ALCHEMY_TRAIT_STRIDE = 5 ZO_ALCHEMY_MODE_CREATION = 1 ZO_ALCHEMY_MODE_RECIPES = 2 local REQUIRED_SLOTTED_REAGENTS = 2 ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_SOLVENT = 1 ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_REAGENT = 2 ZO_ALCHEMY_PIN_STATE_HIDDEN = 1 ZO_ALCHEMY_PIN_STATE_INVALID = 2 ZO_ALCHEMY_PIN_STATE_VALID = 3 function ZO_Alchemy_DoesAlchemyItemPassFilter(bagId, slotIndex, filterType, isQuestFilterChecked, questInfo) if isQuestFilterChecked then --If no there is no valid combination at all, then everything fails the filter if not questInfo.validCombinationFound then return false end local itemId = GetItemId(bagId, slotIndex) --If this item does not match any solvents or reagents that are quest related, then it does not pass the filter if (not questInfo.reagents or questInfo.reagents[itemId] == nil) and (not questInfo.solvent or questInfo.solvent.itemId ~= itemId) then return false end end if filterType == nil then return true end local _, craftingSubItemType = GetItemCraftingInfo(bagId, slotIndex) if type(filterType) == "function" then return filterType(craftingSubItemType) end return filterType == craftingSubItemType end function ZO_Alchemy_GetTraitInfo(traitIndex, ...) return select(traitIndex * ALCHEMY_TRAIT_STRIDE - (ALCHEMY_TRAIT_STRIDE - 1), ...) end function ZO_Alchemy_IsAlchemyItem(bagId, slotIndex) local usedInCraftingType, craftingSubItemType = GetItemCraftingInfo(bagId, slotIndex) if usedInCraftingType == CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY then return craftingSubItemType == ITEMTYPE_REAGENT or IsAlchemySolvent(craftingSubItemType) end end function ZO_Alchemy_IsThirdAlchemySlotUnlocked() return GetNonCombatBonus(NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ALCHEMY_THIRD_SLOT) ~= 0 end ZO_SharedAlchemy = ZO_CraftingCreateScreenBase:Subclass() function ZO_SharedAlchemy:New(...) local alchemy = ZO_CraftingCreateScreenBase.New(self) alchemy:Initialize(...) return alchemy end ZO_SharedAlchemy.initializedEvents = false function ZO_SharedAlchemy:Initialize(control) self.control = control self.skillInfo = self.control:GetNamedChild("SkillInfo") self.cachedValidItemIds = nil self.questItems = {} self.slottedSolvent = nil self.slottedReagents = {} self:InitializeInventory() self:InitializeTooltip() self:InitializeSlots() self:InitializeSharedEvents() self.alchemyStationInteraction = { type = "Alchemy Station", OnInteractSwitch = function() internalassert(false, "OnInteractSwitch is being called.") SCENE_MANAGER:ShowBaseScene() end, interactTypes = { INTERACTION_CRAFT }, } ZO_Skills_TieSkillInfoHeaderToCraftingSkill(self.skillInfo, CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY) self:InitializeScenes() local function OnCraftCompleted() if not self.control:IsHidden() then self:UpdateTooltip() self:UpdateMultiCraft() end end CALLBACK_MANAGER:RegisterCallback("CraftingAnimationsStopped", OnCraftCompleted) end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:InitializeSharedEvents() if not ZO_SharedAlchemy.initializedEvents then ZO_SharedAlchemy.initializedEvents = true EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ZO_SharedAlchemy", EVENT_CRAFTING_STATION_INTERACT, function(eventCode, craftingType, isCraftingSameAsPrevious) if craftingType == CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY then if not isCraftingSameAsPrevious then self:ResetSelectedTab() end SYSTEMS:ShowScene("alchemy") end end) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ZO_SharedAlchemy", EVENT_END_CRAFTING_STATION_INTERACT, function(eventCode, craftingType) if craftingType == CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY then SYSTEMS:HideScene("alchemy") end end) end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:InitializeInventory() -- Should be overridden end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:InitializeTooltip() -- Should be overridden end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:InitializeKeybindStripDescriptors() -- Should be overridden end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:InitializeScenes() -- Should be overridden end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:UpdateTooltip() -- Should be overridden end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:UpdateTooltipLayout() -- Should be overridden end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:InitializeSlots() -- Should be overridden end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:UpdateThirdAlchemySlot() -- Should be overridden end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:ResetSelectedTab() -- Should be overridden end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:UpdateQuestPins() -- Should be overridden end -- Overrides ZO_CraftingCreateScreenBase function ZO_SharedAlchemy:GetMultiCraftMaxIterations() if not self:IsCraftable() then return 0 end local maxIterations = GetMaxIterationsPossibleForAlchemyItem(self:GetAllCraftingBagAndSlots()) if maxIterations > 1 then -- If a player doesn't already know all the traits that would go into the -- final effect of this alchemy item, they will need to craft with them at -- least once to learn what the final result will be. Let's restrict them to -- single crafts until they've done that. local _, prospectiveAlchemyResult = GetAlchemyResultingItemLink(self:GetAllCraftingBagAndSlots()) if prospectiveAlchemyResult ~= PROSPECTIVE_ALCHEMY_RESULT_KNOWN then return 1 end -- The player may be using a reagent that could have no effect on the final -- craft. For the same reason we prevent multicrafting unknown potions, lets -- prevent multicrafting here too if self:DoesAnyReagentHaveNoKnownTraits() then return 1 end end return maxIterations end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:GetResultItemLink() return GetAlchemyResultingItemLink(self:GetAllCraftingBagAndSlots()) end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:GetMultiCraftNumResults(numIterations) local solventBagId, solventSlotIndex = self.solventSlot:GetBagAndSlot() return GetAlchemyResultQuantity(solventBagId, solventSlotIndex, numIterations) end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:UpdateMultiCraft() -- Should be overidden end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:CanItemBeAddedToCraft(bagId, slotIndex) local usedInCraftingType, craftingSubItemType, rankRequirement = GetItemCraftingInfo(bagId, slotIndex) if usedInCraftingType == CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY then if IsAlchemySolvent(craftingSubItemType) and rankRequirement <= GetNonCombatBonus(NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ALCHEMY_LEVEL) then return true elseif craftingSubItemType == ITEMTYPE_REAGENT then return true end end return false end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:CreateInteractScene(name) return ZO_InteractScene:New(name, SCENE_MANAGER, self.alchemyStationInteraction) end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:IsItemAlreadySlottedToCraft(bagId, slotIndex) local itemId = GetItemInstanceId(bagId, slotIndex) if self.solventSlot:IsItemId(itemId) then return true else for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do if slot:IsItemId(itemId) then return true end end end return false end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:AddItemToCraft(bagId, slotIndex) local usedInCraftingType, craftingSubItemType, rankRequirement = GetItemCraftingInfo(bagId, slotIndex) if usedInCraftingType == CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY then if IsAlchemySolvent(craftingSubItemType) and rankRequirement <= GetNonCombatBonus(NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ALCHEMY_LEVEL) then self:SetSolventItem(bagId, slotIndex) elseif craftingSubItemType == ITEMTYPE_REAGENT and not self:FindAlreadySlottedReagent(bagId, slotIndex) then self:SetReagentItem(nil, bagId, slotIndex) end end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:RemoveItemFromCraft(bagId, slotIndex) local itemId = GetItemInstanceId(bagId, slotIndex) if self.solventSlot:IsItemId(itemId) then self:SetSolventItem(nil) else for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do if slot:IsItemId(itemId) then self:SetReagentItem(i, nil) break end end end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:SetSolventItem(bagId, slotIndex) self.solventSlot:SetItem(bagId, slotIndex) end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:FindNextSlotToInsertReagent() for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do if not slot:HasItem() and slot:MeetsUsabilityRequirement() then return i end end local reagentSlots = ZO_Alchemy_IsThirdAlchemySlotUnlocked() and 3 or 2 return self.lastReagentIndexAdded % reagentSlots + 1 end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:SetReagentItem(reagentSlot, bagId, slotIndex) if reagentSlot == nil then reagentSlot = self:FindNextSlotToInsertReagent() end self.reagentSlots[reagentSlot]:SetItem(bagId, slotIndex) self.lastReagentIndexAdded = reagentSlot end local function AddTraitCounts(traitCounts, cancellingTraitCounts, ...) for i = 1, NUM_ALCHEMY_TRAITS_PER_REAGENT do local traitName, _, _, cancellingTraitName = ZO_Alchemy_GetTraitInfo(i, ...) if traitName then traitCounts[traitName] = (traitCounts[traitName] or 0) + 1 end if cancellingTraitName then cancellingTraitCounts[cancellingTraitName] = (cancellingTraitCounts[cancellingTraitName] or 0) + 1 end end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:UpdateReagentTraits() self.matchingTraits = {} self.cancelledTraits = {} local addedTraitCounts = {} local cancellingTraitCounts = {} for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do if slot:HasItem() then local bagId, slotIndex = slot:GetBagAndSlot() AddTraitCounts(addedTraitCounts, cancellingTraitCounts, GetAlchemyItemTraits(bagId, slotIndex)) end end for traitName, addCount in pairs(addedTraitCounts) do if addCount > 1 then self.matchingTraits[traitName] = true end local cancellCount = cancellingTraitCounts[traitName] or 0 if(cancellCount > 0) then self.cancelledTraits[traitName] = true end end for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do slot:UpdateTraits() end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:HasTraitMatch(traitName) return self.matchingTraits and self.matchingTraits[traitName] end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:HasTraitCancelled(traitName) return self.cancelledTraits and self.cancelledTraits[traitName] end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:DoesAnyReagentHaveNoKnownTraits() for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do if slot:HasItem() then local bagId, slotIndex = slot:GetBagAndSlot() local noKnownTraits = true for traitIndex = 1, NUM_ALCHEMY_TRAITS_PER_REAGENT do if IsAlchemyItemTraitKnown(bagId, slotIndex, traitIndex) then noKnownTraits = false break end end if noKnownTraits then return true end end end return false end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:SetupTraitIcon(textureControl, name, icon, matchIcon, conflictIcon, unknownTexture) if self:HasTraitCancelled(name) and conflictIcon then textureControl:SetTexture(conflictIcon) textureControl:SetAlpha(1) elseif self:HasTraitMatch(name) and matchIcon then textureControl:SetTexture(matchIcon) textureControl:SetAlpha(1) elseif icon then textureControl:SetTexture(icon) textureControl:SetAlpha(.5) else textureControl:SetTexture(unknownTexture) textureControl:SetAlpha(1) end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:FindAlreadySlottedReagent(bagId, slotIndex) local itemId = GetItemInstanceId(bagId, slotIndex) for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do if slot:IsItemId(itemId) then return i end end return nil end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:ShowAppropriateSlotDropCallouts(craftingSubItemType, rankRequirement) self.solventSlot:ShowDropCallout(IsAlchemySolvent(craftingSubItemType) and rankRequirement <= GetNonCombatBonus(NON_COMBAT_BONUS_ALCHEMY_LEVEL)) for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do slot:ShowDropCallout(craftingSubItemType == ITEMTYPE_REAGENT) end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:HideAllSlotDropCallouts() self.solventSlot:HideDropCallout() for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do slot:HideDropCallout() end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:GetPinStateForItem(itemId, alchemyQuestInfo, dataType) local slottedSolvent = self.slottedSolvent local slottedReagents = self.slottedReagents --First, check if we even have any valid combinations if self:HasValidCombinationForQuest() then --Check to see if this item is one that will need a quest pin if self.questItems.reagents[itemId] or self.questItems.solvent.itemId == itemId then --Now we need to determine what type of pin local isInvalid = false --If we have an incorrect solvent slotted, then the item is invalid if dataType == ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_SOLVENT then isInvalid = slottedSolvent ~= nil and slottedSolvent.itemId ~= itemId elseif dataType == ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_REAGENT then isInvalid = slottedSolvent ~= nil and slottedSolvent.itemId ~= self.questItems.solvent.itemId end --The checks here vary depending on the number of reagents that are already slotted if #slottedReagents == 1 then local reagent1 = slottedReagents[1] local slottedItemId = GetItemId(reagent1.bagId, reagent1.slotIndex) if dataType == ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_SOLVENT then --If we are checking a solvent, simply see if the slotted reagent is part of a valid combo isInvalid = isInvalid or (not self.questItems.reagents[slottedItemId]) elseif dataType == ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_REAGENT then --If we are checking a reagent, see if the slotted reagent and the reagent we are checking form a valid combination together if slottedItemId ~= itemId then isInvalid = isInvalid or (not self.questItems.reagents[itemId] or not self.questItems.reagents[itemId][slottedItemId]) end end elseif #slottedReagents == 2 then local reagent1 = slottedReagents[1] local reagent2 = slottedReagents[2] itemIdReagent1 = GetItemId(reagent1.bagId, reagent1.slotIndex) itemIdReagent2 = GetItemId(reagent2.bagId, reagent2.slotIndex) if alchemyQuestInfo.isMasterWrit then if dataType == ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_SOLVENT then --If we are checking a solvent, simply see if the slotted reagents are part of a valid combo isInvalid = isInvalid or (not self.questItems.reagents[itemIdReagent1] or not self.questItems.reagents[itemIdReagent1][itemIdReagent2]) elseif dataType == ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_REAGENT then --If we are checking a reagent, see if the slotted reagents and the reagent we are checking form a valid combination together if itemIdReagent1 ~= itemId and itemIdReagent2 ~= itemId then isInvalid = isInvalid or (not self.questItems.reagents[itemIdReagent1] or not self.questItems.reagents[itemIdReagent1][itemIdReagent2] or not self.questItems.reagents[itemIdReagent1][itemIdReagent2][itemId]) else isInvalid = isInvalid or (not self.questItems.reagents[itemIdReagent1] or not self.questItems.reagents[itemIdReagent1][itemIdReagent2]) end end else --If there are 2 reagents slotted, check and see if they make the desired potion when used with the solvent local result = GetAlchemyResultingItemIdIfKnown(self.questItems.solvent.bagId, self.questItems.solvent.slotIndex, reagent1.bagId, reagent1.slotIndex, reagent2.bagId, reagent2.slotIndex) isInvalid = isInvalid or alchemyQuestInfo.basePotionItemId ~= result if dataType == ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_REAGENT then --If we are checking a reagent, it is only valid if it is one of the slotted items isInvalid = isInvalid or (itemIdReagent1 ~= itemId and itemIdReagent2 ~= itemId) end end elseif #slottedReagents == 3 then local reagent1 = slottedReagents[1] local reagent2 = slottedReagents[2] local reagent3 = slottedReagents[3] itemIdReagent1 = GetItemId(reagent1.bagId, reagent1.slotIndex) itemIdReagent2 = GetItemId(reagent2.bagId, reagent2.slotIndex) itemIdReagent3 = GetItemId(reagent3.bagId, reagent3.slotIndex) local encodedTraits = nil if alchemyQuestInfo.isMasterWrit then encodedTraits = alchemyQuestInfo.encodedTraits end --If all 3 reagents are slotted, check and see if they make the desired potion when used with the solvent local result = GetAlchemyResultingItemIdIfKnown(self.questItems.solvent.bagId, self.questItems.solvent.slotIndex, reagent1.bagId, reagent1.slotIndex, reagent2.bagId, reagent2.slotIndex, reagent3.bagId, reagent3.slotIndex, encodedTraits) isInvalid = isInvalid or alchemyQuestInfo.basePotionItemId ~= result if dataType == ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_REAGENT then --If we are checking a reagent, it is only valid if it is one of the slotted items isInvalid = isInvalid or (itemIdReagent1 ~= itemId and itemIdReagent2 ~= itemId and itemIdReagent3 ~= itemId) end end if isInvalid then return ZO_ALCHEMY_PIN_STATE_INVALID else return ZO_ALCHEMY_PIN_STATE_VALID end else return ZO_ALCHEMY_PIN_STATE_HIDDEN end else return ZO_ALCHEMY_PIN_STATE_HIDDEN end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:UpdatePotentialQuestItems(validItemIds, alchemyQuestInfo) self.slottedSolvent, self.slottedReagents = self:GetAllCraftingBagAndSlotsFormatted() --TODO: Determine if the self.cachedValidItemIds variable is even needed local filteredItemData = validItemIds or self.cachedValidItemIds local solvents = {} local reagents = {} --Check each item for _, data in pairs(filteredItemData) do local typeId = self:GetDataType(data.bag, data.index) --If this is a solvent if typeId == ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_SOLVENT then --If this is a valid solvent for the item and material id, then add it to the list of potential solvents if alchemyQuestInfo.basePotionItemId and alchemyQuestInfo.materialItemId and IsAlchemySolventForItemAndMaterialId(data.bag, data.index, alchemyQuestInfo.basePotionItemId, alchemyQuestInfo.materialItemId) then local item = { bagId = data.bag, slotIndex = data.index, itemId = GetItemId(data.bag, data.index) } table.insert(solvents, item) end --If this is a reagent elseif typeId == ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_REAGENT then --If this reagent has the (known) trait that we want, add it to the list of potential reagents local hasMasterWritTrait = alchemyQuestInfo.isMasterWrit and DoesAlchemyItemHaveKnownEncodedTrait(data.bag, data.index, alchemyQuestInfo.encodedTraits) local hasNormalWritTrait = alchemyQuestInfo.desiredTrait ~= nil and DoesAlchemyItemHaveKnownTrait(data.bag, data.index, alchemyQuestInfo.desiredTrait) if hasMasterWritTrait or hasNormalWritTrait then local item = { bagId = data.bag, slotIndex = data.index, itemId = GetItemId(data.bag, data.index) } table.insert(reagents, item) end end end self.cachedValidItemIds = filteredItemData --Now we need to narrow it down further self:DetermineQuestPinInfo(solvents, reagents, alchemyQuestInfo) end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:DetermineQuestPinInfo(solvents, reagents, alchemyQuestInfo) local requiredSolvent = nil local validCombinations = {} local validCombinationFound = false --If we didn't find any solvents in the first place, don't bother if #solvents > 0 then if #solvents > 1 then --This should never happen, but in case it does, we should know about it internalassert(false, "Multiple solvents found that match the crafting goal") end requiredSolvent = solvents[1] --Master writs get to look for combinations of 3 instead of combinations of 2 if alchemyQuestInfo.isMasterWrit then --First, determine what the valid combinations are for _, reagent1 in ipairs(reagents) do for _, reagent2 in ipairs(reagents) do --Skip over combinations of the same reagent if reagent1.itemId ~= reagent2.itemId then for _, reagent3 in ipairs(reagents) do --Skip over combinations of the same reagent if reagent1.itemId ~= reagent3.itemId and reagent2.itemId ~= reagent3.itemId then --Form a table of potential combinations local resultItemId = GetAlchemyResultingItemIdIfKnown(requiredSolvent.bagId, requiredSolvent.slotIndex, reagent1.bagId, reagent1.slotIndex, reagent2.bagId, reagent2.slotIndex, reagent3.bagId, reagent3.slotIndex, alchemyQuestInfo.encodedTraits) if alchemyQuestInfo.basePotionItemId == resultItemId then if validCombinations[reagent1.itemId] == nil then validCombinations[reagent1.itemId] = {} end if validCombinations[reagent1.itemId][reagent2.itemId] == nil then validCombinations[reagent1.itemId][reagent2.itemId] = {} end validCombinations[reagent1.itemId][reagent2.itemId][reagent3.itemId] = true validCombinationFound = true end end end end end end else --First, determine what the valid combinations are for _, reagent1 in ipairs(reagents) do for _, reagent2 in ipairs(reagents) do --Skip over combinations of the same reagent if reagent1.itemId ~= reagent2.itemId then --Form a table of potential combinations local resultItemId = GetAlchemyResultingItemIdIfKnown(requiredSolvent.bagId, requiredSolvent.slotIndex, reagent1.bagId, reagent1.slotIndex, reagent2.bagId, reagent2.slotIndex) if alchemyQuestInfo.basePotionItemId == resultItemId then if validCombinations[reagent1.itemId] == nil then validCombinations[reagent1.itemId] = {} end validCombinations[reagent1.itemId][reagent2.itemId] = true validCombinationFound = true end end end end end end self.questItems = {solvent = requiredSolvent, reagents = validCombinations, validCombinationFound = validCombinationFound} self:UpdateQuestPins() CALLBACK_MANAGER:FireCallbacks("AlchemyInfoReady") end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:GetAllCraftingBagAndSlotsFormatted() local slottedSolvent = nil local slottedReagents = {} --Basically take this data and return it as something slightly more organized for use with the quest pin stuff local slottedSolventBagId, slottedSolventIndex, slottedReagentBagId1, slottedReagentIndex1, slottedReagentBagId2, slottedReagentIndex2, slottedReagentBagId3, slottedReagentIndex3 = self:GetAllCraftingBagAndSlots() if slottedSolventBagId then slottedSolvent = { bagId = slottedSolventBagId, slotIndex = slottedSolventIndex, itemId = GetItemId(slottedSolventBagId, slottedSolventIndex) } end --Created a table of the slotted reagents if slottedReagentBagId1 then local reagent1 = { bagId = slottedReagentBagId1, slotIndex = slottedReagentIndex1, itemId = GetItemId(slottedReagentBagId1, slottedReagentIndex1) } table.insert(slottedReagents, reagent1) if slottedReagentBagId2 then local reagent2 = { bagId = slottedReagentBagId2, slotIndex = slottedReagentIndex2, itemId = GetItemId(slottedReagentBagId2, slottedReagentIndex2) } table.insert(slottedReagents, reagent2) if slottedReagentBagId3 then local reagent3 = { bagId = slottedReagentBagId3, slotIndex = slottedReagentIndex3, itemId = GetItemId(slottedReagentBagId3, slottedReagentIndex3) } table.insert(slottedReagents, reagent3) end end end return slottedSolvent, slottedReagents end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:OnInventoryUpdate(validItemIds) local changed = false self.solventSlot:ValidateItemId(validItemIds) for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do slot:ValidateItemId(validItemIds) end self:UpdateMultiCraft() self:UpdateReagentTraits() end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:IsSlotted(bagId, slotIndex) if self.solventSlot:IsBagAndSlot(bagId, slotIndex) then return true end for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do if slot:IsBagAndSlot(bagId, slotIndex) then return true end end return false end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:ClearSelections(suppressSound, ignoreUsabilityRequirement) local NO_BAG = nil local NO_INDEX = nil self.solventSlot:SetItem(NO_BAG, NO_INDEX, suppressSound, ignoreUsabilityRequirement) for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do slot:SetItem(NO_BAG, NO_INDEX, suppressSound, ignoreUsabilityRequirement) end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:HasSelections() if self.solventSlot:HasItem() then return true end for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do if slot:HasItem() then return true end end return false end -- Overrides ZO_CraftingCreateScreenBase function ZO_SharedAlchemy:IsCraftable() if self.solventSlot:HasItem() then local numSlotsWithItems = 0 for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do if slot:HasItem() and slot:MeetsUsabilityRequirement() then numSlotsWithItems = numSlotsWithItems + 1 if numSlotsWithItems >= REQUIRED_SLOTTED_REAGENTS then return true end end end end return false end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:ShouldCraftButtonBeEnabled() if ZO_CraftingUtils_IsPerformingCraftProcess() then return false end if not self.solventSlot:HasItem() then return false, GetString("SI_TRADESKILLRESULT", CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_BASE) end local numSlotsWithItems = 0 for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do if slot:HasItem() and slot:MeetsUsabilityRequirement() then numSlotsWithItems = numSlotsWithItems + 1 end end if numSlotsWithItems < REQUIRED_SLOTTED_REAGENTS then return false, GetString("SI_TRADESKILLRESULT", CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_FEW_REAGENTS) end local _, prospectiveAlchemyResult = GetAlchemyResultingItemLink(self:GetAllCraftingBagAndSlots()) if prospectiveAlchemyResult == PROSPECTIVE_ALCHEMY_RESULT_UNCRAFTABLE then -- allow invalid crafts, even if there isn't inventory space for it return true end local maxIterations, craftingResult = GetMaxIterationsPossibleForAlchemyItem(self:GetAllCraftingBagAndSlots()) return maxIterations ~= 0, GetString("SI_TRADESKILLRESULT", craftingResult) end -- Overrides ZO_CraftingCreateScreenBase function ZO_SharedAlchemy:Create(numIterations) CraftAlchemyItem(self:GetAllCraftingParameters(numIterations)) end local function CollapseBagAndSlots(bagId, slotIndex, ...) if select("#", ...) > 0 then if bagId and slotIndex then return bagId, slotIndex, CollapseBagAndSlots(...) end return CollapseBagAndSlots(...) end if bagId and slotIndex then return bagId, slotIndex end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:GetAllCraftingBagAndSlots() local solventBagId, solventSlotIndex = self.solventSlot:GetBagAndSlot() local reagent1BagId, reagent1SlotIndex = self.reagentSlots[1]:GetBagAndSlot() local reagent2BagId, reagent2SlotIndex = self.reagentSlots[2]:GetBagAndSlot() local reagent3BagId, reagent3SlotIndex = nil, nil if #self.reagentSlots >= 3 then reagent3BagId, reagent3SlotIndex = self.reagentSlots[3]:GetBagAndSlot() end local bagId1, slotIndex1, bagId2, slotIndex2, bagId3, slotIndex3 = CollapseBagAndSlots(reagent1BagId, reagent1SlotIndex, reagent2BagId, reagent2SlotIndex, reagent3BagId, reagent3SlotIndex) return solventBagId, solventSlotIndex, bagId1, slotIndex1, bagId2, slotIndex2, bagId3, slotIndex3 end -- Overrides ZO_CraftingCreateScreenBase function ZO_SharedAlchemy:GetAllCraftingParameters(numIterations) -- Tricky behavior here: since bag/slot 3 can be nil, you _cannot_ put these crafting parameters into a table safely. local solventBagId, solventSlotIndex = self.solventSlot:GetBagAndSlot() local reagent1BagId, reagent1SlotIndex = self.reagentSlots[1]:GetBagAndSlot() local reagent2BagId, reagent2SlotIndex = self.reagentSlots[2]:GetBagAndSlot() local reagent3BagId, reagent3SlotIndex = nil, nil if #self.reagentSlots >= 3 then reagent3BagId, reagent3SlotIndex = self.reagentSlots[3]:GetBagAndSlot() end local bagId1, slotIndex1, bagId2, slotIndex2, bagId3, slotIndex3 = CollapseBagAndSlots(reagent1BagId, reagent1SlotIndex, reagent2BagId, reagent2SlotIndex, reagent3BagId, reagent3SlotIndex) return solventBagId, solventSlotIndex, bagId1, slotIndex1, bagId2, slotIndex2, bagId3, slotIndex3, numIterations end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:OnSolventSlotted(bagId, slotIndex) local _, craftingSubItemType = GetItemCraftingInfo(bagId, slotIndex) if craftingSubItemType == ITEMTYPE_POISON_BASE then TriggerTutorial(TUTORIAL_TRIGGER_ALCHEMY_STATION_OIL_SLOTTED) end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:OnSlotChanged(bagId, slotIndex) KEYBIND_STRIP:UpdateKeybindButtonGroup(self.keybindStripDescriptor) self:UpdateTooltip() self:UpdateMultiCraft() self.slottedSolvent, self.slottedReagents = self:GetAllCraftingBagAndSlotsFormatted() if self.inventory then self.inventory:HandleVisibleDirtyEvent() end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:FindReagentSlotIndexBySlotControl(slotControl) for i, slot in ipairs(self.reagentSlots) do if slot:IsSlotControl(slotControl) then return i end end end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:HasValidCombinationForQuest() return self.questItems.validCombinationFound end function ZO_SharedAlchemy:GetDataType(bagId, slotIndex) local usedInCraftingType, craftingSubItemType = GetItemCraftingInfo(bagId, slotIndex) if IsAlchemySolvent(craftingSubItemType) then return ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_SOLVENT elseif craftingSubItemType == ITEMTYPE_REAGENT then return ZO_ALCHEMY_DATA_TYPE_REAGENT end end -- -- ZO_AlchemySlot -- ZO_AlchemySlot = ZO_CraftingSlotBase:Subclass() function ZO_AlchemySlot:New(...) return ZO_CraftingSlotBase.New(self, ...) end function ZO_AlchemySlot:Initialize(owner, control, emptyTexture, placeSound, removeSound, usabilityPredicate, craftingInventory, emptySlotIcon) ZO_CraftingSlotBase.Initialize(self, owner, control, SLOT_TYPE_PENDING_CRAFTING_COMPONENT, emptyTexture, craftingInventory, emptySlotIcon) self.createsLevelLabel = self.control:GetNamedChild("CreatesLevel") self.placeSound = placeSound self.removeSound = removeSound self.usabilityPredicate = usabilityPredicate self.dropCallout:SetDrawLayer(DL_BACKGROUND) self:UpdateTraits() end function ZO_AlchemySlot:ShouldBeVisible() return self:MeetsUsabilityRequirement() end function ZO_AlchemySlot:ShowDropCallout(isCorrectType) self.dropCallout:SetHidden(false) if isCorrectType then self.dropCallout:SetTexture("EsoUI/Art/Crafting/") else self.dropCallout:SetTexture("EsoUI/Art/Crafting/") end end function ZO_AlchemySlot:SetItem(bagId, slotIndex, suppressSound, ignoreUsabilityRequirement) if not ignoreUsabilityRequirement then if not self:MeetsUsabilityRequirement() then return end end self:SetupItem(bagId, slotIndex) if self:HasItem() then if not suppressSound then PlaySound(self.placeSound) end else if not suppressSound then PlaySound(self.removeSound) end end end function ZO_AlchemySlot:Refresh() ZO_CraftingSlotBase.Refresh(self) if self:HasItem() then if self.createsLevelLabel then local bagId, slotIndex = self:GetBagAndSlot() local craftingSubItemType, _, resultingItemLevel, requiredChampionPoints = select(2, GetItemCraftingInfo(bagId, slotIndex)) local itemTypeString = GetString((craftingSubItemType == ITEMTYPE_POTION_BASE) and SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_POTION or SI_ITEM_FORMAT_STR_POISON) if requiredChampionPoints and requiredChampionPoints > 0 then self.createsLevelLabel:SetText(zo_strformat(SI_ALCHEMY_CREATES_ITEM_OF_CHAMPION_POINTS, requiredChampionPoints, itemTypeString)) else self.createsLevelLabel:SetText(zo_strformat(SI_ALCHEMY_CREATES_ITEM_OF_LEVEL, resultingItemLevel, itemTypeString)) end self.createsLevelLabel:SetHidden(false) end self:ShowSlotTraits(true) else if self.createsLevelLabel then self.createsLevelLabel:SetHidden(true) end self:ShowSlotTraits(false) end end function ZO_AlchemySlot:UpdateTraits() if self:HasItem() then self:SetTraits(GetAlchemyItemTraits(self:GetBagAndSlot())) else self:ClearTraits() end end function ZO_AlchemySlot:GetUnknownTraitTexture() return "EsoUI/Art/Crafting/" end function ZO_AlchemySlot:SetTraits(...) if self.control.traits then local unknownTraitTexture = self:GetUnknownTraitTexture() for i, traitTexture in ipairs(self.control.traits) do local traitName, traitIcon, traitMatchIcon, _, traitConflictIcon = ZO_Alchemy_GetTraitInfo(i, ...) traitTexture.traitName = traitName self.owner:SetupTraitIcon(traitTexture, traitName, traitIcon, traitMatchIcon, traitConflictIcon, unknownTraitTexture) end end end function ZO_AlchemySlot:ClearTraits() if self.control.traits then local unknownTraitTexture = self:GetUnknownTraitTexture() for i, traitTexture in ipairs(self.control.traits) do traitTexture.traitName = nil traitTexture:SetTexture(unknownTraitTexture) traitTexture:SetAlpha(1) end end end function ZO_AlchemySlot:MeetsUsabilityRequirement() return self.usabilityPredicate == nil or self.usabilityPredicate() end function ZO_AlchemySlot:ShowSlotTraits(showTraits) if self.emptySlotIcon and self.control.traits then for i, trait in ipairs(self.control.traits) do trait:SetHidden(not showTraits) end end end