local ZO_CallbackObjectMixin = {} local CALLBACK_INDEX = 1 local ARGUMENT_INDEX = 2 local PRIORITY_INDEX = 3 local DELETED_INDEX = 4 do local function SortRegistry(left, right) local leftPriority = left[PRIORITY_INDEX] local rightPriority = right[PRIORITY_INDEX] if leftPriority and rightPriority then return leftPriority < rightPriority elseif leftPriority then return true else return false end end --Registers a callback to be executed when eventName is triggered. --You may optionally specify an argument to be passed to the callback. function ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:RegisterCallback(eventName, callback, arg, priority) if not eventName or not callback then return end --if this is the first callback then create the registry if not self.callbackRegistry then self.callbackRegistry = {} end --create a list to hold callbacks of this type if it doesn't exist local registry = self.callbackRegistry[eventName] if not registry then registry = {} self.callbackRegistry[eventName] = registry end --make sure this callback wasn't already registered for _, registration in ipairs(registry) do if registration[CALLBACK_INDEX] == callback and registration[ARGUMENT_INDEX] == arg then -- If the callback is already registered, make sure it hasn't been flagged for delete -- so it won't be unregistered in self:Clean later -- This can happen if you attempt to unregister and register for a callback -- during a callback, since that will delay the clean until after we have tried to re-register registration[DELETED_INDEX] = false return end end --store the callback with an optional argument --note: the order of the arguments to the table constructor must match the order of the *_INDEX locals above table.insert(registry, { callback, arg, priority, false }) if priority then -- If this registration has a priorty, we need to determine where it goes in the order -- If it does not, we can assume any with priorities were already sorted to the front, and this can stay tacked on the end with the rest of the unprioritized table.sort(registry, SortRegistry) end end end function ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:UnregisterCallback(eventName, callback) if not self.callbackRegistry then return end local registry = self.callbackRegistry[eventName] if registry then --find the entry for i = 1,#registry do local callbackInfo = registry[i] if callbackInfo[CALLBACK_INDEX] == callback then callbackInfo[DELETED_INDEX] = true self:Clean(eventName) return end end end end function ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:UnregisterAllCallbacks(eventName) if not self.callbackRegistry then return end local registry = self.callbackRegistry[eventName] if registry then --find the entry for i = 1, #registry do local callbackInfo = registry[i] callbackInfo[DELETED_INDEX] = true end self:Clean(eventName) end end function ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:SetHandleOnce(handleOnce) self.handleOnce = handleOnce end --Executes all callbacks registered on this object with this event name --Accepts the event name, and a list of arguments to be passed to the callbacks --The return value is from the callbacks, the most recently registered non-nil non-false callback return value is returned function ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:FireCallbacks(eventName, ...) local result = nil if not self.callbackRegistry or not eventName then return result end local registry = self.callbackRegistry[eventName] if registry then self.fireCallbackDepth = self:GetFireCallbackDepth() + 1 local callbackInfoIndex = 1 while callbackInfoIndex <= #registry do --pass the arg as the first parameter if it exists local callbackInfo = registry[callbackInfoIndex] local argument = callbackInfo[ARGUMENT_INDEX] local callback = callbackInfo[CALLBACK_INDEX] local deleted = callbackInfo[DELETED_INDEX] if not deleted then if argument then result = callback(argument, ...) or result else result = callback(...) or result end if result and self.handleOnce then break end end callbackInfoIndex = callbackInfoIndex + 1 end self.fireCallbackDepth = self:GetFireCallbackDepth() - 1 self:Clean() end return result end function ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:Clean(eventName) local dirtyEvents = self:GetDirtyEvents() if eventName then dirtyEvents[#dirtyEvents + 1] = eventName end if self:GetFireCallbackDepth() == 0 then while #dirtyEvents > 0 do local eventName = dirtyEvents[#dirtyEvents] local registry = self.callbackRegistry[eventName] if registry then local callbackInfoIndex = 1 while callbackInfoIndex <= #registry do local callbackTable = registry[callbackInfoIndex] if callbackTable[DELETED_INDEX] then table.remove(registry, callbackInfoIndex) else callbackInfoIndex = callbackInfoIndex + 1 end end if #registry == 0 then self.callbackRegistry[eventName] = nil end end dirtyEvents[#dirtyEvents] = nil end end end function ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:ClearCallbackRegistry() if self.callbackRegistry then for eventName, _ in pairs(self.callbackRegistry) do self:UnregisterAllCallbacks(eventName) end end end function ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:GetFireCallbackDepth() return self.fireCallbackDepth or 0 end function ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:GetDirtyEvents() if not self.dirtyEvents then self.dirtyEvents = {} end return self.dirtyEvents end ZO_CallbackObject = {} zo_mixin(ZO_CallbackObject, ZO_Object) zo_mixin(ZO_CallbackObject, ZO_CallbackObjectMixin) ZO_CallbackObject.__index = ZO_CallbackObject ZO_InitializingCallbackObject = {} zo_mixin(ZO_InitializingCallbackObject, ZO_InitializingObject) zo_mixin(ZO_InitializingCallbackObject, ZO_CallbackObjectMixin) ZO_InitializingCallbackObject.__index = ZO_InitializingCallbackObject