userdata:0000014310BC3820 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_KeybindStripMungeBackground = userdata:00000143E74C0268 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_KeybindStripMungeBackgroundTexture = userdata:00000143E74C1D78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_KeybindStrip_HandleKeybindDown() = function:00000143E74BEA68 ZO_KeybindStrip_HandleKeybindUp() = function:00000143E74BEAA8 ZO_KeybindStrip_OnInitialized() = function:0000014377CEC3A0 ZO_Keybinding_GetGamepadActionName() = function:0000014428AF8290 ZO_Keybindings = 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firstTable contents = userdata:00000143A35E5910 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143A35E5400 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143A35E59D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143553A2E78 firstTable height = 80 pool = table:00000143553A3608 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143553A3650 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143553A3508 m_Free = table:00000143553A2E30 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143553A3488 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000143A35E5798 (meta 0000014308349FC8} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143A35E5C50 (meta 00000143A35E5850} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143A35E57F8 (meta 000001430836A030} areaOver = false targetAlpha = 0.5 timeline = userdata:00000143A35E57C8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} selectionCallback() = function:00000143553ADFE0 selectionTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterDefaultHighlight timeline = userdata:00000143A35E5A38 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 80 upButton = userdata:00000143A35E5DF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143553A2EC0 firstTable ZO_LeaderboardList_GamepadContainerListContents = userdata:00000143A35E5910 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_LeaderboardList_GamepadContainerListScrollBar = userdata:00000143A35E5C50 (meta 00000143A35E5850} ZO_LeaderboardList_GamepadContainerListScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143A35E5798 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LeaderboardList_GamepadContainerListScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143A35E5D70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LeaderboardList_GamepadContainerListScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143A35E5DF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LeaderboardList_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:00000143A3600DE0 ZO_LeaderboardRaidProvider = table:00000143B821CA90 (meta 00000143B821CAD8} firstTable firstMeta Accept() = function:00000143B821CC68 BuildNotificationList() = function:00000143B821CB90 CreateMessage() = function:00000143B821CC28 Decline() = function:00000143B821CCE8 New() = function:00000143B821CB20 ZO_Leaderboards = userdata:000001430977C780 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_LeaderboardsActiveLeaderboard = userdata:00000143097A7BF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_LeaderboardsBottomDivider = userdata:00000143097ACB18 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_LeaderboardsBottomDividerLeft = userdata:00000143097AF940 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LeaderboardsBottomDividerRight = userdata:00000143097B2D88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LeaderboardsEmptyRow = userdata:00000143097827F0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_LeaderboardsEmptyRowBG = userdata:00000143D4A6F4D8 (meta 000001440601F6D0} firstMeta firstIndex nonRecolorable = true ZO_LeaderboardsEmptyRowMessage = userdata:00000143D4A6F468 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_LeaderboardsFilter = userdata:00000143097A09D0 (meta 00000143097A4868} ZO_LeaderboardsFilterBG = userdata:00000143097A0F10 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_LeaderboardsFilterBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143097A1858 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LeaderboardsFilterOpenDropdown = userdata:00000143097A20D8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_LeaderboardsFilterSelectedItemText = userdata:00000143097A1B70 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_LeaderboardsHeaders = userdata:00000143097B4C40 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_LeaderboardsHeadersAlliance = userdata:00000143D4A39188 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_LeaderboardsHeadersArrow = userdata:00000143CDD25638 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LeaderboardsHeadersClass = userdata:00000143D4A35790 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_LeaderboardsHeadersHouse = userdata:0000014409E7BA28 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_LeaderboardsHeadersName = userdata:00000143097AB430 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_LeaderboardsHeadersPoints = userdata:000001439D84C1B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_LeaderboardsHeadersRank = userdata:00000143097A54B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_LeaderboardsList = userdata:00000143D4A40810 (meta 0000014313E099E8} ZO_LeaderboardsListContents = userdata:00000143D4A42958 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_LeaderboardsListManager_Shared = table:0000014428076F90 (meta 0000014428077078} firstTable firstMeta BuildMasterList() = function:0000014428077708 FilterScrollList() = function:0000014428077A28 GetConsoleIdRequestParams() = function:0000014428077B78 GetMasterList() = function:0000014428077CC8 Initialize() = function:00000144280773A8 New() = function:00000144280772B0 SetSelectedLeaderboard() = function:0000014428077550 SetupDataTable() = function:0000014428077830 __index = table:0000014428076F90 (meta 0000014428077078} ZO_LeaderboardsListScrollBar = userdata:00000143D4A46150 (meta 00000143D4A5A238} ZO_LeaderboardsListScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143D4A5A538 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_LeaderboardsListScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143D4A558F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LeaderboardsListScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143D4A58020 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_LeaderboardsManager_Keyboard = table:00000143ED53ACC0 (meta 00000143CDD2B170} firstTable firstMeta ActivateLeaderboard() = function:00000143CB528BF8 AddCategory() = function:00000143CB528000 AddEntry() = function:00000143CB5281E0 BuildMasterList() = function:00000143CB53C390 ColorRow() = function:00000143CB53C7B8 DeactivateLeaderboard() = function:00000143CB528FC8 FilterScrollList() = function:00000143CB53C5E8 GetSelectedLeaderboardData() = function:00000143CB5283A0 Initialize() = function:00000143CB526F28 InitializeCategoryList() = function:00000143CDD2ABF8 InitializeFilters() = function:00000143CB527370 InitializeLeaderboard() = function:00000143CB5273F8 InitializeScenes() = function:00000143CB527E18 New() = function:00000143CDD2B5C8 RefreshLeaderboardType() = function:00000143CB5286B8 RepopulateFilterDropdown() = function:00000143CB53CAE8 SelectNode() = function:00000143CB529210 SetActiveLeaderboardTitle() = function:00000143CB528A90 SetSelectedLeaderboardObject() = function:00000143CB528968 SetupLeaderboardPlayerEntry() = function:00000143CB534EC0 SortScrollList() = function:00000143CB53C2C0 UpdateCategories() = function:00000143CDD29290 __index = table:00000143ED53ACC0 (meta 00000143CDD2B170} ZO_LeaderboardsManager_Shared = table:0000014428087518 (meta 00000144280875E0} firstTable firstMeta CommitScrollList() = function:00000143E3887E00 GetLeaderboardTitleName() = function:000001431349AF20 GetScene() = function:00000144280879B0 Initialize() = function:00000144280877B0 InitializeScenes() = function:00000144280878B0 New() = function:0000014428087668 OnLeaderboardDataChanged() = function:00000143207E5FF8 OnLeaderboardSelected() = function:000001439D83CF58 QueryData() = function:00000143D8F4A258 RefreshLeaderboardType() = function:000001439D8696B8 RepopulateFilterDropdown() = function:0000014313455A00 SetSelectedLeaderboardObject() = function:0000014428087AB8 SetupLeaderboardPlayerEntry() = function:00000143DA73E630 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iconHighlight = userdata:00000144D0756A50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} node = table:000001442805EAC8 (meta 000001432E003D68} text = userdata:0000014408190498 (meta 00000144081904A8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_LeaderboardsNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_IconHeader2Channel = userdata:00000144081905D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_LeaderboardsNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_IconHeader2Icon = userdata:00000144D07569B0 (meta 0000014408190680} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000144D0756888 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_LeaderboardsNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_IconHeader2IconHighlight = userdata:00000144D0756A50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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000001430831E750} ZO_LeaderboardsTopDividerLeft = userdata:00000143097A00E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LeaderboardsTopDividerRight = userdata:00000143097A0788 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Leaderboards_Gamepad = userdata:0000014480180E30 (meta 000001448016D7B0} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMask = userdata:0000014480180EA0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainer = userdata:0000014480180F18 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:0000014480180890 (meta 000001448016EC28} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:0000014480180920 (meta 000001448016B7A8} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:0000014480180920 (meta 000001448016B7A8} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:0000014480180088 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:000001448016F5B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:000001448016F000 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:000001448016EF68 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:000001448016F130 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:000001448016F098 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:000001448016EB38 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:000001448016EAA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:000001448017FAC0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:000001448017EFC8 (meta 000001430831E750} 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firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerMain = userdata:000001448016DC68 (meta 0000014480168780} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerMainList = userdata:000001448016B960 (meta 00000144801682D8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:0000014480168450 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:0000014480168850 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000144801632A0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000014480161468 control = userdata:000001448016DC68 (meta 0000014480168780} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:000001448016B960 (meta 00000144801682D8} dirtyEvents = table:00000144801632E8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000014480163330 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000014480163378 firstTable 1 = table:00000144801633C0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:0000014480161AC8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000014480161C10 firstTable 1 = table:0000014480161C58 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:0000014480161CA0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:0000014480168698 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:0000014480163788 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000144801637D0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014480163818 firstTable 1() = function:0000014480163708 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000144801638E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014480163220 firstTable 1() = function:0000014480163898 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:0000014480167CE0 firstTable control = userdata:000001448016B960 (meta 00000144801682D8} dataIndexToControl = table:0000014480166C20 firstTable dataList = table:0000014480167DA8 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000144801671D0 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:0000014480166590 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014480166CB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014480166CF8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014480166D40 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:000001448016B9E8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000144801669A0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014480166D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014480166198 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000144801660D8 customResetBehavior() = function:0000014480165890 m_Active = table:0000014480166DD0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144801668B8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:000001448016B9E8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000144801688C8 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:0000014480168248 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:0000014480168728 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:0000014480167E80 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000014480166B48 firstTable prePadding = table:0000014480167E38 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000014480167EC8 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:000001448016B9E8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:0000014480166B90 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:0000014480167DF0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:0000014480166C68 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:0000014480166BD8 firstTable ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001448016D380 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:0000014480168698 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:0000014480168728 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Leaderboards_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:000001448016B9E8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Leaderboards_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:0000014480180D50 ZO_Leaderboards_OnInitialized() = function:00000143CB5187B0 ZO_Leaderboards_PopulateDropdownFilter() = function:0000014320F533C0 ZO_LerpInterpolator = table:00000143F74D9F70 (meta 00000143F74D9FB8} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143F74DA0A0 New() = function:00000143F74DA030 SetCurrentValue() = function:00000143F74DA2A0 SetLerpRate() = function:00000143F74DA178 SetParams() = function:00000143F74DA260 SetTargetBase() = function:00000143F74DA428 Update() = function:00000143F74DA468 ZO_LinearEase() = function:00000143F99333F0 ZO_LinkHandler_CreateChannelLink() = function:000001431392ABC0 ZO_LinkHandler_CreateCharacterLink() = function:000001431392AB80 ZO_LinkHandler_CreateChatLink() = function:000001431392AD08 ZO_LinkHandler_CreateDisplayNameLink() = function:000001431392AB40 ZO_LinkHandler_CreateLink() = function:000001431392AA40 ZO_LinkHandler_CreateLinkWithFormat() = function:000001431392AA00 ZO_LinkHandler_CreateLinkWithoutBrackets() = function:000001431392AA80 ZO_LinkHandler_CreatePlayerLink() = function:000001431392AB00 ZO_LinkHandler_CreateURLLink() = function:000001431392AC00 ZO_LinkHandler_InsertLink() = function:000001431392A8B8 ZO_LinkHandler_OnLinkClicked() = function:000001431392A938 ZO_LinkHandler_OnLinkMouseUp() = function:00000143B2AAC5C8 ZO_LinkHandler_ParseLink() = function:000001431392AAC0 ZO_ListBox = table:000001432106F078 (meta 000001432106F0C0} firstTable firstMeta GetScrollExtents() = function:000001432106BD28 New() = function:000001432106F108 Refresh() = function:000001432106B5B8 Scroll() = function:0000014321067A40 ScrollTo() = function:00000143210679C0 SetMaxRows() = function:000001432106B5F8 SetPopulatorFunction() = function:000001432106B578 SetScrollUpdateFunction() = function:000001432106F1F8 ZO_ListDialog = table:000001431D566D00 (meta 000001431D566D48} firstTable firstMeta AddCustomControl() = function:0000014368606858 AddListItem() = function:0000014368606810 ClearList() = function:000001431D566F30 CommitList() = function:000001431D566F70 GetButton() = function:000001431D567018 GetControl() = function:00000143EA4FE680 GetCustomContainerFromLocation() = function:0000014368606898 GetSelectedItem() = function:00000143686068D8 Initialize() = function:000001431D566E30 New() = function:000001431D566DC0 OnHide() = function:00000143EA4FDF18 SetAboveText() = function:000001431D566EF0 SetBelowText() = function:000001431D566FD8 SetEmptyListText() = function:0000014368606B58 SetFirstButtonEnabled() = function:000001431D5671A0 SetHidden() = function:00000143EA4FE640 SetOnSelectedCallback() = function:00000143EA4FE600 SetSecondButtonEnabled() = function:000001431D5671E0 __index = table:000001431D566D00 (meta 000001431D566D48} ZO_ListDialog1 = userdata:000001431C593EA8 (meta 00000143D6AE7C40} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001431C593E08 (meta 000001431D566D00} firstTable firstMeta aboveText = userdata:0000014309E1F848 (meta 00000143083425C0} belowText = userdata:00000143D8F2D228 (meta 00000143083425C0} bottomCustomControlContainer = userdata:00000143D8F2D1B8 (meta 000001430831E750} control = userdata:000001431C593EA8 (meta 00000143D6AE7C40} customControls = table:00000143D6AE7D10 firstTable emptyListText = userdata:00000143D8F2D138 (meta 00000143083425C0} firstButton = userdata:00000143D8F2DD20 (meta 00000143D8F2DA48} list = userdata:0000014309E1F8B0 (meta 00000143E41B8ED8} listItemHeight = 52 maxVisibleItems = 5 minVisibleItems = 4 secondButton = userdata:00000143D8F2D290 (meta 00000143D8F2D3D0} topCustomControlContainer = userdata:00000143E41B9248 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ListDialog1AboveText = userdata:0000014309E1F848 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ListDialog1BG = userdata:000001431C593F80 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_ListDialog1BGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001431C593FF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ListDialog1BelowText = userdata:00000143D8F2D228 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ListDialog1BottomCustomControlContainer = userdata:00000143D8F2D1B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ListDialog1Button1 = userdata:00000143D8F2DD20 (meta 00000143D8F2DA48} ZO_ListDialog1Button1KeyLabel = userdata:00000143D8F2DE08 (meta 00000143EA92A9C8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D8F2DD20 (meta 00000143D8F2DA48} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:00000143D8F2DE08 (meta 00000143EA92A9C8} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D8F2DD98 (meta 00000143EA92AAB0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_ListDialog1Button1NameLabel = userdata:00000143D8F2DD98 (meta 00000143EA92AAB0} ZO_ListDialog1Button2 = userdata:00000143D8F2D290 (meta 00000143D8F2D3D0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D8F2D378 (meta 00000143D8F2D9A8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D8F2D290 (meta 00000143D8F2D3D0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D8F2D308 (meta 00000143D8F2DC80} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_ListDialog1Button2KeyLabel = userdata:00000143D8F2D378 (meta 00000143D8F2D9A8} ZO_ListDialog1Button2NameLabel = userdata:00000143D8F2D308 (meta 00000143D8F2DC80} ZO_ListDialog1Divider = userdata:000001431C5940C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ListDialog1EmptyListText = userdata:00000143D8F2D138 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ListDialog1List = userdata:0000014309E1F8B0 (meta 00000143E41B8ED8} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000143E41B90F0 firstTable animation = userdata:00000143E41B90B0 (meta 00000143D8F2CFF0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000014309E1F8B0 (meta 00000143E41B8ED8} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000143E41B9048 firstTable contents = 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uniformControlHeight = 52 upButton = userdata:0000014309E1FB08 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143D8F2D090 firstTable ZO_ListDialog1ListBgLeft = userdata:00000143E41B8DC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ListDialog1ListBgRight = userdata:00000143E41B8E38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ListDialog1ListContents = userdata:0000014309E1F920 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_ListDialog1ListScrollBar = userdata:0000014309E1F990 (meta 00000143D4A6D6B8} ZO_ListDialog1ListScrollBarDown = userdata:0000014309E1FB80 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ListDialog1ListScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:0000014309E1FA98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ListDialog1ListScrollBarUp = userdata:0000014309E1FB08 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_ListDialog1ModalUnderlay = userdata:000001431C593F18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ListDialog1Title = userdata:000001431C594058 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ListDialog1TopCustomControlContainer = userdata:00000143E41B9248 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ListDialog_OnHide() = function:00000143EA4FDF98 ZO_LoadingIcon_Gamepad_Initialize() = function:0000014428AF50E8 ZO_LoadingIcon_Gamepad_OnUpdate() = function:0000014428AF5128 ZO_Loading_Initialize() = function:0000014368807968 ZO_LocalizeDecimalNumber() = function:0000014368610E70 ZO_Lockpick = table:00000143D5FE58E8 (meta 00000143D5FE5930} firstTable firstMeta ApplyLoosenessToChamber() = function:00000143D5FE6330 CreateKeybindStripDescriptor() = function:00000143D5FE7018 EndDepressingPin() = function:00000143D5FE6ED0 EndLockpickBreak() = function:00000143D5FE6BF8 FindClosestChamberIndexToLockpick() = function:00000143D5FE6DC0 GatherExtents() = function:00000143D5FE60B0 GetLockpickXValues() = function:00000143D5FE63F0 Initialize() = function:00000143D5FDE8B8 IsPickBroken() = function:00000143D5FE6C80 New() = function:00000143D5FE59A8 OnLockpickBroke() = function:00000143D5FE6E00 OnUpdate() = function:00000143D5FE6B78 OnVirtualLockpickPositionChanged() = function:00000143D5FE6D80 PlayHighlightOnPin() = function:00000143D5FE6F98 PlayVibration() = function:00000143D5FE63B0 RegisterForEvents() = function:00000143D5FE5AC0 RemoveHighlightOnPin() = function:00000143D5FE6FD8 ResetChambers() = function:00000143D5FE6028 SetHidden() = function:00000143D5FE7058 StartDepressingPin() = function:00000143D5FE6E88 UpdateBrokenLockpick() = function:00000143D5FE6A58 UpdateChamber() = function:00000143D5FE6130 UpdateLockpick() = function:00000143D5FE68D8 UpdatePinAlpha() = function:00000143D5FE6E48 UpdateSettingChamber() = function:00000143D5FE6270 UpdateVirtualMousePosition() = function:00000143D5FE6CC0 __index = table:00000143D5FE58E8 (meta 00000143D5FE5930} ZO_LockpickPanel = userdata:00000143D5FE5A08 (meta 00000143D5FF4718} ZO_LockpickPanelBody = userdata:00000143D5FF2740 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelGamepadInfoBar = userdata:00000143D5FF3228 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_LockpickPanelGamepadInfoBarBottomRail = userdata:00000143D5FF3320 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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userdata:00000143D5FF3EE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelGamepadTimerBarStatusBGRight = userdata:00000143D5FF3E60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelGamepadTimerBarStatusGloss = userdata:00000143D5FF3CE0 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_LockpickPanelGamepadTimerBarStatusOverlay = userdata:00000143D5FF3F60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_LockpickPanelGamepadTimerBarStatusOverlayLeft = userdata:00000143D5FF3FE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelGamepadTimerBarStatusOverlayMiddle = userdata:00000143D5FF40F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelGamepadTimerBarStatusOverlayRight = userdata:00000143D5FF4070 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelGamepadTimerBarTime = userdata:00000143D5FF44E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_LockpickPanelInfoBar = userdata:00000143D5FF30C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_LockpickPanelInfoBarLockLevel = userdata:00000143D5FF3138 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_LockpickPanelInfoBarLockpicksLeft = userdata:00000143D5FF31B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_LockpickPanelLockpick = userdata:00000143D5FF2E18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelLockpickBreakLeft = userdata:00000143D5FF2E90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelLockpickBreakRight = userdata:00000143D5FF2F08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelMask = userdata:00000143D5FF3050 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelPin1 = userdata:00000143D5FF27A8 (meta 00000143D5FF5550} firstMeta firstIndex chamberIndex = 1 highlight = userdata:00000143D5FF2818 (meta 0000014308349FC8} highlightAnimation = userdata:00000143D5FF5640 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_LockpickPanelPin1Highlight = userdata:00000143D5FF2818 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelPin2 = userdata:00000143D5FF2880 (meta 00000143D5FF5900} ZO_LockpickPanelPin2Highlight = userdata:00000143D5FF28F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelPin3 = userdata:00000143D5FF2958 (meta 00000143D5FF5CB8} ZO_LockpickPanelPin3Highlight = userdata:00000143D5FF29C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelPin4 = userdata:00000143D5FF2A30 (meta 00000143D5FF6060} ZO_LockpickPanelPin4Highlight = userdata:00000143D5FF2AA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelPin5 = userdata:00000143D5FF2B08 (meta 00000143D5FF63F0} ZO_LockpickPanelPin5Highlight = userdata:00000143D5FF2B78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_LockpickPanelSpring1 = userdata:00000143D5FF2BE8 (meta 00000143D5FF5438} firstMeta firstIndex height = 99 pin = userdata:00000143D5FF27A8 (meta 00000143D5FF5550} ZO_LockpickPanelSpring2 = userdata:00000143D5FF2C58 (meta 00000143D5FF57E8} firstMeta firstIndex height = 99 pin = userdata:00000143D5FF2880 (meta 00000143D5FF5900} firstMeta firstIndex chamberIndex = 2 highlight = userdata:00000143D5FF28F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} highlightAnimation = userdata:00000143D5FF59F0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_LockpickPanelSpring3 = userdata:00000143D5FF2CC8 (meta 00000143D5FF5BA0} firstMeta firstIndex height = 95 pin = userdata:00000143D5FF2958 (meta 00000143D5FF5CB8} firstMeta firstIndex chamberIndex = 3 highlight = userdata:00000143D5FF29C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} highlightAnimation = userdata:00000143D5FF5DA8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_LockpickPanelSpring4 = userdata:00000143D5FF2D38 (meta 00000143D5FF5F78} firstMeta firstIndex height = 93 pin = userdata:00000143D5FF2A30 (meta 00000143D5FF6060} firstMeta firstIndex chamberIndex = 4 highlight = userdata:00000143D5FF2AA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} highlightAnimation = userdata:00000143D5FF6150 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_LockpickPanelSpring5 = userdata:00000143D5FF2DA8 (meta 00000143D5FF62D8} firstMeta firstIndex height = 90 pin = userdata:00000143D5FF2B08 (meta 00000143D5FF63F0} firstMeta firstIndex chamberIndex = 5 highlight = userdata:00000143D5FF2B78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} highlightAnimation = userdata:00000143D5FF64E0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_LockpickPanelStealthIcon = userdata:00000143D5FF4550 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_LockpickPanelStealthIconStealthEye = userdata:00000143D5FF45C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:00000143143A1298 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143143AEB10 (meta 00000143143AEF08} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143143B0710 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143143B07B0 (meta 00000143143B0808} firstMeta firstIndex key = 9 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143143AEA20 (meta 00000143143AED98} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = LOOT_ALL keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143143AEA98 (meta 00000143143B03F8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_LootAlphaContainerButton1KeyLabel = userdata:00000143143AEB10 (meta 00000143143AEF08} ZO_LootAlphaContainerButton1NameLabel = 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InitializeContactsList() = function:000001439D690F50 InitializeControls() = function:00000143EC952820 InitializeEvents() = function:000001431438E378 InitializeFragment() = function:00000143DB1CCEB0 InitializeHeader() = function:00000143207D1470 InitializeInventoryList() = function:00000143143A21F8 InitializeKeybindDescriptors() = function:00000143E135B3A0 InitializeMainList() = function:000001439F485468 InventorySelectionChanged() = function:00000143E75DA420 IsAttachingItems() = function:00000143F3AC3D60 IsMailValid() = function:00000143E135B358 New() = function:00000143207CD160 OnHidden() = function:00000143DB1CCF20 OnListMovement() = function:000001439F4854A8 OnMailAttachmentAdded() = function:000001431438E1B0 OnMailAttachmentRemoved() = function:000001431438E1F0 OnMailSendFailure() = function:000001431438E270 OnMailSendSuccess() = function:000001431438E230 OnShowing() = function:00000143EC9527E0 PerformDeferredInitialization() = function:00000143EC952788 PopulateMainList() = 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ZO_MailView_SetupAttachment_Gamepad() = function:00000144C3034080 ZO_MainMenu = userdata:00000143A04E1078 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBar = userdata:00000143A04E45B0 (meta 00000143A04E4838} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1 = userdata:00000144D5B31978 (meta 00000143A04E5D28} firstMeta firstIndex animationTexture = userdata:00000144648271C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_object = table:00000143A04E5ED0 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000144D5B31978 (meta 00000143A04E5D28} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04DF9B0 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_MARKET callback() = function:000001431D72DFE0 categoryName = 5723 descriptor = 1 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_market_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_market_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_market_up.dds onButtonStateDisabled() = function:00000143A04DFAF8 onButtonStateNormal() = function:00000143A04DFAB8 onButtonStatePressed() = function:00000143A04DFA78 onInitializeCallback() = function:00000143A04DF9F8 onResetCallback() = function:00000143A04DFA38 overrideDownSize = 128 overrideNormalSize = 102 pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_market_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143140B9FB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143BC4F8D68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E631B258 (meta 0000014308349FC8} timeline = userdata:0000014464827278 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton10 = userdata:00000143E1D47AD8 (meta 00000143E1D43688} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E1D49EE0 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143E1D47AD8 (meta 00000143E1D43688} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E0400 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_GROUP callback() = function:00000143E1D47A20 categoryName = 5733 descriptor = 10 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_group_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_group_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_group_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_group_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143E1D47BD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143E1D47B50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E1D47C48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton10Image = userdata:00000143E1D47B50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton10ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143E1D47E10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton10ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143E1D47BD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton10Indicator = userdata:00000143E1D47E90 (meta 00000143E1D469E8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton10Membership = userdata:00000143E1D47D90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton10RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143E1D47CC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton10Status = userdata:00000143E1D47C48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton11 = userdata:00000143E1D440B8 (meta 00000143E1D445F8} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E1D44568 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143E1D440B8 (meta 00000143E1D445F8} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E0448 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_CONTACTS callback() = function:00000143E1D43FC8 categoryName = 5728 descriptor = 11 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_social_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_social_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_social_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_social_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143E1D441B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143E1D44130 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E1D44228 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton11Image = userdata:00000143E1D44130 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton11ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143E1D443F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton11ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143E1D441B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton11Indicator = userdata:00000143E1D44470 (meta 00000143E1D444C8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton11Membership = userdata:00000143E1D44370 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton11RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143E1D442A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton11Status = userdata:00000143E1D44228 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton12 = userdata:00000143B2E615B0 (meta 00000143B2E64300} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143B2E64270 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143B2E615B0 (meta 00000143B2E64300} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E05D8 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_GUILDS callback() = function:00000143B2E61498 categoryName = 5729 descriptor = 12 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_guilds_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_guilds_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_guilds_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_guilds_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143B2E62AB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143B2E61628 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143B2E63F30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton12Image = userdata:00000143B2E61628 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton12ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143B2E640F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton12ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143B2E62AB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton12Indicator = userdata:00000143B2E64178 (meta 00000143B2E641D0} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton12Membership = userdata:00000143B2E64078 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton12RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143B2E63FB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton12Status = userdata:00000143B2E63F30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton13 = userdata:00000143B2E64928 (meta 00000143B2E66270} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143B2E661E0 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143B2E64928 (meta 00000143B2E66270} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E0768 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_ALLIANCE_WAR callback() = function:00000143B2E64838 categoryName = 5726 descriptor = 13 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_ava_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_ava_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_ava_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_ava_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143B2E65E28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143B2E65DA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143B2E65EA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton13Image = userdata:00000143B2E65DA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton13ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143B2E66068 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton13ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143B2E65E28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton13Indicator = userdata:00000143B2E660E8 (meta 00000143B2E66140} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton13Membership = userdata:00000143B2E65FE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton13RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143B2E65F20 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton13Status = userdata:00000143B2E65EA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton14 = userdata:00000143B2E66898 (meta 00000143B2E66DD8} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143B2E66D48 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143B2E66898 (meta 00000143B2E66DD8} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E08F8 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_MAIL callback() = function:00000143B2E667A8 categoryName = 5730 descriptor = 14 disableWhenDead = true disableWhenInCombat = true disableWhenReviving = true disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_mail_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_mail_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_mail_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_mail_down.dds scene = mailInbox m_highlight = userdata:00000143B2E66990 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143B2E66910 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143B2E66A08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton14Image = userdata:00000143B2E66910 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton14ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143B2E66BD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton14ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143B2E66990 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton14Indicator = userdata:00000143B2E66C50 (meta 00000143B2E66CA8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton14Membership = userdata:00000143B2E66B50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton14RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143B2E66A88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton14Status = userdata:00000143B2E66A08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton15 = userdata:00000143B2E67400 (meta 00000143B2E67940} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143B2E678B0 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143B2E67400 (meta 00000143B2E67940} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E0BC8 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_NOTIFICATIONS callback() = function:00000143B2E67310 categoryName = 5731 descriptor = 15 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_notifications_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_notifications_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_notifications_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_notifications_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143B2E674F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143B2E67478 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143B2E67570 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton15Image = userdata:00000143B2E67478 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton15ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143B2E67738 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton15ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143B2E674F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton15Indicator = userdata:00000143B2E677B8 (meta 00000143B2E67810} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton15Membership = userdata:00000143B2E676B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton15RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143B2E675F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton15Status = userdata:00000143B2E67570 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton16 = userdata:00000143B2E67F68 (meta 00000143B2E698B0} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143B2E69820 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143B2E67F68 (meta 00000143B2E698B0} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E0D58 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_HELP callback() = function:00000143B2E67E78 categoryName = 5732 descriptor = 16 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/menuBar_help_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/menuBar_help_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/menuBar_help_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/menuBar_help_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143B2E69468 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143B2E693E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143B2E694E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton16Image = userdata:00000143B2E693E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton16ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143B2E696A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton16ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143B2E69468 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton16Indicator = userdata:00000143B2E69728 (meta 00000143B2E69780} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton16Membership = userdata:00000143B2E69628 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton16RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143B2E69560 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton16Status = userdata:00000143B2E694E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton17 = userdata:00000143B2E69ED8 (meta 00000143B2E6A418} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143B2E6A388 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143B2E69ED8 (meta 00000143B2E6A418} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E0EE8 firstTable alias = 10 binding = TOGGLE_ACTIVITY_FINDER callback() = function:00000143B2E69DE8 descriptor = 17 hidden = true m_highlight = userdata:00000143B2E69FD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143B2E69F50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143B2E6A048 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton17Image = userdata:00000143B2E69F50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton17ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143B2E6A210 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton17ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143B2E69FD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton17Indicator = userdata:00000143B2E6A290 (meta 00000143B2E6A2E8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton17Membership = userdata:00000143B2E6A190 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton17RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143B2E6A0C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton17Status = userdata:00000143B2E6A048 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1Image = userdata:00000143BC4F8D68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1ImageAnimation = userdata:00000144648271C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143140B9FB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1Indicator = userdata:0000014464827248 (meta 00000143A04E1238} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1Membership = userdata:000001447374E1A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000144C79BB228 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1Status = userdata:00000143E631B258 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton2 = userdata:00000143A04E7938 (meta 00000143E1D42DA0} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E1D42D10 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143A04E7938 (meta 00000143E1D42DA0} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04DFB38 firstTable barPadding = 20 binding = TOGGLE_CROWN_CRATES callback() = function:00000143E1D3FF98 categoryName = 5736 descriptor = 2 disableWhenDead = true disableWhenReviving = true disableWhenSwimming = true disableWhenWerewolf = true disabled = 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ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton2Indicator = userdata:00000143E1D42C18 (meta 00000143E1D42C70} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton2Membership = userdata:00000143E1D42B18 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton2RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143E1D42A50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton2Status = userdata:00000143E1D429D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton3 = userdata:00000143E1D43440 (meta 00000143E1D44D88} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E1D44CF8 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143E1D43440 (meta 00000143E1D44D88} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E0108 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_INVENTORY callback() = function:00000143E1D43358 categoryName = 5724 descriptor = 3 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_inventory_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_inventory_over.dds indicators() = function:00000143A04E0150 normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_inventory_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_inventory_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143E1D44940 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143E1D448C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E1D449B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton3Image = userdata:00000143E1D448C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton3ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143E1D44B80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton3ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143E1D44940 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton3Indicator = userdata:00000143E1D44C00 (meta 00000143E1D44C58} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton3Membership = userdata:00000143E1D44B00 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton3RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143E1D44A38 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton3Status = userdata:00000143E1D449B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton4 = userdata:00000143E1D43158 (meta 00000143E1D45940} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E1D458B0 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143E1D43158 (meta 00000143E1D45940} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E0190 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_CHARACTER callback() = function:00000143E1D45378 categoryName = 5720 descriptor = 4 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_character_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_character_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_character_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_character_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143E1D454F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143E1D45088 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E1D45570 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton4Image = userdata:00000143E1D45088 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton4ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143E1D45738 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton4ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143E1D454F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton4Indicator = userdata:00000143E1D457B8 (meta 00000143E1D45810} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton4Membership = userdata:00000143E1D456B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton4RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143E1D455F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton4Status = userdata:00000143E1D45570 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton5 = userdata:00000143E1D45BB0 (meta 00000143E1D46450} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E1D463C0 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143E1D45BB0 (meta 00000143E1D46450} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E01D8 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_SKILLS callback() = function:00000143E1D45E58 categoryName = 5721 descriptor = 5 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_skills_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_skills_over.dds indicators() = function:00000143A04E0220 normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_skills_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_skills_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143E1D46008 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143E1D45F88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E1D46080 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton5Image = userdata:00000143E1D45F88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton5ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143E1D46248 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton5ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143E1D46008 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton5Indicator = userdata:00000143E1D462C8 (meta 00000143E1D46320} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton5Membership = userdata:00000143E1D461C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton5RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143E1D46100 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton5Status = userdata:00000143E1D46080 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton6 = userdata:00000143E1D46740 (meta 00000143E1D48430} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E1D483A0 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143E1D46740 (meta 00000143E1D48430} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E0260 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_CHAMPION callback() = function:00000143E1D46A70 categoryName = 5722 descriptor = 6 hideCategoryBar = true highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_champion_over.dds indicators() = function:00000143140B9CA8 normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_champion_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_champion_down.dds visible() = function:00000143A04E02A8 m_highlight = userdata:00000143E1D47FE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143E1D47F68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E1D48060 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton6Image = userdata:00000143E1D47F68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton6ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143E1D48228 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton6ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143E1D47FE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton6Indicator = userdata:00000143E1D482A8 (meta 00000143E1D48300} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143CDD168B8 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_pointsToSpend.dds ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton6Membership = userdata:00000143E1D481A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton6RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143E1D480E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton6Status = userdata:00000143E1D48060 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton7 = userdata:00000143E1D486C0 (meta 00000143E1D48F60} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E1D48ED0 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143E1D486C0 (meta 00000143E1D48F60} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E02E8 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_JOURNAL callback() = function:00000143E1D48968 categoryName = 5719 descriptor = 7 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_journal_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_journal_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_journal_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_journal_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143E1D48B18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143E1D48A98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E1D48B90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton7Image = userdata:00000143E1D48A98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton7ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143E1D48D58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton7ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143E1D48B18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton7Indicator = userdata:00000143E1D48DD8 (meta 00000143E1D48E30} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton7Membership = userdata:00000143E1D48CD8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton7RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143E1D48C10 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton7Status = userdata:00000143E1D48B90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton8 = userdata:00000143E1D491F0 (meta 00000143E1D49A90} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E1D49A00 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143E1D491F0 (meta 00000143E1D49A90} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E0330 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_COLLECTIONS_BOOK callback() = function:00000143E1D49498 categoryName = 5734 descriptor = 8 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_collections_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_collections_over.dds indicators() = function:00000143A04E0378 normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_collections_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_collections_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143E1D49648 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143E1D495C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E1D496C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton8Image = userdata:00000143E1D495C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton8ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143E1D49888 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton8ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143E1D49648 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton8Indicator = userdata:00000143E1D49908 (meta 00000143E1D49960} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton8Membership = userdata:00000143E1D49808 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton8RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143E1D49740 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton8Status = userdata:00000143E1D496C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton9 = userdata:00000143609DC550 (meta 00000143E1D46EC0} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E1D46CE8 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143609DC550 (meta 00000143E1D46EC0} m_buttonData = table:00000143A04E03B8 firstTable binding = TOGGLE_MAP callback() = function:00000143E1D4A210 categoryName = 5727 descriptor = 9 disabled = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_map_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_map_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_map_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/menuBar_map_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143E1D49D20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143A04E79F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143A04E4760 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E1D42750 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton9Image = userdata:00000143A04E79F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton9ImageAnimation = userdata:00000143E1D42918 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton9ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143E1D49D20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton9Indicator = userdata:00000143E1D49DE8 (meta 00000143E1D49E40} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton9Membership = userdata:00000143E1D42898 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton9RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143E1D427D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton9Status = userdata:00000143E1D42750 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143A04E2E70 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143A04E2EB0 ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarPaddingBar1 = userdata:00000143E1D42FF0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarPaddingBar1Image = userdata:00000143E1D43070 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenuSceneGroupBar = userdata:00000143A04E4910 (meta 00000143A04E6218} ZO_MainMenuSceneGroupBarLabel = userdata:00000143A04E5F88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar1 = userdata:00000143A04E78C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar10 = userdata:00000143E1D43838 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar11 = userdata:00000143E1D44810 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar12 = userdata:00000143B2E64518 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar13 = userdata:00000143B2E66488 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar14 = userdata:00000143B2E66FF0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar15 = userdata:00000143B2E67B58 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar16 = userdata:00000143B2E69AC8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar17 = userdata:00000143B2E6A630 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar2 = userdata:00000143E1D430E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar3 = userdata:00000143E1D45010 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar4 = userdata:00000143E1D45B38 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar5 = userdata:00000143E1D466C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar6 = userdata:00000143E1D48648 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar7 = userdata:00000143E1D49178 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenuSubcategoryBar8 = userdata:00000143E1D49CA8 (meta 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ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143B4BD6348 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:0000014314A445C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:0000014314A44530 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:0000014314A445F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:0000014314A43330 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:000001439EAB8C78 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143B2E6BF28 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:0000014314A4A008 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143B2E6BF58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:0000014314A49FD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143B4BD9F28 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:0000014314A443B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143B4BDA828 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:0000014314A4F508 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143B4BDA858 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143B2E63D68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:0000014314A44310 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:000001439EABEC38 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:000001439EABECD8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143B4BD7088 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:000001439EABED78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:000001439EABEE20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143B4BDAA40 (meta 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focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143B1407C00 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143B14077F0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143B1409380 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143B1409808 control = userdata:00000143B1407310 (meta 00000143B1407720} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B14093C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143B1409410 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143B14094A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B1409518 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143B1409580 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143B1409720 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B14097C0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143B1409908 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143B1407640 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143B14090E8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143B1409130 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B1409178 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B1409068 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143B1409240 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B14092E0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B14091F8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143B1407D28 firstTable control = userdata:00000143B1407478 (meta 00000143B14079F8} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143B2AA2070 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E02D2340 (meta 00000143553A87C8} 10 = userdata:00000143A35D9A18 (meta 0000014409E7F3B0} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = 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table:00000143C802FE08 firstTable templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow 11 = userdata:00000143C802FEE0 (meta 00000144C75469B0} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 11 highlight = userdata:00000143C8030190 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143C80300E0 (meta 00000143C8030298} key = 7 label = userdata:00000143C8030038 (meta 00000144C75467C0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143C8030240 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143C80303D8 (meta 00000143C8030430} templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 12 = userdata:00000144C7546E18 (meta 00000143E02E7250} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 12 highlight = userdata:00000143E02E6F20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143E02D2CE0 (meta 00000143E02E7028} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:0000014428058B50 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_help.dds key = 8 label = userdata:00000143E02E83D0 (meta 0000014428058AB0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143E02E6FD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143E02E7110 (meta 00000143E02E7168} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:0000014428058B98 firstTable templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 13 = userdata:00000143E02E7900 (meta 0000014428059738} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 13 highlight = userdata:00000143CDD17DF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143CDD17D40 (meta 0000014428058FC8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143A35CA940 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_settings.dds key = 9 label = userdata:00000143CDD17C98 (meta 00000143A35CA8A0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143CDD17EA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:0000014428059380 (meta 00000144280593D8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143A35CA988 firstTable templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 2 = userdata:00000143E02D1E28 (meta 00000143E02D28F8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 2 highlight = userdata:00000143E02D20D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143E02D2028 (meta 00000143E02D21E0} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143CB52CD08 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_crownCrates.dds key = 3 label = userdata:00000143E02D1F80 (meta 00000143CB52CC68} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143E02D2188 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143E02D2540 (meta 00000143E02D2598} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143CB52CD50 firstTable templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 3 = userdata:00000144C7542528 (meta 00000144C7542B60} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 3 highlight = userdata:00000144C75427D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144C7542728 (meta 00000144C75428E0} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143D4A65C80 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_collections.dds key = 2 label = userdata:00000144C7542680 (meta 00000143D4A65C38} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000144C7542888 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000144C7542A20 (meta 00000144C7542A78} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143E02D1D50 firstTable templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 4 = userdata:00000143D4A505B8 (meta 00000144C7544880} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 4 highlight = userdata:00000143A35D7EA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143D4A50C10 (meta 00000143A35D7FA8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000144C7542408 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_inventory.dds key = 1 label = userdata:00000143D4A50090 (meta 00000144C7542338} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143A35D7F50 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143A35D8308 (meta 00000143A35D7FF0} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000144C7542450 firstTable templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 5 = userdata:00000143E02E5510 (meta 00000143CDD2DD00} 6 = userdata:00000143CDD2DE90 (meta 00000143A35CBA10} 7 = userdata:00000143CDD34F78 (meta 00000143C8026BF0} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 7 highlight = userdata:00000143C80276E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143C8027630 (meta 00000143C80277E8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143C8027888 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_champion.dds key = 5 label = userdata:00000143C8027588 (meta 00000143CDD34EA8} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143C8027790 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143C80266D8 (meta 00000143C8026730} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143C80278D0 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_statusIcon_pointsToSpend.dds templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 8 = userdata:00000143CDD33D28 (meta 000001448F882F80} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 8 highlight = userdata:00000143A35CBDF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143CDD34198 (meta 000001448F882810} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000144C7533E48 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_allianceWar.dds key = 6 label = userdata:00000143CDD33F58 (meta 00000144C7533E00} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:000001448F8827B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:000001448F882BC8 (meta 000001448F882C20} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000144C7533E90 firstTable templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 9 = userdata:00000143A35D9A78 (meta 00000144C7534AC8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 9 highlight = userdata:00000144C75344A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144C7534150 (meta 00000144C75345B8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143A35D9968 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_journal.dds key = 1 label = userdata:00000144C75340A0 (meta 00000143C80304A0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000144C7534560 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000144C7534920 (meta 00000144C7534978} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143A35D99B0 firstTable templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow dataList = table:0000014320618F00 firstTable 1 = table:000001439EAB8BC8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB6E68 firstTable additionalScenes = table:000001439EAB6EB0 firstTable 1 = gamepad_market 2 = gamepad_market_preview 3 = gamepad_market_bundle_contents 4 = gamepad_market_purchase 5 = gamepad_market_locked customTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplate header = ESO PLUS icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_PlayerMenu_icon_store.dds name = Crown Store postPadding = 70 scene = gamepad_market_pre_scene showHeader() = function:000001439EAB6F20 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true header = ESO PLUS iconsNormal = table:000001439EAB8C10 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_PlayerMenu_icon_store.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Crown Store unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.29411765933037 g = 0.36078432202339 r = 0.37254902720451 unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 10 = table:000001439EABA280 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false brandNew() = function:000001439EAB7E88 data = table:000001439EAB7E18 firstTable customTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_multiplayer.dds isNewCallback() = function:000001439EAB7E88 name = Social subMenu = table:000001439EAB7EC8 firstTable 1 = table:000001439EAB7F10 2 = table:000001439EAB7F80 3 = table:000001439EAB7FF0 4 = table:000001439EAB8108 5 = table:000001439EAB8220 6 = table:000001439EAB8338 7 = table:000001439EAB8450 8 = table:000001439EAB85A8 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABA918 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_multiplayer.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain subMenu = table:000001439EABAC08 firstTable 1 = table:000001439EABAC50 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB7F10 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true header = Social iconsNormal = table:000001439EABAC98 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Voice Chat unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 2 = table:000001439EABAFA8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB7F80 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true header = Social iconsNormal = table:000001439EABAFF0 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Text Chat unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 3 = table:000001439EABB308 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB7FF0 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABB350 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Emotes unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 4 = table:000001439EABB668 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB8108 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABB6B0 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Group unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 5 = table:000001439EABB980 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB8220 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABB9C8 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Guilds unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 6 = table:000001439EABB620 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB8338 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABBD40 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Friends unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 7 = table:000001439EABC030 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB8450 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABC078 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ignored unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 8 = table:000001439EABC368 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false brandNew() = function:000001439EAB8618 data = table:000001439EAB85A8 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABC3B0 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Mail unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} text = Social unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 11 = table:000001439EABC6A0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB8658 firstTable icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_activityFinder.dds name = Activity Finder scene = gamepad_activity_finder_root enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABC6E8 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_activityFinder.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Activity Finder unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 12 = table:000001439EABC9D8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB8770 firstTable icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_help.dds name = Help scene = helpRootGamepad enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABCA20 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_help.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Help unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 13 = table:000001439EABCD10 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB8888 firstTable icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_settings.dds name = Options scene = gamepad_options_root enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABCD58 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_settings.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Options unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 14 = table:000001439EABD048 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB89A0 firstTable activatedCallback() = function:000001439EAB8AB8 icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_logout.dds name = Log Out enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABD090 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_logout.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Log Out unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 2 = table:000001439EAB8D40 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false brandNew() = function:000001439EAB7010 data = table:000001439EAB6F60 firstTable disableWhenDead = true disableWhenReviving = true disableWhenSwimming = true disableWhenWerewolf = true icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_crownCrates.dds isNewCallback() = function:000001439EAB7010 isVisibleCallback() = function:000001439EAB7050 name = Crown Crates scene = crownCrateGamepad enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EAB8D88 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_crownCrates.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Crown Crates unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 3 = table:000001439EAB8EF0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false brandNew() = function:000001439EAB7100 data = table:000001439EAB7090 firstTable icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_collections.dds isNewCallback() = function:000001439EAB7100 name = Collections scene = gamepadCollectionsBook enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EAB8F38 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_collections.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Collections unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 4 = table:000001439EAB8F80 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false brandNew() = function:000001439EAB7258 data = table:000001439EAB7140 firstTable icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_inventory.dds isNewCallback() = function:000001439EAB7258 name = Inventory scene = gamepad_inventory_root enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EAB8FC8 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_inventory.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Inventory unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 5 = table:000001439EAB8EA8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false canLevel() = function:000001439EAB73B0 data = table:000001439EAB7298 firstTable canLevel() = function:000001439EAB73B0 icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_character.dds name = Character scene = gamepad_stats_root enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EAB9030 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_character.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Character unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 6 = table:000001439EAB9098 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false brandNew() = function:000001439EAB74A0 canLevel() = function:000001439EAB7460 data = table:000001439EAB73F0 firstTable canLevel() = function:000001439EAB7460 customTemplate = ZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_skills.dds isNewCallback() = function:000001439EAB74A0 name = Skills scene = gamepad_skills_root enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EAB90E0 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_skills.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Skills unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 7 = table:000001439EAB9148 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false brandNew() = function:000001439EAB7550 canLevel() = function:000001439EAB75D0 data = table:000001439EAB74E0 firstTable canLevel() = function:000001439EAB75D0 icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_champion.dds isNewCallback() = function:000001439EAB7550 isVisibleCallback() = function:000001439EAB7590 name = Champion scene = gamepad_championPerks_root enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EAB9190 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_champion.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Champion unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 8 = table:000001439EAB91F8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false brandNew() = function:000001439EAB7680 data = table:000001439EAB7610 firstTable icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_allianceWar.dds isNewCallback() = function:000001439EAB7680 isVisibleCallback() = function:000001439EAB76C0 name = Campaigns scene = gamepad_campaign_root enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EAB9240 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_allianceWar.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Campaigns unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 9 = table:000001439EAB9530 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB7700 firstTable customTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow icon = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_journal.dds name = Journal subMenu = table:000001439EAB7818 firstTable 1 = table:000001439EAB7860 2 = table:000001439EAB7978 3 = table:000001439EAB7AD0 4 = table:000001439EAB7BE8 5 = table:000001439EAB7D00 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EAB9578 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_journal.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain subMenu = table:000001439EAB9868 firstTable 1 = table:000001439EAB98B0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB7860 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true header = Journal iconsNormal = table:000001439EAB98F8 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Quests unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 2 = table:000001439EAB9C08 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB7978 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EAB9C50 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Cadwell's Almanac unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 3 = table:000001439EAB9F68 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB7AD0 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EAB9FB0 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Lore Library unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 4 = table:000001439EABA2C8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB7BE8 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABA310 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Achievements unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 5 = table:000001439EABA5E0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:000001439EAB7D00 firstTable enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:000001439EABA628 firstTable numIcons = 1 selectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Leaderboards unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} text = Journal unselectedIconDisabledTint = table:0000014345F16080 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} dataTypes = table:00000143B1407CE0 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplate = table:00000143B1409020 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B1408ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B2AA2148 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B1408F60 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143B1407500 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001439EABD740 ZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143B1408BF0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B1408C38 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B1408E90 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143B1408D90 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143B1408E50 m_Active = table:00000143B2AA21D8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E02D2340 (meta 00000143553A87C8} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B1408CC8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143B1407500 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001439EABD740 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow = table:00000143B14086D8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B1408588 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B2AA2190 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143A35D9A78 (meta 00000144C7534AC8} 2 = userdata:00000143A35D9A18 (meta 0000014409E7F3B0} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B1408618 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow parent = userdata:00000143B1407500 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow setupFunction() = function:000001439EABD700 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrowWithHeader = table:00000143B1408720 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B1408768 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B14089C0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143B14088C0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143B1408980 m_Active = table:00000143B2AA2570 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B14087F8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143B1407500 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow setupFunction() = function:000001439EABD700 ZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143B1408B50 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B1408A00 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431B62E280 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143CDD2DE90 (meta 00000143A35CBA10} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B1408A90 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143B1407500 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001439EABD6C0 ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143B1408208 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B14080C0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B2AA2700 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143D4A505B8 (meta 00000144C7544880} 2 = userdata:00000144C7542528 (meta 00000144C7542B60} 3 = userdata:00000143E02D1E28 (meta 00000143E02D28F8} 4 = userdata:00000143E02E5510 (meta 00000143CDD2DD00} 5 = userdata:00000143CDD34F78 (meta 00000143C8026BF0} 6 = userdata:00000143CDD33D28 (meta 000001448F882F80} 7 = userdata:00000143C802FEE0 (meta 00000144C75469B0} 8 = userdata:00000144C7546E18 (meta 00000143E02E7250} 9 = userdata:00000143E02E7900 (meta 0000014428059738} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B1408150 firstTable 10 = userdata:0000014428059188 (meta 00000143C802AB80} firstMeta firstIndex m_NextControlId = 10 m_NextFree = 11 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143B1407500 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143B14082A0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B14082E8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B14084F0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143B14083F0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143B14084B0 m_Active = table:00000143B2AA2100 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B14083A8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143B1407500 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 4 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143B1407868 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 4 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143B1407C98 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143B14076C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:0000014320619098 firstTable 1 = 70 10 = 0 11 = 0 12 = 0 13 = 0 14 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = 0 8 = 0 9 = 0 postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000014320619128 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 11 = false 12 = false 13 = false 14 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false 9 = false prePadding = table:0000014320619050 firstTable 1 = 0 10 = 0 11 = 0 12 = 0 13 = 0 14 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = 0 8 = 0 9 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143206190E0 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 11 = false 12 = false 13 = false 14 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false 9 = false scrollControl = userdata:00000143B1407500 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:0000014320619170 firstTable 1 = 0 10 = 0 11 = 0 12 = 0 13 = 0 14 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = 0 8 = 0 9 = 0 selectedData = table:000001439EAB8F80 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 4 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 4 templateList = table:0000014320618F48 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader 10 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow 11 = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 12 = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 13 = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 14 = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 2 = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 3 = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 4 = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 5 = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 6 = ZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate 7 = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 8 = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate 9 = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143206191B8 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143B2AA20B8 firstTable userdata = 00000143A35D9A18 = true 00000143A35D9A78 = true 00000143C802FEE0 = true 00000143CDD2DE90 = true 00000143CDD33D28 = true 00000143CDD34F78 = true 00000143D4A505B8 = true 00000143E02D1E28 = true 00000143E02D2340 = true 00000143E02E5510 = true 00000143E02E7900 = true 00000144C7542528 = true 00000144C7546E18 = true ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143B1407478 (meta 00000143B14079F8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143B1407598 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143B1407640 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143B14076C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143B1407500 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader1 = userdata:00000143E02D2340 (meta 00000143553A87C8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 1 headerControl = userdata:00000143553A8DD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} highlight = userdata:00000143E02D2C68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143CB52CFB8 (meta 00000143E02D2C78} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143E02E53C0 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_PlayerMenu_icon_store.dds key = 1 label = userdata:00000143CB52CF88 (meta 00000143E02E5320} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143CB52BF30 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143553A81D8 (meta 00000143553A8230} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143E02E5408 firstTable templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader1Balance = userdata:00000143553A85F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader1CurrencyIcon = userdata:00000143553A8770 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader1Header = userdata:00000143553A8DD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader1Icon = userdata:00000143CB52CFB8 (meta 00000143E02D2C78} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader1IconHighlight = userdata:00000143E02D2C68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader1IconStackCount = userdata:00000143CB52BF30 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader1Label = userdata:00000143CB52CF88 (meta 00000143E02E5320} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader1RemainingCrowns = userdata:00000143553A86B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader1RootSpacer = userdata:00000143CB52CED0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader1StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143553A81D8 (meta 00000143553A8230} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow1 = userdata:00000143A35D9A78 (meta 00000144C7534AC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow1Arrow = userdata:00000144C7534AB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow1Icon = userdata:00000144C7534150 (meta 00000144C75345B8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow1IconHighlight = userdata:00000144C75344A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow1IconStackCount = userdata:00000144C7534560 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow1Label = userdata:00000144C75340A0 (meta 00000143C80304A0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow1RootSpacer = userdata:00000144C7533FF0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow1StatusIndicator = userdata:00000144C7534920 (meta 00000144C7534978} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow2 = userdata:00000143A35D9A18 (meta 0000014409E7F3B0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow2Arrow = userdata:0000014409E7F358 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow2Icon = userdata:00000143A35D8B90 (meta 00000144D076D5D8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow2IconHighlight = userdata:000001448F882DD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow2IconStackCount = userdata:00000144D076D580 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow2Label = userdata:00000143A35D8940 (meta 00000143C802FD78} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow2RootSpacer = userdata:00000143A35D9A48 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow2StatusIndicator = userdata:0000014409E7EF48 (meta 0000014409E7EFA0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate1 = userdata:00000143CDD2DE90 (meta 00000143A35CBA10} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 6 highlight = userdata:00000144D076DB38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144D076DA80 (meta 00000144D076DC48} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143C8027340 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_skills.dds key = 1 label = userdata:00000144D076D9D0 (meta 00000143A35CB3C8} firstMeta firstIndex animationTimeline = userdata:00000144D076E218 (meta 0000014308367FC0} templateFullWidth = 289 text = table:00000144D076E718 firstTable 1 = Skills 2 = Level Up textIndex = 1 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000144D076DBF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000144D076E008 (meta 00000144D076E060} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143C8027388 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_statusIcon_pointsToSpend.dds templateName = ZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate1Icon = userdata:00000144D076DA80 (meta 00000144D076DC48} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate1IconHighlight = userdata:00000144D076DB38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate1IconStackCount = userdata:00000144D076DBF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate1Label = userdata:00000144D076D9D0 (meta 00000143A35CB3C8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate1RootSpacer = userdata:00000143CDD2E2A0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate1StatusIndicator = userdata:00000144D076E008 (meta 00000144D076E060} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate1 = userdata:00000143D4A505B8 (meta 00000144C7544880} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate10 = userdata:0000014428059188 (meta 00000143C802AB80} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate10Icon = userdata:00000143A35CAB88 (meta 00000143A35CAD40} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143A35CA560 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_logout.dds ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate10IconHighlight = userdata:00000143A35CAC38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate10IconStackCount = userdata:00000143A35CACE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate10Label = userdata:00000143A35CAAE0 (meta 00000143CDD17AF8} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate10RootSpacer = userdata:00000144280598F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate10StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143A35CAE80 (meta 00000143A35CAED8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143C8029540 firstTable ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate1Icon = userdata:00000143D4A50C10 (meta 00000143A35D7FA8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate1IconHighlight = userdata:00000143A35D7EA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate1IconStackCount = userdata:00000143A35D7F50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate1Label = userdata:00000143D4A50090 (meta 00000144C7542338} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate1RootSpacer = userdata:00000143D4A4FFE8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate1StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143A35D8308 (meta 00000143A35D7FF0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate2 = userdata:00000144C7542528 (meta 00000144C7542B60} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate2Icon = userdata:00000144C7542728 (meta 00000144C75428E0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate2IconHighlight = userdata:00000144C75427D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate2IconStackCount = userdata:00000144C7542888 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate2Label = userdata:00000144C7542680 (meta 00000143D4A65C38} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate2RootSpacer = userdata:00000144C75425D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate2StatusIndicator = userdata:00000144C7542A20 (meta 00000144C7542A78} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate3 = userdata:00000143E02D1E28 (meta 00000143E02D28F8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate3Icon = userdata:00000143E02D2028 (meta 00000143E02D21E0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate3IconHighlight = userdata:00000143E02D20D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate3IconStackCount = userdata:00000143E02D2188 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate3Label = userdata:00000143E02D1F80 (meta 00000143CB52CC68} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate3RootSpacer = userdata:00000143E02D1ED8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate3StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143E02D2540 (meta 00000143E02D2598} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate4 = userdata:00000143E02E5510 (meta 00000143CDD2DD00} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 5 highlight = userdata:00000143E02E57C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143E02E5710 (meta 00000143E02E58C8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143CDD2DE28 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_character.dds key = 4 label = userdata:00000143E02E5668 (meta 00000143CDD2E238} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143E02E5870 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143E02E4C40 (meta 00000143E02E4C98} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143CB52CB30 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_statusIcon_pointsToSpend.dds templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate4Icon = userdata:00000143E02E5710 (meta 00000143E02E58C8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate4IconHighlight = userdata:00000143E02E57C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate4IconStackCount = userdata:00000143E02E5870 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate4Label = userdata:00000143E02E5668 (meta 00000143CDD2E238} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate4RootSpacer = userdata:00000143E02E55C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate4StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143E02E4C40 (meta 00000143E02E4C98} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate5 = userdata:00000143CDD34F78 (meta 00000143C8026BF0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate5Icon = userdata:00000143C8027630 (meta 00000143C80277E8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate5IconHighlight = userdata:00000143C80276E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate5IconStackCount = userdata:00000143C8027790 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate5Label = userdata:00000143C8027588 (meta 00000143CDD34EA8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate5RootSpacer = userdata:00000143C80274E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate5StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143C80266D8 (meta 00000143C8026730} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate6 = userdata:00000143CDD33D28 (meta 000001448F882F80} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate6Icon = userdata:00000143CDD34198 (meta 000001448F882810} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate6IconHighlight = userdata:00000143A35CBDF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate6IconStackCount = userdata:000001448F8827B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate6Label = userdata:00000143CDD33F58 (meta 00000144C7533E00} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate6RootSpacer = userdata:00000144C7534CA8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate6StatusIndicator = userdata:000001448F882BC8 (meta 000001448F882C20} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate7 = userdata:00000143C802FEE0 (meta 00000144C75469B0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate7Icon = userdata:00000143C80300E0 (meta 00000143C8030298} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143C802F408 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/MenuBar/Gamepad/gp_playerMenu_icon_activityFinder.dds ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate7IconHighlight = userdata:00000143C8030190 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate7IconStackCount = userdata:00000143C8030240 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate7Label = userdata:00000143C8030038 (meta 00000144C75467C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate7RootSpacer = userdata:00000143C802FF90 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate7StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143C80303D8 (meta 00000143C8030430} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000144C7546D40 firstTable ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate8 = userdata:00000144C7546E18 (meta 00000143E02E7250} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate8Icon = userdata:00000143E02D2CE0 (meta 00000143E02E7028} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate8IconHighlight = userdata:00000143E02E6F20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate8IconStackCount = userdata:00000143E02E6FD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate8Label = userdata:00000143E02E83D0 (meta 0000014428058AB0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate8RootSpacer = userdata:00000143E02E8328 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate8StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143E02E7110 (meta 00000143E02E7168} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate9 = userdata:00000143E02E7900 (meta 0000014428059738} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate9Icon = userdata:00000143CDD17D40 (meta 0000014428058FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate9IconHighlight = userdata:00000143CDD17DF0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate9IconStackCount = userdata:00000143CDD17EA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate9Label = userdata:00000143CDD17C98 (meta 00000143A35CA8A0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate9RootSpacer = userdata:00000143E02E7638 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate9StatusIndicator = userdata:0000014428059380 (meta 00000144280593D8} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenu = userdata:00000143B1409FD8 (meta 00000143B140A308} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenuList = userdata:00000143B140A058 (meta 00000143B140A5E0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143B140A7F0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143B140A3D8 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143B140BEF8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143B140C328 control = userdata:00000143B1409FD8 (meta 00000143B140A308} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143B140A058 (meta 00000143B140A5E0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143B140BF40 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143B140BF88 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143B140C018 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B140C060 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143B140C0C8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143B140C240 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B140C2E0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143B140C428 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143B140A220 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143B140BC08 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143B140BC50 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B140BC98 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B140BB88 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143B140BD60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B140BE00 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B140BD18 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143B140A918 firstTable control = userdata:00000143B140A058 (meta 00000143B140A5E0} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143B140AC20 firstTable dataList = table:00000143B140A9E0 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143B140A8D0 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplate = table:00000143B140BB40 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B140B9E8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B140BA30 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B140BA78 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenuListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143B140A0E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001439EABD740 ZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143B140B700 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B140B748 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B140B9A8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143B140B8A8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143B140B968 m_Active = table:00000143B140B790 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B140B7D8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenuListScrollZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143B140A0E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuCrownStoreEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001439EABD740 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow = table:00000143B140B280 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B140B130 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B140B178 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B140B1C0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenuListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow parent = userdata:00000143B140A0E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow setupFunction() = function:000001439EABD700 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrowWithHeader = table:00000143B140B2C8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B140B310 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B140B520 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143B140B0D8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143B140B4E0 m_Active = table:00000143B140B358 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B140B3A0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenuListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrowWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143B140A0E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithArrow setupFunction() = function:000001439EABD700 ZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143B140B6B8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B140B560 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B140B5A8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B140B5F0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenuListScrollZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143B140A0E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNewAnimatingMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001439EABD6C0 ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143B140AE00 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B140ACB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B140ACF8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B140AD40 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenuListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143B140A0E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143B140AE48 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B140AE90 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B140B098 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143B140AF98 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143B140B058 m_Active = table:00000143B140AED8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B140AF50 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenuListScrollZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143B140A0E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadNewMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143B140A450 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143B140A888 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143B140A2B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143B140AAB8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143B140AB48 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143B140AA70 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143B140AB00 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143B140A0E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143B140AB90 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143B140AA28 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143B140AC68 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143B140ABD8 firstTable ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenuListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143B140A178 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenuListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143B140A220 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenuListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143B140A2B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MainMenu_GamepadMaskContainerSubmenuListScroll = userdata:00000143B140A0E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_MainMenu_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:000001439EABE5A8 ZO_MainMenu_OnInitialized() = function:00000143A04E2F30 ZO_MainMenu_OnSceneGroupBarLabelTextChanged() = function:00000143A04E2EF0 ZO_ManualGemifySwing_OnUpdate() = function:00000143075A89A0 ZO_MapHousesData_Manager = table:00000143A4C394E8 (meta 00000143A4C38AF0} firstTable firstMeta GetHouseList() = function:00000143A4C36D28 Initialize() = function:00000143A4C38BD8 New() = function:00000143A4C38B68 RefreshHouseList() = function:00000143A4C36920 __index = table:00000143A4C394E8 (meta 00000143A4C38AF0} ZO_MapHouses_Gamepad = table:0000014309891DB8 (meta 0000014309891E00} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:0000014309891EE8 InitializeKeybindDescriptor() = function:00000143098920D0 InitializeList() = function:0000014309891F28 New() = function:0000014309891E78 OnHidden() = function:0000014309892150 OnShowing() = function:0000014309892110 RefreshHouseList() = function:0000014309892050 RefreshKeybind() = function:0000014309892090 SetListEnabled() = function:0000014309892010 __index = table:0000014309891DB8 (meta 0000014309891E00} ZO_MapHouses_Keyboard = table:000001439DBFACA0 (meta 000001439DBFACE8} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001439DBFADA0 InitializeList() = function:000001439DBFADE0 New() = function:000001439DBFAD30 RefreshHouseList() = function:000001439DBFAF88 SetListEnabled() = function:000001439DBFAF48 SetupHouse() = function:000001439DBFAFD8 __index = table:000001439DBFACA0 (meta 000001439DBFACE8} ZO_MapHouses_Shared = table:000001439DBF5778 (meta 000001439DBF57C0} firstTable firstMeta GetFragment() = function:000001439DBF5A90 Initialize() = function:000001439DBF58A8 InitializeList() = function:000001439DBF58E8 IsListEnabled() = function:000001439DBF5A50 New() = function:000001439DBF5838 OnHidden() = function:000001439DBF5B50 OnShowing() = function:000001439DBF5B10 RefreshHouseList() = function:000001439DBF59D0 SetListEnabled() = function:000001439DBF5A10 SetNoHousesLabelControl() = function:000001439DBF5AD0 ZO_MapInformationTooltip_Gamepad_Mixin = table:00000143F76E5610 firstTable AddMoney() = function:00000143EA774E50 AppendAvAObjective() = function:00000143EA774C10 AppendMapPing() = function:00000143EA7735B8 AppendQuestCondition() = function:00000143EA771030 AppendQuestEnding() = function:00000143EA76EA48 AppendUnitName() = function:000001431B70DCE8 AppendWayshrineTooltip() = function:00000143E03A4C00 LayoutGroupHeader() = function:00000143EA76BBE8 LayoutIconStringLine() = function:00000143F76E5428 LayoutIconStringRightStringLine() = function:00000143EA76B940 LayoutKeepUpgrade() = function:00000143E03A4DD0 LayoutLargeIconStringLine() = function:00000143EA776388 LayoutStringLine() = function:00000143EA779FC0 ZO_MapKeepSummary_Shared = table:00000143C7B91DB0 (meta 00000143C7B91DF8} firstTable firstMeta GenerateRemainingTimeLabel() = function:00000143F8B9E708 GetFragment() = function:00000143098A8700 GetKeepUpgradeObject() = function:00000143098AB970 Initialize() = function:00000143C7B91EA0 InitializeRows() = function:00000143098A7408 New() = function:00000143F5B8F480 RefreshAll() = function:00000143098A8670 RefreshAlliance() = function:00000143F8B9D8D0 RefreshData() = function:00000143F8B9F678 RefreshGuildOwner() = function:00000143F8B9E690 RefreshTimeDependentControls() = function:00000143D1031968 ZO_MapKeepUpgrade_Shared = table:00000143D1A54070 (meta 00000143D1A55FB0} firstTable firstMeta Bar_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143F5B92BA0 Bar_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143F5B92E08 Button_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143CFE46060 Button_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143CFE49350 GenerateRemainingTimeLabel() = function:000001447352DAA8 GetFragment() = function:00000143D1A575B8 Initialize() = function:00000143D1A56A18 New() = function:00000143D1A56840 RefreshAll() = function:00000143D1A57CD0 RefreshBar() = function:000001447352DB68 RefreshBarLabel() = function:00000143D1A5E010 RefreshData() = function:00000143D1A5DE00 RefreshLevels() = function:000001447352C5C0 RefreshLevelsEnabled() = function:00000143098A9A70 RefreshTimeDependentControls() = function:000001447352C750 Time_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143CFE4BAA8 Time_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143F5B92B18 ZO_MapLocationTooltip = userdata:00000143B3243F98 (meta 00000143B3245BF8} firstMeta firstIndex HasMapLocationTooltip() = function:00000143B3242688 SetMapLocation() = function:00000143B3241520 divider = userdata:00000143B3245BA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} header = userdata:00000143B3245B30 (meta 00000143083425C0} labelPool = table:00000143B3245D20 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143B3245D68 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B3245DB0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_MapLocationTooltipLabel parent = userdata:00000143B3243F98 (meta 00000143B3245BF8} templateName = ZO_MapLocationTooltipLabel ZO_MapLocationTooltipBG = userdata:00000143B3244008 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_MapLocationTooltipBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143B3244080 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MapLocationTooltipDivider = userdata:00000143B3245BA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MapLocationTooltipHeader = userdata:00000143B3245B30 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_MapLocationTooltipTopLevel = userdata:00000143B3242B60 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_MapLocationTooltipTopLevel_Gamepad = userdata:00000144C10263B8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_MapLocationTooltipTopLevel_GamepadNestedBg = userdata:00000143B323C0D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MapLocationTooltipTopLevel_GamepadNestedBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143B323D750 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MapLocationTooltipTopLevel_GamepadNestedBgBg = userdata:00000143B323EEF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MapLocationTooltipTopLevel_GamepadNestedBgHighlight = userdata:00000143B323D7E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MapLocationTooltipTopLevel_GamepadNestedBgLeftDivider = userdata:00000143B323F408 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MapLocationTooltipTopLevel_GamepadNestedBgRightDivider = userdata:00000143B323D810 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MapLocationTooltipTopLevel_GamepadNestedBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143B323C100 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MapLocationTooltip_Gamepad = userdata:00000143B323EF28 (meta 00000143214B63C8} firstMeta firstIndex AddMoney() = function:00000143EA774E50 AppendAvAObjective() = function:00000143EA774C10 AppendMapPing() = function:00000143EA7735B8 AppendQuestCondition() = function:00000143EA771030 AppendQuestEnding() = function:00000143EA76EA48 AppendUnitName() = function:000001431B70DCE8 AppendWayshrineTooltip() = function:00000143E03A4C00 ClearLines() = function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 HasMapLocationTooltip() = function:00000143B3242688 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutGroupHeader() = function:00000143EA76BBE8 LayoutIconStringLine() = function:00000143F76E5428 LayoutIconStringRightStringLine() = function:00000143EA76B940 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutKeepUpgrade() = function:00000143E03A4DD0 LayoutLargeIconStringLine() = function:00000143EA776388 LayoutStringLine() = function:00000143EA779FC0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshCityInfo() = function:00000143B32460C0 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 RefreshKeepInfo() = function:00000143B3257B20 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetCity() = function:00000143B3246078 SetForwardCamp() = function:00000143B324E800 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetKeep() = function:00000143B32469E8 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 SetMapLocation() = function:00000143B3242930 animation = userdata:00000143B3243738 (meta 00000143214B6E88} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143B323EF28 (meta 00000143214B63C8} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:00000143B323DA20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:00000143B323DAA8 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000144C1025940 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:00000143B3243F68 (meta 0000014308367FC0} tooltip = userdata:00000143B323ED40 (meta 00000143B3243630} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:00000143B3243AC8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143B3243040 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B3243B58 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:00000143B323EDD0 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true innerSecondaryDimension = 375 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:00000143B32436D0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143B3242FB0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B32437E8 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 32 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 32 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 375 sectionPool = table:00000143B3241B08 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143B3243088 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B3242DF8 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:00000143B3243C80 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143B32430D0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B3243D10 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:00000143B3243E38 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143B3243118 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B3243EC8 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:00000143B3242F20 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143F31809A0 styles = table:00000143B3242F68 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DA05330 texturePool = table:00000143B3243910 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143B3242FF8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B32439A0 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} vertical = true useFadeGradient = true ZO_MapLocationTooltip_GamepadScroll = userdata:00000143B323DA20 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_MapLocationTooltip_GamepadScrollIndicator = userdata:00000144C1025940 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MapLocationTooltip_GamepadScrollScrollChild = userdata:00000143B323DAA8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MapLocationTooltip_GamepadScrollScrollChildPadding = userdata:00000144C10258C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MapLocationTooltip_GamepadScrollScrollChildTooltip = userdata:00000143B323ED40 (meta 00000143B3243630} ZO_MapLocationTooltip_GamepadScrollScrollChildTooltipContents = userdata:00000143B323EDD0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_MapLocationTooltip_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:00000143B3242A78 ZO_MapLocationTooltip_OnCleared() = function:00000143B3242978 ZO_MapLocationTooltip_OnInitialized() = function:00000143B32429B8 ZO_MapLocations = table:000001439DBF1A00 (meta 000001439DBF17B8} firstTable firstMeta AddLocation() = function:00000143C0154C48 GetFontString() = function:00000143C0154CA0 New() = function:000001439DBF1850 RefreshLocations() = function:00000143C0154D90 SetFontScale() = function:000001439DBF1890 __index = table:000001439DBF1A00 (meta 000001439DBF17B8} ZO_MapLocationsData_Singleton = table:00000143D1A50BE0 (meta 00000143D1A50C28} firstTable firstMeta GetLocationList() = function:00000143D1A50CE0 New() = function:00000143D1A50C70 RefreshLocationList() = function:00000143D1A50D20 __index = table:00000143D1A50BE0 (meta 00000143D1A50C28} ZO_MapLocationsData_Singleton_Initialize() = function:00000143D1A50D60 ZO_MapLocations_Shared = table:00000143D1A508C8 (meta 00000143D1A50910} firstTable firstMeta BuildLocationList() = function:00000143D1A50B60 GetDisabled() = function:00000143D1A50BA0 Initialize() = function:00000143D1A509F8 InitializeList() = function:00000143D1A50A38 New() = function:00000143D1A50988 UpdateSelectedMap() = function:00000143D1A50B20 ZO_MapPin = table:00000143A38F1580 (meta 00000143CBBA69E0} firstTable firstMeta ANIMATION_ALPHA = 1 ASSISTED_PIN_TYPES = table:000001439F028CF8 firstTable 10 = true 11 = true 12 = true 13 = true 14 = true 9 = true AVA_RESPAWN_PIN_TYPES = table:00000143B8229E88 firstTable 174 = true 175 = true 176 = true 177 = true 178 = true AVA_RESTRICTED_LINK_PIN_TYPES = table:00000143691390E0 firstTable 181 = true 182 = true 183 = true AddScaleChild() = function:000001439F022790 ChangePinType() = function:000001439F029E20 ClearData() = function:000001439F029FE8 ClearScaleChildren() = function:000001439F022850 CreateAvARespawnPinTag() = function:00000143F4566168 CreateForwardCampPinTag() = function:00000143F4566128 CreateImperialCityPinTag() = function:000001431C4709D0 CreateKeepPinTag() = function:000001431C470A10 CreateKeepTravelNetworkPinTag() = function:000001431C470A50 CreateLocationPinTag() = function:000001431C470950 CreateObjectivePinTag() = function:000001431C470990 CreatePOIPinTag() = function:000001431C470910 CreateQuestPinTag() = function:000001431C4708D0 CreateRestrictedLinkTravelNetworkPinTag() = function:000001431C470A90 CreateTravelNetworkPinTag() = function:00000143F45660E8 DISTRICT_PIN_TYPES = table:000001430989BF90 firstTable 135 = true 136 = true 137 = true 138 = true 143 = true 144 = true DistanceToSq() = function:000001439F022588 DoFinalFadeInAfterPing() = function:000001431C470850 DoFinalFadeOutAfterPing() = function:000001431C470890 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_PIN_TYPES = table:00000143F8B9E0F0 firstTable 165 = true 166 = true 167 = true FAST_TRAVEL_WAYSHRINE_PIN_TYPES = table:00000143CBBA7EF0 firstTable 168 = true 170 = true FORWARD_CAMP_PIN_TYPES = table:00000144C258F040 firstTable 171 = true 172 = true 173 = true GROUP_PIN_TYPES = table:0000014345CE2B40 firstTable 1 = true 2 = true GetAvARespawnId() = function:000001439F033918 GetBattlegroundContext() = function:000001439F033790 GetBlobPinControl() = function:000001439F029CD8 GetCenter() = function:000001439F022548 GetControl() = function:000001439F033958 GetFastTravelCost() = function:000001439F033810 GetFastTravelDrawLevel() = function:0000014314B5FAE0 GetFastTravelIcons() = function:0000014314B5FAA0 GetFastTravelKeepId() = function:000001439F033690 GetFastTravelNodeIndex() = function:000001439F033898 GetForwardCampIndex() = function:000001439F0338D8 GetGroupIcon() = function:00000143EA531CE0 GetKeepId() = function:000001439F033610 GetLevel() = function:000001439F029C98 GetLinkedCollectibleType() = function:000001439F033710 GetLocationIcon() = function:0000014314B5FA60 GetLocationIndex() = function:0000014314B5FA20 GetLockedByLinkedCollectibleInteractString() = function:000001439F033750 GetMapPinForControl() = function:00000144C25796F0 GetNormalizedPosition() = function:000001439F022710 GetObjectiveKeepId() = function:000001439F033590 GetObjectiveObjectiveId() = function:000001439F0335D0 GetPOIIcon() = function:00000143EA531E20 GetPOIIndex() = function:00000143EA531DA0 GetPOIZoneIndex() = function:00000143EA531DE0 GetPinType() = function:00000143F45662B8 GetPinTypeAndTag() = function:00000143F45662F8 GetQuestData() = function:00000143EA540830 GetQuestIcon() = function:00000143EA5409C0 GetQuestIndex() = function:00000143F4566378 GetRestrictedAlliance() = function:000001439F0337D0 GetScaleChildren() = function:000001439F022810 GetStaticPinTexture() = function:000001439F029EE0 GetUnitTag() = function:0000014314B5FB28 HidePulseAfterFadeOut() = function:000001431C470810 IMPERIAL_CITY_GATE_TYPES = table:000001439F02F188 firstTable 179 = true 180 = true IsAssisted() = function:00000143F0626790 IsAvAObjective() = function:00000143F45663F8 IsAvAPin() = function:00000143EA5407B0 IsAvARespawn() = function:00000143F0626910 IsBattlegroundObjective() = function:00000143F4566438 IsBattlegroundPin() = function:00000143EA5407F0 IsCyrodiilPin() = function:00000143F06269D0 IsDistrict() = function:00000143F0626610 IsFastTravelKeep() = function:00000143F0626850 IsFastTravelWayShrine() = function:00000143F0626890 IsForwardCamp() = function:00000143F06268D0 IsForwardCampUsable() = function:000001439F033850 IsGroup() = function:00000143F06266D0 IsImperialCityGate() = function:00000143F4566478 IsImperialCityPin() = function:00000143F0626990 IsKeep() = function:00000143F45664B8 IsKeepOrDistrict() = function:00000143F0626650 IsKillLocation() = function:00000143F0626810 IsLocation() = function:0000014314B5F9E0 IsLockedByLinkedCollectible() = function:000001439F0336D0 IsMapPing() = function:00000143F06267D0 IsObjective() = function:00000143F45663B8 IsPOI() = function:00000143F0626750 IsQuest() = function:00000143F0626710 IsRestrictedLink() = function:00000143F0626950 IsUnderAttackPin() = function:000001439F033650 IsUnit() = function:00000143F0626690 KEEP_PIN_TYPES = table:000001439F02F140 firstTable 103 = true 104 = true 105 = true 106 = true 107 = true 108 = true 109 = true 110 = true 111 = true 112 = true 113 = true 114 = true 115 = true 116 = true 117 = true 118 = true 119 = true 120 = true 121 = true 122 = true 123 = true 124 = true 125 = true 126 = true 127 = true 128 = true 129 = true 130 = true 131 = true 132 = true 133 = true 134 = true 139 = true 140 = true 141 = true 142 = true 143 = true 144 = true KILL_LOCATION_PIN_TYPES = table:00000143F8B9E0A8 firstTable 153 = true 154 = true 155 = true 156 = true 157 = true 158 = true 159 = true 160 = true 161 = true 162 = true 163 = true 164 = true MAP_PING_PIN_TYPES = table:00000143B822FA50 firstTable 150 = true 151 = true 152 = true MouseIsOver() = function:000001439F029D18 NeedsContinuousTooltipUpdates() = function:000001439F029D58 New() = function:00000144C2579730 OBJECTIVE_PIN_TYPES = table:00000143F8B97780 firstTable 100 = true 101 = true 102 = true 31 = true 32 = true 33 = true 34 = true 35 = true 36 = true 37 = true 38 = true 39 = true 40 = true 41 = true 42 = true 43 = true 44 = true 45 = true 46 = true 47 = true 48 = true 49 = true 50 = true 51 = true 52 = true 53 = true 54 = true 55 = true 56 = true 57 = true 58 = true 59 = true 60 = true 61 = true 62 = true 63 = true 64 = true 65 = true 66 = true 67 = true 68 = true 69 = true 70 = true 71 = true 72 = true 73 = true 74 = true 83 = true 84 = true 85 = true 86 = true 88 = true 89 = true 90 = true 91 = true 92 = true 93 = true 94 = true 95 = true 96 = true 97 = true 98 = true 99 = true PIN_CLICK_HANDLERS = table:00000143D2B753F0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D2B75490 firstTable 10 = table:00000143D70CF6B0 103 = table:0000014473532098 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C0267FF8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE46E98 gamepadName() = function:00000143CFE46ED8 name = Travel to Keep show() = function:00000143CFE46E18 2 = table:00000143CFE46F18 3 = table:0000014473531DA8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014473531EE0 gamepadName = Show Information name = Show Information show() = function:0000014473531E98 104 = table:0000014473532098 105 = table:0000014473532098 106 = table:0000014473532098 108 = table:0000014473532098 109 = table:0000014473532098 11 = table:00000143D70CF6B0 110 = table:0000014473532098 111 = table:0000014473532098 112 = table:0000014473532098 113 = table:0000014473532098 114 = table:0000014473532098 115 = table:0000014473532098 116 = table:0000014473532098 117 = table:0000014473532098 118 = table:0000014473532098 119 = table:0000014473532098 12 = table:00000143D70CF6B0 120 = table:0000014473532098 121 = table:0000014473532098 122 = table:0000014473532098 123 = table:0000014473532098 124 = table:0000014473532098 125 = table:0000014473532098 13 = table:00000143D70CF6B0 135 = table:00000143D2B846B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CFE46F18 firstTable callback() = function:00000143CFE47008 gamepadName() = function:0000014473531D28 name = Respawn at Keep show() = function:0000014473531CE0 2 = table:0000014473531F20 firstTable callback() = function:0000014473532058 gamepadName = Hide Information name = Hide Information show() = function:0000014473532010 136 = table:00000143D2B846B0 137 = table:00000143D2B846B0 138 = table:00000143D2B846B0 139 = table:00000143D2B846B0 14 = table:00000143D70CF6B0 140 = table:00000143D2B846B0 141 = table:00000143D2B846B0 142 = table:00000143D2B846B0 15 = table:00000143D70CF6B0 16 = table:00000143D70CF6B0 168 = table:00000143D2B846F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D2B84740 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D2B848B8 gamepadName() = function:00000143D2B848F8 name() = function:00000143D2B84830 show() = function:00000143D2B84870 2 = table:00000143D2B84938 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D1038500 gamepadName() = function:00000143D1038540 name() = function:00000143D2B84A28 show() = function:00000143D10384B8 17 = table:00000143D70CF6B0 171 = table:00000143D1038580 172 = table:00000143D1038580 173 = table:00000143D1038580 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D10385C8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143D1038700 gamepadName() = function:00000143D1038740 name = Respawn at Forward Camp show() = function:00000143D10386B8 18 = table:00000143D70CF6B0 19 = table:00000143D70CF6B0 20 = table:00000143D70CF6B0 9 = table:00000143D70CF6B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144CCF5F598 firstTable callback() = function:00000144CCF5F660 duplicates() = function:0000014368A11270 gamepadName() = function:00000144CCF619C0 name() = function:00000144CCF5F5E0 show() = function:00000144CCF5F620 2 = table:00000143D2B754D8 firstTable 151 = table:00000144CCF61A00 firstTable 1 = table:00000144CCF61A48 firstTable callback() = function:00000143C0267F30 name = Remove Rally Point PIN_DATA = table:00000143C0256C08 firstTable 0 = table:000001439F023928 firstTable level = 170 mouseLevel = 0 size = 16 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/UI-WorldMapPlayerPip.dds 1 = table:00000144CCF69940 firstTable level = 150 size = 32 texture() = function:000001439F03A7F0 10 = table:0000014314B60BA0 firstTable insetX = 7 insetY = 4 level = 145 minAreaSize = 18 size = 32 texture() = function:00000143D1035650 100 = table:000001439F491128 firstTable level = 80 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_flagBase_Aldmeri.dds 101 = table:00000143F8BA22D0 firstTable level = 80 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_flagBase_Daggerfall.dds 102 = table:00000143D104A8D8 firstTable level = 80 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_flagBase_Ebonheart.dds 103 = table:00000143CBB9DCF0 firstTable insetX = 20 insetY = 16 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_largeKeep_neutral.dds 104 = table:00000143CBF69460 firstTable insetX = 20 insetY = 16 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_largeKeep_Aldmeri.dds 105 = table:000001439F486C00 firstTable insetX = 20 insetY = 16 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_largeKeep_Ebonheart.dds 106 = table:000001439F486C48 firstTable insetX = 20 insetY = 16 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_largeKeep_Daggerfall.dds 107 = table:00000143A98BC470 firstTable insetX = 20 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_outpost_neutral.dds 108 = table:00000143A390E658 firstTable insetX = 20 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_outpost_aldmeri.dds 109 = table:00000143A98BC4B8 firstTable insetX = 20 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_outpost_ebonheart.dds 11 = table:00000143D1A4DEA8 firstTable insetX = 7 insetY = 4 level = 145 minAreaSize = 18 size = 32 texture() = function:00000143D1035650 110 = table:00000143CCAE4CB8 firstTable insetX = 20 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_outpost_daggerfall.dds 111 = table:00000143CBBA6DD8 firstTable insetX = 9 insetY = 5 level = 60 minSize = 24 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_farm_Neutral.dds 112 = table:00000143D2B795C8 firstTable insetX = 9 insetY = 5 level = 60 minSize = 24 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_farm_Aldmeri.dds 113 = table:00000143CBBA6E20 firstTable insetX = 9 insetY = 5 level = 60 minSize = 24 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_farm_Ebonheart.dds 114 = table:00000143CBBA6E68 firstTable insetX = 9 insetY = 5 level = 60 minSize = 24 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_farm_Daggerfall.dds 115 = table:00000143D2B761A0 firstTable insetX = 5 insetY = 6 level = 60 minSize = 24 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_mine_Neutral.dds 116 = table:00000143CBBA1E08 firstTable insetX = 5 insetY = 6 level = 60 minSize = 24 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_mine_Aldmeri.dds 117 = table:00000143CBBA1E50 firstTable insetX = 5 insetY = 6 level = 60 minSize = 24 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_mine_Ebonheart.dds 118 = table:0000014314B76E38 firstTable insetX = 5 insetY = 6 level = 60 minSize = 24 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_mine_Daggerfall.dds 119 = table:00000143CBBA1E98 firstTable insetX = 6 insetY = 7 level = 60 minSize = 24 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_lumbermill_Neutral.dds 12 = table:0000014368A103D0 firstTable insetX = 7 insetY = 4 level = 140 minAreaSize = 18 size = 32 texture() = function:00000143D1035650 120 = table:00000143CBB9DC60 firstTable insetX = 6 insetY = 7 level = 60 minSize = 24 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_lumbermill_Aldmeri.dds 121 = table:00000143D10312A0 firstTable insetX = 6 insetY = 7 level = 60 minSize = 24 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_lumbermill_Ebonheart.dds 122 = table:00000143CBB9DCA8 firstTable insetX = 6 insetY = 7 level = 60 minSize = 24 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_lumbermill_Daggerfall.dds 123 = table:000001439F034550 firstTable insetX = 16 insetY = 16 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_borderKeep_pin_aldmeri.dds 124 = table:00000143CCAE4D00 firstTable insetX = 16 insetY = 16 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_borderKeep_pin_ebonheart.dds 125 = table:00000143CCAE4D48 firstTable insetX = 16 insetY = 16 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_borderKeep_pin_daggerfall.dds 126 = table:000001439F0306C8 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifactTemple_Aldmeri.dds 127 = table:00000143A04E8270 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifactTemple_Ebonheart.dds 128 = table:00000143A04E82B8 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifactTemple_Daggerfall.dds 129 = table:000001439F02CBA0 firstTable insetX = 14 insetY = 14 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifactGate_aldmeri_open.dds 13 = table:00000143F455FD60 firstTable insetX = 7 insetY = 4 level = 140 minAreaSize = 18 size = 32 texture() = function:00000143D1035650 130 = table:00000143A98C1468 firstTable insetX = 14 insetY = 14 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifactGate_ebonheart_open.dds 131 = table:00000143A04E8300 firstTable insetX = 14 insetY = 14 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifactGate_daggerfall_open.dds 132 = table:000001439F025498 firstTable insetX = 14 insetY = 14 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifactGate_aldmeri_closed.dds 133 = table:00000143A98C14F8 firstTable insetX = 14 insetY = 14 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifactGate_ebonheart_closed.dds 134 = table:00000143A98C14B0 firstTable insetX = 14 insetY = 14 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifactGate_daggerfall_closed.dds 135 = table:00000143F4559168 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_imperialDistrict_Neutral.dds 136 = table:000001439F486C90 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_imperialDistrict_Aldmeri.dds 137 = table:00000143A98B9190 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_imperialDistrict_Ebonheart.dds 138 = table:0000014346275E60 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_imperialDistrict_Daggerfall.dds 139 = table:00000143A98B91D8 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_town_Neutral.dds 14 = table:000001436913EE68 firstTable insetX = 7 insetY = 4 level = 140 minAreaSize = 18 size = 32 texture() = function:00000143D1035650 140 = table:00000143A98B9220 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_town_Aldmeri.dds 141 = table:00000143CBF76E08 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_town_Ebonheart.dds 142 = table:00000143A98BC428 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 17 level = 50 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_town_Daggerfall.dds 143 = table:000001439F031B78 firstTable level = 30 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_attackBurst_64.dds 144 = table:00000143A4C3D0E8 firstTable level = 30 size = 27 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_attackBurst_32.dds 145 = table:0000014345CE2AF8 firstTable level = 45 size = 36 texture() = function:00000143D2B77818 15 = table:00000143210A3450 firstTable insetX = 7 insetY = 4 level = 135 minAreaSize = 18 size = 32 texture() = function:00000143D1035650 150 = table:00000143CCAFF8F0 firstTable isAnimated = true level = 162 minSize = 32 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/MapPing.dds 151 = table:00000143210A3CF8 firstTable isAnimated = true level = 161 minSize = 100 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/MapRallyPoint.dds 152 = table:00000144CCF74828 firstTable level = 160 minSize = 32 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/UI_Worldmap_pin_customDestination.dds 153 = table:00000143F4560CC0 firstTable level = 70 size = 16 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_3Way.dds 154 = table:00000143F5B97CE0 firstTable level = 70 size = 20 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_3Way.dds 155 = table:00000143F5B97D28 firstTable level = 70 size = 24 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_3Way.dds 156 = table:00000143F5B97D70 firstTable level = 70 size = 16 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_AldmeriVEbonheart.dds 157 = table:00000144C2595800 firstTable level = 70 size = 20 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_AldmeriVEbonheart.dds 158 = table:00000144C2595848 firstTable level = 70 size = 24 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_AldmeriVEbonheart.dds 159 = table:00000144C2595890 firstTable level = 70 size = 16 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_AldmeriVDaggerfall.dds 16 = table:00000143210A7580 firstTable insetX = 7 insetY = 4 level = 135 minAreaSize = 18 size = 32 texture() = function:00000143D1035650 160 = table:00000143F4559C60 firstTable level = 70 size = 20 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_AldmeriVDaggerfall.dds 161 = table:00000143F4559CA8 firstTable level = 70 size = 24 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_AldmeriVDaggerfall.dds 162 = table:00000143F4559CF0 firstTable level = 70 size = 16 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_EbonheartVDaggerfall.dds 163 = table:00000143D104EBA0 firstTable level = 70 size = 20 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_EbonheartVDaggerfall.dds 164 = table:00000143D104EBE8 firstTable level = 70 size = 24 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_EbonheartVDaggerfall.dds 165 = table:000001439F48E688 firstTable level = 40 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_keep_linked_backdrop.dds 166 = table:00000143C016BB80 firstTable level = 40 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_borderKeep_linked_backdrop.dds 167 = table:00000143A0A5EAC0 firstTable level = 40 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_outpost_linked_backdrop.dds 168 = table:00000144CCF75FC8 firstTable insetX = 5 insetY = 10 level() = function:000001439F0277E8 size = 40 texture() = function:000001439F02F390 tint() = function:00000143F8B9C210 17 = table:00000143A390D140 firstTable insetX = 7 insetY = 4 level = 135 minAreaSize = 18 size = 32 texture() = function:00000143D1035650 170 = table:00000144CCF76010 firstTable insetX = 5 insetY = 10 level = 120 size = 40 texture() = function:000001439F02F390 tint() = function:00000143F8B9C210 171 = table:00000143210A8D30 firstTable insetX = 20 insetY = 20 level = 110 showsPinAndArea = true size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_cemetary_aldmeri.dds 172 = table:00000143210A8D78 firstTable insetX = 20 insetY = 20 level = 110 showsPinAndArea = true size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_cemetary_ebonheart.dds 173 = table:0000014313216888 firstTable insetX = 20 insetY = 20 level = 110 showsPinAndArea = true size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_cemetary_daggerfall.dds 174 = table:00000143CBF712E0 firstTable level = 40 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_cemetary_linked_backdrop.dds 175 = table:00000143A44BE318 firstTable level = 40 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_keep_linked_backdrop.dds 176 = table:00000143C01662B0 firstTable level = 40 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_borderKeep_linked_backdrop.dds 177 = table:00000143A98C5998 firstTable level = 40 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_imperialDistrict_glow.dds 178 = table:00000143609B26E8 firstTable level = 40 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_town_glow.dds 179 = table:00000143D104EC30 firstTable level = 70 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_ImpCity_open.dds tint() = function:00000143F8B9C210 18 = table:00000143A390D188 firstTable insetX = 7 insetY = 4 level = 130 minAreaSize = 18 size = 32 texture() = function:00000143D1035650 180 = table:00000144CCF628A8 firstTable level = 70 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_ImpCity_closed.dds 181 = table:00000143A4C39CD0 firstTable level = 20 size = 16 texture = EsoUI/Art/AvA/AvA_transitLocked.dds tint = table:0000014316DD0C98 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.28627452254295 g = 0.66666668653488 r = 0.7607843875885 182 = table:0000014314B61578 firstTable level = 20 size = 16 texture = EsoUI/Art/AvA/AvA_transitLocked.dds tint = table:0000014316DD0CE0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.30588236451149 g = 0.35686275362968 r = 0.8705883026123 183 = table:00000143D104A3B8 firstTable level = 20 size = 16 texture = EsoUI/Art/AvA/AvA_transitLocked.dds tint = table:0000014316DD1CB8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.74117648601532 g = 0.50588238239288 r = 0.3098039329052 19 = table:00000143A4C3CBD8 firstTable insetX = 7 insetY = 4 level = 130 minAreaSize = 18 size = 32 texture() = function:00000143D1035650 2 = table:00000144CCF6FF30 firstTable level = 151 size = 32 texture() = function:000001439F03A7F0 20 = table:00000143A4C3CC20 firstTable insetX = 7 insetY = 4 level = 130 minAreaSize = 18 size = 32 texture() = function:00000143D1035650 21 = table:000001439DBFA0C8 firstTable insetX = 5 insetY = 10 level = 46 size = 40 texture() = function:00000143F8BA1920 tint() = function:00000143F8B9C210 22 = table:0000014345CE2AB0 firstTable insetX = 5 insetY = 10 level = 45 size = 40 texture() = function:00000143F8BA1920 tint() = function:00000143F8B9C210 31 = table:000001431C4784F0 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_capturePoint_pin_neutral.dds 32 = table:00000143A0A69060 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_capturePoint_pin_orange.dds 33 = table:000001431C478460 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_capturePoint_pin_green.dds 34 = table:000001431C4784A8 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_capturePoint_pin_purple.dds 35 = table:000001439F02E5E0 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_A_pin_neutral.dds 36 = table:00000143CFE46998 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_A_pin_orange.dds 37 = table:00000143CFE469E0 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_A_pin_green.dds 38 = table:00000143CFE46A28 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_A_pin_purple.dds 39 = table:00000143C0165228 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_B_pin_neutral.dds 40 = table:000001439F02E628 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_B_pin_orange.dds 41 = table:000001439F02E670 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_B_pin_green.dds 42 = table:00000143C01651E0 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_B_pin_purple.dds 43 = table:00000143CBBA13E8 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_C_pin_neutral.dds 44 = table:00000143C0165270 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_C_pin_orange.dds 45 = table:00000143CBBA1358 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_C_pin_green.dds 46 = table:00000143CBBA13A0 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_C_pin_purple.dds 47 = table:000001431C46E5E0 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_D_pin_neutral.dds 48 = table:00000143210A82B0 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_D_pin_orange.dds 49 = table:00000143210A82F8 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_D_pin_green.dds 50 = table:00000143210A8340 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_multiCapturePoint_D_pin_purple.dds 51 = table:00000143EA543E78 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_neutral.dds 52 = table:000001431C46E628 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_orange.dds 53 = table:000001431C46E670 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_green.dds 54 = table:00000143EA543E30 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_purple.dds 55 = table:00000144CCF74698 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_neutral_A.dds 56 = table:00000143EA543EC0 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_orange_A.dds 57 = table:00000144CCF74608 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_green_A.dds 58 = table:00000144CCF74650 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_purple_A.dds 59 = table:00000143B8223870 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_neutral_B.dds 60 = table:000001439F489C98 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_orange_B.dds 61 = table:00000144C258A578 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_green_B.dds 62 = table:00000144C258A5C0 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_purple_B.dds 63 = table:00000144CCF65A58 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_neutral_C.dds 64 = table:00000143B82238B8 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_orange_C.dds 65 = table:00000143B8223900 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_green_C.dds 66 = table:00000143F8BAA3D0 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_purple_C.dds 67 = table:00000144CCF63F80 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_neutral_D.dds 68 = table:00000144CCF65AA0 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_orange_D.dds 69 = table:00000143F8B91648 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_green_D.dds 70 = table:00000144CCF65AE8 firstTable insetX = 13 insetY = 7 level = 86 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_pin_purple_D.dds 71 = table:000001431DC987F8 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 93 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_flag_pin_neutral.dds 72 = table:00000144C2595C98 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 99 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_flag_pin_orange.dds 73 = table:00000143CBF85D88 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 97 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_flag_pin_green.dds 74 = table:000001431DC98768 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 95 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_flag_pin_purple.dds 75 = table:00000143D6A4B7E8 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 81 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_flagSpawn_pin_neutral.dds 76 = table:00000143D1A54758 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 81 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_flagSpawn_pin_orange.dds 77 = table:00000143A38F81C0 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 81 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_flagSpawn_pin_green.dds 78 = table:00000143A38F8208 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 81 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_flagSpawn_pin_purple.dds 79 = table:00000143F4560C30 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 80 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_returnPoint_pin_orange.dds 80 = table:00000143D6A56BE8 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 80 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_returnPoint_pin_green.dds 81 = table:00000143F4560C78 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 80 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_returnPoint_pin_purple.dds 82 = table:00000143A38F8250 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 81 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_murderballSpawn_pin_neutral.dds 83 = table:00000143D9016578 firstTable level = 91 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_murderball_neutral.dds 84 = table:00000143D90165C0 firstTable level = 91 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_murderball_orange.dds 85 = table:00000143A0A68FD0 firstTable level = 91 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_murderball_green.dds 86 = table:00000143A0A69018 firstTable level = 91 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_murderball_purple.dds 88 = table:00000144CCF64010 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 85 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_capturePoint_halo.dds tint() = function:000001439F021A80 89 = table:00000144CCF63FC8 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 85 size = 53 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_mobileCapturePoint_halo.dds tint() = function:000001439F021A80 9 = table:00000144CCF667B8 firstTable insetX = 7 insetY = 4 level = 145 minAreaSize = 18 size = 32 texture() = function:00000143D1035650 90 = table:00000143D9016530 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 92 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_flag_halo_neutral.dds tint() = function:000001439F021A80 91 = table:00000143CBF85D40 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 98 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_flag_halo_orange.dds tint() = function:000001439F021A80 92 = table:00000143CBF85DD0 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 96 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_flag_halo_green.dds tint() = function:000001439F021A80 93 = table:000001431DC987B0 firstTable insetX = 15 insetY = 11 level = 94 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/battlegrounds_flag_halo_purple.dds tint() = function:000001439F021A80 94 = table:00000143132168D0 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 23 level = 100 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifact_altadoon.dds 95 = table:00000143A0A6F370 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 23 level = 100 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifact_mnem.dds 96 = table:00000143A0A6F3B8 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 23 level = 100 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifact_ghartok.dds 97 = table:00000143A0A6F400 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 23 level = 100 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifact_chim.dds 98 = table:00000144C2595C08 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 23 level = 100 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifact_nimohk.dds 99 = table:00000144C2595C50 firstTable insetX = 17 insetY = 23 level = 100 size = 64 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/AvA_artifact_almaruma.dds PIN_ORDERS = table:00000143609C8E30 firstTable AVA_ARTIFACT = 25 AVA_FORWARD_CAMP = 27 AVA_GATE = 24 AVA_IMPERIAL_CITY = 26 AVA_KEEP = 20 AVA_OUTPOST = 21 AVA_RESOURCE = 23 AVA_RESTRICTED_LINK = 28 AVA_TOWN = 22 CRAFTING = 30 DESTINATIONS = 10 PLAYERS = 50 QUESTS = 40 POI_PIN_TYPES = table:00000143F8BA54F0 firstTable 21 = true 22 = true PingMapPin() = function:00000143F4566270 PlayTextureAnimation() = function:00000143F45661E8 PulseAninmation = table:00000144C25797B8 firstTable duration = 6 texture = EsoUI/Art/MapPins/UI-WorldMapPinHighlight.dds type = 1 QUEST_CONDITION_PIN_TYPES = table:00000143E6C7A040 firstTable 10 = true 12 = true 13 = true 15 = true 16 = true 18 = true 19 = true 9 = true QUEST_PIN_TYPES = table:000001439F028CB0 firstTable 10 = true 11 = true 12 = true 13 = true 14 = true 15 = true 16 = true 17 = true 18 = true 19 = true 20 = true 9 = true RETURN_OBJECTIVE_PIN_TYPES = table:000001436913E758 firstTable 79 = true 80 = true 81 = true RemoveScaleChild() = function:000001439F0227D0 ResetAnimation() = function:00000143F4566228 ResetScale() = function:000001439F02A028 SPAWN_OBJECTIVE_PIN_TYPES = table:00000143F8B977C8 firstTable 75 = true 76 = true 77 = true 78 = true 82 = true SelectedAnimation = table:00000144C2579800 firstTable duration = 255 texture = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/selectedQuestHighlight.dds type = 1 SetData() = function:000001439F029F20 SetLocation() = function:000001439F022610 SetQuestIndex() = function:00000143F4566338 SetRotation() = function:000001439F0226D0 SetTargetScale() = function:000001439F022750 StopTextureAnimation() = function:00000143F45661A8 TOOLTIP_CREATORS = table:00000143FC32BDA0 firstTable 0 = table:000001439F037938 firstTable categoryId = 50 creator() = function:000001439F0331A0 entryName() = function:00000143F8B92F50 tooltip = 1 1 = table:000001439F037938 10 = table:000001439F0331E8 103 = table:00000143DFA51840 firstTable categoryId = 20 creator() = function:00000143A38F9B30 gamepadSpacing = true tooltip = 2 104 = table:00000143DFA51840 105 = table:00000143DFA51840 106 = table:00000143DFA51840 107 = table:00000144C2578728 firstTable categoryId = 21 creator() = function:00000143A38F9B30 gamepadSpacing = true tooltip = 2 108 = table:00000144C2578728 109 = table:00000144C2578728 11 = table:000001439F033230 firstTable categoryId = 40 creator() = function:00000143F8BAAFB0 entryName() = function:00000143F8B92ED0 gamepadCategory() = function:00000143CFE4B7D8 gamepadCategoryIcon() = function:00000143609C8DE8 gamepadCategoryStyleName = mapQuestTitle tooltip = 1 110 = table:00000144C2578728 111 = table:00000144C2590980 firstTable categoryId = 23 creator() = function:00000143A38F9B30 gamepadSpacing = true tooltip = 2 112 = table:00000144C2590980 113 = table:00000144C2590980 114 = table:00000144C2590980 115 = table:00000144C2590980 116 = table:00000144C2590980 117 = table:00000144C2590980 118 = table:00000144C2590980 119 = table:00000144C2590980 12 = table:000001439F0331E8 120 = table:00000144C2590980 121 = table:00000144C2590980 122 = table:00000144C2590980 123 = table:00000143DFA51840 124 = table:00000143DFA51840 125 = table:00000143DFA51840 126 = table:00000143DFA51840 127 = table:00000143DFA51840 128 = table:00000143DFA51840 129 = table:000001431B3F42A8 firstTable categoryId = 24 creator() = function:00000143A38F9B30 gamepadSpacing = true tooltip = 2 13 = table:000001439F0331E8 130 = table:000001431B3F42A8 131 = table:000001431B3F42A8 132 = table:000001431B3F42A8 133 = table:000001431B3F42A8 134 = table:000001431B3F42A8 135 = table:000001439DB291C0 firstTable categoryId = 26 creator() = function:00000143A38F9B30 gamepadSpacing = true tooltip = 2 136 = table:000001439DB291C0 137 = table:000001439DB291C0 138 = table:000001439DB291C0 139 = table:00000143EA53E078 firstTable categoryId = 22 creator() = function:00000143A38F9B30 gamepadSpacing = true tooltip = 2 14 = table:000001439F033230 140 = table:00000143EA53E078 141 = table:00000143EA53E078 142 = table:00000143EA53E078 145 = table:00000143E6C74E70 firstTable categoryId = 30 creator() = function:00000143D6178F70 gamepadSpacing = true hasTooltip() = function:00000143D6178FB8 tooltip = 3 15 = table:000001439F0331E8 150 = table:00000143EA52FF28 firstTable categoryId = 10 creator() = function:00000143EA52FF70 gamepadCategory = 4746 gamepadSpacing = true tooltip = 1 151 = table:00000143EA52FFB8 firstTable categoryId = 10 creator() = function:00000143C01554E0 gamepadCategory = 4746 gamepadSpacing = true tooltip = 1 152 = table:00000143DFA582C0 firstTable categoryId = 10 creator() = function:00000143DFA58308 gamepadCategory = 4746 gamepadSpacing = true tooltip = 1 16 = table:000001439F0331E8 168 = table:00000143DFA517B0 firstTable categoryId = 10 creator() = function:00000143DFA517F8 entryName() = function:00000143F8B92F90 gamepadSpacing = true tooltip = 1 17 = table:000001439F033230 170 = table:00000143DFA517B0 171 = table:00000143F0618C30 firstTable categoryId = 27 creator() = function:00000143D2B7D210 gamepadCategory = 4200 tooltip = 2 172 = table:00000143F0618C30 173 = table:00000143F0618C30 179 = table:000001436913F8E0 firstTable categoryId = 26 creator() = function:00000143A38F9AE0 tooltip = 4 18 = table:000001439F0331E8 180 = table:000001436913F8E0 181 = table:00000143609C9DC8 firstTable categoryId = 28 creator() = function:00000143A38F9A98 gamepadSpacing = true tooltip = 3 182 = table:00000143609C9DC8 183 = table:00000143609C9DC8 19 = table:000001439F0331E8 2 = table:000001439F037938 20 = table:000001439F033230 21 = table:00000143FC32BDE8 firstTable creator() = function:00000143E3459F00 22 = table:00000143E3459F48 firstTable creator() = function:00000143E6C74E28 31 = table:00000143B822EED8 firstTable creator() = function:00000143D6179000 tooltip = 1 32 = table:00000143B822EED8 33 = table:00000143B822EED8 34 = table:00000143B822EED8 35 = table:00000143B822EED8 36 = table:00000143B822EED8 37 = table:00000143B822EED8 38 = table:00000143B822EED8 39 = table:00000143B822EED8 40 = table:00000143B822EED8 41 = table:00000143B822EED8 42 = table:00000143B822EED8 43 = table:00000143B822EED8 44 = table:00000143B822EED8 45 = table:00000143B822EED8 46 = table:00000143B822EED8 47 = table:00000143B822EED8 48 = table:00000143B822EED8 49 = table:00000143B822EED8 50 = table:00000143B822EED8 51 = table:00000143B822EED8 52 = table:00000143B822EED8 53 = table:00000143B822EED8 54 = table:00000143B822EED8 55 = table:00000143B822EED8 56 = table:00000143B822EED8 57 = table:00000143B822EED8 58 = table:00000143B822EED8 59 = table:00000143B822EED8 60 = table:00000143B822EED8 61 = table:00000143B822EED8 62 = table:00000143B822EED8 63 = table:00000143B822EED8 64 = table:00000143B822EED8 65 = table:00000143B822EED8 66 = table:00000143B822EED8 67 = table:00000143B822EED8 68 = table:00000143B822EED8 69 = table:00000143B822EED8 70 = table:00000143B822EED8 71 = table:00000143B822EED8 72 = table:00000143B822EED8 73 = table:00000143B822EED8 74 = table:00000143B822EED8 75 = table:00000143B822EED8 76 = table:00000143B822EED8 77 = table:00000143B822EED8 78 = table:00000143B822EED8 79 = table:00000143B822EED8 80 = table:00000143B822EED8 81 = table:00000143B822EED8 82 = table:00000143B822EED8 83 = table:00000143B822EED8 84 = table:00000143B822EED8 85 = table:00000143B822EED8 86 = table:00000143B822EED8 9 = table:000001439F0331E8 firstTable categoryId = 40 creator() = function:00000143EA535278 entryName() = function:00000143F8B92F10 gamepadCategory() = function:00000143CFE4B7D8 gamepadCategoryIcon() = function:00000143609C8DE8 gamepadCategoryStyleName = mapQuestTitle tooltip = 1 94 = table:00000144C79C70C0 firstTable categoryId = 25 creator() = function:00000143D6179000 gamepadCategory = 4755 tooltip = 1 95 = table:00000144C79C70C0 96 = table:00000144C79C70C0 97 = table:00000144C79C70C0 98 = table:00000144C79C70C0 99 = table:00000144C79C70C0 TRACKED_PIN_TYPES = table:00000143DFA59210 firstTable 15 = true 16 = true 17 = true 18 = true 19 = true 20 = true UNIT_PIN_TYPES = table:000001439F024C90 firstTable 0 = true 1 = true 2 = true UpdateAreaPinTexture() = function:000001439F0225C8 UpdateLocation() = function:000001439F02A068 UpdateSize() = function:000001439F029D98 ValidatePvPPinAllowed() = function:00000143EA540870 __index = table:00000143A38F1580 (meta 00000143CBBA69E0} pinDatas = table:00000144C2579548 firstTable ZO_MapPin0 = userdata:00000143A38F9370 (meta 0000014314DD0970} firstMeta firstIndex m_Pin = table:0000014314DCD0A0 (meta 00000143A38F1580} firstTable firstMeta m_Control = userdata:00000143A38F9370 (meta 0000014314DD0970} m_PinTag = player m_PinType = 0 normalizedX = 0.63913404941559 normalizedY = 0.19011768698692 ZO_MapPin0Background = userdata:0000014314DD08B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_MapPin0Highlight = userdata:000001439F47DE00 (meta 0000014314DD0B00} firstMeta firstIndex 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ZO_Menu_EnterItem() = function:00000143B513A3C0 ZO_Menu_ExitItem() = function:00000143B513A400 ZO_Menu_GetNumMenuItems() = function:00000143D094DFD0 ZO_Menu_GetSelectedIndex() = function:00000143D094E010 ZO_Menu_GetSelectedText() = function:00000143D094E058 ZO_Menu_Initialize() = function:00000143EA504AE8 ZO_Menu_OnHide() = function:00000143B513A488 ZO_Menu_SelectItem() = function:00000143D094A000 ZO_Menu_SetLastCommandWasFromMenu() = function:00000143EA504CB0 ZO_Menu_SetSelectedIndex() = function:00000143D094A080 ZO_Menu_UnselectItem() = function:00000143D094A040 ZO_Menu_WasLastCommandFromMenu() = function:00000143EA504C30 ZO_Menus = userdata:0000014316F42748 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_MetaPool = table:0000014457A505D8 (meta 0000014457A50620} firstTable firstMeta AcquireObject() = function:0000014457A506D8 GetActiveObjectCount() = function:0000014457A50800 GetActiveObjects() = function:0000014457A50840 GetExistingObject() = function:0000014457A50718 New() = function:0000014457A50668 ReleaseAllObjects() = function:0000014457A50880 ReleaseObject() = function:0000014457A508C0 SetCustomAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014457A50900 SetCustomResetBehavior() = function:0000014457A50940 __index = table:0000014457A505D8 (meta 0000014457A50620} ZO_MoneyInput = userdata:00000143A3907D20 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_MouseInputGroup = table:0000014377CF5CD0 (meta 0000014377CF5D18} firstTable firstMeta Add() = function:0000014377CF5F28 AddControlAndAllChildren() = function:0000014377CF5F68 GetInputTypeGroup() = function:0000014377CF5E40 Initialize() = function:0000014377CF5E00 IsControlInGroup() = function:0000014377CF5FA8 New() = function:0000014377CF5D90 RefreshMouseOver() = function:0000014377CF5FE8 __index = table:0000014377CF5CD0 (meta 0000014377CF5D18} ZO_MouseOverGroupFromChildren_OnInitialized() = function:0000014377CF6028 ZO_MouseoverMapBlobManager = table:0000014313215508 (meta 0000014313215550} firstTable firstMeta ClearLocation() = function:000001439DBF1978 HideBlob() = function:000001439DBF18F8 HideCurrent() = function:000001439DBF1938 IsShowingMapRegionBlob() = function:000001439DBF1810 New() = function:0000014313215598 Update() = function:0000014313215660 __index = table:0000014313215508 (meta 0000014313215550} ZO_MovementController = table:000001431DA51588 (meta 000001431DA515D0} firstTable firstMeta CalculateAccelerationFactor() = function:00000144D64E9540 CheckMovement() = function:0000014457A5A5F0 GetMagnitude() = function:00000144D64E9500 Initialize() = function:00000144D64CD560 IsAtMaxVelocity() = function:00000144D64C8E70 New() = function:000001431DA51618 SetAccelerationMagnitudeFactor() = function:000001431DA51770 SetAccumulationPerSecondForChange() = function:00000144D64C8F18 SetAllowAcceleration() = function:000001431DA517C8 SetNumTicksToStartAccelerating() = function:000001431DA51808 __index = table:000001431DA51588 (meta 000001431DA515D0} ZO_MultiIconAnimation_OnStop() = function:0000014377CF00E8 ZO_MultiIconAnimation_SetAlpha() = function:0000014377CF00A8 ZO_MultiIcon_Initialize() = function:0000014377CF0370 ZO_MultiIcon_OnHide() = function:0000014377CF0328 ZO_MultiIcon_OnShow() = function:0000014377CF02A8 ZO_MurderballObjectiveStateIndicator = table:000001430647C878 (meta 00000143094E3378} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143094E36C8 Matches() = function:00000143CDD325E0 New() = function:00000143094E34C0 OnMurderballStateChanged() = function:00000143094E38D8 Reset() = function:00000143CB52CFC8 Setup() = function:00000143094E3780 ShouldShow() = function:00000143CDD32428 ZO_NORMAL_TEXT = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} ZO_NO_TEXTURE_FILE = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds ZO_NameChange = table:00000143E03AD518 (meta 00000143E03AD560} firstTable firstMeta DidNameChange() = function:00000143E03AD688 GetOldCharacterName() = function:00000143E03AD770 Initialize() = function:00000143E03AD648 New() = function:00000143E03AD5D8 __index = table:00000143E03AD518 (meta 00000143E03AD560} ZO_NewSkillCalloutManager = table:000001431C5B0AC8 (meta 000001431C5B0DE0} firstTable firstMeta AddSkillLineToList() = function:000001431C5B1948 AreAnySkillLinesInTypeNew() = function:000001431C5B1CC0 AreAnySkillLinesNew() = function:000001431C5B1B08 ClearAbilityUpdatedStatus() = function:000001431C5B1FA0 ClearSkillLineNewStatus() = function:000001431C5B2150 DoesAbilityHaveUpdates() = function:00000143E02F7040 GetAbilityList() = function:000001431C5B2750 GetSkillLineEntry() = function:000001431C5B2330 Initialize() = function:000001431C5B1268 InitializeSkillList() = function:000001431C5B1398 IsSkillLineNew() = function:000001431C5B1EB0 New() = function:000001431C5B0F50 UpdateAbility() = function:000001431C5B1550 UpdateSkillLine() = function:000001431C5B1790 __index = table:000001431C5B0AC8 (meta 000001431C5B0DE0} ZO_NormalizeSecondsNegative() = function:00000143D8195FB8 ZO_NormalizeSecondsPositive() = function:00000143D8195F38 ZO_NormalizeSecondsSince() = function:00000143D8196DB0 ZO_NormalizeSecondsUntil() = function:00000143D8196DF0 ZO_NormalizedPointFragment = table:00000143AA410E30 (meta 00000143AA410E78} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:000001448018C168 New() = function:00000143A35D6C50 Show() = function:00000143A35D6CE8 __index = table:00000143AA410E30 (meta 00000143AA410E78} id = 12 ZO_NotificationList = table:00000143D90010C8 (meta 00000143D9001110} firstTable firstMeta BuildMasterList() = function:00000143D90011C8 CompareNotifications() = function:00000143D90012A0 FilterScrollList() = function:00000143D9001260 New() = function:00000143D9001158 SortScrollList() = function:00000143D9001320 __index = table:00000143D90010C8 (meta 00000143D9001110} ZO_NotificationManager = table:00000143D90014A8 (meta 00000143D90014F0} firstTable firstMeta AcceptRequest() = function:00000143D90018B8 AddDataEntry() = function:00000143D9002348 BuildMessageText() = function:00000143D9001C00 BuildNotificationList() = function:00000143D9001668 CompareNotifications() = function:00000143D9001830 DeclineRequest() = function:00000143D9001B80 GetCollectionsProvider() = function:00000143D9001D00 GetNumCollectionsNotifications() = function:00000143D9001CC0 GetNumNotifications() = function:00000143D9001C80 GetSuppressNotificationsByEvent() = function:00000143D9002288 Initialize() = function:00000143D90015A8 InitializeNotificationList() = function:00000143D9002308 New() = function:00000143D9001538 OnNumNotificationsChanged() = function:00000143D90017F0 RefreshNotificationList() = function:00000143D90015E8 RefreshVisible() = function:00000143D9001628 ResumeNotificationsByEvent() = function:00000143D90022C8 SetupMessage() = function:00000143D9001C40 ShowMoreInfo() = function:00000143D9001BC0 SortNotificationList() = function:00000143D9001878 SuppressNotificationsByEvent() = function:00000143D9001D40 ZO_NotificationProvider = table:00000143B8230328 (meta 00000143B8230370} firstTable firstMeta Accept() = function:00000143B821EDC0 AddDataEntry() = function:00000143B822F1F0 BuildNotificationList() = function:00000143B8226650 CanShowGamerCard() = function:00000143FC32F5C8 Decline() = function:00000143FC33A918 GetHasTimer() = function:00000143B8230498 GetNumNotifications() = function:00000143B8230580 New() = function:00000143B82303E8 PushUpdateToNotificationManager() = function:00000143B822CB58 RegisterUpdateEvent() = function:00000143B8229538 SetCanShowGamerCard() = function:00000143FC332CF0 SetHasTimer() = function:00000143B8230458 ShowGamerCard() = function:00000143FC32B4A0 ShowMoreInfo() = function:00000143FC3378E0 ZO_Notifications = userdata:00000143609BE488 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_NotificationsBaseRow_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143609BF388 ZO_NotificationsBaseRow_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143609BF3C8 ZO_NotificationsList = userdata:00000143609BF870 (meta 00000143609BFCE0} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000143609BFDF8 firstTable animation = userdata:00000143609BFEF0 (meta 00000143609BFF48} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143609BF870 (meta 00000143609BFCE0} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000143609BFE88 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143609BF8E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143609BFDB0 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143609BFC50 firstTable 1 = table:00000143609C0640 firstTable height = 50 pool = table:00000143609C0568 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143609C05B0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143609C0468 m_Free = table:00000143609C05F8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143609C03E8 2 = table:00000143609C0B18 firstTable height = 50 pool = table:00000143609C0A10 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143609C0A58 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143609C0910 m_Free = table:00000143609C0AD0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143609C08C8 3 = table:00000143609C0DB0 firstTable height = 50 pool = table:00000143609C0CD8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143609C0D20 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143609C0BD8 m_Free = table:00000143609C0D68 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143609C0B90 4 = table:00000143609C1018 firstTable height = 50 pool = table:00000143609C0F40 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143609C0F88 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143609C0E40 m_Free = table:00000143609C0FD0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143609C03E8 5 = table:00000143609C1280 firstTable height = 50 pool = table:00000143609C11A8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143609C11F0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143609C10A8 m_Free = table:00000143609C1238 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143609C1060 6 = table:00000143609C1678 firstTable height = 50 pool = table:00000143609C15A0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143609C15E8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143609C14A0 m_Free = table:00000143609C1630 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143609C03E8 7 = table:00000143609C0880 firstTable height = 50 pool = table:00000143609C07A8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143609C07F0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143609C06A8 m_Free = table:00000143609C0838 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143609C03E8 8 = table:00000143609C1458 firstTable height = 50 pool = table:00000143609C0DF8 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143609C13C8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143609C12C8 m_Free = table:00000143609C1410 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143609C03E8 9 = table:00000143609C18E0 firstTable height = 50 pool = table:00000143609C1808 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143609C1850 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143609C1708 m_Free = table:00000143609C1898 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143D8198128 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:00000143609C16C0 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000143609BFB50 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false highlightTemplate = ZO_ThinListHighlight mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143609BF950 (meta 00000143609BFC08} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143609BFBB0 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143609BFB80 (meta 0000014308367FC0} timeline = userdata:00000143609BFDA0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 50 upButton = userdata:00000143609BFAD8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143ECFF7028 firstTable ZO_NotificationsListContents = userdata:00000143609BF8E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_NotificationsListEmptyRow = userdata:00000143609C0B80 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_NotificationsListEmptyRowBG = userdata:00000143609C00C8 (meta 00000143609C3658} firstMeta firstIndex nonRecolorable = true ZO_NotificationsListEmptyRowMessage = userdata:00000143609C0AC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_NotificationsListScrollBar = userdata:00000143609BF950 (meta 00000143609BFC08} ZO_NotificationsListScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143609BFB50 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_NotificationsListScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143609BFA60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_NotificationsListScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143609BFAD8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_NotificationsMessage_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143609BF488 ZO_NotificationsMessage_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143609BF4C8 ZO_NotificationsRowMoreInfo_OnClicked() = function:00000143609BF588 ZO_NotificationsRowMoreInfo_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143609BF508 ZO_NotificationsRowMoreInfo_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143609BF548 ZO_NotificationsRowNote_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143609BF308 ZO_NotificationsRowNote_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143609BF348 ZO_NotificationsTwoButtonAccept_OnClicked() = function:00000143609BF408 ZO_NotificationsTwoButtonDecline_OnClicked() = function:00000143609BF448 ZO_Notifications_OnInitialized() = function:00000143609BF5C8 ZO_ONE_DAY_IN_HOURS = 24 ZO_ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS = 86400 ZO_ONE_HOUR_IN_MILLISECONDS = 3600000 ZO_ONE_HOUR_IN_MINUTES = 60 ZO_ONE_HOUR_IN_SECONDS = 3600 ZO_ONE_MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS = 60000 ZO_ONE_MINUTE_IN_SECONDS = 60 ZO_ONE_MONTH_IN_DAYS = 30 ZO_ONE_MONTH_IN_SECONDS = 2592000 ZO_ONE_SECOND_IN_MILLISECONDS = 1000 ZO_OPPOSITE_DIRECTIONS = table:00000143E0DAE280 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 1 3 = 4 4 = 3 ZO_Object = table:00000143EC92DA78 firstTable MultiSubclass() = function:00000143C3427AF0 New() = function:0000014316F47A48 Subclass() = function:0000014316F52598 __index = table:00000143EC92DA78 ZO_ObjectPool = table:000001436860E718 (meta 000001436860E980} firstTable firstMeta AcquireObject() = function:0000014316F63CF0 DestroyAllFreeObjects() = function:000001431D56D5F8 DestroyFreeObject() = function:00000143D8198640 GetActiveObjectCount() = function:00000143686102E0 GetActiveObjects() = function:00000143686104A8 GetExistingObject() = function:00000143D819C2B8 GetFreeObjectCount() = function:00000143EC9320A0 GetNextControlId() = function:000001436860F7F0 GetNextFree() = function:000001436860FBF0 GetTotalObjectCount() = function:000001436860FE68 New() = function:000001436860F778 ReleaseAllObjects() = function:00000143EC92A238 ReleaseObject() = function:000001431C162988 SetCustomAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143C3441370 __index = table:000001436860E718 (meta 000001436860E980} ZO_ObjectPool_CreateControl() = function:00000143EC931208 ZO_ObjectPool_CreateNamedControl() = function:000001431679A2E0 ZO_ObjectPool_DefaultResetControl() = function:00000143D8198128 ZO_ObjectiveCapture = userdata:00000143D767B8A8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeter = userdata:00000143D767C470 (meta 00000143D767CC50} firstMeta firstIndex fadeAnim = table:00000143D767CBC0 (meta 00000143E9837830} firstTable m_animatedControl = userdata:00000143D767C470 (meta 00000143D767CC50} maxAlpha = 1 minAlpha = 0 m_fadeAnimation = table:00000143D767CBC0 (meta 00000143E9837830} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeterBackground = userdata:00000143D767C4E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeterFrame = userdata:00000143D767CA20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeterMidpointDivider = userdata:00000143D767C938 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeterOwnerBadge = userdata:00000143D767C9B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeterProgressBar = userdata:00000143D767C560 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeterProgressBarCapturingArrow1 = userdata:00000143D767C610 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeterProgressBarCapturingArrow2 = userdata:00000143D767C698 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeterProgressBarCapturingArrow3 = userdata:00000143D767C720 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeterProgressBarContestingArrow1 = userdata:00000143D767C7A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeterProgressBarContestingArrow2 = userdata:00000143D767C830 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeterProgressBarContestingArrow3 = userdata:00000143D767C8B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ObjectiveCaptureMeterProgressBarEndCap = userdata:00000143D767C5E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ObjectiveCapture_EasingAnimationStopped() = function:00000143D767C258 ZO_ObjectiveCapture_Initialize() = function:00000143D767C198 ZO_ObjectiveCapture_UpdateCaptureBar() = function:00000143D767C218 ZO_OnAnimationStop() = function:0000014310B9F768 ZO_OnAnimationUpdate() = function:0000014310B9F7A8 ZO_OptionsPanel_Interface_ChatBubbleChannel_OnInitialized() = function:00000143A390E938 ZO_OptionsPanel_Interface_ChatBubbleSpeedSliderValueFunc() = function:00000143A390E878 ZO_OptionsPanel_Social_InitializeColorControl() = function:00000143F45530C0 ZO_OptionsPanel_Social_InitializeGuildLabel() = function:00000143FC33E018 ZO_OptionsPanel_Social_InitializeMinAlphaControl() = function:00000143B8235680 ZO_OptionsPanel_Social_InitializeTextSizeControl() = function:00000143B8236FC8 ZO_OptionsPanel_Social_MinAlphaOnShow() = function:00000143B8237048 ZO_OptionsPanel_Social_OnColorOptionEnter() = function:00000143FC340B10 ZO_OptionsPanel_Social_OnColorOptionExit() = function:00000143FC340B50 ZO_OptionsPanel_Social_ResetColorToDefault() = function:00000143B8230978 ZO_OptionsPanel_Social_ResetMinAlphaToDefault() = function:00000143B8237088 ZO_OptionsPanel_Social_ResetTextSizeToDefault() = function:00000143FC33E098 ZO_OptionsPanel_Social_TextSizeOnShow() = function:00000143FC33E058 ZO_OptionsPanel_Video_CustomScale_OnShow() = function:00000143F3185B08 ZO_OptionsPanel_Video_CustomScale_RefreshEnabled() = function:00000143F3185AC8 ZO_OptionsPanel_Video_HasConsoleRenderQualitySetting() = function:00000143F3183F40 ZO_OptionsPanel_Video_InitializeResolution() = function:00000143F3185A08 ZO_OptionsPanel_Video_SetCustomScale() = function:00000143F3185A88 ZO_OptionsPanel_Video_UseCustomScale_OnShow() = function:00000143F3185B48 ZO_OptionsWindow = userdata:0000014313923330 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_OptionsWindowApplyButton = userdata:000001439E1403F8 (meta 00000143D72CFEF8} ZO_OptionsWindowApplyButtonKeyLabel = userdata:000001439E1404E8 (meta 00000143CDE66880} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:0000014368607C48 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014368607CE8 (meta 00000143A131AD70} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001439E1403F8 (meta 00000143D72CFEF8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001431392BF40 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001439E1404E8 (meta 00000143CDE66880} keybind = OPTIONS_APPLY_CHANGES keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001439E140470 (meta 00000143CDE66A40} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_OptionsWindowApplyButtonNameLabel = userdata:000001439E140470 (meta 00000143CDE66A40} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_OptionsWindowBGLeft = userdata:0000014305C9F608 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_OptionsWindowBGLeftBGRight = userdata:00000143CDE62CB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_OptionsWindowDivider = userdata:0000014314B9A738 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_OptionsWindowResetToDefaultButton = userdata:00000143D72CD3B0 (meta 00000143063BEAA0} ZO_OptionsWindowResetToDefaultButtonKeyLabel = userdata:000001439F6C03B0 (meta 00000143B3099D80} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143B309A5B0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143FA12F9F0 (meta 00000143B309A408} firstMeta firstIndex key = 2 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D72CD3B0 (meta 00000143063BEAA0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:00000143063C86B0 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001439F6C03B0 (meta 00000143B3099D80} keybind = OPTIONS_LOAD_DEFAULTS keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000014428AFE9B8 (meta 000001439F6BCD88} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_OptionsWindowResetToDefaultButtonNameLabel = userdata:0000014428AFE9B8 (meta 000001439F6BCD88} ZO_OptionsWindowSettings = userdata:0000014368605158 (meta 00000143D819A528} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143D72CD2F8 (meta 0000014310BC71A0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000014368605158 (meta 00000143D819A528} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000144D64C1DC0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:00000143EA4F57B0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:000001436882C5B0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:00000143B3095998 (meta 0000014314B94A98} timeline = userdata:00000143D72CD2C8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 ZO_OptionsWindowSettingsScroll = userdata:00000144D64C1DC0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_OptionsWindowSettingsScrollBar = userdata:00000143B3095998 (meta 0000014314B94A98} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001439F6BEE70 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:000001439F6BEE40 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_OptionsWindowSettingsScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143EA4F57B0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_OptionsWindowSettingsScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143063BD1F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_OptionsWindowSettingsScrollBarUp = userdata:000001436882C5B0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_OptionsWindowSettingsScrollChild = userdata:000001439F6BEEF8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_OptionsWindowTitle = userdata:00000143CDE640E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_OptionsWindowToggleFirstPersonButton = userdata:000001439E148358 (meta 0000014457A41E48} ZO_OptionsWindowToggleFirstPersonButtonKeyLabel = userdata:000001439E148468 (meta 000001439E148478} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:0000014305CA45F0 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014305CA4690 (meta 0000014305CA4730} firstMeta firstIndex key = 3 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001439E148358 (meta 0000014457A41E48} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001431E0D6318 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001439E148468 (meta 000001439E148478} keybind = TOGGLE_FIRST_PERSON keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001439E1483E0 (meta 000001439E148518} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_OptionsWindowToggleFirstPersonButtonNameLabel = userdata:000001439E1483E0 (meta 000001439E148518} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_OptionsWindow_AddUserPanel() = function:000001431E0D6470 ZO_OptionsWindow_ApplySettings() = function:000001431392BF40 ZO_OptionsWindow_InitializeControl() = function:000001431392BDA8 ZO_OptionsWindow_ToggleFirstPerson() = function:000001431E0D6318 ZO_Options_CheckBoxOnMouseEnter() = function:0000014457A4A348 ZO_Options_CheckBoxOnMouseExit() = function:0000014457A4A388 ZO_Options_ColorOnClicked() = function:0000014457A4A3C8 ZO_Options_ColorOnMouseUp() = function:0000014457A4A410 ZO_Options_HideAssociatedWarning() = function:0000014409E0CE68 ZO_Options_InvokeCallback() = function:0000014457A4A1C0 ZO_Options_IsOptionActive() = function:0000014409E0EAE0 ZO_Options_Keyboard_OnInitialize() = function:000001431392AE28 ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014457A4A498 ZO_Options_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014457A4A4D8 ZO_Options_OnShow() = function:0000014457A4A518 ZO_Options_SetOptionActive() = function:00000143CDC21460 ZO_Options_SetOptionActiveOrInactive() = function:0000014409E0EA78 ZO_Options_SetOptionInactive() = function:0000014409E107A0 ZO_Options_SetWarningText() = function:0000014409E0CEE8 ZO_Options_SetupCheckBox() = function:0000014457A4A2C8 ZO_Options_SetupDropdown() = function:0000014457A4A138 ZO_Options_SetupInvokeCallback() = function:0000014457A4A450 ZO_Options_SetupScrollList() = function:0000014457A4A200 ZO_Options_SetupSlider() = function:0000014457A4A0F0 ZO_Options_ShowAssociatedWarning() = function:0000014409E0EB30 ZO_Options_ShowOrHideAssociatedWarning() = function:0000014409E0CEA8 ZO_Options_SliderOnSliderReleased() = function:0000014457A4A070 ZO_Options_SliderOnValueChanged() = function:0000014457A49FF0 ZO_Options_UpdateOption() = function:0000014457A56DD8 ZO_PAGEDLIST_MOVEMENT_TYPES = table:00000143D72C6218 firstTable LAST = 3 PAGE_BACK = 2 PAGE_FORWARD = 1 ZO_PARAMETRIC_MOVEMENT_TYPES = table:00000143AA183B28 firstTable JUMP_NEXT = 3 JUMP_PREVIOUS = 4 LAST = 5 MOVE_NEXT = 1 MOVE_PREVIOUS = 2 ZO_PARAMETRIC_SCROLL_MOVEMENT_SOUNDS = table:00000143F1192BA8 firstTable 1 = Console_Menu_Down 2 = Console_Menu_Up 3 = Console_Menu_Jump_Down 4 = Console_Menu_Jump_Up 5 = Console_Page_Forward 6 = Console_Page_Back 7 = Console_Page_Navigation_Failed ZO_PERSONALITY_EMOTES_COLOR = table:0000014345F14440 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.86274516582489 g = 0.678431391716 r = 0.13333334028721 ZO_PLACEABLE_HOUSING_DATA_TYPE = 1 ZO_PLACEABLE_TYPE_COLLECTIBLE = 2 ZO_PLACEABLE_TYPE_ITEM = 1 ZO_POWER_BAR_GRADIENT_COLORS = table:0000014368609C78 firstTable 0 = table:00000143B4E72D60 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B4E78718 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.50980395078659 g = 0.1843137294054 r = 0 2 = table:00000143B4E6E248 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 0.84313732385635 r = 0.32156863808632 1 = table:000001439CF91B10 firstTable 1 = table:000001439CF8C5D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.77647066116333 g = 0.6745098233223 r = 0.29411765933037 2 = table:00000143B4E71600 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.40392160415649 g = 0.34509804844856 r = 0.12549020349979 11 = table:00000143167BB7B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B4E76FE8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.40000003576279 g = 0.40000003576279 r = 0 2 = table:00000143B4E77030 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.40000003576279 g = 0.60000002384186 r = 0 2 = table:0000014368609CC0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014368609D08 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.13725490868092 g = 0.13725490868092 r = 0.44705885648727 2 = table:000001439CF93158 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.18823531270027 g = 0.18823531270027 r = 0.85490202903748 6 = table:00000143ED5CBC08 firstTable 1 = table:000001439CF8C618 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.40000003576279 g = 0.40000003576279 r = 0 2 = table:00000143167BB768 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.40000003576279 g = 0.60000002384186 r = 0 ZO_PROVISIONER_SLOT_ICON_SIZE = 48 ZO_PROVISIONER_SLOT_PADDING_X = 5 ZO_PROVISIONER_SLOT_ROW_HEIGHT = 58 ZO_PROVISIONER_SLOT_ROW_WIDTH = 260 ZO_PURCHASE_KIOSK_INTERACTION = table:00000144C7539878 ZO_PackChoosingPageIndicator = userdata:0000014307951540 (meta 0000014307955050} firstMeta firstIndex pageIndicator = userdata:0000014307954FF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} pageLabel = userdata:0000014307954F78 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_PackChoosingPageIndicatorPageHeader = userdata:0000014307954F78 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_PackChoosingPageIndicatorPageIndicator = userdata:0000014307954FF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_PagedList = table:00000143D72C6388 (meta 00000143D72C63D0} firstTable firstMeta AcquireControl() = function:00000143D72C31A0 Activate() = function:00000143D72CBF80 ActivateHeader() = function:00000143D72C6D28 AddDataTemplate() = function:00000143AA183D18 AddEntry() = function:00000143AA183D58 BuildMasterList() = function:00000143D72C5D00 BuildPage() = function:00000143D72C3260 BuildPages() = function:00000143D72C3220 Clear() = function:00000143AA183D98 ClearFocus() = function:00000143D72CBF40 CommitList() = function:00000143D72CCEE8 CompareSortEntries() = function:00000143D72C3360 Deactivate() = function:00000143D72CBFC0 DeactivateHeader() = function:00000143D72C6D68 FilterList() = function:00000143D72CBF00 GetSelectedData() = function:00000143AA183DD8 Initialize() = function:00000143D72C95B8 IsSelected() = function:00000143AA183E18 New() = function:00000143D72C8C78 NextPage() = function:00000143AA183ED8 OnEnterRow() = function:00000143AA182418 OnLeaveRow() = function:00000143AA182458 OnListChanged() = function:00000143D72C9538 OnPageChanged() = function:00000143D72C9578 OnSortHeaderClicked() = function:00000143D72C3320 PreviousPage() = function:00000143AA183E98 RefreshData() = function:00000143AA182498 RefreshFilters() = function:00000143D72CCE68 RefreshFooter() = function:00000143D72C33E0 RefreshSelectedRow() = function:00000143D72C32E0 RefreshSort() = function:00000143D72CCE28 RefreshVisible() = function:00000143D72CCEA8 ReleaseControl() = function:00000143D72C31E0 SetAlternateRowBackgrounds() = function:00000143D72C3420 SetEmptyText() = function:00000143D72C33A0 SetLeaveListAtBeginningCallback() = function:00000143AA1823D8 SetPage() = function:00000143AA183E58 SetPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143D72C3460 SetRememberSpotInList() = function:00000143D72C34A0 SetSelectionChangedCallback() = function:00000143D72C6DE8 SetupSort() = function:00000143D72C6DA8 SortList() = function:00000143AA183C30 TakeFocus() = function:00000143D72C95F8 ZO_PagedListPlaySound() = function:00000143D72C6308 ZO_PagedListSetupFooter() = function:00000143D72C6348 ZO_ParametricScrollList = table:00000143AA183CD0 (meta 00000143AA185B40} firstTable firstMeta AcquireAndSetupControl() = function:00000143B4EFDC78 AcquireControlAtDataIndex() = function:000001431D7B4CA0 Activate() = function:000001439E148A10 ActivateWithoutChangedCallback() = function:0000014377CEFD08 AddDataTemplate() = function:00000143AA1847D8 AddDataTemplateWithHeader() = function:0000014377CE8CC0 AddEntry() = function:0000014377CEAA18 AddEntryWithHeader() = function:0000014377CF1740 CalculateAdditionalBottomParametricOffset() = function:0000014310BBB318 CalculateFirstSelectableIndex() = function:00000143A0C269F8 CalculateLastSelectableIndex() = function:00000143A0C26A38 CalculateNextLerpedContinousOffset() = function:000001431D7B33E0 CalculateParametricOffset() = function:0000014310BBB298 CalculateSelectedIndexOffsetWithDrag() = function:000001431D7B3360 CanSelect() = function:000001439E148078 Clear() = function:00000143B4F00190 Commit() = function:00000143B4EFB2E0 CommitWithoutReselect() = function:00000143B4EFB2A0 Deactivate() = function:0000014377CEFD48 DeactivateWithoutChangedCallback() = function:000001431E0D00F8 DoesTemplateHaveEditBox() = function:00000143B4EFDD80 EnableAnimation() = function:00000143E74C4220 EnsureValidGradient() = function:00000143B4EFDE00 GetControl() = function:00000143B4EF7A48 GetDataForDataIndex() = function:0000014310BBB420 GetDesiredEntryAnchors() = function:0000014310BBC510 GetEntryData() = function:0000014377CF1630 GetEntryFixedCenterOffset() = function:0000014310BBC550 GetHasHeaderForDataIndex() = function:000001431D7B4B60 GetNextSelectableIndex() = function:00000143B4F00108 GetNumEntries() = function:0000014377CF0908 GetNumItems() = function:000001439E1434F8 GetOnActivatedChangedFunction() = function:0000014310BC2300 GetPaddingForDataIndex() = function:000001431D7B4BE0 GetParametricFunctionForDataIndex() = function:0000014310BBB3E0 GetScrollControl() = function:00000143B4EF7A88 GetSelectedAdditionalPaddingForDataIndex() = function:000001431D7B4BA0 GetSelectedControl() = function:00000143E74C41E0 GetSelectedData() = function:00000143E74B8938 GetSelectedIndex() = function:000001439E143578 GetSetupFunctionForDataIndex() = function:0000014310BBB360 GetTargetControl() = function:00000143E74B89F8 GetTargetData() = function:00000143E74B8978 GetTargetIndex() = function:00000143E74B89B8 HasDataTemplate() = function:00000143AA184AD0 Initialize() = function:00000143AA187D58 IsActive() = function:0000014310BBDCF8 IsControlIndexFullyVisible() = function:000001439E143538 IsDirectionalInputEnabled() = function:00000143E74C4260 IsEmpty() = function:000001439E142CA8 IsMoving() = function:00000143CDE684A8 MoveNext() = function:000001439E148100 MovePrevious() = function:000001439E1480C0 New() = function:00000143AA185CF0 OnUpdate() = function:000001431D7B33A0 RefreshNoItemLabelPosition() = function:000001439E141DF0 RefreshVisible() = function:00000143CDE684E8 ReleaseControl() = function:000001431D7B4CE8 RemoveAllOnSelectedDataChangedCallbacks() = function:00000143CDE6CF30 RemoveOnMovementChangedCallback() = function:00000143D72C35A8 RemoveOnSelectedDataChangedCallback() = function:000001439E13EA28 RemoveOnTargetDataChangedCallback() = function:0000014313924A70 RunSetupOnControl() = function:0000014310BBB3A0 SetActive() = function:000001431D7B38A0 SetAdditionalBottomSelectedItemOffsets() = function:00000143CDE60AA0 SetAlignToScreenCenter() = function:00000143B4EF6C58 SetAnchorForEntryControl() = function:0000014310BBE4C0 SetAnchorOppositeSide() = function:00000143B4F00EF8 SetCustomDirectionInputHandler() = function:0000014310BBE440 SetDataTemplateReleaseFunction() = function:00000143D72CC938 SetDataTemplateWithHeaderReleaseFunction() = function:00000143D72C3610 SetDefaultIndexSelected() = function:0000014310BC6758 SetDefaultSelectedIndex() = function:000001439E142D68 SetDirectionalInputEnabled() = function:00000143E74C42A0 SetDrawScrollArrows() = function:00000143A0C26600 SetEnabled() = function:000001431E0D0138 SetFirstIndexSelected() = function:0000014310BC6718 SetFixedCenterOffset() = function:00000143B4EF9C90 SetHeaderPadding() = function:000001431D7B4B20 SetHideUnselectedControls() = function:0000014310BBE480 SetJumping() = function:000001439E142CE8 SetKeyForNextCommit() = function:00000143B4EFB260 SetLastIndexSelected() = function:0000014310BC66D8 SetMouseEnabled() = function:00000143B4EF7B08 SetMoving() = function:00000143B4EFDD38 SetNextSelectedDataByEval() = function:00000143B4F000C8 SetNoItemText() = function:00000143CDE68468 SetOnActivatedChangedFunction() = function:000001431D7B0FA8 SetOnMovementChangedCallback() = function:000001431E0CD218 SetOnSelectedDataChangedCallback() = function:000001439E14A6C8 SetOnTargetDataChangedCallback() = function:0000014313923778 SetPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143B4EF7AC8 SetPreviousSelectedDataByEval() = function:00000143A0C26AB8 SetSelectedDataByEval() = function:00000143A0C26A78 SetSelectedDataByRangedEval() = function:00000143B4F00148 SetSelectedIndex() = function:0000014310BC6698 SetSelectedIndexWithoutAnimation() = function:000001439E1435B8 SetSelectedItemOffsets() = function:00000143CDE60A60 SetSortFunction() = function:00000143E74BC5A0 SetSoundEnabled() = function:000001439E142D28 SetUniversalPostPadding() = function:00000143CDE68428 SetUniversalPrePadding() = function:00000143CDE60AE0 SetValidateGradient() = function:00000143B4EFDDC0 UpdateAnchors() = function:0000014310BBC590 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:0000014310BBE400 UpdateScrollArrows() = function:00000143B4EFE728 WhenInactiveSetTargetControlHidden() = function:000001439E142DA8 ZO_ParametricScrollList_DefaultMenuEntryWithHeaderSetup() = function:00000143D72C3690 ZO_Particle = table:000001436139F830 (meta 000001436139F878} firstTable firstMeta Delete() = function:000001436139FFF0 FollowControl() = function:000001436139FE68 Initialize() = function:000001436139F960 New() = function:000001436139F8F0 OnUpdate() = function:000001436139FF70 Reset() = function:000001436139FA20 SetScale() = function:000001436139FFB0 SetWorldOrientation() = function:000001436139FB20 SetWorldOrientationFromControl() = function:000001436139FE28 SetWorldOrientationFromLocal() = function:000001436139FDE8 SetWorldPosition() = function:000001436139FA60 SetWorldPositionFromControl() = function:000001436139FAE0 SetWorldPositionFromLocal() = function:000001436139FAA0 Start() = function:000001436139F9A0 Stop() = function:000001436139F9E0 UnfollowControl() = function:000001436139FEE8 UpdateFollowControl() = function:000001436139FF30 ZO_ParticleSystem = table:00000143B3097680 (meta 00000143B30976C8} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143B30977F8 New() = function:00000143B30977B8 OnUpdate() = function:00000143B3090178 SetBurst() = function:00000143B3090D78 SetBurstEasing() = function:00000143B3097838 SetParentControl() = function:00000143B30956B0 SetParticleParameter() = function:00000143B30956F0 SetParticlesPerSecond() = function:00000143B3095758 SpawnParticles() = function:00000143B3092570 Start() = function:00000143B3092530 StartParticle() = function:00000143B30925B0 Stop() = function:00000143B3090200 particleClassToPool = table:00000143B3097740 firstTable ZO_ParticleSystemManager = table:00000143FA1390E8 (meta 00000143FA139130} firstTable firstMeta AcquireTexture() = function:00000143FA12E328 AddParticleSystem() = function:00000143FA12E160 Initialize() = function:00000143FA13A9C8 New() = function:00000143FA13A900 OnUpdate() = function:00000143FA12E078 ReleaseTexture() = function:00000143FA12E368 RemoveParticleSystem() = function:00000143FA12E1A0 __index = table:00000143FA1390E8 (meta 00000143FA139130} ZO_ParticleValueGenerator = table:000001431D7AB7F8 (meta 000001431D7AB840} firstTable firstMeta Generate() = function:000001431D7AB968 GetValue() = function:000001431D7ABA50 Initialize() = function:000001431D7AB928 New() = function:000001431D7AB8B8 ZO_Particles = table:000001436139E040 (meta 000001436139E088} firstTable firstMeta AddUpdateParticle() = function:000001436139E298 Initialize() = function:000001436139E170 New() = function:000001436139E100 OnUpdate() = function:000001436139E1B0 RemoveUpdateParticle() = function:000001436139E2D8 __index = table:000001436139E040 (meta 000001436139E088} ZO_PerformanceMeters = userdata:00000144D07822C0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_PerformanceMetersBg = userdata:0000014480173050 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_PerformanceMetersFramerateMeter = userdata:0000014480174288 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_PerformanceMetersFramerateMeterLabel = userdata:00000144D0781FC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_PerformanceMetersLatencyMeter = userdata:00000143CB533548 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_PerformanceMetersLatencyMeterBars = userdata:00000143CB533218 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_PerformanceMetersLatencyMeterLabel = userdata:00000143CB533290 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_PerformanceMeters_OnInitialized() = function:0000014480174158 ZO_PerformanceMeters_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000144D07821E0 ZO_PerformanceMeters_OnMouseExit() = function:00000144D0782220 ZO_PerformanceMeters_OnMoveStop() = function:00000144D0782260 ZO_PinBlobManager = table:000001431C47AFE0 (meta 00000143D90114B8} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:00000143D900E2C8 __index = table:000001431C47AFE0 (meta 00000143D90114B8} ZO_PixelUnitControl = table:00000143AA17EFD8 (meta 00000143AA17F020} firstTable firstMeta AddAnchor() = function:0000014457A44F40 ApplyToControl() = function:00000143C342FFB0 ClearAnchors() = function:00000143AA17F190 ConvertToUIUnits() = function:0000014457A44FE8 Initialize() = function:00000143AA17F108 IsDimensionConstrainedByAnchors() = function:0000014310BB8FA8 LockApply() = function:0000014310BB9028 New() = function:00000143AA17F098 OnScreenResized() = function:00000143A0C2C898 PIXEL_CONVERTERS = table:00000143AA17F148 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A0C2D420 2() = function:0000014457A459E8 3() = function:0000014314B9CFD0 ScrapeFromXML() = function:0000014310BB8FE8 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:00000143AA186AF8 SetDimensions() = function:00000143AA186AB8 SetHeight() = function:00000143AA186A78 SetScale() = function:00000143AA186B38 SetWidth() = function:0000014457A44F80 UnlockApply() = function:0000014310BB9068 __index = table:00000143AA17EFD8 (meta 00000143AA17F020} ZO_PixelUnits = table:00000143C342FFF0 (meta 00000143C3430038} firstTable firstMeta Add() = function:0000014377CF6258 AddAnchor() = function:0000014377CF60D8 AddControlAndAllChildren() = function:0000014377CF6420 Get() = function:0000014377CF6218 Initialize() = function:0000014377CF6098 New() = function:00000143C3430080 OnScreenResized() = function:0000014377CF6130 Remove() = function:0000014377CF63E0 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:0000014377CF6170 SetDimensions() = function:0000014377CF61B0 SetHeight() = function:0000014377CF62D8 SetScale() = function:0000014377CF6318 SetWidth() = function:0000014377CF6298 __index = table:00000143C342FFF0 (meta 00000143C3430038} ZO_PixelUnitsControl_OnInitialized() = function:000001431D7A8D58 ZO_PlaceableFurnitureCollectible = table:00000143F9CFAF50 (meta 000001431045EAB0} firstTable firstMeta GetDataType() = function:00000143104561E0 Initialize() = function:000001431045EB38 IsBeingPreviewed() = function:0000014310456120 IsPreviewable() = function:00000143E3A2EE88 New() = 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function:00000143103508B0 SetDelayPromptTime() = function:00000143E3869200 SetHidden() = function:0000014310382A58 SetTargetIdentification() = function:00000143E3872E80 ShouldShowPromptAfterDelay() = function:00000143F0F8E4A8 ShowPlayerInteractMenu() = function:000001431037B4A0 ShowRadialNotificationMenu() = function:0000014310387FF8 ShowResponseActionKeybind() = function:00000143F0F8E4E8 StartInteraction() = function:00000143CB74A020 StopInteraction() = function:00000143CB74A0A0 TryDisplayingIncomingRequests() = function:00000143E3869240 TryShowingResponseLabel() = function:00000143F0F9BBA0 TryShowingResurrectLabel() = function:00000143E3872EC8 TryShowingStandardInteractLabel() = function:00000143E3872F50 __index = table:00000143F0F79EA8 (meta 00000143F0F79EF0} ZO_PlayerToPlayerArea = userdata:00000143E38844A8 (meta 00000143F0F66B50} ZO_PlayerToPlayerAreaPromptContainer = userdata:00000143F0F8F0B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_PlayerToPlayerAreaPromptContainerActionArea = 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displayType = 0 level = 50 name = The Star-Gazers questIndex = 2 questType = 0 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true header = Craglorn numIcons = 0 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = The Star-Gazers unselectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 2 = table:0000014314B69B68 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:0000014314B70F98 firstTable categoryName = Main Quest categoryType = 2 displayType = 1 level = 50 name = The Harborage questIndex = 1 questType = 2 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true header = Main Quest iconsNormal = table:00000143D2B890B8 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Journal/Gamepad/gp_questTypeIcon_instance.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = The Harborage unselectedIconTint = 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(meta 0000014314B6A1E8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:0000014314B6A430 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:0000014314B69FE0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:0000014314B6C5C0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000014314B6C9F0 control = userdata:0000014314B687F8 (meta 0000014314B69F10} dirtyEvents = table:0000014314B6C608 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000014314B6C650 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000014314B6C6E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314B6C728 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:0000014314B6C790 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000014314B6C908 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314B6C9A8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:0000014314B6CAF0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:0000014314B69E20 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:0000014314B6C2D0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:0000014314B6C318 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314B6C360 firstTable 1() = function:0000014314B6C250 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:0000014314B6C428 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314B6C4C8 firstTable 1() = function:0000014314B6C3E0 3 = false 2 = table:0000014314B6CCD0 firstTable 1() = function:0000014314B6CC50 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:0000014314B6B960 firstTable control = userdata:0000014314B69C30 (meta 0000014314B6A1E8} dataIndexToControl = table:0000014314B6BC68 firstTable dataList = table:0000014314B6BA28 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000014314B6B918 firstTable ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplate = table:0000014314B6CE80 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false pool = table:0000014314B6CD78 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014314B6CDC0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014314B6CE38 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerOptionsListScrollZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:0000014314B69CC0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_QuestJournal_Gamepad_MenuEntryTemplate = table:0000014314B6BEA8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014314B6BD40 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014314B6BD88 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014314B6BDD0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerOptionsListScrollZO_QuestJournal_Gamepad_MenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:0000014314B69CC0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_QuestJournal_Gamepad_MenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:0000014314B6BCF8 ZO_QuestJournal_Gamepad_MenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:0000014314B6BEF0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014314B6BF38 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014314B6C1B8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:0000014314B6C0B8 customResetBehavior() = function:0000014314B6C178 m_Active = table:0000014314B6BF80 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014314B6BFF8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerOptionsListScrollHeaderEntryWithHeader parent = userdata:0000014314B69CC0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_QuestJournal_Gamepad_MenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:0000014314B6BCF8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:0000014314B6A058 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:0000014314B6B8D0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:0000014314B69EB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:0000014314B6BB00 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000014314B6BB90 firstTable prePadding = table:0000014314B6BAB8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000014314B6BB48 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:0000014314B69CC0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:0000014314B6BBD8 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:0000014314B6BA70 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:0000014314B6BCB0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:0000014314B6BC20 firstTable ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerOptionsList = userdata:0000014314B69C30 (meta 0000014314B6A1E8} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerOptionsListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:0000014314B69D68 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerOptionsListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:0000014314B69E20 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerOptionsListNoItemsLabel = userdata:0000014314B69EB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerOptionsListScroll = userdata:0000014314B69CC0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePane = userdata:00000143D2B8ADB0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainer = userdata:00000143D2B8AE38 (meta 00000143D2B8C4E8} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143D2B8B118 (meta 0000014314B70A88} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:0000014314B6F220 firstTable 10 = userdata:00000143D2B8B578 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000143D2B8B748 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:00000143D2B8B6B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:00000143D2B8B880 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:00000143D2B8B7E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143D2B8B260 (meta 00000143083425C0} 3 = userdata:00000143D2B8B3A0 (meta 000001430831E750} 4 = userdata:00000143D2B8B1B8 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:00000143D2B8B300 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:00000143D2B8B4D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000143D2B8B440 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000143D2B8B610 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 3 ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerContent = userdata:00000143D2B8B910 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerContentBGText = userdata:00000143D2B8C3F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerContentQuestInfoContainer = userdata:00000143D2B8B9B0 (meta 00000143D2B8BE78} firstMeta firstIndex DisableUpdateHandler() = function:0000014457A319C0 Initialize() = function:0000014457A318C8 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:0000014457A31A80 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:0000014457A31A40 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:0000014457A31AC0 OnUpdate() = function:0000014457A31B00 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:0000014457A31A00 ResetToTop() = function:0000014457A31978 animation = userdata:00000143D2B8C2B0 (meta 00000143D2B8C308} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143D2B8B9B0 (meta 00000143D2B8BE78} directionalInputActivated = false hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000143D2B8BA58 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000143D2B8BB08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollInput = 0 scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:00000143D2B8C280 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerContentQuestInfoContainerScroll = userdata:00000143D2B8BA58 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerContentQuestInfoContainerScrollChild = userdata:00000143D2B8BBB8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerContentQuestInfoContainerScrollIndicator = userdata:00000143D2B8BB08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerContentStepText = userdata:00000143D2B8C490 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeader = userdata:00000143D2B8B118 (meta 0000014314B70A88} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeaderCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143D2B8B3A0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143D2B8B4D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143D2B8B440 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143D2B8B610 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143D2B8B578 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143D2B8B748 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143D2B8B6B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143D2B8B880 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143D2B8B7E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143D2B8B300 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143D2B8B1B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelMiddlePaneContainerGenericHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143D2B8B260 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelRightPane = userdata:00000143D2B8C628 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelRightPaneContainer = userdata:00000143D2B8C6B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelRightPaneContainerContent = userdata:00000143D2B8C740 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentConditionTextBulletList = userdata:00000143D2B8D278 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentConditionTextLabel = userdata:00000143D2B8D1D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHintTextBulletList = userdata:00000143D2B8D4F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentHintTextLabel = userdata:00000143D2B8D458 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentOptionalStepTextBulletList = userdata:00000143D2B8D3C0 (meta 000001430831E750} 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0000014308349FC8} scrollInput = 0 scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:00000143D2B8CFE8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentQuestStepContainerScroll = userdata:00000143D2B8C888 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentQuestStepContainerScrollChild = userdata:00000143D2B8C9E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuestJournal_GamepadTopLevelRightPaneContainerContentQuestStepContainerScrollIndicator = userdata:00000143D2B8C938 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuestJournal_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:00000143D2B87CE0 ZO_QuestJournal_Keyboard = table:00000143E3465158 (meta 00000143E34651A0} firstTable firstMeta FocusQuestWithIndex() = function:00000143E3465570 GetNextSortedQuestForQuestIndex() = function:00000143E3465720 GetSceneName() = function:00000143E34654F0 GetSelectedQuestData() = function:00000143E3465530 Initialize() = function:00000143E3465288 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143E3465470 InitializeQuestList() = function:00000143E3465430 InitializeScenes() = function:00000143E34654B0 New() = function:00000143E3465218 RefreshDetails() = function:00000143CBF749A0 RefreshQuestCount() = function:00000143E34655B0 RefreshQuestList() = function:00000143E3465630 RefreshQuestMasterList() = function:00000143E34655F0 RegisterIcons() = function:00000143E34652C8 RegisterTooltips() = function:00000143E34653B0 SetIconTexture() = function:00000143E34653F0 __index = table:00000143E3465158 (meta 00000143E34651A0} ZO_QuestJournal_Keyboard_OnInitialized() = function:00000143E3465948 ZO_QuestJournal_Manager = table:00000143B821D9C0 (meta 00000143B821DA08} firstTable firstMeta BuildTextForConditions() = function:00000143B821DBF8 BuildTextForTasks() = function:00000143B821DC78 ConfirmAbandonQuest() = function:00000143B821DF00 DoesShowMultipleOrSteps() = function:00000143B821DCC0 GetFocusedQuestIndex() = function:00000143B821E248 GetQuestListData() = function:00000143B821DD80 Initialize() = function:00000143B821DA90 New() = function:00000143B821DA50 RegisterForEvents() = function:00000143B821DAD0 ShareQuest() = function:00000143B821DF40 UpdateFocusedQuest() = function:00000143B821E208 __index = table:00000143B821D9C0 (meta 00000143B821DA08} ZO_QuestJournal_OnQuestIconMouseEnter() = function:00000143E3465988 ZO_QuestJournal_OnQuestIconMouseExit() = function:00000143E34659C8 ZO_QuestJournal_Shared = table:00000143A0A6C5F8 (meta 00000143A0A6C640} firstTable firstMeta BuildTextForStepVisibility() = function:00000143B8219DD0 CanAbandonQuest() = function:00000143D70CDDA0 CanShareQuest() = function:00000143D70CDDE0 GetIconTexture() = function:00000143B822FDF0 GetSelectedQuestData() = function:0000014313212448 GetSelectedQuestIndex() = function:00000143B8219E10 GetTooltipText() = function:00000143E34616D0 Initialize() = function:00000143A0A6C6F8 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143B822FD88 InitializeQuestList() = function:00000143B822FD48 InitializeScenes() = function:0000014313212408 New() = function:00000143A0A6C688 OnLevelUpdated() = function:00000143B8219D90 OnQuestAdvanced() = function:00000143A42FEBD8 OnQuestConditionCounterChanged() = function:00000143A42FEC18 OnQuestsUpdated() = function:00000143A42FEB98 RefreshDetails() = function:00000143D70CDE20 RefreshQuestCount() = function:00000143D70CDE60 RefreshQuestList() = function:0000014313212488 RefreshQuestMasterList() = function:00000143D70CDEA0 RegisterIconTexture() = function:00000143A0A6C7B8 RegisterIcons() = function:00000143132124C8 RegisterTooltipText() = function:00000143DFA64840 RegisterTooltips() = function:00000143B8219D50 ShowOnMap() = function:00000143A42FEC58 ZO_QuestRewardName_MouseEnter() = function:00000143CFFC5458 ZO_QuestRewardName_MouseExit() = function:00000143CFFC5498 ZO_QuestReward_GetSkillLineEarnedText() = function:00000143207F3008 ZO_QuestReward_GetSkillPointText() = function:00000143207F2F48 ZO_QuestReward_MouseEnter() = function:00000143CFFC53D8 ZO_QuestReward_MouseExit() = function:00000143CFFC5418 ZO_QuestShareProvider = table:00000143D9013958 (meta 00000143D90139A0} firstTable firstMeta Accept() = function:00000143D900F3C0 BuildNotificationList() = function:00000143A98D2A38 CreateMessage() = function:00000143D900F4E8 Decline() = function:00000143D900F4A8 New() = function:00000143A98D29C8 __index = table:00000143D9013958 (meta 00000143D90139A0} ZO_QuestTimer_CreateInContainer() = function:00000143C0259820 ZO_QuestTimer_OnMouseUp() = function:00000143D3172478 ZO_QuestTimer_OnUpdate() = function:00000143609E52E0 ZO_QuestToolMonitor = userdata:0000014320F6C938 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_QuestToolMonitorPrompt = userdata:0000014320F6D008 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuestTracker = userdata:00000143A04E7D00 (meta 00000143B821A988} firstMeta firstIndex tracker = table:00000143B821B850 (meta 00000143D901D100} firstTable firstMeta MAX_TRACKED = 25 assistedData = table:00000143F5F75A30 (meta 00000143C025C700} assistedQuestCompleted = false assistedTexture = userdata:00000143B821B840 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143CBF69A40 firstTable QuestTrackerAssistStateChanged = table:00000143CBF69A88 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CBF69AD0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CBF699F8 3 = false 2 = table:00000143F4560DA0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143B821DB58 3 = false 3 = table:00000143F8BA4B08 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F8BA4A88 3 = false 4 = table:00000143BC86A298 firstTable 1() = function:00000143BC86A250 3 = false 5 = table:00000144647D6708 firstTable 1() = function:00000144647D66C0 3 = false 6 = table:00000144C886BD38 firstTable 1() = function:000001439F47BE10 3 = false QuestTrackerReactivate = table:00000143CBF68810 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CBF688B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143CBF687C8 3 = false QuestTrackerRefreshedMapPins = table:00000143BC8675C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143BC864B48 firstTable 1() = function:00000143BC867580 3 = false conditionPool = table:00000143FC335C30 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D90107F8 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143B821A8B8 m_Active = table:00000143FC338D60 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144D04C9908 (meta 000001447C5F5920} 2 = userdata:0000014313B063C0 (meta 00000143D09E2020} firstMeta firstIndex entryType = 2 isGroupCreditShared = false m_TreeNode = table:00000143F5F41DE0 (meta 000001432E00A788} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143FC338DA8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuestTrackerContainerQuestCondition parent = userdata:00000143F062C170 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_QuestCondition dirtyEvents = table:00000143B821B8C8 firstTable disableAudio = false fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerPool = table:00000143B821AA28 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143D70BE148 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143B821A8F8 m_Active = table:00000143F8DB2BE8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143C36B8838 (meta 00000144D04C98A0} 2 = userdata:0000014313B011C0 (meta 00000143D09BB378} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B821A820 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuestTrackerContainerTrackedHeader parent = userdata:00000143F062C170 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_TrackedHeader isMouseInside = false stepDescriptionPool = table:00000143FC3348B0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B8223968 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143B821A878 m_Active = table:00000143FC335478 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143FC3354C0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuestTrackerContainerQuestStepDescription parent = userdata:00000143F062C170 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_QuestStepDescription timerControl = userdata:00000143CBF86098 (meta 000001430831E750} tracked = table:00000143D09D8468 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F5F75A30 (meta 00000143C025C700} firstTable arg1 = 1 header = userdata:00000143C36B8838 (meta 00000144D04C98A0} firstMeta firstIndex headerText = The Harborage icon = userdata:00000144BA7CB878 (meta 0000014308349FC8} instanceDisplayType = 1 isUsingIcon = true m_ChildConditionControls = table:00000143F5F44D30 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144D04C9908 (meta 000001447C5F5920} 2 = 1 m_Data = table:00000143F5F75A30 (meta 00000143C025C700} m_ObjectKey = 1 m_StepDescriptionControls = table:00000143FBC9BDA0 firstTable m_TreeNode = table:00000143FBCC6D70 (meta 000001432E00A788} firstTable firstMeta m_Child = table:00000143E619C0A8 (meta 000001432E00A788} firstTable m_Control = userdata:00000144D04C9908 (meta 000001447C5F5920} firstMeta firstIndex m_Expanded = true m_OffsetY = 2 m_OwningTree = table:00000143FC331A88 (meta 000001432E010CF0} firstTable m_Parent = table:00000143FBCC6D70 (meta 000001432E00A788} m_Showing = true m_Control = userdata:00000143C36B8838 (meta 00000144D04C98A0} m_Expanded = true m_OffsetY = 18 m_OwningTree = table:00000143FC331A88 (meta 000001432E010CF0} m_Parent = table:000001439D894BA0 (meta 000001432E00A788} m_Showing = true m_Sibling = table:00000144C7FFEB78 (meta 000001432E00A788} firstTable m_Child = table:00000143F5F41DE0 (meta 000001432E00A788} firstTable m_Control = userdata:0000014313B011C0 (meta 00000143D09BB378} firstMeta firstIndex m_Expanded = true m_OffsetY = 18 m_OwningTree = table:00000143FC331A88 (meta 000001432E010CF0} m_Parent = table:000001439D894BA0 (meta 000001432E00A788} firstTable m_Showing = true questType = 2 isComplete = false level = 50 trackType = 1 2 = table:00000143E77876C8 (meta 00000143C025C700} firstTable arg1 = 2 header = userdata:0000014313B011C0 (meta 00000143D09BB378} isComplete = false level = 50 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00000144C8065AE8} m_buttonData = table:00000143207F6BA8 firstTable activeTabText = All callback() = function:00000143CFFEC910 descriptor = 0 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_down.dds sortKey = name sortOrder = true tooltipText = All m_highlight = userdata:00000143207F4960 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143207F42F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143CFFEDA30 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143207F49D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143EC977678 firstTable m_NextControlId = 6 m_NextFree = 7 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton parent = userdata:00000144083C7140 (meta 0000014368A0A960} templateName = ZO_InventoryFilterTab m_relativePoint = 2 ZO_QuickSlotTabsActive = userdata:00000144083C71B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton1 = userdata:00000144083D3288 (meta 00000143207F57F8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton1Flash = userdata:00000143207F5758 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton1Image = userdata:00000143207F5600 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton1ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143207F5678 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton1Status = userdata:00000143207F56E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton2 = userdata:00000143207F59F0 (meta 00000143207F5ED0} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton2Flash = userdata:00000143207F5BB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton2Image = userdata:00000143207F5A60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton2ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143207F5AD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton2Status = userdata:00000143207F5B48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton3 = userdata:00000143207F5CB8 (meta 00000143207F3D38} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton3Flash = userdata:00000143207F3A20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton3Image = userdata:00000143207F5D28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton3ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143207F3940 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton3Status = userdata:00000143207F39B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton4 = userdata:00000143207F3FC0 (meta 00000143207F44A0} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton4Flash = userdata:00000143207F4188 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton4Image = userdata:00000143207F4030 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton4ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143207F40A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton4Status = userdata:00000143207F4118 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton5 = userdata:00000143207F4698 (meta 00000143207F4B78} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton5Flash = userdata:00000143207F4860 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton5Image = userdata:00000143207F4708 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton5ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143207F4780 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton5Status = userdata:00000143207F47F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton6 = userdata:00000143207F42C8 (meta 00000144C8065AE8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton6Flash = userdata:00000144C8064640 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton6Image = userdata:00000143207F42F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton6ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143207F4960 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlotTabsButton6Status = userdata:00000143207F49D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickSlot_FilterButtonOnMouseEnter() = function:0000014313F58728 ZO_QuickSlot_FilterButtonOnMouseExit() = function:0000014313F5BDE8 ZO_QuickslotControl_OnInitialize() = function:00000144C8061CD0 ZO_QuickslotControl_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014313F5BE68 ZO_QuickslotControl_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014313F5BEA8 ZO_QuickslotManager = table:0000014368A0EBB0 (meta 00000144083C42D8} firstTable firstMeta AppendCollectiblesData() = function:0000014313F56180 AppendItemData() = function:0000014313F56138 ApplySort() = function:0000014314CDCF70 AreQuickSlotsShowing() = function:00000144083C4430 ChangeFilter() = function:00000144083C0B38 CreateNewTabFilterData() = function:0000014313F586E8 CreateQuickSlots() = function:00000144083CDBB8 DoQuickSlotUpdate() = function:00000144C805E478 HideAllQuickSlotDropCallouts() = function:00000144C805E4C8 InitializeKeybindDescriptor() = function:00000144083C4470 InsertCollectibleCategories() = function:0000014313F586A8 New() = function:00000144083C06C8 PerformQuickSlotLayout() = function:00000144083CDC60 RefreshCurrency() = function:0000014314CDCFB0 SetUpCollectionSlot() = function:0000014313F56978 SetUpQuickSlot() = function:0000014313F568B8 SetupQuickslotCount() = function:00000144083D26D8 ShouldAddItemToList() = function:00000144083C0B78 ShowAppropriateQuickSlotDropCallouts() = function:00000144C805E548 ShowSlotDropCallout() = function:00000144C805E508 SortData() = function:0000014314CDCF28 UpdateFreeSlots() = function:0000014313F58668 UpdateList() = function:0000014313F560F8 ValidateOrClearAllQuickslots() = function:0000014314CDCFF0 __index = table:0000014368A0EBB0 (meta 00000144083C42D8} ZO_QuickslotRadialManager = table:000001439D7A5F08 (meta 000001439D7A5F50} firstTable firstMeta InteractionCanceled() = function:000001439D7A6078 New() = function:000001439D7A5FC8 PopulateMenu() = function:000001439D7A61A0 PrepareForInteraction() = function:000001439D7A6038 SetupEntryControl() = function:000001439D7A6160 ValidateOrClearQuickslot() = function:000001439D7A6260 __index = table:000001439D7A5F08 (meta 000001439D7A5F50} ZO_QuickslotRadial_Gamepad = userdata:000001439D7A8208 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_QuickslotRadial_GamepadMenu = userdata:000001439D7A8480 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuickslotRadial_GamepadMenuAction = userdata:000001439D7A85F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuickslotRadial_GamepadMenuSelectedBackground = userdata:000001439D7A8580 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickslotRadial_GamepadMenuTrack = userdata:000001439D7A84F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickslotRadial_Gamepad_Initialize() = function:000001439D7A8128 ZO_QuickslotRadial_Keyboard = userdata:0000014361928EA8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_QuickslotRadial_KeyboardMenu = userdata:000001439D7A6C08 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_QuickslotRadial_KeyboardMenuAction = userdata:000001439D7A6D90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_QuickslotRadial_KeyboardMenuSelectedBackground = userdata:000001439D7A6C90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickslotRadial_KeyboardMenuUnselectedBackground = userdata:000001439D7A6D18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_QuickslotRadial_Keyboard_Initialize() = function:000001439D7A6920 ZO_Quickslot_OnInitialize() = function:0000014313F5BE28 ZO_RAM = table:0000014314CEDBF0 (meta 0000014314CED400} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000014314CED520 (meta 0000014308326048} indicatorsControl = userdata:0000014314CEDBE0 (meta 000001430831E750} indicatorsList = table:0000014314CEDC38 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014314CEDD08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 2 = userdata:0000014314CEDD90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 3 = userdata:0000014314CEDE20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 4 = userdata:0000014314CEDED0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 5 = userdata:0000014314CEDF38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 6 = userdata:0000014314CEE028 (meta 0000014308349FC8} isInitialized = true name = userdata:0000014314CEDB70 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RANGE_COMBO_INDEX_CHILD_KEY = 4 ZO_RANGE_COMBO_INDEX_MAX_VALUE = 2 ZO_RANGE_COMBO_INDEX_MIN_VALUE = 1 ZO_RANGE_COMBO_INDEX_TEXT = 3 ZO_RECALLABLE_HOUSING_DATA_TYPE = 2 ZO_REMOTE_SCENE_CHANGE_ORIGIN = 1 ZO_RESTYLE_DEFAULT_SET_INDEX = 1 ZO_RESTYLE_KEYBOARD = table:00000144C1B7C988 (meta 00000144C1B79818} ZO_RESTYLE_MANAGER = table:00000143D8F5B138 (meta 00000143D8F5B008} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:00000143D8F5B1D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 ZO_RESTYLE_MODE_CATEGORY_DATA = table:00000144C1B79740 firstTable 2 = table:00000144C1B79788 firstTable allowsDyeing = true 3 = table:00000144C1B797D0 firstTable allowsDyeing = true ZO_RESTYLE_SHEET_CONTAINER = table:000001431C5B5C88 firstTable PRIMARY = 1 SECONDARY = 2 ZO_RESTYLE_SLOT_TEXTURES = table:0000014406000050 firstTable 2 = table:0000014406000098 firstTable 0 = EsoUI/Art/CharacterWindow/gearSlot_head.dds 16 = EsoUI/Art/CharacterWindow/gearSlot_hands.dds 2 = EsoUI/Art/CharacterWindow/gearSlot_chest.dds 21 = EsoUI/Art/CharacterWindow/gearSlot_offHand.dds 3 = EsoUI/Art/CharacterWindow/gearSlot_shoulders.dds 5 = EsoUI/Art/CharacterWindow/gearSlot_offHand.dds 6 = EsoUI/Art/CharacterWindow/gearSlot_belt.dds 8 = EsoUI/Art/CharacterWindow/gearSlot_legs.dds 9 = EsoUI/Art/CharacterWindow/gearSlot_feet.dds 3 = table:00000144060000E0 firstTable 10 = EsoUI/Art/Dye/dye_hat.dds 4 = EsoUI/Art/Dye/dye_costume.dds ZO_RESTYLE_SLOT_TYPE_STRING_PREFIXES = table:0000014405FFFF48 firstTable 2 = SI_EQUIPSLOT 3 = SI_COLLECTIBLECATEGORYTYPE ZO_RETRAIT_FILTER_TYPE_ARMOR = 1 ZO_RETRAIT_FILTER_TYPE_WEAPONS = 2 ZO_RETRAIT_MODE_RETRAIT = 1 ZO_RETRAIT_MODE_ROOT = 0 ZO_RETRAIT_STATION_GAMEPAD = table:00000144081A79B8 (meta 00000144081ADF28} ZO_RETRAIT_STATION_KEYBOARD = table:00000144081C0180 (meta 00000144081BEB28} ZO_RETRAIT_STATION_MANAGER = table:000001431DE87FE8 (meta 000001431DE87BC0} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000144081C1C20 firstTable OnRetraitDirtyEvent = table:00000144081C1C68 firstTable 1 = table:00000144081C1CE0 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081C1BD8 3 = false 2 = table:00000144081AF090 firstTable 1() = function:00000144081AF048 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001431DE88030 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 traitInfo = table:000001431DE88178 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DE88218 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DE882A8 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_runecrafter_potion_008.dds traitName = Powered traitType = 1 2 = table:000001431DE883B8 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_jewelry_base_amethyst_r3.dds traitName = Charged traitType = 2 3 = table:000001431DE884D0 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_jewelry_base_ruby_r3.dds traitName = Precise traitType = 3 4 = table:000001431DE88608 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_enchantment_base_jade_r3.dds traitName = Infused traitType = 4 5 = table:000001431DE886F8 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_jewelry_base_turquoise_r3.dds traitName = Defending traitType = 5 6 = table:000001431DE885C0 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_runecrafter_armor_component_004.dds traitName = Training traitType = 6 7 = table:000001431DE88890 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_enchantment_base_fire_opal_r3.dds traitName = Sharpened traitType = 7 8 = table:000001431DE88980 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_smith_potion__sp_names_003.dds traitName = Decisive traitType = 8 9 = table:000001431DE89310 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potent_nirncrux_dust.dds traitName = Nirnhoned traitType = 26 2 = table:000001431DE88260 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DE88A70 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_runecrafter_plug_component_002.dds traitName = Sturdy traitType = 11 2 = table:000001431DE88B60 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_jewelry_base_diamond_r3.dds traitName = Impenetrable traitType = 12 3 = table:000001431DE88C50 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_enchantment_base_sardonyx_r2.dds traitName = Reinforced traitType = 13 4 = table:000001431DE88D88 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_accessory_sp_names_002.dds traitName = Well-Fitted traitType = 14 5 = table:000001431DE88EA8 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_jewelry_base_emerald_r2.dds traitName = Training traitType = 15 6 = table:000001431DE88D40 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_enchantment_baxe_bloodstone_r2.dds traitName = Infused traitType = 16 7 = table:000001431DE89040 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_jewelry_base_garnet_r3.dds traitName = Invigorating traitType = 17 8 = table:000001431DE89130 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_accessory_sp_names_001.dds traitName = Divines traitType = 18 9 = table:000001431DE89220 firstTable traitItemIcon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_potent_nirncrux_stone.dds traitName = Nirnhoned traitType = 25 ZO_RETRAIT_STATION_RETRAIT_GAMEPAD = table:000001430A05B258 (meta 00000144081A5BF0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:00000144081AF550 (meta 0000014308326048} currentFilter = 2 filterType = 2 header = userdata:00000144081AE8E8 (meta 000001430A05EF20} headerData = table:000001430A061900 firstTable data1HeaderText = Player Capacity data1Text() = function:000001430A0617A0 data2HeaderText = transmute crystals data2Text() = function:000001430A05FD48 tabBarEntries = table:000001430A0614C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A061530 2 = table:000001430A061668 inventory = table:000001430A05B328 (meta 00000144081A64E8} inventoryControl = userdata:000001430A04F730 (meta 000001430A05B3B8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001430A05B478 (meta 0000014308367FC0} owner = table:000001430A05B328 (meta 00000144081A64E8} firstTable firstMeta baseSlotType = 24 control = userdata:000001430A04F730 (meta 000001430A05B3B8} customBestItemCategoryNameFunction() = function:000001430A05C418 customDataSortFunction() = function:000001430A05C3D8 customExtraDataFunction() = function:000001430A05C458 dirty = true filterType = 2 itemCounts = table:000001430A05B4E0 firstTable list = table:000001430A05B5D0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} owner = table:000001430A05B258 (meta 00000144081A5BF0} verticalScrollCraftEntryType = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntry verticalScrollCraftEntryTypeTemplate = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate verticalScrollCraftEntryTypeWithHeaderTemplate = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplateWithHeader scrollList = table:000001430A05B5D0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:000001430A04F910 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:000001430A05CA58 firstTable TargetDataChanged = table:000001430A05CAA0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A05CAE8 firstTable 1() = function:000001430A05C9D8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:000001430A05B960 firstTable control = userdata:000001430A04F730 (meta 000001430A05B3B8} dataIndexToControl = table:000001430A05BC68 firstTable dataList = table:000001430A05BA28 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001430A05B918 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate = table:000001430A05BE60 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001430A05BCF8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001430A05BD40 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001430A05BDB8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskInventoryScrollItem parent = userdata:000001430A04F7C0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:000001430A05BEA8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001430A05BEF0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A05C118 customFactoryBehavior() = function:000001430A05B488 customResetBehavior() = function:000001430A05C0D8 m_Active = table:000001430A05BF38 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001430A05BFB0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskInventoryScrollItemWithHeader parent = userdata:000001430A04F7C0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:000001430A05B618 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001430A05B8D0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:000001430A04F9A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001430A05BB00 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001430A05BB90 firstTable prePadding = table:000001430A05BAB8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001430A05BB48 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:000001430A04F7C0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:000001430A05BBD8 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:000001430A05BA70 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:000001430A05BCB0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:000001430A05BC20 firstTable itemActions = table:000001430A05C498 (meta 00000143EA549850} firstTable firstMeta 1 = table:000001430A05C8A0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A05C660 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000001430A05C768 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:000001430A05C6A8 order = 500 visible() = function:000001430A05C7B8 activateCallback() = function:000001430A05C850 hasBind() = function:000001430A05C808 slotActions = table:000001430A05C4E0 (meta 00000143E6C73298} firstTable firstMeta m_contextMenuMode = false m_keybindActions = table:000001430A05C570 firstTable m_numContextMenuActions = 0 m_slotActions = table:000001430A05C528 firstTable useKeybindStrip = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001430A05CB88 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A05CC18 firstTable callback() = function:000001430A05CD08 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT visible() = function:000001430A05CD48 2 = table:000001430A05CD88 firstTable callback() = function:000001430A05CEF8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name() = function:000001430A05CE78 visible() = function:000001430A05CF40 3 = table:000001430A05CF80 firstTable callback() = function:000001430A05D0A0 enabled() = function:000001430A05D058 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:000001430A05CFC8 visible() = function:000001430A05D010 4 = table:000001430A05D0E8 firstTable callback() = function:000001430A05D1D8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Actions visible() = function:000001430A05D220 5 = table:000001430A05D268 firstTable callback() = function:000001430A05B2D0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 6 = table:000001430A05D320 firstTable callback() = function:000001430A05D410 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 qualityBridge = userdata:000001430A04FDE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} resultTooltip = userdata:000001430A0558A0 (meta 000001430A056228} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:000001430A055B00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} lastContentHeight = 0 scrollTooltip = userdata:000001430A055C28 (meta 000001430A05ADF8} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 animation = userdata:000001430A05AE60 (meta 000001430A05AEB8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001430A055C28 (meta 000001430A05ADF8} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:000001430A055CC0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:000001430A055D68 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollIndicator = userdata:000001430A056020 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:000001430A0562E8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} tooltip = userdata:000001430A055E18 (meta 000001430A056398} useFadeGradient = true tip = userdata:000001430A055E18 (meta 000001430A056398} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:000001430A05A410 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430A05AC10 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A05A4A0 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:000001430A055ED0 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true icon = userdata:000001430A055B00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:000001430A05A048 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430A05AB80 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A05A130 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 0 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:000001430A05A938 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430A05AC58 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A05A9C8 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:000001430A05A5C8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430A05ACA0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A05A658 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:000001430A05A780 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430A05ACE8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A05A810 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:000001430A05AAF0 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143D6006570 styles = table:000001430A05AB38 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FE9688 texturePool = table:000001430A05A258 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430A05ABC8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A05A2E8 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} vertical = true sourceTooltip = userdata:000001430A04FE70 (meta 000001430A0507F8} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:000001430A0500D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} lastContentHeight = 0 scrollTooltip = userdata:000001430A0501F8 (meta 000001430A0553C8} tip = userdata:000001430A0503E8 (meta 000001430A050968} traitList = table:000001430A063358 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:000001430A04FCC0 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:000001430A065250 firstTable TargetDataChanged = table:000001430A065298 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A065310 firstTable 1() = function:000001430A0651D0 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:000001430A064C88 firstTable control = userdata:000001430A04FAC8 (meta 000001430A063508} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001430A063758 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001430A063358 (meta 0000014405F90F70} dataIndexToControl = table:000001430A064F90 firstTable dataList = table:000001430A064D50 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001430A064C40 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 = table:000001430A065188 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001430A065020 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001430A065068 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001430A0650B0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskTraitContainerListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 parent = userdata:000001430A04FB60 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:000001430A0633D0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001430A064BF8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:000001430A04FD60 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001430A064E28 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001430A064EB8 firstTable prePadding = table:000001430A064DE0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001430A064E70 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:000001430A04FB60 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:000001430A064F00 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:000001430A064D98 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:000001430A064FD8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:000001430A064F48 firstTable traitListContainer = userdata:000001430A04FA38 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RETRAIT_TRAIT_LIST_ROW_HEIGHT = 58 ZO_REWARD_SIZE_X = 290 ZO_REWARD_SIZE_Y = 56 ZO_RadialCountdownTimer_OnInitialized() = function:000001432DFFB7E8 ZO_RadialMenu = table:000001431DA64B50 (meta 0000014316F466C8} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:00000143E0DAFC10 AddEntry() = function:000001431DA5D0B8 Clear() = function:000001431DA5D178 ClearSelection() = function:00000143E0DAFC90 Deactivate() = function:00000143E0DAFC50 FinalizeClear() = function:00000143E0DAFCD0 FindSelectedEntry() = function:00000143EC9276C8 ForceActiveMenuClosed() = function:0000014316F46820 GetEntries() = function:0000014457A342C0 Initialize() = function:0000014316F468A0 IsShown() = function:0000014457A34280 New() = function:0000014316F46740 OnAnimationStopped() = function:000001431DA5D138 OnUpdate() = function:0000014457A2E5C8 PerformLayout() = function:0000014457A2E648 Refresh() = function:0000014457A34240 ResetData() = function:0000014457A34200 SelectCurrentEntry() = function:0000014368825D08 SetActivateOnShow() = function:0000014457A539B0 SetCustomControlSetUpFunction() = function:0000014409E08D98 SetOnClearCallback() = function:0000014368825B08 SetOnSelectionChangedCallback() = function:000001431D569E30 SetOnUpdateRotationFunction() = function:0000014409E0DEB0 ShouldUpdateSelection() = function:00000143CDC2B408 Show() = function:0000014457A341B8 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:0000014457A2E608 UpdateEntry() = function:000001431DA5D0F8 UpdateSelectedEntryFromVirtualMousePosition() = function:0000014409E0DEF0 UpdateVirtualMousePosition() = function:00000143CDC2B498 UpdateVirtualMousePositionFromGamepad() = function:00000143CDC2B4D8 __index = table:000001431DA64B50 (meta 0000014316F466C8} ZO_RadialMenuController = table:00000143E0DB0228 (meta 00000143E0DB13A0} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000144D64CBD80 New() = function:00000144D64CBD10 OnSelectionChangedCallback() = function:00000144D64C5588 PopulateMenu() = function:00000143D819EFE0 SetupEntryControl() = function:000001431DA59650 ShowMenu() = function:00000144D64CBDC0 ZO_RadioButtonGroup = table:000001439DE42720 (meta 000001439DE42768} firstTable firstMeta Add() = function:000001439DE44CA8 Clear() = function:000001439DE45B18 GetClickedButton() = function:000001439DE45B60 HandleClick() = function:0000014345F1BE20 New() = function:000001439DE427B0 SetButtonIsValidOption() = function:000001439DE44C50 SetClickedButton() = function:000001439DE44CE8 SetEnabled() = function:000001439DE45BC0 UpdateFromData() = function:0000014316F42028 __index = table:000001439DE42720 (meta 000001439DE42768} ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationArea = userdata:00000144D0775E60 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationAreaActiveScore = userdata:00000144D0765E38 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationAreaCurrentRank = userdata:00000144D0787D40 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationAreaCurrentRankHelp = userdata:00000144D0765EC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationAreaCurrentScore = userdata:00000144D0786CA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationAreaScoringInfo = userdata:00000144D0787DC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationAreaScoringInfoHelp = userdata:00000144D0761B48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationAreaTimer = userdata:00000144D0787E40 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationArea_CurrentRankHelp_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000144D0775E00 ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationArea_CurrentRankHelp_OnMouseExit() = function:00000144D0767548 ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationArea_Gamepad = userdata:00000143166539C8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationArea_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:000001439D8527C8 ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationArea_OnInitialized() = function:00000144D0779C88 ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationArea_ScoringInfoHelp_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000144D0767588 ZO_RaidLeaderboardsInformationArea_ScoringInfoHelp_OnMouseExit() = function:00000144D0779C48 ZO_RaidLeaderboardsManager_Shared = table:00000143E02B9080 (meta 00000143E02BE420} firstTable firstMeta AddCategoriesToParentSystem() = function:00000143E02CA980 Initialize() = function:00000143E02BE4C8 New() = function:00000144D0788E60 OnSubtypeSelected() = function:00000143E02CC050 RegisterForEvents() = function:00000143E02BEA50 SelectRaidById() = function:00000143E02CE7A8 TimerLabelOnUpdate() = function:00000143E02C14B0 UpdateAllInfo() = function:00000143E02CC090 UpdatePlayerInfo() = function:00000143E02CC1D0 UpdatePlayerParticipationStatus() = function:00000143E02CC218 UpdateRaidScore() = function:00000144D0788140 ZO_RaidLifeDisplay_OnEffectivelyShown() = function:0000014314CDEC40 ZO_RaidLifeDisplay_OnInitialized() = function:0000014314CDEC80 ZO_Ram = table:0000014314CED400 (meta 0000014314CED448} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:0000014314CED530 New() = function:0000014314CED4C0 UpdateNumEscorts() = function:0000014314CED6F0 UpdateRam() = function:0000014314CED608 UpdateVisibility() = function:0000014314CED7F8 __index = table:0000014314CED400 (meta 0000014314CED448} ZO_RamIndicators1 = userdata:0000014314CEDD08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RamIndicators2 = userdata:0000014314CEDD90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RamIndicators3 = userdata:0000014314CEDE20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RamIndicators4 = 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= function:00000143CDE622E0 IsRecent() = function:00000143CDE62408 New() = function:00000143CDE62270 ShouldDisplayMessage() = function:0000014305CA9C80 Update() = function:00000143CDE62448 __index = table:00000143CDE621E0 (meta 00000143CDE62228} ZO_Refresh = table:0000014457A392F0 (meta 0000014457A39338} firstTable firstMeta AddRefreshGroup() = function:0000014457A393F0 New() = function:0000014457A39380 RefreshAll() = function:0000014457A39430 RefreshSingle() = function:00000143CDC2BFC8 UpdateRefreshGroups() = function:00000143E0DACD30 __index = table:0000014457A392F0 (meta 0000014457A39338} ZO_RemoteScene = table:000001431D566020 (meta 00000143B5143368} firstTable firstMeta GetSendsStateChanges() = function:00000143F74CFEA0 Initialize() = function:000001431DA54D80 IsRemoteScene() = function:00000143EA4F6930 New() = function:000001431DA54D10 PushRemoteScene() = function:00000143D7E84D98 SetSendsStateChanges() = function:00000143F74CC7C8 SetState() = function:00000143688037D8 SwapRemoteScene() = function:00000143EA4EB3F0 __index = table:000001431D566020 (meta 00000143B5143368} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialog = userdata:000001431D6D91C8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogAllHouses = userdata:000001445860EE58 (meta 000001431D6D59A8} firstMeta firstIndex label = userdata:000001431D6D5128 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogAllHousesLabel = userdata:000001431D6D5128 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogBG = userdata:000001431D6D9270 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001431D6D92F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogCancel = userdata:000001431D6D9478 (meta 000001431D6D95E0} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:000001431D6D9588 (meta 000001445860EAB8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431D6D9478 (meta 000001431D6D95E0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431D6D9588 (meta 000001445860EAB8} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431D6D9500 (meta 000001445860EBA0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:000001431D6D9500 (meta 000001445860EBA0} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogConfirm = userdata:000001431D6D96F0 (meta 000001445860ED98} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogConfirmKeyLabel = userdata:000001445860ED40 (meta 000001431D6D5068} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431D6D96F0 (meta 000001445860ED98} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001445860ED40 (meta 000001431D6D5068} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001445860ECB8 (meta 000001431D6D5340} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogConfirmNameLabel = userdata:000001445860ECB8 (meta 000001431D6D5340} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogDivider = userdata:000001431D6D93F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogHeader = userdata:000001431D6D5600 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:000001431D6D91F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialogTitle = userdata:000001431D6D9378 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RemoveHousingPermissionsDialog_OnInitialized() = function:000001444E580C00 ZO_Repair = table:00000143E97A77C0 (meta 00000143E97A7808} firstTable firstMeta ApplySort() = function:00000143E97A7F88 Initialize() = function:00000143E97A78F0 InitializeEvents() = function:00000143E97A7AD8 InitializeFilterBar() = function:00000143E97A7A58 InitializeList() = function:00000143E97A7930 InitializeSortHeader() = function:00000143E97A7A98 New() = function:00000143E97A7880 OnShown() = function:00000143E97A8008 RefreshAll() = function:00000143E97A7B18 SetupRepairItem() = function:00000143E97A7CE8 UpdateFreeSlots() = function:00000143E97A7B98 UpdateList() = function:00000143E97A7C20 UpdateMoney() = function:00000143E97A7B58 __index = table:00000143E97A77C0 (meta 00000143E97A7808} ZO_RepairKits = table:00000144DD5D13B8 (meta 00000144DD5D1400} firstTable firstMeta BeginItemImprovement() = function:00000144DD5D1750 Initialize() = function:00000144DD5D14E8 New() = function:00000144DD5D1478 OnRepairKitSelected() = function:00000144DD5D1650 SetItemInfo() = function:00000144DD5D1610 SetupDialog() = function:00000144DD5D16D0 SetupPreviewControls() = function:00000144DD5D1528 __index = table:00000144DD5D13B8 (meta 00000144DD5D1400} ZO_RepairKitsPanel = userdata:00000144DD5D14D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainer = userdata:00000144DD5D1C28 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainer = userdata:00000144DD5D1EF0 (meta 00000144DD5CD448} firstMeta firstIndex Initialize() = function:0000014457A31BC0 SetGradientColors() = function:0000014457A56680 SetMinMax() = function:0000014457A31C00 SetValueAndPreviewValue() = function:0000014457A31C98 currentBar = userdata:00000144DD5D21E8 (meta 00000144DD5D15B0} improvementBar = userdata:00000144DD5D1F90 (meta 00000144DD5D2090} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerBar = userdata:00000144DD5D21E8 (meta 00000144DD5D15B0} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerBarGloss = userdata:00000144DD5D2288 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerOverlay = userdata:00000144DD5CC2F0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerOverlayLeft = userdata:00000144DD5CC390 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerOverlayMiddle = userdata:00000144DD5CC3C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerOverlayRight = userdata:00000144DD5E9750 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerUnderlay = userdata:00000144DD5D1F90 (meta 00000144DD5D2090} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerUnderlayGloss = userdata:00000144DD5D2038 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerSlot = userdata:00000144DD5D1CB0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerSlotCooldown = userdata:00000144DD5D1E58 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerSlotIcon = userdata:00000144DD5D1D38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RepairKitsPanelImprovementPreviewContainerSlotStackCount = userdata:00000144DD5D1DC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 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(meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E97B8268 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143E97B8120 m_Free = table:00000143E97B82B0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143C025DEA8 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001431C09B718 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000143E97AB270 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143E97AB070 (meta 00000143E97AB328} timeline = userdata:00000143E97AB3E8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 52 upButton = userdata:00000143E97AB1F8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143E97AB8E8 firstTable money = userdata:00000143E97ABBD8 (meta 00000143083425C0} sortHeaders = table:00000143E97B8880 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143E97B88E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143E97B8C38 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:00000143E97B8C80 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E97B8CF8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E97B8BB8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E97B88F8 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:00000143E97B6E90 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143E97B8B70 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:00000143E97B6F00 (meta 00000143E97B6FC8} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = name selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E97B8880 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:00000143E97B8AE8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E97B6F00 (meta 00000143E97B6FC8} 2 = userdata:00000143E97B7200 (meta 00000143E97B7598} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = condition sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E97B8880 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true 3 = userdata:00000143E97B77D0 (meta 00000143E97B7B68} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = repairCost sortHeaderGroup = table:00000143E97B8880 (meta 0000014368605B08} usesArrow = true sortKey = name sortOrder = true tabs = userdata:00000143E97A8118 (meta 00000143E97A9678} ZO_RepairWindowFilterDivider = userdata:00000143E97A9810 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RepairWindowFilterDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E97A9AA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RepairWindowFilterDividerRight = userdata:00000143E97A9B20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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= userdata:00000143E97AB180 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RepairWindowListScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143E97AB1F8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_RepairWindowSortBy = userdata:00000143E97B6E90 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RepairWindowSortByArrow = userdata:00000143E97B88E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RepairWindowSortByCondition = userdata:00000143E97B7200 (meta 00000143E97B7598} ZO_RepairWindowSortByConditionName = userdata:00000143E97B7278 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RepairWindowSortByName = userdata:00000143E97B6F00 (meta 00000143E97B6FC8} ZO_RepairWindowSortByNameName = userdata:00000143E97B6F70 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RepairWindowSortByRepairCost = userdata:00000143E97B77D0 (meta 00000143E97B7B68} ZO_RepairWindowSortByRepairCostName = userdata:00000143E97B7848 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RepairWindowTabs = userdata:00000143E97A8118 (meta 00000143E97A9678} ZO_RepairWindowTabsActive = userdata:00000143E97A8188 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RepairWindowTabsButton1 = userdata:00000143E97B7DA0 (meta 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0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RepairWindowTabsPaddingBar parent = userdata:00000143E97A8118 (meta 00000143E97A9678} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E97A95A0 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} templateName = ZO_MenuBarPaddingBarTemplate m_buttonPadding = -5 m_buttons = table:00000143E97A95E8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E97B8738 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E97B7DA0 (meta 00000143E97B8648} 2 = 1 3 = 11 m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_clickedButton = table:00000143E97B85B8 (meta 000001436860C290} m_control = userdata:00000143E97A8118 (meta 00000143E97A9678} m_downSize = 51 m_normalSize = 40 m_point = 8 m_pool = table:00000143E97A9760 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E97A98A8 m_Active = table:00000143E97A97A8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E97B7DA0 (meta 00000143E97B8648} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E97A9820 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RepairWindowTabsButton parent = userdata:00000143E97A8118 (meta 00000143E97A9678} templateName = ZO_InventoryFilterTab m_relativePoint = 2 m_state = 1 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E97B8530 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RepairWindowTabsButton1Flash = userdata:00000143E97B85A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RepairWindowTabsButton1Image = userdata:00000143E97B7F30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RepairWindowTabsButton1ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143E97A9F20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RepairWindowTabsButton1Status = userdata:00000143E97B8530 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Repair_OnInitialize() = function:00000143E97A8048 ZO_RequestAddGuildPermissionDialog = userdata:000001431DD98238 (meta 000001431DD9C0E0} firstMeta firstIndex presetsComboBox = table:000001431DD9B4C8 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:000001431DD9B290 (meta 000001431DD9B7C0} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:000001431DD9B4C8 (meta 000001431D56DB28} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_RequestAddGuildPermissionDialogPresets m_openDropdown = userdata:000001431DD9B4B8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:000001431DD9B640 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:000001431DD9B430 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:000001431DD9B890 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DD9C230 firstTable callback() = function:000001431DD9C1B0 name = Decorator presetIndex = 1 2 = table:000001431DD9C398 firstTable callback() = function:000001431DD9C1B0 name = Visitor presetIndex = 2 m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 ZO_RequestAddGuildPermissionDialogAllHouses = userdata:000001431DD9B948 (meta 000001431DD9BD38} firstMeta firstIndex label = userdata:000001431DD9B9D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RequestAddGuildPermissionDialogAllHousesLabel = userdata:000001431DD9B9D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RequestAddGuildPermissionDialogBG = userdata:000001431DD985C8 (meta 0000014308324730} 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function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431DD988E0 (meta 000001431DD98AA8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431DD987D0 (meta 000001431DD98938} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431DD98858 (meta 000001431DD98B90} ZO_RequestAddGuildPermissionDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:000001431DD988E0 (meta 000001431DD98AA8} 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function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:000001431DD98DB0 (meta 000001431DD98F78} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431DD98CA0 (meta 000001431DD98E08} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431DD98D28 (meta 000001431DD99060} ZO_RequestAddGuildPermissionDialogConfirmKeyLabel = userdata:000001431DD98DB0 (meta 000001431DD98F78} ZO_RequestAddGuildPermissionDialogConfirmNameLabel = userdata:000001431DD98D28 (meta 000001431DD99060} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_RequestAddGuildPermissionDialogDivider = userdata:000001431DD98750 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RequestAddGuildPermissionDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:000001431DD98550 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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= function:0000014406000770 GetId() = function:0000014406000730 GetPendingDyes() = function:00000144060008B0 GetRestyleMode() = function:0000014406000570 GetRestyleSetIndex() = function:00000144060005F0 GetRestyleSlotType() = function:0000014406000670 GetSortOrder() = function:00000144060004F0 Initialize() = function:0000014406000408 IsCollectible() = function:00000144060009F0 IsDataDyeable() = function:00000144060007B0 IsEquipment() = function:00000144060009B0 New() = function:0000014406000300 SetPendingDyes() = function:00000144060008F0 SetRestyleMode() = function:00000144060005B0 SetRestyleSetIndex() = function:0000014406000630 SetRestyleSlotType() = function:00000144060006B0 SetSortOrder() = function:0000014406000530 ShouldBeHidden() = function:0000014406000970 __index = table:0000014406000240 (meta 0000014406000288} ZO_RestyleSlot_Base = table:000001431C5B5CD0 (meta 000001431C5B5D18} firstTable firstMeta GetControl() = function:000001431C5B5FC8 GetControlTemplate() = 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(meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000144081AFFA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:00000144081AFF08 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:000001430A04F4D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:000001430A04E030 (meta 00000143083425C0} 15 = userdata:000001430A04F568 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000144081AFBA0 (meta 00000144081AFDE0} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000144081AFBB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144081AFC30 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000144081AFCA8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000144081AFD20 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:00000144081AE988 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:00000144081B0220 (meta 000001430831E750} 6 = userdata:00000144081B0560 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:00000144081B0DF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000144081B0D58 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000144081B0F20 (meta 000001430A061A40} firstMeta firstIndex currencyArgs = table:000001430A061948 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A0619B0 firstTable amount = 0 currencyCapAmount = 200 isUsed = true notEnough = false type = 5 numUsedCurrencies = 1 options = table:0000014307CA2E20 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadHeaderDataValue iconSide = 8 isGamepad = true showTooltips = false type = 5 layout = 1 tabBar = table:000001430A05EFF0 (meta 0000014405F8D010} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = false callbackRegistry = table:000001430A061D68 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:000001430A061DB0 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A061E28 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C358BFC8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:000001430A05F608 firstTable control = userdata:00000144081B00E0 (meta 000001430A05F1F8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001430A05F4E0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001430A05EFF0 (meta 0000014405F8D010} dataIndexToControl = table:000001430A062108 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001430A062480 (meta 000001430A062A38} dataList = table:000001430A061EC8 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A061530 2 = table:000001430A061668 firstTable callback() = function:000001430A061758 mode = 1 text = Apparel dataTypes = table:000001430A05F5C0 firstTable ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate = table:000001430A05FF00 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001430A05FDA0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001430A062198 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001430A062480 (meta 000001430A062A38} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001430A05FE30 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate parent = userdata:00000144081B0180 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143C358AFC8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:000001430A05F068 firstTable enabled = true entryAnchors = table:000001430A05FA90 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 hideUnselectedControls = true isMoving = false jumping = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:000001430A05FAD8 firstTable 1 = table:000001430A05FB48 firstTable callback() = function:000001430A05FB90 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_SHOULDER 2 = table:000001430A05FC10 firstTable callback() = function:000001430A05FD00 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_SHOULDER lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 leftIcon = userdata:00000144081B0608 (meta 0000014308331CA0} maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = false movementController = table:000001430A05F578 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 pips = table:000001430A062CA0 (meta 00000143063C3518} firstTable control = userdata:00000144081B0750 (meta 000001430831E750} pool = table:000001430A062D18 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001430A062EC8 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001430A062D08 (meta 000001430831E750} 2 = userdata:000001430A0631A8 (meta 000001430831E750} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001430A062DD8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip parent = userdata:00000144081B0750 (meta 000001430831E750} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarPip pipsEnabled = true postPadding = table:000001430A061FA0 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001430A062030 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false prePadding = table:000001430A061F58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001430A061FE8 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false rightIcon = userdata:00000144081B06B0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollControl = userdata:00000144081B0180 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:000001430A062078 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 selectedData = table:000001430A061530 firstTable callback() = function:000001430A061620 canSelect = true mode = 2 text = Weapons selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:000001430A061F10 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate 2 = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate universalPostPadding = 0 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:000001430A0620C0 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:000001430A062150 firstTable userdata = 000001430A062480 = true ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000144081B0DF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000144081B0D58 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000144081B0F20 (meta 000001430A061A40} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000144081B0E88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000144081AFFA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000144081AFF08 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:000001430A04F4D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:000001430A04E030 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000144081B0560 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000144081B07F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000144081B0A08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000144081B08A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000144081B0958 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000144081B0608 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000144081B0750 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip1 = userdata:000001430A062D08 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip1Active = userdata:000001430A062DC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip1Inactive = userdata:000001430A0630D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip2 = userdata:000001430A0631A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip2Active = userdata:000001430A063260 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip2Inactive = userdata:000001430A063320 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000144081B0AB0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000144081B0CC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000144081B0B60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000144081B0C10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000144081B06B0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000144081B0220 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000144081B02C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000144081B04C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000144081B0370 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000144081B0418 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:000001430A04F568 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000144081B00E0 (meta 000001430A05F1F8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000144081B0180 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate1 = 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(meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskInventory = userdata:000001430A04F730 (meta 000001430A05B3B8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskInventoryListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001430A04F860 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskInventoryListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:000001430A04F910 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskInventoryNoItemsLabel = userdata:000001430A04F9A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskInventoryScroll = userdata:000001430A04F7C0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskTraitContainer = userdata:000001430A04FA38 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskTraitContainerList = userdata:000001430A04FAC8 (meta 000001430A063508} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskTraitContainerListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001430A04FC08 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskTraitContainerListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:000001430A04FCC0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskTraitContainerListNoItemsLabel = userdata:000001430A04FD60 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadMaskTraitContainerListScroll = userdata:000001430A04FB60 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadQualityBridge = userdata:000001430A04FDE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltip = userdata:000001430A0558A0 (meta 000001430A056228} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipBg = userdata:000001430A055928 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:000001430A055A70 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001430A0559C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipContainer = userdata:000001430A055B90 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipContainerTip = userdata:000001430A055C28 (meta 000001430A05ADF8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipContainerTipScroll = userdata:000001430A055CC0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipContainerTipScrollIndicator = userdata:000001430A056020 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChild = userdata:000001430A055D68 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildPadding = userdata:000001430A055F80 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltip = userdata:000001430A055E18 (meta 000001430A056398} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltipContents = userdata:000001430A055ED0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipGlow = userdata:000001430A0561D0 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipIcon = userdata:000001430A055B00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipIconBurst1 = userdata:000001430A0560B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadResultTooltipIconBurst2 = userdata:000001430A056140 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltip = userdata:000001430A04FE70 (meta 000001430A0507F8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipBg = userdata:000001430A04FEF8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:000001430A050040 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001430A04FF98 (meta 000001430831E750} 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userdata:000001430A0501F8 (meta 000001430A0553C8} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:000001430A050290 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:000001430A050338 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollIndicator = userdata:000001430A0505F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:000001430A0508B8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} tooltip = userdata:000001430A0503E8 (meta 000001430A050968} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:000001430A0549E0 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430A0551E0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A054A70 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:000001430A0504A0 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true icon = userdata:000001430A0500D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:000001430A054618 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430A055150 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A054700 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 0 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:000001430A054F08 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430A055228 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A054F98 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:000001430A054B98 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430A055270 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A054C28 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:000001430A054D50 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430A0552B8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A054DE0 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:000001430A0550C0 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143D6006570 styles = table:000001430A055108 firstTable 1 = table:00000143D5FE9688 texturePool = table:000001430A054828 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:000001430A055198 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001430A0548B8 sourcePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} vertical = true useFadeGradient = true ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipContainerTipScroll = userdata:000001430A050290 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipContainerTipScrollIndicator = userdata:000001430A0505F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChild = userdata:000001430A050338 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildPadding = userdata:000001430A050550 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltip = userdata:000001430A0503E8 (meta 000001430A050968} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipContainerTipScrollScrollChildTooltipContents = userdata:000001430A0504A0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipGlow = userdata:000001430A0507A0 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipIcon = userdata:000001430A0500D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipIconBurst1 = userdata:000001430A050680 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_RetraitMode_GamepadSourceTooltipIconBurst2 = userdata:000001430A050710 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RetraitStation_Retrait_Base = table:000001431DE91420 (meta 000001431DE91468} firstTable firstMeta AddItemToCraft() = function:000001431DE91938 CanItemBeAddedToCraft() = function:000001431DE918F8 HandleDirtyEvent() = function:000001431DE91738 Initialize() = function:000001431DE91550 InitializeInventory() = function:000001431DE916B8 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:000001431DE916F8 IsItemAlreadySlottedToCraft() = function:000001431DE918B8 IsShowing() = function:000001431DE917F8 New() = function:000001431DE914E0 OnRetraitAnimationsStarted() = function:000001431DE91838 OnRetraitAnimationsStopped() = function:000001431DE91878 OnRetraitResult() = function:000001431DE917B8 Refresh() = function:000001431DE91778 RemoveItemFromCraft() = function:000001431DE91978 ShowRetraitDialog() = function:000001431DE91590 UpdateRequireResearchTooltipString() = function:000001431DE91678 ZO_RetraitStation_Retrait_Gamepad = table:00000144081A5BF0 (meta 00000144081A5C38} firstTable firstMeta AddItemToCraft() = function:00000144081A62C8 AddItemToRetrait() = function:00000144081A6208 AddKeybinds() = function:00000144081A6008 Initialize() = function:00000144081A5D20 InitializeHeader() = function:00000144081A5EC8 InitializeInventory() = function:00000144081A5D60 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000144081A5E88 InitializeTraitList() = function:00000144081A5E48 IsItemAlreadySlottedToCraft() = function:00000144081A6288 LayoutResultItemTooltip() = function:000001440819CD78 LayoutSourceItemTooltip() = function:00000144081A4B90 New() = function:00000144081A5CB0 OnFilterChanged() = function:00000144081A5FC8 OnHiding() = function:00000144081A5F88 OnRetraitAnimationsStopped() = function:00000144081A6388 OnShowing() = function:00000144081A5F48 PerformRetrait() = function:00000144081A6348 Refresh() = function:00000144081A6088 RefreshHeader() = function:00000144081A5F08 RefreshTraitList() = function:00000144081A61C8 RemoveItemFromCraft() = function:00000144081A6308 RemoveItemFromRetrait() = function:00000144081A6248 RemoveKeybinds() = function:00000144081A6048 SetInventoryActive() = function:00000144081A6188 SetTraitListActive() = function:00000144081A6148 SetupTraitListEntryData() = function:00000144081A6108 ShowItemActions() = function:00000144081A60C8 ShowRetraitResult() = function:00000144081A64A8 __index = table:00000144081A5BF0 (meta 00000144081A5C38} ZO_RetraitStation_Retrait_Keyboard = table:000001440818C670 (meta 000001440818C6B8} firstTable firstMeta AddItemToCraft() = function:000001440818CD08 AddKeybinds() = function:000001440818CDC8 HasItemSlotted() = function:000001440818CA48 HasValidSelections() = function:000001440818CA88 HideAllSlotDropCallouts() = function:000001440818CB08 Initialize() = function:000001440818C7A0 InitializeInventory() = function:000001440818C820 InitializeSlots() = function:000001440818C908 IsItemAlreadySlottedToCraft() = function:000001440818CCC8 IsItemSlotted() = function:000001440818CA08 New() = function:000001440818C730 OnFilterChanged() = function:000001440818CB48 OnInventoryUpdate() = function:000001440818CB88 OnItemReceiveDrag() = function:000001440818CC48 OnRetraitAnimationsStopped() = function:000001440818D050 OnSlotChanged() = function:000001440818CC08 OnTraitRowMouseEnter() = function:000001440818CF90 OnTraitRowMouseExit() = function:000001440818CFD0 OnTraitRowMouseUp() = function:000001440818D010 OnTraitRowReset() = function:000001440818CED0 OnTraitSelectionChanged() = function:000001440818CF50 PerformRetrait() = function:000001440818CD88 Refresh() = function:000001440818C9C8 RefreshTraitList() = function:000001440818CE48 RemoveItemFromCraft() = function:000001440818CD48 RemoveItemFromRetrait() = function:000001440818CC88 RemoveKeybinds() = function:000001440818CE08 SetHidden() = function:000001440818C988 SetRetraitSlotItem() = function:000001440818CBC8 SetupTraitRow() = function:000001440818CE90 ShowAppropriateSlotDropCallouts() = function:000001440818CAC8 UpdateKeybinds() = function:000001440818C948 UpdateResultTooltip() = function:000001440818CF10 __index = table:000001440818C670 (meta 000001440818C6B8} ZO_RetraitStation_Retrait_Keyboard_OnRetraitCostSlotMouseEnter() = function:000001440818D6D0 ZO_RetraitStation_Retrait_Keyboard_OnRetraitCostSlotMouseExit() = function:000001440818D710 ZO_RetraitStation_Retrait_Keyboard_OnTraitRowMouseEnter() = function:000001440818D610 ZO_RetraitStation_Retrait_Keyboard_OnTraitRowMouseExit() = function:000001440818D650 ZO_RetraitStation_Retrait_Keyboard_OnTraitRowMouseUp() = function:000001440818D690 ZO_Retrait_Inventory_Gamepad = table:00000144081A64E8 (meta 00000144081A6530} firstTable firstMeta GetCurrentFilterType() = function:00000144081A6628 Initialize() = function:00000144081A65E8 New() = function:00000144081A6578 Refresh() = function:00000144081A6668 SetFilter() = function:00000144081A66A8 __index = table:00000144081A64E8 (meta 00000144081A6530} ZO_Retrait_Inventory_Keyboard = table:000001440818D090 (meta 000001440818D0D8} firstTable firstMeta ChangeFilter() = function:000001440818D2D0 HideAllSlotDropCallouts() = function:000001440818D3D0 Initialize() = function:000001440818D250 IsLocked() = function:000001440818D310 New() = function:000001440818D120 Refresh() = function:000001440818D350 ShowAppropriateSlotDropCallouts() = function:000001440818D390 __index = table:000001440818D090 (meta 000001440818D0D8} ZO_RetrievableFurniture = table:00000143E3A2EEE0 (meta 00000143E3A2EF28} firstTable firstMeta CompareTo() = function:00000143D9E630B0 GetAngleFromPlayerHeadingRadians() = function:00000143D9E63070 GetDataType() = function:000001445842C5A0 GetDistanceFromPlayerCM() = function:00000143D9E632B8 GetDistanceFromPlayerM() = function:00000143D9E63278 GetFurnitureId() = function:00000143D9E69438 GetQuality() = function:00000143D9E69390 GetRetrievableFurnitureId() = function:000001445842C560 Initialize() = function:000001445842C520 IsBeingPreviewed() = function:00000143D9E631B8 IsPreviewable() = function:00000143D9E693D0 New() = function:000001445842C4B0 Preview() = function:00000143D9E631F8 RefreshInfo() = function:00000143D9E69350 RefreshPositionalData() = function:00000143D9E63238 __index = table:00000143E3A2EEE0 (meta 00000143E3A2EF28} ZO_RightArrowGamepadNavQuadrant_3_Background = userdata:000001439F6BBFC0 (meta 00000143FA134E50} firstMeta firstIndex background = userdata:00000143FA134DF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} focusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_focus_512.dds highlight = userdata:00000143FA134A68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDivider = userdata:00000143FA134B98 (meta 000001430831E750} rightDividerFadeInAnimation = userdata:00000143FA135188 (meta 0000014308367FC0} rightDividerFadeOutAnimation = userdata:00000143FA1351E8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} unfocusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_noFocus_512.dds ZO_RightArrowGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBg = userdata:000001439F6BC048 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RightArrowGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143FA1349D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_RightArrowGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBgBg = userdata:00000143FA134DF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_RightArrowGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBgHighlight = userdata:00000143FA134A68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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function:00000143E30AC7D8 New() = function:00000143E30AC6E8 RegisterForEvents() = function:00000143E30AC8C0 RemoveKeybindActionEffect() = function:00000143E30ACA40 SetAlliance() = function:00000143E30AC940 SetVisualDataForKeybindAction() = function:00000143E30AC980 ZO_RzChroma_Manager = table:00000143E30B1FF0 (meta 00000143E30B2038} firstTable firstMeta AddEffect() = function:00000143E30B2388 ApplyEffectState() = function:00000143E30B2308 Initialize() = function:00000143E30B2120 MarkAllDirty() = function:00000143E30B2448 MarkDirty() = function:00000143E30B2488 New() = function:00000143E30B20B0 OnUpdate() = function:00000143E30B2248 ProcessActiveEffects() = function:00000143E30B22C8 RegisterForEvents() = function:00000143E30B2160 RemoveEffect() = function:00000143E30B2408 ResetEffectState() = function:00000143E30B2288 ZO_SAVED_VARS_CHARACTER_ID_KEY = 2 ZO_SAVED_VARS_CHARACTER_NAME_KEY = 1 ZO_SCALABLE_BACKGROUND_CENTER_TEXTURE_BOTTOM_COORD = 0.6484375 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ZO_SETTINGS_GUILD_BANLIST_DATA_TYPE = 6 ZO_SETTINGS_GUILD_VISITOR_DATA_TYPE = 5 ZO_SETTINGS_VISITOR_DATA_TYPE = 3 ZO_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT_CONTAINER_DARK_PADDING_BOTTOM = 8 ZO_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT_CONTAINER_DARK_PADDING_LEFT = 8 ZO_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT_CONTAINER_DARK_PADDING_RIGHT = 6 ZO_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT_CONTAINER_DARK_PADDING_TOP = 5 ZO_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT_CONTAINER_GAMEPAD_PADDING_BOTTOM = 8 ZO_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT_CONTAINER_GAMEPAD_PADDING_LEFT = 8 ZO_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT_CONTAINER_GAMEPAD_PADDING_RIGHT = 6 ZO_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT_CONTAINER_GAMEPAD_PADDING_TOP = 8 ZO_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT_CONTAINER_PADDING_BOTTOM = 3 ZO_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT_CONTAINER_PADDING_LEFT = 8 ZO_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT_CONTAINER_PADDING_RIGHT = 6 ZO_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT_CONTAINER_PADDING_TOP = 3 ZO_SKILLS_MORPH_STATE = 1 ZO_SKILLS_PURCHASE_STATE = 2 ZO_SKILL_XP_BAR_GLOW_COLOR = table:0000014316DC50E8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.29411765933037 g = 0.87450987100601 r = 0.97254908084869 ZO_SKILL_XP_BAR_GRADIENT_COLORS = 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ZO_SUCCEEDED_TEXT = table:0000014345F0FAD8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.13333334028721 g = 0.86274516582489 r = 0.16470588743687 ZO_SavePlayerConsoleProfile() = function:000001431DA59920 ZO_SavedVars = table:000001431E0D5708 firstTable New() = function:000001431E0D5750 NewAccountWide() = function:000001431E0D5938 NewCharacterIdSettings() = function:000001431E0D5848 NewCharacterNameSettings() = function:000001431E0D5800 ZO_SavingEditBox = table:00000143A42A0650 (meta 00000143A42A0698} firstTable firstMeta Cancel() = function:00000143A42A0BE8 GetControl() = function:00000143A42A0A68 GetEditControl() = function:00000143A42A0AA8 GetText() = function:00000143A42A09E8 New() = function:00000143A42A0710 OnCancelClicked() = function:00000143A42A1130 OnEnter() = function:00000143A42A0B68 OnModifyClicked() = function:00000143A42A1170 OnSaveClicked() = function:00000143A42A0BA8 OnTextChanged() = function:00000143A42A0B28 RefreshButtons() = function:00000143A42A11B0 ResetText() = function:00000143A42A0AE8 SetCustomTextValidator() = function:00000143A42A0968 SetDefaultText() = function:00000143A42A0780 SetEditing() = function:00000143A42A08A8 SetEmptyText() = function:00000143A42A07C0 SetEnabled() = function:00000143A42A08E8 SetHidden() = function:00000143A42A0928 SetPutTextInQuotes() = function:00000143A42A09A8 SetText() = function:00000143A42A0A28 __index = table:00000143A42A0650 (meta 00000143A42A0698} ZO_SavingEditBoxGroup = table:00000143A42A11F0 (meta 00000143A42A1238} firstTable firstMeta Add() = function:00000143A42A12F0 New() = function:00000143A42A1280 __index = table:00000143A42A11F0 (meta 00000143A42A1238} ZO_ScalableBackgroundWithEdge_SetSize() = function:000001436880A4B0 ZO_Scene = table:0000014368607700 (meta 000001431DA58F38} firstTable firstMeta AddFragment() = function:000001431DA538A0 AddFragmentGroup() = function:000001431DA620F8 AddTemporaryFragment() = function:000001431DA49130 DetermineIfTransitionIsComplete() = function:00000143D09499F8 DoesSceneRestoreHUDSceneFromToggleGameMenu() = function:00000143F74D5D80 DoesSceneRestoreHUDSceneFromToggleUIMode() = function:000001431DA64180 GetFragmentWithCategory() = function:00000144D64E76F8 GetName() = function:00000143CDC2FD80 GetSceneGroup() = function:00000143D0949098 GetState() = function:00000143F74D1BB0 HasFragment() = function:000001431C163338 HasFragmentWithCategory() = function:000001431D5661B0 HasStackFragmentGroup() = function:00000143CDC27320 HideAllHideOnSceneEndFragments() = function:00000143EA4FD990 Initialize() = function:000001431DA59348 IsRemoteScene() = function:000001431D565238 IsShowing() = function:00000143EA505D68 IsTransitionComplete() = function:000001431DA56C98 New() = function:000001431DA59140 OnRemovedFromQueue() = function:000001431DA61A88 OnSceneFragmentStateChange() = function:00000143A131D780 PopStackFragmentGroup() = function:000001432DFFF408 PushBaseStackFragmentGroup() = function:000001431DA4FAF8 PushStackFragmentGroup() = function:00000143CDC27948 RefreshFragments() = function:0000014457A431F0 RefreshFragmentsHelper() = function:0000014457A42B40 RemoveFragment() = function:000001431C1635B8 RemoveFragmentGroup() = function:00000143B51426F8 RemoveStackFragmentGroups() = function:00000143686083E8 RemoveTemporaryFragment() = function:000001431DA48C18 RemoveTemporaryFragments() = function:000001431DA5C048 SetSceneGroup() = function:00000143D0949580 SetSceneRestoreHUDSceneToggleGameMenu() = function:000001431DA54CA0 SetSceneRestoreHUDSceneToggleUIMode() = function:00000143D7E85C60 SetState() = function:00000144D64E78E8 WasShownInGamepadPreferredMode() = function:000001431DA4ABA8 __index = table:0000014368607700 (meta 000001431DA58F38} ZO_SceneFragment = table:00000143EA4F4588 (meta 00000143EA4F45D0} firstTable firstMeta AddDependencies() = function:00000143EA4F4878 AddDependency() = function:00000143EA4F4838 GetCategory() = function:00000143EA4F4738 GetForceRefresh() = function:00000143EA4F47B8 GetHideOnSceneHidden() = function:00000143EA4F4938 GetState() = function:00000143EA4F4A38 HasConditional() = function:00000143EA4F5040 HasDependencies() = function:00000143EA4F48F8 Hide() = function:00000143EA4F49F8 Initialize() = function:00000143EA4F46B8 IsDependentOn() = function:00000143EA4F48B8 IsHidden() = function:00000143EA4F4FC0 IsShowing() = function:00000143EA4F4A78 New() = function:00000143EA4F4648 OnHidden() = function:00000143EA4F5140 OnShown() = function:00000143EA4F5100 Refresh() = function:00000143EA4F5200 SetAllowShowHideTimeUpdates() = function:00000143EA4F5080 SetCategory() = function:00000143EA4F4778 SetConditional() = function:00000143EA4F5000 SetForceRefresh() = function:00000143EA4F47F8 SetHideOnSceneHidden() = function:00000143EA4F4978 SetSceneManager() = function:00000143EA4F46F8 SetState() = function:00000143EA4F50C0 ShouldBeHidden() = function:00000143EA4F51C0 ShouldBeShown() = function:00000143EA4F5180 Show() = function:00000143EA4F49B8 ZO_SceneFragmentBar = table:00000143ED5C67B0 (meta 00000143ED5C6F38} firstTable firstMeta Add() = function:00000144D64D8DE8 Clear() = function:000001439CF85890 GetLastFragment() = function:00000143ED5CD070 Initialize() = function:00000143ED5C8B80 New() = function:0000014368608588 RemoveActiveKeybind() = function:00000143ED5CD210 RemoveAll() = function:000001439CF86178 SelectFragment() = function:00000143ED5CA038 SetStartingFragment() = function:00000143ED5CBCD0 ShowLastFragment() = function:00000143ED5CC1A8 UpdateActiveKeybind() = function:000001439CF84908 __index = table:00000143ED5C67B0 (meta 00000143ED5C6F38} ZO_SceneGraph = table:00000143A13160B8 (meta 00000143A1315178} firstTable firstMeta AddCameraRotation() = function:00000143A13144F8 AddCameraX() = function:00000143A1314E10 AddCameraY() = function:0000014314B97BA8 AddCameraZ() = function:00000143EA4EEC28 CreateNode() = function:00000143EA4F5CA0 GetCameraNode() = function:00000143EA4F5BE0 GetCameraX() = function:0000014314B97C50 GetCameraY() = function:00000143A1315A70 GetCameraZ() = function:00000143EA4EEBE8 GetCanvasControl() = function:00000143EA4F5C20 GetNode() = function:00000143EA4F5C60 Initialize() = function:00000143A1315260 IsHidden() = function:0000014314B971F0 New() = function:00000143A13151F0 OnSceneNodeDirty() = function:00000143A1318400 OnUpdate() = function:00000143A1318440 Render() = function:00000143A1318480 SetCameraRotation() = function:00000143EA4EEBA8 SetCameraX() = function:0000014314BA1D40 SetCameraY() = function:0000014314B97BE8 SetCameraZ() = function:00000143EA4EEC68 ZO_SceneGraphNode = table:000001439E1414B8 (meta 000001439E141500} firstTable firstMeta AcquireResultMatrix() = function:00000143D72CC450 AcquireWorkingMatrix() = function:000001439E14C770 AddControl() = function:00000143A13142B0 AddRotation() = function:000001434613C928 AddX() = function:0000014368608B00 AddY() = function:000001439E141678 BuildWorldViewMatrix() = function:00000143D72CC490 ComputeDrawLevel() = function:00000143A1314270 ComputeSizeForDepth() = function:000001439E14C6F0 GetChildren() = function:00000143EA4EB970 GetControl() = function:00000143E74C35A8 GetControlIndex() = function:00000143E74C3528 GetControlScale() = function:00000143ED5C1438 GetName() = function:00000143EA4F9620 GetRotation() = function:000001434613C8E8 GetSceneGraph() = function:000001439E1415F8 GetX() = function:000001431DA64E70 GetY() = function:000001439E141638 GetZ() = function:00000143EA4F95B8 Initialize() = function:000001439E1415B8 IsDirty() = function:000001439E14C730 New() = function:000001439E141548 OnChildAdded() = function:0000014316F53130 RefreshControlIndices() = function:00000143E74C3568 RemoveControl() = function:00000143A1314330 Render() = function:0000014316F53070 SetControlAnchorPoint() = function:00000143ED5C1478 SetControlHidden() = function:00000143E74C3628 SetControlPosition() = function:00000143E74C35E8 SetControlScale() = function:00000143ED5C13F8 SetControlUseRotation() = function:00000143ED5C14B8 SetDirty() = function:0000014368803278 SetParent() = function:0000014316F668A0 SetRotation() = function:000001434613C968 SetScale() = function:000001439E14C6B0 SetX() = function:000001431DA62958 SetY() = function:00000143EA4F9578 SetZ() = function:000001434613C8A8 ZO_SceneGraphParticle = table:000001431D56E1D8 (meta 00000143A0C355E0} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001431D56DE70 New() = function:000001431D7AF7F0 SetParentNode() = function:000001431D7AD520 SetPosition() = function:0000014457A47DB8 Start() = function:0000014457A47E60 Stop() = function:000001431D56DEB0 ZO_SceneGraphParticleSystem = table:00000143B3090240 (meta 00000143FA13A178} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143FA13A230 New() = function:00000143FA13A1C0 StartParticle() = function:00000143FA13A958 ZO_SceneGroup = table:0000014368609698 (meta 00000143686096E0} firstTable firstMeta AddScene() = function:0000014368609808 GetActiveScene() = function:0000014368609848 GetNumScenes() = function:00000143686098F0 GetSceneIndexFromScene() = function:0000014368604410 GetSceneName() = function:00000143B5140390 GetState() = function:0000014368606560 Initialize() = function:00000143686097C8 IsShowing() = function:0000014368604490 New() = function:0000014368609758 SetActiveScene() = function:0000014368609888 SetState() = function:0000014368604450 __index = table:0000014368609698 (meta 00000143686096E0} ZO_SceneManager = table:00000143ED5C93E0 (meta 00000143ED5C9428} firstTable firstMeta Add() = function:0000014368815DA8 AddFragment() = function:000001431D56AAF0 AddFragmentGroup() = function:00000143F74DA740 AddSceneGroup() = function:000001431C160AB8 CallWhen() = function:000001432E008618 ClearNextScene() = function:000001432106C6B8 ClearSceneStack() = function:000001432DFFBE38 CopySceneStackIntoPrevious() = function:00000143E0DAFB50 CreateStackFromScratch() = function:00000143E0DAFBD0 GetBaseScene() = function:00000143EA4ECBC0 GetCurrentScene() = function:00000143EA4ECC00 GetCurrentSceneName() = function:000001432E0086D8 GetNextScene() = function:000001432E008558 GetPreviousSceneName() = function:000001432E008698 GetScene() = function:0000014368813CD8 GetSceneGroup() = function:000001431C160AF8 Hide() = function:00000144D64E0980 HideCurrentScene() = function:00000144D64E09C0 HideScene() = function:000001432DFFBEB8 Initialize() = function:00000143ED5C9510 IsCurrentSceneGamepad() = function:00000143E0DAFB90 IsSceneGroupShowing() = function:000001431D56AA70 IsSceneOnStack() = function:00000143F74DA7C0 IsSceneOnTopOfStack() = function:000001432E006240 IsShowing() = function:00000143EA4ECB40 IsShowingBaseScene() = function:000001432E008598 IsShowingBaseSceneNext() = function:000001432E0085D8 IsShowingNext() = function:00000143EA4ECB80 New() = function:00000143ED5C94A0 OnNextSceneRemovedFromQueue() = function:00000144D64E0940 OnPreSceneStateChange() = function:00000143E0DAFB10 OnRemoteSceneChange() = function:000001432E006170 OnRemoteSceneHide() = function:000001431C166780 OnRemoteScenePush() = function:00000143B4E738E8 OnRemoteSceneShow() = function:00000143688311A8 OnRemoteSceneSwap() = function:000001431D5685B0 OnSceneStateChange() = function:000001432E008718 PopScenes() = function:00000143C343A038 PopScenesAndShow() = function:00000143C343A078 PopScenesFromStack() = function:000001432DFFBDF8 Push() = function:000001432106C6F8 PushOnSceneStack() = function:000001432E0062C0 RemoveFragment() = function:00000143F74DA700 RemoveFragmentGroup() = function:00000143F74DA780 SetBaseScene() = function:000001431D56AAB0 SetNextScene() = function:000001432106C678 Show() = function:000001432106C738 ShowBaseScene() = function:00000143C343A0F8 ShowScene() = function:000001432DFFBE78 SwapCurrentScene() = function:00000144D64E0900 Toggle() = function:00000143C343A0B8 TriggerCallWhens() = function:000001432E008658 WasSceneOnStack() = function:000001432E006200 WasSceneOnTopOfStack() = function:000001432E006280 ZO_SceneManager_ToggleGameMenuBinding() = function:000001431D97A1F0 ZO_SceneManager_ToggleHUDUIBinding() = function:000001431D97A230 ZO_SceneManager_ToggleUIModeBinding() = function:000001431D97A1B0 ZO_SceneNodeRing = table:00000143EA4FD288 (meta 00000143EA4FD2D0} firstTable firstMeta AddNode() = function:00000143EA4FD5A0 GetAngle() = function:00000143EA4FD620 GetAngularVelocity() = function:0000014314B9EDC0 GetNextNode() = function:00000143EA4FD478 GetNodeAtAngle() = function:00000143EA4FD438 GetNodePadding() = function:00000143EA4FD4E0 GetPreviousNode() = function:0000014314B9ED80 Initialize() = function:00000143EA4FD3B8 New() = function:00000143EA4FD348 RefreshNodePositions() = function:00000143EA4FD560 SetAngle() = function:000001431392E860 SetAngularVelocity() = function:00000143EA4FD5E0 SetNodePadding() = function:00000143EA4FD520 SetRadius() = function:00000143EA4FD3F8 Update() = function:0000014314B9EE00 ZO_ScreenAdjust = userdata:000001431BD62A90 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_ScreenAdjustBG = userdata:000001431BD62FA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ScreenAdjustBottomLeft = userdata:000001431BD630F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ScreenAdjustBottomRight = userdata:000001431BD63160 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructions = userdata:000001431BD631D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructionsBG = userdata:000001431BD63240 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructionsBinds = userdata:000001431BD63330 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructionsBindsAdjust = userdata:000001431BD633B0 (meta 000001431BD635A8} ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructionsBindsAdjustKeyLabel = userdata:000001431BD63550 (meta 000001431BD62B20} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431BD633B0 (meta 000001431BD635A8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 customKeyText = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431BD63550 (meta 000001431BD62B20} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431BD633E0 (meta 000001431BD63438} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructionsBindsAdjustNameLabel = userdata:000001431BD633E0 (meta 000001431BD63438} ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructionsBindsCancel = userdata:00000143CB530750 (meta 00000143CB5325F8} ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructionsBindsCancelKeyLabel = userdata:00000143CB5325A0 (meta 00000143CB532768} ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructionsBindsCancelNameLabel = userdata:00000144D0751878 (meta 00000143CB532CB8} ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructionsBindsSave = userdata:000001431BD606B0 (meta 00000143CB5314B8} ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructionsBindsSaveKeyLabel = userdata:000001431BD636B0 (meta 00000143CB530640} ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructionsBindsSaveNameLabel = userdata:000001431BD60730 (meta 00000144D07523C0} ZO_ScreenAdjustInstructionsText = userdata:000001431BD632B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntro = userdata:00000143E3A20660 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroBG = userdata:00000143E3A206D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroBottomLeft = userdata:00000143E3A22120 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroBottomRight = userdata:00000143E3A22198 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructions = userdata:00000143E3A22210 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructionsBG = userdata:00000143E3A22288 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructionsBinds = userdata:00000143E3A22378 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructionsBindsAdjust = userdata:00000143E3A223F8 (meta 00000143E3A22B48} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructionsBindsAdjustKeyLabel = userdata:00000143E3A22AF0 (meta 00000143E3A22CB8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143E3A223F8 (meta 00000143E3A22B48} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 customKeyText = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143E3A22AF0 (meta 00000143E3A22CB8} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143E3A22480 (meta 00000143E3A224D8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructionsBindsAdjustNameLabel = userdata:00000143E3A22480 (meta 00000143E3A224D8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructionsBindsCancel = userdata:00000143E3A230A0 (meta 00000143E3A25F80} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:00000143E3A278E0 clickSound = Dialog_Decline enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143E3A25F70 (meta 00000143E3A24448} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143E3A276D0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E3A27798 (meta 00000143E3A277F0} firstMeta firstIndex key = 37 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143E3A230A0 (meta 00000143E3A25F80} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = SCREEN_ADJUST_CANCEL keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143E3A23128 (meta 00000143E3A22760} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructionsBindsCancelKeyLabel = userdata:00000143E3A25F70 (meta 00000143E3A24448} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructionsBindsCancelNameLabel = userdata:00000143E3A23128 (meta 00000143E3A22760} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructionsBindsSave = userdata:00000143E3A22DC8 (meta 00000143E3A226C0} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructionsBindsSaveKeyLabel = userdata:00000143E3A22C08 (meta 00000143E3A22F90} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143E3A25128 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E3A251F0 (meta 00000143E3A25248} firstMeta firstIndex key = 36 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143E3A22DC8 (meta 00000143E3A226C0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:00000143E3A25318 clickSound = Dialog_Accept enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143E3A22C08 (meta 00000143E3A22F90} keybind = SCREEN_ADJUST_SAVE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143E3A22E50 (meta 00000143E3A22EA8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructionsBindsSaveNameLabel = userdata:00000143E3A22E50 (meta 00000143E3A22EA8} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroInstructionsText = userdata:00000143E3A22300 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroTopLeft = userdata:00000143E3A20740 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntroTopRight = userdata:00000143E3A24438 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ScreenAdjustIntro_OnInitialized() = function:000001431BD62EC8 ZO_ScreenAdjustTopLeft = userdata:000001431BD63010 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ScreenAdjustTopRight = userdata:000001431BD63080 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ScreenAdjust_Handle_OnCancel() = function:000001431BD62E08 ZO_ScreenAdjust_Handle_OnSave() = function:000001431BD62DC8 ZO_ScreenAdjust_OnInitialized() = function:000001431BD62E48 ZO_ScriptedWorldEvents_Initialize() = function:000001430FD75B50 ZO_ScrollAnimation_MoveWindow() = function:000001431C1675D8 ZO_ScrollAnimation_OnExtentsChanged() = function:000001431C167628 ZO_ScrollAreaBarBehavior_OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:000001436882E4C8 ZO_ScrollAreaBarBehavior_OnEffectivelyHidden_Gamepad() = function:0000014457A31460 ZO_ScrollAreaBarBehavior_OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000144D64C65C0 ZO_ScrollAreaBarBehavior_OnEffectivelyShown_Gamepad() = function:0000014457A31420 ZO_ScrollContainer_Gamepad = table:0000014457A31840 firstTable DisableUpdateHandler() = function:0000014457A319C0 Initialize() = function:0000014457A318C8 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:0000014457A31A80 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:0000014457A31A40 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:0000014457A31AC0 OnUpdate() = function:0000014457A31B00 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:0000014457A31A00 ResetToTop() = function:0000014457A31978 ZO_ScrollListOperation = table:0000014457A3C158 (meta 0000014457A3C1A0} firstTable firstMeta AddToScrollContents() = function:00000144D64D3070 GetPositionsAndAdvance() = function:0000014457A3C2C0 Initialize() = function:0000014457A3C228 New() = function:0000014457A3C1E8 ZO_ScrollList_AddCategory() = function:00000144D64C3410 ZO_ScrollList_AddControlOperation() = function:0000014457A3FAE0 ZO_ScrollList_AddControl_Operation = table:00000144D64CBA88 (meta 00000144D64CB948} firstTable firstMeta AddToScrollContents() = function:00000144D64D86B0 GetPositionsAndAdvance() = function:00000144D64D8668 Initialize() = function:00000144D64D8590 New() = function:00000144D64D8520 SetControlTemplate() = function:00000144D64D85D0 SetOnSelectedSound() = function:0000014457A3FB28 SetScrollUpdateCallbacks() = function:0000014457A3FB68 SetSelectable() = function:0000014457A3F9A0 SetSpacingValues() = function:00000144D64D8628 __index = table:00000144D64CBA88 (meta 00000144D64CB948} ZO_ScrollList_AddDataType() = function:000001436882C360 ZO_ScrollList_AddOperation() = function:0000014368824C28 ZO_ScrollList_AddResizeOnScreenResize() = function:00000144D64D2EE8 ZO_ScrollList_AdvanceCursor_Operation = table:00000144D64D30B0 (meta 00000144D64D30F8} firstTable firstMeta AddToScrollContents() = function:000001436882DD58 GetPositionsAndAdvance() = function:0000014457A3C268 New() = function:00000144D64D3140 __index = table:00000144D64D30B0 (meta 00000144D64D30F8} ZO_ScrollList_AtBottomOfList() = function:0000014457A28298 ZO_ScrollList_AtBottomOfVisible() = function:0000014457A28218 ZO_ScrollList_AtTopOfList() = function:0000014457A28258 ZO_ScrollList_AtTopOfVisible() = function:0000014457A281D8 ZO_ScrollList_AutoSelectData() = function:0000014457A278F8 ZO_ScrollList_CanScrollDown() = function:0000014457A28198 ZO_ScrollList_CanScrollUp() = function:0000014457A28158 ZO_ScrollList_Clear() = function:00000144D64C3450 ZO_ScrollList_Commit() = function:0000014457A279B8 ZO_ScrollList_CreateDataEntry() = function:0000014368824BE8 ZO_ScrollList_EnableHighlight() = function:00000144D64D2790 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function:0000014368829970 ZO_ScrollList_IsDataSelected() = function:00000144D64D2918 ZO_ScrollList_LineBreak_Operation = table:000001436882DE40 (meta 000001436882DE88} firstTable firstMeta AddToScrollContents() = function:00000144D64CB9A0 GetPositionsAndAdvance() = function:00000144D64CB8C8 New() = function:000001436882DED0 __index = table:000001436882DE40 (meta 000001436882DE88} ZO_ScrollList_MouseClick() = function:00000144D64D2708 ZO_ScrollList_MouseEnter() = function:00000144D64D2678 ZO_ScrollList_MouseExit() = function:00000144D64D26C0 ZO_ScrollList_MoveWindow() = function:0000014457A28118 ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible() = function:0000014457A27B50 ZO_ScrollList_ResetAutoSelectIndex() = function:0000014457A27978 ZO_ScrollList_ResetLastHoldPosition() = function:00000144D64D2DF0 ZO_ScrollList_ResetToTop() = function:0000014457A28040 ZO_ScrollList_ScrollAbsolute() = function:0000014457A280D0 ZO_ScrollList_ScrollDataIntoView() = function:00000144D64D2D70 ZO_ScrollList_ScrollDataToCenter() = function:0000014457A27748 ZO_ScrollList_ScrollRelative() = function:0000014457A28088 ZO_ScrollList_SelectData() = function:00000144D64D29E0 ZO_ScrollList_SelectDataAndScrollIntoView() = function:0000014457A282D8 ZO_ScrollList_SelectNextData() = function:0000014457A27790 ZO_ScrollList_SelectNextDataInDirection() = function:0000014457A27820 ZO_ScrollList_SelectPreviousData() = function:0000014457A277D8 ZO_ScrollList_SetAutoSelect() = function:00000144D64C3A78 ZO_ScrollList_SetBuildDirection() = function:0000014457A3FAA0 ZO_ScrollList_SetDeselectOnReselect() = function:00000144D64C3A38 ZO_ScrollList_SetEqualityFunction() = function:00000144D64C39F8 ZO_ScrollList_SetHeight() = function:00000143688258B8 ZO_ScrollList_SetHideScrollbarOnDisable() = function:00000144D64D2810 ZO_ScrollList_SetLockHighlight() = function:0000014368825080 ZO_ScrollList_SetLockScrolling() = function:0000014368824DF0 ZO_ScrollList_SetScrollBarHiddenCallback() = function:00000144D64C3AB8 ZO_ScrollList_SetTypeSelectable() = function:00000144D64C39B8 ZO_ScrollList_SetUseFadeGradient() = function:00000144D64D2850 ZO_ScrollList_ShowCategory() = function:0000014457A27DA0 ZO_ScrollList_ShowData() = function:0000014457A27CC8 ZO_ScrollList_TrySelectFirstData() = function:0000014457A27868 ZO_ScrollList_TrySelectLastData() = function:0000014457A278B0 ZO_ScrollList_UpdateDataTypeHeight() = function:00000144D64C3970 ZO_ScrollList_UpdateScroll() = function:0000014457A27F40 ZO_ScrollRelative() = function:000001431C167598 ZO_ScrollSharedInput_Gamepad = table:0000014457A314A0 (meta 0000014457A314E8} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:0000014457A31610 Consume() = function:0000014457A31738 Deactivate() = function:0000014457A316F8 GetY() = function:0000014457A317B8 Initialize() = function:0000014457A315D0 New() = function:0000014457A31560 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:0000014457A31778 __index = table:0000014457A314A0 (meta 0000014457A314E8} ZO_ScrollTooltip_Gamepad = table:0000014316DC2C10 firstTable ClearLines() = function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 ZO_Scroll_Gamepad_SetScrollIndicatorSide() = function:0000014457A31B80 ZO_Scroll_GetScrollDistanceToControl() = function:0000014457A34178 ZO_Scroll_GetScrollIndicator() = function:00000144D64C2A70 ZO_Scroll_Initialize() = function:0000014457A384A8 ZO_Scroll_Initialize_Gamepad() = function:0000014457A31888 ZO_Scroll_MoveWindow() = function:00000144D64DAD50 ZO_Scroll_OnExtentsChanged() = function:00000144D64D22B8 ZO_Scroll_ResetToTop() = function:0000014457A340A8 ZO_Scroll_ScrollAbsolute() = function:0000014457A340F0 ZO_Scroll_ScrollAbsoluteInstantly() = function:00000144D64DACB8 ZO_Scroll_ScrollControlIntoCentralView() = function:00000144D64D72D0 ZO_Scroll_ScrollControlIntoView() = function:00000144D64D7290 ZO_Scroll_ScrollControlToTop() = function:00000144D64D7250 ZO_Scroll_ScrollRelative() = function:00000144D64DAD00 ZO_Scroll_ScrollToControl() = function:00000144D64D7210 ZO_Scroll_SetHideScrollbarOnDisable() = function:00000144D64C2AB0 ZO_Scroll_SetResetScrollbarOnShow() = function:000001436882B7C0 ZO_Scroll_SetScrollPercentageToTop() = function:00000144D64D2238 ZO_Scroll_SetScrollToTargetControl() = function:00000144D64D21E8 ZO_Scroll_SetUseFadeGradient() = function:000001436882B740 ZO_Scroll_SetupGutterTexture() = function:000001436882B780 ZO_Scroll_UpdateScrollBar() = function:00000144D64C29E0 ZO_ScrollableComboBox = table:0000014316F55448 (meta 0000014457A39DD8} firstTable firstMeta AddMenuItems() = function:00000143C3440030 GetEntryTemplateHeightWithSpacing() = function:0000014457A39E60 HideDropdownInternal() = function:0000014457A4E320 Initialize() = function:00000143E0DABC98 IsDropdownVisible() = function:0000014457A4E438 New() = function:0000014457A39E20 OnGlobalMouseUp() = function:0000014457A4E220 SetHeight() = function:0000014457A4E3F0 SetSelected() = function:0000014457A4E2A0 SetSpacing() = function:0000014457A4E3A8 SetupScrollList() = function:00000143C34400E8 ShowDropdownInternal() = function:0000014457A4E2E0 ShowDropdownOnMouseUp() = function:0000014457A4E260 __index = table:0000014316F55448 (meta 0000014457A39DD8} ZO_ScrollableComboBox_Entry_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014457A4E360 ZO_ScrollableComboBox_Entry_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014457A4D160 ZO_ScrollableComboBox_Entry_OnSelected() = function:0000014457A4D1A0 ZO_SearchingForGroup = userdata:00000143E630E670 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SearchingForGroupActualTime = userdata:000001447C503B10 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SearchingForGroupEstimatedTime = userdata:00000143D643D6E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SearchingForGroupLeaveQueueButton = userdata:000001447C503948 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_SearchingForGroupQueueButton_OnClicked() = function:0000014316AD4018 ZO_SearchingForGroupStatus = userdata:00000143D643D758 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SearchingForGroup_OnInitialized() = function:00000143E630E9A0 ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialog = userdata:0000014409E74238 (meta 0000014409E764C0} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogBG = userdata:0000014409E74660 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:0000014409E746E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogDivider = userdata:0000014409E747D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogLocked = userdata:0000014409E74DC0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogLockedExit = userdata:0000014409E74EC0 (meta 0000014409E75028} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogLockedExitKeyLabel = userdata:0000014409E74FD0 (meta 0000014409E75198} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000014409E74EC0 (meta 0000014409E75028} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000014409E74FD0 (meta 0000014409E75198} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000014409E74F48 (meta 0000014409E75280} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogLockedExitNameLabel = userdata:0000014409E74F48 (meta 0000014409E75280} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogLockedMessage = userdata:0000014409E74E40 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:0000014409E745E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogTitle = userdata:0000014409E74758 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlocked = userdata:0000014409E75388 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedAccept = userdata:0000014409E75A68 (meta 0000014409E75BD0} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedAcceptKeyLabel = userdata:0000014409E75B78 (meta 0000014409E75D40} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000014409E75A68 (meta 0000014409E75BD0} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000014409E75B78 (meta 0000014409E75D40} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000014409E75AF0 (meta 0000014409E75E28} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedAcceptNameLabel = userdata:0000014409E75AF0 (meta 0000014409E75E28} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedBulletList = userdata:0000014409E75490 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedBulletListBullet1 = userdata:0000014409E76630 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedBulletListBullet2 = userdata:0000014409E769D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedBulletListBullet3 = userdata:0000014409E76B58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedBulletListLabel1 = userdata:0000014409E76900 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedBulletListLabel2 = userdata:0000014409E76A80 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedBulletListLabel3 = userdata:0000014409E76C28 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedCooldownWarning = userdata:0000014409E75518 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedExit = userdata:0000014409E75598 (meta 0000014409E75700} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50AD0 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000014457A50D10 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50B68 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000014457A50A90 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:0000014457A50C90 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000014457A50C50 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000014457A50CD0 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000014409E756A8 (meta 0000014409E75870} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000014409E75598 (meta 0000014409E75700} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000014409E75620 (meta 0000014409E75958} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedExitKeyLabel = userdata:0000014409E756A8 (meta 0000014409E75870} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedExitNameLabel = userdata:0000014409E75620 (meta 0000014409E75958} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialogUnlockedQuery = userdata:0000014409E75408 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SelectGuestCampaignDialog_OnInitialized() = function:0000014409E73B80 ZO_SelectGuildBankDialog = userdata:00000143A42FE8B8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SelectGuildBankDialogAccept = userdata:00000143D2B85A70 (meta 00000143D2B85BC8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D2B85B70 (meta 00000143D908FEB8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D2B85A70 (meta 00000143D2B85BC8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D2B85AF0 (meta 00000143D6A57D50} 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0000014308324730} ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143553B8508 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogCancel = userdata:00000143553B71A8 (meta 000001431BD4D1D8} ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:00000143553B7078 (meta 000001431BD4EA08} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143553B71A8 (meta 000001431BD4D1D8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143553B7078 (meta 000001431BD4EA08} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143553B6FF0 (meta 000001431BD4FEA0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:00000143553B6FF0 (meta 000001431BD4FEA0} ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogDivider = userdata:00000143553B6C10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogGuild = userdata:00000143553B6D08 (meta 00000143553B7228} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:00000143553B6F30 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:00000143553B6D08 (meta 00000143553B7228} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogGuild m_openDropdown = userdata:00000143553B6F20 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:00000143553B70A8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000143553B6E98 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:00000143553B72F8 firstTable m_sortsItems = true m_spacing = 0 ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogGuildBG = userdata:00000143553B6D88 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogGuildBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143553B6E10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogGuildHeader = userdata:00000143553B6C90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogGuildOpenDropdown = userdata:00000143553B6F20 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogGuildSelectedItemText = userdata:00000143553B6E98 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:00000143553831B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SelectTradingHouseGuildDialogTitle = userdata:00000143553B8580 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SelectableItemRadialMenuEntryTemplate_OnInitialized() = function:000001436880A470 ZO_SelectableLabel_OnInitialized() = function:00000143688238C8 ZO_SelectableLabel_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014368823A48 ZO_SelectableLabel_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368823A88 ZO_SelectableLabel_SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000014368823B08 ZO_SelectableLabel_SetNormalColor() = function:0000014368823AC8 ZO_SelectionHighlight_Highlight() = function:00000143688097A0 ZO_SelectionHighlight_SetColor() = function:0000014368809760 ZO_SendReadyCheck() = function:0000014473755D80 ZO_SetClockFormat() = function:00000143D8195EF0 ZO_SetControlActiveFromPredicate() = function:0000014409E10830 ZO_SetGuildCreateError() = function:000001431C59C050 ZO_SetScrollMaxFadeGradientSize() = function:0000014310B9F828 ZO_SetSliderValueAnimated() = function:000001431C166010 ZO_SetTitleFragment = table:000001431336FD98 (meta 000001431336FDE0} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:0000014313E242B8 New() = function:0000014306480DC0 Show() = function:00000143CB531028 __index = table:000001431336FD98 (meta 000001431336FDE0} ZO_SetupInventoryItemOptionsCurrencyColor() = function:0000014307CA2DE0 ZO_SetupSelectableItemRadialMenuEntryTemplate() = function:0000014368809860 ZO_ShallowTableCopy() = function:00000143D81944F8 ZO_SharedAlchemy = table:000001447D447048 (meta 000001447D447090} firstTable firstMeta AddItemToCraft() = function:000001447D447560 CanItemBeAddedToCraft() = function:000001447D4474A0 ClearSelections() = function:000001447D447960 Create() = function:000001447D447A20 CreateInteractScene() = function:000001447D4474E0 FindAlreadySlottedReagent() = function:000001447D447820 FindNextSlotToInsertReagent() = function:000001447D447620 FindReagentSlotIndexBySlotControl() = function:000001447D447B68 GetAllCraftingBagAndSlots() = function:000001447D447AE0 GetReagentSlotOffset() = function:000001447D447360 HasSelections() = function:000001447D4479A0 HasTraitCancelled() = function:000001447D4477A0 HasTraitMatch() = function:000001447D447760 HideAllSlotDropCallouts() = function:000001447D4478A0 Initialize() = function:000001447D447138 InitializeInventory() = function:000001447D447260 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:000001447D4472E0 InitializeScenes() = function:000001447D447320 InitializeSharedEvents() = function:000001447D447178 InitializeSlots() = function:000001447D447420 InitializeTooltip() = function:000001447D4472A0 IsCraftable() = function:000001447D4479E0 IsItemAlreadySlottedToCraft() = function:000001447D447520 IsSlotted() = function:000001447D447920 OnInventoryUpdate() = function:000001447D4478E0 OnReagentSlotChanged() = function:000001447D4476E0 OnSlotChanged() = function:000001447D447B28 RemoveItemFromCraft() = function:000001447D4475A0 SetReagentItem() = function:000001447D447660 SetSolventItem() = function:000001447D4475E0 SetupTraitIcon() = function:000001447D4477E0 ShowAppropriateSlotDropCallouts() = function:000001447D447860 UpdateThirdAlchemySlot() = function:000001447D447460 UpdateTooltip() = function:000001447D4473A0 UpdateTooltipLayout() = function:000001447D4473E0 initializedEvents = true ZO_SharedCraftingInventory = table:0000014320F69AA0 (meta 0000014320F69AE8} firstTable firstMeta AddListDataTypes() = function:0000014320F69C50 ChangeFilter() = function:00000143D60082A0 EnumerateInventorySlotsAndAddToScrollData() = function:00000143D6007D00 GetIndividualInventorySlotsAndAddToScrollData() = function:00000143D5FE9220 GetScrollDataType() = function:0000014320F65480 GetStackCount() = function:00000143D5FE9260 HandleDirtyEvent() = function:0000014320F52940 Hide() = function:00000143D5FE92E0 HideAllSlotDropCallouts() = function:00000143D6008458 Initialize() = function:0000014320F69BD0 InitializeList() = function:0000014320F69C10 IsLocked() = function:0000014320F66CF0 New() = function:0000014320F69B60 OnItemSelected() = function:00000143D6008890 OnShow() = function:00000143D60088F8 PerformFullRefresh() = function:00000143D6008850 Refresh() = function:00000143D6008498 SetCustomExtraData() = function:00000143D60082E0 SetCustomSort() = function:00000143D6008320 SetNoItemLabelText() = function:00000143D5FED3A0 SetVerticalScrollCraftEntryType() = function:00000143D6007CC0 Show() = function:00000143D5FE92A0 ShowAppropriateSlotDropCallouts() = function:00000143D6008418 ZO_SharedDialogButton_OnInitialized() = function:00000144D64E0D48 ZO_SharedEnchantExtractionSlot = table:00000143EC96F868 (meta 0000014313491EB0} firstTable firstMeta ClearDropCalloutTexture() = function:00000144D83D7638 HideDropCallout() = function:00000144CCF76E28 Initialize() = function:000001439D6968B0 New() = function:00000143134B8AD0 SetBackdrop() = function:00000144C1B714A0 SetItem() = function:0000014406017BD0 ShowDropCallout() = function:00000144D83D79A0 __index = table:00000143EC96F868 (meta 0000014313491EB0} ZO_SharedEnchantRuneSlot = table:00000143F1942780 (meta 00000143CFFCAA00} firstTable firstMeta GetRuneType() = function:00000143EC96F5C0 Initialize() = function:00000143134A19F8 New() = function:000001431349D200 SetItem() = function:00000143143A4880 ShowDropCallout() = function:00000143134AB6F8 __index = table:00000143F1942780 (meta 00000143CFFCAA00} ZO_SharedEnchanting = table:00000143134BA628 (meta 00000143CFFC3888} firstTable firstMeta AddItemToCraft() = function:00000143E97B1CE8 CanItemBeAddedToCraft() = function:00000143DB1DBEA0 ClearSelections() = function:000001431C6DDAC8 Create() = function:00000143CFFCE6B0 GetAllCraftingBagAndSlots() = function:00000143F1925D40 GetEnchantingMode() = function:0000014313482360 GetLastRunestoneSoundParams() = function:000001431C6DD980 HasSelections() = function:00000143214C22F0 HideAllSlotDropCallouts() = function:000001431349A060 Initialize() = function:00000143E18A50D0 InitializeCreationSlots() = function:00000143CFFC8458 InitializeEnchantingScenes() = function:00000143BC867810 InitializeExtractionSlots() = function:00000143134AD528 InitializeInventory() = function:00000143E18A5310 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143F192EFC0 InitializeModes() = function:00000143E18A55D0 IsCraftable() = function:00000143207EF370 IsCurrentSelected() = function:00000143207EAB28 IsItemAlreadySlottedToCraft() = function:00000143DB1D10F8 IsSlotted() = function:00000143E75E2BD8 New() = function:00000143134BB688 OnInventoryUpdate() = function:00000143E75D8F58 OnMouseEnterCraftingComponent() = function:00000143F1925DB8 OnMouseExitCraftingComponent() = function:00000143F192FBE0 OnSlotChanged() = function:00000143F192C9F8 RemoveItemFromCraft() = function:00000143E97B5270 SetExtractionSlotItem() = function:00000143DDBED9A0 SetRuneSlotItem() = function:00000143E97B5320 ShowAppropriateSlotDropCallouts() = function:000001431348FFB8 UpdateTooltip() = function:00000143F1946520 ZO_SharedEnchantingSlotAnimation = table:00000143F19344F0 (meta 00000144C8067560} firstTable firstMeta GetAnimationOffset() = function:000001439F4846D8 GetLockInSound() = function:000001439F484B48 Initialize() = function:000001439F4845C8 New() = function:00000144060226F0 __index = table:00000143F19344F0 (meta 00000144C8067560} ZO_SharedEnchantingTopLevel = userdata:00000143DA7544F8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedFurnitureManager = table:00000143AA407878 (meta 00000143AA4078C0} firstTable firstMeta AddFurnitureToCategory() = function:000001447D020380 AreThereMarketProducts() = function:00000143F9CF3F70 BuildCategoryTreeData() = function:000001447D020300 CanAddFurnitureDataToRefresh() = function:00000143AA407D60 CreateMarketProductEntry() = function:00000143F9CF3EB0 CreateOrUpdateCollectibleCache() = function:000001447D015560 CreateOrUpdateCollectibleDataEntry() = function:000001447D015620 CreateOrUpdateItemCache() = function:000001447D01A148 CreateOrUpdateItemDataEntry() = function:000001447D0155E0 CreateOrUpdateMarketProductCache() = function:000001447D0155A0 CreatePlacedFurnitureData() = function:00000143AA407660 DoesPlayerHavePlaceableFurniture() = function:00000143F9CF3EF0 DoesPlayerHaveRetrievableFurniture() = function:00000143F9CF3F30 GetMarketProductCache() = function:000001447D0162E0 GetMarketProductCategoryTreeData() = function:000001447D01A108 GetMarketProductTextFilter() = function:00000143AA407CE0 GetPlaceableFurnitureCache() = function:000001447D016260 GetPlaceableFurnitureCategoryTreeData() = function:000001447D016320 GetPlaceableTextFilter() = function:00000143F9CEC590 GetPlacementFurnitureTheme() = function:00000143F9CEEDC8 GetPurchaseFurnitureTheme() = function:00000143F9CEC510 GetRetrievableFurnitureCache() = function:000001447D0162A0 GetRetrievableFurnitureCategoryTreeData() = function:000001447D01A0C8 GetRetrievableTextFilter() = function:00000143AA407C60 InHouseOnUpdate() = function:00000143F9CEED08 Initialize() = function:000001447D021418 InitializeFurnitureCaches() = function:00000143AA4076A0 New() = function:00000143AA404050 OnBackgroundListFilterComplete() = function:000001447D01BB00 OnFullCollectionUpdate() = function:000001447D0225E0 OnFullInventoryUpdate() = function:00000143AA403CD0 OnFurniturePlacedInHouse() = function:00000143AA403C40 OnFurnitureRemovedFromHouse() = function:00000143AA403C88 OnHousingEditorModeChanged() = function:000001447D015A28 OnMapPing() = function:000001447D01CA20 OnSingleCollectibleUpdate() = function:000001447D022620 OnSingleSlotInventoryUpdate() = function:000001447D022598 RegisterForEvents() = function:00000143AA4014A8 RemoveFurnitureFromCategory() = function:000001447D0203C8 RequestApplyMarketProductTextFilterToData() = function:00000143AA407E20 RequestApplyPlaceableTextFilterToData() = function:00000143AA407DA0 RequestApplyRetrievableTextFilterToData() = function:00000143AA407DE0 SetMarketProductTextFilter() = function:00000143AA407D20 SetPlaceableTextFilter() = function:00000143F9CEC5D0 SetPlacementFurnitureTheme() = function:00000143F9CEC4D0 SetPlayerWaypointTo() = function:00000143AA407708 SetPurchaseFurnitureTheme() = function:00000143F9CEC550 SetRetrievableTextFilter() = function:00000143AA407CA0 TryMarkPlaceableBackgroundListFilterComplete() = function:000001447D01BAC0 __index = table:00000143AA407878 (meta 00000143AA4078C0} ZO_SharedGamepadEntryIconColorize() = function:00000143F1185FF8 ZO_SharedGamepadEntry_Cooldown() = function:00000143F118D7B0 ZO_SharedGamepadEntry_OnInitialized() = function:00000143F1187EA8 ZO_SharedGamepadEntry_OnSetup() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_SharedGamepadEntry_SetHeightFromLabelOnly() = function:00000143F118FCD8 ZO_SharedGamepadEntry_SetHeightFromLabels() = function:0000014428AF05D0 ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_1_2_3_4_Background = userdata:000001439F6BB068 (meta 000001439F6BB4F0} firstMeta firstIndex background = userdata:000001439F6BB498 (meta 0000014308349FC8} focusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_focus_512.dds highlight = userdata:000001439F6BB2D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDivider = userdata:000001439F6BB408 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDividerFadeInAnimation = 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ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_3_4_BackgroundNestedBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001439F6BA978 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_3_Background = userdata:00000143063C0720 (meta 00000143063C0D50} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_3_BackgroundNestedBg = userdata:00000143063C07A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_3_BackgroundNestedBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143063C08F0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_3_BackgroundNestedBgBg = userdata:00000143063C0CF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_3_BackgroundNestedBgHighlight = userdata:00000143063C0980 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_3_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDivider = userdata:00000143063C0A10 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_3_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDividerArrow = userdata:00000143063C0AA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_3_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDividerBottom = userdata:00000143063C0BD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_3_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDividerTop = userdata:00000143063C0B40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_3_BackgroundNestedBgRightDivider = userdata:00000143063C0C70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_3_BackgroundNestedBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143063C0848 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_Background = userdata:00000143063C7D28 (meta 00000143063CB510} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_BackgroundNestedBg = userdata:00000143063C7DB0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_BackgroundNestedBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143063CB0B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_BackgroundNestedBgBg = userdata:00000143063CB4B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_BackgroundNestedBgHighlight = userdata:00000143063CB148 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDivider = userdata:00000143063CB1D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDividerArrow = userdata:00000143063CB270 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDividerBottom = userdata:00000143063CB3A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDividerTop = userdata:00000143063CB308 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_BackgroundNestedBgRightDivider = userdata:00000143063CB430 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_2_BackgroundNestedBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143063C9728 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_3_Background = userdata:00000143063CB958 (meta 00000143063CBF80} firstMeta firstIndex background = userdata:00000143063CBF28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} focusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_focus_512.dds highlight = userdata:00000143063CBBB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDivider = userdata:00000143063CBEA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} rightDividerFadeInAnimation = userdata:000001439F6B3118 (meta 0000014308367FC0} rightDividerFadeOutAnimation = userdata:000001439F6B3178 (meta 0000014308367FC0} unfocusTexture = EsoUI/Art/Windows/Gamepad/panelBG_noFocus_512.dds ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBg = userdata:00000143063CB9E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143063CBB28 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBgBg = userdata:00000143063CBF28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBgHighlight = userdata:00000143063CBBB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDivider = userdata:00000143063CBC48 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDividerArrow = userdata:00000143063CBCE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDividerBottom = userdata:00000143063CBE10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDividerTop = userdata:00000143063CBD78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBgRightDivider = userdata:00000143063CBEA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_3_BackgroundNestedBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143063CBA80 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_4_Background = userdata:00000143FA135298 (meta 00000143FA1356F8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_4_BackgroundNestedBg = userdata:00000143FA135320 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_4_BackgroundNestedBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143FA135468 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_4_BackgroundNestedBgBg = userdata:00000143FA1356A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_4_BackgroundNestedBgHighlight = userdata:00000143FA1354F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_4_BackgroundNestedBgLeftDivider = userdata:00000143FA135588 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_4_BackgroundNestedBgRightDivider = userdata:00000143FA135618 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedGamepadNavQuadrant_4_BackgroundNestedBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143FA1353C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SharedInteraction = table:00000143207F26C8 (meta 00000143207F2710} firstTable firstMeta CloseChatter() = function:00000143207F2B20 CloseChatterAndDismissAssistant() = function:00000143207F2B60 CreateInteractScene() = function:00000143207F2A38 EndInteraction() = function:00000143207F3710 FinalizeChatterOptions() = function:00000143207F3810 GetChatterOptionData() = function:00000143207DC818 GetCurrencyTypeFromReward() = function:00000143207F34C8 GetRewardCreateFunc() = function:00000143207F3590 GetRewardData() = function:00000143207F3610 HandleChatterOptionClicked() = function:00000143207E85A0 InitInteraction() = function:00000143207F3690 Initialize() = function:00000143207F2788 InitializeInteractWindow() = function:00000143207F2BA0 InitializeSharedEvents() = function:00000143207F2838 IsCurrencyReward() = function:00000143207F3400 OnHidden() = function:00000143207F2BE0 OnScreenResized() = function:00000143207F3650 PopulateChatterOption() = function:00000143207F37D0 PopulateChatterOptions() = function:00000143207F2E80 ResetInteraction() = function:00000143207F36D0 SelectChatterOptionByIndex() = function:00000143207F3750 ShowQuestRewards() = function:00000143207F3850 TryGetMaxCurrencyWarningText() = function:00000143207F3548 UpdateChatterOptions() = function:00000143207F3790 UpdateClemencyChatterOption() = function:00000143207F2D90 UpdateClemencyOnTimeComplete() = function:00000143CFFC5288 UpdateShadowyConnectionsChatterOption() = function:00000143207F2DD0 UpdateShadowyConnectionsOnTimeComplete() = function:00000143CFFC52D0 ZO_SharedInventoryManager = table:000001439D7977F8 (meta 000001439D7A4348} firstTable firstMeta AreAnyItemsNew() = function:000001439D7A5B28 ClearNewStatus() = function:000001439D7A6498 ComputeDynamicStatusMask() = function:000001439D7A9220 CreateOrUpdateSlotData() = function:000001439D7AB6E0 CreateQuestData() = function:000001439D7A9F28 GenerateFullQuestCache() = function:000001439D7A5328 GenerateFullSlotData() = function:000001439D7A4568 GenerateSingleQuestCache() = function:000001439D7A50F0 GenerateSingleSlotData() = function:000001439D7A4880 GetBagCache() = function:000001439D7A77E8 GetItemUniqueId() = function:000001439D7A69A0 GetOrCreateBagCache() = function:000001439D7A7448 GetOrCreateQuestCache() = function:000001439D7A99B8 GetPreviousSlotDataInternal() = function:000001431C6DBE60 HandleSlotCreationOrUpdate() = function:00000143BC862BD8 HasBagCache() = function:000001439D7A75D8 Initialize() = function:000001431C6D1DA8 IsFilteredSlotDataEmpty() = function:000001439D7A4A90 IsItemNew() = function:000001439D7A6530 New() = function:000001431C6E2058 PerformFullUpdateOnBagCache() = function:000001439D7A7A50 PerformFullUpdateOnQuestCache() = function:000001439D7A9C20 PerformSingleUpdateOnQuestCache() = function:000001439D7A9DD8 RefreshAllQuests() = function:000001439D7A4E08 RefreshAllTraitInformation() = function:000001439D7A5598 RefreshBagTraitInformation() = function:000001439D7A5788 RefreshInventory() = function:00000143A0232EF0 RefreshSingleQuest() = function:000001439D7A4E90 RefreshSingleSlot() = function:000001439D7A43D0 RefreshStatusSortOrder() = function:000001439D7A9340 __index = table:000001439D7977F8 (meta 000001439D7A4348} ZO_SharedInventory_ConnectPlayerCurrencyLabel() = function:000001431C6D7BA0 ZO_SharedInventory_SelectAccessibleGuildBank() = function:000001439D7A7068 ZO_SharedLeftPanelBackground = userdata:00000144C79BBBD8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedLeftPanelBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144C79BBCC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedLeftPanelBackgroundRight = userdata:00000144C79BBC50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedMediumLeftPanelBackground = userdata:00000144C79BC268 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedMediumLeftPanelBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144C79BC368 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedMediumLeftPanelBackgroundRight = userdata:00000144C79BC2E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedMediumRightPanelBackground = userdata:00000144C79BC170 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedMediumRightPanelBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144C79BC1F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedMediumShortLeftPanelBackground = userdata:00000144C79BC570 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedMediumShortLeftPanelBackgroundBottom = userdata:00000144C79BC670 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedMediumShortLeftPanelBackgroundTop = userdata:00000144C79BC5F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedMediumShortRightPanelBackground = userdata:00000144C79BC3E8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedMediumShortRightPanelBackgroundBottom = userdata:00000144C79BC4F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedMediumShortRightPanelBackgroundTop = userdata:00000144C79BC468 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedMediumTallLeftPanelBackground = userdata:00000144C79BC6F0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedMediumTallLeftPanelBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144C79BC7F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedMediumTallLeftPanelBackgroundRight = userdata:00000144C79BC770 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedOptions = table:000001431D7B3F40 (meta 000001431D7B3BD0} firstTable firstMeta AddTableToPanel() = function:00000143B4F01A38 AddTableToSystem() = function:00000143A0C312A8 GetControlType() = function:0000014310BC2590 GetControlTypeFromControl() = function:0000014310BC2F08 GetSettingsData() = function:000001439E14AE20 Initialize() = function:000001431D7B2950 InitializeControl() = function:0000014310BC1B20 IsControlTypeAnOption() = function:00000143E74C2720 IsGamepadOptions() = function:000001431D7B11C8 LoadDefaults() = function:0000014305C9B598 New() = function:000001431D7B2F38 SaveCachedSettings() = function:0000014310BC4070 ZO_SharedOptions_SettingsData = table:00000143B4EF6D90 firstTable 0 = table:00000143E30A7BD8 firstTable 11 = table:000001431DC95D60 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DC95DA8 11 = table:00000143A0C2FD20 12 = table:000001431DC953A0 15 = table:000001431DA08CD0 16 = table:000001431DA07C70 2 = table:000001431DC95E30 3 = table:00000143A0C30780 5 = table:000001431DA08BA8 7 = table:000001431DA07D58 9 = table:00000143A0C2FE48 19 = table:000001431DC95530 firstTable 0 = table:00000143E30A7A48 1 = table:00000143F3183FC8 firstTable 3 = table:00000143F31829D8 firstTable 0 = table:00000143F3184600 1 = table:00000143F3183768 5 = table:00000143F3185C78 firstTable 0 = table:00000143F3186300 1 = table:00000143F3186A08 19 = table:00000143F3186170 22 = table:000001439D30C128 23 = table:000001439D30C0E0 24 = table:00000143F3186BE0 25 = table:00000143F3186078 26 = table:00000143F3185CC0 27 = table:00000143F3185FA0 33 = table:00000143F3186A50 34 = table:00000143F3185FE8 35 = table:00000143F3185760 37 = table:00000143F3186390 45 = table:00000143F3186238 46 = table:00000143F31857A8 49 = table:00000143F3185E78 58 = table:00000143F3186030 65 = table:00000143F31869C0 66 = table:00000143F31866F0 68 = table:00000143F31857F0 firstTable controlType = 7 panel = 1 settingId = 68 system = 5 text = 97 tooltipText = 98 valid = table:00000143F3183F80 firstTable valueStringPrefix = SI_CONSOLEENHANCEDRENDERQUALITY 69 = table:00000143F3182948 firstTable controlType = 4 maxValue = 1 minValue = 0 panel = 1 settingId = 69 showValue = true showValueMax = 100 showValueMin = 0 system = 5 text = 104 tooltipText = 105 valueFormat = %.2f 70 = table:00000143F3182990 5000 = table:00000143F3183A80 firstTable 37 = table:00000143F3183B20 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F3183CF0 controlType = 8 disabledText = 431 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143F3183CB0 panel = 1 settingId = 37 system = 5000 text = 430 38 = table:00000143F3183D30 firstTable callback() = function:00000143F3183EC0 controlType = 8 customResetToDefaultsFunction() = function:00000143F3183F00 gamepadTextOverride = 12 panel = 1 settingId = 38 system = 5000 text = 434 2 = table:0000014405F96C80 firstTable 15 = table:00000143E74BFB20 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E74BFC08 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 2 settingId = 1 system = 15 text = 204 3 = table:00000143E74BFBC0 firstTable controlType = 4 maxValue = 1.05 minValue = 0.65 panel = 2 settingId = 3 showValue = true showValueMax = 100 showValueMin = 0 system = 15 text = 208 valueFormat = %.2f 2 = table:00000143D70C3F28 firstTable 0 = table:00000143D70C4438 1 = table:00000143D70C3F70 10 = table:00000143CBF6ABA8 11 = table:00000143CBF6AE78 12 = table:00000143CBF6B148 13 = table:00000143D70C45C8 14 = table:00000143CBF6B418 15 = table:00000143D70C4758 16 = table:00000143D70C48E8 2 = table:00000143CBF6A608 3 = table:00000143D70C4930 7 = table:00000143D70C4978 8 = table:00000143D70C49C0 9 = table:00000143CBF6A8D8 3 = table:00000143F0626500 firstTable 14 = table:00000143A390F548 firstTable 0 = table:00000143A390F638 1 = table:00000143A390FF30 2 = table:00000143A390FD00 3 = table:00000143A390F950 3 = table:00000143A390EAE8 firstTable 10 = table:00000143A390EF90 11 = table:00000143A390EFD8 12 = table:00000143A390F020 13 = table:00000143A390F068 14 = table:00000143A390F190 16 = table:00000143A390EB30 17 = table:00000143A390ECD8 firstTable controlType = 7 panel = 3 settingId = 17 system = 3 text = 5520 tooltipText = 5521 valid = table:00000143A390ED20 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 1 valueStrings = table:00000143A390ED90 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A390EE00 2() = function:00000143A390EE40 18 = table:00000143A390F4B8 19 = table:00000143A390F500 7 = table:00000143A390EF48 9 = table:00000143A390EE80 5000 = table:00000143A3910018 firstTable 0 = table:00000143A390C070 1 = table:00000143A39093F8 2 = table:00000143A3909488 3 = table:00000143A39066B0 4 = table:00000143A3905F40 4 = table:00000143EA4EA8A8 firstTable 10 = table:00000143E6C76738 firstTable 32 = table:00000143E6C767D8 39 = table:00000143E6C76A08 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E6C76B98 controlType = 8 panel = 4 settingId = 39 system = 10 text = 3997 13 = table:00000143E6C780A8 firstTable 12 = table:00000143E6C765A8 5 = table:00000143E6C78238 6 = table:00000143E6C76220 7 = table:00000143E6C783C8 8 = table:00000143E6C78558 9 = table:00000143E6C76090 15 = table:00000143A0C2D230 firstTable 0 = table:00000143A0C2D2A8 firstTable controlType = 2 panel = 4 settingId = 0 system = 15 text = 209 4 = table:00000143D70B8FC0 firstTable controlType = 7 gamepadShowsControllerInfo = true panel = 4 scrollListChangedCallback() = function:000001439F6B9698 settingId = 4 system = 15 text = 205 valid = table:00000143D70B9290 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 4 3 = 5 valueStringPrefix = SI_GAMEPADTEMPLATE 5 = table:00000143D70B8E30 5000 = table:00000143E6C76BD8 firstTable 42 = table:00000143E6C76C78 43 = table:00000143E6C77028 6 = table:00000143E6C7CD38 firstTable 0 = table:00000143E6C7CDC8 1 = table:00000143E6C7CD80 2 = table:00000143E6C77AD8 3 = table:00000143E6C77F18 4 = table:00000143E6C77D48 7 = table:00000143E6C7DFA0 firstTable 20 = table:00000143E6C7BF28 21 = table:00000143E6C75FC0 22 = table:00000143E6C75ED8 24 = table:00000143E6C7C840 25 = table:00000143E6C7C9D0 26 = table:00000143E6C7CB60 27 = table:00000143E6C74570 28 = table:00000143E6C7CEC0 29 = table:00000143E6C807E8 30 = table:00000143E6C80878 31 = table:00000143E6C75B68 5 = table:00000143F455E8F0 firstTable 12 = table:00000143F455A2C0 firstTable 0 = table:00000143FC33FFD8 3 = table:00000143FC340078 firstTable 15 = table:00000143F455B118 24 = table:00000143F455B2F0 3 = table:00000143FC3400C0 33 = table:00000143B8234C98 5000 = table:00000143F455D788 firstTable 10 = table:00000143B82368B8 11 = table:00000143B82364B8 12 = table:00000143F455AD90 13 = table:00000143F455AF20 14 = table:00000143F455AF68 15 = table:00000143F455AFB0 16 = table:00000143F455B040 17 = table:00000143B8237C70 18 = table:00000143B8237E00 19 = table:00000143B8237F90 20 = table:00000143B8238080 21 = table:00000143B8238210 22 = table:00000143B82383A0 23 = table:00000143B8238490 24 = table:00000143F455DB30 25 = table:00000143F455DCC0 26 = table:00000143F455DDB0 27 = table:00000143F455DF40 28 = table:00000143F455E0D0 29 = table:00000143F455E1C0 30 = table:00000143F455E350 31 = table:00000143F455E4E0 32 = table:00000143F455E5D0 33 = table:00000143F455E760 40 = table:00000143F455AFF8 5 = table:00000143F455D7D0 6 = table:00000143F455D818 7 = table:00000143F455D860 8 = table:00000143F455D8A8 9 = table:00000143B8236870 8 = table:00000143F0615B60 firstTable 0 = table:00000143CBF7A2F8 firstTable 0 = table:00000143F45632B0 1 = table:00000143F0610898 10 = table:00000143F4561508 11 = table:00000143F060F2D0 14 = table:00000143F06141C8 15 = table:00000143F06143E8 16 = table:00000143F0614578 17 = table:00000143F0614708 18 = table:00000143F4562798 19 = table:00000143F060FD28 2 = table:00000143F4563DF8 20 = table:00000143F4562E60 21 = table:00000143F0610448 22 = table:00000143F45637D0 23 = table:00000143F0610FB8 24 = table:00000143F45644D8 25 = table:00000143F0611B28 26 = table:00000143F060D8A0 27 = table:00000143F0613208 28 = table:00000143F060E410 29 = table:00000143F0613D78 3 = table:00000143F0611408 30 = table:00000143F4568E98 31 = table:00000143F060F8F8 32 = table:00000143F4565B40 33 = table:00000143F0619330 34 = table:00000143F060EA90 35 = table:00000143F060EE70 36 = table:00000143F4564928 37 = table:00000143F0611F78 38 = table:00000143F060CD60 39 = table:00000143F0612698 4 = table:00000143F060D1B0 40 = table:00000143F060F0A0 5 = table:00000143F0612AE8 6 = table:00000143F060DCF0 7 = table:00000143F0613658 8 = table:00000143F4565910 9 = table:00000143F060E860 13 = table:00000143F0614B40 firstTable 0 = table:00000143F0614FA0 1 = table:00000143F06151D0 2 = table:00000143F0615580 3 = table:00000143F06157B0 4 = table:00000143F0614CD0 3 = table:00000143F0614898 firstTable 2 = table:00000143F0614910 9 = table:00000143A0A6D2D0 firstTable 20 = table:00000144C25967D0 firstTable 0 = table:00000144C2596818 1 = table:00000143C0270B40 firstTable controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143A0A6F118 firstTable AllBuffsDebuffsEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E3467140 events = table:00000143C0270B88 firstTable false = BuffsEnabled_Changed true = BuffsEnabled_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143E3467100 panel = 9 settingId = 1 system = 20 text = 6680 tooltipText = 6681 2 = table:00000143A0A6F160 3 = table:00000143F062ACF0 firstTable controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:000001431C474250 firstTable AllBuffsDebuffsEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E3467208 BuffsEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E3467208 gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143E34671C0 panel = 9 settingId = 3 system = 20 text = 6684 tooltipText = 6685 4 = table:00000143D3176CE0 firstTable controlType = 2 eventCallbacks = table:00000143F4562088 firstTable AllBuffsDebuffsEnabled_Changed() = function:00000143E3467140 events = table:00000143CBF80088 firstTable false = DebuffsEnabled_Changed true = DebuffsEnabled_Changed gamepadHasEnabledDependencies = true gamepadIsEnabledCallback() = function:00000143E3467100 panel = 9 settingId = 4 system = 20 text = 6686 tooltipText = 6687 5 = table:00000143A0A6C890 6 = table:000001431D933410 7 = table:00000143FB9FA660 8 = table:00000143D70D12C8 9 = table:00000143D70D1358 3 = table:00000143E3467508 firstTable 20 = table:00000143E3467788 22 = table:00000143E3467860 25 = table:00000143E34676C0 8 = table:00000143E34675F8 7 = table:00000143E34679B8 firstTable 0 = table:00000143E3467A00 1 = table:00000143E3467A90 10 = table:00000143E3468B48 11 = table:00000143E3468D78 12 = table:00000143E3469130 13 = table:00000143E3469360 14 = table:00000143E3469590 15 = table:00000143E34697C0 16 = table:00000143A0A6DB20 18 = table:000001439DB332F0 19 = table:00000143CCBF5BA0 2 = table:00000143E3467B68 3 = table:00000143E3467BF8 4 = table:00000143E3467E28 5 = table:00000143E3468058 6 = table:00000143E3468288 7 = table:00000143E34684B8 8 = table:00000143E34686E8 9 = table:00000143E3468918 9 = table:00000143E34678A8 firstTable 0 = table:00000143E34678F0 ZO_SharedProvisioner = table:00000143F98FFD18 (meta 00000143F98FFDF0} firstTable firstMeta CanPreviewRecipe() = function:0000014316660760 CreateInteractScene() = function:00000143166603B8 DirtyRecipeList() = function:00000143166604A0 DoesRecipePassFilter() = function:0000014316660660 EndRecipePreview() = function:0000014316660720 Initialize() = function:0000014316660378 New() = function:0000014316660338 PassesQualityLevelReq() = function:0000014316660620 PassesTradeskillLevelReqs() = function:00000143166605E0 PreviewRecipe() = function:00000143166606E0 SetDetailsEnabled() = function:00000143166605A0 ShouldShowForControlScheme() = function:00000143166604E0 StartHide() = function:0000014316660560 StartInteract() = function:0000014316660520 ZO_SharedProvisionerTopLevel = userdata:00000143F98FD018 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedRightBackground = userdata:00000144C79BCAB8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedRightBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144C79BCB28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedRightBackgroundRight = userdata:00000144C79BCB98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedRightPanelBackground = userdata:00000144C79B92E0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedRightPanelBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144C79BA760 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedSmithingCreation = table:000001431347C528 (meta 000001431347C570} firstTable firstMeta AdjustCurrentMaterialQuantityForAllPatterns() = function:000001439D865228 AreSelectionsValid() = function:00000143D5FE3BA0 ChangeTypeFilter() = function:000001431345FD48 Create() = function:00000143D5FE3CA8 CreatePatternList() = function:00000143D5FFC168 DoesMaterialPassFilter() = function:00000143D5FFC1E8 DoesPatternPassFilter() = function:00000143D5FD3618 DoesStylePassFilter() = function:00000143CFFC1370 DoesTraitPassFilter() = function:00000143D8F48398 GenerateMaterialDataForPattern() = function:00000143D5FFC230 GetAllCraftingParameters() = function:00000143D6AE36D0 GetAllNonTraitCraftingParameters() = function:00000143D6AE3710 GetCreateTooltipSound() = function:000001439D69A7F0 GetIsUsingUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143D6AE3690 GetMaterialInformation() = function:00000143E1D19108 GetMaterialQuantity() = function:000001439D8652A8 GetSelectedItemStyleId() = function:0000014313465218 GetSelectedMaterialIndex() = function:0000014313465198 GetSelectedMaterialQuantity() = function:00000143134651D8 GetSelectedPatternIndex() = function:00000143134603E8 GetSelectedTraitIndex() = function:0000014313465258 GetUniversalStyleItemLink() = function:00000143D5FE3CE8 HandleDirtyEvent() = function:00000143E1D03EA0 Initialize() = function:00000143D6B10898 InitializeMaterialList() = function:00000143E1D19188 InitializePatternList() = function:00000143EA9236A0 InitializeStyleList() = function:00000143E1D02C10 InitializeTraitList() = function:00000143D5FD3598 IsCraftable() = function:00000143D5FE3C20 IsCraftableWithoutTrait() = function:00000143D5FE3C60 IsInvalidMode() = function:00000143EA923660 New() = function:000001431347C5B8 OnFilterChanged() = function:000001431345FD08 OnHorizonalScrollListCleared() = function:00000143EA923620 OnRefreshAllLists() = function:00000143207D5150 OnSelectedPatternChanged() = function:00000143D6AE3750 OnStyleChanged() = function:00000143D5FD3558 OnUpdate() = function:00000143D5FD7830 RefreshAllLists() = function:00000143207D5110 RefreshMaterialList() = function:00000143CFFC1330 RefreshPatternList() = function:00000143D5FFC1A8 RefreshStyleList() = function:00000143CFFC13B0 RefreshTraitList() = function:00000143D8F483D8 RefreshVisiblePatterns() = function:0000014309E0E8C8 SelectValidKnowledgeIndices() = function:000001431345FCC8 SetCraftingType() = function:0000014313461438 SetMaterialQuantity() = function:000001439D865268 TriggerUSITutorial() = function:00000143D5FE3D28 UpdateTooltip() = function:00000143D8F48418 UpdateTooltipInternal() = function:000001439D8651E8 ZO_SharedSmithingExtraction = table:00000143B3343688 (meta 00000143B33436D0} firstTable firstMeta AddItemToCraft() = function:00000143E41C8C10 CanItemBeAddedToCraft() = function:00000143E41C8BD0 ClearSelections() = function:00000143D8F26A30 Extract() = function:00000143D8F26970 GetFilterType() = function:00000143D8F26A70 HasSelections() = function:00000143D8F269F0 HideAllSlotDropCallouts() = function:00000143DDBBF7B8 InitExtractionSlot() = function:00000143E41C8B50 Initialize() = function:0000014320F69810 IsExtractable() = function:00000143D8F269B0 IsItemAlreadySlottedToCraft() = function:00000143E41C8B90 IsSlotted() = function:00000143D8F26930 New() = function:0000014320F697A0 OnFilterChanged() = function:00000143D6AEE608 OnInventoryUpdate() = function:000001447D42E4F8 OnItemReceiveDrag() = function:00000143DDBBF838 OnSlotChanged() = function:00000143DDBBF7F8 RemoveItemFromCraft() = function:00000143D6AEE7E8 SetExtractionSlotItem() = function:00000143D6AEE828 ShowAppropriateSlotDropCallouts() = function:00000143DDBBF778 ZO_SharedSmithingExtraction_DoesItemMeetRefinementStackRequirement() = function:0000014320F48198 ZO_SharedSmithingExtraction_DoesItemPassFilter() = function:000001447D42E4B8 ZO_SharedSmithingExtraction_GetFilterTypeFromItem() = function:0000014320F48218 ZO_SharedSmithingExtraction_GetPrimaryFilterType() = function:0000014320F481D8 ZO_SharedSmithingExtraction_GetRawMaterialItemTypeForCraftingType() = function:0000014320F69850 ZO_SharedSmithingExtraction_IsExtractableItem() = function:0000014320F48258 ZO_SharedSmithingExtraction_IsExtractableOrRefinableItem() = function:000001447D42E478 ZO_SharedSmithingExtraction_IsRefinableItem() = function:000001447D42E438 ZO_SharedSmithingImprovement = table:00000143B335F9E0 (meta 00000143B335F0C8} firstTable firstMeta AddItemToCraft() = function:00000143F4410B58 CanItemBeAddedToCraft() = function:00000143F44125C8 ClearSelections() = function:00000143D766BBB8 FindMaxBoostersToApply() = function:00000143F4419698 GetBoosterRowForQuality() = function:00000143F44303A0 GetCurrentImprovementParams() = function:00000143F4418468 GetNumBoostersToApply() = function:00000143F4414690 GetRowForSelection() = function:00000143F4418B80 HandleDirtyEvent() = function:0000014406009200 HasSelections() = function:0000014406027960 HideAllSlotDropCallouts() = function:00000143F442ED38 Improve() = function:00000143F19364F0 Initialize() = function:0000014316681198 InitializeRows() = function:000001440600AFD0 IsImprovable() = function:00000143E41BB560 IsItemAlreadySlottedToCraft() = function:00000143F44141E8 IsSlotted() = function:00000143D7667FD8 New() = function:00000143B335D5A0 OnFilterChanged() = function:00000143F4402610 OnInventoryUpdate() = function:00000143F442F6F0 Refresh() = function:00000143F4430CF8 RefreshImprovementChance() = function:00000143F4415B28 RemoveItemFromCraft() = function:00000143F4408550 SetCraftingType() = function:0000014406003448 SetImprovementSlotItem() = function:00000143F44086C8 ShowAppropriateSlotDropCallouts() = function:00000143F442EBB8 ZO_SharedSmithingImprovement_CanItemBeImproved() = function:00000143207F1630 ZO_SharedSmithingImprovement_DoesItemPassFilter() = function:0000014314390658 ZO_SharedSmithingImprovement_GetBoosterChartStringForCraftingType() = function:00000143207D1260 ZO_SharedSmithingImprovement_GetImprovementTooltipSounds() = function:00000143207F20E0 ZO_SharedSmithingImprovement_GetPrimaryFilterType() = function:00000143143904E0 ZO_SharedSmithingResearch = table:00000143207DEFC8 (meta 00000143207DF010} firstTable firstMeta ActivateHighlight() = function:00000143D600BBB0 CanCancelResearch() = function:00000144C1B6AFE8 CanResearchCurrentTraitLine() = function:00000144C1B6AFA8 CancelResearch() = function:000001431667F3B0 ChangeTypeFilter() = function:00000143E137BD60 DeactivateHighlight() = function:00000143D600BBF0 FindResearchingTraitIndex() = function:000001431439C788 GenerateResearchTraitCounts() = function:00000143C7F7A3E8 GetSelectedData() = function:00000143E18B64E8 HandleDirtyEvent() = function:0000014314392068 Initialize() = function:00000143207DF0F8 InitializeResearchLineList() = function:000001431C59FD28 IsResearchable() = function:00000143E18B6468 IsResearchableItem() = function:000001431439C7C8 IsResearching() = function:00000143E18B64A8 New() = function:00000143207DF088 OnControlsAcquired() = function:0000014314392028 OnResearchRowActivate() = function:00000143D600BC30 OnResearchRowDeactivate() = function:00000143E18B6428 Refresh() = function:00000143143890D8 RefreshCurrentResearchStatusDisplay() = function:0000014314389160 SetCraftingType() = function:00000143EC9499E8 SetHidden() = function:00000144C1B70D38 ShowTraitsFor() = function:00000143D600BB70 ZO_SharedSmithingResearchSelect = table:000001430FD665E0 (meta 000001430FD66628} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001430FD666B0 New() = function:000001430FD66670 ZO_SharedStatsBackground = userdata:00000144C79BBD38 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedStatsBackgroundBG = userdata:00000144C79BBDA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedStoreManager = table:00000143E97C2A10 (meta 00000143E97C2A58} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143E97C2B40 InitializeStore() = function:00000143E97C2B80 New() = function:00000143E97C2AD0 RefreshCurrency() = function:00000143E97C2C68 ZO_SharedThinLeftPanelBackground = userdata:00000144C79BBF10 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedThinLeftPanelBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144C79BC000 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedThinLeftPanelBackgroundRight = userdata:00000144C79BBF88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedThinRightPanelBackground = userdata:00000144C79BBE20 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedThinRightPanelBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144C79BBE98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedThinTallRightPanelBackground = userdata:00000144C79BC078 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedThinTallRightPanelBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144C79BC0F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedTitle = userdata:00000144C79BCEA8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedTitleDivider = userdata:00000144C79BCF78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedTitleLabel = userdata:00000144C79BCF10 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SharedTradeWindow = table:00000143D7681A80 (meta 00000143D7681AC8} firstTable firstMeta CanTradeItem() = function:00000143D7682400 FindMyNextAvailableSlot() = function:00000143D76823C0 HasItemsOrGoldInTradeWindow() = function:00000143D7682440 Initialize() = function:00000143D76821B8 InitializeSharedEvents() = function:00000143D7682280 IsModifyConfirmationLevelEnabled() = function:00000143D7682480 IsReady() = function:00000143D7682380 IsTrading() = function:00000143D7682340 New() = function:00000143D7682148 OnTradeAcceptFailedNotEnoughMoney() = function:00000143D7682580 SetConfirmationDelay() = function:00000143D7682500 UpdateConfirmationView() = function:00000143D76825C0 ZO_SharedTreeUnderlay = userdata:00000144C79BCD60 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedTreeUnderlayLeft = userdata:00000144C79BCDD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedTreeUnderlayRight = userdata:00000144C79BCE40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedWideLeftPanelBackground = userdata:00000144C79BC958 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedWideLeftPanelBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144C79BCA48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedWideLeftPanelBackgroundRight = userdata:00000144C79BC9D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedWideRightBackground = userdata:00000144C79BCC08 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedWideRightBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144C79BCC80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedWideRightBackgroundRight = userdata:00000144C79BCCF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SharedWideRightPanelBackground = userdata:00000144C79BC868 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SharedWideRightPanelBackgroundLeft = userdata:00000144C79BC8E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_ShouldPreferUserId() = function:000001432E013280 ZO_ShouldShowAchievement() = function:000001430FD823E0 ZO_ShowChapterUpgradePlatformDialog() = function:00000143CCAEB390 ZO_ShowLeaveGuildDialog() = function:000001430FD81458 ZO_SiegeBar_Initialize() = function:000001439D798860 ZO_SiegeHUDFragment = table:000001439D797E70 (meta 000001439D797EB8} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:000001439D797FE0 New() = function:000001439D797F30 Show() = function:000001439D797FA0 __index = table:000001439D797E70 (meta 000001439D797EB8} ZO_SimpleControlScaleInterpolator = table:000001436880A180 (meta 000001436880A1C8} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001436880A2B0 New() = function:000001436880A240 OnUpdate() = function:000001436880A430 ResetAll() = function:000001436880A3F0 ResetToMax() = function:000001436880A370 ResetToMin() = function:000001436880A3B0 ScaleDown() = function:000001436880A330 ScaleUp() = function:000001436880A2F0 __index = table:000001436880A180 (meta 000001436880A1C8} ZO_SimpleSceneFragment = table:0000014457A2F660 (meta 0000014457A2ED30} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:0000014457A2A7E8 Initialize() = function:0000014457A2C408 New() = function:0000014457A339E0 Show() = function:0000014457A2B368 __index = table:0000014457A2F660 (meta 0000014457A2ED30} ZO_SingleLineEditContainerDarkSize_Keyboard_OnInitialized() = function:000001436881E568 ZO_SingleLineEditContainerSize_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:000001436881EEB0 ZO_SingleLineEditContainerSize_Keyboard_OnInitialized() = function:000001436881E300 ZO_SkillIconHeader_OnInitialized() = function:00000143A022F238 ZO_SkillInfoXPBar_OnLevelChanged() = function:000001431C5AB218 ZO_SkillInfoXPBar_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143E1371238 ZO_SkillInfoXPBar_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143E18B5080 ZO_SkillInfoXPBar_SetValue() = function:000001431C5AB480 ZO_SkillTooltip_ClearSkillUpgrades() = function:00000143EA76C050 ZO_SkillTooltip_OnAddGameData() = function:00000143EA76C090 ZO_SkillTooltip_SetSkillUpgrade() = function:00000143EA76C010 ZO_Skills = userdata:00000143F9909940 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SkillsAbilityList = userdata:00000143F990B980 (meta 00000143F990BE80} ZO_SkillsAbilityListContents = userdata:00000143F990B9F0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_SkillsAbilityListScrollBar = userdata:00000143F990BA60 (meta 00000143F990BCC8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143F990BC70 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143F990BC40 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_SkillsAbilityListScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143F990BC10 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_SkillsAbilityListScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143F990BB20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SkillsAbilityListScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143F990BB98 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_SkillsActionBarFragment = table:0000014306480D30 (meta 0000014306480D78} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:000001430647F718 New() = function:000001430647FB60 OnStateChange() = function:000001431336FD58 Show() = function:0000014428056CB0 __index = table:0000014306480D30 (meta 0000014306480D78} ZO_SkillsAvailablePoints = userdata:00000143F9909B48 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialog = userdata:00000143F9907900 (meta 000001431C5BC830} firstMeta firstIndex ability = userdata:00000143F9907D38 (meta 00000143E189AC48} abilityName = userdata:00000143F9907FB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogAbility = userdata:00000143F9907D38 (meta 00000143E189AC48} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:00000143F9907F88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogAbilityIcon = userdata:00000143F9907F88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogAbilityName = userdata:00000143F9907FB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogBG = userdata:00000143F9907C48 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143F9907C78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogCancel = userdata:00000143F9908018 (meta 0000014313F598F0} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:00000143F9908078 (meta 00000143DB1DCD58} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143F9908018 (meta 0000014313F598F0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143F9908078 (meta 00000143DB1DCD58} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143F9908048 (meta 00000143207DC9E8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:00000143F9908048 (meta 00000143207DC9E8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogConfirm = userdata:00000143F9908238 (meta 00000143E1378268} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143F99082E8 (meta 00000144083CCF48} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143F9908238 (meta 00000143E1378268} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143F99082B8 (meta 00000144C805EAD8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogConfirmKeyLabel = userdata:00000143F99082E8 (meta 00000144083CCF48} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogConfirmNameLabel = userdata:00000143F99082B8 (meta 00000144C805EAD8} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogDescription = userdata:00000143F9907D08 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogDivider = userdata:00000143F9907CD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:00000143F9907C18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogTitle = userdata:00000143F9907CA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SkillsConfirmDialogWarning = userdata:00000143F9907FE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SkillsGamepadEntry_OnInitialized() = function:00000143F118C9C0 ZO_SkillsInfo_OnInitialized() = function:000001431C5ACF78 ZO_SkillsManager = table:00000143E18AE870 (meta 00000143E18AEF88} firstTable firstMeta ChooseMorph() = function:00000143E18B0238 GetSelectedSkillLineIndex() = function:00000143E18AFB18 GetSelectedSkillType() = function:00000143E18AF9A8 Initialize() = function:00000143F9907910 InitializeConfirmDialog() = function:00000143E18AF308 InitializeMorphDialog() = function:00000143A4C2FD18 InitializeUpgradeDialog() = function:00000143E18AF410 New() = function:00000143E18AF0E8 OnShown() = function:00000143E18AFF60 Refresh() = function:00000143E18AFC80 RefreshList() = function:00000143F9907B38 RefreshSkillInfo() = function:00000143E18AF838 SetupAbilityEntry() = function:00000143F9907AB0 SetupHeaderEntry() = function:00000143E18AF538 UpdateSkyShards() = function:00000143E18AF6D0 __index = table:00000143E18AE870 (meta 00000143E18AEF88} ZO_SkillsMorphDialog = userdata:00000143B324B588 (meta 00000143EC959CE0} ZO_SkillsMorphDialogBG = userdata:00000143F99084A8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_SkillsMorphDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143F99084D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SkillsMorphDialogBaseAbility = userdata:00000143F99085C8 (meta 000001440600D2C0} ZO_SkillsMorphDialogBaseAbilityIcon = userdata:00000143F99085F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SkillsMorphDialogCancel = userdata:00000143F9908A80 (meta 0000014314388C90} ZO_SkillsMorphDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:00000143F9908AE0 (meta 00000144083CE120} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143F9908A80 (meta 0000014314388C90} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143F9908AE0 (meta 00000144083CE120} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143F9908AB0 (meta 00000143E137D888} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_SkillsMorphDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:00000143F9908AB0 (meta 00000143E137D888} ZO_SkillsMorphDialogConfirm = userdata:00000143F9908CA0 (meta 00000143F1939A48} ZO_SkillsMorphDialogConfirmKeyLabel = userdata:00000143F9908D00 (meta 000001439D692AB8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143F9908CA0 (meta 00000143F1939A48} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = 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function:00000143B513D5C0 SelectRow() = function:0000014314B9EB78 SetAlternateRowBackgrounds() = function:00000143EA5035C8 SetAutomaticallyColorRows() = function:0000014409E10D50 SetEmptyText() = function:0000014409E10D10 SetHighlightedRow() = function:00000143D7E86D10 SetKeybindStripDescriptor() = function:0000014368607988 SetKeybindStripId() = function:00000143686079C8 SetLockedForUpdates() = function:00000143D81A12B0 SetUpdateInterval() = function:00000143EA503588 SetupRow() = function:00000143686078C8 ShowMenu() = function:0000014409E10D90 SortScrollList() = function:00000143A429BBC0 UnlockSelection() = function:00000143D7E86C90 UpdateKeybinds() = function:00000143B513D540 UpdatePendingUpdateLevel() = function:0000014409E10DD0 __index = table:00000143EA4FD668 (meta 00000143EA4FD6B0} ZO_SortFilterListBase = table:0000014316DCF068 (meta 0000014316DCF0B0} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:0000014316DCF138 New() = function:0000014316DCF0F8 RefreshData() = function:0000014316DCF338 RefreshFilters() = function:0000014316DCF2F8 RefreshSort() = function:0000014316DCF2B8 RefreshVisible() = function:0000014316DCF1D0 ZO_SortFilterList_Gamepad = table:000001432DFF9E10 (meta 000001432DFF9E58} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001432DFF9F40 InitializeSortFilterList() = function:000001432DFF9FD8 MoveNext() = function:000001432DFFA180 MoveNextAsBlock() = function:000001432DFF9F80 MovePrevious() = function:000001432DFFA140 MovePreviousAsBlock() = function:000001432DFFA1C0 New() = function:000001432DFF9ED0 SetDirectionalInputEnabled() = function:000001432DFFA0C0 SetEmptyText() = function:000001432DFFA018 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:000001432DFFA100 ZO_SortHeaderGroup = table:0000014368605B08 (meta 0000014368605B50} firstTable firstMeta AddHeader() = function:0000014368802440 AddHeadersFromContainer() = function:00000143CDC28FD0 DeselectHeader() = function:0000014368810C50 EnableHighlight() = function:000001431DA459B8 EnableSelection() = function:00000143B51380C8 FORCE_RESELECT = true FindNextActiveHeaderIndex() = function:000001431DA45B78 GetCurrentSortKey() = function:00000143ED5C5478 GetSelectedData() = function:00000143ED5C5438 GetSortDirection() = function:00000143ED5C54B8 HEADER_CLICKED = HeaderClicked HeaderForKey() = function:00000143E0DB79E0 IsCurrentSelectedHeader() = function:00000143E0DB7960 IsEnabled() = function:00000143167A7978 MakeSelectedSortHeaderSelectedIndex() = function:000001431DA45B38 MoveNext() = function:00000143ED5C53B8 MovePrevious() = function:00000143ED5C5338 New() = function:000001436880AD10 OnHeaderClicked() = function:00000143E0DB79A0 ReplaceKey() = function:0000014409E03ED8 SUPPRESS_CALLBACKS = true SelectAndResetSortForKey() = function:0000014409E03F18 SelectHeader() = function:000001431DA4A0E0 SelectHeaderByKey() = function:0000014409E03E58 SetColors() = function:0000014457A2D558 SetDirectionalInputEnabled() = function:000001431DA459F8 SetEnabled() = function:00000143B5137F00 SetHeaderHiddenForKey() = function:0000014409E03E98 SetHeaderNameForKey() = function:0000014457A36628 SetHeadersHiddenFromKeyList() = function:0000014457A365E8 SetSelectedIndex() = function:000001431DA45A78 SortBySelected() = function:00000143ED5C54F8 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:000001431DA45A38 __index = table:0000014368605B08 (meta 0000014368605B50} ZO_SortHeader_Initialize() = function:0000014457A36668 ZO_SortHeader_InitializeArrowHeader() = function:00000144D64DCF10 ZO_SortHeader_InitializeIconHeader() = function:0000014457A366A8 ZO_SortHeader_InitializeIconWithArrowHeader() = function:00000144D64DCED0 ZO_SortHeader_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143167A7870 ZO_SortHeader_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143167A78F0 ZO_SortHeader_OnMouseUp() = function:00000143167A7938 ZO_SortHeader_SetTooltip() = function:00000144D64DCF50 ZO_SortableParametricList = table:00000143B5141F98 (meta 00000143B5142058} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:00000143C34459B8 BuildList() = function:0000014346138098 ClearList() = function:000001432DFFA058 CommitList() = function:0000014457A47170 Deactivate() = function:00000143A42A03C8 GetList() = function:000001432E0076F8 Initialize() = function:000001431DA4DF70 InitializeList() = function:0000014346135168 New() = function:00000143D81A1638 OnSortHeaderClicked() = function:000001432E0021A0 RefreshData() = function:0000014346132F38 RefreshFilters() = function:0000014346140E10 RefreshSort() = function:000001434613DB48 RefreshVisible() = function:000001434613D8E8 ReplaceKey() = function:00000143B513D7F8 SelectAndResetSortForKey() = function:0000014409E11668 SelectHeaderByKey() = function:000001432E007880 SetHeaderNameForKey() = function:00000143B513D770 SetSortOptions() = function:00000143E0DAB600 SortBySelected() = function:00000143A131B368 SortFunc() = function:0000014368607F08 UpdateListSortFunction() = function:00000143A429B9F8 UpdateSortOption() = function:00000143A42A3310 ZO_SortableParametricList_InitSortHeader() = function:000001434613A468 ZO_SoulGemItemCharger = table:00000144DD5E3C50 (meta 00000144DD5E3C98} firstTable firstMeta BeginItemImprovement() = function:00000144DD5E4070 Initialize() = function:00000144DD5E3D80 New() = function:00000144DD5E3D10 OnSoulGemSelected() = function:00000144DD5E3F40 SetItemInfo() = function:00000144DD5E3F00 SetupDialog() = function:00000144DD5E3DC0 SetupPreviewControls() = function:00000144DD5E3E18 __index = table:00000144DD5E3C50 (meta 00000144DD5E3C98} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanel = userdata:00000144DD5E3D70 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainer = userdata:00000144DD5E5700 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainer = userdata:00000144DD5E5990 (meta 00000144DD5E77B8} firstMeta firstIndex Initialize() = function:0000014457A31BC0 SetGradientColors() = function:0000014457A56680 SetMinMax() = function:0000014457A31C00 SetValueAndPreviewValue() = function:0000014457A31C98 currentBar = userdata:00000144DD5E72F8 (meta 00000144DD5E73F8} improvementBar = userdata:00000144DD5E7090 (meta 00000144DD5E7198} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerBar = userdata:00000144DD5E72F8 (meta 00000144DD5E73F8} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerBarGloss = userdata:00000144DD5E73A0 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerOverlay = userdata:00000144DD5E7560 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerOverlayLeft = userdata:00000144DD5E7608 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerOverlayMiddle = userdata:00000144DD5E7760 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerOverlayRight = userdata:00000144DD5E76B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerUnderlay = userdata:00000144DD5E7090 (meta 00000144DD5E7198} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerImprovementContainerUnderlayGloss = userdata:00000144DD5E7140 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerSlot = userdata:00000144DD5E5730 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerSlotCooldown = userdata:00000144DD5E58F0 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerSlotIcon = userdata:00000144DD5E57C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainerSlotStackCount = userdata:00000144DD5E5858 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SoulGemItemCharger_OnInitialize() = function:00000144DD5E40B0 ZO_SoundAlert() = function:00000143CFFDD950 ZO_SoundEvent() = function:00000143D587B4F8 ZO_SoundEvents_GetHandlers() = function:00000143D587B430 ZO_SoundEvents_OnInitialized() = function:0000014457A218C0 ZO_SpecializedCollectionsBook_Keyboard = table:00000143A42FF938 (meta 00000143A43010E0} firstTable firstMeta BrowseToCollectible() = function:00000143A38FCEE0 DoesCollectibleHaveAlert() = function:00000143A4301788 FocusCollectibleId() = function:000001436913C968 GetCategorizedLists() = function:00000143A38FC7B8 GetRelevantCollectibles() = function:00000143A38F86E0 GetSelectedData() = function:00000143A4300E00 Initialize() = function:00000143A43013F8 InitializeControls() = function:00000143A4301608 InitializeEvents() = function:00000143A4300D70 InitializeNavigationList() = function:00000143A4301980 New() = function:00000143A42FE0F0 OnCollectibleNewStatusRemoved() = function:00000143A38FE6A0 OnCollectibleUpdated() = function:00000143A38FD010 OnCollectionNotificationRemoved() = function:00000143A38FE5B8 OnCollectionUpdated() = function:00000143A38FF7B0 OnSceneShown() = function:00000143A98D0CF0 RefreshDetails() = function:00000143A38FCBC8 RefreshList() = function:00000143A38FC888 RefreshListIfDirty() = function:00000143A4301BD8 SetupAdditionalCollectibleData() = function:000001436913F318 SortCollectibleData() = function:0000014369140A50 UpdateCollectibleTreeEntry() = function:00000143A38FDD18 ZO_Spinner = table:00000143C3445A30 (meta 00000143C3445A78} firstTable firstMeta AllowUnknownQuantities() = function:00000143E9836C68 GetControl() = function:000001432E0059F0 GetMax() = function:000001432E0059B0 GetMin() = function:000001432E005970 GetOnUpdateFunction() = function:0000014316F58290 GetSoftMax() = function:00000143EC929500 GetStep() = function:000001432E0058F0 GetValue() = function:00000143EC929480 Initialize() = function:00000143210687D0 InitializeHandlers() = function:00000143E9842C70 IsAtMaxAccelerationFactor() = function:00000143E9836BE8 ModifyValue() = function:00000143EC929640 New() = function:000001431C16C430 OnButtonDown() = function:00000143E9836B90 OnButtonUp() = function:00000143E9836C28 OnFocusLost() = function:0000014316F58250 OnMouseWheel() = function:000001431DA48408 SetButtonsHidden() = function:00000143EC9296C0 SetEnabled() = function:00000143EC929680 SetErrorColor() = function:00000143E9842C18 SetFont() = function:000001431DA483C8 SetMinMax() = function:000001432E005930 SetMouseEnabled() = function:00000143EC929580 SetNormalColor() = function:000001431DA48470 SetSoftMax() = function:00000143EC9294C0 SetSounds() = function:0000014457A30DB8 SetStep() = function:00000143E9836CE8 SetValidValuesFunction() = function:00000143E9836CA8 SetValue() = function:00000143EC9295C0 UpdateButtons() = function:00000143EC929540 UpdateDisplay() = function:00000143EC929600 __index = table:00000143C3445A30 (meta 00000143C3445A78} ZO_Spinner_Gamepad = table:00000144D64E3360 (meta 00000143167A2ED0} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:00000143167A31B8 Deactivate() = function:00000143167A31F8 Initialize() = function:00000143167A2FF8 New() = function:00000143167A2F48 SetActive() = function:00000143167A30D0 UpdateDirectionalInput() = function:00000143167A3078 __index = table:00000144D64E3360 (meta 00000143167A2ED0} ZO_StablePanel = userdata:00000143E75E2650 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRow = userdata:00000143E189AC30 (meta 00000143E189F590} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainer = userdata:00000143E18935B8 (meta 00000143E1896F78} firstMeta firstIndex ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainerStatusBar = userdata:00000143E1891310 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBar = userdata:00000143E189ACF8 (meta 00000143E1893AF8} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarBG = userdata:00000143E189CEA8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarBGLeft = userdata:00000143E189EFB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarBGMiddle = userdata:00000143DB1E97F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarBGRight = userdata:00000143D6B219A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarGloss = userdata:00000143E188F208 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarOverlay = userdata:00000143E188F7C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayLeft = userdata:00000143E18918C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayMiddle = userdata:00000143E1892E70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayRight = userdata:00000143DB1EA5C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowBarContainerValue = userdata:00000143E1898B08 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowIcon = userdata:00000143E1896998 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowLabel = userdata:00000143E189D4A8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelCarryTrainRowTrainButton = userdata:00000143E1893730 (meta 00000143E1898830} ZO_StablePanelGamepad = userdata:00000143E189EDD8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_StablePanelGamepadNotifications = userdata:00000143E1891028 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StablePanelGamepadNotificationsNoSkinWarning = userdata:00000143A0216D30 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelGamepadNotificationsTrainableHeader = userdata:00000143E136DED8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelGamepadNotificationsTrainableReady = userdata:00000143E1898930 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelGamepadNotificationsTrainableTimer = userdata:00000143E188C610 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelInfoBar = userdata:00000143E1899398 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StablePanelInfoBarDivider = userdata:00000143E1899408 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StablePanelInfoBarDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E18971F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelInfoBarDividerRight = userdata:00000143E1899438 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelInfoBarFreeSlots = userdata:00000143E1892BE8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelInfoBarMoney = userdata:00000143E1892C58 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelInstructions = userdata:00000143E18914C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelNoSkinWarning = userdata:00000143E188BFF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelRidingSkillHeader = userdata:00000143E18945B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRow = userdata:00000143E1896A30 (meta 00000143E75E7FE0} firstMeta firstIndex bar = userdata:00000143E188BDE0 (meta 00000143DFA4F9D0} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E1896198 (meta 0000014308340698} icon = userdata:00000143E1891248 (meta 0000014308349FC8} label = userdata:00000143E1891CE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} trainButton = userdata:00000143E189B5F8 (meta 0000014313F4F2A0} trainingSound = Stable_FeedSpeed trainingType = 1 value = userdata:00000143E189CF98 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainer = userdata:00000143E1890B10 (meta 0000014473532E68} firstMeta firstIndex ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainerStatusBar = userdata:00000143E189AF08 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBar = userdata:00000143E188BDE0 (meta 00000143DFA4F9D0} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarBG = userdata:00000143E1896598 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarBGLeft = userdata:00000143E18968D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarBGMiddle = userdata:00000143E1898310 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarBGRight = userdata:00000143E1896D60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarGloss = userdata:00000143E1896198 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarOverlay = userdata:00000143E1898708 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayLeft = userdata:00000144C3050368 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayMiddle = userdata:00000143E75E9238 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayRight = userdata:00000143E136B480 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowBarContainerValue = userdata:00000143E189CF98 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowIcon = userdata:00000143E1891248 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowLabel = userdata:00000143E1891CE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelSpeedTrainRowTrainButton = userdata:00000143E189B5F8 (meta 0000014313F4F2A0} firstMeta firstIndex trainingSound = Stable_FeedSpeed trainingType = 1 ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRow = userdata:00000143E1360950 (meta 00000143E189F2F8} firstMeta firstIndex bar = userdata:00000143E1890F98 (meta 00000143E188EB88} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E1890BA8 (meta 0000014308340698} icon = userdata:00000143E1898A48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} label = userdata:00000143E189D268 (meta 00000143083425C0} trainButton = userdata:0000014313F4F248 (meta 00000143E1896098} firstMeta firstIndex trainingSound = Stable_FeedStamina trainingType = 3 trainingSound = Stable_FeedStamina trainingType = 3 value = userdata:00000143E1898398 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainer = userdata:00000143E97C3248 (meta 00000143E189B088} firstMeta firstIndex ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainerStatusBar = userdata:00000143E1898790 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBar = userdata:00000143E1890F98 (meta 00000143E188EB88} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarBG = userdata:00000143E188EAA0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarBGLeft = userdata:00000143E18984C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarBGMiddle = userdata:00000143E189A6B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarBGRight = userdata:00000143E1896350 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarGloss = userdata:00000143E1890BA8 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarOverlay = userdata:00000143E188C2B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayLeft = userdata:00000143E1896618 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayMiddle = userdata:00000143E1896218 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayRight = userdata:00000143E188F138 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowBarContainerValue = userdata:00000143E1898398 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowIcon = userdata:00000143E1898A48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowLabel = userdata:00000143E189D268 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StablePanelStaminaTrainRowTrainButton = userdata:0000014313F4F248 (meta 00000143E1896098} ZO_StablePanelTimer = userdata:00000143E136AA08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StablePanelTimerOverlay = userdata:00000143E188C170 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_StablePanelTimerText = userdata:00000143E18B70E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StableTrainingBar_Gamepad = table:0000014457A566C0 firstTable Initialize() = function:0000014457A56708 SetGradientColors() = function:0000014457A56A80 SetMinMax() = function:0000014457A56748 SetValue() = function:0000014457A56788 ZO_StableTrainingRow_Init() = function:00000143E18B0C38 ZO_StableWindowMenu = userdata:00000143E18B5998 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_StableWindowMenuBar = userdata:00000143E18B7178 (meta 00000143E18B7418} ZO_StableWindowMenuBarButton1 = userdata:00000143E188E980 (meta 00000143E18B2DD8} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E189F0B8 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143E188E980 (meta 00000143E18B2DD8} m_buttonData = table:00000143E1891460 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E189CFB0 categoryName = 3272 clickSound = Stable_BuyClicked descriptor = 3272 existingCallback() = function:00000143E189B0D0 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_buy_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_buy_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Vendor/vendor_tabIcon_buy_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:00000143E1890A88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143E18989B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143E18B71F8 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable m_animationDuration = 200 m_barPool = table:00000143E18B7A30 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E189A270 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E18B7AC0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StableWindowMenuBarPaddingBar parent = userdata:00000143E18B7178 (meta 00000143E18B7418} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E18B71F8 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} templateName = ZO_MenuBarPaddingBarTemplate m_buttonPadding = 20 m_buttons = table:00000143E18B7240 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E18B2E78 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E188E980 (meta 00000143E18B2DD8} 2 = 1 3 = 3272 2 = table:00000143EA935140 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143B3251250 (meta 00000143EA9350C8} 2 = 2 3 = 5709 m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_control = userdata:00000143E18B7178 (meta 00000143E18B7418} m_downSize = 64 m_normalSize = 51 m_point = 2 m_pool = table:00000143E18B74D8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E18B79F0 m_Active = table:00000143E18B7520 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E188E980 (meta 00000143E18B2DD8} 2 = userdata:00000143B3251250 (meta 00000143EA9350C8} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143E18980F0 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000143B3251250 (meta 00000143EA9350C8} m_buttonData = table:00000143E189F3D0 firstTable m_highlight = userdata:00000143E1898068 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:000001439D7982F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000143E18B71F8 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E18980E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E18B7598 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StableWindowMenuBarButton parent = userdata:00000143E18B7178 (meta 00000143E18B7418} templateName = ZO_MenuBarTooltipButton m_relativePoint = 8 m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143E1898280 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StableWindowMenuBarButton1Image = userdata:00000143E18989B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StableWindowMenuBarButton1ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143E1890A88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StableWindowMenuBarButton1Status = userdata:00000143E1898280 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StableWindowMenuBarButton2 = userdata:00000143B3251250 (meta 00000143EA9350C8} ZO_StableWindowMenuBarButton2Image = userdata:000001439D7982F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StableWindowMenuBarButton2ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143E1898068 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StableWindowMenuBarButton2Status = userdata:00000143E18980E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StableWindowMenuBarLabel = userdata:00000143E18B71E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StableWindowMenuDivider = userdata:00000143E18B7588 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StableWindowMenuDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E18B7BF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StableWindowMenuDividerRight = userdata:00000143E18B7C28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Stable_Base = table:00000143E18B05E0 (meta 00000143E18B0628} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143E18B0710 InitializeControls() = function:00000143E18B0750 InitializeEvents() = function:00000143E18B0838 IsPreferredScreen() = function:00000143E18B0AB8 New() = function:00000143E18B06A0 OnActiveMountChanged() = function:00000143E18B09F8 OnMoneyUpdated() = function:00000143E18B0978 OnMountInfoUpdate() = function:00000143E18B09B8 OnStablesInteractEnd() = function:00000143E18B0938 OnStablesInteractStart() = function:00000143E18B08F8 RefreshActiveMount() = function:00000143E18B0AF8 RegisterUpdateEvents() = function:00000143E18B0878 SetHidden() = function:00000143E18B0B38 SetupRow() = function:00000143E18B0B78 UnregisterUpdateEvents() = function:00000143E18B08B8 UpdateMountInfo() = function:00000143E18B0A38 UpdateStrips() = function:00000143E18B0A78 ZO_Stable_Gamepad = table:00000143E18A9FC8 (meta 00000143E18AA010} firstTable firstMeta CanTrainSelected() = function:00000143E18AA1C8 Initialize() = function:00000143E1896790 InitializeControls() = function:00000143E1896680 InitializeKeybindStrip() = function:0000014313F51548 IsPreferredScreen() = function:00000143E18AA2D0 New() = function:00000143E1891108 OnSelectedItemChanged() = function:00000143E18AA290 RefreshActiveMount() = function:00000143E18AA188 SetHidden() = function:00000143E18AA310 SetupEntry() = function:00000143E18AA248 SetupRow() = function:00000143E18AA350 TrainSelected() = function:00000143E18AA208 UpdateMountInfo() = function:00000143E18AA148 __index = table:00000143E18A9FC8 (meta 00000143E18AA010} ZO_Stable_Gamepad_Initialize() = function:00000143E18AA390 ZO_Stable_Keyboard = table:00000143E18B58A8 (meta 00000143E18B58F0} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143E18B59A8 InitializeControls() = function:00000143E18B59E8 InitializeEvents() = function:00000143E18B5AD0 InitializeTabs() = function:00000143E18B5B10 IsPreferredScreen() = function:00000143E18B5C90 New() = function:00000143E18B5938 RefreshActiveMount() = function:00000143E18B5B50 SetupRow() = function:00000143E18B5CD0 UpdateMountInfo() = function:00000143E18B5B90 UpdateStrips() = function:00000143E18B5C50 __index = table:00000143E18B58A8 (meta 00000143E18B58F0} ZO_Stable_Keyboard_Initialize() = function:00000143E18B5D10 ZO_Stable_Manager = table:0000014313483658 (meta 00000143134836A0} firstTable firstMeta CanAffordTraining() = function:0000014313483948 GetStats() = function:00000143134837C8 Initialize() = function:0000014313483788 IsRidingSkillMaxedOut() = function:00000143134839F8 New() = function:0000014313483718 RegisterForEvents() = function:0000014313483820 UpdateStats() = function:0000014313483908 __index = table:0000014313483658 (meta 00000143134836A0} ZO_Stable_TrainButtonClicked() = function:00000143E18B0BF8 ZO_StablesTrainButton_Refresh() = function:00000143E18B0BB8 ZO_StackFragmentGroup = table:00000143EC92D758 (meta 00000143E0DAE118} firstTable firstMeta Add() = function:000001432E003700 GetFragments() = function:00000143C8528888 New() = function:00000143E0DAE1F8 SetActivateAll() = function:00000143C8528628 SetActive() = function:0000014368609B88 SetOnActivatedCallback() = function:000001431DA4EAF8 SetOnDeactivatedCallback() = function:000001431DA4EC78 ZO_StackSplit = userdata:00000143A42FE308 (meta 00000143A42FD4D8} firstMeta firstIndex spinner = table:00000143A42FF6A0 (meta 00000143C3445A30} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 callbackRegistry = table:00000143A4300AC0 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:00000143A4300B08 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A4300B80 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A42FF618 3 = false constrainRangeFunc() = function:00000143ED5CD718 control = userdata:00000143A43021A0 (meta 000001430831E750} decreaseButton = userdata:00000143A4302210 (meta 0000014308331CA0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143A42FD2D0 firstTable display = userdata:00000143A43023D0 (meta 000001430833A3B8} enabled = true errorColor = table:0000014345F117D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:00000143A4302280 (meta 0000014308331CA0} max = inf min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 value = inf ZO_StackSplitArrow = userdata:00000143A4301E88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StackSplitBG = userdata:00000143A42FF7E8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_StackSplitBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143A42FF858 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StackSplitCancel = userdata:00000143A4302498 (meta 00000143A43025D0} ZO_StackSplitCancelKeyLabel = userdata:00000143A4302578 (meta 00000143A4302740} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143A4302498 (meta 00000143A43025D0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143A4302578 (meta 00000143A4302740} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143A4302508 (meta 00000143A4302F20} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_StackSplitCancelNameLabel = userdata:00000143A4302508 (meta 00000143A4302F20} ZO_StackSplitDestination1 = userdata:00000143A4301EF8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_StackSplitDestination1Icon = userdata:00000143A4301F68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StackSplitDestination1StackCount = userdata:00000143A4301FE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StackSplitDestination2 = userdata:00000143A4302050 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_StackSplitDestination2Icon = userdata:00000143A43020C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StackSplitDestination2StackCount = userdata:00000143A4302138 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StackSplitDivider = userdata:00000143A42FF928 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StackSplitModalUnderlay = userdata:00000143A42FF780 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StackSplitPrompt = userdata:00000143A4300F88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StackSplitSource = userdata:00000143A4300FF0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_StackSplitSourceIcon = userdata:00000143A4301060 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StackSplitSourceStackCount = userdata:00000143A43010D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StackSplitSpinner = userdata:00000143A43021A0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StackSplitSpinnerBGLeft = userdata:00000143A43022F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StackSplitSpinnerBGRight = userdata:00000143A4302360 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StackSplitSpinnerDecrease = userdata:00000143A4302210 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_StackSplitSpinnerDisplay = userdata:00000143A43023D0 (meta 000001430833A3B8} ZO_StackSplitSpinnerIncrease = userdata:00000143A4302280 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_StackSplitSplit = userdata:00000143A4302F88 (meta 00000143E6C8D510} ZO_StackSplitSplitKeyLabel = userdata:00000143A42FCFB8 (meta 00000143A42FCC90} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143A4302F88 (meta 00000143E6C8D510} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143A42FCFB8 (meta 00000143A42FCC90} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143A43026E8 (meta 00000143A4302CE8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 ZO_StackSplitSplitNameLabel = userdata:00000143A43026E8 (meta 00000143A4302CE8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_StackSplitTitle = userdata:00000143A42FF8C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StackSplit_SplitItem() = function:00000143A42FE130 ZO_Stack_Initialize() = function:00000143A42FE230 ZO_StatEntry_Keyboard = table:00000143F3ACBB40 (meta 00000143F3ACBCF0} firstTable firstMeta GetDisplayValue() = function:00000143F3ACECB0 GetPendingStatBonuses() = function:00000143F3ACC2C8 GetValue() = function:00000143CBD5AB50 HideComparisonValue() = function:00000143A0218B58 Initialize() = function:00000143F3ACC088 New() = function:00000143F3ACBEB0 ShowComparisonValue() = function:00000143C7F6CB20 UpdateStatComparisonValue() = function:0000014309DDDDA0 UpdateStatValue() = function:00000143F3AD2900 __index = table:00000143F3ACBB40 (meta 00000143F3ACBCF0} ZO_StateMachine_Base = table:000001439F6B2E38 (meta 000001439F6B2E80} firstTable firstMeta GetCurrentState() = function:000001439F6B2FF8 GetDebugLoggingEnabled() = function:000001439F6B30B8 GetName() = function:000001439F6B2F78 Initialize() = function:000001439F6B2F38 New() = function:000001439F6B2EC8 Reset() = function:000001439F6B3038 SetDebugLoggingEnabled() = function:000001439F6B3078 SetState() = function:000001439F6B2FB8 ZO_StateMachine_Edge = table:000001439F6B1B78 (meta 000001439F6B1BC0} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:000001439F6B1FA8 AddTrigger() = function:000001439F6B1F68 Deactivate() = function:000001439F6B1FE8 GetEdgeName() = function:000001439F6B1DA0 GetParentMachine() = function:000001439F6B1CB8 Initialize() = function:000001439F6B1C78 New() = function:000001439F6B1C08 SetConditional() = function:000001439F6B1DE0 Trigger() = function:000001439F6B2028 __index = table:000001439F6B1B78 (meta 000001439F6B1BC0} ZO_StateMachine_MultiTrigger = table:000001439F6B18B8 (meta 000001439F6B1900} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001439F6B19B8 New() = function:000001439F6B1948 RegisterEdge() = function:000001439F6B1A50 UnregisterEdge() = function:000001439F6B1B38 __index = table:000001439F6B18B8 (meta 000001439F6B1900} ZO_StateMachine_State = table:000001439F6B22F0 (meta 000001439F6B2338} firstTable firstMeta Activate() = function:000001439F6B2DB8 AddEdge() = function:000001439F6B2D38 Deactivate() = function:000001439F6B2DF8 GetFullName() = function:000001439F6B2CB8 GetName() = function:000001439F6B2470 GetParentMachine() = function:000001439F6B2D78 Initialize() = function:000001439F6B23F0 New() = function:000001439F6B2380 SetUpdate() = function:000001439F6B2CF8 __index = table:000001439F6B22F0 (meta 000001439F6B2338} ZO_StateMachine_TriggerAnimNote = table:000001431D7A6208 (meta 000001431D7A6250} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:000001439F6B1820 New() = function:000001439F6B17E0 __index = table:000001431D7A6208 (meta 000001431D7A6250} ZO_StateMachine_TriggerBase = table:00000143B309E8F0 (meta 00000143B309E938} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143B309EA20 New() = function:00000143B309E9B0 RegisterEdge() = function:00000143B309EA60 Trigger() = function:000001439F6C0590 UnregisterEdge() = function:000001439F6BF0A0 ZO_StateMachine_TriggerEventManager = table:00000143063BDF20 (meta 00000143063BDF68} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143FA130F68 New() = function:00000143063BDFB0 RegisterEdge() = function:000001431D7A61C8 SetFilterCallback() = function:00000143FA130FA8 UnregisterEdge() = function:000001431D7A62B0 __index = table:00000143063BDF20 (meta 00000143063BDF68} ZO_StateMachine_TriggerKeybind = table:000001439F6BD6B8 (meta 00000143B309E290} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143B309EAA0 New() = function:00000143B309ACC8 RegisterEdge() = function:000001439F6BF050 UnregisterEdge() = function:00000143B309F098 __index = table:000001439F6BD6B8 (meta 00000143B309E290} ZO_StateMachine_TriggerStateCallback = table:000001439F6BEFF8 (meta 00000143FA130B30} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143B309C210 New() = function:00000143B309C1A0 RegisterEdge() = function:00000143FA130EF8 SetEventCount() = function:00000143063BDEE0 UnregisterEdge() = function:00000143B309C250 __index = table:000001439F6BEFF8 (meta 00000143FA130B30} ZO_Stats = table:00000143F1928080 (meta 00000143134AAD80} firstTable firstMeta AddBountyRow() = function:00000143A021F600 AddDivider() = function:0000014314B75418 AddDropdownRow() = function:0000014314B75498 AddHeader() = function:0000014314B75458 AddIconRow() = function:00000143A021F5C0 AddLongTermEffects() = function:00000143F99F80C0 AddRawControl() = function:00000143A021F680 AddStatRow() = function:00000143F99F8040 CreateActiveEffectsSection() = function:0000014314B753D8 CreateAttributesSection() = function:00000143CBD5AB90 CreateBackgroundSection() = function:00000143134B04E8 CreateControlFromVirtual() = function:00000143F99F8000 CreateMountSection() = function:000001431C6C5D28 GetAddedPoints() = function:00000143CFFC7370 Initialize() = function:0000014313497FF0 InitializeKeybindButtons() = function:00000143E1384E28 New() = function:0000014309DDD300 OnSetAvailablePoints() = function:000001431C6C5CA8 OnShown() = function:00000143DDBEB558 PurchaseAttributes() = function:00000143CFFC73B0 RefreshAllAttributes() = function:00000143CFFC73F0 RefreshSpinnerMaxes() = function:000001431C6C5C68 RefreshTitleSection() = function:00000143134B04A8 ResetAllAttributes() = function:00000143CFFC7330 SetEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:00000143134B0468 SetNextControlPadding() = function:00000143A021F640 SetSpinnersEnabled() = function:000001431349E590 SetUpAttributeControl() = function:0000014309DC8C80 SetUpTitleSection() = function:00000143134B0428 UpdateAttributesHeader() = function:00000143F194D490 UpdatePendingStatBonuses() = function:000001431C6C5CE8 UpdateSpendablePoints() = function:00000143F194D450 __index = table:00000143F1928080 (meta 00000143134AAD80} ZO_StatsActiveEffect_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143DDBEDE28 ZO_StatsActiveEffect_OnMouseExit() = function:000001431347FE80 ZO_StatsActiveEffect_OnMouseUp() = function:000001431347FEC0 ZO_StatsAttribute_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143DDBEDD68 ZO_StatsAttribute_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143DDBEDDE8 ZO_StatsEntry_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001440FCC4D38 ZO_StatsEntry_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143A02196C0 ZO_StatsPanel = userdata:00000143F1938860 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_StatsPanelPane = userdata:00000143DDBEE840 (meta 00000143134B5390} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143134B5480 (meta 00000143134B54D8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143DDBEE840 (meta 00000143134B5390} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000144CCF755E8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:00000143F3ABA400 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:00000144CCF757D0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:00000144CCF75658 (meta 00000143F3ABA4B8} timeline = userdata:00000143134B5450 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 ZO_StatsPanelPaneScroll = userdata:00000144CCF755E8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_StatsPanelPaneScrollBar = userdata:00000144CCF75658 (meta 00000143F3ABA4B8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143F3ABA460 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143F3ABA430 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_StatsPanelPaneScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143F3ABA400 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_StatsPanelPaneScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000144CCF75760 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StatsPanelPaneScrollBarUp = userdata:00000144CCF757D0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_StatsPanelPaneScrollChild = userdata:00000143F3ABA578 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StatsPanelTitleSection = userdata:0000014313F562A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StatsPanelTitleSectionAllianceIcon = userdata:0000014313F56320 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StatsPanelTitleSectionEquipmentBonus = userdata:000001439D6900A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StatsPanelTitleSectionEquipmentBonusHeader = userdata:0000014313490360 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StatsPanelTitleSectionEquipmentBonusIcons = userdata:00000143DDBEE7D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StatsPanelTitleSectionName = userdata:0000014313F56390 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StatsPanelTitleSectionRaceClass = userdata:0000014313F56408 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StatsRidingSkillIcon_Initialize() = function:00000143CFFD99A8 ZO_Stats_BountyDisplay_Initialize() = function:000001431347FF40 ZO_Stats_Common = table:00000143207F1550 (meta 00000143E97B6650} firstTable firstMeta GetAvailablePoints() = function:00000143207D3290 GetEquipmentBonusInfo() = function:000001439F484DD0 GetPendingStatBonuses() = function:00000143143884A0 GetTotalSpendablePoints() = function:000001439D690610 Initialize() = function:00000143DB1E0098 IsPlayerBattleLeveled() = function:000001439F484D90 New() = function:00000143DB1E0028 OnSetAvailablePoints() = function:000001439D690590 RefreshEquipmentBonus() = function:00000143F990F840 SetAvailablePoints() = function:00000143DB1E00D8 SetPendingStatBonuses() = function:000001439D690650 SpendAvailablePoints() = function:000001439D6905D0 UpdatePendingStatBonuses() = function:00000143207D32D0 UpdateTitleDropdownSelection() = function:00000143207D3310 UpdateTitleDropdownTitles() = function:00000143207D3350 ZO_Stats_EquipmentBonus_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001439D7A1F88 ZO_Stats_EquipmentBonus_OnMouseExit() = function:000001439D7A1FC8 ZO_Stats_Gamepad_BountyDisplay_Initialize() = function:00000143CFFC7FA8 ZO_Stats_Initialize() = function:000001439D7A1F48 ZO_Stats_InitializeRidingSkills() = function:000001431347FF00 ZO_StatusBar_GetTargetValue() = function:0000014409E09690 ZO_StatusBar_InitializeDefaultColors() = function:0000014409E090F0 ZO_StatusBar_SetGradientColor() = function:0000014409E090B0 ZO_StatusBar_SmoothTransition() = function:0000014409E03DB0 ZO_StealthIcon = table:00000144D864D1D0 (meta 00000144D864D218} firstTable firstMeta AnimateInStealthText() = function:00000144D864D568 ApplyPlatformStyle() = function:00000144D864D3C0 HideStealthText() = function:00000144D864D5A8 Initialize() = function:00000144D864D400 New() = function:00000144D864D260 OnDisguiseStateChanged() = function:00000144D864D820 OnStealthStateChanged() = function:00000144D864D7E0 RefreshStealthReticle() = function:00000144D864D760 SnapEyeAnimationToPoint() = function:00000143214C1BE0 UpdateStealthEye() = function:00000144D864D6C8 __index = table:00000144D864D1D0 (meta 00000144D864D218} ZO_StoreManager = table:00000143DB1E08D0 (meta 00000143DB1E0918} firstTable firstMeta ApplySort() = function:00000143DB1E0FF0 BuyMultiplePurchase() = function:00000143DB1E12B8 ChangeFilter() = function:00000143DB1E0CE8 GetStoreItems() = function:00000143DB1E10F0 GetWindowMode() = function:00000143DB1E1340 HasEnoughCurrencyToBuyItem() = function:00000143DB1E1238 Initialize() = function:00000143DB1E0A00 InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() = function:00000143DB1E0C28 InitializeStore() = function:00000143DB1E0A80 InitializeTabs() = function:00000143DB1E0BA8 New() = function:00000143DB1E0990 OpenBuyMultiple() = function:00000143DB1E1278 PreviewStoreEntry() = function:00000143DB1E13C0 RebuildTabs() = function:00000143DB1E0BE8 RefreshBuyMultiple() = function:00000143DB1E12F8 RefreshCurrency() = function:00000143DB1E1070 SetCurrencyControl() = function:00000143DB1E1030 SetUpBuySlot() = function:00000143DB1E1178 ShouldAddItemToList() = function:00000143DB1E0D28 SortData() = function:00000143DB1E0F70 TogglePreviewMode() = function:00000143DB1E1380 UpdateFilters() = function:00000143DB1E10B0 UpdateFreeSlots() = function:00000143DB1E0CA8 UpdateList() = function:00000143DB1E1130 __index = table:00000143DB1E08D0 (meta 00000143DB1E0918} ZO_StoreManager_GetStoreFilterTypes() = function:00000143E97C2CE8 ZO_StoreManager_GetStoreItems() = function:00000143E97C2CA8 ZO_StoreManager_OnPurchased() = function:00000143E97C2E98 ZO_StorePanelTabContainer = userdata:00000143DB1E09F0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_StoreWindow = userdata:00000143DB1E2ED8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_StoreWindowFilterDivider = userdata:00000143DB1E3720 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindowFilterDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E97CADA8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindowFilterDividerRight = userdata:00000143DB1E3A00 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindowInfoBar = userdata:00000143DB1E5218 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindowInfoBarCurrency1 = userdata:00000143DB1E54D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindowInfoBarCurrency2 = userdata:00000143DB1E5550 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindowInfoBarDivider = userdata:00000143DB1E5288 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindowInfoBarDividerLeft = userdata:00000143DB1E5300 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindowInfoBarDividerRight = userdata:00000143DB1E5378 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindowInfoBarFreeSlots = userdata:00000143DB1E53F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindowInfoBarMoney = userdata:00000143DB1E5460 (meta 00000143DB1E67B0} firstMeta firstIndex currencyArgs = table:00000143DB1E66B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB1E6700 firstTable isUsed = false type = 1 numUsedCurrencies = 0 ZO_StoreWindowList = userdata:00000143DB1E4450 (meta 00000143DB1E4D98} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000143DB1E4F58 firstTable animation = userdata:00000143DB1E5050 (meta 00000143DB1E50A8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143DB1E4450 (meta 00000143DB1E4D98} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000143DB1E4FE8 firstTable contents = userdata:00000143DB1E44C0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143DB1E4E10 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143DB1E4D08 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DB1E72A8 firstTable height = 52 pool = table:00000143DB1E71A0 (meta 000001436860E718} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143DB1E71E8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:00000143DB1E70A0 m_Free = table:00000143DB1E7260 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000143C025DEA8 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001431C09B418 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:00000143DB1E4720 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:00000143DB1E4530 (meta 00000143DB1E47D8} timeline = userdata:00000143DB1E4E00 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 52 upButton = userdata:00000143DB1E46A8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:00000143DB1E5178 firstTable ZO_StoreWindowListContents = userdata:00000143DB1E44C0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_StoreWindowListScrollBar = userdata:00000143DB1E4530 (meta 00000143DB1E47D8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143DB1E4780 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143DB1E4750 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_StoreWindowListScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143DB1E4720 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_StoreWindowListScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143DB1E4638 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindowListScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143DB1E46A8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_StoreWindowListSellToVendorArea = userdata:00000143DB1E4898 (meta 00000143DB1E4BB0} firstMeta firstIndex descriptor = store iconOffset = 50 ZO_StoreWindowListSellToVendorAreaBG = userdata:00000143DB1E49B0 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_StoreWindowMenu = userdata:00000143DB1E2810 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_StoreWindowMenuBar = userdata:00000143DB1E2840 (meta 00000143DB1E2998} ZO_StoreWindowMenuBarLabel = userdata:00000143DB1E28B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindowMenuDivider = userdata:00000143DB1E2B60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindowMenuDividerLeft = userdata:00000143DB1E2DF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindowMenuDividerRight = userdata:00000143DB1E2E70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindowSortBy = userdata:00000143DB1E3A68 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindowSortByArrow = userdata:00000143DB1E7250 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindowSortByName = userdata:00000143DB1E3D20 (meta 00000143DB1E3DE8} ZO_StoreWindowSortByNameName = userdata:00000143DB1E3D90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindowSortByPrice = userdata:00000143DB1E4160 (meta 00000143DB1E4228} ZO_StoreWindowSortByPriceName = userdata:00000143DB1E41D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindowSortByStatus = userdata:00000143DB1E3AD8 (meta 00000143DB1E3C20} ZO_StoreWindowSortByStatusIcon = userdata:00000143DB1E3B50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindowSortByStatusMouseover = userdata:00000143DB1E3BC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindowSortByTraitInfo = userdata:00000143DB1E3EE8 (meta 00000143DB1E4038} ZO_StoreWindowSortByTraitInfoIcon = userdata:00000143DB1E3F60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindowSortByTraitInfoMouseover = userdata:00000143DB1E3FE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindowTabs = userdata:00000143DB1E3400 (meta 00000143DB1E3558} ZO_StoreWindowTabsActive = userdata:00000143DB1E3470 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_Gamepad = userdata:00000143E75DB8A8 (meta 00000143E75DDEB8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMask = userdata:00000143E75DB918 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainer = userdata:00000143E75DB990 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143E75DBA18 (meta 00000143E75DD258} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143E75DBAA8 (meta 00000143E75DE9C8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143E75DBAA8 (meta 00000143E75DE9C8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143E75DCDF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143E75DCD60 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143E75DCF18 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143E75DCE88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143E75DD040 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143E75DCFB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143E75DD168 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143E75DD0D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143E75DC588 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143E75DC818 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E75DCA18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E75DC8C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143E75DC968 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143E75DC628 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143E75DC770 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143E75DCAC0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E75DCCC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E75DCB68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143E75DCC18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143E75DC6D0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143E75DC258 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143E75DC2F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E75DC4F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E75DC3A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143E75DC448 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143E75DD200 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143E75DC128 (meta 00000143E75DECA0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E75DEF08 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E75DEA98 (meta 0000014405F8D010} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E75DF030 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E75DC128 (meta 00000143E75DECA0} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E75DF3A8 firstTable dataList = table:00000143E75DF168 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143E75DEFE8 firstTable ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate = table:00000143E75DF920 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E75DF7C8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E75DF810 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E75DF858 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate parent = userdata:00000143E75DC1C0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143C358AFC8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:00000143E75DEB10 firstTable enabled = true entryAnchors = table:00000143E75DF4B8 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 hideUnselectedControls = true isMoving = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143E75DF500 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75DF570 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E75DF5B8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_SHOULDER 2 = table:00000143E75DF638 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E75DF728 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_SHOULDER leftIcon = userdata:00000143E75DC628 (meta 0000014308331CA0} maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = false movementController = table:00000143E75DEFA0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E75DF240 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E75DF2D0 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143E75DF1F8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E75DF288 firstTable rightIcon = userdata:00000143E75DC6D0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollControl = userdata:00000143E75DC1C0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E75DF318 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143E75DF1B0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 0 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143E75DF3F0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E75DF360 firstTable ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143E75DC1C0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143E75DBB48 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143E75DBBE8 (meta 00000143E75DBE28} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143E75DBBF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75DBC78 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143E75DBCF0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143E75DBD68 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerMain = userdata:00000143E75DFA78 (meta 00000143E75DFDA8} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143E75DFAF8 (meta 00000143E75E0080} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E75E0290 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E75DFE78 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable _fragment = table:00000143E75E0F60 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E75E13E8 control = userdata:00000143E75DFA78 (meta 00000143E75DFDA8} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E75E0FA8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E75E0FF0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E75E1080 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E10F8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E75E1160 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E75E1300 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E13A0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E75E14E8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143E75DFCC0 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E75E0CC8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E75E0D10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E0D58 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E0C48 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143E75E0E20 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E0EC0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E0DD8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E75E03B8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E75DFAF8 (meta 00000143E75E0080} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E75E06C0 firstTable dataList = table:00000143E75E0480 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143E75E0370 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000143E75E0898 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E75E0750 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E75E0798 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E75E07E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143E75DFB80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E75E08E0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E75E0928 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E75E0BB0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E75E0AB0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E75E0B70 m_Active = table:00000143E75E0970 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E75E09E8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E75DFB80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143E75DFEF0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E75E0328 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E75DFD50 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E75E0558 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E75E05E8 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143E75E0510 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E75E05A0 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143E75DFB80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E75E0630 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143E75E04C8 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143E75E0708 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E75E0678 firstTable ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerMainList = userdata:00000143E75DFAF8 (meta 00000143E75E0080} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143E75DFC18 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143E75DFCC0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E75DFD50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScroll = userdata:00000143E75DFB80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode1 = userdata:00000143E75E1FC8 (meta 00000143E75E2298} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode1List = userdata:00000143E75E2050 (meta 00000143E75E2570} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E75E27A0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E75E2368 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable AddItems() = function:00000143DDBE7040 UpdateList() = function:00000143DDBE7168 _fragment = table:00000143E75E2FF0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E75E3448 callbackRegistry = table:00000143E75E4260 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E75E42A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E42F0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E41E0 3 = false control = userdata:00000143E75E1FC8 (meta 00000143E75E2298} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143E75E2050 (meta 00000143E75E2570} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E75E3038 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E75E3080 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E75E3110 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E3158 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E75E31C0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E75E3360 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E3400 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E75E3548 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143E75E21B0 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E75E2CE0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E75E2D28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E2D70 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E2C60 3 = false 2 = table:00000143E75E3C40 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E3BF8 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143E75E2E58 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E2EF8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E2E10 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E75E28C8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E75E2050 (meta 00000143E75E2570} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E75E4030 firstTable dataList = table:00000143E75E3DF0 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143E75E2880 firstTable ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate = table:00000143E75E37E0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E75E36D8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E75E40C0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E75E3798 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode1ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143E75E20E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143E75E1E40 ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E75E3880 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143DDBE6EE8 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E75E38C8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E75E3B60 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E75E3A60 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E75E3B20 m_Active = table:00000143E75E4108 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E75E3988 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode1ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E75E20E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143E75E1E40 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143E75E23E0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E75E2838 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E75E2240 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E75E3EC8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E75E3F58 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143E75E3E80 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E75E3F10 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143E75E20E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E75E3FA0 firstTable sortFunc() = function:00000143DDBE6160 soundEnabled = true storeMode = 1 template = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate templateList = table:00000143E75E3E38 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143E75E4078 firstTable updateFunc() = function:00000143DDBE6470 validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E75E3FE8 firstTable ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode1ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143E75E2180 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode1ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143E75E21B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode1ListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E75E2240 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode1ListScroll = userdata:00000143E75E20E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode2 = userdata:00000143E75E4DE0 (meta 00000143E75E50C0} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143E75E4E68 (meta 00000143E75E5398} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E75E55C8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E75E5190 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable AddItems() = function:00000143DDBE7040 UpdateList() = function:00000143DDBE7168 _fragment = table:00000143E75E5DC0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E75E6210 callbackRegistry = table:00000143E75E7010 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E75E7058 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E70A0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E6F90 3 = false control = userdata:00000143E75E4DE0 (meta 00000143E75E50C0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E75E5E08 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E75E5E50 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E75E5EE0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E5F58 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E75E6068 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E75E6180 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E61C8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E75E6310 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143E75E4FD8 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E75E5B08 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E75E5B50 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E5B98 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E5A88 3 = false 2 = table:00000143E75E6A38 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E69F0 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143E75E5C80 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E5D20 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E5C38 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E75E56F0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E75E4E68 (meta 00000143E75E5398} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E75E6E28 firstTable dataList = table:00000143E75E6BE8 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143E75E56A8 firstTable ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate = table:00000143E75E6630 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E75E64A0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E75E6EB8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E75E6560 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode2ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143E75E4EF8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143E75E4C88 ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E75E6678 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143DDBE6EE8 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E75E66C0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E75E6958 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E75E6858 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E75E6918 m_Active = table:00000143E75E6F00 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E75E6780 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode2ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E75E4EF8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143E75E4C88 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143E75E5208 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E75E5660 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E75E5068 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E75E6CC0 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E75E6D50 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143E75E6C78 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E75E6D08 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143E75E4EF8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E75E6D98 firstTable sortFunc() = function:00000143DDBE6160 soundEnabled = true storeMode = 2 template = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate templateList = table:00000143E75E6C30 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143E75E6E70 firstTable updateFunc() = function:00000143DDBE6580 validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E75E6DE0 firstTable ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode2List = userdata:00000143E75E4E68 (meta 00000143E75E5398} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode2ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143E75E4F28 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode2ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143E75E4FD8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode2ListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E75E5068 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode2ListScroll = userdata:00000143E75E4EF8 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3 = userdata:00000143E75E78C8 (meta 00000143E75E7C18} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3List = userdata:00000143E75E7950 (meta 00000143E75E7EF0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E75E8120 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E75E7CE8 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable AddItems() = function:00000143DDBE7040 UpdateList() = function:00000143DDBE7168 _fragment = table:00000143E75E88D8 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E75E8D60 callbackRegistry = table:00000143E189FA90 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E189FAD8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E189FB50 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E189FA10 3 = false control = userdata:00000143E75E78C8 (meta 00000143E75E7C18} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143E75E7950 (meta 00000143E75E7EF0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E75E8920 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E75E8968 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E75E89F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E8A70 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E75E8AD8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E75E8C78 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E8D18 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E75E8E60 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143E75E7B30 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E75E8660 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E75E86A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E86F0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E85E0 3 = false 2 = table:00000143E75E9500 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E94B8 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143E75E87B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E8858 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E8770 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E75E8248 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E75E7950 (meta 00000143E75E7EF0} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E75E98F0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E75F4C60 (meta 00000143DB1EA170} 10 = userdata:00000143E189D908 (meta 00000143E189E450} 2 = userdata:00000143E188B350 (meta 00000143E188E6A8} 3 = userdata:00000143E18898A0 (meta 00000143E18908E0} 4 = userdata:00000143E1891EF8 (meta 00000143E1892A20} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 cooldown = userdata:00000143E18925B8 (meta 0000014308316C08} dataIndex = 4 headerControl = userdata:00000143E1893F68 (meta 00000143083425C0} highlight = userdata:00000143E1892180 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143E18920B0 (meta 00000143E1892460} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143E1893FA0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inCooldown = false key = 2 label = userdata:00000143E1891FF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143E1892250 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143E1892688 (meta 00000143E18926E0} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 subStatusIcon = userdata:00000143E1892320 (meta 00000143E1892378} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader 5 = userdata:00000143E188E7F0 (meta 00000143E188BC38} 6 = userdata:00000143E188C750 (meta 00000143E1895E38} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 cooldown = userdata:00000143E18959F8 (meta 0000014308316C08} dataIndex = 6 highlight = userdata:00000143E1895638 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143E1895578 (meta 00000143E18958A8} inCooldown = false key = 4 label = userdata:00000143E18954C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143E18956F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143E1895AC0 (meta 00000143E1895B18} subStatusIcon = userdata:00000143E18957C0 (meta 00000143E1895818} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate 7 = userdata:00000143E1897460 (meta 00000143E1897FA8} 8 = userdata:00000143E1899650 (meta 00000143E189A198} 9 = userdata:00000143E189B800 (meta 00000143E189C348} dataList = table:00000143E75E96B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E9B90 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1haxe_d.dds dataSource = table:000001439F038228 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ornate condition = 100 customSortOrder = 0 equipType = 5 filterData = table:000001439F0382D8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1haxe_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = true isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2347546020 itemType = 1 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedite Axe quality = 1 rawName = rubedite axe^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439F038320 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 132 type = 1 sellPrice = 175 slotIndex = 132 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 175 statValue = 1025 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 1 traitInformation = 2 traitInformationSortOrder = 4 uniqueId = 4.5392494203768 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Ornate iconsNormal = table:00000143E75E9BD8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1haxe_d.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9C20 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Rubedite Axe uniqueId = 4.5392494203768 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9D10 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 10 = table:00000143E75EAC28 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_imperial_neck_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143A4C37778 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Apparel condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143098915F8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_imperial_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1252533235 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Necklace of Succession quality = 4 rawName = Necklace of Succession requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014309891640 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 51 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 51 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3081175022197e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EAC70 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_imperial_neck_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Necklace of Succession uniqueId = 1.3081175022197e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 100 = table:00000143E75D2250 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgrievoust_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143B8234EF0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143B8234F38 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgrievoust_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1040990557 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Lord Warden Dusk's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Lord Warden Dusk's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B8234FA0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 144 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 144 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3444800267951e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75D2298 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgrievoust_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Lord Warden Dusk's Epaulets uniqueId = 1.3444800267951e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 101 = table:00000143E75E9E00 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143F99F90F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143F99F9188 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 605685183 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Malubeth the Scourger's Arm Cops quality = 4 rawName = Malubeth the Scourger's Arm Cops requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F99F91D0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 55 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 55 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3070699652159e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75E9E48 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Malubeth the Scourger's Arm Cops uniqueId = 1.3070699652159e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 102 = table:00000143E75E9EB0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143EC4069A8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143F8B9EBF0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1721989437 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Malubeth the Scourger's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Malubeth the Scourger's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8B9EC58 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 143 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 143 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2578792249582e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75CF520 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Malubeth the Scourger's Epaulets uniqueId = 1.2578792249582e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 103 = table:00000143E75D40C8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143F8B9EB60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143EC406618 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 908462730 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Malubeth the Scourger's Pauldron quality = 4 rawName = Malubeth the Scourger's Pauldron requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC406680 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 141 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 141 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3444705761592e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75D4110 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Malubeth the Scourger's Pauldron uniqueId = 1.3444705761592e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 104 = table:00000143E97CD770 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedclivia_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:000001439F0385B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001439F48EBF0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedclivia_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4076914097 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Molag Kena's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Molag Kena's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8B9EA70 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 140 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 140 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3357177196517e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E97CD7B8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedclivia_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Molag Kena's Epaulets uniqueId = 1.3357177196517e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 105 = table:00000143134B5228 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_lich_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D6A58A88 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isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1399849742 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nerien'eth's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Nerien'eth's Epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439F48EC38 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 137 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 137 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3458771611421e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143134B3830 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_lich_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Nerien'eth's Epaulets uniqueId = 1.3458771611421e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 107 = table:00000143134A1390 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_lich_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D6A58918 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143D6A58998 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_lich_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 283545488 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Nerien'eth's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Nerien'eth's Epaulets^p requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144D8646510 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 45 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 45 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1355 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3056981950628e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143134A13D8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_lich_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Nerien'eth's Epaulets uniqueId = 1.3056981950628e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 108 = table:0000014313498418 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_lich_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143BC87C588 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = 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0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sellistrix's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Sellistrix's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143210AA908 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 126 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 126 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3061095827259e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75D77E8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlamia_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Sellistrix's Epaulets uniqueId = 1.3061095827259e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 11 = table:00000143E75EACD8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable 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false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.303023383784e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EAD20 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_imperial_neck_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Necklace of Succession uniqueId = 1.303023383784e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 110 = table:00000143E75D3C60 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlamia_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143210AA048 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143210AA5D8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlamia_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1186148624 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sellistrix's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = Sellistrix's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143210AA640 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 124 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 124 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3373200707851e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75D3CA8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlamia_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Sellistrix's Pauldrons uniqueId = 1.3373200707851e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 111 = table:00000143134B0FF8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcenturion_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143E13829A0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000144CCF5C118 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcenturion_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3143086854 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Arm Cops quality = 4 rawName = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Arm Cops requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144CCF5C180 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 122 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 122 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.323503075103e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143134B1040 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcenturion_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Arm Cops uniqueId = 1.323503075103e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 112 = table:00000143134BA988 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcenturion_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143E13827B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143E1382848 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcenturion_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3498574680 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E13828B0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 121 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 121 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.352481187768e-313 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= false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3839074120 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Slimecraw's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Slimecraw's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014313216038 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 112 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 112 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.325272752091e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75CD9B8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcrocodile_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Slimecraw's Epaulets uniqueId = 1.325272752091e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 114 = table:00000143E75EA220 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcrocodile_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D10372D8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143D1037320 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcrocodile_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3721534679 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Slimecraw's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = Slimecraw's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D1037368 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 30 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 30 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3025910218979e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EA268 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcrocodile_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Slimecraw's Pauldrons uniqueId = 1.3025910218979e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 115 = table:00000143E97BD6F8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgiantspider_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:0000014473532AE0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 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= 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Swarm Mother's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Swarm Mother's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144735329F0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 106 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 106 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3407939477727e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75DBF10 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgiantspider_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Swarm Mother's Epaulets uniqueId = 1.3407939477727e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 117 = table:00000143E75EC518 (meta 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stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.352847397031e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EC560 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgiantspider_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Swarm Mother's Pauldrons uniqueId = 1.352847397031e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 118 = table:00000143E75EC5C8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgiantspider_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143CFE456E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001439DBF23D0 firstTable 1 = 2 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meetsUsageRequirement = true name = The Engine Guardian's Arm Cops quality = 4 rawName = The Engine Guardian's Arm Cops requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D1A51710 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 102 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 102 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3488937049306e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143DB1EAAF0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunteddwemer_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = The Engine Guardian's Arm Cops uniqueId = 1.3488937049306e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 12 = table:00000143E75EAD68 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = 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false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3611740359 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = The Troll King's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = The Troll King's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D2B7F3B8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 101 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 101 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3487665744783e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143DB1EAB80 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedtroll_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = The Troll 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table:0000014368A0E438 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 22 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 22 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3249562147553e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143DB1EAC30 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedtroll_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = The Troll King's Pauldrons uniqueId = 1.3249562147553e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 122 = table:00000143DB1EF6B8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedsuneripper_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143CFE45500 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 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51 slotIndex = 26 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.307069965957e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143134B10A8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedsuneripper_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Tremorscale's Pauldrons uniqueId = 1.307069965957e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 125 = table:00000143134BAA38 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_magma_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D6A5DE80 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 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2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Velidreth's Arm Cops quality = 4 rawName = Velidreth's Arm Cops requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143098954A0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 90 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 90 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3487665747254e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143134A1440 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_hoarvordaedra_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Velidreth's Arm Cops uniqueId = 1.3487665747254e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 127 = table:00000143134984C8 (meta 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meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Keep Wall Masonry Repair Kit quality = 1 rawName = Keep Wall Masonry Repair Kit requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A0218678 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 177 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 177 specializedItemType = 2100 stackCount = 66 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 8 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203218 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75DBF78 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_heavy_armor_sp_names_001.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9C20 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Keep Wall Masonry Repair Kit uniqueId = 4.5392494203218 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9D10 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 13 = table:00000143E75EAE18 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable 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requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143A0218868 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 178 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 178 specializedItemType = 2100 stackCount = 26 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 8 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.539249420318 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EC118 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/ava_siege_improvement_002.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9C20 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Siege Repair Kit uniqueId = 4.539249420318 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9D10 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 132 = table:00000143E75D1348 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_filled.dds dataSource = table:00000143D2B7B9F8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = 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meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Soul Gem quality = 2 rawName = Soul Gem requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143CFE43D18 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 96 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 96 specializedItemType = 900 stackCount = 199 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 5970 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 6 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 7.7580728788422e-314 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75D1440 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_filled.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB5A8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Soul Gem uniqueId = 7.7580728788422e-314 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB638 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 134 = table:00000143E75D14A8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = 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traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202569 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75D14F0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_empty.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9C20 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Soul Gem (Empty) uniqueId = 4.5392494202569 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9D10 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 135 = table:00000143E75EC160 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_empty.dds dataSource = table:00000143F8B94A18 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Soul Gem condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143D2B7ACD0 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_empty.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2808723548 itemType = 19 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Soul Gem (Empty) quality = 1 rawName = Soul Gem (Empty) requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D2B7AD18 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 91 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 91 specializedItemType = 900 stackCount = 200 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1000 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 6 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.058775458219e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143DB1EF830 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_empty.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9C20 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Soul Gem (Empty) uniqueId = 1.058775458219e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9D10 (meta 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stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 1000 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 6 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203357 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143134AC130 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_empty.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9C20 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Soul Gem (Empty) uniqueId = 4.5392494203357 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9D10 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 137 = table:00000143E75F4BF8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_empty.dds dataSource = table:00000143E34643E8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Soul Gem condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143E3464430 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/soulgem_006_empty.dds 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1 uniqueId = 1.3639041964165e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F4F48 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dwarvenscavenged_staff_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EBF58 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = The Maelstrom's Restoration Staff uniqueId = 1.3639041964165e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB5F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 14 = table:00000143E75EAEC8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds dataSource = table:000001439F48ED28 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Apparel condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 2 filterData = table:000001439F48EDB0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false 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250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 84 statValue = 1335 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 1 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.30574151879e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F4FF8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_ancient_elf_staff_c.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EBF58 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Zaven's Doomstaff uniqueId = 1.30574151879e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB5F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 141 = table:00000143E75F5060 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dwarvenscavenged_2hsword_a.dds dataSource = table:0000014314B736F0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Sword condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 6 filterData = table:00000143D2B7C358 firstTable 1 = 1 iconFile = 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name = Warrior-Poet's Sword quality = 3 rawName = Warrior-Poet's Sword requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E1382668 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 119 type = 1 sellPrice = 50 slotIndex = 119 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 1108 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 1 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202992 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143D6B1E3C0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redoran_1hsword_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB800 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Warrior-Poet's Sword uniqueId = 4.5392494202992 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB8F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 143 = table:00000143D6B1E368 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/lockpick.dds dataSource = 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itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Belt of Cyrodiil's Ward quality = 4 rawName = Belt of Cyrodiil's Ward requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014368A0B5A8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 34 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 34 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 754 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2827990732187e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Waist iconsNormal = table:00000143D6B1EA88 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_aldmeri_medium_waist_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Belt of Cyrodiil's Ward uniqueId = 1.2827990732187e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 145 = 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= 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 493 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3055271269574e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143D6B1EDE8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_daedric_light_waist_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB800 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Burning Spellweave Sash uniqueId = 1.3055271269574e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB8F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 146 = table:00000143D6B1ED90 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_waist_d.dds dataSource = table:0000014368A0E578 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Waist condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 8 filterData = table:0000014368A0E600 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_waist_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 471326373 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Girdle of Tava's Favor quality = 4 rawName = Girdle of Tava's Favor requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014368A0E648 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 23 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 23 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 1003 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.0391867871187e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143D6B1F670 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_orc_heavy_waist_d.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = 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searchData = table:00000143F8B9E848 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 148 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 148 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 736 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3233180811151e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143D6B1F738 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_khajiit_medium_waist_d.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB800 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Jailbreaker Belt uniqueId = 1.3233180811151e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB8F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 148 = table:00000143D6B1FB08 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_artifactwormcultlight_waist_a.dds dataSource = table:0000014314CF4A98 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 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false iconsNormal = table:00000143D6B1FA98 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_artifactwormcultlight_waist_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Sash of the Worm Cult uniqueId = 1.3106483016136e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 15 = table:00000143E75EAF78 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds dataSource = table:000001439F02B5E0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Apparel condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143D2B83F90 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2359220155 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Necklace of the Sergeant quality = 4 rawName = Necklace of the Sergeant requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D2B83FD8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 39 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 39 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2692196394669e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EAFC0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Necklace of the Sergeant uniqueId = 1.2692196394669e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 16 = table:00000143E75EB028 (meta 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statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3068284007609e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EB070 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Necklace of the Undaunted Bastion uniqueId = 1.3068284007609e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 17 = table:00000143E75EB0D8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143B8235A90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Apparel condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143D2B7E9B0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = 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meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Rubedite Mace quality = 1 rawName = rubedite mace^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D1A518E0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 118 type = 1 sellPrice = 175 slotIndex = 118 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 175 statValue = 1025 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 1 traitInformation = 2 traitInformationSortOrder = 4 uniqueId = 4.5392494203754 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75E9F48 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1hhammer_d.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9C20 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Rubedite Mace uniqueId = 4.5392494203754 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9D10 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 20 = table:00000143E75EB2E8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = 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false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 153361515 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Uulgarg's Bones quality = 4 rawName = Uulgarg's Bones requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144CCF6A3B0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 47 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 47 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2692195089348e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EB3E0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Uulgarg's Bones uniqueId = 1.2692195089348e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 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= 1 b = 0.054901964962482 g = 0.77254909276962 r = 0.17647059261799 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Bow of Cyrodiil's Ward uniqueId = 1.2538205599652e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB638 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0 g = 0.52254909276962 r = 0 24 = table:00000143E75EB770 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_aldmeri_medium_chest_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143F8B9E990 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Chest condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 3 filterData = table:00000143C7B926F8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_aldmeri_medium_chest_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1489722585 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jack of Cyrodiil's Ward quality = 3 rawName = Jack of Cyrodiil's Ward requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143C7B92760 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 150 type = 1 sellPrice = 60 slotIndex = 150 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 60 statValue = 1964 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2538204449962e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Chest iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EB7B8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_aldmeri_medium_chest_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB800 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 0.57254904508591 r = 0.22745099663734 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Jack of Cyrodiil's Ward uniqueId = 1.2538204449962e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB8F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 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slotIndex = 128 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 61 statValue = 1348 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3523582661128e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EBA28 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_artifactwormcultlight_robe_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Robe of the Worm Cult uniqueId = 1.3523582661128e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 26 = table:00000143E75EBB38 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_trinimac_light_robe_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D1A47828 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Chest condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 3 filterData = 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meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Warrior-Poet's Dagger quality = 3 rawName = Warrior-Poet's Dagger requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014313F64788 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 130 type = 1 sellPrice = 50 slotIndex = 130 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 1108 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 1 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202902 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Dagger iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EBC30 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redoran_dagger_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB800 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Warrior-Poet's Dagger uniqueId = 4.5392494202902 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB8F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 28 = table:00000143E75EBC98 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = 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0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Furnishing condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143B8235178 firstTable 1 = 21 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bre_inc_painting_elegant003.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = true isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1741603516 itemType = 61 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Painting of Creek, Sturdy quality = 4 rawName = Painting of Creek, Sturdy requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143B82351E8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 147 type = 1 sellPrice = 100 slotIndex = 147 specializedItemType = 210 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 100 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 11 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203432 enabled 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name = Mace of Bahraha's Curse quality = 3 rawName = mace of Bahraha's Curse requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143098952E0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 86 type = 1 sellPrice = 50 slotIndex = 86 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 1108 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 1 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203692 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Hammer iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EC0D0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_thievesguildv2_1hhammer_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB800 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Mace of Bahraha's Curse uniqueId = 4.5392494203692 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB8F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 33 = table:00000143E75EC1E0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = 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itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sword Dancer's Bracers quality = 3 rawName = Sword Dancer's Bracers requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014368A0EEF0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 103 type = 1 sellPrice = 30 slotIndex = 103 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 30 statValue = 982 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3344306428245e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75ECB78 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_redguard_medium_hands_d.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB800 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Sword Dancer's Bracers uniqueId = 1.3344306428245e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB8F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 38 = table:00000143E75ECE68 (meta 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rawName = Ancient Necklace requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D2B7EF60 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 81 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 81 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3069638794404e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Apparel iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EA388 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.96862751245499 g = 0.1803921610117 r = 0.62745100259781 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ancient Necklace uniqueId = 1.3069638794404e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.71862751245499 g = 0 r = 0.37745100259781 40 = table:00000143E75ED4D8 (meta 000001431392FB40} 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statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3524621374367e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75ED520 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedfleshatronach_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Grothdarr's Mask uniqueId = 1.3524621374367e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 41 = table:00000143E75ED810 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_malacath_light_head_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143A4C34528 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Head condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143A4C345A8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_malacath_light_head_a.dds inventory = 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requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A4C343E0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 161 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 161 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3523994468796e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EDB90 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_artifactwormcultlight_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Hat of the Worm Cult uniqueId = 1.3523994468796e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 43 = table:00000143E75EDE80 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_bosmer_heavy_head_d.dds dataSource = table:00000143BC860A18 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Head condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143A4C34138 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_bosmer_heavy_head_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1694288748 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Helm of the Green Pact quality = 4 rawName = Helm of the Green Pact requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A4C341A8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 160 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 160 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.356031889592e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EDEC8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_bosmer_heavy_head_d.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Helm of the Green Pact uniqueId = 1.356031889592e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 44 = table:00000143E75EE1B8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_daedric_medium_head_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143BC860808 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Head condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143BC860890 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_daedric_medium_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4259903915 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Helmet of Night Terror quality = 4 rawName = Helmet of Night Terror requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143BC8608D8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 158 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 158 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3350528021036e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EE200 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_daedric_medium_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Helmet of Night Terror uniqueId = 1.3350528021036e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 45 = table:00000143E75EE4F0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedxivilai_head_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143F99F3570 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Head condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143F99F35F0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedxivilai_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 4278753256 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ilambris's Mask quality = 4 rawName = Ilambris's Mask requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F99F3638 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 59 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 59 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 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50 searchData = table:00000143D103AF78 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 153 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 153 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3555997107572e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EEBA8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlurcher_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Infernal Guardian's Mask uniqueId = 1.3555997107572e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 48 = table:00000143E75EEE98 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_khajiit_medium_head_d.dds dataSource = table:00000143D1A506B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 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4085770029 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Kra'gh's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Kra'gh's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001436192CA28 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 56 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 56 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3025733440808e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EF218 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunteddreugh_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Kra'gh's Guise uniqueId = 1.3025733440808e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 5 = table:00000143E75EA568 (meta 000001431392FB40} 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false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2970821518 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Malubeth the Scourger's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Malubeth the Scourger's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143EC4068B8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 142 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 142 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1355 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2844094085518e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EF550 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedharvester_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Malubeth the Scourger's Guise uniqueId = 1.2844094085518e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 51 = table:00000143E75EF840 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlamia_head_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143210AA730 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Head condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 1 filterData = table:0000014368A0F0B8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlamia_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1115078600 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sellistrix's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Sellistrix's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143210AA0D0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 125 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 125 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2478352367774e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EF888 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlamia_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Sellistrix's Guise uniqueId = 1.2478352367774e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 52 = table:00000143E75EFB78 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlamia_head_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143210A9E38 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Head condition = 100 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false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FC336EE8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 31 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 31 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.306025363456e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EFEF8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcenturion_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Sentinel of Rkugamz's Guise uniqueId = 1.306025363456e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 54 = table:00000143E75F01E8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable 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stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3107185733115e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F0230 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedclannfear_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Shadowrend's Mask uniqueId = 1.3107185733115e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 55 = table:00000143E75F0520 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedclannfear_head_a.dds dataSource = table:00000144D864C2B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Head condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000144D864C330 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedclannfear_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 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searchData = table:00000143D1033208 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 111 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 111 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3487284280157e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F08A0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedcrocodile_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Slimecraw's Visage uniqueId = 1.3487284280157e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 57 = table:00000143E75F0B90 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedstormatronach_head_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D1033158 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 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itemInstanceId = 4138480308 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Swarm Mother's Visage quality = 4 rawName = Swarm Mother's Visage requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439DBF9A20 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 104 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 104 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3555690027987e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F0F10 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedgiantspider_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Swarm Mother's Visage uniqueId = 1.3555690027987e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 59 = table:00000143E75F1200 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedtroll_head_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143FC336FD8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Head condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143FC337058 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedtroll_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3540670335 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = The Troll King's Mask quality = 4 rawName = The Troll King's Mask requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143FC3370A0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 32 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 32 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2024 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3486595699878e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F1248 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedtroll_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = The Troll King's Mask uniqueId = 1.3486595699878e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 6 = table:00000143E75EA968 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D2B7DD60 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Apparel condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143D2B7DDE8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inventory = 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requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D6A5C7A8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 21 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 21 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3081332573803e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F1580 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedtroll_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = The Troll King's Visage uniqueId = 1.3081332573803e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 61 = table:00000143E75F1870 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedsuneripper_head_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143E34641B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Head condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143E3464230 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedsuneripper_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1020272666 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Tremorscale's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Tremorscale's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E3464278 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 14 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 14 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3069639269695e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F18B8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedsuneripper_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Tremorscale's Guise uniqueId = 1.3069639269695e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 62 = table:00000143E75F1BA8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_hoarvordaedra_head_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143F8BA2C90 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Head condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 1 filterData = table:00000143F8B94860 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_hoarvordaedra_head_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2820892955 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Velidreth's Guise quality = 4 rawName = Velidreth's Guise requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8B948A8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 88 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 88 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3138870094802e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F1BF0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_hoarvordaedra_head_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Velidreth's Guise uniqueId = 1.3138870094802e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 63 = table:00000143E75F1EE0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_light_legs_d.dds dataSource = table:000001436192CB68 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Legs condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000144D8635E78 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_light_legs_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1065196932 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Breeches of Destruction Mastery quality = 3 rawName = Breeches of Destruction Mastery requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000144D8635EC0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 57 type = 1 sellPrice = 60 slotIndex = 57 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 60 statValue = 1151 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1996526775388e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Legs iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F1F28 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_altmer_light_legs_d.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB800 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Breeches of Destruction Mastery uniqueId = 1.1996526775388e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB8F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 64 = table:00000143E75F2218 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_artifactebonyheavy_legs_.dds dataSource = table:00000143CFE42140 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Legs condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 9 filterData = table:00000143CFE42188 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = 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requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8B971F0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 165 type = 1 sellPrice = 61 slotIndex = 165 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 61 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3412622684482e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F2598 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_trinimac_heavy_legs_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Greaves of Glory uniqueId = 1.3412622684482e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 66 = table:00000143E75F50B0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_heavy_legs_d.dds dataSource = table:00000143CCAFD528 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 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launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Crafting Motif 3: Wood Elf Style quality = 3 rawName = Crafting Motif 3: Wood Elf Style requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000143F8B973B8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 167 type = 1 sellPrice = 0 slotIndex = 167 specializedItemType = 60 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 0 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 6 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 54293728.00032 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Material iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F51A8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/quest_book_001.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB800 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Crafting Motif 3: Wood Elf Style uniqueId = 54293728.00032 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB8F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 68 = table:00000143E75F5210 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_001_type_005.dds dataSource = table:00000144C258A718 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Potion condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143D6A5DCB8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_001_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 617255990 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Health quality = 1 rawName = Essence of health requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D6A5DD38 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 1 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 1 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 8 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2412550109734e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Potion iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F5258 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_001_type_005.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9C20 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Essence of Health uniqueId = 1.2412550109734e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9D10 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 69 = table:00000143E75F52C0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_001_type_005.dds dataSource = table:00000143D1A48308 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Potion condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000143CCAE25D8 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = 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searchData = table:00000143A0A6E250 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 68 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 68 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3523993895186e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EAA60 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Death's Amulet uniqueId = 1.3523993895186e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 70 = table:00000143E75F5370 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_002_type_005.dds dataSource = table:00000143E6C8A6C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Potion condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 0 filterData = table:000001439F48C900 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_002_type_005.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3322891765 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Magicka quality = 1 rawName = Essence of Magicka requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143E6C8A710 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 3 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 3 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 100 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 500 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 8 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2562069007896e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = 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= 1733560244 itemType = 7 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Essence of Stamina quality = 1 rawName = Essence of stamina requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D2B7E968 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 33 type = 1 sellPrice = 5 slotIndex = 33 specializedItemType = 450 stackCount = 89 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 445 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 8 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3163813692601e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F56F0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/consumable_potion_003_type_005.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9C20 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Essence of Stamina uniqueId = 1.3163813692601e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9D10 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 72 = table:00000143E75F59E0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143C7B96D98 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:0000014473531798 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2811090470 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Broodmother's Knot quality = 4 rawName = Broodmother's Knot requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D1A477E0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 72 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 72 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2669558945604e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Ring iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F5A28 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Broodmother's Knot uniqueId = 1.2669558945604e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 73 = table:00000143E75F5D18 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143210B17B8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143210B1800 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false 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Ring uniqueId = 1.3086391628647e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 74 = table:00000143E75F6050 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143B822FF30 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143B822FFB8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3555468790 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Burning Spellweave Ring quality = 3 rawName = Burning Spellweave Ring requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B8230000 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 13 type = 1 sellPrice = 50 slotIndex = 13 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 50 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3248840622483e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F6098 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB800 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Burning Spellweave Ring uniqueId = 1.3248840622483e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB8F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 75 = table:00000143E75F6388 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143E3464368 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = 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Hircine's Ring requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143098AADA0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 98 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 98 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2674144653939e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F6708 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Hircine's Ring uniqueId = 1.2674144653939e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 77 = table:00000143E75F69F8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D1A4EA20 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143D1A4EAA8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2546552207 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of Cyrodiil's Ward quality = 4 rawName = Ring of Cyrodiil's Ward requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D1A4EAF0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 24 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 24 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.2538204829898e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F6A40 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ring of Cyrodiil's Ward uniqueId = 1.2538204829898e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 78 = table:00000143E75F6D30 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:0000014313F64608 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143BC87C430 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3595979822 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of the Combat Physician quality = 4 rawName = Ring of the Combat Physician requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143BC87C498 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 134 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 134 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3487284280651e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F6D78 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ring of the Combat Physician uniqueId = 1.3487284280651e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 79 = table:00000143E75F7068 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:000001439DBF2508 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:000001439DBF2550 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3948551676 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of the Sergeant quality = 4 rawName = Ring of the Sergeant requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439DBF2598 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 29 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 29 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.266156987002e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F70B0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ring of the Sergeant uniqueId = 1.266156987002e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 8 = table:00000143E75EAAC8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_imperial_neck_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143F99F5788 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Apparel condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 2 filterData = table:00000143F99F5808 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_imperial_neck_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2404631591 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Mara's Blessing quality = 4 rawName = Mara's Blessing requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F99F5850 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 54 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 54 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.1288388407074e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EAB10 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_imperial_neck_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Mara's Blessing uniqueId = 1.1288388407074e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 80 = table:00000143E75F73A0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:000001439F038410 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:000001439F038458 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1801604920 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of the Tormentor quality = 4 rawName = Ring of the Tormentor requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439F038608 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 133 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 133 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3540807284091e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F73E8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ring of the Tormentor uniqueId = 1.3540807284091e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 81 = table:00000143E75F76D8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143A0A6E1C0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:0000014314B73508 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = 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Tormentor requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439F48C980 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 5 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 5 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3044505094967e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F7A58 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ring of the Tormentor uniqueId = 1.3044505094967e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 83 = table:00000143E75F7D48 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143098953D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143F8BA2AF8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 23 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1726086347 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of the Twin Sisters quality = 4 rawName = Ring of the Twin Sisters requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8BA2B40 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 87 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 87 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494202169 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F7D90 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ring of the Twin Sisters uniqueId = 4.5392494202169 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 84 = table:00000143E75F8080 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:0000014313F64878 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:0000014313F648F8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2624595005 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of the Worm Cult quality = 4 rawName = Ring of the Worm Cult requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014313F64A08 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 131 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 131 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3523994607135e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F80C8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ring of the Worm Cult uniqueId = 1.3523994607135e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 85 = table:00000143E75F83B8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143B82358D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143B8235958 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1540945704 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of Trinimac's Valor quality = 4 rawName = Ring of Trinimac's Valor requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143B82359A0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 35 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 35 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 9.5380841762114e-314 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F8400 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ring of Trinimac's Valor uniqueId = 9.5380841762114e-314 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 86 = table:00000143E75F86F0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D1A48540 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143D1A48588 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1077039943 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ring of Truth quality = 4 rawName = Ring of Truth requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:0000014314B5F0E8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 6 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 6 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3455291006395e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F8738 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ring of Truth uniqueId = 1.3455291006395e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 87 = table:00000143E75F8A28 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:000001439F026C50 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:000001439F026CD0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1608421066 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Scamplord's Signet quality = 4 rawName = Scamplord's Signet requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439F026D18 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 8 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 8 specializedItemType = 0 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 5 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3086391094068e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F8A70 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Scamplord's Signet uniqueId = 1.3086391094068e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 88 = table:00000143E75F8D60 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_ring_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D2B78810 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Ring condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 12 filterData = table:00000143D2B78898 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = 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rawName = The Maelstrom's Shield^n requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439F02B4F0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 38 type = 1 sellPrice = 52 slotIndex = 38 specializedItemType = 250 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 52 statValue = 1720 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 1 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3171366172255e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Shield iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F90E0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dwarvenscavenged_shield_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EBF58 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = The Maelstrom's Shield uniqueId = 1.3171366172255e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EB5F0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 9 = table:00000143E75EAB78 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds dataSource = 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151 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.305968286127e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Shoulders iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F9750 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dwarven_medium_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Automaton's Arm Cops uniqueId = 1.305968286127e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 92 = table:00000143E75F9A40 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_strangler_heavy_shoulder_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D103B5D0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001439DBF36C8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undaunted_strangler_heavy_shoulder_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 2605230425 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Chokethorn's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = Chokethorn's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439DBF3710 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 75 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 75 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3556949030769e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F9A88 firstTable 1 = 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= 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ebon Pauldron quality = 4 rawName = Ebon Pauldron requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143F8B94AA8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 92 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 92 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2692 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3457492248687e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75F9DC0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_artifactebonyheavy_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ebon Pauldron uniqueId = 1.3457492248687e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 94 = table:00000143619220E8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_trinimac_light_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:000001439F027288 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:000001439F027310 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_trinimac_light_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 852564544 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Epaulets of Trinimac's Valor quality = 4 rawName = Epaulets of Trinimac's Valor requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:000001439F027358 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 63 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 63 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 9.758485526844e-314 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143DB1EF3A8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_trinimac_light_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Epaulets of Trinimac's Valor uniqueId = 9.758485526844e-314 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 95 = table:00000143DB1F33F0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedfleshatronach_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D2B7F0B0 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143D6A563A0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = 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selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Grothdarr's Epaulets uniqueId = 1.3330362808775e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 96 = table:00000143134B0E88 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedxilvilai_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D70CC830 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143D70CC8B0 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedxilvilai_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 54855984 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ilambris's Epaulets quality = 4 rawName = Ilambris's Epaulets requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D70CC918 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 156 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 156 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1179 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 4 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3471253182444e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143DB1F3438 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedxilvilai_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ilambris's Epaulets uniqueId = 1.3471253182444e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 97 = table:00000143134B85E8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedxilvilai_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143D103B0C8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143C7B92B30 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedxilvilai_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 580593530 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Ilambris's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = Ilambris's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143C7B92B98 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 154 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 154 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2341 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.338822816654e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143134B0ED0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedxilvilai_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Ilambris's Pauldrons uniqueId = 1.338822816654e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 98 = table:00000143134AC0A0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlurcher_shoulders_a.dds dataSource = table:00000143C7B92AA8 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143D103ACD8 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlurcher_shoulders_a.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 883371077 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Infernal Guardian's Pauldrons quality = 4 rawName = Infernal Guardian's Pauldrons requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143D103AD40 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 152 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 152 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 2692 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 2 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3223229573123e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143134B8630 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_undauntedlurcher_shoulders_a.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Infernal Guardian's Pauldrons uniqueId = 1.3223229573123e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} 99 = table:00000143134B8678 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_khajiit_medium_shoulders_d.dds dataSource = table:00000143A0A6E008 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Shoulders condition = 100 customSortOrder = 2 equipType = 4 filterData = table:00000143A0A6E088 firstTable 1 = 2 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/gear_khajiit_medium_shoulders_d.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 3304532949 itemType = 2 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Jailbreaker Arm Cops quality = 4 rawName = Jailbreaker Arm Cops requiredLevel = 50 searchData = table:00000143A0A6E0D0 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 64 type = 1 sellPrice = 51 slotIndex = 64 specializedItemType = 300 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 51 statValue = 1760 statusSortOrder = 0 stolen = false storeGroup = 3 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 1.3540806653663e-313 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false iconsNormal = table:00000143E75EA0B0 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_khajiit_medium_shoulders_d.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA3D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Jailbreaker Arm Cops uniqueId = 1.3540806653663e-313 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75EA448 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} dataTypes = table:00000143E75E8200 firstTable ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate = table:00000143E75E90F8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E75E8FF0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E75E9980 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E188B350 (meta 00000143E188E6A8} 2 = userdata:00000143E18898A0 (meta 00000143E18908E0} 3 = userdata:00000143E188E7F0 (meta 00000143E188BC38} 4 = userdata:00000143E188C750 (meta 00000143E1895E38} 5 = userdata:00000143E1897460 (meta 00000143E1897FA8} 6 = userdata:00000143E1899650 (meta 00000143E189A198} 7 = userdata:00000143E189B800 (meta 00000143E189C348} 8 = userdata:00000143E189D908 (meta 00000143E189E450} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E75E90B0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 8 m_NextFree = 9 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143E75E79E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143E75E7770 ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E75E9140 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143DDBE6EE8 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E75E9188 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E75E9420 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E75E9320 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E75E93E0 m_Active = table:00000143E75E99C8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E75F4C60 (meta 00000143DB1EA170} 2 = userdata:00000143E1891EF8 (meta 00000143E1892A20} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E75E9248 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E75E79E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143E75E7770 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143E75E7D60 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E75E81B8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E75E7BC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E75E9788 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 100 = false 101 = false 102 = false 103 = false 104 = false 105 = false 106 = false 107 = false 108 = false 109 = false 11 = false 110 = false 111 = false 112 = false 113 = false 114 = false 115 = false 116 = false 117 = false 118 = false 119 = false 12 = false 120 = false 121 = false 122 = false 123 = false 124 = false 125 = false 126 = false 127 = false 128 = false 129 = false 13 = false 130 = false 131 = false 132 = false 133 = false 134 = false 135 = false 136 = false 137 = false 138 = false 139 = false 14 = false 140 = false 141 = false 142 = false 143 = false 144 = false 145 = false 146 = false 147 = false 148 = false 15 = false 16 = false 17 = false 18 = false 19 = false 2 = false 20 = false 21 = false 22 = false 23 = false 24 = false 25 = false 26 = false 27 = false 28 = false 29 = false 3 = false 30 = false 31 = false 32 = false 33 = false 34 = false 35 = false 36 = false 37 = false 38 = false 39 = false 4 = false 40 = false 41 = false 42 = false 43 = false 44 = false 45 = false 46 = false 47 = false 48 = false 49 = false 5 = false 50 = false 51 = false 52 = false 53 = false 54 = false 55 = false 56 = false 57 = false 58 = false 59 = false 6 = false 60 = false 61 = false 62 = false 63 = false 64 = false 65 = false 66 = false 67 = false 68 = false 69 = false 7 = false 70 = false 71 = false 72 = false 73 = false 74 = false 75 = false 76 = false 77 = false 78 = false 79 = false 8 = false 80 = false 81 = false 82 = false 83 = false 84 = false 85 = false 86 = false 87 = false 88 = false 89 = false 9 = false 90 = false 91 = false 92 = false 93 = false 94 = false 95 = false 96 = false 97 = false 98 = false 99 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E75E9818 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 100 = false 101 = false 102 = false 103 = false 104 = false 105 = false 106 = false 107 = false 108 = false 109 = false 11 = false 110 = false 111 = false 112 = false 113 = false 114 = false 115 = false 116 = false 117 = false 118 = false 119 = false 12 = false 120 = false 121 = false 122 = false 123 = false 124 = false 125 = false 126 = false 127 = false 128 = false 129 = false 13 = false 130 = false 131 = false 132 = false 133 = false 134 = false 135 = false 136 = false 137 = false 138 = false 139 = false 14 = false 140 = false 141 = false 142 = false 143 = false 144 = false 145 = false 146 = false 147 = false 148 = false 15 = false 16 = false 17 = false 18 = false 19 = false 2 = false 20 = false 21 = false 22 = false 23 = false 24 = false 25 = false 26 = false 27 = false 28 = false 29 = false 3 = false 30 = false 31 = false 32 = false 33 = false 34 = false 35 = false 36 = false 37 = false 38 = false 39 = false 4 = false 40 = false 41 = false 42 = false 43 = false 44 = false 45 = false 46 = false 47 = false 48 = false 49 = false 5 = false 50 = false 51 = false 52 = false 53 = false 54 = false 55 = false 56 = false 57 = false 58 = false 59 = false 6 = false 60 = false 61 = false 62 = false 63 = false 64 = false 65 = false 66 = false 67 = false 68 = false 69 = false 7 = false 70 = false 71 = false 72 = false 73 = false 74 = false 75 = false 76 = false 77 = false 78 = false 79 = false 8 = false 80 = false 81 = false 82 = false 83 = false 84 = false 85 = false 86 = false 87 = false 88 = false 89 = false 9 = false 90 = false 91 = false 92 = false 93 = false 94 = false 95 = false 96 = false 97 = false 98 = false 99 = false prePadding = table:00000143E75E9740 firstTable 1 = 0 10 = 0 100 = 0 101 = 0 102 = 0 103 = 0 104 = 0 105 = 0 106 = 0 107 = 0 108 = 0 109 = 0 11 = 0 110 = 0 111 = 0 112 = 0 113 = 0 114 = 0 115 = 0 116 = 0 117 = 0 118 = 0 119 = 0 12 = 0 120 = 0 121 = 0 122 = 0 123 = 0 124 = 0 125 = 0 126 = 0 127 = 0 128 = 0 129 = 0 13 = 0 130 = 0 131 = 0 132 = 0 133 = 0 134 = 0 135 = 0 136 = 0 137 = 0 138 = 0 139 = 0 14 = 0 140 = 0 141 = 0 142 = 0 143 = 0 144 = 0 145 = 0 146 = 0 147 = 0 148 = 0 15 = 0 16 = 0 17 = 0 18 = 0 19 = 0 2 = 0 20 = 0 21 = 0 22 = 0 23 = 0 24 = 0 25 = 0 26 = 0 27 = 0 28 = 0 29 = 0 3 = 0 30 = 0 31 = 0 32 = 0 33 = 0 34 = 0 35 = 0 36 = 0 37 = 0 38 = 0 39 = 0 4 = 0 40 = 0 41 = 0 42 = 0 43 = 0 44 = 0 45 = 0 46 = 0 47 = 0 48 = 0 49 = 0 5 = 0 50 = 0 51 = 0 52 = 0 53 = 0 54 = 0 55 = 0 56 = 0 57 = 0 58 = 0 59 = 0 6 = 0 60 = 0 61 = 0 62 = 0 63 = 0 64 = 0 65 = 0 66 = 0 67 = 0 68 = 0 69 = 0 7 = 0 70 = 0 71 = 0 72 = 0 73 = 0 74 = 0 75 = 0 76 = 0 77 = 0 78 = 0 79 = 0 8 = 0 80 = 0 81 = 0 82 = 0 83 = 0 84 = 0 85 = 0 86 = 0 87 = 0 88 = 0 89 = 0 9 = 0 90 = 0 91 = 0 92 = 0 93 = 0 94 = 0 95 = 0 96 = 0 97 = 0 98 = 0 99 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E75E97D0 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 100 = false 101 = false 102 = false 103 = false 104 = false 105 = false 106 = false 107 = false 108 = false 109 = false 11 = false 110 = false 111 = false 112 = false 113 = false 114 = false 115 = false 116 = false 117 = false 118 = false 119 = false 12 = false 120 = false 121 = false 122 = false 123 = false 124 = false 125 = false 126 = false 127 = false 128 = false 129 = false 13 = false 130 = false 131 = false 132 = false 133 = false 134 = false 135 = false 136 = false 137 = false 138 = false 139 = false 14 = false 140 = false 141 = false 142 = false 143 = false 144 = false 145 = false 146 = false 147 = false 148 = false 15 = false 16 = false 17 = false 18 = false 19 = false 2 = false 20 = false 21 = false 22 = false 23 = false 24 = false 25 = false 26 = false 27 = false 28 = false 29 = false 3 = false 30 = false 31 = false 32 = false 33 = false 34 = false 35 = false 36 = false 37 = false 38 = false 39 = false 4 = false 40 = false 41 = false 42 = false 43 = false 44 = false 45 = false 46 = false 47 = false 48 = false 49 = false 5 = false 50 = false 51 = false 52 = false 53 = false 54 = false 55 = false 56 = false 57 = false 58 = false 59 = false 6 = false 60 = false 61 = false 62 = false 63 = false 64 = false 65 = false 66 = false 67 = false 68 = false 69 = false 7 = false 70 = false 71 = false 72 = false 73 = false 74 = false 75 = false 76 = false 77 = false 78 = false 79 = false 8 = false 80 = false 81 = false 82 = false 83 = false 84 = false 85 = false 86 = false 87 = false 88 = false 89 = false 9 = false 90 = false 91 = false 92 = false 93 = false 94 = false 95 = false 96 = false 97 = false 98 = false 99 = false scrollControl = userdata:00000143E75E79E0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E75E9860 firstTable 1 = 0 10 = 0 100 = 0 101 = 0 102 = 0 103 = 0 104 = 0 105 = 0 106 = 0 107 = 0 108 = 0 109 = 0 11 = 0 110 = 0 111 = 0 112 = 0 113 = 0 114 = 0 115 = 0 116 = 0 117 = 0 118 = 0 119 = 0 12 = 0 120 = 0 121 = 0 122 = 0 123 = 0 124 = 0 125 = 0 126 = 0 127 = 0 128 = 0 129 = 0 13 = 0 130 = 0 131 = 0 132 = 0 133 = 0 134 = 0 135 = 0 136 = 0 137 = 0 138 = 0 139 = 0 14 = 0 140 = 0 141 = 0 142 = 0 143 = 0 144 = 0 145 = 0 146 = 0 147 = 0 148 = 0 15 = 0 16 = 0 17 = 0 18 = 0 19 = 0 2 = 0 20 = 0 21 = 0 22 = 0 23 = 0 24 = 0 25 = 0 26 = 0 27 = 0 28 = 0 29 = 0 3 = 0 30 = 0 31 = 0 32 = 0 33 = 0 34 = 0 35 = 0 36 = 0 37 = 0 38 = 0 39 = 0 4 = 0 40 = 0 41 = 0 42 = 0 43 = 0 44 = 0 45 = 0 46 = 0 47 = 0 48 = 0 49 = 0 5 = 0 50 = 0 51 = 0 52 = 0 53 = 0 54 = 0 55 = 0 56 = 0 57 = 0 58 = 0 59 = 0 6 = 0 60 = 0 61 = 0 62 = 0 63 = 0 64 = 0 65 = 0 66 = 0 67 = 0 68 = 0 69 = 0 7 = 0 70 = 0 71 = 0 72 = 0 73 = 0 74 = 0 75 = 0 76 = 0 77 = 0 78 = 0 79 = 0 8 = 0 80 = 0 81 = 0 82 = 0 83 = 0 84 = 0 85 = 0 86 = 0 87 = 0 88 = 0 89 = 0 9 = 0 90 = 0 91 = 0 92 = 0 93 = 0 94 = 0 95 = 0 96 = 0 97 = 0 98 = 0 99 = 0 selectedData = table:00000143E75E9B90 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 1 sortFunc() = function:00000143DDBE61E0 soundEnabled = true storeMode = 3 targetSelectedIndex = 1 template = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate templateList = table:00000143E75E96F8 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader 10 = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate 100 = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate 101 = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate 102 = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate 103 = 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function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate4Label = userdata:00000143E18954C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate4Price = userdata:00000143E1895C60 (meta 00000143E18970E8} firstMeta firstIndex currencyArgs = table:00000143E1897010 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1897058 firstTable amount = 51 isUsed = true notEnough = false type = 1 numUsedCurrencies = 1 options = table:0000014307CA2F10 type = 1 ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate4RootSpacer = userdata:00000143E1895408 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate4StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143E1895AC0 (meta 00000143E1895B18} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate5 = userdata:00000143E1897460 (meta 00000143E1897FA8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 cooldown = userdata:00000143E1897B68 (meta 0000014308316C08} dataIndex = 7 highlight = userdata:00000143E1897750 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143E1897690 (meta 00000143E1897A18} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143E1894748 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_breton_neck_a.dds inCooldown = false key = 5 label = userdata:00000143E18975D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143E1897810 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143E1897C30 (meta 00000143E1897C88} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 subStatusIcon = userdata:00000143E18978D8 (meta 00000143E1897930} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate5AnchorHelper = userdata:00000143E1897F50 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate5Condition = userdata:00000143E1897E90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate5Cooldown = userdata:00000143E1897B68 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate5Icon = userdata:00000143E1897690 (meta 00000143E1897A18} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate5IconHighlight = userdata:00000143E1897750 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate5IconStackCount = userdata:00000143E1897810 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate5IconSubStatusIcon = userdata:00000143E18978D8 (meta 00000143E1897930} 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function:0000014377CF0128 subStatusIcon = userdata:00000143E1899AC8 (meta 00000143E1899B20} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate6AnchorHelper = userdata:00000143E189A140 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate6Condition = userdata:00000143E189A080 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate6Cooldown = userdata:00000143E1899D58 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate6Icon = userdata:00000143E1899880 (meta 00000143E1899C08} 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00000143E189BCD0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate7Label = userdata:00000143E189B978 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate7Price = userdata:00000143E189C170 (meta 00000143E189D618} firstMeta firstIndex currencyArgs = table:00000143E189D520 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E189D588 firstTable amount = 51 isUsed = true notEnough = false type = 1 numUsedCurrencies = 1 options = table:0000014307CA2F10 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadHeaderDataValue iconSide = 8 isGamepad = true showTooltips = false useShortFormat = true type = 1 ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate7RootSpacer = userdata:00000143E189B8C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate7StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143E189BFD0 (meta 00000143E189C028} 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ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate8RootSpacer = userdata:00000143E189D9C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate8StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143E189E0D8 (meta 00000143E189E130} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1 = userdata:00000143E75F4C60 (meta 00000143DB1EA170} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 cooldown = userdata:00000143D6B21720 (meta 0000014308316C08} dataIndex = 1 headerControl = userdata:00000143E18895E8 (meta 00000143083425C0} highlight = userdata:00000143E75DBFE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143E75D1578 (meta 00000143D6B21350} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143DB1E9A60 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/gear_dunmer_1haxe_d.dds inCooldown = false key = 1 label = userdata:00000143D6B1EEC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143E97BD810 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143D6B217F0 (meta 00000143D6B21848} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143E1889900 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_trait_ornate_icon.dds subStatusIcon = userdata:00000143D6B20FF0 (meta 00000143D6B21048} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = 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00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader2IconSubStatusIcon = userdata:00000143E1892320 (meta 00000143E1892378} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader2Label = userdata:00000143E1891FF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader2Price = userdata:00000143E1892838 (meta 00000143E18940E0} firstMeta firstIndex currencyArgs = table:00000143E1893FE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E1894050 firstTable amount = 51 isUsed = true notEnough = false type = 1 numUsedCurrencies = 1 options = table:0000014307CA2F10 type = 1 ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader2RootSpacer = userdata:00000143E1891F28 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode3ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader2StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143E1892688 (meta 00000143E18926E0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode4 = userdata:00000143E18A0710 (meta 00000143E18A09F0} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143E18A0798 (meta 00000143E18A0CC8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E18A0E90 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E18A0AC0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable AddItems() = function:00000143DDBE7040 UpdateList() = function:00000143DDBE7168 _fragment = table:00000143E18A1668 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E18A19C0 callbackRegistry = table:00000143E18A2788 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143E18A27D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E18A2818 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E18A2708 3 = false control = userdata:00000143E18A0710 (meta 00000143E18A09F0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E18A16B0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E18A16F8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E18A1788 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E18A1800 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E18A1868 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E18A18D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E18A1978 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E18A1AC0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143E18A0908 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E18A13D0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E18A1418 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E18A1460 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E18A1350 3 = false 2 = table:00000143E18A21B0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E18A2168 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000143E18A1528 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E18A15C8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E18A14E0 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E18A0FB8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E18A0798 (meta 00000143E18A0CC8} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E18A25A0 firstTable dataList = table:00000143E18A2360 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143E18A0F70 firstTable ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate = table:00000143E18A1DE0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E18A1C50 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E18A2630 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E18A1D10 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode4ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate parent = userdata:00000143E18A0828 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143E18A05B8 ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143E18A1E28 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143DDBE6EE8 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E18A1E70 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E18A20D0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E18A2008 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E18A2090 m_Active = table:00000143E18A2678 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E18A1F30 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode4ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E18A0828 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143E18A05B8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143E18A0B38 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E18A0F28 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E18A0998 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E18A2438 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E18A24C8 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143E18A23F0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E18A2480 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143E18A0828 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E18A2510 firstTable sortFunc() = function:00000143DDBE6160 soundEnabled = true storeMode = 4 template = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate templateList = table:00000143E18A23A8 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143E18A25E8 firstTable updateFunc() = function:00000143DDBE6620 validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E18A2558 firstTable ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode4List = userdata:00000143E18A0798 (meta 00000143E18A0CC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode4ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143E18A0858 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode4ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143E18A0908 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode4ListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E18A0998 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode4ListScroll = userdata:00000143E18A0828 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5 = userdata:000001431BD46F10 (meta 000001431BD471F0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5List = userdata:000001431BD46F98 (meta 000001431BD474C8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001431BD476F8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001431BD472C0 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable AddItems() = function:00000143DDBE7040 UpdateList() = function:00000143DDBE7168 _fragment = table:000001431BD47ED0 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001431BD48358 callbackRegistry = table:000001431BD4B828 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431BD4B870 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD4B8E8 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD4B7A8 3 = false control = userdata:000001431BD46F10 (meta 000001431BD471F0} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:000001431BD46F98 (meta 000001431BD474C8} dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD47F18 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:000001431BD47F60 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001431BD47FF0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD48068 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001431BD480D0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001431BD48270 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD48310 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001431BD48458 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:000001431BD47108 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:000001431BD47C38 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:000001431BD47C80 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD47CC8 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD47BB8 3 = false 2 = table:000001431BD48AF8 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD48AB0 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:000001431BD47D90 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD47E30 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD47D48 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:000001431BD47820 firstTable control = userdata:000001431BD46F98 (meta 000001431BD474C8} dataIndexToControl = table:000001431BD48EE8 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431BD485D8 (meta 000001431BD49EC0} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 cooldown = userdata:000001431BD49A58 (meta 0000014308316C08} dataIndex = 1 headerControl = userdata:000001431BD4B180 (meta 00000143083425C0} highlight = userdata:000001431BD49678 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:000001431BD49648 (meta 000001431BD49900} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:000001431BD4B230 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_measures_001.dds inCooldown = false key = 1 label = userdata:000001431BD49588 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:000001431BD49748 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:000001431BD49B28 (meta 000001431BD49B80} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:000001431BD4B298 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_stolenItem_icon.dds subStatusIcon = userdata:000001431BD49818 (meta 000001431BD49870} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader dataList = table:000001431BD48CA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD49118 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_measures_001.dds dataSource = table:00000143F8B97500 firstTable age = 0 bagId = 1 bestGamepadItemCategoryName = Treasure condition = 100 equipType = 0 filterData = table:00000144C1025180 firstTable 1 = 5 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_measures_001.dds inventory = table:000001439DBF9658 firstTable activeTab = userdata:000001431C6C7950 (meta 00000143083425C0} altFreeSlotType() = function:000001439DBF95C8 altFreeSlotsLabel = userdata:00000143B8228168 (meta 00000143083425C0} backingBags = table:000001439DBF96A0 firstTable 1 = 1 currentFilter = 0 currentSortKey = statusSortOrder currentSortOrder = false filterBar = userdata:000001431C6C5418 (meta 000001431C6C9F98} freeSlotType = 1 freeSlotsFullStringId = 3255 freeSlotsLabel = userdata:0000014369121B88 (meta 00000143083425C0} freeSlotsStringId = 3254 hiddenColumns = table:00000143C0261E30 firstTable inventoryEmptyStringId() = function:000001439DBF3A88 listDataType = 1 listHiddenCallback() = function:00000143D5CF0F38 listSetupCallback() = function:00000143F5B97208 listView = userdata:0000014314CDC730 (meta 00000143CBBA84F8} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:00000143F5B96B00 firstTable animation = userdata:00000143A4C30600 (meta 00000143A4C30658} firstMeta firstIndex autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:00000143A4C30598 firstTable contents = userdata:000001431C6C7E08 (meta 0000014308354BA8} data = table:00000143098A99C8 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001439DBF5ED8 firstTable deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:0000014314B66258 (meta 0000014308331CA0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001431C6C7E38 (meta 00000143A0235F10} firstMeta firstIndex timeline = userdata:00000143098947E8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} uniformControlHeight = 52 upButton = userdata:00000143E1382E90 (meta 0000014308331CA0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:000001439DBFBFC0 firstTable rowTemplate = ZO_PlayerInventorySlot searchBox = userdata:00000143210A0E10 (meta 000001431C6C5328} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true slotType = 2 slots = table:000001439DBF3A40 firstTable 1 = table:000001439DBFE810 firstTable sortHeaders = table:00000143098A9A20 (meta 0000014368605B08} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:00000143EA5497A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} callbackRegistry = table:00000143098A8A40 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:00000143098A8970 firstTable disabledColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:00000143F8BA7E70 (meta 000001430831E750} highlightColor = table:0000014312F6E170 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} movementController = table:00000143098A9068 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selectedSortHeader = userdata:00000143F5B8A850 (meta 000001439DBFCF38} firstMeta firstIndex showArrows = true sortDirection = false sortHeaders = table:00000143098A8B60 firstTable stringSearch = table:00000143EA5497B0 (meta 00000143E0DB1E30} firstTable firstMeta cache = true data = table:00000143F8DDF968 firstTable processors = table:00000143DFA53A18 firstTable tabFilters = table:00000143F455A980 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C025F260 10 = table:00000143FC329040 2 = table:00000143C025F2A8 3 = table:00000143C025F2F0 4 = table:00000143C025F338 5 = table:00000143C025F380 6 = table:00000143C025F3C8 7 = table:00000143FC328F68 8 = table:00000143FC328FB0 9 = table:00000143FC328FF8 isBoPTradeable = false isEquipped = false isFromCrownStore = false isGemmable = false isJunk = false isPlaceableFurniture = false isPlayerLocked = false itemInstanceId = 1358593885 itemType = 56 launderPrice = 0 locked = false meetsRequirementsToBuy = true meetsUsageRequirement = true name = Vibrant Paint Set quality = 1 rawName = Vibrant Paint Set requiredLevel = 1 searchData = table:00000144C10251E8 firstTable bagId = 1 slotIndex = 168 type = 1 sellPrice = 40 slotIndex = 168 specializedItemType = 2550 stackCount = 1 stackLaunderPrice = 0 stackSellPrice = 40 statValue = 0 statusSortOrder = 4 stolen = true storeGroup = 6 traitInformation = 0 traitInformationSortOrder = 1 uniqueId = 4.5392494203674 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Treasure iconsNormal = table:000001431BD491B8 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_measures_001.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9C20 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Vibrant Paint Set uniqueId = 4.5392494203674 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9D10 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.75 g = 0.75 r = 0.75 dataTypes = table:000001431BD477D8 firstTable ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate = table:000001431BD486F0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001431BD485E8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431BD48F78 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431BD486A8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate parent = userdata:000001431BD47028 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001431BD46DB8 ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:000001431BD48738 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143DDBE6EE8 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001431BD48780 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001431BD48A18 customFactoryBehavior() = function:000001431BD48918 customResetBehavior() = function:000001431BD489D8 m_Active = table:000001431BD48FC0 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431BD485D8 (meta 000001431BD49EC0} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431BD48840 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:000001431BD47028 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001431BD46DB8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD47338 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001431BD47790 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:000001431BD47198 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001431BD48D80 firstTable 1 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001431BD48E10 firstTable 1 = false prePadding = table:000001431BD48D38 firstTable 1 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001431BD48DC8 firstTable 1 = false scrollControl = userdata:000001431BD47028 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:000001431BD48E58 firstTable 1 = 0 selectedData = table:000001431BD49118 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 1 sortFunc() = function:00000143DDBE6160 soundEnabled = true storeMode = 5 targetSelectedIndex = 1 template = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate templateList = table:000001431BD48CF0 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:000001431BD48EA0 firstTable updateFunc() = function:00000143DDBE6730 validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:000001431BD48F30 firstTable userdata = 000001431BD485D8 = true ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001431BD47058 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:000001431BD47108 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListNoItemsLabel = userdata:000001431BD47198 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScroll = userdata:000001431BD47028 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1 = userdata:000001431BD485D8 (meta 000001431BD49EC0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1AnchorHelper = userdata:000001431BD49E68 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1Condition = userdata:000001431BD49DA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1Cooldown = userdata:000001431BD49A58 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1Header = userdata:000001431BD4B180 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1Icon = userdata:000001431BD49648 (meta 000001431BD49900} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1IconHighlight = userdata:000001431BD49678 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1IconStackCount = userdata:000001431BD49748 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1IconSubStatusIcon = userdata:000001431BD49818 (meta 000001431BD49870} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1Label = userdata:000001431BD49588 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1Price = userdata:000001431BD49CD8 (meta 000001431BD4B3F8} firstMeta firstIndex currencyArgs = table:000001431BD4B300 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD4B368 firstTable amount = 40 isUsed = true notEnough = false type = 1 numUsedCurrencies = 1 options = table:0000014307CA2F58 type = 1 ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1RootSpacer = userdata:000001431BD48830 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode5ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1StatusIndicator = userdata:000001431BD49B28 (meta 000001431BD49B80} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6 = userdata:000001431BD41AF8 (meta 000001431BD41E48} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6List = userdata:000001431BD41B80 (meta 000001431BD42020} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001431BD422A8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:000001431BD41F18 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable AddItems() = function:00000143DDBE7040 UpdateList() = function:00000143DDBE7168 _fragment = table:000001431BD42A60 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:000001431BD42EC8 callbackRegistry = table:000001431BD462F0 firstTable StateChange = table:000001431BD46338 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD463B0 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD46270 3 = false control = userdata:000001431BD41AF8 (meta 000001431BD41E48} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:000001431BD41B80 (meta 000001431BD42020} dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD42AA8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:000001431BD42AF0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:000001431BD42B80 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD42BF8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001431BD42C40 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:000001431BD42DE0 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD42E80 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:000001431BD42FC8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:000001431BD41D60 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:000001431BD427E8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:000001431BD42830 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD42878 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD42768 3 = false 2 = table:000001431BD43668 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD43620 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:000001431BD42940 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD429E0 firstTable 1() = function:000001431BD428F8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:000001431BD423D0 firstTable control = userdata:000001431BD41B80 (meta 000001431BD42020} dataIndexToControl = table:000001431BD43A58 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431BD433A0 (meta 000001431BD44998} dataList = table:000001431BD43818 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD43C88 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false cooldownIcon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_measures_001.dds dataSource = table:00000143F8B97500 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false header = Treasure iconsNormal = table:000001431BD43D28 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_measures_001.dds numIcons = 1 selectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9C20 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Vibrant Paint Set uniqueId = 4.5392494203674 unselectedNameColor = table:00000143E75E9D10 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} dataTypes = table:000001431BD42388 firstTable ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate = table:000001431BD43260 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001431BD43158 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431BD43AE8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431BD43218 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate parent = userdata:000001431BD41C10 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001431BD41970 ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:000001431BD432A8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143DDBE6EE8 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:000001431BD432F0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:000001431BD43588 customFactoryBehavior() = function:000001431BD43488 customResetBehavior() = function:000001431BD43548 m_Active = table:000001431BD43B30 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001431BD433A0 (meta 000001431BD44998} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001431BD433B0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:000001431BD41C10 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:000001431BD41970 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:000001431BD41F90 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001431BD42340 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:000001431BD41DF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001431BD438F0 firstTable 1 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001431BD43980 firstTable 1 = false prePadding = table:000001431BD438A8 firstTable 1 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001431BD43938 firstTable 1 = false scrollControl = userdata:000001431BD41C10 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:000001431BD439C8 firstTable 1 = 0 selectedData = table:000001431BD43C88 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 1 sortFunc() = function:00000143DDBE6160 soundEnabled = true storeMode = 6 targetSelectedIndex = 1 template = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplate templateList = table:000001431BD43860 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:000001431BD43A10 firstTable updateFunc() = function:00000143DDBE67B0 validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:000001431BD43AA0 firstTable userdata = 000001431BD433A0 = true ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:000001431BD41CB0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:000001431BD41D60 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListNoItemsLabel = userdata:000001431BD41DF0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScroll = userdata:000001431BD41C10 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1 = userdata:000001431BD433A0 (meta 000001431BD44998} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 cooldown = userdata:000001431BD44530 (meta 0000014308316C08} dataIndex = 1 headerControl = userdata:000001431BD45C58 (meta 00000143083425C0} highlight = userdata:000001431BD44150 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:000001431BD44080 (meta 000001431BD443D8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:000001431BD45D08 firstTable 1 = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_measures_001.dds inCooldown = false key = 1 label = userdata:000001431BD43FC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:000001431BD44220 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:000001431BD44600 (meta 000001431BD44658} subStatusIcon = userdata:000001431BD442F0 (meta 000001431BD44348} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 templateName = ZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1AnchorHelper = userdata:000001431BD44940 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1Condition = userdata:000001431BD44878 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1Cooldown = userdata:000001431BD44530 (meta 0000014308316C08} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1Header = userdata:000001431BD45C58 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1Icon = userdata:000001431BD44080 (meta 000001431BD443D8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1IconHighlight = userdata:000001431BD44150 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1IconStackCount = userdata:000001431BD44220 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1IconSubStatusIcon = userdata:000001431BD442F0 (meta 000001431BD44348} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1Label = userdata:000001431BD43FC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1Price = userdata:000001431BD447B0 (meta 000001431BD45ED0} firstMeta firstIndex currencyArgs = table:000001431BD45DD8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD45E40 firstTable amount = 0 isUsed = true notEnough = false type = 1 numUsedCurrencies = 1 options = table:0000014307CA2F10 type = 1 ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1RootSpacer = userdata:000001431BD43EF8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode6ListScrollZO_GamepadPricedVendorItemEntryTemplateWithHeader1StatusIndicator = userdata:000001431BD44600 (meta 000001431BD44658} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:000001431BD45D70 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_stolenItem_icon.dds ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7 = userdata:00000143E18ABC38 (meta 00000143E18ABF88} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7List = userdata:00000143E18ABCC0 (meta 00000143E18AC160} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E18AC3E8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E18AC058 (meta 0000014405F90F70} firstTable AddItems() = function:00000143DDBE7040 UpdateList() = function:00000143DDBE7168 _fragment = table:00000143E189A368 (meta 00000144D64CDCE8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000143E189F4C0 callbackRegistry = table:00000143E97B36B8 firstTable StateChange = table:00000143DDBE63B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DDBEA400 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E97B5CD0 3 = false control = userdata:00000143E18ABC38 (meta 00000143E18ABF88} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:00000143E18ABCC0 (meta 00000143E18AC160} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E189A3B0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000143E189A5A0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000143E189AF20 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E189AF68 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E188F430 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000143E188F478 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E189C518 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000143E189C560 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143E18ABEA0 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E75E54E8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E75E26C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C304FF30 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E18A0DB0 3 = false 2 = table:00000143E189F1D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E188EAF0 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000144C30508B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C304EDF0 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75DED28 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E18ADBA0 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E18ABCC0 (meta 00000143E18AC160} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E188C2C0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144C304EE58 (meta 00000143E1893470} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143E1D29A68 bar = userdata:00000143E18A5378 (meta 00000143E189A828} barContainer = userdata:00000144C304E5C8 (meta 00000143E188BDF8} dataIndex = 1 headerControl = userdata:00000143E1D29938 (meta 00000143083425C0} highlight = userdata:00000143E18AC0C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:000001439F4889B8 (meta 0000014313212A70} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143D7656A10 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Mounts/Gamepad/gp_ridingSkill_speed.dds key = 1 label = userdata:00000144C3050920 (meta 00000143D7656940} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143E18A4D00 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143E136ED30 (meta 00000143E18A5618} templateName = ZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader trainingSound = Stable_FeedSpeed trainingType = 1 value = userdata:00000143F1947788 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143E188ED28 (meta 00000143134B2840} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143134B4D90 bar = userdata:00000143D76576C0 (meta 00000143134ABF10} barContainer = userdata:00000143D7657488 (meta 00000143134AF0A8} dataIndex = 2 highlight = userdata:00000143D76570E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143D7657030 (meta 00000143D76571F8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143134B8458 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Mounts/Gamepad/gp_ridingSkill_stamina.dds key = 1 label = userdata:00000143D7656F80 (meta 00000143134B50C0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143D76571A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143D76572E8 (meta 00000143D7657340} templateName = ZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad trainingSound = Stable_FeedStamina trainingType = 3 value = userdata:00000143D7657540 (meta 00000143083425C0} 3 = userdata:00000143D7657DA8 (meta 00000143E75E3720} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143DB1E3230 bar = userdata:00000143D7659738 (meta 00000143E75DD528} barContainer = userdata:00000143D7659500 (meta 00000143E75E1038} firstMeta firstIndex Initialize() = function:0000014457A56708 SetGradientColors() = function:0000014457A56A80 SetMinMax() = function:0000014457A56748 SetValue() = function:0000014457A56788 bar = userdata:00000143D7659738 (meta 00000143E75DD528} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143D7659800 (meta 0000014308340698} max = 60 value = userdata:00000143D76595B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} dataIndex = 3 highlight = userdata:00000143D7659228 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143D7659170 (meta 00000143E75D5D28} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143DB1E79B8 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Mounts/Gamepad/gp_ridingSkill_capacity.dds key = 2 label = userdata:00000143D76590C0 (meta 00000143DB1E4FA0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:00000143D76592E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} statusIndicator = userdata:00000143D76593F0 (meta 00000143E75D8BC0} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143DB1E7F40 firstTable templateName = ZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad trainingSound = Stable_FeedCarry trainingType = 2 value = userdata:00000143D76595B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} dataList = table:00000143DB1E98C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E189E9C0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E1898518 firstTable bonus = 60 isSkillTrainable = false maxBonus = 60 trainingType = 1 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true header = Riding Skill iconsNormal = table:00000143E18892A8 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Mounts/Gamepad/gp_ridingSkill_speed.dds isSkillTrainable = false numIcons = 1 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Speed 2 = table:00000143E18892F0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E189A6C0 firstTable bonus = 60 isSkillTrainable = false maxBonus = 60 trainingType = 3 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:00000143E18A4730 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Mounts/Gamepad/gp_ridingSkill_stamina.dds isSkillTrainable = false numIcons = 1 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Stamina 3 = table:00000143E18A4778 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000143E1893800 firstTable bonus = 60 isSkillTrainable = false maxBonus = 60 trainingType = 2 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:00000143E18A47C0 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Mounts/Gamepad/gp_ridingSkill_capacity.dds isSkillTrainable = false numIcons = 1 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Carry Capacity dataTypes = table:00000143E18ADB58 firstTable ZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad = table:00000143DB1EA958 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E1899018 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E1896360 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143E188ED28 (meta 00000143134B2840} 2 = userdata:00000143D7657DA8 (meta 00000143E75E3720} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E189C798 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad parent = userdata:00000143E18ABD50 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad setupFunction() = function:00000143E18ABB10 ZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader = table:00000143DB1EA9F0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143DB1EAA38 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E188EAB0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E1893148 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E1893198 m_Active = table:00000143E18963A8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144C304EE58 (meta 00000143E1893470} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E189D118 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E18ABD50 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad setupFunction() = function:00000143E18ABB10 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143E18AC0D0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E18AD888 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E18ABF30 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E1893970 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143DB1E9788 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false prePadding = table:00000143E1893928 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143DB1E9740 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false scrollControl = userdata:00000143E18ABD50 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143DB1E99C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 selectedData = table:00000143E189E9C0 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = true storeMode = 7 targetSelectedIndex = 1 template = ZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad templateList = table:00000143E189F220 firstTable 1 = ZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader 2 = ZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad 3 = ZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143DB1E9A10 firstTable updateFunc() = function:00000143DDBE6878 validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E188C308 firstTable userdata = 00000143D7657DA8 = true 00000143E188ED28 = true 00000144C304EE58 = true ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143E18ABDF0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143E18ABEA0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E18ABF30 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScroll = userdata:00000143E18ABD50 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1 = userdata:00000143E188ED28 (meta 00000143134B2840} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainer = userdata:00000143D7657488 (meta 00000143134AF0A8} firstMeta firstIndex Initialize() = function:0000014457A56708 SetGradientColors() = function:0000014457A56A80 SetMinMax() = function:0000014457A56748 SetValue() = function:0000014457A56788 bar = userdata:00000143D76576C0 (meta 00000143134ABF10} value = userdata:00000143D7657540 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainerStatusBar = userdata:00000143D7657600 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainerStatusBarBar = userdata:00000143D76576C0 (meta 00000143134ABF10} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143D7657788 (meta 0000014308340698} max = 60 ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainerStatusBarBarBG = userdata:00000143E75E09D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainerStatusBarBarBGLeft = userdata:00000143E75DFEE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainerStatusBarBarBGMiddle = userdata:00000143E75E7D50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainerStatusBarBarBGRight = userdata:00000143E75E51F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainerStatusBarBarGloss = userdata:00000143D7657788 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainerStatusBarBarOverlay = userdata:00000143D7657AB0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayLeft = userdata:00000143D7657B80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayMiddle = userdata:00000143D7657D20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayRight = userdata:00000143D7657C50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1BarContainerValue = userdata:00000143D7657540 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1Icon = userdata:00000143D7657030 (meta 00000143D76571F8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1IconHighlight = userdata:00000143D76570E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1IconStackCount = userdata:00000143D76571A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1Label = userdata:00000143D7656F80 (meta 00000143134B50C0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1RootSpacer = userdata:00000143D7656ED0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad1StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143D76572E8 (meta 00000143D7657340} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143134B9C18 firstTable ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2 = userdata:00000143D7657DA8 (meta 00000143E75E3720} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainer = userdata:00000143D7659500 (meta 00000143E75E1038} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainerStatusBar = userdata:00000143D7659678 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainerStatusBarBar = userdata:00000143D7659738 (meta 00000143E75DD528} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainerStatusBarBarBG = userdata:00000143D76598C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainerStatusBarBarBGLeft = userdata:00000143D7659990 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainerStatusBarBarBGMiddle = userdata:00000143D7659B20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainerStatusBarBarBGRight = userdata:00000143D7659A58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainerStatusBarBarGloss = userdata:00000143D7659800 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainerStatusBarBarOverlay = userdata:00000143D7659BE8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayLeft = userdata:00000143D7659CB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayMiddle = userdata:00000143D7659E58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayRight = userdata:00000143D7659D88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2BarContainerValue = userdata:00000143D76595B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2Icon = userdata:00000143D7659170 (meta 00000143E75D5D28} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2IconHighlight = userdata:00000143D7659228 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2IconStackCount = userdata:00000143D76592E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2Label = userdata:00000143D76590C0 (meta 00000143DB1E4FA0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2RootSpacer = userdata:00000143D7659010 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_Gamepad2StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143D76593F0 (meta 00000143E75D8BC0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1 = userdata:00000144C304EE58 (meta 00000143E1893470} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainer = userdata:00000144C304E5C8 (meta 00000143E188BDF8} firstMeta firstIndex Initialize() = function:0000014457A56708 SetGradientColors() = function:0000014457A56A80 SetMinMax() = function:0000014457A56748 SetValue() = function:0000014457A56788 bar = userdata:00000143E18A5378 (meta 00000143E189A828} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143E136B850 (meta 0000014308340698} max = 60 value = userdata:00000143F1947788 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainerStatusBar = userdata:00000144C304F670 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainerStatusBarBar = userdata:00000143E18A5378 (meta 00000143E189A828} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainerStatusBarBarBG = userdata:00000143E75E7840 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainerStatusBarBarBGLeft = userdata:00000143E136E370 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainerStatusBarBarBGMiddle = userdata:00000143E136A9D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainerStatusBarBarBGRight = userdata:00000143E136D4B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainerStatusBarBarGloss = userdata:00000143E136B850 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainerStatusBarBarOverlay = userdata:00000143E189A818 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayLe = userdata:00000143E1890E38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayMi = userdata:00000143E18964C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainerStatusBarBarOverlayRi = userdata:00000143E1898630 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1BarContainerValue = userdata:00000143F1947788 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1Header = userdata:00000143E1D29938 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1Icon = userdata:000001439F4889B8 (meta 0000014313212A70} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1IconHighlight = userdata:00000143E18AC0C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1IconStackCount = userdata:00000143E18A4D00 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1Label = userdata:00000144C3050920 (meta 00000143D7656940} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1RootSpacer = userdata:00000143E75DA858 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadMaskContainerStoreMode7ListScrollZO_StableTrainingRow_GamepadWithHeader1StatusIndicator = userdata:00000143E136ED30 (meta 00000143E18A5618} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 iconTextures = table:00000143D7656A58 firstTable ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainer = userdata:00000143E75DD518 (meta 00000143E75DDB18} firstMeta firstIndex Activate() = function:00000143D9611FB8 AttachAndShowSpinner() = function:00000143D9612078 AttachToTargetListEntry() = function:00000143D96120F8 Deactivate() = function:00000143D9611FF8 DetachFromListEntry() = function:00000143D9612178 GetValue() = function:00000143D9611F38 InitializeSpinner() = function:00000143D9611D60 OnValueChanged() = function:00000143D9612038 SetIgnoreInvalidCost() = function:00000143D96121C0 SetMinMax() = function:00000143D9611E10 SetValue() = function:00000143D9611EF8 SetValueChangedCallback() = function:00000143D9611DD0 SetupCurrency() = function:00000143D9611F78 currencyControl = userdata:00000143E75DDAC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} spinner = table:00000143E75E1648 (meta 00000144D64E3360} firstTable firstMeta accelerationTime = 350 active = false callbackRegistry = table:00000143E75E1788 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:00000143E75E17D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E75E1818 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E75E1708 3 = false constrainRangeFunc() = function:00000143ED5CD718 control = userdata:00000143E75DD8A8 (meta 000001430831E750} decreaseButton = userdata:00000143E75DD930 (meta 0000014308331CA0} dirtyEvents = table:00000143E75E16C0 firstTable display = userdata:00000143E75DDA40 (meta 00000143083425C0} enabled = false errorColor = table:0000014345F117D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:00000143E75DD9B8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:00000143167A2FB8 max = 1 min = 1 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 stickDirection = 2 value = 1 ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerHighlight = userdata:00000143E75DD7A8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerLabel = userdata:00000143E75DD828 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerPrice = userdata:00000143E75DDAC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerSpinner = userdata:00000143E75DD8A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerSpinnerDecrease = userdata:00000143E75DD930 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerSpinnerDisplay = userdata:00000143E75DDA40 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_StoreWindow_GamepadSpinnerContainerSpinnerIncrease = userdata:00000143E75DD9B8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_Store_FilterButtonOnMouseEnter() = function:00000143DB1E1588 ZO_Store_FilterButtonOnMouseExit() = function:00000143DB1E15C8 ZO_Store_IsShopping() = function:00000143DB1E1688 ZO_Store_OnEntryClicked() = function:00000143DB1E1540 ZO_Store_OnEntryMouseEnter() = function:00000143DB1E1480 ZO_Store_OnEntryMouseExit() = function:00000143DB1E1500 ZO_Store_OnInitialize() = function:00000143DB1E16C8 ZO_Store_OnInitialize_Gamepad() = function:00000143E75DB808 ZO_Store_OnMouseUp() = function:00000143DB1E1608 ZO_Store_OnReceiveDrag() = function:00000143DB1E1648 ZO_StringSearch = table:00000143E0DB1E30 (meta 00000143E0DB1E78} firstTable firstMeta AddProcessor() = function:00000143E0DB1F60 ClearCache() = function:00000143E0DB2108 GetFromCache() = function:00000143EA4FBC70 GetSearchTerms() = function:00000143E0DB2188 Insert() = function:00000143E0DB1FA0 IsMatch() = function:00000143E0DB21C8 New() = function:00000143E0DB1EF0 Process() = function:00000143E0DB2148 Remove() = function:00000143E0DB2088 RemoveAll() = function:00000143E0DB20C8 __index = table:00000143E0DB1E30 (meta 00000143E0DB1E78} ZO_StripGrammarMarkupFromCharacterName() = function:00000143ED5C04B0 ZO_Stuck_Base = table:00000143D6B0BA20 (meta 00000143D6B0BA68} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143D6B0BB50 New() = function:00000143D6B0BAE0 OnPlayerActivated() = function:00000143D6B0BB90 OnStuckBegin() = function:00000143D6B0BC78 OnStuckCanceled() = function:00000143D6B0BCB8 OnStuckComplete() = function:00000143D6B0BCF8 OnStuckErrorAlreadyInProgress() = function:00000143D6B0BD38 OnStuckErrorInCombat() = function:00000143D6B0BDB8 OnStuckErrorInvalidLocation() = function:00000143D6B0BD78 OnStuckErrorOnCooldown() = function:00000143D6B0BDF8 ZO_SubtitleManager = table:00000143E3A29C30 (meta 00000143E3A29C78} firstTable firstMeta FadeInSubtitle() = function:000001445842A110 FadeOutSubtitle() = function:000001445842A298 Initialize() = function:00000143E3A267C8 InitializePlatformStyles() = function:00000143E3A26808 New() = function:00000143E3A26788 OnShowSubtitle() = function:000001445842A2D8 OnUpdate() = function:000001445842A398 UpdatePlatformStyles() = function:00000143E3A2F8B0 __index = table:00000143E3A29C30 (meta 00000143E3A29C78} ZO_Subtitles = userdata:000001445842A468 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SubtitlesText = userdata:000001445842CEB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SubtitlesTextBackground = userdata:000001445842CF20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SubtitlesTextBackgroundLeft = userdata:000001445842CF98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SubtitlesTextBackgroundRight = userdata:000001445842D010 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Subtitles_OnInitialize() = function:000001445842A3D8 ZO_Synergy = table:0000014314CF6148 (meta 0000014314CF6190} firstTable firstMeta ApplyTextStyle() = function:0000014314CF6570 Initialize() = function:0000014314CF6458 IsVisible() = function:0000014314CF66D8 New() = function:0000014314CF6208 OnSynergyAbilityChanged() = function:0000014314CF6658 SetHidden() = function:0000014314CF6698 __index = table:0000014314CF6148 (meta 0000014314CF6190} ZO_SynergyTopLevel = userdata:0000014314CF6268 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_SynergyTopLevelContainer = userdata:0000014314CF8168 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_SynergyTopLevelContainerAction = userdata:0000014314CF7948 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_SynergyTopLevelContainerIcon = userdata:0000014314CF81E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SynergyTopLevelContainerIconFrame = userdata:0000014314CF8258 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_SynergyTopLevelContainerKey = userdata:0000014314CF82D0 (meta 00000143EC3FE678} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C38 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:00000143D0942230 GetKeybind() = function:00000143D0942180 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:00000143D09421F0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143E0DB8A90 HideKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EF8 IsEnabled() = function:0000014457A53818 OnClicked() = function:0000014457A50F08 SetCallback() = function:0000014457A50EC8 SetClickSound() = function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000014314CF8888 (meta 00000143EC3FEB00} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} keyBackdrops = table:00000143EC400700 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143EC4007A0 (meta 00000143EC4013C0} firstMeta firstIndex key = 8 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000014314CF82D0 (meta 00000143EC3FE678} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = USE_SYNERGY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000014314CF8350 (meta 0000014314CF83A8} ZO_SynergyTopLevelContainerKeyKeyLabel = userdata:0000014314CF8888 (meta 00000143EC3FEB00} ZO_SynergyTopLevelContainerKeyNameLabel = userdata:0000014314CF8350 (meta 0000014314CF83A8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_Synergy_OnInitialized() = function:0000014314CF6718 ZO_TABBAR_ICON_HEIGHT = 50 ZO_TABBAR_ICON_WIDTH = 50 ZO_TABBAR_MOVEMENT_TYPES = table:00000143F1192AB8 firstTable PAGE_BACK = 6 PAGE_FORWARD = 5 PAGE_NAVIGATION_FAILED = 7 ZO_TARGET_DUMMY_LOGS = table:00000143E6E12208 (meta 0000014320FFCA90} firstTable firstMeta inCombat = false logObjects = table:00000143E6E15630 firstTable ZO_TIMER_ICON_32 = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/timer_32.dds ZO_TIMER_ICON_64 = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/timer_64.dds ZO_TIME_ESTIMATE_STYLE = table:00000143D8196E30 firstTable ANGLE_BRACKETS = 1 ARITHMETIC = 2 ZO_TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_COLOR = table:0000014345F11018 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.61960786581039 g = 0.7607843875885 r = 0.77254909276962 ZO_TOOLTIP_INSTRUCTIONAL_COLOR = table:0000014345F118D0 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.61960786581039 g = 0.7607843875885 r = 0.77254909276962 ZO_TOOLTIP_STYLES = table:00000143F31809A0 ZO_TRADE_BOP_COLOR = table:0000014345F14BC8 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 0.80000007152557 r = 0 ZO_TRADE_BOP_ICON = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_Tradable_icon.dds ZO_TRADINGHOUSE_TIMELEFT_GAMEPAD_OFFSET_Y = 40 ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_CONSUMABLES_TYPE_DATA = table:000001431BD44A70 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD44B10 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8040370 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 12 3 = 7 4 = 30 3 = 4553 2 = table:00000143C8040400 firstTable 1 = 4 3 = Food 3 = table:00000143C80576A0 firstTable 1 = 12 3 = Drink 4 = table:00000143C8057720 firstTable 1 = 7 3 = Potion 5 = table:00000143C80577A0 firstTable 1 = 30 3 = Poison ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_CRAFTING_SEARCHES = table:000001431BD5CF98 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5D508 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5AC80 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5AD20 firstTable 1 = 1450 3 = Potion Solvent 2 = table:000001431BD5ADA0 firstTable 1 = 2650 3 = Poison Solvent 3 = table:000001431BD5AE20 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5AE68 firstTable 1 = 150 2 = 151 3 = 152 3 = Reagent 4 = table:000001431BD5AF20 firstTable 1 = 175 3 = Furnishing Formula 5 = table:000001431BD5AFA0 firstTable 1 = 1460 3 = Furnishing Material 3 = Alchemy 2 = table:000001431BD5D048 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C80571F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C80572D8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8057320 firstTable 1 = 60 2 = 61 3 = Motif 2 = table:000001431BD5D2B0 firstTable 1 = 1950 3 = Style Material 3 = table:000001431BD5D330 firstTable 1 = 2000 2 = armor 3 = Armor Trait 4 = table:000001431BD5D3B0 firstTable 1 = 2050 2 = weapon 3 = Weapon Trait 5 = table:000001431BD5D430 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5D478 firstTable 1 = 1500 2 = 800 3 = Raw Material 6 = table:000001431BD58870 firstTable 1 = 1550 3 = Material 7 = table:000001431BD588F0 firstTable 1 = 1800 3 = Temper 8 = table:000001431BD58970 firstTable 1 = 172 3 = Furnishing Diagram 9 = table:000001431BD589F0 firstTable 1 = 1560 3 = Furnishing Material 3 = Blacksmithing 3 = table:000001431BD5D0C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD58A70 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD58B40 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD58B88 firstTable 1 = 60 2 = 61 3 = Motif 2 = table:000001431BD58C30 firstTable 1 = 1950 3 = Style Material 3 = table:000001431BD58CB0 firstTable 1 = 2000 2 = armor 3 = Armor Trait 4 = table:000001431BD58D30 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD58D78 firstTable 1 = 1700 2 = 800 3 = Raw Material 5 = table:00000143C8053150 firstTable 1 = 1750 3 = Material 6 = table:00000143C80531D0 firstTable 1 = 1900 3 = Tannin 7 = table:00000143C8053250 firstTable 1 = 173 3 = Furnishing Pattern 8 = table:00000143C80532D0 firstTable 1 = 1760 3 = Furnishing Material 3 = Clothing 4 = table:000001431BD5D1C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5A960 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5AA00 firstTable 1 = 2350 3 = Aspect Runestone 2 = table:000001431BD5AA80 firstTable 1 = 2400 3 = Essence Runestone 3 = table:000001431BD5AB00 firstTable 1 = 2300 3 = Potency Runestone 4 = table:000001431BD5AB80 firstTable 1 = 174 3 = Furnishing Schematic 5 = table:000001431BD5AC00 firstTable 1 = 2410 3 = Furnishing Material 3 = Enchanting 5 = table:000001431BD5D588 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5C850 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5C920 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5C968 firstTable 1 = 40 2 = 41 3 = 42 4 = 43 5 = 44 6 = 45 7 = 46 8 = 47 9 = 48 3 = All Ingredients 2 = table:000001431BD5CA80 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5CAC8 firstTable 1 = 40 2 = 41 3 = 42 4 = 43 3 = Food Ingredients 3 = table:000001431BD5CBB8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5CC00 firstTable 1 = 44 2 = 45 3 = 46 4 = 47 3 = Drink Ingredients 4 = table:000001431BD5CCF0 firstTable 1 = 48 3 = Rare Ingredients 5 = table:000001431BD5CD98 firstTable 1 = 170 3 = Food Recipe 6 = table:000001431BD5CE18 firstTable 1 = 171 3 = Drink Recipe 7 = table:000001431BD5CE98 firstTable 1 = 176 3 = Furnishing Design 8 = table:000001431BD5CF18 firstTable 1 = 1465 3 = Furnishing Material 3 = Provisioning 6 = table:000001431BD5D148 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8053350 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8053430 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8053478 firstTable 1 = 60 2 = 61 3 = Motif 2 = table:00000143C8053520 firstTable 1 = 1950 3 = Style Material 3 = table:00000143C80535A0 firstTable 1 = 2000 2 = armor 3 = Armor Trait 4 = table:00000143C8053620 firstTable 1 = 2050 2 = weapon 3 = Weapon Trait 5 = table:00000143C80536A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C80536E8 firstTable 1 = 1600 2 = 800 3 = Raw Material 6 = table:000001431BD5A760 firstTable 1 = 1650 3 = Material 7 = table:000001431BD5A7E0 firstTable 1 = 1850 3 = Resin 8 = table:000001431BD5A860 firstTable 1 = 177 3 = Furnishing Blueprint 9 = table:000001431BD5A8E0 firstTable 1 = 1660 3 = Furnishing Material 3 = Woodworking ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_ENCHANTMENT_TYPE_DATA = table:000001431BD5D7A0 firstTable 20 = table:000001431BD5D6C8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014480175280 firstTable 3 = 4540 10 = table:0000014480175898 firstTable 1 = 9 3 = Frost Weapon 11 = table:0000014480175998 firstTable 1 = 16 3 = Poisoned Weapon 12 = table:0000014480175658 firstTable 1 = 4 3 = Reduce Armor 13 = table:0000014480175B18 firstTable 1 = 19 3 = Reduce Power 14 = table:00000144801755D8 firstTable 1 = 18 3 = Stamina Regen 15 = table:0000014480175B98 firstTable 1 = 35 3 = Other 2 = table:0000014480175440 firstTable 1 = 20 3 = Absorb Health 3 = table:00000144801754E8 firstTable 1 = 23 3 = Absorb Magicka 4 = table:0000014480175818 firstTable 1 = 1 3 = Befouled Weapon 5 = table:0000014480175A18 firstTable 1 = 2 3 = Berserker 6 = table:0000014480175A98 firstTable 1 = 3 3 = Charged Weapon 7 = table:0000014480175590 firstTable 1 = 24 3 = Damage Health 8 = table:0000014480175918 firstTable 1 = 10 3 = Damage Shield 9 = table:0000014480175798 firstTable 1 = 6 3 = Flame Weapon 21 = table:000001431BD5D710 firstTable 1 = table:0000014480175C18 firstTable 3 = 4540 2 = table:0000014480175D18 firstTable 1 = 11 3 = Health 3 = table:0000014480175D98 firstTable 1 = 13 3 = Magicka 4 = table:0000014480175E60 firstTable 1 = 17 3 = Stamina 5 = table:0000014480175EE0 firstTable 1 = 35 3 = Other 26 = table:000001431BD5D758 firstTable 1 = table:0000014480175E18 firstTable 3 = 4540 10 = table:0000014480176308 firstTable 1 = 29 3 = Increase Potion Effectiveness 11 = table:0000014480176108 firstTable 1 = 32 3 = Increase Spell Damage 12 = table:0000014480176488 firstTable 1 = 14 3 = Magicka Recovery 13 = table:0000014480176808 firstTable 1 = 15 3 = Poison Resistant 14 = table:0000014480176908 firstTable 1 = 28 3 = Reduce Block And Bash 15 = table:0000014480176588 firstTable 1 = 26 3 = Reduce Feat Cost 16 = table:0000014480176388 firstTable 1 = 30 3 = Reduce Potion Cooldown 17 = table:0000014480176608 firstTable 1 = 25 3 = Reduce Spell Cost 18 = table:0000014480176888 firstTable 1 = 21 3 = Shock Resistant 19 = table:0000014480176508 firstTable 1 = 18 3 = Stamina Regen 2 = table:0000014480176250 firstTable 1 = 33 3 = Decrease Physical Damage 20 = table:0000014480176988 firstTable 1 = 35 3 = Other 3 = table:0000014480176188 firstTable 1 = 34 3 = Decrease Spell Damage 4 = table:0000014480176688 firstTable 1 = 5 3 = Disease Resistant 5 = table:0000014480176708 firstTable 1 = 7 3 = Fire Resistant 6 = table:0000014480176788 firstTable 1 = 8 3 = Frost Resistant 7 = table:0000014480176408 firstTable 1 = 12 3 = Health Regen 8 = table:0000014480176088 firstTable 1 = 27 3 = Increase Bash Damage 9 = table:00000144801761D0 firstTable 1 = 31 3 = Increase Physical Damage ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_FURNITURE_CATEGORY_TYPE_DATA = table:00000143C8055278 firstTable 10 = table:000001448017ACE8 firstTable 1 = table:000001448017AD30 firstTable 3 = 4545 2 = table:000001448017ADB0 firstTable 1 = 95 3 = Cargo 3 = table:000001448017AE58 firstTable 1 = 96 3 = Tools 4 = table:000001448017AF20 firstTable 1 = 97 3 = Materials 5 = table:000001448017AFD0 firstTable 1 = 135 3 = Stools 6 = table:000001448017AED8 firstTable 1 = 159 3 = Pipes and Mechanisms 7 = table:000001448017B0F0 firstTable 1 = 170 3 = Machinery 11 = table:000001448017B260 firstTable 1 = table:000001448017B2A8 firstTable 3 = 4545 10 = table:000001448017B8A8 firstTable 1 = 129 3 = Candles 2 = table:000001448017B328 firstTable 1 = 120 3 = Lamps 3 = table:000001448017B400 firstTable 1 = 121 3 = Lanterns 4 = table:000001448017B4F8 firstTable 1 = 122 3 = Lightposts 5 = table:000001448017B5A8 firstTable 1 = 123 3 = Sconces 6 = table:000001448017B480 firstTable 1 = 124 3 = Braziers 7 = table:000001448017B6C0 firstTable 1 = 125 3 = Chandeliers 8 = table:000001448017B778 firstTable 1 = 126 3 = Enchanted Lights 9 = table:000001448017B7F8 firstTable 1 = 127 3 = Fires 12 = table:000001448017B9E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001448017BA30 firstTable 3 = 4545 10 = table:000001448017C058 firstTable 1 = 141 3 = Saplings 11 = table:000001448017C108 firstTable 1 = 142 3 = Hedges 12 = table:000001448017C1B8 firstTable 1 = 143 3 = Mushrooms 13 = table:000001448017C260 firstTable 1 = 149 3 = Ferns 14 = table:000001448017C310 firstTable 1 = 150 3 = Giant Trees 15 = table:000001448017C3D0 firstTable 1 = 152 3 = Boulders and Large Rocks 16 = table:000001448017C480 firstTable 1 = 161 3 = Crystals 17 = table:000001448017C530 firstTable 1 = 165 3 = Dead Wood 18 = table:000001448017C5E0 firstTable 1 = 171 3 = Ice and Snow 2 = table:000001448017BAD8 firstTable 1 = 108 3 = Trees 3 = table:000001448017BBB0 firstTable 1 = 109 3 = Plants 4 = table:000001448017BCA8 firstTable 1 = 110 3 = Shrubs 5 = table:000001448017BD58 firstTable 1 = 111 3 = Flowers 6 = table:000001448017BC30 firstTable 1 = 112 3 = Vines 7 = table:000001448017BE40 firstTable 1 = 118 3 = Bridges 8 = table:000001448017BEF0 firstTable 1 = 130 3 = Aquatic 9 = table:000001448017BFA8 firstTable 1 = 136 3 = Stones and Pebbles 13 = table:000001448017C720 firstTable 1 = table:000001448017C768 firstTable 3 = 4545 2 = table:000001448017C810 firstTable 1 = 113 3 = Racks 3 = table:000001448017C8E0 firstTable 1 = 114 3 = Tents 4 = table:000001448017C9D8 firstTable 1 = 115 3 = Blocks 5 = table:000001448017CA88 firstTable 1 = 116 3 = Planks 6 = table:000001448017C960 firstTable 1 = 117 3 = Building Components 7 = table:000001448017CBA8 firstTable 1 = 138 3 = Platforms 8 = table:000001448017CC58 firstTable 1 = 163 3 = Doorways 9 = table:000001448017CD08 firstTable 1 = 164 3 = Fences 14 = table:000001448017CE18 firstTable 1 = table:000001448017CE60 firstTable 3 = 4545 2 = table:00000144801773B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000144801773F8 firstTable 3 = 4545 2 = table:0000014480177478 firstTable 1 = 46 3 = Bedding 3 = table:0000014480177528 firstTable 1 = 47 3 = Dividers 4 = table:0000014480177620 firstTable 1 = 48 3 = Wardrobes 5 = table:00000144801776D0 firstTable 1 = 49 3 = Trunks 6 = table:00000144801775A8 firstTable 1 = 50 3 = Mirrors 7 = table:00000144801777E8 firstTable 1 = 51 3 = Pillows 8 = table:0000014480177898 firstTable 1 = 145 3 = Nightstands 9 = table:0000014480177948 firstTable 1 = 146 3 = Dressers 3 = table:0000014480177A58 firstTable 1 = table:0000014480177AA0 firstTable 3 = 4545 2 = table:0000014480177B50 firstTable 1 = 52 3 = Tapestries 3 = table:0000014480177C38 firstTable 1 = 55 3 = Instruments 4 = table:0000014480177D30 firstTable 1 = 56 3 = Knick-Knacks 5 = table:0000014480177DB0 firstTable 1 = 57 3 = Vases 6 = table:0000014480177CB8 firstTable 1 = 58 3 = Banners 7 = table:0000014480177EC8 firstTable 1 = 59 3 = Tea Tables 8 = table:0000014480177F80 firstTable 1 = 133 3 = Sofas and Couches 4 = table:0000014480177368 firstTable 1 = table:00000144801781F0 firstTable 3 = 4545 2 = table:00000144801782A0 firstTable 1 = 60 3 = Shelves 3 = table:0000014480178370 firstTable 1 = 61 3 = Desks 4 = table:0000014480178468 firstTable 1 = 62 3 = Literature 5 = table:00000144801784E8 firstTable 1 = 63 3 = Supplies 6 = table:00000144801783F0 firstTable 1 = 64 3 = Maps 5 = table:00000144801786E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014480178730 firstTable 3 = 4545 2 = table:00000144801787E0 firstTable 1 = 66 3 = Tables 3 = table:00000144801788B8 firstTable 1 = 67 3 = Counters 4 = table:0000014480178980 firstTable 1 = 68 3 = Stock 5 = table:0000014480178A30 firstTable 1 = 132 3 = Chairs 6 = table:0000014480178938 firstTable 1 = 134 3 = Benches 6 = table:0000014480178CA8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014480178CF0 firstTable 3 = 4545 2 = table:0000014480178DA8 firstTable 1 = 69 3 = Posts and Pillars 3 = table:0000014480178E80 firstTable 1 = 70 3 = Statues 4 = table:0000014480178F80 firstTable 1 = 71 3 = Carts and Wagons 5 = table:0000014480179000 firstTable 1 = 72 3 = Wells 6 = table:0000014480178F00 firstTable 1 = 74 3 = Fountains 7 = table:00000144801791A8 firstTable 1 = 99 3 = Yard Ornaments 7 = table:0000014480179358 firstTable 1 = table:00000144801793A0 firstTable 3 = 4545 2 = table:0000014480179450 firstTable 1 = 75 3 = Remains 3 = table:0000014480179528 firstTable 1 = 76 3 = Grave Goods 4 = table:0000014480179620 firstTable 1 = 77 3 = Torture 5 = table:00000144801796A0 firstTable 1 = 78 3 = Urns 6 = table:00000144801795A8 firstTable 1 = 105 3 = Incense 7 = table:0000014480179848 firstTable 1 = 106 3 = Symbolic Decor 8 = table:00000144801798F8 firstTable 1 = 107 3 = Sacred Pieces 9 = table:00000144801799A8 firstTable 1 = 137 3 = Basins 8 = table:0000014480179AE8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014480179B30 firstTable 3 = 4545 10 = table:000001448017A130 firstTable 1 = 144 3 = Drinkware 11 = table:000001448017A1E0 firstTable 1 = 151 3 = Cookware 12 = table:000001448017A290 firstTable 1 = 153 3 = Laundry 13 = table:000001448017A340 firstTable 1 = 154 3 = Produce 14 = table:000001448017A3F8 firstTable 1 = 155 3 = Meats and Cheeses 15 = table:000001448017A4B0 firstTable 1 = 156 3 = Breads and Desserts 2 = table:0000014480179BE0 firstTable 1 = 80 3 = Pottery 3 = table:0000014480179CB8 firstTable 1 = 81 3 = Dishes 4 = table:0000014480179DB0 firstTable 1 = 82 3 = Utensils 5 = table:0000014480179E60 firstTable 1 = 83 3 = Cabinetry 6 = table:0000014480179D38 firstTable 1 = 84 3 = Stockroom 7 = table:0000014480179F48 firstTable 1 = 85 3 = Meals 8 = table:0000014480179FC8 firstTable 1 = 86 3 = Game 9 = table:000001448017A080 firstTable 1 = 87 3 = Baskets and Bags 9 = table:000001448017A5F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001448017A638 firstTable 3 = 4545 10 = table:000001448017ABD8 firstTable 1 = 158 3 = Statuettes 2 = table:000001448017A6E8 firstTable 1 = 54 3 = Paintings 3 = table:000001448017A7C0 firstTable 1 = 89 3 = Mounted Decor 4 = table:000001448017A888 firstTable 1 = 90 3 = Undaunted Busts 5 = table:000001448017A908 firstTable 1 = 91 3 = Display 6 = table:000001448017A840 firstTable 1 = 92 3 = Art 7 = table:000001448017A9F0 firstTable 1 = 93 3 = Thrones 8 = table:000001448017AAA8 firstTable 1 = 148 3 = Honors and Awards 9 = table:000001448017AB28 firstTable 1 = 157 3 = Undaunted Trophies root = table:00000143C8055DA8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8055DF0 firstTable 3 = 4541 10 = table:000001448017A560 firstTable 1 = 9 3 = Gallery 4 = 9 11 = table:000001448017AC58 firstTable 1 = 10 3 = Workshop 4 = 10 12 = table:000001448017B1D0 firstTable 1 = 11 3 = Lighting 4 = 11 13 = table:000001448017B958 firstTable 1 = 12 3 = Conservatory 4 = 12 14 = table:000001448017C690 firstTable 1 = 13 3 = Structures 4 = 13 15 = table:000001448017CD88 firstTable 1 = 14 3 = Miscellaneous 4 = 14 2 = table:0000014480177248 firstTable 1 = 1 3 = Furniture 4 = 1 3 = table:00000144801772D8 firstTable 1 = 2 3 = Suite 4 = 2 4 = table:00000144801779C8 firstTable 1 = 3 3 = Parlor 4 = 3 5 = table:00000144801780D8 firstTable 1 = 4 3 = Library 4 = 4 6 = table:0000014480178658 firstTable 1 = 5 3 = Dining 4 = 5 7 = table:0000014480178C18 firstTable 1 = 6 3 = Courtyard 4 = 6 8 = table:0000014480178BA0 firstTable 1 = 7 3 = Undercroft 4 = 7 9 = table:0000014480179A58 firstTable 1 = 8 3 = Hearth 4 = 8 ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_FURNITURE_ITEM_TYPE_DATA = table:00000143C8055E70 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8055EF0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8055F70 firstTable 1 = 172 10 = 213 11 = 214 2 = 173 3 = 174 4 = 175 5 = 176 6 = 177 7 = 210 8 = 211 9 = 212 3 = 4542 2 = table:00000143C8056070 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C80560F0 firstTable 1 = 210 2 = 211 3 = 212 4 = 213 5 = 214 3 = 4543 3 = table:00000143C8056190 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8056210 firstTable 1 = 172 2 = 173 3 = 174 4 = 175 5 = 176 6 = 177 3 = 4544 ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_GEM_TYPE_DATA = table:000001431BD5DA68 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5DAF8 firstTable 1 = 19 3 = Soul Gem 2 = table:000001431BD5DBA0 firstTable 1 = 21 3 = Armor Glyph 3 = table:000001431BD5DC20 firstTable 1 = 20 3 = Weapon Glyph 4 = table:000001431BD5DCA0 firstTable 1 = 26 3 = Jewelry Glyph ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_MISC_TYPE_DATA = table:000001431BD5DE90 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5DF20 firstTable 1 = 16 3 = Bait 2 = table:000001431BD59A78 firstTable 1 = 9 3 = Tool 3 = table:000001431BD59AF8 firstTable 1 = 6 3 = Siege 4 = table:000001431BD59B78 firstTable 1 = 5 3 = Trophy ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_TRAIT_TYPE_DATA = table:00000143C8055148 firstTable armor = table:000001431BD59BF8 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD59D08 firstTable 3 = 4539 10 = table:000001431BD59D88 firstTable 1 = 11 3 = Sturdy 11 = table:000001431BD59F88 firstTable 1 = 15 3 = Training 12 = table:000001431BD59F08 firstTable 1 = 14 3 = Well-fitted 2 = table:000001431BD5A108 firstTable 1 = 18 3 = Divines 3 = table:000001431BD59E08 firstTable 1 = 12 3 = Impenetrable 4 = table:000001431BD5A008 firstTable 1 = 16 3 = Infused 5 = table:000001431BD5A208 firstTable 1 = 20 3 = Intricate 6 = table:000001431BD5A088 firstTable 1 = 17 3 = Invigorating 7 = table:000001431BD5A288 firstTable 1 = 25 3 = Nirnhoned 8 = table:000001431BD5A188 firstTable 1 = 19 3 = Ornate 9 = table:000001431BD59E88 firstTable 1 = 13 3 = Reinforced jewelry = table:00000143C8054E28 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8054EC8 firstTable 3 = 4539 2 = table:00000143C8054FC8 firstTable 1 = 22 3 = Arcane 3 = table:00000143C8054F48 firstTable 1 = 21 3 = Healthy 4 = table:00000143C80550C8 firstTable 1 = 24 3 = Ornate 5 = table:00000143C8055048 firstTable 1 = 23 3 = Robust weapon = table:000001431BD5A308 firstTable 1 = table:000001431BD5A418 firstTable 3 = 4539 10 = table:00000143C80549A8 firstTable 1 = 3 3 = Precise 11 = table:00000143C8054BA8 firstTable 1 = 7 3 = Sharpened 12 = table:00000143C8054B28 firstTable 1 = 6 3 = Training 2 = table:00000143C8054928 firstTable 1 = 2 3 = Charged 3 = table:00000143C8054C28 firstTable 1 = 8 3 = Decisive 4 = table:00000143C8054AA8 firstTable 1 = 5 3 = Defending 5 = table:00000143C8054A28 firstTable 1 = 4 3 = Infused 6 = table:00000143C8054D28 firstTable 1 = 9 3 = Intricate 7 = table:00000143C8054DA8 firstTable 1 = 26 3 = Nirnhoned 8 = table:00000143C8054CA8 firstTable 1 = 10 3 = Ornate 9 = table:00000143C80548A8 firstTable 1 = 1 3 = Powered ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_FILTER_WEAPON_TYPE_DATA = table:00000143C8057EC8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8057F10 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = table:00000143C8056300 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C80563A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8056420 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 3 4 = 11 3 = 4536 2 = table:00000143C80564B0 firstTable 1 = 1 3 = Axe 3 = table:00000143C8056530 firstTable 1 = 2 3 = Mace 4 = table:00000143C80565B0 firstTable 1 = 3 3 = Sword 5 = table:00000143C8056630 firstTable 1 = 11 3 = Dagger 3 = One-Handed 2 = table:00000143C8057FB8 firstTable 1 = 6 2 = table:00000143C80566B0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8056790 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C8056810 firstTable 1 = 5 2 = 4 3 = 6 4 = 8 5 = 9 6 = 12 7 = 13 8 = 15 3 = 4537 2 = table:00000143C80568E0 firstTable 1 = 5 3 = Axe 3 = table:00000143C8056960 firstTable 1 = 4 3 = Sword 4 = table:00000143C80569E0 firstTable 1 = 6 3 = Mace 5 = table:00000143C8057C48 firstTable 1 = 8 3 = Bow 6 = table:00000143C8057CC8 firstTable 1 = 9 3 = Healing Staff 7 = table:00000143C8057D48 firstTable 1 = 12 3 = Flame Staff 8 = table:00000143C8057DC8 firstTable 1 = 13 3 = Frost Staff 9 = table:00000143C8057E48 firstTable 1 = 15 3 = Lightning Staff 3 = Two-Handed ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_INTERACTION = table:0000014480174A08 ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_MODE_BROWSE = 1 ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_MODE_LISTINGS = 3 ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_MODE_SELL = 2 ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_QUALITIES = table:0000014480174C28 firstTable 1 = table:0000014480174CD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 5 3 = 4522 2 = table:0000014480174D58 firstTable 1 = 1 3 = 4523 3 = table:0000014480174DD8 firstTable 1 = 2 3 = 4524 4 = table:0000014480174E58 firstTable 1 = 3 3 = 4525 5 = table:0000014480174ED8 firstTable 1 = 4 3 = 4526 6 = table:0000014480174F58 firstTable 1 = 5 3 = 4527 ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_SINGLETON = table:0000014480175148 (meta 0000014480174FD8} firstTable firstMeta ZO_TRADING_HOUSE_SYSTEM_NAME = tradingHouse ZO_TREE_BUTTON_STATE_COLLAPSED = false ZO_TREE_BUTTON_STATE_EXPANDED = true ZO_TabButtonGroup = table:00000143D81A09C8 (meta 00000143D81A0F48} firstTable firstMeta Add() = function:00000143D81A1078 Clear() = function:00000143D81A1FB8 GetClickedButton() = function:00000143D81A2180 HandleMouseDown() = function:00000143D81A0FD0 New() = function:00000143D81A0F90 Remove() = function:00000143D81A1020 SetClickedButton() = function:00000143D81A2140 __index = table:00000143D81A09C8 (meta 00000143D81A0F48} ZO_TabButtonOverrideIconSizeConstant() = function:0000014316F648F0 ZO_TabButtonResetIconSizeConstant() = function:0000014316F64970 ZO_TabButton_Icon_Initialize() = function:0000014316F64A00 ZO_TabButton_IsDisabled() = function:00000143D81A01D0 ZO_TabButton_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143D81A0110 ZO_TabButton_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143D81A0170 ZO_TabButton_Select() = function:0000014316F640B8 ZO_TabButton_SetDisabled() = function:00000143D81A0828 ZO_TabButton_SetMouseEnterHandler() = function:00000143D81A0090 ZO_TabButton_SetMouseExitHandler() = function:00000143D81A00D0 ZO_TabButton_SetTooltipText() = function:00000143D81A0050 ZO_TabButton_Text_AllowColorChanges() = function:00000143D81A0988 ZO_TabButton_Text_GetText() = function:00000143D81A0908 ZO_TabButton_Text_Initialize() = function:0000014316F64868 ZO_TabButton_Text_RestoreDefaultColors() = function:00000143D81A0218 ZO_TabButton_Text_SetFont() = function:000001432E008B58 ZO_TabButton_Text_SetText() = function:00000143D81A0888 ZO_TabButton_Text_SetTextColor() = function:00000143D81A0948 ZO_TabButton_Unselect() = function:0000014316F64268 ZO_TableOrderingFunction() = function:00000143C343FBB0 ZO_TableRandomInsert() = function:00000143C3436720 ZO_TargetDummyLog_Manager = table:0000014320FFCA90 (meta 0000014320FFD018} firstTable firstMeta HandleCombatEvent() = function:00000143F5AEBE88 Initialize() = function:0000014320FF3EF8 New() = function:0000014320FFE610 OnCombatStateChange() = function:00000143F5AEF2B0 RegisterEvents() = function:00000143F5AE5890 __index = table:0000014320FFCA90 (meta 0000014320FFD018} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleover = userdata:0000014314DD0CF0 (meta 0000014494A09F08} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverBarLeft = userdata:00000143A51C19F8 (meta 00000143ECB59330} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000143A51C1070 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverBarLeftGloss = userdata:00000143A51C1070 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverBarRight = userdata:00000143A51BCAE0 (meta 00000143ECB72AD0} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverBarRightGloss = userdata:00000143A51B4A80 (meta 0000014308340698} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverBgContainer = userdata:00000144063A0708 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverBgContainerBgCenter = userdata:00000143BC36C3F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverBgContainerBgLeft = userdata:00000143BC373F18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverBgContainerBgRight = userdata:00000143F0E00A98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverCaption = userdata:000001444E583488 (meta 0000014494A22BD0} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverChampionIcon = userdata:00000143143980B0 (meta 0000014313B98AF0} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverFrameCenter = userdata:000001431B629D88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverFrameCenterBottomMunge = userdata:0000014316CE2538 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverFrameCenterTopMunge = userdata:000001431B629620 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverFrameLeft = userdata:00000143A51B3980 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverFrameRight = userdata:00000143E7FD6F40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverLeftBracket = userdata:00000143BC36BF30 (meta 00000143EB8E3510} firstMeta firstIndex setColor = true ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverLeftBracketGlow = userdata:00000143B14F4360 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverLeftBracketUnderlay = userdata:00000143BC36A088 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverLevel = userdata:000001439FC4D8A8 (meta 0000014494A22AE8} firstMeta firstIndex setColor = true ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverName = userdata:00000143075AEEF0 (meta 0000014494A0A048} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverRankIcon = userdata:00000143D4A47608 (meta 0000014494A15C60} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverResourceNumbers = userdata:000001431B625E48 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverRightBracket = userdata:00000144081AD000 (meta 00000143EB8E35F8} firstMeta firstIndex setColor = true ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverRightBracketGlow = userdata:00000144BF60CC48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverRightBracketUnderlay = userdata:00000144D0787B98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverTextArea = userdata:000001439FC520C0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverWarner = userdata:000001431B628D68 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TimeLockedDialog = table:00000143D7E84DF8 (meta 00000143D7E84E40} firstTable firstMeta GetControl() = function:00000143D7E850D0 GetData() = function:00000143D7E85090 GetSecondsUntilUnlocked() = function:00000143D7E85050 Hide() = function:00000143D7E85150 Initialize() = function:00000143D7E84F28 InitializeDialog() = function:00000143D7E85190 IsLocked() = function:00000143D7E84F68 New() = function:00000143D7E84EB8 Refresh() = function:00000143D7E851D0 SetupLocked() = function:00000143D7E85250 SetupUnlocked() = function:00000143D7E85210 Show() = function:00000143D7E85110 ZO_TimerBar = table:00000143B4E6F0B0 (meta 00000143B4E705E0} firstTable firstMeta GetTimeLeft() = function:000001439DE36C50 IsPaused() = function:0000014345F1C7A0 IsStarted() = function:0000014345F1C140 New() = function:00000143B4E72C70 SetDirection() = function:0000014345F19C28 SetFades() = function:0000014345F1BA30 SetLabel() = function:0000014345F19558 SetPaused() = function:0000014457A3AE00 SetTimeFormatParameters() = function:0000014345F1B3D8 Start() = function:000001439DE373F8 Stop() = function:000001439DE38FA8 Update() = function:000001439DE3A628 __index = table:00000143B4E6F0B0 (meta 00000143B4E705E0} ZO_ToggleButton_GetState() = function:0000014368824498 ZO_ToggleButton_Initialize() = function:0000014368824388 ZO_ToggleButton_SetState() = function:0000014368824450 ZO_ToggleButton_Toggle() = function:0000014368824408 ZO_Tooltip = table:0000014346138298 firstTable AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 ZO_TooltipIfTruncatedLabel_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143688241F8 ZO_TooltipIfTruncatedLabel_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368824238 ZO_TooltipSection = table:00000143D72C6510 firstTable AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:0000014368602E08 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} labelPool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} sectionPool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} texturePool = table:000001434613ACC8 (meta 0000014457A50218} ZO_TooltipStatusBar = table:00000143D72C6488 firstTable ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72C64D0 ZO_TooltipStyledObject = table:00000143D72D1170 firstTable ApplyStyles() = function:000001432E017720 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 Initialize() = function:00000143D72C4D78 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 ZO_TooltipStyles_GetItemQualityStyle() = function:000001439D303F80 ZO_Tooltip_AddDivider() = function:00000143C3430610 ZO_Tooltip_CopyStyle() = function:00000143D72C4D38 ZO_Tooltip_OnAddGameData() = function:00000143C3430650 ZO_Tooltip_OnCleared() = function:00000143C3430690 ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip() = function:00000143C34305D0 ZO_Tooltips_HideTruncatedTextTooltip() = function:00000143EC926090 ZO_Tooltips_SetupDynamicTooltipAnchors() = function:000001439CF8B6E8 ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip() = function:00000143EC932620 ZO_Tooltips_ShowTruncatedTextTooltip() = function:00000143167A2988 ZO_TopBar = userdata:00000143E1D4DDC8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_TopBarBackground = userdata:00000143E1D4DE30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TrackedData = table:00000143C025C700 (meta 00000143D901D078} firstTable firstMeta Equals() = function:00000143A3902DE8 GetJournalIndex() = function:00000143D901D0C0 New() = function:00000143C025C748 __index = table:00000143C025C700 (meta 00000143D901D078} ZO_TrackedHeader_MouseEnter() = function:00000143FB9FC570 ZO_TrackedHeader_MouseExit() = function:00000143FB9FC5B0 ZO_TrackedHeader_MouseUp() = function:000001447C4FD2F0 ZO_Tracker = table:00000143D901D100 (meta 00000143CBF85F98} firstTable firstMeta AddQuest() = function:00000143D61811D8 ApplyPlatformStyle() = function:0000014346137780 AssistClosestTracked() = function:00000143EA5392E8 AssistNext() = function:00000143EA539328 BeginTracking() = function:00000143D6181218 ClearTracker() = function:00000143D6181298 CreatePlatformAnchors() = function:00000143EA539298 CreateQuestHeader() = function:00000143EA532510 DoHeaderNameHighlight() = function:00000143FB9FC4F0 ForceAssist() = function:00000143B82234F8 GetFaded() = function:00000143EA532490 GetHeaderForIndex() = function:00000143EA5454A8 GetLastTracked() = function:00000143CBF6CEE0 GetNumTracked() = function:00000143CBF6CE20 GetTrackedByIndex() = function:00000143CBF6CEA0 GetTrackingIndex() = function:00000143D6181118 InitialTrackingUpdate() = function:00000143EA53ABF0 Initialize() = function:00000143CBF85FE0 InitializeQuestCondition() = function:00000143B8231060 InitializeQuestHeader() = function:00000143EA532560 IsFull() = function:00000143CBF6CE60 IsOnTracker() = function:00000143D6181198 IsTrackTypeAssisted() = function:00000143CBF6CF20 New() = function:00000143D901D148 OnLevelUpdated() = function:00000143EA545468 OnQuestAdded() = function:00000143F0617410 OnQuestAdvanced() = function:00000143EA5453E0 OnQuestAssistStateChanged() = function:00000143EA545420 OnQuestConditionUpdated() = function:00000143F06173D0 OnQuestRemoved() = function:00000143F0617450 PopulateOptionalStepQuestConditionsForVisibility() = function:00000143B4C053A0 PopulateQuestConditions() = function:00000143B4C053E0 PopulateStepQuestConditions() = function:00000143609D9A18 RebuildConditions() = function:00000143A04E7C60 RefreshHeaderConColors() = function:00000143A04E7CA0 RefreshQuestPins() = function:00000143EA5324D0 RemoveAndReleaseConditionsFromHeader() = function:00000143F0617390 SetAssisted() = function:00000143FB9FC4B0 SetEnabled() = function:00000143EA53AC30 SetFaded() = function:00000143EA539368 SetTrackTypeAssisted() = function:00000143D61810D8 SetTracked() = function:00000143EA53ACB8 SetTrackedQuestComplete() = function:00000143D6181158 StopTracking() = function:00000143D6181258 ToggleTracking() = function:00000143CBF6CF68 UpdateTreeView() = function:00000143FB9FC468 UpdateVisibility() = function:00000143EA53AC70 __index = table:00000143D901D100 (meta 00000143CBF85F98} ZO_Trade = userdata:00000143E18B7DB0 (meta 00000143F194A928} ZO_TradeInviteProvider = table:00000143A4300CE8 (meta 00000143A98CD890} firstTable firstMeta Accept() = function:00000143D9013918 BuildNotificationList() = function:00000143D9013880 CreateMessage() = function:00000143D90138C0 Decline() = function:00000143D9013A00 New() = function:00000143D9013840 __index = table:00000143A4300CE8 (meta 00000143A98CD890} ZO_TradeManager = table:00000143D76838D0 (meta 00000143D7683918} firstTable firstMeta AddItemToTrade() = function:00000143D7683B68 CanTradeItem() = function:00000143DDBED1A8 CancelTradeInvite() = function:00000143D7683B28 Initialize() = function:00000143D7683A00 InitiateTrade() = function:00000143D7683A40 IsConsidering() = function:00000143D7683C28 IsIdle() = function:00000143D7683C68 IsTrading() = function:00000143D7683BA8 IsWaiting() = function:00000143D7683BE8 New() = function:00000143D7683990 __index = table:00000143D76838D0 (meta 00000143D7683918} ZO_TradeMyControls = userdata:00000143F99191A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradeMyControlsAcceptOverlay = userdata:0000014313480D10 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradeMyControlsAcceptOverlayBottomLeft = userdata:00000143F9919278 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradeMyControlsAcceptOverlayBottomRight = userdata:00000143F99192A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradeMyControlsAcceptOverlayTopRight = userdata:0000014313480D90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradeMyControlsBG = userdata:00000143F9918720 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_TradeMyControlsMoney = userdata:000001431347FB90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradeMyControlsName = userdata:0000014313480BA0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradeMyControlsReadyText = userdata:00000143F99186B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradeTheirControls = userdata:000001431347FBF8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradeTheirControlsAcceptOverlay = userdata:000001431347FC28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradeTheirControlsAcceptOverlayBottomLeft = userdata:0000014313480210 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradeTheirControlsAcceptOverlayBottomRight = userdata:0000014313480290 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradeTheirControlsAcceptOverlayTopRight = userdata:000001431347FC58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradeTheirControlsBG = userdata:0000014313480360 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradeTheirControlsBGRight = userdata:0000014313480390 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradeTheirControlsMoney = userdata:000001431347F540 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradeTheirControlsName = userdata:00000143134802C0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradeTheirControlsReadyText = userdata:00000143134802F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradeWindow = table:00000143DDBEBB68 (meta 00000143DDBEBBB0} firstTable firstMeta CreateSlots() = function:00000143E1383408 HideAllSlots() = function:00000143F194D5C0 HideEmptySlots() = function:00000143E97BB740 Initialize() = function:00000143E18B7DC0 InitializeKeybindDescriptor() = function:00000143E97BB6C0 InitializeScene() = function:00000143F194D580 InitializeSlot() = function:00000143F194D600 New() = function:00000143DDBEBC28 OnTradeWindowItemAdded() = function:00000143E1383448 OnTradeWindowItemRemoved() = function:00000143DB1DDA58 OnTradeWindowMoneyChanged() = function:00000143DB1DDA98 PrepareWindowForNewTrade() = function:00000143E18B7E40 ResetAllSlots() = function:00000143F991BD88 ResetSlot() = function:00000143E1383380 ShowAllSlots() = function:00000143E97BB780 UpdateSlotQuantity() = function:00000143E13833C8 __index = table:00000143DDBEBB68 (meta 00000143DDBEBBB0} ZO_Trade_BeginChangeMoney() = function:00000143DB1DDB58 ZO_Trade_Gamepad = userdata:00000143CFFD7008 (meta 000001439D68D210} ZO_Trade_GamepadMask = userdata:00000143F1943600 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainer = userdata:00000143F1943670 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143F19436F0 (meta 00000143207DA0B8} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143F1943778 (meta 00000143E1371878} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143F1943778 (meta 00000143E1371878} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:000001439D68C4D0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143207DA330 (meta 000001430831E750} 10 = userdata:000001439D697F98 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:000001439D697928 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:000001439D697898 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:000001439D697A48 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:000001439D6979B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 15 = userdata:000001439D697AD8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143207DABB0 (meta 00000143207DA748} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143207DABC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143207DAC08 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143207DAC80 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143207DA688 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:00000143207DAB18 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:00000143207DA460 (meta 000001430831E750} 6 = userdata:00000143207D9F68 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:000001439D697F08 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:000001439D697E78 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:000001439D698028 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 1 ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:000001439D697F08 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:000001439D697E78 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:000001439D698028 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:000001439D697F98 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:000001439D697928 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:000001439D697898 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:000001439D697A48 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:000001439D6979B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerAccent = userdata:000001439D694948 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerAccentAccent = userdata:000001439D6949E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerAccentLeftDivider = userdata:000001439D694A80 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerAccentLeftDividerCenter = userdata:000001439D694370 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerAccentLeftDividerLeft = userdata:000001439D697508 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerAccentLeftDividerRight = userdata:000001439D6975B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerAccentRightDivider = userdata:000001439D694410 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerAccentRightDividerCenter = userdata:000001439D694590 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerAccentRightDividerLeft = userdata:000001439D6944B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerAccentRightDividerRight = userdata:000001439D694560 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143207D9F68 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:000001439D699FE8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:000001439D698AE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_Trade_GamepadMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = 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callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431BD57040 (meta 00000143553BD770} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001431BD56F30 (meta 000001431BD56C68} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431BD56FB8 (meta 000001431BD4E928} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_TradingHouseCancelListingDialogAcceptKeyLabel = userdata:000001431BD57040 (meta 00000143553BD770} ZO_TradingHouseCancelListingDialogAcceptNameLabel = userdata:000001431BD56FB8 (meta 000001431BD4E928} 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= function:00000143D0942270 SetCooldown() = function:0000014457A50F90 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947E78 SetCustomKeyText() = function:00000143D0947E38 SetEnabled() = function:00000143D0944418 SetKeyFont() = function:00000143D0941BF8 SetKeybind() = function:00000143E0DB8B10 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:00000143E0DB65B0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:00000143D09441A0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:00000143D09441E0 SetNameFont() = function:00000143D0941BB8 SetNormalTextColor() = function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001431BD56B70 (meta 000001431BD56D38} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001431BD56AE8 (meta 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00000143553A9588} firstTable firstMeta GetControl() = function:00000143553A9680 Initialize() = function:00000143553A9640 New() = function:00000143553A95D0 Reset() = function:00000143553A9700 SetHidden() = function:00000143553A96C0 ZO_TradingHousePostedItems = userdata:00000143553BC060 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHousePostedItemsHeader = userdata:00000143553BC0D8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHousePostedItemsHeaderName = userdata:00000143553BC150 (meta 00000143553BD8F0} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true usesArrow = true ZO_TradingHousePostedItemsHeaderNameName = userdata:00000143553BC1D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHousePostedItemsHeaderPrice = userdata:00000143553BD9F8 (meta 00000143553BDD90} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true usesArrow = true ZO_TradingHousePostedItemsHeaderPriceName = userdata:00000143553BDA78 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHousePostedItemsHeaderTimeRemaining = userdata:00000143553BDEA0 (meta 00000143553BE248} firstMeta 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userdata:00000143CB538350 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorOnes = userdata:00000143CB536BE8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorOnesDecrease = userdata:00000143CB536D40 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorOnesDisplay = userdata:00000143CB536C90 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorOnesIncrease = userdata:00000143CB536E70 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorSpacer1 = userdata:00000143CB537580 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorSpacer2 = userdata:00000143CB538018 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorSpacer3 = userdata:00000143CB53B2A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorTenMillions = userdata:00000143CB5383F8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorTenMillionsDecrease = userdata:00000143CB53AD68 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorTenMillionsDisplay = userdata:00000143CB5398B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorTenMillionsIncrease = userdata:00000143CB53AE98 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorTenThousands = userdata:00000143CB537968 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorTenThousandsDecrease = userdata:00000143CB537AD0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorTenThousandsDisplay = userdata:00000143CB537A18 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorTenThousandsIncrease = userdata:00000143CB537C10 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorTens = userdata:00000143CB536F18 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorTensDecrease = userdata:00000143CB537070 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorTensDisplay = userdata:00000143CB536FC0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorTensIncrease = userdata:00000143CB5371A0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorThousands = userdata:00000143CB537628 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorThousandsDecrease = userdata:00000143CB537788 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorThousandsDisplay = userdata:00000143CB5376D8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadListingPriceSelectorContainerSelectorThousandsIncrease = userdata:00000143CB5378B8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadProfit = userdata:00000143CB53BD68 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadProfitAmountLabel = userdata:00000143CB53BE88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadProfitDescriptorLabel = userdata:00000143CB53BDF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadRail = userdata:00000143CB53BB58 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadRailCenter = userdata:00000143CB53BCE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadRailLeft = userdata:00000143CB53BBD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradingHouse_CreateListing_GamepadRailRight = userdata:00000143CB53BC60 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143CDD38F28 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143CDD390C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143CDD39040 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143CDD391E0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143CDD39158 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143CDD392F8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143CDD39270 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143CDD387E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143CDD38A40 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143CDD38C20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143CDD38AE0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143CDD38B80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143CDD38880 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143CDD389A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143CDD38CB8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143CDD38E98 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143CDD38D58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143CDD38DF8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143CDD38918 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143CDD384F0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143CDD38588 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143CDD38758 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143CDD38620 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143CDD386B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143CDD39380 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143CDD383D0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143CDD38460 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143CDD37FE8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143CDD38080 (meta 00000143CDD382C0} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143CDD38090 firstTable 1 = table:00000143CDD38110 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143CDD38188 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143CDD38200 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadLoading = userdata:00000143CDD39510 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadLoadingCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143CDD39598 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_GamepadLoadingContainer = userdata:00000143CDD39618 (meta 000001430831E750} 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function:000001430978F160 UpdateSelectedEntryMemory() = function:000001430978F1E0 ZO_TradingHouse_Gamepad_Initialize() = function:00000143CDD2CDD0 ZO_TradingHouse_GetComboBoxString() = function:000001448017E170 ZO_TradingHouse_InitializeCategoryComboBox() = function:000001448017E1F0 ZO_TradingHouse_InitializeColoredComboBox() = function:000001448017E230 ZO_TradingHouse_InitializeRangeComboBox() = function:00000143553A9168 ZO_TradingHouse_ItemListRow_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:00000143A35D10E0 ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_Gamepad = userdata:00000143CDD0CBD8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadContainer = userdata:00000143CDD0D218 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadHeaders = userdata:00000143CDD18500 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadHeadersArrow = userdata:00000143CDD18E90 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadHeadersName = userdata:00000143CDD18580 (meta 00000143CDD188C0} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadHeadersNameName = userdata:00000143CDD18608 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadHeadersPrice = userdata:00000143CDD18B00 (meta 00000143CDD18BE0} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadHeadersPriceName = userdata:00000143CDD18B88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadList = userdata:00000143CDD0D290 (meta 00000143CDD19768} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143CDD0D3A8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143CDD0D450 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143CDD0D480 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_GamepadListScroll = userdata:00000143CDD0D310 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_TradingHouse_Listings_Gamepad_OnInitialize() = function:00000143CDD0D0E0 ZO_TradingHouse_NumericRangeSetter = table:000001448017D420 (meta 000001448017D468} firstTable firstMeta ApplyToSearch() = function:000001448017D5A0 Initialize() = function:000001448017D520 New() = function:000001448017D4B0 ZO_TradingHouse_OnInitialized() = function:00000143553AAE40 ZO_TradingHouse_OnSearchResultClicked() = function:00000143553AACB8 ZO_TradingHouse_OnSearchResultMouseEnter() = function:00000143553AAD38 ZO_TradingHouse_OnSearchResultMouseExit() = function:00000143553AAD80 ZO_TradingHouse_SearchCriteriaChanged() = function:000001448017E1B0 ZO_TradingHouse_SearchResult_TraitInfo_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143553AADC0 ZO_TradingHouse_SearchResult_TraitInfo_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143553AAE00 ZO_TradingHouse_Sell_Gamepad = userdata:00000143CB516BE8 (meta 00000143CB519EA0} ZO_TradingHouse_Sell_GamepadContainer = userdata:00000143CB518558 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_Sell_GamepadList = userdata:00000143CB5185D0 (meta 00000143CB51A4F8} ZO_TradingHouse_Sell_GamepadListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143CB518680 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_Sell_GamepadListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143CB518720 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TradingHouse_Sell_GamepadListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143CB5187A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_Sell_GamepadListScroll = userdata:00000143CB518650 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_TradingHouse_Sell_GamepadStatusMessage = userdata:00000143CB519DD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TradingHouse_Sell_Gamepad_OnInitialize() = function:00000143CB517060 ZO_TradingHouse_Shared = table:000001448017D6C8 (meta 000001448017D710} firstTable firstMeta AddGuildSpecificItems() = function:000001448017E030 AllowSearch() = function:000001448017DFF0 CanDoCommonOperation() = function:000001448017D8F0 CanRequestListing() = function:000001448017DF70 CanSearch() = function:000001448017D930 CloseTradingHouse() = function:000001448017E0B0 CreateGuildSpecificItemData() = function:000001448017DEB0 DoSearch() = function:000001448017DE70 GetCurrentMode() = function:000001448017D970 GetEnchantmentFilters() = function:000001448017DE30 GetSearchActiveFilter() = function:000001448017DD70 GetTraitFilters() = function:000001448017DDF0 HandleSearchCriteriaChanged() = function:000001448017DCB0 HasSearchCooldown() = function:000001448017DF30 Initialize() = function:000001448017D7C8 InitializeCategoryComboBox() = function:000001448017DC30 InitializeEntryFilter() = function:000001448017DD30 InitializeFilterFactory() = function:000001448017E0F0 InitializeSearchTerms() = function:000001448017DFB0 InitializeSharedEvents() = function:000001448017DB70 IsAtTradingHouse() = function:000001448017D808 IsAwaitingResponse() = function:000001448017DAB0 IsInListingsMode() = function:000001448017DA70 IsInSearchMode() = function:000001448017DA30 IsInSellMode() = function:000001448017D9F0 IsWaitingForResponseType() = function:000001448017DAF0 New() = function:000001448017D758 RegisterSearchFilter() = function:000001448017DCF0 SetCurrentMode() = function:000001448017D9B0 SetSearchActiveFilter() = function:000001448017DDB0 SetSearchItemCategory() = function:000001448017DBF0 ShouldAddGuildSpecificItemToList() = function:000001448017DEF0 UpdateForGuildChange() = function:000001448017E070 ZO_TradingHouse_Singleton = table:0000014480174FD8 (meta 0000014480175020} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:0000014480175108 New() = function:0000014480175098 __index = table:0000014480174FD8 (meta 0000014480175020} ZO_TradingHouse_SortComboBoxEntries() = function:00000143553A9128 ZO_TradingHouse_TraitFilters = table:00000143CDD3B4D0 (meta 00000143CDD3B518} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:00000143CDD3B600 New() = function:00000143CDD3B590 SetAnchor() = function:00000143CDD3B780 SetHidden() = function:00000143CDD3B7C0 SetTraitType() = function:00000143CDD3B698 ZO_TradingHouse_UpdateComboBox() = function:00000143553A91E8 ZO_TranslateFromBottomSceneAnimation_OnPlay() = function:000001439CF88C00 ZO_TranslateFromBottomSceneFragment = table:00000143A131C5C8 (meta 00000143E0DB4688} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:00000143E0DB24C8 ZO_TranslateFromLeftSceneAnimation_OnPlay() = function:000001439CF88AF0 ZO_TranslateFromLeftSceneFragment = table:0000014457A52E08 (meta 00000143B5138F80} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:00000143B51394B0 __index = table:0000014457A52E08 (meta 00000143B5138F80} ZO_TranslateFromRightSceneAnimation_OnPlay() = function:000001439CF88BB0 ZO_TranslateFromRightSceneFragment = table:00000143B5139650 (meta 00000143B5137598} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:00000143B51376C8 ZO_TranslateFromTopSceneAnimation_OnPlay() = function:000001439CF868F0 ZO_TranslateFromTopSceneFragment = table:00000143E0DAD1F8 (meta 000001436882EA68} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:00000144D64C1360 ZO_TreasureMap = userdata:000001448F896F68 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_TreasureMapImage = userdata:000001448F8973E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TreasureMap_OnInitialize() = function:000001448F897138 ZO_Tree = table:000001431679AD50 (meta 000001431679AD98} firstTable firstMeta AcquireNewChildContainer() = function:00000143F74CCFA0 AcquireOpenAnimation() = function:00000143F74CD020 AddNode() = function:00000143167A6E88 AddTemplate() = function:00000143167BDAA0 ClearSelectedNode() = function:000001431DA55828 Commit() = function:0000014345F15AC0 ExecuteOnSubTree() = function:00000144D64EA6B0 FindScrollControl() = function:000001432E003D28 GetControl() = function:00000143F74CD060 GetSelectedData() = function:00000144D64EA5F0 GetSelectedNode() = function:00000144D64EA630 GetSelectionHighlight() = function:00000144D64EA670 GetWidth() = function:00000143F74CE808 IsAnimated() = function:000001432E003CA8 IsEnabled() = function:000001431DA5FEC0 New() = function:000001431679AE10 OnOpenAnimationStopped() = function:00000143F74CCFE0 OnScreenResized() = function:000001431679AEC0 RefreshVisible() = function:000001431DA5FF00 Reset() = function:000001431679AF00 SelectAnything() = function:00000143167A6EF8 SelectFirstChild() = function:00000143167A6FF0 SelectNode() = function:000001431DA557E0 SetEnabled() = function:000001431DA5FE80 SetExclusive() = function:000001431DA542F0 SetNodeOpen() = function:000001431DA55798 SetOpenAnimation() = function:000001431DA5F208 SetScrollPercentageToTop() = function:000001432E003CE8 SetSelectionHighlight() = function:00000143A4296810 SetSuspendAnimations() = function:00000144D64EAC08 ToggleNode() = function:000001431DA5FF40 __index = table:000001431679AD50 (meta 000001431679AD98} ZO_TreeControl = table:000001432E010CF0 (meta 000001432E010D38} firstTable firstMeta AddChild() = function:000001432E012878 AddSibling() = function:000001432E014B60 AddSiblingAfterNode() = function:000001432E0128C0 Clear() = function:000001432E016720 New() = function:000001432E011AA0 RemoveNode() = function:000001432E0167C8 SetIndent() = function:00000143ED5BFAC0 SetRelativePoint() = function:00000143ED5BFA80 Update() = function:000001432E016768 __index = table:000001432E010CF0 (meta 000001432E010D38} ZO_TreeEntry_OnMouseUp() = function:000001431679F2D0 ZO_TreeHeader_OnMouseUp() = function:000001431679F290 ZO_Trees = table:000001431679F310 (meta 00000143A42A4E40} firstTable firstMeta Add() = function:00000143A42A4F08 Initialize() = function:00000143A42A4EC8 New() = function:00000143A42A4E88 OnScreenResized() = function:000001431679FBC0 __index = table:000001431679F310 (meta 00000143A42A4E40} ZO_TriStateCheckButton_GetState() = function:00000143688248D8 ZO_TriStateCheckButton_OnClicked() = function:0000014368824918 ZO_TriStateCheckButton_SetState() = function:0000014368824898 ZO_TriStateCheckButton_SetStateChangeFunction() = function:0000014368824998 ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialog = userdata:00000143D4A75160 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogBG = userdata:00000143D4A76848 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143D4A768C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogCancel = 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function:00000143D0944220 SetState() = function:00000143E0DB8E90 SetText() = function:00000143D09422B0 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:00000143D0941C78 SetupStyle() = function:00000143D0944160 ShowKeyIcon() = function:00000143D0947EB8 UpdateEnabledState() = function:00000143D0942318 callback() = function:000001439DE406D0 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000143D4A78D00 (meta 00000143D4A78EC8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000143D4A78C00 (meta 00000143D4A78D58} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000143D4A78C80 (meta 00000143D4A79740} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:00000143D4A78D00 (meta 00000143D4A78EC8} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:00000143D4A78C80 (meta 00000143D4A79740} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogDivider = userdata:00000143D4A769B8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:00000143D4A767D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogPane = userdata:00000143D4A76CA0 (meta 00000143D4A78980} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogPaneDescription = userdata:00000143D4A77250 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogPaneScroll = userdata:00000143D4A76D18 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogPaneScrollBar = userdata:00000143D4A76D98 (meta 00000143D4A77068} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogPaneScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143D4A76FB0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogPaneScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143D4A76EB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogPaneScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143D4A76F30 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogPaneScrollChild = userdata:00000143D4A77128 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialogTitle = userdata:00000143D4A76940 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TrialAccountSplashDialog_OnInitialized() = function:00000143D4A752F0 ZO_TrialAccount_GetInfo() = function:00000143D587BEE0 ZO_TrialAccount_SetSeenVersion() = function:00000143D587BF60 ZO_Triangle = table:0000014368831BD8 (meta 0000014368815910} firstTable firstMeta ContainsPoint() = function:0000014457A208F0 GetClosestPointOnTriangle() = function:0000014368816218 GetPoint() = function:0000014368826528 GetPreviousPoint() = function:0000014457A2A0C8 GetTriangleParams() = function:0000014457A20930 New() = function:000001436881BBF0 PointFromParams() = function:0000014457A20970 SetPoints() = function:0000014308312F00 ZO_TrianglePicker = table:0000014457A2A020 (meta 0000014457A2A068} firstTable firstMeta GetControl() = function:000001431DA463A8 GetThumbPosition() = function:000001431DA5E2A0 Initialize() = function:0000014368827608 New() = function:0000014457A203E0 OnMouseDown() = function:000001436880F290 OnMouseEnter() = function:000001436880F310 OnMouseExit() = function:000001436880F350 OnMouseUp() = function:000001436880F2D0 OnUpdate() = function:0000014457A4D1E0 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368827650 SetThumb() = function:000001431DA46410 SetThumbMoving() = function:0000014457A4D268 SetThumbPosition() = function:000001431DA5E2E0 SetUpdateCallback() = function:000001431DA46368 SetUpdateHandlerEnabled() = function:0000014457A4D2A8 UpdateTriangle() = function:00000143688276A8 ZO_TrianglePicker_OnMouseDown() = function:000001436880F390 ZO_TrianglePicker_OnMouseEnter() = function:000001436880F410 ZO_TrianglePicker_OnMouseExit() = function:000001436880F450 ZO_TrianglePicker_OnMouseUp() = function:000001436880F3D0 ZO_TrianglePoints_SetPoint() = function:0000014368810870 ZO_TryGuildInvite() = function:000001431C6DF820 ZO_TryMoveToInventoryFromBagAndSlot() = function:00000143D70CF1D0 ZO_Tutorial = userdata:00000143F28D8380 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_TutorialBriefHudTip = userdata:00000143F28D8B88 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TutorialDialog = userdata:00000143D4A6DC28 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_TutorialDialogBG = userdata:00000143D4A6DFC8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_TutorialDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143D4A6E040 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TutorialDialogCancel = userdata:00000144C303F6E0 (meta 00000143EA938288} ZO_TutorialDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:00000143D600F470 (meta 00000143D4A6E458} ZO_TutorialDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:00000143D600F3F8 (meta 00000143F28D8810} ZO_TutorialDialogDivider = userdata:00000143D4A6E120 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TutorialDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:00000143EA938630 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TutorialDialogPane = userdata:00000143D4A6E9D8 (meta 00000143D4A6DD00} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143B333E0B8 (meta 00000143B333E110} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143D4A6E9D8 (meta 00000143D4A6DD00} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000143D4A6EA48 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:00000143D4A6ECC0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:00000143D4A6EC48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:00000143D4A6EAC0 (meta 00000143D4A6ED78} timeline = userdata:00000143B333E088 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 6 ZO_TutorialDialogPaneDescription = userdata:00000143D4A6EF50 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TutorialDialogPaneScroll = userdata:00000143D4A6EA48 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_TutorialDialogPaneScrollBar = userdata:00000143D4A6EAC0 (meta 00000143D4A6ED78} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143D4A6ED20 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143D4A6ECF0 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_TutorialDialogPaneScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143D4A6ECC0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TutorialDialogPaneScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143D4A6EBD0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TutorialDialogPaneScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143D4A6EC48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_TutorialDialogPaneScrollChild = userdata:00000143D4A6EE38 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TutorialDialogTitle = userdata:00000143D4A6E0B0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TutorialHandlerBase = table:00000143E41E36A8 (meta 00000143E41E36F0} firstTable firstMeta CanShowTutorial() = function:00000143E41E3A40 ClearAll() = function:00000143E41E3900 GetCurrentlyDisplayedTutorialIndex() = function:00000143E41E3B88 GetTutorialType() = function:00000143E41E3818 Initialize() = function:00000143E41E37D8 IsTutorialDisplayedOrQueued() = function:00000143E41E3BC8 IsTutorialQueued() = function:00000143E41E3C08 New() = function:00000143E41E3768 OnDisplayTutorial() = function:00000143E41E3AC0 OnRemoveTutorial() = function:00000143E41E3B08 RemoveFromQueue() = function:00000143E41E3C48 SetCurrentlyDisplayedTutorialIndex() = function:00000143E41E3B48 SetHidden() = function:00000143E41E3980 SetHiddenForReason() = function:00000143E41E39C0 ShowHelp() = function:00000143E41E3940 SuppressTutorials() = function:00000143E41E3A00 ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipGamepad = userdata:00000143F28D8BB8 (meta 00000143F98EA6E8} firstMeta firstIndex description = userdata:00000143F98EA5A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} helpKey = userdata:00000143F98EA690 (meta 00000143083425C0} helpLabel = userdata:00000143F98EA618 (meta 00000143083425C0} title = userdata:00000143F98E2938 (meta 00000143F98EA028} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipGamepadBg = userdata:00000143F98E28C0 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipGamepadDescription = userdata:00000143F98EA5A0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipGamepadDivider = userdata:00000143F98EA308 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipGamepadDividerDivider = userdata:00000143F98EA388 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipGamepadDividerDividerCenter = userdata:00000143F98EA520 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipGamepadDividerDividerLeft = userdata:00000143F98EA410 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipGamepadDividerDividerRight = userdata:00000143F98EA498 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipGamepadHelpKey = userdata:00000143F98EA690 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipGamepadHelpLabel = userdata:00000143F98EA618 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipGamepadSpacer = userdata:00000143F98E2848 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipGamepadTitle = userdata:00000143F98E2938 (meta 00000143F98EA028} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143F98E9DF8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143F98E9E78 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad42 2 = table:00000143F98E9EF0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143F98E9F68 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipKeyboard = userdata:00000143F98EAAC8 (meta 00000143F98EADB0} firstMeta firstIndex description = userdata:00000143F98EAC60 (meta 00000143083425C0} helpKey = userdata:00000143F98EAD58 (meta 00000143083425C0} helpLabel = userdata:00000143F98EACE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} title = userdata:00000143F98EABB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipKeyboardBg = userdata:00000143F98EAB40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipKeyboardDescription = userdata:00000143F98EAC60 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipKeyboardDivider = userdata:00000143F98EAC30 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipKeyboardHelpKey = userdata:00000143F98EAD58 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipKeyboardHelpLabel = userdata:00000143F98EACE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TutorialHudInfoTipKeyboardTitle = userdata:00000143F98EABB8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_TutorialTriggerFragment = table:00000143C7D3F778 (meta 00000143C7D3F7C0} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:00000143C7D3F888 New() = function:00000143C7D3F808 Show() = function:00000143C7D3F848 __index = table:00000143C7D3F778 (meta 00000143C7D3F7C0} ZO_Tutorial_GetTriggerHandlers() = function:00000144C1B78D78 ZO_Tutorial_Initialize() = function:00000143F98E9A30 ZO_Tutorials = table:00000143F98E9618 (meta 00000143F98E9660} firstTable firstMeta AddTutorialHandler() = function:00000143F98E9870 DisplayOrQueueTutorial() = function:00000143F98E9788 ForceRemoveAll() = function:00000143F98E9930 Initialize() = function:00000143F98E9748 New() = function:00000143F98E96D8 OnDisplayTutorial() = function:00000143F98E9970 OnRemoveTutorial() = function:00000143F98E99B0 OnTutorialEnabledStateChanged() = function:00000143F98E98F0 ShowHelp() = function:00000143F98E99F0 SuppressTutorialType() = function:00000143F98E98B0 __index = table:00000143F98E9618 (meta 00000143F98E9660} ZO_Tutorials_Entries_OnTextureLoaded() = function:0000014313471238 ZO_TwoButtonDialogEditBox_OnTextChanged() = function:00000144D64E0E20 ZO_TwoButtonDialog_OnInitialized() = function:0000014310B95F38 ZO_UICombat = userdata:00000143A35EE328 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_UICombatOverlay = userdata:00000143A35EE7E8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_UICombatOverlay_OnInitialized() = function:00000143A35EE288 ZO_UIErrors = userdata:00000143EA4F3E40 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_UIErrorsBG = userdata:00000143AA17D860 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_UIErrorsBGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143AA17D8D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_UIErrorsClose = userdata:00000143EA4FF3C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_UIErrorsDismiss = userdata:0000014368817998 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_UIErrorsDismissGamepadIcon = userdata:0000014368817A08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_UIErrorsText = userdata:0000014368817868 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_UIErrorsTextEdit = userdata:00000143688178D0 (meta 000001430833A3B8} ZO_UIErrorsTitle = userdata:00000143AA17DAA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_UIErrors_HideAll() = function:00000143B4E77990 ZO_UIErrors_HideCurrent() = function:00000143B4E77950 ZO_UIErrors_Init() = function:00000143D0944A98 ZO_UIErrors_ToggleSupressDialog() = function:00000143B4E779D0 ZO_UNIT_FRAMES_SHOW_LEVEL_REACTIONS = table:00000144C806C668 firstTable 4 = true ZO_UNLOCKED_ICON_SAMPLE_PROCESSING_WEIGHT_TABLE = table:0000014345F15370 firstTable 0 = 1 1 = 0 ZO_UiInfoBoxTutorial = table:00000143D4A6DA88 (meta 00000143D4A6DAD0} firstTable firstMeta ClearAll() = function:00000143D4A6DEE8 DisplayTutorial() = function:00000143D4A6DDA0 GetDialog() = function:00000143D4A6DC38 GetTutorialType() = function:00000143D4A6DD60 Initialize() = function:00000143D4A6DB48 OnDisplayTutorial() = function:00000143D4A6DE20 OnRemoveTutorial() = function:00000143D4A6DE60 RemoveTutorial() = function:00000143D4A6DEA8 SuppressTutorials() = function:00000143D4A6DC78 __index = table:00000143D4A6DA88 (meta 00000143D4A6DAD0} ZO_UniformRangeGenerator = table:000001431D7ABA90 (meta 000001431D7ABAD8} firstTable firstMeta Generate() = function:000001431D7ABBD0 GetValue() = function:000001431D7ABCB8 Initialize() = function:000001431D7ABB90 New() = function:000001431D7ABB20 ZO_UnitAttributeVisualizer = table:00000143A0224448 (meta 00000143A0224490} firstTable firstMeta AddModule() = function:00000143A02246A0 ApplyPlatformStyle() = function:00000143A02248A0 GetUnitTag() = function:00000143A0224760 Initialize() = function:00000143A0224578 New() = function:00000143A0224508 NotifyEndingControlOf() = function:00000143A0224720 NotifyTakingControlOf() = function:00000143A02246E0 OnUnitAttributeVisualAdded() = function:00000143A02247A0 OnUnitAttributeVisualRemoved() = function:00000143A0224820 OnUnitAttributeVisualUpdated() = function:00000143A02247E0 OnUnitChanged() = function:00000143A02245B8 PlaySoundFromStat() = function:00000143A0224860 __index = table:00000143A0224448 (meta 00000143A0224490} ZO_UnitAttributeVisualizerModuleBase = table:0000014313F659F0 (meta 0000014313F65A38} firstTable firstMeta ApplyPlatformStyle() = function:0000014313F65E20 GetModuleId() = function:0000014313F65B60 GetOwner() = function:0000014313F65BE0 GetUnitTag() = function:0000014313F65C20 Initialize() = function:0000014313F65C60 IsUnitVisualRelevant() = function:0000014313F65CA0 New() = function:0000014313F65AB0 OnAdded() = function:0000014313F65CE0 OnUnitAttributeVisualAdded() = function:0000014313F65D20 OnUnitAttributeVisualRemoved() = function:0000014313F65DA0 OnUnitAttributeVisualUpdated() = function:0000014313F65D60 OnUnitChanged() = function:0000014313F65DE0 SetOwner() = function:0000014313F65BA0 ZO_UnitFrames = userdata:00000144C8052F80 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_UnitFramesGroups = userdata:000001440FCBC7B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_UnitFrames_GetUnitFrame() = function:00000143BC87EE10 ZO_UnitFrames_Initialize() = function:000001440FCB96A8 ZO_UnitFrames_IsTargetOfTargetEnabled() = function:000001440FCC50C0 ZO_UnitFrames_Leader = userdata:00000144C8062A58 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_UnitFrames_LeaderIcon = userdata:00000143F3AC4850 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_UnitFrames_OnUpdate() = function:00000144C80569E0 ZO_UnitFrames_SetEnableTargetOfTarget() = function:00000143BC87EE58 ZO_UnitFrames_UpdateWindow() = function:00000144C806D048 ZO_UnitVisualizer_ArmorDamage = table:00000143F3ABB740 (meta 00000143F3ABB788} firstTable firstMeta ApplyPlatformStyle() = function:0000014314CE0778 CreateInfoTable() = function:00000143F3ABBF88 GetOrCreateDecreaseArmorPool() = function:00000143F3AB64E8 GetOrCreateDecreasePowerPool() = function:00000143F3ABBEA8 GetOrCreateIncreaseArmorPool() = function:0000014314CE76E0 GetOrCreateIncreasePowerPool() = function:00000143F3ABBE08 Initialize() = function:00000143F3ABB870 InitializeBarValues() = function:00000143F3ABC048 IsUnitVisualRelevant() = function:00000143F3ABC0D0 New() = function:00000143F3ABB800 OnAdded() = function:00000143F3ABC008 OnUnitAttributeVisualAdded() = function:00000143F3ABC110 OnUnitAttributeVisualRemoved() = function:00000143F3ABC190 OnUnitAttributeVisualUpdated() = function:00000143F3ABC150 OnUnitChanged() = function:00000143F3ABC090 OnValueChanged() = function:00000143F3ABC410 PlayArmorDecreaseAnimation() = function:00000143F3ABC250 PlayArmorIncreaseAnimation() = function:00000143F3ABC1D0 PlayPowerDecreaseAnimation() = function:00000143F3ABC390 PlayPowerIncreaseAnimation() = function:00000143F3ABC310 UpdateDecreasedArmorEffect() = function:00000143F3ABC2D0 __index = table:00000143F3ABB740 (meta 00000143F3ABB788} ZO_UnitVisualizer_ArrowRegenerationModule = table:0000014309DD2738 (meta 0000014309DD2780} firstTable firstMeta AcquireArrow() = function:0000014309DD2E18 ApplyPlatformStyle() = function:0000014309DD2F48 GetNumArrowsByStat() = function:0000014309DD2D58 Initialize() = function:0000014309DD2868 InitializeBarValues() = function:0000014309DD2A50 IsUnitVisualRelevant() = function:0000014309DD2B10 New() = function:0000014309DD27F8 OnAdded() = function:0000014309DD2968 OnUnitAttributeVisualAdded() = function:0000014309DD2B50 OnUnitAttributeVisualRemoved() = function:0000014309DD2BD0 OnUnitAttributeVisualUpdated() = function:0000014309DD2B90 OnUnitChanged() = function:0000014309DD2AD0 OnValueChanged() = function:0000014309DD2C50 PlayArrow() = function:0000014309DD2F08 PlayLeftArrow() = function:0000014309DD0868 PlayRightArrow() = function:0000014309DCBFF8 PlaySound() = function:0000014309DD2C10 Pulse() = function:0000014309DD2C90 __index = table:0000014309DD2738 (meta 0000014309DD2780} ZO_UnitVisualizer_PossessionModule = table:00000143F3ACEA00 (meta 00000143F3ACEA48} firstTable firstMeta ApplyPlatformStyle() = function:00000143F3ACF238 CreateInfoTable() = function:00000143F3ACEF28 GetOrCreatePossessionPool() = function:00000143F3ACED30 Initialize() = function:00000143F3ACEB30 InitializeBarValues() = function:00000143F3ACEFE8 IsUnitVisualRelevant() = function:00000143F3ACF070 New() = function:00000143F3ACEAC0 OnAdded() = function:00000143F3ACEFA8 OnUnitAttributeVisualAdded() = function:00000143F3ACF0B0 OnUnitAttributeVisualRemoved() = function:00000143F3ACF130 OnUnitAttributeVisualUpdated() = function:00000143F3ACF0F0 OnUnitChanged() = function:00000143F3ACF030 OnValueChanged() = function:00000143F3ACF1F0 PlayPossessionAnimation() = function:00000143F3ACF170 __index = table:00000143F3ACEA00 (meta 00000143F3ACEA48} ZO_UnitVisualizer_PowerShieldModule = table:00000143A021D220 (meta 00000143A021D268} firstTable firstMeta ApplyPlatformStyle() = function:00000143A021D848 CreateInfoTable() = function:00000143A021D3A0 Initialize() = function:00000143A021D320 InitializeBarValues() = function:00000143A021D508 IsUnitVisualRelevant() = function:00000143A021D5C8 New() = function:00000143A021D2B0 OnAdded() = function:00000143A021D4C8 OnStatusBarValueChanged() = function:00000143A021D788 OnUnitAttributeVisualAdded() = function:00000143A021D608 OnUnitAttributeVisualRemoved() = function:00000143A021D688 OnUnitAttributeVisualUpdated() = function:00000143A021D648 OnUnitChanged() = function:00000143A021D548 OnUpdate() = function:00000143A021D588 OnValueChanged() = function:00000143A021D808 PlayAnimation() = function:00000143A021D708 UpdateValue() = function:00000143A021D7C8 __index = table:00000143A021D220 (meta 00000143A021D268} ZO_UnitVisualizer_ShrinkExpandModule = table:0000014309DE51E0 (meta 0000014309DE5228} firstTable firstMeta CreateAnimation() = function:0000014309DE5390 CreateInfoTable() = function:0000014309DE5478 Initialize() = function:0000014309DE5310 InitializeBarValues() = function:0000014309DE5538 IsUnitVisualRelevant() = function:0000014309DE55B8 New() = function:0000014309DE52A0 OnAdded() = function:0000014309DE54F8 OnUnitAttributeVisualAdded() = function:0000014309DE55F8 OnUnitAttributeVisualRemoved() = function:0000014309DE5678 OnUnitAttributeVisualUpdated() = function:0000014309DE5638 OnUnitChanged() = function:0000014309DE5578 OnValueChanged() = function:0000014309DE56F8 TryChangingState() = function:0000014309DE56B8 __index = table:0000014309DE51E0 (meta 0000014309DE5228} ZO_UnitVisualizer_UnwaveringModule = table:00000143F3AC96C0 (meta 00000143F3AC9708} firstTable firstMeta ApplyPlatformStyle() = function:00000143F3AC9BB0 CreateInfoTable() = function:00000143F3AC9870 Initialize() = function:00000143F3AC97F0 InitializeBarValues() = function:00000143F3AC9930 IsUnitVisualRelevant() = function:00000143F3AC99B0 New() = function:00000143F3AC9780 OnAdded() = function:00000143F3AC98F0 OnUnitAttributeVisualAdded() = function:00000143F3AC99F0 OnUnitAttributeVisualRemoved() = function:00000143F3AC9A70 OnUnitAttributeVisualUpdated() = function:00000143F3AC9A30 OnUnitChanged() = function:00000143F3AC9970 OnValueChanged() = function:00000143F3AC9B70 PlayAnimation() = function:00000143F3AC9AF0 __index = table:00000143F3AC96C0 (meta 00000143F3AC9708} ZO_UpdateGuildStatusDropdown() = function:00000143F98F93D8 ZO_UpdateGuildStatusDropdownSelection() = function:00000143F98F92E8 ZO_UpdateScrollFade() = function:000001431C165208 ZO_UpdateStatusControlIcons() = function:00000143214BD9F0 ZO_UpdateTraitInformationControlIcon() = function:00000143CCAE34D0 ZO_VERTICAL_PARAMETRIC_LIST_DEFAULT_FADE_GRADIENT_SIZE = 150 ZO_VP_BAR_GLOW_COLOR = table:0000014316DC7538 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.76470595598221 g = 0.72156864404678 r = 0.3137255012989 ZO_VP_BAR_GRADIENT_COLORS = table:0000014316DC7628 ZO_ValidAccountNameInstructions = table:00000143EA4EC618 (meta 00000143EA4EC660} firstTable firstMeta AddInstructions() = function:00000143EA4EC718 New() = function:00000143EA4EC6A8 ZO_ValidNameInstructions = table:00000143EA4EC450 (meta 00000143EA4EC498} firstTable firstMeta AddInstructions() = function:00000143EA4EC550 New() = function:00000143EA4EC4E0 __index = table:00000143EA4EC450 (meta 00000143EA4EC498} ZO_ValidNameInstructions_GetViolationString() = function:00000143EA4EC590 ZO_ValidTextInstructions = table:00000143EA4EBFF8 (meta 00000143EA4EC040} firstTable firstMeta AddInstruction() = function:00000143EA4EC290 AddInstructions() = function:00000143EA4EC250 GetControl() = function:00000143EA4EC168 Hide() = function:00000143EA4EC410 Initialize() = function:00000143EA4EC128 New() = function:00000143EA4EC0B8 SetPreferredAnchor() = function:00000143EA4EC390 Show() = function:00000143EA4EC3D0 UpdateViolations() = function:00000143EA4EC310 ZO_ValidatePlayerGuildId() = function:000001431C5AE5E8 ZO_VendorInventoryMenu = userdata:00000144D8645550 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_VendorInventoryMenuBar = userdata:00000144D86455C0 (meta 00000144D86484C0} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000144D8645648 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} firstTable m_animationDuration = 200 m_barPool = table:000001431C6D4758 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001431C6C8DF0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001439D79AA90 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_VendorInventoryMenuBarPaddingBar parent = userdata:00000144D86455C0 (meta 00000144D86484C0} templateName = ZO_MenuBarPaddingBarTemplate m_buttonPadding = 10 m_buttons = table:00000144D8645690 firstTable 1 = table:00000144C3059880 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001439D7A1C30 (meta 00000144C30597B0} 2 = 1 3 = 3260 2 = table:00000143F99FEEE8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144C305AA18 (meta 00000143F99FEE18} 2 = 2 3 = 3263 m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_control = userdata:00000144D86455C0 (meta 00000144D86484C0} m_downSize = 51 m_normalSize = 48 m_point = 2 m_pool = table:00000143619332A8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:000001431C6D4718 m_Active = table:000001439D79AA00 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001439D7A1C30 (meta 00000144C30597B0} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000144C3059720 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:000001439D7A1C30 (meta 00000144C30597B0} m_buttonData = table:0000014361933118 firstTable callback() = function:00000143BC866D20 categoryName = 3260 clickSound = Quickslot_Close descriptor = 3260 existingCallback() = function:0000014361933308 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_items_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_items_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_items_down.dds statusIcon() = function:000001439D7918D8 m_highlight = userdata:000001436192E0B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:00000143BC866F50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000144D8645648 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:000001436192E130 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 2 = userdata:00000144C305AA18 (meta 00000143F99FEE18} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:00000143F99FED88 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:00000144C305AA18 (meta 00000143F99FEE18} m_buttonData = table:000001436192E208 firstTable CustomTooltipFunction() = function:000001436192E180 callback() = function:00000144C305A8E8 categoryName = 3263 clickSound = Quickslot_Close descriptor = 3263 existingCallback() = function:0000014361933308 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_Craftbag_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_Craftbag_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_Craftbag_down.dds statusIcon() = function:000001436192E1C8 m_highlight = userdata:00000143F99FED48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:000001439D79A9A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:00000144D8645648 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:00000143F99FED78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:000001439D79AA48 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_VendorInventoryMenuBarButton parent = userdata:00000144D86455C0 (meta 00000144D86484C0} templateName = ZO_MenuBarTooltipButton m_relativePoint = 8 ZO_VendorInventoryMenuBarButton1 = userdata:000001439D7A1C30 (meta 00000144C30597B0} ZO_VendorInventoryMenuBarButton1Image = userdata:00000143BC866F50 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_VendorInventoryMenuBarButton1ImageHighlight = userdata:000001436192E0B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_VendorInventoryMenuBarButton1Status = userdata:000001436192E130 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_VendorInventoryMenuBarButton2 = userdata:00000144C305AA18 (meta 00000143F99FEE18} ZO_VendorInventoryMenuBarButton2Image = userdata:000001439D79A9A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_VendorInventoryMenuBarButton2ImageHighlight = userdata:00000143F99FED48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_VendorInventoryMenuBarButton2Status = userdata:00000143F99FED78 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_VendorInventoryMenuBarLabel = userdata:00000144D8645638 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_VendorInventoryMenuDivider = userdata:00000144D86482E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_VendorInventoryMenuDividerLeft = userdata:00000144D8648318 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_VendorInventoryMenuDividerRight = userdata:000001439D791850 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_VendorInventoryMenu_OnInitialized() = function:00000143A02333B8 ZO_VerticalScrollbarBase_OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000144D64D45B0 ZO_VerticalScrollbarBase_OnInitialized() = function:0000014457A40A18 ZO_VerticalScrollbarBase_OnMouseDown() = function:00000144D64D93C0 ZO_VerticalScrollbarBase_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014457A34FA8 ZO_VerticalScrollbarBase_OnMouseExit() = function:00000144D64DBE08 ZO_VerticalScrollbarBase_OnMouseUp() = function:00000144D64D6CE0 ZO_VerticalScrollbarBase_OnScrollAreaEnter() = function:00000144D64D0C80 ZO_VerticalScrollbarBase_OnScrollAreaExit() = function:00000144D64CD1F0 ZO_VeteranDifficultyButton_OnClicked() = function:00000143D3180F98 ZO_VeteranDifficultyButton_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143D3180F18 ZO_VeteranDifficultyButton_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143D3180F58 ZO_VeteranDifficultyHelp_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143D31808B8 ZO_VeteranDifficultyHelp_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143D317A298 ZO_VeteranDifficultySettings_OnInitialized() = function:00000143D3180E98 ZO_WHITE = table:0000014345F11E98 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 1 r = 1 ZO_WeaponSwap_OnInitialized() = function:0000014368824A58 ZO_WeaponSwap_OnMouseEnter() = function:0000014368824AD8 ZO_WeaponSwap_OnMouseExit() = function:0000014368824B18 ZO_WeaponSwap_SetExternallyLocked() = function:0000014368824B58 ZO_WeaponSwap_SetPermanentlyHidden() = function:0000014368824BA0 ZO_WeightedChoiceGenerator = table:000001431D7ABD38 (meta 000001431D7ABD80} firstTable firstMeta Generate() = function:000001431D7ABE78 GetValue() = function:000001431D7ABF60 Initialize() = function:000001431D7ABE38 New() = function:000001431D7ABDC8 ZO_WindowSoundFragment = table:0000014320DB9F78 (meta 0000014320DB9FC0} firstTable firstMeta Hide() = function:0000014320DBA0E0 New() = function:0000014320DBA008 Show() = function:0000014320DBA048 __index = table:0000014320DB9F78 (meta 0000014320DB9FC0} ZO_WorldMap = userdata:00000143CBF837E8 (meta 00000143EB8E4FF0} ZO_WorldMapButtons = userdata:000001439F47DB98 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapButtonsBG = userdata:000001439F47DBC8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapButtonsFloors = userdata:000001439F481748 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapButtonsFloorsDown = userdata:00000144C1032688 (meta 00000144C1032C40} firstMeta firstIndex floorDirection = 1 tooltipFormatString = Go down a floor ZO_WorldMapButtonsFloorsText = userdata:000001439F47D360 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapButtonsFloorsUp = userdata:000001439F47D390 (meta 00000144C10325C8} firstMeta firstIndex floorDirection = -1 tooltipFormatString = Go up a floor ZO_WorldMapButtonsHistorySlider = userdata:000001439F47DBF8 (meta 0000014308359498} ZO_WorldMapButtonsHistorySliderBackdrop = userdata:000001439F47DCB8 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_WorldMapButtonsHistorySliderBackdropMungeOverlay = userdata:000001439F47DD40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapCenterPoint = userdata:00000143E12C6B70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_Gamepad = userdata:00000143E12C4110 (meta 00000143E12C5440} firstMeta firstIndex Show() = function:00000143E12BC8F8 header = userdata:00000143E12C5BF8 (meta 00000143E12BC800} headerData = table:00000144C10266F8 firstTable messageText = titleText = list = table:00000143E12C3158 (meta 00000143F1192C30} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143E12C30C0 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143E12BC078 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143E12BC0C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E12BC3A8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143E12BC030 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E12C5060 firstTable control = userdata:00000143E12C2F00 (meta 00000143E12C3218} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143E12C4F38 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143E12C3158 (meta 00000143F1192C30} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143E12C5368 firstTable dataList = table:00000143E12C5128 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143E12C5018 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryNoCapitalization = table:00000143E12C5660 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E12C54E0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143E12C5528 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E12C55A0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryNoCapitalization parent = userdata:00000143E12C2F80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryNoCapitalization setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryNoCapitalizationWithHeader = table:00000143E12C56A8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143E12C3270 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143E12C4E98 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143E12C4848 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143E12C4E58 m_Active = table:00000143E12C32B8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143E12C4E10 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryNoCapitalizationWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143E12C2F80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryNoCapitalization setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143E12C31D0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143E12C4FD0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143E12C3148 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143E12C5200 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E12C5290 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143E12C51B8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143E12C5248 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143E12C2F80 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143E12C52D8 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143E12C5170 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143E12C53B0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143E12C5320 firstTable ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadBg = userdata:00000143E12C5768 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadBgBackgroundAtScreenCenterHeight = userdata:00000143E12C5880 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadBgBg = userdata:00000143E12C5A68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadBgHighlight = userdata:00000143E12C58F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadBgLeftDivider = userdata:00000143E12C5978 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadBgRightDivider = userdata:00000143E12C59F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadBgScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143E12C57F0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainer = userdata:00000143E12C5AE0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainer = userdata:00000143E12C5B68 (meta 00000143E12C2DC0} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143E12C5BF8 (meta 00000143E12BC800} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:00000143E12BC480 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001439F47DB68 (meta 000001430831E750} 10 = userdata:00000143E12C29F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 11 = userdata:00000143E12C2BA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 12 = userdata:00000143E12C2B18 (meta 00000143083425C0} 13 = userdata:00000143E12C2CD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} 14 = userdata:00000143E12C2C40 (meta 00000143083425C0} 15 = userdata:00000143E12C2D68 (meta 00000143083425C0} 2 = userdata:00000143E12C5D30 (meta 0000014314DD0280} 4 = userdata:00000143E12C5C90 (meta 000001430831E750} 5 = userdata:0000014314DD0340 (meta 000001430831E750} 6 = userdata:00000143E12BD8B8 (meta 000001430831E750} 7 = userdata:00000143E12C2958 (meta 00000143083425C0} 8 = userdata:00000143E12C28C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} 9 = userdata:00000143E12C2A80 (meta 00000143083425C0} layout = 1 ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeader = userdata:00000143E12C5BF8 (meta 00000143E12BC800} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1 = userdata:00000143E12C2958 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData1Header = userdata:00000143E12C28C8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2 = userdata:00000143E12C2A80 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData2Header = userdata:00000143E12C29F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3 = userdata:00000143E12C2BA8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData3Header = userdata:00000143E12C2B18 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4 = userdata:00000143E12C2CD0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderData4Header = userdata:00000143E12C2C40 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPipped = userdata:00000143E12BD8B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDivider = userdata:00000143E12C2390 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E12C2588 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E12C2438 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143E12C24E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143E12BD958 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143E12C22E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143E12C2630 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E12C2830 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E12C26D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143E12C2780 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143E12BD988 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:0000014314DD0340 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143E12BD628 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143E12BD820 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143E12BD6D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143E12BD778 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143E12C2D68 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:000001439F47DB68 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143E12BDF10 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143E12C5C90 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapChoice_GamepadContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143E12C5D30 (meta 0000014314DD0280} 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userdata:00000143214BC7D0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapCornerTitle = userdata:00000143214BBFE8 (meta 00000143214BC500} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143214BC2D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143214BC350 firstTable font = ZoFontWinH1 2 = table:00000143214BC3C8 firstTable font = ZoFontWinH2 3 = table:00000143214BC440 firstTable font = ZoFontWinH3 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 470 ZO_WorldMapCorner_OnInitialized() = function:00000143214BA658 ZO_WorldMapCorner_OnUpdate() = function:00000143214BA6D8 ZO_WorldMapFilterPanel_Shared = table:00000143D1035728 (meta 00000143D1035770} firstTable firstMeta AnchorControl() = function:00000143D1035898 BuildControls() = function:00000143D1035B80 ComboBoxDependsOn() = function:00000143D1035AC0 FindCheckBox() = function:00000143D1035A40 FindComboBox() = function:00000143D1035A80 FindDependentCheckBox() = function:00000143D1035B00 GetPinFilter() = function:00000143D10359C0 Initialize() = function:00000143D1035858 New() = function:00000143D10357E8 PostBuildControls() = function:00000143D1035BC0 PreBuildControls() = function:00000143D1035B40 SetHidden() = function:00000143D1035980 SetPinFilter() = function:00000143D1035A00 ZO_WorldMapFilters = userdata:00000143D103EBA8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_WorldMapFiltersBattleground = userdata:00000143D104B318 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFiltersBattlegroundCheckBox1 = userdata:00000143D103EA78 (meta 00000143E3A2AF20} ZO_WorldMapFiltersBattlegroundCheckBox1Label = userdata:00000143ECB4F630 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapFiltersImperialPvP = userdata:00000143D104B2A0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFiltersImperialPvPCheckBox1 = userdata:00000143D103E850 (meta 0000014409DAE3E8} firstMeta firstIndex label = userdata:00000143DD54ADD8 (meta 00000143083425C0} mapPinGroup = 1 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F4798D8 toggleFunction() = function:0000014406385938 ZO_WorldMapFiltersImperialPvPCheckBox1Label = 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function:00000143D6E99B70 ZO_WorldMapFiltersPvPCheckBox9Label = userdata:0000014313B21AF8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapFiltersPvPComboBox1 = userdata:0000014313B25A88 (meta 00000143D09D1038} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:00000143D9E65E50 (meta 000001431D56DB28} firstTable m_container = userdata:0000014313B25A88 (meta 00000143D09D1038} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_WorldMapFiltersPvPComboBox1 m_openDropdown = userdata:00000143ECB42ED8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} m_selectedColor = table:00000144CAE603B8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000143ECB3F568 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:00000144CAE60368 firstTable 1 = table:00000144647C3C20 firstTable callback() = function:00000144647C3BC8 name = All Alliances optionValue = 1 2 = table:0000014494A19B28 firstTable callback() = function:00000144647C3BC8 name = My Alliance optionValue = 2 m_sortsItems = true m_spacing = 0 mapPinGroup = 11 ZO_WorldMapFiltersPvPComboBox1BG = userdata:00000143ECB3C848 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_WorldMapFiltersPvPComboBox1BGMungeOverlay = userdata:00000143ECB3DAB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFiltersPvPComboBox1OpenDropdown = userdata:00000143ECB42ED8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_WorldMapFiltersPvPComboBox1SelectedItemText = userdata:00000143ECB3F568 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapFilters_Gamepad = userdata:00000143C01578F0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMain = userdata:00000143C0157D00 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattleground = userdata:00000143C0158700 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundList = userdata:00000143C0158788 (meta 00000143B81F9DB8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143D09ABFE8 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143C345E788 (meta 00000143F1192C30} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143C0158960 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143B2A9D078 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143B2A9D0C0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143B2A9D108 firstTable 1() = function:00000143C77F6D40 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143206036D8 firstTable control = userdata:00000143C0158788 (meta 00000143B81F9DB8} dataIndexToControl = table:0000014406392CC0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144949FC008 (meta 00000143A38926F8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 1 highlight = userdata:00000143D09AED08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:0000014313B284B8 (meta 0000014406391270} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 1 label = userdata:00000143C01577C0 (meta 00000143C345C970} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:00000143D09B1A28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate dataList = table:00000144063997C8 firstTable 1 = table:0000014406392E80 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:0000014406392E38 firstTable mapPinGroup = 9 name = Group Members onSelect() = function:0000014406392DE0 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F479770 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Group Members dataTypes = table:00000143B1D82100 firstTable ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate = table:00000144063A0408 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143B2A9D150 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014406392D98 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000144949FC008 (meta 00000143A38926F8} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B2A9D1E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate parent = userdata:00000143C0158810 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143D9611CD8 ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader = table:0000014313B28378 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014313B283C0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143B1D8AD38 customFactoryBehavior() = function:0000014406383CF0 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143DB2E2AD0 m_Active = table:0000014406392D50 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014313B28450 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143C0158810 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplate setupFunction() = function:0000014313B28330 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:000001439CF74468 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001440EB01030 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143C01589F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000144949FBE80 firstTable 1 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000144949FBF10 firstTable 1 = false prePadding = table:0000014406399858 firstTable 1 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000144949FBEC8 firstTable 1 = false scrollControl = userdata:00000143C0158810 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000144949FBF58 firstTable 1 = 0 selectedData = table:0000014406392E80 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:0000014406399810 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000144949FBFA0 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:0000014406392D08 firstTable userdata = 00000144949FC008 = true ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143C01588B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143C0158960 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143C01589F0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListScroll = userdata:00000143C0158810 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1 = userdata:00000144949FC008 (meta 00000143A38926F8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1EnabledIcon = userdata:00000143D09B1A28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1Icon = userdata:0000014313B284B8 (meta 0000014406391270} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1IconHighlight = userdata:00000143D09AED08 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1Label = userdata:00000143C01577C0 (meta 00000143C345C970} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1OutlineIcon = userdata:00000144063912D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainBattlegroundListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1RootSpacer = userdata:00000143A352E900 (meta 000001430831E750} 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table:00000143DAD18AD8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143A979DE88 (meta 00000143A3528FF0} 2 = userdata:00000144CAEF84F0 (meta 00000143B1D762A0} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 2 highlight = userdata:00000144CAF00CD8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144CAEFDFB8 (meta 00000144582AFA20} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 2 label = userdata:00000144CAEFC508 (meta 00000143DB2E96A8} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:0000014406388C88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 3 = userdata:00000144CAF031B8 (meta 00000143B81F9C80} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 3 highlight = userdata:00000144CAF09E68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144CAF08BF8 (meta 000001432061D340} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 3 label = userdata:00000144CAF07148 (meta 00000143B81F0D50} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:00000143B81FC6C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate dataList = table:00000143DAD209A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DAD18C98 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:00000143DAD18C50 firstTable mapPinGroup = 1 name = Objectives onSelect() = function:00000143DAD18BF8 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F4798D8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = 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ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate = table:00000143DD623DD8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:0000014320750338 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143DAD18BB0 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143A979DE88 (meta 00000143A3528FF0} 2 = userdata:00000144CAEF84F0 (meta 00000143B1D762A0} 3 = userdata:00000144CAF031B8 (meta 00000143B81F9C80} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143C0158FF8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate parent = userdata:00000143C01584A0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143D9611CD8 ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143DD61FB78 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143DD61FBC0 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000014313AEF400 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143DAD20868 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143EB917498 m_Active = table:00000143DAD18B68 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DAD242A0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143C01584A0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143B1D84C88 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143DD61E368 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:000001439D9BE540 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143C0158680 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143B1D71DF8 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143B1D71E88 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false prePadding = table:00000143DAD20A30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143B1D71E40 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false scrollControl = userdata:00000143C01584A0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143B1D71ED0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 selectedData = table:00000143DAD18C98 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:00000143DAD209E8 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 2 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 3 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143B1D71F18 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143DAD18B20 firstTable userdata = 00000143A979DE88 = true 00000144CAEF84F0 = true 00000144CAF031B8 = true ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143C0158540 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143C01585F0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143C0158680 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScroll = userdata:00000143C01584A0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1 = userdata:00000143A979DE88 (meta 00000143A3528FF0} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 1 highlight = userdata:00000144CAEED8B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144CAEE8630 (meta 00000143A352BCD0} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 1 label = userdata:00000144CAEE1980 (meta 00000143EB394820} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:00000143A352A508 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1EnabledIcon = userdata:00000143A352A508 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1Icon = userdata:00000144CAEE8630 (meta 00000143A352BCD0} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1IconHighlight = userdata:00000144CAEED8B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1Label = userdata:00000144CAEE1980 (meta 00000143EB394820} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1OutlineIcon = userdata:00000144CAEF05D0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate2OutlineIcon = userdata:00000144CAF01F48 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate2RootSpacer = userdata:00000144CAEFB210 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3 = userdata:00000144CAF031B8 (meta 00000143B81F9C80} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3EnabledIcon = userdata:00000143B81FC6C0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3Icon = userdata:00000144CAF08BF8 (meta 000001432061D340} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3IconHighlight = userdata:00000144CAF09E68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143DAD1F928 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143DAD1F970 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DAD1F9B8 firstTable 1() = function:00000143F5F55080 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143E7FD0138 firstTable control = userdata:00000143C0157DF0 (meta 00000143DF6281B0} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143DE374E38 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001440EAFE278 (meta 00000143B1479B70} 2 = userdata:00000143ECB716A8 (meta 00000144CAE529D8} 3 = userdata:000001447C5FD9C8 (meta 000001431B623628} dataList = table:0000014320FEF1A8 firstTable 1 = table:00000143FE109088 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:00000144CAEDD1F8 firstTable mapPinGroup = 1 name = Objectives onSelect() = function:00000144CAEDD0F8 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F4798D8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Objectives 2 = table:0000014307959B50 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:0000014307959B08 firstTable mapPinGroup = 8 name = Wayshrines onSelect() = function:0000014307959A08 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F479C98 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Wayshrines 3 = table:00000143FE1090D0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:0000014307959BD0 firstTable mapPinGroup = 9 name = Group Members onSelect() = function:000001430A45D478 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F479770 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Group Members dataTypes = table:00000143E7FD00F0 firstTable ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate = table:00000143DAD087C8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143DAD1FA00 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000144CAEDD0B0 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001440EAFE278 (meta 00000143B1479B70} 2 = userdata:00000143ECB716A8 (meta 00000144CAE529D8} 3 = userdata:000001447C5FD9C8 (meta 000001431B623628} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143DAD08700 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate parent = userdata:00000143C0157E70 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143D9611CD8 ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader = table:00000143DAD08810 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143A352C500 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F8DDA160 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000144582B0300 customResetBehavior() = function:00000143F8DDDEF8 m_Active = table:00000143DE374EC8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000144582B0238 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143C0157E70 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143A978E3F8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000144BA7AE300 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000144949FDCA0 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143C0157FE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143D1A55C48 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143B8D00698 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false prePadding = table:000001439DBFAEE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143D1A55C90 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false scrollControl = userdata:00000143C0157E70 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143B8D006E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 selectedData = table:00000143FE109088 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:000001439DBFAEA0 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 2 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 3 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143B8D00728 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143DE374E80 firstTable userdata = 00000143ECB716A8 = true 000001440EAFE278 = true 000001447C5FD9C8 = true ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143C0157F08 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143C0157FB0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143C0157FE0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScroll = userdata:00000143C0157E70 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1 = userdata:000001440EAFE278 (meta 00000143B1479B70} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 1 highlight = userdata:00000143DAD1FAB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000143C0157148 (meta 00000143CBD6A168} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 1 label = userdata:0000014320608140 (meta 0000014313AF2EA8} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:00000143ECB5D010 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1EnabledIcon = userdata:00000143ECB5D010 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1Icon = userdata:00000143C0157148 (meta 00000143CBD6A168} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1IconHighlight = userdata:00000143DAD1FAB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1Label = userdata:0000014320608140 (meta 0000014313AF2EA8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1OutlineIcon = userdata:00000143ECB59080 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1RootSpacer = userdata:00000143A351D5B8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate2 = userdata:00000143ECB716A8 (meta 00000144CAE529D8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 2 highlight = userdata:00000144949F3608 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144949F2398 (meta 00000144CC075F58} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 2 label = userdata:00000144949F08E8 (meta 00000144BA7A6AD8} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:000001447C5F99B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 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ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3 = userdata:000001447C5FD9C8 (meta 000001431B623628} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 3 highlight = userdata:000001447C60C838 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:000001447C60B328 (meta 00000143E7FB8510} key = 3 label = userdata:000001447C604678 (meta 00000143206088A8} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:000001447C616208 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3EnabledIcon = userdata:000001447C616208 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3Icon = userdata:000001447C60B328 (meta 00000143E7FB8510} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3IconHighlight = userdata:000001447C60C838 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3Label = userdata:000001447C604678 (meta 00000143206088A8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3OutlineIcon = userdata:000001447C6107C8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3RootSpacer = userdata:000001447C6006E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvP = userdata:00000143C0158058 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPList = userdata:00000143C01580D0 (meta 00000143DD61F2C0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:000001447C61A198 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0000014409DA7580} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 1 label = userdata:00000143C0157370 (meta 00000143DD60F768} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:00000144C7FCD3E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 10 = userdata:00000143F2CBD178 (meta 00000143E664BD58} firstMeta firstIndex dataIndex = 10 headerControl = userdata:00000144CAEDEC60 (meta 00000143083425C0} key = 1 templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader 2 = userdata:00000144C7FD8240 (meta 00000143EB917450} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 2 highlight = userdata:00000144C7FEB8B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144C7FE8B38 (meta 0000014494A24468} firstMeta firstIndex 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userdata:000001448F0C2AE8 (meta 00000144949F40A0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:000001448F0CD7A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 5 = userdata:000001448F0D1958 (meta 00000143DD9A2BA8} 6 = userdata:00000143B2A968D0 (meta 00000143B2A96968} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 6 highlight = userdata:000001448F0E05B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:000001448F0DEB00 (meta 000001432074A528} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 6 label = userdata:000001448F0DD890 (meta 000001431B625DA0} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:000001448F0E4540 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = 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(meta 00000143ED000C00} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 8 label = userdata:000001448F0EDF90 (meta 000001439D9C3B20} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:000001448F0F3190 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 9 = userdata:0000014409DA9358 (meta 0000014409DA93F0} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 9 highlight = userdata:00000144CAECFE18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144CAECEBA8 (meta 0000014409DA4F70} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 9 label = userdata:000001448F0F9E40 (meta 0000014313B92AD8} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:00000144CAED2B38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate dataList = table:00000143B81F0770 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A3887CC8 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:00000143A38933E8 firstTable mapPinGroup = 1 name = Objectives onSelect() = function:000001439CF733A8 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F4798D8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Objectives 10 = table:00000143ECFF9868 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:00000143B14F3A68 firstTable callback() = function:00000143E7FB9080 comboItems = table:0000014313AEF3B8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 2 mapPinGroup = 11 onSelect() = function:0000014409DB4240 optionsEnumStringName = SI_MAPTRANSITLINEALLIANCE refreshFunction() = function:000001439F47A958 showSelectButton = true dropDown = table:0000014313BA3F58 (meta 0000014316F496C8} firstTable deactivatedCallback() = function:00000144CAE82F90 keybindStripDescriptor = table:00000143A3888D90 firstTable 1 = table:00000143C7F7D6C0 firstTable callback() = function:0000014409DB28E8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back visible() = function:00000143E6656F18 2 = table:00000143610321E8 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A51C2A20 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE name = Back visible() = function:0000014310B9D1B8 3 = table:00000143A51BCA20 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A978A3E0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:00000143DD9A2BF0 4 = table:00000143A978A428 firstTable callback() = function:00000143A3524908 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:0000014310B9D1B8 alignment = 1 m_active = false m_container = userdata:00000144CAED3DA8 (meta 00000143A3888D48} m_dropdown = table:00000143688208C0 (meta 000001436881D800} m_focus = table:00000143A3524950 (meta 000001431E0D1CF8} firstTable active = false control = userdata:00000144CAED3DA8 (meta 00000143A3888D48} firstMeta firstIndex comboBoxObject = table:0000014313BA3F58 (meta 0000014316F496C8} m_comboBox = table:0000014313BA3F58 (meta 0000014316F496C8} data = table:00000143A3524998 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:00000143E664BC88 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143139314E8 m_font = ZoFontGamepad27 m_highlightColor = table:0000014345F0CE50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_highlightFont = ZoFontGamepad36 m_highlightedIndex = 1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_itemTemplate = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader1Selector m_normalColor = table:0000014345F0CF50 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} m_openDropdown = userdata:00000144CAED97E8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_selectedColor = table:0000014313BA89A8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:00000144CAEDAC78 (meta 00000143083425C0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000014316F68620 m_sortedItems = table:00000143A978A480 firstTable 1 = table:00000143DAD0B600 firstTable callback() = function:00000144CC081CA0 index = 1 name = All Alliances optionValue = 1 2 = table:00000143DD62A978 firstTable callback() = function:00000144CC081CA0 index = 2 name = My Alliance optionValue = 2 m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true header = Show Alliance numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain 2 = table:00000143097A9EA0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:00000143A9B80A08 firstTable mapPinGroup = 8 name = Wayshrines onSelect() = function:00000143A9B809B0 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F479C98 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Wayshrines 3 = table:000001431D6D1850 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:0000014316CE4900 firstTable mapPinGroup = 9 name = Group Members onSelect() = function:00000143B147D700 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F479770 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Group Members 4 = table:00000143AF1D14C0 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:00000143C7D39F58 firstTable mapPinGroup = 3 name = Battles onSelect() = function:00000143C7D39F00 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F4795D8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Battles 5 = table:0000014307959110 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:00000143208658A8 firstTable mapPinGroup = 5 name = Resources onSelect() = function:00000143FE105F70 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F47AA98 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Resources 6 = table:00000143ECB53410 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:00000143C7D42958 firstTable mapPinGroup = 12 name = Imperial City Entrances onSelect() = function:00000143A9B80AE0 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F4792A0 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Imperial City Entrances 7 = table:000001448F0DA410 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:00000144BA79E3F0 firstTable mapPinGroup = 7 name = Forward Camps onSelect() = function:00000143E61642A8 refreshFunction() = function:00000143D6EB2D90 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Forward Camps 8 = table:00000144BF60D468 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:00000143FBC9D530 firstTable mapPinGroup = 6 name = Forward Camp Ranges onSelect() = function:00000143E6164300 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F4796B0 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Forward Camp Ranges 9 = table:00000143E7FCEA98 (meta 000001431392FB40} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:00000143A51B4100 firstTable mapPinGroup = 10 name = Transit Lines onSelect() = function:00000143E6164358 refreshFunction() = function:000001439F47A958 showSelectButton = true dependentComboBox = 11 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Transit Lines dataTypes = table:00000143DD574160 firstTable ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate = table:00000144096008B8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000144096112E8 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:000001439CF73360 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143B81F0868 (meta 000001439D9BCF10} 2 = userdata:00000144C7FD8240 (meta 00000143EB917450} 3 = userdata:00000144C7FF2560 (meta 00000144C7FDF660} 4 = userdata:00000144C80063B0 (meta 00000143A97934A8} 5 = userdata:000001448F0D1958 (meta 00000143DD9A2BA8} 6 = userdata:00000143B2A968D0 (meta 00000143B2A96968} 7 = userdata:000001431B629C48 (meta 00000143A51C0FC8} 8 = userdata:000001440E3F2CD0 (meta 000001440E3F2D68} 9 = userdata:0000014409DA9358 (meta 0000014409DA93F0} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014409611378 firstTable m_NextControlId = 9 m_NextFree = 10 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate parent = userdata:00000143C0158150 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143D9611CD8 ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader = table:0000014409600900 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143AA185A68 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:00000143D72C3690 parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143DB2D6B60 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143DD9AD300 customFactoryBehavior() = function:00000143B820DE10 customResetBehavior() = function:0000014409600990 m_Active = table:000001439CF73318 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000143F2CBD178 (meta 00000143E664BD58} m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143B820DD48 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:00000143C0158150 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplate setupFunction() = function:00000143DB2DECE8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143EB38C9A8 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143D6E852B8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143C0158318 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:000001439CF67C78 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false 9 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001439CF67D08 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false 9 = false prePadding = table:00000143B81F0800 firstTable 1 = 0 10 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = 0 8 = 0 9 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:000001439CF67CC0 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false 9 = false scrollControl = userdata:00000143C0158150 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:000001439CF67D50 firstTable 1 = 0 10 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = 0 8 = 0 9 = 0 selectedData = table:00000143A3887CC8 (meta 000001431392FB40} selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = true targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:00000143B81F07B8 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 10 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader 2 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 3 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 4 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 5 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 6 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 7 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 8 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 9 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:000001439CF67D98 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:000001439CF732D0 firstTable userdata = 000001431B629C48 = true 00000143B2A968D0 = true 00000143B81F0868 = true 00000143F2CBD178 = true 0000014409DA9358 = true 000001440E3F2CD0 = true 000001448F0D1958 = true 00000144C7FD8240 = true 00000144C7FF2560 = true 00000144C80063B0 = true ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143C01581E8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143C0158290 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143C0158318 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScroll = userdata:00000143C0158150 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1 = userdata:00000143B81F0868 (meta 000001439D9BCF10} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1EnabledIcon = userdata:00000144C7FCD3E0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1Icon = userdata:00000144096113E0 (meta 0000014409DA7580} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1IconHighlight = userdata:00000143D6E85320 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1Label = userdata:00000143C0157370 (meta 00000143DD60F768} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1OutlineIcon = userdata:00000144C7FCC170 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate1RootSpacer = userdata:000001439CF67E00 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate2 = userdata:00000144C7FD8240 (meta 00000143EB917450} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate2EnabledIcon = userdata:00000144C7FF0AB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate2Icon = userdata:00000144C7FE8B38 (meta 0000014494A24468} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate2IconHighlight = userdata:00000144C7FEB8B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate2Label = userdata:00000144C7FE0C18 (meta 00000144CC04EB00} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate2OutlineIcon = userdata:00000144C7FEF840 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate2RootSpacer = userdata:00000144C7FDEF48 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3 = userdata:00000144C7FF2560 (meta 00000144C7FDF660} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 3 highlight = userdata:00000144C7FFD220 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:00000144C7FFB770 (meta 00000144CC04F850} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 3 label = userdata:00000144C7FF4A40 (meta 00000143E777F7E8} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:00000144C8002420 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3EnabledIcon = userdata:00000144C8002420 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3Icon = userdata:00000144C7FFB770 (meta 00000144CC04F850} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3IconHighlight = userdata:00000144C7FFD220 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3Label = userdata:00000144C7FF4A40 (meta 00000143E777F7E8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate3OutlineIcon = 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ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate4OutlineIcon = userdata:000001448F0CAA88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate4RootSpacer = userdata:000001448F0BFDC8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate5 = userdata:000001448F0D1958 (meta 00000143DD9A2BA8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 5 highlight = userdata:000001448F0D8608 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:000001448F0D58E8 (meta 00000143B1D745C8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 key = 5 label = userdata:000001448F0D3E38 (meta 00000143E777F840} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 340 numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:000001448F0DAB70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate5EnabledIcon = userdata:000001448F0DAB70 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate5Icon = userdata:000001448F0D58E8 (meta 00000143B1D745C8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate5IconHighlight = userdata:000001448F0D8608 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate5Label = userdata:000001448F0D3E38 (meta 00000143E777F840} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate5OutlineIcon = userdata:000001448F0D9878 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate5RootSpacer = 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ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate6RootSpacer = userdata:000001448F0DC620 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate7 = userdata:000001431B629C48 (meta 00000143A51C0FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate7EnabledIcon = userdata:000001448F0EB270 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate7Icon = userdata:000001448F0E84D0 (meta 000001431B629578} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate7IconHighlight = userdata:000001448F0E9740 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate7Label = userdata:000001448F0E7260 (meta 000001436103FD68} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate7OutlineIcon = userdata:000001431B623D40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate7RootSpacer = userdata:000001448F0E57B0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate8 = userdata:000001440E3F2CD0 (meta 000001440E3F2D68} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate8EnabledIcon = userdata:000001448F0F3190 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate8Icon = userdata:000001448F0F0470 (meta 00000143ED000C00} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate8IconHighlight = userdata:000001448F0F1F20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate8Label = userdata:000001448F0EDF90 (meta 000001439D9C3B20} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate8OutlineIcon = userdata:000001439D9CFEE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate8RootSpacer = userdata:000001448F0EC4E0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate9 = userdata:0000014409DA9358 (meta 0000014409DA93F0} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate9EnabledIcon = userdata:00000144CAED2B38 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate9Icon = userdata:00000144CAECEBA8 (meta 0000014409DA4F70} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate9IconHighlight = userdata:00000144CAECFE18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate9Label = userdata:000001448F0F9E40 (meta 0000014313B92AD8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate9OutlineIcon = userdata:000001439D9BF970 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate9RootSpacer = userdata:000001448F0F8BD0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader1 = userdata:00000143F2CBD178 (meta 00000143E664BD58} ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader1Header = userdata:00000144CAEDEC60 (meta 00000143083425C0} 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200 m_barPool = table:0000014368A0EB68 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:0000014314DD3CD8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:0000014368A0BFD0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarPaddingBar parent = userdata:0000014368A1AC88 (meta 00000143D6A4AA80} templateName = ZO_MenuBarPaddingBarTemplate m_buttonPadding = 20 m_buttons = table:0000014368A0BE20 firstTable 1 = table:0000014314DD1BD8 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014314DD1180 (meta 0000014314DD1B08} 2 = 1 3 = 5567 2 = table:0000014314DD21F0 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014314DD1F10 (meta 0000014314DD2120} 2 = 2 3 = 5568 3 = table:0000014314DD3C58 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014314DD2528 (meta 0000014314DD3B40} 2 = 3 3 = 5569 4 = table:0000014314DD4300 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014314DD4020 (meta 0000014314DD4230} 2 = 4 3 = 5566 5 = table:0000014314DD3C10 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014314DD4638 (meta 0000014314DD4848} 2 = 5 3 = 5570 m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_control = userdata:0000014368A1AC88 (meta 00000143D6A4AA80} m_downSize = 64 m_normalSize = 51 m_point = 2 m_pool = table:00000143D6A53F08 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:0000014368A0EB28 m_Active = table:00000143D6A53F50 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000014314DD1180 (meta 0000014314DD1B08} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:0000014314DD1A78 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable firstMeta m_button = userdata:0000014314DD1180 (meta 0000014314DD1B08} m_buttonData = table:0000014314DD1340 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314DD13D0 categoryName = 5567 descriptor = 5567 highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_indexIcon_quests_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_indexIcon_quests_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_indexIcon_quests_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:0000014314DD1678 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:0000014314DD15F8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 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m_object = table:0000014314DD3AB0 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:0000014314DD2528 (meta 0000014314DD3B40} m_buttonData = table:0000014314DD22B8 firstTable callback() = function:0000014314DD2348 categoryName = 5569 descriptor = 5569 highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_indexIcon_filters_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_indexIcon_filters_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_indexIcon_filters_down.dds m_highlight = userdata:0000014314DD3A28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_highlightHidden = true m_image = userdata:0000014314DD39A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} m_menuBar = table:0000014368A0BDD8 (meta 000001439CF8AC30} m_state = 0 m_statusIcon = userdata:0000014314DD3AA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} 4 = userdata:0000014314DD4020 (meta 0000014314DD4230} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:0000014314DD41A0 (meta 000001436860C290} firstTable m_button = userdata:0000014314DD4020 (meta 0000014314DD4230} m_buttonData = table:0000014314DD3DB0 firstTable callback() = 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ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton2 = userdata:0000014314DD1F10 (meta 0000014314DD2120} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton2Image = userdata:0000014314DD1F88 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton2ImageHighlight = userdata:0000014314DD2008 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton2Status = userdata:0000014314DD2080 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton3 = userdata:0000014314DD2528 (meta 0000014314DD3B40} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton3Image = userdata:0000014314DD39A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton3ImageHighlight = userdata:0000014314DD3A28 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton3Status = userdata:0000014314DD3AA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton4 = userdata:0000014314DD4020 (meta 0000014314DD4230} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton4Image = userdata:0000014314DD4098 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton4ImageHighlight = userdata:0000014314DD4118 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton4Status = userdata:0000014314DD4190 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton5 = userdata:0000014314DD4638 (meta 0000014314DD4848} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton5Image = userdata:0000014314DD46B0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton5ImageHighlight = userdata:0000014314DD4730 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarButton5Status = userdata:0000014314DD47A8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarDivider = userdata:0000014368A19550 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfoMenuBarLabel = userdata:0000014368A0BDC8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapInfo_Gamepad = userdata:00000143D1A4A9E0 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainer = userdata:00000143D1A4AD80 (meta 00000143D1A4C210} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:00000143D1A4AE00 (meta 0000014314DD4F38} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeader = userdata:00000143D1A4AE00 (meta 0000014314DD4F38} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderData1 = 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ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D1A4BAB8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D1A4B988 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftDividerRight = userdata:00000143D1A4BA20 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedLeftIcon = userdata:00000143D1A4B738 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPips = userdata:00000143D1A4B858 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip1 = userdata:00000143E12BE870 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip1Active = userdata:00000143E12BE930 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip1Inactive = userdata:00000143E12BEC68 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip2 = userdata:00000143E12BED08 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip2Active = userdata:00000143E12BEDB0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip2Inactive = userdata:00000143E12BEE58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip3 = userdata:00000143E12BEEF8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip3Active = userdata:00000143E12BEFA0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip3Inactive = userdata:00000143E12BF048 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip4 = userdata:00000143E12BF130 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip4Active = userdata:00000143E12BF1D8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedPipsZO_GamepadTabBarPip4Inactive = userdata:00000143E12BF280 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDivider = userdata:00000143D1A4BB50 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D1A4BD18 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D1A4BBE8 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightDividerRight = userdata:00000143D1A4BC80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerPippedRightIcon = userdata:00000143D1A4B7C8 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerSimple = userdata:00000143D1A4B3C8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDivider = userdata:00000143D1A4B458 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerCenter = userdata:00000143D1A4B620 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerLeft = userdata:00000143D1A4B4F0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderDividerSimpleDividerRight = userdata:00000143D1A4B588 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderMessage = userdata:00000143D1A4C1B8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderTabBar = userdata:00000143D1A4B2B8 (meta 0000014314DD50E0} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderTabBarScroll = userdata:00000143D1A4B340 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate1 = userdata:00000143E12BB5C0 (meta 00000143E12BE530} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate1Label = userdata:00000143E12BE030 (meta 00000143E12BE270} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000014368823FA0 fonts = table:00000143E12BE040 firstTable 1 = table:00000143E12BE0C0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:00000143E12BE138 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:00000143E12BE1B0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 390 ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderTitleContainer = userdata:00000143D1A4AE30 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderTitleContainerTitle = userdata:00000143D1A4AEC0 (meta 00000143D1A4B100} ZO_WorldMapInfo_Gamepad_Initialize() = function:00000143D1A4AC58 ZO_WorldMapInfo_Initialize() = function:0000014368A196B0 ZO_WorldMapInfo_OnBackPressed() = function:00000143D1A4ACD8 ZO_WorldMapInfo_Shared = table:0000014368A15ED0 (meta 0000014368A15F18} firstTable firstMeta Initialize() = function:0000014368A16000 New() = function:0000014368A15F90 ZO_WorldMapKeepAlliance_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143B821B750 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RefreshKey() = function:000001430989F8C0 ZO_WorldMapLocationRowLocation_OnMouseDown() = function:00000143D1A55EB0 ZO_WorldMapLocationRowLocation_OnMouseUp() = function:00000143D1A55EF0 ZO_WorldMapLocations = userdata:00000143D1A55BB8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_WorldMapLocationsList = userdata:00000143D1A561B0 (meta 00000143D1A56710} ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row1 = userdata:00000143D1A5C970 (meta 00000143D1A5E3B8} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5A618 firstTable bottom = 23 data = table:00000143D1A57930 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5A618 description = Though there are fertile fields on the coast near the capital city of Sentinel, it is the arid expanses of the interior that have captured the hearts of the rugged Redguards. The Alik'r is rich in mineral resources, but its fierce creatures and harsh terrain are daunting to most. index = 5 locationName = Alik'r Desert top = 0 typeId = 1 index = 1 key = 1 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row10 = userdata:00000143D1A60620 (meta 0000014473528C80} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5AFD8 firstTable bottom = 230 data = table:00000143D1A585F8 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5AFD8 description = The Imperial province of Cyrodiil dominates central Tamriel. With the Empire's collapse, armies of the Dominion, Covenant, and Pact have all invaded Cyrodiil, vying for the Imperial throne and control of the greatest prize in the land. index = 14 locationName = Cyrodiil top = 207 typeId = 1 index = 10 key = 10 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row10Location = userdata:00000143D1A5E920 (meta 00000143D1A5E458} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row11 = userdata:0000014473526FE8 (meta 00000144735278D8} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B0C8 index = 11 key = 11 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row11Location = userdata:00000143D1A5B090 (meta 00000144735272F0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row12 = userdata:0000014473527BB8 (meta 0000014473527D78} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B1B8 index = 12 key = 12 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row12Location = userdata:0000014473527C38 (meta 0000014473527C90} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row13 = userdata:00000144735279E0 (meta 00000144735274C0} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B2A8 index = 13 key = 13 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row13Location = userdata:00000143D1A5B270 (meta 00000144735273D8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row14 = userdata:000001447352A230 (meta 00000143D1A5CFB0} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B398 firstTable bottom = 322 data = table:00000143D1A59FC0 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B398 description = The Gold Coast always served as the Empire of Cyrodiil's gateway to the Abecean Sea—but with the Empire in eclipse, the region has gone its own way. index = 29 locationName = Gold Coast top = 299 typeId = 1 index = 14 key = 14 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row14Location = userdata:00000143D1A5B360 (meta 00000143D1A5C9C8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row15 = userdata:00000143D1A5D290 (meta 00000143D1A5D6D8} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B488 firstTable bottom = 345 data = table:00000143D1A57BE0 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B488 description = This region is the southern heart of the Wood Elves' great forest, and home to more of the gigantic graht-oaks than any other part of Valenwood. Its capital, now also the capital of the entire Aldmeri Dominion, is Elden Root. index = 7 locationName = Grahtwood top = 322 typeId = 1 index = 15 key = 15 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row15Location = userdata:00000143D1A5D310 (meta 00000143D1A5D368} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row16 = userdata:00000143D1A5D888 (meta 00000143D1A5DCD0} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B578 firstTable bottom = 368 data = table:00000143D1A589A0 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B578 description = Greenshade, a land of flowing rivers and fertile plains, occupies the southwest portion of Valenwood. The port city of Woodhearth sits upon the western shore, while other towns include Marbruk and Greenheart. index = 16 locationName = Greenshade top = 345 typeId = 1 index = 16 key = 16 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row16Location = userdata:00000143D1A5D908 (meta 00000143D1A5D960} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row17 = userdata:00000143D1A5CB78 (meta 000001447352AB70} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B668 index = 17 key = 17 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row17Location = userdata:00000143D1A5CBF8 (meta 00000143D1A5CC50} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row18 = userdata:00000143D1A5D0C8 (meta 000001447352F1D8} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B960 firstTable bottom = 414 data = table:00000143D1A59860 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5B960 description = At the center of Cyrodiil stands the Imperial City. There, the Three Alliances vie with Daedric overlords and each other for control of the White-Gold Tower. index = 26 locationName = Imperial City top = 391 typeId = 1 index = 18 key = 18 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row18Location = userdata:000001447352C888 (meta 000001447352DCE8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row19 = userdata:000001447352F388 (meta 000001447352F548} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BA50 firstTable bottom = 437 data = table:00000143D1A59058 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BA50 description = This island off the south coast of Elsweyr is named after the Khajiiti goddess of weather and the sky, who is usually represented as a great hawk. She finds many worshipers among the cat-folk's sailors and farmers, especially those who grow moon-sugar cane. index = 21 locationName = Khenarthi's Roost top = 414 typeId = 1 index = 19 key = 19 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row19Location = userdata:000001447352F408 (meta 000001447352F460} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row1Location = userdata:00000143D1A5DDF0 (meta 00000143D1A5E2D0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row2 = userdata:00000143D1A5E638 (meta 00000143D1A5E818} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5A728 firstTable bottom = 46 data = table:00000143D1A58750 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5A728 description = The second largest of the Summerset Isles, Auridon has always served the High Elves as a buffer between their serene archipelago and the turmoil of Tamriel. The Altmer of Auridon have been hardened by generations of repelling invaders, pirates, and plagues. index = 15 locationName = Auridon top = 23 typeId = 1 index = 2 key = 2 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row20 = userdata:000001447352F6F8 (meta 000001447352F8B8} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BB40 firstTable bottom = 460 data = table:00000143D1A57DE8 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BB40 description = Malabal Tor is the northwest region of Valenwood, on the coast of the Abecean Sea and the Strid River estuary. Its capital is Silvenar, the spiritual home of all Wood Elves. index = 8 locationName = Malabal Tor top = 437 typeId = 1 index = 20 key = 20 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row20Location = userdata:000001447352F778 (meta 000001447352F7D0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row21 = userdata:000001447352FA68 (meta 000001447352FC28} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BC30 firstTable bottom = 483 data = table:00000143D1A58AF8 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BC30 description = Once known simply as Northern Valenwood, this region that borders Cyrodiil and Elsweyr has seen so much bloody warfare since the fall of the Second Empire that it's now known as Reaper's March, even to its battle-scarred inhabitants. index = 17 locationName = Reaper's March top = 460 typeId = 1 index = 21 key = 21 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row21Location = userdata:000001447352FAE8 (meta 000001447352FB40} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row22 = userdata:000001447352FDD8 (meta 000001447352FF40} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BD20 firstTable bottom = 506 data = table:00000143D1A574C8 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5BD20 description = This northwestern region of High Rock contains some of the province's most dramatic terrain, including towering, flinty crags, windswept moors, and narrow canyons. Many folk find the environment oppressive, even threatening. index = 3 locationName = Rivenspire top = 483 typeId = 1 index = 22 key = 22 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row22Location = userdata:000001447352FE58 (meta 000001447352FEB0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row23 = userdata:00000144735300F0 (meta 00000144735302B0} ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row23Location = userdata:0000014473530170 (meta 00000144735301C8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row24 = userdata:0000014473530460 (meta 0000014473530620} ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row24Location = userdata:00000144735304E0 (meta 0000014473530538} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row25 = userdata:00000144735307D0 (meta 0000014473530C18} ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row25Location = userdata:0000014473530850 (meta 00000144735308A8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row26 = userdata:0000014473530DC8 (meta 0000014473531210} ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row26Location = userdata:0000014473530E48 (meta 0000014473530EA0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row2Location = userdata:00000143D1A5E6B0 (meta 00000143D1A5E708} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row3 = userdata:00000143D1A5EB70 (meta 00000143D1A5ED28} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5A840 firstTable bottom = 69 data = table:00000143D1A58C50 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5A840 description = Bal Foyen, on the southern coast of Morrowind's Inner Sea, was a wild expanse of marshland until recently. Now much of it has been turned over to the Dark Elves' former Argonian slaves, who plant saltrice and herd guar in the former wastes. index = 18 locationName = Bal Foyen top = 46 typeId = 1 index = 3 key = 3 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row3Location = userdata:00000143D1A5EBA0 (meta 00000143D1A5EBF8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row4 = userdata:00000143D1A5EFC0 (meta 00000143D1A5F400} ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row4Location = userdata:00000143D1A5F038 (meta 00000143D1A5F090} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row5 = userdata:00000143D1A5F5A8 (meta 00000143D1A60B20} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5AA68 firstTable bottom = 115 data = table:00000143D1A58F00 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5AA68 description = Nine generations ago, the island of Betony was conquered by the Seamount Orcs, who renamed it Betnikh. A proud, self-reliant people, the Orcs fiercely protect their new home from incursion by outsiders. index = 20 locationName = Betnikh top = 92 typeId = 1 index = 5 key = 5 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row5Location = userdata:00000143D1A5F620 (meta 00000143D1A60A80} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row6 = userdata:00000143D1A5EA08 (meta 00000143D1A60C08} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5A930 firstTable bottom = 138 data = table:00000143D1A591E8 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5A930 description = Bleakrock is an island off the northeast coast of Skyrim between Windhelm and Solstheim. The hardy Nords who inhabit Bleakrock are mostly farmers and fisherfolk. A small contingent of Pact soldiers keeps a sharp lookout for pirates and raiders. index = 22 locationName = Bleakrock Isle top = 115 typeId = 1 index = 6 key = 6 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row6Location = userdata:0000014368A1A7B0 (meta 0000014473529050} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row7 = userdata:00000143D1A56B20 (meta 00000143D1A5F900} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5AC00 firstTable bottom = 161 data = table:00000143D1A5A450 firstTable dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5AC00 description = The Clockwork City, also known as Sotha Sil, after its creator, is said to be a great and intricate mechanism that duplicates the mythic structures of Nirn in metallic miniature. Only Seht himself knows its true purpose. index = 31 locationName = Clockwork City top = 138 typeId = 1 index = 7 key = 7 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row7Location = userdata:00000143D1A5AF98 (meta 00000143D1A5AB50} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row8 = userdata:00000143D1A5AFC8 (meta 0000014473528108} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:00000143D1A5ACF0 index = 8 key = 8 ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row8Location = userdata:0000014473528020 (meta 0000014473528078} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row9 = userdata:00000143D1A603E8 (meta 00000144735281A8} ZO_WorldMapLocationsList1Row9Location = userdata:00000143D1A60460 (meta 00000143D1A604B8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000014368823888 IsSelected() = function:00000143688237C8 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000014368823848 SetEnabled() = function:0000014368823808 SetSelected() = function:0000014368823788 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:0000014312F6E070 (meta 00000143C343F6F8} selected = false ZO_WorldMapLocationsListContents = userdata:00000143D1A56228 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_WorldMapLocationsListScrollBar = userdata:00000143D1A562A0 (meta 00000143D1A56558} ZO_WorldMapLocationsListScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143D1A564A0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} 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ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase427IconStackCount = userdata:0000014368A09410 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase427Label = userdata:0000014368A091F8 (meta 0000014368A0A740} ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase427RootSpacer = userdata:0000014368A09148 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase428 = userdata:0000014368A039E0 (meta 00000143689FFF90} ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase428Icon = userdata:0000014368A09A98 (meta 0000014368A02268} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase428IconHighlight = userdata:0000014368A02158 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase428IconStackCount = userdata:0000014368A02210 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase428Label = userdata:0000014368A0A860 (meta 0000014368A02B58} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase428RootSpacer = userdata:0000014368A0A830 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase429 = userdata:0000014368A02BC0 (meta 0000014368A03078} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:00000143063C88C8 dataIndex = 9 highlight = userdata:0000014368A02E80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} icon = userdata:0000014368A02DC8 (meta 0000014368A02F90} key = 9 label = userdata:0000014368A02D20 (meta 0000014368A03648} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:0000014368A02F38 (meta 00000143083425C0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase42 ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase429Icon = userdata:0000014368A02DC8 (meta 0000014368A02F90} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:0000014377CF0228 ClearIcons() = function:0000014377CF01A8 Hide() = function:0000014377CF0168 SetMaxAlpha() = function:0000014377CF0268 Show() = function:0000014377CF0128 ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase429IconHighlight = userdata:0000014368A02E80 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase429IconStackCount = userdata:0000014368A02F38 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase429Label = userdata:0000014368A02D20 (meta 0000014368A03648} firstMeta firstIndex templateFullWidth = 289 ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateLowercase429RootSpacer = userdata:0000014368A02C70 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadSideContent = userdata:00000143CFE4ACA8 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadSideContentContainer = userdata:00000143CFE4AD30 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapLocations_GamepadSideContentInfo = userdata:00000143CFE4ADB0 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapLocations_Gamepad_OnInitialized() = function:00000143CFE47E88 ZO_WorldMapLocations_OnInitialized() = function:00000143D1A55F30 ZO_WorldMapMapBlackOut = userdata:00000143E12C6B40 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapMapFrame = userdata:00000143E12C6BA0 (meta 0000014308324730} ZO_WorldMapMapFrameBottomMunge = userdata:0000014314DD8028 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapMapFrameLeftMunge = userdata:00000143E12C7030 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapMapFrameRightMunge = userdata:00000143E12C70A0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapMapFrameTopMunge = userdata:00000143E12C6FC0 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapMouseOverDescription = userdata:00000143E12C7CD8 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapMouseoverName = userdata:0000014314DD8058 (meta 000001448F0F4AE8} firstMeta firstIndex owner = ZO_WorldMapPins = table:000001439F022890 (meta 000001439F0228D8} firstTable firstMeta AddCustomPin() = function:00000143B8239498 AddQuestPin() = function:00000143B82391B0 CreateCustomPinType() = function:00000143B8239458 CreatePin() = function:000001439DBF16A8 FindPin() = function:000001439DBF1778 GetNextCustomPinType() = function:00000143B8239418 GetPlayerPin() = function:0000014313215448 GetQuestConditionPin() = function:0000014313215408 GetWayshrinePin() = function:00000143132153C8 IsCustomPinEnabled() = function:00000143B8239248 MapPinLookupToPinKey() = function:000001439DBF1A78 New() = function:00000143B8239120 OnQuestAvailable() = function:000001439F022920 OnQuestRemoved() = function:00000143B8239208 PingQuest() = function:000001439DBF16F0 RefreshCustomPins() = function:00000143B8239288 RemovePins() = function:0000014313215340 SetCustomPinEnabled() = function:00000143B82394D8 SetQuestPinsAssisted() = function:000001439DBF1738 UpdatePinsForMapSizeChange() = function:0000014313215380 __index = table:000001439F022890 (meta 000001439F0228D8} ZO_WorldMapQuestBreadcrumbs = table:0000014368A13518 (meta 0000014368A13560} firstTable firstMeta GetNumQuestConditionPositions() = function:0000014368A137F0 GetNumQuestStepsWithPositions() = function:0000014368A137B0 GetQuestConditionPosition() = function:0000014368A13830 GetSteps() = function:0000014368A13770 HasOutstandingRequests() = function:0000014368A13688 Initialize() = function:0000014368A13648 New() = function:0000014368A135D8 OnLinkedWorldPositionChanged() = function:0000014368A13A70 OnQuestAdded() = function:0000014368A139F0 OnQuestAdvanced() = function:0000014368A13AB0 OnQuestConditionCounterChanged() = function:0000014368A13970 OnQuestListUpdated() = function:0000014368A13A30 OnQuestPositionRequestComplete() = function:0000014368A13930 OnQuestRemoved() = function:0000014368A139B0 OnWorldMapChanged() = function:0000014368A13FF8 RefreshAllQuests() = function:0000014368A138F0 RefreshQuest() = function:0000014368A138B0 RequestConditionPosition() = function:0000014368A13870 __index = table:0000014368A13518 (meta 0000014368A13560} ZO_WorldMapQuestHeader_OnMouseDown() = function:00000143F8B95610 ZO_WorldMapQuestHeader_OnMouseEnter() = function:00000143F8B95590 ZO_WorldMapQuestHeader_OnMouseExit() = function:00000143F8B955D0 ZO_WorldMapQuestHeader_OnMouseUp() = function:00000143F8B95650 ZO_WorldMapQuests = userdata:00000143F8BA3430 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_WorldMapQuestsData_Singleton = table:00000143F5B963A0 (meta 00000143F5B963E8} firstTable firstMeta GetQuestMasterListIndex() = function:00000143F5B96648 Initialize() = function:00000143F5B964A0 LayoutList() = function:00000143F5B96688 New() = function:00000143F5B96430 OnQuestAvailable() = function:00000143F5B965C8 OnQuestRemoved() = function:00000143F5B96608 ShouldMapShowQuestsInList() = function:00000143F5B964E0 Sort() = function:00000143F5B966C8 __index = table:00000143F5B963A0 (meta 00000143F5B963E8} ZO_WorldMapQuestsData_Singleton_Initialize() = function:00000143F5B96708 ZO_WorldMapQuestsNoQuests = userdata:00000143F8BA4030 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapQuestsPane = userdata:00000143F8BA3860 (meta 00000143F8BA3DB8} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:00000143F8BA3EA8 (meta 00000143F8BA3F00} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143F8BA3860 (meta 00000143F8BA3DB8} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:00000143F8BA38D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollDownButton = userdata:00000143F8BA3B48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollUpButton = userdata:00000143F8BA3AD0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} scrollbar = userdata:00000143F8BA3948 (meta 00000143F8BA3C00} timeline = userdata:00000143F8BA3E78 (meta 0000014308367FC0} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 ZO_WorldMapQuestsPaneScroll = userdata:00000143F8BA38D0 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_WorldMapQuestsPaneScrollBar = userdata:00000143F8BA3948 (meta 00000143F8BA3C00} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:00000143F8BA3BA8 (meta 000001430836A030} timeline = userdata:00000143F8BA3B78 (meta 0000014308367FC0} ZO_WorldMapQuestsPaneScrollBarDown = userdata:00000143F8BA3B48 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_WorldMapQuestsPaneScrollBarThumbMunge = userdata:00000143F8BA3A58 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapQuestsPaneScrollBarUp = userdata:00000143F8BA3AD0 (meta 0000014308331CA0} ZO_WorldMapQuestsPaneScrollChild = userdata:00000143F8BA3CC0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapQuests_Gamepad = userdata:00000143F8B919B8 (meta 0000014308326048} ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadMain = userdata:00000143F8BA2070 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadMainList = userdata:00000143F8BA20E8 (meta 00000143F5B8C3D0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:00000143F5B8C950 (meta 0000014308367FC0} scrollList = table:00000143F5B89DD0 (meta 00000143F1192C30} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:00000143F5B89C80 (meta 000001430831E750} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000143A4C315F0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000143A4C31638 firstTable 1 = table:00000143A4C36090 firstTable 1() = function:00000143A4C31570 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:00000143F5B8CA78 firstTable control = userdata:00000143F8BA20E8 (meta 00000143F5B8C3D0} dataIndexToControl = table:00000143F5B8C4F0 firstTable dataList = table:00000143F5B8CB40 firstTable dataTypes = table:00000143F5B8CA30 firstTable ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplateWithStatusLowercase42 = table:00000143A4C31528 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:00000143A4C31410 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:00000143D9611C18 pool = table:00000143A4C31450 (meta 0000014457A50218} firstTable m_Active = table:00000143A4C31498 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000014457A502A8 m_Free = table:00000143A4C314E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000014457A502E8 name = ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadMainListScrollZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplateWithStatusLowercase42 parent = userdata:00000143F8BA2168 (meta 0000014308354BA8} templateName = ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryTemplateWithStatusLowercase42 setupFunction() = function:00000143063C8968 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:00000143F5B8C240 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000143F5B8C9E8 (meta 000001431DA51588} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:000001431DA51688 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F5B89D00 (meta 00000143083425C0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:00000143F11885F8 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000143F1192BF0 postPadding = table:00000143F5B8C2E0 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F5B8C418 firstTable prePadding = table:00000143F5B8CBD0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:00000143F5B8C328 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:00000143F8BA2168 (meta 0000014308354BA8} selectedCenterOffset = table:00000143F5B8C460 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:00000143F5B8CB88 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000143A4C31280 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:00000143F5B8C4A8 firstTable ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTop = userdata:00000143F5B89BE0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadMainListListScreenCenterIsAlongTopListScreenCenter = userdata:00000143F5B89C80 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadMainListNoItemsLabel = userdata:00000143F5B89D00 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadMainListScroll = userdata:00000143F8BA2168 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadMainNoQuests = userdata:00000143F5B89D78 (meta 00000143083425C0} ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadSideContent = userdata:00000143F8BA2838 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadSideContentTooltip = userdata:00000143F8BA28A8 (meta 00000143F5B8C1F8} firstMeta firstIndex AddMoney() = function:00000143EA774E50 AppendAvAObjective() = function:00000143EA774C10 AppendMapPing() = function:00000143EA7735B8 AppendQuestCondition() = function:00000143EA771030 AppendQuestEnding() = function:00000143EA76EA48 AppendUnitName() = function:000001431B70DCE8 AppendWayshrineTooltip() = function:00000143E03A4C00 ClearLines() = function:0000014316F3FEF0 HasControls() = function:00000143C34456B0 Initialize() = function:0000014368819EE8 LayoutBagItem() = function:0000014368608DD0 LayoutGroupHeader() = function:00000143EA76BBE8 LayoutIconStringLine() = function:00000143F76E5428 LayoutIconStringRightStringLine() = function:00000143EA76B940 LayoutItem() = function:0000014368608D90 LayoutKeepUpgrade() = function:00000143E03A4DD0 LayoutLargeIconStringLine() = function:00000143EA776388 LayoutStringLine() = function:00000143EA779FC0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:0000014368608E10 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:00000143167A0618 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:00000143167A0670 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:00000143EA502550 OnUpdate() = function:00000143C3445628 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:00000143EA5025F8 ResetToTop() = function:00000143C3445668 SetInputEnabled() = function:00000143A42A2F70 SetMagnitude() = function:00000143EA502590 animation = userdata:00000143F5B8CC98 (meta 00000143F5B8CCF0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:00000143F8BA28A8 (meta 00000143F5B8C1F8} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:00000143F8B90B60 (meta 0000014308354BA8} scrollChild = userdata:00000143F8BA1DA0 (meta 000001430831E750} scrollIndicator = userdata:00000143F8BA2000 (meta 0000014308349FC8} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:00000143F5B8CC68 (meta 0000014308367FC0} tooltip = userdata:00000143F8BA1E38 (meta 00000143F5B8A198} useFadeGradient = true ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadSideContentTooltipScroll = userdata:00000143F8B90B60 (meta 0000014308354BA8} ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadSideContentTooltipScrollIndicator = userdata:00000143F8BA2000 (meta 0000014308349FC8} ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadSideContentTooltipScrollScrollChild = userdata:00000143F8BA1DA0 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadSideContentTooltipScrollScrollChildPadding = userdata:00000143F8BA1F70 (meta 000001430831E750} ZO_WorldMapQuests_GamepadSideContentTooltipScrollScrollChildTooltip = userdata:00000143F8BA1E38 (meta 00000143F5B8A198} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:000001431B3F1C90 AcquireSection() = function:00000143AA181CF0 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:00000143AA181D70 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:0000014346138198 AcquireStatusBar() = function:0000014346138218 AddAbilityDescription() = function:0000014307CAFF10 AddAbilityName() = function:0000014307CAC558 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:000001439FD003D0 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:0000014307CADC50 AddAbilityStats() = function:000001431B714528 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:000001439FCFEC60 AddBaseStats() = function:0000014429011A80 AddColorAndTextSwatch() = function:00000143AA181C30 AddColorSwatch() = function:00000143AA181BF0 AddConditionBar() = function:000001431DC9AE10 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:000001432094D410 AddControl() = function:00000143EA5051F0 AddCreator() = function:00000143D054A788 AddCurrencyLocationSection() = function:00000143140B65D0 AddCustom() = function:00000143EA5052B0 AddDimensionedControl() = function:00000143EA505230 AddEnchant() = function:00000143063C76C0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:00000143D5877D68 AddFlavorText() = function:00000143B4BF9290 AddInstantUnlockEligibilityFailures() = function:00000144290123A8 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:00000143FA13AA80 AddItemTags() = function:00000143D053E928 AddItemTitle() = function:00000143E30B34C0 AddItemValue() = function:0000014429011AC0 AddLine() = function:00000143EA505270 AddMaterialLevels() = function:00000143D0545C50 AddOnUseAbility() = function:00000143139271A8 AddPoisonInfo() = function:00000143D909D020 AddPoisonSystemDescription() = function:00000143B4BFB5A0 AddSection() = function:00000143AA181CB0 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:00000143AA181C70 AddSet() = function:00000143CDE646C8 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:00000143EA5052F0 AddStatValuePair() = function:00000143461381D8 AddStatusBar() = function:0000014346138258 AddTexture() = function:00000143AA181BB0 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F18 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:00000143D72D2600 AddTopLinesToTopSection() = function:0000014429011A40 AddTopSection() = function:00000143B2B5D0A8 AddTrait() = function:0000014429013850 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:00000143FA131308 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:00000143D72D2790 ApplyPadding() = function:0000014346138420 ApplyStyles() = function:00000143D72D27D0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:00000143EA505330 ClearLines() = function:0000014346137298 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:0000014368602DC8 FormatLabel() = function:000001434613B868 FormatTexture() = function:00000143AA17D198 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:0000014457A32680 GetFontString() = function:000001431392A7A0 GetHeightProperty() = function:0000014377CE88B8 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32700 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F98 GetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9E0 GetNumControls() = function:00000143D72D2640 GetParent() = function:00000143D72C4DE8 GetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D2700 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A326C0 GetProperty() = function:00000143D72D1E58 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:00000143D72D0F98 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1F58 GetStyle() = function:0000014346138360 GetStyles() = function:000001434613B060 GetWidthProperty() = function:00000143D72C7708 HasControls() = function:00000143D72D2680 Initialize() = function:00000143461382E0 InitializeStaticPools() = function:0000014377CF3B08 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB920 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:00000143167BB960 IsVertical() = function:000001431D567428 LayoutAbility() = function:000001439FD02D80 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:000001439FD05880 LayoutAchievement() = function:00000143140B2650 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:00000143140B2690 LayoutAchievementFromLink() = function:00000143140B2590 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:00000143140B2750 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:00000143140B25D0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:000001439FD060B8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:000001432093FA60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:00000143B4C06D40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:00000143B4C06CC0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:000001432093E3F0 LayoutAttributeTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D60 LayoutAvABonus() = function:0000014320945BF0 LayoutAvARepair() = function:00000143D5872100 LayoutBagItem() = function:000001444EEE7860 LayoutBankCurrencies() = function:000001431D677A08 LayoutBook() = function:000001431D7A84C8 LayoutBooster() = function:000001444EEDFFF0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:00000143B4C05C58 LayoutCadwells() = function:00000143140B4E90 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:000001432094D4F0 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:000001439FD06858 LayoutCollectible() = function:000001431B715638 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:000001431B7154F8 LayoutCurrencies() = function:000001431D6779C8 LayoutDefaultAccessTooltip() = function:00000143F11913B8 LayoutDungeonDifficultyTooltip() = function:000001431B3F3440 LayoutDyeStamp() = function:00000143F1188D80 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:00000143B4C06D80 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:00000143B4C05B98 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:000001432093FA20 LayoutEquipmentBonusTooltip() = function:0000014405F96D20 LayoutEsoPlusTrialNotification() = function:000001444EEE58F8 LayoutFriend() = function:00000143A0C2D1D8 LayoutGenericItem() = function:000001444EEE7E48 LayoutGlyph() = function:000001431DA00BF0 LayoutGroupRole() = function:000001431B3F8790 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:00000143D58774C8 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:000001439D30C280 LayoutGuildMember() = function:00000143B2B647E0 LayoutGuildStoreSearchResult() = function:000001431D677A48 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDD9D8 LayoutIngredient() = function:00000143B4C06A90 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:00000143D5873A98 LayoutItem() = function:00000143D053B970 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:00000143140B6548 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:000001444EEE9D30 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:000001444EEE9D70 LayoutLure() = function:00000143CDE6D8B0 LayoutMarketProduct() = function:00000144290123E8 LayoutMasterWritItem() = function:00000143CDE6D870 LayoutMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B50 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:00000143140B2610 LayoutNotification() = function:00000143D5870600 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:000001444EEE5C48 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:000001444EEE0FB8 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:000001444EEE0F48 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:000001444EEDD998 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEE5C00 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:00000143A0C2B250 LayoutQuestItem() = function:000001444EEDDA60 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:00000143B4C019E0 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:00000143A0C2B210 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06B10 LayoutReagent() = function:000001432093F9E0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:000001444EEDDA20 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:00000143B2B57C00 LayoutSiege() = function:00000143B4C06BF0 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:000001439FD045A8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:000001442900AE00 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:00000143B4C05BD8 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:00000143B4C05C18 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:00000143B4C06AD0 LayoutTextBlockTooltip() = function:000001439D304E20 LayoutTitleAndDescriptionTooltip() = function:00000143461371F0 LayoutTitleAndMultiSectionDescriptionTooltip() = function:0000014346137230 LayoutTool() = function:00000143D909CF78 LayoutTradeBoPInfo() = function:00000143B4C01AB0 LayoutTradeItem() = function:000001444EEE78B0 LayoutUniversalStyleItem() = function:00000143B4C01A70 LayoutUnknownRetraitTrait() = function:000001431D677A88 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:000001444EEE4538 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:00000143B4C06D00 ReleaseSection() = function:00000143AA181D30 Reset() = function:000001431D5673E8 SetClearOnHidden() = function:0000014346138320 SetNextSpacing() = function:00000143167BB9A0 SetOwner() = function:0000014346137170 SetPoolKey() = function:00000143D72D26C0 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:0000014457A32740 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:00000143B4C01228 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:00000144D64D1FD8 SetStyles() = function:00000143D7E84178 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:000001431D567368 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:000001431D5673A8 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:00000143EA5051B0 colorPool = table:00000143F5B8A630 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143F5B8C010 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F5B8A6C0 sourcePool = table:0000014346139D88 (meta 0000014457A50218} contentsControl = userdata:00000143F8BA1ED8 (meta 000001430831E750} firstInLine = true innerSecondaryDimension = 375 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:00000143F5B8A238 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143F5B8BF80 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F5B8A350 sourcePool = table:0000014377CF3B88 (meta 0000014457A50218} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 32 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 32 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 375 sectionPool = table:00000143F5B8BD38 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143F5B8C058 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F5B8BDC8 sourcePool = table:0000014368827ED0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValuePairPool = table:00000143F5B8A7E8 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143F5B8C0A0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F5B8A878 sourcePool = table:0000014457A4FAB0 (meta 0000014457A50218} statValueSliderPool = table:00000143F5B8BB80 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = table:00000143F5B8C0E8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000143F5B8BC10 sourcePool = table:00000143EA506428 (meta 0000014457A50218} statusBarPools = table:00000143F5B8BEF0 firstTable styleNamespace = table:00000143F31809A0 styles = table:00000143F5B8BF38 firstTable 1 = table:000001431DA05330 texturePool = table:00000143F5B8A478 (meta 0000014457A505D8} firstTable activeObjects = 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