ZO_RadialMenu = ZO_Object:Subclass() function ZO_RadialMenu:New(...) local radialMenu = ZO_Object.New(self) radialMenu:Initialize(...) return radialMenu end local g_activeMenu = nil local MIN_DISTANCE = 10 -- The distance the mouse has to move before we start selecting anything local DEFAULT_DIRECTIONAL_INPUTS = {ZO_DI_LEFT_STICK, ZO_DI_RIGHT_STICK} function ZO_RadialMenu.ForceActiveMenuClosed() if g_activeMenu then g_activeMenu:Clear() end end function ZO_RadialMenu:Initialize(control, entryTemplate, animationTemplate, entryAnimationTemplate, actionLayerName, directionInputs, enableMouse, selectIfCentered) self.control = control self.selectedBackground = control:GetNamedChild("SelectedBackground") self.unselectedBackground = control:GetNamedChild("UnselectedBackground") self.actionLabel = control:GetNamedChild("Action") self.directionInputs = directionInputs or DEFAULT_DIRECTIONAL_INPUTS self.enableMouse = (enableMouse ~= false) -- nil should be true. self.selectIfCentered = (selectIfCentered ~= false) -- nil should be true. self.activateOnShow = true self.control:SetHandler("OnUpdate", function() self:OnUpdate() end) local function ResetEntryControl(entryControl) entryControl:SetHidden(true) entryControl:ClearAnchors() if entryControl.animation then entryControl.animation:PlayBackward() end end local function CreateEntryControl(objectPool) local entryControl = ZO_ObjectPool_CreateNamedControl(control:GetName() .. entryTemplate, entryTemplate, objectPool, control) entryControl.icon = entryControl:GetNamedChild("Icon") if entryAnimationTemplate then entryControl.animation = ANIMATION_MANAGER:CreateTimelineFromVirtual(entryAnimationTemplate, entryControl) end return entryControl end self.entryPool = ZO_ObjectPool:New(CreateEntryControl, ResetEntryControl) self.entries = {} if animationTemplate then self.animation = ANIMATION_MANAGER:CreateTimelineFromVirtual(animationTemplate, control) self.animation:SetHandler("OnStop", function() self:OnAnimationStopped() end) end self.actionLayerName = actionLayerName self:Clear() end function ZO_RadialMenu:SetActivateOnShow(activateOnShow) self.activateOnShow = activateOnShow end function ZO_RadialMenu:SetOnClearCallback(callback) self.onClearCallback = callback end function ZO_RadialMenu:SetOnSelectionChangedCallback(callback) self.onSelectionChangedCallback = callback end function ZO_RadialMenu:SetCustomControlSetUpFunction(setupFunction) self.setupFunction = setupFunction end function ZO_RadialMenu:SelectCurrentEntry() if self:IsShown() and self.selectedEntry and self.selectedEntry.callback and (not self.animation or not self.animation:IsPlayingBackward()) then self.selectedEntry.callback(self) self:Clear(true) else self:Clear() end end local function Dot(x1, y1, x2, y2) return x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 end local function SetupActionLabel(actionLabel, textData) if actionLabel then if textData then actionLabel:SetHidden(false) if type(textData) == "table" then actionLabel:SetText(textData[1]) actionLabel:SetColor(textData[2].r, textData[2].g, textData[2].b, 1) else actionLabel:SetText(textData) actionLabel:SetColor(1, 1, 1, 1) end else actionLabel:SetHidden(true) end end end function ZO_RadialMenu:FindSelectedEntry(x, y, suppressSound) local shouldSelect = true if not self.selectIfCentered then local lenSquared = Dot(self.virtualMouseX, self.virtualMouseY, self.virtualMouseX, self.virtualMouseY) local outerRadius = zo_max(self.control:GetDimensions()) * .5 local innerRadius = zo_max(outerRadius * .35, MIN_DISTANCE + 1) if lenSquared < innerRadius * innerRadius then shouldSelect = false self.selectedEntry = nil self.selectedControl = nil if self.onSelectionChangedCallback then self.onSelectionChangedCallback(nil) end end end for key, entryControl in pairs(self.entryPool:GetActiveObjects()) do if shouldSelect and Dot(x, y, -entryControl.startY, entryControl.startX) < 0 and Dot(x, y, -entryControl.endY, entryControl.endX) > 0 then if self.selectedEntry ~= entryControl.entry then self.selectedEntry = entryControl.entry self.selectedControl = entryControl if not suppressSound then PlaySound(SOUNDS.RADIAL_MENU_MOUSEOVER) end if self.onSelectionChangedCallback then self.onSelectionChangedCallback(self.selectedEntry) end end SetupActionLabel(self.actionLabel, self.selectedEntry.name) if entryControl.icon then entryControl.icon:SetTexture(self.selectedEntry.activeIcon) end if entryControl.animation then entryControl.animation:PlayForward() end else if entryControl.icon then entryControl.icon:SetTexture(entryControl.entry.inactiveIcon) end if entryControl.animation then entryControl.animation:PlayBackward() end end end end do local MIN_DISTANCE_SQUARED = MIN_DISTANCE * MIN_DISTANCE function ZO_RadialMenu:ShouldUpdateSelection() local lenSquared = Dot(self.virtualMouseX, self.virtualMouseY, self.virtualMouseX, self.virtualMouseY) if not self.selectedEntry and lenSquared < MIN_DISTANCE_SQUARED then return false end local outerRadius = zo_max(self.control:GetDimensions()) * .5 if lenSquared > outerRadius * outerRadius then local len = zo_sqrt(lenSquared) self.virtualMouseX = self.virtualMouseX / len * outerRadius self.virtualMouseY = self.virtualMouseY / len * outerRadius elseif self.selectIfCentered then local innerRadius = zo_max(outerRadius * .35, MIN_DISTANCE + 1) if lenSquared < innerRadius * innerRadius then return false --don't update the selection while we're in the inner radius end end return true end function ZO_RadialMenu:UpdateVirtualMousePosition() if self.enableMouse then local deltaX, deltaY = GetUIMouseDeltas() if deltaX ~= 0 or deltaY ~= 0 then self.virtualMouseX = self.virtualMouseX + deltaX self.virtualMouseY = self.virtualMouseY + deltaY return self:ShouldUpdateSelection() end end return false end function ZO_RadialMenu:UpdateVirtualMousePositionFromGamepad() local outerRadius = zo_max(self.control:GetDimensions()) * .5 local x, y = DIRECTIONAL_INPUT:GetXY(unpack(self.directionInputs)) if (not self.selectIfCentered) or (x ~= 0) or (y ~= 0) then self.virtualMouseX = x * outerRadius self.virtualMouseY = -y * outerRadius return self:ShouldUpdateSelection() end return false end end function ZO_RadialMenu:SetOnUpdateRotationFunction(rotationFunc) self.onUpdateRotationFunc = rotationFunc end do local atan2 = math.atan2 local ROTATION_OFFSET = 3 * ZO_HALF_PI function ZO_RadialMenu:UpdateSelectedEntryFromVirtualMousePosition(suppressSound) self:FindSelectedEntry(self.virtualMouseX, self.virtualMouseY, suppressSound) local hasSelection = (self.selectedEntry ~= nil) local rotation = atan2(-self.virtualMouseY, self.virtualMouseX) + ROTATION_OFFSET if self.selectedBackground then self.selectedBackground:SetHidden(not hasSelection) self.selectedBackground:SetTextureRotation(rotation) end if self.unselectedBackground then self.unselectedBackground:SetHidden(hasSelection) end if self.onUpdateRotationFunc then self.onUpdateRotationFunc(rotation) end end function ZO_RadialMenu:OnUpdate() if not IsInGamepadPreferredMode() then if self:UpdateVirtualMousePosition() then self:UpdateSelectedEntryFromVirtualMousePosition() end end end function ZO_RadialMenu:UpdateDirectionalInput() if self:UpdateVirtualMousePositionFromGamepad() then self:UpdateSelectedEntryFromVirtualMousePosition() end end end function ZO_RadialMenu:PerformLayout() local width, height = self.control:GetDimensions() local halfWidth, halfHeight = width / 2 / self.control:GetScale(), height / 2 / self.control:GetScale() local numEntries = #self.entries local halfSliceSize = ZO_TWO_PI / numEntries / 2 self.entryPool:ReleaseAllObjects() local initialRotation = #self.entries == 2 and ZO_HALF_PI or 0 -- For this circle, 0 rotation points straight down from the circle's center and rotation is in CCW direction. for i, entry in ipairs(self.entries) do local centerAngle = initialRotation + i / numEntries * ZO_TWO_PI local x = math.sin(centerAngle) local y = math.cos(centerAngle) --- math.sin is returning very small numbers instead of 0 for PI and TWO_PI if math.abs(x) < 0.01 then x = 0 end local entryControl = self.entryPool:AcquireObject() if entryControl.icon then entryControl.icon:SetTexture(entry.inactiveIcon) if entryControl.label then entryControl.label:ClearAnchors() if x > 0 then entryControl.label:SetAnchor(LEFT, entryControl.icon, RIGHT, 15, 0) elseif x < 0 then entryControl.label:SetAnchor(RIGHT, entryControl.icon, LEFT, -15, 0) elseif y > 0 then entryControl.label:SetAnchor(TOP, entryControl.icon, BOTTOM, 0, 0) else entryControl.label:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, entryControl.icon, TOP, 0, -5) end end end if self.setupFunction then self.setupFunction(entryControl, entry.data) end entryControl:SetAnchor(CENTER, nil, CENTER, x * halfWidth, y * halfHeight) entryControl:SetHidden(false) entryControl.startX = math.sin(centerAngle - halfSliceSize) entryControl.startY = math.cos(centerAngle - halfSliceSize) entryControl.endX = math.sin(centerAngle + halfSliceSize) entryControl.endY = math.cos(centerAngle + halfSliceSize) entryControl.entry = entry entry.control = entryControl end end -- name can be either a text string or a table containing the text in the first entry, and a color table in the second entry -- e.g. -- Passing "Test" in name will just set the label to "Test" in white -- Passing {"Test", {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0}} will set the label to "Test" in the color red function ZO_RadialMenu:AddEntry(name, inactiveIcon, activeIcon, callback, data) self.entries[#self.entries + 1] = { name = name, inactiveIcon = inactiveIcon, activeIcon = activeIcon, callback = callback, data = data } end function ZO_RadialMenu:UpdateEntriesByName(name, inactiveIcon, activeIcon, callback, data) for i, entry in ipairs(self.entries) do if self.entries[i].name == name then self.entries[i].inactiveIcon = inactiveIcon self.entries[i].activeIcon = activeIcon self.entries[i].callback = callback self.entries[i].data = data end end self:Refresh() end function ZO_RadialMenu:UpdateFirstEntryByFilter(filterFunction, name, inactiveIcon, activeIcon, callback, data) for i, entry in ipairs(self.entries) do if filterFunction(entry) then self.entries[i].name = name self.entries[i].inactiveIcon = inactiveIcon self.entries[i].activeIcon = activeIcon self.entries[i].callback = callback self.entries[i].data = data break end end self:Refresh() end function ZO_RadialMenu:OnAnimationStopped() if self.animation:IsPlayingBackward() then self:FinalizeClear() end end function ZO_RadialMenu:Clear(entrySelected) ZO_ClearNumericallyIndexedTable(self.entries) if not self.control:IsHidden() then if entrySelected then PlaySound(SOUNDS.RADIAL_MENU_SELECTION) else PlaySound(SOUNDS.RADIAL_MENU_CLOSE) end if self.animation then self.animation:PlayBackward() else self:FinalizeClear() end end end function ZO_RadialMenu:Activate() DIRECTIONAL_INPUT:Activate(self, self.control) end function ZO_RadialMenu:Deactivate() DIRECTIONAL_INPUT:Deactivate(self) end function ZO_RadialMenu:ClearSelection() self.virtualMouseX = 0 self.virtualMouseY = 0 if self.selectedEntry ~= nil then self.selectedEntry = nil if self.onSelectionChangedCallback then self.onSelectionChangedCallback(nil) end end self:UpdateSelectedEntryFromVirtualMousePosition() end function ZO_RadialMenu:FinalizeClear() if g_activeMenu == self then g_activeMenu = nil end self.entryPool:ReleaseAllObjects() self.control:SetHidden(true) if self.actionLabel then self.actionLabel:SetHidden(true) end if self.selectedBackground then self.selectedBackground:SetHidden(true) end if self.unselectedBackground then self.unselectedBackground:SetHidden(false) end if self.onClearCallback and (not self.animation or not self.animation:IsPlaying()) then self.onClearCallback(self) end if self.actionLayerName then if type(self.actionLayerName) == "table" then for _, actionLayer in pairs(self.actionLayerName) do RemoveActionLayerByName(actionLayer) end else RemoveActionLayerByName(self.actionLayerName) end end self:ClearSelection() self:Deactivate() end function ZO_RadialMenu:Show(suppressSound) if g_activeMenu then g_activeMenu:FinalizeClear() end g_activeMenu = self self:ClearSelection() if self.control:IsHidden() and not suppressSound then PlaySound(SOUNDS.RADIAL_MENU_OPEN) end self.control:SetHidden(false) if self.animation then self.animation:PlayForward() end self:PerformLayout() if self.actionLayerName then if type(self.actionLayerName) == "table" then for _, actionLayer in pairs(self.actionLayerName) do PushActionLayerByName(actionLayer) end else PushActionLayerByName(self.actionLayerName) end end if self.activateOnShow then self:Activate() end end --Helper functions added to clear and refresh the menu while it is still showing function ZO_RadialMenu:ResetData() ZO_ClearNumericallyIndexedTable(self.entries) self.entryPool:ReleaseAllObjects() end function ZO_RadialMenu:Refresh() self:ClearSelection() self:PerformLayout() end function ZO_RadialMenu:IsShown() return not self.control:IsControlHidden() end function ZO_RadialMenu:GetEntries() return self.entries end