GAMEPAD_INCLUDE_DEADZONE = true GAMEPAD_EXCLUDE_DEADZONE = false local g_defaultEaseFunction = ZO_EaseInCubic function ZO_Gamepad_GetLeftStickEasedX() return g_defaultEaseFunction(GetGamepadLeftStickX(GAMEPAD_INCLUDE_DEADZONE)) end function ZO_Gamepad_GetLeftStickEasedY() return g_defaultEaseFunction(GetGamepadLeftStickY(GAMEPAD_INCLUDE_DEADZONE)) end function ZO_Gamepad_GetRightStickEasedX() return g_defaultEaseFunction(GetGamepadRightStickX(GAMEPAD_INCLUDE_DEADZONE)) end function ZO_Gamepad_GetRightStickEasedY() return g_defaultEaseFunction(GetGamepadRightStickY(GAMEPAD_INCLUDE_DEADZONE)) end local function DefaultIsDataHeader(data) return data.isHeader or data.header end function ZO_Gamepad_CreateListTriggerKeybindDescriptors(list, optionalHeaderComparator) local leftTrigger = { --Ethereal binds show no text, the name field is used to help identify the keybind when debugging. This text does not have to be localized. name = function() local list = list --need a local copy so the original isn't overwritten on subsequent calls if type(list) == "function" then list = list() end local listControl = list:GetControl() if listControl then return listControl:GetName() end end, keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER", ethereal = true, callback = function() local list = list --need a local copy so the original isn't overwritten on subsequent calls if type(list) == "function" then list = list() end if list:IsActive() and not list:IsEmpty() and not list:SetPreviousSelectedDataByEval(optionalHeaderComparator or DefaultIsDataHeader, ZO_PARAMETRIC_MOVEMENT_TYPES.JUMP_PREVIOUS) then list:SetFirstIndexSelected(ZO_PARAMETRIC_MOVEMENT_TYPES.JUMP_PREVIOUS) end end, } local rightTrigger = { --Ethereal binds show no text, the name field is used to help identify the keybind when debugging. This text does not have to be localized. name = function() local list = list --need a local copy so the original isn't overwritten on subsequent calls if type(list) == "function" then list = list() end local listControl = list:GetControl() if listControl then return listControl:GetName() end end, keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER", ethereal = true, callback = function() local list = list --need a local copy so the original isn't overwritten on subsequent calls if type(list) == "function" then list = list() end if list:IsActive() and not list:IsEmpty() and not list:SetNextSelectedDataByEval(optionalHeaderComparator or DefaultIsDataHeader, ZO_PARAMETRIC_MOVEMENT_TYPES.JUMP_NEXT) then list:SetLastIndexSelected(ZO_PARAMETRIC_MOVEMENT_TYPES.JUMP_NEXT) end end, } return leftTrigger, rightTrigger end function ZO_Gamepad_AddListTriggerKeybindDescriptors(descriptor, list, optionalHeaderComparator) local leftTrigger, rightTrigger = ZO_Gamepad_CreateListTriggerKeybindDescriptors(list, optionalHeaderComparator) table.insert(descriptor, leftTrigger) table.insert(descriptor, rightTrigger) end GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_STICK = 1 GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_BUTTON = 2 GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_BOTH = 3 function ZO_Gamepad_AddForwardNavigationKeybindDescriptors(descriptor, navigationType, callback, name, visible, enabled, sound) if navigationType == GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_STICK or navigationType == GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_BOTH then descriptor[#descriptor + 1] = { --Ethereal binds show no text, the name field is used to help identify the keybind when debugging. This text does not have to be localized. name = name or GetString(SI_GAMEPAD_SELECT_OPTION), keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_INPUT_RIGHT", ethereal = true, visible = visible, callback = callback, sound = sound, enabled = enabled, } end if navigationType == GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_BUTTON or navigationType == GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_BOTH then descriptor[#descriptor + 1] = { alignment = KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_LEFT, name = name or GetString(SI_GAMEPAD_SELECT_OPTION), keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY", order = -500, callback = callback, visible = visible, sound = sound, enabled = enabled, } end end function ZO_Gamepad_AddForwardNavigationKeybindDescriptorsWithSound(descriptor, navigationType, callback, name, visible, enabled) ZO_Gamepad_AddForwardNavigationKeybindDescriptors(descriptor, navigationType, callback, name, visible, enabled, SOUNDS.GAMEPAD_MENU_FORWARD) end local function DefaultBack() SCENE_MANAGER:HideCurrentScene() end function ZO_Gamepad_AddBackNavigationKeybindDescriptors(descriptor, navigationType, callback, name, sound) if navigationType == GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_STICK or navigationType == GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_BOTH then descriptor[#descriptor + 1] = { --Ethereal binds show no text, the name field is used to help identify the keybind when debugging. This text does not have to be localized. name = name or GetString(SI_GAMEPAD_BACK_OPTION), keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_INPUT_LEFT", ethereal = true, sound = sound, callback = callback or DefaultBack, } end if navigationType == GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_BUTTON or navigationType == GAME_NAVIGATION_TYPE_BOTH then descriptor[#descriptor + 1] = { alignment = KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_LEFT, name = name or GetString(SI_GAMEPAD_BACK_OPTION), keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE", visible = IsInGamepadPreferredMode, order = -1500, sound = sound, callback = callback or DefaultBack, } end end function ZO_Gamepad_AddBackNavigationKeybindDescriptorsWithSound(descriptor, navigationType, callback, name) ZO_Gamepad_AddBackNavigationKeybindDescriptors(descriptor, navigationType, callback, name, SOUNDS.GAMEPAD_MENU_BACK) end local ALPHABET_TABLE = { "a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z" } function ZO_Gamepad_TempVirtualKeyboardGenRandomString(prefix, totalLength) totalLength = totalLength or (string.len(prefix) + 7) local result = prefix .. "-" local prevChar = nil while(string.len(result) < totalLength) do local char = ALPHABET_TABLE[math.random(1, #ALPHABET_TABLE)] if(char ~= prevChar) then -- prevent the violation state of multiple instances of the same char. result = result .. char prevChar = char end end return result end