function ZO_GamepadEditBox_FocusGained(editControl) editControl.descriptor = { alignment = KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_LEFT, { name = GetString(SI_GAMEPAD_ACCEPT_OPTION), keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY", callback = function() editControl:LoseFocus() end, sound = SOUNDS.DIALOG_ACCEPT, }, { name = GetString(SI_CANCEL), keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE", callback = function() editControl:SetText(editControl.oldText) editControl:LoseFocus() end, sound = SOUNDS.DIALOG_DECLINE, }, { --Ethereal binds show no text, the name field is used to help identify the keybind when debugging. This text does not have to be localized. name = "Gamepad Edit Box Accept", ethereal = true, keybind = "DIALOG_PRIMARY", callback = function() editControl:LoseFocus() end, sound = SOUNDS.DIALOG_ACCEPT, }, { --Ethereal binds show no text, the name field is used to help identify the keybind when debugging. This text does not have to be localized. name = "Gamepad Edit Box Cancel", ethereal = true, keybind = "DIALOG_NEGATIVE", callback = function() editControl:SetText(editControl.oldText) editControl:LoseFocus() end, sound = SOUNDS.DIALOG_DECLINE, }, } editControl.oldText = editControl:GetText() editControl.m_keybindState = KEYBIND_STRIP:PushKeybindGroupState() KEYBIND_STRIP:RemoveDefaultExit(editControl.m_keybindState) KEYBIND_STRIP:AddKeybindButtonGroup(editControl.descriptor, editControl.m_keybindState) end function ZO_GamepadEditBox_FocusLost(editControl) if(editControl.descriptor) then KEYBIND_STRIP:RemoveKeybindButtonGroup(editControl.descriptor, editControl.m_keybindState) KEYBIND_STRIP:RestoreDefaultExit(editControl.m_keybindState) KEYBIND_STRIP:PopKeybindGroupState() end end