--[[ The tree node --]] local ZO_TreeNode = ZO_Object:Subclass() function ZO_TreeNode:New(myTree, controlData, myParent, childIndent) local node = ZO_Object.New(self) node.m_OwningTree = myTree node.m_Control = controlData node.m_Expanded = true node.m_Showing = true node.m_Child = nil node.m_Sibling = nil node.m_Parent = myParent node.m_ExpandedCallback = nil node.m_ChildIndent = childIndent return node end function ZO_TreeNode:SetExpandedCallback(callback) self.m_ExpandedCallback = callback end local function DetermineVisibility(node) if(node) then local parentShowing = true local parentExpanded = true if(node.m_Parent) then parentShowing = node.m_Parent:IsShowing() parentExpanded = node.m_Parent:IsExpanded() end node.m_Showing = parentShowing and parentExpanded if(node.m_Child) then DetermineVisibility(node.m_Child) end if(node.m_Sibling) then DetermineVisibility(node.m_Sibling) end end end function ZO_TreeNode:ToggleExpanded(expanded) if(expanded == nil) then expanded = not self.m_Expanded end self.m_Expanded = expanded if(self.m_ExpandedCallback) then self.m_ExpandedCallback(self, expanded) end if(expanded) then --climb the tree opening un-expanded parents local lastChangedParent = self local curParent = self.m_Parent while(curParent ~= nil) do if(not curParent.m_Expanded) then curParent.m_Expanded = true if(curParent.m_ExpandedCallback) then curParent.m_ExpandedCallback(curParent, true) end lastChangedParent = curParent end curParent = curParent.m_Parent end --update visibility from the highest changed node DetermineVisibility(lastChangedParent) else DetermineVisibility(self) end -- Update the whole tree. self.m_OwningTree:Update() end function ZO_TreeNode:IsExpanded() return self.m_Expanded end function ZO_TreeNode:IsShowing() return self.m_Showing end function ZO_TreeNode:HasChildren() return (self.m_Child ~= nil) end function ZO_TreeNode:GetNestingLevel() local nestingLevel = 0 local ancestor = self.m_Parent while(ancestor ~= self.m_OwningTree.m_Root) do nestingLevel = nestingLevel + 1 ancestor = ancestor.m_Parent end return nestingLevel end function ZO_TreeNode:GetControl() return self.m_Control end function ZO_TreeNode:GetOwningTree() return self.m_OwningTree end function ZO_TreeNode:GetNextSibling() return self.m_Sibling end function ZO_TreeNode:GetParent() return self.m_Parent end function ZO_TreeNode:GetChildIndent() return self.m_ChildIndent end function ZO_TreeNode:SetOffsetY(offsetY) self.m_OffsetY = offsetY end --[[ The tree control --]] ZO_TreeControl = ZO_Object:Subclass() local DEFAULT_INDENT_OFFSET = 10 local DEFAULT_LINE_SPACING = 5 function ZO_TreeControl:New(initialAnchor, indentXOffset, verticalSpacing) local tree = ZO_Object.New(self) tree.m_Root = ZO_TreeNode:New(tree) tree.m_OffsetX = indentXOffset or DEFAULT_INDENT_OFFSET tree.m_OffsetY = verticalSpacing or DEFAULT_LINE_SPACING tree.m_InitialAnchor = initialAnchor return tree end function ZO_TreeControl:AddChild(atNode, insertedControl, childIndent) atNode = atNode or self.m_Root if(atNode == nil) then return nil end -- If root is the insertion point, and there is no child add the new node as Root's first child if((atNode == self.m_Root) and (self.m_Root.m_Child == nil)) then local newNode = ZO_TreeNode:New(self, insertedControl, self.m_Root, childIndent) self.m_Root.m_Child = newNode return newNode end -- Find the last sibling of atNode's first child and insert after that. if(atNode.m_Child == nil) then local newNode = ZO_TreeNode:New(self, insertedControl, atNode, childIndent) atNode.m_Child = newNode return newNode end return self:AddSibling(atNode.m_Child, insertedControl, childIndent) end local ADD_HERE = 1 local ADD_ON_END = 2 local function AddSiblingInternal(self, atNode, insertedControl, where, childIndent) atNode = atNode or self.m_Root.m_Child if((not atNode) or (atNode == self.m_Root)) then return nil end local newNode = ZO_TreeNode:New(self, insertedControl, atNode.m_Parent, childIndent) if(where == ADD_ON_END) then while(atNode.m_Sibling) do atNode = atNode.m_Sibling end atNode.m_Sibling = newNode else newNode.m_Sibling = atNode.m_Sibling atNode.m_Sibling = newNode end return newNode end function ZO_TreeControl:AddSibling(atNode, insertedControl, childIndent) return AddSiblingInternal(self, atNode, insertedControl, ADD_ON_END, childIndent) end function ZO_TreeControl:AddSiblingAfterNode(atNode, insertedControl, childIndent) return AddSiblingInternal(self, atNode, insertedControl, ADD_HERE, childIndent) end -- NOTE: This removes entire subtrees, but does not inform the controls in those subtrees that they have been -- removed. That needs to be handled by whatever is calling RemoveNode. function ZO_TreeControl:RemoveNode(node) if(node == self.m_Root) then self:Clear() return end if(node.m_Parent) then if(node.m_Parent.m_Child == node) then node.m_Parent.m_Child = node.m_Sibling return end local previousSibling = nil local currentSibling = node.m_Parent.m_Child if(currentSibling == nil) then d("ZO_TreeControl: Corrupted tree. Parent of: ", node, "...has no children.") return end while((currentSibling ~= node) and (currentSibling ~= nil)) do previousSibling = currentSibling currentSibling = currentSibling.m_Sibling end if(currentSibling == node) then previousSibling.m_Sibling = node.m_Sibling end end end function ZO_TreeControl:Clear() self.m_Root = ZO_TreeNode:New(self) end function ZO_TreeControl:Update(updateFromNode, indent, anchor, firstControl) local node = updateFromNode or self.m_Root indent = indent or 0 anchor = anchor or ZO_Anchor:New(self.m_InitialAnchor) if(firstControl == nil) then firstControl = true end if(node) then local hidden = not node:IsShowing() if(node.m_Control) then node.m_Control:SetHidden(hidden) if(not hidden) then if(firstControl) then self.m_InitialAnchor:Set(node.m_Control) firstControl = false else anchor:SetOffsets(indent, node.m_OffsetY or self.m_OffsetY) anchor:Set(node.m_Control) end anchor:SetTarget(node.m_Control) anchor:SetRelativePoint(self.m_relativePoint or BOTTOMLEFT) end end local backOffIndent = false if(node.m_Child) then if(node == self.m_Root) then indent = 0 else indent = node:GetChildIndent() or self.m_OffsetX end anchor, indent = self:Update(node.m_Child, indent, anchor, firstControl) backOffIndent = node.m_Child:IsShowing() end if(backOffIndent) then indent = indent - (node:GetChildIndent() or self.m_OffsetX) else indent = 0 end node = node.m_Sibling if(node) then return self:Update(node, indent, anchor, firstControl) end end return anchor, indent end function ZO_TreeControl:SetRelativePoint(relativePoint) self.m_relativePoint = relativePoint end function ZO_TreeControl:SetIndent(indentX) self.m_OffsetX = indentX end