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ZO_SavedVars = { }
local WILD_CARD_KEY = '*'
local currentPlayerName
local currentDisplayName
--[[ Creates an interface around raw saved variable access
local sv = ZO_SavedVars:New(savedVariableTable, version, [, namespace], defaults [, profile])
*savedVariableTable - The string name of the saved variable table
*version - The current version. If the saved data is a lower version it is destroyed and replaced with the defaults
*namespace - An optional string namespace to separate other variables using the same table
*defaults - A table describing the default saved variables, see the example below
*profile - An optional string to describe the profile, or "Default"
The defaults table will be used when accessing a key that doesn't exist or hasn't been set yet. There is a special wild card key
that can be used to make all sibling keys inherit the defaults specified by the wild card. The wild card value can be either a value or a table.
local defaults = {
firstRun = true
containers = {
["*"] = { --these are defaults all containers inherit
width = 20,
height = 50,
Note: SavedVars must be created in the EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED function event in order for the settings file to properly save.
local sv = ZO_SavedVars:New("ZO_Ingame_SavedVariables", 1, "ExampleNamespace", defaults)
if sv.firstRun then
--initialize for first run
local primaryContainerSettings = sv.container[1] --automatically generates a table based off the wild card key
local container = self:GetPrimaryContainer()
container:SetDimensions(primaryContainerSettings.width, primaryContainerSettings.height)
sv.firstRun = false
Note: ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide provides the same interface as ZO_SavedVars:New, but is used to save account-wide saved vars.
function ZO_SavedVars : New ( savedVariableTable , version , namespace , defaults , profile , displayName , characterName )
return GetNewSavedVars ( savedVariableTable , version , namespace , defaults , profile , displayName , characterName )
function ZO_SavedVars : NewAccountWide ( savedVariableTable , version , namespace , defaults , profile , displayName )
return GetNewSavedVars ( savedVariableTable , version , namespace , defaults , profile , displayName , "$AccountWide" )
function GetNewSavedVars ( savedVariableTable , version , namespace , defaults , profile , displayName , characterName )
if _G [ savedVariableTable ] == nil then
_G [ savedVariableTable ] = { }
savedVariableTable = _G [ savedVariableTable ]
--namespace is an optional argument
profile = defaults
defaults = namespace
namespace = nil
profile = profile or "Default"
return CreateExposedInterface ( savedVariableTable , version , namespace , defaults , profile , displayName , characterName )
--Make sure that all existing tables have the appropriate defaults
--It's possible for a table to exist in the sv table (that was created in response to a wild card table), but only certain values have been set
--It needs to inherit the rest of the values from the default table
--Indexing this will copy the defaults, assign it to the previously missing key and return it
--It's almost like it was always there!
if k ~= nil then
return newValue
end ,
} )
--SVs have nothing, copy and create a new entry
--SV has an entry, and it's a table, set it up for defaults
--The SV isn't a table, nothing to do
if defaultKey == WILD_CARD_KEY then
--Wild card value is a subtable, initialize the subtable
--Wild card value is (probably) a primitive, just return a copy when the wild card is indexed
if k ~= nil then
return defaultValue
end , } )
return sv
local current = t
local container
local containerKey
if key ~= nil then
if not current [ key ] then
current [ key ] = { }
container = current
containerKey = key
current = current [ key ]
return current , container , containerKey
local function ExposeMethods ( interface , namespace , rawSavedTable , defaults , profile , cachedInterfaces )
--Gets an interface to the same saved variable table, but for a different character and/or world
if currentDisplayName == displayName and currentPlayerName == playerName then
if not cachedInterfaces [ displayName ] then
cachedInterfaces [ displayName ] = { }
if not cachedInterfaces [ displayName ] [ playerName ] then
cachedInterfaces [ displayName ] [ playerName ] = CreateExposedInterface ( rawSavedTable , self . version , namespace , defaults , profile , displayName , playerName , cachedInterfaces )
return cachedInterfaces [ displayName ] [ playerName ]
function CreateExposedInterface ( rawSavedTable , version , namespace , defaults , profile , displayName , playerName , cachedInterfaces )
local current , container , containerKey = InitializeRawTable ( rawSavedTable , profile , namespace , displayName , playerName )
--if the data is unversioned or out of date, nuke the data first
if ( current . version == nil ) then
--if there is actually data to nuke...
current = { }
container [ containerKey ] = current
elseif ( current . version < version ) then
current = { }
container [ containerKey ] = current
current . version = version
if defaults then
local interfaceMT = {
current [ k ] = v
end ,
local interface = {
default = defaults ,
cachedInterfaces = cachedInterfaces or { }
end |